Mid Lane 50.43% Win Rate97% Pick RateKassadin Mid Lane Counters: 21 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kassadin in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
PaciF1ka says “Старайся убивать его до мид-лейта и разгоняй игру от преимущества.
Try to kill him before mid-lane and accelerate the game from the advantage.”
Zewrocktumbler says “is anyone playing with him in low elo? i mean hes good but he plays safe and its annoying try to catch him off guard and root him with water Q”
Divine Azir says “The only champion with a weaker early game than you. Abuse him heavily levels 1-5. After level 6, you can play right near the edge of his ultimate if you are near your tower. If he uses R, you can ult him into tower. This matchup is only difficult if he gets kills, so just push him in so he can't roam and be careful of jungler ganks. If he ults toward you while you are pushing, it probably means his jungler is near, so just E away.”
AuroraAddict says “you basically just kill him before hes 16 laning phase is free against him just dont let him scale hes way up and try to end fast. Electrocute with teleport is good against him.”
BesXbola says “Against kassadin you should focus on poking him preferably till death before level 6, after level 6 he can kill you should if you are not carefull, try to keep your passive for his R engage, each time he upgrades his R he gets more and more kill pressure till he can one shot you at level 16.”
ArcaneHerald says “he outscales you.
after lv 6 he can do more than you.
he can snowball better aswell.
this is still very much winnable lane tho. you can take GRASP and make his life miserable. but remember, that way you're sacrificing your own scaling aswell. and he will outscale you even if u contest early/mid game vs him. late is his.”
AlexFL7000 says “He's the anti mage but he has a horrible early game. Try to poke him down and kill him early while he's weak, and keep your distance. otherwise if he gets kills early he will be a monster. for some reason he's a snowball champ”
Lunar1v9 says “A matchup where u really want to go kraken and pta because of his passive makes u deal 0 dmg with nashors vs him, dont rush boots reather finish kraken because u need the dps to kill him, You beat him after 11 and 16 u are way stronger.
GAMING ACADEMY says “Syndra wins the 1v1 extremely hard over Kassadin early but the lane will become difficult at later levels. Try build a big advantage early with comet and TP.”
zSmoke says “Playing against Kassadin is quite easy, you can win all of his trades up to lvl 11, it is best to leave him out of the game so that his scaling takes longer.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror. You must bully pre 6 and get a sizable lead. Keep an eye on his R range. Play for objectives with jungler. Ask for ganks from jungle you have really good setup. BUILD MR. Swifties good, FoN is good. One of the rare cases where Abyssal is decent as a 3rd item.”
Cepatrol says “as long as you manage to have more cs than him early and play with jg you outscale and are stronger in every part of the game, him split pushing can get annoying tho”
xumi_k says “Easy pre 6. Not easy after 6. I haven't seen Kassadin players for a while, by the way... where are you all? He can easily escape you, if he plays safe early try to roam.”
Tamikaze says “I absolutely despise this champion. He is my current permaban and it's been like that for over a year now. To start off, his early game is almost impossible to screw up if the Kassadin player doesn't run it down in lane. He just takes Fleet + Dshield + Secondwind (passive + Q shield) and just sits back and farm. If you don't secure a kill pre 6 it's pretty much impossible to win. Then, on top of all that, he scales infinitely harder than you and eventually turns into a 1v9 machine at level 16. There is a way to win this matchup, but personally, I'd rather just ban it than having to worry about a level 16 Kassadin eventually. ”
MattStyle says “Los personajes cuerpo a cuerpo suelen ser sencillos porque tu slow te permite acertar fácilmente tu doble Q y frenar sus intentos de acercarse.
Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularlo.
A partir de nivel 6 su roaming es lo más problemático. Siempre avisa cuando no esté en línea e intenta wardear el río.
En late es una amenaza. ”
Tatsurion says “This is a ticking time bomb of a matchup, the early game is by every definition yours. His, however, while not as strong as yours, does directly counter you.
NOT by having a silence or Magic shield, but by blinking constantly, your soldiers are trivial to him lategame.
Bully him as hard as you humanely can early, its the only time youll do so. Mid game is his, respect it. Late game is a coinflip.
Conq and burst are both fine”
gimmelovej says “Your champ will get outscaled by him, so you should be winning Kassadin matchup early game though the higher ranks you get kassadins start to be better. As of now Kassadin is nerfed, so its not a big issue anymore.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering](Boneplating)(Overgrowth)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
Counter with: [ROA]
*don't try to kill him, your worries should be not falling too behind. with this build: [Roa][Liandry] you can win 1v1s and scale well.”
Vladmidir says “You should never solo die to Kass. Just get prio on wave and try to zone him off cs. Try to pool his R when you get low and out sustain him.”
GreenReapers says “Any Page viable, altough i recommend Electro or conq for a easier stomp.
Long Sword start.
Easy early game. Stomp him into the ground. Poke and pressure. If he plays too safe to kill, roam. If not before, you should get a kill with lvl 6 advantage at the latest. Care for his Ult to dodge your Q's.
Keep track of his mana and Ult charges (right-/leftclick and you see it with his status effects. His Ult costs 640 Mana at 4 charges. His W restores mana tho. look out for that in close situations.)
Some Kassadins will run Electro here, and the damage is pretty high for their short trades. Most will take fleet however.
If he scales, still playable with Kite combos, but late game Kass is a threat nonetheless.”
BrMario1011 says “You can shit on him early game pretty easily, however if he goes roa first its pretty hard since he will not take damage, late game you can shut him down somewhat easy if hes not tank kassadin
go electrocute and tp/ingnite
Dorans ring”
Viktorias Secret says “Very high damages and mobility with passives that negates 15% magic damage, on a champion that has terrible early but you do too....
You won't have enough damage to truly punish his early and after level 6 he has more damage than you, mobility to evade your spells and so on.
Terrible match up, even with his low pick rate he is my perma ban.”
otaliz says “Kassadin scales better than Twisted Fate, however, you can poke him during the laning phase and abuse Twisted Fate's wave clear to force him to farm under his turret. If he's starts with Doran's Shield, just focus on farming. Look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.
Kassadin in lane should never be able to die due to Doran's Shield and Second Wind, and Luden's rush with Electrocute makes him impossible to play against after Level 6. Try to zone him off of minions with basic attacks and abilities in the early Levels if possible trying to get as much First Strike gold as possible, and start playing like a coward from Level 6 onward as his trades become unmatchable with riftwalk. ”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP. First strike rune.
You want to avoid to have too many AP champs in your team against kassadin, however if he locked it that's probably the reason why. You can bully him decently early on (pre-level 6). However if he's smart he will just run dshield + second wind and go into gigascaling mode. The best you can do as Lux is to farm gold from first strike off of him, and use your early prio to help your jungler. You will never be able to kill him or even be near him in lategame. I would recommend to go for scaling runes, to at least be able to one shot his team, if not him.”
OneTrickPeffa says “His ap shield will win him trades and his E ability will make you not want to use your W on minions to farm so yeah, he's a strong counter, also outscales you HARD.”
awawa says “Make sure to make his life miserable early on. He is not a champion pre-6.
Use W when he engages on you. His R blinks proc your passive. If he somehow still ends up dealing damage, get banshees.”
ShokLoL says “Kassadin is not too bad for Azir as long as you build up a lead pre 6. Try and make sure that he is forced to use his Q to last hit. If he decides to Q you instead, he should be punished when he walks up and tries to last hit a creep. With good trading and wave control you should be able to achieve the lead you need. After 6 focus on shoving him in and trying to prevent him from getting any successful roams off.”
ShokLoL says “Kassadin should be punished heavily early game. Try and make sure that he is forced to use his Q to last hit. If he decides to Q you instead, he should be punished when he walks up and tries to last hit a creep. With good trading and wave control you should be able to build a significant lead over Kassadin or his team pre 6. After 6 if you don't have a lead you will probably start to lose trades, but you should still win if you have an item advantage. The worst thing to do against Kassadin is to give him any kills, as even when he scales throughout the game he’s not strong unless he can snowball and get ahead of everyone else.
ShokLoL says “Kassadin is a super free matchup. Try and make sure that he is forced to use his Q to last hit. If he decides to Q you instead, he should be punished when he walks up and tries to last hit a creep. With good trading and wave control you should be able to build a significant lead over Kassadin pre 6. Post 6 with your item lead, especially if you bought dirk, you should have no trouble trading onto him.”
Soft Headpats says “An easy lane to bully pre-6, but Kassadin will quickly outscale you if you don't maintain a lead and pressure him. Make sure his Q is down before you use spells since it'll block a good chunk of damage. Aery + WE AA spamming is great in this matchup.
Once he hits 6, you should hold onto your E defensively to punish him if he jumps on you. Kiting backward with WQ while EQing him is often your best bet outside the laning phase (as long as he isn't too strong).
Limit your time spent in sidelanes as much as possible unless you know where he is. You don't want to get caught out from behind while pushed up since the game can quickly get out of hand with Kassadin. Try to catch waves when they're closer to your turret, or if you can, push as quickly as possible and group with your team. ”
ShokLoL says “Kassadin should be punished heavily early game. Try and make sure that he is forced to use his Q to last hit. If he decides to Q you instead, he should be punished when he walks up and tries to last hit a creep. With good trading and wave control you should be able to build a significant lead over Kassadin or his team pre 6. Post 6 this matchup becomes a nightmare, so you need a strong lead early game in order to stay even from this point. he worst thing to do against Kassadin is to give him any kills, as even when he scales throughout the game he’s not strong unless he can snowball and get ahead of everyone else.
ShokLoL says “Kassadin can be bullied hard in lane, but if you don't build a big enough lead he will outscale you pretty hard. Make sure to constantly be harassing him whenever he goes to CS and make sure you base ahead in gold to continue to snowball. Post 6 you can save E defensively in case he tries to jump on you. He will always lack waveclear so eventually you can just push and move and try snowball the game that way instead.”
Deceiver_euw says “Kassadin is very strong in season 14 with malignance. after lvl6 LeBlanc stands no chance to beat kassadin 1v1 and she gets outscaled by him hard. Your goal is to create advantages for yourself by freezing and ganking him on the bounce or to just push him in and look to kill his teammmates. After lvl6 you can only kill him with teammates so TELL your jungler to come kill kassadin since he has to ult in to trade or else he will outscale you into oblivion. You can play AD LeBlanc into kassadin aswell which will do way better in lane but still get outscaled.”
ShokLoL says “Kassadin can be bullied hard in lane, but if you don't build a big enough lead he will outscale you pretty hard. Make sure to constantly be harassing him whenever he goes to CS and make sure you base ahead in gold to continue to snowball. Post 6 you can save E defensively in case he tries to jump on you.”
vSomnia says “His magic resist on his Q and passive makes it hard to deal damage on him. Trade when he uses Q on the wave after his magic resist shield goes off. He outscales you so try to either solo kill or make plays on the map.”
FelixMrChat says “The rare matchup that will completely outscale you. You have several options: take Seraphin/Road of Ages to keep up with his scaling or rush Liandry's to end the game as quickly as possible with your roams.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Kassadin you have to be a lot aggressive all early game before he get six making him difficult to farm, in late game he will outscale you a lot so you have to abuse his weak early to snowball or make you roam”
vreiki says “O early game é seu, o late game é dele. Abuse do ataque básico no early game e tente conseguir um abate com incendiar. Eu tenho 80% de taxa de vitória contra Kassadins BR.”
gaarrett says “For some reason, it doesn't feel like Kassadin scales that hard anymore. The first six levels are a playground for Sylas, after that use your better waveclear to put the wave under his tower and roam. [2/4] ultimate, you only get one cast. ”
MukiiBaa says “Freeze and he wont be able to farm properly, call jg to punish him early, Late game if there is no hard cc he will solo carry anyways . End game asap.”
149Gray says “Slowpush and perma-auto-Q him, play aggressively, and outspace him, though be careful, enemy jg (maybe even support) might come early and stop you from playing aggressive, so always look on the map. Once he hits lvl 6, be more careful.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
You win early similar to veigar, but not like veigar directly, he still has some treat on you, play aggresive, don't let him get farm so easy, and keep trading, if he gets late, nothing to do, nothing, unless you play the early properly otherwise, mid starts becoming akward and late is FF.
Ganas en early de manera similar a Veigar, pero no como Veigar directamente, Kassadin todavía tiene algo de oportunidad, juega agresivo, no dejes que farmee tan fácilmente y sigue tradeando, si llega a late, no hay nada que hacer, nada, a menos que jueges el early correctamente, de lo contrario, el juego medio comienza a volverse incómodo y el tardio es FF.”
wundrew says “You kindof have to build AD into kassadin. I like BORK rush since it lets you one shot hit when you reach your spike. If you cant buy a pickaxe on first base then probably go kraken into terminus. All in when he walks up too far.”
SurferKiller says “Lane is easy for stacking. He's hard to kill after 6 because of his ult spam + Flash. Do small trades with him after 6, push and roam.”
KazunaSan says “La lane n'est pas difficile en soi, mais il vous outscale et vous empeche de tenter quoi que ce soit grace à son shield de dégats magiques, profitez de ses faibles dégats en early pour roam et jouer avec votre jungler. ”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is fine pre 6, after 6 it turns into hell. Poke as much early as you can and get a cs advantage. After 6 hold your stun until he dashes onto you for a free combo. Dont step too far!”
FrostbiteMW says “He can be harassed a lot pre-6, be careful of his power spike at level 6. He has his Q that gives him a magic shield, so i suggest that you don't try to Q him back, just wait for the shield to go down and do the usual Q, W, AA combo and trigger electrocute. Build MR!”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After 6 hes annoying and a major threat. Hold your root for when he jumps into you for a free combo. Also only ult when he cant jump away.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Giga abuse his weak early game. If hes even he can fight you, so be careful.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale. You can be aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Game will get harder for you the longer he can scale tho. At lvl 16 you cant win.”
Shinbae says “Кассадин когда получает 6й лвл становится машиной смерти против Зои, рывков больше чем у кого либо...
Однако они тоже не бесконечны, сама по себе лейн фаза против него проста, Зои имеет преимущество своей дальностью скиллов, однако после 6го лвла вас спасёт только сон и умение бежать под башню”
Wizboy73 says “Take snowball runes, he is still very rough he outscales you cause he will allways beat you 1v1 unless you snowball. which is why you take these runes. Bully him as hard as you can pre 6 cause after it will be pretty hard, build liandry since ludens doesnt do that mutch. ”
Hexeria says “[Kassadin is only strong, later into the game. Try to hold him out of the game already from the start of the game.] [If you go AP, he will deal more damage in Midgame then you, so be careful to not engage him far away from your Turret, or his Ult damage will be stacked.] [You can stack Grasp pretty efficently on him, while denying his farm.] [Since almost every Kassadin builds ROA, I had more success with Tank builds against him.]”
SYROBE says “Can easily press R and dodge all of your skill shot abilities as Hwei has zero lock on skills. Kassadin can easily dodge everything you throw at him and burst you down.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him Easy Threat but meanwhile this guy got a EXTREME-Threat because Kassadin is very easy matchup in early game this might be every champion but we will lose he when late game by unbalance Scaling damage”
Halkem says “Kassadin becomes a real threat after 6 and you can't side lane against him. Abuse his weak early levels to get perfect CS and prio for your JG, don't hesitate to push him in and rotate. If your JG has good early gank you can try to freeze. After 6 care to not get picked off by him and try your best to prevent him from impacting the map. Only push side if you know his position otherwise only catch waves as they crash or HE WILL KILL YOU. On mid-late game team fights if he becomes a threat look to R him, but be careful as Kass usually tries to flank and kill you.”
Iceyou says “Lol . Yeah i mean he is stronger you cant kill few levels and items and he will be able to run you down . You should master the roaming / forcing fights playstyle and end the game while he is still miserably bad . Giving the kills to your jungler and going everfrost is propably for the best . ”
The Milelator says “Early game PRE 6 you can do what ever you want. Push waves, deny farm, push towers or roam. You have all the power in the world. Post 6 you will not be able to kill him, unless he is dumb. Until he reaches 2 items lvl 11 or even lvl 16, he won't kill you. Push waves and roam.”
WarwicksSimp says “You can't do anything, to be honest. Just tiamat rush focus on cs then roam, roam so much, but do it smart, get value. He's easy to gank as well so if you somehow freeze wave it can lead to a kill.
When late game reaches tho you've fucked up not ending earlier. This will usually mean GG.”
FrostbiteMW says “You win pre lvl 6. Go Electrocute and try to punish him as hard as possible. After 6 dont use your Q before he ults or he will just dodge it and all-in you. Also be careful: his Q cancels your R.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can abuse him pre 6. After that its kinda game over for you. Youre dead if you dont have E and he jumps on you, so dont use it randomly. ”
Tokiyami says “Bully this man, don't let him farm, need to make him lose as many resources as he can, if he ults in on wave lvl 6 you can usually look for all ins.”
Lindroganti says “He can't do anything. Annihilate him. Only thing he can do is teleport, but even then all he can do is run. His silence stops your shield though.”
stormraided says “Kassadin's threat level is minor because you have to kill him early, if you let him scale you basically lose the game. Take the Conqueror setup because he can be very tanky afterwards, or take Electrocute if you're confident in yourself.”
support_diff says “Unplayable matchup, he can outfarm you, outdamage you and outscale you. Keep your farm up and don't go for trades if he doesn't use his Q first.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Go hard on him as soon as possible. He will not be able to do alot vs you. just be careful not overextend when his jungler could be around.”
LewisBlawk says “So apparently this is the worseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee matchup I don't really get it fully but idk. Defcon 5 threat take precision runes and play somewhat safely but aggressive at the same time”
Ankha Yuumi says “My personal ban. Kassadin is literally designed to counter mages like Aurelion. He takes reduced damage from your abilities, his Q interrupts your Q and W, high mobility allows him to dodge your E and R. The best you can do is start with Cull and farm while harassing him with autos whenever you can.”
Hakuanivia says “Kassadin is not a champion early-game. Use this to your advantage. Freeze or slow-build big waves as you please, and influence the map while he is stuck mid. If you don't create advantages early-game then he will beat you later on. ”
ChronobreakEkko says “One of Ekko's best counters, but he has a weak early laning phase so try to take advantage of that. Aim to solo kill Kassadin and take ignite.”
tangerrine says “This matchup is pretty easy in the lane. Early game, you can burst him down with electrocute as long as you land everything. If you freeze wave, he either takes your burst or has to give up CS, which will delay his powerspikes. Post-6, he can easily escape you and your R so be careful and only R after you've hit E. Communicate with your jungler so he cant play the game.”
TheBougis says “Kassadin isn't a big threat to you as much as he is a threat to your duo. His early game is very bad, but if he survives until late game he will eventually out damage your healing.”
Zero macro says “Kassadin only forms a mid/late game threat to Kog'Maw, due to his damage increases and moblity increase. This will be unbareable when no1 can cover Kassadin from sidelane.”
serrafim says “Probably one of your worst matchups yet, he's everything you hate and your everything he can fuck up. You are short range, and he will win a full trade unless stunned. Post-6, you can't proc passive, you can't stun him, and you can't outscale him either. Not to mention he takes reduced magic damage and has a magic shield to add onto it all.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
STACK A LOT, bully him”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Kass you need to play super aggresive and get early lead. If you play to scale you will lose. Just spam poke and you will have a good chance of killing not that bad. Mid game just try to play off other people stuns on him and cc lock him down. go comet ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Try to punish him pre 6 as he is very weak early]
[Bait his Q shield then use your abilities]
[Call for your jungler to shut him down early game]
[Watn your team when he is missing]”
freuio123 says “Kleiner hässlicher moth... ich mag Kassadin Matchup nicht.
Ist aber nicht so schlimm, wie Leute es darstellen. Dein early ist fine, du kannst sogar first strike gehen und mitscalen.
Du outpushst und outroamst kassadin, sidelane ist fine bis lvl 11 (Ja ist nicht viel aber... still).
Am Ende musst du ihn in Teamfights outvaluen.”
NickLeVlach says “I forgot that shit. You might have a really good early game but it just takes one null mantle to make you irrelevant. He will kill you on level 6.”
uwuimsocute says “Probably easiest matchup for Varus.
Depending on Teamcomp you will most likely outscale him, he cannot lane against you and when he does not fall 100 CS behind you, you are doing something wrong.”
Angryappleseed says “You can harass him a LOT in lane. Play aggressive. Just be careful of the enemy jungler. He will "eventually" outscale you, but if you stomp on him enough early, you will beat him.”
Anguish333 says “- Don't trade with his shield up
- If he's playing electrocute, be careful of his trades, they are really powerful
- If he ults on you either without stacks, or with max stacks but he has very little mana in early game you can easly all in him, he will not escape you”
Jg_diff says “Kassadin isn't that strong until level 6, and to be honest he isn't too strong after gaining it either. If you don't feed him, he won't be worth anything for the enemy team. He is probably the best enemy against you”
Y0rhm says “Kassadin becomes very mobile once he hits lvl 6 + you deal 10% less magic damage to him due to his passive. If you don't shut him down early he'll be very hard to deal with.”
Cryniu says “I ban this champion, is extremely hard CC him and practically impossible outscale him. If you are against Kassadin I suggest you to poke him a lot in early game, Corrupting Potion could help to poke him with basic attacks.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “This is basically what is said to be Azir's #1 counter due to his R, but I don't see many people play him. I would say you have to kill early or play the scaling game. Overall, I would look elsewhere for advice as not many people play him in Gold/Silver. Recommend to build ROD against this champion.”
Wraithlander says “This champion ruins you. His ult is useless to steal and your only hope of winning the lane is pre 6 where he is weakest. Just be careful if he has taken electrocute as you may lose trades still due to his passive and E being great counters to Sylas. Good Kassadins will look to bait you into E ing onto them and then walk back into their minion wave with passive so that it misses. To trade make you sure you W first to allow you to hit E2. Play for jungle invades and skirmishes pre 6 as if the game goes late you won't be able to fight or sidelane against him. Ignite can be taken if you are absolutely sure you can all in safely without enemy jungler ganking.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Kassadin's passive, Void Stone, reduces magic damage taken, making it more difficult for Neeko's abilities to significantly harm him. Kassadin scales well into the late game, where he becomes a powerful assassin, and Neeko might struggle to contain him during that phase.”
zLuxfury says “You both have a weak early game, try to set up ganks for jungler and don't push too much cause he can do the same and he can close the gap easily with R.
Pretty chill lane usually.”
Trisend3 says “Easy matchup, you bully him pre 6 and you have prio for objectives. Just keep shoving him in and respect the R range and look to play with jungle”
Love us again says “Abuse you're trading ability early. don't let him scale. you win on almost every situation early so do your best to get a lead on him.”
EkkoleCua says “kassadin can win trades but can be countered with a quick line push so he can't roam or trade.
Kassadin gana los trades, pero puedes counterearlo con un rapido empuje de lineas, ejerce presión e intenta romear.”
TB Azir says “Genelde Azir'in en zor matchuplarından biri olarak görülse de ben şahsen buna katılmıyorum. Hiçbir senaryoda Kassadin, Azir'in bariz bir hatası olmadığı sürece lanede Azir'e karşı birebirde kazanamaz. Kassadin Ayağı Çabuk+İkinci Şans+Doran Kalkanı+TP alıp dilenerek olabildiğince farm yapmaya çalışır, Azir de dürtüp lane'i pushlayıp biraz CS diff atıp bir de tempo elde eder. Hepsi bu. İki taraf da bariz hatalar yapmadığı sürece bu lanede kill çıkmaz. Üstüne koşup Q atmasına izin verme ve paso dürtüp ormancıyı sürekli kontrol et.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
Allyooops says “You should be winning Kassadin matchup early game though the higher ranks you get kassadins start to be better. If Kassadin starts W he probably is trying to cheese early and get you low health. This champ has less prior early pre 6 so use this and play with your jgl because your champ will get outscaled by him. As of now Kassadin is nerfed and not much of a big threat anymore!”
South Z says “Poor Kassadin will not be able to play the game pre-6 and will be so easy to abuse with Ignite. Even at level 6, you still have a point and click dash, a lot of burst and AD damage, so he probably won't have the time to reach level 16.”
DaddyVladdy says “go up to him pretend you are going to q but auto him instead.He will press q as soon as you go near him.Then you press q and you win the trade.Dont hold e when he has q up.Dont die in lane. push his lane so he cant roam”
kaiba77 says “Just a hard counter, he can ignore your poke and outscale. An important thing to note is if he uses R on top of you early, you have a kill window as its on a very long cooldown early game.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “He has a super safe lane phase, has a ton of mobility, and scales much better than you. Don't pick TF into Kass unless you're building on-hit (in which case, go look at the AD TF guide).”
Fantasygamer02 says “Ivern works great as a thematic counter to Kassadin. He can oppress Kassadin very heavily in the early game, and his single-target, low cooldown shielding makes it very hard for Kassadin to play the game. However, Kassadin at level 16 is still a big worry. Ideally you can win the game before this point is reached.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery or FS. Aery for hard punish. FS to not get outscaled.
FS footwear market cosmic. Impact ingenious.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch biscuits cosmic.
Cull start.
Freeze him out. Do not let him farm under tower. You lose if you perma-push.
Outscales you and hard to kill. Still has high damage early, just low cooldowns, but can slow and run you down.
In the first few levels push waves and focus on roaming to kill his team, then setup a freeze. Farm and AD poke is the name of the game.
(Gank help is amazing but don't rely on it).
Grab banshees.”
Deru says “Troubleful matchup if he has room to scale. Roam like a madman or stomp him early with conq since he outscales you and makes the game unplayable for you in the late game.”
Deru says “Currently my permaban. Troubleful matchup if he has room to scale. Roam like a madman or stomp him early with conq since he outscales you and makes the game unplayable for you in the late game. You lose every 1v1 after his 6.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Just ban him, if it didn't work out, then try to poke him up to 6, after 6 stand passively and keep your distance, because he can all-in you. He can also interrupt your R by flying a ball(Q) at you. If you run away from him, be vigilant because his E, accelerates due to the use of your abilities (and possibly his own), and slows down, so it's better to use Q, after his teleport (R), or W, you can also try your R, but I think he can easily interrupt it Q, or it will just be pointless because it will only slow down his movement.”
StralekS says “Kat Favored: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Long Sword start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Rush BOTRK on start.”
wagNRumble says “I usually ban Kassadin because it is the one champion that really hard counters Rumble in every way. You can harass him early, but he has good sustain from his Q + magic reduction passive.
Once he hit's 6, if he is not 0/5 your lane is basically over since he can just R out of your ults and have a sizable enough HP pool such that you won't have enough damage to burst him down even with ignite. This is a really tough matchup for Rumble because you will just get out scaled if you can't win by 20 minutes.”
Mayuushii says “Can harass him out and make it miserable for him. You have better range as hes melee to poke him out. Better to poke after he uses Q and the shield is gone. Lvl 6 bait his charge of R out before trying any charms”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
You bully Kassadin into the ground until he hits level 11. Make sure to hit throw your spells into Kassadin's Q shield and don't let him use his W AA on you for free.
You HAVE to get a lead in this lane or else Kassadin super outscales you.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Whitelies says “He's scary in late game. Until then, keep pressuring him. But also try to manage the wave properly and make him approach the cs. He starts to get annoying when his ult is level 2. He'll most likely roam in other lanes and try to snowball there. Check your matchups properly.”
liqulabouse says “Lane is easy since 6, then it's not hard but there are many way to fail the lane. Always keep one soldier so you can still trade him when he R in. Never waste your Q when his Q is on.”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Shouldn't be a threat, he will probably just run from you with his teleport if you go all in on him. His silence will be annoying, but not a big problem. ”
TheAfricanDream says “This one is very hard to list. If you kill Kassadin early in lane and prevent him from farming, the game is very easy to win. However, if you cannot kill him before 6, Kassadin will be able to free scale without much that you can do to stop him. Take ignite in lane and play to solo kill him or force him to recall and miss multiple waves. Kassadin has no mobility pre 6 and his only way to trade in lane is his Q. Do not use your Q when Kassadin has his Q shield up, wait for his shield to time out. This will ensure efficient trades in lane which is crucial to winning this lane. Levels are extremely important to Kassadin as his level 16 pretty much makes him unstoppable. This means you should try your best to deny him from getting as much xp as you can.”
MetalK1d says “Kassadin is very tanky it is almost impossible to kill him, just try to farm and take short trades when he engages at you with his Ult.”
hesentorki says “He wins trades(if he has electrocute) just beware of that. Freeze lane and go in with passive shield + windwall his q. Gets super annoying late game.”
Cjtheawesome says “Bully him as much as you can early, if the game goes past 30 minutes he will simply just be able to R you down with no counterplay.”
angeLoon says “dring grasp manaflow scorch
kassadin is here just for the fact that it feels like you deal no damage when playing against him.
against kassadin you should try build any kind of advantage early against him, a minion, a ward, it doesnt matter, just try to stall him as much as you can.
short trade against him with grasp and punish him when he waste his Q in lane.
Demonsedge90 says “Treat Kassadin with the same concepts which apply when fighting any other champion who scales into the late game: poke him in lane often and ensure that he can't grab too much farm to deny his power spikes.”
Magmor says “Very annoying matchup where he will just spam Q and perma farm and you can't really do much about it just shove and try to make roam plays as he will never die unless he trolls really hard.”
Atemporal says “Kassadin é o campeão que eu bano permanentemente em todos os jogos. Seu escudo mágico Q e sua passiva tornam super difícil para você causar um bom dano a ele ao longo do jogo, e você também sofrerá danos pesados de seu combo quando for para
comércios. Poste 6 ele pode fugir toda vez que você E para ele, ou se você tentar W ele. Seu escudo Q bloqueará praticamente todo o seu dano passivo de proc. Você pode ganhar a partida no início do jogo. Kassadin é super imóvel pré 6, o que significa
você pode facilmente acertar um W nele. Você pode jogar o jogo inicial de 2 maneiras diferentes. Se Kassadin tentar empurrar, você o deixa, porque ele nunca será capaz de quebrar a onda em você no início do jogo. Deixe-o construir uma onda, então congele-a perto do seu
torre e vá para negócios repetidamente sempre que ele sobe. Se o Kassadin não empurrar, empurre as 3 primeiras ondas lentamente e faça a onda bater em sua torre na 3ª onda. Lembre-se, compre um selo escuro e corra de volta para a pista. Se isso for feito
corretamente, Kassadin não será capaz de empurrar a próxima onda rápido o suficiente e você pode congelar a onda. Informe o seu jungler com antecedência sobre o que vai acontecer, e diga a ele para estar no meio da 4ª onda para matar o Kassa. Acende e joga super
agressivo cedo. Se você não acabar matando-o, ainda poderá empurrá-lo e superá-lo por um tempo. Quando Kassadin conseguir um Ruby Crystal, ele já vai se sentir muito tanky para você lidar com algo significativo.
dano a ele. Se você não pode configurar um freeze ou se o seu jungler não pode realmente gankar no meio com tanta facilidade, comece a fazer perma push e vagueie em todas as ondas. Faça o caos no mapa. Se você estiver com Kassadin quando ele atingir o nível 11, você estará com grandes problemas”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Everfrost
R: Standard
Er outscaled dich hart und deine W bringt fast nichts gegen ihn. Du musst Early extrem aggressiv mit Q und auto attack poke spielen damit er nicht farmen und scalen kann.”
Lucid Walking says “SAFE LANE: If you both hit your Q's onto each other, you both take no damage. Kassadin shields the damage while Soraka rejuvenates it.
Boring laning phase but it's kinda funny. He doesn't win from you but don't try to provoke fights either as once you misstep (enemy jungler arrives), he can snowball..
(tip: know Kassadins' R cooldown on lvl 6,11,16. When he's commiting a chase, silencing his next R and slowing him can be crucial to win that trade)”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You shit on him pretty much in any scenario, even late game, just buy maw if he gets fed or get farmed to late game. He lacks damage and tankiness and is basically free lane”
xblademojo says “Good Kassadin would just buy Doran shield and second wind which allows him to free farm. If you face him, play with your jungler, setup good ganks and look to help other lanes before this guy will outscale us. ”
sapphire__lol says “Outscales you after level 6 but is very attackable with your jungler before. Try to play as agressive as possible early and use windows to roam or to setup a gank on him with a freeze. ”
Mvrshy says “[ANYWHERE] this champ is annoying as fuck, he kinda counters mages and he scales very haard, even harder than the snake. be scared of this pick and consider dodging.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
Adamonias says “It doesn't matter how much you bully him in lane. Once he gets 16 its gg
I honestly don't have alot of advice for this lane. He's pretty much melee only pre-6 so you can have free pressure on him. You can try freeze him off wave but hard to get him out of XP range mid. His Q can negate your channel of R and Q so careful when charging those abilities near him. Honestly consider as your ban/dodge.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
Aenimatora says “Very hard opponent. Has passive magicresistance. Your best bet is to tell your jungler to constantly shut him down pre 6 so he gets weakened. Try to end the game pre Minute 35.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
Kenchs says “YOU BARELY DO DAMAGE TO HIM WITH YOUR E AND HE CAN ULT YOUR TORNADOS. REALLY HARD TO KILL AFTER 6. But before that you can play like normal yas if you have lethal tempo, if not just go for short trades with lethal tempo”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
SkyBanana says “An anti mage assassin is someone you need to punish early. He must not have any advantage whatsoever for you to shine in the late game. One kill for him is enough to snowball into an out of control monster so you and your team must work together to shut him down so he cannot kill you or your teammates.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game. Try to fight as much as possible so he falls behind. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Once he hits level 6+ he owns lane. You can punish him before then since you outrange him, but once he has his ult he'll make sure you regret anything you did to him during the lane phase. If he ults onto you under tower, try to ult him so it costs him but besides that just be cautious in the lane phase. He can easily keep up with you even if you E spam away.”
fabiownz says “Basically also pretty shit match up, try to bully him as much as you can pre 6 because when he get 6 he destroys you, tell your jungler to gank you lvl3 and try to just kill him early to get ahead, consider buying mercs if he gets ahead”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “It's easy to kill him early but he will massively scale late game. 1 advice is if you can beat him level 2 and keep killing him under tower constantly and gank other lanes you'll end the game pretty fast.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Bullying until Level 11~. Then he will get really dirty. After you have 3 items, you should be able to one shot him, but if u miss R late game, you are dead.”
Body Those Fools says “Pre-6, he can't farm vs you; your poke is way too annoying for him to deal with. Time your poke when his Q is down since he has to use it to farm early or if you're standing max range of him. If he ever gets a single kill, from roaming or solo kills, this matchup becomes very volatile for you. Post-6, you can just E away from him if he Ults at you or if he's close to your tower you can Ult him into it. This matchup is only hard if he gets kills early. I ban this champ if my team has low amounts of CC to contain him or if there are any other AP champions on the team since his Passive makes him take 15% reduced magic damage. ”
Bughans says “Very dangerous, can absorb most of your burst and kinda just doesn't want to die most of the time, can dodge your w if you don't pop ult before engaging, but he's weak in laning at least”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear-Futures Market -Cosmic Insight-Transcendence - Gathering Storm
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Q max->W->E
Let shove first wave then push for 3
Poke with Q
Engage once he wastes Q(11s CD)
you have to snowball early/mid to win this matchup (Ask for jng if needed)
R 1/10 can be used to get over walls/chase”
aesstheticc says “Hyper-carry mage late game who can negate 15% of your damage to himself and even more in teamfights with a point and click silence for your ult. I don't typically permaban this champion but if you are not confident, I suggest doing so!”
KayyeN says “Extremely difficult. You can't deny his scaling and Electrocute, Resolve and Ignite give him incredible trading and kill pressure, even early on. Try punishing him pre-Level 6 as best as you can. After that, he can always follow you or R to safety, giving him full control of the lane. Also, his Q gives him a magic shield AND interrupts your R.”
Zarasaras says “During level 1-5 destroy him completely if he doesn't have fleet footwork
Level 6 he can kill you easily
Level 9 kite him with ghost or PR if you can
Level 11 he starts to win every 1v1 if you don't have mr or a considerable advantage
Level 16 on he just demolishes you kill his team”
HikariWoosh says “Your abiltiy to bully Kassadin early should not be underestimated. Trade around his Q and make sure your jungle is aware of your setup potential to ensure Kass is nullified.”
DabiDabi says “Kassadin counters all AP Assassin champions. It'll be difficult to solo-kill him pre-6 because of his Q magic shield. Once you hit level 6, you can find an angle to kill him if you hit your chain. Otherwise get ganks or look for roams.”
KatloveGG says “Kassadin is not that scary. If you play aggressively from the beginning and build a divine based build, you have a good chance of winning the line. It is important to play very aggressively from 1 minute”
OSG Rewynd says “Nothing else to say but ban or dodge. He is everything you hate and you are everything he wants to face. You are short range, and he will win a full trade unless stunned. Post-6, you can't proc passive, you can't stun him, and you can't outscale him either. Not to mention he takes reduced magic damage and has a magic shield to add onto it all.”
Alloken says “Easy early game, but scales like monster and without much ap or pene he will destroys u with his easy kit and huge base dmg and very good scaling...”
DabiDabi says “Kassadin has been one of Ryze biggest counters ever since release. Early game, you can poke him really hard and maybe find a solo kill since he is immobile. But after level 6 you cannot do much. If he brings Electrocute/Ignite, you'll need to respect his damage. Later on all you can do is to prevent him from getting to your ADC with your CCs.”
Super08131208 says “Let Kassidin hit you with his Q at level 1-3 as you really can't do anything. Wait for his shield to go off and go in for a Q. Either you get a better trade or he loses CS. At level 6, try to predict his R. Dodge his R by responding with your E and the lane is actually very easy. Try to win before level 16 when Kass starts to one-shot everyone.
Uberizm says “Dude is kinda annoying early, and if you can edge out a kill pre 6 you're set, but if not it kinda gets cringe and hard to kill him unless he messes up. You do outscale the burst if you are skilled enough though”
Zoose says “You'll mostly like need to pressure him early before he reaches lv 6. His Q MR shield will negate a lot of your poke, so try to time your combos when its down. Get as many AA's in early on. Summon Aery with Corrupting Potion will allow you to constantly poke and trade, as you must pressure him while he's vulnerable. At lv 6, you should only ever go for W right after his blink, otherwise, he can easily dodge all your skillshots with his Ultimate. Push waves and counter his roams.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Poke as much as possible before 6, deny cs, be super agressive. Spamping jungle for ganks before he is 6. If he ults agressively, punish it. If he hits 16, go next.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Push your lane so he can force to farm under his tower]
[Get early ganks]
[Don't let him free roam]”
spicy ricecaker says “Have confidence in this matchup, but don't be overly aggressive. Kassadin is a late game champ, but he can still easily chunk you out with his w early if you randomly dash into him while it's up.
Instead, play the wave right by getting it to shove to your tower. Then, once he steps up when the wave is long, you can look to heavily trade onto him or even all in. After 6, if he ever ults onto you attempt to instantly all in him. But mind his posture and make sure the jungler isn't near.
This champ snowballs incredibly hard so if you die even once to him he's an extreme threat. ”
basrty1p says “His passive and his skill will always counter you in every way.
R can blink out of your E and Q give magic shield.
You should harass him before level 6
After you'll be Level 13 and destroyed mid tower, stick to your team since there's no way you can win by yourself.
Trick his ult as much as possible to make him ran out of mana quickly.”
DabiDabi says “You should ban him. He is super strong right now. But lets say you somehow go against him..It's okay if Kassidin hits you with his Q at level 1-3 as you really can't do anything. Wait for his shield to run out and go in for a Q. Either you get a better trade or he loses CS. At level 6, try to predict his R. Dodge his R by responding with your E. Try to win before level 16, before Kass starts to one-shot everyone.”
Esrucnl says “(My personal go to ban champion.)
Ahh Kassadin. The Late game monster right...?
Kassadin is Strong into AP champions in general and outscales most champions hence the ''Kassadin is level 16. Just surrender'' meme.
He does outscale you hard, however he also wins earlier before he gets his level 16 spike.
Laning phase is rough for Fizz aswell, since he gets stacks on his E ability whenever you last hit minions with your W. His first few levels aren't the strongest but neither is yours.
Can always dodge your E + R with his dash ability (R). Has a magic shield that makes sure the trades go equal early or he even wins.
Azurio says “Like many AD matchup, Kassadin struggle vs Graves. He will either go safe lane and full armor, or thunderlord full ap to flip. pressure him early, don't let him touch the wave, but keep distances for his W (really strong early ability). Build hexdrinker or even negatron cloak to tilt him (if heavy ap comp).”
ddieguito_es says “You win early, but watch out for its dashes since she can take a big portion of your health and win trades, but it shouldn't be a really hard match. PUNISH HER pre 6 (must do) and Flash + R if she's low enough.”
beansoce says “I perma ban this champ, very disgusting matchup. magic resist in his kit, q gives him magic shield and silence (cancels ur e) and has a blink so its hard to get full combo off. Try to abuse him off cs early with range and track enemy jungler so you don't die early. Try and get ur jungler to gank or dive kass early. Rushing pen boots into void staff after rocketbelt is best build for this matchup”
S4mst4r says “Kassadin likes to play versus Melee and AP-Damage (His Passive reduce Magic-Damage by 15%)
As Ekko you are both so...
But in Late-Game you can still OS him”
Twisted Tea Fate says “If you pull the wave, you can completely zone him off and deny him any CS or XP. There's very little he can do. But don't tank too many of his Qs or else he'll flash and combo you with ignite.”
Bunny Kata says “Shut him down early on, it will make things easier. You can burst him later on, and you should survive his damage with the right build.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.”
Meso15 says “Permaban. Harass him early game. Once he hits 6, just try not to fight him. There's no counter play to him as he just spams ult inside your star range.”
Berdasco9 says “A pesar de la noción general de que Kassadin es el counter perfecto de Katarina siendo realistas este matchup te castiga mucho menos que otros, si vas AP estas condenado a perder mientras que el Kassadin no sea completamente inepto, mi recomendación es empezar AD y bajarte a Kassadin a auto ataques, eso si, con cuidado que Kassadin tiene mucho daño incluso en early game.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Push your lane so he will miss a lot of CS]
[Get early ganks]
[If he jumps on you and you jungler is near, use your R]”
donidaking says “Ah yes the void man.Alright this matchup isn t that "hard" early game in the sense that you can actually kill him and get a lead(how? poke poke poke).
That being said if he s really good it s probably unlikely he will die to you and at level 6 he beats you but it doesn t end there he keeps winning vs vladimir for the rest of the game.
This matchup is where experience and games surfaces knowing when to abuse him and when to play safe because you will die.
Secret tip: if you have and ad toplaner and the toplane matchup is good for you consider switching lanes.
Bertsicle says “He's actually very squishy early game, and you can shove faster than him early to 2v2 with your jg at scuttle. Only a problem after lvl 8-9 and very big problem at lvl 16 so abuse him a lot early and have full build ready to one shot him late. Slow push into him early and try to poke him down while doing so, he is divable without doran's shield first item.”
ADAhriAbuser says “Usually Kassadin is a big counter for Ahri, however with the AD build his passive has no value. Harass with auto attacks constantly and don't allow him to farm before level 6. When he has his ultimate wait for him to R towards you and then land a free charm.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Even early game, his damage is quite high, but after 6, it becomes a bit more dangerous. If you miss your Q, just run back and dont try to fight him unless he's under 40% hp. Then you can keep your distance close to him and ult + ignite and W to kill him.”
Ahri Simplord says “Corrupting + Aery start, look to push to take early push and harass him with auto attacks and W. Watch out for minnion aggro though since you might lose trades just because of that and always ward one side of the map to have a place to lean to. You really need to push your advantage early and get a lead since that's the only way you win after 6. If he hits 16 game's over if your team is not stacked with hard CC.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a good job of beating Kassadin. Normally, he wins a whopping 53.7% of matches the champions face each other in. In Malzahar versus Kassadin rounds, Malzahar’s side is 0.0% more expected to get first blood, indicating that he probably will be able to get first blood against Kassadin.”
Dj Memelord says “After the kassadin % magic on his passive nerf, the matchup is slightly more playable. You have a free lane untill 6, where he starts to outscale you. Good placement of everfrost and cage is the only way you get to full combo him, SO BE PATIENT. Its very easy to loose your cool when he is voidwalking towards you, but all you need is a cc effect to one-shot him. Anathemas on kassadin is usually alot of value.”
Dustyacer says “He shouldn't really be able to do anything, you can just permanent zone him off the cs after lvl 3 (probably even earlier). You win basically every trade. His Q stops your E channel btw. If he's been playing passive all game, and he suddenly steps up, consider being ganked. Try to push the pace of the game, if u can zone him from cs by freezing, then roam and get top/bot fed, do dragons and rift. ”
Xalt says “On paper; Kassadin's passive giving such high MR means he is a hard matchup. You can all in him early game on repeat and call for ganks so he's behind. An early lead is really important as he'll outscale you eventually regardless of what you do; So push your lead into other lanes as much as you can. Use his terrible early wave clear to shove your wave and all in other laners.”
Bundif says “Speaking of late game champs that can just go electrocute and have strong early game, effectively shoring up their weaknesses, here we have Kassadin AKA floopy woopy hoppy boppyboi.
He's weak and easy to abuse early but one little mistake and you're done. His late game is and ALWAYS will be better than yours. And never forget:
⭐Basically any champ that buys Seeker's Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass can give you trouble. ”
SupaSnor says “You should be able to pressure him pre 6, if he makes a mistake you should be able to kill him, try to get your jungle to gank him pre 6 because after 6 its gonna be very hard. if you get ahead early you can snowball the game.”
officialwiseguy says “Once that clock hits 30 minutes, you lose. He jumps on top of you and you die. Build aggressive and encourage your team to end before 30.”
DaffeLaffe says “Early game is when he is at his weakest lacking wave clear and roam potential so try to make sure you can gain a lead and try to stay ahead of him. Rush boots are a good idea because this guy will for sure rush magic resist.”
Magmora says “Can spam teleports ontop of you after level 6. All you can do is try and bully him as much as you can beforehand. Everfrost is really good for stopping him from ulting and keeping him in place. His waveclear especially pre-6 is pretty trash so roam when you can.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Almost impossible to stun him with E if he is good]
[Highly recommended to ban this cancer]”
Juon says “After durability update yeah this is a really hard matchup now cause he has so much MR baseline due to passive. This lane is about farming now, don't go for kills but farm and look for plays across the map. Max W second for easier wave clear.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Bully him as much as possible]
[Get early ganks]
[Don't let him free roam]”
TrueGIXERJ says “It's counterintuitive that kassadin is this much of a threat, since you're an AD marksman, but his scaling is just too huge for you to deal with in the late-game, if they know how to play safe (which they usually do), they'll make your life a bit of a nightmare as the game goes long. shove then roam, don't take stupid trades, and abuse range advantage as much as possible.”
comfykoala1 says “He's just very strong right now and stopping his scaling is incredibly difficult. I focus more on zoning him from farm early then roaming to get strong enough to hopefully 1 shot him.”
Fake Supp says “if he played aggressively Start E if he played it safe go for Q and look to Trade whenever possible dont let him play the game or you will lose”
desch3445 says “AD laner vs Kassadin. C'mon, man, it's free.
Take the First Strike or Electrocute page; Even though he becomes very mobile later, First Strike is still viable because of just how hard you stomp him with any gold advantage at any stage in the game. Electro is still the most reliable though, as the early pressure vs a hyperscaler like him is still insane.”
ThePieBeam says “Physical pain in champion form. Another contestant for the ban, but again, I don't really see too many Kassadin's so I don't tend to. Basically put, even Kassadin's early is good into Anivia, that's how much this lane sucks. His silence and the spellshield are just too much for you to work around, and his lightsaber attack has a deceptively large range. All of this is manageable and would probably put him into even if it werent' for the fact that he's playing Kassadin and his early is by far his worst stage. The real pain starts happening once he gets 6, obviously. Then he has access to high damage long-range abilities, and a very short cooldown leap that can go over walls, which also does a shit ton of damage. Try to kill him early if possible, but if that doesn't happen remember to buy Zhonya's and try to play as far away from him as physically possible.”
blommit7 says “Out of lane you'll still be a monster in teamfights, but in lane when you are both 6 kass is going to be hard to play against. If you E him, and walk up to pull him he will just Q you to mitigate e w q combo. Once you ult, Kass can ult away very easily, and wait out your ult”
Hocus Brokus says “[PERMA BAN] If he goes unbanned and gets picked you should consider dodging or picking another champion. If inevitable you need to proc your passive as much as possible and do not shove wave when Kassadin is 6. DO NOT WASTE Q RANDOMLY. RELY ON YOUR JUNGLER.”
Xerathiel says “Take half his hp on lvl 1 if possible. Kill with ignite on lvl 3. If you can't then focus on minions, dont push wave in. Try to help your jungler with ult. Win early or lose later”
TrueGIXERJ says “You're all AD, he is an anti-AP pick, the only fear you should have is of his incredible late-game, but by that point you should be in a good enough position to win, and as long as you can land a fully charged W from out of vision, you can still kill him post-16.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Kassadin early needs to be harassed and frozen on. Poke him for every cs and don't let him breath. Keep the minions under your turret and starve him out of xp and gold. Post level 6 he starts to become more of a threat but you should have generated a large enough lead to be able to consistently go all in. If not then sit under turret and farm wave with Q. Try and deny as much experience and gold as you can to delay the late game by holding as many freezes as you can early.”
mrmundo says “He's anti-AP, so that's a problem. Try fighting him early game so the game can end quickly. If you let the game go for too long, he'll just 1v9.”
lonestar1870 says “You beat Kassadin really hard early game and he beats you late game, so try to get a huge lead early and snowball a win before he can get to mid-late game. Kassadin's biggest problem is he cannot really impact the map before level 11, so you can push and roam to get your other lanes ahead.
Early game slowpush & crash waves, harass him under tower (make sure you won't get ganked), and you can freeze the lane near your tower after the first few levels. Your jungler will be able to gank him easily and you can rotate to skirmishes first.
You wanna prevent him from getting CS, if he uses Q on you that is great because you don't mind taking a little bit of damage if it means he misses more farm.
Q him when his Q is down so he can't shield it, or when he is out of Q range. Bait his Q by walking up to auto him and he will usually expect you to Q and repond with a Q of his own. Then use your Q when the shield is down.
Post 6 it's hard to kill him since he has built in MR and a shield, but you still have control of the wave. Use this time to get prio and roam around the map while he is stuck scaling. You generally don't want to fight him since he can win trades, but if you play back and play for wave/prio, there isn't too much he can do.
If you can bait him into using R on the wave you can kill him post 6, but it is still hard.
You can go Electrocute/Aery if you want to ensure you kill him and beat him early, or you can go PR to give yourself a bit more survivability.
TP is good so you can roam more and impact the map (& since Kass will likely run TP), but Ignite is good if you want to snowball and are confident in your ability to solokill him 1-2 times before level 6.”
itakute says “Don't get cheesed by his auto W reset, does a lot of damage, Kassadin also maxes E in this matchup so make sure not to mindlessly tank free damage from it, only let him trade with you if you can extend it.”
Desperate Nasus says “You have the ability to free stack on first few waves. When he has his E ready do not walk up and let him use it first. Back on level 6 and buy Sheen with boots. If you have more than 100 stacks, if he uses his Ultimate to trade thats the only chance of you killing him. If he does that, instant Wither him and open Ghost. I suggest dodging above D2. Its not worth taking the flip, a good Kassadin player will never R to trade. Another reason you should dodge, is his roaming ability and snowball potential. You can never outroam a good Kassadin.”
RIPStollie says “The lane is super annoying, I normally just try to freeze on my side of the lane and get my jungler to come, but there just is not very much kill pressure for either of you. Setting up for your jungler or support is the key to winning this lane.”
Rhybeaux says “This is just an unfortunate matchup because there's not much you can do. His R will one-shot you eventually no matter what. The only thing you can do is try to win quickly and not let him get boosted.”
BlockPad says “Care of his scaling, dont let him farm in early lvl but dont disrespecting, poke him a lot until 6, when he got his R care and just poke.”
IreliaS Secret says “У кассадина довольно хорошие маг резисты и самые низкие ад резисты в игре. Используем это в свою пользу. Каждый раз, когда он пытается подойти к крипам даем ему автоатаку. Очень хорошо заходит против кассадина смерть разума (дает ад, а так же ап резисты). Поукаем и потом идем в олл ин или дайвим. В лейте стараемся не сокращать дистанцию, поукаем за счет W”
Dorom says “I'd say that you kill him so easily early that his late doesn't really matter unless your team consists of Renekton, Lee Sin, Draven and Pyke. Or if they have a Yuumi. Then it's an extreme threat.”
CashLOL says “A potential perma ban. Auto attack are king in this matchup. Takes reduced damage from you, trades with an MR shield and has perma flashes at level 6. Out scales you as well. This matchup is terrifying if you do nothing in lane. Jungler jungler jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Sort of like Corki there's nothing Kass can do to stop you from E'ing into him with ignite and killing him. Recommend maxing E and trying to keep the wave in the middle so that you have lots of room to run him down. Rush Wit's End.”
iZianni says “Vex will always win this match up, but it's again not about the match up. No matter how hard you crush this person in lane he will get shutdowns off your teammates, get lucky kills or cheese you with everfrost. This champion is a literal ticking time bomb that saps your will to live. Also built in magic resist prevents him from dying instantly along with tanky optimization. ”
pwins says “Kassadin may not be threatening pre-6, but you absolutely have to be careful once he gets to level 6 and as the game goes on. He can easily get to you with his R and kill you with the blink of an eye.”
KlumsBabe says “Pre level 6 you can stomp him, avoid getting hit by his null orb. After he hits 6 you will have a very hard time killing him. Finish the game before 30 minutes.”
Miscake says “Você não tem dano pra matar ele no early a menos que ele se posicione muito mal, além de que nisso você é obrigado a usar Eletrocutar + Ignite, o que pode atrapalhar no seu scaling. Ele ganha a maioria das trocas depois do nível 6 e pode até mesmo te matar antes pela interação do W dele com a sua poça. Vale citar que ele também escala melhor que você, então peça ajuda pre-6 e ganhe o jogo no power spike de 3 itens.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Save your Windwall for his Q only if your shield is down so you can avoid the damage from his poke.
Don't spam your E too much; it charges up his E which you can't Windwall.
Get a freeze going pre-6 since he is very vulnerable to ganks before his has R.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup seems pretty easy, but a good Kassadin can make this lane exhausting. He does a lot
more damage than most people expect, especially when he takes electrocute. Your Q spam will help him use
his E more, so be aware of that. Do your best to space properly so he can't AA, W, Q you. At level 6, he is
a lot stronger. Look to all-in him when he uses his Ult.”
Katawina52 says “[My ban] At first I thought Kassadin was an easy matchup after s11 changes, because of how squishy he became and Katarina can rush AD early, but if Kassadin rushes seekers u will do absolutely no damage and he will oneshot you. The only way to win this matchup is by going for trades with sword either all in with conQ or short trades into all in electro before he has his seekers, after he has it this lane is doomed 1v1 and he will likely hardcore outscale u.”
eiensiei says “Kassadin is a level 5 threat not because of his laning phase, but because he's absolutely unkillable at level 16 and since I don't trust my teammates to end before that point, I almost always ban him. On the off-chance that he does go unbanned though, I'll E-AA him pre-6 and use my W (I get it at level 2) when he tries to trade back. I'll also do my best to weave in as many autoattacks as I can when he goes for minion last hit. After 6 I just farm safely and stay close to my tower. I don't waste my Q randomly, I wait for him to use his R first. I usually have a hard time killing him in lane without a jungler, despite winning heavily in trades, because of his passive and because whenever he gets too low on health, he just goes B and teleports back. I need a jungler in this match-up if I have any hope of being even remotely as useful as Kassadin is, which is another reason why I ban it. Can also go for a Cull start.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA) - Corrupting + maybe a Doran if you struggle.
If possible spam Q from a longer range and try to send him to base before 6. Post 6 there is no reason to fight him unless you have a hard CC such as Skarner because he will always escape with blinks or even kill you. Kassadin is a good counter to Taliyah because if he does not have cooldown on teleport he can easily follow you bot so try to roam only when you know his teleport is not up. Kassadin usefulness starts only at about level 11 and two items, so try to abuse early as much as you can and perhaps tell your team that too.
Beware of the teleport. Most Kassadin players will go for TP and will try to bait you into using all your skills and missing them so that you need to recall. Whenever you can try to go for all-ins because if you don't get a kill the enemy Kassadin will just gain advantage from the TP, so engage smart.”
Avucado says “Hard outscales and has surprisingly good trades. Look to E him lvl 1 and consistently up until he hits 6. Once he hits 6 he will be hard to kill and will trade evenly with you. You do tons of damage to him since you are an AD champ but be aware because he can dish out a lot himself. ”
Polarshift says “You can poke him hard early laning-phase since he is immobile. If he runs electrocute be careful of his all in damage with ignite. Your wave-clearing is superior so use that to your advantage to dodge him after level 6 and try to pressure the jungle and other lanes with your team. Later in the game you can try to keep him in place whenever he tries to go for your team, that'll allow your team to potentially cc or kill him. After level 6 you won't be able to do anything to him anymore in a 1v1.”
Hullos says “He is an anti-mage so its very hard to kill him even pre 6. After 6 it becomes a nightmare as he out roams you and out damages you. He also has better late game scaling. Punish pre 6 as best as possible but play safe and farm watching for ults post 6. ”
ISterbenI says “Hard-counters you because of his Q cancelling your R. He can also jump out of your R and over your wall (W) with his R. You have absolutely zero (pun intended) chance to kill him in lane if he's playing good. Everything comes down to how good you play in mid/late game.”
Yeager says “Easy early, but becomes harder later. You want to establish lane dominance by pushing hard lvl 1. When he is under his tower, he won't be able to Q spam you, and you can bully him. ”
IncursioOCE says “Kassadin matchup is the most misunderstood matchup kat has had in the game, it is a very simple matchup and very winnable if you know how to abuse his early game.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “This guy can be really painful even early on with his Q spam. In case that he has Doran shield, just ignore him and don't even bother harassing him. In case that he has anything else, then use your E for slow and go all-in with W pre-6. If you go for short trades, just keep in mind, that first you need to wait for his shield from Q to fall, otherwise you will be losing trades and he will block a lot of your damage. Post-6 he will try to abuse you, though with your ult up if he jumps on you, just don't get scared. At first you need to E him and start spamming autoattacks and Rs until he has another ult back. With that, you should be able to deliver enough damage to scare him off these actions or sometimes he might even end up getting killed. What is problem though, that he might roam a lot and get advantage somewhere else, which might end up being problem when dealing with him from mid to lategame!”
crabbix says “Once that clock hits 30 minutes, you lose. He jumps on top of you and you die. Build aggressive and encourage your team to end before 30.”
Callmebee says “You can kill him pre 6, will that make him weak? Nah. But you can try to get a bit of an advantage early and then farm up after 6, you can't win vs him. Punish him with AAs early when he comes to farm and don't push your wave as it gives you more opportunities to do so. If you want to go full aggressive early, have a look at the 'Be Aggressive!' runes below or take Aery and Scorch. Take Barrier/Exhaust.”
LunarVortex says “Pretty much impossible for you to actually kill him, so he will simply outscale you for free. Your only chance here is to coordinate with your jungler and try to put him behind early.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: The reason kassadin is a major threat is not because he will kill you in lane but because twisted fate is not the right champion to punish his scaling. Meaning a good kassadin can free scale in this matchup. Try to punish him if you can. If he started dorans shield, you should focus on last hitting minions more than trying to poke him out of lane.”
Eriosunx says “Kassadins started to adapt to Katarina lately, most of them play with electro+boneplating+armor in stats and ignite, this allows them to have a incredible kill pressure in lane at level 3, and they can fight you and trade very easily.
Best option is to start LONGSWORD+3POTS or DSWORD+1POT and going for CONQUEROR+BONEPLATING + X2 MR IN STATS , rushing BOTRK is the best option so far, once you have BOTRK CLOSED you can easily win 1v1's into Kassadin.
Make sure to NOT GET POKED BEFORE LEVEL 3 AND TO NOT TAKE A ANY TRADE WITH YOUR BONEPLATING ON COOLDOWN! , if you reach level 3 full health you can win the one on one into Kassadin if you play correctly and use your AUTO-ATTACK'S DAMAGE + CONQUEROR
Fuzzmonkey says “Quite a hard matchup since he can deny your (Q + W) burst in laning phase. Land chains at level 6 and you can kill him from there onwards. Try and get your jungler to gank as many times as possible early game, since Kassadin will start to get pretty annoying to deal with once he gets his crown mythic. Just make sure you can snowball off of him before he gets out of control.”
Yeager says “Winning this matchup will require coordination with your jungler, and great vision control because you have to push the wave into his turret to punish him, so the enemy jungler most likely look for ganks. A good kassadin won't push the wave against you, so you can't really freeze.
His Q gives him a temporary magic shield, so when trading, wait until the shield expires, and then use your abilities. His Q is a single-target spell so the minions will aggro him when he's using it. If you have a stacked wave by slow pushing, he will take a lot of damage from the minions.
Spam auto attacks and zone him from waves with your ball. He's a melee champion so you can punish him pretty hard if he walks up to cs. People usually greed for cannon minions.
If you have teleport, you can apply constant pressure and match his teleport.
He obviously outscales you, so you want to try and close out the game before he hits the lvl 16 elospike. That means not giving him any advantages (dying to enemy jungle gank for example)
What happens after lvl 16 entirely depends on the teamcomps. Orianna is also strong lategame so you have to play around your teams wincondition (splitpushing, teamfighting, sieging etc).
Even if kassadin is at god-level after 16, he can still be shut down with the right teamcomps, so don't give up even if you reach lategame.
Urpog says “Midlane: You should be able to farm kills off Kassadin whenever you want, he doesn't have escapes until he's level 6 and whenever he's level 6 you're always going to be stronger than him; he needs items to function and he's built and designed around countering AP champions; you're a ranged AD champion which is what his champion is most countered by however you're even worse than lucian for him since you can do this to him; https://clips.twitch.tv/FaintWrongMallardKappaRoss-nGqDZsk00WH5yPAl
Jungles will play for Kassadin so don't over extend, just punish him for going for minions and make him spend his mana on the wave so he's a nonfactor whenever he's trading with you, if you're losing against kassadin on your own VOD review your game and see what you're doing wrong because it's hard to mess it up.”
Dj Memelord says “You dont even need conq to shit on him in lane. Go relentless hunter + ignite for easy roams early and do NOT trade kills. This guy is a scaling powerhouse and will carry the game lvl 16 no matter how feed you are.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Even though Kassadin is a amazing an denying certain AP champs, syndra can work past that. Never let him walk him to Q you, and as Syndra you should always be poking him when his Q is down so he can't shield your damage, don't forget to keep auto'ing him pre-6 too.”
CashLOL says “One of the easiest matchups since kassadin has no passive. If you ult kassadin and he ults away, just follow with w and he easily dies.
XayLies says “You can totally harass him because his passive and Q based against magic damage enemies while you have physical. Ruin his scale as much as you can and make him useless (until lvl 16 and then the game changes so maybe you will need to look for some resistance.)”
iZianni says “Who enjoys playing against Kassadin honestly? It doesn't matter what you do because you're on a clock.
I perma ban this champion, you might have a really good early game but it just takes one null mantle to make you irrelevant. ”
Eriosunx says “Every Kassadin I faced started going for the TANKADIN Build..
Its very annoying and consists in rushing Frozen Hearth as first item.
He becomes basically unkillable and still deals tons of damage.
Best option is trying to abuse him before he stacks armor and after Shieldbow rushing Lord Dominik's.”
wDesired says “Kassadin has a lot of mobility cause of his R and you should beware not to let him scale to much or he could one shot you without you dealing any damage to him”
AniviaBot says “Kassadin is another champ which can be hard for Anivia to deal with from time to time. In the early stages of the game you're going to have a easier time vs Kassadin, but once he hit level 6 and abuse his mobility the lane slowly turns into a nightmare. His q also is a huge counter to both your Q and R. This ability is a disruption which cancels your R and makes so you're unable to recast q. This became less of a threat in the resent buffs Anivia got. You can now use q directly at him and if he so desides to Q you when you've used yours, counter it by using your E. With the new Anivia buffs you're not be required to stun anymore to crit with your E, the enemy champ just has to get hit by your Q”
ShokLoL says “Kassadin is a very annoying champ because even if you kill him early he will still out trade you around level 7. Try keep the wave in a gankable position and snowball the game early. Electrocute ignite to pick up some random kills on the map is good here.”
leonidas44 says “Try to avoid him he is the super anti mage assasin you will have a hard time with him. Although in any situtation i pick ekko against everything in the mid lane you can risk it and trust me if you learn how to play against anyone you dont have to worry about counters.
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Bone Plating or conditioning and overgrowth.
i've seen some yasuo's use press the attack in this matchup but i've never tried.
try to have long trades against kassadin early then freeze the lane and punish him.
don't let kassadin take off your passive shield,if he take off the shield he can easily win a trade against you.
you can block his Q.”
Kords says “Kassadin is theoretically Sol's hardest matchup. He has an R unlike you which is in essence a gapcloser/dash to get inside your orbit. As Sol, you want to make sure he is nowhere near you when pushing early, or catching you out (he can kill you). If you are brave enough to pick Sol into him, or have been picked into, this is how you can survive: Walk in the middle of the minion wave, without his R he only can poke you by small pieces and inion wave will protect you or punish with bad Q’s or attacks, like if he wana proc Elec. When you shove in properly, you want go back and look for roams, YOU DO NOT WANT TO LANE VS HIM. Shove in coming waves and instantly look for roams, help your jungler invade, get someone ahead. This way you aren't the only issue for their team, and you can beat Kassadin using your own team. However should he engage on you in lane, R him away and stun him, he can stick onto you very easily. Kassadin also outscales you HEAVILY.”
TheoRut says “You win lane until level 6 since he can just dodge your stun with his ult, i would suggest trying to kill him at lvl 3 with the help of a gank. In late you cant 1v1 him at all.
Electrocute is suggested.”
SaltCat says “He is the ap assasin counter, pre 6 he is really hard to punish, let him push to you and ask for a gank, go for bork build or start d blade is recomended, but after 6 its really hard because he can just r away, If you want ban3”
Schohn says “Kassa can R out of your cage almost everytime after he hits lvl 6. Late he is one of the few champs that are able to almost outscale veigar and he can one-hit you late easily.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra wins the 1v1 extremely hard over Kassadin early but the lane will become difficult at later levels. Try build a big advantage early with comet and TP.”
rCadeKing says “kassadin AND katarina are the same - kass and kat will win if they are the better players, but theoretically qiyana should always win by bullying and then winning every objective fight ever. however, these are the most snowbally matchups and make sure not to rush and end up taking a bad fights”
ShokLoL says “The classic anti LeBlanc matchup. It's definitely not as bad as it used to be and you should be able to build up a small lead pre first base which you can use to carry through the rest of the lane. You aren't really expecting any solokills so you want to just keep your CS high and once you get enough waveclear, start to pressure the map.”
Yasukeh says “ The second easiest matchup for Tryndamere. Pre 6 if he ever tries to go for CS you get a slow and either burn flash or kill him. The only way you lose this matchup is if he takes grasp and you let him trade with you freely to the point where you can't all in him. Expect a lot of jungler assistance for Kassadin in this matchup. ”
Elite500 says “Take regular runes, slowpush into him all the time keep eye on enemy jgler, harass under tower, once he hits 6 he'll beat you, once you get 2 items he'll beat you, once he gets lvl 11 he'll beat you, need high skill and exp w both champs to win”
Dr Eggmund says “Silence really bugs me and his ult can prevent your all in's only trade when he is in an awful position. Early game try to make him use his mana against you and heal back up. This will prevent him from teleporting away with his ult in all in's and gives you the upper hand from you when you want to fight. Poke and farm throughout the early game and get your items so you can punish him with more poke or by killing him.”
iZianni says “Champ got nerfed with preseason haha
He's still strong mid-late game like us, but I'm assuming our preseason jungle will just one shot him for 30 minutes straight.
So much damage in the game.”
Ambitieux says “THIS LANE. Is almost as hard as Fizz but not really. You're big advantage is your 1-5. You need to play this lane VERY aggressive and be on hyper alert from junglers. Get him under tower as fast as possible and poke him out of lane. The more autos the better, trade out autoing him over tower considering the tower wont take much damage pre minute 5. Use charms and Q when he walks up for cs. Try to encourage your jungler to play aggressive and get good wards in enemy jungle. Roam only when needed and punish kass as much as possible. If played correctly once you both hit 6, he still shouldn't be as much of a problem but if out of control you NEED help. I suggest banning him”
iZianni says “Its Kassadin, just avoid combat. You will be outscaled, you can't kill him because of Jump + Fleet. Your only window of opportunity is pre-6, and you don't even technically win that because of Doran Shield + Fleet.
Just don't give him any kills and rely on CC chaining in the early-mid game with your teammates to suppress him.”
kindo says “Easiest matchup you can imagine on Kindred - they will likely permaban kindred for the rest of the night. They also might build seekers/bramble/tabis because they're enjoying their life too much against Kindred mid.
It's as simple as it sounds - poke them whenever they walk up for cs and try to ping your jungle for dives pre and even sometimes post 6. Your damage is more than enough to 1 shot him lvl 3 on and if he ever ults into you to trade post 6, he should die.
Try to amount as much of a lead as you can, freeze when possible because he won't be able to walk up to clear minions. If permitted, you can push and poke him under tower, but you'll be vulnerable to ganks.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Buy longswords and do whatever you can pre-6. You can kill him, but it difficult. You want to punish him, but at the same time, you want the wave to shove into you so he is vulnerable.”
Baion says “Perfect matchup against pyke. He is easily burstable and don't have early damage. If he sit under the tower, just roam :D. He is not 'tiny' just because his ult can dodge yours and late game he is a monster.”
Coldsong says “Kassadin is possibly Talon's easiest matchup. He has a horrible laning phase pre-6 due to his lack of mobility. The best tip I can give you is to try and end the game before he hits level 16, as he out scales you HARD.”
ParkboyYT says “An absolute lane bully. In general he has a lot of control once he hits 6. Be careful to not use your w carelessly or else any good Kassadin will R you at the w recast point. Bait out his R and try to dodge his abilities with your w then engage.”
Marxismo says “You hard counter Kassadin. You will out-trade him in lane with auto auto e and you have a stronger ult in the 1v1. Just don't let him get free poke on you in lane, always trade back and contest the wave.”
resetwice says “His early game is very weak so you can all win easy. He's bad against AD champs so this matchup will be easier. Remember that he will start building armor. Pay attention on under tower all wins because he can silence you all win and run with R. BEST RUNES TO DO: ELECTROCUTE.”
Kessi says “Kassadin is a mage counter, but you are Qiyana an AD-Assasin, zone him from cs and engage him instantly if he steps up too close, abuse his weakness and his low
base armor, you don't shove the wave automatically, instead freeze the wave on your turret and deny him as much as possible, make sure to pressure other lanes
once you get your level 6 and your lead as he will outscale you.
Boots are your choice.”
MaiconMST says “Mesma coisa da Katarina, Kassadin pode ser previsivel as vezes, faça Bota de MR e puna-o sempre que der com auto ataque ou W e auto ataque.”
Sylvan Lore says “Kassadin is a surprisingly easy match-up for Orianna but the more I play it, the more convinced I become that this matchup comes down to jungle difference. If you receive equal or extra pressure from your jungler, you can bully this champion into oblivion from level 1 onwards and smash the entire game before he ever gets a chance. On the flip side, if he gets some gank assist and gets even a minimal lead, he will snowball the entire game and become a huge problem no matter what you do. It is absolutely essential that you track the location of the enemy jungler while simultaneously pressuring every cs he tries to get without a max range Q. ”
Tortizzy says “Kassadin is roughly the hardest matchup for Azir due to his kit and because he scales most of the times. If you have to play this matchup you can win the lane but he will most likely nuke the rest of your team.
Ban Worthy”
Saddest says “You can beat him early game, but he'll still find a way back into the game, and will severely out scale you. Punish him HARD, put him behind, and ask your jungler for help in doing so. Go in on him when his Q is on CD.”
Impossible2Gank says “His Q grants him a small AP shield but it's enough to negate your E so it can be a pretty hard matchup especially since he has little to no mana issues and If you find yourself winning early game careful later on as you can imagine Kassadin scales very good and you'll stand virtually no chance fighting him if he grabs a lead as well.”
Mylan2122 says “After minute 30 pls Surrender. A 0/5 Kass still one-shots you. And you deal no damage to him. After level 6 you can pretty much not do anything. Buy verdant barrier... ”
King Turtle says “His passive has little to no effect against you and early on you can bully the shit out of him, but at level 6 he can all in you if you end up out of position.”
duhnx says “Punish his weak early game, fear his late. Try to close the game out quick because you're no match for him later. You can still kill him after level 6 it's just harder than usual.”
MKing says “Early is yours, poke him whenever he want to take CS. Your lvl 6 is stronger, when yo didnt snowball he will outscale y. Dont let him roam. y can play TP to help your team ”
richardlized says “Kassadin just got harder this season. He actually beats you pre 4 so be careful and don’t get too cocky. You have to kill him early, to prevent him from scaling and 1v9ing. Zed still counters kassadin because you can punish him easily, since your WEQ combo outranges him. After 6 do R auto E, wait for him to ult, and follow with WQWAA ignite.
Katasandra says “[1] Ban him.
[2] Harass him pre 6, but don't miss cs for it.
[3] Post 6 he wins trades/can jump into you whenever he wants.
[4] Main 'counterplay' is having your jungler gank him when he jumps into you.”
Thresh Mid says “Kassadin isn't a threat inherently before 6, but once he hits 6 he is a pain to deal with. With reduced damage from Magic Damage sources and a Magic Damage shield from his Null Sphere (Q), Kassadin proves to be a difficult lane opponent later. Trading with Kassadin early is mandatory before he outscales you.”
Nanelol says “He can be harassed a lot pre-6, be careful of his power spike at level 6. He has his Q that gives him a magic shield, so i suggest that you don't try to Q him back, just wait for the shield to go down and do the usual Q, W, AA combo and trigger electrocute. Build MR!”
Hienaa says “All easy for being melee champs, not on tier 2 because they can all build seekers, and viego is just broken so it’s a little tricky to play vs him sometimes. And he always goes bone plating.”
xMetix says “Take wave control, abuse minion lead and level advantage. Pay close attention to his jungler's position so you don't end up overextending. After you kill him 2-3 times start using your lead to shut down other lanes since he will scale only when his team allows it.
DabiDabi says “ Try to win this lane early and end the game fast. Kass is a very easy lane pre-6. The only reason why he's on extreme is because after Kass hits lvl 7+ he'll most likely destroy you unless you are already fed from him. He'll be unstoppable at 16”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Hardest matchup in the game for Kassadin, he just cant ever walk up and you can perma kill/dive him very easily, would recommend Ignite.”
tozosi says “Pre-6, abuse him as much as possible in lane. Be aware that you'll probably be pushed in and vulnerable to ganks. If you can get a kill on him in lane, that's great. Post-6, a good Kassadin can definitely kill Talon in lane if he knows how to play around Talon W using Kassadin R just like LeBlanc. Try to end early before Kassadin giga scales or the game will be very difficult to win.”
Nanelol says “Perma ban this champ. Gross timebomb champ his level 6 is strong as his late game. The only counter is the solokill him 2+ times before 6 and play around your team, Otherwise 1 shutdown and he will carry his team. I almost forced myself to learn Talon for this champ but ended up giving up so for now he is my perma ban.”
Nanelol says “Kassadin is an extremely hard counter to Malzahar. High mobility, built-in magic resist, and better scaling. The only thing you can do in this lane is pray you get ganks because your ult can still counter his mobility.”
TheEnglishman says “skill matchup. This will test your knowledge of enemy cds mana costs and range. If you're able to avoid tanking qs without allowing yourself to be in range and able to kite out of his r range then you will find yourself against a champ that can't shove well, has mana problems, has no hard cc and can't begin to answer your roams. Play with your team and end early or he will scale and 1 v 9 if he's good.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
Gamile 99 says “Si vamos con una Katarina AP, de lejos esto es de lo peorcito a lo que nos podemos enfrentar.
Mitiga daño por la cara y nos out-scalea muy vasto en late.”
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Electrocute. Conqueror and Summon Aery is a possible choice.
Ever since all the S11 item changes, Kassadin has become a much easier matchup. Make sure to harass him as much as you can pre 6 and then proceed to play safer when he hits 6 since he will always aim to take short bursts of trades anytime his e comes up. You do outscale him.”
Nanelol says “You need to make sure that you are poking them out early as well as pushing the wave so that Kassadin struggles with farming, call for early ganks if you can because you cannot let Kassadin scale. Once he hits 6 you need to make sure that you are not within range of his first Riftwalk as he will be able to combo you for a lot of your health. If he jumps on you when not in range you can combo with E-W-Q and walk away.”
Nanelol says “He easily counters kata and outscales her, can keep up with the trades vs and can interrupt her ultimate. Let him push to you, wait for lvl 3 and instantly all in him with all u got ( E W AA Q AA ignite etc. ) If he pushes to u its a free kill lvl 3 every single time. After lvl 6 u have to respect his R so be very careful unless you are ahead. If he ever presses R + Q u can instantly all in him because he cant get away from your R and he cant cancel it so u win. ”
Nanelol says “Very annoying with that magic resist shield, but if you play it right you can easily destroy him. pressure him pre-6, and hard engage when he does. look for good trades. ”
Nanelol says “He isn't much to look at pre-6, but once he gets his Riftwalk he is a NIGHTMARE. Combine that with his Q that cancels your ulti and his passive which reduces all incoming magic damage by 15% and you can forget about out-trading him. Depending on his skill though, this game could be easy early on, given that he's melee. ”
Nanelol says “He hard outscales you. In lane, he isn't much of a problem until level 6. Then he does become a problem. Play around his cooldowns to find success. And his ultimate has low cooldown by the way. Preferred rune: Electrocute”
archelauslol says “Tecrübeli bir Vlad oyuncusu Kassadin 6 olmadan ona koridoru dar eder. Electro veya Conq ile çok rahat bir şekilde adamı ezebilirsiniz. Fakat 6 olduktan sonra en ufak dikkatsiz hareketinizde sizi öldürür, bu yaşanırısa oyun biter. Hataya yer vermemelisiniz, w'nuzu çok iyi kullanmalısınız. Eğer kendinize güvenmiyorsanız Phase Rush alıp scale olmaya bakın.”
Sanctuar says “Kassadin players will get surprised by your tankiness if you start your game with Resolve as second runes. Abuse the fact that he is a melee champion and make sure you autoattack him as much as possible. Post 6 you can all-in on him if he tries to jump in for a trade. Get a Mercury's instead of Sorcerer's if you feel like you're falling behind. Late game Kassadin is a very dangerous threat and turn your entire attention to him once he dares to jump in with his Riftwalk because once he is CC'd, he dies quickly.”
fanchessfan says “Kassadin is a hyperscaling champion and basically has no means of defending himself against AD champions in the laning phase. His passive literally does nothing against you. Consider maxing w as if you q too much he'll stack his E pretty fast. Take exhaust, ghost, or ignite against him and it should most likely be a free win. ”
DebilekLaZe says “Kassadin is a very difficult matchup if the Kassadin knows what they're doing. Try to convince your jungler to gank you a lot and bully him in early game before he becomes a monster.”
StarTundra says “Kassadin is a pain late. Pre 6 you can bully with AA and Q/E for the most part, however post 6 you lose all ability to do anything to him, as he can ignore your wall, ult, and Q, silence you twice and then laugh as he slaughters you mercilessly. Kassadin is the hardest enemy for Anivia do deal with post 6 as he is able to gap close easily and silence you out of your ult consistantly”
cookanarities says “Easiest matchup you can imagine on Kindred - they will likely permaban kindred for the rest of the night. They also might build seekers/bramble/tabis because they're enjoying their life too much against Kindred mid. It's as simple as it sounds - poke them whenever they walk up for cs and try to ping your jungle for dives pre and even sometimes post 6. Your damage is more than enough to 1 shot him lvl 3 on and if he ever ults into you to trade post 6, he should die. Try to amount as much of a lead as you can, freeze when possible because he won't be able to walk up to clear minions. If permitted, you can push and poke him under tower, but you'll be vulnerable to ganks.”
TheWerefloof says “I haven't seen this character in ages, but he's a melee scaling champ. I can't imagine he's that bad, if I get any more info I'll add it here.”
luminyan says “Very frustrating matchup. You can poke him early game, but once he hits six you can't do anything anymore. Try and get a lead pre-six, but after that just wait till team fights or help from your jg. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “Against Electrocute Kassadin, stick to very simple combos and try to avoid his W. At level 6, just buy a Null-Magic Mantle and keep trading with him as long as possible since his sustained damage is low. Take the Standard page and MR.”
Aethlo says “ Kassadin has the wave clear advantage post-6 with mana. ||
Kassadin loses slightly pre-3. ||
Kassadin loses slightly pre-6. ||
Kassadin loses slightly post-6. ||
Kassadin hard out-scales Annie. ||
Tip: Annie wins slightly early - but Kassadin is really safe - if he uses his ult correctly it's really hard to kill him post-6. Early game you win in skirmishes because of your slightly higher damage and CC. I recommend the 'Generic' build as compared to the other builds the first item power spike will help you prevent Kassadin from snowballing and scaling.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “"El Señor 16", cuando el reloj de la partida alcance el minuto 30 simplemente se acabo. La fase de líneas parecerá sencilla pero al avanzar se complicará.”
Redeemteam says “Fizz has a rough time vs a lot of the tankier AP champions. The easier of them would be those like Kassadin/Diana, which Fizz loses to 1v1 but has an easy time killing with pretty much any gank, especially pre 6. Even after 6, if you land your fish on Kass you should usually have enough dmg with anyone nearby to secure a kill. But it is a hard matchup since you lose 1v1 strictly speaking.”
A55AILANT says “you can poke him down early as he's immobile. If he's running electrocute play safe and watch out for his all in.
You have superior wave clear so use it to your advantage. Shove him under tower and look for roams if possible. apply pressure to the jungle and your other lanes. use your EW combo to keep him locked in place so he can't engage your team with his R and get massive damage off. After level 6, you won't be able to do anything to him.”
Oxydation says “Kassadin is just really anoying. A good Kassadin will just outtrade you on lane and outscale you, because of his Passive and Q. You will also get camped by Enemy Jng for sure, so just try to Play Save and let him push, so u can kill him with your Jng.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is fine pre 6, after 6 it turns into hell. Poke as much early as you can and get a cs advantage. After 6 hold your stun until he dashes onto you for a free combo. Dont step too far!”
Daers says “Don't fight him level 1 unless you take W first. You can destroy him before level 6, but he can kite you out with his E and he becomes difficult to fight post 6 since he can R out of your ulti. You can use his R cooldown for you to use R early in the game, but it becomes more difficult to do so at lvl 11, and even more so at 16.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is fine pre 6, after 6 it turns into hell. Poke as much early as you can and get a cs advantage. After 6 hold your stun until he dashes onto you for a free combo. Dont step too far!”
Neekolai says “Pretty free matchup actually. Only way you lose this is if he gets camped by his jungler, otherwise you should destroy him in 1v1's up untill level 11 (if you're evenly matched or ahead).”
Little Planet says “Kassadin excels at beating magic damage laners, however Sejuani's W deals physical damage which makes the poke unbearable for him.
Zone him from the wave and dive him as soon as you can.
Make sure to end as fast as you can as you can't deal with him after lvl 11 unless you're massively ahead.”
Excalibxr says “Kassadin is my current permaban for katarina. There isn't much you can do in this lane, just pray for a gank. Also, don't go AP Katarina in this lane, it doesn't work out well. Try AD Katarina. ”
Papa Urgot says “he has no passive vs your dmg, his q doesnt work vs your dmg and as soon he comes near your ult range you can kill him. if he R's out you follow him with your W shadow.”
Joseph Evanss says “It sounds like it would be easy, which it is until he buys his frozen heart and becomes immortal. Try to kill him early on and you should be fine. Wit's End kinda destroys him late game too. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “go long sword and try to trade with him with conq before he get seekers or verdant. rush bork, you can also go 2 Mr runes and boneplating. you should go ad against kass because of his passive, but if he rushes seekers then there's not shot, you won't have any advantages and he will one shot you. you can try to kill him lvl 2. after 6 you really shouldn't be able to do much in lane but you can abuse his early r being on a long cd. always remember that his q will cancel your ult and act as a free magic shield to absorb your damage. you can always just perma ban him.”
BlackIllusion1 says “Rush BOTRK. Most of Kassadin players will wait for you to ult before using Q, but if he use it you can kill him. After 6 don't even try to kill him.”
zeldimi says “Kassadin is an ideal counter to vlad in every way possible. You can't burst him cuz of his build in tankyness with his Q and passive. His Q fucks your abilities up so gluck with that. You can never get close to him post6 or you die. This champ was built to fuck you up. Still winnable but really really really really really really hard.”
PotatoVeigar says “Spellbook/Resolve;
Counters your entire kit. At least, his early game is not strong. It's pointless to try to poke him down if he is using Fleetfoot/Doran's Shield, so just farm up and peel your backline later in the game. Don't ever use your cage to trade against him because he can teleport out of your cage.”
7daysko says “Yet another annoying match-up. He isn't much to look at pre-6, but once he gets his Riftwalk he is a NIGHTMARE. Combine that with his Q that cancels your ulti and his passive which reduces all incoming magic damage by 15% and you can forget about out-trading him. Depending on his skill though, this game could be easy early on, given that he's melee.
SEASON 11 EXTRA: He's been impacted pretty bad by the item changes as far as I've seen, obliterate him in the early game and he'll have a very hard time catching up.”
peytonqt says “[GET OUTSCALED] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword/Tear] Harass Kassadin as early as you can. If you see an opportunity pre-6 to kill him, do it. The more you set him back the better. You'll get outscaled by him the longer it goes on. You'll still be able to burst him but his burst will be insane. Play aggressive and take ignite because you really want to kill him early.”
JoshAy says “He will outscale you and is a counter to most mages. Very bad ult to steal. Actually a decent skill matchup, becomes Hell if the Kassadin is good.”
iKrez says “Kassadin is not that EASY to beat for an average Qiyana player.
He will always go ignite/electrocute & resolve with bone plating, so be sure to make it proc before you take an all-in.
DO NOT trade him since you are not lvl 3 otherwise you will just end-up losing your trade, and let him scale.
DO NOT kill him 10 times in a row, his objective is to scale and NOT to beat you in 1v1 (if you let him get your shutdown you can be sure the game will be WAY harder).”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Conqueror Scaling Rune Page, and consider taking TP if your team doesn't have TP. Kassadin can be pretty annoying, not so much pre-6, but post 6 he can snowball quite quickly, and scales into the late game very well. Generally speaking, a fed Kassadin beats a fed Yone as well since he can easily dodge your skill shots and mash R in your face to kill you in a few seconds. With that being said, the ultimate goal when facing a Kassadin is to prevent him from snowballing to the best of your ability. This means denying him farm and harassing him whenever he walks up, while also spam pinging if he roams since often times it will be your teammates that feed Kassadin as opposed to you. You probably won't be able to get fed off of Kassadin since post 6 he has really high mobility, but try your best to get fed off of the wave while simultaneously denying Kassadin farm and watching out for Jungle ganks and you should be fine.”
Mpegial says “Kassadin can be lethal, but that is hardly the case as he takes a while to *scale, while we can just kill him with 2 abilities and one auto attack ignite combo wombo.”
chigakure kishi says “Usually you can starve him of resources really well. You can hold him down well for your team. Just don't let it get too late obviously.”
Zileni says “Probably Ekko's one of two hardest matchups, you should probably ban this. Because of his passive it is really hard to deal with him. He is gonna Q you if go in on him making him get a shield and silence on you. When you guys are level 6, he is gonna ult away from your E making it really hard to engage. You can roam against Kassadin though because he is not exactly the type to shove the wave fast enough. Just pray.”
xoonaka says “Before 6, he is free food, wait for lvl 3 and all in him, after 6 he can be annoying but you can always chase up to him with your R to kill him.”
mihaila says “Bait his Q and steal his ult only for dmg in a lane-combo. He will outroam u from midgame pretty hard so u make sure that when he is not mid u take towers with ur jungle or u invade his jungle.”
XD001 says “His entire kit is designed to butt fuck you. Due to his passive of taking 15% less magic damage, you are playing a rigged hand the entire laning phase vs him. Try to freeze lane infront of your tower and call for jg before he gets 6. His Q will poke you out levels 1-6 and you will have to back or risk giving Kass an early lead to snowball with. Levels 6-11 you should try to push as much as possible to deny Kassadin roaming and killing your other lanes. Eventually try to force fights mid game and get a flank on the back line to 1 shot the AD and support. If you can do this your team should be able to kill Kass and close out the game fairly quickly.
Kassadin heavily outscales Ekko.
Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Si llevamos escudo de Doran y runas defensivas Kassadin nos debería hacer cosquillas. Antes de lv.6 es una mina de kills gratis.”
Reppy says “ He out trades you every stage of the game, out scales you, and can dodge all your daggers with his R. He also has a silence that cancels your ult and builds Seraph’s so he can negate all your damage with a shield. (Rush Bilgewater Cutlass since he is prone to AD damage)
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid. Harass him constantly early game since after level 6 he is going to be really difficult to manage and using your R on him is almost useless after level 6 unless he is really low and you are faster than his ability to press R.”
Noodles912 says “He will 100% outscale you late game. Look to roam as much as possible. You beat him until he hits level 11. Then you're in trouble. Look for burst trades early on. Take ignite for kill pressure, and use shark if he wastes ult.
Most kassadins dont respect you early, so can maybe look for an early first blood with ignite.”
Raimi says “Kassadin can poke Fizz with his Q and get a magic shield for it. He can ult his way out when he gets ulted by Fizz which can stop you from getting close to him.”
elnino9 says “Go for a trade when his Q magic shield is down. You can get out-traded if he hits all his spells. Setup Q dagger on him directly or on minions, he is a melee champion so take advantage of this. Don't Q him when his Q is up, he'll simply get magic shield from you with a Q and you'd get out-poked. After hitting 6, if he ults in and uses Q, be aggressive and all in with your own ult.”
Raizins says “This champion has 50,000 dashes so make sure when you combo him you can burst him, otherwise he's gonna pay a visit to your adc and kick their shins.”
PASS10NE says “Talon destroys Kassadin during the laning phase, but you should never underestimate a Kassadin. Try your best to snowball and shut him down early on, since Kassadin is a monster when he scales.”
NuclearAkali says “You can either force him to push the wave and he gets ganked by your jungler or you can push in and harass him until he is forced to recall and lose XP. The first option is the most viable since the Kassadin wants you to push into him so he can play safe under turret.”
Wunsch3957 says “Easy but not so much when he maxes E because you'll spam your spells and his E which you can't block will be permanently up. W his Q and try to kill him as much as possible and end before he hits level 16. Conq.”
Lot of Wind here says “Don't let him scale too hard. You will have to play aggressive to win as you deal AD damage. Your wall can only block his Q, so you don't get too confident.”
Gayaa1 says “Kassadin outscale very easly katarina, and hard to keepup agaisnt him, I would say its a ban or dodge! If you still wanna play the game agaisnt start doran's blade and go conq! (Since new Ad very strong on Kata matchup is easier than before, but kassadin still outscale katarina) Don't be scare to use your AA a lot!”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Some people say Talon vs Kassadin is easy cause Kassadin can easily be abused in Lane but Late game you'll pretty much die to Kassadin and it's why it's Exstreme. Overall just try to help your junglers as much as possible and win over objectives and 1 shot Kassadin if he R's into the team also he out pokes you”
Wunsch3957 says “Easy but not the easiest. Try to kill him over and over again before level 6, preferably camp him and save ult for roams as he can dodge it with his R or cancel it with his Q. If hits level 16 it's game over so end before that happens. Conq/domination with flash ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “It is not unplayable, but you have to be so much better, than he is to win. You both have free scaling, but his splitpush and assassin style is more powerfull, than yours in SoloQ. You won't lose lane, but probablly the game. My go to ban”
GeDBo says “You can't counter him. But you have better farm potential. Abuse it. 15 cs = 1 kill. Also try to poke him as much as you can until he reaches level 6. Electrocute would be the best option in this match up.”
Modern Giraffe says “He is either extreme or tiny. If you have a jg that understands the strength of eve w then its easy but in the end its your lane and he's your responsibility. Use pre 6 advantage, bring cleanse cause he will get everfrost. Also switch up your engage patterns cause he is really slippery.”
1st fizz on mars says “Very hard at laning from 2 lvl ,
u can kill him if u hit 6 lvl much earlier
he snowballs same as u
can kill u even if u ar 10 0 ”
CrazyyBrrr says “this matchup fleet footwork all the way
take fleet with resolve cause after lvl 6 is gonna beat the shit out of u
U can beat her lvl 3”
Edg3Lord says “Laning phase Kassasin is weak, and cannot really defeat you in trades, especially now Fleet is nerfed. He will become a bigger thread from level 6 onward, which is why you would rather go and pressure him early in the game and then follow up on other lanes with roams.”
The Jhin Cena says “He is one of the weakest champions early game, and you can start off with Doran's Blade to get some extra harass damage out. Post 6, he is a little bit more annoying to deal with being that his R provides him with escape. Ultimately, try and prevent him from farming as much as possible, as late game Kassadin is a considerable threat to the team.”
Coldsong says “Kassadin is easily Annie's worst matchup. He is an antimage which is bad news for Annie, as he is very good against heavy magic damage. Try to punish him as much as you can before level 6 and do not get close to him when his R is stacked.”
InkHeiko says “In my opinion, Kassadin is not a very strong champion at first against Seraphine ( in the first level you can just abuse of him), so your goal is to abuse of him a maximum and to buy as much items as possible to be able to handle him. At his first back you have to make him back with less than 900 gold, push under tower the minion and back with your 1k well deserved golds. But after lv 6 it is another story. Be careful with roams and such and normally if you abused of his short but weak early it shouldn't be a problem. ”
SoraSan says “Você não pode counterá-lo. Mas, voce tem um potencial de farm maior que o dele, tente punir o máximo que conseguir e tente faze-lo perder XP e Farm o máximo que conseguir.
Eletrocutar é a melhor escolha nessa matchups. ”
BigBushMan says “Dodge, its not worth playing.
If you want the real explanation, his passive reduces all magic damage he takes by 15%, which is everything you do except for your E and R1, his Q silences you, he can out-sustain you at all points of the game with Fleet and W, and scales like all hell. If you play this matchup, just try to win the game before he hits level 16 if possible. ”
KawaiiSpecter says “Kassadin's Q is deadly because it blocks your harass, deals damage, has a short cooldown, and silences your ultimate. He also has alot of mobility with his ult. Do NOT risk trading before level 3. Use your blades to farm safely and don't worry about losing a little CS. If you reach LVL 3 full health, you have a chance to win the one on one if you play correctly. Use your AUTO-ATTACK'S DAMAGE + CONQUERER. Keep harassing him with your Q. If Kass ults and Q's on you take advantage and try to burst him, unless you're too low. Rushing BORK might give you a better change against him. Try to keep him from scaling or he can one shot you without you laying a scratch on him. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Hardest matchup in the game for Kassadin, he just cant ever walk up and you can perma kill/dive him very easily, would recommend Ignite.”
Gtoxer says “Runa recomendável: Cometa ou colheit.
Faça de item: Véu de banshee, e caso ele fique forte,faça bota de resistência magica
Feitiço de invocador:Ignite ou Barreira
1)tente acaba o jogo antes do nivel 16.
2)abuse do seu early game contra ele
3) cuidado se você for gankado é facil morrer
Shazzaam says “Try to snowball other lanes and poke him as much as possible. Rush Trinity Force for extra poke. The main reason why he is extreme threat is his late game. No matter what you do he'll come to level 16 and take over the game.”
kennybang says “ok so kass is supposed to get shit on by talon but a good kass will just abuse the freak outta you with silence the whole lane + everfrost so i suggest you man up and just kill him or something”
sidromest says “Need to punish him early game but even when punished needs to be feared lvl 6+.
Passive + Magic shield means he's hard to burst down late game.
Staffy says “Kassadin has better late game than ekko, but you have higher chance of beating him in lane make sure to abuse him so he doesn't scale, last thing make sure you go ignite and cheap shot”
Tizgard says “Get your jungle to help shut him down or dive him early, otherwise he just outscales you to shit. Try and let him push up if you can for your jungler.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Kassadin = Kassawin. He will outscale you, and will burst you down to the ground. All you can do is try to get ahead of him early game, and try to end before he hits level 16.”
sashadidntwalk says “If you manage to kill him a few times early you should be good, but we all know level 16 Kassadin and it's not fun. His W might make you harder to damage him but if you get to him you can look for kills easily before 6.”
OhReflects says “Don't be at low health when she hits 6 always back to gain full hp when needed. When he roams you roam too. Start Dorans shield first item.”
Hiimkata says “At first I thought Kassadin was an easy matchup after s11 changes, because of how squishy he became and Katarina can rush AD early, but if Kassadin rushes seekers u will do absolutely no damage and he will oneshot you. The only way to win this matchup is by going for trades with sword either all in with conQ or short trades into all in electro before he has his seekers, after he has it this lane is doomed 1v1 and he will likely hardcore outscale u.”
CaptianMike says “Early game is your best window to build a lead on him. He is extremely vulnerable pre-6. Post-6 keep your distance away from him, as he is very mobile can make quick and deadly trades. He is difficult because of his extreme mobility, which only gets faster as the game progresses.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “One of the easiest threats, his MR shield and E mean nothing to you, be careful in Late Game because his damage is greatly increased”
mrsuits says “The matchup between Kassadin and Azir can be moderately challenging for Azir. Kassadin is a scaling AP assassin with high mobility and the ability to nullify magic damage. Azir will need to establish lane dominance early on and prevent Kassadin from reaching his late-game power spike.
In the early levels, Azir has the advantage over Kassadin. Take advantage of your range and poke Kassadin with your soldiers. Harass him whenever he tries to farm and deny him as much gold and experience as possible. Keep in mind that Kassadin's Null Sphere (Q) can block your abilities and nullify magic damage, so try to bait it out before going for an all-in or using your ultimate.
Azir's passive, Shurima's Legacy, allows him to summon a soldier after casting spells. Utilize this to zone Kassadin and control the minion wave. By positioning soldiers between you and Kassadin, you can discourage him from engaging or poking you effectively.
Be cautious of Kassadin's Riftwalk (R), as it provides him with immense mobility and allows him to close the gap quickly. Avoid prolonged trades with Kassadin, as he can quickly burst you down with his abilities. Instead, focus on short trades and poking from a safe distance.
Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass can be beneficial against Kassadin. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, reducing Kassadin's burst damage, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate his burst and buy time for your team to react.
Vision control is crucial in this matchup. Kassadin's mobility makes him a strong roamer. Ward key areas and communicate with your team to prevent him from picking up kills in other lanes and snowballing.
In team fights, Azir's sustained damage and crowd control can be valuable. Position yourself carefully and use your soldiers to control space and dish out damage. Save your ultimate, Emperor's Divide, to disengage or peel for your team if Kassadin tries to dive your backline.
Coordinate with your team to focus Kassadin in team fights. Burst him down quickly or use crowd control to lock him down and prevent him from using his mobility to escape or reposition.
Overall, the matchup between Kassadin and Azir falls on the moderate side of difficulty. Azir needs to establish lane dominance early on and deny Kassadin as much farm and experience as possible. Building defensive items, maintaining vision control, and coordinating with the team will be crucial to prevent Kassadin from scaling and taking over the game.”
Pixel Pocket says “Kassadin will likely be unable to kill you in lane, but the problem is that you don't have the kill pressure or poke to force him into bad backs and he will inevitably outscale you (and everyone on your team) if left to farm. To win you need to roam so effectively that your team gets fed enough to end before he becomes relevant.”
ParkChnm says “Lane phase should be okay. If he doesn't get any kills early, you should be fine. He will one shot later once he gets 2-3 damage items. Try to stay away from his Q range.”
KataTocDo says “Snowball quickly and end as he is a ticking time bomb. Kassadin is a nuke, the nuke drops once he hits 16, unless your team has enough cc to bring his spiritual body to the high heavens.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items:D, Blade
lenithebot says “Kassadin has no real kill threat pre 6 but after 6 he becomes a bit more threatening. Overall he is a bad matchup but if you take Hail of Blades you should win by poke and if he all-ins R him then start to damage him. I would go teleport in this lane.”
bleapintosh says “Abuse his early by doing constant weq combos. You have much better wave clear than him. Don't be too overconfident since his e can be dangerous. He'll roam at 6. (sometimes before)”
ParkChnm says “Unplayable but less unplayable than Fizz. You have more room to win since 1-5 Kassadin is really weak. You want to push him into tower and bully him. Keep a lot of wards down and check your map a lot since you might get ganked. Hope your jungle hovers closely and helps bully Kassadin.”
Jnewbringspain says “He shouldn't be able to kill you, but his roaming ability is what makes him dangerous. You will also have a harder time killing him since he takes less magic damage. You really have no answer for him leaving lane, as you can't keep up at all with his roaming. Try to simple push your lane in to discourage his roam.”
Yamikaze says “You will be looking to poke as much as possible with Q lvl 1. Punish him for every cs he tries to get. If he throws Q at you, make sure to zone him from CS. The matchup will not be as easy if he decides to max E which gets charged super fast from your constant spamming of abilities, and it also can't be blocked by your windwall. Kassadin players usually take TP, which gives you an advantage in 1v1 as we have ignite. ”
1Recycle Bin1 says “You can win early but you can't escape the inevitable, the longer the game goes, the weaker you become
same with malzahar, get conqueror and bully him with auto attacks”
ITSDEBEAR says “Thats a dodge or beg for camp matchup. If you want some serious tips on fighting this disgusting champion then check the matchup sheet made by elite500. Go for phase rush and hope your teammates will be able to kill him later on.”
rajsovsky says “Second best anti-mage, AS HE IS SCALING MAGE HE SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO KILL YOU IN EARLY, but riot is good and he actually can. Magic shield makes him pretty much unkillable cuz of your cooldowns. Try to push him early to get some kills from roams before he does it.”
Deteki says “Try to play aggresive with him before lvl 6. Do not let him scale and ping your ally when he roams. Try to focus him in team fights if he's fed.”
invalidd says “Abuse him while you can in his early stages of the game because as soon as he gets level 6 and seekers he can keep up with your trading pretty easily, this includes roaming and assisting skirmishes while also setting up ganks against him, he's a ticking timebomb so the faster you
snowball the better chances you have winning the game, his Q can cancel your hook channel and be aware his R has a 4 second cooldown at lvl6.”
lkycch says “Pre-6 it's not a problem, but after that you'll never stun him again... His entire kit is perfect for destroying mages. Sadly, Zilean doesn't have enough aggression to bully him in the early game, which means Kassadin will gain free access to mid-lategame. I suggest dodging in champ select as it's just too risky to play against him. Your jungler has to be on point and camp him enough to shut him down, but that rarely happens in solo Q.”
StarForger says “Kassadin will outscale you no matter what. Also he has great mobility getting away from all your damage. Really hard to deal with, try to shut him down in early-mid game. Also his Q can cancel your teleport if you make the mistake to channel it close to him.”
Aikairi says “Now this matchup should be quite decent since you can build AD and burst him down with autos. You win pre-6, and be careful of his ulti post-6 which he can use to avoid your daggers. Pay careful attention to how many ulti stacks he has since it determines his damage, and also pay attention to his mana. If he spams his abilities he might not have enough mana to fight you.”
lkycch says “Pre-6 it's not a problem, but after that you'll never stun him again... His entire kit is perfect for destroying mages. Sadly, Zilean doesn't have enough aggression to bully him in the early game, which means Kassadin will gain free access to mid-lategame. I suggest dodging in champ select as it's just too risky to play against him. Your jungler has to be on point and camp him enough to shut him down, but that rarely happens in solo Q.”
Penpiddin says “Awful matchup and without jungle help you will lose as he scales harder and his MR passive and burst makes things uncomfortable for u after 6. Kassadin is weak while you are weak so difficult to punish him early cos of his anti mage MR passive. Way to play after 6 is on the edge of your Q range. Q him first then Dot and farm. Ask for ganks pre 6 when kassadin is also weak. ”
PrimeRex226 says “Not very hard anymore , past lvl 16 he is a late game carry. Early game you cant do much with his passive (15% reduced magic damage) along with his q (magic shield , silence). Not worth a ban but it is a tough matchup, you should beat him except late game!”
ezmod66 says “Honestly this filthy champ right here should be banned.
Early game you can aa and poke him down however he will normally go for a corrupting potion and heal most of the dmg.
If you find yourself up against this dude farm abuse him as much as possible pre 6. Once he hits 6 this shit is aids to play against.
His q interrupts your r channel and cancels it. Wait for him to be on you before you q him. If he r q you instantly you can just q r e and harrass him. Depending on how fed he is and the damage he deals he will either try all in you or run.
Matchup Difficulty: Dodge or ban”
KatarinaScriptz says “If he silences your ult you're kind of screwed but good thing is, is you can just wait out his Q he is winnable but at the same time not really.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- He has no kill pressure on you in lane
- You can trade with him easily
- Wait for his Q shield to run out before you combo
- Be mindful that his Q does cancel your Ult and will stop your W charging
- Shove him under tower and roam
- Get your team ahead and close out the game
- Kassadin will always outscale you and win 1v1
- Use teamfighting to your advantage”
Big Shawn says “Although in the early stages, Ekko can out trade him, Kassadin will grow in terms of damage and can fully engage you, leaving you a minimal time to react and avoid the aggressive trade he'll look for. It is important that you intimidate the opposing Kassadin, as some do still under-estimate Ekko. Nevertheless, a good Kassadin will be a huge threat to Ekko.”
Ambitieux says “I say this matchup pre big patch was an extreme matchup. Due to his shield being so big there was no way to be able to punish his early game. But your Miasma really does do a number when countering his R. Nowadays it shouldn't be that hard of a matchup but I'd stay on ur toes and ask for jungle presence. Try to get a good miasma on him early and snowball ur lead.”
Scyrine says “Very annoying with that magic resist shield, but if you play it right you can easily destroy him. pressure him pre-6, and hard engage when he does. look for good trades.”
BCota says “Poo poo on you early outscale you late matchup is a hard dodge if you are new but can be taken advantage of for experienced players. Try to AWLAYS i mean ALWAYS use Super Q to trade start with an auto and if he Qs you wait for the shield to run out then succ him. Your abilities are AP based so it wont do a metric ton of damage compared to other champs but your Autos are AD and they do full damage. Always try to squeeze in Autos any opportunity you find because he cant defend against it”
ThePandaEvan says “You have to harass as much as you can pre-6 which is before Kassadin comes a threat. You kind of have to end early so Kassadin can't scale and win the game. ”
Chili Dog says “Take regular runes, slowpush into him all the time keep eye on enemy jgler, harass under tower, once he hits 6 he'll beat you, once you get 2 items he'll beat you, once he gets lvl 11 he'll beat you, need high skill and exp w both champs to win. Both Runes can be taken.”
Doctor Yas says “Kassadin is an extremely hard counter to Malzahar. High mobility, built-in magic resist, and better scaling. The only thing you can do in this lane is pray you get ganks because your ult can still counter his mobility.”
grebe1231 says “Threat not because he beats you in lane, but rather that you DON'T beat him in lane. Once Kassadin reaches 6, he can avoid all of your damage and will scale into an uncontested monster. ”
Xiphire says “Try to punish him early as he is very weak early. You can zone him from creeps pretty easily so do it as much as you can and don't let him snowball.”
Niqkl says “Kassadin is pretty hard. He outscales you and has a lot of early game strength. Try to farm as best as possible and help your team. He is pretty unlikely to die to a gank post 6 unless he misplayes.”
FalleN3 says “This is an extremely tough lane and you will need some jungle pressure or ganks to help you survive or win lane.
It is almost impossible for you to trade with him due to his (Q) providing him with harass and a shield.
Choose flat AP Quints and AP or MR Glyphs against Kassadin.
I try to play this lane passive, survive and farm as much as I can. Call for jungle help and roam to to other lanes when possible.
Oh,,,,,, what fun you're going to have :)”
Snow Day Zoe says “Easy laning phase, one sided trade early game, when he is level 6 bait his r and hit your e. he becomes really scary late game though.”
vCraze says “Kassadin is quite a tough matchup but can be won. You need to make sure that you are poking them out early as well as pushing the wave so that Kassadin struggles with farming, call for early ganks if you can because you cannot let Kassadin scale. Once he hits 6 you need to make sure that you are not within range of his first Riftwalk as he will be able to combo you for a lot of your health. If he jumps on you when not in range you can combo with E-W-Q and walk away.”
Sadkid says “Perma ban this champ. Gross timebomb champ his level 6 is strong as his late game. The only counter is the solokill him 2+ times before 6 and play around your team, Otherwise 1 shutdown and he will carry his team. I almost forced myself to learn Talon for this champ but ended up giving up so for now he is my perma ban. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Although he is a anti-mage you can still do a hefty amount of damage to him, get ur jg to go ad and either freeze the wave or dive him. Each time he goes for a last hit make sure to E and Q him, if you notice the kass using R to farm, predict that and place W over low health minion groups (usually caster). Dont let him get to lvl 16. He WILL kill your entire team if you dont chain cc him.”
SkellyBirb says “Kassadin isn't that great early game, but he does have a magic damage shield and can ult away from most fights. Late game, he can burst you quite easily if you're full AP.”
S4V4 says “Kassadin gets countered easily by any AD champion if it's played properly. To win the lane, you need to freeze as much as possible early game so you deny him from CSing. If he comes close, poke him with your Q, or just go all in as long as there are isn't so many minions by his side.”
WolfRider01 says “He outscales you, but you win lane hard. Kass-o-win's lvl 16 and late game potential is unmatchable unless you can destroy him early and get fed. Take conq, take ignite. Be aggressive in this matchup, but pay attention to the map, he will likely ask the jungler to perm camp you.”
Katfire says “Kassadin is one of the hardest match ups for Katarina in the game. He will outrade you at any stage of the game, and even if you win a trade slightly Kassadin usually goes fleetfootwork and corrupting potion for great sustain.
Getting AD early and going Conq is highly recommended against Kassadin because he takes reduced damage from AP due to his passive, so most of your damage will be basic attacks with Conq. Bork is highly recommended. His Q can interrupt your R so be careful when using it. You want to trade when his Q is down and basic attack a lot. Sadly Kassadin feels very hard to stop. Give him any kill and its over. Or let him free farm to 11-16 and its over. You need to snowball hard and end the game before Kassadin reaches late game godmode.”
Elhypersnyper says “Kassadin's R is basically a hard counter to Kog'Maw.
1: It closes the gap between you and him and as you're already squishy he's going to do lots of damage to you late game and maybe even 2 or 1 shot you.
2: His R is a perma counter to your passive if you trade vs Kassadin and he kills you but he's low you can win only and ONLY if he isn't 6, when he's 6 he's going to R away and live no matter what.
3: His R is a perma counter to your R and basically renders you worthless as you're mostly just poke and set up for your team.
Now this being said you have a range advantage if you can kill him pre-6 you have a chance but remember once he gets 6 its going to be very hard to kill him so try and minimalize big engages unless your jungle is near.
If you aren't Perma-banning Ahri Perma ban this guy. ”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Kas is weak before six but you could and should try and take him out to get a lead because once he gets level 16 hes a serious problem with hit ult dash that could dash past your e and he all ins you ”
MartyBG says “Not a bad matchup for Lux, even tho he's an anti-mage champ you can easily poke and bully him pre lvl 11. In late game he outscales you so be careful of that.”
Best Azir Africa says “Permaban. Really nothing you can do against him. If you don't want to ban him, try and get a kill on him before level 6 and use your poke after his shield disappears. Play passive and farm.
MagicalFartz1 says “Aery with ignite. Start Doran's blade(or cull) rush sheen(Optional).
He is a passive laner that will outscale you hard either freeze and ask your jungler to camp him or spam push and roam to get ur team ahead before he starts scaling. Don't fight him in side lanes. If you start dorans or corrupting then rush Sorccs for his passive”
SF Shadow says “Kassadin‘s magic shield and passive are perfect to counter zoe. When facing a Kassadin, always keep in mind that he might become really tanky after completing his rod of ages. Furthermore, Kassadin‘s R is a low cooldown dash, which is good for dodging Zoe‘s bubble. Whenever you miss your E, you will get a lot of damage. Try to use that. When you have your E ready, Kassadin might wait for you to miss it and engage. Don’t use your E before he didn’t Dash. Your E + Q is very strong in Midgame and able to get a lot of pressure. When Kassadin is in lane with you, just try to not get killed and farm. Kassadin is a good Duelist, but he can’t 1v5 your team in the most situations, but you can onehit their ADC. That way, your team is able to win the Teamfight.”
Myhg says “Personal go to ban. He's extremely hard to play against because his Null sphere cancels your ultimate. His low cd ultimate also means you can't hit him with q most of the time. If I'm ever against a Kassadin, I start doran's blade and can out trade him with autos. If he ults on you, he probably also used all his other abilities in the process and you can engage on him for a short while because he has no way of fighting back.”
economistastonks says “If he picked Kassadin against you, you should welcome him into Pyke mid with a good and old Stomp!
He is harmless until level 9.
Trading is really good and he will be an easy target.
If this lane isn't going as well as i'm saying, buy a hexdrinker and call for a gank, he will die. ”
Bobbab says “Not as bad of a matchup as people have it to. Yes his q can cancel your ult and the magic shields are hard to fight. You need to win pre 6 and with season 11 you can just build ad and farm him just like a zed would. After bork he cant deal with you unless turbo fed.”
sweodigaming says “He can be harassed a lot pre-6, be careful of his power spike at level 6. He has his Q that gives him a magic shield, so i suggest that you don't try to Q him back, just wait for the shield to go down and do the usual Q, W, AA combo and trigger electrocute. Build MR!”
sm1rk says “Beat him up early, try to get a small lead before 6, and continue to snowball faster than him. He's a monster late-game though, don't let him get to level 16.”
Apo420 says “This is personally my to go ban because everything in his kit counters you. I'd say ban him or if you're against him roam a lot and don't try to fight him because he wins all in for free.
Grayified says “Punish his early as much as possible, he scales very well into the late game, arguably better than any other champion in league. Try to win before Kassadin gets level 16.”
BreeAWT says “Kassadin é um dos counters mais famosos contra katarina, mas apesar disso tudo é bem simples jogar contra ele. Ele da um pouco de trabalho e é difícil matar porém nada demais e com treino você consegue lidar com ele”
Nazrat says “This pick is must ban if you are planning to play Orianna, you won't be able to do much against him as your dmg early on is very low and with his passive + Q + fleet + doran's shield or potions he can easily sustain it and outscale you hard late game. If you get to play this matchup try to get your jungle to gank him early game or constantly push him and look for oppurtunities around the map.”
Daeydark says “Easiest matchup in my opinion. It should only take you 2-3 standard combos to kill him. You will beat him in the early-mid game, and then he will crush you in the late game.”
Nazrat says “very hard to beat as early on you can't outdamage him and late game he has very good scaling so you will most likely lose if you don't do anything for your team early on.”
KormitLeFrag says “Dodge champ select if you see this.
You can kill this champ 20 times early and he will still come back and one shot you later. He is unkillable post-6, so get your jungle to camp him pre-6.
ZeMoller says “Very easy to punish in lane, freeze the wave and call a jungler, just dont let him scale too hard (like any other game). Like most mele matchups, he has to jump into you to actually do proper damage which lines it perfectly up with r w combo. ”
Siderman5 says “So a lot of people is saying that with Ahri, it is easy to escape from bad fights. But not if the enemy is a Kassadin. After lvl 6 with his ult he can chase you forever (or at least, until he has mana). his abilities can damage lot, so you should focus dodging his abilities like E, or not letting him close, to hit W on you because these abilities have insane ap ratio, so he can easily oneshot you in late game. The only advantage you will have is early and mid game... try to make plays in the early game, but focus on farming too, because you will need to be in advantage both kills and farm to beat him in late game.”
Yeager says “The problem with this matchup is the fact that you can't do anything to him. His passive makes him take reduced magic damage, his Q gives him a magic shield. His Rod of the ages core item makes him tankier as well. Kassadin will scale for free, and if he gets to lategame, noone can stop him. ”
Yeager says “He has a free laning phase against mages as there's not really anything you can do due to his passive and magic shield from Q. Your objective is to end the game fast by NOT letting him scale. So if you can't do anything to him in lane, shove the wave and roam to other lanes and get them ahead. ”
Veigarv2 says “Counters your kit completely, Outscales you. His early game isnt that strong and he has very low armor so going the klepto page allows you to get fed early on.”
FalleN3 says “Pre level 6 you can try to zone him and harass him with AA due to him being a melee champion. His (Q) can be quiet annoying as it not only causes damage but gives him a shield against magic damage too. Try to zone him as much as possible early and bully him from his farm. You should try to make use of his pre 6 lack of mobility & call for some jungle help to abuse it. Once he reaches level 6 the real fun begins. Kassadin will likely roam now too so be sure to give your team a heads up if he goes missing or follow him if possible. Some magic resist will go a long way here, consider Merc Threads / Banshee's Veil.”
Yeager says “You can start corrupting potion and bully him a lot pre 6. After 6, save your E till he used his blink. His waveclear is really weak, so you can shove him in super fast and roam. ”
SkellyBirb says “Kassadin doesn't have much he can do early against you and you can heal up from most of his poke using shrines. If he tries to ult in, he risks getting stunned with your Q if he has minions.”
Frixen says “You're on the clock. POKE HIM. Do stuff pre-11 because, post-11 he will just kill you. He's not that dangerous in lane, despite his annoying Q, as you can still auto him after gold-carding even if he Q's you. It's not an easy matchup and definitely a loss post 11 levels. So you have to do A LOT on the map before that.”
FalleN3 says “Laning against Kassadin should be reasonably OK due to him being a melee champion. Try to farm as much as you can during laning phase and you can trade with him whenever he walks up to farm a creep. His (Q) is annoying as it offers him a shield. After 6, he doesn't have as much burst as Akali and if you are even or ahead of him you should be able to kill him with x3 ultimate stacks. If you fall behind though, this will be difficult. He will want to roam so be sure to either follow him or else be the one leading the roam.”
SkellyBirb says “Kassadin isn't that great early game, but he does have a magic damage shield and can ult away from most fights. Late game, he can burst you quite easily.”
Bouhhsolene says “I used to permaban kassa, but now, I think the matchup can be quite easy if you can win early.
Take Electrocute as it will be easy to proc.
Try to freeze the lane, and not to push, so he either lose CS, or he take poke damage.
Try to either kill him, or avoid him from CS. If you have an early jungler such as elise, you can easily set up a dive in the early levels, if you have the info on their jungler.
In late tho, once he get level 6, you won't be able to hold him at all, but normally, you have the tools to end before he get to level 16.”
FalleN3 says “Laning against Kassadin should be reasonably OK due to him being a melee champion. Should they be decent at playing the champion or are a OTP, then you might be in for some trouble. Try to farm as much as you can during laning phase. His (Q) is annoying as it offers him a shield. After 6 he becomes kill-able for you. If you fall behind though, this will be difficult. He will want to roam so be sure to either follow him or else be the one leading the roam.”
Reason97 says “Much like Anivia, a weak champ early on who you can easily bully, but much stronger as soon as he hit's 6. If he get's too ballsy you can punish him with your ult. the biggest issues here are his magic shield and his silence. It's rough to get a taste of your own medicine with the silence, and the shield can eat some of your damage, but until 6 you have massive lane pressure over him. ”
Reason97 says “Kassadin was designed almost exclusively to destroy mage's, so you're not in for a fun lane. Pre level 6, you have edge. AFTER level 6, be on alert at all, times. His power spike at 6 makes him very hard to pin down for a long time, and he can chunk you out very quickly if you dont have something or someone you can fall back too close by. Try to get him behind early on if you can, but after he hits level 6, play as safe as you possibly can and let him be the one to screw up. ”
orangepenguinhead says “His passive reduces the amount of damage you can put out. His Q can shut you down in a team fight as your R cancels if Anivia is hit with any form of displacement or CC. Try to contain him pre-6 because that is when he is the weakest. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. He will attempt to poke lvl 1 by starting Q and will only go for CS with Q. Poke him if he tries to auto for cs. Deny him as much CS as you can. He really can't do much pre-6 unless he has his jungler. He will outroam you and outsustain you if he goes D-Shield + Fleet. Most Kassadin players take Teleport so at least you have that advantage 1v1 if you take Ignite (which you should **NEARLY** always mid). Outscales you. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
arcanejhin says “You demolish him early, go in after the silence. Let the wave push into you so you could chase him down for the kill once q2 is ready. At 11 it might start to get challenging
If somehow it lasts that long, build spirit visage.”
DaggerTV_ says “Kassadin will destroy you in mid/late game. Early, with ad items, conqueror, and auto reset from e, you can win pre 6, but be very careful. Its best to pick another ad champ when you see him in champ select.”
Yuki H. says “High poke damage with Q, but this aggros minions. His passive is pretty much useless against any AD champions, but will have very good sustain in lane with fleet footwork. Make sure to not use too much energy by committing to poke.”
fwii says “Start Doran's Blade or Corrupting Potion and zone him from CS at level 1. Proceed to trade whenever possible and look for kills before level 6. ”
Proma says “Dshield/Sword + pots
You win early, play aggressive and make it hard for him to scale. Post 6 be careful for his burst but you should win until he has 2-3 items.”
Chiefsnake says “It doesn't matter how hard you beat him pre 6. once he hits lvl 6 he can easily jump in on you and burst you down. Even at lvl 6 he isn't that strong because he doesn't have items but when his ult starts ranking up you just die.”
Veralion says “Kassadin's lane phase got gutted and is no longer any sort of threat whatsoever. He no longer has the throughput to behave aggressively and deny you with force pulse. Look to blow sums and kill him while it's on cooldown. Still hard to punish with his R. Try to fake a roam, wait out of sight for him to use ult to waveclear, then eat him. Rank 1 riftwalk leaves enough of a window to punish. Farm up, shove, and spam roam. Your midgame outshines him by an order of magnitude. Snowball objectives, don't mess around, and end before he hits 16. ”
bruhno says “Kassadin is very strong against mages and neeko is no exception. Shove your lane and roam to help your team. Try to end the game fast, you do NOT want to let him scale.”
Grimkyle says “Kassadin is a champion that you should never lose lane to and should be able to early kill him and abuse his trash early game, you can E his q and e which are the reasons why he is good against ap champions you should be trying to close the game because he is a late game menace ”
Dare366 says “Good matchup. Can zone and beat kassadin early with his crappy early game. Abuse him and make sure you don't get ganked from the enemy jungler. At 6 he starts to rift walk, but you can outplay that by using melee form E to push him away.”
SnakeOnRiver says “Keep him away from cs early so he cant farm. He need 2 items to do something, watch for enemy ganks and try to run him down when he have no mana to R.”
K3y5 says “You can kill him if he uses too many abilities on the wave, but if he gets to lvl 6, then he will silence your Ultimate, be more mobile than you in a 1v1, and scale a lot harder.”
xSealed says “Although, a close combat favors for Lissandra, it also favors for an assassin like Kassadin. When it comes to the trades of damage, Lissandra has an advantage in early because of her attack and ability range advantage but that's only when Kassadin still doesn't have his Rift Walk. Also, Kassadin's passive ability makes him take a bit less magic damage. So it might became a bit of disadvantage for Lissandra. Magic Penetration can't affect that magic damage reduction of Kassadin.”
ai darkfluid says “He actually outscales you. In lane, he isn't much of a problem until level 6. Then he does become a problem. Play around his cooldowns to find success. And his ult has low cooldown by the way.
Preferred rune: Comet”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Major
You can harass him a lot pre-6 but after that he can teleport on you and he hurts.
Pre-6 you should wait for him to throw out Q and wait out the shield, when he tries to back off after it runs out E after him to trade back with Q W.
Post-6 I suggest you get some MR.”
snukumz says “Pretty easy to deal with pre-6, but once he gets 6 you have to play very carefully and pray he doesn't get fed of roaming and killing your teammates.
After Fizz he's my 2nd favorite ban because of how OP he is.
Try to wave clear so he can't roam, Kass's wave clear isn't very good so that's a way to stop him.
Late game you're basically fucked if he doesn't make mistakes.”
AZIR MEN says “Jokes aside, Kassadin is probably your biggest counter. However, most Kassadin players suck ass lmao. Poke him pre 6 I mean like hella hard. After 6 freeze the wave and if he ults near your turret, shuffle him to turret as his ult cd lvl 1 is 5 seconds. During team fights, be REALLY REALLY careful on how you approach it.
Take Conq
Pre 6 just bully him. After 6 freeze the wave.”
LightningTemplar says “A matchup definitely in favour of Zed. Kassadin shines against mages, but strives against AD assassins like Talon and Zed. Pre 16 is where you shine against Kassadin. However, post 16 Kassadin is a nightmare no matter who you're playing. Zone him as much as you manage in lane, if he walks up to a minion, AA+E+Q him.”
Jackpitts says “pretty hard matchup. you should dodge his E and Q with your E everytime and you will be safe, ult him only when he used his R since 1 sec and he cant escape”
only yasuo play says “Win game before he gets level 16. Freeze wave in front of your tower, deny him cs and exp by threatening all in. His early game 1v1 is surprisingly powerful especially if he takes electrocute, but he is super vulnerable to ganks pre 6.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Laning against Kassadin should be reasonably OK due to him being a melee champion. Try to farm as much as you can during laning phase and you can trade with him whenever he walks up to farm a creep. His (Q) is annoying as it offers him a shield. After 6, he doesn't have as much burst as Akali and if you are even or ahead of him you should be able to kill him with x3 ultimate stacks. If you fall behind though, this will be difficult. He will want to roam so be sure to either follow him or else be the one leading the roam.
KataFlix says “Kassadin's Q build him magic shield which refuses to take damage from your abilities and silence you. He can even stop your ultimate when you cast it with his Q, to counter start of with magic resist boots and build more AD early game”
Hyu Mungus says “You destroy kassadin early game but it gets significantly harder at 6 and as the game goes on. try to exploit his lack of range pre 6 and snowball before he does.”
Debonair Karma says “Get Corrupting pot. Shove the wave so he has a hard time farming. After 6 stay back. Take teleport/barrier/ignite. ROA+Seraphs build.”
Gageowago says “Easy to abuse before he gets ult and you can poke with q and w for free. If he silences you he gets a shield so try and either back away or reposition to land a charm on him. At 6 he can engage on you and kill you if he has his item. Stay away from him entirely unless your team is around you after he hits 16 because he scales hard.”
topal says “Try to get an advantage befor level 6 or else you can't really kill him in lane if he plays well.just try your best to get your others lane ahead because if he gets level 16 you lose the game.”
Ignix0 says “Easiest zed matchup by far. You can farm him lvl 3-5. EVERY time he walks up for a minion you fuck him up. If you don't kill this guy in lane tho and youre only ahead ~30 cs he's gonna be hell late game.”
Papapostolou says “Its okay, you can beat his early and maybe bully him, if you do well with that you wont have any problems on late game. otherwise..”
Kataspina says “One of Kat's hardest matchups because he can cancel your R with his Q. It's impossible to deal with him unless the Kassadin is bad at the game. Rush hexdrinker and merc treads and get nullifying orb from the sorcery tree.”
ZombieZack1 says “Kass will out Scale you and One Shot you In the Late game, Lux Wins from Range, Kassadin gets in your Face making it impossible to Land Skill Shots”
Lil Tidepod says “Kassadin has no real strength in the laning phase. He has to get close to you to deal significant damage. Late game, though, he can be almost as much of a powerhouse as you. Try to slow his farm by pushing him under turret. Once he gets ultimate, make sure to play back. Just kite this guy.”
JacWilly says “Dominate him early game, but outscales you hard, try to abuse him as much as possible, but be careful of dying from roams and giving him a kill, he will build seekers and tabis and will beat you if hes ahead”
Fhizzikx says “You just have to play perfectly against this champ. He can r your combo and q your out of your r. I don't usually ban this champion because not many people play him but if you do go against one play super aggro pre 6.”
Capparelli says “Hes screwed, plain and simple you win this every single time, your dive on him and his only hope is to pray you don't kill him, but you will cause your Qiyana and that means you're better then everyone, also Tiamat to get leads all over the map because you already win lane”
zeno smurfer says “Looks hard but its not. In early you can kill him with simple trades combos until lvl 6. After lvl 6 he is strong but if you killed him befor 6 you can kill him always. Don't let him scale.”
BigBushMan says “If you thought Galio's magic shield was bad, it gets worse. Much Worse.
Kassadins passive reduces 15% of all magic damage he takes, which is already bad, but he also has a Silence with his Q, sustain with Fleet Footwork and his W, Engage with his R, and disengage with his R, along with insane burst with his E. He is weak early, but is still able to kill you easily and once he hits level 16, its just over.
Dodge if at all possible.
ahrienthusiastmain says “Kass will outscale so you have to put him as far behind pre-6. If he runs TP, he will be even in lane. To beat him out of lane, you need enough mobility so he can't land his ult on you.”
serruh says “honestly cant say that much since he's been my perma ban since season 10 started pretty much, but I imagine he still takes 0 dmg from all your abilities early(especially after the nerfs) and can just all in you at level 6 or 9 and beat you every time. would recommend banning as well, but you can only ban one champ so...”
Kami_EU says “Even though Yasuo has the upperhand in this matchup, pre 6, Kassadin can opt for Fleet Footwork and never die in lane.
Kassadin is such a huge threat to Yasuo because he will outscale no matter what you build.
Best bet is to perma freeze your wave and mantain the freeze accordingly to map pressure.
The Venerable Racoon says “Ask for ganks, you need to be ahead when he gets to lvl 6. His r has 1 downside which is mana; that's solved by his 1st item. You do the math captain”
SQBv2 says “He is an anti mage - post level 6 do not fight him alone, try to push wave and roam. If he is intimidating and doesn't let u shove him in then farm under turret.”
NoNameJ says “pre 6 you have to do him so badly that he goes afk or uninstalls league of legends after this round but after 6 if u havnt been able to come ahead sayonara my friend”
DontRageItsOk says “In this lane your gonna want to get level 2 and go for a heavy trade when you do make sure to wait for his q shield to wear out then go for an a q e auto combo this will make him use pots so when he runs out. If you hold the wave near your tower before 6 ping your jungle that he's overextended this will most likely result in a kill or summoners blown. ”
spoilwrc says “For most players its a major threat. I only lost 4 times against kass mostly becouse i overpush him as fast as i can, and start roaming as soon as i ding lvl 6. ”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “you basically counter kassadin, his Q black shield does nothing against you
try to kill him and he's just like Ahri when you R him ”
Sloyr says “His magic damage reduction and his magic shield makes him really hard to kill. He's weak in early to try to go for early trades, but remember that the most part of your damage has to come from AA ( try to reset them with your E ). He can stop your R with his Q, so try to bait it before. His RWQ trade at level 6 is really strong, so try not to stay in his R range.”
HottestFapper NA says “Surprisingly, this monstrosity is a decent lane for middlesticks. He keeps it a farm lane for the most part and you can poke him out with W's and your kit shuts him down from stomping all over your team later.”
G7_Zeke says “You honestly wouldn't think a person as strong as Kassadin would be easy to annihilate. His R is countered hard by your E. His mobility is very bad, even if he is level 6. The only time you need to worry about this champ is when he turns level 11/level 16. Then you let your team take care of robot tentacle hentai man.”
Zeyan says “Personal permaban when playing mid, too strong in lane compared to typical scaling mages such as orianna, and his lategame strength is exacerbated at low elo, due to the inability to close out the game.”
Gogicha55 says “Hes pretty easy to kill just Q on him when he tries to Q the minions and kill him, if hes really defensive roam cuz he can't do anything”
ekkologix says “his early is weak , don't give him early advantage, roam when he's undertower.wave control is the key here.don't spend a lot of time in roams too , his W can get him gold from towers fast.”
8wolf says “Beware the anti-mage. Pre six he's not a big deal, but as the game goes on his insane mobility and damage will become a problem for you. Try to deny him his early farm, maybe get an early kill on him. Lategame he can delete you if you are not careful.”
Daedralus says “He can get annoying in the sense that he does block your magic damage slightly better than others and gains quite a bit from his W, but his mana costs are still lame (so are yours tho) enough to run out before killing you. So in the case where but parties are out of mana, your speed both in attack and movement has an absolute advantage and will be usually what happens in early game. Save your ult for after he uses his ult to catch up to him and try to time your Q. He has a cast timer which makes it much easier to latch on to him and not being able to run away will ruin his game.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dorans + Potion
Early game its an easy poke. Late game tho, hell R you all day everyday.
keep distance after lvl 6. Ready your E.”
Gettsuu says “Essayez de le tuer avant le lvl 6 si vous n'y arrivez pas tanpis et jouez les cs et allez roamer.Vous ne pourrez JAMAIS le tuer en 1v1 et il vous détruira”
HeziEune says “Buy longswords and do whatever you can pre-6. You can kill him, but it difficult. You want to punish him, but at the same time, you want the wave to shove into you so he is vulnerable.”
NebuIa says “I HATE THIS CHAMPION. Try to poke him a lot early before he's 6. Save bubbles until he R's onto you and you will be safe, but he just always outscales you. Consider dorans blade or cull start and sheen rush for extra physical damage against him. It's pretty effective.”
Je Suis Azir says “you have to be waaaay fucking better than this person to function properly in lane. The only way to have a chance at winning lane is to cripple their CS, for you to have perfect CS, and to always be aware of where he could be so he doesn't roam or kill you. Any advantage will make it very hard for you.”
TheSpark says “Pre-6 he can't do anything to you minus throw is purple ball at you, which you have shield for. You win every trade you take versus him as long as you stay out of his melee range.
Post-6, unless you're ahead in lane, don't fight him. He can and will jump on you given the chance and can dodge your Q while doing it.
Try to end the game before he scales, he is known as the late game monster for a reason.”
69 y e e t says “At early game is easy but mid and late game is so hard. Feeding on him is not so hard but if he's feeded because of you the game is pretty much lost.”
LONERlSM says “He is a late game monster, his late game is better than yours and atm is too busted to not ban out. Only way to beat a kassadin atm is to win lane really hard which is a tough ask for people that are new to karthus.”
N1VA says “Kassadin is a late game Champion almost as much as Anivia. Though early game its merely a skill match-up, late game is where he becomes an issue. Kassadins ability to cast his ultimate consecutively makes landing Anivias Q difficult. If that wasn't already annoying, Kassidins silence will cancel Anivias Ultimate channel and leave her an open target while under this effect. Late game, Kassadins damage equals that of Anivias.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Be smart about trading with him, if he just Q's you behind minions he will win every trade. Try to land your W-E onto him and than chase him down with Q's and autos. After 6 not much you can do.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “If you play early good he is done, but if he gets a jungle gank or you missplay and you die, then its gonna be really hard, he will build defensive and never walk up to you, at lvl 6 he will look to roam so push him to get mid prio ”
Marumo says “Threat level 10.
I ban him every game. He outscales you, he outbursts you, he can kill you in the early/mid/late game. He takes reduced AP damage and can silence you. He can R out of your stun, and ultimately is not worth dealing with.”
YeeDS says “Probably won't kill you in the early game but he will snowball out of control because it is hard to punish him on Ryze. Try to shove the wave all the time until you jungler comes and help kill him.”
Rider0 says “Probably vlad's biggest counter, his passive already makes vlad weaker, and his q can cancel the channel of vlad's e as well as this he is one of the few champs that can actually outscale vlad once he has 3/4 items he generally wins the 1v1. In lane do your best to poke him down and take trades to force him to waste mana.”
Xelaadryth says “With this build, you're effectively an AD champion for the entire portion of the game that Kass is weak. As Kassadin attempts to harass you, just auto-attack him 2-3 times and there will be nothing he can do, especially if he's not running armor runes. Post 6 you have to be a bit more careful though.”
EvilBird090 says “Kassadin is the most well known counter to Vlad probably. Before level 6 he is not a big threat but he hard outscales you in 1v1s after that. Try to end the game before he gets level 16 to avoid total annihilation. The only thing you can do to outplay him later in is to predict is ult and pool it accordingly, even then if not ahead you can easily die to his burst. The only advantage you have against him is in teamfights, but watch out that you don't let him split too long uncontested. The best bet you have on shutting him down is to push him in early and kill him under his tower by repeatedly poking him until he is in kill range with ignite, freezing does not really work as he can farm well with Q and is really safe from jungle ganks thanks to his ult.”
Sauropod says “Poke easily pre 6 but nightmare once he gets ult. Try to save q when he engages you and out scales you try to end game before he reaches 16
spark2 says “You should dumpster him early game--harass early and often and send him back if possible before 6. A lot of junglers try to gank for him to help out his god awful early game but he does basically nothing to help them out, so just don't play stupid. Past 6 he's a whole other animal. Don't even try to stun him with W unless he JUST blinked with his ult, since he can easily escape with it otherwise. Your job is to make his early game hell so he doesn't make your late game worse.”
Cloud375 says “This is a skill matchup that depends on how good the enemy Kassadin is, if he isn't good, then you should have an easier time, but it still won't be easy.”
lola bunny says “My perma ban in ranked. If you didnt ban just dodge, dont waste your time. Only way you win is if you are infinitely better then the kassadin player.”
wedefx says “Spam your push power. Always save your ult for him in a tf. Kassadin is not likely to build QSS, he will be useless if he got surrpessed once he ult in.”
Novok says “His early game is much weaker than yours so play aggressive but his lv6 is stronger than yours and he outscales you unless you stack magic resist.”
SirZeros says “He can assassinate you easily, if you play badly. Watch out for his E stacks. After some minutes into the game, push his wave in, so he has to use his E or ultimate. Punish him for doing that. Overall you won't use that many abilities yourself, so that's a bad point for him, because he has to stack up his E stacks mostly by himself.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Kassadin, simply put, is a ticking time bomb. His passive and Q shield keeps him pretty safe from a lot of your poke/harass and all-in burst in the laning phase. A good Kassadin player will get out of laning phase only slightly behind, and from there the champion grows into a monstrosity to the point where he can 1v9 at level 16. Hes not the worst to deal with because he CAN be heavily set back early still with a good stun or jungle assistance, and CAN be shut down later with CC, but he still sometimes can be a nightmare to deal with. Thankfully, there aren't that many Kassadin players on the ladder.”
Exscind says “One of Kats worst match-ups. His magic shield and passive make it impossible for you to do damage early game, and his 2 second dashes prevent you from getting fed. Try to roam to other lanes to gain a lead and snowball from there.”
Chromuro says “He hates you and for this reason will delete everything you have: voidlings will flee in fear (or die horribly) and he has a magic shield that nullify every damage you'll do with your E. Buy some marshmallows and bribe your jungler to camp mid.”
SeeEl says “Take Q first, build a wave, force him under tower. He has NO CHOICE but to use Q to farm. Hit him at will. Mid open, go next. You should only have problems with this matchup D1+ where he successfully doesn't die and loses lane slightly with an eventual outscale in the lategame.”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs Kassadin. It is a match up which is questionable. Kennen has the poke to pressure but Kassadin's Q Ability allows him to resist these often.”
Fox1ne says “Kassadin is the strongest anti-mage champion in game atm. He wants to survive the laning phase but,if you harass him when he tries to gain wave control you can easily break this lane and reach him to his limit where you can easily win this,make sure the game doesn't reach 20+ cause he will start scaling and actually one shot you, every kassadin main does that,tries to gain wave control and freeze his wave under tower farming safe. Dont let him have this dream.”
Zeyan says “Hes called Kassaswin at lv 16 for a reason don't let the game drag on too much and watch out for his silence in lane, he is very hard to lane against and will mess you up hard”
Patoxic says “Very Annoying Lane, can tank most of the damage in early, and also outscale you, they can make your like very hard and, the best way to win against is helping other lanes, and trying to snowball after his lv 11.”
ZenonZeni says “Kassadin is a good champ to pick against ahri if he can reach level 6. Kassadin is weak to ahri's auto attacks try to poke him with auto if he uses his q. But when his magic resist shield disappear use your q and w combo to maximize damage. Do not let Kassadin do free damage to you, trade or punish him for moving up on you.”
Shwaggy says “Early trades with q will deal equal/no damage at all to either of you. Try your best to auto attack him when he shields and use all of your abilities when it expires. Post-6 tough to consistently lockdown and hit with ult.”
Wizboy73 says “Normally front to back fights are what you want but with kassawin that is hard. He scales better then you what not many midlaners do. He blows you up, i would say take zonyas but aint gona save you from a 1.5 sec ult. try to split push this game so their team gets split up.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. He can't walk up to CS, he can't trade with you unless he has Electocute+Bone plating, and can't do much until 6. Deny him every CS possible, and stay clear of jungle ganks. If you snowball, he can't scale. Take Conqueror.”
I Do Not Flame says “His ulti can counter your R, he can jump away, he is broken asf...
And in this patch he's even stronger. Wait for his shield to go off before you poke him.”
Massive Nuts says “Probably your biggest threat, Kassadin can negate your damage and past-6, it will be very hard for you to even approach him as he has dashes.”
0n1yg4m354nd1if3 says “Even thought his r is a blink and we have grounded, a good kass player will be able to dodge most of your poisons with walking and his r to negate your kiting”
Xavier Senori says “Kassadin gets destroyed in lane by Cassiopeia because she can utterly deny him any farm with her harass and zoning potential. Be incredibly aggressive, don't let him cs unpunished. Post 6, push his lane to his tower and roam. If he follows you should be able to kill him because you should be way ahead in cs, and thus gold. If he ever roams, punish him by pushing his mid tower hard.”
Pumparum says “Kassadin will not have the damage to kill you and will most likely run out of mana early trying. Once it gets to late he will become a huge threat so clearing wave and roaming will win you the early game enough that you should be able to close out the game.”
kilgta says “i mean kassadin isnt good right now, so basically unless you get to a 35 mins game, you won versus kassadin. you poke him hard early and you have wave push into him so you just roam around getting kills while he farms under tower. your ult also cancels his mobility with ult late so you are an annoyance for him.”
MechaaZero says “I'd say this match-up is a pretty lost cause after 6. His ult makes it very hard to land your E which is your means for escape and damage. He also does a lot of damage himself, so this is a bannable champ if you come across him a lot.”
CC Diana says “Kassadin is an interesting matchup. You have similarly bad laning phases and deal incredible burst damage at level 6. Kassadin's burst in very telegraphed since he needs to stack his ult in order to deal noteworthy damage so if you see him ulting around, be wary of an engage. He is also very mana hungry so he will likely purchase an early catalyst or tear of the goddess and lack damage resulting in a weak early game. Use this time to hit him where it hurts.”
maplecat21 says “Start cull, don't rely on your abilities. Harass him with auto attacks, stun him when he tries to farm. Ask for an early jungle gank. Otherwise, he'll get out of control.”
RagexAddict says “Kassadin is pretty much a cockblock champion for Fizz. He has a magic shield on short cooldown, he can teleport almost infinitely at level 6, and he can engage on you or disengage from you whenever he wants. Your best bet to win this lane is to wait for him to get over aggressive and misplay or wait for jungler help.”
Altis says “Kassadin is very tricky to deal with since he does a ton of damage if he gets ahead. His R allows him to get right in your face and even bypass your E. Very dangerous, so just wait until he slips up and gets caught in your E.”
The Jhin Cena says “Kassadin most of the time shouldn't be much of an issue. Only time Kassadin might be difficult is if you're matched against a good Kassadin, who can dodge your Ult with his, and knows when to burst on you. That being said, be a bit careful early game when blowing CDs on him. I've nearly died because of it due to the Kassadin nuking me as I return behind the minions, with no E to escape with. Before level 6 you might get a bit annoyed by his poke, but once you get your Ult you can launch it at him and your combo should kill or nearly kill him. Even a good Kassadin might not be able to dodge your Ult with his, since Kassadin's teleport isn't as quick as a standard flash, so you shouldn't worry too much about Ulting on a Kassadin.”
Flipps says “Kassadin scales extremely hard into late game, if you fight one you will start to lose 1v1s most of the time if he gets a small lead and has his ult. ”
LyndonK9 says “He will always engage on you so charm him after he ults, but you don't win trades because of his shield and his health. Play safe, you can Q him when he goes for farm since he's melee but other than that just keep up in farm.”
Yenwai says “his ability to block your harass with his passive and Q as well as harass you back combined with his better scaling and mobility make Kassadin a champ you should simply avoid picking malzahar into, if thats not an option try to get help from allies to take him down.”
Bughans says “Ouch. A good kassadin will turn on your ass the second you go in. You might knock him up, you might q-aa-r, but he's not gonna die if he got his q off. Then he'll proceed to oneshot you. However, he's weak before and a few minutes AFTER he buys RoA. ”
QuickChicken says “Kassadin is an extremely hazardous champion for Azir, specifically in the lategame.
Kassadin has the ability to hop over walls and end you.
In the laning phase, auto attack thie mofk as much as you can when he goes up to melee farm minions.
Try to get him behind early.”
Best Karth NA says “Let him push the lane in towards you early on, but not so much to where it crashes into your turret. Poke him whenever he goes for any cs, and once you build a big enough lead look to the sidelanes to try and gain an advantage. Post 6 the lane becomes much harder, and I would recommend just shoving him in as safely as you can in order to prevent him from roaming. ”
GlowingIcefire says “These champs are fairly hard to lane against and are usually assassins (e.g. kassadin, leblanc, fizz, etc.) Also include champs like cassiopeia, annie, galio, etc.”
Charon25 says “Abusable avant le niveau 6. Il faut profiter du cooldown important de son R avant le niveau 11 pour le tuer.
Son Q peut cancel le Z de Gragas.”
MrMad2000 says “It's really hard to exploit Kassadin's weak early game as Lissandra due to his passive and Q magic damage shield blocking a majority of your damage in lane. He will out damage you in every phase of the game and will out sustain any damage you deal to him in the early game. ”
AgreeableOtter says “Punish him as much as you can. Q him when he goes for a minion, force him to use Q to cs so he can't use it on you.
After 6 you R -> wait for him to ult -> W on him and tripple Shuriken him for a quick kill. He outscales you hard though, keep that in mind.”
Shderen says “This would be CRAZY to go up against, I have not done this yet. Fuck Kassadin and his bullshit passive, fuck his level 6 powerspike - I'm praying for you homie. AND NOW Presence of Mind is a thing? We really live in the darkest timeline.”
SmokeyEggs says “In the early game you have an advantage against Kass and abuse that, since Kass scales very hard into the late and you have to delay that scale as much as possible. Find trades all the time and bait out his q.”
BicBee says “Wait till Kassadin uses Q on minions before using your abilities to avoid his magic shield. Try to freeze under turret to deny farm. Your CS is very important in this matchup because Ahri beats Kass in laning, but loses as the game progresses. ”
Header_FX says “Early game free lane. Just poke him down and take the free farm/kill. But dont underestimate his damage in late. He still is an scaling asassin.”
BicBee says “Start E lv 1 and shield whenever he uses Q onto you while you AA him. You win every trade and lane early on if done right. However Kass eventually gets stronger than Ori as game progresses. Look to freeze under tower and deny CS if you can while poking him. ”
vukashin.xyz says “His passive and Q shields are useless against you
You can zone him and force him to miss a lot of cs
Push him into tower and harras him (watch out for ganks)
If he casts R towards you all-in him
Use 3rd tune setup”
AzureArmatt says “Kassadin's passive reduce magic damage that he takes + he has mobility that can be superior to yours once he gets items. He's scaling is way better then yours but his weak point is laning phase and early mid game where his damage isn't that high and he's not mobile enough to perform 10 blinks in one teamfight. You need to try and poke him while not getting to close to him. his Q grands him shield that will absorb magic damage but it deals really small damage early so if you manage to land both of your Q damage you will be victorious in this trade. Once he and you hit level 6 you should try to bait him into using his Rift walk (ultimate) so he won't be able to blink away from your damage. Don't get caught by enemy jungler and you should be fine. Consider buying zhonya against him or banshee's veil (personal preference) don't skip defensive item this time”
NocUout says “You should pretty easily win this matchup, as he is not that good at killing ad champs. (Passive and Q shield are useless against [[Zed]]) He will outpoke you prelevel 3, but once you get level 3, all in him. You outdamage him and he won't have ult to get away. ”
thedonk says “His kit was made to counter AP. You can use your chains to poke him since he doesn't really have any way to W you without his R. Once he does have his R, he can be a threat. Make sure he doesn't snowball by roaming.”
Padrepio says “Melee and quite low range with spells, you win before 6, and you deals a lot of damage after 6 so if he engages on you, you can try to kill him. Stun him after his R so he can't avoid it.”
overweight_zoe says “Can choose to either freeze and harass him or constantly shove him under tower and let him farm while you look for roams, it really depends on you. Isn't too scary and if he gets brave level 6 your damage is still higher than his.”
Jammy158 says “This champs weak VS AD champs and Yasuo is no different. Poke him if he farms and all-in every chance you see. He can't do much to you early and at 6 if he is dumb enough to trade and Ult in, trade and kill him. Simple matchup. Just be careful that he scales hardcore later and can oneshot you.”
kkiskk says “His Q poke is annoying so get MAW first. Fight him when he is OM or after his Q's magic shield is gone pre-6. You won't have much chance to kill him post-6 as he can use his R to get away easily. His R has 6 seconds cool down at lv 1 so try to fight him after he used his R. He might build ROA and become somewhat tanky, so you can get one of the two last whisper item when you're fed.”
Jenkinsu says “He's pretty susceptible to your high physical damage but he excels at getting in your face. Try to prevent him from scaling because he requires items to be useful”
Junix L9 says “He will always outtrade you because of his Q.
Try to fight him when he wasted his Q to lasthit a minion.
After 6, you better just push the lane and look for some roams because you will never kill Kassadin.”
AmericanNa says “Pre 6 you can stomp him take advantage of that. At 6 hopefully you can Combo him when he jumps in. If he gets to ahead just try to be more passive. ”
Finish Flash says “Play passive and farm for the first two levels, using your E to negate Kassadin's Q when he tries to harrass with it. Level 3 and onwards, you can all-in him whenver his Q is down. Tank incoming Q damage if he chooses to harrass with it so it goes on cd, then initiate with Q. If he plays too far back after using Q, then you can freely push the wave and roam. You will generally have kill pressure as long as he walks up, but if he plays too passive, you will just be shoving the minion wave and roaming.”
LionLifeSteal says “Takes 15% reduced magic damage with his passive and can get a large magic shield from casting his q as well as being able to use his ult to blink out of your cage.”
Filthyrich says “He can dodge ur ulti with his. Try to not be predictable when playing against him. His Q is longer than your so he will harass you a lot.”
moutenn says “He counteres mages, but you my friend are no mage. You do more damage then him faster, and in this case i think opening with R is just as good as W. R him, then when he R's just W. If he then FLashes just also flash.”
Zetrok Bot says “Kass, F*cking Kass, counters Karthus since its launch, before level 6 you can try to lower your life with Q, but after level 6 you do not dare to advance more of the river if you do not know where it is, I will burst me down every time I see you, cancel your R with your Q or killing you, have an anti magic shield, your E is loaded with your Q and ganks every time you are holding the line.”
Rugie says “Big problem for you. He has probably the best late game from champions in whole game. But he received armor nerf in this patch, so try to f*ck him up in early game as much, as you can, because he is getting stronger every minute in the game. But be careful! Don't die unnecessarily! Every time he kills you, it will much more difficult for you. He can also cancel your ult by using his silence from his Q, so be careful about that, he can also escape by his R on level 6. Ask for multiple gang on him.”
Draczor says “Kassadin is probably one of your worst fears because you probably won't be able to win against him in all stages of the game. In this matchup pre 6 you want to avoid getting poked by his Q as much as you can while trying to farm. You won't be able to win or "hardly" win trades against him because of the magic shield from his Q since he will outsustain you if he bought corrupting potion first. If not and you manage to win trades then you can pressure him from farming. The moment he turns lvl 6 you should avoid getting in his ult range and try to safely farm.”
Exiled Heretic says “Early game is when he is at his weakest lacking wave clear and roam potential so try to make sure you can gain a lead and try to stay a head of him otherwise you may run into a huge problem. His scaling is very good so try to deny him as much as you can, just beware his early damage burst. late game with the element of surprise you can win a fight.”
rimzaki says “He weak early game like u If u have void staff u can beat hims passive The kassadins players are know trade when u come ur bloodrage use ur basic attack Hes shield can not dodge ur basic attack He can escape from u but also come nearly good luck”
Sozzoh says “Laugh in his face pre-6. Cower in fear post-6. Kassadin can be a major problem if they play him correctly, so try and abuse Kassadin pre-6 so he doesn't snowball or gain a lead. Don't burn too many abilities near him either, as this is what powers his E. Kassadin has built in MR, so I'd recommend getting Void Staff before Liandry's, and making laning phase a farm lane. Kassadin is very mana hungry pre-6, but his W restores mana. Try to poke Kassadin and force him to sit under tower if possible when he tries to W a minion or even you so he can't restore his missing mana. ”
Witwickies says “Don't be overconfident if you will be outplaying him at early stages. There will come time, probably around level 9, where he will start winning. He can use R's dashes to dodge all yours abilities and then blow you away.”
undeadsoldiers says “You can bully him easily before level 6. Force him to Q minions to last-hit them.
If he blinks to you to combo you after level 6, throw your E at him while his R's on cooldown, throw a Q, and run. Just generally don't let him come near you.
His R has a 6/4/2 second cooldown, so up until level 16/he caps CDR, that gives you a short window when he won't be able to dodge your E.
Remember that he takes 15% reduced magic damage. A combo that might oneshot any other mid laner may not be as effective on Kassadin.
Kassadin really likes to tower dive. If he attempts this, put him to sleep and run.”
macspam says “Kassadin does counter Veigar in the late game but he is slow to ramp up. In lane phase he'll mainly just poke you with Q and try to farm himself. By the time he's a major threat you should already have your GLP and be ready to roam, so you don't have to worry that much about him jumping on you in lane. Banshee's Veil is a good buy for second item. ”
WubbyWulf says “You might think that kass will counter you in lane very hard but its really depending on how you build and play. You should try to bait the Q and then engage and build double long swords because of his Q passive.”
Prenora says “While kassadin has reliable autopoke, like you he has poor waveclear, look to outsustain him, in the early game, and avoid over trading, as your spell casts empower him. you are very similar in playstyle so the matchup could go either way. if you want to be aggressive wait for jungle presence ”
asffg123 says “His 6 allows him to counter your E and go aggressive, outtrading you. However, he is extremely weak pre 6 due to being melee and only having one source of ranged damage. Use this to your advantage and punish him accordingly. You should have an equal laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
Snowyfreezer says “Early game Kassadin can easily poke you and out trade you due to his passive, usually kassadin will take grasp and out trade you since you're a melee champ”
BattleXD says “Kassadin is a bit tricky, if you give him any kind of lead, he will take it and shove it in your face time 10. But if you are able to play it right you will stop him from being able to do anything in the game. ”
Smol Jelly says “A mobile mage-countering assassin with a blink who can easily avoid your skills. You can zone him off pre-6 pretty well, but once he has his blink, he's scary. Wait until after a blink to do your combo, so that you can catch him.”
ShokLoL says “If you're not good at the laning phase you'll probably find Kassadin very tough. If you play well though and get a lot of Q + electrocute and auto harass in the early game you should always be at a significant item advantage. If he's not pretty behind pre first base he will start to statcheck you fairly quickly, so get ahead and stay ahead.”
Chuleex says “Kassadin is pretty much like taliyah but without a cc, so he is even more easy to deal with, yes he outscales us but for lv16 the game is very decided anyway and you also deal much more damage, dont be too greedy since he can look to bait you, but use your strenght to deny as much exp and farm as you can, play for your powespikes and look for all in oportunities once he overcomits, roaming is also great to expand your lead.”
ShokLoL says “Kassadin for the most part is very low threat to you, and you should be able to build a big CS lead. Focus on punishing him pre 6, as if he hits level 6 relatively even and with electrocute he can actually start to trade back into you. You most likely will need a Maw later in the game against Kassadin, but probably not before 4 or 5 items.”
zolamalo says “Kassadin is extremely strong in the late game. You need to shut him down in the early game to make him useless later. His waveclear is very weak, so try to push the wave into his tower early and then let it bounce back to freeze near your own tower.
Ask your jungler for help before Kassadin hits level 6. Once he reaches level 6, killing him becomes much harder, and after level 11, it’s nearly impossible—he might even start killing you instead.
Avoid fighting him in side lanes at all costs, as he thrives in those situations. Kassadin’s late-game power is incredibly dangerous, so focus on denying him the chance to scale.”
ShokLoL says “If you don't bully the lane Kassadin can end up being a big problem, but you should be able to bully heavily pre 6 and always stay at an item advantage. Post 6 be careful how far you are up in the lane, especially if you have no vision. Also keep your W defensively. Make sure to be mana efficient as well since he has a fair amount of sustain, so mostly trade with Q autos and wait for more points in E.”
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