Top Lane 50.82% Win Rate83% Pick RateNasus Top Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nasus in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “U destroy him, but beware of W slow and shit att speed reduction. rush botrk and try to deny him most farm u can, if he ults u, try to slam or move him with E after W runs our, and just wait for ult to run out. ignite god for lifesteal passive.”
sly rialto colt says “susan can buy oblivion orb, poke you with E and can use Navori Flickerblade against you. Aatrox should recoomend help from jungler.”
Dom1nus says “Start with w and auto w him whenever he goes for stacks. its free poke whenever he uses his q. u kill him until mid game.In late game where he has a lot of stacks and being a full tank he can 1v1 you. Dont push the wave under his turret as he can stack for free make u losing ur advantage.”
Maniaxx says “Nasus relies on stacking Siphoning Strike (Q) for scaling damage, but Mundo’s health regeneration and tankiness make him tough to deal with before Nasus gets large stacks.
Mundo's Sadism (R) allows him to out-sustain Nasus in extended trades, especially if Nasus doesn’t have much sustain.
How to deal with Nasus:
Push for an early lead: Nasus is weak in the early game, so try to bully him early and deny him farm.
Build health and resistances: Nasus has decent tankiness, so focus on building health items to survive his late-game scaling.
a_k_z7 says “bully him early so he can never play
zone him for the first 3 minions of exp since he cant beat in a extended fight early
try to freeze and deny as him as much as possiple
good wave managment is so good against him since if you play you waves correct he can never farm
when ever he wants to farm act go aggrisve oh him and damage him with passive and q doing that a lot will but him in a bad postion where if he stays he dies or he recalls and losses a lot
good wave mangment will win the match up ”
Nithril says “This champion is stupid, Fleet footwork and boots of swiftness is a must, his W is too much of a slow for too long of a time and his Q still outdamages everything you do, Grievous Wounds is a must, can E when he goes for cannon otherwise save it for his W, if he has ghost and ult you are basically always dead”
parker3n9 says “This is a lane where you should constantly harass Nasus to deny him free farm. He should never be able to CS without taking damage. Once you hit your first item, you can kite him permanently, especially if you’ve built Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. Be sure to take Ghost, as Nasus will likely be running it as well to stick to you during fights. Additionally, consider picking up Swifties in this matchup to reduce the impact of his slows and improve your ability to kite effectively.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery (I prefer Grasp for the added sustain and trading potential)
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact or Bone Plating. Doran's Blade. Anti-heal is great here.
Nasus is boring to lane against, what he want is to farm under his tower, what you want is to freeze on your tower and punish him. Do your best to make his life miserable, eventually, around mid/late game he will outscale you, beware of his R. At this point, just kite him and call for help.”
maiathemagical says “Kill him as many times as you can before he Qs to infinity, he does nothing early. Do not assume you will be able to continue spanking him when he has 400 stacks, you will get bonked.”
Xayk47 says “I like to build tank against this champion but it doesn't matter. he will outscale you so try to make the most out of early and mid game. Bring phase rush”
Fenharion says “I generally hate Nasus and with a champion that's not really powerful towards late game it becomes a living hell especially if Nasus decides to stay under turret.”
Raideru says “In this matchup, u want to zone him from as much CS as u can pre 6 since he is extremely weak before his first reset, and after crashing look to reset for long sword and hold the bounce since if his jungle isn't there u just kill him and he can't crash. After lvl 6 just chip him down slowly with sheen + q2 procs and only all in him if he is half hp with ult. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Easy lane but be careful of scaling, once he has Sheen and Ult his 1v1 becomes VERY insane. I suggest letting the wave bounce to your tower and freezing it so he can't farm and then
all-inning when possible. SPAM stun when he's ulted so he gets as few Q's as possible, don't eat him here because the AOE damage on his ult will still fuck you up." ”
Spartaniko says “Freeze as close to your turret as possible and don't let him get xp. After lvl6 and sheen is very hard to duel him even if he is behind. Don't get baited, he has basically an exhaust in his kit which allows him to set up ganks. Slow push when he is low in the early game to try and dive him. I recommend TP so you can transpose your early advantage into your allies, Nasus is one of the few champions that outduels Pantheon in the lategame, you want your allies to be strong.”
Fanatical Goose says “Zone nasus off the wave, once he gets his first item you will need to get bramble vest to be able to challenge his ult. As long as he isn't allowed to free farm stacks you should be good. They mainly like building ability haste so you can't really bait any cooldowns other than his wither which you can ult.”
Fenharion says “Like kayle,free lane in early game but a menace late game,try to group fight with him in mid-late game since his E is going to reduce a lot of armor from you. Take Bramble Vest early to lower his healing.”
Houcs says “Usually plays extremely safe and just stacks. So you usually won't find yourself able to pull him into your tower. I recommend buying bami cinder and then perma push and try help your team or be annoying to enemy jg.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Essa lane é fácil no começo e Horrorosa no late game, porém tenha em mente que nasus é fraco lv1 ou seja, pegue conqueror e n deixe ele farmar os 3 primeiros minions da wave.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Punish him as much as possible early, because the later it gets, the harder you will lose against him.
You can use his weak early game to get as much as possible and then bully his team.
If you are overfed, you can keep bullying him, but if he runs Ghost he can ult and run you down.
His W slows attack speed and movement speed incredibely well.
Althalosofsirun says “Wither makes it so you cant play the game stomp him pre 6 and hope your jg dives him on repeat build tank build with the conq rune page the goal is to 100-0 him with W or die trying
Skaarlschloch says “Go phase rush with manaflow so you can get away from his W slow, Start Dblade if he pushes let him trading with him equally, try to all-in him lv3-5
Your combo vs nasus should be different as he will press W on you as soon as you jump in, so you need to get your knockup autos off beforehand with: E->AA->Q->Q->Q->W-> Run away with PhaseRush, even better if you hit a longrange W->Wait 2 seconds -> E->AA->Q->Q->Q->W . Alternative a QPrep -> E->Q3->W->Run works aswell.
You should go Executioners somewhat early!
Still this matchup you should beg for you jungler to come and give him the kills if possible as even with kills eventually Nasus will win the 1v1”
tictac9090 says “If you manage to form a perma-freeze against Nasus, there isn't really much he can do. The only way he breaks the freeze is with jungler, so be aware of that. Zone him off the wave and poke him with Q. ”
SemenDrinker says “Blade Shield 2nd wind
You HARD bully this guy. What i like to do is crash a giant wave early as nasus sucks dick at clearing under his tower at low levels. Then you perma poke him until you're comfortable all inning. But of course in like 50 minutes he does outscale you. Do be cautious that when he has sheen and level 6 he can turn the tides if he has enough stacks. He can slow your auto attack speed which may fuck up your autos inbetween Q's. But if you know how to manage waves correctly the matchup is fine. ”
IvanBeifong says “Pretty easy matchup, dont let him close to the wave, they'll always greed for minions, so take advantage of that and trade with him when he gets too close, he'll never do enough damage for him to kill you, and you'll outheal him in everything.
His ult is good mainly because it does AOE ap damage and gives you armor and mr.”
Skaarlschloch says “Insanely horrible trash matchup!!
If you somehow get an All-In in lv.1 and can snowball of that zoning him HEAVILY its kinda playable (or with jngl help)
But most of the time Nasus will get to lv6 somewhat unscaved and beat you down and put W on you all through out the game making you useless”
Niemi says “Early Nasus is no problem, abuse him when he's weak, like Morde. But once he gets stacks and when he has his abilities upgraded, you will get slowed and then bonked”
Niemi says “Earlygame is super easy, but once he get stacks and some level on his slow... It's a different ballgame. You have to get as big of a lead as you can early. That's the only way”
Body Those Fools says “If he goes Doran's Shield and Second Wind, he will just shrug off your poke regardless of your items. His passive gives him lifesteal, so his Passive + Fleet Footwork + Doran's Shield + Second Wind will make your early poke pretty useless. His Wither also counters you. At level 6, you have to be very careful because he will just Ghost + Wither and try to kill you, so just disengage with your EQ. Farm as best as you can because you will need an item or two before he is killable. Freeze the wave near your tower and try to get your jungler to come punish him early.”
smrgol says “You kite, your attack speed is fixed and isn't affected by his W, zone him off of minions and punish him when he goes for the cannon (trust me, he will).”
Zagreus16 says “Im sure we all know Nasus gets so beat up early game so yea you can hard smack him when he wants to walk up for CS. late game tho you better make sure you ult him away from your own team into his cause he will become an extreme threat and mop the floor”
CrimsonL7 says “Trash matchup. You cant kill him pre6 cause of wither and after 6 he outscales you and will beat you to death even under turret. One of the worst matchups just dodge it. If you are too stubborn for that however than let him push into you early and trade under your tower. Try to combo him really quick so you can get it off before his wither comes off. Wall slams are really good here since he has no dash or move speed to dodge it. ”
Frankoloko says “ You need anti heal (either Ignite or Bramble). You HAVE TO completely destroy him early game. Don't give him a single CS. Only ever ult after he does to steal his stats. You need Mercs to negate his slow & Liandries since his first item is Trinity Force so Liandries will do the most damage. After that Rylai's to stop him from getting away. The reason I put him in Major is because after 2 or 3 items he outscales you super hard and you can't do much about it. Even shutting him down early does not allow you to beat him. You have to hope your team can snowball fast enough to stop him.”
step1v9 says “Don't stand in his E. Try to freeze unless you want to push to get prio and play with your jungler or try to dive nasus. Disengage when he uses W or R. If they have phase rush, make sure to save any slows you have until after it's on CD or to prevent him from activating PR (stridebreaker slow to deny auto). Try to position near a wall so you can E over it and kite his R, W, or PR.”
YuletideGlory says “Nasus counters your entire kit since he can reduce your attack speed with a point-and-click ability, allowing him to win every trade every time. You cant farm without getting poked by his AoE either. If he decides to run you down, he absolutely can.
This means Nasus will farm safely throughout the match and walk comfortably into the mid-late game with enough stacks to be unstoppable.”
Raideru says “In early he shouldn't be able to touch the wave at all unless it's under his tower, zone him lvl 1 with w and whenever he walks up to go for a minion in this matchup just e him in and run him down”
Haxorr says “Similar to lots of other matchups, Nasus is pretty challenging if you don't play aggressively and punish him in the early game. If he starts e it can be tough to get prio on the wave, but you have to realize he has very low kill pressure with e start so just focus on your wave mechanics and getting a good recall off, then come back and kill him on the bounce.
Take Grasp in this matchup and play hard early. Same as other matchups, just get a good crash off and trades. You should win all trades up until level 6, and after 6 just use your e sparingly. You can jump on him and trade without using e, as if you waste your e he can all-in you easily with his ult and ghost. Rush trinity. Play for grubs fights and skirmishes.”
DuckQc says “He can't do anything to you if you don't let him. Contest every minion he wants to get. Once 6, you demolish him. Try to end the game quickly or play for your team, he can end the game solo if he gets to farm for a while. ”
Skaarlschloch says “should be easy kill even pre 6. If you know your fundamentals he cant play the game your lane is way too strong. No need to overforce stupid allin lv 1 or anything just chill outtrade and even after 6 you can kill him with ult + ign.
If he somehow goes even and you Q in stupid post 6 mabye he can kill you then”
Arthapsic says “Be agressive before his level 6. Take priority and shove 3/4 waves in and then reset for a cheater recall. Let the lane push into you and then punish him hard and try to not let him get stacks/farm. After 6 he can beat you if you're even so be careful. You will need either cleanse or swifties or phaserush to deal with his W and be able to kite him. It's up to you which one you want to take. If he ults try to disengage and fight him when he doesn't have ult up.”
TeiWasTaken says “Nasus is a very hard matchup. You stomp him in lane, but when he scales, he becomes unstopabble. If you know how to deny him farm well, then it is an Even matchup, otherwise it is hard.”
ArmedDad says “Another famously easy maatchup for the cam. ****Know that he can run you down at 6 when you are even.
- the reason you win is becuase your damage is not tied to attack speed. His w is the 'trump card' making ranged champs and auto attackers cry, but you are neither so you're fine.
If you go ignite tp, which I suggest here, you cannot use e to engage unless you can get out without him pressing w, ghost and running you down or you can kill him. he wins any extended trade late, it is stack dependent tho. as a rule of thumb, he should have about 300 stacks or less at the 20 min mark assuming he is a good nasus and you are a good camille.”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- He is not much of a threat early
- He's passive lifesteal is pretty good, so if he has enough minions and enough time, he can get his HP back pretty quickly
- His W is really annoying, giving you a big slow and slowing your attack nearly as much
- High probability he is going to run Ghost
- After Level 6 he is going to try and run you down the line with using W+R+Ghost, making you really slow, and he is going to be able to spam Qs due to lower cooldown when beeing in R.
- So try to run something like Cleanse+Nimbus Cloak to be able to run from this "combo", but if you are not going to dominate early, it will be pretty difficult for you to kill him 1v1 due to his W effect”
Baby_Driver says “He is not allowed to take exp from first 3 melee minions.
Abuse him early, he can't do anything.
Auto attack him to death, when he is about to run out of your range use your W or E.”
DioSett says “you will be stucked on top with him , try to freeze early as much as you can , before 6 fight him with any occasion, after 6 take longer fights to make him use him ult”
Hotch says “You can bully him pretty hard but his level 6 is scary. Can often kill you through Maiden. Get 3 points in W early and try to kite him during his ult. He will most likely instant ghost + Ult + Flash you at 6 so try to get his summs out early.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “4 stacks on Q comes close to wave snip him win every trade at level 6 gets tricky i would go ghost get antiheal his healing in his R is insane.”
forlid says “Extremely punishable early, Nasus doesn't have much against you until he gains his R. His W makes you quite weak, but other than that he can't duel you. While he may hit you, your main goal early is to minimize the amount of stacks he can get. Try to Q him through minions and engage him as much as possible. Ward jungle as often as you can so that you won't get ganked. His R makes him quite hard to kill so wait for him to use it. Kraken if you snowball, BORK if you can't kill him.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for nasus*
He will ignore you and farm under turret...
He's not a big threat until 100+ Q stacks so buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING first back to make his life even harder.
U can block one of his Q later to reduce his DMG because it's his main source of attack's.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Spellbook. Okay this lane is weird.
If he maxes e with dorans ring he actually wins early because he out ranges you. Wave Control is key here. Dont give him a massive free way under tower. Poke or dive him.
YOU DO NOT WIN LVL 6. His ult powespike is bigger than yours if he isnt giga behind. You need to bait out his ult first or get him really low. Swifties is really important. With swifties and cosmic/rylais you can kite him very hard. Dont go rylais if he goes swifties. You do outscale him funnily ”
Sephix92 says “His Scaling makes him hard for you over time couse his slow makes also tf hard if he focus you, couse he have better penetration to get on your nerves.”
MaesePerez says “Scaling matchup, you win lane until 6, then play safe when his ult is up, and in teamfights you should be much more useful. Buy antiheal early and don't let him stack for free. You don't win 1v1 in the sidelane post 15 minutes unless massively ahead, so try to force teamfights where you're far more effective than him. ”
Sanderrsol says “Nasus is a really easy matchup. You beat him pre 6. Zone him of the wave and use Q+grasp to harass him when he CS's. Post 6 look to roam with ult and close out the game before he scales as he will outscale.”
AilZar says “You'll never be able to kill nasus in lane, and make sure to freeze basically all of lane phase. Easily outscale him and use r on him to rid of him ASAP in team fights.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
it used to be mundo's worst melee matchup, but with divine removed it become substantially more playable. Still a nightmare though, mundo has almost no way to zone him off farm and he extremely quickly outscales you in the 1v1. Swifties and tenacity stat shard are a must unless they are full ad, and an eventual deadmans 4/5th item is very helpful. You do way more than him in teamfights assuming he isn't giga fed so try to force teamfights as the side lane is actually hopeless. Phase rush if you wanna play it consistently, grasp if you wanna try to bully him. One isn't better here
Bard_Enjoyer says “He can't stun you, but don't let him stack, even after laning phase. I mained nasus for some time and even in late game he can feed of your stupidity to leave him alone”
Angryappleseed says “Take ghost and ignite/tp.
You can bully him before Lv6, and hopefully kill him with ignite if he messes up. But a good Nasus will play safe and max his E, and after Level 6, you will get stat-checked and lose every 1v1. Have your jungler camp him if possible, otherwise he just outscales HARD.”
Artszy says “Se ele souber dessa matchup, ele pega pezinho e te ignora. A cura da passiva com pezinho e escudo de doran cura todo dano que tu tenta dar, ele aperta R e tu morre. Nessa situação eu vou de ìmpeto Gradual.”
hamgi says “perma freeze. force him off by holding onto ur q3. trade him when he goes for stacks. avoid risky trading (middle of lane or at his tower) without e as he will just w u. go for extended trades when w is on cd (15s) but avoid standing in his e. avoid all-inning/diving post 6 while he's in r or it's up”
forlid says “Nasus is one of the easiest toplanes to actually play against, and he is very easily killable pre level 6. You will always outtrade him, but beware of his R and his mid to late game. He will probably never directly be able to kill you, but the same can't be said to your teammates. Keep him low on stacks by zoning him off of minions and you'll win.”
PlayCabex says “This matchup is all about how much you bully him pre 6. It can be really easy and a total nightmare. Start W and just trade with him as much as possible every time he comes to Q a minion. You can also use your E and Q to deny him the stack. Play ignite in this matchup. Past 6 you can look for kills quite easily if you managed to bully him.
Runes: Aery”
zwartebliksem says “You win every all-in early, trade every time he Q's on a minion. If he withers you, which is quite likely to happen, it'll cost him a lot of mana. When he's low on mana he has 2 options: stay (go all in) or leave (freeze/shove the wave)”
AWierdShoe says “Nasus is another champion that needs to scale a bit in order to be useful. We need to utilize the strategy of crashing on the 3rd/4th wave and playing off the bounceback in order to punish Nasus's weak early game. If the Nasus goes Arcane Comet with E-max, the lane will be more annoying to play. However, Nasus using E in-lane will force the minion wave to push towards you. Play for levels and try to freeze near your tower so that he's forced to walk up to CS, then look to punish.”
Haearnbleidd says “He can't do anything to you if you don't let him. Contest every minion he wants to get. Once 6, you demolish him. Try to end the game quickly or play for your team, he can end the game solo if he gets to farm for a while.
Best build would be bc > hexplate or rav > bc, and botrk in late-game.”
Joy17 says “Nasus pode escalar e se tornar uma ameaça mais tarde no jogo, mas Warwick tem a capacidade de pressionar Nasus na fase inicial e evitar que ele acumule muito poder.”
deathbypotion says “Always take Phase Rush. Try to kill him before 6th. Respect his Sheen powerspike. You can proxy and outscale because he is easy kiteable. Throw hiw away when he is in R. PHASE RUSH COMBO: E him in your gas and AA in flight”
Akuzai says “Setup freezes and try to take advantage of being better than him early. If you're struggling with 1v1s don't be afraid to rush healing reduction. ”
PPlongcook says “A good Nasus will just ruin your day. His wither is just so OP against you and he only needs level 6 and a sheen to murder you. Very winnable if you kill him early and have the jungler dive him before he hits level 6 though. If he gets 200 stacks before you have 3 items you auto lose the game though.”
You absolutely must know how to freeze and deny him the wave.
You hard win if you can keep him behind and starved.
You will lose, if you let him stack.
Do No Fight When He Ults.
Save WW for Wither. Swifties are decent here.
hoflol says “Weird matchup, because you win all 1v1's before level 6, but a good Nasus won't be fighting until after then.
Another matchup where I would recommend phase rush, as Nasus wither can be frustratingly strong.”
Lukajs says “As Gwen, you need to dominate Nasus earlygame so he doesn't get stacks. You can pull the very first wave and get a freeze from wave one to stop him from getting gold and stacks entirely.
Play around zoning, freezing and engaging when his W is down. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Not much of a threat early game, but if allowed to scale can become a major issue. I would not bank on matching him in a sidelane, and instead prefer to impact teamfights with Phoenix. His all in power at level 6 is not to be underestimated, so be prepared to pretty much lose any 1v1 at that point.”
exoticT says “Do not push wave against him as it gives him free stacks and can run you down later as he becomes very tanky, bait his E on wave and freeze it on him to win”
VroomVroom229 says “Insane scaling, make sure to manage your wave well, don't let nasus freeze the wave for the majority of the laning phase. If possible, freeze against nasus and let your jungler gank him. If that option isn't available, make sure to freeze the wave, and then convert it into a slow push in your side of the lane.”
xXazzer says “Probably your easiest matchup. But if he does some dorans ring cheese then it can be difficult to get ahead of him that easily. Still he's a pretty terrible champion esp early on so just go aggressive on him and make him suffer for every CS he goes for. If you are even and he gets sunderer then you are in trouble. But he should never be even with you.”
ThelpixG says “Free lane
His early game is too weak for him to pose any threat.
He starts becoming a threat once he gets sheen, level 6 and a couple stacks.
How to Beat?
- Take the Antitank setup or the Scaling setup if you want to outscale him;
- Take the Grasp setup with ignite and dblade if you're the strong side and want to shut him down entirely;
- Try denying him at level 1 so he loses xp and cs (and his Q stacks);
- Try to freeze the wave under your turret so you can deny him CS;
- Whenever possible try to shove him in and use that window to go for objectives.”
NegativePhoenix says “No matter the stage of the game, Nasus is extremely difficult to handle by yourself and sometimes even with ganks especially once he hits 6. Rather you get bramble or not his healing is gonna be insane. The only real way I can see you decently handling this matchup is forcing him to take longer to Q stack by keeping your minions close or under tower. His W is the strongest CC in the game so if you get hit with it hope that it's because he's running away and not at you.”
X_TRM says “(Start E) You beat him early but you won't be able to find any opportunities to punish him because of his W or if he plays correctly. Try to freeze the wave close to your tower so he can't stack up. He can space you out and spam you with his W until you are in kill range and he will just run you down. Rush Antiheal and Plated Steelcaps so you don't get bonked to death by his Q. He also out sustains you if he has Fleet. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
Murfz says “The lane is obviously Jax favored, however if you mess up nasus might be able to outdo you sidelane in my experience. Sunderer is really OP vs nasus, play to punish him by using the wave against him and then transition into beating the enemy team in fights when you're 2-3 items.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Kitting against Nasus is annoying due to his W but if you buy swifties and get cosmic/rylai's it's an easy match-up. Worst case scenario you should take phase rush. You will win early trades if you play it smart.”
WhendZ says “Não deixa ele farmar e pune ele com um barril sempre que ele for tentar pegar uma catapa (Passiva + Barril + Passiva + Pistola quase sempre você sai vitorioso) não estende o jogo mais do que você precisa.”
LegacyOneTap says “I only consider him a reasonable threat if you dont get a good jungler who can help you with nasus existing in your lane or atleast getting objs and kills bot side while their jungle is afk your side, most are running spell book e max because its the most funniest thing he can do. Try to run some mr with divine, early level cheese him, make sure he cant farm or cant stack minions, disengage if you are relatively even when he ults, count it down so you know how long you have to kill him without his ult. don't disrespect his sheen q poke or his e magic damage. post 6 save your e for when he ults so you get a window to either kill him there with all-in or a chance to run away before he just q perma into you dying. If you are smart on macro, this lane is a lot easier, less on how mechanically skilled you are although you'll need to know your damage and capabilities in this matchup as per-usual.”
Wizboy73 says “[Phase rush] be sure to build swifties and he would never be able to kill you, also get plated steelcaps to reduce his Q dmg and rush antiheal. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Cuidado, você ganha dele no inicio, tente dar o Q nele para ele perder o canhão, caso ele esteja de cometa ou aery, recomendo que faça MR, e Criafendas, é bem chato jogar contra, caso ele de F.F recomendo que compre corta cura e puna-o o máximo possível, cuidado quando ele tiver 100 de stack ele já tem chances de te matar.
Recomendo usar P.R, PTA, F.F ou Aery.
Pode maximizar o Q+W ou E+W.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Rush thornmail. Trade with Q when he tries to Q a minion. Hard to kill because of his life steal passive. When he uses R knock him away with yours.”
Genneva says “Nasus can decrease your attackspeed as game progress but as i have been matched with nasus, using the build is viable but hard at later games.”
BurritoTopKing says “Try to freeze wave near your tower, other than that it's kind of a no kill lane, but if he gets freezed on he can't really break it without his jungler's help.”
LimesC3 says “Bonk your DEAD.... Phone a jungler or space/stay away from his burn circle. Don't let him farm so let him push into you early and control wave management. ”
WarwicksSimp says “Decent ban.
More impactful than you, faster than you, and harder to shutdown than you, and even scales harder than you.
This matchup is just insanely difficult even if its a bad nasus. Good luck and try your best to wave manage vs him to deny him pre 6.”
xskyswitch says “Regardless of how well you do, Nasus will outscale. Regardless of how many kills you get on him early, you need your team to help deal with him. You have to help your team and match him in lane. How do you do this? Take teleport no matter what build you go. Look for R roams into mid lane and bot lane when teleport is up and help your team out and teleport back to lane to prevent him from splitting into your nexus.”
Tronnes says “This champ is so damn annoying, try and zone him off his q stacks but be careful for gank because all he needs to do is W you and your dead if the jng has any dmg at all. Early game is pretty easy since nasus is pretty week at that stage. Respect his R and I tend to buy anti heal for this. ”
tsundereRen says “if he goes normal nasus then hes fked. but if he goes max E nasus its insanely hard to deal with because he can just sit back and E you until youre dead”
RivenCarriedYou says “: Level 1, you need to assert pressure by walking up to him and forcing him to last hit with spirit fire. Don't attack him; the aoe from your Q will push the wave into him. Because spirit fire(E) is aoe, it'll push the wave to your tower. From here, setup a freeze and hard trade on him when he tries to Q the wave, or just deny him stacks. If he's low on stacks at level 6, Riven just wins...but if his CS is even with yours, you're in trouble. The reason pushing the wave into him is bad, is not only can he free stack under the tower, his passive also heals him a lot so you'll never have kill pressure. He's also safe from ganks and is quite hard to dive. A lot of Riven players think this matchup is free, but it's really easy to let Nasus loose if played incorrectly. He'll outscale you around 2-3 items regardless of kills unless you're like 10-0.”
Bonkyou says “Skill matchup that heavily favours you. If he let you go for free Q and W pokes to farm, it's an all in before 6.
At 6 he can stat check you but don't worry, a good Yone always wins this matchup. Bring your confidence and don't int your lane.”
quecck says “Your chance to win is pre-6. Do NOT let the dog farm. When he gets his ult you lose 1v1s, unless you have a sizable lead. Ask JG to help, and build antiheal.”
Chaddouk says “Nasus is actually pretty terrifying for Tryndamere, as he supra dupra shits on you later in the game (U can't dive him, he can dive you basically). All his kit is built to counter Tryn almost once he scaled a tiny bit. Few things to prevent that : obv giga supra abuse early, do NOT let him ANYTHING for free, keep the wave on your side whenever you can, call for jgl ganks, you can also try to bait hiw W and E which both cost a lot of mana to outsustain his mana bar. I've seen tryndamere players build qss early to keep the snowball going, it can be a thing (cuz his W is the main reason he beats you). Later keep in mind that he can't pass through walls but you can, and you move way faster on map, so outrotating twice (one for tp 2 for actual outnumber can be a thing, baiting his ult and dashing a wall also can be a thing). Play hard for your win cond and breaking nexus as quick as possibly he will always end up outscaling you in longer games. Go kraken fast. Recently I have been running Cleanse + ghost vs him with great success.”
BaotoGame says “This dog that can stack his Q on your ghouls, but who cares when he's very immobile and has to take an insane damage from ghouls at early game.”
daitolol says “- This matchup is mostly wave understanding control reliant, 1-3 try to abuse him when going for q stacks even if you take some dmg it doesn't matter as you will be able to sustain it( his priority will be getting stacks not yourself) after level 4 you should be permnanely looking to freeze the wave on your side of the lane and poke in a way where you don't hit the minions with your q(positioning is very important)
_WhiteSnow_ says “Cannot trade with you due to short range normally, and you can out sustain his ap variant with passive and second wind/dshield. Even post 6 just save a tunnel to run away with when he withers so he can never stick to you, especially if you have a tunnel network set up. Disengage with tunnel whenever he ults.”
At_Tar_Ras says “"renekton's early game beats nasus' weak early game!" you will get outscaled by 6. i dodge VS this painful matchup as it's impossible to punish a nasus that actually knows what he's doing. also, your jungler will probably not abuse him in lane too. this matchup is just absolute pain.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing]
[Build: Phase Rush + Any build depending on the enemy comp]
One of the only matchups where I would recommend Phase Rush. Poke him as much as possible (which can be hard if the Nasus goes Fleet). Deny him his Q stacks by blinding him. Don't get poked out by his E. When he pops W, just proc Phase Rush and run away, don't bother fighting him.”
chewy378 says “Nasus should never be able to kill you by himself. However, he is quite tanky, so if he just farms under tower it will be difficult to kill him. ”
RipAMC says “Watch out for the farm machine! Nasus loves stacking his Siphoning Strike, and if he gets big, he'll hit like a truck. Try to poke him early and keep him from getting those stacks, or he'll become an unstoppable beast later on.”
DebRiX9 says “He will outscale you. Try to freeze the lane and zone him out of minions, lose CS if necessary to keep the wave on your side if you struggle to freeze. Be careful for ganks after level 6.”
LeyzeHP says “Letal tempo/Conqueror
Play to all in him or you will lose, after he has 6 be careful and save your R to escape. You might want to go mobility boots but i think they are not always the best ones even into Nasus. Just try to get fed early. Later in the game play to proc Eclipse and peel him away for your team with E/E2”
OmegaDelta000 says “You can't really take long trades against Nasus so if he Ws save your Q for when he uses E so that you can get out of the AoE ASAP. Also, don't let him stack up too much.”
BezMemow says “Go Rylai's against him, his E lowers your armor so ult him after he uses it. Build boots of swiftness. Crash 3rd wave and freeze when you come back. Ghost is a good spell vs him. You have to kite him out. Use your Q halfway through his W so you avoid the attack speed debuff.
If he maxes E you can't really do much but position yourself outside the wave so he can't freely hit E on you and the wave, the silver lining is you can't kill him but he can't stack if you force him to farm with E and go AP.
Start D ring”
Antecc says “The usual. Deny him cs, dive if you can, back off if he uses W and don't get chunked by his E. Nowadays, Nasus players max E and take Mana + Ability haste boots before divine sunderer, so it's really important you don't get hit by all of his E's. Freezing is your way of winning this lane instantly.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Pre6 you shit on him, just dont let him heal off minions as you will lose kill oportunity. Past6 you need to be carefull but if he uses it it wont be hard to kite him with your barrels and Wing his slow. You beat his ass early and outscale him hard as even with 1000stacks he wont be able to use them if you play correctly. ”
ABL Pantheon says “Very easy matchup early but kinda impossible late game. You easily bully him during lane, using your Q to poke and W to engage. Zone him off the minions so he doesn't stack with his Q. Avoid staying in his E and watch for level 6, he stat checks you.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [conditioning] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : ruby crystal -> CORE , we go ANATHEMAS to match his in sidelane
also get swifties instead of steelcaps
lordimboutabust says “You win early but be careful at lvl 6 he gets a big spike and can run you down. Treat him like kayle where your main goal is to keep him behind and end the game, your best bet is to freeze the wave on your side of the map and zone him away | conditioning (you can go legend tenacity and take an attack speed shard if you feel you need it, his wither can be incredibly annoyoing so the 2x tenacity can be useful) | Dblade - BC always first - tank item”
Bernardian says “Susan is really fucked since riot buffed his ult to give him flat stats instead of scaling % like he used to have and also just straight making his w unfun to play against but really other than that this matchup is lightwork. Let him have wave control but still try to threaten an all in once the wave is pushing towards you try to setup a freeze against him he is COMPLETELY out of the laning phase if the freeze is successful and if he ever walks up to cs you can just ghost and all in him. Nasus goes a variety of runes but he only has 2 playstyles toplane, short trades with Q, wither and fleet or E poke with aery/arcane comet and phase rush. in my opinion they should nerf wither into the ground and let it scale later on just like the rest of his kit but that's just me. post 6 is when hes scary because if you took to much poke before that he can all in you with his ghost. Almost EVERY Nasus OTP i've played against has NEVER taken flash so try to get your jungler to make a play top if you can. Divine is really good and if you can follow that up with a black cleaver its a done deal.”
Zombzn00b says “Easy, just zone him from CS or XP range and poke with Q. Be careful of minion aggro as they deal a lot of dmg. When he reaches 6 you need to be careful of when you R as he might oneshot you gave him enough stacks (speaking from experience)”
Waqql says “A pure torment. Once caught by the slow, your end is near. Stay at a distance until you have a jump. You can try to disrupt his farming, but doing so successfully will be difficult. Force a 2v1 situation and freeze the lane in front of your own tower. Antiheal is recommended, but generally, you shouldn't engage him. Therefore, early antiheal is rarely worth it.”
FaNTOP says “Никогда не пушьте против Насуса. Не позволяйте ему свободно фармить, пусть он пушит к вам и замораживайте волну насколько возможно, чтобы издеваться над ним, но будьте осторожны, у Орна много АОЕ-урона, который легко может разрушить заморозку, поэтому направляйте свои способности в сторону от волны. Возьмите (Руна)"Неустрашимость" для его Ослабления, чтобы вы могли действительно двигаться.”
Delthion says “Most fun match-up. He can't really do anything to you unless you get too close. He will probably try to slow you and all-in a few times. Try to proc your Phase Rush as soon as possible when he does this and walk away. You have all the lane pressure pre-6.”
List of runes: Overheal, Alacrity, Cutdown, Demolish, Unflinching.
Items: Bortk, Mortal Reminder.
I have not found a reliable way to keep Nasus under control. For lane, you let him get prio and push. He is too weak to maintain prio even with larger minion wave. Create a freeze near your tower. At this point you can hold the freeze indefinitely and also generate very high kill pressure on him if he decides to stay. Controlling the freeze is highest priority even when you are fighting him.
NOOB MISTAKE, taking lane prio yourself and go for kills can be inconsistent, despite grabbing first blood for yourself does not yield a win for you lane - if he then simply proceeds to be allowed to catch the wave freely under tower (this is what he wants).
NASUS remains a problem beyond lane. Be smart and use your lead to keep him behind or push tempo on other parts of the map. It is important to close game. THE REAL REASON Nasus becomes a problem later on is mostly due to Wither handicapping Yasuo way too hard. Not only due to the attack speed and slow, but also its long duration. Wither is balanced around disabling adc, but Yasuo is melee so he gets exposed much easier. Yasuo should buy Swifties in winning and losing scenarios.
NASUS will always catch up relatively well with his stacks. Reason why it's important to shut him down early is that he falls behind in XP and levels. Maintaining his "squishiness". Yasuo also get demolished in the neutral, you need a solid lead.”
kayle1v9 says “Phase rush + flash ghost + swifties if you really wanna play. But it's really hard since he will perma W you and outscale as well. Good luck XD”
LegendaryTNS says “Appliquer beaucoup de pression au début de lane avec l'ignite avantage.
Essayer de fight en 2 temps post level 6, commencer par le faire ult, puis le stun, attendre la fin de son ult, et réengage après.
Apply a lot of pressure at the start of the lane with the ignite advantage.
Try to fight in 2 stages post level 6, start by doing it ult, then stun it, wait for the end of his ult, and reengage afterwards.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with resolve and POM or inspiration. Cheater recall on the third or fourth wave then freeze it when it bounces back to your tower. He will most likely max E so try not to stand in it too long. but if he walks up when his wave is frozen on your side you can just run him and but don't start the trade with your q he will just wither you then and walk away.”
Jasic says “Harder than most think, you're fine pre-6, get slaughtered post-6. Deny cannons with Q. Swifties, phase rush, fleet with d-shield for sustained laning. Oblivion orb rush is an option. Odds are entirely how you play. ”
UmbreonQueen says “You can kick his ass all day at levels 1-5. But the moment he hits level 6 you cant fight him head on at all. He will just pop his slow, ult and proceed to run you down even if you got your E. Go Phase Rush to counter him and help other lanes”
Twogrand says “OH LORD LET ME TELL YOU THIS THIS IS HELL. Once he hits 6 and sheen, you will not win all ins, regardless of stacks. You should just die if you're past halfway in the lane without abilities. Try your best to bait out his ult and just phase rush out to take as little damage as possible. phase rush tp and eclipse hope jg doesnt weakside you (can abuse early lvl 1-4 and set up a dive)”
Sephix92 says “He is defeatable but its hard work to get his couse of his range and life regeneration also his slow field sucks. If he go hard for you slow him and play safe, that he need to tower dive.”
KaiOverHere says “Perma Proxy with Phase Rush. Ignore his stack + CS count, your job is just to perma invade the enemy JG and make them want to uninstall the game. Nasus has such awful waveclear + MS that he can't stop you. You should get a 6k gold lead and make their enemy jg 3 levels behind at a minimum by 30 minutes. Here's a masterclass of this strategy:
Blackpharmacy says “Good Nasus will poke with E and start Dora's ring. Cleanse his slow and ghost for ghost when he tries to kill you. Easily manageable in most cases.”
Althalosofsirun says “wither ends your life fuck him pre 6 kill him before his jg shows up or pull the wave buy goredrinker into cleaver and chainsword”
Nurakami says “If you let him stack well GG he will stack armor and youw illls top dealing dmg whe he will 3 q'ed you.
His w don't let you play.
But if you freeze and harras him you can win.”
RykonZ says “Nasus's ability to stack his Q and deal significant damage with his ultimate can make it difficult for Mordekaiser to trade effectively in lane. Additionally, Nasus's Wither can slow Mordekaiser's movement and attack speed, reducing his ability to deal damage and sustain in fights.”
Smauggy says “the only prob there is his scaling and his w.
ush the first 3 waves, rebounce and freeze to keep him away from cs, save your ult for his ult.”
LocaLAM says “Once more you bully. There's no reason for you to engage with him when he's level 6. Just don't let him farm. It's pretty easy due to your insane wave push.”
rilxy4u says “You can't punish his farming hard enough to make him irrelevant, R makes him invincible (even if you have ignite), will just farm till mid / late game and 1 shot you with Q.
Outplay: bully him off stacks early, if he uses R then run away, use boxes to keep distance / run away. Poke out with E. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Not particularly threatening in the early game, but his level 6 all in is actually better than yours if he itemizes correctly and he trades well in lane. You also pretty much autolose nearly every 2v2 situation with you and your jungler vs him and his jungler post level 6.
Just deny cs, and try to freeze. Punish him when he walks up for CS with a auto W reset combo, and only use E to trade if he attempts to siphoning strike(Q) you.
Use your leap only to disengage from unfavorable fights or to chase him down to kill him/deal additional damage.”
Loweloexpert says “Not easy at all, like kayle you can kill him if he does a mistake but you cant really punish nasus if he afk farms under turret since you have to Q him and Qing him you will Q the wave and you will push. At 6 with sheen he can beat you in brazil too if he has ignite. Just hope that he does a stupid mistake lvl 3 like greeding for a cannon or something like that.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Although his slow isn'\t really a problem for you, as a Cho'Gath, because you aren't fast in general, you have counter mobility as well. And your counter mobility, when played well, can last longer. If he ults, just keep him knocked up and if you can, bait it out. Makes it more fun for you to chow down”
Nazcore says “Skill match up pre 6. Only way to kill post six is minor poke along with jg help. Any nasus that plays fleet into you, you never kill unless they misposition.”
tommytaxfraud says “Most definitely hell if he decides to max W to counter your relatively higher movespeed. Use your blind to deny him stacks in lane, and possibly prio Grievous Wounds early-midgame if you feel the need for it.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Sorcery . Punish Weak Early. Do not let him get level 6 for free. Him having Sheen + level 6 is insane. Underrated but Boots of Swiftness is viable against this champion. ”
SesaPrime says “You can best Nasus pre-lvl 6.
Once he has his ultimate, fighting him may not ever be a smart choice. You have to manipulate the lane to prevent him from gaining as much free stacks as possible & pressure every chance you get when he walks up to CS.
His focus is stacking his Q up to a certain amount for the 1st 10-15 minutes of the game & then gradually gets aggressive when he has the necessary damage output to run you down.
The fight progresses from Easy - Moderate - Hard - Unfair based on number of stacks he has. His Wither will scare the living daylight out of you if he's over 500 stacks. ”
primate nefasto says “he will survive your "early advantage" and he will destroy you at lvl 8+ aprox. You have no chance 1 vs 1, try to tf and let your team deal with him while you make your work at the backline (or at least peel your carrys from the monster you let farm).”
Reines Kokosfett says “He can't fight you early, Chunk him with Q and punish every minion he takes. If he gets low health while you are still mounted and you know where the enemy jungle is, you can dive him. Don't build tiamat too early, so you can freeze and deny his stacks. Late game he will beat you but you can lure him to a sidelane and then just ult to help your team. With your Q slow he can't get onto your adc and mid which makes him rather harmless without a good engage.”
Vixylafoen says “W his W and run away with barrels when he tries to ghost at you with R. Bully him early and then just roam and win the game. He'll still be top, lmao”
ElectroBlueGuy says “Doesn't matter if his Q scales, he shouldn't be able to get to you to use it.
Watch out for his W, and be careful after R.
He's mostly an annoyance since he forces you to stay toplane more to push him back, but you gameplan shouldn't change.”
Boptimus says “Nasus is very easy to push around early on but once he has some stacks and his R available he becomes a bit scary. Normally I would consider Ghost in this lane so that he can't just Wither-R and run you down whenever he wants. If you are able to disengage from him after he uses R you should be able to kill him in return with your R.”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
I like to go TP and buy antiheal first item. Meaning you go Executioner's 1st or 2nd back.
After Nasus buffs this matchup got really hard since he heals a lot.
When trading always parry one of his Q's.
You can just bait out his R and then all in him when it is on CD. This way you always win.
If you trade with both R's you really have to play it perfectly.
Freezing is the best way to counter this champion, it is even better than killing him.
In mid-late game stay on sidelane with him and try to make it as hard as possible for him to farm.”
stefanko says “Look to force plays top side with your jungler, Nasus is weak early, but not that easy to dive, so look to late invade enemy jungle and not let enemy jg walk up to their top side jg. If you cant make plays with your jungler and force Nasus out of lane, look to freeze him before he gets level 6. Never start a trade with your q after level 6, save it for gap close or q out if he ults. (lt or fleet, tp) ”
Zeffie says “Not an issue till later, in lane his W might be a buzzkill but you have the tools to win most engages, just beware of him later and be ready to stop his splits”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Crit base:What the dog doin?,bully him at lane crit build cuz he can just stack his Q and kill you very fast in lategame(Or build bruiser base)”
Nnorio says “A good nasus wont let u play the game and will e max and poke u down.
Let the wave shove into you and try ur best to freeze and deny farm from him.
All in if you 100% can kill him/make him back.
If you get 6 first all in.
1v1 tips:
Pretty easy to 1v1 he just indirectly counters you by denying u snowball and perma scaling.
If you are even 2 items he beats you with ult.
Unironically get fed first and deny him farm and plates, end game in 25min.
ps: you can buy a cull because u most likely wont be killing him.
also take mr rune :D.
Tonho says “You can deny him a lot before level 6. If he has ult, you lose the trade. Try to bait it, even if you need your R to get away from him. BORK is good here. After Sunderer he always win.”
PraefectusMace says “Early game Nasus is a big pushover against you. So ideally you will want to farm by killing him and minions. Make it a nightmare for him to farm because otherwise, late game he will become a massive monster. Make sure to get GW eventually.”
dzsama says “Try to make use of his weak early game. Try to force him away from minions early levels and try to get the wave to bounce to you while you cheater reset. If you play smart you can win this matchup but later on his W's attack speed and movespeed slow will make it hard for you to kill him. Ask your jungler for a gank or even a dive if you can kill him since he will eventually scale to a raid boss.”
liggergolly says “the only thing the has successfully stopped any out of hand game the has existed, you should ban this boy or darius if riot doesnt get around to fixing the weird full movespeed jg stuff gustwalker meta, but nasus has the potential to stomp your game entirely if it goes on long enough. I tend to perma ban the dog, he isnt worth fighting as you make a big change in all lanes and have this nuke slowly building in top lane, so yeah ban dog, increase win rate.”
GG Cannon says “Not only his W can mess you up a lot, his E can reveal your position in your smoke to his team and if he is fed, his Q can be your nightmare.
Unless you are really fed and he is really weak, try to avoid 1v1 him, if possible.”
Akalimetall says “If you don't get ganks from your Jungle this matchup will probably lose you the game (be ready for some toxic people asking you why you picked the objectively best pick on top lane - Bard)”
lorensj81 says “Hard to put in a cathegory, he is super easy early game, so you have to deny him as much as possible, because he will become a monster if he is allowed to farm his Q stacks and get items. Do not fight him in his E because that will shred your armor and deal magic damage. Try to get him to use R, and when it's down you can kill him.”
Pep_Shin says “Annoying before 6 because of his W.
Careful once 6 because he hits a massive powerspike.
Zone him out of the minions, freeze as much as you can and stomp him once 6 as his W doesn't work.”
GannicusTTV says “Easiest lane for Shen. Just use him as a GRASP stack simulation. seriously, do not even let this guy walk up to lane. SLOWS push, do not let wave pushs too hard, so you can deny him CS/Q stacks while hitting him hard. use your W against his Q damage. Be careful with towerdiving because his Slows is OP. take ignite. At lvl 6 if he has some stacks save W for when he ultis to block some of his damage, and E away and wait ultimate out. ”
Irelius says “Унижаем псину на линии так, чтобы он потом никогда не вернулся в игру. НЕ ДЕРЁМСЯ В ЕГО Е, ОНА РЕЖЕТ ДО 45% БРОНИ.
Говорят, после баффов W Насуса мачап стал...сложным, но я тут ничего сказать не могу – не играл после баффа. ”
Irelius says “I mean, you beat him hard at lane, but he starts to statcheck after 6 if you fight at his E. Gain lead early, play around waves and kill this dog. Take the dives, even if it ends up in a trade.
I MEAN IT "DONT FIGHT IN HIS E". Especially at high levels, it shreds up to 45% of your armor. ”
ananesever69 says “Early game his pressure is nowhere near yours and you shouldn't have much of an issue if you can keep him from Q farming. The only real problem is if you let it reach late game where he'll be unstoppable if he's not checked. Try to deny him Q farm by punishing him for going in and just be careful of ganks. A smart jungler knows if he can get stacks then it's worth camping you to let him stack up”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating,
Start Doran Ring.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
Despite many opinions, this matchup is one of the easiest you can get as Gwen. FREEZE LANE AND DON'T PUSH if you have the opportunity. Nasus can't fight you - he's outdamaged without much trouble. You scale similarly, but if you win a lane, he loses the right to do anything in the game.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game his pressure is nowhere near yours and you shouldn't have much of an issue if you can keep him from Q farming. The only real problem is if you let it reach late game where he'll be unstoppable if he's not checked. Try to deny him Q farm by punishing him for going in and just be careful of ganks. A smart jungler knows if he can get stacks then it's worth camping you to let him stack up”
JustSad42 says “You need to constantly fight Nasus for every single minion until he hits 6. Before that, try to freeze the wave as much as you can or ping your jungler for a dive if you have traded with him enough. At level 6, if you’re not careful, Nasus can potentially oneshot you with Sheen and R. Nasus will outscale you in the mid game, but fall-off in the late game. The best ability to try to W would be Nasus’ Wither but that’s very difficult to predict. So, instead just W Nasus’ Q or Q-W away from Nasus if he’s chasing you and you can’t win the fight.”
JustSad42 says “Punish early.
After he gets level 6 + armor item, you always need to kite his wither and then re-engage when you're not withered. If you fight while you're withered, you will lose.
You get outscaled so don't bother to try to kill him in sidelane unless you're insanely ahead. Instead, look to teamfight.”
BackTooBasics says “He press W and ya can't auto?
Go Phaserush and run away from his W's, play around team and ult Nasus away if he somehow get's on backline”
Night Guy says “Nasus is really easy to deal with just bully him around ask your jungler to tower dive him and just basically make him suffer. But always be careful and do not get cocky because he can still have a small chance on turning the lane around.”
SrMolinv says “This lane needs to be played SUPER aggresive since level 1. If you can ask your jungler to play to negate Nasus its a good option. Track the jungler and deny him as much as you can. Respect his R when he has 100/150 charges , HE HURTS. Once he scales help your team, you are more useful in fights than him.”
Grakala says “It's a easy matchups pre 6, after 6 it's still winnable, but once he is lv 11 and has like 200-300 stacks you can do nothing but run from him which isn't even possible bc of his W slow (take swiftness boots) ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Bully her, he will outscale you hard in late game]
[Ask for your jungler to camp him]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Easy in earlygame, but you get outscaled extremely hard.
Keep trading in earlygame, he has no real response. Keep up the pressure and dont let him get stacks.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Pull wave lvl 1 let him push a bit, then freeze and hard trade.
Dblade, bork rush.
Make sure to not fuck up your freeze.
if you do fuck up your freeze, spam ping jg/mid/sup to dive him on slowpush.
if you dont have big lead past lvl 9 and divine he will fist you.”
Groovywelsh says “At level 1 try to slow push and crash the cannon wave under his tower this will make it so the wave pushes back to you and you can freeze the wave this is important to get an early advantage on him if you don't hes going to start building armor and one shot you while you do nothing to him so in early game try to abuse him as much as possible if it gets to late game he will win 1v1”
RandumPersin says “Very easy matchup. Nasus struggles a lot against early game high damage champions and Renekton has some of the highest base damage in the game. Rush Steelcaps and you beat this guy handily all the way up through level 13. Once Nasus finishes second item AND has E maxed, we begin to lose all-ins, but at that point in the game you should generally be so much stronger than him that it doesn't matter. Take conqueror and ignite to completely suffocate the dog out of lane. It's important to note that at level 6 Nasus does have a little kill pressure on us (but it's not a whole lot), just don't disrespect his ultimate's armor and the first 20-25 minutes of the game are easy.”
Smudey says “You DESTROY him early and he realistically can't do anything unless you don't get an early lead and he Ults + W and kills you. If he walks up for CS, punish him. If he pokes with E, walk out of it and let him continue to do so until he runs out of mana. Try to get an early lead by killing him and setting up a freeze. Solely playing for Ults isn't that great because he destroys towers and outscales you so try to win early.
If he happens to become Thanos in the mid-late game, build Anathema's Chains to weaken him.”
Fizzy says “almost the same as kayle, don't try to take it to the late game because it will be a giant problem, avoid exchanges where he can use his Q several times, and whenever he ult try to hit the marks to maximize his damage, because of life increased he earns”
Elresser says “His early game is a complete joke. You can get early wave control and do whatever you want with the wave, and if you can get a cheater recall on him for a tear you basically won the lane with mana sustain to harass him.”
hamgi says “nasus is very passive and not a difficult match up until mid-late game where he has more items and stacks. pre-level 6, they will play very safe and only look to freeze and farm. instead, u should freeze and zone him off cs by being aggressive and poking consistently whenever they walk up. it's hard to fight him as he has one of the best slows in the game (w), and they will either use this to engage (solo or with their jg) or disengage. yone does have q3/e/r to negate the speed by instantly gap closing, but if they take ghost or flash, it can be difficult or just impossible to catch up or run away. his e reduces armor and does magic dmg, so avoid fighting him in the field or with the debuff lingering. his r increases his hp, hp regen, and ad, so if u want to fight him like this, use ignite (if applicable) or rush executioner's. they typically build frozen heart, so stack atk spd. tabs is not worth the purchase due to this, and mortal/bork/wit's end will help a lot”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He cant do anything to you as you counter his only way to catch you with your orange. Early on you can stand in front of your minions and shit on him, try to freeze and if you cant, slowpushim so you can fuck him under his tower. After his lv6 and 100 stacks it gets a little harder, dont come close when he has ult on, he is easily kiteable and you outscale him beacuse his stacks wont matter if he cant get to you.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Just freeze on him and he cant play the game if he goes E max Nasus though you can freeze so just push into him and poke the shit out of him, if he stays under tower while super low you can try to dive him but its a bit dangerous with his R giving him alot of hp/mr/armour. Laning phase is easy but he can out scale you very easily if you let up the pressure ”
StudysX says “I'll catch slack for this. Yes early on you beat him pretty hard and can deny him gold and xp. Soon as he catches up, he ults and runs you down.”
StingingChicken says “Zone him from first 3 minions of XP level 1 as if you were playing Darius/Sett. Anytime hes in range full combo him pre 6, hes a cannon minion. You can't all in after 6 no matter what lead you have. Be careful about using W or E on his side of the lane where he can ult and ghost and run you down. Must get lead before 6 or can't lane after he gets sheen/boots/level 9. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “only a bit harder if the nasus goes E first and plays kind of E max playstyle for wave push etc, otherwise its a really simple & easy matchup try to always walk up with Ghost + AA + WW + AA into Q into AA if he withers u u E after GHOST AA + WW + AA and u should be good to go”
Et Lutum says “You bully him too hard early and he cannot slow you meaning he cant disengage or reingage. Also if you have a melee jungler, you can abuse his weak early game to win.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
kajinator says “You can bully him early but if the Nasus player knows what they are doing they won't even fight you. You will have to try to generate as big a lead as possible through any means possible before 20 minutes pass since Nasus scales like crazy. Conqueror and Flash + Ignite will definitely help in the post-6 pre 20 minute mark all ins. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “A very, very hard matchup, but it's definitely beatable if you play perfectly. Take Phase Rush and proc it as soon as he withers you, then just run away. Give up as much CS as you need to. Nasus will ALWAYS win in a 1v1 at any stage of the game, but you will win teamfights as you have more utility. Just try to survive the lane. Ghost+Teleport is a good combination.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
Evandabank says “Nasus is a tricky one. There are so many different builds that I have seen from Nasus. Comet, Grasp, Fleet, Spellbook ETC.
The majority of these are not a major problem. In particular, Comet nasus can be annoying because he will run E max and attempt to poke you out of lane. Against Nasus make sure that you run Second Wind/Unflinching in your secondary tree so that you can survive his E poke and his Wither Slow.
You will beat Nasus Level 1-5 without a doubt. He is not a very strong champion and you can play extremely aggressively. If he decides to rush Frozen heart, which is his best option by far, then you need to be a little careful. If you do not have a lead established when he gets frozen than make sure you poke him down before you engage. He will win the 1v1 With Frozen/Tabis OR if he has more than 180 stacks by 10 minutes heading into the Mid Game. Rush Black Cleaver if he goes Frozen Heart first. It will help massively although it does cost 800g more than Frozen heart so he will be spiking first.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
SrMolinv says “Negarle todo el farmeo posible y wardear para evitar morir denegandole oro/cargas. Cuando llega a las 150 cargas con R gana el all in si tiene la suficiente armadura. Busca pushear y agruparte, eres mas fuerte en peleas que el.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, Poção Corrupta, Q > W]- Caso esteja contra Nasus avise seu jungle que o Nasus precisa morrer 2x na lane, quanto mais rápido Melhor, após lvl 6 é muito fácil mata-lo com gank. Dê QWE sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana e passiva Ativos, caso seu jungle não afunde o Nasus com você no early game, farme o quanto conseguir e espere 15 minutos para dar surrender."”
Oogaboogaga says “You stomp nasus early and can snowball over him the entire game if you keep him in check. If he E's the wave, let it push to you. If you push the first wave you instantly lose the matchup as he can freeze. Minor threat if kept in check, Major if not. Make sure to get mortal reminder + black cleaver. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Siphoning Strike(Q). Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you, which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither(W), he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Q. Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you- which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither, he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Q. Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you- which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither, he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Q. Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you- which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his Wither, he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > W]- Caso esteja contra Nasus avise seu jungle que o Nasus precisa morrer 2x na lane, quanto mais rápido Melhor, após lvl 6 é muito fácil mata-lo com gank. Dê QWE sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana e passiva Ativos, caso seu jungle não afunde o Nasus com você no early game, farme o quanto conseguir e espere 15 minutos para dar surrender."”
dracondas says “don't let him stack hit him whenever he comes you aren't obliged to kill him just don't let him stack at all cost otherwise it can become a bloodborne boss battle”
Animate Dead says “Even if you can beat Nasus early, you need to keep the pressure. Force jungle ganks on you and have your jungle do objectives or help top. Nasus will eventually stack and become a problem, so rely on your CC and teamfights. I have no solution in case of perma top Nasus and you are behind.”
ARTHEO says “Volibear beats Nasus early, which often times he can stay ahead, but once Nasus builds Divine, it can be hard to challenge him. Might have to work around trying to fight him by pushing other lanes or team up to win.”
Thrandor says “This guy can do some bad bonking to you from lvl 6 on. Try to run when he uses W on you. Running IGNITE can make this matchup a lot easier, just be aware of the fact that you are much more vulnerable to ganks”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Q. Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm. Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his W, he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Easy lane but be careful of scaling, once he has Sheen and Ult his 1v1 becomes VERY insane. I suggest letting the wave bounce to your tower and freezing it so he can't farm and then
all-inning when possible. Another lane where Bramble is needed. SPAM stun when he's ulted so he gets as few Q's as possible, don't eat him here because the AOE damage on his ult
will still fuck you up. ”
Alachiel says “Easy to outfarm before level 4/5, but when he hits 6, it's getting very hard.
You could go for defensive boots (mercury or even celerity) because his slow is terrible against you.
Once he gets ahead, don't trade him ever again.”
LasseDK3894 says “If you don't kill this guy early, he is gonna be impossible to 1v1 in splitpush lane, at late game.
But he is worst than you in team fight, so just try and see if you can secure rift and take his tower, so you can have impact on map early.”
tacowo_ says “Every single time he goes for a minion, engage on him. Nasus does not get to have fun. His Wither counters AP quite a bit with the attack speed reduction, though.”
Deftvx says “Can kill even if down a kill. By 2 items-ish though he's getting strong if you haven't shut him down. Try to convince jg to gank in lobby. Try to let wave push by baiting him to e it, don't think can significantly harass under tower? Want more lane to kill him?”
Farmer Cleetus says “Don't let him farm his Q, if it's too high he'll become an extreme threat. So punish him so he'll call out for assist in a spam way.”
Nino_euw says “deny him early with your ignite, if you can kill him early it will be easy, otherwise late game will be hard, it's fairly managable tho, you just need cc from your team.”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “Another very hard matchup for Twisted Fate. More manageable than Yorick, but if you waste W he slows you and can smack you 100-0. TF has no way to prevent Nasus from farming, so hes guaranteed to scale. Ask for jungle help”
Taiquyorah says “Il ne peut pas vous tuer si vous garder votre W pour son W.
Pokez le à fond mais attention à ses powerspike. Si vous jouez bien avec vos barils vous pourrez le kite. Et l'empêcher de vous all in.
En late game vous êtes plus fort car vous pouvez le kite facilement. Mais n'allez pas le 1v1 en mode combat de boxe au CAC sauf si vous êtes sûr de le tuer.”
THICCshake says “Can ruin your entire game by pressing W on you. A big pain to deal with during laning phase if your jungler doesn't want to interfere.
Try to farm as much as you can. You're gonna have to sacrifice some minions if nasus is looking to fight. It's really hard to punish nasus due to his passive.”
NegativePhoenix says “You easily outsustain him in the early phase of the game and ignite makes his ult pretty useless. Just be mindful he will get more aggressive once he hits 6 due to his ults power. He has the power to infinitely scale due to his Q so his main focus will be to splitpush to feed his Q. If he splitpushes at a bad time, make sure you punish him with your team either killing him or taking major objectives his team needed.”
Yiphen says “Bully Lane, Doran's Shield. Hide in your minions, because if he tries to poke you with E, it pushes it. Consider getting Executioner's to further cut his healing. Freeze wave near tower. Dance.”
gekigami says “O maior problema dessa matchup é sua lentidão.
Quando o nasus pegar level 6, ele provavelmente vai pra cima de você usando Ghost.
Jogue de impeto gradual e guarde seu E. faça todos os itens de mobilidade possivel, quebra passos e randuin. evite ele.
7EyesNoSkills says “His w is a little problem in late game, in laning he can't kill you before pre-6. Harass him and don't let him farm and stack. You can even harass him next to his tower. If you outscale him, he can't even 1v1 with you while you are in his range. TIP: Don't jump with your AA all the time when he W you, because you can't jump. That will decrease your DPS.”
HelloStranger says “CONQ/GRASP | Flash + Ignite
Would be easy but alot of people don't understand how to prevent Nasus from farming. Freeze in lane and zone Nasus away from CS + XP. IF YOU PUSH YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING TO A FED NASUS. MINIMIZE PUSHING IN THE LANING PHASE AT ALL COSTS. Don't let him get stacks. If he does and has divine sunderer you can kiss your ass goodbye”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Free scaling and farm, look to freeze on him and zone his farm.
Damage him when he Q farms for stacks.
Easy to gank but dont let him 1v2 with ult.
meduselolol says “run ignite this is a hard counter you pretty much have to play like a psychopath pre 6. Then freeze and poke him out till about level 9. After that you lose even if you were 50 cs and 2 levels up but eventually you're more useful in tfs. Try to get people to swap with you at around 14 min mark.
gloriousbobbyttv says “ask for ganks before he gets sheen or just trade free farm. Luckily nasus is a terrible champion and doesnt do much in fights vs a cc team. ”
DimitriLSD123 says “a good Nasus will take Doran's ring and use W Until your turrets die and all in you and win a bad nasus is a free lane for you i like to ban because its a boring lane”
FARMANDO TORRES says “A GOOD Nasus, i repeat. A GOOD one.
Will beat you up in a match anytime and i say that because when they pick or ban Yorick, i go with Nasus.”
kurbart says “Nasus Aka Ad Veigar
thing about nasus is hes you but better early game he his sustain to soak your damage early and could run you down after level 4 just keep your distance with this one and farm hard real hard cause he could buy one merc treds to negate your early dmg, mid to late game avoid him and fight him with the team you guys can lock him down with cc then ult him ”
VituVonDoom says “Freeze the wave whenever possible, and deny him as much CS and Xp as you can. If you jungler helps you, it's a free lane, if he doesn't, end quickly. Run Phase Rush page to not get crippled by his W, and always look to bait his R, and always rush antiheal”
Michcio says “Go in whenever you can early on, zone him from farm, try to freeze and W his slow. If he plays ghost and his junglers camps you he will stomp”
KrazyKid1024 says “I perma ban this character since I personally can't think of a character that wins into Nasus. He scales so hard, and after he gets divine sunderer you lose the game.”
Galactities says “Freeze wave on your side for the entire game. GG go next. On a serious note literally if you just freeze wave on him and force him to be pushed up you can make him negative and make him get zero farm. Make sure to abuse your early power and shove him off minions. If he scales you just dont do anything to him”
NegativePhoenix says “Multiple buffs and changes later, this man is a beast of a tank if he gets his stacks and especially if he's fed on top of that. It may seem strange, but LET him push the wave to you. If you can keep your minions close-under your tower, you have a better chance to punish him when he goes for Q stacks, meaning if he's scared he'll have to spam E or risk the trade damage while you're still able to decently CS if you can control the wave properly. Just be cautious of level 6 engages. His lifesteal is heavily strong and due to his W, he's gonna make you take the fight in his favor of running or killing. Later in the game if you don't have grievous you're in alot of trouble”
Baby Sona says “He outscales you very hard! Nasus is very weak in the early game. Deny him of farm and freeze the wave under your Turret. Call your Jungler for help multiple times and kill him while you can. Do everything you can to deny him of stacking. You manage to kill him in early/mid game. After that point once he gets stacks on his Q and +2 Items he beats you.”
Aberrant Demon says “Your Q does more damage than his level 1 as long as you don't let him stack Grasp of the Undying first. Force him to overstay in lane when he's near 700 gold to delay his spike. Make sure to use your Q to cleanse the slow from his W. This should be easy to prevent if you use your early advantage properly. He has no escape in his kit so he's really easy to set up ganks onto. The only way the matchup goes badly is if you let him set up a freeze with his ult up.”
Galactities says “Freeze wave on your side dont let him get stacks, abolsutetly split push the sh*t out of the lane, take his junglers krugs when you can. You beat him in fights as long as he doesnt have stacks.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Very VERY easy to beat in early, if he stacked in late game you are screwed.
Play with him for a while in lane and don't let him stack. Ban him or ban Jax.”
Potent213 says “Runes: PTA
Goal in lane:
Punish him as much as possible, freeze and deny him as MUCH AS POSSIBLE, he beats you after sheen and armor boots if u haven't punished him
Wave 1-4:
Just poke or all in, you win everything in early trades, if you parry his W he will either need to burn flash, get him out of lane or you kill him.
You want to freeze and pull waves in to be able to run him down with parry and deny him cs/stacks.
Once he hits level 6 you need to be a bit careful especially if he has sheen/bramble he is very strong.
As long as you deny him stacks you won't lose this MU.
Boptimus says “As far as threat goes Nasus really has no kill potential on you. If Nasus greeds for too much CS you can start spamming W AA's on him in the early levels. After about his 2nd back he should be strong enough to fight back and if you aren't careful he can wither you and run you down.
Play for early roams and picks around the map. Nasus will outscale you if the player is good and doesn't let you kill him.”
Zorroh says “Nasus is one of the harder matchups for Gnar solely because Gnar's early game is too weak to properly exploit Nasus' weak early game so he just gets to scale for free. Wave management is extremely important in this matchup to make sure Nasus doesn't get free stacks and you have to play proactively at every single second. It is crucial to play as aggressive as humanly possible before Nasus hits 6 because he physically cannot kill you at this stage in the game without his ult so this is the prime time to deny stacks. Take Conqueror in this matchup for the additional damage, you should not need sustain runes because Nasus doesn't poke or take short trades, his way of killing is popping ult/ghost, running at you, and killing you in one fight. If he is poking you constantly with his E then he is just draining all of his mana and will be a free kill. Conditioning is a good rune in this matchup since it helps to match his scaling near the midgame. Try and rush AD items as much as possible to try and go for solo kills early with Conqueror. If Nasus wastes his R he becomes a cannon minion so it's best to take big trades with him when you know it's on cooldown.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Nasus is annoying because he a giant doggy who is ignorant to most damage when ulting. Yuumi'd hate this. Aside from that, he's a pain in the rear end but not flawless. He's vulnerable when his ult is done so do as much damage as you can in that 60 second time frame then when he uses it, just run away”
Scallywag says “Try to zone him from cs by poking him hard early on and freezing your wave later on.
Watch out you don't get run down when he is 6 and has sheen, since he can kill you if you are caught.”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] He outscales you pretty hard. Try to stack the wave and make plays with your jungler. You have potential to kill him early/mid game but once he gets stacks on his Q and gets 2+ items he beats you.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: I hate these kinda matchups where you are at the hands of your jungler. If your jungler is good then this lane is beyond free, if you get weaksided then this is a rough one.
You basically wanna kill him pre-6, Nasus will have a lot of sustain so you should go Fleet Footwork to match and D-shield. If the Nasus is good then he will be start E and get lane prio meaning that you will only have a single chance to freeze (4:30-5:00) before he gets level 6. If he is bad he will start Q and let you gain lane prio which means you will be able to freeze twice at 4:00 and at 5:30. Matchup is really simple, you just spam Qs on him and if he withers you then you just E away and then you can E back if he is low and W for the energy to Q him down.”
FlayMan says “This champ is a ticking time bomb. It is easy to bully him early on in the game, but if you dont just shut down any chance of him ever being useful and then ending at 25 minutes, he will end up just beating you in every 1v1.”
Trundledaddy says “Just abuse his early, he will scale a bit and be strong mid/early late game, but early game should be yours, just ult when his ult is about to run out if you can if not then just when he starts it, don't fight in his E, it reduces resitance.”
powerfullgeo says “Early game you will zone him to his inner tower. However the enemy jungle will do everything in their power to help Susan to farm while yours will forget top lane is even a lane. If the game reaches late game just save yourself some time and FF”
LBDB says “You can beat him in lane easily but you can't really stop him from farming at all stages of the game so he can catch up and hard carry despite your lead.”
KyleTheConqueror says “You'll control the lane. Watch for ganks as he is going to need them. Other than that, you outscale him the early-mid game. Prevent him from farming.
Dawn Break says “Este enfrentamiento es muy fácil en early, pero tiene categoría 4 por que se complica mucho en Late aun que tengas ventaja. Recomiendo llevar ignite y empezar con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King, Cuando Nasus llegue a late y esté muy tanque, solo luego en equipo siempre ulteandolo y haciendo el mayor daño para que maten al resto del Equipo Enemigo y que Nasus estando solo sea más fácil matarlo.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
He outscales you pretty hard. Try to stack the wave and make plays with your jungler. You have potential to kill him early/mid game but once he gets stacks on his Q and gets 2+ items he beats you.”
Federals1 says “Much like Kayle, it becomes difficult to stop him scaling up, but not impossible. As he is melee, you can look to go for a combo of e prep+auto+q+w+auto any time he walks up to cs. Properly managing waves is the most important part of this matchup. Just like Kayle you want to set up a dive levels 3-5 and get a lead big enough to hard bully him for a while. W max is best here. First rune page should be used. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Black Cleaver rush can be very good. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Punish him early and do not let him stack! lvl 6 nasus with sheen can 1 v 1 and hurt very much if he has some stacks. His mid game is his strong point so try to beat him early and dont let him stack freely.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
You should win every fight, If you can parry his W he is dead, just don't let him farm and have care with his lvl 6 since he gets 100 Qs per second.”
gazibulle says “Very easy but boring matchup. Care as you might sleep on your keyboard 5 minutes into the game. He outscales you but very late game, you naturally beat him early, mid and late game as long as he doesn't have +1k stacks. Just like Kayle, you MUST abuse him early game for him not to scale. Perma all-in him, but don't insta push the wave every time. Decent wave management will make you win the lane. If you get a good freeze on him, he can't play the game and needs his jungle in order to break it. Ignite removes his fun, especially once he is 6 and has few items with Divine + his lifesteal passive. Once he is 6, unless you are very ahead in items and XP, don't hookshot on him as he will just run you down, mainly if he runs Ghost. Nasus is one of the few picks that make the game unfun for the 9 other players, and even himself if you make him suffer the price for locking Nasus and make him sit under his tower for 15 minutes. If you are somehow even, be careful to his point & click gank setup with W. Also don't forget investing in some antiheal later into the game.”
Xpoxy says “You won't have damage advantage either in mini or mega, a perma-gank jungle is needed to shut him down.
Take: Grasp/Footwork (escape his W)
Build: Divine Sunderer”
YORICKIMPROVECONSUME says “freeze vs him, do not push unless u can dive with jungle/mid. short trades. bate his ult. land E with maiden and kite using E and W. if u land W trade with Q and E. DO NOT EXTENDED FIGHT WITH NASUS IF HE HAS ULT unless u can kite him with W and E. do not let him get to u for long period of time with ult on or u die no matter ur lead.”
MHLoppy says “1v1 he's pretty bad pre-6, but wither is a bitch of a slow and can be highly lethal if you get ganked without ult. Deny him farm and stacks while keeping kill pressure high. Jungle assistance to kill him safely after harassing him is strongly recommended. When you have a lead on him you need to convert that to a team-wide lead before Nasus scales. His ult is crazy powerful post-buffs and if he hits 11 and you're even vaguely even he could legitimately outduel you even if you deny wither with your own ult.”
Jellyjaneo says “I think Nasus is an even champion against Kayle. He has strong points but weak points that Kayle can use against him. I would take Nasus against anyone else when I play top lane. His ult is annoying but when you get used to it, it shouldn't be a problem.”
RayTeamStrategy says “He needs his eyes to land his Q on you, and you can run out of his magic damage and armor reduction zone easily. He's also vulnerable to your ultimate, especially for team fights.”
Agatrium says “Will start off in your favor, but if you don't get a massive lead on him, but 150 stacks and sheen he can pop Ult on you and run you down pretty effectively, and he'll be too tanky for you to fight. That being said, if you DO get a sizable lead, the lane is very easy. He'll just end up being far too squishy to stand up to you. Be aggressive early and push the edge you hold over him as much as you can. ”
Bigfella0117 says “his wither makes kiting him harder, and his infinitely scaling damage makes tanking him hard late game, but with your kit you should be able to win with some effort”
Scarhawk says “Let him push into you. Hope that your JG knows to gank him because he'll free stack because you don't do enough damage to mitigate his self healing.”
Cryniu says “Trata de jugar agresivo al inicio y neutral después.
Prioriza atravesarlo con la Q.
Si se acerca a súbditos búscalo con la E.
Guarda tu Q+W cuando él decida atacarte.
Mucho cuidado a nivel 6, solo atácalo si crees que lo matarás.
Prioriza comprar botas de armadura y vesta espinosa.
Prioriza comprar vida, su E reduce armadura.
Él no tiene nada para cancelar tu R.
Prioriza la tenacidad en las runas, la W de nasus causa muchos problemas a shen.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “okay let him push and wait for your jg to come. Your jg needs to camp you if you want to win this matchup. level one try to kill him. when he gets about 50 farm it gets really hard but not impossible. I always ban him ”
Helzky says “He cannot play the game when you go lethality. Rush dirk and watch his health disappear from one E. All in would include Prowlers, E, W, Q, auto. Pressure him off CS while you're at it. Stand in the middle of your wave and don't allow him to walk up. Build a wave and then crash it under his tower, and while he tries to CS it, you can go invade the enemy's jungle, which I talk about later in the guide.”
OliveeGarden says “take ignite and try to bully him as much as possible early. Try to bait out his wither before you all in, first buy BORK as he is really tanky, if you dont get him behind enough he wins post 6, you have a kill window again once you get strikebreaker, but only if you're even. play for team fights and beg your AP teammates to help kill him if you fall behind”
Friednuts says “Need to have good minion control. Always place your Q higher up in lane and punish him if he walks up. Bring mr rune cause most of his early damage on you is his E.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “You beat him hard early game, don't let him get ahead, don't fight him if you are weak. Try to bait his ult then after it ends fight him.”
Ujiyo says “Incredible threat. Worth perma banning and dodging ESPECIALLY if you are in low elo or do not have a jungler willing to dive early. He will out duel you at 2-3 items even if you have 7 kills up on him.
If you are forced to fight him. Try to Q dash to ignore the slow from his W and kite him out while waiting for his cripple from his W to wear off.
(Hey at least you can perma freeze!)”
magician4444 says “This used to be a pretty easy match up for Lillia but after the Q range buffs, it's a little harder to navigate. I'd recommend the Rylai's rush (Build found in the item section above). You have to have really good spacing and I'd even recommend bringing ghost to match his. Harass him early on, he can never kill you pre 6 unless you make a really bad mistake or get ganked. Boots of Swiftness rush is also a must.”
ChowJunior says “Wave management is key. Freeze at your tower and deny CS and exp. A lot of Nasus players will get antsy and move out of position to snag a minion. Jump him when he tries ”
Mushroomuwu says “Quite an easy lane, granted you don’t ever fall behind. Start Q and look to build passive and fight early on. He is fairly easy to kill until he is level 6 so be aggressive and look for a kill. After 6 I recommend using your auto range to get 2-3 free auto attacks with passive before all inning. He is pretty easy to beat until he gets a sheen and a decent amount of stacks however if you get ahead of him it is pretty easy to keep fighting him until he gets 2-3 items. Use minions to kite out wither and use your W on his Q if you can and you will be alright. He is also fairly easy to gank so if you have the wave pushing to you, freeze it and force him to over extend”
boboderaffe says “You can bully him early on and can definitely kill him with the “Normie” build.
If you suspect the enemy jungler to camp him with something like Elise or Talon, you can run Phase rush to make his slow useless and simply back off. Get oblivion orb ASAP.
Your Desired Username says “Similar to Kayle, try to bully him early and snowball. If you take ignite, like most other champions, he just crumbles in Brazil. Stack damage and you will win the 1v1 against him.”
AlexFL7000 says “You need to abuse Nasus during the early game. Try not to push the wave, and try to poke him as mush as you can. Make sure to Q him as it gets rid of his primary damage ability. Recommended Items: Oblivion orb/Morellonomicon”
Rayli36 says “if you'll play it right you can run him down all the time for example you can run him down at lvl1 when he's going to stack your minion go in front of this minion and go like this AA-AA-Q and auto attack until your next Q is up or he gets under his turret or flashes
just pick yone says “You have free farm early on and pretty easy laning but once he has like 100 stacks life is gonna get painful. If you have to, just escape with your ult.”
Atomragnar says “This is a big "IF":
IF you have jungler who knows how to play the game you will get some help pre 6 to kill him or atleast but him behind. You can easily kill him on your own pre level 6. The only "problem" is his W. But you have to be aggro early on and try to abuse his weak early game. IF you manage to but him behind this matchup is a minor threat.
IF you are not able to gain a lead pre level 6 he can win if he all in with sheen. He can run you down and the lane becomes alot harder. ”
Belle19 says “controversial, but IMO nasus is a counterpick to Darius in the current meta. 3 point e nasus can safely farm into darius and he outscales you extremely quickly. Normally he wouldnt have the mana to sustain such a playstyle well, but tear into fimblewinter and corrupting/biscuits/manaflow/presence of mind allows him to. If he is normal q max nasus just zone him off farm, especially his cannons. Dont blindly push; if you set up a freeze he cant do anything. If he is e max try to get a good pull when he carelessly walks up a little too far and it should be a kill. If the game gets to late, try to force a 5v5 since you actually do more in a teamfight than him, but if he insists on splitting theres not much you can do, the 1v1 is hopeless later on. Try to get your jungler to dive him lvl 2 while you're lvl 3”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Highest scaling top laner. Deals insane damage as his E procs your shield as soon as you bring it up, making it hard to block his Q. His slow is too much and your Q slow can't compete. Take Grasp or Lethal Tempo. Get anti-heal early. Going tank is great, but BoRK is a also a great item against him. Go Swiftness Boots.”
LunaticDancer says “The key to this match up is - don't let him play the game. Gambler runes, Long Sword start. You want to reach level 2 before him by farming aggresively then all in him with E to take 2/3 of his health in a combo. Then zone him off minions, prefferably so he misses out on exp too, and set this up as a slow push. Cripple him good enough and he'll spend the rest of the game getting one-shot whenever he shows up. He's not in Tiny only because there still is the risk that he will scale and take over the game. Your whole gameplan is to bully him into that never happening. Good luck.
Anti-heal does a lot vs this guy.”
COJA says “You may want to take W lvl 2 in this matchup. Poke him whenever he walks up, and freeze if you can. Once he has lvl 6 and sheen you must be careful about your E usage and positioning. Playing well early is very important.”
Captain Bane says “SPELLS AND RUNES ghost and ignite with lethal tempo + sorcery tree. LANING: FIRST STEP: drag the first 2 melee minions towards the enemy side bush, to set up for the wave to pust towards you. SECOND STEP: last hit minions, tapQ-AA against nasus when your passive gets up, dont use E because that will push the minion wave. THIRD STEP: assuming that you traded correctly you should be able to make him 50% now you can ghost him down with ignite, if he flashes away Q him, if he runs kite him down. FOURTH STEP: if he does have TP dont shove the wave, freeze it and wait for him to TP, setting up a gank at this point will devistate nasus, you can swap ignite out with TP in higher elo, because it is much safer, in that scenario trade with him as much as possible, recall and tp back to lane, slowpush the wave and ask the jungler to be topside in abound 30 secondsish or so, when the wave gets big, hard shove the wave and set-up for dive. This is free win on your part if you can play it correctly”
Galactities says “If you shut him down early and deny him stacks you should be able to win lane. But if you don't do a good job of it he'll just scale up and destroy you post 6.”
UnderworldShun says “This matchup is only alright until he gets his first few items. After that he will slow and kill you. Take cleanse, or ignite if you can convince your jungler to help you.”
Night Guy says “Nasus needs stacks to play the game even though after 6 he has a lot of chances killing you you're still able to escape him and even hurt him back if he tries to all in you. Nasus is strong but you're a ranged top lane so use your power to deny him most of the farm that comes to your lane force him under tower and make sure to keep your E after 6 just to escape if he uses W and ulti and starts chasing you.”
Adventfaith says “Most you can do is be highly aggressive towards him early game to farm grasp and pressure the enemy team as much as you can. Bait out his R and wait it out. Shield those Q's of his.”
Eduardocwalle says “Nasus is well known for his bad early and terrific late game, but dont be fool, once he gets sheen and has R, he is a formidable duelist. Don´t be cocky. ”
King Turtle says “He has infinite Q scaling and his slow is difficult to escape even with glacial, so you won't be able to get out of trades as easy as expected. The best thing you can do is freeze waves and harrass him endlessly to delay his stacks as much as possible.”
Turkthunder says “I believe Nasus once again is a champion that is of course difficult to deal with In terms of his late-game ability but is playable or you are able to actually play the game against this champion.”
Polartech says “The lane isn't particularly problematic, the hugest trouble is the fact that he will become stronger than Kayle if you leave him free to farm...! But considering that you haven't choice, just farm accordingly and try to carry in late game more than Nasus.”
XxDarkMEGAxX says “Nasus is quite difficult to deal with if he starts getting stacks on his Q. His ultimate is also very annoying. Try to push him back early game, but be careful since your cooldowns are very long. be wary of ganks as Nasus can slow you down by a substantial amount, leaving you vulnerable for the enemy jungler to come up and kill you. It is very hard to win if you die a few time since Nasus would have had time to get quite a few stacks on his Q. ”
CEOofMicrowave says “BAN. Nasus is super overpowered right now, and a good one will make your life impossible. Get JG to camp you if they can, but don't take a direct fight with him at any point in lane. ”
5Head Builds says “This champ is hard to deal with because not only does he excel in 1v1 scenarios but he also scales. It's sort of a lose-lose situation where he has a good early and late game. I've heard from diamond players that tho deal with him buy anti-heal and boots early so he can't catch you with W and bully him when thats on CD”
StreamSn1per101 says “he may not seem like a threat since you can stop him from getting stacks with your blind, but that is only in laning phase. pre 6 you have to establish a lead otherwise you will basically lose, and even if you establish a lead he can still beat you”
Prof Harambe says “While you could argue that like Garen you could kite him infinitely, his w really shuts you down. If he gets to you, he kills you. In a side lane, he is really hard to kill, solo killing is almost never an option if you aren't ahead. His laning phase is too safe to lose against ivern if he just conceeds early. Aim to force him into teamfights if possible, you outvalue him massively in a teamfight but in a side lane good luck (since the rest of your team is unlikely to be able to match him). Just gets progressively worse as his q does more and more damage to Daisy.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “bully this man - after 6, disengage when he ults. Freeze and zone him off the wave 24/7 and do not let him stack.
Do not let him get ahead - this means paying extra attention to ganks - or you will be the one having a bad time.”
MrZoltannn says “Nasus is a major problem thanks to his !LONG AND STRONG! W slow so i recommend going phase rush against him. lvl 6 as assasin is possible kill. As bruiser, go for stridebreaker.”
Stinkee says “Because you are a tank, Nasus is basically going to ignore you in lane and stack Q. Most Nasus players will get greedy for minions, use this to your advantage. Charge your Q near a minion you know he is trying to stack on. The best way to deal with Nasus is to freeze the wave under your tower and force him to walk all the way up to CS. If you freeze under tower your jungler will probably come gank and you can kill him. You can take any keystone against Nasus but I would recommend Grasp. Think about rushing a healing reduction item such as Bramble Vest then build Plated Steelcaps and a mythic item.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Depends on the player but Nasus players either max (E) and deal a ton of Magic Damage with Corruption Potion or build Spirit's Visage and focus entirely on trying to max out as many stacks as they possibly can with (Q) for the late game, while maxing (W) which slows you for 95% (over a duration) at max level. You should be focusing all of your efforts on preventing him every single cannon minion stack by blinding him before they die. You don't counter him outside of laning, he counters you severely late game, however, with the Rune build #2, you can mitigate this slow and slow duration drastically especially if your team managed to acquire a Cloud Drake or more. Letting you escape the massive 5 second slow by reducing it to 2.5 seconds and the slow resist up to 10-30% and with dragon that would go up to a max of 14% so roughly 30-42% Allowing us to utilize more mobility to outrun him!
Anoying bro5 says “Poke him the entire lane. Do not let him step up to farm, if he does, then punish him. Freeze the wave whenever possible. Riposte his Q damage, or his W if you can predict it. DO NOT fight him when he is in his ult. Make him use it then back off. In this match up you sadly have to mirror him the whole game to deny him from farming and scaling.”
lol Wero says “Nasus players will just focus on csing. Poke him to death and build an Executioner Calling.
Down side is Nasus scales way better than Neeko later on in the game.”
BoilTheOil says “Do the same early strategy as I said to do against kayle. If you allow him to get stacks it's actually a really hard matchup but as long as you prevent him from getting them it's fine. If he walks up auto attack him and use Q, and if he tries to run away pull him back in and beat his shit in even more to remind him he's a dog. If you allowed him to farm he will be able to fight you at level 6.”
Phrxshn says “This champion will outscale you regardless if you stomp or lose to him. In team fight peel off Nasus via Fling. You will either have to freeze your lane or proxy and roam one of your choices here. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Boots of Swiftness or Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Nasus) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed Early, Nasus Mid/Late Game)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Nasus is obnoxious because of how hard he scales, making him a monster in the mid-lategame no matter what. Fortunately his Q does physical damage and Thresh's armor stacking can counter this to a certain extent. Grasp build recommended to scale with him. Bully him hard pre-6 and use your ult and flay to push him away if/when he tries to all in.
Thresh should never lose teamfights to Nasus. With a little CDR Thresh can permanently stun him making him useless unless your team is too weak to finish him off. You will need help to handle his splitpush. Unflinching recommended.”
quinn adc says “Run MR runes because nasus will go E max and his only damage early is his E.
Why Phase Rush? Well, think about how Nasus ever wins against Quinn. Nasus only wins with his W wither ability, where he slows you with wither, which also slows your Attack speed, and then walking up to you to cane you to death.
Now, I go 5head mode on Nasus and counter his legit only way to win lol. If nasus EVER withers me, I then instantly proc phase rush.
The Move speed from phase rush is nice, but I run it because it also applies 75% slow resistance, which actually renders Nasus Wither USELESS!!!! If he withers, you proc phase rush and now you're able to run away to safety until it wears off.
Play the lane very aggressively early, deny stacks, and the most important thing is to try to weave autos level 6 onwards because we don't want to waste procing phase rush in later levels.
If we accidently proc phase rush post 6, a good nasus will immediately wither after your PR is down and cane you to death. If you save it up, then he has no way to ever beat you in lane.
Nasus has incredible lane sustain early, but extremely weak, so make sure to play bully mode because he can't do much if your PR is up.
How to win early if nasus plays passive is to slow push the waves, then when it crashes, the wave will slow push back towards you, and when it does, you will FREEZE AND ZONE TO DENY NASUS FROM FARMING!
Fun Fact: If you blind nasus right when he presses W, you will actually cancel his wither lmfao. This requires perfect timing of course, but very cool if you succeed with it :)
Also, your Vault can cancel Nasus's Q if you time it correctly since it is programmed as an auto attack, so keep that in mind!”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Nasus is an easy lane, but if you wanna kill him, you have to zone him from stacking. Otherwise after the 15 min. mark, he could become a problem for you to deal with.”
Amphawn says “If he gets an early lead its GG. On one hand, you want to prevent him from free farming stacks, but on the other he sustains better than you. Watch out for his W, as if youre caught away from tower and don't hit your Q, youre probably dead. You can outscale him if you farm well and if he doesn't get any early kills. Freeze as often as you can, and if you get a lead, fast push often so he can't get as much farm. Ask your jungle to try and push him out of lane so you can get better farm than him. You don't need to kill him, you just need to get him out of lane. Late game Nasus's big weakness is that he gets kited super easily, but if he withers you or gets on top of you, he can basically 2 shot you in most cases. Buy GW.”
PH45 says “Try to make use of his weak early game. Try to force him away from minions early levels and try to get the wave to bounce to you while you cheater reset. If you play smart you can win this matchup but later on his W's attack speed and movespeed slow will make it hard for you to kill him. Ask your jungler for a gank or even a dive if you can kill him since he will eventually scale to a raid boss.”
SunFalk says “He his very tanky. He has a slow. He has a good auto attack enhance. He has a lot of sustain. - Nasus is a late game hard carry, to deny that, you'll need to play it early before he starts to kill you, deny his CS and don't let him farm. At the late game, make sure your team is able to be smart anough to go make the Nasus stop farming or split pushing.”
At_Tar_Ras says “a good nasus will make him look like he has zero counterplay as he stat-checks the shit out of you. this is my ultimate mental block matchup so i can't say much here except watch a guide on youtube of someone else playing against him? HAHA joking i'll try. okay so the first 3 waves is what will set your tempo of the game. if you do cheater recall tactic you can drive a wedge in nasus gameplay completely. killing him at lvl 1, 2 or 3 is totally possible with the 4 stacks Q auto attacks at wave 1. then wave 2 when you hit level 2 first, a 4 stack Q and E combo. when you do your cheater recall and come back to the lane pushing TOWRAD YOU- freeze the lane outside your turret and keep it there as long as possible until you see an opportunity to trade and then to eventually kill him. after that whether it was a kill thanks to tower dive or not, shove the wave in, then when you come back, let the wave push back to you and repeat the process all over again.”
iZeal says “Slap him around until he gets too big and you regret your life choices. Then remember that it's still Nasus so you can CC him during fights and let your team murder him for you. Stridebreaker gives you a 3 second slow to combat his Wither chase potential.”
MrDomian says “Hit him early and destroy him with your R.
Don't let him farm in early game.
Run away when he uses his R.
Very important is anty-heal - Bramble Vest.”
Phrxshn says “This champion will outscale you regardless if you stomp or lose to him. In team fight peel off Nasus via Infected Bonesaw. You will either have to freeze your lane or roam one of your choices here. (Recommended Items: None besides Swiftness or Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Dr.Mundo Early, Even Mid/Late Game)”
SaltCat says “You beat him early but , after 6 he becomes really really strong, he can easily 1v1 you if you dont have bork and a lead, never let him farm for free”
Phrxshn says “This champion will outscale you regardless if you stomp or lose to him. In team fight peel off Nasus via Pillar of Ice. You will either have to freeze your lane or roam one of your choices here. (Recommended Items: None besides Swiftness or Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Trundle Early, Even Mid/Late Game)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “The pupper version of Yorick. And an inferior version imo. Nasus gets rekt by your wall. He gets rekt by your ghouls. Just be sure not to push too hard early, as he'll free stack your ghosts. Nasus hates Yorick W, though. Get grievous for his regen. ”
LoLReal says “Minor threat ASSUMING WE PUNISH EARLY. If you mess up in this lane it becomes unwinnable. Keep him on his feet and punish him when he goes to CS. You have to set Nasus behind early (and you should, we trade into him very well) and use our mid game to carry. If you die once, he'll build armor, and you will not be able to do anything.
If it goes late good luck.”
Justkb says “In Low Elo this is one of the easiest Darius lanes. you bully him so hard that all you need to be careful of is constantly getting ganked. If you are a level up, on him and have over 50% more hp don't be afraid to attempt the 2v1! In High elo against experienced Nasus players this matchup becomes a nightmare. He will usually take phase rush and Max W. This therefore can dictate the waves and also poke you out while making it impossible to reach him. In this scenario try and cheater recall the wave level 3 and get your jungler topside to burn his summoners. After this rush Mercs and look for flank positions or any position to trade from. Make sure you take Second Wind in this matchup, and rush Stride as soon as possible after mercs. ”
P1Legend says “You never really lose lane to a Nasus. Deny his farm, at level 6, he is going to try to Ult + whither you. Just W + W away and he will have wasted his ult. You can force him into taking trades with you while denying his farm, and you can heal up all the damage he deals to you with W + W. He also never really gets healing reduction. If he gets bramble, jump on a nearby minion instead of on top of him, and do the same W + W combo”
MythicMike says “Nasus is extremely weak early on so you have to deal with him then. Poke him constantly and make his CS as bad as possible. He will most likely tunnelvision on CS which makes landing your abilities quite easy. He has a super slow that can make him a bit hard to all in. But poking him and forcing him out of lane is more than good enough.”
Raen says “After getting buffed he became so strong nowadays. Try to all in him at lvl 1, you need to punish him all the time for most of creeps he wants to stack. Time works in favor for Nasus so try to end game ASAP. You won't be able to kill him when he will get enough stacks to kill you. QSS is helpful to remove his AS and MS slow from W. Your E blocks his Q. Mortal Reminder useful vs Nasus. Try to bait out his R and then all in him will be easier.”
Phrxshn says “This champion will outscale you in terms of his Siphoning Strike regardless if you stomp or lose to him. In team fight peel off Nasus via your abilities. You will either have to freeze your lane roam one of your choices here. (Recommended Items: None, Opt for Cooldown Reduction) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Malphite Early, Even Mid Game, Nasus Late Game)”
Fan22 says “Nasus is an easy lane, but his late game its better and he can ignore your CC if he is feed enough.
In Early game you should harrass nasus and deny all his farm, and dont forget to freeze the lane as much as you can.
The problem its that if he gets around 200 or 300 stacks orif ahead he snowballs really hard and you cant stop him easily becaause of how tanky he is and beacuse Nasus doesnt need much damage items, wich lets him go Tank items and 1v5, to prevent this abuse him in the Early game and get help from your jungler since Maokai sets ganks super easy.
Late game peel your teammates from nasus and CC him.
Remember that even if you set him super behind he can comeback any minute, so get all the gold and XP, and objetive advantague that you can.”
Sporkintahn says “You win hard against Nasus early. ---Just walk up and force him out of lane as he cannot take any extended trades against you pre-6. --- The only problem is that he will eventually outscale and absolutely destroy you in the mid to late game. So if you want to win you need to absolutely demolish him and be as oppressive as possible early. --- Only problem is if you're extended in lane his jungler can gank you easily. --- If you can at any point freeze the lane on your side it will go a long way to getting you ahead. Some will look to max their AoE early to poke you down and clear waves so be mindful.”
Phrxshn says “This champion will outscale you in terms of his Siphoning Strike regardless if you stomp or lose to him. In team fight peel off Nasus via Primal Howl. You will either have to freeze your lane roam one of your choices here. (Recommended Items: Blade of The Ruined King, Boots of Swiftness or Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick Early, Even Mid Game, Nasus Late Game)”
Fan22 says “Nasus can be quite easy early game, since Chos sustain can match nasus sustain, and with ignite and your ultimate you can actually kill him easily.
However Nasus can be really dangerous once he hits 6, and in the late game or if he gets ahead.
If you farm and zone him out of his minions, and help your team, you should be fine.
ALways try to get as much of an advantague as possible when nasus it's in the enemy team, and close the game asap, the most important thing it's to get objectives, since nasus in the mid-late game will still stay top farming and splitpushing, if he does this, punish him by getting objectives or helping your team.”
Kacto15 says “Intenta ir por teamfights, a nasus se le kitea fácilmente y aún más on tu Control de Masas, recomendaría ir full TANQUE utilidad, nasus te ganará el 1v1 en cuanto tenga cercenador divino”
Jewceratops says “Zone him from CS early. If he gets some too much stacks he is unbeatable 1v1. Without his wither he can be killed 1v1 early/mid game.”
MythicMike says “Can't do anything against you and will most likely try to get as much farm as possible. harass him as much as you can in the early game.”
Phrxshn says “This champion will outscale you regardless if you stomp or lose to him. In team fight peel off Nasus via Facebreaker or The Show Stopper. You will either have to freeze your lane or roam one of your choices here. (Recommended Items: None besides Swiftness or Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett Early, Nasus Mid/Late Game)”
montybucket says “Keep the waves near your side of the lane, this prevents him from getting free stacks. Don't overextend for kills against Nasus. Just punish him for going for farm, even if it means you missing some yourself. eventually you would have done enough damage for you to all in with ultimate. Late game he beats anyone 1v1 if he has enough stacks, even you in death realm. To beat him, you just have to make sure he doesn't have a laning phase. ”
TroviStyle says “[Phase Rush] Respect his lvl 6 Early you beet him rather easily with your vitals His Ult makes it really hard for you to kill him, so run away with phaserush if he uses it, go in after that to win the fight. Without Phaserush play much saver when he has ult or you are low, so his W doesnt completly destroys you. Mercury's dont help against Nasus Wither because it keeps recasting! Buy Executioners once he starts scaling. Lategame you cant 1 vs 1 him”
LegitLechner says “I find this matchup rough. Nasus stacks off your tentacles with auto+q. And you cant really beat him until 3. try to have as much prio as possible while maintaining river vision. Nasus can solo kill at 6 if allowed to free farm with ult. Comes down to skill matchup imo.”
SilverAvalanche says “Dodge.
If you want an explanation here it is:
All your damaging abilities are AOE so all he has to do is stand in the wave and you will break the freeze, if you don't attack him he gets to free farm.
So you can only crash waves and roam.
but at min 6-7 Nasus and you will hit level 6 and will now bully you and freeze on you meaning you will loose out on exp and your form at 10-12 min.
Next time you will see him is at 20 min, mid lane with 500 stacks.
I can't blame people who main Nasus, this champ is an Elo inflater like no other top laner.”
MCSwavest says “Very easy lane, just bully the hell out of him and don't let him get farm. Once you've mastered autoing under tower without taking damage, there is quite literally nothing he can do if you perma shove wave. Make sure you respect the R though, because no matter how many stacks he has he can still win the fight. E away and wait it out.”
Drake6401 says “The game meta is shifting in Nasus's favor and against Renekton so this has been moved up. You beat him in most fights, Nasus wins lane if you can't kill him at least 3 times and deny him farm. A good Nasus knows how to farm under tower while you're forced to stay overextended. You need a competent jungler for this matchup so you can properly get a lead for your team while Nasus is small. Your JG should look to invade when you're pressed up, go for Herald and look for dives. Bad junglers will ignore Nasus top and let him free farm. Nasus has cheaper core items than Renekton so you may feel a temporary power shift when he completes his first armor item and boots. I rush a Last Whisper if he's scaling armor.
Nasus is also a nightmare to fight if his jungler camps you. His Wither is basically your instant doom in many cases.”
The Nasus matchup is somewhat difficult as if you ever fall behind, you will never be able to catch back up to him. He can win fights with an entire item behind sometimes because of his Ultimate which is depressing. The key is to stomp him early on in order to make sure you have a big lead by level 6. You are able to do this if he goes the normal Q max Nasus. The E max Nasus is a different story. He won’t be scaling as hard but he will be poking you down hard. The thing is, Doran’s shield or even second wind on its own is enough to negate it as long as you don’t eat every single E. He also has sustain with his passive. You should be freezing him off of the wave if he doesn’t have his ultimate/if its pre-6.
The biggest problem when fighting Nasus is that ultimate makes him ridiculously tanky and cranks up his DPS to an unreal state. His wither stops you from kiting him properly. The clear way to counteract this is to bait out his ultimate and then disengage. Some Darius players go full tenacity (Merc boots, Legend:Tenacity, Unflinching). But the simpler way is to just take Phase Rush. It helps in early fights as he can’t disengage with Wither and it is great as you can just E+Auto+W him when he activates his ultimate. If you lose this lane, it is over. Build Cleaver into full tank and peel for your team. Be careful of ganks as he is great at setting them up.”
RivalOCE says “In lower elos, this matchup is free...but in high elos, the only people that play Nasdog are one tricks/mains that know how to pilot him. There is actually a very specific wincon in this matchup for Riven, deny stacks and his passive healing, but not many know how to execute it properly, so read on. Level 1, you need to assert pressure by walking up to him and forcing him to last hit with spirit fire. Don't attack him; the aoe from your Q will push the wave into him. Because spirit fire is aoe, it'll push the wave to your tower. From here, setup a freeze and hard trade on him when he tries to Q the wave, or just deny him stacks. If he's low on stacks at level 6, Riven just wins...but if his CS is even with yours, you're in trouble. The reason pushing the wave into him is bad, is not only can he free stack under the tower, his passive also heals him a lot so you'll never have kill pressure. He's also safe from ganks and is quite hard to dive. A lot of Riven players think this matchup is free, but it's really easy to let Nasus loose if played incorrectly. He'll outscale you around 2-3 items regardless of kills unless you're like 10-0.”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
Bonk vs Bonk, Yorick is much stronger early.
Nasus also has no dash so he is really vulnerable to ganks with the wall setup.
If Nasus manages to safely farm up and stack his Q he will be hard to deal with late.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp, Corrupting Potion, W > Q] - Take ignite and try to kill him before he gets his first item! Your biggest enemy is his jungler
- If he's just farming Q stacks, he's easy, just farm Grasp off him literally starting lvl1, Starting W or E is really good.
- Take Demolish and just destory his plates!
- Do not fall behind in farm! Don't just worrying about getting Grasp procs also keep your farm up!
- If he's gonna go ap and max E..., well you're in trouble. He's suddenly unfavored..., but if he does this, he won't have a good rest of his game. Your team will have a easy time killing him later.
- Once he gets his first sheen item however... You have beeeeen outscaleddd!!! But again... lane phase would probably be over by then.
- Since you're the aggressor, watch out for jungle ganks. If you die to jungle ganks, it would have an adverse affect on your lane. You definitely do not want a Nasus snowballing during lane phase..."”
Amvill says “DO NOT PROXY AGAINST HIM. He will get free stacks if you do and will likely out sustain you if he has enough mana and plays his trades right. And oh god his slow, be sure to build slow resist and/or tenacity. Phase rush is a good rune to run against him.”
The Real Fake says “Although Nasus's laning phase is horrible, his wither negates any chance of you killing him. You can shove him in, but the he can just stack safely under tower. You can try to freeze wave so he has to overextend, then you can kill him easily with your jungler. However in doing so you often won't have lane priority and won't be in to respond as quickly to jungle skirmishes. He is stonger than you mid to late game so never fight him once laning phase ends. You have more pick potential than him later, but he out damages you. Try to peel him off you backline in later fights, or if you have a good peel support you can just dive for backline instead.”
Wawza says “Just poke him while he goes in for minions, he cant trade with you effectively untill he gets his ultimate at which point you should already have the lead on gold. Deny him as much cs as you can and push in your wave when he backs to make him lose more since he is so reliant on stacking with his Q this will shut him down untill late game.”
maxlid3 says “A good Nasus player will try to all-in you with his slow. Keep your W ready and try to deny him most of his farm. He can go Blue-Nasus (Mana) and spam E to poke you hard.”
Rhoku says “Nasus is difficult in the sense that he is weak early but can snowball VERY fast if he gets his stacks going and if he kills you with his R. Generally speaking though, you don't scale that badly either. Bully him, don't let him stack and keep killing him. Try to freeze the lane instead of shoving it nonstop as this is the sure way of stopping him from csing. He can NOT beat you, even at level 6 unless you were afk and let him just stack until infinity. Rylai's Lyandries are all good. Tabis are nice as well. You might have to do a bit of kiting later on into the game as his PURE dps in his ultimate with his reduced Q CDR might be more than you can handle. But overall, he doesn't stand a chance. A good trick is to Ult him AFTER he uses his own ultimate. He HAS to use ultimate to do anything into you, as without ults, you win straight up.”
YasTilt says “Don't let him farm, Zone him out of the Farm and try to take small trades before Level 6. Take Anti-Heal to reduce the Heal from his Passive. He OutScales you though, so be careful.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Armor+DBlade) Freeze the lane. Contest every single minion that he would try to stack. On lvl 6 he does have kill pressure on you, but you are way more useful in mid game than Nasus.”
PK Noob says “Stay out of his E area and you should be fine against him. His E will reduce your armor which will really give him a chance to hurt you. As long as your out of it, you'll win the battle and your able to heal half of his Q damage with your Q.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. Don't let him get stacks and get a lead before level 6 otherwise the game is just unplayable. He outscales you really hard and with his slow you are really easy to gank because you have no mobility. When he has Spellbook he can just run you down with Ignite and Ghost so be careful. Definetly ult him in teamfights into the enemy team after he uses his ult and keep him away from your carries.”
wDesired says “Try to Deny him CS in the early game get Grevious wounds early
Try to group up and end the game fast as he outscales you no matter what”
Avelon6698 says “have your jungler help kill him pre-6 if needed, do not let him freeze. Once he hits level 6 be cautious, it's his biggest powerspike past mythic.”
Black Demon Ezel says “I have had the displeasure of fighting Nasus before and let me tell you it gets no less annoying every time, you ult him and steal his stats but if you don't let him ult first, his ramping damage and health just wins every time.”
TheHellKing says “He is not much of a threat early game so you can try and harass him as much as you can but when he started to get some of those stack going you better watch out. One Q *bonk* and your hp is gone.”
Gospodin Bure says “This guy cant kill you in lane, although pos 6 you might want to keep your distance as he can 100 to 0 you pretty quickly, dueling him later in the game is only suggested for the more skillful and ballsy players. In lane he can outsustain your Q poke if youre not persistent enough so get your jungler to help kill him around lvl 3 when you hit a barrel combo.”
DippyDan says “A good Nasus will play as safe as possible in this matchup and avoid taking damage as much as possible. Will be giving up a lot of cs early, but will comeback stronger level 6. TIPS: [1] Start cull and farm as much as possible while zoning. [2] Freeze if possible while zoning pre-level 6. [3] Buy executioners once he scales. ”
Hecki says “This lane can go 2 ways. Either you destroy him in lane or he destroys you. Try to freeze the wave against him and all-in him if he tries to go for cannons. As soon as he reaches his Sheen and bramble vest powerspike, things will get pretty rough. Try to avoid beeing overextended in lane since he will run you down with Ghost and R if you are not cautious.
The best advice i can give is to freeze asap in the early game and ping your Jungler for help. ”
IvernLover74856 says “As ever with Nasus, you have to hard pressure him off CS. When he ults, run away with Q and W and kite it out. You need a gold lead to kill this mofo.”
RooLLy says “This champion can be a problem for Udyr. Since he will stack for days, his gonna q you forever. Good thing you play with movespeed soo his slow won't affect you a lot. ”
ArshieMeBob says “DO NOT LET HIM GET CS. Zone him as much as you can, taking a bunch of trades. HE CAN NOT KILL YOU WITHOUT HIS JUNGLER!!!. Make sure the river is warded. He becomes a little scary at 6, but he is easily kited. You can kill him if you have red white or Gravitum. If he can't get on top of you, he can't kill you. And if you have red white you'll likely win if hes on top of you.”
fishybearo says “This matchup requires early aggression, and just like Aatrox I recommend rushing Bramble or Executioner based on the enemy JG. Shove waves in and force Nasus to farm under the turret, then reset the wave to slow push towards you and kill him with full fury. If you can't kill the Nasus because he plays very safe then your main objective is to deny as much gold for Nasus as you can while earning as much as you can for yourself. No matter how well you play Nasus will be able to beat you later once he has enough stacks, so you have to take advantage of his weakness early. If you can't kill Nasus or dive him at least 2 times during laning then chances are that he is going to fairly quickly stack and outscale you in a 1 v 1 situation, so play defensively later if you find yourself in a side lane with him.”
Rocking Masterock says “Now here's a weird one, i recommend to go with burst rune setup and to build sunderer, try to bully him as early as possible, keep good vision so you wont die of ganks, get much lead as possible and win the game quickly.”
DemonicTrail says “you easilly win the laning phase, just keep him shoved under tower fighting for last hits, fishing for E's when he goes to last hit, when you are 6, hit your E and ult, he has to flash away or die
He will eventually out scale you though”
Yumi Project says “This matchup sucks! You can try to forbid him some stack but anyway you can't send him afk. Rush some antiheal, then wait for is engage. Stay away from his circle and then all-in him.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dodge] [PTA + ignite OR Fleet OR Phase Rush; Executioners rush] Unfortunately Kayle cannot deal with this champion. He heals too much from his passive for your poke to mean anything to him, and his W guarantees any jungle gank to become a kill. You can try to cheese him by running PTA + Ignite and killing him level 2-3 but even then he still wins lane by just farming and ignoring you. Dodge if possible or ask jungle to camp him pre 6.”
bobokoks says “Try to zone him out of minions early as much as possible. Even if he gets to late game, he shouldn't be as much of a problem when you use your R smart.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-Dorans Blade
First back:
Berserker Boots
_Standard AP ( for movement speed against his W)
-Tank shredder when dying in the early game.
Phase Rush
His W forces Phase Rush into your Runes.
Just Proc Phase Rush and you're out.
He will only outscale you after the 1 hour mark, unless you lost lane. Always keep him in check, even after winning lane. Don't give him a chance for a comeback. Killing him in late game will be hell. ”
SunOak says “Easy early ofc but he will outscale you so try and put up a freeze infront of your turret so he can't farm for free and punish him when he steps up. Start dorans blade or cpot for early fights.”
pumparumm says “Nasus is essentially annoying for every laner. Wukong can bully him early game, and he can also keep him at bay late game with his ult.”
CFCryo says “Nasus W shuts down your primary damage method, so to try and "stop him", you can try big ad and a Box combo (Hook into Box) to burst him... But Level 6 and onwards, alongside Armor/Magic resist, he becomes impossible to kill for Thresh alone. However, lategame, Thresh has the means to peel Nasus of off anyone.”
IkorasBadIdea says “If he's chasing you and has you with his W then your saving grace is your W. If he hits you, you will take a lot of damage from his Q. Your E won't give much movement speed so, is only good for reducing the massive damage you're going to take. Generally poke him down with your Q and don't be baited into chasing because he will turn that fight around with an R cast.”
tonisco82 says “Become difficult to all-in once he gets W. If it is AP Nasus, make sure you get the push on him and poke until he is forced out. Try to all in early.”
Alan234 says “Go Phase rush.
With phase rush he cant do much. Poke him a ton. If he cses with e he wont be useful later on. Q him when he goes for q to deny him stacks. Prock your phase rush a bit after he uses w because his w duration is longer than your phase rush.
Game against nasus on youtube:”
aurus666lol says “Boom 3 stacks, Boom 3 stacks, Boom 3 stacks, Boom 3 stacks,Boom 3 stacks Boommmmmmmmmm 12 STACKS. Just destroy him in early, u are more powerful than him, if he gets back with Sheen, dont fight with him. Build Boots of Speed to make him less slowing you and go Phase Rush to chase him or do not get chased by him.”
King Turtle says “Nasus is an issue specifically with Divine Sunderer. His healing with sunderer makes anti-heal virtually useless and he can outheal your trades despite your high damage output”
RhinoStar says “He is also a scaling toplane, which makes it very hard. You should try to stomp him in early game and get a good lead before he stacks an insane amount. Build bramble vest so it reduces the amount of lifesteal he gets.”
Iczere says “You have to max out Q with this matchup to give you even the slightest chance of winning against this guy. Every time I went against Nasus I have never had a positive k/d/a. Would recommend banning him if you're going top at the moment.”
SemPelo says “Before level 6 you are chilling but afterwards thats gonna be hard even if he is 0/10, its Nasus after all nobody can duel him in lane now.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Go 100% aggro on him. Beat him to death till 6lvl. Then Run cuz it is his time to shine on you.
"Nasus, is your wisdom enough to know your fate? I am your death!"”
KillMeKillMe says “Bully him. Make sure to hurt his farm as much as possible. Either kill him, crash waves into his tower, or zone him out so he can't last hit. Don't let him just farm his ability up, or he will be a major threat mid to late game.
If you put a lot of pressure on him he can feel useless though. That also means you don't leave lane when you've pushed his in and let him farm to your turret, you go back and you bully him any time he might try to farm. You're the bully assigned to him and this is your duty.
He also has lifesteal as his passive, starting with 10% and going up every six levels to 16% and 22% maybe get bramble vest early.”
Vandenelis says “you beat him in a 1v1 early. try to not let him farm minions for free since he gets more damage the more creatures he kills with his q. when he ults, you run and try to cc it untill it runs out.”
Bombabo says “As long as you play aggressive and watch out for jungle pressure, you will make him a non-factor. Just remember to apply pressure to him at all phases of the game. DO NOT PUSH THE WAVE IN. Doing so will allow him to safely farm under tower and greatly opens your susceptibility to getting ganked.”
DarkyTheReal says “Same as Kayle, push wave to bounce and freeze it, you NEED to kill Nasus before 6,If you don't, you will lose lane and maybe the game. Get Executioner's calling.”
XtheZ115 says “With the buffs given to Nasus early in season 9, he has went from a minor threat to a massive nuisance. Wither has always sucked for Singed, but coupled with how much stronger Nasus is, you no longer can just run away from him. Debate banning him, and DO NOT proxy farm him, since he will become much stronger than you much quicker. ”
apkibum says “Nasus is annoying, he does a ton of damage and heals back way more than you can. He has slows and an area of affect ability, be VERY careful when fighting him and watch out for ganks. Just stay back and poke him down. ”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “A lot of people wil disagree with me, but i think Nasus is broken. Try to avoid him. I cant give you tips, just dont let him farm!!!!! AND DONT FIGHT HIM IN HIS ULT. Bait it. To beat him you need to zone him and try not to push. This means ONLY lasthit and you will have to lose a few minions, but if you push a big wave in his tower, all your zoning is useless. dont let your jgl gank you.”
SettVEVO says “I mean he's supposed to suck early right. And he does, easy lane 1-6. A good way to get a lot of damage onto him is using E when he goes for a cannon cause he WILL go for a cannon. Tower dive him if he's low enough and he's not level 6. Now this actually becomes a matchup when he hits 6 and has sheen, he might even win, it depends on how healthy he is and how healthy you are, a great tip is to W one of his Qs, of course not the first ones, but once you have enough grit, always try to land a stun before it though, even though he doesn't have a dash, everyone has flash and if he flashes it you are dead. You won't stop him from stacking, but it doesn't matter, you will ult him away from your team and onto theirs. Wait until he ults to get even more damage. If it reaches really late game he might seem like a huge threat but at that point he gets kited to death and it just is an adc game so peel for yours and win the game.”
Engel8844 says “This is more general for slows but his W makes u a cripple, try catching axes if ur not able to move. And if ur not 4/0 b4 he gets lvl 6 u wont be able to run him down anymore.”
Byku2506 says “Just freeze lane and everything will be fine. On 6 lvl try to be full health cause avarange Nasus have at this moment 40-60 and with R he can outplay you by 1-2 sec cd on Q.”
Spiderfork says “Its a matter of sustain between you and Nasus. You both slow, but your build and abilities should give you a speed advantage. If you think hes gonna engage. Hold q until he slows.”
RTO says “He is squishier, and easier to cope with early game. Try to harass him off getting stacks, but be careful of an all in, especially post level 6.”
Fryx says “Nasus is so hard to stop. Try not to push the wave until Level 5 and don't invest too much mana into harassing him. Make full use of Manaflow Band and Harass him hard Level 5 so you can All in him at Level 6. Eventually he will be strong so play for the team and kite him with your Q later. Don't overinvest in punishing him you will not really be able to stop him anyway since you will build tank. Give all kills to your Jungler.”
wff010 says “Your are strong early game champion. He is weak early game champion. Just freeze for the first 20 minutes. He won't help his team in that time anyway. If he dares walk up, beat his ass. Try your best not to push and give free cs. If you do start slow pushing, try to punish him for walking up as much as possible and ask your jungler to set up a dive if he's low enough. However, if he survives up to level 6 without dying you'll be in big trouble. Ignite op.”
LoLReal says “This lane is easy just make sure to punish Nasus early when he goes for CS. Also snowball the lane post 6 with R. If Nasus gets ahead this lane becomes a nightmare, like all Nasus lanes. Don't let it happen and it won't be a problem. Play aggressively.”
qosmox says “Nasus is the single a weakest top lane matchup early few levels. Combined with how strong shen is early on you shouldn’t let him take ANY cs for free. Position your blade up the lane constantly while dragging it through him and trade every time he goes for a last hit. He should be forced to last hit only with his E if you play it correctly. Try to get a freeze going if possible, but if you end up pushing (which it will often do if you force trades) then it’s possible to use the “Towercrash exploit” very effectively against nasus to poke him down under tower while not taking much dmg back.”
SanLourdes says “Nasus isn't too much of a threat. You have the advantage in the early game. Freeze the wave in front of your tower always so that he has to walk out in order to stack his Q. This will make him extremely vulnerable to ganks. Use your Q to zone off his CS and make it hard for him to stack his Q. Without it he is pretty much helpless against you. The only threat he has is his ultimate, so watch out for it. During the late game he can be a threat but only if you allow him to stack his Q and scale. He has no way to dodge your ult.”
CucumberSandwich says “You have to try and kill him before he scales out the roof. Try to deny him as much farm as possible pre 6, and engage with Q if he ever walks up. The problem is you can't afford to roam and teamfight that much, as Nasus will just be infinitely scaling in lane. He also builds Sunderer which shreds tanks, and you can't kill him solo late game.”
Viego99 says “easy for early win every duel. he ignore you and just stack q .so you need to kill him pre 6 . after 6 he kill you like a doll.(if you ahead you kill kim after 6) nasus outscale viego but he need q stack if he have little q stack you easly destroy him any stage of the game.yourteamfight is better.”
Lost Chapter says “At all cost. Don't let him farm. Try to slow push the wave while denying him cs as best as you can. If he's over 100 stacks at lvl 6. DO NOT fight him. He will most likely kill you as you failed to deny him stacks and stronger than you”
Saesame says “Easy Lane (70%+ WR). E his W, his slow is only slightly stronger. Kite out of his auto range. Poke him endlessly. Take flash?/respect his flash-Q. If he maxes E so you almost keep dying and can't CS... this is a hard lane. Wave control/using R-W on minion waves to avoid letting him crash waves is important. If you max W you need to respect his slow a lot more (Your slow gets stronger with points in E). Take flash for better kiting, his kit is still quite strong.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Will outscale you completely late game. Try to freeze the wave on your side of the map. Punish him when he try's to farm, get grevious wounds. Try to get ganks to shut him down early.
calbino says “Your damage easily beats his early on. His poke from E is pretty good, so make sure to always go D. Shield into him. Past level 6, it's pretty even if he has over 150+ stacks to consistently fight you. End the game as soon as possible.”
Jaori says “Your ult completely wrecks Nasus - the same way it goes with Cho'Gath. Play aggressive, even if he gets fed - you win late. One ult on this guy and he's not tanky anymore.”
RareParrot says “easy lane unless they are smart and max E and start Dorans ring, be careful at 6 as one misposition and getting withered will get you killed because just sheen and 100 stacks can beat Teemo in a stat check.”
ForgottenProject says “He is Over-buffed since the preseason. Scales better than anyone else yet doesn't have that bad of an Early-Game. Once Nasus gets ahead he stays ahead.
[1]Q-Poke Vitals on him whenever you have the chance, Keep the Pressure on but don't think that he's just a punching bag till he has stacks.
[2]Get Executioner's Calling After Tiamat since his Q will start to heal him at that point.
[3]Slow-Push Waves into his turret so he has a difficult time stacking up. DON'T LET HIM FREEZE!
[4]When a Nasus walks up to your AA range the first thing he will do is use his Q, so Parry that(Good Nasus will bait your parry out so beware).
[5]you beat nasus till the Mid-game so you should try to kill him before then.
[6]If you roam, make sure you get objectives or else you're trading nasus stacks for nothing.”
epic blitz top says “Must abuse Nasus early, as you definitely cannot fight him lategame. If Nasus is E-maxxing, you might want some help from your jungler.
Take Magic resist for runes!”
KarmaChamelion says “While Sunderer and his Q will pack a punch. You're immune to his wither's slow with passive up and you have plenty of CC to lock him down with JG help. Rush bramble to cripple his healing.”
thefeedski says “You can win early and stop him from getting stacks with your blind - but eventually he'll become to massive to handle. Needs to be shut down early. ”
SavagePridestalker says “The early game will be super easy, because it's Nasus, but since you are tank, you'll have trouble killing him. You being tank will only allow him to get more and more stacks and eventually take over the game.”
Marwaii says “Hard push to deny CS. Poke when he last hits and kill him with lvl 6. He shouldn't be able to scale if you keep on pushing in and denying him CS so you'll eventually win. Nasus players are also incapable of playing the game so they'll ask their jungler to perma gank you. Ensure that you have several wards and ask your other laners to place control wards and normal wards in the river.
Take Divine + Mercs and Unflinching.”
MachDawn says “Nasus CAN BE a major THREAT. If you let him farm and shove into him you will endanger the game if you are not careful which most people will do. If you are not careful you can lose game by feeding him stacks.”
oogoogerson says “Nasus is a bad champion. Zone him from CS and take ignite to bully him. If you don't punish him for locking in Nasus you lose to him mid to lane game.”
Ganii7 says “Try to poke him with the q and e before is too late, with the sheen you can try to trade but only after he uses his q on a minion or when he goes on for the canon. The w helps you get distance or endure his w a litle beter. If he reeach late stacks levels is very dificult kill him and aproaching without caution may leed to death by stacks.”
AlanVenator says “Nasus isn't a threat to anyone during laning phase. Against Nasus you have to be as annoying as possible and not let him stack his Q. Do not let him freeze the lane. I always buy executioner's calling on the first back. ”
Breadcrumbs says “Try to bully Nasus early by freezing under your tower (keeping 4 minions up) and deny him CS as well as poke him, it's not easy. With this being said, Nasus is practically impossible to keep out of the game, if you roam for a few minutes he will have gained 40-80 stacks and will out-trade you.”
SethPRG says “Bully him levels 1-3 and try to get First Blood. Afterward, regardless of whether you got First Blood or not, freeze in front of your tower if you can, or deny him as many stacks as possible. Roaming is not a great thing you will want to be doing here, Nasus will scale super well off of stacking minions with his Q, match wherever he goes as best you can, and avoid getting the first tower as he will be able to pull the first long freeze. When you fight him early it doesn't really matter what you do, just E him before he completely gets away and you should win the trade. Past level 6, it becomes harder, but as long as you stall out his Qs on you with your E, R, and just by walking between AA, you should still win, especially if you were already ahead in kills and/or CS. Build Trinity Force to bully him, or Divine Sunderer if he's armor stacking. In team fights he will most likely wither your carry and then try to run them down. Do your best to peel Nasus off of them, and do not let him dive your backline. Ulting him onto his enemy team during his ult is the most ideal thing to do in this situation. Take Unflinching if you are going Resolve Secondary, get an early Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling, and build Death's Dance 2nd or 3rd item.”
SpartanDumpster says “While Gnar matches up generally well against Nasus, he can be fairly difficult because it can be tough killing him early but you don't want to let him farm CS. A Nasus with a good CS is a dangerous Nasus.”
joelspaho121 says “Darius favored matchup.d blade start with sorcery tree.the only thing to keep in mind here is that you want to respect his level 6 and onward especially if lane goes even.if he has sheen a couple of stacks and tabis he can pop ult and run you down with w so your best choice is to freeze to drain his mana and deny him stacks.Play as aggressively as you can before he hits 6. Proxying waves after you kill him 2 times is a great idea to make yourself even stronger.
he heavily outscales you so try to close out games asap because it will get harder the longer it goes.”
El Leon Gnar says “Nasus will start to outscale if you allow him to stack, so abuse him in lane early and you should be fine. Save E for when he tries to wither you and go in, and just constantly harrass him with your Q and W procs.”
Xarmat says “Early, you can poke him away and stop his Q stacking a bit. As soon he hits Level 6 and has Tabis you can't do much against him, this is his time to shine. Avoid to get killed at all costs, buy Galeforce into Kings and wait until the leaning phase ends. Read also a Guide about Wave Management, this is necessary. ”
Humitaxx says “since you will be mostly splitpushing you will get stuck with this guy, he will either have you under his turret, or fighting you when he has enough stacks”
Helix128 says “dont. let. him. farm.
play super aggresive poke the early game, try to freeze lane and deny all of the cs you can, if not, he will bonk you out of existence.
your q blocks his q so if he has stacks and he withers you blind him to have more time to run.
avoid leaving your turrets alone otherwise he will splitpush.”
Kaizin says “Pressure Nasus early as you have higher base damage and even with his sustain you can punish him. I usually take Press The Attack against Nasus to further punish him during laning phase. Bramble rush is really good against Nasus as his passive grants him lifesteal. At level 6 you can generally beat him with an all in as long as he's under 70% health. Once he finishes Divine Sunderer, you need to be very careful in 1v1's. During his Ult his Q cooldown is halved and that means more Divine Sunderer spellblade hits.”
I am so chill says “He cant stack against you.You have really strong early game.Freeze lane and punish him if he comes to get stack.You can take executioner but if things went bad you can go bramble vest.”
UlisesFRN says “Nasus, like all the farmlane champs, likes to play passive. Garen is not very strong until lvl 6 but in matchups like these, you can abuse your Q+E trade combo in order to punish him when he wants to lasthit a minion. Zoning Nasus in early is key in order to delay as much as possible his late game 1000 stacks Q. Try to freeze lane near your tower and trade him every time your skills are avaible.”
Humitaxx says “It's known what you must do against a Nasus, just try and avoid him getting any farm, even if it means just freezing the wave under your turret, warding the bushes and then you can easily kill him level 2 by trading him, since you will always outdamage him IF HE DOESN'T GET TO STACK HIS Q”
deathwalker7119 says “Nasus will always be a late game menace. You are able to take divine sunderer and BORK if you want into him to try and burst his huge hp bar. You should look to bully and freeze on him in lane. Parry his first q but don't let him bait you into it. RESPECT him, do not think that just because he scales really well that he is bad early game. He is weaker early game, but is definitely capable of a a solo kill with wither/ult and running at you with Q.”
UlisesFRN says “Your dear brother is a very tricky matchup. You abuse him really hard from levels 2 to 6, but once he has Ult and gets Sheen, you cant fight him anymore. If you managed to deny enough minions to him, you can try and all-in him once you got Botrk. If you kill him here, you are fine,but if you cant,then its too late for you to handle this dude. ”
Excuruseh says “Very easy matchup for you. Your passive gives armor which blocks a lot of his Q damage. Look to get bramble on one of your early backs, although it isn't too bad until he is 6.”
Womsky says “Scaling/mixed set up, whenever someone picks my trynda l pick the dawg, l consider him a counter, yes you beat him early, but he is the dawg and he scales like the dawg, once he gets a shen plus tabies, you gotta respect him, cause if you keep doing bad trades into him he will beat your ass, the good thing you have is he is fat and slow and can be bullied early the best way to kill a nasus in lane is by wave management which you should know very well as a toplaner, plus you can disengage from him easily by spinning over walls, mid to late game, if you didnt shut him down hard, he screw u over in a 1v1, so just shove him and steal camps plus look for kills on his team, getting a merc or tabies is nice so u can deal better with him”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Quite an easy lane, granted you don’t ever fall behind. Start Q and look to build passive and fight early on. He is fairly easy to kill until he is level 6 so be aggressive and look for a kill. After 6 I recommend using your auto range to get 2-3 free auto attacks with passive before all inning. He is pretty easy to beat until he gets a sheen and a decent amount of stacks however if you get ahead of him it is pretty easy to keep fighting him until he gets 2-3 items. Use minions to kite out wither and use your W on his Q if you can and you will be alright. He is also fairly easy to gank so if you have the wave pushing to you, freeze it and force him to over extend”
tibs2 says “Bramble rush. Look to freeze. The key to shutting down nasus is not to perma fight him and hope to kill him it is instead to freeze under you tower and deny him loads of cs/xp. An easy way to set up a freeze early game is simply to slow push wave 1-2 and then on wave 3 spam auto and q on the wave to get it in. If done correctly a massive wave will be under his tower and soon enough with push back to you. After that if he ever dares to walk up and cs just q and spam auto him as much as you can while maintaining your freeze. If he ever r and you cant kill him just r him away. ”
shinsuky says “Always, guys are thinking teemo hard counter nasus, BUT, Fake news... Teemo is good in harrassing but against a nasus who knows how to play, you wont poke him because of the range of his E and the slow of his W is SO dangerous with teemo, the speed is your only escape, and he can also perma exausting you. try to poke and farm only, make him losing creeps with your Q, lvl 6 he would be able to beat you in 1v1. try to call your jungler for some help before he stacks.”
Warwick do Brasilzaun says “O Late Game dele, é perigoso, ele cura bastante também, aguenta muito Dano, e ainda causa muito Dano, isso no Late Game, logico que você pode mudar isso com alguns Itens, e o no Early Game e Mid Game você tem grandes chances.
svjade says “Also lots of health, cc, and overall is really annoying. Make sure you have very high damage so that Akali can stand a chance of defeating him.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Nasus can outscale you at most stages of the game, getting an early gank wont solve much of the issue, you should abuse the fact he can't fight back if you poke him in lane.”
Pupupipiru says “If you cant kill him super early, he will destroy you the rest of the game, never let up pressure, poke with Q and E, and don't try to tower dive after 6, unless you are super ahead.”
CertifiedTrundle says “he's a tank
He's imobile
He dosent have a stun or croud control
Problem is he has a OP slow
Deny as many stacks as posible
1v1 him when he comes towards your turr use your piller to block him ”
AmericanNut says “Early game is weak for him, keep him out of XP range, and completely bully him. Freeze lane under your tower as much as you can. But beware, he can outscale EASILY if left uncheck. He is a permanent split push presence, so always be ready to address him. Level 6 he can win EASY if you don't level up your E cool down.”
Noodles912 says “Can be 1 or 5. 1 because he is super weak early, 5 because he can build visage and get free stacks. Get jg to gank, and hope he does not run you down.”
Cayteer says “At early game , he can't do anything to you. Try to freeze the minions under your tower so he has to walk up to minions. You can call your jungler to abuse his early game.”
ThiccCheese1066 says “YOU. NEED. TO. STEAMROLL
Nasus is Nasus and if the Nasus is smart he will keep pushing your lane and get stacks unless you're there. But if your team is losing they need you in teamfights, which will give Nasus stacks, which only lead to you losing lane. Be aggressive at just about all time. Pull him out of tower and Q then back off, W when he ults and charges at you, E him away, and just ensure you get him low than ult.”
kohyss says “I place him in even, because if you get ganged early and he will kill you, he snowballs super hard. Play aggresive and maybe start with dorans ring. Take second wind in case he will max E. rush bramble+damage.”
Fra660 says “nasus has a very weak early and you will be able to kill him quite easily, the problem with this champ is that he has one of the highest scaling in the game, so it doesn't matter if it's 0/10, in mid / late he will still be able to kill you”
PiscesPomf says “HARD LANE
Nasus will try to freeze the lane, don't let him do that !
Nasus will just farm and get stacks, so you should try to make him back : Try to poke him with your Q, hitting vitals, and parry when he uses W/E/Q. You should roam when you can't farm as you can't do a lot of things if he is farming. ”
AyeJa3 says “Poke, Poke, Poke. Don't let him farm and get stacks, freeze wave as much as possible and ward him away. Don't fight him in his ult. Reposte his Q or W depending on if you can predict the W.”
jmp_01_ says “Insane scaling champ. Make sure to deny farm as much as possible. Always play aggressive against him to make sure he can't do anything.
Draconic56 says “Nasus is an easy early game but will DESTROY you late game. Try to freeze the wave near your tower and negate as many stacks from him as possible. If he gets 300+ stacks he will kill you. Once you hit level 6 start bullying him. Pull him In and wait for him to ult first before you do so you gain some of his ult stats. If you land your Q's and he doesn't have enough stacks you will kill him. Save your E for when he slows you with his W so you can pull him in so he doesn't escape.”
Kokob5 says “Nasus good or bad will always benefit if you shove him in, Freeze the lane in front of your tower and abuse him when he goes in for CS. Try not to Q the wave to hit him as it'll cause it to start shoving towards him. You need to respect his level 6 with sheen because if you don't he'll clap you in ult. If you need to go Phase rush to bait out his ult.”
negoZoma69 says “Most of the time you won't be able to stop Nasus from scaling, so swiftness boots + phase rush are godsent in this matchup. Try your best to harass him, but once he gets sheen you can't kill him anymore unless very ahead.”
not normal says “His wither cripples your entire operation, since in the end of it you're basically rooted. Past level 6 he will have enough lifesteal in his passive to just ignore you and keep farming.”
Docoda says “As with a couple of other champs, Nasus is easy to poke down and zone early, but once he gets a good amount of Q stacks and some items without you getting a substantial lead, he can easily W you and cripple you in a fight. Putting some early extra points in E could help.”
SleeplessX says “If your jungler plays around top, you have a good window to ruin his lane by freezing or diving while you're still stronger than him, but solo, he actually stat checks you fairly quickly”
Lost Robot says “The biggest mistake you can make when playing against Nasus is playing safe. You need to play very aggressively at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, or until laning phase is over.
Don't let him farm. You can poke him to death with Q and destroy him in every all-in if you play well and deny enough farm.
He'll heavily outscale you later on, so try to end the game early.
If he goes for AP Nasus and maxes Wither, you're screwed. ”
Dorom says “I'm not sure why but I always lose to Nasus as Gangplank. Since Gangplank's early game punish isn't that strong without sheen, his lifesteal is just too much to manage. You can't kill him early unless he just goes in like a mad dog and you will die once he gets 100 stacks and sheen. Play smart, maybe take ignite.”
BigMacavelli says “Nasus presents a problem to you in lane as you have nearly zero kill pressure since he heals all the chip damage you do to him. I would recommend rushing grievous, minimizing his healing makes the lane much easier.”
kduudsz says “Matchup mais dificil que já joguei ate agora early game vc sola ele, quando ele fechar ruptor ele vai te machucar mas depois vc toma a liderança novamente. Recomendo conqueror para se garantir late mas pode usar pta para solar nivel 1”
SanLourdes says “Nasus can completely out-trade you midgame. Once he has unlocked his ultimate, his lifesteal is insane. When you duel with Jax you will be standing mostly in one place. Nasus has a lot of CC that he can place to make your duel much harder, and don't even try retreating, he can easily slow you and finish you off. It is best to take advantage of his weakness early-game.”
SpartanDumpster says “Your W doesn't cleanse his Wither, and it's not something you can predict to block with it either. He can be a pain if he's allowed to scale, but there is potential to abuse his weaker early game.”
LaZyM says “Bullying him off of cs is difficult. This matchup may require at least one gank to be considered winnable. However going even is still very possible with good TP usage.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Take Phaserush against Nasus. It will help you a lot for short trades and poke. You can even get away when he Slows you. Procc Phaserush if you are slowed.”
raede says “You have all the tools the destroy a Nasus but if you get ganked a lot or he gets to free farm it gets a lot harder. Try not to shove early, maybe even miss a few minions but make sure he doesn't get ANY stacks on his Q. DIE BEFORE HE GETS TO Q THE CANNON.”
jpaul2077 says “Punish. Nasus. Early. It's inevitable that Nasus will outscale due to the nature of his kit. However, Nasus is very vulnerable early game. Q everytime he tries to stack a minion, don't push too far up without vision as his W is crippling when you want to escape a potential gank.”
Runtley says “Nasus is just annoying champion, he has slows he can make himself huge and do a thousand damage and yeah. You want to take the runes because they will make his slow non existent. You really just want to run away everytime he slows you then while its on cooldown go in and shoot him a couple times then run away again and repeat.”
KingNklaus says “Due to Mordekaiser nerfs over time and Nasus buffs plus general weakness of Mordekaiser early game i have decided to move is threat level higher you cannot bully him enough to keep him down due to his passive if you can get a freeze under your turret then you win since you can zone him out but a good Nasus will not let that happen”
ChaseMorePlz says “In order to beat Nasus, you need to prevent him from farming when you have the opportunity in lane. Proper ward coverage & map awareness is a good start to doing this. Stay up in levels and consider a Mortal Reminder! Roaming to kill his team is essential due to the fact that he will want to farm his Q and inevitably scale. Fortunately getting to late game with Nasus as Riven isn't bad when you buy items that scale. Experience helps a lot with this one so I recommend practice/VODs if you can't quite get it!”
ChaseMorePlz says “Can go either way, however is in Olaf's favor. If the Nasus sustains lane and gets Q stacks, the mid-game transition may be too much for Olaf to deal with. You're stronger than him early & late, so unless you screw up during lane phase, you can dominate as long as you can deal with his Wither. Stop D Gates, deny him farm!”
Lunarisen says “Like you, Susan here needs to farm; so deny farm with your Q as much as you can while still farming for yourself; and hope your team gets ahead so this dog becomes non-existent.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok. Laning against Nasus it's just ridiculous to Urgot. You can pressure him like almost no other champion can. But, if you and your team just give the time and farm that Nasus needs, he will probably win the game.”
stygiandesolation says “You will need qss at some point or else he just gets away from you. You outscale with your crit build but he is better in teamfights. Something worth trying is phase rush to just bait his ult and run until it's over and punish him in lane more.”
Rime101 says “Build Proto > Morello > FULL DMG
Bully this man and take his turret pre 14 min by building up huge waves
If he hits you with W don’t be afraid, he might just be using it so he can safely farm cannon minion or something.
Alekra says “Nasus is very weak in earlygame. You win trades early easily, but dont underestimate his lv 6. Use your Q to counter his W. Freeze your lane to deny him farm. Build antiheal (Thornmail, Chempunk Chainsword) if Nasus becomes a threat to weaken him in skirmishes. You should win teamfights against him as your ult executes him no matter how tanky he is.”
czrmtz24 says “Don't fight Nasus past level 3. You will most likely win this lane, and the only way to win if your team doesn't end fast is to build towards utility. Take the same runes that you would against Darius (Phase Rush + Unflinching). You need Swifties and Bamis in this matchup. The only way you win late game is to keep him off your team. Rylais and Chemtank are recommended in order to slow him. DO NOT flip Nasus into your team, rather flip him away from your team.”
Arsneault says “Nasus normally builds tank but still outputs extreme damage with his Q. You can kill him early fairly easily. If they have summoner's spellbook be careful because they probably know what they're doing.”
GrGamingTeo says “NEVER push your minions under his tower, NEVER let him farm for free, after your recall for example, and ALWAYS freeze the lane, reset and freeze again. Nasus pre lv6 is garbage against a Darius. If you let him farm even a little, he will come back to lane with Sheen, Ionian Boots and once he activates his R he has like 100 armor and a ton of hp and you cannot kill him no matter what. So, before lv6, even if he dreams of getting farm you punish him with AA, W, AA etc. If he manages to kill you once or twice or if you allowed him to get farm for free the game is lost. Be carefull not to get to cocky and killed because you where too over-extended.”
Hypnosa says “His stack is more powerful than yours. If you push the lane you'll probably die when ganked. Try to freeze the lane. Nasus players have huge IQ drop when cannon minion arrives, use this against them.”
Drumastermunch says “Build a large lead before 6.
Cleanse is really good here, Nasus whithout ult is free food with this build. If he ults you, cleanse his slow. Wait for ult end. Kill.
Don't ever let him alone, your goal through the entire game is to prevent him from playing.”
HoftheGreed says “Nasus no es un campeón que nos pueda dar muchos problemas (en especial si se rushea un Fajin para mitigar su W), el único detalle es tratar de controlarnos con el control de oleadas (Si, jugar Sett es muy divertido porque si se tiene tantita ventaja, se puede abusar del contrincante, pero esto puede ser un arma de doble filo) ya que podríamos ocasionar que Nasus stackee su Q sin problemas bajo su torre, por lo que nuestra principal prioridad será impedir eso.”
Olaf Only says “You have to freeze the lane in this matchup to deny his lifesteal and Q farm.
Trading your ultimate for his is fine. Nasus is impossible to kill with his R active*
Your teamfighting is superior so try to just deny cs.
LunaticDancer says “Easy lane, not only you can bully him from early on, it's exactly what you should be doing. It's a match up where you should never leave lane and let him bounce back, as long as he stays miserable, you deny their team a win condition. Don't let him stack on your summons for free though, when you initiate on him, make sure you can afford going all in and show him no mercy.”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Start Q if he's bad and walks up to the wave. You can also start E if he's in hookshot range. Otherwise start W. Try to slow push and crash the wave on the 3rd or 4th wave. Call your jungler over and dive him. It's easier to do this if you have ignite. On the dive, walk up to him and aa-Q for your passive shield and when he flashes you can follow with your E. If you and your jungler manage to pull this off its game over for him especially if he took ghost/flash like most Nasus players currently do. If this doesn't happen, you can try to freeze the wave when the wave bounces back to you and make him susceptible to jungle ganks. Try to walk up to him when he goes to last hit minions with his Q or when he walks up to minions to lifesteal from them. When he's level 6 NEVER hookshot into him if the wave is on his side of the lane unless he's really low and you're healthy! He will press R + Ghost and chase you down the lane like a dog. You have to take small trades and hookshot away when he uses his ult. When he ults just wait for it to go away.”
SpyDaFX says “try to deny his stacking whenever you can (ESPECIALLY CANNOS), you can deny him by freezing or trading with ur W to prevent him from stacking cannons. build up fury and look for all in at level 2, if he has alot of stacks he will sh*t on you, you'll need to sit top most of the game. go conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Just cheese him early level 1 by starting W. Just stand infront of your lane and deny him stacks. He will not be able to fight you. If you do kill him you can probably start proxying the next wave and not allow him to get back into lane. Smart Nasus players will start E with Doran's Ring. If he does, do not let him poke you down to much or you are getting ganked by their Jungler for a free kill”
Kil4fun says “This guy hurts. If you start Oblivion orb you can poke him a lot, but you involuntarily push your wave. Farming under tower Nasus is bad. The alternative is he free farms and then just two hits you with Q. You're screwed. Seriously contemplate banning this guy. You should probably take phase rush to get away from his W slow. Swiftness boots if needed.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “TAKE PHASE RUSH!
If you proxy he will free stack, if you lane he will oppress you. His W is excellent at shutting you down in teamfights and his raid-boss status midway through the game is something Singed can't handle. The most you can do if Nasus gets ahead is goo fling and hope to kill the squishier enemies. Don't forget that his E shreds armour so most trades with Nasus are losing ones, on top of this his passive healing outscales your Corrupting Potion/Doran's Ring.”
Whobick says “Even trade if I were to say. You get early game, he gets late game. Prevent him from farming early by using Reckless Swing (E) every time he goes to last hit. Poke with Undertow (Q), and just watch out for that insta-slow. You can't 1v1 him after 10-15 minutes in, so just shut him down early and you should be fine!”
Razorwir3 says “i usually ban nasus as u have a hard time at stopping him from stacking if u endup against a nasus tho i recommand phase rush so u can get away from him when he used his e on u”
J0hnny Joestar says “You have to bully him, because if you don't he will become w threat late game. Your Q removes his W slow so use that to your advantage. i usually take phase rush into this matchup because it gives 75% slow resistance after it activates and that means you can now start trades with your Q”
kingchas2 says “This is the only matchup I walk up and trade lvl 1. Walk try and proc PTA and get as many auto's off on him and then spam E on him every time it is off CD to keep him low. If he is smart as soon as he is 6 he will have 2 points in wither and just kill you. ”
ModelitoTime says “Do your best to try and freeze under your tower early if you can. D shield and second wind highly recommended for this guy. You might be lucky enough to get a kill under your tower if he is playing super agressive with his E. That being said try to stand by your minions in the case he is abusing his E so the wave will just naturally shove itself towards your tower. You are most likely gonna have to use your E a couple times to avoid his E chunking at your health ”
ChevalierArlo says “Atrapalhe ele no farming e bote pressão no início pra evitar que ele escale mais do que você. Conquistador deve funcionar bem aqui.”
Hippo Boi says “Similar to kayle, try abusing his weak early game, and after level 6 try not exposing yourself. If he doesn't have a lot of stacks will not be able to kill you alone. ”
Dannala says “Most Nasus players will farm under tower and outsustain most poke you do. It's possible to wear him down if you got Corrupt Pot and Executioner's, however, his slow makes it near impossible to properly kill or escape him.”
Hyzerik says “Do not let him stack. Zone him off and freeze the wave, if he goes in to get cs do your combo. Once you got bork you should win. You should also wait out his R if he uses it.”
Grolow says “You can win lane easy but he will scale and win by splitpushing.
MY TIP: If you win lane big. Stay top and always stay top to set pressure no need to snowball.”
RedNBlue says “Nasus is just going to farm so if you just q him you will anger him very much when he tries to get stacks as you will blind him just before he uses his q.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “You can harrass him fairly easy just make sure as not to let him get close with his slow.
consider taking phase rush as rune and Ignite + ghost to keep him from getting his sweet sweet stacks
also build boots of swiftnes”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “You can abuse his early game. Save ignite for his ult, rush steel plate boots and bramble. Look to all in him every time he tries to Q a minion. You can take him out of the game completely if you play the laning phase aggressively, but ward heavily as he can set up ganks against you.”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty even after 1st item in 1v1 but u win early rly hard, the goal is to zone him from as much xp as u possibly can and jump on him whenever u can bcs u just simply win trades bfr 1st item, just be careful when u trade him to not ruin wave cose if the wave is pushing to u try to keep it that way cose he can't farm without e.
I advise Conqueror with Dblade start.”
LeSocair says “Abuse Q on him and do not trade if you W is not up. Always W his W unless he doesn't go in, he will try to bait your W by using his W and not doing anything afterwards. His W has a lot lower CD than yours.”
sauronkaiser says “Originaly Yorick was a counter for this guy, but after all the nerfs he got in lane you no longer do. You should be able to easily survive laning phase and bully him a bit but you wont be able to kill a good nasus. After first item, DO NOT trade with him until you have sterak. Then you can 1v1 with no problems, including late game. Thornmail is highly recommended in late game to take down this doge. Cage him, use ult and watch him die even with 10000 stacks.”
RedNBlue says “Make sure to harass him and don't let him farm. If he gets too much farm it will be a problem. Make sure to be a level ahead at all times.”
AmericanNut says “Easy to beat early, but of course. You must keep him away from XP range from minions. His ult will be an issue in team fights, Devour him and he's useless.”
Ramixx says “Annoying champ. You can bully nasus out early with your E > W > Q combo. Remember use Q as the taunt ends so it actually hits. Make sure you do this pre6. Once nasus hits 100 stacks and lvl 6 his ability to 1v1 you becomes much higher”
bocchicken says “Bully the PISS out of him early, and get them SWIFTIE boots to negate his wither slow. Harass him every time he tries to go in for a stack, but respect his lvl 6 if you're pushed out too far without flash or E. ”
EU_Toxicity says “Standart Q max Nasus is very easy to beat. Zone him from the wave early and look to all in him. As soon as he uses his W on you use W and E to keep him in melee range and you will win all fights before 6 100%. After 6 his dps will increase significantly but if you denied him Q stacks early on winning should still be easy.
If Nasus maxes his E and shoves waves, just farm it out and stay out of his R range to remain high health, you'll outscale him hard since he's not gonna get as many stacks with E max.”
doorknobber69 says “What you wanna do is push first 2 waves and set a freeze so he can't walk up and get stacks. I like tp in this match up, but ignite gets the job done just as well. He will out scale you 1v1 wise around 25-30 minutes. ”
KillMeMyFriend says “Don't let him farm and try finighing the game as early as possible and you will be fine. If you feel like he is going to stomp you then go phase rush with manaflow and celerity, your attack speed wont scale that much but you will have a much safer lane.”
lordoftheyuumitopmidadc says “this is a champ that you should always ban or vanye because of his stacks nasus will just stack and win lane because its nasus and does nasus thing make sure your jg ganks your lane or try to poke and feeze wave at your tower”
iZeal says “Nasus will have a very hard time against Darius in the early game as it's almost impossible to fight back for him unless he gets ganks. Once he has Sheen and his ultimate however, you should be cautious about his damage output. Darius is able to kite it out however, especially if you happen to take Phase Rush and after waiting out his ult you just murder him.
DBlade, Tabis/Mercs/Swifties/Phage”
bocchicken says “EZ mode. he is very squishy pre-6 and your sustain is equal, look to punish before he gets ult + stacks. At 2 items it is very hard for you to lane into him 1v1 unless you have a large lead and are building AP”
DasGrauen_ says “Dont let him stack. The first one who gets the kill won the lane. If you die to him you lost ur lane. If you kill him you won your lane. ”
DarkNavarre says “Punish him for trying to stack. When he withers just snare him and back off, then abuse wither's long early cooldown to force him to back off. He will only become a problem if you don't stay on top of punishing him and allow him to stack. Try and build an early lead to finish the game out before he gets too many stacks.”
NoxianBlood says “Threat depends of the Nasus type of player, if the Nasus Plays passive and farms to stack his Q, then the threat is major, but if he's playing for trades the threat is even, but overall if this champions get Fed he's going to be so tanky that will have the ability to tank your entire team and focusing turrets destroying them one-shotting them like crazy just focusing objectives consistently, making you force to focus him with a lot of players, so try to make Nasus get behind, otherwise with allot of stacks and tanky as a behemoth, he will laugh at your towers and inhibitors and at Nexus he will Taunt you and 3 shot the Nexus. so if you really think Nasus is a scary champion overall ban him, or try to kill him peeling your high damage carries. if they are ahead. otherwise, Rip and watch your base get annihilated. the reason why not extreme threat cause he can be stopped by killing all his teammates first, and leaving him alone to deal with. and he won't deal much damage to tanks, just remember not to fight him while standing in his E ability, that will reduce your armor making his Q deal more damage, fight him while his E is down.”
hahadead7777 says “Nasus early game you can easily beat him. If you get the advantage over him you must stick where he goes to prevent him from catching up. If you see him R then do not engage”
wtkr says “Impossible to beat, my go to ban every game. It doesn't matter how many times he dies to you, he will eventually farm and outscale you. Once Nasus rushes MR, he practically wins every trade and all in.”
byThiagus says “XD. No puede tocar un minion siempre extende peleas, segunda pagina de runas espada de doran, tene cuidado con su nivel 6 que es muy fuerte en 1v1. Trata de divearlo con tu jungler y hacerlo perder minions”
NoodleFlafl says “It's harder to keep him from getting stacks when you have that weak early game as ap, so he might scale harder than you if you cant get your jungler to camp you.”
Boblet says “Woof boy over here will beat you after 30 minutes. Don't wait till then to win the game.
He can't even get close to hitting minions in lane though, so he'll be looking elsewhere for farm (your jungler).”
Stijnzxz says “Nasus is no match for u, u can run him down ez and play lane bully but be aware of hes stacks the higher the stackts the more testosterone he gets and then he figths u and u lost so dont give him free stacks an be aware of vision!”
RocketD1no says “You need to bully Nasus as much as you can from levels 1-3. If you can stop him from getting as many last hits as you can, you will have a decent edge up on him once he gets his Ult.”
TheSIanko says “You can easily poke him when he is farming minions. It's harder when he gets enough stacks to kill you. If he take ignite your heal on R will be useless”
TristanofJugdral says “Your level 1 does well in this matchup but late game is a problem. Your ultimate gets hard countered from the lifesteal on his passive and I doubt you will escape alive thanks to his W. ”
AWierdShoe says “
Nasus is the single a weakest top lane match-up early few levels. Combined with how strong Shen is early on you shouldn’t let him take ANY CS for free. Position your blade up the lane constantly while dragging it through him and trade every time he goes for a last hit. He should be forced to last hit only with his E if you play it correctly. Do your best to get a freeze going if possible, but you'll most likely end up pushing him into his tower anyways. Just be aware of his W, which he can use to set up ganks.
I Am Goliath says “Nasus is a hard matchup because of how well he scales into late game and because he can sustain your poke. Either try to get your team really ahead by roaming a lot or have your jungler camp your lane because you do not want a nasus to get out of control, other then that he can't really kill you during lane and he will be focused on just getting cs.”
I Am Goliath says “You win against nasus early in lane until he gets stacked up, you want to bully him early as much as you can because he will be super focused on farming up his Q. Late game DO NOT fight him 1v1, tell your team to group and and force him to either join the fights or if he splits try to force all the t2's, you are more useful then him in teamfights but he is stronger. Overall try to end the game as early as you can or atleast get a big lead.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let wave push to you -> Make freezes -> Most nasus players are greeding hard for the stacks on their Q, so when ever they walk up for a minion harass them as much as you can. It will come to the point that they will be that low on hp and killable. Bait his E by going in for a ''trade'' and then go back with E on his minions. After his E is over, you can trade freely. Try to avoid getting hit by his Q's as much as you can. Avoid staying in his W because it reduces your armor so he will deal more damage to you. When he ults run just run (except if he is killable) you dont want to fight him at that duration of time he gets more tanky his R does some magic damage to targets close to him and he gets his Q cd lowered, so just bait it by going into for a fake fight and when he uses it go back asap and stay in a safe distance until its over.”
Scoothare says “This is the same as kayle, don't let him scale. Shut him down early and ask for a few ganks. DON'T LET HIM FREEFARM! You're pretty good at denying his Q with your E though. So max E in this matchup.”
StrikeX114 says “Pretty much your standard bruiser, he remains a minimal threat for much of the early game. However, should he decide to build Trinity Force, you will be sorely outmatched. Be wary of this and know when to back down.”
Saarlichenbog says “Nasus is borderline a tiny threat because he doesn't actually have any lane agency of his own. But, his W is seen by the Kalista community as one of Kalista's biggest weaknesses because of how it messes up with her passive. This matchup really just boils down to not being caught out by his great gank setup through his W and outscaling later on, but you should be denying him from stacking at any time of the laning phase outside of ganks that will come with a Nasus vs Kalista lane. Tracking the enemy jungler is the requirement here.”
Captain Dantems says “Uma lane muito fácil, não deixe ele farmar. Grasp ou Clepto. Poção corrupta, cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida ou com refil.”
ItsPaulygon says “Not really a problem early game, try to negate his stacks early game. As once he reaches 6 and has a good amount of stacks and a few items, you won't be able to beat him. So tell your jungler to come gank top as much as possible to stop this ticking time bomb. Take Doran's Shield.”
TheMightyNinja says “Nasus is very weak early in the game, position your blade aggressively to deny him farm and try to freeze at your tower, if you can get ahead of him and keep denying him farm he cannot recover, if he ends up farming you should watchout for his late game. Your W can block his Q. If he ults try to stay away and waste his cooldown.”
Biko14CS says “Pretty much your standard bruiser, he remains a minimal threat for much of the early game. However, should he decide to build Trinity Force, you will be sorely outmatched. Be wary of this and know when to back down.”
Whackguy says “Nasus can be a fairly hard matchup if you go up against someone who knows what they are doing. Deny stacks in laning phase. Run him down after he wastes W.”
GLP1 says “It may seem like a free match but never let it take loads or regret it for the rest of the game, try to freeze as much as possible whenever you can and try to tell the jg to dive it if you see that they have the opportunity to do so as Kled is very good for dives”
MrGasYourGirl says “Run Dark Harvest and Ignite to all in him ASAP. Lane against him and last hit to draw him out. You need 1 or 2 kills on him before 6 or you're in trouble.”
wolfclaw3812 says “If you don't keep Nasus off of the minion wave entirely, he will come back to kill you in three autos. If you don't have phase rush, Wither will turn you into easy prey. Phase rush. ”
Nicklstherealone says “Bonk him away. He cant do anything till he hits 200 Stacks so deny his Farm but mostlikely his Canons and if he steps foward All-In him. ”
White Cr0w says “If you lose a matchup against a jungle Nasus you are doing something wrong. He has one of the slowest clears ingame, and since he need early damage to solve it he will be an squishy target without escape. steal all his camps and leave only an small creep so he can't farm Q (or farm anything at all).
As long as you get ahead earlygame, pressure all lanes, push (yes, I said push) and win ASAP so he can't try to farm lategame.”
jackss72 says “hard to take down early due to how tanky he is and outscales u a lot, jg diff matters here. buy exec. Seems you actually outscale him with 6 items, you will need grievous wounds, mercurial and navori. He only wins at 2k stacks if you have proper build”
NoHesitation7 says “A good Nasus will always have potential to make your matchup a farm lane & stack for free, which will force him to completely outscale you.”
Randombeastmode says “Start Dblade
Slowpush first wave and hard push second and third wave so that you can be level 4 by the time the wave is in the middle again on your side, earlygame nasus can't stack that hard. They also tend to GREED for cannon stacks, if they do so take it as a all in opportunity, TIP DO NOT W when just getting on Nasus, walk a bit ahead of him and orb walk, once he w's it's safe to W him since you wont miss it so easily.
If Nasus gets sunderer, your life is over and you might as well FF for all the good that playing the game from then on will do you.
Raphi0216 says “Perma engage him before 6 and zone him away from minon kills. If he uses Q to trade, it's a win. After 6, you can't trade with E because you need it to disengage if he ult's. If he's low enough, you can engage him with E and kill him even if he ult's.”
Frostyfps says “Quite an easy lane, granted you don’t ever fall behind. Start Q and look to build passive and fight early on. He is fairly easy to kill until he is level 6 so be aggressive and look for a kill. After 6 I recommend using your auto range to get 2-3 free auto attacks with passive before all inning. He is pretty easy to beat until he gets a sheen and a decent amount of stacks however if you get ahead of him it is pretty easy to keep fighting him until he gets 2-3 items. Use minions to kite out wither and use your W on his Q if you can and you will be alright. He is also fairly easy to gank so if you have the wave pushing to you, freeze it and force him to over extend”
Time1Save says “You can kill him 20 times, but if he takes 1-1. 5 items and a few stacks, you won't do anything else to him.This is not a joke, I played against nasus and he was 0 \ 20\4. Trinity Force was bought by him, tabi Ninja, and a Thorn vest with 300 stacks he humiliated me. I had botrk, Black Clever, mercures and the dance of death. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
At0mikx458 says “Very strong when hit lvl.6 so try to fight him when he dont have ulti. Unstoppable in late because of his Q so win in maximum mid-late game.”
Colbasz says “This is a weird one. Nasus needs to be denied farm and harassed constantly, and he is one of the few champs who is actually weaker than Kayle in the early game. Harass him, poke him, deny him as much farm as you possibly can. Late game, dont try to fight him 1v1, its not gonna work.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Although Morde is good against Nasus early, if you don't kill Nasus a few times early on or don't get a huge advantage in XP and cs, he will scale and he will wreck you.”
MaelstromLegends says “One of your easiest matchups will be Nasus. As long as you play aggressively and prevent Nasus from farming and stacking, you will demolish him early, and he won't be a threat if you keep bullying him. ”
Penguinoverlord1 says “This matchup is a pretty easy win if you just keep him from getting any free cs, as Nasus is pretty weak early game just like Yorick. Use your E to apply pressure and keep up graves in order to threaten him if he ever trys to engage or get stacks for his Q. This match up can get out of control if you let him farm and get Q stacks so be sure to deny as much of his farm as possible.”
MisterDerpFace says “Don't let him farm the cannon minions. in fact, try to not let him farm AT ALL. His W doesnt affect your W, so thats pretty nice.
He is also my second ban option cuz i just dont like playing against him. he probably isnt worth banning.”
LoL destroyer says “Nasus is difficult to play against if they start playing defensive, if nasus gets to aggressive trying to build stacks on his Q, he can easily be punished. Pre 6 you can take him as long as he doesn't have many stacks.”
Liko888 says “The Nasus matchup is probably my least favorite matchup. You bully him till level 6. If Nasus knows the matchup, he will rush tabis and bramble and run you down with ghost and ult at level 6. You win the lane by bullying nasus, fending off his powerspikes (level 6 and level eleven) and getting to cleaver (you should rush it in this lane).”
YoungTact says “He out scales you so you are on a timer. Punish every cs he goes for with lane harass combo and rush bramble vest. If he starts splitting scaling after scaling match his split and clear wave with Q, Sunfire and Iceborn. Teleport when appropriate.”
qasddsa says “In lane, Nasus needs to be oppressed. Do not let him farm minions and keep him out of lane. Late game, if he has scaled hard enough, you cannot duel him 1v1 since Wither will shred your movement speed and attack speed. He needs to be focused down if he groups and goes for your backline.”
Afro D Legend says “He kinda deletes your movement speed by the press of a button, lol. Isn't too big of a problem as I've experienced so far, but it can be.”
SkellyBirb says “You can poke him for a lot of damage and he can't chase you easily because of your charm. If he catches you with your charm and ultimate down though, he will deal a lot of damage.”
Theknight31 says “Nasus have a bad early but its not easy to kill him. Dont let him farm push your lane and roam. Because he has a better late game you need to win the mid game and end the game fast dont let him take kill by roaming.”
Tauricus2017 says “Nasus is like an air in early game but scales up rapidly. Pick Grasp of Undying because you can freely poke him without any strong penalty. Just be sure he has not very much stacks”
SubHuman Filth says “Go Phase rush. Maybe even ghost if prefered.
You can absolutely destroy him early game. Blind him when he goes for stacks and always blind him when he wants to stack cannons.
Phase rush will help you run from him when he goes all in. Overall an easy lane if youre careful with jungle ganks.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Nasus is VERY weak in the beginning of the game. Your ability to set up a snowball against him is what will determine your ability to split push against him in the mid-late game. Here is my general strategy against Nasus, Look to pressure hard level 1 and 2 with an extended trade, always start trades off with an auto attack when he goes up to farm a minion. Get level 2 advantage first. Get the second wave completely into turret before the third wave comes up so that the enemy minion wave can "bounce" towards you (aka push towards you.) Then only last hit at the last possible second while it pushes towards you, this makes it so you hold a freeze against him. Don't let the minion wave get too big or he will press E and hard shove the wave. Try to hit level 4 around the same time as nasus, once you are level 4 as long as you didnt take too much damage holding the position of the wave close to your turret you can look for an allin yourself OR you can set up easy ganks for your jungler. If you want, you can take tiamat to put a bunch of pressure onto nasus and you can choose to either hit nasus's turret for plates or take small auto attack + spin out trades (if you do it perfectly you don't take a turret shot.) Don't use your tiamat on the auto attack + spin out, instead after you spin out walk back in and press tiamat and damage him and walk out before you take turret aggro. Be looking to always set up ganks/dives for your jungler to easily take. In the mid-late game if you effectively shut down Nasus you can maintain pressure on him and/or rotate to flank his team while he tries to get back in the game. If you are behind in the mid-late game against him you need to look to use your superior mobility to make moves around him, but don't directly confront him 1v1 or he will drop D cane on you.”
Pyroen says “A fellow raidboss! Keep him small, try to zone him off from cannons especially! Early game, ask for a gank, get a small lead for yourself and freeze the lane so he can't approach and get stacks, when he comes near, punish him hard, he will likely be trying to just Q a minion.”
I Am Goliath says “You can punish him very hard and zone him off a lot of his stacks, nasus is a pretty easy lane for most champions because he is focused on csing with his Q so just deny him as much as possible, your w procs will add up a lot.”
Reason97 says “Even a fed nasus has no real way of getting to you if you play your CC right. He's scary, very scary, but a cool head and steady play will keep you safe, and even your teammates. lock him down and keep him cut off from his target's, and i guess you could say he's all bark and no bite (i'm sorry).”
Nabura says “Some people take phase rush for this matchup, but I have a secret setup that confuses the fuck outta every dog in the world. Merc treads + Legend: Tenacity will make his W run out before he reaches you. If his W comes back up no worries, it will just run out again before he can touch you. Landing Q will be easy as he has to run in a straight line towards you to do anything.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Nasus is VERY weak in the beginning of the game. Your ability to set up a snowball against him is what will determine your ability to split push against him in the mid-late game. Here is my general strategy against Nasus, Look to pressure hard level 1 and 2 with an extended trade, always start trades off with an auto attack when he goes up to farm a minion. Get level 2 advantage first. Get the second wave completely into turret before the third wave comes up so that the enemy minion wave can "bounce" towards you (aka push towards you.) Then only last hit at the last possible second while it pushes towards you, this makes it so you hold a freeze against him. Don't let the minion wave get too big or he will press E and hard shove the wave. Try to hit level 4 around the same time as nasus, once you are level 4 as long as you didnt take too much damage holding the position of the wave close to your turret you can look for an allin yourself OR you can set up easy ganks for your jungler. If you want, you can take tiamat to put a bunch of pressure onto nasus and you can choose to either hit nasus's turret for plates or take small auto attack + spin out trades (if you do it perfectly you don't take a turret shot.) Don't use your tiamat on the auto attack + spin out, instead after you spin out walk back in and press tiamat and damage him and walk out before you take turret aggro. Be looking to always set up ganks/dives for your jungler to easily take. In the mid-late game if you effectively shut down Nasus you can maintain pressure on him and/or rotate to flank his team while he tries to get back in the game. If you are behind in the mid-late game against him you need to look to use your superior mobility to make moves around him, but don't directly confront him 1v1 or he will drop D cane on you.”
HoldMySake says “He can be boring to play against because he plays under tower 99% of the time, but if you space him out with your Q's and don't walk into melee range, you should be good.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : impeto
Negar stack dele usando Seu Q e ficar pushando a wave pra fazer ele perder farm da torre se ele der o slow e tentar all in proca impeto e sai correndo”
Riliane says “You can SHIT on him early. Level 2 and you're ready for a gank cause he will get super low. Get your jg to get an early gank. Mid game you can heal the damage he does, as long as he's not healing you.”
Swaim says “Dont let him stack q and perma freeze lane and ward bushes so you know where jungler is. DONT get hammer rush a cleaver with because his ult will give him armor go this if you have a good lead (gold lead ofc) if not then go normal build and mercs (go tabi unless enemy mid is ad too )
Aas112mm says “Nope, there is no way in a thousand years you would win against him, you might get some early lead and som kills in the beginning but thats all. As soon as he hits 200 stacks you are pretty much hopeless.”
9CH Leviathan says “there are 2 ways to play against nasus, with default set up you win all the first 15-20 minutes against nasus, you can denegate farm and kill him, in late game dont 1v1, you surely loose. The other is with Hyper Scale, yep hes going to have 200 charges minute ten, but even like that, you just outscale him so hard. Choose wisely what to do in every game.”
ZergDood says “This guy wants to Q minions the whole match. Do your best to harass him and make him lose CS. You're against time in this matchup, so try to get him killed before he gets too powerful and outscales you. Remember, he has no mobility, so he's specially weak to ganks.”
qazx1427 says “You'd think that Nasus would be a threat, being able to farm off your ghouls, but he has the same issue as Sion: no mobility. He can get extra HP from his ult, sure, but all you have to do his get him in your W and throw a couple ghouls on him. An early Executioner's Calling helps a lot, and you can get to the point where if you even get him in your W, he'll burn his ult.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Horrible earlygame, freeze and kill him every time he comes up to farm, use and abuse him, build executioners or bramble.
Maybe take unflinching?
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “This matchup becomes harder and harder the longer the game goes.Even tho Nasus will get huge we won't be able to 1v1 him late no metter what so I would just go tiamat , shove and make plays around the map.”
Pikkachu Loiro says “It's not the biggest threat to you, but to your team as you can't stop most of his farming.
On this match up you have to make sure you poke him as much as you can and ask your jungle to gank the lane as soon as possible, as always, play safe, but be ready to all in him.
Rush Bramble Vest and be sure to be ready to kill him as you get level 6”
NotHumerus says “You're the downbringer of all living things, you don't lose or shouldn't. Just play safe if you're getting cheesed on. And stay away from your wack brother.”
CulturalYokai says “the line phase will not be a problem at all, the thing is that its kind of hard to make him stop stacking so yeah he might become a problem in late game, u can still kill him he does not get u with his Q and one shot u tho.”
xXkillercrackXx says “you destroy Nasus at all stages of the game. You have lane pressure permanently and can pressure him every time he tries to cs or stack. Build up a slow push and get your jungler to dive pre 6. Nasus will never be relevant after that.”
Dreadscythe95 says “You can't pressure him to stop his stacking and leave him behind but he also can't pressure you early. The problem is that Nasus comes online much faster than Kayle so he is usually favored in the matchup. If you reach late game though (lvl 16+) you will probably win. Still it depends a lot on the team drafts.”
Shumair says “You should always try to slow push vs Nasus. Freezing would be more beneficial but his E allows him to break freezes relatively easily. Force trades against him early on as they'll always be in your favor. If you're even at level 6, sheen and ~150 stacks he beats you in an all-in unless you took ignite and play perfectly. You should only ult after he does to steal extra stats. Build bramble.”
chloe666 says “Very easy match-up. Most melee top laners will be the ones trying to run you down, but against Nasus you want to RUN DOWN HIM. He can't trade back until way later into the game, so you should get an easy first blood or at least force him out of lane burning both of his sums. ”
Twist21 says “Weak early , make the 3rd wave push to you and then freeze him , when he uses most of his mana all in him and run him down the lane.If you dont maintain the freeze he will outscale you.”
LulzTVit says “Nasus is a Major Threat. He sustains easily against you and disengages you then scales up to be a 1v1 monster with a perma attack speed slow.”
wallobear53 says “Don’t let Nasus free-farm under any circumstance as he will scale into a monster if you allow him to do so. Even if you roam, make sure that you shove the wave into his tower and come back to the lane quickly.
Poking Nasus is very important so that he can’t just straight up all-in you once he hits level six. This will help you zone him off the wave and you may even be able to all-in him if he overextends for his stacks.
Nasus will try to not join team fights early on due to his Q stacking mechanism. You can use this to gain lane priority and then ask your Jungler to get the Rift Herald or any other Objective as you will have the lane priority.
DankFlyingCow says “Fattest champ diff in the world. Kench absolutely shits on him. Play aggressively, and he will be helpless to do anything about it. Even when Nasus ults, it is totally possible to fight and kill him, due to how thoroughly you counter melee sustain damage champions.”
M.P.C says “Harassing him early so he can't get stacks is always a must. If he ults back away and use your E to poke and slow. If he uses Wither on you and you have your R up drop it on top of you and unleash every thing you have hoping you'll kill him before he kills you and also hope he builds AP and not Tank.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Nasus is always bad in the early game. You should try to pressure him hard and go for trades, so he can't farm for his Q stacks. His W tho is very good against you and hard to prarry, so you shouldn't overstay because then he can chase you down with his W and Ghost as well. At level 6 u can kill him but he has a good fight as well. You aim for killing Nasus in the early game so he can't beat you up later. But always care about him in late game.”
Venegis says “Who let the Dog's out dude, you need to poke him until he lows on health, and make sure to look at minimap while you pushing your lane.
Nasus + Jungle threat = Risk is doubles. Beg your jungle to outclass Nasus.”
NullPC says “Actual dog champ never beats you his bonus health dosent mean anything to your ult and needs you to stand still to hit his q's never lose this lane.”
Kujis says “Very easy. Dont give him any farm for free, always punish him for taking cs.
When u get a lead, try to roam to other lanes because you have to end fast vs him.”
Tranex says “Do NOT let him get stacks, you let him free-farm, you loose your game
try to bully him as much as you can and call you jungler, you must win game before jhe get stacks”
Stiwy says “You can bully him hard for the first minutes and even more harder when you get your ult.
If you play aggressive enough you can prevent him from getting stacks on his Q.
He scales well but with healing reduction and by ulting him you can still fight him (unless he has like 1000 stacks, then it's GG).
Remember that it is better to fight him outside the ring created by his E because it lowers your armor.”
Hypnosa says “his lifesteal prevents you winning the trades after some levels. You don't have much chance later so go all face to him and freeze the corridor if you can. Make your boot choice to counter his W”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Nasus is VERY weak in the beginning of the game. Your ability to set up a snowball against him is what will determine your ability to split push against him in the mid-late game. Here is my general strategy against Nasus, Look to pressure hard level 1 and 2 with an extended trade, always start trades off with an auto attack when he goes up to farm a minion. Get level 2 advantage first. Get the second wave completely into turret before the third wave comes up so that the enemy minion wave can "bounce" towards you (aka push towards you.) Then only last hit at the last possible second while it pushes towards you, this makes it so you hold a freeze against him. Don't let the minion wave get too big or he will press E and hard shove the wave. Try to hit level 4 around the same time as nasus, once you are level 4 as long as you didnt take too much damage holding the position of the wave close to your turret you can look for an allin yourself OR you can set up easy ganks for your jungler. If you want, you can take tiamat to put a bunch of pressure onto nasus and you can choose to either hit nasus's turret for plates or take small auto attack + spin out trades (if you do it perfectly you don't take a turret shot.) Don't use your tiamat on the auto attack + spin out, instead after you spin out walk back in and press tiamat and damage him and walk out before you take turret aggro. Be looking to always set up ganks/dives for your jungler to easily take. In the mid-late game if you effectively shut down Nasus you can maintain pressure on him and/or rotate to flank his team while he tries to get back in the game. If you are behind in the mid-late game against him you need to look to use your superior mobility to make moves around him, but don't directly confront him 1v1 or he will drop D cane on you. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Nasus est basiquement un free match up pour Darius en phase de lane, et il faut en abusé, l'empêcher de farm en pratiquant le freeze pour le forcer à s'exposer, et si il avance trop le punir tout de suite, idéalement arriver à le tuer en début de partie t'aidera à retarder sa prise de puissance. Car même si il ne représente aucune menace pour toi en phase de lane, une fois la game avancée avec du temps il deviendra inarrêtable, il te faut donc profiter de ton avantage en début de partie pour prendre un gros avantage !
Astuce : Les bottes de mercures sont très efficace contre nasus car elle réduise le slow de son Z, et les dégâts magique de son E et de son R, à faire si la game le permet. ”
Dantheman81 says “Nasus is the same as Renekton, however slightly easier. Nasus will most likely stay in lane the whole game until late, providing you with the opportunity to push out other lanes and take team objectives. IF you decide to fight him, make sure you wait until his ultimate goes down and save your wall until he slows you so you can escape.”
ChocoChurro says “If you harass him from minute 2, you'll be able to fuck him up and deny him a whole lot of farm. Just don't let him scale, Lillia is pretty good against Nasus.”
Twiggymocha says “He is extremely easy to lane vs because you just hold in q every time he goes for a minion. He is also very easy to poke.When he slows you, you slow him back.”
Fixst says “Try to keep him small in the Early Game and not to let him farm. Watch your map to avoid being ganked
Not much changes in the Mid Game. Just keep him away from farming.
In the Late Game you should not 1vs1 him. Try to catch and 1vs2 him”
Xplor says “You will have the best chance to kill Nasus and win the lane between levels 1-5 and 11-18. Between level 6 and level 11, as far as I've noticed playing against a dozen of Nasus, his ultimate transformation is stronger than your abilities and he can easily kill you. You will outscale his damage late game although he will farm his Q the whole game. Pre-6 you can also take him down easily. Poke him a lot before you even try.”
Darrkescru says “Toma cuidado tem uns mono nasus ae que consegue ganhar de teemo usa impeto gradual (Pra counterar o W dele) e fica sempre pokeando ao maximo”
Alzeidx says “Try to deny his stacking whenever you can, zone him early,you can deny him by freezing or trading with your W to prevent him from stacking cannons. build up fury and look for all in at level 2, you'll need to sit top most of the game.
Go Conqueror”
iTzToniOP says “Ask to your jungler for some help, you will need it. You can win by hitting lvl 6 before he does, but theres no way you can win a duel later.”
Alzeidx says “It will be hard to kill him early, and he will outscale you later, ask for ganks to get lead, then it will be very easy to wreck him, go top with Ignite and try to kill him on lvl 5 or 6.”
TotallyEclipse says “Rush executioners calling or bramble first item, then all in him every chance you get. + Ignite, you will win as long as you dont stand in his E. You can upgrade into Mortal Reminder/thornmail later to counter him and/or grab Guinsoos/BORK.
ForOrion says “Same as the Croc, Susan will eat you up for breakfast. The only time you can fight is levels 1-3, if you can get ahead by punishing his need for farm you could stop him from getting to big later on. Other than that just don't take this on.”
MarKoXGOD says “Nasus is a good match-up. Since he needs stacks to be useful, your ranged pokes will be an absolute necessity, but if you outfarm him, don't let him get stacks, and maybe even get some early kill(s), you are good to go.”
Flompers says “Hard matchup. Early he´s hard to kill because he has a lot of hp. The longer you wait killing him the harder it gets. He will be under tower a lot. Try to kill him after a lane reset. Personally I hate this matchup.”
Walnut25 says “Try and abuse his early game. He is a massive threat late so try and bully him out of lane so he does not get his stacks. He outscales you late, so try and deny him cs by freezing early.”
ACE4291 says “would be tiny but minor only because his R can hurt and can get you killed.
shut him down early by bulling him.
avoid his aura when he places it on minions,
just dont let this guy farm. pressure him off minions.
if he tries to 1v1 you win early game.
if hes fed AVOID
DirtyDishSoap says “You beat him at every stage and shockingly enough, outscale him. unless he somehow gets a 1000 Q stack, you should probably be worried, but the likelyhood of that happening is close to never. You don't rely on AAing, so wither is just a slow to you, your wall prevents him from going all in, your ability to shred his health with maiden is going to be insane, seriously, he has no chance against you, at any given point.”
AskMeHowToGp says “Very easy to fight him since he needs you to be literaly beside him so he can deal you damage, poking him and not giving him cs eather by pushing or by freezing is a good way to win vs nasus.”
SabinX says “You control him early game so either try to freeze so he can t touch minions and maybe pull out a kill or 2. But don't forget he scales and most probably will stack some armor too, so don't disrespect his late.”
Kingarthur720 says “early game easy and late game impossible. One of the few things i can recommend vs nasus is build a frozen mallet, PD and youmuus to try and outrun him even with his slow. Make sure to get your kills early because late game hell rarely die to anyone.”
VIP Titan says “Ruined King is a must for Nasus too. Try maybe rush executioner as well for the reduce in health.
Don't fight Nasus in his E circle and when he got W try not to fight.
MAX E not Q”
ShaharKarisi says “Nasus early on is very easy to beat, take Legend: Tenacity to counter his slow. In the late game you physically can't win unless both you and your jungler are extremely fed, roam often to mid lane and the Drake to ensure objectives.”
Starci says “You win early since you can bully him when he goes for cs, but after he hits 6 and buys sheen he will most likely defeat you in a 1v1. Try to get as much of an advantage until this happens.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Don't let him stack as he will be a problem for the rest of your team. If he gets 300 stacks you will still beat him with 2 tentacles and your ultimate because he just can't outdamage your healing. Just don't let him stack as he will be an issue for your team and not you.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Always respect the cane. His early game is garbage, sure, but if he ever manages to scale you will do jackshit against him since you are a melee champion who is all or nothing, and he LOVES facing against those in the mid to late game. You will have a relatively easy time until he gets Sheen and 100 stacks, then with his ult he will start winning most fights. Keep the pressure going from very early, the longer you delay his powerspikes, the better, since it will allow you to snowball other lanes and win the game before he becomes a problem. Don't leave him too much on his own however; he can splitpush VERY hard with some stacks and you might find yourself short an inhibitor real fucking soon. Ignite works well since you want to kick him out of lane ASAP. Conqueror is also nice, albeit you might want to consider changing bloodline for tenacity to deal with his slow. Bruiser builds work well against him, and you might want to consider getting BotRK.
J 2 the ROC says “You win trades with him most of the time, but his slow makes your auto attacks weak. Get him to Ult and then play aggressively while its on cooldown.”
Itreallyhim says “Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q.
Reverse rake, Shield and play agressive early, Abuse this dog and stop him from farming. Be careful with his W, It will screw you if their jungler comes.”
Rivenetto says “If u know wave magament this should be easy.If u have jg premade just babysit this guy.After level 6 you cant fight him and he outscales you.Before level 6 hes easy.”
classicnoob says “Smack him and smack him again and again,when he comes for farm,do not let him gain stacks,Deny him from stacks as much as possible try to Bait out his ult by going in extended trades.Get a bit of armour.”
top is high impact XD says “you can't bully him as hard as you want to and he outscales, he can also go frozen heart first item which negates a lot of the dmg from botrk”
HeyItsLeemo says “Nasus isn't very hard to kill in early, just let the lane push itself, if he's dumb he will just rush lane and you can get a first blood easily, but if he's a good Nasus he will play safe, stack his Q and in late will be a walking nightmare to melee champs.”
The Ryann Kingg says “Make sure to punish him in lane before he is able to get stacks. You will able to win the trades early on especially with Ignite, but if he reaches his stacks. you won't be able to damage him, and your regen won't be able to keep up with his damage. ”
DobbieTheElf says “Another bully. Not as hard as Renekton, but still one to be careful of. Early on try and trade with Q -> AA as he is slow and probably can't do much about it, especially if you are running fleet.”
Asoreth says “I simply do not like Nasus as a champion at all, you can destroy him in lane and not let him farm all game, but he can easily comeback, and the outcome could be devastating. You certainly win this matchup, but you could have bad luck against this dog.”
SuperPopo7 says “fight fight fight. Don't be a pussy in this lane. Unless you see the Nasus push so hard for no reason FREEZE NEXT TO YOUR TOWER. that will be the end of Nasus. but most likely he wont push so just fight fight fight you can even dive when done correctly ”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Nasus can be really annoying to deal with once he gets some stacks. He'll wither you and make it hard for you to get away while he mows you down. He also gets fairly tanky, making it a hard matchup. Try to bully him out of cs in the early laning phase, but back off when he reaches level 6.”
ShinyEmo says “Finish the game as fast as possible as he can be a big problem at late game. All in him every time when he tries to farm. Take ignite for maximum kill pressure. Lethal Tempo rune and on-hit core recommended. ”
Oblak says “He can become something very strong if you don't manage to use your kit to stop his Q farming, your E and W are perfect to 1v1 him, so, try to bully him as much as posible”
Death Rusofag says “Escala más que cualquier otro en el juego y se hace imposible de lidiar con él. Juega agresivo, niega experiencia y CS, busca hacerlo regresar o matarle en early game. Heridas graves y ninja tabis serán tus mejores aliados.”
AkenoSenpai says “Nasus is somewhat comperable to Kayle. Also in this case you want to freeze the lane early on and propably skip on early tiamat. try to deny him the farm as much as possible, but be careful of him, a, sheen, a bit of armor and his ult can easly be enough for him to beat you unless u have made a strong lead on him.”
Jays_v says “This Dog is outscale you really hard, If he building Frozen Heart first item, then you kind of useless to him. Call your jungler go top Lv 3 or 4. Take Conqueror and Ignite,dont build Tiamat if you not ahead”
TrollingSmurfGr says “Naturally Nasus is no match for a lane-bully early game, but you have to act fast before he starts building against you. On-Hit builds will favour the lategame for peeling Nasus, but are hopeless at killing him after the first or second back. Going Crit AD will have superior mixed damage that isn't hurt too hard by Wither. Taking AD and Electrocute, plus any lantern ganks you can get, will absolutely destroy Nasus. Lategame, whether you're on-hit or not, your amazing CC will keep Nasus off your team.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is a lane you will always win. This is one of the lanes in which you want to take Press the Attack and play with Ignite instead of Teleport. You can bully him early and kill him easily if he over extends for farm, but even if he doesn't you can deny him from farming and just nullify him for the entire early to mid - game. Late game he will probably be strong anyways (Because he is Nasus), but you do have enough peel and CC to stop him from killing your team in late-game. Post level 6 you want to try and save your Ignite for when he uses his ultimate and starts wacking you with Q's.”
ForgottenProject says “Poke him with Q early
Deny him as much CS as possible
You don’t have to kill him, just deny him CS by freezing the wave and fighting him if he tries to walk up
Waste his R by parrying his W (wither) and baiting it
If you can’t parry wither, then parry one of his Qs and dash away, and then fight him later when you have R and he doesn’t
Keep pressure on him Mid to Late game constantly, and don’t let him free stack, even for a few minutes”
Gunford says “Nasus can do much nothin early on vs you. Just poke him with AutoAttacks and buy Executioners Calling and you are fine against him. Buy Merc Threats because of his slow. Poke him under Tower with your Q constantly but save your mana too get away vs ganks.”
Speez says “For some reason i never win into him, sure i can get 2-3 kills on him early but then after he gets ult you never win if he has sheen or tabis just annoying at most, ROAM”
SirVermillion says “His new buffs makes Nasus ridiculously annoying, slowing you down with his wither, and chunking half your health with his Q. You only have a pre level 6 window to show dominance in this lane and sneak a kill or two but after level 6, I suggest playing it safe. ”
Braddik says “Rush executioners calling first item, then all in him every chance you get. + Ignite, you will win as long as you dont stand in his E. You can upgrade into Mortal Reminder later to counter him and/or grab Guinsoos/BORK.”
AGKH says “Easy then hard matchup
Push in and trade first 2 waves into tower
Let the wave bounce back and freeze
Potential all-in at lvl 4 with high hp + fury
DO NOT directly confront him late game
Lethal Runes”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Nasus can and will be very strong late game which means you have to abuse his bad early game and save oranges for his wither (W).”
enderare says “Easy pre second back but once he gets about 100 stacks and some levels he just withers you and ults and nothing can really be done if hes not a tard. ”
Pedrokis says “Uma das matchups mais fáceis pro Aatrox, se não a mais fácil de todas. / Só não deixar ele stackar, bota muita pressão nele que 99,9% das trocas são suas (mesma dica do Yorick). / Se ele ficar grande no late game pode ser um problema, mas com você e algum champion de alto dano por segundo ele é "praticamente" burstado.”
Daedralus says “Extremely easy matchup as you can instantly get back all the HP you lost to him easily. His W is your only problem as attack speed and movement speed can be useful at times, but with the usage of your Q and ult, you have gap closing capabilities as well as sustain potential within this state.”
Askio says “If he gets to late game he is done, but early game Naut can freeze lane and cc him to death. Set up a lot of ganks and teach Susan that no, not every dog has its day. ”
EnchantedCat says “I didn't want to put this in 'Extreme' since you can counterplay Nasus, however, this requires good kiting, phase rush, and a team with CC. And a jungler.
This matchup is hard for the reason that he can free stack since your damage is a tickle to him early game and depending on his item build, probably mid/late game too. Not only can he free stack but he can slow both you and your attack speed with his W, lower your already low as heck armor with E and just run you down with his 250 stacks he probably has since you require a jungler to slightly punish him since he sustains everything you throw at him. Matchup is really hard but isn't completely unwinnable since you can QSS his slow/use phase rush if you want to kite him out since that's Nasus's weakness and your R blocks most of his damage, if your team has a ton of CC that's even better.”
TheRevenantsHand says “The smallest of threats early game, this guy is going to be a pain late game. Bully him as much as you can in lane, and NEVER ULT before he does as you'll get the upgraded stats.”
biurifull says “[BR] Só não vá para cima dele, ele nem te mata, nem você mata ele. Espera um gank e tente farmar o máximo possível e priorize seu TP para TF (team fight).
[EN] Just don't go after him, he won't kill you, nor will you kill him. Wait for a gank and try to farm as much as possible and prioritize your TP to TF (team fight).”
ozmankaan says “DONT LET HIM FARM FREELY, enough said, you let him farm you dont only lose lane bt match too, at start he is squishy, poke him stay close to your minions to keep on 'AA' him, dont let him 'Q' on a minion with low health, disdain him whenever he try to do this, after disdaining apply purge, it will give him huge decrease in health, his heal is good he will get his full health within few seconds so beware. dont let him kill minions bt your CS should be higher get your Black cleaver ASAP, take lead and keep on destroying him, you can kill him he is not a prob for you just not let him get his 'Q' out of control. 'imp' jung mostly help nasus players so beware of jung attacks.”
JPlayah16 says “Unless he plays very aggressively, Nasus won't do much to hinder you early on, but his ability to grow in power will force you to be very selective about when you leave lane to gank. It's the threat to your tower and team that hinders you more than anything. Once he gets a lead on you, you won't be able to engage him solo for the rest of the game. Focus on other targets and only fight him with your team.”
Split King says “If you don't get some kind of early advantage he can just use ultimate and spam wither on you to end you. But you do have the upper hand pre 6, so stop his farm and zone him as much as possible. You can use blind before he tries to get a stack so he won't get it. ”
BeautifulWinter says “He out scales you and can do a lot of damage however in laning and in mid game you should be able to bully him. Respect early levels and wait for 6 before playing aggressive.”
feederfromelohell says “If you don't stop him early he will outscale very hard. Be careful not to feed him too much. You want to focus on denying his stacks instead of focusing the turret in laning phase.”
Big Belly Bop says “Another one of Senna's tough match ups. It looks easy since you're able to abuse him early game but once he gets some CDR and level 6, you're DONE. Deny him CS, poke, freeze your wave, and ask your jungler to keep coming. If he W's you, just E out and W him for the root. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Gotta Blast! rune page.”
ExfIamed says “As easy as your mom on a Sunday morning, you HAVE to constantly trade with him from level 1 to 6 and I mean q'ing him thousands of times before your even level 2, thats how easy he is. And you can kill him over and over and over again, but watchout for ganks cause if you die he gets stacks and basically when you come back his Q at that point probably does half your hp.”
9690 says “This lane is easy just make sure to punish Nasus early when he goes for CS. Also snowball the lane post 6 with R. If Nasus gets ahead this lane becomes a nightmare, like all Nasus lanes. Don't let it happen and it won't be a problem. Play aggressively.”
ENX Kai says “Who let the dog out? Punish him when he try to last hitting CS. Don't let him farm. Freeze your lane. He can be a problem late game as he can push towers real quick.”
LoganGarnett says “Stacks vs. Stacks. Early on you bully him hard out of his VS and Stacks. E slows you - you slow and Root him. Make sure to buy Executioner's to maintain your advantage. ”
LuxIsMyCrush says “12 stacks tho, you can blind his Q, but he will most likely susrive enough to do more 3 Q and slow you more than your shrooms with augument and rylai would slow him. Before 100 stacks is not hard tho, after that he can most likely kill you, after 150-200 stacks is almost certain he will win any 1v1 (with you at least)”
Defensivity1 says “Whilst nasus seems like a really easy matchup or lane to be up against he can stack his q off of your ghouls and having him permanently shoved under his tower can be a huge mistake as it allows him to safe farm, whatever you do if it gets to lategame or midgame nasus will be a threath when he hits 300 stacks or more depending on the lead you have it depends really, but never random engage a 300 stack nasus if ur not atleast 10 kills above him.”
Teemuska says “This matchup is pretty easy untill Nasus gets over 100 stacks. Then he should have some points on W aswell so he can catch up to you pretty well. However Phase Rush should help you enough so he can't kill you.”
Quezel says “Nasus is quite easy as he has no early game and you can thoroughly abuse him until he gets sheen ult and over 100 stacks then you need to start respecting him. Look to set up a freeze on him and poke with q or use your e to deny him last hits get seekers tabi bramble in order to guarantee you win 1v1 as you will need them later to make sure he doesn't kill you.”
SNOBOY says “This just sucks. You have very little kill potential against him because he heals up so much and you kind of just slow poke him. You can't combo him because he usually get pretty tanky, and has his ult. Just hope for lots of ganks.”
mightydylan101 says “You have to zone nasus or at least be a threat in the lane because if you let nasus farm then he will gain stacks and easily be a dominate player in the mid to late game.”
ProgettoYorick says “Winning or losing against nasus depends only on your actions. Letting him farm is a stupid action. Your E + ghouls are really strong against him. At level 6 whoever plays best wins.
Advice from OTP:
I advise you to go aggressive against nasus, without forgetting the farm”
ScythedS says “1.Stoopid champ!!!!!!All he does is play safe early on,get stacks and then run you down while sling you and beats you.You don't have enough damage early on to stop him from farming and he can out sustain all the damage you do to him with his passive.Call for jungler and if he doesn't come hardpush the enemy wave and try roam to mid to snowball other lanes.Also if you think that hardpushing waves under his tower will prevent him from stacking, you are wrong!!!This guy can stack like a boss under tower XDD”
Xelaadryth says “He just outsustains any damage you can deal to him once he gets to around level 6, and his wither ruins your energy ball. The way he lanes also forces you to push. Try to let him push at level 1 and attempt to set up a freeze, forcing him to E to cs. You may have to give up the first few minions and not harass him for awhile though.”
Skarner Main says “Run klepto vs nasus or conqueror and everytime he trying to stack just e him go for 2 autos walk out
Get as much klepto as you can
If he got conqueror and he pops ult on you just run away dont trade him he will outheal your dmg DO NOT DIE vs nasus solo”
AlienMV says “He isn't really threatening to you during 1-6, but you also can't exactly poke him out. Later in the game, his W will ruin your day. Would recommend building tank killer items in advance to prepare for his scaling.”
Lasoor says “[Top] You do more damage than him, have more mobility, and similar if not better sustain. The main thing you lack that he has is natural tank-ability which is handled by your items. You are simply stronger than Nasus in every way when it comes to 1v1ing, team fighting, and split pushing. However if it is an AP Nasus you might have an issue, as AP Nasus can do a lot to you early on without being hit.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Don't let him farm well. If you can deny cs, do it even if you're costing yourself farm. Abuse his lackluster early game and try and bait out his ult.”
yetusek says “Lethal Tempo Runes. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Can also run Grasp Runes and Build with unflinching and tenacity instead of revitalize and alacrity with dorans blade start. Nasus is VERY weak in the beginning of the game. Your ability to set up a snowball against him is what will determine your ability to split push against him in the mid-late game. Here is my general strategy against Nasus, Look to pressure hard level 1 and 2, always start trades off with an auto attack when he goes up to farm a minion. Get level 2 advantage first. Get the second wave completely into turret before the third wave comes up so that the enemy minion wave can "bounce" towards you (aka push towards you.) Then only last hit at the last possible second while it pushes towards you, this makes it so you hold a freeze against him. Don't let the minion wave get too big or he will press E and hard shove the wave. Try to hit level 4 around the same time as nasus, once you are level 4 as long as you didnt take too much damage holding the position of the wave close to your turret you can look for an allin yourself OR you can set up easy ganks for your jungler. If you want, you can take tiamat to put a bunch of pressure onto nasus and you can choose to either hit nasus's turret for plates or take small auto attack + spin out trades (if you do it perfectly you don't take a turret shot.) Don't use your tiamat on the auto attack + spin out, instead after you spin out walk back in and press tiamat and damage him and walk out before you take turret aggro. Be looking to always set up ganks/dives for your jungler to easily take. In the mid-late game if you effectively shut down Nasus you can maintain pressure on him and/or rotate to flank his team while he tries to get back in the game. If you are behind in the mid-late game against him you need to look to use your superior mobility to make moves around him, but don't directly confront him 1v1 or he will drop D cane on you.”
OneMustFall says “In typical Nasus fashion, you won't have trouble with him until post six and he has some items. Once he does though, you'll have to surrender priority to him without serious jungle help. The build will allow you to survive against him at all stages but you won't be able to win trades past a certain point so win as hard as you can early on.”
Kalrex says “You beat him in the early to mid-game. Late, he will be one of your biggest threats as he will put out even more damage and healing than you. End the game before 30 minutes and try not to let him Q any cannons. ”
T_ired says “Nasus é bem chato lategame, garanta seu jogo no early, não o deixe farmar e fique pokando ele, peça ajuda a seu jungler se ele estiver forte, jogue recuado se precisar, sua ultimate pode te ajudar se ele quiser trocar, mas cuidado, o Q dele pode realmente machucar”
Bajnok says “Try to poke as much as you can. You have chance before Nasus reaches level 6. After level 6 look for kills on other lanes, roam a lot, but don't let him to stack a lot. In this situation I recommend TP instead of ignite”
lordfipi says “Just keep hitting him if he gets to close to your minions and dont let him stack. If he tries to get you just use your Q, E or R to keep him away.”
AsomeSonic says “easier in lane than late game...., you can kill him 5 times in lane but if game goes for 25+ mins he will 1v1 you, peel him off or ult him in teamfights, just stand between him and your carries, q is good here”
JohnRaged24 says “In a lane against Nasus take the "Healing" Rune Page and try to force him away from the minions. try to trade Qs when one of your minions die (so he can't stack it) and try to keep the Grasp active.
Go for deep wards because if you force him away from the minions you are very gankable. Always max Q for the trades”
Polkadog says “Nasus is like you, at least his Q is. If he slows you down or just wants to get you, use your W and you should be safe. Just don't push too much since he can do a really good switch-a-roo of who's dealing the damage. But if you get him into your W and his R is on cd, go all in!
W, R, E, Q = kill. This is the very famous WREQ ("wreck") tactic :D
This should force him to back off, but don't engage if you're missing too much health.”
Chromuro says “A lot of people say that nasus is the natural counter to illaoi because he can farm your tentacles, but I don't agree: his early damage is miserable and if he's not careful, he goes OOM with nothing. Deny his farm as much as you can, shove the wave under tower so he can't farm effectively. He can farm your tentacles? You spawn one every ~15 seconds, it's not stack efficient and you only need your Q for him.”
superbardock says “This guy, in my humble opinion, is the undisputed god-child of top lane. Every top guide should list him as a threat - EVEN if it it's a Nasus build. This fucker is dangerous. I would have listed him as a 5 but in my game testing I have managed to beat him if I remain crafty enough. Plus you can still usually sweep the turret from under him even while eventually your turrets just become Stack-snax for his Q. ”
blunderr says “Nasus can run you down, just try poking him as much as possible and if he does catch you in his combo use your shroom to slow him down and your W to escape from him. ”
Essela says “One of the hardest matchups.His W literary crushes you if u dont win this lane hard he will outscale you and can easily kill you in 1v1 trades.So you have to look for early kills against nasus”
Weakling says “Although you can beat him in the laning phase and bully him a lot, no matter how hard you get fed in the late game even with 200 stacks he can get you down with 4 of his Q's”
EpicDan01 says “One of the few lanes where Mundo can be the bully. If he runs Conqueror he can kill you, but you have good enough peel with your Cleavers that you can deny him the kill if he manages to win trades. At level 6 he can beat you but not after Sunfire.”
Rhinoface says “You smash him in lane. Only tip (helps in lane too), mostly for late game is to ult him after he ults. You steal his extra health / armor / mr”
HKRV says “Don't let D CANE stack. He may freeze the wave and just stack then ults on you with a Sheen+150 stack and ankle broking W leaves you to no escape. Abuse the early game a lot. Poke as much you can, if he farms up you are deleted. ”
Poppu says “Nasus will outscale you over the course of the game. When I'm up against Nasus, I harrass all the time and stop him from getting CS and stacks. Freezing waves and denying him cs slows down his progress. If you get to late game, better hope your ADC is good. ”
Aizo says “Nasus is going to scale to lategame pretty uncontested because of maokai's limited ability to reliably push nasus off the wave and get stacks. All you can really do is peel him from your team and don't gift him free +12's on killing you”
SoulHero says “Legit just win with lvl 1 flip trade, poke him, get dorans and second wind BECAUSE, he will just throw e's at you and u can heal back(trust me) if he all in's you, you flip and kite out of his e and kill him. HIS W SLOW DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR W ATK SPD. Just freeze lane and win. GET EXECUTIONERS.”
Katokirinku says “Its 50/50 .
Because you can farm from klepto pretty easy and do some damage .
But if you roam you will give nasus a big advantage . So that TP ! ”
DivineShadows says “Directly counters you through Wither and scales just as well if not better than you can, although it's rather odd, phase rush is good against him once you proc it.”
DrNaara says “A fellow raidboss! Keep him small, try to zone him off from cannons especially! Early game, ask for a gank, get a small lead for yourself and freeze the lane so he can't approach and get stacks, when he comes near, punish him hard, he will likely be trying to just Q a minion.”
ViperManEU says “(TOP) When u are againts nasus u want to dont let him stack.. but its hard to not let him stack... just poke him and try to kill him when u are lvl 3 - 8.. so he dont get stacks..”
empoleonz0 says “I used to get hella stressed over this guy but recently I've found that as long as your rush Executioner's and all in him every time you have your ghouls up he can't do anything against you. He does outscale you eventually though so watch out for when that happens and avoid dying to him in a 1v1”
homxr says “Shouldn't be a hard lane, rush Bramble Vest, and do your best to deny him farm. Last hit your minions, and engage on him when he goes in for a stack. Don't push the wave.”
Lynboe says “Nasus ne peut rien faire si vous décidez de freeze la vague de creeps a moins de maxer son E, ce qui le rendra très faible pour la suite de la game.
S'il s’avance, il mourra à cause de vos combos et de votre Conqueror.
Vous pourrez le punir à chaque fois qu’il essaiera de récupérer un cs.
Mais attention, une fois niveau 6 et avec une Brillance ce chien peut vous surprendre même si vous avez un niveau d’avance, il reste dangereux, jouez autours de ça et il ne pourra pas gagner la lane.
Dans ce match-up le Phase Rush peut être intéressant car il permet de rendre son W presque inutile et de le rattraper en cas de fuite, les bottes de mercures sont également un choix envisageable pour réduire la durée du spell mais, afin de choisir il faudra faire attention à la composition de son équipe.”
Jnewbringspain says “Like most Nasus matchups, it's easy early on, and hard later on. Try to harass him early and stop him from stacking Q. Pick your fights more carefully as time progresses. Eventually you won't be able to 1v1 him, so try to delay the inevitable.”
messketchup says “Start with corrupting potion and W. 99% of nasus players start with Q at lvl 1. Your job here is simple, cheese lvl 1 and deny nasus any farm. When u get lvl 2 all in. As summoners take Flash ghost and as mastery phase rush with nullifying orb.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Bully him for every CS he tries to stack. Never leave him alone in lane, because of the amount of stacks he gets from jungle monsters, cannon minions, epic monsters. If the game drags for a really long time, Nasus will outscale you. Try to close out the game early.”
SteamingBullet says “You will be able to deny him plenty of stacks with harass, and his wither is countered by your slow. If he gets his stacks up or gets good enough ganks, you may be in trouble.”
Devitt45 says “You can stomp him early game, so try to stop him from getting stacks and try to put him out of the game entirely. If he does get stacks, farm hard until you have you 2nd Infinity Edge, then try to kill him if he has a lot of damage. If he ults any time in lane or out, run away from him.”
Zestysquid says “He will outscale you. As always with a Nasus killing him early is critical. As for a gank if you need to. I like to let him use his wither, Q into boxes, and come out of invisibility by using E or something to pretend like you're vulnerable.”
Jnewbringspain says “No different from any other matchup Nasus has. He loses early if you play it correctly, but will overwhelm you as he gains cooldown and stacks. Try to slow him down early and let your jungler know when you can't handle him anymore.”
Prince Afghan says “Nasus won't cause you much problems. He has no escape for your W and trapping him is easy because he has no movement steroids or abilities. After level 6 he becomes much harder but you can force out his ult and re-engage once its done.”
M2 Jizu says “Nasus no te hará nada en early, cada vez que quiera farmear atraviesa tu Q (Trata de dejar la Q en posición para atravesarla cada vez que el quiera farmear, es una mecánica un poquito avanzada pero con el tiempo la vas a aprender)
La linea está free para ti, no le pushees, freezea la linea siempre, nunca le metas los minions bajo torre, asi no podra farmear nada, ya que cada vez que quiera farmear lo vas a castigar :)”
Bombabo says “You should do your best to make sure that nasus never gets to touch his minions in the early laning phase. You have all of the tools you need to keep him at low health and prevent him from farming. At level 6, you can fight him as long as you fave your ult, and will likely need assistance after that unless you are snowballing”
AmnesiaT says “Dont let him stack. Always poke him with your Q.
If you play a few match against nasus you'll understand why im saying this.
He will be so useless without stacks... :D”
weedskyze says “You should destroy him in early game. Win 1v1 at 6 with ults. In late he can't chase you nor kill you in a 1v1 but care if he ults ( don't stay in melee).”
mahlightning says “Unfortunately you can't let him farm. You need to keep him off the farm at the beginning of the game. Luckily you beat him in lane early just ward for his jungle and play aggressively.”
RainbowNova says “Nasus can be very annoying. He can tank most of your damage early, because of his lifesteal passive and Q stacks. Once he hits 3 he will try to all-in you, so be careful as you're not that tanky in the early game. Try to rush thornmail so his Q's will do a bit less damage and he'll heal less. ”
Lil Tidepod says “New Nasus with his 12 stacks for Q is a big screw you from Riot Games to almost every top laner that has to play against him. While he is relatively easy to outplay, if you let him farm up his Q for free in laning phase he will deal so much damage and be so tanky that he will make your life absolutely miserable. I recommend calling for the jungler early and getting one or two kills on him before ten minutes. It will really slow his roll, and hopefully give your team enough time to get enough kills to effectively deal with this behemoth. Beware, though: if your game goes past 30-35 minutes, Nasus is likely to be an almost unkillable powerhouse.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “The thing you need to do against a Nasus is pressure him really hard so that he cant stack with his Q. Be careful if he starts to freeze though because he'll have it easier if that happens.”
zygiux says “You can easy kill him untill lvl 6, after that he mostly have armor so you won't do alot of dmg to him and he will kill you easly with his stacked Q so in early levels try to not let him farm.”
Dr.Chrishock says “POKE Q EARLY
you can win him pretty easy but you will push towers and he wil have more oportunities to farm under his second or third tower so take care vs him and try to ward enemy jg so you cant get camped
he will prob buy frozen hard first bcz it counters you really bad ”
SplashEUW says “It's pretty hard to keep pressuring him. He's just gonna farm and get his stacks, mid game he's going to be OP. Try your best to bully him in lane and the only good thing is that most Nasus players stay in lane the whole game, so you can roam and gank lanes that are in trouble.
LighterDay says “With Morde ult, you take Nasus' core stats from him. This makes his abilities and damage weaker, so it's easier to fight him. Harass him with your E and Q if Nasus tries to stack.”
Killerbarrett says “As much as he can kite he's only good close range which you are almost completely better than him at. Hit your E and once you've got essence reaver you'll be shredding through him like nothing.”
ImpossibleLogic says “Nasus. If you know how to manipulate wave and not just constantly push it into his tower is free elo as you can poke him from range and if you don't allow him to stack you can all in him whenever you want and win.”
Puppeteer_TH says “If Nasus get fed, Shields in this build will be break easily since Nasus stacks on Siphoning Strikes (Q) is absolutely pure damage!”
Hunterlogic says “Only reason for placing him even is if you mess up early game some how, you need to abuse him early and freeze the lane near your turret to prevent him from getting stacks. If you do this you will easily win against him, failure to do so and you will have a hard time but it is still possible.”
GrGamingTeo says “Nasus is hands down one of the worst early game champs in the entire game. You need to take full advantage of that by q spaming in and out of the brush making sure to never push Nasus under tower, You need to freeaze against Nasus to deny him to farm ro else he will stack his q and dominate you. ”
GrGamingTeo says “Easy early, kill him early, punish his mistakes of trying to farm and find to early finish the game because he will YEET on everybody with his goddamn stacks. But seriously, Nasus really hurts in late game.”
DrMoneybags says “The dog is pretty easy to kill early on so long as you don't let him free-farm safely on his side of the lane. I would honestly suggest maybe holding off on building tiamat right away so that he can't just afk farm under his tower. Taking conqueror is a MUST most of the time since most Nasus players rush Frozen Heart first item. His wither is on a long cooldown early, so try to bait it out before you all-in. However, getting withered when his jungler is nearby is a death-sentence, so be sure to ward.”
Arcthunder says “It's weird how Runes Reforged creates even more powerful champs. He now deals a decent amount of damage early, which sucks for you. Before, you could trade easily and expect no counterplay. Now it's a bit more difficult. Still harass him, but be wary about an all in.”
Tiensama says “Its even since you both start off very weak. But when he w you you cant really escape and he slows your atk spd. He can ult on you and you have no choice but to fight him.”
Big Boy Matty D says “His wither is really good against you, try to bait and fall back, re-engaging when it wears off. You have to kill him or deny his farm in lane otherwise he'll be the unstoppable one.”
Qubert64 says “Bully him in lane. Try not to go in without a jg when he has ult. If you can bait it out and taunt away then you win the next fight. Thornmail ruins his day.”
Twitchtv Quash says “You are not going to stop him from farming and at a certain point no matter how well you play you go bye bye. Only way to beat is to kite him away in teamfights or just play teamfights better than him. ”
MLGHARDSCOPEFTW says “General Note: I don't have entire weeks of experience on Singed. This list is just personal preference and how I see the matchup. This will be further worked upon in the future.”
The_CuItivator says “I don't actually like to face this champ after that Q buff. Late game will eat you up. And even in mid game he can beat the living hell out of you. Take help from jg. Don't let him stack. You don't want to face a 450 stack Nasus in 20 mins.”
OnionMilkshake says “Nasus if you know how to manipulate wave and not just constantly push it into his tower is free elo as you can poke him from range and if you don't allow him to stack you can all in him whenever you want and win
(Recommended: Conq)”
Shderen says “HOW'S HE GONNA GET STACKS IF HE'S SILENCED? Nah for real, don't sleep on him - AP Nasus' Spirit Fire WILL pop you if you're not careful, but treat him as a generic mage, except now he just has to be melee. Fear his Wither, though. Nimbus Cloak and Phase Rush + Approach Velocity will let him run up on you so quick. You gotta nail every Starcall just to make it out alive, MAYBE. Threat level bumped up.”
Jomppe says “ [Top] You do more damage than him, have more mobility, and similar if not better sustain. The main thing you lack that he has is natural tank-ability which is handled by your items. You are simply stronger than Nasus in every way when it comes to 1v1ing, team fighting, and split pushing. However if it is an AP Nasus you might have an issue, as AP Nasus can do a lot to you early on without being hit.”
MrFakeHero1 says “A lot of people will argue that Nasus is easy to play against as a Teemo, that is false. Any Nasus that takes ghost will 100% destroy Teemo in lane. Wither is too strong of an ability. *This is the champion I 100% of the time ban when playing top.”
Jettboy says “You and him just farm in lane, sometimes you E him but he heals it with his passive. Both of you get OP late game. He can 2-shot you late game and slow you for eternity, but if you kite well and with some help of your teammates you can kill him pretty easily.”
Khazem says “The classic scaling top laner. Very abusable early on but will outscale and become impossible to match for Rumble later on in the game. Look to build a big enough lead early so you can win the game before he gets too strong.”
Ethereal Ezio says “Be aggressive and don't let him stack, call for some ganks or kill him yourself once your health is higher then his in lane by a decent margin.”
Maverickov says “Good amount of mixed damage from Nasus. However, you outdamage him levels 1-3. After that you control the wave and zone him off. Level 6 he outdamages you and his slow negates your kite, however at level 9 with items you should win every 1v1.”
LosAngeloser says “Go critplank, this build does not work against him, because he will outscale you and smash you up regardless of what you build. In fact, if you see nasus picked, don't pick GP at all, pick pantheon and kill him early.”
GalathBoiz says “U cant really do anything against him, he will just farm up, ignore all of ur trade with his passive. Try to ask for gank early,poke him whenever he goes for minions, save ur E for his W. U win pre-6”
Tokor says “C'est quasi impossible de gagner ce matchup tout seul. Il scale plus vite que vous et son slow vous empêche littéralement de jouer. Demander des ganks en early si vous pouvez et essayez de le poke un maximum. ”
Evil Lightning says “So the thing with pimp doggy is he's weak early on, so it's likely he wont kill you much in the first 15 minutes. Just try to make as much "mistakes as possible”
The Lost Drawing says “Facil en 'early'. En late si te armas bien no sera un problema. Y en TF si no se arma al menos una 'Gloria Justiciera' no TF es media malita.
Juega agresivo y cuídate de su 'jg', ya que el 'slow' que mete es brutal facilitando los 'ganks' (solo Garen se lo quita facil con su 'Q'). Compra una 'Cuchilla' o un 'Verdugo' si te sientes con suerte”
ElleryTheViking says “This lane is incredibly easy. Pre 6 this lane is yours. Level 1 you should be able to take first blood or at least his flash. Wave management is important here cause if you mindlessly push under tower, he will stack and you will not get those free early kills. Post 6 if he's pushed up just ult, ghost and spam q and you will kill.”
LonerFKS says “He is week in the first 10 minutes and when he reaches level 6 he will try to push you out of lane or kill you with the help of his jungler.”
K0FT3 says “If you are able to kill him early you will think you are the king but when he comes with first tanky item and sits under tower you won't be able to win any trades because of his endless slow. Always ban this.”
kingkang2 says “Get an Executioner's Calling, pressure him early. As long as you have a lead on Nasus, he can't do much to you. He might mess you up late game, but don't let it get there.”
God Slayer Akali says “EXTREME WARNING: Do NOT let him farm, you have to be hyper aggressive to not have him get stacks.
The more stacks, the harder the lane is.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade and go Conqueror + Unflinching. Probably Darius' easiest match-up. All you have to do is freeze on him and punish/all-in him whenever he dares to come close. Never let him CS and always freeze the wave on him. Free matchup. There is legit nothing he can do, aside from trying to farm with his E I guess. ”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Potentially out-scales, Built in sustain, Wither. Weaknesses: Weak and punishable early, Low mobility, can't 1v1 early. Gain an early lead on this guy and try your hardest not to let him get Q stacks. He is an infinite scaler so he has the potential to out-scale you late game which is the worst possible outcome for you as a Fiora player. Once the lane begins look to stop him from getting stacks early on as his damage isn't that high. Just be mindful of the size of the minion waves as any type of damage you deal to him other than your W will trigger minion aggro. Minions deal a surprising amount of damage to champs early on and can catch many people off guard who aren't used to trading effectively. Whenever you try to trade with him, use your Riposte to block one of his Q’s optimally when he already used wither on you and he’s committing to an All-in. Do NOT buy a Tiamat in this matchup as the last thing you want to do is shove a nasus under his tower early. This just gives him free CS and Stacks and you can’t reliably tower dive him yet because of how crippling wither is when you don’t have boots. Even Q poking in and out of tower range becomes risky if you don’t time tower shots well enough or if the Nasus is quick to react to your poke.”
Miracle Matter says “Fairly easy, as long as you respect his Ulti all-in kill potential.
Note that his wither lasts 5 seconds, and your E+Rewind+E lasts 2.5+2.5 = 5 seconds. Simply slow him, rewind instantly, then wait to chain the 2nd slow any time he tries withering you. That'll keep this doggy on a leash.
Don't let him catch you with wither while your slow/stun are on cooldown, or he can maul you quickly with his Ult's Q resets. As long as you keep him at a distance, you'll beat him fairly easily. (You even out-scale him.)”
Suthafru says “Nasus - Nasus' early game relies on farming, you can abuse this, with enough poke and zoning, you can force nasus to miss a majority of his cs, or be forced to take a chunk of his health in exchange.
playing against nasus as jhin is almost like training a pet, if he tries to q a minion, punish him, teaching him it is wrong.”
xafemode says “You might have an easier early lane and can shred him late, but a nasus that you struggle to kill and farms up will have a considerably greater impact mid game than you, especially if you cant keep him off your carries.”
Daniloooo says “Shut him down early dont let him cs and run ignite play super agro and watch for ganks. After Nasus gets a couple of items and 6 he can run you down super ezy and his slow gives you cancer. Take phase rush and buy swiftys so he wont be able to run you down. W gives you MS too so use it. ”
drunken hunter says “Nasus has a weak early game and a very powerful late game. Try to do the lvl 2/3 engage and dont let him farm! Against Nasus get the black cleaver, the ninja tabis and much lethality/life steal. Else he will stack you like a minion...”
kkiskk says “Always get cleanse, if you don't, you're trolling. Build executioner's call as first item. It gives you descent AD and a powerful passive. Done the above 2 things, enjoy bullying him the whole game. ”
Pancaku says “You are more than likely 100% going to lose the game after dying once as Nasus becomes too tanky and have ridiculous damage thanks to Riot's Q buff. *Recommed Perma-banning in Platinum+ if you plan on taking Katarina top*”
Sion says “Can be a major threat if you reach 30+ mins. But b4 that you can destroy him in lane. Just don't get too cocky as his jungle assistance is powerful with a targeted OP slow.
Anyways, just spam him in lane, shove him under turret and go for a Q that covers any minion he tries to stack on.”
TSA_Exotic says “It doesn't matter how much you harass him out of lane, by the time you get towards the late game he will have his Q stacks and a leveled up W he can continuously throw on to you to keep you in his auto distance.”
TheNecromancerr says “You are much stronger early game. Deny him farm as much as you can. Later he will beat your ass no matter what, but try to stomp him early since you are stronger and don't fight him in his E - NEVER. Also you can easy make him to waste his ult.”
BeastKing says “The only thing that makes him a minor matchup and not a tiny is that he gets stacks from your tentacles. Place tenticles everywhere you can. Don't let him farm.”
Moccamasterpro says “Beat him in the early game or you get a problem. also don't leave him alone in a lane if you don't wanna end up as a caster minion.”
Proxxecube says “The only reason Nasus has such a high rating is because you have to babysit him or he will begin to scale, regardless of how many kills you have. Early game you have a significant advantage, so just try to deny him as many stacks as you can. Call your jungler repeatedly to tilt him and keep him from stacking. Only roam when he is dead or himself roaming.”
VdeathSpartan says “Keep in lane and try and position your wave so they're dying under your tower. Poke aggressively and make sure he isn't left alone.”
S4TAN ES MI DI0S says “You'll never win a trade against him after 10 minutes of the game so try to kill him as fast as you can and don't let him farm.”
Cro The Maestro says “like maokai but unlike mao he scales too well, keep control on the lane, sit in front of the wave poking with q and farm, dont ever take ignite unless it's nasus jungle”
Cstrange says “Assuming you got the boots of swiftness your slow is as good as his, so kiting is no problem at all. Even without the boots you should be fine. Just punch the guy to your hearts content not letting him get any stacks.”
polarehare says “This guy and Renekton are just huge pieces of doo doo. when slowed try to cc the sh*t off of him and trust me, out trading this guy is the last thing you'll do, let alone escaping him.”
Bakiraka says “This guy scales even harder than you, so beat on him while you can. Go sheen early and poke (don't trade if you don't have to) to whittle him down and stop him from free farming. Later on, don't pick fights with him in side lanes and kite him in teamfights.”
Tvoi_clop says “Лёгкое противостояние. Не запушивайте линию под его башню, чтобы он не мог стакать свою Q. По возможности, после того как он подходит к миньону, дайте ему Q или автоатаку.”
Trixelkour says “Take Grasp and poke him out of lane, deny as much stacks from him as possible. Get Tabi into Adaptive Helm to minimize damage you take. DO NOT DRAG ON THE GAME, the more stacks the more dangerous. Peel him away from your ADC to win the teamfights. Threat level varies on how good the player is, and with the new buffs, good luck living through late game.”
heyitsRainex says “A good Nasus player would freeze the wave all the way to his tower and stack until mid game. This would result in you overpushing and get ganked multiple times.
Best tip would be to wear him down in the early game by poking, denying his farm, and have your jungler gank him multiple times.”
E61K says “For a while Nasus actually used to be a really strong toplaner with his recent changes. That doesn't change the fact that you can push him around early how you want. Abuse him pre-6 and be careful post-6 since his Q CD will be ridiculously low. How big his power spike at level 6 will be depends on how well you managed to zone him off farm pre-6. Knowing wave management in this matchup is essential. Lane snowballs heavy from both sides. Care for his Wither because it guts your attack speed, Q CD and movement speed, which in return will make your dashes super slow. Pre-Conqueror he used to be much harder to deal with because Yasuo didn't deal any damage. Now he is easily beatable.”
undeadsoldiers says “Nasus - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Tiamat, Boots (into Mercs if he's ahead), Phage
- All in lvl 1-2 (passive stacked)
- Play aggressive in lane
- Aim for lots of trades with passive stacked
- Zone him off minions (to deny his Q stacks)
- Bait his ult by faking all ins and Qing out to low hp minions
- Freeze or farm under tower if behind (also preventing his Q stacks)
- Avoid 1v1 Nasus after lvl 11
- Ult cooldown: 120
BreadyToCrumble says “How do you beat the dog? The answer is in the laning phase. Your early game is very strong. What I do is put a couple of points into W in the beginning. Poke him down as frequently as you can and then go in for the all-in. After a few W points, start max-ing Q. Sheen first back. Only try to trade once his R is down. Take PtA, Ignite and Cut Down, it'll really help you. Once he slows you, E out of his range - it might be a good idea to take the Tenacity rune so you don't have to buy Merc Treads. Overall if you survive the laning phase you survive the game. Shouldn't be too hard.”
Omega best says “Nasus is a skilled matchup, you must attack him early game and stop him from getting any minions, call for ganks, build armor and attack him early you will win, but if you dont play safe while hes lvl 6 he will destroy you so be very careful and dont let him farm at all cost ”
TehGuides says “Start dorans blade.Pretty easy matchup.Poke him when he is going to farm and never let him stack or else is gg.I prefer black cleaver for the armor”
LuxIsMyCrush says “his damage is bascially null until he get a Sheen, and probably will be looking to use his mana farming, be sure to bully him as much as possible early game, so he will not become a sick tilter to soon”
Zachlikespizza says “Nasus doesn't do too well into Aatrox but in being the 1v1 king he is it'll be a challenge to duel him. Try to keep lining up your q's to harass him in lane and save your w and a charge of your e for if he withers you; this will be your only escape. The only thing you really have going for you is your passive which will blow through his hp even if he ults. Above all make sure you don't feed him, it's better to go 0/0/0 and let him get farm than dying to him trying to prevent him from farming and then have him get the farm anyways.”
ninja8135 says “If the game gets late, he becomes more of a problem, but his early game is bad and yours is awesome. Abuse this as much as possible but do mind his whither. Its an odd choice but you may find clense or QSS to be useful in this matchup.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “No matter how much you punish him in the early game. Nasus has one of the scariest Mid-game powerspikes of the game. He will most likely Rush as much armor as he can on the early game. while rushing Trinity. He's not easy to kill in late eighter because of his W, and also because he endlessly stacks. You gotta play agressive in the early, but careful once he gets back the first time. You gotta Rush Merc Treads because of his W and Excecutioner's if you want to kill him”
iam colorblind says “Even if you have a huge CS-Advantage
he will clap u after he got Sheen or Trinity!
Set ur focus on Roams, but always push the wave in and deff ur Turret.”
HunterFreddy says “You'll have to be experienced with Singed. But if you try to harass him with your poison in the start of the game and wait till you have 3 items, you can easily outrun him and his slow, especially with boots of swiftness.”
Rading says “Easy in early as he has to step into your traps to kill you. If you are a good shaco player you will have a good time top in the early and mid game. He will destroy you in a 1v1 later when he builds MR so try to switch with your botlane.”
Coelinha says “Farm ele até os 25 min//Seja Farmado depois dos 25 min//Tente Freezar para evitar o farm dele//Se tu estiver forte,stack os minions e dive ele//”
FlakNShrapnel says “You could be braindead and still win this matchup, he can't do anything to you until level 6. After 6 be careful, but you can still win.”
TheSuporter says “He can't kill you but his wither will make it hard to kill him too. Poke him out of lane and try to kill him if you can, keep him from getting stacks.”
joelblack says “Good boi vs Dusty boi. Good boi wins. Your main priority is to abuse the shit out of this sandy dog so that he doesn't get Q stacks. AS early is recommended so your W can do all the work. Ignite if you really wanna turn this sand boi into glass. If he's a dumb boi aswell, you can kill before 6, but once you hit six, poke him down and all in on this bad boi. ”
OrangeBeard says “If you let him free farm he will kill you over and over, if you keep him off minions you can fight him as long as you have any sort of advantage”
DERPFISHrejects says “He's still gonna stack, but you can completely deny him his win condition with your incredible dueling power and range advantage on him. Keep him from stacking safely, try to freeze the lane on him if you can, and the doggo will never see late game.”
Dacnomaniak says “Nasus is a very easy lane. Play aggressive so he cant get his stacks and avoid getting to late game. Nobody likes a stacked up Susan.”
galvapheonix says “ Nasus is the same as Renekton, however slightly easier. Nasus will most likely stay in lane the whole game until late, providing you with the opportunity to push out other lanes and take team objectives. IF you decide to fight him, make sure you wait until his ultimate goes down and save your wall until he slows you so you can escape.”
thedunkening111 says “Food. If he steps up to farm, walk up to him and combo his face. If he gets into lethal, combo him and ignite him. Should die.
Take Conqueror.”
Thoir says “You have to bully him when he doesn't have stacks. Try to freeze under your tower or in the middle of the lane and, if he gets closer to farm, punish him.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 6.5/10
➡️This matchup is very similar to Kayle. The lane is very free but due to the enemy scaling, whether you win or lose depends on how good you are at snowballing the slight lead you get from laning phase. Nasus CAN neutralise you on the side because of his W but if you can threaten the mid game heavy then you will lead your team to success. Nasus is easier than Kayle in terms of skill but he is harder to deal with in the mid/late game. On the other hand, Kayle doesn't deal enough damage to you when you have sustain from hydra+botrk but Nasus can. Dshield is great into Nasus because his E can poke you out.Swifites are OP against nasus. You should be fine against nasus as long as you are not scared of him and are confident in your gameplay.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad trundle vs Bad Trundle ➡️ nasus favoured
Average nasus vs Average Trundle ➡️nasus favoured
Good nasus vs Good Trundle ➡️
50/50 but trundle favoured”
Haxorr says “Nasus is definitely an interesting matchup, and will be harder for those of you that are lower elo and cannot punish him in the laning phase as effectively. This champion is really weak early on, but if you don't punish him then you will lose as the game goes on. The best way to beat Nasus is to kill him as his wave is pushing into you on a bounce by parrying his w. If you parry the w, it's a free kill. If you don't stomp him in lane though, he will eventually outscale you and beat you so care for that. Doran's blade with conq + sorcery good here, can also go PTA.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “He can just be like "No i don't want to get auto attcaked fck you" and Z you so it's hard, besides that the only threat is when he starts so stack a lot of Qs.”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
you cant really stop him from stacking past lvl 3 if you haven't really done anything lvl 1 and he just outscales you very hard after that
you might be able to kill him after form+eclipse only if he has overstayed and haven't completed his item”
Bourne212 says “Don't push the wave and zone him from cs, let it slowly push in then roam when he's under tower. Don't 1v1 him unless you have jungle assistance, his ult makes him tanky and he will run you down with his W.”
CactEyez says “You can bully him early, and he cannot cancel your W, but he outscales hard. Try and bully him early, freeze waves and force his R then disengage. You will not kill him while he has R up. NOTE - Swifties will reduce the attack speed slow as well from nasus W.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Bramble -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
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