Top Lane 49.63% Win Rate57% Pick RateVolibear Top Lane Counters: 39 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Volibear in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “Beware of this idiot, he can build ap, fail every E and still win u 1v1 if the trade is long enough, use E to disengage, but beware his ult is unstopable. ext + ign needed here, go whatever u want. Play smart not hard and beware of his passive statik dmg (another stupid thing of this champ)”
a_k_z7 says “CHAMP DIFF
a voli can go 0/10 but will still be able to outscale you since his core build is good with his kit but the lane is easy
poke him with q and passive and when ever he want to run at you with q just q the way he is running and w
dont take long trade with him a full combo from him can chunk you a lot
any trade within his e is a lossing trade either e the wave to get away or e him out of the e so he does not get the shield
when ever he has his passive up stay away from the wave so yuo dont get damaged”
parker3n9 says “This is a very easy matchup for Swain. It’s straightforward to land your E and W on him, making trades heavily in your favor. The only time to be cautious is around Levels 4-5, when he has strong all-in potential. After that, focus on forcing out his ultimate and continuously poking him down. As long as you maintain proper spacing and avoid letting him land two consecutive Ws, he won’t be able to heal enough to sustain against your poke.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Kite and punish him. He can't touch you unless you allow it. Abuse him when his Q is on cooldown.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Annoying champ, he's TOO tanky with a lot of damage to all in unless he fucks up. Early Bramble makes it winnable though. Don't ever get poked by his 2nd W or you'll fully lose lane. If
he wastes his E on the wave you can look for an all-in after his shield times out. Spitting him into your tower is your best bet for a sure kill. If he runs at you then Q him to kite it out and
you can look to all in after that. Bramble Vest is necessary to 1v1." ”
Fenharion says “There is this new meta of Rod of Ages with him,which is alright since it makes his early game a lot weaker and you can get a lead on him early on,just be careful about his splitpushing and tower diving potential.”
Althalosofsirun says “Due to his E and passive dealing a ton of magic dmg he can very easily poke you down and kill you while also being tanky your best shot at winning is taking ignite and trying to kill him level 2 where he has to choose his W or his Q as his second level. otherwise play for the split push.”
wApMorty says “Low threat if you manage to stay far enough but the champ can be sticky if he reaches you. Need Conqueror and Maiden (+ Ignite ?) to kill”
Skaarlschloch says “Voli is really fucking OP. Whenever you can you wanna try to dodge/flash his E as his full combo turbooneshots you. The only time you can ever do anything to him is lv1-2 after that he should HARDWIN the 1v1.
Mabye with LethalTempo you lv1 might be strong enough to punish him there if you dodge his E”
tictac9090 says “Pretty equal but still Darius favored.
When he goes for a Q make sure you use your auto+W. Also try your best to not get hit by his E, it's fine if he gets the shield as long as you didn't get hit by it.”
misterbig says “can be difficult matchup cuz this champ is broken, always W his Q to prevet him from stunning u and landiung his E. if he doesnt have stun W his E. only take short trades since his 2nd W heals him like crazy. He will perma splitpush so try to proxy and roam to figght before he can do anything. just dont feed. can lvl w lvl 2 to prevent him from onshotging u”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind Shield or blade is fine (you may take ignite)
Volibear is an extremely oppressive champ and great at running down Aatrox. You want to really avoid getting hit by his E Q as you get chunked heavily. You need to use your Q's superior range to hit him and kite backwards. Level 6 if you take a bad trade it's very difficult as Volibear can just ult you and your tower. You'll likely have to ult and use your MS to speed away from him. My best advice is to just poke him whenever he tries to AA a minion until you feel comfortable enough to all in him. You do NOT want to be on his side of the lane for too long, Voli run down potential is extremely disturbing. ”
Frankoloko says “Go Second Wind, Revitalize & Shield, the combo is insane against his shock poke. After that either Bramble or Liandries/Rylai. I tried Bramble once but your damage spike is SO SLOW with Shield & Bramble. I think going Liandries first is best to get some damage. Liandries is good here because he is prone to a lot of poke & he builds a lot of HP. When he ults, you have to wait for him to land before you ult!
I tried going Exhaust + Shield + Liandries. It's fine but the fight is super close and since you lose lane early you mostly lose the fight. You need anti heal I think.
Could be a rare Ignite + Exhaust case?”
IvanBeifong says “When he Q runs at you, try to always E away when he's casting the stun on you, that way you go out of the circle of his E, do short trades, when he W you, go away until the mark is almost away.
be careful on early, has really high damage.
Good ult, good damage, and nulifies turrets.”
LilPicky says “(1st rune page start blade) lane very unplayable, go for trades when you have passive up and try to not let him stun you, second wind for the perma poke from his passive when he autos”
Skaarlschloch says “You should try to fight him lv1. The early 1v1 is really close but you can win it if you play it well. Look for him in middle/late lane brush, most volis look to start E level 1 hitting the first three meeles and stacking up passive uncontested this is where you can catch em and run them down with your INSANE lv1!
Once you get Tiamat you should try to avoid laning and roam Voli will braindead split for the rest of the game”
Niemi says “Only tricky part about Voli is his passive and the fact that his ultimate will disable cannons.
Play back from your wave when he gets his passive 5 stacks, or try to force him to back away. If he just hits the wave and slowly burns your health guess what will happen...”
smrgol says “Bait him to Q and chase you into your trap, W root and punish the living s out of him. Place a couple of traps behind tower after lv. 6 to get ready for tower dives.”
Zagreus16 says “you will win lvls 1-3 hard but after that it gets incredibly hard to beat his guy. best thing is rushing bramble then black cleaver and play for team fights”
step1v9 says “If he starts E level one this is a good opportunity to look for all-ins especially if he uses E on the wave. Your E can go through his Q CC. Don't all-in when he applies W on you. When all-in versus volibear simply walk out of his E and start autoing. It's best if you kite him away so he doesn't get a shield from his E, but if he get's a shield that's fine. What's important is that you dodged the damage. ”
Raideru says “you want to basically just short trade enough till u eventually have enough hp to run him down, whenever he goes for a q remember to use auto w on him before it so if he is low enough that you're able to run him down”
Haxorr says “Volibear is a really easy matchup for you as your e blocks both his q and his w. If you can ever bait him into using his e without jumping on him, then you have a really easy trade window that you literally cannot lose. I like bringing DShield + Grasp and in this matchup, rush Trinity. Take short trades and don't let him W you twice and you should be fine!”
DuckQc says “Try to cheese lvl 1, when he used his shield, try to play safe until 6. It's very easy to mess up early, which leads to him snowballing you. He doesn't have a way to kill you if you play safe, and after 6 you can run him down when he is pushed up.”
akaKO says “Volibear is very strong if you fight him by his rules. Even without his E, he's still very strong, but avoiding his E and wasting his shield will make fighting him a lot easier.”
Skaarlschloch says “4 reasons why Volibear is still a pretty bad matchup even though you can often kill him in lane
1. His current build with Navoori + tank scales GREAT
2. He has perma Prio and doesnt mind dying. (Baus playstyle viable)
3. Great at diving and punishing weak earlygame
4. If you both Q at each other he will stun you, which will put you in a VERY BAD position so only use Q to dash AWAY from him or safe it for after his Q”
Arthapsic says “Level 1 if he started E if he used it you can trade while it's down, if he started W only trade on the first W do not let him reapply it. Almost all volibears are going to go ignite so be careful he has lethal damage level 2-3. Try to wait it out until level 6 and then you can start trading and threaten all in. If his Q or E are down it's a free trade. Take short trades and then wait for his W mark to go out otherwise he is going to heal a lot. After level 6 you can win the all in if you hit everything but try to poke him out before the all in. On 2 items you win hard .”
TeiWasTaken says “Volibear is an easy matchup when you know what to do. He has 2 win conditions that can turn a fight around: 1. He hits his W2 and heals 2. He procs his E shield by standing in the radius. If you prevent both of this from happening by opting for shorter trades, you win!
Ulsur says “Rush Executioners, dodge his E and you should be fine, short trades only as he 100% wins extended trades, don't stay under turret with low health as he's going to dive you with his ultimate, if he stuns you, you're pretty much half HP, so just E backwards and W him if he starts running at you, play it slow and steady, you can win it but it's a skill matchup, you heavily out-teamfight him.”
Hotch says “Avoid fighting early and punish when he uses cooldowns. If he plays aggro, try not to take too much damage and avoid fighting because his lvl 3 dive is scary and can end your laning phase quick. ”
KingJoeyy says “due to the volibear buffs he's just too overpowered against Gwen in the early game level 1-6 you cannot take trades without him punishing you. hopefully you make it to late game and buy antiheal cause riot hates Gwen and wants her to suffer against this champ. :D”
YuletideGlory says “Volibear, thanks to his passive as well as his E "Sky Splitter," will out trade you big time. He also benefits from bonus damage and attack speed for his basics, and his E will give him a significant shield while chunking your health. Combined with his other abilities, his damage output is simply too high to effectively sustain through.
You can do an "E auto" combo to poke him with a little bit of damage, but I'd say you should wait to fight until you have Nashor's Tooth. Rush Boots of Swiftness early so that you can try to avoid as many Sky Splitters as possible. The matchup is doable, but you have to face this with respect to Volibear's all-in strength.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
He hard wins early but you can poke with q and heal with second wind of his passive bounces on the wave.
Remember that his r is unstoppable and disables turrets.
Use r early when he uses e, it wont follow to death realm.
Build bramble early, you giga out scale him”
conqiyana says “same as pantheon and renekton lol,
point and click stun into half your health and if you stick around he will kill you.
can dive you full to 0 at 6.
dont feed him if possible, hes broken rn”
MaesePerez says “This matchup heavily depends on if he runs grasp or lethal tempo, with grasp you should be able to win lane by dodging e and taking short trades so he can't get the max healing from his w. If he goes lethal tempo don't fight him until lane phase is over, he'll be a pain in sidelane but much worse in teamfights. If he goes grasp he will scale better and be tankier, but his sidelane pressure wil be lower. You never win all ins but you're much stronger in teamfights.”
Guldkarameller says “After new Voli buffs there will surely be a lot more games vs him. Anti heal can be good. You can poke early and farm as much gold as possible. Don't waste W as it can save your lane if he R's towers and dives. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
farm with cleaver, his early pressure is nullified by you having any ranged form to farm with. At 6 he might try to towerdive you with ult, if he does dont fight him just ring around the rosie until his ult wears off on your tower. You outscale ad, ap and tank voli extremely hard, although this is in a teamfight and split pushing for turrets sense, I don't think you ever kill a voli unless he goes full ap”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Try to not get stunned, bait him for his kit and poke him to death. Remember his r if used near the turret disables them (ik stupid but that's how life works)”
Artszy says “Fica safe ate o lvl 3, quando ele usar o Q para stunar e te combar, use o W, não cancelarar o stun para ele irar tomar o stun do W e não conseguirar ter combar direito. Ventos revigorantes e Poção corrupta. Quande o E para impedir ele de pegar o escudo do E e não tente trocar com ele quando estiver marcado pelo W dele.”
hamgi says “short trades. extended trades are difficult due to his e shield but not unbearable. kite early as u typically have more ms with berserker rush, assuming he doesnt rush tabs. spacing is extremely important to avoid his passive bounce from minions to u”
forlid says “Volibear's kit is very predictable, but he is also a very powerful duelist. Volibear players love to spam Q and E engage on you, so anticipate it by using E backwards and using Q to mitigate damage. You win once you get Sundered Sky, but respect his dueling, in long fights he will win.”
Belle19 says “If he steps out of line or over-extends too early you can kill him, but he wins lvl 1-2 and short trades really hard. You're his ideal champion to go against, low mobility, no escape and an easy to dodge "skillshot". At 6 he will tower dive you if you are behind. Just survive and if you are even by 11 you will win 1v1s pretty hard. If you manage to first blood him he loses the rest of the game. You do way more in teamfights, in side lane he'll do more until hyper late game”
zwartebliksem says “Don't get baited into chasing, his W heals for so much, even with your anti-heal. If you die 2 times, you'll die 10 times. Try to take short trades when his abilities are down.”
lbc1506 says “One of the more intimidating champs as his ult negates tower which can give him enough time to kill you under turret.
W is your best friend in this matchup as his Q resets if he gets stunned, making your Q worse.
Ult is also important to slow him in his all in.
Play with your range and if he runs at you, press q and play more passive until it is back up.”
Haearnbleidd says “Try to cheese lvl 1, when he used his shield, try to play safe until 6.
It's very easy to mess up early, which leads to him snowballing you. He doesn't have a way to kill you if you play safe, and after 6 you can run him down when he is pushed up.
Build: Rav/Shojin > hexplate/bc.”
AWierdShoe says “Volibear will push the wave early with his E, trying to hit you. Avoid getting hit by it (it is very easy to dodge). Once this is down you can poke back at level 1. He will hit level 2 first because of the E start, so just play safe until level 4. Volibear has no dashes in his kit and is reliant on running straight at you in order to deal damage, so do your best to play patiently with Qs and save W for when he runs at you with Q. If he marks you with W, back off and wait for it to disappear as hitting W again on a marked champion will heal him A LOT. Again, Volibear lacks mobility so it is quite easy to combo him or even kite him out. Care for his level 6, as he gets deceptively tanky and can even set up a dive with his team (if you all-in him he will usually ult out of your W or even your Q3. This is an opportune time to match with your ult). Late game he will either go full tank or full AP and statcheck you so unless you're incredibly ahead he will outscale you in the sidelane. However, try to capitalize on Aatrox's better teamfighting ability.”
PPlongcook says “Permaban. Impossible lane. He will push you under turret all game and then tower dive you. Build anti heal and anti tank and don't fight him until you have two items.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
You win with short trades. and waiting for him to use his W on you.
Save your WW for when he locks you up, then trade. He wants wave pressure here, so fight for it. Early Tiamat is handy. If he gets you under tower, your in for a bad time. ”
Bronzesuo says “ Go Second or Third build against him. You can try to fight after getting BoTRK. After 2-3 items it will be really hard to lose. Try to farm as much as you can and kite him with ur Q.”
Akuzai says “Let him hard shove in and avoid interacting. If you find the opportunity to poke then go ahead, but never let him w you twice. You outscale later.”
Pusi Puu says “Really hard to fight. You win pre 6 1v1 and skirmishes if you play properly. Be careful of his cc lock burst, dodge his E and cleanse his stun. After 6 you don't ever win so be careful. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Annoying as hell. Very difficult to trade into. Try and avoid being stunned in his E, and avoid giving more than one W in succession to cut his sustain. Generally this matchup relies on you whittling him down for a short and bursty all in. Can be bursted with ease as Bear build, and with Phoenix build you provide more value in teamfights.”
biurifull says “Block his area with your Q and then block his Q with E, this is a good matchup for Jax, just ward and keep track of the enemy jungler.”
NegativePhoenix says “Drain-Tank Volibear has become a menace with how Unending plus his W healing can keep him very well sustained, while also outdamaging everyone on your team
Get bramble early so he has less sustain against you, and save your Q for his E so he has no shield to defend himself with unless he's charging at you and you don't wanna take that fight
Eventually, Volibear may get tired and just try to all-in tower dive you with his jungler
If you can avoid hard feeding him and the enemy jungler isn't super fed, you can usually CC them long enough for tower to re-activate and possibly get a kill but overall he will most likely be a menace in the late game that's hard to kill”
ToplaneProfessor says “[grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield ->
Voli wins trades , has better wave clear and can nullify our ult undertower drag with his ult
Unfortunately with the removal of anathemas i am not sure what can be done vs voli.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Avoid his E and try to get away when he Q's towards you. Trade with E + W behind your minions and back off. Play around his W and never let him touch you for free. Expect him to dive you with his jungler if you are 1/2 Hp. He will Hard outscale you. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “As long as you don't get his by his Q-E and you keep some distance from him you should be fine. Generally try to harass while he's farming. You should have enough movement speed (with 4 stacks of Q passive up) to outrun him.”
JPGamer10BR says “Volibear no level 1-5 é um tanto quanto simples, mantenha distância dele, não tome o E, caso ele se aproxime de você cegue-o para não tomar o Stun, mantenha visão nas moitas para não ser surpreendido, cuidado que ele consegue cancelar o seu Q na ult dele, fique sempre full life para evitar dive.
Recomendo F.F, mas PTA também pode ser usado.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Avoid the E.
If they are playing ad volibear you can fight him and win if you have thornmail. If it is ap volibear trade with your Q until he is low and only try and kill him if stunned by E, otherwise just take short trades to avoid his empowered w.”
Denied20 says “If he is unable to land Q on you, he will have real difficulties landing E as well. Make short trades as the second cast of his W restores health to him, which makes any trade unfavorable.”
zacklynier says “eğer ezemediyse ilahsindiren ezdiyse buzdoğan çık. trade atman imkansız, ghoul ve e ile canını yavaş yavaş azalt ve az canla yaptığı hatada işini bitir. eğer kulede ulti atarsa düşeceği yere w at ve kite la”
BurritoTopKing says “double tenacity can help, avoid getting hit by 2 W's as he heals a lot, not hard to win but be careful as his full combo does a lot of dmg.”
WarwicksSimp says “Time your abilities correctly and you win the matchup typically, but this is really easy for Volibear to dive you with his jungler or just follow up on a gank easily. Play for vision of enemy jungle.”
xskyswitch says “This matchup will depend on if you can kite him before he gets his W healing off. Taking one W is fine, but the second one will also heal him. When he goes for his Q E engage, E his combo and reinitiate the trade as he walks away.”
Tronnes says “Pretty easy matchup. If he runs at you with stun first Q him and W him and if he still decided to keep running at you hit him with the corner of 2nd Q. ”
King Turtle says “Volibear can beat you in multiple ways, Has some good damage early, and can tower dive you at level 6 with his Ultimate, plus his sustain and E poke can make recovering in lane pretty difficult.”
Bonkyou says “ Most fun carpel tunnel matchup that requires you to kite like a god, you can q him outside his W range if you have a lot of attackspeed.
Kite Kite Kite
Statcheck him = -25 LP”
RivenCarriedYou says “dorans shield is hilarious here, since his passive will always heal you while he is attacking minions, even if you lose a trade u will be able to heal it back up eventually. Do not get hit by his W2 as this heals a lot and deals extra damage. Don't be scared of level 1 and try to apply pressure from here, he wins level 2 and 3. Be careful of him layering his W on to his Q. The W shield and damage auto-win him the trade. Your ult is stronger than his, try ignite here as the healing cut is very important”
Chaddouk says “Volibear used to look very scary to me but now all I see is a teddy bear. If you want you can get perma pushed in with his passive. Now if you want to play aggressively 2 main things to look at : dodge his E (zone), they will try to E-Q or Q-E, try to bait it and E out right when you're about to get stunned. Second thing is do not get in melee range when he marked you already (mark stays 8 sec). His R has a way longer cooldown that your R. In an all in, try to hold on your E as much as possible so that he can't kite you by using R away or just stun you, start with W slow and auto attack.”
BaotoGame says “Volibear has no mobility except his R.You can actually block him with your cage and beat him around with ghouls.Try to dodge his E,if you get hit you will be ready feel the pain.Try to kite him when his W is on you and don't let him bite you to heal a lot of HP.This is a very hard matchup if you don't know how to spacing”
daitolol says “- Most of his damage is in e, try to look for the animation he does to dodge it. When trading wait out for the shield and go for short trades only as if you make them too long he will be able to proc his w healing
- You CAN'T cancel his q with shroud as it is empowered and will go trough however you CAN cancel his W
-Can use e to dodge r
At_Tar_Ras says “E out of his E and use your W on his E-shield. otherwise this dude wins from lvl 1 onwards to lvl 18. ps: he's one of those champs that will beat you when you're 2-0 up and have half completed item whilst he only has 1 ruby crystal so watch out for that.”
AlgoSobreJesus says “Lane bullies and tower dives you after 6. You win this matchup by buying swifites, and roaming w your jungler to influence the game. ”
TheBougis says “Volibear can be quite strong with someone that know what they are doing, he has healing, shielding and damage, unfortunately for him, it's not enough to 100 to 0 you.”
Waqql says “Volibear's chain lightning can be quite annoying, but otherwise, you shouldn't have much trouble against him. Use your Q to prevent him from engaging. If he engages with his ultimate, jump away. As Mega Gnar, keep in mind that he can heal himself and use his ultimate to disengage from your engage.”
BezMemow says “Build anti-heal, when he goes for Q when you're both level 6 let him, ult him right before he Q's you, he can't cancel the animation so you get a free ult he can't cancel with his. They never expect it, you destroy him in your ult if you hit your Qs.”
Antecc says “Dodge Q and/or W with E, stun, leave with Q if you need to dodge his E and repeat. His W Mark will not stay if you dodge his W with your E, although he still heals hp back. PTA/Conq/Grasp will not be procced, however. Antiheal can be bought, but it's not necessary. Tank/Bruiser voli can nearly never kill you. AP Voli should be more carefully dealt with, but is also easier to kill at the same time. Just respect the AP bear moreso than you would respect a bruiser bear.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Sit on the barrel, and avoid his E and second W. Pre 6 its very easy, past 6 you need to be carefull as he can jump on you with bonus stats and decent damage so always have a barrel nearby to slow him if needed. You outscale hard.”
ABL Pantheon says “Really annoying matchup. You can win early but need proper spacing. Avoid getting hit from his E. If he uses Q to run at you don't W instead use E at the very last moment since he will probably use E after Q and so you will mitigate all the damage. Engage with W only when he doesn't have E. Ignite is good to reduce his healing. When he is level 6 he stat checks you so be careful. Also go Second Wind and not Bone Plating since his passive makes it useless. ”
lordimboutabust says “As long as you kite him you win. Your Q puts his Q on a reduced cooldown so E Q whenever he runs at you. All in him when you have him low enough. | second wind (MR shard) | Dblade - executioner - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Rarely picked but when he is it is a very easy matchup. Dodging his E is very good as most of his dmg is gone early on, you demolish him lvl 1 if you start W and post 6 shouldn't be a problem as your damage gets better later on anyways. Make sure to wait out his W timer however as that can turn the trade for him. Lethal tempo voli is more of a duelest then tank. You dont win lvls 1 and 2 but lvl 3 it becomes an even matchup in your favor. Do the same things as listed above like sidestepping his E and timing his W and you will still have success.”
FaNTOP says “Докучай ему, никогда не сражайся в автоатаках, только делай комбо Q W и затем уходи с помощью E. Будь осторожен с пробивом 6 уровня и Сокрушитель Богов. Отдавай приоритет линии.”
TheGBabaYaga says “If his E doesnt hit you and you go antiheal fast you can beat him easily, but be aware!. If he decides to play ability you are in a tough spot, you cant get too magic damage hits.”
demirkaiser says “If he took lethal tempo, don't fight him level 1. If he uses his E to minions, attack him. He can obliterate you early game so be careful. If he is smart, he will cancel your ult with his ult. You outscale him. Buy bramble if you are behind.”
PeanutTime36 says “take phase rush, if you are in an all in and he uses q and you stun him he can q again intantly so watch for that, try to make sure he cant life steal with his w and poke with q.”
Boptimus says “Volibear should have a rough time trying to kill you but he wont be easy for you to kill as well. You should avoid extended trades where he can heal from his W, use your E to dodge his E, and use your W to avoid the stun from his Q.
You can all in him but if Volibear can get off multiple W's he can heal a dangerous amount.”
Boptimus says “I'm rarely seeing this match up as of Patch 11.18 but you never want him to get a W2 off on you. Eating his full combo will do a lot of damage to you so play around his Q engage. Once you have Lost Chapter you can poke him with Q and combo him at will. Never get too low from trades as he can dive you with R and his jungler with very little counterplay.”
Twogrand says “You are fine Pre 6 BUT AFTER 6 it will be living hell if hes at all decent if you knock him back his q gets reset so that always makes it rough and volibear is a good lane to gank for so most junglers will camp you so its really though. conq tp eclipse”
Althalosofsirun says “dodge the E and you win the biggest threat his him getting one kill with ult and perma tower diving so just beat him before then and take demo for plates”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite + TP]
Start W. You can basically never E onto him unless he wastes his E or his Q. Usually most Volibears will just stack up their passive and continuously shove the wave so you can't really ever trade. Just farm up and get Divine Sunderer. You win late game. Look to R his R damage or at least his E damage.”
Loweloexpert says “If you eat his combo with pta lvl 3 you loose. Try to bait out the E then engage. At 6 you destroy him btw. Care at his ult when he is unstoppable and you should be fine.”
Black Demon Ezel says “The Volibear can stun, heal, slow, even deactivate towers. About the only thing he can't do is beat you in a 1v1 at level 3. So do yourselves a favor and just beat on him from range when he marks you”
sinatra1633 says “Surprisingly tough. Always try to run with W as soon as you see him use his Q to chase you as he most likely will lead it into a E. If he ults, just dragon form away and wait for his ult to end. ”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Second Wind.
Do not let him touch the wave level 1 as he will gain his passive damage from hitting the wave. Stat check champion
SesaPrime says “A Volibear in the lane means he has anger issues. He wants to win. He wants to feel like he's a big bad boss. He'll go AP to show you what busted damage looks like. You like turret diving too huh? Least I can step on your whole turret so it can't save you either. Its weird....”
DJCraz says “ANOTHER JUNGLER TOP. Don't take extended trades once again. He can hide his e animation with his q so be careful not to get tagged. His waveclear is also fairly nice with w so be careful in the matchup as a whole.”
1Yamato1 says “Você pode usar seu W no Q ou no W quando você estiver marcado, desvie do E dele e faça trocas curtas. Tome muito cuidado com a wave ele te daiva muito facil com jg dele.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
We want Second Wind + D Shield here because of his passive. It will actually heal us if we walk back out every time our Shield procs.
Grasp poke him with Q's and parry his Q.
ALWAYS stay out of his E, it's very predictable. Antiheal is good so i like to go Ignite.”
xShortBreadx says “Volibear is a matchup that definitely makes Boots of Swiftness viable. As long as you kite back when he uses Rolling thunder or Hit E into W you will be fine. Definetly need to respect him Q + Ult as if he can stay on you he will kill you. Saving R2 or phase rush for when he ults is definetly advised.”
PraefectusMace says “Voli is one of those champions you need to do quick trades with and get back. If you let him hit you with max stacks he will take a chunk out of your hp. But aside from that it isn't -that- bad. Keep poking with bites before going for a full attack. But do pay attention whether he is going for ad or ap. AP can be a lot more annoying to deal with. ”
dzsama says “Block his Q with your E and don't stand in his E area and you should win the lane. Your E also blocks his W, just keep in mind to let the mark run out before re-engaging unless you are certain you can kill him. Beware of his dive potential with his R since it disables your tower.”
Oikaton says “This matchup is heavily favoured to volibear. Aggro lvl 1 and then after that respect his dmg and heal. You need to short trade him to low and all in lvl6, you win lvl 6 if you are not low and you have ult and ignite.”
lorensj81 says “I find this matchup quite hard. make sure to not let him stun you with Q into his E. Do not let him get his 2nd W proc on you, if you see the X, just let it timeout in 5 seconds. His passive electrocute is annoying since it stops your passive healing. His level 6 allin is quite strong. It is possible to kill and get ahead if you first bait out his Q, and then trade hard dodging his E field. Just don't let him hit his 2nd W because that heals alot.”
Pep_Shin says “He has nothing to threaten you. You can straight up run him down.
Dodge his E early and he really can't do anything during the entire game.”
NegativePhoenix says “Even if you W his Q, his trading will be better. His W may be on a longer CD than your Q but thanks to the fact marked enemies heal him for alot more, he should have no issue beating you in fights if he has a mark on you. Try to back up if he W marks you so he can't just heal up. If you're low and he's Level 6, expect a dive right away. At the very least, try to avoid the ult zone and use your W to stall him out till the tower is back up.”
Irelius says “Не умираем в начале игры, доджим его E ЛЮБОЙ ЦЕНОЙ. Не влетаем обратно, когда на нас есть метка его W. Жмём W на его влёт. Он всегда будет запушивать, потому, переигрываем его (пример будет далее), или ждём лесника. Если дождётесь своего – изи игра. Если вражеского – вам предстоят дайв. Умрёте – игра закончится для вас. Победите – игрока закончится для Волибира. Волику занерфили каждую кнопку, так что сильно его не боимся. ”
Puyi says “You HAVE to dodge his E with yours. Pre-6 you can stop his Q stun with your W, post 6 save it for his ultimate, mainly to reduce it's massive damage. You can win short trades in lane if played correctly, but you're unlikely to win extended trades unless you're ahead.”
Irelius says “Dont die early, Dodge E, dont re-engage when he has W mark on you. W his engage. He will always permapush. If your jungler comes, you hardcore win, if enemy jungler comes and you get dove you either hardcore outplay them both or die for the rest of the game. Bear got gutted, but you still need to blade dance around him. ”
JustSad42 says “Against a decent Volibear, you should never win the early game. Just let Volibear perma push the wave into you with passive, and you will outscale him at 2 items in the side lane. The reason why you can’t beat Volibear is because he will always have a minion advantage, health advantage due to his E shield or general fight advantage since he can just Q whenever he wants. This makes the fight very difficult for you. Never try to fight him early and play to scale. The most consistent time to use your W is on a Volibear W, E or R since those have animations you can react to. Don’t bother getting Grievous Wounds against him since buying your core items as quick as possible will provide you with more value. As much as possible, until you get 3-4 items, never try to follow Volibear’s TP since he’s stronger than you. Instead, pre-14-minutes, if there are few enemy minions, push the wave and get plates, but if there are a lot of enemy minions, just hold the freeze since it will be very difficult to crash the wave in time.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Dodge. Play it safe and pray he doesn't dive you at lvl 6. Volibear does everything better than Gwen (except scaling). You outscale it after 2 items, but in lane you have no chance in a 1v1 fight. Wait for the jungler.”
Night Guy says “Volibear is kind of strong vs K'Sante he can outheal you, outdamage you and basically win most of the trades. Now if you play the fight perfectly he isn't a threat but for me it kind of is a hard matchup.”
SrMolinv says “Doran shield is really good against the bear. Short trade him and you will slowly win. Respect his damage even if he goes tank, he hurts.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Volibear is dependant on his cooldowns, so wait for him to waste any and look for a potential fight after. He spikes harder than you from early items due to him being able to buy Armor, so look for fights before first recalls. Kraken Slayer spike can help you win a fight. ”
RandumPersin says “Piss easy matchup. Take conqueror and ignite, kiting is the name of the game here. Don't self-cc yourself by using W while still in his E, use E1 and E2 to kite in and out of the minion wave while harassing with Q and this matchup is very abusable. Respect his passive stacks as well as his ability to turn off turrets and you should be more valuable to your team in pretty much every meaningful way. If you fall behind, rushing BotRK makes it very difficult for Volibear to play the game. He is another early game champion, except we stomp him in laning phase if kited properly. Don't ever give him a second proc of his W, that will lose you pretty much any trade you take, however it is VERY difficult for him to land W2 on us since we have so much mobility with E1 and E2. Easy lane, easy game.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “He stats you pretty hard, I have to test Lethal tempo+bork in this match up, but Conquerer is valid too. Don't get hit by E and make sure you try and R him during his second W cast. ”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp(better)/Conqueror
Divine sunderer(Eclipse if he's going ap)
Be sure to W2 his Q so you don't get hit by his E, if you don't: gg. Don't let him get you with W2, because besides the damage you can heal back, he gets an huge heal, so don't rush on him even if he's low because he might still win.
Voli has a good laning as a counterpick but falls off later in the game unless he goes for some weird bruiser builds.”
JT Andrew says “Play against volibear is hard Match Up. because volibear is tanky champ To fight him well, use executioner calling for his W. And to dodge volibear's Q, use your W To dodge his E and Q use your W + E for his attack. Use This item against volibear. Ex. LDR,kraken slayer,mortal reminder Black cleaver etc.
Smudey says “You win short trades unless you get hit by his Q and E so always block his Q with your W and dodge his super slow E. If you get marked by his W, just disengage and wait it out. You are NEVER allowed to let him hit this ability. If you are low, watch out for his ult, which he will use to dive you.”
Fizzy says “Basically a champion that will stun you and try to spend everything to kill you, if it doesn't, it will continue to damage you in the passive. Avoid fights where the volibear can take advantage of the "Lethal Tempo" rune, making it a normal thing to play against. Try to avoid her ult and use Fiora's W on her second W or voli's stun. If you get help it's easier, but it will be very difficult to guarantee any kills on him.”
Cheeseypops1 says “The second you get behind this champion you will just chain int and feed while getting full hp tower dove, but it's hard for him to get a lead on you by himself early game because as long as you don't fight him you will out-scale him, try to freeze on him and pull him under tower pre 6 and save ignite for when he is low hp. but be careful cause he does absurd levels of dmg early game, Rush Steelcaps”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Q. Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Dont let him double W you and you should be okay, the only moment where you can die is enemy jglers gank or his ult if you missplay. You can kite him like dogshit, and come near him only to passive auto if he is not low enough to all in. ”
hamgi says “voli top is not as scary as voli jg bc they mostly take grasp top. some go ap voli for perma splitting and one of the best 1v1's, which hurts like hell, and would prolly be in major if not for the majority of them taking grasp and going tank. voli's passive allows him to chain lightning between enemy units, which will hit u if u stand too close to them, so be mindful of that when u go to cs or poke him. his q gives him ms and stuns when hitting an enemy unit. they usually try to run u into their e and stun u in the aoe. the key to trading is waiting out his lightning for longer trades or quick trades so he doesnt e+q and combo u. his e gives him a shield, it's best to sometimes ignore ur checkmark and go-all in until he's dead unless u know his e is down. dont bother staying under turret when ur low as he will just r it and kill u, unless he's low as well and u have q3/r/e/flash up. tp is the best to take against him. DONT OVERSTAY if u think he will ult and kill u, even if ur relatively healthy”
Hecki says “Like any other immobile tank/bruiser, Volibear is a minor threat in comparison to other match-ups. Respect his E damage and trade from range. Kite with your E backwards whenever he engages with Q and when he is low enough you should be able to all-in him with your ultimate.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “i think voli isnt the easiest matchup since he can pressure u really bad with his passive (he perma pushes u) he wints trade with full stacked passive perma and he can go mix built ap&ad for example Riftmaker into nashors into steraks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
kajinator says “Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and you should be fine. He does outscale you but you can beat him in almost any post-6 all in before 25 minutes. Divine Sunderer is not bad into him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Volibear does crazy damage and his ult means he has the potential to dive you, so try to avoid letting him slowpush. Max Q to help you clear waves quickly from a range and you can also poke him down a bit at the same time. Play for level 11, and ult yourself either when he stuns you or when he ults you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Escudo de doran, Q > W] O Voli vai puxar sempre a lane, jogue recuado jogando Q nele sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana, mantenha distância, o Voli não te alcança nunca e você não ganha a trade com ele, jogue no poke que aos poucos o HP dela vai descendo, allwin apenas se for mata-lo com full combo"”
Justin108 says “You will dumpster him as long as you keep in mind that he can cleanse your ult if he ults afterwards. He can burst you down in the early levels but that's about it.”
Duwiiton says “Sit under tower for this matchup and hope you can stun him under it. Volibear short-trades much better than you do, although you can zone him out with your E to prevent him from closing distance.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Thundering Smash(Q). Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Q. Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
Elresser says “A bramble but can be nice. You can't really trade against him lvl 1 and 2, and he will always gain control of the lane. However, if he uses his Q or E and it's on cooldown, by all means you will win the trade as long as he doesn't get multiple bites. Lane becomes super easy once you have a few points in W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Q. Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Q. Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
Thrandor says “You are pretty even at all stages of the game; keep track of the enemy jungler to anticipate possible dives from lvl 6 on. Go for rather short trades, he wins if he can keep on hitting you with his W, wait it out before going back in. Don't try to cancel his Q with your cc because he will get a reset.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect him to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead over you. Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in lane when low as he can use his Ultimate aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to recall, do not recall under tower as his Ultimate can stop towers dealing damage. Stay at max range at all times and retreat briefly if he activates his Q. Staying at max range when you’re not looking to trade will make laning against him much easier.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Annoying champ, he's TOO tanky with a lot of damage to all in unless he fucks up. Early Bramble makes it winnable though. Don't ever get poked by his 2nd W or you'll fully lose lane. If
he wastes his E on the wave you can look for an all-in after his shield times out. Spitting him into your tower is your best bet for a sure kill. If he runs at you then Q him to kite it out and
you can look to all in after that. Bramble Vest is necessary to 1v1. ”
Alachiel says “Hard to kite, and hard to trade for long time because of his W.
Try to do short trades by keeping the distance, so he can't stun/W on you.
After 6, try to roam because he will probably dive you.”
forb1dden69 says “kanei dmg kai de pethainei pairnei farmako me r kai ama paei frozen heart ninja tabi bgazeis karkino kai parakalas to theo ta ap sto team sou na kanoun kati alliws eisai poutana olo to game ”
Farmer Cleetus says “Voli's Ultimate allows him to tower dive you completely, do not stand next to the tower! You also lose a 1v1 duell if he is too strong.”
wooverbo says “He has insane damage, sustain, a lot of AA resets, and can easily set up free dives by himself or with his jungler thanks to his Ult. Rush Bramble Vest and try to poke him down with your Q if he's not playing with his waves. You're winning if he can't pull off his full combo on you.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Один из немногих танков, которые, как мне кажется, могут сражаться с Иллаой 1 на 1. отличное лечение cc и dmg. Зависит от мастерства игрока. Уважайте его ноубрейн комбо E +Q + W + ПТА + Кольцо Дорана это связка вас шотнет. А по мид, лейт гейму, ап Волибир такая же помойка, как и Сион до нерфа.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Чаша весов качается как никогда часто, после 6ого уровня почти каждая ошибка может привести к смерти. Блокируем его Q,держим позицию и покупаем часики при неудачном начале.”
Taiquyorah says “MU à l'avantage de Volibear
Ne chercher pas à le trade, ses stats de bases sont ridicules, il tank et fait beaucoup de dégâts, farmer autant que possible et une fois que vous avez assez d'item, essayé de le poke (double barils + Q) mais en all in pur il gagne.
Faites la différence dans les teamfights, vous l'out-scalez ! ”
NegativePhoenix says “His chain lightning makes for good poke and he can outdamage you in the early game. Do your best to poke him and if he's low enough, execute him as long as his shield from his E won't land before then. Late game it'll depend on who's smarter and who can react faster to each other, just don't forget that he can ult towers and deactivate them so if you're low during lane phase or even at all, he's gonna more than likely tower dive.”
gekigami says “Mantenha distancia dele e tome cuidado com seu 'E', ele pode fazer Q+E pra esconder a animação do raio, e isso pode prejudicar você.
recomendo você buildar carrasco e tabi ninja o mais rápido possível, por culpa da cura do seu 'W'”
7EyesNoSkills says “He is fast, he can slow you down with his E, and jump on you with his ult even in tower, because he disables tower attacks for few seconds when he ults. Some people play in toplane but usually you will see him as a jungler.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
His stun is very difficult to deal with, space well and try to kite him. Dont let him proc his W mark or you will take a lot of damage.
Expect him to dive you at level 6.”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “You can't dodge anything since he doesnt have any skillshot only point & click. If you see him running at you, he's going to stun you, if he failed to stun you, you may have a chance to win the fight. Late game, especially if you have more resource than him, you destroy him in pure 1vs1 with anti heal of course, don't forget it.”
FARMANDO TORRES says “This bear will absolute demolish you at almost any stages into the game, but listen, he is beatable and i can assure you that. What you want to do is play super safe until you finish your serylda item. Now you can have a chance at 1v1ing him, at this point i almost always win.”
VituVonDoom says “Similar to a tank matchup, avoid his E at all costs, and don't trade when he has his shield. Be very careful lvl 3, a PTA ignite Voli can one shot you with a flash into a full combo, but after that, it's smooth sailing. You can hammer E him away when he attempts to Q, or use Cannon E to run away. At level 6, be ready for an ult all-in, and use everything at your disposal to just bait it and kite him out. Take the Conq or FS page, and turn his fur into a nice coat while you're at it”
Aberrant Demon says “Don't stand next to your minions while his passive is up unless you want him to push faster. His passive draws minion aggro when it hits you. You shouldn't take trades until level 3. Use your E and W when he is about to stun you and use your Q movement speed to dodge his E. Post-6 you have to be really careful about his dives. Try to keep your Phase Rush available for when he does ult and avoid letting him crash a really large wave with his ult up unless you are healthy enough to survive it. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Volibear is a jack-of-all trades champion. AD? He can do it. Need a Tank? He's there. Need AP? He's on it. While his Tank and somewhat AD are a bit easier, his AP is alot harder. Most AP Voli will run lethal tempo and nashors first. Once he hits nashors, he's hard to kill even if ahead so you'll probably need help if he has it during lane phase and even then it's not guaranteed he wont just win the 2v1”
MeechyDarko says “Same as Renekton except he is even stronger. Do not let him kill you, whatever it takes.All you can do is try to poke him down and force him to make a greedy mistake. Even after 2 items, he can still solo kill you if you're not careful. This is one of the most micro intensive matchups out there, a single mistake means you're dead at most stages of the game. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Parry his W2 and you win 100% of the times, especially with ignite in this matchup
Wave 1-4:
Get prio if possible, try to cheater recall, if you cannot, wait until level 3 to fight him, as you win 100%, do not extend trades too long.
In this matchup, you want to poke down Voli to then look for an all in, he lacks a lot of range, so front vitals are free damage, and he can't chase u due to the movespeed.
You want to look to parry his Q (Even better, they often Q into E), or his EMPOWERED W, his 1st W doesn't do much damage but puts a mark on you, that disappears after a few seconds and then the 2nd W if you are marked will deal HIGH DAMAGE.
Though if you parry the 2nd one, the whole spell resets, and he becomes very vulnerable, you can usually trick them into using it if you go in when the W mark is going to disappear as they want to make use of it.
Care for turret dives when he reaches level 6 as if the enemy jungle comes it's hard to survive the 1v2 without turret dealing damage.
As long as you kite him out and poke him down you win.
Scallywag says “You can zone him with your barrels and he can't do much about it.
He will chunk you or even kill you if you get hit by his e.
He can dive you easily solo or with his jungle when he's 6, so try to kill him early to get an advantage.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Volibear, the Relentless Storm, is not as relentless against Yorick. Baby cage him once he's 6 and he's toast unless he decides to ult you. hopefully it misses because then it's at maximum a 160 second cooldown and not very strong past the initial strike. Just try to only get hit by one consecutive W within 5-6 seconds or he'll deal more damage and heal which is problematic for you. Mark him and beat him senseless with ult and passive monsters and then he dies next few seconds”
ShacoMagicTrick says “Due to his passive you cannot cs with him evenly. After liandry's it will get easier but still volibear is really strong and can dive you with his R. A major threat but rarely played top.”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] Be careful of his damage. If he lands his full combo on you you're going to take a lot of damage. If he wastes his E or his Q you can look to pull him. In an all in, you should ignite him before he lands his second W on you or he'll heal for a lot. He can cancel your R with his R if he times it correctly.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: If he tries to Q you then you just E him and wait for it to expire then you just E2 him and get the shroud, then you just Q him down and AA space him. If he does not try and Q you then you just perma Q him and hit him with empowered AAs. At level 6 you just get him to 50% Hp and burst him down with your ignite.”
Trundledaddy says “Not the worst lane, ult his ult,
keep track of his W timer debuff, don't get caught in his oneshot combo with 2nd w +e +r kinda thing
he has good setup, get good wards”
powerfullgeo says “That's a difficult lane. He will push you due to his Passive so try to freeze under your tower. Short trade and don't let him W when you have the mark on you and dodge his E”
Dawn Break says “En este enfrentamiento, debes elegir muy bien lo que te vas a armar primero, equivocarte de item te puede hacer perder la línea. Recomiendo empezar con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King si comenzaste ganando, si no es así, entonces es mejor Rompecascos/HullBreaker.”
qosmox says “Voli has 2 ways of winning the early lvls: 1) To push you in. 2) To hit his E which both chunks you and heals him. So if you focus on getting the push lvl 1 and you’re careful to not get hit by his E, you should be able to take short trades with him throughout the early lane and slowly chunk him down 1 trade at a time. Always save your W to block his Q and just wait out the E shield before you trade.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
Be careful of his damage. If he lands his full combo on you you're going to take a lot of damage. If he wastes his E or his Q you can look to pull him. In an all in, you should ignite him before he lands his second W on you or he'll heal for a lot. He can cancel your R with his R if he times it correctly.”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “Can take out your tower defense for a few seconds. Outsmart by making this champ miss their abilities. If against Volibear jungler, make sure you have vision, coz this bear is an Olympic Diver. ”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
You want to poke him since if you take long trades he will use his W 2 or 3 times and then you lose. Dodge his E and try to parry his Q or his empowered W. After poking him for a while you can try to all in. After lvl 6 have care with possible dives with his R.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “bruh he a hard matchup but late just eat him. if you outlevel him he is dunzo. when he ults you ult him and hold him in your ult as much as you can”
Agatrium says “His massive amount of sustain during a fight makes contesting him difficult. Try to W his stun. If you don't, you'll take half of your health in one combo. Also, do your best to dodge his E. ”
Gassid says “Commence au Z, ne pas E sur lui sauf si il n'a plus de Q ou de E. Match up ou tu farm seulement pour avoir ton pourfendeur divin, tu gagnes en late. Fais attention aux dégâts de son Ult et de son E”
Aphelios4ever says “Do not get hit by his Q. If you get hit he will E and W and you will lose more then 50% of your hp. Just poke and farm and once you get white gun you can beat him if you play it smart. ”
Cryniu says “Juega con mucho cuidado, es los campeones que hacen más daño al inicio.
Considera resistencias híbridas en runas, voli pega mucho con daño mágico.
Si él compra Brillo tú compra botas de armadura.
Se compre o no curación, busca vesta espinosa.
Juega muy a la defensiva y esquiva su circulo de tormenta.
Usa tu combo de Q+W para anular su Q y su W.”
Kocykek says “Beware of his first 3 levels. You outtrade him anytime then. You block his Q. Grab Sheen and poke him too. Grab Bramble Vest if he heals too much.”
Helzky says “A lot of people underestimate Volibear's damage. He can burst you down faster than you can do to him. Farm level 1, poke with E level 2, all in Level 3. If the all in doesn't work, wait till you have executioners + prowlers + maiden.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “Can be a problem if you make mistakes, watch out for diving under your turret when he has his ult, as it deals dmg in center and slows you, also it disables turrets.. His W is a Heal which is also a mini crit...”
havy says “INSTABAN, it's really hard to cancel his Q with your E, his empowered autos chip you and he pushes wave surprisingly fast, HE WILL ULT YOU UNDER YOUR TOWER AT SOME POINT, so keep that in mind when he hits level 6, also, untradeable.”
King Turtle says “if timed right he can bait your Q into an E+Q Combo and absolutely shred your health bar early. Depending on the build the lane can vary from manageable to outright unwinnable. He can also dive you with R to keep you from healing back with passive if he needs to.”
GG Cannon says “Volibear's engage can really mess up your day, besides his passive clearing your spiderlings when he fights against you while you are stunned.
Even if you manage to cocoon him as he tries to engage with his Q, he will just Q again after he comes out of it, forcing you to waste your rappel to escape his Q almost every time, which means you will almost always have one less escape.
You can still poke him well and deal a tasty damage, but it isn't easy to lane against.”
magician4444 says “Not much to say. Try to kite his Q stun when hes running up to you. I'm 99% sure you can't ult him because he can go unstoppable in his ult for a second.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Tanky, fast, nasty. Boxes will help if he's too aggressive. I don't think that E will help a lot in a lane phase so you can also max W for a farm by your AoE boxes (if he is not destroying them)”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up. Rush bramble vest into liandry's. Respect his early game damage or he will murder you. Just try to cs from far away pre-6. You can poke him with q, just try to keep a safe distance or he can engage on you. Once he is low enough from your poke (around half hp), you can try fighting him. Also, if he ever wastes his e to push the wave, trade him but keep the trade short if it's early game. Level 6 you just beat him in death realm, but if he is good he will ult your ult animation and cancel it so i would recommend masking your ult animation with Q (Look in the Mechanics and Combos Tab in case you are confused) or to ult after he ulted but this is risky as he will expect this and ult late. With that said, if he ults early, immediately ult him after. A good tip post-6 is to ult him just as he calls down his e (still preferably immediately after Q'ing him), as to deny him the shield and the damage, which is pretty decent and it will also allow you to miss one or the other q while still not losing. You outscale him but if you're not super ahead you should still respect his dueling power. He's a decent ult target in team fights, just make sure he already ulted.”
boboderaffe says “You are going to need anti-heal. Before you get it, he can kill you past 6 even with your ult, unless you dance with him perfectly. Shadowflame could be a viable option but he is not dangerous enough to build it just because of him. Only go for it if the enemy team has shield enchanters like Lulu or Janna or an adc with Shieldbow.
Xochii says “Regular volibear shouldn't be too hard to deal with. Block his stun with your W, and make sure to avoid his E. I would put this on "minor threat" but he's simply too strong.”
Rayli36 says “His passive works like hextech soul(s10 stattik shiv) so to avoid him breaking your passive stay away from your minions and let him push wave to your turret and then you can safely farm and when you fight try to avoid his W
Larkana_ says “Volibear that builds sunderer is gonna be a true pain. He can ult after your ult finishes to burst you down before the turret comes back up however most people will panic and hes gonna try to ult out just wait for you cooldowns and kill him if hes low.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [High]/Skarner [High]”
Atomragnar says “Poke with Q, care his E and his ability to dive with R. You win all ins if you dodge E and poke with Q before you all in.
Rush steelcaps if you are having a hard time dealing with him. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Pre 6 he can be formidable. Use your E to block his empowered W or Q auto. Make sure to slow him if he tries to engage with Q and wait it out preferably before engaging. Post 6 block his R damage with your E and use your R to make distance between you and him. Grasp. Stridebreaker, Frostfire, or Divine. BoRK is also nice against tank.”
Polartech says “Try to slow down Volibear with Kayle's Radiant Blast if he go on 4 paws, if he dodge your Q, it will be suggestable to cast your Celestial Blessing to run away faster as possible. Nothing more to remember.”
LunaticDancer says “Mostly a cheese lane. Back off a little once his chain lightning activates, deal as much damage as you can to the minions before that happens. Avoid his thuder circle. In battle, you want to close him in W and come by from time to time to aa>Q. Gambler runes very iffy, not really recommended. D Shield is a must. You melt him later on (from level 6 you're about equally powerful).”
N0kk__ says “Voli Is really hard. He can stun, his dmg is based on a %, Barriers, Lightnings, sum it up and you will realize that you can't trade with him. Avoid him at all cost and ask for ganks. Voli is my next ban, If someone already banned Camille.”
COJA says “Q2+E backwards is your friend. try to W him while he runs at you as his Q+W animation takes a bit of time. Be very careful while ~half hp as he may just towerdive you. Volibear can be easily poked out, do not engage in an unfavorable all-in. ”
RedRandyDevil says “Passive just makes it easier for him to clear waves. Can stun you, he has a shield. He can dive you with ult under your tower. Influence the Map.”
Eduardocwalle says “Early game threat, late game boxing bag. Just dont let him poke u with e, tarde when he wasted it so he can shield himself. U can dodge his R with yours so it shouldnt be that hard.”
AnEx1stingBeing says “Once more, rush bramble vs Volibear. He will out trade you throughout the laning phase and usually wins the all in. If you do fight, dodging his E is critical. If you do not, you will lose.”
MCSwavest says “Easy matchup if you respect the Q. The W healing will easily lose you the fight or trade, so once he procs it once be sure to stay out of his range. Make sure you don't take unnecessary poke from standing too close to the wave when his passive is active.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Volibear is really mean because of his ability to deactivate towers with his ultimate and if you are right in there when he tries he basically rends you into oblivion with his Frenzied Maul (W) Don't build defensive boots until you know what he's building because he can go AD or AP so be careful. And watch out if he goes Predator. It'll couple with his Q MS and make him a Singed ultimate every 10 seconds”
TahmyPickles says “Tough lane. He can beat you in 1v1s. Keep to short trades and hope they screw up. You want to avoid being hit by his W twice in a fight.
5Head Builds says “He wins' pretty early on into the game his stun will win him most trades and 1v1s. wait until jungle ganks or later when you shred his health.”
Prof Harambe says “ALWAYS RUN SECOND WIND ITS TOO GOOD INTO VOLI. If he has flash he can actually try and do something, but he must burst you with his combo first and then dodge your q with ult if he wants a kill. Going flash for flash makes the lane free. You have to play this matchup well even still, but if you do there is very little he can do into you and since he passively pushes waves, you can run him down the lane more with Daisy.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “He's considered a difficult matchup, but I find that you don't have much trouble as you: Wait out his w between short trades, avoid his e if he uses it in combo by cleansing q and re-engaging once the shield is down (e cd longer than w duration), and playing for short trades. After 6, always keep the extra hp from his hp in mind when you decide to all-in.”
MrZoltannn says “Bring Glacial in this matchup, when he rushes at you with his Q, AutoAttack him for the slow or Q at him, at lvl 6 look out for his ult, since it get damage you well and making him unstopable for a brief moment.”
xPetu says “Tips: Your W does NOT stop him from applying debuff with his first W. It does stop the empowered damage from his second W. Your W also blocks his Q stun. This is very important, because it allows you to dodge his E. If you get stunned and hit by his E, you lose the lane.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Mobile, disruptive but overall a docile creature, if you match his ganks and keep on him throughout the early game you will cause him to fall off sooner as opposed to scaling late game.”
Anoying bro5 says “You beat him immediately at lvl 1. He doesn't do a lot of damage and once you hit lvl 2 the lane is over for him. Look to parry his Q if you are going to kill him while he is CC. You can also look to parry his 2nd W bite but he shouldn't be an issue in lane at all. If he is running grasp, parry his grasp early in game to negate his healing and damage. This matchup is all about cooldowns. Take note of when he uses his E shield as it does a lot of dmg early. ”
BoilTheOil says “Go Second wind and Conqueror so his passive heals you. You need to keep the wave close to your tower or else he probably kills you. Try to bait out his E or you lose the fight. Late game wait for him to ult so you can ult him back into his team. ”
Phrxshn says “Save Mega Adhesive for his Thundering Smash as he comes ghosted. If you immobilize Volibear with your Fling and Mega Adhesive combo then his Thundering Smash will automatically cancel. Avoid getting full stacks of Wounded via Frenzied Maul or take extra damage and let Volibear gain healing. Dodge his Sky Splitter(E) and Stormbringer(R). Kite out his Storm Bringer(R). (Mega Adhesive prevents Stormbringer from being cast) (Mega Adhesive + Fling combo negates Thundering Smash) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Volibear)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “This lane is hard. Volibear is like Udyr. You have to respect him because his all in is powerful and deadly even at lvl 2. His ult also deactivates turrets which is a big problem for Thresh who likes to play around towers. While lane can be very difficult, Thresh can do well into Volibear in teamfights. Thresh ult and flay alone can keep him off of your team. After the earlygame he will also not be able to kill you unless he's far ahead.
You can run grasp vs this guy but aftershock is safer. Anathemas and frozen heart are good vs him.”
quinn adc says “First, to beat Volibear, you will start off with your tier 2 berzerker boots FIRST.
Legit do not buy long swords, you will be rushing boots first.
So, in an ideal world, you will stay in lane until 1100g, where you will buy the boots in full.
If you back early don't worry, just get tier 1 boots/dagger and pots/pink ward. Why early boots? Because volibear is a champion where movement speed counters his entire kit.
When Voli tries to engage on you (he will press Q and start running on the ground and make a sound, so you will know when he presses his Q), Vault him whenever BEFORE he comes at you.
Your vault CANCELS his Q stun and pushes you to safety.
So, how to play this lane is to legit just shove him in and poke him with 3 autos whenever PTA is available, use Q and autos along with passive whenever possible, but NEVER USE YOUR E! The only time you use your E in this matchup is to cancel his Q and his Q only (his Q is when he runs at you to stun you).
Do not ever vault his R cuz he's unstoppable, so post 6 when he ults, wait for him to land and press Q, then E the Q and auto to consume harrier proc, then run away.
The only thing to watch out for is his W, voli will like to use W to summon his circle to slow you before engaging, so try to dodge it if you can with your fast speed.
Make sure to constantly apply pressure and auto him because this matchup is literally volibear's toughest matchup top lane.
You hard counter him, so play with confience.”
Veng Shotz says “Volibear is that champ that likes to all in brainlessly and will win it if played decently.
Being able to slow you + shield himself, and then stun you, dps you with onhit/magic damage passive+ heal+onhit with his w will make it a very hard lane to kite effectively, you have to stay mid range all lane phase with him.
Be sure to cancel his Q all in with yours, but be aware his goes on a short cd so he can reengage the moment your q falls off/goes on cd.
your safest best is to sidestep his e, wait for the shield to decay (if he stepped up to get it) then eq and walk away, if you keep poking him he will be forced to either back or all in post 6.
be aware when he starts shoving lane as he can easily dive you alone, as well as with his mid/jungler. Make sure your brushes are pinked to see this coming as you'll 100% need to leave turret to avoid being dove.
Once he gets thornmail/firecape/ice gaunt this match up is nearly unwinnable in a 1v1, Generally need to out teamfight him in 5v5's.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “After the rework, Voli is quite hard to deal with especially if he's using PTA. Respect his engage and burst damage and only try to poke him with nados. You can sort of win the trades on lvl 1 and 2, but after lvl 3, you gotta play back if you dont wanna get oneshot!
If there are no other tanks, rush Shieldbow.”
Amphawn says “Beats you early but cant really do anything against you after 6. Dodge his E and slow him when he Q's. He can tower dive you with ult, but yours gives the tower enough time to get back online. Also be careful of his passive as he can poke you with it if you are near minions. Don't forget that his E gives him a shield, so don't expect to win a trade if you're both standing in it. ”
PH45 says “Block his Q with your E and don't stand in his E area and you should win the lane. Your E also blocks his W, just keep in mind to let the mark run out before re-engaging unless you are certain you can kill him. Beware of his dive potential with his R since it disables your tower.”
At_Tar_Ras says “time to show you the ugly side of irelia top guys :( sorry for this but many matchups at top are GENUINELY too champ-diff'd. i'll try my best to help and explain, here goes. this matchup is borderline unplayable unless he's dumb or you're ultra patient. in my experience i've only ever won lane VS volibear when i play so passive that they die under my tower trynna get something. idk how else to beat him as he shreds almost all melee matchups. my best tips would be to just farm and focus on the mid-game+ shove and roam. focus his carries and squishies, not him. you genuinely do not win this matchup in any way except maybe the 1st three waves by getting lane prio and minion advantage (my guide will teach you that if you continue reading). never let him get a 2nd W on you and always save a Q or prepare to sidestep his E. if his Q hitting you is inevitable, W it. ideally, you don't get hit by it in the first place though. if your jungler comes by when voli is pushing (which is likely cause of his electric passive) and it can lead to a kill? then take advantage of it. just know that if he has ignite, it don't matter if he's 0-3. this dude will still win the 1v1. truly, truly an impossible matchup if he has half a brain. my genuine permaban. sorry, wish i could tell you more on how to beat this mf.”
iZeal says “Do not let him touch you or you lose 50% of your health. Abuse his E cooldown for favorable trades, but keep your distance and don't let him use empowered Ws on you - Q3 should only be used in cases where Volibear cannot commit to any more fighting and you should almost never E in. It is very hard to towerdive him, but he can towerdive you with ease since his ultimate deactivates your tower and his burst is around 50% of your max health at any point until mid to late game. In teamfights however you can assist your team in kiting him with your CC.”
SunFalk says “He has speed. He has a stun. He has a hard to deal with passive. His ult disable towers. - Volibear has a lot of CC and his ult will make him tower dive you easely, CS and keep your ult (when you have it) for a tricky situation.”
MrDomian says “He dominates in early game.
You can be better in team fights. Don't get pushed into towers with low health.
Very important is anty-heal - Bramble Vest.”
Phrxshn says “Save Infected Bonesaw for his Thundering Smash as he comes ghosted. Avoid getting full stacks of Wounded via Frenzied Maul or take extra damage and let Volibear gain healing. Dodge his Sky Splitter(E) and Stormbringer(R). Kite out his Storm Bringer(R). (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Volibear)”
slogdog says “Volibear has no mobility except for his R, meaning you can put him in the box and beat him around with ghouls. Be wary of his E, if you get hit by that be ready to feel pain. Try kite in and out when he W's you. Try to avoid getting W'd two times in a row. It's a hard matchup which requires good spacing, ”
Raen says “Be careful when he R then might be hard to kill him cuz he's on steroids when uses R. Your Counter Strike blocks his Q and W. Antiheal needed. Try to not stay in the center of his R to not get extra dmg. You can get D Shield for his passvie proc for often healing. Try to wait out his E shield and then go in. Try to wait out his wound from W.”
Hijitori says “When feasting care for his ultimate with instant +200/400/600 hp and his shield on E equal to +15% of maximum hp when the lightning strikes. He's a bit of a problem early game (care for his shield and stun!) and gets more dangerous in late game, when you can mostly poke him and finish when he's around 2000 hp and SILENCED (ult).”
Phrxshn says “Save Chomp for his Thundering Smash as he comes ghosted. Avoid getting full stacks of Wounded via Frenzied Maul or take extra damage and let Volibear gain healing. Dodge his Sky Splitter(E) and Stormbringer(R). Kite out his Storm Bringer(R). (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Volibear)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Voli has a lot of annoying burst potential. Avoid early skirmishes, as they'll often go PTA and rip you up. You outscale him hard. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror
You can parry either his Q or his E but Q is easier to react to and E is kinda random. If he interrupts your Q with his E the matchups is by far harder so hold onto it until he uses E”
LoLReal says “Pretty easy lane. We out trade him hard. Dodge his E and don't fight him in it if possible, he can win trades if you trade him while his shield is active.”
Justkb says “try not to get cheesed level 1 or 2 by his W damage. Make sure you engage him once his E has fully finished and his sheild depleted. You can easily run him down level 3 if he tries to engage on you and misses his E. If you are struggling rush Plated Steel Caps and play around your jungler. Normally you would rush trinity into DD and snowball against him at all levels. The only scare might be if he is able to cheese you and somehow freeze early, in this case look to roam and look to fight the enemy jungler as this will undo the wave. ”
MythicMike says “You absolutely don't want to keep trading with Volibear. He wil just heal up the damage you did and do half your HP in return. Watch out for his E and poke him/keep him away with your Q and W. Once low, you can all in.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup is super hard. Voli does % dmg, pretty much has a guaranteed stun, does aoe splash dmg, and a ton of other stuff.
Dont' dare trade with him early. He's tankier, does more dmg, and has cc. Best bet is to avoid all interactions with him and hope for jungler ganks. If someone else bans Camille then I would probably ban Voli. It's not fun at all.”
TTVXiralid says “Counter Rune Page:
He is strong in the top lane but if you avoid getting hit by his E and not walk up to him so he gets his 2nd W of then he won't be a big problem.”
Phrxshn says “Save Seismic Shard for his Thundering Smash as he comes ghosted. If you slow Volibear with your Seismic Shard combo then his Thundering Smash will automatically cancel via duration. Avoid getting full stacks of Wounded via Frenzied Maul or take extra damage and let Volibear gain healing. Dodge his Sky Splitter(E) and Stormbringer(R). Kite out his Storm Bringer(R). (Malphite Offensive Spells prevents Stormbringer from being cast) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Unstoppable Force does not stop Stormbringer on animation)”
Phrxshn says “Save Primal Howl for his Thundering Smash as he comes ghosted. If you fear Volibear with your Primal Howl combo then his Thundering Smash will automatically cancel via duration. Avoid getting full stacks of Wounded via Frenzied Maul or take extra damage and let Volibear gain healing. Dodge his Sky Splitter(E) and Stormbringer(R). Kite out his Storm Bringer(R). (Warwick CC Spells prevents Stormbringer from being cast) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Fan22 says “Volibear is very tought early game,
Be it Jg or top.
If he is Top poke him whit Q and eat him if he dosnt have his shield up.
Be careful since his R desactivates Turrets and it lets you vulnerable to a free dive with the enemy jungler.”
Kacto15 says “Pokéalo con tu Q siempre que se acerque a farmear, nunca lleves coraza ósea contra volibear, te la quemará con su pasiva, solo tienes que pokearlo, si intenta hacerte engage lo ralentizas y esperas a que se acabe su Q para posteriormente a eso darle con tu Q cargada, puedes ir sion TANQUE O LETALIDAD”
Phrxshn says “Save Facebreaker for his Thundering Smash as he comes ghosted. Avoid getting full stacks of Wounded via Frenzied Maul or take extra damage and let Volibear gain healing. Dodge his Sky Splitter(E) and Stormbringer(R). Kite out his Storm Bringer(R). (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Volibear)”
montybucket says “Volibear is a big issue early game with his full combo. If he gets ultimate first he will use it to all in you so watch out for that. He can also tower dive you with it, however you can easily punish him for that if you have a big shield stored up. You beat him post 6. ”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] New Voli has made its way onto the toplane as counterpick to the likes of Irelia or Fiora. He has really strong base dmg and almost allways runs Bramble so you will have a hard time taking trades aganist him. You can stun him to get good dmg onto him, but need to run out of his E at all costs. As long as you parry his Q and dodge his E you are fine on lane and can eventually get into the game.”
LegitLechner says “Not as common but adding anyway. One of the few tanks who i feel can 1v1 illaoi. great cc healing and dmg. Depends on the skill of the player. ”
SilverAvalanche says “Probably the biggest lane bully of them all. Get second wind and Doran's shield so you can heal off his passive AAs. play really safe and don't die pre level 6, or he will tower dive you when he hits 6 and you are still level 5.
Take the farm you can get and then short trade with him, either by bate'ing out the stun he has with your E, or hitting him with the edge of you Q and then running away with your E. what you don't wanna do is get hit by lightning, his stun or his empowered attack that heals him, which appears after extended trades.”
mec908 says “No te preocupes si no le ganas al inicio, solo no le pelees farmea bajo torre y pide ayuda a tu jg, al lvl 11 con trinidad y corta curas te lo soleas, filo de la cordura es una buena opción.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Whether it's in the jungle or in the top lane, Volibear is a serious threat. He can literally shut off your best shot at a kill and he has a strong engage with a stun. Shield when he stuns and if you're jungling, just avoid fighting him unless you're ahead”
Drake6401 says “ Be sure to use your dash to avoid his E lightening and his ultimate crash zone. These are his only abilities that can miss so it's important to utilize your evasion against them. Because Volibear wants to hit two W's per fight, Renekton can easily deny him that advantage. It's best not to dash engage him so that you have two dashes to back off. Like all juggernauts, you won't win extended trades. Bring Doran shield or second wind because his passive will poke you a lot. His ultimate shuts off towers so don't overstay at too low of HP. It also makes diving him risky because he's untargetable for the leap and he gains HP.”
The main playstyle into him has not changed. You simply have to play it as you would any other tank matchup, except with you being more careful in all ins. He is sooo tanky and is able to output solid damage. You beat him quite easily with W level 1 but unless you have ghost, you would HAVE to avoid his lightning thing and kite him to not deal with the shield because otherwise, you would just be dead. You can wear him out over time using good trades but that needs mana and Darius now has mana problems. If he is giving you any trouble just rush Steelcaps and then Cleaver as the powerspike should help you confidently beat him through his tank items. If he is going AP rush Merc boots instead. In all honesty, its a free lane if you know what you are doing but if he SOMEHOW manages to get fed, he will seriously 1v9 the game. I'm not even kidding. He can get RIDICULOUSLY tanky and somehow outdamage entire teams. 200 Years at it again. Another great job Riot!
P.S. If you lost a trade post level 6 and you arent multiple kills ahead, just go back. Give him the plates, give him the CS. It is better to lose less than to lose a lot more because he might be able to burst you down. Also try to avoid his Q with E or ghost. Just kite it and wait it out.”
RivalOCE says “Do not get hit by his W2 as this heals a lot and deals extra damage. Don't be scared level 1 and try to apply pressure from here, he wins level 2 and 3. Be careful of him layering his W on to his Q. The W shield and damage auto-win him the trade. Your ult is stronger than his, try ignite here as the healing cut is very important.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - He's not hard, let him push you in.
- You can start Doran's shield and heal off his passive lightnings
- Watch out for his burst, it hurts a lotttt, I would never start a trade with him
- He can chunk you under tower, make sure you keep your distance! I would take MR small runes, and maybe get null mantle first back
- Q him continuously of course, all in whenever he's low"”
sock217 says “If AP, you can either tank or dodge his e and he is a very easy kill. albeit slippery. If AD, wait for him to use his W on minions and put a point or two into E before maxing W. If tank, easy matchup.”
YasTilt says “Really annoying in Laning Phase, particularly his Passive, if you can Freeze your Lane or Zone him off the farm, you should be okay. Take fights if he uses one of his abilities to farm and disengage if he uses his R. He can easily Dive you so be careful.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Armor+DBlade) You can play around his empowered W and go for short trades, but don't force all-ins before lvl 9. Buy healing reduction. Not getting hit by his E is the key in this matchup.”
PK Noob says “His point and click CC and damaging ability that shields him is a problem. Kite him around so he can't hit you with his E or Ultimate and you'll out damage him.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. Definetly take Doran's Shield and Second Wind so you can heal from his Passive. Rush Bramble Vest so you can acutally play the game. You can choose if you take Ignite or not. Keep the wave close to your tower otherwise he just kills you and make sure you don't get hit by his E. It does shit tons of damage and shields him. No chance you can win a trade after that. Ult him in teamfights after he ulted. Don't engage before that.”
FantasysAhlong says “He does way too much damage in lane, and he can still win 1v1 with items. Try to farm well and find opportunities to make plays around the map.”
Val3n says “Has a better early game than you, but if you play safe, you can kill him. Get grievous wounds early or ignite and ask your jungler for help. If you time your E correctly, you can dodge his R.”
Psychopathic Top says “Probably the worst matchup for Nasus this season. The only reason I permaban Camille and not Voli is because of Camille's literal 1 v 9 potential with some jungle help early. Voli is one of those matchups where if you don't dodge then I don't know what to tell you. His combo is guaranteed as he stuns you then lands his W. He has ad ap % hp damage, so building anything into him is worthless. Level 6 he will solo dive you from full hp under your own turret and there's absolutely nothing you can do. honestly, if you guys are comfortable with Camille matchup, just ban Voli. There is no counterplay, you lose at all stages of the game until 35 min+ but that never happens :).”
DippyDan says “A lot of base damage with passive and will most likely rush bramble vest. W damage doubles after first mark and heals him, so you will lose long trades until late game. TIPS: [1] Rush executioners to cut healing. [2] Parry his stun or 2nd W bite. [3] Build Triforce”
ArshieMeBob says “If he can't get on top of you he can't kill you. Keep Severum Q or Gravitum handy to help disengage. Poking him is the move here, since he will beat you in all ins, even with red white.”
Yumi Project says “Don't pick gwen!. The bear is really dangerous and can destroy you in lane. He can dive you with the jungler and have lot of sustain and damage.”
Truculent65 says “Wait to build any armor or magic resistance until you see if Volibear is going AP or AD build. If he builds AP you must play extremely safe and don't get caught by his Sky Splitter or he will run you down 100-0. It doesn't scale well so you will eventually start to beat him but it's turbo annoying.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Easy bruiser matchup, keep your distance and don't get hit by his slow. Get your boots and if he hits you with W just walk back because the second W deals insane damage. If he builds AP watch out for possible oneshot at level 6.”
SunOak says “Volibear has very high early damage and can probably 2v1 you and your jungler. The thing that makes him dangerous is his E if you dodge this you can win after level 6. I recommend you rush grievous wounds because of his healing. Take MR runes and second wind because his passive will poke you a lot. Start with a dorans shield.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build.
I used to think this matchup is hard. However if you just play alpha, constantly harass and play with PTA+ignite he will die before you. Always make sure to Q him before his Q lands. Try to have weird movement whenever he e's, so that he can't land it on you. If he tries to all in you, expecting you to run but then instead you run towards his tower he may miss his r+e and just die. Try not to give him a 2nd W, it goes through Q, heals a lot and damages you a lot.”
TXK_ says “In short trades avoid his repeated W which has a 5 second cooldown without CDR as it heals a truck-ton. His E is easy to predict due to the audio cue. Other than that, treat him like a typical tank.”
Kartagoo says “Voli has a lot of Burst Sustain and long trade potential that Mundo cant deal with so its Q Spam and ask your Jungler for your help. Keep in mind that Voli easily can set up tower divers when he hits 6 so watch out for that. Other than that, this Lane will be a farm lane where u have to hope you get help from your Jungler. Try Ghost Ignite to snowball your lane with Conqueror”
JaxIsAHobo says “Pretty easy matchup. You actually dont take damage from 2/4 of his abilities with your E, his claw and his stun. Use your E wisely and block his abilities, trade, and then safely disengage by walking away or using your leap(Q). Once you have sunderer and BotRK, you will win every engage vs him for the most part.”
RhinoStar says “Very intense matchup. The damage coming from volibear is pretty high. You won't get stunned if you play well with your passive, but before level 6, you should just wait for ganks from your jungle and not try to fight him.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. PRENEZ CONQUEROR. ESSAYEZ DE L'EMPECHER DE TOUCHER LA WAVE EN EARLY POUR QU'IL NE STACK PAS SON PASSIF SI VOUS AVEZ PULL VOTRE JUNGLE LAISSEZ VOUS PUSH. NE RESTEZ PAS BAS EN PV SOUS VOTRE TOUR CONTRE LUI. VOUS NE GAGNEREZ PAS SANS VOTRE GHOST C'EST UN MATCHUP QU'IL FAUDRA KITE TOUCHEZ TOUT VOS Q. PRENEZ DES TABIS. Le style de jeu principal en lui n'a pas changé. Vous devez simplement le jouer comme vous le feriez pour n'importe quel autre matchup de tanks, sauf que vous devez être plus prudent dans tous les domaines. Il est tellement tanky et en même temp capable de faire des dégâts débile. Vous le battez assez facilement avec votre W niveau 1. Essayez d'esquiver son E(zone électrique) et de ne pas le trade quand il a le shield ou il vous tuera. Vous aurez besoin de le kite tout le long du fight et de faire durer le fight. Faites des tabis et un couperet noir assez tot dans la game si il part ap alors faite des bottes de mercure. Si il se feed vous ne pourrez plus lui faire de dégâts et va 1v9 car son champion snowball assez bien est a un très bon early game. Il essaiera la plupart du temp de vous Q+E+AA+W esquivez ca a tout prit ou vous aurez perdu le trade 100%”
SemPelo says “Though matchup since Volibear thrives in duels. Bramble vest is a good solution if he is maxing W and most of their team is AD, if not build executioners instead. Armor boots also work pretty well against him. If you prefer you can roam and build has usual,since the previous tips were only about dueling in lane.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “The goofy bear can be defeated. Ask for your junglers help once and then he will be not much for you at all points of the game.
"Follow me into destruction!"”
Vandenelis says “you cant win until you get Sunfire cape (if you buy it) if not, you outscale him at level 11. go for 3 hits with e, and then fall back before he hits his second w on you. use your q when he already used his q or it ran out of time, since if you cc him when he is running in his q, its cooldown will get reset. try to freeze wave near your turret, don't stay in lane with low hp, because his ult disables towers. Watch out when ulting him since his ult increases his hp temporarily ”
Bombabo says “Volibear has proven to be a notable threat to Urgot, and will win fights if he gets to engage on his terms. During lane, your best bet would be to E away from him as he attempts to stun you with his Q into his E. If you can kill him before he gets a 2nd W off, you should be fine, but you will have a hard time otherwise. Also, remember that his ult makes him unstoppable, so he can use it when you try to reel him in with your own ult.”
DarkyTheReal says “This matchup is easy in low ELO but hard in high ELO. All you have to do in this matchup is to either bait his Q and then go for an extended trade on him. Or you can just make quick trades with like Q+W+Auto Attack+ E out. Once he's half HP and doesn't have E up or Q you can just go for an all-in.”
DarkyTheReal says “Almost impossible to play the matchup, you should only try to farm and play with your jglr if he ganks you. Late game you outscale him anyways. Go corruption (If their jglr is ap otherwise go cloth armor)”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Really easy level 1 and 2! His q is easy to parry and he has no damage level 1. But dont underestimate him, he can still kill you later on!! Especially if he has ult.”
Gamyeon says “You can get insta killed early if he full combo you, but that doesn't mean you can't win the 1v1. If you see him, try to be as much aggressive as you can at Max Range, so that you can free hit when he can't catch you. You CAN invade him level 3 on the cheese invade but it can be a little risky.”
SettVEVO says “The textbook definition of Sett's Counter. He takes short trades better than you, he can take long trades better than you, he can tower dive better than you. He was made to counter you. And like Urgot it all revolves around his E, always be on your toes to dodge it IF you can which you probably won't because he'll stun you to keep you in it. Run D shield and second win so his passive heals you and survive as much as you can. You want to fight extremely short trades, like an E stun into your two Q punches. Once you are both level 6 don't get low cause he can tower dive you easily. You can ult him out of his E before it hits so he doesn't get the shield nor the damage. After laning phase he is a great ult target after he ults, great damage and you peel your team at the same time. Ban him if you need to.”
Byku2506 says “I reccomend if you will slow push him, try to dodge every his E, probably when you are trying to Q him he will jump on you to dodge it, engage him every time when miss E.”
Fryx says “His pushing and his trading is brutal. If you get a poor trade he can even dive you with his ult so keep that in mind. Short Pokes with Q will stick later so don't take risks early game. Or you can Max E against him.”
wff010 says “You beat him level 1, so fight him then in any way possible. You can pressure him off the first three minions for an EXP advantage or just straight up kill him if he stays. Just be careful about dodging his E. Later on in fights, you want to ult him out of his E and you want to block one of his W's with your W at high grit.”
RTO says “Like Malphite can build tank and still output huge damage. Poke him as much as possible, watch out for his passive, then trade again when it's down. ”
calbino says “Volibear is a very powerful duelist for being a tank. You can't really out trade his damage if he hits everything, especially pre-6. Definitely killable, but try to fight him after level 6 for an even fight.”
RareParrot says “cheese at lvl 2, kite back and blind his stun, never ever fight when hes 6 and remember turrets are disabled when this overloaded piece of shit champ presses R.”
PlasmaFox1 says “Volibear can out-trade you hard in laning phase. Try to all in him when his abilities are on cooldown as he is an ability dependant champ.”
SavagePridestalker says “Volibear is usually hard, since he can almost always beat you up. However, I find the tank build the best choice into him, since you can trade him fairly and can tank him up for a long time. Bramble+Grasp also make it very easy to play into him.”
Marwaii says “You have too much kiting potential against this champ. Make sure that you dodge his E and hard push to make him miss CS.
Take Divine + Plated.”
oogoogerson says “He does so much damage it isn't funny. Don't underestimate Volibear's damage output. When he starts to chase late game you can slow him with your Rylai's Crystal Scepter's effect on your Q. Play safe and try to flip him under tower before level 6.”
MachDawn says “Others may not agree but IMO this is the most annoying lane. Voli has HIGH dps even when going full tank and has stupid strong dive potential with his R. ”
SethPRG says “This champ sucks to fight, you can make him go 1/10 and he will still be tankier than you and do almost as much damage as you. Start W level 1 and if he walks up punch him. You should be able to zone him off the entire first wave or else he loses a lot of HP. Afterward, don't let Volibear stun you into his E, you will always lose trades if he hits his E on you, especially if he gets the shield. Be careful of this, but past level 6 you can R him out of his E so you should win. In any short trades don't let him cast his 2nd W on you (there's a mark over your head to showcase when he can use it), and don't get hit by the center of his R if you can. Be careful and don't take free poke from his passive. His ult disables towers so never be present near yours on low HP, especially if his JG is near. In team fights, it’s best to wait for him to ult before you ult him on his team, as his R gives him more HP. Start Doran’s Shield, and rush Bramble early. Go Resolve Secondary, take Second Wind and Unflinching.”
joelspaho121 says “Volibear favored. Dshield start with second wind. This matchup favors volibear in every imaginable way. I'd just aim to survive in this sort of lane. If you want to try do something in this lane always play around his E cd/dodging it and grab an early bramble. Your playstyle depends on his build. If he goes tank you want to just play around his E cd. If he plays AD grab bramble to reduce his healing and if he plays ap grab merc treads and specifically dodge his E. After level 6 he still has an advantage over you because of how he chooses to use R. Not only does it give him extra Hp but it also gives him a dash with damage which he can use you dodge your Q. This matchup is just really bad for you. Call for jungler help and if you already inted the lane already its best to play weakside. I'd try to keep this lane even if anything honestly.”
El Leon Gnar says “Volibear is extremely tanky and has high damage, but he has no real way of getting on top of you in lane. Trade primarily with Q and W, and jump away whenever he tries charging you with his Q.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
He has a strong early game and if you get low he will ult your tower. A lot of his things are unavoidable but he is very weak to kiting. Try to not stand in his passive for too long either. ”
Humitaxx says “Just evade his lightning and do short trades with him if he is a bit ahead, since his bite can heal him a lot, it is highly recommended to go for the tank build and play it a bit slow but safe, starting to trade harder at level 2-3 using your charged grit”
deathwalker7119 says “Parry q or empowered W and you should win most trades. At all costs, do not hard all-in him if he has a w mark on you, or has w up. He will heal an incredible amount and make it very hard to kill him. You can definitely blow him up late game, so you out-scale very hard. Don't throw lane, play safe and just don't greed.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Volibear has a great clear and sustain, he will most likely be able to beat you in the jungle, but remains something you can deal with if you get far enough ahead.”
Nekosett says “This man only loses level one and goes E W lvl 2 and they just win you cant outduel them and its actually sad when they beat you try to play for teamfights you can build divine into cleaver for him to duel or just play for the team you do have some good scaling with the sett buff so you have options ”
XPRflew says “Play safe under tower because his r and his passive will counter your chances of killing Volibear you can get Bramble Vest to reduce his healing so you can fight him.”
Excuruseh says “Try to burn his stun with your clone, and then look to lightly trade. At lvl 6, you can cheese him but watch out for his sustain. Get bramble early. I do not recommend resolve into this matchup, his passive breaks bone plating. If Volibear can lock you down, you will lose the trade every time due to his shielding and healing.”
Womsky says “Lethal tempo resolve set up, an extreme match up, volibear has a really strong kit that if played well all what u will get is pain and lossing 40% hp in a single combo while u can't answer him by anyway, the match up goes as following, early on you are stronger, before he gets armor, so look for solo kills, a good volibear will sit back and just farm safely, a bad one will try to fight you level 1 so u can know easily if that player is good or not, his Q is a stun, his W is AA reset that if used on marked enemy it heals and heals massive damage if he is maxing it "which he mostly is" plus his E is his shield thingie, what u don't wanna do is spin on him post lvl 3 when he has his abilities up, he will E on top of himself, Q W AA you and walk away while you simply loss 30-50% of your hp bar, once he gets armor its over and you can't do anything, try to farm safely and don't get into trades, he will try to force trades on you while you farm under turret, try to don't get into those cause he will take no damage while you get massively chunked just like what a poppy does, you can fight him at like 4 or 5 items, but splitting against him is not fun at all, he will get ability haist, kit you around while spamming W on you, so u will loss, play smart or get destroyed.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “His base damage is crazy but it is avoidable. Start E and treat him like the other melee lanes. Stun him if he runs at you and wait until it crashes into your tower, he is pretty squishy lvls 1-5 so if you have your passive, look to get a few autos in and all in once you hit your E on him. Avoid his E and you will be fine. I recommend avoiding any all-ins with him after this point if you do not get an advantage as he will smash you with his base dmg after 6 even if you avoid his E and R. You have to kite out his R and then all in with yours however it is much safer to farm up for BOTRK and then all in him once you have it (provided that you avoid his E). Avoid all inning him once he has 2-3 items.
Losiu says “Dodfe his e. Don't fight shen his passive is up. you will lose. Shen he is running on you wirh stun, use fast e and go back. Don't let him get close to you.”
tibs2 says “Bramble rush. Similar to Darius, this match up is grossly exaggerated with how bad it is. If he q you can just q w and run away. Dont let him get in melee range of you can you should be good to outscale. Beware of his damage though cause he can 1 shot you in the early levels if you get too cocky. ”
Warwick do Brasilzaun says “Com o R de Volibear, ele fica imune a sua Ultimate (Coerção Inifinita), que é um dos principais pontos de ganhar uma luta com Warwick. Além de curar bastante também, aguentar muito Dano e causar muito Dano, tanto no Early Game, quanto no Late Game. Mas um Warwick bem jogado, no Early game, ou Mid Game você ganha do Volibear
JeanMichelBambi says “Volibear suffers from the same problem as Garen, he can really only run at you to engage, except his whole kit is all around better, given he gets extra move speed and healing paired with a big shield, you should still stay cautious while playing into Voli”
Noodles912 says “Stay away from minions and you auto win. When he uses R, use E+W and GTFO. DOnt try to duel with him. Farm it up, and one shot his backline.”
PiscesPomf says “EVEN LANE
Parry his Q to stun him, but care, he will use it again after your stun so stun him, land 1 AA or Q then go away to dodge the second Q, then re-engage. With your R you destroy him. If he goes under tower with R, save time by stunning him and turn around the tower.”
teemodumbstupid says “His combo level 3 is very strong so do not walk up to him when he is level 3. He might try to poke you with his E so do your best to dodge it. You need bramble because of his empowered W. You will win with Divine sunderer. ”
jmp_01_ says “Total Counter. You just win level 1. He outtrades you at all stages of the game. He scales much better and has much better trades - a laning phase horror. Take Doran's Shield and pray to god he won't run you down.”
negoZoma69 says “You'll want to always be pushing this lane and harassing at the same time. Before level 6 he can't engage at all if you space properly. After that he can dive you if you waste your abilities so be very careful.”
Kokob5 says “Voli isn't a champ you'll win trades with early and even at six it'll be tough to pull off. When he goes to combo you walk away and E backwards and it should put you outside his chase range. Usually best to ask for jungle help to get ahead.”
SpartanDumpster says “Everything he needs to destroy you is incredibly close ranged, so your W is meaningless to him. He can really tear you apart while he has you stunned.”
pioj12 says “If he tries to engage with Q do the same as trynda dodge whit E and slow with Q so he doesnt chunk a lot of hp and when he is backing up auto him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “When dropped low in combat, Olaf is able to thrive with his passive. However, when an enemy is dropped low, Volibear also benefits from Frenzy. A good Volibear will try to all-in you when you're weak, so be wary of him deleting you with his bite, it hurts.”
Lunarisen says “Now Volibear's threat level depends on his player, if he's going ANYTHING but tank, he's an even match to you. If he goes tank, he's a major threat, but if he goes Immortal Tank, consider him an extreme level and be careful.”
Reformed Ravi says “he is scary early levels so just w him if he tries anything. get antiheal and use a full combo and make sure to wear him down. call for jg help”
RetiredPykeMain says “Standard runes. ur W can stop his Q and his W dmg ONLY his w passive still applies, second W from him will ignore ur W so be careful.”
Godalane says “Requires Matchup Knowledge.
Go For Conqueror.
Actually not that hard matchup if you know how to play against him.
You so powerful against him at level 3, as first stack 4 graves for maximum damage, hit with your E, and then imprison him in your W. Thereby, when is he busy with your ghouls, you can hit your Q, or you can give free damage. Both ways are so advantageous.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “As one of his skins implys he is actually a secrent agent of Interpol. In spite of his high rank and abilities he never achieved more but to stop a common Nick from sexual harassing Miss Fortune.”
Alekra says “Not the biggest problem. You have better sustain so you can trade with him. Black Cleaver helps for long trades and you should take Second Wind to counter his passive poke.”
Erenando says “He might be a tank, but he can easily destroy you in the early game, while he is fucked in late. Don't mess up and stack minions. Ganks pre 6 are helpful”
GrGamingTeo says “All you need to do is avoid getting hit ny his lightning before lv6 or else you die. However if you manage to get 3 stacks with a quick combo you can just use ghost and kill him with ease. After lv6 you will have to respect him because he becomes much harder to kill and he has higher chances of killing you.”
LunaticDancer says “He's annoying, especially level 1, but if you heavily outtrade him level 6 on and are able to keep up with him at level 2 or 3, depending on how well you play and how much he sucks.”
DarkAuraLOL says “he has a fine clear and sustain, but you still outclear him , but his burst and lockdown is huge, avoid him at all costs, don't fight him unless your with someone , sometimes avoid him even if he's really low, you really need a huge lead to be able to fight him , once you get heal reduction and form , its possible.”
Dotje says “Keep an eye on when he casts his sky splitter so you can dodge it. If he's about to run in with Q, run as far as you can, and when he's about to hit it Q on top of yourself so he's stunned while you are. After your stun, make sure to keep damaging him as you can kite him well from here.”
Ravenborne says “Still collecting some knowledge on this matchup. As far as I can tell though, he beats you levels 1 to 3. After that you should be able to win. You hard outscale him aswell. Do not die early and you are fine.”
Mr.Kovacic says “His stun, shield and ult are big damage dealers and are very annoying. He has a low pickrate so you wont really have him on your top as much.”
Kil4fun says “He can't get to you easily. Play from range and poke poke with AA. Use your movement speed to dodge his ultimate and you generally can win trades into him. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “The new Volibear is rough. His Q will get reset if you fling him before he uses his Q on something, which gives him a great gap closer post-fling, so watch out! When fighting him, try to extend the trades so when he W's you, you wait for the W buffer to wear out before you go near him again, but generally you should lose all trades with Voli, he's too tanky dude!”
Whobick says “Volibear is an easy opponent in my opinion, but some disagree. I used to main Volibear, so I know a decent amount about him. Don't try to 1v1 him when you know his passive is up. Also, don't get too close to his turret or he may Q you or Flash+Q you. Watch out for Frenzy (W) too. It's pretty dirty.”
ModelitoTime says “Play safe early game until you hit lvl 9. He can't really do anything if you keep distance from him. Just try not to play too far out from your tower, let the wave push on to you a bit.”
ChevalierArlo says “Evite ele no início do game. Quando você tiver a donzela, coloque o máximo de pressão possível nele, pois caso você não consiga, ele certamente ganhará a rota.”
chokoryu says “-close to impossible lane for tank.
-Do not die before 10 minutes.
-Take conditioning if jg cannot help much, second wind if jg can secure kills.
-Do not let Volibear push into tower”
ineptpineapple says “Pretty busted at the moment his passive will make it hard to kill him at 6 with your ult. Just kite him and try to proc his passive early. Then he is pretty standard.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “é simples de ganhar podes cancelar o W dele o dar stun com q caso ele não use logo o q e seja espertinho
tenta retirar o w dele com o teu que ganhas de boa ”
Hyzerik says “Can get him early and he is a tank so early he isn't the best. Don't let him use his W twice on you and he needs to get on top of you so it works for you. E his Q so he doesn't get a stun off and dodge his E.”
Raideru says “Pretty easy matchup for Jax since he just counters the way Volibear trades u basically just want to use your e to block his q every single time and short trade him on that and u will always win trades until eventually u can all in him in that window. I advise Conqueror with Dblade.”
TioKirb says “A little bit hard, avoid his abilities and try not to get stunned, he should be relatively easy if you do that. Oblivion Orb seems to be effective as always.”
AmericanNut says “An issue, when he's CSing, he'll poke you simultaneously, he can easily all in you with his ult , (Which stuns tower) so it's all about health conservation for Tahm Kench.”
EU_Toxicity says “One of the few champions that can 1v1 you during most of the game if he has his passive. Play safe early. Save your W and E to disengage from him if he flips you. Once his passive is on cooldown you can win. *OUTDADED* (VOLI REWORKED)”
UnMaskedDeity says “Voli is strong but TAYN IS STRONGER. He will beat up the over confidence players but if you kite him around he will look less like a bear and more like a headless chicken.”
byThiagus says “Si dodgeas su e ganas, segunda pagina de runas, ignite es viable, espada de doran. Lvl 1 le ganas all in. A partir de nivel 6 le ganas si le dodgeas su r. Rushear verdugo si estas ganando y si estan even es mejor la vesta espinosa. A partir de nivel 11 no puede hacer nada en 1v1 contra vos”
AWierdShoe says “He has 2 ways of winning the early levels: 1) To push you in. 2) To hit his E which both chunks you and shields him. So if you focus on getting the push level 1 and you’re careful to not get hit by his E, you should be able to take short trades with him throughout the early lane and slowly chunk him down one trade at a time. Always save your W to block his Q/W and just wait out the E shield before you trade.
eBrixton says “Volibear can do the same thing as Renekton. He can get his entire combo off on you and you can only sit there and watch as your lifepoints dwindle down like a Yu-Gi-Oh villain.”
viktoreeu says “Beads for sustain and quick trades (aa+e)
Otherwise (longsword +pots) you can just farm it out and wait for your Kraken...
It can either be an annoying matchup or a walk in the park”
NickCola Tesla says “Volibear can easily be considered an extreme threat in the event you are unable to respect the damage he can dish out! He is unbelievably tanky for the amount of burst he can potentially trade with.
The biggest source of his damage comes from his Sky Splitter. If he attempts to engage with this, you need to be prepared to disengage or try to avoid its damage altogether. This, coupled with Volibear's shield, will be enough to half health you without you being able to successfully trade!
You can wear him out over time using good trades, but that requires mana, which Sion struggles with early on. In all honesty, as long as you keep your distance and not try to facetank his damage early on, you will get to a point where you can manage the lane just fine! BUT... if he manages to get fed, he will literally have the potential to 1v9 the game, and your team will hate you a lot. He's able to get so damn tanky while dishing out more damage than entire teams can.
If you lost a trade post level 6 and you don't have a sustainable lead, I would bite the loss and give him the plates. Give him the CS, and give him what he needs to be happy. Lose less than risk losing a lot more!
StrikeX114 says “His passive and Sky Splitter (E) provide great zoning tools against you. Since his ultimate can disable towers as well, you must be extremely wary near this bear. Save your Commencing Stopwatch for when he decides to towerdive you to discourage further pursuit. In addition, to counter his mixed damage output, I recommend playing with both armor and MR runes to make your overall survivability greater.”
Saarlichenbog says “Volibear suffers from a lack of sustain in lane outside of his runes and W. If you kite out of his primary engage combo of E followed by Q, he then has almost no way of retreating which is why its so easy to punish him for playing aggressively. This lane focuses more on letting him be more aggressive as he tends to get outscaled either way.”
Yume Minato says “if you can dodge the thunder drop and W the stun you could manage something but you'll need some good rengar skill and not being behind.”
GLP1 says “You win him the first 5 levels but at level 6 you'll have to play with a little more care, it's like a Renekton who doesn't oneshot you so much.”
Raphi0216 says “Try to sustain with W. You will die if you engage him so don't do it. Dodge his R with your R. Don't take long trades because he will heal with his 2nd W.”
daito Okami says “just scale be wary of his e because it deals a lot of dmg and watch your timer on his w so he doesnt get massive heal go for short trades whenever his e is down go second win ”
Frostyfps says “His base damage is crazy but it is avoidable. Start E and treat him like the other melee lanes. Stun him if he runs at you and wait until it crashes into your tower, he is pretty squishy lvls 1-5 so if you have your passive, look to get a few autos in and all in once you hit your E on him. Avoid his E and you will be fine. I recommend avoiding any all-ins with him after this point if you do not get an advantage as he will smash you with his base dmg after 6 even if you avoid his E and R. You have to kite out his R and then all in with yours however it is much safer to farm up for BOTRK and then all in him once you have it (provided that you avoid his E). Avoid all inning him once he has 2-3 items.”
Ron_101 says “For this match up bring Grasp Of The Undying or Lethal Tempo with Resolve as the Secondary take short trades you won't win with his level 3 combo try to get a gank or wait till lv6 and try to kill him. Bring ignite for his heal”
Greedle says “Rush Sheen And Turn It Into Sundurer Asap. You Win Most Trades But In All-Ins He Can Beat You. With Sundurer And Grasp You Will Beat Him With Ease. ”
Defensivity1 says “Start cpot Both conqueror and grasp are fine, Could consider a phase rush page, with conqueror play a bit safer early,
Have to kite him, melee tanking his damage is the way to lose the 1v1 so always try to kite and have ghouls/maiden do most of the damage.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Volibear can be a tough champion to fight, he can lock you down and deal lots of damage quickly, but he also has very little mana, so after being in lane for a little bit, you can attack him without him being able to really retaliate. He also falls off extremely hard.”
ArmandChad69 says “Hard matchup if played poorly, even to easy if you properly kite and position well with your EQ combos and respect his Q resets and melee damage”
MisterDerpFace says “Try to trade away from his W, since the shield that he gets is actually pretty big. and the slow is also bad. if he Q for no reason, your getting ganked.”
Plasticpear says “While Volibear also has a stun that is hard to miss, you can avoid getting his bit it by baiting him to walk through a trap and then root him and run away with the movement speed boost. Try not to waste you W, since without it, you won´t have a chance of escaping Volibear without using flash.”
YoungTact says “You can W his Q( you still get stunned), respect him when his passive is up and dodge his e by walking out of it or E'ing to a minion to dodge it. Apply lane harass combo whenever u can. Don't go for extended trades when his passive is stacked and his w as well. Go second wind because his passive will proc ur bone plating for free + it would be free heals vs him. Can go 1 adaptive force 1 armor 1 mr. Rush exec”
qasddsa says “Very annoying champion to deal with during laning phase. You need to keep your distance and disengage with Q and W if he starts to run at you. Freeze the wave as much as you can, since pushing up against Volibear is very dangerous due to his strength of setting up ganks. I recommend rushing a Blade of the Ruined King as well as an Executioner's Calling against him.”
Volibear since his rework has surprisingly turned into a way easier matchup for Nasus, before his rework it was next to impossible to lane against him, Now his kit is easier to deal with and you outscale him even Harder. In laning phase due to his Passive and that he will try to punish you early game he will perma push the wave on to your side of the lane making it easier to farm under tower without being traded that hard. A good tip is to get close to his passive (Relentless Storm) to constantly proc Second Wind + Dorans Shield maximazing your sustain and overall since Volibear doesn't really build that much AP appart from a Dorans Ring early on, it deals basically no damage. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen powerspike yo can start doing short trades against him and his only sustain he has is reliant on him hitting you twice with his W and by doing short trades you negate it, once he is low enough you can kill him relatively easily. Be careful if you are low HP, similar to Tryndamere or Kled, he is really good at diving since he disables towers. Later on to the game he can't match you solo and since his teamfighting is not that bad, you must splitpush and force him to match you, be prepared for 1v2 or 1v3 scenarios.”
SubHuman Filth says “Take PTA and cut down.
be unpredictable for his E and q him before his stun lands. dont take extended trades, he will win them all because of his W.
you will outscale him, but in early game you need to play aggressive.
do still keep jungle ganks in mind tho.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The most important thing to track in the volibear matchup is his starting ability and his runes. If volibear takes PTA and starts W (his maul) you want to make sure that you DO NOT fight him lvl 1. Let him shove the wave in. Volibear's passive will gradually make him shove it in, the best thing you can do is walk up and try to get cs without taking damage. If voli takes grasp or starts his E (the thunderstorm thing) then you can look to shove him in early and get the first 2 waves into turret so it shoves back towards you. Volibear has an INSANE trading combo where he will maul you (his w) to push you off minions where you have to stay away from volibear for 7 seconds so that he does not get the bonus dmg and healing from the 2nd maul. If you walk too close after his first w he will use his q and his e together to basically stun you in place so that you also get hit by the thunderstorm and its really hard to trade back. It is important when getting away from voli and mitigating damage from his combo that you buffer volibear's q with your spin. In this matchup typically you are looking to farm it up and fight him after you get tier 2 boots and essence reaver. There will be times where voli runs out of mana or maybe your jungler comes up where you can look for a kill but other then that look to survive. In the mid game with your CDR + crit you shouldnt have an issue fighting him unless you miss your W slow. Its really important that you beat voli in a single all in trade. Ignite or exeuctioners is really imporant to have too especially if he gets tanky because of his healing. Look to save your E to stick onto him if you know he is looking to ult away or to dodge his ulti dmg.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conq, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight or Bone Plating, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: Damage, 2x Armor
Summoners: TP
Since his buffs after the rework, he causes some problems for Riven, especially his point and click stun. Try to shield his stun and avoid his E because of the slow. Take short trades because he destroys in longer engagements. One or Two jungle ganks can make it so you can 1v1 him, providing your farm is satisfactory. If no help from jg, its still possible to win lane solo but i would apply map pressure.
ZergDood says “Be careful with farming, his passive is annoying. You can W his run but it will still stun you (better than nothing). He heals like a madman, has an important powerspike with his R, so be careful. He shouldn't be able to dive you, so if he tries, take that to your advantage and let him die alone. When running away from him, use your Q, and if he's about to stun you, use your W. Afterwards, position yourself so you can pin him on a wall. After his stun, he has no mobility, so you can ult him away. Your W (kinda) stops his dash.”
qazx1427 says “His passive is a pain for the first few levels, but Volibear is another champ that can't do anything when trapped. Just watch out for when he ults, since he can jump out of your wall, land behind you, and potentially turn the tables.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “A bit broken right now but will be more even when he gets nerfed, dont let him W you while you have the W debuff on you and dodge his damn E. After 6, you dont want to ult after he ults, ult to get you both away from his E. You want to get bramble eventually.
Dodge his E.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Volibear is a strong champion early on due to his E damage and tankiness.Try to proc his bone plating before trading with him and also avoid fighting him after he uses his E to shield himself since the smallest hp advantages matter in early game.”
Shumair says “Volibear top already isn't as good as it used to be but even at its prime, Mordekaiser would destroy him. His passive will make him shove the wave to you so you don't have to worry about overextending. Use your R after his R to steal more stats but not whilst he's unstoppable in the animation. Other than that, there's not much to it. Just bonk him and he's dead.”
wallobear53 says “Maintain your distance from him so that you have ample time to evade him if he decides to use his Q and chase you down. He will try to get you to overextend and then may ask his Jungler to gank you. Be prepared to Flash if he uses his Flash.
Don’t take extended fights against him as his Passive will allow him to deal more damage to you. He is quite weak during levels one and two so you should do your best to poke him as much as you can during this time.
Once he hits level three, he will be able to trade freely and can easily all-in you. He is strong once he gets access to all his abilities so do your best to keep him at a hand’s distance and invest in some Grievous Wounds in order to cut his healing.
Murderman5 says “If he avoids your blind, He can stun and take you out in a good way, Use your movement speed to avoid his e, And make sure to find a chance to avoid his stuns afterwards all his attacks will be meaningless as you make the ultimate poke using ignite and spamming him with your abilities :D”
M.P.C says “If you know you're up against new Volibear I suggest picking a different champ for this match up (I suggest Poppy or Fiddlesticks, but since this is a Rumble guide I won't go into detail as to why ;D), however if you picked Rumble first just focus on getting CS and if there's an opening poke him with your E, also ask your Jungler for a gank a once in a while just to put a bit of pressure on your lane so that Voli won't over extend. If he engages you back up for a bit and let his Q time out, he can kill you pre lvl6 (especially if the one is using him knows what they're doing.)”
Fiora Pogjet says “His sustain is strong and he is hard to kill. Your main point is to prarry his Q if he runs at you, then try to win the trade. Don't let him bit you a second time with his W.”
NullPC says “After the rework hes able to haras you quite well and stun you after you flip him and just walk away if he want. He wins in extended trades because of his healing and you tower dosent matter post 6. Play around his mana issues and your jungler.”
ModxLoL says “This could potentially be a 5, but for one, he's about to get nerfed as I'm writing this. The other thing is that Volibear is only really a problem for you in the early/mid game. Once you get your Black Cleaver and start getting close to your Death's Dance, the matchup isn't nearly as bad. You will start to outscale him pretty fast, just get Doran's Shield in this matchup and farm the best you can in the early lane phase. Outplay wise, just make sure you dodge his circle AOE slow ability.”
Nytefall24 says “It's solely depending on if he goes tank vs damage. Tank takes awhile but you will win the trade, damage and the heal from bite will make it difficult to out trade him.”
Stiwy says “The bear is strong and likes to have long extended trades with you.
Before level 9 he is stronger, after that point the chances of killing him rise as your level does.
While in lane try to disengage when he marks you with his W.
If you get to low recall ASAP because he can just dive you with his ult and turn off your turret.
Start D.Shield so the
lightings from his passive can heal you.
Remember to buy healing reduction.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The most important thing to track in the volibear matchup is his starting ability and his runes. If volibear takes PTA and starts W (his maul) you want to make sure that you DO NOT fight him lvl 1. Let him shove the wave in. Volibear's passive will gradually make him shove it in, the best thing you can do is walk up and try to get cs without taking damage. If voli takes grasp or starts his E (the thunderstorm thing) then you can look to shove him in early and get the first 2 waves into turret so it shoves back towards you. Volibear has an INSANE trading combo where he will maul you (his w) to push you off minions where you have to stay away from volibear for 7 seconds so that he does not get the bonus dmg and healing from the 2nd maul. If you walk too close after his first w he will use his q and his e together to basically stun you in place so that you also get hit by the thunderstorm and its really hard to trade back. It is important when getting away from voli and mitigating damage from his combo that you buffer volibear's q with your spin. In this matchup typically you are looking to farm it up and fight him after you get tier 2 boots and essence reaver. There will be times where voli runs out of mana or maybe your jungler comes up where you can look for a kill but other then that look to survive. In the mid game with your CDR + crit you shouldnt have an issue fighting him unless you miss your W slow. Its really important that you beat voli in a single all in trade. Ignite or exeuctioners is really imporant to have too especially if he gets tanky because of his healing. Look to save your E to stick onto him if you know he is looking to ult away or to dodge his ulti dmg.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up compliqué mais pas imprenable, tu dois prendre l'avantage en early, et jouer ça comme pour Sett et Olaf, tu dois te battre tout en faisant du Kite à l'aide de ton Q, et surtout tu dois éviter son E car en plus de te faire de dégâts et te ralentir, si tu te bats dedans, cela lui fournit un shield de 15% de ses PV max.
Une fois ton anti heal obtenu, tu peux normalement le battre à chaque fois que tu as le fantôme de up en faisant un bon kite entre ses sorts, ceci dit je te recommande de jouer passif tant que tu n'es pas sur de toi sur Darius.
Astuce : Ne reste pas sous tourelle avec peu de point de vie, son ulti lui permet de désactiver les tourelles pendant un certain temps.”
Darrkescru says “Chega a da dó deste urso, use impeto, sempre que ele for te stunar use seu Q e assim você não leva stun depois disto proca o impeto e vai caitando ele ate a morte”
bakk0n says “A very oppressive laner but not that big of an issue to Mordekaiser. As a matter of fact, in many regions, Mordekaiser has been picked as a response to top Volibear. They will usually run Press the Attack with Sorcery or Determination. Try to avoid his W poke and try to not get caught in his stun. Poke him whenever he steps up to farm to prevent him to getting the 5-AA passive.”
Magginator says “He will only look for short trades against you so extend them by using e when he runs. If he has ignite just be careful of your health and use that regen.”
Angela du Seithr says “Même si Volibear est très fort, votre forte mobilité l'empêche de facilement vous courir après. Gardez en tête qu'il peut facilement vous dive et gardez votre ultime pour contrer le sien. Ne le combattez pas sous son stéroïde et tout devrait bien se passer étant donné l'absence de régénération que le champion a depuis son rework.”
TotallyEclipse says “He's gonna rush ninja tabi bramble vest and you'll never kill him. Before that, E his Q and you can all in him, and make sure you walk out of his e and care for his healing.”
MateuszNH says “Hard matchup FOR ME
I don't really get how to play against him yet, he may be around even but owned me hard sometimes. Wukong outscale him and mostly win after lvl 6 but earlier on you must mostly give up wave control. Don't try to fight him too long without executioner as he heals a lot, avoid fighting him while on barrier. If you keep these things in mind u can kill him easily after 6.
I like doran shield for this matchup but blade may work too.”
Wamson says “Survive the laning phase at all costs! Don’t get bullied out of the lane! Freeze creeps on your side of the lane and farm until mid game.”
ACE4291 says “After his buffs this patch. he is a better champion as his health increase makes him tank hits better. BUT you are still stronger early game so bully him and take him off minions. dont stand in his E and disengage if need be”
DirtyDishSoap says “He does alot of damage without items or just building pure tank. Luckily, he doesn't scale too well into late game, and you'll likely shred him to pieces with Maiden out. Be warned, however, that you need to kite him when he "marks" you the first time, otherwise, his 2nd cast will take a huge portion of your health while healing him.”
SabinX says “Champion is too new to get a hold on actual stats. All I've seen is that he is stronger than you early game, after you get lvl. 6-7 he falls.
Discord Rengar Mains says “Yeaaaaaaah... remember how I said Darius leaves you in the gutter without you being able to do much about it? Well, just change Darius for a copyright strike from the writer of His Dark Materials and you've got this matchup. There is VERY little you can do against Volibear in the laning phase, since his entire kit fucks you over, regardless of whetever you are dueling him (W will HURT, and he can just keep wailing on you until he forces you to use W) or trying to kite (E will cut your jump, Q will just get you to where he wants you to be). In the best case scenario this will turn into a farm lane where you can try to outscale (he gets left VERY behind as the game goes on because kiting him in teamfights is easy peasy). In the worst case scenario you will pretty much get boned by him every single time he decides he is done with letting you live. I would heavily consider dodging this one.
You could TRY going aggresive early and take ignite, but his passive will let him withstand JUST enough to make it a risky proposition, which drives me to recommend TP more. Grasp is good if you just want to survive and go stasis, and if you are really confident on your skill, maybe conqueror and hope for an early snowball. Rework doesn't seem to make things any easier, either.”
Itreallyhim says “*runs at you, flips macdonalds burgers, eats chikmen nungit, flames minions*
Ult this nerd and kill him.
Reverse rake if hes going hard for you.”
Hiimpurple says “Do not attempt to fight him after six, poke him enough to where you can get his passive down. You cannot 1v1 him while his passive is up and he'll most likely rush Visage too. Your best bet is to farm under turret and wait for laning phase to be over or for a gank from jg or mid”
GreeN1337 says “Absolute horror to play against this busted champion. Try to bait out his E and try to all in him. Just remember to stay in Your Shroud as much as you can so he can't kill you with his empowered auto attacks from his R and W. I would recomend maxing W insted of E in this matchup.”
ShinyEmo says “Annoying matchup because of his passive which is very annoying and his R which deals huge damage while going tanky. On-Hit is recommended and when you finish first 2 or 3 items, you will be able to win against him.”
Gunford says “Volibear seems to be not a threat for Graves but his kit is very annyoning. He activates his Q and will slow you with E. His Dmg is really good against you, because his W is magical dmg.
Graves likes the longer fights but Volibear will outsustain you when his passive is up. You wont kill him when his passive is up. Just dont fight him with his passive and R up.
Try to farm up and wait for your jungler. Buy Executioners Calling vs his passive healing.”
Pedrokis says “Chamado do Carrasco, Ignite e muita porrada. / Cuidado com o flip dele, principalmente debaixo da torre. - Se vocês estiverem no meio da lane, tenta guardar seu terceiro Q e usar ele pra trás no rumo do Voli (fazendo com que você o acerte depois - mesma dica do Singed). / Você NÃO DEVE DIVAR OU DAR IGNITE nele se a PASSIVA DELE TIVER ATIVA. - Ele vai praticamente acabar com seu dive e "cancelar" seu ignite com a cura gigantesca da passiva.”
ExfIamed says “Now you might see this from time to time, I find this matchup really fun actually and as long as you W his bite hes pretty free hes just hard to kill cause hes tanky and has his passive, but once all thats down hes a free kill. Just gotta be careful cause he can flip you back into a gank, dont underestimate his damage output either even if hes just going full tank.”
ElementalZyrus says “I guarantee you he will get Bramble Vest first back. This'll hurts your damage a lot, but you can still win against him pretty easily”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull to not get all inned by volibear, he is very manangable once you hit level 6 just if you go to engage on him be sure to have atleast a 200 health advantage over him and itemize a spirit visage against him.”
Quezel says “Volibear does tons of mixed damage and has a significantly stronger level 6 spike then you do. He builds full tank with plenty of base mixed damage so eventually you will be able to 1v1 him with r alone by stealing his stats you also teamfight better into him but early game he is an absolute powerhouse so respect him and poke him down before you try to take any fights. Regularly use e to fling him off you if you aren't in a good spot to fight.”
New Swain New Main says “You cannot burst him, he will sustain. You will control the lane early easily. However, you will need to build magic pen which leaves you at low defense and susceptible to losing long prolonged trades.”
OneMustFall says “Voli is kind of relentless and even if you SS his Q he can still maul you pretty good. Very dangerous if his jungler is near so always stay warded and give him space.”
TerryTheWolf says “The 2nd strongest counter to Yorick is non other than fat bear. Damage, CC, MS! but it's still more winnable than the irelia match-up. A good i can give you is to keep distance between you and him and farm is much as possible and poke safely with your E and ghouls just to keep him eliminate the odds of a dive!”
Hamstertamer says “Avoid him early game since that combo hurts, and fight him later. Slow him when he uses Q so he can't get to you and combo you. He has no scaling damage so build HP.”
Poppu says “Voli just has to build tank items to deal a lot of damage, if you can, would suggest poking him down, getting his passive up, then poking him down again after passive is down and then going for the kill trades. Make sure you have some type of MR item because Voli's 6 allows him to deal AP.”
messketchup says “At all ranks, Rolling Thunder's movement speed boost is 15% while running away. Volibear cannot disengage in lane, and his heal is not effective against Noxian Guillotine.”
PandaSenpai101 says “You outrade him every stage of the game/lane. If he runs at you with Q, parry right when he's about to reach you. That way, you can parry his flip, then look for an all-in. If he constantly cancels your Q with his E, use a Q-W combo, then look for an all-in.”
Devitt45 says “Fighting Volibear is interesting. You will want to take ignite and grab an executioner's calling. Trading will be hard, considering he can flip you and fear you. Try to predict when he is going to fear and W it. The best way to trade with him is get him low enough to pop his passive.”
0mega best says “He will always win 1v1 in the early game, so don't 1v1 him. Try to get is passive down then time your ult and your flash if necessary, it shoudn't be that hard.”
ImpossibleLogic says “While not always picked, Volibear is a pretty big threat. His stuns and pull back are some of the most potent in the top lane. Even if you can get him low enough, his passive restores all him health. Recommended that you out kite him and out damage him.”
thundergiraffe says “if im playing the volibear, you are dead. if anyone else is palying the voli you might actually just be fine.
basically if you blind volibear when he uses his q you win. but then like? when I play voli I run at teemo, wait for the blind to run out then flip then just destroy teemo. so it all depends on how good the volibear is.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Not a problem if you get a lead. Dodge his E as much as possible, as it does % max hp damage. Can't really stop you from farming too much.”
Ethereal Ezio says “Don't try to kill. His passive will be the literal death of you. His cc and surprising damage will kill you, so play very safe. Not to bad if you play it right though.”
Agwy says “can be really hard when you play to aggro but when you counter jungle him when he trys to gank you can just outscale him and be stronger late game.”
LonerFKS says “if he is alone then keep auto-ing him and if the jungler keeps ganking you then please hug the turret you don't want to be getting harrassed by voli and his jungler.”
drunken hunter says “Volibear, the bear who never gets low hp. Try to get his passive out with a lvl 2/3 engage. Watch out for his (W) after he did 3 auto hits he can bite you and deal huge dmg! You better dont trade him near his turret because he would pull you in his turret with his (Q). Go for the black cleaver first and if he trys to escape with his passive, catch him with your full stacked (E).”
Trixelkour says “Kinda OP even though not meta. Morello and Spirit's Visage can get you a long way against this big boy. Sunfire is also good along with Adaptive Helms.”
SirDeRp25 says “Pretty simple lane, beware of his Q as he can run faster than you. Respect Voli's Lvl 6 powerspike as he will be able to chunk you down easily, usually never see him to tho!”
BreadyToCrumble says “For me personally he's just annoying. Bait out his passive then go for the all in. However, if he's running on all fours towards you, don't use your E directly at him because he'll fling you behind him and you'll be at the disadvantage. Take "Cut Down" to help a bit. Buy an Executioner's Calling to deal with his regen.”
Mouadyam says “not too hard, just care for his W burst and his passive healing, he's fairly dangerous early, just keep on being healthy with your Q and the dunk is yours.”
Fharamir says “Olaf's passive makes him stronger and stronger the lower his health is due to the attack speed increase. However, this passive can't be used to it's full extent against you because your bite also gets stronger the lower his health is.”
joelblack says “Just play safe. This rude ass bear is the perfect counter to you as a melee. He absolutely destroys you with his abilities and heals all his health back when you poke him. Pray for jungler. ”
kagaroo says “🔴Counter Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 8.7/10
➡️Very similar to Darius. This matchup is very hard and relies on your experience and knowing your limits. Volibear has extremely toxic trading patterns against Trundle, we cannot escape his Q and our pillar resets his Q. We don't win extended trades either because of his W healing and his E shield. To win this matchup you MUST exploit his level 1 weakness, play AWAY from his 5 stack passive and play for short trades and avoid letting Volibear use his empowered W to heal. It's a snowball matchup where it can be terrible for either side depending on who is ahead.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad volibear vs Bad Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup
Average darius vs Average Trundle ➡️Volibear favoured
Good volibear vs Good Trundle ➡️ 60/40 volibear favoured, however Trundle can win if we establish control of the lane.”
Haxorr says “Volibear is a pretty easy matchup, but requires you to have good psychology regarding parrying auto attack abilities and also requires you to be good at doing baby qs and spacing out his autos. I like grasp in this matchup but PTA can work too, take short trades. You don't want to let him w you twice in a trade, if you do he will win. Overall, pretty easy matchup and you outscale really hard too”
AdeptDrax says “hard to manage if he places lightning right, you need to turn off your music that you probably play on another tab cause you gotta listen to his ability sounds, try going in after he wastes lightning.”
Bourne212 says “DO NOT trade in his E, wait for the shield to drop then combo him. Wait until you get jungle assistance to all in post 6, Volibear has lots of healing in his kit and usually builds tank items. It is hard to kill him 1v1 even if your ahead with ignite.”
CactEyez says “Very hard, you cannot trade. The only champ in the game you cannot tower cheese. Phase rush can still be useful though for running.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Bramble -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
In the Jungle 50.69% Win Rate42% Pick RateVolibear In the Jungle Counters: 31 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Volibear in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “He is stronger than you early on, this is why you should avoid to 1v1 him in the early game. But you will outscale him pretty hard in the mid to lategame. Then you can easily run him down.”
HandlessHecarim says “Not that bad of a matchup but do not interact with him ever, it is very unlikely you can kill him at any stage in the game unless you are turbo fed. ”
SelfLOL says “Hard to ever 1v1. Extended fights are bad against him. Lock down in fights. Care w heal. buy antihheal pen. serpents can also be good. Can dive easily care. Cleanse stun. ”
Jackiewawa says “Haven't seen this guy in a while but Gwen hard outscales and can 1v1 pretty easily. Save W for when he all ins with stun/R. Try to E out of his E circle when you see it.”
DoxxTheLeague says “if hes tank voli its free ap a bit harder just run when hes using his r you can dodge it easily if you have 4 stacks you are also faster then him when hes chasing you with his q you can go rylai here too.”
ScytherKhaZix says “Volibear usually does 3 camp clear and tries to gank or invade, rarely does full clear. Try to avoid his E and then you have a good chance in the early game to win trades with him”
orka4.sandraj says “Will probably never have a chance to get to you. If you miss the Q, block the stun with your E, you can also use your E on his lightning to minimalize the damage.”
y every name taken says “Overstatted and will deal a ridiculous amount of damage with only tank items. Chempunk or Thornmail is a must buy. Do not expect your turret to save you from his turret dive.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Volibear is weak when you invade and take his jungle early on. Once he's gapped he will have a hard time to get back. You can easily one shot him when he is behind.”
lurutin says “Avoid 1v1, be careful with his W cause it heals a lot, is hard to kill early but you destroy him later in game. You could maximize your E.”
DarkMareOfficial says “I always choose Voli as a counter for Shaco as it seems to be my favourite match up. Having the shield, R catch up and reach of his Q along with his kit overall this champion can ruin your career. ”
Maciejson says “His early game power allows him to kill you when he wants, so it's best to avoid confrontation. As Rhaast, you can survive encounters with him, but your goal isn't necessarily to secure kills. You can use your ultimate to dodge his ultimate or dodge his E ability if his ultimate is down. In the late game, you outscale him with Rhaast. As Shadow Assassin, focus on taking out his team rather than engaging directly with him.”
CommanderRexy says “Idk wtf they did to him but all the sudden he is rly broken and your biggest counter! If you want to NOT take an L then ban him until they nerf him again.”
lanefox says “Very hard to duel, hard to invade, wall leaps, slows, sustain, turret disable, etc. Takes a while to kill even if you have a lead, which can lead to support from laners.
Try to dodge his engage and fight on your own terms because fighting on his terms is a loss. If you're invading him, make sure he blows some of his kit before enaging. Know when to break away if you need to.”
Mignognium says “L'ours est enfin nerfé. Alors attention a son combo de base, course plus éclaire tout de même. Mais si vous évitez tout ça et que vous avez juste un item anti-tank sa devrais le faire. Et plus besoin de faire d'anti heal. ”
jajkopajko says “I recommend always going ghost and when you are 1v1 just run away while he is chasing you, then turn and burn him. If you let him on top of you, most of the times you die. We win late.”
Daawwnn says “he can kill you 1v1 easily if you dont pay attention ure able to cancel his q with your knockup keep in mind his q cooldown gets reset after cc”
Pullks says “Volibear's Thunder Claws (R) and Frenzy (W) allow him to deal some serious damage to you without you being able to trade him back. His passive is also annoying thing which makes it much harder to take him down. When you'll get Thornmail, you'll deal some serious damage to him if he will go for attack speed items. Otherwise you will need to complete your build more to get him.”
PI5S says “These five are especially dangerous because of their powerful early game invading. You are a free kill when you hit red buff against these guys -- ping your mid or support to come wait at red if you are playing against them.”
aS1lenT says “ Don't try to fight him Pre 6 as he will just snap your neck. Volibear is fightable at your level 6. Use your R evolution to kite him around and burst without him being able to hit you in time. Volibear is easily kiteable with CC and slows. At your level 11 with evolved W Volibear should be easily kept far away from team.”
garbocan says “Very easy jungle matchup. He's easy to countergank due to his ganks consisting of running at enemies with Q.
As a top laner, Voli can be difficult to gank if your top lacks damage. He also can opt to play for splitpush, which can be troublesome for Ivern who wants to teamfight. I'd raise Volibear top up to a 2/5.
PrestigeGalaxy says “Volibear will try to stun you inside his E so that you can take extra damage and for him to get a shield. It's still not enough burst damage to completely oneshot you so as soon as you get out of the CC just fight him and you'll win.”
OakIgu says “Volibear is rare to see in the jungle but its a very hard matchup because he can have much more impact than you in the game if he plays well, also no 1v1 because you won't win, don't let he snowball and you will be fine.
You uses his powers on your Q so of course he would be stronger than you!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Never stay with low HP under your towers because they will not save you. Volibear’s R allows him to disable your towers for few seconds and it makes his dives extremely effective. Items with “grievous wounds” effects are effective against the healing that he has on his W.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Avoid fighting him one-on-one and you'll pretty much be fine. He's really not that good at the moment, but he can be very annoying to play against nonetheless. He's very tanky, and he can be difficult to get away from.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has great time into Volibear his low mobility and decent early strength. Be careful of Volibear his increase of strength and mobility on his R.”
metalhydra273 says “Volibear is a big beefy dude who can get bursted down with your cc and friends. Pretty standard front liner matchup where it comes down to who can get past or catch out the other. However, peeling the bear isn't all too difficult Place defensive wards to watch for dives, and potentially counter them by delaying the enemy with your cc.”
Ezikko says “Tanky, hard to kill, can win 1v1 if he has a lead, good ganks and strong teamfights. Play with your team or try to wait out his W on you.”
Apari1010 says “Early game, he beats you in just about every department but once you get form you just destroy him so just avoid him early. Rhaast is one of Volibear's worst nightmares. You outdamage, out CC and outsustain him.”
BradJr says “He kills you early, but he can't really invade. Full clear and farm until level 6. When you get first item you have kill potential on him. (clone rating 9/10)”
ttvRegedice says “Volibear is a tank, don't focus too much on shutting him down. Prioritize getting lanes ahead and he won't be a problem. Careful tunnel visioning on him too much as he functions as an hp-super-soaker for his team but can also do damage (with his W healing) if you don't have a lot of it yourself to finish the fight quickly. Don't underestimate him his strengths but also take advantage of his mistakes as he falls off a cliff in terms of scaling if volibear griefs a fight. Do yourself a favor and google "volibear lol wiki" to read his W.”
Borinn says “He has pretty high damage so try not to fight him 1v1 early. Start opposite side as him and try not to gank same places as him because his 2v2 is stronger than yours. Your team fighting is better and you can win late game. You can go either AD or tank.”
ShinyEmo says “Super annoying if you are laning against him. Try to get a kill lv1-2 with tempo and ignite. Try to dodge his ult or E with your Q. He is not a problem mid to late, except his stun.”
1Strike says “Not exactly your best matchup. Volibear isn't meta but when he was he had the ability to stick onto you and outheal/tank your burst/dmg.
Needless to say volibear jungle isn't really meta and with better heal reduction options and Graves items receiving some buffs he is more manageable”
GiAEcchI says “Pretty much like Darius, can't fight him early on without red form, even when you are 2v2, good thing is you can run away with your E.
Get form => Win”
checca says “Volibear does slightly more damage than Zac every level up until level 11. A good Volibear will use his R to block some of your CC, so keep this in mind. After level 11, your DPS is much more than his, so you won't have to worry about him killing you.”
shyvmommy says “Voli jungle has been declining over the years, but it is still possible to find, try to abuse his lack of movement early and counter gank. Get drakes. ”
Davecraft16 says “Try not to go for 1v1, against him it's safer to play with your team unless you are head. Try to use your teamates (especially the toplane) to bait his r so he can't use it to get kills when you are not there to stop him.”
Kukiziuu_ says “If you play rhaast you should be fine because you got huge amount of damage and healing so you should heal the damage back. But if you play assasin and he goes full tank build your mostly dead, you cant oneshot him and cant fight him unitl you snowball.”
Bhyure33 says “Hard to kill, has cc, kills you in early 1v1s. Just try your best to avoid him early game. He is however somewhat predictable, and thus can be played around. Also you beat him in teamfights and scale better.”
TheSoloNinja says “He marks you with his W and will be able to see which Shaco is real. Tanky and hard to kill at all stages of the game. Try to get more objectives and get your team ahead.”
BLaggen says “dont die to this guy u need 2 items for this guy(eclipse and cleaver) depending on how far ahead you are.
conq would be ideal but rune choice wont matter if your ahead only behind.”
spuki97 says “Hard matchup as you can't fight him and you can't countergank his dives since he can disable towers. Play around different sides of the map and invade his camps while he is ganking. Hope your team does not perma-die to him. Best build: Bruiser/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “Technicaly, you melt him in 1V1 as he can't oneshot people and must play around long fights, but you like it too and you have a better damage output with Liandry's.
But he has a better gank potential, and is more useful by tanking a lot.”
3candy4kids says “PERMABAN PERMABAN PERMABAN. you do not want to go against this thing, Tanky as shit, does more damage than your adc, better ganking potential, stun is up more than your w, if you play against him, dodge.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a strong early game Jungler and will look to gank a lot. Ward his jungle entrances to make it harder for him to get successful ganks off. He has good Dragon and objective control in the early game. Make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot him before he’s able to take the objective. If you know Volibear has his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) available and you see your allies on low health, ping them to recall. Volibear has incredible dive potential and can pick up free kills under towers.”
Saltu says “If he doesn't have a huge lead or lethal tempo + Sunfire aegis, broken ass item, RUSH AND KILL.
THE BEAR is so fucking similar to the DYR but DYR is better due to its bigger dick size. (actually, due to better item synergize. Dick size of champs is not final due to constant lore expansion)”
Hazardist says “Volibear will be immune to your CC (including your Impale) during the flight of his R, so save it for when he has landed. While he's not that much stronger than Skarner, his sustain is deceivingly overpowered and he will win any fight that is extended long enough, so never fight him far from your team.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Volibear is a strong early game Jungler and will look to gank a lot. Ward his jungle entrances to make it harder for him to get successful ganks off. He has good Dragon and objective control in the early game. Make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot him before he’s able to take the objective. If you know Volibear has his Ultimate Stormbringer(R) available and you see your allies on low health, ping them to recall. Volibear has incredible dive potential and can pick up free kills under towers.”
lumihehe says “it kind of has nothing to do with the matchup itself, and more to do with the fact that gwen is dogshit right now and volibear is extremely meta. he does everything you do but better. winnable though”
ihydead says “Something about this champ makes him hard to kill early game his E is his main damage spike against you so make sure to dodge at all cost and have your W on at all times when fighting against him. Before engaging ensure he uses his E before hand then Q in and make sure either his R is down or you guys are under level 5 to fight because once he is level 6 it will be a shit show for you with his ult”
Salmon Kid says “This champ is pretty strong this patch and has point and click cc. Although you can kite him out, Voli has a lot of sustain tools and ways to move with Lillia as he buys movement items like chemtank, force of nature, and deadmans. Lillia does hard outscale him and wins in teamfights, but Voli can counter Lillia's ult with his ult.”
[Volibear is a very AA-sided champion. Even though players usually play him Sunderer then full tank, you still win the fights, but he just can evade. Early, he has some big healing so be aware of it, his invade is also quite a problem. His ganks aren't that good but he can harass a lane quite easily, try to push him into a 1v2 or just shadow the lane.]
Darksword255 says “He is just a better version of you. He is tankier and in general, has more HP. Make sure to bait out his Q and only fight him when his R is down. ”
rhvse says “Maybe you can block his Stun but he is too tanky for you. You can't do much to him, in 1vs1 you are dead. Rush Guardian Angel at 3-rd item. ”
Nik7857 says “I find this matchup very difficult. You cant really 1v1 him and he builds full tank and can still wreck you. If you 1v1 him early you need to dodge his thunder and avoid wasting abilties on the shield. Theres a point where if you have no lead you will not be able to 1v1. Otherwise its winnable if you can take him down early”
Farmer Cleetus says “Even in the beginning, might change to minor or major/extreme depending on the situation. You guys have basically the same damage if he's not hitting his E. Make sure to avoid his Ult or/and E.”
Silver_Wolf_11 says “His E counters your passive if you're chasing/running away, while being tanky and dealing quite a bit of damage making it hard for you to kill him and easy for him to kill you”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty much beats you all game stages, especially early. He has better damage output overall than you do at first. Late game heavily depends on how he builds, but most of the time he will still win excluding full tank. If he Q rushes you, use your W to knock him up and Q away. Keep your distance if he ult tower dives you so you don't get killed and save your E for after his stun hits or its on CD.”
NegativePhoenix says “Since you're immobile, Voli has plenty of abilities to keep you in his range being his Q, E and if he needs to, his ult. He's a very good definition of a consistent champion that won't hesitate to put you in the ground. If you can make it to full build late game unless he's built full tank you can usually beat him by then, but early-mid game, and a bit of the late game, he will win most fights against you.”
One Stab says “Volibear is just a strong jungler right now, you do outscale him tho and you can win 1v1 pre 6 if you jump on him first and cleanse his stun. ”
AlmostN0Numbers says “weirder one. i usually hard win this mu but ive seen voli can be an issue if he is fed. prob a problem if he builds tank/tenacity”
NixLychee says “Very powerful, albeit very linear ganks, and high sustain, durability and moderate damage. Don't get hit by his E, otherwise you'll get chunked.”
Shro says “Voli is very strong into Morde, try to bait his lightning, back up, and then use E to bring him outside of his lightning circle. The damage that Voli is able to do before you're able to active your W can be immense.”
TimothyFly says “Farms very slow but has a good kit to play around team so be careful. Never 1v1 him. Try not to get hit by his stun and you should be able to kill him with ur team everytime. Watchout for him diving with his ult.”
karleusastar1 says “Volibear, the fear of warwick mains.
With that being said lets say that we don't want to go in 1vs2 on volibear and his teammate...
In my opinion Volibear is one of the only champions who can kill WarWick.
If he goes bramble vest, you should go fight for more objectives than the real ganks, that's because anti-heal is the WarWick's problem. Go for thst drake on lvl 4 because WarWick and Master Yi are only two champions that need to go drake on lvl 4.
First of all go basic attack drake and when drake goes whoosh go q right before him because warwick is invunerable in that little moment so he doesn't knock up you. Then just go E to absorb 40% of the damage, and Q for healing. After he goes down to 50% health, dont worry for your health, just make sure that there's no opponents on the other side from the wall. And when it goes down to 450/900 health smite it. Then go back and buy some control wards place it to mid lane because, you know midlaners... They never buy control wards and then go jg diff when Volibear appears...
Especially if they are Yasuo mainers.
Speaking of that I deviated from the topic I apologize.
Go for herald then place it on top to push and try to get volibear on other side of the jungle to make sure he will not come with midlaner on top when you push with your teammate.
That's enough informations for Volibear.”
Majd1 says “Volibaer has high damage output. However, he has no mobility and it is very easy for you to kite him and land spears on him. Do not let him hit you for free and you should win every time.”
MouseTheGame says “You can duel him, if you smash him into a wall AND you have better items. I don't recommend to fight him without a team anyway. So pick phase rush, to run away from him after your combo. You can block his Q (you will get stunned), but not his ult with your W.”
YoungTact says “You can W his Q( you still get stunned), respect him when his passive is up and dodge his e by walking out of it or E'ing to a minion to dodge it. Apply lane harass combo whenever u can. Don't go for extended trades when his passive is stacked and his w as well. Go second wind because his passive will proc ur bone plating for free + it would be free heals vs him. Can go 1 adaptive force 1 armor 1 mr. Rush exec. Volibear jg is also even but wins out the early all in skirmishes, should path to avoid him if possible and play to get ahead through ganks/stealing camps when possible . ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Dont feel like its that bad matchup, cause pre6 he cannot really catch you. But with hes R he can easily ignore your Q/E and killed you.”
YEKURA says “If you vs volibear you will NEVER win a 1v1 against him if you don't take ignite or if he's literally just trolling and never played him before. I have invaded so many volibears faught him early game did everything I can to beat these onetricks or people who play them and it's like very low achieving that. So I would recommend avoiding him in general and focus on farming, getting free objectives and ganks off.”
LBDB says “Voli will cave your skull in with most of the builds I use but isn't impossible to beat, just really hard and can easily swing to the enemies way in a heartbeat.”
Janooobi says “Really difficult to kill one on one because of his healing, but with help he can be an easy kill, avoid him in one on ones unless you 100% win it”
DuckT says “Methal Mempo
Unlike Trundle, this guy really doesn't compare damage-wise. At worst, with Predator, he's simply annoying, and quick to catch you out. Tempo can shred you, but you can kite him and with 2-3 items, you can shred him.”
Consolo says “The other Trick2G champ. He beats us early if we don't dodge E/don't wait out W timer. Countergank him and he falls to bits mid/late, as your carries shred him. Don't stun while he's in R animation and you should be golden, even if he's fairly fed your team should chew through him.”
Scythe Prince says “he can kill you 1v1 easy. until late game. You will eventually be able to outscale Volibear once you reach 3 items. Try and dodge his ultimate with yours.”
Elekktro says “Volibear is a weird matchup because he destroys you 1v1, but isn't that hard to play around. Usually Volibear won't focus you in fights and after enough items you can 1v1 him. It just depends on how big of a lead he gets early game.”
GranadaExperimental says “Since Volibears have great damage and good CC, they can lead you to death very easily, so it is advisable to avoid long fights with this bear at the beginning of the game.”
J98TheGreat says “He can 1v1 you so don't ever take that fight. When you ultimate he can just ultimate to dodge it and land directly on top of you to dismantle any remaining threat you will have and then your team is free real estate. Other than this, he is still fairly good to go even with but know he can invade you and counter gank you well if you don't keep track of him.”
Brosinex says “Un buen campeón y magullador del juego temprano. Su sustain es demasiado bueno, solo toma la página de runas de escala y juega hasta tarde donde se cae.”
The Elysian1 says “A lot of damage overall , but he is not the best jungler. 2v2s can be dangerous , so just scale till you buy eclipse and try to counter gank him. He can be a threat for your teammates because of his R denying towers. Try focusing on late game and fight his teammates. Serylda's is better against him then Serpant.
Citric says “Volibear is good ganker but you should be able to fight him in the jungle if you guys are at around the same health. Not a threat to Shyvana because you scale harder.”
Pullks says “Your ganks are better than his, he generally can't kill you 1v1 unless fed. Try to not let him mark you in long fights as he can sustain off of you. ”
Pusi Puu says “Really hard to fight. You win pre 6 1v1 and skirmishes if you play properly. Be careful of his cc lock burst, dodge his E and cleanse his stun. After 6 you don't ever win so be careful. ”
Doubtfull says “I've found this match up fairly easy. Volibear can't get in range to stun you without his flash, and you should be able to dodge his e/R abilities. Don't use your W on him until his Q is down.”
Veralion says “I don't know when this champ went down to 43% win, but holy crap, he's bad now. I'm guessing his clear speed on top of sub par ganks? He can still 1v1 very well, especially if he stuns you in his E. Not sure how the early 1v1 goes. Worst comes to worse just avoid and outscale him.”
Doubtfull says “Voli can cancel you with his Q and facetank your damage. He's a huge pain at just about any stage of the game for fiddlesticks. Just try to ignore him and focus on killing other champions. Probably should build a Liandry's in this match up. ”
Arfreezy says “Kind of a budget WW or Skarner. Similar to the Sett matchup you can bully him early and outscale. As long as you play efficiently, you shouldn't have problems in this matchup since you always win the 1v1 and can control the neutral objectives.”
FREAKSTAR says “Volibear wins early, you win late. Try to not let him blow the game open in the first 10 minutes. As long as you keep the match competitive you will destroy him later.”
carlru says “Volibear is one of the only champions that can beat Xin Zhao early. Give up Scuttle if you see him and avoid skrimishes without a numerical player advantage in the early game.”
FREAKSTAR says “Volibear is a bit over tuned right now, you need to be careful in this match up. You can beat him if you play smart and don't int early. In late game team fights you offer more than him, he is a big ball of stats who needs to snowball to win.”
poopyOCE says “Haha teddy bear goes brrr.
Q disengage when he R. Skill 1v1, dodge lightning thing and CC then Bountiful Harvest. Overall better damage. ”
Karasmai says “He falls under the competitive bracket more than soloq but still a very strong champion. His Q can cancel your Q and your E so stay away if you can distance yourself it will usually be easy. I tend to just kite him back with my W into my team and if i go blue i get youmuus to run past him and if he ults me i smite ult him and exit into a immediate W on him and run like hell. You want to get EXEC asap and don't let him get more than 2 drakes. ”
MexBookMaster says “Lo unico pesado de Voli es que tiene un stun point and click en su Q. Tu W le cancela la Q si vas con Rhaast. Su R desactiva torres por lo cual es muy bueno para Dives. Sin embargo Kayn limpia mejor la jungla y si decides ir Rhaast llevate Ignite porque se cura bastante. Con Shadow Assassin (Azul) centrate en asesinar a sus compañeros pero no le pelees 1v1 porque te hará puré. Con Rhaast si puedes pelear 1v1.”
Exoslol says “Simply put, Volibear is broken right now. Don't try to fight him Pre 6 as he will just snap your neck. Volibear is fightable at your level 6. Use your R evolution to kite him around and burst without him being able to hit you in time. Volibear is easily kiteable with CC and slows. At your level 11 with evolved W Volibear should be easily kept far away from team.”
UDYSOF_OCE says “Volibear can cancel Jarvan E-Q very easily with his E and Q. Volibear also out tank Jarvan but has poor teamfighting and no terrain scaling.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Volibear and Warwick have nearly the same kit, matchup becomes whoever is the better player and can pull off more ganks. Matchup 1v1 is pretty even all game, Warwicks best chance is a level 3 fight”
ak521 says “Volibear is best at getting picks with his Q and absorbing damage during his ultimate. Lucky for you, you melt him with your W. Unlucky for you, he's an insane duelist in extended fights, but struggles to stay on top of enemies for that long. This is because his W heals him if he casts it twice on the same target. There's not a ton you can do in this matchup. Counterganking will be pretty useless unless there's a free kill or to save an ally, you might as well stay on the opposite side of the map as him and try to vertical jungle.”
Rhoku says “Volibear can be tricky to deal with. He isn't a traditional tank. Like Mundo, he has very good 1v1. But unlike Mundo, he is very mobile and has a get out of jail free card from level 1. His passive can seriously mess you up as it just saves him. You might need Bramble Vest or something like that into him if you haven't beaten him already. He is more difficult to kite but it is still doable. Just don't int him as he turns into suuuch a monster.”
Kayncer says “Red Kayn can handle Voli very well, but you loose any early fight cause he has huge lifesteal on his W and an Shield on his E, Blue Kayn only wins if he doesn´t fight 1v2 against Voli (and a teammate) whilst being Ahead!”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Similiar to Trundle, you should probably never win 1v1 vs Volibear, try to avoid him in teamfights and focus down his carries. He falls super hard in mid/late game.”
izzlelol says “A good early game champ and bruiser. His sustain is just way too good just take the scale rune page and play for late where he falls off.”
Lambda Diana says “He is strong then you early and heals a lot so make sure to have some anit healing on the team. Make sure to get void too and try to just counter gank and counter jg and get a lead before he ends early or snowballs. ”
Ellesmere says “Volibear is another champ that focuses heavily on early ganks. He is also very tanky and does a lot of damage. Be careful if you proc his passive. If you can't kill him within a second or so of his passive proccing, chances are he'll kill you before you finish him off. One thing that is very effective is making him pay for his early ganks either by ganking another lane, or stealing his jungle once you see he's on the other side of the map.”
Scooltefan says “He might out-damage you with some stupid Build or be really tanky. Dodge his R with your Q, you have enough time. Meditate-reset your AAs for higher DPS.”
Stratogos says “He is pretty tanky and the health regen he has is a problem as your W does more DMG the lower he is. Use your ult on teamfights and to gang lanes dont try to 1v1 him ”
colingogo says “Like most tanks, you can powerfarm into volibear and he cant really stop you. Don't fight him early and just play for yourself, you hard outscale.”
SketchtheHunter says “The unholy trinity returns with Volibear. He can out-sustain you with his new W, he can chase you down and CC you with his Q, and shield himself with his E. The thing is even with all that he can still be a very skill-reliant matchup. Try to get the jump on him so you're at an advantage when fighting him, and be wary of his ultimate post-6. ”
Chrosser says “Un tanque con mucho daño, ni las torretas te salvan de este osito cariñosito, en early le podrias ganar pero en late se vuelve una bestia inmortal. Trata de ganarle los objetivos y hacerle invades/counterganks cada que puedas.”
Soulreaperjin says “Recently he has been starting to appear in jungle, so be careful of his Q since he can easily just yeet you behind him and spam his E, also keep in mind his Passive cooldown. Only big threat he poses is his W which can be hard to deal with in early game but late game he's pretty much useless besides when he pops his R.”
Suseri says “Play safe till you have 1 or 2 items then run him down. I think you can avoid his stun with your Q but it can be hard to do so, other than that you should avoid or reduce the damage of what ever else he has with your movement or W.”
FrostForest says “New Volibear is very deadly and beats you in 1v1's in all stages of the game. Luckily your impact in teamfights is favored towards you and you can trade ultimates to force his Ultimate to escape.”
manco1 says “Volibear lives or dies by level 2 or 3, do not fight him within this time. Keep your farm up and carefully counter jungle and he will fall off giving you that late game. Think of him as a bad version of Olaf! ”
RichMrFork says “ Don't try to cheese Volibear as his sustain in the jungle is one of the highest in the game. Volibear has different options depending on what he wants to do, it be a 3 camp or a full clear he can do both. Give up any lost objectives and look to play for the later teamfights. Can be easy to countergank if you play around vision and track what quadrants he is on.”
metalhydra273 says “The bear struggles against your cc if he's in a bad position. Keep in mind that your e will reset his q, but if you're running away it should still be enough to flee from him. If he looks for a dive you can counter him with your own ult and possibly make him regret dunking in.”
Nanelol says “Not really hard to beat in 1v1 situations, but his tankiness and his point ant click stun make him pretty good against Yi, if he is with one or more people. ”
Heccie says “invade him, best pathing v him is blue gromp red invade, take ignite w cleanse his stun wait for his shield to run out and then jump on him.”
theceasrsalad says “his two auto resets hurt so try and stay away from him early but you should beat him late if you hit your abilities. ok body to take with the shield and cc he gives.”
PK Noob says “He’s tanky, fast, and does a whole buttload of damage. If you prevent him from getting a lead you can easily peel for your team and shred him down. Avoid duels unless you have a huge lead.”
Sniperclaw5987 says “Volibear is a very strong jungler with a lot of cc, health and shielding. When fighting him you need to focus on keeping your health high and using your E a lot to keep his damage to you minimised.”
SoSheolH says “Generally strong champ, and due to his insane flexibility item-wise and general low play of AP, your shield won't do much against him. Even if he does build AP, the new buffs to his E mean he can beat you no matter what he builds in basically all lanes and circumstances. Take him on with any high-damage champ and soak damage for them and you should be fine, though.”
Jkmabzs says “Nunca ganaras el 1v1, así que volibear debe ser de tus bans asegurados si no lo jugaran en tu equipo, si te toca en contra no pelees contra el, si no que al tener un mejor clear busca que tus lineas saquen ventaja”
Bingolyzed says “Your brother out 1v1s you and is more of an early game threat. He will out gank you. You scale harder than him in teamfights though and Bramble Vest is good against him.”
liserith says “Save your E for his pseudo-ghost, and save your Q for his E. Play near walls and kite him out. He's not too big of a deal, and with your low-cooldown Q, his R is quiet easy to dodge as well. ”
TheInkKingLoL says “His point and click cc makes it difficult to fight him. Killing him pre-6 is easier than mid and late game. Look for early invades. Dodge his E.”
Gumipapucs says “This champion is very very very annoying. He can do a surprising amount of things unpunished, and he can oneshot you for no reason. Hard to kill, but if you kite him he's definetly killable early, but i wouldn't try to force a play like that unless it's kinda free. If you get ahead you can deal a lot of damage to him, but if he get's ahead he's a monster you don't wanna face and you have to play around him with your team super good as he can even 1v2. Steal some camps and counter his ganks and he will be mad AF.”
Carterr_kleinnn says “Although Ornn is an Alpha, he freezes up around his beta brother Voli, Ornn is very insecure, he is worried about how he looks when compared to his brother. little does he know, everyone knows that Ornn is FAR superior. ”
HeroAronNavius says “Volibear is just irritating he has a huge amount of shield and a huge amount of damage. You cannot take on Volibear alone whatever level you are. Of course, if you are fed then you can take him on.”
c0st0m says “if he buys chemtank he hard stomps you into the ground if not the matchup is pretty easy to win through slow sleep passive stacks blue smite etc”
Tinjus says “A bit tricky, especially in the early game. He will out-sustain you in fights during the early game, and if you face-tank his ultimate you will die very fast. Try to play around with him as much as possible with Void Assault. That way you can avoid the majority of his ultimate.”
UnaFlauta says “How I love this matchup. Doesn't matter what is he going to build, on the early you can kite him so easy. Try to invade and maintain distance and he will be out of the game.”
SirGobogi says “Kinda like warwick. His E is counterable with your W and E. Try your luck in a 1v1. Your Q does true damage so damage won't be an issue.”
TowerShieldDude says “Unlike Lillia, Volibear has an ungodly flash q stun at lv 3. He'll just spend the early game counter jungling you. You'll outscale him, but your lack of objective priority is a damning factor.
While at this stage you'll lack any form of hard cc. He'll also be able to catch you out with a Flash Q stun.
Ban at all costs!”
Bel37 says “He has high base damage early so try not to 1v1 him. You can win early if he has no q up and you dodge his e sheild but its risky. It's better to just gank, farm and outscale though.”
lolX9J says “Easy to 1v1 if you got ignite. dont try for longer extended fights if you dont have ignite. Rush mortal reminder 2nd or 3rd item if enemies got other heal heavy champs.”
Xavierix says “Start with Hailblade. Volibear is a strong early game Jungler and will look to gank a lot. Ward his jungle entrances to make it harder for him to get successful ganks off.He has good Dragon and objective control in the early game. Make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot him before he’s able to take the objective.If you know Volibear has his Ultimate R available and you see your allies on low health, ping them to recall. Volibear has incredible dive potential and can pick up free kills under towers.
Buy items that provide Grevious Wounds (Bramble Vest upgrading to Thornmail).
In team fights, avoid grouping too closely as it will allow Volibear to get a great Ultimate R off. Group, but do not stand too close together.
Volibear has great pick potential in the mid-game. Avoid going in unwarded parts of the map if you know Volibear is in the vicinity.
At level 3, Volibear can gank a lane as he’ll have access to his Q. Expect him to look for a level 3 gank.After Volibear has completed his mythic item, he will be incredibly strong and hard to deal with. Avoid fighting him unless you have a clear advantage.”
JunglerBuilds says “Similar to Udyr, can be stopped with the click of your W, or Q, or Ult. Your E can slow him down and deny him the engage, so he's really not in the best place right now. Deals more damage than most tank junglers however, so don't try to fight him early, he'll most likely win.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Amumu has a statistically hard time against Volibear. He only has a 40% win rate overall against him this season in Platinum games and above.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Annoying to deal with early to mid but all you have to watch out for is when he runs at you to flip you or your team. You outscale him late game.”
Tofolo says “Scelgo Volibear come rappresentante fastidioso della categoria tank. Se è bravo sa che avete la possibilità di ripulire i campi più velocemente quindi cercherà di mettervi sotto da subito magari invadendo. Il mio consiglio è ripagatelo con la stessa moneta, se serve smitate per contendere l'argogranchio ma tenete visione ovunque per sapere dov'è lui ed andate a ripulirgli la giungla. Il problema in figh è che non lo shottate, come tutti i tank va giù lentamente e più si allungano gli scontri più voi morite facile. Se riuscite a livellare bene comunque la vostra capacità di carry nel finale è maggiore della sua. Certo il problema è che può costringervi in difesa e non è mai bello contro di lui. BAN n 2 ? una possibilità..”
waayWest says “Stuns you for ages and kills you easilly if you cant kite properly, don't jump over him when he's about to stun you. its a point-and-click stun that will trigger as soon as you touch him.”
Get Ricked says “Volibear is the strongest champion in the game at lvl 3. After that he starts falling off. Avoid him early cause he will destroy you. If you get ahead of him you can take him at lvl 6. If not you will have to wait for 1 or 2 items to outscale him. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “he has a fine clear and sustain, but you still outclear him , but his burst and lockdown is huge, avoid him at all costs, don't fight him unless your with someone , sometimes avoid him even if he's really low, you really need a huge lead to be able to fight him , once you get heal reduction and form , its possible.”
RedNBlue says “Harder than Vi to kite as he will keep charging you if you don't move too fast and he will stun you and tower dive you and smash everything to your death.”
Hidon1 says “This is also a very good match up for you. He does not really scale well and your ganks are stronger than his. He can never kill you, unless he finds you on low health. ”
VelocityCrack says “Too strong in early game and mid game. He just outplay you by pressing QWE all at once. Try not to fight vs him unless you have Conq and ev. W. ”
Karthus man says “Volibear is an annoying champ for Karthus. He can run right at you and stun you and then kill you very fast. He also has very good engage tools. The only way to win is either by getting fed or having Voli not get fed and get to late game.”
Happty says “He's only a threat if he's fed. If you want to kill him, wait for a teammate to help you gang on him, but if you're really fed, you may be able to duel him.”
CalicoCactus says “Will SHRED you early if you are not smart, Volibear is a really strong bruiser with massive 1v1 potential, once he uses his first W save your Q and leave the fight for a couple seconds so he does not get his second W off to heal him 20% HP, and remember Grievous is a turtle's best friend.”
Minase says “He beats you for the first 15 minutes of the game and then he falls apart and is no longer a champion. Path opposite of him so you don't see him and then enjoy the win.”
BoyWonder00 says “Tanky throughout the game, has CC, sustain, and amazing turret dives. If you can get him to stun you before using your W however, you win.”
FalleN3 says “He is tanky and can chase you down. Not the worst to Jungle against but try to not let him set you behind, else it will be difficult to catch up again. Try to avoid 1v1 situations with Volibear, especially until you have multiple items. ”
FalleN3 says “He is tanky and can chase you down. Not the worst to Jungle against but try to not let him set you behind, else it will be difficult to catch up again.”
Holessando says “Voli in early is pretty easy champ to deal with. Stun him and you get the kill. In mid-late, when he becomes tankier, he can contest. Fight him early, it's 50/50, but more for you. Try to dodge his abilities with your E, etc.”
metalhydra273 says “He can be an annoying front liner but is yet, another tank easily removeable with ult. CC can ruin him before he does too much in a fight, but be careful you don't get too close as to where a stun from him will get you killed. Watch out for his e, it chunks everything rather hard. If you ult him make sure he dies quickly from it.”
brSL7 says “Não faça trocas com o Volibear caso a passiva dele esteja estacada (quando ele fica cheio de efeito nas costas kkk). Caso esteja na frente dele e ele esteja sem a passiva, você pode matar ele. Na minha opinião você nem troca com ele, sempre foque em gankar e ajudar seu time, mas caso você esteja forte e queria matar ele vai na fé.”
AKScorched says “This guy goes ham on you. First off he can cancel your W with his Q, but even if you avoid that from happening he's always way too tanky for your W to do any dmg to him, so he wins every fight against you. And most Volis often invade you a lot which wouldn't be the biggest problem if it weren't for him doing it for the purpose of killing you. Tell your teammates to protect you if he does, since it's the one thing you can do other than running.”
chasemyman1 says “Invade him early always. For some reason he is really squishy early and struggles to clear camps so abuse this. Use your Cocoon to stop his run and then Rappel to close the distance.”
wild overload lol says “Volibear jungle é realmente um perigo para o palhaço após o nível 6, pois impossibilita boas chances que você teria de matar ele, além de poder perder muitos objetivos atoa.”
Eggoman says “I actually find this match up quite hard as his fling disrupts your combos and with his ult he does a lot of damage early. You don't have the ability to kite him which he is prone to so just try and avoid combat with him. If you flash away from him try and aim it over a wall because his speed will catch you if you don't. ”
KillyOne says “New Volibear is a really strong champion, at least in this very moment. He has a stun, shield, heals and tons of damage making him really difficult to deal with even for Warwick. Even after "nerfs" he is still strong in jungle and top lane.”
Dopamine_influx says “A good voli can full clear in 3:10, be at scuttle lvl 4, and can out duel you even when behind. The best way to play against voli is :
_Counter gank him if you have strong lanes
_Avoid him and play on opposite sides of the map if you don't have strong lanes
But if the voli is bad, you can kill him with triple Q at scuttle.”
Xeldom says “Difficult matchup. For the most part Volibear will beat you in a 1v1. He has naturally high damage as well as he's impossible to one-shot. His skirmishes are very strong. Path on the opposite side of him to avoid scuttle skirmishes and counter ganks.”
Jogress says “This guy has dangerous ult, he has a stun and can do surprise ammouns of damage early on - respect that. He is very likely to ambush you early. He can buy Righteous Glory and become quite swift engager - keep this in mind. Otherwise, in direct fair fights - Volibear is quite pokeable, and is somewhat similar to a Warwick, with his kit. P.S. HE CAN CANCEL YOUR ULT WITH GOOD TIMING OF HIS! Keep this in mind!”
MattB040 says “Beefy. Don't mess with Voli until you have full built jungle item or you have a gank going on. Otherwise you feed the lightning bear the kills on a platter.”
AWierdShoe says “Volibear is actually difficult to kite because of his Q's movement speed. You'll want to pop your W when he gets close in his Q animation, otherwise it's a guranteed stun for him. Even if it seems like you have an edge, Volibear can heal if he hits you with his W twice. Avoid his E with your E, but watch out for his R when you're under towers as it disables them for a short period.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Since his Recent nerfs he has become less of a problem, but his Q movement speed can still really mess you up. try to kite him out and use wall to your advantage because he has no way to scale terrain other than his ult.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He is too chunky to kill quickly or alone. Keep him at bay with your slows, preventing him from landing his full combo on you. Hop out of his E and ult, or use your own ult to survive his and try to turn it from there if you have no other options.”
Zailent says “In early game you can kill him solo with a smite. But his tankyness mid/late game calls for Rhaast. Also his E is a true and magic dmg ability so he will one shot you if you chose shadow assasin.”
GhostReaper87 says “He can do everything as you but with higher dps. His ult can provide tower dives and can take down drakes easily. Try to get mid or bot ahead since voli gets tanky as later the game goes and your carries need the dps to burst him down.”
Lighge says “Hope this champ gets nerfed. But you can beat him early game. Try to counter jungle asap and be sure to never feed him as he's actually immortal late game.”
DarkPit59 says “Volibear dispose d'un boost de vitesse de déplacement et d'un passif qui lui permet d'éviter la mort en obtenant une énorme régénération. Prenez garde à lui et ne le combattez que si son passif est en récupération.”
Al3ksP says “Volibear JG is often very tanky, this means that you usually wont be able to 1v1 him, be careful of his burst of movement speedd on his Q, and try to dodge his ult with your Q aswell.”
Hawary says “avoid this matchup because if voli put his hands on you , idk u just die or escape with u rappel but if u ever faced voli u should ward ur jungle very well and change to tracker's knife”
SavageFy says “Volibear's early mobility, damage and healing makes him a major threat.
His passive also gives him early game advantage. Getting him low health, to where his passive procs, along with his W makes you very vulnerable if you end up dueling early on. ”
Ehxakt says “He can deny your e. Can also invade you. His W is pretty strong. (Doesnt matter anyways because this is before the rework, if your readin this he is prob already reworked.)”
TrevorJayce says “Volibear has a free heal, a knockup, a fling, free attack speed as well as burst, all the while being able to build tanky as fuck. Consider him when banning, but he's being reworked soon so we'll see how much more cancer he is upon release, but knowing Riot, every newest rework or release is always the most broken champion in the game at that time.”
Morzanoth says “Now this is where it gets a bit tough. Fizz struggles against tanks as the game progresses, but volibear is probably the most dangerous of them all. You can't burst him hard enough to ignore his passive and his kit allows him to stick to you very well. Do not try and 1v1 a volibear, you will lose in an extended trade at all times in the game. ”
Nico449c says “You got a shot of winning early if you invade him lvl 3 or burst him down first but i would not recommend you to try. He got decent ganks but you got better so try either get a good countergank or outgank him”
Soulreaperjin says “Recently he has been starting to appear in jungle, so be careful of his Q since he can easily just yeet you behind him and spam his E, also keep in mind his Passive cooldown.
Only big threat he poses is his W which can be hard to deal with in early game but late game he's pretty much useless besides when he pops his R.”
MannerlessNG says “Same reasons as mundo, just less so. His damage is a problem, however the inability to escape him is worse. You will outscale him very badly if you don't feed, and by the mid game, he matters not.”
Elipt says “He can see you incoming with your E and click E. This cancels your E and leaves you in a bad position. This really messes you up in team fights.”
The Top Bear says “Volibear can deal a pretty significant amount of damage early game, and can mess you up if he cancels your pounce. Only fight this man if you hit a few spears beforehand.”
Split King says “Shyvana generally has an easy time against low mobility champs that have to fully commit to deal damage. Shyvana beats Volibear in 1v1's even if Volibear is vastly ahead”
urrb says “This champion is dumb. There is no winning against him early game. Don't try to cheese him. There is no point. He will win even if he is low many times with his passive, and even if he doesn't he'll just get away and leave you for one of his laners to clean up. Warn your laners that you can't do much early, ward his jungle or the river for your laners if you can, ping where you think he is, and try to path in a way that avoids him so you can make plays where he isn't.”
orangepenguinhead says “He has CC and is pretty tanky, try to avoid this matchup but if your opponent picks Volibear into you, try to pressure the map as early as you can. ”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “he beats you. just ignore or counter gank. your ignite doesn't fully counter his passive. Can kill him with set up but its best to save your abilites for other targets.”
0kruemlmonster says “After Rageblade you can fight him. I hate Volibear as a champion because he goes full tank and still deals more damage than you early.”
Simlito says “Don't fight bears they are scary looking! If voli has his passive then the you shouldn't engage since he will just be stalling time for his teamates to catch up to you.”
DefinitelyNotAhmed says “With the tanky build of a Volibear and the amount of cc he has which synergizes with his build, Amumu would definitely get obliterated.”
FesteringJester says “His passive makes WW's useless. Late game scaling is much stronger than ours. You will need to constantly keep on eye on him. His jungle clear is fast, if not faster than ours. Again, late game he is going to be a serious threat. DO NOT feed him at all costs. ”
pixelhidef says “He's a beast, literally. He will fall off late game if he doesn't snowball tho... so avoid uneven fights with him early and mid game and focus on out-scaling to late game through efficient farming and objectives.”
xMalcho says “His passive is too strong and he is better in 1v1.Don't fight with him lvl 3 because he is much stronger.Try to farm for late game and ignore him in team fights just go for the carry.”
SovietBear says “Before you hit lv6, try not to fight Volibear since he have an OP passive as well as Q and E for CC. (Dont underestimate his damage even if he's just a tank)”
xTheUnlimited says “This guy is just a massive tank. Hes way more tanky than youll ever be and has a lot of sustain through his passive, that can heal him up back to full hp after a fight. If he has his passive up you have no chance in 1v1'ning him. Your ganks are way better through your huge amount of CC. Try to use that by making a lot of ganks!”
Hunterlogic says “Voli becomes really tanky if he builds it. If his passive is up I would not try to fight him unless you have a lead. His W will absolutely shred you if he gets it off. This can go either way, just be smart about it. Pre 6 he wins hands down.”
Yi Guide says “He is tanky and can chase you down. Not the worst to Jungle against but try to not let him set you behind, else it will be difficult to catch up again. Try to avoid 1v1 situations with Volibear, especially until you have multiple items. ”
Salmon Kid says “Voli is one of Lillia's best matchups as he gets kited at all points in the game. However, Voli's full AP build does obliterate you it just gets outscaled.”
MannerlessNG says “Balanced.
Usually a little more of a threat early, but after 6 and some items, normally BorK if he's doing well, you can just delete him if you use your W to dodge his lightning jump.
You can easily sustain through his ultimate and just shove him into a wall and walk away.”
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