As a Support 50% Win Rate86% Pick RateMorgana As a Support Counters: 34 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Morgana as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Morgana E cancels your taunt and ignores your Q slow, however your Q can still be empowered. Make sure you and your ADC are not hit by roots and you can fight. Even if you do get hit, you can W to mitigate potential damage you take. Be cautious at 6 as taunting in makes it easy for her to get her ult off.”
Kirkwardo says “Your flamethrower and R will continue to run if binded. Hard CC is rumbles only weakness so she can be devastating if with a Bot that has compounding cc ”
FiletedMinion says “Her Q lasts for THREE SECONDS. When you are measuring things in quarter seconds, that is an eternity. If she lands a Q on you, you will lose a very large amount of health over the course of her combo and likely die not long after.”
Zileanaire says “Don't ever see her in higher ranks because she sucks. If you get hit by the slow moving, straight line, easily side stepped skill shot though, you're going to know about it. If she decides to do the classic "ult zhonyas", double bomb her while she's in stasis to counter stun her when she comes out. ”
EchoesFromDADeep says “Morgana is the worst matchup you can get. Her Q roots you for a long time, her E mitigates your engages and she deals tons of damage. I permaban this champion.”
JVS8 says “If Morgana is smart, she’ll max her Spell Shield first, making the matchup much harder. However, most Morganas tend to max Q instead, which works in your favor. Bard's Q counts as two spells if the damage from Bard's Q breaks her shield and then connects with a wall, minion, or champion, it will still stun her. Use this to your advantage when engaging.”
Vytrexi says “completely counters your entire champ. when i play zoe support, this is the champ i ban most games. she really isnt THAT miserable, but her shield just stops you in your tracks, as she can use it before your drowsy ends.”
Taric ADC says “She can shield her ADC and just stand behind him all the time.
Use your E towards the ADC, and pyke dashed towards morgane, She shields the ADC and you just kill her.”
Poro_King says “well i never really had a hard time with morgana, but the fact that her shield completely negates your w can be frustrating. She's still squishy, bait out her shield, dodge her q, and then she's all yours”
Sh0ppe says “bait her blackshield by holding your Q, your Q is lower CD then her shield so punish her for it. Save your E when she has Ult + Zhonyas to escape.”
Smaugyon says “probably the only free matchup
dodge her Q and she cant touch you.
She cant R you if you have E up and you outscall outrange her very fast”
Aerenax says “Morgana is the worst matchup you can get. Her Q roots you for a long time, her E mitigates your engages and she deals tons of damage. I permaban this champion.”
zSharpFire says “Can be a huge pain in the bum. It really depends on the player tho. A good morgana paired with a good adc will almost certainly get you out of lane. You can try to risk it and be hyperaware of her Q, baiting her and then poking. Other than her Q she has no real damage in laning phase.”
JVS8 says “If Morgana plays wisely, she will prioritize maximizing her spell shield first, making the match more challenging. Fortunately, many Morgana players don't do this and instead max out her Q ability. The Bard's Q counts as two separate spells; If Bard's Q damage breaks the shield and hits a wall, minion, or champion, the stun will still be applied.”
Arctic Arrow says “Morgana is a EXTREME threat due to her powerful crowd control and zoning capabilities. Her Q can immobilize you for a long time, and her W deals significant damage over time.
Avoid standing close together to minimize the impact of her binding and area damage. Use vision to track her cooldowns and positioning.
Try to engage when her Q is on cooldown or if she’s out of position. Be cautious around her Black Shield (E), which can block your crowd control and damage.”
Zazomy says “The biggest threat to Pyke as her magic shield can negate any incoming Crowd Control, Pyke has a pretty slow engage and his hook needs to be channeled so Morgana can take advantage of this by throwing her Crowd Control skillshot or magic shield. Although, you can play around Morgana and bait out her magic shield as it has a long cooldown. Once its down, this is where Pyke will pounce and go for the engage!”
LA COLORADA says “not that bad, actually.
you end up outdamaging her black shield in lane. post 6 just jump on a target then ult whoever doesn't have the shield on.”
pwrbttm4christ says “if she saves black shield, youre useless and cant flay after a hook lands. you can go on the other person whos not shielded if she uses it to work around it”
TLK__________ says “this champ doesnt make counter to u but it depends to much in what type of adc do u have, if he can dodge his Q, u can also make some dmg, but if not u just FF15 because he gonna flame u.”
Abarame says “Her CC is deadly but easy to manuerve. Avoid overextending in trades and make sure you have 1 e cast ready to juke her Q. Past level 6, dont let her ult you as it slows and binds allowing her to double bind.”
TnDD says “Oyunun en güçsüz şampiyonlarından biri. Ultisini attığı anda portalınla kaç. Ayrınca Kara Kalkan'ı kullanıp kullanmadığını takip et aksi halde ultin hiçbir işe yaramaz.”
lesbianqueen says “A good Morg can use her E to negate alot of your crowd control. She also matches your poke and has built in sustain. Not super impossible, but annoying for sure.”
Thefrenchkefta says “You counter morgana. It is a smart match up, you gotta play with your CC and Q her blackshield which will broke it instantly and CC ! The good morgana will wait for you to Q or wait until you engage with your W and just then blackshield.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “You have lower cooldowns than her shield so just bait her shield or do a mini engange then re engage again when your cds are up again”
Foxirion says “Morgana’s crowd control and spell shield can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to bind Nautilus from a distance can make it difficult for him to engage.”
Foxirion says “Morgana's crowd control and Black Shield can make it challenging for Rakan to engage effectively, but Rakan's mobility and crowd control can help him pressure Morgana and disrupt her in fights.”
glimppi says “Her shield makes the shielded target ignore your boxes, which means they will be feared by the 2nd box. This means they will be between 2 boxes.”
schizoslvt says “Skill matchup thats is based on the sanity of the morgana player and how paranoid she is.You can act like you are going to hook the adc and hook morg instead.You have to test the player early and act accordinly to see what she does.”
Velkyann says “Morgana is not super strong against Kayle but the problem is the rest of your team, Morgana can cancel a lot of champions, more than half of than just from her Q and E. Laning is not hard just dodge her Q with your W if you need, you can run out of her ult pretty easy with your W.”
Actaurus says “Morgana is pretty much a better Support Ahri, her Q is a non-piercing skill-shot that lasts for approximately 2 years, meaning in order to get in range to land charm, you are typically also in range to be rooted for the next century.”
Razing42 says “She can use her E to deny your hook, but if she doesn't use it right away and instead uses it to block your ult you can break the shield with your magic damage to then get your ult off anyways.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Morgana has a suite of abilities to punish you for getting next to her.
Bush-camping is way less viable since she'll constantly cast W on bushes when she can't see you.
Bait her spellshield when you can since she'll likely use it on her carry or herself as soon as you engage.”
NormalOstrich says “More a threat the worse you are, but can easily threaten adcs and shove wave. She has worse team fights than you so use that to force her into worse situations. She lacks roam potential so is more likely to stick bot when you roam, so make sure your adc is safe before roaming against her.”
Arcadia06 says “Formerly my permaban, her spell shield is annoying and her Q is basically death. Shes easier to outplay than maokai so shes less ban worthy to me. still a valid candidate ”
LotusKirna says “Her stun can be very dangerous for your ADC and you when running around trying to ward. Being Stunned is almost death every time for Yuumi.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “My personal ban. She roots you for 100 years, shields herself and her adc from herself from your slow. She also deals a load of damage with her stupid circle. Her R is really annoying too. Hate this champ.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Not impossible. Watch her E shield because she can block your E and R. In teamfights, if she ults on your team, you can ult her out of range. Try to tank Qs if your ADC doesn't know what the word 'dodge' means. :) [she might have stopwatch though, so I hope you all just walk away <3]”
Mooshy_x says “Morgana Black Shield (E) is a spell shield which blocks all incoming abilities for a short amount of time. Bait Morgana so she uses her E by playing aggressive and pretending to all in him.”
Pusi Puu says “Always try to invade if you can (have vision/prios). Always look for skirmishes and don't waste your ferocity to cleanse her root. She clears really fast, so try not to get behind in tempo and look to always pressure. ”
Xintero says “Her CC last forever and she has a shield that can stop your ult for someone. If you think she's more of a problem than Zyra, ban her, but I personally think it's easier to fight her since you can dodge her Q. ”
Prefexx says “Low mobility, no hard cc, easy lane. Even though Morgana is no champion to think light of, Katarina can kill her in mere seconds. Only Morganas ultimate can stop your ult so she has no way to stop you in the laning phase. Just dodge her dark bindings and make sure your jungler will be able to gank when her spell sheild is down.”
Loggit says “Morgana and other early-game poke/peel champions can be a struggle to snowball against. They shouldn't be able to completely shut you down if you play correctly, so put more of your effort into not losing the lane phase and look for good roams. You can play around cooldowns to win fights and trades, as well.”
quecck says “Not impossible. Watch her E shield because she can block your E and R. In teamfights, if she ults on your team, you can ult her out of range. :)
(she might have stopwatch though so I hope you all just walk away <3)”
Razing42 says “Biggest tip against Morgana is to aim your hook at the enemy you aren't walking towards. For example walk straight at the Adc and then aim your hook at Morgana instead.
Would be a much bigger threat if her cooldowns weren't so awful.”
Kamachamaeleon says “Morgana is a significant threat to Thresh because of her Black Shield (E). This ability can negate Thresh's crowd control, making it difficult for him to land his crucial Death Sentence (Q) or Flay (E) abilities.”
Aerenax says “Morgana is a skill matchup for Braum in my opinion, I know it sound strange but there is some logic behind it. Your Q deals magic damage and scales with your health. When you hit Q on the target with the spellshield attached, you deal enough damage to break the spellshield and you still apply a stack of your passive. When you manage to play around the bindings well this matchup is decently winnable. ”
Ryecheria says “Karma hard wins
In this lane, Morgana can Black Shield your root, but you can break it easily with Inner Flame. In this lane, put in multiple points in your q to negate her shield. Punish her hard when she uses Dark Binding or Black Shield. Dark Binding is the slowest projectile in the game and so you are able to bait it out and dodge it easily and her shield has a long cooldown early in the game.”
Maticz3007 says “She in theory counters you, but im practice it is not that hard to lane against her. Dodging Q wins you this matchup, and you can play around her E by simply continously dealing magic damage, waiting until she uses it, then breaking it, and then using your burst combo. Rylai build highly recommended.”
mazewalk says “She denies your whole CC and roots you untill your grandchildren buy Mikaels Blessing. Try misleading her by aiming at her and hooking her adc or vice versa. Despite this matchup being hard for Thresh, your AD teammates wont be stopped by AP sheild.”
XaptainDarlex says “You E My Q? No matter it's gone
You W ADC? E shields it with moonstone.
Ult? better use it wisely. Yuumi's ult heals while You try to kill ADC.”
Foedari says “all the grabby champs are annoying because they will focus your pet all day long, but this.....this is my permaban her starting lineup is a hard 2 seconds worth of cc and by the time she is maxed she can produce 6 seconds of hard lock and will break team fights. unless someone on your team is using her, ban her”
TheBougis says “Morgana cc may be long enough to cause an AFK warning, but it doesn't do enough damage to kill you.
Tencaity will go a long way against her.”
confuzed says “Morgana entirely depends on how well the enemy support can utilize her shield and her root. Trying to bait out her shield is key, as well as avoiding her root at all costs. A 'Q' and 'W' morgana combo can ruin you.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Morgana and Soraka are two powerful support champions, and they can indeed be considered even matches in certain situations. Here are several reasons why Morgana can be seen as an even match against Soraka:
Crowd Control Abilities: Morgana possesses strong crowd control abilities, most notably her Dark Binding (Q) and Soul Shackles (R). Dark Binding is a skillshot that roots an enemy champion in place, making them unable to move or use abilities. Soul Shackles can stun multiple enemies if they remain within its radius. These crowd control abilities can be effectively used to disable Soraka or prevent her from healing her allies.
Black Shield: Morgana's Black Shield (E) is a powerful defensive ability that grants a target ally a spell shield, making them immune to crowd control effects. This shield can be cast on an ally who is targeted by Soraka's crowd control abilities such as her Equinox (E) silence or her Infused Radiance (R) slow. By blocking these effects, Morgana can nullify a significant portion of Soraka's utility and disrupt her ability to provide sustained healing.
Damage Output: While Soraka is primarily focused on healing and providing utility, Morgana has a more offensive playstyle. Morgana's abilities, such as Tormented Soil (W) and her ultimate Soul Shackles (R), can deal considerable damage to both Soraka and her allies. By effectively combining her damage output with her crowd control abilities, Morgana can put Soraka and her teammates on the defensive, reducing their overall effectiveness.
Ability to Punish Positioning: Soraka is known for her ability to sustain her allies with her Astral Infusion (W) and her global ultimate Wish (R). However, Soraka's healing comes at the cost of positioning herself in close proximity to her teammates. Morgana can take advantage of this by landing her Dark Binding, preventing Soraka from positioning properly and exposing her to potential harm. This ability to punish Soraka's positioning can significantly weaken her effectiveness in team fights.
Itemization: Morgana has access to itemization options that can directly counter Soraka's healing abilities. Items such as Morellonomicon and Oblivion Orb apply Grievous Wounds, reducing healing received by the target. By purchasing these items, Morgana can reduce Soraka's healing output, making it more difficult for her to keep her teammates alive.
While Soraka is known for her sustained healing and supportive abilities, Morgana counters her through crowd control, damage output, and itemization choices. However, it's important to note that in League of Legends, individual skill, team compositions, and the overall game context can influence the outcome of a matchup. Therefore, the result of a Morgana versus Soraka confrontation may vary depending on the specific circumstances and player skill levels.”
Samikin says “Minor-inconvenience.
Morgana basically has no kill pressure on you and has shorter range, but she can set up for the jungler with a well-placed Q and you will never catch her out since she will always have her E, which directly counters your E's sleep.
You won't die in this lane, but you will also probably never get a large lead.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
ohsuko says “SHE WILL MURDER YOU. If she lands a single root on you, you're dead. Just watch out, try to get her out from bushes. She has a slow projectile speed so as long as you can see her you can dodge them.”
itstsuk3 says “Can run Comet, Aery or Electrocute. Your Level 3 Q can Break her Shield, her Q its pretty Easy to Dodge with W and Getting Roots off can be Kinda Hard but you can Poke her to hell.”
MercifulToad says “Se a Morgana souber usar o Escudo é impóssivel puxar, recomendo roaming nessa matchup!
(If Morgana knows how to use the Shield it's impossible to pull, I recommend roaming in this matchup!)
Apos says “Not a hard lane. Put a few points in W so you can pop her black shield instantly when you ult so that your CC can go off early to mid game. She doesn't really have much ”
Rebaulten says “This is another skill match up. Focus on spacing as the biggest thing. If morg is good she will put 2 or 3 points into black shield. If that becomes the case, look to roam. ”
shacolovesyou says “has poke so u will suffer in early, dont engage if she has Q available, also she can use her spellshield to cancel ur boxes fear, her R reveals u but u can escape by pressing Q away, u can block his Q with a box, shes inmobile so is vulnerable if she has her resources on cd”
support_diff says “Morgana has the best root in the game, 3 seconds when maxed out and only 10 second cooldown. If you get caught in it, you will be dead very soon”
jmp_01_ says “I hate this match-up and this champion so much. One button press and your champ is already useless. :D
Try to bait her Q and E, if you can't do this you won't be able to play the game against her.
Just pray she is so bad at the game and has no reaction time. Take Glacial Augment.”
Lunar Empress says “Morgana as a character is very weak right now. Her spells are slow moving which makes it easy to dodge. However, her spell shield is annoying. Try to bait it out and then unleash your tornado on her or the ADC. She has no escape after the spell shield goes down. Go Glacial here.”
mazewalk says “RIP BOZO YOU WON'T BE MISSED. I don't need to explain this. Buy Mikael's Blessing to counter her Q in important moments.
Don't engage on a shielded enemy and be careful, since she also can ult and run into your team. Morgana players usually take Perfect Timing, pay attention to her KDA so you won't be outplayed.”
support_diff says “Her spellshield is very bad for you as you will just jump into a fight with a support with great disengage and her adc. If you manage to dodge her root before level 3, it is pretty safe to all-in her”
support_diff says “Morgana's spellshield counters your stun, and she has a ton of cc. Take cleanse and poke her from far so you won't get hit by her root”
Lurs says “The black shield will whiff all of your engages. I would try to play as fast as you possibly can and dodge her combos while baiting out her spells. If you move fast enough you should be able to straight up counter her black shield and root.”
ShacoSupportAP says “I personally hate to play against her. I think she counters you pretty hard and you cant really hard engage on lane (she just will activate her shield and q you). If she hits her q on you our your adc, you are probably dead. You can block it with your boxes. She is immobile and squishy tho.”
Dotje says “Morg kinda counters Nami. If she maxes her shield, you cannot really do your thing. If you bait the shield out by using AA+E on her adc or her, you can often engage. Just do not get hit by a cage (Q) yourself. You cannot save yourself by stunning her adc. Sometimes you can out damage her shield with your W/E, so don't hesitate to try that.”
Aerenax says “Morgana is a pain for every engage support player. Her Q will give you afk warnings and her spell shield will deny your combo. Don't play this matchup for your own good.”
Wounds2 says “You can't really do much because of her spell shield and Q, but she isn't hard to deal with in lane at all if you can just dodge q or stand behind minions. If Morg throws out her Q, try to engage and walk all the way up to her or her ad, whoever is closer. Don't fling yet, see if she uses her spell shield. If she does, use your passive to just walk to the other enemy and fling them instead. This trick of holding your E can be used against Sivir as well.”
Cyclic says “Just make sure to dodge her Q and you will be fine. Morgana is in a really weak state at the moment. Just make sure she can't walk up and ult you for free and this matchup should be smooth sailing”
ZharMeny says “Morgana players hate you as you can break her shield with your Q, as you go into higher elos you won't see her using shield unless you are already crashing down, and you will need to play it smart. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
WolfDelt4 says “I perma-ban Morgana. Her stun lasts longer than yours, she pokes as much as you with her W that is easier to hit, her E counters your stuns which means your E and ult will miss. And she just does to much damage.”
Toches says “Low elo ban (midgold and below)
too much CC for a single skillshot, and if shes patient can neutralize your stun until you get the haste to drop it repeatedly.
Try to get tristana ADCS, if she whiffs Q you get a free kill or summoners.”
Casterslamham says “Like most oppressive supports Morgana's root followed by her other spells can do way to much damage. The best way to beat her is target her so she cant do much her root is not very great so it isn't just a loss.”
Cert says “he who gives in to boredom, and uses abilities first shall surely lose. hold on to your shit, if they suck they'll fart their abilities into brazill then you can go ham. never W if she has Q. your lance pops black shield, if youre good you win.”
mellorwastaken says “Not as hard as people think, her poke is super mediocre, just dont walk up in her face when she has Q up, play around E cd, if you manage to get her shield cd, look for an all-in and save flash or E to dodge her Q.”
iveye says “Try to bait out her black shield and engage when she doesn't have it up, she can also only shield one person so if she shields her self move the the next target, remember to not W+E combo her as the E is likely to be nullified by her black shield.”
Occullumin says “High hard CC duration is ridiculously bad for Shaco since you never want to be standing in one place for too long. You can, however, use box cheese on her Q often.”
Rebaulten says “Only threat is when Morgana gets early prio in lane. Focus on setting up a slow push from level 1 and chipping her down. Level 1 Q is standard. ”
cyb3r1a says “Take Aery in this matchup. Dodge Morgana Q ez win although look out at lvl 6 because most Morgana's will usually just run at you and ult you and your ADC as soon as she hits 6.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “If she can use the shield well, it can greatly kill your effective use of the charm. The CC duration combined with her ultimate is quite dangerous.”
Igirl45 says “Morgana is able to spell shield your full combo, and her q shuts down your entire kit. Only engage when you know she doesn't have her spell shield or q.”
Hijitori says “Why would you have this annoying cc-blocking shield ability... It ruins everything, never mind one of the longest stuns in the game. Getting hit by her Q... just hell, especially always in middle of the 5v5 team fight.”
aRhesty says “A great Morgana can really mess you up using her spellshield, but you also can counter her R hard if she doesn't use it on herself to prevent your QE knockback. ”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Morgana E has 80 hp lvl 1 + 70% AP ratio. I highly recommend taking Aery or even Electrocute (Yes it's viable with manaflow second) to punch through her black shield with W. Also I recommend putting 5 points in W for the same reason, as morgana shield won't have more than 200 hp on 1 full item, meaning with Aery/Elec and W max you will always be able to punch through the shield. If her ADC is weak early you can also do a complete opposite strategy, and max E with Glacial, and rely on autos. I'm not a fan of this because it adds an element of randomness due to having to outplay Morgana. If you really want to play Glacial your only option is to posture your autos and W towards one target, and then fire your Q at the other simultaniously to make Morgana E the wrong person. This is just not as consistent. I recommend getting Mikael's 2nd item, as there's no reliable way to deal with a good Morgana's R engages.”
unhben says “Morgana is another pain in the ass, but easy enough to work around. She has a spellshield but can only spellshield one person at a time so just switch targets in lane and then engage slightly after your team/or delay your ult recast to bait out her spellshield. ”
PrismaticShield says “This is a 50/50 matchup. If you manage to get to her and dodge her Q's with your abilities (for example your E) you win. Otherwise, she will get the better of you. Her shield is to be considered.”
L9NunuChillump says “Morgana is a perma ban due to her root being super easy to hit on Nunu and pretty much guaranteeing your death there is very little counterplay”
Atemporal says “Morgana é bem fraca no início, desde que você use lacaios para cobertura. Até o nível 7 (nível 9 sem Minion Demat), você tem poder de empurrão semelhante. Não fique dentro de sua onda de lacaios porque o tempo de recarga do W de Morgana é reduzido em 1 segundo
toda vez que causa dano a um campeão. Negociar com ela é inútil por causa de seu Q e E, jogue para empurrar e obter mid prio e outscale. Morgana é outra campeã contra a qual é arriscado lutar em equipe padrão por causa de seu Q e seu Black Shield
fica bem grande quando ela recebe quantidades decentes de AP, o que impede você de atordoar ou explodir alvos importantes. Entre em uma pista lateral, force o time de Morgana a responder e então você luta quando o time inimigo não estiver agrupado. Obter tópicos do Merc
quase não importa o que aconteça, mas especialmente se o time inimigo for pesado em AP/CC.”
DynHoyw says “Morgana's Q can just as deadly as Lulu's Polymorph. Though her poke and Lulu's have similar effectiveness, if Q is maximized first you can become an easy prey for the enemy AD Carry. Try and stay behind minions.”
OakuMarai says “If she can hit Qs she's a problem. If she can't then she's a poke bot with a shield. Pick runes according to your preference/ADC, consider taking Celerity.”
huirats says “I usually pick Annie when Morgana is banned, but she's pretty even with her. You outdamage her most of the time, but her spell shield is super annoying. Try to bait it out before you drop Tibbers on her or her ADC because it has a pretty long cooldown. ”
Yoshiking123 says “You won't lose lane. She's just annoying with the Spellshield and snares. Usually you wanna bait out her spellshield and then auto-attack reset your Stun so that it's off cooldown before her Spellshield so you can engage on her or the enemy ADC.”
Shouryuu Reppa says “Isa pa 'tong ayaw na ayaw ko makalaban na support, sa ilang segundo ng duration ng first skill nya, sobrang dami nang posibleng mangyari, hindi naman sa lahat ng pagkakataon maiiwasan mo yung first skill nya eh..”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch your positioning in team fights as Morgana will try to catch someone out with her Dark Binding(Q). Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you’re able to dodge it. Don’t stand too far forward nor too far back. Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenceless which you can capitalise on. As soon as she uses her Q, charge at her and try to take her down. Whenever Morgana casts her Ultimate Soul Shackles(R) in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can so you do not get chained down and CC’d.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch your positioning in team fights as Morgana will try to catch someone out with her Dark Binding(Q). Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you’re able to dodge it. Don’t stand too far forward nor too far back. Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenceless which you can capitalise on. As soon as she uses her Q, charge at her and try to take her down. Whenever Morgana casts her Ultimate Soul Shackles(R) in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can so you do not get chained down and CC’d.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch your positioning in team fights as Morgana will try to catch someone out with her Dark Binding(Q). Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you’re able to dodge it. Don’t stand too far forward nor too far back. Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenceless which you can capitalise on. As soon as she uses her Q, charge at her and try to take her down. Whenever Morgana casts her Ultimate Soul Shackles(R) in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can so you do not get chained down and CC’d.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Watch your positioning in team fights as Morgana will try to catch someone out with her Dark Binding(Q). Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you’re able to dodge it. Don’t stand too far forward nor too far back. Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenceless which you can capitalise on. As soon as she uses her Q, charge at her and try to take her down. Whenever Morgana casts her Ultimate Soul Shackles(R) in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can so you do not get chained down and CC’d.”
M4DN355 says “Since Morgana tends to rush Zhonya's Hourglass as her first-second item, she can save it to counter your ultimate. Her Q and ultimate are also very good at stopping Pyke from engaging as the stuns and roots last 3 seconds (without tenacity). Morgana's E also saves her and her teammates from any chance of Pyke hooking or stunning them during fights.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: MR; Glacial doesn't make this any easier due to her Black Shield and ult. Monster. She has long Hard CC, DoT Field Poke, a just-as-available blocker to your Stun, and bush control. Play Parallel-Forward to your ADC in the early levels and try to safely get Relic Shield procs. Level 1, if your ADC can fight, you're stronger than her since she (hopefully) doesn't have her Q (Bind) or E (Spell Shield). If she takes Q first, which any smart Morgana will do against you, you cannot fight Level 1. Save your Flash for getting out, she can counter your E-Flash by simply pressing her own E. Buy an early Tear, take Guardian, Unflinching + Inspiration, and buy an early Tear to have more Mana for Q spam. You're gonna need it.”
Navn says “This can become a hard to deal with lane, in particular of Q-ing INTO her bindings, on top of her Black Shield stopping your CC. But once team fights start breaking out, she can only Black Shield 1 person.”
Jageiko says “Morgana often doesnt see Poppy coming, as dumb as it sounds, so dont fear her E that much. If she does, just dodge the cage and retreat. Push or R her to break her R on an Ally or E on an ennemy to escape it.
Dodge Q. Dodge Q. Dodge Q.”
babyyspace says “Due to morganas snare she is a massive threat along with her shield she can apply to allies it can make hitting your Q and R very difficult. If you can avoid her snare you are okay but the safest play is to only detach when you know it is on cooldown”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Morgana makes it difficult for Rell to do anything despite Rell Q breaking Morgana's shield. As soon as she has Q and E in lane you can't really do anything unless she roams, and she can be dangerous to leave your ADC alone with, so try to roam at key timers because she's slower than you.”
Akidne21 says “Nami is a weak champion, if morgana roots you you will probably die.
Morgana can block the CC of your ult, your Q, and the slow of your E with her her E, Morgana's Q doesn't pass through enemies, if you stay in back of the minions she will not be able to root you.”
Slept god says “Morgan's q will be fairly easy to land once you go in and you won't be able to escape until you get higher cooldown on q can easily shut you down wait til she waste q then try to engage on her or the adc if your adc is down ofc”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
MultiFaker says “Her abilities are yours but like they're created to counter you. Q is your E but longer, E is your W but its a magic shield with CC protection, W is your Q but its not a skillshot. ult makes ulting her not too good depending on timing since it brings her closer to you. I usually just perma ban”
Bazekda says “If you get hit by a single root you're probably dead. Her magic shield is incredibly annoying. Can't do much in lane, focus on getting ganks on your own lane or getting your other teammates ahead.”
MathyBlues says “Black Shield makes the game much more harder than it needs to be. While you can play around it, I'd rather not have to since Morgana's ult is very anti-engage. ”
PrismaticShield says “One of Swain's worst counter picks for a simple reason: her shield. You CAN learn how to outplay her, mostly if you have a good adc next to you. Outscaling her is the only good option, but its fairly doable.”
Navn says “If she never hits Q on you, you win this lane. Unfortunately, she can also Black Shield your ult. While not threatening, hard to dominate this lane.”
Tom3kk says “My favourite matchup, a good morgana will be a pain in the ass for your ADC but you don't have to worry about her until she gets burn and you decide to stay in her W.
If you hide behind minions you can get free passive AND if you're ahead and max Q you can often destroy her black shield with just one Q which leaves her (or her teammate) open :D”
AbyssaLegend says “Try dodge her stuns, if you get hit once you can literally go watch a film or something. She evade Renata's Stun and Ult with her ugly shield.”
Rosie2412412 says “Dodge. You don't win this. Even if you dodge most of her q's you'll eventually get hit by one and get shutdown. Not worth the risk.”
anomomolia says “Your W should eat her E so you have easy charms if she uses it before you try to hit E. After you buy everfrost you can just use it first and then charm champion without shield. You can dodge her Q/R with your R but if she can hit you someone will probably kill you.”
GrumpyKyuu says “One Q from Morgana seems like a death sentence to most champions, and Syndra is no exception. She can also deny your stuns with her E and poke you with W.”
Minerok says “Morganas Black shield and Q makes it really hard to engage on botlane. She can Black shield her adc and q you from almost meele range which makes it almost impossible to dodge. Also AP = not Ok”
LuckyTigerRAW says “(Support) She has an anti-cc shield and she can cancel your W with Q. Her Q R is scary, but no major poke until you're low, so play around health pots and try to bait out Black Shield.”
EdBoi says “I'm not sure why neither team banned her in draft phase, but if you're stuck in a matchup against an experienced morgana, you'll have to treat the lane the same as if you were facing a Sivir. If the black shield hasn't been cast, and you can see Morgana, don't ult. Ever. If you see a Morgana AND a Sivir, just dodge and save yourself the time. Each on their own is manageable, both together is a direct counterpick to this build. ”
Challenger Project says “Her E is a nightmare to play around with. Ideally you want to bait her Black Shield and go in as soon as it goes down. Another option is to hook her and change focus on the target that is not protected by her E. This lane is jungle dependent so ask them for help.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Despite having her spellshield, Morgana is actually not a massive threat.
You can block her Q with your box like you would with Blitz or Thresh hooks, leaving her with only her W damage and very long CD spellshield ability.
You can abuse her immobility in the long window where the spellshield is on CD.
To cancel her ultimate (if targeted on you) you can just Q away. ”
rocco521 says “This matchup isnt as bad as it seems. She cant really poke you out unless if you just eat q's. Your q should break her shield. But try bait it out it has a long CD.”
Cimcia484 says “You can't even Cripple or Reduce Armor with E, because of her shield.
Nasus is completly useless against Morgana. If you ever try to fight with your ult you just die in chain cc from her Q and ult.”
Rissen says “Try to punish Morgana off cooldown.
Use your gap closers to your advantage when she has used her Cosmic Binding and Black Shield [Q-E].
Also do not engage when you know she has her R ready.”
Demonsedge90 says “It's the one matchup where it's a game of chance since you must always respect Morgana's black shield and target multiple champions when you activate solar flare to engage. Doing this will make it hard for her to prioritize her black shield. ”
Bella Starlily says “Morgana's Blackshield is extremely strong against Nami's whole kit, so you want to either bait it or use E/W to pop it before using Q/R on her or her carries.”
Cordiall says “Morgana isn't really a threat to Braum. Her root is annoying, but if it's hitting you it means that it isn't hitting your ADC. A good Morgana can block your CC with her E, though, so be mindful of her E cooldown when you're looking for all-in fights.”
HiImForeHead says “You had to watch out on her blackshield if she don't use in right time you can easliy hit her by q or ult also take care of her q same like naut when she hit you, you are free kill for 3 sec”
Eu como Miilena says “Morganas sempre botam medo em adcs mas quando você esta de Karma ela se torna um problema muito menor, você pode quebrar o escudo negro dela facilmente usando R+Q no portador dele. fugir da ult dela é bem fácil apenas coordene seu adc a ir pro lado contrario de onde você estiver indo e use seu R+E e claro tome cuidado com o Q dela, e de poke nela para fazer com que ela gaste seu escudo negro antes da luta. ”
PrismaticShield says “She's gonna be annoying. Make sure you dodge her Q, but her shield will make her or her ally a bit untargetable. Bait her shield as much as you can cranking up your Q, then E and stun her.”
Stuhtchus says “Both of you have to walk out of wave to root, however her root hitbox is much bigger therefore much easier to hit. Morgana also has a spellshield that can stop your ult and your root. ”
Kat_Alien says “Well, this dark madam Morgana has an amazing ability called black shield (E) and she is able to stop your whole CC starting from the slow from Q and the most important shnere from your (w).
To be honest, if it is good Morgana there will be a big problem with trying to engage in fights on bot lane. How to play against it? Don't get caught in her (Q) and remember you can out DMG her shield, so you are able to shnere enemy ADC with your (W) After you break Morgana (E). The big advantage is that we have more shields and damage. We can make trades with shield and poking with our upgraded (Q). This should be enough to survive or win bot lane.”
DtNikk says “As long as you dont get hit by her Q, you'll be alright. Poke her as much as you can and pop your silence whenever she uses R. Mikaels is a very good choice here. Spellthieves is best.”
ColJaraka says “Similar to lux, dodge her q and you shall be fine. does not have burst like her, but she can burn if she gets some gold on her. You can still 1v1 her if you dodge the q.”
Firemagnet390 says “A good Morgana can beat pretty much anyone. she's a Morgana. what people might not understand is that Lux's CD's are short enough that she can abuse Morgana's E cooldowns, and her cc is able to hit multiple targets, while Morgana can only shield one. Overall, in a Morgana VS. Lux matchup, while Morg technically can counter her pretty hard, I think that it is more of a skill matchup.”
TheFoolhardy says “My perma-ban. Morgana is extremely annoying early-game because of her stupid stun on Q, she can also melt you with W if you get caught in her stun.”
Nozul says “Morgana consegue sair do teu silence facilmente com o E dela. Se você tomar o Q, você tá praticamente morto. Compre Mikael, vai te ajudar muito nessa luta.”
Himada says “In general, all champs with rooting abilities are a great threat to pyke, as it makes it hard for him to do his combos. For me personally, morgana is my top threat at the moment. Perma ban.”
TheBlueImperial says “Morgana is a natural counter to engage supports because of her E, Rell however is a purely AoE engage support which means Morgana cannot save both herself and her carry. If she ever E's too early you can pop it with your Q and then engage on her.”
Deathbat1 says “Morgana is a major threat and I would suggest going the tenacity build maybe even taking presence of mind and Legend: Tenacity secondary over other rune options.”
beefyylol says “Morgana's spell shield is a counter to pretty much your entire kit. If she maxes it first, good luck. It will work on both your stun and your ult. Bard's kit revolves around getting picks and spell shield is one of the best anti-pick abilities in the game. Note: if your Q does enough damage to break the spell shield, the stun will go through. BAN WORTHY”
PumpkinMatters says “O grande problema de Morgana é o maldito escudo dela. Pra ganhar essa rota, o ideal é que você consiga usar seu W nela e no adc em um pulo só, tentando seguir o combo com o E o quanto antes. Só tem um escudo, então alguém vai receber o atordoamento; foque quem for e dê a eliminação pra seu adc”
xDracolich says “Morgana is a threat to Rell in the same way Lux is, she can root you, preventing a lot of engages from happening, while also dealing burning true damage to you while you're unable to move. Rell struggles with movement as soon as she's unmounted, making Rell the perfect prey to Morgana.”
PumpkinMatters says “Morgana's biggest issue is her freaking shield. To win this, the ideal is to use your W on both her and her ADC at once, following it with your E. She has only one shield, so someone will be stunned. Focus on your unprotected victim and feed your ADC”
commit lego foot says “negates your stun threat and has a long bind that is punishing but cannot poke as much as other mages due to high mana cost on W and her not putting levels into the ability until mid/late. Playing around her by getting roams off and punishing her when her E is down are good ways of winning this matchup. ”
a8qoyrl says “She's designed very similarly to Lux, with the 1 downfall that she can only root 1 enemy and her poke isnt as oppressive as Lux. This, however, balances out because of her blackshield. It will completely negate all of your slows and stuns when engaging, also you can still displace the enemy carry if they are near a wall, you can trap them. But if you are just looking for a stun engage, you will have little luck as the Morgana will only use the blackshield when you are engaging. The only time you can engage, is if its SUPER sneaky and the morgana cant react in time or between CD since its like a 24 second CD level 1.”
KalelPeique says “Um saco de Champ, se tiver a opção de banir ja bane direto o champ é extremamente quebrado.
Stupid champ, if you have the option to ban JUST DO IT the champ is extremely broken.
HypoTheAced says “This counter is smaller for some, bigger for others. We all know Morgana Q will sometimes hit us even if there was no chance it would. It being one of the longest lasting cc in game makes it a certain death for Senna if hit with enemy ADC nearby.”
HypoTheAced says “This counter is smaller for some, bigger for others. We all know Morgana Q will sometimes hit us even if there was no chance it would. It being one of the longest lasting cc in game makes it a certain death for Senna if hit with enemy ADC nearby.”
navarro41yt says “She has an absurd root with her Q so if the spell hits yi he will be unable to move in 3 seconds.
It his highly recomended to go Flash vs she.”
TheAngryJacket says “Can spell shield the stun, the slow, and some damage, plus long root can be annoying. Bait for spellshield then all in while it's on cd.”
Harry132 says “She counters you pretty hard during lane but after the lane you are better
Play around her shield during lane phase and try to bait out her Q so you can walk up”
KennenIsThunderU says “Morgana is very dangerous for Kennen, due to her root and black shield. She can deny whole engages from him and also blocks his stuns, which he needs to kill the ADC early on.”
Discord231 says “Morgana no debería darte problemas si tu no los buscas, ella es el counter de cualquier soporte que se base en meter cc, pero tu no eres un tanque de engage, tu eres un peeler con disengage, si sabes entrar y salir, su R no debería darte problemas. Personalmente tengo win rate positivo vs ella, pero se que me la puede liar si cometo un error mínimo.”
pharish13 says “Similar to Lux, although slightly less of a threat, because her Q is typically easier to Dodge and her W poke doesn't deal as much DMG as Lux E.”
Efil4zaggiN says “Good Morgana is huge problem, but most of them sucks. Destroy her blackshield with Q, and then engage on her or enemy ADC. Try to avoid her Q. ”
M Le Maudit says “THE WORST OPPONENT you can have. Blackshield immunise her to you flip and her Cage just cancel every engage. You will be very dependant on your jungler. I recommend to let your adc desroy her Shield or bait it to let you engage her.”
itsElJefe says “Morgana isn't too difficult to play against. Her root can be a headache but its not too hard to dodge. play behind minions and poke. Her spell shield can and will block your stun. Bait it out with Qs and Ws until she uses it then try to stun her. ”
alloposid says “She can put a stop to your chase with her Dark Binding, and completely prevent your cc using Black Shield, as your Rupture is slow enough for her to react.”
Markcelzin says “Not a particular problem for Ezreal unless you're focusing on AP damage (all skills except Q). It's more of a threat to your suport, and since it's a 2v2 lane, Morgana is my choice of ban.”
GuanaTv says “Muito Difícil de jogar contra por conta do seu E que nega todo controle de grupo.
(Very Hard to play against because of your E who denies all group control.)”
queenstella says “Avoid being poked, and getting hit by cc spell. Once you are your ally are hit, they are most likely dead.
Gobomo says “Don't get hit by Q and you'll be fine. Get hit by Q and you lose lane. You need to be better at hitting your Qs than she is hers, but you have the advantage of being able to hit a Q through a minion, autoing a few times, and leaving safely. Just be careful against her.”
Stannis_The_Mannis says “A good Morgana is a Swain's nightmare, her E negate the only reason you're consider a support. Though she not in extreme because she can be punished. Her Q is slow so try to predict and dodge or stand behind minions. At early levels her E have a longer cd (24s) than your E (10s) so once she used hers, there's your window to punish. ”
keohxo says “Not that much of a threat if you know how to play against her and her Blackshield, since it has more than double the cooldown of your hook.
Still shouldn't underestimate the amount of damage and cc she can deal”
MsBean says “Morgana is not as bad as lux and the other stunners, She does stun for a long time, but that is the only big damage she will deal. watch out for her stun and ult, and it'll be just fine. Don't stand in a bush they have vision in. ”
neuroplasticity says “
Dodge her binding and you win, eat the binding and you lose. It really is this binary. Your passive should pretty much guarantee you to avoid getting hit.
Use your W to break the black shield before you attempt to throw your ult and/or bubble. Overall an easy matchup unless the Morgana is paired with Caitlyn in which case Mikael's/running heal so your carry can take cleanse might be a good choice.
Mooncurve says “She is like the symbol of counter to Thresh, but in reality, a good Thresh player vs a good Morgana player is 50 / 50. You can still outplay them, your E damage can break their shield and your 6 is slightly strong than hers. Do dodge her binds tho.”
yaemitskiuwu says “Morgana can block your Polymorph and has better range than you. Morgana is not an extreme threat if you manage to sidestep her binding and negate her W damage with your shields. My only advice is to bait out her Spell Shield before going in. ”
BlakeXStrider says “If you play this into a Morgana, expect to get rooted when you try to zone. Morgana's ult also shuts down any attempt to kite her as Lillia.”
gweh says “Pretty damn annoying, winnable though. Look for oppurtunities to hit them both with ult or if morg trolls spellshield. You have better roams though”
Mr buckets says “If Morgana is smart she maxes her spellshield first and it becomes a hard game, luckily most Morganas are not smart and they there for max q. Bard q counts as 2 spells, so if bard q dmg breaks the shield and then connects to a wall,minion or champ then it will still stun.”
Daromius says “Focus on dodging Q, she cant shield more than 1 person, so go on whoever got shielded so it is a 2v1.
half of your Q's damage will go through her shield since it is true damage.”
eiensiei says “Play behind minions to avoid getting hit by her Q. Whenever she misses it, go in for poke. Usually if her Q hits you, you're dead, so avoid at all costs.”
limeheart says “This is a very difficult matchup if you don't know how to play it. Morgana can counter your CC but she is extremely squishy. If she ever misses her Q, you can all in with damage alone as she will be completely useless. Wait our her stopwatch before ulting as she almost always rushes it like a fucking loser lmao”
Doglightning says “Can run Dark Harvest or comet. Into morg you need to put 3 points into Q early to break her E with 1 Q. Its pretty ez with your w to dodge binds. You may have a hard time finding roots but you can ez poke her out. Once teamfights start she makes it hard for you to engage so just focus on peeling”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Must ban. Make's your gold card completely useless. Dodge her Q, some Morgana players cast their Black Shield preemptively out of panic, so just gold card whoever is not shielded, or just hold it until the shield runs out. ”
Callmebee says “Morgana can be difficult, probably between an even and a major threat. She usually pushes you in with her W and has a magic shield to counter you so prepare for a tough lane. You have to always position yourself behind minoins to ensure she doesn't hit Q's on you. Once you learn the match-up however, you can poke and actually fight back a bit. Try baiting the shield, ganks are incredibly useful vs her. Any summoner spells are viable here.”
Mystral says “Morgana has a pretty cool sustain, her shield is annoying and all the Lulu's CCs become useless. But she has a long cooldown on her skills so play aggressive early game, before she build some cdr and to force her to max the shield instead of her binding. ”
PicklePantsLOL says “Try to fight after Morgana has used her E since it has a longer cooldown and will deny any CC while it is on her or her ally.
Morgana has almost zero pressure if her Q misses. If it does, go fully aggressive on her, even to the point of walking past the wave since she has no way of stopping you.
In team fights, try to kill her before she has her Zhonyas Hourglass up as she will be incredibly squishy and easy to kill without it. Force fights while it’s down.
Stay behind minions to avoid Morgana’s Q, it’s her main pick ability and being hit by it could result in losing a lot of health.”
LeeTV says “Morgana is Thresh's biggest counter, you should avoid playing against this in lane as you'll find it difficult to land kills. One thing I'd suggest is not blind picking thresh before seeing the enemies support pick to avoid getting counter picked by her. Her Q snares the target in place whilst her E shield makes your hook and flay useless.”
Doglightning says “Must ban kinda unplayable since her shield will counter you throughout the whole game. I don't even wanna talk about how to play it as she should be banned!”
Aerenax says “Morgana is the worst matchup you can get. Her Q roots you for a long time, her E mitigates your engages and she deals tons of damage. I permaban this champion.”
eiensiei says “Play behind minions to avoid getting hit by her Q. Whenever she misses it, go in for poke. Usually if her Q hits you, you're dead, so avoid at all costs. Relic match-up.”
LimTheDestructor says “Dodge Morgana's Q root. Respect her E spellshield. On levels 1-2, watch what spells she used - if she didn't take E, you can easily engage and win 2v2. Whenever you engage, use E only (without instant Q try). She uses E on the engaged target. Then either break spellshield with magic damage (your W + Passive), or target the second champion. Then use Q stun and just kill it. Whenever you initiate with R and Morgana is close, remember that you have to R multiple champions. Respect Morgana's Zhonya/Stopwatch.”
warmfishu says “Her Dark Binding (Q) resets your W and lasts a long time, so get off while it's on cooldown and don't get hit otherwise. Her Black Shield (E) also soaks the damage and cc from Yuumi's Q and R, so don't depend upon those against her.”
iKonek says “Morgana is a hard counter to Thresh's main engage. While her Black Shield (E) does prevent you from hooking her, it doesn't prevent you from jumping to her like Sivir's does. This is the consolation you have, as you'll be forced to peel constantly from her snares and the threat of follow up from the jungler.”
freddy66623 says “As long as you can dodge her snare you should be fine, though her shield is quite annoying as it lowers the damage your Q does substantially. ”
Rasta Da Masta says “This matchup is pretty easy. You outrange her entire kit & her Q is not too difficult to dodge. She can block your CC but she can't do much against you sieging other than a flash+R.
If she ults, break her shield with Q then press W to knock her away to prevent the stun.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Is able to spell shield all of your abilities so against a Morgana with good reaction time can completely counter your kit. A level 1 spell shield will be a very high cooldown so max Q and slowly you will be able to land a hook while it's on CD. If she is always spell shielding her carry try to switch it up and go for her.”
lin00 says “This match up is really annoying cause of the Black Shield will blocking your engage. To win this match up you would have to bait out the Black Shield before engaging or you can predict target Morgana going to Black Shield. PS: Morgana Q's root is very annoying.”
Korippo says “This is pretty skill dependent on the Morgana honestly. Her Black Shield has a high cooldown early game, but if she's going poke Morgana and trying to kill you and your ADC over time with her pool, she's a huge nuisance. If she's just trying to set up roots for her ADC, you can poke her out easily and make her have to continuously recall. Unfortunately she will likely build Liandry's and perhaps even Demonic if she does go for her poke/pool build, so you will really need to be careful late game not to get caught in her combos as you will 99% of the time die.”
Eforie says “Very hard to play vs her. Try to max q and make some cdr because when he use black shild he have 24 cdr. And try to get her when u will use ur q again because of ur cdr. Or i can bait her to hook the adc and not her.”
Flackojodye says “Haven't seen this champion in support much since the jungle nerfs idk why, but you win this 100%. use plants to block her 2 season-lasting root when you don't have minions to block it. You should stack your support item faster.”
Distinger says “This will be your perma ban.
Not only Morgana is completely broken as a Support, but she counters your kit just by pressing E at your target.
Oh and she also rushes Stopwatch and Zhonya's like a pussy.”
Deathbat1 says “If anything I think Morgana might be the biggest counter to Vex as 1. she doesn't have a dash, 2. She has her black shield, and 3. her CC lasts forever.”
Frappessb says “Her Black Shield COMPLETELY negates both the root from your E and pull from your passive. Would Recommend banning this champ most of the time.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Eletrocutar.
Morgana puxará lane e tentará acertar Katarina com o Q, por isso, desvie do Q e você ficará bem. No momento que Morgana errar o Q, é o momento para Katarina agressivar com o combo EW+AA+AA+QE+AA. O dano do W da Morgana quando se faz AP é alto, por isso evite ficar em cima da área de dano. Mantenha a wave controlada e farme o máximo que puder, se não conseguir vencê-la no 1x1, dê roaming. Cuidado com emboscadas do jungler, principalmente os que tem stun, pois irão os dois te combar e você morrerá. Zhonya é bom para evitar ser pego fora de posição, mas em toda situação uma Bandana é mais barata e é tão eficiente quanto Zhonya contra ela. Em teamfights, foque-a de imediato para eliminá-la e forçar sua ultimate ou Zhonya, se reposicione caso não mate-a de imediato para que ela perca sua utilidade em lutas (sem o R ela não conseguirá ser tão efetiva quanto Katarina), e morta também não. O potencial de perigo de Morganaé baixo visto que a Katarina possui alta mobilidade e consegue desviar das suas habilidades e devido dano alto da Katarina o Dark Shield da Morgana é rapidamente dissolvido. ”
Doovid says “Morgana's Q is very strong against Leona if Leona wants to jump on Morgana she can just q Leona and root her for 3 secs and allowing lots of poke”
0Banda says “ Morgana should be a skilled matchup, she's got a very long root, her Q, do everything in your hands to dodge this skillshot, if she hits you, you are practically dead, so save your W and R cooldowns for dodging this skillshot (same with she's R), she also has a shield that will make it hard to trade against, as soon as she casts E, go back to your ADC with E
Build as usual, in the rune section go Unflinching just in case she gets you rooted/stunned”
SlippStream says “As long as she's kept at range, she's no problem to deal with. Focus on shooting your Q's through minions to harass her and you'll be fine.”
Hanjaro says “Morgana is a hard counter to Blitzcrank due to her Black Shield. She can negate your all in potential by protecting herself or her ADC from your Rocket Grab pull, or preventing the knock up from your Power Fist.
Take advantage of the long cooldown she has in lane.”
Luiscencias says “Spellshield is annoying and it will usually invalidate your Q+Powerchord damage. Don’t get rooted early on and you win trades past 6 if you can hit your ult. (sometimes earlier if she carelessly throws out her root). ”
Hanjaro says “Morgana is a hard counter to Nautilus due to her Black Shield. She can negate your all in potential by protecting herself or her ADC from your Dredge Line pull, or preventing the root from your Staggering Blow.”
Idleangelo says “Her Q is the only threat. A bit annoying since she will most likely black shield her carry so you cant poly him. I usually try to focus her instead.”
lenithebot says “Morgana spell shield denies your engage and her root is really annoying. Before you engage you have to bait out the spell shield somehow. For example if you have a Jhin adc if he lands a q on an enemy and follows up with w Morgana might activate the spell shield. Since it has such a long cooldown early game you have a long time to take advantage of that cooldown.”
Hanjaro says “Morgana is difficult to lock down because of her black shield, but bait it out and take advantage of the long cooldown. Her root is good disengage on you, making it hard to fight her.”
Hanjaro says “Can completely negate your engage with her black shield. Try to bait it out and then engage when it's on cooldown. She has high poke damage, and even when her shield is on CD, she can root you during an all in. Best to ban her.”
Fear The Jester says “Skill matchup, boxblock her Q, or eat it and displace yourself with Q to make them waste their W on where you were, gain control of the bushes so you can see her casting animations, she can ruin your boxes with her spellshield, if she does that engage her adc before it comes back up, be careful with your engage because her ult will indicate you are nearby.”
Jowoey says “Her bind and ult are annoying but, unlike Lux, her bind doesn't go through a minion making her not really a threat at all. Play in your minions and be cautious of her level 6. She can spellshield all of your disengage and just run at you with ult. Shurelya's and Nimbus Cloak rune are useful in this matchup.”
TwitchTV Sarodag says “Can negate a lot of Zilean's CC and could catch us out of position with her Q.
Puede negar mucho CC de Zilean con su escudo y nos puede agarrar desprevenidos con su Q.”
Melyn says “Put 2 or 3 points in Q (depending on how big she makes her black shields) and try to poke from behind minions. If she wastes her black shield, look to land a root. Never try to root if she has her shield. Be very careful about flash engages and try to block her Q with EW. ”
Hanjaro says “Strong spellshield, negating your passive stun, or any other kind of CC you try to apply. Bait out her shield, it has a long CD, or focus the laner without her shield.
Her root can lock you down for what feels like days, negating your engage.”
CatGopher98 says “Morgana is similar to Lux. Her Q roots for an unbearably long time and her W has a large radius. Although they normally do minimal damage, this allows her adc to deal more damage. She also has a spell shield that she can use to target any of her allies. Keep in mind that the spell shield should always have a longer cooldown than your hook's.”
Biotic says “Paired with Caitlyn its going to Even / Major. Besides that its fairly easy. The Binding is a slow Skillshot that you should be able to dodge most of the time. After Level 6 you just win straight up 2v2.”
TheBestestBork says “Morgana is the classic anti-leo. My favorite tactic is baiting her shield with a random E, using my maxed E to then dive them when its down before she can counter me. once the shield is used focus the ADC and terrorize her till she runs or dies.”
King Crow says “A good morgana & adc will destroy you with Black Sheild. If you get hit with Q you are most likely burning a summoner or die as well. Fiddlesticks hardest mage matchup.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “her q root is not fun and her w when maxed can kill you with its full duration. her spellshield completely absorbs your q and stops your silence. play safe, behind minions and you outscale as long as she isn't fed”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Not a hard lane at all, unless you get hit by a bind. Her spellshield is somewhat annoying, but 2v2s are not hard at all vs this champ. ”
Skyzinho1775 says “I really dislike this matchup, but is not impossible, her E disable ur Airborne, her Q put u rooted for like 3.40 Sec.
and she got the ulti too. so what u need to do is just wait her cast those abilities then , just try engage on the ADC. never morgana, unless ur adc knows what he is doing.”
Guoblide says “Morgana is a pretty easy matchup for Braum as long as you play around her Dark Binding. Her Black Shield can also be a bit miserable against your Concussive Blows. Morgana is a Catch/Poke Mage support who can also build semi-enchanter or pure AP damage. Her powerspikes are at Level 2 with access to more poke with Tormented Shadow, Level 3 with her incredibly strong offensive/defensive anti-CC capabilities with Black Shield, Level 6 when she gains her ultimate Soul Shackles, and Level 9 where Dark Binding is max leveled and changes the root to an entire 3 seconds. Braum and his ADC should be incredibly cautious about Dark Binding at Level 1, and throughout the course of the entire lane, as getting rooted by it can set up tons of damage for Morgana and her ADC. Try to position so that the minion wave is between you and Morgana. This makes it impossible for Morgana to land a Dark Binding as it will be blocked by the minions. Braum should also stand in between his ADC and Morgana so that if she somehow manages to get a Dark Binding off it will hit him and not his ADC. This is better because Braum is way tankier than his ADC and his resistances and Unbreakable will block a lot of the incoming damage. He can also Stand Behind Me to his ADC to get away quickly once the root is over. If your ADC gets caught out by a Dark Binding then Stand Behind Me to them and Unbreakable to block the incoming damage. Once Braum hits Level 2 he can use Unbreakable to block incoming poke damage and Dark Binding. Although Unbreakable won't stop the root from Dark Binding it will stop the massive damage that it deals due to its 90% AP ratio scaling. At Level 3 Stand Behind Me lets Braum easily dodge Dark Binding and makes the lane much safer. Be aware that this is when Morgana gains access to Black Shield so she can stop any Concussive Blows stun that happens on her or her ADC. Just like other matchups try to shove the wave so that Morgana can't freely poke Braum and your ADC under tower with Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow. Once Braum hits Level 6 try to bait out Black Shield and Dark Binding and then get a pick on either Morgana or her ADC with Glacial Fissure. If you can't bait out her key defensive abilities then it is just better to play defensive and help your ADC CS.”
Spection says “Don't eat her Q. Take cleanse as well in case you do, it will serve you better than taking exhaust Q poke her as much as you can, but don't bother silencing her as she will ignore it with her shield. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “This champ is pretty disgusting right now, and she has one of if not the fastest clearing speeds in the game, and if you get hit by her Q, you die.
Naut1Trick says “mmm five second root. If your good with dodging abilities then run whatever runes you want. But tenacity runes would pretty nice in this.”
SigtheOutcast says “Another catcher support. Luckily her root is pretty easy to dodge. Can't say the same about your adc, though. Just go hog wild on her when they try to go in on your adc, and if you have imperial mandate, smack the person your adc is attacking to hit them with surprise burst when the mark is instantly consumed.”
lenithebot says “Morgana's spell shield can block all your cc. Her root is also very scary since if you do get rooted the enemy has 10 years to blow you up. The only way to beat her is if you bait out the spell shield then use your CC or bait it to use it on herself and then focus the ADC since the spell shield has a very long cooldown take advantage of that. If you cant do anything in lane try to roam and impact other parts of the map.”
DanNS12 says “Break her shield before using bubble on her and once she hits 6 avoid getting too close as she can flash + R and run you down which will result in you dying. Additional tip stand behind minions to avoid getting rooted.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Must ban kinda unplayable since her shield will counter you throughout the whole game. I don't even wanna talk about how to play it as she should be banned!
Lightfeather says “Her shield is very annoying, able to prevent a cc chain on whoever you want to kill, but it doesnt prevent damage and also has a longer cd then your hook. Also try not to get hit from the 3 year root”
very hot says “Her black shield will make your engage useless on one person, but your Q is an AOE so it's not too bad. Her root can stop your engage though.”
XtheZ115 says “I don't expect you to see many Morganas in the toplane, but you should watch out for her in the support role. Her root is infamous enough, but her [[Black Shield]] is the worst thing about her- Singed has no real way of popping the shield unless you blow your E on it... and while it's cooldown is relatively short, it is not an ability you want wasted. ”
Billehz says “Basically makes the whole reason why Ahri is viable as a Support useless, so unless you can bait out her spellshield or work around it, your charm is useless as after using her Spellshield, they will probably play more safe until the ability is off CD again. W speed allows you to dodge her Q with ease and also get out of her w quicker, and your ult does allow you to escape her ult.”
SkyCrafter1209 says “Easy to dodge CC, if she ults just attach to someone. However, she can cancel your entire ult with her E if you don't have enough damage.”
Jaori says “If she manages to catch your ADC with her Q - blow your cask and throw her out after she casts her ultimate. This way she will waste all abilities and you'll be able to kill the adc.”
donpepe2 says “This girl will root you to the earth for 4 hour,not necessary to ban her,but if u hate her you can
But her shield would be a problem for your W.. you can do damage because you are AD but you wouldnt stun her,or the target because morgana shield”
Go Getter says “Really annoying to fight against, there isnt anything you can do to stop her crazy long root except maybe get in the way.
She opens a lot of opportunity to kill you early game and will guarantee push you up to your tower.
Your best bet is to rely on help from your ADC until you reach level 6 and beyond when you can dive her more safely without risk of death.”
dragonmasterc says “Morgana can be a painful matchup dpeending on the player. She can easily prevent you from getting anything out of engaging on an enemy by preventing your knockup with her spellshield, making this matchup better played from a distance. Just respect her Q and you should be fine.
Your Aery is extremely effective against mitigating her poke from her W, which really helps the matchup. If she can't hit her Q's, she's just a spell shield peddler in this matchup.”
Vispectra says “A boring match-up , she'll shove the lane down your throat and you'll be cooking on that tormented soil. Her CC is a big deal if it lands and her black shield makes punishing her pretty darn hard. If she goes with Glacial augment it becomes worse. Be sure to take Legend Tenacity in your rune path , it'll come hand. You will out scale her and just flat out insta-kill her later on.”
Bardificer says “Black shield and Q root screw you up too much. She's got the kit to counter both of TK's playstyles (engage and peel) so you're just screwed. This is my recommended ban unless its low elo, then ban brand.”
vrsds1 says “The problem with Morgana is her E which protect herself or her allies from your Q. If you can dodge her Q you shouldn't have any problem dying because of this.”
SupportTooEz says “Her roots are obnoxious, so is her R, but if you have a competent adc then you should be fine. Just in case, look for other lanes to scale with.”
Bardificer says “Much less scary than lulu, but also more scary. This is a scary you can avoid and dodge, and with phase rush, you can just dodge the world away.”
HerYandere says “This is honestly pitiful. You counter her in every way possible, and can tower dive the ADC as she hopelessly watches. BUT!!! If you Q too early and don't use it on her black shield, Morgana is now a level 5 threat!”
TimGr says “Don't get hit by the binding, stun when her spellshield is down or on someone else. You can usually break the spellshield with your combos.”
Fornicate says “Her shield is a pain in the backside. Try to charge your Q while you have two targets in the laning phase and switch target based on who she shields.”
DasNerdwork says “Try to stay behind minions and provoke her shield with poking and harassing. Only engage after dodgeing her Q and without her having black shield up.”
terrybogar1 says “Morgana can stop your engage and save their adc from any shit you try to pull. She ism't fun to fight but it isn't impossible. Easier if you build a speedy build to make it hard for her to hit skill shots.”
duusuhh says “Close to Swain with just a little more escapes. Most W's wont root, but harass from Qs is a real threat to Morg due to Black Sheild's CD being large in laning stage.”
Esoterica says “Like midlane, Morgana cannot kill you, but you cannot kill Morgana. You cannot ensure chain will snare as she can Black Shield the target or try to bind you, forcing you to blink back.
When her Q is down, she is extremely easy to exploit and she will have no damage to threaten you with.
Poke her down post-6, as she easily turns engagements around with her ultimate if you or your ADC are bound.
Black Shield has a CD of 26 seconds at rank 1.”
Pigeont says “A little bit harder or equal to Lux, her roots is longer but cant go past minion, so play behind them, after her Q you can try to Q her back to make her use her shield and then back off.”
Morgana is Morgana. If she lands her Q, you're screwed, if she doesn't, you're fine. You are a nice counter to her Black Shield, since you can just burst it out with one Q at all levels. Still, you have to play carefully and try to stay behind minions or at longe range, where dodging the binding become easier. I recommend also to rush early boots, Mercury Treads are an option, look at the rest of the team.
Moreover, be careful of her Flash + R + Zhonya (eventually) engage.”
TK.BENEDICT says “Morgana may not be a tank champion but Morgana's 3rd (Black Shield) can cancel your Dread Line ( First Skill) and Depth Charge (Last Skill) ”
Daraysen says “Morgana can just block your hook and flay, wait for the right moment to hook her, either she misses her blackshield or it is on cooldown.”
rango2011 says “I hate her,the shield the stun the 5 decade root everything,if morgana lands a Q you are probably dead either from the fight or from old age waiting for the root to end”
Dotje says “As long you don't get caught by her Q too often you'll be fine. You can use polymorhp(W) the enemy adc to prevent damage output . Make sure to use your abilities when her spellshield is down for the most optimal damage, engage or disengage”
Pyroxes says “A slightly difficult matchup given how her kit mostly counters you. Make sure to take advantage of her long cooldowns to bring her down.”
KeleiX13 says “Another easy lane. You out damage her poke early on and you can easily pop her Black Shield with a Q-Powerchord combo so poke her as much as possible early on, her Q's should be easy to dodge with your E since it's slow but if you do get hit, it will hurt quite a bit. Be sure to have her Black Shield popped before you ult, otherwise it won't stun.”
Hive Mind says “anything that removes your shield very easily or can stop your R over long distances is good to ban.
But you can stop her Q with your W”
Sinci says “Morgana is just annoying to deal with since her Q is really strong and can poke you a lot out of the lane and her black shield can make trades really hard and counter Lulus polymorph really hard.”
anionPositivo says “MORGANA É INSUPORTÁVEL! Se você quer ir de Rakan, você provavelmente vai querer banir Morgana de cara. Tudo dela cancela você, e ficar parado não combina muito com o Rakan...PERMA BAN. Mas caso você caia contra uma Morgana, jogue safe e espere ela sair da lane ou usar o bind/black shield antes de dar engage.”
Discord231 says “Morgana no debería darte problemas si tu no los buscas, ella es el counter de cualquier soporte que se base en meter cc, pero tu no eres un tanque de engage, tu eres un peeler con disengage, si sabes entrar y salir, su R no debería darte problemas. Personalmente tengo win rate positivo vs ella, pero se que me la puede liar si cometo un error mínimo.”
Levkar says “If she catches you in a Dark Binding - you die. But if she doesn't, she can't do much. Your heal and shield is enough to save an ADC caught in the Binding.”
LilRidge says “Morgana's (Q) Dark Binding is the ability that you will need to avoid in this lane. you can stand behind your minions to deter her from ever using it.
Her (E) Black Shield will have to be baited out before you try to all-in her. This single ability counters your (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up, (E) Attract and Repel, and Ultimate Magnet Storm.
Harass her with your (Q) Shattering Strike when you can as it will make her weak and if you engage, she will opt to (E) Black Shield herself instead of her ADC and mitigate her follow up damage.”
GamingFrog says “Skilled based match up, but its more Morgana sided. She can easily spell shield your passive stun and nullify your Q slow and R knock up with her spell shield. Play around her spell shield and engage when it's down. Also care for her R, as you can't block it for your ADC with your shield.”
Za1go says “Morgana's E can basically counter your entire cc combo, but it's cooldown is longer than the combo so just bait it out and you should be fine.”
GamingFrog says “Thresh is probably the best hook champion that can deal with Morgana. You can still recast your Q on any black shield target. This champ will still make it hard for you to snowball bot though.”
The Last Rakan says “Muito chata de lidar, ela sempre tentará bloquear seu brilho, digo sua entrada triunfal ("W") com seu "Q" ou com seu escudo sombrio ("E"), além disso sua Ult atrapalha a Ult do Rakan, fazendo com que você seja eliminado rapidamente. Sugiro uma Build mais defensiva com a runa "Muito Poke, muito CC?", que você tente, ao máximo, esquivar de suas habilidades e que utilize seu CC em inimigos que não estejam com o escudo sombrio dela.”
Tauricus2017 says “Morgana's Dark Binding can be pretty easily dodged or blocked by a minion. Her black shield provides a solid defense option against some of your damage and CC and her Tortured ground is a cheesy way to damage you without any cast time or counterplay. Consider taking Cleanse or Mikael's crucible to deny her CC potential and play safely when Dark Bindink is off cooldown. ”
Pentius says “The reason this is a high threat is obvious. Morgana's blackshield is very troublesome for Thresh. As long as Morgana has semi-decent reaction time she can negate all hooks you throw in the early game. Punish her early levels and look to roam.”
SpartanDumpster says “A high skilled Morgana can be extremely annoying. I've had Morganas spell shield themselves or their adc as soon as the exact moment before I land my second bomb, preventing the stun altogether.”
Rainuu says “Morgana completely nulifies Lillia as her root and ulti and completely lock you in place. Not to mention her spellshield which nulls your ulti, removing the possibility of an easy one-shot. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “Black Shield counters your entire kit. Very bad matchup. If you are a true Singed main you can always dodge her Q. If you cannot you will be x9 for trolling.”
HealerFlowery says “Morgana spell block shield counters your charm, slow, root, and stun. Try to bait out her shield before spamming CC. Morgana's root is also super deadly especially since your squishy”
Kefochka says “Несмотря на всю силу Морганы, она достаточно слаба в дуэлях 2 на 2 из-за долгой перезарядки E и Q.
Если ей удастся поймать адк противника, то наверняка ему в лучшем случае придётся уйти с линии.”
Starchase says “Don't detach from your ADC unless she misses her Q.
Tell your ADC to position behind the minions to avoid his Q.
Care about her lvl 6 flash R, it can catch people off guard and with her E you can't cc her to run away.
Rush Mikael's Blessing.
You outscale her.”
mellorpyke says “Morganas are always overconfident thinking this is a good matchup for them when its not. Try to get level 2 first and beat her ass. Play around her E cooldown, which is very high, watch out for stopwatch around min 10 and you're good to go.”
Takitsu says “Avoid her bindings best you can. This is a skill and mind matchup. Most morgana's will Black Shield their carry on instinct from hearing thresh hook. Use this to your advantage and hook the morgana instead sometimes. You can also take the hook on a Black Shield for a lantern play.”
unhben says “Cant pull off a root combo + youre too immobile to be standing still to W in front of her anyways. She will hit a bullshit Q and kill you, sorry thats the way the cookie crumbles.”
Guregui says “Se não bastasse seu escudo negro(que remove os efeitos das duas bombas e do seu slow)Ela também Pode te estunar fazendo você um alvo fácil em team fights,.”
Xeptron says “Never engage on Morgana when she has her Q (root) ability up. Wait till she uses it and then you have a chance to engage. Don't forget that her spellshield blocks your stun, so the only way stunning her is to beat her shield (use W + passive) or switch targets. Before engage, check out if Morgana holds a Stopwatch, if so, respect it if she is able to use it.”
losolkos says “she can by annoying wich her stun and her black shield can block you slow and ult but good timing and doge q shoude be make her easier. Also try to deal her dmg with you passive Q that will make them use potion or just make them be back.i move her to major beacose if she hit you with q you are dead also she is very annoying.”
Discord231 says “Morgana no debería darte problemas si tu no los buscas, ella es el counter de cualquier soporte que se base en meter cc, pero tu no eres un tanque de engage, tu eres un peeler con disengage, si sabes entrar y salir, su R no debería darte problemas. Personalmente tengo win rate positivo vs ella, pero se que me la puede liar si cometo un error mínimo. ”
unhben says “Black shield will be the bane of your existence. If youre worried about her Q just play inside the minions. This is a guardian match up for sure, and control vision again and wait for ganks. ”
NewTeff says “her blackshield doesn't block your stun, it only blocks the damage from your stun, use it to your advantage and watch our for her Q's aswell”
Bear Gummies says “Morgana is heavily reliant on landing her Q, which you can dodge easily. Her black shield is on a really high cooldown, so she only has so many opportunities to protect herself from your poke. If she tried to shield herself and all in you, calmly break her shield with your Q and W and then monsoon her away.”
TwentyTwenty says “She can easily counter your Q by spellshielding the enemy you want to hook and while you are casting it she has enough time to stun you with her Q. Even if you hook an enemy and engage onto him she can just pop her R since you have no way to escape it.”
Jannito02 says “Morgana can use her Black Shield to stop you from stunning her or her ally, or to stop magic damage from your Q. She can also use her Q and root you for 2 seconds (3 seconds at full maxed), it has high range and it's not hard to hit, but that's the only problem Morgana has in laning phase. Her R may be a problem if she gets you, but try to get out of her range as fast as possible, or she and her ADC will probably kill you.”
SanLourdes says “Morgana is usually a permaban for me. The threat of her Q is on par to yours, and her spellshield can completely negate your CC, not just for her, but for her teammates as well. I ban her especially because she now fits into the jungle role in the meta and is a popular pick currently.”
LiLitami says “well just the blackshield is annoying, in this matchup u might aswell put 3 points into E to break her shield with autoattack since the enhanced damage is applied as magic damage. You can also look into her direction while channeling a hook, but aim it at another target, low elo morgs will shield the target into which direction thresh is looking, and dont use the shield on their reaction time.”
MagicPOwDer says “Her spell shield will be your biggest enemy. I like to ban her, but if you do run into her. Make sure you don't forget she has that nasty spell shield. Try and just slowly poke her out and switch targets frequently to make her shield the wrong person.”
xDopii says “While Blackshield counters your engage, your high mobility should allow you to dodge her roots. You can walk up very closely so she uses her Blackshield and then go for the other target.”
xDopii says “Another Blackshield that can deny your engages. Good Morgana players will usually run into you so they can get a free root onto you, so beware of that and take distance.”
xDopii says “She can only use her Blackshield to stop your W, after that you can still use your other abilities on the person that isn't shielded or wait for a next engage while the shield is down”
xDopii says “Blackshield denies your hook but it can be baited/forced. How well you will do in this matchup usually depends on how good the enemy Morgana is.”
xDopii says “Your Hook cooldown is very short compared to her E cooldown so try to spam as many hooks as possible.
She can't predict who you're going for and most Morgana players will use the shield on the ADC so focus her depending on positioning.”
Magdaleno9 says “Super easy for me, her Q is really slow so dodging it won't be a problem specially if you use your E. Also, if your team gets caught a lot with her Q, consider taking mikkel.”
EionThePepega says “She can try to Black Shield your R, but your Q exist to break it. The only thing you need to be careful and respect is her long Root, which she might play with bushes to get it more effectively.”
The Lotus Queen says “Morgana's CC and high damage can easily result in your death. Be sure to use minions as cover to prevent her from hitting her Q. Also make sure to use your R after Morgana already used her Blackshield.”
afrocolli says “The whole kit of Morgana is built as a direct counter to Senna.
You can't really poke because she can peel with her Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow.
Her shield nullifies last embrace.
She can easily disengage all ins using Soul Shackles. If you didn't ban her... Why didn't you?”
Meepy says “Get hit by a Q in Lane and there is a big chance you die.
Her E really fucks with your catch potential. Your Roams are better than hers, so just stick to that”
vnillz says “Her black shield in my opinion is really the only threat of a Morgana vs Nami. You can easily poke out Morg with W, AA, and Q. Just watch out for her roots.”
Tradicale says “Morgana is the single most common lane opponent you will face as a counter to Nautilus. However, as you play more Nautilus, you have many more options to play around Morgana than she does to play around you. There will be an in-depth section of the guide explaining these options.”
Jexeff says “This is a skill matchup. Although Morgana’s black shield can negate all of Thresh’s CC, the cooldown is 26 seconds at level one. This is vastly larger than all of your abilities. Rule of thumb if you can manage to burn her black shield with your abilities, you will have a small window of opportunity that will let you flay or hook your opponent.”
razzyhealer says “Morgana is a threat to anyone's existence in general. Her CC lasts forever. Getting caught by it is guaranteed death. Wait for her to use her Q before you try to proc passive. Her shields will also reduce the effectiveness of your Q. I tend to buy longswords for laning phase to deal damage to her (they go through her spellshield, which only blocks magical damage). Also realize that her shield will prevent your ultimate's root.”
Sinci says “Morgana has a long range which is already a problem for Alistar. Morgana spell shield denies your engage and her root is really strong. Morganas spell shield cooldown tho is quite long so you could find some chances to engage when it's down.”
Wounds2 says “Morgana is a huge counter to Rakan because her E makes your W useless.
On top of this, If you get hit by one of her bindings late game, your team's engage tool is most likely dead. To play around Morgana's spell shield, you need to take advantage of the fact that your W has a shorter cooldown. Bait her spell shield out with your W, then instantly E back to your ADC. Once your W is off of cooldown, you have a small window to land a W without worrying about the spell shield. I also recommend buying Quicksilver Sash against her.”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Her E can just negate your entire combo. Since your R can count as a dash then you wont be able to use it if she Qs you. Her W can reveal your location if she went a poke rune like aery or comet so try to be careful of that. ”
icebombhunter says “She has an anti cc shield. Just keep grabbing her, since her shield doesn't protect her from ad damage, and avoid her q with your w or e. If she wastes her shield all in her.”
DavideLl98 says “Morgana is a tough opponent for you, but not unbeatable. It is true that her spell shield counters you heavily, so you should bait her into using this ability. Under no circumstances should you initiate a fight with your R when you know she has spell shield.”
itizhelia says “Avoid her stuns and get rid of a mental "she makes me totally useless".
You can still win even a decent/good Morgana in the lane if you know what you're doing and that's her hottest point in which to counter you! In the mid-Late game, you win Morgana pretty hard!
Remember always that Morgana makes it so that you can only stun at max of 4 targets instead of 5 which is not a big deal.”
m3nto8 says “Morgana is extremely difficult to play against in the lane. Her Q is hard to dodge since its massive, and her E counters your engage completely. You have a much bigger presence than her in the late game though.”
Find0 says “Morgana has to be your toughest matchup - the matchup is still winable but makes it very hard for you to do your role if you play well. from my experience you have to be very creative with your flash and baiting an engage on the adc and turn on her in most situations. Alicopter bans this champ
ChrisPBacon says “A huge threat if morg can hit her afk warning Q's on you, and you wont be able to peel very hard for ADC, and her spell shield counters leo cc extremely hard. ”
FiddlesticksChan says “Pyke's hardest counter in bot lane and my perma-ban. Everything in her kit counters yours. Her Q will lock you down, her E will prevent your Q or E from landing, (but not your R,) her R is pretty much guaranteed to activate if you've already used your E, and she takes Perfect Timing, allowing her to deny your R. Look to dodge her roots and throw unexpected hooks so that she shields the wrong person. PokeQ-AA is your best option for damage if you can get close.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Don't try it, she can blackshield most of your engage and if you end up in her q it's free damage on you. My advice: go gank mid.”
Navn says “Dodge her Q and you'll probably win the match-up. But once she is level 6, she is much more of a threat as she can E herself, ult you, wait for it to Stun, then chain her binding, and there isn't a lot you can do about it.”
Xeptron says “Morgana is Thresh's nightmare. That's why a lot of Thresh players decide to ban her during champion select. Her blackshield is very annoying to play against since it counters Thresh's entire kit. Her Dark Binding works very well with most of the carries in the botlane which can lead to a very one sided botlane.
One way to play against Morgana is to hope she uses her blackshield early and you have approximately 15 - 20 seconds time to engage.
Other way is to max your flay or hook to break the blackshield. A lot of the Morgana players will ONLY blackshield whenever you channel your hook, so if you walk up to her and flay her, she won't use it. If there is a chance to burst her - do it! Get early lead in the botlane and morgana's blackshield won't matter as much. If that doesn't happen, it can lead to a very unpleasant experience in the botlane.”
CanadaJay says “Million year root & Spell Shield is annoying, but she is squishy and can be killed easily by your ADC because of Gragas' CC and Ult. Make sure she whiffs her Q's and then go in.”
whybother34 says “GIVE UP THE LANE. No but actually if you have a morg against you, e max isn't a recommendation it's necessary to counter her shield. If you e in and she shields them don't use your q just back off her shield has a long cooldown but if you max your e second your cooldown should be lower than hers. However she just ruins your day and until you get to mid game you are going to have a bad time.”
Frank6264 says “El único problema real de Morgana radica en su Q, que si llega a conectar en ustedes o en el ADC, probablemente les bajen muchísima vida o los maten, por lo que el posicionamiento es crucial en este enfrentamieto. Fuera de eso, el escudo de Morgana es fácil de remover de una Q de Karma para poder meter luego el CC de la W. En Teamfights, tengan ojo si Morgana tiene el Zhonyas ya que puede iniciar con un flash - R y dejarlos clavados en el piso. Más allá de eso, no debería presentar muchas complicaciones este enfrentamiento.”
Sunedayz says “Don't get snared, and you'll be great. You hard outtrade her, if she ends up turning bot to an afk farm fest. Go mid/jg to look for roams. She won't be able to match you.”
pqhit says “Evite o Q da Morgana. Respeite seu escudo mágico E. Nos níveis 1-2, observe quais feitiços ela usou. Se ela não mostrou o E, você pode facilmente engajar e vencer 2v2.
Sempre que você engajar, use apenas E (sem tentativa Q instantânea). Ela usa E no alvo engajado. Em seguida, quebre o escudo mágico com dano mágico (seu W + Passivo) ou mire no ADC. Então use Q stun e mate-o.
Respeite o cronômetro / Zhonya de Morgana.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Morgana has a Spell Shield and is able to Root you for 3 seconds at max if you are hit but a 5/5 Q. Thats long enough to kill you easily.”
McZeddy says “Morgana negates your mid-late game catch potential with ult, as she has her E. In-lane, she can negate some of your poke but remember that early on your stun goes through her shield.”
rcyuumi says “Morgana's kit is specifically very bad for your play style as an Ahri support. Morgana Q can stop an all in, her W can prevent your charm from hitting, and her E can work as an effective zoning tool in the laning phase”
Pixel Pocket says “Morg's shield is a killer but good positioning and flash mechanics mean you can take the ADC and Morg in the same E. She can only shield one, the other will be stunned and vulnerable”
CaptianMike says “Make sure to stand behind minions to avoid her Q. Her Q is basically a death sentence for you. The only good thing is that you can ult yourself while rooted. Please note her ultimate is a stun and you cannot ult while stunned!”
Nightshade1925 says “She is annoying because she can use her E to shield her allies. Try to bait her E or try to trick the target and you will successfully land your Q (if you don't miss it XD)”
jessuva says “If you get rooted, you might die. Her root lasts wayyyy too long. But, dodge her root and she can't really do as much to you as other supports like Lux or Zyra. ”
Rotendont says “Her spellshield can block all three of your stuns. Requires you to target the opposite laner than sheilded, which could make engages extremely difficult. Her stun also stops you from chasing until you have high tenacity built.”
Quadliss says “Morgana is a pretty easy matchup because she mostly has a spell that you have to dodge her Q, you can dodge it easily with a box or your Q or all just by dodging it. Its BalckShield prevents your boxes from fear of the person being protected by this blackshield. The more the game progresses, the more useful you will be compared to a morgana cage, especially since it is rather easy to dodge if you are careful.”
thunderlocus3 says “Having spells that she can cast outside your range and disables any spells can cut your damage. Focusing her to force her Spell Shield on herself can open up her team mates.”
ayoshe says “Since Seraphine is all about getting a lead in the early-game to make sure you can snowball by means of harassing, Morgana is a huge threat. Her Black Shield basically negates your ability to CC her ADC.”
most people consider the black shield the greatest of the thresh counters, but if you play with morgana, know your cooldowns, you will know how to play! Remember to abuse the high cooldown of the black shield compared to your Q”
Titans Revenge says “Morgana is more of an inconvenience than a threat. She can only spellshield one person at a time, and if you have points in flay, you can break it fairly easy. The mind game is: "Will she shield her ADC or herself?". Try to bait it out before engaging.”
SgtScoots says “Morgana has a Ranged Snare to initiate safely as well as a spell shield that prevents you from slowing or stunning an enemy that she uses her shield on. ”
Hceercs says “The classic counter against hook champs is still no fun to deal with. She's actually a great ban as she is so commonly picked into Thresh. Playing against her is mainly baiting her black shield and dodging her binding. Like Zyra, she also has good counterengage if you can't kill her fast enough.”
RedNBlue says “Her something year second root will not go through minions so you can steal her wraith Waalkers and she will drop a pool of black magic on you and you will burn and your adc will hopefully shoot people or something and once you and your adc are in sync you will send her home on a flat escalator using a walker. Segway whatever its called.”
CastratedSeal says “Morgana can't do anything to you in lane. She has no sustain and no poke. As long as you don't get hit by any Dark Bindings, you should crush this lane. Consider getting a Crucible after your Athene's.”
YourCut says “Electro+Precision. If you can avoid her Q its pretty easy. Your combo against her should be E, then immediately Q so by the time your E comes back her shield is gone. If she's good and waits with shield until your E returns you can attempt to focus her ADC.”
DeadlyPhantom says “Just her Black Shield it Counters your E, and her Q can hit when it should not. Be careful, her with mandate is really strong. Luckily she's not picked often. But if they pick this consider going a different Support, but this is playable, by trapping her and her ADC, and make her choose between her and her ADC.”
PoseidonTroyano says “She is very annoying to lane against, as her E can prevent you from landing your Q. Her Q is also very annoying if she manages to land it, so always be prepared to dodge it.”
MarsPowerOG says “Morgana is a tricky to play against champion. To win against her you need to dodge her Q, then engage with E on her, Flash+ Q+ Ignite on the ADC.”
Moderne says “Spellshield can potentially prevent your root, but it takes modest reaction times. If you are hit by her root, you will probably die. Be aware.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Like Sivir, Morgana has a spell shield that can block Thresh's CC. She is also able to cast it on either herself or her ally.
To counter this, look to fight when the spell shield is on cooldown or you can attempt to fake a hook on one person and go for the other, baiting out her shield.”
EmpressBee says “Morgana is weak to poke. Once she misses Q punish the AD by poking or zoning them from the minions. Hold Q or R until the morgana shield has been used or burst through.”
NEED WATER says “A good Morgana can rock your world early game and leave you hanging dry for gold if you cannot dodge her Q's. Her spell shield is also a critical counter to Maokai's W ability, but this can be outplayed if you use your Saplings to bait her into deploying her spell shield so that you can follow-up with some harder CC. ”
RondourDevil says “The bane of engage supports, she can put you in bad positions if you get hit by her q. Bait it out before going in, but make sure to hit 2 people with your w so that at least 1 gets cc'd (the other gets shielded by morg)”
just_juniper says “Poke her out of lane, hide behind minions to dodge her Q and respect her Flash-R-Zhonyas. Your E has a lower CD than her E, so bait it out before engaging.”
Guoblide says “Morgana is a pretty hard matchup for Sett due to her having a lot of CC and poke built into her kit. She can use Tormented Shadow in lane to poke you or zone off your ADC from the wave. Morgana's sustain from Soul Siphon is also decent and it can make poking her out of lane fairly difficult. Her Black Shield can completely deny your Facebreaker slow and stun which makes it really difficult to engage onto her. Black Shield can also stop the suppression from The Show Stopper. The Show Stopper-ing an enemy with Black Shield will make you go through your ultimate animation and dash into the same spot you would usually land but won't pick up or deal damage to your target. Black Shield can also completely shut down your Flash engages with Facebreaker and The Show Stopper during flanks and teamfights. However, if Morgana Soul Shackles and casts Black Shield on herself then you can The Show Stopper her and dash out of her ultimate range with it. Keep in mind that the Black Shield cooldown is very long ( 26/24/22/10/18 ) so try to bait her into using it by walking up to her and pretending to Facebreaker. The worst ability that Morgana has though is her Dark Binding. It's a 2-3 second root on a relatively short cooldown that she can use to poke in lane or peel for her ADC with. Morgana players will usually hug the inner wall during the laning phase and scout lane bushes with their Tormenting Shadow. If you try to engage they will see you coming and stun you with Dark Binding. Play around this by baiting Black Shield and Flashing through her Dark Binding or by waiting for her to use Dark Binding for poke in lane and then Flash + Facebreakering her into her ADC. Have you and your ADC focus the champion that Morgana did not Black Shield because they will be the one stunned from Facebreaker. Like with other hard matchups, try to roam around the map and assist your Jungler with objectives like Rift Scuttler and Dragon.”
Veropena says “Morgana is a Extreme counter. Her E is not even the biggest problem, but the champ overall. She can disable your Mobis by pressing W, which is impossible to dodge. Cannot "run" her down, so you have to rely on hitting hooks. 3 points on E, dodge her Q, and try to bait out her E(23cd), and you have a good chance of winning! :)”
bandeide10 says “Tente sempre desviar do seu q e evite ficar muito tempo na sua poça ( use a sua velocidade de movimento elevada para desviar das poças ) e tente sempre tirar o black shield antes com o w para jogar o seu furacão e dar knock up.”
ElSindiLegolas says “Pero la verdadera amenaza es Morgana, perma root desde un mucha distancia, daño desmesuradamente alto y un escudo capaz de sacar cualquier cc, la pesadilla del 90% de supports asi que a banear Morgui de ser posible.”
shitty jungle main says “cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc”
Jum3h says “Can counter you if she max shield.
If you bait her shield with AA+E on her adc or her, you can often engage. Just be careful from her Q, you cannot save yourself by stunning her adc.”
orogenz says “You out range her. Her shield is very high CD so youre fine. Late game you outperform her with your poke and sheild. Watch out for a lvl 6 flash. Its nice to have more points in E to pop her sheild so you can root and walk away. You should have an easier time landing Q than her”
0mori says “She's like Pyke/Senna. Just watch out for her Q and bait out the E before you decide to go all in with your R. It's another skill match up tbh. If she lands all those Qs then you're just dead. ”
Retrixed says “You need to watch out for roots with this one. Standing still as Rakan is basically death itself which is why you wanna make sure to either ban this character or do a good job at avoiding those nasty roots.”
Check De Bush says “Morgana is only a threat to you because she can root you to prevent you from getting on top of her carry, as well as her black shield cancels any CC. At one to two MR items, her damage will be negligible.”
ReignMargulan says “Fuck this bitch, her spellshield spells it out for you. You wont be able to hit a hook considering it shows them when you are preparing it for them. And even if she has her spellshield down and you get a chance to hook she can just Root you for 20 min so like GG ez”
katt5 says “Snare lasts for a million years, black shield negates most of your kit, her ult can be fatal if you can't get out of its range. If you can dodge her Q you should be fine though. ”
Jovy says “She's extremely difficult to lock down because of her Black Shield, so you need to bait it out before you can engage. Her Q makes for good poke and you'll need to dodge those in order to win the lane, but her Q also acts as a good disengage tool, as does her ultimate.”
Tauricus2017 says “You can easily dodge her Q's using Safe guard so you shouldn't have hard time playing against her. Her black shield doesn't stop your damage however it can stop your ultimate so pay attention”
Vailorn says “She's upsetting because of how her shield can negate both some of your damage and your stun. I still think it's perfectly winnable, just don't sit in her pool.”
Lulu Main says “Morgana has a magic shield. Aww yes! So she can shield your all spells, and her range is bigger than yours, but it's nothing yet. If you use your W while she is shielding her adc, the effect will disable. So if she is smart, you wont able to use your W on the enemy adc when you will need to.
Sad story bro :(”
Jovy says “Painfully annoying as she has poke and a spellshield. You'll need to bait out her shield in order to be able to do anything. It's very effortless for her to stop Concussive Blows' stun as she can see the stacks just as well as you can, and her E lasts long. Late game she's easier to deal with as there's more than just two people for you to CC.”
Kilo Khaos says “Morgana is a hard counter to Thresh's main engage. While her Black Shield (E) does prevent you from hooking her, it doesn't prevent you from jumping to her like Sivir's does. This is the consolation you have, as you'll be forced to peel constantly from her snares and the threat of follow up from the jungler.”
Wise Owl says “"Million years" stun, Magic damage+ Crowd control negating shield and sustain? Only good thing is there are a lot of Morgana players who don't know how to play her.”
Jovy says “Morgana's main form of pressure is her Q, if she misses her Q she can't do much until the CD is up. As long as you dodge her Q, it's a pretty safe lane for you. Some Morganas like to flash-ult when they hit 6 so always be vary of that. She will usually shield herself before she does this, so ulting in a panic will not save your ADC, keep that mind as well. ”
moon827 says “Morgana will destroy you. Also she can make your team report you for AFK if she lands a Q. Whatever you do, try to dodge as many of her Qs as possible.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Morgana is one of the biggest counter-picks to Thresh that hardly needs explaining.
Her blackshield is a direct counter to your engage. If the enemy Morgana knows how to play against Thresh she will max her blackshield first, so she can deny you as much as possible.
When in a Morgana lane, try to bait out her blackshield and then follow up with engage on the target without the blackshield.”
Tauricus2017 says “Once she hits you with her Q she is able to make you cry a lot, however you can use your shuriken flip to dodge it and then engage right after.”
Tauricus2017 says “She can easily predict and nullify your CC from Ethereal chains - Dodge her Dark Binding and Use Distortion to escape from her ultimate”
Zerz says “Her black shield just stops all CC but she can only really use it on one person so if you land a good ult , it won't matter all too much. But , will probably be super annoying early game. ”
poopydoop69 says “Like with the hook supports, Morgana's Q will get you killed if you don't dodge them. She isn't too hard to play against, but you do need to be cautious of her Q and make sure to stay behind minions for safety. ”
BoBo Geegs says “This is my permanent ban when playing support: Morgana's spell shield can counter your charm and your glacial augment super hard and render you very ineffective.”
SolarSupport says “Morgana's poke is very low damage, but her spellshield and ability to cast Q at point blank range for an easy escape makes it difficult to engage on her or her ADC. As a positive, she does pretty low damage at all points in the game”
sashadidntwalk says “CC is a big threat for Tahm (in my opinion) so her Q might be a pain for you, later on even if she manages to get you with it you'll be tanky enough to wait it out even if she uses her W after, you can save people from her ult with your W also but keep aware of her E shield while Q'ing.”
Taric Support says “This is probably one of the worst match-ups for Taric. Her spell-sheild blocks Taric's stun and her binding lasts for an eternity or two. When in lane, be aware of her stun and don't try to engage on her or the opposing adc, as Morgana will simply jsut deny you with her spell-shield and then you've got a big disadvantage. ”
Reason97 says “While not terribly strong on her own, she can catch you out with her stun and her ult if you play it wrong, so be weary of that. Not too bad in the laning phase, but has the potential to be, especially since she gets practically free poke damage with her desecrated ground ability. Even if it doesn't do a whole lot of damage, easy poke is easy poke. ”
Vahlok says “I hate this champ. I only see her in ARAM, since it is always banned by me. One of the few things you can do against her is using Q to the furthest enemy, because she will probably won't expect it and shield her ally which is closest to you.”
donpepe2 says “Morgana is hard counter for Scooby doo support,you must ban her if you want to play some good lane in early
She can root you with her Q ability,and its kinda 2 second,they can kill you easyl in early game.”
KeleiX13 says “Most enchanters aren't much of a threat to Yuumi, just be careful not take too much poke and you'll be good. Harass her when her Q is down and she will eventually be forced to use her shield. Stay behind your wave to avoid her root because the root duration is quite long and you will probably die if you get rooted.”
gungallo says “Morgana's Q is a major threat to Ziggs; because you are rooted, you can't disengage with W. Pair that with Morgana E and, well, you die. Banshee's Veil does wonders against Morgana.”
Spection says “COMMON. Morgana is only rough if she can land Q's. Her black shield helps to inhibit your all in capability, although most Morganas will shield themselves if subjected to your Q. Use this opening to all in without fear of having it not stun the ADC.”
NERF THIS MAN says “Her spell shield is very annoying to deal with, but not impossible. If she spell-shields late, you can still break it with E and lock someone with your passive.”
ShroudedBRH says “Morganas black shield will block your W and R other then that she needs to have a clear path to land her Q but if shes paired with another hard CC it can be a very difficult matchup”
Robotic Dodo says “Perma-ban Support in my books. Spell shield full counters you. You won't have the ability to live through a long Q stun most of the time, either. ”
niftyyy_lol says “Black shield counters your Q + ulti. Don't get rooted. Shes really strong if she has a caitlyn. You will likely have to go mikaels for her root + R, you might also have to go mercury treads.”
InvalidNickname says “The CC of this............ woman will ruin your earlygame and makes gank's impossible. But if she's bad you can easy dodge with W.”
NixLychee says “Spellshield is very aggravating. She should almost always be your ban, because her kit is a direct counter to yours, because her root (Which travels the whole lane basically) is insane, and her Black Shield prevents your Pull and Stun from doing anything, as well as the Slow from your Q tap.”
Wicked Cherry says “Don't let her root you by her Q. Her shield can prevent some of your magical damage and your CC but thanks to your mobility, you should be okay playing against her.”
Wicked Cherry says “Well she has more CC and damage than you. Try to keep up vision and don't get caught by her Q. She'll poke out your ADC with her W Tormented Soil but you will be able to outheal that. However her Q might be a death sentence so grab those mobility boots and if you're confident, bait it out so your ADC can make her pay for her mistakes.”
orbiterpluto says “The Black Shield will ruin your engage so bait it out. I would build tanky in this matchup. Her combo can add up in damage very quickly without mr.”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 57% winrate against Morgana, however her E and Q can be pesky if she knows what shes doing. Keep a safe range from her and W from a distance and she shouldnt be an issue. Follow up on her ults with your CC to lock her down and make her feed!”
TheMistCollector says “How you use your W is everything in this matchup. Try to kill a minion with your root to have less chances of getting black shielded. If you W Morgana, or someone close to her, she can only black shield one of them, so target the other.”
TheSpecialist says “Morgana's ability to land painfully long roots is quite easy. Roots are the bane of Pyke's existence. Without a fed Enemy ADC, Pyke should be able to escape with at least 50% Health”
xlouis31 says “Since you have a pretty big hitbox, a good Morgana will hit all her Q's. Try to stay behind your minions and try to hit Q's when she's coming close. After you have your ult, u can all-in her. Just make sure she's not using Stopwatch under tower to bait you in.”
SST Reaper says “Morgana can be pretty annoying but you can use her shield against her. When you hook someone who has Morgana's shield on him/her the hook stays on that champion and you can recast hook to fly towads the champion, then wait out the shield and flay the champion. ”
Guffel says “Morgana can be quite annoying because of her spell shield. Engage on her when it's on cd as the cd is pretty long (around 29 seconds at lvl 1) Also care that you don`t get baited by her to engage and then she ueses R+Zhonias.”
LegendLuklus says “THEORY: I haven't run Sylas support against Morgana support, but her Q can shut down your engage and her E can prevent your E from connecting.”
Epico_Gamer says “This son of a bitch.
She fucking can spell shield others, and root your ass 50 years into the future. Purple shit will also have stopwatch for when u want to shit on her. So you will be shit on.”
Mczrks says “Hard counter for pyke. If she's decent at playing her it would be really hard for you to engage in any trades, because of her Ability shield.”
DarthMagic says “Only threat I know of so far. Her spell shield blocks half of your kit, but if you can catch her while its on cooldown shes an easy 300 gold.”
Krynomi says “If she lands her root it could be bad, but other then that she doesn't pose much threat. Try to stay behind minion waves and try to estimate when it's on cool down and when it isn't. Note that she can use her spell shield to block her or an ally from your root”
Shad0w1and says “NO. If you go in, she will shield (flash) ult in zongyas. if she lands a Q when you are low, you will waste ult or you dead (I'm m7 Mrog).”
DarthMagic says “Her massive poke and root can really screw you over. Make sure to start with W over E when going against her. She also has a shield that blocks all CC so your hook and passive are countered. Make sure to ban her in ranked.”
Gmxgreen says “Can nullify your kit with a button.
In lane try to rush to your target with W rather than trying to land a grab. This will force her to use her black shield and then you can do what was said in caps-lock
Lesbiannie says “Getting caught in a morg Q feels like eternity, stay behind minions. When you're poking keep in mind that slows won't work when they're Black Shielded so poke while being cautious of a potential all in from enemies.”
Scy2orluv says “Against most players believe, Morgana is no problem at all. People think Morgana would be a problem because her blackshied denies your engage, but you can just poke with Q or delete the shield with Q first and then abuse the huge cooldown on it.”
Joseseyboy says “Morgana is the designated support bully in wich her shield nullifies all enemy spells, including your slows and bombs. Try to go for the unshielded enemy.”
Twistinfortune says “Morgana has a stun, Magic/Stunproof shield and decent damage.
Stay behind minions to avoid being stunned. Don't be afraid to poke her and try to bait her shield before landing a Q W Q combo.”
Illumination says “Technically a skill matchup. Who ever can land more skillshots and play around cooldowns better will win. Pay attention at Level 2 and see if she casts W. If so, bully her until level 3. Trade with her if she misses Q and don't commit to ANYTHING if she has her E. ”
SkeleMan says “Morgana's E is a shield that blocks all CC on the target she puts it on. She also has 2 rooting abilities. Just plain annoying to deal with - you need to bait out the shield and then also dodge the root and if she has ult then the root is point and click.”
snukumz says “If she lands her snare you are in big trouble, but if you dodge it then she is pretty easy to deal with.
Her shield negates a lot of your damage and your slow, and pop up which can make her tough to deal with. ”
snukumz says “If she snares you you're in trouble but most of the time you should be far enough away to be safe, or able to dodge it.
Her shield can negate you Q damage, your slow wall, and your ultimate.
That said, you out damage her, so you should still be able to come out on top in all-in fights.”
snukumz says “Her shield stops you & your ADC from getting kills because her spell shield doesn't let you stun anyone, and will block some of your damage.
Not quite a level 5 threat because you can stay back and usually dodge her snare and her poke. Unfortunately she creates a lot of pressure that Veigar can't do much about. ”
Dreadscythe95 says “Her black Shield Counters Swain's E and W and her Ultimate is a good answer to yours. Her Q is a classic, if she hits it, you lose your Wi-fi connection.”
snukumz says “She makes your CC less effective so that's annoying, but her poke is meaning less to you and your ADC.
Her bindings are scary be usually you'll be so far back that it'll be hard for them to capitalize on it if you get snared. ”
Dreadscythe95 says “Her black Shield compltely negates your W threat which means that she is extremely dangerous. One bind an dthe enemy adc will erase you or your carry and will leave without even gettting stunned.”
Holidayuniverse says “Morgana's spell shield will make every single ability from Thresh useless. However, a level 1 Morgana shield has long cooldown so you should take advantage of that when it is down.”
thesophieset says “You win this one. Her biggest threat pre-6 is her Q > W combo, so make sure to use your Q MS to sidestep her Q. Poke her when her Q is down. Her Black Shield has a high cooldown on level 1 (20 seconds!), so when it's down, that's the time to play a little more aggressive. Don't stand in her W as it deals missing HP damage now and can seriously chunk you down. Early Mikael's cucks her hard.”
Guffel says “Her spellshield is annoying but it has long CD and can only be cast on one of the two enemies. She also doesn't deal a lot of damage. Just focus on doding her bindings and kill her when her spellshield is down.”
NalgaSensei says “With her Spell Shield, Morgana doesn't let you stun. It's easy to dodge her abilities though, and you can one shot her if you're stacked up and within range. ”
Ghionova says “Never hook unless you know her E is on cooldown. I mostly try to save up my abilities till the shield buff is gone. You can also go for the dmg of your abilities if you need to execute them if you know you can get out of the situation afterwards.”
Maxwhale Plays says “Lilia struggles against Morgana because of her Spellsheild and never ending root which will just let the enemy ADC kill you for free”
snukumz says “Her spell shield means that it will be very difficult for you to land your stare onto either her or her ADC.
Her poke is annoying as her pool has long range and is hard to dodge.
She has some sustain with her pool as well.
Watch out for her snare as it lasts for a long time, and could allow for her and her ADC to kill you.
Try to poke her down safely from a distance, and get her to waste her spell shield, as it has a longer cooldown than your snare. ”
Thats a OOF says “Fight Morgana while her shield is down. Avoid her poke. Her E prevents Q CC But you can pull yourself to who's hooked. However it will be harder to combo Chain CC them unlike Sivir with her E down.”
THEBURGERKING says “Morgana is quite the struggle in the early game for lillia, she doesnt have enough base MR to fight into a high magic damage support.”
Jaiyana says “Its not hard to deal. Her E will remove all your crowd control. i recommend try to engage when she uses her E or you can engage with WE (she will use E) then R her or adc. focus on her adc is better than her. Leona can beat Morgana if you play well .”
Akja says “In general all champions that can poke you hard from a distance are a big trouble to Azir, even more if they have a long stun like Morgana does”
Metalbashev says “She can E your W+Q combo and lock you down for their team to pick off. If you keep this in mind, watch your positioning and know where she is, you will be able to get by.”
Randomless says “A good Morgana makes your W useless but other than that and her very annoying (yet easy to dodge) Q; she has no protection against you. You're going to outheal her Q+W combo and since you're an AD champion her shield is not going to protect anyone against your damage.”
SynLynx says “Her q has a big hitbox, so both that and her let are extremely dangerous to you, and her e blocks your w. If she plays the lane badly, however, she'll miss her q and use her e on your q when you trade, meaning you can pull her towards you and she will only have her w left.”
Dinga Dong says “Just morgana really, a good morgana literally will make you useless in game
Your whole combo is blocked by her blackshield, just play safe or try to bait out her shield”
rquoe says “Her Black Shield counters your root and her Q+W combo can be very dangerous. If her ADC is paying attention, you can get killed fairly easily. Your best option to kill her or her ADC is to bait out her shield first.”
ThaLegend27 says “This champ is the definition of damn ur screwed if you misplay if she hits u with the q ur done pal (atleast in teamfights) also in lane ur stun is useless due to her shield and if u go in to engage with ult she can just ult herself and place a shield on herself to negate ur engage fully”
Diogenes says “My personal ban when I´m playing Lux as a support. Her shield pretect her ADC from your "Q" and "E". But when you will be against her try to be a patient or bait her to use the shield. Her shield has a big cooldwon so you have to provoke her to use it and then you have to focus her ADC. ”
Akja says “Long-range poke, and also can use her he to stop your gold cards, however you can hold the gold card in your hand long enough for the shield to go, and the shield also has 3 times the CD your W has, so play around that.”
Mara312 says “Morgana's spell shield will make every single ability from Thresh void. However, a level 1 Morgana shield has a moderately long cooldown so you should take advantage of that when it is down.”
AnnakinVader67 says “La E no te permitirá darle la W al adc enemigo en early, más adelante podrás romper el escudo con tu Q (ponerse siempre 3 puntos en la Q). En linea tratar de aprovechar esos segundos en los que ella no tiene el escudo pero sí tú la W”
Haroc says “Also can block some of your spells with her shield, but you can counter her ult with E and W east in and out so she wont be big big problem.”
mrepicfoulger says “Long range root could hit Senna, and as Senna is squishy, this is risky for her. Also, as Senna's W doesn't activate immediately, it is very easy for Morgana to black shield it.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Probably the scariest mage support in lane, though that's not saying much.
If you get snared, you die.
Consider asking ADC to take Cleanse over Barrier.
Can rush Mikaels first, though unless the Morgana is REALLY good i wouldn't do this - Athenes is too good. Second item.”
TheGreatHazam says “One of the worst counters to Rakan because she can black shield any crowd control you do to any champion she gives her shield to.On top of that if you as Rakan use W to jump in on her, she can use her q to bind you and you will be impaired for a very long time especially late game.”
iNotSushi says “Her spell shield and long root duration are both efficient ways to stop your engage. Her ult also stops a duo engage. However, taking cleanse and baiting out spell shield can solve all these issues if played correctly, despite being extremely hard to do so. However, since she is counter-able unlike blitzcrank, you will still need to ban blitz every game and be prepared to know how to deal with her.”
P1nkward says “It's annoying to deal with her, since she can cancel your Ultimate CC. Don't waste your Ultimate if she has her Black Shield up, or try to get 2+ enemies on it, 'cause you'll definetely root one of them.”
Poyba says “just perma banned her honestly she'll make ur life miserable cuz of denial pressure with Morg W and her black shield to countered it you need summon Arey to break her shield faster ”
Dougaroo says “Morgana is a major threat when it comes to her stun abilities. Although slower thank blitz, if you get caught in her stun you have no room to escape with both her and her adc collapsing on top of you. Due to the distance of her stun as well, there is no room for you to use your fear. I don't ban morgana but I do play more in the rear and try to predict her stun abilities.”
JustSlayter says “If she lands her q you're in danger, but it's fairly easy to avoid if you stay at a range. You can bait out her spell shield by slowing either her or the carry then waiting a moment before stunning the one who doesn't get shielded.”
HoneyQT says “You are her worse nightmare. It's a very easy matchup for you. Unless your ADC face-tanks every Q she throws, just play as normal and you'll beat her.”
Cat Elf says “Get your ADC to get cleanse and she is basically useless. Just make sure that she has used her Q or stay behind minions when going to proc passive. ”
JackieXDz says “a good morgana player, will never let you land a hand on their team, but still beatable, she has huge cd on her shield, rank1=24seconds,rank5=18seconds i think.”
Growtopia Cool says “Very dangerous. Whoever she shields, don't attack that person (if she shields her ADC, attack her). Also, try as much to avoid her Q”
Xeratherxes says “Swoją tarczą kontruje R, i slow'a z E. Ciężko się nabija golda z item'u na supporta, gdyż morgana skutecznie obija cię ze swojej plamy, robiąc dystans pomiędzy tobą a jej adc.”
DestroyerGaming says “Contra morgana classifiquemos igualmente ao braum, do mesmo jeito que ele diminui o dano, ela diminuirá o seu controle de grupo com seu escudo negro, use isso em sua vantagem, force ela a utilizar em si mesma o escudo negro para poder hookar livremente o adc inimigo, tendo em mente que no lvl 1 da skill dela, o tempo de recarga é 20s e geralmente nunca focam essa skill”
AlexZzZz says “She might not even be that much of a threat but I just HATE THIS CHAMP.I ban her every game because of how annoying she is.Although if you build enough damage your Q can break through her E.”
PayyBack says “My most hated champion in the game, I can't even imagine a support that can counter her! I recommend banning Morgana whenever you're playing Rakan.”
StormAegis says “Teemo is pretty much dead if hooked or stunned for a good amount of time, so be careful with any matchup of this kind. If you get blocked don't panick, and if you know you'll be dead, try to deal the most damage you can to the weakest enemy around. Sometimes you can secure some kills even when in a death situation like this. If your opponent is alone and not fed, try to avoid him in the early game, but you should be able to 1v1 him with Q and AA and usually win. If you are in danger just Q him, avoid any hooks/stuns and run away with your W. You can use your R behind or ahead to slow the enemies chasing you.”
Kireihana says “If the Morgana is good, she will simply hold E over her ADC once you are level 6 (or about to get it), and you will not be able to land an ultimate. The fact that she can entirely mitigate your ability to grab a lead with your lvl 6 powerspike automatically makes the game a bit harder.”
Napiste says “Morgana's Q is a very long root duration. In order to beat Morgana, there are 2 cooldowns of hers you need to play around and that's specifically her E (Black Shield, this ability will negate all CC until the shield is broken or wears off), and her Q - but if you ever find her without E and Q, go ham because she is extremely squishy pre 6. Abuse long E cooldown (26s).”
DarkGabumon says “Similar to Lux in abilities, she is very annoying. Her job is basically to cuck you and set up good engages. If your against Morgana, just try to max E and poke them. She can honestly be major to extreme levels of danger if she is either bad or good at landing Q's and using black shield correctly.”
Daedralus says “Absolute %&$^£. Her E is just disgusting against you and you really can't do your classic straight dash at her or you will get smacked to sit down like an obedient dog by her Q followed by her W. You can decrease the damage quite significantly with your W but overally, she is just difficult to catch. However, if you do get her to waste her E and while her other stuff is on cooldown, she is usually not very tanky and this build will give you a very satisfying one shot :). ”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Everyone knows the pain of playing against a Morgana with any type of engage champ. . . Once you get good with Thresh this matchup isn't actually that bad, but if you are you wouldn't be reading this guide xD”
SuperTezcat1 says “She can counter your q and r with the black shield(E).And she also have a root with means that if she hits it you will be dead almost 100% sure,be careful against morg”
PhantoMenace says “Really annoying, her e blocks your hook and her q is grounding you for years. Instead of trying to catch her or adc, hook a nearby wall and root them with your AA.”
Jointed says “Morgana is the anti fun lane; she is our Toby. She's stupid and sits there looking at us all lane. This is an even lane and you should rotate around objectives early. Respect her level 6, you will die if you get combo'd.”
iidibitizi says “ive hard really bad experiences vs good morg, wich is a rarity lately, but still you cant get caught by her q. otherwise, if she only shields ur bombs, and wastes hes mana that way, she will lose lane.”
Nicl1242 says “I find morgana a more even matchup, since she isn't the tankiest, so if you get her stunned, you can easely get her low. Her E can block the Q's stun and your R, so be careful, it can only be used on one of the laners however, so with a bit of faking, you can get her to E the herself over her adc, and stun them for a free kill. Her Q is devestating for your adc, when you leave to roam, so pray for an adc that can dodge a bit.”
Gamerlaci3 says “Her spell shield is the one thing that can mess your play up, and you can't even remove the shield because you dont have magic damage. You should ban it if you want to play Pyke.”
Pognog says “Morgana's spell shield is painful to play against as CC is a massive strength of this build - your E doesn't deal any damage so you will have to break the shield first which means probably wasting your Q+W+Q stun. She also has great lockdown with long range roots which is often enough to get you killed.”
Stepoun James says “Her shield nullifies your stun and your slow, you have no option but to wait it out, but at least you have Mikael's Crucible as your first item to counter her bind.”
Gravixx says “She can spellshield your bubble and if she lands her Q it can be a big problem but if you manage your cooldowns right you can win easily. Your healing should also win trades against her.”
Gravixx says “Very annoying to play against, she out ranges you and can spell shield your [[polymorph]]. If you or your adc gets rooted, you an provide plenty of protection with [[help, pix!]] and [[wild growth]].”
Hanjaro says “Morgana can stop your polymorph, slows and knockup, you can instead buff yourself or your ally to counter her ult roots/slow. Dodge her root, you'll be fine.”
Aizenvolt says “Not a common midlaner. Dont underestimate her, her combo can do alot of damage. Also her snare can synergize well with a gank to kill you. Her magic shield can negate alot of damage. If you cant handle her ask for gank and she will probably die.”
Hanjaro says “Counters your stun, and can negate your engage with a root. You can heal up the majority of her sustained damage easily, but be wary of her burst damage, especially post 6 if your ultimate is on CD.”
ningen ouroboros says “3 sec root so you can't use w, better push potential so you can't harrass, magic damage shield to mitigate damage, tethered stun and you have to be in her range to combo.
Your option is to bait skills and go in as her cooldowns are pretty long ”
GoBucket says “Annoying as spell shield will nullify your engage. Her root is disgustingly long and she has easy poke (although not that powerful) with W. Should be BANNED.”
Hanjaro says “Long range on her immobilize, and annoying poke. Her black shield is annoying to negate your all in, but you can just switch targets! Try to dodge her Q, otherwise you'll take unnecessary poke.”
Beeee says “Morgana pretty much counters Lux. Her spell shield especially is super annoying, and her root lasts a lot longer than yours. However, you do have the advantage of your q going through one extra target so it's a good idea to stay behind minions. Just keep your distance and you won't need to worry about her ult much”
marisbroodti says “Despite having Black Shield, Morgana poses little to no danger to us, as we can safely bait it out with an E and walk away just to re-engage after while its on cooldown. You can also engage her to make her Black Shield herself and swap to the ADC for an easy kill.”
Ghionova says “Her E is such a powerful ability. You have no magical damage so you cant break the shield and you are forced to wait till the shield is gone. You are unable to hook and stun then. If she uses the shield, focus the other one.”
Zer0XM says “If you see Morgana consider switching off Naut, otherwise she's a massive threat that can cancel your hook and neutralize you very easily [your a very big target to hit], if you do lock against her then always take Banshee's first, after that its not as bad but she can still cancel the hook with her shield.”
MeatFeast says “Morgana is the biggest counter to Leona and I personally ban her every game. She's even more of a threat since her slight rework in 9.5. It's not that you can't beat her in lane, because you most definitely can, it's just that laning against her is a mostly miserable experience. If you E into her she will just black shield and cancel stun combo. This just leaves you dead in the water. You're out of position, likely taking a lot of damage and needing to burn your summoners to survive. Only engage when her shield isn't available and then do so wisely. A high end tactic to use against Morg is to fake an attack on the Support so she uses black shield and then to E onto the ADC. at the last second This secures a kill often and is surprisingly effective even in high ELO's. During late game team fighting Leona definitely has the edge if you can hit multiple people with your ult.”
chatea says “she's not exactly a 'threat' to nami, but her shield is annoying and protect anyone from you. Bait her shield or aim for the one that she isn't shielding. ”
clapiza says “Her Black Shield is op. Try to bait her E before you charge your grab. If you engage lvl 2 she probably won't have black shield, so if you kill her you can snowball the lane.”
Xelaadryth says “Mid Morg laning phase just W's the wave and leaves. Nothing you can really do about it. If you go on her she'll just spell shield. Her roaming is not something you can really stop safely.”
Leaguecitizen says “Ban this champion every game. There's a simple reason: her E.
Regardless if the Morgana is good or not, just knowing that she has that spell shield to block all your CC, requires you to change your playstyle completely.
Not banning Morgana while playing Alistar is a cardinal sin.”
Leaguecitizen says “Not banning Morgana when playing Leona is criminal.
Her E can completely negate your engages.
Another consideration is that you'll always have to play around her E, which means you need to completely change your playstyle to make anything work.
Ban this champion every game, without exception.”
Leaguecitizen says “Not banning Morgana when playing Nautilus is shameful.
Her E can completely negate your engages.
Another consideration is that you'll always have to play around her E, which means you need to completely change your playstyle to make anything work.
Ban this champion every game, without exception.”
suppdiff says “This is an interesting matchup. Be sure to max Q first before W as your stun can out damage her spell shield meaning the target will still be stunned. If she takes anything else but guardian, you hard win the lane. If she takes guardian however, you will have to outplay her spell shield.”
FabioOoOoOo says “If you dodge her skill shot she is almost useless. However, a good player won't really miss. She can lock down your adc fairly easily”
Leaguecitizen says “If Morgana's Q hits you, you're dead most likely.
Her E is also a pain because it reduces your game impact, because it reduces your damage output.
This is a problem in and out of lane.
I strongly recommend banning Morgana every game.”
ThebestGP says “Morgana is a very difficult champion to deal with since her spell shield will negate any CC or opportunity that you might of had.
Ways to counter this champion is maxing E which could potentially remove all of her spell shield without using any of your spells. Another way is to engage with a lantern to your jungler and flash flaying into them giving no time to react. Engaging level two is very strong for both supports since they only need 1 CC to win a fight. When you get level two, you can flay either of the champions before they can react and will most likely spell shield they one that got CC'd. This gives you an opportunity to hook the other player or wait for the spell shield to drop.”
spark2 says “This is a pure farm lane. Rush Lost Chapter and then Banshee's. You should be able to dodge most of her Q's (the ones you don't are what Banshee's is for). She pushes somewhat hard with her W but you can push harder. Ward up early since she receives ganks very well if she lands a Q.”
WhiteGoliath says “engage the one that doesn't have the shield xD, she can only use it in one person and the ability have a good cd, use that to your advantage. Trick her mind by walking into 1 enemy direction and throw your hook to another enemy, they will [[black shield]] the one you're chasing”
Zefirez says “One would expect Morgana to be top threat for Malph...but that's hardly the case, least for ap Malph.
Unless she's a snaring goddess, this match is a ticking timebomb ending in her loss.
Blackshield by it's very nature is pretty bad vs Malphite. She can shield only one person - you can ult engage a whole group. On top of that you got good ap scalings and build ap, so she is either forced to pump shield early, losing a lot of damage, or if she ignores it - a single q will tear it to shreads, leaving enemy priority target open for ult engage.
Her ult needs a huge setup and will force her to zhonya's lest she be killed. Yours is nearly instant and she might not even make it with blackshield on time. ”
supersuavebro says “If she roots you, youve got a serious problem. Keep an eye on her at all costs and make sure that doesnt land to ensure you winning lane”
Laverenz says “Morgana is a really hard champion to win against as Thresh. Her spellshield denies every spell you have. However, if she uses spellshields your Q, you can still jump to her/the adc, but they won't get pulled. ”
NirvanaBunny says “Not only is she extremely difficult to lock down, her E will ignore yours. You'll have to bait it out before you can engage on her. Her Q also works for poke and will root you for what feels like forever.”
SIeeprer says “She has a spell shield so don't count on your slow or passive procs focus on burning black shield and dodging bindings and you'll be fine. Mostly a skill matchup”
SpamerZg says “CC shield + if you get caught in her ultimate everyone gets true sight on you and your Deceive range isn't big enough to escape it if you get caught sitting on her. ”
aimez says “Morgana will destroy you. Also she can make your team report you for AFK if she lands a Q. Whatever you do, try to dodge as many of her Qs as possible.”
dioguito814 says “Yes you can outplay her, but it's too dificult, not worth trying, just ban her anygame and play safer whenever their adc + sup is stronger earlygame.”
dioguito814 says “Her E can remove your ROOT ( W ) even AFTER you hit it, just like with zoe's sleep ( E ) , and that make's so that nor she or the ADC will ever get rooted, as long she has E off cooldown.”
GetBoppedKidd says “Morgana is a hard counter to Blitzcrank due to her Black Shield. She can negate your all in potential by protecting herself or her ADC from your Rocket Grab pull, or preventing the knock up from your Power Fist. Take advantage of the long cooldown she has in lane.”
Ahpulzz says “Her Q lasts for approximately 10 years so you'll be hugging your minions more than other matchups. The most annoying part of her kit is her E, Black Shield, which can be cast instantly and cancels out the CC from all of your abilities.
While it sounds hopeless, experienced Thresh players can play around this by faking engagements on one target and aiming for another. This baits out Black Shield on the wrong target and makes the actual target a lot easier to lock down.”
nathanxyz says “Same as Miss Fortune. Easy enough to ignore her obvious counter potential; she spellshields one person, you snare the other. You waste your snare into her spellshield? Guess what, you probably out-damage it. Don't be put off in a middling ELO.”
Her0mars says “Hard as butts to deal with in teamfights, her ranged snare locks you down for almost a year making it hard to chase enemy carries or run away.”
Ahpulzz says “Her Q and R become more potent the closer you get, making her difficult to approach. Her short range auto-attacks hit for a decent amount, as well. She can't to much against your pillar, however - it can single-handedly prevent any of her ults from timing out.”
Aethlo says “Her spell shield is no problem due to you having 3 good spells. Sure she blocks your stun and then you hit her with e, w which does crazy damage still because you're playing brand... Her root is annoying due to the duration especially be careful if her ADC has high burst such as kai'sa.”
Chromuro says “Do you have a book with you to read when she roots you? Her Q duration is infinite, stay behind your minions as much as you can, if she can't hit it they can't engage. The black shield is infuriating since it denies the slow, the silence and the root. Play smartly around her cooldowns and make her waste mana and skills.”
StrawberryMewlk says “Depending on the enemy's skills as Morgana, it could potentially be a major threat due to her stun, ult and spell shield, preventing your target to get slowed or charm, pretty much rendering you useless.”
Vermeio says “A LOT of ccs. And can deny your E. But keep the hope up. She can deny your cc, but not the damage. Try to bait her on using the shield, like using a W to run up, but don´t charge. You can charge the adc if she uses on herself. Or you can wait the effect end.”
Appler says “She can blackshield her adc so you cant polymorph him (she can also blackshield anyone so you cant polymorph them)
Dont let her Q you and you are fine, if she Q's your adc you will probably have to shield him and even ult him if neccesary.”
Axeloy says “Morgana can spell-shield Nami's CC and E slows, but (in my opinion) if played right, a heal-based champ always beats a shield-based champ. Also, Nami is a slippery fish that can dodge binds pretty well.”
mbo575 says “Negates all your CC and can root you for a long time. If you are rooted, you can't do anything except for Q, which is basically almost suicide if nobody is there to support you. Your main objective vs Morgana is to avoid getting rooted and use Q only when it is guaranteed.”
Stand In The X says “Her Spellshield can counter Pyke but you can play around hers and bait it out. Try to get ahead early most Morg's take the Shield 3rd or atleast 2nd.”
Defensivity1 says “Dont get hit by her bind, and her blackshield can make you unable to slow her with your e or damage her with your bomb and can even make it so you cant stun her or her adc.”
Sona Aria says “Sona has a really good matchup into Morgana because Sona can burst Morgana blackshield very easily. Blackshield has a very large cooldown, and you should always be aware of it. If you want to engsge on a Morg with her blackshield, I would recommend flash and then q power chord her to attempt to fake her out, and then ult.”
Haezard01 says “They both have a similar kit, but Swains abilities brings more firepower behind them. Even still that Morgana has the Black Shield, you have to understand that shield level 1 is at a 26 second cooldown, and it only last a couple of seconds. Max your E to lower the cooldown and play around her E when its down.”
Demonic Thresh says “ALways ban her because her e makes thresh useless and her q makes your adc go afk and you cant do shit about it . SOOOO always BAN Her ”
SetsumiV1 says “Her binding lasts forever, and her black shield neutralizes your Polymorph, If she uses her binding randomly you can look for trading, if not, play from behind your minions and try to time your polymorph after her shield ends ”
wWQRWw says “Morgana Black shield prevents swain from getting on either morgana or the ADC and their cooldowns are very close early. Her poke is enough to keep swain at bay early on.”
eXC4l says “Her stun takes over Braum's stun rate because Braum's passive stuns on 4 hits and Morgana can easily stun by just sending a Q. But she isn't a big threat.”
Xavier Senori says “Her spell shield makes it very hard to trade with her. On top of that, she can snare you everytime you try to engage on her. Finally she pushes lane really hard, making it hard to farm and push lane. Early on try and push the minions into her tower to cost her CS, and remember to pop her shield before calling for ganks. Late game you will outscale her hard.”
pokejoe says “(Support) Morgana can Black Shield your Dark Wind on both herself and her ADC, so this makes it more difficult to proc Arcane Comet and Spellthief's Edge.”
Saethwyr says “WATCH HER BLACK SHIELD. The second she uses or misuses it go ALL IN. it is a Twenty Six Second Cooldown at rank one and almost every morgana maxes binding or Pool first. two autos from passive will always pop black shield and you'll often be able to get two autos off before dazzle goes off, leading to some reliable stuns.”
The Jhin Cena says “Only time you should have a little trouble killing a Morgana is if she starts to build MR. When I laned against one, her adding in MR did certainly prevent me killing her a few times so be a bit more cautious with engaging if she does. Early game was a breeze for me since she did not poke however many Morganas do poke constantly. If you're laned against that "type" of Morgana then you should probably CS from a distance by W'ing a low health minion and then peeling back from her poke-range. If she is building full AP then it should be a very easy lane and she can be a source of food for you. You can easily E over her Q and slow her via fully charging the E, and then finish her with Q and W. Even if she is building MR, you can still 1v1 her with a fully charged ult, just be completely sure it's a 1v1 before you engage. You should grab Banshee's Veil as a 3rd item when facing Morgana. All her CC will be a bit less annoying with this item.”
supportsbelike says “BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
She will CC you, shield your abilities and then drop a load of purple on you to flip a middle finger. Tbh, this is her with everything, so try to play passive and dodge, or extremely aggressive all in ALL THE TIME.”
hipstersora says “Not... too bad. Save E for escaping her ult, but you can use it to dodge her Q if you need to. Lich Bane + boots should be enough MS to simply dodge it though. She's squish, have fun bursting. ”
RainbowNova says “She has a root which takes forever and she has a big spellshield which can block most of your damage and all of your CC. I would not perma ban her, but she's definitely an annoying threat.”
SawyerNelson says “Morgana's abilities aren't super strong against Lux. So long that you play inside the minion wave, you can't be hit by a binding. Expect her black shield to negate your Q CC, but they can only Black shield 1 target in the bot lane.”
Exs Xena says “Be aware of her spellshield. If not timed correctly, all of your heavy cc could just be wasted. Make sure you bait her spellshield, or jump onto the other laner. ”
HKgamer13 says “You have the lowest max HP in the game. If she Qs into Ws you (especially if you're trying yo W), you are likely to lose a lot of your health. So its best to try and bait out the Q. Her E could often deal with your R even, but find an open window, as her E does have a long cooldown. ”
DoABarrellRoll says “She is annoying with her E, cant let you play your Q stun or the CC of your E. Just provoke she to use her E and play aggresive, dodge her Q and ez.
Ella es tan molesta con su E, no va a dejar que juegues tu stun de Q o el CC de tu E. Solo hace que ella use su E y juga agresivamente, esquiva su Q y ez”
Hanjaro says “Morgana q is a very long root duration. In order to beat morgana there are 2 cooldowns of hers you need to play around and thats specifically her E(black shield, this ability will negate all CC until the shield is broken or wears off) but if you ever find her without E and Q go ham because she is extremely squishy pre6. Abuse long E cooldown.”
MightyPebble says “Not a big problem if you can dodge or cleanse her binds, but her spell shield is whats important here. You wont be able to snare her or her adc obviously. Other than that it should be a pretty easy match up.”
YangYouChuan says “Morgana is Major Threat to Shen because she can use her "Dark Binding" to lock you up for good duration, "Tormented Shadow" to poke your HP out, "Black Shield" to deny your taunt and her "Soul Shackles" is the bad thing happen on your game.”
saintsixx says “Morgana is a hard counter to Nautilus due to her Black Shield. She can negate your all in potential by protecting herself or her ADC from your Dredge Line pull, or preventing the root from your Staggering Blow.”
saintsixx says “Morgana is a hard counter to Nautilus due to her Black Shield. She can negate your all in potential by protecting herself or her ADC from your Dredge Line pull, or preventing the root from your Staggering Blow.”
unownreality says “This one is tough. Sona has the advantage in damage and mobility, but morgana can lock her down long enough to kill. Stay behind your minions and dodge bindings with the movement speed from your E. ”
Bellbellum says “More so of a threat to your AD. Your AD continuesoutly gets Qed and then you go popped by her ult. Basically just another bullshit plant.”
Rozyrade says “If you and your adc can dodge Morgana's Q's you should be fine. However she will still be able to flash in and R both of you, which will most likely result in a death.”
SolRea says “Overall annoying with her e, but be mindful she can only shield one person at a time, focus the other one with your q and ulti when she shields someone. Use e's speed boost to get out of ulti range and you'll be good.”
bardisprettycool says “Spellshield blocks your CC., which is incredibly annoying, as well as her root. Just burst her before R activates if she uses it without Zhonyas.”
noolan says “Of all rooting/stunning champions Morgana is by far the most reliant on landing hers. Dodge her qs, and poke her down until you can all in.”
counter5 says “(Morgana) is a pain in the *** for (Thersh) (most of supp actually XD) but if you can poke or scare her to make her lose her shield, then you have a chance to get a good hook.”
Drlazerbeam says “Morgana has a few options to deal with Nami. Her shield and range allows her to negate some of Nami's set, but patient Nami can overcome this by playing around Morgana's high cooldowns for her black shield.”
Shderen says “Not much experience in this one, but you both can kinda mess with each other? Be wary of her ult and snare - it really is just a skill match up. Ghost or cleanse will likely be very helpful here if you aren't confident in dodging. Also consider Sorcerer's as a first back, giving you extra movement speed early to dodge.”
Fruxo says “Stay out of her Q range. And avoid getting in her R range. She has a shield which removes CC while active, so it's better to bait it out first before your support CC's her or the ADC.”
N0ZOMI says “Black shield can create you problems with landing stuns. Use advantage over her shield cooldown. In early stage of game its 20 seconds. Don't stay too close around her, dodge Q and you will be fine. ”
Schuit says “Annoying to play against, but Morgana tends to stay near adc behind minions, landing E on both at the same time makes it easy to choose which one to pull.”
SawyerNelson says “Against a good Morgana you might as well roam. Against a bad one the lane is free. If they aren't paying attention you can land a root through the minion wave with E and they won't black shield.”
FMLMOMENT says “As bad as this lane seems on paper , if you can Dodge her q's and play around her E she's really not all that bad to play against . Your kill pressure is low but if you can survive the lane you can win the game”
Keynx says “Holds her Black Shield for All your CC making it Impossible to Engage. Her Q Pretty much ensures a kill on your ADC if they don't a Dash/Flash.”
SawyerNelson says “Morg is considered a counter to Thresh, but thresh wins this matchup, you always have advantage of the target to hook she can only black shield one person so hook the other.Avoid her Q / flash past it in all ins.”
Tgrs says “Not that hard matchupp. Even if her shield can protect your ult, you still can stun her or enemy champion while shilded. Her shield just provide from slowin but it instantly disapear when you hit someone so if there is a wall, a minion or enemy champion you will hit the stun.”
bigboss3008 says “We all know Morgana is a beautiful B* ... she stune you with her Q loong time and her shild make many skills avoid it.
By her is only Timing.. check when she used her shild or Q or how much Mana she got... and go in punch her face away ;-) ”
Ooze OG says “A good Morgana will make sure you can never peel for your carry, or engage on their carry. Watch out for her broken hit box on her Q. Just pray she's bad.”
semisomniac says “Soraka actually serves as a Morgana counter because she can't relentlessly Black Shield your poke and you sustain better in both mana and health. Just dodge the Q and watch out for her level 6 all-in potential with ult.”
Yukkine says “Do you want to not move? Great! Not only she denies engages, you can go make yourself some coffee to wait out death screens whenever you get rooted.”
TheLuluMain says “Her q is basically an instant death. If it hits you post 6 then either flash asap or do whatever you can to survive. Your e max can break her e, as will lvl 3 q. Hard lane but if she misses q you have the range advantage.”
Puppet212 says “Morgana's shield will make it so you can never pull someone making your engage non-existent in laning phase. PRAY TO LANE AGAINST MAGES. Yes, Pyke has no MR, but he doesn't need it because of his high mobility will never allow you to be caught by spells. Ex. The second a 500K+ mastery point Lux support misses her Q, know what happens? Into the meat grinder.”
NocUout says “Similar to lux, just avoid the root, and you should be fine. Her W is very annoying to deal with, and try to CS with Q until you are ready to go all in. ”
TheComicalBiker says “Morgana's spell shield (E) prevents any CC effect to be applied. You can still reactivate Q to go towards the target if you land Q, but there is no tug. Always keep good positioning to save your carry with lantern (W) if they get snaired by Morgana (Q).
Counters to Morgana Spell Shield:
1: Bait the spell shield but faking a hook on her or the carry and quickly land a hook after the shield expires.
2: Bait the spell shield by positioning yourself to make it look like you are going for her and actually hook the carry or vice versa.
Bigfish04 says “Morgana is a tough opponent to go against because of her Q, which roots Braum for a long time, making it harder to initiate or to deal damage. But at the end of the day, if you are well fed, its just annoying. ”
Dudstrol says “Morgana tem Escudo contra magia, dano alto e um CC alto. Ela é o suporte que mais tenho problema de lidar na fase de rotas, devido a imobilização do seu Q(Ligação das Trevas), caso ela acerte dificilmente saíra vivo.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This matchup is fairly easy. You outrange her entire kit & her Q is not too difficult to dodge. She can block your CC but she can't do much against you sieging.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “As long as you and your adc dodge her Q you should be okey
as something obvious but notable: her E can stop the slow and armor reduction from your Q”
unhben says “Morgana's black shield is probably one of the scariest things to play around. Be careful when using Grand entrance to engage so you don't hit the fan when you're in.”
Jeroen R8 says “Morgana can make Thresh's kit completely useless with her Shield. Avoid picking Thresh into her. If you get in this matchup the best thing to do is to walk up to the enemy laners and begin the engage with Flay instead of Death Sentence.”
Friendyboy01 says “Its kind of 50 50 here since a good morgana can mess you up but a bad one can lose the game for the enemy team so not really worth a ban. Shes good to start learning with her most recent rework to her r and visual looks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
ff20orfeeding says “Her spell shield can prevent your root and damage and her poke and Q-root is dangerous, but more often than not you can be more impactful later, and her cooldowns are rather high and can be played around.”
Udaa says “stay behind minions or dodge her q. her w does little to no damage when you have high hp.. so stay healthy.. her shield has huge cd.. bait it and kill bot lane”
Saecriru says “Her black shield speaks for itself right? Just play passive and try not to get rooted, but if you know her black shield is on cool down defiantly abuse it and poke as much as you can.”
I love Lun Lun says “Morgana doesn't only negate our silence and root but she can negate the slow,which lets her come close-by and ult us.She is very strong and dangerous.Her constant damage and poking will make us weaker because we will have to heal more often.If we ward the bushes it will be way useful and also if we can poke her once in a while she will have to fall back.In a teamfight avoid her at all costs and keep your redemption unless she Q's you or the ADC.Your heals can save everyone else but her ULT is very dangerous to the point when everyone stops anyone can focus you.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “Morgana can stop you cold - except that your minion shield puts the kabosh on that. Stay safe by staying behind minions against her and she's easy gold.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, i mean i GUESS her ground thing does damage, just kidding. also her root can be shielded so it's honestly whatever xd. u can also kill her ult if u wait for it to be over. ”
cilium says “She's one of your major counters because of the spellshield but you can simply outsustain her. When looking for an all-in you have to be super quick with your Fear OR wait for her to spellshield one target, and then all-in the other one.”
devanj4 says “Morg can really mess with your ult and stop a huge initiation or disengage that you were counting on. Try waiting until she shields and break it with q or a meep and then ulting or attempting to stun.”
heyitsRainex says “Great poke, 10-year CC with her Q and black shield which denies all CC you throw at.
However, she can be beaten if she preemptively used her E on herself or ADC.”
TSMSky says “If the Morgana is smart, she can Black Shield herself while ulting, and you don't get to do anything about it. Rushing Mikael's here is essential for her Q.”
Synk1904 says “Morgana's Q roots your for a lot of time, stay behind minions and be ready to dodge it if you are chasing her. Her shield will be the most annoying thing if she uses it correctly, since you won't be able to stun or slow a target protected by her shield unless your Q does enough damage to break her shield before stunning. Her shield also protects 1 target from your Ultimate. Pray for a bad morgana.”
Zefirez says “She blackshields herself or ally? You can change targets as you chase and flip them. Hoever getting rooted is no fun, and being melee you're sitting duck for Morg's adc and her own abuse..”
Prenora says “Morgana deals some decent damage if she can hit you, but it's her sustain that's really the problem, like you she will try to keep you farm away, pre 6 get close and personal, dont get hit by dark binding
after 6, just farm, and poke”
Jhny_ says “You should always ban her, as her stun is your biggest enemy. Once you get stunned you are mostly dead. Keep your distance and try to always avoid her stun.”
FearlessGames says “I genuinely hate laning against Morgana as TK and it seems to be poorly understood why. Her E renders the target immune to TK's disables and allows time for a counterstrike with the rest of her kit. If you can bait the shield, switch to the unshielded target, or disengage until it expires.”
undeadsoldiers says “Nigh impossible now that her E properly blocks your E.
Sidestep or blink over her Q, and avoid her W.
R to get out of range of her R.
Suggested: Merc Treads and/or Cleanse”
Lonxu says “Black shield is annoying, but I don't think Morgana should win vs Zyra. Might go even though.
It basically comes down to if she can land Q's or the ult.”
SawyerNelson says “Morgana's laning phase is good into Rakan, she can instantly stop Rakan's W with her Q. Black Shield negates the CC from Rakan so if she is quick enough she can counter your engage.
Don't get poked by her in lane, and hold your abilities in fights until she spends black shield.”
kianovich says “Morgana is a horrible champion to play against as a blitzcrank, with Blackshield and snare, she has an easy getaway, whilst also doing a ton of damage to you. Like with Sivir, see if you can get close to her, and try to avoid getting snared. However, if your adc gets snared, you are good to go, just press W and force her to use shield. That will help you out a ton!”
vortecks says “Her spell shield is a huge pain to play against. To counter this you will have to either Ult then Q or bait out the spell shield by activating W and running at her.”
BreathlesSx says “Pre 6 she is not a thread. After that you should be very careful with your ults cause her shield can deny it on their strongest target. ”
TheUntouchabl7 says “Full counter. You should ban her most of the time. Her Black Shield (E) blocks your Q, E, and R.
If you want to fight her, bait her E!”
nicko9090 says “Her kit is a pure annoyance for you. She can deny your whole kit by the press of 1 button. Try to bait her shield before even thinking about engaging. If she shield her carry, focus her and vice versa. Full tenacity Leona do wonder against Morgana as you never stay snared long enought for her and her team to take you down and you can do your job effectively.”
Great President says “She will stop you with her e when you try to kill her adc and you will be useless because of her q. Wait for 6. Dont die if you can. Try to beat her and pull her under tower with your q. ”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Morgana: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Poke: Morgana has strong poke with her [W]. Stay behind minions and avoid unnecessary damage.
Engage Carefully: Morgana can root you with her [Q] and shield herself with [E]. Wait for her to waste abilities before going in.
Roam: If lane is tough, roam to mid or help your jungler. Morgana is weaker when alone.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Morgana’s poke can’t save them from your execute.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear her wards and deny vision for her team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Morgana’s poke can’t stop your burst if you catch her off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Morgana in teamfights; she’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating her carries.
General Tips:
Bait Her Abilities: Morgana’s [Q] (root) and [E] (shield) are key to her poke and disengage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Morgana’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Morgana’s poke, bait her disengage abilities, and focus on picking off her carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver her.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Her Q (root) lasts a ridiculously long time and she has a spell shield vs CC, but just like Janna, she needs to time her abilities flawlessly to stop you, while having worse lane harass.”
HotSunGG says “Learn the countermatch up she's annoying but can be dealt with easily if u learn how to play against her and also in low elo just ban her wont matter if u know how to play the counter match up in lane if ur ad carry at that level, basicly to outplay her u wanna bait and engage on her then she will insta E her self to protect her self from ur cc then u wanna have flash up then flash immediately to enemy adc and cc him if ur ad carry switch agro to enemy ad as well well u just won that 2vs2”
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