Mid Lane 48.9% Win Rate83% Pick RateLeBlanc Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against LeBlanc in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Divine Azir says “ You win if she can't snowball. Strong laning phase, mobility, roams, and gank setup. Very squishy.
① LeBlanc has a strong level 1-3. You will not be able to push her in, so do your best to punish her last hits so she can't roam and kill your team on repeat.
② If you get hit by E and she has W up, you will die. Play behind your minions. If she Ws past them to E you, you can drift back before it roots.”
AuroraAddict says “You just need to trade her when she w's to you with Q+AA+Q recast and play behind your wave so she wont be able to hit E on you.Also you should get electrocute and teleport against her.”
BesXbola says “If you use passive she uses W and kills you, if she uses W you use your W and kill her. If the leblanc is good she'll try to kill you with Q and E mostly while baiting out your passive with her W.”
Badplank says “High burst champ, suggest taking barrier and building banshee first item and boots. You can try poking with her at start, you're not entirely hopeless against her but be careful”
j4m.euw says “This matchup is practically impossible, you should always ban her in draft. She is a very slippery champion, and can teleport around without you realising. Her massive amounts of burst damage make it very hard to farm and is very hard to make good trades with her when playing Yasuo. As a whole, she is very annoying and has alot of CC and very good mobility. If a gank is coming and you get hit by her E, you cannot do much. As in the skill order, you should take E level one because you can avoid her abilities. To avoid her CC, use your W when she casts her E. Instead of bork first, if you are heavily losing you should consider taking wits first item and later taking bork, and taking Maw 2nd or 3rd item. It's hard to kill her in lane, so you should also consider taking ignite. When playing against LeBlanc, you should finally consider taking Treads for the extra MR. EVERY TIME YOU PLAY MID YASUO BAN LEBLANC SHES SO ANNOYING YOU WILL WANT TO END IT ALL.”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Skill matchup overall. You win the 1v1 and trades but she has super strong gank setup. Try use E to cancel her W. Make sure to get mercs when you can to avoid ganks. ”
zSmoke says “The matchup against Leblanc is very difficult since Leblanc is an abusive character against Diana, she will always have higher damage than you, the best thing is to avoid her E and try to beat her early when she doesn't have as much damage, trade her when she has W in cd, at level 6 if you don't have an advantage she will easily beat you. And if you are winning you can't trade her since she will have 2 dashes to be able to enter and exit with your ultimate.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Very dangerous first 5 levels. DO NOT hit the wave. Just last hit. Let her push you in, buy Null-Magic first back. Kaenic will ruin her day. You outscale very hard. PING your team for her ganks as that is the biggest threat to you. Just be patient and grab your cs. ”
Cepatrol says “very runedependant matchup, if you go early runes fist her if not then you have to play it safe, if she throws her sigil(q) and insta dashes on you you can pool both, if she waits and is good after throwign q just pool her dash and be inside minions so she ca nt chain after”
xumi_k says “Depends on LB skill. Don't let her deceive you(and stun)! Respect her damage and don't let her all in you. You can kill her lvl2 I think. Overall, she's not much of a threat, or LB I saw were just bad. HER PASSIVE SENDS A CLONE IF SHE'S BELOW 30 % HP SO DON'T CHASE A CLONE.”
Tamikaze says “[Banshee's Second Item if you fall behind on her]
Generally, this is a difficult matchup for Azir. One of the most important things is to keep a good range on her so she doesn't get a free W on you without having to step up too far. If you can manage that, she's forced to use her W to engage on you, which feels awful for her. Play around the minion wave to dodge the E (chain). It's good to note that her W + E level 1 have a 15 second CD. That gives you some time to poke her. Notable tips: If she does W you, immediately place a soldier (W) on you, E into her (shield proc), and then when she recalls Q her on the back followed by an auto. In quick succession its: W+E+Q+auto, and it should make the trade relatively even, but you have greater DPS on the back in if she continues to fight you. Watch out for her roams and be careful of her jumping out of vision on you. ”
ZedAway says “didnt play against a leblanc support yet, but ive seen that she is getting some pick rate in the support lately, she is a bit hard to catch but before level 6 she should be easier to catch since she doesnt have the whole 2 dashes thing.”
MattStyle says “Mucha movilidad. Daño excesivo. Ten MUCHO cuidado, no te confíes porque de la nada puede hacer desaparecer tu barra de vida.
Un pequeño "truco" a favor es que puedes tirar tu doble Q a la marca de su W o R y asegurar un stun.
Juega lo más defensivo posible e intenta no feedear. ”
Karthus only says “Only in every early stage is a threat, in mid to late game karthus contribute much more than her and good karthus player can even predict her w and solo Q her”
j4ss says “She can't deal with your poke but her damage is unfair. You can check her reflexes, if she's dodging your Ws with her W you have zero chance, rush hexdrinker and Mercs, then Full Crit. If you survive her burst, there's nothing she can do. Get full Maw when necessary.”
Tatsurion says “She honestly will give you a little bit of trouble, same system as katarina, but she doesnt need to point and click to dash away, just recast. Also, she has cc. you can poke her relatively reliably after she trades with you. this is your peak time to cut her down. but your ult is a pushover against her.do not rely on it.
take burst if the comp allows it”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch/Gathering](Boneplating)(ShieldBash)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Verdant Barrier]
*play with poke when he tries to cs, if he goes in for a trade you kite back and hit back. shouldn't be a problem. once she gets enough ap to oneshot you get [Verdant Barrier]*”
gimmelovej says “ Leave during select or stay under the tower, its poke is very strong in your lane phase. Q - Brush becomes useless against her, since her chains reveal you.
Vladmidir says “Pool her Q W or her E. This matchup is weird because in my opinion you win lvls 1-3, lose lvls 3-8, and win post 9. You can trade with her and out sustain, just try not to get killed while you're sustaining back up. ”
GreenReapers says “Skill matchup. I prefer Electrocute or Conqueror but First strike should be fine too. If you struggle take bone plating and overgrowth secondary.
Long Sword start.
Play around her W CD. Same as with Kata, predicting her movement ability, when or how she uses it, can make the difference between a won and lost trade.
Hitting combos is mostly about predicting in this matchup. Alternatively, you can hit her rather easily while she's casting a long range W.
You can see her W recast window when looking at her status bar. Use that to follow/throw your q's at the last moment for her to swap. This will catch her more often than not.
Care for her burst the first few levels.
If she gets ahead think about buying a hexdrinker.”
support_diff says “LeBlanc has a great combo damage and one of the best level 2 powerspikes as her Q and W make a really nice fast combo with a lot of damage. Additionally, the two abilities have longer range than your auto attacks, which makes it pretty impossible to counter. On the other hand, she has really weak cs early which gives you some advantage if you don't lose trades against her. She probably will use her W to kill minions at some point, and that is the moment you need to go in. Just keep in mind that she can recast her W to teleport back to the point where she used it from at first”
BrMario1011 says “Lol, pretty obvious y, just fucking annoying,
can ban if u want
idk what setup really to go but i think grasp,teleport and winds/dorans shield would be good”
Viktorias Secret says “Burst mage with high mobility !!! Nice
Don't expect your W to stun or R to do damage.
Suffer early and you might do things later.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate and try to go in if she ever combos into your boneplate as this will be a really good trade for you. Be aware of ganks as she can set them up really well with her E.
sick204 says “Respect LeBlanc's burst potential with her abilities, especially her Q and E. Use Yasuo's E to dodge LeBlanc's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of LeBlanc's W and R, as they can quickly close the gap and deal significant damage. Utilize W to block LeBlanc's abilities and reduce her poke and engage potential. Engage on LeBlanc when her abilities are on cooldown, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building magic resist items like Hexdrinker or Wit's End to mitigate LeBlanc's burst damage.”
SkandalloTV says “Skill match-up. All about dodging her damage and punishing her. Advantage : all your three abilities can hit her when she gets her passive invisibility. Also, sometimes you can hit your ultimate during her W and she will take double damage.”
otaliz says “LeBlanc is very strong against low mobility champions, and Twisted Fate has no escape abilities. Shurelya's build and Spellbook with Resolve is a good option against her. If you prefer the Rod of Ages's build, consider buying Mercury's Treads in your first base. In both builds, Banshee's Veil is a good third item option. Always try to dodge her E.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate and try to go in if she ever combos into your boneplate as this will be a really good trade for you. Be aware of ganks as she can set them up really well with her E.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield or if you want to be aggresive Blade. A little bit LeBlanc sided Match up because of range. Try to get to her with Q3 and E.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, with 65 flat health over 10-180 scaling health, and start Doran's Ring.]
LeBlanc is really tough because her short trades and mobility are unmatched here. Avoid getting too aggressive from Level 2 onwards as her Q + W combo hits like a truck, but do try to use the windows of opportunity where she doesn't have her dash (15-10 seconds in the early game) to wear her down a bit with your abilities and try to accrue as much gold with First Strike as you can.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP (barrier can work) - Flat HP.
Q start, since most of LBs will start W to trade you lvl 1.
Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler.
In people's mind, this matchup is LeBlanc favoured, but IMO it's pretty Lux favoured if both are the same elo. Let me explain to you how it works : in lane everytime you see she will try to Q+W combo you, don't hesitate to instantly throw your Q+W on yourself to root her and negate most of her damage, like this, your Q should always hit. Then usually, you will have time to passive proc + E + passive proc, and there you won the trade. Post level 6, it is even easier because you have even more dmg to chunk her down. LeBlanc is really threatening when she's full health, but she's not that much of a threat once you chunked her. The way for her to outplay you, is to take short trades onto you with Ws just to get close to you without hitting you and then trading with sigil + chain. But most LB won't do that.”
angeLoon says “this is a impossible matchup, you cant land your skills and use your hammer form.
but if you're against her, just farm and try to scale.
go phase rush and second wind overgrowth with tenacity mini runes”
awawa says “She loses lane if she tries to W engage you, but a smart LB wont do that. If shes playing safe, your goal is to not let her farm.
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc can be difficult 1v1 since you can't ever go melee onto her as long as she holds chain. She also has very good gank setup which makes playing aggressively even harder. Your main window to punish is when her W is on CD since it's a very long cooldown in the early game. Try keep the wave on your side for added safety. Merc treads or some other form of MR can be very helpful for avoiding her one shotting you in the mid game.
ShokLoL says “You should be able to beat LeBlanc in the 1v1 by attacking the wave and looking to WQ auto her on cooldown. Make sure you play in the wave and don't let her hit a free chain on you. If she looks to QW you, you can normally win the trade by immediately WEing for the shield. Merc treads or some other form of MR can be very helpful for avoiding her one shotting you in the mid game. Tank azir can be good in this matchup as well.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc loses the 1v1 pretty hard to Orianna. Her main trading tool is her W, and it has an 18 second cooldown at level 1 so that will give you lots of time to punish or zone her off the wave while its down. You will always win a trade unless you get hit by a chain, so try block it with creeps. Merc treads or some other form of MR can be very helpful for avoiding her one shotting you in the mid game. Her main threat is her gank setup so be very very careful if you don’t know where their jungler is, and try keep the wave on your side or in the middle for added safety.
Soft Headpats says “LeBlanc has low range without burning her W, plus weaker waveclear. Her gank setup is strong after she hits level 3 though, and it's difficult to get a kill on her thanks to her mobility.
Her Q has a short CD and partially resets if she kills minions with it, but the range is short. After she uses W, you have a big window to harass her back. LeBlanc W CD is 15 seconds at level 1, scaling down to 10 seconds as she ranks it up (usually the first spell she maxes). Remember that you can cancel her W damage if you manage to EQ her before she lands. Use your range advantage to poke her down as usual. Once you can clear the wave comfortably, that's mostly what you'll be doing to reduce interactions with her and to stop her from roaming.
Once she hits 6, she becomes even more dangerous with her ability to E you twice, so do your best to sidestep it with WQ, or else you'll be forced to flash. Feel free to get Merc Treads or sit on Null-Magic Mantle to lower her kill pressure. If you get out of the laning phase without dying, you're already doing great since LeBlanc relies on early leads to snowball the game and end quickly. ”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc is a difficult matchup for Taliyah to deal with. Early game you may be able to get a small advantage since her cooldowns (especially W) are so long. Merc treads or some other form of MR can be very helpful for avoiding her one shotting you in the mid game. Her main threat is her gank setup so be very very careful if you don’t know where their jungler is, and try keep the wave on your side or in the middle for added safety.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc is very strong in the first few levels, you can consider going resolve secondary to grab boneplating which can make this matchup a bit more manageable. If you don't fall super behind in the first 3 levels you should be ok.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc isn't super strong 1v1 and also has very low cooldowns and low waveclear, so you can normally build up a lead by yourself. Post level 3 though you have to be insanely careful of her ganksetup as it's probably the best of any mid laner in the game. If you don't have vision or flash be very careful pushing the lane into her.”
vSomnia says “Very hard to hit any spells on, if she hits Q you should walk back and deny her the Q W or Q E proc. Try to dodge all E's she throws you can look for a trade after she W in you and after he takes it back, or when she missed E. If you go even you will outscale her and outshove so try to play for sidelane pressure.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a LeBlanc use your W when she jump on you, but move while you are doing it to avoid her chain, if you are hitted by that time the root with your E back”
vreiki says “Assassinos odeiam ficar presos no mesmo lugar. A Lissandra ainda tem a facilidade de bater em alvos invisíveis. Na lane phase, evite as correntes e puna o W com W.”
gaarrett says “Slippery and hard to hit an E2 on. If she starts immediately blinking back after going in, button mash W to get some guaranteed damage at the very least. [2/5] ult, you get whatever ability she used last. ”
MukiiBaa says “Respect her dmg, focus on farming from distance and never go for trades unless she waste her dash to hit cs. lvl 6 she get to use those abilites 1 more time”
149Gray says “Trade with her lvl 1, once she hits lvl 2, wait for her to hit you with q and pool her w, stay behind minions so she can't hit you with her E, and after lvl 6, don't get hit by double chain. You can also use her passive clone to heal yourself up.”
ImVoxxX says “Too much mobility, but it's an quite easy match.
You can punish her if she misses E .
Try to roam when she roams.
Care for lvl 1 since LeBlanc players tend to trade with AA > W > AA > W back.”
GreenCoffee says “She has much dmg in early game if she knows how to hit a basic combo and she can run from every W u try to hit on her then she can stun u and u are doomed.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Tricky, but free "W" on her anytime she'll use her "W" difficult to get into her, so just play slow, and wait for the right moment, level 6 try to look out for her chains "E" so you increase the chances of killing her.
Es complicado, pero free "W" sobre ella cada vez que use su "W" y es difícil pillarle, así que juega despacio y espera el momento adecuado. Nivel 6, intenta estar atento a sus cadenas "E" para que puedas aumentar las posibilidades de matarla. ”
SurferKiller says “Dodge this matchup if you can. If you have no choice but to play vs her, don't. Ask your top laner to swap. You can't kill her. She will dash at you and hurt you so much that you will scream IRL and then when you try to fight back, she is no longer in your screen.”
KazunaSan says “Horrible, leblanc AD vous empeche de mettre n'importe quel spell et vous n'avez aucun moyen de cancel son W car elle ne tentera meme pas de vous poke avec, vous allez vous faire poke à l'auto jusqu'a la mort et serez bloqué sous votre tour (dans le cas ou la leblanc joue bien), sinon à plus bas elo vous pouvez cancel son dash avec votre E et donc la One shot totalement car très squishy si AP.”
FrostbiteMW says “Go for poke and farm. Matchup is really hard since she can dash your skillshots and jump on you for quick trades. If youre good at landing your poke you can win this tho.”
FrostbiteMW says “Try to stun her with Q so she can't W away, then follow up with R and W. She has strong level 3, but she easy to trade with. Make your team aware when she is gone since she has really strong roams.”
FrostbiteMW says “Go for poke and farm. Matchup is really hard since she can dash your skillshots and jump on you for quick trades. If youre good at landing your poke you can win this tho.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Avoid chains and look to trade back during distortions or you'll just get perma out-traded for free.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. She might be annoying in lane with her combos and jumps, but you can always perma hit her. Just be careful after 6 because she might oneshot you.”
Colorfulness says “Leblanc is a bully for Hwei. She can use her combos and nuke Hwei down early on! Late game is iffy as well, because Leblanc is probably snowballing by this point. If you can't manage to shut her down, it is just a rough game for everyone. ”
Wizboy73 says “take defensive runes/experimental and the LB setup. I love taking Cpot since the sustain helps you. Build MR and to scale you win lategame. ”
LoveMid says “I rarely see LeBlanc picked recently in my solo queue games.
This matchup is really annoying due to her high mobility and low CD's and being able to dash your stun.
Dodge the game, pray for winning lanes and farm till 16.”
Shinbae says “Ле Блан очень хорошее подспорье Зои, не только за счёт её рывков, но и за счёт стана от ешки, тут игра тикрейта, если переиграешь её на этом моменте, то возможность ваншота будет обеспечена”
Hexeria says “[A good leblanc, wont cast her W onto you, and will keep her distance while poking you dead with basic attacks and Q, E.] [Go Dorans shield + Second wind, try to play safe as possible, and engage her if her W or RW is on Cooldown.] [You can also E out of her E.] [Really hard to gank her, so try to push the wave into her tower, to roam quickly.]”
Vlasuo says “A known counter to Yasuo as her mobility and early pressure are abnoxious. In my opinion, the most viable way to play this matchup is through scaling and side-lane. If you get lifesteal and some resistances she will never be able to take you out on her own. You will have infinite sustain and will be able to outpush her constantly.
KEY ITEM: Immortal Shieldbow
EXTRA: You can windwall her Q and E (and her R, if it mimics her Q or her E, of course)”
Prefexx says “Nope. This is one of the worst matchups you can get. She has the range on you, she can easily escape your all-ins, and her burst can easily shut you down. Farm under the tower always. If you go out a little bit she will use her Q W combo and burst you down. Take her long cool down on her W to your advantage and how mana hungry she is. Constantly poke her with your Q while under your tower. Don't get me wrong, you could win your lane. Make sure you only engage when she has no mana, has all her skills on cooldown, or if you have a gank. Whatever you do, just don't feed her as she will unleash her fury on the rest of your team.”
Affix098 says “Unpredictability of her blinks, and dashes makes it very difficult to land E or Q. Expect to lose lane, just try to not die so mid game isn't aweful.”
Herr Von Martinus says “Hard to deal with, skilled matchup, if she runs out of mana and You manage Your mana well, it is possible to abuse her in laning phase”
Halkem says “When statikk shiv is meta on her it's even/major matchup. Avoid pushing into her in the first waves, she will freeze and perma dash on you till you're dead. Don't use your W carelessly, because when it's on CD she can hit her chain on you. Care for fog, she will cheese you. Your E reveals the true LB, your W blocks her chain and your ult counters her mobility. If she engages you can just R, since your team will delete her. After you get items she can't match your waveclear and will also tank a lot of damage just from trying.”
Iceyou says “Hm . Some consider this the easiest matchup but its not . Level 1 you lose be carefull dont trade stay healthy give her level 2 first . When you match her on level 2 if you thin the minion wave and freeze it you win . Stay behind minions always her only shot to win trade is start with chain . if she tries to walk up to q w you allow her to do that dont run back . once she goes in w into q auto and keep auto dont run she is inside your minion wave and she will die if she stay there .
There is only one option of you losing post 6 and thats if she w in and as you R she w again during your animation meaning she will get the stun in her original location . Be very aware of not falling for that vs a good le blanc and always trade leading with auto attack while you are both low or otherwise w q will proc her passive and you wont be able to proc electro and get the kill . Always in near death fights with her ignite auto into q w .”
liqulabouse says “50/50 match up so dont fail your moves or you will fall behind faster than light in this matchup. Always try to pull a Z+E when she Z in so you will dodge the Z damage, get a soldier in more, get your shield on for the trade and be near her Z back.”
TrueGIXERJ says “i've never struggled against leblanc, dodge her root/step back if it hits, don't over-engage when she has Q on you; your E lets you know which is her instead of her clone, you can play quite far forward in this matchup.”
Ptilout says “annonying bc of her mobility, play poke and around water/grass element. Start tear, first strike and play safe, wait her to w u for engage”
The Milelator says “Annoying champ to play against. If she is good, you should never be able to really kill her. However her poke is irrelevant to you, if you have D Shield, Second wind and W shield. Push waves and play for team. OR get turrets, she has poor wave clear early on. ”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Never had much of an issue, but it's not a common pick. Run LT against LeBlanc as you will build stacks easily on her when she dives you for chain.”
FrostbiteMW says “Lane bully who outtrades you easily. You have a really hard time earlygame, so try to be safe. Midgame you can just outpush her and roam. Dont randomly use your Q since she can jump over it and all-in you.”
Allyooops says “Bad matchup. This champ is just op right now just ban it. You can use w when she w dodge her e and maybe can win. Ignite her clone before all in. ”
FrostbiteMW says “She can outpoke you in early game with her Q - W, making it hard for you to trade. You can keep your E for when she jumps in for an easy hit. On the other hand if you dont have E she can easily kill you, so be careful.”
Tokiyami says “This champ is pretty monstrous to play against, now that she can build statik she can perma shove you in and poke you at the same time so I usually perma ban this champ but if you want to play against this just know that you will suffer until lvl 6 and try to all in her by dodging her chains.”
FlopQueenEra says “LeBlanc is known for her incredible burst damage potential. She can quickly dash in, combo her abilities, and burst down Sona's health before she has a chance to react or use her abilities defensively.
Glitchgun says “If you want a slightly chance to catch her, go Hail of Blade runes. Most Le Blanc player doesn't wanna go full in on you, because they know you're planning a root.”
stormraided says “Talon's Kryptonite, her E can kill you if you're not careful and you get hit by her e, she can just chain it into combos. She can also avoid your W pretty easily with her W. Laning phase will be almost impossible but try not to give her kills and look for kills in mid game instead. ”
support_diff says “Avoid getting hit by her Q + dash combo, it deals a lot of damage. You can't land your E on her, focus on farm and wait for your chance”
Fuzzmonkey says “Take advantage of when her W is on cooldown. You can use your W to then initiate and if she tries to chain you, it will most likely hit your packmates instead. Be careful of her 6 though. ”
Wraithlander says “STATTIK SHIV LEBLANC HAHA!! Thank you Phreak!! This champion used to be quite an easy matchup for Sylas as you outscaled her as long as she didn't get too ahead and poke you out of lane. Now with the new fleet footwork shiv build, she outsustains and out trades you. Her mobility is too much even for Sylas so always look to trade only when she Ws in aggressively. You need to be fast and keep track of which ult she has used as it could be crucial to winning a duel. RUSH MERCS.”
sullyyylol says “First kill wins, definitely Leblanc favored but you can win. Make sure you're dodging chain and you can try and shunpo to a minion to dodge w damage,”
N1comagno03 says “Play ALWAYS out of her w range.
If she can't jump on your head, he can't touch you.
If she land her e, stun her just before being rooted, or you will receive massive damage.”
ChronobreakEkko says “A good LeBlanc will make your laning phase unplayable. Just try to stay at full health and rather drop a few minions (still take the xp if possible) than letting her combo / poke you. you still want to trade with her once her E + W are on cooldown.”
tangerrine says “A BRUTAL matchup. Her dashes and burst potential are crazy and it can be very hard to lock her down. I would say wait for her to waste her dash and recast to engage her, or just play safe and run Comet/FIrst Strike”
TheBougis says “LeBlanc is very strong, but just not against you. Her damage is mainly burst and you can just tank it (it should do about half your health, which you can just heal back). Do try to peel your duo as he might get one-shot.”
Zero macro says “Leblanc has the mobility and capability to force Kog'Maw into akward trades. On top of this Leblanc has the perfect gapcloser and snare setup for ganks.”
DepresedEef224 says “LeBlanc is really strong right now. Stun when she dashes in. If you miss you just die. If you hit, you die less. Roam more this lane because you have better wave clear than LeBlanc.”
Actt says “A good LB will not allow you to do anything. Try dodging her W and E with your W. Electrocute-Resolve and Teleport with Doran's Shield Pot.”
Braimyy says “I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion I hate this champion.
Honestly worth dodging, this match up sucks. If you ever walk up to wave she can kill you very easily. If you're a masochist (like me) and actually want to play this match up out (you're a psycho) max e and sit at your turret and hope she doesn't freeze 👍👍”
IggyBoom says “This matchup is such a fiesta. You have to coinflip your own on her and hope she doesn't W back. After 6 you might get a Chance if she goes to hard on you. Also her New AD Build makes her even more threatening, since she doesn't need to W into you anymore!”
freuio123 says “Wie viele Ahri vs LeBlanc Games ich spielen musste in den Jahren ist schon fast frech.
War schon immer ein Skill Matchup, snowballed in beide Richtungen.
LeBlanc diktiert ein wenig das Matchup, da sie ihre W halten kann und deinen Charm baiten kann.
Du gewinnst trades IMMER, selbst wenn du zu spät charmst und den W Damage kriegst, außer du charmst ins nichts :3
Push, Roams, Sidelane usw. ist alles outplay Basis beider Seiten.”
AdrikN says “LB is annoying since she has lots of mobility you can try throwing spells on her distortion to prevent her from dodging and going back to it. Shattered Queen can help prevent her burst but she is squishy so you can combo-kill her most of the time.”
Zeusman00 says “Champ is scary in laning phase, but once you start to get items she can't really burst you as easily. if she uses her W on her, you can try to get your miasma down, if she doesnt dodge it, you will generally win the trade”
uwuimsocute says “Really annoying and you cannot interact with her really. If she is not dumb she will always hold her W to dodge your ult, you can still try it out, depending what Elo you are.
Consider going HoB or First Strike since you cannot stack LT anyway.
Mercs are good her.”
qkthr1 says “her tp and marking will fuck you up but take advantage of her mistakes. Try to dodge her skillshots with W, then shes a non threat. skill matchup. Honestly, she falls off HARD late game, so if you farm under tower and do not push her, you literally win by existing. Use w and even flash to dodge her marking shot, and watch out not to ult her clone ”
Anguish333 says “- Level 1 She will almost always start with W, Q+Auto(normal auto) trade her
- Don't let her Q+W You in early game for free
- Her Chain reveals us in Shroud
- If she uses W first and then other abilities, she can't use her R+W, so she has only 1 dash. If you have enough damage you can all-in”
iHidePain says “This Is the classic lane bully It's really hit or miss depending who you play against, but I never like taking chances when all I want to do Is snowball and win asap ( I always ban Leblanc).”
Asturic says “Potential ban, she can easily burst you and go pack with w. With no w you can try to deal as much damage to her and when she tries to respond, ult her.”
Painters says “Leblanc is tough. Her combo does far more damage than yours does. Save your E for when she's about to dash to you, and place your W on top of yourself. It'll allow you to push her away from you. Avoid her chains and poke as much as possible.”
Jg_diff says “She is hard to play and has a low pickrate. She can't also deal really any damage to you in early game. Just make sure you are not killing the clone of her.”
Lillmy says “A good LeBlanc will know not to dash right into you, but most don't so if she goes in just silence her and Q her. You should win trades if you hit your combo and dodge the chain. Don't let her activate electrocute.
Silence FIRST, then Q. She won't have time to return and dodge your Q if you silence her first.”
Y0rhm says “LeBlanc is highly mobile with dashes and blinks in her W and W mimic on her R. She can use her passive's invisibility and clone to trick you if you're not used to lane agaisnt her + She can use either her W+Q or W+E combos to activate Crown of the Shattered Queen's safeguard from a distance before all-ining you.”
Cryniu says “Keep your distance because she will try to surround you quickly. Try to predict where will Leblanc be and put your bombs before she jumps or back. You counter her abilities in mid-late game, pay attention when she is trying to kill your allies and use your ultimate. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “: LeBlanc's mobility and deceptive playstyle can make it hard for Neeko to land her skill shots. LeBlanc's burst damage and her ability to distort (W) in and out quickly give her an advantage in quick trades.”
BC1970 says “LeBlanc can easily blink out of your cage, poke you a bit and place another blink somewhere else with her ultimate. This way, you probably didn't deal damage and she won the trade, which is a very bad thing when they are able to do it consistently.”
EkkoleCua says “a good leblanc can trade you without taking damage.
play passive and avoid her.
Una buena leblanc te puede tradear sin recibir daño. Juega pasivo y evitala.”
TB Azir says “Azir'in en zor matchuplarından biri. Earlyde üstüne koştuğunda geri çık, chainleri dodgela ve wave'i itmeyip Nashor'u alana kadar sabredip adamın herşeyine saygı duy. Q'sunu minyona kullanırsa ufak bi trade arayabilirsin.
Rün: Fleet (sağdan kesinlikle Kemik Zırh)”
Allyooops says “Her early game poke will have you sitting under turret. She gets true sight in your stealth with her e. You must dodge w and e to even live lane phase. use ICE Q instead of grass q because it is useless in this matchup. ”
South Z says “LeBlanc is one of those multi-dashes champ with a weak laning phase, she doesn't have a lot of counterplay against a Jax running at her, especially if you dodge her E.
She still has a very high skill ceiling, but people probably won't use her full potential in soloQ.”
vxnity says “Save your E for when her W is down. If she Qs then Ws you, she'll probably go back to her W instantly. Aim your charm in the direction of her W.”
darkezmond says “Extremely problematic matchup, wait for mistakes from her and poke with auto attacks and Q, unpleasant with her clones, farm under the tower and wait for pressure from your jungle”
kaiba77 says “Classic pro play akali counter, though shes very weak currently. Her chains reveal you in shroud and she will hard bully you early. You can react to her W dash with your E. Its best to fight when her W is on cooldown.”
EL ZUDO says “i dont play much against her but i would call it even have same burst same oportunities play safe till 4 try to poke if ur close to tower bait w for jg and at 6 if she uses w or ult badly u can kill ”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Merc treads rush.
Get banshees.
If they're really good, you're dead. If you play safe and scale (HARD safe), you've won.
Can R out of her leash.
Create a cycle of e-ing her initial dash, and then r-ing back to break leash and long-range q.”
Deru says “Annoying but you shove better than her so spam that and roam since conq is pretty useless against her. W her to avoid her dashing around to lock her down.”
Deru says “Annoying but you shove better than her so spam that and roam since conq is pretty useless against her. W her to avoid her dashing around to lock her down.”
MiniLuxi1 says “I'm not quite sure about the ways to fight, but you should stand carefully and passively farm, because she can easily bypass you in damage 1n1, and very quickly. You can try to move it with your W, so that it does not immobilize you (a thread or chains (usually yellow) will fly into you).”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Either go BOTRK rush (recommended) or full AP.”
wagNRumble says “Skill matchup. She can W you, but with your W you can mitigate a good amount of her early poke and if she is not ahead she will be pretty useless. She is highly mobile though, so it may be difficult to kill her without overextending but most LB players will play aggressive to try to snowball so it is easier to kill them. The only scary part about this lane is her gank setup with her E, getting snared usually means you will die if their jungler is around.”
Mayuushii says “Will try to trade unfun lots. She will dash forwards and try to hit Q and E chain. Avoid her chain to prevent most of the damage, use W movespeed to do so. Charm her when she dashes in if possible to cancel it. Care 6 cause she will either get double dashes or double Q which will hurt alot”
Samikin says “Major-Threat.
Annoying matchup like Karma, but Leblanc actually has kill potential and much easier gank setup. Her W blink back is instantaneous, meaning you'd have to predict Leblanc's W to be able to tag her with your E. Not a super hard losing matchup, but definitely Leblanc favored. Try to throw out long-ranged Q's without getting into Leblanc's W damage range. If Leblanc doesn't land W on you, most of her damage is gone, even more so if you can dodge her chain.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) OR Electrocute (+ Manaflow / Scorch) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane OR Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
yibroken says “This matchup is quite hard for those who can't land a skill shot I suggested you play crit build use your w to dodge LB w stay behind the minions to avoid her e”
DabiDabi says “Her combos are fast and do a lot of dmg. Your main goal is to shove her in and force her to use her abilities on the minion wave. Just be careful for ganks.”
SashaDreadful says “Similar problems to Zed lanes, but you can also just shove her in, take Bone Plating and Hexdrinker, and you probably should be okay. Maybe.”
AkuAku says “Everyone knows she reveals you in stealth, annoying anti mobility champion while she herself has more mobility. Avoid this specimen at all cost :)”
TheAfricanDream says “Leblanc is able to repeatedly jump onto you with her W, land a chain and Q onto you and return to her W effigy without Swain being able to land an E. This lane is challenging for Swain because Swain can only reliably land a Q point blank when she jumps onto you. Take your Q first and look to punish her whenever she seems to W ontop of you. Swain will however outscale Leblanc and she will have to look for early kills to be able to win the match. Try to stay alive and keep your Creep score up.”
rachichu says “Vel'koz' only real "natural" counter. However, as of late she is a relatively weak champion and as a consequence is not as much of a threat. Recent buffs may increase her pickrate.”
MetalK1d says “LeBlance has big damage and high mobility but she is very squishy. The way to kill her is to catch her with your E when she uses W on you and combo her.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Not the worst matchup. Respect her early game, ping SS as she will always have prio over you. Mid to late game you should be able to deal with her a lot better. Only becomes a real problem if she roams and gets kills”
Cjtheawesome says “Leblanc hard counters you unfortunately, farm as much as you can and try to help your top lane and bot lane scale to win the game. Dodging the E is most important to prevent her CCing you down.”
angeLoon says “dring elec/manaflow scorch
leblanc is a champ that always will be trading against you.
again! play on her cooldowns,if she waste her W go in. if she wastes her Q and E go in.
its a hard matchup because she haves prio when the have is on her side.
Mimionsking says “her passive is her life saver, look to engage with e to take her passive and all in when her passive is down, plus she has insane one shot combos”
Demonsedge90 says “Leblanc is all about being mobile until she reaches level 2. Once that happens, she will look to constantly all in you, making it hard to stay in lane with her. Just use scatter the weak if she gets too close and be prepared to fight back if she missteps.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “While not too hard imo she neuters you out of lane by pretty much forcing you to take tp to allow an easy lane. Arguably a minor matchup but literally just take W second and TP and you should be fine. She will never die. Scale.”
Atemporal says “Um dos confrontos mais difíceis de Ekko. No início do jogo você precisa ficar bem atrás, desistir de golpes finais, mas tente ficar no alcance de XP. LeBlanc procurará auto, W, auto assediar você, fazer tudo o que puder para não deixá-la, mesmo que isso signifique ficar sob o seu
torre nível 1. Não há problema em subir e ser atingido se você precisar ficar no alcance do XP. Após o nível 2, você quer que o E evite o W dela. O CD do W dela é de 18 segundos no nível 1, se você conseguir evitar um W, você ganha muito tempo livre. No entanto, mesmo que seu W
você quer ter cuidado ao negociar porque o E, Q e os autos dela ainda vão te machucar muito no início do jogo. Bons jogadores de LeBlanc vão empurrar as primeiras 2-3 ondas, e então param de empurrar para congelar a onda do seu lado da pista. Há
algumas maneiras de evitar que isso aconteça embora. Evite ser cutucado antes do nível 3, desistir dos últimos hits é bom, você se preocupa principalmente com o XP e, desde que tenha 350 de ouro no momento em que avançar na 4ª onda, você está bem. Se você está saudável
quando a onda quicar você será capaz de forçar a onda a bater em sua torre. Você também pode atrair LeBlanc para empurrar a onda ficando em cima de seus lacaios. Se ela acertar um W em você, ela também vai acertar a onda e normalmente isso será
o suficiente para que a onda empurre você novamente, o que permitirá que você cultive com segurança. Você pode começar a negociar após seu primeiro recall. Se a pista inicial for jogada corretamente, você voltará à pista antes que o LB seja recuperado. Faça tudo o que puder para não deixar
sua recordação de graça. Você toma TP enquanto LB provavelmente toma Ignite, então você pode potencialmente negar a ela muito de você atrasar sua recordação. Muitas vezes a LeBlanc acaba perdendo muito farm e XP cedo porque tem que forçar um recall. Você quer procurar
negocia quando seu W ou E está baixo. Quando o W dela estiver inativo, você terá que usar seu W em trocas ou sofrerá muito dano de retorno de seu E, Q e autos. Se o E dela estiver baixo, não hesite em pular em cima dela. Ela vai ter que ir embora
o que vale super a pena para você, ou ela irá tankar seu dano e retornar o comércio com Q e W. Seu E - Q - auto causará dano semelhante ou até mesmo dano Q - W - auto de LeBlanc. Mesmo as negociações valem a pena para você porque quando o W do LB está baixo,
significa que você tem tempo para empurrar a onda sem ser assediado/morto. Se LeBlanc usa W agressivamente, E afasta-se para evitá-lo e depois salta sobre ela. Você pode realmente seguir LeBlanc quando ela retornar com seu W se você cronometrar seu E corretamente
(praticamente todas as previsões, você não pode fazer isso reagindo). Mais tarde, na pista lateral, você quer lutar depois que LeBlanc usou W em lacaios. Você exclui as ondas com seu Q enquanto LB tem que W e auto as ondas para limpá-las. Use isso para
fique em posição para bons negócios/lutas. Merc Threads torna quase impossível para LB matar você, mas Sorc Shoes permite que você a exploda com muito mais força. Se você está perseguindo uma LeBlanc e ela está longe, certifique-se de atropelar o retorno W
posição. Se LB voltar com seu W, seu R estará em cima dele e você poderá segui-la de volta. "”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard, Defensiv
S: Barrier/Cleanse
Push sie ein damit sie nicht roamen kann. Bleib hinter Minions um nicht von der Kette getroffen zu werden
IamBishop says “Really doesn't threaten you at all. I find this match up pretty easy, just watch out for her gank set up, avoid getting hit by chains, if she tries to w attempt to e her either during or after , or even in general so she has to use it to get space. She cant out push you. And she shouldn't be able to solo you. ”
Lucid Walking says “UNSAFE LANE SKILL BASED: LeBlanc threatens a lot of damage early on and is very elusive because of her dash.
Trading can be tricky, but if you're the one with a bigger brain and predict her movement (dash), you'll be fine (still a LeBlanc favored matchup).”
Ceru says “LeBlanc isn't much as a threat in lane for Veigar but her kit can make her hard to hit. If you can land a stun with your e you'll be golden ”
Balinthun873 says “She is very moblie and that makes q's hard to hit. She can burst you down quickly if you are not carefull. If you ult her follow up her jump with W.”
xblademojo says “Takie Biscuit instead of Futures Market, connected with Corrupting Potion. She is gonna permanently contest you. The longer the laning phase takes starting from 6, you gonna be winning.”
Veng Shotz says “Unless you rush hard mr items like cowl/hex+mercs you wont be able to stay in lane against her for very long, you can trade against her when she w's to you and w's back but her tether will make it so you cant all in her afterwards.
it's very hard for you to lock her down and also avoid her bullshit tether range without gimping yourself in this match up.----------------------------------------------------------------
The shiv rush FF build makes this lane impossible, perma ban this abomination on sight. ”
xblademojo says “Corrupting Potion Electrocute Ignite and Q max. Dodge her chain, and be ready to respond with your Q each time she jumps. If she is really strong buy magic mantle second/third base. Really even matchup”
sapphire__lol says “A good LB will make u suffer a bit but you should be fine with your sustain. Just try to farm and trade her if she w into you. Try to q her if she arrives and you should win the trade slightly. ”
Mvrshy says “[MID] shes just a bit annoying, she doesnt have kill pressure until 6, before which you can solo kill her with conquerer and ignite. fun skill matchup overall.”
Quirkzee says “The 3rd worst matchup for Akali in mid lane, this is just a rough lane because she pokes you a lot and has a lot of gank setup with her chains.”
PunishLoL says “This is probably your worst matchup, she can burst you down very easily. You have a hard time bursting her down cause of her passive. Don't let her hit E.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q) + Distortion(W) + AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her Distortion(W). If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her Distortion(W) on you regardless.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q) + Distortion(W) + AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her Distortion(W). If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her Distortion(W) on you regardless.”
Adamonias says “Hard Lane, with some outplay potential. The whole concept of this lane pre 6 revolves around her W usage. If you can force her to use it on the wave she doesn't have kill pressure on you, When she W the wave look to charge Q to hit both the front and the return W to guarantee the poke Care Lvl 1 she will AA - W - AA for cheese elec. Other than that never walk into W range, and once she has 6 care the double W. If she double W and doesnt land on you you have the damage to out trade her.
The other major t hing about LB is that she has gross amount of gank setup so care her just playing around jgl ganks.
You outscale and out farm/shove hard, but you still need to respect her 1shot lategame.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q) + Distortion(W) + AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her Distortion(W). If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her Distortion(W) on you regardless.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q) + Distortion(W) + AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her Distortion(W). If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her Distortion(W) on you regardless.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q) + Distortion(W) + AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her Distortion(W). If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her Distortion(W) on you regardless.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q) + Distortion(W) + AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her Distortion(W). If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her Distortion(W) on you regardless.”
SkyBanana says “Skilled based match up. She is very early laning dominant so you need to attempt to punish her if she misses her E. Just try your best to push waves against her since she isn't the best farmer because it puts her in harms way. Until you outscale her, she will beat you pre 15 minutes so you have to learn the pattern of her skills so you can adapt and beat her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Leblanc is an early game bully. Watch out for her Sigil of Malice(Q)+Distortion(W)+AA combo. Whenever Leblanc’s W is on cooldown, she is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this time frame to play aggressive and go for a trade as she will not be able to escape or trade as effectively back with you. Standing outside of the minion wave and far back is a good way to reduce Leblanc’s ability to push and poke at the same time with her W. If you stand as far back as you can, she will be unable to land her W on you regardless.”
NegativePhoenix says “Her Q+W can be a major pain especially if she lands her stuns as well. Just play safe in the lane phase and if you have the reaction time, ult her if she tries to hit you under tower so you can hopefully get a kill if she's not fast enough to react. Just watch yourself later, if shes fed off seal she'll one shot you.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Oh look she's coming this way hope she doesn't E + Q + W + RW me that would be a catastrophe oh look she did and I'm dead wowwwwww. Try to poke her and get rid of as much hp as possible. You should try to not focus on killing since you'll never catch her but you can try. Better to wait for team to collapse”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “She's overall annoying with the W. If you know her W hologram thing is gone you can all in her pretty easily, Don't get chained or you will lose a trade.
Buy mercs or hexdrinker”
Body Those Fools says “Level 1 she will try to AA + W + AA to proc Electrocute. This matchup is all about spacing. I take Arcane Comet in this matchup to poke her with Q+AA whenever it's up; it slightly out ranges her W so I'm able to poke her and walk away without her being able to trade back. Don't let her Q+W+AA you for free. Q+AA her while she's last-hitting. You HAVE to dodge her E or you will take a lot of damage or die to a gank. You can Ult her away during her W and it won't do damage to you. This matchup is heavily dependent on whether her jungler farms or ganks more. If her jungler farms more, you can play aggressive. If her jungler ganks more, you have to be very careful; if she gets a kill in this matchup, it becomes a lot harder. Try to freeze the wave at your tower to avoid ganks or getting all-in'd. Spam ping MIA when she roams so your team doesn't die.”
Bughans says “Can dodge your W with a well timed W and engage on you and ruin your day, just pop r before engaging
I hate leblanc i hate leblanc i hate leblanc i hate leblanc i hate”
loldoppio says “Very annoying matchup to play against but not impossible! The main thing is to windwall her Q before fighting. Play around minion so she can't cast her chains on you.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield in resolve conditioning and unflinching
lb is a hard matchup,you need to get wave control so you don't get pushed to your tower and die.
try to W his abilities so you don't take much damage and just trade with her when you have E”
KayyeN says “LeBlanc is a complicated case. She will almost always Q-W you and then follow it up with her E. Now, a smart Katarina will try dodging that E by running to one side or the other. But a smart LeBlanc will wait, basic attack you and safely hit her chain when the movespeed wears off. All in all a skill matchup but extremely LeBlanc-sided, since she can engage and disengage for free so often with her W. Generally outdamages you in lane aswell.”
HikariWoosh says “This champ will just kill you any time post 6, unless she majorly oversteps there is no way you can shove the wave, let alone kill her. Avoid at all costs.”
DabiDabi says “Just don't let her burst you for free. Her Q+W can do a lot of dmg. Play safe and if her W is down, you can kill her. Dodge her chain as well.”
OSG Rewynd says “Leblanc is a very rough matchup for Ekko. She has chains to keep you from ulting, and she has w to avoid your damage. If she wastes w, you can look to trade before it comes back up. Her W is an 18 second cd lvl 1. You can look to start E, and dodge her w, and follow her back for a passive proc.”
DabiDabi says “LeBlanc is a fast and high damage output champ. Avoid short trades with her. React fast when she dashes in and hit as many abilities as you can. You mainly want to dodge her chain.”
zzehu says “Jest super mobilna, w kazdej chwili moze ci uciec z w, ponadto ma bardzo silnego poke na linii, a jej w pozwala wejsc jej w ciebie allin po czym wycofac sie do bezpiecznej strefy, ciezka do zgankowania, ma duzy dmg.”
Super08131208 says “Do not try to fight her pre 6. Her chain reveals you from shroud and you won't be able to E out of the her chain range. And if you try to trade, she'll respond with a better trade. Play safe till 6. Remember that Akali can beat anyone when she hits 6.
feejee says “Personal perma ban. Unlaneable, can counter roam and sets up for her jungler really easily. Sit back until 6 and pray shes not decent at leblanc”
Zoose says “Be ready to time your E whenever she's about to W dash onto you. Leblancs struggles to push waves, unless she uses her W dash, which leaves her vulnerable. When it comes to Leblancs clone once she reaches 30% HP, ignite will reveal the real Leblanc. Her E chain is threatening so be ready to side step it. At lv 6, you need to play even safer. Best option is to push waves and roam.”
Uberizm says “Permaban if you are not willing to endure the 9 circles of hell. Her chains give vision of you in shroud so its not plausible to win if she has a brain. Might be worst matchup all time”
basrty1p says “Wait for her to use W, you can counter her easily since your E has a stun. Farm in lane until Level 9 you can fight her back as you want.
She'll hard time deal with you in mid-late game.”
Esrucnl says “Now let me start off by saying: The better player will win this. However it is very Leblanc favored.
She will poke you down all the time because of her range and the moment you all in she will use her chain ability and you can not escape from it with your E and it will go through in terms of root and damage.
She can also just EASILY dodge your E+R and potentially your Q aswell.. as i said very favourable towards Leblanc, but if she makes mistakes like missing her chain or using her W in a bad spot u can win it for sure.
Good tip for this lane is: you can build Mercury's Treads (boots) for this matchup especially if enemy has another AP in their team lets say Evelynn/Diana jungle.
Also don't show yourself when Leblanc wants to push in the wave; they usually use their W on the wave and if you are in the bush you can ult and kill IT (mindgames baby)”
Azurio says “Corrupt start is good vs her. E in when she W you and trade her, dodge her chain with E or by playing in your wave. Buy mercs instant. If you all in her, ignite early so you can differentiate her from her clone.”
ddieguito_es says “She dodges your util, infinitely pokes you and she will make you have a hard time. After you build boots and have some extra HP, she won't be able to kill you, but she'll be a problem especially in laning phase. Consider getting MR early.”
beansoce says “She's very strong early so respect that, try to q w her and dodge her early damage. Try stay inbetween ur minions so she can't land her chains. Try and get her to atleast 3/4 or 1/2 hp before full comboing her, because her passive will not let you kill her.”
Bunny Kata says “The champ is too mobile, you're never going to catch her. You can use W to dodge her E. You scale better than her, but she dominates early game way too hard.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield”
icikz says “Do not trade with her at level 1, she will always outtrade you. Try to dodge her E as much as possible. When she W's into you, you can hit her with 1 autoattack and make the trade a bit better for you.”
clytt says “Not a perma-ban in bronze elo but a good LeBlanc will win. But good luck landing a skill shot chief... She'll scale just as well and delete us mid-late game. Best to try and poke early so she misses XP and CS. Careful of root...”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Really hard matchup pre level 2. Leblanc is really annoying to deal with she's mobile with her abilities and has CC lockdown abilities also in her kit The best way to play this game is wait for you level 2 power spike and try to get it before her. You should ignite before she gets low to keep track of which one is the real one. IGNITE DOES NOT REVEAL HER WHEN INVISIBLE IT GIVES VISION JUST NOT TRUE VISION. You can try to flash her cc lockdown ability but its pretty fast and hard to counter unless you have really good reflects ”
sweafyzz says “Dodge chain, save E for when she goes back on her distortion.
R when her passive procs, you can hit both with Qs if you are not sure.
Rush mercs/hexdrinker if behind”
Magmora says “Take bone plating,, and don't try and fight her after 1evel 1. Save Q for when she dashes in, and try and shove and roam if you can. Crown will be a life saver into this matchup.”
angeLoon says “lethal dblade in resolve conditioning and unflinching.
leblanc matchup is pretty annoying to play against,she has a lot of damage and can poke you a lot.
against lb you just wait til you're lvl 2 or 3 to trade otherwise you wil just lose the trade.
you can try to freeze or slowpush your wave against lb so she'll be useless for some time and you can roam
try to buy magic resist early against lb.
you can block her q and e ”
Vrowx says “The 3rd worst matchup for Akali in mid lane, this is just a rough lane because she pokes you a lot and has a lot of gank setup with her chains.”
PanthrickTV says “Akshan has pretty strong auto attack trades so you will have a pretty good time against LeBlanc early but she can be annoying in mid game. In this matchup it can be hard to get value out of E max since she will either chain you or W away from it. I like 3 points Q into E max to allow you to punish her early waveclear problems. Rush Wit's End.”
Kato Taosaku says “Laning phase is pretty safe if you go resolve secondary, and Leblanc is not much of a threat if she is unable to get a lead. She will be able to kill the ADC if the match up is even, which is why the matchup is somewhat difficult. Following a Leblanc roam is very scary without proper vision, so it is recommended that you put a ward in lane to see where she roams and to just ping your laners to care. Focus on punishing her during the roams.”
moso says “• Leblanc's movement can make her problematic.
• Ivern can CC when she dashes.
• Early laning can be difficult with her ability to avoid Ivern's spells.”
Dazzther says “Hard to deal with, bc your almost never will hit your E onto her. So try to farm and wait until she uses her W nonsensely, and then engage.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her E at all cost]
[If she uses W on you, punish her]
[Don't get fooled by her clone]”
donidaking says “THE CABALLLL!
OK this lady her will go electrocute ignite but it doesn t mean you should be scared of her.
Trade her level 1 with electro since you outsustain her.
Dodge her chains or pool them if you can dodge them.(she might chain you as she W's forward so stay in the minion wave it will make it hard for her to hit chain on you).
When she W's forward Q+short E to trade some dmg back.
Her passive makes her invisible but if you ignite her before she enters passive the clone won t be affected by ignite and you can tell which is real.
Bertsicle says “A good LB wont let you lane, go W max and try to avoid her chain/W with your E. Make sure to keep track of enemy jg because if she lands ONE chain it's over. She has a very poke down into burst playstyle (W in Q auto E combo) to get opponents low. You can fight back with your own regular trade combo where W max actually does a lot of damage. Landing your E in this matchup is pretty hard because of all her mobility and using your E on her is very dangerous most of the time because once it's down you are free meat for her and the jungler. Your E does NOT break out of Leblanc chain once it's landed on you. You have to E before it lands on you or E and Q backwards to get out of its range (hope she doesn't W to follow so the chain stays tethered on you). If you see her waste W and especially her mimic distortion, you can look for an all in with R because she really has no escape. Also if you can, landing on R on a lower health Leblanc will reveal who the real one is so you can avoid chasing the clone.”
TheKingUltra says “Hard to catch, but thats it, she has no reliable way to kill you. You can only die to her in early game, but you have exhaust and w, so make sure not to give her any kills for free.”
Aut0Lycus says “If she is good you lose. OK to be honest its not the worst matchup but it is certainly not in your favor. Try to trade and if she commits to a dive pre 6 use your q to keep her from rooting you. After 6 this isn't really possible so just play as safe as possible and ult if you need it to survive.”
Whitelies says “Not much of a threat. But if she plans on using her W. Place your shadow on her W return to dodge her and if she ever comes back, punish her. That's your only opening. Otherwise, she can dodge your shurikens.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “She can burst you down very fast, so always try to keep your distance from her Q > W combo.
After 6, her passive can actually help you with the R bounces to kill her easier, so make sure you ult her a bit before her passive procs to guarantee at least 2-3 bounces.”
Dustyacer says “When she w's at you, if she just spams the recast, u can w at her and she will get stunned but she will still travel back and all u did was a tiny bit of damage and a stun and she wins the trade. Try to e her combo, becareful of crossups. ”
Nitress says “LeBlanc is one of your biggest nightmares, basically playing akali against LeBlanc is just as hard and maybe even harder than Sylas, it's terribly hard to dodge her W When you get a cc with E you're dead, the early game auto-attack bumps are really painful.”
Ahri Simplord says “You can stop her W with your E,just be careful to not get all in'd while you take prio in lane by shoving in waves with your Q,her wave clearing is pretty bad since she cannot oneshot casters with her W unless she's fed. Banshees is good in this matchup.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar does a great job of beating LeBlanc. Typically, he wins a whopping 56.2% of games the champions face off with one another in. In Malzahar against LeBlanc games, Malzahar’s team is 0.2% less probable to obtain first blood, indicating that he probably won't get first blood versus LeBlanc.”
Dj Memelord says “Wait for conditioning proc and shes outscaled. Just dont die and she will be useless later on. Dont follow her roams in fog of war or you are most likely dead, gently inform your team that you will be stuck mid early and that they respect lb roams.”
ROLVe says “Leblanc is very annoying to play against. Try to fight her lvl 1-2 and hardshoving the wave. !Use Lethal tempo in this Match-up! Use Legend: Tenacity, Second wind and Unflinching.”
Xalt says “Leblanc hard wins early trades. Try to use your W to tank her W damage, and sustain until your first or second back. If you get low, just back and reset. If she snowballs early you wont be able to kill her until you get Nashors. Try to Q as she distorts back to her original location, QEW then instantly E again to position behind her and dodge her incoming chain out of her reaction. TIP: your ignite and moonlight will still show once her clone pops so you know which one to focus. This applies to Shaco ult too!”
Bundif says “A bad Leblanc is free for you. A good Leblanc is frustratingly difficult. Edge of Night is your friend. Prowlers is a good option for her and luckily, with ingenious hunter, you'll have it off CD pretty often!
⭐Zhonya's :'( ⭐”
Haydoslang says “has to jump into you to deal damage, just q and combo, can kill through passive, bring electrocute for damage through passive or predator only if other lanes are easily killable”
DaffeLaffe says “Shes a pain in the ass if u dunno how to deeal with her! jus Q her brains out and before she drops below 50 drop that ignite on her to see the real one. Try to dodge her poke early on , that way you can roam or survive mid and late. If shes misses her chain you can go for an all in.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's ring]
[Stay out of her range and farm as much as possible]
[Buy Banshee's Veil]”
Juon says “Her passive makes her a problem, she can be easily burst. She pokes a lot and you won't be able to proc electrocute off her so run comet. Max W or E second.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Crown of the Shattered Queen]
[Play safe early]
[Dodge her E so you don't get rotted]
[Build Banshee's Veil]
[You outscale her in late game]”
keneki ken says “try to dodge her w's with e and if she comes close range wait a bit before using w most of leblanc players wait a bit of time before using theyr chain try to get her passive before going for all in”
Fake Supp says “OMG how much a champ can get on peoples nerves ...
only good thing about this matchup is her waveclear that is not better then us so there will be more rooms to roam u can beat her but only when you outplay her”
NotGudAtGame says “Farm lane. You can't kill her if she has her passive up but you can dodge her burst so both of you cannot really do much to each other. Try to roam instead.”
Ara55 says “Usually leblanc is unplayable, just get him by chain and are in perma vision. currently this patch leblanc is awful as a champion.
(Electrocute) (Good Luck) (Dodge)”
desch3445 says “There is the possibility of outplay in this lane, but she just does more damage, snowballs harder, and has way more mobility than you. It's gonna be a rough one, son :(
Take the Aery page; Her raw mobility is too much for Conq, the poke is too high for FS, and Electro implies you have any pressure early to properly utilize it. Aery will scale well into the one thing you CAN do in this matchup, poke.”
ThePieBeam says “This champ is brutal for Anivia to deal with. Easy hard cc, several free dashes, and a shit load of damage is a recipe for disaster. You have to play either inside of her range and try to outplay the LeBlanc at her own game (good luck), or play outside of it and forfeit the lane. My advice is to play it passively and try to stack for late. Take relentless and roam a little since that's what she'll be doing into a passive Anivia lane.”
blommit7 says “Same with zed, LB is extremely mobile and with her e, has some okay range. LB outtrades you in early damage, but if you cast e on her w it can be a good trade. She can dash out of your ult very easily, but shes not impossible to play against. Will be hard pre 6 though.”
Xerathiel says “Dodge E. Be out of W range. She has long cd. If you struggle for some reason use lane bully rune page, Get Minion advantage. Auto to death. Minions block her E. Otherwise: Line up your Q and E such that you hit her and her W backport. ”
Bairdd says “This is the only game where taking Fleet instead of Lethal Tempo is viable. Take second wind as well. She out trades you extremely hard and it's a rough lane in general for Yone. She can dodge your ult as well if you don't set up your Q, and she can W away when you E. As this guide is for midlane, if you plan on playing Yone just ban her.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] LeBlanc is a very aggressive champ who is hard to engage on without her engaging first. Do not be intimidated by her burst damage because she has nothing after she uses it. Play towards your turret and don't push. Let her W you around the middle of the lane so you have distance to chase her down after. Q immediately when she W's in the direction where her initial one was cast. Make sure to dodge her E and grapple after her to take a nice trade. Do this on repeat until her passive gets procced. Once she no longer has a passive go all in.”
lonestar1870 says “Leblanc vs Syndra is one of the most skill based lane matchups you will have.
She probably wins the lane if both play the lane perfectly, but you outscale ~level 9 if you didn't give her the advantage.
Dodge chain by juking, beware her gank setup & roams. You generally shouldn't really lose the lane 1v1, but LB will usually win the 2v2 if her jungler plays around her properly.
Don't stand in her W range bc that's where most of her damage is early on. You can E her to stop her dash/dmg, E-Q is generally the best combo vs LB.
LB can't really oneshot you unless she's really far ahead while you can oneshot her with a 6 ball ult if you catch her out. It is fairly easy for her to dodge your skills and get good trades since she is so mobile and safe.
She can run you downand easily set up a kill with her chain when you push the wave so be mindful.
Her only waveclear is her W, punish her for using spells on the wave. You get prio much more easily than she does.
If you auto her with C-Pot running or ignite her before her passive procs, it will show which is real and which is the clone.
You can go PR/TP if you want, just know she will likely make this a kill lane so elec/ignite make it easier for you to win it. I tend to go Elec/TP this lane since TP is so strong in higher elos. You can also run Aery if you want more lane damage but want timewarp tonic (Comet is hard to land on her and therefore not as good).”
itakute says “This and Jax should be your perma ban. Windwall her Q pre 6, level 2 if she over extends you can all in her if you manage to hit 2 at the same time and the wave isn't too big. Post 6 save windwall for her chains and just dash onto her.”
Rhybeaux says “Honestly, if she gets fed in lane phase, I'm sorry it'll be hell. Try to play safe and allow yourself to scale. This is one of the few situations in which Banshee's will come in very nicely.”
Supremely Juicy says “Most champions that can blink across the lane to one-shot you are going to be a threat. However, as long as she isn't diving in on you first strike should be unaffected.”
BlockPad says “She can always oneshot you without getting stunned by youre W. Hard bully laning phase. If she is bad you can win easely the lane. Poke a lot in case she try to dive you.”
IreliaS Secret says “В плане урона у вас примерно все одинаково, только в этом матчапе у тебя преимущество благодаря автоатакам (они у тебя больно бьют) + даже если ты собьешь пасивку ты всегда будешь видеть кто оригинал, а кто клон у лб.”
Camoox says “Very annoying and bursts you quickly. with electricute. Most leblancs start corruption so if she is easily abusing you, let wave push in and get your jungle to help you all in
CashLOL says “Her mobility makes her very difficult to hit with your abilities. Play around your team's CC and go for good farm numbers in lane. Early verdant barrier is recommended here.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan has pretty strong auto attack trades so you will have a pretty good time against LeBlanc early but she can be annoying in mid game. In this matchup it can be hard to get value out of E max since she will either chain you or W away from it. I like 3 points Q into E max to allow you to punish her early waveclear problems. Rush Wit's End.”
G2 Ryan says “In the early game, level 1-3 you might not have enough damage to poke her until you have your first recall so avoid trading with early on.”
iZianni says “You pretty much win this lane as well but she can one shot you which forces you into Banshees optimization which is annoying.
Double chain can also circumvent personal space, whereas your W does counter distortion. ”
pwins says “Leblanc is the ultimate Zoe counter since she can just cast W on you nonstop, root you with her E and kill you no sweat. Try to poke her when she goes in and time your E when she casts her W (even though it is VERY difficult). Ban her! ”
livikattt says “She has a ton of mobility and the ability to delete you or anyone else on your team. But so do you. She's you, but better in the whole killing and leaving thing.”
Juplicate says “She has very high burst and is a ranged champion. She will try to w you level one and auto you to proc electrocute so play back from the wave until you can cs. ”
Miscake says “As trocas dela com Electrocute são rápidas demais pra que você consiga responder com um E carregado ou Q vermelho, uma Leblanc boa vai procar electro lvl 2 na lane e puxar essa vantagem de hp até o 6. Aqui é possível matá-la ultando o clone, já que ele também é considerado uma fonte de cura pra sua ultimate. Nessa matchup é possível sobreviver early usando Revitalizar e Ventos Revigorantes nas runas secundárias. Doran's Shield também não é ruim.
Você dá outscale nela após o spike de Protobelt + Rabaddon, além de ser mais relevante tanto na side quanto nas teamfights, apenas jogue pelo tempo e você ficará bem (se o jogo não acabar antes).”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Leblanc is annoying.
She has insane mobility and hard CC, which can set up free kills for her jungler. If you get hit by her E, you're pretty much dead if you get ganked.
Start E in this lane and try to time your E for when she Ws at you level 1 to avoid the damage and get a good chunk on her.
Windwall her Es so you don't get CCd.
Try to sit on her W mark so she can't go back to it without you getting a good trade in.
Build early MR since she does massive burst damage.
You can go cleanse in this lane if their jungler has hard CC too, but you will probably never kill her in lane unless you take ignite since she is so slippery.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is incredibly hard. Not only does she shit on you 1v1, she also has really good gank
setup just like Galio. Use your W when she throws Q at you. Try to freeze the wave at your tower. Play this
matchup to scale. If you are even against her, you are already winning. Never Q3 into her because she will
just double chain you and you'll die.”
Katawina52 says “Try dodging her W with your E when she Qs, she becomes pretty predictable with her combo rotation. At lvl 6 you can look for more all-ins but make sure to keep your R for the end or you're gonna end up wasting it thanks to her W - R mobility. At 1/2 items you should have the one-shot advantage on her. Mercs fine if they have more cc's and D-shield/second wind if you want to play more safe.”
Rermo99 says “She can't deal with you, BUT her passive litteraly stop your ult and it's really annoying so wait for her passive to proc before ulting, and check which on still have your E on it. That's the good one.”
PlayCabex says “such a pain in the *** in early game , all you can do is just poke , you want to buy hextech protobelt as fast as you can and stay behind minions . If she uses his q and then jumps on you quicly try to hit her with your e,q and aa, when you get hextech protobelt and she jumps on you , you can do the same thing (q and e and aa) but now also you can chase her and try to hit again with q and e , you can also kill her with your ult combo, when you chase her and she tries to e you , then ult, e,w (if you haven't ulted yet) if you have ulted , then go to e and w and also use your protobelt (if you haven't used it) if you have then just go to e and w , use your e on her and run away and keep farming you will this champ is just so busted”
eiensiei says “Level 1 I'll poke her with E-AA, after that I'll stick to farming safely with E and staying out of her W range. More often than not I'll find myself behind in this lane, but that's normal. When she goes in, I'll first use the E for the slow and then I'll try to land a Q. If I feel like she bursts me down whenever I step foot in lane, I'll go Lost Chapter into Mercury's Treads into Luden's. In tough scenarios where the enemies have a magic damage jungler and I'm getting camped, I'll get a Banshee's before finishing Luden's. This delays my power spike quite a lot, but then again, so does dying. On the off chance that I get her low on HP and use E to try to finish her off but she uses W to dash away, I'll cast my R towards the original W position, a lot of LeBlanc players will return to it on reflex.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
I honestly consider the LB matchup a fairly easy one because Taliyah E counters her heavily. The first thing you have to keep in mind against a LB is that her W can be predicted, baited and dodged. If you find yourself near the enemy LeBlanc you will certainly expect a W coming from her, so use E to damage at least 25-40% of her hp and Q for the rest. You can easily setup baits and win the lane by making her dash through your E. Every time you see her using W you should also expect an E so sidestep immediately after the W and try to repeat this process in the other direction for the next combos.
If you struggle against LB go for Cleanse/Barrier but I usually go for Ignite, Time Warp Tonic, Dematerializer and 2 Doran Rings. I usually don't buy MR because I tend to get a kill on LB before I need it. After she's 6 you have to bait her ult in order to fight her and win. On Roams always assume she will follow and always assume she has ult (and your team should be aware of that too, ping them!).
You can try to break her double chain combo by using W properly when she W's towards you.”
Avucado says “Incredibly annoying. Don't go for E's on them, they will dodge it then chain you. Look for hooks but don't let them combo you because it will do a ton of damage. Save E for their chain, they can W out of your hook slow so don't try to Q->E. Try to roam, your waveclear is relatively equal to theirs to you can usually roam more than other matchups. Matchup is decided on whose roams are better.”
Hullos says “Pokes you for almost free, easy escape, better roams. Though if she misses the chain that is you best time to punish. take barrier and hope for her misplay. try to catch her W point after a missed chain.”
ISterbenI says “I would say that Leblanc is Anivias worst matchup. She can jump over your wall, out of your ult and away from your stun and then one-shot you with her insane damage. I would recommend to go Banshees Veil or Zhonyas as fast as possible. Go Bashees Veil to take less damage thanks to the magic resist and passive it gives you and go Zhonyas Hourglass for it's passive which is a very good item overall on Anivia.”
Yeager says “Your goal: Play passive, get hexdrinker if necessary and outscale her.
Leblanc can be obnoxious to play against due to her mobility and burst. At the early stages, you can pressure her quite a bit with your gatling gun. Just make sure that you TRADE BACK. After she uses her combo's, she won't have anything up for a bit, so trade back and keep your HP levels even so she doesn't bully you out of lane.
Her chains can be blocked by minions, or even sidestepped if you're good at reading the opponent. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Leblanc is big problem for a lot of midlaners, due to her high mobility and harass/assasination potential. Though, if you build Negatron here after Dark Seal, you should be able to win even face to face trades, because once when she jumps on you, she has to stay at least for few seconds to deal her damage, leaving her wide open to your full-burst combo, which will mostly deal more damage than her. Except for that she has hard time to deal with poke, if she doesn't all-in you.”
Yeager says “She will outrade you from lvl 3. The way you counter leblanc is by shoving her into turret. Leblanc has to max W. Basically it's her main damage and waveclear ability, and if you shove her into tower, she can't use it to harrass you. Be careful of ganks because she's really good at setting them up with chains. You can take cleanse or barrier here. You can use time warp tonic and corrupting potion for a stronger early game. Farm for your first hex core and then just focus on pushing her in over and over. You have one of wave clearing abilities in the game, so she won't be able to match that.”
Callmebee says “LeBonk is not easy to deal with: she has a gap closer, CC and burst damage, making her a difficult opponent. You can poke early, keeping in mind that she can dash to you so save your Q for when that happens. Consider an early Null Magic Mantle as it denies her all in potential. Take Barrier or Cleanse.”
LunarVortex says “Annoying, but her high cooldowns make this match-up bearable. Try to not be too predictable with your Qs. Keep shoving the wave and ask her in all-chat if she's having fun lasthitting under tower. In teamfights, try to spot her early and babysit your ADC. If you hit a Q on her, your team can almost certainly kill her instantly. Get an early Verdant Barrier to reduce her kill pressure if necessary.”
Yeager says “Against a good leblanc, this matchup is autolose for us(in the laning phase). Stay as far back as you can, and farm safe with Q. She is so good at setting up ganks for junglers, so if you ever get hit by her chain, you are dead. Rush mercs, and from level 6 you want to get your other laners ahead so they can carry you.”
Yeager says “The key to winning this matchup is to TRADE BACK. Once she uses her combo, she's useless until it's back up, so you want to make sure you trade back in order to keep the lane even. Mercury treads are good into Leblanc. Her weakness is being shoved in, as she will be forced to use her abilities on the minion wave instead of you. She's good at setting up ganks, so before shoving her in, get some good vision around the lane, and track the enemy jungler. ”
Urpog says “Midlane: BRUTAL matchup but not unwinnable, LB can reactivate her dash before you're able to respond with your E, if you want to land your dash on LB you need to flash E to where her clone is going to be behind her - if you mess up in this lane it's going to be brutal for you, if you're not confident you can land your E on her then don't make the flashy plays, D shield start is mandatory, if the LB is bad then you'll be able to play the game but her poke against you is guaranteed and you can't do anything about it, your reactionary tools simply aren't good enough.”
Dj Memelord says “She pokes you hard and your early laning phase is hell. Try and find time to roam or help jungler. Second wind and dorans shield helps you survive her mana pool.”
iZianni says “She outranges us, has mobility and excessive damage. Our damage is gated around comboing but it's incredibly difficult to do so when LeBlanc is in control.
This match up is extremely dependent on LeBlanc's distortion and your own Scatter the Weak (E).
Early null mantle is a must and hope you land a 100-0 combo.”
wDesired says “Try to use all you're abilities before her passive procs
Try to Ignite WQR instead of WQR Ignite if u can 1 shot her
ShokLoL says “Holding your E is very important in this matchup. Make sure you hit it when she W's in and you can 100-0 her a lot of the time. Electrocute ignite if you're a chad alpha male. LeBlanc's main strength is gank setup so if you play well around their jungle it will be a lot easier. ”
Kords says “She’s a HUGE threat in lane as she can answer you in every possible trade. There is however, one thing that stops her from completely dominating the game, and that is her waveclear tied to her W. Do not underestimate her as she can do a lot of burst damage. Due to her waveclearing you can take the opportunity to shove and roam if she wastes W.
Annoying but can be outplayed-played around.
SaltCat says “Play passive level 1, level 2 you can kill her, ignite her when she is about 50% heath and you are going all in, so when she gets her passive, you will know which one she is”
ShokLoL says “Skill matchup overall. You win the 1v1 and trades but she has super strong gank setup. Try use E to cancel her W. Make sure to get mercs when you can to avoid ganks. ”
Yasukeh says “ Leblanc can reliably burst you, and kite you with her W's to the point where you can never kill her. Take Triple Rejuv, hope to survive, and try to effect the map in other ways. ”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Leblanc no início tentará te burstar com W e AA para procar o Eletrocutar. Por isso evite levar dano ou tente retaliar da mesma forma caso ela faça isso. Caso ela errar o W, agressive com EW+AA+QE, caso ela tenha te acertado com corrente, não gaste seu Q e espere o efeito para poder usar Q para poder pular com E na adaga e garantir o dano. Use seu W para desviar das correntes com mais facilidades ou usando Shunpo. Feita a Hextech Gunblade ou estando level 6, seu combo vai tirar muito mais dano do que o dela e nada vai te parar. Caso ela consiga ficar forte na partida, compre Zhonya ou itens de resistência mágica que o jogo voltará pra você, não pare de dar roaming para que assim ela seja forçada a te seguir, e devido Katarina ser melhor nas lutas ela não vai se dar muito bem se tentar te focar. Em teamfights, foque assim que houver oportunidade, pois Leblanc dará muito dano no seu time, principalmente no suporte ou no ADC, é importante que seja eliminada das lutas o mais breve possível. O potencial de perigo de Leblanc é de igual para igual visto que Leblanc possui muito dano base com suas correntes e possui facilidade em pick-off e pode ficar forte desta maneira, se tornando um problema devido também possuir muita mobilidade e dano.”
Elite500 says “Pool chain or dodge it before it hits you, spam Q her, after level 6 don't get chained or you'll get 2chained haHAA and die. remember her passive makes her invisible at a certain low hp which is fucking gay. At least it doesn't make her immune and also you can ult the clone aswell to get 150% hp back from R”
Dr Eggmund says “Annoying. Lots of mobility and damage, avoid Leblanc's stun at all costs as this will be her ignition for her combo. This is a lane where you must respect her, I'm not to familiar with how Leblanc works...however like I said be respectful and you will know when the time is right to all-in/trade with her.”
iZianni says “A good LeBlanc will destroy you, a bad LeBlanc will be a skill match up.
Avoid chains and look to trade back during distortions or you'll just get perma out-traded for free.”
Ambitieux says “Leblanc is crippled by her linear engage with W. You outpoke Leblanc very easily if she cant get her full combo on you. Play this like any mid range mage were you can Q her out of lane. If she tries to engage with w have charm ready, she can also sit behind minions and try to auto with W. At level 6 you should watch for her all in and you look to outplay with your mobility against hers. You push lanes VERY fast so you can push her in and roam if you want. You win both in and out of lane as a better assassin. ”
iZianni says “Leblanc is considered a good match up for Lux because of W being countered by Lux Q.
However, everyone seems to forget that if she just max range bursts you it doesn't really matter.
Not an enjoyable match up, if you're unable to get an early lead then she'll just W spam diagonally to avoid linear skills like your Q.
Do not use Q first ever in this match up.
kindo says “The matchup is not difficult in the 1v1. You can bait her in by q'ing backwards to stop her W damage. Or, you can Q to her initial W position so that she can't take it back. The idea is to not let her get damage without taking any in return, but it becomes more difficult simply because of jungle. She sets up ganks extremely easy with a chain or a double chain post-6. Kindred has no way to get out of her chain range once hit, so you will likely die or be forced to ult. In either case, Leblanc can just take her W back and wait your ult or just tank your damage because her clone will give her time to stall if you try to execute her out of your ult. There isn't much to mechanics of the 1v1 other than preemptively Q'ing to dodge her chain or W and trying not to get ganked.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Survive laning phase until gunblade and maybe get hexdrinker. You kill her easily later on. Ult will attack her while invisible and will also attack the clone. The clone gives you resets if you kill it. ”
Chymying says “very annoying matchup, just play safe and care her W's. Try to position cage where leblanc jumps as well as her returning point for more chances to hit her.”
Coldsong says “LeBlanc is very strong into Talon due to her being able to burst you down while avoiding your W. Make sure to dodge her E and don't stand too close to her when she Q's you. Also, make sure to try to throw your W so that it hits her and her Distortion, so that if she jumps back it still hits her. Hexdrinker is great against her.”
Shikikashi says “If you give this guy a lead early, it is very bad for you, just make sure to deny a lot of CS from her through Freezing or Zoning her out. Make sure she uses W first before going in so that she will have a hard time escaping you.”
TismoTheTilted says “Very mobile champ, who's hard to predict due to her R, so be careful when trying to dodge with your R.
Going all in may be difficult because of her passive and E-dash.”
resetwice says “She can run away with W (more with WR).
Even if she's under tower her kit can proc electrocute easy and comeback (so BE CAREFUL when trying to full combo her, can block your passive because you didn't had time to AA).
Her roams are good too, she can cross walls and CC with chain (jump a wall when she uses chain and avoid being bursted)!
Kessi says “Leblanc is also a skill matchup. Before lvl 3, there's nothing much you can do and it might be worth losing some minions to not get traded. Once you reach lvl 3 or above, you really need to
dodge her chain, you have 2 jumps that you can use to your advantage, you also have bush. Besides that, LeBlanc is a really squishy target that can be killed any time. So once you get a trade in, you might wanna try and kill her in the second one.
Mercury Treads are a good option, same with Plated Steelcaps.”
BloodyPoison says “I absolutely HATE this champ especially if I am playing Vladimir. You'll need lots of help if you want to win lane against her or to farm properly. I used to ban zed because he's more popular. Also you win late game against leblanc”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Survive laning phase and you kill her easily later on. Most Leblanc players are REALLY bad at farming. So if you can live and farm decently, you will be in a great spot.
Sylvan Lore says “A good Leblanc will bully you very effectively from as early as level 1. She has higher burst, but weaker wave clear. Take advantage of this again by pushing her under turret whenever possible. Go a very defensive build with Mercury Treads right after your opening mana item and banshee veil ASAP. Breaking even is a complete victory in this situation and you will outscale for sure. For the most part, don't try to trade early, and do not Ult her unless both charges of her W have been used. Also keep in mind if you are going for an all in, that her passive can activate and dodge your Ultimate in a Q->W->R combo. Taking anything but barrier or cleanse into this matchup is disrespectful and will often be punished.
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
If you make 1 misplay you can just go afk. However! If you play this lane respectful and smart, you can go even with little issue. Skill matchup with a huge downside if you get behind.”
Saddest says “LeBlanc is quite hard to deal with, as she can use her W to avoid your damage; both by dashing away from it or blinking away from your personal space. Try to not be poked, anticipate her Q + W combo she is infamous for. Avoid her E as well, use your E to do so. If I know she can be killed, I usually ignite her before her clone appears as to keep track of her real self. Holding your R for that moment is a good idea as well, as she will usually dash out of it with her W, revealing herself.”
rachichu says “While LeBlanc at present is not the strongest, she is one of Vel'koz' natural counters, in my opinion. Similar to Fizz, high mobility and high damage is a nightmare to manage more often than not.”
Impossible2Gank says “Her ability make her hard to catch and therefore becomes a hard matchup. She potentially has better roaming capabilities depending how well they play so she can be hard on your team. Try to avoid her snare and you'll be ok and magic resist early wouldn't hurt either.”
Potato Power says “Should always be close to tower range, bcs if she hits her chain even flash wont save you, but lategame she falls off, and she cant do allot to you lategame”
VyoS says “Play save in early game, try to Q her when her W isn't up, predicting is a high risk and can be punished very hard so be careful.
Poke her first and dodge her W with your Ult when she wants to go in.”
ReapeRGP says “LeBlanc is really annoying as she can escape your E and burst you quickly, I'd recommend to play safe and just farm/stack until you get strong. Push your wave if she roams and don't get her fed or it's GG. ”
King Turtle says “Her kit makes it hard to hit her, but if you play it right you can bait out E and go in as she chases you. As long as you keep the pressure on and be wary of her poke you can beat her senseless. ”
duhnx says “LeBlanc has annoying jumps and combos but is pretty squishy and you can trade well with her. Just be aware of her cooldowns and roams when fighting.”
King Turtle says “lots of damage combined with her W making her a constantly moving target makes it difficult to lock her down and beat her in trades. Despite that, if you play smart and can use E to swipe some quick trades you can add that up to a win.”
Midget Mage says “Look to trade whenever possible, I find this to be a fairly tough matchup and her kit to be extremely annoying. Build MR early on and use ganks to your advantage to win laning phase”
Grayified says “[MID] Fleet Footwork - Doran's Blade - Barrier | Pain in the ass champ, is able to one-shot you, and is impossible to chase or escape while her R is up.”
Netwou says “Don't think you've won the lane from the start. Be prepared for him to dash to you, q, and back off. Take as little damage as possible and do fast trades with him.If you want to use the W + R combo, try to predict that he'll use his E onto you so use your W were he is and your R behind you.”
richardlized says “Zed vs leblanc is a skill matchup. If you get hit by her chain, do not hesitate to WW away. When she W’s you, do fast auto QE so you win the trade. After six you can predict where leblanc will swap to most of the time and don’t forget to ignite before all in so that leblanc’s clone is clear from the real one. You outscale her so just play it safe early game.”
Thresh Mid says “LeBlanc is a mindgame matchup, Distortion (W) can be cancelled with Flay. Death Sentence can be used to cancel her mid dash as well as being used for an all-out combo with The Box early game to deter her from staying in lane. ”
xMetix says “Skill match up, her dashes make her very safe and her chain can reveal you from invisibility. If you can dodge the chain/abuse the W cooldown you should win. She becomes much easier to kill after level 6 using flash and ult. Just make sure she doesn't escape instantly like Ekko or Ahri.”
DabiDabi says “LB is very abusive towards Talon, she bursts faster than Talon. Try dodging her chain. W towards her and her return pad when she uses her dash so you can hit two Ws and set up for a kill. If not, try to at least proc her passive. Her passive will be on a 60 seconds cooldown which gives you plenty of time to kill her if she does not back. You can also ignite her beforehand so even if her passive procs, your ignite will be on the real one and you can kill her.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Dodge her Chain and shes useless, champ just lacks damage without chain and its very easy for you to dodge it, you can cancel her W aswell with your E so shes just stuck and gets 1 shot, would recommend Ignite/Barrier.”
DabiDabi says “DO NOT FIGHT LEBLANC! If you try to trade, she'll just respond with a better trade. Her chain reveals you from shroud and you won't be able to E out of the her chain range. Predict her W's. Play safe till 6. Beyond that, you shit on her. Land your E's when engaging and Ignite before her passive procs so you won't be tricked.”
tozosi says “A good LeBlanc will always beat Talon in lane. She can use her W to block both procs of your W. As well, she's able to deal significant damage and escape very easily.”
TheEnglishman says “very high kill threat and insane mobility. They have to be a good lb to win this lane but unless you're a full rank worth of skill above them you can't win this one in lane if they're good.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Play safe and harass her only when she's going for cs. You can't really beat her early so play for farm.”
Jinx_48 says “Try to time your W with her to dont get wintradeed she have rly good poke with reset potiential took fleetfootwork to gab close her also her chain might be annoy bc any cc block sylas 2 abilities E and W so yu bassicly out of any sorce to defense”
seemes says “HORRIBLE MATCHUP. If shes even slightly competent you will never land any q. try to open with w first so she cant dash then e+q. ambush her in river/jungle but its not easy.”
lolzayno says “One of the worst matchups for ziggs. She can play super aggresive while being safe at the sametime. Her kit has tons of burst which can catch you by surprise and can do in and out poke. Almost impossible to trade against her since her movement. Only way to trade against her is to satchel yourself when she jumps in or throw a q when she jumps in. There are small windows of opportunity to damage her but almost impossible to win duels.”
Sanctuar says “Many players underrestimate her unexpected burst damage, and especially her chain can open up her deadly combo on you. Buy a Verdant's Barrier early on if you struggle a lot against her.”
fanchessfan says “I haven't seen this champion in like a year. And nobody knows how to play this champion in low elo right? Take cleanse for her chains, E her when she tries to go in, same thing as all assassins.”
Vispectra says “Fairly easy match-up provided you respect her early burst potential. If you're like me and take electrocute, you'll be walking all over her once you hit 6. Try to avoid being rooted at all costs as she will most likely either be getting a gank or out-trade you easily. Be mindful of where she has leaps , you could punish her for using it once you're 6.”
SeptikYT says “Bait out her E and W. Always start your fights against her with Q so that she cannot do anything as she is a pretty slippery champion that does a lot of damage.”
cookanarities says “The matchup is not difficult in the 1v1. You can bait her in by q'ing backwards to stop her W damage. Or, you can Q to her initial W position so that she can't take it back. The idea is to not let her get damage without taking any in return, but it becomes more difficult simply because of jungle. She sets up ganks extremely easy with a chain or a double chain post-6. Kindred has no way to get out of her chain range once hit, so you will likely die or be forced to ult. In either case, Leblanc can just take her W back and wait your ult or just tank your damage because her clone will give her time to stall if you try to execute her out of your ult. There isn't much to mechanics of the 1v1 other than preemptively Q'ing to dodge her chain or W and trying not to get ganked.”
TheWerefloof says “I haven't played against her yet, but I presume it's a very skill dependent lane. Pre 6 is your best chance, as she'll have far less mobility. Once she Q + W's (her standard trade), Q + E her. Even if she lands the chain you'll out damage her more then likely, as it takes a moment to root.”
luminyan says “I haven't played enough games against Leblanc to fully give a rundown on how difficult she is to fight. My advice, from what I do know, is to play safe and take Barrier.”
Aethlo says “Leblanc has the wave clear advantage. ||
Leblanc wins pre-3. ||
Leblanc wins pre-6. ||
Leblanc loses slightly post-6. (If you are even with Leblanc you can one shot her first - if she is ahead she will be able to one shot you.||
Tips: Don't full combo her if she Ws onto you - she can blink back the minute the cc ends and can possibly escape. If Leblanc isn't ahead of you she can't one shot you 100-0. Stay healthy stay at 90-100% hp and you can win at lvl 6. Her trades are deadly early (especially with corrupting pots)”
DarDarThePenguin says “Leblanc has really easy to hit poke, very strong burst damage, and good roams. She can easily kill you levels 2 and 3 and at all points after while being almost impossible to hit because of her mobility. Try to E backwards to dodge her W damage to survive lane. Be very cautious and get an early Null-Magic Mantle. Take Fleet and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Con LeBlanc, se trata de ver quien respeta más al otro, o ella respeta tu gran rango, o tu respetas el de ella. Como te aplique su CC recibirás mucho daño”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Mercury's Tread early and/or use Unflinching and Bone Plating rune. I would recommend shoveling the waves and roam since she can get away from your CC abilities if you try to initiate a trade.
DeathStar04 says “LeBlanc is just LeBlanc. Your entire gimmick is poking people with your W and throwing out R's a lot. Not only can LeBlanc avoid your poke, but she can burst away 50%+ of your health while doing so, and she can also easily dodge your R. Another good ban choice.”
FrostbiteMW says “Go for poke and farm. Matchup is really hard since she can dash your skillshots and jump on you for quick trades. If youre good at landing your poke you can win this tho.”
SpartanDumpster says “I'd consider her Yone's toughest mage match up, which isn't too surprising since she's more like a mage/assassin hybrid. If they know what they're doing they can make laning a living hell. Her Q is point and click, so you can't dodge or kite it, you just can't not get hit by it when she casts it on you. Her W lets her stick to you with her E, and that E has a pretty big area so even if she attached it to your spirit form, recalling won't get you out of its range, especially if she's smart with her movements. The best you can do to not get rooted is to get the timing down so you can recall your E so the root begins while you're returning to your body. She's also very mobile, so she can dodge you and also chase you down when you're trying to disengage and retreat.”
lolventureiro says “Eletrocute/letalidade é uma boa opção.. Único jeito de ganhar a lane dela é explodindo ela antes dela te explodir.
Usar o W na corrente.”
VeneficusFerox says “Skill matchup. Another one who is mostly dangerous because of your team mates feeding her. Her combo will not work as nicely on you when you have W available, and the power to burst her down instead. Mostly ends up in both farming and a race to gank first.”
Joseph Evanss says “If she presses q on you it means shes going to w so use your w before hers hits you for the shield. Try not to get chained. You out scale her so just farming is a viable option. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield or D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “try to dodge her w by using your e well. stay healthy during the first 2 levels and let her push so that you do not lose too much health when she tries to go in with the q + w combo. play behind minions as she cannot land her chain if you are behind them. post lvl6 and with some items, you can try to all in.”
zeldimi says “Pool her chain or dodge it. Q her nonstop. If you can see her intent and know she's about to Q W on you pool that instead and dodge Q or go inside minion wave. You win trade by doing so.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “If you die 1v1 early the lane is over for you if you dodge her spells you can kill her very easy but a good LB will poke Q W then W back till she makes the kill.”
BullRedHunter says “One of your hardest match ups, she pokes a lot, u cant reach her, she deals a lot of dmg to you, try to roam or ask your jungler for a gank, you will need teleport against her to be able to stay in lane as much as u can”
peytonqt says “[EASY] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] From every game I've played against LB, I've won. Her jump range just isn't enough to get into you compared to your ranged AA. When she jumps onto you, Hammer Form E her back, and then dodge her chain (if she throws it). The second she leaves start fighting back through either an all in or poke and harass her down. Eventually you'll just be able to burst her so fast she can't do anything.”
7daysko says “Very annoying. Make sure to watch out for her roams. Try not to give her any kills as she snowballs very easily. I suggest building some kind of MR as well as taking Exhaust or Barrier.”
JoshAy says “Play safe in lane to avoid her all in burst. Be careful of taking her ult, it will copy her last spell when you steal it. Wait for her to use an ability that you want before you steal it. Her ultimate can blow up in your face if you take the wrong one. ”
Ryank30 says “Fleet-Resolve. There are very small windows of opportunity to walk up. But, you can still trade back if you play it right. I recommend taking Doran's Shield on top of the defensive rune start, it will realy help. Buy a Hexdrinker if you really need it but I wouldn't really recommend it because you are rushing immortal Shieldbow anyways.”
1 Am Zed says “Assassin that pokes you most of the laning phase, need to be very cautious of your movement against leblanc as she can one shot you, she is killable as long as you get your jungler to help.”
Mpegial says “Leblanc is not really a fun match-up, she can poke you she can root you, and she can destroy you if she uses her teleport smartly. Ganks aren't easy in this match-up so you are best off roaming/ CSing”
eternalkuuseki says “a good leblanc will win trades regardless of what katarina does. early on walk up to a minion and see if she pokes. if she does, she is not braindead and play safe. if she coexists with you, take advantage of the many mistakes she will make. you have more presence in teamfights than her so as long as you aren't behind you can still carry teamfights.”
JackM says “LeBlanc is a really bad matchup for Talon due to her insane burst potential. Make sure to dodge her E and don't stand too close to her when she Q's you. Also, make sure to try to throw your W so that it hits her and her Distortion, so that if she jumps back it still hits her. Hexdrinker recommended!”
Zileni says “LeBlanc is gonna harass you no matter what, trades are almost even, however LeBlanc's autos make a huge difference. You can go merc treads against her to deny her kill potential, but that doesn't mean she can outroam and farm you. If her W is down you can try to go in for a kill, but I'd say do that when you have ult. In the early game stay back far enough, but not too far to the point where you do not get XP.”
xoonaka says “Really hard to play against, She can always W away from your Q and return to punish you and always win trade. Try to all in her after she uses her W before 6,after 6 it's just not worth as she can dash twice. Buy D shield and try to farm safely with your Q.”
batata95 says “como no zed... ela chega perto de bvc com muita facilidade e ainda da I.K em vc recomendo ficar safe o maximo possivel talvel no lvl 9 vc possa tentar matar ela quando vc chegar no lvl 9 fazendo seu fest combo. Se vc é um main ou um mono sabe do que eu to falando.”
XD001 says “She hard wins levels 1-5 and you can't really do anything about it. Do your best to get good CS as well as dodging her ethereal chains. They do lots of damage and are a pretty long root as well. Mid/Late game you can catch her out and 1 shot her, but she can do the same to you so be wary. Whoever has farmed/done better wins the side lane but you should win most of the time, especially with your R up. Ekko slightly outscales LeBlanc.
take Elec + sorcery page”
GabomanDeLegado says “Cada vez que nos entre lo más posible es que nos desmonte, le podremos hacer un poco de daño pero habrá que esquivar todas sus habilidades para ganar el trade.”
Luciiid says “Good LBs are very sneaky. Itll be close to impossible to hit both w's so try to play around jungler, or roam to get fed and one shot her. another matchup where if you get behind, you get steamrolled.”
Noodles912 says “She can get a bit painful sometimes. Use a corrupting potion before you trade with her, and use the purple flame on her to attack the correct version of her. Your ult is great to deal with her. Remember to abuse her early W cooldown, as it is quite long early. Same time by being careful without your E.”
Int4Kindred says “She can easily escape you as well as easily being able to gapclose on you. Very hard matchup. I wouldn't reccomend playing Kindred into LeBlanc at all. Worthy of a ban.”
NightingaleV says “Honestly this champion is pretty disgusting, whilst to Azir she isn't a huge threat, you can't really kill her and she will become a problem later into the game, if she snowballs on your team you're fucked essentially, there's not too much you can do and it's mostly up to the leblanc. In a 1v1 you should be able to beat her but the real issue is her oneshotting your teammates until you lose. Some tricks to know are ulting her mid dash to cancel her damage and when you're fighting if you have W on where she's standing and she tries to W onto you you can use E to dodge it and win the trade. Aside from this just play your range and try to tether her as best you can. Try to pressure mid a lot so she can't really roam and you should be fine, if you allow her to get free reign of the map however that's what makes Leblanc a major threat.”
elnino9 says “Don't let her proc her Q mark. Dodge chain by staying behind minions or side stepping when no ally minions are around. Take advantage of her if she uses her W as she won't have an escape/gap closer. Play patiently in lane, don't use EW combo if she has W as she will dodge the spin damage. Merc Treads is good vs her chain.”
Raizins says “Welcome to the 50,000 dash club. Please remember to pay at the counter.
Leblanc is going to be a problem if the leblanc player is smart. She can deny your combo by W'ing and will force you to hold onto spells to try and save your carries. Quite an annoying champion.”
PASS10NE says “Going up against a good Leblanc can be really frustrating. She's really mobile, will harass you, and win trades most of the time. Nully orb is a must.”
NuclearAkali says “Has a very strong harass early game and can kill you very early if you get poked down too much. Just play until level 3 and then you can try to out trade. If you can't, go roam and look for picks.”
Burz Ash Hai says “Lb ye karşı oynarken biraz safe takılabilirsiniz Akalinin 6. seviyesi çok güçlü için 6 dan sonra kesme ihtimaliniz artar
Rakibe e tutturduysanız direkt gitmeyin çünkü üzerine atlarken lb nin e yeteneğini tutturması nerdese garanti oluyor”
Lot of Wind here says “She will be able to kill you very fast even in the early game, so don't play this matchup aggro early on. Freeze your wave under tower. Your wall can block her E and Q but not her W.”
Luxon333 says “DODGE JUST DODGE or play the lane safe if she is not good you can e in a line between her and her w mark for safe sun Hextrinker rush is the play and not get poked to much ( HUGE BURST !!!) ”
Wunsch3957 says “Skill matchup. Just bait out her W and dodge her E. The clone's auto attacks won't do damage so the one who walks away is the real one. fleet/domination with flash/ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EwLGYLB6W4&feature=youtu.be
You outrade her in 1v1, the problem is that unlike her, you can't get out once you go in and bam, her jungler is there. The key against LB is to think about the jungler. Track her W CD and when she goes in, sidestep the chain, then trade back. Or you can just E right into her W, but as I said, with the junglers in mind. Remember she has to win lane hard, or gets outscalled hard. Rush merc's for sure.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Even matchup, cassio outscales but if leblanc snowballs you are done for. Always trade/play with your W and don't trade when its on cooldown.”
PsykerZeo says “Hard matchup, but you can go PtA/HoB cuz she don't poke that much, she can do a lot of dmg but she is squishy, if she wastes her W/R just go and kill her.”
GeDBo says “LeBlanc is a burst champion with high mobility. Azir is weak against her. You can make this match difficult for her by using the same tactic as if you were playing against Xerath. Make her choose whether she wants to use her abilities on minions or on you. If you notice that she insists using her abilities on you, Mercury's Treads would be a nice item to purchase early on. Banshee's Veil is suggested, but not necessary if your team is doing well. Try not to feed her and poke the crap out of her so she cant farm. Whenever she is missing in lane, ping so your team mates know when to back off, preventing her from getting a kill/assist. ”
CrazyyBrrr says “Hard matchup again
U can beat her till lvl 6 if u know how to use ur windwall for her e and etc
After lvl 6 it can cause u a very big problem and i recommend to go sustain right here”
Coldsong says “LeBlanc can dodge your Tibbers and W stun if she has good reflexes, so try to Q her before she engages or disengages. She can deal a lot of damage, so get Mercury Treads early.”
JEAFlashSword says “A good Leblanc can make the matchup painful but you can try to dodge her W with minions and windwall her chains (E) which is the most important thing to do”
Gloglito says “Skill matchup. Push her back with e when she dashes into you and you should be ok. Try to respect jungle pressence early on, if you played it right early you should be able to burst her post 9”
SoraSan says “Le Blanc é um campeão de Burst de Alta Mobilidade. Azir é fraco contra ela. Voce pode usar tanto a mesma tática do Xerath contra ela como posicionar o soldado perto dela e quando ela usar o W dela em você, use o E no soldado e a puna. Se ela insistir em bater em você, compre Passos de Mercúrio cedo, Véu da Banshee é fortemente recomendado contra Le Blanc. Quando ela não estiver na rota, use os pings para sinalizar seus aliados em caso de possíveis roamings dela.
Cometa Arcano ou Eletrocutar são as melhores opções contra ela.
Abbyca says “Leblanc has major gap closing, CC, and a TON of scaling with seraphs embrace, you need to play around her, waiting for the W proc, and then going in with a hextech rocketbelt.”
BigBushMan says “If the Leblanc is good, this matchup sucks. Really Bad. She has so many ways to abuse her range advantage that akali really can't deal with. Freeze and look for jungle help early on, because Leblanc can only win through snowball, she does NOT scale well at all. ”
KingFershid says “I simply have no idea of how to play this matchup, A good Leblanc will destroy your game and your mental state, my second permaban if Kata is already banned.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Dodge her Chain and shes useless, champ just lacks damage without chain and its very easy for you to dodge it, you can cancel her W aswell with your E so shes just stuck and gets 1 shot, would recommend Ignite/Barrier.”
l2ingeR says “Alrighty! Mages!
Here's the thing. Jhin gets four shots.
When LeBlanc is about to die, what does she do? That's right, make you second guess who the killing blow needs to go to.
That alone makes her a nuisance. Other than that though, not too bad unless she gets fed.
I mean, sure, she received some buffs recently, but she can still be fought off.”
Shazzaam says “This champion has annoying poke, but it's manageable with Null-Magic Mantle + Ruby Crystal early buy. Other than that you'll just outscale her as the game goes on.”
kennybang says “ok so like right this champ is so freaking annoying but like pray to god that your bot lane and top lane and jg are like very very good at the game and you just feed off the 0/12 adc on the other team, also merc treads + null orb to piss her off lol (maw too if you really want)”
F3RR0N says “Le Blanc can be a tricky matchup cause of her incredible movement abilities and stunn potential. You want to take the Fleet footwork + resolve tree and start with a doran's shield. Taking TP in this lane wouldn't be a bad choice either since the free back will definitaly come in handy. You want to try to bait out her W and then just all in with your E + Q3 combo. If you manage to hit your Q3 knockup instantly ult so she can't get away.”
OhReflects says “Since she has been reverted she is a lot harder to play against because of her q+w burst. When she goes to proc her q with her w try to shunpo away. Keep poking her until you know she is low enough to kill. when her passive goes off the real one is always the one running for tower cover or bush control.”
xxseraphinaaxx says “If you don't know how to play LeBlanc as well, you'll find it a bit hard to deal with her. Just don't engage when she's used her W, as she can just distort back to where she initially was, and don't get caught in her roots, as Anivia has no mobility to recuperate. Try not to hand her kills early game, as she snowballs hard.”
BigFatCat909 says “Take E at level 2, whenever she goes in for her Q W combo, try and retaliate with an Auto E then Q to proc electrocute. try to avoid ulting while her W and R are both up because it makes it quite difficult to land more than a single Q at that point.”
Hiimkata says “Try dodging her W with your E when she Qs, she becomes pretty predictable with her combo rotation. At lvl 6 you can look for more all-ins but make sure to keep your R for the end or you're gonna end up wasting it thanks to her W - R mobility. At 1/2 items you should have the one-shot advantage on her. If they have an ap jgler go Wits End. Mercs fine if they have more cc's.”
CaptianMike says “Lots of damage and very slippery! Make sure you don't overextend because she can easily 1-shot you. Although she is very fast, she cannot outrun your ultimate. It's best to take her down with your team and use your ultimate to secure the kill if you have to.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Heavy Early Damage, Malmortius is optional, try to predict her blinking and use your own to back off to safety so she can't deal damage”
mrsuits says “I like to run electrocute and go night harvester vs her if the enemy team comp isnt tanky enough. If she Qs you put a soldier in front of her and use E as she tries to W you. Sometimes if the enemy is really bursty i like going bone plating on secondary runes. IF you do this build you will need blue buff.”
Justin58111 says “LeBlanc is too mobile for Ezreal. She just jumps arround and when she roots you, you're prob dead in a few seconds. Try to farm under the tower and attack her once here and there. ”
ParkChnm says “She can one shot you if you don't shut her down early. Late game Banshee's Veil is useful if she's constantly getting onto you. In lane you can poke her down, especially if she uses W.”
ParkChnm says “Try to push the wave and then run away since she can't farm that well under turret. She can kill you, so be careful when pushing. Banshee's is a good purchase.”
Jnewbringspain says “All or nothing matchup. She can be difficult because she can burst you from afar, but she's also incredibly squishy. Land a few Q's and she will be hurting. Play passively, but you'll still want to go for her with Rupture from time to time.”
wildersovereign says “One of the more favorable assassin matchups. Take advantage of her high cooldowns (especially her W) and smash her with your CC. Your waveclear is far better than hers is at all stages of the game, so take advantage of this to get constant lane priority. The biggest danger LeBlanc poses is her ability to roam and make your fellow laners miserable. Be sure to do your due diligence and follow her roams when possible. A LeBlanc with 4 kills from bot lane is an entirely different beast than a LeBlanc with no kills.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Electro only matchup. Its basicly 50/50. Even if you get ahead its still leblanc. She will deal damage to you no matter what but its fine as long as she wont roam to other lanes.”
rajsovsky says “You pretty much win this. Just don't let her hit you with her E and you just outscale her so hard. She shouldn't be able to do anything that would hurt you, but it doesn't mean you can disrespect her. You are pretty much going to need wraiths.”
Deteki says “such a pain in the *** in early game , all you can do is just poke , you want to buy hextech protobelt as fast as you can and stay behind minions . If she uses his q and then jumps on you quicly try to hit her with your e,q and aa, when you get hextech protobelt and she jumps on you , you can do the same thing (q and e and aa) but now also you can chase her and try to hit again with q and e , you can also kill her with your ult combo, when you chase her and she tries to e you , then ult, e,w (if you haven't ulted yet) if you have ulted , then go to e and w and also use your protobelt (if you haven't used it) if you have then just go to e and w , use your e on her and run away and keep farming you will this champ is just so busted”
invalidd says “Really hard lane because her trades are unpunishable, there's actually no way to touch her at all unless you W over to her when her W is on
cooldown, stick to farming what you can and assist skirmishes, you will outperform her eventually if you keep the lane even. Ungankable.”
lkycch says “Follow her roams and don't let her snowball off your allies. Stay far away and don't let her land her full combo on you, as you don't want to waste your ult on yourself. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Aikairi says “You can shunpo to her while she is mid-air dashing btw. This means you can avoid her dash damage if you time it correctly. You can also shunpo to a minion. You win as long as you don't hit by her E which is painful and also roots you. ”
lkycch says “Follow her roams and don't let her snowball off your allies. Stay far away and don't let her land her full combo on you, as you don't want to waste your ult on yourself. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs leblanc: Su fuente de daño viene de acestarte sus cadenas que te inmovilizan y proceder a matarte o aplicarte todo el combo, para evitar esto Muevete entre los minions y eso no te dará, y cuando la falle podras abalanzarte. (hielo eterno estaria bien para evitar su escape)”
TheHostileCat says “A counter to Akali, Leblanc has the same mobility and burst. Wait till lv 6 and get some jg help. Her w might too fast for you to e, so don't bother unless she's doing extended trades. When she uses chain - e - try to extend trades and see if you can shroud. ”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- She can never kill you if you play it right
- Hold W when she w's into you and taunt her for a combo
- Try to dodge her chain
- You can use your E to escape her chain easily
- If you're against a good LeBlanc, you can't solokill her but you can bait her W out and easily kill her with your jungler.
- Alternatively, you can outpush her with your Q and Passive and help your jungler/roam
- Try to prevent her snowballing, then she is weak”
Big Shawn says “LeBlanc is considered a counter to Ekko, but I think otherwise. She is easily punishable if she overextends, due to the fact that she is super squishy in terms of Health Points. Nevertheless, she does deal a ton of damage. As Ekko, you try to predict. Against LeBlanc, you mainly can outplay her by casting your W-Ability to the position from where she dashed towards you. If you execute your full passive on her, you will basically threat her immediately. Not to forget, if she appears with her clone, you will notice which one is which immediately thanks to the timer indicated when your passive can be applied again.”
Scyrine says “I absolutley despise going against Leblanc. Not because she counters akali a lot, but since she's annoying to play against. She's gonna try to fool your mind completely. whenever she goes in for a trade, play agro against her. wait until 6 for a full engage as she can play with you easily. ”
BCota says “Stomps Blood Newbs but experienced Bloodlords will know this matchup is fairly easy. When she Ws just Auto+Q+Auto and you will be fine. Wait till 6 ignite her before she gets 50% hp and all in, ignite will show who is the real and who is the clone”
Chili Dog says “Pool chain or dodge it before it hits you, spam Q her, after level 6 don't get chained or you'll get 2chained haHAA and die. remember her passive makes her invisible at a certain low hp which is fucking gay. At least it doesn't make her immune and also you can ult the clone aswell to get 150% hp back from R. Electrocute Recommended.”
Flarank1 Azir says “If you had 2 stack w than nothing to scared just put soldier his w and hit him if she use it again use your second w and q to her make more damage”
Last Roar says “Skill based match up.
Obj: Stay healthy and avoid her E. You clear faster than her early so look to outroam her. If you see her dash look to try and land a spear to all in, shes quite immobile without her W.”
SkellyBirb says “LeBlanc is early game and can snow ball out of control. She can burst you down without letting you stay on her for too long with her W. Play safe.”
vCraze says “LeBlanc is an even matchup, you need to be careful of her early trading with AA-W-AA. Play safe and farm to get to your Ludens and then punish her. Don't let her get free chains on you and once she hits 6 play safe and wave clear when she is full hp. Once you have poked her down a bit you can walk up further and pressure.”
Sadkid says “This lane depends on one interaction: you hitting your E when she Ws forward. If you can land that E you win the lane. If you miss she will poke you out. Remember her W is a stright line so you can E her as she is jumping mid air. ”
SkellyBirb says “If the LeBlanc is good, she can dodge your knock ups and get stuns off on you doing massive damage. However, she is extremely squishy so if doesn't dodge, she could be one shot in return.”
Elpatronchico says “She is not as hard as the others, but she still do a major threat. Try to calculate when she uses her E, and windwall her Q's and AA.”
S4V4 says “One of the easier match ups for Yasuo on mid. As long as you dont get hit by her Q W combo way too many times, you will win this lane. Windwall and dashing will prevent that from happening”
WolfRider01 says “Skill matchup in favor of Yasuo. LB can easily stomp Yasuo when fed, however can struggle to match a Yasuo's potential constant poke into her. Play around her cooldowns, when she uses spells go in and fight her. Her Lvl 6 is pretty even with you, so if you're low, she will kill you. But that being said, if she's low on HP and mana without W you can most likely run her down. ”
MobbyF says “LeBlanc is very mobile and has a high slaughter potential. The routes phase against the character is very complex. Be careful with your recharging time.
Katfire says “She can outburst you easily in lane. Her E has a massive range after it latches on to you. Even if you E far away some times it will still be latched to you. If she Qs you stay away, don't let her proc the mark. If she uses W punish her for using it while its on cooldown (18-10 cd without Ability Haste).
zee160 says “Imo, she is basically a WAY stronger version of karma. Her continuous jumps will render your root useless until you can get mobility boots. Even with mobility boots, it's very hard to catch up to her and root her. I've always hated her, if I'm not supporting her, Kat and Akali are my 3 main bans.”
Hqzz says “Leblanc can be an extreme threat. She is able to get out of your root with her W and do a lot of burst damage. She doesn't get any weaker either so it is important to either play even, or try to get ahead with ganks before she hits level 6. ”
Marfiok7 says “Le Blanc's kit has everything to counter yours. She has great mobility, High burst and can easily roam and make playes around the map. In this matchup i would highly recommend going mercury threads or verdant barrier early, to´counter her high burst. You should focus on scaling as much as possible and seek to win the late game. Your priorities in lane is to soak up as much exp and get as much gold before mid-game arrives where skirmishes and teamfights will break out. Barrier or Teleport would be the best summoners in this matchup. ”
MartyBG says “A skill based matchup. She can easily punish you if you miss your q, so try to be more patient with your q. She is squishy so if she makes 1 mistake you can oneshot her easily.”
MINISE says “LeBlanc has the reason for Ryze, in which she cant have another runepage to run with but electrocute is still effective just to put more Dps on Lucian. Lucian would then have to back off cs and use tp to his advantage/s.”
Best Azir Africa says “Her engage with her W makes soldier positioning a challenge. Focus on poking her after she uses her W and prepare for her all in with a quick escape with W->E.
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. Skill Matchup. Leblanc is a intersting matchup, use ur e mindfully either when she chains you or when she is in her w animation E her. Her passvie clone can block your q. She has great gank setup with her jungler so don't try to harsh her under tower without vision. Rush Mercs as they shut her down in lane.”
IncursioOCE says “Very hard to beat in lane when vsing a good leblanc, natural counter to katarina but will fall off after lane make sure not to give her a snowball”
Papzz says “She is kinda strong, try to use your E at the same line with her w and her so you can hit her twice. She has massive damage. exhaust is a nice option here but you know how to use it at this match up because her burst damage is very fast.”
Fuffi says “this is not really hard but i wanted to say that you should take boneplating and overgrowth as secondary runes so she can't do anything.
if you're scared of ganks take cleanse but i usually pick ignite because she is easy to kill at 6.”
Bobbab says “Leblanc is a very mobile mage with big burst potentials. Play around her w cd early game to take advantage of her. Later on its pure skill that decides the outcome of fights. Ranged matchup makes farming harder against her.”
sweodigaming says “Try to stun her with Q so she can't W away, then follow up with R and W. She has strong level 3, but she easy to trade with. Make your team aware when she is gone since she has really strong roams.”
Manzey says “The LB matchup will be hard if not built correctly, what you need to do is to not give her free trades and try to back off when she moves towards you for her Q W combo.
Versus LB you have to get flask as starting item and build abyssal as first item, to avoid her 100-0ing you to set you back and her extremely ahead.
She will not be an issue late game, seeing how LeBlanc doesn't build defense and is very weak, so a gold card Q will probably annihilate her without any issues.”
Magical Rock says “LeBlanc Is annoying to play against, though not as much as some. What makes her annoying is when she goes in on you you want to run away. Usually you cannot do that, so instead use that time to trade with her. Always know which one of her you are ulting, but if she goes in on you, your q will follow her all the way.”
TheFwnK says “Pretty annoying with her pokes... If a chains lands on you, you'll be more dead than alive. Try to be more creative with LeBlanc to force her W and other abilities. If not, just play safe.”
Grayified says “LeBlanc is stupidly hard to play against, she can close the gap and you can't expand it well enough. If she wants to escape, she will. If you're up against a LeBlanc, just focus on roaming.”
KormitLeFrag says “Shove her until she gets W. If she whiffs W then punish her with QW.
She falls off late, and you can buy Verdant Barrier + Mercs early and be okay.”
WhiteZorox says “LeBlanc is quite a difficult one to play into with Akali, usually just hope the LeBlanc is braindead, if not just play safe for mid game and try not to feed <3”
ZeMoller says “Impossible to kill in lane unless you hit her with with an r, very hard to hit q's on and she has a lot of burst damage, in this matchup you sit back and try and farm to outscale her, either you win in sidelane by ulting her or you teamfight.”
Yeager says “Oppressive champion. She can easily hit you with chains if you blink onto her.
She has 1 weakness you can abuse. Her main damage spell is ALSO her waveclear, and her waveclear is quite bad. If you want to survive this matchup, get some wards and SHOVE THE WAVE. She will be forced to prep the CS before it hits the tower. If she still decides to attack you, she will lose the CS and you can just teleport back. ”
Lunasta says “Another Skill-Matchup try to stay with W on Water and E>Q when she she dashes in front of you, then take grass and stay invisible so she can't counter attack, if you'reconstantly getting invisible, i'd recommend building a QSS, if you're still having difficulties, stay safe and wait for her to dive you, just like Zed, she will just die as you have tons of CC with your Ult + Q”
Veigarv2 says “
Strong kit vs you, annoying passive. great sidelaner. great at setting up ganks. Oneshot her before she oneshots you basically.
Electrocute with biscuits and timewarp + corruption pot / spellbook resolve page.”
Yeager says “Take ignite or cleanse. The new Leblanc maxes her W, so it is her waveclear AND damage ability. The way you play against leblanc is by shoving her in over and over, because she will be forced to use her W to waveclear. Be careful of not over-extending because she's really good at setting up ganks with her chains. ”
SkellyBirb says “Leblanc has a lot of burst and snowball potential. She likely won't be able to one shot you early on, so you can set up shrines to heal for when she trades. If she goes in with minions behind her, you can stun her.”
Frixen says “People will tell you otherwise, but this is one of the better TF matchups. You can always stop her with your gold cards, and whenever she goes in, she has to commit, which means you can always take extended trades and win them. Take Electrocute + Ignite and kill her. You can poke her all you want, you need to push her into the turret and whenever she tries to return damage, simply gold card and unload on her. ”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up and you might struggle early in laning phase. This lane becomes a lot easier after level 6 so keep your head down, try your best to farm and try not to die to ganks or solo in lane. After 6 you should either try to kill her and if this is not possible, call for jungler help. Don't forget to roam and look for picks elsewhere.”
SkellyBirb says “If the LeBlanc is good, she can dodge your knock ups and get stuns off on you doing massive damage. However, she is extremely squishy so if she could be one shot in return.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up and you might struggle early in laning phase. She has a lot of burst damage, even early in laning and she can root you too. This lane becomes a lot easier after level 6 so keep your head down, try your best to farm and try not to die to ganks or solo in lane. After 6 you should either try to kill her and if this is not possible, call for jungler help. Don't forget to roam and look for picks elsewhere.”
GetMeOldDiana says “At every stage of the game you can lose, don't ever engage without your jungler or if she doesn't have E. In my personal case, it's not so hard but for a early Diana player you can struggle.”
Reason97 says “Another skill matchup. Leblanc has a very forgiving "get out of jail free" card with her ability to teleport back to her shadow, which makes her hard to kill, and has the ability to jump to you, chunk your health, and then jump back to her shadow all before you can even respond. Most likely, you arent gonna be killing her a whole lot in lane, so focus more on farming and keeping her on the backfoot. save your stuns for when she jumps in, and catch her out with it and your blizzard to scare her into backing off without really hurting you too much. Do NOT chase her for a kill, let her run, and farm up while she's forced to back and heal up. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. She will just beat you! You can windwall her Q and E but she will usually just bait it then go back in and solo kill you. Take Conq and probably exhaust.”
VoxolPrime says “Leblanc can chunk you out early due to her W and her passive can stop free kills on her, pay attention when csing and try to not lose lane to hard. ”
Jimmy1337 says “While playing vs her, try to poke her before you want to kill. LeBlanc is very mobility champion, and she can easily dodge your combo with W and outplay you.”
MarkPalm says “I hate this matchup. You have to Q her when she Ws you. But you can't really input buffer. If you can somehow throw a W before she Ws you, then land a Q, you will dominate the trade.
I like the rule of thumb that a 0-0-0 le blanc is a useless le blanc. She can't kill anyone and she falls off harder than you will.
Her W cooldown is 18/16/14 so time it. When it's on CD and you can bait the E, you can kill her. But a good le blanc will keep a distance and wait for you to Qranged her and then throw a straight line no-miss chains.
One thing you can do is pretend you're going to Qranged her, and then Q to a minion and dodge the E. Then you can at least get some damage off.
Finally, LB has a hard time farming under tower. Rush tia (as always) and shove lane, get mid prio, and ward or gank. ALWAYS CALL MIA, you don't want her to get fed, she's annoying af.
If you really hate her you can ignite before her passive so you can tell which one is the actual lb. Passive has CD of ”
arcanejhin says “She hard counters you for the amount of dashes she has. If she is good she will jump around everyone of your moves and poke you down.
If you can dodge her E (chain) you should be able to chase her down and do some damage. Let her push into your tower so she can not W away. DO NOT GET POKED DOWN EARLY, try to clear first wave and then play back”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty easy matchup, if she takes first item doran's blade let her be till you get level 6 since she can just harass you. After 6 care for her chain if you get chained once you will be chained twice..”
Shock_101 says “Leblanc is annoying too. She es in and presses every button on her keyboard at the same time, allowing her to half-health you in an instant. If you see her flying at you, even if shes through minions, e her, because by the time she gets to you she probably won't be in minions anymore, and your e will hit. kill her pre-6, and bait out her e whenever possible. Its on something like a 16 second cooldown early, so abuse that.”
DaggerTV_ says “leblanc will be extreamly anoying early game. She can double chain you in mid game, and can 1shot you in late. However, you deal a lot of dmagae if you place the daggers right with her w., use your ult when you are between her and he w.”
ShockMaster says “After the 8.8 patch LeBlanc can be a problem for Kennen,try to rush magic resist and if you re feeling uncomfortable against her choose a Barrier”
Yuki H. says “A lane bully who dictates the early game is never fun to play against. I personally don't have much of a problem in this match up, but she supposedly does well against Zed. Her W makes it hard to hit skill shots which might explain one aspect, but her mark passive also makes it hard to come up to cs. Start Doran's Shield for safety and rush Hexdrinker for an even safer lane if needed. I personally think a Doran's Shield and Merc Treads are enough to handle lb.”
tyo professor says “A good leblanc will be hard to play vs. Most LB's would look to Q-w you when you are in range. Also her E(chain) will still root you even if you are in pool. This means you should use pool to not get hit by it because getting hit by it means you will die.”
BEYBLADE NOXIANO says “Early Game dela é muito mais forte, mas se ela usar o W errado você consegue puní-la. Tente desviar das correntes dela com seu E. Seu lvl 6 é mais forte.”
Chiefsnake says “She can hop in on you and burst you but you can just Q her as soon as she goes in forcing her to jump back out and break her chain or get stunned. you really just need to play around her dash cooldown in this matchup”
Gerrit2020 says “She can poke you alot with her long ranges and if you dont have the best reacton time she will get free trades without you beeing able to really fight her back”
Defensivity1 says “Dont use your q unless she comes within the range and dont be affraid to cage her up, she can stay very safe away from you just like ziggs and then jump in to burst you be cautious.”
Veralion says “Buffed, and is worth respecting again early. If she W’s in and goes for a chain, don’t just run back and set her up for a clear shot. Rotate around your creeps and use them as shields until she’s forced to take her W back or be stuck in the middle of the lane with no mobility. At level 5, the matchup starts to turn and your E is now strong enough to hurt her. Just a few hits should get her low enough to discourage any aggression and set up your all in. At 6, go up and just start autoing a creep with your cursor over her. The second she distorts in, ult at her (your knockback actually completely cancels her ability if cast early enough). She will probably snap back to her distortion portal right away, so wait for her to do so before using your E and autoing her. Now, from this point the correct decision is for her to R distort away and cut her losses, but you will probably still have a Q mark over your head that she wants to proc, so she may use E instead. This will give you the time you need to tear her to pieces. If she was pushed up a good bit you should be able to chase and finish the kill. As long as you avoid her level 3 combo, the lane is free. A lot of LBs love just leaving mid lane randomly to go roam. Just spam ping, shove in and don’t worry about following her into fog, where she can set up on you for free and ruin your life. A level lead will end her game. Catching her facechecking on her way back is a good way to chunk her out of lane. ”
Man0Vit0r says “[Eng]: Le blanc is a boring champion to play against because of his teleports, moving fast while causing you damage, against it is good to use your stun at the right time
[BR]: Le blanc é um campeão chato para jogar contra por causa de seus teleports, movendo-se rapidamente enquanto lhe causa danos, contra ele é bom usar seu Q certo, procure nao desperdiçar a toa”
I1oveZombie says “Unless the player is making a mistake you can never hit double Q, however you can also set up Bombs at her W so that she cant really recall to it.”
Icemperor says “Leblanc has CC and Mobility. You want to stick in your shroud early in fights, and try to stick in the space between her dash and her dash-mark, so you can attack if she blinks back to her mark too.”
Dare366 says “She a hoe. Deadass she gives you trouble cuz she can poke you down and w you and you can't trade back too well. You gotta get her low with ranged e+q and clear waves. You got corrupting pots so you'll be fine and survive lane phase. You'll be more useful early and mid game.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “LeBlanc isn't more dangerous than Malphite in Vladimir's eyes, with a proper game you can dodge her Q+R combo with Sanguine Pool, beware of gangs because she has some serious CC (E-R) and it can lead you to the point where she can easily manipulate mid-lane area with her jungler. Its not a risky business as mentioned before in 1v1, but if shes to get fed, she can one-shot everyone in your team, so becareful when she is missing and give SS. You should start trading when you have 3rd Q because without it, your damage and sustain may be not enough at early game to confront her. Do not let her poke you down freely. In teamfights you can punish her when she tries to w q+r, try to defend your teammates against her but do not try to chase her, its really risky since her mobility will probably seperate you from your team. Otherwise shes more of an assassin type, defend ur team as usual, render her useless in teamfights. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET.”
LinCass says “Try to freeze the wave early at any cost, her gank setup is too great for you to overextend, consider second item banchee to have a greater chance of winning 1v1”
Nooldles says “This matchup is quite tricky especially vs good Leblancs. When she uses W onto you try use W on her. If you do it right you will come out on top of the trade. She can just never W into you and use her Q and E to poke you out. Thing is she can just use her abilities reactively if you want to trade aggressively. Pretty rough matchup, but if you can survive early and match farm, you do kind of outscale.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Do NOT let her roam, if you do try to track her since she has strong roams.
In lane, if she goes in for a trade you can E to soften the blow and stun her when she jumps in so that she can't jump out before your damage.
Just try to get her to engage before doing Q so you can deny more damage with her having to Q E after your stun.”
ThatOneKatMain says “Not a bad matchup try to dodge her e and her passive doesn't affect you since your r will hit both her and the clone. She's very squishy so if she messes up at all you can burst her down really fast.”
AlolanFairy says “Can delete you before you delete her.
Make sure to poke a lot early game and learn her movement/skill pattern.
Once you can predict LeBlanc, she's effectively out of the game.”
snukumz says “Possibly worth a ban if you don't mind playing against Fizz.
She's super hard to hit because of her mobility, and hard to kill because of her passive.
The jungler usually won't be able to gank and help you kill her.
Get banshee's against her. She can 100-0 you in the late game instantly with banshee's/zhonya's. ”
GrayRiver says “DODGE by any chance :)
"I absolutley despise going against Leblanc. Not because she counters akali a lot, but since she's annoying to play against. She's gonna try to fool your mind completely. whenever she goes in for a trade, play agro against her. wait until 6 for a full engage as she can play with you easily." Scyrine”
1256 says “annoying earlygame, lots of burst but you outscale very hard, she has very good gank setup so just be careful
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
LightningTemplar says “Electrocute setup. Long Sword + 3 pots start. Skill matchup. Play safe early. Rush Hexdrinker if needed. Be careful early as her dmg is high, if she Qs you, walk back until the Sigil disappears.”
SicKitty says “ok so she can be baited under tower if you do it right but in most cases your gonna just throw your Q from under tower, not fun to fight but hecrim is still the #1 ban but she is the #2 if your jng is gonna be playing hec”
Art1val says “If you land your e you will win trades, only annoying thing is her passive has a short cooldown, so be certain you ignite the right one if you do it after her passive procs. She will 1 shot you late game though.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This is a skill match-up and you might struggle early in laning phase. This lane becomes a lot easier after level 6 so keep your head down, try your best to farm and try not to die to ganks or solo in lane. After 6 you should either try to kill her and if this is not possible, call for jungler help. Don't forget to roam and look for picks elsewhere.
Lobban says “Defenantly Zed's hardest counter. Her early poke is crazy, she can easily push you under tower to go for a roam. Leblanc can also now in season 7 double W faster. Her W shuts your ult down super fast. Then lb can go back in after death mark has popped. ”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “LeBlanc's mobility makes it near impossible for you to hit any ability.
She has extreme CC Range with her chain and instant burst with Q and ult.
Do not fight her at any cost and try to get as much experience and cs as possible.
Ideally let her push so you can farm more safely under turret and zone her off with your W.”
evilforreal says “The best way to mess up Leblanc is to rush in if she dives on you with W. This usually throws of their E aim, and then try to keep equidistant from her location/W position to guarantee the root even if she swaps back.
Push the lane as she cannot farm as well as you. Rotate when she starts to roam to stop her from getting ahead.”
KataFlix says “LeBlanc is tricky, only her passive is the trick the rest of her abilities are simple to identify, to counter LeBlanc, make sure her E is being used and as soon as her E is on cooldown, dive in and make her bleed”
MaxskeProductions says “Dominates the lane phase. You can kill her but her mobility is crazy if she plays correctly. Do not let her E you or you will probably die. You can dash towards her when she decides to blink back to her W for a trade.”
CallMeDaddyGR says “In mid lane, leblanc is the biggest threat, all you can really do is try to dodge her e and w with your e and w and wait till level 6, if she is not fed by then you should be able to easily jump her and i highly recommend bying banshees for this match up”
Ventus2k says “Very hard as she can bully you early on but you still have the option of playing safe and just scale (you scale better).
Play around her W cooldown.”
Debonair Karma says “Very difficult matchup. You need amazing reflexes to get ahead. Pay attention to her. When you see her cast Q immediately shield, walk back and Q in her direction. Get early MR. Take teleport/barrier. Build ROA-Seraphs and merc treads.”
Gageowago says “Used to be a harder matchup but you can now charm her out of w. If she walks up and lands q on you at level 2 she is going for a Q W AA electrocute proc on you. You can charm her W if there aren't any minions to block which will easily win you the trade. you usually can easily land a charm on her if she overextends to finish her E's root on you.”
Papapostolou says “I always ban this pick, she most likely gonna bully you and always kill you, its like very hard to beat her but there is a chance, try to ask for a gank but first waste her w. Zhonyas here is good. Also here you have to play for late.”
ZombieZack1 says “Leblanc will Dodge every Shot that u Throw, only way of Winning is too Have a Jungle Camp u, Which is Rare because She can just W out”
Lil Tidepod says “LeBlanc really isn't a problem for Ryze. Stay out of the minion wave. Side step her chain. Root her if she wants to get close to you. Really, you can kind of mess around going against a LeBlanc in lane.”
Fhizzikx says “Once she hits lvl 2 play from afar because if she gets a q w onto you then you will take tons of damage and you can die. Don't use your e if she recently used her w or she has her w up. And don't use it if she has ult and her last ability used was her w. ”
Capparelli says “"She's mobile so she should be hard right?" Wrong. her engage is her damage use your root when you dive in on her and play safe at level 1-3, your E-Q is auto targeted even after her dash and her passive, do not be afraid to lose health in order to deal damage, you have lots of sustain with the above runes”
Giurg says “Her high mobility makes it hard for you to land your Q on her. She's very squishy though which means that a nice landed Q will probably result in a kill. ”
I main support says “Like Yasuo, she can burst you down and is also very mobile, she is more vulnerable then Yasuo but this doesn't change how dangerous she is to everyone.”
JccmSaysNom says “Leblanc is known for her high mobility and insane burst.
Both of which are a literal nightmare to a one trick skillshot pony as AP Ashe.
This matchup makes Zed look like childsplay.
You will be doing your team a favour of going AFK at fountain in this matchup.”
serruh says “leblanc used to be a decently easy matchup back when ryze had shields and/or people ran aftershock on him. that is no longer the case so this matchup got a whole lot harder. she has a lot of early kill threat and can also 100-0 you after 6 if you're not careful. catalyst + mercs should be your early buys, try to survive, but this lane is not impossible and can be turned around eventually”
RefFusioner says “Your E is good against LeBlanc.
But don't be overconfident.
Try to hide behind minions or dodge her E.
She can do some serious poke damage as well.”
awarded shoe says “It's hard, but not impossible, try to use your Q when she tries to agressive, this way you can tank a bit of damage with Q shield
Try taking Corrupting Potion as well, might help a lot”
Malmortious says “Her burst is slower and the damage is really delayed compared to yours. She also falls off harder than you do late game, but a general advice would be to dodge her chain. You can do some trades early but then wait for level 6 when you get your ultimate and kill her.”
RockitoAhri says “LB has a clunky auto attack. Throw Q's at her when she is walking up on a low HP minion in order to last hit it. She will either have to give up the gold, use her W (which costs more mana) or take the dmg. Either way, its not good for her... Sidestepping LB's E is crucial. Whenever you see her charging towards you with W, immediately start walking left or right. She will most likely throw it forward (unless she is good). ”
deprimere says “She has less cooldown on every ability than Nocturne,
makes it hard to W - Spellshield the right spells.
Also her passive can be pretty annoying.
But overall - winnable.”
Kami_EU says “Skill matchup, her trades are telegraphed > if she Q's you she wants to W or E, dash/position accordingly.
Early trades are in LB's favour since it's easy for her to proc electrocute and chip 30% of your health if you misposition yourself.
ur_mom_gay says “Fairly annoying matchup since you will have to outplay her. Early levels don't step up or you will eat a QW electrocute and lose half your HP. When going for your poke combo don't immediately throw your Q's since LBs like to W into you as soon as your W comes out. I like to wait for her Mimicked W then all in.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “Most likely skill match up
if you're better than her you'll dominate the midlane
if she's better than you she will dominate and destroy you
try to bait her passive before you R her and always WEQ her, play safe pre level 4 and poke her
she can't really farm that good so try to deny her as much as possible by pushing the wave under her tower”
Witchxry says “Leblanc is a bit dangerous because of her high damage, cc, and mobility, but you're just going to want to get to level 6 as fast as you can and try to roam to get kills to get ahead.”
Sloyr says “She's a really flashy champion, she can easily bait your daggers and her QW damage is really high, try to play slow to predict where she's going to go with her W and dodge her QW combo with your E. If she does a full combo with R at 6 and you were able to dodge her abilities, you can try to all in on her, because without her W she's really weak.”
Calggara Z says “stay behind minions to prevent her stun from landing. if she jumps in, try to get a basic attack off or Q. predict her dash retreat with cage and you can easily kill her with mist walkers at that point. just keep cool and wait for her to make a mistake.”
Gogicha55 says “Pretty hard matchup cuz of her mobility and outplay potential, Dodging her chain is really important.
there's a trick to countering her W, when she's out of range and you feel like she will W to get some damage in without you being able to trade back you just Q on her and when she W's near you, you will Q her automatically so you will be able to get some damage in before she blinks back.”
Eccentricks says “Yeah sure, lock me down from like 1000 feet away. I don't give a crap.
Just dodge this one, no good ult, counters you in every way, and nearly guaranteed to lose no matter your skill level (I mean, if you were in diamond, but then you wouldn't be reading this guide...)”
8wolf says “Hands down my worst matchup. I've heard people saying it's not that difficult, but personally it's just too annoying for me. Her mobility is insane, your wall is nothing against her and her burst potential can destroy your hp bar with only one combo. I just don't want to deal with her so i ban her 90% of the time.”
Daedralus says “Range, blinks, roots, clones and an annoying laugh! For the common player that is not extremely familiar with LB mechanics is likely to be tricked or played or simply not very good at timing. Her dash and blink can be latched on to, but they are significantly fast paced abilities which make it more difficult compared to other champions. Having the ability to distance and dock you as well as burst you down, she takes the cookie quite easily and can shut you down early quite hard. Going on, your E will save you from her combo and an ult that hits her after having your first item (gunblade) will be an easy kill (regardless of this difficulty level in matchup) as she is extremely squishy. A fast follow up Q and gunblade after your ult will cause an insta kill. But here is why the difficulty remains high as it is difficult to land your ult considering her escapes and juking capabilities as well as having a clone, giving you a chance to fail horrendously. Going invisible to spawn her clone also grants her a chance to come back or escape your following abilities for the kill. Overall, just a very annoying champ regardless of who you play.”
Gettsuu says “Bon la faut vraiment pas tilt votre jungler ne pourras rien faire et vous allez probablement vous faire explosé sous tour.
Vous ne la tuerez jamais en 1v1 attendez la lategame et les tf !!ATTENTION A VOTRE POSITION CONTRE LB!!”
Tehqo says “This champ might prove to be a problem. She has a lot of mobility and might just make your ult completely useless. You want to avoid her chains 100%. Because if you get hit by her chains, you're most definitely dead. Farm and try to push hard early game because it's difficult for her to farm under turret.”
NebuIa says “I really enjoy this matchup. Try to predict when she will W in on you and throw your E out as she is in midair so she can't dodge it. It's pretty scary but I don't have too much trouble. E level 1 is nice if you wanna cheese her with it, as she will probably W auto auto for electrocute, and not expect bubble.”
TheBlueImperial says “Slippery and annoying but you've got decent anti-magic damage in your kit to avoid being oneshot by her, once you hit any CC on her she is dead because of how squishy she is.”
Je Suis Azir says “Honestly, the threat with LB is ganks. She and you have similar capacities, but she can fuck off when she feels like it waaay better. Her capacity to kill you is dependent on having gank potential, and her capacity to escape is dependent on her cooldowns. She is much more weak than you'd think. Be aware of her jungler and yours, if your jungler wants to gank, get her to all in you, then she is fucked. She HAS to snowball to be worth anything, so you can tease this fucker and ruin her game if you play properly.”
Luqadris says “such a pain in the *** in early game , all you can do is just poke , you want to buy hextech protobelt as fast as you can and stay behind minions . If she uses his q and then jumps on you quicly try to hit her with your e,q and aa, when you get hextech protobelt and she jumps on you , you can do the same thing (q and e and aa) but now also you can chase her and try to hit again with q and e , you can also kill her with your ult combo, when you chase her and she tries to e you , then ult, e,w (if you haven't ulted yet) if you have ulted , then go to e and w and also use your protobelt (if you haven't used it) if you have then just go to e and w , use your e on her and run away and keep farming you will this champ is just so busted”
i am a heron says “you're immobile and low-range, so you might think she would be hard for you, but you actually push and cs better than she does, your E keeps her from bursting you, and your Q is often easy to land against her and keeps her from backing out. make sure to abuse your autos against her, because she's very squishy and can't take too many. the real threat from leblanc comes from her roam, but rejoice! you outscale her :-) she can still out-trade you if she lands her E and doesn't take bushwack damage, so make sure to use your autos and try not to let her burst through your shield totally for free. after level 6, don't let her full-combo you and try to wait for your ult or your jungler to fight her.”
Aizenvolt says “Leblanc is generally an easy matchup. Stand behind minions so she can't you her e on you and poke her with your q and e. If she uses q on you then q her too so you minimize her damage from her q,w combo. Just farm before 6 and poke when you can. After lvl 11 she can't kill you if she isn't fed.”
LONERlSM says “Lb doesnt need to play the lane well to beat you its not really fair look to go at her level 1 and cheese her laning. What makes lb so good is when she is ahead she can make you 0-4 like nothing. Staying even in this matchup is key. Rylias 2nd Item.
DravensBukkake says “If LB is ever a good or top tier mid laner, dodge or ban. If not (like as of 9.15), she's very hard matchup for Azir. If she W's in, W AA her, but do NOT let her attack you 3 times, otherwise she procs electro and gets to W back with free dmg level 1.
Level 2 and onwards, its W Q AA her, and run. If she has mark on you, walk back until it expires. Then you win trades as no mark LB doesn't do that much dmg. ”
Mid Win Repeat says “Rush mercury treads in this match up. If Taliyah is your main feel free to go glass cannon. Casting out your E when she W's in procs the full damage from it. Cast q at the same time and auto attack all as shes coming in, she will take heavy damage and blink back immediately. Cast your W on to where hers was to pull her back in and potentially finish her off.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “Same as katarina, good lb wont let you kill her, and she has bad farming under turrets, push her and always use your windwall on her q or e
ignite her before she gets her passive to know which one is real,
try to hold on your 3rd q when she uses her w, and when she comes back to it you can throw it at her”
SrAlex-kun says “La movilidad de LeBlanc te hara imposible dar ninguna habilidad asi que si juegas contra ella no pelees mucho que te conozco. Solo farmea y ya. Juega bajo de torreta y farmea.”
Marumo says “Threat level 9.
A nightmare. Her long range, her huge burst, all just make her a pain. Here you just wait it out. Don't be afraid to give up cs, it's more important that you stay alive and are doing damage in the late game than trying to 1 v 1 her in the early. ”
Xelaadryth says “Once she gains a few levels in W, she can Q+W you for a bunch of damage and push hard. Try to E away to reduce W damage and also help juke her E tether. Her roams are hard to deal with too.”
LOLVan says “---------------------------------------------------
Character KEY -
(Q) = Bladesurge with *NO RESET
(*Q*) = Bladesurge with *RESET*
(AA) = Auto-Attack
[1x] = 1 - Ability Cast / Auto-Attack
Its a hard match-up the first few time; this match-up will become easier to farm/sustain/and pressure.
[LEVEL 1]:
Last hit each minion with (*Q*) WITHOUT pushing the wave. Achieve (5-Passive Stacks) from the first minion wave, and rush to kill the *First MELEE Minion* in the second wave... granting XP for [lvl 2]
[LEVEL 2]:
If you make it to [lvl 2] while maintaining (5-Passive Stacks) force an all-in. The faster you can all-in after hitting [lvl 2] the better. Set your wave up so you can (*Q*) to a minion while using (E) to catch your laner off-gaurd.
*Side-Tip*: Practice using (*Q*)
and upgrading your (E) ability
upon landing from (Q)-dash.
Then immediately casting (E) on
your target in "One-Fluid-
Motion". (*Q*) + level-up ability
Immediately (Q) to target, and proceed to (AA) until target exits (AA)-range and/or you can execute...
*Summoner Execute*
= (Q) + |[1x]-(AA)|
"ONLY" use your Second-(Q) ...|(Q)-[2nd]|... when execute conditions apply. Don't be impatient with |(Q)-[2nd]|, holding out for 1 more (AA) always does more Total Dmg. But use
[AKA]: Use your Second-(Q) when the targets health is low enough to satisfy...
[Execution] <= |[1x]-(Q)| + |[1x]-(AA)|
[LEVEL 3-5]: Repeat this process.
1.) Set up the wave for quick
trades with (*Q*)-IN
2.) Look to get [2]-"AutoAttacks"...
|[2x]-(AA)|...on your laner. If
you can drop solid (E), go for
the "All-In".
3.) Always use your (Q) as an
*Auto-Reset*. The faster your
(AS), the faster your combo
will be... |[1x]-(AA) + (Q)|.
Braddik says “you outrade her early with your electrocute, past 6 R away from her chains if she hits one. If her clones spawn together you can use E to hit them both ”
HeisendongNA says “This is ok matchup for Heimerdinger. Her mobility can be annoying, but her W has really long cooldown early on, and in order to trade she has use it on top of you into bunch of turrets. But be careful, she is one of the best roamers in the game and if she roams don't follow her into fog of war - it is when she at her strongest: small skirmishes like 2v2 or 3v3 and locations where you lack vision so she can burst you when you don't expect it. Just warn your teammates that she is missing and hope they will not die. I recommend to build banshee's and mercury treads. With this build there is no way she can kill you. Take ignite if you've got massive balls or barrier as a safe choice.”
spark2 says “She has terrible waveclear--the only way for her to efficiently clear is with her W, which is mana intensive and has a really long CD early game. Therefore, your best bet is to shove your lane into her tower and force her to burn abilities and mana to farm or miss CS (make sure to ward up to protect you from ganks!). While this is happening, feel free to gank other lanes. When you're actually fighting her, your ult and shield are your best tools. Interrupting her with a sudden heal/invulnerability or a clutch shield/stun can be devastating to her ability to trade. Dodge her chain, and get a feel for how your opponent moves so you can tell which one is them and which is the clone.”
Cloud375 says “She can burst you down as well as juke you. This is a pretty annoying matchup but if you play it right, then you could end up destroying her.”
Tayna says “The only big issue with leblanc is that she can literally have half an item and still take half of your health away with 2 abilities, because this champ is amazing (ugh)
Farm from the distance, buy Rod of Ages ”
Asothin says “Simply avoid fighting her. She will dodge most of your Q's and E's and will burst you down. If you can land a few E's off early game when she teleports back then you might be able to win this lane but you will need help.”
Yu_1 says “Her extreme mobility and high burst damage allows her to easily out-trade you in lane and dodge your combos. Play it safe pre-6 and only go in on her after she uses her blink/dash.”
YoussefJoe says “Higher Mobility champs causes his/her skills predictions are a little bit harder but you can always land your W at the right spot which he/she would stop by and do your skill order ”
Novok says “LB has a clunky auto attack. Throw Q's at her when she is walking up on a low HP minion in order to last hit it. She will either have to give up the gold, use her W (which costs more mana) or take the dmg. Either way, its not good for her... Sidestepping LB's E is crucial. Whenever you see her charging towards you with W, immediately start walking left or right. She will most likely throw it forward (unless she is good). If she goes for you and start with her W react and throw your Charm to cancel it.”
worddog says “Most Ekko mains will think Leblanc is a hard counter to Ekko, she is not. She is difficult, but the matchup is completely skill dependant due to the fact you can follow the second part of her W with your E. This nullifies her disengage. While the matchup still favours her, there is outplay potential.”
SirZeros says “You are lucky that LeBlanc got reworked in Preseason 7. Now she needs at least 1.5 seconds to kill you. That should be enough for you to kill her late game, but keep in mind that her early game is stronger. Just try to get a stun on her from time to time. And if she got you kind of low with all her spells don't be scared too much if you could kill her, since she most likely needs to wait some seconds until she gets her abilities back. Try to balance yourself what is smart to do.”
MironW says “Against a good LeBlanc you can't do anything, she can burst you down easily and you can't do much, again, enable your other lanes to carry.”
Flakees says “She's annoying to play against, she can pressure your so hard in the early game, just try to not give her kills, then, after lvl 6 and your lich bane you can start killing her.”
Euphoric Toaster says “LeBlanc can be really frustrating to play against because she can do a lot of damage easily with her Q + W + AA + Electrocute combo, with very little counterplay to it, plus shes generally pretty mobile with her W. You CAN stun her while she uses W towards you but it can be difficult and only disengages, as unless shes low you can't burst her before she swaps back. You can also W her preemptively if you predict shes going to W you, which can be a nice trade in your favor, especially if shes near your turrets. Additionally, you can block her chain with your turrets if you're fast enough. After 6 shes a lot harder to deal with because she has access to 2 dashes, making it a lot harder to actually land a stun on her. Recently, LeBlanc was nerfed though, so it made the matchup quite a bit easier.”
chloric says “She's very controlling of the lane. She decides how the lane goes. Just don't feed her kills. Otherwise, you have better teamfighting than her.”
Castel Ahri says “Very squishy. Reserve our charm for the finale blow or if ever, for the moment leblanc can't return to her 2nd or if your'e sure she can't trade. Dodge her 3rd. It allows Leb to finish you off instantly when trig33red.”
Chromuro says “After the revert, she's more powerfull, but she gained back a lot of her problems (like really low pushing power). Stay at a safe distance (moreover after level 6) and just block her under her tower. Please double check before ulting her, you really don't want to ult her mirror image.”
SeeEl says “EDITED: She is ban worthy and difficult to play around but you can definitely win this lane if there is a skill difference. If you are playing at your own elo, try build a lead from level 1 by making a slow push toward her and creating a minion differential. Other than that, respect and try stay out of her qw ranges.”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs LeBlanc. This is a smiliar match up between Kennen vs Katarina, just that LeBlanc has the early game advantage in terms of damage.”
Fox1ne says “If you playing with 10 ms start E, Anything else than this just try harassing her early level,she has not much burst. But at 6 look for roams lane is over for you.”
hoppyscotch says “She can just poke you out of lane and there is not much you can do vs a decent leblanc. I recommend to run fleet and play around her w cooldown.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Skill Matchup
You will have to burst her in Early Game and be careful when she catches you with E because you won't absorb damage if you get trapped but you can R almost before you get trapped or WW2 or R2 to move away”
ZenonZeni says “Leblanc a dangerous champ if you let her be. Try to punish her at level 1-2 and get a kill before level 3 or else she will be able to one-shot you. Build Banshee's to able to face her at an even level.”
DanDosXR says “She just has a lot of mobility and she hurts a lot. Abuse her early game with your E and try to bait her W, if she misses it you can dive her with your ult and try to burst her.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. This matchup is hard, but not unwinnable. Her level 3 is amazing. Push her in level 1 and 2, and let the wave push back for 3. Bait out her W if you want to go in or wait for a gank. Basically, you can't really kill her, she can kill you. Watch her double chain, as that spells death for you (spells, haha, nice pun). Take FF.”
LiakoZ says “LeBlanc's mobility makes it near impossible for you to hit any ability. Do not fight her and try to get as much XP and CS as possible. Let her push so you can safely farm under tower and ask for ganks.”
I Do Not Flame says “Kinda easy match up, if you can stomp her in early, she cannot recover for the late. Look at her items and build yourself to mitigate them.”
TruePvPYT says “If the Leblanc knows what she is doing, you are surely loosing lane. Roam alot and dont overstay for cs. Try to farm whenever you can and keep it even with her. You cant really do much against her unless he uses her W and Q for the wave and then this is the window for all in.”
PizzaMarine says “Leblanc can give anybody a headache, and us Chads are of no exception. They will attempt to harass you so that you aren't capable of sucking them senseless, however you can poke them back with crows. Your Drain will also continue to wither them away even when she splits into two, which is a nice perk.”
MehmetPower69 says “LeBlanc will not be able to touch you unless she is really good but you wont be able to touch her because of her w (jump/dash). And if you try to trap her with your e she will most likely just jump back to her first position. Late game you will smash her most likely unless she gets you behind.”
MehmetPower69 says “Leblanc got alot of range so try to use your Q (turrets) to protect from her E (root) and just try to predict where she will jump. Constantly poke with your turrets and W (if needed get double dorans) Other wise it should be a fairly easy matchup.”
SepekuAW says “another 50/50 skill matchup.
You can cancel leblancs W with your E making it very easy to win trades. You can push easier as well to keep her under tower. don't let LB shove you in. be ready to q + e her when you go to CS. If you ever miss your E, back up and give up CS until it's off cooldown unless she is passive.
This matchup is volatile if you get ahead u can one shot her forever. Whenever you see her walking up as you go to cs get ready to q + e her to cancel her W. make sure you get your ulti off before her passive procs as well! you can do 70% of her life with a lost chapter, level 6, 5 ball ulti and ignite!!”
Xavier Senori says “LeBlanc is not as problematic as most people make her out to be (though with her burst and mobility she is still a pain). Most LB players assume that their DPS is going to be higher than yours, but I guess they haven't played against many Cassiopeia players because they are dead wrong. Your level 1-2 are much stronger than hers, use this to your advantage to zone her and control the lane. If she all ins you, dont run, turn around and fight. A good trick when LeBlanc players constantly W + Q harass you and then Distortion out is to drop miasma where she came from so that when she blinks back you can follow up with as many Qs and Es as you can. Invest in an early Negatron Cloak if you need the MR.”
Kaized says “Very easy to land a bind when she jumps in. She can't teleport back when she's binded so you can get some damage off. Still hard to kill though.”
Zeprius says “Everyone knows LB... laning phase is impossible... well for me but just Farm up.. u scale... Ulting her clone as well as her also heals you”
kilgta says “you poke her a lot and since she is squishy you pretty much allin her at half hp on level 6 - 11 and shes dead. try to roam with her or inniate the roams since thats how she will try to get fed. She will try to allin you at level 2 or 3. Deny that by managing the wave and not shoving it to her tower. Be smart about it.
Start corrupt pot.”
MechaaZero says “Ok, this champ is kinda gross. If you can freeze lane, or pick very wise engagements. This can win you lane, or at least prevent you from feeding her. Not the worst one to go against.”
CC Diana says “Treat the matchup against Leblanc the same you would with Katarina. Leblanc has an incredibly powerful level 2 and level 3 where you need to be mindful of her skill rotation. Level 2 is Q -> W. Level 3 is a mix of the following:
Q -> W -> E
W -> Q -> E
W -> E -> Q -> (E (second hit))”
maplecat21 says “She can burst you super hard, and has run of the lane all through early game. She gets outscaled and can be outplayed early by throwing stun as soon as she uses w though. Move yourself so that her destination is between you and her return mark --> throw q at return mark.”
CoffeeCube says “Be careful of her Q and W combo and once she hits 6, she can basically kill you in an instant. Play back and try to predict her all ins”
Envel says “Pretty Annoying early Game, cause her lvl 2 is Stronger then your (Q+W Poke).
!!!!! PATCH 9.14 !!!!!!!
Her Charm now:
Cancels in-progress dashes.
That Means when LB tries to W on you, you can e her and it will interrupt her W and you wont receive any W Dmg.
Also avoid getting hit by her Chains, because its allow an easy follow for the Jungler.
But that Kinda basic for every other cc kinda mid.”
The Jhin Cena says “Scary damage and scary root. Though can be outplayed using your Q or E. She can also dodge your Ult pretty easily so you should probably wait until her W is down to launch it at her. Also be wary of illusion. If you see LeBlanc mindlessly running along the lane, that's likely her illusion, so don't blow your CD's on it.”
IceCreamPaintJob says “this is probably yasuo's worst matchup for mid lane, because of her insane burst and gank setup potential. she outranges you, so letting the lane push to you is a viable option here, then looking for extended trades if she walks up too far. you could theoretically push level 1 since you have better waveclear, but this could backfire if the leblanc thins the wave properly and freezes on you. but in lower elo, this strategy can work as well.”
Pidge18 says “Exhaust, Poke and keep as much range as possible. She will hurt. Try and get a gank off early from jungle or have them camp her and get you ahead. Follow her roams. ”
Thecookiesmudkip says “LeBlanc's roots and high burst damage will make it very hard to fight against but if you get your ult on her it should be an easy kill”
LyndonK9 says “Leblanc is one of Ahri's hardest matchups. When she Qs you shes typically going to W in. If you are fast enough you can charm her and negate the W damage and prevent her Q proc, but you have to have good reactions. Try and dodge her E. If you miss charm and she gets her E off and ults with her E, you lose.”
hipstersora says “Mobile enough to dodge everything you have. Twice. Has the burst to kill you before you can even EQ.
If you're play safe, she can still roam and get kills. I suggest spamming a winning lane with ultimates to try and get assists or just pressure down there so they can carry.”
Yenwai says “her ability to dash in and poke or all in suddenly gives her unpredictability, something that makes her a hard person to push in, because of this she can push and roam, getting kills across the map.
but if you bait her to dash under turret and R her mid dash you will lock her down and ensure massive damage if not a kill. if she clones from her passive during your R you don't lose your R and you keep her locked down despite her becoming invisible.”
YourBestSenpai says “Pretty annoying, can dodge your skills with her w and ult, but so can you with your ult, however, her animation is faster, so can be tricky. Pretty much who has more experience on the champion will win.”
BL00dY3nD says “You can dodge her Stun and maybe also her Jump damage. But she can also dodge everything you do so try to CS and maybe roam for some kills. If your jungler is good enough he could be useful for you.”
Bughans says “She can dodge your shit, but you should be able to make it through lane, and out of lane, and into lategame, and then win, because you spank towers harder than xayah when you're alone in your home.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Hard lane early. Play really safe and farm with Q. Don't push. If you get 6 before her you win, but if she gets 6 vefore or at the same time you lose. ”
Best Karth NA says “Annoying matchup, although you technically counter leblanc, you would need to play the matchup perfectly. Try to Q her and outtrade her when she goes in. Keep her shoved in when possible because she has a lot of trouble csing under turret. ”
Siand says “Her W is a dash, not a blink, your Q will hit her while dashing. Her going into you with it doesn't mean she wins as in many of her matchups.”
AgreeableOtter says “One of the easier matchups, Lv 6 you should win all ins. Make sure to keep track of her W Pad and dodge either Q W or E with your R.
Quick tip: W onto her when she's about to W to dodge it. ”
noolan says “You both have a ton of damage, but she is going to be able burst you down in a shorter amount of time. Her chains will make you a sitting duck if you dont have shunpo. Try to get Abyssal as soon as possible, and shunpo away if she goes for a quick combo. Play safe, you can do this.”
Shderen says “Why didn't you ban her?
LeBlanc is practically where she was before the assassin update at the end of season 6, I think it was? This means that she has worse waveclear, which gives you a slightly easier time dealing with her in lane. However, she synergises amazingly with straight damage, and a smart LeBlanc will conserve her many and now throw out bad combos randomly. Under the best conditions (she's dumb and also didn't build Morello's), you can keep other teammates healthy. If you decide to heal them, of course, which I don't advise. Your damage against her will not be enough, unless you catch her by surprise, E her, Q her and run away IMMEDIATELY. Also, I hate her passive.”
SmokeyEggs says “Leblanc isn't a very hard matchup yet it depends on how you play as well, you can fight depending on your items and level. Know when to engage.”
BicBee says “LB likes to Q then W. Her Q is at a longer range than her W so her jump will be predictable as long as you don't stand too close (AA range). Bait LB by letting her Q you, when she tries to step into W range charm her mid flight and Q. When she W towards you Q towards where her marker is. After LB jumps step to the side to dodge chains. LB's W is on a long CD early on around 10s so punish her after she W. LB has problems CSing under turret early on so look to shove. ”
Header_FX says “Push in early so LeBlanc need to cast her spells to wave clear and cant all in you. Dont try to trade with her, because you will loose. If she got her levels just try to stay back and farm. Late game is the time where LeBlanc falls off so just try to play safe.”
BicBee says “LB likes to Q then W. Her Q is at a longer range than her W so her jump will be predictable as long as you don't stand too close (AA range). After LB jumps step to the side to dodge chains. LB's W is on a long CD early on around 10s so punish her after she W. LB has problems CSing under turret early on so look to shove. ”
Draakos says “The early againt's Lb is difficult. So just try to manage your wave as long as possible. The only key to control LB is when you dodge her chain.”
AzureArmatt says “One of your counterpicks. Why? Mobility is the answer. Every champion that has enough mobility and dmg to doge your charm and Orb of deception is hard match up for you since Orb of deception is your main damage source and charm is your set up for all burst you have. Not to mention she has her own burst that is even greater then yours... We don't like her for sure. Respect every Leblanc you meet on rift (at least until u dominate lane because they are bad)”
Hatzo1vs9 says “on the lane phase when she tries to Q+W at you press your W before she lands her W , you wont take damage and outrade her , after 6 push her under turret and poke her till death .
pappychap says “out of place unpunishable champion reserved for homosexuals to play.. winnable if the lb is totally brain dead but best just to dodge it and save yourself the afk warning”
Gerrage says “Leblanc has the problem of mobility, she moves a lot, if you can't activate your skills it's dangerous, and as she gets low her mirror image activates, if you fail to W her by then or after then. You will lose. ”
Dudstrol says “LeBlanc voltou para seu estilo antigo de jogo, agora seu combo é explosivo e em um intervalo curto, por isso não ha muito o que fazer. Tome cuidado e tenha sempre noção de onde ela estiver, pois se ela te pegar de surpresa é morte.”
Jazzmonkey says “You need to get level 4 to outrade her. Wait until she use her jumps and then trade her. You Q follows her even if she jumps back. Your are able to one shot her if you got even farm and hit level 6.”
overweight_zoe says “Would strongly recommend leveling E second as it's pretty easy to land if she w's towards you. If she gets her q w combo off your e q combo damage should out trade hers. ”
The Bloodlord says “Play passive, use your W to dodge she's W but be careful if you W before she W you are most likely dead. When you get revolver go for AA + Q + E + W (W if she W)”
Jammy158 says “You cannot outtrade her early at all. Your best bet is to play a bit more passive and windwall her Q ideally or E if need be. You just need to outscale her but if she messes up you can definitely kill her.”
NackBkk says “Don't use your dash to poke past level 3. Once you're six, poke him down with your q+w, and make sure your ult is off cooldown in case he engages. He barely needs AP to instantly win a 1v1. Chain him if he dashes to you, late game you'll do more burst.”
Conceit says “She has a lot of kill pressure on you early. Just try wiggle just outside of w range and try to get e poke whenever you can. If you don't die early you can outscale soon. ”
kkiskk says “Try not to die. Wait for the passive debuff to end if she poke you with Q/W then use the combo to poke her and dodge her E to get back safely. Her E is super annoying. Dodge her E to win fights/trading.”
Junix L9 says “Be careful, when she hits lvl 2 she will just Q W Auto to get her electrocute proc which deals like half of your health.
You can try to fight her when she misses her E.
Eli The Bat says “Her mobility, cc, and damage makes it difficult for you to do your combo and win the 1 v 1....
So you better farm what you can and roam....”
Tipurrs says “If you're new in facing her, it might be a little hard especially at early game. At early game, she hits hard but she kinda falls of late game and she is really squishy. Rush Banshee's Veil and you will already win the lane. If you're gonna all in on her, stun her with Q and then continue with your combo.”
apsonalol says “Le blanc é um personagem um tanto quanto difícil, tome muito cuidado, por ela ter um dash muito cedo na lane você pode ser solado se acabar cometendo algum vacilo, sempre guarde a sua passiva do W para quando ela chegar perto de você, aliás a passiva do W da sona reduz o dano total do boneco, o que acaba que não burstando você, no mesmo caso da akali você terá que entregar a lane phase e jogar na team fight.”
LionLifeSteal says “Skill matchup, could tip either way depending on jungle pressure and player skill. You can push waves much quicker with a lesser cost than her but her all in potential is very high at all points in the game.”
moutenn says “Pretty mobile, and her burst and CC is hard to deal with. But just outplay and poke her. If you are on her and R. She will W away. Then follow with W and R back if she goes back.”
qasddsa says “Kind of difficult during laning phase since she can freely trade with you using her dash and all you have to trade back is Q and E. Make sure to stand in minions to dodge her chain or expect it coming so you can dodge it without minions. Gets much easier after level 6 and depends on who engages first -- if you engage you need to be careful, and if she engages you can follow up after she uses dash.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Due to her mobility, and very quick, high damage combinations, she is equipped to burst you down before you're able to react. Her Q-W-E or her E-Q-W-R combination are extremely quick, and difficult to dodge. As Syndra, your best best is to burst her before she can burst you. Having to rush your combinations may lead to mistakes, which can be deadly. In early laning phase, however, farm with Q-W and save E to shut down LeBlanc's engages. After laning phase you should be able to farm up, and have a lot more wave control around the map. Be aware of LeBlanc's kill pressure.”
Zetrok Bot says “
To finish the triad of the Counters, LeBlanc is like Kassadin, but faster like Kass, do not pass the river and warn every time he leaves the line, try not to push the line and when you do try to return to your tower , recall or steal something from the jungle.”
Rugie says “With new patch, she won't be big problem for you if you will not feed her or let her kill you. I recommend take magic resis. runes and doran's shield. Be careful about her. Try to play safe till you get some items. Try to not get hitted by her W and E.”
Draczor says “This matchup isn't too hard. If you manage to get a lead by winning trades against her you can pressure her from farming. Remember to not be in her W range and try dodging her E. If you get hit by her W she will win the trade, if not then you will. On levels 1 and 2 you easily win trades, just poke her enough with your Q and E to get an advantage. If you do so she won't be coming near you. If she keeps sticking around with about 20% hp try killing her. If she recalled and comes back with full hp you should play less aggresive. Keep poking her with your laser and keep a good distance from her, especially her W. Only play more aggressive if you have a hp advantage or if you outdamage her and you will be fine in this lane. I recommend taking Heal/Barrier since it will negate her burst but Teleport is still fine so you don't miss any minions. If she roams you can simply push the wave, recall and teleport to the lane she roamed, in case it's not good to teleport just keep pushing mid tower.”
Dralexus says “You rely on hitting your Ulti to get kills is most cases, she can dodge that pretty easily. Poke you though the lane phase while leaving you empty handed. ”
Exiled Heretic says “Leblanc favored. But you can still win if she misses her chain. Try to dodge her poke early on , that way you can roam or survive mid and late.”
Andicus says “This matchup is fairly 50/50 depending on her skill and your skill. However she is pretty slippery and has a bigger advantage pre-6 than you depending on how she plays. If you play around her W and don't fall for her passive you should be okay in laning.”
rimzaki says “Wait ur sanguine pool for hers distorion she can escape early game from u but no match against u cuz u have good sustain trade her when ur bloodrage come good luck”
Sozzoh says “A decent LeBlanc can destroy you. She can completely ignore your ult and your soldiers, and if she stuns you, consider yourself dead. Play passive in this lane and just try to farm. Get Banshee's to counter her, and roam for kills. Before LeBlanc reaches 40% health and pops her passive, ignite her so when she does pop her passive, you can tell which clone is real and chase after her, but if she runs into a brush, be very careful as a good LeBlanc can turn on you and destroy you.”
Superior current says “Leblanc is your priority ban. Even if laning phase goes fine, she easily snowballs out of control and is nigh impossible to catch. ”
undeadsoldiers says “Since the W nerfs in 8.22, she won't have her fast wave clear and that is very good. Wait for her to use her root, if you're sure you can survive and then just root her. Take QSS.”
Prenora says “Leblanc can get pretty out of control pretty fast, but she's a good one to counter strike, as her playstyle is much like yours, if you can win a trade do it, but if she's just playing safe.. push her under tower”
Witwickies says “LeBlanc can simply kill you in no time. You can not do literally anything, as she can use her W to dodge your abilities. What is more, she doesn't have to come close to minions to last-him them, so poking is very hard.”
Prenora says “you can dominate a bad leblanc but stand toe to toe with even the best ones, this is definitly a lane to max W, farm with autos' and when she goes for her all in, chase her down, you'll heal more damage then she can deal, (unless she's fed ofcourse)”
undeadsoldiers says “LeBlanc can no longer push you in as of the revert. But her single target burst is much better, and she's just as mobile if not more.
You can push her in and roam, but be careful of getting assassinated.
She can W or RW away from your E.
She is no longer as reliant on her E to assassinate you, so you may not have to dodge this with your R. But you can still R away to break the link if necessary.
Remember that if you chunk her she will create a clone.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Early laning is pretty safe. Once she uses her dash on you, you're pretty safe from her damage. Farm safely with Q/W, try to poke with Q/W/E occasionally. Once you hit 6, maybe try to receive a friendly gank to set her behind, avoid all out engages after level 6 however, if she manages to land her Q-W-E combination she will put you so far in the dirt you're eating worms. (Leblanc is an excellent 1v1 champion, avoid 1v1's at all costs) ”
ctt13 says “She can mostly just one-hit you, unless she messes up or you bait her. Using shrooms to whittle down her health before an engagement is key.”
ZF.PandaYang says “She is an easy match up, not much of an issue because you counter her kit and out trade her, do your best to find out which is the clone.
Jukapiz says “Another bad counter for Veigar. It can be very hard to keep LeBlanc in control and give some damage to her + due to your squishiness, she can easy get you low if she lands a good combo.”
Itsyaboyorchid says “Her level 3 burst is probably going to murk you. Play safe as possible, farm with Q-W. E yourself as soon as her W animation starts. Good luck chump. ”
Prenora says “Landing grand entrance on leblanc will probably be impossible, but fortunately she is very mana hungry and you have much better sustain. in the early game stick to farming and use your abilities to avoid her skill shots. leblanc has clear openings, but she is skillshot based, use your mobility to your advantage. ”
asffg123 says “Leblanc has an aggressive kit, allowing her to kill you pre-6 and after 6. You are likely to lose lane due to her mobility and damage output.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
Whoospnip says “LB passive and mobility makes it hard to both catch or 1 shot her. Her poke makes the lane horrible. Go Aftershock and taunt her when she w's in on you instead.”
DuhBrandon says “leblanc it not much of a threat to you in particularly but you should still because as her poke makes it hard to farm because she will make you stay under tower for half the game. but over time you will poke more than her and start winning lane. Although even if you do more damage than her you still shouldn't go in on her as she will punish you.”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “She has a unmatchable burst, but not until she hits level 3, so go all in level 2. Most LB play very aggressive in the early game and you must play off that, once she dashes in that's when you strike. Hit q then go in-between her and her shadow of her W and then use E. once your ahead you stay ahead and continue pushing waves till you hit 6 when you have to go all in before she hits 6. if you fall behind, ROAM and call for help or the game will collapse. (to tell which clone is the real one look which one is leaving a darkness trail behind).”
dumb lucker says “Patience is key in this matchup try to stay out of w+q range and hit her with full combo+ some autoattacks for lethal damage in earlygame if she uses w and still somehow doesnt respect your insane early burst ”
Canttouchthis123 says “Ew, just ew. If you get a good leblanc than good luck. again like akali you have no escape abilities so your only option is to sit under tower and pray she does something stupid.”
Sadmanv2 says “When she teleports to you, position yourself in a straight line from her current self and the original point from which she teleported from. Throw a sleep bubble, it will hit her regardless of whether she teleports back. Use passive and Q to trade with her. Crucial to land corrupting pot proc on her.”
BattleXD says “Depending on how aggressive the player is she is easy to fight or super hard to fight. If she playing safe just out poke her and W to stop her from trading.
But if she plays super agressive like more Leblancs do try poking and dodging he skills. if you throw your W then stand on it if she uses her W to attack she cant go back to her last spot till she is out of the debuff. ”
Arcuzz says “She probably will kick your ass. Keep calm and try to farm as much as you can.
Mid/late game: like zed, stay out of your range and limit yourself to just poke and wait for your team to start the fights. The ky for winning this match depends on how good you are at farming.”
Jekana says “Awh.. LeBlanc is such a pain for Ahri. You can't win this lane unless you're a longtime Ahri main. Just try to freeze and keep poking from as far away as possible.”
The Bando says “Annoying WQ combo, ask JG to wait for her W then just walk up. Free flash, then let her W again because she will. They always W again, BAM dead jg ganks.”
Smol Jelly says “A skill match-up. You're squishy, she's squishy. She's more mobile, but you can lock her down. Watch her distortions, and be careful of her passive, but it basically comes down to whoever catches who out first.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc is one of the best champs at punishing your CDs if you waste them, but as long as you have Q available you should be able to proc electrocute and win the trade when she jumps in. At level 1 her W has a 15 second CD so if she uses it you should be able to zone her off the wave and get prio. After this beware her gank setup, and play in the wave to avoid getting hit by the chain.”
Zattand says “LeBlanc es un enfrentamiento molesto debido a su movilidad insana y control de masas (CC) fuerte, lo que le permite conseguir eliminaciones fáciles con la ayuda de su jungla. Si te golpea con su E (Represalia), estarás prácticamente muerto si te gankean.
Consejos para enfrentar a LeBlanc:
Comienza con E y juega alrededor de su W:
Empezar con tu E (Hoja Cortante) en esta línea es una buena opción para intercambiar con LeBlanc. Usa tu E cuando ella intente lanzarte su W (Desaparición) para evitar el daño y darte la oportunidad de aprovechar y dañar a LeBlanc.
Usa Muro de Viento (W) para evitar su control de masas:
Muro de Viento (W) es tu herramienta principal para evitar el CC de LeBlanc. Usa W para bloquear su E y así evitar que te atrape en su combo de CC.
Posicionamiento inteligente y presión:
Trata de mantenerte sobre la marca de su W, lo que la forzará a quedarse en esa área y permitirá que le hagas un intercambio ventajoso.
LeBlanc es bastante débil si no puede reposicionarse fácilmente, así que usa su W a tu favor.
Construcción de resistencia mágica:
LeBlanc tiene un daño explosivo increíblemente alto, por lo que un Manto de Anulación Mágica temprano es clave para minimizar su daño. Además, ayuda a aguantar su burst, especialmente en la fase temprana del juego.
Ignite si deseas obtener el control en la línea:
Aunque generalmente será difícil matarla en la línea debido a su gran movilidad, si decides llevar Ignite puedes mejorar tus chances de matarla, ya que reducirá su curación y aumenta el daño en intercambios.
Considera Limpiar si el jungla enemigo tiene CC fuerte, lo que te permitirá mantenerte en la pelea sin quedar atrapado en sus habilidades.
LeBlanc puede ser una pesadilla por su habilidad para moverse rápidamente y aplicar una enorme cantidad de CC, pero con buen posicionamiento, timing y resistencias, puedes mitigar su impacto en la línea.”
Chuleex says “leBlanc is always a tough matchup bc of her high mobility, you can go dshield and bone plating even hexdrinker to stop as much damage as possible but the key to win the matchup is trade patterns, once she uses her w e q combo is your turn to kill, flashing her chain is never a great idea and your ult does not prevent the stun if it already hits you, play with boneplating to deny as much damage as possible and once she makes a bad trade or miss you can look to trade back, trading on her cds is extremely hard as she can dodge you easy, her first levels are also stronger than your so beware till lv 3”
ShokLoL says “1v1 LeBlanc is a very easy matchup for Viktor. With aery + resolve you should be able to win any trade even if she hits her E. If you stand in the creep wave and she can't hit her E then the trade is even better. The difficulty comes from her insane gank setup, so try and keep good words or keep the wave in a safer position post level 3.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc is very powerful in the early levels but will get easier as time goes on. Take boneplating + grasp. You should be able to win trades when boneplating is up, so use this to get prio over the first 2 or 3 waves. Once she hits level 3 you want to let the wave come back to you, try dodge her chain when she goes to trade by fighting in the creep wave. Level 9 onwards you will start to win if you haven't fallen too far behind by this point. Rush merc treads.”
BouncyElektra says “Feel super exhausting as she can safe poke and get out repeatedly.
Want electrocute and Q1 > E > Q2 combo whenever she blinks (tight timing).
Outfarm, don't screw with wave, you can freeze near tower, get a jungler to help, you can eventually evaporate waves.
Stormsurge third possible”
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