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LeBlanc Counter Stats

LeBlanc Counters
Discover all champions who counter LeBlanc. Use our statistics and learn how to counter LeBlanc in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,146 Tips for countering LeBlanc below

Mid Lane
48.27% Win Rate82% Pick Rate LeBlanc Mid Lane Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against LeBlanc in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Kayle Guide ( updates every season) by Lunar1v9 | Kayle Player
GAMING ACADEMY says “Skill matchup overall. You win the 1v1 and trades but she has super strong gank setup. Try use E to cancel her W. Make sure to get mercs when you can to avoid ganks. ”
zSmoke says “The matchup against Leblanc is very difficult since Leblanc is an abusive character against Diana, she will always have higher damage than you, the best thing is to avoid her E and try to beat her early when she doesn't have as much damage, trade her when she has W in cd, at level 6 if you don't have an advantage she will easily beat you. And if you are winning you can't trade her since she will have 2 dashes to be able to enter and exit with your ultimate.”
S14.23 GUIDE DIANA MID by zSmoke | Diana Player
PetriciteLoL says “Really hard if good and really snowbally. W when she W's you, that's mainly it”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Very dangerous first 5 levels. DO NOT hit the wave. Just last hit. Let her push you in, buy Null-Magic first back. Kaenic will ruin her day. You outscale very hard. PING your team for her ganks as that is the biggest threat to you. Just be patient and grab your cs. ”
RYZE by v0ltage38 | Ryze Player
Cepatrol says “very runedependant matchup, if you go early runes fist her if not then you have to play it safe, if she throws her sigil(q) and insta dashes on you you can pool both, if she waits and is good after throwign q just pool her dash and be inside minions so she ca nt chain after”
Vladimir Mid/Top Guide (Updated 14.21) by Cepatrol | Vladimir Player
xumi_k says “Depends on LB skill. Don't let her deceive you(and stun)! Respect her damage and don't let her all in you. You can kill her lvl2 I think. Overall, she's not much of a threat, or LB I saw were just bad. HER PASSIVE SENDS A CLONE IF SHE'S BELOW 30 % HP SO DON'T CHASE A CLONE.”
[14.21] Blade Dancer Guide (FOR BEGINNERS) by xumi_k | Irelia Player
OOBLEXX says “I find her pretty hard to catch personally due to her faster mobility and E. ”
Vi: A guide to boxing on the rift by OOBLEXX | Vi Player
Tamikaze says “[Banshee's Second Item if you fall behind on her] Generally, this is a difficult matchup for Azir. One of the most important things is to keep a good range on her so she doesn't get a free W on you without having to step up too far. If you can manage that, she's forced to use her W to engage on you, which feels awful for her. Play around the minion wave to dodge the E (chain). It's good to note that her W + E level 1 have a 15 second CD. That gives you some time to poke her. Notable tips: If she does W you, immediately place a soldier (W) on you, E into her (shield proc), and then when she recalls Q her on the back followed by an auto. In quick succession its: W+E+Q+auto, and it should make the trade relatively even, but you have greater DPS on the back in if she continues to fight you. Watch out for her roams and be careful of her jumping out of vision on you. ”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
ZedAway says “didnt play against a leblanc support yet, but ive seen that she is getting some pick rate in the support lately, she is a bit hard to catch but before level 6 she should be easier to catch since she doesnt have the whole 2 dashes thing.”
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