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Twisted Fate Counter Stats

Twisted Fate Counters
Discover all champions who counter Twisted Fate. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Twisted Fate in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
637 Tips for countering Twisted Fate below

Mid Lane
50% Win Rate56% Pick Rate Twisted Fate Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Twisted Fate in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Vladmidir says “Pool his gold card and just run him down. This champ cant do anything against you 1v1 so be mindful of his ults. Hard shove waves so he cant roam for free. ”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. Long Sword start. I still need to experiment on this, but taking cleanse might be good here as you can neutralize his gold card and effectively only selfpeel, but rn I think he's weak enough that you don't need it. Don't let him get you too low during the first levels. You can trade into him really well after lvl 3. If he overextends you can kill him by engaging him with a combo after he used his W, else he'll stun you and gets away while being able to space and continue attacking you. His gold card is your biggest enemy, but you can ult the projectile if he throws it before you cast your ult. If he holds the card long enough and stuns you use your gap close to burst him after the stun runs out. Following his roams is rather hard, so if you see him stepping out of lane ping your laners accordingly and prepare to follow fast, if you want to match him. You'll still be late but might be able to catch some kills.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
BrMario1011 says “If hes ap its a very easy match lol, you can gank him very easily, one shot him late, kill him easily in lane and team fight way better, only issue is he can follow you on roams, and shut you down easily during fights with yellow card, and if he goes ad its an major match lol go dorans ring, second wind and ingnite/tp”
AP MIDLANE RAKAN GUIDE (14.12), WIP by BrMario1011 | Rakan Player
MetalK1d says “Twisted Fate is not a hard match up since he will mostly farm and he is very squishy, you can easily trade with him after he wasted his W.”
[14.11] Gragas Mid/Top/Jungle by MetalK1d | Gragas Player
Peepers says “Doesn't have as much damage built into his kit as a vayne or quinn but the utility from gold card makes it extremely difficult to collapse on him without jungler.”
sick204 says “Respect Twisted Fate's poke and global pressure with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Twisted Fate's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Twisted Fate's roaming potential, as he can quickly impact other lanes with his ultimate (R), putting pressure on Yasuo's team. Utilize Wind Wall to block Twisted Fate's Q and W in trades and team fights to reduce his poke and damage output. Engage on Twisted Fate when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Twisted Fate's crowd control and magic damage. ”
[14.10] YASUO BUILD MID by sick204 | Yasuo Player
Foxirion says “Twisted’s crowd control and global presence can be a threat to Swain, as he can disrupt his positioning and quickly deal high damage.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.] Twisted Fate is pretty easy to bully with abilities and empowered basic attacks, but avoid longer trades due to his stun and three-hit-passive making him edge out wins. Be careful of walking up in lane without vision as well, as Twisted Fate is very good at setting up ganks for his jungler. From Level 6 onward, stay aware of his ultimate if he's out of vision, as he could teleport behind you and cheese kills, or, if he teleports to a side lane, shove your wave and get as many plates as you can.”
A Comprehensive Ziggs Primer by Laimaudeja | Ziggs Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. TP is mandatory against TF because he will basically have 2 TPs because of his kit. In lane, before he gets tier 2 boots he'll be easy to poke out of lane. The thing is, is movespeed build makes it super hard for you to hit you spells. After 6, unless you can find a good Q, Focus on the waves rather than hitting him and try to prevent his roams as much as possible.”
awawa says “Much like Azir, you prob will never see good TF players. He could be either AD (dont let him kite you for free) or AP (dodge his cards at all costs, especially gold one as it stuns you) His ultimate is a threat only if he uses it properly.”
Vex S14 Guide For Gloomies by awawa | Vex Player
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Top Lane
49.56% Win Rate38% Pick Rate Twisted Fate Top Lane Counters: 26 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Twisted Fate in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Your Desired Username says “Pretty disgusting matchup. Take ghost. You pretty much just wanna chill and farm until rylai's, only then can you kill him. Post-6 you can ult him right as he throws his gold card and it will disappear.”
14.13 Mordekaiser | The One-Way-Ticket to Brazil | Detailed Guide by Your Desired Username | Mordekaiser Player
step1v9 says “Just E through his gold card CC. Bait him to throw it on you then cast E towards him to all-in. If he has 6, then just perma shove wave. Be careful of ganks as TF has great set up, so just all-in when you have vision of the enemy jungler.”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
LDaL says “Not hard. If his good, he will never walk up, and always hold gold card. Just freeze close to your tower, and if he walkup close, quick dash to him, deal some dmg, and dash away( he need some time to use gold card), or if you have w you can continue your trade. If you block it, kill him. Remember freeze is important because, his stun from his w is good for gunk. After 6 hard ping whenever his is mising, and tell your teammates that his is already 6, so they will know that he can roam fast.”
Yasuo build by LDaL | Yasuo Player
Raideru says “This matchup is all ab spacing and rly jng dependant cose if the TF is good at spacing you can't rly touch him, play with bushes a lot and try to keep your hps similar cose him being lower goes in your favor, matchup gets easier after getting swifties and stride but until then it's really rng on the player and game”
Best Darius World Challenger Guide by RAIDERU by Raideru | Darius Player
Haxorr says “Unless you really mess up during lane, TF should be a really easy matchup for you. Bring Doran's Blade, Fleet, and play safe the first few waves, only looking for short q auto trades. Q start is really good here. After level 3, feel free to jump on this guy whenever he uses his card ability, as you are really favored in the trades and he can't really do anything. 3 points in q is really good here, rush any of the 3 first items (trinity, rav, bork, though I prefer bork atm).”
[14.11] Haxorr's Challenger Jax Guide by Haxorr | Jax Player
polenta_ar says “No. Just no. Why would you ever pick this. You should be ashamed of yourself. ”
[14.10] Splitpush Top Warwick is hunting you by polenta_ar | Warwick Player
TeiWasTaken says “Twisted Fate is a free matchup, because unlike most other ranged toplaners, he has no tool to disable you or get away from you once you catch him. Oh, yeah, he has the gold card, but you oneshot him before he can use it anyway xD”
Eriyjah says “Resolve secondary runes with Second Wind, rush Opportunity.”
14.6 Pantheon Ultimate Oneshot Item Guide (Keegun Style) by Eriyjah | Pantheon Player
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/flash. Spellbook Wait till 6 lane. Then you can run him down. Wait till he picks a card then r him. His Card will get deleted, it wont travel to death realm even if its mid air. He kinda out scales you though if he is good”
S14 Mordekaiser top guide with matchups [Diamond 2] by Witchking of Angwar | Mordekaiser Player
X_TRM says “(Start W) Take fleet and don't try to trade. You can't itemize boots against him because he does mixed damage and can point and click stun you + Tabi got nerfed. You have no way of reaching him if he plays safe and he will punish you with his Yellow card if you overstep. Call your jungler and keep your HP as high as possible. Later in the game it becomes impossible to play if his team is not behind because it he has lower cooldown and that leads to a way higher change of winning the game then you. Perma ban.”
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