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Zac Counter Stats

Zac Counters
Discover all champions who counter Zac. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Zac in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
638 Tips for countering Zac below

In the Jungle
48.85% Win Rate71% Pick Rate Zac In the Jungle Counters: 33 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Zac in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Bav Bros YT says “I personally hate to play against Zac because he has much hard CC.”
[S15.4] Master Yi Guide by Bav Bros YT | Master Yi Player
kittygore says “Fight early, invade and Countergank. Edge of Night will help alot since he has much CC in fights. Always track him in jungle and warn your team since he has strong ganks.”
Bella Ciao says “Liandry + isolated q removes him from the game, though he will outgank you and not make it easy Ad udyr super fun here, as you straight up remove him even if hes building tank”
SelfLOL says “Buy Eclipse, Bork and Mortal Reminder. Buy Eon for cc. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Slow clear. Doesn't need to farm as much. Mercs can help. Can invade if good opportunit.y Counter ganks can be good. Jg tracking important. Scales pretty well.”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
friendlyfarmer123 says “Will take over the map if left unchecked. Zac players seem to like ignoring their camps so taking his camps while he's ganking will set him very far behind and put you very ahead so you can win in team fights.”
MUNDO JUNGLE S14 LAST SPLIT by friendlyfarmer123 | Dr. Mundo Player
Jackiewawa says “Standard tank matchup. Wants to full clear but can also look to cheese gank, ward around walls he can leap over. Be careful of his damage if he builds AP as he can burst you but otherwise you can just shred him.”
DoxxTheLeague says “anti heal a must with zac also go magic pen with rylai try to kite him if you dodge his e and q you can easily just q w him even if you miss w try to not get hit by his q or e if you do you are probs dead by his team in fights.”
Doxx's OTP Lillia guide (GM JUNGLE OTP) by DoxxTheLeague | Lillia Player
zranyf says “Can't really kill him, he also can't kill you so whatever, whoever outganks who wins”
Pantheon 1v9 jungle build [S14] by zranyf | Pantheon Player
kimijebac123 says “hard matchup. conq prefered and antiheal agaisnt him ”
Kimara's Hecarim Build 14.16 by kimijebac123 | Hecarim Player
ScytherKhaZix says “try to dominate him in the early game before he has a lot of HP and armor, you can try invade him lvl 3”
[14.14] MASTER Kha'Zix 5.2M POINTS Jungle Guide by ScytherKhaZix | Kha'Zix Player
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