Top Lane 47.54% Win Rate80% Pick RateRumble Top Lane Counters: 24 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Rumble in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush
Early: Can't do anything to rumble early unless he does E start, then you can 2 wave crash with Q start.
Tips: Try to find E W Q combos on him and eventually, When you hit a Q, use the slow to ult him towards you and combo him. Even if he's full hp this can be good since you just want to get him low and flash combo him.
liucan says “Cancer champ, go ign ext fight when he waste Q, or goes red without flamethrower, try to cheese and if he play passive for some reason dont waste ur time trying to catch him just farm and u scale better. rush mr second.”
Dom1nus says “After the w shield break mechanic u beat him starting from lvl 3, he has pretty strong and annoying lvl 1 and 2, and can safe farm with his e.”
Maniaxx says “Rumble’s poke is magic-based, but Mundo can mitigate this with early Magic Resist and his Sadism (R) for extended healing during fights.
Mundo can out-sustain Rumble’s harass, particularly once he builds up his health pool.
How to deal with Rumble:
**Avoid his Q (Flame Spitter) and **R (The Equalizer)****: Rumble can deal significant damage with these abilities. Stay out of his R zone to avoid taking massive damage.
Build MR: Rumble’s damage is magic-based, so items like Mercury's Treads or Adaptive Helm will help mitigate his poke.”
Nithril says “Stay near minions against his missiles, but not too inside so he splits his Q damage, his W shield will lessen your burst so W max and go for a sustain DPS build with some durability and MR, save E for his Engage”
juangepeto says “Your q is capable of causing a lot of damage to gangplank at the beginning of the match, be careful with him and also with the passive overload”
Houcs says “Always pay attention to his energy bar. If its over 50 he will deal some serious dmg.
Make sure when you E him that he is not facing you during his Q. It's gonna hurt! ”
parker3n9 says “Rumble is incredibly annoying to deal with early. He has strong wave push and lane control, and he’ll win the 1v1 until around Level 9 and your first item. Play defensively during the early game and focus on farming while avoiding his overheat trades. Once you hit that power spike, if you can position well and avoid the bulk of his R, you’ll win the all-in fights.
Recommended Runes: Aery, Fleet Footwork, or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact or Second Wind. Doran's Blade.
Easy matchup, play after he uses his skills or be reactive with your W. If he commit to all-win, run away, wait and reengage.”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty difficult in early game since you can't really do much vs him, your w poke doesn't work bcs of his shield and even jumping into him he still wins the all in so your best bet is to just scale for your first item and afterwards just stomp him in 1v1. I advise going Conqueror with Tiamat rush.”
Spartaniko says “Poke with Q, stay behind minions to avoid his E and block her empowered Q with your E, sidestep his ult. Slightly favored to Pantheon if played properly, respect his Q damage.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
"Really hard now since his E shreds your MR. Treat him like a ranged champ, don't take minions that get you poked too hard early, then look for all-ins with Ghost once he's pushed up. If
you're not too poked out and can get an all in on high hp then you'll beat him. DON'T EAT HIM WHILE HE'S FLAMESPITTING SINCE IT'LL STILL DO THE DAMAGE.
(Fleet instead of Grasp as he plays like a range champ and bullies too hard for Grasp stacks)" ”
UrPersonalGod says “play safe in the early game especially when he runs ignite.
Dont get to low HP, dont let him trade for free and just farm.
You should win the 1v1 around level 6 after you get your first back.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Rumble main playstyle on top is his Q fire, which similiar to you doesn't aggro minions.
You can always Q into his Q and walk away, so you get the better trade.
Play around minnions, his E is a skillshot, he fires a blade in front of him and it hits the first target in its way, reduces magic resist, slows it and deals damage, so basically if you hide behind minions, you don't have to worry.
Trade Q for Q, don't get hit by his E, and he has nothing he can do against you then.
His "combo" is to hit both of his E (he can store 2), reducing magic resist of target hit by like 30%, slowing you, then run up to you with his flamethrower and then smashing you with empowered autoattacks when he is red.
🥾 He is rushing BOOTS
tictac9090 says “Unplayable. I don't play against a lot of Rumbles so I don't know a lot about this matchcup. Basically all about spacing. He beats you most of the time and he can cheese you out of lane easily.”
BriarEnjoyerX says “Might have some problems lvl 1-3 but your engages are much better. Get your PTA stacks with W + Q, then W2 and E. Then just finish him off when hes low enough”
Skaarlschloch says “NEED full Aggro build + Ignite, DBlade start,
Try to sneak in bushes, Lv.1 E start jump on him perma trade & look for prio, dives and punishes
Beware of him having boneplating, look it up on opgg and play around it trying to proc it with E first
NEED to rush MAW !!! its op here
cant go for scaling build its way too slow vs him
lv.3 onwards you NEED to trade like hes a ranged champs with E->AA->Q->W
SemenDrinker says “Shield 2nd wind
(this champ is uber disgusting)
Heavy respect his early damage as he will out dps you. Rumble will go ignite alot of the time so beware of that as well. You will respect him until you're level 6 where then you have a fighting chance. Dodge his E's as its vital since they shred mr. You can also rush hexdrinker to mitigate some of his damage. Whenever he's in overheat its arguably your best chance to fight him since all he can do is auto attack you. I honestly bring ingite in this matchup personally as i want to kill rumble and put him behind as much as possible. ”
IvanBeifong says “One of his hardest matchups, put 3 points in Q, its hard because the champ is overtuned in every aspect, you have chance of killing him at early levels, take second wind, and if you'd like, dorans shield, pretty uninteractive laning phase.
His ult is good for cornering people or separating people in a teamfight,”
Body Those Fools says “You do outrange him, but he can easily one shot you around level 3 if you're not spacing him correctly. You can take Exhaust in this matchup if you're not confident. He pretty much ignores your poke early game with his W shield + sustain from Doran's Shield + Second Wind. Do your best to dodge his Es. Try not to fight him when his Heat bar is above 50%; he will do a lot more damage. Do not trade AAs with him when he is overheated because he does a ton of onhit magic damage and more attack speed as if he had a Nashor's Tooth. You can Ult him into your tower if he overextends. Drift out of his Ult. Spam ping him MIA because they love to roam. You outscale him at 2 items, so just try your best to farm, scale, and not die early.”
step1v9 says “If he has ignite it's unplayable until level 6. Just do your best to mitigate falling behind. If he starts E do not continue trading after you get hit by E as it shreds your MR. Post 6 look for all-in when he has just hit full rage bar as he no longer has access to spells and just has to stand and face you.”
Baby_Driver says “Keep track of his passive and play around it.
Don't eat poke too much.
Stay behind minions.
If u struggle vs him, hexdrinker first is very good (sell it later when u would want to buy sterak's).”
Raideru says “You mostly want to poke him with q in early levels, e him in for an all in only if you have way more hp than him since he has a lot of burst in early, matchup is quite simple you can just do nothing and you will just eventually outscale him however I advise permabanning this pick due to how difficult and useless u are in early”
Azzin says “Not much to say about this matchup, the few time i faced rumble was pure pain. I suggest running second wind + dshield and abusing the fact that rumble players are stupid to punish him with you jgler. Outside of this there is nothing to really do.
You can still opt for a tanky build by rushing MR item if you really want to trade with him.”
Haxorr says “This matchup is very challenging if the Rumble is a good player.
Take Grasp for this matchup and only ever look for small trades, if any. Rush Trinity. Your main goal in this matchup is to survive until you have your Trinity spike, as once you have that, you can take more aggressive trades. Play to get prio in this lane, just ignore his Q damage and walk at him with your E.”
DuckQc says “Like with most of ap bruisers, play safe early because you lack mr. Your ult gives you 10 mr at lvl 6, combine it with null-magic mantle and mr in runes and his damage should go down a lot. Don't stand in his and run him down when he is pushed up.”
Arthapsic says “Do not fight until level 6 especially if he has ignite and focus on farming. Trade only with W->Q->E combo if his shield is down. Be careful if he is close to overheating he will try to all in you with overheat so always keep an eye on his overheat bar. After 6 if he uses his ulty from range use W to avoid it ( big mistake by him wasting his ulty ). After 6 if he is not close to overheating or if his shield is down ghost and all in him you win if you hit everything. On nashors you hard win the 1v1 until the rest of the game. His champion is picked for early laning phase so just try to survive it and give up farm if needed you have a lot of sustain with second wind doran's shield. Be careful if he rushes boots of swiftnes it will reduce your ulty slow and he will be hard to catch.”
TeiWasTaken says “Kled is one of the few champs that outdamage Rumble. Fight him pre 6, then opt for shorter trades where you go in, heal with Rav Hydra, then go in again until he becomes diveable.”
Skaarlschloch says “AP is a LOT better than Tank against Rumble. After the nerfs this matchup is actually playable though you need to still respect his dmg and him flashing on you”
Ulsur says “I don't know, he's one of those champions where you don't understand how you died, it's pretty easy to land your combo on him tho, you outscale him really hard but he still has crazy damage, try to avoid his E poke and care for bush cheeses, you win lane but don't go overboard when trading because his extended trades are really punishing, your best trading pattern is to wait for his overheat and space well enough to hit your full combo without him responding.”
Hotch says “He pokes you and kites you and pokes you and kites you. Try to look for all-ins if you are healthy enough but give him prio early.
Take ignite. ”
KingJoeyy says “disrupts your cs with his burst dmg really hurts as long as you space out and don't get cs gapped you can make a play and try to kill him i take ignite since he wants to close in on me.”
PinkBlood says “Unplayable matchup if the rumble knows what he is doing, he will solo invade your jungler or just end up killing you under ur tower, only way you usually end up beating rumble is if the player is bad and doesnt pressure you in lane and you are able to scale till essence reaver. ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Spellbook. early you can not do anything vs him. Rumbles early lane is one of the most busted. You need to get mr early vs his mr shred. Spirit visage rush honestly not even troll, your base dmg is good.
You can and should r after his r, the flames on the ground dont travel to death realm. You Out scale him ”
MaesePerez says “Annoying early, once you stack MR he never kills you, but an early Liandry's purchase can make this lane very annoying. Horrible laning phase but you outscale late, so just run comet and salvage the farm you can. Once you're both around 2 items you should win 1v1 as long as you itemise correctly. Your items are cheaper, especially with a hollow radiance abyssal mask core so even if slightly behind, you should be able to catch up and fight him even. ”
Guldkarameller says “I've seen a lot of Rumble matchups lately. Just play safe and be careful of his burst. If he runs ignite + flash, then try to call for a gank and eat as many plates as possible. All you can eat baby. ”
SpoonSlayer says “His huge hitbox makes it a bit easier to land E's, but still a very hard lane. Doran's shield + fleet. Don't stand in his ult and stand behind minions for his E”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
rush a null-magic mantle into heartsteel. Champs broken but you outscale in the sidelane and as long as he doesnt land every harpoon you can eat his poke decently as long as you give up some farm. He can run you down and tower dive really easily with ult, keep that in mind”
Artszy says “boneco ta mata facil. pokea ele com a passiva e depois diva ele com big wave, se um rumble perde pressão ele n faz nada a lane toda. Só fica de baixo da torre dele farmando.”
hamgi says “short trades. do not trade him when he's overheated. dodging his e's are essential as they lower ur mr. spacing is also extremely important to avoid q damage as u cs”
PlayCabex says “Go for W start in this matchup, you win it. Your goal is to play hyper agro lvl 1 and look for a cheater recall (slow push first 2 waves and shove 3rd into reset) and then fiddle checkmate. Don’t underestimate his dmg. You gotta fight fire with fire with him aka get mostly dmg items. After 6 your combo is gonna look something like E into R and W once rumble has ulted. You wanna hold your Q for his overheat
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “you generally win an all-in early but he pokes you out really quickly and will win the all-in if you let him set up properly (cooldowns and heat). At 6 if you pull him after he uses flamethrower or both of his pew pew thingies he probably dies. Keep in mind he has really good chase potential with ult.”
zwartebliksem says “Do not underestimate his damage early, try to play around his heat. Rumble ult is really easy to dodge if your E is up. As long as you don't get poked down, you should be able to out trade him. You always beat him lv 1-3 since he can't really take advantage of overheating yet.”
Haearnbleidd says “Like with most of ap bruisers, play safe early because you lack mr. Your ult gives you 10 mr at lvl 6, combine it with null-magic mantle and mr in runes and his damage should go down a lot.
Don't stand in his and run him down when he is pushed up.
Build: Hexplate > Rav/Shojin/Stride.”
AWierdShoe says “Early levels into Rumble are very miserable as this champion just statchecks us at most points into the laning phase until we get Hexdrinker. A lot of Rumble players will go Ignite and try to cheese you for an early kill. Respect his strong early game damage; it is very deceiving because of how high it is. Once we finish Hexdrinker we can trade back much easier. You'll have to sidestep his E missiles in order to not get run down, or play behind your minions. Kiting with Q is the name of the game, as you can only try to engage on this guy around level 5-ish if he wastes his abilities and overheats. Don't stay in his ult for too long; if he ults you randomly while you're slightly pushed up you may be getting ganked. As long as we do not fall behind we will outscale, just be mindful if they rush anti-heal with Oblivion Orb.”
deathbypotion says “Pretty annoying and hard to lane, but he can`t catch you on proxy. You will outscale. Dodge his slows and overheat fire and you will be ok”
Rumble is gigabroken
Trade with WW until you do damage.
Go Assassin to one shot, disengage when overheats.
Unplayable if he gets a lead. ”
Akuzai says “Tons of damage, hard to deal with shield and runs ignite... what's not to love. Frankly I haven't faced a good enough rumbled but with the new items he's definitely dangerous. If ahead you statcheck him but if not he can just kite and kill you.”
Lukajs says “Rumble is an adequate opponent to face as Gwen, however his poke is annoying. He is pokable, but he will poke you right back if you don't use your W properly.
You have the upper hand in trades although, since it requires he moves into your W to get value from his Q.
Play around poking him when his heat levels are low.”
GheeseEmpty says “Maybe I just haven't played against good Rumble players often, but I have only ever lost to ones that take Ignite. Look to use Boar stance level 1 in order to mitigate his poke, and obtain priority in order to trade hard with level 2. Rumble has a very hard time against champions that can get through his short-ranged harassment zone, so once you're on top of him, the trades should always look favorable for you. Rush Abyssal Mask into this matchup, and aim to buy a Negatron Cloak on your first back.”
NegativePhoenix says “Rumble is very much an annoying champion to fight against. His Q will never stop no matter if he's CCed or not, and it's his job to be a massive lane bully.
Your best bet if you DO wanna trade is to wait till he wastes his Q but most of the time he will just back up and wait for it to come back while staying in E poke distance”
VroomVroom229 says “This champion will literally tilt you, with his annoying q ability he will win most trades when active, be sure to trade when he doesn't have this ability.
His e ability shreds MR, and is very annoying when he gets you under your tower, poking you with it every time you walk forward to last hit.”
biurifull says “Very difficult, be careful with his poke of the flames and harpoons, just try to farm and take the trades you can if he wastes Q on the wave.
Maybe the best option would be to cheese him level 1, try to get level 2 and kill him with ignite. If not, just trade what you can and don't die, honestly; the matchup is bad, just adapt and see what you can do.”
ThelpixG says “PAAAAAIN
This is probably one of the worst matchups for GP in the game.
How to Beat?
- You simply dont beat him specially early game;
- Take fleet with dshield and TP and survive lane;
- Buy an early hexdrinker;
- You can maybe kill him early if he messes up badly but he's too strong early game because of his low cooldowns and no mana cost on abilities (he also has alot of damage);
- Try not wasting your Q on his shields;
- Avoid his E poke and dont stand on his Q;
- Once he cant use his abilities you can maybe try to beat him in an exchange if you're not low on health or if you have hexdrinker;
- You can outscale him on team fights and sidelane.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) He can harass you almost infinitely with his Q and he will try to keep you behind your wave at all times. You can engage right after his Q goes on cooldown but you still need to respect his overheat damage. Only way that he can outplay you is if he spaces you better. After Stridebreaker you can fist him to death. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
LilliaFanBoy says “Poke em down.
Bait out his Q so you can start fighting.
Sit behind minions so he can't hit you with E.
Level 6 looks scary but as long as you have 4 Passive stacks you'll be just fine.”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
D-Shield + 2nd Wind is key.
Rumble will deal some dmg to you early levels, but he has no dash so if you manage to land E or W on him with cats ready, he will lose.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp or Conqueror] the matchup can go south of he kills you once. but that shouldnt happen. so just play agressive and keep the poke up, he has no sustain only a shield. ”
MusicJG says “Clears a bit faster than you.
If you face check him when he's near overheat you die.
He has a really weak lvl 1-2 clear, so you can look to invade him lvl 2 to deny camps/push him out of the jungle.”
Boptimus says “Rumble can be difficult to deal with early on but you will outscale him very quickly. Most of his poke can be avoided by using your E to safety.
Good Rumble players play around their Heat bar, and they will look for big trades once their bar is close to full. You can use W to negate a lot of this damage and once Rumble has used everything he has a difficult time getting away (unless he has Phase Rush). You can easily all in with R if he used everything and didn't get you low enough.”
Boptimus says “I've only played this lane a handful of times but you can usually just sustain up early and put on pressure once you get Lost Chapter. You need to respect his heat because his damage will significantly increase if he uses a full combo and overheats.”
JPGamer10BR says “Uma lane muito difícil, pode ser até nível Extreme.
quando ele ativar o Q, mantenha distância, não tome o E dele, caso ele esteja com a barrinha quase vermelha fique o mais longe possível, assim que ele ficar sobre aquecido, puna-o o máximo possível, recomendo comprar MR.
Recomendo fortemente F.F, mas pode usar PTA ou Aery também.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Rumble can tank a lot of damage with his W, so you'll have to him him hard an fast rather than doing a little bit of chip damage over time. He usually won't have kill pressure on you, but his damage can be deceptively high once he has his bar half full or Overheated himself. ”
Chaddouk says “Rumble can be very tricky, and I haven't faced the matchup too often so I might need to update it. All I can say so far is be aware to his heat bar, wait for him to overheat to start a long trade early on, because if his bar is yellow he gets more damage and his burst can be very surprising especially if he has ignite. Basically I would never walk in melee range to cs early if I don't have my E to dash out. Try to dodge his projectile poke as much as possible in lane obviously. So it might be not to clear but what I'm sure of is that if you went even in lane the 1v1 will be pretty clearly in your favor. Be just aware of 2 things : him having a stopwatch so being able to tempo your ult and the fact that his R CD is actually super short (lvl 11 with 50% cdr he has it every 43 sec it's insane). Overall just set-up yourself for all-ins and win (stridebreaker sounds good into him)”
RivenCarriedYou says “start dorans shield, it's a really cancerous matchup but if you can q-w-AA then e out I imagine you can whittle him down slowly without eating too much damage from him. The window between his q's isn't long but you can still trade pretty well with him if you do it quickly. Rumble is really weak early game so if you grab an advantage against him. be very careful of his Heat meter below his HP. that shit almost triples his damage”
Spasatel says “He's an absurd champion. Before going into overheating, ramble will press Q. You will be attacked by distance. His AA's are also dangerous.
During the silence, he will not be able to answer you anything if you play correctly. But do not forget that a good Rumble understands this and will try to avoid such clashes.”
Bonkyou says “Many consider this the hardest matchup. Try to hit W with the edge and stay out of his Q W range unless you can all in him.
If he has more than half heat, don't auto for auto him cause he can go into overheat.
Free matchup due to its melee nature, it is really up to rumble to misstep, you can just outscale if he doesn't pressure”
BaotoGame says “No mobility, but he will does a lot of damage from his Q and Ult. Avoid walking into his Ult, and try to W after he W's, as he gets a lot of movement speed.”
daitolol says “MID // Has prio for most of the lane, after level 6 you can start to go for an all ins for your jungler, make sure to try and dodge his E as it reduces MR
Conq TP”
_WhiteSnow_ says “You need to bait him into w range or tunnel in to take short trades until he's kill range, but he outranges you with q and e and will outtrade you in the short trades with overheat autos + q. Keep an eye on his overheat bar and don't take too much harass and you should be ok. Matchup gets harder up to unplayable difficulty dependent on enemy rumble skill.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “its minor if you are really carefull but it might turn into hell if you make some light mistakes. His early burn damage is sick, so is his ult so you cant really allow yourself to let him procc it too hard. Also if youre not sure dont go into early trades at all, he is an old champ and his hitboxes are bigger than his visual effects so its easy to get fucked if you dont pay attention. If you get hit by his projectile slow W it and run most of the times, you outscale him hard but his ult is always useful + early isnt comfortable”
RipAMC says “Rumble can be a real pain with his flamethrower and harpoons. He just keeps on burning you down, making it hard to trade with him early on.”
Waqql says “Damn, damn, damn, that burns. Unfortunately, his flamethrower has enough range to hit you while you're auto-attacking him. So, keep your distance and only engage in trades when his flamethrower is on cooldown. Remember that his E has two charges and an extremely long range. Additionally, he gains movement speed through his W, making it difficult to end up as his BBQ. Furthermore, a well-placed ultimate prevents you from moving from the spot. Try to poke him as much as possible and trade when his Q is on cooldown. If he's low and you're about to transform into Mega Gnar, you can engage. However, be aware that he will defend himself, and he quite literally burns down your health bar.”
ABL Pantheon says “Rumble has the upper hand. Stay behind and poke with Q and don't let his Q damage you. Dodge his E and E his Ultimate or Q, depends on the situation. Engage on him if you have ignite and when he is very low or doesn't have W.”
lordimboutabust says “Don't see him often but he is annoying for melee. Save your E to escape his Q or dodge his E and try fight him when his resource bar is near the top so that he overheats quickly. Play safe until lvl 4/5 then you can usually beat him | Dshield - evenshroud”
Bernardian says “Alright the first rat. Rumble is actually quite strong against Darius even though they are both melee he has good burst, mr shred and good dps. try to play around his overheat system and trade accordingly NEVER TRY TO FIGHT WHILE HES ALMOST OVERHEAT. pre 6 rumble is pretty easy to take down if he is nowhere near his overheat, post 6 is when it gets a little hard but shouldn't be to bad. if the jg is also ap i suggest going double mr with mercs but one mr rune is also fine to. when rumble has no overheat he is actually very weak. Playing behind your minions is also a strat if your trying to dodge his e. If he has ignite trade carefully because one good overheat rotation and your dead from 60% HP.”
kayle1v9 says “Dorans Shield + Second Wind. Stay behind minions. You never win any trades early on. But you start to outscale him at lvl 11. Make sure you dont give him any lead since he's snowballing really hard.”
UmbreonQueen says “HUGE pain in the ass and has as much harass as you do. Play it smart and don't underestimate his damage. Try your best to farm and punish him whenever he tries to keep you from farming. If you don't get tilted (unlike me) you should win this lane with enough skill ”
Twogrand says “This match up is hard early but once you complete your mythic item around 10 mins you start to hard win the match up. so just play it slow and steady and you go it. phase rush tp eclipse build path”
Federals1 says “Rumble can threaten Volibear rather hard. His Flame Spitter does a lot of damage to him, his Electro Harpoon slow is very hard to deal with, and his shield+speedup makes it very hard to catch up to him. On top of that most Rumbles choose to rush boots meaning they will be even quicker. Q max is needed here to catch up and try to beat him. Swiftness boots are also not a bad choice. You can try to dive him at level 6 but it can be dangerous. His damage is rather high. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Second or third rune page should be used. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into him.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Start W, stay healthy. His kit is designed to shove the wave so you get free scaling. Very risky to E in especially if he's level 6 with flash ignite, you will die. Try to position yourself so if he pokes you with Q he shoves the wave. You will go down cs but its okay. You will win vs him as the game goes on.”
Nurakami says “OHH Rumble not long ago joke now one of stronger toplaners due to his "Changes" by riot for TOP
You can beat him but he will run ignite and on overheat he will just kill with aa and ignite.
Same pattern trade use shield to block some q dmg dodge e and do it again .”
LocaLAM says “Insane wave-clear + pressure. All in him with your ult if he's overheated and you have a chance, but he's gonna be extremely fcking annoying.”
Smauggy says “you poke him he pokes you, be carefull of his passif overheat. if he start to q into you, run away then q and run into him before it stops, like that you can make a good trade ”
illestboy_ says “Rumble Is very absurd this meta, but just unpopular. Do not let him poke you down in lane. Track his Heat, if its 50% is lethal + ignite.”
primate nefasto says “He has A LOT of damage, if you are ahead you can abuse and stomp, but for that you will need help of the jungler. Play safe until 6 or bait a gank pre 6.”
Tonho says “Low cooldown shield, movespeed, his Q has a high range for a melee champion, he has max HP damage on his passive. Avoid pokes. On short trades you can win. Never extend unless you are ahead or he is low enough.”
1Yamato1 says “Você ganha os níveis 1 e 2, não tomo harass dele, Use seu W no e dele e use seu R pra dar all win. Quando ele estiver perto de superaquecer você ganha troca por que ele vai fica sem skills”
stefanko says “Try to cheese him level 1. From level 2 engage only if he plays overly aggresive, otherwise just play slowpush into slowpush until you outscale (grasp with inspiration, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Dodge his E's, he can reacitvate it.
Stay out of his Q's and play around his passive. Make use of his overheating.
AFter 6 let him push and once he overextends just all in him, dodging his R as much as possible.”
dzsama says “He can just force you out of lane with his flamespitter and harpoons. Get some magic resist and after 6 you can just auto minions twice, then Q onto rumble and auto + W for a lot of burst damage, tho keep in mind that he can kill you pretty easily if you eat his Q and stand in his R.”
Irelius says “Оченб редкий гость. Вообще, а не не только на топе. Тем не менее, Рамбл вполне может убить вас на линии. Доджим его E, не стоим долго в его ульте. Попадаем E, убиваем. Уважайте его пассивку, пускай тыкать скилы на перегреве он не может, но с руки наносит нормальный урон.”
Puyi says “It's not that hard to get on top of him with his low range, but it's not worth it since he will out damage you anyways. Farm safely and try to get help from your jungler. Get early magic resist, run fleet and second wind.”
Irelius says “Dont take too much poke, he really does have a kill pressure early especialyl with ignite. Dodge his Es, dont stay too much in his R. Be careful of his passive autoattack steroids. ”
Oxtimexo says “Rumble has been one of my easiest matchups so far. Dodge his skill shots and poke him with q and auto attacks. Once you find an opening to go all out, kill him.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Shield.
Ghost+Teleport or Ignite+Teleport.
Rumble is pretty weak on its own right now. Gwen's matchup is just average. He deals quite a lot of damage, mainly thanks to the rune he plays - Comete and he pushes well, but we can burst him quite easily. In lane, avoid his E and stay away when he activates his Q in the Overwhelm phase.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Avoid fighting him when his heat is over 50]
[Dodge his E]
[Get out of his R quickly as you can]”
Atemporal says “Não se aproxime muito dele no nível 1, tente o seu melhor para ficar fora do intervalo de Q dele. Você já pode começar a negociar do nível 2 em diante, espere o Q dele acabar e então entre. De preferência, você também quer isca um de seus E ou você corre o risco de ficar lento e tomar muito
dano. A melhor hora para negociar é depois que ele superaquecer e ele tiver 0 calor. O Q de Rumble empurra as ondas muito rápido no início, não negocie se a onda de lacaios for muito grande. Você pode querer salvar suas habilidades para garantir os últimos hits. As negociações no início do jogo serão difíceis, a menos que você consiga um bom W.
Você ganhará todas as negociações em que colocar W antes de entrar. Geralmente, você quer apenas Q empurrar mais cedo porque você supera Rumble em escala. Se Rumble começar a persegui-lo, pode ser inteligente ficar dentro de seus lacaios para que ele não possa E você. Proc passivo
e use-o para evitar seu E se Rumble for agressivo. Você geralmente continua mesmo depois de obter o Proto, mas quando você termina o Proto e o Nashor, você vence facilmente. Este é um dos confrontos em que você realmente sente o valor de Nashor.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet
Do E max second since he has almost no burst, he's all about damage during time, so slowing him to space him is better. Be careful and try to dodge his E (he has 2 of them)”
Smudey says “Kind of ranged matchup because of his E and superior Q range. If you manage to bait out his Q, you can taunt in and go for trades. Let him perma push so you can gank him with your jungler. If not, take TP and play for Ults. Buying Spectre's Cowl early can help.”
Fizzy says “Lane um pouco complicado. Sempre tente evitar de lutar quando ele estiver com o lança chamas, espere ele ficar sobre carregado para conseguir a win nele”
Cheeseypops1 says “dont fight him at all at level 1-2, once you hit 3 you can just all in him if you hit E, i haven't vs'ed rumble alot recently so he might win all in but just play arounf his heat mechanic and if you play around your W shield you should be fine, I know for certian though that at level 6 you win if you hit your abilities, Also Negatron Cloak is really good into him when you are behind ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple E’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
hamgi says “treat rumble like u would a viktor. his q is his main source of damage while his e is his poke. be mindful of his heat metre as when hes over 50%, he gains bonus damage and at 100%, he gains bonus atk spd. his e can slow but it's a projectile, it does not go thru minions. try to poke him when hes below 50% heat and avoid his e. keep in mind his w, which gives him a shield. dont get greedy for long trades as his cd's are not too punishing. play slow and dont get greedy for cs, bc his q poke builds up over time, and as he whittles u down with it, when he can all in u, he will be over 50% heat and force u to flash or even kill u. an early mantle will go a long way, and u can build into spirit visage or wit's end later (fon if absolutely necessary)”
StingingChicken says “Champion does insane mind boggling damage, has tiny cooldowns, is manaless, and can farm from range. You can only trade while your E is up to block the flamethrower, and once you use it you need to back out of the trade before flamethrower comes back up. Stay in the wave to dodge the rockets. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “this matchup is only playable if u rush hexdrinker take mr runes second wind d shield and if u get a trade where he used one of his main abilities and if he is not overheated.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
kajinator says “Rumble is a deceptively strong champion. Phase Rush + Flash and Ignite are good into him to match his trading. If you can't dodge his flamethrower W'ing it is mandatory since it will remove half your healthbar. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “Rumble is quite easy to beat if you use short trades to poke him down early. Ult his ult and fire damage and so long as you dodge his Es you'll be fine as you definitely outscale. His ult has great teamfight potential though so be wary of that.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual,, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Este é um dos seus piores Counters ... Não há literalmente nada que você possa fazer contra ele - Você maximiza o Q, mas ele apenas usa o Shield o tempo todo ... Se tentar ir Melee vai ser pulverizado - Apenas se afaste dele com Phase Rush... - Peça por ganks do seu jungle várias vezes quando ele puxar sua wave... - Verdadeiramente impossível jogar contra... banir se Sylas for banido por outra pessoa."”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Flamespitter(Q) is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple Electro Harpoon(E)’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple E’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple E’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual,, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Este é um dos seus piores Counters ... Não há literalmente nada que você possa fazer contra ele - Você maximiza o Q, mas ele apenas usa o Shield o tempo todo ... Se tentar ir Melee vai ser pulverizado - Apenas se afaste dele com Phase Rush... - Peça por ganks do seu jungle várias vezes quando ele puxar sua wave... - Verdadeiramente impossível jogar contra... banir se Sylas for banido por outra pessoa."”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple E’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
Thrandor says “his Q hurts pretty much, however, you can keep attacking minions to heal against it- don't underestimate your passive. Do not just run straight towards him, you won't be able to reach him due to the harpunes. If you fail to dodge them don't pursue further & wait for lvl 6”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rumble is very immobile and prone to all-ins. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to all-in him, deny him from farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy takedown. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers heavily when his Q
is on cooldown as he will lack damage. Looking to fight after he uses his Q will make trading easier for you. Don’t underestimate Rumble’s damage in a trade. If you get hit by multiple E’s and stand in his Q for too long, he will dish out a lot of damage.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Really hard now since his E shreds your MR. Treat him like a ranged champ, don't take minions that get you poked too hard early, then look for all-ins with Ghost once he's pushed up. If
you're not too poked out and can get an all in on high hp then you'll beat him. DON'T EAT HIM WHILE HE'S FLAMESPITTING SINCE IT'LL STILL DO THE DAMAGE. ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Бортолом первым, доджите его E, уважайте его урон с q и поук. ДОДЖИТЕ усиленную e,
Противный чемпион, куча урона с одной Q. Не стойте в его R, когда сами использовали R. ”
Taiquyorah says “Alors là je sais pas. J'en vois plus du tout.
Il a de très bon dégâts mais manque de sustain vous pouvez le poke dès que vous avez brillance. Son all-in avec son r est dangereuse mais vous avez l'avantage de la range avec le double baril AA + Q (surtout après brillance)
Attention il possède bcp de dégâts en mid/late game.”
WildSamu says “Dshield + Red Pot.
You will never get prio in this lane.
his heat damage is really high, dont go for farm if you think you are going to get chunked. Play safe and to scale. Do your best to dodge his E. Spam ping his roams, he will push and roam a lot.
VituVonDoom says “Rush hexdrinker. Be extra careful when his heat bar is yellow, one harpoon can be your doom in most cases. Be very careful with his ult, if he lands it you're most likely dead. But if he fucks up and overheats in a bad time, you can very much jump in and smack him while he is vulnerable. Go Conq page or Phase Rush, again, depends on how you want to approach the matchup. Also, stay behind minions to avoid harpoon poke, that shit hurts”
Aberrant Demon says “Stay behind your minions and avoid trades until level 3. Continue to avoid trades unless your W is up or Rumble is not in the Danger Zone of his passive. When he has low heat, there's no issue. The same rule applies to when his overheat is close to ending which is the ideal time to go in. Post-6 you win the all-in assuming you don't dance in his ult. Keep in mind that he can't Q you and run away at the same time.”
IcunoX says “Actually kinda hard because of his shield, and flamethrower damage while he is cc'd. You don't encounter Rumble's a lot but if you dont get poked out too much by his harpoons and flamethrower, hit him with combo's and you should win.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Need to punish him early as much as possible!
Wave 1-4:
PLAY SAFE, he can do 200 damage which is more than 25% of your health, level 1 with just 1 Q.
DShield + Secondwind.
Poke him down and do small all ins where you basically use your spells and bail, repeat when you have parry, avoid getting poked too hard by his E by staying behind minions and care for his Q poke.
Good thing is his kit forces him to push so you get free ganks from your jungler if he has above room temperature IQ.
You can also use bushes to not let him get free E's as well as poke with Q as he has to be more careful.
Typically a rough matchup if the Rumble is good, Dblade is also a good option vs him if you want to play more aggressively as he lacks a lot of tankyness.
With level 6 and hexdrinker, you can sort of all in, but it's hard.
Early boots are always helpful here as he can kite your vitals with his movespeed due to W and E slow.”
LegitLechner says “I hate this champion as there is a bug that makes your spirits like 4 seconds. Does alot of dmg with a full roation. Avoid unneccessary poke and play off e's DO NOT STAND IN HIS ULT IF YOU ULT.”
Scallywag says “Watch out when he's in his dangerzone and avoid trading when he's overheated since he can burst you to death.
He has a lot of burst, but if you kite well or stay out of his ranged he can't do much back to you.”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: Honestly, it is just like Ryze but you should shroud when he does his flamethrower move so you don't take damage, also use you gapclosers sparingly since he has slows and MS boost.”
Trundledaddy says “Haven't played it a lot, just don't get
poked too hard, don't stand in ult,
don't fist fight him when he is overheat and you should win it.”
Dannala says “This goes 50/50 in most cases depending on both players play styles. He got potential to burn down your spiders and trade really well but he's less able to handle your poke if you're careful. All ins will go to rumble unless he missfired his passive.”
qosmox says “It’s hard to position the blade up in this matchup since he’ll burn you for it, but try best you can if he gives you chances. The only times you can trade are lvl2+ when he’s just used his Q to farm or poke. If you’re not already lower than him at that point you can taunt in and go for a 3 quick emp auto’s and then backing out. He’s one of the best champions at trading back while you’re running out though, so you need to make sure you do enough damage to him initially for it to be worth taking the dmg while disengaging. The best way to kill him is honestly to ask for a gank, rumble has a really hard time surviving them, since he perma pushes and has no movement ability.”
PandoraPanda14 says “lvl 1-5 u easily beat him as long as u dont take unnecesarry dmg, punish him for farming melee. Care his lvl 6 all-in, dont stand in his ulti”
MCSwavest says “Scary champ. The best option is to play careful, and not let him get an inch of traction against you. Fighting him usually goes poorly, but if you are going to fight, make sure you're out of his auto range when he overheats.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + Second wind, play around bushes and poke him from there, parry any of his abilities. He is really annoying as you can't really kill him until you have at least whip so just don't let him poke you and ask your jgl for ganks since he pushes a lot.”
Hienaa says “All easy for being melee champs, not on tier 2 because they can all build seekers, and viego is just broken so it’s a little tricky to play vs him sometimes.”
Agatrium says “His flame shred hurts a lot, so don't fight him while he's casting it. If you play better then him, you can beat him, but against a practiced Rumble, you'll likely loose lane. ”
MHLoppy says “Flamespitter lets him murder the minion wave while also damaging you if you're in range. Because he overheats his deep trading is actually not bad, but his all-in (deeper than deep trading) isn't as good since he'll be out of cooldowns. Much like Riven his mana-less spammable shield will make your Q poke mostly ineffective against him - you'll need to be able to get into melee range to win against him.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral buscando sorprenderlo cuando no tenga su escudo.
Prioriza hábito del espectro para el desgaste, él no usa maná.
Si se adelanta atácalo con la E, de preferencia sin el lanzallamas.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad, considera no usarla.
E+Destello rápido sirve para que no use su escudo.”
Akali187 says “A good rumble is hard to play against. He has range and has super strong AOE damage. He also has shields in his kit which takes a chunk of your damage away. Play with range and once you go in don't go out unless he is dead.”
Your Desired Username says “Even match-up. Be careful pre-6, he has an insane amount of damage early and can pretty much just 100 to 0 you in this stage, so respect and farm. After 6 though, it gets easier. You win all-ins as long as you hit your Q's. Try ulting him after he ults so it disappears. You outscale him but don't underestimate his ult in the late game. You might want to ult him later on into the game in a teamfight situation for this reason. If he can't ult your team he is pretty much useless because that is all he is in the lategame. He is also very easy to kill in Brazil.”
GastlyLoL says “This champion's early harrass is very strong, so don't stand in his fire without getting anything in return. Try to dodge the harpoons, and engage onto him when they are down if you aren't too low by that point. This matchup is all about playing around his cooldowns, so punish him whenever he uses them without efficacy. Will often rush Zhonyas into you, so be careful when trying to set up a dive against him.”
LunaticDancer says “He's an early bully, just stand a bit back when he uses Q and use your minions to block his Es. Gambler is viable if you're decent at the match up, D Shield is recomended big time. From level 6 you can beat him with little effort, just don't stand in his ult.”
ToothlessKnight says “Rumble has pretty insane damage from his Q early and mid game. He does struggle if you happen to land your E on him but he can kill you easily if you over-commit and don't have enough damage to kill him if he can get a second rotation of spells off. He can't sidelane vs Urgot late game but he's a monster teamfighter.”
xPetu says “Tips: W is best used if he overheats, because it blocks his empowered AAs. Passive shield his Q and E poke whenever possible. Immediately E away from his R.”
Stinkee says “He's going to shove you into tower a lot early game but he isn't very much of a threat. Get an Abyssal Mask to be able to sustain in lane and push the waves back to him. Rumble is extremely vulnerable to ganks so if you can, freezing is a good idea. You can easily just ult him when your jungle is near and he'll either have to flash or likely die.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Avoid Rumbles (E) spam with jukes and minion block and back off a bit when he rushes into your minions with his (Q) flamethrower. Buying some Magic Resistance will go a long way for you. You want to predict where he is going to throw down his ultimate and simply, don't run through it as it will deal a hefty amount of damage to you. You can walk around it if he angled it to not completely block you off, or you can flash it if you wish to avoid it completely. If he is overheated you can play more aggressively as his abilities will be down for a short duration, but he also gains increased basic attack damage, so make sure you don't let him on top of you.”
Anoying bro5 says “Learn the timing of his fire and go in after it is completed. Its on a fairly low cool down so try to run out as fast as possible after doing your full combo. Parry his E to prevent his slow. lvl 6 you win as you can move out of his ult.”
BoilTheOil says “Try to only walk up when you have your spells up otherwise he will poke you super hard. His poke can get annoying but if you fight him every time he tries to harass, you will win. Rumble has super high damage so make sure you don't use W early because you'll probably need the shield from it.”
Phrxshn says “Avoid fighting Rumble if he has moderate to high heat. Do fight Rumble if he has maxed out heat since he cannot cast any abilities. Avoid staying in front of Rumble's Flamespitter(Q). Electro Harpoon(E) needs to be dodge if you want to make good trades. Avoid staying in his Equalizer(R) as it does damage overtime. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Demonic Embrace) ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Rumble has tons of aoe magic damage, decent mobility, and strong range. Avoid trading when his flamespitter is up and focus on becoming tanky as possible/setting up ganks. His ult is better than your ult and does way more damage than you'd expect.
Mikaels, redemption, and anathemas are all good here.”
quinn adc says “I put the matchup as hard because to inexperienced Quinn players, Rumble will bully you quite heavily. However, when you learn the matchup I place it at medium difficulty.
First, understand how Rumble's passive works. When Rumble's heat is above 50 (over half), his abilities are empowered, which means all of his abilities and their effects will be 50% stronger.
However, if Rumble's bar becomes RED, then he will be silenced for 6 seconds, but his auto attacks will be stronger if this is the case.
If Rumble ever goes red, then hit him with a nuke because he will be rendered useless for 6 seconds since he is a melee champ who cannot use abilities.
Now, if Rumble is yellow, play back because his Q will burn you alive. How to win the rumble matchup is to WAIT for Rumble to Q the wave.
As an ADC top laner, we can control the wave with our AAs only, and so we can push if needed without using abilities. Other champs like rumble must use their abilities if they want to match our push to freeze the wave, so he will use his Q quite often to push the wave and harrass.
Rumble Q is 600 range, so play extra fat back because it outranges your auto attack range. Save your abilities (though you can Q the wave if needed, just save vault always).
When Rumble Q is Down, INSANTLY go for a huge trade on him and proc your PTA as well. You can weave Q and your autos, along with E for a big, big trade. Rumble only has his harpoons up, which don't do much damage when his flamespitter is down. Keep mimicking this, and you will find that you will hard win the trades.
Post 6 is scary, but just make sure not to take dumb trades because he often can't 100-0 you in lane. He'll need to poke you down first, and then finish you with his R all in combo. But, if you play the lane like I suggested (stay back, wait for him to Q wave, then engage after Q is down), he won't be able to get you low ever enough to combo you.
Play confident, and his Es are sidesteppable, especially with your harrier proc MS too.
I don't like building hexdrinker early, but if you need to, then run along with it.
Nul orb is critical in this matchup.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Rumble is quite annoying, but easily beatable if you time your trades. You can go with either Fleet or Conqueror, it will work just fine.
When he's close to overheat, try to bait him to use 2-3 abilities and when he does overheat, you go hard on him for 3-4 sec. and completely out trade him! Berserkers > Shieldbow > BT > IE to be able to outsustain his damage and just whoop his ass easy!”
Feedaboi says “Has high dmg early on with his q and e. Look to poke him with q and setup a freeze if possible. If you see him waste his shield "w" look for trades when ur full combo is up. Go D shield in this lane so you don't get poked out early.”
PH45 says “He can just force you out of lane with his flamespitter and harpoons. Get some magic resist and after 6 you can just auto minions twice, then Q onto rumble and auto + W for a lot of burst damage, tho keep in mind that he can kill you pretty easily if you eat his Q and stand in his R.”
iZeal says “Respect his early damage, but once you gain a couple of levels you can jump at him at any point since his Q is around the range of your Q1 and Q2E. His W movement speed is his only mobility so if you catch him without it he will have trouble escaping your W pull. Rumble will proceed to suck in sidelanes and is relegated to teamfights later on in the game while you can fulfill both roles.”
Phrxshn says “Avoid fighting Rumble if he has moderate to high heat. Do fight Rumble if he has maxed out heat since he cannot cast any abilities. Avoid staying in front of Rumble's Flamespitter(Q). Electro Harpoon(E) needs to be dodge if you want to make good trades. Avoid staying in his Equalizer(R) as it does damage overtime. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature) ”
Raen says “Annyoing with his insane high built-in dmg Q, stack some attack speed at minions at 1 level then try to all in him with E. Pay attetntion at his passive if he will overheat try to fight him then, he won't be able to deal you dmg. He will harass you all the time with his spells so get Doran shield and Sheen in lane. Get some ms item to keep up with his slows and W ms.”
SaltCat says “You win level 1 with passive, level 2 also, level 3 you lose if you are the same hp, the early game is kinda hard but later you can easily kill him, use your Q to go out of his R”
Phrxshn says “Avoid fighting Rumble if he has moderate to high heat. Do fight Rumble if he has maxed out heat since he cannot cast any abilities. Avoid staying in front of Rumble's Flamespitter(Q). Electro Harpoon(E) needs to be dodge if you want to make good trades. Avoid staying in his Equalizer(R) as it does damage overtime. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Force of Nature, Spirit Visage) ”
LoLReal says “Darius conventionally counters Rumble. Rumble wants close quarters, quick trades but can't against us. Get an early cowl and destroy him.”
Justkb says “It can be difficult if you take a bad early trade. They usually take E first so try and farm within your wave. Look to poke with Q and once the wave is shoving you can run him down at level 3 once he uses W. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “More problematic than other AP champions on the list, but still winnable. Rumble will harass A LOT early with his flamespitter, since you can't hide behind creeps. Just let him shove the wave and outscale. He's also very immobile, so Wither on ganks and if he overheats. ”
Phrxshn says “Avoid fighting Rumble if he has moderate to high heat. Do fight Rumble if he has maxed out heat since he cannot cast any abilities. Avoid staying in front of Rumble's Flamespitter(Q). Electro Harpoon(E) needs to be dodge if you want to make good trades. Avoid staying in his Equalizer(R) as it does damage overtime. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask, Force of Nature) ”
Phrxshn says “Avoid fighting Rumble if he has moderate to high heat. Do fight Rumble if he has maxed out heat since he cannot cast any abilities. Avoid staying in front of Rumble's Flamespitter(Q). Electro Harpoon(E) needs to be dodge if you want to make good trades. Avoid staying in his Equalizer(R) as it does damage overtime. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Wit's End, Spirit Visage) ”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING!!! --- Don't stand in front of him and eat the entirety of Flamespitter (Q) as will deal tons of damage to you, especially when he's high on Heat (His Passive). --- You want to play back off of your minions and avoid his Harpoons (E). --- Make short trades with Q and punish his mistakes. --- If you can close the gap on him and all-in him you can beat him most of the time. Use your Ghost to kite him. --- DO NOT FIGHT in his Ultimate!!!”
Kacto15 says “Rumble es sencillo, tradéale tranquilo en early game, le ganas fácil con Sion LETALIDAD, si el gasta su W ( boost de velocidad de movimiento ) le haces engage con tu ulti y se muere”
Phrxshn says “Avoid fighting Rumble if he has moderate to high heat. Do fight Rumble if he has maxed out heat since he cannot cast any abilities. Avoid staying in front of Rumble's Flamespitter(Q). Electro Harpoon(E) needs to be dodge if you want to make good trades. Avoid staying in his Equalizer(R) as it does damage overtime. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Rumble) (Recommended Items: Force of Nature, Spirit Visage) ”
OTP Toxin says “He is an old counter to us, but we can play against him these days. Just avoid to confront him while he is putting fire on everything and dodge his harpoons. You should punish him after each of his casting skills. :)”
Drake6401 says “While it's not hard to beat him in a fight, Rumble is hard to dominate in lane because of how safe he can farm from a distance and under tower. The only way to really deprive him of gold is killing him and he can counter this by playing extremely passively. Get some diving help from your jungle to make him miss waves that you crash.”
Low Elo Rumble players are horrendously bad. So it should be an easy lane. You want to make sure that you don’t just stand in front of him and eat his full flamethrower combo. Don’t stand in his ultimate but try to land all of your Qs. Rumble will try to poke you down and then all in you to kill you when you are low enough. Keep yourself healthy with Doran’s shield, second wind and properly timed Qs. He is pretty immobile so if you are able to pull him, he is essentially dead unless he is under turret after you pop your ghost. Both Conqueror and Phase Rush work well into this lane.
A Rumble lane should be easy after Level 3 but if you are struggling, a Spectre’s Cowl will help you win the lane. Don’t even go for Merc Boots unless his team has good AP+CC. ”
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - This is one of your worst match ups... There is literally nothing you can do against him
- You max Q but he just shields it all the time... If you try to melee him, he can kite you off.
- Just get away from him with Phase Rush...
- Ask for jungle ganks, since he has his lane pushed in...
- Truly impossible match up for malphite... Would ban if Sylas is banned by someone else."”
Amvill says “Can and will fight you early; will likely win. His poke and teamfight potential make him a strong counter. Your lucky he isn't played often. Similar to Mundo, a merc treads is a great 1st buy.”
Rhoku says “Don't eat a full proc of flamethrower from him for free. Don't get poked down too much. You win pre-6 but he can poke/play safe much better than you. Just be careful. A little bit of MR is nice but a blasting wand goes a long way in fights. Post-6, Ult him AFTER he uses his ultimate as this will remove it, letting you dominate him. Overall just don't eat too much poke and don't miss your abilities.”
YasTilt says “Really annoying Matchup, take Magic Resist and Block his W's with your WindWall. Don't take Trades with him when his Passive is Half Stacked and wait for him to OverHeat.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Magic Resist+DBlade) Main goal is to outfarm Rumble. Don't stay in his Q. Don't take all ins while he is in his passive. ”
PK Noob says “He is extremely slippery and annoying. Rumble will slowly drain your health bar and can chase you down if your low enough. Stay healthy, W or dash out of his Ultimate, and burst him when his skills are on CD.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Not much to say. You E him off cooldown and punch him. Make sure not to get poked. Everytime he tries to poke you, and you fight him, you'll win. Hope your allies don't get 4-man ulted in teamfights.”
lulw says “Does a lot of dmg. Don't fight him unless you poke him enough pre 6. Cancer to lane against. His flamethrower will burn you irl I swear you can feel it. ”
Psychopathic Top says “
This is the classic triple beads lane. Rumble does ticks of AP damage so make sure to take the right runes (very very important in this matchup). Sustain is king vs Rumble. Do not walk up for cs, unless it is bait for him to shove the wave. In lane, walk in and run out, so he hard shoves the wave into you. Try to dodge his missiles, as those are dodgable and can take out a large amount of your hp. Post sheen level 6, all in and kill him through his R. Do not take extended fights with him, as you will lose on those. Commit to all ins to correct waves this way. Teamfights should be in your favor, and you outscale very hard.
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard OR ranged runes] Annoying lane in which it is mandatory to dodge his E, otherwise he runs you down. He's vulnerable to ganks.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Item:
-Dorans Shield
First Item:
-Wits End
He will poke you with his Q befor Lvl 6, so just play further back to farm with Q/E.
He can run you down easily with his W MS if you overstep, so watch your movement and expect him to jsut run at you.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build. Take second wind if you tend to struggle in this matchup.
Try and farm, dodge his e and trade after he uses w. His q outdamages you so youre a bit stuck. Make sure you keep your blind for when he overheats so that he cant oneshot you with overheated autoattacks horribly. Get ruby and nullmagic and just hope that your team is better or that you can get a better position a teamfight. In”
TXK_ says “Avoid his Q by farming from range and avoid his E by staying behind minions. You win late fights and your ult will either guarantee a won 1v1 or prevent a team killing R.”
aurus666lol says “New two masks are powerful, but he still is so rare. He is more viable on mid for roaming with Predator than on top with comet. I think you can kill him easly, just do not get hitted by his E.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED EN VOTRE AVANTAGE. EVITEZ DE VOUS FAIRE POKE. VOUS POUVEZ RUSH MANTEAU DU SPECTRE SI IL GAGNE PRENEZ CONQUEROR. Essayez de lui tourner autour pour ne pas vous prendre tout les dégâts du lance flamme ne restez pas dans son ult également il a des dégâts monstrueux. Son gameplay sera de tout simplement vous poke et vous terminer avec un all in. Prenez bouclier de doran et second souffle et toucher le plus de Q que possible si vous le touchez avec le E lorsqu'il est avancé sur la lane vous devriez pouvoir le chasser et le tuer . Ne prenez pas de mercures juste pour rumble ou uniquement si sa team possède beaucoup de cc”
Vandenelis says “Your poke is as strong as his, but he does not have sustain, so you should win lane, but watch out for his fire spell when he is overcharged (his mana bar is red) because he can kill you from 80% hp with only his overcharged flamethrower spell and auto attacks.”
DarkyTheReal says “Rumble is very weak this season, you want to cheese him level 1, if you can't cheese him just get level 2 first and trade him with E+auto+q+auto+q+auto+q+auto, and you're going to be ahead. Level 6 careful about his ult, try to dodge it with your E, and you win the all-in.”
SettVEVO says “Rumble is not that strong right now imo, just boring lane, same basics apply to him, not much to write as there aren't any special interactions with him.”
Byku2506 says “Rumble is pretty good at you but not that good if you win at 1v1 you can solo him every time, try not to engage too early and wait for opportunity near your minions. Dont fight against him when he have R. So fast tips: Always be behind your minions to avoid poke or start trade with Q behind your minions and you always win.”
RTO says “Pretty annoying matchup. Can't really trade with him at all unless he over heats. Still only a short window though. You will outscale him in a 1v1 as soon as you finish your 1st item. So once done, all in him as much as possible. ”
Fryx says “You can't do much against Rumble in the early stages of the game. But once you have Ult it looks different. Just Ult him and Dodge his Ult afterwards. You will actually see a good trade. Rumble is easily gankable so make use of that by keeping your wave at a good spot. Don't try to get too much cs early it will cost you way too much hp”
LoLReal says “Pretty easy lane. We out trade and all points. Early cowl is helpful here. Our ult takes away his R, wait til he casts equalizer to use our ult for that reason.”
Vispectra says “Just don't fight this guy, he has an insane winrate midlane into most match-ups due to how oppressive he can be and how strong his teamfight is. He will win lane against you as his Q lasts longer than your shield and his own shield is enough to block most your damage early on. Later you can deal with him just be sure to not be the first to engage onto him.”
SanLourdes says “Rumble's main damage tool is his flamethrower which he will abuse in the laning phase. Punish his pushes with your Q and back off afterwards so that he can't utilize the damage from it. His ultimate also deals a huge chunk of damage. Other than that, Rumble has no dashes to dodge your ult and your Q and no way to stop you you from charging it as well.”
RareParrot says “burst the shit out of him, bring nullifying orb and play around passive when trading, reworked rumbles overheat gets a lot of its dmg from autos so if your gonna trade when hes charging overheat blind him right when hes gonna auto you.”
dissociate says “Early game, you'll fall into the common trope of melee champion vs. Rumble, which is pretty annoying as he's gonna outspeed you in the beginning. Try to play relatively safe until level 6, because that's when the trickery from your bonus MS from passive and repositioning with your ult will allow you to slide around both his flamethrower and his ult easily.
Regular build is effective against Rumble, if he rushes Sorcerer's Shoes, match with Mercury Treads ASAP.”
SavagePridestalker says “I think Rumble is pretty easy to fight, you can proc grasp procs very easily and his damage is very straightforward (his Q), which allows you to doubleW most of his damage. After you get Spirit Visage, it's super easy.”
SirGRC says “Keystone: Fleet Footwork
He will out trade and out pressure you all game all game. The only real chance you have when fighting him is once you hit six. DO NOT STAND IN HIS ULT!”
MachDawn says “You just need to play it safe and go in with full stacks here. Ideally you will probably want CHONK or NORMAL irelia. He isnt dangerous if you play safe and back.”
SethPRG says “Watch his heat levels, and make trades when it's high. Sidestep to dodge his missiles and you will be a lot better off. Be careful of standing in his ult, I'd suggest ulting him away from it as it will really mess up your HP. If he ults your team in a team fight that's when you will want to engage with your ult as his team will instead focus you and his R will be wasted basically. Stridebreaker is good against his movement speed, but other Mythics could be built if his team comp requires it. Force of Nature or Gargoyle's Stoneplate are very good items to buy for this matchup, the movement speed and shield can match his late-game AP power spikes.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban.
PtA is good vs this matchup.
Broken right now, no way to win lvl 4-5 at all, even at 6 and above he can still easily beat you in a 1v1 situation with elec as well as getting gw rush then going into rocketbelt/liandries and demolishing you with e q overheat. Have fun losing lane and being poked more than you can heal unfortunately. This is a nightmare matchup.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “He can be pretty annoying with his Q spam, start E and play passive until it pushes into your tower. Look for fights with passive stacked once it bounces back and pushes towards him. As long as you land your E you should be fine to all in him. Do not commit if you miss anything as he is impossible to run away from and he will kill you. After 6 it is a little easier as he is fairly immobile and has a large hitbox. Open up with ult (granted you have passive stacked) and all in him. Landing your E should be fairly simple and common knowledge but don’t sit in his ult, use low hp minions to get out of it if you feel like you will lose.”
tibs2 says “Pain.
D shield optional take second wind. You never win trades, he turbo outranges you so if hes not a robot you cant q him. Just hope your jungler shows you mercy and ganks this tumor of a champion. D shield optional take second wind.”
Noodles912 says “Farm behind and away from minions and you will be fine. Get as much cs as possible. At level 6, use pool to dodge his R. Outscale him for free LP.”
teemodumbstupid says “You won't win early because of his passive, but you win when you have Sheen and Lucidity boots. You can bait his Q if you walk up to him and then run which can push the wave towards you. Then you can freeze and wait for your jungler to gank.”
Urgodzilla says “AP-version of Poppy: just presses one button over and over on cooldown. Be patient and outscale him. Get magic resist if he gives you a hard time.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Aun no entiendo como jugarle a esto XDDD, recomiendo jugar pasivo y bajo torre. Tradeale cuando este sobrecalentado y no pueda usar el lanzallamas.”
Draconic56 says “Don't eat a full proc of flamethrower from him for free. Don't get poked down too much. You win pre-6 but he can poke much better than you. Just be careful. A little bit of MR is nice but a blasting wand goes a long way in fights. Post-6, Ult him after he uses his ultimate as this will remove it, letting you dominate him. Overall just don't eat too much poke and don't miss your abilities.”
negoZoma69 says “Used to be a minior threat but got overbuffed so now he can oneshot you at level 3/6 if you're not careful. He has crazy waveclear so let him push, dodge his E and trade after his shield expires.”
pioj12 says “Very strong early game play passive until 6 to try to all in and just in case ask jg for help.
He is also buff so he has a lot of damage watch out with that.
Rime101 says “Start Dshield
Rumble also has huge early game waveclear making it hard for kennen to CS.
Being AP kennen is weak against him since Kennen has 30 base MR the whole game.
I recommend taking double MR stat rune vs rumble to avoid solo dying early game.
Max Q and play the lane far back, farm w/ q’s etc.
Play the lane far back you lose trades very easily and you dont really win all ins early
You win the lane when you have 3 items, play safe until then and look for TP plays bot. Look to 1v1 when you have 3+ items”
GrGamingTeo says “Rumble is secret OP because he slows you, pokes you and eventually kills you. Take Phase Rush and walk away once it activates. Rush Hexdrinker on this matchup.”
SpyDaFX says “if he is a good rumble, you will lose all trades, ask for ganks, rush merc treads into tiamat into Spear of Shojin into hexdrinker, then u can trade with him and maybe all in. try to roam because he's very immobile. go for doran's shield and go Conqueror.
if he's a bad rumble, you can pretty much kill him before level 6 and get a lead, but he's still difficult. just try to rush merc treads and tiamat before looking to big all ins.”
Ravenborne says “Do not let him poke you down with his Q. Step out of the flamethrower if he uses it for the wave. Watch out for his ult when you are at his tower. Get Specters Cowl to automatically win lane.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Rumble hits hard but is too immobile to out-roam you, hard shove him and roam as much as possible, you'll outscale. As of 10.18 his Q does more damage, so you'll likely be in a shove-war with him.”
kingchas2 says “His early base dmg is incredibly high, but as long as you play safe early he won't be able to build much of a lead. His ultimate is team-fight deciding, so your team has to play around it and not clump. Other than that, once you are 6 you should be able to just kite and kill him pretty easily. ”
ModelitoTime says “Take notice of the bar under his health bar, when charged all the way up he will just abuse his Q *which is the fire* and it does alot of damage. You wanna start backing up when casts his Q and right when its done engage with your E because he will not be able to casts abilities for a little while since his passive silences him”
Raideru says “This matchup is hard as how good the Rumble is, u can't really do much in early game cose he just stat checks u in all ins whenever he uses q u should try to short trade him at the end of it by jumping on him with auto w e and disengage. You win after 1st item + resistances. I advise Grasp with sheen rush but do 3 wave crash into mantle reset in order to survive till Sheen reset.”
LeSocair says “Dodge harpoons and build early MR, it gets really hard if you don't. His fire will mess you up every time, just try not to get too low on hp. He'll shield your Q almost all the time so don't rly bother.”
sauronkaiser says “I would even say Yorick counters this guy. He can be AIDS in the first levels with his flamethrower, but once you trap him with all hp hes fucked.”
TioKirb says “Don't go against him in early, I recommend to just play safe and try to pick some kills elsewhere in midgame, this matchup can get really hard if the Rumble knows what he's doing.”
AmericanNut says “No one in low elo knows how to, much less plays the champion. But his overheat passive will be the only threat to you, and his ult will hold you in place, then he will put your Catfish body through a deep-fat-fry.”
EU_Toxicity says “Easy to play against if you manage to stay high health. Stay behind the wave so he's forced to push if he wants to poke and you'll also be safe from his E. Get Spectre's cowl if you're struggling to not get poked.”
iZeal says “Rumble has the upper hand early game and if Darius dies early he is going to have a bad time. However, at level 6 Darius' ultimate is much more reliable than Rumble's Equalizer in a duel since you can't step out of a point-and-click ult as well as Darius will have a big enough health pool to not get annihilated and at the same time enough damage to not have to endure another flamespitter rotation. Darius will easily outscale Rumble in a 1v1, but make sure to not fight in choke points or else your team gets murdered by well placed Rumble ults.
DShield/RejuBeads, Mercs, Phage/Spectre's Cowl, later on Adaptive Helm”
AWierdShoe says “It’s hard to position the blade up in this match-up since he’ll burn you for it, but try best you can if he gives you chances. The only times you can trade are level 2+ when he’s just used his Q to farm or poke. If you’re not already lower than him at that point you can taunt in and go for a 3 quick empowered Q’s and then backing out. He’s one of the best champions at trading back while you’re running out though, so you need to make sure you do enough damage to him initially for it to be worth taking the damage while disengaging. The best way to kill him is honestly to ask for a gank, rumble has a really hard time surviving them, since he perma-pushes and has no movement ability.
I Am Goliath says “Hard matchup since he does so much damage and usually rushes a Liandry's torment, try to rush spirit visage and merc treads in this matchup. Try to dodge his harpoons as much as you can becaose the damage from those can add up. Also always pay attention to his overheat bar and make sure if you go for an all in he is going to overheat, basically punish him if he uses too many abilities for farming or poking you.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Start Q -> Stay healthy -> He is surprisingly strong early game so respect him -> Space properly -> Let him use his Q, block his E with your W and that will be enough to win trades -> Level 6 when he uses R, make sure to be close to a wave so you can dash out of his R”
Scoothare says “Scary guy, noone knows what he does. When his "mana bar" turns red, engage. He is silenced for a few seconds. Make use of those moments to guarantee a winning trade.”
Saarlichenbog says “The worst matchup into Kalista by far goes to Rumble. With some of the worst amour stats, until Rumble gets a Zhonyas on him he basically gets one shot by literally any AD champion, regardless if they are an assassin. To compensate, he has an insane amount of burst, but no consistent damage and the current season 11 items feel even worse on him than the season 10 items did. Rumble has no laning phase essentially out of mediocre poke in his E, a non-existent "sustain" shield in his W and a passive that leaves him wide open to be exploited by champs with mobility to take advantage of that period, and Kalista is one of them. Kalista should always win this matchup with Rumble having no real mobility outside of his W "speed boost" and plenty of weaknesses that Kalista thrives on. For all you Rumble players out there, dodging in champ select when there is a Kalista is your best option at saving LP.”
Captain Dantems says “Fique atras dos minions para ele não acertar o E e cuidado com o Q dele, pois dá muito dano. Grasp com chamuscar, inspiração ou conqueror. Poção corrupta.”
aiSky says “Kled is a great option dealing with squishy champions thanks to his damage and movility, so it should be easy to play against them and get some kills.
If they poke you too much, you can always start with Doran Shield and still kill them without much trouble.”
arekij says “Kill him at firsts levels because with time Rumble is more dangerous. In mid game don't try to kill him if you are not fed enough. Better go help mid or bot lane.”
TangoVallhala says “This champ is just annyoing, he can full run you down with just his Q, avoid his Q and wait till he his overheated, then full combo him, avoid his other skill shots and it shouldn't be too hard.”
A2Tap says “Rumble will poke you off of the first wave, try to poke him after level two as he has no W yet. Try to take long, extended trades with Rumble as he has to care for his overheat meter.”
qasddsa says “Skill matchup. Rush a Wit's End, dodge his harpoons, and try your best to stay out of his flame, especially when his resource bar is higher than 50. One of the best times to all in is when his bar is fully red and going down and no ability is active.”
Rumble matchup is all about survival in laning phase, he has a lot of poke with his E and Q, and the Movement Speed of his W is really annoying to deal with, but Nasus W counters it completely. In laning phase look to dodge his E by farming behind your minions. Since he will try to poke you out of lane, Rumble will usually try to poke you with Q and by that the wave will always be on your side of your lane. Once you hit lvl 6, Sheen and some MR items you can all in him pretty easily but its overall better to wait until his Heat bar is full since it will disable his abilities and the empowered autoattacks are no match for Nasus Auto Attack + Q spam Combo. Later on into the game, you will outscale him and I highly recommend splitpushing since his R deals a lot of damage which Nasus can tank but your backline can't they will burn to death, so to prevent this, splitpush and drag him with you since he will also not be able to solo match you, be prepared for 1v2 scenarios and look to have vision around to prevent that.”
SubHuman Filth says “Rumble is impossible matchup
GO grasp, second wind, taste of blood with a Dorans shield on top.
Then you can survive his poke.
You can also go aery 3 points q and fight back, but i dont recommend it.
you wont outscale either, but you can try to roam around and make your team win, because rumble dosent push fast.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield potion start. Rumble has very strong pressure on Tryndamere early game, but will struggle heavily in duels later in the game. You want to farm in this matchup early. After level 4, tryndamere can look for opportunities to trade with rumble. What you want to be looking for is his heat bar. When his heat bar is in the yellow he is gaining 50% bonus effectiveness on his abilities (more dmg from his flame, more shield, more slow and damage on harpoon.) If Rumble overheats (goes all the way into the red on his heat bar) you can look for a trade if you are high on hp or if rumble goes too low on his heat bar (has barely any heat and is not close to yellow.) Post level 6 Tryndamere gets his ulti which will allow him more spots to beat up on Rumble, but a good rumble player will know how to keep tryndamere too low to look for an allin. If the enemy team has a lot of slows, swifty boots are a great option for sticking onto rumble in the 1v1 because of his big slows on his harpoons and ultimate. If you feel like you are sticking onto the rumble pretty well though you can just run berzerker greaves. If enemy team is heavy magic damage then merc treads is also a good option. Tryndamere outscales rumble in the mid-late game heavily in the 1v1, rumble's only hope is to hug turret and try to kite out a dive or to group with his team and force a play before Tryndamere can pressure.”
I Am Goliath says “Most rumbles aren't very good so you should be able to pressure him, although if he does get a lead somehow this lane is going to be a nightmare since your auto range is about his flamethrower range, just keep poking him though and kiting with Q and you should win since rumble is pretty weak early on.”
Nabura says “Bait him into using Q so it pushes the wave into you. Collect your free CS. Only way he gets ahead is during skirmishes where he gets really good ults.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield potion start. Rumble has very strong pressure on Tryndamere early game, but will struggle heavily in duels later in the game. You want to farm in this matchup early. After level 4, tryndamere can look for opportunities to trade with rumble. What you want to be looking for is his heat bar. When his heat bar is in the yellow he is gaining 50% bonus effectiveness on his abilities (more dmg from his flame, more shield, more slow and damage on harpoon.) If Rumble overheats (goes all the way into the red on his heat bar) you can look for a trade if you are high on hp or if rumble goes too low on his heat bar (has barely any heat and is not close to yellow.) Post level 6 Tryndamere gets his ulti which will allow him more spots to beat up on Rumble, but a good rumble player will know how to keep tryndamere too low to look for an allin. If the enemy team has a lot of slows, swifty boots are a great option for sticking onto rumble in the 1v1 because of his big slows on his harpoons and ultimate. If you feel like you are sticking onto the rumble pretty well though you can just run berzerker greaves. If enemy team is heavy magic damage then merc treads is also a good option. Tryndamere outscales rumble in the mid-late game heavily in the 1v1, rumble's only hope is to hug turret and try to kite out a dive or to group with his team and force a play before Tryndamere can pressure.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery . Grasp
não troca com ele você não vai conseguir matar ele exceto se ele trolar forte, joga pro late que ele não escala bem
Rushar : Liandry's”
Swaim says “Rumble could be a nightmare or a stomp depending on how you play. Avoid his level 1 Q- Flamespitter poke and don’t fight before level 3. After that fighting him is pretty straight forward: Land your Q- The Darkin Blade's and your W- Infernal Chains and you should be able to kill him easily. Again, Adaptive Helm isn't really needed as Spirit Visage is a way better item on Aatrox. Second Wind could be needed if you're having trouble fighting Rumble.
ZergDood says “Conqueror is viable here. Rush adaptive helm, give up CS if neccessary, he pokes hard. Really hard, so, don't feel bad if you're missing CS, your life is more valuable. Engage on him when he's about to overheat. Try poking him, but remember that minions are your priority. ”
qazx1427 says “Since his flamethrower is AoE damage, it doesn't hurt the ghouls as much as you'd expect. He's a pain to deal with given all the slows and speed boosts, but if you can lock him down a couple of times, he's not so bad. No-one plays Rumble anyway.”
Ayanleh says “Try to ult him right after he uses his ultimate and it will remove his ultimate and get you into death realm where you can 1v1 him easier as you stole his stats.”
wallobear53 says “While laning, keep a close look at his Resource bar and try not to fight him when it is half-filled. He will be trying to keep it within the half-filled mark so see if you can make him overheat so that he isn’t able to cast some spells for a while.
Use the lane minions to avoid Rumble’s E slow as that is the main way he can get close to you pre-six. When combined with his W and Q, he can do a lot of burst damage in a very short time so be careful about this.
Rumble’s level six is his major power spike as he will now be able to cut your escape routes and evade/set up ganks quite easily. Make it a point to maintain your distance from him and just poke him from range if possible. Keeping a track on the enemy Jungler is important as well.
ModxLoL says “Start Doran's shield. Rumble usually won't walk up pre-6. Once you get your R though, it's usually pretty easy to kill him with a staggered E, R, 3rd Q like most matchups.”
Gangplank_Main1 says “Runes: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Biscuits, Time Warp Tonic, Double Adaptive, Magic Resist.
Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, can leash.
What to get on first back: Dorans blade
This match up is hard for gangplank since rumble can just freely harass you and constantly slow you down. Pay attention to what rumble starts level one. If rumble starts q then auto the minions as much as possible to contest level two. When rumble has q start, his flamespitter won’t be up for 10 seconds so you can q rumble twice. If rumble were to start w then you can win the lane by just pushing. The goal here is whoever can get level two first. A good tip against rumble is whenever you q rumble and he shields the , you have a one second window to q rumble again since his w has a 6 second cooldown. Rumble basically beats gangplank laning phase up until you have 3 items. Once gangplank has 3 items you just stomp rumble. Rumble can teamfight just as well compared to gangplank so what you want to do is hold him in the split so he can’t get game winning ultimates.
9690 says “D-Blade. You can't really all in once she gets 6, she can ult you under tower and get a free kill. The only time you can all in really is level 2 when you have ignite to secure the kill or are way ahead of her. Her aftershock and ability to root you early on ruins any chance of all-ining. Also watch out for her jungler, her gank setup is amazing. Outscales you. Take Conq and cleanse”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield potion start. Rumble has very strong pressure on Tryndamere early game, but will struggle heavily in duels later in the game. You want to farm in this matchup early. After level 4, tryndamere can look for opportunities to trade with rumble. What you want to be looking for is his heat bar. When his heat bar is in the yellow he is gaining 50% bonus effectiveness on his abilities (more dmg from his flame, more shield, more slow and damage on harpoon.) If Rumble overheats (goes all the way into the red on his heat bar) you can look for a trade if you are high on hp or if rumble goes too low on his heat bar (has barely any heat and is not close to yellow.) Post level 6 Tryndamere gets his ulti which will allow him more spots to beat up on Rumble, but a good rumble player will know how to keep tryndamere too low to look for an allin. If the enemy team has a lot of slows, swifty boots are a great option for sticking onto rumble in the 1v1 because of his big slows on his harpoons and ultimate. If you feel like you are sticking onto the rumble pretty well though you can just run berzerker greaves. If enemy team is heavy magic damage then merc treads is also a good option. Tryndamere outscales rumble in the mid-late game heavily in the 1v1, rumble's only hope is to hug turret and try to kite out a dive or to group with his team and force a play before Tryndamere can pressure.”
BloodyDream81 says “Respecte le jusqu'à ton niveau 3 en évitant un maximum de prendre les dégâts de ses sorts, et sache qu'en all in pur tu gagnes en 100%, une fois niveau 3 tu cherches idéalement à le trainer sur la lane avec ton fantôme et à le tuer si il est trop avancer ! Prendre rush phasique facilite bien la lane !
Astuce : Prendre le manteau spectrale tôt dans la partie te protègeras de ses dégâts et te permettra de le tuer plus sereinement.”
Darrkescru says “Você vai dar literalmente 0 de dano no seu poke, o poke dele + o lança chamas vai te matar, para você ganhar desta lane use impeto + orbe anulador, e farm safe ate o lvl 6 depois disto faz ele gastar o lança chamas atoa pisar em um cogumelo e assim vai caitando ele, não recomendo trocar contra ele na lane phase que a maioria das vezes ele vai te dar mais dano tankar com seu escudo e te deixar low ”
bakk0n says “One of Mordekaiser's hard counters. Try your best to avoid his E harpoon poke and try to stay away from his flamethrower W. Use his overheat moments to E+Q+AA him to proc Phase Rush and your passive.”
Angela du Seithr says “Comme contre Sion, jouez de sorte à ce qu'ils doivent choisir entre riposter ou farmer et n'hésitez pas à prendre le Casque Adptatif pour ne pas qu'il ne puisse vous harceler.”
Alzeidx says “Play safe in early, trade only when he is overheated and you are full rage, they you will be able to outrade him.
Be careful in early trades, try to stay safe and farm.”
TotallyEclipse says “You can kill him level 2 and facetank his damage. After that he'll poke you out forever, nothing you can really do. Can invest in mercs and adaptive helm for mid/late game”
Sq_09 says “He can match your kiting a bit and his Q does a ton of damage without slowing him down. Pretty hard if he wants to fight you. If he hits a good R, he can kill you. You are able to poke him a bit tho if he doesn't get an opportunity to E you. ”
Gwndimi says “This man hurts us, we are OS material for him. try not to take trades keep up the farm if he builds magic pen early dont try building MR it wont work just build the healing items DO NOT FIGHT HIM if he hits one slow on you you are most likely dead”
Itreallyhim says “He will be annoying early mid and lategame. His shield and sticking power is brutal, You can remove his Ult with yours, Play smart and do long trades.”
AkenoSenpai says “Not much to say about Rumble really, just all in him by jumping to a close minion -> Q into ur reset once he get out ur AA range or mark is about to dissapear then continue orbwalking till he is out of range again to Q him once again. ”
lugzinho says “The high damage this guy has with his flamethrower and his E is really good.
And that shield that gives MS with such a low cooldown of 6 seconds can save his life.
Go D.Shield and rush Hexdrinker.”
ForgottenProject says “One of the harder matchups for Fiora if its Higher Elo
You win level 1 and 2 but you still can get bullied if you’re not experienced
Parry one of his E’s, nothing else really to parry
Use your ult movement speed to get out of his ult.
First item vampiric scepter is good into him
Start Doran’s Blade ”
Pedrokis says “Só o dano por segundo dele por causa do lança-chamas é chato, mas de resto é uma lane muito fácil de se jogar. / Você consegue bater muito nele, só isso. / Se ele pegar move speed com o W e você acertar o seu W pra ir pra cima, tenta ao máximo dar seus Qs pra ele não fugir, daí você consegue dar bastante dano.”
Daedralus says “He is known for his high amounts of damage, but do not forget it is dealt over time. By simply using your E, and keeping it up for the duration of his Q, will allow you to withstand and fight him. If you also ult him at a 80-100 (not 100 tho) heat range, he will also be incredibly weak as he will only be able to cast a single ability after the overheating happens, giving him no option but to run like the yordle he is.”
Big Belly Bop says “Keep an eye out for his overheat and play around it, he can't cast abilities when he's RED so it's good to get some autos off while he's cooling off. Abuse your range advantage and try to force him out of lane. If he ever decides to all in you just E out and W for the root to get some autos off. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “As long as you survive the first outing and get some magic resistance and then start poking him down you're okay but don't fight him if you're below 40% hp cause everything he has is a slow and does insane damage, but poke him down and flash q ignite ult just like any cancerous matchup.”
9690 says “Pretty easy lane. We out trade and all points. Early cowl is helpful here. Our ult takes away his R, wait til he casts equalizer to use our ult for that reason.”
Loevely says “One of my personal worst matchups. I struggle vs Rumble quite a bit. Grasp and second wind make it a lot easier, but at the end of the day he's a lane bully that outbullies you. Be cautious. ”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull of his flamethrower before level 6, once you hit level 6 you cage him up with your w spawn the maiden and get a free kill. but before level 6 he does have a lot of poke damage and shielding to negate your damage the conqueror page is recommended.”
Quezel says “Extremely obnoxious early game but hes immobile and you can ult to remove his ult in the 1v1 denying him huge amounts of damage. Rush spectres cowl into rylais and just repeatedly look to pull him in and fight. Early game play safe and farm look for trades when his w is on cooldown or when hes overheated as without his w he cant heal very well or escape from you.”
SNOBOY says “Rumble is one of your hardest match ups. He is able to constantly keep your shield down and on cooldown with his flamespitter. He also can shield your poke. Lastly, he can survive your burst, and is really great in extended fights.”
mightydylan101 says “You can out trade rumble if you make the trades short. Be sure to q auto and then back off or else he wins the trade. Even if it looks like you didn't win the trade with a maxed E your poison will win it for you once you back off.”
ProgettoYorick says “rumble is discreet as an opponent, do not get hit too many times or he will begin to take advantage of you. When you have level 3 you can do a little something but trust me wait for level 6, with full life it will go down instantly, you just have to close it will not have an escape video except for the flash.
Advice from OTP: if you have locked him up after level 6 be VERY careful about his R, they will be damages not to be underestimated”
Xelaadryth says “There's not much you can do about a Rumble. His Flamespitter pushes the wave for him and zones you out since the Flamespitter range is about the same as your auto-attack range. He can stand safely behind his minions so you can't land Qs on him, and slows stop your E very effectively. He also blocks your harass with constant shields. Just try to push back and cs and land Qs on him when possible.”
Karnan says “Respect his early levels, the flamespitter can burn you hard with comet if you don't pay attention. Easily ganked and suffers hard from jungle pressure. Build a lead early and start denying. ”
AlienMV says “Play around his Q range, and be ready to dodge his E.
You should be able to keep a safe distance and play around his CD in order to CS safely.”
CrimsonAngel1 says “Whats with these AP champs? Anyway, This guy is hard to deal with. To counter him, buy 3 items. Adaptive helm, Doran's shield, And a corrupting potion. Good luck in lane.”
Ornn Hub says “In my opinion, killing a Rumble is complex for Ornn as it is highly protected, making it difficult to use the ram's abilities, so opt for an abyssal Mask, enhanced by its passive.”
Hamstertamer says “Obnoxious poke, but low sustained damage so you can all-in him at 6. Take advantage of his Q cooldown and his high heat bar. Adaptive helm makes him a saad yordle.”
Atlascrower says “A difficult Matchup. His Q is very annoying as Melee, early, you have to stay on Distance. Farming is possible with Q+E, but it costs everytime much Mana. His R is very strong against you, except you have flash. Dont get slowed by his E, the Combo-Damage with the slow will harass you fast. You will need to use GP´s W often, which costs much Mana.”
AsomeSonic says “get adaptive, he's very damaging, with rumble if you wanna win the trade you gotta stay there, be committed in trades and kill him with maybe a sheen or ad items”
Raideru says “Rumble's early game is very unfairly powerful compared to Jax, i'd even recommend going inspiration second just to survive the laning phase without dying, try building negatron cloak early for wit's end later, merc treads helps a lot in this matchup.”
EpicDan01 says “Rumble has very high damage in lane, so don't fight him. I would recommend rushing Spirit Visage. Once you have Visage + Sunfire you can kill him, but make sure not to stand in his R.”
Aizo says “Extremely difficult matchup because his Q does not reduce your passive CD, and his standard build path directly counters maokai's going for High Penetration and HP burn.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “He has really good following speed and high damage. He can spam poke as fast as or even faster than you, so he can bully you right out of lane.”
Jnewbringspain says “Rumble is not hard if you can avoid his Flame Spitter and Electro Harpoon. Play it safe until level 6 + Sheen. Start doing the trick where you basic attack a minion twice, then Leap Strike, auto, W him for a good chunk of health.”
messketchup says “Play agressive with Q and pull whenever possible. Try not to push the lane, and keep river warded. rumble might be easy to solo but his ult does work when a jungler comes to gank for him. ”
PandaSenpai101 says “He's very obnoxious with his constant E and Q poke. Try to go in and parry some of the damage that you can. Let him push and go all in when his Flash is down, as Rumble doesn't have much mobility without flash.”
Devitt45 says “You can very easily win this match up. If you can get on top of Rumble you can easily kill him because he doesn't have much disengage unless he has Rylais. The best time to fight Rumble is when he is overheating, and can only auto attack.”
Jnewbringspain says “Dangerous at a distance and even more dangerous close range. He's an AP caster so your W has no effect. Keep track of his passive overheat system. Above 50% all of his attacks are enhanced, so avoid engaging at all during this time. I wouldn't try to fight him as his flamethrower just has too much damage for you to overcome.”
Lil Tidepod says “Rumble is not really a huge threat to you. He can end up doing a lot of damage but he can't sustain lots of abilities for too long or he'll overheat. He can be really strong if he gets a few items. His ultimate will do a lot of damage, and it might be hard to hit your Q on him. Overall, just build some Magic Resist and push the lane. If he's not fed, you should be able to bully him.”
ImpossibleLogic says “While he has received some recent buffs, he is still rather weak. Rumble can sustain himself but he has no all in and can't really stop you from setting your Q E combos. He has some evade but if you land W and Q's, you win.”
mlgn4ever says “If he's any good at. his champion he legits abuses you level 1-2 and get's you're HP to less than 50%. Just play really safe. Sacrafice you're CS in order to not int and wait for your jungler and lose gracefully.”
DrMoneybags says “I find Rumble to be very easy to abuse early with ignite. His Q cooldown is actually quite high at the first few levels, and he has no way to peel you off. If he ever overheats, its an easy kill for you. You're able to dash out of his ultimate pretty easily, and he has no escape if your jungler comes top. Consider taking Nullifying Orb as a rune to survive his AP damage. If you somehow do poorly in lane, grab an early hexdrinker.”
thundergiraffe says “his ult is too long range, he resists your poke and returns it. he is not the best.
also he can ult you from down town, and since you are so easy to gank that can be a huge problem. since like he ults, you slow jungler ganks and ur ******(clucked).”
Big Boy Matty D says “Difficult to get on him pre-6, use your passive shield wisely and try to farm as well as you can. Post 6 there's nothing he can do to stop you clapping him.”
TheNinjaRoid says “You get ahead, you win. You fall behind at all, you lose. Ask for ganks if you think you can win the 2v1. Do not fight him alone early, he will win every time. Do not take extended trades with him alone. Watch out for his ult.”
Ethereal Ezio says “Skill matchup. A good Rumble will have the advantage, so it is usually best to play it safe and farm up. Don't underestimate ultimate.”
The Lost Drawing says “No le hace 'counter' en nada.
Armate de 1° objeto el 'Yelmo Adaptable' , este objeto te mitiga una gran parte de su 'Q' aunque el se arme el 'Tormento de Liandry' o un 'Morellonomicon'. No seas menso y te armes un 'Rostro Espiritual' ya que si se siente la diferencia entre estos objetos cuando te enfrentas contra APs de DPS”
ElleryTheViking says “Not a bad match-up by any standard. Pre 3, if he uses his fire, just run up Q and E. He'll try turn and run taking his fire with him meaning he can't damage you all the while you Q spam him. Post 6 just use your usual ghost ult all in. Just don't fight in his ult. ”
Fr3shLemonade says “Ban him you just can't play against rumble : he counter your poke with his shield he deals more dmg than you and lvl 6 he will explode you.”
SynergyXO says “Dodge his rockets, dont stand in fire trying to farm. and try to dodge his ult with spin as soon as it starts coming down. skill match up”
Samas says “The only blockable ability of his is autoattacks which is not where most of his damage comes from. You will often find yourself getting harrassed, by his harpoons, and when you jump in to trade he will use his flamethrower which in most cases should win him the trade. Stand behind minions to avoid his skillshot based poke, dont push because he can set up ganks easily with his ultimate. Wait until his flamethorwer is down then trade. Only use your Q if neccessary, since he has many slows and gapclosers can be invaluable escape tools in matchups like that, keep track of his rage bar, he cant use any abilities when its full. Try to set up ganks and punish his lack of escapes.”
E61K says “Doran's Shield + Second Wind. Respect his early game. Sit back at Level 1-2 and farm safely. At 3 you can step up more. He is immobile so he can't escape from you. Phase Rush can work against him but he will most likely buy a Seeker's Armguard on his first back and maybe even Tabis as well. Therfore I recommend going for Conqueror. Ghost heavily recommended. The best moment to fight him is when he overheats since he can't use any abilities to kite you/fight you. If you struggle against him "Spectre's Cowl" makes for an excellent early purchase against him.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Poke, Sustained Damage, AP. Weaknesses: Low mobility, Squishy early, Out-scaled. Has strong early game poke. If you avoid most of his poke you should be okay. Let the wave shove into you early as his waveclear is much greater than yours before you get Tiamat. Focus on CS-ing and Q pokes when his Flamespitter and Shield are down. Once you engage you must commit because rumble is put into an advantage when his opponents are running away because of his slow allowing him to catch up and proceeding to burn you to a crisp. Once you hit 6 and see an opening, you know what to do. Also, take Corrupting Potion in this matchup.”
drunken hunter says “Rumble (the mage without mana) is already early tanky, and does a lot of magic dmg. You can try to do an early engage but be careful, his fire does retarded auto hit dmg if the bar under his hp is full. Play safe and wait for a gank.”
Pancaku says “General lane bully and will not give you a single ounce of CS without damaging you. Added to the fact that he has a shield and slow you will be in for the worst lane of your life.”
Sion says “He can kill you, but you can't kill him.
Having said that, though. If you play safe and never let him kill you, you can just sit back, farm, and roam.
You can win all mid-game fights given that you engage on his backline because he can't block you or peel for them.”
lxl1Mago1lxl says “He can still deal more damage than you in early. Every minion you try to last hit , Rumble will be there with his flamethrower ready for heat your front. Play carefully and try to bring him into your [W]”
Trixelkour says “Fairly easy lane. Take Grasp with Exhasut and you have an easy laning phase. Phase Rush is optional. Rush Adaptive into Tabi's and you can easily duel him. ”
SirDeRp25 says “Rumble is able to OUTRADE Teemo in many cases, Wit's End is a viable first item in this lane. Trade when his Q is on CDR, Low on Energy. Note that he can trade you when he is overcharged. DO NOT FIGHT HIS MELEE IF HE REACHES OVERHEAT!”
E61K says “Rare match-up. It depends on how good the rumble is TBH. If he keeps overheating like an idiot abuse it and trade with him. If he is good at keeping himself in the danger zone be careful of stepping up to him. His base damage is good and he hurts a lot. Adaptive Helmet is a very strong item against him next to MAW.”
Omega best says “Rumble is stronger than you. Rush an hexdrinker then play very safe and wait for ganks, build mr and never rush toward him or he will for sure kill you.”
Zachlikespizza says “If he keeps denying you cs use your q and w to farm and maybe other casts of q to poke. Overall he'll be annoying but really unable to kill you.”
Mouadyam says “no escapes, should be fine, just dont get poked to death with his Q, use your ghost when you're going for an all in as he can slow you, and start with a dorans shield.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “He is annoying, and deals a bunch of damage. If you can avoid it you'll be fine. You can solo kill him after Bork. Rush bork and mercury treads, hexdrinker if he goes full AP. You can Windwall his E”
joelblack says “Pretty booty. The only way he can hurt you is if literally walks towards you, which lets you poke the shit out of him. Marksman is pretty good against him because you'll be able to kill him before he can even reach you, but Titan is also pretty good, your pick. If you really wanna ruin his day, Ignite/Exhaust will let you completely stomp him in lane, making him useless to his team. ”
Ashnard says “Rumble is immobile and has a large hitbox that makes it easy to combo him down. However he has high enough early dps that can rival your own that you have to respect. Don't walk up to him without q or you will get roasted pretty hard”
RitoPLsnerfirelia says “This pussy of a champ will just q you out of lane
Farm under tower, build early damage (rageblade) then Dominate this squishy hoe ”
thedunkening111 says “He's annoying, sure, like a lot of matchups, but you win by outfighting the little man. Avoid his poke, respect him a bit, and win short trades where you can get your full burst off. That'll get him into lethal.
Take Conqueror”
Thoir says “Rumble is just an annoying champ, he will deny you some farm at level 1 until he pushes the wave under tower. Then you can punish him when his Q goes off.”
kagaroo says “🔴Enemy Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 7.7/10
➡️Very similar to the Pantheon matchup where the laning can be oppressive because of Rumble's AOE damage and low spell cooldowns. However, if you get a lead or can scale long enough you EASILY beat rumble. To win this lane you need to play super aggressive early to establish lane control and maintain item component advantages over rumble. Level 6 you can absolutely stomp Rumble but you NEED to respect his overheat auto damage because he will win. The matchup is Rumble favoured in my opinion but it really depends on how good the Rumble is at heat control, spacing and knowing their limits. If you struggle with this matchup, try running barrier + flash and it will become a LOT easier. However, you should be able to win the matchup now that Rumble has been nerfed a lot with just TP+Flash
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Rumble vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Rumble vs Average Trundle ➡️Rumble favoured
Good Rumble vs Good Trundle ➡️ Rumble stomps Trundle but Trundle CAN win.”
Haxorr says “Rumble is a really hard matchup as his damage output is quite. I recommend just trying to scale to your Ravenous hydra, taking either PTA, Grasp or Conq with Doran's shield. All can work. Play aggressive early as Rumble has really low damage on 1 item, you should be able to beat him up and gain prio in the matchup. Just make sure you are consistently autoing minions the whole time while trading so you get push on the wave. You outscale really hard so don't worry too much about stomping lane. Maw good here if they have multiple AP”
Houcs says “Watch out for his energy bar, he can almost one shot you early.
Aim to get null magic mantle and watchout for his E since it reduces your magic resist!”
CactEyez says “Just don't eat his poke for free, give up small amounts of cs if it saves you half an HP bar. No way of stopping your W and no dashes so jungler can gank easily.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Hollow Radiance
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Rocketbelt -> Heartsteel”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
all in lvl 1 and look to kill him early
if u fail u have to wait till 6 and hold ur r as long as you can
then he again outsclaes you until you get form”
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