Discover all champions who counter Twisted Fate. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Twisted Fate in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
Mid Lane 49.78% Win Rate91% Pick RateTwisted Fate Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Twisted Fate in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Divine Azir says “You outrange him, so just harass last hits. His Q is easy to dodge; he pretty much has to gold-card you first to hit it. Keep him pushed in after level 6 so it is harder fo him to roam. If he walks toward you while shuffling his cards, he is setting up a stun for his jungler. Just walk away, or E if you have to.”
AuroraAddict says “Twisted Fate also has a weak laning phase so you will be able to control the wave and outrading him basically at any time, the perfect time to trade him would be when he tries to q the cs.both electrocute and arcane comet are good against Twisted Fate.
Badplank says “I consider this champion a joke in early game, he's Viktors "twin brother", he gets more scary as game goes on. In early he doesn't deal any real damage to you, your shield blocks alot of his damage, his autoattack deal as much as old fiddlesticks auto's. Poke and harrass him as much as you can so he goes out of lane, but be careful. His golden card is the only scary weapon in his arsenal in early, he will 100% only fight you with his jungler, so buy control wards and monitor your surroundings.”
Lunar1v9 says “Ping his roams, you can not match them so try to push wave and get tower plates when u see the opportunity for it . He is really annoying but unless u played bad he cant really kill you, BE AWARE OF HIS GOLD CARD AT GANKS ( CAN BE DEADLY )”
Tamikaze says “[Teleport is mandatory] Azir can win this matchup, but most of the time Twisted Fate is going to be playing around his team rather than playing to win lane. Your DPS and range will win you the lane overall. Be very conscious about ganks with a flash+stun card set up. Active ward where Twisted Fate will walk and remember you can cancel his ult with your ultimate if you have the given opportunity. ”
MattStyle says “No es un problema durante la fase de líneas pero posee mayor presión global gracias a su R. Podrá roamear con facilidad incluso aunque avises apenas desaparezca de la línea. Si no tienes TP para seguirlo entonces sólo pushea la oleada hasta su torre y confía en que tu team no le dará kills. Su stun puede ser problemático pues dura 2 segundos a máximo nivel y puede impedir que te ultees, juega en torno a eso.”
Tatsurion says “Same goes for all the other battlemages, its a very even matchup. His threat comes from the gold card and the incoming gangbang after he hits it, not himself, so theres not much you can do about it other than avoid it.
Should you get your hands on him, however. He will never win.
This is a macro champion, you win it late game.
take burst if the situation allows”
Vladmidir says “Pool his gold card and just run him down. This champ cant do anything against you 1v1 so be mindful of his ults. Hard shove waves so he cant roam for free. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start.
I still need to experiment on this, but taking cleanse might be good here as you can neutralize his gold card and effectively only selfpeel, but rn I think he's weak enough that you don't need it.
Don't let him get you too low during the first levels. You can trade into him really well after lvl 3. If he overextends you can kill him by engaging him with a combo after he used his W, else he'll stun you and gets away while being able to space and continue attacking you. His gold card is your biggest enemy, but you can ult the projectile if he throws it before you cast your ult. If he holds the card long enough and stuns you use your gap close to burst him after the stun runs out. Following his roams is rather hard, so if you see him stepping out of lane ping your laners accordingly and prepare to follow fast, if you want to match him. You'll still be late but might be able to catch some kills.”
BrMario1011 says “If hes ap its a very easy match lol, you can gank him very easily, one shot him late, kill him easily in lane and team fight way better, only issue is he can follow you on roams, and shut you down easily during fights with yellow card, and if he goes ad its an major match lol
go dorans ring, second wind and ingnite/tp”
MetalK1d says “Twisted Fate is not a hard match up since he will mostly farm and he is very squishy, you can easily trade with him after he wasted his W.”
Peepers says “Doesn't have as much damage built into his kit as a vayne or quinn but the utility from gold card makes it extremely difficult to collapse on him without jungler.”
sick204 says “Respect Twisted Fate's poke and global pressure with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Twisted Fate's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Twisted Fate's roaming potential, as he can quickly impact other lanes with his ultimate (R), putting pressure on Yasuo's team. Utilize Wind Wall to block Twisted Fate's Q and W in trades and team fights to reduce his poke and damage output. Engage on Twisted Fate when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Twisted Fate's crowd control and magic damage.
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.
Twisted Fate is pretty easy to bully with abilities and empowered basic attacks, but avoid longer trades due to his stun and three-hit-passive making him edge out wins. Be careful of walking up in lane without vision as well, as Twisted Fate is very good at setting up ganks for his jungler. From Level 6 onward, stay aware of his ultimate if he's out of vision, as he could teleport behind you and cheese kills, or, if he teleports to a side lane, shove your wave and get as many plates as you can.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
TP is mandatory against TF because he will basically have 2 TPs because of his kit. In lane, before he gets tier 2 boots he'll be easy to poke out of lane. The thing is, is movespeed build makes it super hard for you to hit you spells. After 6, unless you can find a good Q, Focus on the waves rather than hitting him and try to prevent his roams as much as possible.”
awawa says “Much like Azir, you prob will never see good TF players. He could be either AD (dont let him kite you for free) or AP (dodge his cards at all costs, especially gold one as it stuns you)
His ultimate is a threat only if he uses it properly.”
ShokLoL says “Orianna beats both AD and AP TF with the comet build. Focus on short QW trades and try not to let him get autos on you. Make sure to keep track of the enemy jungler as the only way TF can win is by setting up ganks. Try and keep TF locked in lane as much as you can either through trading or pushing the wave so that you are in a position to either stop him from roaming or punish the mid tower if he does.
ShokLoL says “If you’re playing against AD TF, he is fairly strong in extended trades but is very vulnerable to poke and most likely will have ghost instead of TP, which means you can push him out of lane easily. If you’re playing against AP TF, you will want to play around his W cooldown and keep track of the enemy jungler. Try and keep TF locked in lane as much as you can either through trading or pushing the wave so that you are in a position to either stop him from roaming or punish the mid tower if he does. Overall this is a very easy matchup and he should never win trades against you outside of level 1 and 2.”
ShokLoL says “TF is pretty easy at all stages of the game. Focus on keeping him pushed him so he can't roam while also avoiding his ganks. You can easily win lane just with WQ auto poke and you heavily outscale.”
Soft Headpats says “TF is very weak in lane compared to Hwei, but he becomes obnoxious once he hits 6 since he can quickly waveclear and pressure sidelanes with his ult. Make sure you abuse him early on and match his waveclear to prevent him from freely affecting the rest of the map. The main thing to watch out for is his point-and-click stun with yellow card, which allows him to set up for ganks or simply threaten a gank by holding onto it. His waveclear takes a big hit whenever he doesn't choose to use red card though.
Similar to Kat, if he goes AD his extended trades in the early game will be a lot stronger. Be careful of steeping up too far, since he might pop ghost and run you down with AAs. He also has the option of building Merc Treads and/or Wit's End if he goes AD/on-hit, so make sure you itemize properly. ”
ShokLoL says “Twisted Fate is a weak laner and you can bully his lack of waveclear and trading potential. The main keys to this matchup are to not die to any random ganks and try keep enough pressure on the lane/on him after level 6 so that he can't roam freely.”
ShokLoL says “You outrange TF pretty heavily so the only thing to be careful of is his gank setup. Try and keep TF locked in lane as much as you can either through trading or pushing the wave so that you are in a position to either stop him from roaming or punish the mid tower if he does.”
Deceiver_euw says “Twisted fate is not a strong champion in the laning phase but he can also just clear waves from a very far away and he does not mind going down 20-30cs in lane, since the champs functions the same whether hes ahead or not and just goldcards you and your teammates once in fights and you are dead. He is very simple to beat in lane by just fist fighting him but it is still a bad matchup because of how the champ works after lane.”
ShokLoL says “Twisted Fate is a weak laner and you can bully his lack of waveclear and trading potential. The main keys to this matchup are to not die to any random ganks and try keep enough pressure on the lane/on him after level 6 so that he can't roam freely.”
vSomnia says “Has point and click stun and if he uses it correctly you will get stunned every teamfight. If he uses W on the wave you have the opportunity to trade in lane.”
Budgizee says “TF Ad is a threat if you miss Q, respect him early because of his red/gold cards and mana regen.
You can put pressure if you touch Q tho”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a TF spare your E to dodge his yellow card timing with your return, he will poke you a lot with autos and his Q, to fight him do short trades when he waste his yellow card”
Kikife says “In lane, TF is really easy to deal with as he can't solo kill you and will look to yellow card for a gank. Let the wave push to you and freeze so bait him onto your side and get a gank to secure the kill.
Once he hits 6, be wary of roams as most of the time TF secures a kill. You also must remember that his gold scales better than you due to his passive, so denial of farm is your best way forward. He can't get 100% of the minions with Q only, so keep the wave to your side when you can.”
vreiki says “Fraco na lane, e o seu controle cancela a ult dele. Se ele gastou a carta especial, vá pra cima dele e aproveite o tempo de recarga para punir.”
gaarrett says “Trades are in your hands, if you can land E2 when he uses his stun then you can deny the majority of the damage he was going to lay down. [4/5] ultimate, like Ryze ult but better. ”
149Gray says “Dodge his Q's, pool his gold card if needed, and once he hits lvl 6, warn your team. Always shove the wave under his turret so he loses minions when he roams. If you have tp yourself and the fight looks promising, feel free to tp there (but the wave must be in a good spot, which means under tf's tower or slowpushing into you).”
Axsanea says “[EN]
If he gets behind in level (XP) he totally lose, look for following the roams with your R, and if in CD, look for pushing as much as you can to force him to decided between stay or leave but if he does, he lose, control your back timings, the best tp here.
Si se atrasa en nivel (XP) pierde totalmente, busca seguir los roamings con tu R, y si está en CD, busca pushear lo más que puedas para obligarlo a decidir entre quedarse o ir, pero si lo hace, pierde, controla tus tiempos de recall, lo mejor es tp aquí.”
KazunaSan says “il va vous poke mais cherchera + que tout à push sa lane et roam, profitez en pour farm un maximum et saisissez les opportunités de OS bomba, je vous conseille de go TP sinon vous vous ferez outroam, attention à son ult roam lvl 6”
FrostbiteMW says “This is a joke lane, you can almost burst him down level 3. At level 6 you just demolish him. Make your team aware when he is level 6 however so they won't get ganked.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can poke him early in lane and snowball that way. He doesnt have any way to kill you - only way for him to win is by outpushing and ulting.”
Shinbae says “Никогда не считал ТФ чем-то опасным, одна только абилка на стан и всё, очень тонкий чемпион, однако сам держит дистанцию, играя против него агрессивно, ставит его ещё до 6го лвла в невыгодное положение”
Desired was gone says “Easy matchup because Twisted Fate will never be able to escape from you. Take Fleet Footwork for sustain in lane. The crucial part is to activate W when he throws the yellow card at us. Look for good ultimates to kill him; when he's out of cards, he's useless.
I prefer taking Ghost/Ignite because now tf always go flash/ghost. Always be ready to use crowd control after ulting through a wall, as the enemy Twisted Fate can simply teleport away from you during his ult (in some situations, you can ult through a wall and, if he teleports, cancel your ultimate and interrupt his teleport cast with our W). Currently, he is opting for a hybrid build due to buffs, so I prefer taking Zeke's, a very cost-effective item that prevents Twisted Fate from escaping. MR items are also good, but he can still escape without being slowed using Ghost and Flash”
Halkem says “Doesn't have that strong laning. He can set up for ganks with yellow card so watch for that. The troublesome part of this matchup is that he has 2 aoe spells: red card and Q. So you have to try avoinding using W when they are up as best as you can so you can match his push. His R is his biggest tool to impact the game, so match his push if possible and look to ward the middle of the lane so you can know where to ping away and to follow. Trading into him is also very important so he's less likely to roam or dies while doing it. Try your best to have good tempo so he can't have free timers to move. Another thing to care, if a fight is going to happen and he's on fog with ult up, you have to path towards it as he's very likely to ult it.”
Iceyou says “Two things . Either he is good and you ll have a hard time or he is bad and you ll have one of the easiest games ever . Contest the push dont get ganked and roam he can push back and take plates fast or follow when he has R but overall you cant kill him if he is good and you have nothing better to do against him . Junglers really matter on this matchup . ”
The Milelator says “Don't get poked too much. Survive the first two lvls and with lvl 3 trade with him. Lvl 6 all in and burn his flash. You CANNOT ANSWER HIS ROAMS, unless you HAVE TP. Either cancel him with flash R if you can or push wave and take platings and hope your team doesn't die. He is annoying, but he can't kill you.”
WarwicksSimp says “Really strong right now, haven't played the matchup but he has a 1-2 second stun on gold card and kites you out really easily.
Tokiyami says “Pretty easy matchup you can abuse him early until he gets items. Nothing to be afraid of TF besides his gold card and his ulti but early game TF doesn't have any dmg so don't be afraid to just get up all in his face. Becareful about all inning tf mid game because he will just press R and gold card you and his team will one shot you.”
support_diff says “Try to bait his stun, then you can trade. You can outfarm Twisted Fate but he will still have a gold lead because of his passive, so it is a good idea to fight early. His ult is amazing for early roams”
Fuzzmonkey says “You will not have trouble dealing with this guy. If you do have the rare occasion of facing an good Twisted fate, then you should buy an QSS and he wont be able to do anything against you. ”
Wraithlander says “Honestly his lane phase is quite decent if he takes electrocute but punish whenever his W is down. A good TF will never use it on the minions. His ult is a great one to steal as it allows you to roam first if you have level advantage or match his roams if you know a fight will break out in sidelanes after you hit 6. Merc treads are a good pickup as his W is undodgeable.”
support_diff says “Twisted Fate slightly outranges you, which is enough for him to use his point and click stun to you. You might outfarm him, but you can't compete with his gold income because of his passive. His ult is also great for roaming”
tangerrine says “He wins trades but you win pokes so go Comet. Just make sure you push him up and look out for the enemy jungler as you do so and he shouldnt be able to roam super easily. Late game if he teleports near you, try to R or E that location.”
Zero macro says “Twisted Fate is a fairly easy lane for Kog'maw, but his roam potential combined with yellow card gank setup make it hard to play into him.
Recommended to run Cleanse for Yellow Card.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
avoid stun card and GG”
DepresedEef224 says “When I say land stun and they'll die for other champs, I'm exaggerating a little bit. Twisted Fated might just die if you land only your stun.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Farm lane]
[Watch out of his gold card and gank setup]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]
[Your E can cancel his R]”
freuio123 says “Twisted Fates W Stun kann dich nerven, aber sein Damage ist so low, dass das fast nie mattered.
Du outpushst, hast je nach seinen Runen Solo Kill Pressure und outroamst ihn eigentlich immer und outvaluest lategame.”
Anguish333 says “Laning vs him is pretty easy, Major Threat because of his Ult
- Dodge Q
- Don't get hit by W (he will most likely zone you with Gold Card from wave)
- Don't get Autoed by his E AutoAttack (he stacks his Auto 3 times, when stacked cards start floating around him)
- Use E right as he Uses W card on us
- His Ult reveals us from Shroud (cringe in teamfights)
- If he gets level 6 remind your team about it (just like with Karthus etc)”
NickLeVlach says “Very easy lane, You can dodge his Q and constantly harass him, poke him. Save your E for when he decides to pull out his gold card, so he can't get near you.”
Zeusman00 says “Biggest threat from twisted fate is the pressure of ganks. Otherwise avoid being poked by his Q and don't be hit by the burst on his red cards.”
uwuimsocute says “His champ is useless.
Still tho, you cannot really interact with him in lane.
Play for scaling and you win the game since it is 4v5 later on.”
Painters says “Skill match up, you have to match his roams, otherwise it'll be tough to come back. In lane, you should beat him. Just be aware of his stun card.”
Lillmy says “Ultimate is interruptable with silence. It is very rare that you'll lose lane, but make sure to always ping your other lanes of where he is to the point where it is annoying.”
Cryniu says “He is very vulnerable to poke and CC. Just keep your distance and dodge his Q. Remember to use your E and Teleport if he tries to roam with his ultimate. Mercury's treads could help.”
TB Azir says “Arkadaki minyonlara kırmızı kart atıp sana hasar vermesine izin verme, sarı çekip üstüne koşarsa kartı kullanana kadar kaç, Q'larını dodgela ve rakip ormancıyı iyi takip et. Bunlara dikkat edersen ne TF sana karşı push alabilir ne de seni 1'e 1'de yenebilir. Zaten outscale etme şansı da yok ve tüm bu şartlarda laneye hapsolup move atamayan bi TF'ten daha useless bir şey yoktur sanırım.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
South Z says “Twisted Fate shouldn't be able to lane at all against him : you can E his gold cards, dodge his slow Q spell, and all-in him as you please.
Beware though, as his roams are still dangerous, and try to cancel his R if you get the chance.”
DaddyVladdy says “Pool his card.Ping his ult.Hes weak in lane but has more influence than you so lane is TF favoured.Try to kill him as often as you can”
kaiba77 says “He can be killed in lane fairly easily but his ultimate is probably the hardest counter to you ingame. HIs r will reveal you in shroud making you very vulnerable.”
Nooldles says “You win the 1v1 with aggressive trades but he can fight back with his gold card, Q into chasing with aa. He also has better gank setup with his gold card. You do neutralize one of his main strengths of his champion with his ultimate ability, since you can steal it and potentially follow him, trade sides of the map or make proactive ones yourself.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Impact choice.
Rush mercs.
Cleanse. Get it.
Tenacity runes might also be welcome. Otherwise electrocute burst is good.
Watch/ping for R roams.
Merc treads if they have any other cc/slow.”
StralekS says “Kat Favored: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. You can rush Sunderer or Nashor for guaranteed win.”
Mayuushii says “Fight for wave control and don't let him free push. Care when he has gold or red cards (Let gold expire and avoid minions when red). Avoid his Q and poke with Q and W forward when his cards are on CD ”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Twisted Fate doesn't do enough damage to kill you unless you take really bad trades or his jungler is there to gank you after he Flash + Gold Cards you.
You poke him out easily and any E's will result in a lot of damage, forcing a back or threat to be killed.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Demonsedge90 says “The big issue you need to watch out for with Twisted Fate is his gold card since the stun can potentially lead to you taking damage from an entire combo string and dying. So poke often and pay attention to his movements.”
Atemporal says “TF pode fazer alguns puxões bem picantes nível 1, tanto com W start quanto E start. Sente-se, não fique perto de lacaios para que seu cartão vermelho aoe não atinja você. TF é bem mole até que ele pegue seu Catalyst, sempre que o W dele estiver no CD ou se pegarmos um cartão vermelho/azul
ir para um comércio rápido. TF W está nerfado e tem um CD de 8 segundos agora, então você tem janelas bem longas para puni-lo. É possível até matá-lo cedo, mas certifique-se de manter o caçador inimigo em mente. A maioria dos junglers sabe que gankar por um TF
geralmente significa uma morte livre. Assim que o TF pegar seu Ruby Crystal ele já estará bem tank. Você não causa dano significativo a ele neste momento, então continue farmando e empurrando, procure por roams se possível, mas uma vez que o TF for 6, você deve ter cuidado com
roaming, pois ele pode seguir os roams ou simplesmente cair sobre você enquanto você está tentando roaming. Ward lane vs TF para ver de que lado ele vai, enviar spam para seu time quando ele se mover. TF R tem um cooldown de 3 minutos, uma vez que está no CD você deve tentar
para fazer jogadas ao redor do mapa. Quando o R dele estiver em cima, você quer jogar na lane, chame seu jungler para se concentrar no meio. O TF realmente não causa dano suficiente para impedir você de aumentar e escalar. Ir Conqueror ou Fleet neste confronto é bom se
você só quer escalar de graça. Eletrocutar se você quiser jogar agressivo no início 1v1. Uma vez que você tenha Nashor's Tooth e Proto, você pode facilmente 1v1 com ele, mas ao jogar vs TF raramente é 1v1. Obtenha Merc Threads na maioria dos casos, a menos que o TF seja
o único CC no time inimigo. Fingir vagar ou se mover funciona bem contra TF porque ele tem que usar W para limpar as ondas, então ele ficará vulnerável a maior parte do tempo.”
pamiclo says “a good twisted fate player will harass you and keep his yellow card for duel. he will dominate the game with his wave push and ult roam power. try to dont let him do this.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Cleanse
Nur gefährlich als Gank Setup also respektiere seine Goldcard. Push ihn ein damit er nicht mit Ult roamen kann.”
OSG Rewynd says “Mostly easy matchup. Pretty easy to kill, especially because he is immobile so W is easy to hit. For summs, take TP ignite if you know how to position, flash ignite if you want to play for lane, and flash tp if you want to play for team and be able to follow his roams after 14.”
Lucid Walking says “He outroams you and the laning phase is boring. You outrange him so if hes picking a card and heading towards you, Q him. He's a helpless dog really.
RuchaczSzmat69 says “If you dont play flex/clash with voicechat this champion is useless, he cant do anything alone and i do think that ad version is better, you will propably face ap tho so just W his yellow card and abuse the champ diff out of his ass, your Q hurst him a lot, and if u hit a barrel he isnt in a good spot. If he ults away prepare your ult to help the ulted ally and shove him. ”
Spoomk says “His roams are really strong, but you should win the 1v1 in lane if he doesn't have gold card when or directly after you engage. Decently fair lane but watch out for map pressure.”
Xelikari says “This matchup is really easy, you don’t have many opportunities to kill him however. Watch out for his gank setup potential with a gold card and make sure to ward around mid. If he’s good, you should drop a ward down in the middle of the lane to catch which side of mid he runs to when he’s looking to ult or roam.
In this matchup I usually take Ignite and try to match his roams or shove him in and roam before him. Watch out once he gets Rapid Firecannon since he can engage from deceptively long range. If you try to trade with him he’ll usually just stun card you and walk away. Pick a Card has an 8 second cooldown so if you’re trying to kill him, look to abuse that. You can take teleport if you wanna match his roams, but I prefer Ignite + Electrocute for the added skirmish/roam strength they bring. ”
sapphire__lol says “Suuuper easy. Just all in him perma he cant trade back and is also easily gankable. Cant roam vs you since you get push with trades. ”
Quirkzee says “Akali's worst matchup, lane is not a problem, you just sit and farm, just like in most ranged matchups. However, he hard counters you in teamfights and forces you to play them differently than usual, he is the only champion that can do that to you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
Adamonias says “You bully him, shove him in and poke him out of lane. Care he can Flash Gold Card you to setup ganks. Go clense and he might aswell just afk.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
SkyBanana says “His R is what is his most powerful tool to gank other lanes. If you see him TP away with it do not hesitate to use R to stop the channel. Also Gold Card + RFC isn't fair to go against so be warry of that. He can't do much against you unless you step up too close.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
NegativePhoenix says “I mean, yes he has a good poke with Q and can stun you but once he runs out of those abilities he can't do much. Your Q poke is better honestly overall. If he ults and you can stop it, ult him so not only is it down but he can't help his team. He'll chase you after though so be ready for that.”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange him. His Q is pretty easy to dodge. When he uses a red card on the wave, don't stand close or it will damage you, too. Once you have Lost Chapter, push him in 24/7 so he can't roam with his Ult or freeze. Stand in front of the wave and harass him. If he does roam or is MIA, spam ping him and remind your teammates his Ult is up. Be careful of his jungler because his gold card has great gank set up. You can take Cleanse into this matchup if you're not confident or if the enemy team has a lot of hard CC.”
Fapas16 says “watch out when twisted fate is on the enemy team, he can spot your position in teamfights with his ult and at worst cancel your utlimate channel”
KayyeN says “Generally not a hard matchup. He can push decently fast once he gets a few items. He can follow your roams with his R, but as long as you respect the Gold Card in lane and your teammates respect his R, he is never a real threat.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “If its adc TF, you're in trouble for a bit and would need to give the wave to him. If he's ap TF, you can trade whenever he red/ blue cards the wave. This will be a skill based matchup, but usually in your favor. Try to take advantage of your early capability to roam as TF ult will become troublesome if the enemy sidelanes are fed.
Mid to Late isn't too much of an issue and you can very easily bait his stuns with zhonyas. You out dps, burst, and roam him later on so you should not have an issue”
L9 zangetsu says “very easy to kill he is just gonna want to roam and leave you alone try to punish him for his roams by taking towerplates and make sure your team knows when his ult is up so they dont get caught out ”
Uberizm says “He shouldnt be able to use his W without you insta harrassing him if he doesnt pick a gold card. If he roams a ton, just try to follow instantly despite the lane state so that you can E him and follow his ult”
Zoose says “Go for hard trades and all ins when you can. His only real threat comes from his yellow stun card followed up by a jungle gank. Try to freeze waves just outside your tower to avoid this. At 6 he will look to push waves and teleport ult, so keep waves pushed, place wards behind river walls and ping teammates when he's 6. You can cancel his ult with your W. Look to match him roams with your ultimate. ”
CaptainBattlaxe says “His stun has less cd than your orange, follow his roams with ult, punish roams with pushing and taking plates, try to out level him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Try not to let him push under your turret]
[Trade him when his W is down]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]”
spicy ricecaker says “You can play stupid in this matchup and still win. With TF's w cooldown nerf, he is now not a champ after he uses his w. You can trade whenever if you have your passive or windwall up. After 6 if he roams make sure to hard shove his lane to punish him.”
basrty1p says “His Yellow card can stun lock you, you should be careful when you want to kite to him or kill him.
His R can make him roam into the other lane, so if you can't gank like he does, just push your lane and get tower plates instead, this'll deny his exp and gold, making him buy his core item slower.”
DabiDabi says “You won't be able to kill him pre-6 unless you somehow hit your E, but don't count on killing him. Level 6, if his W is down, you shit on him. Just keep and eye on him since his roam is insane.”
Esrucnl says “Easy to burst, no mobility. You can dodge his Q+W and technically his E aswell.
Tip: Ward and ping properly against Twisted Fate, since he will just try to soak waves on mid and roam other lanes.”
Azurio says “Bit of a boring matchup. You can trade him by dashing and smoke his gold card to auto Q auto him. If he goes minion dematerializer, stopwatch and corrupt, he will afk farm and roam at level 6. Just do the same, shove waves and hit tower when he's gone.”
Bunny Kata says “Press W to dodge his Gold Card. His only real threat are his roams, so ping for those. You win pretty much everytime against him.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion”
Kukiziuu_ says “Ciężka postać jeśli chodzi VS akali, na lini nie jest takim problemem lecz w teamfightach z łatwością ciebie wyłączy poprzez jego spore stuny”
MrBlivious says “Has a very easy cc ability, and usually buys Everfrost, so if you get caught with his yellow (stun) card, or his red (slow) card, then you might die.”
Vrowx says “Akali's worst matchup, lane is not a problem, you just sit and farm, just like in most ranged matchups. However, he hard counters you in teamfights and forces you to play them differently than usual, he is the only champion that can do that to you.”
Dazzther says “When he uses his yellow card, back off. When he uses his R, E onto him if possible. You've gotten better clear wave, damage, is even in roaming bc of that trick and scales much better.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Farm lane]
[Watch out of his Gold card]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]”
donidaking says “His range is similar to your but you do more dmg so POKE POKE POKE.
Dodge his Q and be aware of his cards.
If you waste pool and you get ganked you die.
So only pool his gold card if you think he has potential to kill you.
he will roam first thing level 6 so let your team know when he s 6.”
KyogoEntity says “Easy match-up just wind wall his gold card, and trade in if he ever uses it on the wave. Post-6 try to maintain him in lane by perma shoving. ”
TheKingUltra says “He can only stun and thats it, you shouldnt die at any point of the game to him. If he roams with you, he will just die with his teammates.”
Grogroda says “TF is a mix between Ahri and Sylas, he has the tools to stop your engage very easily (gold card) and he also has an ultimate that gives him a great map presence, he gets places faster than you, but not with as much CC and protection.”
Ahri Simplord says “Point and click stun is pretty annoying but his wave clear is mediocre at best and he has low damage, if you have no idea where enemy jungler is,all inning him is a bad idea,he's probably going to outroam you no matter what so if you're looking to follow or take plates,whatever you decide to do decide it instantly to get the most out of it.”
Xalt says “Shove Twisted Fate under his tower and control him, he will be forced to either ult another lane and miss 2 waves or stay mid and make his ult useless early. Try to all in him before he gets Kindlegem as it's hard to kill with his gold card and stacked health.”
Bundif says “The TF lane is an easy one if we're in low ELO. Using your R to dodge his gold card should be enough but if you THINK you're going to be perma ganked by his Sejuani girlfriend, then MAYBE you could consider going Cleanse. Maybe.
DaffeLaffe says “Shove Twisted Fate under his tower and control him, he will be forced to either ult another lane and miss 2 waves or stay mid and make his ult useless early. Try to all in him before he gets Kindlegem as it's hard to kill with his gold card and stacked health.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Tear of the Goddess]
[Free Farm lane]
[Avoid his Gold card]
[Always warn your team when he is lvl 6]”
Juon says “TF is okay matchup, he will mostly try to farm with his cards. If you see him pull them out just back-off or use W if thrown at you to negate incoming damage. I run first strike into this since he isn't too hostile, just care for his mid-game roams with ult.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Try not to let him push under your turret]
[Trade him when his W is down]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]
[Your ult can cancel his ult]”
lolzed5 says “If he ever uses his W on the minion wave you can go in and ruin him, after 6 you can almost always ult his gold card and he will be defenseless against you. ”
ThePieBeam says “Lol TF. Your stun is better than his (if you hit), your slow is better, and your damage is better. He's got a bit of poke with his Q but it barely does any damage and makes him stand still to cast. Just play aggro and watch out for jg, then melt him when the completely immobile champ gets hit by your stun.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] TAKE TP IN THIS MATCHUP! It is common to take cleanse into this matchup as well however I feel tp is better for the overall game rather than cleanse for lane. This matchup is pretty simple in theory you just go in whenever he has Gold Card down. Go in on repeat whenever its down or grapple in behind before he starts charging it to be able to chase him down once the stun is down. Use tp to follow his Ultimate and this lane is extremely free.”
lonestar1870 says “You can easily solokill him level 6, or at least threaten it.
Don't let him get prio once he has ult, you need to make sure he can't roam to side lanes. You can get prio easily in this lane, but make sure you don't die to ganks.
Plan your resets ahead of time, Tempo is very important vs TF in making sure he can't impact the map.
Any rune works in this MU since it's fairly easy, I usually go Aery/PR for TWT/Cpot but Elec is still good.
You can go ignite in this lane but TP/Cleanse are generally better.
Corrupting pot is great to match his.”
Desperate Nasus says “Vs Twisted Fate, take armor runes instead of Magic resist. Thats because Twisted fate only uses auto attacks on lane. There is only 1 ability which does Magic damage and that is his Q but it is easy to dodge. Try to get a lead against him so he wont be able to roam without getting punished.”
BlockPad says “Not a difficult match up you out range him with you're E, so poke as hard as you can and make sure to ping when twisted fate is 6 because of his R.”
KlumsBabe says “If its a good twisted fate that knows how to keep distance, you can only kill him post 6. Dodge his everfrost and gold card if possible. Try to shove lane every time he roams so he looses on the most possible amount of cs.”
ShokLoL says “Against TF take cleanse and E max. Whenever he uses his W on the wave look to E forward aggressively into him, try ward around mid so you don't get ganked while you do this but worst case you can probably disengage with cleanse. Wit's End is optional depending on if they have other AP on the team.”
iZianni says “You win lane, lose game off his ults.
Wave clear is the same, just annoying.
Kind of jungle dependent tbh, if he doesn't go merc treads you one shot him. ”
livikattt says “this guy.... in low elo... is totally duoing with someone.... prepare to get camped. you can charm him out of his ult and otherwise he will not do damage so it'll be alllllll good.”
pwins says “Zoe outranges TF easily and abuse him in lane. However, TF can roam pretty much anywhere and way quicker than Zoe can. Try to communicate with allies and ping!”
Juplicate says “He has a point-and-click stun and has an ultimate that lets him teleport across the map. Play aggressive after level 4 and CC him when he ults to cancel it.”
Miscake says “Três palavras: Golden card, W.
Você ganha a maioria das trocas na lane desde que ele não tenha Determinação nas runas secundárias, se for o caso ignore ele e jogue pelo scaling rezando pra que seu time não tome play com a ult dele.
A maioria dos jogadores de TF não sabem o que estão fazendo, pessoalmente eu considero isso uma free lane.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Very one sided matchup. Basically what TF wants to do is push the wave in and look to ulti whenever he can. Due to Yasuos insane wave pushing, he is a super good champ into TF. Not only can you push him into tower all game and deny his roams but you can windwall his stun card which is his only way to survive matchups mid. I actually wait for him to use his card then go on him lvl 1 with E since he has no way of fighting me back except with autos. Just watch out with going near him when your windwall is down because if he catches you with a stun while his jungler is there, you could potentially die.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is Twisted Fate favored to a degree. Trade or all-in him when he uses his W. Do your best to dodge his Qs. He will just look to push and roam, so ping him mia when he does. You can cleanse his Gold Card with proper timing on your E.”
Katawina52 says “1v1 this lane is not a problem at all. You can look for him to load up his W and he will probably blue card for mana on minion or red for shove. If u walk up a bit forward and backward while he loads up his card you can make him waste it on a minion and then you just go in and auto win the trade (I use this a lot, because most tf's dont want to waste mana and they only want the gold card if you walk up too far). The reason I give this a medium is, because his gank set up is really annoying 1 stun while enemy jungle is near and you're dead so be careful for that before you go in. Mercs vs TF is really good and I even go Unflinching 2nd if they have even more CC. TF is also the only laner where you could go cleanse, but never go mercs if you go cleanse.”
eiensiei says “I'll poke him with E-AA and I'll be somewhat aggressive since I out-trade him. He will look to gank side lanes once he gets level 6, so I'll warn my teammates when he's close to it. Usually unkillable after RoA, but Cleanse makes Lux unkillable too.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting due to his push power. (Doran+2 Pots if you really think you will insta kill him level 3 with a full combo - doable but still..)
Play with Cleanse if you think his stun will help their jungler get to you, always ping after level 6 for Twisted Fate that he's ganking. Always expect a random teleport and if possible, find the solutions and be first to gank
botlane. You can win against Twisted Fate on lane easily if he comes too close. Minion Dematerializer is mandatory. Get all the push power you can and try to outpush. Always beware after you gank first that the enemy midlaner will follow, always ping when they are missing from the lane AND get
a vision ward in the single bush that is in the river, that ward will ensure extra safety versus them. Try to clear their vision wards also all the time.
Also think that when you gank bot
they might respond with a roam top, the reverse also works so definetly warn your team with pings.”
Polarshift says “Has good waveclear and very good map pressure. His stun is on a way lower cooldown, so be very careful of the enemy jungler camping you. Sadly, rooting him won't stop his ultimate but will stop Teleport if he has it. When his ultimate is up, you HAVE to warn your team. You can possibly get Spellbook in this matchup to match this champions utility. Cleanse helps against his stun and you can teamfight better and roam faster with Ghost/Exhaust, etc. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
ISterbenI says “The only thing he's better than you on is roaming. He can push the wave almost as fast as you and then roam while you're stuck in lane. Try to stop him pushing out the lane with the use of your Q, W and R and make him stay in that freaking lane.”
Yeager says “Take cleanse so you don't die to yellow card + jungle gank. Your window to trade is when he use his W on the minion wave. After level 6, keep shoving in the wave to stop him from roaming. Vision control is important against a tf. With good wards you can let your entire team know where he's going.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Twisted fate is usually pretty easy to deal with, unless you are facing exceptional player. Why I rate him like this is, that if you face good player, he will be able to juke most of your skillshots and even set-up situations for kills with his yellow card or even ult. Another coinflip here is, that if he roams and gets some kills on other lanes, you might be in a huge problems, because he basically snowballs their entire team. Except for that he is quite abusable in lane, if you just wait out his card pick and harass him as much as you want, when he doesn't have it, because if he gets yellow card while his jungler is around, you might be in a huge problem. That might as well tell you whether or not his jungler is nearby, because most of TFs are using either way red card for push or blue card for mana sustain, but really rarely they want to pick yellow card in order to harass you, because you should be able to simply outrun that.”
Yeager says “Take cleanse. He should never be able to 1v1 you when you have some items so he will just be looking to shove in the wave and roam. If he uses his W on the minion wave, walk up to him and hit him with your Q+E. After 6 you want to shove him in so he can't roam. Ward his side of the map so you know where he's going, and SPAM PING your teammates to back off.”
Avucado says “Point and click CC is not good for Pyke. Start Q and look to hook him or just q into HoB. You can trade with him easily before he gets items because he doesn't do too much damage. He can match roams easily and hard outscales you. Ask for ganks if he shoves you in because he has no mobility. He is very good at enabling ganks though so make sure you're alone or your jungler is near before you go in. Mercs or QSS are very good into TF almost always.”
Callmebee says “TF only should become a problem late game so this is one of the easiest matchups against Lux in my opinion. You can easily stay out of his stun range, poke with E+AA and dodge his cards. Take Barrier and poke poke poke!”
LunarVortex says “His kit is very straight forward and spellshielding his gold card in clutch situations should not be a problem. However, be aware that his W has a much lower cooldown than your E. He will try to bully you whenever your E is down. Try to keep the wave pushed and ward the places he usually ults from. Be aware that his ult has a casttime of 1.5 seconds and your Q has a very slow travel time, so you need to be very quick if you want to cancel his ult with Q.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Even matchup, he gets more gold from farming but you can out trade him, his roams are quicker and easier than yours though so you have to anticipate them.”
Yeager says “Have cleanse for his gold card and mercury treads. Your job is to keep him shoved into his turret so he can't roam and win the other lanes. Since you will be constantly shoving him in after level 6, it's important that you have good vision control so you don't die to ganks while pressuring mid. If you're in a situation where you can't push post-6, put a ward in the middle of the lane and in the enemy jungle so you can see where he's headed and spam ping your team to back off.
You outscale him super hard, so even if he somehow wins the other lanes, just play the scaling game. ”
Urpog says “Skill matchup, he shoves about the same amount as you but has superior poke and range, he'll play for his team so you either need to generate enough pressure in lane so he's unable to roam, if it's comparing all ins vs each other Urgot comes vastly on top so you should always be looking to force things, trading flash for flash and pinging your jungle to come pay a visit is probably the most viable method.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Very easy lane, constantly harass him, poke him. Save your E for when he decides to pull out his gold card, so he can't get near you.”
Akali187 says “Twisted Fates R [icon=Perfect Execution] grants vision of you while your in your W [icon=Twilight Shroud] He also has hard CC and is able to follow you if you roam.”
iZianni says “We win this match up, but Twisted Fate doesn't really care. He just presses R after Merc Treads/RoA and kills our side lanes.
Look to have an early game impact and pressure jungle match up or you'll lose to the rotations and scaling.
You still do massive damage in team fights though, so if they don't have enough damage you'll just win through that.”
ShokLoL says “Zoe is very good against TF but he will look to roam or jungle gank you. If he has a strong ganking jungler I'd recommend taking spellbook TP and swapping to cleanse at 6. If you aren't scared of being ganked you can take electrocute and ignite.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade In Resolve Bone plating and Unflinching.
Freeze the lane so you can easily trade with him.
be careful with his Yellow card under his tower.
you can block his Q and W.”
Kords says “TF can be annoying in lane with his stun card, this leads to ganks, however, you can also trade back with your own stun and a few W procs. He can waveclear once he levels up more. Therefore you can roam early on and not get punished for it. Post 6, you can be followed, BUT, you can throw a stun to where he is landing (should he land visible to you) and normally he dies from this. Peel your backline in fights vs TF as he can almost oneshot your ADC and you too to be honest.”
TheoRut says “Don't fight him when he has yellow card, Q + E him whenever he walks too close to you or whenever he ults to cancel it. if he ults too far away from your E range you can use teleport to match his roams.
Electrocute is suggested.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra wins pretty hard vs Twisted Fate but it's hard to kill him since he normally rushes merc treads and he has quite a lot of gank setup. I'd recommend comet TP or phase rush TP and playing to maximize mana and keep the wave pushed in so he can't roam. Be careful of the enemy jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Take TP and rush out chapter in order to match the waveclear. You will normally win trades with QW as long he doesn't have boneplating up. You can also just wait for him to use his W on the wave and then look to force a trade. Make sure to get merc treads for his stun at some point in the game.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Twisted Fate puxará a lane e tentará acertar a carta vermelha nos minions que estiverem perto de você, por isso, fique afastado e tente usar seu Q o máximo possível para tirar vida dele. Caso ele acerte a carta amarela (stun) em você, pule imediatamente e use o combo EW+AA, e espere o stun acabar para agressivar depois com QE+AA. O roaming do Twisted Fate é superior ao da Katarina devido a possibilidade de se teletransportar a um local longe, por isso, abuse do fato de que ele não tem uma quarta habilidade como a Katarina e caso ele esteja na lane, mantenha agressividade para tirar vida dele o máximo que puder para que assim ele não realize roaming. Caso consiga seguir ele, tente matar o máximo possível de inimigos, não precisa ser exatamente ele na luta. Sempre que puxar lane, dê roaming para que assim você possa ser mais efetivo que ele, sem perder farm. Em teamfights, fique atento a carta amarela para poder engajar, caso ele a utilize, fique agressivo contra ele. O potencial de perigo de Twisted Fate é de igual para igual visto que se sobrepõe em roaming devido Teleport e sua ultimate, podendo garantir vantagem contra o seu time, sem perder a rota. Sua carta amarela possui um tempo de stun muito longo, o que pode ser um problema se usado em você nos momentos de luta em equipe.”
Dr Eggmund says “Twisted Fate can be a weak laner so be sure to let him know who's boss in the laning phase. When he pulls out the gold card his jungler should be near by and both are looking to kill you. Let your team know when Twisted Fate is level 6 because he will look to roam with his stun card up and make a play.”
Ambitieux says “So in this matchup, you need to be pushing TF out while also trying to get poke on him. He is a slippery snake but almost all his trades is from auto attacks. This makes his attack pattern predictable were you can look for an easy charm. Or even just auto him with walking up with w should add easy electrocute damage. I only ask you made need to run cleanse in this lane due to the nonstop jungler support he may obtain through his automatic CC. Watch for any obvious jungle ganks. Keep him nonstop pushed in so he cant look for any ultimate's at lvl 6. And most important if it looks like he might ult you can push him into turret and if he walks away, start prep walking towards a lane.”
iZianni says “You win this match up in mid, unfortunately you can't stop him from killing your teammates.
The only thing you can do is try to keep wave priority with skill spamming.
Mana management is very important for this match up.
Avoid getting all inned by gold card + jungle gank.”
kindo says “Stack tenacity + mercs and you can train TF down at almost any point in the game. The ONLY thing he can do is waveclear and roam or setup ganks for his jungler. He never has solo kill pressure. He'll sit back and red card the wave and Q - hard pressure him if he ever pulls a card aside from gold if you can. Biggest thing to watchout for is jungle ganks - even with his stun being only .5s -> 1s at ranks 1-5 with 50% tenacity. He'll still max Q first for waveclear, if he doesn't then he won't even have that. At the worst it becomes a farm lane and try to follow his roams. ”
Baion says “I love this matchup. TF will not do as much damage as you will do on him. Be aware of his ult cooldowns and if he has ignite. When he throws his W on waves, is the moment to trade.”
Coldsong says “Twisted Fate has no disengage other than his gold card and has no mobility. Also, you can catch up super quickly when he ults. Watch out for his blue card as it deals a ton of damage, and if he gold cards he may be receiving a gank so be careful!”
resetwice says “Be careful if his yellow card is up because his W is a target ability so you'll be stunned easy and get some burst damage with his Q and electrocute rune. Remember that his R helps his roams, so remember to bully him in lane if your other laners are low HP. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “If he goes AD this matchup is probably medium as it is more lane pressure but its still pretty easy, his early game is nothing too special in a 1v1 only issue is his gank setup.
You can maybe do longer trades since it's not like he has an insane damage output in a couple of seconds.”
Sylvan Lore says “Twisted Fate is a relatively even matchup with Orianna. You can win trades early if you dodge his abilities and hit yours so just see where your comfort is with fighting him. If he ever walks up while shuffling cards, back up and respect the possibility of a gold card and a gank about to come in. At level 6 he makes the game a nightmare for your sidelines. Its very important if he is mid that you do everything you can to get him low. Often i will even take bad trades just to make sure that he doesn't have the effective hp he needs to roam and Ult my side lanes. Take cleanse so that gold cards early, mid and late won't mean instant death and the matchup should go well.
Recommend: Cleanse and Dmg Build”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Laning is no problem. It's the roaming which is so very hard for Zilean. Zilean NEEDS a team to be able to play the game. Being able to take soloplates/farm while TF is gone does nothing for ZIlean, that is why this matchup is bad.”
Avyxia says “We win. We can stun him back if he tries to stun us and poke him constantly. Keep constant tabs on him and warn your team so he can't ult and gold card someone”
Impossible2Gank says “Depending on how he's played it can be annoying to lane against. You can fight him well if you box properly but it's better to just place them around and in his paths for bot just as you would a Galio to give some time for your bot to finish any fights or to potentially catch him off guard for a kill.”
richardlized says “Not much to this matchup, just don’t trade when he has gold card up. S11 itemization meant that he cannot build tanky anymore which limits his defensive options against you greatly. His ultimate is very hard to deal with and you want to deal with it by slow pushing the waves to force him to give up CS and XP.
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge his Q. It is really telegraphed, should never get hit by it unless you get stunned.
[2] When he uses W (picking a card), walk away from him.
[3] Can look for trades once his W is down.
[4] Ping his level 6, only follow his ult with TP if you have it up.”
Nanelol says “This is a joke lane, you can almost burst him down level 3. At level 6 you just demolish him. Make your team aware when he is level 6 however so they won't get ganked.”
Thresh Mid says “Twisted Fate has a very predictable playstyle, with not many ways to get you off of him other than his gold card. Level 6 you can all in with The Box into Flay ignite combo.”
xMetix says “He's not much of a threat in laning but his gold card make him pretty safe and his ultimate will reveal you in teamfights so you can't depend on grass. He has no mobility so you can easily set up ganks with root, ask your jungler to play around mid. After 6 you always win 1v1 but he will look for roams or play with his jungler.”
Nanelol says “Play carefully before level 6 and after reaching level 6 start hard shoving all the time and dont give him time to roam. You will get good power increase when you get ranged attack + ult. Put him in a situation that he will lose gold and experience from his minions if he flies away by using his ultimate.
nZk01 says “(Mid) lacks damage and cant trade with you ever, very immobile aswell but most TF's get boots very early and know how to play around with gold cards so try to destroy him pre first back, would recommend ignite/cleanse.”
Nanelol says “Pretty easy lane. Dodge his triple card and after he pulls a card and throws it look for an all in right away. He can counter roam very easily which is his main threat.
tozosi says “Annoying poke matchup. It's difficult to get on top of him due to his gold card which stuns you. Though, he is squishy and very one-shottable if he doesn't have his pick-a-card ability up. As well, his Ult will reveal you if you're in your ult, so keep that in mind.”
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Play extremely aggressive since he has no real way of punishing you. Pool his gold card once he threw it at you to negate most of his pressure. If you constantly pressure him he will have to sacrifice exp and cs in order to roam.”
Sanctuar says “Usually tends to push out lanes for easy roams. Once you have your Protobelt, push him in so he can't roam and if you see him move forward while picking a card, he most certainly wants to set up the enemy jungler for a gank.”
fanchessfan says “Basically the same as Oriana. Trade extended fights and take cleanse for his gold card. Dodge his q poke with your q. Your E interrupts his ultimate so it most likely will be an easy win for you. You don't have to take double MR runes as he does hybrid damage so you can just take one. ”
Vispectra says “TF is an even lane. He will smack you with autos all the damn time though. Still though he is fairly squishy and immobile. Early on if you engage with an R and he stuns you , you'll still have enough time to E slow him and land a W Q or both.”
cookanarities says “Stack tenacity + mercs and you can train TF down at almost any point in the game. The ONLY thing he can do is waveclear and roam or setup ganks for his jungler. He never has solo kill pressure. He'll sit back and red card the wave and Q - hard pressure him if he ever pulls a card aside from gold if you can. Biggest thing to watchout for is jungle ganks - even with his stun being only .5s -> 1s at ranks 1-5 with 50% tenacity. He'll still max Q first for waveclear, if he doesn't then he won't even have that. At the worst it becomes a farm lane and try to follow his roams.”
TheWerefloof says “More Point n Click CC, ain't that funny? Bait out his yellow card, preferably on a minion. Q him then E, rinse and repeat. He is still more of a problem due to his ability to react to your roams, but long as you don't make it too obvious you should come out ahead.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Twisted Fate doesn't have kill pressure on Yone in lane, but can set up for unavoidable jungle ganks easily. His roams are insanely strong and he will always get somewhere first. Take Teleport to try to match his roams, but understand you won't always be able to counter him. Try to kill him in lane. Take Fleet and MR.”
TheMockingSnowman says “A very favorable matchup but be careful of his yellow stun card. His ultimate is his primary roaming tool so let your teammates know once he's missing and either follow his roam or roam somewhere else. ”
A55AILANT says “Has good waveclear and very good map pressure.
His stun is on a lower cooldown than yours is.
Your root won't stop his Ult, but it does stop his TP.
Run cleanse in this matchup.
Boomblight says “? Just dodge his stun card with e. If he goes ap (they almost always do) his q will do some damage but you destroy him/ If he goes ad he can literally never damage you/cc you or do anything if you use e at the start of trade and q out after.”
Dimitrisbabas1 says “TF is one of the best matchups you have because he cant do anything agains you istaid from pulling out a yellow card to try to stop you from comboing him.
GhoastlyGiant9352 says “his trades in lane are slightly better and his yellow card can stop your E and can ult over to whichever lane you try to gank.”
Oxydation says “Twisted Fate has a really good gank setup with his yellow card, so you always have to know where the Enemy jungle is right now. Level 6 you can just all in him after he use W.
He is nothing without a jungler or without his W.”
Joseph Evanss says “level 1 is annoying because he will level e to auto you a bunch but once your level 3 just go in on him a bunch, if he presses gold card take your e back and try and cleanse the stun, even if you don't you should be fine. If he uses w on the wave or something else then just go on him and kill him. After you get Berserkers + Zeal its super easy to kill him. Spam ping botlane and top lane if he is mia. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “if he uses his w, blue/red card for farm, you can stay up, if he tries to gold card you, just back up and look to engage. you might want to go merc s because you will be extremely vulnerable to ganks when he just gold cards you for ~2 seconds of hard cc.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Shouldnt be hard to kill at all ins but be carefull because if you get ganked from enemy jgl ur dead because of tf has stun that cannot be dodged”
7daysko says “If he's any good, don't expect any kill pressure. Post-6 however, he is extremely dangerous for your team, as he can help other lanes snowball with his ulti. Consider taking Teleport to counter-gank.”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Conqueror Laning Runes with Second Wind and Revitalize, or Unflinching if they have more CC than just Twisted Fate. Twisted Fate overall is an extremely easy lane for Yone, and it is very difficult to die to him unless you are ganked. Simply keep the wave on your side of the lane, and once Twisted Fate uses one of his color cards, go in for an extended trade with E > Stacked Q > Auto Attack W > Auto Attack > Q. There will be literally nothing he can do to you during your trades, so be sure to abuse these trades heavily. Even if Twisted Fate doesn't use one of his color cards, you can still go in for a quick trade, and right before he throws his yellow card at you, snap back with your E and you will be safe. Twisted Fate's main threat is not to you, but the other lanes. Make sure to deep ward your lane, and if you see Twisted Fate running toward the jungle/river, spam ping the respective lane since Twisted Fate most likely is going to ult and teleport to them. In 90% of instances, you do not want to try and follow him to go assist your team since he can get there much quicker + give vision of you and you will more often than not lose more than you will gain. Rather, exploit these frequent roams from Twisted Fate by pushing in your waves and getting a huge CS lead over him so you can carry the game. However if the enemy team is looking to secure an objective, then I'd suggest trying to assist your team as soon as possible in the imminent fight. ”
Mpegial says “GET YOUR GOLD CARDS OUTTA HERE TF, this is the farming simulator 6,000 welcome enjoy the CS and ignore the magic man in the background. (unless he is an idiot and comes close)”
XD001 says “He can never solo you unless you dont dodge a single Q. What you have to worry about is his roaming. Tell your team where TF is at all times so they don't get caught offguard by his roams. Shove in mid wave as hard as you can and hover which lane you think is going to be roamed to. Also, in lane if he uses gold/red/blue card on minions you can go in and burst him in a short trade, possibly killing him or blowing a flash if you have enough AP. Late game play safe in side lanes cause you can get collapsed on easily.
Ekko outscales
take Elec + precision page”
GabomanDeLegado says “En el momento en que gaste el posible stun (tarjeta amarilla) debemos entrar con toda, las stats bases de TF no están hechas para resistir el combo completo de Kled. Eso sí, debemos tener cuidado con sus roams, esos nos puede voltear la partida.”
mc_jojo3 says “TF has great roaming which will give him a great boost in lane after level 6 but keep track of his W (Yellow Card) and you'll be fine. (Unless he's feed then rip)”
Noodles912 says “Save E when he has a gold card, and look to all in him when he is around 80% health. If he roams, shove as many waves as possible. Respect him level 1 and 2. Take PTA for best chance at winning.”
PASS10NE says “Twisted fate is really squishy, but he will kite you. Good TF players will place the wave near their turret, so be wary of enemy ganks. Also ping your laners whenever Twisted Fate hits 6 or is missing, because he can simply use his R to gank or respond to skirmishes.”
NuclearAkali says “Pretty OP global ult and has the stupid stun card. Just be aware of ganks and play around his cards. If it is on cooldown then you can kill him.”
Lot of Wind here says “You can block all of his kit with your W, which makes duelling him very easy. Don't let him snowball the whole map ; avoid freezing too hard and try to match his pressure.”
Wunsch3957 says “Easy lane, just fight him and manage the wave well so you dont get ganked. Melt his turret when he roams. Conqueror with flash+either ignite or cleanse.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Free lane for you, stay max range and don't let him goldcard you. The only thing you have to watch out for is his jungler. Otherwise you want to permapush to prevent him from roaming. If he does, make sure to get a lot of plates and outscale him.”
Aht3ns says “Mundo counters Twisted Fate very hard. Mundo doesn't use mana so Mundo's mana sustain is better than TF's, Mundo's passive counters his gold card, and TF's wave clear isn't that good compared to Mundo's so TF can't get that many roams off.”
Coldsong says “Twisted Fate has rather short range, so he will have to walk up to your range to get easy autos off. Make sure to take Cleanse and this matchup will be a piece of cake.”
InkHeiko says “I'll put there Ryze and Twisted fate since their laning phase are kind of the same for me: They are really easy to beat since they mostly want to farm in the first level, poke you at times and lv 6 roam with their ult. You are naturally stronger than them in early with your range, just watchout for roaming and such. A good matchup for Seraphine is not a matchup where she will always kill the enemy, but a matchup she can just farm. It does not really matter (to a certain degree) that your oponent farm well, the moment you farm as well you will always be stronger than them.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) lacks damage and cant trade with you ever, very immobile aswell but most TF's get boots very early and know how to play around with gold cards so try to destroy him pre first back, would recommend ignite/cleanse.”
Tamatamo says “Just play against TF like the normal way. He brings out yellow card. Run. Blue card. Run a bit. Red Card. Get away from the wave. If you're in a position to all in him try to make him use a card except the yellow card on you. Once he uses it go all in and you should win unless he's fed.”
Hiimkata says “1v1 this lane is not a problem at all. You can look for him to load up his W and he will probably blue card for mana on minion or red for shove. If u walk up a bit forward and backward while he loads up his card you can make him waste it on a minion and then you just go in and auto win the trade (I use this a lot, because most tf's dont want to waste mana and they only want the gold card if you walk up too far). The reason I give this a medium is, because his gank set up is really annoying 1 stun while enemy jungle is near and you're dead so be careful for that before you go in. Mercs vs TF is really good and I even go Unflinching 2nd if they have even more CC. TF is also the only laner where you could go cleanse, but never go mercs if you go cleanse.”
CaptianMike says “Dodge his Q to win the lane. Both of you have global presence, but overall he roams better. Karthus has a much better teamfight overall. Skill match to win lane, but you're way more useful in teamfights.
KataTocDo says “Kill pre -6. Post 6, just ping your team that he has ult.
"Ping mid danger or missing six times and it's not your fault if they die to a roam" - Faker
Runes: Conq-Dom or Elec -Prec.
Starting Items: D Blade, D Shield, Dark Seal”
Yamikaze says “Start E lvl 1. If he tries to push by red carding your caster minions, dash up to his face and chunk him down. Do not be scared of poke as you have your shield and bone plating. With proper vision, you are looking to play as aggressive as possible and try get a kill in laning phase. At 6 you want to shove in his lane when he has ult up, and ward the sides to limit his roaming. You can use windwall to stop his waveclear, unless you have a good all-in opportunity. ”
wildersovereign says “This matchup should not be an issue for you. Don't use your shield on his gold card unless you plan on rooting him back for it, which is a pretty easy task considering his lack of mobility or defensive options. Your Q will interrupt his R if he uses it in front of you. Killing him is very easy if you have E up.”
Nevemlaci says “The only CC he has is his gold card, if he uses it all in him. If he builds rocketbelt its harder because he will get a dash. Avoid his blue cards and Qs.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Spamping his 6 and spamping other lanes. You outburst him with predator and outtrade him with electro. If behind once then its impossible for him to come back.”
rajsovsky says “Pretty much going to win. He's kinda weak. Dodge his yellow card with your Pool and you should be even able to kill him in early when you get hextech,”
invalidd says “There are some good TFs that can mess you up but usually you can just walk up to them and trade with them by hooking, the most you're
gonna have to worry about is his auto attack damage early on and that's about it, ping the most you can if you feel like he's going to roam and try to
be there as fast as you can since pyke is really good at counterganking. Easy to setup ganks on.”
TheRealFloyde says “Start Q or E in this one if u go for E u have easy harass in lane and poke lvl 1 he wont probably go for any CS in lane but if he will with your dashes and AA's u can punish him so hard u can even get a free kill if he gets greedy.”
Fox_Gan says “You can easily trade your shields for his mana. He has blue card, but this only extends the time for 1 or 2 minutes, when he has mana for full cast.”
SkellyBirb says “Twisted Fate's gold card is his biggest threat. You will want to spell shield this, because if he hits it then he gets to hit his cards for free that will burst you down pretty hard. However, once you shield the gold card, his cards become fairly easy to dodge.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Tf: ten la vision super controlada y maxea E Y W, la Q no hara tanta falta, tu lvl 6 es fuerte, recuerda pelearle cuando no tenga la seleccion de cartas activada (Es decir, que la haya gastado). (compra hielo eterno para evitar su escape) Por cierto, lleva tp, es un juego de mid quien rote mas gana.
ezmod66 says “I really cant pin this difficulty. Each tf I face seems to play differently.
There are two playstyle which I generally see.
1.) Pushes like a monkey and can't manage his mana leading you to freezing and destroying him on cs and getting a few kills.
2.) He will early push trying to set up a slow push in his favor. He will stand far back out of your range. and blue card spam to match your push. He will out sustain you mana wise, Push you in and roam to help jungler leaving you stuck under tower with no mana and a big wave to deal with.
Matchup Difficulty: Questionable
Easy to kill him. Focus farming and wave managment”
Zenzyx says “You can block his gold card with wind wall making his trades much worse since you can get damage in too. TF doesn't do enough damage to kill you once you have life steal. Yasuo's easiest matchup.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- He will try to push you in; do the same to him
- He is relatively vulnerable to ganks in lane
- You win jungle 2v2
- Try to keep up with his ultimate at level 6
- You have to be proactive and know where he is all the time as his ult outranges yours by quite a bit
- You can use your E while he gold cards you when you're running away to maximise efficiency”
Big Shawn says “It is quite even due to Twisted Fate's range and the ability to stun you. But if you reach him, he will remember that thanks to your damage. Therefore Twisted Fate is not allowed to do too many mistakes against you. Same goes to you. Watch out for ganks.”
BCota says “This matchup kinda sucks as you cant really kill him unless you perma poke or ask for ganks or try to limit test and all in and it works. Try to stop him from roaming by pushing in wave outscale him”
Niqkl says “Extreme not because the lane is hard but the map presence at level 6 is horrifying for your team. If the TF has good macro, he can get his team a massive lead. If you know he has good macro, consider taking TP to mirror his roams.”
FalleN3 says “This is an easy lane & realistically there should be no problem for you to win it. He is super squishy and won't be able to out-trade you. Once you have Tibbers, he should be an easy kill. TF will want to roam to other lanes with his ulti. If he ults from in front of your vision, try to stun him before the channelling finishes.”
Sushi_Cat says “Most easy matchup for Mid. Unless the Twisted Fate is literally Faker he will not win lane. Just be careful of ganks and his gold card and you will minimally outscale him. ”
SkellyBirb says “Twisted Fate can deal a surprising amount of damage, but he doesnt have the same burst as you. However, he has hard crowd control on a basic ability that is on an auto attack. He can try to roam for an advantage at level 6.”
vCraze says “Twisted Fate is generally a pretty easy matchup as he does not have much pressure on you. A specific tip against TF when he hits 6 is to ward in the botside alley as that is when he is in range to ult to bot lane. If he is 6 and is moving down make sure you follow him and try to stop his ult if you can. If he gets down there you have to decide whether it is best to push your lane and go for plates or ult for bot to try to help.”
Sadkid says “Take cleanse and keep him pushed in. The lane depends on those two things. If you can keep him under tower and ping the shit out of him when you don't know where he is you win later on. ”
OxiteoMyst says “He cant actually kill you, your shield blocks his entire Q or at least most of it. Just poke him down and all in when he is low. Keep in mind he is actually quite slippery with his yellow card if you're 1v1ing him. he WILL ult to side lanes, you can either preemptively walk to a upcoming fight or tp. (Or you can eat up those yummy turret plates mid) <-- your team will be pissed) ”
Mad AkaTha says “You can play aggro try not to let him farm you can W all his spells use W if you have your minion wave under his tower you can disable his farming little bit by that”
WolfRider01 says “You're one of the hardest counters to twisted fate. Avoid getting hit by Yellow/Gold card, and you win lane. He WILL roam with R, as he does not want to fight you. Ping when he hits level 6.”
Hqzz says “Twisted fate can poke you down easily and make it hard to play Ryze. Don't let the wave push into your tower, but don't be too aggressive either. Play safe unless he misses his stun.”
Cap Jack says “Matchups with casters and anyone else I havent mentioned are open season for dh stacking and one shotting. Play smart, take good trades and abuse mistakes. Casters are very easy to punish for mistakes.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with cleanse or Ignite(Spellbook with teleport is also viable). Twisted fate has no kill pressure on Zoe but if paired with a aggresive jungler he has great gank setup. Spam shovd in this lane after 6 dont try to poke him under tower if u dont know were the jungler is. Only Get Mercs if they have a ap hard cc jungler like elise”
sweodigaming says “This is a joke lane, you can almost burst him down level 3. At level 6 you just demolish him. Make your team aware when he is level 6 however so they won't get ganked.”
Lunasta says “He can easily follow you to any of your roamings, hard cc and counter gank, but he is also a very safe champion, so he will always stay out of range of your combo, be careful with this boy”
Haywyre says “Bait him into walking up just be careful of his gold card. Baits are common with Twisted Fate so make sure the surroundings are warded before going in.”
Yeager says “Start cleanse. He is super immobile so hitting him with skillshots should be easy. If you rush banshees second, he has to use 1 of his 2 damage abilities to get rid of the shield. You want to keep shoving him in to stop him from roaming.”
FalleN3 says “He is squishy but may be able to poke you quiet a bit in the early levels. You can wait for him to pick a card (other than yellow) before trying to trade with him. He will want to roam to other lanes with his ulti so be sure to do your part also, either be ahead of the roam or use teleport. You need to look for picks and roam throughout laning phase. After level 6 you should have no problem 100-0 him but be careful and aware of his jungler.”
Bouhhsolene says “He wins short trade, but you poke better, so against Twisted Fate, I would recommend going comet. Try to get some vision on the enemy jungler and try to get pressure to have more kill potential and avoiding him from roaming. Try to hit E+Q, and, if he disrespect you and misposition, run with him with R+ W and kill him.”
FalleN3 says “He is squishy but may be able to poke you quiet a bit in the early levels. Either wait for him to pick a card (other than yellow) before trying to trade with him or use your (E) to dodge it. Don't get caught without your (E) to try disengage from a poor engage. He will want to roam to other lanes with his ulti so be sure to do your part also. You need to look for picks and roam throughout laning phase. After level 6 you should have no problem 100-0 him but be careful and aware of his jungler.”
Reason97 says “Another champ more known for his roaming than his laning. Your all in beats him out, but he can easily stun you since his gold card is so easy to land once you're in range, so be sure to poke him some before moving in for a kill. Keep your team aware of where he is when you can, and use your superior range to your advantage. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Might as well start e and prevent him from farming, pretty easy match up. Just ping your team when he R's as he will be looking to roam. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Spection says “Very RARE. A weird ADC, but generally a source of free kills for Pantheon. Boasts zero escape (except for his ultimate) but has good utility with his clickshot stun. The second you see his cards start to cycle, try to get a stun off if you think you can reach him before the card cycles to yellow, as it will keep on cycling and he will miss his stun for a second or two, giving you time to burst him. If he tries to gate away, stun him.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty easy lane he never outrades you nor outscales you, but he can be quite a good tool when getting ganked with his pointclick cc”
Yuki H. says “Really depends on the level of the TF player, but then again the same could be said for every matchup. A good TF player can manipulate the wave accordingly which can give you a really rough time. Make sure to actually dodge his gold card with your ult- a trick that TF players could use is while having a gold card, they could throw out their Q to fake throwing the card to bait your ult. Make sure to ward and ping mia's when he is post 6.”
Veralion says “AP TF isn't bad. His W is on a low CD and is threatening in conjunction with his Q, but is very telegraphed and easy to bait. Challenge the wave, force his card, back off, let him card the wave, go up to farm a few creeps, repeat. His Q should never hit you unless you get carded like a fool. He's extremely squishy and your combo will instantly kill him if your jungler can swing by and lock him down for a second. If not, just dance around his cards, chip him down, then all in and kill at 6. If he tries to roam, stay on him and cancel his ult with your own if possible. His camera will be elsewhere and you’ll probably kill him for free, as well as potentially baiting his own team to overcommit and die. Keep one eye on your minimap and if those 4 circles in bot lane get real close together, charge TF with your W and keep him in vision range. Keep the bot side of your lane diligently warded to catch him looking for an ult.
AD TF is what you're probably gonna get, though. MUCH more difficult. Avoid gold card at all costs and keep in mind his sustained damage is disgusting. ”
RikudouDovahkiin says “His laning power is not equivalent to yours at all, however it differs in actual gameplay- which can lead to hard ganks to other lanes, as you won't be able to catch him up always, in a bad team flame and things can cause a lose, beware his stun as it can open chance to enemy team to react, in lane dodge his Q and don't get poked by constant Select A Card skill and you're OK. You may dodge his Yellow Card by entering Blood Pool while stacking your E, then continue to chase him, if you are sure about his jungler you should care his W + Flash combo to avoid easy deaths at early game- in late, it will cost even more time to get rid of stun, you should be killing him to avoid getting stunned-killed by his team with followed-up combos, which can lead you to an inevitable defeat. He will usually play with 12-18-0 and will have a strong damage potential with Void Staff etc. if he's not going to build Zhonya, remember that will almost always be possible to kill him since Zhonya is a life saver in team fights and gains time for his team to react, so without it, you may focus him easily in team fights to avoid insta-stuns for 2.5 sec which has few seconds CD. You should also avoid his damage- with Morello he can proc easily proc 'Grevious Wounds' with his high damage potential. Watch his actions, alternatively against his roaming power, you can push the first tower to punish him for ganks or you may try to join roams as well.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Kind of a skill matchup
The Yu-Gi-Oh supremacist in a school full of Pokemon card traders is definitely not a whimp anymore.
He has a lot of hurt behind that Blue Eyes White Dragon Blue card now along with giving him mana so just try to wait for him to waste W since you outspeed him then try to poke him when it's down
Make sure to warn your team when he's level 6.”
snukumz says “Your wave clear is better than his, and you're usually out of range to get stun carded.
Keep him from roaming by constantly shoving his wave in.
Once you get 6 you should be able to dunk him.
He's sometimes hard to kill 1v1 because he builds health, try to poke him a bit low before going for an all-in. ”
1256 says “ad
ad tf player too here, if he goes jbs omnistone build he wins until 11, if he goes electro+ignite he can cheese you 3 so be careful, phage+sheen spike is huge, but its winnable
TSMyth says “I don't have to say anything about this matchup, you literally win him in everyway. Don't let him farm or anything, you can always E the minions on your way to him. And be careful from his yellow card, have your winwall ready for him.”
AZIR MEN says “His job is to not win lane, but to help others. Push the lane so he won't use ult. Watch out for his yellow card and flash combo.
Cleanse is fine.
conq or comet”
Sanyol667 says “Attack Damage Twisted Fate is a big Challenge for Tank Kassadin. You can't really solo him the entire game. Facing him, try to survive laning phase and scale avoiding him.”
PepeOnDrugs says “He is squishy but may be able to poke you quiet a bit in the early levels. You can wait for him to pick a card (other than yellow) before trying to trade with him. He will want to roam to other lanes with his ulti so be sure to do your part also, either be ahead of the roam or use teleport. You need to look for picks and roam throughout laning phase. After level 6 you should have no problem 100-0 him but be careful and aware of his jungler.
Lobban says “I would pick clense against tf. For example. You are going for a turret dive, he is at half HP and no flash. He stuns you and your dead. But with clense you can keep your combo and hopefully kill him with ult for the bonus AD.”
Gageowago says “Stay out of minion wave because you will get blocked while trying to avoid his q. Keep an eye above Twisted Fate's head because the card he chooses telegraphs what he is trying to do. You can poke him when he goes for a blue card because he is going to cs. Red cards also mean cs but you shouldn't step up because you will be slowed and unable to trade back. Immediately back up if he goes for a gold card because you will either lose a trade with him or get ganked. Danger ping both lanes if you lose vision of him for a few seconds. On his own early game he is no real threat but this is one of the matchups where taking cleanse is helpful, especially if his jungler is an assassin or has high burst. Be aware that he does do a lot of damage on his own if he has taken electrocute, and that his blue card late game now hurts a ton.”
topal says “His poke is not that bad and you can outrade him if you hit your cc .His goldcard is very annoy so just w8 for him to use w and then all in him.His ult allows him to follow and match your roams very well.The matchup can go both ways.”
parkie boy 22 says “this guy just freezes the lane until level 6 where he becomes fucking superman and yeets himself into top/bot lane. take tp or dodge.”
Capparelli says “This is almost a Major because riot seems keen on over buffing him, use canopy if he gold cards you and, have jungle gank to keep him in check, both his build's can result in you getting one shot, get Tiamat and roam to match his R ”
serruh says “can pressure you early and take over the game but honestly he's not much of a threat 1v1, also you can take over the game yourself if the matchup flips a bit on your side since you will have perma prio and by the time sidelaning comes into effect, you will be vastly more useful(assuming his team didnt snowball hard early)”
RockitoAhri says “Pressure him, push the wave, WARD (because you are pushing....), when he goes for a roam it is obvious which lane he is moving towards. You can either stop him or join the fight at about the same time. ”
Kami_EU says “Easy matchup, consider taking teleport to match his Ultimate.
If he misses his W we can look for trades.
In later stages Yasuo outscales Twisted Fate.”
P0rk0 says “try to avoid his W so he uses it on minions, trade if he use spells on minions, you can also cancel his ult with Q so every time he goes for R follow him and try not to let him roam.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
G7_Zeke says “Be very wary of his range. He can probably just poke you down without you getting a single scratch on him if he's good enough. He's easy to all-in early-middish game, but late game, it's a bit more difficult.”
ekkologix says “be agressive, don't get hit by his w for free, if he tries to push lane with red card and q ,go for trade. go for trade before he uses his w . usually he won't answer in time.”
8wolf says “Not a popular pick nowadays. His range is pretty short, besides his q, and your waveclear outmatches his.
Beware his roams, as he can get fed on the sidelanes with his ult, so try to tell your teammates whenever he seems to get ready for a roam.”
Daedralus says “He does have the range, but a kit not very suitable against yours. If you see him pull a yellow card, simply press E, and your damage reduction will block his Stun + Q + E + thunderlord proc. If you see him using his ult, ult him to stop the channel and destroy him. You can also use your E to stop the channel. Overall, he can harass you from afar which gives him the advantage, but does not have enough damage or mana early on to beat your healing.”
Tehqo says “Laning, he is extremely easy. You'd still want to ward as he has point and click CC and is extremely prone to roaming. If he goes missing, warn your team right away, because he's definitely going to gank them. ”
ApWuKong says “Most mages go to the minor threats but he is one of the few that has a point and click cc, but if you perfectly bait his yellow card with w he is big trouble.”
Je Suis Azir says “If you position yourself properly are aware of a few things, this is a free fucking lane. Here are those things. Where his jungler is, his Gold Card, and his Roaming Potential. You can punish him whenever these things are not present. He is no threat to you unless you are playing poorly. Position yourself well, punish him as much as possible, and you will dominate this lane.”
Aizenvolt says “Preety easy matchup. He cant do much against you. Just watch out when he has yellow card stay away from him till he has used it, because it synergizes well with ganks.”
LONERlSM says “Farm lane you outscale tf and your aoe makes you more useful later on. If tf ults look to shove the wave so he misses exp from ulting away from mid.”
DravensBukkake says “Cleanse matchup.
Unironically, TF is the easiest to solo kill out of any other mage. He presents the lowest solo kill potential, yet we go cleanse. Similar to Azir, he has insanely good gank pressure with gold card.
Level 1 he will red card your backline, so do not stand near them for him to do free damage. Poke him down, shove him in early until around levels 4. Level 5 he would be able to match your shove (kinda), but you always wanna shove him in anyways. After level 6, do lane wards and start perma shoving. Easy af gank setups for you past 6, very immobile and does no damage. Before then, you can also abuse him hard W Q AA spamming him into the dirt, he cannot match your poke unless he gold card Q, and he will not ever be in range to be in gold card range without tanking AA's walking up to you.”
Mid Win Repeat says “His side ganks are better than yours, His are faster and has a point and click stun. In lane however you have the advantage. Theres not much he can do without his jungler.”
EvilBird090 says “Twisted Fate won't be able to kill you through your sustain and good TF players won't try to do that anyway, they will push in the wave and look to support their team on the map. Try to counter push and pool his stun card when you all in him or are getting ganked. All in all he is no real threat in lane to you.”
spark2 says “TF is annoying because of his Gold Card stuns, but here's the thing: he has crazy mana problems because of his Q. He solves this with his Blue Card, so when you see him use blue card on a minion or you, he is utterly defenseless. Dodge his Qs and ping when he tries to roam to other lanes, and he's almost impossible to lose against.”
Cloud375 says “His gold cards are annoying, but that's about it. His skillshots are easy to dodge, and you naturally have more damage than him the whole game. This should be an easy lane so ABUSE YOUR DAMAGE until he dies.”
Garybaldo says “He's immobile so you can easily hit your E, still, you can't follow his roams (unless you take tp) and he'll most likely out-push you and out-poke you,ou scale better though. Spam ping side lanes whenever he goes missing, he's Twisted Fate for God's sake!”
Novok says “Pressure him, push the wave, WARD (because you are pushing....), when he goes for a roam it is obvious which lane he is moving towards. You can either stop him or join the fight at about the same time. ”
SirZeros says “Try to get help from your jungler, he hasn't really got an escape, so you could kill him in the early game. He can definetly outplay you in the late game, so take care!
Also he's way better and quicker at roaming than you, so tell your teammates to be careful when he's missing or you see him ulting and push the lane as much as you can, if you can't follow.”
Hi Im Zoky says “Twisted fate is good against zed if u can freez, farm and look for roams with ultimate. Try playing agressive but don't get caught 2v1. Use your ult to dodge he's gold card and follow up with w+e+q combo!”
Euphoric Toaster says “Not a particularly hard matchup itself, just an annoying one with things you have to keep in mind. Take Cleanse into this lane, ESPECIALLY if the enemy jungler is a high damage or high CC jungler. If you're not afraid of TF + his jungler you can take ignite to look for the solo kill or TP to try and match his map pressure. Try and push him in as best you can, but unless you're pretty ahead already, once he gets Catalyst of Eons and especially Rod of Ages (possibly even Mercury Treads) you're probably not going to be able to kill him solo. Ward in key spots to try and spot him looking for roams and be SURE to aggressively warn your sidelaners when he might be looking for a roam. If he does roam, and you can't get there quick enough, just pressure the tower for plates and deny him CS.”
ShadowFox101 says “Watch for his empowered basic attacks. You can see what card he is going to use before he uses it. If he is using Blue or Red he's likely to use it on minions, if he pulls Yellow he wants to go for you. Once he uses his W you can go for him easily.”
Xavier Senori says “Twisted Fate is super easy to deal with. You outrange, outharass, and outscale him into the late game. Early on, make sure you are harassing him to hell, do not let him farm. Twisted Fate has an awful early game and laning phase, take advantage of that. Once he hits level 6, make sure you keep him pushed to his tower so that he can't roam. If he ults another lane, punish him by taking his tower.”
Pumparum says “Twisted Fate potentially has infinite mana but it wont be enough to kill you unless he is building on hit. He can however, damage you enough with autos and call for a jungler to get a gank. You can easily follow his roams if you predict where he is headed and Snowball there premptively.”
kilgta says “He outshoves you early. You are pretty even after that. To win this lane you gotta put your whole combo on him everytimes he uses W on a minion. You should out trade him this way and have lane priority. Use your Teleport to match his ults and win game.”
unownreality says “The key here is to watch your mana consumption and try not to use abilities to push waves. Twisted fate has low wave clear, so saving your mana is vital, since he can sustain mana. Use q to stop his teleport on ult. Dont try to chase, as yellow card has a low cooldown. ”
MechaaZero says “If he lands his stun repeatedly it can get annoying, but that's really it. Dodging his Q is a piece of cake, and His R kills him if you put an E on top of it.”
RagexAddict says “One of your easiest matchups. Much like Talon, he can't duel you well, but he can outroam you if he knows what he's doing. Save your E for when he shows his gold card. If he uses his pick a card and picks anything other than gold card, all in him at that point. Try to always keep him pushed under his tower. He'll either have to stay in lane to catch the waves and protect tower or lose CS to try to make plays across the map.”
LyndonK9 says “Pretty easy, just poke him down and since hes squishy you can all him very easily. Taking cleanse can help you with his yellow card, because sometimes he will flash stun you when you're getting ganked. Make sure to dodge his Q and stand away from minions when he has red card. It's pretty easy to see when he's trying to go in because he's choosing a card so walk back when he does so. ”
hipstersora says “TF isn't too much of a bother in lane, but he can ult to get to another lane for a gank. Keep track of him all game and use pings. Roam the best you can, mostly bot.”
YourBestSenpai says “Shouldn't be hard, no jumps or shields or anything like that to dodge your charm, and you also can deny his roam when he ults, which sounds pretty good, as you most probably will kill him straight after that”
Best Karth NA says “Keep him shoved in and harass. Make sure he doesn't roam, or at least punish him for it by poking him down and keeping the lane shoved in. ”
AgreeableOtter says “A good TF Player can make lane hell for you. But a bad one is free 300 gold every time he comes back to lane.
If you are looking for an all in, try to dodge his Gold Card with Death Mark and beat him. Don't walk too close to your minions when he has a red card up.
When his W is down it is usually a good time to all in him even pre 6.
Keep him pushed in so if he roams he at least loses a wave and you get some turret plating gold.”
noolan says “He would be completely useless against you except, he has a long stun. NEVER ult onto him if he has his w up, unless you are fed. Other than his stun, he has nothing to stop you from destroying him and winning the lane.”
BoopForTheTroops says “His stun is and Auto so keep your distance and he wont be able to stun you. he also looses mana fast so watch for your moment to shine.”
Shderen says “A skill match-up leaning towards your favour. His damage mainly comes from W+Q which are easily silenced. Quick reactions with your E can also prevent his ult at level 6. Later on, he'll likely knock your socks off with his crazy damage, so knock him out early.”
HerrSolahri says “Get your Jungler to abuse this Matchup. Prepare freeze in front of your Tower and stand in front of your Minions. He knows hes easy to gank so he won t risk much.”
aButteredPoptart says “TF will probably never be able to kill you solo. He just isn't built for that. The only threats he has are ganks and roaming. If he picks gold card, go to the opposite side of the lane he's standing because that is probably where his jungler is. Ping missing often, as TF's threat comes from roams, not killing you in lane.”
BicBee says “Try to always keep TF under tower or at least pushed to discourage his roaming. Ward heavy as you're the aggressor in lane and will get ganked. Very rarely can he solo you in lane. Every time he throws down blue/red card to CS immediately step in to harass. Don't stay near minions so he has to choose to spend mana to harass you or to CS. Good TFs will ult to lanes after backing making it hard for you to predict/stop/follow him. Beware of that. ”
BicBee says “Try to always keep TF under tower or at least pushed to discourage his roaming. Ward heavy as you're the aggressor in lane and will get ganked. Very rarely can he solo you in lane. Every time he throws down blue/red card to CS immediately step in to harass. Don't stay near minions so he has to choose to spend mana to harass you or to CS. Good TFs will ult to lanes after backing making it hard for you to predict/stop/follow him. Beware of that.”
AzureArmatt says “Twisted fate struggles against assassins but his true strength lies in his roam ability. he can punish you in lane if you let him stun you with his gold card and land his Q (wild cards). He's scary after getting 2 items. he will be everywhere if he gets ahead so better keep an eye on him and ping him missing and if possible try to follow him. if you see him teleporting you can stop it with your charm. Get some defense, if he's aggressive get zhonya becuase he will try to flash + gold card you, if he's playing it more safetly then banshe's veil will make your life easier. consider buying mercury's treads if he gets you stunned easily to avid his follow up damage.”
Shaawn says “Start E lvl 1. If he tries to push by red carding your caster minions, dash up to his face and chunk him down. Do not be scared of poke as you have your shield and bone plating. With proper vision, you are looking to play as aggressive as possible and try get a kill in laning phase. At 6 you want to shove in his lane when he has ult up, and ward the sides to limit his roaming. You can use windwall to stop his waveclear, unless you have a good all-in opportunity.”
NocUout says “He's not as difficult to deal with, as his only real threat on you is his gold card which you can dodge with your ultimate. Just play this matchup like you would with most mages and all in level 6. ”
Ebug8215 says “Very easy to dominate lane. When he casts pick a card just e away until he uses it on a minion or it expires. Very easy to dominate lane, just don't let him poke you.”
thedonk says “Similar to Annie, go in when he doesn't have his W or Yellow Card. He doesn't really burst you down like Annie so he is a smaller threat. Make sure to ping that he is level 6 in case he decides to roam.”
Padrepio says “Long ranges are hard to manage. If you have to, try to engage when he picks his blue card, so he cannot stun you. Tell your teammates when he hits 6 and call every ss, because he can teleport into other lanes.”
overweight_zoe says “Pretty hard lane for TF to interact with as a 1 on 1. Keep him shoved in and make sure to keep deep wards in the jungle and river alleys to discourage him from roaming with his ult. ”
Tipurrs says “Easy, Easy lane. This match up favors you. He's too squishy and he will just roam to other lanes because he really can't all-in on you alone. ”
Finish Flash says “Whenever Twisted Fate pulls out his W, you want to walk up and get ready to E when he throws it out; your E will negate his W. If you negate his W, you will always win the trade. Be patient in this matchup. Most TF players will know they are at a disadvantage and will play safe. Win this lane through well timed trades and landing your ultimates.”
apsonalol says “Twisted Fate era mais comum encontrar no NA do que no servidor Brasileiro, mas quando estamos jogando contra um TF queremos gankar ele, então abuse de chamadas para campa-lo, aliás ele morto não tem como ultar pra ajudar ninguém.”
moutenn says “Easiest kill. When he stuncards you, just R, and kill him. Cleanse is fine because pre 6 a jungler can come to kill you with his stuncard.”
qasddsa says “Can be dangerous because of his Gold card, but otherwise he has no other threat on you. He can push a lot better than you, but you can still trade back with Q. After level 6, he'll definitely outroam you initially if he uses his ult, so when that happens just push tower and punish him for leaving lane. ”
Draczor says “Easy lane, he won't be able to win trades against you. Pressure him from farming and poke him a lot but try not to fight too long with him and avoid getting hit by his W. Simply doing Q + AA and E is enough. Make sure to push hard if his ultimate is up to make it harder for him to roam. You can push tower and make him lose cs if he tries to make a gank with his ultimate and try not to forget pinging your other laners if he is missing. You can follow up with TP if he tries to roam bot with his ult but that depends on the situation, otherwise just push mid. I recommend taking Cleanse in this matchup since a stun from him might put you in a bad spot especially if his jungler or team also have cc. But teleport is always fine too to follow up on his ult roams.”
Exiled Heretic says “He would be a higher threat if you didn't take teleport. You can keep up with his roams with it. He has his gold card which makes you vulnerable to gank's and usually rushes movement speed making him a permanent roam champion”
Sozzoh says “Twisted Fate is fairly easy. While his point and click stun can be pretty annoying, that's pretty much all you have to worry about. Twisted Fate post-6 will most definitely roam, so once you don't see him in lane, warn your team as he will show up and gank. Warding is very useful in this situation, so try and get deep wards and even try to ward in the enemy jungle to help you keep vision of where the enemy jungler is, and where TF is. If you want to make TF cry, get Banshee's if you really want. That way his point and click stun won't work the first time.”
Katapullt says “A good TF destroys you. Engage him when he used his "Pick a Card" (W). Warn your teammates when he reached lvl 6 and when he leaves the lane. You can go cleanse in this matchup to avoid getting caught on ganks”
undeadsoldiers says “Dodge ALL the skillshots!
Careful of his gold card. That's really his one threat other than his roam potential with ult.
Suggested: Cleanse”
undeadsoldiers says “He can be pretty annoying. Beware of the yellow card and Q poke. His roams are great and pretty scary. He will out-roam you, so it's better to just stay in lane and use that time to farm and get XP and just ping him missing, don't follow him.”
wo xiang zhaoo says “Easy to kill, same as Ryze. Don't get too much pushed in or he will punish you under your own turret. You can cancel his R with your Q.”
asffg123 says “Twisted Fate has cc, making you prone to ganks. However, as long as you trade correctly, you should win against him. You should have an equal laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
ShokLoL says “TF is a very weak laner and you should be able to remain in control of the wave at all times, and look for QE trades whenever he comes up to CS. Make sure you can trying to force trades or at least stop him from autoing the wave whenever he uses his cooldowns. The only real threat is his gank setup, or getting random roams off if you don't pressure lane enough.”
Chuleex says “Twisted fate is special, once he has ult you roaming isnt as strong as in other matchups, diving him or trading is dangerous bc of his e, and he has more range in his q, but truth is that by dodging his e and playing with the wave so he cant be safe under tower you can easily put tf on a lot of pressure, if you struggle with him going for hex isnt crazy but dmg is always better as you are stronger at 1 2 items, go dshield and all ins if he pushes too much or wastes e”
Zeekar says “He has consistent damage, something you don't. You miss your combo on him in lane he can probably either get you low or straight up kill you. If you do combo him he generally dies tho. ”
ShokLoL says “TF can never win trades against you so try and force them as often as possible. Be careful of his gank setup, especially when you have no flash. Post 6 can be a bit dicey because you need to push so he can't roam but pushing makes you more vulnerable, so setup vision and hug to it.”
ShokLoL says “Twisted Fate doesn't pressure the lane directly but you need to limit his opportunities to roam. Try keep push on the wave by constantly autoing and zoning him off the wave if his W is on CD. Try ward his path to bot lane (or top lane if it's a volatile matchup). Be aware that by pushing aggressively you are very vulnerable to ganks, but good warding/hugging should prevent this. Mercs are also required vs TF, but you don't need them too early.”
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