Mid Lane 50.79% Win Rate80% Pick RateGalio Mid Lane Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Galio in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “stay at range from him use Q to get him atleast have hp and push into him”
Divine Azir says “You can't hurt him early, so just focus on farming. Save your E to escape if he ever tries to E + W you. Post 6, abuse your range advantage to keep him pushed in and stop his roams. Liandry's is a good fist buy, and Ashes will help you match his wave clear.”
AuroraAddict says “laning phase you pretty much just outrange him and you have a lot of mobility so that helps with hes combos you can get out fast just try to kill him early before hes MR stacking items and you will be able to win.Also electrocute and teleport are good against him ignite if you wanna cheese level 2.”
BesXbola says “A unica coisa que a vex nao mata nesse jogo sao tanks, e agora voce esta jogando contra um tank midlaner que tanka e da dano. Se ele te stunnar metade da sua vida some e voce nao da dano nele, peca ajuda pro seu jungler para tentar matar ele e foque em roams, se o galio sumir pingue rapido pois a ult dele tem muito range (e de preferencia acompanhe os ganks dele).”
Hot Chocolate says “Perma ban this ####. fr though he takes zero damage (from ap) and you cant engage him thanks to his stupid taunt so i recommend banning unless you trust support/jungle to help you.”
Badplank says “Very chill lane, galio is not the type of guy to punch you to death, more like force you out of line with his constant EQ combo. Although you can outdamage him with you EQW + autoattacks”
zSmoke says “The matchup against Galio is not that complicated, you have to play with Phase Rush and trade him and get out as quickly as possible, the speed of Phase Rush will make it so that he doesn't hit you with his W or you can dodge his E. In the laning phase what you should do is push as much as you can and play with your jg to get an advantage elsewhere (You won't be able to kill Galio very quickly)”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror. Respect his ability range, his Q will hurt. His passive + Q poke will shove wave early on so you'll be safe to farm up. Once you hit an item or two, you'll start dealing some nice damage and out scaling. Void is a must buy either 3rd or 4th. ”
PetriciteLoL says “It is really hard and what I dislike the most about it is that it's impossible to kill so you can't carry games as their mistakes won't matter if they're tanky so it's always a farm game.”
Cepatrol says “his Q does % hp dmg, his W fucks your E and Q, his E does the same, his ult makes you unable to oneshot people from behind, insanely cancer matchup but still winnable if you play aggressive and pray for no camp”
xumi_k says “Take prio. Fight early after he misses abilities. Roam if you can before his lvl 6. After his lvl 6 he will roam too, and exactly onto you, crashing you with his R and his teammates. No fun. You need to be good at dodging his abilities to survive the lane, otherwise he'll eventally poke you to death :(”
Tamikaze says “This is and Zac mid are the only matchups I would recommend Liandry's Torment before Nashors. You don't get an opportunity to really have a good trade with Galio all lane, so the Q poke from Liandry's does significant damage against him, especially when all he builds is HP/MR into you. Try your best to keep your distance from his E (Dash), and if he goes in for a taunt, be ready to dash away with a simple W+E behind you. Save the Q for the return trade. Once you get Liandry's the lane becomes much easier, but for the early game your goal is to just not die to ganks, and farm up well. Be conscious of jungle fights, because Galio can ult in to turn the fight immediately. Be ready to inform your jungler of potential roams from him. However, if he does decide to ult, it's a massive CD of 180 seconds. ”
MattStyle says “Los personajes cuerpo a cuerpo suelen ser sencillos porque tu slow te permite acertar fácilmente tu doble Q y frenar sus intentos de acercarse.
Su R es lo más problemático. Avisa siempre que no esté en línea. ”
j4ss says “Boring lane, he'll probably just perma push and roam, his shield will most likely absord most of your W. You can run standard Fleet max Q graves and counter roam him in the map.”
Dont let this asshole fool you he most definately has the sustain to drink up your flimsy early game poke, and WILL punch you back once he Es you and Ws you. Hes still a very manageable lane to deal with, and isnt horrible lategame, ”
Vladmidir says “Galio shouldn't ever solo kill you, but his gank setup and roaming abilities are dangerous. Just be mindful of where enemy jungle is and try to get prio on the wave. Perma shove so he can't roam or R for free. ”
GreenReapers says “First strike or conqueror.
He really only is a threat early, when his damage is greater than your's while aftershock keeps him safe.
If you poke him enough while staying safe you can easily beat him after you get eclipse.
Play around his CC spells, as they can lead to him chunking you, so try to dodge them with you shadows as well as possible.”
Viktorias Secret says “You don't do damage.
And if by any chance you wanted to last hit creeps, you'll be at combo range from him, and you won't do damage.
Very very hard match up, he can easily use your bad range and waveclear early to get advantage.
Can protect allies from your damages, has a lot of CC and you're immobile mage.....”
ic3e says “You counter him with the build, don't 1v1 him though and just roam. Force skirmishes and fights to kill him using resets. Never focus him in fights, go oneshot the carries first.”
sick204 says “Respect Galio's tankiness and crowd control potential with his abilities, especially his W and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Galio's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Galio's roaming potential with his ultimate,, as he can quickly impact other lanes and turn the tide of fights. Utilize W to block Galio's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output and engage potential. Engage on Galio when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Wit's End to mitigate Galio's crowd control and magic damage.”
SkandalloTV says “It depends if he goes tank or AP. If he goes tank and your team already has AP damage, go AD Irelia. It will be better. However, if your team needs AP damage, go for the long-range build and keep your distance. If he builds full AP, great, you'll be able to kill him way easier.”
otaliz says “The laning phase against him is easy, poke him when you can, especially pre-level 3. Always try to dodge his E and Q. Push the wave and force him to stay under his turret. He can follow your roam with his ultimate, so be aware of that. If you don't force him to decide between wave and roam, this will be a free game for him if he plays correctly.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Modern Galio builds are pretty burst damage heavy and his tankiness mostly stems from runes instead of itemisation, meaning you should be able to poke him down during laning quite easily. Keep some distance while his dash is available (11 second cooldown) and poke him as much as you can, as the Magic Shield only renews itself after not taking damage for 12-8 seconds. Do your best to use Satchel to disengage as soon as possible when he dashes towards you, as the duration of his Taunt depends on how long he is able to charge it.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP. First strike rune.
Galio can't really kill you but you can't kill him either. He will most likely push the whole game in order to find good ultis for his team, try to perma push the waves in order to prevent it. Play with your jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Galio is weak in the laning phase but he may look to setup ganks onto you. If you want to be greedy, you can go for the first strike page. Otherwise you can take phase rush to make avoiding the ganks easier.”
ShokLoL says “Galio is not very good at punishing in the laning phase but he’s still very strong in the early game with the ability to push or neutralize most matchups and easily move to other lanes or skirmishes. Against Galio your main goals are to keep him in lane, punish his Q cooldown when he uses it to clear the wave and try to keep track of the enemy jungler. You should build up a significant 1v1 lead as long as you don't die to any jungle ganks.”
awawa says “He is tanky enough to not care about the damage you deal to him. You won't kill him in lane 1v1 early. Focus on farming, SPAM PING HIS R WHEN HES 6. The first thing he is gonna do lvl 6 is definitely ulting your team. Follow his ult roams.”
ShokLoL says “Galio is not very good in the laning phase but he’s still very strong in the early game with the ability to push or neutralize most matchups and easily move to other lanes or skirmishes. Against Galio your main goals are to keep him in lane, punish his Q cooldown when he uses it to clear the wave and try to keep track of the enemy jungler. Galio is outscaled heavily by Orianna so focus on farming and keeping the lane as an isolated 1v1.
ShokLoL says “Against Galio your main goals are to keep him in lane, punish his Q cooldown when he uses it to clear the wave and try to keep track of the enemy jungler. You win this lane and heavily outscale so unless you die to ganks this should be free. I take First Strike in this matchup normally, but you may need Phase Rush if they have very threating support and jungle.”
ShokLoL says “Galio is a super free matchup and you should have an easy time pushing him in. Just be careful of getting ganked if you use all your Ws, other than that he has no threat onto you at any point of the game.”
Soft Headpats says “Galio isn't too threatening in a 1v1, especially since you can cancel his E with its noticeable windup. Punish the windows when his E is on CD since he has no real way of getting onto alone without it. If he ever manages to get into taunt range without using his E, you're often better off absorbing the incoming damage with WW first rather than EQing.
He becomes more dangerous in 2v2s and once he hits 6, since he can quickly respond to skirmishes around the map with his ult and play off of his team. You'll likely want Liandry's and Cryptbloom since Galio tends to build tanky. ”
ShokLoL says “Galio is pretty hard to kill but you can bully him pre first base and then after that you can mainly just play waveclear wars and then it will come down to whoever skirmishes better.”
ShokLoL says “Galio is pretty weak in the 1v1 but he has great skirmishing potential. Try and keep him pushed in while avoiding jungle ganks. You outscale him heavily so if you can deny him roam opportunities and don't die to a gank it should be a free win.”
ShokLoL says “Galio isn't very strong 1v1 but he's quite good in early skirmishes, so try avoid any 2v2s for the most part and play for an isolated lane. Look to punish his Q CD by playing aggro when it's down. Post 6 you want to make sure you push in the wave to make it more difficult to roam.”
vSomnia says “Can be a hard matchup. His shields make it hard to trade, don't get hit by his Q's. When he messes up with W or E you can look to make a trade. Once you one shot the caster minions you can outshove him. Try not to perma group cause he excels you in teamfights but get sidelane pressure and look for picks.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Galio try to focus on farm and dodging his q, cause if you try to fight him he will taunt you and after he will make his full combo making you lost more than half hp, unfortunately Galio actually is very strong especially against melee champions”
Kikife says “Most Galio players will build partial tank, so my threat analysis is based off of that. If you come into a Galio that is full AP electrocute baus combo, then you want to avoid a confrontation and refer to my Annie threat. Otherwise, you can poke him down with W and Q, whilst securing picks off lane as his escape is too good. When he R's to a lane, look for a pick on an opposite lane or if applicable counter-gank as he will pick up too many kills off mid.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Naturally he is gonna counter you,
specially if he takes aftershock, bone plating, and then he rush grievous wounds into ignite, you won't be able to fight really, look always for burning out his Bone plating in case you want to fight, and use your "E" to disengage, and engage back with the second cast, so you have higher chances of dodging his "W", if he lets himself to be "poke" and you are healthy enough you can look for all-ins, but generally play better for wave, and look for roam with his "R". In skirmish is highly possible you are gonna win against.
Naturalmente él te contrarresta.
Especialmente si lleva replica, revestimiento de huesos y luego va por ignite y heridas graves, no podrás pelear realmente, busca siempre quemar el revestimiento de huesos con tu "Q" en caso de que quieras pelear, y usa tu "E" para alejarte y volver a atacar con el segundo lanzamiento, asi tienes mayores posibilidades de esquivar su "W", si él se deja "pokear" y estás lo suficientemente sano puedes buscar all-ins, pero en general juega mejor para la oleada y busca roamear con su "R". En una escaramuza es muy posible que ganes.”
gaarrett says “Statistically Sylas's worst matchup for several patches now. Worth banning. You do not kill him ever without tower shots or your jungler. Poke back with Q if he shoots his tornadoes at you, E away from his taunt. If you roam keep in mind that Galio will probably just ult whoever you're trying to kill. [4/5] ultimate, great for showing up fashionably late to teamfights. ”
MukiiBaa says “Respect his poke with Q and dont over extend he can make good gank setups for his jungler.
TP flash into this lane worked best for me coz I can follow his R before him but you need good map awareness to know where he is going to R.”
149Gray says “Play around his spells, his Q does insane amounts of damage if it hits you with all the ticks, pool his W and try to keep the wave close to your turret.”
iHidePain says “A lot of players find this match hard, but you will be able to kill him few times early before he get tanky just don't trade when the aftershock on effect.”
SurferKiller says “Play safe until 6. You win after. Dodge his taunt and all in if he's close to your tower. Pay attention when he roams and tell your team.”
KazunaSan says “DU CC, build les bottes de mercure, dodge votre E avec le sien, le champion est peu joué mais vraiment difficile à gerer en lane, une vraie purge si le galio sait jouer, essayez de jouer avec votre jungler car seul il n'est pas une très grande menace.”
Desc069 says “galio is back on midlane and naafiri is really good into him , ofc u have to be carefull when u all in cause his W but u can easily bait him with ur e , u can perma poke him with double Q and he cant respond to it ”
FrostbiteMW says “Just try to farm in this lane, there is no idea trying to kill him, he is strong against mages and very tanky in general. Try to roam for kills.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Try to abuse his bad early and poke / snowball. If he jumps onto you after level 6 just ult him into your turret.”
Wizboy73 says “he is pretty strong rn, but he still loses, take snowball or expirimental.
You can bully him early, care for jungle pressure since he has insane setup tho. ”
LoveMid says “Really annoying early,mid and late game due to his high mobility and R but just cancel his dash and taunt with your EQ.
Try and have your jungler help you.”
Shinbae says “Мидовый Галио очень опасен против Зои, нет возможности его ваншотнуть при каком бы билде ты ни был, он быстро сокращает дистанцию, станит ещё и провокает, полный букет неадекватного насилия Зои”
Vlasuo says “Galio, especially played with aftershock, will just outtrade you every time you get close to him. Try to play a bit further away from him, bait his abilities and then attempt an all-in.
EXTRA: You can windwall his Q”
Halkem says “He's a bulky anti-mage that has the same game plan as you: Push and roam. His push is a little better than yours, so ward the lane close to his tower and keep track of him always. Ping the map to help your team. You can follow his ganks usually and in the worst scenario burn TP to reach faster.”
Iceyou says “Dont try to kill you dont have enough mana . Poke him a bit get the push play aggro win game . Business as usuall . Go ignite here if you have aggresive jungler or tp if you have a passive one .”
TrueGIXERJ says “galio is an anti-AP tank so you should be good to just walk through him all through the laning phase, don't stand right on top of him so as not to get taunted, and don't walk into his Q damage. make sure you ping your teamies when he steps out of lane post-6 so he doesn't get a triple-kill bot with R.”
The Milelator says “Even matchup. If you can time your Q's to stun him before he hits his E on you, you win the trades. His CC is annoying and he will try to roam whenever his R is up, try to either follow and help your team or destroy turrets and get inhib. Despite him doing max health damage, he shouldn't be able to all in you. Don't all in HIM, unless you 100% kill him. You will always have better push. ”
WarwicksSimp says “WIP
not enough info on this but this can go eitherway at times due to his strong skirmishing and roaming. Laning can be difficult too if you mistime anything. He is killable however and hard for him to run from you.
He can roam a lot more often and has more mid game power as of 13.20 so he's on Major threat now, it was enough to tip the scale. BUT this doesn't affect laning phase, if he never roams the lane should be relatively fine for you.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Never had much issue with Galio as long as you keep your distance. Very rare matchup even so just watch his movement, because most Galio's make it very obvious when you're getting ganked. Other than that just be careful of his Q damage, it's more than you think.”
Tokiyami says “Can play very aggressive early game just be wary of his Taunt into Knock up combo. Just try to bully him as much as possible early game, you can also E his E if you time it correctly.”
Lindroganti says “Strangely hard, don't let him cancel your W with his dash. His poke is deadly to Panth as you have no MR and are short range. You need to engage him then block out, or you need to block him and counter. Shielding is imperative. If he has aftershock, you NEED to play around it. Ping his roams.”
stormraided says “Very easy matchup, you can just auto and kill him with your abilities, he can be tanky but it shouldn't be a problem. Go for extended fights if you can.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Galio is good against AP, you're AD. All you need to do is avoid getting poked by his q and dodge his charge. after that, he is all yours. ”
support_diff says “Galio has a magic damage shield. Great, you don't deal magic damage. Galio has a taunt. Great, you really like auto attacking him. You pretty much fully counter him, so bully him on lane while dodging his Q to win even more. Keep you vision up so you don't get ganked as the taunt becomes a really deadly weapon if it is a 2v1 situation”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Galio is fairly hard to counter, especially since he has free magic resist and great roaming potential. The only real reason you would win against him is that his lack of range allows you to play safe and harass him like it was a preschool bully session. Just keep watch of the big guy and you could probably keep up with him just fine.”
tangerrine says “While he is tanky and has his magic shield W passive, your W kinda counters a lot of his kit. If you see him dash in, you can ult. If you see him charge his W, use yours to run. If you see his Q, try and W closer and engage OR W to the side and escape the big hitbox behind you. Make sure you keep track of his ult and places where he could use it and it will be smooth sailing.”
Zero macro says “Galio the melee tank/mage with magic resist scalings will have a hard time into Caitlyn Mid. Thereby Galio his goal will be roaming with his R and form gank setup into Caitlyn whenever he gets ganked. Avoid this as Caitlyn and take your easy lane advantage as far as possible.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “I go back and forth with this match up. You can play for kills actually really easily. He just pushes and farms. Just make sure your not in range of his E and you should never be at risk. You can go either FS or comet up to you”
Wizardd says “Nobody really plays him. But he's tanky so it's a little hard to get him out of lane. But he can't really get to you. So just push lane and poke him when the opportunity arises. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Punish him when he goes for CS]
[Stay away from his taunt range]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]”
freuio123 says “Ist sogar ne 4.5 Galio ist super stark in Ahri. Du kannst ihn bis Lost Chapter kaum Schaden machen, wirst outpushed und seine Ulti verhindert in den Meisten Fällen deine catches.
Galio verliert die Games, weil das Design Kacke ist, aber grade im Comp ein absoluter hard counter in Ahri”
NickLeVlach says “50 - 50 situation. It's another Ap counter. All he really needs to do is survive the lane phase to impact sides/team fights. Syndra still does very well into this match-up since you have the anti-engage with E, but you'll need to play team fights better.”
Zeusman00 says “Generally a favorable matchup for Cassio as she solid DPS with components. Biggest threat is the Q poke and the CC Galio has to set up ganks”
Anguish333 says “- Cringe matchup, he is basically Anti-AP Champion
- His Autos with Passive up have huge range, make sure you dont stand near minions when he uses it
- You can heavy trade whenever he uses everything on wave
- His E cancels our E2, R1, R2”
Jg_diff says “Just don't let him take too much CS and you'll be just fine. If he fails his farm, he will be too weak to participate in team fights. If he does so, he will be a complete clickbait. Still beware his ultimate as it can turn a fight upside down. ”
Cryniu says “It could be a hard match because defense of Galio. Although you can poke freely in laning phase, Galio can resist your damage with his shield and roam to help his team. Take advantage of the laning phase and if you are having problems build Mercury's treads. Play to help your team with utility!”
Wraithlander says “This champ has a surprising amount of damage and poke with his low CD Q and strong all in combo. His E can cancel our W and his magic resistance makes him quite tough to deal with. You outscale him in fights however and can steal his ult to match his roams or make roams of your own if you have stronger side lanes or jungler is rotating.”
vxnity says “Pretty easy matchup. Focus on farming and poking. If he tries to dash towards you, you should be able to charm him and get a combo off. Aery and Electrocute are both good.”
kaiba77 says “Galio is easy to beat in lane, but the problem is his W taunt and his R. React to his dash with your e, and punish him for every cs he takes.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transendence gathering.
Hexflash Cosmic. OR
Presence of mind, cut down
Push the lane early and punish his cooldowns/melee status. Count down his dash in your head.
Ping for ult roams, do not get in range of his dash taunt, dodge q's and don't burst him mid-taunt.
A good galio will be unkillable. Play to scale and land a good E for ganks/skirmishes.”
Deru says “Just annoying matchup in general, not hard because the champ doesn't really have kill threat. He can match your roams after 6 but not before, so abuse that.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Just keep your distance, catch him on the jerk (E) of his Q, his ulta has training. You can put a W if he tries to get you with his W. He's more of a melee.”
StralekS says “Kat Favored: Conqueror/ Domination: vs Tanks, Ignite + Flash, Long Sword start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Rush BOTRK on start.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “Can be poked down, and dominated if played well in laning phase. However, when he gets his 6 just ping your teammates, because he can become fed and very tanky.”
Mayuushii says “Melee mage that doesn't have much kill pressure. Try to avoid his Q and harass as much as you want. Cancel his E with yours and use W to avoid his taunt or E. Try not to waste spells on him when he channels taunt.”
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
Most Galio's you face are usually auto-filled and easy to beat by continuously poking them out of lane and pushing the lane if they don't contest the minion wave. Make sure not to let Galio hit both you and the wave with Q and don't let them push the wave for free. Your team will definitely appreciate that. Galio never has enough damage to kill you.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
SalSushi says “A classic counter mage. He is far too tanky for you to kill and outdamages you with Q and passive. Take conqueror and try to pick up kills elsewhere. ”
TheAfricanDream says “One of the easiest matchups for Swain. His larger hitbox makes it easier for Swain to land his E and W for easy passive stacks. Play aggressively in lane as you have the range advantage. Keep in mind that Galio can easily setup ganks with his jungler onto you.”
MetalK1d says “Galio is very tanky and has cc it is very hard to solo kill him. The best way to play this match up its to farm and hope your jungle has brain. The easiest way to kill him is to push him under your tower and E so he gets as many hits as possible.”
hesentorki says “Easy to lane against but he has good setups with jungler/support be careful for that but if you know he is alone be confident and fight him when you can.”
Demonsedge90 says “Galio's magic shield negates a good chuck of your burst damage, making him a difficult challenge for Syndra. A good tip would be to wait until his shield is down. It's best to do this without putting yourself in harm's way. After it's down, this helps ensure that your full combo deals the maximum damage to him.”
Atemporal says “Costumava ser um confronto que eu temia, e sempre perdia, mas indo Conqueror - Presence of Mind - Legend: Tenacity (Legend: Alacrity se o time inimigo tiver CC baixo além de Galio) - Last Stand com Sudden Impact e Ravenous Hunter
secundário Eu venci consistentemente os jogadores do Galio agora. Galio sempre pressiona no início do jogo devido ao seu passivo, pense em como você faz o Q no início, se o seu Q atingir os lacaios conjuradores, você provavelmente perderá o ouro deles porque Galio
empurra você tão rapidamente. Use Q apenas para afinar a onda e configurá-la para o último golpe sob a torre. Não conteste seu empurrão, não é possível no início. Negociar cedo também é inútil porque seu escudo W e redução de dano bloquearão a maior parte do
seu dano, e você sofrerá muito dano do combo de Galio + seus lacaios enquanto estiver em cc. Se Galio for descuidado e for para uma negociação agressiva, mesmo se você for atingido e fragmentado, seus cooldowns são bastante longos, então você terá muito tempo
para bater nele com automóveis e ir para um comércio de conquistador prolongado. Tenha cuidado ao usar E para escapar quando Galio for para a provocação em você, se ele bater em você depois de usar E, a provocação fará você pular de volta para ele e você terá muitos problemas.
Concentre-se em pegar o máximo de fazenda possível no início do jogo, você o demolirá depois de ter 2 itens com o Conqueror. Tente evitar teamfighting contra Galio, pois seu R, W e E tornam quase impossível fazer seu trabalho. Fique na faixa lateral,
se o time inimigo começar uma luta, você pode entrar por um flanco e entrar depois que Galio tiver usado suas habilidades.”
Snudu says “galio hard counters most ap matchups and can easily match roams that you do. its also standard practice for galio players to duo que with their jg for maximum psychological trauma to their lane opponents”
IamBishop says “You clap this dude. Cancel his w with your e, this will be big in team fights because that taunt can mess up your team pretty hard, and it sets up his own dash knockup. Ulting galio in fights is also pretty good, preventing his from ulting in general is a good way of playing fights. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Liandry/ Everfrost
R: Standard/Phaserush/Scaling
S: Cleanse/TP
Solange du außerhalb seiner E Range bleibst kann er dir eigentlich nicht gefährlich werden. Push ihn ein damit er nicht mit Ult anderen Lanes helfen kann. Cleanse hilft gegen sein gank Setup. Kaum ein Champ scaled so schlecht also chill einfach. ”
Lucid Walking says “SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: If your reflexes are fast enough to cancel his E chargup, you win. If not you lose. For the rest just farm and cutely poke him with Summon Aery”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I didnt play for a very long time against galio but i dont see how he can win. You W his taunt that is important to make you stay in his Q and you melt him with your barrels and passive. He is also weak against ad poke. Free lane.”
sapphire__lol says “One of the easiest matchups. You always outtrade him in long trades and even in short ones. Galio needs to get push to be useful which is not really possible into you since you win the melee trades hard. Post 6 the matchup gets even easier. ”
Mvrshy says “[MID] contrary to most mages, cassiopeia shreds galio as she is an efficient antitank dps source, if he misses he only engage (very linear) you all in him and run him down forcing death or flash. only reason he isnt 1 is because of his buckets of cc setup for junglers”
J.A.K.I.E. says “You're both meant to counter All in characters. He has reliable stuns however so if he's smart he'll wait for you to drain then stun you. You can try to out-poke him but I have doubts on it being effective since he also has a form of poke.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
Adamonias says “Neutral Lane, you can't kill him, he can't kill you. His Q poke is no joke, don't get it by it if possible, he usually has to use it on the wave.
He has decent gank setup with his dash and taunt.
Ping his R and try match his roams with ult.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate Hero's Entrance(R).”
SkyBanana says “A utility tank vs. A utility mage. Normally if Galio is a tank he will be harder to deal with... Issue is he build full AP Glass Cannon so you can poke him down in lane and wither his shield down for all ins. Just remember: R roams for Galio is his thing and if there is lockdown for him, CC wombo combo will happen. Just do your best to stay out of the way and then look for a massive Encore to hit. This can go either way in all honesty so all you need to do is play the game accordingly and look for ways to make plays that opens up to what he is weak to.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his Justice Punch(E) and then taunt you with his Shield of Durand(W). As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate. If you’re a ranged champion, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to last hit.”
NegativePhoenix says “He's an anti-mage so he's got a bit more resistance to you than you'd like. Just be careful going in to poke him with Empowered auto since he'll most likely try to E in and hard trade you for it. Your only real best bet is to just try to Q poke him and only auto him if his engage is down. Ult him if he tries to ult away and you can reach him.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Galio is a easy mid match up, You'll win all in's he does.
The only thing that will cuck you is the tankiness late game and the fact that he can taunt you and prevent you from killing the ADC.
Grudge or Cleaver can help take care of Galio a little, And edge of night to pervent the taunt from catching you.”
Body Those Fools says “You pretty much scale for free in this matchup. You can't really kill him early unless he messes up and vice-versa. Push him in so he can't roam; either match his roams if your wave is fine or ping your team away and focus on getting tower plates.”
Bughans says “You won't kill him, but he won't kill you either. I mean if you get a gank he'll die. But if you don't use your W stupidly he can't catch you out.”
warmfishu says “Not a terrible threat while his knock-up, Justice Punch (E), is on cooldown. Hero's Entrance (R) is a large AoE knockup, but it is highly telegraphed, so you can hopefully avoid it.”
loldoppio says “In a 1v1 yasuo statchecks galio. You just have to be careful of overextending or jg will come. You can windwall his Q in lane, bait his passive auto attack before going in for a trade.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “A good Galio will zone your team from following up on your engages, and because Rell functionally does no damage on her own, it's near impossible to find good fights in lane unless their ADC mispositions quite hard. His roaming and teamfighting later on are also pretty hard to deal with if you try to engage, but you succeed in peeling against Galio so go Locket and adjust.”
KayyeN says “The definition of an unplayable matchup. It's like he was created to counter Katarina. Constant max-health% poke from his Q, no chance of winning any engages because of his W into E. His R allows him to follow you when you're roaming so you can't even gain an advantage through that in a lot of cases.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Early Game:
Galio is difficult to low elo, easy to high elo. Predict his dashes and taunts and continuously punish him. Galio's ults are shorter than you think so try to roam while he clears the pushed up wave.
Mid/Late Game:
Galio becomes even less of an issue to you as you can ult him away along with several other frontliners in order to peel the backline while doing massive damage. ”
HikariWoosh says “Galio can't do anything to you, but he can follow your roams easily, just be aware of Galios position when you leave the lane and you should be good.”
Nooooouhhhhh says “Unpopular and cant really kill you but you cant kill him. Unlucky if you get this matchup but isnt the end of the world. Also not popular not worth a ban.”
DabiDabi says “Galio doesn't do too much damage but he is super tanky, especially against mages. Do respect his E+W+Q combo as it will do quite a bit. But you can poke him a lot. ”
Super08131208 says “This match up isn't hard, it's just very hard to kill Galio especially against AP champs. Try not to get poked by his Q too much and avoid being hit by his E+W+Q combo. Wait till his Aftershock goes out then you can fight. If he goes AP you have a better kill potential. If he goes tank with Aftershock, look for pokes. Only thing you really lose hard to is his ability to gank.
Uberizm says “Personally I like to watch TV static while playing this matchup so that I can lose additional sanity on top of the sanity im already losing from his mental assault. Just play for out roaming you cant kill him”
Zoose says “Auto attack him whenever he uses E. Play a little safe while your E is down. W is another peel tool to flick him away while he's in his slow moving taunt. At lv 6, he will look to ult teleport so ward behind walls or deep in lane and ping teammates. Look to match his roams with your ultimate.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A strong jungler with a lot of CC, he has a good and relatively fast clear, he will gank any moderatly extended lanes without much effort while trying to be a supportive jungler with quite a bit of damage for his team.”
Esrucnl says “Very hard to kill because of his W ability making him tankier and getting a in-built magic shield from it. It is possible to kill Galio the very first levels during laning phase if you manage to outplay him and dodge his abilities and all in him with ignite.
Later the game goes he becomes too tanky to kill and an insane good frontline for the enemy team making your life hell mid-late game.”
Azurio says “If he goes ap, E out and take distances, don't let him taunt you. you can burst him with eclipse ignite.
If he goes tank, you won't kill him and he will just roam, afk farm and destroy late game. Keep bushes around mid warded and ping when he is gone.”
ddieguito_es says “Your damage is higher than his. He can dash to you and win trades if he gets away with a taunt, but I don't think he can kill you in lane w/o the jungler. Get vision.”
beansoce says “Try and use auto attacks during your combos, it will do more dmg than your abilties since his magic shield passive. Get boots early to dodge his e and try to pool his w as best you can. His ult makes it hard for you to one shot people so just becareful when making plays he might be hovering them on the map with ult.”
MrBlivious says “The only thing you have to watch out for is his e into w, where he knocks you up and taunts you, because being taunted is the last thing you want while fighting. He also makes it harder to roam to other lanes because he can ult and interrupt the gank.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Very easy to deal with. You can bully him all you want just keep the wave on your side so you don't get ganked. Your ult range is much longer than his, so he will be slow to react.”
Bunny Kata says “TAKE LEGEND:TENACITY AGAINST GALIO. The only issue with Galio is that he has hard CC. But still, you can destroy him with your burst. Wait for him to use his abilities in teamfight, then you can go in and kill him fast.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.”
Melyn says “Galio is similar to Blitzcrank in that you can win slowly but lose very fast. In most situations, if he CCs you, you're dead. Poke him down as much as possible (with E since it's such long range, backing off when it's on CD) and don't get baited by his aftershock's tankiness.
Do not be afraid of flashing away from his spells. Better that than dead.”
Berdasco9 says “Otro campeón diseñado para hacer counter a asesinos ap, el matchup no es tan horrible como puede parecer en un principio, si eres capaz de baitear alguna habilidad antes de hacer un tradeo deberías poder sacarle una gran cantidad de vida a base de auto ataques, recomendable empezar con BOTRK en este matchup.”
Dazzther says “You can't even deal dmg to him. But if you don't troll, he won't be able to kill you tho. Just play the lane and farm safe, and try to roam whenever you can to grab some kills. If you really need to win your lane, taking conqueror is the way to go.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Farm lane]
[Don't get taunted by his W and knocked up by his E]”
donidaking says “DEMACIA STONE STATUE
Don t stay in his Q even if it hits you ,if he charges w when you charge E it s the same distance so he releases his W and cancels your E.
His ult is really annoying in a teamfight as he gives those in it magic shields.
Besides being careful when trading it s not unplayable watch out for jgle ganks since his kit allows him to keep you stunned for a while,dodge E with your W if it s gonna hit.
If he goes aftershock you don t win any trades if it s up.”
Bertsicle says “If he's good you wont kill him, he can just out push you and roam first, try to keep him low health by trading a lot early so his roams are awkward and avoid his AOE auto passive on minions. He really gets a lot of free damage off when you melee farm a minion and he just passive autos near you. If you can E him AFTER he's wasted his Q an passive on a wave the trade will be much better. It's all about waiting for key abilities to go on CD so you have more favorable trades.”
KyogoEntity says “With lethal tempo in a 1v1 scenario it should be impossible to lose vs Galio but his danger comes in his roaming potential post 6 and his gank set-up with his hard to miss CC. Try not to over extend and waste everything after his aftershock runs out. If he has predator its a free lane. ”
Dannala says “Slow and tanky with some AoE, generally easy to poke and easy to avoid. Getting hit by his combo might spell your doom if you're not careful.”
TheKingUltra says “If he plays tank, neither him or you will get a kill on lane. If he goes ap, try to outfarm him, because of his reliance on q for farming. He might even die, with the help of your jungler.”
Supp Ahri says “she magic shield is a big problem in lane as well as his q poke and his ability to close large gaps and cc you easily if your jgl is ad ask them for a gank and try to snowball off of other lanes if your jgl is ap just farm and dont waste your mana on him unless you can get a free combo
LilPaniniUwU says “Take barrier. Galio will kill you if you walk into E range of him but if you sit back safely and poke you should be able to scale. Just hold on to 6 and don't int!
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Do not get too close at allow him to engage on you. He usually wouldnt engage you unless he's getting a gank, so keep an eye out for that.”
Exiled Heretic says “Try not to fight him, he will most likely only fight if the jungler is around. make sure to take TP and Build to scale mid to late game.”
Sihirdarokulu.com says “Qiyana, Galio karşısında etkilidir. Onu doğru şekilde kullandığınızda koridor aşamasında problem yaşama olasılığınız düşüktür.”
Ahri Simplord says “You're gonna look to harass him a lot early, he's gonna try to shove in every wave he can with his passive and Q. He can't really oneshot you without ignite so watch out for ganks cause his taunt is pretty good cc. Take the priority in lane as much as you can and roam.”
ROLVe says “Galio is a big counter, due to his tankiness. Try to play safe and block as many of his Qs. If he backs, push the wave and go roam. !Use Conqueror in this Match-up! Use Legend: Tenacity, Second wind and Unflinching.”
Bundif says “Galio generally does really well into assassins but it's really fun play around your R and W to dodge his knockup and taunt. A good Galio is a challenge but a fun one.
⭐Remember! ;)⭐ ”
Xalt says “Try to bait Galios taunt with QE and back off you wont win trades while he has his aftershock proc. Extended trades usually go in favour of diana as he has a lot longer cool downs than you. ”
DaffeLaffe says “This mathcup is really hard since Galio also is a bit tanky. Try to bait Galios taunt with QE and back off you won't win trades while he has his aftershock proc. Extended trades usually go in favor of Diana as he has a lot longer cooldowns than you.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Tear of the Goddess]
[Farm lane]
[Avoid his taunt from his W and knock up from his E]”
Juon says “Obnoxious 💀 Tanky 💀 Infinite cc chain 💀 Gap closer 💀 Big damage 💀 BUILDS MERC TREADS 💀 HAS BUILT IN MAGIC RESIST IN ABILITIES 💀 horrible matchup, like kassadin he has built in mr into his kit. He is very very hard to kill, look to punish his roams, and look for kills elsewhere, run phase rush and max E second.”
Xelikari says “Galio has exceptionally good gank setup so it’s important to know exactly where the enemy jungler is at all times; especially before looking to trade as it can quickly go south. Dodge his Q’s with your W and look to trade after as that’s literally all of his damage. Try to overheat before his W goes off so if he stays he’s getting wacked by overheat auto’s.
When playing vs Galio I will generally take Conqueror and go for Riftmaker instead of the normal Comet or Electrocute, as this is gonna do more damage to Galio and diversify your damage profile a bit.
lolzed5 says “always push lane in this matchup, Galio has insane wave clear with his passive, but due to his kit, he is unable to freeze waves, utilize your w backward, and hit him with your full combo if he ever dashes towards you. ”
Ara55 says “No Skill champion. just presses w if you're close. cancels your e whenever you try to e back to him (Your most damaging ability). unplayable if the galio has atleast one hand.
ChrisWasTaken says “You're not a mage. you win trades but galio looks to setup for their jungler so play smart. This isn't a SMORC GO IN FACE type of guide. I really think Xin mid / top is good you just gotta play smart.”
desch3445 says “AD vs Galio, you should be fine. Keep the wave shoved out though, a good Galio can make some absolutely nutty ulti plays.
Take the First Strike page; Even though Galio's got some great poke, it's not reliable enough to justify not going First Strike. Still a melee matchup, still an AD matchup vs Galio, you're golden.”
ThePieBeam says “Very painful to fight into because of his shield and the dash-fuck combo but it's not too bad if you know his range. You can predict the dash most of the time with experience and Q him out of it. You can also wall him off and away from being able to taunt you. Conveniently your range is basically just outside of his dash range so it's just a matter of keeping a close eye on his pressure. Also his wind ability is annoying but it's really easy to avoid taking big damage from it so it's really not much of a factor. ”
Polartech says “Galio isn't a big problem for Kayle even if he can Charge and Taunt you easily, this because Galio does damages only with his Gust (Q). Dodge his Gust and play moderatly aggressive versus him. Another good tip is to build Kayle Autoattacker closing Wit's End or Blade of the Ruined King for first, followed by Kraken Salyer or Immortal Shieldbow to take a good advantage on him.”
Callmebee says “We're supposed to be on the same side here, Galio! You're not going to be able to kill him in lane normally as he is too tanky and has a magic sheild, but you can definitely try! Be mindful of being ganked though as Galio is pretty easy to gank for if you're pushed. He becomes a problem if he builds Rocketbelt but, unless he is fed, he can't kill you. Take Barrier.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] To beat Galio you need to harass him while he goes for minions and try to stay healthy before level 3. Play aggressive with Q and be sure to grapple in ONCE you see him in the beginning sequence of his E. (Galio E is the charge back and knock up) WIthout Galio's E or W up he can be ran down for free. Post 6 just perma-shove waves to and threaten roams to deny him any pressure to use his R.”
mrmundo says “Way too tanky to kill, and he's anti AP like Kassadin. Try setting him up for ganks so he doesn't come after like the time at the Frieljord.”
lonestar1870 says “Push in early, it's easy to freeze against him. Focus on farming early, but also poke whenever possible. Be careful freezing if his ult is up since it's better for him to sack a wave and get his team ahead.
Galio is extremely annoying since he is hard to kill and has a lot of utility, but you should never die to him and should be able to impact the map earlier than him with perma prio.
You can play around jungler early. You can solo kill Galio ignite, but you should be able to get prio whenever you want and able to create early advantages with team
I like to play this lane to scale since he is hard to kill, but you do win the laning. When I say scale, you just play for a large CS advantage, getting plates, getting to skirmishes first, and punishing him if he decides to roam.
Hard to kill once he gets merc treads. Keep autoing/qing to stop his shield from coming up.
You get taunted if you E while he is channeling his taunt (if ur inside). Flash then E as needed
You should never die in this lane. If you do you're doing something wrong, make sure not to die to ganks since he has decent setup”
itakute says “Easy matchup, very easy to get ganked and punished by his jungler, cleanse is an option against galio. Windwall his Q, you can tank his E since it lets you take an extended trade against him.”
NotGudAtGame says “He counters you with hard cc and will reverse uno card our early game cheese against you for you. If you really want to do the strat GET LEVEL 2 BEFORE HIM AND DIVE because it will be your only chance at winning lane”
FelliceZ says “You barely see Galio against you, but it does counter you, cause of his CC.
Keep your E to dodge his E, and try to roam around the map, cause he will too.”
Nafnegle says “You're not going to be able to kill him in lane normally as he is too tanky and has a magic sheild, but you can definitely try! Be mindful of being ganked though as Galio is pretty easy to gank for if you're pushed.”
ShokLoL says “Very easy matchup but it is a little hard to E in sometimes since he can use his own E to back out. I'd recommend taking ignite if their jungle isn't likely to gank you, or cleanse if he is. This can be a good matchup to do 3 points Q to match his waveclear then E max.”
iZianni says “Galio is an activator champion that sets up other players, doesn't play for himself. Doesn't need gold, doesn't care about wave.
You win the 1v1, but who cares when he ults into side lane while you're waddling.
If you get too cocky he just all ins you without your fear and taunts you into his jungler :)”
pwins says “Galio can demolish Zoe in lane due to his tankyness and high damage. Be careful when he tries to poke you and if he tries to go all-in on you. Abuse your range and try to poke him as hard as you can!”
livikattt says “Galio's natural magic resist as well as his surprising amount of damage can be super annoying. Remember to charm him out of his ult whenever possible and you should be fine.”
KlumsBabe says “Either get jungle help or roam on the opposite side of the map from where he is. There is no point in the game where you can 1v1 Gallio.”
Juplicate says “He has good ranged poke, is a tank, has an ultimate that lets him roam, and can CC you. Never try to tower dive him and CC him when he uses his ultimate.”
Miscake says “Você não tem dano pra matar ele early e ele é mais relevante nos skirmishes no rio/drag, mesmo assim ele não tem dano pra ser uma ameaça e não tem um waveclear tão opressor. Basicamente uma free lane desde que seu time não tome os ganks pos-6”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Galio doesn't do too bad into Yasuo.
He has a lot of CC, and combined with aftershock, he can actually chunk you pretty hard with his combo.
Since he has so much cc his gank setup is pretty strong.
Bait out his W and go in when its down or else he will hit his whole combo on you.
Go Cleanse if their jungler has CC, too (Ex: Fiddle, Elise)”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This lane is very boring. Galio can never kill you unless he has help. His damage is just too low.
The annoying part about this lane is his insane gank setup, so be very careful if you overextend and do
your best to play around vision. Ping mia when he decides to roam after pushing you under tower. You can
cancel his W with your E if you time it correctly.”
Katawina52 says “(always go Conqueror vs Galio and build sunderer [into ap] or bork [if ad path] first) If he E's in and you're healthy at (mostly) all levels you can all him after he procs aftershock (you should have conq in this matchup). Being healthy when fighting is key! If you are both at equal health you will most likely lose the trade. If you can dodge his E with yours, go in after and you shouldn't lose (mostly killable pre first back). Lane gets EXTREME hard to kill once he has some component item and some levels, but you should still be able to kill it depending on his spell usage. Galio can set up ganks very well so keep an eye on the enemy jungler and how he is pathing. Follow his ult roam and try to move already when he is going to move so you're there way earlier. Mercs good vs Galio if they have more CCs.”
PlayCabex says “if you manage to kill him before his first item (probably abyssal mask) then you can bully him in lane, otherwise you wont do dmg to him”
eiensiei says “Won't kill him, but he can't really kill me either since they've nerfed him and he can no longer W+Flash. Farm fest, but Lux has the potential to be more useful late game picking off enemies.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA).
Corrupting due to his Q poke and because it's practically impossible to nuke him down in a single burst. We need all the sustain we can get.
Play with cleanse if the setup with their jungler is too strong (Heca/Galio for example). Galio provides lots of CC but it is fairly predictable. I would play with Ignite but would stay safe on lane and focus more on ganks. Beware! Everytime you gank there might be a Galio ult popping up on your target location (their ADC most of the times), so every time you roam consider it that it will be a 3v3 (unless you finish the job quickly).
Play according to that fact.”
xblademojo says “Unkillable Brick who can outroam you and offers so much CC for the team, only way you could try to trade him is with Conqeuror but Imo play efficient for scaling but still your team has a hard time against him. Try to match his roams with TP if needed.”
Polarshift says “Not too much of a threat, but be careful of his taunt, because its an excellent tool to set up a gank. Galio is very good at setting up ganks. It's a melee champion and you can dodge all of his abilities. Later in the game he is not able to match your sidelaning potential. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Anti-mage that out damages you early and out roams you. Best chance is to poke him out but be careful his engage is good. Take TP to keep farm high and scale. ”
Avucado says “Galio is very hard to kill, can potentially outtrade you and can roam just as well as you can. Start E lvl 1, free way to do half his health early. After that you don't want to E him to trade because he will CC lock you and do over half your health. He can keep you shoved into tower and match your roams easily. Big hitbox makes hooking him easy which makes ganks very easy. If he's running aftershock then it'll be nearly impossible to solokill him. ”
LunarVortex says “Your spellshield counters his entire kit pretty hard. He is also an easy Q target because of how telegraphed his dash is. He will try to push you in and roam. Warn your botlane in advance. Try to be wherever he tries to go and countergank him since your Q and E shut him down rather hard.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This champion completely counters your roaming potential if the player playing it has any insight on how to play the map. The lane is easy to play but always keep in mind he can ult anyone who you are trying to kill.”
Yeager says “Start corrupting potion. You can abuse him early with auto attacks combined with the active from the potion. Later on he becomes too tanky for you to kill, so you should avoid any interaction with him. Just stay safe and look for good roams. ”
Eriosunx says “Galio is a very common matchup for Katarina, the best option is going CONQUEROR+BOTH RESOLVE/DOMINATION.
Rushing BOTRK is the best option, but going NASHOR'S WORKS AS WELL.
You will find 3 types of Galio players.
The ones going basic Galio (AFTERSHOCK-TP) pretty easy to fight, just go when he has his keystone and boneplating down.
The other ones going for BURST DAMAGE (DH/ELEC+IGNITE) even easier to face but you must be carefull to take the one on one when you are full hp!
And last the PHASERUSH GALIO, I still havent figured out how to play into that, he engages on you and runs out with PHASERUSH and you have no time to counter-trade.
Just dont trade with him and focus on csing and side-map plays”
Fuzzmonkey says “This match up is mainly based on reactions but LeBlanc does still struggle against Galio because he is an anti-mage champion. If Galio can taunt Leblanc when she W's in, he will win the trades. If Galio can't do this, you should be able to get a free trade onto him if you dodge his charge.”
Urpog says “Midlane: Galio's recently been popping off due to the predator buff making predator insane, so he's pretty hard to manage right now. If the Galio you're laning against has Predator then you need to play to constantly poke him down or instantly shove your waves out while being cautious about where the enemy jungle is, he has an insane amount of roaming potential and jungle set up but you should live majority of the time by buffering his stuns backwards towards your tower, if they're the aftershock variant then this matchup is completely freelo and he shouldn't ever be allowed to walk up to the wave, use your E when he knocks you up into him and you'll flip him and then he'll lack the sustained damage to deal with you, especially if you have cull, ignite is recommended in this matchup.
Support: Galio's engage and taunt can be a little annoying when you're focused on the enemy ADC; when you're against Galio support their goal is essentially rush into boots so they can start making plays around the map than the lane so you need to play reactionary rather than engage, as soon as galio uses his E (Dash) you need to E flash onto the enemy ADC, he's lost his window to peel his ADC efficiently and you should be able to get a kill, you can then roam to attempt to match his roaming or play the lane out to put the enemy ADC behind.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Another AP counter, save your E until he decides to charge in so he can't taunt you. Other than that, poke him constantly and wait till level 6 to all in him.”
CashLOL says “Warn your team about galio ult and take conqueror in this matchup as he only wants to go for short burst trades in the lane. Don't be scared if he took all your health, his cooldowns are long and you can run him down.”
iZianni says “Melee champion that is susceptible to ranged poke, being able to cast while moving makes it harder for him to lock you down but he's a literal magic tank after picking up a little hp.
All he really needs to do is survive lane phase to impact sides/team fights.
Syndra still does very well into this match up since you have the anti-engage with E, but you'll need to play team fights better.
If you over commit, you'll basically die to a short cast taunt into knock up combo for 900 damage with one D ring. ”
MikeVix says “Hes to powerful. He has taunt, knockup. Before 6 you can kill him after a lot of poke. After 6 and when he gets armor its really tough. And if you roam hes gonna follow you with ult. Try to roam before 6.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade Resolve, Bone plating and Unflinching.
galio is pretty annoying to play against,he have too much CC.
in lane try to dodge his Q and W,you can easily dash out of his E range if he don't land his W.
you can all-in lvl2,just try to poke him lvl 1.
and be careful with galio's R it can destroy teamfights early.
you can block his Q.”
Kords says “His set up for ganks are really good. His early game dmg is really good and can chunk a lot of hp he if he lands a knock up-taunt. You can prevent this by staying further back and/or dodging his E, do so and you will be fine. He can also follow your roams really well, as he has nice waveclear. His teamfights are more oriented towards tanking damage for his team, you don’t need to focus him in later fights, but rather watch out for his CC. He falls slowly back mid-late game”
ShokLoL says “Galio is a pretty good neutralizer but you should still be able to build a lead and lane and he's pretty free first strike gold. You also do quite well against a lot of the champions Galio gets paired with, so this matchup is actually pretty good these days.”
Yasukeh says “Galio is definitely much harder after his recent changes. he can very easily 100-0 you and overall outtrade you from early on. If you go on him early when he has all cooldowns up, he will win the trade. Wait for him to use his Q to farm or harrass and then jump on him. When you are going out from a trade, his charge is much faster than your spin now, so you have to spin much earlier in the animation to dodge it. ”
Elite500 says “his Q does % hp dmg, his W fucks your E and Q, his E does the same, his ult makes you unable to oneshot people from behind, insanely cancer matchup but still winnable if you play aggressive and pray for no camp”
Dr Eggmund says “Gosh Galio is annoying, a lot of CC in his kit and damage output can mean bye bye to Vladimir, however he is a melee champion so poke with Q as much as possible in lane and if he doesn't build any kind of magic resist early PUNISH HIM. Build Protobelt and get a magic penetration item like Void Staff or Liandry's to burst through this man. See how the lane play's out experience with a few Q's and E's to see if you can all in him later.”
iZianni says “Even match up, but Galio has advantage due to his win condition being side lanes instead of mid.
You can do well poking him but he can ultimately just teleport back making it meaningless.
Look to scale, look to hard push wave to deny roam potential.”
Ambitieux says “In this lane It's mostly a pretty pokey out lane. You have more advantages early due to his high mana usage but he will ALWAYS out damage you in pokes. Use your autos to your advantage and try to push and look for roams. He wont take much damage but you have better pick potential. Save ur charm 100% in this lane for when he dashes towards you. use it and run away. Or to bait and setup ganks. He is pretty easy to gank with you being able to interrupt his dash. Make sure to ping MIA and ward rivers”
iZianni says “Galio has increased MR along with hp itemization which makes it impossible to one shot him.
You do have range advantage early but unfortunately Galio Q will instantly clear waves while giving him roam opportunities.
There's not really much to do in this match up unless you have jg priority, because both of you clear waves pretty easily.
The issue is Galio will 100% kill you if you misposition, whereas it's impossible to kill him without jungle or incessant trading that puts you in danger. ”
kindo says “Galio is super easy for Kindred, especially in the 1v1. You Can react to Q his E since it has startup, but it still guarantees his taunt. Unfortunately, this is why the matchup is a bit rough sometimes. You're low range - especially pre 4-mark so getting taunted means the enemy jungler can just gank you freely.
The matchup in lane overall is free, he'll just spam Qs from range and wait for jungle to gank. He'll give up waves to R to his jungle or sidelanes, and Kindred struggles to follow these plays (given 325 base MS). He can get a lead that way, but the lane will never snowball to where you can't still play the 1v1.
Don't stand in his Qs as they culminate in the lane, and dodge his E damage/knockup with your Q. Build tenacity for his taunt, and try your best to save your ult for when his is down. If he ults on top of your ult, it will be rough.”
Coldsong says “Galio is a rather easy matchup for Talon, due to the fact that he is only tanky against AP. Make sure to dodge his E and get away from him when he tries to taunt you. His ult is also decent at counteracting your roams, so be mindful when you rotate to another lane.”
resetwice says “He is tanky and his CC isn’t that best. He can double dash with protobelt and roam with R. You can let him engage and full combo. BEST RUNES TO GO: CONQUEROR”
Kessi says “Galios who run electrocute are usually a lot easier to kill, but even then, Galio overall shouldn't be a problem early game. Get dirk first back if you can, and try
to get an early lead if you can, or it'll be really hard to kill him later on. It's not really a favored matchup for you, but it's also not that bad.
Use W/E to dodge his attacks and go Plated Steelcaps or Mobility Boots for Roam.”
Sylvan Lore says “Galio is quite strong against Orianna, but that doesn't mean you can't beat him. Early levels you want to do your best to match his push by landing your Q on as many minions as possible. Even your strongest push will be outmatched by his Q and passive, but at least then you are not completely shoved in. Do your best to track the enemy jungler at all times. If you do not know where they are, do not overextend at all. His gank engage is amazing and any backup will change his large chunk on you into an easy kill. You will be more useful than him if you can take it late but that is easier said than done.”
Saddest says “In my experience, Galio is not as hard as most people make it out to be. Most Galio picks are by people who are trying to counter you, not mains. As a result, they do not know how properly pilot him and utilize his kit to abuse you as much as you could be abused. The only thought they have is 'hurr durr magic shield = counter durr." If you know you're facing one of these, punish them as much as you can; capitalize on every mistake they make, as there will be plenty. Long sword start is viable in this matchup, even if you're not looking to build into AD; try to cheese a kill level 2 or 3. The thing you need to avoid is his knock up; the taunt you can take. However, most Galios have the brain capacity to understand that you need to be taunted first before you can be hit by the knock up, so keep that in mind. His Q is easy to avoid unless you are cc'ed. Now, a good Galio will render you useless. Even if you attempt a quick trade, you will be instantly taunted, knocked up, Q'ed, autoed with his passive and 75% of your HP will be gone. If he has ignite, it's even more impossible to do anything. Roaming is recommended, though he can follow you with his R post 6. The point is, hope that the enemy Galio is not a main. ”
Impossible2Gank says “Once you get 2 doran's rings and put in an extra point or 2 in E you can take him out easily once you dodge his engage and Q in to auto for the slow and finish with E.”
Axianstudios says “Galio will absolutely curb stop Aurelion's world. From all in range, anti mage, to spell shield counter roam/gank ults. Luckily Galio isn't popular. Still be very careful with roams. It would be smart to "fake gank" without intent to really kill and get Galio to ult in.”
duhnx says “His taunt and E mess you up hard and his Q has great poke. Galio also builds tanky items so you can't really kill him once he has items. Wait for you jungler and be careful when roaming when he has ult, you will lose everytime unless his team is almost dead already.”
richardlized says “Zed hard wins lane against Galio. His W can be rendered useless and his E is very easy to out maneuver with your W/R, and he is easy to outkite. You deal a lot of poke dmg to him early and win all ins post 6. You can walk forward to dodge Galio’s Q. As long as you do not face tank every single one of Galio’s Qs. You should win this matchup. His damage also falls off hard. (Eclipse Conq)”
Eoba says “This matchup you just rush tiamat and mobis and roam. Aftershock won't allow you to kill him in lane. He'll most likely build 2 dorans and seekers as well.”
xMetix says “It might seem hard but there is a way to win this match up, if you can get a minion lead early on and start fights with a level lead to get better trades you might get an early kill, it will allow you to snowball the lead. If you don't find an opportunity to trade just quit hitting minions and wait for him to push back, he can't freeze because of his Passive.”
DabiDabi says “This matchup is easy, but it's just so hard to kill this guy if he goes Aftershock lol. Just avoid his taunt and E. His ult can counter your roams pretty well tho.”
DabiDabi says “This matchup is annoying. He eats all your abilities. His Q deals a lot of damage so try to dodge it and avoid being hit by his E+W+Q combo. Make sure his Aftershock is down before you fight him. Also try to keep track of his ult.”
tozosi says “Pretty easy matchup, especially with Conqueror. W as soon as he starts winding up his dash and you should be able to proc passive and help win the trade.”
3Riptide3 says “i'm honestly unsure about this matchup. He can counter your roams with his ult and can also kills you in lane. If he tries to zone freeze at your tower and call jungle. ”
Nanelol says “Can easily all in you with his knock up taunt combo, following with his ground pound that will easily burst you down. Continuously poke with Q.
Nanelol says “Galio is a hard matchup. His winds of war and passive AoE kills ur pets. If you walk up to farm early he will dash taunt u. Later he becomes tanky so just focus on farm. Ping SS and mid game you will just do what malz does best
TheEnglishman says “This matchup boils down to this. His ult can follow you but is lower range which is exploitable. Since you can lock your card in any form of cc as long as you press w before his taunt you can interrupt his combo with a stun. In this matchup you want to sit back, farm, and outscale. While his setups with a jungle are potent if you get solo killed in lane and he isn't crazy fed beforehand you made a major positioning error.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
Gamile 99 says “Puede llegar a ser molesto ya que se nos hace difícil de bajar por su mitigación de daño. A parte tiene muchísimo CC.”
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work. Electrocute or Phase Rush. Conqueror and Summon Aery is a possible choice.
Poke him down early game and make sure to pool his taunt. You completely outscale him but he will aim to impact sidelanes so farm up.”
Sanctuar says “Playing against Galio, keep a few things in mind: First, always punish him for lasthitting due to him being a melee champion, and second, have your E ready to keep your distance from him, should he try to engage with his E. Past 6, his ultimate allows him for quick engages on other lanes, but for that he still needs to get in range. Keep the river areas or jungle entrances warded and follow up if needed. ”
shidonryoku says “Not a difficult match, it doesn't really interfere with farming, although it strains up to 6 lvl. And for heaven's sake don't stand in its wind.”
Vispectra says “I've rarely seem him mid recently but even when he is mid , he's so slow and clunky honestly you'll be fine. You can cancel his R with your Q and generally you have to be really aggro to be caught by him and lose a trade. Just poke with Q and take it easy. He will move to other lanes and be a hassle to kill though.
DebilekLaZe says “His kit is very anti oneshot, even for his allies. You beat him in 1v1s if played well but it's still a huge pain because of all of his abilities.”
StarTundra says “Galio is hard to fight, because the range of his Dash is similar to that of your Q and he's very capable of winning fights against you. Overall, avoid fighting galio and focus on clearing cs/ freezing the wave to prevent the enemy from engaging”
cookanarities says “Galio is super easy for Kindred, especially in the 1v1. You Can react to Q his E since it has startup, but it still guarantees his taunt. Unfortunately, this is why the matchup is a bit rough sometimes. You're low range - especially pre 4-mark so getting taunted means the enemy jungler can just gank you freely. The matchup in lane overall is free, he'll just spam Qs from range and wait for jungle to gank. He'll give up waves to R to his jungle or sidelanes, and Kindred struggles to follow these plays (given 325 base MS). He can get a lead that way, but the lane will never snowball to where you can't still play the 1v1. Don't stand in his Qs as they culminate in the lane, and dodge his E damage/knockup with your Q. Build tenacity for his taunt, and try your best to save your ult for when his is down. If he ults on top of your ult, it will be rough.”
TheWerefloof says “He is a pain in the ass. Tank. Two stuns. Can ruin your roams, and overall is hard to kill. Let him push towards your tower and ask for ganks, if your Jungle or Support tanks his knock up it should be a free kill.”
luminyan says “Another annoying matchup. Galio has a lot of engage and his taunt can get you caught in bad situations. Try and play safe, and don't throw out a Q unless he's already used his dash.”
Aethlo says “Galio has the wave clear advantage. ||
Annie wins pre-3 (Galio gets his shield level 2 but Annie has the level 1 window and even with the shield to poke before Galio can all-in properly at level 3). ||
Galio wins pre-6. ||
Galio wins post-6 (but this is the time you have to be weary when he is roaming). ||
Annie and Galio have equal scaling. ||
Tip: [[[Galio is a good ban]]] It is really hard to kill galio. He has insane wave clear, roams, trades, and gank set up - not only this but it's almost impossible to one-shot him. The best you can do is avoid trying to kill him - punish him by following his roams if possible and killing the other squishy targets on his team.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Galio cannot kill you in lane easily, if ever. Be careful of his roams and relax. It's a farm lane! Take the Standard page and MR.”
iamcasualty says “He deals with mages well because of his inate tankiness tward mages plus his passive but he tends to build alot of hp and Resistances. so he'll trash you early-mid game but late you should shred him”
Redeemteam says “Galio is Ap counterpick, not only is it difficult to kill him 1v1, he counters your ult later by shielding allies who you cast it on. Might be worth a ban if not confident you can play around him.”
A55AILANT says “Not much of a threat.
You are quite good at escaping when you're not cc'd and you can dodge all of his abilities.
Be careful of his taunt, because its an excellent tool to set up a gank.”
SirGRC says “Keystone: Fleet Footwork
He has a magic shield and so do you, but his is much better than yours is. There is not much you can do even after getting level six because he has a much easier time shoving in the lane than you do. His poke is also very strong especially because of his taunt.”
GhoastlyGiant9352 says “has very good all in potential and can counter gank like a twisted fate.
his purple shield practically counter your passive damage.”
Daers says “Try to get kills off him early, if you can get ahead you can try to kill him on your own. Take DPS Diana into him. Keep track of his passive and go in for only quick trades when it's down. You can't 1v1 him if you're even.”
Sailor MOwOn says “He's statistically a Lux counter - I've lost games to him but have demolished him in lane. His roam is good but in Low Elo his ult is rarely utilized correctly. Watch what he builds and build Magic Pen accordingly.”
Little Planet says “Galio depends on whether it's the tank build or the mage build.
The mage build falls over easily as you mostly deal physical damage in the early game and thus his W passive does nothing to help him out.
Not to mention your waveclear is superior and that he can't really escape if you get on top of him.
If he goes tank you won't have the damage and he can just slowly chip away at you until you're all out of steam, just push and look for roams.”
Excalibxr says “Galio can't really kill you in lane, especially if he takes TP, but he also doesn't really die, and late game he just cc chains you to death. I recommend going mercs in this matchup. Don't take electrocute here, try conqueror and force an all in early with as many autos as possible. When he uses his e, use yours to block the charge so he can't escape. ”
dibnyan says “Galio es especialmente bueno contra matchs agresivos.
Pokea mucho
El taunt te molesta mucho en tf
Tiene mas utilidad y presencia.
Absorbe el daño AP de tu "W" en niveles bajos”
Joseph Evanss says “Dodge his e with your e and poke him out with q any time he wants to farm. If he goes in you win pretty much always. Longer the game goes on the easier it is for you. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “always go conq against galio, try to bait out his aftershock(after ccing someone, gain bonus armour and Mr) then go all in. be ware of enemy jungle ganks as galio can setup really good ganks. try to follow up galio ult side lane ganks by moving way earlier so you will always be there for your team. you should probably run mercs if their team has a lot of cc. if he tries to e to escape, you can try to jump in front of him to block his escape. ad build is preferable”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “If he misses his spells than your good to go otherwise not because he has alot of HP so you cant burst him down untill you have prowlers claw but id consider a not easy matchup.”
HalexUwU says “Really easy match up. He can't reach you and you can poke him really hard. His roaming can be a bit hard to deal with but if you do a good job of bulling him its not much to worry about. ”
peytonqt says “[MEDIUM/HARD] [PR/Conqueror] [Tear] As Galio is a tank, he basically just beats you instantly. His engage is super fast and if you get hit he'll just stun you and easily outtrade you. Look to poke him and stack your tear in lane. Do your best to get vision in the river so that when he does eventually roam you can at least ping it. When he does roam push in his wave and take plates and the tower. ”
harris tegas says “Ιf he is good he can destroy you. he is super counter . when you do W , he can do his W and he will hit you. When you go fo dive he will do his E and then his W and he will stun you !”
Ryank30 says “Conqueror, His Q's are not hard to dodge, if he misses his E you just win. Make sure to get a QSS if you need to because his cc becomes very powerful in teamfights. PING YOUR TEAM FOR HIS ROAMS”
Tauricus2017 says “His Q is very powerful zoning ability that you don't want to get into. Try to bait his E and then dśidestep it from the sides. Engage right after with all your tools. Don't forget to ping your team when he achieves level 6 to warn them from possible engages.”
mihaila says “Dodge his E with your E. Good ult to steal. U can poke back and u beat him 1v1 if u are confident. If they have a jungle with a lot of cc, use Cleanse instead of ignite or tp.”
XD001 says “One of Ekko's counterpicks, there is little counterplay. If Galio has a brain he will just save his taunt for when you go on him. Dodge his Q poke as best as possible in lane. His E + W + Q + P-AA combo can chunk you for about half your HP at all stages of the game. In mid-late game teamfights it is really hard to assassinate anyone as Galio give everyone in a certain distance a giant magic shield + enemy knockup. If you go on the high priority squishies, odds are he will just peel them with his taunt and you will get CC chained. Look for fights when Galio has no R and you can catch an enemy squishy out. The one good thing about this matchup is that you will basically never get solo-killed by him, but that's where it stops.
Even scaling
Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + precision otherwise.”
Reppy says “If you do not kill him level 2-3, you will not kill him for the rest of the game solo. He is a magic damage tank monster that is impossible for Katarina to kill without losing any short trade (especially with Aftershock). For this matchup, you want to rush AD (bilgewater cutlass) and try to punish his mistakes.”
Luciiid says “Very easy level 1,2, & 3. Easy trades unless you get ganked, until he backs. After he backs and gets fat he is impossible to kill. If you're looking to kill him after he gets tanky then take conq. Otherwise take electrocute and look to roam.”
Noodles912 says “Easy lane. Play chicken till level 6, then use your ult to dodge his justice punch. Q when he Qs, and stay away from minions when he has passive. Poke him safely, and smoothly outscale him.”
mc_jojo3 says “You can't kill him and he can most likley not kill you if you dodge his dash. If you want to play Shyvana i would probably go AD against this.”
Noodles912 says “He is just annoying. He has a magic shield and is tanky with tons of cc. You only can sit mid and farm all game. He roams way better than you. When looking for a burst trade, use E to dodge his dive, but its not a bad idea to dodge the taunt. PTA is a must. Ask for ganks if possible.”
elnino9 says “Close to an unplayable lane but managable. He has no serious kill pressure unless you mess up somewhere, other than that you both just sit back and farm. If he gets a gank, immediately try to shunpo away. Ganks are you worst enemy in this matchup because Galio is a great setup for a gank with his taunt. He has a free magic shield, don't hard poke him. Focus on farming and being in a safe distance. You CAN kill him early on if he takes too much minion aggro because galio mains get cocky and play very aggressive against a Katarina. Fight him with Q dagger setup on minion, then EW, E out. Do this when he just used taunt or just used his passive auto attack so he doesn't trade back for a lot.”
Raizins says “Galio is one of the harder lane matchups for Alistar, and also in Mid-lane. He has multiple ways of stopping your combo, with a quick W taunt to interrupt you, or his E which can make you whiff your W+Q and then you get knocked up.
Make sure you keep track of his ultimate as well, as if you over-commit to a fight and he counter-engages with Ulti you might have just put yourself in a no-win situation.”
PASS10NE says “Champion is tanky, but you will win trades if you proc your passive. Galio can respond to skirmishes easily thanks to his R, so be wary of that.”
NuclearAkali says “He is a tank. There is not much I can say about that... If you can just survive early and try to get ganks from your jungler than you will be fine. You can always roam but be careful because Galio has a pretty good global ult.”
Wunsch3957 says “You should really win this matchup as Galio isn't really good against AD. Dodge his E with yours and W his Q. Out roams you. Be extremely careful about ganks. Conq.”
Lot of Wind here says “Yasuo can be a great counterpick to galio as you deal AD damage. However, don't be surprised by the amount of damage Galio can deal in the early to mid game ; you can't take a lot of trades early if he hits his abilities. Try to poke him rapidly with your Q through the wave.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Very tank late game and is hard to kill. This match up isn't bad but late game he's hard to kill and he can really be a threat to you as his W can taunt you from preventing you to one shot ADC.”
Wunsch3957 says “Try to dodge his Q and don't get ganked. As he can out roam you when he leaves lane you take his plates and eventually his tower. Take conq/domination with flash/ignite. Kraken mythic.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Dodge his Qs and he's done for. The only thing to lookout for is his gank setup with his jungler, otherwise you can do whatever you want.
You are the best bird in League”
GeDBo says “Galio is a specific match up that is neither hard nor easy. You both can punish each other severely if one of you does a mistake and the opponent manages to notice the mistake and react quickly. The reason I am saying this is because Azir is very dependent on his soldier (w)'s positioning. Galio can get out of their range and if he manages to get close to you, you will loose the trade. Poking him won't work either since he is somewhat counter to mages. Maybe considering AD Azir would be a good idea? Nah, I'm joking. Please don't do that. Galio is very dependent on short trades, kills and assists, since farming against a ranged champion will be hard. All you have to do is pick some sustain runes - Lethal Tempo or Conqueror. I specifically would go for Conqueror since I will surely need that stacking adaptive damage and little bit of healing since he won't be able to burst me. Always keep a spare soldier so whenever he jumps on you (trust me he eventually will) this way you will have an escape route. Buy vision and ask jungler for help if necessary.”
Modern Giraffe says “I may be a hottie but that doesn't mean you gotta knock me up. This boy is annoying but you can roam on him pretty easy with his long ult cd.”
Aht3ns says “Mundo destroys Galio in lane, but Galio does pose a threat when he roams. When Galio roams, just try to get tower plates, and you will knock down mid tower fast. Try to shove him in most of the time.”
1st fizz on mars says “very annoying mathup
he have a lot damage insaneee champ
i recomend u to rush void stuff 3 item
try to lane safe and just farm
u can kill him but i have to dodge all his abilities and play very clear”
Edg3Lord says “He can poke you, but most of the times he can't really engage in any fights with you on the lane. Should he attempt it, punish him by blocking his E and then going all in. Even if he taunts you, most of your damage comes through your basic attacks anyways, so just make sure you can land an E.”
Coldsong says “Galio will destroy you due to his strong team fighting and his anti-mage kit. Do not trade with him early and just try to farm up. This matchup used to be even harder, but since Galio has been repeatedly nerfed it is a little bit easier to deal with him. ”
SoraSan says “Galio é um Lutador AP, dificilmente ele vai querer ficar na sua lane após o 6 dele. Sempre que ele desaparecer use seus pings para uma possivel ameaça da ultimate dele.
Na rota você pode abusar do poke e tente abrir vantagem no farm.
Cuidado com as investidas dele, ele raramente vai pra cima de você a menos que você esteja muito atrás dele ou que vá ter gank do inimigo na sua lane. Nas team fights cuidado com o Galio, tanto com sua ultimate que dará um knock up em área, quanto com o W e E dele.
Recomendo vir de Eletrocutar para pokea-lo na lane.
Vá Ritmo Fatal caso queira focar apenas no farm e escalar melhor para team fights.”
BigBushMan says “I haven't played against Galio much, but when I do it is usually a pain due to his passive shield. Although, you can click E and avoid most of his engage, so it can be mitigated. ”
Tizgard says “If he tries to poke with Q, engaging on him is pretty easy. Try not to play pushed up, unless he used ult to roam, then you can just push for turret platings.”
Hiimkata says “(always go Conqueror vs Galio) If he E's in and you're healthy at (mostly) all levels you can all him after he procs aftershock (you should have conq in this matchup). Being healthy when fighting is key! If you are both at equal health you will most likely lose the trade. If you can dodge his E with yours, go in after and you shouldn't lose (mostly killable pre first back). Lane gets EXTREME hard to kill once he has some component item and some levels, but you should still be able to kill it depending on his spell usage. Galio can set up ganks very well so keep an eye on the enemy jungler and how he is pathing. Follow his ult roam and try to move already when he is going to move so you're there way earlier. Mercs good vs Galio if they have more CCs”
mrsuits says “When facing Galio, keep in mind his tankiness and crowd control capabilities. Here are some strategies to deal with him effectively:
Galio's passive, Colossal Smash, empowers his next basic attack after using an ability, dealing bonus damage based on his magic resistance. Be cautious of his empowered auto-attacks, especially in the early game.
Galio's Q ability, Winds of War, is his main poke tool. Stay behind minions to minimize the damage taken from it. Avoid grouping up with your team in a straight line, as it makes it easier for Galio to hit multiple targets with his Q.
Be mindful of Galio's W ability, Shield of Durand, which is his primary defensive tool. When he starts channeling it, refrain from using crowd control on him, as it reduces the channel duration and grants him damage reduction. Instead, try to disengage or focus on other targets until the shield expires.
Galio's E ability, Justice Punch, is a long-range dash that allows him to engage or escape. Keep an eye on his positioning and be prepared to dodge his dash. If he uses it to engage, try to sidestep it or use mobility spells to create distance.
Galio's ultimate, Hero's Entrance, can turn the tides of team fights. It allows him to dash to an ally's location and taunt nearby enemies. Pay attention to the minimap and communicate with your team when Galio is missing, as he may be looking for a game-changing ultimate in another lane.
Galio is relatively mana-hungry in the early game. Consider picking a champion that can push the wave and force him to use his abilities to farm, putting him at risk of running out of mana.
Building magic penetration items can be effective against Galio, as he tends to stack magic resistance. Look to itemize accordingly to maximize your damage output.
Coordinate ganks with your jungler to apply pressure on Galio in the laning phase. While he is durable, his mobility is limited, making him susceptible to well-executed ganks.
Galio is a strong team fighter and excels in skirmishes. Try to avoid prolonged engagements and focus on objective control and map rotations to minimize his impact.
Note: Be cautious of Galio's empowered auto-attacks from his passive. Stay behind minions to reduce damage from his Q. Avoid using crowd control on Galio during his W. Dodge his E dash and be aware of his global ultimate. Consider champions that can push the wave and force him to use mana. Build magic penetration items against his magic resistance. Coordinate ganks to pressure him. Focus on objective control and map rotations to minimize his impact in team fights.”
Poppi Sama says “Can easily all in you with his knock up taunt combo, following with his ground pound that will easily burst you down. Continuously poke with Q, because of the true damage on the orbs way back.”
ParkChnm says “You have the range advantage in this matchup, but since Orianna is immobile Galio can easily get onto you and kill you, especially if he goes full damage.”
UnoTrickCho says “Galio is virtually impossible to kill and his short trade with aftershock is amazing. He can build armguard/steelcaps, but on the other hand he has very little kill pressure on his own.”
KataTocDo says “If he goes Aftershock, you will have to bait it out because he is unkillable with that rune. If it is down or does not use aftershock, you can just run him over.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Blade or Dark Seal”
BloxNaderYT says “In the early game Galio has almost full control of the lane and can perma shove waves under Senna's tower. This allows him to have good reset timing, allow him to roam, and crash waves when minion hp values are unfavourable for Senna. As Senna's waveclear is already quite bad, she may have a hard time last hitting minions, let alone get a good recall timing”
Yeetmeister57 says “You cant melt Galio as fast as most mid laners, and if he saves his cc for when you attempt to go in your W doesn't always move you far enough to avoid it.”
wildersovereign says “One of Morgana's best matchups, which is good considering how oppressive Galio can be towards many mages and mid lane in general. Early, you basically durdle against each other. Make sure you're focusing more on dodging his Q than getting poke yourself since his poke is way more impactful early than yours is. Once you rack up a few levels, though, you really start to feel the sharp difference in power between you. Your Black Shield negates every attempt he'll make to do anything against you, and you can respond with a powerful Q+W combo that'll shred him pretty quickly. You can Q him during his relatively slow E animation, which makes his engage really weak against you. Outside of mid lane, you both want to push the wave and roam. This is something a good Galio will attempt to accomplish early. If he fails to get the ball rolling early, though, your waveclear is superior to his, so you'll be roaming faster and getting fed faster than he could ever dream of.”
SkyBanana says “Galio's Ultimate can shut down your engagement since his ult gives his allies a magic damage shield. This is an incredible power few people have to realize. Not to mention you won't do damage to him since his W passive is obnoxious so you have to wear him down.”
rajsovsky says “Best anti-mage champion. Respect him as he has gap close, taunt, damage, wave clear, and his W (Taunt) cast can be hold longer then your W (pool), so don't waste your Pool before his taunt. You need to time it perfectly.”
invalidd says “Pretty easy, your kit allows you to easily outplay his, you can hook him out of the dash and taunt, your regen makes his Q poke worthless, you
can also force him to dash into your E which allows for an easy hook, and you're an AD champ so his ult won't be efficient against your damage, E
lvl1 is strong. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.”
Aikairi says “Build AD and get 3 points into E. Make sure you dodge his dash, and try to fight him early since he'll be a bit harder to kill during mid to late game. If he tries to taunt you and you're level 5 (you should have 3 points in E by then), then you should be able to shunpo out of it unless he fully charged it. if he didn't fully charge it, you can just sidestep his dash.
Don't roam too much as well since he can follow you with his ulti and turn the whole fight around.”
SkellyBirb says “While Galio is an anti-mage and you are AD, he can build a Seeker's and make you do a lot less damage. He also has 2 forms of CC, so shielding might not always be enough. Use your range advantage and run back getting ready to kite if you see him start his dash.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs galio: Peleale lvl 1 con la W, luego de lvl 1 no le pelees mas y a lvl 6 si, deja que entre con su combo o directamente esquívalo y ya no tendrá con que mas defenderse. llevate Tp, por que el match no se tratara de quien mate a quien si no quien rota mas. (compra hielo eterno por que no será posible oneshotear a un tanque)”
TheHostileCat says “He's pretty annoying for a newer player, and his tanky AP shield is still pretty strong. Dodge q, e back when he hits you and try to go for extended trades. Conq all the way. ”
Big Shawn says “Galio is a good champ versus Mages and other classes which base on Ability Power. Ekko can do fine against Galio, but he will be able to apply more pressure towards you as he gains the Magic Resist Shield through the passive of his W-Ability, which makes him slightly tankier. Therefore it is crucial that you poke him with your Q-Ability, and importantly bait his taunt. You never know where his jungler might be. Therefore it would be wise to ask your jungler to gank.”
Scyrine says “hard matchup but still winnable. Galio's usually engage with their dash. Don't waste your abilities trying to trade him, wait for his engage and E back. Try to be on the lookout for his taunt, and even if he does taunt you in the beginning you should just keep attacking instead of running away.”
BCota says “Farming lane, you can kill him but it will take ages you will be level 8 before you even get close to it. Good matchup in the sense that you can scale from permafarming
Chili Dog says “His Q does % hp dmg, his W fucks your E and Q, his E does the same, his ult makes you unable to oneshot people from behind, insanely cancer matchup but still winnable if you play aggressive and pray for no camp. Phase Rush recommended but both runes can be taken.”
JustGalaxy06 says “This guy is tough . You will beat him most of the time but he can go tanky ,he can get ahead because his roaming posibility but if he roams just push lane you will get some nice towers if pushed at the right time . poke him with q - q - e -w - q -e and then repeat . When he's low just make q-q-e-q-r-w combo and he's dead if you want press ignite to make sure that he's gonna die”
kimjisoo8 says “Super annoying since he is tanky and won't die to your burst. Abuse your range to poke him a LOT and if you can't oneshot him by then, ask your jungler to help.”
SkellyBirb says “Galio is an anti-mage and a tank. This puts him in a weird spot for Varus, who is a mage with percent health damage and is also a marksmen. You can burst him down, but he can engage hard and ignore a lot of your damage.”
PROJECT BZ says “Galio will just shove you in and play with his team and roam. Zed can easily avoid his all in with the range of his shadows and break him down slowly. If you beat him in lane, he will be extremely weak for his team too as he is orientated around his team.”
vCraze says “Galio is an even matchup early but can swing very heavily to whoever gets the first kill. You cannot walk up to him if he has E or W up because if they hit you with either you are basically dead. Play safe, poke and farm up.”
Lil Polymorph says “If you ever face a galio mid just dont try to use ur full combo on him , you probably will die if you are not used to do that often, in the first times try to understand lulu's Q range and spam him with E(On Minion) + Q, obviously just when u got tear.”
BlenderKat says “Against Galio the AD build would be the best option.Because the passive from his W prevent him from taking AP damage.Quick trades like Q+E+W+E(back to minions)”
Sadkid says “Galio is not too bad. Much like Cho you can poke him out early and play towards first move. Take W second and try cheese kill him after poking him down lvl 1. Later on, play towards your range you might not be able to one shot him so just ignore him the ADC will deal with him. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Don't step in his E range, you get out traded and out poked because of this magic null shield. He also out roams you. If you play safe it actually isn't too bad but then your side lanes become shit. Try to poke him as much as you can and try to scale. If you get taunted by him in a fight you're most likely dead.”
Mad AkaTha says “Almost unplayable wait for jungler to gank
Dont be very aggro against him since he can easily Outtrade you
Wait for him to use his spells then try to trade”
PedrinhoXD says “Galio does the same thing as you do, but he is tankier, you won't be able to kill him in lane, but beware of his engage, as is pretty much impossible to dodge is E+W combo”
Katfire says “Galio is quite a hard match up. Personally I feel this match up forces you to go for Conqueror, with BoRK rush. It is the only way to deal with him effectively. You should never stay in his Q after he uses it. Dodge his E. If he has aftershock he becomes nearly undamageable after he uses W due to the damage mitigation his W gives him paired with the defensive stat boost from procing aftershock. Don't R if his W or E are still up. When he is level 6 he can ult allies and offer them his magic shield, which will block a lot of your ability damage. Usually you would want to wait this shield out, but if you are caught in the middle of it try your best to E out of it or the knock up might put you in danger. He can use R to roam to other lanes so if he leaves lane try to keep track of where he is going and warn your teammates.”
WolfRider01 says “His CC is very annoying, and he can set up for ganks very easily. You can win this matchup if you can bait out his CC. His Q poke is really annoying and I often take fleet into him because of it. If you're losing ask for ganks. If you're winning, don't get too cocky, he can easily turn the matchup around with one good gank.”
Hqzz says “Galio can get real close, real quick. Be careful and cautious of your range and don't get too close. Rooting him, followed with a Q is good enough, don't try to deal more damage as he will charge at you. ”
Cap Jack says “This is the worst matchup for kat, not necessarily impossible but Galio is strong against you in every aspect. Hard to roam against him post 6, cc to shutdown. Kill him early and often. Possibly take tp if you want to follow his ults or tps.”
MartyBG says “Skill based matchup. If he buys Merc treads its gonna be impossible for you to solo kill him. Try to poke him early levels and dodge his e.”
MINISE says “Unsealed Galio maybe a problem since most of the time you would get priority on lane so there would be possible switches and lost teamfights of how sustain and big he is.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Aery with cleanse or ignite. He is an anti mage. Harsh him with autos and q don't waste your E unless he goes on you. He has really good gank setup don't harsh him under tower unless you know were the jungler is. Ping his roam don't try to follow them. Rush Sorccs
Akali go skrrrt says “Bait his W before trading/diving. If you dive him you have to watch out for his E or when not on cd his W.
If he uses R you can follow him with your E.”
KaAZu13 says “Play it smart and u will win it easily, let him use his Q and poke him as much as you can after that, place shrooms around you and poke him and farm from the sides of the lane as the minions won't get into the shrooms and you will be a bit protected, if you do that on top lane just mine the river, if you are on mid try to buy control wards and place them into bushes.”
economistastonks says “He is supposed to be tanky, but Pyke rips him a part.
The only thing here is that you can't take his Q damage, but it is quite easy to step away from it. ”
Fuffi says “you can't kill him, he can roam, you need to dodge as many Q as possible or he is going to kill you in the future, take cleanse because he can cc you with W when enemy gank.
btw you can easly ban this champ if you don't want bad experience”
Bobbab says “Unplayable. Call for jungle ganks or dodge. He can follow your roams with his ult, he can w or e you in your all in. And his q does way more damage then yours. His w shield makes your q poke useless. This matchup is 100% unplayable unless you get camped by the jungler. Luckily galio isnt played that much, but he probably is the best to ban if you have an early pick.”
sweodigaming says “Just try to farm in this lane, there is no idea trying to kill him, he is strong against mages and very tanky in general. Try to roam for kills.”
Grayified says “Galio is very tanky and has strong engage and a large amount of damage. In both support and mid he is annoying to play against but you should be able to get out of the way of his damage and get away fine.”
BreeAWT says “Muito tank, tem muito controle de grupo, consegue puxar a wave e sair pelo mapa, muita mobilidade. Bem difícil jogar contra, recomendo banir”
Kaali says “The only "struggle" is that he's tanky. Galio's kit is very predictable and can easily be avoided / played against in lane. Don't underestimate his team-fight potential though. ”
Daeydark says “Trade with him when his passive is down. I'd highly recommend going Phase Rush in this matchup because it's a lot easier to dodge his skills after you do a standard combo. Harass him early on; you have very high kill potential level 2 in this matchup.”
KormitLeFrag says “Shove and roam.
Careful of his dash + taunt, but otherwise he will need a jungler to do anything to you. You're not killing this guy in lane, though.
At 6 he can counter your roams, but his ult has like a 20 minute cooldown so yeah.
TheCatOfCheshire says “He got great dmg, and even if you hit all your spells, you don't have enough mana to kill him, he got great roaming and a good wave clear. But it's a melee so poke him with AA in early, you can even buy a doran blade as first item for that.”
Haywyre says “You want to really play this lane safely. Actively punish him with q's to break his passive barrier. You always wanna fight him with your jg. Dodge his CC with your shunpo.”
SkellyBirb says “Galio is an anti-mage, but he'll struggle to keep up with your roaming, poke, and burst. Just be careful of his dash, as the combo that follows can deal a lot of damage.”
Frixen says “Nothing you can do in lane against him, but he can't do much against you either if you keep safe distance and auto-space well. You can try poking him, but he is the ultimate anti-mage so I doubt that'd work out too well as he is often fairly tanky. Get Cleanse and he will never be able to do anything against you. Out of the lane you have much more pressure and splitpush opportunity.”
Faithyatta says “Slightly in Galio's favor, by the nature that he is an anti-magic tank.
He does a lot of damage to you at most stages of the game, and he out-roams you easily. Try to force trades with him early with your AAs & Q Es, and try to keep him stuck in your miasma any time he tries to walk up to you.”
Reason97 says “Galio doesn't seem all that intimidating in a 1v1 because, for the most part, he isn't, but he's very tanky, making him hard to burst in turn. Focus more on keeping him low and scared than trying to kill him, and try to be ready to wall block him or run if you see him winding up for his charge engage. you beat him in range, but if he CAN get into your face, he has the potential to chunk you for decent damage. At 6, your all in is better than his, but when laning phase is over, always keep in mind he can be at any of his teammates sides at ANY point, never assume you and an enemy are caught out in a 1v1 with eachother, cause he'll be there to turn the fight before you know it.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade He will go aftershock or DH, beat you in trades, have amazing gank setup, outroam you, and out team fight you. Basically you just lose very hard. Take Conq.”
Fadedreformed says “Even matchup , he can be quite annoying at fights since he can just shield everyone. You can win him 1 v 1 after some items or if he uses his aftershock”
Shock_101 says “Fight him early, like level 1 - 3. He only gets tanky when he gets his w (which usually they get at level 3), and when he gets items. His q does big dmg early game though, so be careful of that.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Tanky, has tons of waveclear, has CC, and can match your roams while giving a team mate damage reduction. Pretty hard match up. Farm the best you can and try to net your ADC some kills early on so they can hopefully deal with galio later.”
Yuki H. says “Gets fairly tanky late, but once again his dueling potential isn't as great against any AD champs due to his magic damage shield. From early on, try to stay with the caster minions to force his Q out to shove the wave into you. Your passive and Q allows for very easy last hits under tower from level 1. Make sure to poke him a good amount with abilities, and possibly all in him at level 5 or 6 (before he gets too tanky). If he takes aftershock, make sure to dodge his knock up and taunt.”
Chiefsnake says “Just stay as far away from him as you can where you can still poke him with W. Avoid his engage because if you get hit by his knockup and taunt you'll take a large chunk of damage and possibly die to a gank”
Veralion says “Aggravating. His Q poke hurts now and his punch is much faster and will catch you if you slack with your positioning for a fraction of a second. You can still move out of the way with your W up, but you’ve gotta be quick. Never let him taunt you. If he walks up and lands a taunt into a full combo, you’ll be chunked down to one third from full. If he punches and falls just short he will probably spam and land taunt, then his Q and passive will still do about a third of your life. Stay the hell away from him until 6 and just farm up under turret. You can’t poke him down through his passive shield, so just prioritize farm and wait for a gank. You can handle getting nicked by his Q here and there. Once you have your ult, you can kick his ass by baiting his punch and immuning his follow up taunt. Be mindful if you go for a roam that he doesn’t follow, ult the fight, and ruin your team. ”
Grimkyle says “Galio is one of the best counters to fizz at the moment I recommend starting W into him and have him shove u into tower getting as much cs you can at level 3 with corrupting pots active plus your ignite you can look to all in him or ask your jungler to help because if the galio knows what he's doing he probably has tp so not only does he have a global ult but also a global spell ”
K3y5 says “You can't kill him without getting two successful ganks. Don't bother poking with Q because his Q does more damge. His Auto - Q does more than your whole combo. If you jump on him, he will taunt and knock up.”
Brentonlop says “He has lots of MR and a magic sheild. It will be hard to kill him because of his tankiness but he can't kill you either. Roam or ask jungler for ganks.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Hey you like tanks?
You like ones that one shot you even in mid game while building tank?
Yeah, Galio is one of those
You have no chance of killing him in lane usually so your best choice is to roam and hope he doesn't follow so try to vision deny with sweeper and control wards.”
ThatOneKatMain says “He can't really kill you in lane if you dodge his e with yours and just farm with q you will be fine but you can't really roam post 6 as he will just follow with his r and mess your whole roam up. Spam ping if he's missing post 6 and just outscale him. Wait for him to use his cc before going in in a teamfight since he wont have any way of peeling for his adc.”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
MrMoonBird says “Galio has a lot of CC and can get really tanky. Your best bet is to play it safe, poking him with your Q, and ask your jungler to help you.”
snukumz says “You are a tank killer with your passive and he is a tank.
Keep your distance so he can't jump at you and taunt you.
Try to poke him down when he goes to melee hit CS, or combo him when he does that.
You can knock him low often with your combo but he's often hard to actually kill because of how tanky he is.
Ask your jungler to help kill him since he's fairly easy to kill with some help.”
1256 says “if not for gank setup id put him in 1, easy matchup for kassadin you straightup outscale he sucks pp but is VERY strong in setting ganks up for jg, you win that later into game
Defensivity1 says “Stronger in lane and can press R to match your roams shielding himself and knocking you up makes your ultimate risky if you want to make plays.”
LightningTemplar says “Conqueror setup. Doran's Blade start. CS with Q or W+E. Do short trades with W+E+Q. Play off his cooldowns, especially on his W. Ask jungler for help. You will struggly killing him solo, but so will he should you play somewhat safe. His shield only blocks magic damage, good thing considering Zed does none (besides a little from Scorch and his passive), so ignore it. ”
only yasuo play says “He has really good damage and pressure levels 1, 2, and 3. Most Galios will push wave early to pressure you under your tower.
Make sure wave doesn't crash into your tower and try to all in if you windwall his q.
Note: Galio does a deceptively large amount of damage.”
SicKitty says “so this guy has come mid once before so figurd ill add it but honestly is relly easy to kite with decnt hit box making skill shots more easy.”
Art1val says “You don't really see him mid anymore, but I will include him anyways. You can't really all in him as he has that magic shield, but you can't die to his all in either.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Fighting Galio is utterly useless. He is WAY too tanky for you, because not only he has damage reduction, but also his AP Shield. Trading is a joke, because when you dash on him you will always swallow his whole combo once he hits you with his taunt. Not only that, but his ult is also a really good tool to counter your roams.”
KataFlix says “Galio is the biggest threat on Katarina, not only he builds to be tanky he can CC Katarina for a long duration, beware of his Taunt and knock up by dodging it with your E and try to poke him early game, on late game you will need a partner in order to kill him”
Hyu Mungus says “Not exactly difficult to lane vs but can just destroy your teamfight as his ult shields everyone from your ult burst. Try to wait till he ults before all inning in a team fight.”
Debonair Karma says “You'll probably lose against him early. He does a lot of damage and doesn't take any back. He can't do anything late game though. Take teleport/ignite”
Axelote says “The only moment you can win this match-up, is by getting level 2 or 3 faster, and going all in with ignite to kill him. Don't force fights outside this window, he will always win.”
Gageowago says “(This is still a matchup that I am not too familiar with since he is not picked often, but there are a few tips I can give.) Try and keep your distance from him in lane, and don't waste too many spells on him because of his passive magic shield. If he steps up to you mirror his movements by backing up. If Galio manages to hit his knockup on you then you are about to lose a lot of health from his combo. After he chunks you back up immediately instead of going for a trade because his aftershock will absorb a lot of your combo. Try and keep away from minions to avoid Galio's poke damage. Another thing to remember is that Galio cannot flash taunt you anymore, so do not flash if he's channeling his taunt far away from you.”
Papapostolou says “I suggest you to dodge. This guy destroys you, but there is a chance. Don't try to poke him, he is gonna win every trade so you have to stay under tower, if you do well with that, then you can beat him.”
Lil Tidepod says “Galio is really someone you can't kill until late game. His magic damage shield is pretty much a big screw you to any mage. The only advantage you have here is he has to get close to do any damage. You can kite him fairly easily. Be careful of his flash taunt, as it will screw you over for sure, and cause the trade to go in his favor. He might even be able to CC you long enough to kill you if he hits the taunt.”
Capparelli says “NIGHTMARE of a lane you can dash onto him without getting knocked up up, his taunt will cancel your canopy, he can match your roam at 6, pray your jungle knows to gank if he uses his E, get Hexdrinker if you start to fall behind and Tiamat if you plan to just try and roam”
BigBushMan says “ Ok, Galio is one of the harder counters to Xerath becuase his passive gives him a magic shield and is not on a long cd, along with his ability to engage onto you. Just use the range advantage and try to poke him out if possible. ”
serruh says “honestly since riot removed flash + w this champion is just very underwhelming. sure he can be annoying sometimes and tank a lot of your dmg with his reduction and potentially even out trade you early, but you can play around it 99% of the time and scale for free. much bigger issue when it comes to teamfights, maybe look to get banshee. also mercs help.”
BabyTwisty says “You can play pretty aggressive lvl 1 but back off a bit when he hits lvl 2. Don't roam a lot post 6 due to his ult but try to roam early. Try to get your jungler to gank early due to him getting melted by AD champions, if your jungler is ap than you have to hit your stun to win the 1v2.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Galio is a joke as much as Corki is, you can R at anytime during his W channel to forcefully cancel it and avoid it, other than that you can freely hit him, he barely does anything but deal damage.”
DontRageItsOk says “Not much you can do in this lane but try to hold waves so your jungler can come. Level 6 he matches your roams and gives teammates a magic shield negating a lot of your damage. I recommend dodging if you see this pick.”
Sloyr says “Pratically unkillable, his damage are high and he's really tanky. You can't trade him so you have to roam bot and wait for teamights, always try to dodge his taunt.”
Gogicha55 says “You can kill him early really easily but his teamfighting is much better and can match your roams, just try to kill him early and get your laners ahead”
ekkologix says “whenever you go for it he Stuns you and wintrade easy , u can wait for him to be agressive dodge his w or e with your e then try to wintrade .”
8wolf says “Don't let him get close. His short range make him a good target for poke and you can zone him out and deny him cs. Careful if he tries to engage. He's very tanky and you probably won't kill him, so just farm up and try not to die.”
Daedralus says “I put him on level 1 difficulty but do not underestimate his damage of course! If you consistently get hit by his E Q AA combo, he will get you eventually if he trades without you being able to life steal. This is an unlikely scenario however as you will surely be able to bite him after his dash, but it is ganks you must watch after as his initiation if on target is deadly. But considering that he doesnt even have an ultimate that can be used against you in all situations and that you can also prevent him from using it with E or R (dunno if you can follow him with Q but that would be dope) kinda limits his plays. He simply doesn`t do enough damage in a certain amount of time to kill you, thus difficulty 1.”
Tehqo says “Tanky. You don't want him to land his dash. Other than that, relatively easy lane. He might be prone to roaming with his ult, so try to either push lane or countergank.”
NebuIa says “Galio should be easy to deal with, but his jungler will probably try to camp you. Just try to stay back and avoid his E. He shouldn't ever be able to kill you. If the enemy jungler is scary consider cleanse, and maybe phase rush to help run from him.”
LightningDeceptigon says “He's tanky and has a decent amount of burst. Be careful of his engages with E and then his taunt. His kit gives him a magic damage shield, making it even harder to kill him. Avoid short trades, play safe in lane early, and wait for mid to late game to 1v1 him as you are far stronger in long engages.”
cobbzy says “Mostly looking to all in when his abilities are down, he is a tanky boy so make sure to punish him when he makes a mistake. Otherwise, look for jungler help whenever you can. ”
LONERlSM says “Legit impossible to kill and has decent damage. Galio is just a farm lane look to out scale him and keep up with levels , what ever you do, please do not fight him he will win all trades. If your team comp is full ap Dodge because it will be tough for you to carry games.”
SrAlex-kun says “Si ganas a Galio eres Jesus, basicamente con su pasiva te destruye asi que intenta SOLO farmear, solo pegate contra el cuando el jungla te gankee y tengas vida, no te tires sin vida -_-”
Lasoor says “[Top] Requires a lot of harassing to keep him from killing you. He wins most short-fights early game while you win the long fights. So try to dodge his skill shots and consistently poke him down.”
spark2 says “Galio will build MR against you, so if you don't kill him early you can basically ignore this lane. Ping that he's missing the instant he is gone for more than 3 seconds, since his ulting to other lanes can be devastating.”
Cloud375 says “He isn't that big of a deal. Just play this lane safely, dodge his abilities when you can and it should be ok. Make sure to ping though every time he disappears from his lane, ESPECIALLY AFTER HE HITS LEVEL 6. Any time after he hits level 6 and he isn't in lane, immediately ping MIA! His ult is a high-priority threat!”
Sneaky boi says “It will be hard for him to kill but it'll also be hard for you. Farm and dodge Q. Be carefull if the jungler has hard CC, because galio also has it.”
SirZeros says “So the reworked Galio is a bit stronger against you, due to him beeing kind of tanky. The good thing about him, is that it's predictable when he wants to engage on you, so abuse this to land a stun if possible.
Otherwhise just try to poke him with your Meeps and try to dodge his E at all costs.”
Tchouvline says “Recent changes to Galio made him an Even threat (from Minor) for Fiddlesticks. Playing safe, warding and calling jungler will be necessary.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Really easy lane early on, you get to poke and deny him a lot and set him behind pretty far. After 6 you get a much bigger power spike because his Ult is a team reliant Ult. This matchup would be even easier if it weren't a couple of things. First if he goes Mercury Tread + Rod of Ages Or full tank, you will be unable to kill him ever and it will turn into just a farm lane. Secondly, if they have a dive jungler (like Jarvan IV) his ult can be deadly.”
ineptpineapple says “He is an anti-mage but you can still kite away from him fairly easily make sure you avoid his taunt tho and don't underestimate his dmg.”
J Husky says “He is made to counter AP damage, so he will be hard to kill. Try to abuse him in early and get kills, because you won't have that opportunity later.”
SeeEl says “Most melee matchups are just way too favourable to even bother going into specifics. Use your common sense, and just watch for flash taunt + gank.”
Fox1ne says “Galio is good match up for you,as an otp i can say that you will be fine buying a liandry's. Until then the laning phase is towards your hand cause of the fact that galio is getting harassed 24/7 in pre 6. So its going to be hard for him to survive the laning phase especially with ignite.”
nayo says “if he lands all his combos theres a chance he will body the fuck outta you but if you can dodge and land your combo you can win most of the time”
MechaaZero says “His magic shield is pretty annoying but you can still do a solid amount of damage to him. He cautious of the amount of damage that his Q can do, because if he gets you low, the chance of him flash-taunting you is high.”
CC Diana says “Galio is an interesting matchup. All of Galio's abilities scale with AP which makes it likely for him to build it instead of MR. Assuming he builds AP, you should be able to 1v1 him once you hit 6 since he won't have the health to survive your burst. Be aware that given the nature of Galio's abilities, he may go Abyssal Mask for a first item and it's at this point where you'll want to call your jungler for help. Make sure you take TP for this matchup because he can outroam you hard with his ult so you'll want to be able to follow up when appropriate.”
maplecat21 says “Before he was gutted and became a support, he had lane pressure on you but got outscaled. After that, he lost his lane pressure. I'll be adjusting his threat rating as people play the recently changed version, but I doubt he has any pressure now.”
MadMaster523 says “Galio is just like every other tank out there. He's going to be a pain early game, but you'll eventually be able to split push him to death since he's probably going to be opting for a tank build and gnar loves shredding tanks.”
The Jhin Cena says “YOU MUST ALWAYS BAN THE GALIO! He is a highly played champion in Twisted Treeline, and unless you are lucky that he is trash, you will have a very difficult lane. He is super super tanky and yet can manage to kill you in seconds when he gets fed. You can hardly even farm passively because his Q will leave you behind your turret spam pinging for a gank. Not only that, but his ult can especially screw you over on this map. An example is if you are about to kill a squishy like Vayne with your E and Flash down, Galio can fly out of nowhere and by then you're dead. As a melee there is not much you can do when laning against a Galio and you should probably request to trade lanes.”
TotallySugoi says “He isn't too bad, just try to stay out of his Q as it does a very surprising amount of damage. Build void staff if he goes mercs / other magic resist.”
Puppeteer_TH says “During team fight, Facing 'full tank' Galio might not be a good idea especially if he goes for armors. This build didn't include armor penetration or Infinity Edge to help you melt down his health bar but It should be okay if you're 1 on 1.”
Yenwai says “his CC and magic resistance makes him hard to deal with alone, but his global R and ability to interrupt your R with his taunt make him a hard lane, like Kassadin avoid him and let your team fight him, your silence will NOT end his shield of durand ability FYI.”
BL00dY3nD says “Not a easy lane. You cant kill him and he cant kill you. Just a boring lane. If he gets abyssal mask it will be impossible to kill him. Ask you jungler for ganks. if you kill him before he gets his first item you might bully him out of the lane.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “First lane where you can actually kill in lane solo. Just poke with Q and do electrocute trades then back off. At 6 you win harder. ”
Zee Led says “When playing against galio go in when his taunt is down. If he goes in, you should land your E, W out and use Q for electrocute proc. The problem in this lane is that LeBlanc doesn't have wave clear, but galio does. I recommend banning this champion as LeBlanc or going cleanse. This lane is really hard to win.”
Best Karth NA says “Hard matchup, as he gets a lot of free mr. Focus on dodging his abilities and watch out for the enemy jungler at all times, as galio is really good at setting up ganks. Poke him when possible and prioritize cs. ”
Shderen says “Incredible durability against magic damage and also has plenty of roaming potential. If he has Electrocute, expect a tougher lane. If Aftershock, expect to get some farm but never expect to kill him. Ever.”
HerrSolahri says “Good Galios instant Taunt you when you W on them and also lower your DMG with that, but they have to quit the Taunt early so its easy for you to dodge the Galio E. Work with your Team and Double Chain to kill that big Stone.”
Fruxo says “He has CC and can do a ton of damage with his Adc if you are not careful, keep in mind that he has the ability to dash on to you in order to set up a stun, which can lead to your death or your supports death if you aren't careful enough.”
Ethereal Ezio says “You probably can't kill Galio, but neither can he, without help. Be out of taunt range and save your W for it just in case. Farm up.”
xispy420 says “A lot of CC,a lot of poke thats litteraly hard to play against,if you get ganked,you're dead for sure,poke and pay attention to the map ”
vukashin.xyz says “His tankiness from aftershock and CC makes it hard to burst him
If you use W>E>Q to harras play passive after the combo since he can E and burst you
If he tries to combo you first use W to dodge his dash
He will roam”
AzureArmatt says “Galio can't do much damage to you unless you help him with that. Don't stay in his tornado for too long since it deals big damage once you spend enough time in it + don't let him hit you with his charge, if you manage to do this it should be easy match up for you since he's way to slow to catch up to you”
javimc17 says “He can't do nothing against you. Win all trades starting with your E, hitting with your Q and healing with your W when your shield falls.”
thedonk says “Galio's kit makes it hard for Leblanc to find damage as well. Try to avoid his dash and taunt. When you W in, Galio might try to taunt you. He doesn't have big damage during laning phase if you dodge all of his abilites. Make sure to tell your team when Galio hits 6 as he can help his teammates.”
kkiskk says “Get MAW first item and you'll be fine. Dodge his Q, it has decent scaling of both AP / HP. Watch out for his engage combo E->W->Q. Try to save your W after his W duration is off, his W gives dmg reduction. Get tiamat second item for lane pressure if his always gank your teammates.”
Jenkinsu says “If he hits you, you're probably dead. His CC chain will keep you locked and will leave you with no escape. Try to keep your distance as much as possible”
Tipurrs says “He's an anti- ap mage. He clears waves faster than you and his poke hurts a lot. He will try to push the lane and impact the map more. Don't fight him because he is tanky and just anti-AP”
apsonalol says “Galio ele é muito forte na rota e se te pegar no E provavelmente vai te matar, tem que tomar muito cuidado com ele, ainda mais quando tiver o W pronto para usar, como ele tem uma vasta quantidade de proteção contra magia , pokear não vai resultar em grande coisa, mas você pode usar clepto para acelerar sua build e começar a realmente dar dano nele, no mesmo caso do twisted fate, gankar ele vai ser o bastante para que ele não incomode as side lane.”
qasddsa says “Ignore him during laning phase, you won't be doing much against him. Run Fleet and max Q to shield his abilities. You can Q to stop his channel on his ultimate.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Galio isn't much of a damage threat. Even in this new "burst Galio build" meta, he isn't a legitimate threat if you don't allow him to be. Your Q-E prevents any engage from him in the 1v1, or sets you up for a combination to deal heavy damage to him. if he builds tank Galio, you farm and have no kill pressure, if he builds burst he ints your lane to get you snowballed. I only included Galio as a threat because one of my colleagues mentioned him as a Syndra counter. I laughed.”
LCAU says “Honestly, why do people play such cancer champs... Start Dark Seal to utilize the pots. Ask for ganks and try to kill him before he gets fed. Go Void Staff if he goes magic resist.”
Andicus says “Galio can be fairly annoying with his tankiness and tons of poke damage. Just don't get caught by his taunt and try to avoid his Q as best as possible. Other than that you can poke normally. You want to fight him after he wastes his taunt. You can farm normally but again, be cautious of his E (dash) and W (taunt). Keep in mind he is great at setting up ganks so you will want to have your rivers warded and be on the lookout for ganks. If needed, keep your W up always.”
Gambinos says “You counter Galio pretty well. You might have a bit of struggle as his tornado does alot of damage and he also have a taunt and airborne. Dodge all of those and you'll be able to kill him with your ult.”
Sozzoh says “Galio has built in MR, so you won't do much damage to him. Try not to get hit by his dash, and you should be good. Post-6, Galio is going to roam, and a lot quicker too. If Galio ults, you can stop it with your ult. Try and Shurima Shuffle him into your turret so you stop his ult, and most likely get a free kill off of it too.”
Witwickies says “Unless you will let him come close to you, it should be easy match-up. Be aware of possibility of W+Flash, so when he uses W without reason, be careful. Just poke him to death and make unable to even come to minions.”
undeadsoldiers says “Galio will try to poke you and farm with his Q. Try to stay away from your wave so he can't do both.
Stay out of his W range and poke from afar. Be wary of flash-taunts, though.
His E is telegraphed because he moves back before dashing forward, so you can put a bubble in his path.
You can also use your E to stop his ult channel.
While your full combo may not delete Galio since he's decently tanky, you can definitely put a dent in him.”
MidoriyaOGado says “Raramente você vai ganhar do galio por ele ter o kit perfeito contra fizz, Tendo ele um pocke constante com seu Q e sua resistencia mágica baseada na passiva de seu W. Fica bem dificil do fizz jogar.
Procure outra lane para focar contra galio raramente você vai matar ele.
tente usar a janela do lv 3 para forçar o flash dele ou possivelmente matar ”
Itsyaboyorchid says “This kind of threat isn't noted because of his kill pressure, but because he can easily set up ganks for his JG and force you into a 2v1 situation. Other than that laning will be extremely slow. Focus on farming, make sure to poke with auto attacks whilst Galio walks up to farm.”
DuhBrandon says “Probably a gift from god if you fight this as you are building an anti tank build just one warning though, his ult will be a problem once you start roaming because as you might know he can go back up any teammate.”
Bengineer says “R.I.P: His magic damage reduction with his Shield of Durand is insane, you will not even dent his health. If you run into him often, permaban him over Anivia and Karthus”
Fyiree says “Galio just isn't Strong, start W and then poke him out lvl 2.
Try not to lvl 6 all in him, as his AP shield will stop you from 1 shotting him”
Smol Jelly says “Galio's got the damage reduction and built in magic damage shield that makes lane rough for you. His dash is linear so you can catch him, but save your burst for when his damage reduction is on CD. Also, ping immediately when he leaves lane, as he has one of the strongest roaming potentials for a Mid Laner.”
ShokLoL says “Galio pre first base is very punishable, you want to try force trades her but be careful of using too much mana if he starts dshield. If you go too far up without cooldowns he can force a trade by Eing directly onto you so make sure to play around this. If you build a build lead pre first base you should be able to snowball. If you don't and he gets spectres cowl you won't be able to do much to him anymore, so at this point just play for 2v2s and 3v3s.”
4milKata says “"Tank" does have a lot of CC massive dmg, don't go for silly fights with him, only go in when you know you can survive his combo and then kill him.”
mitchellgamer12 says “not fun because of passive and his w stops your e. Also care that if he ult's you probably wont be able to 1shot the one he is ulting on”
Zeekar says “You cannot kill him unless he majorly misplays, but he is also not likely to kill you unless you majorly misplay. Regardless he IS a counter to you. ”
ShokLoL says “Galio is low threat 1v1 but normally you can't push him out of lane through his sustain. I would opt for a phase rush scaling page and just focus on matching his push on the wave and not dying to ganks.”
Chuleex says “very inmobile and telegraphed champ, onc ehe gets tanky he can be annoing, watchout for his e since even if you avoid it he can catch you with w and his jungler, look to match his roams and punish him if he fails his combo”
ShokLoL says “Galio is pretty easy if you know what you are doing but there are a couple things to be careful of. His Q poke can actually hurt, so you have to position to make sure he can't Q to last hit a creep and poke you at the same time (make him choose). Also make sure you are either out of range of his E, or dodging side to side so it's hard to hit. The worst case scenario is you get hit by E and it cancels your E in which case you'll lose the trade. Unless you make some big mistake early you should outscale for free.”
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