Mid Lane 51.1% Win Rate49% Pick RateXerath Mid Lane Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Xerath in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
InTaggar says “ENG: If the xerath is good, ure in truble bcs he outrange u so mutch, try to evade his habilities and focus on farm. Anyways, play with ur jg and try to let him out of the game fast.
Runes: Arcane Comet.
Spells: TP.
ESP: Si el xerath es bueno se vuelve un matchup dificil la verdad, ya que siempre va a tener más rango que vos, dedicate a farmear y tratá de que, con tu jungla, lo dejen fuera de juego lo más rapido posible.
Runas: Cometa Arcano.
Spells: TP.”
Divine Azir says “ You win if you can delay his power spikes with frequent jungle ganks. Very strong laning phase, no mobility.
① You can buy early boots to help dodge skill shots. I like to take Absorb Life to sustain his poke. If you are really struggling with this matchup, you can take barrier and second wind to survive his ultimate.
② Don't let him Q you and the wave together, force him to make a choice. Stand outside of wave while trying to dodge E. If he uses it and is within kill range, you can go for the all-in. Don't engage if he is not killable, otherwise he will do more damage than you with W and Q while you walk away.
③ Never get close enough for him to auto you, as he gets mana back from his passive.”
AuroraAddict says “xerath has a really strong laning phase vs you you should go arcane comet e max against him play after your 6 and you will be able to win and try to dodge as many skillshots as possible +keep your w until he presses hes E so you can trade him play teleport vs xerath”
BesXbola says “O Xerath como todos os magos de longo alcance nao vai te deixar farmar em paz. desvie dos seus pokes e pokeie ele tambem, quando ele ultar use sua passiva para cancelar a ult. A partir do level 6 voce explode ele com a sua ult”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Another skillshot-heavy matchup, so be sure to rush Tier 2 boots and take advantage of the fact that his cooldowns are much longer than yours.”
zSmoke says “Playing against Xerath is pretty easy, the lane is about dodging the abilities and not giving him the E so you can trade with him pretty easy”
Tamikaze says “[Recommend Fleet]
Xerath is only a threat if the Xerath can poke you out consistently. Early boots are not a bad buy into this matchup for the extra move speed to dodge abilities. Don't be afraid to use E to dodge his stun. If he stuns you, he will full combo with W+Q to do massive damage. If you ever see him, use 2 of his abilities on the wave post 6, don't be afraid to all in him and just burn your ult to do damage (be ready to dodge the E). Even if he lands his E, he doesn't have abilities to do damage anymore. If you can burst him down, he will be fearful for the next dive you do, creating a tempo advantage on him. ”
MattStyle says “Lo odio. Poke excesivo sin que realmente puedas hacer algo al respecto más allá de ESQUIVAR, lo cual se vuelve más sencillo una vez tienes tus botas terminadas.
Puede ser sumamente gankeable o imposible de gankear. Todo depende de cómo juegue el Xerath. ”
j4ss says “Boring champions to play against but zero escape and squishy. Avoid his E stun with your E and just crush him. Statikk to counter his perma pushing and mercs in case you got stunned. full poke setup with standard build.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora thrives against mages with low amounts of mobility and self-peel in their kit, as she can mow them down in lane while also blowing them up in sidelanes and teamfights.”
Tatsurion says “Same as velkoz, you need to use your Q to trade here, which isnt ideal for your already fragile lil mana pool.
A very annoying lane since they will not get in any danger unless they make a mistake and walk too close.
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering]
(Cosmic insight)(Magical Footwear)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
*contest the push, if he uses abilty on you and not the wave you will have minion advantage so always do that*”
GreenReapers says “Electrocute or Conqueror.
D-shield if you aren't good at dodging his abilities, else Long Sword.
Early boots help tremendously to sidestep his poke.
Xerath has a strong neutral against you, being able to clear the waves from range and using his passive to sustain his mana. Good xeraths wont let you get close to them and will continue to shove waves post 6, so you can't really kill them. If you spot a good roam go for it, because Xerath will shove the wave and probably get a plating for it, or follow after with his R.
If he oversteps tho, you should be able to kill him very easily, as he doesn't have any form of mobility besides flash.”
Viktorias Secret says “Painful early and midgame, same goes for other artillery mages (Hwei/Ziggs/Vel'Koz).
They outrange you by far, have same burst damage and AoE coverage than you. But your strenght is your better resilience in midgame and better DPS/damage over time + if you manage to reach them, there is nothing much they can do past 2 items.”
vitya331 says “Xerath is ranged but he is not a very hard match up since you can easily dodge his abilities most of the time and after all in and murder him. ”
sick204 says “Respect Xerath's long-range poke and burst potential with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Xerath's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Xerath's zoning potential with his W and E, which can control space and make it difficult for Yasuo to engage. Utilize W to block Xerath's E in trades and team fights to reduce his poke and burst potential. Engage on Xerath when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Xerath's magic damage and crowd control.”
otaliz says “All of his abilities are skillshots, so you should buy boots at first base, so you can dodge his abilities very easily. Shurelya's build is good against him because of the extra movement speed. Mercury's Treads is also an option outside of Shurelya's build.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. Yone sided Match up. He is poke but really squishy and easy to dogde. Geto to him and he is dead. When he ults run around in E he wont be able to hit you because of the ghost.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Use your early game power to gain wave control, lane priority, and potentially bully Xerath. Hold your Qs for when Xerath is charging his own Q, as the self-slow makes it significantly easier to hit him with abilities. Also avoid having no minions between yourself and Xerath from Level 3 onward as his stun can be very dangerous at higher ranges. You should buy boots early to have an easier time dodging Xerath's skillshots. ”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Xerath is very annoying because he is one of the few champs that actually outranges you. Never stand in your wave against xerath. Why? Because then he has to choose between hitting you or the wave. Push the lane hard so he doesn't get the chance to harass you under turret for free.
If both players are good, the matchup is even, since both of you literally only have skillshots as spells. Buy early tier 2 boots to prevent getting hit by too much skillshots. May the best scripter win!”
awawa says “A good Xerath is a cancer matchup. He outranges you, but you can try to trade and bully him out of lane pre-6. You NEED to rush boots early and dodge as much as you can. Make the lane your dance floor.
Life becomes easier after laning phase. He dies when you R.
Take barrier if you feel scared, rush zhonyas/mercs/banshees if youre struggling a lot.”
MageSept says “Xerath is a famously difficult matchup for Veigar, but he still relies on skill shots, and has mana issues.
Take Doran's Shield and Second Wind to survive lane. ”
ShokLoL says “Xerath can be bullied pretty hard 1v1 with the comet build. His cooldowns are fairly long and can definitely be dodged so try keep your movement active and punish when they are down. Make sure you don’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or pushing the wave. Make sure to rush tier 2 boots in this matchup for the extra movement speed.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is a fairly strong 1v1 laner but is vulnerable to getting ganked or all-ined. His cooldowns are fairly long and can definitely be dodged so try keep your movement active and punish when they are down. Make sure you don’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or pushing the wave. If he wastes E that can be your window to force a trade onto him.
ShokLoL says “Xerath is all about dodging skillshots. Take fleet and rush out tier 2 boots and you shouldn't have too many issues. Make sure you don’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or pushing the wave.”
Soft Headpats says “Similar to Lux and Ziggs, this lane is all about dodging skillshots. Rushing T2 boots against Xerath is common to help with this. Like with other mages, avoid stacking with the wave so that he has to choose to hit you or the wave. When he charges up his Q, you have a pretty easy target for QW poke. You can also WQ/WW to help with surviving his ult. If he happens to ult too close to you, you can cancel it with EQ or EE. ”
TB1213 says “Champions that outrange you are pain in the ass to play against especially if they are good but they become less of a threat later into the game when you have more range and ms”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is all about dodging skillshots so you definitely want to rush out tier two boots as soon as you can. Make sure to not stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the wave. Post 6 you should find it very easy to setup ganks onto him.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is a fairly strong 1v1 laner but is very vulnerable to getting ganked. His cooldowns are fairly long and can definitely be dodged so try keep your movement active and punish when they are down. Make sure you don’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or pushing the wave. Make sure to rush tier 2 boots in this matchup for the extra movement speed.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is all about dodging skillshots so you definitely want to rush out tier two boots as soon as you can. Make sure to not stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the wave. He does have long cooldowns so you may be able to zone him after he tries to combo you.”
vSomnia says “Dodge his W and Q spam in lane. If he used W or Q to farm or missed you look to make a trade. Best moment to go all on him is when he is charging Q since he is immobile and cant cast his stun E. Always try to dodge his E, if you do you always win the trade. Sometimes you can even catch his E and still win the trade, the closer you are towards him the lower the stun duration, keep that in mind.”
elite600.lunar bacca says “i usually go phase rush against him he outrages you and his slow is undodgeable wait till he gets too close and use your e and q ”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Xerath try to dodge his hard poke, he have less cd than you so he will do a lot of dmg, but if you reach him, just avoid his stun that he will do in lane of your third q”
Kikife says “This champion is a major threat for smolder. Since you're looking for roams with your E, or when farming, playing against a counter roam champ with his R available is difficult. Once you've juked out his E, look for poke. Otherwise you must stay constantly dodging. I'd recommend building swiftness and avoiding the wave entirely. Stack Q and scale. ”
gaarrett says “Doran's Shield if you're not in the mood to play dodgeball for the laning phase. E2 can pull you through Xerath's stun bubble. [3/5] ultimate, long range kill securing tool has many applications. ”
MukiiBaa says “Sidestepping his abilities is a must or this lane is a nightmare.
If he gets hit by E post 6 you can all in him just to push him away from lane”
XD001 says “Buy early boots and spam W's on the wave so you dont get chunked by his spells when you cs. Getting Protobelt allows you to constantly take trades and harass him, so focus on buying that as soon as possible. E him when his stun is down and you can 100 to 0 him mid-late game. Late game you 1 shot him.
Equal scaling.
take Elec + sorcery page”
ExodusBlue says “WE>QE>EE the wave dodge his E if he goes for a bad Q then QQ his face. His range is better than yours so take guaranteed trades. WE>EQ/EE>R>QQ/QW him when he ults”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Just play with his CDs, bait his "E" and you totally destroy him, better if you make him to be far away from his tower, so you will have more room to all-in him, if you let yourself get poke, you can still out play if maxing "W".
Simplemente juega con su CDs, baitea su "E" y lo destruirás por completo, mejor si lo alejas de su torre, así tendrás más espacio para atacarlo con todo, si te dejas pokear mucho, Todavía puedes outplayear si maximizas "W"”
KazunaSan says “Il vous poke, reste super loin, a du bon push, mana à l'infini avec cookies, vous avez tout de même des fenetres de kill lorsqu'il utilise son Q car il est immobile pendant un instant, priez juste pour ne pas tomber contre un scripteur :)”
Desc069 says “vs xerath u have 1 job : bait his e then its legit a creep to farm , u have r steroid + e to dodge if he R u after poke and u can legit 100/0 him after dirk with ignite ”
FrostbiteMW says “Xerath has very good poke, and he does not easily run out of mana, because of his passive. He will probably try to slow you with his W which is very hard to dodge then try to Q you. Since Annie does not have much mobility you will be bullied hard.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can be aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After a few levels the poke will be annoying tho and you will suffer alot. Build boots fast and try to dodge as much as u can.”
Wizboy73 says “He outranges you hard, take poke runes or experimental and hope you can get a kill early cause later its harder when he hits 1 q to chunk you for 30% of you hp. you can win lategame but if he snowballs its over. ”
Halkem says “Take biscuits and don't take free boots so you can rush t2 after chapter. Major/Extreme, depends on his skill. Space away from the wave so he has to choose between poking or pushing. If you roam he will follow with R, so keep that in mind when going for plays. You can flash R into him if he spaces badly, just make sure to ping your team that you are looking to do it.”
Iceyou says “Very hard matchup if he is good . However every good xerath has a habbit of timing their e to hit you after you take your e. This is high risk play that you can punish and win trade if you master the ability to take your e a few miliseconds after the claw animation dissapears from the ground (yes you have a few miliseconds after your e is no longer visible to take it ). Avoid Poking him unless you have manaflow band and allow him the push . He is extremely gank vulnerable and your setup as lissandra is too much for him just spam your jungler a few pings . His poke is too much Dodge his qs as first prio and cs as second prio .”
The Milelator says “Really annoying. Stand behind minions or dodge his E. Pretty much dodge all of his abilties and all in or trade with him when E slow hits. If you don't dodge his E, he will win the trade, unless you ult into him, forcing him to flash or die.
Push waves and roam. Nothing more you can do.”
bloomer010 says “Xerath heavily out-ranges you, which can be difficult for Veigar. If Xerath is accompanied by a team of long-range champions, consider taking the Predator keystone rune to hunt them down. ”
WarwicksSimp says “Usually you just win this matchup outright no issue but the champion is a busted laner.
Killing with ignite + pta is usually pretty easy especially if you q dodge his stun or flash it. Even under tower you won't have a big issue with it. Just play smart and learn his playstyle then abuse that.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “The range matchup is rough but if your jungler has a brain you can shuffle him for jg gank since he has no mobility. Best advice is buy boots early.”
FrostbiteMW says “Long range poke champ. Its hard to play against that since you have low range. Once youre somehow close and dodge his CC you can kill him. Besides that play safe and dodge everything you can. ”
Tokiyami says “Same matchup as lux just survive his poke and wait for him to waste his E and thats when you poke or trade with him. Lvl 6 is the same thing wait for him to randomy throw his E and just all in him.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Xerath is a typical artillery mage. It all depends on how well you can dodge his abilities. If he uses his stun aggressively, you can engage him using your W and take away a significant portion of his health.”
Glitchgun says “He can be a real pain with poke, but I find it easier to dogde his skills in midlane than in bot. You should be able to survive ult if you got both ult and barrier. Since he is so slow, I like to go Arcane Comet against him”
Lindroganti says “You will be poked, but this man is made of actual glass. Ulting on him is just as easy as ulting lux. His main Q poke causes him to stop moving, so it's easy to jump on him.”
stormraided says “Just Lux, but blue. avoid his stun by standing behind minions, shove and roam and 6 if you can't find an opening to kill him. Don't stand in your wave to force him to choose between pushing and poking you. You should outscale him pretty easily.”
Fuzzmonkey says “A fair 1v1 fight in the river would certainly be in your favour. Xerath has the bonus of having huge range. He zones you out of farming, and you cant really engage on him because he most likely hugs his tower. Take advantage when he decides to overextend without his E up. ”
support_diff says “Wait for him to use his W or E, then go for a trade. Use your E to dodge his poke and outfarm him. His ult is really good for securing kills”
Wraithlander says “With the Xerath changes this champion has become quite a threat. His poke damage is very high and if he plays very safe there is nothing you can do. If he mispositions trade onto him and try to avoid his E. Otherwise just play for skirmishing or catch him out with your jungler. His lack of mobility is his major weakness.”
Hakuanivia says “Establish lane prio right away. If you let him push you in and harass you for free, the lane will be unplayable. Be creative with your dodging for his Q, and try to bait out his W by tethering. ”
support_diff says “Xerath can easily poke you down as your auto attack animations are longer as you attack twice. Even if you get close, he can stun you and hit the combo on you. However, he is really squishy and can easily be killed by your trading capability. Try to trade as much as you can to stomp him on lane”
tangerrine says “SO ANNOYING, he is a SUPER long ranged champ that can poke you with high damage at any point in the game. Best piece of advice, build boots early on to try and avoid his abilities easier and engage when he wastes his stun. Electrocute would be a fine option, with Glacial OR Rocketbelt to catch up to him and his immobility.”
nezumiichi says “Skillshot based. You should be fine if you know how to dodge. All-in and kill him after baiting his stun. Watch out for scripters, they love this champion.”
TheFakeMord says “Just dont get poked down, appart from that he is immobile so its an easy kill. If u think u are going to get poked down u can go second wind , but i really dont recommend it ”
Zero macro says “Xerath and Kog'Maw are both poke mages, Xerath has more range earlier on than Kog'maw. This is a very even matchup that is based on skillshots and wave push.
Recommended to take teleport”
Rarnetto2 says “Using Xerath as a placeholder for champions with good waveclear. These make for tougher matchups as its harder to push lane and so roam without much penalty. Recommend going Shiv as a second item, to assist with pushing power.”
freuio123 says “Ähnlich wie Lux, nur nicht ganz so schlimm.
Wirst outranged und outpoked, aber all ins sind einfacher, als gegen Lux.
Ist quasi Lux Matchup auf Wish.
Du bist aber einfach der besser Champion, kannst besser roamen und in teamfights deine Rolle besser erfüllen, da Poke derzeit einfach bad ist.”
Anguish333 says “- U prob won't really lane vs this, since he looks to perma push wave and go under turret
- Just dodge spells
- Free kill if he misssteps with E on CD
- Keep in mind that his Ult gets 1 more charge every time he levels it up (3 Charges on Level 6, 4 Charges on Level 11, 5 Charges on Level 16)”
NickLeVlach says “Hard match up, im not gonna lie. He has a long Q and you have to predict it. His passive gives mana return, killing minions. Make sure that, he will miss the W and kill him. Also, he can't press R near you, cause you will cancel it. If he does it, then make a full combo and finish him with your R.”
AdrikN says “UGHH... I hate this guy...
Buy boots and try to trade him if possible. He is very squishy so you can combo-kill him. TP and Barrier are good. Ghost works too if you want to roam you can just ult the minion wave and just leave. ”
Zeusman00 says “Very oppressive to play against, you will never be in range to trade with this champion, only option is to have a jungler camp him, or try to clear waves and roam ”
Angryappleseed says “He pokes a lot, but start boots and go merc treads. It should be easy to dodge his skillshots and should help u tank his damage and cc. Trade aggressively and stand to the side of your wave so he has to choose between using spells on the wave or on you.”
Painters says “He outranges you and has much more ability to poke you. He is immobile however, so if you land abilities on him, you can kill him with ease. He is vulnerable to ganks as well, so try not to shove in the lane unless you're going to roam.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Extremely not fun to play against as mid or support, but not as bad as Morg/Panth. If your teammates want Morg/Panth and you can't ban, ban Xerath instead.”
Cryniu says “It's a hard match because he can poke you a lot and keep his distance so you can't poke him freely. Focus on dodge his skills and clear the wave. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
bhakli says “A bit harder because he can poke while you are farming under tower/freezing. Try to go out of vision, E1 than dash on minions and E2 him for a kill.”
Trisend3 says “Just reliant on you dodging his skill shots. Rush tier 2 boots just keep shoving him in and look for roams unless he misses E then go for good trade.”
vxnity says “If you can dodge most of his skills, it'll probably be a minor or even threat, but knowing myself and other Silver Surfers that probably won't be the case. If he misses his E and he's low, that's your que to go in.”
kaiba77 says “Rush boots to dodge his stuff, kill him for free after 6. Rush rocketbelt to help gapclose/dodge. Do not stand in your minion wave as his best case scenario is hitting both the wave and you at the same time.”
Edwwardo says “Unlike many matchups where you want to exploit your range, this matchup is a bit different. If you can use your E to dodge his stun, preferably at an angle towards him, you can punish him early with your Q:s. It's high risk but if you want to win lane then you can't let him have a fight on his terms.”
AnxialSociety says “Spellbook hexflash biscuits cosmic.
Celerity gathering.
Rush boots.
Get boots early, focus on dodging abilities, and don't allow him to e-stun you.”
Deru says “A good xerath will make you unable to play the game mid to late game since he outranges you and can avoid your engage by perma kiting and ccing you. Play accordingly and try to roam whenever possible.”
Deru says “A good Xerath will make you unable to play the game mid to late game since he outranges you and can avoid your engage by perma kiting and ccing you. Play accordingly and try to roam whenever possible.”
MiniLuxi1 says “He can easily keep a distance with you and beat, so it's better for you to focus on farming, and dodge his Q, which hits the line, and W, on the area around. It is sometimes seen in R, you can flip it with your W. Also if he comes out of the creeps. or bypasses them, move away or get ready to dodge his E, he can cause significant damage for this short stun.”
StralekS says “Free ASF: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo.”
Mayuushii says “Skillshot dodging sim. Be weary of his poke and try to avoid it enough. When he goes up you can use Q to poke and W to move to dodge. Use R to go forward but care his E cause then he gets free combo and leaves”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup.
Can you dodge his skillshots? If you can, you win the lane easily. You get early push and lane dominance with Aery, make roams, and create leads elsewhere on the map if Xerath is too afraid to fight you.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Foxy The1st says “Winnable but hard, Max Q, go HOB, try to shove waves and roam more than he does. you cant really kill him if he has Barrier and a brain.”
DabiDabi says “His poke is super long and annoying. He does a lot of dmg as well. Don't let him line you and your minions up. Your advantage is that he uses a lot of mana. Farm and stay as healthy as possible until you get lvl 6. If you get him low enough, bait or dodge his stun and look for an all-in. ”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Xerath is another poke with a stun, Dodge the stun obliterate him if he walks to far up.
Also note that you can just use W and E to dodge most of his attacks.”
TheAfricanDream says “If Xerath plays at his max range, there is nothing Swain can do to fight Xerath. Try your best to land a W as soon as Xerath starts to charge his Q and that will slow him, making it almost guaranteed to hit your W. If you manage to land an E on him, try your best to dodge his E as that is the only way for you to ever kill him in a fight. Take Second Wind as one of your runes and buy a Doran's Shield as your starting item.”
ThatsKindaSwaggy says “Poke mages bad. But Xerath is the worst one. He can constantly stun you and hit you, sure you can dodge everything, but at the cost of your sanity for the rest of the match really.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Your Q allows you to evade his abilities. He can push hard and zone you early game though, so it is all about hitting your liandry's spike here. ”
Cjtheawesome says “I will say a good xerath can poke you out with his Q poke, but take as much early cs and later on the match will be a lot easier as he will have to rely on his E landing to get kills.”
Demonsedge90 says “An annoying matchup for Syndra. He makes your life a living hell with all his poke damage. You can mitigate this by getting boots early to assist in dodging his skill shots. Also, playing safe and waiting for your jungle will make it easier to scale into the late game.”
Atemporal says “Esta é, na minha opinião, a partida mais fácil de Ekko. Se você está jogando com Ekko e o inimigo trava no meio de Xerath, a partida deve ser vencida para você. você vai normal Q comece com Electro
você acabou de jogar o nível 1 seguro. O que eu costumo fazer nesta pista é ficar atrás dos meus lacaios nível 1, então se ele tentar te cutucar ele também empurra a onda. Pegue um 2º ponto em Q no nível 3 e empurre com força e recupere para Dark Seal. Sempre que Xerath
vai usa W em você, E para evitá-lo. Quando você empurrar as ondas, fique ao lado de sua onda para que ele tenha que escolher entre cutucar você ou igualar sua waveclear. Não tenha medo de E para evitar seus Qs também quando você for para o push.
No início do jogo, você pode negociar com ele quando tiver a chance. Mesmo que ele te atordoe quando você pular sobre ele, a duração do atordoamento no alcance corpo a corpo é de apenas 0,5 segundos e se ele usar E, muitas vezes fará com que ele fique ""preso"" dentro do seu Q, então ele ainda fica
acertar. Depois de 6 você pode até começar a negociar com ele sob a torre e você pode facilmente mergulhar nele se ele estiver baixo. No seu Proto spike o jogo fica ainda mais fácil, mesmo que Xerath esteja com hp cheio eu vou mergulhar nele. Se você não quer fazer mergulhos arriscados, você pode facilmente
apenas empurre cada onda e vagueie. Xerath não sobreviverá se você o emboscar, então ele não deve correr o risco de segui-lo. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: TP/Heal
Er hat ähnlich guten Waveclear, scaled genauso gut und hat mehr Range also musst du versuchen ihn early zu poken. Steh außerhalb der Minions damit er sich zwischen dir und der Wave entscheiden muss”
Lucid Walking says “This guy is a nightmare and is another reason to rush Lucidity Boots so you can dodge abilities and have flash/barrier more often.
He pushes too hard and that's a problem for Soraka
You can cancel his Q and R.
SanyGame says “Xerath is a oppresive champion for Heimerdinger. To counter his long range abilities, keep your turrets spread out so that he has to take them out one at a time. This will drain his mana and make him less effective in fights. Additionally, use Heimerdinger's passive to kite Xerath's abilities, by quickly moving around. To further increase your chances of survival, it is recommended to buy early boots, this will help you to dodge his abilities.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Movement is key in this matchup as his only damage lays on skillshoots. Early might be a bit hard but late you win. He outranges you hard and you need to play around your barrels as he is inmobile and easy to hit. The good thing is that you can oneshot him late and he cant do the same to you as you can W his stun. prowlers claw counter him hard.”
Spoomk says “Stun is scary, and his range is long, but he's a sitting duck when he walks up for CS or tower plates. easy if they aren't great, and not too bad when they are.”
xblademojo says “Don't take Magical Footwear in the runes, possibly start Corrupting Potion. Even matchup, a lot depends on the wave management and rotations.”
xblademojo says “Predator + Corrupting Potion /Doran ring. Boots first base into Lost Chapter. Max W, and play with your jungler. If the guy is bad you might kill him with Predator. ”
sapphire__lol says “Depends on jungle mathchup. If you have a ganking jungle he is super doomed. If not just push facetank him and roam he cannot roam himself so youre super fine. ”
GoodMangoes2war says “Not as dangerous as Lux. The long range threats are the first concern. Big damage from extreme range allows him to harry without counter-threat. Senna wont equal the range/output until well after Manamune is built.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
SkyBanana says “Annoying to go up against since he is always screens away. Xerath is a hard match up. Free mana on passive with very strong poke and wave clear. Later game he won't be touched so you have to land a good R to force him to come to you or else you won't see him until you have a grey screen.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Mix this with his low mobility- he is easy pickings for any would-be aggressor. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
TB Azir says “Benim gözümde Xerath'ı iyi oynayan bir oyuncu gerçekten Azir'i birebirde yok eder. Şahsen her maç banlıyorum. Siz de iyi bir Xerath oyuncusuna karşı bir laning oynarsanız Azir’in birebirde Xerath'a karşı ne kadar useless kaldığını daha iyi anlayacaksınızdır😭
Rün yok perma ban👍🏻”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty annoying since he has better poke power. If you can dodge his Q and W pokes and waste his mana you might be able to do better poke wise, but just make sure you don't feed him or let him poke you down too hard or he basically wins the entire game.”
Body Those Fools says “Same thing as Syndra and Vel'Koz, dodging simulator. This matchup is easy if you can dodge his abilities, if you can't, then it's very hard. You can buy and upgrade boots early to give you enough movement speed to dodge his abilities. If you struggle with dodging, you can consider Taste of Blood or Biscuit Delivery for extra sustain. Never let him AA you because he will get more mana back from his Passive if he hits a champion. Make sure to sidestep his E so you can't get hit by his full combo. Make sure his E is down and you've gotten him to low HP before you engage on him. He's very immobile, so communicate with your jungler and you can farm him. You can click back and forth in a couple directions to make your movement harder to predict to help you dodge his abilities.”
RIPStollie says “This has become one of my least favorite matchups because of how much Xerath outranges Brand. Flash is a very valuable tool in this matchup, and your goal is to all in if he gets too close. Try to make him walk up by holding the wave close to your turret and allowing your jungler to help kill him as he has no mobility.”
Bunan says “Conqueror-POM-Tenacity-Last Stand-Biscuits-Cosmic Insight
Dark seal refillable
W max->Q->E
Rush ionian boots
No need to go ignite, electrocute or magic pen if you get in meele post 3 you burst him
Ability CDs Q(9) W(14) E(13)
Engage if he wastes E
Good xeraths will hold E
If you E2 before you are stunned you will still dash towards him
E2 cancels his R
R 5/10”
HikariWoosh says “You won't be able to play lane against Xerath, his constant poke and mana sustain makes him super annoying to deal with, and virtually impossible to solo kill. Focus on managing the wave to open up roam timers in which you can get a lead, but be careful of his R.”
Kurchina says “Same as vel, annoying as hell and u cant really do a lot to him, even first time xerath will play from a far making ur barrels useless, however once u get into his face, easy kill”
vincere omnia says “if hë has brain and takë barriër u can't do anything.
Aftër 12.10 ü won't be ablë to onëshot this ëvën w fullcombo if hë has barriër”
ze kraken says “This should be a tie. You're both too far from each other to do much. If he get's closer you poke and run. If you get closer, the same goes for you.”
Super08131208 says “Xerath will want to shove you in your tower and poke you. Don't let him do that and don't let him line you and your minions up so that he cannot his both of you and the minions. Try to bait his stun by walking straight to him and either side step or E. Once his stun is down you'll win easily as he is an all skillshot champ. Xerath E down = win lane :)
Zoose says “He is all skillshots so early boots will help to dodge them. Try side stepping as randomly as possible. Stay behind minions or further back to avoid his E stun, and go aggressive anytime it's down. It has a 13 second cooldown. At lv 6, look to catch him out and all in him. Keep track of his flash and ping it to let your jungler know. You can cancel his ult with your W and Ultimate. Mercury Treads and Banshees are a great buys to counter his poke and cc.”
spicy ricecaker says “PVE lane. Xerath will just infinitely push the lane into your tower, but your wave clear under tower is decent. Although, if you windwall or EQW his e he is rather squishy. ”
Esrucnl says “Moment you hit your ult this guy is usually DEAD.
Can dodge every ability aswell, so it should be free right?
However this guy will stay under turret and use his Q to clear the waves. Try to freeze whenever he does this and press Q on a minion and R to him to finish him. Should also be easy to gank because he has no mobility.”
Azurio says “No trade possible in lane. You always want to look for burst with letha and ignite. Farm safely and dodge his stun with your E. Wait for mid game, where you can play more in the jungle and kills other enemy with your jungle (or supp).”
7EyesNoSkills says “Avoid his E, and try to poke him while he using his Q ability, that makes him slow down and you can put E-Q-R on him. Kinda fair matchup.”
ddieguito_es says “A more annoying lane than difficult one. He'll poke you a lot, but his poke isnt enough to kill you. He gets Qd and you're in range = he dies. Arcane Comet here!”
beansoce says “Getting early boots and learning to dodge his abilties mainly his q and e, his w is pre much undodgeable. You can one shot him at 6 so just play safe early and stay healthy.”
Bunny Kata says “You can dodge everything with W and E, but he will be peacefully farming and you won't be able to kill him because he is too far away. If he gets too close, dodge his E and OneShot him.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield”
MrBlivious says “If he can hit his skillshots, it is disgusting poke, and very annoying to lane against, plus his e lets him hit all of his abilities if he manages to hit you with it.”
donidaking says “THE TRAIN IS COMING!
Seriously go predator against him and start boots.
You can trade him as he has no sustain but try to dodge his abilities since it s all his dmg.
His E travels kinda fast you might want to see it in practice too before you go against him but you can just Pool his E if you can t dodge it.
If he goes barrier you prob can t kill him early try to get his barrier down before level 6.
At level 6 you just one shot him if he has no barrier.
After level 6 if you ever see him in lane just press predator and go ham on him even if you don t kill him he can t stay in lane since he has no sustain.”
TheKingUltra says “Will poke you a lot and outrange you, Killing him in lane is only possible if he is stupid. he will build pressure on other lanes with his ult you can either stop him form doing that or roam. ”
lilmeatgirl666 says “Probably bring Second Wind in your resolve tree if you have trouble dodging his abilities. He simply outranges you, and you won't be able to do much against him without jungler help.”
Ahri Simplord says “A good Xerath will win you early with his range,after 6 you can definetely all in him if he plays with TP but you need to watch out for his E and not make your R placements obvious.”
Dj Memelord says “Slightly easier version of Vel'koz. Saving grace in these matchups is that both velkoz and xerath are both very easily dealt with if your team has an assasin.”
Dustyacer says “Start corrupting. Consider second wind, cosmic insight, TWT, tp, etc.
Try to e if you are going to get hit by his e. Your e blocks his ult even if he hits behind you, as long as u are facing him.
Constantly try to threaten the w onto him, or get bullied until they let their guard down and they enter our w range and we kill them. Buy boots to dodge abilities and chase into our W and chase him down. If u w onto him without him using e, sidestep after he comes out of cc to dodge it. If he did use e while during your w animation, u get cced for not a long time and can still get a decent trade.
He hard outscales you and he starts getting insane poke after Lost Chapter + LVL 7/9 (LVL 4/5 Q). Try to get roams or get jungler ganks, if jungler ganks dont be afraid to Flash W. Don't hard commit too much as he often takes Barrier.
If he Follows our roams, we bush cheese him on the next roam.
Mid-late game, try to kill him by ulting on him and making him afraid to ever leave his team.
Try to split the enemy team up by splitting (depends on rest of enemy team comp too).”
Bundif says “The same as his tentacled brother, artillery blueberry will try to both shove your lane and damage you at the same time. Make these champs have to choose between one or the other. Remember to always stay healthy and all in at lvl 3. Rinse and repeat until you can finish them off.
DaffeLaffe says “Avoid hes abilities at all cost he will try to slow u down so Q him back if u hit try to full combo him + ignite to kill him. I would rush boost since all his abilities are skills shots.”
Magmora says “Xerath has a very poke and farm orientated laning phase. Try and dodge his Q, and fight him. With superior mobility you can run circles around him. And if that doesn't work just roam. He can't follow you.”
DabiDabi says “It's pretty hard to get close to Xerath. Do not let him line you and your minions up since he will want to Q and the wave. Bait his stun out and his fighting ability is over. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge his skillshots]
[Bait his E then trade him]”
Ara55 says “if he is ever close enough you just fully engage on him and he dies. especially with no barrier up.
Any 3 runes work, depending on how good you are at dodging skills”
ChrisWasTaken says “Your kit counters his. Don't stand in minions so that he pushes + trades, Unless you want him to do that to setup a gank or all in. You gotta think these things.”
keneki ken says “just try to force fights always when you have w up he cant really trade back and after few trades you should be just able to kill him”
Bairdd says “Make sure you take corrupting pot (and maybe tp) in this matchup. He can poke you out pretty hard but you can punish with your E if he oversteps.”
ThePieBeam says “This lane right here is why I stopped playing Anivia for a long time. All of his abilities can cross map you, and are almost impossible to miss on Anivia. Take Barrier, Tear and ask for a lane swap. There is no kill pressure on your part, there is no counterplay, there is no escape beCAUSE HE JUST PRESSES R AND GETS A KILL FOR FREE? FUCKING GODDAMMIT ALL TO HELL SHIT DUDE I'M UNINSTALLING. He's my permaban in case you didn't notice.”
blommit7 says “Xerath isn't necessarily hard to play against, but if he can dodge E's well, its going to be hard to play against him. Xerath's abilites are incredibly ranged, so when you ult he can back up, and still trade with you/fight you out of your ult while youre still in form”
Callmebee says “This guy is somewhere between a major threat and an even lane, depending on how good the enemy is at hitting their spells. Most of the times, you will have a rough time in lane. His mana sustain is better thus, he can poke you more. You can push to try to make him lose some CS under tower, be aware of ganks though! Don't stay behind minions, it gives him easy poke and push on the minion wave, always try to be on the warded side of your lane and side-stepping his abilities as much as possible. Take Barrier.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Xerath is super easy to run down. Just go all in whenever you can and dodge as much as you can. If he has no E then he can't step up. Freeze the wave and keep him from farming or getting experience.”
lonestar1870 says “You want to hard push him as much as you can, roam when needed. Xerath does well when he can push you in and then use abilities to poke you under tower. Keep prio and play around your team, but don't die to ganks.
You can easily get early prio this matchup, auto wave a lot, position aggressively so you can Q if needed. Unless Xerath gets far ahead, you are almost always able to get prio if you aren't playing too passive.You can also set up freezes if your jungler willl gank for you.
Electrocute is good for more damage onto him. Comet is decent since it can be hard to hit 3 spells on a good Xerath. PR is alright if you play for scale.
I prefer Teleport vs Xerath, but you can go Ignite for more kill threat.
Buy boots early. Dodge his spells and win. Don't dodge and you lose.
Get refill/c-pot at some point.”
Desperate Nasus says “Similar matchup as Vel'koz. On early levels use your Fleet footwork, Second wind and Doran's shield to heal his poke. On your first back buy Sheen plus Boots of lucidity and look for a solo kill. You can pretty much dive Xerath with 200+ stacks. Be careful when you dive a Xerath since most of them use Flash and Barrier for summoner spells.”
Dorom says “This is one of the skill-matchups where Sylas has a bit of a disadvantage, considering his small range and easy to punish laning phase Xerath is more likely to come out victorious, but Sylas can go easily in and just obliterate Xerath. Skill-matchup”
CashLOL says “You both wave clear very well. Very squishy. Can look to rush tear into boots for dodging. Don't be predictable with your movement. When he ults you get free full ult damage on him so keep that in mind. ”
Nafnegle says “This guy is somewhere between a major threat and an even lane, depending on how good the enemy is at hitting their spells. Most of the times, you will have a rough time in lane. His mana sustain is better thus, he can poke you more. You can push to try to make him lose some CS under tower, be aware of ganks though! Don't stay behind minions, it gives him easy poke and push on the minion wave, always try to be on the warded side of your lane and side-stepping his abilities as much as possible. Take Barrier.”
ShokLoL says “Oftentimes you can bully Xerath really hard in the first 1-2 levels by E'ing into him with ignite and looking for a kill. After that it can be hard unless he wastes E. Would recommend either straight Q max or 3 points Q into E Max. Rushing Vamp scepter and tier 2 boots will make sustaining his poke easy.”
IAmMakattack says “Xerath outranges you and can poke you through the minion wave. Get boots early. Trick him into pushing the wave, then get your jungler or mid laner to gank. I recommend taking Aery & Biscuit Delivery for additional survivability. ”
pwins says “Xerath has way more range than Zoe, but can also be easily hit with Zoe's spells. Try to dodge his spells and you should be fine against him. ”
Juplicate says “He is ranged with lots of poke and will constantly poke you out. Take fleet and use your ultimate when he uses his to cancel it. He is squishy and don't try to kill him early if he takes barrier. ”
Prof Harambe says “Hard lane for the xerath. You can opt for second wind, and his q makes him completely immobile, allowing for you to land a e. If you land an e, you can often land a q, leading into a w. You can genuinely outpoke him because your e range is insane, when xerath's purpose is to outrange other champs. Other champs with abilities like xerath are generally easy matchups.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Another lane similar to Lux, Zyra, etc. Don't stand in your minions so he has to choose to harass you with his Q or push the wave with his Q. Windwall his E only if its going to hit you from medium-long range but not point blank range because even if he hits you from point blank range it will only stun you for .5 sec which won't really matter too much. Dodge his skill shots by Eing through the wave and push him in to force him to run oom csing the wave. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Just dodge his poke and this lane is incredibly easy. If you freeze the wave at your tower, he is
forced to walk up. He is very vulnerable to ganks and super immobile. Use your E to dodge his Q, W, and ults.
If you ever Q3 or E at him, he will just E you. At level 6, you can just ult him and he can't do much.”
Katawina52 says “Same as Velkoz, but tiny bit easier. His poke is just as annoying, but way easier to all in. When you E>W>Q in always make sure you continue to move around to avoid his E. This matchup depends a lot on how good you are at dodging and how good Xerath is at hitting. Dont be afraid to go for all ins after level 6 and in 2v2s you should hard win unless you take too much poke. Mercs vs xerath is good if they have more cc's.”
eiensiei says “Just like Vel'koz, Xerath simply does what Lux does in lane, but better. His combo always deals more damage. Most Xeraths won't Q right on top of a champion, but to one of its sides. I try to notice which direction he usually goes for and dodge the opposite way (or I'll use W if it looks like the Q is about to hit). He clears the wave with W-Q, but Lux doesn't have the same luxury, so it's good to make peace with the fact that he might have better CS as I'm pushed in 24/7 - however that does leave him vulnerable to ganks. If my jungler doesn't come, I'll farm to the best of my ability and hope I can get better picks later on than he can.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting Potion because Intensive Poke and sustain is heavily needed. Biscuits MIGHT work too but I'd rather have Minion Dematerializer.
In Long Range Mages Matchups you have to try to understand their Q pattern and where they will cast it. They would generally want to either poke
you down to kill you or shove you out of the lane, but the matchup is not really impossible if you get boots and try to get close to them for a nice combo.Xerath is the most oppressive as his Q's bypass minions, but they are dodgeable if you always switch your dodge pattern.
Try to be as non predictable as possible.
Get Minion Dematerializer.
Post 6 try to either get close on them with your ult and outplay with flash OR roam
bot faster than them and get kills. They will follow with their long range abilities but by the time they actually do something meaningful you should have sealead
the deal. This matchup is all about roaming and learning how to
properly dodge his poke on lane. It is okay if you do not get kills, but it is not ok to get killed especially since he cannot 100-0 you unless he's super fed.”
Yeager says “One of the easiest match ups. Take the full sustain page to survive his poke and look for trades already from level 3. He is immobile so it should be almost impossible for him to dodge your skill shots without flash. All in him at level 6 if you've managed to poke him down a bit from earlier levels. Once you get out of laning phase and into the side lane, he can't do anything.”
Hullos says “Out ranges you, has a huge amount of cc making it hard to approach. If he uses stun and slow and still is in wall range that is the best chance to kill him, assuming you have more that half HP.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “We all know this guy and what is he cappable of from big distance. This is why you will pretty much lose all trades pre-6, where it's best to just farm up. At level 6, when he starts channeling Q, you can try to hit him with E,Q,R combo because it's really hard for him to avoid it when he is slowed down due to his Q channel. At level 11 it will be a bit easier to trade him from distance, but still not 100% great because your ranges will be similar. Where you actually start outperforming him is level 16, where your range becomes higher than his, so whenever he is channeling Q, you have free R hits on him, which will force him away from whatever objective that he is currently trying to defend. So chill out here and don't get behind, you will be stronger later on!”
Yeager says “One of Cassiopeia's main weaknesses is her short range. Xerath outranges her, so you should never have a chance of killing him if he positions well.
You can still win this lane but it depends entirely on how good you are at predicting and dodging skillshots.
His waveclear is also much better, so that makes it even harder for us as he can constantly shove in the wave after 1 complete item.
RezoneVerified says “Close distance when trading - you will never out range him! Place turrets right beside him/land an easy grenade to proc multiple beams. Use your passive to dodge his ultimate.”
LunarVortex says “His poke is very annoying to deal with, but once you're close to him, he's in trouble. He's very squishy and has no ways of dodging your Q or getting out of your ult. Time your E well to spellshield his stun when running him down. Buy early boots to make dodging easier.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Just like in the Karthus matchup you should look to buy boots first. Preferably mercs. This allows you to dodge his spells really easy.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “A matchup I like to play against a lot, pokes similar to lux, do not stand in the middle of the wave when he charges up Q because he wants to hit both, force him to choose between you or the wave. The only issue is if you have fights going on bot and top he can ult from mid but if you're quick you can cancel it to give side lanes breathing room.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Xerath can be pretty stressful to play against since it's very hard to get close to him. I would highly suggest buying boots first against him so you can avoid his skillshots. I would also recommend using double chains against him too since he is immobile and all you need to do is keep dodging whilst adding autos to the combo. Try to all him at every opportunity early game using your W as close to him as possible with your E+Q combo, since when he gets items, he'll be waveclearing pretty fast and you'll be using your mana on clearing minions rather than going in for him. Remember to call for ganks on an overextend Xerath.”
Yeager says “The outcome of this matchup entirely depends on how good you are at reading the opponent because Xerath only has skillshots. You can rush tier 2 boots right after you get Lost chapter to make it much easier to dodge his abilities. He has the range advantage at all times, and also better waveclear with enough items, which makes him a good pick into Orianna. You want to get out of the lane ASAP and look for plays at top/bot to snowball your laners. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Works simliar to Syndra, both have stun and both have poke. Try to dodge as much of his poke as possible (buy booys first if needed) and all in him whenever you get the chance to.”
mrmundo says “Just like Lux, it's all about positioning. Try not to be too safe because he will just poke you down. Remember his stun is based on how far it travels (half a second at point blank range) so if you are close to him, it will give you enough time to dodge his W and Q and give him a beatdown.”
AniviaBot says “With Xerath support becoming more and more popular, this is also a threat you will encounter. Threat as support is mainly for same reasoning as in midlane. He has more range than you and with the mana sustain he has from passive he will pretty much always outsustain you in lane.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is a fairly strong 1v1 laner but is vulnerable to getting ganked or all-ined. His cooldowns are fairly long and can definitely be dodged so try keep your movement active and punish when they are down. Make sure you don’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or pushing the wave. Make sure to rush tier 2 boots in this matchup for the extra movement speed. At level 6 be careful of ulting forward and getting stunned by his E, as he will probably ult you on the way out.
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield In Resolve Second wind or bone plating.
LVL 1 E start strategy is really great against xerath.
Try to have long trades against him lvl 2
and kill him
you can windwall his E”
Kords says “Xerath is in my opinion Sol's easiest lane. He is immobile, his only safety in his kit is a skillshot, and you win the extended trades. Roam to ruin his teams day, he can only ult from afar, so he can't reliably follow you. In teamfights, you want to focus him, as he can kill your backline by poking them constantly, you can kill him easily because he is so immobile. Take Phase Rush. His e has ok speed so if he positions like he should further away from you, you have to run straight at him which makes landing it not too hard for a good Xerath. You have to dodge it or else it is a big block though and if it hits you don’t expect to get anything vs him.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath has a lot of range and is pretty hard to kill unless he plays way too aggressive. I would recommend matching TP and just focus on either setting up ganks or trying to find windows to punish if he wastes E aggressively, or if he uses his Q and W at the same time.”
Elite500 says “Start boots and activate your michael jackson dance moves, if he's good he'll make your life hell, try play as aggressive as possible though, you can one shot him at 6”
Dr Eggmund says “Excellent poke champion, mobility is vital and you need to predict his abilities. His main poke is his Q beam, be sure to change up your movements so you don't become predictable. Eventually he'll use it to push lane. Ping your team when he walks down river as his Ult has a large range.”
Ambitieux says “So in this lane versus Xerath you cannot let Xer have his way. If you stay back and try to play the lane regular he will shove you in and poke you under turret without any repercussions. So for this one try to take any trades that look healthy. And you need to have the fancy feet because dodging will be the best way to win. You can also all in at 6 to beat him if he is overextended. His range will be the mountain that you either climb or die on in this lane. Ask for jungle assistance.”
Baion says “This champ outranges you. It's almost impossible to lane against. Try to avoid as much as possible his pokes and sustein your health until jungler ganks you. Revide his pokes with your W and E (your range abilities)”
iZianni says “He outranges us and outpokes us.
We one shot him if we ever land skills, but he outranges us.
Boring match up, just farm and play for mid-late game.
kindo says “Farm lane, not much you can do to try to kill him. He'll stay back from far and poke and/or waveclear from range. Don't let him autoattack you for free - it gives him double mana back from his passive. Q'ing into him to get closer typically helps because it makes his stun duration shorter, so if you are going to fight then you can tank the shorter stun or try to dodge it altogether (in which case you likely won't be in range). W can help sustain any poke you take from him in lane. Just push and roam since it's hard to even get in range.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “This is a very unpleasant champion that can poke you in the early game, but in mid and late game he also will be strong. I played vs him not a many games, but i think, that you can buy boots in first back.”
Zethal_Na says “Long range match-ups like Xerath is harder since you won't be able to reduce your passive cooldown. Play to farm and poke with your Q at a long range. Look for all-ins post level 6.”
Coldsong says “Xerath is a pretty easy matchup unless they are scripting or they are Zwag. As long as you move unpredictably, his skillshots are a piece of cake to dodge. Xerath's Q slows him when he is channeling it, so try to throw out a W at him as it will be way easier for the return part to land.”
resetwice says “Due to his abilities, he will have to choose between farm or poke will (he can do both at same time but is quite hard). As a scale mage his early game is very weak and he needs to farm a lot, so push wave to make harder his scale, avoiding his Q stun. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Save W to dodge poke in lane, this will force him to walk up and auto when he is oom and then you jump on him, really average matchup but also can be annoying if they play safe, since they will probably also be running barrier. V.S. those Xeraths who play really passive, you won't really find a spot to kill him.”
Sylvan Lore says “My least favourite orianna matchup in the game. He outranges and outdamages you with a low cooldown Ult and skillshots that are nearly undodgable if placed properly. The best you can do if counter picked this hard is try to break even and land some nasty late game Ults. Build Mercs and Banshees after a mana item so that you can survive his rotation. Do you best to hide in minions to he cant land an E in laning phase. If you somehow do get in range to combo him, he actually is quite squishy and you have kill pressure. But that is unlikely if he is spacing well.
Recommend: Barrier or Heal and Vs. AP Assassin build with merc treads.”
Impossible2Gank says “If they're good at landing skill shots then it'll come down to how good you are at dodging them. Magic Resist is recommended early.”
richardlized says “Against Xerath you need boots early in order to dodge skillshots. A Xerath with good aim is extremely obnoxious to play against and what you need to do is to bait out his E before all inning. This matchup is pretty simple. If you guys have the same hp exp post 6, you just won the lane if you don’t grief your post 6 all in.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge his everything. Get boots asap.
[2] His E stuns for longer when it travels a longer time: if you jump on top on him it won't be as effective.
[3] Don't stand in the minion wave so he can't harass + push the wave at the same time.”
Nanelol says “If Xerath is anyway near decent he will destroy you in this match-up. He is extremely long-ranged which will make it easy for him to harass you and difficult for you to get near him to trade. He out-ranges you by a lot and his spells are difficult to avoid. He's not mobile so therefore weak to ganks, he is also squishy so you can burst him down after level 6. Try your best to farm until then.”
Thresh Mid says “Outranges you heavily, but once close range he does not have much disengage to keep you away. Jungler isn't necessary but will always help.”
Nanelol says “He has a really big range and will be able to poke you down early game. You have to wait for your jungler to come and help you. Before hitting level 6 the laning phase will be unplayable for you.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) he just completely outranges you so you can't really do anything, same as velkoz even though its easier to dodge xeraths spells and he has less kill pressure on you, just need your jungler to come and gank or dive him, would recommend TP/Barrier.”
Nanelol says “Free enough. If they know how to hit stun then its a little bit harder. Bait the stun similar to syndra ahri and lux, and then all in and one shot them. Ganks are appreciated.
DabiDabi says “Xerath will want to shove you in your tower and poke you. So don't let him do that. And don't let him line you and your minions up so that he cannot hit both of you and the minions. Try to bait his stun by walking straight to him and either side step or E. Once his stun is down you'll win easily as he is an all skillshot champ. Xerath E down = win lane :)”
Nanelol says “Xerath is really strong against Ryze. He outranges you in every way and his abilities have very large hitboxes. He has a stun and his ultimate is really difficult to dodge because of how huge the radius is for each shot. Play safe and let him push the wave. Call for jungle help as much as you can. He's really immobile and the jungle is going to be necessary for you to win lane, unless he's absolutely awful.
tozosi says “Be prepared to play dodging simulator in lane. I wouldn't recommend looking to kill him in lane since he plays far back usually. Though do note he has no mobility so, if he does step up too far, you can capitalize on that.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Q Max, Doran's Shield... The amount of stuff Xerath throws out in lane is insane, but..... He is still super squishy, so you can either dodge all of the spells he throws out or face tank it all XD. You can easily burst him without any issue. Don't forget you can interrupt both his Q and R with your Q channel cancel, so don't be afraid to use it.”
3Riptide3 says “Boots start. Dodge. If he ults you can either ult away or ult onto him. It will probably take him a second to locate you. If possible use your ult on him to stun during team fights.”
Nanelol says “Xerath can be tough to lane against because of his huge range. You really cannot trade with him as he won't allow himself to get into range of your abilities. The only way you can really kill Xerath is when you have enough damage to flash or ult forward and 100 to 0 him, and even this can be negated when he takes barrier. The best way to lane against Xerath is not to lane against him, play safe until lost chapter and then shove and roam. If he follows your roam, you can kill him before he reaches the safety of his tower, if he shoves to your tower and starts autoing it, you can gank your own lane and catch him out of position.
Nanelol says “Sits back and farms with his Q. Kills your pets easy and when u go in to farm pokes u. Farm and dodge lane early until you are strong enough to flash / ulti combo to kill him
TheDuskWalker says “All Summs. Phase Rush.
Become Michael Jackson and use your dodging skills. He can't really win this lane unless you get hit by everything he throws at you. Farm up and one shot him later on.”
Nanelol says “If xerath plays too safe, just shove and roam. Unless the wave is pushing to you, then you can force him to use abilities on the wave until he goes OOM (out of mana) while you poke him with your Q. ”
Nanelol says “His range is far superior. If you even think of getting up close, he can just stun you and run away, then keep on poking until you die. Definetely ask for ganks though, as he has no mobility whatsoever.”
seemes says “he will massively outrange you and can poke you down. however your passive sustain should allow you to survive lane and you are far more useful in early skirmishes.
he is completely immobile so you should look for all ins.”
Sanctuar says “High waveclear with long range abilities makes it hard to bring him down, but once he gets locked down there is no way for him to survive since he is weak to hard CC.”
fanchessfan says “If you have the mechanics to dodge his skillshots, pog, if you don't unpog. Take double MR runes and ghost to help you kite through skillshots. ”
StarTundra says “Xerath is the worst enemy for anivia to fight in general. Anivia has no way of closing the gap between her and Xerath and in the meanwhile your slow bird is flappin on over to him, he's shooting all kinds of beams orbs and artillery at you. Overall not fun to fight, and very difficult to stay alive.”
cookanarities says “Farm lane, not much you can do to try to kill him. He'll stay back from far and poke and/or waveclear from range. Don't let him autoattack you for free - it gives him double mana back from his passive. Q'ing into him to get closer typically helps because it makes his stun duration shorter, so if you are going to fight then you can tank the shorter stun or try to dodge it altogether (in which case you likely won't be in range). W can help sustain any poke you take from him in lane. Just push and roam since it's hard to even get in range.”
TheWerefloof says “He can be very annoying if you're bad at dodging, but he only has one form of CC and no mobility. Since he is 100% skill shots if you get good at AA cancels, you'll make him regret playing League.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Xerath is just a poke mage that can't survive if you get into range. If he's too far back, you outscale him; if he gets too close, you kill him. Take Fleet page and MR.”
Human1208 says “Pretty much anyone with a lot of range or cc can beat ali mid with ease so that's why I recommend when first starting, only play into midlane assassins cause they tend to be easy to beat ”
Oxydation says “You cant kill him, because of his range, in most cases, but in this matchup goes everything around dodging and baiting. He will try to push you in and harass you, so ask for Jungle help. Start D-Shield(if you are Plat or higher)”
Daers says “Try to get boots on first back, dodge his Q and W and try to bait his E in lane. Go in every time he uses E, whether he hits it or not. Take tenacity.”
Little Planet says “He outranges you, outtrades you and outscales you.
Same as Velkoz, play it slow and wait for your mythic before you try anything funky.”
Joseph Evanss says “Same as the Viktor matchup, he will poke you out a ton but once you get Berserkers + Zeal the match up becomes very easy. Try to heal with Second Wind and D Shield. Walk up to him and use your e to dodge his then kill him. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
DynamicConscious says “He just outranges you. If he is a very good player, you will have a very difficult time in lane. But I would recommend trying to all-in on him after he uses his stun, as he has nothing to stop your charge. For him, his offense is his defense. ”
ahspaghetti says “dodge his stun and side step his q, you will make him waste all of his mana, when he is low mana or no stun, you can engage for all in. you can look to buy boots after first back to help in dodging his q (plz unnerf kat 5 pixel movement speed)”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Its honestly a 50/50 matchup it all depends on who missplays more you both do alot of dmg but xerath because of his range has lane prio but try to all in him as many times so you will have more prio in the game”
7daysko says “His range is far superior. If you even think of getting up close, he can just stun you and run away, then keep on poking until you die. Definetely ask for ganks though, as he has no mobility whatsoever.”
AngryAngrier says “Poke support. TL;DR, Outranged, and youre getting perma poked, have fun!
Xerath is horrible once you finally engage, just avoid his stun. He's not at all as bad as Senna, however.”
JoshAy says “Play back and dodge his skillshots. He cannot hurt you without hitting a skillshot. Ult can be decent in fights but at the tail end of a fight (for cleanup, not engage)”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Fleet Footwork Laning Runes and take Unflinching if they have a lot of CC. Xerath is one of the easiest match ups for Yone. Similar to other squishy mages, there isn't really much he can do once you engage onto him, especially if he doesn't conserve his stun. The best time to engage is once he is trying to land his stun on you, dodge it with E and then go in from there. You can take extended trades with him being that as aforementioned, he cannot stop you once you dive him. When he is charging up his laser, this also leaves him vulnerable for your Stacked Q or your ult, so that is another opportunity for an engage. The only threat he really has is killing you if you stay in the lane too long after letting him poke you, so don't get greedy and recall if you begin to get low. If he does happen to ult you though, dodge it with your E1 and exploit the extra movement speed to dodge the rest. You can also E and ult him to interrupt his ult and get back to safety easily.”
xoonaka says “Same Issue with Viktor, It's pretty hard to kill him if he respects you and he can poke you constantly, whilst farming from a distance. If he pushes up It's a pretty free kill since his E stun duration isn't very long if you E him.”
mihaila says “He is squishy but remember that he will stay far from you. buy banshee at some point of the game because u need to dodge his E. Take fleet footwork.”
HeroAronNavius says “The easiest matchup against Yone.
Against xerath go Fleet footwork.
Xerath is a really tiny threat bcs he only has poke abilities. So avoid all of his Q's and E's and you will get through to him just fine. Get first blood and you have won the midlane.”
Noodles912 says “His is super immobile, and if he uses his ult, it's a free shark for you. Get in, kill him, and get out. While laning, stay away from your own minions, so he has to choose between minions or harass. His E is easy to dodge with your E. If he uses it, ALL IN!”
elnino9 says “Dodge his Qs, careful when you walk up to farm as he can Q or W, use shunpo to avoid skill shots if needed. When you go in on him with EW be sure you try to juke his E afterwards as most xerath players will immediately try to throw it out, use W's decay movespeed to avoid his E when all-ining.”
PASS10NE says “The best way to counter Xerath is by dodging his abilities, but that is easier said that done. Do not keep distance from the champion and try to harass him. One W + Q + P combo will take down half of his hp. Be wary of ganks because you will be extending a bit to harass xerath.”
NuclearAkali says “Start W and you can almost always dodge his abilities. If you are having trouble go into a practice game with a friend and just let him play Xerath and learn the matchup.”
Wunsch3957 says “Annoying with his poke but very winnable lane. Avoid his abilities and you're fine. If he has barrier roam after level 6. Fleet with any secondary tree.”
GeDBo says “This is Azir's toughest match-up. Xerath outranges you and if his aim is good, arguably can out-damage you as well. There is a simple trick on making his game difficult - never stay close to your minions. You should stay in between the minion wave and the bushes one the side of mid lane. This way Xerath is forced to choose whether he should aim his abilities at you or the minion waves. If he aims at you, he will loose a certain ammount of CS doing so. Buy boots early on so it is easier for you to dodge his abilities. If he aims at the wave, this opens an opportunity to poke him. Try to shove the first wave. It is difficult to farm with Xerath under turret, especially in early game. Xerath's biggest weakness is his lack of mobility. Unless he has flash, there is no way he can escape from a successful Shurima Shuffle combo. The Arcane comet rune page is strongly suggested in this match-up.”
Modern Giraffe says “Used to one trick this lightning rod. Bring cleanse and just run at him. A good one will play safe but unless he has dedicated peel or stays grouped he is free meat.”
Aht3ns says “Long range poke is not very nice against Mundo. It's not as bad as Vel'Koz since Xerath does not have true damage, but it can still be scary.”
Coldsong says “Start boots and 4 potions into a Xerath, so you can dodge his skillshots easier. His stun sets up his combo, so buy a QSS or bring Cleanse to negate it.”
InkHeiko says “This time it is about high ranged champions liek Xeraths, Vel koz or Ziggs (even if Ziggs might be the worst between the 3): The laning will depend on how well you can dodge the spells. But these champions are strong earlier than you, so if you don't manage to survive or to poke them in early they can take huge advantage (Velkoz's ult, Ziggs' bombs, Xeraths' long range)”
SoraSan says “Essa é a pior matchup para o Azir, Xerath de ta outrange e out-damage(caso acerte as habilidades dele). Existe um truque simples para lidar com o Xerath, não fique perto da onda de minions. Fique entre a rota e os arbustos. Dessa forma Xerath é forçado a escolher se vai bater em você ou na onda de minions, se escolher bater em você, ele perderá farm com isso. Compre botas cedo para poder desviar de suas habilidades. Se ele bater na onda de minions, você poderá pokear ele. Tente puxar a primeira wave, Xerath tem dificuldade de farmar debaixo da torre, principalmente no começo de jogo. A maior fraqueza do Xerath é sua falta de mobilidade, a menos que ele tenha flash, ele não será capaz de escapar de um Shurima Shuffle bem feito.
Cometa Arcano é recomendado nessa matchup.”
BigBushMan says “This is an easy lane, despite the severe range disdvantage. The key here is to stick onto him like a leech. If you are on him, he can do nothing, and you have free reign to kill him. Be careful of his E if you try to dive him, as that will turn the dive instantly. Other than that, just don't get poked out by his range. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) he just completely outranges you so you can't really do anything, same as velkoz even though its easier to dodge xeraths spells and he has less kill pressure on you, just need your jungler to come and gank or dive him, would recommend TP/Barrier.”
tomzieE says “runes - fleet, triumph, alacrity, stand; taste, ravenous go for 3x e and then max q
he si gonna stand under the tower and farm mostly with barrier
block his stun and try to win”
xxseraphinaaxx says “The static floater is hard to deal with for a few reasons. He outranges Anivia and just pokes her to death. Well, just go all in right? No, as he can just stun you and run away. Since you have no mobility, you have almost no way of dodging his ult or stupid beams easily and then again, he can just continue to poke.”
Hiimkata says “Same as Velkoz, but tiny bit easier. His poke is just as annoying, but way easier to all in. When you E>W>Q in always make sure you continue to move around to avoid his E. This matchup depends a lot on how good you are at dodging and how good Xerath is at hitting. Dont be afraid to go for all ins after level 6 and in 2v2s you should hard win unless you take too much poke. Mercs vs xerath is good if they have more cc's.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Trade him from distance so he can't restore enough Mana to trade you, if you dodge his stun using the correct mechanic you can do everything”
mrsuits says “Ask for ganks. If he uses his spells start poking him. push the wave as much as you can but stay away from your minions. If he hits you then he loses cs to the tower.”
bboyxje123 says “Try to dominate the lane from lvl 1-3 and push/poke him into his turret. To win this lane you will need fancy feet to dodge his stuns and poke.”
Pixel Pocket says “He can poke you but you can out sustain his poke pretty easily. He can waveclear but he can't even dream of following your roams with anything but his Ult. Also just in a bad spot right now in my opinion.”
RaZorEUW says “Continuez d'esquiver ces sorts , envoyez lui vos sorts en permanence et dès qu'il a utilisé son E ou qu'il a pu de flash ou de Zhonia c'est un free kill ”
KataTocDo says “Major only because he does long-range poke and late game you will never be able to get to him. Dodge everything and you will win.
Runes: Elec - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield”
Jnewbringspain says “This matchup is just like Lux, without the shield, so it's slightly easier. Hard to hit because of his ridiculous range, but easy to kill if you can manage to get in on him. Avoid poke best you can, and focus minions during his cooldowns.”
wildersovereign says “This matchup is similar to Vel'Koz, but easier and more annoying due to his poke. His poke in the early levels is notable, although you really can't do much offensively about it. Once you gain a few levels, you can start to meaningfully trade with him. Predict his E with yours and kill him with a binding. He is very immobile and his Q slows him, so take advantage of this to assassinate him every chance you get.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Predator matchup. Its one of these matchups where boots start doesnt seem as bad. Dodge his abilities, get him to half hp and flash on his ass. If he is good youll have a hard time but bad xeraths are easy to abuse.”
rajsovsky says “Pretty much similiar to velkoz's matchup. If he didn't have S+ from math he is not going to be dangerous, but still respect him as he has a lot of range. If he misses his E you can try to dodge everything else and poke/kill him.”
invalidd says “Easy matchup, you heal up most of the poke and you can zigzag his stun utilizing your W and then hook him over for a big trade, he has a really
hard time using his ult vs pyke because you can go invis or even E one of the projectiles, easy to sneak up on in jungle fights. Easy to setup ganks on.”
TheRealFloyde says “Depends on how good player is just try to poke him and be fast with your dashes try to freeze lane and go for pokes when he last hits thats the most vunerable time for xerath to be punished”
lkycch says “Use GLP to setup Q+W+Q stuns on him, but never get too close to let him stun you. In lane, try your best to move diagonally as soon as he releases his Q, so that you can dodge it. It takes tons of practise to react quick enough, which is why he's one of the best poke mages out there! Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
StarForger says “Your low mobility makes it very hard to dodge his skillshots. He outranges you and a good Xerath can make the laning phase one-sided. ”
Fox_Gan says “You can easily trade your shields for his mana. He has passive for mana charge, but the time of it's recharge is too big, so you can easily make him run out of mana. USE YOUR [Q] TO AVOID LANE HARRASING FROM HIM. BUY MERCURE THREADS TO REDUCE DAMAGE AND CC TIME.”
lkycch says “Engage while side-stepping his E stun, then E+Q+W+Q him for a sweet engage with your ADC. The problem is actually staying healthy enough in lane against this guy's insane poke! Use TS+GLP to setup Q+W+Q stuns on him, but never get too close to let him stun you. In lane, try your best to move diagonally as soon as he releases his Q, so that you can dodge it. It takes tons of practise to react quick enough, which is why he's one of the best poke mages out there! Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Xerath: Mas de lo mismo, solo tienes que esquivar su Stun para luego abalancarte hacia él. (compra hielo eterno o eco de luden)”
bboyxje123 says “Personally for me this is the hardest matchup for ahri. Since you can't really poke him down in the early levels because he is not melee. Try to dodge as much as possible and play with your team ( roam a lot ).”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Try to avoid his poke
- Don't stand in the minion wave or he can both shove and poke you
- Try to match his waveclear
- If he chooses to poke you, push the wave
- Consider buying Mercury Treads
- Push and play for jungle
- Outroam him level 6”
Scyrine says “Me personally I don't have too much trouble with this champ because I can read him pretty easily, but just try to dodge his skillshots and engage him after his stun. ”
BCota says “Pokes you out of lane. You better improve on dodging skillshots for thing matchup. Take DShield dodge everything you can, use pool ONLY for his stun and dont be afraid to almost int for poke since you heal it back. Once hes low enough oneshot him. After large rod you can poopoo on him even through barrier”
Chili Dog says “Start boots and activate your michael jackson dance moves, if he's good he'll make your life hell, try play as aggressive as possible though, you can one shot him at 6. Both runes are viable.”
kimjisoo8 says “Super easy to beat, just ult him down, and use your ults to escape his abilities. He is so squishy and will be dead in 2 seconds. (His poke is annoying but don't let him live long enough to poke you).”
Niqkl says “Get boots first back and start dancing. If he has the density to not go barrier, and heal or something worse, pop flash or ghost at level 6, ignite early and run him down ONCE YOU HIT A SINGLE EMPOWERED Q”
FalleN3 says “This lane is a nightmare. If Xerath is anyway near decent he will destroy you in this match-up. He is extremely long-ranged which will make it easy for him to harass you and difficult for you to get near him to trade.
He out-ranges you by a lot and his spells are difficult to avoid.
He's not mobile so therefore weak to ganks, he is also squishy so you can burst him down after level 6. Try your best to farm until then.”
Last Roar says “strong points: Great Range, Great dmg.
Weak Points: Immobile
Obj: Wait for good Q or trap to mark him, then all in. Cleanse or QSS will help avoid getting stunned in the all ins. You can outroam him, easily but you need to keep the lanes push up as he clears well.”
Sadkid says “Xerath poke can be quite frustrating. Consider taking Corrupting/Biscuits this lane. Later on he is squishy so play around the terrain to hit Es while he Ultis. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Outranges you quite a bit, you have to be good at dodging his attacks if you want to win. Try to poke him with E and get ur jg to gank, you two can also dive him if you have a tanky jg. He is really squishy so if he gets in your range, go erase him.”
SkellyBirb says “Xerath has a lot of poke and can be annoying to face early game. However, he doesn't have much to stop you from one shotting him if you land an elastic slingshot once you have some AP.”
WolfRider01 says “Avoid stun, get in his face and just slap him. You win lane hard. DO NOT PLAY PASSIVE. Be as aggressive as you can without over extending. By being passive you are letting him win. ”
k1t3k1t3 says “Neeko has great matchups, and ot all of these are even too hard, the main issue is they can run you down, 1 shot you, or have potent CC to shut you down during teamfights.”
Papzz says “Try to play near him and be careful with his E as he can pretty easily do his whole combo on you. Cleanse or barrier should be fine here. Don't go for ignite as he is very ranged champion.”
Bobbab says “Very long range, if you can get onto him when his e/w is down as they stun and slow. Jungle ganks makes him unplayable as he is immobile.”
sweodigaming says “Xerath has very good poke, and he does not easily run out of mana, because of his passive. He will probably try to slow you with his W which is very hard to dodge then try to Q you. Since Annie does not have much mobility you will be bullied hard.”
MetaKnight13373 says “Xerath can be tough to lane against, You really cannot trade with him as he won't allow himself to get into range of your abilities. The only way you can really kill Xerath is when you have enough damage to flash or ult forward and 100 to 0 him, and even this can be negated when he takes barrier. The best way to lane against Xerath is not to lane against him, play safe until lost chapter and then shove and roam. If he follows your roam, you can kill him before he reaches the safety of his tower, if he shoves to your tower and starts autoing it, you can gank your own lane and catch him out of position. ”
Glasletter says “Similar to Vel'Koz, the range is annoying but you actually beat him pretty easily as he has to slow down/stop for most of his abilities, and his main CC is easily shielded.”
Magical Rock says “Xerath is easy to play against because he does absolutely no damage outside his combo. His abilities are fairly easy to dodge, but his Q can be a bit annoying.”
ZeMoller says “Xerath is a very hard lane, you have to be able to dodge a lot his skillshots and try to freeze infront of ur tower, and farm up till you can go onto sidelane, where you can hide in a bush and catch him off guard. The only ways of killing him in lane is freezing infront of ur tower and hope he steps too far up when your jungler is around, or if u catch him of guard with a flash ult.”
Jamakin12 says “Dodge his Qs if you are able to. He can poke you down early and is difficult to kill. Once it reaches mid game, you start to scale harder than him. His passive allows him to gain mana, so in most situations you won't be able to wait until his mana drains. This matchup is all about baiting his Q so he misses it, but if he is a smarter player and is better at reading your movement then it is a good idea to play more defensively. I personally unlock W level one in this matchup but unlocking Q is also useful for dodging his abilities. ”
FalleN3 says “In the early levels there is not a whole lot to say, Xerath simply has an easier time than you. If you manage to trade with him you should be able to deal more damage, however your will use up more mana than him each time. His enormous range gives him a big advantage and your best option is to not bother trying to trade with him but to concentrate on farming instead. Try your best to avoid his poke and skill shots and be sure to make good use of your ball defensively (E). Early boots will be a solid buy in this match-up. Once it gets to late game, he will look to poke - you will need an engage, keep that in mind and look for openings.”
Lunasta says “the best chance you can get of killing him is engaging on him when he's trying to farm, just like ahri, he can prevent you from roaming by just pushing the wave, he is not a hard champion to gank, so if you're in trouble, stay safe, try to avoid his poke with your W and wait for your jungler”
Yeager says “If you have trouble dodging skillshots, i recommend rushing boots ASAP.(Then you swap out secondary runes with domination). He has long range poke and strong waveclear. You can go for a portal jump + E when he's charging his Q because he will be slowed. Otherwise do not waste it or you will eat his entire combo”
SkellyBirb says “Xerath has a lot of poke, but very little mobility. If he positions himself poorly, you can catch him out and chunk him down or possibly kill him. You can also roam to gain an advantage.”
Frixen says “Easy if you dodge everything. Like, extremely easy. Ghost recommended.
* He outranges you, so be careful.
* Be careful with roaming as he has a really high range ultimate available to him.
As easy as it is if you dodge everything, abuse his high cooldowns and mana issues to get more consistent results.”
FalleN3 says “If you can dodge his skill shots you will make this lane a whole lot easier than it'll be if you keep eating them up. This is easier said than done and it's quiet annoying how far back he can farm from. Do your best not do die and get to level 6, once you have your ultimate ready to go he is an easy champion to 100-0.”
FalleN3 says “If you can dodge his skill shots you will make this lane a whole lot easier than it'll be if you keep eating them up. This is easier said than done and it's quiet annoying how far back he can farm from. Do your best not do die and get to level 6, once you have your ultimate ready to go he is an easy champion to 100-0. He can keep this lane shoved hard though so you might end up farming under your tower.”
SirGobogi says “He is so far ranged you can't trade with him easily. He will 100% keep harrassing you. Honestly i hate xeraths but what can you do. Just survive and you can kill him later in team fights as you are a 100% greater team fight champ.”
Reason97 says “High range, decently low CD's for poke, deadly burst...... poke champs are always annoying since they can keep your passive down so easy. And since xerath has the potential to whittle you down and kill you without ever needing to come into your range, a good xerath player is a serious threat. ”
xAsuta says “He is a mage who only has skillshots. Dodge his E/stun and you should be able to run him down since he can't escape your all in. He is a free first blood.”
orangepenguinhead says “Xerath outranges Anivia by a lot. During lane phase try to avoid his Q as over time the damage can amount to a lot. Play safe early game and scale to wait for team fights. ”
Fadedreformed says “Not a big threat, just don't stand next to wave when you see him charging up his q, this will make him decide if he wants to have a good wave or poke you. After 6 ult e q and retreat back, avoid getting hit by his e or he is gonna chunk you for a good percentage of your hp”
Shock_101 says “Dodge the skill shots, cuz he deals big damage if he hits all of them. When he gets lost chapter, he can essentially poke for free, so abuse him before that.”
ShockMaster says “From PLat 5 up,Xerath players are very good,and you don t have to underestimate them..it s a difficult matchup because his poke is very large..and if he kill you he snowball very hard. Buy some magic resist,and go all in if you 3 times Q,surely,if you dodge his E.”
Yuki H. says “This can go either way. Either he absolutely dumps on you nonstop, or you make him int and regret picking Xerath against you. If it turns out to be the latter, well, good for you! However, most of the time, he's able to poke consistently with all of his abilities since his passive allows him to constantly regain mana (his auto attacks restore mana every few seconds, and it is increased against champions). His W slows you, which makes it easy for him to hit his Q. If hit by his stun, rip laning phase. It is very possible to stomp him by punishing his misplaced skillshots, and jungle ganks are very essential to shutting down a Xerath.”
Fyir says “They can poke you out of lane very easily from a very far distance. Don't let them hit their abilities on you and the minions, so keep your distance.”
Defensivity1 says “Outpushes you can shove you under tower with a huge wave and stay at too big of a distance for you to be able to poke him, be cautious.”
Veralion says “Not the easiest thing in the world, but survivable. The real threat here is his W. You can juke his Q fairly easily with your W up and his E isn’t an issue if you don’t position stupidly, but his W is very quick and will guarantee him a comet proc and a Q poke if it lands. You have to be very careful when going into that range. And God forbid he ever lands a direct hit with W, slowing you to a crawl. That might get him a full combo and several autos, probably killing you. Play back, play safe, concede farm and gain levels. You won't be able to ever run Xerath down on your own unless he whiffs his stun after 6. They usually run Barrier as well. You’ll probably be stuck farming it out and waiting for your jungler to make a play. His rank 1 ult has 5000 range now, so strap your juke shoes on if you ever fall below 300 life. It's pretty easy to dodge all of his shots with your W active.”
Man0Vit0r says “[Eng]: Xerath has a very high range, if you get too close to get your skills right it can simply use the stun and run away.
[BR]: Xerath tem um alcance muito alto, se você chegar muito perto para acertar suas habilidades ele pode simplesmente usar o atordoamento e fugir.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “He outranges you and pokes a lot, I suggest you take E earlier than level 4 to have a chance to dodge his poke.
Once his E is down and your's is up, you should be able to get a decent trade or without his flash even maybe get a kill with ignite.”
snukumz says “He's a real asshole in lane.
He's a long range poke mage like you except he's better at it than you.
Try to stay away from the minion wave so that when he uses his abilities he has to either try to poke you, or he pushes the wave and doesn't hit you.
Try to wave clear and not let him roam/get in range with his ult.
Your combo damage is higher than his so if you 1v1, and especially if you can avoid his stun, you should win the fight.
I usually run corruption potion instead of dorans & 2 health pots when playing against Xerath because you'll need the extra sustain. ”
1256 says “similar to ap kogmaw besides that he's stronger early and doesn't scale as good, you can run him down after 6/11 easily
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
AZIR MEN says “Not a hard matchup. Just be better
Run Arcane Comet with Domination secondary with Taste of Blood.
Just push the wave. As Azir, you can push the wave AND poke Xerath, but he can't. Make him choose to poke you or the wave. Rush tier 2 boots.
You can take Lethal Tempo, Comet, or Conq. Also recommend taking teleport.”
Pentakai says “Separate yourself from your minions, forcing him to make a choice. After level 6, you can jump on him. You can interrupt his ult with your Q.”
Art1val says “If you are good at dodging his abilities and/or he is bad at landing them then you will be fine, he can't all in you until he gets around 2 full items, and by then you can 1 shot him.”
PepeOnDrugs says “If you can dodge his skill shots you will make this lane a whole lot easier than it'll be if you keep eating them up. This is easier said than done and it's quiet annoying how far back he can farm from. Do your best not do die and get to level 6, once you have your ultimate ready to go he is an easy champion to 100-0.
Debonair Karma says “Xerath's poke is threatening at first but as you get some movespeed from items he'll become easy to deal with. Get a corrupting pot. Shove him under the tower so he has to spend mana farming. Take teleport/barrier”
Gageowago says “Skill matchup in the same way that Vel'Koz is but with one major difference. Xerath's skillshots are way easier to land. When he is charging his q try and juke him by going in one direction for a while and then abruptly switching, and then after doing that for a while just don't switch directions to avoid being predictable. Try and stay out of w range because it is nearly impossible to avoid if he is in range. You win trades if you land charm. His E Q W is far weaker than yours if your items are even. If you are high health you can abuse how his Q works by walking up to him when is charging it and just charming him. He slows down massively when he is charging it and has to completely stop while using it.”
topal says “his range is too much but you can still win trades if you hit your E. dodge his poke as much as you can and stay out of the wave so he doesn't hit both you and the minions.Still winable”
ZombieZack1 says “Xerath will only Win if he is Good at landing Skillshots, Care about his Charging Phases and Try to throw out Shields if you are Losing.”
Lil Tidepod says “Xerath is really strong against Ryze. He outranges you in every way and his abilities have very large hitboxes. He has a stun and his ultimate is really difficult to dodge because of how huge the radius is for each shot. Play safe and let him push the wave. Call for jungle help as much as you can. He's really immobile and the jungle is going to be necessary for you to win lane, unless he's absolutely awful.”
Fhizzikx says “He outranges you pretty well but you do more damage. Try to get closer to him to kill him. Laning phase should be a breeze as long as you don't take too many abilities to the face.”
Capparelli says “Be careful if he has barrier or gets a lead, but the best way to play against him is to bait his E and then engage him, most Xerath's will die the second you get on them”
serruh says “if you dodge all his skillshots in the early stages, you will find this matchup to be pretty smooth for you, but in case the enemy has hands this wont happen very often. he perma outranges you, nothing you can really do about it since you need to massively outplay to kill him or do any meaningful dmg at all. with that being said, you shouldnt be afraid of dying, assuming you dont get hit by everything. as much as it sucks to hear, this matchup is honestly very coinflip, you either dodge his stuff and are a happy smurf or you get hit and feel miserable through whole laning phase. can look to pressure with jg since he is immobile.”
RockitoAhri says “Similar to the Ziggs matchup. Do not just stay back and dodge his skillshots. Play forward, do not go in the minion wave, and trade back with him. This will put him off from bullying you in lane. At lvl. 6, you can all in if he is at 70% HP or lower. Its a guaranteed win, charm is not required to kill him. (Beware of Xeraths running Cleanse. Ignite at the very end for a single tick or more, even if he still hasn't used it during your engage) ”
itsmeSteve says “Xerath is like VelKoz. You get outranged all the time and you wont win lane against a good Xerath.
Just try to farm against him and do never try to go ham.”
The Venerable Racoon says “His main 3 abilities are basically yours but better. This really comes down to how well you can dodge. Rush boots. If he's good then you've gotta hide under tower honestly”
P0rk0 says “Try to avoid his spells and just wait on your ultimate, punish unsuccefull roams by taking plates, or freezing his wave and denying him some xp.”
t3rminated says “Xerath outranges you but this matchup is not actually very hard. Both of you have decent poke (Xerath's poke is a bit better), but your burst is way better. If you catch him making a single mistake, he is DEAD. You can also choose to roam as Xerath is one of the few champs you can easily beat in a 1 v 1 in jungle. Easiest way to deal with Xerath is to freeze the lane and have your jungler camp you. A losing Xerath is practically useless. ”
M1keSujeffki says “Xerath has insane range to poke you down easily, and he can easily poke from behind minions. He can be burst down if you find a way to land your Q.”
ur_mom_gay says “You are definitely going to be pushed around in lane, unless you are Faker or they are trash. A good Xerath won't go into your combo range, so you'll just have to do your best to farm. The reason I don't think the matchup is too bad is because if they don't rush armor, or if you find them in the jungle after you have items, you can instantly pop them with W W R E AA Q and get the kill.”
algeatact says “THE POKE THIS MF HAS TOTALLY CLAPS ME MAYBE IM JUST SHIT BUT WOW!! i always ban him now bc im sick and tired of dealing with this busted mf”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “He outranges you and going to poke you real hard , he will deny you alot
try to all in him when he wastes his E since he cant really escape”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in. He is nearly unkillable because of his range, but if he gets close and you dodge his E, it's a free kill. (care for Barrier )”
Eccentricks says “This one is tough, and requires to rush boots, probably on first back.
Xerath will try to poke you constantly, so keep moving a lot.
The Q is the main contender for damage, and the others are usually followups.
Play aggressive after level 3 and secure an early kill to snowball, its honestly your only chance, unless you have a good jungle that you can ping. ”
8wolf says “His extremely long range will make him very difficult to touch. Farm and try to dodge as much as you can. Consider picking a sorcery page if you plan to declare a poke-war on him.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dorans and Potions
Yeah, decent matchup, but winnable
You need to move around, you cant keep the distance here. But Xerath is slow. So Q him to make him slower, then E W R”
Tehqo says “He actually outranges you pretty hard. You might find yourself in a pickle sometimes but it shouldn't be hard to stay alive as he relies on skillshots alone. If he wastes his E, his most valuable spell, or misses it. You should 100% all in him if you're able to do so. If possible, push lane hard, because its difficult for him to farm under turret.”
NebuIa says “His Q and W poke are very annoying and consistent. Do your best to dodge them and you should be okay. Play this like any lane. He is very vulnerable post 6 so look for R bubble opportunities. Corrupting pot and heal may help.”
TheBlueImperial says “Heavy poke lane but has mana issues and incredibly squishy. If you full combo them they're dead and you have the option to roam.”
Je Suis Azir says “All you need to do is these two things: push as hard as you can since he cannot push as much as you due to mana and cooldowns. Second, stay at the side of the minion wave so that he has to decide whether to use his mana to poke you or get CS. You can shit on this guy.”
DirtyBellyDC says “Most similar champion in the game to Vel'Koz as you're both immobile, long-range poke gods.
This is a skill match up. Dodge his skill shots, hit yours. Try to close the gap so you can finish him off with a full combo. ”
Impswitch says “Pushes you in... so try not to have to farm under tower. Makes it hard to roam but if you dodge his e you should be able to poke him well however his q and w are hard to dodge up close so dont trade unless there on cd”
cobbzy says “The only reason why I label Xerath as an extreme threat is because of his poke. Mostly, trades with him are difficult unless he misses a bunch of abilities. A good Xerath player will take barrier and you want to make sure to punish him when he misses his abilities. Otherwise, he will sit in the back and just poke all day long. Take Doran's shield if you're not confident. Take Longsword if you can combo well. ”
stupid katarina says “(E) He can push quite fast, if your funneler doesn't step in his E, you both should be fine as long as you have good reactions to dodge his abilities.”
LONERlSM says “Annoying champion more or less a skill shot dodging contest xeraths usually just go glass cannon so later in the game we can just r him and put him into half health situation. ”
N1VA says “Though Xerath doesnt deal too much damage to Anivia early game, its the consecutive amounts of damage that will push Anivia out of lane. Xeraths ability to damage Anivia from afar and outside of Anivias attack range makes for a very abusive lane. Xeraths mana sustain from his Passive allows him to continually deal long range damage with no consequence. If Anivia can get on top of Xerath she will dominate.”
DravensBukkake says “HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL (or cleanse if they get tig bitty Elise)
Same stuff as other mages. Force him to use abilities on you, or on wave. If he uses Q early on wave, literally walk up and spawn a soldier ontop of him. If you guys both have everything up, always be at his max range. Your W Q AA will out dmg his Q + E dmg, but not Q + W dmg. Dodge either Q or W, you win the trade. Super immobile mage, easy af gank setups after 6. A trick is to E Q side ways in kind of a 90 degree angle, so its harder for him to land his E when you shuffle in. Either that or flash to dodge his E when you shuffle. BUY BOOTS EARLY.”
Marumo says “Threat level 9.
For Veigar, Xerath is a massive pain in the back side. He has very strong poke, which can also be used to hard shove the wave. He has mana regen from his passive. He has huge range. All these together result in a very frustrating laning phase. If you let him push you under tower, he can use his superior range to poke you. If you try and keep the wave from crashing, he will out sustain you and cause you to run out of mana. The best bet is to wait till the late game where he is not as strong as a team fighter.”
YeeDS says “Xerath has good poke but if you get close with your phase rush and you dodge his E he is pretty much ded. In late he outranges you and can kill you without you get close to him so try to shut him down in lane.”
AdamTheBig says “can abuse when tf hit lvl 3 watch out for stun though and can abuse when he hit tri force. this goes with any slow ap mages that cant escape easily”
HeisendongNA says “Xerath and Ziggs outrange Heimerdinger and they have enough long range waveclear to kill turrets from afar. The best thing to do in these match-ups is max W instead of Q. Make sure to get boots early so you can dodge their skillshots and hit them easier”
Cloud375 says “As long as you can dodge his skillshots, this is an easy lane, but always make sure to be careful! Use your E to dodge abilities when needed!”
Tayna says “Ugh, he can poke u 100 times more than you smh. Because he has a long range, you probably can't ult him or even Q him. But he's easy to gank.”
Garybaldo says “Outranges you, he'll poke the hell out of you and there's nothing you can do about it, set up a freeze and ask for ganks as he's very vulnerable to jungle pressure, maybe try to stop his ult with your E+P”
Sneaky boi says “Just dodge all his skillshots and you will be good. Buy early boots. He doesn't have high mobility so you should be able to kill him in lane, just be carefull of the enemy jungler and you should be good. You can block his stun with your decoy.”
Novok says “Similar to the Ziggs matchup. Do not just stay back and dodge his skillshots. Play forward, do not go in the minion wave, and trade back with him. This will put him off from bullying you in lane. At lvl. 6, you can all in if he is at 70% HP or lower. Its a guaranteed win, charm is not required to kill him. (Beware of Xeraths running Cleanse. Ignite at the very end for a single tick or more, even if he still hasn't used it during your engage) ”
worddog says “You can blink over his E with your E. He is extremely immobile so if you can do it than he will be completely useless. Even if you get hit by a point blank E, it will actually stun you for a shorter amount of time so it can still be fine.”
Novok says “Xerath is the most annoying champion if he knows how to play against Mordekaiser. He can poke and farm from a safe distance and that's Morde's weak point: He has no range to get to him. Try to E him as soon as he gets to close since you outdamage him easily.”
Tchouvline says “Xerath cannot kill you on early game without help of his jungler, your E can harass him, just dodge his spells and enjoy the free gold ! Just give a care about range of his Q and his W.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Very annoying and difficult lane. Hes able hit both your turrets and the wave most of the time with his Q or W and it can be pretty hard to predict and dodge all of his skillshots, even with your passive movespeed. The only good thing about this matchup is hes completely immobile, so if you have a competent jungler you can get him pretty easily. If he starts to really hurt, it might be worth picking up a Banshees if you're constantly being poked out of lane.”
Chromuro says “Can't be bursted down since you can't be never close to him. The only chance you have is when you poke him down and your jungler comes to your lane.”
Big Shawn says “He will abuse his range against you. You will not need to use your W (Windwall) agaisnt him as most of his abilities go through it. But he is not as mobile, allowing you to get close to him fast.”
Fox1ne says “Sustain and damage, you can't really do anything against him unless your jungler plays with you and you poke him out on early levels. Once you hit 6 look for roams instead and not going for trades or even kill him.”
Wizboy73 says “a good xerath will poke you out of lane and make you recall without your upgrade, barrier is a must here for when he reaches 6 that he doesnt kill you. you want late game in teamfights so play safe and towards that.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “Xerath is a very annoying match-up as well. but as long as you can dodge his Q and stun, he's kind of standard. You can also out roam him.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Just E his Q, W, and E, and you can windwall his E. Just don't get stunned, and go in when his stun is down. Piece of cake. A magnus filled cake. Take Conqueror or FF.”
Massive Nuts says “Once you know how your opponent plays, dodging his skillshot can be quite easy. Recognize patterns, and once you E him, he's basically blocked.”
Pumparum says “Xerath pushes lane for easy farming and doesn't do enough damage to kill you early. Hard to snowball onto due to stun but the stun duration will be low. Farm up, look to roam.”
Drewkemia says “With the recent buff (9.15) of Xerath, his ult is actually broken. Also his whole kit has more range than Talon's Q so it's really hard to get your combo off. I despise this champion and everyone who plays him.”
Galactroce says “En early, xerath seras un adversaire horrible en lane, il vous pokeras hard sans trop perdre de mana sans que vous puissiez le poke en retours. Votre seul chance, un E-Z et votre ult quand possible. Attention à son ultime!”
kilgta says “very very annoying matchup, he does everything you do but better and will get assits and kills bot without move too far. try to focus on farming.”
unownreality says “can out poke, but slow will enable easy roots. Long term trades are effective. Dont let him get autos on you to replenish his mana. ”
MechaaZero says “If he can predict you movement patterns then the lane will look pretty grim for you. If you can take advantage of your openings, it will be in your favor.”
RagexAddict says “Another easy matchup for you. His stun is the only ability you should be concerned with. He will try to harass you early, but you will have a clear advantage at levels 3 and 6 for sure.”
Vombat says “Xerath's Q range makes it really hard to come close to him without already taking damage. His stun can literally make you unable to land any skillshot. You should play safely and farm minions and wait for help from your jungler.”
SrSuders says “In meiner Meinung ist Xerath extrem stark gegen Talon.
Er hat einen extremen starken Poke, demnach empfehle ich das extreme und häufige roamen, um auf den anderen Lanes die Kills abzuholen.”
Fluctuation says “Against Xerath, you need to try to stall the matchup and not trade as much pre 6. Once you have your ult, you can all-in, and he's likely to die. When engaging, try to predict his stun and sidestep/flash.”
LyndonK9 says “Against a xerath you want to play forward and try and poke him. Try and dodge his abilities but if you get hit by W it's pretty easy to land his Q. Don't get harassed too much. After hes taken a little poke you can ult charm to kill him. Watch for his E and try to dodge it with your ult.”
TotallySugoi says “It's an annoying match-up for sure, buy boots early just to dodge his skill shots better and buy health pots on back. Try to poke him a lot and just wait until late game.”
Yenwai says “His wave clear, range and damage make him a very problematic matchup for Malzahar.
buy boots early and only all in with R up if the enemy jungler cant help them.
use your teleport to gank while he farms and help your team as you wont win lane easily.”
virkon says “The most infamous counter to Orianna, it's not an unwinnable matchup, but It's hard. Get early Merc treads and Banshee's second item, after that he shouldnt be too much of a pain to play against.”
YourBestSenpai says “Dodge ALL his skills, he requires some brain to actually hit you with them, so show him that you have more brain cells. You counter his ult prefectly.”
Bughans says “Get close, and bust his ass. He has long range, but if he gets too close, as i said, fist his ass until it bleeds. Very squishy, but deals tons of damage lategame, so just be careful.”
QuickChicken says “Xerath statistically counters Azir.
He has range, poke, and more damage than you.
This lane is still winnable as you can shuffle him into your tower or your jungler. Good Xeraths typically win this lane.”
BicBee says “Stay away from minions to make him choose to CS or harass. Keep your ball forward in lane to try and gain some pressure and to discourage his stun. Against a good Xerath it's difficult to solo kill him. Focus on your CS as Ori has a better time than Xerath in team fights. ”
AzureArmatt says “Xerath players will try to keep you as far as they can and stun you when you get close. He can be really annoying with his efficient wave clear and big poke range and long range ultimate to secure kills on you and your teammates while staying at relatively safe distance. His lack of mobility makes him easy target for you if you manage to doge his stun that is quite slow projectile (same goes to your charm) which is his only way to get out of sticky situations when someone jumps on him. Consider buying mercury's treads that will help you survive his poke and also lower the duration of his stun so you will have more occasions to kill him ”
vikt0819 says “A good xerath will be able to poke you out of lane, and will have good enough positioning to push you in, and you won't be an all in threat for him”
Dudstrol says “Xerath causa dano alto e de longe, tornando muito difícil trocar com ele, e ele possui um atordoar que pode te parar. Uma das formas de ganhar dele é com ajuda pesada do caçador. Se tiver difícil, faça resistência mágica.”
overweight_zoe says “Good xeraths can be pretty annoying so make sure your dodging is on point. They'll usually run barrier or cleanse so don't get baited and over-commit. Don't stand near minions so he has to make a choice between matching your shove or looking for harass. ”
Jammy158 says “His poke can go through Windwall, but you have mobility. Dash around and all-in if he overextends. Save windwall for his E. Annoying because of his long-range poke but vulnerable if you all-in on him.”
BARAL says “His Arcanopulse can do a lot of damage and he have a longer range with it than you, so don't stay near minions and let him make a choose between hitting you or hitting the minions, because he want to poke you down while hitting minions at the same time. His Shocking Orb can stun you and after that he will combo you so be careful. He doesn't build defensive items so you can burst him down EASY later on.
LionLifeSteal says “Outranges you completely and can zone you out of lane very easily with basic mechanics. This is the matchup I personally have the most issues with because his range allows him to just play out of your e range at all times and still be able to kill you and your team. Best way to counter him is to play around vision and hit your stun if possible.”
PlaygeP says “Has way higher range than you can poke you down quite easy. Get Closer to him so you can also poke him or give a proper trade which completly relies on skill.”
moutenn says “He stands long away from you, but when he oversteps, kill him. His stun only stuns a long time if you are far away from him. Which you are not when you engage with R. Also a time to go him, is when he charges Q. He will slow himself so its easy.”
qasddsa says “Extremely oppressive laning phase and annoying to deal with in teamfights because of his poke. Once you get going into the late game you need to be wary of his stun or else you could get one shot. You do not want to be pushed up against him so he can't freely harass you. Definitely want a Doran's Shield and Fleet in this match up. ”
Andicus says “Zed is fairly good against Xerath, HOWEVER if the Xerath is good he can constantly poke you into the depths of the Shadow Isles. If you dodge his abilities you win trade. Farm with Q and auto minions whenever you can. Ask for ganks as well. Once you get ahead you can beat him fairly easily as he is squishy. Play him like you would against an Ahri with more range.”
dingram says “He's a pretty tough matchup and eating his skillshots will make this super painful, so dodge his abilities and play safe. Could be worse.. (Diana)”
Gambinos says “Thing about Xerath is that he will poke you out long range but at close range, you're most likely win the fight. All in him at level 2 and you'll kill him or prevent cs from him by a bit. Avoid his attacks by dashing through minions. He'll most likely run barrier so try to make him waste it.”
Sozzoh says “Xerath can be a pain in the ass if they know how to hit skillshots. If not, play aggressive (but still be careful) because Xerath has no mobility whatsoever. Abuse this, and you win lane. Be careful of his stun. Most Azir's stand still when they autoattack, so be sure to kite between every autoattack so you don't get hit by Xerath. If Xerath is a problem, I would suggest getting boots first back so you can dodge skillshots easier. Once Xerath uses a full rotation of his abilities to either push wave or try and poke you, Shurima Shuffle him into your turret and it should be an easy kill for you.”
Katapullt says “It's mostlikely a farmmatchup. A good Xerath will stay very safe and only go agressive when you get a gank. When he runs towards you, you should go behind Minions and go to your tower. ”
iiCrispi says “Out trades you hard, wouldn't recommend trying to go aggro on him without your jungler. Don't let him get any kills from you, or a shutdown, those can give Xerath a comeback.”
AQRC Turtle says “Keep dodging his poke and avoid getting poke for free so play safe until you hit lvl 6 . Always walk side way of the lane and dont stay behind your minion. Once he use his e hes a free kill without his flash or zonya”
Loving those Chimes says “Can be annoying but if you play carefully and buy a hexdrinker you should be fine. You can kill him easily with your 1 item spike. In the mid to late game he is a non existent threat.”
Smol Jelly says “Xerath is a skill match-up. His main Q poke slows him down, making it easier to land your bind, and his ultimate locks him in place. However, his poke HURTS, and he's got range comparable to yours.”
Saddest says “If you can get on top of him he will simply explode. That is the challenge however, you will probably never be close enough to even graze him with a dagger. Laning phase is simply a dodging minigame. Be on the lookout for his E, the stun is no joke if it travels far enough.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath isn't too bad in the early levels but the lane will get harder as it goes on. Play comet E max and focus on dodging skillshots and hitting him with E when he comes up to CS. At 6 you can probably setup a gank and you will be much more useful in fights, so try not to bleed too much 1v1.”
Chuleex says “Xerath is not weak, he has more range and wave clear power than you, of course without his e he becomes vulnerable but he makes up with his extreme poke and mana sustain, looking to roam is harder as he can waveclear very fast but is the best option if you dont find a kill angle, apart from that hexdrinker can help you win the long trade and survive his burst but a great xerath is always hard to deal with. Go dshield and his e cd.”
Zeekar says “A bad xerath can get obliterated by rakan mid, but a good xerath can position himself well and zone you to hell and back. Get refillable potion if the xerath is good. Try and get a gank. ”
zolamalo says “You don't ban this Champion but you can't win either. If he’s good at landing skill shots, or you struggle to dodge them, he can completely dominate the lane. Focus on poking him with your E while pressuring his mana pool, and buy boots as early as possible to help you avoid his abilities.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is mostly a skillshot check, he has long cooldowns so try be aggro if they're down. Once he hits 3 be careful walking towards him due to his E, at this point you will probably only use Q for the shield and instead focus on E spam. If you can have a favorable first base it should be easy, but if you go even then you can start to struggle.”
ShokLoL says “Xerath is a simple skillshot check. Stand apart from the wave, try auto it as often as possible to make him have to use abilities on the wave to match. If he uses all his cooldowns try and zone him off/slow down his push. Rush swiftness boots.”
As a Support 48.96% Win Rate48% Pick RateXerath As a Support Counters: 31 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Xerath as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Annoying mage champion, but if you are able to get on top of him, is very punishable and will nearly always result in a kill or burned summs. Easier and more playable than velkoz, but harder than lux”
Kirkwardo says “Probably your worst matchup. He can lock you down, out poke, and worst of all has built in mana recovery. Still would recommend banning someone more likely to be chosen. ”
Zileanaire says “Out ranges you. Out damages you. However he's an immobile champion and easy to kill with jungle assistance. Painful to lane against. ”
Aerenax says “Xerath is annoying as he can keep refreshing his mana with his passive and keep throwing tons of damage at you. Dodge around his abilities and look for engage windows when he oversteps.”
Randomless says “He has a lot of range and poke, we do have means to sustain poke damage but a good Xerath player can and will out-damage your sustain. Also hard to punish because of range.”
Arctic Arrow says “To handle him effectively, avoid his skill shots by positioning carefully and using your mobility. His Q (Arcanopulse) and E (Shocking Orb) can deal significant damage from a distance, so keep an eye on his cooldowns and try to engage when he's out of position or has missed key abilities.
Focus on dodging his poke and looking for opportunities to engage when he’s vulnerable or has used his crowd control.”
xpwnz1337 says “Long range. Cringe E stun.
Counterplay: Mercury's Treads. Look for flash engages or insec.
Beware of W into his E as it will only knock back and wont knockup Xerath.”
LA COLORADA says “this bastard can be infuriating to play against, but you just have to keep calm. play for objectives and skirmishes, he can't do shit there. his ult reveals his position, so just jump onto him and beat the living shit out of him when he uses it.”
TLK__________ says “to much poke deal to much dmg, idk I can play vs him but im soo good Hwei it doesnt see to much Xerath but care if they pick it just always back”
Foxirion says “Xerath’s high range and burst damage can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. His ability to poke from a distance can make it difficult for Nautilus to engage.”
Stillo says “
Facing Xerath in the laning phase as Braum can be tricky due to Xerath's long-range poke, especially with his Arcanopulse (Q) and Shocking Orb (E) which Braum's shield can't block. This makes it challenging to engage or protect your ADC effectively. To handle this, focus on strategic positioning to minimize Xerath's poke damage and engage when he's vulnerable after using his abilities. Utilize bushes for surprise engages and coordinate with your jungler for ganks to pressure Xerath and gain an advantage in lane. Additionally, invest in early magic resist items to mitigate Xerath's damage and stay relevant in the laning phase”
Foxirion says “Xerath's long-range poke and burst damage make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can easily poke down Rakan from afar and control team fights.”
Cyndakyu says “morgana struggles into poke and xerath heavily outranges her, just try not to die and fall behind in lane, blackshield his stun / slow on w”
Sinyora says “Xerath's heavy magic damage can break our E) Black Shield with a single spell without having it block CC. Then since the rest of his kit is long range, he never has to walk close and risk getting hit by a root.
Added bonus that his spells have no missile time while Morgana's Q) Dark Binding is super slow.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Xerath will try to stay behind minions and exploit his range advantage to poke you down. He will often skirt the edges of the wave to poke your carry, so wait for him to move to the edge of a wave and rush to pin him to a wall.
When he ults, don't be afraid to use W and E to abruptly change your positioning. ”
Cyndakyu says “worst janna lane is into poke
try your best to play at their maximum range, bait out abilities and try to dodge with your movespeed
look to w + auto when his abilities are down (especially stun)”
NotAragami says “Outpokes you, outrange you, this guy's sole objective is to toss everything at your direction. Pray that he missteps somewhere and you can punish him, otherwise just spam E and endure his barrages.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Stupidly long range, stupidly high damage, can delete you. But also. Squishy and easy to hit while he channels. Wouldn't 1v1 unless he is low.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
TnDD says “Fark ettiysen yüksek menzili olan destekler Bard'ı ct'lıyor. Çünkü koridor aşamasında çok fazla yeniyorlar.
Xerath koridor aşamasında çok fazla dürtüyor ve koridorda gerçekten sinir ediyor. Ormancınla daha çok vakit geçirebilirsin(roam at adc'yi terk et.)
Ayrıca Xerath Q'sunu kullanırken kendini yavaşlatıyor ve Ultini %100 tutturuyorsun.(Karşıma script xerahtlar geldiğinde kaçma şansları olmuyor. Q'larını doldururlarken onlara ulti basınca öldürebiliyorum. ) Onu öldürmek için Q'yu atmadan önce yoğunlaşmasını bekleyebilirsin.”
Xintero says “[Skill Matchup] Like Zyra, Xerath's poke damage is stupid and hard to dodge. Some people permaban this champion rather than Zyra, but if you have a good ADC, it can be possible to engage (if you haven't been poked to death). ”
JordyGSmiteq says “The Xerath lane is very skill-based, but definitely in favour of Xerath.
You'll find most trouble with his long range and mana sustain. However, my genuine advice is to be closer to him, and don't be afraid to take EARLY trades.
While Xerath scales really well into the late game, his early-game is unfelt, in my experience, and can easily be taken advantage of by Hwei's dynamic kit.”
Cyndakyu says “i have a mental block against him so he's my personal ban - you can't really touch him in lane so you have to roam and just be sure to cover dives”
HotEspressoooo says “you can only make plays lv 1-2 and pray you get kills or u just get outraged. comet or glacial. all in lv6 for a chance at winning lane.”
Arrowmundx says “If you can land a stun on him, he's pretty much done for, but most of the time you will just get poked down so much and forced to burn alot of mana.”
quecck says “Xerath is infamous for being a great poke champ. However, his only way to escape from you is with his e, and maybe with w.(which you can dodge) But by the time you catch him with E he's pretty screwed. ”
Aerenax says “Xerath is also a "support" with damage and crowd control. Stay healthy in lane and play around his cooldowns, especially his E which is pretty long. When you get on top of him, you can burst him down quickly with the help of your adc. You might have trouble blocking his damage as you can’t block his W and R.”
Ryecheria says “Typically mage supports have more range and better poke, but you could shield damages from abilities. Make sure to dodge crowd control abilities. If they miss abilities (especially crowd control abilities), look to punish or all-in.
Dodge stun, Karma's abilities outclasses. Dodge his Q and shield his W. Prioritize dodging his E at the start of his rotation. It is hard for him to get damage off otherwise. If you have E up, it is hard for him to land R because of move speed.
Play similar to Vel.
Xerath outscales at 30. ”
Maticz3007 says “He outranges you, but he is VERY immobile and you will have an easy time landing W+E on him when he charges up his Q or channels his R. Both builds are fine, Rylai is slightly better.”
FromValhalla says “Ap supports can counter you because they delete your spellshield with one spell. Opt to go an extra point or two with shield if needed”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup.
Can you dodge his skillshots? If you can, you win the lane easily. You get early push and lane dominance with Aery, make roams, and create leads elsewhere on the map if Xerath is too afraid to fight you.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup, try and make him focus you since you can dodge his abilitys with your Q, boxblock his stun, hell for your adc if they cant dodge his abilities.”
Apos says “I find him easy but I put him in minor thread because he can poke your ADC better than you can poke his. You have to trade a lot with him so that he goes oom and targets you.”
Yoshiking123 says “Lane phase is pretty difficult. It's super hard to approach him and although you can mitigate his poke with Shields and Heals... it doesn't feel good to waste mana just to prevent the poke from becoming a problem.
Mid-Game is pretty much in your favor as long as somebody on your team can force fights.”
Lunar Empress says “The worst mage you can fight against in support. Has so much range and can remove you from lane. I recommend roaming frequently or getting kindlegem first item to combat this. ”
Sailor MOwOn says “Extremely not fun to play against as mid or support, but not as bad as Morg/Panth. If your teammates want Morg/Panth and you can't ban, ban Xerath instead.”
mazewalk says “Vel'Koz, but worse. Sure his ult range is huge, but his disengage tool is so shit if you position correctly. Look out when he's charging his Q and step away.”
Afnyc says “Basically a skill matchup. Tether and walk straight to bait his skillshots, and dodge when you see the animation. After laning phase it becomes team reliant,”
bxbycos says “Poke Champs like Brand and Xerath are dangerous for you, since they can perma poke you low but you also need your W for your Team in fights, but at the same time you also need HP for yourself..very rough imo.
The only way to abuse your Champ is to press your E on Xerath when he is casting his Q or R. ”
Dotje says “Xerath can poke you easily if you don't dodge or punish him for missing. Without his stun or while charging his Q he's very vulnerable, don't be too scared to engage. If he gets ahead you probably want to get some mr/hp.
Take the rune "biscuit delivery" to sustain better.”
Aerenax says “Xerath is also a "support" with damage and crowd control. Stay healthy in lane and play around his cooldowns, especially his E which is pretty long. When you get on top of him, you can burst him down quickly with the help of your adc. ”
Wounds2 says “Laning is rough early if Xerath hits his poke, but the way to beat him is to utilize your passive so that you can bait out his abilities and fight when they are on cd. Xerath is only a problem in lane and becomes easy to deal with later.”
Cyclic says “Like lux and xerath but once again slightly worse. Senna hp nerfs and second wind nerfs hit hard here as his Q does a lot of damage early and is really hard to avoid before you get your full boots, making wave control hard to get. He will pretty much always outrange you with his Q so even in late game teamfights you have to be wary of his insane long range burst damage”
Prenora says “Xerath doesn't do well up close and personal which is where nami is best, use your passive to dodge his skill shots, when you see him charging up, rush into his face”
xayahh says “outrange & outdamage, not much you can do here other than dodging. you'll be relying pretty heavily on your jungler and adc for the matchup.”
Hannabelle says “i guess you could dodge everything but thats not realistically possible, he outranges you and will poke you down. has perma prio. spam ping your jungler to punish him and get his flash”
Toches says “More annoying than threatening
Decent poke, gets outscaled
watch mostly for his stun ball to dodge it, his targeted circle does pretty negligible damage, and diagonal movements make his Q harder to land.
try to E him if he goes for mana regen off a champion, make that scary for him.
practice juking his R, with upgraded boots you should get pretty good at only soaking 1-2 shots max.”
mental patient says “[DODGE/BAN] Outranges and demolishes you on lane. Unless you have a hard engage jungler who's willing to build a tent on bot don't bother.”
mellorwastaken says “Skill matchup since he is xerath but in your favour, you can dodge his stuff with W ms and E and you shouldn't have problems reaching him so i would say the matchup is in your favour. As every mage, look to punish wasted cds.”
iveye says “Long range poke similar to mages like lux. As hard as it is to get to him given his range, once you do get on him in a CC chain he or carry are likely dead.”
PullTrick says “Oftentimes you can bully Xerath really hard in the first 1-2 levels by E'ing into him with ignite and looking for a kill. After that it can be hard unless he wastes E. Would recommend either straight Q max or 3 points Q into E Max. Rushing Vamp scepter and tier 2 boots will make sustaining his poke easy.”
WhiteLotus says “He will keep you on range with his W and Q. Play around the Fog and let him waste his Abilitys. If he steps to close to you, you can run towardas him. Make sure to dodge his E and you will get a kill.”
veeixin says “Outranged and heavy poke game.
Either get level 6 and start roaming, or play safe. He should be your first target in the lane when engaging.”
gizemdeniz says “His range is very long, it's extremely difficult to get close or to cast a charm if you don't have a good ADc. Not to mention his ultimate is a complete nuisance.”
aRhesty says “Xerath will punish you hard if you can't dodge Q's, but remember that he self slows so any counter engage on him with Q-E is literally so free it's insane. His ult will destroy you if you don't have enough movespeed to dodge it. Skill matchup.”
KeisariKarma says “Unlike zyra and brand this one is much harder because he does the same damage as them but completely outranges you, if he is good you dont get to play the game.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| As a support Xerath brings little to no utility to his ADC, in exchange for damage in the form of skillshots and high waveclear. This means that by dodging his skills you're effectively making him completely useless. His W slows and sets up his stun and Q, so Swifties are a very solid choice in lane. Roaming can be difficult as Xerath can reliably poke out your ADC even under tower, but setting up ganks with Glacial or even just scaling with Aery is pretty easy here. The entire laning phase is just played like a game of Dance Dance Revolution pretty much. |||MID||| His low mobility and high waveclear can make him very gankable if he's dumb, but if he's freezing you will just be wasting your time. Also invading the enemy jungle can be sorta dangerous as Xerath can assist his Jungler without moving from Midlane at all.”
zotet says “Xerath will make it hard to push their tower due to his insane range, he can easily shred his enemies if they get too close and can be very strong. His main weakness is that he has restricted movement and is very immobile, this makes him and easy target to Senna Q, W and R. Take fights when he is isolated and don't stay close with your ADC.”
Melyn says “Only reason I'm not putting a 5 is he's easy to gank (especially if you bait his stun beforehand).
He has super long range poke and often doesn't run OOM. If you ever engage on him, be prepared to dodge his stun (or you will likely die).
Corrupting, time warp tonic, and dark seal can be good choices here. Glacial augment with Twin Shadows can also be good for catching him out and killing him.”
Atemporal says “Esta é, na minha opinião, a partida mais fácil de Ekko. Se você está jogando com Ekko e o inimigo trava no meio de Xerath, a partida deve ser vencida para você. você vai normal Q comece com Electro
você acabou de jogar o nível 1 seguro. O que eu costumo fazer nesta pista é ficar atrás dos meus lacaios nível 1, então se ele tentar te cutucar ele também empurra a onda. Pegue um 2º ponto em Q no nível 3 e empurre com força e recupere para Dark Seal. Sempre que Xerath
vai usa W em você, E para evitá-lo. Quando você empurrar as ondas, fique ao lado de sua onda para que ele tenha que escolher entre cutucar você ou igualar sua waveclear. Não tenha medo de E para evitar seus Qs também quando você for para o push.
No início do jogo, você pode negociar com ele quando tiver a chance. Mesmo que ele te atordoe quando você pular sobre ele, a duração do atordoamento no alcance corpo a corpo é de apenas 0,5 segundos e se ele usar E, muitas vezes fará com que ele fique ""preso"" dentro do seu Q, então ele ainda fica
acertar. Depois de 6 você pode até começar a negociar com ele sob a torre e você pode facilmente mergulhar nele se ele estiver baixo. No seu Proto spike o jogo fica ainda mais fácil, mesmo que Xerath esteja com hp cheio eu vou mergulhar nele. Se você não quer fazer mergulhos arriscados, você pode facilmente
apenas empurre cada onda e vagueie. Xerath não sobreviverá se você o emboscar, então ele não deve correr o risco de segui-lo. ”
SigtheOutcast says “go AP-oriented so your heal will be good, no matter what your team is building. Bard doesn't like poke lanes. Not as bad as he used to be thanks to nerfs, still very annoying.”
PykEugeo says “Xerath is initially not a problem if you can dodge his e, but as soon as he takes the luden, you will see too much blast damage on him, try to kill him when he is alone, remember that he has no escape
renuri says “Xerath is a CC champ, his abilities stun and slow which make it hard to proc your passive as Yuumi, avoid getting near or targeted by Xerath, instead try to help poke down the enemy ADC and get them killed so both you and your ADC can focus Xerath.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is vulnerable to attack. Investing in sustain and early protection will help to deal with Xerath’s poke in lane. A Refillable Potion wouldn’t go amiss in this matchup. For Utility Supports, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief’s as it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stack this item effectively.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is vulnerable to attack. Investing in sustain and early protection will help to deal with Xerath’s poke in lane. A Refillable Potion wouldn’t go amiss in this matchup. For Utility Supports, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief’s as it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stack this item effectively.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Xerath has very reliable wave clear and push thanks to his low cooldown abilities and kit. Avoid taking unnecessary damage by standing outside of the minion wave when he uses his abilities. Look to trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is incredibly vulnerable. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in lane as he can push the lane very quickly while you’re gone. Look to roam when he’s either dead or in base.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is vulnerable to attack. Investing in sustain and early protection will help to deal with Xerath’s poke in lane. A Refillable Potion wouldn’t go amiss in this matchup. For Utility Supports, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief’s as it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stack this item effectively.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Trade with Xerath when his Eye of Destruction(W) or Shocking Orb(E) is on cooldown. When he doesn’t have either of these abilities, he is vulnerable to attack. Investing in sustain and early protection will help to deal with Xerath’s poke in lane. A Refillable Potion wouldn’t go amiss in this matchup. For Utility Supports, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief’s as it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stack this item effectively.”
Xyotos says “He can just remove you from the rift because he can poke you to death.
The only thing you can do is to try to zone him with your W and Q and to try to hit him with your E.”
ShoDesu says “You get out ranged and can not take any trades with Xerath. He will always have prio over you as you can't contest anything. Need to punish his immobility with fully charged nado's out of vision and ganks. ”
Jageiko says “Xerath has only one spell to annoy you, and its slow as hell. Dodge the E, its the only thing that matters. Then run him down. He often runs Barrier, prépare your aggro before going in. Also, nice dancing practice.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Xerath does a lot of damage, and he does it an entire screen away. It's difficult to find opportunities onto him in lane and he scales very well on his own, but doesn't do a lot for his own ADC outside of raw damage if they misposition. Conserve your health in lane, play around bushes with sweeper, and it's possible to find some creative engages.”
AbsoluteJustice says “He can actually outrange you and kill you fairly easily, be careful around this one. Hiding behind minions doesn't work for him either. ”
Navn says “Hard to match his poke, but if you can go even in laning phase, you'll provide a lot more to your team than he will since he needs to gain a lead to be effective.”
Touka1 says “It's usually easy to play vs Xerath because of your mobility usually I jiggle around to make it harder for him to hit spells and react to the effects which side to dodge, if you manage to lose lane you can always roam! xerath is not able to follow you!”
WhoYouLookingAt says “Xerath has really good burst damage, and poke. He is a threat because he outranges Karma. If you are in this matchup I recommend you play safer than normal and try to bait out his spells.”
spirit legacy says “Very annoying to deal with. You have to stomp the lane. Xerath is very useless if you hard engage on him early. Try to avoid getting hit by his poke. If he fails his e you can bait his w and then try to engage. After lvl 6 you must all in him. ”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Xerath can be a major threat when paired with another high poke or aggressive ADC since they can abuse our weakest point in the game.
Try to take some poke for your ADC early to make it easier for them to farm.
He is very immobile though, so good box placement or ganks will be necessary in order to put Xerath behind.
This should be fully abused in the mid to late game too.”
Demonsedge90 says “There's no laning into Xerath because he has too much mana sustain and can poke you down pretty hard. Instead, punish him if he slips up and falls victim to your crowd control.”
hampenguin says “Same as most mages. Get on top of him and it's won, if not do your best to dodge. He's tough to get on top of but try your best and you'll kill him.”
TheKingUltra says “Will poke you a lot and outrange you, Killing him in lane is only possible if he is stupid. he will build pressure on other lanes with his ult you can either stop him form doing that or roam. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. The poke is really bad in this lane and I would almost put him under extreme except for the fact that he dies in a bubble and is very easy to gank.
SunnySneezer says “Try to dodge, buy boots first, cookies and pray they are trash or your jgler is good so you won't be playing tower simulator for 15 mins.”
Kat_Alien says “This guy can outrange you with poke. We don't have any chance to stand against his damage on poking. we can't survive on lane if he hits all of his abilities. The only way to win this lane is to play save and make some situations for jungler by letting the enemy push. Clear the wards even when pushed to let jungler go in. Remember that when your ADC is low and you are getting cought... Fight to the death with your (W) ability.”
tygame88 says “He will stun you if you get close and is mobile enough to evade your hook. Range from across the map that's difficult for you to avoid.”
TheBlueImperial says “Xerath is a very long range artillery mage which makes it pretty difficult to get near him because of how much he out ranges you. But he has no way to protect himself or his carry if you decide to engage on either one of them.”
SolarFlareSTNL says “Xerath can poke you out from very far away and you generally won't be able to get on him unless he's positioning poorly, if you do manage to get on him you'll usually get his exhaust however.”
a8qoyrl says “He'll just poke you all lane. Only has one single-target spell to peel for enemy carry, so only threat is that you were poked too much and can't engage without dying quickly. Want to engage early on so he doesnt have chance to poke you down. But be safe!”
Keiism says “Hard to deal with if he's in a lane with you, if not he's still pretty squishy, and providing you have a good soul count (100+), paired with RFC your Q should be able to reach him late game. ”
HypoTheAced says “Together with Lux biggest mage counters for Senna. With a big range and dmg, slow and a stun in his kit Xerath messes up Senna during early game.”
HypoTheAced says “Together with Lux biggest mage counters for Senna. With a big range and dmg, slow and a stun in his kit Xerath messes up Senna during early game.”
revu says “[POKE MAGE]
W max lane makes me sad. Try to outsustain him, since you cant outtrade without a lot of experience playing against him. His abilities are possible to dodge, but even if you can dodge them, your adc can't. You should look for all-in if he misses E. Or look for roams and pray your adc respects him.”
Ms_Clair says “Xerath will be used to express all mage supports here. Generally mages (especially xerath) have long range, high damage and cc making it extremely difficult for janna to deal with. She's out ranged and out poked and out damaged.”
GuanaTv says “Apesar de inicialmente ser um pouco chato enfrentar uma Xerath, o fato dela nao conseguir proteger muito bem seu aliado faz com que seja uma rota tranquila.
(Although it is initially a bit boring to face a Xerath, the fact that it can't protect its ally very well makes it a smooth lane).”
GenericIllusionist says “Look, xerath is not your counter, I am not lying, I have played this for about 50 games now, I have lost bot maybe 5 times and that has been because of incompetent adc. tanks, healers, ranged, burst? NOTHING can stand in kleds way”
Stannis_The_Mannis says “Basically, any champ that can out-range Swain is a problem. Any good Xerath can poke half of Swain health bar before he even reach the lane. Dodge his Q. keep your health high, wait till he's in your E range and punish him, focus on the adc.. ”
Petra Venj says “You will need to Q his ADC, because if he's smart you'll never get one off him. Second Wind for sure. He might focus you, be ready for it”
Mooncurve says “Great Xerath plays like he's scripting or something. Go the wuss guardian cookie route. Roam on him, can also flash engage him when he charges Q.”
Doglightning says “take barrier. The poke is really bad in this lane and I would almost put him under extreme except for the fact that he dies in a bubble and is very easy to gank.”
Aerenax says “Xerath is annoying as he can keep refreshing his mana with his passive and keep throwing tons of damage at you. Dodge around his abilities and look for engage windows when he oversteps.”
LimTheDestructor says “Don't eat poke. Kill Xerath in early as much as possible but don't overgreed and be realistic whether your adc can follow you. In some occasions you can focus Xerath's adc.”
Rasta Da Masta says “In an artillery vs artillery match, he wins. All of his spells outrange yours, but he has less mobility & less reliable CC. You can hit him with W or R to cancel or damage him when he ults.
Look to poke him when he charges Q as that's when he's most vulnerable.”
PicklePantsLOL says “He has long-ranged poke which makes it really hard for you to trade with him. As soon as you get into range, he will damage you. Take defensive minor runes and invest in corrupting potion.
Korippo says “Super high damage, good late game scaling and a decent amount of CC--but it is a winnable lane. He's still very immobile and squishy, and therefore there are windows of opportunity to catch him out with your ult and periodically poke him back with Qs and autos. Early game is the best time to go after him as that's when he's at his most vulnerable, but anytime you can catch him alone, it's best to play aggressively since he only really shines when he can get a decent amount of range on the enemy.”
TheImmortalEye says “Neekos worst counters are high range mages since she cant do anything to close gaps effectively.
its impossible to effectively bridge the gap and if he lands his skillshots u will be poked down. dodge or take guardian and peel.”
Distinger says “Mana is not a problem for him.
Levels 1-3 he will poke you out of lane and once he gets Lost Chapter there's nothing more you can do.
His cooldowns in the early game are pretty long, so play around that.”
0Banda says “ Xerath is a skilled matchup for you, he is pretty similar to Vel'Koz, as he will constantly poke you with Arcanopulse and Eye of Destruction and combined with Arcane Comet, makes it an awful poke to play against.
As a counter-play, when engaging, focus Xerath, as he has a very low mobility and has very low health
Against Xerath you should buy Boots in your first back, in order to have better movement speed, and dodge he's skillshots, also take Second Wind because of the huge amount of poke this guy haves”
SlippStream says “One of the few champs that can match your range. Each of his abilities can go through your E, so get ready for a dodging competition. He is immobile though, so take advantage of any opening to CC him.”
Jowoey says “Similar to Brand and Vel'Koz, this champion will never let you poke him. Except he is the most annoying one to play against. If he lands his skillshots you won't be enjoying your lane at all. Buy a refillable potion ASAP and wait for ganks when he's pushed into your tower.”
TheBestestBork says “He will Poke you to death and dance with those killer moves all lane. If you can dive his ADC though its a free kill. MR may be nice here.”
Lugos says “High range, good damage, he will not let you poke as much as you want. If he is good and you can not even poke his ADC. I advise you pick up nullifying orb rune, start with relic shield, might wanna buy more potions later on as well, and you will need zhonyas because at lvl 18 he can just ult and kill you anytime he just sets an eye on you from the other edge of the map...”
DeusSciMachina says “Matchup is close to unplayable. Xerath has the range advantage at all stages of the game. Play safe in either mid or bot lane, or just roam.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “I used to absolutely hate playing into this champ because of how annoying he is in lane. However, after lane I feel like this champ is just so easy to deal with. If you ever get in range to slow + double bomb, your team should be able to follow up and just kill him
Rayzer74jr says “This guy does way too much damage and his stun is way too capable of stopping the impending doom that Aatrox is, if you see him in champ select and he bans a support or ADC, don't go Aatrox unless you want to fight the biggest uphill battle of your life. Once I got close to him he was easy to kill, to do that I had to dash through a wall while he was attacking a control ward so I had time to set up al my abilities while using the ward to hide myself.”
Skyzinho1775 says “Xerath is....wierd. Because he isnt hard to play against but he really is kinda of annoying not because of his stun but i never saw a Xerath missing a beam.”
RayTeamStrategy says “He's a caster, so although he might get some good hits against you sometimes, you can make his life miserable in pushes and in team fights. Due to your mobility on your passive, you can usually risk looking for him if you think he's going to be a problem.”
Billehz says “His poke and high damage can be very annoying, but you should be able to dodge most of it with your
W and if needed you can use your ult to get away from his ult.”
Jaori says “I'd say it's the same but Xerath's stun often lands. It's not like with Veigar or Velkoz that you have to wait until you get stunned. That's why you'll have to bait it out first, then go in.”
Toddiek24 says “A great choice against Senna because of his huge range and his magic wound! So you have to be careful with him because he can easily wipe out all HP.”
Hanjaro says “Xerath has higher range, higher damage and an easier stun to land. Dodge his abilities, ask for a gank - he's very squishy if caught out!”
Vispectra says “I'll admit , laning against him isn't easy but boy oh boy does this guy pop like corn once you get into his face. He will be a pain in lane , you can cancel his Q but honestly it has a rather low CD and he's often too far , it's often better to try to side step or Q a minion to negate the damage. Once you hit 6 , he shouldn't be able to kill you anymore.
I recommend boots asap.”
4090409 says “Even higher-than-you range poke, stun lasts a decent amount of time. Actual hard lane since you'll have to move constantly and it will be tough getting souls, but xerath might end up pushing so check with your jungler for that.”
Pluckypenguin says “Xerath can be very easy to counter. If you land your q just go all in since he cant get away. Use his range against him. Instead if trying to stay far away get up close and personal so he backs off.”
SupportTooEz says “If the Xerath is good then you should build Moonstone Renewer, and if the enemy team has plenty of cc and Xerath is getting ahead, then you can rush Mikael's Blessing.”
HerYandere says “You will want to build mercs, but trust me it's not worth it unless you're building against their team (boots notes). You have to kill him early on and suppress him the best you can. If your ADC is getting clobbered, start roaming. ADC will die with or without you if they can't dodge.”
GUYnumb3r 14 says “Xeraths poke actually is pretty easy to dodge on annie, because her shield gives her movespeed. However, if you do get hit your shield blocks most of the dmg, that is until late game. Late game he will do a lot of dmg and can be scary.”
DasNerdwork says “Pretty even matchup, he can interrupt your dashes with his stun, but you can CC him very easily as he has no escape abilities besides his flash. If his itembuild is too agressive, try to build some magic resistance.”
Esoterica says “A similar principle to Vel'koz, except his poke is more difficult to avoid as it's uncertain of he's trying to hit you or your ADC. However, he has nothing for you if you jump on him, as his stun's duration is at its minimum with no distance travelled.
The strategy changes little post-6, except that you must be more aware of staying in lane with low life or with a tower dive imminent.”
MyOnlyBrand says “Xerath outranges Brand greatly and unlike Brand he has a stun skillshot that isn't conditional. He will deal damage, bully you and you won't be able to handle him. If you do get close enough, and he's CC'd, you suddenly provide a lot more than he can. If you are facing a poke combo botlane I advice doubling down on your roaming. You'll likely win, even if he beats you in lane.”
Sinci says “Champions such as Xerath and Vel'koz are really strong against Karma because they outrange her so hard in lane that Karma can't do anything about it. It is almost impossible to win a lane against either of them if it's even level of play by both teams.”
KeleiX13 says “If you can dodge most of Xerath's skillshots, you will be easily able to outdamage him and sustain through the damage that he does to you. But if you're not fast enough to react and dodge, you will struggle. Definitely take cookies for rune and maybe take Stopwatch if he gets fed. He is a glass cannon and can't do anything if he gets CC'd, so ult him whenever you see a chance to kill him.”
Sinci says “Champions such as Xerath and Vel'koz are really strong against Lulu because they outrange her so hard in lane that lulu can't do anything about it. It is almost impossible to win a lane against either of them if it's even level of play by both teams.”
Levkar says “Hard to play against, but gets easier once you get a feel for his cooldowns. Try not to get behind, or you might not be able to outheal his damage.”
Sinci says “Champions such as Xerath and Vel'koz are really strong against Soraka because they outrange her so hard in lane that Soraka can't do anything about it. It is almost impossible to win a lane against either of them if it's even level of play by both teams.”
LilRidge says “Dodge Xerath's (Q) Arcanopulse the best you can. you can opt to invest in boots early to make dodging this ability easier.
Xerath is very squishy, so you should look to all-in him whenever you can as his (E) Shocking Orb will not affect you if you are mid jump with (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down and the CC is very short close range.”
GamingFrog says “Watch out for his poke and try to dodge it whenever possible. Try to fight him when you're not too low on health and mana. Landing a hook on him will kill him most of the time.”
Tauricus2017 says “Xerath is pretty awkward matchup to face. His poke hits hard and his range is insane. He is though very reliable on hitting his skillshots and If he doesn't, then he is completely useless. Buy very early Boots of swiftness, do your best to dodge, keep your ADC save and feel free to setup engages with your jungler since Xerath has no escape tools in his kit. Overall hard matchup that depends on your ability to dodge.”
Sakaita says “He can give you a hard time if you don't dodge his poke. Be very aggressive at level one since he cant do much there once his q is on cooldown and then play more passive at level 2 or 3.”
Ruiner of Fun says “His skillshots provide good practice and flex opportunities. Can be easily ran down since he is hyper immobile. Will probably blow flash just to land a point blank stun. Spamming mastery and laugh after every dodge might make him DC but it will definitely make him tilted.”
Kefochka says “Зерат отличный, хоть и хрупкий, поукер. Он может бесконечно много вас харасить, доводить до низкого здоровья, вынуждать тратить ману на исцеление и щиты. Его ульт очень эффективен не только на линии, он может помогать забирать объекты или получать килы/ассисты с других линий или в лесу.”
Starchase says “Never detach your ADC, he has a lot of poke damage that even if he misses his stun, he will still be capable of killing you, so sustain all his poke damage with your E.
Care at lvl 6, if your ADC or you get low enough, he can try to snipe you from very far away.
Rush Mikael's Blessing.
You outscale him though.”
XD001 says “All depends on the Xerath and you. If you are good and he is bad, you win. If you are bad and he is good, he wins. It is that simple. E him when his E is down and you can 100 to 0 him mid-late game. Late game you 1 shot him.
Equal scaling.
electrocute + sorcery + tp”
Takitsu says “Big range advantage, with lots of poke and damage potential. Get up in Xerath's face for flay/hook early laning. Pre-3 usually Xerath won't have stun yet, so walking up to flay or hook is easier. Avoid Xerath Q+W as much as possible to keep your HP up for engages. Look to fight Xerath before he pokes you or your carry out of lane.
Post-6 Hook/Flay can stop Xerath ult as well as Q.”
losolkos says “Xerath do dmg with passive to him and dodge his abilitis also try to slow him he has notfing to run so if you focus him he cant run away. ”
Tartmeringue says “Xerath is a stand in for battle mages. A skill check lane. If you can dodge their abilities and close the gap on them, easy pickings. Otherwise you might have a lot of trouble.”
Coo1breeze says “A half-decent Xerath can harass you and your ADC all day without worrying about your hook. Prepare to play defensively all early game if they are good, otherwise, a good hook will shut him down quick.”
Bear Gummies says “Xerath is kind of similar to Vel'Koz in that as long as you avoid his Q, you should be fine. His E is easily dodgeable, and while his W is a little harder to dodge, Xerath players don't really put points into this ability until later, so it shouldn't be something that your shields can't soak up, assuming you get hit. Since Xerath is not an engager, feel free to hit him with fully charged howling gales comfortably.”
EionThePepega says “It isn't a bad matchup, but it goes on to prove your dodging skills. Buying potions and warding bushes in lane and help in survivability and not getting cheesed by his combo.”
Gryndall says “Anoying matchup. Just wipe off ur boots from ur runes cuz u ll need it early. But that's it its only to avoid. This is not danger generally.”
xDopii says “High range poke support. He is untouchable if positioned well and can burst you quickly. Try to avoid his stuns and look to bait his abilities as he is very mana hungry. Look for engages when he overextends.”
mscocca says “Immobile champion. Play safe and you will be able to melt it once you get access to Luden's Echo.
Tip: Best moment to land your Q (Human) and consequentially jump on it with your W (Cougar) is during its ultimate.”
Sinci says “Long range champions are almost impossible to get close to and in laning phase you can't ever get close to them which makes you just feel useless.”
itizhelia says “Not a common pick, but pretty pain in the ass. He can cancel your dash and poke you down hard.
Learn to dodge his skill shots and scale for the mid-game phase where he's less of a threat to you compared to lane phase.”
Xeptron says “Xerath - the God of poke. We've all been there where Xerath pokes us from 2 screens away. That's Xerath for you. His high AP damage is very annoying and undodgable W ability is also one of the reasons you hate playing against it. All Xerath players buy the blue support item thus the only way of making money in lane is by poke. Xearth's Q ability is a charge up ability and most of the time Xerath's have to walk up for it. That's your window to engage. If you have a chance to dodge the ability, that would be a great time to use it, flash over his stun and follow with flay & hook combo. Once it's done, there is no chance of Xerath's survival. He is squishy and very reliant on his positioning. One misstep can lead to a death. ”
CanadaJay says “Pokey indeed, but squishy as hell. The key is to dodge his abilities and get right up in his face to punish him. Do. Not. Feed. Him. Especially if he brought DH.”
Frank6264 says “Este enfrentamiento es muy desfavorable para ustedes (sobretodo contra un xerath que pueda pegar las habilidades y sepa posicionarse) ya que les gana en rango y generalmente en fase media-tardía también gana en daño a una Karma. Fuera de eso, la ventaja de enfrentarse a un Xerath es que pueden castigar su desposicionamiento con facilidad ya que no tiene movilidad alguna. Recomiendo runas defensivas para este enfrentamiento.”
Sunedayz says “Another skillshot based matchup, a bit easier than most once you got the Xerath's pattern down. Avoid skillshots and then attempt to poke them down. Be aware of his E (stun), that's the only way you get bursted in this matchup.”
CaptianMike says “Xerath support will make your lane Hell. You constantly have to dodge his abilities or else he will force you out of lane and get a lead off of that. You are much more useful late in the game as a support. The tough part is getting there. I will be working on a fully in depth match-up section below. Take SCORCH”
sssky says “"Uninteractive Lane".
A good Xerath is incredibly fucking annoying and has no real counterplay other than MR and Guardian.
Use Q to dodge, that is all.
If you can dodge his stun, you can win all-ins easily.”
jessuva says “Xerath is soooo damaging. He has a huge range and he can poke you down immensely. If you see him channeling, silence him or try to dodge his ability. Rush boots for the movement speed so you can dodge better. ”
Titans Revenge says “Another champ with what feels like endless mana to just spam long range poke non stop. Make sure you have plenty of MR. Play this like you would vs Velkoz. Play at a distance and wait for them to have bad positioning or play around your flash to engage. Xerath has no mobility so if you can get onto him, you should easily kill him.”
Hceercs says “He's a mage, but probably the easiest mage matchup you'll deal with compared to the other mages, since a full spell rotation from him does less compared to the rest of the mages. But he is really cancer to play against and he makes me very, VERY ANGRY.”
Prof Harambe says “Prone to all ins, a very good strat against him is to try and get him to focus you, so you waste his mana and time on you rather than your laner. If he's smart, will just sit back and ignore you while tracking your position.”
YourCut says “Take Second Wind. Outranges by a mile, literally. Just try to farm Soul Fragments from him, Q ultraslows him and R locks him in place. Rush Tier 1 or Tier 2 boots and outscale.”
DeadlyPhantom says “This guy as support is all about reading and dodging Skill shots. If you can dodge all his skill shots, he's useless. But if he can hit everything you are screwed all stages of the game. As Early game he can force you out. And mid and late game can Poke you out of the fight. Building some sort of magic resist is a must if you do his late game will not be too bad and the only thing you need to dodge is his Stun. A good Xerath will never be in your E range early game. Mid to late game when you get your Movement Speed Items you can catchup.”
GMGZ2 says “His poke is strong, use Q to dodge as much as possible. His DMG on you adds up fast, box bushes to prevent sneak attacks. When he uses R, Counter with Q and your own R. Run into a bush and move around your clone like it is you.”
RASKODILA123 says “He will poke he will play safe and he wont stop if you can go on him as soon as possible because he will poke you down or wait for lvl 6 play safe them all in him.”
NEED WATER says “You will most likely get poked out of laning how you would like, but remember that Xerath is very squishy and immobile without summoner spells. If you can match his poke, do not pass up those early all-ins. ”
kimjisoo8 says “Terrible to lane against. Take health potions for sustain. Dodge his stuns. (I'm not gonna tell you to dodge his Q or his circle because that's impossible until you have boots). What you need to do is go in aggressive with your ADC and poke this dummy hard since he is super squishy.”
orogenz says “Out ranges you. Save sheild for his stun or for his final ult charges incase you don't dodge. If he gets too close when charging Q fire your's at him.”
jackdw31 says “Poke is so irritating on Xerath, and he can stay distant to avoid trouble. His burst won't get you too badly but it's worth taking caution here.”
ReignMargulan says “This bitch has a bigger range that vel. so good luck playing laning phase. but hes also like vel in the sense that if you land a hook he dies but last time i checked pyke hook dosent reach to the enemy base”
Pancake1139 says “You cant really get close to Xerath while their adc is around, and he beats pyke in general because of his attack and ability range.”
Frixen says “Easy if you dodge everything. Like, extremely easy. Ghost recommended.
* He outranges you, so be careful.
* Be careful with roaming as he has a really high range ultimate available to him.
As easy as it is if you dodge everything, abuse his high cooldowns and mana issues to get more consistent results.”
DEasom says “His range and poke make him untouchable. Call your Jungle to come and gank often to put him behind early. Dodge what you can and attempt to poke back with E. An AD build path is recommended. All in often if you do go AD. ”
SkellyBirb says “Xerath has a lot of poke and can be annoying to face early game. However, he doesn't have much to stop you from one shotting him if you land an elastic slingshot once you have some AP.”
Reason97 says “Xerath is a lot like Vel'koz, he can be annoying, and he can do a LOT of damage. he out ranges you by a lot, and it can make trading feel impossible since a good xerath will never be in your ability ranges. I wouldn't recommend picking fight with him 1v1, just farm up minions and wait for team fights late game. ”
KeleiX13 says “Stay on your ADC and heal back his poke. He doesn't have much to heal back your poke so consistently keep his health down with your Q and basic attacks in between.”
gungallo says “Xerath can out poke you and out damage you... and out CC you. Max Range Q's are your best bet, and make sure you hide behind minions and stay at the back line.”
Arraverii says “Xerath. Zyra. Lux, Velkoz, Brand. All of these poke champions make for a big threat to Thresh. You can outplay them by all in'ing before taking too much damage.”
ShroudedBRH says “He will try to safely poke you down with Q until you are too low to engage or force trades. He only has 1 hard cc that can be blocked by minions and has horrible mana issues early in the game that you may be able to punish”
Mickeystick says “Depends on bot lane carry. If they have a long range poker (Caitlyn, Jhin) then you honestly don't get to play the game. You just sit back and farm. With every single other carry in the bot lane it's a garbage champion and a free win.”
TheMistCollector says “One of the hardest poke matchups. He can make farming your passive a nightmare. You can't E out of any of his abilities. If he has mana, don't poke as often, just grab mists from the ground with a Q (extended with your minions)”
Spider Shaped says “Будет опаснее Вел'Коза. Конечно от стана уклониться легко если находится далеко от Зерата,но урон от него получить куда вроде,чем от Вел'коза”
Alu Banidosu says “Xerath's long range poke far out performs Bard's own poke. Xerath does have mana issues, which is something you should use to your advantage.”
Joseseyboy says “So much poke, all damage. Xerath will bust you in a mere combo. However, his mana consumption is real high and is vulnerable for stuns in his Ultimate.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Take biscuits, take mr shard, go for early ruby crystal boots if you can and don't let him get free w q's onto you. He is as immobile as you so if he e's or w's and is over extended you can flash over his E/W and then e q w him or r q w e him.”
snukumz says “High damage and massively out ranges you.
Watch out for his stun since he can burst you down low easily, and finish you with his ult.
The good news is he is squishy and your ult will wreck him.”
snukumz says “Similar to Vel'Koz but worse.
His poke hurts you a lot, and he super outranges you.
Try to get leveled up and look to stun & delete him if he gets too close.”
thesophieset says “Annoying laner, but if you can sidestep his E, you have little to fear. Stack Magic Resist, maybe get a Mikael's if your ADC likes running into Xerath's E spell, and dodge his R shots. If he is focussed on ulting someone else on your team and you are in range, you can cancel his R with your E. Don't underestimate his damage output and make sure your jungler focusses him during ganks as he is basically a glass cannon with very little self defence tools.”
MrMoonBird says “He very easily outranges you and can punish you for being idle for too long. But because a lot of his abilities are long range, getting close and kiting around him might be a good idea.”
NalgaSensei says “Very hard to stun since he outranges you like crazy and his poke is quite the threat. He's easy to beat though if you are adept at avoiding his poke and if you're able to stun him, you can just delete him. ”
snukumz says “Super annoying poke that does a lot of damage.
If you can dodge his poke then you should be alright, but if you can't then you'll be heading back to base often.
He is immobile and squishy so if you can get to him and snare him then you will wreck him.”
Akja says “If you're facing a good Xerath you won't be able to gain any gold from poking because he'll zone you out and you won't be able to do anything about it.”
Amityoce says “Longer range, Can setup fights against you with almost no counterplay, when you hit your power spike of ardent this lanes usually very one sided against xerath. YOU OUTSCALE HIM HARD ”
rquoe says “Xerath is one of 3 dangerous champions that can outrange you, but unlike with Caitlyn and Zyra it will take a lot more than a few mist stacks to get on his level. Play safe and try to CC him whenever you can once his abilities are on cooldown. Ask your jungler for a gank if needed.”
Keny McCormick says “This lane is going to be annoying. Just got to dodge his skillshots and you can win trades. He has no healing so as long as you can survive his poke, you can push them out of lane or force an all-in.”
JenaColada says “Snowbally matchup. This guy will be your nightmare during broad daylight. You have to be good at dodging skillshots or you can say goodbye to your laning phase.”
unrealPR0D16Y says “He does the thing where he pokes you until you get so bored of laning that you just get up and do something else, eventually leading to your slow and painful demise. Also pretty good at running around and not dying.
He's not a support...”
KC_Toxic says “Easy matchup dodge his abilities with r and see for q e poke after 6 with all ins. Stun is flashable or dodgable after getting the proc of fleet footwork.”
PayyBack says “Use your E properly to dodge his skillshots.
Same like with Brand and Vel'Koz, Xerath is really weak versus high engaging champions so post 6 look for all-in on Xerath and there's a really high chance you'll execute him.”
Daedralus says “This one is quite tough as you can't get near him easily. Therefore, you must look for potential all-in attack when you can. Best method is to activate W and run towards him. When he uses his E, use your ult so that you collide mid-air, canceling his stun, and suppressing him for a lot of damage. Considering he is a very squishy champ that has also lost his stun, a follow up Q and some autos should be able to finish him up. But before you can get to that point, you really need to survive laning phase without feeding him =)”
Jointed says “Xerath has a pretty decent chance of killing us early but is just not a good pick for his team. Don't give him the advantage early and your team will be in a great spot.”
Hanjaro says “Xerath has longer range than you, and that makes him hard to catch out, along with the danger of being poked out. Dodge his abilities, try to engage on his ADC and dodge his stun.”
Hanjaro says “He has long range, mana sustain and high poke, coupled with a stun and a slow. Avoid his abilities, wait for a gank, your ult can cancel his, try to time it right.”
Hanjaro says “Xerath has longer range than you, and better poke. The laning phase is pretty hard, but just try your best to dodge his abilities. If you get a gank he's very squishy.”
GoBucket says “Oppressive Poke. Terrible to lane against. BUT at least he is immobile. Bait out his abilities and take advantage of his lack of escape. Once you get on top of him it is over. Rush merc treads.”
AetherSplit says “Xerath´s long range makes trades for Bard uneasy (requires a lot of dodging). In equal skill cap matches I recommed to simply wait untill level 6 and get an access to an open fight via cutting the distance with Tempered Fate.”
spark2 says “Xerath is tricky, but very winnable. He bullies you early game with his poke, and since Arcanopulse and Eye of Destruction are pretty hard to dodge, it's important to build boots against him ASAP. The good thing is that he's only good at long range, since his stun ( Shocking Orb) only stuns for a decent amount of time if he hits it at range. In other words, he's got almost no self-peel, similar to Brand. This means that if you can dodge one of his spells with Phase Dive and jump in on him, he's defenseless. He also has no mobility and charging Arcanopulse slows him down even more, so landing a Parallel Convergence on him is actually pretty easy. He wins pre level 3, you should dumpster him afterwards.”
SirZeros says “Against Xerath it should be pretty easy to lane. Do your best at dodging everything he has. Buy boots early. If he ults, look at the radius that pops up, from that indicator you can guess where he's standing and ult him, to not get more Ulti hits. Since he can't move while ulting, it shouldn't be that easy to miss your Ult.”
NoHard says “More threatening that Morgana, as he can put out abilities in a quicker fashion and deals more damage but can be easy to bait, again use your Q to dodge his Q and don't stay in range of his stun (E) for long unless you make the engage to knock him or the ADC up.”
Xavier Senori says “Xerath is a pain in the butt due to his range and stun. It is hard to get within range to do any DPS, and if you move towards him, he can easily stun you and put out the hurt. A good trick if you want him to push is to stay within your own minion line so that when he goes to harass you he will damage your minions and naturally push the lane. The good news is that your Noxious Blast's movement speed boost makes it easy to dodge the majority of his skills. If you are having problems with him, buy an early Negatron Cloak for the MR, push the lane, and roam.”
OP Goose says “same as zoe. His lane phase against you is so strong you might be out of the game completely, unless you was w or e out of his q. Winnable but not a recommended lane. ”
YangYouChuan says “A good Xerath will poke your HP so good that you can't even touch enemy minions to heal yourself and your ADC. Once you hit his "Shocking Orb", you are so dead.”
Shderen says “He outranges you, but he is SO easy to dodge and hit with abilities. You'll very likely outsustain him, don't let him get mana back by auto-attacking you. I will bump his threat level to major, however, in light of witnessing a great deal of skilled Xerath players. lately. Their skillshots are extremely precise can really make your laning phase hell.”
Enfurnal says “For Xerath, if he ever charges his Q towards you, start running to the right and juke back to the left when the Q is about to be launched. His W can be dodged in many directions but usually I dodge backwards. His E is a some what skinny straight line skill shot so dodging left or right would be ideal (predictions). His R should be the easiest to dodge, you can walk forward back, left, or right to dodge. If you dodge forward for first charge, move left for second and so on.”
kkiskk says “Dodge all the skill shot to win. If he has no E at lv 2, all-in him by putting a point in E at lv 2, otherwise put a point in W. The key to win against Xerath is to survive his combo by either dodge it or tank it. Get Mercury's thread ASAP to have the move speed and MR. If you feel like you are not able to dodge his skill shots poke, all-in him before you run out of hp. He is very weak without his E as his E has rather long CD so try to dodge his E if he use it. Take E lvl 1 to bully him before lvl 2.”
ff20orfeeding says “Some people play him support and it is a problem (for you). He can poke at a very long range and has quite reliable utility as well. ”
Tipurrs says “One of Annie's Hardest Match-ups. his Q is hard to dodge and if the Xerath player is really good, he'll really crush your lane. Roam in other lanes. Farm under your turret and call for ganks as he is an immobile champion for a sure kill or flash.”
KhaliDino says “see zyra + you can stop his ulty, and he walks slow when charging Q so he is easy pickings with your R when he does, the worst to lane against, but the best to play against out of lane. Your R is his nightmare.”
Prenora says “Xerath really sucks for you, the best thing is to start boots and rush Merc treds, which really delays your snowball. but not doing so will just get you whittled down all too fast”
undeadsoldiers says “Xerath pushes pretty damn hard. Try your best to avoid his abilities.
You can stand behind minions to avoid his E, but then you risk getting hit by Q or W.
Your sole saving grace is that if your bubble lands, Xerath is donezo.”
Lonxu says “If it's a really good Xerath he is actually a counter to Zyra.
You just try and try to poke him without getting punished too much.
Don't let him land the stun.
Even if you lose the laning phase it's not the end of the world. I think Zyra might actually be more useful later on with the Liandry plants etc.
GeneralJ0hn27 says “Has great poke lvl 1-2 but once level 3 just can abuse him so hard. as soon as he finishes using Q and even better if he uses W on top of that GO IN. he will try to use his stun as a last resort but most Xerth panic and use their stun immediately and its very predictable. If you do block it its a free kill, and you repeat that until the end of laning phase but be careful jungle ganks are common so Ward well.
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Xerath
Early Game: Dodge his [Q] poke and [E] stun. He’s squishy but has strong poke.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on catching him out with [Q] and [R]. Avoid his ult burst.
Key Tip: Bait his [E] before committing to fights.”
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