In the Jungle 48.85% Win Rate71% Pick RateZac In the Jungle Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zac in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “I personally hate to play against Zac because he has much hard CC.”
kittygore says “Fight early, invade and Countergank. Edge of Night will help alot since he has much CC in fights. Always track him in jungle and warn your team since he has strong ganks.”
Bella Ciao says “Liandry + isolated q removes him from the game, though he will outgank you and not make it easy
Ad udyr super fun here, as you straight up remove him even if hes building tank”
SelfLOL says “Buy Eclipse, Bork and Mortal Reminder. Buy Eon for cc. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Slow clear. Doesn't need to farm as much. Mercs can help. Can invade if good opportunit.y Counter ganks can be good. Jg tracking important. Scales pretty well.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Will take over the map if left unchecked. Zac players seem to like ignoring their camps so taking his camps while he's ganking will set him very far behind and put you very ahead so you can win in team fights.”
Jackiewawa says “Standard tank matchup. Wants to full clear but can also look to cheese gank, ward around walls he can leap over. Be careful of his damage if he builds AP as he can burst you but otherwise you can just shred him.”
DoxxTheLeague says “anti heal a must with zac also go magic pen with rylai try to kite him if you dodge his e and q you can easily just q w him even if you miss w try to not get hit by his q or e if you do you are probs dead by his team in fights.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Abuse Zac's early game so that he won't be able to contest for objectives. Be wary and don't make the game longer against him. His late game is a threat to you and your team.”
lurutin says “It isn't hard but try to avoid his skills with your Q and when he is in his passive, wait to the parts to get closer then Q or smite them. It's more annoying than hard, don't Q his passive if there is minions around.”
Yomu says “E his E everytime or Dodge with W. This champion kinda bodies us unless he misses spells. If he misses E and Q only then do you win. Build Spirit Visage and you're living the dream”
Maciejson says “His early game power allows him to kill you whenever he wants, so it's best to avoid him. Counter-ganking and jungling efficiently are vital strategies against him. Remember that you outscale him, so focus on holding on until you reach the late game. In the late game, you should win easily against him.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Zac plays to full clear and can maybe cheese gank. Zac has no real invade window and we can get ahead easily through farm. We always shred Zac with Gwen’s kit, especially after Nashor’s. Careful of his crazy healing though (step on his blobs).”
VainTaka says “Can be annoying when you see him having more constant pressure in lanes. Focus on trying to counter gank and securing objectives. Late game he will be tankier but its gonna be a battle between who can cc better. ”
L0ganJG says “E his E everytime or Dodge with W. This champion kinda bodies us unless he misses spells. If he misses E and Q only then do you win. Build Spirit Visage and you're living the dream”
Foxirion says “Zac’s crowd control and initiation capabilities can pose a moderate threat to Viego. Zac’s ability to engage from a distance with his E and his crowd control from his Q and ultimate can disrupt Viego’s damage output”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup. Zac plays to full clear and can maybe cheese gank. Zac has no real invade window and we can get ahead easily through farm. Conq is best in this matchup but like always it depends on enemy comp. You can also cancel his E with your E.”
lanefox says “Zac is a problem because he requires you to use your kit to win a fight... but doesn't die even if you win. His globs rejoin and you are now stuck trying to escape his leap unless you just came in on an easy fight and can clean up the globs without interference.
Pay attention to him having res up and plan around it. Don't fight if he has support from allies nearby as they can stop you from killing the globs.”
Mignognium says “Nouveaux items tank, maintenant il est trop résistant. Ne le toucher pas. Juste ignorer le vous ne pouvez rien faire. Et en plus même si vous le tuer, avec son passif il ne meurt pas. Alors à quoi bon ? ”
Kittylxz says “Intenta aprovechar a invadirle en early, como con todos los tanques realmente es la unica fase en la que podrás matarle y molestarle, si le dejas escalar ya no podrás matarle y en general te podría dejar fuera de juego.”
Honestly he can snowball with good ganks but is pretty weak earily, he heals with the blobs on the ground so you have to step on them to deny his healing in 1v1s”
xTechikaze says “Depends on the player is how this match up goes. Everytime I see Zac he is a good player and uses Zacs braindead combo to hold people down while his carries do all the work. Its a very difficult match up if you dont get a solid lead early. Vison will be key much like nocturne.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Zac: Too tanky.. Too mutch healing.. Good ganks etc. its ok for you cuz u wont meet him until late game so just focus on yourself and ganks.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just play normally.. you can W while he is charging his jump and cancel it and you can cancel it even in air with w.. he cant steal objectives from you”
PuppyDontPreach says “scales better than you tbh, avoid pre six but honestly you can contest with him if you have a teammate there to help, esp early game. countergank to win.”
RuinedJG says “Tank champ but better. Lots of AOE and displacement. Thankfully all his CC is dodgeable so you can go any rune set you want based off the rest of his team. Black cleaver helps if he stacks armor.”
kcjackal__ says “Even though I consider this a good matchup for us this champ is completely overtuned. In fights where you are not engaging hug your team and wait for him to e in. You can interrupt his e with your w to peel your team. Go Liandry's instead of Riftmaker into Zac.”
jajkopajko says “Annoying but winnable. If he starts charging his jump, zig-zag so he has hard time hitting you, most of the time you should be able to kite him and eventually kill him, play for objectives since his clear and dmg into objectives is bad.”
Daawwnn says “you can cancel zacs jump mid flight with a well timed W his 1v1 potential is very low since u can dash onto his passive healing globs making his hp pool much smaller ”
Nairey says “Zac completely outclasses you in every scenario, honestly if you don't ban him that's on you. He outganks you, he can be a GREAT damage carry even better than you if you're behind, he makes it hard for you to sneak a kill during fights AND cuts your escape routes, ban Zac. ”
Skararmonia says “He has a lot of CC and it's kinda tanky so you can't oneshot him unless you are fed, his passive is kinda annoying, just avoid him until mid game, or until you get fed.”
garbocan says “One of the more difficult tank jungle matchups due to his AOE hard engage. If Zac gets a good angle, it can mess up your team's formation and deny you of the clean front-to-back fight that Ivern thrives in. When counterganking Zac, it's often necessary to be there before him, since your laner will be CC'd for a long time and won't be able to run to you for a shield.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a pretty easy time against Zac, due to Briar her consistent statcheck + W(2) against Zac his healthy pool. However… Zac grants insane Peel and frontline output during fights, which is hard to deal with as Briar —> Zac Chunks are hard to walk over during Berserking + Zac Crowd Control engage that cannot be stopped by Briar abilities from Fog of war.
Briar has a stronger jungle clear and stat check during the entire game, but Briar will face difficult times Gap Closing Zac + Punishing Zac his early weakness. —> Briar W levels and Zac E levels are linear of Gap Closing, level 6 R Briar obtains true Gap Closer.
Valkidol says “Only a problem with a team thats ahead. He will never beat you in the 1v1, but he can cc you for days. If you catch him off guard you can surprise him with a oneshot.”
OakIgu says “As a tank Zac is easy to deal with it but the problem here is that his ganks are easy to apply and very hard to counter it, tell your laners to ward places they normally wouldn't and spam ping them if they are to close to the enemy tower.”
layton20 says “A good zac player will dominate you, but when in a 1v1, you come on top and win all times (if on equal stats). Be wary of a Zac E. You can choose to dodge his E, or Q a target (i.e., minion) to dodge this dive.”
Coccaa says “Zac is extremely easy to fight and you can cancel his E with pillar. One tip is that if the situation calls for it, still don't R if he has his blobs passive up. You will lose all the stats once he goes into his passive i'm not sure why”
MusicJG says “Has a fast clear but very volatile to invade.
Look to level 3 invade him with your teammates to make him fall behind.
Zac is a farm oriented champion so without resources he's really useless.”
Hyxoun says “For me, Zac is really dangerous for Naafiri because he can completely prevent him from playing. He has his Q, E and R to cancel Naafiri, he can normally solo Naafiri if he's not bad as he can Q Naafiri with his pack.
In short, if he focuses you in TF intelligently, you'll be dead without having been able to focus a squishy.”
TheBougis says “Zac has great healing and damage, he can easily outlive you in the zone thanks to his passive, however, if you manage to Q his passive blobs you can heal up and survive for longer.”
Zero macro says “Zac has a pretty bad early game, which Nidalee should take advantage over. Thereby Zac can become a teamfight problem whenever he went even or ahead into Nidalee. Nidalee has good mobility to dodge Zac his key abilities to combo his enemies.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed will be favorited on the jungle clear and has the mobility to escape from Zac his engage. But however, whenever Zed falls behind it will be hard for Zed to be more useful compared to Zac his teamfight threat.”
NegativePhoenix says “Annoying sustain, better engage than you and a revive passive. He's not an impossible matchup but hard to beat. You CAN Q him out of his W before it lands but you need to be ready at all times for it. You can't avoid or ignore him but he can be slowed down if done right”
metalhydra273 says “A sleeper counter that refuses to die. Skarner rarely gets much out of fighting Zac, and I tend to lose 1v1 attempts more often than not. He's a blob of cc that stuffs your attempts to go in, while also being able to catch you if you try to run. You can ult him out of his e, but you're likely gonna need to work those hands and dodge his abilities, then hope your team can deal with him. His ganking pressure can get him fed quickly, which is a major problem. Look to set up counter ganks and punish his momentum attempts to put yourself into a position to stat check him and his team.”
Apari1010 says “This is arguably one of the most free matchups for Rhaast. You clear healthier and quicker than he does so just invade him and beat his ass. Take ignite if you want to be extra sure you get the kill and don't forget you can smite the blobs from his resurrection passive. If he tries to channel a jump, knock him up with W. Before you get form, he can be pretty hard to deal with in 2v2s and 3v3s but nothing too difficult.”
BradJr says “Tanks usually have burst damage of some kind, but not Zac. He can never kill you in a fight, because you out sustain him. (clone rating 8/10)”
ttvRegedice says “Zac has a lot of innate CC and healing, make sure to dodge E+Q and secure executioners after 1st/2nd item. He heals more than you think. A huge part of his durability comes from how much he heals. Smite blobs if you forget to use it while fighting him as they're tankier than you think. He's an easy target early-game but if he gets ahead for free he's easily one of the most frustrating champions to play against.”
Virizion says “Difficult to match early on as he has the most unique engage angles of of any champ with his E. his CC and acces to healing with Radiant make him a menace in teamfights and difficult to engage.”
sepey says “Zac is one of Udyr worst nightmares.
Zac's capacity to stun and to resist high damages makes it one of the perfect threats for us. We can stun him and avoid 1v1 on his jungle side. We can escape easily from him, and also we could have a chance to kill him on the early phase. But avoid confronting him if he has a tanky %hp damage build, his W will evaporate us. Watch out for team fights!”
1Strike says “Before zac got a few nerfs this matchup was worse. However, you can outscale him and dash his E and Q. The matchup isn't bad but it's not great.
The bright side is he ganks your lanes and doesn't focus on abusing you early game. So it is definitely playable, sit back farm...put some wards to show where he is and ping your lanes for potential ganks.”
Narcissisticdude says “I hate Zac, he is, like most of the characters I hate, a stat-checking, cc bot of a character and Shaco just doesn't have the stats. Luckily most Zacs I have played against seem to have low IQ syndrome.
Punish him heavily after his jump, always always always try to counter gank him as after his Q and E he is basically a walking caster minion pre-6.
1. NEVER W in a 1v1 against this guy, it allows him to activate his q and get that extra cc.
2. At 6, and on his other ultimate and Demonic Embrace spikes you just can't fight him he will blob all over you and outheal any auto-attacks you might actually land.
3. Zacs biggest weak is the players brain, luckily that is Shaco's strength, use clone, boxes, and your mobility to run circles around him and harass him.”
Smudey says “Zac scales extremely well, but his early game suffers from it. You shouldn't respect him unless he uses Q on a minion and wants to Q you so he might cancel your taunt. Try to freeze the wave if possible.”
PerfectPower says “Damage over time with Demonic Embrace shows where you are when invisible. Strong CC. He can also use your clone to land his Q. However, you can cancel his leap with your R and slap him early game. ”
GiAEcchI says “Buy anti-heal
He ganks hard, look for counter ganking opportunity, if he counter gank you, you lose, you win 1v1 with ignite early game. Your W negates his E, one Q and all of his passive blob is gone (hit both the dash and slash part).
Free red orb.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. He has no threat to you if 1 vs 1 unless he will gank your team in the other lane instead. You should play Burn HP Build to make his passive is used quickly and kill him easily.”
lovicoaching says “He kind of becomes unkillable and can often have more impact than you when he scales. Sometimes you can look to mess him up early game. Champ is just overloaded in damage while being unkillable.
Either ruin him or just play to ruin his team.”
Boptimus says “Good Zac players have a ridiculous amount of sustain from their passive usage. You can use your E to dash to his blobs and push trades in your favour, but if he is stacking Conqueror and is able to heal then bad trades can put you in a horrible situation very quickly.
Grab some early MR and use your W to block CC combos.”
Davecraft16 says “The ony little problem here is that during the mid fase if you don't have items you will not deal a lot of damage, so if you are not confident in your kiting skills wait to have 2/3 items.”
firetaliyah says “Dodge his jump and you can kill him pretty easy unless he has 1m mr although as of patch 12.23 he is just super strong now and going to be a tough matchup.”
Kukiziuu_ says “If you play Rhaast hes technically free. Try to counter gank him because he have huge gank potentional. If you play assasin your game will be pretty difficult. Do objectives and coutner gank him or look for early invades because his clear is unhealthy.”
Bhyure33 says “A whole bunch of cc and tankiness. Is also good at ganking. Try to put some armor penetration into your build, Dominik's is usually good. Before getting armor pen it is hard to kill him and thus you shouldn't fight him.”
RedNBlue says “He will turn your backline and yo into a bouncy house, don't let him get fed, keep his levels and objective counts down and you should be fine. ”
zotet says “Use your tanky build to your advantage in fights, but still be aware of his high sustain and insane escape abilities. You can fight early but its best to be careful”
RaidenKaos says “Very predictable and quite easy to juke E but don't underestimate overall CC and damage.
Early Season 13 inflated this champ / spam gankers a bit.”
MythicalMinute says “In the right hands, Zac can be a monster for Shaco to deal with so try to spam counter gank because once he is 3, he will spam gank himself until he gets sunfire.
You can outscale him with the Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) build only if you get mercs with it too.
Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) is good here.”
spuki97 says “Most people don't like this matchup but it's easy. He relies mostly on ganks which means you can steal his camps and win other side of the map.
Be careful, his Q can reveal you in invisibility. Best build: All”
Kao_Oak says “You will beat him in 1v1 and you can follow his escape if you Q him just before he flies with his E. Just be careful not to get jumped on you when he hits 6 because otherwise you will get cc chained to death. Build tenacity vs him and try to track him so you can countergank this guy.”
RengarNBush says “Hard Matchup. Outscales you like most tanks. Can cancel your jump with R, if he counter ganks you, you die there is no escape since his CC is really strong.”
Blakeyzx says “tanky, almost unkillable with good cc chain, so he will just wait for his team to kill u while u wont be able even to move casue of his cc”
Cheeseypops1 says “Zac does a suprisingly high amount of damage so try not to get caught off guard, But just q poke him and hold your E for whenever he just to jump onto you, Like most champs if you pull them behind you usually just R them and you win if you hit most of your abilites ”
Geomine says “you outrade him lvl 1, so you need to play aggresive, carefull of his engage he can chain cc you for over 4 seconds if he do his combo well after 6. you outscale him overall so as long as he doesnt snowball you wont have any problems”
Kuriboh says “The amount of small knockups and cc abilities Zac has makes it almost impossible to even consider channeling your ultimate during a teamfight. Try to avoid his abilities or wait for them to be on cooldown before using your ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zac has really long cooldowns on his engage abilities. Because of this, he can only really use them as an engage or escape tool once per fight. If you know he is without these abilities, try to fight him. Placing vision around his jungle entrances and in the river will reduce his ability to get successful ganks off. Take note that Zac can gank from afar with his Elastic Slingshot(E) though. The easiest way for Zac to kill the Scuttle Crab is by using his E. If you see him killing the Scuttle Crab, it will usually mean that his E is on cooldown and he’ll lack an escape tool.”
Saltu says “Ward enemy jg, locate and tell your teammates when you spot him. Try to save E for when he is charging the jump, once there is no jump RUSH AND KILL.
Only worth shit if your teammates have a severe case of stupidine overdose and don't know how to deep ward, or he has a FAT brain and ganks through lane, only works if your teammate's hard push though.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zac has really long cooldowns on his engage abilities. Because of this, he can only really use them as an engage or escape tool once per fight. If you know he is without these abilities, try to fight him. Placing vision around his jungle entrances and in the river will reduce his ability to get successful ganks off. Take note that Zac can gank from afar with his Elastic Slingshot(E) though. The easiest way for Zac to kill the Scuttle Crab is by using his E. If you see him killing the Scuttle Crab, it will usually mean that his E is on cooldown and he’ll lack an escape tool.”
lumihehe says “he will perma gank. your team will mental boom, and direct it towards you for not ganking. this matchup purely depends on your teammates mental, and if they understand that you have to farm to scale and 1v9. if your team mental booms and doesn't get it, gg. if they do get it and stay calm, you scale and kill zac easily late game.”
Salmon Kid says “Zac has a lot of cc tools that make things difficult for Lillia. Although not as potent as other counters because Lillia's q passive speed naturally counters zac's cc as it is much better against immobile champs, Zac can still chain together a lot of cc with his e, q, and r that can be difficult for Lillia. On top of this, Zac's tankiness combined with his cc makes front to backing fights against him a lot harder.”
Darksword255 says “Lots of cc + tanky + sustain. Step on his blobs when fighting him so he won't heal as much but his counter ganks are stronger than yours. ”
TennisJJ says “He is a large issue… not for you but for your team. He’ll be an issue late game. Pray he gets set behind since you have little in your control to do so.”
PlayerWhatever says “Probably the biggest gank potential in the world thanks to his E and CC. Like Sejuani, probably he is always near his team-mates. Do Morello.”
Nik7857 says “Like the other tanks with weak clears, they are all vulnerable to early invades but can sometimes stall long enough to end your game. Zacs passive is very scary and if you don't kill him fast enough the enemy mid or top can roam quick enough. Zacs early game clear is one of the worsts, his E is on a very long CD lvl 1 so make sure to abuse that. If he manages to scale he completly counters your champion. Once hes level 4 and 5 he is going to start spam ganking with his leveled up E. Watch for counter ganks and abuse him if you know his passive is down.”
ItsAydam says “Try to dodge his abilities and kite him. He has a faster clear than you and can get ahead of you if you don't counter-gank/punish him early on.
Executioners and Lord Dominik's will remove him from the game.”
nZk01 says “can block Q with box but dont box when he has Q on someone or he can use it to connect both.
can dodge everything with Q/R pretty much.
he cant do a lot to you but you also cant do a lot to him.”
Shark of Void says “Take the ignite. He gank well. Try to get fed up and go to the counter ganks. Dodge his E and Q with your Q and you'll win him 1v1.”
NegativePhoenix says “If you can dodge his E engage you'll have a better winning shot. His damage isn't that great but it's his beefy power that is scary if you aren't careful about it. Overall, just dodge his E, W him if you think you can react in time, and you'll win if he overextends by himself. Just watch out for his CC, he'll keep you still as long as he wants if he can land his Q on someone else and if he lands right on top of you with E. If he's AP Zac you will get melted.”
HadesxLH says “Bem similar ao Rammus no quesito de ser chato pro time no geral devido a potencia de ganks e o alto CC seria meu ban secundario mas eu prefiro banir Rammus por causa da mobilidade, após a BORK early sua vantagem aumenta um pouco mas eu recomendo um rush de penetração e jogar para scale mid/late”
SunLongGod says “straight up Annoying in combat. try avoid fighting him dodge his abilities with ether your Q or your mobility. If he is in his passive, damage every parts as much as possible then Q all of them when they close to each other”
NegativePhoenix says “Definitely annoying to fight against at most stages of the game. HIs E is good for engaging and escaping as he pleases, and has enough CC to keep you still for his team. You really won't catch him off guard often and if you do, he'll just E away from your range unless he's confident of your location for an engage.”
Fapas16 says “such a fucked up champ, unkillable when he goes tank and does shit ton of damage you cant kill him before you kill he's teams damage dealers”
quinn adc says “Early game play aggro, and save E to cancel his E jump.
If you only use E to cancel his E, then he is useless and can't do anything in laning phase.
Use your range advantage to bully him, and scale up your tank shred items to stomp him later on in the matchup.
Step on blobs to prevent his healing whenever you can.
Ignite early during an all-in to prevent his blob healing”
duowithdeath says “Disgusting champion, try to perma invade and countergank, if you invade him he can do nothing, he gets low on clears so just go kill him. He outscales you late as he becomes near unkillable doing 60% max HP magic damage to 5 people.”
NixLychee says “Low damage output, but very difficult to solokill when he has his passive up, especially because his laners can rotate while his passive stalls for him. Powerful engage, although he requires his team to do most of the damage. Kick him off of your carries, and preferably into the enemy team, as he has high health that will chunk most enemies he is kicked into.”
OfficerVi says “You can Q him out of mid air during his E. Use this during skirmishes to prevent him access to your backline. He will out teamfight you.”
IamFafa says “Dodge his E to not get chained cc'd and make sure to focus the carries instead of tank zac because he can regen quickly, a good buy is executioners calling”
Boptimus says “Zac top is not common but very easy to deal with. Usually in this lane you can farm to Lost Chapter for free and start pumping Q's into him. Your E can cancel his E while he is airborne. You can also R his E channel or while he is airborne for a flashy catch.
I recommend Oblivion Orb directly after Everfrost/Liandry's so that he can't sustain with his blobs. When he is in his passive drop a Q and let it charge and then W when they're all clumped to easily deal with his tiny blobs.”
GrayJinxed says “Zac has a fairly simple fight pattern. Watch out for his jump (E). In a 1v1 skirmish, that's all you need to watch out for. In a team fight, avoid his jump (E) and his jello-slappy-slappies (Q). ”
krispykurls says “Dodge this game. You do not win unless you have teammates willing to engage for you consistently. He can knock you up reliably at least 3 times in a team fight which tenacity won't help against.
Should you not-dodge, invade him early and look to fight him if he wastes his high-CD 'E'. You win the 1v1 if he is not fed but the more people fighting at once, the more ZAC-favored the fight becomes.
I would ban Zac but I keep him open in case the enemy JGer chooses Master Yi from me.”
DarkMareOfficial says “usually not a threat. Don't let him q you along your Decoy (W).
If you are Red side/ when he tries to steal drake coming from Blue side, your ult will cancel his jump and leave him on the other side of the wall if you are very close to the dragon pit wall and time it nicely with his Jump.”
APigHunter says “Given Zac is Gank-oriented. He may unsuspectingly arrive at any moment when you are ganking and be sure to be prepared for that situation.”
YoungTact says “His E is very telegraphed especially when he uses it from afar so be ready to W it. Can smite his passive boblets so if that can make all the difference in a skirmish for the heal/extra damage. Your early clear is faster/healthier as well so you have the advantage there and so is ur early game skirmishing. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “pretty easy, the only thing you need to care about him is your positioning. If he stun-lock you and not allow to shield a carry in fight its pretty bad. ”
chakibxd says “Zac is one of the easiest matchup with nunu , they are good at ganking but in pure 1V1 they are nothing early on so abuse them by invading.”
Madabc says “Early game is easy, but late game before Lord doms purchase will be rough, but its not to terrible. The passive makes it annoying to get picks off late game. ”
Janooobi says “Exploiting Zac early will be crucial in the game, you need to keep track of him and counter gank when you can. Your Q cancels his E so always be ready to do that for your team”
officialwiseguy says “Just annoying. Dodge his stuff either with your Q or your high MMS. Can be hard to kill, go for easier targets. If he is in his Passive try to hit the parts ones let them get closer together and use your Q to hit all of them at ones, you can also use Smite, don't Q if there are alot of minions around cuz it'll delay your time u got to kill him.”
Consolo says “Can't stun his E, just try to take his camps early and mid until he's useless. Counterganking is hard, I usually just try to gank the other side of the map and steal his shit. ”
Scythe Prince says “Zac's ultimate is very strong, so beware of him. Wait until you get your form. Once you build mercury's treads, Goredrinker, Black Cleaver and Executioner's Calling he will be totally useless.”
Tiger-Moose says “Great ganks with a cc : damage : tankiness ratio I find silly. Other than that, he will not be an issue for you to deal with unless he is setting up a carry by cc-ing you with his E and Q.”
MrMeem45 says “Zac's ganks are strong, but his dueling sure isn't. He's vulnerable to being counterganked as a result. Hover around mid and wait for him to inevitably try to slingshot in, then kill him with your midlaner. After that, he can't do anything about you so just stick to his jungle like glue and peace out if his teammates ever get wise.”
Elekktro says “Zac is just a CC machine and with Viego's squishier build if Zac lands all his CC on you it's doomed. However once you get Lord Dominick's you can shred him. Play to scale and buy armor pen.”
J98TheGreat says “He isn't a horrible problem, but he can be strong in team fights. He can smite mid-air so expect it. His counter-gank capabilities are what you mainly need to be concerned about. If you feel like you can be ok against that, don't be surprised when you die unless there's a pretty big gold advantage on your side or if you're ganking a great Darius. If he builds Evenshroud you need to build it too.”
leoviniciux says “Tank que desfere pouco dano. Apesar de bons ganks, depende do time para ser efetivo na partida e pode ser facilmente counterado pela Vi desde o early game.”
Brosinex says “realmente tanky, pero no puede hacer tanto daño, todo lo que hace es emboscar, así que intenta contrarrestar los carriles en los que está emboscando tanto como sea posible.”
Da Mastah says “The problem isnt zac but his early gank potential which makes him so formidable, make sure you look to countergank him or counter jungle, punishing him for any gank he looks for. I would not recommend invading him unless he is very low to begin with.”
Tchouvline says “Zac's kinda annoying with his R and E who can cancel your W but on early game you'll be safe on your jungle. Late game Zac is annoying, i recommand you going through a Liandry's Torment”
IMissedMyQ says “Zac is not as much a problem as other junglers since she can deal with his E quite easily. Cocoon or Rappel works to counter it nicely.”
Doubtfull says “Use your movespeed to avoid getting caught by Zac e's. Use your early game strength to invade the Zac if you have the lane priority for it. He is weak until level 6.”
LordGrox says “Can be knocked up at any point while in mid-air. Abuse this and fight him. You should win pretty much every fight unless Zac has a big lead. Mind the tankiness.”
Veralion says “Zac is there to enable his team, not to do anything himself. He doesn't do much damage but brings a crapton of control and disruption to the table. You won't be able to do a damn thing for like 4 entire seconds if he lands on you and ults. Incredibly frustrating and obnoxious. On top of that the entire league playerbase seems to not know how far his engage range is, and your lanes will typically feed and flame like crazy before you are ready to fight. Without any hard CC you can't stop him from jumping away, so chasing after him is a waste of time. If you meet over a crab, just focus on securing it and go about your business. He can very easily countergank mid, so be careful when making a play in that lane. Save your smite to bop a bloblet once you and your team bring him down. Bonus points for being cheeky and saving it for the last one to "secure" it. You're a dragon, you deserve it! Failing that, if your E is coming up, hold it until the blobs group up and hit them all at once. With careful timing, a Zac may use his E to jump clear over objective pits and smite steal as he passes by. Don't let that happen to you. ”
Riealone says “Try to dodge his E. Tanks are not really problem for you. But Zac is really strong teamfighter, so he is more of a threat for your team”
Doubtfull says “Zac has 3 different ways to interrupt you post 6, builds MR VERY efficiently, and is all around a rough match up. He more than likely won't invade you early game though, which gives you a chance to scale up and get your lanes ahead.”
Arfreezy says “Among the tank junglers, Zac is one of the weakest early and can easily get bullied and pressured. Ignite and Phase Rush will help you bully him early and you can control both rivers and deny a lot of pressure from him since he can't ever 1v1 you. Look to use lane priorities to constantly invade him and put pressure to prevent his free farm and scaling which also helps your laners since they will know where he is and won't have to worry about ganks. He has a big level 6 powerspike, but by then you should be well ahead in exp, gold, or map pressure.”
FREAKSTAR says “Zac is extremely powerful right now, but he has 1 problem. His early game is weak, that plays perfectly into what you want.
In other words Zac can't stop you from scaling, so this becomes a SKILL matchup.”
Doubtfull says “Zac will usually start red and full clear to blue side. He likes to get low on his clear, and you can take advantage of this by full clearing your red side and then invading him at his wolves. Keep in mind lane priorities, and that they can teleport to his blobs to make him invulnerable. If they do this, he will still be one auto attack away from death, so you might be able to still kill him and get away. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror. Phase Rush if necessary.
ITEMS: Morellonomicon. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Zac has a surprising amount of damage for a tank, use your movement speed to dodge his E and Q, if he still manages to land Q on you, get out of it's range to break the tether so he can't pull you. You have a lot of tools to deal with tanks like him in the form of Q true damage and passive max HP damage, so he shouldn't be a huge threat.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. You should be able to always fight Zac at all stages of the game because he is just a tank with a little bit of cc and pretty much got no cc. Try to invade him early and contest some of his camps. Respect his cc though and respect priority on lanes since this might be the difference between surviving and doing a succesfull invade or dieing and giving the enemy team a free kill.”
SaltCat says “He beats you early game, just avoid him he is a tank anyway, you will most likely get a free level 6 because he doesnt invade most of the times”
Karasmai says “Just go Rhaast and team fight you can cancel his E with your W if timed well. You get exec and you can out-path him. You can get all the early objectives and win counter ganks, just be very cautious of his ulti and DO NOT let him pick up his blobs or else! ”
MexBookMaster says “Gankea muy bien pero juega Rhaast con Ingnite y sin problemas podrás matarlo debido a que depende de sus curaciones. Recuerda que su pasiva le permite revivir. Es un campeón con mucho CC pero farmeas mejor que el así que abusa de ello.”
UDYSOF_OCE says “Zac - Weak level 1 so he cannot punish Jarvan's poor level 1. Late game scaling tank which Jarvan can out pressure early and also scale into the late game while still being strong.”
ak521 says “Flinggg. Eatttt. Bounceee. Not a threat to you or your adc, he will never deal that much damage, just don't toss your bandage early. Strong in ganks and it may not be worth following, gank a diff lane at the same time. He's strong in team fights and has a ton of CC/peel so be aware of that, he's not exactly your job to deal with when it comes to fights.”
Rhoku says “He has a LOT of CC. Thankfully, no way to beat you. If caught alone, he is dead. No questions asked. You can also cancel his slingshot with your E so look forward to watching him think he can get away, only for you to pull him back in and kill him.”
AST Raposo says “He has more dificulty than you to clean jungle and don't have potential to kill you early game
probably the best matchup in jungle for you, But you should know he makes more than you for teamfights,so be careful.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Zac has similarly bad early game as Hecarim, so you should be fine in early game. If you don't manage to get ahead early trough ganks it can get hard in mid game and you will probably get outscaled if he has hyper carry to play around.
DjapeFromSerbia says “Not only he's tanky but just amount of the peel for carries he can offer is insane. Even though early game he won't gank just like you, he can gank more reliably in transition early to mid game.”
Lambda Diana says “One of the best tanks in the game as you see I didn't put many tank match ups in this guide. He wants mr and heals a lot he is just always stronger then you early game and late game. Get orb and void try to not get set behind and end early. ”
OsakaSatang says “Go Conc + sorcery to match his speed and counter gank.
he is tanky and has alot of CC and high mobility. very annoying. If enemy team has more cc, go merc threads.”
Ellesmere says “The blob is quite annoying since he jumps all over the place and you have to kill him twice. BUT, if you hold your stun til right before he tries to jump away, you'll stop his escape and you should kill him 1v1.”
Stratogos says “He is tanky af but not problem in terms of DMG. Dont start a fight if he is not in it cause he will jump in and ruin everythink.He needs help for objectives so if you have vision you can get an easy drake early ”
colingogo says “Most tanks let you freescale really easily but Zac does a good job denying you in mid/lategame fights with his obnoxious kit. Do not fight him without your ultimate.”
SketchtheHunter says “Eh, he's ok. He's not going to be super oppressive since he doesn't do much damage and doesn't have a lot of CC outside of his E, but he can hang in there long enough for his allies to roam. A decent ult target, tho. HP is always a nice stat to steal.”
Suseri says “He has alot of hard CC which don't allow you to move for a long time or use your W against it but he cannot solo kill you unless hes ahead.”
Maintained says “While Zac is unable to kill you, it will be very difficult for you to do much to his allies when he is around. He has enough crowd control and disruption that you are unable to stick to his allies and get off free ults. ”
Irmike78 says “Easy to fight pre 6. As long as his team doesn't chain cc you then Zac is an easy opponent. IF HIS TEAM IS THERE then don't fight as he can open in with massive cc and win the fight. ”
RichMrFork says “Strong gank paths after level 4 when he has 2 points in his E. Warding entrances to his jungle is important to know a general location of where he is and where to be cautious of him. Buy healing reduction, his blobs that are tied to his passive start to give him an insane amount of healing later into the game.”
metalhydra273 says “Zac is beefy but after his cc is gone you can punish him for jumping in. It can sometimes be worth ulting him to limit his survivability as letting him pick up droplets can make him last way longer than he should. You can even punish him before he goes in by ulting him out of his e, but this is situational. It can also sometimes be best to interrupt his team from following up, so situational decision making is key here. Make too many wrong decisions and you'll have trouble here. Zac can get very hard to deal with if he snowballs early.”
Botta00 says “Zac and Rammus counter each other by denying each other abilities but zac has a higher win rate
(if you believe in the power of rammus you will win without problems)”
InvictisOCE says “Zac is one of the easier matchups because he's super weak early game and can't invade you. You can invade him early game aswell, your clear speed is also faster than Zac's by alot so you can path to meet him and play for double crab. Red form into Zac is best because of the healing you get from him and the dmg. Blue is also okay because you're really mobile and he can't really get onto you but you can't kill him.”
Ejsner says “Zac boasts significant innate crowd control and healing abilities. Avoiding his Elastic Slingshot (E) + Stretching Strike (Q) combo is crucial, and obtaining healing reduction is advisable if your team lacks an enchanter who can build Chemtech Putrifier. His healing capabilities may surprise you, so be prepared for it. Remember to smite his bloblets during fights if you forget to use it initially, as they're tougher to take down than you might expect. While he's vulnerable in the early game, if he gains an early advantage, he can become one of the most frustrating champions to deal with.”
Nanelol says “His passive makes him hard to invade early and he will be impossible to kill unless you are giga fed. His team fighting prowess vs your lack of team fighting makes this match up super annoying.”
Heccie says “He's so tanky late and does so much damage, try to invade him early if not get lord doms as fast as you can. after Essence reaver and your mythic, eclipse.”
uSgSello says “Losing matchup.
It is hard to counter jungle a Zac because he has a lot of sustain. Also if you will get him into his passive you can't kill him many times because his team rotate fast. That is why you should not waste time in his jungle. Zac has very strong counter ganks and has a high damage output.”
Smartest2 says “Zac is relatively easy to deal with. Unfortunately for him our w takes off a large chunk of his armor and we deal %health damage on every 3rd ability/auto. He may be able to apply more early game pressure, but he is also extremely susceptible to counter ganks. See if your teammate is in a position to back you up and take him out. His jump has a high cooldown, and by the time it's back up we can use our q to disrupt it.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “He doesn't deal much damage, but he does tank like a mad man and his cc is pretty annoying. But your R can help you against him.”
Doubtfull says “This is a harder match up because Zac can easily get ontop of you and ruin your positioning. You also don't have the damage to kill him yourself. Be careful not to get caught out by his E and consider invading his blue before first scuttle.”
RedNBlue says “Very easy to kill earlier in the game, his first clear is very slow and annoying and you can easily invade his Jungle and kill him. Obviously watch out for the middle laner plus any other threats.”
EUWRATS says “Dodge his E to not get chained cc'd and make sure to focus the carries instead of tank zac because he can regen quickly, a good buy is executioners calling”
Strike1 says “Relatively easy matchup for kindred. Zac poses no real threat to you without his teammates assistance. You can avoid his jump with your own jump. You can slow and chase him if he ever goes onto you and fails. You melt him with my personal preference.
He can't really prevent you from getting stacks
Free scale for you and you win early duels.
Kindredgarten says “He gets tanky but is not a threat to you personally. Be careful about ulting, you can save his blobs unintentionally. Invade him, you can dodge all of his abilities with your dash as well.”
Loul_60 says “Personally I hate Zac. It's easy for him to gank, he's almost impossible to kill if you don't go Red form as you have no hard CC to cancel his slingshot (though you can ult him to follow him which is fun). In the mid-game though, you should be able to beat him regardless of form.”
liserith says “Zac cannot duel you at any point in the game. Killing him early is a bit annoying however, thanks to his passive. Make sure to ward properly and ping wherever you last saw him, as his ganking is his only problem. Don't use your Q when he's tethered to you.”
Gumipapucs says “He can F your ganks up big time, but you can do that to him too. He is somewhat weak early and has a slow clear speed so you can abuse that but watch out as his blobs take forever to kill. You can smite a blob and instantly kill it, but otherwise he might just survive long enough to get help from his teammates. His presence is a good reason to buy a BotRK/Cleaver/Bloodrazor. You can dodge all his abilities and kite him to death, but he can become a real problem if he gets somewhat ahead so try to prevent his ganks, and force him into farming the jungle, which you will steal anyways. His clear speed gets much faster if gets a bami's cinder / complete JG item. He straight up sux at taking objectives, he needs help, so you can sneak 1 or 2 early drakes.”
ShadowCross says “He usually outfarms you and hes ganks are also stupidly broken and his E can get on you like a malph R. But If hes behind hes complete trash. ”
KeyTheMonolith says “Zac can be a real threat if hes on a team of squishys as you'll need to go blue kayn but he can peel and cc you but if not this should be a fairly simple matchup going red with the tank shred and sustained damage allows for easy fights when zacs in them allowing for a full hp regen when ulting zac.”
chevy the sloot says “Pretty annoying scaling tank that feels unkillable mid to late. His ganks are pretty braindead so ask your team to respect them. He's quote on quote weak but his ganks and free scaling are just too op into Eve.”
Shroomen Rider says “Shred him, shroom to hit his blobs when he dies. Don't put yourself in situations where getting hit with a Zac E will let the enemy team pick you off. ”
Tinjus says “You should be able to fight him with no problem, although it can be a bit harder if he gets the jump on you with E. He poses quite a threat in teamfights due to his disruption so try and stay away from him while he is using his ultimate.”
PsiGuard says “You can all-in him early, but once he has some armor he's much harder to fight. Use ult to countergank him or snowball elsewhere. Zac players often like ganking mid.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Interrupt his slingshot when he charges it up your Bandage toss. Step on his green blobs when he attacks and aim to stun him when he burns his engage abilities. Rush Liandry's Tourment to hard counter him as soon as possible and track him in the jungle. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Be careful against this matchup, he has strong counter ganks. Kha'zix has an average 43.65% win rate while facing Zac in solo queue. ”
CaptianMike says “Difficult to kill and has better ganks than you do. Make sure you ward his camps so you can warn your teammates of his ganks! It is pretty useless to fight him because he is tanky and has escapes.”
waayWest says “Doesn't have a lot of kill potential of his own, and he will most of the time run away from you with his E anyways. It depends on the team how it goes.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade in early , track his pathing and make sure to tell your laners about it.
Zac is not a bad matchup because when he fails early or you get ahead he becomes a free kill but you can't let him perma gank your laners.”
Get Ricked says “Zac is terrible in a 1v1 so you will win that troughout the entire game, however in 2v2 and skirmishes he can offer a lot of cc and offer his team the opportunity to kill you so watch out for that. He clears slow and not that healthy so try to invade him when you have the chance and kill him.”
G Spot God says “Last but not least is Zac. He's pretty good and is very annoying but like with most tanks, you can shit on him and outscale him hard. Cool tip, when he's slingshotting in, you can ult him.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Easy, you outclear him, you can 1v1 him early in jungle, spot him on map , ping your team, counter gank him , get ahea d of him, get mortal reminder and form and you're fine .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Zacis very strong right now, but he is still very weak in the early game. Try to invade him if you can and take as much of his camps as possible. If he falls behind he will take a very long time before he gets really tanky. ”
MetaSolaray says “His damage late game scales very well and his ganks are very strong. Make sure to bring tenacity and try to catch him attempting to get to ganks. HIs ability to fight you early and escape once he E's is very weak. Force objectives as he can't whenever he ganks especially if he's on the opposite side of the objective.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Easy, you outclear him, you can 1v1 him early in jungle, spot him on map , ping your team, counter gank him , get ahea d of him, get mortal reminder and form and you're fine .”
RedNBlue says “Lastly Zac of course I think it is so lets get on with this . His early game isn't too strong(Zac) so you can really mess him up. Its like picking Nasus into Renekton. Just don't let him get too tanky on you so keep killing him if you do it once.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both AFK farm in the early game but he can beat you in 1v1s because he has some cc. You also have a faster clear then him. You just want to get RedKayn asap and he wont have a chance against you.”
Hidon1 says “Zac is a worse Nunu early. It is not a good champ before level 5. Make sure you stay active in the early game. because he can not help his laners that well. His jump range level 3/4 is tiny so do not be afraid of him counter ganking you level 3. If you do not get good ganks of early he will outscale you though. ”
J03B0B says “His passive makes him hard to invade early and he will be impossible to kill unless you are giga fed. His team fighting prowess vs your lack of team fighting makes this match up super annoying. ”
styllEE says “Darkin Kayn is in general really good into any tanks, some tank matchups can be a bit hard early on, but after form you should win the matchup 100% of times”
pltino says “Hard to play against Zac he has nice sustain and quite huge dmg. When you have match up against him, just focus on farming and ganking dont try to counterjungle unless he is dead or other side of the map.”
Maile says “Try to invade him early as much as you can with lane priority. If you can snowball, then the game is extremely easy. If you're forced into farming simulator, take his camps away because Zac cannot gank and farm. Disrupt his first clear and you can prevent your lanes from getting chain-ganked. ”
Connweasel says “I will find a vod of me doing this, but if Zac is looking to enagage, you can place yourself at the front of your team. If Zac jumps in, Reksai and use her W if burrowed and negate the jump in. Keeping your backline safe and allowing for you team to make quick work of Zac.”
CalicoCactus says “Rammus doesn't excel at fighting tanks, especially AP ones. Zac has a lot of CC, you beat him with your grievous but if he has his team you need to get out of there.”
Fresh Diamond says “Zac's main threat his abundance of CC, the gank potential of his E and his unexpectedly decent damage. A good Zac is a nightmare to deal with since he can so easily dive your backline and disrupt them without you being able to peel for them. His early clear is somewhat slow and weak, so try to invade him early on to get him behind.”
Minase says “Can be an absolute fucking terror despite not being a counter. His kit is extremely obnoxious and it's super hard to actually shut him down and kill him. Good news is you can scale for free for the most part and he can't really invade you so just ignore him as best as you can until mid-late game.”
FalleN3 says “Annoying champion that is not played too often at the minute. His ganks can be quiet powerful, especially as he can arrive into a lane from quiet some distance. He is tanky as hell and also has lots of CC, be careful as the game progresses and try to avoid his CC.”
Holessando says “Zac is a good jungler, but you should still easily kill him though. Always check if his passive is on cd. He doesn't have much damage, so you should be fine fighting him, he can do lot in teamfights though, make sure your team doesn't stack with each other, so he can't mass R on all of you. Also don't make him hit his E on you in early, it could lose your fight.”
KingStix says “Zac is strong late game but you will beat him early. Make sure you don't get hit by his CC in team fights and die before using your spells.”
metalhydra273 says “Zac's cc will be annoying but you should be able to play around him pretty well provided you don't get caught out. You could ult him if he wants to fly over you or you could just let him land and get him out of the fight quickly. Abuse early game pressure and look to pull ahead.”
NixLychee says “He's WAY too tanky for you to really do lasting damage to him, but he's not entirely your job anyways. If you go Rhaast you'll have an easier time against him.”
brSL7 says “Zac é um campeão tank sem muito dano. Mundo consegue solar o Zac em todos os momentos de jogo, pois quando mais vida o Zac fazer mais o dano Q do Dr Mundo vai dar, facilitando bastante as trocas.”
gurubashi35 says “Zac's main threat his abundance of CC, the gank potential of his E and his unexpectedly decent damage.
A good Zac is a nightmare to deal with since he can so easily dive your backline and disrupt them without you being able to peel for them.
His early clear is somewhat slow and weak, so try to invade him early on to get him behind.
Like with most other tank junglers, his objective damage is low, so sneak a few neutral objectives here and there.”
Ruffhsu says “His crowd control could be scary and his counter-ganks are strong but when his crowd control chain is over, he becomes relatively easy to kill. You can use your Q to avoid his E which would make your fight against him much easier. He is, however, a bigger presence in team fights. Go Red Kayn against him.”
chasemyman1 says “Horrible. He can counter gank you so easy with his slingshot. He has high Crowd Control and alot of sustain meaning you are oging to have a tough time. Try and track him in the jungle and play the opposite side of the map.”
reganakers says “Zac's early game is very bad. If you find him in his Jungle then you can easily 1v1 him. However Zac has his E so he can easily escape, and even if you do kill him, his passive can stall long enough for his teammate to arrive. His E is very telegraphed so you can R it easily.”
wild overload lol says “Zac é um campeão que possui um early game extremamente tranquilo por causa de sua passiva, o que torna o jogo mais difícil para tanto o Shaco quanto seu time, pois com o tempo ele vai assegurar o time inimigo inteiro e acabar com o jogo.”
Depresso says “Extremely broken champ currently.
He can snowball other lanes and becomes unkillable later on, and can use Daisy as a q land spot. Watch the daisy placement and be sure to deep ward unusual places where he might jump from if possible.”
PsiGuard says “Zac loves building Spirit Visage and high amounts of HP, so you're unlikely to get kills on him. He's also a better team fighter than you, so your best bet is to outplay him with ganks/counterganks and try to burst his backline when he engages later in the game. Don't try to kill him unless you have teammates that can help you finish him off.”
PsiGuard says “Pretty good matchup since you can interrupt his E and prevent him from effectively engaging. You outdamage him so you have kill potential if you ever catch him alone without his E to escape. You can also use your R to follow his E, just be careful you don't follow him into a tower or his team. Try and get an early lead and take jungle control because his 5v5 is much better than yours.”
KillyOne says “Even tho 1 on 1 fights with Zac are in your favor, his mobility, tankiness, crowd control and revive passive are just too good. He will rarely engage on his own, so you can safely assume that one of his teammates is coming to help him when he engages. His sustain is good in jungle, but he doesn't have all that much damage so he will not be soloing dragons or heralds. You could try to invade if given an opportunity.”
League Of Cursed says “From my experience, he out scales you in every stage of the game. He has a fantastic engage for team fights, and good map mobility with solid damage and sustain. Honestly, just try to peel him off your back line if you can during team fights. After that you can try to get their back line or clean up from there.
Dopamine_influx says “Be in his face, kill him, cheese him on red (if he strarted blue), contest him on scuttles. You hard win 1v1. He's annoying in skirmishes with the perma CC though, but you can still win them if you played your early correctly and snowballed him. Red - blue - red works well against him, or reverse full clear into scuttle fight if he started red.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Trundle is very good against tanks, especially post 6. Just make sure to avoid some of the cc, also your pillar can interupt his jump if you hit it while he is charging. ”
Stiwy says “Not a big deal, just remember to get some healing reduction and you should be fine.
He is easily killable and his passive's respawn will hardly trigger against you.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Zac is fairly weak early and offers nothing in a skirmish. Make sure to mirror him and counter gank and contest scuttles. Do not let him take neutral objectives without being contested. ”
Jogress says “Zac is not a threat for you - he will have hard times landing his E on Lillia and she deals more damage in long perspectives. He is more dangerous for laners so help them”
AWierdShoe says “Very annoying to deal with. You'll want to try and invade his jungle early. You win 1v1s, but if he counter-ganks it will be quite difficult to duel. Try to get a good lead so that he doesn't become too tanky and too much of a CC monster in the late game. ”
DarkArbalist613 says “He si pretty weak early, so take advantage and invade and kill him. His E allows him to gank and Escape easily so counterganking after he uses if is extremely effective, try not to get hit by his knockup or displacement abilities”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He can't really kill you, but you can't really kill him either. Difficult to invade because he can escape quickly with his slingshot that you have no means to interrupt. Best just avoid him early to mid game, and keep your teammates alive with your ult when he sets up dives in teamfights.”
Zailent says “Easy matchup. Rhaast will seriously beat him up by his max hp dmg and healing. Shadow assasin can oneshot half of his hp. Just don't greed for him without a form, its a free kill for him or his team”
Omega Zero says “All Tank Junglers lead to Rhaast. Some aren't dangerous (like this boi), others like Sejuani can prove to be an issue. "Issue" is you can't damage them much, but it isn't YOUR job to kill tanks as SA now is it?”
MegaAlphaDog says “Zac's sustain, mobility, tankiness, cc and revive passive are just too op. He is very much a team player so don't expect 1 v 1's as someone will be hiding in the bushes. look to counter jungle when you see him on the opposite side of the map”
Hide on Nidalee says “Hard to kill on early because his pasive, and is the best tank on the jungle, so be careful and try to play arround drakes to win the game”
Kamisore says “You can look for early invades, but later on ask your laners to ward in areas where Zac can leap over. Watch out in teamfights because he can easily distrupt your engage with his kit.”
DarkPit59 says “Zac peut poser quelques problèmes à cause de ses contrôles de foule et de ses nombreuses possibilités de s'enfuir d'une situation délicate. Il est préférable de régulièrement apporter de la vision afin de préparer un counter-gank dont il aura des difficultés à survivre. Votre châtiment peut également éliminer instantanément un de ses 4 blobs.”
Fresh Diamond says “Annoying champion that is not played too often at the minute. His ganks can be quiet powerful, especially as he can arrive into a lane from quiet some distance. He is tanky as hell and also has lots of CC, be careful as the game progresses and try to avoid his CC.”
WickedPoppet says “From my experience, he out scales you in every stage of the game. He has a fantastic engage for team fights, and good map mobility with solid damage and sustain. Honestly, just try to peel him off your back line if you can during team fights. After that you can try to get their back line or clean up from there.”
LightBright9213 says “Just you but tankier depending on builds. Can outjungle you and outgank you if you fall behind. In teamfights try to use your R to yeet him into the enemy team.”
Thatskillz1291 says “Skill based match up, how you win this is by ganking more then zac, if the zac tries to counter this by ganking a lot too, only clear red buff and blue buff.”
Basics of Nunu by Thatskillz1291 | Nunu & Willump Player
SavageFy says “Zac doesn't pose a threat until he completes his jungle item, and doesn't do a large amount of damage early. Majority of the time, Amumu wins the early duels against Zac.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Relatively slow early but really fast after cinderhulk. Abuse his early by ganking a lot and getting lanes ahead. In fights you can easily dodge his jump and either peel for your backline or dive his. If you manage to get 4 Items against him your true damage will hurt even him. This matchup gets easier the better your mechanics are.”
TrevorJayce says “With his cannonball countergank potential and free guardian angel passive, this champion is just annoying to deal with after the first 10 minutes when he starts to get tanky. Get him behind early and he'll be useless from minute 5 to 50.”
Morzanoth says “Since being nerfed, Zac is actually really easy to deal with now. He takes about the same if not more damage as you so you can look to abuse his early weakness with some help from your laners. You can dodge most of his abilities very easily but you dont want to stay colse to him for too long since his cooldowns are shorter than yours. In mid game, you want to ward over walls since he can engage from really far away. You best option is to try and pressure 2 lanes and when he engages, turn on him after he uses his ULT. If the game gets to late he can disrupt your very easily so just be careful when going in.”
Nico449c says “He got good base damage but hes weak to you invading him at lvl 3 since he does not have the best clear. So try invade him eventually countergank him but he will win a lot of counterganks. Since hes ganks is better than yours at lvl 4 + if hes played probably. So try invade him and not let him hit late game.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Zacis very strong right now, but he is still very weak in the early game. Try to invade him if you can and take as much of his camps as possible. If he falls behind he will take a very long time before he gets really tanky. ”
briguy1109 says “Easy to kill 1v1, but if your lanes are pushed with no vision, he will gank them endlessly, snowballing them. Win Condition:
You CAN NOT keep up with his ganks and just have ask your teammates to survive till late game. Beat him in farm, and do your best to track him and predict his next gank target .”
Marcua says “Zac is different from most tank junglers, since he often wont look to gank level 3, but instead do a full clear and get the second point in his E before starting to gank. Use this to your advantage. If he starts bot side, start top side and counterjungle him.
This match up wont be a problem for Nidalee at all, but be careful. If you don't close out the game, Zac will outscale you hard.”
MannerlessNG says “Worth mentioning him because Zac is another coin toss. Most players cannot play Zac to save their lives, but the ones that can are difficult to contend with. Do not try and foolishly chase him down, he is a cheeky git!”
Fabosch is Love says “You 1v1 him easily in early game. The prob is the chunk regeneration in mid/late game, when he has enough armor to denie your damage. Take care to ward, in order to engage enemy carries correctly. ”
The Top Bear says “Zac is easy to fight at most points in the game. Tank junglers got taken down pretty hard. Just be careful for counterganks and remember to ward up deep in his jungle since his ganks are pretty strong and long-range.”
Goku SSJ sensed your ener says “Avoid him, try to attack him when he leaps in because you can kill him. Watch out for team but you can kill adc before he can do anything.”
eastya says “You're able to cancel his leap with unburrow. His tankiness is a threat to you because you cannot burst him down like any other squishy champions.”
TheDrKlord says “He's a tank, Zac shouldn't have enough damage to kill you, so invade him and trade for free [[the darking scythe]] Orbs, be careful if her team mates come help him, you'll be in trouble.”
Mkcls says “Depends on Zac. Just dodge his Stun and Q, you should be able to kill him. Remember to use your W on his passive, so it will damage all the green blops. ”
Simphoria says “He's not really a threat but I absolutely dislike this matchup. He can out gank us, out farm us, remains healthier, can engage like us (though a bit worse), team fight well, is tanky with a nice chunk of damage, he is almost like a better version of us. I always feel like I am behind when I play against him. I like the challenge but man it feels like I am playing against a champion like mine but who is just better overall. There's not much counter play so it can be annoying. Best advice is to gank often and engage in fights when you can as that's the only aspect you have a clear advantage for.
Even though he's not a "threat", he is definitely one of my least liked matchups. ”
McDank says “A good Zac will build full health against you so you wont be able to steal any defences from him. He is also an excellent bait because of his passive so try to keep track of that before you decide to engage him. You can pillar him out of his jump even is hes in the air if you hit it correctly.”
Laverenz says “Run. Run. Run. He has so much CC and you're easily caught off guard. If he hits you with his q and you're close to something like a minion, ally, ward or turret he can get that tiny knock up on you, which will then lead to an ult right into their team. You will get focused, simply because you're their main threat, when you get ahead. Twitch is easy to shut down, as his Q is rather easy to detect and you're SUPER squishy.”
VapoSK says “He will survive your combo easily and has good sustain along with his passive. His counter ganks are deadly to you. KIll him early with help from laners before be gets too tanky, Dont bother invading and build accordingly.”
CryAwake says “Can be tricky to kill mid to late game make sure to use you steadfast presence very smart as it can easily change the game for both team, be smart.”
Eqxilibrium says “Similar to Sejuani, In the mid game, Zac will want to be more proactive than you, but he will outscale you in the late game, so make sure you're really active in the early game.”
The Jhin Cena says “If he's AP you shouldn't have too much of an issue, however if he's building tank then you should be cautious when engaging, especially in team fights. His CC can make you vulnerable during teamfights and it will take forever to kill him. Try buying Void Staff when facing a tank Zac. Also I think Zhonya's can counter his ult (I haven't faced a reworked Zac with Amumu yet).”
Bombabo says “While you won't be able to burst him, his weak early game means he wont pose a threat to you. You may even be able to 1v1 him in some circumstances”
Killerbacca10 says “Even matchup. Skill matchup. When his passive starts just ult and wipe him out. Make sure to counter gank and not let yourself be counter gank. Take as many dragons as possible because he cant stop you.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very active jungler that will rush some early levels and then attemp to gank any lanes availiable to him, he can babysit any lane and gank from weird paths that are closed to other junglers, its very important to have vision of him in order to avoid and counter his ganks, he can be easily 1v1ed but he will manage to run away most of the times.”
LixoPanado says “Can stop you in your ult, in dueling generally it's kind of a stalemate, most likely none of you will die, but he has the upper hand in longer fights.”
lolWillieP says “Easy to invade, hard to teamfight against. Invade him as much as you can, but if the game gets into a teamfight oriented game you will need to scale ASAP”
BurstTheBots says “Is very difficult to escape from and his ganks are very unpredictable because his E can be cast from a pretty long range and what makes it worse he can ult you to bounce you back over to his teammates or away from your teammates and can pick you off.”
bluejaypig says “Keep his passive in mind and once you have bloodrazor it should be easy. Edit: In team fights try to alpha his q and ult lockdown after the update or you will be destroyed.”
BigBadVoodo says “We can easily cheese him at early stages. Smiting his passive blobs helps us pick up the kill early. It's hard to play against him when behind (like with every tank) but it's easy to stay ahead of him.”
LePlay says “He´s (literally) pretty squishy early on, and relies on his E to start fights. Block it with your W and stun him with your E-Q combo whenever possible. You can also cancel his E while he´s charging it by displacing him with your E ”
kkiskk says “This jelly monster will smash you if you don't build MR. You either call ganks frequently or build MR boots and spectre's cowl before completing youmuu's. Try to dodge his E knock up. Walk on his jelly parts so he can't heal from that. It will be a hard time for you to lane with this monster as he is tanky and large in size. Your harass will do no damage to him if he build armor (he usually will), it's like you poke your spear into a jelly (it's true). Get executioner's calling first item. Watch out for his R if you're near enemy turret.”
Slykku says “You can't kill this dude his clear is not that fast so if you want you can do a vertycal counterjungle[ your Blue - His Red in early game, trying to kill him require a lot of time, so his team will be able to join him and f*** you up. ”
Loul_60 says “Zac is a very easy matchup for Kayn. Like most tank junglers, he lacks damage and 1v1 potential. Take advantage of this and pick potential fights - Just be wary of roams, especially from champions like Talon, to assist the Zac.
Your good AoE damage also helps you combat Zac's passive because you can take out his slimeball things that revive him. ”
L3gislacerator says “He has a better engage and teamfight potential, but not nearly as much damage as you. Use your ultimate once he bounces in to prevent follow-up.”
Exhiled says “Keep his passive in mind and once you have bloodrazor it should be easy. Edit: In team fights try to alpha his q and ult lockdown after the update or you will be destroyed.
Morzanoth says “You can look to pressure zac out early. He is get's quite low in his first clear so you can look to invade him with your laners and shut him down. Always ward over walls because his E has a really long range. Late game you need to ensure he can't get behind you or he is locked down if he does. His ult can mess with your team's fighting ability as he can force you into a bad position.”
chakib2013 says “Really easy to play into as long as you punish him by invading him early on due to him being weak. It becomes harder in mid/late game especially if you didnt punish him”
Hazardist says “Zac is a difficult matchup by virtue of him being really hard to lock down thanks to his wide array of Crowd Control, and how strong his Ganks are in the early game. Your best bet is to powerfarm and steal his camps while he is busy Ganking, to ruin his tempo and deprive him of resources.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
Try to avoid getting hit by his incomming E, then slam him into a wall and combo him.
Zac deals more damage and has more health, but falls off, especially if you rush an MR item against him.
Charge E a second before he reforms from his passive and one shot him into a wall for the biggest laugh of your life.”
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