As a Support 51.34% Win Rate98% Pick RateSoraka As a Support Counters: 34 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Soraka as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Probably the easiest enchanter to go up against. If you dodge a lot of her Qs as well she won't have the sustain advantage. A little easier with an Ezreal to poke her out in lane as this makes your all-in more potent with ignite as well to counter any healing. Do not engage on the adc unless you also taunt soraka as her E will destroy you.”
FlopQueenEra says “Since your dmg is weak at early, she can heal her adc easily. Side step her Q so she cant regen hp and always target her on team fights, use your E to target the backline or flank.”
Taric ADC says “She is our perma ban. You cant cast to use your passive.
She can silience pyke hook, while it charges.
She heals to save everyone from pyke ult.”
Sh0ppe says “annoying but able to deal with, try to avoid her q's as much as possible and bait out her silence. Save your ult for after she ults. Play aggressive into her with your ADC.”
Smaugyon says “Like other enchanter you wont stack on her and you gotta pay the soraka tax if you want to kill. idealy you want your adc to get the anti heal since they can build it into something but they wont ”
ZedAway says “she can cancel ur W channeling with her silence, which have 0 charge time, her Q and healing is really annoying, kill her first in every fight, she cant heal herself without the ult”
Aerenax says “I consider Soraka one of the easiest matchups as she does not have a lot to offer. If you dodge her Q she is pretty useless. The only thing that can interrupt your engage is her E. ”
zSharpFire says “DODGE. HER. Q. It's the only thing you need to do in this lane. As long as she doesn't hit Q she's useless early. Poke her out and ALWAYS be aware of her Q. Don't count too much on your E to dodge as she can silence you.”
Arctic Arrow says “Soraka's silence (E - Equinox) can be problematic if she uses it effectively to silence you, potentially disrupting your engages. However, most Sorakas won't fully capitalize on this, so you can usually afford a slight delay in your stun and still go all-in.
Be cautious not to wait until you're low on health to use your E (Crimson Curse), as getting silenced at that point can leave you vulnerable. Anti-heal is highly recommended to counter her healing and sustain.
With proper timing and positioning, you can manage this matchup relatively well.”
SighKek says “She can cast silence while you wind up your hook.
Look to fire the hook animation off before she stuns... gotta be super quick.
Also look to engage when silence is on CD. ”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
This matchup is decided by your team's average IQ. Cant really win if your team dont focus soraka and DPS her target.
Counterplay: Antiheal. W+Q. Respect ult.
Beware of bug: Soraka E on your W+Q combo will just knock back and wont knockup.”
Abarame says “Heal supports outtrade shield supports but struggle more in teamfights. Buy Oblivion Orb on your first back and play as usual. Know Soraka's Q range to avoid it and be cautious of her silence. You can use your ult when she does to match her healing, but save it if she's with allies who have hard crowd control.”
TnDD says “Ağır yara almak Soraka'ya karşı önemli. Koridorda çok da sıkıntı yaşatan bir enchanter olduğunu söyleyemem. Q'larını dodge'lamak çok kolay. Ultini attığında da tek yiyor Soraka.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Her silence can completely outplay you if she knows what to do....Spoiler she wont so maybe you just take one second longer to stun her but you will be able to all in since your movement speed will let you run over her silence(However do NOT wait until you are 1 hp to use E since she can silence you and you wont be able to do anything)(Antiheal is highly recommended for obvious reasons).”
Thefrenchkefta says “She is a problem. You can't take out the ADC because she will just heal him and she can cancel you with her E pretty easily.
She won't be a problem in late if you focus the backline and CC her or if you and your team takes anti heal. ”
Foxirion says “Soraka's healing and poke can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's engage potential and crowd control can help him pressure Soraka and disrupt her positioning in fights.”
Velkyann says “She does not do anything hard to counter you can just buy anti-heal and proc it in your autos the only hard thing is the heal to the rest of her team.”
Sinyora says “Soraka has low cooldowns on her abilities so she can spam it throughout the lane phase. Not only that, she outheals her allies while they are in Morgana's Q) Dark Binding. She also gets Movement Speed when she hits her Q, making it harder to bind her.”
Razing42 says “Soraka is really squishy and will lose hp as she heals her Adc. Don't get hit by her Q as that will heal her and make her W heal cost less HP.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Soraka isn't much of a threat on her own but she can sure make her carry unkillable if you aren't careful.
Avoid getting hit by her Q or she'll heal herself and her ally a substantial amount.
Her silence can shut down your damage combo by disabling your Q and R on engage.”
Jonasbaki1 says “It will never be a kill lane. Soraka will sustain most damage thrown at her, Dont try to all in without jungle cuz the healing this goat provides is more than you can output in damage.”
sillycatslover says “Just like Nami, its enchanter vs enchanter, if you play aggresively on her and dont let her heal the adc you have just blasted to almost death it will be very easy.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Take antiheal and you'll be fine. Watch out for her e because of the silence and try to dodge the q if you hop off, but for the most part just do whatever.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Actually gross to deal with. Sett feels bad against healer enchanters. She will be healing her ADC to full 24/7 and can heal herself by targeting you with q over and over and over and over and- you get it. She stinks. Buy antiheal (chempunk preferable so u can punch her harder). You should ask for ganks, which makes lane way easier since she's not some freaky tank monster early.”
Shacarlos says “PT: Muita cura, muito CC e muita cura.
Esse bicho aí consegue parar teu engage, curar não só o ADC como o time dele inteiro com 1 botão.
Bane isso sempre, não tem como ser saudável jogando contra isso.
Você ganha lane vs Soraka só com ajuda do jungler ou se o player de Soraka for muito burro.
Caso você caia contra Soraka, vá de segundo item Morelo, peça para seu time fazer corta cura também.
Foque-a nas fights e nas trocas, ela pode virar um jogo facilmente caso fique viva.
EN: A lot of healing, a lot of CC and a lot of healing.
This champion can stop your engage, heal not only the ADC but his entire team with 1 button.
Ban it all the time, there is no way to be healthy playing against it.
You win lane vs Soraka only with the help of the jungler or if Soraka's player is too dumb.
If you play against Soraka, go to second item Morello, ask your team to do Executioner's Calling / Morello as well.
Focus it on fights and exchanges, it can easily become a game if it stays alive.”
quecck says “Actually gross to deal with. Sett feels bad against healer enchanters. She will be healing her ADC to full 24/7 and can heal herself by targeting you with q over and over and over and over and- you get it. She stinks. Buy antiheal (chempunk preferable so u can punch her harder). You should ask for ganks, which makes lane way easier since she's not some freaky tank monster early. ”
Minerok says “Her e (silence) cancels your q. It has a casttime of 0.25 seconds so you can't react to it. This makes it impossible to engage in lane pre lvl 6 and even after that you need to engage with ult from outside her e castrange.”
Razing42 says “Try not to get hit by her Q as it will give her and her lane partner a lot of sustain in lane. Be proactive early as she will scale very hard.”
Aerenax says “Soraka is a difficult matchup as she is good at sustaining and her Q will slow you, which makes your vulnerable. Highly adviced to buy anti-heal. ”
HumbleMundo says “No form of cc but since she wont be autoing you much your thornmail aint gonna effect here healin so its up to ya teammates to negate that, she also has a slow/silence so be careful since she outranges your Q with poke”
TheBougis says “Another enchanter support with even less damage and alomst no self healing without a duo (she heals herself with her W because of Moonstone).”
Fear The Jester says “really hard to do anything against, play defensive and turn it into a farm lane or roam. dont buy antiheal unless they have something like a vlad or darius, its just not worth the 800 gold since her ults removes grievous wounds anyway, rush your damage so you can poke her down, she cant heal if she has no hp. dont let her Q you for free, or bait her into Qing you and dodge it with your Q to waste it.”
itstsuk3 says “Run Electrocute or Glacial. Try Dodging her Q the best you can so you Win Trades, without Ignite is hard to All in. In Team Fights you got to Hit Big Ults to Win or her Sustain will fuck you up.”
Rebaulten says “Sometimes Ahril will run out of damage. Focus on small trades and dodging Soraka Q. Don't get baited into rushing anti-heal. Play around ignite”
support_diff says “Soraka is a healer support that doesn't have a lot of damage. She is nearly always low health because her heal costs her own health, so your mines can easily finish her off or at least give you a dark harvest stack”
Lunar Empress says “Outpokes and outheals. Try to go Chemtech Putrifier second and have your team target her first. It's even better if Soraka goes moonstone since she has little escape.”
mazewalk says “Good Soraka player won't let you to engage during laning phase with her E. Same spell can fuck you up later, when you'll be trying to escape from a teamfight, so be careful. Buy Chemtech Purtrifier to make her less effective”
support_diff says “Soraka is an immobile support without great cc or damage and she is always pretty low due to her W, try to hexflash and W on her in order to get an easy kill”
RobinValentine1 says “Until she hits level 5, your q is on a shorter cooldown allowing you to bully her when she goes to poke. Especially when you get tear you can force her to drain her health by damaging the carry if she is playing safe. Post 6 your ult has a much larger impact in lane, try to set up a kill.”
support_diff says “Poke soraka instead of her adc, as she can't heal herself. she has a good poke, but she is immobile and squishy especially in the early game”
support_diff says “Don't get caught in her E for too long and you should be fine, poke her with everything you have so she can't heal her adc to full health all the time.”
Lurs says “If you get the jump on her you should be able to kill Soraka very easily. I would definitely recommend rushing anti-heal. You should look to focus her in trades and kill her before killing her ADC.”
ShacoSupportAP says “Shaco AP hates Shields/Healing. You cant poke against shields/heal. Especially aids are comps like Soraka/Draven, Soraka/Zeri. Luckily she is very squishy and can easily be deleted.
Buy oblivion orb immediately after finishing Liandrys. You could think about buying it even faster.”
Somoko says “As soon as you get your anti-heal item, shield yourself / the ADC whenever she's about to use Q. Because of how damage reflect works now, she'll reduce her own heal.”
Aydov says “I just ban this champion directly as in high elo people are really good at dodging skills and his movement speed+healing makes her even more difficult to kill. Buy refillable potion and try your adc push the wave more often.”
Aerenax says “Soraka is a difficult matchup as she is good at sustaining and her Q will slow you, which makes your vulnerable. When engaging she will place her E under her carry so you don't get to finish your combo. Play around this cooldown! Highly adviced to buy anti-heal.”
Wounds2 says “If Soraka is good, she can E your hexflash engages from bush in lane. She can also kite you with Q and stop your fling with E. If she has good peel, it may be harder to deal with her. Many Sorakas get punished easily when their cooldowns are down though.”
MathyBlues says “Game of Chicken:
Either she zones you or you catch her when she tries to zone you.
Beware, if you are silenced, you cannot hop to Thresh's lantern. ”
Cyclic says “She has good sustain but she is free souls in lane. You scale really well and your burst can catch out people in the late game through her healing. Make sure someone on your team buys anti heal and you should be good here”
ZharMeny says “Soraka may be hard to kill but she is not as annoying as Karma or evn Janna, she really can't do much against your engage other than heal her ADC constantly. Recommended Stance: Either”
bive says “ignite after soraka ult, get gank and focus closest target, roam, max w for burst, focus harass on her, sometimes dodge q by walking forward”
xayahh says “like senna, just keep moving, she heals each Q she hits. her E will root you if you stand in it when it ends, but is easy to dodge, so it's not terrible. soraka will play extra dangerously early-game, she's squishy but is made for early-game damage. late game she becomes a backline healer - so basically avoid her early-game with poke and you can start bullying her mid to late-game”
Toches says “I don't know if i'd consider banning soraka, but it definitely is an option.
if she doesn't kill you prior to lvl 3, she isnt' killing you
you also aren't killing her
this is a war of attrition unless one of you is too disrespectful or the jungler influences the lane
she outscales you if she's not focused in mid-late, just gotta get the team to kill her first.
I have a low winrate historically against soraka (like 30% over 11 games last season).”
iveye says “Soraka is purely annoying with her E AOE silencing you out of your main combo and Q poke in lane. Though she does not have much range and often can be caught out going for Q poke. In patch 13.2 rushing Grievous Wounds could render her useless, and if you engage on her she has no escape unless he lucky can run faster than you with a lower ally with her MS passive. ”
mellorwastaken says “most annoying sup to deal with, you cant channel Q if her silence is up, so you must hook from bushes or if she is bad and wastes E. Her ultimate and W counters your R so you need ignite to ult basically. In lane you need to kill her first otherwise she might spam heal her adc and win the 2v2.”
0O0OO0O0 says “Sustain is one of your biggest enemies, since you will most likely be running out of mana in the earlier stages of the game. Soraka is specially annoying since she can interrupt your ult with her E.”
cyb3r1a says “Take aery in this matchup. Can rush chemtech if you would like but i feel like getting a mythic is too big of a powerspike for sona so i usually get chemtech second item.”
gizemdeniz says “The best healer in the game. Most players can't play her well, but in the hands of good, she can do great things. If you or your team can't reach her, she will easily overwhelm the situations.”
SighKek says “Her silence can be annoying when you're charging up Q, so try to bait it or throw your hook before she's able to get animation off to still get the pull. ”
aRhesty says “Stun and focus the Soraka, NOT her adc. Post 6 stun ignite and R and she's gone. Turn and kill ADC and win the 2v2. Lategame she's a better teamfighter but you're !perfect! for picking her off before fights while warding.”
PalestinianLuck says “It does not counter you really, you will win lategame
get antiheal
antiheal is really useful on senna since she has aoe dmg on her q”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| I love this matchup. Soraka has superior poke and she heals her ADC for free by landing Q. Even if you're great at dodging you cannot control your ADC and for that reason i think trying to poke her is unreliable. If you have an ADC that can all in, you should play for laning phase. And if you don't then you should roam since Soraka has virtually no poke and most certainly can't dive your ADC and her R is on a super long CD so her impact around the map is minimal. The best way to deal with Soraka is to get between her and her ADC and split them up with your R. A lot of the time ADC's will engage on half hp cuz they know they won't get bursted before Soraka heals them up again, so by splitting them appart you can often kill one of them. Throwing a Glacial Q and then using the slow to Flash behind Soraka and R to insec her into your ADC. This usually results in her death. Focusing the ADC can also work but the enemies have to be the ones engaging and wasting their spells first for that to work. ”
Roltu says “Si no es la primera, fijo una de las mejores para counterear a thresh, zonea mucho con su Q y E y te puede silenciar si intentas iniciar, no solo eso, te puedo outscalear en late.
Prioriza comprar corta curaciones al principio de la partida.”
L9NunuChillump says “Soraka can be hard to deal with but once she uses her silence you can basically one-shot her no matter what if you hit the snowball at any point in the game”
zotet says “Soraka will most likely stay behind her support during the laning phase and will play extremely passively, try to coordinate with your jungler to attack when she is out of position.”
Ablano says “this thing is a healing bot, as long as she is hitting her q she will restore all the dmg her adc or she received in the trades and will have the higher ground in the fights, always try to dodge her q and get anti heal against her ”
Lord Tom Sha says “This b*tch has more and better heals than you, can poke you out of a bush AND has an AoE silence to prevent you from killing her ADC. You should ban her every game.
Every other healer support is also can be a threat, but not this much.
Also, if a support can peel you off from his/her ADC, is a threat, but not this generally. (Either to your all-ins or your bush strategy)”
OakuMarai says “If she's good she's going to be extremely annoying. Aery/Electrocute with celerity.
She can't heal her ADC level 1, take advantage of this.
No hard CC outside her E root.
If you stun her she's most likely dead. Poke her out of lane then poke her ADC, otherwise she'll just heal them.”
LordZaneLP says “Her E counters your kit, her Q counters also your kit and her W heals more than your Q. She is much stronger in lane and even in late game. But if your team has somekind of engage like zac or malphite you can easily win against her.
Update: you cant rly win that matchup in lane, try to roam and make yourself usefull on other lanes.”
huirats says “If you poke her, she can't heal her ally. Walk forward, not backward to avoid her Q. Don't stand in her E or it will root you. When she hits level 6, ping to let your allies know so if they're fighting they can know she might Ult and they could lose an otherwise even fight.”
PykEugeo says “Soraka with the use e is able to cancel your q or launch your X or e ... since it silences and its high sustain makes it a formidable support in the late game, the part of the game where pyke is already harder to play it.
To Ban soraka is good in draft or ranked.
Navn says “If you get hit by her Q's, she can mitigate all of your poke. Put a higher priority into dodging her Q's. Also if she drops her silence onto the person you ult, you're gonna be stuck there.”
Deathbat1 says “At the moment there really isn't much that can stop you but soraka is definitely one of those who can. She is manageable but I usually ban her since she can just heal so much”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her Silence Equinox(E) on herself as soon as you engage. Try to bait the Silence Equinox(E) out before looking for the all-in. To increase your kill pressure in a Soraka matchup, focus the Soraka rather than the ADC. Focusing the ADC will not be helpful as Soraka can just heal them with her Astral Infusion(W). Try to get an early Grievous Wounds. This will reduce her healing ability and increase your kill pressure in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her Silence Equinox(E) on herself as soon as you engage. Try to bait the Silence Equinox(E) out before looking for the all-in. To increase your kill pressure in a Soraka matchup, focus the Soraka rather than the ADC. Focusing the ADC will not be helpful as Soraka can just heal them with her Astral Infusion(W). Try to get an early Grievous Wounds. This will reduce her healing ability and increase your kill pressure in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her Silence Equinox(E) on herself as soon as you engage. Try to bait the Silence Equinox(E) out before looking for the all-in. To increase your kill pressure in a Soraka matchup, focus the Soraka rather than the ADC. Focusing the ADC will not be helpful as Soraka can just heal them with her Astral Infusion(W). Try to get an early Grievous Wounds. This will reduce her healing ability and increase your kill pressure in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her Silence Equinox(E) on herself as soon as you engage. Try to bait the Silence Equinox(E) out before looking for the all-in. To increase your kill pressure in a Soraka matchup, focus the Soraka rather than the ADC. Focusing the ADC will not be helpful as Soraka can just heal them with her Astral Infusion(W). Try to get an early Grievous Wounds. This will reduce her healing ability and increase your kill pressure in lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her Silence Equinox(E) on herself as soon as you engage. Try to bait the Silence Equinox(E) out before looking for the all-in. To increase your kill pressure in a Soraka matchup, focus the Soraka rather than the ADC. Focusing the ADC will not be helpful as Soraka can just heal them with her Astral Infusion(W). Try to get an early Grievous Wounds. This will reduce her healing ability and increase your kill pressure in lane.”
M4DN355 says “If Soraka saves her E until Pyke begins charging his Q, she can stop him completely with the quick silence. It also stops Pyke from using his E to engage for a short time. Soraka's ultimate can save both her and her teammates from his ultimate easily, but she has little to no mobility throughout the game, allowing for an easy kill if she's separated from her team or mispositioned.”
Navn says “Try to have 2 charges of Q before going in. If you have 1, you'll have much less sticking power. Shouldn't be too much trouble. Just be wary of her Silence if you go on someone else, and that'll mess-up your big ultimate play.”
ShoDesu says “Same reason as Sona, you will lose most trades and will get out scaled. Need to heavily roam in this match up as well. Rush Chemtech Putrifier.”
Jageiko says “Soraka is way harder to deal with than Nami or Sona. Her E is instant, so you cant really outplay it. If she put it on you just before you E, you're in a terrible spot. Add heal and poke to that, and laning is super hard. Then again, all you need is a kill to snowball. If you are behind, antiheal takes priority on anything else. If you are ahead, finish boots and mythic first.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Laning against Soraka is extremely difficult due to her badly punishing your engage tools with her instant silence, out-sustaining you in lane, and outscaling you. Play to roam as she's not threatening to your ADC if you leave them alone 2v1, or freeze and call for ganks.”
MorBidMike says “the silence is annoying and she out heals so its a tough matchup but play for the all in and target her for the kill. the beauty of rell is that you can target both the carry and raka.”
Touka1 says “Can be annoying because she kinda makes you rush Putrifier if you wanna kill enemy otherwise it's kinda even match-up. If you utilize your movement speed to play around her Q's it's not hard to punish her in lane and also run ignite everytime you playing against Soraka...!”
WhoYouLookingAt says “Seeing as Soraka is a healing based champion, it may be difficult to poke enemy's and get them low. Soraka's late game is also a major counter to playing karma.”
Navn says “Focus more on dodging her Q, than landing your own Q, and you should win this lane. If you get hit by any of her Q's, you will quickly start losing the 2v2 however.”
Navn says “Try to bait her to use Q on you by walking at her, then away. The farther away she casts her Q, the slower it lands. Then you can look to punish her with auto attacks.”
lumiumi says “Soraka has really good poke and has a lot of potential to keep people alive, but as long as you can hit roots and get your adc to kill Soraka she shouldn't scale that much !”
DropKickRecords says “Be aware of Soraka ult cooldown, and play around it or she'll ruin your ult chain. In laning phase be careful around her silence so she doesn't cancel your Q.”
PR0M3T3O says “Focus her on trades or team fights and its EZ
But getting close to her its the hard part of it, their inmortal allies can make it impossible so one more time, ignite or antihealing”
DocturShaco says “Buy Antiheal or Target her when you engage, unless she is playing back. If so then take anti heal and just burst ADC. If she is good she will put silence under her ADC which can fuck you over. So bait out her E and then Engage.”
Tqnshi says “She heals, she pokes, she silences and she roots. Her E starts as a silence but if you stay in it for too long it'll root you, the silence doesn't disable your W though. Build oblivion orb early against this cutie because her healing is outright disgusting.”
spirit legacy says “Rush Anti healing and when trading, avoid getting hit by any Q. That way you'll slowly win the lane. Focus Soraka and avoid taking even trades. Soraka punishes even / bad trading very hard due to her healing. ”
Challenger Project says “Soraka is an interesting case. You can easily snowball this lane, if we hook constantly and consistently. However after she builds moonstone it is getting near to impossible to kill someone. Pre 6, hook her and focus her down with your ADC. After 6 however, it’s best to hook enemy carry AND ULT SORAKA, this way, you can CC lock her carry with HOOK into KNOCK UP from ULT into PASSIVE AA. The problem on Nautilus vs lots of healing is we need rly expensive Thorn Mail to apply Grievous Wounds. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Avoid getting hit by Sorakas Q and any poke you do will be maintained.
With good box placement and follow up she can be easy to kill since she lacks mobility.
Try to target her or burst your target before she can get to them.
Grab early antiheal.”
Borregero says “silence is the biggest problem in this match up buy anti heal early and look for good e q oppurtunities when her silence is on cooldown”
Demonsedge90 says “Soraka isn't a pain on her own but a pain due to her healing. So you need to rush thornmail and force of nature to make sure she can't poke as much and still be able to cut her recovery. While this is a relatively easy matchup, note that her equinox ability can silence you, shutting down your engagement; therefore, be sure to plan around it.”
Cordiall says “Another champion that can't do anything to Braum. Take Ignite, buy an early Bramble Vest, congratulations, you've won lane against Soraka. Just be careful of her silence on her E keeping you from doing anything and you should be fine.”
hampenguin says “Pretty insane healing and unexpected damage early. Only lane I would ever consider rushing grievous into. Pay attention to the wave or how they position, because you'll only die in this lane to ganks.”
Eu como Miilena says “Caso ela fique atrás de o máximo de poke no adc inimigo para ela ter que perder muita vida curando e se ela ficar perto do adc foque ela. se ela vier jogar o Q dela em você de poke nela e não deixe ela recuperar vida.”
Mairdrin says “Lots of poke. She's not as toxic as Xerath or Brand, though. Just grab some antiheal if she's good at aiming and root her when she goes in for a Q or wastes her E. ”
AvengingAvacyn says “Soraka is not much of a threat as long as you can get up to her. If you can get in her face and stun her, she tends to die extremely quickly. She doesn't have much that naturally counters Rell, as long as you can help your teammate set the kill up.”
TheBlueImperial says “Soraka is pretty much a heal bot with limited utility, you can mostly counter her with a Grievous Wounds item. She is an immobile enchanter with no real self protection, so you can easily jump on either her or her carry very easily.”
teaa says “Soraka é o suporte mais tranquilo de jogar contra, ao contrário da maioria das matchups, nesse caso você deve focar o poke na Soraka, pra que ela fique sem vida pra curar o ADC inimigo.
Faça corta-cura cedo e com certeza você vai dominar a lane.”
bive says “trade favorably only so you burn her mana and health when she has to W adc, get gank and focus closest target, sometimes dodge q by walking forward”
a8qoyrl says “A good soraka will just put down silence field on her carry where you and your 'adc' are engaging. Just be carful of it and dont both get stunned. Early on, her healing is whatever, so engage early so that she cant get much healing for suriving carry.”
Harry132 says “It's not that hard to get an advantage lvl 1 if she missteps but after that she just heals her ad and you are going to struggle a lot since you do not do enough dmg to 100-0 her”
Winter Nicole says “Soraka: She can heal her adc which can be annoying but she can be easily kill a lot of times If you keep stunning her for your adc and make sure to shield/heal your adc so they don't die. (Recommend stunning her a lot and her wasting for health a lot for her adc to a point where she cannot help which can leave their adc helpless)”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implorale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. Ten cuidado con su silencio. ”
GuanaTv says “Procure focar o Soraka durante a Fase de Rota e não terá muito com o que se preocupar o resto do jogo.
(Try to focus on the Soraka during the Lane Phase and you won't have much to worry about for the rest of the game.)”
beeinthefranxx says “seriously rush antiheal. like literally please rush antiheal. she will out heal your poke and poke you to heal back the poke you did to her”
Gobomo says “Either poke her ADC out until she loses health from healing them while dodging her Qs so she can't heal, or failing that, win through your better mana sustain. This is a pretty skill based matchup, though. ”
Terroronyou says “Aggressive Soraka in lane will be tough. A passive soraka will be super easy.
Avoid getting hit by her Q otherwise you will give her healing.”
yaemitskiuwu says “She's just like Sona but with more insane healing. Her ult removes anti-healing effects which is a bummer. Can be easily targeted because she has no mobility or speed up skill.”
eiensiei says “Bait her Q by walking forward just barely in range and then walking back again. When her Q is on cooldown, poke freely. Ping when she gets level 6 to let your solo lanes know their 1v1 might not be a 1v1.”
Doglightning says “run ele or pred. In lane she can poke you pretty hard early and negate most of your poke. You really can only all in when you have ignite. You need to find big ults to start fights or her sustain will ruin your team.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “I don't think you can pick a card while you're in her E so prioritize getting out. Her only sustain is landing her Q on you so just stand back and force her into a bad position and then jump on her.”
Terroronyou says “Very annoying, can spam heal most of your damage, will require an all in. Do your best to dodge her spells and consider a early Morellonomicon if team is not building Executioners Calling / Morellos early.”
Mystral says “Hard lane for Lulu, her heals make your poke useless. Try to poke her a lot before she hits 6 and if you're in draft mode/ranked, take Ignite instead of Exhaust. If she's a good Soraka, she'll stay behind in every moment.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Can deny your entire engage with her instant AoE silence field (potentially rooting you as well!). Any trades against Soraka are meaningless due to her heals or sustain after hitting Q. Personal permaban”
Doglightning says “take ignite. Lane should be easy as you can kill her in a bubble but I put her as minor as she scales into teamfights very well and will negate your poke late game.”
Aerenax says “I consider Soraka one of the most easy matchups as she does not have a lot to offer. If you dodge her Q she is pretty useless. The only thing that can interrupt your engage is her E. ”
eiensiei says “Bait her Q by walking forward just barely in range and then walking back again. When her Q is on cooldown, poke freely. Ping when she gets level 6 to let your solo lanes know their 1v1 might not be a 1v1.”
LimTheDestructor says “In the early laning phase, don't get poked down but force Soraka to use Qs and hit nothing. Mostly, focus Soraka first (her adc only if you have enough damage to kill him fast enough). Snowball the game before she outscales you.”
warmfishu says “Very annoying poke if she lands Starcall (Q), and can reset your W if you stand over her Equinox (E). Otherwise, not usually a problem. Will heal back poke damage, so try to burst her down quickly. Her R now cleanses Grievous Wounds, so it is harder to back her and her teammates into corners without multiple sources of GW.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Literally the only thing you have to worry about is her Q since that's how she heals herself. She's easy to poke down & she can't stop your pushing.
She can R to help allies across the map if you look to roam, but as for lane, focus your poke on her & look to CC her away from her partner (or vice-versa).”
LegendaryOstrich says “Soraka will poke you down a lot early game. Try to avoid her Q as much as possible. Look to fight once her E silence is on cooldown since it's the only way to stop you. Soraka players sometimes take barrier but always take ignite in this matchup to cut her healing down. If behind, look for fights only when ignite is up.”
Korippo says “Total skill matchup IMO. Same deal being that late game you want Chemtech Putrifier due to her global healing ult. Early game she's going to try and poke with her Qs, it's MUCH better to try and chip her down over her ADC since she can heal them but not herself, and she needs to use health to heal which is quite draining early game. She can be very oppressive and have a lot of say over teamfights though with her ult, so rushing Oblivion after your mythic is actually a good idea overall.”
CorgiBorgi says “ALSO ONE OF YOUR HARDEST COUNTRS. Outscales, Out pokes, and has better everything than you. Try and ruin the laning phase for her so it takes longer for her to scale. (Build moonstone)”
Bardolandia says “Easy lane. Only deal a lot of AA and abuse a lot. Don't take her Q, if you dodge, she doesn't have any way to keep the sustain and you won.”
Flackojodye says “build grievous wounds somewhere between 1st back and before your 2nd item. You can oneshot her later, and in the lategame she cant approach brushes to ward or clear vision, because you'll one shot her.”
Distinger says “Sona's little sister.
She has an INSTANT silence on her E stopping you from doing anything.
Late game she can spam her heal every 2 seconds, and her ultimate not only is a GLOBAL HEAL for her entire team, which means she can stop you from ulting at any time and location, but she also removes GW making it even harder to counter her.
Soraka is a priority target in every teamfight if you are playing Pyke,”
Frappessb says “Incredibly annoying as they can heal quite a lot. Ignite is a must for this match-up. To help mitigate as much healing as possible, try and avoid the falling star as that gives her a free cast of her heal. Also try and get Oblivion Orb as soon as you can.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Soraka puxará lane com Q e tentará te acertar com AA também. Nos níveis iniciais, é possível matá-la com certa facilidade, mas é importante que você seja agressivo após ela utilizar o Q (Starcall) para assim ela errar e negar toda a recuperação de vida que ela possa receber ao te acertar. Caso ela te acertar, além da vida ela ganha velocidade de movimento, dificultando o posicionamento das adagas. Apesar da facilidade de jogar contra, dê roaming pois ela mesmo assim poderá ajudar o time dela com sua ultimate global e pode prejudicar lutas nas outras rotas e assim dando "roaming" sem sair da lane. Em teamfights, é um suporte e portanto faça corta-curta com Morellonomicon para reduzir seu efeito e tente foca-la de imediato para seu time poder ser eficiente. O potencial de perigo de Soraka é baixo visto que a Katarina possui alta mobilidade e consegue reduzir a cura com a ultimate em um percentual ainda maior (60%).”
0Banda says “ Soraka is not a difficult champion to play against, you just need to roam, roam and roam. As she will be healing a lot your enemy ADC and you are not likely to kill him. Thats why you will be looking for kills in midlane
When engaging, always focus her, as if you don't kill her the first one, she will be healing her allies and you won't be able to kill anyone
Against a Soraka you should build as second or third item Morellonomicon because of all the healing she will be granting, in the rune section you can take Waterwalking in order to roam even faster”
SlippStream says “You can match or surpass her poke in lane, and while her healing is better than yours early game, you can fit Executioner's Calling into your build. Beware of her ability to turn fights incredibly quickly.”
Luiscencias says “I don't respect Soraka. Not even a little bit. Tell your ADC to build executioner's calling and you win the lane. Focus her, not her ADC in lane. Don't eat her Q's if you wanna actually be able to kill her. Once you have Lich Bane you can literally kill her by yourself. I often catch Sorakas warding and get me a tasty kill. Do respect her silence and remember she and her ADC have 300-500 more health than their bars seem to indicate. Be smart with your ignites.”
Idleangelo says “Alt ban. Dodge the Qs, You cant trade with her if she keeps hitting those. I recommend bringing ignite and bait her into Qing you instead of your carry, who's easier to hit due to focusing on CSing.”
Hanjaro says “Soraka has an unparalleled ability to trade, and her silence can easily stop a Yuumi in her tracks. She can outheal Yuumi, and if you/your team doesn't take grievous wounds, it's hard to compare.”
Jowoey says “Good Soraka players are very annoying. I recommend rushing Chemtech Putrifier and making sure you focus her down almost every time. Refill pot if she knows how to poke in lane. Try to dodge her Q as well as you can.”
Melyn says “Early game is very hard (until level 3 or so) as she will poke you to oblivion with E and Q. Do not all in without ignite and try to focus the Soraka when possible. E max is effective here.”
Hanjaro says “She has extreme sustain, and a silence which can negate your engage, stop your escape, and turn into a root if you stay into it too long. She has decent poke on her Q, and can ult her team from across the map. She is squishy, but takes a lot of focus.”
Biotic says “Buy antiheal and this champ is useless. She has good base damage but you can match it. Again easy to lockdown CC Level 3+ and as soon as your Adc has Antiheal you should win all the time 6+. Also call jungler she is easy to gank. ”
DeusSciMachina says “If you don't get Grievous Wounds, she'll heal all your damage. Is what I would say until her ult gets rid of it now(Patch 11.18).”
Rayzer74jr says “She will silence you and you will not be able to send out your W or dash towards the enemy so she is going to be hard to get anything off on. If anything try to bait her silence by walking to her and changing direction to the ADC. Might work in low elo, haven't gone against a good one yet to know for sure.”
Guoblide says “Soraka is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to her poke and sustain letting her get out of the laning phase alive and scale well into the later stages of the game. Soraka is an Enchanter support who specializes in healing her teamates and making plays around the map with her global heal from Wish. Soraka powerspikes at Level 2 where she gains access to Astral Infusion which is her main sustain tool, Level 3 where Equinox gives her amazing peeling and sometimes catch potential, Level 6 where Wish gives her global presence around the map, and Level 9 where she maxes Astral Infusion which sets it on a ridiculous low cooldown and makes it heal a ton. In lane Braum should play safe and out of range of Starcall at Level 1. If Soraka throws one out then take the 8 second downtime to walkup, pressure her ADC, and poke with Winter's Bite. Once Soraka hits Level 2 she gets extremely strong. The sustain and safety she gets from it makes it virtually impossible to get poked out of lane. She can also finally transfer her Rejuvenation passive from Starcall onto her allies. Dodging Starcall at Level 2 and after is extremely important because Soraka landing one lets her cast a less strong Rejuvination for pretty much nothing. Keep in mind that Unbreakable can block both the damage AND the Rejuvenation part of Starcall though. Once Soraka hits Level 3 her Equinox makes her pretty much impossible to be engaged on. She can also use it as a form of CC if she catches someone out with it and they don't react in time. Continue trying to dodge her Starcalls and pray for a jungler to come and gank your lane. If Braum somehow manages to shove the wave into her tower then look to roam. After Braum hits Level 6 he can look to get a pick on Soraka or her ADC with Glacial Fissure if they are out of position due to Soraka's only major defensive spell being Equinox. Roaming is important on Braum due to Soraka having horrible roams and usually not being able to punish him for doing so.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take ignite. Lane should be easy as you can kill her in a bubble but I put her as minor as she scales into teamfights very well and will negate your poke late game.
Doody_tco says “Soraka healing abilities are much more powerful than Yuumi. If Soraka plays safe, and she silences Yuumi's carry, the enemy carry will be a problem”
Billehz says “Pretty useless against you as well, especially if you rush Grievous Wounds early. She doesn't have a good way of dodging your charm, so take that into account when playing against Soraka.”
Jaori says “She will have her item completed before you reach 400 gold. Q spam is kinda annoying, her E stops your E. If you manage to ult her and stun near your tower, she won't be able to do anything.”
Go Getter says “Soraka is a hard champ to play for most and you can easily avoid a lot of what she does. Sadly for her the same cannot be said.
If you got a confident ADC you can demolish her early game.”
Hanjaro says “Squishy if caught out, but she can heal a lot of your damage if you let her land her Q's. Avoid her spells, watch out for her silence if you get close to engage. Take morello's as she scales well into late game.”
baginthecup says “You lose this lane because Soraka does a better job at controlling the lane than you do. You can quietly win by making more money than Soraka using klepto and q double procs when you aren't at risk of getting Soraka combo-d but there's low chance of killing Soraka and you probably won't out trade her either. ”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Soraka has good healing but is very Bad in close-range fights. Camp bushes and surprise her. Buy doran's shield and upgrade blinding dart first.”
SupportTooEz says “You are better than Soraka in almost every way. Just make sure not to detach when she places silence and don't let your adc be poked out. Play with your adc, if they are playing kaisa, just farm, or if tehy are playing ashe, engage level 6.”
HerYandere says “Rush boots, don't let her Q hit you, and kill her first if you can. If your ADC doesn't get grievous at level 6, don't engage. Let them do the work, cause you're useless without grievous.”
terrybogar1 says “CC her and she simply dies. (assuming she didn't put her root thing under herself), But, beware of the infinite poke she will shit at you and heal her adc with. They will both always be full health if you can't avoid her Q poke. ”
Esoterica says “While a dedicated healer, Soraka's true threat comes from her ability to stop your kill attempt at any time. When jumping in, DO NOT STAND THERE PRESSING W TO BLINK BACK. Play as if she will ALWAYS try to silence you when you engage.
Her Q poke is frequent but easy to avoid, and she cannot hit both you and your ADC at the same time. Aim to punish her while walking out of her silence zone as fast as you can.”
Dotje says “If you're able to dodge her Q you can win this. If you're confident harass her as much as you can for the easy spellthief stacks. Make sure you know who to focus in this lane. And consider taking ignite.”
Pyroxes says “She may outsustain you, but she shouldn't be a big threat. Save a R-Q every time you see her approach to poke you since she's really predictable.”
KeleiX13 says “There is nothing keeping you from running Soraka down in lane once She's used her E so punish her if she randomly uses it to poke which is something a lot of people do. You probably won't be able to do a lot of damage to her if she hits her Q's but if she doesn't, she's just a fragile sack of gold. For that, try to dodge her Q's with your E and get your team to get Grievous Wounds since her mid-late heal is massive especially if she hits her Q's and she can just spam heal.”
milast says “She can heal a lot but she doesn't have poke , she so squishy that you kill her way to fast , but her silence won't let you use q so be careful.
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. Ten cuidado con su silencio.”
LilRidge says “Soraka will try to poke you out with her (Q) Starcall, especially when you're trying to proc your Support item. Try your best to not get hit by it at all as she will keep her and her ADC healthy. When going for an all-in, it will be wise to bait out Soraka's (E) Equinox before engaging. This will also be applicable when your Jungler is about to gank you.”
SpartanDumpster says “Crowd Control can be a nightmare for Zilean. Being silenced means you can miss the perfect chance to stun enemies, you can't boost your own or your teammates speed, and you can't cast your ult which can require clutch timing (or at the very least you need to cast it in a tight window).”
Rainuu says “Soraka can be a threat to Lillia as her massive healing can cause all of your damage to become void. Her silence can make a big difference and her slow can be irritating. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “If properly peeled she can be far more valuable than the enemy ADC. She can constantly heal off your lack of range. She can also just silence you the moment you go to flip. High priority target.”
Starchase says “Her poke is better than yours, so heal all her poke damage with your E.
Ping your teammates when she gets lvl 6, the healing that this ability gives catches people off guard.
Rush Oblivion Orb.
Depending on the ADC's, you outscale her or not.”
Takitsu says “Early game is where you punish soraka. Always focus the soraka until you, or your carry gets grievous wounds. Soraka healing will make you question that you even did any damage. Just kill the banana user and make the enemy carry watch. Dodging her Q in lane helps massively in ensuring you are healthy enough to fight the 2v2.
Post-6 Fights are difficult with her ult. Need ignite or grievous of some sort to have a chance.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Most Soraka players build around healing instead of damage and this makes her extremely squishy. She also doesn't do much for her ADC besides healing. She can silence you, but that's not much of a threat because you should be far enough away to recover from it. ”
losolkos says “very much healing speed bost and slow. atack soracka use passive on soraka and dodge her q to dont let her heal so much when you make atack use ign or adc beafore 6lv and after 6lv use on soraka also just stun her you need to kill her fast. Alway move to make her hard to jit you with Q.”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. Ten cuidado con su silencio. ”
unhben says “Her E is really annoying when trying to get a kick off so be fast with your insec's. Dodge Q and play around vision because you'll be pushed up probably.”
Tartmeringue says “Soraka is a stand in for the enchanters. Your main threats are enchanters with cc. If they're good you'll never get close to them and they will poke you down. Probably winnable but def a skill check lane.”
Kadiyarch says “You have to poke her and dodge all her Q, then you can hit a combo and have an easy kill. Always focus her and don't hesitate to use full combo on her in late game. ”
Coo1breeze says “Depending on the ADC, she might be a problem, but normally, you can kill her as easily as Zilean because of how defenseless and squishy she is.”
Bear Gummies says “Soraka is a pain because she seems to be able to heal all of the damage you do to her with little health/mana cost in the early game, so this might be a situation where you want to rush oblivion orb and try to force an all in, since she can only heal so much during an all in in the early game.”
NewTeff says “she's squishy, has no escape and no hard CC outside of her E, but if you get rooted by it then you're either braindead or should turn your monitor on.”
PalestinianLuck says “Skill based matchup
If she silence you while you try to Hook or dash/flash you will lose the Trade.
The challenging part is the heal which may deny you a lot of succesful ultimates.
Remind your teammates to buy Antiheal”
Jannito02 says “Soraka is not known for being a support that really gets the enemy team in trouble in terms of damage or CC. But her heals are stronger than Yuumi's, her E silence can stop you from using your W, and if she stuns you with it, you may give Soraka a calmer lane, making her hit you her Q to heal herself a bit, or even killing you with her ADC.”
EionThePepega says “Rushing out Oblivion Orb will significally improve your lane experience. In terms of the champions, it's a easy lane, altough an experienced summoner will be harder due to Soraka's zoning abilities.”
xDopii says “She has very high sustain and can get a free heal off you when you get close to try and hook. Stay in bushes and avoid her Q's at all cost.”
SlippStream says “An annoying one. She can cancel your W with her E, but she's still immobile and squishy. Remember to get an early Executioner's Calling.”
mscocca says “Immobile champion. Play safe and you will be able to melt her once you get access to Luden's Echo.
Only sore point are the heals on her W and R as she might be able to outheal your damage if ahead.”
xDopii says “Soraka has a lot of sustain and her R can be very annoying against your own R because it heals people back up again.
Overall she is squishy and immobile though so try to pick her a lot. Avoid walking in open space and trying to hook her as her silence will cancel your hook and root you in place.”
EionThePepega says “Tell your ADC to rush Executioner's Calling and focus her first, as she can do much except Slow or Silence you, but you can bait them off with fake engaging. But of course respect it if she does have Silence up.”
The Lotus Queen says “Soraka has better sustain in lane, though she has no cc or burst damage to be a threat to Sona. Soraka's late game is also weaker due to no utility.”
Tradicale says “Soraka will prove to be incredibly challenging for a few reasons.
1. She can silence you with her E after you land your Q, which will prevent you from continuing your combo, root you most times since you won't have enough time to walk off, and can follow up with her Q to heal herself. Play around her cooldowns, focus her first if possible, and ignite will be invaluable so make it count.”
Jexeff says “Not really a threat to you at all. The more annoying part is that she will be healing any damage you are trading onto the ADC. Since she relies on her own health pool to heal, try to avoid her Starcall abilitiy. When she hits an enemy champion with it, she will regain a portion of her health. Look to whittle down the Soraka the best you can. ”
Wounds2 says “Soraka's silence can make it difficult for you to make plays without getting punished. Her ult can also make your engage much less effective. She is very easy to kill, so burn her flash by engaging on her and let your team know that its down. That way, it is much harder for Soraka to be useful because she needs to worry a lot more about her positioning.”
icebombhunter says “she will stop your all in, and she heals so you will miss a lot of ults, but her ult has more cd than yours. She can change the sorts of a teamfight.”
fishbully says “If you go heavy poke Soraka has the capability to out-heal all of that damage. Because of this Soraka poses a serious threat to Janna early game. Late game Janna should have the advantage.”
itizhelia says “A good Soraka would always silence you and poke you down. Fortunately, this isn't the case since many Soraka players struggle to keep up with Rakans speed so you shouldn't be that much worried as initially planned if you're facing a billion games played Soraka player.
Learn to dodge her skill shots and respect her silence ability and also get grievous wounds mid-game.
FiddlesticksChan says “She can poke you out and can heal out of your execute range during all stages of the game. Her silence is a huge threat as well. Watch your feet, don't get rooted. If you manage to avoid her skillshots, she's a free kill.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Soraka can be very annoying to lane against with all her healing. In this lane, always focus the Soraka, you'll be wasting time if you try to kill her ADC.”
Xeptron says “Soraka offers very safe laning phase to her ADC. A lot of heals and sustain. All your poke gets healed instantly and you can't do anything about it... unless you manage to find a hook towards her and burst her down. A good suggestion is to buy mobility boots against her - it will make life easier to dodge her Starcall (Q ability) damage and close the gap between you and her for an easy flay/hook. As of recent she received a small Astral Infusion (W ability) buff, making her heals a bit stronger but if you pick up a ignite as a summoner spell, it can be very game changing. Overall Soraka has a great level of sustain but low damage and no way of escaping a hook. Once it lands, she has no escape.”
CanadaJay says “Soraka healing is annoying and so is her silence + root. Her silence can fuck up Gragas' combos, but once she is locked down it's hard for her to escape.”
Frank6264 says “Este enfrentamiento es bastante similar al de Sona pero un poco más complicado ya que si soraka les consigue meter su Q, va a curarse ella y curar casi gratuitamente a su ADC, además de que en juego medio-tardío va a aportar muchísimas curaciones a su equipo. En línea es mejor intentar matar a Soraka antes que al ADC ya que será más dificil de hacer daño al ADC debido a las curaciones que este último pueda recibir de Soraka. También recomiendo ignite en este enfrentamiento y corta curaciones.”
Sunedayz says “This matchup has become so easy with the introduction of support healing reduction. Get an oblivion orb early to ruin her day. Avoid her slow Q projectile, and roam around the map. You probably can't kill her, but you can apply pressure elsewhere.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Soraka has a lot of Healing and is able to keep her ADC alive. Try to poke her out as much as you can and don't let her land her Q's so she can heal back the damage you deal. If she does go in to Q you and over steps then poke her so she takes damage.”
CaptianMike says “She cannot threaten you in lane, and if you manage to stun her, she will die quickly. Stay away from her silence zone and other than that, she has no hard CC. Focus her before every fight! I would take ignite and gathering storm here. Scorch's poke won't last very long.”
sssky says “Soraka isn't a threat, but in the case you need to ult, the instant AoE silence completely counters you from casting your ultimate.
Other than that, it's a very winnable matchup: you both have incredibly strong sustain -- but she needs to hit Q for it -- you just need to move and auto attack things.
You can kill her in all-ins.”
Titans Revenge says “Always remember, kill the Soraka FIRST. Don't engage the ADC and let her stand there healing them back up. Soraka has low mobility. Get onto her. Her E does have a silence and some CC if you stay inside of it, so avoid that and you are good to go. Also dodge her Q when possible as it will allow her to heal herself up.”
Hceercs says “After nerfing her to prevent her from being a Laner, support Soraka hasn't really been able to be aggressive as before. Although she's pretty vulnerable to all-ins, you still probably shouldn't focus her AD without ignite.”
RedNBlue says “Most likely the easiest enchanter support to go against, you will be able to poke her hard and she will not be able to do much back so you can get wraith stalkers easily.”
CastratedSeal says “Nami has a much stronger lane phase than Raka. She'll only have a stronger mid/late game than you if your team has a tank she can constantly hit with her Qs in fights. She's very susceptible to ganks early.”
IbnBattuta says “Since when Soraka is a threat? Soraka's E can silence you once it touches you and if positioned right, she'll cancel your E making enemy's ADC take the chance to kill you while you're vulnerable.”
doorknobber69 says “No lie, you don't really die to Soraka top nor do you kill her. Just go tp and roam. Literally she will either go tp or barrier and you just cant kill her cuz she silences slows and runs away.”
GMGZ2 says “Can out heal your poke DMG, so the best solution is to focus poke Soraka as much as possible. She needs HP to heal so if she has none she becomes useless, avoid her Q and she is truly useless since she can't regain HP unless she hits it. Her E is the only other threat which can silence and possibly root you, but it is fairly easy to get out of using your Q. I would say this is an easy lane all around. Her R that heals out your poke DMG is the only real threat I can think of, and maybe her late game heals being godlike but that's it. Again, just focus poke her and she is useless.”
EmpressBee says “Bait out soraka Q and then poke Soraka. Soraka has no kill pressure unless you stand on the silence. If soraka took barrier be sure to poke her but all-in the AD.”
NEED WATER says “Immobile with no heavy poke makes Soraka pretty easy to deal with most of the time. The sustain during lane will be annoying but you will make up for it when her pokes feel like tickles. Be mindful of her ult during all-ins and try not to feed her ADC. ”
Frogsterr says “You can easily out-damage her when you use the runes I have shown you early and late game. Can root if you get in her E, but should be fine when you escape. Be careful around level 6 since she can heal her enemies no matter the distance and sustain herself in a fight depending.”
Guoblide says “TAKE GHOST. Soraka is another enchanter peel support who is hard for Sett to beat in lane and ends up majorly outscaling him in the late game. In lane Soraka can poke you down and bully your ADC with Starcall. Starcall also slows Sett when hit which makes him engaging onto her extremely difficult. Soraka can also outsustain you in lane as well as heal her ADC with Astral Infusion and make them un-pokeable. The worst thing about her kit though is Equinox. Equinox is a zone that silences you and roots you if you stand in it for too long. Whenever Sett Flashes or engages Soraka can just throw down an Equinox to silence you and a Starcall to slow you and run away with her ADC. Engaging on a Soraka is almost impossible. Another horrible thing about Soraka is that her ultimate, Wish, is a global ultimate so she can effect the map while staying in lane. Flash on her at level 2 to try and trade Flashes and then try to bait out her Equinox and take advantage of it's long 20 seconds cooldown. After she uses it then Hextech Flashtraption or Knuckle Down onto her and Ghost when she Starcalls you for the slow. Facebreaker Soraka or her ADC into each other or the minion wave and stun them to hopefully get a kill. If Soraka and her ADC try to freeze the wave under their tower then get your jungler to gank you. During teamfights try to The Show Stopper their frontliner into the backline in order to let your team engage onto Soraka and their carries. If Soraka has a frontliner in front of her she can dish out insane amounts of heal in a short period of time.”
RcosplayEnjoyer says “If played this only once, and it was painful, she can cancel your ult with your e and you almost never want to use ult ona support. So she will annoy you alot.”
InsaneWind says “Her healing is what makes her the most problematic, her silence CAN become a threat but this is more just you need to bait it out, most Sorakas tend to use it to harass early on so fight then, Remember target the soraka.”
Retrixed says “Soraka can be really annoying when playing against her. Since Rakan has a very aggressive playstyle it can be very frustrating when she gets those easy heals off and gete her ADC back to life. Just be away of this and tell your ADC to focus her.”
rcyuumi says “Already an issue with the silence but now the heal will be more effective and Yuumi will not beat Soraka in heal or damage. Late game, Soraka may still beat Yuumi as well.”
GAGESTR says “If they have Soraka it will be harder to apply pressure due to her ability to spam heal. If you're struggling with Soraka rush morellonomicon and that should make it a little easier for you to handle her.”
katt5 says “Its hard to poke through all her sustain and her silence can set up ganks when used well. She also has a decent amount of poke herself. That being said you can take ignite and play passively then all-in when your jungler (hopefully) ganks. ”
Jovy says “Soraka is an easy match-up for you because she doesn't have any hard CC and her disengage, thus, is almost non-existant. Her heals are very powerful but she can't heal herself as efficiently, so just focus on her rather than her ADC.”
Tauricus2017 says “Annoying matchup. You cannot kill her but she most likely cannot kill you - so just hope that your ADC scales better into late game.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “When talking about threats to AP Lee Sin Support, you better mention (Support) Soraka. Her oppressive playstyle with silences and poke-Qs makes the life of every living creature on earth hell, AP Lee Sin Support manages to at least go even with her in trades though. Do not fear to look for flashy Q1 into Q2 + W1 plays, so the enemy is confused and misses every skillshots due to your superior skill and mechanics. As mentioned above only Support Soraka really is something you should worry about, you will easily smash any AD Soraka in lane and also IRL.”
aliteralpieceofwood says “With healing overall now nerfed, she isn't as annoying as she once was. Don't get too greedy though and make sure to still pick up Morello ASAP.”
Jovy says “Squishy but otherwise very hard to deal with. She has a lot of sustain for her ADC, a silence which can be annoying and can pack a punch with her incessant poking.”
Wise Owl says “Another of my mains, XD but seriously, just will annoy the hell out of you with her heals and sustain. Try and lock her down and she's dead though.”
Jovy says “Soraka is easy to handle because she's a very passive support who is also very squishy and doesn't heal herself reliably. She's quite annoying but the trick is to target her and exhaust her ADC if he's a problem when you try to kill Soraka.”
moon827 says “Soraka is not too difficult to deal with. The only part of her kit that is semi annoying is how consistently she can slow you, which gives her a large amount of health regeneration.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Soraka is kind of an easy match-up if you play this lane correctly. It is important to always take down Soraka first, because if you focus her AD carry, she will just keep healing and you will have a hard time getting a kill.
Soraka offers great lane sustain, so there's no use trying to get small trades in this lane. It's go hard or go home (home being your base).
Apart from her healing you shouldn't fear Soraka too much as Thresh. She is very squishy and if you land a hook on her, she is almost guaranteed to be a free kill. Just watch-out for her Equinox (E), because it can silence you during engages and leave you vulnerable. ”
Bouhhsolene says “Soraka is kind of the same as Sona, just rush executioner, as you can do it. With executionner, you will heal has much has R, your R gives you presence on the map like her, except you poke better and can kill them all, when she can't. If you hit W she's dead.”
Tauricus2017 says “Her poke is high and she is able to outsustain herself and her ADC. Call for ganks because she has no way to escape other then flash.”
SolarSupport says “Soraka stays away from the front of the lane for the most part and has good disengage with her silence/root. Engaging on her ADC is folly because of her incredible single target healing, so you either have to get fancy with flashes or slow the lane down”
Taric Support says “Soraka isn't that tanky so you should be able to kill her, but it is pevital that you don't get hit by her Q too often, as it gives her a ton of health back, and then she can heal her ADC for another eternity.”
sashadidntwalk says “Similar to Lux, she is squishy and a big poke threat for you early game, in the beginning she will not heal a lot so use that for your advantage, try and dodge her Q's so she doesn't heal back up again and her E's to not get stunned. Her ult will be annoying but won't be a full on game changer in the beginning.”
Vahlok says “I hate this champ. Try to hook her and kill her as fast as possible. If she plays behind her nexus, just go for his adc and ignite him to death. If you somehow get fed (by stealing kills or invade), buy bramble vest and continue with your standard build.”
KeleiX13 says “Soraka has a lot of sustain, so don't try and be too aggressive early as her Q lifesteals. Q her as much as possible and heal to speed up your ADC when they get silenced by her so they don't get rooted.”
Spection says “COMMON. This champion can be quite annoying for all the healing she provides, but she can't heal herself and dies pretty fast as well. A good Soraka will position herself very well to avoid you or your support, but take any advantage you can to bash her if you think you can get off without too much damage.”
ShroudedBRH says “Avoid taking damage from her Q as this will give her free healing. You can get an early executioners if her W becomes too much of a problem during lane phase. Dont stay inside of her silence as this will root you in place”
NixLychee says “Her healing is a direct counter to your execute, because if you try and execute someone she will immediately use her ult to heal them out of your execute range.”
QueerJunk says “This is an even match-up, however soraka can out-heal you if played correctly and if you dont land CC on her she will out-perform you throughout the game. Focus her in teamfights if she is good and you should be fine!”
TheMistCollector says “She hits harder than it looks. You can poke her very easy if you play careful enough. try to use E before her E because you will be in a very bad spot when trading without it. If Edge of Night isn't that necessary, build Executioner first.”
SkellyBirb says “Soraka can be a pain to deal with because she'll just heal her adc. She can also cancel your Q with her silence. Besides that, she is pretty squishy so you can poke her.”
ShanksMeister says “She isn't difficult IF you can dodge her Q. If you get hit she will damage you and heal for a shit ton. All-in the adc at level 6 IF you have ignite. If you don't have ignite then all-in Soraka.”
sashadidntwalk says “She is not hard to deal with, but with her slows and the way she always spams Q might be annoying because she will regen health quite often. Just be aware of her Q and E.”
Mczrks says “Soraka is annoying, even more than yuumi in my opinion. Her heal from w is so strong in late game that she'll be a nightmare for you and your ulti, she can heal herself aswell from her q, wich also slows you and last, but not least, her ultimate that heal everyone on her team for lot of hp. Not too scary, but deffinitly annoying.”
Vexno says “She isn't that too difficult to deal with but the hard thing to deal with is that the slow she has and the fact that the slow comes with regeneration.”
xBigfoot16x says “Soraka is a hard one to poke considering the range she is given to work with. Gain control of the lane bushes to force her to respect your presence.”
Axkuru says “A good Soraka can make you so hardcore Useless in the Laning Phase. She can Ult if your Ulting and if this happends you cant Ju OÖExecute.
Worth Ban”
Twistinfortune says “She is really squishy. Use your items like GLP blade to slow her and land your Q W Q combo.
Morello might also be another good item to consider. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Soraka is a pretty even match for brand, if you can avoid her q then you're golden. If she's paired with a caitlyn, jhin, or karthus then don't go into trap points such as near the walls going towards your turret or in the alcove.”
Hoshikoo746 says “I feel good :D
She can poke you and you can't really poke her because of her Q. But you can poke her adc, yay.
She's not hard to play against.
snukumz says “She has about the same poke range as you do.
Her heals will negate a lot of your poke damage.
Her ult will cancel out your ults ability to secure kills if her ult is up and she's paying attention.
She's squishy and you do more damage than her so you and your ADC should be able to win 2v2 fights in lane. ”
snukumz says “Heal lane.
Her silence can cheese you when you want to go for your bubble, which is annoying.
Once you get 6 you should be able to roll over her though. ”
Guffel says “Soraka has a lot of range on her Q so she can just poke you and your Adc all the time. Buy boots early to dodge her Q and to get in range for an E. If she has an early Adc play safe and outscale, if she has a late Adc try to kill her.”
Ghionova says “Her silence can be very annoying. Know her cooldown and you can engage safe. Her ult can be no big deal as long as you keep giving them grevious wounds. You cant do much when behind.”
snukumz says “Her heals negate a lot of your damage but your damage for exceeds hers so you can burst her down quite easily if you land a stare onto her.”
Jaiyana says “hard to kill her when she knows how to play against her. but for me Soraka matchup is not hard for Leona. just tank for your team let them do their job.”
trundlesuppport says “she out trade you in lane with her q, so poking is sort of useless, you have to all in or you lose game late. she out scale zyra. never all in far from your adc stay near him and punish her bad positioning.”
SynLynx says “Taliyah Support is great for playing against these kinds of enchanter supports. Most Sorakas will try to start a trade using e, so you can use this to your advantage and get some free damage.”
rquoe says “As long as you dodge her abilities, she shouldn't be too annoying, but don't underestimate her. Buy an Executioner's if her heals are getting in the way.”
ThePandaEvan says “Soraka can be annoying with her Q's but most of the time when you are all-ing ignite the ADC so the healing from Soraka is reduced. Poking Soraka means that she can't heal the ADC as much.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Farm lane.
Used to be a terrible counter with Equinox, but since the W change to keep silences from triggering the 5 second hard cooldown on You & Me she's become nothing but a healbot again.”
iNotSushi says “She does decent poke, and can heal her allied laner at a decent rate. However, she will run out of mana far before you do. Look for an engage when she is low on mana or her W is on cooldown so she cant W and/or ult her allied laner out of the dive you throw at them.”
Singed1vs9 says “Really underrated support. If she can survive early the mid to late game become really really hard.
But in ruturn you can abuse bad soraka positioning by oneshotting her.”
HoneyQT says “Skill Matchup. You outshield her, she outheals you. IMO, Janna is better all-around as she doesn't have to sacrifice her own health and her CC is more meaningful (Rarely will Soraka hit a root), but if the enemy Soraka is better than you, you'll lose to her.”
Cat Elf says “Just make sure not to get stuck in her E and be rooted, you should be fine. Consider getting morellos here. Also Ardent would be good here. ”
DestroyerGaming says “Soraka é um campeão bem fácil de ir contra, essa estratégia é utilizada também para sona, tente gastar o suporte inimigo, no caso, ficar dando AA nele para não ter tanta vida para curar o seu adc, no caso da soraka”
XJay11X says “Just No. She can somehow out poke you AND she heals. Very annoying if you get against her. If you buy Mobility boots, you can out maneuver most of her ability's, but it takes some skill.”
Noname137 says “Not quite a threat but really damn annoying to play against because of the silence. Generally speaking silences and CC are the biggest threat to Pyke”
FlameOfHecate says “A good Soraka will be able to heal though everything you throw at the enemy adc and she can also silence you which can lead to many instances where you can't use your Q in time , so be careful.”
PayyBack says “Stand behind minions and annoy the hell out of their ADC. You've got to bully lane and Rakan excels at early game lane bullying. Once you're level 3, W Q in and E out, easy day. ”
Flint124 says “If you focus her ADC, Soraka heals them enough that you die before they do.
If you focus Soraka, she has her barrier and her ADC's heal to work with, so good luck.”
locofachero8 says “The peel supports are usually very annoying because they do not allow the enemy to pock, but the good side is that they are very soft and easy to kill with a good play.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “I'm putting Soraka here as tiny because aslong as you and your ADC focus her down it's free kills, BUT! If you are focusing the ADC or not switching targets correctly this lane can be quit difficult and you will struggle to win laning phase because of Soraka's constant poke and heal.”
SuperTezcat1 says “Soraka can counter you a bit by using her E if you are trying to go in and you hit Q and then R.
If she have good reactions she will silence you before you R”
Kefochka says “Отхил Сораки достаточно силён, и превзойти его не получится у Морганы, поэтому в разменах всегда стоит уничтожать её. Мёртвой она точно ульту не прожмёт и никого не похилит.”
Loggit says “The most difficult support, as she can poke you, silence you, heal above your ulti, and is otherwise a pain. Shove pre-6 very hard and roam mid to force lane priority.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Now basically anyone with a silence/root/stun/any other type of cc that is not slow- is your worst nightmare, no matter their duration, if you get hit by one your W will get set on a 5 second cooldown at all ranks, making you basically dead.
(Btw Soraka have instant silence on her E that after few seconds become a stun)”
Jointed says “Soraka is an enchanter support just like us. Poke the enemy carry for gold and procs on your Spell thief's. This lane will most likely go even. Focus on securing objectives and preventing ganks.”
Pognog says “Soraka is usually decent against poke champions but as we are focusing mainly on quick skirmishes and bursting opponents down, this is generally a good match up.”
Stepoun James says “Hard healing with her Astral Infusion will be a problem since you're both aiming for lategame, and she certainly beats you in that sector.”
LFS_aXent says “Soraka can be truthfully annoying. When laning against her, make sure to target and focus her rather than the ADC. Shut her down early so her laner doesn't get fed with her help as easily.”
Morganiklus says “With her E she can avoid u to full CC her, and also if you cc the adc and don't kill him, Soraka will heal him so u would have wasted your cd's.”
AsolCollective says “Even with no cc in her kit, she is a menace in lane with her Q and E. Range is one thing, but when the player you and your laner are trying to kill is getting healed faster than you can do damage it's a nightmare for mid to late game.”
Hanjaro says “Soraka has higher healing, and can impact any lane with her ult. She's ranged and has higher sustain and damage in lane. Don't get caught in her silence at opportune moments.
She's very squishy and immobile if caught out. ”
GoBucket says “Most important thing is to dodge her Q's. Once you do that, the engages are pretty straight forward. Don't get poked out, and if you are trading, prioritise her over her ADC (her self-healing is weak...relies heavily on landing Q). When engaging, be wary of her silences, but you should have enough mobility with your E to outplay this.”
Beeee says “One of the champions I see a lot of Lux players struggle playing against is Soraka, her silence can stop your entire damage (and shield!) and her heals can be life-saving for the enemy. However, if you're able to keep your distance and poke from afar you shouldn't be having much of an issue with her.”
marisbroodti says “Soraka is that annoying support that will spam you to death believing that the silence lasts forever. The key to this lane is properly dodging her Qs to deny her from the health regen and engaging her as soon as you have a favorable window. Two or three kills and she will be set for a clear loss.”
Zer0XM says “Soraka suffers the same problems that Sona does but her Q is an actual problem alongside the very powerful silence. The matchup is purely dependent on the ADC's, if yours counters theirs then pull Soraka, if even then pull the bigger threat for the moment, if yours is countered then pull the ADC.”
Quezel says “Her early game poke is absolutely bonkers and costs next to no mana but after you get first back you can all in her with ult quite easily. Take Second Wind and ghost and rush rylais to help with her early poke and just run her down with ult and rylais slow.”
Taiack says “Soraka will die to you level 2 if she doesnt have barrier. Her Q is laughably easy to dodge, her only real tool in lane is her silence. So just walk out of the circle.”
MeatFeast says “For Soraka to be effective she has to play aggressively and poke with her Q & W. This puts her in your threat range which is extremely risky. If you get one lock down on her you either burn all her health which means she can't heal/renders her useless, or you secure the kill. Just bully Soraka and her ADC early game and you can snowball the game from there. She can be a threat late game so be sure to get your ADC to buy Mortal Reminder which reduces her healing effectiveness. I always take ignite in this lane.”
Zefirez says “Recommended Rune set: Hail of Blades or Conqueror.
Goat is so much of a threat with her constant healing, it's basically a rule of thumb to focus and kill her first rather then the adc.
Ignite and early executioner's calling are a must here. What you wanna do is either burst her down then move on to adc (hail of Blades is good for that). or brute force your way through the matchup, expecting the heals and trying to overpower them with damage and sustain (conqueror choice).
Be wary of her silence field (can't use any skills while in it and it'll root you if you stand it when it expires), and q pokes - they heal her, and you don't want that, since healing her allies costs her health and you want it to stay low and burned.
Catching her outta position is crucial and letting enemy botlane push the wave to your tower so the jungler can gank, or you can just ult behind them is a good start to making that goat bleed.”
ONICH4N says “Soraka is very annoying, She heals like a truck, you will get outscaled. Rush Grevious wounds please. Roam a ton in this matchup but dont just leave your adc.”
Vexno says “She isn't that too difficult to deal with but the hard thing to deal with is that the slow she has and the fact that the slow comes with regeneration.”
supersuavebro says “She likes to nullify all the work you put in by healing constantly and zoning you out with her Q. Just try to focus her with Qs and if you have to all in the adc, try to make it a quick death before she heals it all back”
Laverenz says “Soraka is really annoying to play against. She has a lot of healing, which forces you to play with ignite instead of exhaust, making your ADC in danger, as you can't protect your ADC as good as with exhaust. Focus on hooking her instead of the ADC.”
NirvanaBunny says “She doesn't have enough CC and she has no disengage. This lane is super easy. Just watch for her heals--since they're powerful. Remember, she can't heal herself very well with her Q. Focus her other than her ADC.”
aimez says “Soraka is not too difficult to deal with. The only part of her kit that is semi annoying is how consistently she can slow you, which gives her a large amount of health regeneration.”
Ahpulzz says “She's squishy and doesn't have reliable CC, but if you do not kill her or her partner in one or two trades you'll slowly lose control of the lane. The sustain she gives to her partner is second to none and getting hit by any of her Q's simply allows her to keep sustaining them. Definitely look for a jungle gank on her and go super hard if you can land a hook on her carry or her.”
Ahpulzz says “Unless her positioning is awful, you can almost never win a 2v2 fight against a Soraka. Her Q is very spammable and gets easier to land the closer you are to her, and grants her movement speed and healing when they hit you. This basically allows her to kite you to hell as she heals back from any damage she takes. The fact that she can heal her ally too makes fighting even more dangerous, because while your ADC has to play on a backfoot after getting damaged, Raka can just spam W and completely heal back her carry's health. However, although this sounds terrible, all you need to beat Raka is ganks. Simply pillar her back when your jungler comes and she will almost assuredly die if she doesn't have flash.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “Nasty silence and root from this gal always causes you to go ga-ga on where you're throwing yourself. Be mobile, and you won't be jelly. ”
Vermeio says “If you face a Soraka who know what she is doing. You may have some trouble to play. Easy to burst and kill, but a defensive one can be tough to reach. The thing here is... don´t forget her adc, you can still keep doing dmg and forcing her to cure. If needed, consider ulting adc or her and facing the one standing.”
Axeloy says “Soraka heals more than Nami, but that's just about what she has against her. If done right, Nami can crack down on Soraka by slipping through her Q and E and bubbling her, allowing for an ADC follow-up You have more of a lane presence than Soraka in terms of harass/poke/damage. ”
Sona Aria says “Soraka wins all sustain wars. You can't poke her out, you can't outsustain her, this is a farm until 6 matchup. Landing a double crescendo and igniting Soraka early is the way to go.”
Haezard01 says “You will have to burst her out early game and keep her out of the game. Try to play arround her E. During mid-late game she will heal most of your damage so try to end the game quick.”
Osamabinlaggin96 says “This lane will go: 1. u kinda lose but aint too bad
2. You destroy
If she stays far back she is good because her silence fks u up and if u focus the ad its gonna be a very tough time to get a kill. MUST FOCUS HER”
Jel0 says “Her ability to treat ADC is very uncomfortable against Morgan because she can easily heal all the DMG you deal in a second. Also her E cancels your skills which practically makes you useless.”
Saethwyr says “Dodge her q and watch her E. if she uses it early or on the wrong person you can engage onto her or the carry without much fear of an attack back on you.”
FRIZFOREVER says “if u got bad position and raka land good E u will lose a lot of heaths if not die. but u have better poke and better mana efficiency. u will outtrade her with good wave managment from ur adc”
Quiet Allure says “The only big problem with soraka will be if you jump off your adc, and she silences you. Other than that your range is significantly better than hers. Smack dat behind harder than ever.”
Exs Xena says “Soraka has no pressure on Thresh, and no real escaping tools when hooked. Focus her during your early fights in lane, when you can shut her down, she'll fall behind in items and she'll be useless during midgame. ”
SawyerNelson says “Soraka is short ranged and has to scale. Lux is much stronger than her throughout the laning phase. Soraka's advantage is that she can heal her ally, so if you can't focus her she can sustain her ADC. You can get roams off against her without her being able to match.”
Exs Xena says “Soraka has no early pressure, she can't deny any of your hard cc, she doesn't have any hardpoke so you can use your shield all the time to block incoming damage from the enemy adc. ”
DoABarrellRoll says “Her W makes you unusable and her heal makes your poke a little less efficent, but when she cant defend with these habilities, play aggresive.
Su W te hace inutilizable y su sanación hace que tu pokeo sea un poco menos eficiente, pero cuando no pueda defenderse con estas habilidades, juga agresivamente.”
DrunkenWolf says “If you're able to avoid her Q you will dominate the lane easily, but if she's good enough to stay healing herself give up on poke and wait for the burst opportunit.”
Hanjaro says “Soraka has deceptively high harass damage in laning phase. Sorakas greatest strength against Pyke is being able to cancel his Q charge with her E(silence). What I have discovered to beat Soraka if her E is up is to try to engage only using a halfway charged Q giving her less time to react to silencing it. Squishy champ/sacrifices own health to heal ally, abuse pre6 before she gets big heals.”
best_shacosupport911 says “Literally just run ignite and Q in.
Don't expect to Q out, she'll silence underneath herself if the player is good. Just use it for the extra surprise on box+damage.
If you "lose" lane to Soraka, wait for Seal+Refillable buy and all-in whenever your absolute focus is active, then just heal up.
unownreality says “Soraka will fall to you if you burst her over time. Focus the soraka in lane, and get her low enough to not be able to heal her adc without being at risk of dying to your Q auto. ”
Kian987 says “I would prefer to play 2 vs 3 in bot lane instead of facing Soraka. The only thing you can do is E + Flash + Ignite her every 300 seconds. The rest is boredom and disgust. You're a tanky support that looks for troubles but she's a pussy champion that freely spams oppressive spells safely from distance.”
Pengu Cleric says “it will be a poke / sustain lane, if you and your adc dont go full retard mode. you just out sustain them with the teleport on the ADC”
Drlazerbeam says “If A Nami player can avoid most of Soraka's Qs then it should be a easy lane. Soraka is only more powerful than Nami when the late game phase starts. ”
Fruxo says “Can be a really annoying champion to face. Try to avoid her Q's and E's to your best ability. Take advantage of her abilities being on cd. Focus more on her rather then the Adc because she will just heal the Adc. Get Executioner's Calling or even build it into a Mortal Reminder to make her healing less useful, it'll make it easier to kill her.”
SawyerNelson says “After the changes to Soraka in 9.9 she's much weaker in lane, making her a scaling champion. It's very hard for her not to die against neeko if you are constantly looking to punish her when she moves to far forward, don't respect her aggression, punish it with E & ignite early.”
FMLMOMENT says “Out of all the Ardent's this will be your toughest lane , she out pokes you out sustains you and can kite back . Try to play around her silence cool down avoid her Q's and survive laning phase”
NirvanaBunny says “Soraka is not too difficult to deal with. The only part of her kit that is semi annoying is how consistently she can slow you, which gives her some health regeneration. Remember every time she heals it takes part of her health!”
SawyerNelson says “Respect Soraka's level 1-4. Don't entertain trades or else you put yourself on the back foot of the entire laning phase. Later and later into the matchup she is still hard to kill when engaging onto her so take good fights not forced ones.”
Tgrs says “Very squish. When she plays with an ADC who is not very good in early, make a trap with your ally. She (or her ADC) will probably burn flash or even both summoners.”
Ooze OG says “In my opinion, this is more of an annoying match up, and the winner is patience. If you can avoid her Q/auto harass, you can easily all in her in lane. Play aggressive, and you will win.”
MichelGamingMK says “You should poke with patience because she can outheal your damage while simultaneously damaging you using her Q and forcing you to heal with your W or back.
If you manage to not get hit by her Q you can continously poke her with your Q and force her to use her a lot or even her own ultimate
She is also very squishy so a well done engage from your ultimate and decent follow-up from your team or your adc respectively should be enough to kill her.”
TheLuluMain says “Her q is annoying as it outranges you, and her healing will negate your poke. You scale harder than her so don't feel pressure to win lane, and poke on her adc will waste her mana and hp slowly so don't feel like it's a waste.”
TeleportingWolf says “Pretty annoying, but not difficult. Try not to let her hit you with her Q - Starcall, as she'll recover health. Try to kill her before her ADC, because she WILL keep them alive.”
Rasta Da Masta says “Literally the only thing you have to worry about is her Q since that's how she heals herself. She's easy to poke down & she can't stop your pushing.”
Jeroen R8 says “Look out for Soraka's Starfall (Q) poke as getting hit by this will result in her healing. You can win fights by catching her out and bursting her quickly. Remember to use ignite to stop healing. You can also use this to engage on her ADC.”
JohnGaltDestroyer says “Sona's biggest counter is a champ that can outheal and outrange her. Soraka can easily be dealt with if both Sona and her ADC can dodge the constant Starcall bombardments, otherwise the fight will quickly rely on ADC dps and jungler support.”
DGNNYOmega says “Soraka can heal all the poke damage you just did away. Not to mention if you try to get close to perform your burst, she will stop you with her silence.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, to be honest soraka's ult might be annoying when you're about to get a penta with a single new patch q. just kidding. you can dust-ify her with a single q (or maybe a bit more) during a team fight because of it's MASSIVE range and your MASSIVE escape power. not a threat it lane.. i mean obviously. just watch out if she e's you when a jungler or something comes. ALSO remember her q still heals her when you spell shield it; but who cares do it anyways. ”
devanj4 says “Good Soraka's will know not to fight bard outright, try landing your stun on her after she heals to whittle her down or make her burst herself.”
Wasbeer says “Soraka is early easy to kill with you'r Q and W, CAREFULL for the heals this can catch you off-guard. Late game its a walking ambulance but you are aswell, the best part now is that Kayle doesn't pays her own health and has a great ultimate.”
TSMSky says “This champion is so stupid. Sure, Janna can avoid her Q with ease, but your ADC sure as hell can't. Avoid the migraine altogether and take Coin to play passively. Executioner's Calling is your friend.”
heyitsRainex says “Go in if you and your ADC can lock her down, but back off if you can't.
Despite being squishy, she has one of the strongest heals in the game.
Kill her before her ADC kills yours.”
ikkas says “Annoying as hell. Combine this with a Caitlyn and you have yourself the worst laning phase possible. The only redeeming quality of playing against Soraka is that she is extremely squishy, always target her.”
FearlessGames says “Her ult can be a pain for when you have trapped her ADC, but if you ignite the target before devouring, you should be able to prevent her doing too much harm. Just make sure you kite her early poke with Q. Don't take ignite if she is laning with vayne, ezreal, xayah, or teemo.”
Lonxu says “If you get hit by her Q and E you might even lose the trades.
So, try to avoid the Q at least and then just poke her out of lane with max range spells and plants.
Her sustains isn't a huge threat. The threat is her ability to deal damage actually.”
revelador says “aunque por molesta que sea su curación solo se quita vida para matarla rápido, su silencio molesta pero solo debes moverte ya en late sus curaciones son nada en camparacion con tu daño”
Great President says “Easy to kill her in lane. Just pull her with your q and stun with your e. If you want win lane, focus soraka because she will try heal her friends.”
Pykings says “. Pyke vs. Soraka
Early Game: Avoid her [Q] poke and [E] silence. She’s squishy but has strong healing.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on catching her out with [Q] and [R]. Avoid her ult heals.
Key Tip: Bait her [W] before committing to fights.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Just like Janna/Lulu, strong lvl1, but after that she is quite easy to catch.
Her silence is probably the most problematic part of her kit, as it can interrupt your combo if timed well (try to bait it out).”
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