Mid Lane 49.98% Win Rate75% Pick RateYasuo Mid Lane Counters: 45 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Yasuo in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Yasuo wont be that hard just try to land your Q into the enemy wave and recast them all together on him like this you will be able to trade him very well play only with hes mistakes.Also you should go electrocute ignite is also good if you are confident for a kill if not just go teleport.”
BesXbola says “O Yasuo e bem mais complicado que o yone, mas ainda e bem tranquilo de ganhar dele. Se ele usar o E voce usa seus auto ataques com a passiva para pokear ele e se ele virar em voce apenas de fear nele com o Q ou o W, o unico jeito que ele pode te matar e se ele acertar a ult dele enquanto voce nao esta com a passiva pronta, entao nao gaste ela de forma inconsequente.
Os seus ataques com passiva passam pela parede dele e o W tambem.”
Dom1nus says “he has kill pressure at lvl 1 and 2. At level 3 u can all in him, auto him to get his passive shield off and poke him at lvl 2 with e and q. At level 3 if he has 50% hp or less, auto him to wore off his passive and with empowered w kill him doing a full trade plus ignite, After the first kill the lane is free.”
ArcaneHerald says “not easy to lane into but not hard to beat after lane/ items.
yasuo without items 10/10 beats viktor without items.
just play with respect early and he will make stupid adhd plays. + u will outscale.”
Badplank says “Hasagi brothers are simply too strong to handle. They buy scepter so now they outheal your damage + their kit allows them to just outdamage you and keep you where they want you to be. You need to keep wave under your turret or you die.”
AlexFL7000 says “If you play safe and poke he's not so bad. You can try to play aggressive versus him but make sure not to let him e through minions straight into you or else you will lose”
SOMATICUS says “If the yasuo knows what he's doing then you probably have no chance (especially because of that windwall negating 90% of your abilities)”
Lunar1v9 says “Can go either way ,try to take lethal thempo and fist him level 1 to kill then take lead and win. A BIG tip here is to go bow first recall so u can farm better and u can also trade with him a bit more since both of u are auto attackers with melee ranged ( until u turn 6)
GAMING ACADEMY says “Yasuo can be a challenging matchup, especially if the enemy team has a strong AP jungler. The key is to manage your mana carefully—only use abilities when you’re confident they’ll hit, as running out of mana will leave you vulnerable. Phase Rush and Teleport are highly recommended for this matchup.”
zSmoke says “Being online against Yasuo is complicated because he will always win the trades, and if he has Grasp. You can only beat him by going Conqueror. And to beat him with Conqueror you need the first 3 items and Randiun's.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora faces trouble against skirmishers, as their dueling potential far exceed her own and make her laning phase quite miserable, while also making sidelaning completely impossible.”
xumi_k says “He’s stronger than you in late game. Kill him lvl 2-3. Never fight him lvl 1. Yasuo has a very strong lvl 1 and quite weak lvl 2-3 compared to most champs, quite paradoxical, but it is as it is.Never all-in him without baiting windwall first. If he’s not blind, he’ll W your upcoming E or your ult. Your E cooldown is shorter than his wall, so you have a window to kill him before he uses the wall again. Overall, a skill matchup. A bit harder if he has lethal tempo. Don't forget that both Yasuo and Yone are item and farm dependent. That's why they both outscale you in late game if you don't snowball.
P.S. (you can actually fight him lvl 1 if use your AA range properly and start with E)”
stefanko says “Probably the best Jax matchup in the whole game, dont get spaced by Yasuo q level 1, level 2 always start trades with your e, never q on yasuo, especially if he has minions he can use to dash through, cause then he can kite your e. Level 6 you hard win all ins. (lt, tp)”
Tamikaze says “[Hourglass Second Item & Exhaust is viable]
This can be a tough matchup if the Yasuo player is good. Typically, post 6 you will win, because Yasuo players refuse to play safe. They will almost always put themselves in a position to be ulted under tower.
Some tips to keep in mind: You can buffer his Q3 knock up with your ult to prevent him from ulting (you are both airborne at the same time). His windwall can block your ultimate (unbelievable interaction) and it can block your Q as well. Keep your distance from the wave to prevent him from dashing on you early.
Lastly, if you ult him under tower keep your distance from him so he doesn't dash to you over your wall right afterwards.”
MattStyle says “No es un match up particularmente difícil pero sí MUY molesto. Excesiva movilidad al igual que Irelia y su muro de viento impide que puedas acertarle tus bombas incluso aunque tengas la puntería perfecta. Intenta baitear su muro lanzando una sola Q. No lances dos seguidas al menos de que lo tenga en enfriamiento.
No debería poder matarte si juegas correctamente y con ayuda de tu JG pueden conseguir un asesinato (siempre y cuando haya gastado su muro). ”
j4ss says “Annoying but braindead, so you can bait him down to death. Rush plated and full crit. Play with team and punish his ult. freeze and call for ganks, if he tries to end your freeze, retaliate without hurting the freeze.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: 2nd item [zhonya's]
*he plays Fleet, Second wind + Dshield so you should try to scale a bit too. [Blackfire Torch] is better option here, you can win 1v1 after you use everything and press zhonyas on his Tornado*”
Listen, a good yasuo will always give you a run for your money, but a good azir will ALWAYS beat a yasuo no matter how good. There are very specific rules when it comes to fighting this man alone, but it should make the lane feel like a breeze.
Neither yasuo nor yone are that strong now that lethal tempo is gone. so you wont see them much. IF, however, you happen to come across them, heres what you do:
Any keystone works, grasp especially.
Take barrier, you will use it to bait his ult and shuffle him under turret. Remember when you do this to keep your distance from him, or he will E off of you and get out of the turret.
His windwall does NOT block your laser AA's OR soldier AA's, but he does block your ult and Q, no yasuo player knows this, so make sure so poke him with your basic attacks through the windwall.
NEVER all in him unless he is 10000% going to die, you want to make this man as useless as you can, thats your victory here, do not settle for going equal in this lane.
It takes a lot of practise, without which he is a Major threat, but after some matches youll know what to do.”
gimmelovej says “Just farm, Yasuo is difficult to kill alone, players like to make different and risky moves, try to look for opportunities in Ganks, Roam, Objectives or Yasuo's mistakes.
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start, if you want to fight very aggressively with Conqueror go D-Shield.
Yasuo is way stronger than you in the early game, if you don't have Conqueror and even then he's still stronger if you don't hit your Q's.
Poke and stay safe. Dodging his Q3 with a shadow into an engage is an option if you think you can win. His E and W can make it really hard to hit Q's, especially since good yasuos will stay with their wall to protect them further. Not using all your burst at once and baiting his W can make a big impact on your all in's. If you don't throw everything against his Windwall you should win all ins post mid to late.”
support_diff says “Yasuo is a melee fighter that has an infamous 0/10 powerspike and is known for inting with various styles. However, Yasuo can dash to you, knock you up, hit you with both his auto attacks and his Q, teleport to you if he manages to knock you up etc. If you are close to minions, a good Yasuo player will always find a way to get near you. When he gets near you, he can put his windwall between you two so you can't hit him back when he hits you. Your only chance is to farm (you won't outfarm him) and wait for your jungler to gank”
Shifty says “Yasuo's wind wall blocks almost all of your attacks. A good Yasuo player will tear you apart if you let him. Luckily most of them will int or quit the game.”
vitya331 says “Yasuo is not a hard match up since he is melee you just need to survive early levels and after you can easily kill him but be careful because he can dodge your E by jumping on a minion and cancel your Q and R but his windwall.”
Chikei says “Play around his windwall. Dont use E until he uses his wall. You can easily land E on level 2 if he dashes in you. IF HE USES WALL TO PROTECT HIMSELF JUST THROW IT AROUND THE WINDWALL
you can use exhaust flash”
Sandro subacado says “Ele pode bloquear seu E e seu R com sua barreira. Não troque com ele até o level 3, antes de uma troca, sempre utilize seu Q para tirar o escudo de sua passiva.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] Yasuo hard counters Akshan as he can E into you so you cannot E out, and his Windwall gives him long trading windows during which you cannot trade back. You can Hard win vs Yasuo lane lvl 1 and lvl 2, try to poke him but start respecting him after lvl 3. Just try to get high CS in this matchup and play with your team.”
Nuk3Th3Gam3r says “Preface: This ranking is partially based on the fact that this is a skill match up if you have fought a Yasuo before.
I believe he is harder than Yone but respecting his passive can help a lot. He really isn't a great matchup for this build, at least, not early. He will likely play safe and due to his passive shield not proccing until he takes damage it can be a bit of an upward battle to defeat him. However, with this build and the removal of LT you can easily outdamage and outscale him at least for the mid game. If you beware and respect his Sweeping Blade (E) and it's ability to allow him to dash to your minions and ghouls this match up is not the worst thing for you. ”
ic3e says “No lethal tempo will be easier to deal with. You can 1v1 him with pickaxe and so on. You hard outscale him with this build. Do short trades and all in when he's below 50%”
Cursedlucie says “Injogável, sempre farme debaixo da torre e aguarde o jungle, essa match haverá pouca troca, pois a mobilidade inimiga é de alto nível.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “His W counters your whole existence. You magically hit him with your Q? lol no he has a passive shield lol get sucked. My ban almost all my match.”
SkandalloTV says “All about not giving kills and going even on farm. Be patient about his wind wall. It is the most broken thing against Irelia. It can block her E after both casts and can block your ultimate. Focus on farming and doing damage in team fights.”
otaliz says “Try to keep the wave just in front of your turret's range to limit his E and wait for ganks. Yasuo's most important thing is his W, which can block Twisted Fate's W, so try to bait his W by Pick a Card and then using Q, the animation of Q and Twisted Fate's auto attack is similar.”
CrazyMatt02 says “With his "E", via minions, he gets close to you very quickly and will unload all his attacks on you (even worse when he unlocks the ultimate). instead, when you unlock the "W", you block all the hits you make even with the auto-attack, preventing you from doing damage”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] Yasuo hard counters Akshan as he can E into you so you cannot E out, and his Windwall gives him long trading windows during which you cannot trade back.
You can Hard win vs Yasuo lane lvl 1 and lvl 2, try to poke him but start respecting him after lvl 3. Just try to get high CS in this matchup and play with your team.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Really nothing more to say. Just try to get him away from minions or something he can dash to. Then you can kill him more easily.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, with 65 flat health over 10-180 scaling health, and start Amplifying Tome.]
A Yasuo that starts his stab is much more manageable, as you can still poke him with basic attacks and farm comfortably Level 1 until you get enough experience to get Satchel Level 2. Apply the advice mentioned above.”
Yannou-Ari says “I just permaban this champ, his entire kit counters you : wall, dashes etc. I don't really have advices against him. Dodge or good luck!”
Fienny says “Yasuo favoured. He wins all trades unless no minons he can jump to catch up with you. Take electro, you will be able to oneshot him eventually”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to abuse him pre 6, since he can dash around alot and dodge your damage. After 6 you cant play aggressive aswell, since he can 1v1 you easily at that time. So try to play safe.”
awawa says “Lethal got deleted lmao the champion doesn't exist, he can't even win long trades against you XD
Proc wind shield - fear his engage - oneshot him with your combo. Profit.
Make sure to thank him if he makes your life easier by dashing through creeps. Dont be dumb enough to R when hes got windwall up.”
SilentScorn says “Alright this guy is a Threat if he knows how to play. Most of them does not know how to play in my elo so higher the elo harder to win against him. Try to bait his shield with AA and bait his wall with WE. Do not try to fear him. You are going to miss most of the time. EW works better if you have time. ”
MageSept says “Yasuo's windwall and dashes are extremely hard to play around as Veigar. His kit counters yours pretty well, making him a very challenging champion to face during laning phase (0-14 minutes).
Bone plating is recommended, but he can still remove it with a tornado so act very carefully when your BP is down.
Laning Yasuo as Veigar is difficult but patience is key here. If you're able to make the game last long enough, you'll have the advantage.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo has a very strong 1v1 laning phase but is extremely gankable and isn’t very good at using his priority. This means you will want to keep the wave on your side for the most part which will keep you safe from his extended trades and put him in a gankable position. Try keep wards down to make sure he doesn’t get a roam off for free and play to go as even as you can in the lane phase and then outperform him in teamfights. Be careful because he can windwall your ball which will cause it to stop at the windwall.
ShokLoL says “Yasuo has a very strong 1v1 laning phase but is extremely gankable and isn’t very good at using his priority. This means you will want to keep the wave on your side for the most part which will keep you safe from his extended trades and put him in a gankable position. Despite his laning strength, you should be able to win short trades with electrocute ignite or scale a bit harder by taking Conqueror.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo has a very strong 1v1 laning phase but is extremely gankable and isn’t very good at using his priority. This means you will want to keep the wave on your side for the most part which will keep you safe from his extended trades and put him in a gankable position. Try keep wards down to make sure he doesn’t get a roam off for free and play to go as even as you can in the lane phase and then you will easily outperform him in teamfights. If he dashes on you, you can ult him into tower but be careful because he can windwall your ult if he times it correctly.
Soft Headpats says “A good Yasuo can be a nightmare to deal with in the laning phase. Be ready to start E, since some Yasuos will start E (dash) and immediately jump onto you for trades. Your cast times and skillshots are all fairly slow, allowing him to easily react with his Windwall (W) to block everything. His mobility is also flexible which doesn't help you. Yasuo does tend to push the wave as he dashes and stacks his Q, so he can be gankable if you keep the wave towards your side.
Avoid fighting him 1v1 as much as possible and focus on teamfighting instead. Always pay attention to your minion wave, since he can choose to dash through the whole thing and stick onto you.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo is pretty strong in lane but he's very gankable. You need to be very careful being pushed up and for the most part will want to keep the wave on your side of the lane. Try avoid any 1v1 fights and you should outperform him in teamfights.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo has a very strong 1v1 laning phase but is extremely gankable and isn’t very good at using his priority. This means you will want to keep the wave on your side for the most part which will keep you safe from his extended trades and put him in a gankable position. Try keep wards down to make sure he doesn’t get a roam off for free and play to go as even as you can in the lane phase and then outperform him in teamfights.
AWierdShoe says “Be careful to not take extended trades level 1-2. Only do short trades when you have a full minion wave he can’t fight inside. Once you hit level 3 though, you can start winning trades using your W and keeping your E for disengaging if he ever tries to all-in you. Once he grows low and you wanna finish him off but he’s dashing around everywhere, a tip to hit your taunt is to look which minion is the obvious “dash-target”, and once he starts that E just instantly taunt the spot he’s gonna arrive at.
Deceiver_euw says “Similar to irelia, yasuo has to play very aggressive if he wants to beat LeBlanc 1v1. This leaves him very vulnerable to ganks and punishing LeBlanc in lane as yasuo is already hard enough 1v1 cuz she is too mobile. He is still higher Threat than Irelia since his Kit does better into LeBlanc cuz of Windwall. Make sure to have good trigger discipline and patience vs yasuo because he will usually use his windwall very early in trades. At lvl6 you can play with your dashes well to keep distance from his high mobility and keep in mind that he is not as hard to fight when there are no minions to dash to nearby. Make sure to respect his lethal tempo and not commit to an all in too soon.”
Paczo says “I don't know but Yasuo and yone mains have something with their brains, they just NEED to hit you.
Throw them under your tower and go roam.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo is pretty strong in lane but he's very gankable. You need to be very careful being pushed up and for the most part will want to keep the wave on your side of the lane. Try avoid any 1v1 fights and you should outperform him in teamfights.”
vSomnia says “Dodge as many Q's as you can. When he dashes on you try to auto attack him and finish passive proc with E. Only use Q when you know he has no wind wall or he will fend it off, causing you to lose a lot of damage. Take electrocute since extended fights are yasuo favored.
Sometimes you can bait him, by getting get by his tornado Q when you and him are kinda low and portal yourself so when he ults he get stunned and you have free R on him. (Situational) I don't suggest to catch every Q he throws to do this haha.”
InTaggar says “ENG: That's normally an easy matchup, but u need to have caution on the trades. Try to poke him with spacing so he can't get to you. Post LVL 6 if he hits u with his Q, put ur W bellow u to stun him easyer.
Runes: Aery with Scorch.
Spells: TP/Extenuar.
ESP: Normalmente es un enfrentamiento fácil, lo único con lo que tenés que tener cuidado es en los tradeos, siempre tenes que estar haciendo spacing para que el no pueda acercarse, pockealo lo más que puedas y si después de LVL 6 te pega con el tornado, automáticamente tirá la W debajo tuyo.
Por lo general evoluciono la Q para dificultarle que él llegue a mi, pero a veces evoluciono la E para pushear más rapido y ayudar a mi equipo.
Runas: Aery + Scorch.
Spells: TP/Extenuar”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Yasuo, farm the early laning phase cause your brother have less cd on q and more movement, try to stay not inside your minion wave making him close spacing with you and going out easily, poke him with W when in range to break his passive shield, you can try to fight him back after he try to hit you with a ranged tornado dodging it with your e on the side but watch out cause his W can block your ending third Q making you take more dmg”
Kikife says “The best way to deal with Yasuo is to wait for his wind wall to be down, for him to have no Q stacks at the time and then go for an engage that way. Once he has his first boots item, only poke down and avoid Q tornado whilst staying on your side of lane to back to tower should he hit and ult.
Also beware of him dashing through the wave and E away if he does. Play safe whilst stacking Q and then gank other lanes as it's hard to win a one on one with Yasuo without supremely good positioning. Yasuo W also blocks your ult as well as all of your other abilities, so stay clear in the early laning phase and don't engage unless your jungler can peel hard.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
keep short trades, and let him outplay himself, he will win long trades, also, use your "Q" to take out his passive, and "W" to engage + AA (PASSIVE) and "E" in case he engage on you so you can go out of his range, and repeat, if both are low, your opportunities to win are higher even if he has ignite. Keep the wave near of your tower, and play around it. If you engage with your "E" and fail the second cast, probably he will run you down, and ended up winning the match up.
Manten tus tradeos cortos y deja que se outplayee el mismo, el ganará tradeos largos, además, usa tu "Q" para eliminar su pasiva y tu "W" para enganchar + AA (PASIVA) y "E" en caso de que quiera responderte asi puedes salir de su alcance y te vas en ese patron basicamente, si ambos estan bajos de vida, tus oportunidades de ganar son mayores incluso si él tiene ignite. Mantén la wave cerca de tu torre y juega alrededor de eso. Si enganchas con tu "E" y fallas el segundo lanzamiento, probablemente terminará ganando el tradeo.”
gaarrett says “Extremely annoying, even without Lethal Tempo. He can fight completely on his terms and his W blocks E2 and ult. Poke either Bone Plating and/or the passive shield off with Q before attempting a trade. [3/5] ult but can be better if your team has knockups. If you want to use it by yourself, you have to hit E2 and ult almost instantly.”
MukiiBaa says “Dont push, freeze and he can only eat Qs even if he windwall them.
save E after windwall.
Dodge his tornados and you win
Rylaies and oblivion cook him”
149Gray says “Auto his passive if you can, try to sidestep his Q's, pool the tornado if he has ult, and let your E go off earlier when his windwall is up. The mind game is a lot easier for you since he can't react to your E and needs to predict it, which is very unlikely to happen.”
ExodusBlue says “Let him push 1st wave then freeze 2nd wave as long as you can. He can windwall your QE. Lvl2-5 if he dashes to you EQ>QQ him. Lvl6+ if he dashes to you EW>QE on top of yourself. Do not push to his side of the lane he will chase you down and kill you trust”
ImVoxxX says “Bait the windwall and take his shield with your W.
Don't extend too much a trade and try to bait him to the river so he don't have minions to dash.”
JackOfAllLanes says “A good yasuo can make this lane seem unplayable. He will windwall in front of his minions and E in and out of it to dodge most of your skillshots. Remember, his Windwall has almost a 21 second cooldown so make sure to punish him while his windwall is not up. Before any trade, auto him once to remove his passive sheild. Hold your E until he doesn't have windwall to dodge it anymore. ”
KazunaSan says “Le premier qui fait une erreur perd, attention à ses dégats élevés et a son E qui peut bait le votre, le premier qui fait une erreur perd le trade et/ou meurt, match up skillé.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to play because of his mobility. Upside is that his windwall can only block your stun, so be careful when using it. Be aggresive early and always try to poke, dont step too far tho since he can easily go in through the wave.”
FrostbiteMW says “Not hard, just AA him on his shield like you would with any other champion. Try to bait is windwall with AA's. Stun him with your W instead of Q since it can go through the windwall.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After 6 hes annoying and you have to be careful. Dont waste your root into his windwall or he can allin you. Just perma poke with Q and autoattacks.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. His wall doesnt block your soldier attacks. Try to abuse his weak early. If he ults you just ult him back into your turret.”
Sydekic says “Incredibly easy matchup here. Before level 3 he can be dangerous, but you win level 3 and onwards. Poke him out and don't let him stack off the wave.”
Colorfulness says “Yasuo can be pretty annoying for just about anyone. For Hwei, between Yasuo's windwall and his elusiveness with his e, Hwei can't really touch him. Make sure Yasuo can't use his wind wall when you go in on him! I would also try to bait out his ult as well....”
Shinbae says “Не из самых приятных пиков, но и не из самых худших, высокая мобильность, большой дамаг и возможность блокировать абилки своей вешкой(стеной ветра) в совокупе со встроенным щитком делает его опасной целью для ваншота, однако пассивка Зои пробивает сквозь ветер (да да, пассивка считается лучом (как ульта Люкс) поэтому какой-то слабый ветерок не способен противостоять великой пассивки Зои)
Против него нужно стоять на дистанции и НЕ рядом с крипами, это даст ему возможность сократить дистанцию...
И да, не попадайтесь на его ветерок с 3 кушки, мало того что подброс не из самых приятных, так ещё и его ульта вырезает Зои в 0”
Wizboy73 says “Take defensive runes, play safe from lv2-5 after that abuse him with your items. you outscale hard but he can still do dumb lethal tempo shit. ”
Hexeria says “[Yasuo and Yone can both pretty countered pretty hard, by building Frozen Heart and Plated Steelcaps first, into Thornmail and going full tank after that.] [Trust me, its your best chance.] [But Despite that, watch out for their charged Q's and cast your E into their dashed to dodge and interrupt them.]”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him EXTREME-Threat because This guy is skill play matchup if their yasuo was master of it his movement is hard to Sleep him but we can hold the E and bait his windwall before punish him”
SYROBE says “almost completely unplayable for Hwei, even the worst yasuos will feel like youre playing against faker because his windwall just eats everything you throw at him”
Prefexx says “HASAGI! Yasuo should not be a huge problem if you know how to play against him. His passive can be annoying as it negates some of your Q poke. Normally you would max your W first to keep up with his mobility. A good Yasuo will use his windwall to block damage from your ultimate. The most opportune time to engage would be when he has no Q stacks. Also make note that his Q tornado can interrupt your ultimate.”
Norbertastic says “cannot do very much in lane. higher dmg output, windshield blocking ALL of your damage and also very mobile making your escape nearly impossible. this should be your midlane ban”
Zapen says “Hortumunu dodgelayıp üzerinize gelmesine izin vermezseniz kolaylıkla yenebileceğiniz bir match up. Onun dışında W skilli ile skilleri engelleyip kaya kaya Vel'kozu mahvediyor.”
Halkem says “Avoid pushing into him early levels and try your best to keep wave on your side. After chapter this matchup gets easier. If he doesn't build QSS he's easy to gank and shutdown in fights. Care for his tornado, as if he cast it before your R, it will buffer it.”
Iceyou says “Just like irelia same situation only that he is much more prone to get ganked and farmed . If he gets fed just chain cc at fights and win the game . Highly respect him after lvl 2 . Be under your turret with your minion wave frozen in front of you at level 3 .”
liqulabouse says “Easy to win this matchup, take care of his T2 Boots spike and also if you're behind, he will be the one who snowball the matchup. Good to know that is wall block your Q and your R”
WayOfTheTempesst says “His windwall counters every ability in your kit technically. Yasuo also has some of the best mobility and definitely the best mobility in the game while fighting side of a minion wave. It's really hard to land skills on a good Yasuo and he should always win the early levels in lane.”
The Milelator says “Skill matchup. If you know how Yasuo works, you can predict how he will move and hit your slow and stun. He can windwall your E, but not a minion/monster hit by your E. Without a minion wave, you can all in with slow -> ult. If he has blade he can 1v1 you easily, unless you are way ahead.”
Hikkinnado says “Proc hes passive and play for short trades. After 6 you win, didge his spells with r, rly he will e +aa+q on you so space him. Dont let him get much kills, you outscale him.”
WarwicksSimp says “You should win this matchup fairly often unless enemy jungle just wins lane for Yasuo which can happen easily and often. Track enemy jungle movement if possible.
As you get tiamat you can win this match pretty often as it helps vs his passive if hes near minions to q you. Exhaust is optimal here. Most difficult part about this matchup is hes super easy for his jungle to gank you so being camped by enemy jg is usually gg. Make sure to bully him and use wave management to your advantage. REMEMBER TO Q OR R WHEN HE Q3'S TO CANCEL THE KNOCKUP!!! VERY IMPORTANT YOU CAN Q THROUGH MINIONS TO HELP THIS TOO.”
javiiergrd says “Full Aery Trades o Elec Aggro, lo ideal es aprovechar la fase de linea para mantenerlo controlado. Llevar exhaust puede ser una opcion. Comprar brazalete de Zhonya por si es necesario.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle him into tower. Sidestep Q's and keep good spacing.”
DivineButterMan says “The only annoying thing about Yasuo is his passive shield, so trading him isnt gonna be the easiest, but when you reach level 3 just kill him, you have 3 damaging moves, he only has 1.”
Usernamussy says “His fartwall block literally everything from your kit (even visual effect on your W). Be very careful when YOU have minion advantage. Q3+R+ignite and you explode.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to play against him since he dashes around alot and can dodge all your skillshots. His W is also annoying since he can block your Q or E. Just try to play safe early and dont trade alot. After 6 just push him in with your R.”
Tokiyami says “Skill matchup its yasuo favored early game until you hit lv 6 because his windwall counters half your kit and he can just deny you so much damage. Also his flow shield early makes it hard to trade with him. Just survive with him early and you can all in him.”
FlopQueenEra says “Yasuo is a highly mobile champion who can easily dash through minion waves and engage or disengage from fights. Sona, on the other hand, lacks mobility and can struggle to escape Yasuo's aggressive engages, and can block your Q and Ultimate with his windwall.”
Lindroganti says “Don't fight level 1 outside of q pokes. Can maybe fight level 2. Hard win 3 onwards. Don't let him touch the wave and he can't ult. Use your shield for free trades.”
stormraided says “Very easy if you know how to fight him, take Conqueror. Just bait out his W by throwing out your W, your W cooldown is shorter than his W so you can hit him. When you land both your W procs you can Q and proc your passive, when you're done walk back if you don't have enough damage to kill him. Do not wiggle to dodge his Q, since his hitbox is quite bigger than you think just wiggle a bit and walk in a straight line.”
support_diff says “Yasuo outfarms you and you can't hit your E on him if there are minions nearby or if there weren't minions, he can still windwall it. Yasuo can also windwall your ultimate”
Fuzzmonkey says “Dodge his Q tornado, and try to punish him for making dashing mistakes. Don't let him block your Q with wind wall, this cuts your damage in half. Bait it out first before fully committing. ”
Shark of Void says “It is impossible to win, he uses your dogs to kill you, he evades your skills with his W and E, just keep afk farming under your tower and rely on the team.”
Wraithlander says “Like Yone, quite a difficult matchup if he takes ignite as his dueling power and straight up damage are quite high. Good Yasuos will space you completely by E ing through the wave so just wait until he mispositions or has no Q stacks to trade.”
sullyyylol says “MISERY
I go ex/ig and rush bork so I don't mental boom from his wind wall.
You can kill him going ap but you have to be conscious of his windwall and your q usage.”
LewisBlawk says “I swear when Yas goes full ADHD Eing through minions and you ult, the ult can't keep up with Yas E. But anyway take Precision Rune route builds and TAKE NOTE of where he's E'd to so you know if you can shuffle without him Eing through your wall. Make sense?”
Hakuanivia says “Everfrost goes through windwall. Keep wave close to tower unless you are resetting. You never kill each other solo unless one of you makes a mistake. TP a lot more reliable in this match up.”
kirellkekw says “will give up a fight if he knows what his w does. considering his popularity in low elo this should be your permaban if you are below diamond. ”
Shark of Void says “Его невозможно выиграть, он использует ваших псов, чтобы убивать вас, он уклоняется от ваших умений своими W и E, просто афк фармите под вышкой и надейтесь на команду.”
tangerrine says “A snowbally champion, but fine if he doesn't get fed. Run Electrocute always, as you can just burst him down if he tries to E you. Good yasuo's will try and block it with windwall, but you can just W away from it and bait him in further. Whenever his passive shield is up. give him a little auto attack to cancel it, and then you can use your combo when it's gone. Dodge the tornado, especially post 6, and you will win lane easy. Late game, just make sure he gets cc'd and he won't get a penta and mega scale.”
nezumiichi says “Poke from range to eat his passive shield, then bully. I prefer to go against Yasuo's in game (personally) because the matchup is fun and relatively easy.”
Tanginid says “Yasuo easily devours your skills with the wind barrier, so try to use your poke until he spends the barrier, if he spends it, it's easy for you to kill him if he doesn't cut all your skills”
Aquanis says “Try to proc his shield everytime it's up.
Respect his movement, so don't stand too close to your minions.
Try to poke him as much as possible and punish him, if he wastes his q or w, as they are the only real threats to you.”
TheBougis says “After Yasuo ults he gets a lot of armour reduction causing him to do a lot of damage.
Besides that, he doesn't have much else for him (he could get some lucky augments but, it shouldn't be enough).”
TheFakeMord says “His windwall is a bit annoying , but same as yone, keep him in melee range and its easy. With ghost you can even weave through his Q”
Just_Invalid says “Easy to dodge the Q3 due to its travel time if you are further away and your move speed. Be careful of his wind wall blocking your E in your combos as well as blocking your ult since it technically counts as a projectile.”
serrafim says “Windwall blocks your Q, his laning is better, he scales better, etc. Play for roams, and for your team instead of for laning phase. Poke out his passive shield if you want to engage or poke. ”
whaz says “skill matchup, bait out his wind wall and win the lane babe!
ALWAYS let him push
pretty easy if the yasuo only windwalls in front of him, you can bend your paddle star and finish him off”
Poca31 says “For threats go look at any proper Twisted Fate guide. I don't like anyone who builds tanky items. Yasuo spesifically stands out thanks to his W”
Zero macro says “Yasuo mobility (E/R) through minions combined with stat check is unavoidable for Kog'Maw mid. Thereby Yasuo can windwall Q/W/E from Kog'Maw as well. Recommended to take Exhaust in this match up.”
AngeReaper says “(This is a tank guide)
Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain then escape but stay healthy until lvl 3
NO LONG FIGHT if they have letal tempo (99.9% of time. if not, that a noob, or BIG PRO, find out )”
DepresedEef224 says “Super easy. Your Q is longer than his so poke him down and when he engages, stun him. When you hit 6, dodge his tornado with your ult so he can ult you.”
Actt says “He wins extend fights by a lot even with Conqueror and his passive protects him for First Strike and Electrocute set-ups. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.”
shisho_kawaleraa says “Just waste his W and you will be fine, bait that u will trade with him so wastes it and after that u can trade for a short period of time.”
Braimyy says “Probably Asol's easiest match up, Yasuo can't do anything against asol if you play it properly (his windwall also does not block any of your abilities) Just keep your wave in a good spot, don't let him freeze, get vision to protect yourself from dives, and take the free win”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Yas is a hard matchup with his dashes and early shield. biggest tip is stun him when he tries to dash toward you in your minions. They are fairly predicable with this. dont try to throw to many w q if he is in your mininon wave becuase he will dodge it with e. poke them when otuside the wave let him push in. Go comet”
Waqql says “Nothing you should be afraid of. Avoid getting hit by his Q and be aware that he can dash through minions. Once Hulk - uh, Mega Gnar is ready, engage. Try to keep him in one place and unleash your combo. He should quickly try to flee to a minion.”
IggyBoom says “If you have half a brain, you just run him down. He has like no way of killing you. You can Dodge all of his Qs and you interrupt his E while W knockup.”
SatanicWren says “He is Yasuo alright... Play super passive early and farm as much as possible. He isnt bulky so starting mid-game your AA can usually 1-2 shot him. ”
freuio123 says “Yasuos Windwall blocked ALLE Skills von dir.
Mit Dshield Second Wind outsustained er dich in Lane.
Du musst ein wenig hoffen, dass er low IQ ist und immer wieder tradet statt wave zu spielen.
Ansonsten kannst du dich nur etwas eindrücken lassen, gucken, dass du immer wieder Damage auf ihn kriegst nach Lost Chapter und mit scalen.”
ITSHOT says “Found out a lot of people struggle against Yasuo on Veigar
Try to stay away from your minions
Try to farm and wait for the jungler
Pay attention timing your E”
Anguish333 says “- Q whenever he goes for Q on minions
- Dodge his Q
- Wait out his Windwall if possible, so he doesnt block our Q and E
- E whenever he E on You
- If he doesnt have windwall he is freekill most of the time
- Don't walk up far away if you dont have Shroud, he will just run you down unless you are giga stronger”
NickLeVlach says “Ok....ok. Just ban him. I prefer to have fizz on the lane. I found Yasuo to be completely aggravating to deal with. Baiting his wind wall is extremely hard since your E animation isn't fast.”
AdrikN says “(bait out wind wall) it can block most of your abilities. He also has a free shield to block poke so try to stay far from the minions. Bring exhaust or ghost.”
Zeusman00 says “Very hard matchup, he can very easily dash and dodge your Q's, even when he is extremely behind he can still be incredibly strong and oppressive, sometimes if he pushes the lane under your tower, you can run him down if you manage to get a good Q of and his wind wall is down.”
uwuimsocute says “If he knows what he is doing, it is not playable. His champion as a whoie counters you.
Consider dodging this matchup since he can snowball really hard from a little lead in your lane.”
Angryappleseed says “RUSH STEELCAPS, maybe even GA.
U can bully and poke him a lot in lane and try to bait out his windwall. When he hits 6, respect him more, as he can easily 1 v 1 you. ”
VrNtv says “Same as every other ADC, Jinx get's countered by Yasuo thanks to his windwall and an ability to dash through minions winning any close engage. You can't really disengage yourself, throwing traps below yourself is pretty much all you have. He scales really well and his early game is not bad thanks to lethal tempo and low Q cooldowns, so just try not to die and scale. Play safe on your side of lane. The only thing you can really do is play aggro lvl 1 since he can't really contest early cs, poke him hard, then slow push cannon wave and recall. The second he is level 2 he is a threat to you and as long as there are cs between you, he can try to all-in you.”
Painters says “Skill match up. Your E is not blocked by his windwall; but somehow your R is. Do not stand by minions, since this will allow him to dash to you with ease. Poke him down and keep your distance, and you'll be good.”
MrMeem45 says “You kind of just have to waveclear against him and hope that your team doesn't feed him. The matchup gets much easier around level 5, when you can effectively clear the wave from a distance. Still, he's going to make landing cards really difficult.”
Enderspider says “windwalls your W. Pain.
If you wait out his w though, he's not that hard of a matchup as your damage is still too overwhelming for him.”
Y0rhm says “Yasuo's W completely negates 60% of lux's kit, including her passive and 2 out of 3 damage abilities. Yasuo's passive and Immortal Shieldbow's shields make it very hard to oneshot him. Permaban status.”
quinn adc says “With Yasuo, you must be extra careful with your minions especially. Yasuo wants the lane to be frozen in front of his tower so that he can pressure you in your minion wave and dash through them to punish you.
First, it's important to save your E always because if you waste your E, Yasuo will dash onto you and all-in you.
What I like to do is use blind on Yasuo in lane, and most times Yasuo will use his windwall to block your Q. However, this is amazing because his windwall is a very long cool down. Our goal is to pretend that we wanna all-in, and then when he wastes his windwall, just play back until it goes away.
Our vault has prio on Yasuo’s E, so if he Es onto you, just retaliate with vault always.
Watch out for his empowered Q tornados by using your move speed to dodge it, or out run it by playing a little bit back.
After level 6 it’s critical not to get hit by his tornado to avoid his ultimate hitting you.
If Yasuo ults you, instantly retaliate with vault and run away. Most Yasuos will windwall after, but make sure to quickly E-Auto before he windwalls so that you get your harrier move speed mark consumed before his windwall blocks your auto.
If Yasuo ever wastes his Windwall or misses his empowered Q, retaliate with an engage because he relies on those two moves to win trades.”
Cryniu says “Focus on poke him slowly, use your basic attacks to negate his shield. Use your bombs slowly because he can block them with his wall of wind. Your E is very important, use it to keep your distance when he approaches to you. It's very important slow him or speed up to yourself to run. When your jungler is coming you can use Super Slow combo, remember that his wall of wind doesn't work against your E.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Yasuo's wind wall (W) can block Neeko's skill shots, which significantly hampers her ability to damage or CC him. His high mobility and ability to dash through minions make it challenging for Neeko to land her abilities effectively.”
EueAmor says “Yasuo is very strong in the laning phase and if he gets a space he eliminates Miss Fortune very easily and he has the ability that blocks the ultimate”
TB Azir says “Irelia benzeri bir matchup ve oynarken lane'i tutmanız gereken yer Irelia'ya karşı oynarken lane'i tutmanız gereken yerle aşağı yukarı aynı. Push atmayıp biraz daha wave'i üstünüze alıp kulenize yakın oynayarak Yasuo'nun play imkanını kısıtladığınız takdirde çok zorlanmazsınız. Bu arada ufak bir trick: Yasuo’nun çift Q yaptıktan sonra üstünüze E-Q ile atlayacağını sezdiğiniz zaman ultinizi tam Yasuo üstünüze atlarken castlerseniz siz airborne yediğiniz anda Yasuo da airborne yemiş oluyor ve ultisini size kullanamıyor. Özellikle bunu yaparken rakibi kule altına da attıysanız flashı yokken Yasuo’nun agresif play'ine karşılık hiç yoktan bir kill potansiyeliniz olmuş oluyor. Onun dışında 1 levelda E açıp yarı canınızı alabilir o yüzden Q açtığını görene kadar adamı dürtmek için üstüne koşmayın başka da ekstra bir şey yok.
Rün: PTA, Fleet, Aery”
Allyooops says “His windwall/bone plating/d shield sustain make this matchup very hard. He will go sb and make this matchup even more unplayable. He outscales you and his windwall blocks your R. Bait out his windwall/bone plating and go first strike because a good yasuo will never lose this matchup. ”
South Z says “Jax naturally counters Yasuo thanks to his E, but don't forget that Yasuo's skill ceiling is high enough to outplay you, especially in the early levels !”
The Unshackled says “He's got an advantage pre-lvl3. After that it's a pure skill matchup. Try to bait him into a river fight as he's much weaker there (he can't jump around you on like a monkey)”
vxnity says “Try and proc shield whenever you can. Use your W movement speed to help dodge his Q3. Zhonya's is a good second item for him. I personally like Liandrys against him because the burn can proc his shield.”
Boptimus says “Can be very annoying levels 1-2 with Q spam and E dash spam. Remember to hold your E for whenever he tries to dash onto you and you can force a stalemate. Once you get Lost Chapter you can harass him with Q's. NEVER use your R unless he just recently used wind wall. Play away a bit from your minion wave so that if he wants to all-in you he can't use your wave to maneuver around. You can usually disengage his all-in and sustain back up unless he let yourself get in lethal range.
If he doesn't build MR then he will get nuked after you finish your first item.”
Boptimus says “Yasuo isn't as bad as Yone but can still be a problem if played poorly.
Again you don't want to take extended fights and you want to keep trades short. Once you have a significant amount of Armor Yasuo will have a hard time chewing through you. Keep up your CS and if Yasuo takes too many bad trades you can all in him with R.”
P1Legend says “Im going to copy paste this for both Yasuo and Yone because the matchup actually plays the same for both champions. Be aware of his third Q, because this is usually when he will follow up on the trade with either ult/ dash engage. If he misses third Q, you can take this as a chance to trade with him. In Yasuo's case specifically, you can cleanse the airborne status by using empowered W, making him unable to ult, so keep this in mind for when he tries to ult you.”
darkezmond says “It depends on how strong Yasuo is against you, if it's a stupid Yasuo, then auto-attack him to remove the shield and poke with your Q for more damage, avoid him with your E, for more efficiency you can take ignite. If this is a strong Yasuo, then stand under the tower and try to poke him with your auto attacks and Q, wait for your jungle for pressure”
ardizzle says “Press the Attack and Exhaust are going to be your lane winners here. Anticipate when he is going to commit and you should walk away with an extra 300 gold.”
Caganos says “You eat him up. His passive shield is destroyed by your Fury W and you will always one shot him in mid game. Yasuo mid is a wet dream for a sexual predator Renekton.”
EL ZUDO says “skilled matchup dodge q's play safe till 6 and u can kill roam to help team but be careful to push wave before doing it and most of the times it must be a canon so u dont loose too many plates”
Glitchgun says “This match up is really annyoing if the Yasuo knows what he is doing. You can't really go full out on him, since he just can block all your feathers with his windwall. Just play safe in lane. You have good wave clear, so look out for roams if killing him is impossible. He is my perma ban atm cuz his winwall ruins everything.”
BlakC1 says “Skill Matchup. If you struggle, ask jungler for a gank so you can get ahead and just farm up until your 2 item and 1 amp tome powerspike.
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. Don't trade lvl 1 or 2. Level 3 just W him to remove the shield and hookshot onto him. You can R his tornado to prevent him from ulting you. Take short trades. Lethal Tempo is op in Season 12.”
1Yamato1 says “Não faça trocas longas lv1, se o yasuo não tiver W use seu W no Q3 dele caso contrario apenas desvie. Se ele usar E+Q3 em você use seu W para tras.”
ItsAstr0 says “VERY HARAM MUST BAN!!!
This EVIL creature conjures DEVILISH wind magic to OBLITERATE your axes from reality. If you for whatever reason allow him to be picked just dodge, beg, bribe, murder, or steal to escape the lane because there is no point in playing this out if you ever have to lane against him.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch
Eyeball choice.
Grab early armguard.
Stay under tower.
Can R forward to bait. Never e if windwall is up.
E behind you if he e's onto you.”
Deru says “Doable matchup because you can solokill him early on with conq and outshove him. If you put your w on yasuo he can't ult so you remove a lot of damage from his 1v1 potential.”
Deru says “Doable matchup because you can solokill him early on with conq and outshove him. If you put your W on Yasuo he can't ult so you remove a lot of damage from his 1v1 potential.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Play carefully, and look at his character, dodge his "wind" (Q). His W (in the form of a wall of wind), may not allow you to make a procast of directional skills and targeted ones on him, but you can use your R, outside of this wall. He also jumps on creeps and then can jump on you (E), using his Q, try to put your W, so that it would not be so easy for him to reach you.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins or Conditioning and Overgrowth, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when hewastes ability, punish him with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Full AP for higher win chances. Sunderer might work sometimes.”
Samikin says “Skill Matchup.
You can angle your Q's to go around Yasuo's W. Most of the time, you will be to E sleep him once he jumps onto you since the timing for his W will be really hard for him to land well. Most of your early game damage goes through his W, so you will naturally have the upper hand in this lane.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Mayuushii says “He dashes all over and will look to use Q3 to get you. Use auto when he farms to take out his passive shield. After his shield is down use Q and W to poke him down. Charm is important to hold cause he can dash to dodge it or use windwall to block everything of yours. Use charm if he dashes to casters near you and interrupt it or after you bait out the windwall ”
DawrazWasInting says “Pretty easy matchup. You can outrade him with no problems. Just dodge his tornadoes and you shall be fine. You can try to go for early trades to prock your passive and Electrocute.”
NegativePhoenix says “Honestly as annoying as it is, your W stops him from ulting if he can't land his Q3. In your All-Out form you have a chance to beat him if you're careful and time it in a good spot otherwise the fight could go his way if you aren't careful. I'd just definitely save your refreshed W for his Q3 so he can't ult to change the fights outcome super easily.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse]
[Dont fight him in minions] [Upgrade E instead of Q] [Place you W behind him cou you hit atlest one Q when he place W] [Poke him and wait for you jungler to gang]”
DabiDabi says “Look to poke. Farm safely and stay away from your minion wave because he can minion ride to you and beat you down. Lvl 6 stay near turret and look to ult him under tower.”
WaveFunction73 says “this also goes for yone so listen closely.
never take long trades, only short trades, %99 of the times he will have lethal tempo and will just fk u up in long trades.
this goes for every matchup: i advise u to take trades when ur fleet is up so u can run away w ms from fleet after u do a brief combo.”
AkuAku says “i rly dont have to say much... his passive is annoying, funny windwall go brrr, he dashes way too much.. like at this point perma gank setup and ping your jg :))) it's not unplayable as long as you land everything and have d shield and second wind for sustain”
TheAfricanDream says “Take your Q first in this lane and keep poking him. Try to proc his passive shield by basic attacking him and play super aggressively at level 1. Respect Yasuo's level 2 as he can kill you on that spike. His dash makes it very difficult for you to land your E so prioritize saving your mana for your Q only. If you are ahead Yasuo is an easy lane but just make sure you do not overextend and take poor trades as he can easily take over the lane.”
Chymying says “very mobile, care his windwall so you don't waste skills. easy to gank. he will use dash on minions so stand away from them and use cage on them so he can't get closer or escape.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Very snowbally lane. You can use your boxes to escape to safety and to bait him. His sustain is annoying to deal with but your liandry's will proc his passive. (W-max)”
Cjtheawesome says “get as much poke as you can in before he gets his E at lvl 2. This will allow you to snowball in xp and gold. post lvl 2 try to cs while avoiding him dashing onto you for trades.”
Demonsedge90 says “Since Yasuo's skills are easy to predict, you should have no issue dodging his steel tempest. However, make sure to poke him in the lane, and watch out for his sweeping blade ability if he's got his gathering storm stacks up (from steel tempest) and could be followed up by him using his ultimate last breath to finish you off.”
Melyn says “My least favorite bot matchup (not counting support). He's hyper mobile, his shield reduces poke, and has great all in.
One of the best ways to deal with him is to max E and wait for his wind wall. When he fights you, he needs to wind wall the ADC's damage or else that + minions can kill him. Wait for this, then root and either run away or kill him.
Exhaust can be decent for when he's 6, but it's very easy for him to bait it before then by just dashing back through minions.
At 6, if he ults on your ADC, drop your ult immediately under him so that your ADC can start running after (or place it slightly towards your tower). Early armor AND HP can be useful if he's focusing you, but if he usually goes on your ADC, damage is better.”
Wizahd says “Pretty even, he outranges you, but your 3 stack combo does more damage than his all-in. Poke him as with every other match-up and try to stop him farming.”
Atemporal says “Este é um confronto muito difícil que eu colocaria como Muito Difícil, mas por causa da incompetência geral dos jogadores de Yasuo, é apenas Difícil. No início você tem que deixá-lo empurrá-lo, caso contrário ele o derrubará e talvez até 100- 0 você
no nível 2. No nível 1, nunca tente usar o Q para estourar seu escudo porque você não poderá abusar dele antes que ele volte a funcionar. No início do jogo, você só precisa se preparar para cultivar sob a torre, acertar os lacaios e configurar seus HP de acordo.
Negociar com combos automáticos E - Q - normais é assustador contra Yasuo porque sua parede de vento pode atrapalhar todo o seu combo. Você quer negociar sempre que ele avança em sua direção. Jogue um Q quando ele correr/caminha em sua direção, auto, E de lado
então salte sobre ele com E2. Se ele parar o Q para começar, tudo bem porque você não cometeu seu E, então você pode simplesmente fugir ou E. Lembre-se que o windwall Yasuo tem um CD de 30 segundos. Você pode jogar bastante agressivamente quando
está baixo. A parte difícil desse confronto é que você pode estar preso na rota. Yasuo não tem mana e empurra as ondas rapidamente enquanto você, como Ekko, tem que comprometer muito mana para Q. Considere os valores de negociação versus manter sua mana para
ondas claras. Você não quer ficar preso sob a torre sem mana, e geralmente não quer ser forçado a chamar por causa de problemas de mana. Perder uma onda completa de XP neste confronto geralmente significa que a rota acabou.
Há algumas coisas que eu faço nesta pista para facilitar a luta contra Yasuo. Eu sempre fico em cima de mim quando vejo que estou prestes a ser atingido por um Tornado. Desta forma, se Yasuo te insultar, ele ficará atordoado a menos que ele recue. Eu também gosto de não
mexer muito. Eu tento o meu melhor para manter meu clone R em cima de mim para facilmente virar as lutas quando Yasuo se comprometer. No entanto, não importa o que você faça, essa pista deve ser bem difícil. Não tenha medo de se comunicar com seu jungler que
Você pode matar o Yasuo juntos. A maior fraqueza dos jogadores de Yasuo é ser ganked. Isso pode ser feito durante todo o jogo. Envie 2 pessoas no Yasuo em vez de 1v1 contra ele. Yasuo escala muito bem e se torna muito difícil de matar
quando ele pega Shieldbow, e quando ele pega IE você não deve ser capaz de vencê-lo 1v1 a menos que você o supere com força. Depois de ter 3 itens, Rocketbelt, Nashors e Rabadons, você pode vencê-lo”
Simelodeon says “I: Everfrost/Morello
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Mit dem richtigen Setup nicht so schwer wie sonst. Lass dich einpushen damit er nicht durch die Minions dashen kann. Du bist stärker Lv.1 wenn du ihn auf range halten kannst aber ab Lv.2 musst du aufpassen.
Seine Windwall blockt deine Q und E. Wenn er dich engagen will benutz Everfrost+W wenn er nicht wegdashen kann für einen Free Kill
IamBishop says “He cant play the game for ages, after level 1 you can just stat check him all lane. Freeze the wave take a sip of your water and hit minions. If he walks up beat his *** into the ground. Duel him in team fights and skirmishes, use him as your ult target if he is a carry and you need to peel. ”
pamiclo says “its skill matchup but i think well played akali always win duel despite yasuo has more powerfull champ. bait his w. use your w before airborned to avoid his ult. use e when he is trying to walk you. ALWAYS USE ULT + E COMBO.”
Lucid Walking says “He counters you.
If you didn't ban him, you can survive by being very passive. This means you should only Q when he starts dashing towards you.
If you're planning on hitting him with your Q, try to Not fully cover your Q on him. Basically, there is this "core"' in your Q, which is the star. If that star gets blocked, your entire ability gets blocked. The star is in the middle of your Q, so don't let that get blocked by his windwall and aim more towards yourself.
Ceru says “If played incorrectly, a Yasuo can do a decent job at stopping you from farming stacks and has a lot more kill pressure than you during laning phase, play back and look for a good opportunity to all in or setup a gank for your jungler”
AriFr0mThe3nd says “Yasuo should be pretty easy to counter. Just use one auto attack on his shield (white bar under HP bar) and proceed to attack when it disappears. Also dodge his tornados and then he shouldn't be much of a threat to you.
Be super careful with him, since he can outplay you if you aren't careful with dodging him.”
Balinthun873 says “Dodge his tornado with either w2 or R. When he Q's he will stand still for a second. You can land a Q in that window you just need to count on it.”
SanyGame says “When playing against Yasuo, it's important to keep in mind that you should not try to kill him, as he can be a difficult matchup for Heimerdinger. Your best outcome is to go even with him. To do this, position your turrets in a triangle formation, but keep them far apart so that he cannot dash from one turret to the other straight at you. This is similar to playing against Irelia. When he engages with your turrets, retreat away from him and do not cast [E] before he uses his windwall. Take advantage of his melee range by poking and harassing him when he is not trying to engage you or farming CS.
If you face a bad Yasuo player, the match-up may be easy, but if you face a good one, it can be difficult. Morellonomicon and Exhaust are highly recommended items to counter Yasuo.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Yasuo will probably outplay you pre 6 and you will struggle to hit your skill shots, Don't all in him pre 6, But after 6 with steelcaps if you hit your abilities you can't lose ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his E to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will reduce his ability to play aggressive and look for an all-in. Good times to use CC abilities or to trade with Yasuo is when he is overextended after using his E. You could use his poor positioning to go for a favourable trade to get him low.”
livikattt says “Be extremely careful and play around his windwall. You will take mental damage if you ult perfectly, only for him to use his W and delete it. ”
Spoomk says “As long as you dodge his tornadoes and can predict his dashing at least to a certain degree, you should be good. Remember to break his passive shield with an AA or Q before engaging him for maximum effect.
RuchaczSzmat69 says “easy, poke him to get his passive off, place barrel underneath you and he cant do shit, remember to auto not q the barrel if he has windwall. You can W his ult (not damage but cc its very helpful)”
Xelikari says “An unwinnable matchup for Yasuo, you just do way too much damage. Definitely take first strike here, and I like to rush Sorcerer’s Shoes into Shadowflame. Pop his passive shield whenever you can and just walk up to him whenever Flamespitter is off cooldown.
If he E’s through you, just use a harpoon on him, and make sure you Overheat when he gets into melee and you’ll win every trade. You can also easily get away with Predator in this lane if you think you can get some effective roams off. Feel free to go Gathering Storm but I still prefer Scorch.
BEWARE: If he takes Exhaust + Lethal Tempo he can EASILY roll you”
CFCryo says “Dodging tornados is your main concern. Early he can't prevent your poke, only with his passive, as Wind Wall does nothing to your autos. Level 6 Q Ults will be a strong turning point for him, so try not to get hit. Get Titanic Hydra first.”
xblademojo says “Don't Push into him, let him push into you or last hit wave. Poke only for mana flow band. Dont even't AA him too much, because the wave will push too hard and then he will punish you. Starting from 6 you are way more useful and he can't match thhat well your push.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “It's easy if he is a monkey. Test him out in a couple trades. If he is competent, then just try to farm and play for fights around the map with teleport.
GoodMangoes2war says “His difficulty is based on one thing only. Does he Rush his E (Sweeping Blade) or his Q (Steel Tempest) if he rushes E you need to be careful not to fall into the dash trap. That's where he will get you. Important Senna/Yas interaction. Senna's Auto Attacks are NOT projectiles and ignore Wind Wall. Yassuo players don't read Patch Notes and will Wind Wall normally. Smurfs/Scripters will not. However, Don't rely on this. Ever. If played correctly he will hard roam early 'cus he's starved. If he E rushes he's considerably more of a handful then his brother.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will reduce his ability to play aggressive and look for an all-in. Good times to use CC abilities or to trade with Yasuo is when he is overextended after using his E. You could use his poor positioning to go for a favourable trade to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch your own minions since Yasuo can use them to get close to your champion. If you are trying to run away from him then don’t go the way with your minions, better use some jungle paths. In the early game you can try to do short trades when his Q is not stacked.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will reduce his ability to play aggressive and look for an all-in. Good times to use CC abilities or to trade with Yasuo is when he is overextended after using his E. You could use his poor positioning to go for a favourable trade to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Do not over-commit to doing this though as he could look to turn the exchange around. Playing around Yasuo’s Windwall Wind Wall(W) will make killing him a lot easier. If you can, try to bait this ability out before committing to the all-in.”
Adamonias says “DASH DASH DASH KNOCKUP INSTAKILL. Take Barrier to block his ult and potentially bait him under tower. This is mostly a game about dodging his knockup, never stand in your wave. Early boots is good here, aswell as early tear to match his waveclear. Go Zhonya's seccond. The only ability that his W blocks is your E so just wait that out; but you can use the rest of your kit for free, bad yasuo's dont know this and will stand behind it. Never use abilities to proc his passive shield, if you CAN safely use auto's to proc it it's a double win for bonus mana. If you can't safely auto him just wait till he's in the wave and he'll probably dash into an ability while youre hitting his wave. At 2 items he MELTS you, hope your team has a point and click CC. Ludens, Zhonyas, Oblivion Orb then shadowflame into him. Respect him at all times and try to freeze so he is forced to trade with you under your tower.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Do not over-commit to doing this though as he could look to turn the exchange around. Playing around Yasuo”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will reduce his ability to play aggressive and look for an all-in. Good times to use CC abilities or to trade with Yasuo is when he is overextended after using his E. You could use his poor positioning to go for a favourable trade to get him low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Do not over-commit to doing this though as he could look to turn the exchange around. Playing around Yasuo’s Windwall Wind Wall(W) will make killing him a lot easier. If you can, try to bait this ability out before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Anivia is quite a strong champion with lots of CC, but as every champion she has also a weak spot and it’s her mobility. If she play very aggressively and the minion wave moves to your tower, as your jungler to attack her from behind. She will be forced to use her Q to stun one champion and try to place the wall of ice between her and the second one while trying to retreat back to her tower which is hard to accomplish.”
Alireza.Daddy says “Always ban it. why?
1.Unkillable since he can dodge your abilities
2.He plays resource games it means he burns your mana early so u cant harass him then he continues to life steal
3.u can never walkup to him EVER! dashes to every creep nonstop”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Do not over-commit to doing this though as he could look to turn the exchange around. Playing around Yasuo’s Windwall Wind Wall(W) will make killing him a lot easier. If you can, try to bait this ability out before committing to the all-in.”
ZiegenZelu says “Early lane ist er zu respektieren da er dich einfach töten kann wenn du einen fehler machst. Im späteren Spielverlauf nimmt deine E ihn aus jedem Teamfight. WINDWALL BLOCKIERT DIE E MINEN NICHT !”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid pushing the wave as much as you can as Yasuo has an incredibly strong all-in and can take you down if you’re pushing. Try to keep the wave closer to your side of the map in the laning phase so he is unable to chase you down and kill you. Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Try to space accordingly to Yasuo and his Support. If the Support has CC, try to play as far back as possible. This will make it hard for them to get on to you. Post 6, make sure you’re always in a safe position so they cannot all-in you.”
SkyBanana says “Windwall and mobility is why Seraphine cannot deal with Yasuo. Even a bad Yasuo can make it hard to deal with if he presses W right. That much width of not landing spells on the enemy is going to be rough early and late game.”
CurryMuncher says “His wind wall blocks out your standard trade pattern since it blocks out your e.
To prevent this, just land your q + auto or just hit w in lane and try to bait out his wind wall then engage”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping Blade(E) to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Do not over-commit to doing this though as he could look to turn the exchange around. Playing around Yasuo’s Windwall Wind Wall(W) will make killing him a lot easier. If you can, try to bait this ability out before committing to the all-in.”
Xexzuz says “Morgana is my go to counter for this windblower, given most yasuos are braindead it will be a pretty easy matchup. But every once in a while you will find a good yasuo and it will be a pretty even fight. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his E to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and poke him down. Do not over-commit to doing this though as he could look to turn the exchange around. Playing around Yasuo’s Windwall Wind(W) will make killing him a lot easier. If you can, try to bait this ability out before committing to the all-in.”
NegativePhoenix says “Decently manageable honestly. Poke him while you can but remember he can use minions to E in your face and then dash back out before you can retaliate so once he hits 6 try to play near tower so he gets tower aggro and even better, dies if he gets ulted by you.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Perma ban this champ no matter what (unless he is on your team). He is the worst matchup a Sona could ever have since he counters all of your abilities and can easily get you. If you do fight him, pray. ”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is Azir favored imo. You out-range him. Let him push into you; try to freeze the wave near your tower so you can farm safely and harass him when he farms. If you push up too far or let him freeze, he'll just E through your minions and run you down. You can dodge his Q3 tornado with W+E. Don't walk up to him early; his level 1/2 is very strong with Lethal Tempo. Experienced Yasuo players in higher elos will know that they can Windwall your Q and your Ult, so be aware of that if you all-in him. His Windwall spawns from under him and pushes out in a direction so if timed perfectly he can negate being hit by Azir ult. If you're about to get knocked up by his EQ, you can also Ult him so you're both knocked up at the same time so he isn't able to Ult you.”
Bunan says “Conqueror-POM-Tenacity-Last Stand-Second Wind-Unflinching/revitalise (Unflinching if enemy team has CC)
AH AP Armour
W max->E->Q
Dark seal refillable
He can block R and E2 with windwall so hold E2 incase of windwall and only E2 at close range unless his windwall is down
Dont fight until 3 (You will lose every trade pre lvl 3)
Dont engage in long trades
post 3 E and AA to break his passive then E2 Auto Q Auto W Auto disengage
Proc his passive with Q whilst Csing
Let him shove so he is prone to ganks (Ask for jng lvl 3)
He is stronger than you at every point of the game however you are better in teamfights
You can yasuo R of E2 ( E1 E2 R R)
R 3/10 only good for maximising damage 1v1 (The passive effects are useless)”
Waqas says “Yasuo is a very annoying matchup for Ahri. His passive allows him to tank through your trades easily early game, his dashes allow him to easily dodge all of your linear skill shots. and he can even wind wall all 3 of your abilities as well. A good Yasuo should be able to dominate Ahri in lane.”
RivenHentai102 says “dziwny matchup
lvl 6 jak dobrze grasz wygrywasz
exhaust jest w miare git
zacznij od doran ringa
w early zbuduj tyle ap ile da rady bo inaczej przepierdolisz
maxuj E potem W”
KayyeN says “A good Yasuo can make your life hell. You can only ever step forward to your wave when you have another one behind you that's coming from base. Otherwise, you can't jump away when he inevitably dashes onto you through minions. In general, his E allows him to close large gaps as long as there are minions. If he's on top of you, there's no way of preventing his R either, since he will just E-Q-R you. Also, his windwall prevents your Q and your R blades from hitting, and even your Q dagger from landing.”
Zarasaras says “Just farm, he will eventually troll because he is thirsty for the kills and you outscale just play safe
before he buys his boots if you have aery and dodge 2 Qs you can win skirmishes”
DragonMaster45 says “Yasuo is one of the biggest Zed counters. Unless you reach LvL 6 and he uses his W, your chances of winning the 1v1 are not very high.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Yasuo is a skill based matchup. Its his quickfire movements vs your positioning. If either of you snowball, the other is useless for the rest of the game. Just make sure to remove his shield whenever possible and avoid pokes.
If both of you are somehow even in gold mid to late game, you still have the dps and survivability to keep Yasuo at bay so overall he will struggle every time he meets you”
angeLoon says “lethal dblade in resolve bone plating and unflinching.
yasuo is weaker than yone late game.
but early he's too strong,so be careful when trading early.”
just pick yone says “Don't fight him lvl2. Fight him when his passive is down. (doesn't apply to late game). Also if you're close enough to him your Q3 can go through his W.”
Amarusis says “Try to poke with Q, be aware of his R. Brothers are quite easy to dominate in next levels just dont let him feed in early to give you the opportunity gaining CS.”
KatloveGG says “Yasuo is a very big threat if the enemy has mastered him in 100%. This mainly applies to very high elo. Winning the line on him is hard, you should farm and avoid his Q. You can roam the bot to gain an advantage in gold”
Asaabye says “Try to abuse his early game by poking him whenever you have the chance. Avoid his (Q3) tornado by using your (W) Never run away from him through your own minions because he can easily catch up with his (E) Try instead to run through river/jungle or even through your shrooms to slow him down. You can not blind his (Q) so take advantage early game because late game he can spam his (Q)”
C4V3IRINH4 says “be careful with hurricane, ask your team for help because yasuo might not be a big problem or he might be the big king of the match so be careful”
L9 zangetsu says “yasuo is a very interesting match up i recommend putting like 3 points e early so he cant just windwall all of your damage and build eclipse with the bruser runes and you can usually win 1v1s against him and burst him late ”
Brofish says “With this particular play style, Visions of Empire will be almost impossible to confirm, focus using it in the side lanes instead. Begin maxing out Death's hand after level 6 since it goes through wind wall giving you a consistent and reliable option to damage him.”
TroyLoL says “A (good) Yasuo will make the game unplayable for you. Windwall your gold card even if you hold it and try to outsmart him by trying to make him waste it. Also he can windwall the katty minion early on so you can't walk up and last hit it. All around sucks.”
Errevandare says “После 1 уровня он сильнее, но обыграть и убить можно. Если нет миньонов, на которые можно дешнуться, то он крип в мид-лейт гейме, легко кайтиться и убивается. В своих миньонах лучше не файтить. Если подойти вплотную, то автоатака бьет через стенку. На лайне лучше зафризить пачку под своим тавером.”
DabiDabi says “Yasuo's windwall counters you pretty hard. It blocks both your Q and E but not your W. Position and play aorund his windwall and don't take too much extended fights. His passive shield allows him to fight you better.”
ze kraken says “You can beat a Yasuo. Having said that, it's not easy - his passive is annoying and his dashing is similar to irelia's but slower. Use your AA to rid his shield and poke him down with some Q's and an E for more AA's. Steer clear of minions so he can't dash around like crazy. ”
Super08131208 says “Level 1, try to poke him with your Q while avoiding his Q's. Your Q is both longer and wider range than Yasuo's. Dodge his tornadoes. Let Yas dominate level 2. You'll win from lvl 3 and up. This matchup is actually very easy, it all depends on who gets more hits onto each other.
feejee says “Passive shield + good wave clear + being able to windwall your Q makes this matchup really hard, but doable if done properly. Start dorans with ignite.”
Zoose says “His Windwall blocks your Q, E and Ultimate, however, your E will still hit him if its cast before he uses windwall. You can still W flip him behind the wall. Luckily, his windwall is 30 seconds early game and your Q is less than 6. Keep trades short as he will win extended fights. Try to remove his passive shield before you go for trades. Look to predict his E dash with your E stun. Be extra cautious against junglers with displacement CC, as Yasuo can then ultimate combo on to you. Seekers and Zhonya's are solid defensive options later on. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Don't get knocked up or he will use ult]
[Don't get outplayed by his mobility]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]”
basrty1p says “After Taliyah rework, he has no longer being threat to her anymore.
Use your Q,E harass him as much as possible since her E has a stun for dashing.
Beware about his Q, If you're hit by his Q, you're mostly hit by his R after that. Buy Zhonya's or Banshee to fix this problem.”
King Turtle says “He's currently my perma ban as his windwall just kinda ruins the lane for you in general. He probably won't be killing too often as long as you play safe as Xayah is really good at countering all-in champions, Yasuo's windwall just cucks any trading power you have.”
SadgeBoyK says “dodge his Q's in lane, kill his minions and ground him when tries to dash through yours. you can goo him when tries to R so he can't ult.”
Esrucnl says “Even matchup. Better player will win.
Don't play too much into the minion wave since he will just permanently dash. Also make sure you pop his passive shield (+bone plating rune) before you all in.
You will never be able to R2 or R3 ult so just Q into R instantly (he has windwall)”
Azurio says “I personally found Yasuo matchup really tough. He can dodge and wall all your spells, even your autos, while trading you in wave. Avoid his tornado or E Q combo with your dash. You can farm safely all lane with dash and smoke screen.”
ddieguito_es says “If he gets close, he can be a nightmare. You should win lane to him, but a great Yasuo can be a problem. If you suck at fighting Yasuos, get exhaust.”
King Turtle says “his windwall absolutely cucks you and makes landing combos extremely difficult. Aside from that he also has his passive shield which negates early poke and makes it hard to get him low without blowing all of your mana.”
Akamatsuu says “Yasuo é uma das matchups mais balanceadas pra Qiyana, baseada muito mais em skill do que outra coisa. Tome cuidado ao usar o combo padrão E>Q>W>Q contra um Yasuo, já que um bom Yasuo vai usar a barreira pra trás se você pular nele. Baite a parede dele antes de você levar gank do seu jg. Qiyana no early e no mid tem bastante vantagem numérica, mas Yasuo tem o scaling muito superior.”
beansoce says “Try to walk up level 1 and proc electrocute, deny him off wave so he doesnt have control over the lane. Try to autoattack his passive shield before using q, your q can travel over your windwall but his e cannot. Use pool early game if he's constantly dashing on you, once 6 you can use pool to dodge nado or just w after he casts. Try and change up your e charge time to deal with him windwalling.”
xoBunnihime says “Runes:
Corrupting Potion
Barrier/Ignite + Flash
Depending on your playstyle, I prefer taking Barrier + Flash with this matchup. It's fun to see Yasuo's try to all-in/Dive you under tower with Ult, and you juke them with a Barrier/Flash + Charm. Watch them die and you get an opportunity to make a highlight clip of your outplay. ;)
Try building into Everfrost - this Mythic goes through Yasuo's Windwall.
Always bait out his Windwall before Charming!
Use auto-attacks to deactivate his passive's shield.
Try not to push your lane too much - too many allied minions allows Yasuo to dash multiple times!”
S4mst4r says “He and his stupid brother aren't easy to play against in early - but manageable...
They can kill you easy when they got three-digit IQ and buy Wits-End”
Zanannya says “Recommend you to build frozen heart, you can use your R to go through his tornado or dodge it. Try to do short trades with E+AA+W+Q. Keep in mind, yasuo spams his E, giving you stacks to your E.”
ColdStuff says “Yasuo has more agency than Karma in this lane as her CC is delayed and her burst is tied to an ability that can be blocked with Wind Wall. That being said, you have plenty of tricks to generate space for your team should he knock-up your team. ”
clytt says “I usually win this lane. AA to proc his passive shield before poking w/ abilities. Step back when his windsh*it is up. He'll windwall to block our combos, but it's usually easy to sidestep poke bc he'll try and hug it.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Just a skill matchup honestly. If you can consistently space his Qs and keep pressuring him with autos and Ws, he'll waste his wind wall and be open for an easy gank.”
annak3ndr1ck says “It depends on player tbh, some Yasuos will charge u where u easily kill him with ur Q and W, some will play it safe waiting for u to overstep. Extreme Skill Matchup”
moso says “• Better than the Yone matchup but still easier to play as the Yasuo.
• Ivern can outscale Yasuo pretty hard with Daisy in teamfights as long as Ivern has a few melee champs.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As he will likely deal a lot of damage and out-damage you, if he builds any type of antiheal such as Mortal Reminder, he may pose quite a threat. You can easily break his Way of the Wanderer passive early game with your Q, and if you ever feel the need to engage, it will nearly always be worth it to try break his passive first.”
Chocodino009 says “such as yone. just wait him to e in your direction and you will be able to land your e easily, also when he q2 you from distance press w as the same timing to avoid his r.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[If he ever comes closer to you, punish him]”
donidaking says “A really good yasuo is really hard to play against since he will just step up and use q to farm and will wait for level 2 to trade with you while utilizing his passive.
Yasuo has mobility and more dps than you so long trades are no bueno.
Break his pasive and do short trades auto+q+shortE and procc electro.
At level 6 you can all in with electro if you manage to get a good trade on him.
Your Q goes through windwall but your E damage gets blocked by windwall even in pool.
If he E+Tornado Q you just pool and you are fine.
But he might E+stackedQ+Flash+R you if you are low hp.
If he s bad just keep killing him.
Shadowflame is an option if they have a lot of shields.”
qosmox says “Be careful to not take extended trades lvl 1-2. Only do short trades when you have a full minion wave he can’t fight inside. Once you hit lvl 3 though, you can start winning trades using your W and keeping your E for disengaging if he ever tries to all-in you. Once he grows low and you wanna finish him off but he’s dashing around everywhere, a tip to hit your taunt is to look which minion is the obvious “dash-target”, and once he starts that E just instantly taunt the spot he’s gonna arrive at.”
TheKingUltra says “He will dash around and will concentrate on damaging you more than on farming. The same goes for his brother. You should be able to outfarm him, because of his ignorance.”
Aut0Lycus says “Wait for his E, if he has already used it on you just Q him, send him away and leave the fight. He can't do anything if you have your stun ready.”
akol1ght says “Pretty easy matchup. Back off when he has Q3 and be mindful of his dashes. Try and land an auto to pop his shield before you combo for elec”
Whitelies says “You should be fine if you playsafe until level 3. Keep poking him until he forces himself to use W that's where you can jump in and kill him. Buy prowler's claw to catch up with him and burst him down and buy Serpent's Fang to counter his shield. However, don't get too cocky in late game. He hurts more and more.”
Exiled Heretic says “yasuo is easy if you just e him in and land your q before he can wind wall but he can wind wall your q and w if he gets it off so only go in if he wastes it or if you don't need a full combo to get the kill. beware of his lethal tempo trading power.
Dustyacer says “lvl 1 can poke but his passive shield blocks most of it. range of our q > range of his q1/q2. lvl1-2 he wins. Its fine to just wait to lvl 3, his wind wall is useless so we end up with an extra ability. lvl 3-5 we hard win, can zone him. lvl 6 + we win too since he never gets to hit q's on wave --> not knockups --> no r. Careful of jngl gank if u play too aggro, especially if jngl has a knockup (since yasuo shouldnt get q stacked, thus no q3 until fight has been happening for a while).
Early can try to get lvl 2 first and jump on him or can let him push lvl 1-2 and try to get the wave on our side and zone him off the wave.”
Nitress says “his windwall blocks almost all of your combos, but if you manage to force him to use it, you can try to fight.
You need to know, if you use W and Tornado hits you in your w yasuo cant use r on you!!”
RandomNPC777 says “Ban Yasuo every game, will windwall your entire kit, will dance circles around you, and will laugh on your corpse. Only hope is that the yasuo is bad.”
Nighswan says “Yasuo is a hard matchup because of his wind wall and mobility. Most of the time he will wall your charm, stopping you from getting a pick and if he has units to dash through, he can escape or close the gap very quickly. Take advantage of early levels where he's weak and wait for ganks at later levels.”
Ahri Simplord says “2nd hardest matchup in my opinion. He can outrade you early,his shield is annoying and he can even dive you since he usually runs triumph,a good windwall timing can kill you since your charm will go to waste,you can never get priority in lane since he'll perma push himself and if you walk up you'll get harassed.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar does a ok job of beating Yasuo. Normally, he wins a acceptable 50.9% of games the champions fight each other in. In Malzahar vs Yasuo games, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less probable to get first blood. This indicates that he most likely won't be able to get first blood against Yasuo.”
KeNaNFoR says “Unpleasant in the early and middle games, there are a lot of opportunities to evade the Kassadin ult, a lot of damage from buying the first thing”
VyoS says “Go in when he got no Windwall (W) and don't try to fight in minions, play save when you ulted or w'd him and you couldn't kill him. Try to dodge or to predict his Q-nado, If you dodge it with your ult you win the fight almost everytime”
Dj Memelord says “Harder version of yone. Laning phase is usually unplayable, but once you get out if, Yasou tends to stick to your cage like a fly to a spiders net. Keep procing his passive with your auto attacks.”
m0rfeazz says “I personally love this matchup, dont fight until you hit 3 and dont engage in long trades after that the plan is simple KEEP HARRASSING HIM he will get out of lane eventually, now the combo is kinda tricky E in then AA (to get his passive off if he has it)then wait for his W bait it E2 him Q and finnaly W to get lifesteal(dont forget to AA while doing the abilities to maximize your dps)and then quickly get out”
Xalt says “Personally ban this champion. His Windwall and itemisation makes it is very easy for him to beat Diana. Try to kill him early before he hits his boots/vamp sceptre and if he's playing too safe, shove your wave and roam. Avoid extended trades as it's likely he'll have lethal tempo and his autos will chunk you while your abilities are all on cooldown after your initial burst.”
Silcy says “He's one of your biggest counters.
Don't waste your combo on his wall.
Wait for the moment to stun him with easy Conflagration and Sear combo, followed by pillar and ignite, cast your ultimate while he escapes around minions.”
Bundif says “He wins pre-level 6. Don't trade autos with him. Look for opportunistic trades. With your lvl 6, you can look to dodge his E+Q with your R and win.
Serpent's Fang is a must-buy item against him.”
angeLoon says “dring grasp/scorch
laning against good yasuo's is really annoying,if the yasuo is good build tabi's if not just buy lucidity and cloth armor
remove his passive shield and try short-trading against him with your W and Q.
yasuo have Windwall,be careful when trading with him,he can easily dodge or block your E and R”
JoacoT31102 says “pick nunu against yauso, whit his windwall cant stop the snowball if you ar still casting it (no yauso expect that) and at lvl 6 basicaly go in with e and R and you kill him every time.”
EclipseMints says “Can block your whole combo with his windwall(w). He can also dodge your attacks by throwing q and teleporting(r) past them and fatally combo you.”
officialwiseguy says “Did you know Yasuo's windwall can't block your q or w? Most yasuos don't! Poke heavily, use autos to pop his shield when safe to do so. Standing in your minion wave will result in death.”
DaffeLaffe says “His Windwall and itemisation makes it is very easy for him to beat Diana. Try to kill him early before he hits his boots/vamp sceptre and if he's playing too safe, shove your wave and roam. Hit your q to hit of his shield, before you go for a trade, or an all-in. ”
soulentt says “Yasuo has great ability movement with his E, and his Q makes you airborne. Stay away and poke. Do this till the end of game, and also stay away from minions. If he engages, wait till he gets close to you and then Q him.”
Light99YT says “Wind Wall blocks all of you damage. Bait out the Windwall with your E Hail of Arrows, before you go for the all-in. Varus Mid does not have many threats at this time since he out damages and out ranges nearly every mid laner from start to finish. Keep your distance and you should be fine!”
Magmora says “Like yone but harder to find a decent player. Watch out for when his tornado is up (you see the particle effects and noise), and back away. Remember he can dash through minions and block q. Though he only blocks it if he hits the centre with windwall, a large enough q can just stun through it.
Yasuo may feel unwinnable to newbies, but from my experience he is one of those champs where understanding your enemy is the best and sometimes necessary way to fight them. If you are struggling with him, buy him and try him yourself to learn how he works.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Never use your R when his W is up, just farm and ask for ganks]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Juon says “Not that bad, since he is melee he is very easy to abuse. Start E so you don't get level 1 killed. This lane is basically just farming because if either of you make a mistake the other is dead. Run electro for free trades, and max E second.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “I really don't like Yasou. He can get easily snowball if he kills you on the lane. He can dodge your casts with W and E, he has a shield in passive for your full cast. Try to wait or bait, when he should use his W, for example, shoot him E + aa, then you will have about 10-13 second for new cast. Try to poke E + Q + AA in this timing. Don't let him poke himself with Q3.”
RyomaSengoku15 says “Yasuo's barrier can block your Q and ruin your entire combo (But that's not a problem if you consider that 99% of Yasuo's players are horrible)
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Bait his Windwall then use your abilities]
[Don't get knocked up or he will use ult]
[Don't get outplayed by his mobility]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
TrueGIXERJ says “his W blocks everything that matters, which is a problem for you. Ideally bait him away from it or only fight him while it's on cd, but if you have to fight around it, use Q to jump through and around it to keep doing damage. dodge tornados.”
Fake Supp says “its one of the hard matchups for pyke but its so easy if u can predict him and u know when his Tornado was ready and he starts E around be patient when he E you .. you wil E away simple as that ... yes it need some practice to do so but you will get a hang of it eventually ”
NotGudAtGame says “A good yasuo will try to kite you so you cant even get close enough to auto attack. He outranges you and does better in extended trades.”
ChrisWasTaken says “The hasagi brothers are realy easy. Level 1 is a flip, I usually go for it. IF you do go for it, you have to dash auto, bait his q, auto auto etc. Basically I think of Xin as a kindof 3rd brother, basically same build only much easier execution.”
desch3445 says “Yasuo matchup is pretty micro-intensive. You're gonna have to juggle dodging his tornados, keeping track of his W CD 'cause a good chunk of your damage is projectile based, procing his passive without overstepping, and god forbid the enemy jungler has a knockup.
Take the First Strike page; Yasuo's a melee champ with unreliable poke. The worst you're gonna have to deal with is his Wind Wall, but that's annoying FS or no FS.”
ThePieBeam says “Yas is a weird champ, but it's really not too bad. His Q is pretty easy to dodge and his windwall can be played around, but his dashes can go over your wall and his E+Q combo is very scary for a widdle Anivia. Basically just play this lane as if his entire effective range is a little ways off of all of your minions. Don't throw 'Q's at him, he'll just E away or W. Basically just try to bait out his windwall with a really good W+E or R+W+E once you get it. If his windwall is down a good R can be devastating to him, just be very careful of him landing a Q2 since if he does that post-6 you're just dead.”
Bairdd says “Do not pick Twisted Fate into Yasuo. He will make lane miserable for you. His windwall blocks your entire kit and he can easily get on top of you.”
Massim00 says “Se il nemico prende Yasuo counterpikkare con Pantheon ti porta a vincere tutto l’early game e a rendere Yasuo inutile per tutta la partita (se I compiangi collaborano).
Da livello 1 bisogna cominciare a colpirlo con la Q ogni volta che si avvicina per fare un minion, cercate di fare il livello due prima di lui, e quando il suo scudo della passiva non é attivo(se é attivo colpitelo per farlo mettere in ricarica) colpite con la w , altri 2-3 auto-attacchi, una Q potenziata e se non é morto l’ignite.
(Consigliato primo set di rune)”
Epic_Semibold says “Really hard matchup. Not impossible... more like a random chance of getting obliterated. Try using your W when he uses Windwall. And do not press E until he lost his W.
Try dodging his skillshot and bait him under down with his ult with your ult. If he has a lane advantage, immediately build anti heal.”
TrueGIXERJ says “very very easy matchup, your Q outranges his so you can poke him with it, and if he decides to engage on you you out-sustain the majority of his damage. The only fears are if he Es away from your R or wind walls your W. but seriously, easy lane.”
Xerathiel says “QWR pass through windwall. Proc his shield with AA. DO NOT PUSH. Winions + his E = your death. He will outsustain your poke. Just ignore him he isn't a threat. ”
Raimi says “His passive shield can limit your burst, but it's not the end of the world. Make sure to wait out windwall so he can't block your ult or hide it. Make sure to kill him as you will get outscaled”
fLeXeRlol says “His W (Wind Wall) is able to block a whole Combo. He's just a Horror to play against with Ahri. Ban Yasuo in the Banning Phase to avoid playing against him.”
Callmebee says “I actually don't know which of the brothers I hate more. Stay a bit to the side/at the very back of your wave, nowhere near close to minions, so he can't dash to you. Farm with abilities but do try not to push, he is good at chasing. Don't try to poke him down outside charging your manaflow band, it's genuinely useless. The white bar he gets represents his shield: if needed (maybe you get a gank) pop this with an AA if it's safe to do so. Tip: your R goes through his Windwall, nothing else does, not even your shield. Take Barrier or Exhaust.”
Eriosunx says “Pretty hard if the Yasuo knows what he is doing.
He can punish every level 1 minion Q with AUTO+Q.
He can also nullify our E with this Windwall if the E collide between it.
Make sure to E orizontally and avoid all-ins if he has windwall up.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Okay so the HASAGI samurai wannabe here can either be a really bad yasuo and get dumpstered like a bronze 4 or he can actually be good and make good E Q trades, effectively cheesing you into your ultimate death.So for those reasons it is generally better to be on the safer side and take a doran's shield,laning pre 6 is in your favor for as long as you dont get yourself MEGA harassed with his tornados so be sure to dodge them,all ins are in your favor,and since yasuo has quite a pushing nature don't hesitate to cheese him with jungler early for the extra tilt on his part,post 6 is also in your favor assuming you didn't horribly screw up,if you do, always consider that cheesy steelcaps rush.Some more smarter yasuo's will try to play you by denying you your passive by E thru minions while it runs out,so for extra kill potential on your part try not to stand near minions unless you know you're gonna kill him,same thing goes for late game if you feel like he can kill you.
Dshield or Dblade.”
Polartech says “Now his shield will parry your Autoattacks and your Q, first problem. Yasuo's Damages is surely higher than Kayle's Damages even after level 6, second problem. Try to play under tower taking less risks possible.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Doran's Blade start.] This is personally my perma ban. This matchup can go very poorly if not handled well. This is the only matchup where I think maxing your E is better because your Q will just be removed by his windwall. Poke him every time he uses his tornado and get your E off before he can get to you. Do full swings and try to maintain distance until he is in kill threat. Post 6 be ready to disengage once he starts dashing through minions.”
lonestar1870 says “Yasuo is definitely a hard matchup for Syndra and a decent ban, but it really depends how good he is at Yasuo. A good Yasuo is really hard for you to deal with.
Good to set up slow pushes & let him push into you.
Freezing is great. He will get bored and go for a bad fight or your jungler will be able to gank him (One of Yas's bigest weaknesses is jungle ganks).
His mobility is tied around him using E on your minions. Throw Q when he isn't near your minions. Go for fights/trades away from minions. If you q-e-w-auto him, make sure to path away from your minions or he will be able to catch up to you.
His windwall will stop your Stun and Ult, butyour W goes through windwall.
You can stun him by predicting when/where he will E, it's easiest to land stun with W-E or E-Q. You need to play very patient and you may die if you miss abilities.
Don't waste abilities when his shield is up, auto him before you trade.
Yasuo can run you down. Don't push up far in lane unless you know you're safe. If he catches you out in river you probably lose the fight.
If he uses his E aggressively behind you early (near your tower), look to E-Q him to stun him under your tower for a free kill (happens a lot in lower elos).
Sitting on cloth/seekers helps a lot if you struggle vs him.”
Adventfaith says “Really comes down to skill on this one. Dodging his q's is vital. You can still tether him through windwall. so keep that in mind for ganks and self heals.”
Desperate Nasus says “Against Yasuo, for starting items buy Cloth armor and 4 potions. On your first recall buy Plated steelcaps and survive as much as you can. Take your second recall once you have gold for Sheen. After you have those 2 items with 100+ stacks you can run him down. Be careful when you all in a Yasuo. Make sure your minion wave isnt that big so he wont be able to dash many times. Bad news are after his Lord dominik's regards and Infinity edge he outscales you. Make sure to finish the game before 30 minutes.”
Markcelzin says “Ezreal DPS isn't realiable. Yasuo can close distance fast and the windwall (W) can nulify all the damage of your skills, leaving you only with Autos with a poor Atk. Speed since you haven't hit any enemy.”
RIPStollie says “The laning phase vs yasuo is not terrible, but the threat with him is his windwall. Later on in the game, try to wait out the ability before throwing your ult, or else you might be really sad.”
BlockPad says “like yone, yasuo still doing crazy damage and can block youre spell so take care. Need to harass a lot, start with Q and care of the timing he can engage you.”
Dorom says “Another skill-matchup I think, but Sylas is more likely to come out victorious than with Xerath. Yasuo will be trying to stay on your ass 24/7 with his Lethal Tempo, which isn't good for either of you. You can try and dash through his windwall and then knock-up him and ult him with his own Last Breath if you guys are already 6. Untill then, Sylas is still better I think.”
Lowkii_d says “Yasuo being able to consistently get on top of you makes it hard to grapplehook and his windwall makes you almost completely useless if used well.”
CashLOL says “Windwall shuts down all of your abilities. A good Yasuo will make teamfights very difficult for you. In lane his shield will need to be autoed off which will normally eat your passive. Lot's of dashes also make him hard to hit.”
Nafnegle says “He out-sustains and out-damages you. Did I mention his mobility? Make use of your max range, try to poke for Manaflow Band and play for teamfights. You CAN kill him early game but you have to know the match-up really well and most of the times it's not worth it. Dodge sideways, not backwards. Late game he becomes very problematic, so you and your team need to CC him and burst. Take Barrier and stay far, far away.”
DanielC0029 says “What can I say here? You heavy counter him, as an extra, on lvl 3you can deal a basic on him to waste his shield and apply a full combo, you win this trade without even using ignite. Use ignite when he flees under tower.”
ShokLoL says “Against Yasuo with ignite and E max you will have a lot of kill threat. Make sure to harass him with auto attacks and try to punish with your E whenever he wastes his tornado.”
pwins says “BAN. THIS. BITCH. Yasuo definitely invalidates Zoe as a champion. Try to hit his shield whenever you can and play passively. Look for an opportunity when he dashes towards you and put him to sleep. Lastly, try to bait out his windwall!”
TorvusDog says “He has a shield that constantly nullifies your "E" damage and the mobility of a god. It really depends on the Yasuo. If they are good then this lane is a nightmare. I would just go normal nasus.”
ObeyRageRr says “Due to him being melee you can get a lot of easy damage off in lane. However, you must watch out for his Q's through minions, You must not attempt to R him when the windwall (W) is in between you and him.
You should never panic R him while getting knocked up, if he R's at the same time it will cancel the sleep.”
Juplicate says “He has lots of dashes, a better early game, more overall damage output, and builds lifesteal. Don't fight against him early unless you are sure you can win, never Q3 if he has his up.”
Miscake says “A windwall é inútil aqui porque você consegue passar por baixo dela com seu E+W. Abuse no early e mantenha vantagem de HP, você deve ser capaz de dar oneshot nele com o back de Alternador Hextech, ainda mais com o setup de Eletrocutar + Ignite.
O único jeito do Yasuo te matar na lane phase é em uma troca longa onde o conqueror esteja completamente stackado e você esteja muito avançado graças à mobilidade infinita dele. Tome cuidado com a build de Brk, ela acaba sendo muito mais efetiva aqui do que a padrão de crítico.
Outra dica é não buildar armaguarda mesmo em situações onde você está atrás, a ult dele dá armor pen de graça então você fica em uma situação melhor tendo mais HP.
Também se acostume a soltar o E mais rápido que o normal, dar menos dano que a quantidade máxima é melhor que não dar dano nenhum contra a parede.
WayOfTheTempesst says “He is a lot stronger until level 3. Just don't take too much damage early and you're fine. He will
look to Windwall your Q3. You can always W his passive away. Try not to fight in the minion wave because he
will E over and over. This matchup is purely a skill matchup after level 3.”
Katawina52 says “Keep track on the minion wave while you're laning, the more minions the easier it is for Yasuo to perma E around like a headless chicken making it hard to trade properly. Yasuo is really vulnerable to ganks because he enjoys perma E'ing in so ping your jungler. Try to always let him come to you when you go for trades so he takes minion aggro aswell, so just let him E in and then you use your W > E onto W (remember that your E resets your autoattack, you're gonna use this a lot in the Yasuo matchup) Try to hold onto your Q as long as possible so he can't windwall it and render it useless (also useful tip in 2v2 fight or if your jungler ganks you). Also remember that fights in the jungle/river are way worse yasuo, because he can't perma E like he can on a minion wave so try to force fights there with your team.”
PlayCabex says “very easy match up against a bad yasuo , just poke and don't fight before lvl 3, your q can go through his windwall. Against a good yasuo it's quite tough to play into. Your best bet is to try to not die in lane and be even in levels”
eiensiei says “REACTIVE lane, not proactive - the only way to win this match-up is through Yasuo's mistakes. I won't step up higher than the line my ranged minions form in lane to avoid him dashing to me with E. I'll AA him whenever he comes close enough to remove his passive, but I won't waste my spells if he still has minions to jump to and dodge (if I hit anything, I'll proc my passive, as long as I STAY BEHIND THE LINE MY RANGED MINIONS FORM IN LANE). After 6 it's ideal if I'm around half HP and I get hit by a Q under my tower and he gets baited into diving me with R, forgetting I have barrier up. Otherwise he's hard to kill (ahead or not) without jungle help. His W doesn't stop Lux's R.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “2 Dorans + Pots / 2 Dorans + Refillable + Tabis + Time Warp Tonic / Minion Demat for survival + Extra Cloth Armor if needed (which later will turn into Zhonya anyway but don't complete
anything until midgame because you will lack damage). Against Yasuo I'd play with Ignite because on ganks it will help you seal the kill, and compared to Zed/Katarina he doesn't have
that much kill pressure till mid game where he might burst you (but by that point you are far away and you have your team with you mostly). Alternative: Heal/Barrier
Perhaps one of the hardest matchups since he deals a lot of constant damage and unlike Cassiopeia who has a mana bar to take care of, his resources are limitless. I hope mostly that
Yasuo is banned by a teammate because I will prob ban Katarina. His kit counters pretty much of our kit. Our E does not deal that much damage to his dash so it's not really reliable, our Q gets easily countered by his W. The main point in this matchup is just to outroam. He will certainly follow but he is predictable in dashes so it's easier for your team to respond after you ganked. Your E will however lategame destroy him if placed properly (and if you are decently farmed/got some kills).
Your minions are his dash points so you will always have an idea of when he can reach you, so play accordingly. His Q's are dodgeable and you should try as much as you can, just side step when you see the animation. You should never get hit by his tornado post 6 because he will ult you. The tornado is much more simpler to dodge than his small Q's. Play with Exhaust, Heal or even Barrier for his ultimate. Always think where he is on the map so he does not catch you off guard and sits on top of your head for the next 10-15 seconds. His follow potential is insane so never get that close and just play safe in lane as much as you can. Ask for ganks if necessary and roam a lot. Try to get the kill with your jungler only when you are 100 percent certain you will get the kill - so when you have a hard cc spell available. You can use W+E through his wall if you position properly and you can get a huge
chunk of burst if you use E right before he dashes to you, BUT stay always close to tower post 6 because he has kill potential on you with his ult.”
Yeager says “Conqueror and fleet footwork both good options as this is a skill match up. Both of you will be playing for the same powerspikes
Things to keep in mind here:
Yasuo can windwall your third Q (unless you're super close to him, then he will still get knocked up) but you can deny his knockups with E2 and R since you can't be CC'ed during this time, so if you play it right, he shouldn't be able to ult you. All of Yone's abilities are skillshots and Yasuo is super mobile, so don't ever use your ultimate if he has minions to dash to. Always try to combine it with a Q3. Yasuo is squishy and Yone has ridiculous burst damage, so you always want to go for the short trades when your E is up and then you back off afterwards. Go for a fake engage to make him waste his windwall and then you can look for a all-in.
xblademojo says “Don't push at any cost, he will jump on the minions 24/7 to punish you. Try to let him push, play around your Force Pulse and iniciate quick trades only. Starting from the level 6 matchups get's easlier and you have outplay potential. Proc his shield with your Null Sphere.”
Polarshift says “You will need near perfect spacing/tethering skills as Ryze. Keep the wave at your side of the lane and don't take extended trades. His windwall will block both your Q and E, but not your W. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
ISterbenI says “Annoying matchup. Just play safe and farm. But don't forget to punish his mistakes. Also try to land a sneaky Q on him, and if you do, don't forget to also E him. But don't get too close!”
TygoVe says “He can't do anything against you in lane, you outscale him and your ult does wonders against him in teamfights, basically just a free matchup. Only thing that can go wrong is that he will get a bunch of kills on his roams, but you can still easily destroy him in teamfights.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “This guy is definition of counterpick (if he knows what he is doing). Main problem is that he is hard to poke, due to his E. Another thing is that, if you try to autoattack minions, he can jump through them and harass you a bit and then just jump back, which will make laning against him annoying. Another thing is, that when he uses his wind wall, he can deny your farm, expecially if you try to last hit under your tower. Its really tricky even in lategame, when your team tries to go all-in against him, because if he uses right wind wall, you basically are unable to deal damage properly for several seconds, where in meantime your entire frontline might melt. On the other hand if he gets behind, he is not too hard to deal with, but it's always going to be frustrating.”
Avucado says “Start Q and try to hook him, the shield will absorb your q and part of your first auto. Never E through him because he can dodge it very easily or just windwall it. Ask for ganks because you never win 1v1 unless ahead and half of your kit is countered by windwall. Roam if possible but he can shove really fast so be careful not to lose too much. Steelcaps are really good if they have more ad on their team.
Matchup is a 4 in threat if he has other champs with knockups on his team. Dodge if he has a diana on his team.”
crabbix says “Did you know Yasuo's windwall can't block your q or w? Most yasuos don't! Poke heavily, use autos to pop his shield when safe to do so. Standing in your minion wave will result in death.”
LunarVortex says “The Yasuo matchup is surprisingly easy. He has no magic damage to break your shield and he can only get out of your R if there's targets to dash on nearby. Don't try to Q him if his Windwall is ready, instead, start the fight with ult, wait for the ult to stun him, then melee range Q him. Exhaust makes this matchup a lot easier. In teamfights, prevent him from doing anything with your E. Shut him down with Q and R as soon as he goes in. His best bet here is to sidelane instead because you make teamfights too difficult for him.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Same thing as Irelia but this guy can also block all your spells with his shield. Don't push the lane, try to keep the wave just in front of your turret range and wait for ganks or just scale up safely. Yasuo players tend to make 'silly' mistakes, punish him when he messes up.”
Yeager says “Yasuo loves this matchup. Early game you need to let him push the wave. You can try get a freeze infront of tower so you can farm safe. A good Yasuo will always win this matchup 1 v 1, so you need to stay safe and farm until your lvl 6. At level 6 you gank the other lanes and get your teammates ahead so they can carry. ”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Even matchup, if he runs fleet he out sustains and if he runs conqueror he out trades. One mistake and it might be gg mid. Most yasuo's play like kamikazes though so is easily gankable. Early steelcaps and seekers, bramble is viable as well.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Yasuo is a decent matchup for LB but it can work in favour for Yasuo if
he plays it well. Bait windwalls out with Q/autos. Land chains on him(very important). If he windwalls your chains, you'll be forced to dash or flash away. Edit: In patch 9.3 Crit items were changed and have made Yasuo even stronger especially with the new Phantom Dancer. I would suggest trying your best to snowball/killing him as many times possible early before he gets his Phanton Dancer then start roaming as you will not be able to kill him once he get's PD.”
Yeager says “Let him push the wave and attempt to freeze at your side of the lane. He's melee so he can't do anything if you get a freeze. His windwall can block your ball mid-movement, so it stops right infront of his W.
Corrupting potion is a good start into Yasuo, as you can get a lot of extra damage with autos and abilities. It also screws up his passive shield .
Fuzzmonkey says “Ok, so I found Yasuo to be completely aggravating to deal with. Baiting his windwall is extremely hard since your E animation isn't exactly fast. I'd highly recommend trying to bait his W out to do anything to him. Otherwise he'll be able to walk all over you.”
iZianni says “E
Windwalls our ult, I hate this guy.
You win pre-4, but once the mobility becomes an issue you basically can't touch him. Wind wall is just too impactful in this match up, look to win team fights through pick potential.
Aegox says “His wind wall will block almost all damage you do. He'll dash onto you and almost instantly kill you. Pretty much your only hope if he gets close to you is to hit an E and run.”
Folver says “Don't get too hit by his Q abilities, which you can try to hit him with every missed Q.
When it has Double Q just wait
I recommended playing ignite flash
Doran Shield safer
But I like Doran Blade :D”
wDesired says “You do nothing to him lvl 1 just try to get all your CS until you get at least lvl 3 and start poking him , let him waste his windwall before going all in.”
ToHadesWithYou says “Another mobility champ. Be carefull to not play aggressively, cause he could rush from the minions. Depending on the player, if he could block your E that is a trouble. But if he uses his W after you hit him with your E, try to hit him from sideways or even use your passive cause it pierces through his shield.”
mrmundo says “A skill matchup. Try not to be near minions too much because he benefits from them. He can infinitely dash and dodge your abilities. If you catch him off guard, you can easily beat him. Be wary of his windwall. It can block your E and R ”
ShokLoL says “Honestly it's a pretty good 1v1 matchup with electrocute ignite as long as you make sure to get rid of his passive shield before you fight, and don't get your E wind walled. The main reason this is hard is because Yasuo will normally be paired with Diana or Gragas which makes teamfights absolute hell for you. Definitely pick up a zhonya second item.”
leonidas44 says “He has a lot of mobility. Use protobelt or q to destroy his shield. Be careful when you go in to take minions or to deal him dmg. Use your w wisely so you can stun him and get dmg to him. After the protobelt rush anti-healing if he takes immortal shieldbow.”
Kords says “Yasuo is a funny one. He is hard to deal with but as you get better at Sol, the easier this matchup becomes. Yasuo start Q are a free lane, just shove them in, Yasuo's that start E however, is an entirely different story. You have to give up priority for that time being and farm safely, otherwise you take bad trades and you don't really want that. During the rest of the lane. You will most likely be forced to stay mid because his ability to take towers are among the best in the game, and you REALLY cannot afford to give up mid tower so early. But what you can do is force a gank on him, he can get caught in the middle of trying to EQ you, just use your ult on him to slow him, wait for windwall to Q him, it blocks it. Should you be in the position to get ulted, you can ult him under tower after he lands from his ult. He outscales you every time, so make sure to stay away from him later on.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo can be quite difficult if they have a strong AP jungler, the most important thing is not to waste mana. If you throw skills you have to be sure they will hit otherwise you will run oom. Recommend phase rush TP.”
ShokLoL says “QW trades will be really good for you. Make sure to pop his shield before going in. Be careful of him dodging your W with E. Save E for when he dashes onto you and try not to let it get windwalled.”
iZianni says “Windwall = Ball stops
Its hard to hit a 900 dash champion and deal with his sustain from omnivamp. Side laning is a nightmare due to wind wall too because he can kill us very easily, but I think this match up is Orianna favored skill wise.”
Ambitieux says “Yasuo matchup is like the Fizz matchup, its nearly impossible except for Yasuo its more of a mental block. If your able to bait out Yasuo wind wall the champions isn't that good against you, but early lane his passive allows himself to stay in lane and naturally farm for boots/attack speed were the lane slowly gets harder. I very hard suggest jungler support in this matchup, look for charm when he is dashing through minions and try to throw it out at either erratic times, or point blank in his face. A big secret though is he CANNOT w while he is animation for his tornado q. This is the safest time to land a charm, BUT this is also a double edged sword because if you miss, you could die. Probably look for armguard TECH and roaming around map. And double armor runes.”
Elite500 says “Can be EASY AF or HARD AF, all depends on how good the yasuo is, if you play consistantly though you'll have experienced this matchup a lot, aa his shield away, play around his tornado, pool it at level 6, q him at every chance you get, play mindgames with his windwall, let go of E super early sometimes, fuck with his brain”
Dr Eggmund says “His early game threat is his mobility advantage in you, this is the time where you need to play sensible. With no mana costs and spamable abilities, he has the upper-hand so respect him. He is very prone to jungler ganks so it may be best to wait for one, otherwise test him out with some pokes and get a feel for what you can get away with in this match-up.”
Baion says “His only counterplay is his Wind Wall against your E and his mobility. Poke him when he last hits minions and destroy him early game to get a mid gap at late game. Your ult is really strong against him.”
kindo says “Yasuo is much easier of a matchup than you'd think. Many of the small lane trades he takes benefit Kindred more than him, you can walk up to auto his shield off whenever, just save W for when he engages and uses windwall. When he throws windwall, drop W so that the windwall is near the edge, walk to the other side of your W circle and wait. If he stands in the windwall, your W will continuously bite him for free damage. If he walks past the windwall, you win in melee range. Never fight when your W is down. Even post level 6 you can win by baiting him in to overextend in your ult and execute him after. Something to note, it is possible to get your ult off between the point his ult damage hits and throws his q. It's tight timing, but spamming it is possible. The problem with yasuo begins when midgame comes around and team fights start. A teammate with a knockup can easily bring him on top of you and force your ult, then disengage with windwall. Given your long ult CD, this tends to be a problem and he can snowball hard from it. Just be aware what knockups exist on the enemy team and try to not let him get in range for free.”
iZianni says “You basically just afk farm because you are permanently pressured in this match up without jungle assistance.
He can't kill you because of the range advantage, but you can't really do anything to him either.
You can easily win through team fights, but Yasuo is a hit or miss 1v9 so giving him that opportunity is scary.”
Baion says “High mobility and Wind Wall. Yasuo is a great counter to you. Don't engage, just wait he goes to you. And his shield is really annoying. Best combo when he dashes to you: Q + 3AA's and E to leave.”
Zethal_Na says “If you are inexperienced vs yasuo as cassio, this matchup will be really hard. DO not throw out your qs as decent yas will dodge them easily. If he dashes towards you, q onto yourself.”
Coldsong says “Yasuo is a skill matchup. If he is good, his W will negate 80% of your damage and he will dodge every W you throw out with his E. Make sure to play around his passive shield by breaking it early and don't engage when he has his tornado Q up. Plated Steelcaps is good into him as well since his Q counts as a basic attack.”
DemonDiana says “Scales better, more lane sustain, windwall to block Q, can fight you at all times. Can take Elec into the matchup as Conq doesnt give enough healing or AP in early-mid game to reliably trade/fight him. Yasuo's weakness is fighting in an area w/o minions to E to and this is when you can fight him reliably. Yasuo is weak to a camping jungler and Diana is great with a camping jungler. ”
Shikikashi says “He outscales us late game and can easily beat us in the early game, best thing to do is max E first since we cannot hit him with our Q in most times, especially if it is a good Yasuo, bait him to using windwall so that we can then all in him if we are ahead.”
zedlove6969 says “This depends on the yasuo player, if its a yasuo OTP, you may be screwed because he knows how to play with his windwall to block your double/triple Q's. If its a new yasuo player, you should be fine for the most part because they won't know how to play around his windwall.”
TismoTheTilted says “Bait out his windwall and try to remove his passive shield with your Q before doing your combo.
Try to stay away from minions in fights, and if he's sure to R you, you can dodge it with yours.”
Marxismo says “Another super easy matchup. He can only tornado slowly at early levels, so if you dodge his first tornado, get in for free harass. At 6, just ult whenever you think he will ult you, and then all-in him while hes trying to recharge his tornado. Even if he lands ult on you, you can usually take him on.”
resetwice says “He scales well so take care. Use your W to remove his passive shield. If he wastes E to get closer to you use you mQ for crit damage. Remember that his windwall can block your combo so only all win if this ability isn't up. Try buying Executioner's or Serpent's Fang is he's feed. BEST RUNES TO GO: CONQUEROR”
Kessi says “This matchup is whoever thinks ahead of the other one. He's probably gonna abuse his lvl 2 and outpush you. Tradings are safe (with bush) but I recommend getting his passive out before
doing so. Remember Yasuo is still really squishy. Perfect example of a skill matchup.”
Beardo1557 says “Quite easy pre 6 but after lvl 6 if he catches you with an ult you will die as he can stand inside you to deny you using your e to escape”
MaiconMST says “Com essa runa pode ser complicado, por causa da barreira de vento, que pode atrapalhar todo o combo, e também sua mobilidade que faz você errar o Q e o W facilmente.”
Nodrog says “His windwall can stop your 2 shuriken throws from you and your shadow, and you cant get your electrocute proc. He also has high mobility making it hard to land your combos.”
jmo0 says “Yasuo is another tough matchup for Ahri. A skilled yasuo will hold his wind-wall for your charm, but play around its cooldown and try to bait it out with a Q or W. MAKE SURE to take off his shield with a Auto Attack before trading, and rush seekers. ”
angeLoon says “he can punsih you very easily early,but if you be patient you will just win.
try to not mess up your minion wave to give him a free freeze”
Sylvan Lore says “Yasuo is a matchup that you will improve at over time. I used to think it was a lot worse than it is. Early game when he is a low threat, make sure to auto attack him to get his passive shield down before going for a trade. Take not of whether or not he takes Q or E level 1 as he can surprise you with mobility and damage by taking E level 1. You outrange him but if he ever gets close to you or lands an ult, you are in for a lot of pain. I would recommend building some armor so you can take a bit of damage, but mostly you just want to get lots of damage to poke him out before the trade starts. Always respect his ability to get close to you through a minion wave and he should be fine.
Recommend: Exhaust and Vs. AD Assassin. This is the one time i take exhaust against a champion since there is always enough time to exhaust him while he is Ulting you and you can block tons of his all in. ”
Wholesomefrog says “He can basically block everything you have, i would consider banning him because if hes good you will end up feeding him very hard.”
In toplane it's impossible! You need jungle ganks or it's a go next!
Still very difficult in midlane, but atleast a bit more playable. His windwall and general mobility is not playable in a 1v1 situation. With ganks it can be okay.”
Saddest says “Stay away from your minions, as he will use them to get to you and inflict a max damage E on you. Avoid the ranged Q's. Everyone knows that you cannot duel a Yasuo, so do not make an attempt to take an extended fight with him unless you're extremely sure it will end with him dying and not you. Try and proc his shield with your Q bounce (he will wind wall a direct Q) and quickly trade him and whittle him down until you can take him out. If he R's you, E away from him as he will have temporary armor penetration that gives him a tremendous spike in damage. You usually do not want to all in him until his wall is used, so be conscious of it and its CD.”
Yumi Project says “This two matchup are a waste of time
He cant kill you, but can Outfarm you.
your all-in is better BTW. (but his healing are better then yours).”
Avyxia says “Windwall counters us entirely so force it out if you want to try anything but he just destroys us with his e being able to dash everywhere too”
SpoonMe says “This windshitter's windwall can mess you up pretty bad. He can also get on top of you pretty easily and you can't do anything about it.
If the yasuo player isn't the best, this will probably be an easy matchup.”
Potato Power says “Slippery slip slip, his stupid pasive shield and E are so annoying... and on top of that he farms so well, this is basically just a farming contest and nothing else”
Mr. Popper says “This is a skill based matchup. get in his head dodge his Q's and respect how fast he can gap close.
I recommend taking a tanky build with frostfire gauntlet or goredrinker with a more damage focused build.”
Impossible2Gank says “Due to the nature of his kit and not needing mana he can be troublesome early game but still easy to bait for your jungler though so look out for those plays.”
Mylan2122 says “Doable but he can dodge a lot just by clicking e. Your Q and W go through his wind wall so it is practically useless. You should be able to keep enough social distance to mitigate his threat. ”
ReapeRGP says “Don't play near minions and dodge the tornados the best you can. Bait his W before using your R. Consider taking Exhaust and build Zhonya's.”
N0EG0 says “Hard lane, can be playable though. break shield with your Q and try to E him if he dashes on minions or W as he last hits. don't take long trades u almost never win them. try your best to save R to dodge his nado at 6+. ”
duhnx says “If you take short trades and focus on not getting ulted, you can easily win this. Just don't get cocky and remember that his windwall blocks Q and E.”
King Turtle says “He's someone you can occasionally poke, and win quick trades against. with your wide swing you can sometimes bypass his wind wall and get some cheap damage off.”
richardlized says “A skill matchup, Yasuo is in theory a Zed counter since his windwall can block Zed’s Qs and he can also dash away from them. In this matchup, Conqueror E max is recommended. Level 1 just try to farm and same with level 2. Level 3 wait for yasuo to stack up his nado, walk up to him so he uses it and immediately WEQW forward to dodge his nado and get a easy trade. After 6, if he is around half hp, ult him and start autoing him while weaving Es into the combo. Note that you DO NOT want to ult him when he has nado stack, because a good yasuo will just Q behind yourself or do the point blank EQ flash guaranteed knockup trick.
Katasandra says “[1] Your W instantly stops his dash
[2] Don't sit in your minion wave: your minions are his mobility.
[3] Back off when his 3rd Q is up and dodge it.
[4] His W blocks your E. Be careful when pushing up as this can deny your escape if his jungle ganks him.”
PH45 says “Try to pick fights when there aren't many creeps for him to dash around. Try to stay out of line with your minions when he is farming so you won't get poked at the same time when he is farming. He is relatively squishy so you can probably take him on but try to take out his shield before a fight. Dash around his windwall to make it as useless as possible. ”
Thresh Mid says “Likewise with Yone, Yasuo is impossible for Thresh to death with. With multiple ways to disengage from your damage, and his windwall killing your engage from Death Sentence.”
Hienaa says “All super easy because they are melee, and if you hit 1 Q on them, they get instantly half hp and cant even contest the trade, super free lanes.”
xMetix says “Take down his shield with long range Qs before trading. Watch out for his windwall when you want to ult, they will usually use it instantly when you dash with E so just wait it out with Grass.”
DabiDabi says “Yasuo is probably the most skill based match up for Talon. Yasuo hitting his Q's determines the fight, so try to avoid them. Calculate his windwall so you won't miss both of your W. Yasuo will usually windwall backwards to block your returning W and dash to you to hit melee knockup. If his windwall is down, W to proc his passive and all in him if you are sure you can kill him, or at least not lose trade.”
Nanelol says “Tough matchup but not the worst. If he freezes the wave ping your jungler. Play with your W around him, Q when he has his shield up again and trade with AA and W.”
DabiDabi says “Level 1, try to poke him with your Q while avoiding his Q's. Your Q is both longer and wider range than Yasuo's. Dodge his tornadoes. Let Yas dominate level 2. You'll win from lvl 3 and up. This matchup is actually very easy, it all depends on who gets more hits onto each other. Your Passive bypasses his Windwall.”
Nanelol says “His windwall will negate pretty much all of your damage, because it takes away Q. Be really careful because he's very mobile and a skilled Yasuo will make your life Hell. If he goes on you, the best bet is to kite him out as much as you can. Stay back from the wave and let it push into you. If he's going to tower dive, try and root him. If he hits you with a tornado, I'd kiss yourself goodbye, because he's gonna ult you, and you probably stand no chance after he does. ”
tozosi says “Skill matchup. Try to get a good trade off at level 2 by proccing passive since Yasuo players almost always go E level 2 and just press it on the entire wave for some reason. If you're able to get a good trade level 2, then the lane shouldn't be difficult. If he happens to get some kills early though, you're lane is usually pretty screwed unless Yasuo misplays.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Yasuo is actually surprising even, don't be scared. Max your E, against Yasuo with how much he spams his Q and E. Your E should be up 90% of the time. Conqueror in this matchup is your best friend. The dueling from E and Conqueror is so strong. Don't forget to R away if he has his tornado to prevent an E-Q guaranteed knock-up. Frozen Heart into Yasuo is actually quite effective, the armor for his damage. The mana to match his sustain and the Ability Haste that allows you to stack your conqueror quickly. The passive to reduce his attack speed which affects his Q cd.”
3Riptide3 says “Counters AP TF but not AD. When he engages on you cycle through your cards to threaten his full dive when he overextends past windwall. Punish when the opportunity presents itself.”
Nanelol says “He Has All Tools To Deal Against You. His Windwall Blocks Your E, Avoid Staying Near Minions and try to bait out his Windwall and then use your E. But as most Yasuo Players tend to play aggresively, get help from your jungler as he burns out his "W". He wont be able to his W much often and will play much more safe.
Gamile 99 says “Este puede ser un enemigo molesto porqué está todo el rato moviendose y tiene mucho daño y sustain, pero si la jugamos bién no tendriamos porqué perder.”
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Respect his early mobility and poke. Giving up some early cs is fine. Farm up and outscale him. ”
Jinx_48 says “He healing so much with d blade early try to poke his passive shield with Q short trade with him with using W in the end. His ult from your hand can be only used fast while second E when you land it so spam like yas main this .”
FYCK says “Yasuos wind wall (W) is very overpowered against ranged champs.
His wind wall can block all enemy projectiles except tower shots.
He can play around the wind wall, poke you down from behind the wall and you will die in no time. Only try to go in when he has already used his wind wall.
Note: Yasuo also has a shield as a passive. You can bypass that shield by simply just autoattacking him once when his passive/shield meter is full. Serpents Fang will be very useful against them filthy Yasuo mains as it removes some of the shield.”
Nanelol says “You have to understand Yasuo's R mechanics and where he will be placed to win against him. Place a smart stun field post-6 to trap him when he ults and pre-6, poke him out while keeping your distance. Since your empowered auto attack goes through windwall, abuse him when you can then peace out when he starts stacking his Q. Preferred rune: Summon Aery/Phase Rush ”
lolzayno says “High mobility making it hard to hit skill shots. Has wind wall to block abilities which heavily counters ziggs. During the early game you want to get auto attacks off when he steps up to farm if possible. Standard combo to maximize damage when he goes up to farm is auto + q + auto. When he aggresively charges at you with his dashes and gets closer to turret, use satchel to knock him into turret to force damage on yasuo. Satchel is essential in this matchup as its the only ability to use to get separation other than flash.”
Sanctuar says “Experienced Yasuo players will close the gap quickly to deal damage in the most efficient way possible. Always make sure to keep your distance and past level 6, punish him with your entire combo if he commits into a fight. He is a melee champion, so harass him as much as possible to prevent him from dominating the lane.”
fanchessfan says “Most people would say that Yasuo is a very bad matchup for Vayne, but he's .... Yasuo. If he dies once, he will reach his powerspike in no time. In the mid-game, you must be very careful in side-lanes as once Yasuo goes 0/10 recall immediately and hide in your fountain until he goes 0/11.
On a more serious note, against Yasuo if you get knocked up once your pretty much dead. However with q-max you should hopefully be able to dodge each of his nados. If he tries to e onto you you can simply e him away. Both the range of your auto attacks and the range of your E outrange Yasuo's e so if you space well he shouldn't be a problem. ”
shidonryoku says “Unpleasant match, you will be farming under the tower. In general, it is possible to kill him after level 6, if you dodge at least one Q and wind. After buying 40 AP, you can poke him very often and a lot, after 6 lvl you have even more opportunities for poking. Rape him.”
Vispectra says “Ah Yasuo , this one is entirely skill based. A good Yasuo will often Q dash into your face Autoattack you knock you up and dash away , leaving you barely any time to react to it. The one's that abuse auto-attacks are the ones that will hurt you the most. Fleet is a good option into Yasuo and you max E to not only slow him to stop him from getting to you , but it also goes right through windwall. You can often R the second he has knocked you up which will displace you although you'll still be ulted by him you can make it so that he is under your tower. He scales pretty well so don't rely on your late that much into this.”
Iannis623 says “// Can counter you easly //
His windwall can screw you over completely, block all your abilities and since you're a slow attacker, if he jumps on you, you're done for”
RTO says “E can be used constantly as gap closer as long as he has minions around. Be wary of his tornado. His windwall will block your Q and put it on CD. Get armor!”
StarTundra says “Yasuo's biggest assets are his gap closing E, his windwall which blocks all of your abilities, and his shield which prevents your burst from doing 40% hp and cuts it down to a measely 25-30%. Fighting yasuo as anivia is one of the more big brain matchups that aren't just dodging everything because they outrange you. In order to fight yasuo, you have to play near perfectly. Take phase rush, Proc his passive shield whenever it's up with an AA. also just kinda chuck those at him early whenever possible because he can't do anything about it except maybe use his third Q. After he gets his dash always be wary because he can engage on you at any time so long as you are within minion range, and your q wont save you until after his windwall is gone. You can bait out his windwall with E's and AA's pretty effectively. Yasuo is very dangerous and should be treated with caution”
Basse74 says “Really high mobility, short cooldowns and a great amount of damage makes Yasuo very hard to play against if you cant get your w and e off at the right time and dont have enough early damage with your items.”
SeptikYT says “Similar to Yone, it is a skill matchup but it is more Garen favored. Dodge his Q3 and also play behind your minions as he will dash to them. Take Conqueror or Grasp depending on whether you need to be a tank or do damage.
cookanarities says “Yasuo is much easier of a matchup than you'd think. Many of the small lane trades he takes benefit Kindred more than him, you can walk up to auto his shield off whenever, just save W for when he engages and uses windwall. When he throws windwall, drop W so that the windwall is near the edge, walk to the other side of your W circle and wait. If he stands in the windwall, your W will continuously bite him for free damage. If he walks past the windwall, you win in melee range. Never fight when your W is down. Even post level 6 you can win by baiting him in to overextend in your ult and execute him after. Something to note, it is possible to get your ult off between the point his ult damage hits and throws his q. It's tight timing, but spamming it is possible. The problem with yasuo begins when midgame comes around and team fights start. A teammate with a knockup can easily bring him on top of you and force your ult, then disengage with windwall. Given your long ult CD, this tends to be a problem and he can snowball hard from it. Just be aware what knockups exist on the enemy team and try to not let him get in range for free.”
httprmc says “Same as Yone : he outstats you and can dash you in from the other side of the lane so be careful kite him around. Whatever happens, DO NOT let him ult you”
TheWerefloof says “Makes your ultimate more useless then it is, but pre 6 has nothing on you. He has to be in your wave to use his mobility, so marking him for your swing should be very easy. Don't engage if he has wind, or when he has boots + 1 stack towards it since he can get it pretty quick. Though that doesn't matter if you dodge it, ofc.”
InstalockVayne says “Skill matchup, play around he's Windwall, go in if he wastes it and if you fighting hold your autos when he uses it and get to a better position.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Yasuo has higher base damage than Yone early game while having more mobility due to his E. This makes the early game against him rough. After item power spikes you beat him. Take the Standard page and Armor.”
PRoli03 says “Not easy but manageable. You have to play this lane as boring as possible. He can walk up but you can run. Try not to lose early on and make him lose patience. An overaggressive yasuo is easy to bring down. (Lethal tempo)”
P3PPR says “its like the Yone matchup (see the tiny tab) but windwall makes it a tad harder. a good Yasuo wont get caught but in hindsight when was the last time you saw a good Yasuo? ”
iamcasualty says “A good yasuo will dodge your skill shots, windwall your stun plus ult. he'll spin circles around you. A bad yasuo will waste his windwall and not reliably use his E dash to dodge your skill shots. tank brand is fun into him :)”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Durante la fase de líneas mantente al tanto de cada cuanto tiene su tornado para intentar dodgearlo, evita estar pegado a la oleada de minions ya que se puede acercar con su E, y asegúrate de ver cuando gasta su muro de viento, ya que con este puede cancelar nuestro aturdimiento, cuando tenga nivel 6 deberías considerar Zhonyas para evitar su tornado y al mismo tiempo evitar que use su definitiva.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Seeker's Armguard and/or Plated Steelcaps early. He have too much sustain along with an item powerspike. Either wait for your jungler to gank your lane or outroam him as much as you can.
A55AILANT says “Windwall (W) can stop the majority of your damage, he's extremely mobile and can shred through you easily. Try keep the wave near your tower, kite him and try to avoid his tornados.
Avoid extended trades.”
Boomblight says “gg ez, In lane start using e and then q him and instantly recast to stun so there is no way for him to outplay you with minions. You will never lose 1v1 with mortal reminder”
3pitesgiro says “If you are not careful he is a major threat, but you can deal with him with the help of your jungle. Try to trick him to use his wall, after he uses it, throw all your spell on him and you will be fine”
SirGRC says “Keystone: Fleet
I have had a lot of games sense this was last updated and all you need to do to deal with Yasuo is to just play like a coward. Hug you tower and try not to leave it. Dodge his tornados and his Q pokes. He will get annoyed and either try and tower dive or fall behind or off as the game progresses sense he cannot get any gold. Be careful thought because of his split push potential. ”
Dimitrisbabas1 says “Yasuo is a good matchup because he cant touch you with most of his attack while you are in your E nad also u have 0 projectiles witch makes his W ussless.”
GhoastlyGiant9352 says “kite him well and you can win in the early game if you dont sidestep his tornado you will lose lane pressure.
his 10 death power spike is your main fear.”
Oxydation says “Skill matchup. Dont play it, if you are not confident on Akali. Yasuo has so much Playmaking potential. Dodge his E Q(Whirlwind) combo with your E and W if he Tornado you, so he cant R(he need to see you to R you).”
DeathStar04 says “Debating on whether Yasuo is a Major Threat or an Extreme Threat. Dealing with Yasuo can be very tricky, as his Q3 can poke you out if the Yasuo can predict your movement. He also has no mana, and low cooldowns, meaning he can poke you very frequently. Also, the biggest downside to this matchup is his Windwall (W). It can block your Auto-Attacks, your Q (Empowered Auto-Attacks), your W, your E (although a good Yasuo shouldn't be blocking your E), and worst of all, your R. It has a long cooldown at Level 1, but Yasuo can easily put a few points into W before maxing E, or just max W second (He always maxes Q cause it's Yasuo). A very good ban choice.”
NINSHINIK says “Every Yasuo player are bully lane because he can farm better and faster than you on every phase of the game. Get babysitted by your jungler to shut him down (when he will be 0/4) for longer game.
pastizio53 says “wouldnt say extreme but its more like even. He can actually kill you if you take 2 many bad trades. If your jungler is good and reacting to his overextends than its free elo but you cant depend on that and thats where yasuo gets really annoying.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to play because of his mobility. Upside is that his windwall can only block your stun, so be careful when using it. Be aggresive early and always try to poke, dont step too far tho since he can easily go in through the wave.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to play because of his mobility. Upside is that his windwall can only block your stun, so be careful when using it. Be aggresive early and always try to poke, dont step too far tho since he can easily go in through the wave.”
Daers says “Get your W first, and try to get his shield passive down whenever it comes up. Go in for quick trades since he beats you in sustained fights. Don't go on him if his passive is up. Keep poking him with your Q. Take ignite.”
SpartanDumpster says “Definitely a skill match up. Right now I'd say it's more in Yone's favor, partly because he is newer. Yasuo's pretty common to see, sometimes it feels like not banning him might as well be an invitation for someone to play him. As Yone, you could have the advantage of having more experience against Yasuo's, you might have some idea how they tend to play, when they'll try to engage, etc. Yasuo could have the advantage of having more experience with the champ, since they could have been playing him since a good while before Yone was released or even on PBE. So while you've only had months to practice Yone at this point, that Yasuo could have had years!
One advantage Yone has is that both of your Q knock ups have about the same duration. If you and Yasuo Q3 at each other at about the same time, you'll both get knocked up and be interrupted for the same amount of time. This could mean two things, early on, you both have the chance to back off and sort of reset in lane. Once you have your ults, Yasuo can't use his since he was also knocked up, but you could still use yours once you're back on the ground. Of course, if there's anything for him to dash to, he could dodge your ult pretty easy.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Yasuo can be annoying, but even with GOOD Yasuos in Low Elo, they're not a big problem for you. Windwall does not block your R and it has a long cooldown anyway.”
VeneficusFerox says “Seriously annoying with his Wind Wall, blocking each and every one of your attacks. Avoid matchup when possible. Also because he will feed on your team mates, just like Diana.”
Excalibxr says “This matchup is very Yasuo favored, although it is my current favorite matchup for Katarina, as there is a kind of dance to it. Yasuo can dash through your daggers to dodge the damage. Make sure you have proc'd his shield when you try to trade him or you won't win the trade. When you place a dagger, stand on the center of it, and if he tries to e through it, walk backwards so that he can't dodge it. Past level 6, use your e to get behind him when he uses his 3rd Q. When you ult, make sure he has already used windwall because it will block your ultimate. ”
Joseph Evanss says “He will beat you early a little bit, and the matchup is super volatile. If you and your jungler kill him its basically over and you also out scale him by a lot because your champion is simply better. Try to be close up to him when you use q3 because the first half of the ability cannot be windwalled, also use w or a q to break his shield if its up before going in. If he presses q on a minion you can walk up for a free q because his will be on cd but then walk away. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade.”
ahspaghetti says “track the minion wave as yasuo will be able to e around the wave like a headless chicken. in this matchup you will always want to use auto -> e -> auto combo. so the best way to respond to yasuo enage is to w -> auto -> e -> auto -> pickup dagger -> auto -> e -> auto. but make sure you get rid of his shield first. remember that you almost always want to fight in the jungle or river as yasuo is less mobile in which he cannot e around as much.”
BlackIllusion1 says “Very hard matchup, go d blade for start and rush BOTRK. Try to all in him lvl 3 but wait for his passive to be off. Keep in mind his Wind Wall is 30s cd on lvl 1. ”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Dont go for a 1v1 without removing his shield and poking him he will kill you really easy and has windwall which can dodge your q or r”
7daysko says “Use your AAs to proc his passive. His wall is better than yours and if he's any good, he will attempt to play around it when fighting you. Don't try to fight him around your creeps as he can potentially dodge everything. This matchup favors you hard late-game, but your laning phase is going to be sub-optimal.”
JoshAy says “Don't let him poke you down and you'll be fine. He is mobile so hitting your E will be hard especially with windwall. Try and get onto him with a W before so he can't windwall you. Your E2 is a knockup so you can use his ult. Ult is okay for 1v1 and can be really good in teamfights if you have a knockup on your team.”
JustMTK says “A good yasuo can be a real pain 1V1 as qiyana. He'll be able to block some spells with his windwall (including ultimate). Also since he's dashing through minnions some Q's won't be able to hit.”
ryzetrox says “Yeah braindead yasuos wont win against you but good ones will be untouchable. You basically have no abilities thanks to his E and windwall. After he gets PD hes immortal. You wont kill him.”
harris tegas says “the only thing that is scary is his W because he is problem for your Q and E but do him do it first . but if you cant just try to dont block your E”
The Jhin Cena says “Take either Conqueror Rune Page. A Yone vs Yasuo lane typically comes down to a skill match up, though personally I think Yone has a slight edge over Yasuo in the mid to late game. While Yasuo has the tools to outplay a Yone, it is easier to outplay a Yasuo as Yone. The most reliable engage I use is if Yasuo has his Q stacked, I stand away from him and once he throws it, use my E to dodge and then engage from there. If Yasuo tries to dash his Q onto you, you can also avoid the stun by casting your E and recasting it right when he dashes onto you, and from there you can duel him since he won't be able to dodge your abilities by dashing through you. If Yasuo tries to ult you, face your ult toward him and right when he ults, you will get your ult off and teleport behind him. This however is a last resort if you don't have your E to dodge his Q. If Yasuo windwalls, it will block the projectile of your Stacked Q, but to counter this simply get close enough to Yasuo to where you will dash through the wall and knock him up. ”
Ryank30 says “Fleet or Conqueror. It is very Yasuo favored in the early game, but his damage output is almost the same as yours. Respect his mobility early on, and try to punish him if he misses his Q3, and use your E and your own Q3 to fight back.Take short trades only. His annoying dashes and Wind Wall makes it easy for you to miss your skill shots, so when fighting him mid to late game try to take advantage of him when he has no other targets to dash to. You both are playing for the same exact power spikes so keep that in mind. It's pretty much down to whoever lands more Q's and dodges the most skillshots, which Yasuo is more favored in that too. He is one of the easiest champions to gank so try to freeze your lane and call for jungle help if you need it. You scale much harder than him so once you snowball you take the game from there.”
Campersnake says “Wait till he use the Windwall then autoattack with Hail of Blades, put the 3 marks, use R to proc the marks and charge your Q + W, then he is dead.”
Mpegial says “**CK WINDWALL PIECE OF ***. Sorry just got a little mad the windwall literally blocks all my damage. Generally you want to bait his windwall and kill him with a full combo afterwards.”
eternalkuuseki says “you have higher base stats lvl1. do not trade with him before you get e. if you're running him down, use flash before your e, as that will force his flash, then just catch up with e. in lane just don't get hit by tornadoes. most yasuo's in bronze will get overconfident and int if he gets ahead. use this to your advantage.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “This is a skill base matchup in my mind with the only thing that makes this champion annoyinng is that he has his wind wall which can block your w and ult so you can't get passive easily. yasuo players always most of the time take q + e then get their wall after so thats when you take action”
Zileni says “Pretty much skill and having knowledge in Yasuo. If you dodge his Tornado early you should be good, W yourself if he is about to go on you. If he has a huge wave he has a better chance in winning against you. You can also W yourself if he has Tornado up, just walk into it and they won't expect the W.”
mihaila says “Very good matchup. U can dodge his Q with E. Take his ult only in E2, either he will block ur R with windwall, u can use ult while u are stealing it in E2 as well. Buy antiheal in midgame.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Yasuo debería ser pan comido y baiteamos su muro de viento, así le daremos la Q sin problema. Tradearle cuando la oleada sea pequeña también es ideal, así no rebotará lo suficiente para quitarse el CC de la Q. contra un Yasuo es obligatorio snowbolear. ”
Sojurini says “İf this is a good yasuo player he stomps you everwhere just try to poke him at early as you can and don't let him farm if he dashes e into you at 2 lvl try to q him or you will be punished at 3 lvl just respect his w and wait for your jungler if he used his w already just try to poke him with auto attack and e him to slow use your q and do aa + r + aa to kill him if you miss your q just wait for your jungle ”
XD001 says “If the Yasuo is good this matchup is borderline unwinnable for you. You can go next to even in lane if you play safe and farm under tower with Q. Just dont fuck up the wave with constant Q's since he can freeze it and make your game hell. Do your best to match his roams to jg and top/bot skirmishes and try to have lane priority. Although you win short trades, he can usually heal back up so its more worth to shove the lane and look for plays on the map.
Late game you can't match him and you should look to buy grievous wounds.
Yasuo outscales Ekko.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Luciiid says “Garbage. Take conqueror to out sustain him and out damage him. 1 point in w and then max the hell out of q. Just dodge his early tornadoes and you'll be fine. You can start q into this matchup and try to walk up for an aa q aa for free electrocute proc if u take it instead of conqueror. He has infinite dashes so it's impossible to hit both w's when wave crashes at mid. If he gets ahead... You're dead.”
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Doge his Q and make sure he uses his W bafore going in. However the average IQ of an Yasuo player is usualy below average so don't worry.”
Havenia says “I put Yasuo as extreme because low elo players tend to somehow block abilities with wind walls, I will never understand how actually. You want to bait his wall out then go for an all in, if he all ins you first, you want to use a stopwatch or something (that you bought earlier) to face him, when he ults you, ult him and use your stopwatch. If you don't have your ult, then you're gonna have to use flash to live.”
Noodles912 says “Skill based. You win short trades while he wins extended trades. Play safe against his level 2, and look for a level 3 all in. If he wastes his wall, throw your shark. He also has a sustain and shoving advantage, but you have burst. Avoid fighting in minions at all times. Electrocute is better in this lane.”
Int4Kindred says “He's a hard champion to play against in midlane when you are playing a marksman due to his gap closer with E, his W negating abilites such as your Mounting Dread, and his passive in general. Will be a hard matchup, try to roam more often than usual. Worthy of a ban.”
FerretInADurag says “If you're against a Yasuo, take time to celebrate because this is a free win for you. Although his windwall can block you Q, you can bait it out. It also has a much longer cooldown than any of your own basic abilities. His E over time becomes easy to predict. You can easily bully him away early and shut him down, just don't forget about his famous 0/10 powerspike...”
Jinx_48 says “in early good played fizz winning but late game is funbny he is low and lfiesteal givving him health so dont forget to buy anty healing. middle of battle ignite him to dont lething him lifesteal”
elnino9 says “Keep track of how many minions he can E onto, try to fight Yasuo when there are no minions around for him to dash to so he can't dodge your spin damage on daggers. If he windwalls correctly, shunpo back. Setup Q dagger on minions and shunpo in, W for the full refund pre level 6, then go back out by shunpoing on your minions. Mainly a farm lane, call for ganks as he is very vulnerable to getting ganked since he lacks mobility. sync your Q when W lands, it animation cancels.”
PASS10NE says “You have to be careful and not underestimate him. Yasuo can Windwall your W and R, and wins against you lvl 1. Try to take as much hp as you can at lvl 2. Once Yasuo reaches level 3, he wins if he blocks your W with his Windwall. You'll have to bait his W first and combo him once it's on cooldown. Do not take trades with him if his passive is up. Take his passive down before engaging. You can place the wave near your turret, so Yasuo can get turret aggro when using his E on minions.”
pavelp420 says “Depends on the Yasuo. Most of the time they just int until they die 31 times and spam EZ, but if they are good, play very safe and only engage if you are certain you can kill them.”
NuclearAkali says “Very annoying if not handled correctly. Yasuo's wind wall is very irritating and it is best if you ask for a gank if you don't have good matchup experience.”
lordsaladito says “Can be annoying to fight against him cause the dash and the poke. Try be alert when he has the tornado and specially after level 6. To kill it try predicting his dash, but be aware of the wind wall”
Wunsch3957 says “50/50 coinflip matchup. Who's better who wins on even skill. After level 6 it's easier, after lane ends it's much easier. Ask for ganks and have the wave on your side. Either conq/fleet with red/green tree is viable. flash/ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMeBp5Nipl4
60>40 for Azir. You have to make sure, to save your Q for the right moment, so he can't dash away from your soldiers. As against other melee all in champs, set up slowpushes to create big waves,m he can not fight you in. if he somehow manages to E on you with his tornado up, ult him. This matchup depends a lot on the jungler matchup aswell. Can they set up his R? Play more cautious.
Stay at max range and keep poking him.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Be careful about good yasuo players, don't be impatient with your W, always use it BELOW yourself, because he has to get close to you to be able to trade, dodge the tornados and use your autoattacks often to poke him.”
Talon Abuser says “I ban yasuo every game because of his wind wall and shield which really defeats the purpose of 2 of our main abilities. Not only that but his cc and dashes. ”
Whinit says “Pop his shield with long range auto attacks and annoy with Q and W. Beware of his shield tho cause he will parry all of your abilities at once if you combo onto him while he uses it.”
Coldsong says “Yasuo is actually pretty weak against Annie, as his W cannot block Tibbers or her W. Bait out his Windwall with autos and pop his shield before you go all in. Also, his Q counts as an auto, so he will damage himself while your E is activated.”
InkHeiko says “Yasuo is the kind of champion that the difficulty of the matchup depends on how well your oponent and you know this champion. But normally, Yasuo is hard to fight as Seraphine since he builds lifesteal so he nullify her poke AND can beat her in 1v1, not talking about his W that can make her useless. I normally bann Zed and play Poppy against Yasuo ans Yone.”
Gloglito says “A champion that is only countered by junglers. Try to save your E as much as possible, if he gapcloses into you and you don't have E available, you either flash or die. Also, windwall is very annoying.”
Abbyca says “Yasuo Has wind shields, walls, and hyper life steal, and can hyper carry if fed enough, play around his windwall, bait it out, Q his Shield off, and go for a combo ignite.”
l2ingeR says “Like Akali, a short ranged melee inconvenience.
Glacial Augment does wonders in neutering his ability to fight back while Windwall is down, but he's a decent threat otherwise.
We don't have to fight him head on though. Play his "hide like a pussy behind a wall" game.
Plant traps, roam. He wants to fight you outside of lane? He's dead without help.”
kennybang says “bait out windwall for ur w and also take his passive shield off, dont forget to proc passive on this dude so he can go cry like a little bald kid”
Remmacs1 says “This match up is quite literally impossible for Aphelios. Yasuo can run you down and delete your chakrams making it really hard to get favorable fights. I normally dodge this match up, but if you do decide to play it look to play level 1 really aggressive and get lane priority from the get go.”
yougelly says “Ahri is a champion that thrives on mobility. She is highly threatened by champions that have point-and-click abilities that she cannot dash away from. ”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “His Windwall is very annoying to deal with. He can use your plants to E and stack his Q up and if he knocks you up and uses his R, you will die more than likely. ”
xxseraphinaaxx says “Absolutely annoying to deal with, as his windwall can block off your CC and your Frostbite, your main way of damage. His tornado attack is hard for Anivia to dodge and his dashes make him hard to deal with, as he can dash easily out of your Flash Frosts. As soon as he pops that tornado + ulti combo, you're practically dead as Anivia in early game if you're not under tower. In days where I swear almost every single person mains/plays/one-tricks Yasuo, I ban him most often. ”
BigFatCat909 says “Zed should almost always win this matchup. If you don't trust yourself with your Q's or playing around His W/E, i recommend maxing E. Though an Eclipse buy is more than enough to destroy this matchup and possibly Plated Steelcaps if you find it needed. Consider Serpants Fang for his Shieldbow.”
P R O L I F I C says “Stack grasp often, pop his shield often, and bait out windwall when you can. save E for dodging his knockup. Do NOT use E to pass windwall, thats what he wants.”
Johan Paracelso says “His wind wall is a headache. And his playstyle is pretty flashy, so it can dodge all of your abilities with well timed E's. Build armguard into Zhonya's for him, to keep you safe from his burst potential, although his great AS makes it easy for him to deal maximum DPS, so watch out for this. Hug your tower during laning phase”
Hiimkata says “Keep track on the minion wave while you're laning, the more minions the easier it is for Yasuo to perma E around like a headless chicken making it hard to trade properly. Yasuo is really vulnerable to ganks because he enjoys perma E'ing in so ping your jungler. Try to always let him come to you when you go for trades so he takes minion aggro aswell, so just let him E in and then you use your W > E onto W (remember that your E resets your autoattack, you're gonna use this a lot in the Yasuo matchup) Try to hold onto your Q as long as possible so he can't windwall it and render it useless (also useful tip in 2v2 fight or if your jungler ganks you). Also remember that fights in the jungle/river are way worse yasuo, because he can't perma E like he can on a minion wave so try to force fights there with your team.”
Johan Paracelso says “Your brother has a skill match-up with you as well. Both Yasuo and Yone have similar things, they both scale with Attack Speed, they both makes use of 2.5x Critical Stryke, and both of them are weak early game. But, Yasuo has more mibility than Yone, he can trick you with his E and chunk you down, tmaking some trades to his favor, but, if you can chunk him down before he chunks you, you can win easily”
CaptianMike says “It is nearly impossible to hit yasuo with a Q during the laning phase due to his insane mobility. He is very hard to deal with if fed. Let him push the wave to you so you can farm under tower.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Trading him before level 6 is difficult because he can block your Q's with W and he's got Heavy Melee Damage so just last hit minions, Death's Dance, Edge Of Night and Serpent's are optional, proc Electrocute with AA,Q,E when he approaches you with his E (not when he can throw tornado), using W,E mechanic may make him waste his W because he may think you'll cast Q so he can block it, dodge his tornado so he can't R you”
mrsuits says “Tough lane. They can always stay away from your soldiers if they have a brain so try to respect that. Yasuo Can wind wall your Ult and stop it completely so be carefull about it. Exhaust might be a good idea if you arent comfortable vs him. Push early levels as much as possible and put some deep wards. ”
Poppi Sama says “Dangerous matchup if not approached carefully. Yasuo is capable of blocking all your skill shots. However, use the opportunities when his wind wall is down to poke, as well and AA to remove his shield.”
Justin58111 says “A good Yasou will bully you. Try to get his W out, hit him with an AA to get rid of his shield and then you can attack him, just be careful that you have your E ready, in case he tries to hit you with his whirlwind. ”
ParkChnm says “He blocks pretty much everything you throw at him. While his windwall is down you have room for poke. Throw down your minefield if he goes in and Satchel Charge him away.”
ParkChnm says “Not really a hard matchup once you get good at Orianna. Auto his passive down and then go in for poke if you can. Don't let him get close.”
KataTocDo says “Skill and Experience matchup. Don't tilt. You can win early. He will beat you later into the game because his windwall is stupidly broken as he can stop your Q, W, and R. If you fight him, make sure his passive is down.
Runes: Conq- Resolve or Elec. - Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade”
Csapi says “He can be strong if he plays agressive at lvl3 but if you play safe and u use your Q on farms when the Q hit the minions and Yas too then you attack him with the passive he will gonna play a litle safer bot not for long so just play safe againts him”
Aramigo says “Yasuo kann durch seine hohe Mobilität gefährlich sein und in Teamfights muss man darauf achten, dass er Eure Ultimate nicht blocken kann.”
bleapintosh says “I'd say this is a skill matchup even though he can block your q with his windwall. When he has tornado, just juke or walk to your turret when he has ult.”
Jnewbringspain says “He isn't much threat to you, but you will have such a difficult time landing a Rupture on him. Try to anticipate where he will dash and hit him with Feral Scream first. This silence throws off a lot of Yasuo players because they are so used to dashing around with Sweeping Blade. Landing Rupture becomes much easier if you remember to do this. His shield is annoying, so try to keep hitting him here and there with Vorpal Strikes if possible, to keep it on cooldown. If he manages to ult you, it's time to run because he gains 50% armor penetration and he will cut right through you.”
1Recycle Bin1 says “too annoying
go conqueror for sustain in lane, you can go double armor in runes as well
bait his windwall and try to remove his shield before going in”
wildersovereign says “This matchup is one of the big reasons why I recommend Morgana mid for low ELO players such as myself. He can't do ANYTHING against you once you get to Level 3, and it will remain that way for the rest of the game. His Q tornado is telegraphed, so E-ing it is not a challenge. He should never be able to ult you unless he has help from his jungle and somehow manages to catch you with your E down away from your tower. A single tick of your W completely wastes the shield he gets from Flow, which becomes especially easy to consistently do once you get Lost Chapter. His wind wall is a little annoying at first, but its cooldown is much longer than that of your Q, so you can take advantage of this window early. The one danger he poses is roaming, but since your waveclear is so much stronger than his, he shouldn't be able to do it often. Even skilled Yasuos will fall to this champion due to how uncommon she is, so take advantage of her and smash the samurai.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Some might argue with me that "Yasuo counters Akali" or "He is broken and is always a threat" but fuck that! We put Yasuos in their fucking place!
1) You are more mobile than him in lane (and especially out of lane). If you can lure him in the jungle he doesn't stand a chance.
2) Your E is perfect for taking down his shield passive. When you land it... Chill for a second. Wait for his shield to fade then go in. Furthermore, if he decides to dive you thinking he is gonna land a knock-up / ult combo just flip back with your E. You dodge his tornado and then engage on him when he is as far as he can get from having his knock-up back up.
3) You might be thinking "But what about his windwall? It will block my Q and my E!" Yeah sure... It does but Yasuos are bitches and are eager to use their windwall. YOU! On the other hand are patient. His wind wall cant block your ult. So when you land your E on him and reactivate it to engage dont blow your Q so quick. He will toss up windwall and you can ult past it. Drop shroud and now we dance! He will probably try to step back on the other side of the wall now and thats fine. It will be gone soon and you got time. Out position him. In and out with your Check Marks and finish with your second cast ult. Easy.
4) Did you think I was done? Nope! So long as you arent an idiot and dont let him ult you when you are already almost dead you have a get out of jail free card! When he ults he is gonna be looking to use the bonus damage it gives him for the next few seconds to auto you to death. Just fuckin shroud and dance around him. You dont even have to attack. Once the shroud is up re-engage if you have the HP. If you dont, dip out. ”
ITSDEBEAR says “Similar to yone but sometimes tends to be tricky with his constant dashes. Play mind games, cancel e sooner, auto whenever the passive is up, etc. Predator lets you punish him harder but electro works as well.”
rajsovsky says “May be annoying, just rush armguard. As he is melee champion you should win. Just poke him in early but remember that he can dash thru minions what gives him tons of mobility.”
CastratedSeal says “Yasuo counters Nami harder than any other champion. You can never bubble him because he's permanently dashing, and you can never ult or use your bubble as long as his windwall is up. Avoid picking Nami into Yasuo. ”
invalidd says “Really obnoxious matchup since he's got a lot of dashes and his windwall blocks your charged hook and E, he usually won't let you hook him into
you if it's a good yasuo player and kill you slowly with his EQ poke and tornados, you have to use your tapQ a lot in this matchup and be careful with your
ult placement against him. Complicated to gank.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. His windwall will make you waste your Q+W+Q combo, so you need to approach him at a different angle if he uses it. Use your E to slow him, then throw out one Q. He will windwall to stop your second Q, so W+E yourself to re-position yourself, then try and land your bomb from a different angle. It's difficult, I know, so don't feel disheartened if you can't do it. Yasuo is a superb duelist, so it's better off ganging up on him with your teammates. In lane, dodge his tornado and let your jungler gank. Shutting down Yasuo early is the way to beat him, so make sure you follow his roams and don't let him get fed. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Fox_Gan says “If he gets 50% crits faster that you get TriForce - he can easily win fights against you. You can use your [R] to deal damage to him, when he uses [R] Last breath, it can win your duel. Use your [R] nearly before {Airborne effect}. to do it. Plated Steelcaps is best option, I recommend to buy it first.”
SkellyBirb says “Yasuo might seem really hard to deal with for an ADC, but for Sivir, he's not too bad. Your W can be used to make sure his shield is never up when you throw a Q. While you can't do much against his windwall, it has a long cooldown that lets you poke or burst him down with in the process. Additionally, you can stop his knock up with your shield, which is huge since it means he can't easily use his ultimate on his own unless he hits his knock up while your shield is on cooldown.”
lkycch says “The windwall completely blocks off your Q+W+Q combo. If he has an aggressive support with him, it will be very difficult to deal with as they can engage on your ADC while you won't be able to stun them back. You need your jungler for this matchup for sure.”
RedNBlue says “This is a back and forth slish slosh at the beginning of the game trade wise but later in the game if he has farmed enough he starts getting annoying if your E playful/trickster is down. He will build life steal so hard that you will do your burst and he will Q slash and heal half of it back at LEAST.”
SXafir says “Champions with mobility like dashes and blinks are harder to hit with your R and Q, if you know that they have some kind of mobility try to predict.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs yasuo: Este match es mi preferido ya que no tienes que comprar guardabrazos, Consiste en llevar las runas clásicas (electrocutar) de las que hemos estado hablando y luego el truco esta en lo siguiente, Mientras tiene el escudo y el tornado activo para tirarlo, tírale la Q para quitarle el escudo, y luego de que tire el tornado, entras por detrás de el y pones todo el combo, eso si, te mueves para los lados para que no te aseste la Q (compra hielo eterno o eco de luden)
Rauschel says “Yassuo is strong because of his and yones buff of their pasive. For him it isnt so easy to get to you because he needs a knockup or minions to use his E on. You cant really punish him and even if you do, his 2 Item powerspike is just really good and heals him insanly much. Play safe, punish him if he has no minions to E on and try not to die.”
iDc101 says “can't poke him well, shoves really easily, even if you ignore him and dodge his skillshots, he can just roam and get kills off of you're teammates, all you can do is ping danger, dodge skillshots and ignore him”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Buy seekers first back unless EXTREMELY ahead
- Tabi's or "pLAtEd sTeElCaPs" will reduce his damage significantly too
- His E early game has a relatively high cooldown (0.5s) so when he dashes into you, you have plenty of time to E him
- After you E him, you can Q - auto attack - W and run away while he is taunted
- This will win you the trade
- Do not take an extended trade in a minion wave - he will win
- Learn how to dodge his tornado with your E - it will make it very hard for him to kill you if he cannot knock you up
- Outroam him using your ultimate and teleport”
Big Shawn says “Yasuo has not been a strong pick in recent patches. You should consider engaging trades when you reach level 3. If you execute your full combo you wil ALWAYS win trades. The movement speed allows you to exit peacefully from the situation and you just repeat the process over and over again.”
Ambitieux says “Very annoying laner. He can bully you out of lane pretty easily with his mobility. His windwall never helps with trades and you will lose a good portion. The biggest trick up your sleeve for this one is throwing miasma in the middle of the wave so he can't spam dash his E. And during his E animation on minions he is forced to look at you, so this is a perfect time to ult him. Other than that try to predict his movements with q's and you should be able to keep your distance.”
Scyrine says “skill matchup. if hes a good yasuo he'll windall your q and e, but usually if you bait him to use it and then engage you can win it. just dodge his tornado and engage. ”
BCota says “Windwall stops E thats it. He hurts a lot but you hurt more. Bait his wall with your E perma poke him with Q but beware if his nado. When hes low enough just oneshot him”
Chili Dog says “Can be EASY AF or HARD AF, all depends on how good the yasuo is, if you play consistently though you'll have experienced this matchup a lot, aa his shield away, play around his tornado, pool it at level 6, q him at every chance you get, play mindgames with his windwall, let go of E super early sometimes, fuck with his brain. Electrocute recommended.”
grebe1231 says “Same as yone, although this matchup might be even easier. Whenever Yasuo's passive shield is up, use your Q to pop it and back off until it expires. Without his passive shield, trades turn massively in your favor.”
JR Lil Baby Boy says “Okay, Yasuo is gonna be a hard matchup but all u gotta do is try and harass Yasuo with basic attacks cuz u got Pix (Bonus AP dmg)”
kimjisoo8 says “Although a lot of people hate Yasuo, in my opinion he is one of the easier champions to go against. What you need to do is bait his windwall and break his shield with autoattacks. Abuse your range. Easy.”
Loading..Please wait says “He will be very hard and annoying during the laning phase. don't even try to contest farm. Optimally yasuo and zed will both be banned. His difference with zed is that you can just nuke him late game and he won't have much to respond with.”
FalleN3 says “This 'should' be a relatively easy lane for you but be careful of his mobility by using (E) through minons - don't let this panic you into silly trades. You can use your AA to down his passive before you trade.
He is squishy so from level 6+ you should have no problem 100-0 him.
His windwall only blocks your (Q) and your AA. Perhaps max your (W) before (Q) in this matchup.”
Redsundark says “so i wanted to say like 3.5 cause these are still threats but can be manage able to a degree people like yasuo with Wind wall will block all your auto attacks but once thats gone or down should be able to stun him and take him down with your attack speed , another thing to avoid with people like him are people that can Dash to you or knock you up like Chogath or Diana or akali once they get the dash or knock up on you they will most likely try to excute the combo to end you there are ways around this stuff like flashing or yellow carding on time can slow them down or stop them enough for you to possibly get away ”
Sushi_Cat says “This matchup entirely depends on how good the Yasuo is. If they're bad or okay at the champion, Mordekaiser wins. However, if they are good or great then this matchup turns into an even one. I've always dreaded this matchup because you cannot tell how good a Yasuo is based off of their Mastery. A 250k M7 Yasuo could go 1/17 but a different one could go 17/3. Other than that, poke out his passive with your Q and look to all in. Yasuo is almost completely fucked in Death Realm unless he's super fed. ”
Last Roar says “Pretty consistently strong, you can harass him early with aa's but beware of him dashing through your minions (limited to once per minion). AA him every time his shield comes up to remove it. You can Q 2/3 times for every windwall he chucks up. He's susceptible to CC. So if you go even in lane, he'll be strong but can still be countered quite well. Keep your wave close to turret so if you land a Q you can all in him and he has no escape.
Obj: Play Defensive (minions next to ally turret), if he's the stereotypical yasuo, you can punish him for dives or have jungle punish him being pushed up. If he roams you can follow (Don't facecheck) as he now has no minions to escape or gap close, so you can outrange him.
SkellyBirb says “Yasuo can be hard to manage because he can dash onto you and chase you down with your own minions, as well as being able to block your ultimate and Q with a basic ability.”
PROJECT BZ says “Yasuo is a complete skill matchup but whoever is worst will definitely show in this matchup. Zed can ult the tornado of yasuo so he can completely avoid being ulted by yasuo but at the same time, Yasuo can ult Zed out of Zed's ultimate.
Zed can keep distance easily from yasuo with shadow and yasuo cant really itemise armor so it wont ever be hard to kill him unless hes extremely fed.”
vCraze says “Yasuo can be quite a hard matchup to play against because of the amount of mobility he has. Play safe and farm as much as possible while poking him when you can. You can buy seekers early but that is personal preference whether you do or not. The only ability he can stop with his windwall is your E so take advantage of this. You need to always respect Yasuos damage as even if you have a massive lead on him he will most likely still be able to delete you.”
Sadkid says “If you can land an E on yasuo he is pretty useless. Play mind games with your E hold it or sometimes even unexpectedly use it. If you hit it you win if you don't he kills you. Make sure play away from the wave. ”
OxiteoMyst says “I usually don't have problems with this matchup, play around phase rush cd and his windwall cd.
Note that he can delete your E with his windwall, making it more difficult to trigger phase rush.
If you know that you're about to get R'ed by yas, drop your W underneath you and yas will be animation locked and stunned allowing you to escape. If the yas is good (Not in gold) you may have problems. ”
SkellyBirb says “Yasuo can deal quite a bit of damage and has a lot of dashes to avoid your elastic slingshot. However, if you manage to land it, you can do a ton of damage to him. Seeker's can be super useful against him. ”
PedrinhoXD says “Yasuo can be a pain in the ass because of his windwall, but i found it very easy to bait it out, just farm with Q and whenever you use W stay safe, or else he will dash his way onto you, and you'll have a poor trade”
MobbyF says “Against Yasuo is skill matchup against Zoe. Beware of Yasuo's Barrier (W) play in the possible safe to not die. If you have a hard time at the route stage buy Seeker's Armguard”
zee160 says “His wind-walls might be a little bit of an inconvenience, but he is very easy to catch up to and R+Q. Normally you'd probably W then RQ, but with yas, if you were to W then RQ, he'd escape your W, then come running at you, making your RQ useless, even with the small movement speed reduction on his end.
Just as long as if you RQ then W, yasuo does not counter you hard at all.”
open_48 says “not as strong as zed or talon, but you can't win against him before level 11. Rush seeker's armguard. DON'T PUSH AND FARM UNDER YOUR TORRET, (with kassadin is not difficult). he can't dive you without jungler.”
Cap Jack says “Can be very difficult if he gets early advantage, otherwise fairly even. Bait windwall before all in. Conq runes if not comfortable in matchup or trade sudden impact for taste of blood and q him to heal.”
MartyBG says “Lux's probably hardest matchup, because he can block your q with his windwall and can kill you easily afterwards, try to be patient with your q and when he goes on you try to e on you so you can slow him down a bit.”
Stormleon says “His windwall is one of the most broken things in the rift. However, if you have a lot of mana and u poke his shield with auto attacks u got him.”
SF Shadow says “If a Yasuo player is good, he is able to destroy a Zoe. Not only by using his W. He can use his E to get in Range and Poke. When Zoe tries to E, he just E back. Remember: The Zoe E has a 20 second CD at lvl 1. The Yasuo Windwall has lower Cooldown. If the Zoe actually hits her E, you can just W in front of her before you sleep in. She will Q into your Windwall.”
Papzz says “High mobility + Phantom Dancer + Burst damage. Most yasuo players doesn't know how to play right so you should be fine, otherwise I suggest you to just poke him a bit on early and play safe late.”
economistastonks says “Toe to toe. Use your W to evade his Q. If he starts farming way more than you, you'll need executioners (because he runs Conqueror).
Mind his short sword poke. ”
Elpatronchico says “And ofcourse, our little brother Yasuo.
Yasuo can be very hard to counter if he knows his brother well.
Try to go close when you get your mortal steel third q, try to get close so he can't use his windwall to block it. And try to stay out of minion range, so he can't dash you out with his E.
Also, try to go around him so he misses his Q's.”
Bobbab says “He can windwall all your daggers, his passive breaks down your q poke and his extended trades are better. Short burst trades when his passive is down is adviseable.”
sweodigaming says “Not hard, just AA him on his shield like you would with any other champion. Try to bait is windwall with AA's. Stun him with your W instead of Q since it can go through the windwall. ”
Aukaren says “He Has All Tools To Deal Against You. His Windwall Blocks Your E, Avoid Staying Near Minions and try to bait out his Windwall and then use your E. But as most Yasuo Players tend to play aggresively, get help from your jungler as he burns out his "W" and as of Patch 10.12, his Windwall Cooldown has been increased so the matchup has become a bit easier as he wont be able to his W much often and will play much more safe.”
Midlane God says “If he is a dumbfuck u can kill him easily. Take electrocute and wait for him to engage.
Not a big deal unless he buy Wits End then he will become impossible to kill 1v1.
TheFwnK says “This champion is easy to fight with, If he blocked your Ultimate with his W. Uhm…. From here you are on your own. I ain't helping you. Try to kill him early and he will be 0 the whole match.”
neverwanted2be says “Once u bait his wall, he's urs. Very cool match-up, make ur brother regret. But don't be very confident he can easily dodge ur skills with "E"
Conqueror is a great choice.”
Raigiku says “He can kill your turrets with E => auto, dash through them to prevent grenades, prevent any ability with wind wall which makes it impossible to protect your turrets and he has crit damage which is very effective on Heimerdinger. He will outpush you, so you need ganks from your jungler. Punish him when the windwall is down.”
Slumberdork says “While mid lane scalers (Yasuo, Vladimir) are on even ground with you, you can a lot of the time go even or even win playing it right, ignite would be a good choice to even the kill pressure, just remember melee champs normally have a mechanic to close the distance on ranged champs quite easily, be safe my Grins.
Trolley. says “Has high mobility and can probably dodge most of your skillshots. Windwall hard counters Seraphine's kit and make her less impactful in teamfights”
KormitLeFrag says “He will always windwall your Q and E onto you to bully you. You can hold stun for when he dashes and instantly stun him and walk away. Play on his mistakes, a bad yasuo is a free lane. ”
ItzJavAgain says “high damage output the whole match,especially once he gets his 2nd item powerspike,his W can block your E easily and,even worse,your R ,build ninja tabi and try yo bait his W since has a lot of CD and you should be able to kill him with both on first ítem since BORK is a much bigger powerspike for Irelia than Phantom Dancer is for yasuo,from there on,he outscale you,once he gets 100% crit”
aL3x888 says “Depends on the Yasuo, whenever he dashes in you with E-Q, you Q-E-aa and proc electrocute, and dodge his nados with ur R, try to keep his pasive shield down whenever you can with Q.”
kenichiii says “For me i would say its pretty even, but since i've been playing yasuo a lot, i understand both the champions. Anyways Max E, u can buy the new ninja tabi if u need to. Be careful with his dashes on minions.”
crepezeee says “Windwall will fuck you over so hard. As soon as you sleep him he will wind wall and then you won't do as much damage because you have to hit the Q sideways.”
XayLies says “Yasuo is really strong. Fighting him as Yone is almost a mirror fight but he can Break your Armor after Ult. Try to Dodge it with Q/E/Flash and Catch Him In Your R when he got no minion to Dash into. Better Samurai Wins!”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Yasuo can windwall your 2nd W but you will almost win every trade if you Melee Q Yasuo, You can also save your W and bait out his W so you can easily win trades, Never try and Range Q him or else you don't win trade”
Yeager says “Start corrupting potion so you can counter his shield. His windwall will block your Q, so you have to bait him before you use it. Sometimes Yasuo players will use windwall when you blink to them because they think you're going all in.
You can also animation cancel your Q with E, so he has to react REALLY FAST if he wants to block it.
In the laning phase you want to take short trades, by proccing your passive with electrocute, and then you back off. You have higher burst, but Yasuo has much better sustained damage. Make sure his shield is NOT up for when you do this.
Get seekers armguard after hextech protobelt, AND ninja tabi if they have full AD or 80% ad team. ”
Yeager says “Neeko struggles against high mobile champions, and especially yasuo as he can cancel out both her Q and E. Therefore you should avoid fighting him until his windwall has been used, and then you can go for quick trades. He can run you down if you're overextended, so i suggest playing at your side of the lane by pulling the wave. It also exposes him to jungle ganks.”
PH45 says “Can be a bit of a tricky one. Try to stay away from your minions as he can just dash through them to you and 100-0 you pretty easily. His windwall also blocks your projectiles so it can be difficult to poke him down in lane at times.”
Lunasta says “Yasuo is quite a easy lane for qiyana, he can W your ult and Q but he probably won't be able to, since you can use your E to get behind him and using the rest of your combo”
Veigarv2 says “Free ganks for your jungler, has no way to escape your cage. strong all ins and scales good so dont let him get fed from you.
You can go electrocute with biscuits timewarptonic and corruption pot.
or kleptomancy page if experienced with the page.”
FalleN3 says “Due to his (E) Sweeping Blade, he is incredibly mobile which makes it very difficult for you to land your abilities on him as he can dash through minions (and you) consistently. His (W) Wind Wall is able to stop your ball in it's tracks and he also has a shield from his passive. Make no mistake, this is a nightmare match-up for Orianna and a decent Yasuo player is going to make it seriously anti-fun! Take Exhaust or Barrier for this match-up and you can consider taking Ninja Tabi's depending on the rest of the enemy team comp, if Top or Jungle is an AD champ too - go for it. An early seekers armguard can go a long way, you don't have to upgrade it to Zhonyas Hourglass right away. You will need to dodge his Whirlwind often and this is crucial after level 6 as he will then use it to pop his ultimate (R) Last Breadth on you. Concentrate on farming and use your jungler to your advantage, hopefully it's someone with plenty of CC.”
Haywyre says “Matchup is always bad for you. Bait out his windwall before you go in. Try to be more passive until you have gunblade and mid game should be in your favor. ”
Yeager says “You should not push the wave at all because he will run you down. He can block all your damage with wind wall and there is almost no CD on his dash. Let the lane push towards you and attempt a freeze outside turret range. Melee champions can't do much to you when you manipulate the waves like that.”
SkellyBirb says “Yasuo is really hard to deal with. He can dodge your Q easily with his dashes. He can also windwall it. He's also really hard to burst if his shield is up.”
Frixen says “One of the worst matchups there is. You can't do much since he has his wall and passive. So just look to get whatever you can get in lane, don't die, and look for roams. Don't try to splitpush against him. ”
FalleN3 says “This 'should' be a relatively easy lane for you but be careful of his mobility by using (E) through minions - don't let this panic you into silly trades. Only trade with him once you have taken away his shield. You can start cloth armor and health pots for some extra protection against him. He is squishy so from level 6+ you should have no problem 100-0 him.”
SkellyBirb says “Yasuo can deal quite a bit of damage and has a lot of dashes to avoid your elastic slingshot. However, if you manage to land it, you can do a ton of damage to him.”
Bouhhsolene says “I'm putting this in hard as not a lot of people know how to deal with yasuo, with every champions, but this matchup gets easier as you play it.
Play electrocute, and try to hit a combo when he gets close to you with his E. Not comet, so you can get more rewarded when you hit an E. You powered W autoattack go through his windwall, so if he uses it, try to poke him and get his shield down with it. Play exhaust and first back seeker's to avoid dying 1v1, wait for your jungler.
Also for trades, try to wait for his windwall to be down and try to hit your E. You can kill him if he makes a mistake; but if he respects you when his cd are down, you won't be able to kill him.
You won't really be able to match him sidelanes, so try to send your toplaner to match him, and in Teamfight, try to cc him as much as possible !”
PH45 says “With his high mobility when around your minions Yasuo can be tricky to deal with. Keep your distance and mostly just try to waveclear and potentially roam. His Windwall also blocks your 2 main abilities.”
Tauricus2017 says “Your W counter's his engage greatly, you win every short fight but in long fights you will struggle, dodge his tornados and feel free to build Randuin's Omen or Ninja Tabi to reduce his damage output.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up. He is very mobile amongst minions in lane and this movement can sometimes troll you into either wasting abilities or unfavourable trades. He is a manaless champion so can spam his abilities as much as he wants while tring to get you to waste yours. After level 6 the lane swings in your favour but be careful as his windwall can block your ultimate from landing. Play defensively before 6.”
SirGobogi says “This champ can close gaps fast and block basically all of your abilities with windwall. Yasuo is a very hard matchup for Seraphine like most mages.”
Ambience14 says “Mundo is a great counter to Yas, one of the best around. Unless he's very skilled and you misplay horribly, this should be a free lane. Build Cape and Frozen Heart as your first two items. When fighting him, stand on your minion wave with W on so he gets hit no matter where he goes. Just follow him around as he dashes and time your Qs to hit him when he's not dashing. If you're low and you know he will go in after hitting a tornado, ult immediately. If he ults you or overextends trying to hit the tornado, he's dead.”
Forscythe says “He is so dangerous with high mobility and his Windwall, since all of your abilities are projection. He can counter you on teamfights with his W, put pressure on lane on level 3. Don't pick Seraphine against Yasuo.”
Reason97 says “Yasuo is a tricky case. On one hand, you can lock him down easy, like most midlane assassin's and fighters. This makes it easy to punish him for mistakes. On the other hand, he's highly mobile, and isn't as hurt by your silence as other midlaners. A good yasuo is still gonna make your lane hell, even if you "supposedly" counter him. ”
Reason97 says “Yas can be tricky. The biggest issue with yas is that it doesnt take much for him to get ahead. one good kill and he can start to win a whole game on his own. However, he's vulnerable too. His wind wall is useless against your blizzard, and if you're fast and have good awareness, you can use his dash against him when he goes to push up and land an easy Q. However, if you struggle against mobility champs, its ok to just focus on farming and playing safe. Remember to use your auto attacks to burst his wind shield regularly. ”
I count to seven says “Remember to poke him with your aa to take his passive off. Easy to play on lane, his windwall blocks your E and R but you can time it. You can Q and W behind the wall ad he probably don't know that. H's got a decent late so try to defend your teammates to don't feed him”
westbroekie says “try to poke with q lvl 1, respect the lvl 2 all-in and pkay safe, yas will almost always push so try to freeze or to get a gank, try to dodge his eq with e if he engages try to dodge ult with w, if he lands ult u will probably lose fight”
u fool says “A good Yasuo is hard to hit with any of your abilities; try to roam other lanes in this matchup. He can waveclear much quicker than you and generally has more sustain due to his passive.”
arcanejhin says “def a skill match up.
dodge his Q2 and you should be able to poke him harder. Use your E combo, but make sure your body is not near minions so he can not follow you. If he kites you he might follow you to your body and kill you. his WW blocks the wind knock up, not your body.”
ShroudedBRH says “You can punish this pick early in the game before he access to all of his tools however once he gets 2 items it becomes extremely difficult. Avoid fighting in creep waves and when creep waves are arriving. Fight with team”
OverjarlZane says “He's an odd one. A really good one will stomp your face in most times post-6 but bad ones are wet towels. Just respect his damage and ability”
Twist21 says “Yasuo is pretty hard to beat if you don't have fury built up so I would recommend just letting him push the first 2 waves into you since his champion is bound to push waves due to his aoe dmg.Once you have fury built up you should be able to win all ins.Standard runes and sums for this one.”
Fadedreformed says “You can try killing him level 1 with w and d shield, or just play the lane passively till you get 6. After he takes his boots do not try approaching , since he is good at taking last longing fights”
Kaiev says “Hate him despise him, all your abilities gone dashes too much for you to land anything. Ban him or just stay under tower and if he's on your face ult! Recommend building seekers after lost chapter for this dude.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Due to his mobility, yasuo can be hear to deal with. Like Kat, hitting Yasuo with a Q is almost impossible. That coupled with the fact he can windwall all of your damage makes this a pretty tough lane. He has no real way to follow your roams though.”
ShockMaster says “He is one of the eassiest to kill,start with doran blade,poke him hard,rush hextech protobelt..Play with ignite,he can t react to your e+r+prot+w+Q combo if you use it good”
Yuki H. says “Skill based matchup, but the early game is in our favor (post level 4). Melee vs melee isn't too bad of a matchup in general, especially when the opponent has no real ranged poke. His only way of damaging you is by his tornado which can be dodged, or E + Qing through minions, which can be punished very heavily. Make sure to pop his shield first before fighting, since it does make quite a difference after a few trades. Remember, you can dodge his tornado with your ult, but the Yasuo will most likely try to bait it out by windwalling to make it look like he is using his tornado.”
fwii says “Break his shield with W first before trading. Max Q and wait for him to get close so you can Auto-Q-Auto him for massive damage. Dodge his empowered Q. ”
tyo professor says “Windwall blocks e, if he rushes wits end good luck trying to kill him. Go for short trades with electro, also your Q isn't a projectile so it is not blocked by windwall.”
roadtopenta5 says “Easiest matchu up ever to be honest, you can just harass him with your E AA Q combo till level 6, and then you can all-in , even if he builds PD you will be able to kill him, just rush AD Items like Drakthar.”
BEYBLADE NOXIANO says “Even match up. LvL 1 e 2 dele um pouco mais forte. Lvl 3 vc consegue ganhar, mas comece seu combo com o E e não com o Q, pra ele não conseguir usar a WindWall.”
Proma says “Dblade
Start E lvl 1 as 99% of yasuo's start Q.
Stun him, auto 2-3 times then back off limiting his ability to trade back.
If you charge hook and he wind walls walk through it if possible. A tiamat doesn't hurt as the passive can proc Yasuo's passive. Play smart and respect his damage. A good Yasuo can be difficult to deal with. Wait for him to make mistake.”
Chiefsnake says “If you're against a really good Yas player he'll abuse your star range and dodge your Q with being able to dash in and out with his E. He can also windwall your Q but you can detonate it before it touches the windwall and it might still stun him. However most of the time yasuos will end up outplaying themselves and letting you ult them into tower after they ult you. In this matchup you want to play around where your minions are so he can't dash in on you and doge the tornados.”
Veralion says “Frustrating matchup, but very winnable with careful play. Yasuo players have a big problem with diving and throwing and 1v5ing and generally being retarded, which is why his winrate is so low. You outtrade him, but since his E has no cooldown a good Yasuo will simply E forward, knock you up for poke, and retreat before you can retaliate. They will also look to Q you when you walk up for farm, being careful to stay out of your range. Yasuo is at his most mobile and dangerous while your creeps are running into lane, so take care while they are if you fall behind. At 6, tag his shield with an E and then all in the second you have the cooldown back while his shield is still down. Count his Q's and try to do this while he is still stacking to his third. Initiating while he has no knockup stacked is much more important than initiating while his shield is down. If he starts dashing at you with 3 stacks, he is planning to knock you up with his E to guarantee his ult. Press R when he gets to you to immune the CC and leave him without his ult's damage, armor shred, and free passive shield. This should guarantee you the win. Alternatively, simply ult through his tornado to initiate. Hold E for a half second to wait for his wind wall, which should be immediate if he knows how much trouble he's in, then find an angle to nail him. Do NOT let him fizzle or dodge your E, as that's where all your power comes from. If he does land his ult, he will always dash through you right afterward, and neither your E nor R are fast enough to beat it, so wait for him to do so. ”
Nodon says “why is tiny the smallest threat? you let him push stand at your minions wait for him to get close because he's a yasuo and then just q and throw him into tower it's sad for him tbh”
I1oveZombie says “Its hard to face him as he has hes E and W to dodge your poke and is highly mobile.
So in this matchup id advice to go vs ranged build or just glacial and build Lost Chapter into Twin shadows as he cant wind wall those.”
Filosh says “Can easily dodge your E+Q combo and block it with his windwall/dash.
BUT his windwall DOESN'T block your W (do not forget!) - so you can easily bait out his windwall and try to take him down.
It really depends on the player”
bruhno says “Yasuo can block both your q and e with his windwall so he seems a pretty hard matchup but if you abuse of your range and you root him you can snowball and beat him.
Grimkyle says “yasuo is a lane that you should dominate since he can use his wind wall at all not even your ult( to explane this better he can block the fish from moving but the shark still spawns, what you can do is hide your ult animation with the q+r combo, or you can q+r on him and he can't windwall that regardless not even if he windwalls perfectly) he does out mobility you with his e but you can simply e his e+q3 and e or q his q3.(always care about yasuo when he e's because he can e+q flash or even worse e+q3 flash and ult on you) yasuo is a late game champ but should be squishy enough for even you to one shot him like he's an adc| note if he has qss try ulting someone next to him so he can just run away easily ”
Dare366 says “Love playing this matchup. It's a true skillmatch up and it tilts the enemy yas everytime. Always get your reduced armor auto in before melee q+w+e. It's just like poking him down and all inning. Should be free just remember that you will most likely have lane prio so help ur jg. ”
K3y5 says “You have to dodge all of his Qs to even consider trading with him. Your trades also have to be fast enough so that he doesn't hit his E - Q knock up. Be careful about his windwall- it can delete the W dagger if it's on the floor, so use W after he uses windwall.”
Stiwy says “Hasagi ! Hasagi!
The only real threat is his tornado but you can clearly see when he is ready to cast it. If he ever tries to dash to you with his E just predict from where he will come and launch your E.
His wind wall is preety annoying as it will block the first cast of your ult.”
Nooldles says “Yasuo is an even matchup which obviously favors him early but as the game goes on you have more agency to outplay. You can steal Yasuo R and use it in tandem with teammates abilities but more importantly with your E2. This can catch them off guard and provides unexpected burst and CC if they aren't aware. Just play around his windwall and your E2 accordingly. His windwall halts Sylas' Q onto the windwall but if Yasuo is on top of his windwall he will still get hit. Keep the wave on your end when possible to minimize his E's effectiveness.”
Omega Zero says “"Brother?" You ask, "Why are you in the jungle with me?" Yasuo smirks as your team lands more missing pings right on top of the two of you than both of your tornados combined. "Well, if death is like the wind for me, then I shall be your wind." Yasuo answers your question as a Smite takes the Red Buff, though no one said it was YOUR smite. Your heart sinks in despair as you sigh heavily, wishing you'd just read the other build's Threats for more details.”
ai darkfluid says “You have to understand Yasuo's R mechanics and where he will be placed to win against him. Place a smart stun field post-6 to trap him when he ults and pre-6, poke him out while keeping your distance. Since your empowered auto attack goes through windwall, abuse him when you can then peace out when he starts stacking his Q.
Preferred rune: Summon Aery/Phase Rush”
Raiiny says “Not that hard of a match-up. Depends on the skill of the Yasuo player and yourself. He can block both of your rakes. However if you manage to hit him with your first rake, and uses windwall. You will still get 2 passive. If you have ult you can use it since he can't see you and so he can't use his tornado. ”
TheWindWalker says “Not a threat at all. If playing aggresively let him dive you and ult you, after he does use W and Barrier if you have one and quickly get his ultimate and if possible activate it under your tower to snowball.”
Brentonlop says “Although you outscale him, he is very annoying in laning phase. He can prevent your Q and E with his windwall. Use your W wisely or he will kill you.”
Dzsuz says “Probably the easiest lane you can face against. Just focus on dodging his Qs and wait until he uses his W after that you can easily kill him.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Be sure to stun with W or R so he can't windwall your stun
You can easily dodge nado with E
There isn't really a way you can lose the lane unless you screw up.”
xtrinity01x says “Disgusting champion. winnable but please, PLEASE take barrier. dodge his tornado and stay back. Just focus on farming and ask your jg for a gank.”
ThatOneKatMain says “Really easy matchup respect him early game do quick trades. Q a minion then e to your dagger w auto catch w dagger and e behind your wave. Poke him down like this and all in him with ignite when hes below 50% hp. Post 6 bait out his tornado then e behind him when he uses it and burst him down. Try not to get your ult windwalled.”
Iruminati says “A good yasuo is almost impossible to 1v1. His windwall can block all of your spells even ultimate. you can trade him early game thanks to your reset AA on your shunpo
Un bon yasuo est quasiment impossible a 1v1. son mur de vent annule tout vos sorts même votre ulti. vous pouvez le trade en early grace aux combos et aux reset auto du shunpo.”
AlolanFairy says “Yasuo's skillset isn't the threat, having him in your game is.
Remember, you're in low elo. Yasuo mains are as common as the black plague in medieval Europe. And your team WILL feed him.
Make sure to ban this abomination of a champion every game!”
The PaIe King says “Anti-Assassin
Summoner Spells: Exhaust/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Zhonyhas Hourglass, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap.
----Rune Page: Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Ultimate Hunter, Zombie Ward, Presence of Mind, and Last Stand.----
MrMoonBird says “His wind wall can counter every single one of your abilities, so try to bait it out every chance you get and quickly move around him. Yasuo also has good kite potential against you. Play it safe and ask your jungler for help.”
snukumz says “Major asshole in lane after lvl 1.
Once he gets level 2 stay back and play carefully.
Use your Q's to last hit safely and be careful when last hitting with auto attacks because Yasuo can dash over to you and do a ton of damage.
You are way better in teamfights so that's where your win condition is. Just farm up and win team fights, you'll only rarely be able to solo kill him, or with the help of your jungler.
One cool thing to note is that your ultimate goes through his wind wall. ”
1256 says “everything depends on the wave position and how good the yasuo is, same shit as irelia can be either hard or easy af, you permahave e becuase of his q on wave, pop his shield with q, take good trades, it's quite questionable if you outscale
electro, fleet if not used to electro”
Pentakai says “Play pussy until level 3. Afterwards, press E>AA>W when he tries to all-in. He will lose fights if he's in the minions. Always respect him.”
KitsyMamori says “Yasuo will press W and you will cry. If you are against him, make sure to bait his W out or wait for a gank and then full burst him.”
SicKitty says “this dude, is not a dude #4 ban. if your stuck with him or somebody else hasn't banned him already then just try and throw around his shield and wait for him to go near minions,”
TotallyEclipse says “This matchup should be free. His q's are auto attacks so look to e his second q to delay his nado and chase him down with your q +e. Rush tabi first item and then the only way he can match you in damage is with an early BF sword, to which he ends up delaying his first crit item. Burn his shield then all in him and you'll win. You can rush bork into this matchup after tabi and kill him over and over again.”
LizzyElune says “Este match es complicado de describir.
En general un buen yasuo gana la partida antes de que anivia le pueda hacer pelea, cuidado con esta lane volatil.
mismo consejo que con Coki, limpiar waves y esperar peleas en equipo.”
Zwengo says “Build Zhonya's first and make sure to bait his windwall before your combo. Try to auto attack him whenever his passive shield is up and make sure to bully him with your huge auto range. You should be able to blow him up if he uses his ult when you are around your turrets.”
Art1val says “Auto-attack as often as possible before he backs or hits 6. If you sleep him throw your q to the side as he will almost always put up his windwall infront of him. If he knocks you up, ult if it lets you and he will ult where you teleport to which lets you get away. Play safe once he gets his first item.
tl;dr: Auto-attack as often as possible. Throw your q to the side.”
SimonNGarfunkel says “He could be more dangerous but tbh most Yasuo players don't know what they're doing. Go max E into this matchup. Space properly, poke his shield with Q and bait his E into Q poke, then go aa+E to his face. That will scar him for a good while. When you all in him with R, just stick to him aa and E, don't bother throw Q until the last second. Chances are he already wasted windwall when you press R.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This 'should' be a relatively easy lane for you but be careful of his mobility by using (E) through minions - don't let this panic you into silly trades. Only trade with him once you have taken away his shield. You can start cloth armor and health pots for some extra protection against him. He is squishy so from level 6+ you should have no problem 100-0 him.
MageSlayerr says “dodge this... if not then get a barrier, when you both LVL 6. stand under your tower with 50 proc. hp (make sure he is full hp) and let him hit you with his wind he will R and ignite you under your tower. then you instantly pop barrier Q-Flash backward And E R him while he also tanks turrent. that is the only reliable way to kill goo Yasuo. other than that jungle has to hold your hand”
GG Yasuo says “Since you're on a guide I assumed that you don't know or mastered fundamentals yet, Yasuo is tough to deal with for people who don't know basic lane management and laning fundamentals so Yasuo pretty much dominates. Orianna scales harder that's why I didn't put the threat level on 5”
ImaTastyPancake says “Yasuo has plenty of dashes and windwalls in his kit to block your charm. You want to play defensively around him and hit charms when you know you can. You can play aggressive but you should know if you can escape/survive an all in.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Yasuo is a skill based match-up. His mobility can give you a hard time landing abilities and his nado can zone you from minions.
When trading you want him to come to you, because this will give him less options to dash back. I also suggest that you don't use your Q instantly when you dash on him, as most Yasuo players windwall as soon as you jump on them.”
KataFlix says “Yasuo plays a big part in late game and early game with his W, his W cancels your most important abilities, to counter back await for jungler ganks or counter build him with armor”
manipulativexd says “If he gets a red buff because of your jungle, your lane is over. If he freezes, ask for help. He can suprise you with huge trades. Also yas can be easily beaten and out traded. His E will stack up yours and you can work from that. But a a good yas with good macro will make you a hard time.”
CallMeDaddyGR says “Yasuo is not as big of a problem as most people think, its clearly a skill and experience match up, you have be aware of his wind wall and dont let him counter your q with it, after 6 if he misses his tornado he is doomed, so i recommend engaging with ult and then using e or w to prevent him from hitting his q”
forever0lp says “If you beat him to lvl 2 and don't eat too much poke before lvl 3 this matchup becomes a free lane. Respect his damage and tornado harass early and you will demolish him post 6. Buy berserkers on your first back, following with phage or stinger. Don't use E everytime he will dash on top of you in the minion wave as he can easily dash back with minimal damage taken. It's better to Q him when he gets close and then chase him with E. Respect his 0/10 powerspike as it will unlock his secret FF powers.”
Zephorgames says “Yasuo is easy to play against, just kill him when you're lv2 or bait him with your W and do Q - R - AA, it's very easy to play against Yasuo”
panger 174 says “VIRGO CHAMP. es tu counter mental, si no se te apaga el cerebro cuando se te tira le ganas, jugale chill pokealo un poko sin arriesgar. cometa o aery no se, me pongo nervioso cotra yasuo”
audiboo says “ If you do end up fighting him you should try to signal for help.
Yasuo can cancel out both her Q and E so you should avoid fighting him.
Debonair Karma says “Karma has the upper hand on Yas cuz she can W him while running away with E. He can block all of your dmg with his W though. Take exhaust.”
Axelote says “Almost unwinnable match-up. Try not to go into minions, farm only with Q and wait for your jungler. Only use your ultimate after he used his windwall.”
Gageowago says “If he is good he can easily avoid all your skillshots. Abuse with autos level 1 and always make sure his shield is down when trading abilities. After his windwall is down, you have about 22 seconds of a window to abuse him. Remember that if Yasuo gets ult off on you he will always appear behind you (except when near turret in which case he will appear as far from turret as possible), but most Yasuo players will immediately dash through you so charm him (if he has dash on you available) when he is locked in his dash animation. Also very easy to call for ganks against because without minions Yasuo is immobile.”
topal says “In theory this matchup seems super favourable.If you overextend and die it's hard to comeback play a bit safe and don't miss your cc abilities otherwise you will get destroyed. ”
YunaDragoon says “In my opinion Yasuo is one of the easiest matchups against Talon. Be sure to dodge his Q's when fighting him. And if he has whirlwind up then don't let him dash on you. This will force him to try and catch you in the wave or to use it as a ranged attack (if used as ranged, be sure to dodge). His windwall is a problem because it blocks projectiles. But if you bait it with your W you should be free to use your R on him. Just be sure that he doesn't get fed cuz then your game could be over. Personal tips on this matchup: 1. Poke a lot, just to bait his W and get his shield off. If he has no shield you should win most trades. 2. Wait with your R because of Windwall. Make him use it and it's a free ult.”
Ignix0 says “Yasuo wins this. His w is really annoying. I recommend just setting up a freeze and punishing him for every roam/ward placement he does. Only fight if his w is off cd”
Papapostolou says “Easy match up, if he picked yasuo after you, well he actually trolling as an every normal yasuo. The game is pretty much over for him. Try to always poke him and you should be fine”
Kataspina says “Same as Zed. He is pretty hard to deal with in the early game because he can windwall your Q, once he uses it he is vulnerable and becomes weak, rush seekers and he can't win 1v1s unless you fuck it up. ”
Lil Tidepod says “His windwall will negate pretty much all of your damage, because it takes away Q. Be really careful because he's very mobile and a skilled Yasuo will make your life Hell. If he goes on you, the best bet is to kite him out as much as you can. Stay back from the wave and let it push into you. If he's going to tower dive, try and root him. If he hits you with a tornado, I'd kiss yourself goodbye, because he's gonna ult you, and you probably stand no chance after he does.”
Capparelli says “Worth a ban, W can block your combo, his shield means you have around a 100-200 damage less then you should, and he can stop your R with W, even a bad Yasuo can blindly win this lane, your saving grace- if you get a lead you grab his balls and crush them, Tiamat to match his shove”
Giurg says “His Windwall completely denies your Q which is your engage. If you are ever going to face him, punish his bad windwalls by hitting him with your Q but never go all in. Farm and wait for ganks.”
BigBushMan says “Yasuo, like most other Assassins/Bruisers on the list, has a range disadvantage, but when they stick they don't let go. Especially not Yasuo, namely because it is so easy for him to stick onto you due to how he takes advantage of your own minion wave with his E. Freeze under turret and call for Jungle help, Yasuo can do nothing about ganks unlike Akali and Pyke who have escapes. ”
I main support says “He's very mobile, making it hard to land your charm, and his wind-wall is also really annoying, but when he doesn't have any of these, or the person playing him is bad, then he's not much of a threat.”
ahrienthusiastmain says “There's no counterplay against a good yasuo when he can just windwall a good charm. However, seeker's is a great item against yas. You try your best to go even in lane and be more useful than him out of lane. ”
JccmSaysNom says “Depends on the player who is playing Yasuo, Either the lane will be a breeze (heh) or you will get your ass handed to you, the wall is a big problem even if Yasuo sucks.”
serruh says “can ignore all your poke without much effort and stomp you early. if he has hands he can also windwall most of ur dmg and your root actually requires you to hit E on him so it's not as free to lock him down in a tough scenario or a skirmish”
Miandros says “Technically Fizz counters Yasuo, but if the Yasuo knows what he's doing he's going to bully you in the early stages. Play back and just absorb exp farming when safe for lvl's 1-3.”
Pline says “Dashing and prancing, it's hard to hit him with anything, especially with that annoying windwall. Try to hit him when's going for a minion or E him when he dashes through you. ”
HeyItsLeemo says “Annoying as hell, he will pick exhaust if he's good, and he will poke you with his undodgable tornados, and then go in for a easy ks with his ult.”
Malmortious says “He is all sorts of annoying and counters you, I won't lie. Try to get him behind early; he'll surely farm a lot after that , so deny him even more when he starts farming or roaming.”
Prenora says “yeah, his windwall sucks...but it's a 22s CD early, so when he uses it, unload onto him, get away from your wave when your cd's are down”
kujosrevenge says “You can first blood him at level 1 very easily and potentially snowball if he decides to stay in lane but if he roams around the map like he is supposed, to he will outscale you and you won't be able to do anything about him.”
The Venerable Racoon says “What a guy. Try to auto or W him to proc his shield before you attack. Always assume he has R since its low cd, try and predict the tornado and be careful since he can use your minions to dash to you. Ask for ganks early”
Inscaped says “Skill matchup with your advantage. His Windwall counters your Q, but the rest of your combo goes just fine. His E procs your E, so if he wants to engage you, just lay the "carpet" and his willing to kill you will drastically reduce in a second. Real easy, unless playing against Yassuo.”
t3rminated says “Some people think he is the hardest matchup, but he is actually not that bad. Not to mention, most yasuo players found in SoloQ are braindead monkeys that flame their entire team. Once his dashes get really predictable you can basically just full combo him and they are really readable. Maybe take exhaust as well. Note that his windwall does not block your R but blocks every other ability you have. Poke out his passive shield before using Q. ”
Loki029 says “if he ults you just avoid the fight, he gets 45% armour reduction on you. just go in if he has no ult, then silence to reduce his outplay capability and his w is useless vs a projectile garen (Hint: use w when he decides too fight and ignite when he has warlord and lifesteal)”
santifazio says “Su W nos corta la W y E pero al ser un melee debe hacercarse y podemos hacerle mucho daño. Con las botas puestas dentro de la torre le podemos esquivar todos los tornados rapidamente,”
spoilwrc says “Go glacial vs yasuo, you go attack speed/ap/armour runes, and poke him as much as you can while keeping distance. Start trading with spells after level 4/5. Wait for him to cast windshield first. If you cast your combos all at once and he windshiels --->> R and ruuuun. ”
ur_mom_gay says “Fairly even matchup. If you ever get ahead, its a nightmare for Yasuo, especially if he chooses Berserker's greaves over Ninja Tabi. Eventually you won't even need to hit your Q's and just Death Mark + auto a few times and he'll die. Try to freeze so that he can't run you down the lane. Proc his passive before stepping up to farm with your Q. If Yasuo dashes in to trade with you, Q + AA + E should proc electrocute, and usually you'll win the trade provided he doesn't hit multiple Q's. Ask for ganks. If they tend to dash through you after you R, have your WEQ at the ready for a guaranteed double Q. ”
chrisloths says “Yasuo is just a really annoying counter to Zyra. His dashes make it difficult to land both Zyra's Q and E and allows him to escape Zyra's ultimate before it knocks him up. His wind wall blocks both Zyra's E and her plants' auto attacks. Generally try to avoid picking into him.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “Yasuo's will push pre level 6 always
let him do all the yasuo thigns untill u reach 4
before you all in him Q his shield
and then u win when u R him unless he somehow dodge all your Qs ”
Sloyr says “One, in my personal opinion, of the hardest matchups. His W can deny your Q and R, and his E makes a good Yasuo nearly impossible to hit with your Passive. Play safe and try to help your botlane, in teamfights try to look at his windwall to avoid it.”
s1rnasty says “This is the hard counter in lane.
The way is still doable you just need to always control the wave. You must either push or freeze the wave. Never ever let lane stay neutral or frozen in front of his tower.
The way to fight him is to hit q while he is locked in his e animation, which again comes down to wave manipulation.”
G7_Zeke says “Very squishy. You can very easily 1v1 him. Don't attempt to trade when there are loads of minions, because he can easily dash through them and do stuff like that, and then that's when you realize he's ulting you when you're on 100 hp. But, overall, easy pick.”
Eccentricks says “God help me its Yasuo.
This champ is my permaban normally, and it probably should be yours.
I haven't fought many recently... sorry, I mean any. Yeah, I ban that many.
Some tips though. Keep your distance, and be sure to listen for the audio cue of him getting his tornado.
Other than that, if you ever see him pop up on the enemy team, you might want to just dodge.”
Gogicha55 says “ANNOYING MATCHUP, Can avoid your damage with Wind Shield and can dash through you to dodge second W, Try to dodge his Qs and you might be able to win the trade, just hope that you get a trash yasuo.”
8wolf says “His mobility is an annoyance and if he gets close he outdamages you. Poke from a distance and dodge the tornado at all costs. They are usually over-aggressive so post 6 you might be able to get a nice ult and throw him in your tower for an easy kill/flash.”
Daedralus says “His shield and mobility can be a problem, but he cannot duel you either. Your healing is far superior, and the damage reduction from your E makes his initial E+Q combo non-existent. If he throws his tornado at you, Ult him! You cannot be interrupted while you ult, ignoring his tornado + suppressing him + healing yourself a lot + damaging him a lot. If you see him coming with a charged E + Q combo, hold down your Q, as you cannot be displaced while using it, which also stops him from ulting you this way. You can pretty much end a game without ever dealing with his ultimate.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Doran's 2/pots
Id say this is pretty even, because if you can dodge the whirlwind he wont do much dmg too you, until the team fights. Poke hes wall with W, then Q him when wall is down and R him to death, R goes thru the wall. ”
HeziEune says “Honestly it just depends on the yasuo. The threat level could be 1. Even if it is a competent Yasuo, he will probably just E into your tower at some point. I can't even say how many Diamond Yasuo players I've seen play like animals. Then I've seen some smurfing silver yasuo look like what Moe wished he was. Idk. F Yasuo lol”
Gemarn says “He can windwall your E, if he does not, he can windwall your following Q. So you lose laning phase no matter what, he can just dash in and outtrade you always. Is only playable if you're a lot better than him.”
lmasters says “50/50, a skill match on Qiyana rarely win, try getting him on a wall with R and burst him, before lvl 6, the better way is evade his trades and play safely”
Tehqo says “He's melee, so you have to poke him hard. Whenever his passive shield is up, you want to auto attack him to trigger it. This will make trading a lot easier, as his passive shield negates a fair amount of damage. You also just have to avoid his tornadoes and the matchup is already won. If he tries to go in on you, make sure you go near your turret to just ult him towards it. One main thing with this matchup is to make sure that you DO NOT WASTE YOUR Q. If the enemy Yasuo is at least decently smart, he'll realise that you're in a weak spot, and he'll dash to you to bash your skull in. It's fine if you're under turret if you're attempting to bait him though.”
NebuIa says “If he's e'ing in towards you, save your bubble. Odds are he will use the windwall immediately. Just try and observe his use of it. Maybe an early seekers. Use q in a creative way mid game to get around his windwall (throw to side). Consider phase rush or barrier if struggling.”
ApWuKong says “I dont even know why is he so hard, ah yes his e, you e to him he just e's you whole minion wave comes back with his 3 q stuns you ults you and u cant do anything, unless you w run and then he r's your clone.”
Je Suis Azir says “Set up a slowpush, he can't fight you. He seems to be annoying as shit, but there is something you can enjoy here. He is an all in melee champion, and you can fuck him in the skull if he is not as good as you. You need to use your Ws around minions he will dash to, and use your Q when he tries to leave or if he is going all in, don't use it too soon in a trade. Your ult makes his ult a liability to use.”
TheSpark says “His W stops everything minus your ult, can dodge constantly to make hitting him impossible. Try your best to pressure him early before he gets his core item, if you lost lane just shove and roam, you can't fight him.”
Tartertoot says “Yasuo's Wind Wall is quit annoying, but he's easy to counter when it's down since Yasuo relies heavily on minions to spam his dash. Neeko's E is empowered when it hits minions.”
Eriuboom says “Most Yasuo are brainded and only push wave. You are fizz and cs well under tower, just wait for him to dive you or get help from your jungler. You can also dodge his Q with your E”
DirtyBellyDC says “Stay away from your minions or Yas will dash to them and kill you.
Ping your team when he goes MIA so he doesn't snowball off a roamGet Zhonya's after boots.
Your Ultimate goes through his Wind Wall. (not a projectile!)”
Impswitch says “Wind wall sucks. other then that lane can be a little rough if you let him e up to you without punishing him. His 6 really isnt strong because your ult just wins it. However he is a late game beast and you wont be 1 v 1ing him there....”
INT Zimmi says “A matchup some of you probably would rate as hard so i will give you my thoughts. I personally believe its the best AD matchup you can get. Poke his shild with your q if he goes for lasthits w him and when he dashes out e him. After the trade or while trading you can auto attack him for gaining either fleet/electrocut or grasp. If you cant get fleet of in the trade just hit a minion and then wait for your cd's and fleet to come back. ”
GalioPlayer says “Melee assasin that does good dps , literally spells out dont pick galio but you can somewhat play against him because of your ability to get a zhonyas .”
cobbzy says “A goood Yasuo will pressure you early game and try to poke with his Q and tornado while you're walking to get CS. Farm with your Q and wait for an opening to E in. Make sure to take Doran's shield for this one as well. Early game you have him as long as his passive is down, but make sure to stay clear once he gets some crit. ”
KK Antitoxin says “His E gives him mobility to dodge and he has a wind wall that can block your Q and has strong CC that can lock you down for his teammates to kill you. when comboing around a wind wall, try to throw place W in a line with the wind wall to have chance of hitting him with more Qs rather than just placing W in his face where he can walk through the wall to blck all your damage.”
ioannissid says “Yasuo is dangerous because his windwall and block your winds of war plus he can dash around to escape from your spells. A good counter play is to use your shield of durand before he does anything so then you can use your abilities without the danger of him escaping or windwalling.”
vaske_lol says “Avoid fighting Yasuo if he has his tornado stacked and try to disengage after a short trade since he wins all-ins and you win short trades. Opt for Ninja Tabi.”
Poppy Kuma says “If you're a good Morgana mid, you should have no problem destroying him and winning lane. Deny him farm and don't let him get fed. It's your responsibility to make him worthless.”
HSperer says “He isn't thaaat bad. His windwall is annoying but well... he's paper. And if you are using my runes/armor, then he shouldn't be a problem to you.”
Rosalinn says “he can dodge your q easiely, because of his w and e, of course u need to don't panic with hos huricane and don't use e to fast. rito pls nerf yas. but at all his windwall don't block your w and r”
BlueCarding says “He counters TF. Let him push into you and play it like vs. Fizz. Bait him to use Q on cs, so it pushes into you. Later on you can outkite him. Don't goldcard in his windwall.”
i am a heron says “yasuo can't really trade favorably with you in lane, and most yasuos will underestimate your power and int into you. however, he will outscale you if he survives the laning phase. If every yasuo, instead of just most yasuos, played aggressive against you, this lane would have a rating of 1. The yasuos who sit back and don't fight you and wait for plays are the reason this lane is a 2.”
CupOLatte says “Probably one of the worst matchups. Extremely high mobility and his windwall makes most of your abilities useless. Avoid as much as possible. Just play safe and ask for lots of ganks.”
charlton says “He can W your Q and E and can easily dodge your E with his E. Look for level 1-2 trades and snowball on him. If you can Q - E him and use all your HoB autos level 2 then you can chunk him nicely. Also, use your stab Q instead of hook Q so he can't W it.”
Aizenvolt says “After Kassadin nerfs on his armor its a hard matchup. Poke him with q e and w when he gets close. His wall cant block your e. When he has his passive up use q to burn it then wait for q to return to engage if you want. Dont trade with basic attacks with him just do your e,w,q combo and get out. Also don't get far from your turret pre 6 because he can use his e and gap close fast and kill you with basic attacks and his q. Dont give him free kills because he can destroy you if he gets ahead. If he gets 1 kill dont leave turret for any reason unless a gank is coming.”
stupid katarina says “(Q + R + W*) If you are playing with a Twitch, you will have hard time shooting through his windwall. Ask your Twitch to ban this champion.”
Poro_King says “if you are playing at low elo, this lane isn't completely unwinnable. He can counter your q+r with his windwall, and he can negate a lot of your damage with his passive shield. always keep his shield down and never approach your minions. Because of his dash it is kinda hard to stun him. I would advise you to stay under turrent, farm, and wait for your late game.”
N1VA says “Yasuos mobility and wall is Anivias largest threat. Anivia needs to land her Q followed by her E to deal damage. Yasuos ability to dash around the lane and wind-wall Anivias abilities completely negates the opportunity to do so. Yasuo can then cancel Anivias Ultimate cast by landing a tornado on her and knocking Anivia up. Bait Yasuos wind-wall and then engage, utilizing the high cooldown on his ability to your advantage.”
Mr Scandalous says “Yasuo players can counter veigar 's ult ( R ) or any other ability acept for his stun ( E ) with their windwall ( w ) so and with their insane damage they can kill you preaty quickly if you dont play it smart.”
Mid Win Repeat says “I ban him 100% of my games. A good Taliyah CAN lane vs him, your E shreds him but its just too difficult to stop him in team fights or prevent him from getting fed off of your teammates.”
SupaSnor says “Either the yasuo is shit and you win easy, or you play vs The_Legend_27 yasuo and you are gonna have a rough time, yasuo can go from minor treath to exteme depending on the player. You should have the advantage because he is melee, spacing is super important in this fight.”
Sq_09 says “Worst matchup. Bullys you pre-6. You don't have kill pressure bc of his Passive. His W blocks your Q. He can easily kill you off of 1 R post-6. Try to play safe and wait for your jgl to assist you. Compensate for your lane disadvantage through roaming. ”
SrAlex-kun says “Yasuo es un emparejamiento basado en las habilidades y el farmeo, tienes que procurar alejarte de los minions cuando pelees contra el para que no pueda usar su E en tus minions. Tambien te recomiendo que no tires la Q solo te lances sobre el para que asi no te lo pare con su muro de viento, esperate a que lo use o simplemente este bajo de vida. Aparte tendras que usar bastante tu pasiva la cual te da velocidad cuando le petas las 3 marcas, usa esa habilidad para simplemente pegar los 3 basicos o habilidades y volver rapidamente hacia atras sin recibir mucho daño. No crees peleas muy largas ya que te va a acabar ganando.”
ToilettenHund says “Yasuo is not an assasin, but landing skillshots will be hard because of his dash. Also his passive shield will make it hard for you to oneshot him.”
YeeDS says “Can windwall all of your damage. Pushes you hard in the early game and will make you lose a lot of minions. To counter him use your E W combo on him when he uses his Tornado so he won't be able to ult you.”
Xelaadryth says “Good matchup for you, but you have to be very skilled at kiting. Don't stand near your creeps as it will give him a free dash to you; stand off to the side (hopefully the warded side). Try to maintain at least one stack on him so that if he engages, you can stun him with Q+W if you need to. Worst case you can E+Q+W to stun and disengage. If he wastes his dash on you, once you get out of auto range you can pepper him with autos, but beware the low cooldown on his Q stabs. Don't waste ult on him if he can jump away with his dash. If his wind wall blocks your charged auto it won't be wasted. If he's standing out in the open, he's probably waiting to wind wall your Q.”
Braddik says “can be annoying, after level 3 do short trades with your AA + W + E, his windwall cant block your E. Later on you'll just 1 shot him. Try to dodge nados as its really strong poke vs you. yo ucan buy seekers and tabis early if you want”
EvilBird090 says “Yasuo could also be placed in minor or major threat level, it really depends on how the lane goes. Whoever gets an early lead in this lane will destroy his opponent. Watch out that Yasuo does not just auto you to death level 2. You can Q and Ult through Yasuo windwall but your E gets blocked, so try to use it while you pool under him to guarantee it hits. If defensive try to dodge or if cornered pool his tornado to deny him the free knockup and ult.”
Calabeast says “This dumb champion is OP with Conqueror and will just walk into you level 1-3 and auto attack you to death. Also gets an item or two and solos your entire team.”
Calabeast says “This guy is a dick with conqueror, does so much damage levels 1-3, and once he has an item he can basically just heal back all the damage you can put out in a rotation.”
HeisendongNA says “Yasuo is one of the worst match-up for a few reasons. First, he can super easily E+Q turret to kill it and shield from his passive keeps him from taking too much damage in return. Second, his windwall blocks every ability in Heimerdinger's kit even the ultimate therefore one good windwall can completely shut down your turret. Build Zhonya's and take exhaust to survive against Yasuo”
spark2 says “One of my least favorite champs, but Ekko does okay against him. He's at his weakest right after he misses his tornado Q, so trade then. Stay away from your minions so he can't get that BS mobility, and know that he can Wind Wall your Q. Also, be sure to pop his shield before you try to trade. If he ults you, ult him right back to undo some of the damage and probably catch him in the radius.”
Lasoor says “[General] Yorick can beat Yasuo, but it relies on being the better player(Neither has inherent advantage and both can burst the other quickly). A skilled Yasuo can beat a less skilled Yorick easily. It is best to melee poke him constantly with your Q before you all in him. Don't all in him unless he is low health and you will usually want your ultimate. ”
Cloud375 says “Yasuo is difficult to lane against, but only depending on the situation, this is a harder skill matchup leaning to him but you can actually win this if you play it right. This is of course, presuming that the Yasuo knows what he is doing. If he doesn't, this lane becomes a whole lot easier.”
Tayna says “Ohno, if he goes all in and blocks your Q, you're dead.
He can get out of R, he has ABSURD DAMAGE just by hitting you with basic attacks!
Ask for ganks and dodge everything!”
Yu_1 says “Skill matchup, use a Q or E to break his shield before using your basic combo on him. Bait out his windwall before ulting, as if the Yasuo plays it well they can easily use it to block all your Qs.”
Garybaldo says “Depends on the skill of the yasuo, if he uses his E to dodge your E he has a good shot at winning, if you can land an E on him he's done, you blow him up with your Q at melee range, try and kite, your Q goes through his wind wall. In any case, you might wanna rush ninja tabi”
Sneaky boi says “Go tiamat versus him so you can proc passive and push the wave if he goes to roam to punish him. After you use tiamat for his passive try and trade with him but be carefull because his damage is insane. If you have ult you should be able to kill him with jungler help. Go tabis.”
YoussefJoe says “Higher Mobility champs causes his/her skills predictions are a little bit harder but you can always land your W at the right spot which he/she would stop by and do your skill order ”
Novok says “Play it smart. You win. Stay close enough for him to start smashing you with autos after dashing from a creep, you lose. My personal Nemesis. ”
worddog says “Windwall can mess up your combos and limit your outplay potential, his passive can also help him win trades if he has a minion wave to kite you with. This matchup is skill dependant slightly favouring Ekko as the Yasuo needs to play very well, not just as good as the Ekko.”
kali Jayce LAS says “DIFICIL:
Es un juego aparte esquivar su W.”
SirZeros says “This is pretty much a skill match up. A big downside for you is his windwall and his great mobility. But he is meleeranged, which makes it easier for you to farm and/or stun him.
He most likely will be way stronger than you late game however...
Especially in 1v1 scenario's, so try to teamfight against him or splitpush until he could come to you, then you just need to go away.
He can counter your E into Q pretty hard with his wind wall and so does he counter your first and most powerful auto attack if he wind walls or just by having his massive passive shield.”
ShuUis says “Now this. This is a true skill matchup. A battle for both players to test their mechanics. The matchup can swing in anyone's favor, so careful!”
MironW says “Yasuo has a lot of mobility, his windwall denies everything you do, you have to hope you can enable your team to carry because this matchup is impossible to win if he knows what he is doing.”
ratasniper says “He can easily kill you, and more with the Hail of Blades Q thingy, Yasuo's E can easily dodge your skills and his W is a great counter. Try to catch him with your E while he is dashing, make sure he has no W and all in him. ”
Flakees says “Having an ability that blocks your ultimate in the early stage of the game can ruin your snowball potencial.
Yasuo also has more wave clear with his E_Q combo, and no real weaknesses against Fizz.
This is a matchup that is hard for any Fizz to win, unless the enemy is trolling.
You will be pushed to your tower everytime, so try to get your jungler to assist you.”
Xalt says “Play around windwall cool down to ensure you get your reset on your ult also E him into turret range which is easy to do as he dashes forwards a lot!”
Euphoric Toaster says “Permaban. Yasuo fundamentally counters Heimer in pretty much every way. He has an anti-burst passive, hyper-mobility, he can very easily kill your turrets and he can Windwall any attempt you make to go aggressive on him/completely negate your presence in a teamfights with it. Windwall literally is able to block every source of damage in your entire kit, and the hit box on it is massive. In lower elos this matchup isn't as bad, but if you play against a Yasuo who has a decent idea what hes doing, you will feel worthless as a champion.”
J Husky says “He can only block your E with his windwall, your Q is undodgeable by him. As fizz, he is melee, you can abuse him and dodge his tornado with your W.”
xdKami_ says “Play safe:) This guy is smurfing and will dash on you with ignite, miss 3 Q's and kill you with conqueror and basic attacks.
Or if you're lucky he'll wait till 0/9 powerspike to kill you.”
Exscind says “Yasuos biggest advantage vs Kat is his windwall. To win this match-up, play around cooldowns and try to only fight after baiting out his W.”
Chromuro says “His windwall can block like 75% of your kit, it' pretty annoying and can all in you forever. There is still counterplay, but you have to be a bit skilled to win”
SeeEl says “Abuse whenever his windwall is down, and respect his dashes + all ins post level 2. Play the lane to farm out and you can easily outsustain with corrupting pot. You can go for priority level 1 but it is generally correct to pull this wave and zone post levels with your ball. ”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs Yasuo. My Main vs my Main. Kennen should have barely any problems facing a Yasuo due to the amount of poke and CC he has available against him.”
Froakinator says “He can wind wall all of your abilities, rendering you useless while he is free to charge into you. Either play around windwall, rush Zhonya's, or play far back.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Skill Matchup
He can easily dodge your Q's with his E and can block your W and your Passive damage so try to predict where he goes and you will stop his dash”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Skill Matchup
He can block your shurikens with his W and is much stronger with his auto attacks
You can cast R after he casts his Q3 before it hits you to dodge it and he won't be able to R you because he will need to hit you with Q 2 times and it will be hard for him
It's a good idea to R him after his R but it's a risk with the damage he will do to you”
MrxHudsy says “He is able to block everything apart from your ult with his windwall, which causes alot of trouble when trying to poke him, Try to stay back and dodge his hurricanes so that he has less all in potential on you”
Zeyan says “Windwall blocks your daggers and all of your abilities, If you bait it out he's relativily easy to 1v1 but if he isnt a smooth brain he will win lane.”
Patoxic says “It's hard, but not to much, is what you can say, tolerable, make sure that they don't have the passive when trying to poke, or even kill, but is easy, evolve Q first cuz wind wall can't stop all turrets hits.”
ZenonZeni says “Yasuo is weak early punish him before level 6. But if he does hit level 6 do not go close to your minions and play under tower since he will block every one of your abilities with wind wall. Wait for a gank or outplay under tower if he's greedy.”
DanDosXR says “His windwall is the only problematic thing about him. Either bait it or just play safe and try to bait him into coming to you. Once he gets too close you can ult him into your tower/allies to burst him.”
Wizboy73 says “If the yas knowes what hes doing its a hard lane, you can stun him and blow him up but if he has windwall and blocks in time he wins te trade.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “He can't block your ult and he usually won't level up wind wall until 3, so as long as you can harass him early he's really not that big of a deal. The wall is still a problem, so don't just fling your spells at him past level 3. Respect his tornados.”
ranyyyy says “Not a Hard matchup if the yasuo player is bad, make sure you have your stun when he wants to engage you, dont waste your stun against him, also he can windwall your ult”
LiakoZ says “Yasuo will easily be able to dodge your Q with his E or protect himself with W on early game. The advantage there is that Yasuo does not use mana. Ekko would slowly spend it all and would have to recall. I would suggest playing safe by staying under your turret or at least close to it, to prevent ganks and yasuo killing you.”
Massive Nuts says “Yasuo is annoying but once you know the matchup, you can kind of control his pace and in teamfight you can E him and he loses all his mobility.”
deixa akali open says “Just make sure you will hit him your Qs and punish him. He can outscale you if you don't take care with his skills. It's a minor threat because he is very predictable”
Sundown23 says “Conqueror Champs generally counter Ornn, however Yasuo can dodge with his dash and makes extended trade go in his favor by kiting and using his Q on you.”
TwilightKid Zoe says “His passive Way Of The Wanderer makes it hard to trade with him keep far from minions and poke him to break his passive push him out of lane early to keep ahead stay clear of his Tornado and his W Wind Wall completely negates E Sleepy Trouble Bubble try to make his use Wind before hitting him with E Sleepy Trouble Bubble
TruePvPYT says “In this lane you either go even , or you loose lane and throw the game. Try to avoid his short trades and go for all in's only when you get your lvl 6!”
kiewe says “With this build i won over almost every Yasuo i was playing against,unless his jg will gank u every minute you will be ok as long as u can
catch him with q even if he dashes,if he's playing very aggresive then just poke from afar and then when he has like 50% health you can just one shot him with the combo Q+E+R this works for other champs as well.”
Zero Two says “As annoying as he is, if you bait out his windwall he is as good as dead. This however does not mean that he cant outplay you. Play with caution, and look for engages when both his shield and windwall are down.”
PizzaMarine says “This is the baby man that you will inflict the most pain on. As a Fiddlesticks going into Yasuo, make sure to harass him early game with many crows, and to suck him off when he attempts to bat you around with his pool noodle. However, do not let your cockiness get to your head, as it is possible that the Yasuo will achieve what is known as "Ultra Instinct," and will continue to fight you and burning you with Ignite. They will taunt you and think you are some lowly scoundrel. but do not fret, as your job is to tilt the player and not actually kill him in-game.”
vzelt says “Yasuo is a good matchup for akali due to your shroud being a way to dodge his tornados. With both these champions being mostly melee it is hard for you to be bullied by yasuo as long as you are poking with Q and disengaging from any bad trades/ganks.”
SepekuAW says “This matchup gets really hard later on, it's kinda like ekko. this entire lane is about predicting his e.
Yas windwall only blocks your E and your R. you can Q + W over it.
pay attention to where your minions are, don't stand too close to them or he will dash straight for them and get on top of you, you lose if he's on you.
If yasuo gives you space you should walk into your minions and zone him.. this makes it so he can't e since he is too far away.. q him when he goes to walk up to them.. and back off, slowly poking him down. if he positions close to them, you can walk at him like you're gonna q to force him back. If he doesn't back just poke him with q.. at lower elo it's easy to predict when he's gonna e through a minon cause he'll wait till it's really low then start running towards it.. this is when you wanna get ready to q + e him!”
Flygenring says “Really depends on the yasuo's skill level, hug tower if he gets lvl 2 before you. As he will stack conqueror and hardcore out trade you. MAX E to disengage him.”
Xavier Senori says “Yasuo is pretty easy to deal with pre-6 because of your Miasma. Yasuo players are notorious for all inning around level 2-3, so just have a point in miasma ready and drop it and move into it whenever they engage on you. This will allow you to get off at least 2-3 Twin Fangs while you retreat. Take Exhaust, invest in armor runes, harass him whenever he tries to CS, and avoid confrontation in your minion line, as he will just dash around, making it impossible for you to land your Q's. Buy an early Seraph's Embrace/RoA and Zhonya's Hourglass and you should be able to easily out duel him at all stages of the game.”
The Jhin Cena says “Grab a Randuin's as your 5th item when facing him. Unless fed, he shouldn't be too hard. If they have no AP, then grab a Randuin's as your 2nd item instead of Visage. Your lifesteal will make you win 1v1s against him.”
Kaized says “Can bait your ultimate by dashing in and out of minions. Windwall blocks your bind which is a major component of your damage. Sit back and save your shield for Tornados.”
Pumparum says “Yasuo is manaless and slippery and does high damage, but he isn't impossible to fight. Getting damage down on him early before he can sustain or go for long fights is key.
Early on you may need help from a jungler so he doesn't pressure you out. Watch for tornado if you decide to Snowball engage, the windwall doesn't block it until you let it go.”
kilgta says “Should be pretty easy. Keep wave on your side of lane and you wont die ever. You both have equal wave shove but you poke him hard after liandries.”
MechaaZero says “Personally I love this matchup. Genuinely. What I do here is stall until 6 and piss them off for doing nothing, and all in them after they muff and tornado. Watch the wind wall and it will help you get damage off: Q after he places it if you land a sleep. He can win an all in almost every time if he lands a tornado.”
Latarnia40 says “Yassuo is a bad champion. Attack him after his shield is down. If he uses his W jast wait till it ends. The only problem is that he can doge your abilities by using his dashes. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Do you hate Yasuo? Good. If you see that he's going to be top, you will absolutely DESTROY him with this build. Rush Sheen and tabis and only Q him when you have your grasp ready. After level 6, he has no chance of killing you.”
maplecat21 says “He's annoying. A good one will ruin your day pre-6, a bad one will int you. I play it safe and ban him, since you can never really be sure. You can fight him post 6 by dancing in ult though, and you can catch him mid e with q, since he can't windwall while dashing.”
EvilOranges says “Corruption Potion or D-Shield. This matchup is a skill matchup. If the Yasuo pushes, you win. If you push, he wins. If it freezes in the middle, he wins. Let him push the lane, otherwise he has a lot of room to kill you as you are running to tower. You beat him after 6, he shouldn't be able to land a tornado against you.”
CoffeeCube says “This match up is purely a test of skill. Dodge his Qs and be very wary of when he hits 6. Like most champions once hes in the cage, he has no abilities to escape.”
RagexAddict says “Yasuo won't be much of a threat to you in the laning phase, unless you happen to misplay at levels 1-2. Avoid throwing your ultimate at him when he is aware of your presence and has his windwall available. The real threat from Yasuo comes in the late game, when his ultimate can decimate your team if he has the right supporting cast around him. Put him down early and keep him down. Make him your priority target in team fights. ”
Envel says “To Mobile for Ahri but can get also hard destroyed by your Ahri you can easy Charm him if he tries to e you.
While he flying to you or threw minions he cant dodge.
Altis says “Naturally, having an ability that blocks projectiles will cripple your chances of damaging him, since he can throw up the wind wall just before he falls asleep. But sometimes you can outplay him, but that's all on how skilled he is. Play safer and try to bait out the wind wall.”
Wrxith says “Quite difficult if the yasuo player knows what he's doing. It'll be near impossible to hit Q or E due to his E. Most Yasuo players get cocky and try to play aggressive, so you can go for a Q into tower and then E him when he have no minions.”
Vombat says “Use your E on lane to make him unable to dash between minions without taking damage. It may be hard to land a combo but when playing safely and slowly poking him, you shouldn't have any bigger problems.”
MadMaster523 says “This matchup heavily favors yasuo. His windwall makes your q useless and he has a pretty big gap closer. Mega form is the only time u should trade with him. However, if he uses his windwall you can q him and try to auto attack him.”
The Jhin Cena says “Most Yasuos I've faced haven't been an issue. However if they don't have really slow reflexes, then you may have trouble landing a fully charged ult on them unless from bush or out of their view range. If they're new to Yasuo and don't know anything about Fizz then you could maybe bait them into windwalling and then land your ult on them. In the end, facing a Yasuo depends on how good they are at the champion, because Yasuo does have a lot of outplay potential. Though an unfed Yasuo vs. you should be easy since your damage should be superior to him.”
0mega best says “Super easy, you do more damage and you are tankier than him, you will simply destroy him. Destroy is mini passive shield then poke him to death has much as you can, very easy and high chance of winning.”
SrSuders says “Die frühe Laningphase ist nicht schwer, aber ab Level 6 wirds schwieriger! Demnach bis Level 6 aggressiver spielen.
Ab Level 6 Situationsbedingt handeln, entweder spielste gegen einen 2/0 Yasuo oder 0/2 Yasuo.
Beim zweiteren kann man auch ab Level 6 weiter aggressiv spielen um Farm zu verhindern.”
Yegie says “Not the worst matchup, go for boots early to help dodge his Q. You usually negate his passive with your E's passive, since its hard to avoid being hit by that as a melee champ. Pretty skill dependent.”
Fluctuation says “Yasuo is another champion you might have a hard time against. Try to get your jungler to gank early to gain an advantage. Don't engage him unless his shield is down.”
LyndonK9 says “Yasuo is pretty annoying mainly because his shield allows him to trade in his favor, and your early damage just isn't enough.. Try and auto him to proc his shield and go for trades after it's down. His e is pretty annoying because it allows him to dodge your abilities but it actually makes it easier to charm him while he's mid dash. Another reason why this sucks is because your charm doesn't last long enough to get your second Q part off, as he usually windwalls backwards. My advice would be to continue to push the lane and roam or ask your jungler for ganks. Even if you manage to trade with him early you will use up all of your mana and be forced to back. ”
Yuriina says “Yasuo being able to dash around and poke at you with qs and nados are a massive pain considering you are super immobile, ontop of that Yasuo has his windwall which blocks all your spells. ”
hipstersora says “Beware a good Yasuo player. Their windwall negates your entire kit, from Q to W to E to R to even your autos. What you think was a good ult will be windwalled. He basically makes you useless, even if he's behind. If he's ahead, then GG the enemy team is going to get hypercarried.
However.... he has to save his windwall to protect himself from your ult, so in lane post-6 he's susceptible to ult. He still has dashes though. I insist you focus on clearing the best you can, and whenever you're alone in lane roam bot for a kill. You certainly won't be killing Yas unless he all ins you and fails or doesn't play safe.
It should be noted his E has a fixed distance so if you ever see him start to E around you can WQ where he'll end up and he can't dodge it. ”
LighterDay says “Yasuo's dash makes it hard to land skillshots and his windwall can block them. However, he is squishy and since windwall has a high cooldown, baiting out a Yasuo windwall is best to just poke with autos and stack on enemy minions.”
DaytonMcCloud says “His passive is annoyingly strong, and he has a windwall that can negate most of your kit. You'll be under tower most of the time. Trade after his 3rd consecutive Q. All in with no windwall when pushed in. Ping Jungle.”
KatAirlines says “His windwall will ruin all of your combos by just deleting your Q dagger. Do NOT shumpo into your q dagger until its landed. Dodge his Q's in early game.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “The higher the skill, the higher the danger. No skill Yas is easy to kill. High skill dances around and kills you whenever he pleases”
TotallySugoi says “Yasuo isn't too big of a threat, however his wind wall is very good against Lux for blocking both her Q and E. Aim to stun him when windwall is on CD and then use your combo. Play lane passively while farming and poking.”
Ahrimu says “Just try to bait his windwall before you start a fight and don't play too aggressive against him. Don't forget to move a lot while he's going to cast his tornado, the chances of him missing it are higher.”
SkyLaws says “It all depends on your early here. If he falls behind, you're his nightmare. If you do, he is yours.
Watch out for his E, the dash can be tricky and make you miss your abilities and combos. Try to land the abilities when there are no minions or try to predict.
Insist on basic attacks to trick him into using his W for nothing, once that is used, he's all yours.”
YourBestSenpai says “Yasuo is hard to deal with, but shouldn't give you too much trouble, unless he is hard Yasuo main that is actually skilled. Just try to farm and wait for your jungler to engage.”
Ec40494 says “Pre level 3 you lose. Don't engage when pre 3 because you will lose 100% of the time. Try take out his shield with your q before all in. Level 6 you win but if enemy yas is good he can win as well.”
BL00dY3nD says “Counter his Q Storm with your E+W combo and you dodge it + you will deal damage. Get Hextech Portobelt and Zhonyas to dodge easier and you will be the hero of the game. He will roam alot so don't forget to SS. Your Q wors threw is Windwall (W)”
Bughans says “I ban this guy every game. I just hate yasuo in particular. But still, he can shut down your combo if he places windwall on himself. And if you go in, and he realises you fucked up, he'll just Hasaiyo you to death. Just fucking annoying to play against in general.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Farm with q and try not to push. Play safe until 6. After 6 just do small trades and proc electrocute. Later into the game you beat him harder.”
Mern says “Your general AD champion which counters Kassadin.
BUT It's not as bad as Talon or Zed.
Depends a lot on player skill.
Rush Seeker's and after lvl 6 if you dodge tornados you are fine. Try poking him down. Also whenever he Q you, teleport sideways and E>Q combo. If he gets too close, trade with W and run away with R if needed. After lvl 11 it's free win.”
hetter12x says “It might be suprising but yasuo W, passive and high damage early is complete pain in the ass for kat! He can delete your daggers mid air!”
Swift_Trapper says “Can W your Q longer fights he win
If you just play def and wait for him to get to close burst him down and run away
Wining trades easy against yasuo
his early is weak .”
Best Karth NA says “There are a couple ways you could play this lane out, but I usually prefer to just allow him to shove early on and keep the wave towards my turret, setting up your jungler for a gank. Yasuo is going to have the advanatage 1v1 early on unless you can hit all of your Qs, so just look to build a CS lead and punish him for any misplays. ”
Siand says “Yassuo is a weird matchup in the sense that its outcome mostly depends on him. Careful use of windwall will make you somewhat useless against him, so try to bait it out with your w and auto attacks, Barrier is pretty much a must in this match-up.”
NescEI says “Go in when he got no Windwall (W) and don't try to fight in minions, play save when you ulted or w'd him and you couldn't kill him. Try to dodge or to predict his Q-nado, If you dodge it with your ult you win the fight almost everytime”
BoopForTheTroops says “If he gets fed early then you will be useless. Auto him to proc his ult then once he releases his tornado then go in for some poke. You beat him early game.”
noolan says “Completely dependent on skill. Bait out his wind wall before using death lotus, and of course dodge his tornados with shunpo. This will definitely be a difficult lane for you if he is good at Yasuo. Although his wind wall has a long cool down, he can still block your entire combo with it. Abuse him when his wall is on cd.”
Shderen says “You can silence him through his E, but that's really all you've got. If you can manage to hit him with Qs and autos then do so, but he's likely to all-in/poke you. Seek jungle assistance as he nearly always pushes up. An experienced Yasuo knows their duel limits extremely well, better than most players. If they seem confident to go in, retreat immediately. Wind Wall can't be up forever, predict his E usage and leave him a nice little Starcall and run away.”
HerrSolahri says “Fight him either in a big enough Wave so he gets a lot dmg by Minions or in no Wave so he can't e. If the wave isnt big enough he is too hard to hit and builds up his Shield too fast.”
Fruxo says “Yasuo against Jhin can be pretty hard if done wrong. If he tries to poke you down then return some auto attacks and use your Q, it's an even better situation if you can proc get him CC'd during this period of time aswell while not taking to much damage. Your W is also pretty good to use if you are with a Support that can land CC on him for a good W like Leona.”
Default Ryze says “Despite being a melee champion Yasuo can be difficult to handle. Remember to play safe in lane to minimize the advantage he has over you. Try to bait out his windwall and use your root to zone if he gets too close. Also because of his mobility he is difficult to hit, so harass him with Flux Spread.”
CharmingFeather says “Early game you crush yasuo, mid-late game of course that will turn around, but do your best to not let him get 2 or more kills. So sit under turret and wait for a dive, if you don't he will E Q to poke you down and engage with ult and by that time you're dead.”
Extro Huski says “This annoying piece-of-shit can block all of your attacks, making you have to reorient your ult to at least try to get somewhat of a trade off. This is Sona's biggest counter.”
aButteredPoptart says “Yasuo is a dangerous counter to Ahri. He has not just mobility from E, but his wind wall as well to dodge your skillshots. Always poke off his shield when its safe and respect his tornado when its up. These two things along with respecting his mobility can actually win the lane if you play it right.”
SmokeyEggs says “Remember, i am assuming that all the players in these matchups are beyond average, so Good Yasuo's will rush Wit's End and Mercs against you. His damage and healing will shred you, along with his Windwall denying your Q and his pushing power as well. Building an early Seekers will help in matchups like this and try to suprise him with ganks. ”
BicBee says “Stay away from minion waves. Look to AA his shield and W to harass. Don't throw abilities out too fast because there's a chance he will block with his wall. His wall is around 18s CD so abuse that. ”
Ethereal Ezio says “Yasuo's wind wall does not block ult or Q, but does block E. He can get to you quick and a very very aggressive Yas will be very challenging. Otherwise poke and farm, and you may even kill him. His danger ranges from a 3 to a 9 based on skill, and is the most unpredictable matchup here. ”
BicBee says “Stay away from minions if you can. AA him to break his shield before you land your skills on him. Building seekers can help you in this match up if you're struggling. It's pretty easy to land your skills onto him when he's dashing forward. If you can't then stick to your AA's and shield as he's coming in and look to land skills as he's exiting out. ”
AzureArmatt says “When bad yasuo won't even bother with efficient use of his E dashes, good yasuo will actually doge all your skill shots while leaving you defenseless when he closes up the distance where he shines. Later in the game he can literally use 3 attacks on you to kill you if he gets a lead. If you keep him on your side of the lane it will give you more space to chase him (he will be further from turret) and also he won't be able to use your minions to dash around as he wants too. Your best time to attack is when his wind wall is on cool down so he won't be able to block your skill shots (mainly charm). He counters skill shot reliant champions and we're on great disadvantage here so don't skip seeker's armguard and even consider buying ninja tabi (if they have many AD champions).”
ninjashmon2 says “Yasuo can block you'r Q with his windwall (W) and you'r Q does probably most of the damage. But also you can dodge his abilities with you'r W and also poke him with it.”
javimc17 says “He can't do nothing against you. Stay focused on farm and poke him with E. If he engages, use your E+W to survive his first strikes and kill him easily with your Q+R. ”
NocUout says “Mostly a skill matchup, he outdamage you first 2 levels, but level 3 you should beat him. Unless you're ahead, dont engage on him unless you see an opportunity. When you WEQ before of him dashing to minions to dodge the abilities, and use your ultimate to dodge his tornado so he can't ult. ”
Gerrage says “This will be your EASIEST lane of your life. He can't do anything against you, as long as you make sure you do not get hit by his tornado, you will be winning every single trade. ”
thedonk says “The main problem is his windwall. If it's on cooldown, you can go in for a trade. It's best if you use your chains against him as it will stop him from dashing everywhere. Dodge his Q's and tornado with your W. ”
kiNGSHADE1488 says “Not a threat, but he have a shield too, and that's hard to harass him. He will just running around like a chick and waiting for ganks.”
SerbianMafia says “Good yasuo will dodge ur passive spins easy, block your q and r good and make u suffer so much because that. His tornado also can cancel Kats ult so you should realy take care of him.”
Dudstrol says “Depois de alguns jogos contra, yasuo se tornou, para mim, uma das rotas mais difícil do jogo. Sua alta mobilidade é bem chata, sua parede de vento impede suas habilidades e seu dano critico o torna bem poderoso.Caso ele tenha gume evite trocas.**Não consigo ajudar muito, pois todos os jogos que vou de Ryze eu tiro yasuo.”
Padrepio says “His wall blocks your Q and your R, but you can hit him with E and W! Remember to keep his shield down with AAs (or passive if you're lucky). He can dash over your minions to reach you, avoid engages if he has 3 stacks of Q. Care of his 100% crit chance.”
Valor_Chaos says “An annoying lane for sure. He can windwall most if not all of your damage, but only once. Wait for your opening, clear those waves and try your best not to die. Best option here is to sustain out the lane and get 11, then split”
Jazzmonkey says “skill matchup. Go tiamat vs Yasou it can proc his Passiv so its rly usefull for you. Trade him after his passiv is gone. Try to kill him with level 6. ”
overweight_zoe says “Hyper mobility and the OUTPLAY BUTTON (W) are super obnoxious. His passive shield also helps him eat that early harass. Can decently bully him levels 1-3 but will eventually have to play around your ult post 6. ”
EmperorEthernity says “In the laning phase he can be a huge threat. Stay back and dont fight him directly. In Team Fights he can be easily dealt with your Ultimate”
drunken hunter says “Yasuo sux against Rengar in the early game, especially on the top lane - you can carefully try to do the early poke, dodge his (Q) and do safe engage if you are lvl 3/4 or higher. ”
Dr Wonderdrugs says “Son mur de vent sera une vrai plaie pour vous mais en ce qui concerne son passif je vous recommande de lui donner une balle normal ou un spell puis de le tuer avec vos gros dommages.”
Zaradine says “People say that you counter Yasuo but it's more skillbased. Whoever get's the first kill or two wins lane. dodge his whirlwind and watch out for his E. He'll more than likely windwall as soon as you jump on him”
Tipurrs says “Pop his passive with your AA. Wait for him to waste his Windwall then Burst him at 6. He's too squishy unless he rushes Hexdrinker or other items that gives MR. I suggest using W to stun him as he will use his Windwall to block your Q and AAs.”
tsyuu says “You should always beat him, but watch out. Good Yasuo players will usually give you a hard time.
But lets be real, who is really good at Yasuo?”
Finish Flash says “Yasuo has more overall dps than you in the early parts of the lane, so look to do short trades with him until you can chuck him out enough to all-in and kill him. Don't extend trades with him unless he's low enough for you to kill. Rush Seeker's Armguard and don't use your ultimate proactively on him as his windwall will block it. Save your ultimate for when he dashes onto you.”
BARAL says “His Wind Wall can block all of Lux's spells besides her ultimate. During laning phase, he passively builds up a shield from Way of the Wanderer, and has movement in lane due to his Sweeping Blade. This is a hard counter, so stay passive and watch out.Your Final Spark can go through his Wind Wall so you can do this when him or someone else is low.
Your Lucent Singularity can't go through his Wind Wall but you can place the middle of the bubble in front of the wall.”
LionLifeSteal says “Can windwall your ult and your q but if you hit him with anything and he doesn't have magic resist he will die quickly. Play with your team to counter him.”
mcasterix123 says “It's kind of odd. On one hand you can just push him around if you avoid being too reckless, but at the same time, his W can nullify your Ult. You MUST only ulti when his W is down.”
ikiilyou7523 says “Contra un yasuo te serviran las runas de aliento agonico (las de valor)
Tambien intenta ir pokeandolo con tu Q o con tu E ve bajandole el escudo de su pasiva.
Despues de nivel 6 puedes esquivarle los tornados con tu R y asi hacer que no use su R ”
moutenn says “Fun matchup. You have the upper hand, but a really good Yasuo will know what to do against you.
Think about it this way. If yasuo hits his R you will loose, if he does not you will win, Therefor use R to juke his tornado. Also try and bait his windwall with your W-E. He will panic and send it out. Wait till its down, then take it and AA him. He will use tornado so R him, and kill him with your Q's.”
qasddsa says “Skill matchup. Max E from the start and run Grasp. Whenever he gets into range for E, use it immediately before he dashes out of range. If he comes into your melee range, you can do a full spell rotation along with a Grasp proc with E + AA + W AA + Q + E (assuming he has used 4 abilities) to trade back extremely well against him. Most of the time though, a simple AA + W AA with grasp + E is enough to trade back against him and stop him from going in further.”
WhiteSheepz says “Yasuo is simply an annoying champion to face, his wind wall can block your E however it cannot block your Q. Try to poke him down and don't stay too close to your minions. If he dashes too you try and stun him- similarly try to avoid his Q tornado shot so that he cannot ult you. If he does ult you do your best to back off as he does lots of damage.”
Yadashi says “Yasuo can be quite tricky. Because of his high mobility and windwall, it's hard to land your ablities. Keep a distance to him when his tornado is up. You're able to hit Yasuo with your passive through his windwall!”
vitim do morro says “He can be dangerous if you dont play smart because of his shield wall that can stops your ult. You need to go in with the combo a talked early and try to land your R close because far you won't”
Rugie says “Probably the hardest enemy you can get. Is extremely hard to trade with him if he is doing good. You need to take his passive shield or his windwall down if you want to trade something. Try to dodge his Q's. Take doran's shield. Ask for gangs from you jungler. You can also take armor runes to be more tanky.”
Draczor says “Don't get near minions and dodge his tornado's. On level 1 he can't do anything against you so make sure to Q + AA him as much as you can to establish a lead so you can do the same thing on level 2. Just make sure you keep a good distance from him so he can't dmg you. If he goes in to trade, AA his passive shield and land your combo afterwards as you walk away from him. You can use your gravity field to stun him if he goes too deep on you and has no minions to dash away from it. In that moment you can try to all in on him with your ult and quite possibly kill him unless you already are low on health or behind. Exhaust is pretty good in this matchup. If he has the advantage then don't try to fight him, focus on farming and wait until he makes a mistake or for your jungler to gank. ”
mandatorycloud says “Windwall completely shuts down your combo potential. Be careful looking for trades if it's available as you will never hit your W or E if they're good.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, you might think that yasuo would be good against adcs as an adc but he actually sucks against sivir. you know the way that yasuo's tornado is already the easiest thing to dodge in the game? well to make EZ sure that it never hits you have a spell shield. also you can just spell shield his q. also you out-damage him if he engages and u spell shield his q. also you win btw.”
RYZE number one says “Mesmo que muitos considerem skill match-up, e que você consiga solar ele nível 2. A partir do 4 a lane vira completamente para o Yasuo, ele te sola muito fácil por possuir muitos dash, sem contar que você não consegue pegar siege contra ele.”
XBlackyX says “Just do the damage until he's upset he will come to kill you then use your combo (In early game he's better than you because he uses nothing for cast skill Just Shout HASAKI) ”
Felispo says “Fica mais difícil quanto mais você sobe de elo, pois geralmente em elos baixos o Yasuo irá focar tudo no "Q", sendo que o Aurelion é stompado se ele focar o E.”
Andicus says “Again, depends on your skill. Watch out for level 2 fights. He generally beats you pre-6 with more consistent faster aa damage and Q's. Try to go all in when he doesn't have windwall. Get E second if you can fight him early when he E's to poke you. If not get W to play safely. If he lands his knockup and ults you before you do anything, try to ult him as soon as you land and flash away / w away and then Q E. You can usually bait his tornado and W R E W Q him.”
JohnnyC says “I'm just joking he will knock up but you can bully him and late game if he ask you for a solo just say yes and free kill I just messing with you of course yasuo can't be a threat but this is just a tip”
rimzaki says “Down him shield with ur basic attack dont trade him early game when hes shield on save ur sanguine for hims tornado He no match against ur sustain and nuke Hes wall can not protect himself ”
Sozzoh says “You counter Yasuo because he's melee, so auto attack him if he has his passive shield up, then poke the living hell out of him. If you dodge his nado's, then you've pretty much won lane. If Yasuo is missing, warn your team right away because if he gets only a few kills, he can snowball pretty hard and be unstoppable, especially with 100% crit after two items.”
Master_Yagyu says “makes your amor useless,because of penetration from ult,avoid him when he have tornado,then kill him if he doesnt have tornado and thats should be good.”
Prenora says “Yasuo is stupid, while it might seem like you have the advantage because he's melee, you don't the more minions, you have the stronger he is, so don't push him in, instead let him push you to 3/4 your side, just out of tower range, and keep your wave there. dodge his skill shots, and just focus on managing your wave, should he choose to leave lane and roam, push it right to his tower and reset the process. Dont try to fight him or you will certainly die. his windwall blocks most of your damage”
TacoLubber says “His Dashes are quite annoying so he can usually get out of your W fast IF he is paying attention. Try to always have his shield down before a teamfight happens”
Witwickies says “Difficulty lies in foreseeing Yasuo's location after his dash. And, of course, dodging his tornado. As Zyra it's easy to just activate his shield once per while and simply poke him. If he has no targets to dash nearby, you can go with all-in. Take note, that his W can't block your Q, as you press button behind shield.”
Prenora says “Yasuo is by far the hardest matchup, his windwall blocks all of your abilities, his dash makes it impossible to land your bubble and his passive shields nullifies the damage of any poke you do manage to land, your goal is to keep him around half health through E and W, don't even waste your bubble until your jungler comes to help.”
undeadsoldiers says “His kit was made to counter mages. Especially squishy ones such as Zoe. The best thing you can do is ban him, or try to work your way around him.
A Yasuo always strives to keep 3-4 minions still alive, so he can use them to E dash to you to engage, and to disengage. Don't let him do that and try to E him while he's trying.
He can windwall your E, so either pray he has bad reflexes, or simply punish him when he wastes it, since the cooldown is much higher than on your E.
You can poke Yasuo a lot early game to pop his Flow, but he's annoying if he can get in your face.
Once he uses his W, he's open to your combo.
If you find yourself unable to sidestep his tornadoes, you can use your ult to avoid them.
If he gets a kill he'll snowball hard.
Suggested: Armguard rush if necessary”
Morathin says “His winwall can block all of your abilities (except R). It also block your W, even if he gets hit by its 1. instance and casts his W after. He also has very high mobility with his E.”
pokeball says “Pretty difficult matchup because he excels at extended lane phases and extended trading. Ekko does not do well in both of these situations early game and you need a couple of ganks to handle this lane. Pushing is hard because he can deny a whole wave with windwall.”
macspam says “Mosquito-like champ, everyone knows how irritating he is. On paper you think you can just E him, but he will just 'outplay' you by dashing out of the radius. Also be careful because his ult is a blink and will go through the cage. ”
wo xiang zhaoo says “Same as Talon, if you don't give him unnecessary kills, you're in a fine spot. Your E can surpass his Windwall. Surprise him with that E max through the Windwall.”
PilkkuOffical says “He has good waveclear and you cant really do anything when he jumps on you by using your minions to dash, stay far away and farm safe. ”
Jukapiz says “He can be annoying to deal with, just focus to autoattack him once, when he has his sheald. Then poke him and it'll be all good. If he windshields, go besides it, combo, and you'll be good.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Be aware of his wind wall, it will stop your ball mid-movement. His mobility counters Orianna, play safe, try to snag a bad Yasuo player with R under your tower (he WILL try to dive you).
JuaniG17 says “His windwall, if thrown properly, can deny your rake's(W) damage and stacks for Talon's passive. This ability has a long CD though so bait it and then try to all in as soon as your W is up and he doesn't has the shield on.”
Eccentrik says “Okay, first of, he's annoying with his dash, second, he's painful as heck if you keep getting hit by his Q's. He has no mana so it's best you ask help from your jungler everytime he's overextending. Fake your charm by auto attack cancelling on him multiple times until he uses wind wall. Also remove his annoying passive shield because let's face it, you can't deal max damage with that up.”
Kaeze Poulsen says “Yasuo has a lot of DPS and burst damage on his kit, as well as CC and mobility, but his Windwall will make your Starsurge and Voice of Light useless.
You can't take Exhaust because he usually takes Conqueror and you can't roam, you just need your jungler's help.”
Prenora says “Yasuo's waveclear is the main problem for you, he can push the wave so fast, and his passive shield while easy to pop makes going in on him tricky, wait until he gets too close then jump on him. keep your wave even with his best you can or wait for jungle pressure”
AQRC Turtle says “Skills matchup, avoid to extend ur trades early game and dont fight in your minion wave. Post lvl 6 u should be able to win the 1 vs 1
Talon outdmg Zed early. Be carefull of his passive 3rd AA Proc but keep ur lane pressure to avoid his roams
evbut it mostly skill match ”
asffg123 says “Yasuo is limited in his reach, so playing correctly (not staying next to minions) will allow you to get good auto attacks and abilities in. Dodge his skillshots and play semi-safe. You are likely to win laning phase.”
Rosie Posy says “You can keep a match with Yasuo even if you allow him to push under turret and can bait out his windwall since without it he will won't be able to fight you or avoid you. ”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “He`s a very aggressive laner which means he does half the work of killing him self by running into you. First thing is level 2 (both of you), once he E`s in that's when you strike with Q and E. after that the lane should be a snowball and continue pressuring him at all levels past that.* his wind wall blocks your Q.”
Bengineer says “That annoying windwall can block your E, but, when you have an empowered Q, it can't block it. Don't lose your guard, but, if you want to poke him, make sure to auto him and then Q him. ”
Snowyfreezer says “This is mostly a skill matchup favoring yasuo as he has more dashes and can easily escape your W and could possibly Wind wall your Shark”
BattleXD says “Yasuo seems like a 50/50 to me. Yes your W does stop his dash but for a way to short of a time for the amount of dashes that Yas has. His wind wall blocks your W and your E but not Q. ”
Sadmanv2 says “Level 1 Aggression. Stay away from minion waves, constantly knock off his windshield. bait his wind wall, his melee threat is severely reduced. ”
Smol Jelly says “Your Q, E, and W are skillshots. Yasuo's Wind Wall blocks all of those. He's highly mobile and prevents all of your major poke. If you're lucky enough to land a root, he'll still block the E. He can't stop your ult though. Regardless. He eats Lux for breakfast.”
KarateciKagan says “Honorable mention:
yasuo is not that big of a threat when faced in toplane considering others in this list, but his wind wall fucks up ornns ult so bad I nearly always ban yasuo when I play”
ShokLoL says “You can't really kill Yasuo but you can W his tornado so unless you let him get on you, you should be pretty safe from dying. Keep the wave on your side so he doesn't have a lot of room to run you down.”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo can be scary early but you do incredibly well into him in teamfights and will overall be much more useful unless you lose early game very hard. Focus on trading defensively and keeping the wave on your side. Don't give him room to run you down and you should be all good.”
n1n3Liv3s says “Play smart with your fear, don't fight without it
Windwall stops your E as well.. I learned that the hardway. Just wait for its cooldown”
Zeekar says “Another champ that has to get in melee range to get value. Pay attention to how aggressively he plays, and if he is good. A good yasuo can ruin your day, but a bad yasuo is an easy target, and will typically make his trading patterns very obvious. ”
Chuleex says “Yasuo isnt as self reliant as yone but on lane he is as great of a bully as his older brother, play with your wave, yasuo loves to move between minions so if you trade against him in middle of lane you wont win, his w is also another strong counter to your damage and his passive makes him quite tanky + his sustain, look to all in once he pushes, has no w, or once you get ecplise, still he is stronger on the long trade so you should do small trades with w back, remember to do this only if he has no wave of yours to play with, overall a skill matchup without minions is easier to deal with. onzed usually goes dshield and waits for his powerspkies or any mistake the yasuo player can make, play with waves and patience.”
zolamalo says “Poke him with your E while keeping your distance, and try to bait out his Wind Wall before committing to damage. Focus on wave management to deny him farm and avoid extended trades where his passive shield and mobility give him an advantage.”
ShokLoL says “Vs Yasuo take grasp + boneplating, if you are relatively even in lane you are winning super hard. Play mainly for Q poke as E poke probably isn't worth it for the mana early since his sustain is so high. Try avoid isolated”
ShokLoL says “Yasuo will bully a lot early but you mega outscale him in teamfights. Keep the wave frozen on your side and just try trade defensively + farm. Take grasp and rush steelcaps. As long as he doesn't snowball either in lane or on the sidelane you will just win for free. Be careful because he can windwall your ult.”
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