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Twisted Fate Counter Stats

Twisted Fate Counters
Discover all champions who counter Twisted Fate. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Twisted Fate in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
662 Tips for countering Twisted Fate below

Mid Lane
49.78% Win Rate91% Pick Rate Twisted Fate Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Twisted Fate in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Divine Azir says “You outrange him, so just harass last hits. His Q is easy to dodge; he pretty much has to gold-card you first to hit it. Keep him pushed in after level 6 so it is harder fo him to roam. If he walks toward you while shuffling his cards, he is setting up a stun for his jungler. Just walk away, or E if you have to.”
The Most In-Depth Azir Guide Ever by Divine Azir | Azir Player
AuroraAddict says “Twisted Fate also has a weak laning phase so you will be able to control the wave and outrading him basically at any time, the perfect time to trade him would be when he tries to q the cs.both electrocute and arcane comet are good against Twisted Fate. ”
Newbie1Kenobi says “He doesn't kill you but can just push and roam making you less relevant if your team doesn't listen to pings.”
The GODLIKE S14 Solo Carry Kennen BROKEN 1v9 Build by Newbie1Kenobi | Kennen Player
Badplank says “I consider this champion a joke in early game, he's Viktors "twin brother", he gets more scary as game goes on. In early he doesn't deal any real damage to you, your shield blocks alot of his damage, his autoattack deal as much as old fiddlesticks auto's. Poke and harrass him as much as you can so he goes out of lane, but be careful. His golden card is the only scary weapon in his arsenal in early, he will 100% only fight you with his jungler, so buy control wards and monitor your surroundings.”
Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me by Badplank | Viktor Player
Lunar1v9 says “Ping his roams, you can not match them so try to push wave and get tower plates when u see the opportunity for it . He is really annoying but unless u played bad he cant really kill you, BE AWARE OF HIS GOLD CARD AT GANKS ( CAN BE DEADLY )”
Kayle Guide ( updates every season) by Lunar1v9 | Kayle Player
PetriciteLoL says “Constantly engage with E and you win If you keep hitting it.”
Tamikaze says “[Teleport is mandatory] Azir can win this matchup, but most of the time Twisted Fate is going to be playing around his team rather than playing to win lane. Your DPS and range will win you the lane overall. Be very conscious about ganks with a flash+stun card set up. Active ward where Twisted Fate will walk and remember you can cancel his ult with your ultimate if you have the given opportunity. ”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
MattStyle says “No es un problema durante la fase de líneas pero posee mayor presión global gracias a su R. Podrá roamear con facilidad incluso aunque avises apenas desaparezca de la línea. Si no tienes TP para seguirlo entonces sólo pushea la oleada hasta su torre y confía en que tu team no le dará kills. Su stun puede ser problemático pues dura 2 segundos a máximo nivel y puede impedir que te ultees, juega en torno a eso.”
Zilean MID - Guía completa y definitiva 2024 en español by MattStyle | Zilean Player
j4ss says “Nothing he can do against your poke, rush mercs and statikk. Then crit and a QSS.”
Tatsurion says “Same goes for all the other battlemages, its a very even matchup. His threat comes from the gold card and the incoming gangbang after he hits it, not himself, so theres not much you can do about it other than avoid it. Should you get your hands on him, however. He will never win. This is a macro champion, you win it late game. take burst if the situation allows”
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