Mid Lane 46.37% Win Rate53% Pick RateMel Mid Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Mel in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
PaciF1ka says “После недавних изменений мэл перестала быть очень противным чемпионом,поэтому байтить на ешку и убивать,но когда ультуешь,не забудь,что она может включить вэшку и заблочить весь твой дамаг,а после и вовсе убить тебя.
After recent changes, Mel has stopped being a very nasty champion, so you can eat and kill, but when you try, don't forget that she can turn on the flash drive and block all your damage, and then kill you altogether.”
Zewrocktumbler says “who is actually having problems against her? bait atleast 1 ability and shes useless even hitting 1 ability deals good amount of dmg to her and if your actually having problems roam or ask for help i guess”
ShokLoL says “Mel isn't too bad as long as you don't try to charm her, use your W to dodge her Q missiles or to dodge her E. You can punish her poor waveclear later on with Q spam as well.”
Allyooops says “She can basically just w your entire combo and take no damage if you dont bait it somehow also can reflect your q easily without having to aim it. In general rlly low iq matchup ”
ShokLoL says “Mel is very easy, you win trades against her at basically all stages of the lane. Just don't get hit by her E too often. You can consider getting swiftness boots early if you are struggling.”
TrianglularRose says “Mel absolutely beats you early. She has better poke, trading, and her W can turn a good trade into a solo kill for her. At level six, she can easily all-in you. However, Mel seriously falls off after that, especially if she doesn’t roam. You will lose lane, but so long as you play it safe, once you start roaming, you should pull ahead of her.”
Soft Headpats says “More testing required*
Her poke in lane is extremely annoying since she can ignore the minion wave, plus she has good waveclear early on to match you if you choose to shove. Her W is also extremely annoying for Hwei since almost all his spells are projectiles with cast times that travel relatively slowly. Using EW to force her to burn W keeps you safe from your own spells and forces her to use W or be rooted. Other than that, you still excel in teamfights whereas she is mediocre, plus you provide a ton of utility, so play with your team and keep track of whether she's used W or not.”
Allyooops says “not fun matchup q overtuned but its good to note that the second part of your q on qiyana will not get reflected because it is not a projectile so her w has a bit of counterplay”
Hexeria says “[Weak in the early game so a easy matchup for Galio.] [She can only reflect your Q, while she still get stunned by all your other spells.] [Best Item against her is Hollow Radiance, so try to get that as fast as possible and she cant copy your clear and roam speed.] [Fighting against her should also be easy since she has only her E to keep you at distance.]”
xumi_k says “It's okay. You win early game. She is a counter for immobile mage/adc. Her W reflects projectile spells (Irelia's E, R and maybe W) They all don't do much damage and she often won't have time to react on your E if you land it fast enough or surprise her. Mel’s W has a very long CD early game. Her shield lasts 3 seconds. You can bait it easily, by landing first E and if she uses her shield, wait until it’s over and stun her with second E. Even if she's fed you can destroy her once have Wit's End and BOTRK. Be careful of her ult, once her passive mark above your champ is red, her ult executes you. If you dodge her root, you can all-in her easily and it's a guaranteed kill as she's immobile and all-in dependant. ”
vreiki says “Ela bloqueia seu burst, reflete seu Q e também reflete o seu E. Ela está super overpowered e te bate de uma distância gigantesca, nunca se arrisca pra te espancar. Ban ou quit.”
SurferKiller says “Mel is very similar to Diana in playstyle. Play as safe as you can until you are level 9, then she does nothing against you. Make sure she used her E recently before you fight her.”
Demonsedge90 says “Her solar snare and radiant volley are potent ways for her to poke you down when trying to walk up for minions. Also, be on the lookout for rebuttal, which appears as a spherical shield around her that reflects projectiles and ranged auto attacks, as this could seriously backfire on you when trying to hit a dark sphere-scatter the weak combo or even finish her off with unleashed power.
This matchup is winnable, but it might require some jungle assistance, depending on how well she fights you.”
Chuleex says “Mel w and e are her strongest tools against you, pretty much without them she is free kill, problem is that a good mel will maintain e if she used w or viceversa so you cant dive or combo her freely, try to see how she reacts to w e q combo, if you can bait her w you can all in better, and never dive if she has e, her e is 2 second long even at level 1, once you have ecplise the matchup gets easier as you can poke and tank her dmg, and on sidelane you are stronger, go d shield for her poke, play on her mana and cds, and bait her q to dodge her, with next changes she is going to be easier to deal with.”
Divine Azir says “Mel is a lane bully simmilar to Hwei, but unlike Hwei has an exploitable weakness. You win with smart wave management and macro. You also generally win the early 2v2.
① Mel's main threat comes from her Q poke. It has insane range, is impossible to dodge, and stacks her passive. However, it does little damage on its own early (it all comes from her passive), meaning you can sustain yourself very easily in lane by taking healing runes. Take TP so you can more easily abuse wave management. Early boots are a good buy to avoid the full Q stacks and abuse her poor mobility.
② The longer you stay in lane, the more Mel-favored the match becomes. Luckily, Mel has terrible wave clear early and doesn't farm well under turret. Stand outside of the wave and try to push her in early. This will let you freeze on the rebound, setting up for your jungler. After level 6, you can slow push into her on repeat to roam. She has weaker skirmishing and team fighting than you do.
③ Mel cannot reflect any of your abilities with her W, but she still has invulnerability. Luckily, it has a long cooldown. Your general approach to the 1v1 (after 6) is to force out her W by drifting at her with full health (when her E is on cooldown); then, you can all-in her when your E comes back up. I advise not trying to 1v1 her unless you have a severe advantage, but if you're feeling confident you can take barrier instead of TP to survive her ultimate.”
ShokLoL says “Mel is a bit of a pest but she shouldn't actually be able to push you out of lane unless you get hit by too much damage for free. Take fleet and rush swiftness boots, and try regain control of the wave whenever she's on cooldown. Be careful because she can W (and reflect) your R. You should outscale if you farm well.”
As a Support 44.54% Win Rate30% Pick RateMel As a Support Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Mel as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Razing42 says “Whether she is a carry or support she will have a lot of damage and will outrange you. Avoid throwing your hook at her in vision as she can reflect it and sign 'your' death sentence instead.”
Yoshiking123 says “She's just safe and has a lot of range. Her E makes it hard for you to walk up for a stun. But you shouldn't lose lane. Mid-Late game it's a team/skill match-up.”
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