Top Lane 49.54% Win Rate59% Pick RateGwen Top Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Gwen in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bourne212 says “Try to bait her W after lvl 2 before committing to a full trade, she can use W to dodge your W passive stacks. As long as your not behind you should be able to win all ins post 6. ideally you want ignite up during you all ins as she heals a fair amount with her passive.”
liucan says “50% of her dmg is true dmg, u can win easy at lvl 1 with w and tempo, u have to dodge Q with W and beware of ult burst dmg. if she waste E then u can slam into wall easy unless she has ghost, run from her ult and try to land ult, remember her ult deny ur if u are outside. Hard champion to play but really good to kill hp% stackers like u.”
a_k_z7 says “gwen is so strong
look to w her e when possiple and avoid her q when she has passive
very hard to play against can kill you even when behind
avoid long trades and look to poke and farm”
Puyo says “Baita o W dela e all in. Com ignite você não perde no early e mid. No late você precisa desviar do Q e das ults, mas guarde um QE para a 3ª ult, as Gwens gostam de segurar o Q pra 3ª ult porque fica mais fácil de acertar, então guarde sempre um Q e o E pra ult dela no late game.”
Nithril says “Punish her when her W is down, if she has Q stacks dont E in since the animation still goes and you get git by the true damage, Swiftness Boots against her R and E against her Ghost”
Crystal Lobster says “I know I know. "But she counters tanks" yes but from personall experience I find the matchup to be very easy. Avoid her Q and E poke. Rush any MR item followed by Iceborn and she becomes easy as hell. Those players also make a lot of misstakes !”
parker3n9 says “Gwen has significant all-in potential, but it’s relatively easy to avoid if you play around her cooldowns. This matchup is all about trading effectively while her abilities are down and spacing well to minimize her damage. Keep up the pressure with poke and avoid extended fights.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Take conq and try to stomp her, you win every long fight pre 6 if you parry her Q (most importantly the last snip, as it deals the most damage). Post 6 you can try to play around her Q with your Q and ms, to parry her last ult proc, however if this deems unreliable to you, just stick to parrying the Q and maybe dodging her R. Try to disengage when she uses her W as she gains defences inside of it, putting you at a disadvantage. If you get her low enough to dive her lvl3-4 you insta win lane.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Try to avoid Q dashing sideways. Use W to win early trades. Careful with all-win post 6. ”
Raideru says “This matchup is generally really difficult for Camille in isolation especially before 1st item, all you can really do is try to wait for her to waste q and then trade with her whenever it's down and only look to short trade until there is a big hp gap to all in since she is really strong in all ins especially after lvl 6, to win this lane you usually need jng help unless the gwen is trolling all her trades. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush and Ignite + TP.”
Spartaniko says “Her main source of damage is predictable (stacked Q), she is squishy outside her mist. After lvl 6 gets harder, you can also E her third R. You outrange her with your Q poke.”
Basilli says “PHASE RUSH
"Ironically this matchup becomes much more playable if she takes TP/Ignite. You'll never win fair 1v1 fights unless you're hugely ahead so play SUPER safe until level 6 and just try to maximise CS.
Post-6 your best bet is to bait fights near your tower and then R her into your tower. Since they usually don't take Flash they'll die to this as they have no way to escape. Honestly though this champion can
straight 1v1 you the entire game so be careful. " ”
Beetlebug says “Another bane of Paramedic Sion due to her insane healing and max HP damage. Go for quick trades, get a Q in if she uses her E to chase you. Keep in mind that its cooldown is really short if she autoattacks after using E.”
4eadami says “Conqueror ghost ignite and lvl 2 all-in before she gets lvl 2. If not , PR and proxy or roam. She Beats you 6 you , beat her 9. She Beats you onwards from 11. Gets Boots of Swiftness and Dodge her R. If you Dodge her R , you crush her. If you dont , She crushes you. Skill match-up slightly favored towards you. DO NOT FLING HER TOWARDS YOUR TEAM , SHE WILL ONE SHOT YOUR CARRY. peel her away.”
Fanatical Goose says “You beat her at level 1, none of her abilities really matter but watch out for her stacks when she has Q up. At level 6 your ult is almost useless against her other than the MS, but her ult is ignorable. ”
Houcs says “Usually very easy to drag into tower.
Gwen players cant resist their urge to their E-Q on you. Which often gives you opportunity to grab her into the tower if you manage to hold wave there.
Something to keep in mind is that she outscales you like crazy. But you can easy get away from her by just using your E because she has no cc.
But try abuse her as much in early game and then avoid her in late game or look to cc chain her.”
Wafflerush says “Gwen WILL WIN extended fights, so be sure to keep them short, sweet, and to the point. Her passive makes it difficult to take longer fights due to the healing she receives and the Max HP damage she deals. Be weary of freely throwing Q's out when she hits Lvl.3, as she will have her W (Hallowed Mist) and can avoid your hooks that way. Play cautiously but have enough aggression to not let her walk all over you. She will become too powerful late game to fight alone.
Recommended to acquire Spirit Visage after getting Eclipse.”
Althalosofsirun says “Take E if she takes Q and make sure to bring ignite. she doesn't have a good trade level 1 if you hold E and let her engage on you at level 2 you can kill.”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about abusing her weak early basically the way u want to play is whenever she has stacks up on q you need to bait her to waste q somehow afterwards jump on her and trade her u should never engage her if her q is fully stacked otherwise u lose the trade badly, u basically just want to chip her down slowly and then all in her when she's lower. I advise Fleet with Dblade start and sheen rush in this lane. Remember if she's not that behind at 1st item she can all in u when u jump on her if u're both full hp.”
misterbig says “easy lane in early u can stomp her since u can just run at her pretty much, she might realize sooner or laterr she wont win fights against u and play under tower, that will allow u to proxy and roam with prio”
SemenDrinker says “My darling Gwen Futa....
blade bone plating
Lane is aatrox favored as you generally outrange her. But she will usually carry ignite so beware. Ignite or executioners is fine into her. Just note you MUST be wary when she has W as you can miss your W or Q2 if you're not ontop of her and she gets a fuck ton of armor with it. Post laning phase gwen runs you over unless you're ahead. If you dont want to buy executioners I say Hexdrinker rush heavily fucks her over and you'll win every all in. (and obviously try not to get hit in the middle of her Q's as they deal true dmg). ”
IvanBeifong says “Champ has true damage, that makes it a threat already, thankfully, has a weak early, through levels 3-5 you should outheal and outdamage her, save your E to when she Es at you, drop your combo and disengage, if she has ignite it's major threat.
Decent ult, works to get stacks and to chase.”
Belle19 says “gwen's actual combat is INCREDIBLY strong. You have two options, either turtle in lane with phase rush and outscale the split or go conqueror and coinflip first blood. She's pretty much darius with less zoning potential. If you want to build specifically to counter her, don't go MR there just isn't a way to tank her you go full damage to be able to kill her in one rotation”
Skaarlschloch says “You beat her from lv1 allthroughout lane. She can outscale you and be really dangerous to your team if you have many high hp melees in your team.”
LilPicky says “(gwen favored)(take 1st rune page start blade) Dodge middle of her Q, wait for her to E so you dont miss your E, always 50/50 better player wins ”
FlanWasTaken says “Since Leona lacks mobility, her Q is really easy to hit, even more if she has her R up. With her W, she is immune against your E and R, your only ranged abilities, making it a high counter ability, plus, she gets resistances, making it more difficult for us to melt. Not recommended to fight her”
TentiTiger11 says “Probably the hardest matchup I can think of besides someone who is just mechanically better than you. She does AP damage and true damage, has a way to block your Q poke, has a gap closer dash and also a slow. She split pushes so someone on your team has to match her which will either prevent you from killing the squishies and snowballing or someone on your team will have to do it. I would say ban her but I don’t see her enough to ban her.”
IngvarE says “Incredibly annoying "gwen is immume" but she is hard to play and guarenteed to make a mistake at some point.
Just play patient for farm, look to hit E when her Q is on cooldown. It has a long cooldown (22 seconds lvl 1).”
Godzilla010 says “Trade into her when she has no stacks, if you open with Q then make the trade quick as she will be able to Q when she gets stacks.........Check if you have ignite advantage..........She out-scales
Zagreus16 says “pretty even matchup so you can take ignite if you want to get her early cause u win those early fights. Be VERY careful late game cause she makes those scissors so sharp they will just melt all ur health away with a few seconds.”
CrimsonL7 says “This matchup is rough since she can easily guarantee her Q center hitting and all of her ults hitting. Best way to play is to take short trades near tower. Its not the worst however since she is squishy, you can easily win if her R is down, and win early game. ”
step1v9 says “The only way Gwen wins this matchup is through burst cheese/ improper trading from the trynd player. If she has ghost look to force her ghost WITHOUT using your own ghost to set up future all-ins. If she has ignite just trade safely until level 6. ”
Raideru says “Whenever she goes in for a e + auto you should try to auto + w back on her and go for a q,threaten her all the time with q poke so she doesn't dare going for minions without using e and always play for short trades unless you can all in her, after lvl 6 you only win all in if you can kill her before she gets all 3 ults off or if you have significat amount of hp more than her”
Azzin says “You can either play phase rush and she'll never kill you, or buy banshee early to survive her burst, both are free-elo situations, you can just double W her charged Q and you'll win the trade. R out if she use R so you don't get one tapped.”
Haxorr says “This matchup is pretty even for the most part. If you ever take an all-in at a bad time versus Gwen, then she will kill you really easily. Make sure you pay attention to wavestates and don't take all-ins near her tower.
Take Grasp, and play very aggressive early. You win really hard in the first few levels. Rush Trinity. If you can ever bait out her e, it's really easy for you to jump on her and beat her up. If you jump while her e is up, she can kite you out and all-in really easily, so sometimes it can be good to just q auto w and walk away instead of using your e.”
Skaarlschloch says “Gwen is REALLY hard matchup ...
A good gwen will win vs you early, her E->Q poke beats yours pre lv6, then you are briefly slightly stronger than her at 6, but depending on her W usage she can still win. Then she outscales you super hard. If your team has many melees & high hp targets she can 1v9 the whole game
Go second Wind instead of Cookies to survive her early poke and
have better scaling with overgrowth
Or just go Grasp entirely to have better lategame scaling. I recommend Hollow Radiance -> Zekes -> Locket -> Knights Vow
(Very supportive Build for your Team)”
TeiWasTaken says “This is a bad matchup for you. Kled has really low base MR so she can kill you in the early game. Try to kill her at level 2, 3 or 4, because then, she just beats you. She also outscales you really fast, so try ending the game ASAP.”
Ulsur says “Gwen outscales you as usual, but it's still winnable even in the late game, dodging her ultimate is a MUST, just keep wiggling and E away if she casts her first barrage of needles, you can also dash away from her Q to avoid the true damage or to avoid it as a whole, definitely winnable but don't be stupid enough to go in brainlessly, watch her stacks and if you're going for a long range Q she'll most likely W it so don't get baited.”
DDemonJesters says “Not even a threat especially if he's not good. This is skills dodge his Q and R and you good. he uses either conq or lethal you win short trades with her. one of my fav matchup no sweat. just use ignite when he uses ult or low.”
Baby_Driver says “Lately i have been running lethal tempo vs her and I win most of the time.
Lethal Tempo with bone plating.
Do not eat her Q's.
Antiheal is helpfull here.
dodge her R3 at all cost.”
Hotch says “Hard Hard matchup. You rarely kill her pre-6 and her sustain during fights is pretty brutal. Play around her ult and try to bait it out. Only use W after she dashes. Don't fight her when she has ult unless you're EXTREMELY ahead. Play safe.
Take Ignite.”
forlid says “Although Gwen is much easier for Yasuo, she isn't as difficult as you'd think. The best way to negate her damage is to sidestep or dodge her Q, especially the middle part where it deals extra true damage. Her shroud is relatively useless so long as you play close to her, but keep in mind that it gives her extra resistances. After level 6 she becomes much stronger with her R, focus on dodging it. Early Wit's End is reasonable if her jungler is also AP.”
AWierdShoe says “Pretty hard matchup for us. Gwen will start Q in this matchup, so do your best to block her Q damage with your passive or sidestep the middle portion of it. Early game is still in favor for us if we play it correctly with our short trades+Grasp. However, Gwen is known as a classic tank-shredder and at level 6 can easily run you down with ult+Ghost if you misposition or take a bad trade. If you're having difficulty, feel free to rush Kaenic Rookern as she hard wins at one item.”
procatking says “for this matchup all rune NO.1,2,3 are good take what you prefer with ignite and D blade.
*Easy for pantheon*
(look for one that fit your game-style)
just watchout for her 4 stack Snip Snip!(Q) and u good to go.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp and spellbook.
You need to space and kite this matchup. Engage on her when she has no stacks, then e her back or Dodge sideways once she reaches 4. Dont throw e and q together at range she will just immune both.
You beat her in all in's after lvl 6 if you dodge well but she outscales you. Dont wait to long on mr item buy she usually goes full ap”
SenSen_LoL says “Similar to Akali in some ways.
You can pretty much abuse her pre 6, but after that you have to be really careful on your trades, as she can 100-0 you real fast.
As for Akali, I recommend buying a Negatron cloak on your second back.”
MaesePerez says “Go comet, dark seal q max into w max and pray to whatever god you believe in. Buying hp does nothing to stop her and MR doesn't help with her q sweet spot. You can cheese a couple kills early if you manage to hit a q when her w is down, but she will outscale you and shred you in both sidelanes and teamfights. Good ban option if your team has several tanks/bruisers that will get run over by her. ”
Bibi4A says “Good Gwen players will always dodge your E with theirs and also her W counters your ghouls (immune). If she ever uses E towards you place the wall immidiatly onto her. Take ghost!”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
completely unplayable if you do the standard stuff, but I've found my own way to deal with her and it seems like other mundo's have too as most high elo mundo players just ban aatrox right now. Aatrox is better ban. I just take the phase rush page. Your q poke with scorch is really heavy. Assuming she doesnt main gwen and just counterpicked with her, you can land a majority of your cleavers to her predictive e's. The idea is just to get out of lane even. If you're able to do that the sidelane is extremely easy later on with warmogs. You just do your combo and then phase rush away and heal up. She'll be like half health and you'll be full. Just dont get baited into going a full damage build you never actually 1v1 her outside of doing this attrition stuff that doesnt need a dedicated build outside of having warmogs anyway. IMO the easiest of the level 5's rn but still a level 5”
hamgi says “spacing is important. stay out of her q/q-e range, esp when she has max stacks. so do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just respond with q. get on top of her for trades/all-ins as she can just w to avoid q3/r”
ytDARIBOY says “Bully early game you can pick lethal tempo runes ,try to fight only with ghost so you can dodge her ult
In early game dont let her stacks Q”
forlid says “She is quite squishy but has a lot of damage so don't take extended trades. Her R gives her insane burst so try to dodge it at all costs. Hexdrinker early is very good but build Eclipse before finishing Maw: Eclipse allows you to trade better while Maw becomes more useful later due to the shield. She outscales you quite hard in late game so avoid fighting her alone.”
Belle19 says “whoever fbs the other first wins the rest of the game. She does a lot more in teamfights, but late game you win the 1v1 pretty easily if you have steraks. Only pull her if she's right next to you or has already used her w.”
zwartebliksem says “Gwen is one of the strongest AP mages, try to avoid her fully stacked Q with your E. If you bully her early, you should be able to bully her for the rest of the game.”
lbc1506 says “One of the more annoying champs as her Hallowed Mist makes Q useless.
Make sure to keep wall up incase she goes all in.
Post 6 becomes alot easier as your ult allows you to walk away from nearly all fights.”
Haearnbleidd says “It's a skill matchup. Best way to win is by trying to cheese her with ghost + ignite and dodging her abilities.
Build: Maw/Hexplate/Rav > Kaenic/Stride, if you can't deal with her healing buy executioners.”
AWierdShoe says “Gwen has a lot of damage and innate sustain within her kit. Taking an extended trade outside of your Q-combo is a big no-no as she can chunk you hard with her fully-stacked Q damage. Be respectful if she has stacks, and do your best to not get hit by the center of her Q. If she shrouds within her W, you are still capable of fighting inside of it as long as you hit all of your Qs. Depending on how she uses her E dash we can exploit it, but just be mindful that she can dodge away from us. Hexdrinker is a must in order to survive her all-in at level 6. This champion outscales us hard with items but is relatively weak in the early game.”
deathbypotion says “She is very weak against you in all stages of game, but she can catch you with her R. Can proxy and lane, if she dashes on you to use her Q just flip her immediately. Your W stops her from dashing”
PPlongcook says “Suprisingly difficult. Just does a fuck ton of damage for no reason. You can dodge all of her shit but her level 6 all in is insane, if she throws ult at you try to get close and then ult her to escape. Without her ult she is much easier to kill.”
RuinedJG says “Same concept, play around her W CD, get hexdrinker, if she gets fed buy FON and pray. She beats you 1 v 1 late game, but if you get 2 items you ignore her in team fights and fuck her backline since she has no real CC.
Go Phase Rush”
Pusi Puu says “Try to fight her early game. Later on she outscales and you are not able to jump onto her when she uses her field. Look for first scuttle fights”
hoflol says “Singed can 1v1 out damage Gwen at almost all points of the game. When she ults, flip her away and wait for her to use all the charges. Kite back and forth and you will win the trades.”
GheeseEmpty says “A very simple matchup in the early game. If you kite better, you simply win. Be wary of Gwen's mid/late game power, though, as she will shred you at her Level 6 and beyond if even or ahead.”
exoticT says “Jax wins this matchup, make sure you don't stand still and try to make move out of her Q and R, always play off of your E as it can win you all your duels, respect ignite+tp gwen”
ThelpixG says “Pretty ASS matchup.
She might be weak early but she does have trading potential with her stacked Q and E bonus attack speed (which makes it hard for you to time your barrels).
She scales monstruously, its very hard to 1v1 this champ after she gets items.
Her splitpushing is godlike.
The lane can be pretty boring early because of her W.
How to Beat?
- You can either exploit her weak early game by taking grasp ignite and dblade setup or try matching her scaling by taking the scaling setup with demats trick;
- Sidelaning against her once she gets items can be quite difficult because she has alot of attack speed which makes it hard for you to time barrels and she deals alot of damage whilst being pretty beefy;
- Try using your passives and avoind the sweetspot of her Q;
- Try dodging her Ult;
- Beware her level 6 all in is very strong.”
xXazzer says “Gwen after 6 can absolutely melt you. And if she playes it right she can deny you most of your abilities with her W. Respect her Q/dodge it. And her level 6 powerspike.”
NegativePhoenix says “Gwens a dangerous anti-tank but it's more late game she's scary
This is one of the few matchups where Kaenic first puts in the work as that shield negates alot of the damage she throws at you
You can usually trick her and throw her under tower when she goes in for an E+Q poke for some good tower damage and possibly a kill if you're lucky”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) Disengage in or out of her W and always try to dodge her Q even tho it's very hard. If she uses her Ult instantly use ignite to mitigate her healing. You get outscaled at 3 items or more. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
BackButton says “You are fast enought to avoid their Q or big scissor snip move that does true damage which is a lot less than Lillia. Watch out for her dash because she can easily dash out of your Combo aka E, Q, W. Volibear's Stun is 1 second and the "E" Lightning takes 2 seconds to land so you have to bait the dash or predict when you're catching up”
LilliaFanBoy says “You outrun her easily.
Frozen is good in any situation regardless of her build. (As long as she has attack speed of course).
Make her chase you and spam Q.”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Blade Start \\ Try to never get hit by her true dmg Q, dodge it with E as example \\ Respect her lvl 6 power, her R makes her an extremely strong duelist \\ Dont R into her W”
WhendZ says “Chata. ela tem uma troca superior a sua no nível 2, espera o seu 4 e sempre aproveita o máximo da sua passiva. Desvia do Q dela e não se exponha.”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror] phase rush does nothing into her cause shes immune so sorry bro your skill issue doesnt allow it.
She is mostly a problem in the early-midgame, once you get your MR you can stomp her in an extended trade, but still CARE FOR HER TRUE DMG.”
MusicJG says “She will outscale you, but is weak early game.
Gwen looks to AFK farm and has an unhealthy clear.
Look to level 2 invade her, or level 3 invade her on 2nd buff.
Cosmic Inisight is good in this situation so you'll have smite up for 2nd buff invade.
Play on tempo and look to secure 1st drake/herald, don't let her free scale.”
JPGamer10BR says “Caso ela ative o W não entre no alcance, caso ela esteja com o Q stackado, mantenha distância, uma lane bem difícil então tente punir ela quando ela gastar skills para farmar.
Runas> PTA, F.F ou Aery.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q when she comes to auto. Cancel her dash with W. If you need to knock her away with R, be on top of her or make sure her W is down. ”
Denied20 says “Pathetic laning, has less tools than Irelia to duel you. Like Irelia you can dance around her and beat her up. Only caveat is that she scales well, but never to the point of being unbeatable, which you think she would deserve after that sorry excuse of a lane.
Make sure to fish out her poke, which is her stacked Q obtained from auto attacking your wave. It is her main trade tool and it is effective. A strategy which Tryndamere also employs, like him, beat her up - Beat them up!
Smart Gwen's will utilize their W to stand at the edge, making it incredibly awkward for you to kite her, as she becomes invulnerable unless you get inside, but this is often highly unadvised as this makes it quite easy for her to land her abilities - play cautiously, but always put pressure on her!”
Murfz says “Matchup is probably even in the higher ranks but in my experience this matchup is nothing but good for Jax, lethal tempo always and dblade/dshield both work, I'd go dblade though. Her lvl 6 is scary but with experience you'll learn when you can jump on her. As always, trade with your ult passive proc and try to avoid fights where she can dodge your E then all in you.”
BurritoTopKing says “Easy to kill specially if she doesn't go flash, just be careful at 6 as she does a lot of dmg, but as long as you dodge Q's you should be ok.”
WarwicksSimp says “Don't know a whole lot about this matchup but you can usually win every all in.
Grasp and LT are good here.
Go ignite or exhaust depending on your build.”
Brb3535 says “the easiest game. u win. but u need to keep the distance u can t get scissored and u also need to deal damage to her like a lot even with close up combo using e or from distance from kite q shotguns. if u get scissored a lot she might 1v1 when u e and kill u before u do. if she has 1-2 more kills than u u lost very hard. as i said, keep the distance and u win and u kill her .”
Bonkyou says “Gwen sucks so much into yone, Dodge her Q centerpoint, She can run LT and match some of the allins, scary toplaner with ign but without flash I expect yone to almost always outplay.
her W immunes your E callback damage if you are not in circle.
Get her Bone Plating with your W and gg”
Chaddouk says “For some time, Trynd was picked to as an answer to Gwen in competitive, and I can understand why. Basically the strongest ability from Gwen does nothing against trynd (it can make you mess up an auto or 2 if you're not careful). The only way Gwen beats you in lane is by taking good short trades when she has all stacks up and outspacing. Your dash has the same CD as her except you can reset yours with crits. Many Gwen players take TP + Ignite, which is a mistake against Trynd because it makes running them down really easy with Flash + Ghost. Keep in mind even if you're fine in the 1v1 and win it by being even or ahead, the champ scales really well into most teams and can be annoying later to manage for your teammates.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Blade Start \\ Try to never get hit by her true dmg Q, dodge it with E as example \\ Respect her lvl 6 power, her R makes her an extremely strong duelist \\ Dont R into her W”
daitolol says “- Pretty easy matchup just watch out for her e q you can avoid it by using e and going for extended trades, You can also start d ring if you are feeling cocky but good gwen might take advantage of that
- Get into her w to be able to q her, you cant e2 when she's in the circle but you aren't
- Use your mobility to evade her ults perma form freeze into all ins as she has no escape besides her ghost/f
Black Demon Ezel says “Get inside her stupid W and she is remotely helpless against you. Keep in mind she does severe true damage that no defense can stop. But if you are smart and evade it, she can't snip snip on you.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Tunnel away when she ults, otherwise can just perma do short trades with standard unburrow combo and just outsustain her. Just avoid taking too much damage from range from her q without hitting her back and you should be good.”
At_Tar_Ras says “depends on gwen. i know when im on gwen i shred renektons but most gwens are super bad. if she uses her W just walk away and re-engage when it's on CD as her armor will be really high (ignore this if you can kill her/win the trade anyways ofc). E away her Q and yeah it shouldn't be too difficult. just remember all gwens will wanna E+Q toward you when she has max stacks.”
Dew Master Flash says “I ban gwen at the current juncture. Virtually impossible to exist on the map, and she can even outscale sion. Look to proxy and buy force of nature.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
After her recent buffs, Gwen has become a lot more of a menace. Punish her before she gets 4 Q stacks. When she has 4 Q stacks, dodge her E Q and punish accordingly, which might be difficult at times because her W just makes her untargetable (even for your shrooms). Respect her when she hits lvl 6. Ignite her when she uses her Ult and flash the 3rd hit of her Q. Null-Magic Mantle can help in this matchup because she'll look for all-in opportunities like these.”
RipAMC says “The latest top lane champion can be a real threat too. Gwen has sustained damage and crowd control, plus her Hallowed Mist can block your ranged attacks. Don't underestimate her damage output!”
TheBougis says “Gwen has a long of healing and damage and can dodge your Q with her W. Bait out her ult if possible as she can heal a lot from it and play with your max range Q.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet
You should win early, she can kill you easily after 6 if you can't dodge every R she got so be careful. DON'T ALL IN HER, she has really strong autos so try to let her get off less autos you can. She outscales you later in the game and gets a lot of armor so you need armor pen.”
Antecc says “Easy lane. Just know that all your pressure lies in your E, so don't completely waste it as that is her only opportunity of ever fighting you. Antiheal isn't mandatory versus Gwen.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I really dont know what to think about her. She has very good kit against you, but i feel like her stats are balancing it out. Take boneplating and dodge middle of her Q. Sit on a barrel and hit her with it if she uses E on you. Past ult its gets much harder as if she hits you once she will propably kill you if she is not behind or youre not next to your tower. Try to dodge it with passive movement speed or flash it if its necessary”
ABL Pantheon says “Gwen is not a relativily easy matchup. You win early , you just need to dodge her scissors in order to avoid her true damage. Be careful of her W, it makes her immune. After 6 watch for her Ultimate, you can block it with your E.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: Conq+flash/ignite, start d ring + 2pots.
You should beat her early as long as you dont get poked by her fully charged q's, after 6 save ur flip to get away from her after she uses R1 and wait out her other needles, if you think shes going for E>Q into you buffer ur flip so she gets flipped immidiately after her dash”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [bone plating] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items :start dorans shield ->hol radiance -> CORE
we only start to win at kaenic
we lose all in , the only all in we get is after we have poked gwen alot with q or when we combo her undertower!”
lordimboutabust says “One of the harder matchups you can get. never fight her lvl 1-3 and watch her stacks. She basically beats you at all points of the game if you're even. Never take extended trades and treat her similar to darius, where you want to poke her down until she is low enough to all in | Bone plating | Dblade - Eclipse”
Bernardian says “Skill matchup in her favor. She runs tp ignite/ghost usually so you want her to shove the wave first then look for an all in once her wave is close to your tower. Pre 6 it is easy to all in her but post six the uno reverse happens as it gets very easy to all in YOU. As far as builds goes hexdrinker is really good and so is negatron cloak. her mid game is kinda ok but her teamfighting is decent. ”
ardeluu says “Don't fight Lv1 or take short trades with ur passive and wait for Lv3. After Lv3 u should be able to trade if she wastes E or W so focus on poking when she goes for cs and trading once she wastes her Key abilities. Beware she can W ur Q/W if ur outside the circle so don't stay 2 far away from her if u want to use ur full combo ( W pull still goes through even if ur outside the circle). After Lv6 u lose most 1 v 1's since her ult is very strong so look to poke or teamfights as ur way stronger there. Don't forget u get hard outscaled so try to get a lead early to mid game or help others !”
Waqql says “I still want an anti-heal magic resist item... Gwen is a challenging matchup. Her W prevents you from poking her from a distance, and if you try to engage in melee with Mega Gnar, she will annihilate you with her true damage and self-healing. Try to focus on farming and harassing her with your Q whenever possible. Wait for assistance and make sure not to die.”
FaNTOP says “На 1 уровне она опасна, фокусируйтесь на коротких обменах и уклонении от её Q. Не используйте W, когда её стаки полны, потому что она расплавит вас своим Q. После первого предмета сражаться с ней практически невозможно из-за её невероятного урона, но она бесполезна в командных сражениях, ЕСЛИ вы сможете наложить на неё действительно хороший контроль. Она является контром и очень сложным противником, поэтому просто сосредоточьтесь на идеальной игре в лане и командных сражениях, и вы должны победить... Это действительно не интересный противник.”
kayle1v9 says “early move speed helps a lot. Ult either her fully stacked Q or her R3. I love going ignite into her, makes it a lot easier early on to go for trades with Dblade and Lethal.”
miiekuuz says “her early isnt nearly as good as yours will be but if she is helped by her jgler and/or gets a lead she will be able to chunk you down with her maxhealth true dmg. her aoe will take your range advantage periodically and give her mr. dont fight her in it since your main build wont include mag. pen”
Twogrand says “kinda annoying when you do trades with her make sure to walk left or right so you dont take the true damage other than that take trades with phase rush is up and just keep doing it, phaserush tp and go eclipse build”
Althalosofsirun says “after setts MR nerfs this matchup has gotten harder but is still simple avoid fight her with her passive stacked and stun her into the W buy fon if you can ”
BezMemow says “She deals true damage and she outscales you, early game you win against her pretty easy though. A good gwen will use her E to dodge your Q so you need to kite her out or spam autos (build attackspeed), your ult cancels her W.
Start D Ring”
Smauggy says “without her ult she cant slows you enough to hit you, so if she starts ulting, ult her but run away, she will start launching all r she can to not waste it.
The biggest problem is that lillia wants to tf, and if gwen is behind she will start splitpushing, you can push the waves pretty easily, but taking a turret is too long.7
Loweloexpert says “You hard win early but she is incredibly strong late angainst you. Rush riftmaker cause if you go rylais you’ll loose the 1v1 once she will have riftmaker even if you are 10 kills ahead. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gwen's mist can be a nuisance to deal with because of it's protective properties. All you need to do is get inside it and Q her. Then you simply eat her alive. Quick and easy”
Mnem says “Go with Lethal Tempo, Bone Plating and Unflinching. Rush Mercury Treads and Hexdrinker if you have a problem with her in lane. Avoid being hit by the center of her Q. Build Mercury Treads, Maw of Malmortius (if having trouble with it in game) Trinity Force or StrideBreaker (I recommend Trinity)”
Deathbat1 says “Gwen is a super annoying champ and does counter Sion. You outscale her in the late game even building full health, but make sure to grab anti-heal at some point after getting Heartsteal.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Her early game Q can be quite annoying, and if she has a lot of AP then her R can deal a lot of damage, however it should be easy to always at least stay safe against her.”
Boptimus says “She will have a hard time killing you once you have Resistances. If you aren't avoiding her E-Q combo you will be taking a lot of poke and she will be able to all in you with her R.
The only time you can duel her is if her R is down and your R is available. This is another lane I would consider taking Ghost in in order to avoid her all in.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Avoid giving Gwen priority on the wave. If you let her push you in, she gets to constantly stack her Q with autoattacks and poke you because you are the one that has to walk up to last hit minions.
Ideally start fights right after she uses Q, making it easier to delay your ult as long as possible.
After level 6 you should win all-ins easily.”
SesaPrime says “Gwen has a powerful early game - mid game spike. She deals true damage herself & heal, can be untargeted with dashes, & had a ranged ultimate with 3 activations.
She almost sounds like an equal match to Camille. ”
primate nefasto says “Avoid her empowered Q, try kill pre 6 and at lvl 6. You can take ignite to match her tp/ignite. She probably don`t gonna use flash. If she gets ahead it will be difficult.”
Reines Kokosfett says “Her passiv max. health damage is very effective against you. However, if you use your e to dodge her Q and then trade back with your Q and W you should be able to disengage with E2 and the Q slow to get a good trade. If you are close to dismounting and she ults, you can use your ult to disengage and stay mounted.”
stefanko says “If she starts q level 1, try to get behind her and force long trade. If she starts e, wait for her to aa you to cast your e. You stat check her. Make sure to not q on her when she has ult, save your q for disengage. (LT or grasp, tp or ignite)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Bring ignite or build antiheal early.
I like to all in early to kill er lvl 1-3. You outdamage her as long as you play correctly.
Her W is basically useless into you so that's a big plus.
Post 6 Parry one of her R casts, or sidestep it. Also always sidestep her Q's as good as possible every time you are trading.”
Zeffie says “True damage, AoE immunity, dash and extra range as well as a strong ult. Not great for Sej so play safe but abuse ganks or any time her W is down and you can poke away or engage with your W”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Tank base:Mist doll,dont fight with her if she has 2 or more Q stacks dont underistimate this damage especially in unmount form when its just literally oneshots you”
Tonho says “Has a ton of damage against Kled. If she has W, you can't win the trade at all. You need both damage and MR against her, both you don't build Wit's End at all. Tough matchup, but you can kill if she uses his W poorly. After 6, she always win trades if you are not ahead. Avoid being poked. Conquer is good here.”
NegativePhoenix says “As a Gwen main, I am confident that she has the better poke than you in terms of her Q and E power. Since she can E or W your Q3 it's not hard for her to really all-in you if you aren't careful. If she screws up you can beat her in your All-Out form however but between you two, she should scale much better.”
a1a7s45 says “Gwen is an interesting champion. She's pretty good at long and short trades. You think I can just poke her out, right? That's where you're wrong kiddo. Her W makes her untargetable to anyone outside the mist. Then why don't I just go in? Wrong again. Gwen excels at close range combat and her W increases her armor and MR.
Gwen can either take towers with ease or wipe your team out with her ult and counter with Hallowed Mist. But if you flash ult her team and yours can follow up, you're good.”
GannicusTTV says “She is fightable pre6. Side step a lot to deny passive/and Q damage, especially the true damage portion. and fight back when you can. With ignite most likely you can kill her. watch your Blade distance, and be careful to not pull it when she has her AoE safe zone as it denies your empowered Q if the blade is pulled from outside her safe zone.
At lvl 6 she can win hard if she lands all her ultimates. so save your E to disengage. She will outscales you hard so it is important you do not feed her, and if possible some kills pre6. Rush MR 2nd item,. She is really strong if you build heartsteel because her kit does % max hp and heals her from it. ”
lorensj81 says “Very hard matchup, she will win hard first few levels. You have to dodge the center part of her 4 stack Q, which does true damage. When Gwen uses W she gets bonus resistances, so do not use burst against her inside that ring. When she ults, make sure to dodge her 3 ult stacks because they hurt like hell.
After she has riftmaker she will heal alot so killing her is harder, but before that you should be able to secure a kill or two if played well.”
Irelius says “Можно контестить прио, если она играет без игнайта. Доджим её тру урон, жмём W на её ульты – доджим её ульты (да, это возможно). Персонаж разбивается об смерть разума и мерки. Гвен сильнее на лвл 6, Ирелия – дуэлит её на всех этапах игры. Если на миде какой-нибудь маг, покупаем силу природы, и танчим лицом ВСЁ. ”
Puyi says “You can bully her early. Avoid her charged Q with your E, and watch out for her W when trying to hit your charged up Q. You can't duel her after 3 items.”
ananesever69 says “Since she can E or W your Q3 it's not hard for her to really all-in you if you aren't careful. If she screws up you can beat her in your All-Out form however but between you two, she should scale much better.”
JustSad42 says “If Gwen is a high elo OTP (Master+) and is running ignite, it’s annoying to win this matchup early unless you also run ignite or she heavily misplays. I would recommend getting Ignite TP if you suspect the enemy Gwen will run Ignite TP. You’ll want to take short trades with Gwen where you save your Q-W to Q away then W behind you so Gwen can’t damage you with her Q as you’re leaving. You’ll need to do this twice to be able to consistently beat her in the all-in. If you don’t do this, you’ll need to make sure to dodge or predict her R Needles. A big thing to note is that much like Camille R, Gwen W can be used in a way where Gwen can stand on the edge of her W and you can’t auto attack any vitals on that side of the W. So, if you see her do that, just walk away since you can’t get that vital.”
JustSad42 says “Gwen can cheese a kill early with ignite + 6, so be careful of that. The matchup is a little difficult early, make sure when she stacks her Q that you dodge her E-Q damage, and as soon as she E-s in, engage on her with your Q and press E1 and don't press E2. Spam auto and you will win pre 6.
After 6. you can't quite do that, you'll have to hit either E or R melee range so she can't dodge it then all-in. WIthout hitting either, she wins.
But, unless there's a minion behind you to Q to, trying to look for a kill puts you in danger so keep that in mind.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite. Bait out his w before you all in and you have ignite if he has r unless you can all in without ignite. If you go TP, build maw second item. Spacing is important in this matchup and dodge his Q's.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Avoid her Q at all cost]
[Don't fight or use your abilities her when her W is up]
[Do your best to dodge her R]”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Champ is shit, but if you arent careful she will murder you.
Dont stunlock yourself with your w in her q.
Rush hexdrinker (probably swifties too).
Past 6 try your best to force her r, and run.
Go chainsword 1st item.”
Atemporal says “Gwen se sente realmente quebrada e difícil de lidar. Nível 1, qualquer bom jogador de Gwen pegará E e tentará correr em você. Pense nisso como uma Fiora nível 1 basicamente com o alcance do dash. Se ela correr e depois atacar automaticamente, ela traço será em 6 segundos
cooldown, então tente apenas ficar para trás no nível 1, você não pode lutar com ela. Se ela iniciar o Q, então bom, você ganha um nível 1 grátis. Negociações curtas são a chave contra Gwen, procure por Qs e depois redirecione com E para obter um proc passivo rápido e se afaste dela.
Se ela usar Q na onda, pule nela instantaneamente. Lembre-se de que o W dela realmente atrapalha seu E, se possível tente E1 em alcance quase corpo a corpo, ou tente estar no alcance corpo a corpo antes de você E. Se Gwen usar W e você quiser ir até ela, você pode
sempre tente dar E em um lacaio próximo. Sempre que Gwen usar seu primeiro R, fuja se possível. A menos que você saiba que tem potencial para matar, você deve fazer qualquer coisa para fugir. Seu R a cura como um louco, então certifique-se de acendê-la depois dela
primeiro R se você estiver indo para a matança. Não subestime o R deste campeão, é uma explosão e cura absolutamente loucas. Muitas vezes você pode atrair o W de Gwen (a coisa da imunidade) apenas usando E para frente, mesmo que você não pretenda pular nela,
Os jogadores de Gwen geralmente usam W automaticamente.”
RandumPersin says “Easy matchup, either rune works well here. Wait out her W bubble or kite it out with our dashes and she is a sitting duck. Having E1 gives us strong counterplay to her fully stacked Q and can even dodge her ultimate, don't waste dashes and this matchup is pretty free. Keep in mind that Gwen scales super hard, so going even in lane/not killing her is NOT a good thing for us - she becomes a problem once she finishes riftmaker and steelcaps”
Deathbat1 says “She is an anti-tank champ but it is about a 50/50 chance of you winning the matchup, if she is smart and pokes you down with the true damage from her Q you lose but if she randomly pops her W then it's an easy win(which even then her W can't stop you)”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Gwen is a match up that depends on you playing around her spacing and her stacks. Arrive to lane early, and start to push for level 2 early. If she walks up, trade her immediately. Make each stack she tries to get for Q hurt. After that, you will need to learn to not get hit by the middle of Q by baiting it out with movement. This is where I recommend Swifties into this match up, where you can reduce the amount Qs that hit you in the middle, easier for you to space back and forth, and reduce that R slow that will become a huge issue. I wouldn't recommend fighting against her usually when she has ultimate up, it does too much damage. Bait it out, and as soon as you notice her little needles around her, give her respect and back up.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Gwen is cancer but very winnable, levels 1-2 just Q poke her and stay out of her E+Q range (it does too much dmg), But at level 3 if she ever dashes into you pull her in and run her down and you should win if you poked her abit early levels, If you ever get a lead on her you should just be able to walk into her and farm her, If you are even at 6 dont all in her she will out sustain your dmg even through ignite, try to poke her to 70% first, Negatron Cloak helps but it doesn't auto win the match up like most ap match ups ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “She counters your kit well, its hard to zone her from minions with barrels beacuse she can use her aura and it wont hit her. Her E is very good against your barrels as she can easily dodge them and lasthit, and also her ult and Q is very good for unmobile champions. The only thing that doesnt make her extreme counter is that her numbers are shitty and you can still win hard if you play well.”
Smudey says “Try getting lvl 2 first and all in. You HAVE to beat her early at all costs or she'll be unbeatable later on. Taunt in when she has no Q stacks. Try to bait her EQ before trading. You can even try to E behind her WHILE she uses EQ so you don't get hit and can also trade against her. She will always win all-ins at lvl 6 so watch out if you are not super ahead. You can then fight her again if she wastes her R. Buy Spectre's Cowl early or you can't fight her post-6.”
hamgi says “as a melee champ, "gwen is immune" is not that annoying to see considering if u walk in or e into her mist, u can easily q3/r her. she gains armor and mr, so like garen, it's best to sometimes ignore ur e checkmark unless u know her w is down as it might give her just enough to survive. respect her at 4 stacks as she can easily q+e at u, and since it deals true dmg, no amount of mr can reduce that. u can preemptively w to mitigate some dmg tho. her e gives her a dash that gives her atk spd, converts her aa to ap, cd reduction for every enemy unit hit by a %age, and allows her to go over walls. her ult has been buffed so there is only a 1s delay between each cast, and it still slows. avoid running in a straight line. she is strongest mid-late, but ur stronger than her at all stages of the game, assuming u stay ahead”
Justkb says “Try and play around her W, and look to Q whenever she goes up to CS. Early mercs is essential and keeping good wave position is very important as she is very immobile on the retreat. ”
Zorroh says “Gwen can be rough for Mega Gnar to deal with. Her Damage up close is insane with her Q true damage burst and sustained damage from Conqueror or Lethal Tempo. Her W allowing her to dodge abilities can protect her from Mega Q, which is your bread and butter high damage ability in Mega form. Take fleet footwork into this matchup and focus on taking super short trades. Use your boomerang at the start or end of a trade to slow her and allow yourself to get into range or to slow her as you're kiting away. Try to tether outside of her EQ combo range and hold your hop for as long as possible because she can run you down with Ghost and/or her R.”
StingingChicken says “Your Q outranges her scissor, similar to darius land a few then all in. In melee range block her fully stacked scissor with E. Respect her ability to run you down if you push after level 6. Need a lead before 6 or can't lane after?”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Gwen is a skillmatchup if she manages to dodge 1 Q in the trade u might as well just head out and take the worse trade since she can play ignite and u most likely cant if u play ignite ure flashless so theres that”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
kajinator says “Gwen isn't too bad. Her pre-6 is very strong due to how much she heals and her true damage. At level 6 with Conqueror and Flash + Ignite you should win the all in as long as you remember to W her first Q. Make sure to fight in her W as if you dont pay attention a good gwen player can e + w away right when you ult and block it. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “The one thing that makes the Gwen matchup hard is your low base MR. Take MR rune and maybe buy a cloak or two early and this lane is won. Gwen has no hard CC so she can't really lock you down when you have W, but be wary of her burst so be prepared to use ult. She scales well but you can outkite her easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
Evandabank says “Gwen's early game is definitely not as potent as it used to be however, it is definitely not one-sided for Kled.
If Gwen is running Lethal Tempo, you should be careful level 1 because she can outfight you. However, Lethal Tempo is definitely worse for Gwen than Conqueror late game and you should look to abuse Gwen's running conqueror early.
Against Gwen, they will always look to try to auto attack you from range. Wait until they use their E or they go to CS a minion until you throw out your Bear trap. This way she cannot use her dash to dodge it. Sometimes, after a Gwen gets hit by your Q, they will attempt to E into you and all-in. They are inting early and just kill them.
The second thing that Gwen players will do during lane is they will E-Q combo you in an attempt to get off poke. Make sure you at least dodge the true damage (the center of this ability) by strafing sideways. After you dodge the true damage, respond by Eing into her. You do not need to Q immediately in this situation. You can hold your Q and perform a rare E2 - Q combo or if she isn't even trying to dodge it, just E-Q combo.
Gwen has a massive two item power spike and you will just outright lose the 1V1 once she has Riftmaker + Nashors. At this point, you have been outscaled unless you have literally 4 items. However, you can use your lead from the early game to snowball and get your team a lead. Against Gwen you cannot sit top and expect to win. No matter how fed you get, she will inevitably win the split push. You need to play for your team.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Sua lane gira em torno da sua passiva e fluxo de mana, Sempre que estiver com sua passiva Ativa pode farmar, espere ela usar o desh E, use seu combo QWE e recue, faça isso diversas vezes até que ela fique com menos da metade do HP, nessa lane eu costumo usar Incendiar e TP"”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q’s stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her Hallowed Mist(W). When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite + TP]
Start Doran's blade and W and W her after she uses her dash. Ideally you don't have to leash for your jungler and you get to lane first or at the same time as her. The goal in this matchup is to survive and sustain using your W and your grasp procs. Try your best to dodge her center Q damage. In an all in you can dodge her center Q or R damage with your R. Try to E in when her E is on cooldown and when she doesn't have too many stacks on her Q. However, NEVER hookshot in when she has her ultimate - even if you have two kills on her she still beats you if she has her R and you hookshot onto her. Be careful if she took ghost. If she took ignite then you don't have to worry about her chasing you down the lane if you're pushed up. ”
Kreyah says “If you play against a Bad player...EZ. Play against someone that knows the champs...this matchup sucks. Dont fight in her zone and dont try to fight in melee when her passive is already stacked. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her W. When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her W. When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
Irelius says “Skill matchup overall. You can contest lvl 1 if she doesnt have ignite. Dodge her Q true damage. Dont throw R at her unless you baited her W. Wit's end second is good.
She is stronger at 6 if you go even, but you take over the matchup after bork”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her W. When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Sua lane gira em torno da sua passiva e fluxo de mana, Sempre que estiver com sua passiva Ativa pode farmar, espere ela usar o desh E, use seu combo QWE e recue, faça isso diversas vezes até que ela fique com menos da metade do HP, nessa lane eu costumo usar Incendiar e TP"”
Elresser says “Gwen is an interesting matchups. In theory her passive is good against tanks but Sejuani's Q is a very good disengage. If you hit her with Q by the end of the trade and simply walk away you should be fine.”
dracondas says “snip snip
respect her R and dashes if you can cc her and W her you win that easy -careful of her W she can counter your W with it if well placed-”
Boptimus says “Gwen is only difficult if you tank every single Q-E she throws out and let her AA you to death.
Passive/W spam early on will help you deal with her harass and keep you healthy. If she dashes into you without minions to block you can win very short trades with a simple E-W.
Before you try using your R on her you'll need to make sure she used her W. If at any point she uses her R you need to proc Phase Rush as fast as possible and GTFO. Her R slows for a lot and deals MASSIVE damage.”
1akai1 says “Use o W no Q stacakdo dela, trocas curtas com seu W utilizado da forma certa vão ser suas , a partir do lv 6 uma boa opção é usar o w no terceiro R dela.”
Thrandor says “I don't know why WW has such a high winrate against Gwen, its not too easy. She will run ignite, be aware of that. Also, build STEELCAPS NOT MERCS. When fighting Gwen hold down your Q to dodge hers or even an R instance. When she activates her hallowed mist, I recommend stepping away and waiting.”
Racz says “A great Gwen can beat you bad. Play passively, never extend out too much. Her R slows you, don't fight her when her passive stacks are full.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to fight her when she doesn’t have many Q stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Her damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her W. When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. Extended trades work in her favour. Try and keep them short.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Ironically this matchup becomes much more playable if she takes TP/Ignite. You'll never win fair 1v1 fights unless you're hugely ahead so play SUPER safe until level 6 and just try to maximise CS.
Post-6 your best bet is to bait fights near your tower and then R her into your tower. Since they usually don't take Flash they'll die to this as they have no way to escape. Honestly though this champion can
straight 1v1 you the entire game so be careful. ”
tacowo_ says “Female Ryze. 44% winrate E-Q spammer. She hurts a lot, and outscales you, but she's very easy to lock down if you have backup. A bit of a strange lane in that sense.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Не деритесь под ее W!!, без нее вы с щупальцами и E, легко дуэлите, в лейте, она перескейливает и начинает много танковать и хилиться, советую гнобить в начале и юзать сокрушитель или потрошитель.”
Vandenelis says “she does % max hp ap damage, can melt you in seconds while you can't really trade back. Survive the lane and scale up, other players in your team should deal with her late game.”
Taiquyorah says “Tout dépends de si gwen arrive a esquiver vos barils. Si oui, elle gagne le MU si non, vous le gagnez.
Attention à son late qui peut surprendre si vous n'avez pas d'ignite et si vous avez un build squishy ! ”
NegativePhoenix says “Never, and I mean NEVER, disrespect a good Gwen player. With 12.11, you see a nerf to her W armor and CD, and her E first hit CD is decreased to 50%. Laning phase can still be hers with good poke and timing so be heavily careful. Late game you will have a hard fight on your hands unless you catch her off guard as her passive increases her damage the more health you have, so always be mindful of being in a fight too long with her. In the late game her E is basically gonna be up constantly so a smart Gwen can just dodge your Qs easily and melt you.”
Yiphen says “Win Lane. She needs to AA to stack her Snippy passive and without it her Q is a lot weaker. Poke her down whenever she tries to CS. Harass her once she W's. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
gekigami says “Fique esperto com os stacks da passiva do Q dela. ela normalmente vai querer dar E+Q com 4+ stacks.
Faça quebra passo e limite da razão e corra dela quando ela ativar sua ultimate. evite avançar muito a wave pois ela consegue lhe dar engage facil. ”
Groovywelsh says “Gwen kills you before LVL6 so just farm until 6 and then you just win.It's very easy because the only time when Gwen wins is before 6, but she does not have anything to engage whit apart from her e but your e is way longer, so you can just getaway”
7EyesNoSkills says “Her W is a problem since you can't AA or Q. You can easily kill her lv1, after she buy boots with armor it will be a bit harder. So farm until you get your mythic if she got her boots.”
WildSamu says “DBlade+ Red Pot.
Gwen is a scaling champ, making this a decent matchup.
Look to dodge her Q and Ult.
Make sure not to Q3 or ult her outside her W.
She's not the easiest to gank thanks to her W and E dash, you dont really have any setup if she spaces well.”
meduselolol says “You win level 1. If she's running ghost she can run you down level 3 if you'Re near her tower. Disengage from her during her w(hallowed mist)”
kickman2334 says “Do not fight her level 1 she has one of the strongest level 1s in the game. you can fight her lvl 3 and parry her Q or just dodge it and keep your W for the attack speed slow later. at level 6 if you are behind you can hardly win. so either win early or try to scale for the late game and split push”
kurbart says “she's an annoying laner she can stop all your ability's even your stun with her circle but other then that you can kite her out but just be safe”
VituVonDoom says “You're not a tank, so she is instantly one of the worst champions in the game against you. Save your Hammer combo to run away when she tries to get to you, especially with ult up, and don't fight her in her W. Run the Phase Rush page, she will never get to you with all the speed, and will leave you to bonk her harder than all the nerfs ever did. Just make sure to rush antiheal”
HalexUwU says “Will run you down, can ignore your ultimate, lots of point and click damage. Not an unwinnable matchup, though. You will likely need your jungler to kill her.”
Aberrant Demon says “Avoid trades until level 3. Then you can look to trade around your W cooldown and her W stacks. Post -6 you can short trade repeatedly until she is low enough to all-in since she has no sustain outside of her ult. You just need to ult before she can heal back up from her ult spam. Her W doesn't matter because you are entirely melee and your ult does true damage.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 do not let her get on you and run you down with her E -> Level 2 can afford to take a small trade if she gets close to you because of your W and trade back with Q. Be careful of her Q stacks -> Level 3 dodge her Q3 with your E and go for the trade -> Level 6 she can be surprisingly strong so preferably bait out her R and go back or keep on going for the all-in if you can kill her in time -> DO NOT R if she has not used her W before that and her E -. Freeze waves -> Go for extended trades after you've baited/dodged Q with E -> The more items you get the better the extended trades are”
RanDomGuY060 says “Max W and E+W combo or she will press W on your W and basically counter your full trade. So open W first and go for trade. You can go HOB to cheese her.”
IcunoX says “With her nerfed range you can quite easily match this untill the late game where she deals a lot of damage, dont get cheesed lvl 1 by lethal tempo and you should be fine.”
The Kled Mob says “Don't let her hit 4 stacks Q as it will chunk you. Be wary of her E and that she doesnt E into your Q so make sure you E-Q to confirm outer Q dmg.
If you are losing buy negatron cloak.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible, deny her resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke her down, don't extend trades too much, you don't have to give prio, you can sort of match it, but don't let her push too much.
Take ignite.
In this matchup you need to be VERY CAREFUL level 1, as she has can punish you very hard early especially with lethal tempo, but as long as you kite and don't fight her with too many auto attacks, you should win.
Starting from level 2 and 3 you win short trades, look to poke on front vitals and possibly bait ou their Q. (If you try to hit a back vital, often times Gwen will E back during your Q to make you miss it and get some free poke, especially dangerous if she is level 6).
In early you can look to parry her empowered Q, but you can also parry and E auto attack if your Q is coming up to dodge her Q, the as slow really makes her suffer.
Try to parry her 3rd R when she gets level 6 it really denies her hard, especially if you can dodge the 2nd R with Q.
Be patient and u win it, if she has ignite it is harder, but still favorable!”
Scallywag says “She can dodge your barrels with her w, which can make this matchup tricky.
Early you can kill her, but after Riftmaker and Nashors Tooth she can run you down whenever she wants.”
Kifos says “extreme healing, true damage, dash and able to siply dodge abilites just by using w. Avoid fighting her at all costs. always wait jugnle and wait for traps”
Shourdy says “Don't fight Lv1 or take short trades with ur passive and wait for Lv3. After Lv3 u should be able to trade if she wastes E or W so focus on poking when she goes for cs and trading once she wastes her Key abilities. Beware she can W ur Q/W if ur outside the circle so don't stay 2 far away from her if u want to use ur full combo ( W pull still goes through even if ur outside the circle). After Lv6 u lose most 1 v 1's since her ult is very strong so look to poke or teamfights as ur way stronger there. Don't forget u get hard outscaled so try to get a lead early to mid game or help others !”
ShacoMagicTrick says “In theory a very bad pick against Shaco-immobile,no cc. But considering how broken she is, that's a major threat and yes, she can block your boxes with her mist if you are not in it with her (Gwen is immune)”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: It is honestly very hard to write a matchup on Gwen since she is either OP or complete dogwater. but in general you just wanna wait for level 6 to kill her since you can just shroud and make her Q completely worthless while you poke her down. Also Gwen players will Q E you for big damage so have your E ready to dodge it and turn the trade into a favourable one.”
Trundledaddy says “She outscales if even a fraction ahead, don't stand in middle of her Q, play early well and lane isn't hard, be careful of nashors+ult damage usually no flash, good for u and jungle (I just have mental block vs her she isn't that hard to lane against).”
powerfullgeo says “GwEn Is ImMuNe. Broken and annoying to say the least. Dodge the true damage on her Q and freeze the wave under your tower. Good Luck”
Autolykus says “You can rush blade of the ruined king to win this 1v1 100% but its not needed. It will make you weaker in teamfights. She will outscale you.”
Egotistical Bad says “Careful with her ultimate, otherwise you are in an easy match-up, just her Ultimate slow can catch you off-guard and she can ignore your Damage while doing so to move into you.”
Federals1 says “Gwen is a matchup where you try to go for very short trades. She will destroy you if you try to go for long fights without doing your combos onto her a cuple of times first. There is no point in trying to bait out her w, as Volibear can always jump into it with his ultimate. If it is possible before an all in, it would be good, but not mandatory. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her. First rune page should be used. Both q and w maxes work. Ghost+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots.”
ProbablyPlatform says “Overloaded kit, true dmg, dashes and a Xin ult for a W. You beat her but she’s annoying and will kill you if your careless and is hard to chase”
PandoraPanda14 says “she out heals u, and does more true dmg. She can negate ur q and e with her w. and her lvl 6 all in is crazy, Gwens usually bring ignite too, very hard lane to win, try to punish early.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Don't fight her lvl 1 because you lose hard, before lvl 6 you can do short trades, you can parry her empowered Q or an AA and then Q out of her Q, if she gets bramble, wait for your whip powerspike. After lvl 6 try to parry her 3rd R and dodge her 2nd with Q, if you do it you hard win the fight.
Raen says “Save ur Q for her E. Try to get her on early lvls with ur E after she E. Watch out her passive stacks, if she got 4 stacks she will deal true dmg on center of her Q so try to move left/right when shes about to Q you. Anitheal helpful vs her. ”
WestRover says “do not let her get a lead if she does your game is over, she is ap this is one of the only champions you will go barrier tp majority of the time ”
gazibulle says “Hard matchup. I think she outscales you, but you can beat her on side as long as you kite her damage correctly. Gwen has too much damage and is insanely tanky for absolutely no reason. Early levels you can consider giving up some minions, as her lvl 1 is too strong and you can't contest it EVER, mostly as sometimes you get a physical shield for no reason? and also Gwens often take Ignite and Lethal Tempo. You can start W and try getting the first 3 minions. Try sustaining on her with W after she Es. You can win the all-in if you hit your E: you can either wait when you cast it onto the wall so you follow her dash, or you can do a quick E when standing next to a wall so she can't react to it. If she Ws, you should ALWAYS kite it out as she gains too much armour in order for you to win. Consider stepping forwards and backwards to try dodging her braindead E-Q untradable combo; if she misses you can instantly E on her and she will 100% lose. Be careful at lvl 6 as her R is a combat ultimate unlike yours, so you will lose the 1v1. Later into the game you should play smart in order to win: it's just like playing against Tryndamere, unless you are very fed you just can't E onto him as he will run you down. It's the same against Gwen, you have to dodge her Q, kite her W and R, and ult her 3rd ult cast as it does the most damage. It's a pure stat check champion so you will always lose if you just stand to her and AA her. Also keep in mind she isn't as good as you against ranged champions, and therefore she is hard to play in teamfights.”
alexionut05 says “As long as you don't take the full damage from her Qs, you should be fine. Block her dashes and trade when her passive is not stacked. Dodge her ult or simply avoid fighting her unitl it runs out.”
havy says “avoid the tip of her Q, try to bait it out constantly! her W has a 22 second cooldown, so use that in your advantage, all of your skills not counting your ult have a lower cooldown, DO NOT try to combo her if she has W currently in usage.”
Agatrium says “The only thing you have to watch out for is the level 1 IF she has lethal tempo + ignite. You'll loose that pretty hard. Once you have completed Berserker's Greaves, she stands very little chance. Start with E during the fight, then Q and you'll chunk her pretty effectively. ”
Cryniu says “Juega defensivo, especialmente si tiene ignición.
Si te juega muy agresivo considera usar la W para anular varios de sus básicos mejorados.
Recomiendo usar la E más para re posicionar o escapar, gwen se cura y tiene mucho daño.
Juega a intercambios cortos pero muy dañinos, ella suele ganar en los duelos largos.
Considera vesta espinosa cuando compre curación.
Helzky says “Gwen is very difficult. Take Ignite + Ghost if you need to be able to solo kill. If not, take TP + Ghost. Play under tower and don't walk up until you have Prowlers with Maiden AND a big wave. If you get ahead early via her being dumb and/or a jungle gank, you can solo kill her easily from there. Just buy executioners while you're at it.”
ZomB2446 says “She is annoying, with a lots of attack speed, a short cd dash, %hp magic damage and true damage. Early game play safe, farm with Q, Your ghoul can still damage her when she proc her W, but if she use it to dodge your E there nothing you can do, try to E at melee range. At lv6 her R 3 charge can take out 60% of your hp so be mindful not to over extend. I personal think Eclipse build is better against her, since she deal a lot more damage than how fast you can proc your Divine”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. Try not to fight her in her W, bait her Q and care ult damage not a very hard matchup. Use E + W combo to finish a trade.”
magician4444 says “You have to stand inside her mist when you ult her. If you're outside the mist and try to ult it wont register. Bring ignite or build anti heal, dodge her needles and its a pretty easy matchup.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up. Poke with q in early levels and avoid trading when she has her q stacked up. If you poked her down enough go for all-ins. You win in Brazil as long as you hit most of your stuff. Ignite is mandatory here, it helps a lot vs her healing, which can sometimes be surprisingly high. Always walk inside of her W to fight her or you can't hit her with E or Q. Try walking circles around her and generally have weird/unpredictable movement so she can't hit you with her q true damage and r. She outscales you and her damage is ridiculous in the late game so ulting her isn't really recommended in the late game, unless of course you are ahead. Try to get ahead in the laning phase to delay her powerspike and decide the game before that happens.”
boboderaffe says “Gwen is stupid. Period. You cannot properly trade with her ESPECIALLY early on. But it is still far from an unplayable lane. You have to get grievous wounds early on and poke her as much as you can.
Whenever she casts her Q, you can use E+W+Passive on top of her. You have to be patient and wait out your E root as long as possible, though. If you use your passive too early she can jump out of your W, possibly toward you. Either time it correctly or cast W in the space between you and her so she has to back off or dash into your W. ”
Rayli36 says “Try not to fight when she has stacked passive your q cleanses only 1 part of her R and disengage only when she stacked conqueror or if you're confident end her.
Black Demon Ezel says “Gwen is squishy and not very good in my opinion. If you can get into her mist and beat her senseless she won't win ever. But also make sure you take some MR so you don't get beat senseless instead”
BreadedBreadCrum says “A huge threat. Instant dash against your engage tools. High MAGIC damage. Omnivamp too. TRUE DAMAGE. W against your R too. Go force of nature into Bramble if they have some AD damage on the enemy team. Go Chempunk if you really need anti-heal against an majority AP team. HoB to trade and stop her from chasing you over and over. Grasp if you wanna keep fighting. Go BoRK or Frostfire. Make sure to use your E against her R and Q.”
Polartech says “Gwen's Barrier is really boring for Kayle, and the fact she can move it another time makes it even stronger, stay at a good distance to her, and if she try to come closer slow Gwen with Radiant Blast, she will surely use her Barrier, but if not, try to counter engage from mid range.”
Makkro says “Dangerous lvl 1 focus on short trades and sidestepping her q dont w when her stacks are full because she will melt you with q. Dueling her after 1st item is almost impossible due to her insane damage but shes useless in teamfights IF you can land really really good CC on her shes a counter and a rough one at that so you just focus on laning perfectly and teamfighting perfectly and you should win.... It really isnt a fun matchup.”
LunaticDancer says “D Shield, Gambler is too risky to be worth it. Annoying match up. Careful of her insanely strong level 1 (given she starts with E and has Ignite). Walk into her safe space to make your ghouls deal damage to her while inside it. Generally those fights are gonna be sweaty, but the most obvious way of losing is standing in her Q sweet spot, so don't be doing that.
Anti-heal is good here.”
N0kk__ says “Pretty annoying champion. Avoid 1v1s. She doesn't allow you to farm when near her. When agaisnt her take TP and teleport to diffrent lanes or group.Early game just buy magic resist and try to freeze lane under tower. Late game she is not that big of a threat depending on your stacks and items.”
COJA says “Try not to build too much health as Gwen deals very high %max hp damage. She will absolutely outtrade you early, so lvl 4-5 is necessary. Antiheal is also quite strong. However, Gwen is forced to walk up in order to farm / push, so you can poke her freely. Just be careful in case she dashes into you while you Q+E. Her ultimate is also very strong for duels, so try not to get close enough so that she hit you with all the needles guaranteed.”
Captain Bane says “trade with her before she gets her passive stacked up, Q her Q so it cancels her damage, buy early grievous wounds, you will need it.”
Larkana_ says “Gwen's W can be very tricky to play around in all stages of the game and her % max hp true damage is lethal.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [Medium]/Skarner [Low]”
space cat says “high damage and good at preventing you from poking her. you still win trades though usually, just be careful about her ult and you should beat her most of the time.”
Eduardocwalle says “Never trust this doll, look im winning the trade, i´ll will her!....No This champ is better than you in long trades so u shouldnt overextend ur fight once both of u get lvl 6. Always ignite!”
TahmyPickles says “A good Gwen can really punish you with her true damage. When she has four stacks in lane do not approach the minions. Trade when she uses her stacks, and shield or devour when she gets four again. ”
Acumulator says “Just Q her she is harmless aslong as you walkaway from her when she tries to get you. (at the end so the day she isn't mobile enough to be a threat)”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Avoid early level 1 fights due to lethal tempo buffs. Play for short trades, heal her stacked up qs, and look to all in when she's low. After 6, disengage whenever she uses ult.”
MrZoltannn says “At lvl 1 poke her Q. At lvl 3 if she goes in to trade, you can try to trade with her, or leave her and hop away. At lvl 6 you can easly manage to kill her if you can play it well, rushing executioner after stridebreaker is a must against her passive healing.”
Koboldjaeger says “She has a lot of Damage after Level 6 and she can easily kill you if she has ignite . Try dodging her last Ult with your own R .
Build Trinity”
Stinkee says “Gwen is another new champion that is very annoying to deal with. She has a short cooldown dash that she can use to dodge your abilities and weave in and out of trades with you. She does really crazy on-hit damage and she really ramps up to try not to take long fights with her. If you can do consistent short trades you should be fine as long as she doesn't all in you. You really have to dodge her Q and her R if you really want to win the matchup. Rush some magic resist as she does mostly magic damage. If you freeze your wave against her she will have to run all the way up to farm making her very vulnerable to jungle ganks.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Gwen has really good objective control once she gets out of the early game and starts stacking her damage, but as a champion she is suited more as a laner than a jungler. You shouldn't have any problems dealing with her early game, it's the late game that becomes a problem, if she's fed or doing relatively well for herself and her allies. ”
Anoying bro5 says “Pre 6 you should win easily by riposting her Q scissors. It is fairly easy to see the animation to riposte, but you can also predict her to use it when she builds stacks under her health bar with auto attacks. You win extended trades with vitals. After 6 you can riposte her Q or her 3rd ult of needles.”
BoilTheOil says “Try to prevent Gwen from stacking her Q on the wave, if she doesn't have her Q stacked you will win the fight and you can just auto attack her to death. Try to use W to block her fully stacked Q or her 3rd ultimate charge. ”
Phrxshn says “You have to fight Gwen from behind or aside to avoid her frontal cone attack such as Snip-Snip(Q) or Needlework(R). Purely a skilled match-up based on if you can dodge her skillshots. Try to force her out on her Hallowed Mist(W) so she doesn't get defensive buffs.
(Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Gwen) ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Every single time she wants to go in press E and walk away. She has no way to gapclose after she uses her dash. Gwen can become untargetable which can deny your flay but in that instance just walk away. It's very easy to avoid trades with her while hitting her occasionally with Thresh's range advantage.
Teamfights can be more difficult due to her invulnerable but appropriate cc lockdown will make her useless. Unlike many bruisers she is bad at chasing you. But like many bruisers she outscales and will eventually win every 1v1. Anathemas is useless vs her and redemption/kv are better choices.”
quinn adc says “I have played against Gwen twice, so I will update this matchup with more helpful advice when I face it more.
For now, it seems that Gwen sucks into ranged champs.
The main goal is to bait her W, and if she uses it, blind her and then walk back, Her W lasts 5 seconds, and I typically just wait for it to expire before engaging on her.
If I blind her she can't even hit me, so even though she is untargetable, I am too with blind. Play really aggro, and play around her W CD. Do not dive if her W is up.
Veng Shotz says “Gwen is a wierd match-up, she wins with her level 1 e, so dont fight her at all, at level 2-5 you win, and at 6 she wins if you dont dodge any of her 3 ult casts, you can also use e to dodge her q true damage, but because of how we self root ourselves during our q she will generally use that self-root to land her q's, so you have to constantly move around and hold e's to dodge her q's.
watch for her tabis/brambles rushes and her riftmaker, if you get exec and some MR mid game you can actually out 1v1 her but you have to play perfectly, alas, otherwise, this is a skill match up in her favor. ”
Amphawn says “She is very strong early, but as long as she doesn't get a huge lead you will outscale her once you hit 11. Keep her passive stacks in mind as she may be able to dash on you and get a trade in early. She can also somewhat do this post 6, as she can poke you and then run away in her zone. It is safer not to follow her and instead settle for whatever damage you got during the trade. Her ult slows you down by a lot, so if you get low she can finish you off very easily and you won't be able to get away. You scale much better than her though, so it all depends on who farms better. In the late game, if she goes in her zone, you shouldn't follow her into it, as you should be trying to play the ranged game against her.”
At_Tar_Ras says “the good thing here is most gwen players are dumb LOL. she's crazy strong if you let her Q you for free and use her R. also she typically brings ignite so that'll increase her kill pressure but all-in-all the matchup isn't too hard. you can fake all-in to bait out her W, once that's used you can re-engage and fully all-in as her W will be on CD.”
iZeal says “Probably best to ban her until the champion gets nerfed. Do not fight her level 1 at all and rather preserve your health, get Executioner's Calling as soon as possible and don't commit to long trades, rather poke her down and try to dodge the middle of her Qs. After 6 you have to be insanely careful as she can chase you down with ultimate easily. Remember her W grants her insane amounts of armor so even if you are inside the area your damage will be handicapped for the duration. Even if you stomp her in lane she outscales you hard and she always has a teamfighting presence due to her W.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
MrDomian says “Select Biscuit Delivery or Time Warp Tonic and try to destroy it before level 6.
After level 6, wait for the jungler.
You can try to kill her with your R, if she is close.”
slogdog says “Gwen does percent health damage and specialises against immobile champions that cannot run away or evade her Q and R. Doesn't help that you will never get priority, due to her incredibly powerful early game which never gets outscaled. However she only has one dash, and your ghouls and Maiden can damage Gwen even in her W. Abuse that with your E.”
Xerath gaming says “I hate this matchup, you won like everytime but her W can just make you rage quit, engage her when she doesn't have E to dodge your Q/E and should be free kill”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This isn't a fun matchup. If both players are evenly matched in skill and understanding of the matchup I think Gwen takes it. Her W makes it so you can't enter to do dmg. While your ghouls will still hurt her, she gains extra resistances while in her W field. She can dash through your wall as well, and chunk you down hard. Let her make the first move, or you just insta-lose. Executioners is a MUST BUY vs her as well.”
LoLReal says “This lane is pretty Darius favored. Bait out her W immune and all in her. She can't trade with you as long as you don't take too much damage while she is immune. Pull her back in when she tries to leave W or dash away , as long as you don't take a full stacked Q from her while she's in her W this should be a favorable trade every time.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “I really hate this champ. Why is she only targettable in her prism that gives her tanky stats? Why does riftmaker regen so much? Why is she basically a cuter, anime, splitpushing monster?
Avoid 1v1ing her (SO easy for a Nasus, right? zzzz) and TP to other side lanes or group with your team for objectives. You don't even get to be Nasus around her.”
qveenevelynn says “Gwen can be a real threat because of her true damages + heals. Her W can avoid your charm and Q. If she plays CONQ you have a chance, if she plays PRESS THE ATTACK it will be really hard for you because of her attack speed.”
Kacto15 says “Hacer trades cortos contra ella, si utiliza su R hacer disengage lo mas rápido posible, intenta baitearle las cargas de su Q, el matchup es mas fácil como sion LETALIDAD”
montybucket says “Gwen is pretty easy to fight, every gwen ive come across isn't that good though because she's still new. but from my experience she loses vs mordekaiser. Her W can be annoying but other than that you outclass her in damage and kill potential. She's only really good when you're good, she builds the same items, but she's got a bad kit vs morde. ”
LegitLechner says “Still havent played around enough gwens. Matchup is a skill matchup as she is very mobile and with w can block a full rotation. Play around her spell block area and dont take unnecessary fights.”
OTP Toxin says “Not a hard laning, just bully her until she uses her W, it is a long CD so you can bully her more after that, in the begin of mid game you will already be able to enter in her W and kill her, just remember to keep moving and dodge her Rs :D”
Et Lutum says “Gwen is super weak into Sejuani because practically all your damage is in close quarters and your dash allows you to ignore her anti damage circle. Really good match up.”
SilverAvalanche says “This is a Dash matchup. the will try and hit you with her scissor and you have to Q out of the true damage.
and try and ult her when she has her big ult left, she has 6 seconds to hit it and you can enter her in 3.15, so try and time it so you ult her after a second after she uses her second part of her ult.”
King Turtle says “her early game isn't very good and people don't build her correctly so it hinders her as a champion, but she's a rare champion that will beat you in an extended fight late game. Since extended fights are our strong point later on, that's a bit of a problem. ”
pokeyminch5236 says “Gwen's not too hard, her true damage does sting though if she lands it properly or if you let it hit you. Keep moving around so she can't land it and you should be fine. ”
MCSwavest says “Gwen is extremely scary to any top laner, especially when you try to put a marksman up there. Her W can very easily block every single ability you have, and if she's smart, she'll use it to deny you any E damage. Play as safe as possible, and look to make impact around the map.”
Chease says “You lose lvl 1 if she starts E, play as close to her as possible (try to stay in her W at all times), watch out for her stupid R2 and R3 dmg.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Take Short trades! Always side step her Qs, she doesn't do a lot of damage if you walk out of most of her Q damage
- Q her all the time, make sure you try to W her if she ever gets too close.
- Do not underestimate her, all in her only when she's around 30% hp. If your combo don't kill, she can sustain back and kill you instead!
- You don't want to get close to her for no reason, she does a lot of damage if you're near her.
- You can trade if she uses her Q to waveclear."”
Wawza says “Her W's mist veil, makes her immune to your Q's knockups and her damage ramp from just auto attacking is dangerous especially early game, it's best to try to bait out her W with a combo she has to avoid (ex. Q > W pull) and trade while its down to take advantage of your Q's knockups.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Magic Resist+DBlade) She is strong in all-ins, so buy MR and healing reduction, wait for lvl 9 then you win. Farm as much as possible, because she'll try to zone you off with her Q's. Don't R from far away when her W is up.”
FantasysAhlong says “You can sustain through lane in this match-up; tho she can win 1v1s against you, but she pretty much can never kill you, and you will never kill her as well. ”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. She has too high base armor, can take Teleport + Ignite, so it's basically impossible to fight her in 1v1. Use E and then W instantly otherwise she dodges it with her dash or her W - Hallowed Mist. There is not much to say - she outscales you, outsustains you because she has too much healing that can't be stopped with anti-heal.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gwen's W can be a nuisance but it means next to nothing because if you get in there and ult, her mist goes poof and so does all her protection and then that's your chance to smash her into the dirt of the Rift”
Psychopathic Top says “Gets super tanky when you all in her. Do not all in her. I have lost a lot of all ins with sheen. Just focus on farming to Sunderer and grouping with team. If the Gwen player is good, she is basically a better version of you the entire game. One of the worst matchups for nasus atm. ”
DippyDan says “Gwen is pretty much the AP version of Fiora. She is a duelist with true damage, quick dashes, and high survivability. Even though she is a great pick for an AP top, Fiora should be able to completely shut her down in lane as Fiora is the better duelist. TIPS: [1] Take advantage of her weak early. [2] Buy executioner once she buys Omnivamp. [3] Parry her stacked Q to block true damage. ”
Hecki says “Don't go for long trades against this creature. Keep her at range and harass her with your Q after she uses her Q or has no stacks on it. Be careful at Level 6 since she can run you down with her R and ignite.”
IvernLover74856 says “Proc her bone plating., then go for the all-in level 1. You're basically the same champ but she's ranged and has BS W. Your ult lets her heal off you for free with hers, so if you use it make sure to dodge the needles, though honestly if you need to use ult near her you'll lose the all-in, so just try and escape.
Wolf can bite though her BS shield, because he's technically inside it.”
Rocking Masterock says “Now, before talking about the matchup, don't down vote the guide for this, but Gwen isn't hard for Malphite...
Max E Q, but buy divine sunderer, take fleet footwork, 1 ATK Speed - Adaptive Force and MR.
Good luck.”
Paccu says “Another group of champs, including Gwen, are champs that are simply too mobile to catch in your ult, they can dodge your skillshots with ease and make them a pain to kill”
KoKoNwoo says “Gwen has a lot of damage and healing. Make sure to buy a executioners or a bramble vest to reduce some of that healing. Her damage when she reaches level 6 will completely destroy you, so look for a fight before then. If she is taking ignite and teleport, ask your jungler to gank her. She will be easier to gank without a flash.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dblade, Executioners first back] At 6 you can kill her. Watch her auto counter and play around it for poke. Dodge her R and the middle of her Q. Dont get baited by her healing and burst.”
SunOak says “I have never faced this champion with yorick so i dont know what you should do or go. All I know is that she bursts you when you are playing tank. Start Cpot ”
Alan234 says “Press the attack and Fleet Footwork are both good. Usually you would go wits end into riftmaker. If you feel funny you could go aery q max, but she can tank your q dmg with her hallowed mist (w). You should bully her SUPER hard early game and get an item lead, so that her all in isnt strong. She SUPER spikes on riftmaker, so thats the first time she will have threat on you. Besides that just blind her when she dashes on you (e) and avoid her e q true dmg.”
Kartagoo says “Probably THE hardest match up rn cuz Gwen is so overtuned (I hope shes getting a nerf) cuz same as riven you cant predict her burst after 6 and she does AD, AP and True Damage for some dumb reason :/ . So go ghost ignite build steel caps into bramble and then Sunfire Aegis into either titanic if ahead or spirit visage. ”
JaxIsAHobo says “A relatively strange lane, her level 1 actually beats yours unless the player is horrible at her. You basically piss on her after level 3 until 6, and then it becomes a relatively even lane again. At level 6, you want to dodge her full snip combo by sidestepping or leaping to the side, and then keep dueling her. Try not to duel her within her shroud, and disengage entirely, as it has a fairly long cooldown(22sec).”
RhinoStar says “Max out you E at first unless you are very good at hitting Q. She is annoying because of her W which gives her ability to basically dodge your Q and dashes. But as you hit level 6, fight freely, very open.”
King Turtle says “she's less of a threat and more of an annoyance before level 6, but once level 6 hits she can wear you down over time, and kite you with her R activations if she has something to hit for each tier to force your R out.”
GlaDyOfficial says “Care for her W, she can remove your E mid flight. And does a lot of dmg. Do only little trades with her, when she has little to none stacks.”
Bombabo says “Snips McGee hurts. She can do a lot of damage to Urgot since she can easily hit your huge, slow hitbox with the true damage component of her Q, and her insane base stats will let her stand her own against you for most parts of the game”
apkibum says “Gwen when fed can be a nightmare to deal with no matter who you are. Thats why during laning its important to not feed her. She's pretty easy to bully with your autos and blind. Your Q as teemo will stop her from stacking her passive to give her that extra Q damage. Like most champs let her engage on you first with her E, then poke her down using autos and your Q to stop that stacking. Her R is easy to dodge with your W. The only annoying thing in her kit that makes her hard to deal with is her W. Luckily it has a pretty long cool down so once she uses it it'll be easier to fight her. ”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “This Matchup is skillbased, but Fiora favored. You need to parry her q and/or her 3/5 needle ult. (the second and 3rd cast). DOnt get baited into using your W on her first ult, it deals nearly no dmg, only slows. She can actually fight you level 1 and CAN even win if she is good. You cant win level 2. She has no CC to parry, so parry the most damage, as said above.”
SettVEVO says “Gwen is a very good scaling champ, imo easy to fight in lane, nothing worth writing here, as you apply the basics of Sett to win lane against her, E into W when you have grit. Try to dodge her ult. Just try to deny her as much as you can and end quickly as she scales.”
Byku2506 says “Skilled matchup, Try to dodge her with stacked Q and drag her to you, Watch out for her W she can dodge your heal and takedown you. This is really mixed matchup against her. But try to risk to kill her.”
Papa Urgot says “I've never played this matchup. but i cant see how you win this one early/mid game. She can dodge cleavers from distance. It think she deals more damage and heals more then you early/midgame. ill change this bit as soon as i face one.”
Fryx says “Skill Matchup. She deals a lot of damage and can heal up if you trade long. Going for Grasp and maxing E will make the difference in this matchup.”
Vispectra says “It's rare but I've seen it. She is kinda of dependent on that player behind her. This cute little thing can potentially shred you up. Pay attention to her bars and avoid fighting her when they're full. Once they're down you could pop in for a quick trade but remember you might get chased by E. She does auto a damn lot and heal quite a bit. Stay safe and scale it out.
Max E into Gwen.”
SanLourdes says “Currently the best ban in higher levels of play, Gwen is an absolute disgusting champion. Her magic damage and damage based on max health completely shreds through Sion. Her E is really annoying as it can stop your Q, her ultimate makes it very hard to escape unless you have your ultimate up, and she scales extremely hard on top of having built-in sustain. Her little dashes also make her trickier to deal with.”
CucumberSandwich says “Another busted new champion that destroys our little mummy. Her Q outrades your Q > E > W combo, and her dash makes it hard to engage onto her. However, not commonly picked in lower elo's and hopefully will be banned soon.”
RainAndBow says “This broken champion is really powerful. You think Teemo can win against gwen, and you are right. But why do I put gwen as major threat? Gwen's R will slow the Teemo, and let her catch up to you with her dashes and Qs. Never get hit by the R! Play safe with the vision and you won't die. Ensure that you win in the CS. Make sure your team knows when Gwen is gone.”
calbino says “Gwen is pretty stupid. Everyone knows this, especially the top lane players. Her high armor, damage, healing is a real pain, and she doesn't really get punished for making a mistake in a fight.”
RareParrot says “freak champion with xin ult on steroids with 20 second cd, dont fight her in her circle because she gets insane base stats poke her when her W is down and you should win.”
Jaori says “If she goes ignite - do not trade. It's impossible for you to win a 1vs1 there. If she doesn't go ignite - you can try trading, and you will most likely win after 6. Remember to ult her while she uses her W to steal all of this bonus armour and MR.”
KarmaChamelion says “Snip snip! Bonus magic damage based on max HP, true damage and hallowed mist making it impossible to hit long ranged ults. Gwen is not fun to deal with and will easily shred through you. Best to take her on only with JG help. Good to usually ban her or Sett depending on which one you struggle more with.”
SavagePridestalker says “Gwen is super unbalanced right now, so the matchup is kinda hard. Level 1 absolutely DON'T fight her, she'll beat you. After a few levels it becomes pretty okay and with doubleW you should beat her up. After she gets 2 items, be careful, she'll snip you to death.
Marwaii says “You can poke her with your Q endlessly and kill her at level 6. Hard push to deny CS. She might be able to outscale you but I'm not too sure yet.”
oogoogerson says “This champion is disgusting right now and will absolutely demolish you late game. But that's late game. Before level 6 you can kill her. It is a skill matchup at that point. Once she hits 6 she is so much stronger than you at level 6. You can still outplay her by dodging her R with your R and Ghost combined. You need ignite to even start to think you can kill her.”
Safolet says “This Matchup is very nice, because Gwen only has one dash to get closer to you, but Gnar has the E and has the range to keep her away and bother her with the Q or Basic Attacks. While you are in MegaGnar, you can wait for Gwen to approach you so that you can then do the combo of: R, Basic Attack, W, Basic Attack and finally the Q (although if you have time you can hit with a Basic Attack after the Q ), and then Jump with the E to exit the fight to return to the MiniGnar and hit from afar.”
SethPRG says “Disgustingly broken champion if they know how to abuse them. You can be 2k gold up and they will still be able to kill you. They scale super hard and you need to avoid that power spike at all costs. Their ult will shred your entire team late game so you absolutely must peel your squishies. You, surprisingly, as the AA lv 1 king, get beat down HARD by a doll with scissors. Your only hope in winning early will be to start W level 1 to survive. With it, you can usually bait them into a trade and at around half grit hit them with a W so they won't try to flash it. It should leave them low enough for you to be able to push them off a wave or two. In fights with them, you'll need to try and sidestep their Q's true damage. So long as you stick right next to them you should be able to walk behind them as they cast it. If they dash before it though, all you can do is walk away from the true damage line. Make sure you E stun your W to guarantee it hits them as they can easily dodge it otherwise with their W and or E. Try to catch them mid dash with your ult, or use your ult while they are casting Q or R to offset the area it hits you. Most people suck at this champ, but there's a reason it has well over a 50% ban rate in high elo. I would perma ban this if Wukong didn't exist lol.”
joelspaho121 says “Gwen favored. D Shield start with sorc tree. I haven't played this matchup all that much but I can confidently say that darius doesn't beat her. Pre 6 shes not strong so you can try and abuse her Q cooldown if she uses it but misses by dragging her with E. Always wait for her E first before Q-ing because she can just dash in or out and insta win the trade. executioners calling is a great buy earlier on to reduce her healing. whoever gets their mythic first wins the lane. respect level 6 all in and have jungler gank you.”
El Leon Gnar says “Gwen is only an extreme threat due to her insane early game kill pressure. Don't take early trades until you have E, and then only trade with Q or while she has no dash up.”
Helix128 says “Q her to avoid stacking hers and fight when you know her W is on cooldown. Has mobility to catch you and her damage is not bad at all.
Avoid the center of her Q or you are going to get chunked and she is going to heal a lot. Get grievous wounds as soon as possible.”
I am so chill says “annoying matchup however if you can manage to check his q bar and dodge it and stay inside the protection she is inside you should be able to kill her until late game however watch out for her lvl 1 e trade dont underestimate her power. ”
UlisesFRN says “Really easy matchup. Be careful when her passive is at full stacks and dont eat her true damage. You should be able to chase her and win trades.Her shield doesnt affect you at all so she plays with 2 skills rather than 3”
Humitaxx says “Gwen is the new champion, and as every new champions, she is broken right now if you let her get a tiny bit ahead, just trade while moving as much as you can, since if you stay still, she will out damage you by dealing the true damage from her Q, also whenever you want to engage, beware of her W Zone, since you will not be able to deal any damage from outside, or even get any form of CC done to her”
Snow Day Zoe says “I would say this one is who gets item first, if gwen gets item first, she can straight up kill you without losing health.
Make sure you know that she doesn't have a way to dodge your W.
Darkduet says “Gwen can be really aggresive and poke you all the time. But, your passive gives you a huge advantage considering that you need to be outside her W to deal no damage.”
gps1mx says “Skill matchup, don't fight her lv1 EVER, then avoid extended fights against her, his weak point is that she love extended fights but can't catch up to most champions.”
tibs2 says “Bramble rush (even tho shes ap). Match up is easy if you know what you are doing. It is honestly hard to react w to her e so your best bet is to predict when she will use her dash. Look to q her if she tried to e auto trade you dont trade autos. If she r just r her immediately. If done correctly she will never have the ability to kill you in lane 1v1.”
SadmanV3 says “Gwen's a pretty dangerous threat to Nasus at all stages of the game, and especially in lane. This comes about because of her strong early game skirmish potential. Late game, her % damage passive allows her to deal significant damage even to a fully armored-up Nasus. The key to beating Gwen in lane is to avoid taking trades whilst she is buffed from her dash, and to avoid getting hit directly by her quadruple stacked Q (Since she can't move while casting it, you have some leeway.)
One additional note is that, Gwens shield also prevents damage from spirit fire, this might make trades surprisingly hard as you don't benefit from the armor reduction.”
DunkinDumpling says “NEVER play darius into gwen, its actually an unplayable matchup. you cant ever land a q because she has a million dashes and a free windwall fro m her w, and she also is tanky and does true damage on her q. she also outscales you. just dodge if you see a gwen honestly. ”
Ponkstronk says “If she has ignite and tp, you'll never be able to beat her. If she goes flash/tp, then punish her early before she gets tabi's and bramble or you insta lose. Ban or dodge”
XD001 says “She wins basically all 1v1s with Ekko levels 1-18 so you have to focus on CSing. Never try to engage when she has W + 4 stacks Q up, its basically suicide. Early grievous wounds is valuable as she usually has conqueror and riftmaker. You never really want to fight her so try to push the wave with Q and then roam to jg, top, or bot skirmishes to snowball them ahead.
Gwen outscales Ekko
electrocute + inspiration + tp”
PiscesPomf says “EASY LANE
Gwen is really annoying against range champs because her barrier blocks everything. But fortunately you are not a ranged champ ! So you will not be blocked by this. You can poke her easily, and go in when you want. Before 6, parry her scissors. After 6, parry her 3rd wave of needles or parry scissors if it's on cooldown. Take care, her ult deals A LOT of damages, you have to parry the 3rd wave.”
nachoreformed says “Sidestep the Q. That's it. Dodge the true damage portion of the Q and you win the lane. Be careful though; she will AA you to death at level 1 if you miss Q”
Draconic56 says “Gwen doesn't really stand a chance before she gets 2 items. She will outscale you so try to build up a lead. Try to dodge or W her fully stacked Q's if you don't she can possibly kill you. Once you get your ult you can straight up squash her. She will beat you if she has 2 items or more that is if you haven't gained a lead on her. Basically, she is free food for Mordekaiser.”
negoZoma69 says “Gwen struggles vs ranged champs. So you can just harass freely without wasting your abilities on her W. The only moment she can win his when she hits lv6 so respect her all in.”
SleeplessX says “(Subject to change) First learn her kit since she is new. Just fight her, you are a lot stronger early except in very long fights where she manages to land everything. Post-6 do try to sidestep her R, it's pretty thin”
pioj12 says “i haven't find a lot of gwens in my matches but as long as i know is pretty ez to all in her as mega especially at lvl6 and try to take poke to gwen bc i notice she has a lot of disadvantages vs ranged.
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 7/10
➡️Statistically, Trundle counters Gwen. However, I personally think that this is a skill-matchup depending on how well you know your limits and your experience. Trundle can stat-check gwen in most cases but gwen outscales trundle after a few items. Gwen can also catch trundle off guard at 2 items since Trundle doesn't often buy magic resistance early. Trundle can abuse gwen super hard in the early stages of the game and can use this to snowball and win the mid game. After BOTRK you can run her down. Avoid the Gwen's sweet spot and pillar her after she uses her dash. A good tip is to ult Gwen after she W's to maximise your ult value.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad gwen vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average gwen vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good gwen vs Good Trundle ➡️ 60/40 trundle/gwen, Trundle favoured but gwen can win.”
Haxorr says “Gwen is a strange matchup, as you are stronger on paper but I feel like that champ is super overtuned. This matchup largely relies on your ability to move effectively and proc vitals whilst dodging her qs. Using your parry to block an auto attack and slow her attack speed is really good. Go Doran's blade with Conqueror & Sorcery page or Inspiration in this matchup and you can take Ignite if you like, though I go Teleport. Ignite + Teleport is an option as well. You should get prio in this matchup so definitely play for it, just be cognizant of her all-in potential.”
NoloTeemo says “Laning phase could be easy, try to space his fully charged Q
The thing is in late game. if you dont have good macro or dont respect her powerspike could be a threat
Play around shrooms”
CactEyez says “Gwen damage is crazy. Max health and true damage is painful. Careful of Gwens who run ignite they have very large kill windows on you. Take phase rush and play for tower cheese or force ult and run away. Gwen has no way of cancelling your W so escape over walls can be possible.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Hollow Radiance
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Rocketbelt”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
all in lvl 1
she gets very strong when she hits 6 the only way you can kill her past 6 is to save r and use it to dodge her max stack q/r3”
Wxyyy12 says “bed til gud, hun ikke kan champ.
prøve at undgå hende q nå den er fuld stak. prøve altid at havde wave på din side for ikke at blive løb ned
In the Jungle 51.55% Win Rate38% Pick RateGwen In the Jungle Counters: 31 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Gwen in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “Fight her early and try to get ahead. You cant jump on her when she got her W up. She will outscale you. ”
friendlyfarmer123 says “If you ever encounter this matchup your best bet is to kite her with your q and steal her camps. She can never catch you with your ult and ghost. If you face tank her damage she will one shot you.”
kimijebac123 says “hard/impossible matchup, if gwen knows how to play you cant really do anything antiheal preffered thoand you may be able to do something also force of nature is good”
Nyxxx says “She outscales you. Make sure she stays out of the game by killing her and taking her camps. Late game, killing her is hard but very possible. Try to assassinate her before a teamfight if you can.”
AlgebraLinear2 says “Depends if your toplaner can deal with her or not. If not, just play for the other side. She can 1v3 or more if she is fed. Get all the advantage you can in the bot and mid lane and push the towers, and avoid skirmishes she is in.”
Gwen has sustained damage and mobility. Ornn should avoid extended trades and look for opportunities to engage when her abilities are on cooldown. Build Magic Resist early to mitigate Gwen's auto-attack damage and kite with Ornn's crowd control”
Yomu says “Late game monster champ, sometimes just ignores your damage and kills you through it. Her W drops your regular frenzy also which sucks. Should be a free kill early and mid game though”
lolWillieP says “Udyr has very low base magic resist, so before items gwen can steamroll you. Once you get magic resist, you can kill fairly easily if you play your abilities right”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup earlygame, can get difficult because of her scaling. Try to punish/skirmish early, if you don’t, she outscales and can outduel you midgame. Both phase rush and conq are fine ”
Mignognium says “En Jgl c'est une espèce disparue, mais bon si vous la croisé, vous ferez tout mieux qu'elle. Et si elle est en top ou en mid sa restera la même façon de se battre contre, éviter a tout prix son [A/Q][Tchac, Tchac !] quand elle l'a totalement chargé avec ces six stacks que vous pouvez voir sous sa barre de vie. Si vous évitez ça et que vous lancer bien votre [Z] et votre [R] lorsque vous êtes dans son [Z][Brume sacrée] alors elle ne posera pas de problème. Faite attention si vous l'attaquer à plusieurs, les stacks de son [A/Q] ce ne sera pas que sur vous qu'elle pourra les obtenir alors regarder bien sous sa barre de vie, c'est vraiment important. ”
basrty1p says “Her only advantage to you is her Hallowed Mist. She can cast this and ignore your damage and CC to her when you try to kit outside her mist. What else? She can't do anything to you because your skill always counters her so hard. Buy Cosmic Drive and wait for her W and kill her.”
Cookiemanman says “Gwen can be hard to reach due to her movement abilities. She also outscales Volibear as the game goes on. Look to fight her in the early stages of the game through invades & at objectives.”
RuinedJG says “Same concept, play around her W CD, get hexdrinker, if she gets fed buy FON and pray. She beats you 1 v 1 late game, but if you get 2 items you ignore her in team fights and fuck her backline since she has no real CC.
Go Phase Rush”
shatteredekko says “Free scaling. She will fail lots of ganks because they suck. Easy to predict what she will do next. Very squishy when her mist is on CD”
Daawwnn says “she can never hit the middle of her snips and you stat check her early on quite well keep your E until she is low and has no W so you can kill her dash to dodge her snip zone”
bgkay says “Gwen can dodge your stun easily, before level 6 you can risk facing her, after level 6 focus on building Demonic Embrace, if she is strong, don't try to switch directly”
garbocan says “Splitpush champion who can avoid teamfighting into Ivern. However, she is a lot easier to gank compared to other top laners.
Daisy can attack Gwen from inside her shroud and even deliver Ivern's E pop, even while Ivern himself isn't in the shroud.”
MusicJG says “She will outscale you, but is weak early game.
Gwen looks to AFK farm and has an unhealthy clear.
Look to level 2 invade her, or level 3 invade her on 2nd buff.
Cosmic Inisight is good in this situation so you'll have smite up for 2nd buff invade.
Play on tempo and look to secure 1st drake/herald, don't let her free scale.”
OakIgu says “AD Udyr can deal with her just be carefull and try baiting her Q when she has 4 stacks, if you manage to bait it just go all in right after, early game is easy peazy but AP builds will have a hard time against it. Go ap resistance on small runes against her.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a decent time into Gwen, due to Briar having early stat checks, which will fade away on certain Gwen HP scaling power items and Gwen R.
Briar and Gwen have similar jungle clear speed and tempo.
Briar has an easy time gap closing Gwen whenever she wants, however Gwen her statcheck can become a problem combined with high burst on Gwen last R needles <—> Against Briar Snack Attack output greed.
Coccaa says “Movement is a huge part of Trundles kit. If she has the item advantage she is likely to win but if you move correctly she won't. Save pillar until after she uses E. If you dodge her R's and even just part of her Q you can win”
Apari1010 says “Never see this champ in the jungle often. You beat her early if you have ignite and you bitch her in teamfights late game. Her ganks are weaker than yours and as long as you stay out of the middle of her Q, you should be fine. Knock her up inside of her W and just shred her apart. Constantly try to match where she's going to be on the map and fight her.”
ttvRegedice says “Gwen is one of the strongest scalers in the game, so you'll definitely need last whisper item to keep up with her damage and tankiness as she gets her item powerspikes. She almost always builds zhonya. You can't really stack MR against her because of how much R her damage does anyways and her Q's do true damage in the center. Most gwens run ghost and will run you down by slowing you with the first part of their R, so respect her engage range and make sure to punish her early when she's weakest to slow her scale down.”
Intropingman says “Aoe close range magic + true dmg from her Q and R hurts you and your teammates while she is safe thanks to her W, try to bait her R, escape with R if needed, then you need to bait her W, if she doesn't have both you can catch her, taunt and kill with your teammates.”
Majd1 says “While you can dodge her abilities and poke her with auto-attacks and spears in the early game, she becomes too difficult to handle as she builds more tankiness. In the later stages of the game, she will easily chase you down with her Ghost and E ability. It is best to avoid engaging in fights with her unless you have support from your team.”
checca says “Gwen is one of the hard counters to Zac. Most Gwens will bring Teleport and Ignite top, which already seals Zac's fate for the rest of the game. She will outscale and outdamage him. On top of that, she has her W which can make his skillshots completely useless. Only fight Gwen if she is low, has her summoner spells down, or has no ultimate. Fighting a Gwen with her full kit at the ready is a no-no.”
Kindredgarten says “She is not the strongest jungles right now but she is still strong against Kindred because of her W (can’t auto attack her). Just try to outplay her by having more map presence and getting yourself fed.”
Lasine says “Almost anyone plays gwen jungle right now but is not a problem. You gank better and her early is very weak. Just invade her and play around the map, she will be just farming.”
Xerath gaming says “I hate this matchup, you won like everytime but her W can just make you rage quit, engage her when she doesn't have E to dodge your Q/E and should be free kill”
Whasian says “Qwen may not be a jungler but she is very hard to gank as she has the ability to become immune to damage which also phases your ghouls out of combat. She can Also Clear your ghouls very fast just like Irelia. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “This matchup is okay, you can invade her easily, most of the time she has no flash cause they run ghost on gwen, if she tries to invade back, or contest scuttles, if your team follows you can kill her. Overall you'll get outscaled, but it will take a long time, and you can win early easily.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Your E goes through her shroud but she can dash out of the way. She shreds you with true damage but she got her true damage nerfed. Just build MR if she is ahead and wombo combo her with CC.”
Atemporal says “Gwen se sente realmente quebrada e difícil de lidar. Nível 1, qualquer bom jogador de Gwen pegará E e tentará correr em você. Pense nisso como uma Fiora nível 1 basicamente com o alcance do dash. Se ela correr e depois atacar automaticamente, ela traço será em 6 segundos
cooldown, então tente apenas ficar para trás no nível 1, você não pode lutar com ela. Se ela iniciar o Q, então bom, você ganha um nível 1 grátis. Negociações curtas são a chave contra Gwen, procure por Qs e depois redirecione com E para obter um proc passivo rápido e se afaste dela.
Se ela usar Q na onda, pule nela instantaneamente. Lembre-se de que o W dela realmente atrapalha seu E, se possível tente E1 em alcance quase corpo a corpo, ou tente estar no alcance corpo a corpo antes de você E. Se Gwen usar W e você quiser ir até ela, você pode
sempre tente dar E em um lacaio próximo. Sempre que Gwen usar seu primeiro R, fuja se possível. A menos que você saiba que tem potencial para matar, você deve fazer qualquer coisa para fugir. Seu R a cura como um louco, então certifique-se de acendê-la depois dela
primeiro R se você estiver indo para a matança. Não subestime o R deste campeão, é uma explosão e cura absolutamente loucas. Muitas vezes você pode atrair o W de Gwen (a coisa da imunidade) apenas usando E para frente, mesmo que você não pretenda pular nela,
Os jogadores de Gwen geralmente usam W automaticamente.”
Saltu says “AVOID once she has riftmaker.
broken ass champ should be nerfed, even more, you won't see her in the jungle a lot tough, as a matter of fact, you won't EVER see her, unless...”
Xelikari says “[12.12] Take phase rush and you can easily kite out of her Q range and reengage once it's down, don't give up health lead level 1-2, trade from range until abilities are on CD and you'll easily beat her. You'll probably have to bait them out unless she uses them to shove, but since we're basically ranged it should be easy to do that and then reengage. ”
TennisJJ says “Not too common in the jungle, but not usually an issue. Her W isn’t too useful versus you, and your ult will always let you escape if needed”
Kazbarrr says “can literally cancel all of gragas ability with her W unless gragas goes in with E in which case he will usually get one stunned and one shot before even getting close to the enemy”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game is a skill game depending who has faster reaction time and who can attack faster. Her Q center does true damage and her passive does max health damage. Mid-Late game it will be skill based. Only fight if your ult form is up, and be careful of her burst. ”
resetwice says “She does a lot of damage, heals a lot and can survive due to much attack speed, so you'll hardly trade with her. Also, she can block your W and R with her W so be careful. Avoid her Q and jump to avoid her R. Try to roam more. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Suseri says “Dodge her Q with yours or try to avoid it with your movement. She has no hard CC but alot of damage if she hits her spells correctly so try to aim for finishing your items asap in order to out-DPS her. She can buy hourglas, which counter Yi keep that in mind.”
Majd1 says “Completely unplayable matchup. In the earlier stages of the game it is playable because you have the ability to kite her with auto attacks and spears. However, in the later stages of the game she becomes way too tanky for you to deal with and she will literally just run you down with ghost and E. Avoid fighting her unless you have assistance from your team.”
YoungTact says “Gwen early game isn't as threating as you can look for short trades with passive and Q and disengage with E/W. You can W her E which is nice as well. Careful after shes scaled as she just runs you down. Gwen jungle has really weak early ganking capabilities and falls back to even in terms of threat. Try to build a lead through early ganks. ”
Xyllow says “Warwick is one of the best champions to counter Gwen's strong kit, as her W is essentially useless if played correctly. No matter her W positioning, your R will always hit her, even if you start your R from outside her W. If she is a jungler that is super fed, however, it's not really going to matter cause you will never have enough damage to oneshot her, her team will play around her and she will just nuke everyone down. This can happen since she is a very efficient hyperscaling full clearer, so be careful and try your best to impact the map and punish her before she is able to do so. ”
SeptikYT says “Bad early game but scales. Has true damage in the middle of her Q, basic attacks, middle part of her Q and ult do extra magic damage, equal to a % of max health. Becomes more tanky with W and also has auto reset with E. You might not want to play into Gwen as she will hurt a lot later on. You have to win the early game before she can scale and do a lot of damage.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Not really a Jungler, but can shred Daisy AND you. Remember Daisy doesn't share your W targeting, so she will still hit her after she uses W, despite you being outside of it. Try and play around her dash range, but she'll catch up. Go Aery Inspiration. For AP, go Crown. Sup, go Shurelya's.”
Da Mastah says “You both have the same purpose: to powerfarm and scale, but you do it better. Make sure to buy wits end against her if she gets ahead.”
Zyvran says “There is nothing she can do to you pre 6. After 6, it all comes down to how well you can dodge her ult. Go Galeforce and RFC; poke her down to bait her Hallowed Mist.”
Pullks says “Don't go near her if she is fed unless you have a team to back you up. She can ignore your ult damage and basically one shot you late game. ”
Pusi Puu says “Try to fight her early game. Later on she outscales and you are not able to jump onto her when she uses her field. Look for first scuttle fights”
Tormentula says “You can bully Gwen early, she's only stronger than you level 1 (lol) and she's much weaker than you without items since she needs riftmaker to do much. She can outscale you, but you can gank/invade enough to prevent that, even then stunning her in a teamfight isn't too difficult. Just note her W mist will let her dodge cocoon or make you unable to click her, so you actually want her to walk up to you before you cast abilities or bait it out with Neurotoxin. If she's right on you or E's in, she will place W with you inside so you can attack. I recommend Rappeling her Q to dodge her main form of burst damage, or her 3rd R to deny the huge chunk of damage and healing. When she has Leeching Leer, try not to fight her in minions waves and lure her out so she doesn't simultaneously heal off you and the minions with her ult and Q.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass if her team has a lot of AD, Banshee's Veil if they have a lot of AP. Morellonomicon is a must against her healing.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Gwen is a fairly underrated jungler, she has a tough early game, but that doesn't bother her at all since she's a hyperscaling champion. Her ganks are poor unless her team can set them up, and even at level 6 your ganks are still better. Get inside her W to ult so she can't dodge it by using the ability during the projectile travel speed. Use your movement speed to kite her auto attacks, dodge the middle section of her ult to deny her true damage + healing, dodge her ultimate and she should be an easy kill.”
MiningRicK says “She got a Hotfix so now she is a little bit better but in Jungle she nahhh. I recommend to buy anti heal and then you will win I think.”
[Gwen is a normal champion to gank in the earlygame, she will die if you gank properly and when she's overextended. However, when you're leaving lanephase, this suddenly becomes a nightmare... EXCEPT IF SHE TAKES LETHAL TEMPO YOU STILL HAVE A MINI CHANCE TO 1v1 HER OUT OF LANEPHASE. The reason is she can dodge your R and deny it if she uses her kit properly, she can also just choose to tank it by pressing W and the given amount of resists is enough for her to stay at >50% HP and kill you. The reasons why this champion wins is that she firstly deals true damage on her Q which you can not dodge properly, with any build. Unlike Fiora, you cannot cancel her Q with your Q, true damage is obligatory. Secondly, she deals so much magic damage on-hit with passive, E and Nashor which is what she builds 1st/2nd that you reflecting to her damage isn't enough to make it worth the damage she deals to you. Then she builds Riftmaker which gives her even more magic damage which converts into true damage when fighting for 3 seconds and even more vamp to completely obliterate your antiheal. At the end, her R slows, deals monstrous magic damage (more than Brand R) and cannot be dodged since she has 3 waves of it, R'ing to dodge one wave won't protect you from the 2 other waves and you in W or without W hasn't enough movespeed to just dodge it except if the Gwen has no mouse.]
Kayncer says “Broken Champ, Scales way to hard and wins against you early, you can win with Red Kayn against her if you got an Item that has Armor Piercing, as Blue Kayn if you don´t one shot her, try to stay with the team to take her down!”
RedNBlue says “As long as Gwen is not too fed, you should be able to kill her even if she has conqueror.
If the Gwen is ahead of you, I wouldn't try to kill her, I would definitely go to fight her if your reasoning tells you that she won't burst you down even with 3k health in a matter of seconds, generally if you have a bigger health bar than her you should be fine if she is not doing that thing where someone just dumps your sustain and tankiness and cleans your mouth out with soap.”
Heccie says “Gwen got nerfed early but after she gets mythic she can become a monster, careful. early shes not bad though you can take both scuttles if you contest.”
DeleDulux says “Punish early by invades and ganks/counterganks
Mid game is a who is more feed
Late game she's very strong so try avoid fights in 1 vs 1”
Scyreption says “Her shield circle thingy makes you unable to proq your Q on her so you counter that by just going in and using E on her or Q while being in the circle (only when you have one or more team mates that is helping you kill her)”
Hazardist says “Gwen has extremely high AoE damage which is almost impossible to itemize against, and is also a lot more mobile than you. This is one of the few matchups where taking Phase Rush and avoiding fights altogether is the most viable route, as there is simply no point in the game where you can reliably outdamage her, even with a numbers advantage.”
MannerlessNG says “Dangerous.
If she scales and get's fed, you can't win. She deals a metric ton of damage and very quickly with her combo, all while easily outhealing you.
You can't escape her either, so it's best to avoid going into places you might think she is by yourself.
If you can get into her jungle early, you can set her back and shes extremely susceptible to a level 2 gank, where she's damaged and can't fight back.
Try to criple her early and consistently if you can, as she spends almost the whole early game in her jungle, rarely ganking.
If you can gain a decent lead, you can delete her and it's definitely work building a bramble vest in the mid game to shut her down in a duel.”
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