Top Lane 50.84% Win Rate85% Pick RateKled Top Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kled in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
sly rialto colt says “killing kled is hard he will try to bait you into diving to kill when he is low on health while his passive bar is nearly full and you will need to maintain the health advantage against at all times. use ignite when he is unmounted.”
liucan says “Another bad Stat checker like u: I was main of this champion before riot kill it without nerfing him directly. So hes a forgoten champion, with his main dmg being uncontrolable after cheese (when he doesnt put a point into it), just beware of this. Dodge Q with W, try to E into a wall if he goes past u, because second E put him really close to u, if he waste W or Q go all in he already use his main dmg or his antiheal. When he loses scarl wait for cds without giving him courage and destroy him with fast combo, dont use ignite before this. In late game he has little cd, but his stats are still shit not like u and his item are also shit, so u just run him down. go whatever build u want, except tank of course.”
Dom1nus says “Whenever his w is up he gonna use it automatically, either on u or on minions, he will try to trade at this moment so when u see he uses fast auto attacks on minions or into you look in for a trade. when he is about to dismount dont waste all of ur combo and be cautious for when is about to mount again. he gets 20 points for an auto attack.”
Maniaxx says “o deal with Kled as Dr. Mundo in the top lane, focus on avoiding his burst and managing his all-ins. Early on, be cautious of Kled's Q (Beartrap on a Rope), which can snare you and allow him to follow up with a damaging combo. If you get hit by his Q, Kled will engage with his W (Violent Tendencies), which significantly increases his damage output. Try to stay away from Kled's Q and use your Q (Infected Cleaver) to poke from range. After level 6, Mundo’s Sadism (R) can help you survive Kled’s all-ins, especially when he dismounts. Be aware of Kled's dismount mechanic, as when he gets low, he loses a lot of his power but also gains movement speed. Mundo's healing can out-sustain Kled in trades, so take advantage of his dismounted form to trade effectively. In the late game, build Spirit Visage to boost your healing and Thornmail if Kled is focusing on auto-attacks. Play around Kled’s Q and W cooldowns, and avoid getting caught in his all-ins, where he can burst you quickly. Stay patient, and you’ll out-sustain him in the long run.”
Nithril says “This is a unique matchup, the trick is to first get his mount to minimal XP but not get him dismounted, when your cooldowns are reset you can engage him when he goes for minions, he will likely remount at first but you can repeat the process”
parker3n9 says “This can be a challenging lane, as Kled has strong all-in potential and the tools to punish you if you overstep. The key to this matchup is playing safe during the laning phase to avoid letting him snowball. Once you hit your two-item power spike, you can completely shut him down in extended fights, provided you’ve minimized his early game impact. Focus on careful spacing and poking him down with Aery until you’re strong enough to take control of the matchup.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Skaarlschloch says “Go Safe Conq Setup with Boneplating DRing + TP
GO for shorttrades try to bait him to use his E->Q combo while HARDFOCUSING on dodging it
Dont get baited by his dismount if he holds W and just outsustain him
You can freely heal back up after”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Play around his W cooldown, should't be hard but don't fall for his bait with Barrier+Ignite.”
Raideru says “In this matchup, always look to W into Q trades with your passive since if he ever lands his q on you just walk up to him and proc your shield and he can't really do much otherwise. Don't ever hookshot on him unless you're confident on dodging his q or if it's down or if you think u win still. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.”
Spartaniko says “He has huge stats, but it is an even matchup. E his engage with his W passive, get him almost dismounted, dismount and then do your whole combo to finish him before he gets his ride back.”
4eadami says “Phase Rush and proxy. Never interact with him. Watch him lose his mind and mindlessly attack you and miss minions while you just W E him backwards and run.”
Fanatical Goose says “Against Kled you want to avoid fighting him at all costs, save your health and mana. Mid-game is where it picks up and you can fight him.”
UrPersonalGod says “Annoying lane.
He has build in anti heal on his Q so try to dodge its but also often runs ignite so you get anti healed anyway.
He will try to dodge your Qs with his E so try to predict that.
misterbig says “you dont win lvl 1, you can short trade with him but u dont have the burst to take down his mini. u can maybe kburst his mini with ult. some armor in this matchup helps a lot”
SemenDrinker says “Blade and Bone plating
Kled is kinda scary actually. If he hits you with Q you will lose the trade as it procs grevious wounds. He will generally E into you and E backout to dodge your Q's so be aware of that as well. I rush plated into this matchup. Be very mindful of his W cd and he can't control it and that's almost all of his damage. When he's dismounted you must be VERY sure you can kill him or he remounts and kills you instantly. I wouldn't be against taking ignite in this matchup just for extra kill assurance for his dismounted form. Be mindful of his R as it gives him 6 billion movement speed to run towards you. Kled is also a very excellent diver as well so stay cautious if you're low under your tower.”
IvanBeifong says “Really strong early game and mid-game, a lot of damage from who knows where, usually they'll try to engage you with E along his Q, thankfully it's reasonably easy to dodge with your E, once he misses his Q, trade with him, and repeat the process until he's low on HP.
His ult is good for roaming, but nothing else.”
PetriciteLoL says “He has insane all in and even anti heal in kit. Will run you down harder than any other champ if he's ahead so you're not safe anywhere. Any of the item sets and runes work, up to preference.”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Skaarlschloch says “You dont win lv1 all-in, Kled will remount and kill you. Play it smart and play it slow. Early Armor/Steelcaps cut his dmg in half almost.
Use fear on him right before he is about to dismount for it to proc once he dismounts!!
Dont fall for his Remount you normally ALWAYS need to dismount him twice to actually kill him.
You giga outscale if you can just stay even aswell”
Body Those Fools says “I would personally take Cut Down in this matchup because of how much HP he has at level 1 and throughout the game. All you really have to do in this matchup is dodge his Q. He will try to hide it with his E animation, so just watch out for that. He can only use E twice if he uses it on a minion or champion. You can just poke him relentlessly and once he's dismounted, he will have a hard time getting remounted because of your harass. At level 6, just be careful of his Ult. Wait until AFTER he hits you with it, then Ult him away or towards a turret because he is unstoppable.”
Zagreus16 says “Kled matchups is always scary cause you'd be surprised with his sustain and he remounts when you dont expect it. Do not take long fights with him and play off his W passive cooldown. If thats not up and he misses his Q then you can trade with him pretty hard. only try to fully go for the kill when all your abilities are up and hes not mounted on his bootleg horse”
CrimsonL7 says “Can be rough, dodge his Q and its super winnable. His dismount breaks your tether which is hella annoying and cheesy so care for that, Basically dodge his Q and wait for him to use W to farm and then just engage on him and you will win the trade. ”
step1v9 says “Annoying rat champion just tether (walk in and out of range to bait) his abilities when you can. Trade away from his W. Don't let him E onto you. DONT dismount him until you are ready to kill as he will just remount quickly. Even if he doesn't immediately get remount he can upon W CD.”
CC IMMUNE says “Kled is a hard matchup, you can fight him at level 1 if he does not have ignite. If he does you need to respect him and try not to take bad trades, especially if he has W active. Ninja Tabis are a good early purchase vs Kled. Standard Rune Page”
Raideru says “Matchup is very one dimensional if he ever misses q then you can trade if he ever holds q you can't trade till he doesn't have it etc. so it's very movement dependant, later you stat check him as long as you are even with him, Keep the wave on your side if you can and ask for ganks since it's quite difficult for Darius to kill Kled in early due to most Kleds going combat summoners”
Azzin says “Not much to do in this matchup, it's one of the few champs that'll 100-0 you if you jump on him without thinking twice. Dodge his Q or you will die very fast, try to play around phase rush to trade him carefully, otherwise just farm and roam.”
Haxorr says “This matchup used to be Kled favored, but lately it's pretty even. The thing is, a good Kled will have an advantage because it's a very niche champion and he most likely will have more experience in the matchup than you will.
Take Grasp in this matchup and play aggressive on the wave level 1, as you should be able to get prio. It's really important that you dodge his q as it deals quite a bit of damage and the slow helps him kite you out easily. Always be wary of his remount and the damage he can do with his w - save your e for his w. Don't get baited when you dismount him, as unless you have your e up, you won't be able to kill him before he remounts. Rush trinity and after 1 item this matchup is very easy.”
DuckQc says “It's always hard vs Kled. Try to poke him as much as possible and you can put 2 points into E. Go all in when he hasnt Scarl-his dog and if he has high fury dont go all in except if u are 100%sure you can burst him”
Arthapsic says “Lvl 1 he is really weak so try to stack up your Q and get free trades. Dodge his Q if possible. If he is ever close to being dismounted disengage until your Q is fully stacked so you can burst him before he can remount. Lvl 2 and so on you have to keep track of his W cooldown. If his W is up never trade and wait for him to last hit ( You can see he used his W by him yelling and having increased attack speed ). If his W is down he does almost no damage so that's when you want to trade. Be very careful of good kleds they don't level their W until the first all in situation. You hard destroy him on iceborn preferably wait for that powerspike. After 6 if his W is down and you're not behind you win as well. After 6 ping his roams as kled tends to roam a lot with his ulty. Cutdown is really good in this matchup but it's only for lane. Be careful for dives.”
Beeware says “Can R through your cage and ignore it. keep distance and focus on farm - dismounting Kled will only give him more move speed when running towards you.”
Skaarlschloch says “Going Tank especially early Tabis is freewin here, in the past Kled used to be able to go Ravenous into Tanks being able to ignore them but after nerfs its REALLY bad. As always against Kled you wanna try to sidestep his E and Qs in lane and save as many spells as possible for when he is dismounted:
1. Trade until hes close to dismounting -> disengage
2. Dismount him using as little spells as possible, best if you have some E stacks on him. (If youre gonna use W disengage quickly and wait for W, so he doesnt get an instant Shotgun Q
3. Once hes dismount use E -> Ult + Ign + Q to burst
Respect his early levels 1-3 especially if he holds his W levelup”
The Cats Meow says “A good kled knows his own limitations, if he can exploit that to his advantage youre fucked, but if you play aggro when the time is correct then you win. ”
Baby_Driver says “Bone plating is very good here, but if u feel greedy u can go for nimbus cloak.
Plated steelcaps first are great option.
When he has you on the leash, make sure to use your Q on him before he pulls you in.
Always try to dodge to the side whenever u feel like he's gonna go in on you with his E, so that he will also miss his Q, if that happens he is 95% times dead.”
Ulsur says “Now this guy is annoying, his early game is insane, but that's not the problem, unlike Darius who's early game is the strongest but he lacks mobility, this guy has tons of mobility and he's so slippery especially if he's 1 HP from going invulnerable after losing his lizard HP, it's winnable but it's extremely hard to deal with his all in, from level 1 until 4 he'll try to run you down with his E and you'll pretty much just have to lose your health because you don't have enough damage, so try as much as you can to not get hit by his first dash, as it resets his dash again, so if you dodge his E dash, go in for a full combo on him, if you don't, just walk back until he either dashes on you again so you combo, or he dashes away which you can then punish, don't get baited into thinking you can kill him if his unmounted bar is up, or if he has w up while unmounted, he'll just get his whole health back in an instant if you get close, try to space him when he's unmounted or just chill and play slow, you outscale him pretty hard after level 11 if he doesn't have a lead and you're way better in teamfights.”
DioSett says “take ignite and doran blade , focus on farm and rush boots , use W only if he is dismounted , dont try to all in , if u are behind buy sterak first item ”
Hotch says “Punish when his W is on cooldown, Use W early because he can get out of it with his Q without Skarl. Otherwise, avoid short trades.
Take Ignite.”
Vamrine says “Kled's dueling potential and all-in engage make him a threat to Darius, especially in the early game. Kled's ability to remount and regain health can also make it difficult for Darius to secure kills in extended trades.”
forlid says “Kled has strong diving potential, but his damage early is dependant on him hitting his Q on you. If you can dodge it, you will win the trade. Try to outmanuever him using your E and W shield correctly, and he should never be able to kill you. Once his mount is killed, he will try damage you in order to get it back. You utilize your R best by using it after his mount is down as you can finish him quite easily.”
procatking says “Conqueror, ignite, D blade, take rune NO.3.
*Hard matchup*
Try to poke him to almost dismount, pop his lizard pet with your Q, and then follow up with your W after he's dismounted. Try to E his Violent Tendencies(W) autos. ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Conq
Rush tabis. Dont build riftmaker early he gets free anti heal with his q.
He beats you hard till 6. Poke with q and disengage with e. Dont trade If he has w up. After 6 you outscale him”
conqiyana says “take first strike.
no point taking conqueror as this champion is disgusting in extended trades.
he will just cheese solokills on you in laning phase and destroy you late, no point fighting him.”
SenSen_LoL says “Be careful with Kled, as he has strong all in potential when you go for the harass. Once he gets 6, he can bait you on dives, and catch you offguard.
Also, if he manages to hit you with his leash, you should react quickly and jump away to try to snap it off. If you jump too late, the leash can cancel your jump and he'll be able to close the distance and kill you.”
MaesePerez says “His remount and early damage make him very annoying, its very hard to guarantee an execute on kled, especially since he can use his dismounted q to dodge your knockup. Don't fight him early, he will win because of conqueror and his w attack speed. You outscale, especially in teamfights, but trying to 1v1 him is generally not a great idea at any point in the game. ”
Bibi4A says “Good Kled players will not let you play the lane and it even gets worse with jungle help. Try to survive and don't lose too much hp because Kled excels at diving. At least he has small player base dont ban.”
forlid says “You can use your E to dodge his Q but learn to sidestep it without using E as this will allow you to trade with him more efficiently. His Q has Grievous Wounds in it so you won't heal as much as you normally would. Don't fight him early and respect him when his mount runs away as he can get it back almost instantly if you let him hit you for free.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
He hard wins lane, he's one of the best farm zoning champs during laning phase and you never outscale the 1v1 unless he goes literally full lethality. You do more in teamfights assuming you tank his ult and are level 16 but even then its not hard for him to just one shot your adc. IMO the champs blatantly overpowered AND directly counters you. The only real contingency plan is most kled mains freaking suck, if he plays like a rabid dog (which most kled players do) you can call for your jungler and get an easy gank off. Phase rush + inspiration, turtle up and beg for ganks if your jungle is strong early”
Angryappleseed says “This guy is a MENACE. THe goal is to get him to ALMOST dismount, but don't dismount him until all your abilities are up and you're ready to full combo. When you're ready, pop Skarl with your Q, and then follow up with your W after he's dismounted. Try to E his Empowered W-autos.”
TheOriginalTwoSides says “[Conqueror] [Triumph] [Legend: Tenacity] [Last Stand] + [Bone Plating] [Revitalize]
Items: Doran's Blade -> Core
Not much to say, Kled is very simple. You out range him and is one of the only enemies you can fight pre lvl 4. Just be aware of his dismount passive so no tower dives.”
hamgi says “do not q3 into/e forwards him as he will just q u. q goes thru minions so space properly or hold e for dodging. avoid all-inning until he's unmounted, q3/r are easier to land (but always watch skaarl hp bar)”
Artszy says “W no dash dele, fica só usando o Q nele para fazer ele cair do pet e então vai para cima. Se ele tentar usar o Q desmontado, tu usa o W e depois continue batendo.”
Belle19 says “Counters you in every way. Your one saving grace is 11 onwards your dunk pretty much oneshots him if he's off lizard. Just try to survive, if you juke a q you still cant look for an all-in but you can safely farm for a bit. He's hard to gank and has really high 2v1 potential and can stall for his jg to countergank so I'd recommend just turtling under tower and telling your jg to prioritize bot. You outscale him in every way.”
AWierdShoe says “This matchup is not much of a counter to us as many people think. Just because Kled's kit has anti-heal built in doesn't really mean much as we still have the tools to deal with him. Dodge his Qs; if he hits them just back out of the zone to avoid the additional damage. Our Q1 poke is very strong if we utilize it correctly. Play patiently, as if you try to engage first Kled will dash at you with E1, hit you with W autos, then dash away again. If he E's into you first, you have more opportunity to trade back once you back away (a common Kled combo is E1+Q, if the Q lands just back off). If Kled's E doesn't hit you, you can punish him hard with a full combo. Dismounted Kled is still a threat until he's dead. Don't get hit by his Q shots, he will remount quicker if they hit a champion. Be mindful that he can also use his Q's to dodge your abilities as well. However, dismounted Q only has 2 charges over a long recharge for each early game, so if he wastes both shots you can try to all-in. Otherwise, poke him out slowly so he gets too unhealthy to remount. Do NOT get too close to a healthy dismounted Kled. Keep in mind this matchup can be very snowbally on both sides, but we will outscale as his only teamfight usefullness if he's not fed is in his ult. ”
Haearnbleidd says “ Autistic dwarf on his autistic lizard.
He has good burst, you have better sustain and dps. Try to bait his abilities then run him down.
Build: Hexplate/Stride/Shojin > Trinity/DD/Sundered Sky”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
Best to trade when his W is on CD, the Q is also an issue.
Perfect time to fight is for the W to be used on the wave, and dodge his Q then all in. Don't get baited when he gets knocked off Skarl, the bar builds quick and if he's good he knows how long he can fight until he remounts. ”
Akuzai says “Try to poke him when his w is on cooldown (his weapon won't be glowing). If he gets his remount don't panic and try to reposition, if you can poke him out of it again he's dead.”
hoflol says “Kled should have a hard time dealing all his damage to you as he needs to chase and do auto-attacks.
Play smart with your fling. You should win all fights after level 6, as his ultimate is not great for 1v1 combat.”
GheeseEmpty says “It's pretty much impossible for Kled to build a lead on you without you misplaying. Start with Boar Stance level 1 in order to neutralize his poke and all in potential, and trade him hard when his abilities are on cooldown. Itemize accordingly with Plated Steelcaps or another armor item.”
xXazzer says “He can beat you but mostly play around his Q. Get him off his mount and wait for him to waste his triple strike. That's when you can go in for the kill. Tabis can help against him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Hard matchup but not impossible
Truthfully, I'd recommend aftershock over grasp against him since trading with him is a dangerous gamble with how strong he is in all stages of the game unless he's new to Kled.
Your CC needs to be almost ready for when he dismounts because if he's given enough time to remount, that's almost all his health back instantly and killing him will be a dream.”
ThelpixG says “For a newbie this lane can seem tough but as you get some experience you can just clap Kled's ass.
How to Beat?
- Always take the antitank runes because of cut down (Kled has the highest base health in the game which basically means you'll deal alot of damage to him);
- His level 1 is not that good so try to get some poke early;
- You can take ignite and try to kill him in lane;
- Avoid getting hit with his Q and if you get hit run away so he doesn't pull you into him;
- Once he's level 6 you should watch out for potential roams or engages.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) He will always want to be on top of you and he will out trade you very easily. Try to dodge his Q and dismount him with AA + Q before using your E + W,
He will outscale you at 30+ minutes no matter what. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
LilliaFanBoy says “Tabi's
His E+Q combo is devastating especially if he also runs Press the Attack.
Maintain 4 Passive stacks up.
Once he's dismounted try and bate out his Q's before engaging.”
WhendZ says “Joga safe. Pokeia até matar a galinha primeiro, toma cuidado com o e e faz ele perder o W assim que possivel. Ele costuma gankar nível 6, então avisa o time.”
LegacyOneTap says “i honestly forgot how this matchup goes but, respect his passive gaining skarrl, counterstrike his 4 passive autos, run lethal tempo, dorans blade then, divine into shojin and bork in there somewhere.”
Wizboy73 says “[phase rush or conq] fuck this guy. you dont seeh im often but that antiheal on his Q is cancer. you cannot win the early game, so sit back and scale. pray for some CS, because if het gets onto you he wont let go and if he goes lethality he will also 100-0 you. in the midgame you start to outscale him and you can destroy him.”
JPGamer10BR says “Bom nessa matchup, você precisa desviar do gancho dele, caso você seja acertado, coloque um cogumelo no chão e de o Q nele e tente correr, caso vá dar all win nele cuidado para não ser surpreendido pela montaria do Kled.
Recomendo usar PTA, F.F ou Aery
Nunca testei Grasp contra ele, mas creio que pode ser usado também.”
The Saucy Saurus says “You can block his engage and escape with your W, and his pistol escape when hes unmounted. But if you let him land his mounted Q on you, prepare to take a lot of damage.”
Denied20 says “Fish his Q's. Sometimes wind wall if you feel more exposed.
You can out duel him in both forms if he misses his Q.
BE CAREFUL, read his movement if he approaches you and intends to dash on top of you, you are likely already dead, as he can mask his Q in between, making it impossible to dodge. God bless him if he misses his skillshot.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush
Knock him away if he E on you. Don't knock him away when his Q is about to go off. Kled will roam but don't get tempted because he can ult you with his jungler.”
BurritoTopKing says “Try to dodge his Q, if he lands it and tries to all in you can cancel his E or use your E to space, if you dismount him you can cancel his Q dash with your E and finish him there, it's easier to kill after 6, just avoid dying randomly cause it can be very snowbally.”
Murfz says “If you know what kled does its pretty easy to play the lane, respect the fact that his passive can give him half of his hp back and play for trades where you E his W auto's then back off. Sunderer is a huge spike since it fits perfectly with the way you want to trade vs kled, all ins work but you need to set it up before by prepping waves, cooldown advantage and ult.”
xskyswitch says “This matchup to win in lane requires 2 all-ins. All-in to get him off of Skaarl. Disengage once you get him off to prevent him from building up his meter to get back onto Skaarl. Then all-in after you poke him down and kill him before he gets Skaarl back.”
Tronnes says “Champ is annoying asf in lane has greivs on his q so be careful for that and he just kinda goes on you and wins. When he is unmounted dont allow him to get into melee distance to remount. ”
Your Abusive Dad says “You dont kill him unless he missplays, you have level advantage and/or item advantage. Even after all that he probably still beats you. Care for Q poke and space well. If he dashes towards you E away or if he lands a Q”
RivenCarriedYou says “Very difficult matchup, Main job is to outscale, start Doran's Shield, Beware his Q does go through Minions. and if it pulls it gives 40% healing reduction and insane damage.At level 2, every Kled will Level W, but not until they enter a fight. His blade will light up orange and in the next 4 attacks will be different and Very rough. This Will ALWAYS be active and can not be turned off. if you’re wanting to All in or go for trades. this ability MUST be on cooldown (13s - 7s depending on points in ability) once again. in early game you need the wave to be on Your side of the map, you want to do this because he will be unable to run you down long enough to make the trade longer, he will be more gank-able. and you will be safe under your tower.”
inviskretur2 says “Personal Perma Ban, his teamfight potential is just too godly with the MS buff, if laning vs him
- all in when his W is done, it comes up every so often but he can not cast it so it's always on rotation
- do not disengage after dismount, use bleed stacks to burst down so kled can not remount
- look to dodge his chain”
Bonkyou says “Has a lot going for him, try to either kill him when he dismounts or just all in him on a pulled lane.
Free if you know what you are doing but you can't statcheck this guy at even gamestate”
Chaddouk says “Things to keep in mind vs Kled : The matchup is VERY snowbally, so do not go for flips as all he needs is a kill or 2 to buy full ad and be able to 100-0 you under turret, especially when Kled has ignite. Keep in mind his passive resets aggro. Basically you wanna dismout him ONLY when you are certain that you have the damage to kill him before he remounts (so keep in mind summs and both jgler presence). What good Kleds will do is not level W (empowered autos) until they need it for the first time so they can control it, keep that in mind when they reach lvl 3+. If you manage to get out of laning phase even or with a lead, it will be pretty easy to sidelane vs him since his ult is a "global" and worth nothing compared to Trynd ult in a 1v1. But be conscious of the state of the game because he can bait you into side lane then outrotate the hell out of you with his R, make sure to ping your team whenever this can happen.”
BaotoGame says “Kled E is bugged,it will oneshot all your ghouls.But kled also have a weird bug that Kled baby form counts towards his maximum HP. This means your E, R and Divine Sunderer rips holes into him. Go Sunderer against Kled and make him useless. ”
daitolol says “- dorans ring 2 pots with flash tp sorcery setup
- This is one of the worst Akali matchups you go for scaling as if you are able to survive up till level 7-8 you outscaled him, however before that both his q and e are true sight if they have a jungle like Elise or lee it is better to dodge as you will go 0/15 in lane the only thing you can rely on the lane is him missing qs(you could try to play frong back to dodge them) and dodging his e with yours
Mid// It is the same principles however you have more safety and easier farming.
_WhiteSnow_ says “Kled can stick pretty well to you if he's ahead and threaten kills, but before then you should always win trades by unburrowing his e and trading normally. Ideally dodge his q poke and look for a full trade with knockup once its down by either walking up to him or tunneling. One he's dismounted, look to tunnel up to him, not walk, to deny as much courage as possible, and look to just full combo with r to kill him. Its harder to finish him off pre 6 so be careful if you're trying to do so at that point.”
At_Tar_Ras says “he's a better champion than you. all that can be said here is watch out for him playing with low HP. it's a bait most of the time so be prepared to either understand he'll suddenly gain 80% HP back with his re-mount, or that you'll have to kill him then and there to avoid that. watch out for his invulnerability moment when he dismounts too, DO NOT waste your Q on that timing.”
Dew Master Flash says “Only putting 4 because not many people play him, but kled is an absolutely brutal matchup. Dodge the rope, proxy, and build armor.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Cloth 4pot]
[Build: PTA with Cut Down+ Riftmaker/Rageblade]
Play aggressive early so he doesn't get a level advantage and dive you. Save your Q for when he jumps onto you with E. Dodge his Q, run away if it hits you so it lets go of you. When he is not on Skarl and low on health, Q him so he doesn't build up courage with his W and kill him.”
RipAMC says “This crazy yordle rides a lizard and can dish out some serious damage. Kled's aggressive playstyle can catch you by surprise, so keep an eye on his Courage bar and be ready for his all-ins.”
PILLAR OF ICE says “Always cheese if possible, u win lvl1 when u beat his chicken back off and let him stack a new one. Then kill it again in the next 30sec he cant get it back if dismounted so kill. Dont fight until botrk and if u get dumpstered early, wat for anathema.”
OmegaDelta000 says “He has a good short trade and a decent long trade. Plus grievous wounds on Q and a shield on R. Even if you knock him out of Skaarl, he will rapidly get back on if you're not careful.”
Antecc says “Respect Kled's strong early game and you'll beat him 100% of the time. Kled's strenghts lie in his remounting ability. Don't use E on a mounted kled if you are all-ining him. Keep the E for when he dismounts, so he can never remount. Only try and trade with a Kled early on if he misses his Q. Eventually it won't matter if he hits it or doesn't.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He is very hard to deal with and if he gets on top of you early on you propably die. Poke him but dont just randomly get his scarll out, stop near the hp barrier and wait for cds. Only then you can think about an all in and you need to oneshot him fast, if he doesnt have scarll for some time already just dont do it. Even if you "win" trade hpwise he will summon him with his fury and stomp you”
ABL Pantheon says “Kled is hard but definitely playable. Kled has his traps, taking Bone Plating is not really worth it, unless you can dodge it. Watch for his dashes, because if it hits he can recast it. Try to E his Ultimate. Remember than if you are way ahead, he can still kill you.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[grasp] [demolish] [bone plating] [overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> steelcaps ->CORE
he wins by default one of the hardest lanes to kill since if you ult him undertower if he has mount he will drop aggro
for kled to die to us lets face he needs to be a bit retarded , but if we dismount hit and stack 3 passive marks before he remounts our ult-q oneshots him.”
lordimboutabust says “You can win lvl 1 if you play it right, if he goes for a trade try dodge his Q, even if you don't trade through it as you will often come out on top because of how bad he is atm. Never let him stay mounted if he has less than 25% HP as he can get another rotation of spells up before dismounting. If you dismount him disengage if possible until your next spell rotation so that you have enough damage to kill him before he remounts | Second Wind | Dblade - tank mythic ”
Bernardian says “Similar to Renekton, Kled has very good all in power. dodging his Q is very good as thats most of his dmg gone right there. once he dismounts if your going to fight him make sure to kite a little bit so you don't get hit by every ability as if he does remount you will either lose the trade significantly or just flat out die. If your not going to fight him wait for him to shove as if Kled doesnt hit you he remounts VERY slowly. Kled post 6 becomes easier to trade with as once he dismounts he drops below around 700 health lvl 6 so it is very easy to kill him but without that burst of damage is its hard to shut him down. Avoid his Q hit your Q, wait for him to use his dashes so you can pull him back and look for the dismount. Tabis rush or wardens mail into a frozen heart second is really good.”
Zombzn00b says “My old main. If he is dismounted dont try to all in and ESPECIALLY dont dive him as he will AA u 4 times then Q and he is mounted again. Dont trade while he has W up. His mounted Q is a pretty small skillshot so it is easy to dodge. You generally dont have enough burst to kill him before he remounts”
Waqql says “Kled can be quite annoying. He will constantly throw his Q at you and wait for you to get too close. Avoid getting hit by his Q and try to trade from a distance. As Mega Gnar, keep in mind that Kled has two forms and is very mobile. If Scarl has run away, don't let Kled deal damage to you. Also, try to prevent him from executing minions. Keep an eye on his indicator. Let him push the wave and wait for assistance. It's difficult to kill him alone, but don't let that discourage you from trying.”
FaNTOP says “Твой первый уровень сильнее, не отдавай ему приоритет, когда он использует Q и попадает. Продолжай драться и наносить максимальный урон, используй (Руну) Тоник искривления времени, чтобы выиграть битву. Его режим без скакуна будет активен, когда твои перезарядки закончатся, и у тебя не будет достаточно урона. Сосредоточься на уклонении от его E и Q.”
BetterGoGrevious says “Has a lot more HP than you, so it will be hard to win a trade early. He has a lot of dashes and antiheal, so he can dodge everything unless you predict where he is gonna dash.”
Lukajs says “Attempt to trade with him until he is dismounted. Inbuilt griveous wounds counters you Only engage when his W is down.
Play around poking when his W is down, and farming.”
Kampsycho says “His E has a bug that one shots your pets, ontop of that he can use it to dash over your wall if it already hits you, Q has antiheal making him win every trade and he can just dive you very easily.
We're too weak early to kill him before he remounts also.”
Riceyboll says “Remember that when he loses Skarl it's gonna be hard to catch him. Don't get hit by his abilities, because he'll get Skarl back so fast”
Twogrand says “kled is iffy i think hes pretty easy if you get hooked all in real quick and knock him back to break in bind onto him. Then you can just chase him down with Phase Rush. phase rush ignite and eclipse build path”
KaiOverHere says “Farm Lane -> Outscale
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
Nurakami says “Strong early but you can kill him if you dodge his q.
Don't get cheesed with ignite on lvl 3.
Freeze and play for boots after boots try to kill him.”
BezMemow says “Difficult matchup, be mindful of his all-ins, wait till he uses his W on the minions. Poke him until he's off his pet and then ult with the MS advantage. Play around boneplating CD if you took it. Don't use your abilities until he's dashed because his dash puts him behind you, kind of like Irelia Q.
Start D Ring”
LocaLAM says “Sure his Q applies grievous wounds, you won't be pulled in due to your passive. You can outheal and absolutely bully him. Don't engage him if he has ignite though, and ESPECIALLY not under his tower.”
Smauggy says “he is the definition of what counters lillia, he can burst, antiheal and gape close pretty easily. negate our ult with his ult ( if timed corectly)
Take bone plating, be carefull of his dive levl3, q is the most important spell to dodge, w8, your kill opportunity is: if you just dismounted him, ult and run away ( good kleds can remount pretty quickly) then come back, w and kill him. ”
Loweloexpert says “His lvl3 is infredibly strong but not as strong as yours, use E as soon as possibile so you can have it again when he dismounts. Dont ult while he is unstoppable and you cant loose, nobody plays kled in low elo.”
Black Demon Ezel says “God this champ is super rude. 2 health bars and endless damage. Not to mention Grievous wounds and demolishing ult of his. Just don't fight him till 6. Then you take out Skaarl's health bar and damage him a little more and then poof, down he goes with your own ult”
sinatra1633 says “Make sure you damage him enough to make him hop off Skarl.
Then proceed to gap close him with W ghost or R and try to all in him before he gets Skarl back.
Shouldn't be that hard unless he is ahead and even then you beat him lategame.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Most of his damage requires him to be very near, but you can dodge his Q and blind him when he uses his W empowered auto-attacks.”
Nazcore says “A skill match up but it favors kled slightly because of his base griev. Dodge bear trap and you have a chance to kill. Once he gets bruiser items, its tough to kill. Beware.”
SesaPrime says “No resources, fast ability activations, & 2 different health bars? This matchup is all about awareness of Kled's aggression to instantly punish him in return. He has a powerful engage combo but can be dodged to reduce his max damage output.
Pay sharp attention to his courage bar when unmounted. ”
DJCraz says “Sett has a god awful winrate against Kled, and I truly understand why. He's just a weird champ. Massive health pool with Snarl and he's hard to catch. Also, not a lot of people play him so it's hard to get used to him. Again not as good of a teamfighter so play for late.”
icher says “kled has a better 1v1 than mordekaiser in the early levels, try to avoid losing too much health in the laning phase and try to farm as much as you can, after the first item kled is easy to deal with.”
primate nefasto says “Pretty hard, he can dive you nonstop if you play badly one time. He literally can dive you lvl 3 and so one. Maybe he takes ignite but you should take tp anyway :P. At least maybe you can do more in tf than him. (Not the case of jax or camille)”
Boptimus says “Kled players take very predictable all in trades where they will typically try to use all of their abilities on you when you try to last hit if their W is available. Once you start recognizing this pattern you can just use your E to avoid this altogether, but if he does land his full combo you can use W to negate a lot of the damage and avoid the pull back from his Q.
The only thing you really need to watch out for is his Remount. If a fight is close and his rage bar is getting back to full he can likely cheese you with a second health bar.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Parry or sidestep his Q, it's easy.
Bring ignite bc if you throw him off Skaarl the first time you CAN outdamage him with ignite before he can back on and this is how you outplay him.
Post 6 you can also parry his R, it works the same as Sion R.”
Zeffie says “Kled's can be quite scary, you probably will lose most trades or extended fights especially with his ability to re-proc Skaarl if he knows what he's doing”
dzsama says “Dodge his W's procs with E and you should do good. Avoid getting hit by his Q and you should win all ins against him. Careful however since he gets courage quickly when hes attacking a champion so back off if you are low hp since he get's quite a lot of hp back just by attacking you a couple of times.”
lorensj81 says “Kled is kindof an early game lane bully champ. If he hits his Q, walk away to break the tether. It's a good time to trade when he uses his W on minions (the 4 quick attack).
To win this try to first trade so he is very close to getting knocked off from scarl. After that you can go allin if he wastes his W. If you knock him off scarl and he has W he will remount very easily.”
Pep_Shin says “Kled is a tricky matchup.
DON'T GO HIM IF HE LANDS A Q. The antiheal debuff will beat you.
He has Huge damage early on, don't fight him. Play safe until you rush Steelplates. You should wait for your teammates to help most of the time.
If you get the lead, you're stomping the lane.
If he gets the lead, he stomps the lane, so be really careful when you try to kill him. Most of the time, if he gets skaarl back, you die.
Kled players will choose ignite so be careful about that.”
GannicusTTV says “Avoid his Rope pull by dodging or walking away from the circled area. use your W to block his empowered auto attacks (it is W passive he glows and attacks very fast). Trade with him and keep his passive mount hp ready to b taken down. If you kill his mount, do not get baited to fight him if you don't have ignite ready and cooldowns ready. Wait it out and all in him if you have your W and ignite ready, and if you are healthy. it is your best shot to kill him.”
Babuleh says “Доран шилд хватка нежити с пластинами сокрушитель
В кледа вы играете максимально пассивно, ожидая предмета, после предмета вы не можете ему проиграть. Самое главное никогда не ведитесь на трейды с кледом на первых лвлах.”
Puyi says “Easy to avoid his Q, and you can W if you don't manage to dodge it. Don't fight him when his W is up. Relatively even lane, but you're a lot more useful if the lane ends up even. Run bone plating and get early steelcaps.”
Irelius says “Не дерёмся, когда у него есть W. Ждите, пока он потратит её на ластхит. Осторожно, он может не вкачивать W, пока не влетит в вас (я таких ещё не видел кекв).
Если-таки танчим его W, жмём W и получаем 0 урона. Перед олл-ином в идеале потрейдиться с ним так, чтобы у Скарл оставалось мало хп. Доджим его кухан. Напоминание, Клед проигрывает игру, если уже 6-ая минута, а у него нет приемущества. ”
Irelius says “Dont fight him when he has his W passive up. Try to avoid or W his Q. When his W comes back in all-in, survive it with your W. Ideally, you want to trade him to the point when Skarl has low hp first and only then engage for a kill.
Bork smelts him like butter. Oh, btw, Kled doesn't work as a champion if you dont int to him pre lvl 5. He NEEDS to snowball. ”
JustSad42 says “The biggest problem in this matchup is usually keeping yourself from inting. Because of how easy and straightforward this matchup is, you might force trades too hard, lose too much HP and not kill Kled before he gets back on Skaarl. You can always Q out of his Q’s tether range. You can W his Q to get a free stun off. The two main things with this matchup is that Kled can use his E to dodge your W but it’s a scripted movement, meaning if he uses it, he always has to show up behind you. And, Kled usually buys Sterak’s and Gargoyle which means that he has so many shields you need to get through that in the side lane it’s usually not worth it to force a kill on him, and you can’t dive him. But, you’ll be much more useful in teamfights consistently and you can use him to get free healing for your teammates in the middle of a team fight.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring or Doran Blade.
Mainly you need to avoid his Q. Kled has a strong 1v1 when he's on Skaarl, but he's very squishy and easy to kill without him. If the opportunity arises that he will not have a mount, take it. Kled fighting on foot is no match for Gwen. Rush Tabi and matchup will be quite easy.
NegativePhoenix says “You can easily W his Q to stop the pull but it won't stop the grievous. Honestly you have to dish out alot of damage in a heavily fast time frame once he falls off Skaarl or he'll just get back on and win the fight. Poke him down since he has to get close but remember he'll try to all-in engage you if you aren't careful and his W hurts. If you can All-Out him right before he falls off Kled he'll have to flash away if he wants to live especially if his W is on CD”
Night Guy says “Kled is a really hard to deal with because of his 2 HP bars and his high damage so when you fight him try to dodge his Q so you at least have a small upper hand.”
JustSad42 says “Don't look for a kill pre-6 since most times, Kled will end up killing you after he re-mounts.
After 6, wait for Kled to miss Q, and then engage on him with R, insta Q so he can't R away, spam auto till he's almost dismounted, press E1, auto attack him to demount him, then press E2 while he's mid-air so he can't dodge your stun while he's in demounting animation. Then, oneshot him.
If you can't get the angle to oneshot Kled when he's dismounted, then you should wait till you can. Even if that means you have wait for CDs or items or jungle.”
SrMolinv says “Play around his W, dont get hit by his Q. Its not so hard but it can be really hard. A lot of short trades until you chunk his HUGE health pool. Once he scales he can regain his Skaarl really easily so be careful with that!”
YamiLostSoul says “This matchup is even 90% all the time since you can disengage his engages (except ult engage). On lane, try to dodge his Q. Stop his E with your W. If you see he wastes his W on a wave you'll win the trade. Divine if ahead, Sunfire otherwise.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with cutdown and POM and inspiration secondary, start dblade, and go ignite. Dodge his q early but if you get hit you can get close to him and start your e then his q will pull itself to him and you will be able to stun him and auto him. E his empowered auto-attacks and keep track of his e CD.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge his Q]
[Poke him with your Q]
[Don't trade him in close combat, he wins better than you]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
Antisocial_Renekton says “OG counterpick, just dodge, nobody plays it anyway.
Really hard lane since his q applies antiheal and he can always turn your trade into all in (he always wins these)”
Atemporal says “Combate fácil, desde que você jogue super seguro no início do jogo. Você não precisa de E para evitar o Q dele, a menos que ele fique no alcance para arrastá-lo, então E antes que isso aconteça. Kled nunca deve conseguir a segunda parte de seu dano Q para
vocês. Se Kled usar o E para frente, corra rapidamente com seu E. Se o E de Kled errar, pule de volta para ele para uma troca rápida. Se você conseguir desmontá-lo, fuja e espere que suas habilidades aumentem e ele será uma morte grátis. Kled é incrivelmente
lento sem o Skaarl, o que significa que você receberá um golpe W grátis nele. Use W de uma maneira que ainda o atinja, mesmo que ele use seu Q desmontado. É importante que Kled não aplique a segunda parte de seu Q em você, porque aplica uma cura de 60%
redução, basicamente anulando sua cura R”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Kled runs you down so hard, you can't ever kill him because of mount and dismount. He can dodge your W with dismount and remount, it's ridiculous how bad this guy can beat you down.”
RandumPersin says “Very rough matchup, we have almost no kill pressure on Kled unless he already recently lost Skaarl and has overstayed. Take conq and TP, do your best to match this midgame menace, and play as frontline peel for the main damage source on your team. The lane isn't completely AWFUL purely since we can e out of his bear-trap on a rope and use our w to disengage any fight he picks. Importantly, do NOT dump any abilities into Kled when he's about to lose Skaarl because it will mitigate/reduce the damage dealt. Try to get him dismounted purely through auto Q poke and hold W for once Skaarl is gone, only then is there a legitimate chance of killing him. Do not underestimate his dismounted damage, the pocket pistol slaps and he WILL murder you if your fighting gets sloppy.”
Smudey says “You win early game so try punishing him with empowered Qs, Try to dodge his Q and punish him accordingly, but don't All-in him since you only win short trades and not any long trades. Only E in if he is dismounted and nearly dead. You HAVE to use your W when he has W in this state so he doesn't get to stack his passive due to you blocking his AAs with W.”
Fizzy says “Kled is very problematic for newbies of Fiora being possible to W on his Q and on his ult, always try to trade for him to lose the skar thus killing, be careful with his Q where he can get away from close and stack the skar”
hamgi says “kled has two forms: mounted and dismounted. mounted is when he is strongest as his q is like leblanc's e, only shorter and can go thru minions. unlike leblanc, the circle gets smaller, which allows u to get out of it quicker, but the smaller the circle is, the easier it is for him to keep u in it with e. at this point, he will combo u, and if ur low, he may kill u as he deals % max health dmg mounted. dont be conservative with ur q3/r/e/e-recast/flash. kled's can comfortably dive u when on skaarl due to dismount making him untargetable for a brief second (like yi's q or elise's spider e). exhaust is the best summoner's to take against him over tp/ignite as when he's dismounted, his skaarl bar regenerates for every on-dmg ability against an enemy unit. exhaust reduces dmg dealt, thus lowering the stacks gained for him to re-mount. only on skaarl does he deal % max health dmg, so if ur low and that bar is over 80%, dont fight him as when he re-mounts, his hp is once again combined with skaarl's”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I didnt play a lot against kled but i stomped him every time, the main thing you need to do is play around his scarl bar, try to poke him to 55/60%hp and leave him on scarll, and then when you see an oportunity all him in with ignite. His whole kit is easily regenerating half of his hp with scarl but if you wont let him get down of his scarl and summon him again its taken from him making him useless.”
MrSIrPops says “Kled in the start will seem an easy kill but will scale and always kill you with his passive . When you kill his passive he is vaulnerable and that is where you should go and do an all in on him or he will just run you down with his ultimate .”
BlessingPlate63 says “The classic counters to sett still counter him. Kled is a knowledge check champ, don't all in him expecting to win if you see him about to remount, look inbetween his empowered autos if you want to trade. The big problem with kled is that he's really hard to bully if he knows what he's doing, so you won't be getting much out of him. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “Just avoid fighting level 1-2 completely, If you get behind or lose too much hp you will be dove and you will want to afk, But if you survive till 6 and hit your abilities you should win or if when you're level 3 if you play around Your W you can win short trades, usually early game if he remounts while fighting you you will lose. But once you get to 2 items if you are even you can just walk into him and win Rush Steelcaps”
StingingChicken says “Juke matchup. Dodge his Q and land yours and you win lane. If he does land it, E as his Q pulls you in. Try to dismount him and then wait for your cooldowns to come back up and burst him in small form.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “darius fav. as a darius u have to watch out for the hookshot thingy u most likely lose every trade u get hit by it so try to avoid it or force it with like stepping up to last hit but dont actually last hit so u can sorta dodge it”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
kajinator says “His damage is deceptively high so beware of it. Bring Conqueror and Flash + Ignite and you shouldn't actually have a big problem in a level 6 all in if you play it properly. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “I have very little experience with Kled as he's a bit of a rare pick, but he has loads of damage and can survive burst thanks to Skaarl. He can also dash onto you and run you down quite easily so be wary of that. Try to freeze in front of your tower and play as safe as you can, as Skaarl also lets him easily dive you!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kled’s W activates automatically and allows him to deal next 4 auto attacks with increased speed. Wait until he uses it on minions before fighting him. You can hear also the sound when he activates his R so pay attention and listen up, it may save you few times Be careful when Kled is dismounted since he can mount back really quick if his W is ready to deal fast auto attacks. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, Escudo de Doran's, Q > E] - Nessa lane você pode ir de incendiar e TP, mas precisa jogar recuado, só troque dano com o Kled após ele usar a passiva do W nos minions, enquanto ele não usar mantenha distância pois ele quer apenas usar E em cima de você, fique dando poke no Kled sempre com fluxo de mana e cometa, você só vai solar o kled se matar ele no full combo, mesmo ele fora da montaria continue no poke e espere ter certeza que vai mata-lo no full combo.”
Oogaboogaga says “Pretty easy matchup for garen, esp after kled changes. Be weary of kled level 2/3 powerspikes and wait until 6 if you do not know the matchup well. Garen ult is very effective v kled.”
Duwiiton says “Use your E to slow him down when he engages, hopefully running out his W's duration. Q away before he gets that last hit, and don't try to kill him in his small form until he hits it the second time. You can't burst him down.”
zir zir azir says “Play from the tower, don't fall for his e q when he has a passive. After the downed passivity, do not substitute for the fraction and do not see each other for a small hp. In this matchup, it is better not to pass the flash into aggression.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep in mind that Kled will try to play super aggressive in the early game to get a kill. Stay at max distance and avoid overextending. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate(R) once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kled will be looking to fight as much as possible in the early game to get a kill. Keep this in mind and avoid fighting him when playing as a tank. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate Chaaaaaaaarge!!! once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kled will be looking to fight as much as possible in the early game to get a kill. Keep this in mind and avoid fighting him when playing as a tank. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate Chaaaaaaaarge!!! once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kled will be looking to fight as much as possible in the early game to get a kill. Keep this in mind and avoid fighting him when playing as a tank. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate Chaaaaaaaarge!!! once you walk up to farm.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kled will be looking to fight as much as possible in the early game to get a kill. Keep this in mind and avoid fighting him when playing as a tank. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate Chaaaaaaaarge!!! once you walk up to farm.”
Thrandor says “This hamster is pretty annoying. When he hits Q he will apply anti-heal to you so make sure not to fight him during that. You can even deny the pull instance of his Q by biting a minion and sticking onto it in the right moment. Watch out for his W and let him waste it on minions before fighting him!”
1akai1 says “NÃO MORRA EARLY, use seu W no segundo Q dele que você vai ganhar sempre as trocas, não se preocupe se não acontecer nada early, você ganha a side dele e o Kled precisa sair com vantagem para fazer algo no game”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kled will be looking to fight as much as possible in the early game to get a kill. Keep this in mind and avoid fighting him when playing as a tank. When duelling Kled, keep an eye on his secondary bar. If it’s almost full, he will mount during the skirmish and he’ll be able to kill you. Avoid going for extended duels when he is about to remount. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. Neither will he be able to chase you down with his Ultimate once you walk up to farm.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “This matchup is really hard UNLESS you have a good understanding of how Kled works. Look for Q/Grasp procs but DO NOT dismount him randomly. Leave his mount on 1hp then all
in him after an auto. This is so you can BACKLOAD your damage into bursting him when dismounted. Also try and stun him when dismounted so he can't auto to remount. Ignite makes
this easier if you add ignite to him being dismounted too. ”
Yiphen says “NEED MORE MATCHUP EXPERIENCE. Start Doran's Blade and Win Lane. Dismount him early and he's helpless. He has no easy way to engage on you, and I think he loses the trade if he E's you. Freeze wave near tower. Dance.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Хорошо, что на нем не играют. Уважайте его раннию игру, у него страшные раны на Q, и своей E, он легко уходит от ваше E, старайтесь здесь фриз и два щупальца, фармите Q, Клед, один из не многих чемпион, что на лвл 3 под двумя щупальцами все еще могут за дуэлить Иллаой, но совершайте ошибок.”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile car kled à l'avantage en terme de dégâts.
Attention à ne pas se faire toucher par son E + Q.
Si vous farmez correctement vous serez plus utile que lui en late game.
MU où trinité est importante.”
NegativePhoenix says “Crazy little guy. He's only dangerous in the early game stages, once it hits late game he can't really hurt you. Just make sure you watch his passive bar when Skaarl leaves as if he gets back on him before you can ult execute in the lane phase, he's gonna win the fight.”
gekigami says “Kled tem um engage duplo caso ele te acerte com o 'E'
Evite ficar próximo dele quando ele estiver com o 'W' ativo, pois muito provável que ele vai querer ir pra cima de você.
kled em si é fraco, porem os jogadores de kled jogam de ignite e barreira. e isso se torna problemático.
não subestime o kled pois ele tem uma gameplay muito puxada pro 'comeback'”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Difficult matchup for Yone.
Try and dodge his Qs, dont engage on him or he will hit it for free.
You want to trade with him when his W is on cd.
When he doesn't have Skaarl he's vulnerable and you can look for an all in or setup a gank.”
kurbart says “Kled The Yordle With a Mouth
this dude is like dead pool he just never dies the fact that he cant be qwer no matter how much ap you got you can drop 10000ap r on him he would just laugh it off due to his passive watch out for him, ever frost is a great pick to hold em down so you can finish him off when he dismounts.”
VituVonDoom says “Cheesiest of cheeses, don't die to him and you should be fine. Never engage the dismounted Kled, he has more hp than you, your jg, your mid laner, and baron at once. Run Phase Rush, and legit ust run from the cheese and outscale him to hell. If he hits Q, be careful to not pop Phase Rush when it reels you in, and only Hammer E him away in his second E.”
HalexUwU says “Not hard at all. Just be sure to be careful about his dismount. I'd even consider saving your ultimate for just after he gets off skarl.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Mainly dodge/bait out his Q and trades are easier afterwards + you can have pressure -> Can dodge his Q with your E as well or use your E to chase him and go for an extended trades -> Preferably do not tank his 3 AAs from W because with each 1 they do more damage -> Look at his E arrow to know at what direction he will dash towards -> After his Q is down you can look to go in for short trade with E+AA+W+Q+E or for a bit extended one Q3, walk back and bit and go back in with E and start trading -> Level 6+ he can tower dive you from 50-60% Hp -> Get freezes bait Q and go in and repeat -> If you are further up from the middle of the lane it is fairly dangerous so do be careful”
NegativePhoenix says “Kled is insanely annoying being that he has 2 healthbars, 1 that he can restore near instantly with his passive. He has better all-ins even at level 1 so be careful of that. If he doesn't land his Q you have a better trade chance than him. If he does land it just E out of range if you can. ”
Aberrant Demon says “Avoid his Qs level 1. If you suck at dodging, run away with Q before it yoinks you. Don't be near him when his W is up, wait for him to have to last hit. Once his W is down, take any trade you can if your W is up. Avoid fights if his near his remount, however. Post-6 make sure he doesn't get any free roaming opportunities with his ult. Hold ult after his dismount if you are looking to all-in. Placing a ward deep in the lane can help with this. After Stridebreaker it's very hard for him to stick to you. ”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Kled is a special case, as it looks like he's just a sicker version of Sett. However, it's worse than you might think, as unfortunately, his all-in practically insta kill the teemo after the extreme early game (similarly to Yasuo and Yone). In the first waves you will be able to pressure him a lot, however later it will become impossible, as he will be able to zone with the grab in addition to the all in that has already been said. In that case I recommend you go with Conqueror (something very risky), but if you play as safe as possible and only try to trade when he makes a mistake; it is possible to hold an all-in, even more so if you already start the trade with an ignite. Now if you're not mechanically guaranteed, go Fleet Footwork and play a farm simulator lane, always ping for gank in case he freezes (since doing it alone is literally suicide).”
IcunoX says “Kled is scary if he knows what he is doing, otherwise not too hard. He can dive you easily with his stupid lizzard and deals a crap ton of damage. Dont get hit by his Q and you will be even.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish him as hard as possible on freezes, you win this matchup.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall then Freeze
Easy matchup, any type of trades favors you really as long as you don't let him freely use his whole W.
Try to parry his Q pull onto him, a lot of kleds like to E into you to dodge it so try to read the players habits (holding parry is also fine).
Look to parry his ultimate to stop him from engaging in fights and going onto your team.
If he is unmounted, parry cripple is really strong as he will really struggle to re-mount with the AS slow.
Try to fight when the wave is pulled in so you can run him down.”
Boptimus says “The difficulty obviously rises the better the Kled is, but I almost always find this lane extremely free.
Early levels Kled will spam Q for harass which is easy to dodge, and can be sustained back up through W.
After Level 3 every single Kled player will do the exact same thing; they wait for their W to be available, and blow their entire load on you when you go to last hit. This is very easily disengaged from by using E. Dump some combo's on him once you get mana sustain and he should be an easy kill. Be careful using your combo when he dismounts so you don't lose damage, and make sure you can kill him before he remounts.”
Scallywag says “Very strong early.
He can and will run you down in one rotation with ignite early on if you don't watch out.
Still playable since he's melee and you can zone him with barrels.
Kite him with movement speed from your barrels and passive.
Don't get baited when he's dismounted and he has w up since he can get Skaarl back very quickly and kill you.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Kled is annoying by nature. He doesn't need ignite with his Skaarl Q and annoys the bleep out of everybody. If you can't stop his Skaarl then you can't win. However, once dismounted, he cannot escape your W: Dark Procession so use that to your advantage.”
BiriRamen says “never fought a kled so I got nothing for this matchup but on U.GG, Kled is kicking Rengars ASS. I'll put him at Extreme until I actually face him and see if I need to kms.”
KyleTheConqueror says “Anti-Tahm Kit:
Passive, hard to push.
He is aggressive and can kill you pretty easily early on. Play safe and get ganks.
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Your highest kill threat is level 9 when you can get to Q him often, if he ever misses his Q and he is 70% hp then you can all in him, just remember to keep your R2 for executing him once he gets off the house and then finish him with Q.”
Trundledaddy says “Champ is just obnoxious as fuck
Kind of hard to kill, since he will
quite often just re-mount, save
pillar for after his dismounted Q
plated steelcaps can make lane
a bit easier, lane isn't hard, just
obnoxious with his ult roams mid”
LoucasTitan says “s. It is really hard to fight Kled in the early game to midgame. Be careful and wait for Kled to dash in case that is where you should strike him. Try not to push the wave too much because Kled could ult on you with his jungler.
Hawkkiller105 says “Kled is Kled, you really cannot fight this champion because of his mobility and his pet's health. He is really good at abusing tanks early and making them cry because you don't have much of a choice but to play from under your turret ”
Federals1 says “His bear trap will reduce your heal by a lot, so you always need to do short trades against him. Both q and w maxes work. If you max q however try to take him out of his mounted form before a full all in, or else you won't have the damage to finish him off. Cosmic drive rush or Iceborn Gauntet rush work well, and then do second item whichever you didn't do first. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Dodge his q because it gives grievous wounds and can hurt ur Q heal. He has 2 dashes if he hits you with it but you can pull him mid dash to cancel it. Care for ganks at 6 with his ult.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Parry his Q, you can fight him everytime he has his W in cooldown, but don't underestimate him when he is without Skaarl, since he can get him back and outplay you, but you shouldn't have any problem.”
gazibulle says “Very easy matchup to medium if it's an OTP. You outscale him. Consider taking Bone Plating to counter his all-in. Early levels you can contest him with Q if you both have Bone Plating or he doesn't, you will win with passive shield as long as you don't overextend since some Kleds play with Lethal Tempo. Perma poke him with W and trade whenever you have shield with W-Q-Q. Keep your E for when he gets dismounted so you can follow him and run him down. Level 6 your all-in is very deadly especially once he is dismounted, so you can E onto him then R him once Skaarl cowardly abandonned him. Once you have a few items he stands no chance against you, even if you miss everything: your shield will ignore 80% of his damage and 1k true damage factor. Force him to side as his potential to catch your allies is good with his ult.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “If you survive pre 6 this lane becomes free. If you do go E rush, after his mount flees. Poke him as much as you can with E and Q/autos.”
alexionut05 says “Not much to say about this matchup, you should simply not encounter any difficulties fighting Kled. Q whenever he gets too close and Grasp-Passive him until Skarl dies, then you can go ham on him.”
MHLoppy says “Having a second health bar which he can regenerate makes all-ins cumbersome, since he literally has *double* your melee range when dismounted and it can be difficult to actually kill him before he has enough Courage (mana bar) to get Skaarl back. Nonetheless, Olaf has advantage whenever the second (or third) health bar comes into play, which tends to make it pretty even overall.”
Agatrium says “Try not to fight him if he landed the full Q pull on you. That grevious wounds he applies to you from that is enough to push the fight in his favor. If you dodge it successfully, you can fight him. ”
youmamaleftu says “Not really hard. To win against him build first goredrinker and second essence reaver and you win. block his root with your w and you will be fine”
Cryniu says “Trata de esquivar su Q. Si te acierta la Q salte de su rango.
Usa el combo Q+W cuando se acerque a golpearte con todo.
Prioriza botas de armadura.
Juega con intercambios de daño cortos.
Juega defensivo, él suele hacer mucho daño.
Atácalo cuando lo veas vulnerable, sobre todo cuanto esté de pie. Si va a subirse a Skaarl deja de golpearlo si no crees matarlo.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra Kled, usa solo la runa o no la uses.
Síguelo cuando use su R para ir a otros carriles, protege a tus aliados con tu R.”
Helzky says “Kled is pretty rough when it comes to Lethality Yorick. He has amazing all in and therefore your all in cannot match his. Buy executioners and play under tower.”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash and rush bork. try not to demount him, instead look to get him low, back off, then all him in once you have all your cd's back. always save E for E + W combo”
GG Cannon says “Actually pretty easy to deal against.
He is very vulnerable to your Cocoon, you can easily dodge his ult with Rappel and you will chunk him a lot, and unmounted, he has no way to escape you at all.”
magician4444 says “If he's on you, its very difficult to get him off due to his sticking power. I haven't played this match up much but if he get's onto you its pretty hard to shake him off.”
ChowJunior says “Game of judgement. Fighting him is scary because of his built in grevious wounds, but beyond that you will win all-ins. Watch his W during your fight; it is not an active use, so if it is up and he autos, it procs. If you see it proc shortly before he dismounts, you easily kill before remount. If it procs as he dismounts, you must make a judgement call. If you have E-Q up and think you can burst, go for it. If not, it may be smart to distance yourself until his W drops off, then finish the job.”
Your Desired Username says “Difficult match-up. Rush tabis. His early levels are insanely strong, he just has so much damage and infinite sticking potential. Try not to take any bad trades early or he will use it to zone you out of any cs and the second you walk up he can just one-shot you. You can take short trades IF you keep them short. You don't really ever have much of a chance to kill him in lane, because you don't have the damage to kill him before he remounts, therefore just try to chill and get as much cs as possible and ask your jungler for help. You outscale him hard, but don't ult him later on unless he is dismounted and seems unable to remount in the near future. He is usually way too tanky to kill within 7 seconds.”
boboderaffe says “If Kled hits his full Q it will apply Grievous Wounds, so try to avoid that as much as possible.
The key to winning against kled is playing safe until you have enough mana to poke him until his mount disappears and then going all in on him.
Beware of the enemy jungler, he can set up ganks with Q+ult pretty good. ”
Xochii says “Kled's just way too annoying... This matchup might come down to skill, but I feel Shen has a disavantadge of some sort especially because of Skaarl.”
Rayli36 says “His Q has anti-heal so it's a little bit of counter for you so try to dodge the circle whenever his throw it at you + when he's unmounted you can Q-ignite-R in 99% Scenarios
BreadedBreadCrum says “Kled deals high damage and has high health. Good luck killing him with his mobility too. Your E can tank his autos but he can also maneuver around you. Take grasp for some trading potential and Lethal is you're sure you can match his pressure. Take Frostfire, BoRK or Sunfire.”
Shinox says “You will slightly struggle against him once he hits 6 because you will probably die if you don't have mega Gnar up. Be careful with his Q because it will pull you. He can kill you and you can kill him. We outscale him in the late game if we don't feed him. Shouldn't be too hard after 20 minutes.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
ArshieMeBob says “Any champ with a gapcloser likely does well into you. He does mad damage and at 6 he has an insane gapcloser. Just play safe and don't trade too aggressively, otherwise you'll be in engage range.”
LunaticDancer says “Kled is extremely dangerous early, then falls off harder and harder as the game goes on. Gambler is viable, D Shield is mandatory. Don't let him attack you more than 3 times when he's small, finish him off with summons instead. Be extremely careful at levels 1-3.”
N0kk__ says “Kled is a .... So Kled's Q has 60% heal reduction which means he has Grevious wounds without even buying one. Ward River, because Kled players often want ganks under tower, meaning he will go In under tower to fight you and when he kills you he will dismount to lose aggro. Don't try to trade and fight.”
COJA says “If you fail to dodge his E+Q, you will be stabbed multiple times and be in danger of getting dove if you take a bad trade. Remember that Kled W is used whenever off cooldown, so let him attack the minions first. Kled can't control his movement while dismounting, so you can position your Q right where he is going to be when he exits untargetability. His Q is a short cooldown at higher ranks and inflicts grevious wounds for 5 seconds, so be respectful of it.”
Mataulipecont says “Contra Kled tenemos un skill matchup,debemos procurar evitar su Q y su cuarto basico de la W
Recomendable bajorlo de la montura y quitarle el CD de esta para tradear”
Eduardocwalle says “Nobody plays this guy ;(
He can bait u with his passive so be careful. U can dodge his R with yours, and even follow him if he tries to escape.”
Polartech says “Another frustrating lane for Kayle, Kled can Dash, Root you to the ground and has an insange amount of damages when he is on his mount. You can't do a lot in this mathc up, just farm safely and try to poke him until he will loose his stupid Chocobo Mount - "cit."”
Black Demon Ezel says “God I hate Kled, and not just because of the fact that I don't use nasty language a whole ton like this idiot does but his nature is just stupid hard to deal with. His ultimate makes him unstoppable so if you cannot time it correctly then don't use it when you hear the ominous battle horn unless you are after someone else”
Sandor Clegane98 says “This lane is usually mean't to go into your favor for most of the times assuming you somehow don't get cheesed by the jungler in the early stages,all ins and trades all go into your favor,the key here is to make sure you save your R for after hes dismounted as let's say you don't save it and use it while hes mounted with low Skaarl hp,you won't pull off any more damage than the health he has up to his dismount meaning the ult damage will go to waste and potentially deny you a free kill,so yes do keep this in mind fellow aspiring reader.Pre six the trading is as mentioned in your favor,for extra cheese be sure to keep your
E for when hes done gapclosing so you can pull him right back and finish him off.
Dblade recommended.”
5Head Builds says “He has pretty good all-ins and is hard to escape from. He also has lots of burst. However, this is the one champ that your passive will carry in early and you can shred and vamp his health bar at early levels.”
Prof Harambe says “His burst mobility is too much and its hard to not die early. If he can get past daisy and onto you its over, if he can't he can just use his max health autos and shred through daisy's health a lot faster than most characters.”
MrZoltannn says “If he E's onto you hope his Q doesn't hit you, if you can dismount him, poke him, and only go all-in if you know you can kill him. Start with Doran's shield for more survivability.”
ToothlessKnight says “Kled can be a pretty big threat in the early game. It's fairly easy for him to land his beartrap on you due to Urgot's large hitbox. Avoid trading when Kled's W is up. Do not let him get lane prio because Kled is an incredible diver and his skaarl passive resets turret aggro. He also is an incredible roamer. Rush Ninja Tabis, and keep lane priority, you hard outscale this one 1v1. Ping your team whenever Kled is 6 and missing, he is a monster on the map with his ultimate. ”
xPetu says “Tips: W blocks his W-AAs and also prevents him from gaining Courage while unmounted. 99% of Kled players are not aware of this and you can bait them into situations where they are used to re-mounting and then kill then. Dodge his Mounted Q. Mounted Q2 interrupts your E.”
Stinkee says “If the Kled is good you might have a hard time but overall, this matchup isn't bad. Just try to poke him down as much as possible to dismount him. When he's dismounted, try to time your Q when he Q's so you can cancel his small dash and kill him. While he's dismounted his will be very easy to ult as he only has like 275 movespeed, just make sure he doesn't have his Q ready or he might be able to dodge.”
Sovereign Kitten says “You need to avoid his hook and keep moving away from him if he does hit it, which is pretty standard advice. (Q) him if you ever get pulled in to prevent the first 3 swift (AA) from his (W) and try to get out of his reach with one of your Shrooms placed down as he dashes towards you. You can not body block the grapple with minions, so be careful of his (Q) and (E) > (Q) cheese. If you hear him (R) you can go into stealth. He won't be able to target you, because his ability is not a target skill but a visible range skill. Excellent if you want to assassinate his ADC when their entire team rushes ahead of you for you to flank.
Anoying bro5 says “Another fun matchup for Fiora. lvl 2 you win, parry the second part of his Q to stun him. He needs to get in melee range so watch out for his jump to try to make you miss the riposte. You basically auto win this lane if you understand how to play around him and Skaarl. You can also parry his ult. Be careful of him kiting you when he is not on skaarl as he can bait you into a fight that you cant win.”
lol Wero says “An All In champ but a winnable lane. Rush Ninja Tabi and poke him out to dismount him (His Passive). Once he's dismounted, avoid his Pocket Pistol (Q) so he cannot get mounted back to Skaarl. Make sure to get Cut Down Runes for this match up”
BoilTheOil says “Don't make the mistake of taking long fights with Kled levels 1-3, you don't win due to his huge health pool. Don't fight him unless he misses his Q. Don't use any spell other than Q before he's dismounted because once he dismounts you need to burst him. When he's dismounted use E and W and if he's still alive ult him.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Kled isn't too bad. His double dash and Q are what you really need to worry about. Otherwise you can pull off some funny kills when Skarrl is down. He mostly does physical damage automatically making him easier than Jax or Irelia. Build frostfire so he can't move and build into randuins and thornmail so he can't hurt you.”
quinn adc says “I have been stomping high- elo Kleds pretty hard basically every single time now, and if you follow what I say here, then you should as well :)
First, it's important to understand Kled's kit at a basic level at least in order to succeed in this matchup. Before, I used to hard lose every single kled matchup simply because I did not understand his kit or Kled's objective in the lane. To succeed in league for any matchup, you must understand what your opponent wants to do at a basic level and be a few steps ahead of them just like in the game of chess.
Kled's main ability in lane is his Q, Beartrap on a Rope, where he whips out his lash in a line, and if it hits a champion, they become attached for 1.75 seconds. This ability goes through minions, and as a Quinn player, SAVE YOUR VAULT for after the ability pulls you in. I recommend to NOT vault while the tether is latched onto you because if you somehow are not able to escape the tether (whether kled then flashes on you to keep in range or he's just able to keep in range), then you will instantly die without your vault. Vault is such a good ability to counter Kled's Q becasue when he pulls you in, your vault will slow him and put you at a safe distance away to escape and kite kled thereafter.
Next, level 3 onwards be mindful of Kled's E, Jousting, which is essentially just a dash. Kled will E dash and then Q to get into range and suprise you with his Q. The important thing to remember guys is to try to not be close enough to kled in lane because if he lands his E on you (if his dash hits your character), then Kled gets a second dash within 3 seconds.
You will beat kled up in trades so long as you A) maintain distance so he can't get his double dash from his E hitting you, and if you B) save vault for AFTER his Q pulls you in. If you follow these two simple tips, you will hard beat kled pre-6.
If kled misses Q on you, then don't be afraid to retaliate with vault/a bit trade because Kled's damage relies on him landing his Q pull on you! In lane, try to use your fleet movespeed/W max harrier movespeed to sidestep his Q if possible and bait it becasue if he wiffs it, you will win the following trade hard. Quinn's goal in lane is after kled misses Q OR if he pulls you in and vault out to safety, immediately retaliate with big trades. With your W max and fleet Movespeed, you will be able to chase kled down and get a handful of autos in.
Your goal is to get Kled to dismount in lane, and how he dismounts is when his red HP bar goes to 0! When he is dismounted, quinn can run kled down super hard and destroy him. Keep in mind guys that Kled's Q is a 9-7 CD and your vault is a 12-8 second CD, so don't overextend when your vault is on CD because his Q will be up first!
Now, for the post 6. Kled's R makes him untargettable so don't vault him until it ends. His R is annoying and grants him a perfect gank set-up, but on an insanely long CD. Try to sidestep his Q if possible and wait for his ult to expire. If you can bait it out and live, then save your vault for after his Q pulls you like I recommended earlier.
I say run Stormrazor rush in this build because with that complete along with celerity + nimbus cloak, you actually have incredible MS and slows on kled to allow you to survive all ins from kled post 6 and re-engage on him after he blows his CDs on you.
I recommend to watch vids to watch how I play against Kled post 6 to see how I position/kite him when he ults me!”
Veng Shotz says “Regardless of either going grasp/conq, kleds Q+W will chunk you out of lane and let him dive you for free with his passive. Try to position yourself to dodge Q and E to the side when you see him step up to you. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Since his overall base damage is just nuts, I would say rush shieldbow into IE and you'll have a chance to survive the burst dmg and lifesteal enough to kill him afterwards!”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Bear Trap on a Rope(Q) and you make out-trades with Kled. Avoid fighting him while he has Violent Tendencies as it buffs his attack speed and damage and the buff last 4 seconds. Prepare yourself to juke out his Charge!(R). (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kled) (Mega Adhesive prevents his charge from being cast, but does not stop it) (Mega Adhesive stops his Jousting) (Fling overrides Jousting) ”
Amphawn says “Kled has lots of mobility, which kind of sucks if you're playing kayle. His hook also lets him stick on you for even longer, so try and stay at a distance where if you do get hit, you can W and get out of the range. Even if you get him off of his passive, you probably wont be able to kill him by the time he gets it back up, so just play safe early game. Be careful of his ult as he can get on you out of nowhere along with his entire team. That being said, he is fairly easy to handle with jungle help. ”
PH45 says “Dodge his W's procs with E and you should do good. Avoid getting hit by his Q and you should win all ins against him. Careful however since he gets courage quickly when hes attacking a champion so back off if you are low hp since he get's quite a lot of hp back just by attacking you a couple of times.”
At_Tar_Ras says “side step his hook and you'll be okay. matchup is hard for me to explain to be honest as i've played thousands of games and can probably say i've played against less than 15 kleds as irelia lol”
iZeal says “Dodge his Qs or suffer 60% healing reduction. He has the ability to beat you throughout the game, but his teamfighting is weaker if you CC him. If he demounts you have to have 2 Qs left to deal enough damage to kill him or he will just remount during that time and kill you instead. ”
SunFalk says “He has grevious wounds in his kit. He has a dash. He his tanky. He his mobile. He has a grab. - To deal with Kled, you'll need to CS and dodge his hook, when you see him low, don't try to kill him because he will just make Skaarl come back and give him a 50% of his life shield and kill you instead.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Bear Trap on a Rope(Q) and you make out-trades with Kled. Avoid fighting him while he has Violent Tendencies as it buffs his attack speed and damage and the buff last 4 seconds. Prepare yourself to juke out his Charge!(R). (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kled) ”
slogdog says “Kled E is bugged and one shots all your ghouls, however, there's also this weird bug where Kled baby form counts towards his maximum HP. This means your E, R, Bork, and Divine Sunderer rips holes into him. Go Sunderer against Kled and make him miserable. Also he's full ad, meaning you can stack armor effectively.”
Raen says “Try to dismount him and then her easier to kill him. Your E blocks his W completely. You need to look at his courage since he will get large amount of hp from mount so fight and dive him wisely! Bork can help vs him. Move a lot to dodge his Q.”
Hijitori says “Kled is an early game champion. "If you burn his passive early, he is going to be pretty much useless, but you need to focus to not let him stack it with his Q. So If you dodge that, you are going to be ok." - Balori”
SaltCat says “Level 1 you beat him with stacked passive, level 2 also, level 3 and beyond fight only when his W is down, use your Q to dodge his Q, ping when he is missing”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Bear Trap on a Rope(Q) and you make out-trades with Kled. Avoid fighting him while he has Violent Tendencies as it buffs his attack speed and damage and the buff last 4 seconds. Prepare yourself to juke out his Charge!(R). (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Kled) ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup isn't fun at all. Kled can dash through your wall to get to you. He has insane burst, tower dive potential, and can dash through you and your maiden and make all kinds of havoc. Once you ult your ghouls just make it so even a dismounted Kled can easily get his mount back as well. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If he misses his Q then you can all in him with D blade. Let him shove and freeze to your turret. You win all trades if he misses his Q. Wait for your abilities to come back if he's in mini form before going all in again. ”
LoLReal says “I'd say slightly Kled favored now with the grievous wounds buff he received (thanks, Riot) but ultimately a skill match up still. We can out trade him.
Make sure to dismount Kled prior to ulting or our ult is effectively wasted. We have to hit Q in this match up or we won't win. Careful for him dodging it by going into you.”
Justkb says “This is a purely skill-based matchup! If you can fight him within your wave you should win sustained trades. Make sure that you can avoid his Q as the heal reduction limits your sustain. You beat him until he hits level 11. Try not to trade with him if he has his W up as this increases his burst significantly. Once he dismounts try to get close and time your E with his Q. Kill him as fast as possible once he has dismounted. ”
P1Legend says “So This matchup is pretty annoying. It all comes down to 1 factor. If you dodge his hook thing, you can fight him. if you do not dodge his hook thing, you should immediately start walking away and try not to die. once he loses skarl, go for an ignite burst when he misses his shotgun”
MythicMike says “Kled has grevious wounds built in his Q ability and has 2 dashes of mobility so he can be pretty hard to lane against. Try to dodge the Q or break the Q by going away. You can predict his dashes since he has a limited time to reactivate his dash and he always ends up on the other side of you.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Kled gets free grievous wounds in his kit (except better bc it's 60% reduction) which is a nightmare for Nasus. If you fight him I would advise to walk away during his healing cut, and Wither so you can fight afterwards.
Ward your river, as Kled will shove you in and ask for his jungler to come towerdive you. Kled will dismount to drop aggro, and you will die fairly easily. Take this lane very slowly, and don't look for many trades. This is a lane where you're just stacking and hoping for a chance to read mid and late game. Very hard to win trades vs a smart Kled. ”
qveenevelynn says “He is so annoying, fight him little by little with poke, you can't all in. Be careful he can have his mount back really fast and outplay you.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Bear Trap on a Rope(Q) and you make out-trades with Kled. Avoid fighting him while he has Violent Tendencies as it buffs his attack speed and damage and the buff last 4 seconds. Prepare yourself to juke out his Charge!(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Fan22 says “Kled it´s like a darius but maybe, and just maybe even worse.
He has 2 dashes with his E making maokai with his lack of movement an easy snack, and don´t forget his passive and his damague.
I think one of the more important things of kled is his Q, which deals good damague, but it also has Grievious wounds which reduces your healings, making maokais passive usseles in a fight.
Go tp and try to farm all you can and help your teamamtes with a tp if you see the opportunity, i reccomend buying tabis in this matchup.”
Autolykus says “Go Lethal Tempo. Max q. Play around his AA passive. Try to save your W after he dismounts since his dismount negates all damage and you wont get your full W worth.”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!! --- Kled is extremely strong. --- Do not take extended trades with him unless his W passive is down. So either let him use it on minions, etc or bait it out of him. It deals a large portion of his damage. --- His Q is a skillshot that will latch onto and pull you into him. If he does just walk away from him before the pull in. It deals a fair amount of damage. --- You'll want to play around these cooldowns to beat him. --- Also DO NOT ULT SKAARL. You want to force him off Skaarl before you ult otherwise he will still be alive. --- He is extremely immobile while on foot but still dangerous. If he fills up his passive bar by attacking he can remount and gain HP with Skaarl but only once. You want to avoid this if at all possible so you want to kill him or force him out of lane before that happens.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Bear Trap on a Rope(Q) and you make out-trades with Kled. Avoid fighting him while he has Violent Tendencies as it buffs his attack speed and damage and the buff last 4 seconds. Prepare yourself to juke out his Charge!(R). (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Infinite Duress prevents his charge from being cast, but does not stop it) (Jaws of the Beast follow Jousting) ”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Block his W with your E.
(3) When he misses his E you can try to all in him.
(4) When he wants use his second ult stun him to cancel his animation.
(5) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.”
Kacto15 says “Ve full tanque contra Kled, maxéate la W nunca la Q, el campeón tiene muchos dashes y te esquivará la Q casi siempre, lo outscaleas, puedes hacer teamfights sin problemas, ve a hacer proxy cuando puedas”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Bear Trap on a Rope(Q) and you make out-trades with Kled. Avoid fighting him while he has Violent Tendencies as it buffs his attack speed and damage and the buff last 4 seconds. Prepare yourself to juke out his Charge!(R). (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
montybucket says “I have never played vs this champ. I've got nothing to say from experience. But looking at his kit, he's got good damage and CC, but once he's off his dinosaur he's dead in the water. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] He has antiheal in his kid which is annoying, but if u manage to parry or dodge his Q you are winning the trade. If u dont missplay you win”
LegitLechner says “Thank god this champ is underplayed. his q has grievous wounds. Illaoi miss e not fun. also has his q to dodge if you dismount him. Skill matchup but havent played enough against him.”
OTP Toxin says “He is annoying, but you can dodge his chain and punish him hard. I found out that is really easy to kill him five times in 10 minutes :v Usually Kled players are flustered and you can use that to punish and tilt him early game. :D”
SilverAvalanche says “You beat him level 1 if he does not have ignite. else try and freeze in front of tower and farm.
try and dodge his Qs and Q him when it is on cooldown. But don't trade too much early level since the orbs you get is not worth the health deficit.”
MCSwavest says “Do not fight this champion pre 6. Ever. Skaarl will always save Kled in the nick of time, and then your lane is lost because of how oppressive he can be with little gold. Farm and poke until 6, run if he tries to all in you before that.”
This is not that difficult of a matchup. Even with ignite and PTA, Kled cannot beat a good Darius in lane. Kled is essentially a much weaker Renekton. Try to dodge his Qs. If he lands them onto you, then try to either walk out of its range or make sure you land a Q before it pulls you in as the anti heal on his Q is really stupid. You have to make sure to kite him around with ghost so that he does not get every single one of his W autos off on you. In all honesty, even if you miss half your abilities, you should still be able to beat him in an all him after Steelcaps. Just don’t take stupid short trades, as Kled has much more health to work with than you. Don’t get into an AA match with a dismounted Kled, as if he gets his remount off you are most likely dead. Steelcaps are the CHEAT CODE for a Kled lane. Get Steelcaps first EVERY TIME vs Kled because it just insta wins all ins for you. Trust me. Try your hardest to make sure he doesn't get ahead of you though, it will be a nightmare because a Kled can solo carry a game thanks to his ultimate. Just ping your team like crazy when he goes missing. You do outscale Kled eventually so don’t worry if you lose early. Just sit tight and look for opportunities. Conqueror is a MUST into this lane as you need the extra damage to cleave through all of his HP.”
Drake6401 says “He has the advantage until level 3. Your combat style doesn't change much here. Keep trades short and try to trade him when his W is down. That's where most of his damage comes from. Kled will usually play safe once dismounted to get minion kills or poke you. If he opens himself to a trade and won't get Skarel soon, try and finish him off. The late game favors him slightly so you'll want a lead.”
RivalOCE says “Dodge his Q at all costs, disengage immediately if he hits it. Try E his W damage. Don't get baited into overchasing once he's dismounted, Kled can turn the fight really easily. You outscale, go even/survive lane and you're sweet.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Phase Rush, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Try to dodge his charge hook combo, if you get hit with his full combo, it hurts a lot!
- If you can't, do quick combo and phase rush away.
- Q him all the time and try to all in him when he dismounts!
- To win the all in, you need to save your E and ult AFTER he dismounts! Then just run him down and kill him!
- Dodge his pull skillshot of course
- If he uses his empowered autos to waveclear, you can get some close range melees in
- If he charges you, Q then E immediately and kite him with a few autos. Try to not let him get the last auto off on you."”
The Real Fake says “Used to be relatively easy matchup, but after the buff to Kled Q you cannot beat him. His 60% healing reduction completely shuts down one of your strongest attibutes, in combat healing/drain. Only time you can attempt to trade is if he misses his Q.”
Wawza says “His Q applies Grievious Wounds so your healing wont be as effective in this matchup, try to make him waste his Q and then engage, harder to win this matchup but not impossible by any means.”
sock217 says “Pain in the ass. He can turn the tides on an extended fight and thats where kench thrives. Try your best and only take smart fights. Your engage beats his but he may beat you if you dont play perfect.”
maxlid3 says “Is pretty weak in the early stage of the game. Has a good engage through minons and can stun you if he hits his skillshot and keeps onto you. Try to hold W until he engages. After 6 he can become a big threat and just run you down.”
Rhoku says “Kled is a MASSIVE threat as his early game is SIGNIFICANTLY better than yours. Not to mention how if he gets a kill, he will be able to snowball EXTREMELY hard. Do not die to him pre-6. Just wait out the lane. Rush Ninja Tabi, as this item counters him hard. Level 6, you will be able to beat him because Kled has a TON of HP, leading to you getting a decent chunk of stats from him with your ultimate. Ping like crazy when he is missing because a good Kled can take over the game and carry with his ultimate. Be sure to land your Qs properly. Don't let him E through you over and over again and outplay your Qs. If you miss anything you are dead. This lane is NOT forgiving. I wouldn't even step up to Q range pre 6 as this lets him hit his Q onto you which will lead into a full trade where you either die or just get GIGA chunked out.”
YasTilt says “He has Anti-Heal Built-In his Kit, try to dodge his Q and don't let him restack Courage and Start taking trades when he loses Skaarl. Take Anti-Heal because his Life Steal will be insane.”
Heansuh says “It really depends on how good enemy Kled is, but usually it's quite tricky. Try not to push lane against him, and fight him when his W disappears. ”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) When he lands Q on you, E him when it is about to stun you. If Kled mounts when you land R on him - he will just dismount and will still be alive. Spam ping if he is ever missing in lane after lvl 6. You win after lvl 9.”
PK Noob says “Play smart around Kled and don't rush in blindly. Wait for him to miss his grapple then engage. Try to save your Ultimate for when he loses Skaarl (his lizard mount), so you can chase him down.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. Your Q - Knuckle Down and R - The Show Stopper do damage based on the enemy's HP. And Kled's Passive - Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard grants him tons of bonus HP. Avoid fighting him level 1 - 3, you won't win unless he is really bad or you cheese him with Ignite. Try to burst him as fast as possible once he dismounts. Ult him in teamfights into the enemy team for a big nuke or away from your back-line.”
Avelon6698 says “Very scary dude. more skilled player wins really. Be careful of his 3 w autos early on, dodge his q, and you should be fine for freelo. I believe he does have a better early and/or mid so watch out for that.”
Psychopathic Top says “Not sure WHY this champ got a 60% heal reduct on his bear trap (Q) everytime he pulls you in. Since that patch kled got the free executors calling (better actually because it’s 60% instead of 40%), this matchup is now close to impossible vs good kled mains. He simply sets up too many good dives with the enemy jungler (especially something like Elise). The biggest issue isn’t laning itself, it’s the turret aggro reset that makes him broken in lane to deal with. With enough respect, it’s possible to survive the lane by sitting far away from kled and farming with E if needed (make sure to not shove the wave with E), and let the wave crash before Q stacking them. The issue exists at such a point. When a big minion wave crashes, the enemy jungle may come and perform what we call a 100-0 turret dive. The remount mechanic makes kled switch agro after he de-mounts, which means there is no outplay potential when he turret dives you with the enemy jungler. Post level 6, if he can’t kill you he just Rs the rest of your team and you lose slowly that way, through macro. The best thing you can do is to go even in lane and hope to not get dove, since his healing reduction hard counters Nasus as well and all ins are hard to perform. ”
Olaugh says “It's always hard vs Kled. Try to poke him as much as possible and you can put 2 points into E. Go all in when he hasnt Scarl-his dog and if he has high fury dont go all in except if u are 100%sure you can burst him”
DippyDan says “Has free grievous wounds in kit and high burst combo. TIPS: [1] Wait out his W passive for when he attacks minions before trading. [2] Dodge or Parry his Q. ”
Hecki says “This is a weird one. Go Second Wind with Dorans Shield. Dodge his Q or else you will receive 60% Grievous Wounds without him having any Heal debuff items. If he misses his Q you can basically all in him but be careful when he dismounts. Most Kled players will ignore everything and try to run you down in order to get remounted. ”
IvernLover74856 says “It's hard to all-in him level 1 because of his passive. Be sure to pop it before you all-in.
Don't overstay in lane because he'll just ult to kill you.
When you all-in with your E, be sure to dodge his shotgun blast or you'll likely lose the trade.
Being hit by his lasso is painful but not a death sentence. ”
Rocking Masterock says “Dangerous early, but his aggro can easily be stopped with E, not worth maxing Q and trying to poke a champion with such high HP, building DS is a considerable option in this matchup due to Kled's high HP, but Sunfire Aegis works aswell, just depending from enemy teamcomp.”
DemonicTrail says “Angry little yordle can just steam roll all over you if he gets slightly ahead, his engage and damage gets out of hand, his 2nd part of Q also applies grevious wounds which is pretty strong vs you”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Hard matchup. He can all-in you easily if he hits his E + Q combo. If you manage to dodge his Q you can trade back (after 6) and force his dismount. Just like Jax, this lane is unforgiving. Giving him one kill means you cannot fight him anymore.”
SunOak says “Borderline hard, dont think you will kill him because he is dismounted. He can get back Skaarl mid fight and it will turn the fight completly just play for late/mid game and farm.”
pumparumm says “Kled is just a lane bully. His GW level one is hard to play against. You can still fight him but there is a high possibility he will come out victorious, especially during late game.”
Alan234 says “Go PTA (Take cut down) and lots of attack speed.
Be careful of his all ins and gank setup with e. Use your Q when he is on you with his W. When kled is in his small form you need to be careful because your burst is not very strong and he could turn around a fight. In general you just poke him and dodge his q's and youre fine. Call your jungler for counterganks because his dive is very good due to tower aggro resets
TXK_ says “His high mobility and in-built anti-heal makes all-ins difficult so poke with Q and disengage with E. Do not ult while he is using his as he is unstoppable.”
Mr. Popper says “The Kled v Gnar Matchup is whoever screws up first. Other than that you can safely lane against kleds and they can impose on the wave as his all in is pretty scary.”
aurus666lol says “when he is using E+Q, use your E, he can dodge you damage by jumping from Skaarl when having low hp. I think you should rush some resists instead of healing, because of course he has 60% Grievous Wounds on Q.”
JaxIsAHobo says “One of your easier matchups. Practically all of his damage comes from his W empowered auto attacks, so just... use your E lol. His only real harrass is his bear trap, that only does major damage if it activates it's second proc, so try to avoid the second proc. Build Botrk and just run him down + outsustain him in lane. Play slowly, you outscale him anyways.”
MrShykun says “SKILLED MATCHUP FORTEMENT EN VOTRE FAVEUR. ESQUIVEZ SES Q EVITEZ DE VOUS PRENDRE LE FULL BURST DU W. VOUS POUVEZ EGALEMENT CANCEL SON DEUXIEME DASH DU E AVEC VOTRE E. PRENEZ CONQUEROR. EN THEORIE UN KLED NE PEUT PAS VOUS BATTRE EN LANE. Si jamais kled vous Q essayez de soit sortir de la range du sort ou bien de vous placer de sorte a ce que quand il va vous attirer vous touchiez votre Q. Vous pouvez également le kite avec le ghost pour esquivez les dégâts du W. Ne prenez pas de mauvais trade car kled est un perso qui possède énormément de pv. Rushez les tabis c'est une obligation il ne pourra jamais JAMAIS gagner un all in contre vous si vous avez les tabis. Si kled n'est plus sur la lane n'oubliez pas de ping vos alliés il pourrait être en train de roam avec son ultime. Vous avez le late game contre lui donc si vous perdez l'early ce n'est pas si grave.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “50-50 match-up. While he is on Skarl his Q has 60% Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds as known as Anti-heal. It even slows you for 40%-60%.
"Are you a joke, you loud, horrible thing? I shall kill you and your steed!"”
Prezibogen says “He is a nightmare to play against. He will often mount up before you can kill him.
To beat him you need to rush the AP Items from Riftmaker. Your Level 6 is also better then his in 1v1.
So if you manage to not die till Level 6 and buy your AP items you can win the fights.”
GlaDyOfficial says “Only pull him under tower if you are 100% certain that you will kill him. He loses tower aggro if unmounted and he will probably live and/or kill you.”
Vandenelis says “he is a lane bully. his rapid auto attack spell is on a long cooldown, and is activated whenever he attacks even a minion, so try to wait this ability out, to survive lane you need to dodge his beartraps. later on he is likely to use shield giving items like gargoyle stone plate when he gets knocked out of of his mount, so if he is itemizing shield giving item, I recommend saving your ult for someone else”
Bombabo says “As long as you don't let him cheese you early, you shouldn't have much of a problem beating Kled.. You outdamage him, and your ult prevents him from being able to fight long enough to get skaarl back. Just remember that your ult won't kill him if he is still mounted”
Kartagoo says “Get tabi early! He has a lot of Burst and can outplay you hard when he dismounts and mounts again. Dodge his Q and watch his W (4 Auto attack passive). Don't trade with him when has it up! Always watch your HP and Kled alone or with the Jungler can easily dive you cuz he loses Turret aggro when he dismounts. When you get him to Dismount either kill before he has half a bar to mount again or just dont all in him at all. Ask for ganks. Keep in mind that he can roam with level 6 so alert your teammates when he's gone. ”
XtheZ115 says “I personally hate Kled. He's annoying more than anything else, and luckily you are a Singed, which probably annoys him, too! Skaarl will ruin your trades, so try to stick to proxy farming.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “I dont know, i think its easy. I have not played often against him with fiora. Just parry his q at the right time and you should be fine. His most DMG is from auto-attacks, so there isnt really any dmg to parry.”
SettVEVO says “Kled is a weird matchup if you don't have experience against him, you only need to understand how his passive works to beat him. Once Skaarl's health is gone he will run away giving Kled some untargetability and denying any excess damage. So if you W him when he has Skaarl up he will only take the damage that makes his pet runaway. So it is recommended to save W for the actual Kled. You win this matchup 100% of the time if you can dismount him without using your W or ult.”
Byku2506 says “Really hard matchup for Darius, try to engage Kled after his W or do fastest combo as you can by using Q after him E or before when she catches you to Q, never waste R when he have Scarl becasue this is worst decision that you can make. Better if you will wait for jungler to takedown him together.”
Papa Urgot says “Has anti healing in his kit. thats what makes it real akward playing vs him.
% DMG on his W also not good for you. Get steelcaps, sunfire and thornmail asap in that order. Get bramble vest before. ”
Spiderfork says “You're both short and you're both furry. You are the master of kiting and hes the master of running people down. If hes off his mount, he is easy to deal with as mini Gnar. Get thornmail as soon as you can.”
Fryx says “Buy Bramble Vest and poke him down. Q him until he dismounts and all in him with Ult. He has no chance in this matchup if you play it right.”
wff010 says “Tricky lane you'll have to be careful in. You need to outbrain him. Don't play safe, go for the gamble because he'll just poke you with q. It's a real coinflip. Ik it sounds crazy, but trust me on this one. Auto him without using any abilities until you remove skaarl. Then, use all your abilities to blow up kled before he can get skaarl back. Post-six, this isn't as bad. You can use q to fight his skaarl but save other abilities. Once skaarl is gone, you'll have ult so you can just use everything and kill him pretty quickly.”
LoLReal says “Kled feels like a skill match up. His trades are pretty efficient if he hits Q with the grievous wounds buff. Trading early can be difficult. Dodge Q and we win trades. Get tabis and we win at 6.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1. The whole early laning phase you wanna try to bait out his Q (mounted) and dodge it. If you do you’ll have a window where you can freely win trades with your empowered Q’s. If you get hit, you just walk backwards to deny the second activation and it’s not too bad. You’ll win short trades with your Q’s and W’s while saving your Taunt for disengage if he dashes at you. But NEVER go for an all-in vs him unless you’ve already dismounted him twice or he’s low enough that you’re 100% sure you can kill him before he remounts”
Seth346 says “There's very little you can do in this matchup other than dodge qs and don't let his e connect to you. Other than that if you made the mistake of picking Kassadin into Kled you can only pray. ”
CucumberSandwich says “Kled is a terrible matchup as he can easily engage onto you with his E > Q combo, due to Amumu's lack of mobility. His W and Q damage will always outweigh your E and W. You can't even engage with your Q, as it allows him to get a free Q or dodge with his E. Probably just dodge this TBH.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Will run you down early game if you take a bad trade in laning phase avoid this. Dodge his Q or all in when it is not up.Get early tabbies and bramble vest.”
calbino says “Kled's good early game damage, combined with his burst mobility from his 2 E casts, and 60% antiheal on his Q makes him difficult to fight.”
RareParrot says “He isn't a hard lane, build plated steel caps and trade with him with pta, dont let him rack up his skarrel meter when you poke him down low enough.”
Jaori says “A very tricky match-up. Kled's early dominance won't let you chill in your lane. Avoid trading. If he goes in and hits his full combo, you won't survive. Wait until level 6, then try to make plays.”
ForgottenProject says “He got Buffed and Riot since to give him a Free Executioner's on his Hook.
[1]The Pulling Part of his Hook applies 60% Griveous Wounds but it's extremely easy to parry.
[2]Beware of his Remount, Burst him down when he Dismounts. Keep your eyes on the Remount Bar.
Papa Urgot says “You beat him late. but early its really hard to trade with him since he has anti healing in his kit. which is a big problem. wait his W CD at all times.”
SavagePridestalker says “Very hard to play no matter what build you go. His Q will make your heals much weaker even without building Bramble/Executioner's, so the lane is very easy for him. If, however, you manage to dodge his Qs, you will be very likely to win the lane.”
Marwaii says “Do not do extended trades. Kled is the strongest duelist in the game and will always beat you early game if he lands his Q. Go in for short trades. Poke him and try to kill him with mega Gnar if he is dismounted.
Take Trinity or Divine depending on if he is tank or bruiser Kled and Plated.”
a1a7s45 says “Kled has 2 forms like you. The only difference is that he's melee in both forms and he can actually control what form his in. Bait out his Q. If you get latched onto it and you're about to become Mega, DO NOT BACK AWAY. It does apply GW but its damage is minimal compared to your damage.”
oogoogerson says “I hate playing against this champion, he can get Skaarl back way too fast later into the game when he gets attack speed and becomes almost unkillable. Try and flip him after he lost Skaarl or used his dash so that he can't dash through you. Take Teleport.”
MachDawn says “This is an even lane regarding the fact you probably need tp ignite to win healthily. Tp so you can still have map pressure. Ignite to cancel any CONQ healing.”
El Cucaracha says “Chơi với con yordle toxic này thì đéo vui tí nào, Q có khả năng giảm hồi máu mà không cần tới trang bị, E có thể lướt vô thẳng mặt qua W của yorick, và nó có 2 thanh máu, thứ biến kled thành ông vua outplay, chúa tể băng trụ, khiến cho kèo đấu gặp nhiều khó khăn”
Waros037 says “hard to kill mount , fast moving , and huge dmg this is what kled is stay near tower , tower can help you if he rush on you remember that you can use Q and dash to him breaking duelist dance to heal some and deal dmg don t fight solo 1v1”
SethPRG says “His Q bleed is annoying for you. You'll want to try and dodge the initial skill shot or else this matchup will be somewhat difficult. It will be hard to kill him as he can jump off of his lizard at key times and use his gun Q to move in a direction, dodging your W or E. It's best to wait past 6 then when he gets off of Skarl to CC him with your E and R as much as you can to kill him before the pesky lizard gets back. If he mounts again, well... You will probably lose. If he ever R engages be ready to ult him (after the unstoppable runs off from him) back into his team. You can catch him mid E if needed. Rush Bramble into t1 boots, then build Stridebreaker preferably, Goredrinker if the enemy team is mostly melee, or Trinity if they are mostly squishy. Death's Dance is very good as a 2nd item here, will help you survive and deal more damage VS Kled. ”
joelspaho121 says “Darius favored matchup.d blade with bone plating resolve tree.kled cant match your damage during all ins but that doesnt mean he is bad at them if he stalls fights long enough to bring skaarl back he can easily beat you.dont ult him while he is mounted because kled himself isnt going to take any damage which is going to force you to finish him off with autos and abilities which in itself means there is a chance he can bring skaarl back.Only fight him when he burns w because that's the only damage source that he has and he uses it automatically so that means you'll always have windows to fight him.he can also set up ganks really well because of ult so keep your area warded regularly.overall simple matchup but dont get too cocky. Take note and play it far back if you notice hes building up a large wave and you are low hp because that means you are relatively easy to dive and since kled excels at diving you are gonna have a hard time staying in lane so if you ever find yourself in situations like these just back.”
El Leon Gnar says “Kled is a fairly annoying lane for Gnar but he becomes useless as the game goes on. Trade primarily with your Q, stay out of his range while he's mounted and you should be fine in lane.”
Kaizin says “In this matchup try to avoid extended trades, as his Q (bear trap hook) reduces your healing by 60% if it pulls you. Which severely reduces your W2 heal. From level 3 onwards you can win short trades, but before that if he does catch you with a Q, try to walk away and break the tether. I usually use Press The Attack in this matchup due to the fact that you need to burst him if you want kill pressure.”
I am so chill says “This guy is so dangerous for you.However you can outplay him with good usage of your q.try not to get pulled from his q as it applies grievous wound.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Too crazy and unpredictable. But I have very rarely done poorly against him. Get him off Skarl and that is really it. Be mindful of his Q as it applies 60% grievous wounds which is equivalent to half health full grievous items. Especially in the early game will be killer. Try and go in on him after his attack speed buff when his W runs out. ”
ApollonATH says “Annoying lane . He has anti heal on his Q to reduce your healing and because of his Passive he can escape your dives and even dive you if you let him get ahead. You need early seekers . Try to burst his ride down before he stacks his conq”
deathwalker7119 says “Fiora is one of the best picks into kled. You should try and parry or dodge his bear trap, if it hits you then parry it to stun him. If you dodge the bear trap, use parry to parry some of the first 3 autos and fuck his attack speed. Watch out for how fast he can regain skarl and you'll be fine.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This matchup can be quite difficult if you do not have a lot of experience against Kled. I promise that it will get easier the more you play against him. His remount mechanic forces you to play very carefully with your abilities and although it is quite simple to deal with him, it is hard to consistently time everything right. Try to go for all ins if your passive is stacked when he uses his W on a minion (he can’t avoid doing this if he wants to last hit), when it is down you have a large window to win an all in against him. This holds true throughout every level even when you both have ults. Once you have botrk you can run him down even without considering this. If you happen to fight him when his W is up try to W his last two hits as they do the most damage and you’ll be golden.”
tibs2 says “Rush cinder and bramble. Early levels just play overly safe dont let him cheese you with early damage and a false sense that you can solo kill him. Once completion of bramble cinder proceed to perma push him. If you can keep him under tower and he is unable to ult or tp you are winning this lane hard. If you are looking to kill him make sure to save w for his dismounted form and just w his q dash and hes doomed.”
svjade says “He is very annoying type of champion because he has so much extra health and he starts off quite strong early game which is a challenge for Akali.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Comenzar con Poción de Corrupción y rushear armadura. Jugar pasivo hasta que venga el jungla y usar la R para no dejar que se vuelva a montar.”
AmericanNut says “His early game is strong, if you feel like you're about to win a fight with him and dismount Skaarl, watch his resource bar. You may wanna back down while you're ahead.”
Cayteer says “Don't try to go for a trade against him , you'll lose. When he's unmounted , try and pull combo him undertower before he gets Skaarl back.”
PiscesPomf says “EVEN LANE
There a not a lot of things to say, It's not hard, but not so easy. You have to parry his hook, and deal all your damages when he does not have his mount to kill him.”
Raizins says “Major part of Kled is his Dismount invulnerability. You cannot target or CC him during this, and if he Dismounts he cleanses CC's. So make sure not to waste your combo on Kled as he is about to dismount. ”
Tsundere Tahm says “Kled es un martirio, juega al farmeo y no lo piedas de vista, tiene buenas rotaciones, guarda tu tp para responder y evitar que mate a tus compañeros.”
jmp_01_ says “Has antiheal and mobility in his kit. Take smart trades. Make sure not to fall for his bait so that he can get his passive - Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard. Make sure he eats the true damage from your W - Haymaker as soon as he dismounts. Take Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps.”
Draconic56 says “Kled is a big threat as his early game is much better than yours. Not to mention how if he gets a kill, he will be able to snowball hard. Don't die to him pre-6. Just wait out the lane. Rush plated steel caps. Level 6, you will be able to beat him because Kled has a lot of HP, leading to you getting a decent chunk of stats from him with your ultimate. Ping like crazy when he is missing because a good Kled can take over the game and carry with his ultimate. Don't let him E through you over and over again and outplay your Qs. If you miss anything you are dead. This lane isn't forgiving”
Kokob5 says “So long as you don't fight him when his empowered auto's are up you'll win trades. Just be careful when he's close to remounting or he can quickly turn the tides if you go in on him.”
negoZoma69 says “Kled deals insane amount of dmg with his all ins so you may need to rush ninja tabi in this matchup, especially if you're AD. Do your best to poke and dismount him and keep lane pressure. You can block his ultimate with your W so save it. Cut down rune works wonders against him.”
SleeplessX says “Kinda similar power curve to you, do your best to dodge Q, do not disrespect his passive you will probably need to dismount him twice to kill him”
Dorom says “Kled just goes HAM dude. This guy will never go defensive, and he has a few good reasons to, he is fairly tanky yet he does a shit ton of damage, you're not tanky at all so he can basically one shot you, and he is VERY mobile, so he can take TP + ignite and still be more mobile than you, kinda stupid. Sit under barrels and ask for jungler's help, otherwise... just play safe.”
OctavePlayer says “Don't him hit his q. After he miss, go for the kill. Be wary of his unmounted form because his q still does a good amount of damage. Deny him farm to have a good late game.”
pioj12 says “I find myself having a really rough time against kleed. He has a good short trade and chunks a lot of hp from you. He has a lot of teamfight potential bc of his R and if you all in him at mega he might win bc of cc and his passive
gladiatorrr4 says “Kled is kinda hard to deal with.
Try to poke and trade skarl away.
He becomes a lot weaker when he is dismounted.
Safe your E for his dashes.”
raede says “Kled is a bastard champion. I played him for a while so I know both sides of the matchup and I will say Kled has some advantages. His grevious wounds on Q can really counter you but if he starts with it as most Kleds do, the grevious will never really affect you. What I would suggest if saving your R for after he is dismounted to finish him and buy bramble vest as it reduces Skarl's health when he remounts.”
KingNklaus says “Right now Kled is overpowered the grevious wounds on Q destroys conqueror + Kled is always a strong early game so is almost impossible to win this match up if he wastes W on minions you have a chance ”
ChaseMorePlz says “You're not a champion versus Kled. Sit back, relax and breathe and remember the goal is to survive lane phase and not fall behind in CS. Take all of the cs available to you that you can get safely. ”
Pawn Sacrifice says “I mean, there's a lot of good Kleds round here, but i really didn't see he turning the lane or the game into a problem for you... it's so simple to avoid his engage and you can hurt him so badly... this matchup shouldn't be a problem.”
Emindu123 says “Kled is kind of tough to play againts,you can't really run away from him as he has q to hook you in,and when you try to run away he e's to you. Can really easily run away from your e with his e,just q to him when he does that.”
ToxicWashingMachine says “Kled's Q has built in grievous wounds. Kind of a hard counter to this strat.”
Regen Darius by ToxicWashingMachine | Darius Player
Rime101 says “I’ve been struggling a lot with kled lately matchup might be Kled favored.
Early seeker's armguard is good here assuming they don't have an AP jungler like Elise or Nidalee
His Q is easy to dodge just don't stand still in lane
Alekra says “You have to play around his passive on this one, as you will loose trades if he gets Skaarl back. If you want to kill him you have to keep the HP of skaarl very low so you can kill her very fast when going all-in and still have abilities to kill Kled with before he gets back Skaarl. It's best to only trade against Kled, when he just used his W attacks as he loses alot of damage without it.”
Erenando says “Don't get hit by his chains. His damage hurts a lot and in most of the cases when fighting him he'll get Skarll back because he can easily kite you with his E. He can always run off and he will make your lane a pain in the ass. He also makes it easy for his jungler to dive you. This lane will be very risky and it highly depends on how wellyour enemy performs with Kled.”
GrGamingTeo says “Kled's kit has a built in GA and it's pretty much impossible to kill him. Also it;s really hard to hit him with the blade of your Q because he has 2 dashes. His W has huge cooldown so once he uses it to farm you have an opportunity to get him off of his chicken and you can then all-in him to kill him.”
LunaticDancer says “A very unforgiving lane. If he's low HP - don't fall for it. If he hits you enough times, he'll get a HP reset from his passive, and then you're fucked. But, he's also a very volatile champion and has a hard time comming back when behind, so if you start stomping, abuse him until he becomes useless.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/First Strike + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. Try to dodge his Q if you can -- it will make the lane so much easier. He will usually try to Q you as you go to cs a minion. If his Q does hit you then walk up to him if he's close and auto him to get your passive shield. It will block all the damage. Take short trades and play around his W cooldown. Never trade while his W is up and try not to get baited by his W/passive while he's dismounted. You can all in him when he's dismounted and has his W off cooldown. Once you get your Divine Sunderer you just automatically win. ”
SpyDaFX says “skill matchup. the safe way that works against him is to not die before 6 and look for roams, and rush Tiamat and tabbies into Spear of Shojin, then you will win all trades against him, Dont trade when his W is up (when he gets alot of attack speed, he will sh*t on you). you need to get ahead of him to consistently win trades. go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Be sure to get your Q off before the Beartrap triggers so you get the Heal in. If he starts W'ing you E him to cancel the Damage Output. You're both even when it comes to Damage so go for smart trades you know you can win.”
TheMrDarkness says “get executioner's if he's playing with qonquer, if he plays with grasp take steelcaps, and always go all in when hi E is on cooldown”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Kled will bully you so much, but considering you're playing Singed you're probably used to that. Fling him when he E's or to get his Q out of range. Your W cancels his E. His Q since 9.14 counters your R with the healing reduction.”
J0hnny Joestar says “Kled got a lot of dueling power, but if he misses his Q you can quickly trade with him because you outdamage him. And when he's lizard is gone your R will help you greatly. ”
kingchas2 says “He can and should dive you. If their jungler is anywhere near topside you have to be careful. You can only walk up past 6 if you have both flash and your R off CD. Otherwise you are just going to get dove.”
Hunter23b says “Kled is one of the biggest counters to akali in top lane, try to avoid this match up if possible. He has a lot of poke and a lot of damage output with his W and his Q inflicting grevous”
ModelitoTime says “Only real threat in this matchup is the way he can get on his raptor after being dismantled. Poke him down and when you dismantle him make sure you have your E and your R up and engage. 9 times out of 10 he will die this way.”
Vielia says “He's disgusting, as soon as he loses his W and Q go in, you're going to kill him easy then, but if you dont wait you're going to be deleted”
Dannala says “Top: Pre 3 poke is safe as long as you don't get caught by his hook. Baiting his W to proc and run out is important to win any prolonged fights. His hook also causes grievous wounds which reduces your healing, if hit try to disengage.
Jungle: If he invades your most valid option would be to disengage, unless you have the upper hand by a noticeable margin (HP/LVL/Item difference).
Late: He is a Hydra builder so later on your spiderlings won't have an impact against him. He will be extremely tanky and elusive with Skaarl and can out sustain a prolonged with.”
ineptpineapple says “Root him as much as you can to stop him from messing you up. If he bear traps you E and root him to get away. Otherwise its pretty standard poke him until his stupid lizard gets scared and then just go in and ult him.”
Hyzerik says “Won't be to hard to go against, just don't get hit by everything and when he dismounts he gets rid of all cc so try to save E or R to make sure he dies.”
Defensivity1 says “Pretty much the same as nocturne, but his E one-shots all your ghouls and you have more chances to engage during the laning phase to throw him off of Skaarl, be careful.”
Raylzaw says “In my opinion,the worst matchup.Kled is agile,has a gap closer and lowers your healing.Extremely hard matchup.His Q must be avoided at all cost.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Kled like to all in level 3. We will smack him down off his lizard hopefully while we have stacks of our passive on him. Eat or stun him when he is dismounted and ignite him for an easy kill. He can win the fight if he manages to remount. If you win the fight you will most likely win the lane. If not build full tank and he can't really kill you after.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Block his E and you'll be fine.
Dodge his Q and he'll be cryin'.
R after he does his and he'll be lyin'
when he says he had fun”
Raideru says “This is a skill matchup, it's all about waiting for him to miss q in order to fight him otherwise you just lose the trade if he never throws it you never trade unless u are confident u can dodge it during the jump all in. I advise Conqueror DBlade.”
LeSocair says “Dodge the lasso! Take care of his 6, don't push too much after killing him or making him back, you'll get caught by surprise.
Try to run away when he jumps on you and go back in with kegs and/or Q afterwards.
Keep away when his Violent Tendencies is up.”
sauronkaiser says “If wasnt enough with his strenght in lane (he is Renekton 2.0) he can also oneshot your 4 ghouls instantly with his E. Another retarded interaction riot never fixed. Play very safe aganist this guy and never get confident. I recommend garsp and hit him when you realize you cant escape without getting some damage. E him after he uses his dashes and wall him only if he messes up his combo. Also remember your wall can basically desactivate her ultimate, but this is VERY hard to do. You need to trap him and the timing is so complicated, so dont take it as a main strategy.”
AmericanNut says “Estranged champion, do NOT trade with him early, he will gut you with his long axe, and Skaarl will enjoy a fish-fry dinner.This champion falls off later, but be wary of Skaarl's return if you force him to dismount.
Ramixx says “rammus can beat kled pretty easily. Just use your W as he engages and he doesn't really have the damage to take you on. Early game is his best chance though to kill you.”
EU_Toxicity says “The only matchup where it's better to short trade rather than all-in as Darius. Whittle him down with your Q but don't let him get his full W on you, use E if you have to for disengage. If you didn't fall behind early you should outscale in a 1v1.”
bocchicken says “Kled will RUN at you level 1, and 2, and 3... If you play safe in your wave and poke with Q, you CAN look to all in him at 6. Be EXTREMELY careful with him remounting during long trades as he can go from 1hp to killing you if you misjudge your damage. ”
iZeal says “This matchup can really go either way. If you manage to dodge his Q he will be lacking the damage to kill you, but early game you have to be afraid of his burst. Exploit that he has to use his W or his Q to cs and hold your Q when he has his E up as he can dodge not only once, but twice when he hits it. Timing your Q properly when he dismounts is a guaranteed hit, but be careful whether he hit you with a Q that pulls you back. Don't waste abilities when he is about to dismount so you can kill him as fast as possible. Kled has huge problems late game to get onto a suitable target and his ultimate as well as his Q can be bodyblocked, so take care of him when you can.
DBlade/DShield, Ninja Tabis!, Phage”
DarkNavarre says “Can cause major issues. Good method of getting on top of you and Bear trap on a rope can stop you getting away. Only go for short trades to whittle Skarl down whenever possible.”
bocchicken says “His mount negates your ult, and we wins trades early, mid, and late. You can try and his Q pull with your E, but he WILL win extended trades with his remount.”
NoxianBlood says “Some Kled players could be tricky like baiting their low health and taking back half health by making Skarll give him a ride after he gained courage from Kled's autos, just try to out tank him don't make him snowball and get ahead or he will be so tanky and deal so much damage at the same time, get tanky and try to kick him off Skarll and all in him when he's on foot like ulting him, his movement speed is so low so he can't dodge it while he's on foot, so try to all in him when he's without Skarll.”
hahadead7777 says “Kled is an odd matchup. Your mobility is needed to keep him off of you while doing dmg at the same time and do not forget about his re-mount”
byThiagus says “nadie juega este champ. Espada de doran y primer pagina de runas, Si el kled tiene ignite espera ganks de tu jungler. Darius puede ganar early si pega q y esquiva la q de kled. Ademas haces outscale en 1v1 y team fights. tene cuidado este champ sorprende mucho”
Stijnzxz says “He is just ur twinbrother xd
He has actually the same STANDARD runes as u so u both can trade pretty good UNLESS if he lost hes bird and u almost finish him and he calls hes fucking ugly bird back ur dead so keep hes pet in mind.”
TristanofJugdral says “He doesn't really die in the laning and you lose every fight early game no question. You can choose not to fight him however. You outscale him.”
AWierdShoe says “Contest the push level 1. The whole early laning phase you wanna try to bait out his Q (mounted) and dodge it. If you do you’ll have a window where you can freely win trades with your empowered Q’s. If you get hit, you just walk backwards to deny the second activation and it’s not too bad. You’ll win short trades with your Q’s and W’s while saving your taunt for disengage if he dashes at you. But NEVER go for an all-in vs him unless you’ve already dismounted him twice or he’s low enough that you’re 100% sure you can kill him before he remounts.
I Am Goliath says “Kled doesn't have very good sustain so I think you can win this matchup most of the time although it is annoying because of how much hp he has, if you can poke him down and get him off skarl then you should be able to all in him and kill him pretty easily. Once you get ninja tabi's he shouldn't really be able to kill you unless he gets a gank so make sure you're warding up. Once he gets super bulky you probably won't be able to kill him but that's just how Kled is, he can E away from your Q's and also Q away from them when he is off skarl. and his Q will interupt your Q but only after it procs so just activate your Q before it pulls you in and you will be fine. Both of your ults are pretty similar although I think his is a little better since it gives a speed boost to his allies as well, You might want to consider getting a thornmail in this match up since he is pretty much all auto attacks.”
I Am Goliath says “Very hard matchup because you can pretty much never kill this little guy, however you can also survive this match up, I reccomend Q poking as much as you can in this lane so he can never all in you, if you can get him to jump off skarl then you can all in him but be very careful do not get baited since he gets that thing back quickly, again early ninja tabi's will help you a TON in this matchup since all he really does it auto attack.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Bait or dodge his Q -> When Q is down contest Cs/go for trades -> Take 2-3 short/burst trades so we can get him low enough for an all-in -> Look at the arrow to know when he is going to dash with his E so you know where to bait Q once you react on his E -> He can burst you with R under tower - > His W is quite strong if you do not take any trades in prior during the laning phase before you get items you simply will lose the trade and put yourself in a bad spot
Scoothare says “What is he going to do? Ult you? actually... that's pretty smart. You know what, just farm the entire laning phase and spamping mid when he leaves lane. Especially in low elo.”
eBrixton says “Kled should counter you if he's at least somewhat related to the homo-sapien species (That's the scientific way to say human being for those who slept in science class.) If you can consistently dodge his q, then this matchup moves down to a 3 because you can out damage him by using your e to soak his w damage.”
NickCola Tesla says “Even matchup in his favor early, but you outscale him fast!
The biggest tip I can give you in this lane is to respect the burst he's capable of dishing out. Kled can be SO deceptive at times in terms of bring able to turn an unfavorable situation into a favorable one. Between the massive AS steriod attributed to his W, and his mounting/remounting capabilities, he's capable of huge outplay potential.
In lane, be weary of his level two all in! Don't be afraid to give up lane priority, if it means saving your health for performing successful trades later in the lane. Kled will have no trouble bursting you down at this point, but remember that you outscale him after you purchase Plated Steelcaps and components to Frozen Heart!”
Saarlichenbog says “Kled currently feels like a less underwhelming version of Camille in lane. The Kled vs Kalista matchup is singled down to whoever can jump on the other first as that will enable that champ to pull of their full combo without the other champ being able to really respond to it. In Kalista's case, having at least 3-4+ spears in Kled if he misses his Q can easily drop him to his weaker form which is extremely easy for Kalista to take advantage of. In mounted form however, if Kled lands his Q followed directly by his E, Kalista isn't able to kite away from the 2nd instance of Kled's E before his Q slows for a decent amount and applies a healing debuff, both of which can be disastrous to Kalista in an effort to fight back. Simply, it's a skill matchup.”
Chessylex says “Kled can easily dodge your Qs with his E which has two casts. Keep in mind that he has no hard CC so you can evade him fairly easily if you walk out of his Q which drags you towards him and grants grievous wounds if you stay in range for too long. Make sure you're never within melee distance of him as he can just E into you and proc his 4 empowered autos for free and you can't hit him back with your Qs as he dodges them too easily. His W is his main source of damage. Luckily it's a passive auto attack buffer that he has no control over. Once his cooldown on it is down, the next auto to anything will proc it. If you must trade with him, only do it when you see him waste W on CS. Kled also has an annoying passive where he dismounts off his lizard and has to gain courage to get it back. He gets 4 courage per CS and more from hitting champions or towers. His aa range whilst dismounted is crazy long and he can kite like a bitch with his dismounted Q which deals damage in a long cone and knocks himself backwards. His R lets him roll in from halfway across the map at breakneck speed and latches onto you if you are close enough to his selected spot. After that he can cast his whole combo on you and you can't do anything about it. Just try to get the fuck outta there alive and worry about damaging him later.”
Captain Dantems says “Não troque se ele tiver o W, se não você perde, e tente se esquivar de seu Q, de resto você ganha. Grasp inspiração. Use Poção Corrupta.”
ItsPaulygon says “Easy match up for you. The only time you will have a hard time with him is when you get ganked. But in all stages of the game, you win. When he engages on you, fight back, he can never win against you unless he baits you.”
open_48 says “his Q is very annoying. Use your R after he loses his passive, if you do it earlier he won't take damage. Try to engage him after he uses his W on minions.”
MrGasYourGirl says “Haven't had that big of issues with him but others insist he's terrible. I can't remember losing to him despite having 1 mil xp. If you anticipate his hook and lane, you should be ok. The key is to be much much better than him. That's the OP part.”
wolfclaw3812 says “If you get hit by Kled's Q and you don't have Q to blind his W, say goodnight. Tank will not save you. Neither will on-hit. AP means you don't have to fight him to kill him. ”
Nicklstherealone says “Your Execute doesnt work against Skaarl he cant kill you and you cant either... At least with Skaarl. If you kill Skaarl he is immobile, slow and does no Damage. ”
Buum says “This man swears at you hardcore and kills you when he wants to kill you. he has bleed so you're healing will be reduced by a lot. Also he is very mobile.”
OffmetaPancake says “Kled is a champ that thrives in the early game, and the early is Rek'Sai's prime time. Loosely skill based. A good kled will go even with you on trades, an average kled will be stuck dismounted or in fountain all game.”
Raphi0216 says “Disengage after you got his dismount because all your abilities are on CD. After your CDs are back, engage him and kill him. Don't get baited by his remount.”
Frostyfps says “This matchup can be quite difficult if you do not have a lot of experience against Kled. I promise that it will get easier the more you play against him. His remount mechanic forces you to play very carefully with your abilities and although it is quite simple to deal with him, it is hard to consistently time everything right. Try to go for all ins if your passive is stacked when he uses his W on a minion (he can’t avoid doing this if he wants to last hit), when it is down you have a large window to win an all in against him. This holds true throughout every level even when you both have ults. Once you have botrk you can run him down even without considering this. If you happen to fight him when his W is up try to W his last two hits as they do the most damage and you’ll be golden.”
TangoVallhala says “He has anti heal on his Q, Long trades are favourable for him because of skaarl, try getting him of Skaarl with pokes and then all in him ”
SnarkyAlpaca says “Not many players play Kled anymore but on the offchance you encounter one there's 1 simple thing to be concerned with here.
He'll fire a claw at you that will prevent healing and at the end of it's duration if you're still in range of him he'll stun you pulling himself towards you.
Wait until the last second of his claw abilities timer and then Riposte him to stun him, if Riposte is on cooldown, simply walk out of the claws range. If you do this Kled is too weak to trade.”
YoungTact says “Easy matchup but be cautious for his remount! Apply general lane combo and walk out of his Q if you get hooked. Apply general lane combo when you can and your W works on his E and dismounted Q so use your good judgement. Ping him when he's missing. ”
qasddsa says “Kled is annoying because of the way towers target him after he is dismounted from Skaarl and his strong sticking power with Q and E. This makes him a hard matchup because he can easily bait out your ult with his spell rotation and disengage at the same time. Recommended item to rush is DD + PD with Q max; look to play safely with Q poke and wait until 11 to better deal with him. If he engages, you will need to use your ultimate to negate his immediate damage and kite back.”
Kled is a really oppresive Top laner but he gets outscaled easily by Nasus late game. For laning phase you must play it as safe as you can, if he gets a kill on you, it's really hard to come back, for this you can also look to put 3 points in your E to farm more safely. Remember that if he hits you with Q, when you get pulled back, he has a 60% healing reduction making it super hard to outank him, also he has really good diving potential since when he dismounts, he goes untargateable and loses tower agro, so if you see a Kled toplane with, for example, an Elise, Rek'Sai, Zac, Rammus jungle, you must have vision and if they come top to dive you, don't defend the tower just back off. Kled later on to the game once you are full build, you beat him, he simply doesn't have enough damage to match Nasus Q's but before that you must ping everytime he is not in lane, if you play passive enough to the point he can't kill you, he will look to roam to other lanes to get kills. This matchup is hard not for the laning phase, but for the diving potential kled has so if you are low enough to the point he can burst you with his full combo, back off and don't let him get a lead on you.”
PH45 says “Kled is naturally a strong laner, while Sylas really isn't. Keep your distance and try to poke him out so he dismounts. When his W has run out you have a window for all-in but be cautious about his remount mechanic since if he is allowed to remount you'll most likely lose the fight. Let your team know when he is missing since he will roam pretty quickly thanks to his ult.”
SkellyBirb says “His only threat is his bear trap on a rope and ultimate. You can poke him and charm him to get off damage. If Skaarl is gone, he can't get it back easily since you can get a lot of damage off during the charm.”
Yasuo Comunica says “Kled one of the strongest nasus enemies thanks to his passive nasus has to lower 2 life bars the first with his mount and the second when he gets off.
Kled is Tier A”
SubHuman Filth says “Get 3 points in q with grasp or electrocute.
Q him when he goes in and try to run.
Poke him when he goes for cs and call your jungler up. Because kleds play very aggresively.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Kled can be difficult in the early game if he lands too many q's on you to poke you down. Look to dodge his q's while you build up fury level one and if you dodge enough you can look for trades level 1 and level 2 assuming that you get level 2 first. IMPORTANT NOTE: When Kled dismounts, he gains courage for every auto attack on a champion, he gains courage for every last hit he gets, and he gets courage for hitting his dismounted q against you. So if you are looking to all in Kled MAKE SURE that you dismount him WITHOUT having to use ignite or your spin that way you can kill him immediately after the dismount. If you dismount him without having the ability to kill him immediately that is a mistake. Kled gets a lot of hp back when he remounts after he gets to 100 courage, so if you dismount him and cant kill him off his mount you basically just gave him at 300-400 hp potion. A strategy I employ if I can against kled is that I will look for short trades against kled and leave his mount at about 5-10% hp that way I can dismount him easily whenever I want and all in him right after. One thing to mention about kled's w is that he cannot control when he uses it EXCEPT for the first time he levels it up. Most good kled's will not level up their w (the 4 really fast auto attacks) until they are dismounted for the first time so that they can try to cheese a kill with the remount. So again make sure that if a kled is employing that strategy that you have enough damage to burst him so he cant remount during the allin. After kled has leveled up their W what they will do against Tryndamere is they will use their q and tiamat to farm so they can keep their w up and available to dash on you for an all in trade. If Kled ever uses his W on a minion, you have a 14 second cooldown on his level 1 w to look for a solid trade. In the mid-late game you outscale Kled really hard and can even 100-0 him under his turret once you are 4-5 items.”
I Am Goliath says “Very easy matchup you should be able to get a kill or two in lane or be able to pressure him hard, since he starts out with so much HP your W does so much to him and he doesn't really do a ton of damage unless he gets all of his autos off which is hard for him to do against gnar, just poke the crap out of him basically.”
Nabura says “Fake going for minions to sidestep his E+Q combo and punish him hard if he misses it, Kled doesn't level W until he goes for his first all in, if he levels W laning phase will become a lot easier as he will be forced to use spells or tiamat to avoid using his W on minions.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Hard matchup. Since this champ has no mana or Cooldowns he can always all in and harass you. Play passive + Farm, dont try to fight him early, he will always win with his passive.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Kled can be difficult in the early game if he lands too many q's on you to poke you down. Look to dodge his q's while you build up fury level one and if you dodge enough you can look for trades level 1 and level 2 assuming that you get level 2 first. IMPORTANT NOTE: When Kled dismounts, he gains courage for every auto attack on a champion, he gains courage for every last hit he gets, and he gets courage for hitting his dismounted q against you. So if you are looking to all in Kled MAKE SURE that you dismount him WITHOUT having to use ignite or your spin that way you can kill him immediately after the dismount. If you dismount him without having the ability to kill him immediately that is a mistake. Kled gets a lot of hp back when he remounts after he gets to 100 courage, so if you dismount him and cant kill him off his mount you basically just gave him at 300-400 hp potion. A strategy I employ if I can against kled is that I will look for short trades against kled and leave his mount at about 5-10% hp that way I can dismount him easily whenever I want and all in him right after. One thing to mention about kled's w is that he cannot control when he uses it EXCEPT for the first time he levels it up. Most good kled's will not level up their w (the 4 really fast auto attacks) until they are dismounted for the first time so that they can try to cheese a kill with the remount. So again make sure that if a kled is employing that strategy that you have enough damage to burst him so he cant remount during the allin. After kled has leveled up their W what they will do against Tryndamere is they will use their q and tiamat to farm so they can keep their w up and available to dash on you for an all in trade. If Kled ever uses his W on a minion, you have a 14 second cooldown on his level 1 w to look for a solid trade. In the mid-late game you outscale Kled really hard and can even 100-0 him under his turret once you are 4-5 items.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Grasp,Aery,eletrocutar
Desvie do Q dele a todos custo quando ele der all in use seu Q para counterar o W dele *(não deixe ele recuperar a montaria te batendo)
Rushar : Armguard , Tabi (Nashor pra dano)”
Swaim says “Kled early game outshines Aatrox for many reasons his 1v1 is unbeatable because of his passive while his q gives anti healing which negates Aatrox main source of 1v1 pontential ”
Adolfie says “Kled is also a pain in the ass, but its doable, just watch out for his Qs, and ur good to go. Grasp will save your ass in these kinds of matchup, stack some armor first, so i recommend to go for G. Shroud and then you can do sheen or kindlegem.”
ZergDood says “He's a strong lane-bully but your kit stops him like a wall. Get out of Q range, wait for him to waste his W on minions before engaging and W his E and his shotgun. Be careful with his remount (passive), he can turn around fights in seconds if you aren't careful. Do not lose sight of him because he might gank lanes with his ult, bully him and if Skaarl goes away, it's hammer time. Seriously, if you don't see him, let your team know. His engage is ridiculous. Your W stops his dash and shotgun.”
qazx1427 says “Dodge. You have the slightest chance with other champs, but Kled takes no prisoners. He can ignore your W, your ghouls do nothing, and he'll snowball off your passivity.”
Ayanleh says “Kled is a hard matchup as his early game is much stronger than yours but you outscale him so play safe till you get some items and armor. You can maybe do something at lv6 with blasting wand and ult as you can steal his stats.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Quite rough early but you win hard at blade. Dismount him, disengage if you can, then reengage with ult after you get your cooldowns back up.
Take bone plating.
Best way to kill him dismounted is to ult and stun him.
Take armor.”
Ayanleh says “Hard matchup, early on he will destroy you as hes one of the best top laners early on since your early game is weak you will struggle. Later on becomes easier so just focus on farming.”
Twist21 says “Against Kled I would go with LT Resolve runes and standard sums.In this matchup I would recommend to be patient with you E and use it only after he uses the second part of his E.”
AfroNinja542 says “Kled does a lot of damage early game. You can take grasp and attempt to play passively, or conqueror and hope you can win the 1v1. You can out run his abilities with your E, and if he takes conqueror you have more chance of winning a duel with your W.”
Shumair says “This is really just a straightforward, boring lane matchup. Kled is an early/mid game oriented champ so he'll wnat to snowball and get as much done as possibel early on. His insane level 2/3 duelling potential allows him to snowball by catching his opponent off guard. Simply put, you just want to avoid all ins in the early levels. Try to always keep the wave pushing towards you becasue if you get halfway down the lane there's no chance of escaping if you don't dodge his Q. At level 6 you'll have a better chance as your ult is better 1v1. Don't ult him whilst he's ulting or your ultimate won't work and will be put on CD.”
wallobear53 says “Kled’s Q needs to be avoided at all times as it is a skill shot and does a lot of damage (along with soft CC) if he manages to land it on you. If you have any mobility spells, use it after he Q’s you to have a chance at breaking his Q tether.
Kled’s E is his main mobility tool and he will use his Q in combination with it to all-in you. Use the minion wave to block his Q so that you can escape easily. If you have some displacement ability on you, you can try to use it on Kled after his E animation ends.
Be careful about staying too low under your tower as Kled can easily tower dive you due to how his Passive (Skaarl) works. Back off as quickly as you can and get a reset, or else you’ll just end up getting doved by Kled and his Jungler.
laoshin3v3 says “Rush attackspeed boots for the extra movementspeed, kled is a sticky champ if he can q u once he will get in range all the time. If u dodge his Q u win hard.”
M.P.C says “He's basically your polar opposite. You scale with AP - He scales with AD. Your early game is Passive/Agressive - His is Agressive/Passive. This match up is just about who's more skilled with their champ.”
Fiora Pogjet says “The matchup against Kled shouldn't be that hard. His Q is easy to prarry and if his W is not up on cooldown you can always go for trades. If the player isn't that good you have a free lane. But if they play good its hard to kill them because of the passive.”
NullPC says “Super strong early game, he will most deffinetly try and get a lead off of you and ul straight to mid. Play passive and around his Grevious Wounds and you should be fine.”
ModxLoL says “There are a few things to watch out for in this matchup: 1) Watch out for her E stun; it will allow her to jump to you an extra time for free. 2) When she uses her W, similar to when Garen uses W, you should not pour your entire combo on to her as it gives her massive damage reduction. Keep auto attacking her while she has it active – you can’t interrupt it with your CC. Once it’s over you can use the rest of your abilities on her. ”
Stiwy says “Strong early game, take PTA and rush ninja tabis. After level 6 you can start to fight him but the ideal level is 9, when your W is permanent.
When you can dismount him from Skaarl you ult can delete him (keep in mind that he can knock himself back with his dismounted Q)
He has more map presence than you thanks to his ult but overall you scale well and you can be more useful in fights.”
gsaeyx says “What build you go doesn't matter you lose anyways. Q him and force him to e either to you or away, then e into q him as soon as it's up. When he dismounts get out of melee range otherwise he can go sicko mode on you and get skarrl back in a matter of seconds.”
Fourpaws33 says “He will try to bully you early with his w and q. Avoid the bear trap and don't take trades when he has his w up. Keep track of his passive when he's off otherwise you could lose an easy fight.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up à l'avantage de Darius mais il faut tout de même rester vigilant, Le Z de Kled est une sort passif qui s'active au bout d'un certain temps, et qui boost ses 4 prochaines attaques, mais il ne choisit pas quand l'activé, c'est automatique, il faut donc que tu repère le moment où il l'utilise sur les sbires pour initié le combat à ce moment là, et si suite à ça tu esquive son A qui est une chaine appliquant de l'anti heal, tu es sur et certaine le battre !
Astuce : Les bottes tabi ninja et le phage te donne un gros potentiel de kill sur Kled”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Kled can be difficult in the early game if he lands too many q's on you to poke you down. Look to dodge his q's while you build up fury level one and if you dodge enough you can look for trades level 1 and level 2 assuming that you get level 2 first. IMPORTANT NOTE: When Kled dismounts, he gains courage for every auto attack on a champion, he gains courage for every last hit he gets, and he gets courage for hitting his dismounted q against you. So if you are looking to all in Kled MAKE SURE that you dismount him WITHOUT having to use ignite or your spin that way you can kill him immediately after the dismount. If you dismount him without having the ability to kill him immediately that is a mistake. Kled gets a lot of hp back when he remounts after he gets to 100 courage, so if you dismount him and cant kill him off his mount you basically just gave him at 300-400 hp potion. A strategy I employ if I can against kled is that I will look for short trades against kled and leave his mount at about 5-10% hp that way I can dismount him easily whenever I want and all in him right after. One thing to mention about kled's w is that he cannot control when he uses it EXCEPT for the first time he levels it up. Most good kled's will not level up their w (the 4 really fast auto attacks) until they are dismounted for the first time so that they can try to cheese a kill with the remount. So again make sure that if a kled is employing that strategy that you have enough damage to burst him so he cant remount during the allin. After kled has leveled up their W what they will do against Tryndamere is they will use their q and tiamat to farm so they can keep their w up and available to dash on you for an all in trade. If Kled ever uses his W on a minion, you have a 14 second cooldown on his level 1 w to look for a solid trade. In the mid-late game you outscale Kled really hard and can even 100-0 him under his turret once you are 4-5 items.”
Dantheman81 says “Kled can be difficult, he can also be very easy as well. Kled players are very aggressive and are always trying to fight. Wait for him to use his dash before you trap him and be careful about his skaarl bar. He can outplay you very easily if you do not pay attention. Try to grab a bramble vest or Ninja Tabi as early as you can.”
Xplor says “Kled is that type of character which can make you trouble if you play with Yorick against him. I don't say that you cannot win the lane but be extremely careful as he not only can outdamage you but he will have a lot of health and can go all-in from afar (past-6)
Play safe, don't get near him at all so he cannot "E" you, and if he makes you trouble, farm under the tower until mid-game.”
Darrkescru says “O problema do kled e que ele geralmente vai ir top de Ignite + Barreira ou Tp, use impeto , Sempre desvie do Q dele (uma das maiores fontes do dano) se tu tomar o skillshot proca o impeto e sai correndo, quando ele te der all in com o dash apenas da cegueira nele traz ele para um cogumelo e assim caita ele facilemente, rusha tabi ninja e respeita o early deste boneco pois vai te dar um dano que você não vai estar esperando”
Lintaar says “Kled isnt really a problem till level 6. If he ults you with no team around, run into his ult and q him when he runs past you, then do a loop back around to your side. If he wastes his ult and gives you some passive stacks at the same time you can probably kill him”
Angela du Seithr says “Vous allez pouvoir l'empêcher de vous harceler au Q spell en le faisant en retour, mais Kled aura toujours un impact plus grand que vous avec son ultime.”
Alzeidx says “All in him when you have full rage and he had made a mistake. Burst him to demount and all in after he is demounted. you should be able to outrade him early if you play it properly and manage your rage well. go Conqueror”
Alzeidx says “Play safely, as he will outrade you early. Get Dorans shield and armor runes. You might have a chance to kill him 1v1. Ask for ganks early, if jungler cant come, farm until lvl 6.”
iTzToniOP says “This is another tricky matchup, try to trade him until he has almost no additional HP. If Skaarl is very low HP and you get the cooldowns, its all in moment. Try to wait until he wastes his W autos and go for the dismount.”
TotallyEclipse says “Don't fight him if he Q's you, otherwise look to all in him and save your E for when his W is up. Be sure to only fight him dismounted when your E is up because he gets mounted really fast.”
FirstBladeDancer says “Kled isnt a hard matchup when u use ur Q well. But if u dont, he can easily kill u. So practice to use Irelia's Q faster and smarter.”
JuarezLOL says “its very easy and a lane dominate for jax because you can deny all of his spells except Q
the only thing you need to do is dodge his Q in early game or simply stay in the minion wave in order to let minion attacks him
Daxaison says “Watch out early levels he will jump onto you. Dont try to use e to escape his second q its not worth it. Just chill out, spare your w for when he is off mount since if you w him when he is falling of his mount he cancel your w and you're self stunned. ”
ACE4291 says “Fought him a few times and won.
he can dash at you but with his nerfs... he isnt as effective on tahm as perivously. bully early.... just watch out for his passive as in a close fight can surpise you with a health jump. ”
CourtesyD0Prata says “Personal Ban when I go TOP lane, watch out to his Q and his Courage Bar, don't go in trades you can't win / Meu ban pessoal quando jogo TOP, cuidado com seu Q e sua barra de coragem, não faça trocas das quais você não ganha.”
Beatport Expo says “Skill matchup but he has the upperhand If Skarl comes back before you could kill him. DO NOT swallow him If Skarl's health is very little since you'll bring away Skarl instead of Kled's health, so eat Kled instead of Skarl. Engage him AFTER he throw away his W to kill minions”
Kingarthur720 says “Kled is a champion who will be able to stick on to you so if you can avoid it dont pick into him but if you blind picked graves take fleet runes or Hail of blades for early trading power and to be able to scale into the late game. He will reduce your healing with Q and will win most all ins, just play to get turrets and ping when he is missing because kled like to roam with R
longcus says “don't EVER trade while his w is up. Other than that he doesn't have great tools to punish you under tower (but he still have great tower dive potential so still high on the list)”
VIP Titan says “Kled is one of the hard to fight. Since with maxing your E, he has his little purple bars to get away from your true damage.
Make sure no W and Q Kled than he basically not got a power spike, When in fight time about 5 seconds ish than back off. So that he hasn't got his Q to turns
Max E not Q ! ”
ShaharKarisi says “A skilled Kled can demolish you, while a poorly skilled one will die every minute. Try your hardest to avoid his level 2 all-in. Try to test your limits when you reach level 3 to see where you stand.”
Subject3 says “kled is a simple character to watch out for, you simply gotta play around his uhmmm... the pokey thingy he does 3 times that does hp percent damage, once he uses it try and look for a fight, if he doesnt bait, q slow him if his trying to engage and let his tri poke thing wear off before going in.
KayleMachine says “Matchup is all about your own movement, you need to dodge his Q's or you will have a hard lane.
His passive makes you vulnerable for dives, so care about your own wave lvl 3+”
Vodka4Gaben says “Huge threat, Kled's Q will give you grievous wounds for about 3 seconds which will destroy your healing, I'd recommend perma banning Kled as Illaoi.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Snowball lane, but his Q tips the lane in his favor because of the heal reduction and if he manages to drop his entire combo on you will get forced out of lane very fast. If you get a lead on him however he is just free candy, like most yordle champions in this game. Always be careful around his E+Q combo, if he lands it he will inmediately win the trade and if he has W up his potential damage is massive. Try to put up as much of a distance as you can if he lands Q on you, else the healing reduction will make retaliation impossible. If both his Q and W are down just throw yourself at him, he can only E away and you can easily deal with him for at least 10 seconds after that. Whenever he is dismounted, either keep some distance so he doesn't hit you with his shotgun and get too much Courage, or jump at him if he doesn't have W and can't get Skaarl back fast enough because you WILL kill him. Do note that if he gets ahead, it's game over. Always respect his level 6, warn other lanes whenever he is not in lane so they don't get caught by surprise.
Ignite is good if you think you can kill him early, otherwise TP. Both conqueror and grasp work well depending on what you plan to do in this matchup.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Kled deals a ton of damage and is super annoying, Try to trade short trades with him, Use Reverse rake (E-ing infront of yourself to push enemies back)
If he goes on you, Try to save your ult for when he dismounts. Then the kill is guaranteed.”
Circas says “Ahh Kled. Another annoying Yordle.
You need to dodge his Bear-trap-on-a-rope (Q) and build up stacks before going in like most match ups.
The main thing you need to play around is his ability Violent Tendencies (W) because he cannot control when he gets to activate it. Every 14 seconds he gets empowered auto attacks and if you see him waste it on minions GO IN ON HIM. This is where a lot of his damage comes from early on soa good Kled will zone you off the wave when he has this ability primed and ready because it will chunk you hard.
Kled also has a lot of sticking power himself so when the lane is shoved in you need to stand back and play it safe.
Do not get baited by Mini Kled because if he has his Violent Tendencies (W) up he will instantly get Skarl back and a ton of health with it if he gets to use it on you.
Playing around his W is key! Be careful because this match up plays differently and can be strange.
As the game progresses you can fight him easily with items. especially with the split build he can't do anything. Always fight him in minion waves for stacks plus mobility so you can dance around him and he should never be able to hit his Q.
Don't get baited by his passive, avoid his very tele graphed Q ability, pay attention to his on hit passive.”
Rivenetto says “Kled is just another early game bully.His Q nerf makes him to go into Major threat instead of Extreme. You want to trade with him only when his W is down. Its passive ability so he must use it if he want to take the creep.If he dismounts from chicken you must kill him very fast if u have all of ur abilities up,if not,wait for them and dont trade until then.”
top is high impact XD says “if you're not careful he'll run you down but you out scale him pretty quickly, once you have bork if he doesn't then he can't contest you”
I Play Blitz Top says “Playing undertower will make any kled really annoyed, Just play safe and aim for undertower takedowns and this matchup is yours.”
miniRAGE says “Kled does a lot of burst damage and can take out a bunch of your health very quickly. If you stack up your shield beforehand, you will win the trade.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Kled does a lot of damage and is tanky. He can see you in your W if he uses his Bear Trap on a Rope. Keep your distance and you should be okay.”
ShinyEmo says “Has an annoying early damage but after first item (Guinsoo or BotRK), he's pretty easy to deal with. Dodge his Q with your Q but if you are already caught, then Q when his pull is about to trigger. ”
Loki029 says “Try to don t get poked too much, and be Aware of his high damage e, he will probably push you unde r your Tower, just ask for a gank in order to go ahead, Late game breakfast”
Average Ahri says “Kled will win an all in trade so just Q him and run. If he dashes you, counter with your W. Be very careful when you tower dive him. He cancel all CC and takes no dmg when he is in his passive animation.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Kled can be a difficult matchup for Thresh, but there are some small stuff you can do to ensure you win the lane. You can flay Kled out of his dash and deny him the second part of his dash aswell, but the dash isn't clear to see before he actually starts dashing so it might be difficult. Don't use your W shield when he hits you with Q as it will only break the shield and cause you to not get any benefit from using W. You can poke him out of lane and if you cancel his E he doesn't have another gap closer. If Kled starts roaming it doesn't help you try to follow so just shove your lane and try to get plates or invade the enemy jungle and steal some camps. Kled scales really well but late game with Rapid Firecannon you just be able to stay at a range and just keep poking him to death.”
ForgottenProject says “If Kled Qs you, Parry the second part (the pull)
He either gets stunned for it, or has to waste his dash to dodge it
Remember he goes untargetable for a short period after he jumps off Skaarl
Watch for ganks early
Kled will not win the matchup if he doesn’t get ganks vs Fiora”
Epic Striker says “Kled can easily be overwhelmed from Tahm Kench, You will be pushing him underneath his tower from level 1 to the end of the game. Just watch out for his pull skill and the jungler.”
Braddik says “Don't fight him if he Q's you, otherwise look to all in him and save your E for when his W is up. Be sure to only fight him dismounted when your E is up because he gets mounted really fast.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “The problem with Kled is that you have to play somewhat aggressive since he is one of the best tower divers in the game. If you can poke him and keep the wave away from your tower when you're low then you should have no issues with him.”
Pedrokis says “Skill matchup chata. / Cuidado com o engage dele com o E, ele gruda fácil em você. / A corda dele (Q) corta cura, ferrando uma das principais armas do Aatrox: a cura absurda dele por causa da passiva do E e da Death's Dance. / Assim como o Darius, é só evitar de fazer trocas longas com ele e ir pokeando até ele ficar atrás pra você dar all-in.”
CFCryo says “It's not that you cannot beat him, but his second Q hit (mounted) will inflict grievous wounds, severely hurting your healing. You will have to be more careful.”
Daedralus says “God I hate this champion so much. Whoever had the idea to give him the passive he has is evil. His dueling is very powerful, and you should always look to use E against his W, as those 4 hits are lethal. You must kill him before he gets his passive and his health back, as if you are without Q and R when that happens, means you will be dead. On the positive side, being without his passive likely means W is active on him due to low HP. Before going in, wait your cool downs a little as you will be easily able to chase him anyway with your immense MS and his little MS. Once you have enough to kill him, make sure you avoid his attacks while attempting to come near so he does not build fury and and finish him off afterwards. ”
TheBiskoppen says “Kled is hard to 100-0 there and he gets Skarl back fairly easy against melee match ups. You wanna get him close to demount, and then q him off save w to stun him as he gets out of demount”
Askio says “Pretty annoying given his damage and Skarl basically giving him two health bars. Don't see him much in Elo, but if he is on the upswing. Consider giving him a ban or ask a teammate to. ”
Zhygop says “Kled is annoying, he can dash over you so he can also dodge your Q's heal, also he deals a lot of damage early game and late game. If you play it smart, you can dominate him”
Split King says “I love playing Kled, and I love playing AGAINST Kled when I am playing Teemo. You can whittle him down and when he goes to attack you, just use blind so his "Violent Tendencies" will be wasted. Do be careful of his all-in if your blind is on cooldown though, but other than that it should be easy.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Kled can be very aggressive. He can easily burst you down if he has his W, and he can just rush at you with his EQ combo. He is a very good duelist, but lacks teamfighting power.
Tip: Play passive and freeze your lane if possible. Quinn cannot win 1v1s against him. You can try to trade pre-6 if you can land your Q on him.
Calling for team assistance is the best way because all of Kled's abilities are single-targeted. He will stay in a bad position if you freeze lane, and he is open to ally ganks.”
BeautifulWinter says “I like playing against a kled and I typically win against them too. This is a black cleaver match up for the extra health as well as the CD reduction.
Prior to 6 passive. Post 6 agro when ult is up. If he lets you poke him down prior to level 6 and lose his mount you can play agro.”
Big Belly Bop says “One of Senna's hardest match ups. You need to be very careful when walking up to CS as he can all in you any moment during laning phase. Poke him and ask for ganks. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “As long as you dodge his rope and W his 3 auto attacks ( especially if he went PTA ) you win, but be careful cause he remounts faster than a whore getting 20$.”
Verdehile says “short trades only early game to get him off the mount, but do not get q'd. You can only short trade when his q is down, other than that try to make him use it by walking up and side stepping. You beat him later with ER and igniting him when his mount is down. You can also all in him lvl 1 if you have good amount of hp and fury but he has to miss q or have it on cd. ”
9690 says “Kled feels like a skill match up. His trades are pretty efficient if he hits Q with the grievous wounds buff. Trading early can be difficult. Dodge Q and we win trades. Get tabis and we win at 6.”
Loevely says “Ban this champion. The recent buffs made Kled much much harder for Rengar to actually fight. Grasp is your best bet. Only time you should look to trade with him is when his W is down. If you manage to knock him off of Skarl, check to see if his W is still active before chasing him down. If it's up, leave him be until it's down. Whenever it's down he wont be able to generate as much fury.
ENX Kai says “Rarely seen in rank lately. Not a scary threat as he's a melee but don't underestimate his passive, try not to R too early as his passive will proc and deny all damage from your R.”
Defensivity1 says “If you dodge his E that allows him to latch on to you you will win the trade, be sure to spam your e on him before he hits level 6, its recommended to go with the conqueror page but the grasp page should be fine aswell if you sidestep his only skillshot you will outtrade him and can potentially look for an all in at level 6 with your maiden. ”
Quezel says “This matchup can be hard early as his trades are way better but after seekers tabi you can easily stat check him and walk up to poke with q constantly his dash throws him through you so you can r to cut off his escape very easily and he cant escape from you if he demounts.”
GokuBurakku says “Two health bars, max health, a stun, two dashes (If he hits his E), high mobility and the ability to pull you towards him. Stupid champ.”
SNOBOY says “Hard to play against because of Skaarl. You have to chunk him until he loses his steed, then burst him before he has time to remount it. He can match your roams with his ult. Not a fun champion to play against.”
mightydylan101 says “Kled can be annoying as once you get him low he can resummon his mount and turn the fight or run away. His stun has good range but if you casts it on you and you walk out of the area to cancel you can turn and punish him with a quick q auto or auto q auto if you have enough space and time.”
ProgettoYorick says “Kled in early is a bully, but it is possible to farm against him.
OTP tip: try to finish the ninja tabbi and after level 6 he won't do anything to you if he hasn't taken any kills.”
Skarner Main says “Kled is a lane bully and skarner just want to farm and scale to midgame and your cc will brake if hes on his mount and you dont have enough burst dmg to kill him off mount unless you're ahead
Just try to avoid fighting with him you outscale him”
Karnan says “A skillbased matchup. It can go either way in this fight, BUT if it goes his way he can snowball out of control. Be very careful and dodge his Q. The first trigger of Q isn't dangerous, but the second one is. If he loses his form he is just begging you to R him. Make him your bitch. ”
AlienMV says “Be ready to dodge his Q when possible or when he decides to E in. Him landing either of these abilities probably won't kill you, but chunk you down a good amount.
Once he wastes these abilities, feel free to try and get a few CS. Otherwise stay safe.”
CrimsonAngel1 says “This yoshi rider isn't a threat at all. His engage is his Q, only to be followed up by his dash, so dodge the Q and W the dash and you're fine.”
Melloe says “My main ban. His grievous wounds are very strong and when he dismounts and his second hp-bar triggers, those 200 hp is seen as 'full hp' so the w damage is really low so executing him is tough.”
picklehater77 says “Mostly a skill matchup. Time your all-ins whenever his W, Violent Tendencies, is down. You can tell as he'll have a glowing axe and special sound effects when attacking. Once it's down, go in and dismount him, and wait for him to use it again before blowing him up a second time. ”
Binny says “The healing debuff on his Q is a major threat for 1v1s and his bursty kit doesn't allow you to heal up fast enough. Avoid 1v1s as much as you can in laning phase”
TakuyaDJ TW TV says “You can break his E with your E/R (usually). But with innate heal reduction, hard engage, awesome scaling, and high damage hes a severe nuisance.”
Terrarian18 says “I still think that Kled is s+ tier so you should alawys ban him if you want to play Senna top becose he has a dash as well as heal reduction.”
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Grasp Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal.
//bramble vest is a good item to cut your healing from conqueror.
//just poke and back.”
Hamstertamer says “Trade when his W is down (he uses it automatically on creeps). Either farm under tower or keep a minion advantage to punish him hard for going on you. ”
Atlascrower says “Dont played much against him. He could be difficult, because he is able to play very aggressive. He should never get Skaarl back. Your missing Gapcloser is a big problem. Also, his Q2 reduces your W heal.”
AsomeSonic says “don't let him prob conqueror, if he dashes onto you and you wannna get out w away and he can't follow unless his q got you, q him whenever he wants to fight and keep it short, you win in sustain”
Chromuro says “He wants to hit you hard? You hit him hard back. Wait his second dash if you can, this way you'll hit more reliably your skills. And don't be too reckless, he's the god of long duels.”
superbardock says “Basically an angry, crazy, Renekton. The good news about this one at least is that he doesn't actually have an OUT like renekton does. He can dive on you all day but if you survive until skarl dies you can easily outrun him and let your turrets clean up. Just be careful of his aggressive abilities as you can find yourself dead quickly if you don't... Plus Kled players in general seem hyper aggressive, but that may just come with the territory. ”
P1Legend says “This match up is just dumb. This used to be alright, but riot is a good company and decided to give him 60% reduction to healing, so we cant just W-W the trades in this match up. It is still possible to trade if you dodge his hook and avoid the healing reduction, using the same standard W-W trade. play this one very cautiously ”
HKRV says “Another oh boy moment. He was buffed to counter you. Worth banning, but Grasp page can help you against him a lot. Try to not trade much with him and ask for ganks to get a lead on him. ”
EpicDan01 says “Despite his Q nuking our healing, after Sunfire he has relatively little kill pressure. Don't try to kill him early as he can remount and kill you. Wait until he burns his W (fast attacks) on minions befire attempting to kill.”
Rhinoface says “Careful of his level 2, as it is extremely strong. You outscale him, but you'll need zhonya's as he does max health physical damage, and will shred you otherwise.”
Poppu says “Manipulate waves pre-tiamat, and save W for his dash and use Grasp procs + Q to out trade. Once he is in Yordle form, save W for his Q and make sure you kill him before his bar becomes full.”
Aizo says “Very difficult to deal with. This guy is very good at diving due to his dismount mechanic and can 100 to 0 you at level 3 - 4 if he feels like it. Make sure that you aren't giving him free trades because you may end up dying and making yourself have a really bad time”
Dakrglory says “If anyone is a real threat in lane phase it is this horse guy because he auto attacks and can pull you. Even if you get him off his horse, the problem is you’ll spend mana doing so and eventually doing this technic vs Kled isn’t effective. I recommend only farming and auto attack him once a while to heal with your passive.. ”
SoulHero says “Lvl 1 try not to trade as he can get skarl back easily get dorans shield second wind he is gonna poke with q. You outscale this man once you get deaths dance. Make sure to get tabis. WHEN HE Q'S YOU, YOU CAN TURN AS YOU E RIGHT AS THE Q PULLS, IT GIVES YOU AN EXTENDED FLIP. like you shield negates his q dmg and chains ur dash as you get pulled in, hopefully flipping him, ult him when skarl is gone and you should win. Don't fight too much early.”
Vodka4Gaben says “You should go even with him, however if he hits you with his Q, you should disengage immediately because he will kill you 9/10 times, so if he misses a Q, its an easy kill”
Petethebossch says “A good kled will be able to hold pressure in the lane and stop you from stacking. If you can knock him into no skaarl form then you can resume lane pressure and stack freely. Also ward for dives.”
Lynboe says “Kled a le potentiel de vous kill sur un all-in au niveau 3, il faut faire très attention à ce moment de la partie, car une fois passé et si vous ne mourrez pas avant votre premier recall pour prendre des Tabi Ninja, alors vous devriez être en sécurité pour la majeure partie de la laning phase, vous n'aurez qu'a le punir lorqu'il décidera de vous all-in et vous n'aurez qu'à l'attraper avec votre E quand il essaiera de s'échapper.”
Jnewbringspain says “Kled is easy because his damage mostly comes from basic attacks. If he lands Beartrap on a Rope and looks to fully engage you, activate Counter Strike right before it pulls you in, then start trading. Once you dispose of Skaarl, keep your distance and let cooldowns recover. Bait his pistol shot, then jump in on him and attack.”
messketchup says “You can win an all out early levels if you hit your abilities correctly. Watch for his dash when using Q, and don't ult him when he is riding his chicken.”
WTMudkip says “Mr.Yeehaw Yordle is extremely strong right now with his combos. I recommend not fighting him early unless you're cofident you'll win. Please don't all in him when skarl is half health. He'll just gain it back with a few autos and Q.”
Angela du Seithr says “Kled est récemment devenu très fort et a des facultés de trade bien supérieurs à bon nombre de champions. Il pourra garder de la distance, en prendre facilement ou alors all-in sans retenue. Il peut également facilement vous rattraper si vous essayer de gank une autre lane.”
PandaSenpai101 says “His Q is really easy to parry, and if you stun him, it should be easy to all in and engage him. Be mindful that when he R's and targets you, you can't stun him, but it's better to parry it. ”
Devitt45 says “This is a skill match up. You HAVE to run from his bear trap, otherwise you will take a lot of damage from his combo. Kleds early game is better than Garens in this build. If you can manage to get Kled off of Skaarl, don't let him poke you, and try to get him low enough to ult Kled. NEVER ULT SKAARL!”
Zestysquid says “Most important thing here is that he can dodge box fear and aggro when he loses his mount. This can lead to a lot of frustrating situations where he almost dies. If you let him land his hook he can be baited easily.”
Jnewbringspain says “You have a solid means of escape whenever he wants to engage. His W is a big source of his damage, but they are basic attacks so you can block it with your own W. If he bear traps you, you can always E out of range before it pulls you in. Like most matchups you'll want to do short fights before backing off.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “To win trades with Kled, just activate W right before his 4th attack from his W passive. When he's dismounted, if you have Sheen, it takes 1 Q + 1 sec. of spin and then you can Ult him while he's still silenced and he can't try to flash away.”
Prince Afghan says “Kled has a strong presence in early laning but he falls off in the 1 v 1 once you have a few items under your belt. Past level 11 he should have no chance of killing you or stopping your splitpush.”
Bombabo says “Thanks to the grievous wounds from his Q, Kled can win skirmishes faily easily. Try your best to keep him close to being knocked off of Skaarl, then commit once you know you can kill him with a quick combo”
Always ban him. His Q is so op its mad. Specially against healing champs like Aatrox. If you didnt ban him then just play safe and ask for help.”
0mega best says “Just don't 1v1 him. Poke and dodge his skillshots, you should be ok. Try getting an early kill since he is stronger than you early, therefore, be careful, because he does a ton of damage and can randomly charge you with is ult which is pretty annoying.”
Lil Tidepod says “I personally think Kled is the most dangerous matchup for any Sion. He has CC, can turn the tide of any fight with his passive if applied correctly, has high damage, and can match your push or even outpush you. He's mobile and has high damage, and you are probably the farthest thing from mobile without your utlimate. It'll be hard to land your Q with his dash up. If you can somehow manage to poke him down off Skarl, you can win the majority of fights early, but the odds of you being able to do that are very low. Late game he'll have insane HP and it'll be difficult to kill him alone. You probably won't be able to kill him alone, really. I recommend just farming this one out and calling for jungle help.”
ImpossibleLogic says “Kled on his own is probably the best match up for you. While on his steed, he can't keep up with your kite and Q's so you can easily take him. Once he is off though, he can easily evade you but if you can zone him, free kill.”
Luki7776 says “This matchup is easy, since Kled isn't powerful in early game. Avoid stacking his passvie and make sure that you will kill him before he gets him back.”
Hunterlogic says “You will be destroyed early game and he can even turn it around mid-late game. If your against kled try to get ganks, but kled is pretty good at 1v2's so be aware.”
GrGamingTeo says “Hands down one of the most annoying matchups in the rentire game. Go for small trades when close to your tower. If you fight him for more than 2 seconds he will youtrade you and kill you. Q spam him untill you knock him diwn from his chicken and then go for the kill.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Kled will go about even with you for a simple reason. You both benefit from long all in fights. That said, here is how you beat him. Before you both go all in on your fight you need to build up your W's passive. Have your shield ready to activate at max. His courage can only start to build up after he loses Scarl. Save your pull for after you dismount him from Scarl. Then when he tries to kite you with his shotgun blast, and he will, thats when you pull his butt back in and dominate his face!”
Big Boy Matty D says “Difficult to kill pre 6 unless he gets overconfident and fights in your minions. If you're going for a kill consider saving your E until he is dismounted if you can, this will stop him from re-mounting as fast and can be the difference between a kill or a death.
Post 6 trade heavily if you are near your tower, only be afraid if you are pushed up. Try to get him to dismount while saving your ult and then disengage. When your cooldowns are back up you can burst him without him having a chance to re-mount.”
Qubert64 says “Another fun matchup. Just don't forfeit lane priority. Block everything he does. Poke down his mount. Taunt him when it goes down and he loses.”
The_CuItivator says “Another match that completely depends on the summoner. Pre 6 he has a bit of advantage thanks to the bird. but after that you should watch out for his passive and as soon as it is down. Wreck him.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Don't attempt to fight him alone, unless you are super far ahead. He's stronger without his Skaarl. Ask for ganks if you want to kill him.”
If the Kled player knows what he is doing this will be a very tough match up. If the player doesn't know the champion well. This is a very easy match up. *good kleds will all in you every time, dash, hook(1), auto, pull(2) auto dash auto ignite. if you are below 80% health that alone will always kill you.”
Khazem says “Play around his W cooldown and you should be okay. Be very careful of his all-in potential whenever he lands a Q and generally try not to overextend to get him off his mount as he is still a champion when he does get dismounted. Keep your distance, poke and kite.”
IceHunterOndrook says “Can stick to you very easily if played right. Try getting in some good trades and only then 1vs1 him. Never 1 vs 1 him when he is full hp unless you're snowballing.”
ApexDresden says “Kled will be quite annoying to deal with just because of his aggressive laning phase, you mainly want to avoid dueling him and instead trade with him, once he's quite low you should consider an all-in.”
Tokor says “Si vous êtes prudent, ça ne devrait pas trop mal se passer. Les sorts que vous devez absolument éviter de sa part c'est le E et le R principalement. Vous pouvez grâce à votre W bien vous positionner et ainsi esquiver ses sorts.”
The Lost Drawing says “Facil para quitarle las iniciaciones.
Su 'R' es muy buena para las TF (Team Fights), pero la tuya hace que queden 5 vs 2/3/4 como mínimo”
ElleryTheViking says “Very skill orientated matchup. Olaf has the upper-hand though. Dodge his bear-trap and then use e and spam Q. When he's off Skaarl, it's important you don't let him get back on it. Stand at a distance and throw Q's one at a time slowly wearing him down. When he's low enough, use ghost and ult and a Q E should kill him. Tabis are very useful early in this matchup for survivability. ”
E61K says “Save your ult for his dismounted form. And don't get bamboozled by his Q and E. Since he can juke your Q really well with it. Wait for the Q to pull you and then E him to bounce him off of you and then use your Q. Other than that care about his jungler since his Ult into Q is a lot of trouble against you considering he does max % HP damage. Tabis are godly against him.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Extended fights, Sustained Damage, Tanky. Weaknesses: Low mobilty, outscaled, predictable CC. Pretty solid damage early on so you if don't play reckless you should be fine. Main abilities to worry about include his bear trap and his Violent Tendencies. Riposte the bear trap right before it's about to snap and aim it towards him so that it inflicts the stun onto him. As far as Violent tendencies go, if you are sure he will hit you with the 4th hit of the ability, riposte that as most of the damage comes from the 4th hit. Once you have the auto attack speed slow applied to him, he should pose a very little threat to you. Also, you can Riposte his ultimate so keep that in mind if he comes charging down the lane towards you. Your true damage and % damage should be enough to handle him so Q poke a few times dodging his Q and All-in once he’s low enough.”
Miracle Matter says “Kled is another matchup that you're quite strong again if you have some experience with it, but which can be very volatile and snowball out of your hands if not. Just do not let him E onto you with his Q. His damage is immense -- he can force your Ulti very easily.
That said, you can use your E - Speed boost to sidestep his Ultimate engages, and you can harass him down from afar fairly easily as long as you are comfortable dodging his E Dash + Q combos. If he can't Q you, he can't do anything -- you just wail on him from afar and then kill him without ever letting him close enough to regenerate Skaarl.
If you feel threatened, feel free to go the tanky alternative (Iceborne Gauntlet after Archangel's Staff) build, but it isn't necessary.”
Daniloooo says “Let him hook you and pull you in. When he pulls you close to AA range then blind him and his AA speed will be useless and you can run him down. Build tabi if you really need em.”
drunken hunter says “Kled has been a champ that i banned every game - especially when he was new or free to play.
Kled got this passive called Skaarl - he rides on a monster and has 1000 hp and more in lvl 1. If you deal enough dmg to Skaarl, he will run away and Kled will have like 20% hp. If u dont get the gank to the right time or you cant kill Kled for the next minute, he will do some auto hits or abilities and get all the health back! retard champ???
Anyways you wont have an easy laning phase, better play safe.”
kkiskk says “Bully him in lane. All-in him if he use his Q on you(be aware of cannon minion). Remember to waste his fourth W and you'll be fine. Save your R for his R.”
SeaWeeb says “You are very squishy and Kled has extremely hard engages. He can easily burst you and has high sustain with skarl. Stay under tower and farm. Do not let him get a lead off of an int.”
Sion says “If you can dismount him and then freeze the lane it's gameover for him. Don't fight after dismount unless you have 6, as he can turn fights pretty damn easily.
TSA_Exotic says “I would say Kled is just hard of a matchup and Tryndamere or Nasus for Vayne because of his dash and Q to gap close on you, but if you can get ahead and dodged is abilities with Tumble then you make the matchup a lot easier.”
TheNecromancerr says “First few levels very strong, play safe. After level 6, you are good to go. But it can be tricky because of his passive. Play smart.”
Proxxecube says “Kled will mind game you if you're not careful. He typically doesn't have enough damage on just Skaarl to kill you, and once he gets off he still doesn't. The issue is he will bait you super hard, the get Skaarl back. Be extremely cautious when you see him with high meter, and only dedicate if you are absolutely sure you can win before he gets the dumb lizard.”
VdeathSpartan says “Super easy lane, keep pressure on Kled and Alpha Strike him when your double strike and Wuju Style are up. He cant survive your damage and he can't run after dismounted.”
Bakiraka says “Kled is a great matchup for you in lane. If you can poke him out at level 1, he'll lose all of his engage and basically be helpless against you. When mounted, he's a little bit more dangerous, but you can weather the storm with your sustain.”
Trixelkour says “With his W he can just melt you and out trade you. Stay safe and farm up, call for gank and bait out his E to prevent him from escaping. Get Thornmail into Sorcerer boots to duel against him. Take Exhaust and Aftershock to win the 1v1 and you just might win. Play smart around teamfights since his engage is very strong.”
WhispeRCZ says “lots of mobility, but dont have realy good all in at the start so when he comes to use his 4 strike combo just take it and then kill him, once he has his mount down its free just dont let him stack the mount back before you kill him”
SirDeRp25 says “His blade will shine bright when his W is active, blind those enhanced autos and you should win the trade. Careful! good kleds will try to bait your Blind then all in you!”
E61K says “Always keep an eye on his courage meter when he is dismounted. He can turn fights around from 1HP if you aren't careful. You can windwall both types of Q's, which will greatly cut his damage output. What really cuts down his damage though is waiting for him to use his W on minions and then going in for trades. If he ults you make sure to windwall in the opposite direction he is coming from. Reason for that is that he will knock you behind the windwall and he wants to follow up with his Q right away, which will then get blocked. Windwalling in the direction where he is ulting from will cause you to get knocked back way too far away from your windwall and you will get hit by the Q. Kled likes to build health items like Gnar and not much resistance. His early game when his W is up is disgusting so never ever fight him at that stage when that ability is up.”
undeadsoldiers says “Kled - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Phage, Tabi, Tiamat (Bramble if behind)
- All in lvl 1 (passive stacked; only if he misses Q)
- No all in lvl 2 (unless he uses his three empowered autos on the wave)
- Play safe in lane (only take good trades; he'll win most trades early)
- Deny his Q pull by Qing to a minion
- Take trades after he misses his Q and has used his three empowered autos on the wave
- Save W for his empowered autos
- Don't dive him under tower, even if he's dismounted
- Ult cooldown: 160/140/120
Omega best says “You must ban him at all time, play extremelly safe, build armor and wait for ganks, if comes near you early game damage him but dont get into his trap or else he will kill you very easily with his dumb passive”
Tazllama says “Bard's specialty is bursting, and kled's passive with his stupid lizard halts your plans. Kled also has tons of mobility, and is able to get on top of you and regenerate all his health by summoning his annoying companion. poking with meep-enhanced autos is really useful.”
Zachlikespizza says “Kled's all in potential is very annoying and his dash more so. However once he gets off skaarl you will most likely have the burst damage to finish him off. If it's not up back off and wait for cool downs.”
Mouadyam says “not too hard but not easy either, go for longer trades if he goes in like a fool, dont ult him before he unmounts, save it until you kill skaarl. some early armor / tabi can go long ways”
Demon Lord AC0 says “My current second Top lane main. Kled has very high damage and high mobility while also having more HP. He becomes a high threat after his Tiamat with Tabi, which allows him to out trade you very easily. Since he will be always agressive towards you you can start Doran's Blade and Rush Bork since his base HP is very high. You can windwall both of his Qs, but i'd recommend doing so when he falls off Skaarl since it will negate him courage, making it harder for him to retrieve her. If he does retrieve her while you're trading with him, you're probably dead, so be careful”
iam colorblind says “If he is in his small form u can kill his very fast!
But if u use ur Ult while hes at 50% HP and u do to much damage he will dodge ur E while going in small form.
Be careful of laneganks if he use his Ultimate!”
Skullsunderer says “Skarrl can fake you out and mistake to be low and you'll ult. Pretty easy to kill when unmounted due to him having the slowest movement speed when unmounted. If he is gonna get Skarrl again leave the fight, he will turn it around so fast you won't have time to Q.”
joelblack says “Your best way to win is to be super mobile and use your E smartly. Poke him until Skaarl is almost dead. Once he is, thats your signal to all in. Once he dismounts, he has no mobility besides his Q, so make sure he's pushed into you so that he doesn't have time to run away to his tower. Basically don't let him engage on you by E'ing away and poke him until his mount is almost dead, then all in. Ignite can give you the upper edge, but risk losing mobility, which Kled has with his ult, so if you take it, make sure you get ahead by shutting him down for good and killing him repeatedly. ”
Ashnard says “Kled is a very aggressive laner with strong early all in. Play defensive and freeze early on while poking him every chance you get. You can all in him when he gets dismounted and you have cooldowns up. Early tabis/kindlegem highly recommended.”
GOTG Ment135 says “Enfrentamiento muy fácil. Le ganas en daño, tu ultimate inhabilita a que vuelva skaarl. Solo recuerda de no usar tu ultimate mientras esta montado.”
OmegaTeemo says “Kled is your worst nightmare, only engage on him if he is on foot. Keep your distance, play near your tower, abuse your ult and your Q to wear him down. Ask for ganks.”
TrashIreliaxd says “I don't recommend fighting him after level 1. Always fight him when your ult is up and his W is down. your W doesn't work against his W.”
galvapheonix says “ Malphite is similar to Nautilus, he gets very tanky but with your ult dealing a percentage max health you shouldn't have a big problem fighting him.”
thedunkening111 says “Don't ever underestimate a Kled, man. Go for auto reset trades only when his w is on cooldown. He doesn't have a lot of kill pressure without it, but with it, he'll fuck you up real good.
Take Conqueror”
Xplosion123 says “Não é exatamente uma Counter-Play para Darius, porém a passiva dele pode estragar uma troca, pois o dano que ele levar com a vida da Skaarl, ele não tomará na própria vida, e numa troca, o tempo que você levar para tentar tirar a vida do Kled, ele irá te dar um dano absurdamente maior.”
Thoir says “Kled is really an annoying champ. You have to play on his Skarl's Bar when he's on feet. If it is going to be full, just go back or he'll engage on you.”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 7.5/10
➡️Similar matchup to Riven/Ambessa in the sense that he has a LOT of unexpected damage and mobility. To win this matchup, you need to have a LOT of experience and be confident in your limits. Kled is a champion that not many people pick, so the ones that you do meet are OTPs who know how to play kled to the highest limits. Due to this, you shouldn't trade with Kled unless you are playing to kill him. Pay attention to his W and when he wastes it on minions you can play for short trades. Try to avoid his Q because it applies grievous wounds and you can set up a trap with your pillar and his E. Play in minion waves and sustain on waves. It's a very hard matchup if you are inexperienced but I can assure you that it is playable and actually fairly easy to win once you understand his limits. This comes with experience.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Kled vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Kled vs Average Trundle ➡️Kled favoured
Good Kled vs Good Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup.”
Haxorr says “Really easy matchup if you are able to move well and dodge his qs. Even if you get hit by one, really easy to land the parry on his q for a free stun. You should win all-ins at pretty much all stages of the game unless you get hit by a q and don't parry it, as he'll apply grievous wounds and that's gonna hurt. Always good to wait for Kled to use his w on minions (the fast attacks) before fighting him. Spacing is great in this matchup. Can q+w slide and stun him out of his ult as well. Doran's blade + conq and sorc page is good”
CactEyez says “Disgusting champ who even plays this??? IDK, try and dodge the Q (it has antiheal inbuilt). Save your R for dismount and try and 1 shot him.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties/Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
kled players are mostly dumb
just wait for him to push and take him out with the help of your jungler
and only use ignite when hes dismantled”
TrianglularRose says “Kled is interesting, as your performance against him really depends on the rest of the map. You beat him in lane after first item, but you tend to lose to him after laning is over.”
Bourne212 says “Don't get hooked by his Q, you can look to trade when his W is down. if possible try to hold your ult until you dismount him, as it should guarantee the kill.”
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