In the Jungle 48.71% Win Rate95% Pick RateLee Sin In the Jungle Counters: 46 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lee Sin in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
HIKOL says “He will kick you out of pits, He can gain distance by marking and flying into maiden. ”
PesteMKT says “Esse e o mesmo caso do Xin zhão, um personagem extremamente forte Early game, que tem muitas habilidades que te counteram de forma facil, desviar do Q e evitar ultar enquanto ele tiver a ult são formas de cauterar ele.
nesse caso dependendo e um opção boa fazer coletora do que trindade por que de toda forma você perde para ele, Early game, evitar trocas longas contra ele.”
chillhowl says “This matchup seems complicated but it really isn't. Don't invade at level 3 and be careful with his invade until about the second item, he really has priority 1v1 early game but, other than that, if you play counterganks and manage to dodge his Q (with your Q) the matchup becomes quite easy, since you completely scale on top of him in not much game time.”
Bella Ciao says “Suprisingly high damage, but you outscale and can win 1v1 in most stages of the game if you play smart
Careful if you ad, as his r-q will likely onetap you
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Awful matchup, you can't invade, kill or escape him in the whole match. Evade and try to get ahead in the other side of the map. Beware as he can reveal you invisible.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. Lee can invade level 3 and is hard to fight early. Use your W/E to dodge his Q. Try to use your W before he insecs you for teamfights. He can also be annoying and peel for his team by kicking you away. You hard outscale.”
DoxxTheLeague says “you can outscale lee, a problem with a good lee is that when you are going to q him its a free q for q trade for him and his q does way more dmg then yours since he can proc an entire combo with that q try to dodge his q if you can dodge his q you can easily win him in a 1vs1.”
Ashu Primu says “This guy shits on you. Fortunately, in most elos, he's not a threat due to player skill. Avoid fighting him and try to secure farm and outscale him. Go for plays he can't respond to. If you need to fight him, you MUST dodge his Q, otherwise your stealth is useless and he will one shot you.”
ScytherKhaZix says “quite simple match up although many people don't like him the most important thing is to avoid his Q if you manage to you have a better chance to win a trade on him in the early game or later phase of the game.
REMEMBER that kha'zix can cancel lee sin's R cast with his R if you time it well”
y every name taken says “Best early game jungler in the game. A competent Lee Sin WILL gank or invade lvl 3 or sooner. As long as he doesn't snowball, you should be able to beat him once mid-to-late game rolls around.”
DontStealMyMark says “>his ult knocks you off your ult
>has easy gap closer (counters ranged chapions)
>cripples you on E2 so he can easily auto you to death
>has a stronger early game than you
>you detonate him late game. just scale”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you. I suggest you already ban this champion when you will play Neeko Jungle in lower elos Iron-Masters. Lee Sin might probably have the power to tilt you so badly. From his High Damage, High Sustain, High Mobility and the worst of all the counter to your engage potential is his [R]. Either you get cancelled by him or you die after he kicks you to his teammates. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL FOR LEVEL 3 INVADES or ganks. All you can do for now is Full clear -> counterjungle if he ganks or countergank when you see him or play on the other side of the map opposite from him. You will probably just need good spacing and good control of your skills, make him waste his abilities on your teammates before your entry.”
Lee Sin is strong early game with mobility and burst. As Ornn, focus on farming safely early on and avoid isolated areas where Lee Sin excels. Ward aggressively to track his movements and look for countergank opportunities when he uses his mobility ”
Yomu says “Early 2v2s feel slightly Lee favored He can R you away if he’s caught. When he jumps walls your champ will walk a weird route so you can’t chase well He doesn’t scale that well and if you get ahead, you destroy him”
lurutin says “This is my perma ban. Lee has the strongest early game in jungle and it's the moment that you are weaker in the game. He will win all objectives you fight for and probably will end the game before your scale. You can try to negate his damage with your W or avoid his second Q with your Q. You need to outscale him but a good Lee will not let you scale. ”
Exxidara says “Very hard matchup he also has quite easy time playing against us and we have nothing to do except than going ahead if he doesnt snowball we are completely fine”
lolWillieP says “Skill matchup. Input buffer your stuns on him (click on him outside of range or a-move so you can insta stun when he dashes near you)”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat him, as this champion is very strong early game. Take what opportunities he allows you to get and avoid forcing anything, especially watching out for early invades. Lee Sin is strongest in the early-mid game, while Kayn outscales. Track Lee Sin and counter-gank when possible. Your goal is to protect laners; kills are bonuses. If you manage to go even without falling too far behind, you're in a good position to win as Kayn scales well into the late game. Enjoy the advantage if you've reached this point relatively unscathed.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Lee sin can invade level 3, and has kill pressure. Make sure to either dodge his Q or use W to avoid it. Ideally you don’t fight lee early as he just wins. You outscale hard.”
Foxirion says “Lee Sin can be a moderate threat to Viego. Lee Sin’s mobility and crowd control can disrupt Viego’s attacks, and his high early game damage can be a problem for Viego”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Medium matchup. Watch out for early cheese/invade, Lee Sin CAN invade you level 3 cross-map, if he hits Q, he has kill pressure as well. Try to space Lee and dodge Q or else early game can be tricky. Once you get into midgame/lategame, the matchup becomes pretty easy as you can cancel his Q2 with your E. Both phase rush and conq are fine. Matchup is easier in low elo”
PillowHex says “Just because he can't see doesn't mean he can't jump you over a wall. He usually likes to surprise visit you over a wall to steal your buff and your life. Try pull the camp closer to the next one and ward over the wall for a clear sighting.”
Jeidoz says “Annoying survability. Rush in Grugde, duel under E fear. Ward and keep eyes on your/his red/blue. Lee Sin players likes to steal your jg. Punish him for tower dives. if you cannot fight, just farm. later with 3-5 items you can duel him due to attack speed & armor pen under E fear.”
astral 1v9 says “not easy vs rly good lee. hard to reset R and u cant stop his kick. If u R before his kick he will ward hop away and u lose it. If you wait for his R he just kicks you and u can't react in time, even if u get kicked and press R mid kick it dosent cancel it. He wins 1v1 if ahead, u win 1v1 if even or ahead.”
Mignognium says “Temps qu'on est pas quelques semaines avant un mondial, Lee Sin c'est un 50/50. Même clear que vous, même présence que vous. Juste attention à sa faculté à pouvoir facilement esquiver votre [Z] et le [R].”
BullwhipGriffin says “Lee sin is a pretty easy matchup for diana, diana only loses 1v1 to lee sin very early in the game so as long as you stay safe during that point he isnt much of a threat. the only thing to notice against him is that his ult can prevent you from landing any damage on him so try to time your ult properly or zhonyas (if ap) so he cant ult you away”
IvernGott says “Lee sin is also high mobile and very strong vs Ivern but that can be stopped very easily by tracking him down and counterganking his ganks turning him into a even match up”
Coach Myga says “Hard to Oneshot & just kicks you away, quite annoying champion and has a good early game so can put a lot of pressure onto the map like you can. ”
HawkSP says “Counter Lee Sin’s ganks with vision and by peeling for your teammates. His inability to powerfarm means Ivern can keep up or outscale him in utility.”
X3mHills says “Be prepared for a skilled Lee Sin who will frequently invade you. If you can survive the early game and purchase three items, then it will no longer be a significant issue.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Lee: is the most underrated champ. Its turbo op rn no one plays it.. If its some Lee wannabe it will be even if its some otp its Extreme.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: He can R you from pit so be carefull and over all he is a lot stronger then you so he can 1v1 you almost any time.. Try to play as team and dont go solo that much”
Tortizzy says “A good Lee Sin will destroy you, but they are rarely seen and most people who play Lee Sin are not that good. Lee Sin is a pretty weak champion in the current meta so once you get a few items you can 1shot him. Obviously avoid him early game.”
MhmYepSope says “Insane early-mid game strength. Strong invades. Use your W's for his Q burst. Likes to lvl 3 gank Sidelane/Mid/Invade so make sure to get vision on him. (Raptor ward 1:20 recommended)”
Pro8l3m says “He allways beat you early bc he is hard to kill when he clicks his W and if he lands full combo he can one shot you so better watchout early and help other lanes and take objectives”
jajkopajko says “Not easy. He is much stronger early, you dont want to be in 1v1 situation. If you do try to run around and not let him q you, he most likely wont 1 shot you so you need to be smart about it.”
RainyLabel says “If you can effectively counter gank, he has no chance against you. You are stonger 1v1 with Empowered Q. Try not to give to many leads and you shouldn't have a problem.”
Daawwnn says “a good leesin will be able to out move you in the jungle early on ure able to stat check him lvl 1-5 bait his q and cancel him mid flight with W if it hits after you easily win 1v1”
kcjackal__ says “ He is really good into Nunu and has a really high pickrate. Watch out for early invades from him. Can look to bait him under tower when low with his q then snowball to stop his q2.”
loganrichards says “Early 2v2s feel slightly Lee favored
He can R you away if he’s caught. When he jumps walls your champ will walk a weird route so you can’t chase well
He doesn’t scale that well and if you get ahead, you destroy him ”
Pullks says “You will have an advantage in duels since Lee is mostly physical damage based. He is annoying, though, because he can make an insec, disengage or protect his carry with his Dragon's Rage (R).”
PI5S says “These five are especially dangerous because of their powerful early game invading. You are a free kill when you hit red buff against these guys -- ping your mid or support to come wait at red if you are playing against them.”
aS1lenT says “Lee Sin is a very strong champion and can beat you in every 1v1 if he gets his Q R Q combination off. This usually is enough to kill you combined with a mid Q E or basic attacks before he ults you. Avoid dueling Lee in the clear open. You can kill him by catching him unaware and dropping a good combo into R which you follow up with another combo.”
garbocan says “Lee Sin is very easy to deal with as long as you counter his ganks. If he tries to invade you, E shield/slow and Q root/dash are enough to stall him out for your team to arrive or for you to escape.
Lee Sin can't powerfarm, so you don't get outscaled even if you mess up your pathing.
You can also make tracking Lee easier by warding his jungle, since he needs yellow trinket to wardhop, making him unable to sweep.”
Valkidol says “He can kill you if he's up 5 kills. If he's up 4 kills, you still beat him. His R is an annoyance but he really isn't that much of a worry, unless he's getting all his lanes ahead in the earlygame.”
OakIgu says “If you avoid early invades on your first clear specially and he don't get fed you should deal with him easily but he is like graves just with more mobility, he can ult you and jump walls to avoid you, just be carefull to not be outplayed by him.”
DarkAuraLOL says “One of the hardest matchups, super strong early, decent camp clear, insane gank potential, runs a tanky build mid game where you can't oneshot him even if ahead. Generally, dodge his Q's early and you should be fine, play around your team and their prio to help you, otherwise respect his 1v1 and invades, after form you should be fine, but he'll still be hard, can kick you away, tanky, and he can be annoying for your team.”
Exxidara says “Probably one of the most annoying jungle champion you can play because he can perma dash into you and you almost never win 1vs1 till late part of the game but on scaling you win 1vs1 if you can get 1 or 2 item ahead of him in late game he is items are more useless compare to yours i think and you have chance to win 1vs1 but avoiding him on fight is better”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even matchup into Lee Sin, due to having the stat check into Lee Sin combined with counterplay into Lee Sin his R placement ult <—> whenever used as a *Grab* purpose.
Briar has a similar jungle clear speed as Lee Sin.
Briar can have difficult times having a gap closer before reaching level 6 and levels on her W. This is because of Lee Sin his ward dash, E Slow and Q into nearby enemies.
Briar should buffer her E into Lee Sin R kick → When used towards his enemy team.
Coccaa says “You kind of just have to worry about showing on the map with this champ. A good lee sin will invade you with his teammate and you will either be able to get away with pillar but lose camps or just straight up die. In a 1v1 though you should just win easily”
MusicJG says “Has potential to oneshot you at 6 if he hits Q.
Dodge Q and kite him.
His early clear isn't good, but careful of his level 3 invade.
You hard outscale.”
TheBougis says “Lee Sin is very strong with high dps, he will out-damage your healing.
Try not to position yourself right between Lee Sin and your duo because you could get ulted onto your duo and kill him. ”
Turnupthetoaster says “His early game is a lot more potent than yours, but you out scale him, so unless he gets obscenely fed, he's not that scary. Like, at all.”
theloaf says “If he hits you with Q, wait for him to begin his dash, the Q towards him to interrupt. If you have teammates nearby, use AA-R to prevent him from dashing away and secure the kill.”
GeoAbdu says “he can outdamage u out healing u its really hard match up dont invide 1lvl keep ganking lanes and give your team lead u can countergank as well he is also ganker so u can beat him with your IQ”
Zero macro says “Nidalee and Lee Sin have the same early/mid game strength, thereby its generally an even matchup whoever hits their Q's early on. Be aware of Lee Sin his mobility gap closers, which makes it hard to deal with him when Nidalee falls behind. Thereby Nidalee Cougar jump in combo with Q gains priority over Lee Sin knockback on R.”
Zero macro says “Lee Sin has a strong early / Mid game. This is generally a skill matchup between Zed, but more favorited for Zed. This is due to Zeds clear speed that wins over Lee Sin. Thereby Zed has mobility to deal with Lee Sin his actions. Lee Sin is stronger pre 6 than Zed and after that Zed will have the upper hand. Zed R can be used to remove Lee Sin his 2de Q and Zed can position Lee Sin during dashes at his advantage.”
metalhydra273 says “Lee tries to go in, you cc him. Watch for his healing capabilities and abuse him with your cc. He can be tough to bring down, but unless you're behind and can't do it, you're likely to be fine in this matchup. Block jump in/insec attempts with your ult to turn his teamfight engages into a free 5v4.”
NegativePhoenix says “The god of dash jukes. It's hard telling a Lee Sins potential threat level. If he's a god he's at Major however. Extreme at full AP. Your job needs to be to hold him down as a Hybrid or Tank Rell so that he has no choice but to respect or engage on you specifically to do much of anything. If you can predict it, try to Q his Q dash-in or ult it. This way he stops mid-way and has to rush out or ult you off of him so he can refresh his CDs”
Apari1010 says “Lee Cringe will always be one of my least favourite matchups in the game but for Rhaast he's pretty beatable. Avoid him early and once you get form you shit on him.”
shacolovesyou says “his early is strong and has nice ganks so can be a nightmare, dont duel with him bcs his Q can track u, keep in mind that you can block his Q1 with a box and go away of his Q2 with ur Q”
BradJr says “Don't try to fight Lee Sin early. Focus on farming and getting as many resources as possible. You out-scale him by level 8. (clone rating 10/10)”
FaeBytez says “Lee Sin has strong engage and can deal a lot of damage, but he is vulnerable to Diana's crowd control. Diana needs to be careful not to get caught by his Dragon's Rage ultimate.”
ttvRegedice says “Make sure you get steelcaps early to match the armor lee sin will stack. Otherwise make sure you play for heals on your W correctly and the rest is a matter of being a good jungler (securing objectives, ganking correctly, counterganking, etc.). If you can consistently dodge his Q's then you're pretty set after you get some armor and get some kills early. Careful with his kick as he can use his entire combo within kick CC and pull a 180 reverse one-shot on you.”
Borinn says “His ganks are very strong so either counter gank him all the time or cross map him and get opposite of him.
A good Lee player can make your life hell so keep everywhere warded. Your team fights are better than his. Don't let him jump on your carry and throw it inside. You can break his combos when he tries that with your e or r so don't waste them.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Be the initiator in this fight. Get your full combo of before he even notices your on him. Early he has to flash or W away. Spellshield his Q if he looks to jump on you. If you get the jump on him after 6 spell shielding his R is the best option but tends to be difficult.”
xRengarMaster69 says “The better wins + really hard if he has some kills early.
He can make your teamfights unplayable.
Use your W only on his Q damage. ”
BugZix says “A good lee sin will be a pain. He is extremely tanky, can save teammates with his W, removing isolation and can destroy you if he gets ahead. Try not to get hit by his q and you will mostly win fights early on though.”
ShinyEmo says “Starting Lv6, he is a menace until you get Death's Dance or another defensive item. Actually you can kill him easily with tempo and wise Ws in a duel pre 6 but if he gets too ahead, it will be hard to catch him. His ganks are too powerful compared to yours. As mythic item, I recommend Shieldbow. If your team isn't stomped you will outscale hard late, but don't be so aggressive as he can just kick you away.”
Intropingman says “Skilled lee sin can be issue if he snowballs early you can't catch him for long enough with taunt to kill him, he just dashes away and he does plays with his dashes + R, try to protect your teammates early.”
Majd1 says “Lee Sin is really strong in the early game but so are you and you have the upper hand in the early game. The key to winning this matchup is dodging his Q and kite him with your ranged auto attacks. If you do get hit by his Q, he will chase you down with his auto attacks. You must dodge his Q to win. Match up only gets worse as the game progresses as he gets Maw of Malmortius and becomes really tanky.”
1Strike says “Lee sin is quite weak right now. You do hard outscale him too. The issue is if he gets fed you cannot do anything to him. It is a minor issue for you simply because he has to get autowin if he doesn't.”
Narcissisticdude says “On Patch 13.3 this guy got ridiculous buffs and now hits like harder than your grandma's slipper did. He also reveals your invisibility, has more dashes than I can keep track of and is all round irritating. Do not invade, but do look for counterganks where you or your laner will not(!) get one shot by the opposing players.
Mechanical Tips:
1. Your W blocks his Q, reaction time is everything here
2. You can R his R, this is not reaction-timeable but very predictable.
3. Never duel him unless you are very ahead.”
Smudey says “Be careful lvl 1 since he can take E, slow you and get a ton of damage. You win short trades, but no long trades due to his passive and (presumably) Conqueror. Only taunt in if you get a level advantage and/or he is kinda low. Stay behind minions to block his Q. You outscale him nonetherless so don't force anything so he doesn't get an early lead.”
checca says “One of Zac's easiest matchups is Lee Sin. You can run Aftershock into him and make his burst useless against you. Lee Sin players probably want to leave the game when they are playing against Zac; it is nearly impossible to lose against him.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. If he use his Q on you, use your E+W to counter him instead. You can slow him by your Worked Ground, making him unplayable. After 30 min he'll be useless since you have Banshee to counter for backstabbing on you and your Q will be insane damage after 4th item.”
lovicoaching says “He's in a pretty bad spot. He has to get early lead pre 6 or he's a joke of a champ.
Don't die to level 2/3 invade and spam ping ganks and it's free win.”
Moonkie says “Early-game junglers with a lot of gank potential can be counter ganked easily and Maokai typically wins these fights as he has better setup. Later on Maokai outscales.”
Davecraft16 says “There are a lot good and bad lee sin, so this matchup depends on the lee sin you have found. This can either be an hard or an easy matchup. Remember that before 6 you should kill him in a 1v1 if he misses q. After 6 try to not fight him and don't use your r if he has his r up. ”
Kukiziuu_ says “Lee sin is strong early/mid game. If your playing Red Kayn (rhaast) you shouldnt be scared of him. But when your playing Assasin try to be more careful around him. Good lee can easily kill you”
Bhyure33 says “Lee Sin is one of the Viego matchups, which actually are determined by whoever is more skilled. Lee is way stronger than you in early game, so don't fight him then. The later the game goes, the better you scale so play safe early.”
RedNBlue says “If he is able to kick you away from your team, and he is fed, he will be able to kill your team first instead of you forcing him to go through you.
Hope you have a peel support because if not your going to have a bad game along with the rest of your team. A good ban to execute if your feeling like it will happen. ”
zotet says “Strong dueling capabilities and strong early game damage and mobility. Avoid 1v1s unless you have the upper hand. Make sure to use control wards in rivers and have wards in his jungle.”
MythicalMinute says “This is a said counterpick but its purely down to the Lee sins skill. So in all its a skillmatchup favouring Lee early. Be careful of his invades so buy a pink early or get your team to ward river at 1:30.
With AP you can outscale him at 15 minutes usually even if he has Maw. Use your boxes to deny his q and stop any insecs in teamfights.
AP is preferred here but AD works too.”
ItsSplash says “Against early powerhouse matchups, try your best to survive the early game and then bounce back with kills in later stages of the game. If your team cannot contest the constant invades, then giving up jungle camps is fine. Just get what you can, and make sure you don't die.
You can also consider skipping some camps on the first clear to throw enemy off their tracking and timers. So, for example, skipping wolves or raptors and doing blue/red before them could be a good idea.”
Unfortunate 7 says “You dont have the early game to cope against this thing, just farm and hope to god ur laners understand that youre fucking useless against this thing”
spuki97 says “15 minute champion but you do need to be careful. A good Lee player will always countergank your ganks. Never fight him 1v1. Best build: Bruiser/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “Same as the others : Strong early but falls off after. Even if he has mobility, he wont use it to avoid your Qs so it's fairly easy. ”
Kao_Oak says “Not really a 1v1 threat but good luck to kill him (he will just R you everytime you beat him and escape with W). As long as he doesn't scale too much in early game you will destroy him eventually.”
RengarNBush says “Easy matchup just make sure you are ahead of him in cs + levels since you outscale him. Counter ganks destroy him. In the hands of a good player can be a nightmare but it is VERY RARE.”
Doubtfull says “This is a great match up for Udyr. Lee Sin doesnt have the burst to kill us through our shield, and we outscale him into the late game. Try to track him in the jungle and not let him get too many advantages early game. ”
MaximusWillCarry says “He might try and invade you early so careful. Dont stand directly in front of your team because if he ults you and you hit your team then they take the kicks damage, get knocked up, PLUS take 15% of your maximum health as damage. Other than that he can ward hop out of the way of your E.
Definitely depends on the type of Lee player. Extreme if he is a god or tiny if he is a noob.”
Atemporal says “Lee não está mais tão quebrado, então apenas tente sobreviver na lane com um bom cs principalmente. No início do jogo, apenas sente-se e relaxe, tente Q os primeiros 3 lacaios corpo a corpo do alcance máximo. . Isto é
extremamente desequilibrado, então fique fora de seu alcance E. Deixe-o empurrar para você, não importa o quê. Não lute com ele mesmo que pareça suculento porque ele é mais tanque que um tanque e causa mais dano que um assassino. Basta jogar para cultivar os primeiros níveis.
A única maneira de matar Lee cedo é se o seu caçador vier. Se o seu jungler pingar que ele está prestes a gankar, ou se você souber de antemão que seu jungler vai gankar então você deve trocar, mesmo que seja uma troca ruim porque ele não vai se curar o suficiente para que seu
dano realmente importa. Pegue uma Armadura de Tecido inicial se você voltar e acabar com 300 de ouro extra se estiver com medo de ser explodido. A menos que você consiga uma vantagem de alguma forma, você não será capaz de vencê-lo até que você tenha 2 itens, e se ele conseguir
MR você vai precisar de 3. Você o supera com força eventualmente, mas isso nem sempre é uma condição de vitória viável. Este confronto não é classificado como ""Very Hard"" porque é difícil morrer para o Lee, eles geralmente apenas enviam spam E na onda e vagueiam para que você
obter principalmente escala livre. No entanto, você deve se lembrar que às vezes você precisa contestar um pouco o push dele, especialmente após o nível 7, pois, caso contrário, ele apenas vagueará e mexerá com todo o seu time. Se você está lutando com Lee, ou se Lee está
pulando em você, pode ser inteligente colocar seu W de uma forma que, se ele for você, ele acabe chutando você para dentro do seu W. Você também pode tentar abraçar uma parede grossa quando lutar com ele para que ele não possa chutá-lo para fora do seu W. Suas melhores janelas para lutar com Lee no início do jogo
é sempre que seu W está baixo, se ele usar em si mesmo, ele tem um tempo de espera de 6 segundos, então você tem uma janela curta para pular nele antes que ele possa fugir ou se proteger. Se você entrar, tente manter um lacaio entre você e Lee, assim como no Akali
confronto por exemplo. Novamente, você não quer lutar com Lee a menos que se sinta forçado a isso ou a menos que de alguma forma consiga uma pista sobre ele. Eu gosto de escalar runas completas (foco, reunindo a tempestade em segundo) com o início do Dark Seal parece que Corrupting Pot é inútil
já que você não ganhará negociações de qualquer maneira. Se Lee alguma vez usar W em um lacaio, você deve fazer um ping no seu jungler se ele estiver por perto, ou procurar um W stun nele. É possível ""desviar"" do knockback R de Lee Sin se você cronometrar seu E corretamente clicando nele com
o ataque automático E aprimorado MESMO antes de ele chutar você. Isso é super útil e ajuda muito na hora de tentar matar, especialmente quando você está sendo ganked, já que é bem previsível quando Lee vai dar R em você. Você pode E para a frente,
segure-o e tente prever que ele vai chutar você.”
Coach Myga says “Lee Sin is an early game jungler similar to Kindred, you want to try and counter his ganks. If you play proficiently you can kite him & kill him in most fights. Keep note of who your other laners in the skirmish are, and their match ups. Avoid getting stunned into Lee Sin Q combo.”
YuzukiJG says “He's really a major threat if the player is good. The champion is strong early game and can stick on you with his Q and W. His ult can kick you out of your ult and give him the opportunity to hit you with a Q. Try to dodge his Q and kite him. You win early on if you dodge his Q. You lose fights with him if he's a little ahead early because of the synergy with his items. Other than that he shouldn't be a problem to deal with.
Yuki H. says “Lee Sin's invade pressure bumps him up from a "tiny" to "minor." He simply lacks the damage to kill you and he is easily countered by your entire kit. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lee Sin will be trying to gank as much as he can in the early game. Keep this in mind and expect him to be all over the map. If you meet Lee Sin in the early game, make sure you dodge Q if possible. If he is able to land it, he will probably out duel you. Try to disengage if he lands his Q, or engage if he misses it. Lee can easily secure objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald on his own. Try and keep those objectives warded when they’re up, or try to take them before he gets a chance.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lee Sin will be trying to gank as much as he can in the early game. Keep this in mind and expect him to be all over the map. If you meet Lee Sin in the early game, make sure you dodge Q if possible. If he is able to land it, he will probably out duel you. Try to disengage if he lands his Q, or engage if he misses it. Lee can easily secure objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald on his own. Try and keep those objectives warded when they’re up, or try to take them before he gets a chance.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL if you can catch him.
with his R and Q and W and E he is really good at getting away.
PLUS if he gets too fed and builds eclipse build he can actually burst you so watch out. Still a very exciting match.”
Hazardist says “Lee Sin has high playrate at the moment and most of his strength comes from the items he builds. He has good ganks, dueling and versatility, but he's not overpowered in any of these. Good Lee Sin players will either avoid engaging on you, or trade with you in short bursts of damage then moving away. You can initiate plays confidently in this matchup, but don't underestimate his ability to burst your backline if you completely ignore him.”
Sambino says “Lee sin also likes to invade early. He has so much mobility that its hard to actually kill him that's why he is on this list. If Lee misses his q then yes you can kill him if his W is on cooldown, but that is very rare as he can just W away in most cases. Try not to fight him as much as possible.”
lumihehe says “similar to hecarim! lee sin will invade you early, and gank the shit out of your lanes early. he doesn't fall off as hard as hecarim, but he definitely has more skill expression and counterplay. definitely annoying, but also definitely winnable.”
Salmon Kid says “Lee sin is an extremely easy match up for Lillia as his early invades are predictable and she outscales him earlier than most bad match ups. Just be weary of Lee's kick as it is hard cc and his ward hops that allow him to move with you as you kite him.”
TennisJJ says “A good eve will never let a lee sun beat her. Just don’t get invaded. Give up camps if necessary. You will never win an early scuttle crab fight, so either full clear and recall, or do a 3 camp into scuttle if it’s really important”
Dojyaan says “Wins against in duel. Pretty mediocore late go for his team not him. Pretty slippery. Expect an invade as Lee players are very very aggressive.”
rhvse says “He will dominate you to lvl 6, gank very often your bot. You can 1vs1 him later. Rush death dance and GA (like we did in kled). If your team feed him he can 1vs1 easly.”
Nik7857 says “Elise favoured, however Lee Sin can still win this matchup and ruin your day. If he hits q dodge the dmg last second with rappel to stall time for your teamates to come or escape.”
ItsAydam says “He's really a major threat if the player is good. The champion is strong early game and can stick on you with his Q and W. His ult can kick you out of your ult and give him the opportunity to hit you with a Q. Try to dodge his Q and kite him. You win early on if you dodge his Q. You lose fights with him if he's a little ahead early because of the synergy with his items. Other than that he shouldn't be a problem to deal with.”
GiAEcchI says “Not a meta pick anymore, in the hand of a good player he will beat yo ass, with ignite you can duel him early game, without it you have to play from behind.
Try to start on the other side to not fight him at scuttle.
With form you can fight him easily.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game he can beat you since your damage isn't the greatest early game. Once the late game hits, it's iffy on who can react faster and how good the Lee is. If he's a combo god most of the time he will win. Dodge his Q obviously and be careful if he has people nearby. If he lands it and rushes in, W as he's flying towards you for an easy knockup. Save your E after he ults you or if you're super low. If he's smart and waits to ult till you use your E, he'll win the fight.”
Nightmare.dll says “He has a hard time killing you if you decide to go Tank. Your clear is also way faster then his you can prob kill him at crab with help of your laners”
[Lee Sin is more an early champion than anything else, his point is to give his lanes a big advantage for them to carry his endgame when he's becoming more of an utility champion (except if he plays Eclipse and letha, where he'll be WAY squishier but will deal more damage, you duel him better if he goes lethality). Your Q cancels his Q dash so also the damage (if you want to duel him early).]
HadesxLH says “Lee sin e Olaf são dois lados da mesma moeda, tirando o fato dos ganks de Lee sin serem extremamente fortes ele vai quase sempre vence-lo no 1x1 porém apos o patch de redução de cura ele se mostrou levemente mais fraco ao meu ver, o scale dele agiliza bastante o early game porém no Mid/late Viego é simplismente superior a ele. Após os nerfs no ealrly do mesmo que é a unica superioridade que ele tem ao Viego qualquer erro do mesmo se cobrado da forma correta pode elimina-lo do jogo com bastante facilidade.”
theAerialist says “Most people think he is an extreme threat.
You can win against him 90% of the time.
You outscale him easy.
Try to use your W if he goes for MR.”
SunLongGod says “easy to beat him up. Best to dodge his first Q or even with his second Q then you out scale him. Avoid getting hit by his R while in combat. one tip: You can use Qss right after being kick then use your Q at the same time, no more knock up.”
NegativePhoenix says “Good at bullying and invading you as he pleases. His E and Q will both reveal you out of stealth if he hits you with either and overall he is just a pain. Don't expect to get much done if he's gonna follow you around. If you can charm him down before he bursts you mid-game normally you can't beat him as long as he hasn't built a ton of tenacity. 12.11 sees an increase in his base AD by 2 and makes his Q damage increase pretty heavily, so watch yourself if you can, avoid it and you should avoid an engage tool.”
Puddingb00m says “Farm up and destroy him late game. Should be easy. If he invades just give it up. Don't duel him. Keep a red ward on your 2nd back for some extra security. If he invades you should be able to easily kill him with your CC and laners help.”
quinn adc says “This matchup is meta rn, and I am so glad for it.
First, your E cancels Lee Sin Q, so save E for this. A good Lee will Q you if you E first and he will hard win the trade. Only use E to cancel his Q in this matchup.
If you blind Lee, he can't ward hop, he can only hop on his minions.
He does a lot of damage, but the matchup is so Quinn sided it doesnt even matter.
Use Q and AAs to bully him, and only E his Q. If you follow this, then Lee Sin is unable to do anything.
The only thing you have to worry about is post 6. Lee will ward hop, kick flash, or stride breaker after Q to set up a good gank on you.
If he kicks you from insec, instantly E his following Q and you will be okay.”
Sammystinky says “You can out gank early and out team fight late. He has mobility, but it is caveated mobility, and he can still get hit by E. You do often lack the damage to kill him alone and he sustains fairly well off you. ”
One Stab says “You win early game if you jump on him first and dodge his q. Try to get some sneaky invades and counterganks off and you can snowball off that. If he gets fed, well then good luck.”
anniesniffer69 says “If not spanked with friend in early, you are gonna regret wakin' up this mornin'. He's gonna supa kicka you all the game and break you mentally and physically.”
OfficerVi says “He really shouldn't be a threat outside of high elo. You win 1v1 and scale harder. Watch out for him early as he will likely 1v1 you with Conq. Antiheal is good vs him.”
evil in says “Lee sin can be a problem for Evelynn, if he decides to invade your in the early game therefore try to avoid him as much as u can before hitting 6”
Sinerias says “First of all his mobility is very hard to play against since he can engage and disengage at any time, but the biggest problem for Master Yi is Lee Sin his ultimate ability. If Lee plays it well he always waits for the Yi to engage and can simply kick him away denying him any resets. If Lee does buy full damage he is also an extreme threat for Yi because of his oneshot posibilities with ult into q q ”
Boptimus says “Lee Sin top has become a little bit more tame after some of the nerfs. Early on you're just looking for CS and sustain, you can do simple W-E trades if you find he wants to walk up for hugs all the time.
I recommend Oblivion Orb before finishing Everfrost so that you actually have kill potential on him.”
TimothyFly says “Has a lot of mobility and outplay potential. Depends how good the lee sin is but u can play for counter ganks to get urself ahead. You never win any 1v1.”
WONDR says “Pre 6 Lee sin isn't much of a problem as he has nothing too much to kill you, save your empowered W to heal yourself if he hits you with Q but you should win most fights. After 6 it gets harder because if he kicks you he is almost 100% going to land his Q on you and deal serious damage.”
Majd1 says “Very similar to Xin Zhao. You should be able to beat him every single time if you dodge his Q and then proceed to kite him with auto attacks. However, if you get hit by Q he will win and run you down with auto attacks and ward jump. So in order to win you MUST dodge the Q. Another way of approaching this matchup is by landing a max range spear on him from fog of war causing him to be low enough for you to jump in with cougar form and finish him off.”
DarkMareOfficial says “If you are good enough to predict his Q, you can win the fight with a Lee Sin, but however the issue is mainly that he still has his E which reveals you when using your W. This can lead into a lost fight against a more technical Lee Sin player.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “Lee used to be quite annoying to fight the previous 2 seasons, but things have shifted: Dark Harvest makes it easy for you to duel him and you don't have to worry unless you fall behind, so look for an early lead.”
Oce Shaco says “Lee sin has the ability to reveal you and make escape near impossible in some situations. However his Q can also lead him into your boxes, making this match up more of a skill match up than a fear. If you let him get ahead he will stomp you. but if you get ahead first you can make him useless.”
YoungTact says “Pretty free matchup. Can W his Q AND W. You also have a better full clear and early ganks so you should look to abuse this to the best of ur capability. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “great early game, easily win fights with you, easily kills you on counter gank. Tho you outscale him really hard, but early game is really hard”
Xyllow says “Lee sin and Warwick matchup, I'd say, is a bit Lee sided, but in lower elos Warwick tends to win this matchup. If you are a Lee sin player trying to counter Warwick, my best advice is that you ult him before he starts dashing through you with his Q, since, if you wait too long, your ult won't do anything (weird interaction). Other than that, Warwick can follow Lee's W, but if you just wait out warwick's Q and W to your enemy or ward after, warwick will end up in a spot with no escape besides his flash or R (if he has it). If played correctly, Lee sin wins. Also very snowbally matchup.”
chakibxd says “I personally permaban this champ in all my solo q games because he is really really strong early on and if he manage to get some kills right and there the game can become unpalyable.”
Katszu says “It all comes down to whether or not the player understand their champion . A difficult champ to deal with since he will knock you out of your ult with his ult and Q with you. Simply avoid his q with your q and you have a chance to kill him”
YEKURA says “He's really annoying if you are vses a really good lee sin player cause his skrimishes early game are overall better and 2v2s / 3v3s are literally in his advantage. His 1v1 can be strong but you can outplay it with conqueror. If you don't have conqueror don't fight him. You can invade him if you think he's gonna be low in his clear. If you get kills against him and counter gank him / get a lead you can easily snowball and make him suffer so thats why it's in the major zone. Why cause he does have an advantage over you but you can easily invade early game get a kill and snowball it or counter gank him.”
DETDERT says “This matchup, can get really hard since lee sin is really strong early. And has alot of gank potential. Khazix likes to farm, early in order to get 6 asap. If lee gets ahead, kha'zix will have a hard time doing anything, near a lee sin. Lee sins build is often really good against khazix, since he builds deathdance, steraks etc.”
Limaads says “Highly mobile, lots of sustained damage, strong 1v1. Lee Sin has almost everything Ekko struggles with. As with most of Ekko's jungle matchups, surviving the early game and reaching your item powerspikes is your goal. Lee Sin is an incredibly strong champion right now so if you struggle with him then he's definitely in contention for a ban.”
Soulcial says “I'm not going to lie, I really am not bothered enough to do the threats & synergies :) (i'm too lazy), however I will point out champions that can invade easily are very strong against Qiyana as she is especially weak to invasions. Champions that can kill Qiyana while she is invisible, either through revealing, skillshots, or aoe abilities, also somewhat counter her.”
Madabc says “If he's a good Lee Sin then you will have a huge problem with kick into q combo. E is also slightly annoying to deal with. Honestly this matchup still kind of stunts me today. If he's bad then the matchup is pretty easy. Building Edge of Night is a pretty good idea here because it prevents Lee Sin kick right after you R leap or bush leap. ”
uglyama says “In my opinion this matchup is even, BUT Lee beats you 1v1 in early. If you get a lead, you can start bullying him since your E will deal significant dmg and counter his Q.”
P1Legend says “A New Addition to top lane, will need more matchup experience before I can write something detailed about this one. Be careful about how much damage he has, it can and will be underestimated. It seems that riot has nerfed this pick in the top lane, so we will see how much he gets picked in the future meta”
Janooobi says “So difficult to lock down because of his abilities and too difficult to 1v1 try and counter gank him and avoid running into him in the jungle”
officialwiseguy says “Besides the fact that he keeps Kicking you around he can be easy to beat. You can dodge his 2nd Q with yours and you out scale him.”
lillia spam god says “often will level 2 invade you. you cant really fight back, make sure to ward your second buff you are going to take at 0:55, recall and buy sweeper for this.”
Consolo says “Scales with your rank, try to be near whoever he marks so you can stun him midflight, so he can't do his dashy dashy insec bullshit. Easily peeled late, just try to match his ganks early. ”
FacetLOL says “Annoying early game champion, just dodge his q or block it with your box.
You can kill him easily with first item.
If he has conqueror, he will win 1v1 so be sure to have ignite for that.”
Scythe Prince says “bad matchup for Kayn. Lee Sin will beat you in extended fights. Avoid dueling him early. Once you reach the mid game you will be able to take fights if you are ahead. During late game Rhaast can win easy”
Zehmox says “Good lee sins will always shine but a good Rek'sai knows how to prevent that. knocking him up if he goes for an insec is crucial and also early game you win VS him because you can interrupt his Q with your knockup. Going conqueror is a must because without it he outsustains you in duels
TheDarkinReaper says “His high damage tankiness and CC could be a LOT of reasons of u losing the game or at least dying a lot. Since his R saves his life and kills ur life at the same time, bec u cant move or use any ability during his ult can be a VERY annoying champ against u.
Especially when u went in to kill him for invisibility and he ult u and survive 1 hp. Then at that point u are kinda dead. Also he is pretty ez to play so many ppl picks him as a way to win games more easily thx to his high mobility in the map.”
Tiger-Moose says “Hurts a lot early and can be a little hard to get away from, particularly if he has teammates nearby.
//I don't really have an issue with him, but take Phase Rush if you're unconfident (and weren't going to already)
//Try to avoid getting R'd into your team, as the damage of the kick scales off the target's max hp.”
SimpleShadow says “Lee Sin Q can be blocked by W. He cannot really fight you. Just stun him against a wall. Be careful if he get early kill a early game fed lee sin is scary. Buy a Bramble to reduce his healing. ”
Elekktro says “I'm moving Lee Sin down a tier after his recent nerfs because they basically nerfed his one strength vs Viego which is his early game. Lee Sin will still win early game most of the time, but the margin for error is so much smaller now for the Lee Sin. Great Lee players will always be a threat, but now it's a bit more difficult for them.”
Alchemilla says “A strong champ in the early-game, rush kraken slayer for this match-up, if he's good, then it's going to be painful, otherwise is a decent match-up to fight against.”
J98TheGreat says “Lee Sin is strong and he can kick you out of fights. This is something that you need to watch out for as well as his capability to steal objectives. Other than that, this will be an even matchup.”
leoviniciux says “Forte no early game e ganks razoavelmente efetivos, mas um clear mais fraco que o da Vi. Lee Sin pode jogar tanto de forma ofensiva quanto de forma utilitária para o time.”
gelz_4 says “Good leesins are scary but if u Q him in his Q u can stop a big amount of his damage and try to ult as he ults it is hard to time but possbile so he cant get rid of u and cant use u as a bowling ball since u are maybe the most tanky person on ur team”
Brosinex says “si es un buen Lee, constantemente te invadirá y castigará tu juego temprano. Solo usa las runas de escala e intenta superarlo. Si te invade tienes que ceder a menos que quieras morir.”
GranadaExperimental says “Like everything else, it depends on how the enemy plays, if the enemy "lee sin" does not have the necessary experience to beat you, it will be easy for you to beat lee sin in most of the game, but many times the opponent tends to have a lot of experience with determined champion and tends to destroy you like experienced reads like directors or OTP do, so be careful when dealing with them”
King Fidd says “Honestly most Lee Sin players suck at him and are free wins. A good Lee can invade you early and counter your ultimate with his ultimate in team fights.
NMFO says “Trundle does very well into Lee. Your Q robs him of that AD he needs. If you're good you can even E his allies or him when he tries to W away to interrupt it. You win early and late, though careful his mid game power spike. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Lee-sin has the top stats in the game, 7 skills to use, dashes, escape methods, stealling methods. I usually ban him but most Lee-sin players are not that good nowdays.”
Da Mastah says “Since lee players use their wards generously invading them early is very efficient. Make sure to countergank. In 1v1s just meditate his his q combo. Make sure to hold your w until he uses his full combo.”
The Elysian1 says “Lee has a huge prio just like Xin Zhao, because his E reveals you in your stealth and you can't use it on such scenerios like 2v2 - 3v3 fights. His Q will also reveal you in bush form which can cause a huge trouble when you are playing close to him , since he can just kick you out and kill you.
ShuffleTM says “1v1 do lee sin é forte, e ele te revela invisivel e consegue te seguir usando o Q dele, cuidado com ele early game pois ele pode impactar muito no jogo.”
Jjonkun says “Lee sin wins kayn in early fights and can really put kayn behind in the game. When you get your form it gets easier and you can look for fights againts him if you are fed.”
KafueLechwe says “Lee Sin can bully you off camps early, but unless he snowballs you can get away from him in the midgame and beat him in the late game.”
Citric says “Lee Sin also does buffs fast so he most likely will try to steal a buff at level 2. He is also a ganking jungler so try to punish his ganking with counter jungling. If he fails his ganks he will be so far behind and after a while you will outscale hard.”
Pullks says “Kills you if he lands Q. Outdamages you, stays on you even with phase rush. Respect him and give objectives unless you have a team to back you up.
(Perma ban him until he is nerfed) ”
Pusi Puu says “He wins early game if he hits q and uses his w properly, so make sure to only fight with full ferocity. You outscale him with red buff and eclipse. Look for fights once you get those spikes. He is only strong in 1v1's so try to look for 2v2 in mid lane or top lane.”
Doubtfull says “You farm faster than lee sin and outscale him. beware early invades and getting kicked into his q into a one shot. Redsmite might be the best option in this match up.”
LambWolf says “It all depends if the Lee Sin knows his champ. You can be bullied out of the game quite hard. Just dodge his q with your q and you have chance to win fight against him.”
LordGrox says “Knockup his Q or W attempts, then kill him. Be careful not to get juked by ward jumps! Respect his R. Goredrinker and Steraks make it so you will be outscaled, making this a not so one-sided matchup anymore.”
KamiKZ says “Playing against Lee Sin can go either way, if you manage to get ahead of him then you´ll have no problem dueling him. However, if you are evenly matched or behind him, be aware of his Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike, to dodge this use the same advice as dodging Elise´s cocoon by jump irregularly or juking with Void Assault. This is usually a skill match up. ”
Polarshift says “Skillmatchup in which you have the upper hand because you can dodge his Q earlygame. The thing is, since he has so much mobility it will be tough to kill him unless he goes in.”
Veralion says “Extremely aggravating champion because they are all sweaty aggressive neckbeards. The dude hurts if he gets going. He's also very popular, so you'll need to get good at playing into him. Fighting him early is inadviseable unless you catch him unawares at a health disadvantage. He's way stronger than you and you can't escape unless he misses his Q. Take exhaust to prevent early death. On even footing or with a lead you can all in him after 6, but the problem is he's so damn good at ganking that he will typically have a few kills by that point. He can also just kick you away and easily escape. If he's popping off, avoid him like the plague. His ward hop into R->Q combo will 100-0 you with zero counterplay possible. It's unwise to straight up challenge him for a 50/50 smite through the execute damage on his Q. Thankfully, most people can't pilot him to anything approaching his full effectiveness and make mistakes trying to be flashy. He also doesn't scale if he can't insec one of your carries. Punish when possible and play to outscale. He's trash lategame if he doesn't have insec mechanics. ”
Goldenstinger says “Can be a pain in the ass if counter jungling effectively. Most lee's try and get out at lvl 3 so again, ward your other buff and try to counter gank or track to ping the laner he is pathing to. ”
Doubtfull says “Play around an early invade and you are in the clear for this match up. You have the CC to disrupt his team fighting shenanigans and out scale this match up hard. ”
Arfreezy says “This matchup is played exactly like the Elise matchup. Play the opposite side of the map when possible and play reactive. Maintain grit stacks in case you run into him at scuttle. Play efficiently and you will outscale him quickly. Use invades and deep vision to help track Lee so your team can survive his early pressure. Important to ping out possible gank timings like the 3 camp, 4 camp and post scuttle gank timings. ”
Tormentula says “Lee Sin is like the AD version of Elise, whenever she's meta, so is Lee and they often get picked to deal with each other since they have similar clear speeds and strengths early. I hold my cocoon until Lee either W's into me or uses his Q2 into me, making it a guaranteed cocoon. You can Rappel his Q2 to deny him the damage. This is a skill matchup.”
Doubtfull says “This is one of rek'sai's best match ups. You are stronger than Lee Sin at pretty much every part of the game, unless he gets really far ahead.If you have conqueror you shouldn't ever lose a 1v1 unless the fight starts out at a disadvantage. Remember you can cancel the 2nd part of his Q with your knock up (you can save your allies too). ”
IMissedMyQ says “This is a skill matchup. You are slightly stronger pre 6 if you don't let him catch you out. Post 6 is harder until you have finished Tri-force. Play around your spikes, and know when he spikes to play around it.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass. Plated Steelcaps if needed. Morellonomicon is a must against his healing.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Lee Sin is a notorious early game bully, ward the entrances of your jungle and the river with control wards to make sure he can't invade you. He creates a lot of pressure on the map with his ganks, try to countergank him if you can, use your movement speed to dodge his Q to minimize his kill and damage potential by a large amount .While you shouldn't engage on him early on, he falls off a lot mid-late game, take advantage of that and he should be an easy kill at that point.”
Whynotbefriends says “Relatively similar to Xin Zhao, you are able to win at level 3/4 if you get the jump on him with a spear from fog. Look to destroy him around 2-3 items if you have a lead.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored, because you are able to E, lee sin´s Q. The only problem is that it´s difficult to kill lee sin 1v1 because of his high mobility. I recommend invading some of his camps in the early game and gain an early lead and focus on objectives such as drake and rift herald etc. ”
Insightful says “lee sin is really strong at the moment and he has a lot of mobility to dodge your Q which can make it hard to CC him, if he catches you he'll one shot you aswell so just try to make sure you land your Q”
sonminh says “Early game is 40/60 in his favor. If you die to him early game, it's very difficult to come back. If you kill him early, it's hard for him to come back as well. You can beat him early if he misplays, otherwise don't try. Any build is fine into him. Later in the game, If he's strong, play front to back. If he's weak, play back to front. Basically a skill matchup.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Pretty Meh against you, as you can stop him from being so jumpy with your E. You out tank him in every way and can even out DPS him after 3 items.”
halomanonfire says “Lee Sins quick burst damage can allow for your lifesteal to never get the chance to work, but as long as you dont fall behind early game, you will win any long skirmish”
Disborn says “broken champ who can break inviz with Q/E, but he has low temp and dubious jungle clear when he s behind, bcs of magical boots in runes, we can overtake him”
Coorowko says “Hits hard early, avoid unless you've got help. Keep track of his pathing and you'll get some good chances to counter jungle or gank to disrupt his game. ”
KimeraBuilds04 says “All early jgls are a problem for kled because u are so weak without tiamat or more hp and if any jgl want to invade he will kill u ”
Karasmai says “This matchup is very tricky took me a long time to get comfortable with, you’re gonna wanna farm a lot for the early and track your resets everytime he stays on the map too long you want to make sure you have the Bonus Longsword adv or Kindlegem adv. You can full clear and be at skuttle before hes lvl 4 so if he contests look to fight him, If you’re going blue itll be hard to ignore him but get edge of knight and try your hardest to kill his carries. If you’re red you will eventually hard outscale just dont let him get too many dragons”
MexBookMaster says “Ahhhh mi querido Lee Sin, un match que me costó mucho aprender. Si falla la Q puedes tradear pero debido a que tiene un escudo y robo de vida en su W perderás el early casi siempre. Lleva Rhaast con Ignite y aplícaselo cuando active su W. Necesita kills y no es malo farmeando. Cuidado que los Lee son especialistas en robar objetivos y sacar ventaja en linea. Juega a counter junglearlo. Con Shadow Assassin (Azul) puedes Oneshotearlo si va full Letalidad pero el igual podrá hacer eso.”
Exoslol says “Lee Sin is a very strong champion and can beat you in every 1v1 if he gets his Q R Q combination off. This usually is enough to kill you combined with a mid Q E or basic attacks before he ults you. Avoid dueling Lee in the clear open. You can kill him by catching him unaware and dropping a good combo into R which you follow up with another combo.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Lee sin is a champion that plays aggressive and doesn't farm easily. Warwick can fight lee sin at any point of the game so will always be stronger than lee sin and can outgank lee sin by being faster than him.”
ak521 says “His Q deals quite a lot of damage if he recasts, he's like rakan in terms of mobility with his Safeguard. To outplay, just ulti, he'll stand there useless for a second. But he may ult you away. Be smart while playing against him as he can outplay you. So in other words, it's a skill matchup. Remember he is more like an assassin and is strong in duels (bad for you) so he'll try fishing you out (think Sett) as well as your allies by ganking.”
Crazyavenger20 says “Lee sin w makes you lose isolation right away, vs a good lee sin it is really hard to fight. Dueling with lee sin is really difficult as well.”
Rhoku says “Lee Sin is a much better jungler champion so he will likely outdo you but with proper macro, you can force him to fight you as you contest things that he wants. He cannot beat you in a 1v1 until level 6 at ALL. And even then, he can only delay you from killing him with his ultimate. You can be outplayed but his demise is inevitable if you straight up fight him.”
Insightful says “Lee sin is very strong right now, and he is very strong early/mid game, careful not to fall behind and focus on playing around teamfights
Dabgren says “Atleast for me as both Lee Sin and Kha'zix player, Lee Sin has an easy time against Kha'zix Early game but falls off, I would recommend you to only fight Lee sin if he is isolated or if you have red smite and he doesn't.”
izzlelol says “if it's a good Lee he will constantly invade you and punish your early game. Just use the scale runes and try to outscale him. If he invades you have to give unless you want to die.”
Lambda Diana says “You can win it just really hard make sure to dodge Q's if you can and care for his R ( kick ) it will fuck over your R. Most Lee Sins don't stack MR so Dcap 2nd if you are ahead is nice. ”
OsakaSatang says “Conc + inspiration
Same as xin zhao, stronger jungler than u early on. Wait for 6 spike if you want to 1v1 otherwise do full clears and play with team.”
ItsSkoob says “Lee sin is easy to 1V1 but he can escape really easy if he wants to and its hard for you to follow. He farms as quick as you but most Lee Sins are not mechanically skilled enough to be an extreme threat.”
aurus666lol says “All his items are nerfed, and all his possible counters are buffed, so he is rare now. He is better in early game because of Missing HP scaling on Q and shield with lifesteal + omnivamp. Try to not get hitted by Q and you will win every fight. Armor Boots are must in this matchup.”
temmykusaii says “i think this matchup is fairly even, you can kite him pretty well just dodge his q and if he does land q try to predict when he dashes and drop your e. he can dodge your w with his w tho so be aware of whether or not he used it ”
Ellesmere says “Possibly the jungler i enjoy playing against the least. Not because he's strong but because he's so incredibly annoying. Early game he does a lot of damage and he has the most escape in the game. Stay on your side, farm up and try to ward well so you can countergank since he will be looking to gank a ton. As long as he doesn't get too fed early, you can easily take him down mid-late game.”
Stratogos says “This a hard match up for fiddle.He is strong early game and can kick you out of a teamfight.Try to avoid 1v1 wit him ward objectives and jg cause he can invade easily ”
SketchtheHunter says “Solid early power but falls off really hard if he doesn't get ahead. He may try to kick you away, but in the Death Realm there is no escape!”
Very Rxre says “skill matchup, u farm better but he can impact the map harder with better ganks. Tough mu if the enemy lee sin is really good and only is even mu in high elo. low elo this is a free win since low elo junglers don't know how to path proficiently”
Chrosser says “Si le dejas fedearse puede destruirte muy fácilmente, aprovecha en el primer spawn del cangrejo para matarlo ya que eres mas fuerte que el en early.”
FrostForest says “Outdps you in a 1v1 and can chase to kill you.
You lose every fight early game but he becomes useless compared to you after the early game”
Maintained says “Similar to Ekko, It's pretty hard for Lee Sin to do anything to you. He can't ever solo kill you unless he is fed, especially if you have phase rush. The threat of your ult alone can nullify Lee from ever being to reliably Insec your carry into his team.”
Irmike78 says “Unless its Late game then fighting Lee will be annoying, has a lot more damage in his kit and ward hoping can allow for him to deny you a kill. As long as you dodge and place your W correctly Gwen can easily out damage and sustain him. ”
RichMrFork says “Highly mobile, lots of sustained damage, strong 1v1. Lee Sin has almost everything Ekko struggles with. As with most of Ekko's jungle matchups, surviving the early game and reaching your item powerspikes is your goal. Lee Sin is an incredibly strong champion right now so if you struggle with him then he's definitely in contention for a ban.”
manco1 says “Lee is a strong and mobile champ, but falls off fairly easy post 20 minutes. Power farm and gank at opportunities, but do not try to 1v1 him until 30 mins.”
Gedrah says “Lee Sin has a very strong early and a lot of mobility. He is better in 1 vs 1 and can counter jungle and counter gank you pretty easily. ”
Kayn Mains says “Pretty bad matchup for Kayn. Lee Sin will beat you in extended fights even if you have a level advantage. Avoid dueling him early on at all costs.
Once you reach the mid game you will be able to take fights if you are ahead. If not, look for counterganks and continue to not fight him.
During late game this becomes a fairly favorable matchup if you chose to go Rhaast. Do not be afraid to fight him.”
WillowSprout says “Easy win when you have good reflex when he Q's you sometimes good Lee Sin's won't Q you yet so I suggest just land your W on yourself first when he dashes in then put your E in so he's not in melee range. Prediction/Ability Placement matters in this match up”
metalhydra273 says “Lee sin struggles to kill you without ult, and you can even ult him as he ults you to punish defensive ults, or you can delay a ward hop as he tries to approach a wall. If you play it right he should struggle to get much done. Just be quick on your fingers to stop insec attempts. If he gets ahead enough to stat check you then he's gonna be a problem.”
Jinx_48 says “if you go blue form he is still broken and propably will one shots you and he in late game have something like 3 k hp so thats not ok in Early game oyu have rly good change to win him but i dont recomend anyone to 1 vs 1 him without help of lanes.”
Lovedblood says “He's just annoying to play against, most lee players will try to invade and screw over you JG so make sure u ward and stay on high alert.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Pretty bad matchup for Kayn. Lee Sin will beat you in extended fights even if you have a level advantage. Avoid dueling him early on at all costs. Once you reach the mid game you will be able to take fights if you are ahead. If not, look for counterganks and continue to not fight him. During late game this becomes a fairly favorable matchup if you chose to go Rhaast. Do not be afraid to fight him.
Aqua Dragon says “High early pressure and strong objective focus makes Lee Sin brutal against Malz, who is passive early and needs objectives to win. The saving grace from being an Extreme threat is that Lee Sin falls off the face of the earth eventually, while Malzahar's utility is always useful.”
limeia says “Très dur en début de partie. Il peut juste vous envahir dans les premières minutes du match. Il va probablement ganker plusieurs fois en début de partie ou simplement vous contrer durement et vous ne pouvez vraiment pas faire quelque chose”
auileta says “He can reveal you from your camouflage. You should aim not to engage with him before level 6. After that, you can pretty much solo him, with caution.”
Nanelol says “Lee Sin has one of the strongest early game pressure of all junglers especially because he can easily invade you with his level 2 powerspike, avoid fighting him early.”
Nanelol says “Lee sin is way more mobile and strong in the early game than you are. However you outscale him hard and he can't touch you past 15 mins.
Eagzey says “Pretty hard. You can never really 1v1 him unless you are turbo fed. Note: you can box his Q, Deceive his Q, even R his R if you time it right. ”
uSgSello says “Losing matchup.
Lee Sin often drops low in jungle. That is why you can try to catch him while jungling.
Many Lee Sin players try to catch you at your second buff in the early game. He has a lot of early damage and you won't win the fight if he lands his Q.”
uSgSello says “Able to dodge your E + Q because of his high mobility. He has more damage than you in the early game if he hits his Q. If he misses you should be able to win a fight or trade against him. Also he is able to jump out of your ult.”
Smartest2 says “We counter Lee Sin pretty hard. He has a strong early game so watch out for the invade. Ward river around 1:20~ before starting a camp. Try and avoid counter ganking Lee unless it's a favorable situation. We clear faster than him and outscale him hard.”
Rasta Rengar says “Can be a bit annoying with his ult but he shouldn't really be a problem. Try to countergank him by having alot of vision, they usually use all of their abilities at once and are vulnerable after.”
Vispectra says “You might be surprised to see this assassin bruiser champion with only level 3 Even threat. Your passive can be kinda abused to make sure he doesn't land Q. He should usually shove wave and move around the map at which point you're happy to farm it up. Max E into Lee.”
qosmox says “lvl 1 is a bit scary with his E slow + passive + Conq, so never let him extend the trade lvl 1. Try to get the slowpush still, while only taking 1 auto trades using your extra range. Lvl 3 is when you start winning the short trades really hard if you get a dragthrough and use W early (saving E to taunt out), but lvl 2 is do-able too. Never taunt forward unless you got lvl advantage. Stay behind your minions during trades as much as possible to deny him free Q’s. Be patient, if you overforce it will backfire, but also grow your lead lvls 3-5.”
aurus666lol says “He has one of the best early game damage as jungler, you are squishy and he is ultra tanky due his shield and sustain. He also has missing hp scaling on his main ability - Q, which makes him Extreme Threat.
IWillShowYouNoMercy says “Strong early but you can easily dumpster him if you are careful with your E placement, if he lands kick just E in front and he will get stunned, kite him and you will be fine early”
MrMeem45 says “Lee is a heavy ganker and one of the few junglers that can actually kill you early. Go for a full clear and fight him at scuttle while you're level 4 and he's level 3, it won't go well for him.”
theceasrsalad says “pretty good early just try to be on the opposite side of the map that he is and get your items, you beat him late. great body to take however”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be hard if the Lee Sin is good and has a lead. If he doesn't get ahead though, you will destroy him and hard out scale in team fights.”
Unknown420 says “hard match up in high elo only but in low elo u can deal with him fairly
easy because most doesnt know how to play him the correct way”
PK Noob says “You can easily duel him as long as you dodge his q. Shut him down early game and he will have an extremely hard time catching back up. By the time he does the game will already be over.”
Scintior says “ all depends if the Lee Sin knows his champ. You can be bullied out of the game quite hard. Just dodge his q with your q and you have chance to win fight against him.
Jhanthem says “You should beat him early, but he can really outplay you hard. If he is snowballing, build lots of armor and don't lose all hope. He can fall off hard.”
Riyad101 says “Strong af. Dodge his Q and you should win the fight but if you take Lee Sin's Q then you already lost the fight. Red smite will help fighting against him.”
Cryastro says “If lee isn't fed you can cc him as he jumps to you and run away. A good lee sin has multiple gap closers onto you but you can dodge his full combo's with your ult.”
Strike1 says “Lee sin much like xin zhao sticks onto you and never lets go. This is a problem for kindred who wants to kite because she just gets stuck on and killed. Wanna ult? he just kicks you out of it and oneshots you anyways.
Advice remains roughly the same, play to scale and avoid lee sin in the early. Dodging his Q and following up with your E to slow him and manoeuvring with your Q W can allow you to outplay it. ”
Kindredgarten says “If the Lee is good, you're in trouble. A lot of them suck though so I wouldn't be too scared unless you're at a pretty high rank. He can kick you out of your ult and can usually out duel you early. Just respect Lee, he is a strong early game jungler. You outscale and can easily fight if you have a lead.”
GuillaumeP84 says “Early fights, are pretty even depend of who engages. But you can easily counter is q by w just before he touchs you. You can kill him easily if you trap him.”
Acirar says “If a lee sin player knows what their doing your in a bad position but you shouldn't have to worry about this till higher elo's than bronze or silver”
Bingolyzed says “He can 1v1 you early on but doesn't have good ganks or farming capabilities. He will try to get his lead early so try to avoid losing fights or 1v1s and outscale him.”
Caled says “Lee Sin thrives in early game matchups and will beat you in extended fights before you have form. Rule of thumb is to avoid 1v1ing Lee Sin within the early game and focus on scaling. Mid and Late game you will be able to fight Lee Sin if you are ahead, especially Late Games and especially if you are going Rhaast.”
Loul_60 says “Stomps you early game and there is basically nothing you can do about it apart from invade him when he ganks somewhere, try to get drakes before him and wait until you get form.
Once again Rhaast does better than Asssassin into him but Blue form isn't exactly awful either.”
litecrunch says “He is at his strongest in the early game. The best you could do is outfarm him and maybe get some free ganks off, so you can get to that point of the game where you outscale him. If he isn't proactive early then he has done nothing useful for his team and will become quickly useless.”
liserith says “Lee Sin is quite the problem. He can use his Q and his W to gap close, and use his R to kick you out of your R. However, dodging his Q is pretty easy, and most Lee Sins would back off after missing.
Skill-based matchup.”
kaynt ward says “Has a lot of early game power to stop you from scaling. You can almost never 1v1 him until you get form. As long as he doesn't invade you early it should be fine. You can knock him up during his second Q.”
Gumipapucs says “A true troublemaker, i personally ban him all game. He can just start spam ganking right ahead, and as i am not in the greatest elo, 10/9 games he picks up too much freebies even after 20 F' off pings and gets out of hand. If you can stop him ganking in the early game, you are good to go when even, and if you dodge his Q. Otherwise, he will just deal nonsense damage to you even with a longsword only.
He can kick out of your ult, but you can just position in a way that a wall will stop you from leaving your ult.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Just so long as Lee doesn't gain an early lead into you Lee Sin shouldn't prove much of a threat as even pre-form you can somewhat contest him and after form easily 1v1 him and out contest objectives.”
XD001 says “Play relatively safe early and you will outscale him later on. At level 6 you can start trade with him and kill him if he plays really poorly. Mid/late game you can look for side lane but you won't really be able to kill eachother as you both don't have the dmg; Lee will be to tanky and we have 2 lives. In teamfights, focus on 1 shotting enemy squishies through a flank angle.
Ekko outscales.
electrocute + sorcery/inspiration +_ ignite
If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
Daynia says “Very hard in the early game. He can just invade you in the first minutes of the game. He will probably gank many times in the early game or just counter jungles you hard and you cant really do something about that”
chevy the sloot says “Natural counter but he's weak and hard to play so people int with him. Start away from him and have your other buff warded while being mindful of invades. Also ask your team to respect his early. ”
Al Groz says “A good Lee player can dominate you early on and has vision on you with is Q and E. If he is not too fed and u get your core it becomes not that hard. You always need ignite against him.”
c0st0m says “Lethality lee sin is annoying to deal with mostly cause he can just throw his q out after his kick to make sure it hits
bruiser/goredrinker lee sin however is much easier to deal with since u can just kite him somewhat easily”
Scyreption says “Strong champion vs evelynn, wins in 1v1's (duh, it is lee sin ofcours he wins) and he can easily outjungle.
play safe vs him and only go in when you know you can secure the kill
Counterbuild with anti heal”
Shroomen Rider says “Until Lee Sins damage is nerfed he is a problem. He disrupts you very well, making him difficult to 1v1.
If he misses Q and doesn't have ulty you have a decent chance of killing him. Better to wait for him to fall off, though. ”
Tinjus says “Playing against Lee Sin can go either way, if you manage to get ahead of him then you'll have no problem dueling him. However, if you are evenly matched or behind him, be aware of his Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike. This is usually a skill matchup”
Udyr uber says “Invada ele no level 2-3-4-5
Só precisa desviar do Q dele, que você já automaticamente ganha dele nas trocas.
Mate o máximo de Leexeiras possiveis.
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Good Lee Sin players will abuse you early, sidestepping your Q and E, and waiting for your W to run out before using his Q. I specifically mentioned "Good Lee Sin" players because most Lee Sin players won't have the fundamentals to know to do this.”
UnaFlauta says “I just hate this matchup, with his r he can take you out from your r and then chase you with his q, so I would prefer to dodge, if not, you will have to track him all the time so you will never face him”
PsiGuard says “You can win fights pre-6 as long as you shield his Q. Watch out for level 2 invades on your 2nd camp; you might want to save your ward to spot that. He can sometimes run away with his mobility but usually can't fight you 1v1 unless he's fed or hits his R and both Qs without you shielding anything.”
EversideHS says “He can out damage you at level 6 and can easily counter jungle. Make sure to keep your vision up and don't let him snowball your lanes. If he lands his Q make sure to W before he dashes so you are untargetable.”
Harambe Homie says “[[Lee Sin]] is extremely mobile and does tons of early game damage. When matched against him, if the Lee knows what hes doing definitely focus on hard farming for the early game. Your focus is to out scale him.”
TowerShieldDude says “Lee Sin is hard to duel due to his self shields and high mobility.
He'll more easily be able to snowball his lanes early due to his long range gap closing.
Dodge his abilities and watch out for targets he can dash towards.”
lolX9J says “Could be a threat if Lee gets future buffs, but as long as he stays useless ingame theres nothing to worry about. dont try to Q after he hit E, otherwise he will still see you in invis.
If he E's while ure already in Q he wont spot you.”
VenoSlayer123 says “This matchup hasn't been as bad recently because of the weakness of the champion itself, but it's historically been a bad matchup and I'm leaving it here because it seems like riot wants to make Lee strong again.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Can easily cheese you at level 2 during your early clears. Try not to fight him early on, 1v1s vs Lee until you get a bit tankier will most likely result in you dying, depending on the skill of the Lee Sin player. Tiger Stance gives you a decent chance at dueling him. A good Lee will dominate you early game, don't let this happen to you! Ward properly and keep tabs on his wherabouts :P”
JunglerBuilds says “Early game he's one of the toughest junglers to deal with. He has probably the highest early damage out of all the other junglers. His power gets weaker as the minutes pass, and he shouldn't be much of a problem by the 25th minute mark. That is if your team plays it safe and you don't let him ruin your day by taking objectives and counterjungling you.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Amumu is vulnerable to Lee Sin's early game invades. Pre 6, you need to ward your jungle and be mindful of where he is around the map to get your snowball rolling! Lee Sin's goal is to counter jungle you, so if you prevent him from doing that you will come out on top! Fortunately, Amumu farms a lot faster than Lee Sin so take advantage of this and aim to outscale him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Lee Sin is a very well known and often picked to be a standard Kha'zix jungle counter. Lee Sin is a jungle god right now especially in the right hands and has a higher pick and ban rate. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Defend your jungle and your laners, depending on the skill level of the Lee Sin he will counter gank to snowball himself or try to pressure the map early. Don't stress it and aim to scale quickly without dying or giving up early towers.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Can easily cheese you at level 2 during your early clears. Try not to fight him early on unless you have the clear advantage. Ward properly and keep tabs on his wherabouts, because he can usually snowball himself and his team better and easier than you early on, depending on the skill of the Lee Sin player. He can also kick you away from you and his team after you Ult which can screw you over pretty hard sometimes, try to stop this from happening to you if possible.”
sonminh says “Early game is 40/60 in his favor. If you die to him early game, it's very difficult to come back. If you kill him early, it's hard for him to come back as well. You can beat him early if he misplays, otherwise don't try. Any build is fine into him. Later in the game, If he's strong, play front to back. If he's weak, play back to front.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Dodge his Q's, avoid fights when you are not ahead in early because he wins most of the time.
Lee falls off in late and also spam gank laners , so play for late or objectives and inform your laners about it.”
keepfarming says “So like Ekkos other counters, lee is very strong early game and can be taken down easily because Ekkos lack of strength early and reliance of ult.”
MrMuckDuck says “Lee Sin is a powerful champion, in both early and late game. Do not push a Lee Sin unless you're doing great in the match. Lee Sin can jump through walls and enemies [without Flash] and therefore has greater advantage in the jungle. ”
Get Ricked says “Early game he beats you for sure. After 6 you can kill him if you dodge his Q and/or you are ahead of him. You outscale him hard so just farm up and avoid him.”
JackM says “The toughest matchup, literally, he has a fight clear, fine sustain, he has such huge burst and dps on you early game, so avoid him in jg at all costs, dodge q's cause if you get hit, you're doomed early, also try to play oppositely on his map, or just try to steal his camps or smite and run , you will out clear him as kayn, but if you die to him or your team feeds him you're gonna have a hard time, basically until you get tiamat and jg item, you can't do anything, you can try to depend on your team or call them if he invades you, also when you hit blue form if you're not behind and he's not fed, you're gonna be fine .
G Spot God says “It really depends on the skill level of the opposing lee. If they are just your average blind martial artist then you should be able to clap. When it comes to dueling, spire up and you are good to go, spire down care.”
DarkAuraLOL says “The toughest matchup, literally, he has a fight clear, fine sustain, he has such huge burst and dps on you early game, so avoid him in jg at all costs, dodge q's cause if you get hit, you're doomed early, also try to play oppositely on his map, or just try to steal his camps or smite and run , you will out clear him as kayn, but if you die to him or your team feeds him you're gonna have a hard time, basically until you get tiamat and jg item, you can't do anything, you can try to depend on your team or call them if he invades you, also when you hit blue form if you're not behind and he's not fed, you're gonna be fine .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Lee Sin is a very strong early game jungler and if it is an experienced Lee Sin player he will be invading you from the start of your game. If you can, take an unconventional jungle pathing against Lee Sin and try to avoid him early on. ”
EvoNinja7 says “In the early game he will beat you easily, but in the mid game you can get through his shields and out damage him, just don't get hit by his Q and land you're stun, then you should be fine.”
MetaSolaray says “While he has greater ganks you beat him in a direct 1v1. Try to avoid eating a Q and even if you do hit him with a bear stun before unloading with tiger. Pre six you outright win, post 6 you will eat his ult. If unsure take Aftershock.”
Sq_09 says “Most mage-junglers and mages in general struggle against Lee Sin, but with Zyra being very vulnerable to invades early, Lee Sin can just permanently put pressure on you. Rush Seeker's, play is safe and pick the Inspiration setup to compensate for the gold-deficite and get a cheap Zho to go for plays when Lee is not around. If you see him, do not use your E unless he is currently dashing towards you. Be careful, because good Lee Sins can outplay that as well.”
DarkAuraLOL says “The toughest matchup, literally, he has a fight clear, fine sustain, he has such huge burst and dps on you early game, so avoid him in jg at all costs, dodge q's cause if you get hit, you're doomed early, also try to play oppositely on his map, or just try to steal his camps or smite and run , you will out clear him as kayn, but if you die to him or your team feeds him you're gonna have a hard time, basically until you get tiamat and jg item, you can't do anything, you can try to depend on your team or call them if he invades you, also when you hit blue form if you're not behind and he's not fed, you're gonna be fine .”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This ones kind of weird. It's a skill matchup that feels slightly more weighed towards the Lee Sin. If he lands his Q, your main hope is to try and get a fully charged stun as he flies towards you, but if you're not careful and start it too early, your stun will dissipate and he can still jump to you. If he doesn't land his Q it should be pretty free. Kraken is the way to go.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Lee is strong in the early game, you want to avoid him in the early game. You outscale him really hard if you go RedKayn. Your goal is to get RedKayn as possible to match him and outscale him. If you go BlueKayn its a bit hard to oneshit him due to his ult. ”
FlamingZ says “Odds are that the person playing Lee Sin is either amazing, or horrible. If they're good, you have some competition in the jungle. Otherwise he is a good jungler, adn an even threat.”
adony101 says “He beats you 1v1 early on, and has more teamfighting potential than you. However you do outscale him in terms of stats and can sometimes match his pace early on with correct pathing. Try to make plays in the opposite side of the map track him in his jungle.”
J03B0B says “Lee Sins CAN fight you early but they have to play perfectly. One missed ability and you win.
Your counter ganks are insanely strong vs him and post 6 you basically have a free win. Play early game safe and controlled and you should cruise to a W ”
SingleSausage says “Lee is one of your best match ups, because you can beat him early he only way he can get ahead is if he does better ganks, so get ready for a good counter gank, and later on if u get kicked into their team you can get a good fear and set up off just off that so tyvm lee”
Schadenfreude says “You should have no problem with dueling him, the problem lies in whether you can retaliate to his ganks. He is a very strong early game jungler, but if you manage to play it right, you should be able to kill him just fine. ”
Watsonthe8th says “He can be a real nasty champ to fight if he player has hands. If he does not you can play pretty darn agro into him. Ive heard he is countered by jax but ive also been wrecked by him a number of times.”
Aurelius2142 says “Be careful when you take fights - he can burst you when you don't expect it, and (if you're not careful) knock you into an eager enemy team. Do NOT feed him, no matter what you do.”
Karthus man says “Just don't fight him early game and try to counter gank him and you will win. He is an early game champ so you will naturally outscale him.”
TheElibeater says “Lee Sin can easily abuse Kayn's weak early 1v1s. If the player is good, he might also invade you and screw your entire game up really hard.”
Kosserai says “as lee sin´s mobility depends on his w, his armor and damage might destroy our Lillia before we even try to run, try banning him in case you don´t know how to dominate him”
SuperMajorPain says “Lee has the best early game out of all JGs , so be Cautious with Lee, just as always you want to be up on Farm and Gank Opposite lanes to which he is ganking, Do not 1 v 1 Lee Sin in jg ”
Ivern OTP says “I wouldn't put Lee Sin as an extreme threat, but nonetheless he is a MAJOR threat. Lee Sin has one the best clears + Skirmish abilities in the game. Ivern thrives in his ability to skirmish and outwit the enemy jungle. If Lee Sin lands a Q on you, it's pretty hard to escape since he has like a gazillion ways to jump onto your face.”
Rusitc1 says “He can counter jungle you really well, and he can 1v1 you even when you get form. Scary stuff. On Red Kayn he's kind of a push over though.
On Blue Kayn play around your tanks and try to avoid him in teamfights as his kick can mess with your combo
On Red Kayn play for form, he really isn't that much of a threat once you have form.”
ractick says “Be very careful in the early game of counter ganks, invades & early objectives!
You will become stronger than him with Red form and Goredrinker/Armor Boots”
Maile says “Lee matchup can get quite annoying because he is the skirmish king. If you have better mechanics, then you will have a better chance of coming out on top because Lee needs to use his abilities. Try to avoid him early and get to level 6 ASAP. ”
McSushi says “skill matchup. too much variables to explain, just key ones: dont fight unless youre ahead, dont go too deep into his jungle, because if you die too much against him... its bad. block his q with your box, especially if he's aiming for your allies. you can just q away.”
CalicoCactus says “Beware of his power, lee sin players range from F5K3R himself to little Timmy on his brother's computer. Overall he is AD and I see most Lee's going Goredrinker or Assasin, both of which is countered by your thorn mail / massive armor stack.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Again, early game threats. While not a counter to Shen, Lee Sin is a very aggressive match up to keep up with and can make your life difficult in the jungle with objective pressure and invades. Lee alongside Olaf are my two permanent bans.”
White Cr0w says “The most known counter due to reveal and countergank power. However this is a double-edged counterpick. If they pick lee sin to counter you (so after you pick), you can outplay him. If you find him on his jungle when he just used Q + E to farm, he's dead.
A good lee sin can destroy your game, so if you firstpick you may consider banning him.”
KevinThyAsian says “Dodge Q and kite. Pre 6 you should win. In team fights, his kick will mess up your ulti and your positioning but that rarely happens if your map knowledge and sense is on point. He has a potential of being a major threat. But for me it’s a Skill matchup ”
killcolin says “If you get invaded pre-6 he can shit on you entire game. You have to path safely til 6 then you can duel him any time. (His q also reveals you which can be annoying to deal with) He falls off very hard and does nothing to you late.”
Manzey says “Easy to kite aslong as you dodge Q, but if he does an early invade, you're pretty much screwed, so place a late ward so you're prepared for his arrival.”
Akrylia says “Evelynn struggles with almost every early game jungler. If the enemy is good enough, they will constantly invade you and make it impossible for you to snowball.”
NiceTryVi says “Lee Sin will invade at your buffs, almost guaranteed. If you see him coming, back off the camp instead of fighting him, as he has much better damage to kill you early, especially if you have been fighting the buff camp. If he gets fed, try to play safe and wait him out, as his damage falls of sharply near the end of the midgame into the lategame.”
Minase says “A good Lee Sin will just make your life miserable. He will permanently invade you and kick you away from his team whenever you go for an engage. This matchup is literal hell and if you play in an elo where players are good at this champion (Master+) then consider banning him or dodging him. Do your best to just powerfarm and avoid him at all costs. You will eventually outscale him, the way you beat him is mostly looking for picks before teamfighting.”
LoL destroyer says “Lee sin is more of a close combat champion than olaf surprisingly, Lee Sin, if played right, can easily counter gank you and outplay you hard, while taking you and your laner out. The best way to counter him is avoid him at the beginning unless you notice they are new to Lee Sin. A good Lee Sin player will beat you every time.”
Nyftt says “The matchup is really easy mid/late game but he is far stronger than you early on and therefore can invade you quite easily. Put a defensive ward early, look at which buff he starts and avoid him.”
FalleN3 says “He will have the upper-hand on you before level 6 but you will outscale him afterwards. Avoid fighting and trading with him until level 6+. You will need to ward your jungle a lot and be careful of invades as he can either kill you if you run into him on low HP or he can ruin your game by taking your camps over and over. If you can dodge his (Q) Sonic Wave it will go a long way to winning a 1v1.”
FalleN3 says “Very mobile, high damage champion. You need to take care for an early invade from him as you will lose the trade in a 1v1. If he lands his (Q) on you, you're pretty much dead. If he misses it, you 'might' have a chance of winning the trade. He is an exceptional counter jungler so be sure to keep your jungle warded. He will look to snowball himself by ganking lanes hard or counter jungling. This wont be a fun match-up, keep wards down and look for opportunities to help out your teammates and keep you jungle to yourself.”
Holessando says “Skill matchup, you are able to kill him but he is able to kill you as well. Lee can kill you in early, so I dont recommend fighting him, but he falls off in late game, so you have higher percentage to win the game..”
aiker95 says “Highest level of threat. It is difficult to control. It can quickly move away and also near. In the jungle, it is also very dangerous, but to win it is necessary to: follow that he used for the ability to move away when he wants to approach and vice versa.”
metalhydra273 says “Lock him down before he does anything too flashy and you shouldn't have too much trouble. You have dueling potential vs him but it tends to be pretty even so fight carefully. If possible, look to ult him as he ults you and you can pull him as you're getting knocked back. You could also try ulting him while he's q'ing if you get the chance.”
DemacianStandard says “ You will generally beat him 7/10 times. Not very powerful on his own since he has more single target abilities compared to your aoe ones.”
AKScorched says “Lee can be pretty annoying in early game if he plays aggro, but even if he does, let's say he invades, invade him back but don't get caught. Don't fight him alone in early and no matter how fed he gets, he'll be pretty much useless in mid-late game.”
NixLychee says “Another strong early ganker, be careful because he doesn't fall off as hard as you, and can 1v1 you in most situations if his early lead is big enough.”
gurubashi35 says “A good Lee Sin will use the spammability and ranged poke of his Q to whittle you down. When he see's you cast E, he will try to W away, so try to save your Q until you see him stand still or pop a ward down. If you manage to follow through the W, you win the fight.
His R makes it hard for you to dive the enemies carries, so be wary when it's up. If Lee Sin to Conq, avoid fighting if your E isn't up, as you will definitely lose the fight.
He scales better as a bruiser than you do, but your bring more utility to the team with your AOE E fear and R, so transition into a backline peeler come late game. ”
Coccaa says “Lee sin is able to clear very fast, and is going to look for a level 2-3 gank or invade almost all the time. This is because he is looking to build his first items as fast as possible. His Q is also a very good engage tool in ganking. To beat him, look to invade him or take him out with an ally. He's a slightly squishy champion so it is possible he will die as he ganks, so use this to your advantage. ”
Ruffhsu says “You are very vulnerable to him in the early game. You have almost no means of fighting or countering him in the early stages of the game. He does fall off majorly in the late game and becomes a very easy pick for you.”
KaRMaX says “If he has a great level on this champ, you will never be able to touch your jungle after lvl 2 or 3.
You will need to have a different first clear jungle to avoid him invade you.
At lvl 6 if he wants he can 100-0 you, so avoid 1v1 as much as possible early/mid game.
If he doesn't counter jungle, just farm, gank, have map pressure and play around your power spikes (as guinsoo and death dance)”
chasemyman1 says “A true test of skill. Both champions are evenly matched and if you dodge his Q you win the fight. Be careful of his Conqueror stacks. Whoever wins the early game wins the matchup.”
NixLychee says “Skill matchup. You can dodge a lot of his damage with your q, but he can CC you with ult and follow up with q to kill you quickly. Don't let him get ahead.”
PILTOVi says “Lee pode ser muito difícil de lidar pelo fato da invasão. A única chance de você fazer algo é se ele usar seu Q e você também usar seu Q para cancelar dano do Q dele. você tem sempre que ter seu Q a disposição de acertos da onda Sônica do Lee. essa é uma das vantagens que você tem contra ele mas isso não tira o fato de que Lee consegue fazer a jungle bem mais rápido seu Kit é bem muito poderoso, deixando ele bem mais a frente.
reganakers says “Lee Sin is one of the early game champions that can contest Olaf. You should barely win a 1v1 however if counter-ganked by him it could be a 2v2 that wont go in your favour. Both of your lates are terrible but his is just abit better due to his playmaking opportunity.
If you are 1v1ing him post 6, don't use your ultimate at the start, unless you feel like hes about to kick you, he will likely save it to run away so get him lower then press R so he can no longer use it as an escape tool. ”
McSushi says “depends on who gets ahead. he is squishy unless he builds hp, and you beat him 1v1 all day. when he kills jg camps and uses up spells, jump on him, you get the camp or lee if he doesn't wardhop, or both.”
wild overload lol says “Quando você estiver aprendendo a jogar de Shaco, Lee Sin pode ser um dos seus piores pesadelos. As habilidades Q e E do Lee Sin te revelam mesmo durante a invisibilidade por causa da marca, mas com o tempo você aprende.”
PsiGuard says “Lee is much stronger early but falls off hard after 1-2 items. If he doesn't snowball or bully you hard early, this is a pretty manageable matchup. If he builds tanky, he won't be able to kill you directly, and if he builds damage you'll be able to burst him. Just focus on getting to 6 without dying and you should have a good shot of winning. It's easier to charm him in counterganks since he'll commit his mobility cooldowns to chasing your allies instead of having them available to run away from you.”
PsiGuard says “This matchup is usually fairly easy. You can unburrow to knock Lee Sin out of his Q (or W if you time it right) and you'll be durable enough that he should have a hard time killing you even after he gets his ultimate. Rek'Sai and Lee Sin are both strong early gankers, so you'll have to try and take map control early and have a bigger impact on the lanes than he does. Countergank him if you can, you should have an advantage in 2v2s.”
classicnoob says “He is weak,but in late that Early game DMG doubles like 10 times and he does build tank and Yi likes squishy champs he can shred so you may need Lord domineks or Mortal reminder,Otherwise watchout.”
bluelunged says “Lee sin has a strong early game, so you want to track him at all times to warn your laners, and avoid 1v1s until level 6. Later in the game his damage falls behind and isn't high enough to overcome your tankiness so it becomes really easy to kill him. Be careful when frontlining against him because of his ultimate.”
Happty says “Lee Sin may be a popular counter to Kha'Zix, but in my opinion, he isn't that hard to be killed, because you can easily outdamage him if he's alone, but I'd suggest to avoid fighting him if you're below 75% health.”
Eggoman says “Avoid fighting him if you can. If he invades you (He will) back off of the camp and stay in a bush and watch. If he uses all his abilities just E onto him and kill him fast. He falls off late game so don't take many risks and outlast him.”
RageAx says “Can kill you early but post form you his only real threat is him insecing you into their team when your skills are on cooldown. Generally starts red so starting your red then immediatly clearing his blue can be used to deny him xp and gain the early lead.”
KillyOne says “Very similar to KhaZix, dominant early on, but should not be able to 1v1 you at mid to late game. Avoid early fights with him unless you know you can win the engage.”
NoaaaaXD says “You should avoid 1v1s in the early/mid game. You can outplay him, but if he hits Q on you, your chances of beating him are significantly lowered.”
League Of Cursed says “He has a better early game than you, and if smart will abuse that to no end. He also scales decent, despite what everyone says "lee sin falls off late" used to be true in the past, but he can just go bruiser now and be fine. Overall, try to farm up to 6 fast and look for counter ganks if you can.
Dopamine_influx says “If he takes bone plating, you lose fights, even with triple Q if you're on slightly lower HP. After he gets tabi redsmite, if you're even, you can't kill him. If he doesn't go bone plating, you can look to 1v1 him on scuttles. Else, just try to countergank, as you're stronger in skirmishes than him. You can also just ignore him and play around your strong lanes for dives/ganks/objectives.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “As for 1vs1 early on, you should be healthier and also be able to kill him easier than he can kill you. Just be careful of his combo, and also he has better ganking potential than you do. ”
Xeldom says “Difficult match-up. Do not engage on him unless you are capable of one-shotting him which will require gold lead or he is lower hp than you. Once he gets ninja tabi's and black cleaver it is very difficult to duel him. ”
Poohlio says “Don't duel him early if he hit the Q and has Conqueror. Lee Sin has disgusting damage early and can easily peel you off in teamfights with his R. Not fun to play against >:c”
Jogress says “Leesin matchup varies, due to his difficulty. Good Lee sins are big threats, but not good Lee sins may be just constant feeders
NOTE: Lee sin's will often invade your buffs early. Ping to teammates for help.
It's hard for Lee to hit Q on such a fast moving target as Lillia and you can outplay him by playing accurately.
Consider early armor if situation is bad. Lee becomes weaker late (if not fed to extreme)”
AWierdShoe says “Skill matchup. As long as you avoid his Q with your E you should be fine. Lee Sin can be an invasive jungler so try to get vision in his jungle early. Later in the game he will fall off and just become a kickbot, so use your scaling to your advantage. With items you win 1v1s with your higher burst.”
Dreadscythe95 says “He is a high-skill champion but a good lee sin can make your life a nightmare early game and you can't cath him easily with your ultimates and taunt.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He counters Kindred in general, but the difficulty will depend on how good he is and what he is building. If he builds damage, he is squishy enough for you to kill him fast but he is also very much able to kill you if you don't dodge his Q. Watch out as he can kick you out of your ult, rendering it useless in 1v1.”
Omega Zero says “He can be disastrous to deal with if he gets the lead, but really what makes Lee strong is how well he can gank (and his outplay potential), so if you two were just on par and are dueling, you can beat him relatively well (at least scare him off or force him to ult), but if he's ahead he can be QUITE the bully.”
LookOutMuppets says “His Q means you cant kite him like you can everybody else. champions with big gap closers in general are bad for an immobile adc like Ashe.”
nextonetwo says “Lee can stick on you pretty easily. Amumu is already immobile, Lee can just q onto you or just walk up to you if you're out of position and e you and just keep auto attacking you and if you flash he can q onto you. Get good with awareness of your camps and use them to q away from him.”
nextonetwo says “Lee can stick on you pretty easily. Amumu is already immobile, Lee can just q onto you or just walk up to you if you're out of position and e you and just keep auto attacking you and if you flash he can q onto you. Get good with awareness of your camps and use them to q away from him.”
Exs Xena says “Lee Sin has very fast early clear, he might get to gank other lanes before you even get a chance. Try to punish him when he's out of position, or to countergank him. ”
QzKama says “You win early game although he can easily cheese you early. Pick your fights carefully and you'll be fine! He is a slippery champion with an Ult that ruins your whole day so just like Jarvan, watch the teamfights.”
Omega Zero says “Well rounded junglers like Lee Sin and Udyr (good ganks, clears and dueling power) will screw you over early on, so ensure that you have proper vision and objective control and do optimal rotations.”
MegaAlphaDog says “dominant early game champ, look to counter gank him as he will try to get lanes ahead early on, he will fall off mid to late if you stay ahead of him.”
GhostReaper87 says “Same thing with graves but he just has way too much mobility. You cant fight him early because he can 1vs1 you pretty easily. Try to help lanes and look for objectives because lee sin players love to gank and you can sneak in rift or even drake while he is ganking.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Skill Match, if u do it better than him u can beat him easy pre 6, post 6 u have to be a little bit more careful cause he can oneshot u, get red smite to reduce his damage”
Kamisore says “If you play the early game well, you can just get yourself ahead through crossmap plays and invades and just oneshot him later on. You could potentially kill him early since all his damage is just burst, and you have more consistent damage with your attack speed steroids.”
Heihro EUNE says “You can 1v1 him when you got your 1-2 item but only when he is not to much ahead. when its going to late game he is pretty much a free kill!”
DarkPit59 says “Lee Sin est l'un des pires matchups pour Evelynn. Ses lourds dégâts avant la 20eme minute lui permettent à la fois d'avoir une meilleure présence sur les lanes et de vous counter-jungle/invade avec aisance. Il peut également emprunter des itinéraires particuliers avec son "dash-ward" ou vous amener dans sa team avec un "dash-ward" + ultime.”
Fresh Diamond says “He will have the upper-hand on you before level 6 but you will outscale him afterwards. Avoid fighting and trading with him until level 6+. You will need to ward your jungle a lot and be careful of invades as he can either kill you if you run into him on low HP or he can ruin your game by taking your camps over and over. If you can dodge his (Q) Sonic Wave it will go a long way to winning a 1v1.”
Vodka4Gaben says “IF its a good lee sin player, he will most likely win this matchup, just because of him being able to invade your jungle. However If he never invades you and you just get either of your forms, he never beats you again.”
Flux31 says “Lee Sin is one of the champions that can go toe to toe with Warwick if given the proper execution of abilities. But if you land your moves right he'll be easily dealt with. Save your E when he uses his Q's secondary.”
WickedPoppet says “He has a better early game than you, and if smart will abuse that to no end. He also scales decent, despite what everyone says "lee sin falls off late" used to be true in the past, but he can just go bruiser now and be fine. Overall, try to farm up to 6 fast and look for counter ganks if you can.”
SavageFy says “Lee Sin's damage, healing, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Lee Sin often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Champs with an even stronger early game are a terror to face with Camille. This guy will have more ressources than you and always hunt you down. If you manage to split the map while being unseen you can make progress. Never fight him 1v1 and avoid meeting him at 1:25.”
Nyftt says “Evelynn being naturally worse early game and peaking late game Lee Sin might sound like a big problem. The trick to this matchup is jungle tracking. Your goal in this matchup is to simply avoid Lee Sin in the early game and try to impact the opposite side of the map you think he will be on.”
GinWinsky says “With the MASSIVE buffs he got, he can burst you down easily if he gets fed, which he often does because of the outstanding amount of damage given to him. Skill matchup. Get scuttles and ward for laners.”
TrevorJayce says “Lee is a very annoying champion simply because of his R and W. His R serves as a free "getthefuckoffme" and his W serves as a free "getthefuckaway." Until he gets tanky though, you should win 1v1s by holding your W until he Q's. Handle with care.”
AsarWeth says “You can counter his Ulti, you can 1v1 him early if you counter his Sonic Wave, just be careful. He can also burst you down if you don`t pay attention.”
Morzanoth says “He is pretty annoying to play against. Most go super aggressive early on to try and snowball and you cant really match the pressure on the map. He will invade you often and you cant really do much about it. You can fight him once you are 6 if he hasnt gotten too far ahead but look to counter gank plays he is trying to make or set something up with your ult.”
Freeakzoid says “There are basically no extreme threats for Rek'Sai, as she herself is an extreme threat to every other jungler thanks to her Tremor Sense (great for counterganking), extremely high damage in early game (can 1v1 almost every champion early) and her unique tunnel mechanism which has higher range than Flash (can escape or engage from places, where other champions can not). The only 'even' matchups for her are very heavy damage early junglers like Rengar, lee, elise.”
Nico449c says “Hes quite weak right now and you will win about all fights pre 6 even harder if you hit your e. when you go into spiderform after hitting e you can use your spiders to block hes q, you will win almost every countergank you do against him but be aware of hes lvl 2 ganks and eventually invades at lvl 2 and you will lose. So try outgank him or invade him at lvl 3.”
AsarWeth says “Watch out for his Q, and be careful with his ultimate, he can kick one member of your team from your ultimate, and he will probably kill you if he lands Q early game.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Lee Sin is a very strong early game jungler and if it is an experienced Lee Sin player he will be invading you from the start of your game. If you can, take an unconventional jungle pathing against Lee Sin and try to avoid him early on. ”
Coccaa says “Pretty easy to deal with late game but in early game is pretty scary. He does insane dmg compared to you and can invade u pretty easily. Have your top laner ward the closest enemy buff and play from there now that you know where he started.”
Marcua says “Skill matchup. The first to hit a Q wins. You can look to invading him early, and trying to get the jump on him. You are both relient on early game leads, so if you do get him behind, you have yourself a free game.”
BlindKidNoThumbs says “It is a skill matchup however unless the lee sin is really good you will stomp him in duels and skirmishes. Easy to counter gank. You can also invade him and once lee sin is behind he is very useless.”
TSMyth says “This actually depends, if you're going against a god Lee Sin, that actually knows what they're doing then you're kind of fucked, but if you can play it nicely against him you're fine. I'd recommend you to go Ninja Tabi's since his damage is outrageous. Black Cleaver could work.”
MannerlessNG says “A good one will ruin your life, a bad one won't even matter. Play smart when fighting Lee Sin, he has just as much close in and shutdown power as you do.”
TSMyth says “If you're going against a good Lee Sin that knows what he's doing then you better be careful. Because if a Lee Sin player knows what he's doing then it's probably over for you unless you know how to counter a champion like him. His ult is veryyyy annoying so be careful. I'd recommend you to build Ninja Tabi's.”
Fabosch is Love says “The entire Lee Sin kit counters Wukong. He has more mobility, better early game, he can disengage you in teamfight, and he can see you with his Q spell (so you can't W when he used it on you).”
Ardent Deceiver says “Easy to fight early with good box placement, but tricky Lee's can steal your buffs and obj's from you if you're not careful. Try to keep vision on him and never fight if he has an early lead in kills.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Pretty formidable and annoying but not a nightmare. DO NOT MISS YOUR E EARLY GAME. You need your minions to win a fight early with Lee.”
The Top Bear says “Careful with this guy. He has a ton of damage early, and if he is good, can outplay the hell out of you. Be careful when fighting him. I would suggest warding objectives and around lanes, then focus on farming and ganking.”
Split King says “Playing against Lee Sin is like playing against time itself. There is no way Shyvana can outperform Lee in the early game if Lee knows what he is doing that is. Shyvana WILL, however, outperform Lee in the late game no matter what.
So survive the early game and victory will be yours. Lee ganks a lot early so the drake should be free which will help you get to the late game a bit faster ;)”
Liibron says “Lee Sin can kick you out of your ultimate. Also he is a very strong early duelist. Although early on it's a skill match up, once he hits 6 avoid him when his R is up.”
RaptorDre says “Skill matchup, be careful for when trying to cancel his 2nd Q, since he can bait your E out by pressing W on ward/champion mid air. Which can make you out of position and vulnerable.”
KitsyMamori says “His all in combo is as dangerous as yours is, so try to dodge his Q and stay out of melee range. Try to hit your Q and use your combo explained in abilities.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “Early game can be tricky. If so just avoid him. You are the better ganker.
might invade so start raptors. after 6 you should win a 1 v 1. before 6 you can win if you bait him into 2 boxes. ”
ATrain001 says “Early game will be disadvantageous for Orianna in most matchups just due to the fact that base AD is so low. Keep away until mid-game if possible. ”
PokeBen6551 says “Very strong earlygame and a lot of Lategame potential. A good Lee Sin can and will spend most of his time in your Jungle, most likely getting some kills and all your farm. If you cant ban Yi, ban him instead.”
cutmeh says “Skill matchup as he has high mobility while dealing decent damage. Good lee's are annoying as they tend to stay and burst you with their early game damage whilst bad lee's are freelo”
probr859 says “Lee has the potential to gank too early and to invade your jg, so a nice vision control can help your surpass this situation.
Lee tem o potencial de gankar muito cedo e invadir sua jg, portanto, um bom controle de visão pode ajudá-lo a superar essa situação.”
Grap3fest says “Lee doesn't beat you often- but he can really hurt. His abilities do more when the target is at lower hp. Be careful to duel him at 6 if you are already low on life. At full HP you should easily win.”
0kruemlmonster says “Don't fight him before lvl 6 and you're fine. Dodge his Q. A good Lee will invade you early and steal your camps. Ask your lanes to ward your jungle.”
matg8 says “Lee is one of those people that if you find him... or he finds you, it's pretty much over. In early game he can completely screw you up and late he can be a big threat too.”
SNOBOY says “He has a very strong early game, but you can poke him down early. Just smash him with your Q's. If he lands one of his on you, hit w right away, wait for him to reconnect then e, q him and you should do alright.”
TheDrKlord says “Strong early game, high invade potential, Lee will try to gank some lane early on, try to alert your laners and if so invade him in a GREAT opportunity.”
HackedAccountlol says “This was a skill matchup back then when they still didn't removed the jungling item Tracker's knife. Now he's a bit harder cause of the damage buffs to his Q and Q range. He has superior ganks than you esp post 6. He mostly does buff-to-buff so try to take his raptors and leave a baby one alive to delay it's spawn.”
Mkcls says “Depends on Lee Sin player. Dont ever try to 1 vs 1 him early, but with good positiong you can win most battles later on. Buy wards to deny his cheese potential. ”
Simphoria says “He will out gank us but we can counter his. He isn't a great farmer, won't counter jungle too severely and we out scale him. His Q cannot out last our passive. Remember that the second part of his Q can be interrupted by our Q and if you need to flee, then save your Q until after his Q has landed. ”
Fyurex says “He can whop you in early if you aren't careful. He is pretty bad in team fights but you shouldn't let him come close to your carry as he will Insec. Luckily he isn't much revelant in late game.”
Xelaadryth says “He can kick you out of teamfights. Always watch him to make sure this doesn't happen as your ult is very imoprtant. It's often worth it to Zhonya's to avoid getting kicked.”
shaundasschaf says “Early game he can invade you, but that's it. Still strong ganks and if he's good he can outplay you quite good, but actually not a hard matchup.”
Mr. Nyahr says “His dueling power is not to be understated, and early on you simply aren't durable enough to take fights with him. Avoid him where possible and try to counter-jungle.”
Lasoor says “[General] Lee Sin is dangerous to Yorick. Avoid him if possible. If you must fight him you can usually kill him with your ultimate, but Lee Sin normally has teammates with him especially if he is going in against a Yorick. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Shouldn't be a hugely difficult matchup, but the skill of the Lee is very important. Position carefully against his ult, and dodge his Q.”
Laverenz says “Lee Sin is a 50/50. If he knows how to play him right, he might be a challenge to kill, because of his high mobility. If you're ahead you should just destroy him.”
VF PentaMasteR says “Lee Sin will always knock you away with his R whenever you are about to stun him with your E. If he knows what he's doing, you will have problems with him, especially in the early game.”
Asothin says “Fairly easy. Has a single gap closer which involves him hitting his Q. Avoid ulting when close to his turret as he will kick you into it. Other than that easy match-up.”
keepfarming says “Lee Sin is an extreme threat to Shaco. Not only does he have a lot of quick burst damage but his Q also reveals you so you cannot just Q away like you would against most champs.”
today ill feed enemy team says “He have a much better teamfight than yours with him R but you can solo him very easily early game, just try to him don't cheese you.”
Doaenel says “Lee Sin out trades you early game, so before you fight him you will need to have at least a completed warrior. Focus on early ganks to try and come ahead, and this matchup will quickly swing in your favor.”
G2 Ryan says “Clears camps faster than you, beats you in the early game. If you could time it right with Q you could dodge his Q, then he will Kick you away because his main damage came from Q and R.”
mememedun says “he can disable you quickly and stop you from escaping. practicly every jg is the same threat if they farm more than you and you don't have the right jg item.”
Her0mars says “Honestly, most lee's will be more about stomping your laners than you so invades aren't as big of a problem so much as your bot lane getting camped etc. have map control, and wards and just watch where he goes so you may counter gank. I generally ward by blue on the first clear as that is where they will go if they do want to invade me.”
Yuki H. says “Although Lee Sin is considered a strong early game duelist, once again Graves' kit allows him to duel Lee Sin in a relatively easy manner once his Q has been dodged. Smokescreen allows Graves to negate Lee's dps for a second or two, whilst Graves lands free damage. Do not engage in a 1v1 if not confident in dodging his Q.”
VViciu says “Lee Sin's Q and E grant True Sight to the target, which makes you visible even if you're under your Q's effect. Fortunately, because of his several dashes, he can be countered by baiting him into your boxes.”
Andante Tempo Jungle says “You beat him in fights. Be cautious of him out-pressuring you in lanes and winning without having to ever fight you. He has better ganks and is a stronger champion, but plays very poorly into you.”
sNenSss says “Be aware of his Q and E he gets vision on you and can easily kill you especially in your R. If he hits his combo before you can do you're dead.”
yasinpg says “If your counter ganks succeed you win, If he snowballs his team early you lose. Try to ward and track where he goes, and counter every one of his ganks. He usually camps mid so a semi deep ward in the enemy jungle can help a lot.
Lategame is extremely in your favor so simply survive the early game.”
4by3 says “Skill matchup. People say Lee Sin steam rolls Shaco since his true vision and damage indeed destroys Shaco, there is counterplay. You block his Q with your W, you block his R with your R. At mid game you can sometimes kill him 1 on 1 if its even and if he has no tabi, late game you can just jump on him and chunk him, he can't kill you since he can't kick you.”
Ajagara says “Have your whole jungle or at least the entrances warded at all times, as his counter jungling is very dangerous. You are weak in your jungle as you need time to charge your E”
SupahotFairy says “Will very often try to counter jungle you, which can be very annoying, especially if your team is falling behind and losing lanes so that you can't counter jungle him back.
However, Vi outscales Lee Sin fast. Especially since Lee Sin players tend to only buy damage items early to mid-game and you can counter him with armor, As long as Lee Sin doesn't get too far ahead early, you will be able to take over in mid-game.”
Jadiac5 says “Would ban if there wouldnt be one champ which is more annoying but if I see him selected I always think about dodging, since he is a strong invader till you are lv6 and even then he can just jump onto you over crazy distances with his Q and totally destroy you. 9/10 would ban if not for Rengar. (If he sucks he is easy)”
Shieldss says “A bit of a hit or miss. I put him here because it varies on if he goes tank or damage. If you play smart with bush mechanics, you can win the fight early game”
Flashfire128 says “Depends on how aggressive the player is because you can actually 1v1 on him kinda if you zone really hard stay distanced but if he gets on you your kinda dead.”
MrPuggles says “ Lee Sin is a very easy matchup. Xin Zhao can 1v1 him very easily, usually even if he gets a little ahead. If you can manage to get ahead, you should be in good shape to win the game. When fighting Lee Sin remember that he can dash a ton. If the Lee Sin player is good, they can use an insec to catch you off guard. Once he wastes his dashes is a good time to engage. Use Xinsec after he uses Insec for style points (jk lul).”
ImSkr1Ll3x says “His Q and E are very deadly for you , his power spike is in early game when he can get you behind. Try to avoid fighting him early,full clear your jungle if its possible and gank.”
Maltz says “With Ignite you destroy Lee lvl 3. He has oneshot potential on you when he hits warrior but you should be able to gain an early lead either by ganking or farming”
Intello says “Like Elise, he's strong when you're weak, early. He has high mobility and burst.
Keep wards up as he might try to exploit your early game and invade.
Like all burst champions, EW him and FOCUS ON DODGING HIS Q. If he missed his Q's you'll be able to get out of there okay.
vanchovski2002 says “You beat him 1v1 at every stage of the game unless he is fed.
I put him as Major threat because if he is good then you probably will have trouble against him..”
Yzroma says “Protège tes mates d'un éventuel insec. Tu restes avec ton équipier ciblé par son Q et tu charges le tien, si il vient lâche le sur lui pour le tuer.”
Leapus says “One of your heavy counters.
E reveals you, you absolutely need to avoid his Q (you can use your Box for it, since it can block skillshots before it becomes invisible !) to survive. You also can bait him to use his spells on your clone.”
RenPenGlen says “Extremely good at counter jungling and taking your marks. He has a good gap closer so you cant kite and he can just kick you out of your ult if you get low.”
fetlol says “Lee Sin is an extremely consistent and strong jungler. If you go against him, try avoiding bunching up with your teammates to reduce the effect of his ultimate. Also, while running from him, save your Leap as if he ever actually decides to come to you then you can jump to safety.”
Bombabo says “Lee is a huge threat to you early, and can easily disrupt your combo if you try to kill him or anyone near him. Pretty annoying to play against”
Aht3ns says “When he uses q on you, e so you get max damage off. You can also through him through walls pretty easily if you flash towards a wall and then counter q his q.”
Killerbacca10 says “He will destroy you early game. So try to minimalize your deaths. He will invade you! Be wary. However late game you outscale him and you counter him in the late game. If it goes 25 minutes group up and enjoy the freelo.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “Ahhh, this guy, the pick with more than 30% pick rate in every single patch and season, every lee player does different things, the only thing that have in common is doing a lot of ganks, attempting to counterjungle and if they land a Q they might as well try to burst you down, if they land their Q start thinking of ways to outplay them or to not die, if they don't they happen to be nearby just kill them, in a 2v2 situation you can easily put him out of the fight fast as when all his spells go on cooldown you will still be well and alive and able to go on. Be mindfull and play smart against him, avoid straight up combat with him without help before you have some tanky item to survive his burst.”
Lil Trash says “A lot of players think lee sin is the hugest counter to shaco due his E that reveals him from his Q. Start red invade his blue steal his gromp and he will be behind. Also ward his jungle and his gank paths. Even when lee is ahead he can't solo carry a team.”
xMalcho says “I like this matchup because I can outplay lee sin wih my q and r and I love when he qs and I put w infront of me.Usually if lee knows how to play he will invade you a lot.Ask your team to put a ward on your other buff.If he steals it go to his buff.But watch the map because his team can come to kill you”
TheLandlos says “He completely counters you during the early game, so be carefull. Once you get red smite you can try going for trades with him, but this is not advised.”
FupiDupi says “I don't know why, but they ALWAYS INVADE. Just annoying with how much he outpressures you early. Encourage your team to play safe and let him fall off or he'll take over the early game”
lolWillieP says “This guy is easy for me, but a lot of low elo players will struggle vs. this guy. You should always be able to 1v1 him, unless you get outplayed”
NightmareBug says “Lee sin has 2 abilities that reveal stealth and one of the main reasons Kha'zix is so good in 1v1 fights is his ultimate. In early stage of the game lee sin will beat kha'zix easily.”
FrozenKnight says “He'll most likely try to kill you if you see him in the jungle early. Be careful just fear and run. Also big aware of his ult, it will disrupt whatever ability you're using drain and god forbid your ulti. ”
Anathema49 says “I permaban this. Lee sin is not your biggest threat but he is frustrating and his early pressure/invading power is very good and he's overall annoyance with his mobility, will gank all 3 lanes at once while you patethically try to gather level 6 and your team will flame you. Best tip here is DONT TILT he WILL fall off and you will outscale him later”
Toad12138 says “Lee Sin is really strong early and beats you like many or the higher threats, however, he is an early game champion. This means that if they aren't snowballing, you are technically winning against them.”
Hidenburg says “Bana Lee Sin, você não vai conseguir fazer absolutamente nada contra ele, pois seu começo é muito fraco para limpar os campos, ele consegue limpar os campos dele os seus te matar e ainda gankar”
quinceeeee says “A Lee Sin player who knows to 'insed' is always a threat. However, you can surprise him by having vision and calling for a 2v1. You can even solo him if he just head into your Red without seeing you.”
Zee Led says “Lee sin has 2 abilities that reveal stealth and one of the main reasons kha'zix is so good in 1v1 fights is his ultimate. In early stage of the game lee sin will beat kha'zix easily.”
EvilOranges says “Depends on skill level. A good Lee will burst you down and stay out of your range. A bad Lee Sin has no chance against a good Kindred. His ult counters your ult, so beware.”
Runner runner says “If you're up against a good Lee Sin, you'd find yourself getting constantly out-jungled, out-damaged, counter-ganked and basically being rendered useless as the game progresses because he tends to be quite a bursty one during early phase. If he gets ahead and you are put behind, he'll hurt so much more and you might not be able to fight him.”
287382 says “If you know hes good it means you are dead just as he finds you. He can hunt you down very easily with q and you havent got many choices how to avoid that. Champions like Amumu or Olaf are big threats as well for the same reason. ”
King Zyrox says “Lee Sin can be very dangerous because of his early. Make sure you are safe while doing your buffs, Lee Sin can kill you whenever he want at the beginning of the game.
To win this matchup you need to ward your jungle and his just to be safe.
Also, you have to stomp the other lanes by ganking, I usually camp the botlane against him cause thats a good way to win, Lee Sin can kill the toplaner/midlaner very easy”
Bestlover says “A good lee sin will be invading you all the time, so ward very well his jungl to predict where he will start and steal his camps when he is stealing yours.
Its the best way to counter is invades”
Sarutobi says “You win starting level 2 to level 18. Lee is an early game jungler but you have Conqueror! Commit to the 1v1 early and you will win. If you block his Q or E dmg, even better!”
GinWinsky says “Skill matchup. You can dodge his Q and when he goes onto you, you can just E to counter his passive DPS. His E can really shred you though. Advised to get early Tabi and Sabre.”
Deltix31 says “Tips 1 : Si il vous touche avec son Q vous pouvez utiliser le votre pendant qu'il dash sur vous pour le cancel (marche aussi quand il dash sur un de vos alliés)
Tips 2 : Dès que l'animation de son Kick commence, vous pouvez l'ulti pour ne pas être expulsé au loin. C'est relativement facile à faire quand vous anticipez le moment où il va R.”
Twist21 says “Do not try to teamfight that much vs him because he is better at teamfighting but you should try to take objectives because he is slow in this domain.Later the game goes you will be more useful.”
AbominableBear says “You win before lvl 6 as long as he misses his Q, if he misses Q go in. He wins after level 6 until your tri-force is finished. You have better scaling.”
IIIIIIIIII says “Lee isnt that big of a deal,if u dodge his q in the jg fights u are gonna win early game.The biggest problem with lee is his ult because he can kick u or your teammates out of lambs respite(R)”
BigBadVoodo says “Very easy to counter. We can put a box in front of his Q, or dodge it with our Q. Also dodging his R with our R is possible with the right timing. Abusing him early is fairly easy.”
deamonfate says “Lee Sin is a major threat if he decides to hunt you down (which he should) - When up against him; invest in Pink Wards to protect your Jungle and rely on your team assisting you to counter his invades. All it takes is for you to get 2 or 3 kills over Lee Sin and the shoe is on the other foot; HE becomes YOUR prey!”
Flight Penguin says “His ult counters yours considering he can push you out. Anyone with an ability like this, is very annoying against kindred when using R. Usually ban lee tho.”
Pxxl says “Lee Sin and other junglers that can easily counter jungle you in early. Don't give them kill in first minutes and you will be rather safe with them.”
xTheUnlimited says “This guy will make your game reaaally hard. Your only chance to beat him is to get into late game. Play safe, dont fight him. Through his high early game pressure he will gank probably twice as much as you will. Tracking him down to warn your allies is really important here. In late game he falls apart, but until then he will make a lot of trouble. ”
Court says “Lee has a shield that will make it difficult for her to capitalize on killing him early. His kick will make it difficult late game when trying to ult on the enemy carries. He also has more mobility than Evelynn, but she can out scale him.”
MrPeach301 says “Strong early so don't really fight him all too much, prioritise ganking lanes to build a lead and make late game come faster as you can deal with him then”
ApexZulu says “You can 1v1 Lee early without much trouble, if he goes damage and gets ahead of you then avoid 1v1ing/counter ganking unless its a for sure win, and instead focus on tracking and warning laners to incoming ganks while trying to impact the map in other locations. ”
woofpack3 says “lee is strong early but you should outscale. he'll invade you a lot but will apologize by insecing you into the middle of his team come late game cause he's just as low elo as you are and has only learned how to do lee sin tricks as opposed to when to use them”
silverowner4 says “Lee sin mostly when playing against rengar he plays more aggresive why? I dont have idea. For example one time i played against lee and i seed him getting red then i tryed to steal it and he healed from smite but i cant heal because he was too fast.So if u dive Lee sin dive him only when he does'nt have q or r.”
LePlay says “Although he can deal significant amounts of damage in little time, he needs to land his Q in the first place. You can not only block his Q dash, but also his E to prevent him from escaping”
drunken hunter says “Lee Sin got some strong combos - they dont work that good if you dodge his (Q). With his ult and (Q) he can give you hard dmg and push you away. DMG that you coud counter with QSS but you shouldnt build QSS against Lee.
Lee Sin got some nice escapes with his (W) safe guard (he dashes to one of his team mates or a ward).Dodge his (Q), fight him early but watch out - escaping against Lee is almost impossible!”
kkiskk says “Dodging his Q is super easy because he's blind. If you can't dodge his Q, you're dead. Bully him in lane. Watch out for WR combo when you push your minion waves under his tower.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “Lee is a very popular champion in gold elo 70% of the jungle mains play him or one trick him so you can ban him and just make enemys lee OTP pick something that he is first timing. Anyways if you play against him if he gets early lead and he is desent at this champ he can snowball well but he wont be unstopable so try counter ganking him. If you get an early lead you will beat him 1v1 after 6 and you can snowball easier than him.”
TTTWEEE says “Early he destroys you so make sure he doesn't snowball however late game you basically dominate him with your CC, tankiness and mobility. Basically avoid him early and ward your jungle or get scuttle when you can/when its safe. Try to out gank him and wait for team fights.”
Optimal Pancake says “You can dodge pretty much everything he can dish out, with your ult Q and E. If he tries to escape you, chase him down with E, you're more slippery than he is. Only problem you'll have is with some of his burst from his q auto ult q combo proc'ing Electrocute.”
ElementressX says “Lee sin can fight you but it depends on who initiates first. As long as he isn't ahead of you, you should be able to fight him if you engage first. ”
Violzandre says “The most used champion in jungle? Idk, but it's very versatile, you can delete him or he can delete you.
This depends on the enemy to be honest, but he always have a mediocre late game, just get the full build and he will be like a mosquito, trying to avoid you to kill your teammates.
In early game be careful, if he doesn't get the advantage, in midgame you can rest a little.”
Wulfery says “Jumps a lot, deals decent damage, but overall you can counter most of his stuff. His Ward-to-ult can be countered by your E dash, and his chase can be countered by his own ult.”
Corvux says “He will kick you out of combat before you start. Anyway, try to use your shield and "Fracture" so he will be slowed and you will not receive to much damage, that way he will get expose. ”
Slykku says “This is actually a skill matchup, your W can be used to intercept his Q like a shiled would do, and your R can be used to cancel his Ultimate if placed in the right moment!”
L3gislacerator says “It feels like you can fight him at first... until he starts doing kickflips and executes you with Q. Be sure to ward your jungle early and ask your laners to do the same.”
Ivker21 says “Lee Sin has the advantage on you early, and he'll use it to counter gank you and invade you 24/7.
The upside is that the longer the game goes the better you'll be against him.
You'll farm faster than him from your second clear so that is good, but make sure to ward the entrances to your jungle all the time.
Late game your Ult basically renders him useless in a fight.”
Hunterlogic says “Do not try to 1v1 him early game you will lose. Wait until you have a few items and ultimate before attempting to 1v1 him. He will lose to you late game and mid game if he gets behind.”
BlackRabbet1 says “Lee Sin's typically like to invade and be aggressive. Evelynn has no escape pre 6 and is not a good dueler so it's easy for Lee Sin to be a problem for her in the early/mid game stage”
OddOwl says “His mobility makes your job to land cc on him very hard. Also outduels you early game even if he misses his Q. The shield and sustain from his W is too much to chew through for your low early game damage. Can also easily steal away camps.”
Asianfury79 says “Just be careful in the first 10 mins of the game after that it is freelo. he jumps in your team fear he tries to kick you fear he get anywhere near fear lol ”
GinWinsky says “Good lee sins are a problem. They do their damage and ward-hop away. WAY too much escapes. You catch him with Ghost and R. Glory though. Might want to rush Deadman's or Bramble Vest.”
TheGodKingSilver says “Hes just the type of champion that can counter you in everyway. he cheese's level 2 and becomes higher in level and he is just tanky over all
If he isnt good you can still beat him but you will prob lose the jungle anyway they have really good map controll and shit.”
Pancakedwastaken says “He can deal extreme damage so make sure to catch him while he is on cooldown. He is a better jungler than you. He can gank with extremely powerful skills and when he is fed he is extremely scary. If you did not ban Jax then this should be your other ban. Otherwise you should pray that he is an Iron 4”
Doxarez says “If that Lee Sin is good, and doesn't dive when you are near, he can beat you in early, but if you try not to fight him till level 6, you will be fine, since your Ulti slows him and even if he ward hops, you can Q him.”
Morzanoth says “Lee sin is a jack of all trades kind of jungler. He can pressure the map early and has good base damage. If he chooses to he can build a lot of damage and threaten your carries or he can play a more supportive role using his R to peel for his carry. He can skirmish against you pretty well in a 1v1 so be careful not to take unnecessary fights early. He is very mobile so make sure you don't waste your engage going after him. Also be careful when teamfighting, his R deals additional damage based on his primary targets HP which is dealt to anyone they pass through. This means he can kick you into your own carries and end up doing a lot of damage.”
Yi Guide says “He will have the upper-hand on you before level 6 but you will outscale him afterwards. Avoid fighting and trading with him until level 6+. You will need to ward your jungle a lot and be careful of invades as he can either kill you if you run into him on low HP or he can ruin your game by taking your camps over and over. If you can dodge his (Q) Sonic Wave it will go a long way to winning a 1v1.”
Abidd says “You will always out damage Lee Sin in the early game, however that's a different story after he hits level 6. Destroy him early without a doubt.”
MetabuserEU says “This guy will make your game really hard. Your only chance to beat him is to get into late game. Play safe, don't fight him. Through his high early game pressure, he will gank probably twice as much as you will. Tracking him down to warn your allies is really important here. In the late game, he falls apart, but until then he will make a lot of trouble.”
Castcade says “Lee in is pretty hard to deal with same with camille and amumu micro manage your q by dodging sideways i recommend playing a little safe due to his mobility in the jungle”
FatalStarkey says “If Lee Sin builds right, he straight up counters you. You shouldn't be fighting him when he has 2 or more defensive items. He does a lot of damage, shields himself, has good mobility and just ults you away from him.”
Meta4our says “I personally hate playing against Lee sin because of his kit he has everything that counters Kayn's he has a passive that gives his attack speed a slow a shield and he uses energy.But probably the most frustrating thing about his is his clear speed he can take your blue/red in just about 20/25 seconds in my experience
So you gotta watch out for this dude in your jung matchups ”
ChumblesProductions says “If you don't dodge his Q you will more than likely lose.
It is possible to beat him, but usually later when you have some armor items. ”
Hazardist says “Lee Sin can follow a hit-and-run pattern that is almost impossible for Yorick to deal with due to his lack of strong Crowd Control. Don't underestimate his sustain and try to keep the fight going if you encounter him in the Jungle, as he is very reliant on his cooldowns.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
FrediBelle says “Se voce tiver um bom suporte para te auxiliar da para jogar contra, porem não tem como voce conseguir ganhar uma luta contra ele dentro da ult”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
He'll be way more dangerous early and can literally kick your ass at level 6 with his ult, so keep your distance if you aren't fed or in an advantagous spot against him.
He clears objectives fast and ganks really well. Don't engage him if he's with friends, because his burst and ultimate will roll you.
If you are ahead or you scaled well, you'll just slap him like the confused blind man he is.”
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