Top Lane 51.44% Win Rate94% Pick RateOrnn Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ornn in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Grasp
Early: E start and play for manaflow and good first reset
Tips: His W makes him unstoppable BUT you can still E him and he won't get his auto attack off because he'll be stunned after his W. Just make sure you don't E At the absolute start of his W. Lvl 6 You might be able to look for kills but you need to use your ult to stop his ult. Make sure you ult him to the SIDE because if you just ult him back, he can still hit it.”
liucan says “Worst than malph in lane but better in tfs and general game, %hp dmg, unstopable, u can cancel his E with yours but dont try to slam into pilar, he destroys it if he hits. After 6 use E or own ult for ult or dodge with W but is really big, u can also move him away with e but he can cancel it with W and recast ult. if he starts with armor and no potion he will build bramble, try to low his hp before this. late game u destroy him regardles but his a master in tfs and also gives better items to his team, ign tp or ign ext depends on his team, ext is good against his burst but no necessary. He requires brain, something that most players dont have, including myself, abuse this.”
Maniaxx says “Ornn has strong crowd control with Q (Volcanic Rupture) and W (Bellows Breath), which reduces your damage output.
He scales well with items, so keep an eye on his power curve.
How to deal with him:
Play aggressively early: Ornn’s early damage isn’t high, so use this time to poke and out-sustain him.
Build health and armor: Ornn doesn’t deal much burst damage, but armor items like Thornmail will help mitigate his damage.”
a_k_z7 says “late game he scales but you kill him easily early
poke with q and passive
you can always stand infront of his q so if he e into it you can w
ornn dash is so talagraphed so it is easy to counter
dont get hit after he uses w since it does a lot of damage
you can easily deny his r in lane or team fights just run into his face and w when he want to hit his ult it is a small dash so it will block it and denyies his ult ”
Nithril says “Placement is key, stay besides minions so he splits focus between you or minions, dont stay near walls or his Q, Edge of Night means he never kills you, he'll likely Q max and farm safely, respect his peace, he is a an old god, go roam mid or help your jungler”
parker3n9 says “This is a relatively easy lane for Swain. Ornn can have some kill threat if you take too many W's with Brittle, so positioning is key. However, you can significantly disrupt his combos by using E to pull him out of both his R and E, giving you an advantage in trades. Once you hit your first item, you have solid kill threat and can start pressuring him even more.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Shield.
Don't get caught on his combo or W. Play safe and trade on range. If he wastes his skills, punish him. Black Cleaver is great against this monster. ”
Raideru says “This matchup, u mostly just W spam and play around his Q and W since the more of those u dodge the more likely u are to have a CS / Gold lead on him since it's generally a skill matchup cose there's a lot of dodging and mindgames. Remember that u can use his Q pillar to e off it and remember after lvl 6 to ult him when he recasts his r. I advise Grasp with Sheen or tiamat rush depending on how much he makes mistakes.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Surprisingly one of the hardest champions to 1v1, he takes Grasp too and his Brittle hurts. Don't get W>Auto'd ever by him or fight him in a lot of minions. Just take good trades and you'll
be fine. Stun/Eat him when his ult is reaching him to deny him the 2nd portion. " ”
Spartaniko says “Very hard to kill and it gets worse. I recommend TP and roam, as it is hard to kill Ornn in lane. If you duel him, E his empowered auto or his second R. Go Conqueror.”
Fanatical Goose says “Make sure to save your W for when you all in and you should win, post 6 you still win since none of his abilities have an effect on you, just be patient with your ult. Ornn likes too build armor and magic resist so make sure to get black cleaver if he stacks too much armor. ”
Wafflerush says “Ornn is annoying but isn't too bad when played safely enough. His W can counter your passive, Q and R so attempt to bait him with a W activation when near him then walk away with E. Reserve your Ultimate for when he uses his, just knock him up and he won't be able to slam it towards you.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Ornn na lane é gente boa, nem te bate tanto se vc n deixar, porém cuidado com seu lv6, tente trocar com ele sempre que ele n tiver W.”
UrPersonalGod says “Skill matchup.
One of the few lames where you can get push early.
You wont really ever have solo kill pressure on lane if he doesnt int hard so look for plays around the map.
He will try to W your Q3 and often win the trade after, so keep your distance if its up.”
VirtusTheImmortal says “He can upgrade enemy team equipment and get stronger. He also has burst % damage, so be careful of his W. If he successfuly gets you, run away.”
Skaarlschloch says “Safe/Tanky Conq/LT Page with DRing Start + Teleport
Pressure him early you hard outsustain him
Go Sundered Sky -> Bork/BC for shredding”
SemenDrinker says “Shield 2nd wind
Fat fucking goat. Ornn is infamous for being a really easy aatrox matchup. However you can still very much lose this matchup by trolling early. His W brittle damage is insane. Level 6 and beyond he has the chance to proc his triple brittle combo and if you're unlucky enough to fight an ornn with ignite that's easily 85% of your health bar. But if you poke him out of lane he's never high enough health to engage onto you like that. Just do the classic Q1 W q2 E backwards as he will likely W your w and q2 and by doing that easy combo it ensures he almost never brittle autos you. Also mr is very op against him like mercs.”
Banzi says “try and get an early lead or else u get stomped cause his w counters ur cc and does huge dmg with an empowered aa follow up
U can prob play agressive until 6
start Wit's end”
IvanBeifong says “Almost every tank matchup is easy, you outheal them, try fighting at level 4-5, save your E to dodge his W.
His ult is also a very good one, not for the dmg, but for the teamfight potential.”
Niemi says “The difficulty of Ornn matchups depend entirely if they're a god tier Ornn enjoyer or someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of Ornn's kit.
You just have to be mindful of his ultimate after level 6, if you get caught in a stun combo it can lead to your death. Itmes like Liandrys, Blackfire or Void staff are amazing items.”
Frankoloko says “Pretty easy. Use your W shield to win small trades. Ult when he ults, to remove his ram from the world. Big important factor here is that his W, his fire breathing ability, will negate your R and put it on cooldown!”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is annoying because of how tanky he is. Dodge his Qs or you will take a full combo. That's really all there is to this lane. Poke him and abuse your range advantage, similar to other melee matchups. I personally like First Strike into this matchup because he has no way to actually hit me unless I walk into his Qs. If he Ults you after level 6, just do your best to EQ out of his Ult or Flash it and you should be fine. Know that he is unstoppable during his W and his knockups can cancel your drift. You can try to Ult him before he can cast his R2 to interrupt it. Know that his E can knock you up on your own wall and break it.”
TentiTiger11 says “Ornn you basically aren’t allowed to to do anything if he builds MR early. He just farms and outlives poke and does a lot of damage to you with his engage combo. He also out scales you in team fights but you are still able to kill squishies so focus on that. I would just pick a different champ if your opponent picks ornn.”
Zagreus16 says “Kinda easy early game if you can sustain well. Me personally maxing w in this matchup is good if you cant get a lead on him. if you do kill him early then max Q and rush black cleaver so you can run him down.”
CrimsonL7 says “You deal 0 damage to him and he can instantly one shot you. You can kill him however if he has no antiheal and you hit R. My suggestion is to afk till first item and then hit R and maul him You outscale him in side easily. ”
step1v9 says “Try to avoid the end of his W so he can't apply brittle on you, because that's where all his damage comes from. Try to stand near a wall then move away to bait him to E you. Don't let him Q you and your minions. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup you try to poke him with q whenever he goes for minions and try to dodge his w so you can auto w him and run him down, at lvl 6 remember to use your e in order to prevent him from using his 2nd ult cast”
Haxorr says “Ornn is similar to the other tanks in that he has relatively low kill threat on you early, so you can get prio in the lane. His main goal is to go even and then teamfight later on, so if you can get a lead and be able to punish him on the side lane it is really good.
Take Grasp page and play aggressive early. Do a standard crash, buy long sword come back and try to stop his push, though this can be challenging to do against Ornn. Keep in mind that your e blocks his brittle auto, which is really good for trades. If Ornn doesn't respect you properly, you can kill him really easily. Rush Trinity. Just play for good trades and grubs fights, u have way more agency early.”
Skaarlschloch says “Really hard to kill and hard to dodge his abilities. If you dont take flash he can just 100-0 Combo you. Also he outscales you because he ugrades his teams items inflating their stats.
I recommend Grasp + Second Wind + Scaling runes + Going a supportive Tank build and trying to get your team ahead + raoming alot”
TeiWasTaken says “Ornn is an easy matchup, because you can fight him anytime during the Laning phase. He outscales you, but you can still kill him unlike Malphite.”
ArmedDad says “Nasty boi. you win early lane but everything else is horror.
- you can e on his q pillar
- use r to dodge his r in lane
- in teamfightts just try to blow up the adc <3
- his w will stop your e cc
- your passive shield is more than his brittle damage
- standing near walls is iffy as he can e (ram into wall) you and stun.
- honestly you beat him side but barely
- harder to punish than other scaling tanks like mundo (who is actually very easy matchup) due to his shop passive thing.”
WIELKI B says “first strike and cut down, he just stat checks you, if u die once to him then its hard, if he plays poorly and u manage to kill him then u have chance to 1v1 him later on”
Baby_Driver says “Demolish with second wind is good here.
Black cleaver is also a good option.
Try not to start trades with E.
DioSett says “take tp and doran blade , rush black cleaver , you will dominate the lane so freeze as much as you can , after 6 you can ult him when he is about to ult ”
Hotch says “Your damage is pretty good against him in heavy all-ins. the only way you really lose is if you let him knock you up with your own W. Place W first, bait out his dash with it, then keep up the damage.”
KingJoeyy says “W his Q you as Gwen should react when he uses his abilities ornn doesn't need to back but he does need mana if he's not careful you should be fine in this matchup when he hits 6 save w for that ultimate.”
forlid says “Ornn is super tanky throughout the game and he also has a lot of early damage in his kit. Level 1 you can duel him as long as you don't get hit by the wave too much. You won't be able to comfortably fight him unless he misuses his W. Keep in mind that your CC is also useless if he uses W correctly. Your R can correctly used prevent his R from knocking you up. Consider going BORK early for the sustain and damage.”
PinkBlood says “Skill lane, just make sure to not overly force like I do in most cases, a small cs lead or even will result in you destroying him in the later stages. Just be wary of his level 6 all in and gank setup. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good take tp and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Hard matchup*
This matchup is a passive one.
Block his W's AA with your E(don't W his W) and rush for BotRK or eclipse try to engage after he used his E (preferred with jg)
U can cancel his ult by stunning him right before his R2(mini dash).
after level 6 start pushing the wave and roam the map to focus on objectives and help you team.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
You outscale him but early is playable as well. E him away to deny brittle auto or w it. Your poke is better and costs no mana. Dont r before he used w, its unstoppable. R him after he starts his r. It wont follow into death realm. Dont wait though, his hit Animation is unstoppable again.
You outscale him”
MaesePerez says “The worst tank matchup, his brittle damage being based on max hp hurts, especially if his team is mostly ad and you can't afford to stack MR. You both scale very well but he is better in 1v1 situations. Fortunately Ornn isn't a 1v9 champ like Gwen or Darius, so even if he's ahead its not an instant loss. ”
Guldkarameller says “Really good matchup for running First Strike. Farm as much gold as possible by doing short trades. No need to kill him if you can get 30-50+ gold from trading. ”
SpoonSlayer says “Harass him under tower. If he throws a Q you can stand near it and E. When he dashes to it, use R to become unstoppable and wipe the floor with him.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
its easy to hit cleavers against ornn, and you outscale in a side lane. His all-ins are really strong and denying cc against him doesnt matter as he chain cc's so easily, and in teamfights his item thing will make him more useful if you dont hard carry them. I usually take phase rush + resolve since you are never winning in melee range in lane anyway so you end up playing it mainly through cleavers. You can take grasp into a shitty ornn if you are confident you can dodge the bellow though”
Artszy says “Evitar tomar o W dele, se tomar corra para evitar o AA. tu cancela o E e o R2 dele com teu W. Só evitar correr reto para n tomar o W dele e ficar frágil.”
hamgi says “space or dodge his q's. avoid standing next to the pillar or walls. go for trades while is w is on cd (12s). and space it when going for cs. hold e to dodge his ult (if necessary)”
forlid says “Ornn is one of the strongest toplaners all around, since he has damage as well as tankiness. Ornn will always want to hit his knockup on you, so if you dodge it you should win the trade. Respect his W damage, he also gets unstoppable while using it, meaning your Q won't CC him. While Mercs help with his AP damage, they don't help with CC as they're all knockups.”
Aopiah says “Pushes very well and does tons of damage, very annoying to lane against, but gets easier if your jungler helps you
Do not underestimate
Strong tank in late and his passives helps team a lot so very annoying ”
Belle19 says “Can kill you in 5 seconds while it takes you 20 seconds to kill him. Outscales you. Can farm safely and poke you with q. If he gets overconfident and you cancel his ram with pull you can win. Save your pull to cancel out his r2.”
zwartebliksem says “High CC, NEVER play agressive when you're dismounted and Ornn's abilities are up. He can 200-0 you while you're CC'd. You can dodge his W with your E, this way he loses a lot of damage, because he won't have his Brittle mark on you. Don't overextend when he has ult up and you're dismounted, that thing is undodgable when dismounted.”
AWierdShoe says “Ornn has a lot of CC in his kit, gets very tanky, and actually is capable of dealing a decent amount of damage to us in trades. Expect him to rush Bramble Vest into you to negate your healing. His mobility is very low, so it is easy to combo him. Avoid getting hit by his Q poke, and expect him to use his W to avoid the CC on your Q3 or W pullback. If you get marked by his brittle passive back off to avoid the damage. Ornn will never E into you unless he's close to his tower, crashing the wave, punishing you for missing a combo, or playing for an all-in/gank. Care for his level 6 as he can CC you to death with ult if he does it right. Dodge his ult or make sure to knock him up with Qs before he headbutts again. We must be patient with our Qs as Ornn can punish us pretty hard with his damage+CC. Black Cleaver rush is great into him.”
Haearnbleidd says “You can kill him lvl 1 if he started q or e. Watch out for his q e combo and for his w. Wait for 6 and run him down.
Build: BC > Hexplate/Stride or Hexplate > BC/Stride/Rav”
deathbypotion says “Cringe tank with extremly high damage. You will outscale, but respect his items and roam to help your team. Your W stops him from dashing and R2. Try to bait his W before trading in lane”
PPlongcook says “Surprisingly you out trade him hard throughout laning phase. You can dodge all his damage with E and Q. Rush blade and get a terminus to deal with his tankyness. You do not want to be even with him though, because he is just so insane in teamfights vs you and even if hes countering your split push he can always set up for a 5 man gangbang. You want to be so ahead that it doesn't matter.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
When you leap, just walk behind to avoid the Brittle passive.
If you dodge the W, then go for long trade. If he hits it, save WW for the brittle AA.
You can root him to stop him from recasting his ult. ”
Akuzai says “Due to the new mr items this matchup can go wrong very quickly but if you are patient and wait for him to waste his e, you can always all in and kill him. Just pray he doesn't know what kaenic rush is...”
hoflol says “Ornn is a tank who can have surprising damage. Although your W can stop him from dashing, and stop him from hitting his ultimate.
Make sure and rush demonic so you always have kill pressure on Ornn.”
Lukajs says “Ornn is a great matchup for Gwen, but beware of his W + Grasp proc trade potential. It can do about 250 damage. You want to poke Ornn with your E + Q4+ AA when his W is down to ensure you win the trade. You can all in him when you reach level 6.
Play around poke when his W is down. ”
GheeseEmpty says “This matchup is centric around how many Brittle procs you allow Ornn to get, which deals a ridiculous amount of damage, especially in the early game. I highly recommend building Abyssal Mask as your first item against him. Try and aim for as many positive trades as possible, because he will outscale you 9/10 times.”
ThelpixG says “Ornn is actually one of the few tanks that actually poses a threat early game specially if the Ornn player is good.
How to Beat?
- Avoid getting hit by his Q poke and abuse his long cooldowns;
- Try baiting his E and then all in him;
- Don't let him use his W's empowered auto attack on you;
- Avoid giving him grasp procs;
- Take the anti-tank setup or the scaling setup with TP and play for scaling since you can scale pretty well against him;
- Once he gets level 6 he actually has kill potential against you and he has great ganking and diving setup so be careful for ganks.”
xXazzer says “Ornn is the tank that does it all. I like going MR vs him because it lowers his burst against you. I prefer Dblade, however Dshield works well vs him too. Try to avoid getting hit by his brittle auto. And keep hitting Q's on him. Eventually you'll wear him down.”
NegativePhoenix says “This matchup is more Ornn favored, but it isn't impossible. Your best bet really is to avoid standing near walls or his Q, try to keep him back if he uses W to land brittle on you, and most importantly, use any CC you have to stop his R2 from going off
Ornn is MUCH tankier than you because of his passive but that benefits you too due to your passive so abuse it later game”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Try to avoid his Q poke, He will also try to all in if you are 1/2 hp. Use your Ult to cancel his Ult if he tries to ram it into you. If you don't kill him before he recalls or teleports to lane, you lost the matchup hard due to his W doing literally more damage then your whole kit and him being able to get tanky really early. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
Murfz says “I like this lane, I like to go grasp here and just play to W him and scale to sunderer, don't let him proc his brittle on you, if he ults you can try to dodge it with your Q jump on a minion/ward.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Ornn has got to be one of the easiest match-ups for a champion like Lillia. He's pretty immobile outside of his E and his only big damaging ability is his passive, which only damages you if he auto-attacks, lands his R or his Q ends up on top of you and you get displaced (as the Q pillar moving you will proc his passive). Literally run around him and spam your Q, You will 100% outrun his final W wave that puts the passive on you.”
WhendZ says “Ornn não é necessariamente difícil, mas não subestima o dano da passiva dele. Ele uma hora ou outra vai buffar o time, então fica ligado. Não toma Ganks e fica safe. só troca se tiver certeza que você mata.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp or conqueror] dont get 100-0 by his max HP dmg, also his w can dodge your E pull so you wont have as much stacks but he cant really kill you usually. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Ornn é uma matchup ok eu diria, tente evitar o Q dele, fique longe das paredes, ele irá dar Q+E ou apenas E na parede, tente dar o Q nele quando ele for bater depois de usar o W, ultimate dele também é chata se possível tente fleshar ela, caso você tome ela, faça a mesma coisa do W.
Recomendo PTA, F.F ou Grasp”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q. Avoid his W by moving away. If he tries to knock up with E, block with W. If he tries to use ult, block with W, or push him away with E if W is down.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Farm matchup. Really boring. His Q does maar damage than your Q. Dont give him a free E knock up. You should be fine. Flash his ult if it's really needed.”
BurritoTopKing says “Non interactive, avoid getting too chunked and just use prio for vision/roams, if you happen to cancel his E you can maybe look for a kill.
He will probably go phase rush and avoid trades, careful at 6 he can gank setup.”
WarwicksSimp says “Decent ban.
Not really anything you can do, unless he makes a mistake, then just make sure to remember dodging his knock up with timed Q.
Dodging this is reliable since most ornns are otps/mains, they'll know what theyre doing when played outside of Ornn meta.”
xskyswitch says “Ornn in lane is not a problem at all. You have better poke, you can E his brittle procs and all-in when he is low hp. Where Ornn shines however, is propelling his team with enhanced items and superior team fighting. In the teamfight, look to peel if you are frontline for your high damage carries, or to eliminate their high damage backline with the burst build.”
Bonkyou says “more value for his team, free lane if you don't stand in his W. Your champ is just better in many ways.
W poke him if you are insecure about an all in, win by wave management”
RivenCarriedYou says “The main thing with this matchup is to E his bellows breath damage or the brittle auto. The bulk of his damage comes from this. Anticipate Q placements in wave and care he doesn't E onto his Q for a stun, it gives him a free brittle auto. Start Dorans shield always, you can look to kill after first base/before first base. After he buys armor it'll be a bit harder.”
Chaddouk says “Few things : counter-intuitive but take MR rune not armor. You can force an all in lvl 1/2, it starts becoming harder at lvl 3. His CDs are pretty long so if you dodge his abilities it's free long trade for you. Don't let him auto you when you have the "mark" on you. If you know he's about to use W, you can look to dash through it so it won't apply the "mark" on you. He scales off Exp more than gold so if you can deny him exp do it even if it means missing CS. U need time to kill him as soon as he has a few items so be sure enemy jgl/mid/supp can't use that time to come to the fight and cuck you. I usually end up getting a kill or 2 in lane. Keep in mind also that Ornn doesn't want to sidelane it's a waste of his champ so try to force him to do it. Also cheese him in bush lvl 1 they keep facechecking.”
BaotoGame says “High tankiness and damage,he can break your cage with your E. But he's not tanky enough early game to deal with you, so if he make any mistake.Go for it”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Skill matchup, he has w to outplay your unburrow, e to cancel your tunnel, and q to poke from outside your unburrow range. Look to avoid unburrowing into his w and avoid brittle at the same time and take short trades until you can look to threaten a kill.”
At_Tar_Ras says “you can't kill him and he WILL kill you. the only way you kill him is if he messes up and really extends the trade VS you (you'll have conq here) and dies to your all-in, so basically you only kill him if he's dumb. otherwise there's no real opportunity to kill him.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: Cull]
[Build: PTA/Fleet equally good]
Just farm, nobody has kill pressure here (except Ornn if he has Ult and his Jungler ganks, flash his Ult if that's the case). Never get hit by his Q. Splitpush all game because Ornn will teamfight a lot.”
chewy378 says “He won't solokill you unless you overextend, but he is usually too tanky for you to kill by yourself if he plays safe, especially mid game. ”
bocchicken says “If ornn rushes Wardens mail, you WILL have a bad time..
Also care not to E in if Ornn has W up, as it will cancel your flip on him and then you will get out DPS'd (tank btw).
You win this by spacing and playing for early Q poke and then going all-in w/ cleaver + lvl 6. ”
cillowlane says “your w can stop him from recasting r to shoot the ram at you/your team. you can fling him when he es if your fast enough. dont stand in his w and if you do dont let him auto you to proc brittle.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
DebRiX9 says “He can bully from LV3 to LV5 once you have 6 you win if you time your ult and poke him. Don't allow him to apply brittle on you and bait his W which can cancel your ult”
BezMemow says “His W is annoying against your E and ult since it blocks CC so try to bait it on the E to allow for the ult. He's very tanky, hard to snowball.”
Antecc says “Only a pain in the very early stages of the game. Buy DS into BC with mercs. Don't get hit by his Q, W and brittle auto's. They can be blocked with E. Juke his R with Q or stun him with E right before he can recast R. If you do not grief the very early stages of the lane, you should be completely fine. Match up becomes and stays free after Divine.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “his dmg is no joke and its hard to avoid it if you want to use your passive and trade. I recommend focusing on farm and looking for his mistakes beacuse if he all ins stupidly you can easily take a lot of his hp. His ult is very strog against you as you dont have a dash so watch out especially when enemy jungler may be nearby. ”
ABL Pantheon says “Not the easiest, but you can win if you play correctly. Get a lead early. Avoid his Q + E combo and dont let him W you with Brittle. E his Ultimate recast and E his Brittle.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items :start ruby crystal ->CORE
ORNN does mostly magic damage to us with w so consider hollowed radiance
ornn is basically tahm kench + in lane his w is way stronger than our kit but we can kill if he misses ”
lordimboutabust says “His lvl 6 combo can 100-0 or provide a good gank setup so be careful. E as soon as he pillars to avoid knockup and walk up when you hit a W because he will use unstoppable animation, only the last part of ornns W animation applies brittle so if you can react quick enough you can duke it. He hard outscales so end the game early | Second wind | Dshield - Divine”
Alungitul01 says “you need to be really careful for the first 5 levels where ornn can easily beat you if you play bad. Be careful at lvl 6 that he can cancel your ult if he uses W.”
Bernardian says “I've seen so many Darius players struggle to beat this champ and i don't understand how but anyways. Ornn is free food, go second wind for his poke with q and w, if he W's you and you have the brittle effect on you walk away from him as only the auto attack following the w does a lot of damage. Hook him if he tries to ult this stops him from recasting his ult you can also hook him out of his E and since it has a slow animation it should be a free hit. divine is a MUST into this champion, most of the time he will be teamfighitng try to stack bleed on him them 1v9 the backline with your team.”
Waqql says “When facing Ornn, it can feel as frustrating as with Malphite. It seems like it should be straightforward, but somehow it never works out, atleast for me. Avoid getting slowed by his Q, as it sets up Ornn to knock you up. Also, stay away from walls to prevent him from knocking you up. Don't get within range of his W, and definitely avoid getting caught in a CC chain. As Mega Gnar, you can engage, but keep in mind that you're up against a tank with plenty of CC.”
AlmightyNoxian says “If Ornn knows how to perform against darius this can be a major threat. But If he doesn't, this is minor as fuck. His W doesn't allow you to use your E and your W's slow so be careful about that.”
demirkaiser says “Father Ornn... You beat the shit out of him. Don't eat level 1 Q and you can trade him. But be careful at level 2 since his W has an amazing damage. At level 3, don't eat his E stun (his Q pillar and terrain stuns you) and you will be fine. W his W passive. Post 6 ult him when he uses ult so he can't use his ult. Don't use E or R when he uses W since it makes him unstoppable.”
BetterGoGrevious says “He is stronger than you before you hit Lvl.4, but after that he is pretty much harmless and very boring to play against. Rush cleaver or you wont do any damage to him.”
Denied20 says “Yasuo's Ornn Priorities: 1. Save your E on Ornn until precisely as Ornn casts his W.
2. Pressure him early as you should against any Tank.
3. Anticipate his Q and stay clear. Use his Q as bait for him to charge in if you are able to escape it and possible develop this opportunity into a strong all in.
4. Wind wall his R entirely.”
Delthion says “Any champion with large AoE hard CC is a problem for Lillia. We want to bully the lane, but against something with so many different zones of control, we can't really do that. I avoid picking Lillia into Ornn whenever possible.”
TTVXiralid says “Hes in general just a better tank since he can force fights and make you play on his terms. His %hp damage on W and R is the only threat”
LxVer says “The perfect matchup. If he wants to trade with you just use E arround Ornn's Q and you are good to go. Stay away from any tarrain. Past level 6 you want to hold your E and use it when he ults, that way you will stun him, and the ram cannot be redirected.”
St0rmyss says “Go grasp or lethal tempo, with dshield start. Try to bait out his Q, and use your E to block his W auto. If you are going on a trade you can stun him while his trying to E away. You can also stun him before his R gets to him.”
UmbreonQueen says “Same case as Sion except Ornn is more manageable since he's all close range. Bait his Es and run him down once you have enough damage and he has used his abilities”
Twogrand says “This match up is kinda annoying because his Q does more damage than your Q which is kinda a joke so what i do is tend to stay away from creep wave and he waste his q on you he gonna miss Creeps so get a cs lead and try to press your advantage. Do your best to do trades when he waste his W"brittle skill" so hes not unstoppable and you can punish him. Take conq tp and both build paths work”
KaiOverHere says “Buy Hullbreaker and do not let him ever teamfight.
Eventually you literally just tank his damage and hit the tower in front of his face”
Nurakami says “Ornn is by my opinion the strongest tank in the game.
Most of ppl would say ksante,malph,even mundo after these weird buffs NO.
This champion is pain in the ass he can stack more armor than normal tank.His dmg is kinda absurd and if you get hit by his combo on 6 well you are dead.Farm trade sustain and try to chomp him down.”
Riceyboll says “First of all he can call the shopkeep to drop him a new pair of Jordans in 5 minutes, then he is quite literally unkillable unless your junglers comes to hold your hand.”
Loweloexpert says “Easy tank, you can rush riftmaker or even demonic if you want but i dont think its necessery. You basically cant loose a trade since the only way that he can damge you is by engaging with E but if he does he cant run from your E. Basically unolayable for him, he cant even ult cause of your ult. Be sure that he uses w before ulting him btw.”
Black Demon Ezel says “If you can keep out of his W range, which isn't very large, you'll beat him to the dirt easy. He gets extremely tanky very quickly so try not to give him a thanksgiving dinner in the process of laning phase.”
sinatra1633 says “You cannot lose unless he hits all pieces of his combo. Even then you usually should have just enough armor and magic resist from your passive and stats to R out of the lane when he almost kills you.
After landing phase you just destroy towers and ignore him.”
SesaPrime says “Ornn's is a tank. Camille's damage will be absorbed & brushed off a lot much like with Malphite. He doesn't have to leave his lane to gain items & his kit is a massive support to his team.
Don't focus too much on fighting him outright. You can pressure him with trades & keep it light to not overextend on him. ”
Reines Kokosfett says “His W and ult do max. health damage and can burst you pretty fast. In addiction with his tankiness and cc he is able to trade you pretty well. You win early. Always dodge his E knockup. Don't get into his Q range if you are dismounted, because he can easily one shot you while you are almost unable to move. He outscales you with his teamfight power and tankiness.”
Vixylafoen says “Very, very tanky, and he has knockups, which you can't cleanse. Try to passive reset on him as much as possible and play it safe until you scale enough to kill him”
primate nefasto says “Avoid his empowered AA with your W (empowered AA = AA after he hits his W). Try to set up a kill lvl 6, that is your best chance in all the game to 1 vs 1 and make your advantage. You can knock up him with your R at the precise time to avoid him redirect his R.”
Boptimus says “Ornn is a bit over tuned and has a lot of harass in his kit. Early on in lane you should be avoiding his Q poke. If you are caught in his W try to dodge the last tick as it does %HP damage and applies his passive. Your W can be used to negate the CC from his E knock up.
Once you have access to your R you can pretty easily take Ornn down with an all in.”
stefanko says “Try to not get hit by Ornn's q, and this matchup is pretty much all about spacing and not overforcing in his wave if he has big waves. After 6 look to use your stun to not allow him to ult you. (conqueror or grasp, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
You can parry the second part of his Q, the AA after his W, his E and his R. So it is basically a very easy matchup. Just try to not get outpoked by taking bad trades. U wanna grasp proc as much as possible and heal back up from Second Wind + D Shield and once you see an opportunity you go in for an extended trade.”
xShortBreadx says “Similar to most tanks, Ornn has very low mobility and you should be able to predict where he will be to land skillshots. If he is going in using Searing Charge, just W his destination while he is charging for ez stack and procing phase rush to kite him down.”
Zeffie says “Ornn is a beefy tank and can quite easily win a trade with his Brittle procs and full combo, best to just farm it out if possible or get early ganks”
Galactities says “Can't really ever kill him other then early game, even then he's really hard to fight. Stay away from his Q pillar and from terrain, try to kite his brittle proc. He can W your knockup combo.”
PraefectusMace says “Pretty annoying because of the slow and stun combo. Bulky, and the ult can be a pain in the ass whenever you are trying to engage or escape. ”
dzsama says “Get's quite tanky and has somewhat of an advantage in lane with his forging items. After a certain point you won't probably be able to kill him since he get's tanky but you can try to shove him under his tower. Make sure to save your E for his W+auto combo.”
Tonho says “Kled is supposed to be a lane bully. But him against a tank that builds items away from his base. Yea. Not only that, but his W deals damage based on health. Not only you don't kill this guy, he kills you and even more: He can triple brittle you to death lvl 6+. Just farm and play for other lanes.”
lorensj81 says “This is a skill matchup early. Ornn deals an absurd amount of damage if you let him hit his spells. I try to get an early magic mantle and whip to get better trading into him. Try to interupt his shopping in lane if possible.”
Pep_Shin says “You can fight him lvl 1 if he didn't start W.
Once he has his W he will beat the crap out of you. You can only trade him if he misses his W.
If he gets a lead before 6 he'll be extremely tanky and can get you out of game.
Once 6, if he is really close of your turret or if he E in you press R and run him down.
Don't disrespect him, he deals a lot of damage with his W and can become a huge threat.”
GannicusTTV says “Dodge his Q poke if possible, and stay away from his Q rock thing and walls to deny him his knockup stun.
Use your W when he uses his W and applied brittle. your W can block the empowered Auto damage from brittle, and seriously, just trade, you win hard as long as you use your W right and deny him some of his cc combo.”
Irelius says “Жмём в него Q, когда он начинает обливать нас пивной отрыжкой. Таким образом мы не получим метку. Доджим его подкидывание или по крайней мере жмём на него W. Ах да, его пассивка по какой-то причине прерывает Ирелии W (НИЧЕГО в этой игре этого не делает)”
Puyi says “K'Sante favoured, but not a free lane. You can only prevent 1 of his many CCs with your W. Punish his long E cooldown. If he starts Q, you can gain an advantage with extended lvl 1 and 2 trades.”
Irelius says “Q him when he starts to breath beer toxins at you. You won't get the mark. Evade his knockup with your Q or W them in worst case. Beware tho, his passive cancels your W for whatever reason.”
JustSad42 says “This matchup is a little bit difficult to punish early because of how much armor he can rush, and how much HP he gets over time during the lane. So, instead of trying to force kills on him, focus more on proper wave control and CSing. If you feel like the Ornn is not experienced in the matchup, you can try to go for kills, but in my experience, a good Ornn player in this matchup can hold his own and win the early game. A big tip for cheesing kills on Ornn is when he goes to Q minions to CS them, you can Q on his pillar as it’s erupting, and W the Ornn. Since the pillar displaces you momentarily, your parry will stun the Ornn. After an item, you should always be able to beat Ornn in the sidelane.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Teleport or Ignite+Teleport.
A very strong tank with huge base damage. Ornn is a tough opponent, but you can easily kill him after level 6. Before his ult, I do not recommend fighting him - he has very good sustain and a large amount of CC.”
NegativePhoenix says “In this battle of the Tanks it's more about reaction time and who can land the better poke. Ornn has better combos than you but if he runs out of abilities you win the trades. If you can't avoid his Q+E try to at least W it so he can't get the airborne off, same goes for his ult if you have no other choice. You both scale hard for the late game so it's more who does it better than all else”
BackTooBasics says “Be extra careful about his W/brittle procs, they do incredible damage, and could ruin ya early game if ya try to fight.
I love grasp into him tho”
Night Guy says “He isn't a threat whatsoever he is like Malphite but Ornn at least will try to fight you and you win 9/10 times just bait his W and E and he is nothing after that. Plus you deny his ulti by either using W or just dashing away with your E.”
JustSad42 says “Get Demolish, scale up, get 10CS/M and play the economy game. You can easily land an E on him because whenever you engage on him, he will either E the wall you're next to or E away, and it's very scripted.”
SrMolinv says “Magic resist in runes help against this assassin.
How to lose this lane:
- Getting hit by entire combo
- Allowing him to auto with brittle
- Walking too far into the lane so he calls THE BIG GOAT.
Respect all those things and you should be good. Ill talk about items later in the guide, rushing cleaver is an option here.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't stay near his Q terrain or wall or he will knock you with his E]
[Don't get damaged by his W and passive]
[Don't use your R when he is animated by W, it will make him unstoppable]
[Be careful of his insane knock up CC and gank setup]”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Renekton is shit vs tanks generally.
Try to freeze and run him down.
Once he gets tabi or wardens dont fight him - you will kill yourself.
Watch out for his q e past 6 - he can 100-0 you.
Go bork if ornn player is shit, cleaver otherwise.
Can go ghost.”
Atemporal says “Algumas vezes você pode encontrar um Ornn mid. Talvez um top laner que esteja fora de jogo ou apenas alguém que queira jogar um Ornn mid. Este confronto é realmente fácil e simples. Leve o Conqueror para ultrapassá-lo facilmente, mas você também pode vencê-lo cedo sobre.
Certifique-se de que ele não te cutuca de graça no nível 1. Nunca deixe ele W + auto você. Nível 2 você já pode começar a negociar. O que você pode fazer é andar até ele, Q, auto, e quando Ornn usa W, E de lado e então pisca para ele. E longe de seu E se
está prestes a te derrubar. Quando você lutar com Ornn após o nível 6, não se mova muito. Tente posicionar seu R em cima de você para que você possa se esquivar do R dele enquanto também o acerta se você começar a lutar. Ornn se torna extremamente tanque quando ele
recebe sua Máscara Abissal. Nas lutas, você pode usar o Ornn para empilhar o Conquistador. Acerte-o com Q e alguns autos, proc passiva nele e use este aumento de velocidade de movimento para chegar ao topo dos alvos prioritários. Você pode vencê-lo em 3 itens, e quando você
tem Proto - Nashor - Raba - Void você rasga-lo com força. Ornn também é facilmente gankável e fácil de acertar com W. Coloque seu W de forma que ele o acerte se ele usar E para longe.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “R him when he goes for R2, it is a "bait out W and win the game" type of deal. You can stun him out of his R2 as well with E if you time it right. He hurts, and you R him into the enemy team when in team fights.”
RandumPersin says “Take conqueror, rush cleaver second, and this matchup is pretty good for us in lane. Ornn is a tank that does an obscene amount of damage if you don't utilize dashes properly, but has no sustain in lane aside from his passive allowing him to build armor items. There is no point where this champion can ever beat us in a 1v1 so long as we don't dump our W into his flame breath, but he is VERY capable of short trading with us effectively. Use E1 to bait out his Q and E2 to dodge the final tick of his flame breath (which applies his brittle - a % max hp dmg passive if he autos us afterwards) and we should win every trade. This is one of the few matchups where I tend to look for longer trades where we can utilize 2 casts of our Q. He does massively outscale us in teamfights (as do most pure tanks), so we need to look to group on 2/2.5 items before Ornn starts to become unfairly difficult to kill. Spear third item is generally good here too as it does a LOT of work in letting us spam all our abilities.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp or LT or Fleet.
Divine+BC is really good.
Play to get him out of teamfights because he's more useful, you can beat him hard early but he has EXTREMELY high gank set up and enemy will use it, so track enemy jungler. After some levels killing him in lane get's almost impossible, play to crash and roam, invade jungle and help securing objectives. ”
Smudey says “You win all trades pre 6 so try to get an early lead. If you go for a long trade and he tries to AA you while you have his W mark, block it with you W and back off so he looses the trade extremely hard.”
Fizzy says “I don't find it very problematic as kled but some of his combos can be very problematic against you, so always save the parry for useful moments where you know you will win.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dont stay next to his pillar or wall as he can easily win the short trade if he knocks you up. His W+auto damage is very impressive but he doesnt have any constant damage so play around his abilities cds. If we talk about pure combat you outscale him hard as you can melt his tankiness, but the problem is that he gives his carries free gold value with items upgrades.”
hamgi says “ornn is a really easy match up for u but respect his damage. he is a mana champ, but he conserves it pretty well as he will only use his pillar to poke and not engage further unless he knows u have cd's/no flash. he has hard cc (airbone) both with his dash and ult, so if u see his pillar or ur against a wall, be mindful of his dash, and always be mindful of his ult. he has a move where he becomes unstoppable, so refrain from q3'ing or r'ing when he does that. he builds in lane, so make sure u freeze so that he doesnt have the chance to build up gold and gain item advantage over u and keep u in lane. back every single time u have enough gold and can crash the wave. and they all typically rush bramble against champs like yone, so if u have no items or only a sceptre, respect that item. there's no need for counter-building as it's not his damage that's worrisome, it's his tankiness so rush bork”
MrSIrPops says “Orn is just a tank and he will try to abuse you with his w abilit and auto attacks . Dont let him kill you many times or in the late game he will be unkillable.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Try to pressure him early and poke him out with constant Q's if you get him to 30% hp and have ignite you can probably just dive him, But if Ornn plays safe its very hard to kill him so the goal of this match up is to freeze on him pre 6 and kill him if he walks up, But once you hit 6 perma push into him and ward river trying to attract the enemy Jungler's attention as you can probably 2v1 them, If the enemy jgler is botside though, After every wave you push walk into his jg and take a camp or two or even Rift Herald, This will slowly get you a huge exp/gold lead for you take over mid game, try to win bvefore Ornn scales though ”
StingingChicken says “His sustained damage is poor, don't be afraid to walk him down the lane and all in through his wave. His main damage is his brittle empowered auto so generally try to E that, but always block his Q-E combo. After 6 try to save W to cancel his R. Stun him as his R comes back towards him so he can't recast. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Skillmatchup, in my opinion lanewise ornn fav. till 1-5 after 1-5 at 6 darius wins always keep in my mind he has a lot of good poking tools and he will most likely pressure u when it comes to csing, keep ur E when u trade so u can either cancel his E or u can catch up with ghost into E u can E ornn as well when he is ulting so u can cancel his R”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
kajinator says “Extremely overloaded/overtuned tank. You don't have much kill pressure on Ornn but he doesn't have much kill pressure on you even with his high base damage. Conqueror and Flash + Ignite should let you win the level 6 all in as long as you dodge his first ult cast and most of his W. He does outscale you and is a much better team fighter so look to put pressure in side lanes.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Ornn is tanky enough that you can never actually kill him which is annoying so just take Cull and play for teamfights. He scales excellently and to be honest you'll never be able to 1v1 him as he's so tanky that you can't kill him. Just farm up and scale. I would recommend building Kraken Slayer to help you fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
SrMolinv says “Muy importante llevar resistencia magica en runas, ayuda mucho.
Como perder la linea:
Comiendote un auto ataque potenciado de Ornn
Comiendote todo su combo.
No hagas ninguna de esas 2, rushea cuchilla negra y ten cuidado con sus daños, pega mas de lo que crees.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, ou Cometa, Poção Corrompida, Q > W] - Não fique perto das paredes ou do pilar dele, ou será seu fim. - o Ornn tem um range maior que o seu então tente sempre desviar das habilidades dele antes de usar a sua, nunca use sua ult antes do Ornn usar o W, o W dele cancela o CC da sua ult, com gank é fácil mata-lo, sem gank tente farmar o máximo possivel e dar roaming após lvl 6 para ajudar seu time a pegar kill no rio ou mid."”
Oogaboogaga says “If ornn freezes you will have a miserable game. He has a lot of damage potential so do not underestimate him. His team fight is wildy better than yours also. He is killable but only if he is very bad.”
CupcakeDinosaur says “very tanky and high amounts of cc,
either kill him level 1 with ignite or wait for level 3, don't recommend shoving waves unless you are backing or roaming since Ornn makes it easier for you to get ganked due to all the cc”
zir zir azir says “Average matchup, don't stand near the walls, watch out for the forester. Try to initiate it better in the mid-game and the late game. Don't let him hit the ult and throw the whole team”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing Charge(E). Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic Rupture(Q) so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows Breath(W) is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
Kreyah says “He can use his Bellow to ground himself negating your E. His bellow will brittle you and his next auto will chunk your health. Avoid his charge and bellow and hes easy work. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his E. Stand away from walls and his pillar Q so he is unable to CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his E. Stand away from walls and his pillar Q so he is unable to CC.”
Elresser says “A skill matchup. You both are similar in a sense. You take short trades trying to proc your mark/Ice for damage. However I do want to point out that in the early lane his Q will outpoke your W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his E. Stand away from walls and his pillar Q so he is unable to CC.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual, ou Cometa, Poção Corrompida, Q > W] - Não fique perto das paredes ou do pilar dele, ou será seu fim. - o Ornn tem um range maior que o seu então tente sempre desviar das habilidades dele antes de usar a sua, nunca use sua ult antes do Ornn usar o W, o W dele cancela o CC da sua ult, com gank é fácil mata-lo, sem gank tente farmar o máximo possivel e dar roaming após lvl 6 para ajudar seu time a pegar kill no rio ou mid."”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his E. Stand away from walls and his pillar Q so he is unable to CC.”
Thrandor says “You bite this poor guy to death. make sure to hold down your Q to deny any of his CC spells (yes, even his ult knockup can be completely skipped by doing that)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his E. Stand away from walls and his Q so he is unable to CC. Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his W
is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Surprisingly one of the hardest champions to 1v1, he takes Grasp too and his Brittle hurts. Don't get W>Auto'd ever by him or fight him in a lot of minions. Just take good trades and you'll
be fine. Stun/Eat him when his ult is reaching him to deny him the 2nd portion. ”
AbyssaLegend says “Ornn now is one of the most annoying toplaners at the moment in my opinion. He got so much HP from the new patch and the armor + magic resist either. But the reason why i selected him a major problem is because of his W. The Damage scales with the Max health of the target.”
tacowo_ says “Lore-accurate matchup. Also, probably the most fair matchup. You both have maxhp damage. Both are tanky, both have good teamfight ults. Play how Ornn is playing. If he's playing to scale, you can play to scale as well. If he's aggressive, play aggressive. Fun matchup.”
CFCryo says “Champions like Ornn offer not much threat so long as you don't get too close or eat a combo (which your E can stop). If you hang back on farm, you'll both be competing for late-game scaling, and yours is infinite.”
chedlol says “A bit of a farming simulator, his 1v1 is stronger than yours and his teamfighting power is one of the only champs that comes close. Respect him and you'll never die 1v1.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Легкий матчап, подкидование с E Орна, дожите ультой, если у него нет флеша и он труп. Запушили пачку, сделали два щупальца у его ульты попали E, забайтили на его комбо Q + E. С помощью R, сбиваем комбо и Орн труп, легко!”
buuu1401 says “(TOP) Black Cleaver rush Ornn has a solid early fall off mid-game and your mid-game is a bit stronger than his since you got your BC and Gore. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Too tanky to easily kill with assassin but still winnable early. However I still recommend building the regular build or at least hybrid to offset this.”
Taiquyorah says “Il n'est pas tuable, mais ne peut pas vous tuer en full combo. D'autant plus que vous pouvez bait ses sorts donc focus sur le farm et vous ferez la différence en mid/late game.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game respect his damage, trust me you'll regret it if you don't. He's beefy and hurts in the early stages. Poke him down if possible but don't stand near walls or his Q since he'll try to knock you up if he sees an opening and combo you. Late game you're the better tank, just be mindful he has alot of CC to help his team get into position.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff. You need to avoid the walls and his Q to win trades. Walk away when he W's. His passive gives him a permanent item advantage and eventually he gets too tanky to kill without a gank. Freeze near tower. Do not dance.”
7EyesNoSkills says “You can dodge his everything except ult. Pre-6 is really easy, after pre 6 you should run away when he ults, so he can't reach you so fast and can't launch his whole skillset.”
WildSamu says “Dbalde + Red Pot.
Very easy lane for Yone.
Just dont get hit by his W+Auto and he wont have any damage.
Try to dodge his Q as well, dont stay near the pillars or walls, he will cc you for free.
You can dodge his ult with E or Ult.
When he goes to W you you can E behind him.
If you freeze he's easy to run down with E.”
wooverbo says “He can ignore your W knockup, cancel your R with his W displacement immunity AND outscales you to go along with it. As long as his W is on cooldown you can look to kill him, a good trick you can take advantage of is to swallow him during his ult so he can't get his R2 off. This matchup is basically a knowledge check for both sides.”
kurbart says “Ornn aka how are you VoliBear brother?
Ornn is a great champ to fight if you just wanna stack your passive up just hit and run he only has 1 ranged ability other then his ult that you out rage. You can easily cheese him out if you walk near his q pillar and walk away to bait out his dash and just poke him down. The only reason why i put him in Minior is the time it takes to kill this thing takes forever
VituVonDoom says “His W makes him Immune to your E, try to bait it out before you go for a hammer form combo. If you have a brittle stack, kite him until it goes away, and you should be good to go. Take Conq or FS page, Ornn has a weak early game you can exploit for an advantage”
Michcio says “Avoid getting too close to wall beacuse he can knock you up and all in, dont let him proc bonus aa damage after W on ult and u will be fine”
Aberrant Demon says “Respect his Grasp and W early. Avoid standing next to walls. Avoid trades until you have W and don't stand next to his pillars unless his E is down. However, if he is going to land his E, start your E before his E connects with the wall. When he starts his W, use your W to block the enhanced auto. After level 6, the all-in eavily favors you. If he looks to use the second part of his ult, you can stop by silencing him with your Q. ”
Galactities says “Ornn excels at quick trades. Dodge his Q pillar and try not to get knocked up, If he hits his full combo and tries to run E him and take a trade or fight with him. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Ornn has some scary early damage with his brittle effect coming into play in fights. He will probably engage you with W when you go in for minions or try to poke you with Q. Poke him when possible as you do more damage once you hit 6. Avoid being near walls, make sure not to get knocked up by his Q+E combo and W his ult if you can since it's too huge to dash away from. Mid-Late game he won't be able to kill you unless you're already low.”
IcunoX says “You can cancel his Dash and his R so you can deny a lot of what he wants to do in lane and in teamfights. He does eventually outscale you so be aware that you might not be able to kill him the later the game goes.
start W”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Deny him as many resources as you can, and force plates when possible, as he has low damage.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall > Freeze.
Pretty easy matchup, look to again pull in waves and play for all ins, he can win if you only play for poke as he shines in short trades.
There are 3 things you can parry Pre-6, his E knockup, his W auto (although it is cancelable so care), or his Q pillar, if you go where the pillar will erupt, you can parry as the displace counts as a CC so you can parry it onto him. (will do a ytb video showcasing it).
After level 6 you need to try and parry his ultimate as it renders him basically useless.
Set up the waves so you can chase him down in trades and look for all ins and you win this GG.”
Boptimus says “Passive/W sustain negates his Q Level 1. The best tip I have against Ornn is to dodge the last tick of his W so he can't apply brittle and get %HP damage and knock back off of auto attacking you.
You can use your E to cancel his E so that he can't knock you up. You also have the option of CCing him with E or R when he goes to R2.
Respect a good Ornn who uses W to cancel your CC. Don't go for any fancy R combo's if his W is available.”
Papa Urgot says “in early trades he cant knock you up.
Keep in mind that his W also burns your passive. He does a suprising amount of dmg i would say if he full combo's people so dont disrespect him.”
Scallywag says “Ornn is a tank with a lot of damage.
Don't get caught by his e and
if you are chunked, he can kill you with a full combo.
He is tanky and can kill you, but the matchup becomes easy if you can dodge the last part of his w that applies brittle.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Ornn's Tankiness can throw a monkey wrench into the plans of even the best. However, it doesn't do him any good when he sucks into Yorick. Just mark him and annoy him, and he has a dash which for some reason stops him after a short distance so wall him and then lay it all on him”
verikukko says “As a rule of thumb, every tank matchup is super easy for Volibear. Volibear is very strong at both trading against Ornn and all-inning him, at every stage of the game.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Look to play a little safe during the early game. Ornn has some gank set up for his jungler so you have to be a little careful if you push up. Once you're level 6 however you'll be a little safer being shoved up to his turret. You can ult Ornn if he's low or the jungler if they look weak. Once you have riftmaker you can just permanently shove the wave under his tower and bonk him on the head when he goes for minions. You can cancel the second part of his R by using your R but he can cancel the channel of your R with his W so make sure he's used his W before you R him.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You only win trades if you land your E Q combo. When he is about to proc his brittle you just W and disengage. at level 6 you wanna keep your shroud until he ults so you can easily dodge it and it should result in a kill. If you are not turbo ahead before he gets his mythic, then you just wanna catch waves and roam, there is no way you kill an Ornn from there on.”
Trundledaddy says “Another tank that does a lot of damage just don't int it and let him use his burst combo on you for free don't be afraid of going all in when you use your ult, especially not if he doesn't have any cooldowns up.”
KyleTheConqueror says “Similar to Tryndamere. He'll try to fight you and out sustain you, but he'll end up just camping under the tower. He's in it for the long run as well, similar to Mundo. Frozen lane. Lame game.
Hawkkiller105 says “The only threat Ornn provides against you is during the team fights in all he can out team fights you with his team. But during the lanning phase you don't have worry about much but try to much so much pressure on him to where he makes a lot of mistakes, and he is not able to farm at all. ”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Look to play a little safe during the early game. Ornn has some gank set up for his jungler so you have to be a little careful if you push up. Once you're level 6 however you'll be a little safer being shoved up to his turret. You can ult Ornn if he's low or the jungler if they look weak. Once you have riftmaker you can just permanently shove the wave under his tower and bonk him on the head when he goes for minions. You can cancel the second part of his R by using your R but he can cancel the channel of your R with his W so make sure he's used his W before you R him.”
Federals1 says “Ornn is a very tricky one. He can be relatively easy to beat if you have the Sunderer+Cleaver Combo, but you almost never kill him if you don't have those, late game especially so. He also doesn't kill you, but he is way better in fights than you are, and he can always do the triple brittle combo, which will anihilate your health bar, so you need to go into bruiser items to get a lead early. And you must alway keep in mind the fact that he can use his e as very solid disenage, since you cannot stop it. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. W max is best here. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
raindropscyn says “This mans cannot do jack against you if you know what you're doing. Just don't stand near walls or his earth nipple and he's a free lane. Easiest Grasp stacks of my life.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Very easy to punish early, he will mainly try to farm with q early. Do not underestimate his lvl 6 damage and his tankiness, try to pull him if he ults you so he cant recast it or when he dashes at u to cancel it.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Pretty easy matchup, you can parry any of his stuns pre lvl 6 and after lvl 6 his ult. Don't get near walls and dodge his W fire so you don't get the mark.”
WestRover says “this will go for most tanks bar shen and sion just ignore them till lane phase is over don't fight you will usually lose, try your best to farm and absorb exp”
darkintaki says “Same as Malph, but he does some damage, avoid getting hit by W. Build Divine Sunderer and Chase him with ghost, he doesn't have a escape.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “he can do tons of damage and kill you pre sunderer. He can upgrade teammates mythics and peel like crazy late game. Although he is quite rare and has a really low play rate across all elos.”
MHLoppy says “I've yet to play against Ornn post-changes, but I suspect it should be fairly straightforward, where he loses if he lets you get in melee range and stay there, but can probably hold you at bay otherwise.”
Agatrium says “His W does a fairly solid amount of damage. Stay away from his pillar and save your W for his W. His trades are pretty strong and he is very tanky, so you might actually struggle a bit vs him.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral tratando de sorprenderlo.
Prioriza atravesarlo con la Q, él acumula mucha vida.
Prioriza usar tu combo Q+W cuando él termine de usar su W, porque usará su ataque mejorado.
Todas sus habilidades pueden cancelar tu R, ten cuidado y aléjate mucho cuando planees moverte por el mapa.
La tenacidad casi no sirve directamente contra Ornn, considera no usarla.
Te sugiero resistencias híbridas en runas, hace mucho daño mágico.
Kocykek says “As a tank, Ornn has not a bad damage. Trade with him early on and try to buy Divine as fast as possible. Then you outdamage him anytime. You block his E and R recast.”
Acimadamedia says “he can poke you better than u can poke him, and its hard to all in him, ur best option is to try and help mid and jungler to get some kills.”
Helzky says “Ornn is tanky. That's really all. You can kill him Level 2 and 3. Then once you have Prowlers at 6, you can chunk him down off one E with prowlers usage.”
OliveeGarden says “Take cleaver 2nd. Ornn is great ult target in team fights just care that he's unstoppable during his W cast and care his E knock up and you win trades”
GG Cannon says “It is very easy to cocoon him and deny him farm, which will almost always make you come out on top on laning phase, but the amount of CC and his immunity to CC on his W demands some carefulness.”
magician4444 says “You'll probably get camped when you're vs an Ornn and unless you flash it, it's very hard to dodge his ult. Don't stand near his q's when they're up. If hes a good ornn and knows the one shot combo, after u see that Q come out and he presses his R button, flash immediately. Getting caught on that Q will get you killed. Other than that, just spam poke him for free, get him low and hope he gets greedy. You also can't ult him if he has W up.”
xZugas says “[Recommended: Grasp/PR/Conqueror, Sunderer or Standard AP/AD Build]
Tankier as fuck and does a quite significant amount of damage. Punish at lvl 1 as much as possible. Play around his cooldowns and trade as much as possible. Save your empowered W to dodge any kind of CC he puts. You don't kill him after mythic unless you're going AP or he's extremely bad.”
ChowJunior says “Don't underestimate this man! He can box with you and even win if you aren't careful. Don't allow him to brittle you. You can predict his E charge with your E and set up for a full combo that will allow you to win most trades.”
Your Desired Username says “Another tank match-up. This one is a bit different, however. Ornn is an insanely overloaded champ, he pretty much has everything you could ever want, good laning phase, insane tankiness, burst damage, cc for ages, utility, engage, late game, et cetera. The one thing he doesn't have, though, is sustained damage, which you can use to your advantage. He cannot beat you in an all-in, his best bet is always to get good short trades and get out until his cooldowns are back up. DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM IN THE EARLY GAME, YOU WILL LOSE. You beat the shit out of him in Brazil. In level 6 fights, try ulting him after he calls his ult and before he gets to knock it back so you pretty much eliminate half of his ult. He can react to your ult animation and W it, so you can try and avoid that by masking your ult animation with Q (Look at the Mechanics and Combos Tab if you don't know what that is). If you can predict that he's gonna e, e him so you cancel it. Ult him in team fights, he is extremely useful with his tons of cc.”
boboderaffe says “If you let him get too close early on, he can assassinate you pretty easily.
Don’t let him bully you during laning phase, farm and harass him with W if he retreats to buy something with his passive.
His CC can be dangerous in teamfights especially if he’s got thornmail. I recommend running “Normie” but swapping one of the items with a void staff. Ornn is a tanky fella.”
Rayli36 says “Max e cause it'll work wonders against him use your W when he uses his W and wait for your heartbound axe or stridebreaker and then you can 99% run them down
BreadedBreadCrum says “High scaling. tank buster of a tank. High CC too. Take Grasp to match him or HoB to punish early. Use E to block the CC portions of Q-E-W-AA. DELETE HIS R WITH YOUR E. Save your E for it or else you die at Lvl 6. If you can do that, you might be able to actually win lvl 6. Take Divine and BoRK.”
sarahrosen says “now going to the top, one of sett's fears ornn one of the most complex champs for sett to dominate the game, i recommend playing safe while aggressive at the right time”
ArshieMeBob says “If you get knocked up you probably lose the trade, but you can auto him while he walks back from it. Be careful of jungler though, Ornn has more setup than the average botlane turret dive. Be careful and stay warded up.”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler match up, D Shield, pretty easy lane. The thing with him is that unless he's very bad, neither of you will ever kill the other.”
Galactities says “He far outscales you as a tank and can most likely shred you post level 8. As far as laning goes if hes building straight health go rush BORK, if hes building resistances go for Black Cleaver Rush. Merc treads is best here. As long as he isn't given a free lane to farm and teamfight you just win. He is much better then you in teamfights and later game but if you're fed you can literally delete him. If you can't get fed welp good luck. Conqueror is your best friend into him”
Eduardocwalle says “My favorite tank after Shen, but when i have it on my team xd. This guy lane phase dmg is just stupid, dont think u can win easy cause he will slap ur face like as if you were his little hoe. U will outscale him but if he gets advantage eraly he is a rock, and remember, we are building trinity with muramana, tanks aren´t ur traget :/”
Polartech says “Play aggressively and counter his ultimate with yours, Ornn can't really kill Kayle, while she can...! Try to close Blade of the Ruined king as first Item to gain a lot of Advantage in lane, followed by Kraken Slayer and Guinsoo's Rageblade for your late game.”
MCSwavest says “Most tanks won't be able to match your mobility or sustain, and Ornn is no exception. Stay safe around terrain, and make sure his knock up is gone before you E. Overall he only really has one gap closer, so predict that and book it or you will lose the trade.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Ornn's knockup is ever so deadly as it literally sends you flying for 2 seconds which makes you veeeery vulnerable. Try to avoid the range of his knockup at all costs. outside of that, he has no sustain off of abilities so anti-heal isn't a huge issue. My reccomendation would be to go meta runes and off meta build to make things a little easier when going all in”
5Head Builds says “He really has no way to win against you since he's a tank and his abilities are slow and clunky, easy to dodge, and punish if missed.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “"Hunk-of-Meat"-Gang. Although Ornn has abilities with CC, he won't be able to get enough dmg out early on to kill you. As soon as you have R you should be fine. ”
ToothlessKnight says “Very Very strong champion right now. He wins nearly all trades vs Urgot, and all in fights due to his percent hp damage and high base damages. He teamfights better and buffs his team with item enhancements late game. He is picked often and is ban worthy with Darius and Jax. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Walk behind him to avoid his w, and root him during his r. If he applies brittle on you, just disengage until its gone. He cannot win without it until items.”
MrZoltannn says “Mostly easy win, early is yours with your speed, slow and mobility. lvl 6 is a bit hard thanks to his double vulnerable combo. but can be played pretty well. Look out for his Q poke, and W.”
xPetu says “Tips: Passive shield his Q poke. Always block his Brittle AA with your W. E him to prevent his R2. Don't let your E get interrupted by his E or R.”
Stinkee says “Ornn usually does pretty well in this matchup but he can't kill you unless you make a pretty big mistake. The junglers will be the deciding factor in this lane. Abyssal Mask can be a nice purchase to help you sustain against him in lane. Freezing the wave is a great strategy to beat Ornn, he'll have to walk all the way up to your tower to CS and he'll have no escape if your jungler comes to gank.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Ornn is a champion that is CC heavy and also relatively tanky. He still deals a ton of damage, however, I would suggest a Ghost and PTA play-style against him, mostly due to his constant slows, he needs to be kited. You can run him down if he misses his stun. Avoid terrain and his pillar or you'll be CC'd and clapped hard. He can miss his ultimate, but it's up to you to juke him out, by pathing a specific way and then immediately turning the opposite way when he has sent out his (R) back towards you. If you don't dodge this, the CC is going to mess you up if you decide either to chase him or run away. He farms with (Q).
PH45 says “Can setup ganks quite well due to the high amount of CC his kit has. Keep good vision near your lane so you'll know if you are getting ganked. Other than that make sure you don't take to many trades where he gets to proc Brittle with his autos since that hurts the most.”
Anoying bro5 says “lvl 2 you win. Look to parry his W auto attack, but be careful as he can hesitate to make you waste parry. You can also look to parry his E charge, or the knock up from his ult. If you know he is going to ult, then save your parry for his ult as it does a lot of damage, applies the knock up auto attack passive, and keeps you vulnerable for an even bigger follow up. Also be careful after he builds bramble.”
BoilTheOil says “Take Conqueror or Grasp of the Undying. Use W shield on his Brittle proc to deny most of his damage during trades. At level 6 Use your ult when he's about to headbutt the ram with his ult to stop it. Try to get leads by farming or roaming since he's very hard to kill in lane. Ult him into the enemy team during teamfights.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Ornn is pretty tough because of his strong poke, engage, and sustain. You can't poke him most of the time because of Thresh's low range and Ornn's low Q CD and high damage. He's also tankier than you. His ult is good but you can deny most his engage with your ult and flay. ”
quinn adc says “The matchup isn't that bad if you take these tips into consideration.
First, Orrn's W makes him unstoppable, and therefore, try not to use vault on his when it's active (the bellow's breath flame spitter ability).
Next, Quinn's E can, in fact, cancel Ornn's E dash SO LONG as he doesn't collide into terrain.
The reason is becasue colliding into terrain stuns all enemies around him, but if he doesn't collide with terrain, then his E is programmed as a simple dash, and Quinn's e cancels regular dash abilities.
To beat Ornn, firstly avoid being near Walls, and if he throws his Q rock out, make sure to walk away from it.
If ornn wants to charge at the Q, I recommend not to try cancelling his dash with your E because if you're at the wrong angle or mess up the timing, then he will cancel your vault and stun you.
Try to juke his stun, and with this, I typically stand near his rock pillar, and when I anticipate that he will dash towards it, I'm 1 step ahead and leave the target range before he charges so that I can bait out his E.
If he dashes and doesn't hit you with his dash, then you are free to engage on Ornn and make him cry.
Are you ready for one of the most exciting interactions in the game? If you vault Ornn while his R2 is coming after you (the timing must be perfect). you will ACTUALLY cancel Ornn's ult lol.
The reason because Ornn must collide with the elemental, but your vault is a brief knock back that pushes him backwards for a split second, and if you time it correctly, you will cancel Ornn's ultimate.
This requires EXTREME practice, so please be careful with it lol. Practice :) You will E him the milisecond before his R hits his body.
When you get lord dom's, you will start to deal damage to ornn, even if he stacks armour.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Ornn is tricky, but easy to play around. Avoid getting clapped after his W damage (try to avoid that damage too if possible) and be careful not to get knocked up by his Q > E combo. Rush BORK > Kraken Slayer and you'll dominate him entirely! You can also build Shieldbow > IE > Lord Dominiks if the enemy team doesnt have more than 2 tanks, because that makes Kraken a bit useless.”
Phrxshn says “What make Ornn a moderate to somewhat difficult match-up is due to his Living Forge as it deals percent health. Dodge Volcanic Rupture(Q) to prevent getting combo by his Searing Charge(E). Bellows Breath(W) needs to be waited out before you use your Fling(Wait for 1-2 Seconds). Dodge his combos and you will win trades. (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace) (Mega Adhesive stops him from recasting his Call of the Forge God or Ultimate) (Mega Adhesive stops him from casting Searing Charge) (Fling overrides Searing Charge) (Fling displaces him from recasting Call of the Forge God or Ultimate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Amphawn says “Pretty standard matchup, just dodge his abilities and watch out for his dash. Keep in mind that he doesn't have to recall to purchase items, although he does still have mana problems. Make sure not to stay close to any terrain or his pillar so you don't get knocked up. When he ults, just try to dodge it best as possible, or run so he can't take advantage of the knock up. Keep in mind that when his ult is charging towards him, it still applies brittle to you. Buy armor/magic pen and don't drain all your damage to him in a teamfight”
PH45 says “Get's quite tanky and has somewhat of an advantage in lane with his forging items. After a certain point you won't probably be able to kill him since he get's tanky but you can try to shove him under his tower. Make sure to save your E for his W+auto combo.”
At_Tar_Ras says “BORK eats ornn alive. backstep his W and Q and step away from his E. he isn't too much of a problem but if you die against him once you will get stat checked so hard until BORK. you can obviously kill him before BORK too if you see the chance.”
iZeal says “Do not get hit by his Q or else he will hit his entire combo. Back off when he Ws you so he can't auto you for extra damage. Remember that his W makes him unstoppable so he can't be pulled by your W. Push him in so he has to waste mana farming, then disrupt champions during teamfights.”
SunFalk says “He his a tank. He has a dash. He has a knock up. - To deal with him, you'll need to play a bit aggressive at the start and try to dodge his rocks, later on, play safe and CS”
Phrxshn says “What make Ornn a moderate to somewhat difficult match-up is due to his Living Forge as it deals percent health. Dodge Volcanic Rupture(Q) to prevent getting combo by his Searing Charge(E). Bellows Breath(W) needs to be waited out before you use your Infected Bonesaw(Wait for 1-2 Seconds). Dodge his combos and you will win trades. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo)”
slogdog says “High damage, and can break your cage with your E. But he's not tanky enough early game to deal with you, so it's still decent enough for both parties to have chance of killing each other.”
Raen says “Keep your Counter Strike for his empowered auto attack. After he use his dash it's your move to deal some dmg or even kill him, Also don't stay near walls and his Q rock to not get knocked up from his E and taking dmg for free. Try to ward + Q to minion to dodge his second R cast or to minion. If hes about to E stun him in middle air so you can catch him instead of insta stunning him.”
Hijitori says “He has unstoppable effects on W and his E dash, which means he can stop your Q knock-up easily. Try to knock-up or silence him when he's about to hit his Ult!”
Phrxshn says “What make Ornn a moderate to somewhat difficult match-up is due to his Living Forge as it deals percent health. Dodge Volcanic Rupture(Q) to prevent getting combo by his Searing Charge(E). Bellows Breath(W) needs to be waited out before you use your Pillar of Ice(Wait for 1-2 Seconds). Dodge his combos and you will win trades. Time your Pillar of Ice to negate his recasting of Call of the Forge God. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Beware his unstoppable on W. He can actually come out of your wall with it. Fairly easy though. Ward up and don't get ganked post 6. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If he started W then wait for it to go on CD before level 1 all inning him. Cancel his E with third Q. If he tries to proc his W aa then cancel it or get away. Use your Qs to go behind him to dodge his abilities. Use W or third Q to make him miss his ult. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Klepto
Ornn does a lot of damage but he will mostly autoattack for his W passive, parry it and he will be stunned afterwards you can run him down with ult”
LoLReal says “Stronger than other tanks but still a very manageable match up for Darius. Once he fully commits to you with E just beat him down, 5 stack and kill. Pull him back in if he procs W on you.
Easy match up he should be under his turret for most of the game.”
Justkb says “
Ornn Feels a lot harder to play against than he used to due to the durability patch. Rush Mercs and look to keep the wave closer to your tower. If he is within the Q hitbox go for it and see If he trades back with his W. After this look to E his E on the timer as this will keep you in the fight longer and force him to either flash or die. You need to get a lead early or he will outscale you, stay focused on the wave and manage your back timers well to keep a decent wave position. Look for Jungler pressure if he is always overextended and doesn’t take too many bad trades.
MythicMike says “He can dash away, but most Ornns use their E aggressively which makes them very open to use your combo. He's going to deal quite a bit of damage back (for being a tank), but if you get a full combo off you will win the trade everytime.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This champ does way too much damage for a tank. Watch out for his W-auto (To proc the extra W damage)-Q-E combo. It'll take almost all your health early on.”
qveenevelynn says “Hard to fight , he is really tanky and have a lot of stuns , be carefull and ask help from ur jgler // UPDATE// this is easier with [[cut down]] and when you stay away from walls.”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Block his W with your E.
(3) When he misses his E you can try to all in him.
(4) When he wants use his second ult stun him to cancel his animation.
(5) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING!!! --- Ornn is deceptively strong and can get very tanky and hard to deal with. --- DO NOT stand in front of his Bellows Breath and do not get hit by the last tick as it will proc Brittle on you. --- Once you have Brittle on you back away as it will deal a large amount of damage if he autos you. --- Make short trades early, at Level 3 you can start winning the lane. His trading is extremely strong but his All-In is a bit lack luster while yours is much stronger. So do not go for short trades against him; at 3 and after force all-in's or extended trades to force him out of lane. --- Asidd avoiding his Bellows Breath and Brittle Autos avoid getting his by his Q and stay away from any terrain to not get knocked up. If you can avoid most or all of his abilities this lane is pretty free. But if you every get behind he will snowball on you extremely hard. ”
MythicMike says “His brittle can hurt you quite a bit since it does damage according to your percentage of max health. Try to avoid fighting or getting close when he brittles you with W and you can take longer trades with him”
Phrxshn says “What make Ornn a moderate to somewhat difficult match-up is due to his Living Forge as it deals percent health. Dodge Volcanic Rupture(Q) to prevent getting combo by his Searing Charge(E). Bellows Breath(W) needs to be waited out before you use your Facebreaker or Show Stopper(Wait for 1-2 Seconds). Dodge his combos and you will win trades. Time your Facebreaker or Show Stopper to negate his recasting of Call of the Forge God. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
montybucket says “You won't fight an Ornn too often, but when you do its skill based. He's got boat loads of CC to bully you with, but won't do too much damage to you. I suggest going legend; tenacity into this match up. Go for extended trades, and abuse a side lane mid-late game. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] Parry his CC, stay close to him in teamfights, so he cant get an ult for free. You can allways pick trades with him, as you are much stronger.”
SilverAvalanche says “Yes, the tank that will deal more damage than an assassin early game.
Anyway, it is still pretty straight forward, Q though him when he Qs so you won't get brittled, E away, W poke and ult his ult.
Just be careful he does not run into the wall where you E or he will stun you.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Like Sion, Ornn is slow, but he does more damage more reliably. His fire breath is unstoppable and does max HP damage and the auto afterwards hurts, but the thing with Ornn is that you can cancel his ult recast by stunning or ulting him, which is insane in a teamfight.”
Drake6401 says “Build Last Whisper and Black Cleaver early.
Renekton's ability to dish out so much damage and sustain in lane works against Ornn's play style. It's paramount that you avoid his knock up. His W flame breath is a bit harder but the main thing is to avoid the very last tick since that debuffs you. If he misses his Q-E combo, you can safely extend the fight and zone him from the wave. Use your dash wisely and this isn't a hard lane.”
Ornn is a somewhat difficult matchup because of how much damage he does in trades. He appears to be the average, easy to beat tank but in actuality, he is a lot more dangerous if you aren’t paying attention. Try to dodge the second part of his fire breath as that is the part that applies his brittle stacks on to you. It should not be too difficult as all you have to do is to move sideways which is not something he can do. This is easier to do with ghost activated. If he does get the second part off on you, then you should not let him activate it by auto attacking you. The combo can take away a third of your health bar and he can run away before you can trade back into him. This is even worse considering how he can buy items that let him sustain in lane. Losing to Ornn is very bad as he snowballs hard and becomes ridiculously tanky because of his passive. Don’t worry though. Aside from his brittle stack autos, nothing else in Ornn’s kit is dangerous in a 1v1. He is just free food if you have your ghost activated, provided you don’t let him land every single bit of CC on you. You can stop him from reactivating his ultimate and knocking you up with an E but you’d probably use your E much earlier in a fight. If he engages with R, chances are he is setting up for a gank which he is very good at doing so try to make sure the lane is frozen on your side of the map. You can also cancel his dash with your E, stopping him from getting away. The general idea is to not take stupid trades Level 1-2 and then try to pressure him into an all in at Level 3, as from that point onward you should easily beat him in all ins, especially with ghost. Conqueror is definitely recommended in this matchup.”
RivalOCE says “The main thing with this matchup is to E his bellows breath damage or the brittle auto. The bulk of his damage comes from this. Anticipate Q placements in wave and care he doesn't E onto his Q for a stun, it gives him a free brittle auto. Start D shield always, you can look to kill after first base/before first base. After he buys armor it'll be a bit harder.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp, Corrupting Potion, E > W] - Don't stand near walls or his pillar, he'll knock you up.
- If you will get knocked up, before he knocks you up, E him.
- You can look to trade with him if he uses his flames to wave clear, whenever possible
- Try to use your ult to cancel his ult if possible, you can knock him up first and his ult will have no knock up
- He goes Bami usually. If he's under turret with low health, ult him and turret will focus him because of Bami. You can get some free kills!"”
Quinncidence says “A lovely matchup for Yorick, watch out of Ornn dmg at level 6 (especially with spellbook Ornn).
Ornn can also break ur wall with his Searing Charge
Wawza says “With the removal of Conquerors true damage conversion, Aatrox isn't going to be doing too well vs tanks who can deal a lot of damage while having a lot of CC in their kit. Ornn is the holy grail of tanks with a CC heavy kit with damage mixed in, poking him and steering clear of tearrain is key to winning this matchup.”
sock217 says “This is the only tank that can match you in damage,cc and mobility. You cant catch him and he can combo you. Watch out for this guy. Killable if you get a gank.”
maxlid3 says “Should be a pretty easy lane. You can just poke him to death and deny his engages with a simple W. After level 6 he can maybe successfully engage onto you but he shouldn't to enough damage to kill you. In late game he just stacks armor and it will be hard to kill him.”
Rhoku says “Ornn is an annoying tank matchup. His short trades are immensely good. Overall, you can somewhat win all ins early IF you make sure he doesn't proc his brittle on you. This requires you to sidestep his flame breath. If it hits you with the last tick, just walk away. He will chunk you out SO hard with that 1 auto. Rylais, Lyandries and Mercurial Treads are good into him. Level 6 you straight up win though. Just fight him and Ult him right after he Ults, because his ult won't be there in Death Realm, letting you freely kill him. Be aggressive but don't be too risky. He will blow you up if you underestimate him.”
YasTilt says “He has a lot of CC and he's tanky. During Laning Phase don't stand beside walls. If he has a Bami Cinder, don't take long trades, always short ones. Take The Collector if you want to destroy his armor. Don't mind him during teamfights, focus the carries and squishies, he'll be surely peeling for them.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Magic Resist+DBlade) Ornn, as any other tank, is hard to deal with early as Urgot. You still outscale him, but his passive makes him really useful on every stage of the game. You can bait his E and fling him when he dashes. When Ornn is about to R2 - E him.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Use your W to deny the damage of his W - Bellows Breath. Cancel his Ultimate recast with your Ultimate. You probably won't ever kill him 1v1 in lane unless he is really bad. If that's the case just outfarm him and ult him in later stages of the game into the enemy team for huge damage.”
Psychopathic Top says “ In lane, can bait a trade and have Ornn shove the wave (his infernal breath aoe ability). Make sure to not get autoed by his bristle auto, as that does a nice chunk of your hp. Bristle damage is insanely high currently and it has seen no nerfs. It can burst you from literally full hp, and he gets multiple auto resets that apply bristle when he uses R. In lane focus on farming and not fighting him. He can literally go bramble into a full tank item and 1 shot you. it's just one of those champs that Nasus can't out stat. Look to survive and fight at objectives later.”
Gospodin Bure says “I've moved all of the tanks up in threat since recently theyve been absolutely dominating toplane, Ornn is probably the worst of them, you won't be able to kill them in lane solo without ignite and they also scale very hard, play safe and steer clear of their all ins as tanks probably have more damage than you post 6.”
DippyDan says “Strong Support/Tank/Mage/Bruiser, but easy matchup for Fiora. Very easy to parry his CC, but mainly picked to play weakside. TIPS: [1] Parry his Brittle, or his AA after his w to stun. [2] Build Triforce to shred him down in seconds. ”
Hecki says “Ornn is considered a good match-up for Aatrox as long as you don't fall to far behind. Stay at max range and don't get hit by his empowered autoattacks after you get hit by his W. Be aware that he can knock you up with his E when you are near walls and get a good gank setup. ”
IvernLover74856 says “He will use his dash once you E him, making it hard to cheese or combo. Go 2nd item black cleaver or bork. Try no to int kills to him because a fed Ornn is v. unpleasant. Avoid his firebreath and his knock-up.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard] Lane is easy assuming you don't get hit by his knockup, but he scales as well as you and brings more value in teamfights. However he cannot stop you from scaling.”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA.----------- Es un matchup donde si no le sacas ventaja temprano, no vas a poder asesinarlo posteriormente.. Es un campeón con muchas resistencias, y gracias a su pasiva salvo que necesite vida nunca va a abandonar la Linea, esto gracias a su pasiva.
En EARLY GAME te lo comes crudo, el problema es que Ornn no debería pelearte en este tramo.
Juga con cabeza, trackeando al JG Rival, ya que tiene una iniciación insana y puede asegurar todos los Ganks a partir de nvl 6.
Cegalo cuando te aplique su W para que no pueda aplicarte su Auto ataque potenciado, ya que tienes un tiempo de reacción mayor, que si por el contrario deseas cegarlo cuando potencie nuevamente su AA con su R.”
SunOak says “Just like Shen Ornn has strong damage early but if you just wait for 4 ghouls you can beat him. Wait with putting him in your W till after he uses his W (flamethrower). Start Dorans shield and take MR runes.”
NeroZYN says “You have to space really well, dodge all abilities and spend atleast 2 minutes just to take this guy to half hp. Really disgusting champ ontop of his perma CC. He is playable against, but very, VERY annoying. Dying to him once can easily cost the laning phase.”
Alan234 says “Go fleet and just farm forever
Level 6 youre in danger because of his ult one hitting you. Dodge his q e. Its a matchup where you cant do anything so poke where you can and just splitpush so that he cant group. Deaths are almost expected due to how his 6 is realistically undodgable”
TXK_ says “Poke down with Q as his threat alone is relatively small. Post 6, look to ult him after his initial cast of R to cancel the knockup and damage.”
Mr. Popper says “He is easy to gank for post 6 so same as Malphite ward up after he gets 6, but he isnt nearly as tanky as him. you can take either Grasp or Fleet into him. Becareful engaging on him because his burst combo is insane and hard to escape from once its started.”
Kartagoo says “Shouldnt be that hard. Just stay away from the Q pillars so your passive doesnt get accidentally proc'd. Q Poke till you maybe all in him. Sunfire is a good rush item. Maybe watch out when he hits 6 cuz he can easily engage on you with ult and e knock up in.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Easy in early-game but hard in late-game. You can abuse him easily but once he builds up his 1st two items you won't be able to kill him.
Hail father Ornn, god of fire and forge! I am Aatrox, and I am the god killer!"”
KillMeKillMe says “Just make sure you're not staying in lane too long without buying, he can make items in lane so he will become more powerful without needing to go back if you aren't poking him down and making him go back.”
Vandenelis says “he deals a lot of damage with his w and r since it does 12-18% of your max hp scaling with level. you can 1v1 him only before level 2. When he ults try to cc him. if he can get off his ult recast he will be stronger than you in every aspect.”
Bombabo says “Ornn does a surprising abount of damage with his W and passive, so be careful. He is not worth focusing once he has bramble vest and sunfire. Try to use your E to negate either his knockup or enhanced auto attacks.”
DarkyTheReal says “In this matchup you should try to remove is bone plating and go for extended trades (keep your E to dodge his W), try to crash 3rd wave on his tower, so you can recall without losing cs, then you freeze lane and bully him every time he tries to cs.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “If you can parry his e, empowered AA after w or Ult or the Ult, you are fine. If not, hes gonna be a major threat.
It depends on you, just train this macthup. And he is a tank, so you probabaly wont kill him, but oyu can try.”
SettVEVO says “His trading pattern is actually really unfair, from poking Qs to dashing away after his cc wears off he is pretty annoying. The one thing you need to take in mind is his W brittle effect. He will look to proc it after he hits you with it, and you can W all the damage it does while returning some yourself, feels great. Just be sure to have some grit to do it. If your W is on cooldown then just run when you're brittle to avoid his massive damage. Dodge his Qs as much as you can and don't get too near walls as he can knock you up with his dash with them. His W makes him unstoppable during it so keep in mind and don't waste your ult. You can ult him so he can't use the second part of his ult so definitely take advantage of that. Mid to Late game he helps his team with his upgrades, in teamfights you can ult him to deny his ult and deal massive damage to his team.”
eramsorgr says “Ornn is going to be annoying to his damage and tankyness. You should use LDR instead Blade of The Ruined King (more details on chapters) to destroy him. His passive item upgrade is going to be annoying for your team, but completely viable. ”
RTO says “He can be quite scary, he has high tankiness and good CC - best to engage when it's all on CD, ask for ganks, build armor and try to dodge his abilities.”
RTO says “Try to bait out his fire breath. If you can avoid it, then you will out trade every time. What makes it annoying is that he can buy items in lane so keep pressuring you. ”
Fryx says “Trades against Ornn are pointless since he will W and stun you which will hurt much more. Keep in mind that Ornn is not the best in teamfights and you can have much more impact on the map so don't use your tp on your lane and focus on helping the others.”
wff010 says “You'll want to spend a lot of energy tracking the enemy jungler since ornn can only do anything to you with his jungler. When you know the jungler is elsewhere (botside, mid, etc), go in. Max W to ignore his stun. Your E grabs him out of his E. Your ult disrupts his ult/E.”
LoLReal says “He trades a bit better than other tanks but is still an easy lane. Save E for if he goes in and punish hard since he has no way of getting back out after he uses E.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1. If you hit lvl 2 first all-in him. Otherwise you can go for short trades soaking his burn dmg with your passive. But it’s mainly lvl 3+ you’ll start winning trades hard. Go up with your emp Q’s and start attacking him, and when he applies his “thing” onto you with his burn and prepares to do the special auto on you, just deny it last second with W and keep trading for a little bit then back off. Once you start getting a health lead you can start to taunt onto him and force trades while still blocking his special auto with your W.”
SanLourdes says “Don't become brittle. That is the key to defeating Ornn. Freeze the wave in front of tower and avoid his fire breath, The generated terrain on his Q can stop your ult, but usually he won't be able to activate it in time for you to be affected. Ornn uses so much mana that he can't stay in lane long enough even if he doesn't have to go back to base to get his items. His abilities are on high cooldowns, so use that to your advantage. ”
CucumberSandwich says “Haven't played this one much either, but Ornn has more health and early damage than Amumu so it's very hard to win. Just try to dodge his abilites and look for poke when you can. He also outranges your E poke with his Q and W. ”
Drygur says “Start Doran's Shield, and focus on farming in this lane and avoid trading unless he burns (W) on creeps. Make sure you dodge or cast Valor (E) to mitigate his pillar (Q) damage.”
calbino says “Don't underestimate Ornn. He can craft bramble vest on the spot, and his Max %HP spam hits hard. Fight him after level 3, but start warding past 6, as his jungler may be nearby.”
RareParrot says “out pokes and outscales beats you at 6, annoying matchup bring press the attack and cutdown and dont die or you will lose all lane pressure and wont be able to come back if dove.”
PlasmaFox1 says “Orn is just really annoying to go against. Trade fast in the early game and spin away when he has a brittle stack on you. Buy kraken and cs for late game.”
SavagePridestalker says “Tank vs Tank matchup. The lane will be quite hard after a few levels, because his spells deal more damage than yours. If you play correctly and dodge his W, you will win fights, but his tankiness is much better than yours is.”
Marwaii says “Hard push to deny CS. He can win trades early and can oneshot you with his ulti if you are mini Gnar. You outscale him super hard and destroy him with mega Gnar. Do not die early.
Take Divine + Plated.”
Breadcrumbs says “This is a pretty easy lane, you can often catch an ornn out within the first few levels as he is fairly squishy and he has quite long cast times on his E, W and Q. Fail to kill him though and he quickly outscales you and becomes unkillable as well as doing 10% of your health with his passive auto.”
SethPRG says “His W unstoppable can be tricky to deal with sometimes, but you have 2 CC abilities. This champ is annoying when he maxes Q and armor stacks then just pokes you forever, you can't trade back because of the slow. If you end up fighting him though, whenever he tries to E in on you or away from you, E to catch him mid animation. Try to save your ult for when he ults, then just R him away so he can't recast his ult, it makes him pretty useless in team fights. Divine Sunderer is your recommended item here, followed by Black Cleaver. The rest of your itemizations depend on the enemy team comp.”
El Leon Gnar says “Ornn is just a very strong, scaling tank that does well against Gnar. Only trade while in Mini and make sure you don't get knocked up out of your jump, there's not too many strats to this matchup just don't get behind early.”
doozy99 says “Go for the Tank page or the usual one. He can use W against your E or ultimate to ignore the crowd control. Try to ult him when he's trying to ult you. Save your W for his brittle. You don't have any kill potential against this guy. He'll be to use to bomb their backline tho.”
joelspaho121 says “Just like malphite ornn is no different .he has a lot of cc and damage so he can reliably set up ganks.try playing around his e cooldown and if that's on cooldown always fight him because you'll win.never let him just walk up, proc grasp with w and walk away with it, always trade back.some ornn players will really greed for that grasp proc especially on lower elos so use that to your advantage.never stand close to walls because he will easily knock you up and get a lot of damage off for no reason.being cautious with where you are in this lane is key to winning it. Respect his all in damage post 6 and save your E when hes about to either dash away or knock you up with his R2. Timing your E is also key to this matchup.”
Kaizin says “This matchup can be a little bit difficult, but the main points are to only use your Q stun after he's used his W (Bellow's breath) as it makes him unbreakable. You can avoid the knock-up from his Ult by casting yours after he headbutts the ram towards you. Ornn actually deals a lot of mixed damage, so building health is the best thing to do, although his W deals % max health magic damage.”
I am so chill says “This guy is dangerous when he is close to you.But you can poke him so much and you can sustain the damage you took from him.If he rushes bramble vest avoid auto attacking him and go 3q and proc your passive on him.”
ApollonATH says “you can destroy him in the early game with ap tank build or ad build but you get outscaled. If you are scared you can go grasp of the undying tank build and 50 - 50 it ”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
He is very tanky and can do quite a bit of damage with his brittle. Good luck when it comes to trying to kill him. Riftmaker and landing the center of Qs should help. ”
Humitaxx says “Same with Sion, be careful about going with the tank build, since Ornn will always outscale you in being a tank, so you will always fall short in damage if you are playing in an even field against him. If you want to play it safe, go with a regular Stride breaker - BOTRK build”
deathwalker7119 says “This is my favorite matchup as Fiora, please never lose this. It is pretty simple, you parry his W auto as it does a lot of damage and will stun him for free. If you are low and he is low, then parry his E knockup so you can burst him without getting bursted. If it is post 6 then you need to parry his r and try to dodge the last part of his W (only the end of it procs the empowered auto, if you q out of that you will be fine).”
JeanMichelBambi says “Ornn is relatively easy to beat since if he wanted to use his passive to counter you in lane and build magic resistance he would set himself back on his other items”
Womsky says “Scaling runes, doran's shield/long sword, ornn is a strong melee bully, he has a very strong trading combo on level 3, pre 3 you can take good trades into him, you can dodge his combo if you avoid being around the thingie that pops off his Q, so he cant E combo you and knock you up, over all, just sustai n his poke, and make him run low on mana then all in, you can look for kills till he stacks too much armor, then you can just farm and ignore him , tiamat is recommanded as you will be just clearing waves vs him later on and to help you snowball better, ignite is recommanded if you looking for early lead.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This lane is pretty straight forward, you almost always beat him with passive stacked. Try to avoid getting hit by his W, if you have a Q mark on him you can simply Q him when he uses W to avoid getting hit by it or you can Q a low hp minion. Start with Q and stack your passive and go aggressive on him, feel free to keep doing this until he gets bramble. If you don’t get ahead of him by the time he gets it, it is a bit hard until you get botrk but once you have botrk its not a problem to continue fighting him. Just respect that he beats you with bramble if you don’t get ahead of him before then but you crush him with botrk. Even with bramble you can win if you can avoid his w since its most of his damage.
tibs2 says “Take w lvl 2. Pre 6 w his e, post 6 save w for his r2. In case you did not know you can w ornn's second r cast making him unable to knock back his big "lava elemental" which can be a huge deal come mid-late game teamfight as well as lane all-ins. ”
shinsuky says “very hard match-up because of his tankiness since the first levels. Crafting MR on lane is really op against you too in early. Dmg are insanely getting you in trouble in early too.”
Noodles912 says “Farm this lane peacefully. Ornn is going to keep CCing you, so mercs can be purchased. Use Pool to dodge his E or R depending on your preferance. Outscale him, and spam Q to keep your health up.”
Cayteer says “Just an another tank matchup. Try to dodge this abilities with your W movespeed to win trades. You can pull combo him when he doesn't have his E.”
Xeptron says “Respect Ornn! Do not engage whenever. Try to engage when his abilities are on cooldown to make it easier. Whenever Ornn casts his ultimate, try to stun him at the perfect time so he wouldn't be able to recast it and hit your allies. ”
kohyss says “Easy matchup after 6. He can block your E with his W. After6 all in him, try to bait out his R and then fast ult him before he can repel his R.”
teemodumbstupid says “You will beat ornn with sheen and lucidity boots, but he can boost his team with his items upgrades. You want to stop him from farming in sidelane for free, so he isn't able to upgrade his teammates items.”
jmp_01_ says “Be careful with his knockup. Deny his R - Call of the Forge God with your R - The Show Stopper to make sure you don't eat the whole damage twice. He scales well into the late game. He is the one you want to ult in teamfights in the later stages of the game.
negoZoma69 says “Standard tank matchup, dodge his abilities and you're good. Don't underestimate the damage of his full combo. Farm well and you should be able to carry the midgame even though he outscales.”
Pionner says “Conqueror rush Black Cleaver 1st item Mercury treads ornn does both phisical and magical damage take Mercury for the tenacity, his W cancel your E and R”
Draconic56 says “His short trades are better than yours try to poke him with your Q.You can win all-ins early if make sure he doesn't proc his brittle on you. This requires you to sidestep his flame breath. If it hits you with the last tick, just walk away. He will chunk you out hard with that 1 auto. Level 6 you crush him, ult after he ults so his ult won't be inside the death realm and you will kill him easily.”
SanLourdes says “The thing to keep in mind with this matchup is to not become brittle whenever you aren't going all-in. If he can land his brittle passive, you will take a lot of damage. Other than that, he is a tank, so build Demonic Embrace as soon as you finish Sunfire Aegis and Rylai's. If you ult him right as he casts his, you will be able to completely ignore his ram from ever hitting you and he will not be able to recast it. ”
Kokob5 says “So long as you don't let Ornn freely get his empowered auto attacks off you'll win trades. Just be careful when you R since he can nullify it with W. Always beware that you can use your ultimate to completely nullify his since it doesn't follow into DR.”
Hesychia says “He is just King of Tanks. Black Cleaver is a MUST for this matchup. Take Black Cleaver after Stridebreaker, and also buy "Mercury's Treads" Avoid hiting by his "W" or he will deal huge damage. Easy to dodge his "W" When he uses his "W" just move away and use your "Q" to start trading. With early power of Darius. You can kill him early game and dominate the game. You can harras him everytime he tries to push the lane.”
Dorom says “Ornn is tanky, and he does outscale you a lot. So the move to winning this lane is to punish his weakness in early game, just like many other tanks and then going in level 4-6, look out for his ult though, it slows, knockups and does about 300 damage.”
raede says “Oh brother... Ornn is a doozy. Although from around levels 1-11 you'll win anytime he tries to fight you he will almost never try it. In many ways he's similar to Malphite except he can build the Bramble Vest while spamming his mastery at you. But in the early he is easier to kill then Malphite so if you play it right you can snowball off of him.”
Lunarisen says “He's just another support for the top lane, just be careful of his All-in engages since it usually means one of his teammates are around.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok. A real tank that gaves a ton of damge and his combo can disable your E - actually if he engages you, you will probably use your E to try to escape, because you'll being ganked or something like that -. Alone, he's not a threat, at all... you can try to rush the Kraken here.”
Reformed Ravi says “take conq and dont stand near your w if he has e because he can use it against you. if you are really good you can use the edge of your w to cc him when he ults”
Alekra says “Orrn can be pretty difficult to beat. He is really tanky and has alot of damage. But it gets alot easier if you can avoid his mark and dodge his E. Your Q movement speed helps alot there. He has one of the best gank setups so don't overextend in lane and you won't die. Just like with all tanks, go Black Cleaver first.”
Erenando says “He will deal a lot of damage in early game since you have no HP yet, but he falls of quickly and you'll be able to stack. Don't force fights pre 6.”
GrGamingTeo says “Ornn is not a difficult lane opponent, he is just anoying and boring because all he is going to do is push a little bit, go back to his tower, buy items and come back stronger while you are sitting there with your first item. The only reason he is not a lv3 threat is because there is no universe in wich you kill him or he kills you. You need to respect his lv3 huge power spike and his easy-to-pull combo with his enhanced AA and knockup. If you let him land that combo you will most likely survuve with 10 hp. If you are ever over extended against this guy, you will get ganked and you will get killed.”
Drumastermunch says “Respect his damages early game, but you can punish his mistakes. If he goes bramble + steelplate you will have a hard time, just push your lane and roam.”
LunaticDancer says “A boring lane, because if he's good you won't kill him, but generally his damage is easily avoidable and you heavily win all in trades. The character is good at receiving ganks, so be careful of that.”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Flash + TP]
Dblade or Doran's Shield. Start W.
Just another tank matchup but try to dodge his abilities. You can hookshot off his pillar and cancel his dash. You can use your passive to block his passive damage. You can R him to dodge his R.”
SpyDaFX says “don't trade when he uses his W (shield), you can kill him at level 6, because his ult isn't that strong, DON'T GO PRESS THE ATTACK, go Conqueror, doran's shield is recommended.”
Ravenborne says “Do not let him get free Damage in by not letting him get his Brittle AA off. If he is about to dash W him for the slow and walk back up to him. If he ults E him so he can't hit it.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Alot of CC. Deals percentage of max health. No matter how much hp you have he will still deal the same ammount of damage he did when you had 700 HP. He has a very low pickrate, so you wont be seeing him at all. But when you do encounter him, prepare yourself for a beating”
zeinz says “Avoid his q and you should be fine. dodge if you know or feel that your jg is a dog. You will need perma gank until you can solo him; You will also need to beat the f out of his tower when he is not in lane. ”
Kil4fun says “Too tanky for you to fight. Grasp makes him out trade you at level 1. He has hard engage and can build items in lane to get tankier and that screws your damage. Play safe into him.”
Doc Morning Wood says “He's too tanky for you. And you're playing an AD Cho'Gath. Not much you can do here. Just farm and poke him with your E. Don't overextend these small fights though.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Your W cancels his E and DOESN'T cancel his R second cast. You can't fight Ornn as he's too tanky and if he lands his W AA on you, you insta lose the trade. When trading fling and run through him rather than staying. His W cancels your E whilst it's active.”
kingchas2 says “Try your best to dodge his Q as he will be able to poke you pretty hard with it. Stay far away when his W is off CD as the brittle proc+grasp will chunk you really hard.”
ModelitoTime says “Super tanky and annoying to lane against. You can't really kill him until about lvl 9+ but he can't either unless he has his jungle helping. Just keep in mind for his Q, because he can actually poke you down alot with it. Build Divine Sunderer in this matchup as your Mythic Item, it takes down tanks really well. Hit him with 3 auto attacks from your W then deactivate it then hit him with a regular auto attack, so your Divine Sunderer passive can activate for bouns damage. ”
xxskipskipxx says “Dodge the last part of his W! Don't stand near Terrain or his Q !!
If he is casting W and you want to trade him just go through him with your Q (not hovering Ornn with your cursor, but the ground) ! Try to CC him when he is about to Headbutt his R !
Watchout for his items since he can upgrade them without going back !!”
Dannala says “Slow and tanky, easy to eat away early. Usual pokes and trades work well, his fire and knock up might hurt your spider-lings so be careful otherwise he's not much of a threat. He will most likely never get killed past 3 because of how ridiculously tanky he is though, but you shouldn't die to him either as long as you keep your distance.”
OmegaDelta000 says “It's more of a skill match, really. You can even face tank his damage and still win in some cases. Be really agressive during the early phase and you should be good.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “You can block his E wich will put the furry in place but make sure that he doesnt hit his W. If he Ults make sure to generate as much distance as possible before the Goat hits.”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about dodging q and w and whenever he misses one of them u jump on him to trade him otherwise u don't. After lvl 6 just care when fighting him bcs if you're both half hp it's way easier for him to win the all in. I advise Grasp with Dshield in this lane.”
sauronkaiser says “Good ornns can be a pain in the ass. You will never be able to kill him: he can destroy your wall, have tons of cc and damage. The best strategy aganist this guy is get ghouls, hit E, go to bonk him with a Q, get out, repeat. If he commits the mistake to engage alone, wall him and fight seriously. In any other situation, never try long trades.”
Ramixx says “This champion is more annoying than anything. His percent hp magic damage can really hurt and you really cant 1v1 him cause of the amount of stats his crafted items give him. ”
Malol67 says “Not killable after he stacks some armor till you get BC,juke everything and block ''brittle'' autos to win.
Kinda of a boring lane and you should look for roams.”
EU_Toxicity says “Pretty high damage for a tank, but if you keep the lane on your side and W him mid dash you should be able to run him down easily. When he uses his W fall back a bit for the brittle debuff to dissapear, otherwise he'll bonk you with a 12% max hp auto. After 6 save your pull to make him miss his ultimate reactivation. ”
doorknobber69 says “I have a much easier time with Ornn than most tanks in lane, if he tries to fight you win it. Go tp and try to make plays on the map if he plays safe.”
lordoftheyuumitopmidadc says “ornn is very tanky if fighting ornn always poke and try not to get hit by his Q E W combo because then he gets a BIG trade when fighting you that you will lose try to fight him in your wave or with tower if you need to run then use your ult to run away”
iZeal says “Ornn has very strong trading patterns so you have to pretty much all-in him. After level 6 he can almost 100-0 you with a high cc combo. Try to deny his R2 by pulling him before he gets the chance to hit the ram, try to dodge the last part of his W so he can't brittle-auto you for a huge chunk of damage. Ornn will get around 3000 gold in stats at level 13 when he gets to upgrade 2 of his items for free and will provide his teammates with 1 free upgrade per player that will be worth at least 1000g!
DBlade/DShield, Phage”
DarkNavarre says “Even if he's able to get on top of you, after the initial burst there isn't much he can do. However, he is really potent in setting up ganks for his jungler, so be aware if he starts to get more aggressive.”
NoxianBlood says “Ornn is a skilfull match up, trades can go well to each side, but at early levels Sion can beat Ornn if you keep your distance and don't stand near his pillars, don't engage him if he didn't still have used his Q pillar especially ulting from a distance into lane, a good Ornn player will create a pillar in front of him if he hears you ulting into him. try to don't make him get his forged items, he will make his team very strong, and he will get very tank that you will tickle him in late game, so find an opening and try to peel your carry, and melting him down stunning him allot for your ADC to take him down, try to protect your ADC from him he can one-shot him/her with a full combo even full tank, also his Brittle deals a percentage of your max health be aware of that when he spits flame on you and claps you, and beware he might outplay you if he uses his W to become unstoppable countering your Q if he times it right, try to predict when he's about to ult, like that you know there is a going to be a big team fight, remember all of his power comes from his ult, if it's on cooldown Ornn will be pretty easy to deal with.”
UnMaskedDeity says “Ornn is big, mean, and dishes out a lot of damage if push comes to shove. Play it safe till you get your form on this guy. (also if he ults and your close to him ult him and just sit in him till his ult goes away then make your escape or kill him if you can).”
byThiagus says “Segunda pagina de runas y fantasmal. extende las peleas, no dejes que te outradee en corto. Farmear hasta nivel 3 y hacer all in. No lo subestimes que aunque sea inmortal tiene mucho daño. a nivel 6 Usa tu E cuando el va a utilizar su segunda r asi no puede devolver la cabra”
Boblet says “Thiccum who will beat you if he hits at least 2 of his 3 abilities in a trade. Once he gets his mythic he is not killable, so gun it for his teammates instead.”
AWierdShoe says “Contest the push level 1. If you hit level 2 first all-in him. Otherwise you can go for short trades soaking his burn damage with your passive. But it’s mainly level 3+ you’ll start winning trades hard. Go up with your empowered Q’s and start attacking him, and when he applies his brittle onto you with his burn and prepares to do his empowered auto on you, just deny it last second with W and keep trading for a little bit then back off. Once you start getting a health lead you can start to taunt onto him and force trades while still blocking his empowered auto with your W.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Start Q -> Contest Cs (poke with Q) -> Let the wave push to you and make freezes -> You can dodge/bait/block or just let him use Q on the wave -> W is very easy to dodge with E. This is his main trading ability -> With his E he will be mostly looking to Q+E for the knock up into W (His combo), or for disengage. You can follow him up by dashing either on a minion or on him while his E is casting -> His ultimate is block-able with your W or you can knock him up with Q3 right before his R arrives on him so he will not be able to use it for the knock up.”
StrikeX114 says “Ornn is much too tanky to kill without an incredibly bad towerdive from them. Because he won't die, you are that much more likely to die. Ensure to manage your health to keep him from snowballing the game. His primary threat to you is his Searing Charge (E), as it sets you up for getting bursted down.”
Saarlichenbog says “With one of the highest base armours in the game, he doesn't need any abilities to survive you in lane. However, this doesn't mean he can repel you in the early stages of the game with his lack of mobility which makes it extremely easy for you to poke him out early. He outscales you at 3 items but without lane presence more often than not he won't be able to reach them if the game snowballs hard enough. Even with these items you still have a chance with the new Kraken Slayer mythic to kill him later on, but he threatens to have more team impact with his passive which enables his allies to kill you instead. It is fittingly an even matchup.”
FoxyGrill says “Get away from his pillar as fast as possible, dont go ear the walls and if he hits W, dont let gim proc the passive. Use your ult or W to prevent him from using second Ult.”
ItsPaulygon says “Once he gets tanky, you are going to lose. Always be careful of ganks because he has a good amount of CC. Don't underestimate Ornn. But try to beat him early, so go Corrupting Potion.”
GLP1 says “You may have seen that above mention that tanks are bad vs Kled but erase everything I said about tanks with this bad boy as it will make your life impossible for his filthy W and his ultimate, try never to pick up Kled vs an Ornn”
Papa Urgot says “if you R him after he presses his R there is no ult in the realm. be aware of his W he cant be moved into the realm if he uses it. besides all this. easy matchup.”
Nicklstherealone says “If you play really Passive you wont die... But if you go for CS he will CC you to death. Try to bait his W and R somehow because those are your Counters. His W makes him Unstoppable and you cant grsb him. His R ist just an insane Burst Knockups. ”
OffmetaPancake says “An annoying lane to go into as Rek'Sai can't kill him easily. Into this matchup it will be necessary to roam and invade enemy jungles for kills instead of ornn.”
Raphi0216 says “Trade with your E. You can use his pillar as terrain. Dodge his R with your R. If you play well, he won't ever proc his brittle AA on you.”
Frostyfps says “This lane is pretty straight forward, you almost always beat him with passive stacked. Try to avoid getting hit by his W, if you have a Q mark on him you can simply Q him when he uses W to avoid getting hit by it or you can Q a low hp minion. Start with Q and stack your passive and go aggressive on him, feel free to keep doing this until he gets bramble. If you don’t get ahead of him by the time he gets it, it is a bit hard until you get botrk but once you have botrk its not a problem to continue fighting him. Just respect that he beats you with bramble if you don’t get ahead of him before then but you crush him with botrk. Even with bramble you can win if you can avoid his w since its most of his damage.”
Defensivity1 says “I would advise going Lethal tempo rushing cleaver and getting botrk after, he is a tank but very easy to beat as long as you have Lethal tempo cleaver and blade of the ruined king.”
Embracing says “Actually has very underrated damage. Can only win all ins if you dodge his W proc + auto. Ult engage is extremely large range, but otherwise just keep your distance. ”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Ornn is pretty easy to go against early on, and you can force him out of lane multiple times, just respect how strong he is late game and try to kill him often early.”
TangoVallhala says “He has good early power because he can build bramble in lane, watch out for his Qand E combo, watch W CD, at 6 try dodging his ult, then all in him with yours. Play way from walls too.”
ArmandChad69 says “Extremely annoying in laning phase, however you can exploit his build in delays and natural slow nature by being a tank. Highly recommend Serylda and Cleaver if you want to deal damage to him Late, his scaling is really strong.”
MisterDerpFace says “Go edge of the night if you think its necessary. Try to avoid his Q and STAY AWAY from that stalagmite thingy so that he cant knock you up. He's also worth banning cuz he just goes a bunch armor items.
Also, he has VERY good synergy with volibear, cuz volibear can ult your tower and then they can CC you for 6 years.”
YoungTact says “Easy matchup once you understand it. Bait him into W'ing you then Q him once he starts it and immediately Run in the opposite direction. This will cause him to get hit by Both of your Q's. Hit him with grasp passive whenever you can. W his E if he looks to punish you in lane with it. Your W also works on his 2nd R cast so look lookout for that as well. Vid here:”
qasddsa says “Gigantic meatball if you can dodge his knockups. Try not to stand near walls and dodge his pillar that he sends out. Recommended to rush a Blade of the Ruined King against him.”
Ornn is one of the most annoying tanks to deal with as Nasus, his kit is literally a CC lockdown while doing a decent ammount of damage by building armor. In this lane, bait him early on to shove the wave into you with his Q and then look to play safe. In this lane you can look to trade and outsustain him after you hit your lvl6 and Sheen spike. Similar to Camille matchup you want to fight not near walls so he can't just E on you and get the knockup for free. Later on to the game, you outscale him quite hard but to make your scaling advantage an advantage, look to splitpush and force him to match you, teamfighting is next to impossible, if theyr team has a decent ammount of CC, you will be permaCC'ed and you won't be able to deal damage at all. Recently he recieved a big nerf where whenever he buys health items, he doesn't gain the health the items provide instantly so his sustain is sort of screwed. ”
PH45 says “Ornn has high CC so he is able to setup ganks for his jungler pretty easily. Try to not stay in his W for too long and avoid getting hit with an auto after you get procced with Brittle cause that will hurt. ”
SubHuman Filth says “go for PTA and attack speed.
dont go for poke unless he used his q already, else he will q and e instant.
lvl 6 you need to be cautious. He can instakill you with it.
You outscale in length, so just go for Cull and farm.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ornn has really good early damage and it is very hard to take successful trades into him whether its an extended trade or a short trade. Your best bet in this matchup is to look to farm up as much as possible get your tiamat, and just scale up. Ornn has sustain because he can build items in lane and can be hard to allin because of his crowd control and damage. If you do see ornn building an item, you can stop him from building the item by damaging him. Ornn has a 10 second cooldown on building items after taking damage. If you do take a trade with ornn however, try to make sure that you arent hit by the end of his w (his breath) or you will get the brittle debuff on you which he can auto you for huge damage. In the mid-late game if you stayed even after laning phase you can 1v1 ornn outside of his turret range, if he hugs turret then shove him in and look for opportunites to rotate and flank his team while he is stuck under turret farming.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Ornn is one the strongest tanks vs GP, when not the strongest. Since this fck champ has no cooldowns on his CC, ur orange is nearly useless since he will perma CC u. If enemys have a damage jungler, RIP ur lane. Try to powerfarm and scale.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ornn has really good early damage and it is very hard to take successful trades into him whether its an extended trade or a short trade. Your best bet in this matchup is to look to farm up as much as possible get your tiamat, and just scale up. Ornn has sustain because he can build items in lane and can be hard to allin because of his crowd control and damage. If you do see ornn building an item, you can stop him from building the item by damaging him. Ornn has a 10 second cooldown on building items after taking damage. If you do take a trade with ornn however, try to make sure that you arent hit by the end of his w (his breath) or you will get the brittle debuff on you which he can auto you for huge damage. In the mid-late game if you stayed even after laning phase you can 1v1 ornn outside of his turret range, if he hugs turret then shove him in and look for opportunites to rotate and flank his team while he is stuck under turret farming.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery, Grasp
Desvia do Q na lane phase não fique perto de paredes quando ele for dar o AA bufado usa seu Q pra negar o dano
Rushar : Nashor , Botas”
ZergDood says “He has a slower, AoE version of your E and can summon a pillar he can use to his dash and damage you. His scaling is really good, so you might want to win the early game. Avoid walls, and whenever he uses his w, use your Q on him. He'll get hit twice by it. If he marks you, disengage, you don't want that extra damage on you. Your W stops his dash.”
qazx1427 says “Arcane Comet, Liandry's Torment, Black Cleaver; there are so many options to make Ornn's life a misery. His engage is very, very strong, so be careful around terrain, but his charge is both his only engage and escape. Bait out the charge, then trap him in your W; you now have an Ornn with no escape, probably in the middle of your wave. Just watch out for roams or ganks, since he's great at lockdown.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “You shouldn't have any issues with this champ, bully him earlygame and nuke his backline with his own body. W max if hes an armorstacking ornn (they will go bramble before bamis).
If you time your E right, you can pull him if he tries to dash away.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “The same as with the other tanks.Rush that tiamat and make plays around the map , also you want to be careful at his W passive damage since ornn can beat you in 1v1 pre 6.Standard runes and TP for this one.”
Twist21 says “Ornn has great early game damage but if you avoid his w aa damage you should win but at one point he will get too tanky just like malphite.Snowball early and then avoid him , just roam around the map.”
OverCookedFish says “Ornn has the potential to be very beneficial for you, but you have to build black cleaver first or you'll never kill him. his massive percent max health full combo allows for easy max damage W's, but they can kill you if you aren't careful.”
M.P.C says “You're already in a huge disadvantage during early game since he doesn't need to go back to buy items, so focus getting as much cs as you can and be careful of his Q+E combo.”
Fiora Pogjet says “This lane is not very hard. You can go for trades and just care about him hitting his big hit with W. If he presses E you can prarry that very easy and the same with his ultimate.”
NullPC says “Unkillable ram who wont back till 20 min in and still stop you, overall force him to take longer trade early as he has long cooldowns and does no damage witout his passive you beat him in raw mele but his cc is dangerous.”
Teemain says “Ornn surprisingly does a LOT of damage without even building damage items.
And since my build is built around Attack Speed and not so much Tank, make SURE you don't play so aggresively against him in the early game. Wait out your time and go in AFTER he has no ultimate.
Teemain says “Ornn surprisingly does a LOT of damage without even building damage items.
And since my build is built around Attack Speed and not so much Tank, make SURE you don't play so aggresively against him in the early game. Wait out your time and go in AFTER he has no ultimate.
ModxLoL says “Ornn has received multiple nerfs for his presence in pro play, but he's not a problem for Riven in solo queue once you learn how to deal with him. You can bully him in the early game by dashing through his w so that you don't get hit with the brittle. And if he does hit you with the brittle part, just immediately stun into 3rd Q, auto, then E away. It's really easy to bait his e(knockup) with your Q and E. It's also super important to remember to save hard CC for the second part of his ultimate. You shouldn't be getting hit with the knockup of his ult when you are going all in on him. Try to all in him whenever his E is on cooldown. You can kill him before he gets his 2nd back. After that, you kill him once you get your Black Cleaver powerspike.”
Stiwy says “He has good damage for a tank but with Conqueror + Black Clever combination you should be fine.
Remeber to E him when his ult is coming to prevent him from sending it back (you will understand this line better when you fight him)
You can either start cull if you prefere to farm more efficiently or D.Sword for a more aggressive opener.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ornn has really good early damage and it is very hard to take successful trades into him whether its an extended trade or a short trade. Your best bet in this matchup is to look to farm up as much as possible get your tiamat, and just scale up. Ornn has sustain because he can build items in lane and can be hard to allin because of his crowd control and damage. If you do see ornn building an item, you can stop him from building the item by damaging him. Ornn has a 10 second cooldown on building items after taking damage. If you do take a trade with ornn however, try to make sure that you arent hit by the end of his w (his breath) or you will get the brittle debuff on you which he can auto you for huge damage. In the mid-late game if you stayed even after laning phase you can 1v1 ornn outside of his turret range, if he hugs turret then shove him in and look for opportunites to rotate and flank his team while he is stuck under turret farming.”
BloodyDream81 says “Un tank avec beaucoup de contrôle, très similaire à Malphite, Maokai Etc, soit vigilante du jungle, et le match up 1 vs 1 ne pose pas grand soucis, fais tout de même attention à son Z, le crachat de flamme, si tu arrives à éviter se sort, il n'as plus rien pour te menacer ! ”
Dantheman81 says “Ornn is a fairly tough matchup, he is tanky, deals a lot of damage and is a CC machine. Play safe in this matchup, whoever is more ahead will win and do not fight him without your ultimate.”
Twiggymocha says “When you are vs him just make sure he does not stop your q with his abilities and you will be good. Engaging when his w is down will be optimal. You can ult while he is ulting since you are unstoppable during it.”
Xplor says “Orn will try to poke you but you can and will out-poke him. Most of the trades I had against Ornn, I won them without any trouble. Just don't engage pre-3.”
Darrkescru says “Sempre usei colheita contra ele, ele e um campeão que realmente não consegue te matar ao não ser que você de mole, o jeito de ganhar de ornn e sempre que usar o W e deixar a passiva em você (Que faz o proximo AA dele em você dar um dano gigante) use sua cegueira e vai caitando ele, bem facil”
Lintaar says “KITE KITE KITE. you will dominate lane if you poke him out and force him to base. Ornn's claim to fame is not having to return to base very often... You can change that as Lillia.”
Angela du Seithr says “Ornn n'est pas à sous-estimer, mais c'est actuellement l'un des champions les plus faciles à affronter avec Lillia. Votre très grande mobilité rend difficile l'utilisation de son E pour vous envoyez en l'air, il vous est possible de l'empêcher de réactiver son ultime également.”
Alzeidx says “its really hard to kill a Good Ornn, trade him couple of times to keep him low, try to zone him, dont let him farm too much, if he gets items he will become immortal, as Ornns always go full tank, you have to kill him early.
Go conqueror.”
iTzToniOP says “I HATE this kind of laners. Ornn counters you in many situations. He can disengage, he receives ganks insanely and his sustain makes it a hard matchup.”
Nyx Adachi says “Meh, puede safarse de tu e con su w , mercury threads ultra recomendadas y siempre que tradees que sea con tu w lista para bloquear sus basicos potenciados ”
TotallyEclipse says “If you cant kill him pre 6, you'll never kill him, stack some Attack speed early and try to all in if he steps up too far. Consider TP here”
ForOrion says “Really not a viable match. His lane survival and over tank builds ruin your damage potential, but his early game combat isnt too strong for pyke to try his luck.”
JuarezLOL says “its a simple match up just hard trade at lvl 1 and 2 because you will block his auto attack for procing W's passive so save it and you can dodge his E knock up with Q”
report singed ty says “This was the easiest lane for Singed until Riot went overboard on the buffs. Nothing can 1v1 him now so don't even try. The reason he's not in the red is because it's easy to not die as long as you just don't try and 1v1 him. He can't do much to you unless you go in and try to fight.
See how well he farms under tower when you proxy, and if he misses some then thats your best bet to end up ahead. Otherwise it will be an even lane.”
Sq_09 says “Pokeable and kiteable. You can't really stop him from engaging your team with R if you don't use your R too. Play away from walls and his Q he can't rly engage you without R. ”
Kingarthur720 says “very tanky in the mid/late game. Build armour pen and in the laning phase try to use your E in order to avoid the Q damage or his knockup, and all around try your best to kite him around.”
TentiTiger11 says “Ornn is annoying to deal with as Garen. He doesn't have to back a lot. He can dive you easily. He has great cc. He can get free extra stats. He is a tank. And he has the best facial hair. Tanks aren't a good matchup in my opinion. Rush black cleaver to get some armor pen. Split push when you can to make them not teamfight.”
yAssasinn says “Ornn and plenty of tank, try to place him under your tower or call your JG to help you.
he doesn't do a LOT of damage, but he tanks a lot”
VIP Titan says “ORNN is a tank plus tank slayer. Part of the Tank brothers, So you will have to make sure he doesn't get the W debuff on you. Make sure walk away from wall before 6.
W debuff is strong in early. When W debuff is off, Ornn is not a tank slayer just a tank.
Your R can beats him up at 6.
Max E not Q!
Subject3 says “ornn is a one trick pony, if he goes in he will use his combo abilities but once all of his abilities are on cool down he ends up with nothing, so have fun.”
Starci says “Easy af matchup. He can't really use his E, since you can easily see when he does and parry it, and he also can't really use his basic that stuns you, since you can parry that too. Same with his ult. You can stun him so many ways, it's basically free lane for you.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “The tank king. The most powerful one out of the entire roster of tanks in this game. Huge base damage, good poke, good escape, great engage / teamfight ultimate, and can upgrade his teammates items to absurd degrees.
You have to play very carefully around Ornn, every single misstep will ensure you will get a sizeable amount of your HP chunked away and because of his innate resists and the fact he can buy during laning phase means that if he is winning, he will keep on winning without you being able to do anything about it. You can kill him early, but you need to play it VERY well and only go for trades that you are 100% you can win. He also pushes very hard naturally because of his kit being full AoE, so you can bait him into getting ganked and it allows you to keep lane in the middle if you respond to his aggression in the same way. To trade, try to bait his Q, then jump with at least 2 stacks, Q, E, then save W until his brittle passive expires. You really can't do much against Ornn in the laning phase besides hoping for jungle assistance and some early kills, since he scales super hard the longer the game goes on.
TP + Flash are recommended since overall kill pressure is low. Grasp and Conqueror both work fine, never take HoB or he will trounce you.”
J 2 the ROC says “If he uses his shield and flame breath on you, flip him, use your E, and start trading. You will out damage him. Just avoid his skill shots.”
CounterBlad3 says “With cleaver you can kill him, but if the Ornn can time his w he can negate your hook. He will go for only short trades unless jungler is there so look for opportunities to all in him”
Rivenetto says “Hes not really an extreme threat since his early level is so weak and Riven can get at least one kill at first 3 levels.When he goes back for the first time,wihout jungle,you really dont want to trade with him. Use your wave clear advantage and get some deep vision or roam. U dont really need to win the lane.”
I Play Blitz Top says “Ornn can just charge out of tower range if you pull him in. Add that to him being tanky in the first place and you have a threat.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Dodging Ornn's abilities is fairly easy. If he lands a full Bellow's Breath, back off until Brittle wears off. Just poke him with your Q and empowered auto until you can go for an all in.”
AkenoSenpai says “Orn is busted champion and is pretty hard to beat as his bristle stakcs just nukes you down. Now that Botrk been overbuffed, u might be able to win into him with botrk, but before that u mostlikely wont.”
killwhenlick says “His W also shreds armor, his damage output is insane, and the fact that malphite revolves around items, you can't really itemize against this guy...”
Blazeofepicness says “Corrupting potion start with cut down rune. Level 3, do a e w behind him auto q, maybe a kill otherwise a good trade. Level 6 you win. Dodge his pillars.”
lugzinho says “Don't think Ornn is an easy matchup just because Tanks are supposed to be weak in lane
Ornn is a tank but he's really good in lane with his 10.000 knockups, the 900 damage CLAP and his passive.
If it gets too tanky to the point he wins fights, just push the leane and look for roams with your R or TP (if you brought it)”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Ornn really isn't much of a threat for Thresh. You can poke him out of lane since he is a melee champ and you can cancel his dash thus denying his knockup. Be careful of his W since it makes him unstoppable and a good Ornn will use it to mitigate your Q stun. Just keep poking him in lane and you should be able to win lane quite easily. You counter Ornn at level 6 also so just make sure you save your flay for when he uses R. Just before he is about to recast his ultimate use your backwards flay to CC him and make him miss his ult recast. The timing is a bit weird, but playing against him once or twice will make you cancel it out every single time. Ornn scales really well and late game he is going to be really tanky so rather harass other targets with your charged auto attacks and try to cancel his ult in late game as mentioned above.”
ForgottenProject says “Parry his Brittle Empowered auto attack after his W and or R, it will stun him
You can also parry his E
Dodge q spam, it does a lot of damage but easy to dodge
After level 5, q away from his W so it doesn't apply so you can parry his R, it does much more in a all in.”
Gunford says “Ornn does super high dmg as a tank but you can play around his ability. Dosge his R and dodge his Q and you are fine. Spam your autos on him and build armorpen. somehow.”
Braddik says “If you cant kill him pre 6, you'll never kill him, stack some Attack speed early and try to all in if he steps up too far. Consider TP here”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Ornn has a good engage and is a great tank. He can also dive you and all his cc are knock ups and oranges don't work on knock ups. Play safe by poking and farming and wait for jungle ganks.”
Pedrokis says “Pode ser um pé no saco pelo fato de ele dar um tanto bom de dano e ficar bem tank, mas as lutas iniciais são suas. / Abusa do seu E pra desviar dos engages do E dele. / Evita tomar o Q dele de bobo e, caso você não esteja tão forte assim, toma cuidado com o W dele: tem bastante dano por segundo, além do hitão que ele ganha com a passiva. / Se ele tiver sem o E, da pra dar uns all-in muito brabos nele.”
ozmankaan says “He was god once, they just gave him one nerf n literary destroyed him, without
'bellows breath' being stoppable now u can kill him any day, poke him by 'q', stay away from his 'volcanic ruptures, they can gave u stuns, occasionally give him your combo of 'disdain' -> 'purge' -> 'corrosive charge' -> 'fear beyond death', he is all yours.”
BeautifulWinter says “He's a tank and can poke you pretty decently. Play with a brain and you shouldn't lose this match up.
Post 6 is the only time you should contest him.”
Ikewolf says “Be careful to his combo, if you get bumped you'll take the worst trade possible. Wait for ganks to kill and try to win in the midgame with your team”
XRVG says “He is just annoying to trade against especially if you do not get a lead on him. Jungle intervention from the enemy will put you behind and you will struggle to come back.”
Big Belly Bop says “It's Ornn. He's only good against tanks. That being said, he's very tanky and you won't have ANY kill pressure. Farm stacks, deny him CS, roam mid, and get jungle ganks since he has no mobility. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page. ”
ExfIamed says “As long as you dodge his W where he breathes fire and his auto attack does over half your HP then your good, my tactic is to get up on his ass and E and try to bob and weave from the front of him to his back and usually they're stupid enough to use it anyways, good ones will hold it tho. But you win if you dodge that, if not he just kills you and then becomes unkillable cause tanks are balanced.”
Verdehile says “If you dont beat him early, its fine, you scale. If you lose to him early by dying at least 3 times to him, you wont scale until full build. Dodge his abilities and juke him out by baiting him to using his e next to pillar or wall. Stay on top of him and walk side to side while hitting him so he can miss w.”
9690 says “He trades a bit better than other tanks but is still an easy lane. Save E for if he goes in and punish hard since he has no way of getting back out after he uses E.”
ENX Kai says “The Ram is very tanky and good with his jungler friend. Try not to overstay as he has tons of CCs. You can kill him at any point of the game.”
Quezel says “Ornn has a fairly good early game but you beat him after first back respect his brittle procs and don't let him proc it for free or you will very quickly get poked out of lane post 6 if he uses r simply use yours to remove his and then collect 300 gold.”
SNOBOY says “Early levels you can poke him out, but with his shield he can absorb your poke, and he is also able to deal a significant amount of damage while staying full tank. Not a fun match.”
mightydylan101 says “Ornn can be beaten in the early game and he is a utility toplane late game and early he can be still dangerous if you mess up so still play cautious.”
ProgettoYorick says “Ornn is strong in both early and late. his E destroys your W and even applies a stun to you, the damage will be difficult to find against ornn. Advice from OTP: get ganked as soon as possible.”
Karnan says “Safe pick, just a tank who scales his teammates. Not the strongest soloQ pick, more seen in Flex. Respect his early damage and just build a cs lead. ”
LaughtOfLol says “Big hitbox. ult when he charge to you and you have his spirit, that way you dodge one knock back and he will probably die before he hit his ult .”
AlienMV says “Don't stand too close that he can W you. He's unlikely to do anything else to you unless he lands it on you.
While he is a tank, he has pretty high base damages, so getting his by his combo will lead you to being chunked”
Mr. Nyahr says “Avoid his charge stun and pillar, and poke him where you can. Be aware that he doesn't have to base to go shop, so getting him low hp and forcing him to back is very good.”
T_ired says “Tente não ficar perto de paredes ou o Q dele, se ele chegar perto de você pode ser um problema, mantenha distancia contra e certifique-se que a ultimate dele não atrapalhe o seu matchup”
BearRider says “If you are unlucky and enemy picks Orn, your W is useless vs all his spells. Best time to use your W is when he activates his passive and his next attack will deal massive damage.”
Hamstertamer says “Can bully you hard early game, he's great at harassing but he's very weak in an all-in, which is what Nasus excels at. Dodge his W sideways (he can't move during it), same for his other spells. Get early MR, sheen into spirit visage. Don't bother with merc treads he only has knockups. Likely he'll go for a greedy all-in, and if he dashes on you, turn and kill. That guy loves stacking armor so conqueror is an absolute must.”
Atlascrower says “You can and need to poke Ornn easy early. He gets oom fast, and he cant kill you. You can farm safe vs him, but after his 1.Back/2.Back, you cant kill him anymore. Be aware of ganks, and everything is fine. Dont get hit by his W.”
AsomeSonic says “your both tanks that smask each other around with % health damage, his e is easy to block with w, also his ult is pointless when next to you cuz your w stops that too, sometimes you want to run back to him just to deny the ult”
Chromuro says “Avoid walls at all costs, you need to be quick to set up your tentacles and then run away. The only problem is the brittle debuff that can hurt a lot, so stay away from is W. When he ults, run towards him and time your ult with his second cast, this way you won't be knocked up and you can continue the trade without not so many problems.”
EpicDan01 says “He has high early game damage which lets him beat you in trades. If you think you can kill him, make sure to dodge the last part of his W (fire breath) to avoid taking large %health damage.”
Poppu says “W when he E's to you, strafe to the sides or around him if he W's to you. Stay near walls or his Q and bait his E. Can also ult him or E him before his second cast of Ult to stop him for hitting it back.”
Aizo says “Basically does what maokai does in lane but he's better at trading with tanks. You can give him a hard time in teamfights tho. Make sure to CC him when he uses his ultimate so that he cannot recast the big RAM back into RAMMING your team”
PhoenixianSlayer says “A really painful endurance match. He is able to absorb your damage easy. If he gets a Spirit Visage, you deal very little damage with your bombs (at that point you should have luden's echo”
Lynboe says “
Si vous commencez avec un bouclier de Doran et que vous évitez de prendre le passif de son W, il est très facile à battre.
Vous n’avez pas toujours besoin de le tuer, l'empêcher de récupérer son farm et son XP peut vous faire gagner très facilement sans effort. Pour être tranquille, un manteau du spectre garantira presque toujours la victoire sur la lane, assurez-vous simplement d'utiliser Conqueror sur Ornn. Les bottes de mercure sont également très efficaces face à Ornn pour contrer le passif de son W.”
messketchup says “Against Ornn, you have to force long trades to beat him. Like, as long as he trades with you with his shield and gets out when it’s done, you’re going to lose every trade. Due to his kit, he actually does a surprising amount of damage, which is why trading when his shield is down is essential.
To deal with his Ult if you’re in melee range, you have to save your E so he can’t redirect it. Otherwise try moving to the side, then switching directions after he headbutts his ult.”
PandaSenpai101 says “His E is easy to parry. At no point should Ornn do more damage then you in trades. Look to parry his E, his passive, and his ultimate.”
Devitt45 says “Mid to late game, Ornn wont die very much or very often unless you have a Vayne on your team. Try not to focus Ornn in team fights, and just run past him. Early game he can be killed, just be careful of his high early damage from his Brittle.”
M2 Jizu says “Bloquea sus ataques potenciados con tu W, ya sabes cuales y cuando los tienes y si no investiga, no planeo poner aqui eso. atraviesa tu Q siempre y en teoría la linea deberia estar gratis para ti.”
MadMaster523 says “This guy really can't do much to you honestly. As long as you stay away from terrain and his pillar, he can't do anything to you. His [[Bellows Breath]] should not be able to hit you.”
Lil Tidepod says “Ornn can be annoying with his knockup, tankiness, his W which can negate all CC including your Q knockup and slow for its duration, and the passive that applies with his W that does a lot of damage as he gets tankier. Take short trades with him and try to avoid his W. If you do avoid his W during the trade, keep going, he won't outdamage you. If he does hit his W during the trade, back off and wait for his Brittle passive to end: don't let him auto you during your Q if he does hit his W, it will cancel it.”
ImpossibleLogic says “Playing against Ornn is fairly easy as long as you can kite him out. When he hits you with his W and if you can avoid his Q E combo you can out poke him and avoiding his Q E combo means that you can all in him directly afterwards. Look to punish Ornn if he W's wave as many Ornn players do. You can get an easy Q combo in if he E's out of it and you can chase. It means he cant E out of your W and from then its easy money.”
DrMoneybags says “One of the more annoying tanks. I haven't seen him too much after he got nerfed. With conqueror this matchup isn't really that bad, but Ornn can bully pretty hard with his %HP damage and generally low cooldowns. His sustain early on is pretty ridiculous, and past lvl 6 you want to be careful of jungle ganks with his knockup. Once he gets armor, it'll be pretty hard to kill him without a ton of anti-tank items.”
Arcthunder says “Ornn was actually trash when he came out. Now, with a few rash buffs, he's actually kinda scary to face. His W is very hard to dodge, which only compounds his full rotation. Engaging first, or when he's burned out his abilities is your best bet.”
Big Boy Matty D says “With his tankiness h out-trades you and can easily disengage short trades before your press the attack takes effect.
After 6 you cannot burst him. If you're stuck in this lane go tank runes or try your best to push lane and roam.”
Shroom101 says “people think ornn is a hard match up but in reality he is one of the easiest enemy that you can encounter just buy wits end and block his W's auto and you will no have problem”
OnionMilkshake says “Playing against ornn is fairly easy as long as you can kite him out when he hits you with his W and if you can avoid his Q E combo you can out poke him and avoiding his Q E combo means that you can all in him directly afterwards look to punish ornn if he W's wave as many ornn players do you can get an easy Q combo in if he E's out of it and you can chase DO it means he cant E out of your W and from then its easy money
(Recommended: Conq)”
Nio161 says “Tanks are annoying because you can't oneshot them so well. Also Ornn is not a big Danger because normally you can tank his little Damage. Just avoid his ult, and maybe keep yours for the Jungler.”
The Lost Drawing says “>>>Le cancelas su 'E' y su 'R' con tu 'W'.
>>> Con tu 'E' lo puedes 'stunear' con su 'Q' (es algo dificl)
J>>>uega con 'Conquistador' y runas agresivas.
>>>Solo cuídate de su 'W' ya que mete mucho, y mas aun con el 'Aliento del Agonico' y un 'Brillo'”
ElleryTheViking says “The definition of a stalemate. UN-KILLABLE. It's so mind-numbingly boring. Even with a gank there's no sure sign you'll actually kill him. Have fun. He can still kill you though, so be careful. ”
SynergyXO says “He is harder as it goes on. i think pre 4 you beat him, if you dodge his bellow breath passive. if not, just run back and try again. after 4 until about 12 he beats you, then you out scale.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade and go for Conqueror. The recent changes to Ornn made this lane even easier than before. Make sure to dodge the last tick of his W to avoid the brittle because that shit hurts. Use your E to prevent him from using the 2nd part of his ultimate. Be careful of getting ganked though. Ornn has a disgusting amount of CC in his arsenal.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Mixed damage, Tanky, Flexible builds, CC heavy, Teamfighting. Weaknesses: Predictable CC, Low mobility, out-scaled. Not that hard of a matchup if you can Riposte his brittle passive because it counts as a knockback so it applies a stun when parried. Try not to tank that many of his Bellows Breaths because that’s his main source of damage early. Try not to take that many trades when his Shield is up. The matchup boils down to choosing which ability of his you are looking to Riposte. His brittle passive auto after his W, his E knockup onto his pillar or a wall, or his ultimate. It is all dependent on the situation you are currently in so with more experience, you will notice when it is best to block his auto attack or wait out for his ultimate. A lot of his kit is easily telegraphed so it should only be a matter of Riposting at the right time.”
Miracle Matter says “You can poke him out of lane early. If he tries to ult you, instead of running, double-bomb stun him. This will prevent him from whacking it back at you in the first place, as the goat just runs right through him while he's stunned. Otherwise, use your E-Movespeed bonus to unpredictably dodge his Ulti. ”
drunken hunter says “When playing against Ornn, your chances to win a trade are pretty low because of his dash-and-cc (E) and his huge shield with percentage dmg (W). In addition to that he is pretty tanky, even in the early game. So its better if you just do quick pokes several times but not push to hard and get ganked by the enemy jungler. Instead try to play a bit safer and concentrate on your cs in the early game and ask for a gank (probably best when you have your Black Cleaver)”
SeaWeeb says “Can be tough do to how tanky he is but he lacks constant gap closing. Punish him early and go for armor shred. If he charges just back off with E.”
Proxxecube says “Similar to Aatrox, he has a lot of CC, so he can't do anything to fight you. As a tank, he also can't do anything. Even if he gets a kill, his shield has nothing against your raw sustain. So beat his butt in.”
Tvoi_clop says “Хоть стена ветра блокирует Q и R Орна, его ,всё же, не стоит недооценивать. Стараемся не попадать под его подкидывание и огонь. R блокируем стеной.”
SirDeRp25 says “Once this Fuzzy Blacksmith gets a few little items, Teemo just cannot compete as u basically do no damage to him. Get magic penetration and try to shove wave under his tower. Stay away from terrain as he will be able to gap-close with W.”
E61K says “Thank god this guy got nerfed. Now he actually can lose some match-ups and not win every single one of them. Bait out his W and wait for the Brittle to wear off then look to trade. Remember that you can windwall his ultimate, which is really bad for him. The only reason why he is at 2 is because his brittle lengthens the duration of CC.”
ninja8135 says “Ornn is a very tough top laner right now, but you can windwall his ult. If you play around that and can dodge his knock up he cannot give any meaningful damage.”
Mouadyam says “fairly easy, cancel his E dash with your E. he has quite a bit of base damage so don't be surprised into dying by that, otherwise you should dominate just fine.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “You can counter Ornn pretty hard, but he still deals some damage. Avoid his skills while hitting him and you should be fine. You can windwall his ult. Start Doran's Shield then rush BORK and Tabi”
TakeLPlease says “Ornn has tons of armor and health late game. Use their health and armor early game as an advantage. Late game will be hard to take them down. They will also deal lots of damage if you don't take them out early game, so beware. Use his buying in lane to your advantage so you can dish damage.”
joelblack says “Ornn is just another tank for you to shred. His Q is super short and super easy to avoid. His W is just a shorter version of Rumble's flame spitter, so once you see him activate his, jump away. His E is only useful if you are near a wall, so just stay in the lane and it's useless besides to try and lunge away. His R is harmless because it takes so long for him to actually use it, that it gives you time to run to safety. It's also a pretty good sign to you that his jungler is coming so if your unsure about killing him and he ults, run away. ”
Aldebaran1918 says “His Q+E+W combo can give you some trouble but if you manage to avoid it or mitigate part of the damage with your shield then its not much of a trouble.”
Dacnomaniak says “Avoid getting chipped away with his W damage and he is no problem at all. Your W can prevent his ult knock back to try to stay close when he activates it.”
galvapheonix says “ Ornn is a fairly tough matchup, he is tanky, deals a lot of damage and is a CC machine. Play safe in this matchup, whoever is more ahead will win and do not fight him without your ultimate.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 5/10
➡️Fairly easy matchup for Trundle. Laning phase is super easy, it's just farming and outscaling. If Ornn oversteps you should punish him but you shouldn't play too aggressive because he is a tank with high % max health damage. Pay attention to your HP, Ornn has a strong combo that can kill you if you aren't careful. Play for hydra rush and after hydra you can cheese plates. You should have priority the entire laning phase. Dodge his Q and sidestep his W brittle proc. You can space in and out when you pillar him to avoid the knock-up. (Use fright night trundle against ornn - its bugged)
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad ornn vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average ornn vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good ornn vs Good Trundle ➡️ trundle favoured ”
Haxorr says “Ornn is interesting for sure, like some other tanks. His base damage is surprisingly high in lane and I myself have died to Ornn's before, so make sure you are disciplined and only take good trades, don't overplay too hard. Conq + Sorcery page is good here, Doran's blade start. Ornn's will often try to bait your parry with their w auto attack, they will cancel it on purpose to get you to parry. Don't fall for this, if you win the mindgame you beat tf outta him. Care for ganks”
CactEyez says “Surprisingly hard, his W does like 25% max health or something, he really hurts. Eat him out of his R recast and try and kite out brittle marks.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Hollow Radiance -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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