As a Support 49.18% Win Rate62% Pick RateBrand As a Support Counters: 27 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Brand as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kogami123 says “Early game: Slight Brand advantage thanks to his poke, but if Gragas finds a good all-in with E + R, he can force a kill or flash.
Mid-game: Gragas' advantage if well played. He can initiate or disengage effectively, preventing Brand from placing a good ulti in a teamfight.
Late-game: Brand becomes a damage machine, but Gragas remains more useful in teamfights if he controls the opponent's carries well.
Play around Brand's cooldowns: Engage when he's used his W.
Build MR quickly: Rammus Vest (which becomes Thorny Boot) or Knight's Vow can help.”
ShriekingMammoth says “As long as you dodge his W/Q, Brand is an easy champ to play versus. Just don't get into late game as Brand will do lots of damage at this stage of the game.”
Kirkwardo says “in order to stun he has to see you to E you, so by controlling the bush he is gambling with his precious mana pool when he blindly attempts to poke. No escape makes him easy prey. ”
JVS8 says “The Brand matchup is a skill matchup. Focus on his cooldowns and play around them. You can out-roam and outscale him, so the key is to play safely, avoid over-forcing fights, and wait for the right opportunities.
Sh0ppe says “if he misses his Q then all in him, you have far more sustain than him as well so his poke isn't that bad. Be aware post 6 as his ult can burst you up close if your not careful.”
Pykings says “Immobile and useless if you dodge his stun.
Be mindful of his R once his Q is down. Try to bait out his W/Q before fighting. Don't hug waves as he can easily poke you with E.”
Smaugyon says “He is counterd by tier 2 boots and even more so by swiftys so respect hilm early and abuse him once you got boots. Do be carful of his damage and his ult and note that he will be much harder to bait once he gets rylai's”
Yoshiking123 says “Assuming it's Brand APC and NOT Brand Support: you need to go for kills Level 1/2 otherwise it becomes a nullified lane for Taric. He'll be able to out-range/poke you down burning through your mana or permanently shove/waveclear. Later on when he gets Rylai's Crystal Scepter it makes it very hard for you to get resets.”
Aerenax says “Brand is a matchup that is annoying to play against. He pokes you down a lot but if you manage to catch him, you have a chance to blow him up. Be patient and don’t get to low by the poke.”
zSharpFire says “R-Q is the name of the game. He has no sustain and you have really big poke. R-Q gives you a range advantage so you can pump big damage with really low risk. When you try to W him be very mindful of his Q and try to dodge it with the E bonus ms (if the adc doesn't need the shield)”
Arctic Arrow says “You can engage him aggressively, due to his lack of mobility and he’ll likely go down quickly. Just be cautious of his crowd control and try to bait out his abilities before you commit to an all-in.
Once you have a few points in your E (Crimson Curse), you can easily out-sustain his poke and pressure him effectively.”
sfxshinygod says “Annoying but immobile. Avoid getting chunked by baiting skills and playing in the bush and surprising them by all ins. Very squishy so you should win.”
xpwnz1337 says “Alistar = tank. Brand = anti tank (overbuffed items damage trash).
Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush. Do not get hit by minion burn E. W+Q into sidestep his Q so you wont get stunned.
After 6 don't group with ADC in his R.
Beware of interaction: W+Q into his Q stun will just knock him back and wont knock up.”
LA COLORADA says “you won't get to him in lane if he's decent tbh. bring second wind and call out for your jungler.
lock him down during skirmishes and teamfights. don't take dumb fights in closed spaces as he excels there.
he'll prob get top damage anyway even if you leave him behind bc champ design lol.”
FiletedMinion says “I frequently ban Brand. He makes laning hell. W --> E means he WILL get you burning if you are anywhere near your own wave. It's just not worth dealing with. You can smash him easily. Still not worth it.”
Abarame says “One of the few mage supports that actually give you a hard time. His zone control and aoe dmg is very annoying and becomes scary if he gets a lead going. Be VERY careful when laning against Brand. He is relentless with his trades and will kill you if he activates his 3 hit passive.”
TnDD says “Aslında Brand'in zorluğu Koridor aşamasında çok fazla rahatsız ediyor. Brand, genel olarak kötü bir destek karakteri olduğu için kazanabilirsin.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Just all in him and he pretty much insta dies, he has no mobility and if you bait one ability so you dont get insta cced before landing your Q its pretty much free.(Also after you have a few points in E you can just outsustain him poke)”
Foxirion says “Brand’s high burst damage and crowd control can be a significant threat to Nautilus. However, if Nautilus can survive his initial burst, he can lock Brand down for his team.”
Foxirion says “Brand's high area of effect damage and crowd control abilities can pose a major threat to Rakan and his team. Rakan needs to be cautious when engaging around Brand to avoid getting caught in his abilities and burst down quickly.”
glimppi says “His passive burns, which gives your stealth movement away. Your clone is the key here. Brand can't take a fight without exploding your clone.”
Velkyann says “Extreme poke, infinite burn after the first item, and burst potential. Only use your W if you and your ADC/team take damage. You can counter his burst if you use your ult after his, Tear is recommended if you need more mana.”
Sinyora says “Brand's burn damage can break our E) Black Shield with quite ease. His kit is long range therefore he doesn't need to risk getting hit by a root by walking close.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Brand wants to stack his passive on you by landing multiple abilities in succession. Don't let him hit chains of abilities on you or he'll melt your health.
Keep space between yourself and your carry. If you've been hit by one ability already, his Q will stun you, likely leading to a very painful exchange.”
Cyndakyu says “same as xerath, look to trade when his abilities are down, especially his stun
you won't be able to do much in lane without ganks, so look to roam but make sure to cover potential dives”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Pretty aggressive for a support, and does a lot of damage. Just watch out for his ult and avoid getting too hurt and you'll be fine.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “It's all a matter of dodging his abilities. If he ults you, walk away from your teammates please. Get MR.”
nyashaor says “His abilities are annoying, but with this build you're more annoying than he is. I recommend playing save , throw some Q, rely on your carry.”
TheSkyLrd says “Very annoying, not much you can do to him, try to not get stunned. If you get ulted by him run away from your team to make sure it doesn't spread.”
Razing42 says “Stay away from minions as he will use E to hit you and your adc for free poke. If he misses his stun you have a window to go in and punish.”
Aerenax says “Brand is a champion with a lot of damage, but you can also block a lot of this damage with your E - Unbreakable. When he ult try to catch it with your E to make his ult disappear in thin air.”
ohsuko says “(Electrocute makes this matchup extreme). High damage, has cc, makes it hard to trade and WILL punish you if you walk up for Electrocute trades.”
Ryecheria says “Typically mage supports have more range and better poke, but you could shield damages from abilities. Make sure to dodge crowd control abilities. If they miss abilities (especially crowd control abilities), look to punish or all-in.
All in if he misses Q.
Prioritize pushing the wave, bonus if your q hits opponents as well. ”
Fenreee says “It's a skill matchup but Brand favored due to wave clear. You win in raw damage since you should dodge all his skills with ease because you're Vayne. His E will splash from the wave and poke you so Fleet - Second Wind and get an early refillable potion aswell if necessary.”
mazewalk says “Bait skillshots, if he focuses your ADC - punish him by engaging. He is the best Morelonomicon user in the game, so Redemption wont help in teamfights. Stay away both from your teammates and him when he ults. ”
JezebelleXX says “He outdamages you but his stun is unreliable, and you are much faster than him. Click W when you are not taking his AoE passive mark, as Miss Fortune's W maintains its extra speed through DoT.”
TheBougis says “Brand is insanely strong in Arena, he deals high amounts of damage and does a ton of max health damage as well. Not much counter-play against him except stacking magic resist.”
confuzed says “This guy suuuuuucks. A decent Brand will be able to stun-lock you and poke you enough in lane that you can't engage. Against a Brand, a Rell will not trade early game well.”
Shadowcrushers says “Brand, the Burning Vengeance, is indeed an even match against Soraka, the Starchild, due to several key factors.
Damage Output: Brand possesses exceptional burst damage, making him a formidable threat to Soraka. His passive ability, Blaze, allows his abilities to deal additional damage over time, while his main damaging ability, Pillar of Flame, can deal significant area-of-effect damage to multiple targets. Combined with his other abilities, such as Sear and Conflagration, Brand can quickly wear down Soraka's health pool and potentially burst her down before she has a chance to react.
Crowd Control: Brand's kit also includes potent crowd control abilities, which can greatly hinder Soraka's ability to support her allies. His ability, Sear, can stun a target if it hits an enemy already ablaze, providing a valuable opportunity to disable Soraka and prevent her from healing or providing utility to her teammates. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Pyroclasm, can bounce between enemy champions, potentially catching Soraka and her allies in its path, disrupting their positioning and causing chaos in team fights.
Range and Positioning: Brand has the advantage of longer range compared to Soraka. His abilities allow him to poke and harass Soraka from a safe distance, making it difficult for her to retaliate effectively. By positioning himself strategically, Brand can zone Soraka away from her teammates and force her to either back off or put herself in a vulnerable position to be attacked.
Itemization: Brand has the flexibility to build items that can directly counter Soraka's healing and sustain capabilities. Items like Morellonomicon or Oblivion Orb, which provide Grievous Wounds, can reduce the effectiveness of Soraka's heals, making it harder for her to keep her teammates alive. Building magic penetration items like Liandry's Anguish or Void Staff can also increase Brand's damage output, allowing him to cut through Soraka's defenses more effectively.
Target Priority: In team fights, Brand can prioritize Soraka as a high-value target. Taking down Soraka early in a fight can significantly impact the enemy team's ability to sustain and survive. Since Soraka is a squishy support champion with limited defensive capabilities, Brand's burst damage and crowd control can quickly eliminate her from the equation, leaving her team vulnerable and lacking crucial heals.
Playstyle and Mind Games: Lastly, an important aspect of any even matchup lies in the players themselves. A skilled Brand player can employ various strategies and mind games to outplay a Soraka player. This includes baiting out Soraka's abilities, dodging her skillshots, and capitalizing on her positioning mistakes. Similarly, a knowledgeable Soraka player can anticipate Brand's burst and attempt to position herself in a way that minimizes his impact or use her abilities defensively to sustain her teammates through his damage.
Overall, while Soraka possesses healing and utility that can be challenging to deal with, Brand's high damage output, crowd control, range advantage, itemization options, and target prioritization make him a formidable opponent who can go toe-to-toe with Soraka. Success in this matchup ultimately relies on the skill and decision-making of the players involved.”
FromValhalla says “Ap supports can counter you because they delete your spellshield with one spell. Opt to go an extra point or two with shield if needed”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Make sure that Brand isn't able to proc his 3-ability passive on you and you'll be great! He does have more range than you, but his W + Q's are hard to land from farther away. After 6, you have more range than him and Brand won't have time to react to your R's.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) /Electrocute (+ Manaflow / Scorch) rune is fine here
Standard Luden's One-Shot build”
shacolovesyou says “has poke but if u dodge his skillshots u can deal with him especially bcs hes inmobile, u can block his Q with a box, use ur clone carefuly bcs his R can hit him”
support_diff says “Brand is a massive threat to you, because he can deal more damage to you, even more if he knows his combos and his burn doesn't let you go to your stealth as you will still be seen”
Lunar Empress says “All Mages kinda counter Janna in her poke game, but keep playing it safe and going for safe trades until you can outheal/shield their damage later on. Go Glacial here because he's immobile and a decent gank will get him killed.”
mazewalk says “"Just dodge skillshots lol"
You can bait his W by walking on the edge of it's range. If he wants to hit you, he can, by flaming minions and using E on them. Play around cds and punish him for whiffing.
Buy Mikael's Blessing if your teammates always get stunned by his Q; Redemption if he pokes you really hard.”
Bolybuff says “Overall high AOE and DOT damage that you will struggle to compete in. If he whiffs his Q, then it might be your saving grace to go aggresive. Theres not alot that you can do and you can try your best to save your teamate with your ult.”
Thorge says “Muito poke e dano, difícil se manter na lane contra ele, porem late game você será mais útil que ele na questão de ajudar o time, evite morrer para ele.”
RobinValentine1 says “As long as you avoid Q pretty free lane. If your ADC looks like they are going to eat a W, E W them and unless they are blind, they should be fine.”
support_diff says “It's all about if the Brand is good or not. A good Brand can stun you and deal a lot of damage, enough to kill you, but a bad one is just an immobile poker mage. ”
support_diff says “Brand deals very much damage that you should never underestimate. Try to poke him with your W and arcane comet from far enough so he can't land his abilities on you.”
Lurs says “Like most mages you can kill him easily if you catch him. To counter his ultimate look to buy Radient Virtue for your team, it should be very strong for you and your allies.”
ShacoSupportAP says “Insane dmg! Matchup depends on your adcs skilllvl (and obviously yours). If he hits just one combo you might be dead (or your adc). He is squishy and immobile tho.”
Aerenax says “Brand deals a lot of damage. Because of his range and possibility to stun a difficult matchup. On the other hand, getting on top op him likely results in a kill.”
Wounds2 says “If he can hit his abilities, it is annoying to deal with his poke in lane. He has cc to disrupt you from flinging and usually builds things like Rylai's and Morello, which can be annoying in late game. His burn + Morello makes the healing from your ult pretty useless. However, he can be punished in lane when his abilities (specifically Q) are on cooldown.”
Cyclic says “He is strong and does a lot of damage early but you will easily outscale and can bait out his ability cooldowns pretty easily. Once you get around 60 souls this matchup becomes very easy and you can poke for free essentially if you know movement”
ZharMeny says “Rule of thumb: If you see Brand or other Poke heaby Support try to not get poked too much level 1 so you can engage level 2. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
Bughans says “He has no direct cc, so he can't prevent your combo, however it can be dangerous to get close to him due to his R and his ability to stun you AFTER you engage. Make sure he dies if you engage on him.”
Zoose says “Rarely seen mid. Try to push hard. If he uses his spells to clear waves, go for poke. Watch out for his entire combo at lvl 6, he has enough damage to 1 shot you. Staying behind minions means he cant hit his Q Stun, but staying to close means he can get his W and E splash damage, as well as Ult bounces.”
Toches says “He can be a major headache like velkoz, you'll have waves against your tower repeatedly with little counterplay, but if he whiffs anything or gets too close you'll pretty reliably kill him, your ult should make his fizzle in mid-late game, but laning against him can be hell.”
Casterslamham says “Brand is just too oppressive the easiest way to win against him is play passive and get help from jungler. Dont try and poke he will just punish it and hurt you 4x as much.”
mellorwastaken says “outscales you really hard so you kinda have to get a lead, he is immobile so you should be able to hook him and kill him, look to punish his cooldowns, especially his Q, once he uses it, you can walk up in his face with W and Q-E backwards.”
iveye says “Brand is an annoying match up with his poke, but you can go Second Wind to heal it over. He is very immobile and his main threat is his Q stun, if that is wasted he is a decent mat-up but his mid-late damage is not to be forgotten. Bard can be down 0-4-0 but if he has his mythic the percent max health damage will hurt no matter what. ”
TurtleEpic says “Annoying match up since he never needs to be in hook range to deal his damage. Make sure to not get poked too much or you will never be able to walk up for a hook.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
GG Cannon says “Really annoying to deal with. His passive doesn't really allow you to go invisible in your smoke and a good Brand can stun you very fast if you try to engage in combat, so it becomes extremely important that you wait at least until he uses his Q and always check if he has an hourglass up before engaging in an all in.”
WhiteLotus says “Bait his W out. Care about his W on Minions and then E for the spread. If this doesnt hit you, he only got his q left, then you can try to all in him.”
Arch Aspire says “You'll theoretically win early lane... but if you don't get the snowball rollin' he'll melt you like an ice cream laying on a hot pavement.”
Igirl45 says “Brands constant poke and burn will leave you at low health, making it hard to engage but if you are able to dodge his fire, you should be able to engage on him without a problem as he is very immobile, be careful when engaging if you are on fire as he can stun and cancel w.”
KeisariKarma says “Skill matchup that can be won by very controlling bushes and outpoking them while dodging skillshots. if you ever do get caught you are most likely dead.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Brand is technically in the major category, but i wanna add that Brand is usually played by autofills, and as such you can usually beat him by just out-performing in other basic support areas, like rotating to your jungler in river and keeping good vision control. If you have a long range ADC such as Ashe or Caitlyn, or a safe ADC such as Sivir or Ezreal, roaming is safe, but with a lot of immobile ADC's it's not recommended as Brand does have good towerdives. To actually play against Brand, i recommend putting points in your W, but not using it too often as you just want to hold onto the movespeed to dodge Brands skills reliably. You can start using it more often once you have full Lucidity boots. If he's paired with a defensive ADC or if he's just positioned poorly, you can usually punish him by flinging a Glacial Q tap at him and have your ADC throw poke. Your R can often save people from Brand's R since people don't really buy grievous wounds against Janna.”
Roltu says “Quizás un peor zyra, es más "fácil" de atrapar y la verdad solo es cuestión de saber esquivar sus habilidades para ganar los duelos con él.
Recomiendo llevar runas de soporte si ves que la partida estará difícil contra él.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Brand's only ability that will guarantee a full spell rotation is his Q. Dodge that and he won't have any way to defend himself. And even if he somehow hits you with every ability, you can easily negate his passive with your ult. If he uses W+E to push the minion wave you should instantly jump on him, because then has no way of stunning you besides wasting his ultimate.”
PR0M3T3O says “WHY TF he still exists, its a really annoying match, hell of a lane.
First of all, poke him is not an option, his ability set will help him to 1v1 you on early game easily
Poke the ADC instead of Brand, this champ doesnt works by play under tower better than poking aggresively, and to do this you have to take down enemy ADC health
Get mercury o Wits End fast, remember, one or the other, try not focusing on getting both.
While facing a brand u have to move constantly and try to be not predictable, to avoid his abilitys. Before lvl 6 try to get closer to him, making him harder to land an ability. After level 6 try to stay away from him to avoid his R bouncing constantly”
zotet says “Brand has great AOE damage and can shutdown pushes with his E and R. He has no CC which makes him weak as well as his low mobility and range. He thrives when ahead so keep him behind by playing against his short ranged attacks. Make sure to dodge his attacks as they are quite easy to avoid.”
Aria_Legend says “Level 1-5: You want to start corrupting pot against him because his E poke (Conflagration) is pretty much impossible to dodge, it has very high range, extends to minions and reaches you. Play for farming.
From level 6+: You can look to assassinate him, he's immobile, easy to kill.
just take into account his damage numbers are very high, so you want to dodge his Q (Sear) and his W (Pillar of Flame) to avoid getting one-shotted by him. If you can dodge his 2 skillshots, you're good to go. ”
Melyn says “Easy to win but easy to lose. Stay behind minions and try to walk forward to bait his W. If he uses his stun to poke, go aggressive. If you land an E, all in as he is very squishy. His ult can bounce off of your plants.”
Atemporal says “Não deixe Brand cutucar você no nível 1, fique para trás e não o deixe acertar um W ou obter um E em você de graça, pelo menos faça ele trabalhar para isso. Você pode tentar negociar já no nível 2, se ele pegou W no nível 2, então você E para frente assim que ele usar W e então
rápido E Q automático e executado. Você quer trocar neste confronto basicamente sempre que ele não puder atordoá-lo, então se o Q dele estiver baixo, você vai, se o W e o dele estiverem baixos, você vai. Você também pode ir se ele desperdiçar apenas 1 habilidade. Por exemplo, se ele usa E ou W no
wave então apenas insta W e E Q auto run trade. W pode atordoar, mas não importa o que absorva parte de seu dano. Ele é hiper imóvel, então aterrissar W é muito realista. E longe do W dele se estiver prestes a acertar, nunca deixe ele te cutucar de graça.
A marca E foi alterada há pouco tempo para se espalhar para os inimigos ao redor do alvo principal, não importa o que aconteça, não subestime a propagação E. Ser atingido por apenas uma única habilidade aplicará a passiva de queimadura e o dividirá por um pouco de hp, e você deseja
cada ponto de saúde para permitir que você pule nele sempre que quiser. Seu waveclear é muito melhor que o dele, é difícil para Brand acertar a onda inteira com W, então procure por empurrões fortes se ele não parecer matável. Você supera ele super forte
e ele é fácil de pegar com Ws e combos rápidos mais tarde. Depois de pegar o Rocketbelt, não há muito que ele possa fazer quando você chegar nele. Use Rocketbelt para correr para ele/através dele para evitar seu atordoamento Q. Merc Threads são uma opção contra ele se
o resto de sua equipe também tem algum dano CC/Magic, mas lembre-se de que usar Merc Threads sempre significa que você sacrifica muito dano.”
Sellorio says “Lots of damage, lots of CC and an ult that can constantly bounce between you and your ADC. I perma ban this guy cause it's just not fun to go against that.”
NotAragami says “Very annoying to deal with. Your E will help you dodge his W and stay behind minions to not get stunned. Pay attention when he hits Lv6 as he will go all in with ult, flash away from your ADC if necessary to negate his ult bouncing damage. ”
OakuMarai says “Not really scary if you know how to deal with him. Aery or electrocute with celerity. He's weak level 1, try to bait his W out then poke him. If he can't combo you and you get the bounce from W you'll win basically every trade. Don't facecheck things when he's around or you'll be incinerated.”
Ablano says “ofc every threat is my opinion, i personally hate going against him, some of the mage supports have insane dmg, brand dmg is sus, u get stunned you are dead. ”
SigtheOutcast says “Unless the brand is bad, you will suffer. Go ap, locket, and exhaust no matter what your team is building, so you can take a few hits, and wait for a gank or a good time to go in.”
PykEugeo says “A very easy fight unless you have a difficult adc for pyke. Ez to grab and to kill... pay attention if he snowballs and look good in late game.. later 3-4 item.. he will be broken, then end soon.
orangeGolem2 says “Brand is very immobile but he has insane damage even early on, a stun, and a lot of AOE damage. You will most likely have to snowball your lane first before roaming because if you don't deal with him early on your laner will probably feed the brand or even worse his laner”
Navn says “There's very little to do about this guy, since he can poke. Unless he starts aggressively auto attacking you while in your minion wave, he'll just keep poking you out. If you get ganks, then it should be much easier.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Brand will look to hug the bushes in the bottom lane and try to attack you when you move forward. When playing as an engage champion, target him as soon as he moves forward to poke. Don’t let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he’s unable to attack and harass you with his Pillar of Flame(W). Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you’ll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Sear(Q) is on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Brand will look to hug the bushes in the bottom lane and try to attack you when you move forward. When playing as an engage champion, target him as soon as he moves forward to poke. Don’t let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he’s unable to attack and harass you with his Pillar of Flame(W). Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you’ll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Sear(Q) is on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Brand will look to hug the bushes in the bottom lane and try to attack you when you move forward. When playing as an engage champion, target him as soon as he moves forward to poke. Don’t let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he’s unable to attack and harass you with his Pillar of Flame(W). Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you’ll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Sear(Q) is on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Brand will look to hug the bushes in the bottom lane and try to attack you when you move forward. When playing as an engage champion, target him as soon as he moves forward to poke. Don’t let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he’s unable to attack and harass you with his Pillar of Flame(W). Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you’ll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Sear(Q) is on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.”
M4DN355 says “Brand melts people, but can also be one shot pretty easily. Laning phase will be difficult as he can easily widdle you and your ADC down, but after laning phase, he should be easier to kill as long as you dodge his Q. Since Pyke has a lot of invisibility off of his W and Duskblade, he should be able to stop Brand from using his E and R on him, although if Pyke has already been hit by one of Brand's abilities, the enemy can see Pyke even when he is invisible.”
babyyspace says “Brand is a big danger to your ADC early laning phase as he hjas to much poke and damage, focus on healing them. The only threat he has to yuumi is burn damage so make sure to not detach while low health as you will still die from burn damage once you reattach ”
Xyotos says “If he does the full combo you will be destroyed. So same thing try to zone him with W and to grab him.
Remember that brand players like bushes a lot.”
Navn says “While he is squishy, he's got a lot of damage, and being in melee range sets him up to get a pretty big ult off. It can backfire pretty easily.”
Jageiko says “Brand is surprisingly ok to deal with if he's not smurfing. As long as he doesnt hit Q you wont die, and like all other mages, he is squishy. If his E and W are on CD and you're not burning, he cannot stun you with Q, so feel free to go in. Dont let him live in that case, once you went it, either you snowball or he does.”
CynicalSora says “Brand will out damage your trade. Take Defensive runes and Exhaust/Barrier to reduce his damage. Start Relic Shield to reduce getting caught out and play safe.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Fairly easy lane to find agency in especially when he whiffs abilities, but his damage later on isn't something you can straight up ignore.”
Navn says “Just try not to stand too close to minions, because if he W's you, misses you, but hits the minions, he can still E the minions, and it will splash onto you.”
Touka1 says “It can be annoying lane if Brand get ahead otherwise it's easy punishable champ especially vulnerable to jungler gank's because he has no mobility to escape Janna's tornado / slowness”
Tqnshi says “Out damages your healing, start E against him and pray that your ADC can sidestep. If you manage to get hit by his abilites watch out for his Q (fireball) because it will stun you.”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
anniesniffer69 says “too op to not get bullied in laning phase however if you somehow manage to dodge his abilities take advantage of that and give him hard spanking.”
Sellorio says “You don't have enough mobility to avoid his damage and his ultimate bounces between players - it's practically designed to give a bot lane a bad time.”
Demonsedge90 says “Brand pokes you hard and makes it hard to help your team. Moving around as much as possible is the only thing you can do in this fight, or wait and try to catch him on cooldown.”
mikixmoris says “Brand is very annoying as he does a lot of DMG and makes your passive useless. if he gets fed you have to rush Maw otherwise say hello to the grey screen.”
Gui_soshaco.jpeg says “His passive can reveal you position and you can multiply his Ult damage with your own, but you can block his stun with your box.”
Bella Starlily says “Brand's damage is pretty high but he's fairly squishy in early game. You will have a hard time outpoking him but most Brands will throw out their skills like it's a Christmas discount, so just look for trading windows when his stuff is down.”
Cordiall says “Brand is a HUGE problem in-lane for Braum. Brand's primary poke ability, his W, isn't blocked by Braum's E so you can't protect your ADC from it. In addition, a lot of Brand's abilities burn you for max health damage, so combined with Liandry's he'll shred you late-game. If you're aggressive early and get kills on him you can kind've keep him down, but he'll almost always be useful.”
TheKingUltra says “He might be the support, but will still delete a lot of your hp, because of his max health magic damage passive. He is easy to catch though, his lack of mobility is easy to play around.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. Lvl 1 trade aggro but once he hits 2 with stun you have to play safe just looking for sneaky bubbles. Once you hit 6 you can play aggro again hitting poke that will chunk him badly.
Eu como Miilena says “Tome cuidado com o E do Brand fique atendo quando ele for usa-lo na wave fique longe dos minions e de shild em seu adc que precisa farmar, você consegue segura um pouco o dano dele porem se eu adc não for cuidadoso ele vai botar muita pressão na nale. sempre de poke nele quando as habilidades dele estiverem em CD.”
Exiled Heretic says “He can stun you and burst you in a group but if you hit your q and use your second charge of ult early he usually misses stun so just chase him down with E”
Ionia King says “Brand is overall a nightmare to deal with. Try to avoid getting stunned and spreading his abilities or ultimate on your team when you E onto them.”
whybother34 says “Falls under the same catagory as Zyra but as the sun you are hotter than he is. Brand only has 1 form of hard cc but since it's a quick skill shot unlike anivia's slow ass q. However with only 1 form of CC your 3 trumps him.”
The Yertle says “He cooks you alive early to mid game, try to dodge the fire until you stop noticing it doing damage.
Be careful not to spread the burn to your teammates as they are inferior and will probably keel over and die.”
Nozul says “Campeões de poke como o Brand fazem com que tua vida como Soraka seja um pesadelo. Ele tem um pouco mais de range do que você nas skills, isto é, ele pode te atacar e você mal pode revidar. Não fique muito próximo dos minions, ainda mais dos que estão marcados com a passiva do Brand, senão ele pode usar o E e te marcar facilmente (além de dar dano), deixando você vulnerável para ser alvo da ultimate dele e também do atordoamento do Q.”
TheBlueImperial says “He has a lot of poke and team fighting power but with second wind his burns are almost non-existent. Make sure you stand away from your carry if he ults you and if he ever wastes his Q early punish it. He is still a dangerous to you mid-late game because of how much percentage max health damage he does.”
Akali187 says “You destroy him with one combo. Care for his stun and ult. Use your E to dodge his stun while simultaneously landing your E on him, than continue with your combo. If he is fed all it takes is one ability and you will be vulnerable as Akali is Squishy.”
beefyylol says “Another mage support. Learn mage player skillshot tendencies and as long as you don't eat every one of his skillshots this matchup is extremely easy. Free catches/blown flashes whenever your ultimate is up.”
PumpkinMatters says “Brand, na minha opinião, fica ali entre uma briga equilibrada e uma fácil, porque todo o seu kit depende dele acertar tudo, que não é tão fácil assim. E é muito difícil acertar uma mulher enorme voando com um cavalo em direção a sua cabeça. O perigo aqui é que ele dá muito, mas MUITO dano, então você não pode lutar se sua vida estiver abaixo de 50%. Fique de olho no W dele, que é sua maior fonte de dano, e tente escapar dando aquele passinho safado pro lado. Se ele tiver errado duas das três habilidades, inicie e apague o fogo dele”
pHreekaz says “If you can keep an eye on him you can get him. Don't let brand surprise you. If he combo's you, you are as good as death. Brand likes to play from the bushes”
PumpkinMatters says “Brand, in my opinion, stays between an even fight, and an easy one, because his entire kit revolves around skillshots, which is not that easy. And it's quite hard to land something on a very pissed woman flying with a horse in your head's direction. The danger, here, are his TONS of damage, so don't fight if your life is below 50%. Keep an eye on his W, his biggest damage output, and try to escape it with your dance moves. If he misses two of his three skills, engage and extinguish him”
KalelPeique says “OK Brand é maguinho Lixeira, fica longe dos W e tenta esquivar o máximo possível das skills dele, é um pouco chato a match up, porem pra matar ele é bem simples.
OK Brand is a trashy wizard, stays away from the W and tries to dodge as much of his skills as possible, it's a little boring to match up, but to kill him it's very simple.”
HypoTheAced says “Brand is only a threat during laning phaze because of his big dmg together with his passive. Only form of cc is his W+Q or E+Q combo. Avoid that and you outtrade or even kill him.”
HypoTheAced says “Brand is only a threat during laning phaze because of his big dmg together with his passive. Only form of cc is his W+Q or E+Q combo. Avoid that and you outtrade or even kill him.”
Discord231 says “Otro mago que te tendrá a ti, o a tu adc a 1 de vida, si tu jg ayuda, deberías ser capaz de ganarle línea, recomiendo el Solari para mitigar su R”
itsElJefe says “Get ahead early against a Brand player. In the current meta triple burn brand is a problem for us. Xerath is very squishy mage and brand can drop our health with one combo. Additionally stuns are a problem, DONT GET STUNNED or its game over.”
TNTea says “Swain is a Mid to Short range Battlemage, and while his W is near semi-global at max rank, its long cooldown and marginal damage doesn't provide Swain access to contend with Artillery Mages and Catcher Champions. So, Brand, Xerath, Vel'koz, Morgana, and Bard are all examples of extremely difficult match-ups.”
New Player says “pretty much the biggest threat just because of hp% damage, low cooldowns and potentially high burst damage, especially after early game.”
GuanaTv says “Procure focar o Brand durante a Fase de Rota e não terá muito com o que se preocupar o resto do jogo.
(Try to focus on the Brand during the Lane Phase and you won't have much to worry about for the rest of the game.)”
Gobomo says “Brand is really annoying, as he can just poke you out. He's one of the less annoying of the poke mages, but he's still really bad for you. Take Second Wind secondary if you really feel like you need help. ”
Petra Venj says “You can outheal his poke, but you must be careful for his all ins, that the only way he'll kill you. Expect oblivion orb early from him.”
neuroplasticity says “
An immobile glass cannon with crazy damage but very little utility. The main thing here is to tether around his W range (900) and bait it without getting hit.
Brand relies on landing a spell before he can look to stun you with his Q which can also be blocked by minions. Just back off if you got hit so he cannot trigger the stun or his passive for huge burst or a potential kill.
At level 6 you have to respect his burst, even if the Brand were to be 0/5. He doesn't even need to hit anything to almost oneshot you if he gets multiple ult bounces off of you. Spread from your teammates (and Brand since his ult can also bounce off of him) to avoid the damage.
Look for trades when his W is down or he used it on your carry. Also, one landed bubble usually spells death for him. Keep in mind that his E is point-click so you can't just run straight at the Brand just because his W is down.
Run Aery with Biscuit Delivery. This will help yourself sustain and allows you to play healbot for your carry if they turn out to be a skillshot magnet.
Taking MR in the rune shards also helps massively. Buildwise you can opt into Redemption to mitigate his ult damage if needed.
Goldenstinger says “Dodge his poke and play for 6. Rush a stopwatch and use effectively and u can run over this match up. Poke with e and dont all in unless you have ult and confidence in kill”
Dotje says “Brand just deals A LOT of damage. If you are able to dodge his abilities, go for a small trade. He doesn't have sustain like Nami does. When he ults, move away from your teammates to avoid damage from the bounce. ”
Mr buckets says “It's a skill matchup, keep an eye on his cooldowns and play around them, you out roam and outscale so just chill don't overforce anything.
Doglightning says “Run Comet. Most mages counter neeko but brand isn't that bad compared to the rest just try to poke without letting him poke you. Be careful with your clone at 6! If you send your clone at him, then he can ult the clone to make it bounce between you two.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “His poke is very hard to avoid, just stay vary far back and wait for your jungle to gank, focus Brand since he will do more damage than his own carry. Take barrier.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Brand is a combo mage, which means that if he misses his main combo, or uses it inappropriately, he won't have any use until his next combo rotation. Your main goal will be to dodge his W and stay behind minions to avoid his Q.
Brand's immobility needs to be taken advantage of. Keep the wave near your tower and call upon your Jungler to gank him repeatedly. Bait out his W and E before the gank for maximal effectiveness.
In team-fights, ensure that you aren't clumped up as Brand's main goal will be to land a multi-man W and Ultimate R which will cause a lot of damage and will most definitely kill the squishier champions in your team. Picking him off before a team-fight will increase your chances of winning that fight exponentially.
Vision in the brushes is of paramount importance as he will try to damage you from within them with all his abilities. His E>Q, in particular, is the most dangerous as it will CC you and will allow his lane partner to possibly kill you.”
Doglightning says “take barrier. Lvl 1 trade aggro but once he hits 2 with stun you have to play safe just looking for sneaky bubbles. Once you hit 6 you can play aggro again hitting poke that will chunk him badly. ”
Aerenax says “Brand is a matchup that I call a big yikes. The champion is obnoxious to play against and deals tons of damage. In this lane you have to avoid his W and play around his passive, otherwise it’s doomed.”
eiensiei says “He mostly pokes with W, which has a big cast time and is easy to dodge. If he uses anything on you, avoid his Q at all costs. Relic match-up.”
LimTheDestructor says “You usually should engage on Brand. While engaging on Brand lane, you have to beware of 1 thing: getting hit by W/E/R and then by Q - so you have to kite to make his Q miss. After level 6, fight nearby your minions to prevent Brand R bouncing between you and your adc.”
iKonek says “He's a mid-lane support with no escape. Punish him whenever possible, but make sure to respect the damage he can do, because that's going to make punishing him very hard.”
Rasta Da Masta says “You out range most of his kit. Try to poke him down, but don't try to fight an even-health 2v2 without first poking him down since he is likely to win it with a full combo.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Very squishy but has a TON of damage so try to go in on him early game pre-6 in order to capitalize on his squishyness. You can stand near minion waves in order to force him to push the wave but don't be close with your ADC that he is able to hit both of you.”
lin00 says “Brand is one of the Mage support who wants to poke you to a point where you can't hard engage on them. He will take over the lane if he is ahead. However, he is really squishy with no escape abilities. 1 good hook should burn his sums or kill him.”
Korippo says “Just really obnoxious and super scales by late game, plus his ultimate is very teamfight reliant and helps his team win a majority of the time since it passes around to all enemies within range. His Q stuns targets as well so keep that in mind, though it is a skill shot so it's usually not hard to dodge.”
Arcurath says “As long as you can dodge his spells with E speed you are fine.
He usually forces waves to push into you from aoe, so he is easy to gank just E double bomb and he dead.”
0Banda says “ Brand is a skilled matchup, but as he is so broken right now you are likely to have problems. Try dodging his W with your E or W if your ADC is not close to you, furthermore, when Brand throws R to you or your ADC NEVER use E as it will bounce between you and your ADC
When you are facing a brand run Second Wind because of he's incredible poke, then just play as usual”
Xexzuz says “Literally just dodge his abilities and you're fine. Oh right his E takes up the whole lane now so just power farm and get jung to gank because they usually over push.”
Luiscencias says “He has a LOT of damage output. If he’s ahead buy magic resist. Try not to get stunned and avoid grouping when he ults. If you max w and build renewer you can sort of heal through the damage but there is very much a point of no return if you eat shit early”
lenithebot says “Brand has great poke and his r makes it risky to all in since it can bounce from you to your adc or just him. He also offers a bit of hard CC. When you are also going for a minion because of your support item he can punish you with his damage. He does not have to push up since he will run spellthiefs so you can't punish him. If you engage when his cooldowns are down you should win just make sure to dodge his stun.”
Hanjaro says “Very high poke damage, very high burst damage. Play passive, wait for a gank. Potentially all-in with clever distance coverage using flash, don't get caught in his combo.”
Fear The Jester says “Laning hell for your adc, gain bush control so you can see his casting animations, boxblock his stun, if hes skilled it can be near impossible for you as he can do some tricks with your boxes”
ARealFakeIdentity says “During the early laning phase Rumble will most likely be poked out of the lane often, get level 6 and roam with your Ultimate.”
Jowoey says “Even bad Brand players are annoying to play against because of how much damage this champion does for no reason. If you have an aggressive adc it might be playable but otherwise just try to be as safe as you can and wait for ganks.”
CatGopher98 says “Brand has extreme range and braindead-easy skillshots that do massive amounts of damage. Since this build takes away most of your defense, you'll be melted by Brand if you don't play safe.”
Biotic says “Fairly Dangerous and a skill matchup if you are able to dodge more spells than him than you win. Ask for Ganks, E into double bomb is always a kill on Brand. Brand lanes might push most likely. ”
Hanjaro says “Brand can do more damage than you, and you can't outsustain it because of your high mana costs. Avoid his spells, play passive, do not get close to him.”
cozymoonzz says “most of brands are inters so its fine, just tell your team to focus him so he dies early on teamfights and he does the least dmg posible. ”
KasgoesREEEEE says “This guy hurts. He has lots of damage that is difficult to avoid and innate DOT which is enhanced by liandrys. stay away from teammates in teamfights to avoid his ult.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Brand is somewhat similar to Xerath, but he has the potential to do a lot of damage to your entire team before you kill him. Just try to slow + double bomb and it should be a kill”
Skyzinho1775 says “Just annoying, not very hard just annoying , sidestep his abilities and try to engage HIM because if u engage the adc he will give more dmg to you than the actually ADC.”
Guoblide says “Brand is a horrible matchup for Braum due to his massive %Max Hp damage and his AOE spells. Brand is a AP poke mage that is great at dealing burst damage to high HP targets with his Blaze passive. He also has insanely strong teamfighting due to the AOE damage from his 3rd stack of Blaze, Pillar of Flame and Pyroclasm. Brand powerspikes a Level 2 where he gets access to his stun from Sear, 3 where he gets access to procing all 3 stacks of Blaze, and 6 where he gets his burst damage from Pyroclasm. He spikes especially hard against Braum when he completes both Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace due to the %Max HP damage he gets from them. In lane, Braum try to dodge Pillar of Flame and poke a lot with Winter's Bite due to the ADC and Brand being squishy champions with no sustain. Only poke when you know you can land the damage though because Winter's Bite eats up a lot of mana. At Level 2 Braum can unlock Unbreakable. When Brand lands a Pillar of Flame onto an enemy he usually walks up and tries to lane a Sear to proc the stun. If Brand does land a Pillar of Flame on you or the ADC then preemptively walk to your ADC and block the Sear with Unbreakable when he throws it. Once Braum gets to Level 6 try to find a pick with Glacial Fissure if Brand or his ADC is mispositioned as they are both easy to kill and dont have a lot of defensive abilities. After Level 6 try to position away from your ADC and Stand Behind Me to them if they get engaged on. This is because standing too close to your ADC can make it easy for Brand to set up a Pyroclasm that can ricochet between you and your ADC for a ton of damage.”
Spection says “His range is high and his burst is absurd. Rush boots of speed and abuse his low mobility to hit him with Q's. Pretty squishy if he overextends, but a full combo will take you down to half health at any stage of the game.”
SigtheOutcast says “Does more damage, has less utility. Play like a little bitch all game and then go in the very instant he messes up or misses his abilities.”
DanNS12 says “Don't stand near minions and avoid his skillshots and he does a lot of damage in team fights if he builds morellonomicon he can basically remove your heals from the fight aside from that he's pretty easy to pick off as he has limited self peel and no mobility.”
RayTeamStrategy says “Even though he's very vulnerable to your silence, he has a greater number of engage options than you to compensate for that. You're also unlikely to be able to defeat him in a skirmish. However, in team fights you will have a significant advantage against him because you only need to stop his casting for a short amount of time if your allies are ready for it.”
sweethaori says “:| Once he gets Liandry's you can wish your healthbar a good trip to heaven again, as you will not be able to cs without being blown up by his W and Q. Just ask for jungle camp”
GregStein says “Rush boots to dodge brand combo or skills easily. Wait for brand to land or miss his W then Q him or the adc to trigger aftershock and tank all the damage. Also Flash + W is a great way to annihilate brand before he can use any ability or R your team mates.”
Billehz says “Just annoying in general, you can easier dodge his abilities with your W movement speed, and if you can hit your charms on him he is basically dead early”
Jaori says “You can deal with his poke easily. Play around bushes and hit the quick W-E-Q combos. When going for an all-in, charge W, use E+flash and throw him in your adc. He most likely won't even have time to cast a spell.”
Go Getter says “This is hell, Brand can do whatever he wants to you for the entire match, you've just gotta catch him playing stupid.
You have the potential to tank him later on but if he gets early kills you'll continue to suffer.”
knif says “Even though it's kind of ironic that fire beats water here, Brand's damage is scary if he hits you with even one of his abilities, so try to dodge them and go for smaller trades and poke damage. When he ults, try to not bounce it to your ADC and keep your distance to keep the damage from stacking.”
dragonmasterc says “Brand's Q and W outrange your E, and his E will outrange you if you're in a minion wave and he uses it on one. This still gives you proper windows to be able to poke him and his carry. Just bait his abilities by moving in and out of your minion wave and in bushes and find your window.
What makes this matchup even is the power of your shielding. Your E is very useful defensively - so long as you don't accidentally burn yourself in the process, you can stand close to your ADC to maximize your Aery shielding to mitigate Brand's burn damage.”
Vispectra says “Although once you hit 6 this lane should be rather simple , his pre-6 kill pressure is very much a threat to you as he does a whooping amount of damage and is rather easy to land his abilities onto you. ”
Bardificer says “Your health will not exist after this. You gotta rush warmogs not because it'll help you live, but it keeps you from being poked down.”
4090409 says “Too much damage, long CC with a good range. Hard lane, since as long as he has E + either Q or W is a threat of taking a lot of damage via CC with Q or lot of health with W”
Pluckypenguin says “Brand has alot of poke and i mean alot. Focus on landing your qs and then e ing him so your adc can kill him. Dont feed him and you should be fine seeing as you outscale him.”
HerYandere says “I ban him every single game. If for some ungodly reason you play against him, you have to rush boots and not die. Don't try to all in this guy unless he is alone and not fed af.”
DasNerdwork says “Stay outside of his Conflagration range and always run away from the target he ults. Very annoying to deal with but still a winnable lane. Try to heal when no burn damage is applied. Adaptive helm helps alot against his DOT (damage over time).”
Esoterica says “Brand has effective AOE and huge threat with the stun. He can easily get you killed even when you play around his ranges.
Bait out the pillar for your ADC. When you are hit by W or E, avoid the follow-up Sear by sidestepping.
Do NOT jump him in a straight line, as he will Sear and you will simply blink backwards into its trajectory.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: MR; Brand is another matchup that used to be hell (pun intended) but has been watered down (ALSO pun intended :3) by Glacial Augment. Brand's CC is harder to hit than Zyra's and he has no escape tools. However, if he makes you his bitch, it'll be hard to get out of that scenario due to his high-burst combos. Try ”
Brand has big burst damage and a not that easy stun to land. You outrange him with your Q, but your Ws has similar range, so try to stun him before with E or wait him to use his W before landing yours.
Still, if he fullcombos you, you're gonna say goodbye to half health, if not more. Play with your Q, bully him hard and zone him away from your ADC. Be careful of his R, but during teamfights you should never be in range of that. Be careful when you're casting your Q: he may just run into you and perform a full combo. If played correctly, it's an easy lane, but if he snowballs you have lost it.”
Dotje says “If you're able to dodge his abilities and get his mana low you sure can do things in this lane. When he ults make sure to keep distance from your adc to prevent damage output. And if he walks up too far forward you could try to go for a kill on him, he's squishy after all. If brand is a big or the biggest issue for your team you should consider taking [[locket of the iron solari]].”
Pyroxes says “You should be able to outpoke him given how predictable he tends to be. You can nullify most of his poke with your E so he shouldn't be a big problem.”
KeleiX13 says “This is one of the matchups where I would take Guardian and Relic Shield, ping my jungle, and give the lane since you won't be able to outdamage his burst and might even risk getting yourself or your ADC killed since he also outranges you. Brand has insane damage and his skillshots will be a little hard to dodge early on since you don't have a lot of movement speed. Thankfully, he is squishy, immobile, and very much gankable. To reduce the damage that he deals in fights, spread out so that his passive explosion and ult doesn't hit other allies.”
Tsmselenagomez says “Brand can outdamge you and break your shield try to q from afar and only go in when you are sure you can get the kill or after he misses his w”
Adam bot says “He is annoying. Care for his high damage, and don't let him stun you. He is strong in late game, so try not to get caught whilst using your R.”
Discord231 says “Otro mago que te tendrá a ti, o a tu adc a 1 de vida, si tu jg ayuda, deberías ser capas de ganarle línea, recomiendo el Solari para mitigar su R”
Levkar says “Very hard to sustain his damage. If he stuns you, your ADC will probably die soon after you. Make sure to stay on ADC when he ults your ADC alone so that it doesn't get extra bounces and vice versa: if there's a lot of units, you can tank 1-2 bounces to save your teammates.”
LilRidge says “Keep your distance from Brand and your own ADC as his poke hurts. side-stepping his (W) Pillar of Flame is key as it will mitigate most of his damage. If any of his abilities hits your ADC, you will want to absorb the follow-up (Q) Sear, if it is not already down. As letting your ADC get CC'd by him almost always means certain death.”
The Last Rakan says “Brand é muito chato de lidar pelo seu alto DPS e sua build que abusa do Angústia de Liandry, sugiro que vá com a runa "Muito Poke, muito CC?" e, assim, você poderá brilhar em meio ao fogo.”
Tauricus2017 says “Brand is very powerful support that is able to deal huge amount of damage in a very short time as well as able to poke you constantly through out the game from high range. By playing passive however and focusing on your sustain you can slow down his snowballing which will lead to a much more enjoyable late game. Dodge his skillshots and don't stay too close to other members of your team.”
SpartanDumpster says “Mixing a stun, great damage, and Zilean's natural squishyness makes Brand a nightmare. Be ready to back off whenever you engage, and use minions as a shield so you don't get stunned.”
Rainuu says “Brand is generally an annoying support to lane against. His skill shots are quite easy to evade with Lillia however and doesn't provide much for his adc. His damage is still ridiculously high though, making it even”
Ruiner of Fun says “If you cannot dodge his Q you will lose lane in no time. However, if you can dodge that you are free to do whatever you want to him. Just don't try to 1v1 him. All in pre 6 to win lane. His stun is a skillshot and can be easily dodged.”
Kefochka says “Брэнд может безнаказанно вас поукать, харасить, наказывать за попытки подойти к тележке или крипу. Лучше выжидать моменты, когда он потратит все скилы и ману, и только потом нападать, а самое лучше-купить предметы на маг.резист.”
Starchase says “Never detach your ADC no matter what, he will combo you and kill you.
Heal all the poke damage as much as you can with your E.
If he used Q and missed it, you have a window to do an all in if you have an ADC with high damage early game.
You don't outscale him.”
XD001 says “Dodge his pillar of flame as much as possible as it is his only substantial poke in lane. Same as Anivia, use your E to reposition and dodge his stun. If you manage to dodge it without your E go ham on him, you can easily 1 shot him mid-late game. In team fights, one shot him or force his Zhonya's or his AOE burns will melt your team. Even scaling.
electrocute + sorcery + tp”
mellorpyke says “Brand can be very tricky but a few players can play him well, you need to win early game because he outscales you really hard. Watch out at level 6 because he can easily kill you if he can land his combo.”
Takitsu says “Hook = Kill
With Brands E this matchup is difficult. Focus on dodging his W then looking for an engage. Brand CD's are long enough for Thresh to punish a missed skillshot. Dont stack with minions or team mates post-6.”
SarCy15 says “Brand is just damage, damage, damage. He doesn't stop dealing damage. He's strong early, mid, and late, and keeps getting stronger. His passive counters your healing, and I personally tend to struggle against him. According to U.GG, he only has a 50% WR against Soraka. But these threats are from my experience. ”
losolkos says “God i hate him stuns big dmg ,pasive only one chanse to kill him is that he have low hp. You need to be careful all the time if he hit you his combo you are dead. Try to make him use all him mana or when he use all spells you can try atack him and remember focus him and kill him fast as you can or he will make your game very hard.”
Discord231 says “Otro mago que te tendrá a ti, o a tu adc a 1 de vida, si tu jg ayuda, deberías ser capas de ganarle línea, recomiendo el Solari para mitigar su R ”
Kadiyarch says “Brand has more damage than you and can snowball as much as you do. You need to have the advantage over him otherwise your game will be difficult. Focus brand over the adc and feel free to take some early kill. He is squishy and if you have early kills, you will kill him with a basic combo and some AA.”
Coo1breeze says “Pain in the ass plain and simple. He can harass you constantly when you try to collect gold and leave you with too little HP to engage. Either kill him or the ADC fast, but don't let him get more AP, that's your job.”
sidestepmeta says “he can hit you from behind and scales up quick so you should either run late game or try to sneak him a q and pull him out of combat, try punishing him early”
Bear Gummies says “Brand hurts so much, but your movement speed makes it easy to dodge his Q, literally the only ability that matters. Brand can definitely turn your attempt at poking him into a kill, so I would consider going relic shield for Brand, and hoping that a jungle gank can save the laning phase.”
NewTeff says “is annoying to deal with, bait out his spells and go in, if he is 6 be more cautious and roam mid more often to get your midlaner a kill.”
TwentyTwenty says “Brand can almost always land a free Stun on you when you go for a hook, because it gives him enough time to hit you with a W Q combo.”
Jannito02 says “Brand is one of the most annoying champions to lane against. He has a lot of poke and damage even at low level, and if you get out of your teammate and Brand uses any ability, he can easily stun you and/or damage you a lot.”
SanLourdes says “Playing against Brand is one hell of a matchup (literally). One of the more annoying champs you will go against, his AOE makes it hard to set up a good engage with your ADC and the threat of his burst damage will constantly push you back.”
EionThePepega says “The problem about Brand is his damage and ability to easily destroy your black shield due to his magic oriented damage on every ability. I suggest going the Resolve Rune Set and go Relic Shield, while also playing passive in lane to move on to midgame with no problems.”
RetroOatcake says “He will easily break your Black Shield and will burst you and your ADC down. Try and save your E for his Q as he will use his W when you or your ADC are stunned.”
MagicPOwDer says “You out burn him once you hit level 6. just don't worry about him too much. focus on the adc. If he oversteps his bounds, don't hesitate to stun him and spam ping your adc to finish him off.”
xDopii says “It is hard to touch him because if you move up close he will likely land a stun and use all of his abilities onto you. You are also very close range so you can't really touch him but once you do it shouldn't be that hard to kill him. Look to pick him in the jungle and make your teammates focus him”
xDopii says “Brand has very high damage especially when he hits you with all of his abilities so try to be careful since hooking him can help him to hit his stun”
xDopii says “Very annoying matchup. He will always run away and keep poking you. If you hook him, he gets a free stun and ultimate off you. Always ask your jungler for ganks and avoid standing together.”
xDopii says “Can poke you very hard and punish you when trying to move up to gain support gold. Other than that he is immobile so try to engage when he uses his abilities on you so you can dodge them.”
EionThePepega says “Brand does alot of damage and even more and level 6. You can heal the damage, but it will be alot to heal, and of courser happy feet his Stun.”
Meepy says “Brand usually isnt too much of an Issue. His Poke is annoying, but as soon as you land one stun on him he will die. If you dont feel like the Lane is winnable, you can always try to roam. There is no way Brand should be able to match your Roams”
Jexeff says “Another poke matchup. As long as you can avoid his abilities you will be okay. If you can get on top of him with either a well placed hook, or flash flay, you will be able to snag a kill on him. Just be mindful of using your hook while his abilities are still up because then you become an easy stun target. ”
Wounds2 says “Brand is difficult to play against as Rakan throughout the game. In laning phase, he harasses you out of lane. In teamfights, his ult punishes you if you decide to shield your teammates. It is important to find a window to kill him before starts to slowly make your life miserable.”
icebombhunter says “Rush mercury trades and then go prowler, I would recommend aftershock for the bonus mr. Bait his q and dodge it, after that he is a free kill. You can even fo hail of blades if you are confident.”
DavideLl98 says “Brand can cast his abilities all the time. It is recommended to purchase Relic Shield when you know you are measuring up to him. Attack the moment he misses with his combo. Do not get hit by three skills at all costs. Use your R more aggressively when you want to go at them with allies instead of defensively.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Brand is a lane bully and because of his AP scaling is a major problem to Janna. This is a horrid matchup and I do not recommend Janna into this matchup.”
itizhelia says “He can zone you out easily in the lane phase and if manages to pick you once then you lose whole lane priority in an instant.
Respect his damage and abilities!
But don't forget that if your ADC is decently strong early game then you can punish him for walking up too much and all in him with huge chances of killing him! Because he is squishy!
You win Brand hard in the mid-late game phase since he can't protect everyone from your engages. All he does is deal damage.”
FiddlesticksChan says “Chunks you down extremely quickly with huge pokes. Play around his Q stun and try to dodge his skillshots with your W move speed.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Tricky lane if it's a good Brand player. He does a lot of poke early on. The bright side, if you can get on to him he dies really fast.”
Navn says “Relatively difficult to deal with since it will be hard to reach him. Bait his abilities until he runs out of mana, then you can make your move. If you must fight, then you must dodge his stun, and you'll stand a chance. Second Wind is very good here since all his skills are a DoT, and you'll get a lot of health back in lane.”
Xeptron says “Brand is the master of fire and master of ''I WILL ONE SHOT YOU AND YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS JUST TO DIE''. Yes, that's Brand. In other words, you have to be careful of his poke and abilities. Once his abilities go on a cooldown, you can hook and engage on the target. If you can, it is very advisible to dodge his abilities and engage whenever he is low on mana. He might do a lot of damage but if you are good at dodging his abilities, it will make Brand's life very hard.
What beats a poke? A HARD ENGAGE and that's what Thresh does. Do it once or twice and Brand's gone.”
CanadaJay says “Very pokey and absolute hell to play against due to his ult and Liandry's. However, he is squishy early game, so you can lock him down and kill him, unless he kills you first.”
Frank6264 says “Este enfrentamiento es parecido en muchos aspectos al de Xerath. En línea traten de esquivar la Q de brand especialmente si recibieron daño de sus otras habilidades ya que los puede inmovilizar y tiene daño más que suficiente para sacarlos de línea. Recomiendo runas defensivas.”
Sunedayz says “With the recent Brand change this matchup got a lot harder. You can still avoid his Q, and W with your movement speed easily. His E now spreading can tick you down quite fast. Once he's used his spells go in and poke him down. As long as you don't die in lane you'll out scale him.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Brand is a very strong champion in general if played right. He is able to get Grievous early and it will affect your entire team. He not only does a lot of damage, he bursts your ADC really hard and pokes you out a lot. Yuumi is not good with burst damage.”
sssky says “One of my permabans. Honestly not that awful to lane against, but he just has too much free damage with his passive.
Do keep in mind that you also have a lot of damage, but focus using your Q for movement and dodging instead of damage.... (or both)”
jessuva says “Brand is just damage, damage, damage. He doesn't stop dealing damage. He's strong early, mid, and late, and keeps getting stronger. His passive counters your healing, and I personally tend to struggle against him.
According to U.GG, he only has a 50% WR against Soraka. But these threats are from my experience. ”
Lykzar says “If you can successfully dodge his flame pillar, Brand isn't too bad. If you can't though, you're in for a bad time. You might need to ult your own team sometimes to save them from a Brand ult.”
He's my permaban. Deals insanelly amount of damage and he can also stun u. If he's decent u can't even stay in lane without risking ur life”
Titans Revenge says “Brand does a LOT of damage. He out ranges you and his poke damage from a single W can force you out of lane. Dodge his abilities and you can win this matchup. He is extremely immobile.”
Hceercs says “Brand has high damage, good poke, and can easily kill you if he gets his combo off(usually E-Q-W, sometimes with R and ignite). Playing against him is mainly baiting/dodging his Q after he uses a spell, and all-inning after.”
CastratedSeal says “Skill matchup. If you dodge his Pillar of Flames, you can win. Start Relic Shield because Brand's range is too long to consistently W him.”
RedNBlue says “One of the 5 worst champions to go against is brand he will poke you and you won't be able to poke back and you will never be able to have a breath of air until you just let go and get put out of your misery.”
YourCut says “Generally Electro+Inspiration, but can be whatever your team needs. Whoever hits CC first wins. Try to dodge as much of his spells as possible. Don't give him a lead.”
AceEpsilon says “Wait for his W to be on cooldown. since Brand is fairly squishy and immobile you can go in on him easily but you have to be very careful or you'll get stunned and killed. ”
Borusky says “Ele vai ser meio chato mas se você esperar o cdr das skills dele, consegue literalmente gastar todas as suas salivas dando bofetadas linguásticas nele.”
GMGZ2 says “All you got to do is use your Q to help dodge and make sure you put boxes in bushes so that he can't sneak attack and get free hits on you. When he uses R, separate from everyone and Q away from everyone or else you will die and might get your allies killed too. Other than that, use your clone to counter his R as well so that it dies and explodes, just make sure it gets near Brand or another enemy so your clone isn't just wasted and be careful when using your clone because you might accidentally get your allies killed by making your clone be an extra body equaling to more burst DMG. So, only use your clone when you know that your allies are away from Brand R. Even though I mentioned these counters, he is just too strong right now. ”
RASKODILA123 says “Poke don't get too close unless you can lock him and kill him wait for him to waste spells while they are on cd that's your chance.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Brand is also an annoying threat to Thresh due to his high amount of burst and poke. Similar to Zyra, maintaining priority makes laning against Brand manageable.
Unlike Zyra, Brand is unable to block your hooks and also has no escape. This makes him vulnerable to Thresh's combo.”
EmpressBee says “The Brand Nami match up is skill dependent. If Brand misses his skills he leaves himself open to being engaged on by Nami with Q or poked. Nami can out sustain Brand if played properly.”
NEED WATER says “Brand is extremely annoying and will DPS the sh*t out of you and your ADC. Build proper MR, out-roam him and try for early lane trades. ”
Akraziel says “THREAT TYPE: AOE Nuke
STRENGTH: Long-range aoe skills.
WEAKNESS: Low defense.
LANE TACTICS: Poke with long-range skill, stun if the opportunity arises, and end his target with conflagration.
COUNTER TACTICS: Dodge his skills and focus on his ADC. Avoid crowding with minions but don't stay too long in the open.
GamingTy12 says “His R can just give anti heal to me and the ADC so if we trying to 2v2 we might lose it at 6 because of that, it makes my R pretty much useless for healing. That is really the only thing he is a threat about since his stun combo can be dodged easily with your move speed. ”
Spielmister says “He can poke you massive without any danger for himself. Play either EXTREME aggresive to kill him, or play really passive to decrease his damage.”
Guoblide says “Brand is a pretty difficult matchup for Sett especially during the laning phase. Sett can out-damage and out-sustain Brand but can't really get close to him at all. Brand can poke Sett in lane and land his skillshots easily because of Sett's big hitbox and low mobility pre- Boots of Swiftness and Dead Man's Plate. Brand can also check bushes without warding because of his Sear and Pillar of Flame. Even if you do remain unseen in a bush he can quickly stun you with his Conflagration and Sear combo. If he does ever stun you he can easily proc Blaze on you and deal massive damage. The worst thing about Brand though is that Blaze makes all of his spells deal 3% of his maximum health over time. If Brand hits Sett he procs Blaze which deals an additional 14-16% of Sett's maximum health. All of Brand's maximum health damage can destroy Sett's health bar and make the laning phase almost unplayable. During laning phase try to stand just out of range of his skill shots. If you see him miss a Sear immediately flash into him and Facebreaker. Once you engage on him and he doesn't have his stun up he is usually a free kill. Once you hit 6 pretend to roam and flank around behind his tower. Use Oracle Lens to disable wards that might spot you out. Flash + The Show Stopper either him or his ADC into your team to get a kill. You can also just roam and get picks in other lanes to help your team out. Go Mercury's Treads if the enemy team has at least 2 other AP champions in Top, Mid, or Jungle. When your jungler ganks and in lane try to spread out from your team to deny the Brand from getting a multi-person Pillar of Flame or Pyroclasm.”
Veropena says “Hate playing against this guy. really high poke. Dodging his abilities is the most important part. If you somehow dodge his E+Q, all in. ”
colonelcobb says “if he wasn't so squishy he would be a nightmare. land a couple e flags on him and then dive. If he gets kills he will snowball and be impossible to deal with.”
LordZaneLP says “i always stomp him in lane, you can basicly walk up on him when he tries to contest bush vision or heal up against his poke. He is rly useless, but beware his lvl 6.”
Dingye888 says “dose alot of damage expecialy at level 3+ take ur chances to poke but dont get stunned. rush tear and heal adc. (hard mechaniq match up)”
ElSindiLegolas says “Aca empiezan las verdaderas amenzas, Brand (y el resto de supports magos full AP) supone un problema ya que pyke no puede tanquear mucho damage y su pasiva y build molesta mucho las curaciones asi que a jugarle safe.”
Jum3h says “ If you are able to dodge his abilities, go for a small trade. He doesn't have sustain like Nami does. When he ults, move away from your teammates.”
FoxyGrill says “Dodge his abilities, especially. His burst and aoe are insane so if he hits the stun you are pretty much dead. Take barrier and guardian.”
bloomingwisp says “Difficult to deal with since he has very high poke dmg and long range. Can't really trade into him. Might have to pick up a few more points in E to mitigate.”
katt5 says “Super high damage. If you let him stun you, you're probably dead. That being said if he misses everything it gives you plenty of opportunity to punish him for it. ”
Fictitious1267 says “Poke the lane out with your Q, and look for an engage. This lane depends a lot on how bad or good your ADC is in dodging until you get them low enough they stop playing aggressive.”
Manzey says “Hard matchup if you don't know how to evade skillshots easily, picking boots up will help you. If you dodge his W / Q he will be useless.”
NirvanaBunny says “This for all those evil people who take Brand as a support! He has decent range and high damage so be careful! Be sure to dodge his skill-shots if you lane against him. He's also squishy if he overextends! Remember if he targets your ADC to heal them.”
Cahly says “Surprising he has become meta in the midlane so basically don't die and farm cause he is a champ that does so much burst. Make sure you w his q.”
Jovy says “Brand can be quite difficult to handle beause of his extremely strong poke and incredible burst. Dodging his Q and his W are the only ways for you to survive this lane. He's squishy, but when in close range of him you need to be careful not to get stunned, as getting stunned could very well end in your death. ”
Kilo Khaos says “He's a mid-lane support with no escape. Punish him whenever possible, but make sure to respect the damage he can do, because that's going to make punishing him very hard.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “When you are in lane against a Brand support, always be aware of his damage.
If he lands his flame pillar on your AD carry, throw your lantern so Brand doesn't get the chance to follow up with his stun.
Once Brand has used his abilities he is an easy target, because he has no real way to escape.”
Frixen says “Brand is immobile, mana hungry, easy to dodge abilities, as well as less wave clear than TF, while not being able to keep up with your roams one bit. Just look to push out, and roam. Don't take all-in fights against him, and you should be fin”
Tauricus2017 says “Try to dodge or bait his pillar of flame. Don't get stunned or he will kill you with ease. It's hard lane so call for ganks and try to survive.”
Tauricus2017 says “Brand is a very bursty champion with a lot of fire all around. Play safe or BAN. Playing under a turrét is the only logical thing you can do, If you get hit by 2 abilities of his, make sure he won't hit you with the 3rd, If you feel like he is going to fire Sear (Q) on you try to move in unexpectible ways so he will miss the skill shot also do not stay very close to your ally so his big AOE aka Pillar Of Flame (W), Conflagration (E) & mainly Pyroclasm (R) won't kill both of you at once.”
Taric Support says “Brand is really a pain in the ass when it comes to supporting. He has long range on abilities, a lot of damage + he has a stun, which makes it a little hard to approach him in lane, but when you do catch him with a stun he has no chance of fighting you.”
Reason97 says “Brand has a lot of damage and decent poke, so what this really comes down to is a skill matchup. Try to keep a conscious thought on how many of his abilities have hit you, cause his 3 hit passive burst will chunk you down easily if he get's the chance to proc it. Also, his Q won't do a lot on his own, but the stun part of it will screw you big time if he land's it, so try to use minions as a barrier or burn flash to escape it. ”
Vahlok says “If he plays support, don't let him stay at the bushes and be careful when you want to farm minions. If he plays mid, the only difficult part is to stay in range to him.”
ShroudedBRH says “Brands kit allows him to deal a lot of damage against you without many items you literally just have to dodge everything he throws at you. Avoid staying clumped past level 6 when he has ult”
Spection says “This is the only support I would consider rushing a Hexdrinker against, because he can easily out damage his adc if he decides to push a Frost Queen's Claim. Hide in minions to avoid the devastating 2 second stun. He's pretty squishy and easy to nuke, so kill him before he can kill you. If he isn't landing skill shots and you feel confident, you can proceed with your normal build.”
Mickeystick says “He should usually be a 1 or a 2, but his damage is absurd in the current meta. Champ should do nothing if he misses q, but you can still get burst down if you go in after he misses.”
niftyyy_lol says “Getting stunned might mean death. He can poke + damage is quite annoying, but he is really squishy. Mercury treads + mikaels is a good buy.”
NowHereToHlde says “All in him or his ADC, his passive is not easy to kill you as you may either E block his spell or you can save the E to block the passive damage.”
Wicked Cherry says “He can hurt a lot if played correctly. And he'll do more damage than you'll be able to heal. Be passive and try to dodge his combos.”
Wicked Cherry says “What I hate about this champ is that his passive allows him to deal damage over time. So if he hit you by his W and you still managed to dodge his Q which would've stunned you, you're still being punished with the burn he's applied to you. Try to use Q whenever his combo is on CD to heal yourself back up and use his mistakes in your favor. Otherwise please play safely.”
QueerJunk says “You can easily outheal his poke, make sure to dodge his all ins and you should have no problem. If brand doesn't get fed he does no damage. Land CC on him for Freelo”
stziswhatihave says “Prioritise farm and don't get poked out of lane. Be careful where you place your turrets.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Thomas Stella says “Similar to Zyra, but he scales a little better. Dodge the flare on the floor and it won't stun you. When applying his defininitive it is better to run alone since it will shoot all your companions.”
TheMistCollector says “He has better damage and range in laning fase, and you can just E his R, nothing else (he can still R a minion a hope to bounce on you).
Try to bait his abilities in order to get him out of mana. Try to get a mist on him by Qing a minion and using your extra movement speed to hit your AA.”
SkellyBirb says “Use your range to poke him and avoid standing to close to your ADC once you hit level 6 so he can't take full advantage of his ultimate. If you do get caught, you may get one shot though.”
xlouis31 says “Brand can easily poke you out of lane, try to dodge his W and try to hit him with a Q, you should be able to snowball if he gets behind. If he's bullying you, just wait till 6 and all-in him with your R.”
ShanksMeister says “Really annoying early but you scale harder. Focus on not dying here and just going even in lane. Don't be afraid to max W first instead of Q so you can stay alive. Take Relic shield if absolutely necessary.”
Mczrks says “Brand is only a threat to pyke if he lands his stun on him otherwise decent pyke will dodge all his skill shots and kill him in 1o1 battle, brand likes to poke most of the time, but with pyke passive you'll be fine.”
Krynomi says “Yuumi counters high damage mages due to your W. Brand can stun you if get hit by his W or E first. His R can't bounce to you if you're attached to someone”
Alu Banidosu says “Brand's high damage output threatens Bard and his ADC since the Healing Shrines (W) give very low healing. This poke is dangerous and can prevent your team from farming in the bot lane.”
TailsGothicAngel says “Brand's burst is terrifying and his stun lasts for ages. Don't engage unless you know the champion well and know how to exploit his weaknesses.”
Illumination says “Brand has much higher base damage than you but you out-range him. Do not EVER attempt to proc your passive against him, as you will lose half of your health in the process. Throw and land your spells at max range and you should win.”
snukumz says “Skill matchup.
Watch out for his skill shots since he can obliterate you.
The good news is you can obliterate him as well if you hit your Q's, and/or use your ult. ”
snukumz says “His poke hurts but is pretty easy to avoid.
You can delete him if you land stuns on him, which shouldn't be too hard because he has to come into stun range in order to land his poke. ”
snukumz says “Avoid Brands stun at all costs since he can nuke you.
If you do get hit by some poke though you can just heal it back up.
Your poke does a lot of damage to Brand because he's very squishy, try to bait out his W, and then go in to poke him with your W.”
thesophieset says “Similar to Lux, but with even more damage. What makes this an easier matchup though is that he has to hit his E > Q or W > Q combo to CC you, which you can dodge a little easier than a Lux snare. Run Magic Resist shards and build an early Crucible into Spirit Visage to offset his burst damage and you will end up outhealing him. In teamfights, make sure to ult when he does if you get the chance to mitigate his %HP passive damage.”
NalgaSensei says “Brand is a tricky matchup. Brand (if going Dark Harvest) can easily stack up AP and deal a lot of damage if you can't dodge his abilities. He's a very annoying matchup, but you will be able to beat him later on into the game. He's only really a problem to you in the early game. Do not let him stack up!”
Oiaki says “AAAAAAAA FIREEEEEE. But for real, its really bad. He will bully u and ur ADC with his Q and W the WHOOOOOLE game. Dont feed him. Ban him pls”
Maxwhale Plays says “This is a skill match up, If brand plays safe and doesn't step forward until he is ready to all in he will out damage you but if you get the engage you should win the trade, in this match up it is important to keep your stacks up to make his job harder”
Yuzu says “OKAY GUYS! Listen to me. Everyone says enchanter are good against Brand but why do I have the feeling of insta banning him when I plan to play Soraka? He is everything that Soraka is not. I once described it on the Soraka Main Sub Reddit and got some feedback, that others struggle es well. Maybe you can handle him better”
snukumz says “Careful not to get poked by Brand because he does a lot of damage, and if you get stunned you will likely be losing most of your HP or dying so watch out for his stun.
You outrange Brand with your plants so abused him with that and don't let him get within range to do his damage.”
Virtuos0 says “There's a champ in bot lane with longer poke than you, and his name is Brand. In the time you land your Q AA combo on the enemy adc, Brand already has his W Q stun on you, and now you're toast. An easy way to get around this is to plan with your lane partner to focus on Brand early. The less you allow him to poke, the more behind in gold he'll be. Later on in the game you actually end up being a fantastic counter to Brand, as his ult will not pass through your ult. Ulting your team might suck but it also might save them and waste his. Make sure you're keeping communication open.”
trundlesuppport says “his poke out range yours, avoid being close to him his EQ stun = death, learn to dodge his w not really hard. all in adc when his q on cd. he scale better than you late game so you have to win lane.
take mr runes.”
Akja says “He has a lot of range and damage, but unlike Morgana or Lux, he doesn't have an easy stun, he has to hit you with 1 ability and then with his Q which doesn't have much range and is easy to dodge.”
Metalbashev says “He pokes a lot, does tons of damage and has a stun. But he is immobile. If you manage to get to him and W him back into your team, he's easy pickings.”
Lobban says “Do everything you can to dodge his full combo. Otherwise just poke him behind minions, and try to dodge his W. If you are hit with Brand's W back off untill his passive blows off.”
Sq_09 says “High long-range damage and decent CC. His AOE goes through brushes. He can cover an engage Q with his spells for a big combo and passive proc for a ton of damage. Also outpokes you. ”
Randomless says “He's going to poke and poke and poke AND POKE AFTER POKING YOU. His abilies are really not that hard to dodge but the problem is that you'll have to get in his range to poke his ADC and him because you need to stack your Dark Harvest and Support Item. Keep a distance between your ADC after he gets his Ultimate ability.”
SynLynx says “His poke and his All-ins post 6 are extremely dangerous, but he is very squishy , so you can make use of this by pulling him towards you and getting a quick kill.”
Amityoce says “Cheese lane, you outscale him. fight him only when his abilities are on cooldown. He does more damage then you can shield or heal. YOU OUTSCALE HIM HARD ”
rquoe says “How dangerous Brand is depends entirely on how good the opposing player is with the champion, but he's generally annoying to deal with because of his poke. Be mindful of his combos and keep your distances with your ADC while his ult is off cooldown.”
PEPSINKING says “He's a great zoner as an enemy support, and he can easily proc two abilities on you. Your best play into him is to keep a promixity distance so you can react to his q.”
Keny McCormick says “To be able to trade with Brand, you're putting yourself in a position to get 100 to 0. Call for ganks because Brand is immobile. Would recommend barrier in this matchup.”
ThePandaEvan says “Brand's damage can be hard for you. After mobi boots you can probably dodge most of his skill shots. Poke very fast and run. Repeat when you can.”
netherlessss says “There is very little you can do to brand to stop him from damaging you and dodging his attacks. Buy a relic shield and hope your laners or ADC can scale. ”
JustSlayter says “He has high dmg pre 6, but if you sit behind minions to avoid his stun you should be good. He is really squishy, but he WILL pick you or your carry post 6 if you don't respect his dmg. ”
Usaki says “Hard to trade with and almost impossible to get off your ADC without both of them dying. Very squishy though, just trust your ADC not to feed him.”
HoneyQT says “A Zyra with more relevant damage and CC early. Beware of his CC and ult, they deal a lot of damage, but overall he scales worse than Zyra and come 35 minutes he won't be a threat.”
Cat Elf says “Brand deals so much damage a lot of times you won't be able to heal your ADC quick enough. If you get out of your ADC to proc passive you might end up taking a lot of AOE dmg and die or end up causing your adc to die by Brand's ult. ”
TheBeardedPickle says “Brand is rated as an extreme threat due to the range of his abilities, his burst damage, and his ability to zone. Out trading Brand as Lulu is nearly impossible if you're laning again a good Brand player.”
Mr Bison says “Banir, se possível, pois possui um combo muito forte, dano em área absurdo e seu W é praticamente impossível desviar caso você esteja no centro dele, além de poder prolongar o efeito de feridas dolorosas depois que faz Morellonomicon (devido a sua passiva), caso não queira bani-lo, então mantenha distância dele e evite seus combos.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “High damage champ with lack of proper defense, you can E on top of him at your leisure, he needs another spell to have his Q stun, in most cases this will be his E, if you engage on him you will also very likely be out of range for his R to bounce, easy to murder.”
PayyBack says “Brand deals extreme damage with his combo and he can stop your engage if he uses his stun,but still he's squishy, so you can burst him down with a gank or not.”
Flint124 says “He's a free kill at level 2 if you hit 2 first and he's in range, but if you can't do that he kicks your ass.
Once he hits 3, you can't even try to all-in him, but you CAN enable your teammates to gank him with your armor shred and slow.”
Tult says “Brand is a pretty big threat to blitz as his poke and zoning keeps blitzcrank from being able to set up his hooks while also dealing massive damage to blitz”
DarkGabumon says “Not bad matchup, just depends on who dodges whos abilities in lane. Max E and try to shield of his damage with your shield, especially his ultimate in team fights.”
ICannon says “Can poke you hard.Yes,unfortunately BRAD does have some weaknesses,but this shall not stop us from ascending.Murder him before level 3 and after that play safer and try to tunnel gank.”
Napiste says “Brand is slightly trickier than Bard to play against. Engaging on Brand with your E allows him to know exactly where you are going to be to land his own combo. This lane Brand is an equal threat to the carry potentially more damage coming from Brand in most points in the game. Brands weakness early is he is relatively squishy.
Daedralus says “Range and stuns and over time damage. What could go wrong? This build is overall best for champions in melee range as range is a problem in general for WW in the early game. Brand is one of those cases where this problem is even greater. Doesn't matter if you are near or away from your creeps as he has a method of burning your fur in any case. Best tip is to avoid this matchup but if you do end up in it, play safe and farm safe until you get gunblade. You get to turn the tides on him if you land your R for an all in with gunblade active as well. It is just the early game you need to survive and hope he doesn't also go off-tank as that can be hard to one-shot, giving him the oppurtunity to do a turn around kill when all your abilities are on cool-down. ”
arbyun says “Now, this guy is plenty annoying. Stay hopped on your ADC and his ult won't do shit to you. Basically, heal all of his poke and wait until he loses mana or becomes desperate and overextends. If you engage after that, easy kill.”
Curmudgeon says “Brand has tons of damage burst and CC. play passive against him unless he misses abilities and you can flash in on him to take him out quickly. ”
Kefochka says “Ваш щит заблокирует одно его умение, а вот от нескольких последующих будет крайне тяжко увернуться. Если он взял вашего адк в контроль, то можно только рыдать...”
Loggit says “High damage, strong burst AND poke, lots of AoE, lingering damage making you partially visible, and builds a lot of health. Can be played against, but its hard and dangerous.”
Jointed says “Brand has ridiculously high DPS with a Stun. Play around his damage and poke carefully. You should out value him mid game unless he starts to snowball.”
KitsyMamori says “He will stun you and use all of his burst with relative ease, so be careful. Try to hit your Q as often as you can without exposing yourself to any of his abilities. When he is lower then 60% you can burst him down.”
TDKPBT says “This is a tough lane as he can poke you from a safe distance and his combo hurts a lot. Plus, he's magic damage so your itemization suffers as well since you want to build armor when possible.”
Gravixx says “He is very annoying to play against, but manageable. You can out-heal his poke damage if you manage your mana usage well. Getting hit by his full combo often ends in death, the best way to avoid this is to dodge his Q or stand behind minions, which will prevent you from being stunned and proccing his passive.”
Hanjaro says “Brand can do a lot of damage, in a short time, and generally more than you can heal up. He can kill you in one combo, so play passive and dodge his abilities the best you can.”
Aizenvolt says “He is just like lux insane poke and damage. Try to trade with him with your q to cancel most damage. When he has used one of his abilities on you besides the fireball get away cause he will use fireball to stun you. If you manage to avoid the fireball you can do alot of damage to him and maye kill him. If you find him hard to play against ask for gank. Just dont feed him because he will one shot you if he stuns you. Also with the rework he is weaker 1 vs 1 so you can beat him easier than before. His passive isnt so good for 1 vs 1 as his previous.”
Hanjaro says “High damage, high range, be careful. Dodge his abilities, engage after he's used his combo, watch out as he has low CDs. A well timed ultimate can cancel out most of his damage.”
ningen ouroboros says “his damage is high, so dodge skills and you get a free kill because he is also a squishy. But when he gets ult, it becomes hard as your passive will pop, allowing the brand ult to bounce off your clone as well.”
GoBucket says “Strong pokey/burst mage, so if you get hit by his spell rotations...ggs. BUT he is very immobile. His range is not as oppressive as Xerath and Vel'Koz although his burst is something to behold so watch out. As long as you bait out his pillars, you should be set. Get on top of him and cya later alligator.”
Hanjaro says “Brand has extremely high damage, can poke from range and has a very scary burst combo, along with max hp % damage. Dodge his abilities, and then hard engage, he is very squishy and immobile.”
Beeee says “Generally as long as you avoid Brand's w+q combo, you should be fine. However, his passive damage can be very annoying to deal with. Just try to avoid his spells and you should be fine!”
marisbroodti says “Believe it or not, fire man, despite its low mobility, is our biggest threat as his passive is absurd. A good Brand will keep you on your toes and set Ablaze for a disgusting high uptime meaning that lane will be decided by how you dodge and how quickly can you engage to shut him down.”
Taiack says “Even though his w is easy to dodge, his ult/passive will destroy you. Do what you can to dodge his abilities, and don't stand right next to your partner when Brand is level 6. ”
MeatFeast says “Brand is another obnoxious champion who can really put the hurt on you during the laning phase. His pillar of flame is a pain to avoid during the early levels and does a surprising amount of damage. Make sure to stand away from your ADC so he has to pick one target. The trick with Brand is to avoid getting hit by more than one spell, if you do so, you will be stunned and take massive burn damage. I rush mobility boots as a priority in this lane so it's easier to dodge his spells. Locket of the Iron Solari is also your friend here so complete that next. Brand can solo kill you so you have to respect his damage, especially when he has his ultimate. You have to just ride out levels 1 - 6 trying to stay in touching distance with the opposing lane. At 6, you can easily blow him up with your Ult combo and ignite . Brand is very squishy and likes to poke so use that to your advantage. Whilst not an easy lane a good Leona should win this most times.”
ONICH4N says “If you cant dodge his Q or W your gonna be in for a rough time. Quite squishy so killable but if you get stunned you are most likely dead”
Hubixxiash says “You should generally win this match-up. Don't get stunned, and poke whenever he uses w. Try not to stay right behind minions, because it will make it easier for him to push the wave.”
Leaguecitizen says “Brand is a big problem in lane. His consistent damage output is always a threat.
This is a very passive lane for Alistar, where you won't be able to do much without your jungler.
However, Alistar is one of the most flexible champions in the game.
Through distance management and effective usage of your flash, you could easily get a kill or more bot lane and take control of the lane through your pressure.”
suppdiff says “Low mobile, all damage support. Ask for jungler ganks, play around his stun, ask for a strong early adc. He also is easily outroamed when you obtain mobis.”
Zulp says “Brand, like other dangerous bot lane mages has some good AoE and range in his kit and he has four damaging abilities. Let them push the lane and try to call for a gank, don't try to double bomb him in lane. ”
spark2 says “Brand has super high damage but next to no protection--if he whiffs his Q (Sear), jump on him and make him pay. Also, when he ults you, try to Rewind when the blob is bouncing AWAY from you, since rewinding while it's coming for you will still make it target you. He's a teamfighting mage, not a lane bully--you can handle him pretty easily as long as you're not letting yourself get stunned all over the place.”
WhiteGoliath says “Poke supp with high dmg, if he stuns your adc you lost the fight probably. He is very annoying cuz of his E/W which can go through minions”
Zefirez says “This guy is nasty. You know the drill - has huge damage, does %max health damage (not good for you), his ult is an anti-grouping tool that feeds off you being along with partner in botlane, and has a stun of his own.
Early levels are all about surviving him. Taking small mresist runes is advised. Dodging his skillshots even more so. Remember that his q (the small forward fireball) can stun you only if he recently landed another spell on you and you're "on fire". Also his big aoe damage passive is triggered when he lands 3 consecutive spells on you. If he misses one (and he doesn't have ult on him, or you know it's on cd), that may be your window for some aggression.
Once you hit 6 though, it's time to go to town on his ass, as he's squishy, has no mobility and isn't half as good at zoning like for example Zyra.
Win or lose in brand lane depends on you and your adc not feeding your assess off pre 6. Do that and his goose is cooked. ”
Laverenz says “Brand is a strong pick against Thresh, as he has so much poke with his W in lane, making it very hard for you to play aggresive as he most likely will zone you out. ”
NirvanaBunny says “This for all those evil people who take Brand as a support! He has decent range and high damage so be careful! Be sure to dodge his skill-shots if you lane against him. He's also squishy if he overextends!”
SirZeros says “Brand shouldn't be thaaat much of a threat, due to him having no mobility and beeing a shortranged mage. Try to stun + basic attack him as much as possible, eventually he's gonna get pretty low, since he's pretty squishy, especially before he can buy Rylai's. But keep in mind that he could always stun you too! His burst is really high, so be careful.”
Ahpulzz says “He can poke you at will and has a very strong combo if you get stunned, so always be on the lookout for his abilities and keep him away from your AD. He's squishy and immobile so either a hook or gank will suffice in killing him. Don't hug your AD when you fight him post-6, however, unless you want to be melted down by his ultimate, Pyroclasm.”
Mantra Decorum says “Similar to Zyra, but worst because he don't have plants. He is squishy and you're Mantra Q destroy him. He don't have any heals or shields, so is easy to make him fall back.”
Ahpulzz says “His passive alone merits Brand a spot in red portion of this list. His passive, Blaze, automatically burns off 8% of your health if any of his abilities touch you, giving him harass that can be especially effective against a bulky tank like yourself. You can't charge at him directly when his skills are up unless you're looking to get stunned and chunked for a sizable portion of your health. However, for all Brand's power he has two weaknesses - a lack of mobility, and high cooldowns. When in a straight up fight, Brand needs ALL of his spells to pull off his combos - just one spell on cooldown makes Brand that much less powerful. Also, he has 0 ways of shipping himself out of a bad situation other than Flash, so look towards your pillar to abuse this fact.”
Chromuro says “Heavy poke champion with hard CCs and dot. You're gonna have a bad time with him in lane. Go ultrasafe, your positioning is the key to survive the matchup. Hope that your ADC isn't too stupid to get picked, you can't really sustain the damage he deal.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “This... is the worst possible enemy in botlane you can face. Seriously - he pokes like a freighter truck. Be careful laning against this one. Keep a safe distance early and build Magic Resist to counter. ”
StrawberryMewlk says “Being a squishy support, Ahri is obviously susceptible to burst mages like Brand, Zyra and Vel'koz. However if you can make them waste their spells and/or dodge said spells, there shouldn't be much issues.”
Vermeio says “His range, damage and stun, will give you a lot of work until you got some MR. You can make REAL damage when get in, but he got more room for error than you. If u make adaptive helm at some point, he just stop existing. Stay defensive, farm though your sup item when possible, and avoid his aoe. Use guardian wisely.”
NoHard says “Brand can be scary to lane against due to his high damage, however as long as you take minimal damage in lane, baiting and dodging with your Q, his mana can run down fast forcing him to back or be pressured under tower, allowing your ADC to farm.”
GlacialWarlock says “Really only a threat if they're good at poking with his Sear (Q) and Pillar of Flame (W). Good Brand players won't go into a fight as they know a Tahm Kench with Magic Resistance is basically a free-win for the Tahm Kench.”
ZedeS says “Despite all Brand players being literal sub-humans, she is still in my games. If Brand is picked, consider adding them to your int list. Also, consider taking Magic Resist in your rune page and do your best to make them AFK.”
Axeloy says “Brand, ironically enough, being fire-based, is an extreme threat to Nami. His harass is stronger than yours in all aspects, and he will always win in terms of damage. You simply need to try your best to dodge his abilities. You don't want him harassing you and your ADC out of farming.”
Sona Aria says “You cannot trade ability for ability with Brand. His base damages are too high, and if he procs passive, you can no longer play aggressively. Taking Mr shard is highly recommended, and crucible rush is effective versus him. If he has blaze on you, stay behind minions to avoid the stun. If you get stunned after level 3, you will no longer be able to play the lane. Brand can also buy Morello liandries, which is extremely cancer to play against as any enchanter: 5 seconds of grevious wounds.”
1OLAF3 says “Too much CC and damage but it's rarely played as support ( in my case )
But if you play against Brand play safe, take exhaust and extra MR”
Haezard01 says “You can burst him out earlier on, but you have to play around his W so he doesn't get a lead. You have to make sure he doesn't get any form of gold early on because he outscales you with his AP scaling and Dark Harvest stacks.”
Xavier Senori says “Playing against Brand early game is a skill matchup. If he lands his stun on you, hes going to put out the hurt. However, with the MS you get from your Q, you should be moving fast enough to dodge most of his skillshots, while still getting in some harass. You will heavily outscale him late game.”
doubte says “this is a rough matchup for bard as brand has high kill threat and lots of poke. I recommend looking to cheese in a brush early and stun him. focus the brand first in two vs twos and burst him before he's able to get his combo off. take another point into w at level three as it gives you a lot more sustain in the early game. rush mercury treads and use your ultimate on him once you hit six. prioritize brand first in fights, as he's really squishy and doesn't have any reliable form of escape.”
TeflonAmetkus says “Be careful when approaching a brand, he may seem squishy but can burst you down in a second if he stuns you. Always silence when trying to Q.”
Enrik says “Mesma coisa da Nami, a diferença é que o Brand não se cura, mas tem um poke muito mais forte. Você pode tentar baitar algumas de suas skills e pokear depois, mas cuidado, se você der um vacilo no posicionamento, provavelmente ele vai cobrar.”
Saethwyr says “If you dont know how to specifically play against brand, hes a special, horrible hell worse than any support. the best tip i can give is that after the first one or two Pillars, you learn how the brand player casts it and you can learn how to dodge it. if he casts it directly on you or behind you, keep walking straight, dont stop or hesitate. if he casts it in front of you, immediately backtrack.”
thelolgamer123 says “your ability to engage doesn't exist against brand, because of his damage. he is going to make some really anoying trades in early game. try to avoid his skillshots, and don't go aggressive.”
Better Call Phil says “Dodge his abilities as much as possible. Rush level 2 and all-in him to BURN his summs. NEVER E towards him if he has a stack on you and his Q is up. He will kill you.
Otherwise, easy matchup, squishy champion.
Electrocute/Ancient Coin”
The Jhin Cena says “His stun can be a bit gross but he can be outplayed pretty easily. If he tries to Q on you, then Q on a minion to dodge, or if he's close enough then E over it and then land on him. If he tries to W on you then Q at him if he's close enough, or E out of the way and land on him if he's close enough. Late game, Q or E away from your team if he Ults on you.”
z4ki says “Most annoying support. He have a lot of burst damage and combined with the cc (Stun and Burn effect). Keep watching Brand combo in laning phase because if not the worst moment maybe apporached you and your ADC. I recommend ban him this patch”
NirvanaBunny says “This for all those evil people who take Brand as a support! He has decent range and high damage so be careful! Be sure to dodge his skill-shots if you lane against him. He's also squishy if he overextends! Remember if he targets your ADC to heal them.”
hipstersora says “If you can dodge his abilities while hitting yours, you win. If the opposite happens, he wins. It's as simple as that. Brand is honestly BS levels of stupid though, so expect him to get fed off bot and kill you in a single rotation. He also pushes you in very quickly, and can hit you with his E pretty easily when you go in to Q/auto farm.”
SawyerNelson says “Brand has higher range than Lux, and has better poke, but proper spacing negates the match up completely. Shields also negate his damage on you or your ADC. Most of this match comes down to you or your ADC properly dodging his W levels 1-3.”
LighterDay says “Two of Brand's abilities works well if you are close to him, so Pyke cannot get too close to Brand. Even from a distance, Brand's E can be used to harass Pyke and the ADC all game. However, since Brand is relatively squishy, Pyke's ult can easily finish him off. ”
Hanjaro says “Brand is slightly trickier than Bard to play against. Engaging on Brand with your E allows him to know exactly where you are going to be to land his own combo. This lane Brand is an equal threat to the carry potentially more damage coming from Brand in most points in the game. Brands weakness early is he is relatively squishy.”
best_shacosupport911 says “Your boxes help Brand with his E in certain combos.
However you can block his Q with a box, just be sure to run from his E>W retaliation. If your box is burning, he can W>E buffer the animation for a quick combo.
The same idea applies with his ult. Always seperate yourself and your clone if he has ult. At a certain point you'll be used to the pick, if so just catch the ult with your clone and run it away, bonus points for right clicking Brand in this time to trick him. ”
GameWolfUltimate says “Brand Support is annoying, no matter who you play as. Whenever you go in for the aa for your passive watch out for him as he will deal lots of dmg in a short time. same goes for your adc too.
Try to poke him down with your q so he wont be able to make such plays as he will put himself in danger.”
Kian987 says “He's a nighmare. Tons of CC, damage, poke, ranged, kill and zoning potential. I usually turtle and wait for the end of laning. Shen but probably any other tanky support cannot stand so much AP/AD damage coming from enemy ADC and Brand. Your early against him is terrible.”
Rozyrade says “When hes engaging on your adc make sure to block his q after he hits an ability to prevent the stun, also he can't bounce his r on you and your adc.”
NinJoshPanda says “High damage "supports" (champions that don't actually support but just do damage; Brand, Veigar, Teemo etc) pose a high threat as they will try to constantly poke you and your ADC.”
noolan says “Like Anivia, brand also relies heavily on landing his stun. Try to stay in the middle of the minion to avoid his stun, or if necessary, shunpo away from his q.”
Shderen says “Low cooldowns, roughly same range as you, both DoT and burst-based, all you've got is sustain and your silence. Skill matchup, leaning towards him.”
Drlazerbeam says “Brand turns Nami players into well cooked sushi. He can deny a Nami's poke and sustain by simply bursting you down. He also has better range which makes your Ebb and Flow harder to pull off.”
Drlazerbeam says “Karma's short range puts her in the danger zone against brand. Even with her shields, she can not protect herself or her ADC effectively vs a Brand.”
NirvanaBunny says “This for all those evil people who take Brand as a support! He has decent range and high damage so be careful! Be sure to dodge his skill-shots if you lane against him. He's also squishy if he overextends! Remember if he targets your ADC to heal them.”
N0ZOMI says “Brand has better poke and higher base health. However if you manage to dodge his abilities you can use that to punish him and take over lane control. Also his Q is pretty annoying. Medium risk of all in engaging and bursting you down.”
Schuit says “Brand does well against all high hp champions, Your E and his W are about the same range, however if you can land E, and your adc adds in their damage, you'll win the trade every time.”
FMLMOMENT says “I dodge these games , The damage is already done once he presses R or lands a full combo. Can't sustain massive poke damage , Not a fun time for Targon
NirvanaBunny says “This for all those evil people who take Brand as a support! He has decent range and high damage so be careful! Be sure to dodge his skill-shots if you lane against him. He's also squishy if he overextends! Remember if he targets your ADC to heal them.”
FwuffyMilk says “Brand does so much damage as a support. Try to shield when he pokes with his W. If you can dodge his skills well pre-6 then try to abuse him. After 6 though be careful since if you try to engage on him he will just ult you and your ADC which will hurt sooo much.”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “Bro this jerk can go chase a bag fr tho... like goddang his damage. Careful of his stun... throw some shade and douse his a$$ with some saliva when you're all inning. Time your E right when he ults.”
SawyerNelson says “Brand has a strong level 1 - 5 against thresh so basically the early laning phase. Thresh has the advantage of CC over brand, but brand has advantage of punishing thresh when he misses. ”
FwuffyMilk says “You out range the @#$% out of him.
Poke him down with your abilities and if he tries to step up then make him regret it by stunning him and melting him.”
Ooze OG says “Brand does an insane amount of poking in the lane to Alistar and his carry. However, if you can all in the Brand while his combo is down, you should be able to win most trades.”
semisomniac says “He's really annoying. So much damage... but if you can dodge his W early, even if your ADC gets hit, you can outheal him. Just make sure to sustain by landing Q's.”
TheLuluMain says “Very tough lane, he outranges you and getting close enough to trade often results in you getting stunned and dying. You have no healing so you must react in time to shield his damage. Play safe and hope for the late game to come soon.”
Enfurnal says “Brand stuns if he ignites you with his abilities and Qs so don't get hit. Three abilities hit by him you will have an AOE ring damage around you so don't go near your teammates or they will hate you and SPAM question mark pings at you.”
NocUout says “Your main goal is to just avoid his W and Q, then when he has no abilities all in. He has no mobility, and without a stun he is fairly helpless against you. ”
TheComicalBiker says “Brand has massive damage and burst that you need to be cautious of. It's very hard to avoid a good Brand's damage but when you get the chance to punish him, you best do it.”
Guychk says “It is really hard to deal with Brand's poke early game, and he has a stun constantly up. Thresh's Magic Resist is not the greatest, so he can easily get popped by a brand. CC Brand into oblivion, and ask for jungle gank. Remember, he has no escapes, so if you burn his flash, next gank he will be as dead as dead can be. ”
Jeroen R8 says “Brand is a real pain to face due to his long range poke with Pillar of Flame. Combine this with his stun and insane damage and you've got yourself a dead ADC.”
AmericanNa says “You out range but if hes smart he will out poke. You might wanna level up your W a bit earlier to shove the wave back. Also might not want to take magical footwear for faster boots.”
ff20orfeeding says “Can't really handle a well played burst mage too well. Can be a challenge, but Brand is very reliant on landing spells, dodge well and go in for the kill.”
Kyeee says “Brand is a threat for me as I always find any mage support means high damage and Nami is very squishy and one brand combo means death for Nami!”
Guychk says “He is your counter. You should dodge. He will poke you, and your laner constantly out of lane. If you don't go back you get stunned, and you die. It will not be a fun lane. ”
Tipurrs says “Skill match-up that is in Brand's favor because of his superior range. Early game, Brand is a bully. Just let him push and farm in your tower and then ask for some ganks. He's too immobile and has no escapes. Just dodge his W and Q and you win the trade(which is not hard). ”
Udaa says “you out range brand so poke him down and then go all in. remember to dodge his q stun.. he doesn't have a root/stun at lvl 1 so go all in at 1 if ur adc is strong.”
Knoppers123456 says “Pretty much the same as zyra, but with the small difference that you will be able to kill him as soon as he misses his q and w
Try baiting out q and w without dying (hard move)
Try Full engade at 6 (medium hard move)”
Silver_Skulls says “If the enemy Brand is a good support and knows what they're doing this could cause you to get stunned and make it impossible to escape with Deep Water Dive or Phantom Undertow”
Saecriru says “Brand is a huge lane bully. Try to play as passive and get a gank from your jungler unless you are able to get within range and dodge his combo. Brand out ranges Neeko.”
O Takes Square says “So here's the thing, Technically you CAN beat him for sure but he can absolutely dumpster you too and it sometimes seems way easier for him to do it so you need to be able to dodge his W's for sure and hopefuly your ADC can as well. IF he starts getting ahead in lane its gonna be really tough”
I love Lun Lun says “Brand is burning our health away,that is not the best thing for us.In order to heal our allies we must stand close to them and close is what Brand needs.His ult,W,passive are all so very dangerous for Soraka.If he burns our wings off we are not an angel anymore.That way you should get him waste his W and try to Q him as much as possible.A scared Brand can't do much in lane since he needs to be aggressive.Get him to play more defensively.Our E is a major helper here since not only you can ruin his combo but you can poke from afar.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “People overrate his danger level. If you play to stay out of his range and prioritize that as you work, you can bait out his mana and win the exchange.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, as long as you still have a working e button he shouldn' t be that much of a threat. also with your amazing kiting movement stuff if he does that aoe thingy (his ult? i dont even know LOL) you can run away from your support real quick to end it.”
Synk1904 says “Does a lot of damage, and pokes you easily, be careful if you are ablaze because he may stun you and if you die you may spread his E to your adc.”
Zefirez says “He wants to see the world burn, including forests which include bears!
Generally he's a nightmare to any and all tank supports, due to massive max % hp shred on his passive and anti-team ult that bounces between targets.
Key to fighting his guy is avoiding his skillshots and then hard engaging and killing him before he kills you.
His only stun (the simple fireball shooting in a line) will not work if he didn't hit you with another spell first and you're taking damage over time from his passive as result. Also it's a skillshot that can be blocked by minions.
If he failed to do land and stun you - that's your que to engage! As for items - Mercury Threads, Adaptive Helmet and/or Locket of Iron Solari recommended.
Also keep in mind, that unlike most tanks (which he is not btw), Voli sports very high base movement speed - in trained hands this can lead to many missed skillshots on Brand's part!”
Qwerty19 says “The burn.... it hurts. Try to dodge and bait his w so he runs oom and then engage when he can't do damage. I buy boots earlier for extra move speed and depending on the skill of the brand I might build mr before i get into knightsvow. Definitely merc treads though.”
SpicySkelleton says “I don't remember when he became viable for support or when ever he became as a popular support pick but he can be either a major threat or just some idiot soon to become easy money for your team. As a mage he can safely poke you and your adc while being in the safe confines of his wall of filthy lesser minions while your obviously superior and glorious children minions get slaughtered by his adc who will most likely be Yasou or Ezreal. Avoid his abilities and try to get your adc to wave clear as much as possible to set up a grab to take him down, if you take him first his adc can't do really anything against you & your adc and will retreat to tower, the more often hes dead the more often you can push lane. Also if you and your teamates are low hp or half and hes fed for wall that is good and holy in this god forsaken game, keep away form your allies if he does his R on you or your teammate next to you. If not it will lead to having your team too damaged to stay in a teamfight or having them all killed.”
undeadsoldiers says “I think this is quite similiar to Xerath, as Brand is also flash dependant mobility wise, except you can dodge his abilities easier and he can be easier to all in after landing E by E>Q(back)>R>Q(front).
Most of his damage comes from his Q and W. Don't let him land those. Stay away from your wave so he can't poke you and last-hit minions in one W.
If he lands one ability or point-and-clicks his E on you, he'll empower his next one; if he lands his full combo on you, you'll also take extra damage from his passive.
Suggested: Rush boots for dodging?”
macspam says “Get early boots to dodge his W, and don't stand too close to minions to avoid his E spreading to you. Late game, Adaptive helm is a good buy to counter Brand's R in teamfights. ”
Lonxu says “He has a ton of poke, huge base damage, stun!
Basically you need to avoid the W then fuck him up with your spells.
That's about it. And also somehow have more sustain than him( the runes, refillable potion?).
Level 6 it comes down to who lands the combo first for kills. Often it might be traded kills.
nicko9090 says “Basically same as Zyra but his damage is huge and deal % , if you are not careful it can be deadly, but it's fairly easy to win lane before 6 . You need to play aggressive to don't get pushed out of the lane.”
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