Top Lane 50.59% Win Rate89% Pick RateDarius Top Lane Counters: 48 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Darius in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says âstat checker: why? because the lane depents if he reacts to ur Q with His E or not, there is nothing u can do better to win against him. u can cheese lvl 1 is a good idea, but remember he can ghost and run from your ext + ign or just roam. barrier will not save u from him and he can force it easy against u.â
relise says âGeneral Ban
to fight darius you have to change your entire playstyle and even run phase rush. the matchup is winnable but it's not worth the effort when he can win games off your team giving a late game reset to him.â
Dom1nus says âThe most BALLSY match up, the one that gets the first kill usually wins the lane. Stay back and wait for ur lvl 3, do QUICK trades and dont get caught by his e while u used yours or else u gonna die or have to use flash. When he q, use your e inside the circle so he wont stack and you will prevent him from healing, the combo is e q w e back and wait for cooldowns before u go near him again.â
Maniaxx says âDarius can easily stack his Passive (Hemorrhage) on you in extended fights, leading to high damage, especially when he reaches 5 stacks.
His E (Apprehend) can pull you in, giving him a great opportunity to trade.
How to deal with him:
Avoid extended trades: Darius excels in prolonged fights where he can stack his passive. Try to short trade and disengage.
Build early armor: Steel caps or Thornmail can help reduce his damage output significantly.
Respect his all-in potential: If he hits 5 stacks of his passive, he can execute you with his R (Noxian Guillotine). Play carefully when his passive is stacked.â
toddypopy says âB.A.N D.A.R.I.U.S
lvl 1: fica na torre e farma oq der faça tank uwu
lvl 3: injogavel
lvl 6: ult ele caso ele stack a ult
late game: apenas ult ele da sideâ
a_k_z7 says âperma ban + dodge
unless the player is so bad you cant beat him
the best thing you can do is go even and even if that happend he can easily kill you if you make just 1 mistake
look to shove the wave roam
dodge or pick a counter for himâ
Bolivian bro says âDon't trade on level one, and try to play separate from him. Then try to trade and mantain the distance and push waves with your ult.â
Puyo says âTome sempre cuidado para ficar bem em cima do Darius, de forma que vocĂŞ nĂŁo tome o dano a parte externa do Q dele. Se o Darius começar a te dar trabalho, priorize os itens de AD+HP ou CDR+HP. Se ele estiver muito forte, ĂŠ sĂł fazer Sterak.â
Nithril says âThis Champion is stupid, mega lane bully, Ghost means you die, take Fleet and buy Boots of Swiftness early, E max, if he Es your E your're dead, Q first to minimalize his E reflex time, focus on farm and roam mid or help counter jungle or deep ward when available.â
ballsniffer112 says âPretty hard matchup, try to poke with w and q, e into him when he does q to prevent the heal, when low all in with ignite. Respect him on lane, try to only all in when he is low or when the jgl ganks you.â
BigBallsLarry says âeither play to stomp or scale. To stomp take conq with nimbus and celery with ignite, you can win with him as long as you play correctly. parry his auto-w or hold it for his R post level 6. Its best to not gamble parrying his E unless you can 100% expect it. A good darius will E into ult which is impossible to parry, so play while having this in mind. Dont parry his Q as he still gets healing if he hits the sweet spot, instead Q inside of him so he DOESNT hit the sweet spot at all. If you arent looking to play aggressive, take the standard rune page with second win and dorans shield, and just farm and play off of his mistakes. Coup De Graceâ
ThatGing3rNuts says âThis is the worst of the worst. A good darius will draw in the first wave, force it to push towards him and zone you from experience and minions. You have to wait for him to mess up his wave state and hopefully push it into you so that you yourself can freeze closer to your tower. DO NOT EVER E IN TO THIS MATCHUP - he will W auto slow you and then pull you straight back with his E. Your best bet if he begins to fight you is to wait for him to use E W and then E out as he tries to Q. Play for the rest of your team and go 3rd rune page with support build items.â
parker3n9 says âItâs Dariusâhis goal is to cheese you with Ghost for an early kill, so play carefully pre-6 and donât let him catch you out. Focus on poking him down with your Q and maintaining distance. At Level 6, you can win the all-in if you land your E, so be patient and look for the right moment to engage. Once you build Rylaiâs Crystal Scepter, the matchup swings heavily in your favor, as the slow from Rylaiâs makes it much harder for Darius to stick to you.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleportâ
sprdlol says âHe runs you down with ghost. Use your passive to dodge his Q sweet spot and you're good to go. Matchup is hard if you're new to Ambessa.â
Lilac says âDarius presents a huge threat in lane. His ghost makes it very easy to run you down and punish you for even the slighest misposition, and the bonus AD and d.o.t. from his passive bleed makes it all but impossible to win an extended trade, which he can force you into with his E and W. However, at the end of the day, he simply lacks scaling power, and after two-three items you'll find yourself running down Darius with relative ease. In addition, Darius has a tendency to shove waves in like no other, and with low mobility he is a fairly vulnerable target to ganks.
Do not parry his Q, it still gives him the heal. Instead, save it for his R.
Recommended: Conqueror + the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core. Ignite should be taken for extra laning power and late-game grievous wounds, but teleport is an okay option as well, and much safer.â
maiathemagical says âThe average Darius player is greedy and kiteable especially in low elo, so abuse that if it's present. Be aware of his healing if he all-ins you, he can very quickly become scary again if he hits abilities on you. Otherwise the gameplay is similar to other melee toplaners - contest minions and poke him down. He's not very scary.â
Fenharion says âI don't have much experince with Darius MU but he doesn't seem like a big problem so far. I usually go ignite and PTA to kill him early on.
A useful combo I learned against him is to E Q W E out. Use Q before W because if you do W and then Q Darius will have enough time to pull you while you're trying to E out.â
Raideru says âThis matchup lvl 1 if Darius starts q, you should try to walk into his q and proc your passive with your q and go for short trade, that's generally your only trade pattern along with using w on him when it's bad for him to pull u in, most of the lane it's darius favored cose if he ever gets to auto + slow you he will just instantly ghost on u and pull u back if you try to hookshot so you're basically at the mercy of your jungler if he wants to help you crash waves, all you can rly do is try to win the short trades and never try all inning him without huge hp advantage. After lvl 6 remember to use your ult to dodge his q cose it might make u win an all in depending on if the darius is smart and uses his e to guarantee his q. I advise Conqueror with TP+ Ignite or Flash + Ignite if you're really cocky.â
Spartaniko says âI recommend Conqueror, your Q poke outranges him, you can W his Q and E his R, you can only lose against Darius if you go for a long trade or overextend when he has ghost up, which you shouldn't. As long as you respect his all-ins it is a pretty easy lane.â
Basilli says âPHASE RUNES
"Insanely snowbally matchup both ways. This is just a test of your Tahm fundamentals and spacing. Disengage once he gets a few stacks to deny his 5 stack passive, Devour him
when he casts Q to dodge the rim of it. Your R CCs for 3s so you can make his stacks time out if he hasn't hit you recently by eating him. Taking Phase Rush makes this matchup 100x easier" â
Fenharion says âDarius's early game is stronger that yours and this matchup works in a coinflip,either you crush Darius and he won't be able to do anything for a long time, or he will crush YOU and you won't be able to do anything at all since his ultimate is a true damage finisher and he is a beast in teamfights. As for tips: Don't trade with him early on since his passive will let him winning all early trades,go for W maxxing route and take Oblivion Orb or Ignite to lower his healing,overall don't overextend and you should be fine.â
Fanatical Goose says âDarius is a skill matchup, lvl 1 you barely win (by one aa) if minions don't exist. Take W level 2 incase he goes all in. Rush steelcaps to dodge his Q and chip him down without getting bleed stacked up too much. â
Houcs says âDarius blood can make it possible to drag him to tower even if there is minion under there.
But becareful if you try R him to tower and then E because just after your R ends he can E you and escape.
And as always against Darius you have to becareful to not push too far in lane because he can just run you down with ghost.â
Yordleswaggins says âdepends on the player. but look for fast Q E W trades. and back off. if you win one trade. you win the lane. but also vice versa.â
Beetlebug says âSion is unfortunately an easy victim of Darius' bullying with how often he sets himself up for a Darius E. Go for quick, short Q taps instead of stuns. If you're sure his E is on CD, trade as usual and do your best to avoid getting hit by his Q so he doesn't regen HP.â
4eadami says âThis isnt that big of a threat in my opinion, that is if you proxy. You can NOT duel him before 2-3 items and boots and even then , you need a Rank 2 ult. He statchecks you , fling him under tower whenever you can and do NOT let him get 5 stacks. You can trade with running up to them with Q open and E'ing them before disengaging.â
TwTvRANGERZX says âavoid his Q poke, make sure to be ready to move out of its way (often the better way to dodge it is to actually run INTO him instead of out)
make sure your E actually hits him, he will try to hook you and bounce you out of the stun range as you are using your E, so try to be right inside him so he will get hit regardless
KEEP TRADING WITH E! your E is on a 7s shorter cooldown compared to his E, keep abusing this until he is low enough for a killâ
Althalosofsirun says âStun him during his Q animation to get in the handle bar so he wont get a bleed stack slowing down his dmg significantly if he takes lethal tempo then play close to tower since it makes stacking his passive 10 times easier.â
UrPersonalGod says âNever let him get 5 stacks.
You can try baiting him into Q´ing your waves 1 and 2 so wave 2 crashes and you can freeze but that only works if he is stupid.
Spacing is very important here to bait his E.
His E cooldown is pretty long early so you can play a bit more aggressive if its down.â
Skaarlschloch says â100% Ignite Dblade!!!
This matchup is winnable if the darius fucks up his wavestates so often you will win it in low-mid elos!
Runes: either Conq or PhaseRush (Preference)
I would recommend standing in first toplane bush as soon as you can and warding the second bush. If darius tries to zone you from lv1 XP of the first 3 minions start Q Hit him 3 Times and run away, from there let im push freely and try to heal back up under turret and somehow play out the bounce! (good if you stop his recall to delay his reset and him coming back to contest your bounce)
Level Q->E->W first 3 levels, ALWAYS save E for his Q and E onto him.
Still if the darius is Master+ he should win this matchup quite easilyâ
Skaarlschloch says âBlock his Q with Spellshield, be careful if your E is on cd thats his All-In window, you can almost match his early dueling and should be freeroams after Tiamat. You will ofcourse lose the 1v1 once he get steelcaps but that is not your purposeâ
SemenDrinker says âBlade or shield, bone plating or 2nd wind whatever you're comfortable with
A lot of people will tell you how piss easy this matchup is but I disagree to an extent. Especially for new aatrox players this matchup is a nightmare. You have to play almost perfectly against Darius as he's an extremely punishing champion and will run you down heavy with ghost. Taking ignite into this mu is a great way to neutralize his q healing when all inning. E'ing into his Q is always fine as well. For more experienced aatrox players this mu isnt hard as aatrox will generally outrange him and poke him down all lane. I take shield and bone plating into him. You can generally get away with short trades against him by just doing Q1 W Q2 E backwards. (Tbh if you take ignite this matchup becomes a strong minor to a low even)â
Banzi says âDon't get hit by his e - if u are good enough then u can try and bait it but at ur own risk (high rick small reward)
get an early bramble west
RIP - play safe soldierâ
IvanBeifong says âMy perma ban, if you don't ban him, it's possible to fight him, I just have PTSD with him, if he E's you, he's gonna Q, so you W into him, drop your combo, and then walk away with E, and repeat, eventually you'll have him low enough to kill him, after two kills and item advantage you should be able to kill him by spacing.
Ult is awful as you always do minimal damage.â
LilPicky says â(take 3rd rune page and choose boneplating instead of revitalize. start with blade) Get minions with W, bait his pull (E), trade when his E is on cooldownâ
Belle19 says âif he ever freezes into you, gg. there are many scenarios where he 1v2s you and your jungle if played poorly so be careful if you get a gank. You can either play purely for late game (where your split is better than his) taking phase rush and playing the lane very far back, or you can go conq and coinflip a first blood as a lot of darius's underestimate garen's early with conq. Generally if you do this you want to look for a kill at lvl 2 with ignite all-in. The matchup is generally just whoever fb's the other shits on the other for the rest of the gameâ
Niemi says âHe is dangerous. You must dodge his Q sweetspot and play around his grab (E, I think),
Be mindful of his bleed stacks after level 6, because it doesn't feel good to get dunked on by him.â
Body Those Fools says âThis matchup is very easy. He has no way to get on you unless he Flash+Es you or uses ghost but you can just drift away and wait it out. His sustain (Doran's Shield + Second Wind) is rather annoying, but you can still poke him down and abuse him every time he goes for CS. Look to freeze the wave outside of your turret range. Once you have a sizable lead, if you're ever about to get hit by his Q, you can drift on top of him for soldier charge and so he doesn't heal or you can drift out of it. If he ever manages to pull you with his E, put a soldier to whatever side he isn't on and E Q backwards so he can't block your pathing. All you really have to do in this lane is not die and he's useless for the rest of the game, so just look to scale.â
TentiTiger11 says âDarius will beat you if he is good. Just donât be in his E range while poking him with your Q and you will be good. You canât burst him late game so focus his teammates. â
TroyLoL says âI personally never lose this matchup. However it is 100% possible. You just need to stay away from bushes and keep them warded and you'll always be fine. â
AGGaming says âTake Phase Rush, and take very short trades, if he pulls you, E > W > Q then run, if he misses, Q > E > W and run away. You will outscale him at some point.â
Sc00n3z says âDarius has high sustained damage, a strong early game, and can punish Illaoi if she misses her skill shots. His pull (Apprehend) can disrupt Illaoi's positioning and tentacle slams, while his execute (Noxian Guillotine) can finish her off in fights.â
smrgol says âDarius is ony my permaban list for this build, never played a game against him nor do I intend to. Ban him, his E+W is an instant death for you.â
Zagreus16 says âeven matchup but still quite difficult. go ignite if you want to early cheese him. Make sure you start w if you do this and prepare to flash with your W cause he will try and do that. whoever wins early game will pretty much take over the lane unless they can somehow outplay the other. TP is a much safer option if your not confident yet.â
CrimsonL7 says âDarius is a pretty rough matchup but it is winnable if you keep the wave close to your tower and only take short trades vs him. Its important that during these short trades you dont let him hit Q since he will basically win the trade at that point. â
Frankoloko says âMinor threat because you outscale if he doesn't snowball. Walk into his Q center, not away from it (denies him healing and a stack). Don't take Steelcaps since he has built in ARM pen. Don't fight him until 1 completed item. Stay out of his pull range. Don't ever use E to pull him in otherwise he can pull you in response. Only use E as disengage vs him. You win lane if you don't die. One of the rare champs that dominate completely early but lose if they don't get fed.â
Godzilla010 says âJust farm early, play extremely safe, never over extend as he can ghost and run you down.....
Q-E as you run away....
You can take short trades if you're near your tower.
If he has taken enough damage look for all in once you're 6.
Once your passive gets strong take a trade and out sustain him, until you can all in.â
CC IMMUNE says âTake Flash + Ghost to match his sums. Darius vs Olaf is a very snowbally matchup, whoever gets the first kill usually pulls ahead. Ninja Tabis are a good first item vs Darius. Standard Rune Page.â
LDaL says âRealy hard matchup. You need to play very good in order to win the lane. spells flesh + ignite or exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. They usually start with q, in this case try not to let him get minions for free lvl 1, and dodge sweet spot of his q, after lvl 2 if get e, it became realy dangerous to play. Never go for a long trade only short one with your passive up. Against him you want to bait his e, always dodge sweet spot of his q
( you can e on him or e out), and never have more than 3 stack of his passive. After you get 1-2 item became easier but one mistake and you are dead. â
Azzin says âRengar is a very "stat-check" character, but guess what beats this ? A better "stat-check" character x)
It should be your main ban even tho you can always outplay him because darius players always play the sameâ
Haxorr says âThis matchup is pretty even and can be challenging at times for some beginner Jax players, but it is Jax favored.
Take Grasp. Possibly take Ignite and Lethal Tempo. Don't let him q you for free, lvl 1 make sure to dodge it and past that, q ONTO DARIUS any time that he uses his q. This makes it so that you dodge the blade and if you can e his w, you win the trade really really hard. Keep good wave mechanics in mind, because if you're ever near his tower with a bad wavestate, he can really easily bait out your e and run you down with ghost. Build Trinity.â
DuckQc says âAsk your jungler for help, to shut him down early, don't be afraid to trade with him, if you are playing properly, you can win 1v1, however put some respect. When your minions are low move away so you dont get hit by q.Try to bait his q so he doesnt heal and get free stack. When he finishes minion with w ,all in him especially if u are lv 6 since he just used W ,his E doesnt work while you are in R and with ur Phage item + R your movm speed is insane and you rapidly go into him so he will probably miss q or activate it too late or wont be able to hit it at all, if he has ignite then be REALLY careful. Try to stay close to him while you R so he cant heal with Q.â
Arthapsic says âStart E level 1 because of his all in potential. If you go for long trades make sure you can kill him before he procs his passive. If he can proc it then never fight him. Pre 6 you lose any all in so try to survive until 6. If you kill him once you snowball really hard. Ignite is mandatory otherwise he bullies you too much pre 6. Use E to dash into his inner Q or outside his Q to avoid him healing. Lose CS if needed because you outscale him hard if he is only a little bit ahead. Possible to also go ignite ghost and TP ghost( if you wanna just chill ). Lethal tempo is possible in the matchup but don't fight him level 1â
Beeware says âHe can kill you if he manages to all in. Watch his positioning, ward bushes if you can't see him, but not sure if he recalled or not. Focus on farming first and poking with Q second. Get Swifties early. After 1st item you're equal and have a chance to kill himâ
TeiWasTaken says âThis is a prime example of a total skill matchup. ALWAYS all in him at level 2, take second wind if going the Demolish runes. Play safe at level 1, you kill him at 2 with ignite! Take Ignite and Barrier if you have trouble with him,â
ArmedDad says âA classic counter pick. Honestly if you are really good, you can manage to go even and even go ahead. The issue is if you mess up even a little, this man presses the funny blue running man and absolutly DUNKS that axe and decimates you.
There is alot to know here, but generally dont e into him when he has e, use r to dodge a q of his, and never continue a fight if he has 3 bleed stacks unless you will kill. â
WIELKI B says âIn this matchup u can win early on, i suggest taking ignite and poking him to the point u can kill him with flash auto(passive) q ignite. Dont get hit by E, if he has ult u better of poking him low and fighting if he is less than 50%â
SVKGuardian says â..................................................................................
- Really straight forward champion
- His Passive stacks with AA and Q hits
- His Passive bleeds you the more stack he has, on max stacks(5), he also gets massive AD bonus
- His Q is spin with the AXE, in the outer, more visible area, he heals a ton, deals more dmg and applies passive. If you are in the inner Area you get less damage and no passive stack or out of the Area of his Q, where you just dodge it.
- W is bonus damage on next attack, big slow, autoattack reset, resets on killing a minion
- E drags every enemy located in a cone
- R deals more damage the more stacks of passive you have, so if he has max stacks(5) his r just destroys you. On kill he has some time to use it again.
- Most Darius players run Flash+Ghost, think about matching his summoners, because if you can react to his summoners with yours, then he is no threat, while his E range shouldn't be bigger than your AA range
- Whole gameplay for you is matching his summs with yours and reacting to his gameplay while trying to autoattack him at the same timeâ
eXC4l says âA classic lane bully example, do not go near him. Don't use your E aggressively especially if he has Ghost, you'll need it to disengage/back away. Usually this is my ban as this character can still solo carry games even if he loses in lane.â
step1v9 says âShort trading windows. Don't let him stack his passive on you. Play reactive. If he starts W avoid trading as he has an auto reset on you. If he starts Q you can look for all-in windows by dodging the outer edge. If he starts Q animation do NOT auto. He will get the heal every time. either e away or click into him. You can try dodging his E by clicking into his model while you trade. Don't try to R react to his R as the damage comes through before the animation finishes.â
Skaarlschloch says âLike most Juggernauts you can almost never Q in uless its freekill/gank.
Tell you jng that top is freekill anytime
Usual Tradepattern:
You poke with W Darius Hooks -> auto -> Q, you need to Q AWAY!! if you Q into his Q he will pop ghost + more and run you down.â
Ulsur says âLane bullies are just lane bullies, he's easy if you just avoid his level 1 to 3 all in cheese, Aatrox can E into his Q easily which will win you the 1 vs 1 most of the times, you win after level 9 if you don't get hit by his Q and just land your abilities, he's immobile but just be wary of his ghost cooldown.â
DioSett says âTAKE IGNITE , start doran blade ,you have to play if perfect , first kill decides the lanes winner. First item ruined king , start with W then E, at lvl 2 try to fight him and use E+W combo when u are full Grit , after lvl 6 ONLY USE W IF DARIUS IS USING ULTâ
DDemonJesters says âI put it in major cause even if you beat him if he build trinity it just smacks but you still win this as long as you W+Q him and Use E if you think he's gonna W or Q. if he has ult try to freeze minions in your side and try to short trade him.â
Hotch says âDONT GET CHEESED LEVEL 1. THATS IT. Matchup is REALLY easy if you don't get cheesed level 1. just all in with 3-4 ghouls and dodge his q sweetspot by caging him in.
Take Ignite.â
Inziki says âDarius is one of the best counters on sett u have to watchout on his Q and E u doran shield u wanna short fights even if u are winningâ
forlid says âDarius is a statchecking monster duelist, especially early. Don't try to fight him as his passive damage alone skews the trade in his favor. If you get in a bad spot with him, you can try to E into him to negate him his Q sweet spot. Mid game your only option is to surprise engage him if you want to kill him, as otherwise he'll always win. Late game it is much more even as your lifesteal and scaling is too much for him to get his full combo on you.â
Skayling says â{TAKE GHOST TO MATCH HIS}
{Sorcery (classic}
{AS and Movement Speed with scaling health as minor runes}
{Max Q}
Starter : Doran Ring or Doran Shield
How to play the matchup ?
He will try to bring the wave close to his tower and deny you the farm, or all-in you with ghost if you come.
Try to slowpush to make his engages harder
You can take Second Wind
It is solo killable if he miss E and you can run him downâ
SVKGuardian says âIf you played vs Darius enough, you start to get, how he can be outplayed pretty easily. Main problem is, that almost all Darius players run Ghost. Consider matching his sums and also matching when he uses them. If you can juke his E, he cant really kill you at all if you match his ghost. If you can't juke his E's tho, you are going to need precisely match his flash, otherwise you could endup as his dinner when he uses flash+e to get you.
Another thing you can do if your reactions for flash aren't fast is to throw grenades underneath him when he flashes+E, it should get him exactly when his E ends and you are free to flash and run away, and you can combine it with you W after flash, when grenades are holding him, just to make sure he cannot follow.
If he used his flash+E, he can no longer just suddenly change distance between you for next few seconds.â
procatking says âConqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for pantheon*
darius is mostly a easy matchup,
dont let him 5-4 bleed u and if he did, back with empowerd E so u get some ms to escape.
stun Shield Vault(W) his Decimate(Q) and u can wait for him to use his Crippling Strike(W) on a minion to all-in him or just trade really hard.
u can block his Noxian Guillotine(R)
with your Aegis Assault(E) but watchout for R-flash u behind your back.â
Witchking of Angwar says âThis lane is very swingy. One of you wont be able to play the game. You can either try to fight the lane with flash/ghost and conq or Play it as farm lane with flash tp and spellbook
Key is to poke with q and dis engage with e. You can also use e to fuck up his q sweetspot. Flashing into him when he uses q is also Clutch. Save w for his r. Cosmic helps kite him as this matchup is mostly won through spacing.
I recommend to limit Test this lane a few times to Not be overly scared. you also outscale him. â
NoirDeces says âHard to deal with from level 1-5 but after you get your ult you can fight even with him unless if you let him stack his passive on youâ
Steinuhu says âI think Darius is a pretty even match-up because Garen's ult is better than his. Save Q to use as an escape in the early game. Always go for short trades, use your passive to heal when he's half HP, bait his skills, then go for the all-in. Use PHASE RUSH for this match-up.â
YuletideGlory says âDarius is going to underestimate you and try to fight you lvl 1, not knowing you're going to bash him to a pulp. Without any significant CC he won't win trades, and even if he does win you have the sustain to come back from it.
Don't get cocky however, Darius has his execute and it will ruin your day if you don't respect it.â
conqiyana says âskill matchup.
save e to e out of his q or onto him so you dont get hit by the sweet spot,
careful if u get ahead you will still die 1v1 to this pig.
easiest way to win matchup is freeze and ping your jungle to help -
otherwise just dodge q sweet spot with w or e and u win most of the timeâ
SenSen_LoL says âThis matchup requires some good knowledge of Darius grab range.
Your human auto attack range is only slightly greater than Darius' grab range. That implies that if you mindlessly auto attack him, he can turn and grab you. However, if you're really careful with your spacing, that shouldn't happen.
Note : Most Darius players will play Flash / Ghost, and him pressing ghost will almost always result in you getting caught in the grab. If that's the case, try to kite him. My advice is to always play close to the alcove, as it is your best survival tool if things turn messy.â
mastershen says âDoran shield level 1 tske w and dont fight look for trade after level 3 and save youe Q for darius Q to go in and deny healing if you dodge his Q healing you win but after level 6 be careful of darius ult when you want to trade remember dont start fight with darius passive stack â
MaesePerez says âBan it. Just ban it. I love Darius as a champ, but he beats you in a 1v1 at every point in the game, his healing makes it hard to get him in ult range, and even late game when he can't kill you quickly, a good Darius will abuse your lack of mobility and get his passive stacks on you, then dunk the rest of your team. Early game its even worse, if you step out of your turret he will ghost and run you down, just do yourself a favor and ban it. â
Sanderrsol says âDarius is a pain. He will run you down and kill you at pretty much any stage of the game. Save your E if he pulls you in. If he gets 5 stacks on you, you're dead. Look to roam and get carried.â
Bibi4A says âWhen mastered this matchups gets easy. Try to farm safely 1-5 using E and just staying in xp range. When you reach 6 with gouls up it's easy. You outscale hard! Be careful with facecheking bushes and don't fall for cheeky plays they do early on.â
SpoonSlayer says âSkill matchup. Watch out for executes when you're low, fight from a distance. if he ghosts on you wait for him to get close and land an e than ult his grab.â
BriarEnjoyerX says âHas a better bleed, has good healing on Q, has big slows and annoying pull, his ult does half your hp in true dmg. Rly a big bother to play againstâ
Belle19 says âALWAYS Q MAX
with 1.3 mil mastery points on Darius I can confidently say this is Darius's worst melee matchup. You can farm with q, any poke you do to him is basically permanent as his only sustain is off an ability he should never be able to land on mundo, and his only cc is on a long enough cooldown your passive will reliably cancel it every time assuming you arent allowing him to be in pull range off his own cooldown. You hard outscale him, and can honestly look for all-ins as early as level 3 if you poke him down quick enough. If he uses q and misses, look for a q w auto e w walk away combo, should chunk him out while he does nothing to you as he cant q. Only issue is if he DOES set up a freeze, you are doomed without jungle help, but the combination of your q poke + naturally mirroring his ghost means its very hard for him to run you down even if he does set up a freeze, and setting it up in the first place is very hard for him. Keep in mind darius's only tank-killing potential is his armor pen, which mundo doesnt really care about anyway as he is a health stacker. Darius has no max health damage, and as such mundo can really easily shrug off his damage. Mundo is my go-to when darius is blind picked. Make sure to go phase rush + inspirationâ
Sugenrift says âDarius (The Overbet): Darius, with his crippling slows, apprehend, and devastating ultimate, seems like a nightmare matchup. However, Twisted Fate can play the long game, using his ranged advantage to whittle Darius down and avoiding Decimate's blade edge. Think of it as the house setting the stakes high; by carefully managing the wave and using his ultimate to make cross-map plays, TF can accumulate resources elsewhere, tipping the scales in his favor.â
hamgi says âshort trades only. u will always lose extended trades. avoid letting him freeze as u can never walk up to a flash/ghost darius. use e to dodge his q sweet spot or his e. great spacing makes this matchup less insufferableâ
GarenOTP says ânot a bad matchup , i love to play garen vs darius , if you fall behind fall under tower, do not take bad trades dodge his Q's and buy antiheal , when you hit lvl 6 look for more trades â
forlid says âDarius is a feast of famine champion, and this is reflected by his strength throughout the game. Early he wins you just by statchecking your champ, but midgame you should win just as long as you don't get caught in his E. You can dodge his pull by simply using E backwards, and you can Q at the same time. When laning, try to take his HP down little by little until you can just ult combo him to death. Late game he is a monster, so try to shut him down in teamfights by stunning him with Q.â
Aopiah says âLike riven, Darius players have no morals and will do anything to kill you asap and try to snowball off of you so play very safe and be careful for his grab / flash ghost if he plays itâ
PlayCabex says âSkill matchup since if you misplay, he can kill you quite easily. Start Q into darius and always try to hold it for his E. The moment you see dariusâ E animation and you get pulled, use your Q and run away, followed by your E afterwards to win the short trades. If he zones you out level 1, then feel free to give up some minions since most of the times the wave will slow push into. If you havenât died and youâve poked him enough, then you can even look for solokills after 6.
Runes: Cometâ
zwartebliksem says âKind of a coin flip. Take short trades so he can't stack up his bleed. In the middle of his Q animation, he isn't able to use other abilities, this will be your gateway to escape his pull.â
Grimmloi says âUlti açana kadar safe, ulti açtÄąktan sonra rahatlÄąkla kesebilirsiniz e tutturmasÄą da kolay. Ek olarak Darius Size tam e atarken ulti atabilir rakibi yanlĹŠpozisyonda bÄąrakÄąp bir anda kesebilirsinizâ
Haearnbleidd says âSkill matchup. You can play around his q cooldown for trades or try to dodge it. Whoever gets the first kill will most of the time dominate the lane. Try to play safe until 6, you can try to bait his ghost/flash so he doesn't kite your ult. If it's a good darius player, he will try to force trades pre-6 to get you low with his passive, and after 6 he will try to kite your ult. Whoever has ghost wins.
I would recommend building hexplate > sterak's or stride > sterak's so you get more time before his r, and so he can't kite you.â
HunterBMZ says âDifficult but not impossible, you need to attack him at the right time when he misses the Q you need to punish him and in the duel if possible TRY not to take the damage, if you don't feel comfortable you can use lethal tempo.â
lbc1506 says âIf they run Ghost/Flash then be careful in lane.
Pre 6 is a struggle as if he hooks you and you dont have wall or Q then you die most times.
However holding your spells make this matchup easy for you.â
AWierdShoe says âThough this lane is not the most difficult, it is very obnoxious as one misplaced Q can lead to Darius pressing Ghost and running us down. Most Darius players start Q into us, if he starts W you can poke with Q1 or even Q2 if possible. It is very helpful to take ignite into him so that you have more kill pressure around level 4. Your W is one of your life-saving cooldowns; depending on how you use it, it may save you from a potential all-in. Feel free to go for occasional pokes, but don't over-commit to a trade too hard unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure you can win it with minimal retaliation. Do NOT let him get 5 stacks of his passive as you will eat a ton of damage in the early game. Dodge his Qs by backing away from the outer radius or pressing E into him. Tabi rush into Darius is a must to negate his damage and to be able to kite him out better, but he will most likely rush Tabi as well to dodge your Qs and run you down. â
Akuzai says âUnplayable if he knows what he's doing. If not he will start q and you can start q, get an advantage and possibly find a way to beat him. If he wastes q on a wave and is low, you can all in, though watch out for his flash q. Call for jungle help only if you think you can kill him, rush your items and you can outscale. â
PPlongcook says âFinally some justice in the toplane. This pick absolutely destroys all those elo inflated Darius players if played correctly. His pull is very telegraphed and you can dodge it but you will want to dodge his spin first with either your q or e. Be warned because of how OP this champion is, if you fuck up once you're dead and if he gets ahead it turns into a 5. Do not get cheesed by him level 1, you have to respect how OP he really is. One combo to watch out for is when he pulls you there is a split second where you are stunned and if he queues his spin you will get hit by it with no possibility to dodge.â
MYCATRENGAR says âFleet / Voltaic build.
Massive threat, beats you in long trades and forces you to be in them as well.
Only way to win is to hope he's dogshit. Thankfully most of them are.
Avoid the Outside of the Q, Save WW for his W slow and keep the trades quick. Don't let him get more than 3 stacks on you, or he wins. Give the wave if he contests level 1, and play to roam.
If you get a lead, you have extend it around the map.
Example Trade, EMP Q + Leap from bush - E Mid Air - Empower E back to Bush.
SchloppyPoppy says âOne of, if not, the most difficult matchup. Go Phase Rush and pray that your team can carry you. Play defensive and focus on last hitting your minions and playing safe under tower.â
Joy17 says âDarius tem um potencial de dano considerĂĄvel, mas Warwick, com sua capacidade de cura e resistĂŞncia, pode lidar com ele nas trocas, especialmente se souber evitar as habilidades de Darius.â
deathbypotion says âProxy him, he shouldn`t catch you. Don`t go for extended fights. Take Sorcery to dodge his Q. Swifties are better because you will escape more damage if you will dodge. You will hardly outscale, but hyper late game he will have a huge spikeâ
MATOGUZ says âI didnt find him a problem in lane, every Darius player will try to fight you pre 6. Just play safe, get CS and poke him here and there to eat himâ
Pusi Puu says âCan only win early game if you play around bushes and with full ferocity. Other than that try to avoid him since he wins almost everytime. Never walk into melee range, he will stridebreaker grab you and there is no escape.â
hoflol says âFamously hard lane for Singed, but much more playable than a ranged lane.
Darius has strong early laning with a high % slow on his W. For unfamiliar players, I would suggest taking phase rush, and rushing swiftness boots. Focus on farming, proxying whenever possible. You will be stronger in teamfights.â
GheeseEmpty says âIf you are not confident in this matchup, bring Phase Rush and play trade-avoidant.
If you understand this matchup, you can bring the Conqueror page with aggressive summoner spells (Ignite and Ghost/Flash) and give him a taste of his own medicine Level 1.â
exoticT says âSpacing is super important, Darius wins if you are not familiar with this matchup, take ignite, whenever he Q walk inside or q onto him, use e to block wâ
VroomVroom229 says âDarius is also a very annoying match up, but it is kinda skill based.
He wins most trades if you are overextended, so be conscious of your ability usage and make sure to have your e, or both e and w at your ready when you are extended in the enemy side of the lane.â
DemiLime says âYou can proc his boneplating with q, wait for him to waste something and then all in him pre-6, using this lead you should be able to snowball.â
trulyaito says â-watch out for darius ghost bush cheese
- try to wait for lvl before going for any trades
- only use your E for disengage unless his pull is down. It has a very long cooldown.â
NegativePhoenix says âBan Choice
Darius is a lane bully and has one of the strongest level 1s in the game. Why you're fighting him level 1 is beyond me. You can't really go in on him until you at least have 2 Chain vests or 1 vest, steelcaps and bramble. Either way I wouldn't advise fighting him without jungler help. If you're dismounted, try to time your remount to toss him while he's using Q so you can avoid the outer ringâ
ThelpixG says âCan be a very hard matchup against a really good Darius or if you're learning GP.
But once you understand the range and kiting of GP, Darius becomes much more manageable.
Try to always stay away of his Q's sweetspot and don't do extended trades with him unless you have ignite or passive resets to melt him with true damage.
Just harass him from afar and try to bait his E, if you're out of his E (or in case he misses E) you can try to trade with him.
Once he reaches level 6 he can kill you easily if you mess up so try to be more patient.
Once you get some core items you just delete him if he gets in melee range against you.â
xXazzer says âDarius is not that difficult, but he can absolutely demolish you if you are not careful. Most darius will level 1 cheese you and probably win if you fight extended. After level 4, start fighting him. Don't over commit but if he wastes his Q, or you dodge it, go for the kill, esp after 6. If you bring ignite his threat to you is much lower.â
X_TRM says â(Start E/W) Play very reactive and don't be afraid if he engages. Use your E or Ult to cancel his Q stack. Your W eats most of his Ult damage. If he starts the fight with his E, you can't avoid 3 of his stacks. Matchup greatly favors good spacing but it's very Darius sided due to his overturned passive damage and his privilege to make your AAs useless by buying armor. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraksâ
LilliaFanBoy says âDarius as per usual is a pain to deal with. I highly encourage to go with the poke build. In the worst case he's decent at dodging your E and if he runs ghost-flash he will 100% run you down if you push too far. So run exhaust-ghost and try your best not to fight head on without and advantage.â
Steinuhu says âDorans Blade or Shield based on preference \\ Never trade without E \\ If he Q's E into him \\ If you have 4 stacks, do whatever you can to kite him, as example use E or Q3 to reset the stacks \\ This matchup is incredibly hard, regardless of how well you play it. A good Darius will freeze the wave at his tower and you're unable to play the game. If you walk up, he will just Ghost, run you down, and kill you on repeat. The only chance you have of living is ulting away immediately. Don't ever let him 5 stack his passive or you're dead or very chunked. Save your E for when he uses Q to dodge the sweet spot. Take short trades against him and do your best to kite. You will never win 1v1 until you have Shieldbow.â
WhendZ says âQuando ele te puxar, segura a laranja para o W dele, depois corre na direção dele que 90% das vezes ele vai usar o Q para trĂĄs. sempre mantenha um barril no seu pĂŠ. Trindade ajuda bastante nessa lane e nĂŁo deixa ele stackar 5 passivas em vocĂŞ. Ă uma opção de Ban SĂłlido tambĂŠm.â
LegacyOneTap says âHes relatively even with you early levels and neither with item. Just be careful not to die to him more than twice if possible. you can do bork into triforce or sunderer in bork i believe works aswell. dodge his q's and e trade for e grab, jump out after he pulls and just run if you're losing the fight before he hits 5 stacks.â
tawangab says âI think Darius is a pretty even match-up because Garen's ult is better than his. Save Q to use as an escape in the early game. Always go for short trades, use your passive to heal when he's half HP, bait his skills, then go for the all-in. Use PHASE RUSH for this match-up.â
Wizboy73 says â[phase rush] this is a hard matchup but once you get the hang of it its not as bad. you need flash ghost and phase rush just to be able to kite him, if you burn his ghost you can play super agressive because he cannot do anything unless you play dumb and get hit by apprehend. Lategame is yours. just zhonyas the Râ
Yogolord says âits suprising to put DARIUS in major but as long as you play safe he isnt such a hard matchup just make sure you get the most cs you can and if he freeze make him spend abilitis on you and on the waveâ
peterplum says âEasy matchup.
Q inside his Q so he can't heal. You deal tons of damage against him at early, just trust your Q damage and run if he stacks his passive (if you have ignite, first blood is guaranteed). After transformating into Rhaast, he will just loseâ
JPGamer10BR says âSimples, se vocĂŞ tomar o E tu perde, caso vĂĄ tomar o Q vĂĄ para perto dele, caso tu tome o dano na borda irĂĄ curar ele, jogue na distância o alcance do seu ataque bĂĄsico ĂŠ o alcance do E dele, entĂŁo pode tentar enganar ele para ele gastar o puxĂŁo.
Runas> F.F, PTA, Aery ou Graspâ
The Saucy Saurus says âOne of poppy's biggest melee counters, but darius loves to bully many people. To play the matchup:
when he tries to hit you with q, if you have high hp you can e into him and avoid the dangerous part or if you are running away try and e a minion to use it as a taxi to avoid him. Use q to slow him if he chases and save your R until he uses his E to make sure it is not interupted.â
Crossing Calvin says âPhase rush.
Only E him when hes close to you so he gets knocked away further. You can autoattack in E animation so you can get a phase rush pop. Most darius players will ghost once they hit the Eâ
joke7813 says âHere I prefer Eclipse over Goredrinker. In a 1v1 its a pure skillfight. The better one wins.
Tipp for killing him.
Trigger all your abilitys(exept R) and AA him so long as possible and fight till he used all of his abilitys BUT retreat short time before you dismount(can be tricky to calculate because of his passive) and then wait till the bleeding stops.Both of you should be ca. halflife.
After that R+Q+E+Ignite. If you dont miss your Q you burst him faster than he can 5 stack you + R.
CARE!! You will dismount most likely which is fine because of your dismounted Q and the extra damage.â
Genneva says âDarius can outsustain you early game and because you are not using Lethal tempo, you're very vulnerable. Try to avoid his sweetspot Q.â
Sach3illa says âThe passive of Darius is the big problem with him. To avoid the damage in early game u need to dodge his habilites. The most dangerous one is his E.
To win against Darius u need to farm and poke with ur E. Try to reach lvl 6 before him and trade him. If u kill him in early 2 times u will snowballing much better the game.
Buy antihealing and health regeneration items.
Murfz says âAvoid Q'ing if he has E up. You can get push level 1, be careful with your E since if you mess up he can easily ghost and run you down. â
Augustus 286 says âDarius is the hardest matchup for Poppy
Avoid long fights at all costs, dont let him stack more than 3 of his passive or you're dead.
Use your E on minions to escape, not to stun him. â
xskyswitch says âOne of my favorite matchups to play. If you play well, he is a minor and debatably a tiny threat to you. Pre level 6 look to E for disengage or for burst damage. Do not ever W onto him without him using his Q first. If he goes to Q you, W onto him to dodge his sweet spot. Past level 6, if you don't E his R you will die. If he does get an early lead on you, you can still outplay however he can get out of control pretty quickly.â
Tronnes says âI would say this is a skill matchup, but if he ghosts post 6 its tough because he'll walk you down. Make sure to space his pull. Remember Darius lvl 1,2,3, and 6 are really broken so be patient and play it smart.â
wild overload lol says âFoque em baitar o E dele, sem ele o Darius sĂł leva um amasso pra ti. Foque em trocas curtas, sem deixar ele stackar o sangramento em vocĂŞâ
Your Abusive Dad says âIf you get hit by his pull you are dead. If he ghosts and your at the middle of the lane you are dead. If you tower dive him you are dead. Poke and wait for jungle, only ever W him when you can kill and have igniteâ
Brb3535 says âthe rest of the champs including darius are very easy and u can win even if u don t know how to play. also darius is my favourite mathcup <3 urgot counters darius hard remember that just don t 1v1 him at lv 1 u will 99% loose :)))))))))))))))) it s tested trust me u die from passive, but for the rest champs wait then in bush before minions come u might auto him and e when he comes from leashing his junglerâ
Bonkyou says âyour W range and cast time gurantees him an E, just save your E into his Q and be prepared to stop this lane with confidence. Skill matchup and you win lvl 1 all in btw with combat summs or if you can kite with Q / if he fights you in waveâ
RivenCarriedYou says âdorans blade nimbus cloak or bone plating, your choice, but its very cheesy matchup. If he takes ghost/ignite you can't win an all-in unless he misses his E. Same principle as Fiora, short trades but if he hits his E run. If he has TP this lane is much easier. E or Q inside his Q to stop healing. Don't be baited with level 1.
Do not dare to ever fight darius level 1. All-in when he's 50% at level 6 and does not have bone plating.
Flashing into the inner part of his Q is worth it. do not get fucking hit by it or you insta lose the fight.
BaotoGame says âDarius is a very easy matchup for Yorick but Darius will win hard at level 1-5 .A good Darius won't let you stack ghouls and will buillied you when you don't have ghouls.He is very useless when he get stuck in Yorick cage 'cause he can't Q you .You can beat him easily all times if you have ghouls.And it being an even easier time with ult. However be careful that if you make a stupid mistake, getting caught out by him in a long lane with no ghouls, or walking into him with no ghouls or doing anything related to him with no ghouls.â
Chaddouk says âCan actually win a lvl 1 situation if he takes the fight in your wave, it's a close call but I swear you win. You don't if there is no cs. Then lane is all about his E and Q hitting, you can try to get in and out of E range to bait him to use it but be careful, also he can cancel ur E with his E and in that case ur doomed. For his Q it can be counter intuitive but if can't get out you need to get in, by walking or dashing in. Most Darius will take flash ghost to match you, if not it's free all-ins later in the game. Always keep your Q up for after your R or you die from the bleed. He's a lane bully on paper but you outscale him on side, also if you're going for an all-in and he has E up try to stay on top of him and do little movements it makes it super hard for him to hit E. Also note that second wind and revitalize are really strong vs him because you keep procking them on his ticks, and note that if he gets 3 passive procks or less you actually outsustain the trade, if he gets 4 or 5 you lose it.â
Saitamaro says âDorans Blade or Shield based on preference \\ Never trade without E \\ If he Q's E into him \\ If you have 4 stacks, do whatever you can to kite him, as example use E or Q3 to reset the stacks \\â
daitolol says â- Be wary of tribush and the last bush on top, he will try to cheese it in most cases can't win level 1 as his extended fight is one of the strongest in the game
- You can use your e to dodge his e, you can wait out stacks in shroud but if they are more than 3 bleed stacks its better to disengage
-Your q is slightly bit longer than his but it's much better to wait it out and then go for after it's cdtrading
- You can enter hsi inner Q circle to prevent him from healing(or ignite while the q is going off)
_WhiteSnow_ says âDo not get hooked in by his e with no tunnel up, let yourself get pushed in and call for jungle. If looking to trade, do short trades with unburrow -> 1q ONLYâ
At_Tar_Ras says âtake ignite. this'll let you win 10x easier. you don't have to tho. E inside his Q and take shorter trades as he'll destroy you if you take any trades that are long that DON'T end in him dying. â
vexxed04 says â{phase rush ignite flash} You cannot be baited in this matchup! He will zone you from minions but you need to play safe and avoid fighting him. A simple early trick is starting Q and safely farming minions. Ironspike rush and Q+E+ironspike while running away are effective at chipping away his HP. Around 60-70% you can burst him but make sure to avoid his Q outer ring. Flash to the inner range if you must. Remember your silence in this matchup if you can get your combo off quickly and run away he can't use E in time to bring you back.â
Dew Master Flash says âMy least favorite matchup, as you really become a chewing toy for Darius. Get bami, proxy, look to play around your jungler if you want to kill.â
Smudey says â[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
This is a dead even matchup and comes down to who kills the other one first. Try to poke him down and all-in him once he is low enough. Never get hooked or you take a lot of damage or even die. Beware his Flash + Ghost and don't play too aggressively when both are up.â
Pretzel Shiv says âMan... this guy is hard to deal with no matter what, he beats you pre six, and after. Play for teamfights, or if he messes up. poke him down, don't get pulled in. Pray for a good jg, or he's just bad.â
RipAMC says âThis dude is a real lane bully! He's got powerful abilities that can deal a ton of damage and heal him up. If you're not careful, he'll make your early game a living nightmare, and falling behind against him can be tough to recover from.â
TheBougis says âDarius is very strong early and will 99% win against you in any of the early game rounds, but once you get two/three items and with good movement you just heal too much for him, and because he is melee he has to come to you, so you just get free Q's.â
Zylsa says âThis is more of a skill matchup. His ultimate can really mess you up along with his bleeding as well.
You should be able to win lvl1 - 1v1 if you start Q and hit your throws+autos. Might have to use barrier for that extra potential.â
DebRiX9 says âYou loose before 6.
Keep poking with W and safe trade, if he hooks yeet him away with E that should give you enough time to let the slow run out. After 6 be careful, kite till his passive runs off then after that keep poking, you win if you put it at about half HPâ
SVKGuardian says âHard matchup.
If you play it well, you should be able to counter his Q dmg, by using your e to get to his Q's inner circle.
You can poke him with your w if necessary.
His all in potential with ghost is kinda scary.
ShadowStealer94 says âBAN DARIUS. Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. â
ShadowStealer94 says âA tough matchup but not impossible. Make sure to buy antiheal for this champ as they do lots of healing and this will shut them down quite effectively.â
Antecc says âJax favored MU. This lane depends on both players' E ability. Dodge Q with your own Q and dodge his W with your E if possible. Remember to not be grabbed while in E, as he can deny your stun and run you down. Aside from that, you win this lane pretty hard. You win without E mattering all too much after Divine.â
RuchaczSzmat69 says âIF YOURE NEW TO GP YOU WILL PROPABLY GET FUCKED. ALWAYS TAKE IGNITE. Take boneplating as it has a lot of value, first times against darius might be hard as you need to feel his E range to be safe. Sit on the barrel most of the times beacuse if you dont have any he can ghost and just run you to death. Dont let him get 5 stacks just like that as it deals massive damage. Early might be hard as he will propably try to cheese you in 100 different waves so be suspicious of every bush and every moment where he can ghost and run at you. Lvls 1 and 6 are propably the worst so take extra care.â
ABL Pantheon says âPantheon favoured matchup to be honest. Don't fight him level 1 with Ghost. Space properly and poke him with Q. When he is low you can look for an engage with W when he is very low. Dodge his E and E his Ultimate. Watch out for when he is Ulting to not flash behind you, because the damage will go through, so manage your flash correctly.â
PortoTheRat says âskill matchup (lmao), go phase rush hullbreaker rush and use phase rush to run after taking a trade. Always go in first for trades. Go in with q if you see him q-ingâ
wyjebnik2zuk says âRecommended: Phaserush, flash/ghost, start darkseal+pot. You cant really lane so try to proxy all the time. Remember he cant use R on your W.â
ToplaneProfessor says â[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity] , we want to play undertower as long as possible
Items :start dorans shield->swifties->CORE
you want him to push you undertower all game easiest way to kill is to press random w when he is pushing you undertower and when the enemy minions are about to die ult him and combo him undertower
lordimboutabust says âDarius can be easy or hard depending on the player. You can actually outdmg him level 1 if you hit at least one crit and fight in your wave or away from the wave completely. If he gets control sacrifice CS and let him push into you as he can 100-0 you with ghost if he catches you out at any point. Try and poke him down with E-Q1 and then if he walks at you Q2 back away. Do this a few times and you should be able to chunk him down to 70-50% health. At this point you can all in him and win. He gets a big spike at 6, but so do you so as long as you have been consistently poking him you should still win. When fighting him the main concern is dodging his Q, I find E or flash into him is best way and you should be able to out damage him from there | This is one of the only lanes where it is preferable to take ignite over TP so you can cancel out his first 1 or 2 Q's in a fight in case you don't dodge them | personal preference on bone plating or second wind (I prefer second wind as bone plating gets countered by the dot damage from his stacks) | D-blade - Eclipse â
Zombzn00b says âAnother possible ban. At no stages of the game will you be able to 1v1 him unless he plays horrendous and your spacing is godlike. You can still get through lane relatively safe, but he will probably win in CS. Be careful of his R, when u R as it may oneshot you.â
Waqql says âStick to short trades. Do not allow yourself to be fully stacked by him. Dodge his Q by staying in the inner circle and then jumping away. Always try to keep him at a distance and wait for assistance.â
Lukajs says â Darius is a decent matchup for Gwen, but he will almost always outtrade you. If you attempt to E out and he E's you back in, you're dead.
Play around his E being down.â
demirkaiser says âA good Darius will shit on you. If he walks up to you, run. Don't try level 1. Dodge his Q. Don't ever try to fight him. Poke with Q.After he is down enough, wait for 6. After you are 6, if he near 40%, you can ult him. Try to dodge his Q though. If he stacks 5 hemorrhages, use your W. Don't ever use W before as he won't use ult if he doesn't hit 5 stacks.â
0xeaD5D18 says âConqueror. Long Sword or Doran's Blade. Flash + Barrier. Be aggressive at level 1, it's the easiest moment when you can kill him. Use Barrier if necessary. After lvl 3 try to dodge his Q and E, fear him away. Buy anti-heal early in the game. After level 6 block his R with the Barrier. Use your R wisely.â
TheGBabaYaga says âThe only thing that can kill you is if you fight long and he stacks for R.
You need to use your passive from R to kite him and drop him fast + if you go attack speed early he cant do much, and dont forget to block his w as much as you can. If he uses Q, use your Q on him to dodge the damage and he wont heal
BetterGoGrevious says âDo not fully commit early game, as he is stronger than you. Poke him with Q1 and try to not get pulled, when he is low enough you can kill him.â
Denied20 says âHug caster minions or stay at tower level one to avoid level 1 cheese.
He will punish you hard unless you approach with caution. This match up is in Darius control and it requires baiting out key spells, ghost and E. Flash & Ghost is recommended for Yasuo to respond to corresponding use of Darius.â
Herbietron says âDarius is hard early game, however, after level 6 with faster hyper and more scaled range, you can kite him easily and outscale him.â
TTVXiralid says âDarius has the advantage but if you trade against him near your tower and hold your Q untill you want to disengage then you should be fineâ
kayle1v9 says âRun Flash Ghost. Early berserkers and Q max. Ghost when he ghosts. Play safe till 6, then you can poke with Q and auto +e. If you dont get hit by E you win. You can also R his R if you have fast reaction time.â
zhock2014 says âThis champion once again won5 be one of the champions your gonna want to ban but still watch out for this champion especially if he is fed and you want to gank just try to play ti safe against this champion because his healing his e and his ultâ
Vicktorique says âTought laning phase if you can't secure a lead before lv. 6, at lv. 6 and after it's completely reliant on him making mistakes. But between 1-5 there's a healthy room for counter-play.â
UmbreonQueen says âDarius is a pain in the ass that won't let you farm and if they're smart will hold his E so you eat lots of damage every trade. Play smart, don't let him run you down, if he pops ghost you pop yours too so he can't catch up and bait his Q before poking with yours since he will win the trade from the get go with itâ
Twogrand says âDO NOT BUSH CHECK LEVEL 1 JUST WALK CREEPS TO LANE!!!!! just dont get pulled mid q and its easy trades with him make sure you have phase rush up and just do trades over and over when you have phase rush ready .
phase rush tp eclipseâ
BLANKYYYYYYYYY says âTANK. Give first cs, dont push wave. Bait his E and then u can think about trading. Poke with Q when he goes for last hits. You can kill him before 6 if he plays bad but this wont be the case most of times. Respect him at all times unless ur far ahead.â
Herb0tron says âHis passive is a problem as is can get through your E shield quickly if fully stacked, try not to trade for too long as he will always win the long trades, even if he is slightly behind.â
Althalosofsirun says âIf he is half hp or higher do not fight him he will win try to sit in his handle bar and use W to tank ult (if you fall behind buy plated's bramble)â
Spaget says âE when he trys to Q and W his R try to only do short trades bait his E before going in because it doesn't allow you to disengage. Take Flash Ignite Rush Plated. Consider Blade of the Ruined king.â
Tomuuko says âWith these runes you cant win against him early (also depends on how good enemy Darius is). He will zone you from Gold and XP from minions so be ready for that. Good Darius will start against you with his W (slow), you have to start Q for cut the slow, so when he starts AA-W, you have to AA-Q and run back (if possible you can proc Phase Rush by the another AA--> so AA-Q-AA-RUN). Otherwise Bad Darius player will start Q so you can take your E and take the first 3 minions like him and just wait for lvl 6.
The best scenario for you is when Darius does: E-AA-W-Q, so you can easily dodge his Q by doing: letting him E-W you, then you just do basic: Q-E-Whip (or AA), then run him down or run away for the short trade.
The worst scenario on lvl 3-6+ is when Darius starts W and AAs you: you have to AA-E for some dmg but dont proc Phase Rush! Just wait for his next move, if he after his W try to Q you, you probably have to use W (NOT YOUR Q!!!!!!!) If he then uses his E which also a bit slow you down, then you have to use your Q and proc Phase Rush.
You just basically cant trade with him like this--> AA-Q-E (ye that procs Phase Rush but when the silence ends and you will run away from him, he will just have enough time and range to use his E and run you down, since you'd already used your Q and dont have ready Phase Rush you are mostly dead).
Wait for him to make HUGE mistakes like when he hasnt ready his Q or E.
Just also so much depends how good the opponent is. Dont be scared to play against this shty champion. Try first-picking at NORMAL GAMES, first-picking because the opponent will try to counter-pick you like with Darius, Kayle, Morde, Teemo, etc. At normal games you can improve the playstyle against these disgusting champions. You have only one Ban while banning phase, so use it wisely.
Or the trading with him can be like this: he AA-W-Q/ you can then: dodge his Q with your: Q-E-then run back and if his silence is about to be off, you have to use your W to block incoming dmg bcs he will E you, after he Es you then you can proc phase rush to run away safely (DONT PROC PHASE RUSH WHEN HIS E IS READY! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RUN AWAY BCS HIS E RANGE IS BUSTED) this could works.. i hope -_-â
RykonZ says âDarius can be a tough matchup for Mordekaiser due to his ability to deal significant damage with his bleed and execute with his ultimate. Additionally, Darius's ability to pull Mordekaiser in with his Apprehend can put him in a vulnerable position.â
Nurakami says âDarius Darius Darius
The biggest bane of bad Toplaner
if you let him freeze wave you are DEAD.
But if you use your e well to trade with him and simply don't get hit by q its pretty wholesome lane.â
Reemoo says âRunes
Coup De Grace
Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter
When Fighting Darius, Run away from him to reset his passive stacks on you. â
KaiOverHere says âDarius is a very difficult matchup, but only if the Darius player is good.
If both players play perfectly, Darius will play for a 4 wave crash, help his jungler get scuttle crab/reset, buy boots + cloth armor and hold a freeze. You cannot contest him. Your goal is to try and get as much cs as possible while begging your jungler to help break the freeze. The game will end before you catch back up, so you should instead play for teamfights by using your slippery nature to setup vision.
If the Darius fails to set you behind: He messed up his freeze, messed up a trade, whatever it be, you will be able to fight him if you are both even at level 11 + Stridebreaker.
Most Top Laners like taking Ignite into Darius. DON'T do this. Even with Phase Rush, if you don't have Ghost + Flash he can brute force you with his Ghost + Flash and run you down.
DO NOT buy Tabis into Darius. I'm not sure why people like to do this, but don't.
You always need to make sure to match his movement speed. If he pops ghost, you pop ghost. If he flashes, you flash. If he buys swifties, you buy swifties. If he buys DMP, you buy Ghostblade or DMP. At a certain point though, if he goes full movespeed in his build, stop trying to match it and build juggernaut items (Sterak's, Black Cleaver) so you can statcheck him and punish him for building poorly. His 5 stacks -> one shot only matters if he actually built damage. â
BezMemow says âStart D Ring
Rylai is good for the slow, it annoys him as Darius relies on mobility.
Wait out his Q, then all in, without his Q he's not a champ, flash inside of his next one and you will win every time. Late game he's very difficult to kill 1v1 without Liandry's and some tankiness.
Use your E to the side so that he's forced to wait it out or he will walk into it. Hextech Rocketbelt is good to use the dash to enter his Q radius.â
rilxy4u says âDarius is super cringe, he will 1 shot you even without stacks, his R does lots of true damage, very easy for him to bully you off cs (especially early), his axe spin 1 shots boxes, BLEED STACKS BAD.
Outplay: try not to feed, stay out of his pull range, if he has bleed stacks run away, play around E trades and preplaced boxes. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.â
LocaLAM says âThe antiheal is annoying but it can be dealt with. Your Q will be able to do enough damage. Just zone and outrange until he's low then all in.â
Smauggy says â2 problemes in this mu, 1 his grab is longer than your q ( his grab 550 units and lillias q up to 480), 2, he can slow u
So the strat is the same as all other: bait in to go in go out, if you baited his e, you can poke.â
Nico_Player says âJust try to avoid his E and Q with your E, poke him and don´t let him get 5 stack of his passive, always try to kill him with your e to be more safeâ
Loweloexpert says âDark seal refillable. Scared of Darius? Why? You just destroy him lvl 3. Once the wave is on your side (since you let him push first 3 waves) you just Q when he is Q ing the wave, he will 100% use E trying to kill you then auto W auto. You have to auto twice then E when he USDZ another Q. Q auto ignite W ez win. He will probably take a turret short too so easy. At 6 you destroy him since your W completly counters his R. â
Black Demon Ezel says âDarius's passive is weird. It deals DPS but Cho'Gath is so damn tanky that it really feels more like a tickle or three. But be wary because the more stacks of it he has, the easier it is for his ult to slice you in half.â
sinatra1633 says âYou lose all ins against him, similar to Jax.
However, he does not have a dash so when you outscale him lategame you can most likely beat him even when he stacks up his noxian might and Rs you.
Try to fight him when he is under half health and dodge his Q to make him hopeless.â
Zsinj says âCrazy damage along with his hook and big slow into R are enough to kill you easily in the laning phase, one to proxy against and keep out of rangeâ
Nexon22412 says âRequires a lot of kiting and distance respecting
Basically skill matchup.
If he tries to cheese you lv1 with ghost don't be afraid to flash to safetyâ
Roothor says âDon´t engage until 6, or 3 if you are surrounded by tentacles. His passive damage is huge. Dont be afraid to use your R as soon as you land E. If he is not feed after the first minutes, its easy to kill himâ
Nazcore says âFF, this man beats you 24/7. almost as bad as jax, except this man doesn't care abt you autoing him. He just wrecks you anyway. play safe and dont die or you lose the game.â
W4llaceK says âStart ring or shield and take ignite or ghost. You do not beat him at level 1, start Q and execute the 3 first melee minions. Stack Q on the wave and trade him by 4 stack snipping him in the face and dashing away, you can use your E while in your Q. Remeber hat when he pulls you he is going to W slow you and try to get the outer ring Q to heal, walk towards him instead of away. After he short trades you decide whether you want to fight, if he has more than 3 bleed stacks, or has ult, or ghost, don't fight him. Play safe, ping for your JG, ward well, and scale up.â
SesaPrime says âThe greatest punisher to exist before Camille. Misposition? He wins automatically. If you are in his proximity, he will pressure you almost every time you CS. You cannot allow him to gain more than 3 bleeds stacks on you in a trade/fight.
Darius players can save their pull for your Hookshot engages or attempts to escape. A smart Darius will prevent you from ever escaping a trade against him. Do not give him too much room in a fight to run you down & finish you with his ult.
You can negate/dodge his with your ult, but it will only cancel the animation once. â
Open says âYou lose early and scale about even late=game. Just abuse your mobility mid-game and don't int away the early game. Darius isn't really possible to duel. It used to be that you would outscale him and stat check win fights before trynd nerfs and kraken nerfs but not anymore thats why I rate him really hard to beat.â
primate nefasto says âIf he is ahead you can´t do anything so play early game focus or you will solo lose the game. As soon he uses Q to farm you engagge and is free kill, probably mid-fight he will have Q again so you can use E to approche him. Take ignite and abuse his mistake (using Q to farm) He can cancel your E with his E, take care of that.
Fight around your ignite unless you are already far ahead of him.â
Reines Kokosfett says âUse your Q slow to disengage level 1. Sometimes you have to drop farm level 1. If you are close to dismounting level 2 you can all in him. After level 3, use your e to disengage at 3-4 Stacks. You win if you are both at half health (close to dismount) because Kled has more burst and you can remount faster then he can stack his passiv. Even though his ult is an execute your mobility makes him easy to kite and all in when you are stronger.â
Boptimus says âK'Sante actually has tools available to deal with Darius,; Darius is really good at bullying Tanks.
Spacing is key and if you find that you against a good Darius you should play a bit safer and try to stack Armor. Your E can be used to avoid his E and Q, and your W can be used to cancel his E.
If you are looking to all in Darius you should make sure he has 0 stacks on you and you can take him down before he can get 5 stacks and R you.â
darkmamba20 says âYou win early if you hit axes, then its free. Late game if you dont dodge his q, he will actually oneshot you with his ult. If he brings ghost and phase rush, consider teamfighting. â
stefanko says âSkill matchup, but slightly Jax favored. Level 1 look for a trade when he tries to last hit minions with his q. Level 2 you can all in him. Q his q, otherwise start the trade by walking up. If he e's you, his e cd is longer than your e cd, so try to force a fight off your e cooldown. If he doesnt have his e, he can not do anything to you. (grasp or lt, tp or ignite)â
Ulamog says âConqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
It's very important to NEVER him hit you with his outer Q for free! Always have Q ready to dodge inside of it.
When you trade always Parry his 1st-2nd AA, because they will most likely AA>W to make use of the AA reset. If you parry there and dodge the outer Q, there is no way he can apply all 5 stacks of his passiv on you.â
Biba or OTP Kled says âCrit base:Use simple tactic like baiting on Q and engage,dont fight after lvl 6 and build Crossbow to survive his R in unmount formâ
ElMonumento says âbe careful with darius's passive in the early game, if you manage to be careful with his passive and beat him, you can always beat him in 1v1 or 1v2 depending on who the other champion is against
Zeffie says âDarius can be a threat if he plays super aggro and gets high bleed on you early, play around his q sweetspot and dont take unnecessary trades into him, wait for jgl if possibleâ
Galactities says âHe can pull you in while you e+q but also if he wastes E, you can fight him a little bit and then E+Q away before he gets full bleed stacks.â
Tonho says âThis matchup depends on how good the Darius is. If he knows this matchup, you will have quite some trouble killing him. If he doesn't, you can spam kills on him. Flash + Ghost is good here if you are not confident enough. If he lands his Q sweetspot, you already lost the trade. Trade level 3-5. Level 6 above he has advantage if he builds Steelcaps. If he doesn't, you can burst him before he dismounts you.
Overall, he always outscales you.
If you run ignite, run conquer. If you run ghost, run lethal tempo.â
Matkiller_444 says âThis champ is very strong in melee, so you have to be careful, play as good as you can and try not to fed him, because then he will be unstoppable. â
Smalmeck says âDarius outdamages you early game play safe and farm until you reach your powerspike (riftmaker+nashors) you outscale him mid and late game. â
killer2325 says âTry to farm until lvl 3. Dodge his Q's with your E. Poke with Q E. Don't come close to him while your E on cd. Never let him freeze under the turret, one mistake and you're dead. After lvl 6 you can be more agressive but be careful with his stacks and try to kite him with your ult.â
PraefectusMace says âDepends on how skilled the Darius is. Because you can easily force him out of his stack combo with your E. Or when he tries to land his spin, latch onto him so he will just hit you with the handle as more often then not they try to move back a bit expecting you to move closer.â
Phantom_Ashes says âDarius players are extremely cocky because of his strong level 1, even more so if they haven't played this matchup yet. Use your Q-attach to get inside of his Q and you stomp him at all points of the game. â
dzsama says âThis lane is Jax favored but a good Darius can be tricky to deal with. Important thing is to block his W with your E and don't let him get his passive to 5 stacks on you. If you can't run out of his Q circle Q on him so you will be in the inner ring, denying him his heal and extra damage. All in if he misses E, just be careful since most Darius's run Ghost so they will have kiting potential with it. Flash Ignite is recommended in this matchup since Ignite screws Darius quite hard.â
Nnorio says âDO NOT FIGHT LVL 1 (unless he starts q).
Let the wave push towards u, lvl 2 all in.
Assuming you are ahead u beat him post 6.
1v1 tips:
You cannot w his R (true dmg).
Do not fight him unless he has used his e because it can cancel ur q.
Q his Q .
You can W directly after he E's you.
Take ignite since he will most likely take ghost.
If he cancels ur q run.â
Yasuo Is Sexy says âThis guy can beat you to a pulp when he pleases. Try not to die to him early and you might make it out. If you play smart and get quick trades when he inevitably gets too cocky and misses his abilities, then thats a good strategy.â
Pep_Shin says âI permaban him even with the two other atrocities which are fiora and Akali.
He statchecks you. if he hits a grab you're dead.
The matchup is only playable after lvl 6 if he doesn't have ghost. Otherwise he just destroys you.
Play safe and wait for your team to help you.â
GannicusTTV says âDarius is one of the few match ups you can't just walk up to him. Respect his spacing, his damage and passive together can destroy you.
Only walk up to him to last hit if you have passive and W ready. If you have passive and W ready you can try to bait some "shorty trades". W preventively and hit him with grasp and shieldbash. and be ready to E away after he pulls you. If you used your passive and W right, he will most likely lose the short trades. You can repeat it over and over until he is low enough for an all in with ignite for the kill.
Avoid getting hit by his Q to deny him healing, but if you know you will be hit it is OK to use passive to block some of the damage. if it is safe (near your tower, and you are healthy) and he can't 100 to 0 you can use your E into him to avoid the Q damage. Darius is mostly vulnerable after he used his E and Q. If he wastes it on the wave and misses you, as long as it is not too far from your tower you could all in him.â
Armorjacker says âYou have to E his Q in order to both mitigate his damage and healing from that ability, without that, he cannot win in extended trades since he no longer has sustain. If he somehow gets fed, just play for teamfight and ult him into the enemy team, make shure he doesnt get near your backline.â
lorensj81 says âA good Darius is hard to kill. Watch out for him cheesing you in bush and running you down with autos and W slows. Save Q to cleanse slow. Let him push you into tower early, try to keep wave outside tower.
Kill window is if he wastes Q or E, preferrably both.
You can trade into him if he starts with Q, just Q into him melee range, press W for his E hook, auto him and spin away.
Darius has no sustain so if you trade and passive regen back up you can set up easy kills after level 6.â
Puyi says âYou can use your E to get inside his Q and negate his healing and stacking. His W slow is relatively easy to predict and cancel with your W, and you can get out of his E range with your E. However, he's still Darius. One missplay can cost you your life and your lane. Avoid long trades.â
Hijitori says âThe longer the game the more dangerous he gets (his amazing sustain and movement speed with Ghost with his E dash makes him so tough for Cho)â
ananesever69 says âThis is more of a play safe lane. If he pulls you in try to be in the inner circle of his Q unless you can E out of it which isn't likely. Avoid the 1v1s truthfully or you'll regret life in this lane. Even All-Out he should still beat you especially if his bleed is stacked up alreadyâ
Azekar says âConqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade
Ignite+Teleport or Ghost+Ignite.
Skill matchup just like Camille. Both characters have a strong early and a very large spike at level 6. Try to knock him out with your Q, and when the opportunity arises, kill him. You can also try waiting in tribush on level 1 - Gwen is really VERY strong then. Don't get hit with his E, and when he activates his Q in a fight with you, use E in his center to avoid taking damage.
NegativePhoenix says âMans a menace, you really can't beat him in 1v1s unless you can ult him into your tower but that's going to be a task in itself. This is more of a play safe lane. If he pulls you in try to be in the inner circle of his Q unless you can E out of it which isn't likely. Avoid the 1v1s truthfully or you'll regret life in this lane. Even All-Out he should still beat you especially if his bleed is stacked up alreadyâ
JustSad42 says âDarius is one of the few champions you lose to level 1, so be careful of that. Youâll want to wait for level 3 before taking any trades with him. To win any trade after level 3, you will have to W his E or the more consistent option, W his W. If the enemy Darius player is skilled enough in this matchup, they will hold both abilities and kite you with ghost. If you believe the enemy Darius player is that skilled in the matchup (Master+ OTP), then youâll only beat Darius after your first item. Youâll always beat Darius in the sidelane 1v1. The main issue you have to be aware of is teamfights. Even if the Darius is behind, due to the high damage on his R after he gets 5 stacks, he is always a threat to you. So, try to avoid teamfighting when thereâs a Darius in the game unless your team is ahead.â
KisebbsegiJager says âtry to cancel his e with your w, and you can also reset your w in all out form and try to block the most damage you can from his ultimate. Buy bramble west first backâ
Night Guy says âThis matchup is interesting because in my eyes it's a 50-50 situation if you lose early it's over but if you win it's over for him so play it smart and win. â
JustSad42 says âYou have to take conq. Never take lethal tempo in this lane or you lose it.
Level 1 get E and farm from range safely. When you get 3, get 4 stacks and go in if you hit E. If you ever hit your E on him pre 6, you will kill him. After 6, you don't need to hit E as long as you Q him when he tries to Q you.â
dexcellent says âlol. cringe matchup. wait for his E pull before you taunt, so it doesnt get cancelled. never start 1v1 fights with your taunt. if you decide to all in (god forbid), try staying inside of his ass, so the q doesn't heal him. NEVER let him get 5 stacks on you. good luck bro.â
SrMolinv says âIf Darius uses E in a bad situation he loses. This matchup is playing around his E and dont get hit by Q outer area. Flashing his Q flash is worth a flash.â
AlyssaTennya says âNot nearly as bad as garen and a very winnable matchup as long as you don't try to all in him without short trades. Pretty easy to kill with you + a teammate. But the true damage with ult will let him 1v1 you much longer than you would like.â
Grakala says âIt's not a bad match-up but a hard one. You need to stay in the perfect distance all the time. Try to bait him to use E on you and let it hit, then use R, fast combo and use E to dodge his Q. NEVER trade him unless he hooks you bc you will not be able to escape the trade, not even with flash. â
St0rmyss says âGo lethal tempo with inspiration with dblade and ignite. Don't use q to start a trade with him just walk up and start with your E if he E's you early you can still jump in else you can stun him (A W) and then Q out. Just be careful he might Q to farm so try to dodge that.â
lilwheezin says âAgainst any kind of lane bully/early game champs, chances are your early game is not gonna be too fun. Darius is obviously one of the most oppressive matchups for Nasus, so watch out for him. Ban him if you feel like it.â
OOBLEXX says âThis is also just personal experience but he is definitely beatable. Time your W well to mitigate his passive damage and you should be fine. â
V1kt0r555 says â[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Avoid his Q sweet spot as it deals more damage and heals him]
[Kite him with your Q]
[Ask for ganks, he has no mobility and escapes]â
TwTvRANGERZX says âHe has the same play pattern as you (autoattack smashing), but he can also build defensive stats. Try to do short trades without giving him his passive. He is very weak without E, so if he misses it or uses it badly, thats a window to fight. Darius is very easy to gank, so ask your jungler for help.â
Antisocial_Renekton says âRUSH TABI ASAP
If you want to contest push and fight lvl 1 - go alacrity, double adaptive, dblade and kite him into your casters.
If you dont want to contest - go dshield, second wind
DODGE Q AND TRACK IT (9 sec cd lvl 1)
Dont engage with e2, dont e in to proc his boneplating, just q it.
Poke with q.
Always keep tracking his passive stacks on yourself.
Consider permabanningâ
Groovywelsh says âat level 1 if darius has W he will beat you always if he has Q you will win becuse you can doge it with your E. Save your E to doge his Q (with doge i mean spin into him if you can win) or save it after he uses his E if you just e onto him he will E you slow you then he will W againt slow and then Q or do the same but with Q second instead of W and if he does that you die or lose a lot of hp i recomend to not fight him but if you are remember save your Eâ
RandumPersin says âTake PTA here. There is no world where Renekton will ever beat Darius in an all in and this matchup is very rough if he gets the first kill. Look to use E1 to blank his Q, only dashing in if you have fury for empowered W. If you dash in without fury on W he can hook you out of E2 and you die on the spot. While his hook is down look to harass him as he is pretty weak compared to us. I'm not a fan of building heal cut in this matchup since if he hits us just once with his Q we lose, so there's no point to the item. If he gets super far ahead you have no choice and must build bramble otherwise you can't even ask for jungle help (he will 2v1 you and your jungler). If you get the first two kills the matchup becomes hilariously easy, but for the most part its all about the counterplay around his E. Whoever is last to land an ability will win the trade, you want to try and finish every trade with W. Your sustain is much better than his and your Q scales a lot harder in lane than his does, so at level 9 you are looking to fight him since his ult will be rather weak at that point. Do not ever try to all in him past level 11, he will win every time - even if he is behind. PTA helps us a lot here with the empowered W trades and doing damage through his bone plating after he whiffs hook or uses a naked Q and lets us dash in.â
AdventurousBoldJourney says âIt should be a skill match up, but Darius is completely overtuned right now. Start W, and you try to win. E whenever he Qs, and R him on his second Q, and you should win your all in. Go lethal tempo, and rush bork.â
LeyzeHP says âConqueror or phase rush.
Eclipse or Divine Sunderer
You gotta ward middle bush lv1 so you know if he enters it, him getting inside of it is a problem and you don't win lv.1 if he has boneplating, you can out-trade him if you W2 his W so he can't slow you.â
JT Andrew says âDarius Is Very Hard Because His Passive So when your opponent is Darius. use executioner's calling for anti heal and to dodge his abilities use ghost. â
Fizzy says âJust ban this champion.
Simply being one of the worst to play against Fiora, because of having lvl 1 extremely strong, always try to banish if you can't, try to play back and make "Divine Sunderer" as fast as possibleâ
hamgi says âdarius is easily kiteable when his grab (e) is on cd. due to this, they typically take ghost to run u down and use w to slow u. every attack of his stacks bleed, which deal true dmg, and at max stacks, his ult deals the most dmg, which is also true. avoid long trades with him, especially out of e as he can easily grab u or flash/ghost on u. short trades go a long way as if u consistently dodge the outer ring of his q, he will remain at low hp. respect his e grab range as it is actually pretty big, and he can grab u over or out of walls if u use q3 (not r tho u are unstoppable)â
SnailZZR says âDarius is commonly an annoying enemy - Dodge his GRAB and JUST POKE HIM UNTIL YOUR JUNGLE GANK. (Or, Until you fell confident to engage). Try your best to avoid his 5 passives stacks, pls. â
RuchaczSzmat69 says âSkill matchup, poke him down with Q and barrels and play around his E range. Its much more easier if you played some matches with darius and know his range. His damage is disgusting if he gets the stack so try to take short trades. Always take boneplating, and if he pulls you, autohim with passive for bonus movement speed, W his slow from his W, try to avoid Q edge and run away. DONT GO TOO FAR FROM YOUR TOWER if he has ghost and you dont have a leadâ
SirSlimm says âjust really broken, try not to get close to him, start W against him and try to get a trade with grasp. play safe when he hits level 3â
Smudey says âHe wins all long trades and is stronger lvl 1. Only go for the push if he lets you, otherwise stay back. If he mindlessly spams his E>AA>W>Q combo, you can actually taunt inwards and trade him. That way you will damage him while also evading his Q sweetspot heal. You can block his W with yout W (can be hard, but possible if predictable). Only aggressively taunt in if you can oneshot him. You can also chose to stay back the whole game because he won't be strong if he doesn't get an early lead, but fighting him can be super beneficial if you notice that he sucks. Only better Darius players can beat Shen.â
MrSIrPops says âThere is not much you can do about darius . He can basically run you down and drain all your health with his passive espacially in the early state of the game . Play under tower and wait for your jungler to gank you and go with a tanky build for more sustain . â
Cheeseypops1 says âThis champion is the early game version of Mordekaiser, But don't be scared if he doesn't go, Maw of Malmortius first item which he probably won't assuming he is below Master, At Riftmaker you just poo in his mouth assuming you aren't behind as long as you hit most of your skill shots, but even pre 6 you can beat him if you poke him down to about 65% with good q spacing but it's just easier to try to out scale him. Also if he freezes on you early ping your jgler if your jgler doesn't come you have no counterplay and just have to sit in exp range don't try to ego break the wave you will die, Full hp 1v1 pre 6 = unwinnable, Rush Steelcapsâ
ToxicCannon says âBefore 6 if Darius is running ghost he is very lethal against early Kayle. If he is running ignite you should turtle until 6 or ask for early jungle support. After 6 this matchup is much more doable.â
UnderworldTF says âE is very similar to your auto range, if he hits it you are dead. Focus on poke with red card. Stay slightly outside of e range to bait it out, chase him to tower if he misses. Take First Strikeâ
TRIAD3S says âPlay very very safe. I recommend you to up E lvl 1, but Q max, because you'll need W points to all-in on him.
After lvl 9, with ignite, you can all-in him. If you don't have ignite, all-in after lvl 11 is more safer.â
Adamikcz2 says âHard matchup that requires you to have a lot of game knowledge to beat, I recommend banning Darius if you do not feel confident against him.
Best way to kill Darius is to poke him down with E and then all in when he's about 50% hp. NEVER ALL IN HIM WHEN HES FULL HP, Darius excels in long fights. â
JustCallMeVox says âAzir completely dominates Darius in lane. Just remember to keep your distance, even when he gets low, because he will use that small window to take you down and snowball. If you feel Darius is going to all in you, prepare a sand soldier for escape.â
Crazy Billy Bob says âAll champions with an execute are dangerous to dismounted kled, darius has not been that much of a threat to kled in the past, but now he's tankier and if he gets a lead you will be in a tough position since he will only build tankier and tankierâ
StingingChicken says âRespect him and likely his ghost level 1 and 2. Your q outranges his E and Q, so try to poke a bit before fighting all in. Once he pulls you in and presses ghost, someone is dying. Hold your w to jump inside and dodge his q. Levels 3-5 you hardstomp him all in with ignite if you dodge Q heal. After 6 you still win if you can E his R. Good Darius players will try to ult before 5 stacks when you aren't expecting it, so be ready. They can also R-Flash, so if you strongly suspect it's coming you have to E and flash away preemptively. â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
kajinator says âDarius is tricky to deal with since he forces you to stay in a fight with him for long periods of time. Phase Rush is mandatory here and you will need to proc it with your standard trading pattern and leave a lot faster than you would have to versus other champions due to his E pulls range. Bring Flash + Ignite because at level 6 you do have decent kill pressure into Darius, especially if you are good at kiting out his passive stacks with Phase Rush. Staying even in XP and CS is extremely important because if you let this guy get even 1 kill or snowball you in XP/CS he will make your game a nightmare.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
BreadyToCrumble says âI don't find Darius that difficult to beat with the Q max + Comet build as the extra slow lets you kite him easily. Just poke all lane and play super safe. Always ult his Q, not his R, as it's a more predictable animation.â
Evandabank says âDarius is a personal hatred of mine however the matchup is not that bad.
Against Darius you need to be very careful. One incorrect movement can lose you the lane phase. Play around your Q (bear trap) and attempt to poke him down. You do outrange him with your bear trap. The most common response from Darius after he is getting poked down with bear trap, is to attempt to E you when you go for your next bear trap. This is the most likely moment that you will find for an engage and if you hit your bear trap before he pressed E, he will die.
Darius' key ability is his Q if he uses his Q on the wave than you have a great opportunity to go for an all-in. Do not engage on him until he wastes his Q or you have poked him down enough with bear traps and are confident that you can kill him even if he hits his Q. After you engage on him, try to save your E-2 in order to dodge his Q. You can use your ultimate to dodge Darius' Q as well.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
SrMolinv says âJugar muy inteligentemente con los dashes. Si Darius gasta la E en alguna mala situacion (Pokear y asegurar una Q) podemos terminar matandolo.â
Riceyboll says âIf he has mastery it's joever.
But in all seriousness if you dodge his spin or atleast don't get hit in it's sweetspot you can beat his assâ
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
pura4 says â"[Ămpeto Gradual,, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Phase rush ĂŠ muito importante, sempre que ele te puxar, use QWE e corra, geralmente todos Darius esperam lvl 1 na moita do Rio ou da Lane, pode trocar com ele use uma poção corrupta Q +2AA e assim que ativar o phase rush corra, ĂŠ importante sempre esperar sua passiva estĂĄr ativa para ir farmar, tente desviar de todos Q dele quando ele nĂŁo estiver com E up.Pode nĂŁo parecer mas vocĂŞ tem a vantagem, todos Darius usam flash e ghost, jogue recuado e use o TP quando ficar com metade da vida e suas poçþes acabarem, caso vocĂŞs tenha mais vida e o Darius com metade de HP ou menos, vĂĄ para cima, guarda o R para quando ele usar o Q dele, assim vocĂŞ desvia do Q dele e ainda nĂŁo da a Cura para ele"â
Mr Byars says âJust dont walk up to his e range' when he's behind his farms W him to take cs, wait for your jungler pre 6. Don't die pre 6. After 6 if you have enough stacks and a Sheen walk up to him, press R and attack him but dont use your ghost or W, once he gets to 4 blood stacks w him and walk away, as soon as stacks end press ghost and attack him again, dont let him get to 5 stacks or you'll get bonked.â
Duwiiton says âDarius can force you into long-trades. Don't let him do that, instead saving your Q for hooking to a wall. Try not to engage with him far from your tower, as he can run you down.â
CupcakeDinosaur says âVery hard to beat at any point of the game since being close to him means certain death unless you are literally god or you are ahead
Way to beat him: take ignite or exhaust and start longsword with a pinkward (if you dont have ignite) and a pot.
once he gets close to a bush, jump on him and kite him into the bushes. After you've done that, place the pinkward in one bush and the normal ward in another or ignite him, then jump on him from alternating bushes as needed to maintain distance and prevent his auto attacks on you
(IMPORTANT:if he has ignite you cant win the early 1v1, so just lay back and afk-farm under turret and poke him with your E until he is lowâ
zir zir azir says âI wouldn't say that this matchup is complicated, it just can be "complicated" if Darius has a ghost. Poke him with all your might, do not expose yourself to his skills, punish him for every last hit of creeps. Don't get too close otherwise, he will just snatch you and won't let you fly away with the help of w e q. When the online stage comes to an end, do not let Darius approach your team, and even more so to your carry, throw him away from the team with an ult when he initiates with GOST, preferably near the walls.â
Oogaboogaga says âYou are unable to walk at the wave. Do not build tank as darius is naturally strong into tanks due to his passive stacking. IF you are completely even at level 6 with darius you can burst him with ignite and ult due to darius taking ghost instead of ignite. Your ult is much stronger than his at 6. His ult does not get much stronger until level 11 as it doesnt get stronger 6-10 unlike your ult.â
KaiOverHere says â(Phase Rush + Flash Ignite/ghost) Darius is a very difficult matchup as he can kill you off of any mistake, but *technically* if you play perfect, you'll win this matchup 100% of the time, which is why I put Darius in even. You can start either Cull or D-shield in this matchup as it's going to be very boring and farm heavy/D-shield procs off every tick of his passive. Take Phase Rush so that you can get away with some mistakes. Take Ignite so that you can generate kill pressure on him, or take ghost so that you can constantly beat him in the sidelanes. You really don't want to mess with Darius until you hit level 6 as your lethal range will be too small before then. Take Stridebreaker ALWAYS into Darius even if it's a good Galeforce angle because Darius tends to build tank, and attempting to one shot him will never work. You are simply trying to go in and out and in and out.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Decimate(Q). Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Q. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
Irelius says âif he's smart he'll take lvl 2 prio. Dont fight for it. When you are both lvl 3-4, that's the moment you can look for kill. Click W to proc his boneplating before engaging. Wait for W to come back, hit E, kill him. Q him to dodge his Q. W his auto+W.
Matchup is not marked even because this man has shitload of true damage even early without offensive items. He outscales you hard as a sidelane duelist if you dont snowball. Is autoattacking 5 times and dealing 1400 true damage even considered dueling?
With ignite you can kill him at lvl 1 if he doesnt deny you melee minions. Or whenever you land E. â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Q. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
Elresser says âDarius is known for being able to run down a lot of champs. I thought Sejuani was one of these champs, but there is one thing I learned about him. If you use your Q only as a disengage after he uses his pull you will win the burst trades and he won't run you down .Use Q any differently and you're dead.â
Animate Dead says âI have not yet found a Darius, who still couldn't wipe your team, even if you put him behind. Your stun doesn't cancel his R, and Rappel just puts it on a 1,5 sec CD. Build Hullbreaker first item seems to work best for me, and then kite and stay out of his E range.â
pura4 says â"[Ămpeto Gradual,, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Phase rush ĂŠ muito importante, sempre que ele te puxar, use QWE e corra, geralmente todos Darius esperam lvl 1 na moita do Rio ou da Lane, pode trocar com ele use uma poção corrupta Q +2AA e assim que ativar o phase rush corra, ĂŠ importante sempre esperar sua passiva estĂĄr ativa para ir farmar, tente desviar de todos Q dele quando ele nĂŁo estiver com E up.Pode nĂŁo parecer mas vocĂŞ tem a vantagem, todos Darius usam flash e ghost, jogue recuado e use o TP quando ficar com metade da vida e suas poçþes acabarem, caso vocĂŞs tenha mais vida e o Darius com metade de HP ou menos, vĂĄ para cima, guarda o R para quando ele usar o Q dele, assim vocĂŞ desvia do Q dele e ainda nĂŁo da a Cura para ele"â
BLYX says âDarius is a serious threat against low elos. Once he gets 5 stacks on you, it's pretty much over. Take short trades and avoid healing him too much.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Q. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
ARTHEO says âDarius' passive makes it easy for him to run down any champion so making trades with him can be challenging. At most times, you want to all in with everything you got or make small trades after he uses his Q or E.â
1akai1 says âNĂŁo troque com ele lv 1, tente sempre usar seu W no E dele. No early game procure trocas nos cds das skills dele. Eu gosto de jogar essa lane de Conq + Nimbus + Ig por conta que vocĂŞ pode usar ig e com o ms do nimbus desviar do Q ou correr atras dele.â
Thrandor says âIf he runs Ghost you stand a good chance- ignite is going to be annoying though. Use your Q on him to stay away from the sweetspot of his Q (this is pretty difficult if he hits his E first). Don't let him activate his passive, this gives Darius a clear 1v1 advantageâ
Racz says âVery strong this patch, one of the best top laner. Always dodge his Q at any cost, you can E towards him to dodge the sweet spot. Don't let him get his passive stacks full on you. He cancels your taunt with his E.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âDarius is one of the best duelers in the game, so donât overstay. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his Q. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesnât deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.â
CosmicTurtle88 says âTrivially easy, don't trade super hard first couple of levels because his sustain is insane, but after that you can just all in if he's pushed up and run him down. Try and eat him if you're
getting hit by Q so you're both CC'd, but really just GHOST and dodge his Q's with it â
Alachiel says âHard to kite because of his E.
You can still win the matchup by kiting well, but you should stay back and wait 6 to roam if you don't feel confident.â
SylvainGuerrier says âBe careful for his lvl 1 all in, make sure you poke him and grab EXP and as much farm, which is way easier with this build, then you provide much more for the team later if you go even or a bit behind.â
Polkadog says âHe might not be as bad as Trynda or Aatrox but he's Darius alright. He totally wins trades with you and can deny all your farm pre-6 if he knows what he's doing. If he tries to engage you, Q him and W away. Taking ghost or Phase Rush out of desperation against him is viable.â
Akidne21 says âDarius can deal you so much damage if he attracts you with his E, and after stacking 5 times his passive on you he can kill you with his ultâ
MTSungur says âi absolutely hate darius, they go with ignite ghost, if you eat one his skills you die. if his jungler comes for gank, you die. your jungler comes for gank and you eat one his skills, at least one of you dies. so you gotta play perfect against him or just ban him i hate him.â
tacowo_ says âI have never won lane against Darius as Volibear top. I have never lost a game against Darius as Volibear top. Extreme threat in Laning Phase. After 25 minutes, though, he's useless.â
UlisesFRN says âHe plays like Sett, but he is a Tier higher cause his grab is far more annoying. Play aggressive so he doesnt start the trade with the hook. Use Phase Rush and call for ganksâ
Inoks says âDshield/Bone plating is a must here. Darius is a very interesting matchup because you always have to be in the correct position against him, since if you miss position just a little you can be punished very hard. If you E Q too far in the lane he can pop ghost and run you down and kill you. try to Q him from max range and don't get hit by his E and you should be able to win this matchup. Tier 2 armor boots are really good here. Anti heal is a good option too, just don't buy bramble its so gold unefficient.
Summs: Ignite(kill-pressure/risky), Teleport (Safer/sidelane)â
j4ss says âYou can abuse of his lack of mobility and easily dodge his E with yours to escape. If you catch yourself in big danger, use your R to stop him. â
Taiquyorah says âMU Ă "l'avantage" de GP puisque le Q de GP out-range très lĂŠgèrement le E de Darius mais comme Darius se joue avec Gosht, s'il joue de manière intelligente il attends d'ĂŞtre en range et il vous all in et gagne.
Cependant, s'il loupe son E, vous pouvez l'engage pour un trade, mais faites attention que son gosht soit sur CD et d'esquiver l'extrĂŠmitĂŠ de son Q.
Je vous conseille de l'entamer avec un combo de barils ou plusieurs avant d'essayer de le tuer.â
ShadowStealer94 says âWill smash you into the ground every time. Don't risk your desk it's not worth it. Unless of course you hate winning and want your team to hate you.â
Nino_euw says âThose champions you might struggle with a bit at first, but once you really respect his entire kit, he's no threat to you, your E is too strong against this type of champion.â
NegativePhoenix says âDoesn't matter if you build tanky or AP, this lane will be a Cho'Gaths worst nightmare at all stages of the game. You can't do much without him punishing you for it. You don't have any real defense or escape so don't fight him early unless you poked him down enough that you can kill him or you're close to tower to feel safe. Just do your best to poke him down for your jungler early or for yourself if you can and use your Q or W for disengage or in team fights against him so that he can't do much in team fights. If he's silenced or knocked in the air he can't heal or ult.â
Yiphen says âJungle Diff. You can get Grasp Procs by AA'ing him whenever he goes in to kill a minion. You NEED to Q into him when he Q's or else his healing gets insane. Use your Ult when he Ults you. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.â
gekigami says âDano muito alto, duas skills de lentidĂŁo no kit alĂŠm de dano real. nĂŁo seja puxado por ele quando seu E estiver em CD que tudo ficarĂĄ bem.â
HelloStranger says âCONQ | Flash + Ignite
High Intensity matchup. You really need to focus in this matchup as both of you will usually be around the same skill gap. This is a matchup of who makes the first mistake. You do not win until lvl 6 and even then if you make one wrong move you can kiss Darius's sweet axe in death. Later into the game you should be able to beat him but its honestly up to the skill gap of the both of you. Whoever is the better player will generally win.â
WildSamu says âDBlade + Red Pot.
This matchup is unwinnable until Shieldbow.
If he gets 5 stacks on you, you are fried.
Do your best to not let him freeze, stay in xp range and drop farm if necessary.
Take short trades and try to dodge his Q with your E.
He's difficult to gank because he has the potential to 1v2, if he does, your lane is over.â
wooverbo says âThe only way you're killing him in a 1v1 is if he doesn't know about his passive triggering turret aggro and lets you swallow him to your turret while you're bleeding. He can snowball out of control if you're not careful.â
meduselolol says ârun ignite you win level 1 use this to push the wave to assure you get first 12 minions. Play passive till 6. After 6 space out his e and you win lane.â
Nastu616 says âHis passive makes prolonged fights go in his favor because he makes you bleed literally, also the circle of his q heals him so try to be inside of that circle when fighting him.â
PENTAKILL LETS GO says âif you are mechanically weak he will win, otherwise you can destroy him by dodging his Q with E or cancel Q & E/hook with your W.
In any way, try not to hang a fight too long, you will probably lose since his blood hurts' stacks does a lot of damages and he can execute you easily with a ton of true damages.â
Black Demon Ezel says âThe first extreme threat on here is not a pretty one. Darius hella powerful bleeding damage can completely offset your Omnivamp, I know this because I've seen Hashinshin lose hard to him. I have only one option to give you. DO. NOT. FIGHT. HIM!!!â
7EyesNoSkills says âHe can E+W you and you cant escape. Try to dodge his E if that is possible, if he can E you, and you got and exhaust, use it ASAP and dodge his Q and don't let him heal himself. If you are slowed, don't move and just attack while his damage reduced with your exhaust.â
Rinkashime says âTry not to fight Darius at all in laning phase since his passive will melt your health bar but don't be scared to trade back with an auto Q before running back to sustain with passive and shield.â
DIOSAAA says âIf he starts W, take W, if he starts Q get your E lvl 1. You should be fine this way. After lvl 1 never Dash on him unless he is using Q to weaken his damage out-put. You can also Dash when is E is on cooldown for a free trade in your favor.
VituVonDoom says âYou counter him in the early, mid, and late game, while also scaling 10X better than him. Whenever he wastes his E, Hammer combo and run away after, always keep your trades very short. Go Phase rush page, even ghost will not be enough to get you, and it makes short trades very easy to pull off. Whenever he Q's, Hammer Q to get in the inner circle, and E him when you are sure he won't be able yo pull you back.â
Michcio says âYou can kite him turbo hard. If he uses Q stick to him. If ure new gp player u will struggle a lot but after few matches and learning how to zone him so he wont hit his E you should stomp him like shitâ
Saud Almutairi says âSkilled matchup and its one of my favorite matchups . lvl 1 with D blade and approach velocity you can win if u land every Q , if u miss one then play back . lvl 2 is the same but not only land Q's but position them well with auto attacks . lvl 3 he wins HARD mainly because of his W and E , a trick u can do lvl 3 is when he E's u , u can time your Q where if he E's u q and then his E will make u pick up your own axe which sets up the next q but because he is lvl 3 with ghost he can win . lvl 6 u HARD win just buy CDR boots and its free just hit all Q's and he is doomed . in a 1v1 he doesnt outscale you like others think its just lvl 11 to lvl 16 dont let him land a Q on you when u R u have to stick in his face . go ghost flash or ghost ignite or flash ignite all works against him .â
HalexUwU says âIf you can dodge his pull, this matchup is very easy. Take ghost since he can, and likely will run you down. Consider using phase rush.â
KrazyKid1024 says âDarius I've found tends to be a skill matchup. Easy if you get him in the bushes and jump on him when he goes for a q to deny healing. Don't let him get 5 stacks on you.â
Baby Sona says âMordekaiser is the kind of champ that fights a long battle but wins it, so is Darius too. His kit is just more op than yours. Play passive at the very start of the game. Play around his passive stacks and do short trades with him when you get the chance. If he manages to pull you, dodge his Q and and don't let him get 5 passive stacks. Call your Jungler for help and try to be more useful later on in the game.â
Aberrant Demon says âAvoid the outer part of his Q because it does extra damage and applies a bleed stack. Using your Q helps to get inside of the Q or walk out of the range. You generally want to avoid using your Q on him unless you can Proc Phase AND his pull is down. Of course, this only applies if you can't win the all-in. Avoid getting into his hook range if possible. If you can't, respond with E and W before it connects. Afterwards, auto, Q to proc Phase Rush and hopefully remove his W slow. Try to keep the wave on your side as much as possible or he will all-in you with his Ghost. After level 6, you can look for short trades before going for an all-in. Just make sure he doesn't have to time to get 5 stacks and dunk you before you get your Ult off. Worst case scenario, you can look to Flash his Q so it doesn't get the bleed stack. Once you have Stridebreaker, the matchup becomes much easier.â
Galactities says âYou can't really beat him if he kites out your E. He wins extended fights pretty much anytime unless hes braindead. The only chance you really have is hoping he misses a Q or hoping he does kite your E.â
xSamuraii says âTake Bone Plating and Doran's Shield. W if he gets close and/or pulls you with his E. If he uses his Q, taunt him with E to pull him in and avoid the blade damage. After level 6 he outscales you pretty hard, so don't fight him without your team. Avoid long trades.â
TrinityForceYasuo says âIf he knows how to play Darius he will not give you breathing room to do anything -> Level 1-2 let him push to you, freeze -> Stack up Q3 and go in with E+Q3 -> Let him use an ability or 2 of them wave (Q OR E) -> Can use your E to deny his E by going on the side if you can predict or just go back to your E to ''cancel'' his E -> Can use E to dash next to him when he is using Q to not give him a stack/ not get full Q damage and heal -> Need small trades that will build up into an all in -> Can cancel his R with your E if you time it -> Kraken is recommended here -> DO NOT allow him to get his 5 stacksâ
NegativePhoenix says âDo not ever, and I mean EVER, attempt a level 1 fight with this man. He will win. His bleed stacks make it impossible to win prolonged fights without backup, and is overall just a pain. Take short trades if possible. If he pulls you in with E, stay close to him as he'll more than likely use his Q to stack up and heal. Once he misses his Qs outer ring you can either run or fight depending on the situation, but if he's got 3-4 stacks on you already I'd back up fast if near tower. If you aren't, he'll just ghost after you for the kill.â
Captain__Archie says âDarius is not a threat at any point of the game unless you get hit by his Q. Simply dodge his Q with your Q and one shot him.â
TheKirkendall says âPlay carefully until you get your ultimate. You might have to sacrifice some CS early. But if you can land poke against him, you'll win with your ult (it goes off faster than his, yes I've munched a jumping Darius before lol)â
JORGE OMAGO 74 says âComplex.ALWAYS START TRADES WALKING. E his W and save your Q to his Q. If he E's you and immediatly Q there's no counterplay but his E has 24 cooldown lv 1. Buy Death's dance and some health (like cleaver) to counter the true damage of his Râ
947ytb says â- Un champion qui prend jamais teleport
- Joue ignite + poigne
- La rune lethal tempo sur darius rend l'early plus dur a jouĂŠ
-Attention au bush lvl 1
- W son Eâ
IcunoX says âYou have to respect Darius a lot, since he also runs ghost a lot he could run you down, flashing your ultimate trying to knock him away. playable but very safe, ask for jungler.â
MeechyDarko says âThis matchup is all about the W. Whittle him down to a point you can all in him, and then finish him off with Q,A,Ignite,Q. Don't get his by his pull and don't let him heal off his Q. â
Boptimus says âI actually haven't played this match up in about 2 years. Darius for the longest time has been my perma-ban as I like to keep the option for picking Sion open.
Recently I've been switching to Tahm/Sett bans in Masters+ because Darius' pickrate has fallen off over the years and Sett/Tahm lanes are extremely toxic and unplayable.
I'll revisit this after I've played this match up.â
xZugas says â[Recommended: Phase Rush, Any Build] So, let's be honest: you're fucked against this guy. You can't do much with any build, as you're fighting against HIS terms, not yours. Overall, this champion is ban worthy, I recommend trying to farm and not die, and roam to other lanes to search for kills. Phase Rush helps you to reduce the amount of slow both E and W gives.â
Saint_gustaf says âHis blead and Ls will make it hard for u to win lane. Try to get the wave in a good spot so ur jg can gank. When u have the lead u can go for more daring trades. rember to use ur W when he eiter use Q ro is pull. â
Scallywag says âZone with your barrels and dont get e'd and you should not have many problems with Darius. Can still run you down with ghost if you don't manage your wave well.â
MAD GAREN says âPT-BR- Darius entra nesse guia por que muitos jogadores nĂŁo sem jogar contra. Garen nessa match vai de Ghost para acompanhar o Darius, Garen tem pressĂŁo de kill lvl 3 jĂĄ, porĂŠm a dica de ouro ĂŠ nĂŁo levar o Q e sempre ir pro ''in fight" com o Darius, de perto o Garen sempre leva a melhor, sempre evitar trocar quando o Darius puxar e quando ele acertar o Q.
ENG - Darius enters this guide because many players don't play against. Garen in this match goes from Ghost to accompany Darius, Garen has lvl 3 kill pressure already, but the golden tip is not to take the Q and always go to the ''in fight" with Darius, at close range Garen always takes the better, always avoid switching when Darius draws and when he hits the Q.â
Kifos says âIdk, its not exactly that extreme threat. Its just I cant win darius, because i always ban him on top and i havent learned this matchup at allâ
Atmoist says âHis slow + drag is very annoying early and can get you killed so be careful. bleed + ult like garen can turn around a fight you thought you were winningâ
KyleTheConqueror says âHe does DoT, can sustain pretty well, but still requires an up-close fight. You should be able to poke him better than he can poke you. Your defenses are better.
Dawn Break says âEste enfrentamiento es muy fĂĄcil, pero como es tan fĂĄcil ganarlo, tambiĂŠn podĂŠs perderlo fĂĄcilmente, solo debes esperar al nivel 2/3, llevar ignite y empezar con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King. Nunca desperdicies la W (Mi Turno/Haymaker) y trata de usar tu E (Ahora bĂŠsense/Facebreaker) o tu Ultimate (Hora del Show/The Show Stopper) para esquivar la Q de Darius y evitar que se cure.â
Now that this is clear, his DOT is pretty annoying and may be his winning point in trades, always hit the first strike in your W.â
powerfullgeo says âLevel 1 you win IF he doesn't have W as his first ability and/or ghost. From level 3 and onwards short trade, dodge his outer Q and make sure you don't throw your Q3 on his E cause it will get canceled and you will lose the trade.â
Kurose0027 says âWith ignite + conq, the all ins should be easy to win. Q into his Q if he uses it. Parry his W and you should win the all in even if he grabs you with E afterwards.â
davidbiton1 says âdarius is extremly aggresive early game which can lead to a big snowball so try to not take any uneccecry fights against him early game because you will most likely die to him.â
BiriRamen says âDarius is a shitty Statball champion, and is a dookie person to 1v1, play around your stacks, and try to not get caught by his e, but the bleed is no joke, you'll lose hard if you give him free autos.
I go CONQ for this matchupâ
gytross says âYou can all in if you get a small lead but be careful because R has a lot of damage if he can stack passive. Watch out and E out of his Qâ
ShacoMagicTrick says âHe can all in you lvl 1 from a bush so keep that in mind. After liandry's you win the lane. Dumb melee all in champ. Just use your brain and your boxes to trick him. Poke with E.â
queen_rane says â[Ignite + Flash] Start Dorans ring because the dorans shield isnt really going to help you because Darius doesn't poke, he just all ins and the Doran's ring will help you win the all in. You can farm with Q during the early game and let him push into you. You become more useful than him later in the game and you actually beat him in an all in at level 6 - especially if you have ignite. Just try not to get poked down by his Q and don't stand too close to him or he will slow you with his W and chase you down.â
SilverAvalanche says âBully: You just wait until you hit level 6. You Q -> He E -> You E -> You E2 -> He W and Q -> You ult to dodge and use the passive MS to gap close or W and Q him a couple of times and then R2 to finish him off, try and ignite him when you are in shroud since his Q will be up soon. He becomes impossible to kill after two items so make sure to stomp him. But you are more useful in teamfights so there is that.â
FlayMan says âDarius is just to slow to deal with you. All you have to do is play extra safe pre 6, and then go in with r when the time is right. Avoid his e and q and they can turn a fight. Essentially, just wait for level 6 powerspike and then run him down.â
Trundledaddy says âYou outscale hard, be careful of
execute at lvl 6, divine and you win
99% of the time, unless you misplay, plated steelcaps rush can help ease the lane if you are not feeling confident can use pillar to mess up Darius Q, but takes some practice to do so.â
lolkayleee says â[Ignite + Flash]
Start Dorans ring because the dorans shield isnt really going to help you because Darius doesn't poke, he just all ins and the Doran's ring will help you win the all in.
You can farm with Q during the early game and let him push into you. You become more useful than him later in the game and you actually beat him in an all in at level 6 - especially if you have ignite. Just try not to get poked down by his Q and don't stand too close to him or he will slow you with his W and chase you down.â
ProbablyPlatform says âWill fillet you like a fish if you let him. If u get a lead on him then you should be fine but shield before you get too low to be ulted or you become battered fish. You sideland anyway so you wonât see him after 15 minsâ
Hawkkiller105 says âThis is really iffy; you never want to fight a Darius level 1 or take extended trades with him at all unless you have someone to back you up. â
Federals1 says âThis is a very skill based matchup. A good Darius can beat a Volibear with relative ease, but Volibear can do the same to Darius. Do not try to fight him level 1. Take e and farm from a distance. Same goes for level 2. At level 3 you can beat him but you need to dodge his q with yours. Volibear q is a very slight lunge, meaning you will get into his small circle if you time it properly. Do not let him free stack you, especially at 6. Even one stack before an all out fight can be horrible and lose you the 1v1 hard. However Volibear can also hard win the 1v1 at 6. Your ultimate can dodge his e, effeictively removing him as a threat, but it needs to be timed well. W max is best here. All 3 rune pages work, but the first is the best. Cosmic drive rush or Iceborn Gauntet rush work well, and then do second item whichever you didn't do first. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.â
Egotistical Bad says âGhost Darius is just dangerous, he will gap close you and run you down, you beat him early but you will start to fall off really fast unless your Jungler loves you deep inside.â
Metal Addict says âGo ignite and don't fight unless you got ignite. You beat him level 3 and every time you have ignite. get some hp and antiheal and it is no problem.â
Nekoparry says â///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
If you want to play for late game take Dshield and second wind and poke him. But as we all know, fighting is more fun, so rush Steelcaps and take ignite + Celerity and Nimbus Cloak, then destroy him.
Always dodge his Q since It will still heal him even if you parry it, try to Q into him to dodge It, you can try to parry his E or his W or after lvl 6 his R. Look for small trades in early and even ask jgl for ganks. You outscale him.
Si quieres jugar para el late ponte escudo de Doran y Fuerzas Renovables y pokeale. Pero como todos sabemos es mĂĄs divertido pelear, rusheate Punteras de Acero y ponte ignite + Celeridad y Capa de Nimbo, luego reviĂŠntale.
Esquiva su Q ya que le curarĂĄ aunque la ripostees, para esquivarla lanza tu Q hacia ĂŠl, puedes intentar ripostear su E o su W y despuĂŠs de lvl 6 su R. Haz trades cortos en early e incluso pĂdele ganks al jungla. TambiĂŠn le outscaleas.â
Xpoxy says âGood darius players will hurt you. You need to respect his E, only poke with Q in early-game.
Take: Fleet Footwork
Build: Divine Sundererâ
quenzo says âIf you see Darius, play defensively and by that I mean almost always stay within the radius of the tower and call your jungler and say you need help!â
Yatsuu says âDarius is a hard bully laner early, all what nasus hate.. he can win the lane at the level 1 by freezing the lane if he's not an idiot. Just perma ban himâ
YORICKIMPROVECONSUME says âdo not get cheesed level 1. ur W very good vs darius. tabis rush! do not take long trades. SHORT TRADES ONLY. Kite him. he can still kill u short range 1v1 extended even if behind. so be careful and play slow. dont let him get 5 stack passive at any point and try to freeze. DO NOT PUSH UNLESS VERY AHEAD.â
roadtopenta5 says âpeople hate this matchup, but its not that hard once you get confortable on yasuo, you can dodge the edge of his Q dashing into him, and then dash out unless he E's you and then you might be dead, try to bait his E before trading.â
WestRover says âplay safe till 6 if he misses his q and e all in him, He will try and stack as much as possible this is the only matchup you go barrier and exhaust or ignite and exhaustâ
52hertz says âEasy matchup if you are experienced Yasuo player and know the matchup but even if you play perfect he can just stack armor and auto you till his passive procsâ
Anothaoneforym6 says âIf he you messed up or he killed you pre level 3 and has snowballed he will be a major threat until you poke him down enough. Dont ever let him hit you with Q as otherwise he has no sustain and is vulnerable to E. Always take phase rush into darius and try to E every time he pulls you. Once pulled if you managed to proc E as your being pulled, quickly auto Q or W Q.â
gazibulle says âOne of the hardest matchup. You outscale him. If Darius starts Q, you can contest him with Q start as long as you don't get hit by the outer thing so he doesn't regen. If he starts W, just farm with W, DON'T FIGHT him. It's easier if he starts Dblade as you can poke him with W. If he grabs you when you W him, Q for a shield which will block his Q damage then E out, and eventually if you have only 2 stacks and is quite close to your tower you can go onto him again, but be very cautious. Keep in mind that Darius is a stud, he is really immobile and therefore very vulnerable to ganks. Try not to get poked by his Q in lane, and if he ever misses you can go for a quick W-Q-Q trade. NEVER E out, as Darius will just E you and cancel you E then run you down. At lvl 6 you can try to juke his grab by Eing on a wall and waiting for him to E. If you succeed, then you can all-in him as long as you hit your E and then R his Q. Darius isn't good at extreme melee range, where he cannot hit his outer Q. Ignite / TP makes all-in easier, but makes you more vulnerable against his no counterplay run down with Ghost, so be aware of what you choose.â
alexionut05 says âBad matchup for Poppy. You simply will not defeat him early game, and you shouldn't even attempt it. Invest in a Bramble Vest and try to be more useful to your team in other ways. He scales off pretty poorly so use that to your advantage. Trade with him whenever he misses E, and dash into him when he tries to heal up with Q.â
MHLoppy says âOnce you've poked him down with a few Qs you can win any decent all-in with margin to spare. Miss-stepping can be lethal if you're not ready to fight though, so mind his E's range. Be a bit more respecful if Darius is running 2 lane summoners (e.g. Flash + Ghost or Flash + Ignite), since the matchup is a lot harder from behind.â
Agatrium says âThis guy is a real Chad. If the Darius is bad, you can actually win this lane. However, all of them take ghost and will attempt to run you down level 1. Donât let him 5 stack you or it will likely mean your death. Take ignite just in case he does try to all in you from nowhere as itâs your best chance of coming out even/beating him. â
Jellyjaneo says âCan be difficult early due to his bleed but if you keep your distance and poke perfectly this man won't be able to fight you. Unless you know, he travels and kills your bot lane then thats an issue.â
Gassid says âCommence au Z, laisse le push la première wave pour pouvir freeze la wave. Ne pas jouer trop sans le Pourfendeur Divin : si tu l'all-in dodge son Q avec ton Râ
Aphelios4ever says âIf you do not get hooked by his E you are fine to just lane normally and bully. The reason why he is difficult is bacause if you fight him at level 6 with your red white gun it is very close and you have to play it very well so you can outplay him with your coombo + barrier if you want to fight him and get ahead through outplaying him.â
Rymdskora says âDarius is all about give and take, if his E is up and you land E be prepared to jiggle back and forth. If he pulls you, be prepared to fight or die.â
LimitlessHavoc says âYou can hard win level 1 with Q extension and breaking his bone plating with 3rd Q however this is a bit of a coinflip. I prefer to just wait for level 3, short trade continuously and eventually all in with ignite. If the Darius respects me level 1 I will instead play for level 2 advantage and then proceed to bully him with it.
He can disrupt your all in and even cancel your 3rd Q with his pull/E, to avoid this Q dance through him to make him miss.
Don't get hit by the outer part of his Q.
Don't all in if you have several stacks of his passive on you.
He is very susceptible to ganks.â
Cryniu says âCompra botas para evitar que te agarre.
Prioriza mĂĄs la vida que la armadura, su E penetra armadura.
Juega defensivo, es muy complicado matarlo.
Vesta espinosa si compra curaciĂłn.
Tu W anula su W.
Haz intercambios cortos, el sangrado terminarĂĄ matĂĄndote.
Evita el ataque de su Q en el borde.Lo evitas alejĂĄndote o acercĂĄndote.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra darius, considera no usarla.â
Akali187 says âYou should beat Darius early game. Use your E to dodge his Q. Even if he hooks you it is okay just dodge his Q with your E and if you have no E stay close to him and fight. If he lands his Q the fight will become greatly in his favour, due to the heal he gets and damage you receive. Otherwise you should be able to out play him.â
Helzky says âDarius is one that you should have trouble with. You can't walk up to the wave, he'll just kill you. You have to dance around him basically, taking Ghost here is required. Play safe and under tower until Prowlers spike and/or level 6.â
ZomB2446 says âImmobile melee toplaner is Yorick favorite match up, especially Darius. Yorick is one of Darius biggest counter, because your cage prevent him from healing with Q edge, run people down, or even get to hit yorick 5 times. Remember to kite while he is trappedâ
OliveeGarden says âtake ignite and shield bash. 50/50 complete skill matchup. wait till lane to skill an ability, take W lvl 1 if he takes W, Take E if he takes Q. you win the all in if you land W but its a coinflip, ideally wait for level 2 and all in him, you win if you land E + W combo. darius will kill you at any point if you make a mistake.â
magician4444 says âSkill match up once again. Good spacing is key. I'd recommend taking ghost in this match up. Getting pulled in is a death sentence so you have to bait it out.â
Heworic says âDarius is somewhat problematic as while Gwen favors extended duels either you kill him quickly or he gets 5 hemorrhage stacks and ults you. Don't fight him early and remember to E into his Q.â
Potent213 says âRunes:
Goal in lane:
Beat him in the 1v1, get freezes and deny him resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke with Q on front vitals when he tries to farm, you can't get prio in this matchup, wait to be level 3 and then you can start winning trades.
There are two ways of playing this matchup
Either you go D Shield + Second wind and you hard play for scaling and short trades (works really well with his passive as you constantly refresh it and have insane healing).
One option in this lane is to go sorcery with celerity and nimbus cloak, you also take ignite and look to cheese him with an all in and run him down with ignite.
Avoid parrying his Q due to it still healing him, if you can parry AA + W you basically insta won.
Care when using Q as he can grab you mid Q to make it go on a long cooldown.
Level 6 you can use parry on his ultimate to completely block his execute, though they can use E into R making it impossible to parry due to the CC.
In early levels you want to look for poke and small trades with parry, parrying his W is insane and makes him lose so much damage and basically wins the trade for you.
Call jungler for help as Darius has terrible mobility and options to survive a gank.
If you respect him, you can outscale him and even kill him with the cheese build.â
StormPhoenix3 says âNot too much of a threat since he has poor range management. Do your best to keep away from his E grapple and you won't have trouble dealing with him.â
TheChoz3nOne says âPlay around your boxes. In first 3-lvls fights you need to dodge his skills or wait till he use it on the creeps and then you can fight with him.â
ChowJunior says âDon't misstep. You can rival Darius' early game. Stay on top of him during fights. Use your Q when he uses his, because Voli will sort of "jump" when casting it so it provides a good method of dodging that outer part of his Q.â
Mushroomuwu says âAvoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you wonât have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Donât be afraid to fight him even if he looks spooky. Make sure he has no boneplating before all-inning him and land your E before you go in AND make sure you have passive. Save your last Q for his Q, spam your Q when they pull you if they are charging his Q. If you donât get hit by his outer Q you will typically win, same goes later levels however I would avoid fighting him after 3 items if you are not ahead of him since it will take you too long to kill him and he will get his passive.
Rodos says âDarius. I couldnt let him outside this list. Darius can be either your biggest counter, either your easiest enemy. By that i mean that depends on both of you how good you know the champ and your playstyle. Personally, because i main darius too i have beaten almost every illaoi i had in any games. And the opposite. With illaoi i have beaten almost every darius main. Most of you wont care about this but i want to point out the specific strategy. Play safe. Farm with your Q. Try to hit as many E as you can from a distance so you dont risk to lose any of your hp. Because you playing one of the strongest champions doesnt mean you have to be greedy. Be calm, safe and everything will happen the way you want them to happen. In conclusion if you move smart you can smash darius before level 6 and after. Mostly after level 6 because he has good trades. And the reason is his passive of course. Even if he kills you 1 or 2 times you can turn around the game against him!â
SadgeBoyK says âplay to your fling cooldown, dodge his e and go inside of his q range when cast it. dont walk up unless you have wave advantage and he has no q. matchup is much easier with ignite.â
Your Desired Username says âSkill match-up. Do not rush tabis, go for damage and health instead, as he has innate armor pen and true damage. Be careful in the early levels, he will be playing very aggressively and if he does catch you, you're probably dead. Ignite makes this lane way more playable, as long as you hit your stuff. Personally though, I still like to play rather safe in the early levels, even if I took ignite, as this guy can seriously snowball out of control. Poke him a lot in laning phase, but make sure to stay out of his e range so you don't get forced into an early all-in, which will most likely go his way. Post-6 is where you start being able to kill him. His only means of sustaining hp in a fight this early into the game is his q, which will be counteracted by your ignite. If both Darius and Mordekaiser hit everything in Brazil, Mordekasier will win, but hitting your abilities can be hard when he is zooming around with ghost, so make sure you flash to hit a Q you would have otherwise missed. Another thing to note is, that if you're feeling as though a particular 1v1 with him isn't quite going your way, you have the option to flash INSIDE of him the next time he uses q, as to deny him a passive stack, damage and crucial healing.â
boboderaffe says âMost Darius players run Ghost which means they have to kill you or push you under tower in order for them to get a decent back.
Be careful of using your E+Passive on him without creating distance between the two of you. Otherwise he can pull you in and easily kill you.
If you can't create distance, don't use your passive. Simply W on top of him. Most Darius players will use their E anyway, expecting your passive. That gives you an opportunity to trade or even kill him.â
sarahrosen says âdarius doesn't fall short, follows the same rhythm as the most aggressive top with more damage, don't be afraid of him, play at your limit without despairâ
just pick yone says âTry E-ing him to dodge his q while trading. if you think you have the damage to kill him, when u expect his E ult him to cc him while ur cc'd.
Hoplite345 says âSome may disagree with me on this one, but Darius is a consistent lane bully. However as a Yone you do have some counter play to him with Lethal Tempo. Try to get Darius to waste his pull and SAVE YOUR E when he goes to wind up his axe. Use the E to go into him so he deals less damage and you can immediately start stacking lethal Tempo. DO NOT FIGHT HIM AT 1, YOU WILL LOSE. Try to focus on freezing nearby your turret and wait for his CD's.â
Princeps says âIn this matchup Darius has the upper hand but you can still win. Try to bait his Q and then walk into him. Never engage with your Q as you need it to either disengage or Dodge his Q. If you are winning try to keep your E until he uses his , or if you are losing use E to disengage.â
Xandtronic says âArguably Cho'Gaths hardest matchup
With this matchup max Q first, even as tank, because any trades you try will most likely end up as a win for him, stay back and harass him with q's, good luck!â
Black Demon Ezel says âDarius' passive can be fatal to your early gameplay. But he's not mobile. He has counter-mobility but that doesn't count as much. Just keep him walled in and annoyed and mark him constantly. You'll be fine if you can do thatâ
UlisesFRN says âBruisers that abuse you in long trades, take shot trades with AA Q AA and Grasp. Play safe until Mythic, set up Ganks with your CCâ
DanteBlaire says âEvitando tomar os Qs dĂĄ pra trocar suave com o Darius atravĂŠs de trocas curtas com Aperto dos Mortos. Fazendo um corta cura dĂĄ pra sobreviver a lane e ser mais relevante nas lutas posteriormente.â
BreadedBreadCrum says âDarius is a major threat for a lot of top laners. Braum is a little different as he can block early combos from Darius like E-W-Q and block his R if you time it right. Still, his bleed and sustain is annoying. Buy Bramble into BoRK or Frostfire. Grasp.â
Hoosteen says âThis here is a skill matchup. he doesn't need ignite to kill you because you can just bleed to death. You need ignite to fight him cause those heals are stupid. You can block all the damage from his ult if you time your e correctly. When you do short trades with him you want to w, get 3 autos, e to block his chance to trade back, auto once more and then empowered q him. If he's still trying to fight after that ignite and kill him.â
Xochii says âThere's not much you don't know to talk about. Darius' passive is simply too dangerous, so focus on short trades only. Back off if you have no way to mitigate damage. My suggestion would be to get a bramble vest ASAP.â
Rayli36 says âHe's winning with you almost in every trade but you have your passive so you need to trade with E-W-Q. Remember that your Q cleanse his W slow
AD-True dmgâ
Dekar173 says âP: -
Q: 9 > 5
W: 5
E: 24 > 14
R: 120 > 80
Runes vs Darius: LT, Conqueror, Grasp, Phase Rush (preference, if LT CONQ TAKE BONEPLATING)
HIGH Econ: BT > Kraken > Crit, Vamp Scepter prio (Q MAX)
MID Econ: Goredrinker, Black Cleaver (W max)
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max)
Strengths: STATBALL, anti-dive, dueling, sustained damage
Weaknesses: Easily kited, Darius players are inflated, telegraphed aggression = gankable, usually doesn't take ignite
Since ~12.5: Everyone is taking ignite, which gives them FAR BETTER duel potential into Rengar, what sucks with this currently is the jg meta being full clear > coinflip burger boy bottom lane.
||||Tempo + HP Bruiser||||
Ignite + Teleport will help with this match-up a lot, as Darius never goes Teleport so you can abuse your 2nd health bar after an all-in/he uses Ghost + Flash for a kill.
vs Darius, remember to 4W his E so he does not get to abuse you with his full stacks instantly.
4E is also great, since usually he will set you up so he can ghost, then all-in. SHORT trades are preferred but in general you lose the all-ins if both have equal HP etc.
Ignite him when he is Qing at low HP, and abuse the fact that all Darius players are boosted monkeys :^]
Edge of Night is decent into him, as it disallows him from RUINING your jumps with E.
Stasis helps in ARAM teamfight games vs Darius, ]]]while Hullbreaker slows his offense when forced to split.[[[ Nerfed FeelsBadMan
Max: Q > W > E, W > E > Q when losing
In general 4E will be better than 4Q in most "trades" since he has all-in potential and we don't.â
FlopyWeiner says âDarius is just horrendously bad idk why I even put him here. Like he used to beat you level 1 but with lethal tempo now you actually beat him at all stages of the game. Just a bad champ.â
ArshieMeBob says âHonestly you would expect this matchup to be worse. He can't all in you without burning like both his summs, even then you have flash and barrier. Poke the crap out of him and make his life miserable. You can actually consider going in at level 6 with Red White if he has Ghost/TP and not ignite.â
LunaticDancer says âGambler, D Shield. Very easy match up as long as you don't get cheesed levels 1-3. The key is to not stay close and personal with him through the whole fight (so he doesn't stack passive). When all inning, trap him with W and let your goons do most of the job, only stepping by from time to time to aa>Q, then stepping away.â
COJA says âDarius makes it extremely difficult to escape or reposition during a fight. His Q healing can negate your damage in an all in, his W slows massively and allows him to chase, and his E can pull you in when you just wanted to tap him with your Q. He is extremely dangerous to trade with. You may have to give up several minions early on even if you are full hp. Do not ever even consider walking close to him while your Q is on cooldown.â
Galactities says âThis is the ultimate testament of skill I find. You have to play off fights super well or you just lose. Don't get zoned off wave Level 1, Q poke him and do not take trades with him. Once you're 2 you can level W and one shot him if hes around 50-65% assuming you've poked him that hard. W his Q or just dodge it in general, try not to get pulled in. Conq or PTA both work here, I've tried both still dunno which is better. E HIS R > The biggest counter play you can do, he might try to R early so you don't expect it so expect the unexpected. Plated Steelcaps are best here, you can pretty much take whatever items you want, just make sure to take Black cleaver if he has armor and you can take bork if he has no armorâ
N0kk__ says âDepending on the guy who's playing Darius Its either going to be hell or going pretty good for you. If playing agaisnt skilled Darius he'll probably try to bait you out, he will probably try to freeze lane or clear it with Q. I recommend buying grevious wounds agaisnt him or he will demolish you. Going In a fight on level 2-3 he will win by first using W -AA-E-Q and ignite if he has. Late game you outscale him so play safe until then.â
Larkana_ says âDarius can zone you from the wave pretty well but if he ever finds himself near your turret he can't do much even if the minions are around since he'll take turret aggro from his bleed.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [High]/Skarner[Medium]â
Adventfaith says âThat passive be strong. Stay out of his range and whittle him with your poke. Playing smart you can win against him. Bait out his aggression and then just shield/healâ
space cat says âYour power against him is kiting back if he tries to fight you. dont let him get stacks on you and keep looking to get Qs in and you can dominate him after you get some levels and items. â
Eduardocwalle says âThis matchup once u dominate it is even, but he really bullies you in lane, ALWAYS ignite in this matchup. Learn the range if his e and never waste ur e, cause if u waste it and he engages u, well, see u in the graveyard. Only fight if he wasted Q and u have ignite.â
Aizac says âEasy match-up for this build, try to bait out his pull-in before engaging. If he pulls you in after you engage you have no time to use your combo.â
Night Guy says âDarius is a scary pick but just because you're ranged top he can't do much unless you make a mistake or you used your E and he popped ghost and runned you down. You can escape his Q with your E so that's pretty much a denial to his healing and damage. After 6 try to kite him and keep a distance to avoid getting grabbed by his E.â
peepoHappy says âDarius is a Teemo killer, but you can kill him like you would kill Cassio, just hide and ignite + kill him lvl 1 and just bully him as long as you can to block him from farmingâ
Turkthunder says âDarius is a semi-difficult matchup. But I believe if you play this matchup perfectly you will be completely fine. I would recommend not trading as constantly as you do with other matchups against this champion.â
Polartech says âKayle can't do nothing against Darius until level 6, the best thing you can do is farming with your Abilities and istantly back if he run into you, maybe casting one Celestial Blessing to stay sure to stay at the right distance. Don't worry if you miss some Minion, it's really better to stay in life. After level 6 you can start to poke him a bit with your Radiant Blast following by some Auto-Attack, but pay attention, if he come too much closer, he will surely kill you in less time that you can think!!! If you dodge his pull you will can try to Harass him a bit, but stay always out of range from his Healing Circle or it will be all useless.â
NAGlTO says âHard to burst, if you get into an auto battle Darius will get full passive stacks and win, play cautiously and take Conq if you want to feel safe.
Darius, for whatever reason, gets 10% health healing from his Q tip, and he's probably taking goredrinker! So your best bet is all-ins, you definitely need anti-heal against this monstrosity. â
Black Demon Ezel says âYes Darius is dangerous. No not overly so. He will get really dangerous if you let him lower your health to extreme levels. Be wary because Extreme for him is about 25% health remaining for you. Keep. That. Shield. Ready to heal you just in case. â
Captain Bane says âjust don't get hit by his outer Q and don't take extended fights. Don't be under 50% HP anytime he has R.
Trade with E cone and if he hooks you and tries to land a Q, spam Q on him or away from him so he doesn't hit his outer Q.
If he slows you with W, Q awayâ
XxDarkMEGAxX says âHard Counter to Zac Top. His cooldowns are faster than yours and his passive bleeds you out. Zac's trades take a long time during which he heals back up. Darius' passive makes it so that you can still heal, but enough stacks and you wouldn't be able to heal enough. I recommend going Tank for Darius and bringing flash Ignite. Ban him if you don't have any problem with other laners.â
Gragas Fumante says â There is a slightly advantage to him, but it is basically a skill matchup.
Abuse your range and W passive while his E is on cooldown.
Beware of those who use Ghost, they have high kill pressure if you advance too much, one mistake can lead to a world of trouble.
Hint: If he is in range to land his E either jump sooner or accept his graple and jump after, if he cancels your jump mid-air you are dead.â
CEOofMicrowave says âUsed to be super oppressive, but after the stridebreaker gutting he's fightable. Use your short AA range to stay on the inside of his Q, and take short trades. Nope the fuck out if your screen turns red.â
markoIStrash says âyour poke useless, if you trade him and manage to get him low for r hell just q and go full health, if you refuse to trade he will pull you and he will force you to trade, you will lose lane.â
5Head Builds says âThis guy is pretty hard he has a massive Q that outranges you. His W will slow you and he will pull you in with E. To win this matchup I just try to farm until jungle ganks or poke and harass if he misses his E.â
lookatherizinosaurus says âCounter pick but no Extreme Danger if played right. Rush Phage and do not engage into a fight pre Lvl 6. If there's even a slight chance you get pulled by him while going for CS, loose the CS. Don't die pre Lvl 6. Go all in as soon as you get Râ
Prof Harambe says âDarius can go either way. Darius absolutely destroys you if he has ghost up, however even if he kills you, you can tp back to lane and not really miss anything. If he doesn't have ghost up, he will struggle actually getting to you and you can look for solo kills on him. You will outscale him, and with each point you get in e you will get an easier matchup.â
MrZoltannn says âHe is a moderate matchup. look out for his Q and go in after he used that.
If he hooks you with E, hop away with your E and Q back to make sure he cant follow you. If he has ghost, buy Boots of Swiftness, or bring exhaust with yourself. Buy executioner second if you struggle with his Q. Pre 6 can be played well , like his past 6.â
ToothlessKnight says âBan Darius. You do outscale him into the mid/late game but you will have a very rough time against a good Darius. He should freeze the lane because Urgot typically auto shoves waves from his passive. This leads to him forcing you to overextend and be susceptible to jungle ganks or him ghosting on you.â
xPetu says âTips: NEVER E in if he has E up. Take short trades and don't give him 5 stacks of passive. Predict his Q-(Stridebreaker)-Flash when you're low HP and E/Flash towards him to dodge Q sweet spot.â
Anoying bro5 says âYou can take ignite into this matchup as Darius doesnt take teleport 90% of the time. I would suggest getting used to taking teleport as the summoner is much better. Dont look to take too long of trades as his bleed does massive damage and heals him. Look to Q inside of his Q so he doesnt heal or get a bleed stack. Pre lvl 6 look to riposte his w, after lvl 6 riposte his ult.â
Stinkee says âAvoid picking Sion into Darius. This has been one of Sion's hardest matchups since the rework. It's not impossible to win this matchup though. Try to freeze your lane and look for when he tries to pull you and dodge it. You can win short trades with the help of your W but watch out for his all-in.
Take Grasp of the Undying or Glacial Augment and put 3 points in W first then max Q. 3 points in W is great here because it gives you enough shield to win short trades and burst him with the shield damage.
Sion's shield can be his highest damage ability, don't be afraid to use it offensively in many cases. Rush armor and health and ask for ganks. Darius is easy to gank because he has no mobility outside of summoner spells and you should be freezing your lane.
Be careful to not let Darius land everything on you and your jungler and win the 1v2.â
Sovereign Kitten says âI would highly suggest you to take an PTA or Lethal Tempo. That is, if you feel uncomfortable playing against him with any other runes, like Aery, DH or Electrocute. Boots will help you early game due to his +10 higher movement speed along with a few points in your (W) which complements PTA/Lethal Tempo. Otherwise feel free to start with Doran's Ring. Move towards him if he is going to land his (Q) spin so you can prevent a bleed stack & blind his (W) to prevent his slow. Regardless of what you think, this match-up goes either way. You either kite and avoid his pull or get caught and die. Stridebreaker really sucks to get caught by so respect it and keep your distance.â
PH45 says âPretty much one of the hardest lanes, if you get caught in his pull you are pretty much dead due to you not having any escape abilities. Keep your distance, farm with Q and stick to staying under tower.
Darius is pretty gankable though so if your jungler comes you might score a kill, just remember Darius has 1v2 potential due to his Q heal so stay out of the outer ring.â
BoilTheOil says âIn order to win this lane you have to play nearly perfect, if you fuckup once he kills you. E when he uses his Q so you can deny him from hitting you with the outer part. If you're level 6 and he tries to Q again you ult him and he can't hit you with the outer part. Don't use W until he gets full stacks on you so you can block the most damage possible, and if he's level 6 block his ultimate with your W. Never waste W, if you do his veins will start popping and his ghost will activate then he'll run you down. If he starts focusing somebody other than you in teamfights ult him away so he can't get 5 stacks on them. â
Feedaboi says âhas high base dmg, need to be careful for his passive stacks, look for short trades and poke him out with q. Look to free the wave near your turret and setup ganks for your jg. Use your e on top of darius when he channels his q so he cant heal.â
King Turtle says âDarius is a champion that is pretty boom or bust. If you play well and avoid over-extending you can beat him pretty easily. If you allow him to ghost at you from his tower and you're even there's a good chance you'll lose. Just play reserved and wait until 6 to try and beat him. â
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says âDarius is difficult because you'll never be able to fight him after lvl 2 (assuming he levels his E. If he doesn't then lvl 3), regardless of your build or how ahead you are. His stats are better than yours, his pull is difficult to dodge (and gives armor pen), his Q allows him to potentially survive dives, and he'll zone you off of cs 24/7. While you do outrange him you can only poke very early on (lvl 1-2) and when his E is down. Still, he can Q in the middle of your auto and win the trade.
This matchup is a 5 if he takes ghost and a 4 if he does not. He's never worth a ban because he's not Fiora and can be shut down with crowd control.â
quinn adc says âDarius wins the matchup in close range, so the purpose of phase rush/glacial is to able to kite Darius and out run him.
Level 1 BE CAREFUL! Most Darius players run ghost AND/OR phase rush.
Be attentive and make sure to see what he is running before the game starts.
If he has Ghost/Phase Rush, be cautious level 1.
Wait for Darius to use an ability level 1 to see what he starts because some cheese Darius players will start E and run you down with ghost level 1 after you use your vault.
Otherwise, if he starts Q, you can trade aggressively level 1 with your Vault.
TIP! If you E Darius when he's chanelling his Q, which has a 0.75 delay, your vault pushes you out of perfect distance so that his Q damage won't hit you at all if timed correctly .
Level 2 onwards BE CAREFUL and only use your Vault AFTER Darius uses his pull.
If he wastes his pull, be free to vault him if their jungler isn't top because he has no gap closer otherwise & his E has a 24 sec cooldown level 1, which is double your vault cooldown of 12 seconds.
Trade Darius in lane with AAs and your Q Blind + AA in lane whenever possible because Darius can't retaliate unless he's trying to all-in you, which allows you to get him low in lane.
If Darius uses Ghost, you can pop ignite for nimbus to act as a mini ghost.
This trade is worth it for you becasue ignite is 30 seconds shorter CD than ghost is.
If he pulls you, instantly press vault to push you to safety and the key is not to hesitate.
NOTE: Good Darius players will instantly run behind you when he pulls you, and if he's fast enough, you will vault in the opposite direction away from your tower, so be careful of that.
Glacial is my favourite for this matchup because slows directly counter Darius's ghost and his potential to all-in you, so this is the one matchup I prefer glacial into, even in season 11.â
Veng Shotz says âPhase rush effectively counters his entire kit, even if you get pulled after proccing phase you can just walk right out of his range.
if he pulls you, you can insta proc phase and walk out on an even trade.â
Phrxshn says âOne of Singed hardest match-up. You will definitely need to mirror his Summoner's Spell(Flash/Ghost). Decimate(Q) needs to be dodged or juked out, but if you can't go to his handle of his Axe as it does not apply Hemmorhage nor heal him. Fight him after he casts his Crippling Strike(W) and duration goes away. Save your fling for his Apprehend(E), let him use his (E) first then fling. Avoid fighting him with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage. Use your Mega Adhesive to prevent him from casting his Noxian Guillotine(R). (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Darius) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter) (Mega Adhesive stops his R) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) â
The_Unf0rgiv3n says âIf you're facing Darius, rush Kraken Slayer and BORK and be careful with the trades you take. At the end of the day, it's still a Darius so one mistake can be fatal.â
Amphawn says âDue to stridebreaker no longer having a dash, you can just stay out of his E range and you'll be fine. Don't trade with him early as he will rock your shit. His only real all in option is to try and E you after ghosting, so just farm and don't waste your Q and W. If he does pull you, Q him immediately and W and just focus on dodging his Q. You will be very slow because of his W, but with your Q and W, you may be able to stick on him until the Q is over, then you can run away.â
PH45 says âThis lane is Jax favored but a good Darius can be tricky to deal with. Important thing is to block his W with your E and don't let him get his passive to 5 stacks on you. If you can't run out of his Q circle Q on him so you will be in the inner ring, denying him his heal and extra damage. All in if he misses E, just be careful since most Darius's run Ghost so they will have kiting potential with it. Flash Ignite is recommended in this matchup since Ignite screws Darius quite hard.â
Skysolitox says âDarius is famous for "if he gets to you, you're dead" and that is true. Darius is extremely dangerous as your only chance of escaping is either using your CC or flashing away. i suggest always banning.â
PH45 says âYou can't really trade with him well as you are very short ranged so you will get many stacks of his passive if you try to trade. You can setup a gank for your jungler but avoid being hit with his Q since he will heal a lot if you both get hit.â
SunFalk says âHigh damage. He has a grabe. He's tanky. He has an ignite in his kit. He has an ult that can kill you easely. He has a good wave clear.
- To deal against a Darius, you need to not let him snowball, and to do that, you need to not die. Stay behind minions and safe, if he runs at you, use your Heal to go faster and run away. Let him push under your tower for you to CS and for a eventual gank from your jungler.â
jpaul2077 says âDarius isn't AS BAD of a match up many people make it seem. Of course you're not going to be dominating lane vs a competent Darius. The important part in this lane is staying even in experience and doing your best to not die solo. Remember that at level 6 with your ultimate you have just as much kill pressure as Darius has on you, so do not be afraid to go for the all in! However if at any point you fall even slightly behind you will have to concede all farm and play under tower and hope he makes a mistake.â
At_Tar_Ras says âalways Q or flash in his Q. never let him hit that shit for free. your all-ins are available by level 2 onwards with ignite or when he misses Q or E or misuses W. if they get cocky under your tower you can always all-in though. again, make sure to always Q him/or away from his outer Q ring to not let him stack or deal dmg+heal and this is a matchup where you NEEEEED to hit your E. you can also just take TP and play it really safe. play to scale and play to dive and one-shot their backline. look for TPs and not letting darius snowball your lane by not dying to him is a legitimate strat. something i like doing vs darius players is to step forward then backwards to bait out his E. once that's down, assuming you Q/flash IN his Q ring, you'll win the all in. (hit ur stun tho fr)â
iZeal says âRespect his all-in. You can poke him safely with Q1. If he rushes armor, it gets much harder. Q1 is safe, but if you don't space Q2 perfectly, he can pull you even if you E away. In that case it is better to save your E for a Q3 while doding his Q. If he misses his E this is your time to harass him as it has a huge cooldown early on and he also runs oom after 3 Qs. Disrupt him in teamfights and don't let him stack up his passive on you.â
Dream Orbit says âMore info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).â
MrDomian says âHe dominates in early game.
You counter with your "W" its attraction, but he can interrupt your E.
Don't go into long trades.
You need to use all your skills first.â
slogdog says âDarius is a very easy matchup for Yorick, reason being that as long as you land your skills, E and W with ghouls, you should be able to beat him at all times, and it being an even easier time with ult. However be wary that if you make a stupid mistake, e.g. getting caught out by him in a long lane with no ghouls, or walking into him with no ghouls or doing anything related to him with no ghouls.â
Phrxshn says âHard match-up. You will definitely need to mirror his Summoner's Spell(Flash/Ghost). Decimate(Q) needs to be dodged or juked out, but if you can't go to his handle of his Axe as it does not apply Hemmorhage nor heal him. Fight him after he casts his Crippling Strike(W) and duration goes away. Save your Infected Bonesaw for his Apprehend(E).Avoid fighting him with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Darius) (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) â
Boptimus says âIf you decide not to ban Darius and you find yourself against him, do you your best not to give up an early kill and try to get as much CS as possible. Wave management is crucial in navigating the Darius lane.â
Raen says âIf you do 1 mistake especially in early he will just pop ghost and kill you. Try to get out of his Q or get close to him enough to deny heal. You need to be prepared with your E when you are sticking closely to Darius. He got AA range advantage (175 basically + 25 bonus from W) when you got only 125. Also don't try to fight him when he got 5 stacks on you from Hemorrhage. D shield helpful in this matchup to regen back his passive dmg. â
Hijitori says âFair match-up pre level 9 or something around this. Later on he can just all-in (+ Ghost). His sustain and HP burn make him a champion that Cho'gath doesn't like.
Use your pokes Q-W till he is around 40% hp (classic strategy) and after that just go with a full combo to kill him (maybe from bushes for hiding Q).
"The biggest threat to a Darius player is to get CC. Poke him, avoid the outer range of his Q or fight him right after he uses his Q, after that everything becomes easy."
A_Drunk_Carry says âA tricky matchup at times, but one that I feel is inherently 50-50. Darius will often go W level 1 to slow you and get off easy passive procs. Let him shove the wave early, you don't want to fight this lane until level 3. Darius is fairly immobile and easy to trap in your wall. Land an E, proc it with Q once you have 3-4 graves, and walk up to him. trap him in your W wall and let your ghouls do most of the work as you bonk him from time to time. NOTE: Grievous Wounds does WONDERs in this matchup due to Darius Q regen. â
MagicallyDelish4 says âThis one of the harder matchups. Try to make him take lane prio so you can freeze the wave and wait for your jungler. E inside of his Qs so he doesn't get the healing and the passive stack. Always wait for the bleed to end to go back in. If he starts Q then level one all in him with a D blade. If he Es your third Q You'll lose the trade. If you're leashing try not to go through tri-bush afterwards.â
laoshin3v3 says âConqueror
One of the hardest matchups especially early game if he uses E right before ult you won't be able to parry it. Dash into him when he uses Q so he doesnt get his healing off and either parry his ult or his E. 3+ Items you outscale him and win hard. â
P1Legend says âYeah this is historically the worst matchup for many Rengar players in the top lane, because he will never let you fight on your own terms, you fight on his. This is my go to banned champion in every game. If you do face him, buy seekers, and never fight him without your jungler's help, and even then, still probably don't fight himâ
MythicMike says âYou never wanna go all in against any Darius since he will just melt you. Poke him with Q when his E is down. Dodge his Q with your E. Chunk him down slowly and all in when you have a good health lead.â
lol Wero says âthis match up can be one of the hardest to trade in lane but its still winnable if using your health regen correctly (as in being patience with it) . Winnable still if using your haymaker correctly with facebreaker.â
Xerath gaming says âSkill matchup, you either win or you lose. Dodge his E and you'll beat him, you beat him in your R so once you kill him he can't do anything against you without getting ganked. Take ignite!â
SaltCat says âThis champ is just broken, early game play safe he destroys you , wait for at least level 3 get your passive ready and then try to fight him, use your q to dodge his q â
Phrxshn says âHard match-up. You will definitely need to mirror his Summoner's Spell(Flash/Ghost). Decimate(Q) needs to be dodged or juked out, but if you can't go to his handle of his Axe as it does not apply Hemmorhage nor heal him. Fight him after he casts his Crippling Strike(W) and duration goes away. Save your Pillar of Ice for his Apprehend(E).Avoid fighting him with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Darius) (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (Outscaling Edge: Even) â
Another lane bully. Which means he beats Nasus, go figure.
If you accidentally start Q don't be surprised if he has 10 cs before you hit 2-3. You need your E to harass him off the wave early, and to last hit the melee minions.
Darius will zone you out of cs range from lvls 1-3. If you do walk up to farm a smart Darius will slow you with W, and beat your face down for 1/2 or more of your HP bar.
Try to trick Darius into Qing the wave. You want to be safely under tower. A lot of his presence disappears at that point.
You'll need grievous wounds in this lane, or you'll never be able to kill him while he's low. If you play it safe by the time you're lvl 6 if you can dodge a Q or two in a fight you actually win the 1v1. You outscale as well, so that's a plus.â
qveenevelynn says âNot a real threat, u can easily dodge his comp. Be carefull to his bleeding thing in your early laning phase. try your best to dodge. always be aware of his Q flash combo.â
Phrxshn says âOne of the harder match-up. You will definitely need to mirror his Summoner's Spell(Flash/Ghost). Decimate(Q) needs to be dodged or juked out, but if you can't go to his handle of his Axe as it does not apply Hemmorhage nor heal him. Fight him after he casts his Crippling Strike(W) and duration goes away. Save your Seismic Shard for his Apprehend(E), let him use his (E) first then Primal Howl. Avoid fighting him with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Darius Early, Malphite Late) (Recommended Items: Sunfire Cape, Deadman's Plate) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) â
Fan22 says âDarius will harras you everytime you try to farm and deal a lot of damage, the worst thing its that his ultimate deals TRUE DAMAGE and his E gives him free armor penetration.
Be careful if he has Ignite and/or Ghost.
Against Darius ask your jungler for ganks as earlky as you can, because if he gets items or if he kills you your jungler can't help you much, run TP and Doran's shield for sustain, second wind from runes also helps.
Bramble vest helps a lot in this matchup because it reduces the healings of Darius Q, runes, deaths dance and Conqueror (common items on darius), and if you complete Thornmail you can deny up to 60% of his healings, however, i have discovered that rushing Bramble isn't very effective against him, so make that item later on.
Going supportive items like redemption, zekes or knights vow helps a lot since it's innevitable that Darius will melt you not mather how tanky you are, so helping your team as much as you can works well.
A small Tip against him it's that your W can instantly place you in the middle of him, meaning that you can use it to dodge his Q with ease.â
Autolykus says âTake ignite max Q. Never fully commit when hes 100% hp. He will get another spell rotation and win. 60% hp fully engage. W when he ults. Volatile lane.â
An3TJM says âif you dont get cheesed lvl 1 its fine, try to not get hit by his q so he heals, avoid his e at all costs, try to gooflip if he uses ghost/goes all inâ
Phrxshn says âOne of the harder match-up. You will definitely need to mirror his Summoner's Spell(Flash/Ghost). Decimate(Q) needs to be dodged or juked out, but if you can't go to his handle of his Axe as it does not apply Hemmorhage nor heal him. Fight him after he casts his Crippling Strike(W) and duration goes away. Save your Primal Howl for his Apprehend(E), let him use his (E) first then Primal Howl. Avoid fighting him with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage. Use your Primal Howl or Infinite Duress to prevent him from casting his Noxian Guillotine(R). (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Darius Early, Warwick Late) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Deadman's Plate) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) â
PanthrickTV says âGood Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) When he is casting Q jump on him with you W and all in him u will one-shot him.â
Fan22 says âThis lane it's a Nightmare.
It's very complicated to do anything, don't try to fight him in early game, since you have no escape, only fight him if you are really sure you can kill him or if you are close to your tower.
In this matchup i recommend going AP with a Dorans ring and poking him all you can, having extra AP and mana let's you farm safely with Q from the distance, wich reduces the risk of diying against darius in an extended trade.
Remember you can use your Q or W to disengage after he uses E or if he is gonna use R.
The W silence doesn't let Darius use Q and R, wich are important abilities, silencing him in TF it's very good for neutralizing him.â
DooDooSlayer says âTop Lane:
It's sort of a 50/50 gamble, you will lose some and you will win some.
He can hit you with his Q if you walk away from him while ulting, it's the same range.
Kacto15 says âDarius es un campeĂłn con increĂble daĂąo a nivel 1, por lo tanto nos vamos a dejar pushear, intentaremos ir full armadura y maxearnos la W si es que vamos Tanque, si vamos full ad con fase veloz, si nos jala hacer disengage con esa runa lo mas rĂĄpido posible, desgastarle la vida poco a poco, no lo dejes llegar a las 5 cargas de la pasiva, puedes ir SION LETALIDAD O TANQUEâ
MythicMike says âAs long as he doesn't get to stack up his passive you should be fine. Take short trades and E out or E on top of him to dodge his Q. As long as you're not dismounted he can't ult you.â
WildeBob says âSkill matchup. Take conq and try to poke him with Q or E. If he is around 50% hp you can try to all in and one shot him. Never take extended trades with him.â
Fan22 says âDarius is very hard to lane against, doesn't matter what you do, it seems like he is always ahead.
First of all, you don't win extended fights, and since Garen wants to hit his enemies with the full duration of judgement it's had to trade at all with Darius.
In the early game focus on farming and don't overextended both in lane and fights, if you push the wave too much or go for farm when the wave is nearby his tower he can just drop Ghost and run you down, so be careful and stay as close as you can from your tower. And remember to save Q to disengage when he uses E or W.
Post-6 you can kill darius if he missplays since your Ult execute is as (or more) powerful as his, and doesn't have the requirements Darius has.â
Phrxshn says âHard match-up. You will definitely need to mirror his Summoner's Spell(Flash/Ghost). Decimate(Q) needs to be dodged or juked out, but if you can't go to his handle of his Axe as it does not apply Hemmorhage nor heal him. Fight him after he casts his Crippling Strike(W) and duration goes away. Save your Facebreaker for his Apprehend(E).Avoid fighting him with 5 stacks of Hemorrhage. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Darius) (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (Outscaling Edge: Even) â
LegitLechner says âDont fight lvl 1-3. Give up cs if you have to but optimally poke him with q while you cs. Darius is only a threat to you if you are caught early or you're fighting without tentacles. â
TroviStyle says â[Phaserush] Allthough with Conqueror you have the potential to kill him after you parry his E I prefer to go phase rush and run away if he hits it, since its really hard to predict. Play safe and farm. if u are even at 2 items you can kill him with ult as long as you parry his Ultâ
Wambowama says âIf u hit your Fleet procs rigth and or your w procs for the speed buff you can bait his E, or E away. If you dont manage that he will just kill you in Mini Gnar. Afte lvl 9 you will get more range and it will be easier. â
SaltCat says âIgnite recommended, use your q or e to dodge his q, level 1 go aggresive if you know he started q, if he started w then play passive until 3 â
ogilabadabahamdala says âpretty hard but not impossible. When you hit level 3 it wont be so hard. level 6 you destroy him. stay as close as you can so his q doesn't hit you with the tip. One of the only champions who can beat you lvl 1â
OTP Toxin says âHe was a high threat in the pass, but now you can bully him a lot, dodge his E and IF you think that you will get caught by his E, insta blind him, usually he will use his W after his E, so that way he will miss it while blinded, run away OR be near him when he casts Q so you won't be hitted by the blade, then run and kite back.â
Et Lutum says âDarius is easy to escape from with q as long as you wait for him to e. While you wait for his hook you can build up your e stacks making him forced to hook once no longer stunned. In team fights your e will make it almost impossible to build stacks if your team play it well. WARNING: if he ghosts and doesn't hook, even though it is uncofortable, do not e because then he gets a nice hook, you have to wait for him to hook you first. W slow and frostfire should help you get out safely.â
mec908 says âLo mismo que morde pero mas letal, los retĂrate cuando tengas 3 max 4 marcas de su pasiva, si sacas ventaja en early, puedes abusar de el todo el juego. el truco esta en esquivar su Q, te puedes meter tantito a el y despuĂŠs irte o simplemente te alejas lo suficiente, cuando el tire su E trata de tirar la tuya lo mas rĂĄpido posible asĂ se llevara un buen daĂąo.â
duckling213 says âIf you can win early/go even late game will be a breeze because you outscale after mid game. I build bramble and steel caps first so I can relax a little in lane then follow up with titanic.â
SilverAvalanche says âGame plan is simple but difficult to pull off: just get to red form.
So play safe don't trade with him early since the amount of orbs you get from early trades are wack and not worth the risk.
Go Ghost instead of ignite.
Do not get any early ganks, he can easily 2v1 you. and your jungler ganking you changes nothing, the only way to change this matchup is to get your transformation. so look for TP oppotunities past 08:20 when he freezes.
Be ready to go 2 levels down in exp and 50 CS.â
InYourWayToHELL says âYou can kill him before 6.
Go for short trades.
When dismounted flash to the handle hitbox of his q if you cant avoid it.
You are weaker lvl 1 be ready to start pushing the wave before them.â
Gamile says âDarius is always an annoying matchup. He got more damage than you, more sustain than you. The main thing is that he doesn't got a real gap-closer. Make sure he doesn't catch you with his E and use your W to avoid his external part of his Q as it is his main damage source.â
MCSwavest says âThis matchup is extremely polarized. One of you is going 0/10, whoever that is relies directly on you. His Q range is just enough to hit you when you auto, and the W cripple is scary. Make sure he's used E before you try to use yours, to do damage or otherwise. â
pokeyminch5236 says âI've fought many Dariuses before and I have become used to his threat level and how to counterplay him, but he still is and can be a huge threat if you mess up. Don't engage if he already has passive stacks on you, back off and let them wear off. Best thing to do is to let him get cocky and drag him under tower. If he uses Q on minions punish him for it, his Q is his most threatening abilityâ
Jaune69 says âbasically unplayable, you can still play ad sion into this but youre laning phase is fucked unless ur jungler has a map of toplane, and even then its still darius.
Sion in general is countered by CC and high mobility and bruisers and Darius is basically that in one. â
Drake6401 says âHe's getting less oppressive but I'm keeping him in major threats because of how easily you can lose this matchup with the tiniest mistake. If he gets the first kill, it will be a rough lane, but if you get the first 2 kills, you're in good shape. Make an empowered W your last hit before dashing out of a trade so he can't pull you back in. Failure to do so will get you killed. Once he is half HP, look for a kill but you must avoid his Q sweet spot. I take ghost vs this matchup so he can't out speed you with spells unless he has Nimbus and you don't. Be cautious in the mid game when he completes StrideBreaker. He can easily force a longer fight than you want with it.
RivalOCE says âA very cheesy matchup. If he takes ghost/ignite you can't win an all-in unless he misses his E. Same principle as Fiora, short trades but if he hits his E run. If he has TP this lane is much easier. E or Q inside his Q to stop healing. Don't be baited level 1. All-in when he's 50% at level 6.â
Chease says â"Skill" matchup but realy sett is just better darius. Let him engage into you, E/R his Q, also you can block his R dmg with your W shield.
If you want to flip game lvl 1 you can try fighting him with W unlocked.â
Quinncidence says âYorick is a classic Darius counter but Darius wins early levels, avoid fighting at all cost level 1-5 unless you have cats ready.
After 6 (if even) you should be able to pressure him out with the help of maiden, the matchup gets easier the later the game goes.
Executioners is really good vs his Q heal + Goredrinker.â
Pats45 says âDarius is the only match-up where this build will not work and as Zac Top there just is no counter play. Zac's trades take a long time in which he heals back up. Darius is built for extended trades and bleeding out opponents. You are given a ban for a reason. Ban Darius 100% of the time if you are planning to go Zac top.â
The Rock Titan says â"[Phase Rush, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Phase rush is very important, if he pulls you in, you just combo him and phase rush out
- Can chunk you lvl1 if you somehow get in his range... He literally sometimes just run at you lvl1 and try to get some damage in.
- Q him at very max range, don't get hooked!
- You'll be down CS and that's normal, stay alive (don't feed him) in lane phase you are useful later on!
- When he's low enough, you can actually try to all in, but he might not give you the chance to.
- They all go ghost most of the time, very rarely teleport. Don't push your lane and manage your waves well! If he gets the freeze you're in deep trouble!"â
kimmothy says âDodge his q. If you get early game cheesed by him its a hard matchup to comeback. His bleed does alot early and his e can cancel your e as well. Use your r to dodge his e, if not q as his e gives him free q usually. Conq second windâ
Amvill says âUSE PHASE RUSH OR FLEET. Outduels you at all stages of the game, especially if he has ghost. Proxying is somewhat safe if his ghost and flash are down. â
Jungl says âMust dodge his e, if you don't you're very much going to die or have to flash. If you are able to dodge his is most of the time would should be able to beat him in lane.â
The Real Fake says âDarius completely denies Hecarim's laning power. His slows for E & W denies the damage boost from your passive, also prevents you from kiting him out. As you ramp up your Conqueror and Q, he just gets stacks his passive on you. Once everything is stacked up/ready (Q + Conq + Last Stand), Darius also has his passive ramped up with bonus AD and a max damage R ready to execute you. Darius is stronger than you throughout the whole game.â
Wawza says âKeep track of his bleed stacks retreat at 3-4 so he doesnt proc his passive and you should be ok. Killing him will be a matter of poking him down by abusing your range to be able to all in him, if he is playing safe go for short trades and freeze your lane so he has to overextend for farm.â
sock217 says âSame as garen, his ult is an execute and he has quite the cc and dots. Engage if you are CERTAIN he has no flash or his abilities are on cd. You can poke but always stay infront of minions to avoid his hook. Do NOT Fight Pre-6.â
maxlid3 says âDangerous champ as always. Can engage you pretty easily with ghost and his E. Keep your W always ready to stop his engage. You can poke him a bit early but after Stridebreaker you shouldn't try to fight at all. Worthy ban.â
Rhoku says âThe Darius matchup can go both ways. You have to keep in mind that you outscale him. So if all else fails, you can simply play safe, give up CS, farm under turret and wait for later on in the game. So the matchup can be Even or just Impossible depending on how good the Darius player is. I myself, almost always crush Mordekaisers when I am on Darius so, believe me when I tell you that if the Darius player knows what he is doing, then you will NOT win the matchup alone. You might need your jungler. Here is the basic idea in this matchup. You need to A) use your full shield and B)fight in your ultimate. If you use your shield improperly, Darius will be able to just burst through it as it wont be that much. And if you fight outside your ultimate or fight him pre-6 you will just get shredderd. INSIDE your ultimate however, is a different story. If you are able to stick to him and hit EVERY single one of your abilities in your ultimate, you WILL kill him. Just make sure that you don't start the fight with stacks on you. In general, you should be looking to disengage whenever he gets any number of stacks on you. You can use the backwards E trick to disengage but good Dariuses will expect and avoid this. Poke him down early on with your Q but DO NOT fight him or let him get hits on you. Level 1 you can beat him if you can land an empowered Q on him but I wouldn't recommend it. He can snowball SO damn hard that it will seriously depress when you see how many times he will kill you. Revitalize and Second Wind are good. Seeker's Armguard and Ninja Tabi are also great. The lane becomes much easier if you have Ignite but if you die with ignite the lane is over. You LEGIT can't comeback.â
YasTilt says âDangerous Matchup for TopLane, he's tanky and he deals a lot of damage. Disengage when he stacked his Passive. Wait for ganks, Play safe and Try to start Teamfights Early so you can beat him.â
FeedLaneGetCaryd says â(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Darius is a big struggle early game. Buy Steelcaps+healing reduction. Don't die to him early, play safe before lvl 9. If you land everything on lvl 9 it's a free kill. You also outscale Darius if he doesn't have a lead.â
PK Noob says âDarius revolves around positioning correctly to hit the outside of his Q. You can easily dodge his Q with your dash and Darius will be forced to back off. If you have your Ultimate while his Q is on CD you can all-in him and win the battle easily. â
jmp_01_ says âTake Conqueror, I recommend taking Ignite and Bone Plating. He pretty much wins every 1v1 before level 6. Use E - Facebreaker when he uses his Q - Decimate, so you don't take increased damage and he doesn't heal as well. The same counts for your R - The Show Stopper, you can easily win trades if he misses his Q. Take bramble to stop his healing and rush Blade of the Ruined King. Ult him away in teamfights from your carries.â
LippyDarren says âSkill Matchup. Go spin into Q. If he saves his hook, depending on situation you have to back off. If he wastes his hook, spin into Q while pressing W in between to mitigate damage from all his bleeds and his W. You should use your Q only after he uses his W to cleanse the slow. If he manages to hook you in while you are trying to run, you will either have to burn flash or you will be dead, so you really have to look out when trading into Darius. If Darius wastes hook after level 6, look to all-in him as your all-in burst potential is much higher than Darius, and you have ignite whereas Darius most likely has ghost, so Level 6 is honestly a huge spike for Garen over Darius in this 1 on 1 matchupâ
Avelon6698 says âthis champ annoys me. ban or go next in my opinion. If you do lane him though, do not get 5 stacked from his passive and do your best to turret farm and not get anywhere near him.â
Nodrog says âEven with his Hemorrhage, your passive can still sustain in lane. Don't trade with him much past 6 unless his ult is on CD. Besides that it is a easy lane.â
Psychopathic Top says âSince Darius's passive got nerfed, this matchup got a lot easier to play against. Start E level 1 and last hit the first 3 melees with E. Let him shove in and only focus on stacking the cannon on the 3rd wave. Biscuits are good here because you want to be using E to last hit in this lane in the early stages, so having the extra mana helps a lot. Most good darius players will 3 wave crash and wait for it to bounce back. Do not panic in this situation. Focus on last hitting and building up a wave. If Darius looks to all in you pre level 5 in your huge minion wave, ghost and fight back. Flash his outer Q so he cant heal and you can actually win the all in. If the lane gets to level 6, first back sheen + longsword and all in Darius with 50-60 stacks (is enough). The reason people think this matchup is hard because darius pulls Nasus in and the Nasus player starts to panic. But if you are a giga chad and fight back on 6 with sheen longsword you will realize that he simply dies to the dog. This matchup is basically a test of courage, if you hold and fight back then it is won. Darius is slightly better than Nasus in teamfights, but both champs function very similiarly. Buy steraks gage second in this matchup to match Darius's steraks. Do not go stoneplate second vs Darius because 2 item powerspike is too important. Whoever's got 2 items first in a teamfight wins, and stoneplate costs a bit more than steraks.â
Olaugh says âAsk your jungler for help, to shut him down early, don't be afraid to trade with him, if you are playing properly, you can win 1v1, however put some respect especially if he goes flash ghost!, if he collects 5 stacks on you, it knows to be very sticky, so be aware of his damage while fully stacked. When your minions are low move away so you dont get hit by q.Try to bait his q so he doesnt heal and get free stack. When he finishes minion with w ,all in him especially if u are lv 6 since he just used W ,his E doesnt work while you are in R and with ur Phage item + R your movm speed is insane and you rapidly go into him so he will probably miss q or activate it too late or wont be able to hit it at all, if he has ignite then be REALLY careful and ask jg to gank maybe even mid to roam.â
Gospodin Bure says âYou cant pick fights with Darius and thats period, but he cant fight you either if youre careful enough, so try to farm up and keep a safety barrel under you so he can't run you down with ghost.â
DippyDan says âOne of the few Melees that can win level 1 against Fiora. I have gotten Ghost cheesed too many times in this matchup. Also very hard to parry his E if he is smart but if you survive the early game you can All-In with ult and look to parry his ult.
TIPS: [1] Q into him or away to deny healing from Axe [2] Predict his hook and look to Parry. [3] Rush boots if losing.â
clalobaciel says âIf Darius manages to get on you and do damage with his 5-stack passive, it is extremely difficult to win unless he messes up or you manage to parry his ult. His damage output is crazy and it's hard to win in lane unless you know what to look for. You have to be able to win early, and if you are ahead enough, fighting him late game shouldn't be too much of a problem. â
Hecki says âIn my opinion it is a really unfun match-up because you always need to be in the right position against a Darius, espescially if he has Ghost. If you E to far into him or just missstep once he can run you down with Ghost. Try to find max range Q's and keep him at a safe distance until you can all in him with R. Executioner's Calling / Bramble Vest is a good option.â
IvernLover74856 says âYou don't win lvl 1. His jungler may camp you to ensure he wins. You may have to play passive and punish him for roaming by freezing wave. Go runaan's early to splitpush.
You have to time your Q well to avoid his E. â
Leolynn says âJust Dodge his Q and attack him He'll die immediatly but If you would eat his Q and get 5 passive on you. You'll die, no escape from that. Just attack him and make his HP lower. Maybe one of your teammate can beat him.â
PeachyBreezy says âPERMA BAN HIM! You will lose in trades most times due to his stacking passive. The most difficult lane in my opinion for Rengar.â
Krytiku says â2 dashes he should never hit you with Q, if you are back off. Early seekers and stopwatch mean you can stall out his bleed for 3.5s of the 5.â
Unmasked Kayle says â[Ignite and Teleport; Standard runes] Darius is in a very bad state at the moment. Ignite allows you to kill him reliably. It is important to bait or dodge his E and then poke him down.â
IAmStryker says âStarting Items:
Dorans Blade
Whatever your team needs.
Poke him to 60% health and then let yourself get hooked. Just ignite him and he has nothing left. No heal, no nothing.
Ignite is very good, because he also doesnt go TP, so it's worth going.â
Beecai says âRUNA RECOMENDADA: PTA - ESTRATEGIA OFENSIVA.-------- La linea se resume en bailarte un tango con el darius intentando que no te agarre con su E o moriste, Su E te deja ''Stuneado'' el tiempo suficiente como para que su Q te impacte siempre con el borde sin que puedas hacer nada, y si encima te impacta el BĂĄsico + W te aplica una ralentizaciĂłn suficiente como para perseguirte hasta tu muerte.-----------Intenta pokearlo tomando tus recaudos y cuando tenga poca vida, asesĂnalo en caso de que quiera curarse con su Q ponete a rango melĂŠ:
1- Para evitar su curaciĂłn 2-Si intentas irte ''Afuera'' del rango, probablemente flashee y se salve, pero si te acercas a melĂŠ de todas formas no te impactara, y aunque luego de eso flashee podrĂĄs alcanzarlo para asesinarlo.â
pumparumm says âA lot of people seem to think Darius gets countered by wukong. Wukong's level 1 allows you to all in and get a favorable trade to set you up for the first few waves, but Darius will out damage you level 1. His slow will make your clone come out slow as well, making his Q hit you regardless if you W away or not.â
DunkinDonuts9000 says âtoo tanky to stop, he heals too much to kill, the only problem with this pick, you dont have enough DMG early to kill tanky sustain champs. like, garen, darius or ireliaâ
Kune ML says âA pure nightmare in early game . But once you get your boot and first item then he is not as hard too beat as before . Avoid extend trade in early game and it's a 50-50â
NeroZYN says âIf played incorrectly, Darius can stomp you. Any slight miss positioning and you can easily die. You need to be able to dash into his Q to reduce the damage taken , and to fully commit to the fight. Do not try and kite away from him! His E is also buggy (in my opinion) making it really hard to dodge. Other than that, the matchup is actually very easy.â
CFCryo says âRepresentative of the typical BIG JUGGERNAUT TOP, Darius has huge damage when you get caught. This is an example of someone you should probably take Aftershock for. For Darius specifically, use Flay (E) to push him towards you, pulling yourself inside of the Q circle. Pushing him away from you takes too long, and he's likely moving away from you already, perfectly landing you in the outer circle.
If you die once, don't try anything funny again, or it won't just be once.â
Alan234 says âGo the standard PTA build to allow yourself to win 1v1.
You basically either kill darius when he runs into you or you run from him simple as that. I like killing the Darius so I go PTA+ignite. Use shrooms to kite him and dont get hooked early or you kinda just dieâ
Mr. Popper says âDarius is a special matchup because if you go even with him you auto win after level 9 due to Gnars passive gaining a little attack range after each level up. Since level 9 is a bit aways, Phaserush can help you stay safe against the ghosting Darius. Only proc Phaserush after he slows you if he pulls you in. â
MegadabYt says âDon't underestimate his damage early game. He will kill you if you are not careful. Try to poke him for grasp stacks and only try to fully commit during a gank.â
Kartagoo says âIt can be scary but your passive helps you to not get all in'd by him. Rush Plated Steelcaps. Poke with Q and look at your passive in case its on CD. Darius W is draining is mana so just play around that and Q him till you maybe can go for a all in. Good option to skip Sunfire or Frostfire and rush straight titanic hydraâ
aurus666lol says âStrong guy, go Phase Rush and try to play around his Q and E. He will totally beat you if he plays well. When he finish his mythic, you must know that he can rundown u from 100 to 0.â
JaxIsAHobo says âDon't get hit by the tip of his spin(Q), by either stepping out of it, or jumping in on him using your Q. When he goes to auto attack you, use your counterstrike to block his auto and his slow(W). Never let darius get to more than 3 stacks on you, as anything more than that is dangerous. This matchup is pretty easy for an experienced jax player.
Honestly more of a knowledge matchup than anything else really.â
RhinoStar says âShould not be a hard matchup. His E is getting cancelled with your passive so you can use that when running away. Be carefull of his passive and dont overextend if you are not sure of the situation in jungle.â
SemPelo says âDarius is one of the best champions on extended battles since he has sustain and dealts a ton of damage. Since he usually goes rather tanky is difficult for you to go into a duel if you are even in HP and abilities.
Before level 6 you are still pretty strong against him. Afterwards try poking him(with your q) instead of battleling him face first.â
OnslaughtOfPwnys says âTry to poke him with your 1st and 2nd stance of Q. Don't try to use the 3rd stance on him cuz he will hook you into death. You can win this match-up tho.
"Look at your noble courage, Darius! Now learn... despair."â
Prezibogen says âHis Passive+Healing is too strong before Bramble.
Rush Ramble to counter his healing and once you did you can fight him.
If you have ignite up, ignite BEFORE he heals up. His Q heals depending on his missing health, so use ignite when he is low life, not when he tries to heal at 90% Health.â
SmollJon4s says âVery easy early game. You can E his whole damage-output. Don't let him E you and only trade with him if he has already wasted his E.â
Bombabo says âDarius will do everything in his power to bully you in lane. He will punish you for trying to farm, and can turn trades into fights, which heavily favor him. Even if you are ahead, Darius is more than capable of turning a fight to his advantage, So I would recommend playing safe until you hit your powerspike and can easily deal with him
Vandenelis says âjust try to farm, don't trade him, when he pulls you in use q under yourself, aa him once with e, and run away. Don't go too far away from your turret since if he uses ghost on you when you are further in the lane you will be dead
DarkyTheReal says âGood Darius are hard to beat because they don't use their E for a gap closer, they use it to cancel your 3rd Q. What you want to do is level 1 if you both have ignite, and he starts Q, You can all in and you'll win if you dodge his outside part of the Q. Otherwise, you should do quick trades where you bait his E, Then you go for an all-in.â
DarkyTheReal says âEasy matchup,start with E ,you win level 2 all in because you can dodge his Q, and at level 3 you can cancel hiw Q and E with your W, which makes you win the lane after lvl 3 automaticly. Go Doran's bladeâ
Kartagoo says âOne of the Best if not THE BEST Counter for Garen. Careful for his Lv 1 Brush cheese if you walk to lane! Rather go around it past the Krugs. Get Lv 2 before him try to get an early Lead against him before he's Lv 3. Don't trade too much and don't let him get 5 stacks of his Passive. Even with a lead RESPECT his All-in potential if you are in the middle of the lane or further and has ghost he wants to All-in everytime and you are gonna die everytime. So if you are ending up pushing to hard rather lose some CS (Minions) and let him Push him into your Tower. Get Tabi's early. I rly kid you not, you and your team have it much easier killing a 0 3 Darius than a 3 0 One! if you are very behind or have only 1 kill go for Black Cleaver Rush so your team can later burst him down easier.â
Grayified says âFairly even lane, try to stick right on him and don't let him get a distance to get a Q on you. Try to block his E if you can, otherwise block his R.â
MikaeraKun says âDo not fight early game with him, you'll always lose, especially level 3 fights. His passive is much stronger than yours, so ask for ganks. Freeze wave close to your turret so he has to overextend to get to cs.â
XtheZ115 says âDarius is rough. His E will keep you in check and his sustain from his Q makes kiting rough. Hopefully he will not know how to deal with your proxy, because laning against him stacks the odd in his favor. â
Lupus_ToplaneMain says âThe matchup is even. Try to q into his q so you take less damge, he doesnt heal and you dont get a passive stack. And you deal free damage so dont q out (this only applies if you can hit vital, rather q out if vital is in a bad position). If you are too low, of course you should q away from him. Parry his w instead of e, because his w is easier to parry and it will give him one his passive stacks, his e wont!!
His ult is strong, he can kill you with it no matter your lead. Dont dive. Also, his e has 24 seconds cd until he skills it level 8.â
SettVEVO says âSkill matchup and snowball central.
TAKE IGNITE, he will take ghost 99% of the time, this means he has an extra combat spell against you, and he will be MUCH HARDER to face if you bring teleport. If you bring ignite you no longer are weaker than him, you are even or maybe even stronger, that is if you land your abilities. Dodging his Q is essential to win anything against Darius, it is huge damage and huge heals in one spell, thankfully you can E and ult him to avoid it. The only time you take extended trades against him is if you have ignite up and he is forcing a trade. In an extended trade ignite as soon as you see his Q or if he is low enough. Darius' are really cocky and think they can 1v1 anybody. Once he gets ult you really want to use your W wisely and only use it when he ults unless you need to use it earlier. BORK rush is absolutely recommended.â
Death Lyons says âIsn't as bad as people sometimes think. Darius can beat you if he is good, but otherwise you beat him very easily. Cheese early and e into his q so he doesn't get heal/1 stack of his passive. Go ignite.â
Eternae says âDarius players usually will do everything to gain the lead with a fight at level 1, because their W combined with their passive gives them a heavy advantage at start. You can counter it but picking ignite and heal as summoner skills, giving you a big chance to win a fight like this if it happens.
Lupus_ToplaneMain says âEngage him when after he just used his q. Trade him down to lower HP and dont get hit by his E or Q, then hes not that hard. But these are a lot of requirements, so the matchup is even.â
ItzCranky says âI don't know why i added this i just really really really really really really hate Darius. I don't even know if its an actual counter, i just really hate him.â
RTO says âHe's scary with high healing, but stay close to him so he can't heal! Don't be afraid, the closer you are, the better it works out. Take armor, and executioners. He has high CD's. â
RTO says âI have a VOD review below that will break it down really well. Don't at all trade with him before level 3. If he uses an ability and misses after you get level 3, you will out trade him every time. Watch his passive stacks and do go in if he has ANY on you. â
Fryx says âDarius is annoying. Be careful of his Level 1 cheese. You have a hard time getting away from him since you have no real escape. Just farm safely and try to keep the wave under control later. He will be on the downside once you have Bramble Vest and a nice engage on him. You must not win this lane to win the game it's Darius. You can control the wave by letting him Q the wave, he has no tp so you can get chunked and tp back. His harass on you will reset the wave back to you.
wff010 says âYou should win this matchup post six but before then here are some tips:
You generally win this fight unless the darius kites you with ghost which is pretty cancer. Try to dodge his Q by Q'ing right into him and hit him as much as possible till he dies. Save E W to finish him off. Later on, you can save your W to cuck his ult. This is a volatile matchup so if you want you can play it safe by just farming under tower and asking jg for ganks.â
RTO says âHard to trade against, has insane armor shred, high damage and a long bleed dot. Disengage with E, play safe, don't feed him and you outscale as tank late.â
LoLReal says âHard lane early levels, do not go for extended trades with him. Once we are 6 we can all in and win if lane has not gotten out of hand. Ignite is very good in this match up because snowballing is critical. Don't get behind in this match up or we won't win.â
RTO says âTry to avoid his pull, and kite him. He can decimate you if you get caught, keep your W for escaping, unless you're all-inning with a gank.â
RTO says âVery tough early game, watch out for brush cheese level 1. Favor's him at level 6, stand inside his spin so he can't heal. Call for early ganks. Consider Ignite, or ban him out.â
qosmox says âTry to go forward baiting for his Q and backing off without getting hit whenever you can. If Q is on CD, then you can go for short trades, blocking his W with your W and getting out of there asap. Never do extended trades in this match-up except if he's already low and you KNOW you can kill him before he kills you. If youâre in the middle of a trade that looks good for you HP-wise, then once he starts Qâing, E inside the middle of it to deny most of the dmg and all of the healing.â
SanLourdes says âDarius has been nerfed in terms of mobility, but recently buffed in damage and his E cooldown to compensate. This honestly makes him even harder for Sion to deal with than before. His sheer damage output makes him hard to deal with. Bait out his E so he can't pull you and interrupt your Q. If you scale, he shouldn't be that big of a threat. Don't duel him when he has his passive stacked. Use your Q only when his E is on cooldown. If you stun him, you can usually defeat him with some help because most of his defense is sustain which will be unavailable if he is CCed. Thornmail is immensely important in this matchup. Darius is a great ban in lower elo.â
CucumberSandwich says âVery hard matchup due to Darius' potential as a lane bully. Don't trade before 6. Try to bait our his Q or E before looking for an engage. You want to be on the inside of his Q when trading to take minimal damage.â
Viego99 says âthis camp is your nightmare champion basically kills you if he lands 5 auto attacks on you. dont fight . just play safe .you outscale him if you are not too behind. â
Drygur says âIf you fight Darius you need to stay on top of him while he is channeling his (Q), if you get hit by the blade you will be in danger.
Also Darius' Apprehend (E) gives him the opportunity to ruin the flow of your combo by pulling you out of your 3rd (Q), since he can react to the animation beginning,
!! Only fire your 3rd (Q) if he is stunned by your Ki Burst (W) !!
If you fall behind in this lane it will feel terrible, but the same goes for him!
BRING THE RESOLVE PAGE, or the aggressive page with ignite.â
Lost Chapter says âAlways run ghost. Best way to win is just go all in. If you dodge all his outer Q's you win 100% even at lvl 6 if you are ahead.â
SionSionSionSion123 says âafter he hooks you , e him and stand in his q handle range while charging your q , hit him once afterwards and run away with phase rushâ
RainAndBow says âAfter stridebreaker nerf, he is more manageable late game. He is still ridiculous to play against early. Take Phase Rush, try to blind him when he uses W. This is difficult as he usually does E-Auto-W which cannot really be stopped. Play very safe against the Darius.â
Saesame says âEasy Lane. Learn to Q-out perfectly to dodge his E near the start of the animation. (Might be the reason I have a 75%+ wr against him?) Respect his W-slow/E-W Combo. His W slow is a death sentence. Don't let him Q-Heal your clone. He scales but you scale harder - as long as you don't int to him. Learn his E range so you know whether you need to Q or not... bait it out and dodge it with movement speed if possible.â
calbino says âDarius got nerfed pretty hard from the stridebreaker changes. If the matchup is even, you have a 50/50 chance of winning the level 6. Just don't get pulled and you should be fine.â
Jaori says âProbably the easiest and most satisfying lane you can get as Trundle. Cheese him, he is always going to lose 1vs1 at level one. Quick trades with auto+Q, back off, and remember to wait until his stacks go off. When fighting, go ham, block him with pillar and ult while standing in king's domain. Easy 1vs1.â
RareParrot says âRemember, his pull range is the same as teemos auto attack range so fake and auto and bait out his E, he will never win a trade without it so its free if you dodge it.â
PlasmaFox1 says âIf the darius is smart, he will lane bully and freeze on you. Try to get fury off the first wave and do short trades until you can all in with R. â
ForgottenProject says âExtremely Strong Kit in Lane. His lane can be Oppressing if you keep letting him trade with you.
[1]Parry his Hook and he's a Sitting Duck. If you mess up you're in for a beating.
[2]Parrying his W is good
[3]You can Q into him when he uses his Q to deny the Healing.
[4]If he somehow gets an early lead make sure you have Boots or you'll get Run-down.
ForgottenProject says âI actually this this is a good matchup for Gwen.
Every Gwen player is banning Darius for no reason, you use your E to dash into him when he goes for a Q. Place your W at the beginning of the trade for a HUGE Armor Buff so he does very little damage.
Bramble rush is an option or you can rush Riftmaker with Plated Steelcaps.â
dissociate says âDo not fight him early game. He will win. Avoid him until at least level 6, because you can hug him if the fight feels winnable, avoiding his outer range on Q at ALL COSTS. Bring ignite, and go the poke build.â
Fuu Enju says âYou can take him on easily. Avoid his Q because bleed damage can be a problem. Your combo will grant you a shield so it will help sustain your lane against him.â
turtlehamstercroc says âlook for quick trades level 1 with auto-e-auto then back away, after level 1 try to farm up and avoid his e as much as you can, once you get sheen should have the upper hand if you use your e, q and ult well to avoid him from using his ult and killing you, if you fail just try to farm up and never get into his pull range. This is one of those matchups where not playing properly can cost you the game, but it isn't too hard overallâ
Papa Urgot says âThis guy gets so much AD once he is stacked in a fight and on top of that his healing is insane. extended fights are good for you but better for darius. Your only window to trade is when he used his q on minions. get antihealing.â
Bricks N Chips says âVery difficult once he's on you, but has no real way of engaging apart from flash, especially moreso since the stridebreaker nerfs.â
Marwaii says âKite and poke, take care for his E and stay out of its distance. If he takes ghost then do not stay in lane if you are below half hp and tired. Try to play safe till you get mythic and you'll win.
Take Trinity + Plated.â
a1a7s45 says âLike always, you have the range advantage. Similar to Aatrox, he doesn't take TP. When you get low on health, back and TP to lane. You need to play short trades because the longer the fight goes on, Darius becomes exponentially more stronger.
Teamfights, you outscale him because you are more useful. If you get a really clean engage off and you have Radiant Virtue, the fight is already over and Darius can't do a thing.â
oogoogerson says âThis is a really big threat for Singed. This is who I usually ban and if you get him in your game you should probably dodge. Level 1-18 you lose 1v1 against Darius. You pretty much need a gank to kill him. Just play passive and try to freeze near your tower. Take Teleport.â
Safolet says âIn my opinion, this match depends on who plays better. Darius has the E to get closer to you, Gnar has the E to jump, but Darius also has the Ghost to run faster and thus catch up with you. I usually play pretty safe but trying to tease with Q and basic attacks to make it difficult for Darius to farm. In MegaGnar I almost always try to hit with the W or R to get away from him and thus keep my distance so that when I become MiniGnar I can annoy him from afar.â
RedNBlue says âI would put Darius in the even threat due to your passive shield and his ability to have a bit of trouble going through that without busting a hard q. You can be pretty annoying to a Darius as your ultimate will render him dead. But people just don't know how to really play against a Darius and will still end up letting him snowball one way or the other.â
AlanVenator says âDarius is considered to be a lane bully, he is no exception against Urgot. The key to winning this matchup is survive the early game. Use your E every time he tries to grab you. Play safe and try to freeze the wave. After level 6, you can kill him on your own if you play it well. Since he is an inmobile champion you can easily kill him every time with the help of your jungler so ping help every time your ultimate is up. If you don't fall behind, once you get Black Cleaver + lvl 9 it's free win.
Do not let him snowball early game!!! If he doesn't build tabis he is quite squishy.â
Breadcrumbs says âDarius abuses any mistake you make, and this is furthered by the fact that irelia is already a very punishable champion. When he Qs, Q to him so his Q does very little damage. If you manage to do this, chances are you will win the fightâ
SethPRG says âYou should only ever be careful of Darius level 1, and if he has ignite or ghost. His all-in potential is scary, but you beat him if you punch him, literally. When Darius is about to use his Q, that's your signal to E him so you get put in the center, both avoiding the damage and bleed. If he W slows you before using Q, it's not the end of the world, and if you are level 6 you can just ult him during that anyways to dodge his Q. If he tries to ult you, you can ult him to cancel his ult, but you can't watch for the animation, you just have to predict it or else it will still hit you. If you're not about to kill him and are above 3 stacks of his bleed, you should try to move towards your turret, and if he still sticks on you and you don't think you will be able to reach your turret without getting 5 stacks and taking way too much damage, or just dying, keep fighting. No matter what you beat him at all stages of the game unless his passive is fully up and he outplays you. His only real threat to you is his Q heal from 5 stacks (which you can have 60% mitigated of from itemizing properly) and the nearly 1k true damage from his ult late game. You need to focus him first, ult him into his team so you can also simultaneously gap close on the ADC without Darius being a threat to run down your team. Trinity Force is the best way to keep steamrolling Darius so he never has a chance to fight back, but you'll want to get Bramble on your first back, and build Plated Steelcaps if you are behind or have completed your Mythic item. Take Death's Dance second item if there are more than 2 AD, otherwise build it 3rd, and eventually build a Sterak's Gage to survive his ult burst Mid-Late game.â
SpartanDumpster says âThis is a match up that can go either way. Darius is tanky enough for your passive to threaten him, but not enough to guarantee you'll win trades. His pull is something to make sure you dodge. Darius' often have a habit of spinning immediately after using their pull ability, so as long as you dodge that pull, he'll have two abilities on cooldown, which may be the best time to punish him before level 6.â
El Leon Gnar says âDespite Dar being a fairly strong champion, he never really has kill pressure on you unless you take extended losing trades. Take fleet against him to stay healthy, trade with your Q outside of his E range, and never go in on low health unless you can burst him in one go.â
doozy99 says âTake your W first, if you're looking to trade back at level 1. You can duel him and win sometimes. Go ignite if you're not confident that you can kill him, otherwise take ghost. Your passive combined with Revitalize and Second Wind can negate his bleed. Keep your W to block his R damage. Don't push into his tower, he'll run you down and kill you.â
Unholy Vanity says âWhilst it is true that Darius is strongest in prolonged fights, he falls in even when matched correctly. For one, you have very similar healing to that of his Q, your well-timed disengage counters his pull, and your ultimate keeps him from hitting the outer perimeter of one of his spins.â
Lucas9000 says âPlay safe early and when you have an item advantage or poked him hard enough, then kill him. Post 6 should be also fairly free with a all inâ
Xarmat says âThe only way he can reach you is by flashing. If he does, flash yourself and use E to slow him. If he goes ALL IN, use your summoner and kite him.â
SkinysZin says âInsuportĂĄvel contra qualquer campeĂŁo, ĂŠ um campeĂŁo feito para ganhar a lane, nĂŁo de kills para ele que ja serĂĄ de grande ajuda.
Use a runa de tenacidade se estiver com muito receio sobre a matchup.â
DaSticks says âBait his hook by pretending to auto-attack him and then cancelling. Try and buy boots before him as him having a movespeed advantage means he can run up and hook you! Walk or flash into close range of his Q to take reduced damage and stop the heal when all-inning, combine this with blind so he can't auto you!â
Sailor MOwOn says âMorgana is probably my only confident champ against Darius. I feel I can dodge his abilities and fight back the most with her. However, if you're against a Darius Smurf, there's little hope for anyone on your team to win. But most you encounter should not be THAT good in Low Elo and will be manageable.â
Godidi says âI consider Darius a skill matchup, the better player wins. Unlike garen, Darius has a good way to engage, and, since most dariuses take ghost, whenever he wants, he can just run at you, E and do a full combo. But if you are aware of that and kite properly and blinding when he goes for a W, since he will only be able to get 1 Hemmorage Stack (from his Q) or none (if he misses the edge), his ult wont do you much other than mildly inconvenience you. That said, still be careful as Darius is Darius so he may still be able to kill you even though he missed his W and has no range/mobility.â
majororange77 says âFull info in Guide.
If he gets on top of you, you're most likely dead. Focus him first in team fights if possible to avoid giving him Ultimate resets.â
Kaizin says âDo not let him get to 5 stacks of bleed, don't take all ins unless you can burst him, he will win extended trades with q healing and raw damage. Be unpredictable in your movements so he can't land Q. Take short trades from level 3 with e into q stun auto and w. Bramble rush into tier 2 boots helps with dodging q and reducing his healing. Early health stacking will be beneficial as his R true damage is a flat number.â
NPGRiven says âHonestly this matchup isn't extremely hard, but you can be punished very easily. Which is why I have put it so high up on the scale. When he uses Q you always want to make sure you step inside of him to avoid getting hit by his outer Q, as Riven this isn't that hard. Level 1 you are able to all-in him if he starts Q, if he starts W, don't bother.
Never trade into him if he already has some bleed stacks on you, wait out the stacks before going in. The best thing to do is freeze near your tower, Darius can run you down in lane very easily, and will take ghost like 75% of the time.â
I am so chill says âskill matchup.Do not waste ur e allways poke him with ur q s lvl 3 aa can hurt him alot with your combo.However you should be really carefull about his q outside dmg,if you re going for a all in and when he uses q use ur e to get inside of him and auto attack w avoid getting 5stack passive.I dont recommend going all in against this guy unless he s low.â
UlisesFRN says âDarius is a well known counter to Garen. He wins long trades,but your lvl 6 is better than his,play around that. Play defensive, ask for jungle assistance or Ban himâ
CaptianMike says âWay too strong early and can easily dive you. True damage ultimate plus a reliable engage with his E makes this a terrible lane. I personally always ban him.
Update: Darius just got buffed against tanks! This is a nightmare laneâ
SirGRC says âWorth a Ban: Maybe
I just hate Darius. He is such a bully and even if he is negative, one team fight can bring him back into the game. I was told he is very easy to deal with because of Gwenâs E but I have not been able to play against him sense he is just getting banned by the other top laner. I will update this whenever I can play against a Darius or two.â
ApollonATH says âWhile many people fear darius he is actually a skill matchup in favor for voli. You can even first blood him if you play the pta inspiration runes with ignite . Whatever you do DONT greed vs him if he gets a lead because of you greeding plays he can snowball you out of the gameâ
deathwalker7119 says âOne of Fiora's harder matchups, once you learn this matchup it becomes much easier but at first it will feel horrible. Take ignite usually, plus the nimbus cloak page. If you are both full hp, do NOT parry the E, it is a death sentence. He will just auto you and run you down once hes out of stun. Parry his empowered auto (W) because it is a large chunk of undodgeable damage that comes with a big slow that will fuck you. Most fights will play out one of two ways: A bad darius will walk up and Q to take a free trade, if this happens, instantly Q into him. He will then E you (this is fine) but immediately parry after the E knockup is done because this will parry his auto after the E (which is usually his W). From here, look to constantly Q into his Qs as he can't heal, make sure to pop your ignite early so that if you fuck up a Q he doesn't heal to 50% hp and kill you for free. The other Darius player is the good darius player, he will look to walk up and start with E or W. You need to study how they play because every Darius main plays a little differently. Some Darius players will go E > W > Q, some will W > E > Q, some will W > Q > e, and some will E > Q > W. either way, you simply need to Q into his Q and parry the W, or he will fuck you. You can also use your Q to dodge his E with prediction if he is one of the Darius players who holds his E for after his auto > w.â
Humitaxx says âDarius is required to get close and damage you a lot, for any regular build this would be fatal, but if you go with the tank build, you just need to endure until your W is charged up so you can stun and kill him with the burst damage of your W and then shield bash, don't get cocky tho, since he can still execute you if you get low enough with all stacks and get ahead easily to the point this will not work as intendedâ
WarwicksSimp says âJust a natural counter, watchout for his E which can be used to cancel your ultimate while youre already suppressing him if timed perfectly or on accident. never take fights until about lvl 3 maybe, or just dont at all, hard to get ahead of a darius or even cs while he is around. Bramble is good here but not necessary. Ghost is necessary here to match his ghost.â
JeanMichelBambi says âDarius is one of the only characters who can fight Mordekaiser at level 1, his passive being a better version of Mordekaiser's and his kit being all around very strong for duelsâ
Snow Day Zoe says âMake sure you take W first, if you are trading level 1.
You can full on 1v1 and win.
Take ignite if you are scared.
E or R to dodge his Q
You can outheal his 5 stack bleed with passive and second wind.
W to block damage of his R
He outscales at Steraks and level 16 tho.
Nekosett says âThis matchup doesn't feel like a threat you can actually 100 to 0 him if you just build dmg and make him miss his q dont go grevious till late in the game as you shouldnt get hit by his q most levels you win and e his q and r his second q this will ensure that you win the lane if hes behind hes not as good as you in teamfights also start dorans blade and use ignite â
XPRflew says âJust e poke to farm and stack when you can. Don't get e by Darius he does a lot of damage. You will beat him once you get a good amount of stacksâ
Excuruseh says âDarius is an ok matchup for you. Your passive obviously helps you gain back some hp and armor to fight him. You can look for a short trade lvl 3, and maybe kill lvl 6. I'd play this lane to get out of it and do something in team fights. Watch out for his execute.â
Darkduet says âDarius can be a pain in the ass, since he can prevent you from a full combo with his grab and win a trade. The early is pretty winable, but the late is difficult.â
gps1mx says âIt destroys Camille all the early game and most of the mid-game, wait till your 2 item spike to duel him, go Divine mythic and evade his Q with Ult, NEVER try to evade his ult with yours, as if Darius targets becomes untargetable when he casts ult, it's cd will reset.â
TwoKingzz says âSkill matchup - Bait his E cd and Q cd and all in him. Take pta and Attackspeed / armor runes. Bait him with your jungler or all in him with ignite when an important cd is down.â
RealIreliaCarriesU says âAvoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you wonât have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Donât be afraid to fight him even if he looks spooky. Make sure he has no boneplating before all-inning him and land your E before you go in AND make sure you have passive. Save your last Q for his Q, spam your Q when they pull you if they are charging his Q. If you donât get hit by his outer Q you will typically win, same goes later levels however I would avoid fighting him after 3 items if you are not ahead of him since it will take you too long to kill him and he will get his passive.
Womsky says âScaling set up with doran's shield/long sword start, A boring ass lane if knows what he is doing, if he has no ignite you can trade lvl 1 with fury, its just about punishing his cds especially if he misses E, but over all a hard lane cause you get punished by half of your health bar if u mess up while his mistakes goes on unchecked mostly, the higher you get in elo the worst it gets, cause any gank/disturbance in wave which causes the lane to push for him could be fatal, and darius players learn to wave control well and punish there over extended enemies, just scale and farm if you see no chances of a kill, especislly if he rushes tabies like a rat, if the wave starts pushing into him you can look to trade some of your hp to make him push the wave, which is by letting him auto you or Q the wave to make him push you in, a very good way to get back the wave into your favour if it gets messy.â
tibs2 says âCDR boots any% speedrun. Some people think this match up is "unplayable" for Poppy. But IMO its really easy if you play it well enough. I think if you are a newer to the champ this match up can be a nightmare but the way you win this match up is by kiting him with q. If he q just walk into him melee and then q and walk away. If he e same thing just q and walk away. If he e and then ghost just ult him. Go into practice tool and practice doing a fast ult that knocks them away. If you get good at it you can ult him away before he can really react. Cannot remember the last time I have lost this match up and people pick into me all the time.â
SadmanV3 says âDarius is not a great matchup for Nasus. Any Darius worth their salt will understand that to win the game, pressuring Nasus early, punishing him hard is the key to victory. However, any Nasus worth their salt will also understand that simply staying alive and not getting punished too hard will lead to a long-term victory for them. Nasus in this matchup generally needs to freeze the lane extremely close to the tower. Bait Darius into [[Decimating]] your minion wave to get it to push forward, closer to your tower use [[Spirit Fire]] to prevent minion wave crashes. Most importantly, don't ever get hooked by Darius, you can do his by staying behind minions whilst his hook is up.â
Ratakor says âPersonal ban, you can beat him easily in low elo, after gold elo you can either play passive and you will outscale him or play with ignite and try to kill him when you hit lvl 6 before him for exemple, anti-heal can be good against his Qâ
svjade says âHis life steal is quite huge and his bleeding stacks from his passive will have a huge impact on Akali. He is quite hard to counter but Akali has a much higher chance once she (even slightly) scales (for example gains her ultimate on level 6).â
JeanMichelBambi says âDarius shreds tanks easily with his passive armor penetration, bleed, and scaling true damage, he should be your perma ban in most games.â
Pupupipiru says âBan Darius, impossible to beat in lane without JG, and even then he can 1v2 with proper movement. beats you in your ultimate duo to true damage on R and healing in the Q.â
Ponkstronk says âSkill match up. You can deny his q heal twice after 6. You can beat him all the time in the game except when you both get lvl 16. Then he will win with his 1.2k dmg r and ad ratio on his passive.â
Sephix92 says âto play against darius you have to do
small trades dont let him get 5 stacks on you if he pulls you hold him dash direct q to wall. Ohterwise try to start up the battle and clear with E wait for your cdrs will get possible matchup. Think for his high pull cooldown do so much trades as possible if he missed.â
XD001 says âDarius mid is rare but a pocket pick for some. In this matchup you never want to take extended trades as he will beat your ass. Try to get early grievous wounds if possible. Focus on keeping your CS up and don't call for jg. Good Darius' can 1v2 jg + Ekko, especially when he has stridebreaker and R. Eventually at mid-late game you won't have to deal with him that much and will have to instead focus on 1 shotting the enemy back line, not Darius. Darius slightly outscales Ekko.
electrocute + inspiration + tp.
If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination â
painkillertop says âDarius could easily be an âextremeâ on the matchup rankings however with a bit of patience and smart positioning you can win this matchup. When playing against Darius you are highly likely to be trading often therefore start the game with a Dorans blade and a pot. Be very careful during the early levels as his bleed stacks can easily cause the lane to go south for both you and your jungler! Whenever Darius uses his Q âDecimateâ you need to use your E either as an escape or to get within the circle hitbox in order to prevent taking any damage. A personal preference of mine is to get an early executioners in order to reduce the healing he gets from his Q. In an even lane with Black cleaver and Executioners you WIN this matchup (again post level 9) but you also have a good shot at winning from level 6 onwards. â
AmericanNut says âHis early game is good, so is yours. But you cannot beat him without Plated Steel Caps, wait for him to initiate with his E pull, once he does that, he will likely Q, use Shield Vault to get too close to him for his axe to hit, and then burst him down.â
Noodles912 says âIf you always social distancing him, you are fine. Play chicken always, and you will outscale him. Look to freeze in lane so he needs to play up. If he manages to hook you, W will stop his Q and R, but not his passive bleed. Spam Q to stay healthy.â
Cayteer says âHe beats you in every stage of the game. Try not to get into his E range. At 6 , work with your jungler to CC chain him and kill him before he kills both of you.â
Buszman says âMatchup involving snowballing, but you're the one with the higher ceiling. As long as you maintain correct spacing and back out without seeing lethal on 5 stacks you should win.â
kohyss says âYou stand no chance till 6, dont even try to trade with him. Lv 1-2 you can poke him a bit with you Q. After level 6 you can try to all in him, you need to hit every single spell and use your shield with full power otherwise he will beat you. You will outscale him so if you cant fight him just farm under turret. Rush bramble+plated caps.â
Darius is a really strong champ during laning phase, and a powerful champ over that.
- Parry his E and you can try to trade him.
-If you can't parry his E, then parry just after he grabs you so you deny a W (wait just a bit because he launches an AA before a W.).
-If he's about to ult you, you can obviously parry his R.
-You can dash into him when he is using Q to deny his heal, but running in the opposite direction is an idea. Be patient and wait for an opportunity to go into him. Craft boots early because he's fast.â
PoppingMoth says âAnnoying but you can just stay far back from him and farm, whenever he gets close you just flay and sprint as fast as possible away.â
nachoreformed says âDarius is hard because even if you have armor boots and bramble he can still do 2/3rds of your hp with his ult. You win the lane by taking short trades and not letting him stick to you.â
OverlordOfTheLane says âdarius is garen garen is darius they are the same champion essencialy just expirance the pain with him and learn how and when to trade most liekly let him e you while you spin other wise is waste of timeâ
SadmanV3 says âA rather large threat, allowing him to get multiple stacks of his passive on you will spell death. Has potential to harass under tower, and can tank a few tower shots as well.â
teemodumbstupid says âAnother lane bully. I like fleet footwork against him because he will try to E you if you go for a minion. With the extra movement speed from Fleet you can dodge it more easily. You scale harder than him and will win once you have Sunderer.â
Urgodzilla says âIn early game he wins by default even if you do everything correctly. The best thing you can do is Eing his E. Try not to give him free Q healing and damage. Be cautiuos if he has Ghost, he will just run you down if you don't respect this. You can kill him lvl6 if he does something stupid. After lvl9 (or lvl13 if he is ahead) you outscale him.â
Speed_Fire2 says âDarius is a lane bully, but Mordekaiser is one as well, play it safe and poke with your Q, only engage when he is either low on health or out of mana, and Save your W for when he has all 5 stacks on you (or when he chooses to ult.)â
PalestinianLuck says âNever let him Hit his Q to heal on you.
You finish him easily of before 6 if you always Block his W
Only go for burst trades
After 6 you should only block his ultimate with your E and nothing else. He will win against you in lateâ
Laserholic says âGwen specializes in fighting melee fighters and juggernauts. We all know darius is strong early, so you don't have to challenge him. Stay firm until Rylai's power spike, Lv6, and a mistake such as missed hooks or Qs.â
Oskarl3 says âprobably sions worst matchup, you are an immobile tank, and he will shred you if you try and fight him one on one. try and freeze the wave and wait for your jungler to gank, the goredrinker build is best here because it gives you more health to play with.â
ZeruelOP says âWhen he goes for the pull use Q in order to go inside his Q to avoid the heal and stack and try using W after that so you could minimize the slow you get from his W its recommended to Start With Ruby Crystal and 2 Health Pots Earlyâ
Tsundere Tahm says âDarius. AlĂŠjate si tienes las 5 cargas, si falla su q tradeale, te recomiendo que cuando pelees con el no uses la pasiva enseguida, cuando vaya a pegar q cĂłmelo, de esa forma la q no te pega, mitigas daĂąo y le provocas daĂąo, asĂ lo matas o al menos lo obligas a retroceder.â
jmp_01_ says âStrong early game champ. Make sure to dodge his Q - Decimate with your Q - Knuckledown, your E - Facebreaker or your R - The Show Stopper. Make sure not to trade with him anymore if he hits his Q - Decimate.â
AyeJa3 says âAvoid long trades and look to get deep inside his Q range if you can't escape it in time to avoid his bleed and extra damage. Reposte his W pre 6, and reposte his R post 6.â
Draconic56 says âYou will win longer fights but he will win shorter trades. Ult him when he doesn't have any passive stacks or you will get creamed. Don't fight him pre level 6 after level 6 you can beat him in your ult.â
SanLourdes says âDarius does some insane damage during the early game, respect that. You both have a gap closer, so keep that in mind. If he engages with his E, just use yours backwards to pull him back to where he was. Don't fight him when he has his hemorrhage stacks! You can beat him with your ultimate only if he is not fully stacked. Save your W for when you get on low health so that he can't use his ult to execute you. Keep close to him so that he cannot use the extra damage from his Q sweet spot. Once you get a kill on him you snowball way harder than he does. No need to change anything in your build sequence, just bring Doran's Shield and build Sorcerer's Shoes. â
Thats a OOF says âTake grasp. Rush brambles and plated. Don't E if he has E. Dodge the Q sweet spots even with bramble. Once he is 6 and has 5 stacks on you, you will either disengage, or commit to the fight.â
negoZoma69 says âHe can't do much against your range in lane so expect him to cheese you from bushes. Most Darius take ghost and go stridebreaker so you can take ghost too with nimbus cloak to match his movespeed. â
Hesychia says âDarius is an Extreme threat for Gwen.
As a Darius main, there is nothing you can do much to him but beg your jungler to camp you. Never go long trades with him or he will kill you. Go with short trades, do your full combo (or half of it) and leave the trade or else he will just Dunk you.â
idadees says âPunirlo sul farm aiuta, evitare di fare trade prolungati, se possibile avere la lane freezzata quasi sotto la vostra torre, in caso diventi opprimente rush di ferite gravi e calzali del ninjaâ
not normal says âIf you can kite this guy whilst also keeping lane control, Yay you win the laning phase. If not, he'll quickly outscale you and raep ur anus.â
R3mI says âbe careful at darius with ghost and don't go much longer than half of the line lane because he can use ghost and catch you up and kill you. but you can keep q w him and when he try to e you and w q or q w you use e inside him and he can't not longer get heal through his q out of his range. â
SKRELAX says âDarius is extreme counter to Sett, if you are advanced player of Sett, you can try to kill him on lvl 2, or 3. But if not, try to not fight him until level 6, and play smartly. Don't overextend if not needed.â
Docoda says âIf the Darius takes Ghost/Flash and possibly even Phase Rush against you he can easily run you down when your E is on cooldown.
A Darius with Teleport is basically griefing against you.
If you manage to kill a Darius with Flash/Ghost in lane you can easily build a lead since he won't be able to teleport back.â
SleeplessX says âStick to short trades and space him. Walk, W or flash inside his Q to deny healing. Try to E late (but not too late!) if you are committed in an all in, as he does more and more damage as the fight goes onâ
exoticT says âKeep an eye on your bleed stacks and when Darius uses q, you use Jax q to jump on him and deny his healing. Your e is also strong for denying his w and auto attacks.â
Lost Robot says âHe can snowball pretty hard if you let him get an early lead, but you won't.
Hope that Darius goes for a level 1 cheese. *As long as you get the first auto,* you'll almost always win this fight with Ignite. If he autos first, there's a possibility he can outplay you and get his passive activated early enough for him to win the all-in. If you predict the cheese and you're the first one to auto, you'll win the all-in easily.
Besides that, he really can't be much of a problem. Be extremely aggressive. Don't back off when he uses his Q, or else he'll heal. Note that if you have 3 stacks and he uses his Q, you can use Devour to pull him in so you get hit by the handle instead.â
Dorom says âPeople tend to have problems with this champion which is quite understandable due to his trading potential with Q and passive. He can turn the fight around any second if you're not careful enough BUT once you get the hang of this matchup he's fairly easy to manage. Sit under a barrel and don't get E'd and you should be fine.
SanLourdes says âDarius is a tough champion especially after level 6. He is beefy, deals fat damage and his ultimate can execute you at low health. Your best bet is to initiate first, don't let him start the duel. This makes sure that he can't use his E, and since you are staying close to him, his Q will deal reduced damage. Don't build Divine Sunderer!!! Attack speed is even more important against Darius because you want your initiations to be as short as possible and Divine Sunderer lacks in attack speed but makes up for in sustain. f you give him extended fights he will be able to stack his passive which will make it so much harder to duel with him, which is why sustain is not the best way to defeat Darius. He is not a full on tank but more of a bruiser, so build Tri-Force and Black Cleaver.â
Nerkas says âIt's all about you making a mistake. If you miss a skillshot, he immediately gets a kill pressure on you. Getting close is lethal, Phase Rush required!â
pioj12 says âO dear darius broken as always :).
For this match try to poke him as much as you can, DO NOT FIGHT HIM IN ANY FORM; he will win most of the trades and even kill you bc 99% of the time they bring ignite.
Try to dodge his E to not get slow and try to survive lane.
You don't win the match even as mega because he can extend the trade on you and in lvl 6 he also hits his power spike so just survive lane
JapaUwU says âDarius is an Extreme threat for Gwen. As a Darius main, there is nothing you can do much to him but beg your jungler to camp you. Never go long trades with him or he will kill you. Go with short trades, do your full combo (or half of it) and leave the trade or else he will just Dunk you.â
OctavePlayer says âNot much of a threat due to him having to walk to attack. Bully him until he hits 6. After that, only all in him if certain for a kill. â
zzepic says âCan easily run you down with Ghost, play it safe and avoid walking into range of E. You can use your W to disengage when he pops Ghost on you. Phase Rush is recommended.â
goblinKappa says âJust like Sett, Darius is an early game lane bully who can hit E and ruin your day. His passive (adds bleed on hit) is a massive pain to deal with, especially early gameâ
The_Real_Wickd says âDarius is one of Shen's absolutely biggest nightmares. Playing against him will make you rip your hair out.
You have to be extremely careful once you meet this guy on the rift. Often he will be running Flash and Ghost which is the scariest combination. If he got Flash and Ghost it's absolutely crucial that you never push him. If you are pushing he will run you down with Ghost and you're going to die every single time. Allow him to push you under tower and focus on safely farming. If you want to kill Darius it's important that you coordinate a gank with the jungler. You can only win 2v1, but be careful of 2v2 scenarios.
It's a much easier matchup if he's running Flash and Teleport. In that case you can kinda play the lane however you want.â
gladiatorrr4 says âTake care about Darius E. Stay out of his Q range and try to poke from far away. Save your E to get away when he uses his pull on you.â
raede says âI mentioned this earlier but Darius can actually be a pretty easy lane. Because Darius almost always goes Ghost, you aren't really punished for going Ignite. Ignite will add much needed damage and reduce his healing. Just make sure that if you can't kill him not to fight longer than needed. Two Ws THEN GET OUT.â
jpaul2077 says âVery hard match up due to Darius being a very good duelist. Darius will usually win both short trades and all ins due to his passive ability and ultimate ability. Look to farm safely and punish mistakes under tower. You will most likely need jungler assistance to win this lane.â
KingNklaus says âWay too strong early for Morde but you outscaling hard many people will think that Seeker's is a good choice but the best option is to go Haunting Guise it will help you to kill him fast enough so that you dont have to deal with his 5 bleed's also always ALWAYS flash his Q if he doesnt get that heal he's has good as dead all of this only post 6 dont be stupid he WILL kill you before 6 almost regardless
If he uses Q on minions you can go for a trade but do not overstay you cant kill him fast enough early game but you can definetly hurt him â
Runtley says âDarius pull and his stupid bleeding thing that gives him a grievous wounds can make him hard to play against. I recommend you take Press The Attack when going up against him. I also recommend not to hid from him. He can pull and make you bleed, you will most likely die if you try and hide.â
ChaseMorePlz says âRemember that If you dodge his Q is prevents his heal. Keep in mind when playing against Darius that his Q will do significantly less damage when you're close to him. Basically, When you do a fast combo and you get all of your autos & abilities off you have the potential to out damage him in trades early on. Watch out for his E during ganks it has an annoyingly long range. It's a good idea to bait his Q out before you trade and slowly poke him down. â
ChaseMorePlz says âHe does a lot of damage early game with his bleed so don't fight, trade or cs near him unless his abilities are down. You can stand in the center of his Q Decimate, the ability when he swings his axe in a circle to do damage. He is very immobile. Also has a rather long ranged pull on his E that you need to stay away from. Other than that, the matchup is easy and you can kill him with good stacks, farming and wave management. I like to play this matchup smart by not dying.â
ChaseMorePlz says âVery hard matchup as well. Try to farm with your Q and stay out of his Apprehend range, he is very immobile so once you hit a power spike and play the lane properly, he shouldn't be too much of a problem for you. â
Lunarisen says âHe'll bully you out of lane on most times with his bleed stacks, just focus on passive farming and denying him kills to outscale him in the mid game.â
Reformed Ravi says âcareful for his early game and try to poke him down with your ghouls and e. when you land the w on him stay inside it with him so you dont get hit by the edge of his q. Back off once he gets 4 stacks and if you really want to, take ghost to match hisâ
SirPandus says âFarm matchup. DO NOT FIGHT Lvl 1, you might get lucky but 90% of the time you lose and can't farm unless your willing to trade 50% of your hp for minions and burning your flash. Once you get Titanic and Black cleaver you win 1v1s easily. Tbh just survive laning phase and you're fine.â
Pawn Sacrifice says âA good Darius can ruine your game. Even late game, if he knows how the champion works, his ultimate can execute you above 70% of HP... so yeah, it's a skill matchup, his early is too strong and he can be well played mid/late.â
Sett The Boss says âDarius is a threat but not as much of a threat as Fiora. Darius in order to beat you in a fight has to reach late game or soonest 10 mins considering you have no kills till then. if that happens darius will just buy armor and be tanky enough to survive your kit since his q heals him and is on a low cooldownâ
timeinabottle says âpeople consider this as a hard matchup, but really it is an easy one trade with short figths with him and block his auto-attacks with your W and you will winâ
Nahkampf says âIf you're not really good with garen this shit can destroy you, if he use his Q u can engage it, just focus on farming his passive is really annoying.â
Godalane says âRequires Matchup Knowledge.
Go For Conqueror.
When he misses his E, you are powerful than him. You can fight with him without any hesitation. After level 6, Darius is not a threat to you anymore.â
stygiandesolation says âQ inside his Q and use your E to block his W and avoid the slow. Also beware that he can use his E to avoid your E and can then run you down pretty easily. You outscale him hard but he can kill everyone in teamfights if you don't focus him. Take unflinchingâ
Rime101 says âPHASE RUSH + Max Q
Sorc boots Asap
Take TP/Flash you donât need to solo kill him so donât bother with ignite.
He has high kill pressure on you, play the lane safe.
Survive lane = win game.
Toliam says âPhase Rush Tech makes this lane kinda manageable, when he gets mercs he can run you down with ease.
Early Rylai + Liandries does do horrible things to him.â
Alekra says âBasically, he is you but better. You will lose long trades every single time. Pray for a mistake and get your jungle to help. Banning him is my go-to strat.â
Erenando says âThis is probably one of your worst match ups to stack your q. Just give up some creeps when needed and maintain a safe distance between you and him. The bleeding and his true damage will be a pain in the ass and even ganks can go wrong if your jungler underestimates him. Play save until late and stack HP. You will beat him at some pointâ
czrmtz24 says âTakes a lot of practice to handle this matchup. Take phase rush and resolve runes. Build boots and Bamis ASAP. You need to take Flash + Ghost in this matchup, or you will be at a disadvantage (since Darius will probably have both). Treat Darius like you do Fiora, do not E him until he E's you. If you are in range of Q, then get closer to him (don't get hit by the rim). With Bamis and Phase Rush, you should be able to Q + E pass him and straight into minions to get free farm and not get punished. â
lulw says âdarius man. Before I thought this was a hard matchup but its not actually that hard. You're W counters his ult and you trade pretty well with him. Early game be careful of bush cheese. DONT PUT A POINT INTO YOUR ABILITIES YET, HE MIGHT TRY TO CHEESE, GO W IF HE WALKS UP AND STARTS AUTOING YOU. You need to rush plated steelcaps to lane against him. After you get bork you can beat him pretty easily if played correctly. If you are in shitters low bring ignite, if you are in like plat + you can bring ghost. The reason darius is even is because you both are bullies, if he gets a lead on you, its over. You can't push. However if YOU get a lead, he can't push. Try to use your R to dodge his Q. Also make sure to use your E to dodge his Q. Save W for his R. â
ToinoEscaca says âWhenever he wants to trade and stacks his passive, use your W on him, wait for the ability to finish, the stacks will go away :) . Just make sure when he leaves your W to use Tongue Lash (Q) to leave him slow and impossible to hit you if you are still stacked.
If he is agreesive and wants to ulti right after passive is stacked, make sure to not use E during the fight and you'll have enough shield to sustain.â
Dark Star Deku says âTo kill Darius you have to play perfectly. He can outrun you with Ghost and NimbusCloak making your E's movement speed useless. Also he has way too high damage early and also a hook making you not beign able to poke him for grasp stacks, which puts you in a rough spot for late gameâ
NathanPyke says âyou can escape his attack range vicinity because he is immobile but if he gets the E timing on your dash you still have a chance to escape with Qâ
Dr.C says âThe stacks of his attacks are bad.
Even if you E succesful on him you get pulled and Qed and you lose trade.
Here is W a way to farm and def, but you cannot outplay him with your tools.â
HoftheGreed says âDarius aunque puede parecer bastante intimidante, no es un campeĂłn del que debamos preocuparnos tanto en Early si tenemos control de nuestras habilidades, se podrĂa considerar mas que nada un duelo de Skills ya que aunque pueda infligir gran cantidad de daĂąo por su pasiva, podrĂamos ganar un 1v1 a nv1 su subimos primero nuestra W, o con la misma W bien cargada mitigar una ulti con 5 acumulaciones por parte de Darius aparte de hacerle gran cantidad de daĂąo. Principalmente hay que tener cuidado de no curarlo cuando use su Q, usualmente su combo es usar su E para acercarte a el, luego la W para ralentizarle y alejarse un poco para curarse y hacer daĂąo con su Q, en el momento que nos jale podemos aprovechar si estamos cerca de minions enemigos para usar inmediatamente nuestra E y ya sea ralentizarlo para que al menos no se cure con la Q y haga menos daĂąo (ademĂĄs de que no nos meterĂĄ ninguna acumulaciĂłn con la Q) o aturdirlo y tradearlo antes de que el lo haga y salir un poco ilesos con la W si es que se cargĂł bastantito para darle aun mas daĂąo. Todo dependerĂĄ de tu habilidad jugando Sett y tambiĂŠn la habilidad del otro jugando Darius.â
Drumastermunch says âI wanted to put him in "minor", but let's face it, Darius is always a threat, you just can't make a mistake. But if you don't, the matchup is really in your favor, at almost all stage of the game (a good darius with ghost can 1V1 you lategame)â
4fun Player says âJust if he s good you do the following
Your aa has a wind up time just enough so he can hit you with q.
his health regen is very high earlygame you can start Qing him at lvl 4.
if you just Q and he goes for a Q you just kite it out.
you usally just let him e you and then you do the following:
you press Q cancel the animtion with e w because darius needs to auto you otherwise he loses the trade to hard.
(you can q e w before the Q of his hits)
Lvl 6 all on does around 70% of his health
Electro nimbusâ
Olaf Only says âSurvive until level 6, NEVER push the wave.
If he goes Tank or has Ghost you won't be able to win all-ins vs him.
Olaf is better in mid-game teamfights as Darius is easier to kite.
Darius Outscales Olaf HARD.â
lolkayleee says â[First Strike/Grasp/Conqueror + Divine Sunderer.]
[TP and Flash with First Strike page, TP + Flash or Ignite with Grasp page, Ignite + Flash with Conqueror page]
There are two ways to play this matchup. You can go the aggressive route with conqueror + ignite/flash + Doran's Blade start, OR Grasp + ignite/tp or flash/tp + Doran's shield start.
If you think you're better than the enemy Darius or if you have an aggressive jungler while the enemy has a weak early game jungler then the aggressive setup might be better. The ignite helps you win the all in, and the flash helps you flash into the center of his Q to prevent his heal.
If you opt to take the passive route, I recommend taking Doran's shield + Second Wind because Darius's passive continuously procs the passive on Doran's shield and with Second Wind you will actually heal back a lot of hp.
In both cases you want to start W because if you walk up to him level 1 he can just press ghost and auto attack you to death with his stacked passive. Let him push the wave to your side of the lane. Don't even stand next to him because he can cancel your hookshot with his E and then you're dead. If he pulls you first, then auto him for your passive shield and hookshot away. If your jungler camps top it relieves a lot of pressure off this lane. Even if he survives a gank and burns his ghost it removes a lot of kill threat he has on Camille. Try to freeze the wave on your side of the lane and stand close to walls so he can't react to your hookshot. If he ever wastes his hook you have 24 seconds to do what you want as long as the wave is on your side of the lane because he can't cancel your E if you want to run away.
You outscale him pretty hard so just try to get your Trinity Force/Divine Sunderer and look for short trades by landing a Q2 on him after slowing him with W and using the movement speed to kite away - if he hooked you on your way out you can just hookshot away.
Once you have your mythic item - and you guys are even in experience and items - if he ever wastes his Q you can hookshot onto him and all in him. Dodge his second Q with your R and you should win.â
LunaticDancer says âCAREFUL. He's a pretty easy lane after you hit 6, or even 3, BUT it's still a skill match up. Obvious, reckless mistakes can let him make a comeback, so play safe even with the advantage. Anti-heal might be a good idea. Main tips: Don't get into long trades pre-6, he wins those. You win with bursts. When he uses Q, come closer to him, the inner circle of his Q deals way less damage and you also are now closer to punish him for his foolishness.â
SpyDaFX says âit's mostly skill matchup, Don't trade with him when he has a single stack on you, and never do extended trades with him even if you're fed and he isn't, his stacks ignores how much you are fed and his ult gives true damage. you can trade with him when you have 1 stack only if you plan to flash+w when ur full fury and he's low hp, then its ok, also don't trade with him level 1, but start w, at level 2 you can look for trades, but it's VERY dangerous if he started E level 2. level 3 is pretty safe to trade because u can Q to heal in an all in. go Conquerorâ
mobsterplatypus says âCarry ignite. Darius is very strong as of now and his all-ins hurt. A lot. Ignite helps just the little extra bit, especially if you use it during your ultimate. In my experience, thornmail works better than zhonyas due to the health increase and grevious wounds, so go for that. riftmaker is better than rocketbelt here because you're never chasing him unless he backs away for Q. If he has ghost it's a problem, though. go steelcaps for boots.â
Kil4fun says âYou think Darius would be a really bad lane. Take exhaust. Most Darius players will try and all in you at level 1. Fight back. Last stand in addition to Press the Attack will let you out damage him. He won't hurt as bad because of exhaust and if you play it right you get his ghost and firstblood. He can't teleport since they almost always take ghost to run you down. Triumph will save you from his bleed. Just don't play dumb afterwards and mind his ghost cooldown.â
BigManYam says âDarius will all in at level 2 or 3 and will harass you very early if you're within in his range, my advice is just play safe let wave push to you and wait for ganks to lower his health so he can't harass you while you farm. He will also freeze lane so you can't farm so play safe and be patient. â
DrStephenHawking says âDarius can literally destroy you in early game and is very difficult to farm against him, if he engage you and you haven't flash you are pretty dead. But it's not impossible matchup since you destroy him in late game, so sacrifice some farm in order to not give him many kills.â
DoubleQ says âPermaban him. A competent darius player can zone you easily and ruin your life. Freezing lane near tower won't work since he can hook you and ruin your life. Just don't die, sacrifice cs, ask for ganks and you should outscale him.â
Bear24 says âHe basically can kill you at level 1 and 2, so give lvl 3 under tower usually after he tries to hook you auto q, e, w, ignite and auto and about 2 more autos he dead. In lane phase when he misses his hook just q w and backs off again and again. (AP you straight out lose). Misplay once you loase lane and most likely game. â
MarkFromSingedMains says âTAKE PHASE RUSH!
Don't smash your keyboard. Darius is extremely difficult for all Singed players to deal with, don't try to fight Darius as he will almost always win the trades. Peel him off your team in team fights and he shouldn't be able to do too much. Proxy is recommended here.
Your W prevents Darius from being able to R, which is useful when you know he's going for an all-in.â
Whobick says âDarius has the poke you wish you had, and a greater axe. Try and dodge his Q while poking with Undertow (Q). Olaf is good for long fights, and darius is just that much better. He can destroy you if you try to 1v1 so just sit back, and if you have a chance take it. Try to get ganks from your jungler and don't feed him!â
Devilofthewest says âReally comes down to the skill level of the darius. Test him to see how aggro they are and how well you can out play him. dodge his Q and go in for small trades , dont let him stack his passive. Aside from that, my full tank godzilla build works really well against him, rush bramble, bami, steel plateboot and then he cant 1v1 you.â
J0hnny Joestar says âdarius wins like 90% of matchups including garen but if he doesn't have his E up for some reason you can trade with him because your Q removes the slow from his W. i usually take phase rush into this matchup because it allows me to always escape before he gets his 5th bleed stack.â
ModelitoTime says âAvoid fighting him lvl 1 because he will just trample you and kill you. This matchup can be really hard if you want it to be, keep a safe distance from him, not too far but not too cloe either, keep him in poke range but stay far enough that he wont hit you with his Q. If you poke him down to the point where his around 3/4 hp or a little bit lower, you can all in him and easily kill him.â
kingchas2 says âSkill matchup. Early ganks are great since Darius players tend to be so aggressive. If you can manage to get him to blow his Flash or Ghost early then he loses all kill pressure on you and you can just kite him. Once you are 6 and have bork you should be able to kill him pretty easily. You can also use your ult to block his Q heal to ensure a kill. â
ChevalierArlo says âGanha a lane quem jogar melhor. VĂĄ pra cima, nĂŁo seja tocado pelo limite do machado, jogue ghouls sempre que tiver, aproveite-se dos cooldowns dele. Cuidado ao usar o W jĂĄ que estĂŁo fazendo Quebra-passos pra ele. Use conquistador.â
nvckxwsky says âDarius is hard to play (especially in low elo!) but you can stomp that lane!
Dont fight with him lv 1-2 if he takes W
If he takes Q, you can all-in him lvl1!
Your main window for kill is lvl 3 and 6!
Ignite is really good vs himâ
chokoryu says âI read several guides for Cho'Gath on mobafire and it seems like Darius is a perma-ban so that's basically what I ban all the time. I've been banning Darius since a long time ago.. To play against a Darius, you probably just want to get Q a few levels higher at first then E.â
xxskipskipxx says âIf he has Ghost don't push the wave and play safe dont trade unless he wastes his E or you dodge it!
If he has ignite or TP and doesnt have W lvl 1 you can go for trades else you have to wait for lvl 3!
Whenever Darius casts his Q you should Q into him to deny his Q dmg and healing!!
If you are having problems in this Matchup take Second Wind in the resolve tree and buy Dorans shield as the first item!â
Hippo Boi says âIf he has ghost, you are probably screwed. If not, dodge his Q by jumping into him with your W. If you have grasp, you'll win the trade. ALWAYS avoid his Q and don't trade after lvl 6.â
SQU1DW4RD2 says âProxy, but it's doable! Your movement will be hard for him to predict and run into him while he uses Decimate (Q). Beware from hemorrhage! (Passive Stacks)!â
Dannala says âEasy to poke early, now without Phage first item he's even easier to kite. His Q will kill your spiderlings as well as heal him significantly so either Rappel over it or bait it out then engage.â
ineptpineapple says âEasy to kite and easy to escape, but its darius so watch out for the hook interupting your E or you are either dead or you will have to burn your ult and flash.â
Heckin says âBroken champ ban or dodge, if he's against you pray to god that he just picked up darius, because a good darius won't waste mana and will kill you pre-level 6.â
Otp Fiora Sorry says âtentar abusar dele early game com as runas certas mata o lvl 1 (usando ignite!) depois a lane fica mais suave de jogar ... caso nĂŁo consiga dar counter com o seu w no w dele que vai conseguir ganhar a troca ! quando ele usar E ou Q use W.
Use seu Q pra se reposicionar quando ele usar aquele cĂrculo de dano. Quando mais pra fora dele, maior o dano.â
Hyzerik says âDarius is a lame match up because he is just so strong. Rush BORK and then GW and you should be good. E his Q so he doesn't get any damage on you and W his R so he can't kill you. If he dodges your W you are most likely dead so try and get out of there unless you think you can win.â
Vielia says âTricky lane, you can totally can kill him 1vs1 but you have to take care of his 5 marks, also when he ults you use your W to stop his ult damage and ruining his kill potentialâ
ZakNotKyle says âThis match depends on how you play it. If you are too aggressive, it's over. If you play smart and use your passive within the correct timing, you'll get in and out of engages and potentially win the lane.â
OmegaDelta000 says âYou can go even with a Darius as long as you avoid fights until level 6. Do not let him hit his Q sweetspot. If he does it's his win, usually.â
JannaMainOTP800K says âDont let him grab you as he will slice you into pieces afterwards. If he misses his grab its time to take out your AAs and show him why he hates ranged toplaners if he starts to get close use your Q to get him of. Past 6 you should also consider Ulting if he manages to grab you in order to compromise lossesâ
NoFriendsPlayLoL says âYou both hurt pre-6. If you take ignite and they have ghost, you actually have the kill pressure in lane. You can block his true damage with your E which can win you extended trades and block his ultimate chaining in team fights.â
WlCK_PJ says âIf you are new with Aatrox better pick Sett against Darius, but if not then you know you need to play pretty safe also trying to bully him on the laneâ
OmegaDelta000 says âThis is just an example, but what's really dangerous is adcs that can kite you hard like Vayne or champions that last longer than you, like... I don't know, but you get the point.â
Raideru says âThis matchup is a hard skill matchup in the sense it's all about how good you can use your e and how many darius qs can u dodge, the way u want to trade vs him is whenever he casts q you either want to dodge it by walking or qing into him or away if u q into him you auto w him and pop e so when he e you he can't hit you at all but be careful if your both high hp it's always riskier for u cose he is rly strong in all ins so care ab hp diff.
I advise Conqueror with Dblade in this lane.â
LeSocair says âComplicated matchup, careful of his E and remember to cleanse his W. He's got a blind spot on his Q, if you can't run away from it, get close to him and you'll dodge it. Careful with his passive, always, the last tick does double the damage. Buy Phage, not Sheen.â
TioKirb says âSome may disagree with me on this, but Darius is an easy matchup, I only positioned him here because he can snowball quite hard, but he can't do anything if you use your resources flawlessly.â
sauronkaiser says âfighting Darius depends the skill level of the enemy player. A bad darius can be taken down easily, a good one is a threat until like level 6. Then you can outdamage him with your ult, but NEVER understimate him; a good combo can always take you down if you mess up your combos and positioning. Watch very carefully his blood stacks and use the wall to poke him.â
CattoNuts says âBring Phase Rush and ignite, since darius players are almost always taking ghost (won't have to match TP). Only trade with Q, E, and auto. Keep W+empowered W when he slows you to recover from trade + disengage. NEVER do extended trades.â
FoxyGrill says âTake fleet footwork and rry to keep some space between you two, if you can kite him well he will be helpless once you get level 6.â
AmericanNut says âHis passive will bleed your fish body dry, this is the defintion of Culinary Degredation, and your E won't be of too much use against Hemorrhage.â
Wyvernwolfy says âif they flash E you, its basically over. not very reactible but possible. If he has ghost don't leave tower if you don't have flash.â
Ramixx says âHe pretty much just beats you same as Morde except he is easier to deal with. Their is also some outplay to him but unless you have already snowballed a bit successfully 1v1ng him is very slimâ
bocchicken says âPeople THINK Darius is a hard Ornn counter, they are VERY wrong.
Stand in your wave so when he goes to trade on you his Q will push. Farm under your tower and look to Q + W + AA on him and then E out. He is unable to respond so it's free damage. You can look to all in him at level 6 after a few of these trades and it's practically a guarenteed kill. â
narsil reforged says âPegue barreira.
A nĂŁo ser que vocĂŞ vacile muito ao ponto de levar dano da metade exterior do Q do Darius, a matchup ĂŠ surpreendentemente fĂĄcil.
O segredo da matchup Ê utilizar o q pra "entrar" na metade inferior da girada do machado dele, anulando a cura e fazendo-o deixar de obter um stack. Trocando auto-ataques com ele e ficando esperto pra usar o Uivo Primitivo quando ele der o slow do W, você come o bonecão na porrada. A barreira Ê mais pra garantir mesmo, caso você faça caquinha ou ele resolva dar um dogashow montage de flash+W
Se ele vacilar e deixar você pegar level 2 mais ou menos no mesmo tempo que ele, upe o w instantaneamente, ative-o e corra pra forçar o flash do Bonecão. Cuidado com o mid game na side contra ele, por conta do Quebrapassos.
KillMeMyFriend says âWhenever you going to attack him make sure you do from max range. His E grab and slow and W slow will shut you down easily. Be extreme carefull if he has Ghost.â
bocchicken says âuse your W to avoid his Q if it is going to hit you with the blade part, and then use your Q to escape. As long as you respect the range on his pull, you should be fine.â
Randomwest says âRespect darius passive and conq stacks
he can cheese first level
try to trade after lvl 3
dodge his Q and dissengage
after divine you should be able to win 1v1â
DarkNavarre says âHis pull is really nasty and has a deceptively long range that is comparable to your auto range, and he will always win trades past 1 or 2 autos, and mostly wins those trades as well. Play safe and definitely manage that lane well.â
Timesoul977 says âI've met terrible Darius players that Pantheon can defeat but to those good Darius players Pantheon will get destroyed. You should use your E when Darius uses hes Q and or E. He's my favorite ban.â
NoxianBlood says âDarius always wins lane against Sion if you manage to solo Darius in Lane with Sion the Darius is definitely doing something wrong, just play passive and try to farm with your abilities in a way so he can't reach you with his grab, once you survive laning phase and got Sterak First item, and Warmog, and Titanic, you should be fine in team fights since Darius can't deal Max health damage, so he will deal just flat damage so stacking allot of HP and shields with make his all in useless just don't stay too long in fight he may not have Max Health damage, but he still deals a lot of damage, and has armor penetration, so HP will make you survive just the all in the team fight, also don't make him stack 5 on you, cause he will switch target and wipe out all your squishies and leave you useless for last.â
hahadead7777 says âLike most in your face champions he will win most fights. Save your E until he pulls that way you can bounce away. It's also good to bait out his E with your mobility as it matches your auto attack rangeâ
DarkWolfDavid says âHes impressive in the meta, He has a lot of heal. The only way you can counter him is dodging his abilities, or 2v1 him with a jungler.â
UnMaskedDeity says âHe's Darius, just ban him... Darius will bully you out of existence so don't get close and just poke at him with W if you have to fight him. â
wtkr says âAlso a ban worthy champion. Trades against Darius are winnable, but one mistake made immediately allows Darius to kill you and snowball into oblivion.â
MrMuckDuck says âA level 6 Darius has more advantage than you can imagine. It doesn't matter if your E is a real life-saver sometimes. If Darius manages to hit you in mid-air, you will still bungle.â
Boblet says âBig D can only dance with you if you make a mistake or he goes grasp. Otherwise you should take advantage of most players trying to lane bully as him to get some fat stacks.â
Stijnzxz says âI am Darius main and i can tell that if u 1v1 a Darius u are having a hard time... if u do play aigenst this bullshit champ just dont try to go in melee range or he will hook u and run u down with Ghost.. ask ur JG for some assist if it is viable!! but he is a ban worth so dont fuck with urself xdâ
RyvalAlex says âSurement le matchup le plus dur. Jouer très safe et attendre son jungle. Ou essayer de trades après un e rater ou un Q spell dans les sbires.â
AWierdShoe says âBiggest thing is to not get hit by his Q. Try to go forward baiting for his Q and backing off without getting hit whenever you can. If Q is on cooldown, then you can go for short trades, blocking his W with your W and getting out of there ASAP. Never do extended trades in this match-up except if he's already low and you KNOW you can kill him before he kills you. If youâre in the middle of a trade that looks good for you HP-wise, then once he starts his Q, E inside the middle of it to deny most of the damage and all of the healing. NEVER TAUNT INTO HIM WHEN HE HAS E UP.â
I Am Goliath says âVery hard since darius does super well against tank characters. He can also cancel your Q with his E so keep that in mind. It's not super easy for him to kill you but it's practically impossible to kill him in this lane, so try your best to just survive and scale up, use your ult to get other lanes ahead. If he ever gets a few stacks on you just back off of him.â
I Am Goliath says âDarius is a very hard match up for any tank. You are going to want to try to bait out his Q's and not let him get any of his passive stacks on you. If he ever gets multiple stacks try to back off. Try your best to stay alive in this lane and wait for a gank since Darius doesn't do good against a gank.â
TrinityForceYasuo says âDarius is a big bully in lane. Try to punish him for the minions level 1 to 3 as much as you can. For that to happen you will either need to bait out his Q or when he uses Q you will either need to dash in the inner part of his Q or away from it. Do not let him get 5 stacks. Get a few small trades. Make the HP difference between 30-40% and then go for the all-in. Ignite is a must in this lane as well to kill him early otherwise you will suffer.â
Scoothare says âGod damn I hate this matchup. Rush executioners calling and build mortal reminder as third item (after core). Dodge his spinny thing (Q).â
eBrixton says âDarius is a difficult, but managable matchup. Play safe and ask for jungle help. Make sure to q INTO him if he press q and you can't dodge the radius.â
viktoreeu says âThis is a very annoying matchup.
Just try to play as safe as you can, aa+e out trade pre-6, you outscale this matchup, and you can kill him too, just don't try to all-in a Darius lv1.
Punish him if he is wasting his Q/W on the wave and you have enough health and fury.
Respect his damage and champion and outscale.
Runes: Tempo (sorc).
I always go ghost, ignite if you are confident you can cheese him l2â
NickCola Tesla says âAs a Darius main, there is zero way for a competent Darius to lose this lane. Go the tank rune setup designed for ranged matchups, since you don't even want to get into AA range of him. Or, take Arcane Comet and purchase a Doran's Ring if you want to poke at him more, and consider maxing your E first. Once you begin stacking armor, you can CONSIDER stepping up to melee range to CS more appropriately, but I would still just give up anything past the halfway point towards his tower, even if you're playing from range. Check the "high threat matchups" section for greater detail!â
StrikeX114 says âDarius' main threat comes in his passive, Apprehend (E), and his ultimate. Be careful to maintain a safe distance from him, and he won't be much of a threat towards you until his first major item spike. To counter him, you may want to consider running double armor runes (for a total of 12 extra armor) to mitigate his damage.â
Saarlichenbog says âDarius can be super oppressive in lane but can be won with proper knowledge and execution of the matchup. As a ranged champion, Darius relies on pulling you in with his E to pull off his combo. It can be extremely tempting to move up in lane for creeps but you will most likely get run down by Darius who typically takes a combination of Ghost and Nimbus Cloak which makes it impossible to escape his E. Spacing between each other and freezing the wave properly under your tower will limit Darius's ability to bully you in lane until you outscale him at 3 items.â
GARDENZE says âTrocar com um bom Darius exige uma precisĂŁo clinica; compre botas de segundo item, deixe a wave puxar pra sua torre e a controle bem, evite a todo custo farmar perto de Darius pois qualquer troca melee atĂŠ o level 6 leva a seu flash ou sua morte, farme com o Q no maximo range e com o E principalmente os minions canhĂŁo, pra ganhar a troca dĂŞ poke com os ghouls e o baite caitando com Q e correndo nos CDs, baite ele que vai atrĂĄs de voce atĂŠ que sua HP esteja bem baixa por causa dos ghouls e finzalize. OBS: deixe seu jungler de lado a maior parte do tempo do contrario serĂĄ um double kill.â
Chessylex says âHe's stronger than you pretty much the entire game. Just make sure you dodge his outer Q and don't take extended trades where he gets to auto you to death. Kite like a bitch and you should be fine. Don't approach the guy with you have less than a third HP as he can flash Q+R you to death instantly.â
Bradybattlemask says âDorans shield and second wind negate his bleed. Kite him and all in him with minions up and cage. He doesn't scale into team fights well, end his game at the beginning,â
Captain Dantems says âDepende, se vocĂŞ ficar pokeando e nĂŁo tomando o Q dele ficarĂĄ fĂĄcil matĂĄ-lo, mas nĂŁo estenda a troca. Grasp com inspiração, compre carrasco. â
LOLArfopi says âRegardless of what anyone says, Darius is quite an easy but very tricky opponent. Same thing with Cho' Gath applies: Play around his cooldowns. Also, your E blocks his W completely, so use it while trading to prevent the extra Hemorrhage stack and slow. â
ItsPaulygon says âSkill match up, try to bait out his E. And if he try's to Q you, make sure you're in the inner circle of the blade if you're trying to trade. If he wins lane, you won't be able to outscale him late game. Try to get your jungler to gank a lot and beat him so that he can't be a threat.â
HarrisGER says âDepends on the practise. If running ghost /ignite keep distance. Keep barrel on you when he all ins you, aa barrel and run out, can be poked with q afterwards.â
TheMightyNinja says âPassive : his passive deals damage over time and can be stacked up to 5 times, his passive can be triggered by basic attacks, his Q or his W. Notice that reaching 5 stacks will also boost his damage.
Q :After a 0.75 seconds delay he spins in a circle damaging enemies, if any enemy champions are hit Darius heals himself 15% of his missing health for every champion hit up to 45%. To win the matchup you must not let him hit this ability by any means, you can counter it by using E/Flash inside/outside the circle depending on the situation.
W: slows enemies hit by 90% for 1 second, it is also a basic attack reset, you can block it with your W and it is noticeable by a red blade spinning on the middle of his axe and a sound effect.
E : If his E hits will pull you towards him...meh!?
R : Darius will execute any champion that is low enough on health and has 5 stacks of his passive on it, do not try to block that with your ultimate because it deals true damage and it will bypass your shield resulting in you wasting your ultimate.
Do not fight him at level 1, specially if he has ghost/ignite+W, try to notice wich skill he got 1st. Do not let him get xp advantage, from level 2 let him engage you can make short trades with grasp + empowered Q as long as you don't get hit by his Q. From level 3 use your W to block his W and make sure you back before he gets 5 stacks of passive on you. If he gets as low as half hp and wastes any cooldown you can kill him with a long trade. To win a long trade with Darius you must be sure that you utilise your passive to the fullest potential, that means your 1st ability that you use in that trade must hit him, either Q or E to get shorter cooldown on passive and trigger it twice in the trade!!!!!
Klappy says â- Acercate a ĂŠl cuando use su Q o esquiva el borde de su Q con tu E o tu R
- Tradeos Cortos
- Usa tu W para esperar a que se vayan los stacks de su pasiva
- Si desperdicia su E o su Q puedes matarlo de All Inâ
RankOneZesin says âYeah darius match up
everyone complaining
Yo Zeven why vs darius is so hard to play guess what Q Healing + passive + w+ slow +e make tha match up unplayble the only think you can do is to rush ingite and go for heavy trades lvl 2-3 or solo kill him before he gets R also if you kill him early gamee and the spot is on good spot for freez just spam freez for years and let your jungler perma gank him and make him 0â
Whackguy says âDarius is all-around really OP right now. Play it safe and give fast trades with autos and E's away. Probably a good idea to build Mortal Reminder before Quickblades. â
aiSky says âChampions able to execute Kled in its dismounted form can be hard to play against.
However is not the end of the world. You can still destroy them, and as far as you keep mounted, and they wont be able to kill you with their ultimate.â
GLP1 says âTry to play aggressive darius before he gets his ultimate.
If you manage to get about two kills out of him, he can no longer beat you all the way early and mid game.â
Demon o mono sett jojofag says âCuidado com a passiva dele, quando ele stackar 4 gotas da passiva, recue e espera acabar e depois volte a agressivar.â
wolfclaw3812 says âSkill matchup: if you can dodge Darius' hook, he can't catch you. If you can't, you can't run away. On-hit if you're confident, AP if you're not. â
NotAMicrowave says âDarius' ability to cheese you level 1 may prove to be a problem, but his bleed will be an issue when taking close fights to the death, but overall you should outscale him pretty hard unless he gets a huge early lead and snowballs.â
pedrohnasc says âMy personal experience vs Darius: If he has Ghost, you're screwed. If he has Teleport, try to dodge the blade of his Q and you'll be safe.â
Papa Urgot says âanti healing you need and armour boots. make sure he used his q before you commit or when you harrased him with some Q's. you can also use your flash to flash in darius if he tries to heal with his Q.â
Nicklstherealone says âDont fight him Early Levels wait till 9 and kill him then or just till you hit Blackcleaver in Fight he is weaker you need to dash with your E into his Q (Spin) ghen he wont heal up and you get free-engage. â
Pyroen says âGenerally a dominating champion for top lane currently, Kayle can safely keep her distance from Darius. Save your W for a quick escape. Once you hit level 6, poke him often and he will hesitate trying to all in you.â
Kartaen says âDon't fight him, if he has ult. E him if he casting Q. Use W to avoid his W.
Highly recommended to build "core build(variant 2)" with Thornmail against him.â
jackss72 says âskill matchup, never q engage, wait for his q then q on him, or if he misses his e for some reason. you can win early easily with ignite.â
Randombeastmode says âDarius destroys you, no matter your hopes or dreams, your only hope of winning this matchup...
Of winning the game is by splitpushing and helping your team, the tryndbuffs may have changed this, but so far he is so powerful, that you can't 1v1 him, if he plays properly with conqueror and ghost.
With lucky crits, your Q buff, maybe some damage from dblade, you can all in him, if you get an advantage, say a level advantage by pushing or a wave advantage.
Try to get him to hit you in your wave, it should allow you to get some more DPS to use against him.â
Raphi0216 says âIf you can dodge his Qs, you're fine. If he cancels your E, you're dead. Respect his Run-it-down engage with ghost. Don't play longer trades as he will outtrade you with his passive. â
IJustWannaCuddle says âThis match up is not fun. Darius wants to be up close and personal with tanks. If you can manage to fight him and trade after he misses a pull or burns his Q while you are in close you can out trade but rush your Thorn for the Q heal. â
MorganJary says âHe somehow manages to strip you out of most of your armor, and then execute you with true damage. It is possible to manage him, but he is annoying regardless.â
Lenter says âDon't try to kill him if Darius knows what he is doing. If he has a nice skin and you see that he is building correct then watch out, just outscale him by farming under your turret. Be even more careful if he is running ignite. Ask jungler to apply pressure. â
daito Okami says âpretty free matchup just need to kite him around with ur passive and not get hit by q if u would be hit by q and want to all in you need to insta ign â
Frostyfps says âAvoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you wonât have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Donât be afraid to fight him even if he looks spooky. Make sure he has no boneplating before all-inning him and land your E before you go in AND make sure you have passive. Save your last Q for his Q, spam your Q when they pull you if they are charging his Q. If you donât get hit by his outer Q you will typically win, same goes later levels however I would avoid fighting him after 3 items if you are not ahead of him since it will take you too long to kill him and he will get his passive.â
Time1Save says âAfter patch 10.25, it becomes difficult to avoid unfavorable LVL 1-2 trades. But if you play well you will never give him the opportunity to kill you on the line, block his R with your E, and never panic. So delay the moment when it outscales you, as long as you can. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .â
lillia spam god says âif he hits you, you basically lose. thats the rules of laning against darius. make sure to use your dashes to dodge his abilites or you will die.â
Sylrath says âSi controlas bien las distancias y no dejas que acierte su Q, nunca deberĂa darte problemas. Freeze to win. Lleva Ignite y el Lane Bully serĂĄs tĂş.â
Defensivity1 says âCan very easily kill you or chunk you for half your health bar if you get inside his E range, give up minions to not die or take too much damage at level 6 you should be able to kill him if played correctly.â
Colbasz says âDon't get pulled. If you can do that, you've won. Its easy to keep your distance early with your Q and W, and after you get lvl 6, you can keep poking and kiting him from a safe distance. Try to bait his pull and then punish him for it.â
Legal Loli Lulu says âPhase Rush(Sorcery) + Second Wind(Resolve, secondary) makes this matchup easier. Play around your Phase Rush cooldown.
If you're not using Phase Rush: Only engage when you know you can run away from his hook.â
BushBox says âStart doran's shield, resepect his very good lvl 1, if he has 5 passive stacks on you try to get out the fight unless its a guarantee kill. (More details in matchup section)â
OmegaDelta000 says âPlay safe. Don't even try to fight. Take W level 1 and farm because if you get close to that thing you're done for. When you get Rhaast and Grievous Wounds you may be able to kill him.â
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says âDarius vs Morde is a fairly even matchup, just avoid fighting him at levels 1 and 2. If you can get Darius to make mistakes during fights or put him behind in cs, then you can easily win lane. â
Luceris says âStandard Glacial Runes
Build Duskblade or Trinity Force
This is a fairly easy matchup. You outrange all of his abilities with base auto range. His E is 575 range, which is 25 less than your range. So unless you play your range wrong he cannot get to you unless he uses Flash or Ghost. Glacial is to make sure he does not get onto you once he has his Trinity Force, and so that you can run him down the lane. The only reason this is not a Minor Lane is due to his insane damage if he lands an E. Just stay out of E range and get to 20 stacks and then the lane is super free.â
SlukDog says âKiteble, if he use ghost hope you are able to run away if not save your Ult to negate his ult he can still stack his passive on you even if you are ulted so watch out for that. â
SnarkyAlpaca says âI'll give Darius a 4 even though he could easily be a 2 once you learn to deal with him.
Early game trades are entirely centered around quick trades and getting out. All Darius players want to "Q" you with his AoE ability that adds a stack of his bleed.
The counter to this is that if you see him start to swing his "Q" animation, quickly stand on top of him and while you'll still take damage it won't add his Bleed Effect and it won't hurt as much. You'll win almost all trades if you duck inside of his "Q".â
ArmandChad69 says âYou have superior range, however Darius has way higher melee kill range. Make sure to kite properly with your EQ combos, with that way he will way less of an issue.â
TPOT Xolla says âDarius is lane where he decides what happens. You cannot contest him or the minion wave at all before lvl 6. If he manages to kill you once or twice before lvl 6 the game is over and he can repeat kill you. Play very safe early. It's okay to miss CS early as you will outscale him in splitpushing.â
Penguinoverlord1 says âDarius can engage on you pretty easily with his E and force bad trades in the early laning phase. As long as you avoid the Q damage and the E damage, you will outscale him in the late game.â
Seba846b says âPeople always say that its so hard to lane against darius as aatrox it really isn't just stay away from close combat unless he is low and u have ult and for god sake dogde his W Q combo â
LoL destroyer says âIf you avoid his Q's and then go into your combo you will beat Darius every time. Just play smart against him and don't get to aggressive.â
OmegaDelta000 says âJust try not to fight him in early, starting from midgame you should be fine.
I really have no clue what counters a Kled, don't even ask about synergies.â
YoungTact says âMy perma ban if i intend to play poppy. DO NOT PICK POPPY into this matchup. Care for his all in with Ghost. Try to dodge his Q's and if u get pulled in E towards a minion behind you. Play lane to farm and use W/R defensively if he plans to all in you.â
KajiKumihoAkukei says âThis matchup isn't as hard as it looks. Just play safe and wait for your jungler to gank and gank again.
Just don't give him an early lead.â
qasddsa says âDo not push the lane, freeze the wave, and keep your distance. If he walks up, you back up. You can take either Kleptomancy or Fleet Footwork against him. If he pulls you, you can disengage and deal some damage with Q and W. Remember that he only heals on the outside area of his spin, so once you're ranged you can use this to kite him and deny his heal.â
PH45 says âQuite a difficult one, you can't really escape him that well once his got his grasp on you so try to play it safe and if your jungler comes make sure you stay out of his Q, you can avoid it by using your W on him as it blinks you onto him and you are momentarily untargetable so it wont hit you. â
Darius is another really hard matchup for Nasus, a good Darius will beat you in every stage of the game regardless of your build and stacks and I highly recommend permabanning him in case you want to climb only with Nasus. In case you have another permaban and you get to fight him, I recommend rushing tabi's regardless of the team unless the team is 4 AP and Darius. Nowadays Darius players will play with Nimbus Cloak + Celerity with Ghost and Dorans Blade, but there is a slight problem with this, he struggles in short trades, so to effectively trade against him, look to bait his E and then E + Q with Grasp proc once you get around 130 stacks. If you punish his E cooldown consistanly you will be able to leave him low enough were he has to back or you can allin him, also when fighting him in every scenario, you have to look to burst him, if he is allowed to stack his passive on someone and then spam Ults, its a guaranteed loss since you will be behind in this matchup. As for early laning phase, just play as safe as you can, get in XP range while hiding in bushes. This is one of the most possible and harder matchups for Nasus and again, i highly recommend banning him. Don't be upset if you are 40+ minions behind him early on, it's the nature of this matchup.â
PH45 says âAnother really difficult lane. Darius is a lane bully against most melee laners and Sylas is no exception. Poke with your Q but don't get caught in his pull or you'll probably die. Darius has no escapes outside his summoners so keep your vision up and ask your jungler to gank. After a few deaths Darius will be pretty weak and you shouldn't be as afraid of him anymore if he is behind. Tabis are really valuable in this matchup.â
SkellyBirb says âDarius is weak against ranged champions. Stay out of his range and hit your charm if you plan on poking him. As long as you don't get caught by his pull, you're fine.â
Theknight31 says âDarius is not an horrible matchup you can easy dodge his q if you dash on him and after you have more damage than him be careful of his ult its very opâ
Tauricus2017 says âOk Darius is very strong champion I admit it but If you are playing Poppy, Nothing can go wrong. When you get pulled do not panic! try to stay inside or outside of Dariuses Decimate (Q). To help yourself with it you can use Heroic Charge (E) or Steadfast Presence (W). Also do not let him to stack his Hemorrhage (PAS.) on you or he might kill you with ease. Sometimes you can even bait his Apprehend (E) and then you have got 15 sec. of serenity.â
McKazoo says âMake sue not o feed early and you've won
Be carful taking casters under tower he'll just hook you in
After level 12 you're good to go and all in him â
nicomaster9000 says âHe is very dangerous before your first back. You can't farm around him or trade so avoid being near him or minions at all until you got sheen and vampiric scepter.â
SubHuman Filth says âGo phase rush + ghost or electrocute + ignite.
Stay very safe until lvl 6.
NEVER get hit by his E.
When he runs towards you, shrooms the wave and run, dont even poke till he turns around.
Get early boots and armor.â
Grayified says âLethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash OR Ghost + Flash. Dorans Shield start. Darius has very strong all in trades and his passive when stacked 5 times (stacks every auto attack and when he hits his q on the outer edge and his ultimate) gives him a lot of attack damage and does damage over time to you. Darius can use multiple keystones, starting items, and starting abilities. Darius with Q start is strong for early clear to get level 2 first, Darius with W start will look to take trades with you when you walk up for minions. Biggest thing to pay attention is they keystone + summoner spells. Ghost+Flash darius with conqueror has extremely good all in and if you are caught too far in the lane with a pull he can usually burn your summoners and then kill you as well. If this darius pulls you at a bad time for you, your best hope is to turn on him and all in and pray for crits. TP + Flash Darius with aftershock can be abused early if you take ignite, whether he starts q or w is irrelevant because your allin can be stronger then his so look to build fury and get level 2 first and all in him. Ignite + Flash darius with conqueror you basically just let him push you in and only farm don't trade. This is the strongest early game setup on darius to punish early but it falls off later since he can't kite you as well without ghost. The darius matchup in general is a lot about punishing cooldowns on his q and finding spots to take short trades with an auto attack + spin out without being forced into an all in by being pulled. Tryndamere does outscale this matchup in the mid-late game 1v1, but can be hard to dive him 100-0 so if you find yourself in that situation where he is just sitting under turret, then push him in and look for opportunities to outrotate him with your superior out of combat mobility and flank his team.â
Rakuretto says âDarius is not a major threat depending on how you know the matchup. The biggest issue when laning against him is his big healing and his natural antiheal. â
GodMulti says âDarius is a pretty strong Lane Bully. I would suggest you to look for Short Trades only! Take PTA against him, it will make your short trades much stronger. Look out for his Hook and try avoiding his Outer Circle of his Axe, if he hits you with it, he will be healed ... a lot. If he tries to All in you, try Stunning him with your E [[Facebreaker]] and run away. Ask for Ganks!â
I Am Goliath says âDarius has a big con which is being kited and that's what Gnar is good at doing so this matchup should be fairly easy, the only thing you have to look out for is if he ever gets on you somehow you're probably toast if you're in mini because of squishy you are and how strong his kit is, although like I said you can kite him really well, and once you get frozen mallet I don't think he can do much to you. Remember that your auto range is about his E range so if he ever pulls you in just e away and keep kiting him, he doesn't have another way to get onto you unless he has flash or ghost up.â
Nabura says âMake him annoyed by constantly using Q just outside his E range. If you haven't fallen behind until 6 then the lane becomes very easy. If he uses Q inside the wave it'll make the wave push towards you.â
STIERNACKENTYP says âThis matchup is about how good the enemy Darius is. If he is a Darius OTP with flash/ghost u will have a very hard time especially after he gets Phage. He can perma all in u then. Try to poke and harrass as much as possible early but play very save and always keep a barrel up to escape. If he comes ahead, avoid every fight and get a GA soon.â
I Am Goliath says âThis matchup is usually lose lane win game. My tips for playing against darius is to be very smart with your W, as long as you have this up he should never really be able to kill you as long as you land it, this is another lane where you want to survive the early game because he won't win 1v1 against you in the split late game and darius sucks in teamfights as well, he also doesn't have an easy way to kill your ghouls in lane so you can punish him with those whenver you have graves up, other tips for playing against darius are to try to bait out his pull and try to dodge the healing part of the Q you can do this by either walking into him or just trying to dodge it completely. Just remember as long as you have your W up you always have a way to trap him in should you need to run.â
EntxRecoil says âLethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash OR Ghost + Flash. Dorans Shield start. Darius has very strong all in trades and his passive when stacked 5 times (stacks every auto attack and when he hits his q on the outer edge and his ultimate) gives him a lot of attack damage and does damage over time to you. Darius can use multiple keystones, starting items, and starting abilities. Darius with Q start is strong for early clear to get level 2 first, Darius with W start will look to take trades with you when you walk up for minions. Biggest thing to pay attention is they keystone + summoner spells. Ghost+Flash darius with conqueror has extremely good all in and if you are caught too far in the lane with a pull he can usually burn your summoners and then kill you as well. If this darius pulls you at a bad time for you, your best hope is to turn on him and all in and pray for crits. TP + Flash Darius with aftershock can be abused early if you take ignite, whether he starts q or w is irrelevant because your allin can be stronger then his so look to build fury and get level 2 first and all in him. Ignite + Flash darius with conqueror you basically just let him push you in and only farm don't trade. This is the strongest early game setup on darius to punish early but it falls off later since he can't kite you as well without ghost. The darius matchup in general is a lot about punishing cooldowns on his q and finding spots to take short trades with an auto attack + spin out without being forced into an all in by being pulled. Tryndamere does outscale this matchup in the mid-late game 1v1, but can be hard to dive him 100-0 so if you find yourself in that situation where he is just sitting under turret, then push him in and look for opportunities to outrotate him with your superior out of combat mobility and flank his team.â
orangepenguinhead says âDarius should not be a big threat because if you get E'ed, try to move closer to him if he Q's. This way he won't get the heal off you and he has no form of CC and close the gap. â
CensoredMercy says âYou must be patient in this matchup and use E's to farm and only all in when you have 5 stacks on your passive and he has 0 on his.â
Chili Dog says âRunes: Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, Last Stand + Magical Footwear/Futures Market, Cosmic Insight.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: Ignite or Teleport
Darius is a one sided skill matchup in Darius's favor. That bleed, that god damn bleed. Anyway, you CAN win this matchup however, you have to know Darius's damage compared to your own. Depending on what Darius starts will determine when you can trade. He started Q? You can trade lvl 1 if he missed you with his Q. Started W? Can't trade until lvl 3. Started E? Why? Whatever, if he misses his pull you can go in at any lvl and win. Also, what summoners he took are a big part of the matchup too. Ignite? Do short trades and burst him down when low. TP? Try to keep him in lane as long as possible by short trading. Ghost? Just don't fight him. Honestly, you can't kite him. If not confident, just freeze the wave and look for TP. â
Darrkescru says âRuna: Pta ou impeto (se usar Pta nĂŁo fazer full AD)
Quando tomar o grab Use o Q pra kite ele, use o ignite antes de ele acertar o Q para assim cortar a cura dele
Rusha: Botas, Nashor
Swaim says âDarius is one of the easiest matchups in my opinion if you survive pre 6 and poke him down while dodging his q with e you will win and out scale him eventualy â
Maltchiana says âYou have the advantage, but don't get too confident beacause he can punish you hard if you make a mistake. Go after trades, but don't all-in pre lvl 6. After lvl 6 he can't kill you.â
Adolfie says âDarius is a lane bully, you will have a lot of trouble in the early game. I personally start to fight darius around lvl 9, when you have about 150 stacks, then its safe to fight him if you have stacked up CDR. You can choose what to max, if you cant sidestep his Q, max W, if you want to deal more dmg to him, max E to the third rank. Then after lvl 11 go back to maxing Wâ
ZergDood says âPlaying an important match? Don't pick Poppy into this matchup. To beat him, it's all about the zoning. Be aware of his Q and E range. Use your W to move away from his Q, get away from him with your E towards a minion and if he walks towards you, harass him with Q+Passive. Don't get used to Q him, and if you do, try to get it at max range, and when his E is on cooldown. Do NOT take extended trades. Poke him and avoid every single Q or don't fight him. Try to stay at exp range, roam as much as you can.â
qazx1427 says âThis is why I first picked up Yorick. This is why a big chunk of Yorick mains play Yorick. It's so, so satisfying to watch an enemy Darius spam 'EZ' after getting completely stomped in lane, unable to contest as the 10/0 Yorick takes their inhib at 15 minutes. Darius just cannot fight you. You throw ghouls at him, his axe swing misses them. If he's in your W, you can Q him without being caught by his hook. If he manages to stack his passive on you, you can just put him in the spooky baby cage and tell him to calm down while you recover. This is such a beautiful, wonderful lane, made better by how you know, you just know, that they're crying about how Darius is meta and should be a free win. â
TiamatOnRiven says âhere is the thing,you vcan easly win this match up by doging his q while going in,but most of darius players does play him with ghost which allows them to rush a good all in,if he manage to get 5 stacks you re dead, so play it carefully and try to bait his q as much as you canâ
Ayanleh says âDarius is a hard matchup. He's early game is much stronger than your's as you both look for extended trades he will just destroy you. Play safe till you get late and then you can destroy him once you get damage and stack armor.â
HIGH TEST TOP88 says âYou shouldn't lose this unless you play horribly, you outdamage him in autoattack trades due to passive, you can dodge his Q for free with your E and he has no mobility to dodge your W.
You will die fast if you waste your spells however, and respect his ghost allin potential. You win super easily when you get blade of the ruined king.
Build bramble eventually.
Take armor.â
Ayanleh says âLike morde, its kind of an easy matchup except darius has a stronger early. Just play a little extra careful especially if he has ignite. Look for trades once he blows his cooldowns/spells as hes pretty weak without them unlike morde.â
MrColorHD says âIt is hard but if counter his Q with your Q and do short trades ,you will win,in late game he has advantage so play with your team â
Twist21 says âDarius is a champion that can beat most melee champions in 1v1 due to his tanky itemization options and his passive.Against Darius we want to avoid getting hit by his E and we also want to dodge his Q with our E by going inside it.After that you will be able to kill him.
I would take flash ghost with LT Resolve Runes into this matchup.â
Pikkachu Loiro says âOrnn Is weak against early game champions, Darius is not a exception as he can shove the wave into your tower and roam around the mao to get killsâ
Darius is a real menace to Nasus, he has a lot of damage with conqueror and his passive stacked up, he gets a lot of armor penetration with his E passive, he can kite you really well with Nimbus Cloak, Celerity and Ghost, overall its a really difficult matchup for nasus and i recommend to permaban him if your not that experienced with the matchup. I recommend to allin him whenever his Ghost and E are down, Since he wont get the movement speed to outkite you and then he cant get the autoreset with E, leaving him with the Q heal and the autoatack reset of W. Look to burst him, usually Darius players will go for trinity force first item for the
base movement speed (+7%) it provides and the Sheen proc, so whenever he doesnt have ghost and E, you all in and try to burst him as quickly as possible, ask your jungle to help you, if you fall behind, its really difficult to beat him since his ult deals a lot of true damage.â
Wizbe says âYou can't use your E vs Darius as he can pull you out of it. You have to hug the wall and do small E's to escape after short trades to survive lane.â
Dreadscythe95 says âHe falls behind Kayle late game but he can turn her life into a nightmare for most of the game. Kayle can't punish him effectively when she turns ranged and his passive means that one small mistep and Kayle is dead, even with ultimate up. If he is an experienced Darius and he takes Phase Rush as well, it's probably gg for your lane.â
Shumair says âDarius is a pain to deal with. You have to play laning phase slowly. Throughout lane try to whittle him down with your Q at max range. Your Q outranges his e slightly and his Q has a delay. However, due to the recent buffs to ghost, he can pop it then immediately E-W you. Due to this I would recommend that you play safe and outscale, even if you lose cs. You can fight him at around level 10 and win if you're even. Ask for jungle assistance if you're not sure about an all-in.â
ItsmeKenny says âDon't waste E randomly or you win die. Use leap to dodge his outer ring Q. Go for short trades aganist him. He wins you at level 6 all in.â
stziswhatihave says âHe alls in you? Use all-in combo.
(Q - RQ - E - Q - W)
Getting ganked? Ghost and all-in combo.â
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
chloe666 says âMost people classify this as a hard matchup, but there's a trick to beat Darius.
When he Q's you instead of trying tu run away and eat the whole damage of his Q, INSTANTLY E INTO HIM. That way he won't heal off his Q and won't hurt you too much.
Back off when his passive is stacked. â
Twist21 says âDarius is a strong 1v1 champion at all stages of the game since he is a juggernaut and has a lot of true damage on his passive.Jax is one of the champs that can 1v1 Darius at all stages of the game if you play properly.Try to bait his e and block his w with your e and you should win.If he has passive on you DO NOT go for him unless you know you can kill him.â
ZzZ3DemonAngelZzZ says âDarius was the HARDEST counter to Poppy, until u understand his kit. dash to him when he uses his q and q him and disengage. early game still a high thread. â
wallobear53 says âHis healing mostly comes from the edge of his Q so moving into his champion model or away from him stops him from getting the heal on the edge.
Darius' Passive stacks up over time through his Auto-attacks or his Q. Be cautious to not let it keep stacking as it will build up to a lot of damage and will be a good way to finish you off in an extended fight.
He has a strong early game skirmishing potential, so be careful as he can do a surprising amount of damage, as well as sustain himself. You may want to consider investing in Grievous Wounds to counter his sustainability.
Singed1vs9 says âTake aftershock. you'll never beat him early game unless he is a pepega.
Just farm as much as you can and take TP. Most Darius takes ghost so you have to make the most out of your TPâ
DankFlyingCow says âHis feared lvl 1 is no match for Kench passive. Beat him up like everyone else. He is just slighltly less likely to die at lvl 1 than everyone elseâ
laoshin3v3 says âIf darius knows how to play this matchup ur doomed, never fight him alone and always be careful about his E range. If he uses E and then R u can't ult in that little gap.â
SacaZioto says âSnowbally lane, focus on your movespeed items!
You will win if you poke him from max-range of q, which is 50 longer than his e range.
if you are hit by his e, use your e to dodge the edge.
your ult cancels his ult, so you should win most post 6 fights if not behindâ
Appl313245 says âDarius may seem scary but you outscale him really hard. Run grasp runes and do short trades and use e as a disengage tool. If he pulls you auto him to proc passive and e out.â
ShiningShen says âCeluj w krĂłtkie wymiany, bo w dĹugich nie masz szans. Jego pasywa zada ci ogromne obraĹźenia. Zachowaj E gdy ciÄ przyciÄ gnie.â
Urgoto says âDarius is my perma ban champion.
i think this is the worst lane you can have and until you are level 11 and have some items you cant really do anything.
if you do find yourself in this matchup take D shield and play safe and try to freeze on your side of the lane.
dont get your jungler involved in your lane unless you know you can kill him because if he gets a double kill you can kiss your LP goodbyeâ
PiclesDelicia says âU can kill him after bramble vest and tabis if you play extremely correct, use your W do dodge his Q and Q him away when he comes closer, do not let him stack the passive on you and its safeâ
ClanBlade says âSimilar to Sett, just learn to kite and E into him when he presses Q to avoid the edge. Also somthing i learned is NEVER go for the 3rd Q unless it will kill him or your jungler is ganking as you will just allow him to do his full combo with no retalition as make him easily stack his passive, his E has a long cooldown so use that to try and all in if he misses it. Buy an executioners so he can't heal that much of his Q.â
arekij says âTry to hit Q when he casts his Q so he wont heal that much and dont let yourself bleed out. His passive is the biggest problem. Just trade carefully.â
Fiora Pogjet says âVery hard and skillbased matchup. It is hard to prarry his e. Before lvl 6 he will always outtrade you because of his passive. try to afk farm and dont go for trades. With lvl 6 u can try to fight him. You should also buy executioners.â
Ashookaa says âIts a hard match up take glacial augment to be safe but dont build glp go normal dmg/tank build and try to dogde his E and center of Q and than poke him with your E and Qâ
Venegis says âDarius players have IQ of between zero to 200. Make sure his passive is not stacking on you. Poke him continiously with your Q as you always do.â
megido413 says âHis bleed can really fuck you up early game. Make sure to only engage with Grasp and Eclipse up to try and avoid some of the damage. also i really just hate dariusâ
Tranex says âHis ult is gonna destroy you, try to 1v1 him, when you got lvl advantage or when he is 2/3 hp, buy morello so his Q will give him no more lifestealâ
Teemain says âIf you're a good Garen player, you know you HAVE to kill Darius at least 2-3 times before you really gain an advantage.
His Q has a rather short range if he misses his E grab.
Try to bait out his Q and then go in.
Make sure you get CLOSE and PERSONAL, since his Q does the most damage the farther away from the center of Darius's avatar.
His W is annoying because it slows, so when he pulls out his W+E+Q combo, charge right into him with Q+E+W with Ignite to maximize your damage and minimize his.
This will make you win the damage trades.
Unfortunately, Darius will still be a HUGE threat even if you win your lane.
So try to kill him like 8 times throughout the game, or just push their Top Inhibitor, and then force out Darius 1 on 1 by looking at the mini map.
Or just try to kill him first every time during the teamfights.
Your mission is to keep Darius from farming and killing Champions at all times before he gets stronger than you.â
Teemain says âIf you're a good Garen player, you know you HAVE to kill Darius at least 2-3 times before you really gain an advantage.
His Q has a rather short range if he misses his E grab.
Try to bait out his Q and then go in.
Make sure you get CLOSE and PERSONAL, since his Q does the most damage the farther away from the center of Darius's avatar.
His W is annoying because it slows, so when he pulls out his W+E+Q combo, charge right into him with Q+E+W with Ignite to maximize your damage and minimize his.
This will make you win the damage trades.
Unfortunately, Darius will still be a HUGE threat even if you win your lane.
So try to kill him like 8 times throughout the game, or just push their Top Inhibitor, and then force out Darius 1 on 1 by looking at the mini map.
Or just try to kill him first every time during the teamfights.
Your mission is to keep Darius from farming and killing Champions at all times before he gets stronger than you.â
Kujis says âJust be sure to not get hit by his Q and you will be aight. After he uses his Q just E to him.
lvl 6 u can fight him easily just make sure you have atleast 50 fury.â
ModxLoL says âSimilar to Tryndamere. Riven wins if she doesn't make any big mistakes. There are a few things to watch out for in the Darius matchup. One is obviously the outside of his q. Luckily it's pretty easy for Riven to juke it with her Q or E. The second thing is be careful of getting pulled back in after you do your combo. You want to make sure you short trade with him and leave while he is stunned. If you stay too long, you're going to get pulled back and he will hit you really hard on your way back to the turret. The other thing to keep in mind is that most Darius players run Nimbus Cloak with Ghost, so you really have to be careful about trading in the early levels when you don't have CDR. If you use too many abilities and you can't get out, he will instantly ghost and run you down all the way to your turret. â
Flagoony says âNot a difficult matchup. Stay far enough away from him so he can't pull you in. Q him if he walks up and constantly poke him down throughout the lane.â
Nytefall24 says âMajor trades will be in Darius's favor but like Morde, if you avoid his pull and poke from afar you can end him before he stacks you to death.â
Stiwy says âDarius is strong and he will be sure you remember it by constantly bullying you.
Press the attack is a good choice against him, since he can outdamage you in long trades.
If you can keep dodging his E grab and have a decent farm you should be good.
You can start trading at level 9 when your W is maxed but its still risky.
Keep your ult for when the jungler decides to come.
Tabis are vital here and bramble vest is too.
And please, ask a gank only when both you and jungler are healty or else he will get a double kill and then, you will need much more than a gank to stop this angry boy â
CptTeemoOnDuty says âDarius is an "Easy matchup" but most darius players won't be that unskilled later on, your only job is to avoid his dmg which with teemo's swiftness should be easy. (AVOID E AT ALL COSTS) Check more info below. â
Doktora says âIs not hard to kill darius but if he use Ghost and flash you need to play very save.Just poke use W dont miss it and when he is low hp(under 30%) kill himâ
9690 says âD-Blade. Have double armor runes and just give up cs if you need to. You can back for a cloth armor. You really don't want to give him a kill as he will hard snowball lane and the game. Do not be too passive though, as you can still trade with him, but it's a different story if he E's you as at that point it will be VERY bad for you. Outscales you. Take Conq.â
gsaeyx says âWhat build you go doesn't matter you lose anyways. Disgusting axe baby go fuck yourself. Seriosuly though his entire kit counters Sion. His e cancel's your q and his q heals for a shit ton, making you lose every single trade. Ban this bitchâ
TIP: When you see him try to dunk you, go into stealth, it cancels his ult and can make for a clutch moment where he doesn't kill you.
Try to play more passive and avoid longer trades. Wait for him to make a mistake and step into isolation.
If you die once, more then likely you're gonna die many more times. Just roam if he kills you and be useful to your team. â
Hypnosa says âyou have to be more than smart. Let him push don't go agressive and save your E to your escape. Wait for your jungle and taunt him at the right oppertunity â
Diablo12285 says âthis mf cant honestly kill you because you can disengage at anytime but he is still darius so its not a 0% chance he'll kill youâ
Kingarthur720 says âLethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash OR Ghost + Flash. Dorans Shield start. Darius has very strong all in trades and his passive when stacked 5 times (stacks every auto attack and when he hits his q on the outer edge and his ultimate) gives him a lot of attack damage and does damage over time to you. Darius can use multiple keystones, starting items, and starting abilities. Darius with Q start is strong for early clear to get level 2 first, Darius with W start will look to take trades with you when you walk up for minions. Biggest thing to pay attention is they keystone + summoner spells. Ghost+Flash darius with conqueror has extremely good all in and if you are caught too far in the lane with a pull he can usually burn your summoners and then kill you as well. If this darius pulls you at a bad time for you, your best hope is to turn on him and all in and pray for crits. TP + Flash Darius with aftershock can be abused early if you take ignite, whether he starts q or w is irrelevant because your allin can be stronger then his so look to build fury and get level 2 first and all in him. Ignite + Flash darius with conqueror you basically just let him push you in and only farm don't trade. This is the strongest early game setup on darius to punish early but it falls off later since he can't kite you as well without ghost. The darius matchup in general is a lot about punishing cooldowns on his q and finding spots to take short trades with an auto attack + spin out without being forced into an all in by being pulled. Tryndamere does outscale this matchup in the mid-late game 1v1, but can be hard to dive him 100-0 so if you find yourself in that situation where he is just sitting under turret, then push him in and look for opportunities to outrotate him with your superior out of combat mobility and flank his team.â
Gnarcisist says âUse your higher CDR and range to poke him with short trades. When his E is down, look for a possible all in. This is a skill match upâ
ApraxiaDyspraxia says âHonestly if you play right then he cant do anything. Proc q use e to dash and q to dash again then hit w for that bonus shield, hit maybe one basic attack and a q before hitting e again. Rinse wash repeat. Eventually when hes around 1/3 health you might be able to all in him. But be very cautious.â
Mohid97 says âDarius is a weird one, in most cases he can absolutely dunk you out of lane, but in some cases as he is an engage heavy champ you can use it to your advantage use E to cover distance and try always to come into him rather than go away from him as your E is short then use your Q to start kiting him while moving away. â
Dantheman81 says âFrom my experience there are some ways to stop the dunkmaster. Darius will almost always play aggressive early, you can take advantage of this by having a strong early jungler presence, or playing passive until you get enough Ghouls to poke him with. If he manages to get all of his stacks onto you do not fight anymore otherwise you will die and not have a fun time. The new thornmail is a wonderful pickup against him as well.â
Twiggymocha says âProbably your hardest match up, does a lot of damage and his e is just long enough to cancel your q and do his combo. Play safe vs him and survive laning phase.â
Fixst says âTry trading him in Early Game and dodge his Q.
In the Mid Game you shouldn't have any problems if your jungle gankes your lane.
Out of Laning phase (Late Game) you could kill him if hes not too fedâ
SuPIeX says âA good darius will be a nightmare. Just sit back and farm until you have bami's cinder and bramble vest. Then you can take short trades with your e and disengage with q. When trading, always wait until he uses his e, then you can disengage at any time by using q directly on yourself and backing off. If he takes ghost, he will still be able to catch up after your Q so you'll have to play even safer.â
Xplor says âDarius is a major threat if he manages to hit you with his abilities, in special early games.
I won against him but sometimes, I also lost.
Don't push the lane too much and stay out of range of his abilities. Poke him as much as possible with your Mists and your E. If required, play defensive and farm under the tower.â
Darrkescru says âBem isto pra mim e perma ban eu sei que teemo tem a fama de counterar darius mas Darius bem jogado acerta o E e consegue te dar o W antes mesmo de tu acertar sua cegueira, use impetoâ
TheLittleJungler says âHis bleeding is the thing that should worry you because you will be forced to heal, and early healings spend too much mana.â
Lintaar says âJust dont let him hook you and outrun his spin. These should be easy both because of your superior range and superior movement speedâ
SpedIsOn says âPretty hard but not impossible. When he Q you, instantly R him into a wall, so he cannot get his cd back during the time of your R. Try to R him into your tower is the best option. Bork and Trinity is the needed core items. Early Bramble and Tabi are good. (SW or BP your choice)â
bakk0n says âThis is mostly related to good Darius players, that will usually run Ghost + Flash. He can be quite opressive in the early game and will most likely try to engage you and trade with you at every possibility. Try to counter his E+W+AA+Q combo with your E+W+Q. When in this match up, I recommend starting with the shield (W) and playing it safe.â
Colin0224 says âPhase Rush with bami is a free as lane against him. Conq is winable but if you misstep you insta die. Phase Rush makes the matchup easy afâ
Magginator says âBan if Possible. His all in is better than yours and there is a reason he is high in the meta. You can play safe and play for team fights but you don't wanna rely on your team while you tank.â
Tmasb says âHe can heal himself with the Q and one shot you by using the R so you may need to keep distance until level 6 or 11 so you can make it sleep and its going to be so easier to kill himâ
kurbart says âyou totally out range him poke him down to low hp then ult if hes acting him just put him in a cage if he manages to catch you walk into his spin for less dmg â
Alzeidx says âSkill Matchup, Dash and all in him when you have full rage and he uses his Q on minions or you just dodge it.
You should be able to outrade him if you manage your rage properly.
Go conqueror.
Delvoid says âIf he ever catches you with E you are most likely dead. try to poke with E trade if he misses E or Q. Can easily kite him late game and burn him downâ
iTzToniOP says âThe best thing is to ask for an early gank to your jungler so you can start ahead. Rush Bami's and Bramble Vest and you should be fine. Die just once against him and the lane is over.â
Alzeidx says âSkill matchup. Quite hard to kill him early, punish him for mistakes, trade with him only after you get Phage and Stinger, then you might have a good chance for trades, ask for ganks early.â
Nyx Adachi says âEs darius man, rushea cortacuraciones y ten cuidado con su q, su w la bloqueas facilmente con w al igual que sus basicos asi que atento al usarlaâ
darksage1234 says âDarius is just too much of a juggernaut right now. His bleed will always make sure that he will outtrade you at most points of the laning phase. He doesn't have good teamfight potential so leverage that instead. â
ForOrion says âDarius is a champ just like Garen who can easily punish misplacement and destroys squishies. Pyke should scream if he encoutners the Noxian brute, this match-up is all in his favor. Stay back and farm, and wait for a potential gank from the jungler or a play under turret.â
TotallyEclipse says âSave your Q for his Q, and jump in the middle of it. then you can look to all in. Save your E for his W, and you'll win it. Dorans early for extra sustain vs his bleed can be helpful, and Stinger early is good for more DPs. if you get a lead on him, you can snowball and kill him over and over againâ
FirstBladeDancer says âit depends on how good the Darius is. For most players Darius is a hard matchup but when u practice Irelia alot it will be easy.â
JuarezLOL says âdo not trade him at lvl 2 or 3 its just a pure lose just wait for your ruined king and lvl 6 or above if he make mistakes you can all in him and kill him easily
but remember you need to see him using Q on minions then going in after using E Q R just wait for his second Q then use your W and your second part of R its pure domination on darius with this way of trading â
MateuszNH says âEASY AS FUCK
You are probably as big counter for him as Vayne or Cassiopeia. I always have a fun when they "counter" my pick with him because it's almost certain win(got 94% winrate against Darius). You can even fight him while his all passive stacks are on you, just don't get kited. Just remember these things below and it's guaranteed win.
Take ignite, as he mostly get's ghost and it makes your win secured
Always buy doran blade
try to trap him in the bushes lvl 1, aa+e when he comes, if he contest the fight he may end up dead, otherwise lose half hp.
Don't use E and W(he can heal from it) until he uses Q, almost always(not if he has wave advantage) punish him when he does it so you deny his dmg and heal and force all in or bad trade for him. Later on you get's ranged Q so just poke him and all in with ult. He may kill you if you are not paying attention but it's rare, just don't get caught without ult.â
Wamson says âSurvive the laning phase at all costs! Donât get bullied out of the lane! Freeze creeps on your side of the lane and farm until mid game.â
JuarezLOL says âthis is a easy match up if you know how to beat darius which is you need to Q on him when he use Q (ASAP)
and remember to take ignite against him â
EveryMysticLimit says âHis all in is very strong and he's too tanky to take grasp against. Play safe and just farm. Also, wait for jungle ganks. (Flash and Teleport)â
JuarezLOL says âa hard match up if you get close enough to darius to pull u with E so try to have level spacing which is to stay out of his E range but to poke him with Q range â
OlafSolo says âWhen playing olaf you cant dive directly to darius to kil him try to give him damage with Q from long range, when his health bar comes below %50 u can try to attack him Tip: Use ghost when attacking, dont want gangâ
Walnut25 says âGreat Darius players will stand between you and your minions to deny you CS. When fighting Darius, be aware of the amount of passive stacks he is accumalating on you. â
ACE4291 says âYou can bully and tank this champ early BUT be warned his bleed can hurt and cause you to die after winning. His R is deadly if used right. Recommend early bully. His buff with ghost makes him diffcult compared to patch 10.11 darius. He will likely not have ignite now so thats great for early. BUT yea this boy is fast now â
Sugar3 says âDarius's pull will either force you into trades you don't want to take or leave you running away with a lot of damage taken really early on in the game. This becomes less of an issue after acquiring the Blade of the Ruined King.â
DirtyDishSoap says âThe problem with this lane is the insane output of his damage and the ability to heal. Your wall prevents his from healing, and he can't kill your minions fast enough. BUT, if you give him just one kill in lane, he'll become a problem.
I personally ban Darius, he has huge snowball potential and it's not really easy to deal with him if he isn't a potato.â
CourtesyD0Prata says âJust don't take his Q and you are good. Don't let him stack 5 on you, you outscale him / SĂł nĂŁo tome seu Q e vocĂŞ estarĂĄ bem. NĂŁo deixe ele estacar 5 passivas em vocĂŞ, vocĂŞ da outscale nele.â
Javu767 says âReally strong laner, if he is good he wins, if he is bad probably will win anyway. Play it safe, if you dont win the lane its okey as long as you are able to help your team in teamfights.â
report singed ty says âPhase rush is good vs Darius but only if you know how to use it. Darius has been 40% banrate for years now pretty much because his trade patterns are just flat out broken and leave the opponent with practically no recourse.
I just ban him every game, like the rest of the league playerbase does. Simple fix.â
WatchersGrim says âDarius is a slightly good matchup with tryndamere. Based on how the darius plays can dictate a fight. So farm up with this lane for a bit and try to find a pattern he uses to go in and go based off of that. Get close and makes sure he doesnt bait out your ult.â
Beatport Expo says âSkill Matchup mostly, but slightly disadvantage due to his R and bleed and you're not burst enough to quickly take him down. If he build Trinity Force or Black Cleaver, you'll start to have a problem laning against him due to his movement speed and you're unlikely to outrun him with your fat bodyâ
SabinX says âYour E is good against his Q and when it comes to who goes down first you are stronger at the levels 1, 6+. Between levels 2-5 pay respect to his passive, you can still win trades but don't lose your mind.â
Kingarthur720 says âone of the hardest matchups for any champ in the game except for fiora. if you have the choice for it dont pick graves into him. If you blind pick into him then you need to go for super safe builds and build cost effective items to help you survive such as phantom dancer and RFC. Build fleet or grasp or if you are confident enough a build like hail of blades, you just want to go for quick short trades to not let him stack up his passive damage.â
MizuPiku says âThis matchup is fairly even as long as you can avoid recieving 5 bleed stacks. save your e or w to get on top of darius or escape from his q and pull.â
Laika says âPhase Rush + Second Wind makes this matchup easier. Play around your Phase Rush cooldown. If you're not using Phase Rush: Only engage when you know you can run away from his hookâ
StraightWhiteMale says âIf you have a jungler that is willing to gank you ban darius instead of quinn.
If you're laning against him play safe and try to help your team every now and then.â
ISwearImNotPolish says âEasy as pie to beat using the Tankdyr build. Dodge his q by running straight at him, hit him with the stun and use W, E and R when needed / available.â
VIP Titan says âBoth Darius and Olaf is strong early. However, Darius got his passive and his Q to get your sort really quickly. Try to wait for jg to help. The only time you can fight him is when his Q is on cool down as well as W.
Most Darius will use his W to last hits. So time that and go my boi
Remember MAX E not Q! â
ShaharKarisi says âDarius is a really strong champion and has great stats all around, but Bramble Vest can counter his sustain. If possible, take ignite too.â
SirDrPotato says âDarius has a very strong laning phase and is way easier to play than fiora, this means that is very hard for him to make mistakes and it's entirely up to you to pull out (wink) some good stuff: I strongly advise to NOT riposte his Q or W. (Q is the ability where he spins and W is an empowered hit). Riposting one of these often means he'll just grab you after and kill you. If you REALLY need to riposte Q or W make sure you try to dodge his grab with your lunge right after your riposte ends. Riposting his ultimate is also a pretty good option. More details down below.â
Subject3 says âwinning and losing against darius is a sweet thin line
you can somewhat out trade him at lvl 1-5 but after lvl 6 expect some high retaliation.
and if somehow darius gets a few kills under his belt and is leading with gold, his bleed will be too much for you to handle especially once he finishes black cleaver.
best strategy? save your swallow until he uses his q, once you swallow him the q will still go off but he will be in your stomach which means the cleaving end wont hit.â
KayleMachine says âCan make your life hell if he freezes and zones you off xp. You can take trades early on to make him push the wave to have a better earlygame, care for his E. After 6 its easy.â
Vodka4Gaben says âEarly game he will run you down completely but at level 6 with ignite you should stomp him. Just pull in his E and then ULT. You should never lose 1v1 past Lvl 6.â
Destroya777 says âTry not to get hooked. Don't trade because you will lose. E away to avoid trades. Use Q to farm. Take unsealed spellbook for defensive spells because you don't want to be in range to grasp him.â
Starci says âReally annoying to lane against. It's a pretty hard matchup, as he seems to just deal more damage than you. Before level 6 you can beat him, but after it becomes really hard, since he can just ult you when you are low, and doesn't let you get that ult off in time.â
TheLFlashTime says âPlay it safely, it is an easier match up than Fiora and Kled, still tricky. Farm up, you win late game fights, avoid 1v1 all ins.â
Despite the fact most Darius players run Ghost and that Darius's kit seems like it would fuck up your kiting, it's actually very easy to kite and disengage from him as a Vayne. The goal of this matchup is constantly keeping full AA range against a Darius as his pull range is 535 while your AA range is 550. When his pull is down is when you want to go aggressive and try to apply damage on him. Levels 1, you want to just last hit minions and poke darius when he goes for it, or push slightly, then get it to slow push to you(if he started pull for whatever reason and pulls you in, immediately try to disengage and back off and just last hit). Levels 2 you might still be able to keep this up depending on what he takes next, but levels 3 and on you need to be especially focused on keeping distance from him because if he pulls you in and you don't have condemn up, you are fucked. In the case that he does pull you in, just try to tumble away as fast as possible. If he uses Q after his pull, condemn him away as fast as possible. In this matchup, its preferable to try to keep the lane in the middle or on your side so you have an easier time poking him down or even killing him. However its still okay to push him into his tower. If he has both ghost and phase rush however, you should play the lane closer to your tower or he'll be able to just flash on you, pop ghost and use his whole combo while getting movement speeds much higher than you can kite out even with using condemn.â
HighSnork says âHe is pretty weak against you. However his E range is just slightly shorter than your auto range, so bait his E by walking up to him and casting Q, which is a safe distance away from his E. Then when his E is on CD punish him with your auto.â
Auntbetsie says âThe same with Garen he can sit in between the waves to apply pressure and you have to sit back and farm under turret. Some times at level 1/2 you could try and get an all in just for the fact that Darius cant do a full combo and if he misses his Q other than that you have basically lost lane unless your jgl puts on constant ganks and pressure.â
SuPIeX says âDarius is a terror in lane, but he becomes much more manageable with my phase rush build! Force him to use his E to engage then W >> Q >> E with Bami's cinder to proc phase rush to disengage and easily out trade him. In this matchup, you will want to keep trades short and utilize E mainly for the phase rush proc, so I recommend maxing your Q.â
Discord Rengar Mains says âJust permaban this champion. Darius already screws over most melees in the game, but in the case of Rengar he can just obliterate you so easily that the moment he gets ahead you are pretty much done. You need to put in at least 10 times the effort he needs to beat you in order to go even in lane, and, taking into account he is very popular nowadays... banning him is just the better option.â
VictorDelRey says âDarius tends to be VERY aggressive. Give up CS and don't push. Farm under tower. What is good about this matchup is that, if he makes a mistake. You can punish him HARD. And they tend to misposition a lot.â
Itreallyhim says âBe careful in lane, Everything you do just makes it easier for him,
Okay so you are here, The game is probably started and youre thinking, what could go wrong. If you E him he will W you then E you when you think you are gonna live, And finish you off with ULT. His passive is stronger than yours, so be wary, If he pulls you with his e, walk towards him to dodge the q.â
NotReiken says âDarius shuts down everything Rengar can do in Top lane. You can't trade with him cause of bleed, and if you do he'll 5 stack and win button you. Just run.â
Circas says âThis lane kinda sucks. It is very winnable BUT you need to play it perfectly.
You only win if you get 5 stacks and hit all your abilities and you need to be careful not to get pulled out of your Q or you instantly lose. You stack your passive faster than Darius obviously so use that to your advantage. You do not take short trades with Darius when you go in you are committed and you cannot half-ass it.
A good Darius will know that he can abuse you level 1 and he will most likely try to cheese you in tri bush (if you leashed red side) or he will sit in top lane bush and wait for you to walk up to the wave and try to cheese you with his Crippling Strike (W) and slow you and just out auto you. Start with your Flawless Duet (E) and wait till you are level 3 or 4 to go in on him. Build up stacks near turret because if they wave is past river towards him you CANNOT fight him. You need stacks and you need a lot of lane room to run him down when you go in.
Darius will kill you if you miss something. Can be outplayed but it is hard.â
Tanjiro Kunnnn says âEasy matchup for me :v
Dont do long fights with him you will Surely Lose just do Short Trades against him and All in when he is almost Lowâ
LycheeMochigome says âReally strong early, relies on darius making some sort of blunder like missing e or q. Play safe and just help your team get aheadâ
googlemops says âdarius is in a similar situation as Jax you can beat him until he gets his passive stacked, when you go for trades fight until you're at 4 stack, then back off until the stacks fall off.â
HeyItsLeemo says âThis champion is just annoying as hell to lane against, when you find a good Darius and you don't know how to fight him, just call for ganks 24/7, he can outheal you really well and if he gets 5 stacks on you, you're dead just play safe and maybe take resolve instead of domination for this one if you're feeling indangered.â
FoxyGrill says âEven tho you counter him he is the only champion that can conquer you while you have your passive stacked, try to dodge his q and let him push so you can get your passive stacks.â
bushman847 says âchamps that are great at dishing out tons of damage early as well as healing tons are big problems for skarner play back and safelyâ
The Ryann Kingg says âDarius is an insta-ban for me because he is able to damage you way more than you can regen back, even with this build. Just ban him. trust me. â
Doaenel says âUnless Darius is running ignite, you can still beat him. The trick to winning versus Darius is to be more aggressive than he is. Levels 1-4 you outsustain and outdamage him with double summoners even through his 5 stack bleed.â
Asoreth says âDespite what everyone says, Darius isn't really that much of a threat for Shen, I've almost never lost a lane against a Darius player. All you have to do is literally play safe, Shen is good at short trades so if you get a chance of getting him to use his abilities you can start a fight with him. Freeze waves so he can't really farm, your W can counter his W and auto resets. â
AkaiAsura says âDarius can easily kill you in the first level. He has a good amount of damage and sustain, but if you're able to poke him in the right way, you will be able to kill him without much trouble.â
GamerAtLarge says âWhen you focus on last hitting your CS and stocking up on Q graves while on your side to about mid of your lane, you'll be surprised how easily you can out bully him and because hell likely underestimate you no matter how low he is hell likely be anywhere between half to low health and still try to press wave into your tower where you`ll have the chance at an early first blood. â
Wolfychu says âMost people find difficult to play against Darius but you can win by not being hit by his Q and by trading a lot with him using the Q W auto attack Q auto attack combo and after doing it going out using EQ to bait Darius E. You can also go with ignite so you can wait for level 6 to go kill him with ignite and ultimate.â
Anyerlaw says âContra Darius no te molestes a parkearle su e, ya que no vale la pena. Intenta parkearle el reset w, o la q (aunque se cura igualmente). Por lo demĂĄs pokeeale con tu pasiva y rematalo con la r. Aunque te ponga las 5 marcas con tu r le ganas.â
GreeN1337 says âDestroy him with mobility just abuse it as much as You can. Try to predict his E or when he casts it instantly pop W and don't let him stack his pasive. Maxing W insted of E is good in this matchup.â
In this matchup, as long as you can stay on your retarded lizard and poke with Q, you should be able to all in once you get tiamat. Furthermore, try to roam at level 6 because you do not win 1 v 1 after level 6â
OGIntel says âYou can poke him down easily, but when you all-in to finish him off you need to dodge his outer Q at all costs, otherwise he will probably kill you.â
Dejuronto says âDarius early game is also one to worry about deeply. If you miss your skillshots, you're heavily vulnerable to his pull and passive. If he has ghost, Darius can make you miss some skillshots even more when he runs after you or running away FROM you. Your best option is to find a safe distance from him and try to threaten him with your passive. If he misses any of his skillshots, you can most likely find that weakpoint and try to win a trade.â
miniRAGE says âDarius does more damage than Morde early game. His bleed outdamages Morde's passive, so you need to play safe until you scale. However, once you scale, you beat Darius most of the time.â
Cats4lyfe123 says âIf Darius hits you with Apprehend, you're going to take a fair bit of damage, so either bait it out or use your W right after to avoid his basic attacks. Darius can't easily get 5 stacks of hemorrhage on you, but he can whittle you down in lane until he can go for an easy all in. Try not to take any risky trades, and if you do, make sure you win them. â
bailey.porirua says âVery hard to beat. He will start W or Q, depending on what elo. You should start E and play safe until you can get Tri-Force. Make sure you rush Ninja Tabis and get an executioners calling and finish it later. It will negate his healing off his passive. â
HDlucky says âThis matchup is really hard. Try short trades against him because if he get 5 stacks and you lose skarl he just one shot you with his ult.â
OakenshieldXVI says âHe has too much DPS and imobilization, even if you build too much armor, he will melt you down. Don't trade with him and use your E to escape and not to engange.â
ShinyEmo says âGuinsoo's Rageblade is a must-have in this matchup. Dodge his Q with your Q and you will be fine. If you have Guinsoo's, than your Q will be ready all the time he uses his Q's. Blade of the Ruined King works well too. â
Loki029 says âPlay safe, sounds stupid but deny him farm and if you fight then be sure about it, only stay if you are sure that you can, if you get ahead early, then you will win, Late Game maybe even.â
Oblak says âDarius can 1v1 you easily, he has a kit made for 1v1 against melee champions, try to stay safe and don't let he stack his passive on you.â
Lazmm says âDarius is a cancer champ to play against on anyone in top really but Darius can just run you over while in lane. Make sure to go aftershock if you wan to play into it. Seekers arm guard is a strong item here.â
hephephepeEPEPE says âDarius is very hard to play against play safe you can proxy once you get lvl 3 because if he tries to denie your proxy you are most likley going to die rush ninja tabi and bramble vest â
Death Rusofag says âEs tu peor pesadilla en lĂnea, no le ganas los trades ni cortos ni largos y tiene mucha presiĂłn de lĂŹnea. Trata de baitearle la E y alĂŠjate de ĂŠl con tu E. Trata de farmear y espera ganks.â
AkenoSenpai says âThis match up can be tricky as it can easly turn into a hard match up if not played correctly, due to darius being a champion that punishes mistakes very heavly. Let the wave push into u, in this match up especially you might want to give up cs, u really do need to keep ur hp. Once you start slowpushing, and Darius gets to close feel free to all in him (lvl 3 or higher). The way to fight darius is as followed: E -> Q -> orbwalk. Keep your second Q for his own Q. Jumping to him once he starts Q animation, cancels his Q dmg as well as his healing and a stack for his passive, which is very important.â
Just a Scarecrow says âHis passive is a huge counter to your own and you can't just go to him without poking him with your Q even you third to him he would auto you. you will just see how you are dying if you tried to kill him in full health. Cautious Darius are Extreme Dangerous tooâ
PrettyPinkPutin says âThe general rule of Darius is: Don't fight him unless you can kill him, CC cancel his E with yours if possible, use your R on his Q, you can try your luck at fighting him once you have Trinity, that's all to be said.â
stratixx says âYour hit and run tactics should completely destroy Darius, who thrives on long term combats. Do your best to bait out his abilities and w when he activates his ghost.â
MagrelinOnFire says âRunas: vs Lutadores
Spells: flash/incendiar
Abuse do Grasp lvl 1, de um auto ataque com a passiva e corra. Fique atento no lvl 2 do Darius, coloque sempre 1 barril atrĂĄs de vocĂŞ, se o jogador de Darius for esperto, ele upou o E, tente desviar do puxĂŁo, se vocĂŞ conseguir, poderĂĄ agressivar e provavelmente o matarĂĄ. Recomendo comprar 1 doran blade na primeira volta, se o time inimigo tiver outros campeĂľes com curas ou roubo de vida, compre 1 carrasco. Nessa matchup, tambĂŠm sĂŠria interessante trocar a sterak por dançarina fantasma, a velocidade de movimento da dançarina deixarĂĄ sua vida mais facil, alĂŠm de aumentar sua chance de crĂtico.â
FadeMini7 says âFighting a Darius rush Ex and when you fight him always land a Q if not back off because you need kleds Q to reduce his healing and try to time it to E inside his Q so it doesn't do too much to you â
lugzinho says âHug him when he uses his Q with your E so he doesn't heal and gets a passive stack.
Watch out with his R as it can mess with your remount.â
VelesemPT says âDarius might be a bigger threat because of his passive reducing your healing from your passive.
If having a bad time vs Darius just play defensive and ask for assistance from either the jungler or mid laner.â
TrollingSmurfGr says âRepresentative of the typical BIG JUGGERNAUT TOP, Darius has huge damage when you get caught. This is an example of someone you should probably take Aftershock for. For Darius specifically, use Flay (E) to push him towards you, pulling yourself inside of the Q circle. Pushing him away from you takes too long, and he's likely moving away from you already, perfectly landing you in the outer circle. If you die once, don't try anything funny again, or it won't just be once.â
Average Ahri says âDarius is beatable... but you need to be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY smart about it. Believe it or not, there is nothing to be afraid of when darius is lvl 1. Fight him tooth and nail for that lvl 2. Then bramble immediately to cut his healing. After sunfire and bramble, you will win.â
This is normally a lane you can't win. Darius can out bully you early and has more sustain in fights even if you play Fleet Footwork. If you do play vs him in lane always try and flay him TOWARDS you when he Q's. You should be able to catch him off-guard the first couple of times and deny his healing (and a lot of damage) , but it won't keep working. Flaying him away from you takes too long and you will only end up eating his axe. Just try and poke him out and farm up as best as possible. Killing him isn't impossible, but it requires HIM to make a mistake close to your turret. Just be sure to capitalize on the mistake if he does. â
6MillionBreads says âHis passive bleed and Q heal makes it almost impossible to out-trade him, and he can pull you out of your E if you try to disengageâ
ForgottenProject says âIf he starts Q, use Q to poke him Level 1, and use Vital MS to dodge his
If he starts W, donât try and fight him Level 1
Parry his W Pre-Level 6 to slow his MS and AS (so he stacks slower)
Take short trades when Parry is Up
Hit all Ult Vitals after Parrying his W
YOU WIN IF: you dodge his outer q, he won't heal, bleed stacks won't apply and its a large chunk of his damage
TAKE IGNITE because he will have ghost 100% of the time, thus you don't need TP to help your team because he won't either. Also take Last Standâ
Epic Striker says âHis bleed can be dangerous for your health but if you kite him and spam your q hitting him and get ganks you will win the lane.â
BDPMate says âIf you can stay at range and poke he is fairly easy. But as soon as he hooks you his slow will be enough to ruin your day. It's best to farm out to the late game.â
Gunford says âDarius is very scary with Ghost and Flash for you. If you shove the wave under his tower he will run you down and just kill you no matter what. Farm up, wait for your jungler. Use your dash when you got hooked by him. Throw your E and try to get away.
Braddik says âSave your Q for his Q, and jump in the middle of it. then you can look to all in. Save your E for his W, and you'll win it. Dorans early for extra sustain vs his bleed can be helpful, and Stinger early is good for more DPs. if you get a lead on him, you can snowball and kill him over and over againâ
superacewolf says âReally hard matchup try to survive lane and wait for ganks. Try to keep the wave right outside your tower. Grasp for short trades since you don't want long trades and Spellbook will help survive in this matchup as Conqueror can't really be activated since he beats you majority of the game. â
Speez says â[BAN WORTHY] So overpowered, with ghost and flash he can run you down if you get to cocky and the only way you survive this lane is if you empowered W his W slow, just so annoying to deal withâ
TymekOne says âDarius is really powerful champion now, in order to win with him you need to avoid him fully stacking his passive early game and avoid his Q.â
spaceriftmaster says âThis match up isn't impossible but it is difficult because Darius's hemorrhage stacks can really cripple you whether you're tank Morde or mage Morde. Also he can catch you out and does a lot of damage and heals quite a bit on his Q blade.â
SirVermillion says âThis is a difficult matchup during laning phase, best way to counter is work around his cooldown, try to bait his hook, then hit him with your W to slow him down, run up to him and Q him, then E away. Or if you're confident in getting away without losing the trade, engage with your E.â
FlopyWeiner says âYou outheal his damage and out damage him lategame. EVEN with full stacks. Honestly its a skill matchup. ALWAYS TRADE IF HE NEVER CAN GET 5 HITS. He has all in combat sustain if you can keep trading without getting super punished then you outheal him and win lane.â
The Lost Drawing says âA nivel 1 no le tengas miedo sobre todo si se sube la 'W' ya que puedes farmear la 1° y parte de la 2° oleada, trata de que tire su 'Q'/'E' al aire haciendo como que estas a rango pero no.
Cuando gaste habilidades a lo tonto/para empujar/intertar pegarte es momento de que le pegues sobre todo si se gasto la 'Q'.
No dejes que meta todas las cargas de su pasiva ya que te borra con eso
Gasta tu 'E' para salir del filo de su 'Q' o si te engancha salir de un posible intercambio desfavorable para tiâ
Darkseige555 says âDarius is ban worthy while playing poppy. This monster will make you give up lane as soon as he has level 3. Never go past the river against him, especially if he goes ghost or ignite. I personally ban him every game, but if you prefer to ban someone else and have the bad luck to face him, you can build a early bramble vest to punish him and get greavous wounds. Sunfire cape is also a good option. The real challenge is to not die in laning phase: it takes a lot of discipline and do not get cocky if he is playing more passive than usually because he is most likely baiting you. If you do survive laning phase, It become much better in the teamfights because he won't be able to destroy you anymore, but I suggest going for a more support build to let others carry for you since you will be short on gold after that rough laning phase.â
Pedrokis says âSkill matchup mais disputada na minha opniĂŁo. / Cuidado com a cura e a passiva dele, use e abuse do seu Dash (E) pra desviar se ele tiver canalizando o Q ou tiver com 3 ou 4 stacks da passiva. / Se ele for burro perde; se vocĂŞ ficar tomando tudo atoa, incluindo ganks, vocĂŞ perde.â
AGKH says âI usually ban this guy
Trade window with lvl 2 adv. (ghost)
Let him push and just farm (ignite)
You outscale him mid-late game
Lethal / Conq Runes
Trial_By_Barrel says âThis match up is a tough one. But if you can land barrel combos and poke without getting caught then you should be fine. Be sure to ask your jungle for ganks. If you can't get jungle help for whatever reason. You should probably just defend and play like you would against a tank. Just poke and farm under tower.â
Joaking says âFirst blood wins the lane.
His E is the real threat. You can short combo him (Q+aa+WE back) and try to bait his E. After that, you can all in him and kill him if you dodge his Q.
Daedralus says âThis guy is gonna be a pain. DO NOT FIGHT HIM EARLY. He can destroy you with his passive burn. Look towards baiting him under tower. His passive is very likely to get tower aggro. If he is under your tower, and you have less than 4 stacks, ult him once he is around half HP, and make sure to dodge him until then. If you can Q then ult, its even better. This way, your tower should deal with him along with your, while granting your full HP back, and preventing him from having enough stacks to even do a fair amount of damage with his ult. With an additional fear prepped, the kill should be easy, but only with the towers help of course as this will give around 4 shots guaranteed at him. Other than, avoid fights unless you get really fed and can one-shot him before he can stack enough. It is very possible that you can =)â
CFCryo says âYour usual suspects of tough juggernaut laners can give Blitz a hard time if misplayed. If played well, you can beat them, but otherwise, you will lose almost all farm since Blitz is so, so melee.â
Askio says âHe has DOT, pulls, natural healing, an execution ult, and in general can combo you more than you can combo him. Should be one of your top 3 bans up top if you go Naut Top. â
MrLewie says âI ban this champion about 90% of the time (the 10% of the time I don't is when someone on my team bans them.)
If you find yourself forgetting to ban Darius, you're honestly better off dodging.â
VahitcanT says âDont trade with him his passive gives true damage same as fiora you cant 1v1 with him,farm until late game Dont make 5 stack on you and will auto the game win.â
benisking says âNot the best matchup. Never e into him unless you win the all in. If you get good enough you can negate his e with your e by timing it so he pulls you right before your e attaches to the wall and pulls you away from him.â
BlackJusticeSupreme says âThis clash of clans looking man will stop at nothing to defend women, no matter how thotty they are. He will relentless fight you off any time you approach a women. Kill him quickly and swiftly so his virginity can evaporate away from the mortal coil.â
VicGal96 says âJust permaban this champion. Darius already screws over most melees in the game, but in the case of Rengar he can just obliterate you so easily that the moment he gets ahead you are pretty much done. You need to put in at least 10 times the effort he needs to beat you in order to go even in lane, and, taking into account he is very popular nowadays... banning him is just the better option.â
TheRevenantsHand says âHis passive will outdo yours. His Q will also give him more sustain than you. Land your E when he's trying to Q and stay close and personal so that he will have a hard time healing. â
Split King says âDarius is tough. His kit is made to kill anything that comes into melee range. Do not try to fight him unless you know you can outplay him. It is easy to stay alive and farm however. Use q to activate passive when he uses decimate. You will take no damage and he will push lane. Use your taunt to disengage when he uses apprehend on you. Focus on buying early health, His true damage and armor penetration greatly reduces the effectiveness of armorâ
ozmankaan says âthere are three types of darius 1- the killable ones, you can kill them whenever you want 2- tough-ones, difficult to kill gives you tough time but still you can kill them 3- The unkillables, these phucking bastards are incarnation of death god himself, stay away from them, poke them, dont let them fool you coz when they are low on health they are most dangerous, use you jung help to kill them get the lead then solo them. â
Split King says âIf he does manage to Apprehend you, you are going to have a bad time. But most of the time he never lands one and then he is just fucked completely. Keep your distance and the lane is easyâ
BeautifulWinter says âThis is a very even laning phase. HOWEVER DO NOT PLAY AGRO PRE-LEVEL 6!
He is designed to punish melee champions and he will destroy you should you play to agro prior to having your ult.
POST-LEVEL 6: Poke with E and wait until he is half or so health before trying to all in him. If he pushes you at level 6 even if he is full health you should still win.â
Valorkyrie Quinn says âBully him with your longer attack range. Kiting with W+Passive really helps a lot. Try dodging his E with your range advantage and movement speed, also avoiding your E getting interrupted by his E.
Be aware of some Darius players who bring ghost to run you down.â
Split King says âThis matchup goes in favor of Darius in the early game and favor of Garen in the mid to late game. Don't force fights early just farm, you will start winning lane at level 7-9â
Ikewolf says âSkill matchup. Avoid him at all costs when mini, try trading once he uses his grap. Don't go close if you don't have your jump.
Once mega, you can trade him if he uses an ability for the creep wave.â
Devcon says âYou won't beat him at an all-in until the mid-late game. Try to bait his E and poke for Grasp procs when you can. Don't let him capitalize on phage procs.â
YukariYumia says âIf Darius lands his grab try to get out of it by landing your root. Don't let him get as many stacks on you or you might end up being dead meat.
Use a more semi-aggressive play style, poke at him and let some minions die to collect the required amount of souls for your maximum crit chance and increased rangeâ
XRVG says âDarius and renekton is skill matchup but as long as you dodge his Qs and bait his grab properly you will win. Ignite makes darius a lot easier.
If you all in make sure to hug darius so he does not heal.â
IvaoManeirao says âi'm only putting Darius on "major" since he can and will kill you in every single trade - however, this matchup is really simple if you take into account that your "E" animation is unstoppable akin to Ezreal's - that means that if he pulls you in you just need to anticipate that and E beforehand and he'll not be able to do anything at all. That along with the fact that you're ranged means that if you don't push your luck it should be a really chill farm-based lane; something that Darius never wants.â
K1M0CH1 says âmax w just ban him or use headhunter red chroma to scare him away ask jungler to gang early he as no escape take hard matchup rune page just flash ur level 7 emote to scare him awayâ
Big Belly Bop says âThis match up is one of Senna's hardest. She can poke him early on but once he gets level 3 onward, he can just run at her with ghost, and start hammering away. Keep the wave at your turret and ask for ganks. E and walk away if he gets close enough to pull you in, try to land W as well. Flash + TP, Boots + 4 HP, Gotta Blast! rune page.â
ExfIamed says âNow this can go either way, Garen has the early game advantage and does outscale Darius, but if you overstep or make one mistake it's all over from that point unless he makes a mistake. You wanna bait him into pulling you and then you E as hes pulling you, Q cleanse the slow and stay on him to avoid his Q heal, if you get hit by his Q heal you instantly lose the trade and more than likely just killed yourself. But you keep doing that, hit 6 and pull the uno reverse card and DUNK HIS ass.â
ElementalZyrus says âDarius is a little difficult based on my times fighting him. If you can kite out his E and Q, then you can all in him and force him out of lane. Ignite and Mortal Reminder will help a lot.â
Valkymir says âBringing ignite and playing extremely aggressive early helps, however, Darius with flash and ghost or flash and ignite is just not killable. â
Verdehile says âYou cant all him early unless you see him start q first and misses it. You need full fury first but if it looks like youre not hitting crits, get out or you will die. Other than that you will beat him with ghost ER later.â
Tryptic1 says âDarius is a very annoying champion to face with. Don't try to fight him 1v1, call teammates to help you fight him.
Try to kite him if he try to reach you.
Keep distance from him because he can pull you with his E.
If he Q, stay close to him and use W to run away or stay out of it range, E him if he near the wall then Q him.
Try to buy the ninja tabi as soon as possible because it can reduce the damage from his W a lot.â
9690 says âHard lane early levels, do not go for extended trades with him. Once we are 6 we can all in and win if lane has not gotten out of hand. Ignite is very good in this match up because snowballing is critical. Don't get behind in this match up or we won't win.â
Citrox says âOne of my main bans. When he brings exhaust you are pretty much dead, You dont need to ask your jungler to come and help you. Just stay at your Tower and wait for him to pushâ
Loevely says âCan I go past extreme? Darius is the single worst matchup for Rengar. It's a matchup that can only be won through lots of jungle attention and fuck ups by the Darius. If you find yourself playing against a Darius, go Grasp and max W and pray he sucks and doesn't start W. â
Luthy2278 says âHe wins all trades. Basically his healing from Q and the CC from his E makes it impossible for you to win any trade or escape any ganks. You are doomed. I always dodge against Darius.â
LoganGarnett says âNo tricks, no dashes. Don't get careless while getting stacks from him to not get caught in his Pull, because that will result in your untimely demiseâ
Noc7urnalz says âNot THAT much of a difference between aatrox and him. In the early game after reaching level 3 you can really go for really good trades vs him. Save your W For when he Q's you during the trade. Can be pretty hard to come back if you fall behind but vs Darius you can also go pretty safe if you feel like it. He has the advantage vs in the the mid game , but you win early/late.â
LuxIsMyCrush says âDarius can be a pretty hard match-up to farm in, but as long as you play safe and accept you will lose some cs you will win the lane, usually leave him to push you and farm under turret, while poke him with Q every ocassion. Also rush luden's echo as it will increase your poke and give a lot of sustain (do lost chapter first if possible), after your luden is done you should be able to Q him to death, be always ready for a flash auto q ignite play to finish him if he do a mistake.
ALWAYS TRY TO KEEP DISTANCE OF HIM, if you try to use bascis for trade there is a high chance that he will be able to grab you with his E and then do his combo on you, that is why i recommand you to poke only with Q, also you can use W to chase or disenage him, but there is again a small chance that he will be able to play around any extended poke.â
Defensivity1 says âDarius, a huge threath before level 6, always let him push you in under tower and give up all cs necessary to not get in to a trade with him, against darius the conqueror page is recommanded at level 6 you can look for an all in on him with your maiden, and if the opportunity arises poke him down with your ghouls during laning phase, tell your jungeler to not gank you before 6 as you cant 2v1 him before 6 and he can heal off of both of you with his q, turning the lane in to a blood bath for the rest of the game.â
Pankotr says âSkill - Matchup
Use your e carefully and when he use his "Q" You can easily dodge with your "Q".
Hard matchup for new irelia players.
N4wt says âSimilar to matchup to Morde. Be careful of him ghosting you down in the middle of lane. Celerity may be helpful here. Get boots early. â
Quezel says âHeavy skill matchup play early game VERY safe try to farm with q at max range without pushing the wave and ideally poke him while you farm after 6 and seekers you can start winning fights unless darius stacks MR make sure you don't give him q heals or its significantly harder to win try to stand on top of him to make this easier although a good darius will be able to use e and w to guarantee a q your shield completely nullifies his level 1 ult but after level 11 it becomes much harder to 1v1 him without a lead if you fall behind this lane becomes impossible so try to be as cautious as you can.â
ygtmacks says âSurviving till 6 is the key to this matchup. You must not raise ghouls unless you hit e first. Hold w until dar pulls you, or you hit e.â
Ends says âYou win against him early game which is when he is usually most threatening but be careful mid to lategame against him because if he gets 5 stacks he can 2 shot youâ
SNOBOY says âIf you get pulled he will win the trade, especially early game. Build an early Iceborn Guantlets. Use abilities to farm. Try to poke with your Q if he ever misses his pull on you. Also his passive counters your because the bleed keeps your shield from coming back for awhile.â
ProgettoYorick says âEveryone is afraid of darius, his passive is DEVASTANT, hit him every now and then with the usual "combo". During level 6 you will make the difference.
Advice from OTP: Give priority to the Ninja tabbi, they will help you a lot during the lane phase, try to block it with the E, closing it with the W. During that phase try to hit it with the Q and moving away a little so as not to make them recover their lives thanks to its Q.â
ScythedS says âBiggest lane bully ever!!!!!He can force trades even if you don't want to trade early on.When going for an all-in bait out his hook first.If you don't kill him with your full combo and you try disengage,he can hook you back and probably kill you.Take double armor in your rune page and buy a Morellonomicon to reduce his dumb healing.â
Ga44moker says âI think Darius is one of the hardest to lane with Rengar. He just trades you everytime. Only chance to win lane vs him is your jungle is going to camp you well in early game.â
Greekamol says âYou will lose the trade if you let him get to 5 stacks of his passive so take a mid length trade. Parry his w as it's a big party of his damage. If you parry his e, he can still w you then q you after which will result in you losing the trade. You will beat him mid game so try to farm.â
ThisIsJustSad says â1. W his pull or his slow. It doesn't matter which, both are just as good. If you do that, you will always win a fight against a Darius post level 3 if you also Q his q.
2. You can W Darius R, but usually it's more worth to use W earlier to slow his attackspeed and slow his stacking process.â
Gedi says âI always ban him because his Ult is pure dmg and ignores your armour. He can cut your Q with his E and can run you down. Also he gains health back on his Q which makes him pretty hard to play against. Try to avoid this matchup.â
Neos00543 says âskill match up, take ignite to kill early if you know what your doing.
if your beginer he has the advantage but you outscale later on so take tp and play safe make sure you get MORTAL REMINDER to counter him, bork is also good but only take it if you dont need the other LS itemsâ
linsher19 says âIf he freezes the lane, you're doomed I suggest you max out your e instead of dealing with this champ unless you believe you can stack your q with much sustainâ
Xelaadryth says âAuto-attack kite from outside his Q range if possible, and force him to last-hit with Q to avoid taking harass. Your auto range is only slightly better than his pull range, so if you have low ping you can cancel your auto if he moves forward. Don't be too afraid though; if you get pulled in by his Apprehend, save your E since you'll get hit by his slow. Point-blank him with a Q auto, and as soon as the slow wears off tag him with an E and you're out. W at any point during the trade, and once you're out of range, follow up with repeated auto-attacks; his gap-close is gone. Just don't get tipper'ed by his Q or the bleed will really hurt.â
Skarner Main says âDarius i dont really have a problem with playing against darius you have to respect him you cant go for long trades with him
and if he runs to you just run away if he E,s you just e him and wait til hes w slow falls off and just stun him and walk away and if you get attacked and he gets a bleed on you, you can ult him under turret with the e r combo AND NEVER EVER ULT HIM when hes e is up if you want to get him under turret his e litterly chancel you from walking so you're litterly wasting your ult just bait him to use his e then e ult him under turretâ
Fluddah says âYou might be able to 1v1, if you get the jump on him and just kite him a bit, but other than that he out duels you, so just try to outlast to late game!â
Karnan says âScary fucker. Since Urgot has the worst of the worst ranges of ranged champions, Darius can hook you in your auto range. Nasty stuff.
If you are gonna fight Darius you wanna bait out his hook and his Q. Make it look as if you are going for a creep and then just leave it. taking damage for a minion ain't worth it. You outscale him hard as the game goes on so just sit tight and take what you can. â
LaughtOfLol says âHe can always kill you . avoid trades with darius at all cost he can kill you very fast . in this case rush phage then sterek . ITS OK! to lose cs when playing against darius . play safe . level 6 he is no match to you.â
AlienMV says âWatch for his E range. Do not overpush his lane if he has Ghost.
Getting grabbed by Darius is basically a death sentence. However, it makes it very predictable what he wants to do, so just stay out of his E range and you'll be fine. The lane will begin reversing in your favor once you get range at lvl 6.
Be wary if he has Ghost. If you are overpushed, he can simply run you over with Ghost and no amount of slows and speed ups from Q/W will save you.â
just000jay says âWait for him to push the wave to your side and try to freeze the wave. you can beat him if he misses his E and you land a Q, but it's dangerous.â
NasusIsMyBoy says âCan be really annoying early game stay at tower and farm and watch out for his blood stacks as they allow him to use his ult with full damage so try to stay away from him early game and tower hug until 20mâ
JuiceMoose says âHis Ult will decimate you if he get stacks, don't let him auto you in trades. His Q lifesteals, so be careful about getting close when he has it. â
CrimsonAngel1 says âWell, if you play top lane, you will know how this guy works. But, he has a few exploitable weaknesses. If you wait for your Grasp-Passive proc, you can chunk some of his health and get some back. â
Lasoor says â[Top] Yorick and Darius are very closely matched. Yorick is considered a counter to Darius, however that doesn't make the match up easy. It is actually one of the hardest match ups Yorick gets in top lane, despite his advantage, because of how Darius players build and how a Darius main plays. Once Darius gets a grip on you all you can hope to do is run before you are killed. You can't out trade him at melee range, you will lose especially if Darius has his ultimate. The way to counter Darius is to kite him and push him out of lane with your mist, maiden, and ghouls. Once he is low enough you can look for opportunities to trap him and finish him off. Always go in-and-out with your Q to burst him down, never sit there auto attackin him. You win if he can't build enough stacks on you. Keep in mind rushing high health items in ideal for this match up as Darius does a lot of true damage.â
Generally Break says âIf he doesn't run ghost and phase rush this is basically your easiest matchup. If he does run both, be very careful. Take Glacial Augment. Hold your vault until he uses his pull. If he ever ghosts just disengage. Try to never let him auto you.â
Asothin says âHe is a strong early game champion however if you can kite and poke him well without getting grabbed you will be able to beat him. Frozen Heart is very useful on him. Since his recent change he is quite a particular threat and avoiding getting into melee range with him is quite crucial.â
yetusek says âLethal Tempo Runes. Ignite + Flash OR Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Darius has very strong all in trades and his passive when stacked 5 times (stacks every auto attack and when he hits his q on the outer edge and his ultimate) gives him a lot of attack damage and does damage over time to you. Darius can use multiple keystones, starting items, and starting abilities. Darius with Q start is strong for early clear to get level 2 first, Darius with W start will look to take trades with you when you walk up for minions. Biggest thing to pay attention is they keystone + summoner spells. Ghost+Flash darius with conqueror has extremely good all in and if you are caught too far in the lane with a pull he can usually burn your summoners and then kill you as well. If this darius pulls you at a bad time for you, your best hope is to turn on him and all in and pray for crits. TP + Flash Darius with aftershock can be abused early if you take ignite, whether he starts q or w is irrelevant because your allin can be stronger then his so look to build fury and get level 2 first and all in him. Ignite + Flash darius with conqueror you basically just let him push you in and only farm don't trade. This is the strongest early game setup on darius to punish early but it falls off later since he can't kite you as well without ghost. The darius matchup in general is a lot about punishing cooldowns on his q and finding spots to take short trades with an auto attack + spin out without being forced into an all in by being pulled. Tryndamere does outscale this matchup in the mid-late game 1v1, but can be hard to dive him 100-0 so if you find yourself in that situation where he is just sitting under turret, then push him in and look for opportunities to outrotate him with your superior out of combat mobility and flank his team.â
OneMustFall says âEasy matchup. Just don't get pulled and you can poke him all day with no reprocussions. Just watch out for enemy Jungle ganks if he's running Ghost as if be all over you like white on rice before you know it.â
Kalrex says âTough to trade against. Save your E to run away if you get pulled or you want to block some of his spin damage. I like to play cull and farm until level 9 in this matchup, as you outscale Darius in the midgame unless he's really fed. â
The Apex Dealsman says âif he can use his E to catch you then he can get you with no escape. save your E for when he Es and then punish him on the stun.â
T_ired says âDarius pode ser bem chato jogar contra, nĂŁo deixe ele usar o Q em vocĂŞ, use o W para te ajudar e nĂŁo deixe ele chegar perto apĂłs o level 6â
Aquatictheft says âI ban him everygame he straight up counters you in like 10 different ways wait for you jg or do small trades with him don't let him stack up his passive â
Rantax says âyou cant do annything about him good darius is pain in the ass for yasuo build two dorans(doran shield doran blade) and wait for you jungler gankâ
Ze mentira says âMax: Q-->W. Comet page.
start doran shield and back with glacial shroud.
//Try not fight him early game, you dont have much mana, but when you have your first item, you can fight better with him.
//bramble vest is a good item to cut your heal.â
DanteAyagawe says âDue to Darius' SLOW abilities, Mordekaiser stood no chance against this b*stard, best keep in mind to stay out of his reach, he can heal using his Q be mindful of it not to trade.â
BearRider says âHis passive (bleeding) is annoying. Beware if he has Ignite or Ghost as Summoner Spell. Play safe and do not let him stack his passive on you. But you are more useful in teamfights. He is unable to kill your ally if you are in front. Your E and W and also Randuin´s Omen can save many lives. â
ineptpineapple says âThis lane can be really tricky say well back and do not underestimate him or the range on his pull it will surprise you. AND HE HAS JUST BEEN BUFFED ARE YOU FOR REAL RITOâ
Hamstertamer says âVery tough early game, and still slightly favors him at level 6 if you choose to fight him even though your ult is better than his. You can't do much to avoid his pull, you can do short trades and slow him to disengage but you won't dodge his Q. Let him push, and farm under tower. If he freezes the lane, break it with E. You outscale him hard if you build HP and armor, but you won't do much if you can't farm since you can't go near the guy without getting into a fight. Call for early ganks, the best counter to Darius is to gank Darius. Going ignite is IMO the best way to win this lane, since it will shift the ulti vs ulti fight in your favor and it gives you a raw power advantage since he usually runs ghost. That, or just ban him.â
Atlascrower says âDarius is the Lanebully himself. Never fight him early, later you can duel him pretty easy if you do it well. A Tip: His E has a Range of 535, GP´s Q 625. You can Q him fast and run away, thats a bit risky, but you are able to do it.â
Pacal Votan says âThis is one of the hardest lane... Max E and farm what you can. If it's a good Darius, he will combo you when you try to stack. However, just like you , he has no escape, so it's an easy target for ganks. Abuse it!â
Guantecillo says âSi ves que el rango de su E te alcanza, debes reaccionar rĂĄpido para utilizar tu Q y que no pueda ralentizarte con su W, aprovecha ese momento para escapar y re posicionarte.â
Jezzzir says âDarius falls off but is a serious threat at level 6 and after if he can land a full combo. Trade hard after he misses his abilities and try to either ignite him before his big spin Q or stand on the interior of it. He's easy to poke out levels 1-5. Prioritize movement speed items to keep the space.â
Polkadog says âYou are his counter. Early-game his job is to harass your farm. If he comes close, punish him with one hit of Q but right after that you should back off a little. If he pulls you in, W him and get out of his Q's range. After he uses his Q, use your Q and if you can go with the whole WREQ combo.â
Chromuro says âThe bleeding and the execute are the real problem, you can't heal fast enough to compensate all the damage. If he's smart enough and buys an executioner calling, the lane is over.
Try to trade with him pre-6, if you get some kills it will help you immensely.â
P1Legend says âThis is usually my go to ban, Darius is impossible to duel. Normally, AD Rengar can trade with Darius pre 6 because he has the damage to keep up, But in AP Rengar's case, gunblade is the major power spike, and by the time you get it, Darius is probably around level 7. Roam after 6 and try to avoid him, or play under tower until mid gameâ
breakskid1 says âDO NOT TRADE! half intelligent darius players will pull you with e after you clone. ONLY trade if super ahead or they miss their eâ
blunderr says âDarius is too tanky for you to be able to kill him, just keep poking him until hes low enough for you to all in him. Stay out of range of him so he cant pull you in and pop all of his abilities. Doran's Shield as a starter's item for sure.â
Essela says âDarius is an hard matchup for trynd.But if you dodge his abilitys you can win this matchup like if he misses his e just go for an all in dodge his q with your e.Be careful darius can pull u with his e while you are spinning with your e so if you get caught like that you are most likely deadâ
-ALR- says âthis is a 50-50 match ...bcz you don t know when u get a good Darius who can easy beat you or a bad one , but no matter how it is , i recommand to play safe vs himâ
EpicDan01 says âHas a very strong early lane. Farm with Q until you have Sunfire, then you can poke him down with Cleavers and then all in, but you MUST dodge his outside Q or he will win.â
HKRV says âHe's a real bully. Second Runepage, Cleaver rush. DON'T TRADE TOO MUCH! Most Aatrox player makes the mistake of doing an all-in or trade too long than needed on Darius. His bleeding will gut your healing. Poke with first Q and E out. Short trades and farm passively. Only go for an all-in with ultimate. â
Hellan says âO darius ainda ĂŠ um counter de peso contra o garen mesmo depois do rework ele tem um dps que ĂŠ superior ao do garen, graças a passiva dele que ajuda no dano e cancela a passiva do garen.â
sir monsieur says âDarius is a major threat if he has Ghost. Without it, if you're playing well, he'll not be able to reach you except all-in with Flash (still you have Flash either). Most probably you'll not be able to escape Darius with Ghost on even if you land a Power Chord E.
Read matchup details below.â
Poppu says âDarius is a lane bully. He is really hard to deal with unless ahead, I would not suggest engaging unless you have ganks ready. Save E to disengage, play safe under turret. You scale better as a tank vs him mid-late game, just don't let him get too fed.â
Aizo says âDarius is a matchup that if you don't know your stuff you are going to have a very hard time. However in saying that I have developed my build path and general laning strategy to be able to beat darius most of the time.
Make sure to save your W for dodging his Q if you can and to kite him through your bush saplings so that he can't get 5 stacks of his passive onto youâ
litboijustinx says âDarius is one of the easiest champions to lane against as a Jayce. If you go Phase Rush against him, there is no way he'll be able to kill you (unless you get hooked). In this matchup, I would recommend that you build Phage as soon as possible as most good Darius players will time their hook to grab you as soon as you trade. Going phage ensures that you move out of hook range as soon as you finish trading.â
SoulHero says âPretty disgusting matchup, (I permaban darius) (also used to be darius main), MY BUILD SHANKS HIM if you get a lead, you beat him if you get deaths dance before he gets too ahead. You're e can override his hook, if you slightly delay it. Sadly, you don't win lvl 1 unless you flip into his q. Play safe, all in at lvl 9, he will be surprised and you sht on him. If you make a few mistakes you're basically done for.â
Mavelion says âReally hard to trade against, has options to beat you in lane but if played correctly you can exploit his options and go in for burst while getting out with a fair trade in health.â
General Cougar says âCan grab you and out trade you. Poking him and playing passive is a good idea, and make sure not to push in, as his grab can make sure you can't escape.â
superkind says âDon't get poked down by his W. Use your spin offensively if he uses his Q to avoid giving him stacks. He is also a free kill if he has his E on CDâ
ProdegyGamer says âDarius is just all around strong in the current meta. His apprehend can pull you into a dangerous place quickly and your flame spitter makes it that much easier for him to hit you with qâ
9loveyouverymuch says âDARIUS IS TOO OP in early game,
just ask for gank or keep distance and poke him near the tower the last option you can have is max your third and damage him by the AOE damage dealt by the thirdâ
notlmaze says âDarius can stomp you or you can stomp him. I'm not saying it really depends on the player, this matchup is one of the most even and balanced one for Camille. His E can destroy Camille's E where if he pulls you out of the first E, you may need to choose to run away. Beware of his Q healing and poke him down to win the lane.â
smurferrefrums1 says âDarius can be quite hard to deal with. The only chance that you've got to do something is if he uses his Q to farm minions or if he misses it. Then you have 4-5 sec. to go in for a quick trade and get out before you lose too much HP because of his passive. If you don't manage to kill him before level 6, try harassing him with nados and when he gets below 40% HP, you can go for the kill. Also he will probably try to zone you away from the minions so if you are in danger of losing the trade, just stay within the XP range of the minions and wait for the wave to push to you.
Dalbas123 says âDarius is a well known threat in the top lane, his bleeding is one of the most fustraiting laning face, I suggest you don't play aggressivle, just do it when your jungler is ganking you, other wise his bleeding will cut your ultimate, passive and items.â
CrimsonAngel1 says âThis is a definite ban. To counter him you want to only cs with your q and your w. Be prepared to give cs. Not losing is winning.â
Petethebossch says âTakes a long time to outscale and can punish you stacking with his e if he is in range. Pray for jungle assistance or ban him like i do. If you do manage to get ahead though he doesn't have much he can do in the 1v1â
HarryCao says âThis matchup is very snowbally as you will either dominate or get dominated. In this matchup the only time where you should engage is when your in melee range of darius as you when you pop out your E, he will use his pull to try to cancel out your E but you must quickly jump on him before your E expires and get a auto + W in and walk away. If you're fed enough then feel free to just keep jumping on him but be aware of how many stacks he has on you as you most likely won't be able to beat him if he has 5 stacks on you.â
Dorwu says âIts really hard to do anything against darius once you got pulled by his E
Darius' w makes you barely able to move so its really risky starting a fight with him, better not tho.â
homxr says âDarius is a very hard match-up, the way you can do something against him is if you do not take any long trades. Pick up Bami's Cinder (HP counters him, not armor), take Phase Rush, and focus on CSing and not dying. Alternative counter: ban him.â
Jnewbringspain says âMost people hate playing against Darius, but I find this matchup to be very winnable. The important thing to do is bait his decimate and avoid it. This will allow you to farm a bit without much danger. Always back off if you end up with a lot of hemorrhage stacks. Later in the game, you need to stay very close when he uses decimate. If you stay inside it, it does practically no damage and he won't heal. A slight misstep in this matchup will likely leave you dead, so make sure you're comfortable with Jax if picking into Darius.â
Necrops says âHis damage early is bigger than you and even bigger at level 6, but you still can counter him. When the tries to Q you jump in him with W, Q him then retreat with E. If the drags you back just slow him with your Q and retreat. Your E blocks his passive damage.â
ThomasRemastered says âmatchup dĂŠfavorable mais qui peut encore se gĂŠrer, quand sion fait son Q, darius va pouvoir le cancel facilement avec son E, dans ce genre de matchup il faut juste essayer de farm et d'attendre le late gameâ
LiquidBlyr says âThere is little outplay against this champ. You should not fight him ever. Darius wins long fights. If you absolutely must attack him do short trades. Q>W>AA then E away. never use your E to engage on him but only to escape. If you are a god time your W on his hook AA and walk away. Farm/Poke with your Q, Freeze wave and farm under tower. (NEVER let him get 5 stacks on you if you get 3 stacks you should stop fighting)â
CuziTR says âIf he Qs into you dash in with your E to dodge and make a short trade. You will outdamage him.
If he gets 3 stacks on you flash away immeadiatly.â
WTMudkip says âDarius is still a dominant top lane pick. His passive still stacks on you in E so he'll still do more damage than you. Try not to get within E range.â
Smartest2 says âCan be really rough if he takes ghost + phase rush. I recommend buying tier 2 boots early, potentially even buying swiftness boots to kite him.â
Zofia the Fierce says âDarius' trades are very- very powerful. A dumb Darius will lose to you of course- if you can identify one- beat them! However, with the bleed stacks and massive healing in his kit, he's likely to win over you. You may try going for short trades, but he can use his catch spell to force you into taking lots of damage, or even end you straight away.â
Pycelon says âDarius and champions similar combo pretty well against Taric, despite his shield and invincibility, making bleed champions like this Taric's biggest threat.â
Sukay says âAvoid getting hooked above all. Use W everytime he hits you with Q, and avoid to get hit by the outer part of the Q, better to go back into him, and then run.â
The Jhin Cena says âDon't let him get his 5th auto attack on you or else you'll die instantly. A good way to fight him is W at around his 3rd auto attack so you can back away and wait for his passive to wear off on you, and then re-engage.â
EvilOranges says âD-Shield. Melee matchup with no escape or mobility? Easy. Just don't get E'd or Q'd and you should be fine. If he takes Ghost you should take D-Shield, but if you are good at kiting D-Blade works fine too. Poke as much as you can, and stay out of range of his Q and E.â
PandaSenpai101 says âIf the Darius goes Ignite, it will be very difficult to win lane. You do have early kill pressure against Darius, levels 1 and 2, but his Ignite can make it very hard. You should parry his E, but it's better not to predict it. His W is an auto reset plus a bleed stack, so aim to parry that, as most Darius players do an E,W,Q combo. After 6, look to parry his R, but if not parry his W. This is a must to start Doran's Shield against his bleed. â
uk Orca says âquite a hard lane because when u get into melee form he gets free damage, just try to poke down in ranged and hope isnt good and doesnt flash on you.â
Devitt45 says âBan him. Just ban him every time. He can easily out damage Garen in level 2+. Darius can easily put you out of the game, which is horrible for this build.â
Zestysquid says âVery obnoxious lane. Winnable, but obnoxious. If he get's a slight lead early game he'll probably kick your shit in the whole lane, so try not to die early on even if it means sacrificing lane pressure or even farm. It's difficult to get him to low health because of his heal, but the biggest threat is if he manages to hook you out of the safety of your boxes. Be careful about baiting by burning your Q. You can ult out of his ult, but be aware that it will reset his cooldown unless he ults your clone so get the hell out of there after you do.â
KlTTEYN says âI played against him a bit when I wasn't that skilled with Irel, and struggled pretty hard. Just stay under turret, try and get a CS lead, look for openings when his ult is down.â
best teemo says âStart: Doran ring, armor runes.
How he will try to trade against you:
Darius will try to pull you then hit your with the edge of his bladed q, then auto w to slow you and auto you to death
How to win trades pre6:
max e, your goal here is to slowly get him to half hp so that he isn't able to all in you, pre6 if darius is half hp or lower and he grabs you, you can kill him with ignite. the hard part is getting him to half hp without losing your hp, which is easy when you know what to do,
so this is how you do it:
lvl 1 is the only time that you can poke hard with your e so use that opportunity, poke him a lot lvl 1 but becareful not to get in range of his q, so poke, then walk back, then poke again.
after lvl 1, your q is the only thing that you can poke safely, so keep poking with your q on cooldown, but every time darius tries to kill a minion, that's when you poke with your e at a distance, darius won't grab you if he's focused on killing a minion, just poke with e once then walk back. you will know that darius is trying to kill a minion by looking at whenever your minions are about to die, if darius is walking up to that minion, that's when u know he is about to kill a minion, pay attention to his movements, you can kinda tell when he wants to grab you or when he wants to kill a minion.
again, your goal is to get darius to half hp without losing hp, after that you can even let yourself get grabbed and kill him, or you can keep playing it smart until he dies. when darius all ins you, if you can dodge his q, you'll dodge a lot of his damage. If you're caught in his e and are able to die, flashing out of his q then poking him will give you more confidence in the match up and you'll learn when you can outdamage him.â
Jnewbringspain says âDarius is king of "get close to me and you auto lose". He is my go-to ban every game as he is just so miserable to lane against.â
Prince Afghan says âDarius is a feast or famine lane. If he kills you once, he'll have a field day with you. Levels 1-6 he can zone you off to cs and all in you at any time. Be careful throughout the lane and hope your jungle comes and helps you. As long as you are the one engaging and not being engaged on, post level 6 you have the advantage against Darius in an all-in. â
vosak25 says âThis one is little bit tricky. Good darius knows how to play against aatrox so if you are both skilled with champs it is going to be even.â
Ryako the Exile says âOnly do something if you are lv 3, go for Trade like: E - AA - W - Q - AA, after that go with your second and third Q away, if you arent practised in doing fast trades or doublecast combos, you shouldnt do the last autoattackâ
Bombabo says âDO NOT FIGHT HIM EARLY! you can poke him with the first or 2nd cast of your Q, but only if you are sure that he won't be able to pull you in, which will cause you to loseâ
Solink says âHis bleed counters you. Be careful, big damages in lane. Just farm and outscale him. He can't beat you in lategame 1v1's unless he is too far ahead.â
MadMaster523 says âHe can cancel your e animation with his pull. Right when he does that your pretty much dead cuz he also has a slow. You can't get close to him cuz he will just pull u and slow u down. Pretty similar to riven but it's harder to auto him when he has his pull up.â
adzzb says âThis is one match up that is winnable but it's going to be done early. Otherwise it's pretty much gg. Dodge his q and trade with your q and the second proc of your passive.â
0mega best says âHe is hard to play against, play safe and try to bait his Q and E, if he is a good darius just farm and call for ganks, there isnt much you can do here.â
Onwego317 says âSome people will have a terrible time facing Darius. He is rather easy to lane against. The Key is to Poke him while stepping away from him. Kinda like hitting him while you retreat. Listen to his sounds because they are clues to his movement either for or away from a fight.â
JosEffigy says âtake second wind instead of bone plating and buy a doran's shield. it mitigates his bleed, and u can trade without losing much hp.
RainbowNova says âDarius is not a fun lane to play against. You'd think that since you can blind him, he would be doing less damage, but nope. Darius' slows and ultimate are very annoying. I usually ban Darius, just because I personally can't play against him.â
Lil Tidepod says âOne of Sion's worst enemies. He can pull you with his E out of your Q, which cancels it, can sustain almost indefinitely in lane off of you with his Q, and his passive basically makes him almost impossible to 1v1 unless you can burst him down within approximately 3 seconds. Under no circumstances should you fight Darius on your lonesome, no matter how fed you are. His 5 stacks will shred you.â
THISISGGEZHAHAXDDD says âTake grasp and use bush speed to poke with aa. If he manages to pull you then q aa e r e (aa if possible) q then pounce away.â
ARandomizer says âOrnn and Darius are both tanks and they both do a good amount of damage, but Darius has all the favors in game against you. Use your living forge to outbuild him and win the lane.â
BrvndonLmao says âDarius isn't a problem whatsoever. Just play around his Q, go for small burst trades with Q-W-AA then QEQ away before he can pull you in. If he does get the trades, try and Q into his Q to negate healing and damage.â
Tior123 says âIf you get even slightly ahead of Darius he becomes useless, and I mean slightly. Like you could get him to back at level 3 and get one level on him and thatâs enough to destroy him. Darius also cannot kite so Volibear makes quick work of him.â
naejshaw says âCampeĂľes Melee em geral e sem gap closer sĂŁo bastante punidos pelo Jayce na forma ranged.
Abuse da vantagem de alcance e dos pokes constantes. Quando o oponente se aproximar, mude para a forma melee e o afaste com seu Eâ
zygiux says âHard but not impossible, Get ninja tabi's, this is not super really hard but you need to smart to win vs him, your E is perfect because Darius doesn't have alot of mobility so your can escape, but stay out of his range of E, because when he pulls you in then W its going to be hard to escape.â
LighterDay says âDarius thrives well in solo fights. Since Morde's ult puts him against a solo opponent, Darius can overpower you. However, that does not mean he is unstoppable. Use your shield when it's full and remember that you also thrive in solo combat due to your passive.â
GameRage20 says âYou totally counter his kit with your E. It is impossible for him to all in you even with lvl 6. You can fully counter his 5 stack ult with your E. Just all in him as early as you can.â
ImpossibleLogic says âDarius has very good all in potential as well as soft and hard cc in his kit which means if you get hooked by him you are just dead because a slowed Aatrox is a dead Aatrox. However you do better in team fights if you play them right even with the new buffs to Darius' team fighting potential. Keep E until he has pulled and slowed. Due to the recent update (9.12) Darius is a much larger threat, would recommend banning in lower elos.â
Luki7776 says âPretty skill-based matchup. Darius is a powerful champion with Ignite because he gets so many damage. Avoid getting pulled to him and try to kill him when he has his abilities on cooldown.â
LighterDay says âDarius' Q has the same range as Illaoi's Q, but his heals and does more damage if hit by the edge. This also gives him a chance to dodge since it has the same range. Using her W will help evade the Q, but this puts you close enough for Darius to use his W and to apply a stack of his passive on you.â
Hunterlogic says âThis needs to be explained a little.
While Darius is not a real hard matchup, he is until you get Gunblade. Also his level 6 is stronger and he will beat you, after level 6 you have the advantage as long as you have Gunblade. Just make sure to avoid his Q's or stand right inside them to negate damage and his passive stacks.
He also has a power spike at level 11 and depending on if your ahead he could beat you if you are even.â
LighterDay says âDarius is a rather even match. While his bleed makes Garen's passive useless, Garen has higher damage for his E and Q. Using this when Darius goes in will make an even trade or give you the advantage at least. Just keep in mind that Darius has two slows and both of those abilities apply armor penetration.â
FunkySoul says âIt took me a while to figure out how to beat him, but I realized the only thing I can do is freeze under turret and ping for ganks. I've won majority of my games versus Darius just by being patient!â
Scuz Rat says âSimply put, Poppys worst matchup, his pull makes trades impossible and his high damage + armor shred makes even a fed Poppy lose in any fight vs this guy. New Poppy players should probably ban himâ
Brentard says âI mean... He is Garen 2.0 just better in every way. You aren't meant to win this match up. With that said. Farm under turret until 6 and then roam. â
TechnoRenekton says âAvoid fighting Darius on lvls 1 and 2.
Get in short term trades so he cannot stack his passive. Poke with Q.
Dash in on him if you are going to get hit by his Q. Be carefull when lower than 40% HP.â
CoffeeDog says âYou can't wintrade against a Darius early, when he reaches that juicy level 6 you need to change your play style and play in a safer way since his damage also comes from abilities.â
GrGamingTeo says âAlmost impossible to beat. Look for opportunities for smal trades with q spam in and out of the brush. Avoid geting to the outer circle of his q. Never try to do big trades with him because you will be screwed. Try to bait his e and when both his health and his mana are low try to kill him with ignite.â
BubbaStudmuffin says âDarius is basically free kills for you and here is why.
1) You both benefit from long fights but you just do it better. He wants to hit you multiple times to get max stacks for his bleed and then ult you. Thats fine tho, as he is hitting you for bleed stacks and what he thinks will be a KILLER ULT you will be building up your W's shield passive. When you are a good ways into your 1 v 1 just pop your W. He will ult and it wont kill you. Then just finish him off.
2) His "bonus" bleed damage from long fights doesnt give him the edge in the fight that he is use to. While yes you will be taking bleed damage from a long fight, he will be taking Magic Damage from your passive circle so you two break even on that.
3) Positioning. To beat him this is the only thing you really need to worry about. First, bait out his pull, yours is longer so if you can bait his and use yours you'll have the upper hand. Secondly, just be sure not to get hit with the edge of his spin. That heal is nasty and you can easily avoid it. Either pull him in and stay close on him or keep some distance and poke him down with your Q. It out ranges his Q.â
0mega best says âVery hard, darius counters your passive which is pretty bad, he does more damage and has a hook and a heal which makes him even more hard to kill, call for ganks and play very safe.â
DrMoneybags says âDarius can be very 50-50 depending on his skill, but a good Darius is scary(especially if he takes Ghost). After constant buffs to his kit, he pretty much beats most melee toplaners. Using E to enter his inner Q circle can help win all-ins, but he will still beat you in most extended trades. Just ask your jungler to gank early since he has no escape. I suggest taking Conqueror and ignite to snowball early and bypass his base-stats.â
Arcthunder says âFor any starting Kled player, this matchup with be a pain to play against. However, you just can't be afraid of him. The key to playing against him is when he uses his Q, make sure to stay on the inside of the ax. It just takes practice.â
Big Boy Matty D says âHaven't actually played this match-up but would imagine it's difficult.
Consider maxing Q and trying to poke him out?
You can probably fight him after 2 items completed given that he hasn't snowballed.â
Mitil says âHe just beats you in every single way sit back farm with your q. Your main goal is to sustain lane and punish any major mistakes he makes. You will probably never be able to 1v1 unless you are extremely fed.â
Qubert64 says âPretty huge threat. Sunfire Cape into a thornmail. Should deal with him decently. Going in for short trades is the best bet against him.â
kubsak26 says âPlaying against him is actually simple but boring and tilting. His early is crazy good. It's not worth to fight him he will just kill you. His passive is very powerful in early and his kit is stronger then your on 1v1. For example if he know what he is doing he will never let you stun him with your q besause of his e. But if you gonna play safe under your tower and farm minions from range you will be ok. Because on late he suddenly becomes absolute trash. Really I think it's because of his lack cc and only one damaging range ability. So yeah if you not gonna feed him hard he will fade away. And don't worry to much even if he killed you 2 or 3 times it's not that much of a deal he still fades.â
Shinxsage says âYou can't do much without your jungler in this matchup. You can poke all you want, but then he trades much more damage back. I would recommend BC+Lethality and go snowball other lanes.â
OnionMilkshake says âDarius has very good all in potential aswell as soft and hard cc in his kit which means if you get hooked by him you are just dead because a slowed Aatrox is a dead Aatroxx
However you do better in team fights if you play them right even with the new buffs to darius' team fighting potential
(Recommended: Electrocute)â
TheNinjaRoid says âHard lane, avoid fighting him as much as possible. Ask for ganks from Jungle and/or Mid. His passive does magic damage, so get Mercury Treads. Can't really stop you from farming, outside of killing you. You should win late game, if you haven't fed him to oblivion.â
Jomppe says â [Top] Yorick and Darius are very closely matched. Yorick is considered a counter to Darius, however that doesn't make the match up easy. It is actually one of the hardest match ups Yorick gets in top lane, despite his advantage, because of how Darius players build and how a Darius main plays. Once Darius gets a grip on you all you can hope to do is run before you are killed. You can't out trade him at melee range, you will lose especially if Darius has his ultimate. The way to counter Darius is to kite him and push him out of lane with your mist, maiden, and ghouls. Once he is low enough you can look for opportunities to trap him and finish him off. Always go in-and-out with your Q to burst him down, never sit there auto attackin him. You win if he can't build enough stacks on you. Keep in mind rushing high health items in ideal for this match up as Darius does a lot of true damage.â
TheBoltLord says âDarius is a pretty big threat as well. His bleed does so much to you its like teemos poison but hes a tanky champ. He can pull you when you dont want to so 9 out of 10 times you have to play passive or only poke him down with your shield until you feel like you can go in.â
Aulenza says âDon't use this build against him. Build full tank. He will rip your head. Play as deffensive as you can and trade him when he misses any skill. â
MediocrePolk says âDarius can E you out of your jump which makes trading hard. D shield second wind revitalize to sustain in lane. Bait his and go from there. He can q when you jump which makes it hard because of his heal.â
Khazem says âHow threatening Darius is will depend on his choice of summoner spells. If he goes Teleport his threat is minor, if he goes Ignite, his threat goes up considerably and if he goes Ghost, he will become one of the biggest threats out there. The main thing to look out for is to never allow him to catch you with his E. Proper kiting will make this matchup a lot easier as you can punish him very hard whenever his E is down.â
Nio161 says âWhen he gets his tank Items before you get yours you have a problem, because he als deals much damage. Play safe and try to hit E & ult. He can't dodge your E easily.â
qtANG says âalso a skill match up. Darius damage is almost even to wukong, except darius has more cc and he has a strongest passive among the game. During early game, try to not take too much damage by E in to him whenever he Q. Then disengage with W. In lvl 1, most Darius will start W (Crippling Strike), and take Ghost. Don't fight him during lvl 1 or 2. Just do short trades and farm.â
Maverickov says âStay out of melee range and max Q. Darius rushes a black cleaver making him nice and beefy for your Q. Kite him and poke him until you can all in and massacre the menacing executioner. At that point he'll lose all trades against you and gets zoned. Late game your dumbass team might feed him and his 1k true damage can be a real bitch.â
TheChairmanJr says âNot that much of a threat, just need to be wary of his haemorrhage stacks so he can't kill you. But other than this Morde doesn't struggle against himâ
IceHunterOndrook says âPure skill matchup. However most Darius plays are greedy, use that and kill them under your turret or by utilizing zhonias.â
TrymeonAlcohol says âhe is strong early and can q you every 5 sec and dont always give you to farm,just be safe and wait jg to come but make the jg kill him before 6lvâ
LosAngeloser says âThe main reason this matchup is difficult is because it has a very low margin for error for GP - if you make one mistake, you're dead and the opposite is definitely not true. You can go grasp and build early armor or go comet and support other lanes.â
VekkyBoi says âHuge threat all game until he decides he doesn't want to lane against the Nasus farming Q under tower. After that, he is pretty easy.â
Champ Nasus says âLane bullies like Darius and Renekton are tough, but if you play safe and only farm under turret you can come of out lane at least equal, after which you will outscale. Be sure to pay close attention to if they leave lane, and mia ping like crazy if they do.â
GalathBoiz says âIf he knows what he doing, he will dunk you and snowball you hard,play really safe from 1-3. Save your E for his E, dogde his Q u win the tradeâ
ApexDresden says âIt may be a difficult match up because Darius is able to deal a lot of damage, however you can attempt to trade with him and make sure you counter his Q by standing in the middle of it. You also counter his R. Make sure you poke him with Q + W and all-in when he's relatively low, you don't want him to get 5 stacks on passive.â
The Lost Drawing says âTu 'counter' mas basto y asqueroso, porque aunque el este 20 'sĂşbditos' por debajo tuyo y ya haya muerto 3 a 5 veces, y tu tengas 1 a 3 'kills' tienes una probabilidad considerable de que te mate en un 1 vs 1 (mas aun si el lleva conquistador). Puedes jugar de 2 maneras seguras y 2 medias 'raras'. La 1° es con 'Aliento del Agonico'; 'farmea' con tu 'Q' para activar tu runa y pegale con tu pasiva, usa tu pasiva para el 'gordete'. La 2° con 'InrrupciĂłn de Fase'; para correr cuando el te atrape con alguna de sus habilidades. La 3° con 'Aunmeto Glacial'; simplemente le quitas movilidad a el. La 4° 'Conquistador' ; la mas arriesgada pero la que te recompensa mas si le sacas ventaja de sus errores de posicionamiento y de vision.
Como jugarle:
>>> Juega Darius para conocer sus enfriamientos, su rango de bĂĄsicos y habilidades, combos y acostumbrarte a su velocidad de ataque
>>> En 1 vs 1 no ganas (a menos que seas una pistola o el malisimo)
>>> Compra 'PociĂłn de CorrupciĂłn' para poder responder a su empuje y si te engancha puedes responder un poco ya que este objeto te da una pasiva de 'Quemadura' que es daĂąo mĂĄgico y te curas de paso
>>> Espera los 'ganks' de tu 'jg'
>>> Compra visiĂłn (Centinela de Control) para que cada vez que el se vaya a base y tengas tus jg cerca te haga un 'gankeo' beneficioso para ti y para el (ya si no lo hace y te quita el Centinela pues ni modo :,v)
>>> No gastes tu TP de maneras tontas, con el puedes hacer ganar a tu 'botlane' o al menos si te baja mucha vida puedes regresar para no perder nivel
>>> Trata de no perder experiencia pero el no perder oro es muy difĂcil
>>> Tu 'E' no la gastes para pegarle a menos que ya lo tengas a un toque de vida. Tu 'E' es como la 'E' de Yasou, pudes esquivar daĂąo de su 'Q' y de su 'E'.
>>> Trata de hacerle gastar su 'Q' y su 'E', cuando lo haga pudes hacer intercambios limpios y sin riesgo (en este caso ya te debes de saber sus enfriamientos
>>> ERES 1 VS 3; Los 'jg' de tu equipo rara vez 'gankean' a un Darius (es altamente recomendable un gank antes del nivel 6 o se hace una doble), los 'jg' enemigos hacen 1 o 2 'ganks' para ponerlo mas fuerte contra ti, si mueres pierdes la linea automĂĄticamente (esto solo en caso de que sean 'main' Darius)â
ElleryTheViking says âIf you don't ban this champion, you will not be in for a fun time. I wont elaborate any further, but should you end up against him, play safe, farm it out and call for ganks. Do not try fight him one on one, you will lose. â
Mr Gothenburg says âSince Darius wants to get Close to you he wants you to hook him to engage, try to harras him in early game to let him have a hard time in late game.â
LonerFKS says âIf the Darius is well fed then be sure to auto him and Q him make sure he is alone. Else he is weak if you keep auto-ing him to farm for soul.â
kingkang2 says âDarius is one of the easiest matchups in the game. Just play safe levels 1-3, and if he's running ignite, play even safer. Hit 6, and run him down. Darius needs a lead to win the lane. Deny him this lead and he won't be able to escape the rape cage.â
SynergyXO says âPretty easy, short trades with darius. walk up, auto, auto animation cancel with spin to disengage. until you want to all in. if you all in, besure to save your spin and flash if you have it to stay or get inside of his Q. He doesnt land a Q on you, you win easy. dont miss ult due to his ultâ
Samas says âSame as Garen, block his W with E, trade, and get out when he starts using his Q since he wont be able to interrupt your Q with his E while he is in the middle of the animation, requires fast reaction since you might still get chipped by the Q while you are jumping away. Dont go for all out fights when close to even health unless you are sure you can win.â
Naniboi101 says âReally good at long term fighting which is also what Fiora is good at. Can take bramble vest to stop the healing and his only form of cc is really fast. If you parry his q you won't take any dmg but he still heals. Try to parry the w or ult if you can hold it that long. Also go executioners to stop his healing and try to poke out then all in.â
blue_cat says âTry not to fight him too much at all, his bleed makes you lose pretty much all trades early. Sparingly proc grasp and just get through the laning phase.â
francodm says âConheça o range do Darius, se vocĂŞ nĂŁo tomar nenhum puxĂŁo serĂĄ uma matchup fĂĄcil. Cuidado com allins de Darius que usam Flash/Ghost.
Use Aery ou aperto dos mortos vivos.â
SwiftOblivion says âStrengths: Extended Trades, Tanky, Sustain. Weaknesses: Low Mobility, Out-scaled. Start Doranâs Blade and play aggressive. You have complete agency over how the lane plays out. He lacks the mobility to catch you unless he takes Ghost or Phase Rush so itâs all dependent on your spacing and how you approach the matchup. Bully him by using your passive movement speed to your advantage by taking short trades and poking him down. When he Q's, decide whether to run outside of its range or to step closer to not take the brunt of his damage. If you get far enough away, disengage far enough from his pull, if you step inside close to him, start attacking to get some damage off at least in the early game. Use your Riposte primarily for negating his W or an auto attack because the slow and damage on his W and the passive stacking are the biggest threats to you in the early game. When going for trades, typically donât let him get more than 3 passive stacks on you, at the most 4 when prepping for an All-in. His ultimate is also negated by your W so keep that in mind. Lastly, if you Riposte his Q, although not recommended, if he hits you with the blade, he still heals and procs effects such as Phase rush even though you take no damage from it.â
Miracle Matter says âWARNING: NEVER WALK PAST THE FIRST BUSH AT LEVEL 1 until he reveals himself. Most Dariuses will sit in the bush and wait for you to walk forward.
If you've avoided that cheese, congratulations: you win the lane. Zilean top hard-counters Darius. Just don't ever let him close enough to pull you, and you can consistently harass him (and deny his Ulti.)
Don't be overconfident. Good Dariuses will rush Mercs or Swifties and Ghost/Flash you down repeatedly. Don't let him anywhere near you unless your double-bomb is up in order to stun him and escape.â
Suthafru says âDarius - Darius can be easily poked and zoned, but will 100% win any melee range trades or fights against jhin, it is best to play as safe as possible while still trying to poke him away from going at you with full healthâ
NOH giel says âDarius just outdamages you, when he grabs you, there is almost no way out. Usually you can use your E to get out of the threat. Darius just pops ghost and togheter with the slow on his w he can easily run you down and get 5 bloodstacks with ease.â
Saiyan02 says âFor some reason I find this matchup pretty easy. Just all in him before level 6 and get some easy kills. A tip could be E into Darius when he Qs.â
didyoujusttouch says âDarius is very strong. Avoid him early game, and go all-in with black cleaver. Dodge E and Q, otherwise you'll most likely die.â
MedicineBall says âEarly game, Darius is extremely dangerous at top lane. Kayle starts off pretty fragile, therefore you should stick to poking and playing passive until you start getting more range under your belt.â
Daniloooo says âIf he lands his Q and E on you then you are dead 100%
On the bright side your Q blinds his W so he cant slow you. Dodge his Q by running towards him. His E has good range so try to poke him only when he goes for cs. Play safe and build Tabi.â
drunken hunter says âDarius is very strong against Rengar, because he got the auto hits with extra bleeding dmg already in lvl 1.
Darius is a lane bully who doesnt need much mana for his abilities, he is very tanky and his (Q) with low cd heals him for every single champion (from his enemy team) in his range.
My tipp: do never try long trades, he will do every thing to get his 5 bleeding stacks on you - he will pull you, he will slow you, and if you have the 5-hits-mark over your head Darius will use his ult and deal true dmg and you will get more dmg by the bleeding stacks. Darius got only one good thing - he has no escape. Wait for your jungler to gank and kill him.â
kkiskk says âThis match up is a piece of cake for you because conqueror reworked. Use your E to dodge his outter Q and punish him hard when he tries to poke you with outter Q. He is nothing without 5 stacks passive. Be sure to outdamage him before he 5 stacks you, else things will get ugly.â
Pancaku says âExtremely easy to beat early laning phase, but as time goes on you will more than likely end up dying to him especially if he pulls you and runs ghost as there is almost no chance of escaping,â
SeaWeeb says âHas a good gap closer but if you manage to dodge then you can poke him fairly well. Don't push to far so you can escape under tower in case he has boots or ghost.â
Sion says âHe outscales you and outdamages you in later stages, while also being a massive bully in lane. If you find yourself in this matchup, either dodge it or sit under turret, farm and roam.â
TSA_Exotic says âDarius has the potential to destroy you in lane, but if you keep yourself as far away from him as possible and only poke him when he's going to cs or right after he uses his Q then you can bully Darius with no retaliation. When he goes to move in and pull you towards him Tumble away from him and get poke on him as he's turning around. Once you chunk him enough you can all in him with your ultimate and ignite for a very easy kill.â
n41L1L says âDarius can easily be shut down early game if your jungler comes top once or twice. With how hard Camille can snowball and how hard Darius can be set back, you should be fine as long as he doesn't roam and get kills while you're just farming or split pushing. But I will say, if he's fed, you're screwed beyond belief.â
SunKnight116 says âDarius can execute huge amount of damage, if at max "Darius Stacks":, be careful of their Ult that finishes you off, be sure to camp towerâ
Moccamasterpro says âMaybe the hardest champ to play against as Olaf. He is one of the few champs that have a better early game than you. also his ulti is a lot better than your. Rush tanky and try to avoid trades.â
TheNecromancerr says âLike for the most champions, it's scary matchup, but also very winnable. If you see him Q and you can't dodge it, Q on him so you don't get stack of his passive and makes him heal. Play safe until you get at least Tiamat or Sheen, level 6, after that go with shorter trades when you have 2 Q resets and make sure your passive is fully stacked once you all in him.â
SkullNatoR says âyour hope is to see darius not punishing you while you are eq him or the minions
your window to trade is when you see him wasting his e, which has 20 seconds cooldown if not more during early game (before he starts maxing it or buy any cooldown items) also e him before his q hits you while trading so he doesn't heal from his qâ
Proxxecube says âHe's also stupid and I hate him, but he can be countered. Granted it takes a lot more skill on your part as well as a good jungle presence. As long as you let him bully you under turret for the first 6 levels, and you get a good gank, you can beat him w/ your Ult. You scale significantly harder, so you should do significantly better late game.â
WhySoRengar says âOk , kinda hard matchup. You can kill darius doing lvl 1 poke and lvl 2-3 all in, but after 6 you will have hard time if you dont get ahead early. When he uses Q jump on him to not get hit by outside circle. It will deal so much dmg and heal himâ
VdeathSpartan says âCan out damage level 1 when avoiding the outside area in his Q. Easy lane until level 6 when he gets a massive power spike, even then you can kill him if you start the fight without using Q until you need to.â
lxl1Mago1lxl says âYou cannot trade him at the begin, Play with your W and let him try to complete his stacks inside your [W].
Carefully cuz he can still kill you in 6 moves.â
shlemvem says âPlaying against a darius is hard in general, but what singed has that other champions dont have is the MS to run away from him, and the fling to dodge his Q, time it perfectly and be careful.â
mcasterix123 says âOf course not all of CertainlyT's tomfuckery can get nerfed out of existence, presumably because he's shit himself during a hissy fit. Darius is indeed, still scary. However, if you can farm with Q, time your W with his E, and use E gratuitously, you can survive to the mid game. However, you really need to make sure he does get his dirty little fingers on your backline.â
Ozymandeous says âDarius will heal through all of your burst. He is the most dangerous champion to have against you as Sylas in my experience. Ban him 100% of the time.â
WhatsLeft4Dead2 says âDarius is in the business of dunking, and business is lethal af. Stay out of this dudes poke, it's nasty business. You will need a full team for this guy just to max rage his ass.â
Cstrange says âSuper easy to kite but you get punished hard if he grabs you. So just don't get grabbed and poke him constantly and deny him any farm.â
Zahkar00 says âTake Glacial.
Darius is a difficult but not impossible matchup. Give him space and engage when he uses abilities on minions. If he pulls you press E and AA and pop a pot before stun goes off while moving closer to him. You want to stick to him as much as possible. Try and predict or bait his pulls, so you stun into it.â
polarehare says âHe's got a gap closer (hook), BS poke the practically the same size of the Q you won't use. Won't survive trades but will survive your combos and 1v1's due to BS somehow and will eventually tire you out and dunk on you.â
Ghostwalker562 says âPoke him from a far and you win ez. But early game I'd just be a bit careful, he's easy to burst later on but not easy to burst early.â
I Love Thighs says âNever fight a darius full on early. When he q's you can dash inside it and trade that way just be careful and make sure you don't get pulled. If you dont let him get his lead on you, uou just scale and winâ
Joxuu says âMatchups depends a lot on if he has ignite and if you are able to dodge his Qs. Don't go for extended trades in his auto range, use your mobility and fling for trades and avoid Hemorrhage stacks to ultimate with your movement speed.â
Bakiraka says âOuch my bones. You don't have to play under tower, but stay far away and use Q to CS. Stay far away from melee range. Never look to 1v1 him.â
Trixelkour says âBreaks you in every stage of the game, dodge would be the smart move, but if you like the challenge, take Grasp or Phase Rush just to play it safe. Get plenty of HP early on and play around teamfights. Should be an easy win if you don't mess up early or get picked off while roaming. BE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS IF HE BRINGS GHOST FLASH.â
GUAGUAMA says âUse E to dash inside the range of his Q. Use W to poke and CS while staying out of range of his E. Your R blocks bleeds from his passive if he's outside of it.â
Swagus says âHe's extremly easy if you avoid his healing, because sometimes it feels like a welcome when he hooks you. Just be careful of his stacks and don't overtrade with him.â
lunarstaff says âContrary to popular belief, Rengar is stronger than Darius early on, when Dar-man isn't tanky. Leaping onto him will negate a crucial part of his comb - his q - and once you're in, you need to kill him or die.â
kyuwui says âYou'll have to be careful around him since he deals a lot of damage, though if you win the lane without letting him getting fed you've got no problem.â
Pabino says âWhen he goes in to you with e get out of there, but when he uses his q either hug him <3 or run depending on where the closest one is.â
heyitsRainex says âYou should have an advantage over him as long as you can dash in, do damage, and dash out. But if you trade for too long, Darius would eventually get 5 stacks of bleed on you. Keep trades as short as possible.â
Mardkayin says âRespect the Darius. He outperforms you at every level of the game until group stage.
Rush Thornmail and Ninja Tabis, focus on farming.
Only engage with his Q down for a short scrape, hold your Q until once he slows you.â
knashhy says âse tu tiver pego FB no darios ou tiver matado ele primeiro sem ser fb eu recomendo tu startar com hidra usando conqueror, se tu perder a troca com o cara de hidra na build quita do game.â
When he E you, you can't really get away unless you have flash.
He also gives you a really hard time to farm in early games.â
chaotikxs says âi have not yet been able to beat a darius with this build, because his early lane potential is so damn huge with the bleeds. definite ban optionâ
SirDeRp25 says âHe can 100% win trades in melee combat. Max Q and poke whenever it is up. His Pull has around a 20-second cooldown and is longer than your Auto-attack range. Rush Frozen Mallet and Ninja Tabi, dodge his Q otherwise he heals for 12% missing Helath. Grevious Wounds would be nice.â
Autoswitched says âYou can easily stop his q heal by dashing into him, and will win all short trades thanks to your shield, but be careful as once he hits 6, he will kill you.â
E61K says âThis lane used to be easier but the buffs to Darius made it harder again. Darius is a Top Tier Toplaner right now, Yasuo isn't. The way you win against Darius is juking the outer portion of his Q, by dashing into him and sticking close to him or dashing away at the right time. Rushing level 2 before him is also a great way to establish early game dominance. Once you have done that you will win the 1v1. As easy as that sounds, you can still fuck up. If he snowballs on you get ready to get absolutely wrecked. Unless you get jungle help after he snowballs on you. But even then you will still probably get 1v2'd if he is good. Juke his outer Q at all cost or back off right away if you eat the outer portion of the Q. Invest into some health and armor as the game progresses or get ready to get instantly one shot when he gets his stacks. I recommend starting Doran's Blade and going straight for PD into Mallet into IE. Darius can't duel you late game if you itemize correctly. The longer the game goes on the less of a chance he has to win in a 1v1 against you. Darius can afford to make more mistakes in this lane. Consider building BORK. Don't fuck up or it will be highly unlikely that you will come back into the game. Once you're down in lane you will stay down.â
undeadsoldiers says âDarius - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Phage, Boots, Tiamat
- NO all in lvl 1-2 (even if passive stacked)
- Play very safe in lane (avoid getting too close to his pull range)
- ONLY trade when his abilities on cooldown (keep it short; only when passive stacked)
- Itâs okay to give him space and farm under tower
- DONâT all in alone until Trinity AND level or health lead
- Dodge his spin with your Q
- He can pull you out of your Q (wait until itâs on cooldown to engage)
- Ult cooldown: 120/100/80
Omega best says âDarius is hard. You must be super careful and attack him at the right moments, wait for ganks and make sure to attack him at the right time or he will destroy you and make sure to build some armour.â
Beartrand says âDarius can sometimes be annoying to play against when you're Volibear. He will most likely proc your passive unintentionally after a trade which really sucks. Also his heal from his Q can sometimes be annoying when you're about to bite him.â
nanosako says âIt might seem difficult to lane against Darius, but the key is just to bait his Q while trying to go for a minion. Wait for 6 to duel himâ
LuxIsMyCrush says âyour passive should let you enough alive to not stay behind, depending if it is a good darius or a bad darius you can have a easy game or a farm in turret, poke him and run game.â
ReformedLavahit says âHe is ok do deal with as long as you know how to counter him , small . short fights i usually go for e bait and then e w q and back out with the rest of my qâ
Zachlikespizza says âAatrox is a very hard counter to Darius as his first q out ranges his pull, his second q is even with it, and if he pulls you in while the second q is in action you'll be free to land the third q. When he q's you can use your e to avoid it making his slows very useless.â
ThebestGP says âYour early game damage is one of the highest in the game. If he doesn't land a Q you don't lose. Try harassing him with q before going in to e and w. â
Demon Lord AC0 says âStart Doran's Shield. On the early game, no matter how much you E around him, you'll lose the trade. Try your hardest not to get killed. (you'll probably be dived eventually) You can solo kill him with full build as long as he doesn't 5 stack you too fast. Frozen Mallet is also very good against him to prevent him from hitting his Qâ
TsuNd0Ra says âHEHE BOI your skill E can make darius swing low damage.
Your skill Q can bait baby darius.
And then your skill W can block Auto attack !
I think it be easy to face him ~â
TopusLG says âO Darius sendo o campeĂŁo que ĂŠ espanca o teemo em qualquer situação de x1 e o teemo raramente vai ganhar a lane. as chances de ganhar sĂŁo com bons ganks e com o teemo posicionando bem os cogumelos e nĂŁo sendo puxado. â
TakeLPlease says âDarius's pull can be the death of you. He will dish out tons of damage before you can even hit him. Try to win lane early game for that is the only time you can do more damage than him and where he won't have as much hp or armor.â
LivesforOnlyOne says âOne of those rare matchups where parrying the big damaging ability/cc isn't an option most of the time. Very, very, very short trades my friend, similar to how Fiora might dance around a brute like Darius in reality. Run Grasp, and play around his ranges and cooldowns. If you don't know his ranges go learn them, Darius is to top lane what hazings are to college frats. Bait out Q's and if his W and especially his pull are down trade into it. Do this about 50 times and chip away at an advantage. If you mess up and he pulls you don't wait for him to get 5 stacks and his ult to Riposte, he'll kill you just running you down with autos just fine, so Riposte and Q away after a pull, denying his slows. You heavily outscale with a few items unless he walks up to you with 5 stacks at the ready. The most patience testing matchup imo. One mistake can spell your death even with flash. Care.â
epictwist73 says âDarius can range from minor to major but with proper counter play is not a problem. wait until he Q's a minion wave then you can go in on him with Q, AA, fall back to dodge his E & W then reengage to finish him off. If he does manage to hook you, run immediately, he has the advantage and can overpower you in that position.â
Teemo Mochileiro says âTome muito cuidado nesse matchup, nĂŁo fique no range do E e do Q do Darius, abuse do poke. Caso for pego, use o Q e saia rĂĄpido.â
iam colorblind says âIt's a very hard Champ to play against!
You will lose every trade so be careful!
Go roam and help ur Team and get some kills in midlane.â
JosephV says âDarius is pretty easy to play against and you are one of the only champions that are able to kill him that easy in toplane. But be carefull at level 6 because is R is pure bullshit.â
FlakNShrapnel says âDarius is iffie. If you can shut him down early, congrats you did your team a huge favor so they don't have to deal with a fed Darius. It's really 50/50 if you win early, Tahm can surprisingly duel really well against darius with his empowered q and extra auto damage from his passive. But if you lose early, you lost.â
MOOUSSA says âdaruis major and exsteme try to dont fight him in early game try to get lvl 3 and if he is so strong try to fight him in lvl 6 ez to win just e and ult and easy to win vs himâ
MurrderHigh4 says âDarius, if he is fed, your dead for sure, cause his E pull make you slow down, and it a big dumb for Jhin main. but if he feed, you ok, but still have to dodge his E if you have the speedâ
Snaill says âYou have such dueling potential that you can dodge Q vy playing close to the wall. If he grabs you just e away, as your anchor will connect to the wall. His cc time will be finished, if he miss his q, counter trade by a double q combo. Your passiv will protect you from his w.â
Rading says âYou can think that it is an easy matchup but it's not that easy. His grab and slows + bleed gives you a hard time surviving lane. Still he can get outplayed especially when youre a good shaco. Set up traps and try to predict his Q or ult and dodge them with your ult. Sounds difficult but it's possible. â
Trixelkour says âA good Darius will bait your W out and hook you. CS safely and E away immediately when he hooks and you shouldn't feed too much. Conqueror or PTA helps a lot since you can't really proc Grasp without getting absolutely melted. Duel him after you rush Titanic or Wit's End.â
mrmundo says âThis guy is a bitch for anyone to deal with. He has a pull, armor penetration, and makes you bleed, which makes his true damage ult even stronger. DO NOT engage 1v1. Poke with q, and ask for ganks.â
TheCrocodileGuy says âDarius and Renekton are both very strong early game champions. It's very hard to say which is stronger but i'ma say Renekton since he has a stun, a ult that gives AoE magic damage and a dash or two.â
TheSuporter says âDarius has built in armor pen and gets it from BC ad that to his passive ad bonus and his true damage ult and he absolutely wrecks most tanks including you. Ask your jungler to camp your lane. If he gets really behind you will be too tanky for him to kill.â
joelblack says âThe only way you'll live against the previous TSM pro player is to avoid his pull. Early game pull means early game death :(. Pretty simple advice but he's high up on the danger list because if he DOES pull you, its game over.â
OrangeBeard says âHe has a very good engage with his e, bait it out and try to fight him when you have either an item advantage of level advantage, because your e does alot more damage thank you think, also it speeds you up and slows him down to make it harder for him to hit his q on you.â
CaioOP1985 says âDarius is a serious nightmare when playing Nasus, with you being extremely weak in the early game. He can pull you to him, negate your armor and heal a ton of health back, so avoid engaging with him as much as possible, ask your jungle for ganks as he is quite immobile and play close to your tower to avoid being taken out.â
Ashnard says âAn interesting matchup, Darius is pretty immobile but can kill you pretty easily if you mess up. Keep in mind his pull repositions your q, so keep your distance until you have 3rd one up. You can beat him at post 6 all ins if he has to waste his ult on revive and he's not tanky enough to survive multiple Q combos, so poke him down before going for the all-in.â
Aldebaran1918 says âHas a good damage with his passive and his W, he also has a good grab with his E and a good zone with his Q, but lacks movility as much as you do, and you have bigger range, avoid close combat as much as possible at first levels.â
RitoPLsnerfirelia says âPlay early game safe
Follow up in jungle ganks
Only fight him 1v1 when he is below half health and with your e off cooldown. Use e to dodge his e,w combo
Dodge his q with your q
Stay safe until trinity force
Then Smash and Dominate â
DERPFISHrejects says âFairly Even. In a proper all-in he will beat you 1v1, but if you harass him down first you can easily beat him in a fight later.â
JefferXpr3ss says âThis is a very rough matchup given that it is Darius, I mean who has a good matchup against Darius? But his damage and CC is just too much for tanky Ornn to handle making it a rough time laning and farming.â
STO Dew says âPlay relatively safe, poke him a few times and if you think you can kill him engage. After you get Tiamat + ULT harass him non stop!â
MrDecade says âIf you're starting playing nasus, ban darius always, but if you have played nasus, try to play safe against him, do not fight him until you have around 150stacksâ
Dacnomaniak says âDarius is extremely difficult to deal with. Poppy requires all in trades and thats exactly when Darius is at his strongest. Play safe until mid game and if you have to fight use your E to avoid the outer edge of his Q.â
UndDasHeisst says âDarius is tankier than you, and early game, he's going to be dealing more damage as well. He's going to zone you off minions and if you try to get some, he's going to pull you into his minion wave and start fighting you there.â
IllIlllIIlI says âDarius is really hard for singed. He does immense amounts of damage and applies a strong bleed, which can be extremely cancerous while trying to trade with him.
Often times you'll either want to pick ghost+flash against him or just proxy.â
GOTG Ment135 says âJUEGA MUY CUIDADOSAMENTE. Ăl te castigarĂĄ por tratar de farmear y puede convertir los intercambios en peleas, que lo favorecen enormemente. Incluso si estĂĄs adelante, Darius es mĂĄs que capaz de convertir una pelea en su beneficio, asĂ que normalmente evita pelear a menos que tengas mĂĄs HP y tu ultimate listo.â
DuhBrandon says âearly game you barely win but when late game comes you are pretty screwed in a 1v1 scenario. my best advice for you is to get ahead when you still can. Once you are ahead you need to snowball as much as you can because you can win fights against him if your fed and he's not.â
galvapheonix says âFrom my experience there are some ways to stop the dunkmaster. Darius will almost always play aggressive early, you can take advantage of this by having a strong early jungler presence, or playing passive until you get enough Ghouls to poke him with. If he manages to get all of his stacks onto you do not fight anymore otherwise you will die and not have a fun time. The new thornmail is a wonderful pickup against him as well.â
thedunkening111 says âThis guy's tuff, but so are you. If he apprehends you, you'll have a chance to Q him and avoid his own Q damage. Else, just E into him so you can guarantee avoiding his Q damage. Just DO NOT let the guy five stack you, because then he'll just automatically win unless you can get lethal somehow. Guy's gonna shove you too, so it's a free kill for your JG probably, given your lockdown.
Take Conquerorâ
OmegaTeemo says âDon't get hit by his Q, if you're unlucky to get grabbed by his E, just blind him and run away. You will win lane most of the time, just be aware of your positioning.â
Cyti says âDarius is very easy to counter since his pull (E) is short ranged. Don't attempt to poke him since you are locked into your auto animation for a long time, giving him the opportunity to walk up and hook you. A good Darius will flash+E you if you step too close so make sure to trade flashes if possible. â
kagaroo says âđ´Counter Matchupđ´
Threat Scale: 9/10
âĄď¸This matchup is very hard and relies on your experience and knowing your limits. Darius is a champion that can be extremely oppressive and has HIGH kill threshold. To win this matchup you MUST know your limits early and establish control of the waves in the first few waves. You MUST respect him on the bounce and you cannot step up for minions or you will take massive amounts of damage or die. At level 6 you have a higher chance of winning but it is not guaranteed. It's a snowball matchup where either side snowballs and wins. It's winnable but very hard therefore I place darius as a counter matchup. If you struggle with this matchup you can try Barrier + Flash to help you win but you should be able to win with TP+flash
âĄď¸Rule of thumb:ââââââââ
Bad darius vs Bad Trundle âĄď¸ Trundle favouredâââââ
Average darius vs Average Trundle âĄď¸70/30 darius/trundleââ
Good darius vs Good Trundle âĄď¸ 80/20 darius/trundle, darius SHOULD win but Trundle can win with jungle influence.â
L0ganJG says âW start with combat sums can make this playable. Generally barrier and ignite is pretty good but overall this matchup is BAD. A good Darius will always E your Q and kite you out. So unless you catch him lacking with vision, he should always win. Get creative or just roam â
Haxorr says âDarius is a hard matchup. I like to take Ignite and Conqueror with either Resolve tree (second wind) or Inspiration tree (to have lower ignite cd). If he starts Q level 1 you can look to win an all-in with ignite but if he starts w it can be hard. If you are going to play aggro lvl 1 you need good spacing, but definitely possible. After lvl 1, just don't fight Darius unless you have a bigger minion wave. If you parry his W you win the trade, don't bother parrying Qs as he still gets the heal off. Parrying E stuns obviously but is hard/risky to do if you mess it up. Overall main goal should be to not die in this lane, you outscale pretty hard.â
AdeptDrax says âDO NOT FIGHT HIM LEVEL 1-2, respect his passive damage, bleed to be bs, you can all-in him when he wastes Q on wave, it has around 10s cd early, you win lvl6 all in, keep in mind that there is no going back once you all-in since his pull+slow will just break your knee caps.â
WhoLetTheCANEout says âanother PHASE RUSH game, if you mess too hard like any other champ into darius.. ur dead most likely, unless u can be patient and AA X 3 + Q stun = Phase rush and RUUUUUUN (can defo take him into tower with ult).
when ulting him, try to stall for time to let his passive run out, otherwise he will just kill you probablyâ
Bourne212 says âLook to trade at lvl 2, stay next to him to dodge his Q damage. Avoid trading after lvl 2 and farm until 6. He can stick to you with E and has high upfront damage early. Post 6 you can look to kill with ignite if he's chunked a bit and your not behind. Otherwise wait for a jungle gank.â
oneway1996 says âStart always with your E-Skill and stay at the beginning of the game behind your mage minions - otherwise, you will just die in a 1v1 trade.
Note: Darius is one of the best 1v1 champions in the early game.â
CactEyez says âCommonly picked into Kench but actually quite a nice match-up. The key is to not have long fights. Swifties are a necessity for dodging his sweet spots and kiting his passive stacks. Use R during his Q avoid the outer ring, denying his heal, damage and passive stack.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmakerâ
tteokkaebi says âAs a lane bully, Darius just wins most of the time against you. His E will punish you for being too close to him and his bleed with finish you off if you manage to get away somehow. I personally ban him almost every game.â
FeaRLesS Da says âif you dont get outplayed you win lvl 1 with ignite(yes you heard me right you win lvl 1 against darius)but most of the time even if you kill him u will die to his passive which is not that good for you since first blood means nothing in this season
farm with w and dont ever fight him beforeformâ
tinypip says âby far the funnest match up you can have, once you drop your fear of darius he becomes so manageable and its the only match up where both sides can not only easily punish the other, but can outplay each other during a brawl------------------------------------------------------
start W level 1 no matter what vs him and FIGHT FOR PRIO, if he all ins dont panic and fight back while preparing to flash W since he'll most likely flash, if you get level 2 then the match ups in your favor till level 3 where it evens out again.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
you have plenty of ways to avoid his Q (your own Q, E, and R) if he W's you and goes for Q afterwards either pull him in with your E or if you have R that works too.---------------------------------------------------------------
by far though the most important tip that usually wins darius a fight is his E, his E is everything as it allows him to get 1 spell off usually his Q or R, or if he just needs to run away he will use it as a disengage. Use your own E when he does if he tries to use it to run away since he wont cover much distance and you can catch up with your Q.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if he ever uses E early in the fight its almost always in your favor, but if he saves it for the end either try to stun kill him or grow hands and R his E which allows you to block darius R with Wâ
Althalosofsirun says âYou win early as long as you land W, when he buys Tabis(Plated Steelcaps) he will start stomping since they are super effective against sett just try to insec him under tower and play for the W true dmg to kill.â
whyisthisthingsohardtoget says âyou have alot of get out pronetalol and your dash can go in the center
beats you after 6 in fights try play for pokesâ
whyisthisthingsohardtoget says âyou beat him early with after q and e
when he uses his q dash into him and q him you get more damge and he gets none after 6 play safe cause he can one tap you â
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