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Ornn Counter Stats

Ornn Counters
Discover all champions who counter Ornn. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Ornn in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
903 Tips for countering Ornn below

Top Lane
51.44% Win Rate94% Pick Rate Ornn Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Ornn in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Grasp Early: E start and play for manaflow and good first reset Tips: His W makes him unstoppable BUT you can still E him and he won't get his auto attack off because he'll be stunned after his W. Just make sure you don't E At the absolute start of his W. Lvl 6 You might be able to look for kills but you need to use your ult to stop his ult. Make sure you ult him to the SIDE because if you just ult him back, he can still hit it.”
[S15] - Beginner > Expert level details - Gragas guide by Loocalol | Gragas Player
DANCE762 says “Very hard if good. Avoid his knockup and flames. Can just craft armor too. ”
S15 VAYNE TOP GUIDE by DANCE762 | Vayne Player
relise says “hollow > any boots > fimbul (can go sunfire if they are 3-4 ad)”
[25.04] Rank 1 Poppy Top Guide by relise | Poppy Player
liucan says “Worst than malph in lane but better in tfs and general game, %hp dmg, unstopable, u can cancel his E with yours but dont try to slam into pilar, he destroys it if he hits. After 6 use E or own ult for ult or dodge with W but is really big, u can also move him away with e but he can cancel it with W and recast ult. if he starts with armor and no potion he will build bramble, try to low his hp before this. late game u destroy him regardles but his a master in tfs and also gives better items to his team, ign tp or ign ext depends on his team, ext is good against his burst but no necessary. He requires brain, something that most players dont have, including myself, abuse this.”
Briar Top bad english by liucan | Briar Player
Maniaxx says “Ornn has strong crowd control with Q (Volcanic Rupture) and W (Bellows Breath), which reduces your damage output. He scales well with items, so keep an eye on his power curve. How to deal with him: Play aggressively early: Ornn’s early damage isn’t high, so use this time to poke and out-sustain him. Build health and armor: Ornn doesn’t deal much burst damage, but armor items like Thornmail will help mitigate his damage.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
a_k_z7 says “late game he scales but you kill him easily early poke with q and passive you can always stand infront of his q so if he e into it you can w ornn dash is so talagraphed so it is easy to counter dont get hit after he uses w since it does a lot of damage you can easily deny his r in lane or team fights just run into his face and w when he want to hit his ult it is a small dash so it will block it and denyies his ult ”
Nithril says “Placement is key, stay besides minions so he splits focus between you or minions, dont stay near walls or his Q, Edge of Night means he never kills you, he'll likely Q max and farm safely, respect his peace, he is a an old god, go roam mid or help your jungler”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
parker3n9 says “This is a relatively easy lane for Swain. Ornn can have some kill threat if you take too many W's with Brittle, so positioning is key. However, you can significantly disrupt his combos by using E to pull him out of both his R and E, giving you an advantage in trades. Once you hit your first item, you have solid kill threat and can start pressuring him even more. Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Shield. Don't get caught on his combo or W. Play safe and trade on range. If he wastes his skills, punish him. Black Cleaver is great against this monster. ”
Fighter Ambessa Top Guide by Coke Rat | Ambessa Player
Raideru says “This matchup, u mostly just W spam and play around his Q and W since the more of those u dodge the more likely u are to have a CS / Gold lead on him since it's generally a skill matchup cose there's a lot of dodging and mindgames. Remember that u can use his Q pillar to e off it and remember after lvl 6 to ult him when he recasts his r. I advise Grasp with Sheen or tiamat rush depending on how much he makes mistakes.”
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