In the Jungle 51.55% Win Rate91% Pick RateXin Zhao In the Jungle Counters: 44 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Xin Zhao in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “you can invade him at level 2 if he starts in blue and you in red. After the first recall, don't commit completely on him and play slowly, he is very slow and it is difficult to get out of him if he manages to reach you. you can outscale, but don't make risky plays.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. He can look to invade/early gank so getting wards will be important. Save your W for when he dashes on you and you can duel him pretty easily. Use your E to dodge his W. You can buffer Q if you're quick enough before he knocks you up.”
DoxxTheLeague says “an annoying early game bully that you will never win in a 1vs1 even after 6 play for teamfights since your r is 10x his r in fights he has a strong gap closer that can allow him to airborn you into his full combo . you can kite him with rylai easily just if he dashes into you keep running and side step since he usually will use his long range spell at that time.”
Nyxxx says “Don't let him get ahead. He heals way too much meaning you'll almost never win against him early game in a 1v1. You should be able to burst him late game though.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Xin Zhao has a very good kit against Neeko. Great gap closer, high sustain and a very strong range shield. Though he is item reliant you have to abuse his slow clear and get to lanes faster to help your team. Once you have the items for Xin Zhao there's no stopping you.
Exxidara says “Just purely impossible matchup after one magic resist item and he tank your whole damage and most of the time if there is no follow up inside of his ult you will end up being dead”
Yomu says “I like to E his engage just to break up his combo then fight him on my terms. He does have good skirmish early so if his team has first rotate, you're in a bad spot. E buffer his Q3 if you have it.”
Maciejson says “His kit is just better than yours early, and his third Q will cancel yours, so it's best to avoid direct confrontation. His red smite warrior is stronger than anything you have, unless you're ahead by a few kills. Wait for your form to come online and focus on taking his camps to accelerate your transformation. Once you have Black Cleaver, you should be able to dominate him. However, if you are playing as Shadow Assassin, be cautious of his ultimate counter-engage potential.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy/Annoying matchup. Xin has to look for early gank opportunities or else you can out-tempo him like crazy. He has a good level 3 cross map invade window so just be careful of that and you should be able to snowball easily. Can be annoying when he has prio on his laners. W to dodge his W, or for when he all-ins you.”
Foxirion says “Xin Zhao’s strong early game and dueling potential can pose a moderate threat to Viego. Xin Zhao’s knock-up and charge abilities can disrupt Viego’s damage output”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Annoying matchup. Xin has to look for early gank opportunities or else you can out-tempo him like crazy. He has a good level 3 cross map invade window so just be careful of that and you should be able to snowball easily. Can be annoying when he has prio on his laners. ”
lanefox says “If you can dodge his first ability then he's all messed up and can't win the duel. If he does land his abilities you'll probably lose. Plan well and he's not a problem.”
Mignognium says “Déjà que c'était dur de l'affronter, avec la nouvelle Hydre titan rien à faire. Si il a ultime vous êtes finis, si il a son item ne pas l'affronter seul. Il vous faudra être sur la carte aux endroits où il n'est pas. Mon seul conseil, il vous faut avoir des occasions et beaucoup de courage. ”
IvernGott says “Xin zhao can be a hard match up for Ivern because of his low CD abilitys and Hard CC of knock ups and slows on Ivern. Even after ivern flashes out in a fight Xin can still follow up killing Ivern.”
Cookiemanman says “Xin Zhao isn't that strong against Volibear. You are much stronger than him in early fights around scuttle crab & early objectives. ”
HawkSP says “Xin Zhao’s all-in nature is his downfall against Ivern. Shield his targets and use Daisy to keep him from diving too deep and securing kills.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Xin: I play league for 8years and I still dont know xins spells so cant tell.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: you should be able to oneshot him with team.. try to dodge the spear spell or he will dash on you and kill you.. ”
RuinedJG says “Broken as hell right now (patch 14.1b). Out duels you, play to kill his carries or you will lose, unless you are ahead. Bruiser gives you a fighting chance against him, phase rush makes it so that you can dive easier and not get his by his W.”
kcjackal__ says “They are really strong rn can run you down in jg and cancels your ult really easily. Consider taking bone plating over conditioning when playing vs xin. Thornmail rush is good into him.”
Daawwnn says “xin has enough damage to kill you in earlygame 1v1s if you get a small lead on him you will be able to 1v1 him make sure to dodge his stab E his 3rd autoattack so that he cant burst you while ure knockedup”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Dodge his W! CC and disengage with his R, Best bet is to win hard early and hold your Q2 and W's for after he hits his Q knock up so you don't waste your abilities.”
veipz says “Chan chin chon. W=DEAD some crab fight u can fight with number advantage if u try counter gank him he is actually counter gank counter. phase rush is terrible against him conquer is good u can fight and hecarim outscale Xin Zhao he likes to invade lvl3 ward red/blue go other gromp/krugs.”
garbocan says “High commitment jungler who has an easy time going in and a hard time getting out. Xin Zhao can be hard to predict, especially if he skips camps. However, if you can counter his ganks it's super free.
As the game goes on, playing against Xin Zhao only gets easier. Since Xin tries to focus a single target down, just the act of shielding them can make his life hell.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Apart from his Q + W, xin doesn't have any major damage that you need to be worries about. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that he can knock you back with his R after you R to him.”
OakIgu says “Xin Zhao is a mix between Jarvan and Lee Sin, his tempo is hard to deal with and he can invade and fight you on the early game with ease so if you aren't carefull he will be extremely hard to deal, good thing no ones remember him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to not feed him early on so Xin Zhao would not be able to snow ball. He loses some of his power later on. Keep dragons warded all the time because Xin can kill them alone.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Annoying matchup but you outscale, you have faster clear, he has good gank potential and decent early/mid game, just respect his early, and his Q knockup locking you down with his team, and you should be fine.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an easy time into Xin Zhao after level 6, Xin Zhao with core abilities is slightly stronger stat check than Briar —> Briar E disengage combined with Passive output performs well into Xin Zhao his extended 2de E chase fight. Briar has an easy time getting Gap Closer into Xin Zhao.
Briar and Xin Zhao have similar early jungle clears, Briar’s clear speed becomes stronger later on.
Coccaa says “If you go even with him until late game he shouldn't be an issue but if he gets fed off you or your teammates he will delete you and if he has conqueror he will heal too much so just avoid getting him fed at all costs”
MusicJG says “He stat checks you very hard early game.
Avoid fighting until you get items.
You can look to level 2 invade him after buff to catch him off guard to help you survive early game.”
Zero macro says “Xin Zhao is known for his strong early dueling, thereby Nidalee can match this easily due to her early strength and kite. Nidalee Cougar W is an instant disengage for Xin Zhao his E. Nidalee has to be careful to facecheck Xin Zhao in melee range, due to this being the only reason for Nidalee to lose her gap closer and kite.”
Zero macro says “Xin Zhao has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Xin Zhao, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed will have a really easy time the later the game goes, thereby Xin Zhao has only one gap closer which is easily answered by Zed his mobility. Be aware of Xin Zhao his R mitigation of damage, whenever Zed is not located close to Xin Zhao.”
metalhydra273 says “Xin can 1v1 you, but he HAS to go in. You can abuse this by getting him killed for his engages. Be wary of pulling him before he ults, but if he already ulted, you can pull him into range of your allies to take him down. He can be dangerous if left unchecked, but staying a leg ahead should make this matchup easy.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not seen much but depends on the skill of the player overall. Just try to avoid him early as he has one of the best skirmishing kits for the early game. Late game you have better chances of keeping him from doing much but still be on your guard if he's good at juking around”
MrFerrot says “Very hard to kill solo, however, you are way more present and useful in teamfights later on. Don't fight him early, and play to scale and win the teamfights.”
Apari1010 says “Cringe Zhao is similar to an Olaf. He can beat you early, will likely 3 camp clear into invading you and falls off decently hard once you get form. Don't die to him, don't try to fight 1v1 without ignite to cut his self healing. Avoid him early game and you should leave him in the dust.”
BradJr says “Xin has insane damage early game, and he can quickly shut down Viego at level 3. His ultimate allows him to avoid Viego and turn the fight in his favor. (clone rating 7/10)”
VrNtv says “Xin Zhao is a super difficult matchup for Eve. If he finds you he can stick on you really easily as Eve has no mobility and Xin can just simply slow you and perma invade you pre 6.
ttvRegedice says “Make sure you buy armor early and play for heal when he uses his W. Try to play for counterganks/early fights b/c ignoring him early is going to open opportunities up for him to 1v9. Xin Zhao is pretty free if he doesn't get fed early, so he'll definitely look for early ganks making it easier for you to predict his pathing. Take objectives when the windows present themselves as Xin Zhao needs every ounce of strength to become a menace so squeeze his opportunities dry.”
tradtrad says “Can invade you, outgank you, solo objectives and outduel you at all stages of the game, even when behind. The only thing you have on him is if you get ahead he can't match your tempo.
Some tips are dodge his W as Xin maxes W, this also reduces his engage range. Sometimes you will have to kick him off your team, and sometimes he will ult you off his carry. Your best bet is to avoid making plays when he is around if it's an even fight as he requires less skill to have more impact against you.”
Majd1 says “Very free matchup. Xin Zhao is a free oneshot if you land spear on him. However, make sure to track his every moment on the map because his ganks are very strong and the only way you lose to him is if your laners donate free kills to him. Make sure to kite him and not jump into him instantly.”
1Strike says “Not a good matchup. He sticks onto you pretty well while denying any kill pressure of yours with his R. If he gets fed he rolls you over. Good thing is if your fed you do the same to him.
You have issues kiting him and keeping him in that range advantage pocket you have. My recommendation is careful early and outscale.
checca says “Xin Zhao is a fairly strong champion against Zac because of his ability to knockup, usually cancelling Zac's E as he casts it. The timing lines up very close for it to be in Xin Zhao's favor almost every time. Post level 11, if you are ahead, you can beat Xin Zhao.”
basrty1p says “In the early game, he's so powerful and can make you die without another chance to deal with. Just don't fight him, peel with your E+Q In the mid-late game, he can't even fight you anymore because of insane damage and stun from your E”
Kindredgarten says “Super strong early game jungle that will be hard to fight the whole game if he gets a lead. Just try your best to avoid him and target his team instead of him as his R blocks all your attacks.”
Davecraft16 says “He is too strong in 1v1. Try to fight him with the team, never try to fight him alone unless he is very low on health. Just play it safe and you will eventually outscale him.”
Bhyure33 says “Haven't seen him lately, but he hasn't been good for a while now. He has a slight advantage early game, but after that you just win him every fight.”
RaidenKaos says “Shit champ, though he is still a bruiser so don't disrespect him. Play the 1v1 matchup like any melee champ; let them jump onto you so you can guarantee melee combos. With health and ignite advantage however, you may play aggressive.”
spuki97 says “Hard matchup since he will be spamming ganks and abusing his early power. After you get 6 you can kill him 1v1 but make sure to dodge his W. Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese Strat”
Eagzey says “Dodging his W is key so pay attention to it. You don't want to be too close to Xin for too long because his 3rd Q (knock up) = W. Kite him out. When you WEQ him, move in a different direction immediately after because most of them W instantly.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Unless you have an advantage, do not fight Xin Zhao in the early game. His 1v1 is incredibly strong thanks to his Three Talon Strike(Q) and Audacious Charge(E) and he will win most skirmishes. To make it harder for Xin Zhao to get successful ganks off, make sure you place vision around his jungle entrances. This will give your allies enough time to back off and escape before he is able to reach their lane. Xin Zhao has good objective control and can take them pretty easily. Make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot him before he is able to take it.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Unless you have an advantage, do not fight Xin Zhao in the early game. His 1v1 is incredibly strong thanks to his Three Talon Strike(Q) and Audacious Charge(E) and he will win most skirmishes. To make it harder for Xin Zhao to get successful ganks off, make sure you place vision around his jungle entrances. This will give your allies enough time to back off and escape before he is able to reach their lane. Xin Zhao has good objective control and can take them pretty easily. Make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot him before he is able to take it.”
domjakf says “Make sure he isn't able to counter gank you, track him on the map if possible. Also be careful, because it is pretty easy for him to predict your cougar jump and ult you away.”
lumihehe says “similarly to nunu and zac (and a lot of matchups) this kinda depends on your teams mental, and how often they die to xin zhao's ganks. if they feed him while you're farming, you lose. if not, you typically just get a big lead through items and levels and then you can win this pretty easy.”
Salmon Kid says “Xin zhao has pseudo point and click cc with e+3rd q auto. Besides this Lillia destroys Xin even though he is an invade and high tempo jungler. ”
ItsAydam says “The only reason xin is an extreme threat is because of his insane early skirmishing ability. If the player of this champion decides to fight you and not run, there's a high chance that he will win early. He can out sustain you and gap close/cc you into your death. He can use his q to knock you up before your ult expires and kill you with his combo. Either try to catch him off guard while he's low on health or don't fight him without your team until you outscale.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game don't fight him. He's a 1v1 god. Late game is a better time to fight him as you'll be built and his damage won't stack as hard on you as it can anyone else. Just be careful and as long as you're able to dodge his W for engages you'll pretty much win. ”
HadesxLH says “Xin Zhao nunca foi um problema para Viego ainda mais após os nerfa de aumento de resistencia e baixa de cura Xin zhao é praticamente inutil nessa matchup, ele raramente nunca ganha no early que dirá no mid/late. matchup muito facil que só é perdida caso você erre MUITO.”
SunLongGod says “strong early game, you cannot avoid damage from his third Q but can still Q and deal damage as well as dodging his W. Waiting for items is a better option than fighting him early, or waiting for teammates to set up a 2v2”
NegativePhoenix says “Xin is the prime definition of a god of 1v1s and one of the more hellish instances for Evelynn as he can just easily invade you and without team help, you have to accept his bullying. Since you have no escape besides your ult, he can just mark you and use his E to keep gap closing since marking you triples his E range and with his Ws edge to slow to add the mark and keep up. His ult also stops outside projectiles from hitting him so you'd have to be in his face to hit him with anything which is what he'll live for you to try. You don't stand much of a chance at any stage of the game.”
Sammystinky says “Don't really have much thoughts on this matchup. Again you out gank and out teamfight. In team fights probably just peel back and keep him from killing carries. ”
One Stab says “If you get your rotation out first, you should be able to win early 1v1's but in general he can be rly tough to deal with, so avoid him if he gets too fed. ”
duowithdeath says “A miserable experience, just try and avoid and out scale, if you meet him early try to W/smite and kite him, objective is to survive ”
Shro says “Xin Zhao is a very, very easy champion to fight with Morde. His knock ups can stall your passive and his Ult knock-back/invincibility can be annoying, but he stands no chance against Morde.”
Cpt. Maelstrom says “Xin has gapcloser, knockup, ult makes him pretty "tanky". Dont let him get ahead, can easily be the frontline with huge dmg and sustain”
IamFafa says “Super strong against you early on before your mythic and can easily 1v1 you. DO NOT try to 1v1 him before mythic and avoid him early on before you get your items. you outscale him after mythic and manamune so play safe early he might invade you at gromp or red”
evil in says “Xin zhao can be a problem for Evelynn in the early game, so because of that try to track him as much as u can and avoid him until you hit level 6 after that it should a walk in the park to beat him.”
TruckDriver says “Xin Zhao is a tough matchup for Lee. He wins all fights, I would avoid straight up fighting him when even in Gold. Counter Gank and track his pathing, once he blows cooldowns on a gank/engage Lee can take him out.”
Boptimus says “Another hard but rare Top lane pick. Again you will more commonly run into this match up in the jungle. Xin stacking Tenacity will be incredibly hard to shake off, but if the Xin Zhao neglects taking any Tenacity, you should be able to disengage and keep him neutralized just fine.
Obviously, don't take an extended fight.”
GrayJinxed says “Watch out for the long poke (W) otherwise, it extends the range of his dash (E) and slows you.
Even if you dodge his poke (W), make sure you still have a hop (Q) ready for when he dashes (E) to you. ”
Majd1 says “Very free matchup. Xin Zhao is a free oneshot if you land spear on him. However, make sure to track his every moment on the map because his ganks are very strong and the only way you lose to him is if your laners donate free kills to him. Make sure to kite him and not jump into him instantly.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Interesting subject. Dodge his third Q using your Decoy (W) and you are good to go. Try not to fight with him for long though...”
APigHunter says “Xin Zhao's passive and attack damage + R makes him a powerful foe to face in the jungle. When he ults, avoid attacking him and use positioning and timing to outplay him. ”
geek_not_found says “Avoid at all costs. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to you and he will have crab control at all times with at least one of his lanes gaining prio. You can outkite him but once he's stuck to you with his combo, it's very hard to pull off. Try and focus on counterjungling, catching him off guard.”
YoungTact says “Can W his E which makes it easy to build space between you and him. His early skirmishing is still strong though with his healing and knockups. Counter ganking xin usually leads to a kill so try to keep track of him. You both have strong early ganks him slightly stronger though. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “I feel like, rn xin is not that strong as he was, and ivern never got really bad matchup into him unless xin plays really aggresive and invade you constantly. Otherwise its preety ok in my experience”
Xyllow says “This matchup is very snowbally, and either one of Warwick of Xin Zhao might end up useless for the rest of the game in the first 5 minutes of the game. It really does depend though. In identical circumstances (same gold, same levels), warwick beats xin zhao 1v1 without a problem, but that's rarely how the matchup goes. ”
chakibxd says “Xin is kinda a no brain matchup , you should really avoid him because you will probably not win a single skirmish against him specially in the patch 12.3 where he's gonna buy deathdance and hexdrinker.”
YEKURA says “Yeah don't worry this guy will make you realize how bad rengar is. He can be feeding all game and still be able to 1v1 you. I recommend playing aggressive vses xin zhao early game because majority of the people who play him are people who abuse him for lp so you can easily outplay him but if you do mess up your in a bad spot and later on in the game lvl 6 just ignore him if you are not extremely fed. Late game when he has items never jump on him only if he's low or not building correctly you will regret it!”
DETDERT says “Xin zhao, is really strong early. And therefore you shouldnt ever, be looking to fight xin zhao. But once you hit 6 you can start winning 1v1's against him.”
Dabgren says “Xin Zhao wins early game heard, he can punish you pretty easy if he counterganks on you cause his w is higher range then your w as a Lee sin, he has a good time catching up to you and his q3 can interuppt your dashes.”
Madabc says “Xin Zhao will be able to challenge your early game unless you time your W's really well. Mid to late game becomes pretty much even in the matchup you can one burst him, but if he has the right items (Steraks, Deaths dance) Its annoying to deal with. ”
Kocykek says “Xin can match your damage in early game but he's easily countered when you will buy items. You can block his E as well. He isn't that strong as some months ago but he's not bad.”
Janooobi says “Do not trade with him in the early game he is way too strong to have extended trades, team fights peel your carries if he chooses to jump in on them”
Consolo says “Can carry if he gets enough ganks off successfully early. CAN AND WILL GANK BOT, WALK MID AND GANK, WALK TOP AND GANK. If you see him walking somewhere, be there for the countergank. EVERY TIME. He can't kill us easily due to his damage being mostly burst, but still be cautious as he usually has a team nearby mid/late. We peel him off VERY easily in teamfights, just tank his shit until his ult wears off.”
Scythe Prince says “Don't fight him early game at all till you get your form. Xin Zhao's third Q will cancel yours. once you have goredrinker and form you can beat him easily.Try to counter jungle his camps when he ganks.”
SimpleShadow says “Skill matchup. Depends on situation, his e can be stopped. Xin Zhao is good in extended fights especially in 1v1 & 2v2. Let him take Crab unless you're planers can help you. ”
MrMeem45 says “Major if he doesn't use his W to try and poke you out. To win a scuttle fight against him, simply wait until he inevitably tries to use his W from a long distance, dodge that, then go in. You'll destroy him. After that, he's useless. If he holds the W, then he becomes a problem. He's also a massive level 2 gank threat, so ping your midlaner to make sure they don't fall victim to the cheese.”
Zero macro says “strong into our early. But with our disengage tools we can manage and keep up on Skirmishes. first item nashors tooth combined with melee forced W and R are easy stat checks into Xin Zhao eventually.”
Elekktro says “After Xin Zhao's nerfs awhile back I think it is almost impossible for Xin to win this matchup without significant mistakes from you and your team. Xin hardly wins early game anymore and most certainly does not win mid and late game. Very easy matchup.”
sonminh says “He's somewhat hard to handle because he can easily duel AD Shaco. Against AP Shaco, his ultimate makes your boxes and ultimate useless so you want to be at the objective first before him. This way, you can force his ultimate out early. Going bruiser is fine but also probably get out dueled.”
J98TheGreat says “This can be tough if you let him start off influencing the game more than you do, otherwise you will be fine. You don't take the 1v1 if he has Eclipse. The main thing is that you need to keep in mind that his ultimate can push you back and he can make your ADC vulnerable immediately afterward.”
King Fidd says “This champion usually has a ton of tenacity and can use his ultimate to counter yours. Never fight him early and try to wait for his ultimate before using yours if he has Mercury Treads.”
leoviniciux says “Campeão extremamente forte no early game. Pode invadir facilmente e te matar no 1x1. Para poder jogar contra Xin Zhao, é necessário realizar ganks efetivos para dar vantagem ao seu time e a si mesmo, o que irá tornar Xin Zhao fraco e praticamente inútil.”
Brosinex says “Realmente tanky, muy buen campeón temprano como Lee, y puede hacer mucho daño. Bastante mal emparejamiento, pero lo superas en escala si no está alimentado, ve a escalar runas.”
The Elysian1 says “ The toughest match up in Qiyana. Xin Zhao has a lot of pressure on early levels, espescially if he hits lvl 3 or 4 before you, because he deals a lot from his W + E + Q combo. In scuttle fights you are in a huge disadvantage if his teammates have prio or you fight scuttler 1v1. Overall the champion can be countered in dominating fights like 2v1s - 3v2s but when you know you can win them. For late game , be carefull from his engages and try to push him back with your R so he can disangage if you fight in the river or the jungle.
necromancer142 says “A alternative ban to nocturne, he will 1v1 you and he will kill you if you are not careful, also a very good counter jungler so attempt your best at tracking him”
KafueLechwe says “Xin Zhao will be really scary early game, but by midgame you're usually tanky enough to run away before dying.
Xin is really put on a timer to snowball other lanes, so expect frequent ganks and invades.”
Citric says “Xin Zhao will try to invade you early and he will try to fight you while you are doing your camps. Vs. a Xin Zhao you want to try to get your buffs off the map as soon as possible. Try to use your ultimate to prevent the knock back from his R.”
Pullks says “Very broken champion right now (11.13), he generally looks to lvl 2 gank. Difficult to run away from without flash and will always win 1v1. Pray your laners ward.
(I currently ban him or Lee).”
Pusi Puu says “You win when jumping onto him, preferably with full ferocity, otherwise it gets really close. if he cancels your jump with his ult you auto lose, so try to get EoN.”
Doubtfull says “With HoB xin presents a huge threat to lillia. His E+Q can gap close, lock you down, and burst you. I've only played this match up once and i was fortunate to get ahead early. Might be a deadmans angle.”
LambWolf says “Xin Zhao is one of best duelers in the game. All you need to do is fight him near wall and q over the wall to kite him. Don't try to fight him 1v1 without walls.”
SnowballBarrage says “Xin is high damage and CC
Don't try to fight him alone but if anything onlytake short trades with phase rush and dodge his W on the way out so he can't chase you.”
NixLychee says “Very powerful duelist in the early game with an engage range that is just as long as yours is. Be careful of his counterganks, and try to dodge his W by ward-hopping away. If he whiffs W, then his damage falls off a lot.”
KamiKZ says “This is a Xin favored match up, since xin is really good at fighting lvl 2 and can easy take scuttle (I suggest giving up contest early scuttles and go onto the other side of the map. Both Q and R evolve is viable vs Xin Zhao)”
Polarshift says “Careful for his early game. Put your smokescreens to good use in melee matchups.
The safer route of winning this matchup is by just outscaling him. You are better at clearing camps so you definitely want to get ahead of him by farming up and invading properly. Do not let him get ahead by ganking and be prepared to countergank. Xin Zhao can level 2 gank after Red Brambleback.”
Veralion says “Very, very dangerous. His engage range has been substantially buffed and he does an insane amount of damage. If he manages to knock you up there's a good chance you're dead before you land. A semi-fed Hail of Blades Xin can engage you on low life while you're at full and still win if you have no ult. Give him a wide berth and think very carefully before committing to an early game skirmish. Just ulting at him is probably not worth it since he can immediately disengage you. If he has a bad start and looks killable, hold your E and chase after him with your W until his R expires. ”
Arfreezy says “Similar to Udyr matchup in that he can kill you early with the right build. Try to avoid him and play opposite side of the map and do large clears to scale. Play for efficiency since you won't be able to match his early pressure on lanes. Communication with laners is important here so they don't die to every gank. Try and punish all of his ganks by taking something on the opposite side of the map. You will outscale him quickly if your lanes don't turbo int vs him. Take Phase Rush since you won't be able to kite his burst and instead need to run away if you get caught in a bad situation. Exhaust can be powerful here if you want to bully him and play to contest his early pressure, but it is a riskier style that relies on confidence in your Graves mechanics.”
FREAKSTAR says “Xin wins early, you win late. Try to not let him blow the game open in the first 10 minutes. As long as you keep the match competitive you will destroy him later.”
Doubtfull says “Xin is an all in champion, who loses the all in to rek'sai. Try to get on top of him whenever you can, as long as he isn't too far ahead of you, you should be able to 1 shot him. Similar to j4, I use my level 1 ward to defend my midland from level 2 ganks by placing a ward in-between mid and the enemy red buff.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Phase Rush.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if against full AD. Morello against his healing.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Xin is an early game monster, avoid 1v1ing him at all costs. Dodge his spear so he can't dash to you, and if he does, use W in front of you for a guaranteed hit. Luckily, he falls of late game while you scale, so avoid letting him get a lead, only go for counterganks if your ally that he's heading towards is fed/is stronger early game than his enemy. Prioritize counterjungling him to build yourself a lead and put him behind in gold and CS. Your ultimate still works on him even if you're outside of his ult radius, giving you an opportunity to flee, but remember that you can fight him inside his ult which should be just about the range of your outer Q (only try confronting him if you're ahead or if you have allies nearby).”
Whynotbefriends says “Can be pretty aids matchup, early game looking to avoid him while cautioning your laners is the best bet to keep him down. You can out teamfight and skirmish him going into the midgame though.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is slightly xin favored, though you can win as Graves into Xin Zhao. You can win against xin zhao early 1v1 by kiting him with your E and fleet footwork movementspeed. The only problem is that you can´t execute Xin Zhao with your ulti since Xin can just ulti and block all of your damage so you need to ulti Xin Zhao in melee range to guarantee your ulti to damage him ”
Insightful says “xin zhao is really strong right now and despite having a very straightforward combo, he benefits a lot from tenacity and can block your damage with his ulti, he has a very strong early game and doesn't really fall off too hard”
poopyOCE says “You outduel him. Try to time hold Q with his Three-Talon Strike (Q) to ignore his knock-up. If he gets ahead, you will fall behind. Use E as soon as Hail of blades is proc'ed on him.”
Coorowko says “Xin is a variable threat, if he gets away with the early game he becomes a massive problem, his high damage output and lifesteal very easily deal with Sej. However, much like Yi if you successfully bully him early and keep counter jungling and ganking you can keep him under control. ”
poopyOCE says “Haha, glhf. Even if you Q and disengage, he can W then E you to follow up. So flashing early confrontations is honestly a good idea. Otherwise, if he hasn't snowballed, you scale better.
I always ban this charater, because high pick rate”
Jinx_48 says “Took runes nr"3"
He have high dmg slow and good healing, u have to out heal im and out damage him and have gab close .
Dont fighgt him 1vs1 early game he will porpably always beat u up.”
Karasmai says “You hard outscale either form , you farm faster and you can win early fight at skuttle. You can easily turn 2v2 or 3v3 due to that early XP ADV strength. You will outscale at 15-20 mins with both forms, i typically wouldn't try to one shot xin as Blue kayn and it's pretty easy just to ignore him if his ULT is troublesome than go edge of knight, and for Rhaast go typical build and get easy win. ”
MexBookMaster says “Xin es un match complicado porque es muy de Juego Temprano. Un buen Xin buscará gankear a niveles bajos y sacar ventaja. Si Xin no se lleva kills entonces decae rapido. Shadow Assassin (Azul) es recomendado para este match porque puedes Oneshotearlo sencillamente si no te ve venir. Su R es un buen disengage así que tómalo en cuenta. No limpia mejor que Kayn la jungla así que puedes abusar de eso.”
UDYSOF_OCE says “Xin Zhao has early fighting power but falls of very hard. You can exploit this by playing slow or avoiding fights early around Xin Zhao.”
gankyourgrandma says “Xin Zhao is a super difficult matchup for Eve. If he finds you he can stick on you really easily as Eve has no mobility and Xin can just simply slow you and perma invade you pre 6. ”
ak521 says “Dashes in on your adc, ults, you're already away from your carry. So you bandage toss back in, you ulti. Still tough because his E is undodgeable, forcing your ADC to flash away or die. His dueling power is pretty good, too, so care of that.”
Dabgren says “Xin Zhao wins early game heard, he can punish you pretty easy if he counterganks on you cause his w is higher range then your w as a Lee sin, he has a good time catching up to you and his q3 can interuppt your dashes.”
Pyroen says “In a 1v1 matchup Nidalee can beat this guy in the jungle every game hands down.
Since we aren't 1v1ing - this guy becomes a Major threat.
Both xin and Camille will start red and immediately gank mid,bot or top depending on which side they are on.
You need to play around this and AGGRESSIVELY counter jungle any chance you get.
keep him at spears length until you whittle him down for the kill.
(early game flashes should be used if he catches you w/ his gap closer.. it will force his flash and you can use your pounce to keep him at range)”
ItsSkoob says “Xin Has a better level 3 duel than you as his kit has built in sustain as well as the knock up, slow, and dash thats further than both your dashes combined. You need to make sure he doesnt get too far ahead. If you can keep pace you outscale him.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Xin is one of the champions that I don't have much expiriance playing versus, just cause he's not popular in jungle right now. He should be stronger level 3/4 in River but you are stronger on 2/3 items.”
izzlelol says “Really tanky, very good early champ just like Lee, and can do a lot of damage. Pretty bad matchup but you outscale him if he isn't fed, go scale runes. ”
Lambda Diana says “Xin Zhao is much stronger than you in the early game. Conceed scuttle crabs if you need to. Prioritise farming and out-scale him in team fights. He will look to invade you; just back off if your laners don't come to help you. Vision control is important to keep track of him!”
OsakaSatang says “Conc + inspiration
he is stronger than you early game. Don't fight him for crab or 1v1 in general. Can start fighting him once u hit 6. Fight when you have a good kill opportunity (from counter ganks). I recommend piroritising full clear than going to crab/gank.”
Ellesmere says “Xin is a relatively easy matchup. You both have fairly similar early and late games, but I'd say slightly favoring Udyr. Overall this will be a good game, but unless he gets fed you should win.”
RedNBlue says “A good Xin Zhao has a 51/49 odds in winning against you. If he can get his knock up and slow you, you might as well be dead. But then there's the free champion rotation where people don't know how to play him so.”
colingogo says “Despite not being played much, xin zhao is actually a really good pick into eve. He can invade and harass eve to deny her CS and XP, ult you then engage on you mid/lategame to deny your flanks, and all around ruin your day.”
SketchtheHunter says “Xin Zhao can be a frustrating matchup. There's not really one particular thing about him that really makes him a counter, it's just the whole package really.”
Gedrah says “Xin Zhao early game and damage can put you really far behind. He can also counter jungle Sejuani pretty hard. Start on the opposite and get help from the laners in case you encounter him. He is squishy in early game. ”
RichMrFork says “Extremely strong duelist and ganker. Don't try to contest him unless you know for sure that laners will assist you because Xin does a massive amount of damage in a short amount of time. Like every other early game jungler, survive the early levels with good jungle tracking and map awareness to eventually outscale and win the game.”
WillowSprout says “This bitch dashes too so EZ but if you get knocked up and you miss your Abilities then why are you playing Taliyah? JK just play smarter and you'll be fine.”
metalhydra273 says “Xin wants to 1v1, you can prevent that. He is an easy ult target and you can even drag him in if he ults to let your team infiltrate the barrier. It's even better if he's not ahead as your e may sometimes be enough. He is still a threat if you're alone though or if your ult isn't enough, so make your decisions carefully.”
Jinx_48 says “go blue form and one shot him
EDIT: is new xin zhao build with counqeror he is extremly hard to kill late game ! I dont have too much matchup on him as a kayn but on others "old couterpicks" he easly destroyed me so keep it in mind he is op on this time.”
AggroBeat says “This is a fucking pain. If the enemy team picks Xin Zhao, don't be afraid to dodge. He'll invade you without any punishment, kill you while you clear your jungle and outperform your ganks.
If you're unfortunate enough to play against him, invade him with the help of your team, and don't let him get any dragon. ”
The elephant says “Xin sticks on kayn so easily with his 3 parts of cc
Xin beats kayn in pure 1v1
Xin likes to invade kayn and make game hard
Kayn needs gold and experience to be useful, xin makes it so he doesn't get those things”
auileta says “Xin Zhao, sometimes, doesn't even need a full camp clear to begin ganking— he can also invade you and put you behind. He can make your game really difficult if he bullies you, which he most likely will.”
Nanelol says “Is basically equal to you at level 3, so avoid if you didn't have a good leash. Q and W are easily shielded and can win you the duel. Remember if you go on him and he doesn't want to fight he can ult you away so don't waste resources or be good at shielding.”
InvictisOCE says “Kind of the same as Rengar, Xin has better skirmish power and ganks than you so you want to avoid him at all costs because he will smash you. He can also invade you level 1 so path away from Xin.”
fahadpppo says “dont fight this guy early your gonna lose 90% of the time and if he goes bruiser when your blue you cant 1v1 him or burst him so careful however as red you shit on him late”
uSgSello says “Even matchup. Both are very good at ganking and counter ganking. Both deal nice damage in the early game.
I think Xin got a small advantage because he has less Cooldown and a bit more damage. ”
Smartest2 says “Do not mess with an early game Xin. Ward river around 1:20~ and watch for the invade as you clear your second camp (buff). If you see him in your jungle, bail out and see what he does. If you underestimate his damage you won't live long enough to regret it. After we finish our Black Cleaver we can take him on pretty easily (provided he's not super far ahead).”
BlackFalcon2005 says “You should win against him. To win, your Q lowers his AD and use your pillar so to stop him form dealing to much damage and run away if needed.”
IWillShowYouNoMercy says “he can invade you and bully you hard! Try and counter gank him if you have a stronger laner because when he uses his dash to go in you can easily counter it with your E. Don't try and outclear him just look for objective trades and ganks in opposite lanes”
PK Noob says “You need to get one of your assassins ahead for Xin to burst him. He can easily 1v1 anyone and even 1v2 without a lead. In teamfights cc him with your spells so that he doesn’t one shot your team.”
blademuster says “Xin Zhao is a very good jungler early game right now, being able to duel most champions, you will need to dodge his w with you're q if you want to beat him.”
EUWRATS says “Super strong against you early on before your trinity and can easily 1v1 you. DO NOT try to 1v1 him before trinity and avoid him early on before you get your items. you outscale him after trinity so play safe early he might invade you at gromp or red”
Strike1 says “Xin zhao E dash is the same range as your autoattack. If you try to auto him he will jump on you and use his three talon strike to knock you up and then oneshot you even if he isn't fed. if his initial combo does not kill you, you still lose in an extended fight.
He can also knock people out of your ultimate lol.
The best advice I can give you is avoid him and outscale him. Focus on farming and ganking lanes. Bring your team along to 2v1 him. A fed marksman champ like kindred with good peel makes easy work of xin zhao late game.
Do not go for crazy invades for marks. once he gets a lead you can never play.
You all have 1 ban each. consider banning xin zhao if the nerf next patch does not gut him.”
litecrunch says “The main threat he has is his early dueling and ganking power. After 20 minutes he will fall of very hard. He will most likely leave a lot of his camps open so you can get ahead of him if you take them.”
liserith says “Save your Q for his E, and E immediately afterwards. Do not let him knock you up, as it's practically a free kill. As long as you keep your distance, you can win this matchup very easily. If he is starting on a scuttle, leave him. You will die if you fight him. ”
kaynt ward says “Has a lot of early game power to stop you from scaling. You can almost never 1v1 him until you get form. As long as he doesn't invade you early it should be fine. His R makes it hard to peel for your backline with your W.”
Gumipapucs says “If he is at least decent he won't have trouble destroying you post 6. Before that, you can duel him but make sure to dodge his W and keep him at max range, and even then it can be a coinflip. You can outjungle him tho.”
chevy the sloot says “Not so minor but I put him here because no one plays him. He will 80% of the time cheese gank level 2 or invade you. Avoid him all early and as long as he doesn't get his level 2 cheese off you win. You just out tempo him and out scale”
c0st0m says “Point and click dash and near instant knock up with q+hob super bad matchup dont ever fight him and just scale for teamfights
zhonyas is a must
also recommended to dodge”
Tinjus says “Xin Zhao is able to stick onto you and burst you down fairly quickly. Hes difficult to duel, so make sure to use Void Assault to avoid his auto attacks and create distance from him as you buy time for Q to come up. Phase rush helps a lot with this matchup.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Can out duel most junglers in the game including you at level 2. Will kill you early if he invades, but he falls off if he doesn't build the right items. You can catch him off guard and kill him if you CC lock him.”
UnaFlauta says “He may look like a threat but if you dodge his w he lost all the dueling potential against kindred. Use your q to dodge his w and then kite him”
Heavens Door says “he must not see you!
if he does say bye bye to your stacks
try to mirror his movements and gank other lanes
try to get your other lanes ahead.
I personally ban him in low elo, as hes more frequently picked compared to other hard matchups.”
SirGobogi says “He's a duelist and a 1v1 king so he might destroy you early on in the game. Pretty big threat for a pre level 6/ nashors and riftmaker gwen.”
Bel37 says “Spam Ganker. Try to counter jungle if you see him gank a lane. if he falls behind in camps and his ganks dont work he is similar to elise and has low impact on the rest of the game.”
Xavierix says “Start with Emberknife.
Xin Zhao is a good Jungler in early game. Unless you have an advantage, do not fight Xin Zhao in the early game. He’s 1v1 is incredibly strong thanks to his
Q and E.
He uses his early stregths to invade your jungle and steak away camps when he spot you on the opposite site of the map.
Xin Zhao has good objective control and can take them pretty easily. Make sure you keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot him before he is able to take it.
He can avoids team fighting unless his ultimate R is up. But without it he is vulnerable and relatively easy to kill with an ally. Force team fights when his Ultimate Crescent Guard
R is down to increase your chances of winning the fight.
He is not afraid o repeatedly gank lanes. Xin Zhao is really good at ganking and can do so over and over again.
To make it harder for Xin Zhao to get successful ganks off, make sure you place vision around his jungle entrances. This will give your allies enough time to back off and escape before he is able to reach their lane.
Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fights, don’t ignore him. Focus him down when he engages. So try to hit him with your W from afar and then spam your E, at the end try to finish him with your R (if he can't use flash and dashes).
JunglerBuilds says “Xin can be quite aggressive early and that could ruin your game, he's quite the jungler right now, with his good objective control and high damage all around. He can gank quite early and can make a great impact on the game. Try to predict his next moves so you can at least save your teammates in those situations, because his early ganks are so deadly.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Engaging with fights early on versus Xin is bad news, especially when he hits level 2. Avoid getting hit by him three times and getting knocked up, Grab a Cinderhulk into Deadman's and you will be able to tank most of his damage. Warden's Mail is also good against him for the attack speed reduction passive.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Tough to beat, fortunately your final build will result in you becoming tankier than him, be sure to stay ahead and not focus on him until it's time to teamfight. Your main job is to keep him off of your carries.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Semi-hard matchup. Do your best to sustain lane & farm, try to poke with your Q if possible. Xin is also very immobile; jungle pressure is very helpful to win this matchup. ”
Tofolo says “Non uno degli accoppiamenti più difficili. Il modo di giocare è simile al vostro ma con più difesa e controllo rispetto alla vostra mobilità e non bersagliabilità. Usate bene la Q per schivare il suo 3 attacco base e avrete vinto.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Dodge his W , bait his R before jumping and wait with your W untill he will go in with his Q.
Xin is only a Major Threat when he hits his W's because you will probably insta die.”
Get Ricked says “He destroys you in the 1v1 even after lvl 6. Be affraid of him. He does fall off a cliff late game so after like 2 items you can take him. ”
NathanPyke says “His burst potential with the new items is very oppressing , try to deal damage as much as possible because he will one shot you if he gets on you”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear and sustain are fine, but yours is better, just avoid 1v1 earlys, cause he has so much burst , dps, lockdown , you can do something with lead or team or blue form against him.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Xin Zhoa is a pretty strong early game jungler. Just make sure to read his movements and try to predict where he will gank. If you can countergank the chances are high you will get an easy (double)kill. Late game you are a much bigger threat.”
MetaSolaray says “Ward for Xin Zhao's level two gank, especially around the mid laner and tell the side laner he started at to ward for himself. If he wastes time on this lvl 2 and gets nothing you can powerfarm to 3 and meet him at his buff for a free kill. As long as he doesn't snowball on your team you outscale him easily in a 1v1. Brambles vest is very powerful to stop his small healing he relies on in non Conqueror rune sets.”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear and sustain are fine, but yours is better, just avoid 1v1 earlys, cause he has so much burst , dps, lockdown , you can do something with lead or team or blue form against him.”
Whobick says “Interesting match up. Early game you can usually 1v1. Late game....just don't even try. Xin has that pesky knockup and slow which is decent early game, but late game is killer. Just go hard levels 1-2, play safe 3-5, but at 6-10 you should be pretty good. If you ult when he all in's you, you prevent his knockup and his ult, so you should be fine.”
RedNBlue says “Kitable just make sure you keep running from him after he dashes to you please. Please please and you will win and be a champion please. Thank you... :)”
KaynPlayer814 says “Xin Zhao is a rare pick in the meta but can be seen in low elo. He can invade you really hard in the early game, but once you have your form you outscale him pretty hard. As RedKayn he wont be able to 1v1 you, unless you dont hit your q and w. As BlueKayn you want to avoid him if he has a lot armor.”
Snap0ner says “He's an early champion like you. his burst earlygame is so strong, but after he uses it he is kinda weak. Try to catch him on wolves after going all-in on them for fast clear, and you will score for sure a kill or a flash burn.”
Hidon1 says “Xin Zhao is the type of jungler who can gank level 2 and you will have a hard time fighting him 1v1. What you should do to prevent this is by warding for the level 2 gank (do it on the ramp, which is besides raptors and tell your top/bot laners to ward as well). If his level 2 gank is not successful you are a stronger champ at level 3. You can also try to countergank but that is flippy. When you play vs Xin Zhao make sure to always fight even numbers since you do not thrive well 1v1, but with your teammates around you, you should always win the fights. In this match up Red smite is good since it can help you if you get caught out 1v1 by Xin. ”
NiroMcnuggets says “not only do u cancel his E with ur W, u also win early game skirmishes (VS XIN XHAO!). that just goes to show how strong poppy is.”
CalicoCactus says “He can get a massive lead off of you just by existing early, do not fight until you get items, be careful and watch his positioning because he can deny you from a backline engage.”
Watsonthe8th says “i hear people say jax hard stomps him and i just dont see it. HE IS SO STRONG EARLY. He can one shot you from the word go. you out scale but not if your teams lets him walk all over you. I hate this match up.”
SuperMajorPain says “Xin is much stronger than Sejuani early game. he can invade her jungle and force her out pretty easily or win 2v2's in solo lanes. To jg with Xio you must out farm him, Scuttle crabs will be a Big thing for you, plus Gank opposite lanes to him with the intention to Break down towers , Xio will only be Ganking for the kill ”
CalicoCactus says “Early game AD Auto-based jungler, keep your JG warded and be safe early and watch as he falls off, try to jungle-track him and keep an eye as to where he will gank.”
White Cr0w says “He's an early champion like you. his burst earlygame is so strong, but after he uses it he is kinda weak. Try to catch him on wolves after going all-in on them for fast clear, and you will score for sure a kill or a flash burn.”
KevinThyAsian says “Early game he is favoured. Counter ganking him is the way to go as he is useless after EQ combo. Don’t duel him early on, only if ahead or when his abilities are on CD”
SeaBossBoi says “Bruiser type junglers are major threats to both types of AP and Tank Malphites, they usually have enough Health to survive burst from AP Malphite and have enough Consist damage to killed tank Malphite in extended fights. Its usually a good idea to fight with a numbers advantage against these class of junglers.”
Minase says “Not too hard of a matchup given how awful the champion is you just have to acknowledge how strong he is early and that he can fuck up your flank if you're not careful. You will outscale him after 2 items so don't be scared to let him have a camp or two, it's not worth dying for.”
FalleN3 says “Try to avoid 1v1 with Xin early as he will punish you for it. He also has very strong early ganking potential. Ward as well as you can and try to disengage unless he is low HP and you are full. He is difficult to outplay. ”
Holessando says “easy for you, he's low and can't carry, so there's not any problem for you, just farm him (if he's otp, he can do something, but still, xin is not good, so there's nothing to worry about)”
KingStix says “Brand provides way more value in team fights. Just make sure you stay relatively full health in the jungle so he doesn't invade and kill you.”
metalhydra273 says “Another rare sight nowadays. Xin is great at dueling you, but ripe for the pickings with your ult. His ult will block ranged attacks from your teammates so drag him into their range to maximize damage.”
DemacianStandard says “Just don't ult him. Seriously, just don't do it. Try to avoid letting him use his knock-up by using your own instead. If you do intend to ult him, only do so after his own has been used. ”
Popu says “Xin Zhao like Rek'sai is a good dueler. All what you need to do is fight him near wall and q over the wall (after he use his E) to kite him. Don't try to fight him 1v1 without walls.”
NixLychee says “As Kayn, your early game is horrendous, so Xin Zhao can and will demolish you in a duel early game, so just avoid him, because you will scale better into the late game.”
Xidorian says “Dashes in on your adc, ults, you're already away from your carry. So you bandage toss back in, you ulti. Still tough because his E is undodgeable, forcing your ADC to flash away or die. His dueling power is pretty good, too, so care of that.”
brSL7 says “Assim como o Olaf o Xin Zhao irá decair bastante no Late Game.
Você pode esperar para trocar com ele no Late mas com 2-3 Itens você já consegue solar o Xin Zhao em uma troca 1v1.
Cuidado com invades”
Xe0N says “Very aggressive jungler. Will kill you multiple times in the early game. Play safe and try to countergank him. You outscale better but try not to die that much or he may outscale you.”
Aas112mm says “If the Xin knows what he is doing you will probably rage quite after 5 min since he can literally do whatever the F he want is your laners dont walk with you 24/7, you cant out gank him, you cant 1v1 him (unless of course you are somehow 5/0 after 4 min) and you will be invaded and bullied a lot.
But the good news is that you can still just one shot his team in late and say jg diff anyway. (Even if he's 15/2 and you are 4/8)”
Maintained says “Stronger dueling at all stages of the game unless he falls behind. Has strong counter jungling. You have better ganks. You have better teamfights. ”
gurubashi35 says “His early is notably stronger than yours gankwise. In a 1v1 you still beat him, so you can invade him.
He falls of harder than you late game, with your R being stronger and more reliable than his R, so at most point of this matchup, you win.”
Enpo says “Xin's early game is just to strong he can perma invade basically anyone with no problems. You should just try to farm it out and avoid him.”
chasemyman1 says “He is one of the best duelist junglers early game. Avoid him early game at all costs because if he catches you in the jungle you are likely dead. As long as you get your laners ahead you will win hard.”
ALKHEMIA says “Dodge without thinking you can do something. Or trust your team to be strong early to do not feed him and help you when needed. You scale better than him once mid-game passed.”
eldritchFedora says “Xin Zhao is just an overall nuisance and can outduel early and mid game.”
Fiddlestank by eldritchFedora | Fiddlesticks Player
reganakers says “A strong 1v1 champion. Can punish you hard due to his burst with Hail of blades. However he doesnt have enough damage to 100 to 0 you.”
Depresso says “Lethal early game, like udyr loses value as the game progresses.
What makes him Even unlike Udyr that I consider Minor is the fact that he has cc that does not rely on auto attacks which is something udyr cannot bring.”
PsiGuard says “I give Rek'Sai the edge in this matchup but XIn is still dangerous. He's a strong duelist and can threaten both you and your laners. You have more mobility so your ganks are more flexible. Try to abuse that to build an early lead.”
M.P.C says “Engaging him early is suicide so focus on getting CS during early game and also you can easily bait him to use his W. Don't start the fight let him make the first move, he'll typically use his E to gap close and then either R or Q + R.”
RageAx says “Pre form he can kill you easily thanks to his incredible 1vs1 potential. Once you have built tank you should be alright, just keep in mind that his R can be screw you over if it knocks you out of your R radius.”
League Of Cursed says “Never fight him alone. Granted, there are not many people you should fight by yourself but he is certainly in the same line as udyr here.
Dopamine_influx says “He is strong-ish early, but you win with triple Q. He perma ganks, but you're stronger if you countergank. You win fights on scuttle early with triple Q. Later, you just OS him if he didn't snowball hard.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Xin has bad clear and weak team fights. Make sure to build a lead through farming/ganking as well as early 1v1's where xin loses to rengar.”
AWierdShoe says “Skill matchup. Xin Zhao has very strong early dueling potential with his Q knockup and his E to close gaps. Be careful when using your R at range as he can uses his R to deny all the damage, so if you want to ult him you'll have to get close to him. He falls off super hard late-game so use that to your advantage.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Kite him out, once he E's onto you flash or Q over all wall as his Q can knock youup. his Ultimate can be a real problem in teamfights, but overall you outdual him if you are in the right spot.”
GrayRiver says “"If he catches you up early and you can't escape he will kill you. Later on he can duel you pretty easily thanks to his kit so your hope is to cc him and have your team kill him with you since you won't probably be able to 1v1 him unless you are way ahead of him." PH45”
DarkPit59 says “Dans la même catégorie que Jax et Trundle, Xin Zhao excelle en 1v1. Prenez garde à ses dégâts et son jungle path afin d'efficacement counter-gank. Evitez à tout prix le corps à corps en confrontation directe.”
WickedPoppet says “Never fight him alone. Granted, there are not many people you should fight by yourself but he is certainly in the same line as udyr here.”
Thatskillz1291 says “i like to ban xin since he can clear 3 camps and get lv 3 then cheese you in your jg”
Basics of Nunu by Thatskillz1291 | Nunu & Willump Player
SavageFy says “Xin Zhao's damage, healing and clear time early on is a very big threat for Amumu. You want to avoid fighting at all costs as he'll probably have a level advantage as well as higher health in an early game duel in the jungle. ”
Sorrowful Prince says “In theory Xin has all the tools to dominate this matchup and is the stronger champ in early fights. Don't flip it early game. Try to respond to what he does. Your counterganks against this guy are insanely strong. If your lanes don't have prio he will invade you. Don't fight him then and accept it while looking for crossmap plays. In teamfights wait his ultimate or access his backline without him being able to deny you. ”
TrevorJayce says “Xin is a pretty hard matchup. He wins 1v1s very easily early with his knockup, as his damage isn't in bursts but rather splayed across his E and three Q's. If he's a good Xin, he'll wait until he's knocked you up before he W's so you can't W it, but if he doesn't, just W the damage and you'll /maybe/ win.”
Nico449c says “You can win lvl 3 fights but be aware of hes lvl 2 invade can easily beat you he got really good ganks too so either you have to countergank him or outgank him. Invades is possible but you got to hit your cocoon and be aware with wards on the map how low he is and where he is at the jungle clear.”
The Top Bear says “This guy is a pain. Save your w till after he e's you to dodge his w slow. then kite him and re-engage on him to kill him. However I would recommend just tracking him hard and not fighting him. A good Xin can dumpster you pretty hard. post-6 you just get destroyed by him. The best time to fight is level 2 at scuttle.”
Dunk Master Jax says “Easy to duel throughout the entire game. A good Xin player will try to bait your Counterstrike before doing his combo. A bad one will engage you and try to do his full combo and you should win as long as your counterstrike is up.”
urrb says “He has a very strong early game and a strong level 2 gank. Many times people won't respect this and the threat of this champ lies in him getting an early lead like that and snowballing off of it. Just do your best to warn your team, watch where he's been leashed and ping it, reach 3 as quickly as possible, and stay on alert for where he is and what lane he could gank so you can be ready to counter it. If you can help your team survive his early game he's much easier to deal with mid to late.
In terms of a 1v1 he will generally win early game unless you can cheese him in the river with absolute focus and riverwalking or at his buff before he gets a lead. Mid to late game if he hasn't gotten a lead you should be able to win the 1v1.
Try to sidestep the line of his w and kite him after his second auto until his q is over so that he doesn't knock you up. Don't engage with e if you can avoid it so that after you've kited him you can E onto him, because he will run.”
SNOBOY says “Once he hops you, use your q to get away and avoid the knock up. If he get the knock up, smash e and w to take less damage. He is squishy early so you can combo and kite him easy.”
Simphoria says “Unlike Olaf, Xin is much more balanced but he is a big counter. Sej is a champ that has a weak early but strong late and Xin is the opposite of that. He bumps out consistent damage so our passive doesn't really negate as much like Vs Assassins. He has a knockup, he can follow our Q with his E, (be careful that he may ward over a wall if you dash into fog) and he has a slow. There is never a time we can out duel him. He can out gank and counter gank us easily. He is usually very healthy when he clears and he will have no problem walking into your jungle looking for either camps or you.
You basically play the first 15min in fear and try to safely gank and scale. ”
LFS_aXent says “Extremely similar to Yi. He will focus you in fights, take you on with his ult, and force you to fight in his reworked circle. Hopefully melee and supports will help you with his fights.”
Lasoor says “[General] His goal is getting his third auto off on you to knock you up. Once he does this you will die(in most cases). The ideal situation is when Xin Zhao has exhausted his E(gap closer). Once he uses this, simply walk away until his knockup ability times out. Then go back in and burst him to a pulp. Generally safest to use your ultimate against him as you are at half strength without minions. Xin Zhao can easily kill ghouls all at once while focusing you using his ultimate. So hug your maiden and make use of your outplay abilities.”
Laverenz says “Xin Zhao's ultimate makes you unable to damage him, while standing outside of it. Attack other people when Xin Zhao has his ult active.”
AnimeWEeb says “Ban at all costs. Extremely dangerous early game, will kill you quickly and easily. When playing against him, don't build this build, go build some of my suggested items to avoid getting killed over and over again.”
Her0mars says “Avoid fighting this guy 1v1, and avoid him early, just avoid your jungle if you can and gank / counter gank. His early damage is crazy and requires no skill, at the cost of no escapes. If he doesn't get ahead early or falls behind he generally won't come back unless he goes on a yearlong farming spree, by the end of which you would have already ended.”
Hamstertamer says “Jumps on you and oneshots you with very little counterplay, and will counterjungle you hard to abuse his 1v1 advantage. On top of this, his ultimate blocks both your Q and your ult. Later in the game can be kited with zhonyas/rylai. But IMO the worst jungle matchup.”
Hamstertamer says “Jumps you and oneshots you, and you can't do anything. Will counterjungle you and make your game miserable. To top it off his ult makes him completely invulnerable to your long range damage. Wait for him to jump a teammate and counter-initiate.”
Chromuro says “This is my standard ban, xin zhao is the worst of your nightmares: stickyness, damage, CC, you name it. His entire kit is made to duel and you are everything but a dueler. Never engage him if alone and never try to invade if you are not sure of where he is.”
RSol Fox says “Champs like xin zhao with high early damage and dueling power are very difficult to manage even if they are melee. Play slow and safe and have your team help you ward jungle entrances.”
4by3 says “Better early game than you. When he gets tabi you cannot duel him, but before that you can invade well, but he has kill potential on you always unless he has no smite for your box.”
oneerror says “xin can win almost every single early trade with you even if you outplay with ward jumping early keep clear of the early invades on his jg ”
SupahotFairy says “Very strong against Vi early to mid-game.
Will often try to counter jungle you, which can be very annoying, especially if your team is falling behind and losing lanes so that you can't counter jungle him back.
IskaDP says “Not the most difficult to deal with. Catch him with a stun on your to get some auto-attacks on him and then ulti him help to finish him off.”
Galois_Group says “He can push you out of your jungle effectively delaying your spikes, while having similar spikes which let him gank better and boost his team heavier. Though you can overcome later, possibility is your team will troll and you lose.”
Magistricide says “You can beat him if you have ignite advantage, item or level advantage, and you can survive his burst (75% or more hp is recommended at early levels)”
Leapus says “Try to outfarm him, and abuse your advantage. He got CC, he can isolate you from your clone, even if you're invisible. But you can kill him with ignite and a nice clone gestion.”
pixelhidef says “He has the strongest Lvl 2 among all champs, so he will play aggressive. Watch for counter-ganks and try to play safely until level 6. He falls off late game, so out-scale him through farming and objectives.”
Tokoyamy says “Prevent him from finishing the Three-Claw Strike as in the third attack he will knock you out and receive reduced skills cooldown.
When Xin Zhao is using Crescent Guard,avoid using "Mounting Dread" so your damage is not undone.”
Bombabo says “Xin Zhao is strong enough early that he can prevent Evelynn from becoming a threat. If he gets close to you pre-6, you will most likely die”
Aht3ns says “Understand the matchup. Use your q and e early, if you have ultimate use that too. He will most of the time waste his abilities early too, so it will just be an aa trade until you w and end it.”
Killerbacca10 says “He will invade and destroy you. Do not try to 1v1. If he shows up at scuttle unless he is low or your mid laner is going to help you will be nuked. Late game you counter him if you make it there. Try not to die to him solo and counter gank him.”
Tonga Ragnar says “If you don't ban Jax ban Xin Zhao. It's all I'm going to say hahaha. He can deny all your damage, stunt you, slow you, ward your jungle and be care for early invades.”
LixoPanado says “Xin zhao will duel you throughout the whole game, having the advantage, unless you're ahead, counter jungle him and be safe, you should be fine. Don't forget he can cancel your ult with 2 methods!”
Jungle Kings Rage says “You Lose At All Stages Of The Game To Him Except Lategame. But Even Then His Teamfighting Potential Will Outdo Yours. Overall Hard To Fight But If You Avoid Him Till Lategame And Somehow Get Him To Into A 1 v 1 Situation With You. Instant Win For You”
Lil Trash says “I prefer using HOB against him but elec works just fine. Early he bursts you easily just make sure you does not get fed and he wont be a huge threat. You can also steal his jng.”
MrParias says “PUNISH HIM EARLY! You both have great 1vs1 potential but you have shield and fear,Use wisely and outfarm him as he will try 24/7 ganking”
FupiDupi says “Similar to Udyr - strong fighter as his level 2 is very strong and he can knock you into the air to secure the kill. He falls off later in the game though so survive the early and you're good.”
FrozenKnight says “He has a better early game then you, but you out-scale him late game. So farm and gank and you'll be fine. Try to counter-gank him as much as you can. ”
LighterDay says “Xin Zhao may have the advantage early game, but once mid game starts, Vi can sustain and do a good amount of damage against Xin Zhao.”
Bestlover says “He is a problem because he beats you in every fight you make with him cause you are very squishy in early stages or the game.
If he snowballs he will be a huge problem in late game as well.”
IIIIIIIIII says “U wont be able to kite him because he will use E on u.If xin has hail of blades he will insta complete his 3 q autos and u are more likely to be around 30-40% hp”
BigBadVoodo says “Try and invade him early at his buff with ignite. That is probably the only time you will even get to kill him. Other than that he is very hard to play against if not cheesed early.”
Jomickies says “Xin Zhao is a very oppressive early game jungler, He is similar to udyr in that he can solo kill you if he ever finds you in the jungle early game. However, after level 6 you can kill him if you play it well. The problem with Xin is that in teamfights he can negate your engage in that he can ult and your teammates's follow up damage will be cut down significantly. That said your teamfight is still much better than his. If you ult him your team can still kill him but it might be a bit slower.”
marcopolo656 says “he will out duel you lv 2 unless you have lethal tempo or hail of blades as your sustain damage is must better and hail of blades will make you do insane damage quickly but after lv 6 you will start kick his behind”
MrPeach301 says “He's another King of the early game but he's more easily dealt with compared to udyr. Try to smite steal crabs but don't directly try to contest him for it, he'll end up just bursting you down and slowing you where you stand. Prioritise getting yourself to mid - late game as well as getting your laners fed so they don't die to an early to mid game xin gank”
craY13 says “He will gank very much in the early, try to tell your team to stay safe. If he ganks a lane try to counter jungle, if you get a lead you can fight him.”
LePlay says “He can be quite annoying with both his Q knock-up and his W slow. However, he relies on his E dash to effectively fight you; block it with your W and proceed to stun him with your E-Q combo”
drunken hunter says “Xin Zhao is a really strong enemy laner because of his abilities.
He can dash to you, he uses his (W) to do crit and life steal on every third hit (what is completely broken) he can knock you up and he reduces your armor (15%) the first three seconds he fights you.
Better play safe, get the ninja tabis and wait for a gank.”
PenguinOnStick says “Based on AA and its easy for you to stay inside the ult. Wait for his Ult before you E since he will knock you away. He will be hard for you to deal with late game since he is so strong right now. ”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “He will play very aggressive and will probably try invading you because he beats you in every 1v1 due to the hail of blaids changes. He will probably try lvl 2 ganking top or mid and 2 crabing you (Dont try counter ganking his lvl 2 gank just type to ur laners that he might try this). Its realy hard to play against him if hi is with hail of blades, I suggest just banning him like i do.”
Optimal Pancake says “Harder against the new Xin. He's really strong and can outduel you in most situations. Highly recommend taking red form against him.”
Iced IMP says “It's really not as bad as you would think, sure his ult prevents you from doing damage, but really can kite him quite well and you tend to come out on top of early fights.”
Violzandre says “This is so sad, alexa play despacito.
He have a great lifesteal, stats, cc, and a approach skill, but you can surpass everything (except his cc) with the build I use.
Obviously, get the advantage....”
LordTamaki says “If xin gets rolling you won't be able to do much. With his early game advantage you will have to give up crabs. If you survive till 6 you out scale him.”
Loul_60 says “Xin Zhao is relatively similar to Udyr in the sense that he has strong (especially early) 1v1 potential, Xin also has pretty good clear. If he invades/counter jungles you well, prepare for a tough game, but unless he is very fed, he lacks the late game power compared to Kayn.”
ninja8135 says “The main benefit of this build is you counter this guy. All his abilities are reliant on his attacks. Use your W and Q well and you should burst him at any stage of the game.”
BlackRabbet1 says “Xin Zhao's early game is very good and it's easy to get bullied by him early in river or if he invades because he's such a good duelist. If you can avoid encountering him in the jungle, he shouldn't be a problem”
Warmanreaper says “This person counters darius... He's very OP late game so make sure you feed off him early because if you don't then you'll lose to him in the late game because of his overpowered lifesteal and attackspeed.”
Meta4our says “Xin is a good coutnerpick in to Kayn because of his early pressure which Kayn can't follow up with.I wouldn't say that xin is like a super counter to Kayn but he definitely a strong pick and u have to be careful with early vision and early invades and etc....You shouldn't fight him lvl 3-6 for there is where he shines and have to be worried about his lvl 2 ganks”
Salmon Kid says “Xin has pseudo undodgeable cc with his Q3+e and he can go hail of blades to destroy Lillia early. This matchup does get a lot easier in the mid/late game, but it's still extremely rough.”
chakib2013 says “Easy matchup however make sure to dodge his W and kite him the right way. If he somehow manages to dash on you with his E you can just jump away with your W”
Hazardist says “Good Xin Zhao players will look to invade your jungle in the early levels, as that's when he is unarguably stronger than Yorick and you won't be able to do much to contest. Always have ghouls on you to be prepared in this case.”
MannerlessNG says “Balanced.
He's more of a threat to your team, especially early on with his great ganks against your blind bot laners, but actually fighting him isn't hard since you out damage and sustain him.
If you can, begin by slamming him into a wall then q stunning him after, into a W combo and he's wrecked 9 ways to sunday.
On the other hand, if he's doing well, wait for a good engage or until he uses CD's.”
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