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Lee Sin Counter Stats

Lee Sin Counters
Discover all champions who counter Lee Sin. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Lee Sin in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,113 Tips for countering Lee Sin below

In the Jungle
48.71% Win Rate95% Pick Rate Lee Sin In the Jungle Counters: 46 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Lee Sin in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

HIKOL says “He will kick you out of pits, He can gain distance by marking and flying into maiden. ”
Yorick - King of the Jungle by HIKOL | Yorick Player
Bav Bros YT says “He can't 1v1 you but is hard to kill because of his R and W if he use this abilities correctly he can easily escape from you.”
[S15.4] Master Yi Guide by Bav Bros YT | Master Yi Player
cemb says “another early game champ that can take over hope to have a good mid-game over him or get a lead over him somehow”
Ekko JG by cemb | Ekko Player
PesteMKT says “Esse e o mesmo caso do Xin zhão, um personagem extremamente forte Early game, que tem muitas habilidades que te counteram de forma facil, desviar do Q e evitar ultar enquanto ele tiver a ult são formas de cauterar ele. nesse caso dependendo e um opção boa fazer coletora do que trindade por que de toda forma você perde para ele, Early game, evitar trocas longas contra ele.”
Kindred Killer game by PesteMKT | Kindred Player
chillhowl says “This matchup seems complicated but it really isn't. Don't invade at level 3 and be careful with his invade until about the second item, he really has priority 1v1 early game but, other than that, if you play counterganks and manage to dodge his Q (with your Q) the matchup becomes quite easy, since you completely scale on top of him in not much game time.”
daiben kindred by chillhowl | Kindred Player
Jazzyknack says “Dá pra jogar, mas basta ele fazer o básico que ele te mata”
Guia Do Pobre by Jazzyknack | Ekko Player
kittygore says “You outscale him with eclipse build. hes only strong in 1v1s.”
Bella Ciao says “Suprisingly high damage, but you outscale and can win 1v1 in most stages of the game if you play smart Careful if you ad, as his r-q will likely onetap you ”
MONKYKYNG says “Any champion that can make your short spam of cloning and vanish be visible, little annoying”
Wukon by MONKYKYNG | Wukong Player
SelfLOL says “Insane early-mid game strength. Strong invades. Use your W's for his Q burst. Serpents can be good. ”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
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