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Udyr Counter Stats

Udyr Counters
Discover all champions who counter Udyr. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Udyr in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
758 Tips for countering Udyr below

In the Jungle
49.44% Win Rate62% Pick Rate Udyr In the Jungle Counters: 39 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Udyr in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Udyr’s crowd control and dueling potential can pose a threat to Viego. However, Viego’s ability to possess enemy champions can help him turn the tide15”
[14.8] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide] by Foxirion | Viego Player
huncho1v9 says “- Hard matchup. Udyr is basically Trundle with a better clear. Udyr will match your clear well and try to get ahead through objectives and early ganks with ghost. PR and conq can both be good, take conq if you just want to 1v1 duel him, and PR if you want to kite away from his empowered R. It’s important to not fall behind in this matchup.”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
PillowHex says “He's too much of an all rounder for Evelynn to deal with efficiently, if you accidentally swipe right on him keep your distance Pre 6.”
[S14] Pillow's Bronze Evelynn Guide by PillowHex | Evelynn Player
Angel7201k says “Shyvana 2.0. Difficult in all builds. But in teamfight u have equal impact NEVER fight 1v1 Outscale u”
Shyvana by Angel7201k | Shyvana Player
youenn says “Pretty hard matchup he can stun u and he is very tanky.”
Mignognium says “Sans [Demonic] il a perdu énormément en dégâts sur sa version AP. Si il jou AD vous avez des chances et si il jou AP se sera vraiment pas compliqué, mais si c'est le fameux nouveau Udyr tank avec les nouveaux items ... [Black Cleaver] et [Wit's End] recommandé. Attention à son shield si vous tentez votre ult. ”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
astral 1v9 says “XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD? ?D? X?D?D D? D ?D?XD?D u do no damage to him at all and he runs you over, this is possibly the worst thing u can play against as karthus besides nid”
S14 karthus jg guide by astral 1v9 | Karthus Player
Fish FRFX says “Invade with team or path away. Itemize for Armor Pen”
S14.4 Guide to Graves Builds by Fish FRFX | Graves Player
RickTheMage says “Simply stupid champion, has a lot of damage and kills you very easily, the tip is to kill his team and let your team take care of him (works for me)”
Shaco The Biggest Killer In The Jungle by RickTheMage | Shaco Player
IvernGott says “Early into the game udyr has a very fast clear that means he can Invade easily afterwards! Udyr will just walk over Ivern mid/late game by being a tank with high dmg output ”
S14 CHALLENGER IVERN GUIDE EUW by IvernGott | Ivern Player
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Top Lane
47.06% Win Rate36% Pick Rate Udyr Top Lane Counters: 24 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Udyr in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Ulsur says “He has insane early game damage and waveclear for some reason, after you're level 5 you can contest him for the wave, just play spacing and when he uses his passive with his R just run back, let him proxy if he goes for it, it's a spacing matchup so just be wary of him when he has ghost available, he has really good gank setup as well so try to stay healthy during the laning phase.”
Hotch says “Don't get cheesed with his lvl 1 damage. Play safe under tower lvl 1-3 then don't be afraid to fight with 4 ghouls. Lock him down with W. Take Ignite.”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
forlid says “Udyr is one of the most versatile and annoying champions as he has essentially everything in his kit. While he is much stronger as a jungler, he is also a very oppressive toplaner. Early on you don't want to fight him as his empowered R does way too much damage. You actually don't want to engage him much at all until you get your first items as he will just outdamage and outsustain you. Don't commit to killing him unless you know for certain where his jungler is. Udyr takes a long time to kill and in the meantime enemy jungler can very easily reach you if you are careless.”
[14.6] Users Manual for Yone // Diamond Guide by forlid | Yone Player
AWierdShoe says “This guy will start R and perma push us into our tower. His waveclear is quite insane with Phoenix Stance max, as is his sustain with his W. Early game if he starts R you'll have to accept the fact that you're getting pushed in, so try to soak XP early and not take too much damage (use passive shield if necessary). Later on, you'll want to block his Q stance autos or E autos with your W, but trading with this guy is a pain as he simply outright beats us in a straight-up fight. Udyr stonewalls the laning phase with Grasp+R max, so look to make plays across the map and peel for your team in teamfights if he attempts to run them down. ”
PinkBlood says “You usually can't kill this guy in lane until essence reaver even then its hard. but you can be more useful for your team with the damage. ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp He will r spam you out of lane and you cant do too much against it. He can also block your r with his empowered e but most udyrs arent good enough for that. Usually they will just empowered w to out heal your r. Bramble would be good but he usually does mostly ap dmg so its eeeeh. Only chance to kill him is lvl 6 right after he uses empowered r, ult him. It wont follow into death realm. You do outscale him but its still difficult to 100-0 him. Just survive lane, you are more useful later. Dont r him in team fights. ”
S14 Mordekaiser top guide with matchups [Diamond 2] by Witchking of Angwar | Mordekaiser Player
conqiyana says “take first strike u can proc it for free because of his sustain. u will lose all fights and he will perma shove, but if jungler ganks he can just walk away so you will never get a lead on him.”
(14.5) conqueror qiyana toplane by conqiyana | Qiyana Player
MaesePerez says “You never beat him 1v1, his lvl 1 with awakened r does stupid amounts of damage, and he can shield your ult. You outscale and become stronger in teamfights, but his movespeed and shields make him very annoying to deal with at every point in the game. ”
Open says “This champ is so cancer I can't even. Frozen Heart has made him sooooo toxic in toplane.”
S14 Open's Tryndamere Bible by Open | Tryndamere Player
AWierdShoe says “This champion has been popping up more and more lately in the toplane. Most Udyr players will go Grasp with Ghost/TP in lane. Early levels he will start his R to push the wave towards you so there's not much you can do to contest him without taking a ton of damage. He has access to insane waveclear, great sustain, gank setup/escape, as well as burst damage. The saving grace of this lane is that Aatrox is great at disrupting enemy frontliners with no dashes, and all of Udyr's mobility is locked into his E movement speed + Ghost. Therefore, Udyr cannot just simply run at you since you'll just Q him and disrupt his engage, leaving this lane at a bit of a stalemate as both of you have a hard time killing each other (unless he eats your combos for days). If he goes to proxy behind your tower don't bother contesting unless your jungler is there to help. Just respect his empowered R and Q as he'll statcheck you with it, and be cautious of his empowered E if he uses it aggressively. Later into the game he will build full tank and be even harder to kill than before, but in teamfights you'll be able to stop him in his tracks if played patiently and correctly.”
[SEASON 14] AATROX: THE DARKIN BLADE by AWierdShoe | Aatrox Player
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