In the Jungle 49.83% Win Rate81% Pick RateUdyr In the Jungle Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Udyr in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Houcs says “Udyr is a champ you should try to avoid to take fights with.
He is very tanky but also deals alot of dmg. He is also very fast and dont forget he can interupt your E with his E.”
kittygore says “Try to countergank. Dont fight unless you have full ferocity and can kite him into your teammates. Try to outplay him with W and fero W.”
SelfLOL says “Another broken champ rn. Stronq 1v1 with Conq. If he is ahead its hard. Super fast clear and out tempos u. Buy Eclipse, Serpents, Mortal Reminder. Fast Champ. R slow. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Stat Checks u unless ur ahead.”
mgutis says “Udyr is extremely strong in this meta, and a good Udyr player will bring Karthus down. His W provides so much sustain and alongside movement speed buffs and slows from Phoenix form, it's hard to play.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Will come close to your farm and will perma slow you along with max hp dps. You out scale him pretty hard though and he ends up being pretty useless vs you. Setting up a dragon win condition vs him is great.”
UrPersonalGod says “Hes way stronger early to mid by default and if you dont get ahead you can never fight him 1v1.
You can look for skirmishes post 6 if you are in a good state but mostly you should avoid him and look for plays on the opposite site of the map.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. He can look to invade as he's stronger than Gwen early. He can shred you with Liandries if he gets ahead. Don't waste your ult until he commits to a fight/is locked down as he can easily run away from you.”
SkaterKidd says “Udyr's strong dueling capabilities, consistent damage, and tankiness can overwhelm Warwick in early skirmishes. Udyr's mobility allows him to stay on top of Warwick, and his ability to switch stances means he can sustain through Warwick's damage while dealing his own.”
DoxxTheLeague says “udyr in theory seems like an easy matchup but udyr is hell champion is so broken has insane healing insane movespeed insane shield insane dmg
rush rlyai second and magic pen you can outscale him and be more useful in fights but you are rarely gonna win him 1vs1 since he will just ghost e runaway.”
Ashu Primu says “He outpaces and outduels you early. However, if you set him behind, he will be useless. Try to find angles to take his farm and influence lanes while he's farming. Typically, you can run away from him and don't have to fight him.”
AbstractNoth1ng says “With Udyr's weird and unexpected tankiness against Bel'Veth, it's difficult to get ahead, knowing he has ranged abilities and he has an ability that makes him fast not to mention the stun.”
kimijebac123 says “Impossible matchup. you can either go conq to match his 1v1 or PR to escape from his R. bassicaly trundle but worse
Build: Eclipse,Pated Steelcaps,Maw”
y every name taken says “Overstatted for durability, damage, and mobility. WIll out-duel you with only Liandry's as a damage item. Udyr's love to invade and counterjungle, so watch out for that.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you do. Udyr is just very weak early game. His health is very low at early stages. You must abuse him before he reaches his item spikes. Though it may be rare since he's been off meta with different builds right now with AP and AD being his most squishy ones.”
lurutin says “This man is badass and cold, he can kite, chase you and has a stronger early game. You can try to kill him after some items but I only like to face him at team fights, avoid 1v1.”
masrigod says “This is a difficult matchup because he can out-stat you and has incredibly fast jungle clear speed. It's best to avoid him and instead focus on 2v2 or 3v3 fights with your teammates.”
Yomu says “Better player wins. Focus on Q'ing Udyr when he oversteps. They all overstep but we punish it well with a point and click stun. If he's AD Udyr then E the empowered Q and pray.”
Maciejson says “He will likely try to invade you, and his ganks are very strong. It's best not to contest him and focus on scaling instead. If you have help, you can pick fights, but otherwise, it's better to avoid confrontation and focus on scaling safely. After you've transformed and built Black Cleaver, you outscale him. As Shadow Assassin, prioritize taking out his team rather than directly engaging with him.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Udyr can invade you early, as he’s just stronger than Gwen early game. After Nashor’s you can easily kill Udyr, just make sure to do your best to track him and make sure he can’t get ahead early. Use your W to tank his damage when he full commits.”
Foxirion says “Udyr’s crowd control and dueling potential can pose a threat to Viego. However, Viego’s ability to possess enemy champions can help him turn the tide15”
huncho1v9 says “- Hard matchup. Udyr is basically Trundle with a better clear. Udyr will match your clear well and try to get ahead through objectives and early ganks with ghost. PR and conq can both be good, take conq if you just want to 1v1 duel him, and PR if you want to kite away from his empowered R. It’s important to not fall behind in this matchup.”
PillowHex says “He's too much of an all rounder for Evelynn to deal with efficiently, if you accidentally swipe right on him keep your distance Pre 6.”
AWierdShoe says “This guy will start R and perma push us into our tower. His waveclear is quite insane with Phoenix Stance max, as is his sustain with his W. Early game if he starts R you'll have to accept the fact that you're getting pushed in, so try to soak XP early and not take too much damage (use passive shield if necessary). Later on, you'll want to block his Q stance autos or E autos with your W, but trading with this guy is a pain as he simply outright beats us in a straight-up fight. Udyr stonewalls the laning phase with Grasp+R max, so look to make plays across the map and peel for your team in teamfights if he attempts to run them down. ”
Mignognium says “Sans [Demonic] il a perdu énormément en dégâts sur sa version AP. Si il jou AD vous avez des chances et si il jou AP se sera vraiment pas compliqué, mais si c'est le fameux nouveau Udyr tank avec les nouveaux items ... [Black Cleaver] et [Wit's End] recommandé. Attention à son shield si vous tentez votre ult. ”
astral 1v9 says “XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD? ?D? X?D?D D? D ?D?XD?D
u do no damage to him at all and he runs you over, this is possibly the worst thing u can play against as karthus besides nid”
RickTheMage says “Simply stupid champion, has a lot of damage and kills you very easily, the tip is to kill his team and let your team take care of him (works for me)”
IvernGott says “Early into the game udyr has a very fast clear that means he can Invade easily afterwards!
Udyr will just walk over Ivern mid/late game by being a tank with high dmg output ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Just make sure to keep distance, you shouldn't struggle vs Udyr, he will probably try to run to other crab or recall after first clear, because most Udyr players know they can't contest 1v1 vs Brand Early.”
Cookiemanman says “Udyr can be a somewhat difficult champion for Volibear to deal with. He can clear the jungle very fast and can typically tank most of Volibears damage. Look to build a lead on him elsewhere on the map through early ganks.”
RuinedJG says “His build is what determines this matchup, tank/bruiser you go conqueror, AD/on-hit you go phase rush. Space him, he cant be feared or knocked back when he is in double ram form.”
HawkSP says “Udyr's awakened abilities give him more flexibility than other run-at-you champions. Counterganking is still effective, but Udyr's versatility can make engagements unpredictable.”
X3mHills says “Focus on running and avoiding engagements in the early game. Consider buying Boots of Swiftness or Zhonya's Hourglass. Play alongside your support and strategically hold onto your ultimate until he uses his E-E.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Udyr: I never played vs udyr in last 4 months so I dont really know but he has cc dmg and he is tanky so be careful.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Just be aware of his cc and movement speed otherwise play normal”
PuppyDontPreach says “avoid udyr pre-six, if he has the brains to invade early you're done for. path to avoid: read rengar's notes, it's pretty similar, he's just a little less scary. once you're built and fed you're all good. don't contest for scuttles with him tho ”
lheydebreck says “He can run you down, no chance duelling him.
Try to play the opposite side of the map and ignore him.
AP is more useful against him. Stay around your boxes and save Q for Escape.”
xTechikaze says “Played against udyr alot already this season and hes pretty lack luster. you should have no problem playing around him and fighting him at any point.”
kcjackal__ says “One of our worst matchups but is still winnable. Have to avoid him early and pick up objectives. Counterganks are winning a majority of the time.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Very Versatile Like you so figure out his Build and respond accordingly. His 1v1 is generally better than yours. Best to not fight him fair, use your disengage and in and out combo's to win fights against him.”
loganrichards says “Better player wins. Focus on Q'ing Udyr when he oversteps. They all overstep but we punish it well with a point and click stun. If he's AD Udyr then E the empowered Q and pray. ”
basrty1p says “Avoid him at early game,you can't win over him with his tankiness and a lot of CC. Buy Rylai to slow him down and play Burn HP set to melt his HP down to the ground.”
Pullks says “Tank Udyr is annoying against Rammus because he can stun you with his (E) and run away, has a shield from (W) which tanks your damage. He isn't really strong in teamfights, so taunt him, turn your W on and watch him dying. Preferrably do so when he enables his (Q).
The new udyr with R max is very strong and slows you until you die, get swifties if you can ”
garbocan says “While Udyr is a champion who relies on running at people, he has a bit more flexibility than champs like Trundle or Skarner due to his awakened E/R. These make him more difficult to run from and more difficult to chase.
He is still very easy to countergank, since all you have to do is wait for him to use an awakened ability and then show up to punish.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Udyr has CC + Shielding/Healing in his kit. He also has a bleed effect on his Q. You can outsustain him but you probably need a component or two or even your whole first item.”
Clasher2124 says “One of the few champions that can 1v1 you early on. The reason being he doesn't get low on health very easily and even if he does he is still very tanky and he can run away no problem.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Super hard matchup, he's super tanky throughout the whole game, even with form you will barely touch him. Has insane mobility, gank potential, fast clear, good objective control. overall, I just avoid Udyr throughout the whole game, and play oppositely, get form, and keep forcing on backline, play for your botlane, cause usually your adc is the only one that will be able to deal with him.”
Zero macro says “
Briar has an even time into Udyr, due to Udyr his adaptive kit that can handle certain situations decently well —> Udyr Awakening Passive can turn him defensive into Briar’s Berserking or Force Max %HP burst or create a slow + damaging area on command.
Briar level 6 and level 9 W will have a much easier time and Gap Closer + Consistent damage into Udyr. Briar and Udyr have similar jungle clear speed during the entire game.
Coccaa says “Its hard to catch up to this champion due to his AoE slow and his CC immunity. If he's bruiser you just R and beat him easily but if hes like AP Bruiser u might lose”
MusicJG says “He will be really strong if you let him fullclear.
Try to deny objectives and scale accordingly.
Invading is an option with priority, he becomes useless without farm.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Very strong, and very difficult to run away from. Try to mix up your pathing and get vision down so that he can't invade you, because if he's maxing Q he becomes one of the few junglers who can out-duel you in the early game. But if you can survive the early game you should in theory be fine since he falls off like crazy.”
GeoAbdu says “Udyr is extremely hard to fight in the jungle. Dont try to 1v1 without 1item diff u need bork and ult for deal with him but be careful he can just run make sure u drop shaco box before ult ”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has to make use of ranged poke kite style to come ahead of Udyr his stat check, however Udyr his movement speed makes this harder to do so(running celerity is recommended). Nidalee should keep track of what Passive effect Udyr will use and if its used or not before she can engage into a victory. Do not fall behind into this matchup as Nidalee!!!”
Zero macro says “Zed has a stronger jungle clearspeed than Udyr. Udyr has a really strong statcheck combined with good anti burst Passive into Iron Mantle. Thereby Shred Zed will become more usefull during the game into Udyr bruiser item builds.
Its strongly recommended to not fall behind into Udyr, if so it will be hard to prevent him.”
Scratchyerik says “Udyr wins duels but thats why we take Phase Rush. You can easily peel and CC him for your team. He'll out CS you so just make sure to make plays on the map or countergank him.”
metalhydra273 says “Udyr is a hard to stop threat that can run you down without much trouble. Be wary of when he uses cc invulnearability on his e and you can seek ways to punish his approach attempts to eliminate a front line wall. If things go south though, it's tricky to get away. You'll likely need to deal with him first in a 5v5, so force him into a position where his bulk can't help him anymore, or get a well timed pick such that his presence doesn't matter.”
Ezikko says “INSANELY HARD to kill him and he does enough damage to kill you in up to 8 seconds while being a full tank with demonic embrace, try to kill him early with your team.”
shacolovesyou says “go away from him! if he wants can chase u to death, also has cc to make u vulnerable and even has a shield, keep in mind he has not a dash so just escape from him with Q a wall or play with boxes”
Apari1010 says “Poodyr is a famous Kayn counter. He dunks on you pretty much all game if he even gets a small lead over you. Don't gank where he's ganking as he will likely cave your skull in. As Rhaast if you stay on top of him and time your knockups good, you will eventually be able to deal with him provided that it's a teamfight setting.”
BradJr says “Udyr can easily run at you, ignore your CC, stun you, and secure a kill on you. You can only kill him if you get fed. (clone rating 7/10)”
VrNtv says “Extremely strong champ currently. You can't solo him until late game and un-catchable since he is related to Sonic the hedgehog. He can also invade you permanently and stick onto you with his stun and movespeed.
FaeBytez says “Udyr can be a challenging matchup for Diana due to his high mobility, tankiness, and crowd control. If Udyr lands his Bear Stance stun and hits Diana with his Phoenix Stance, he can quickly kill her. Diana will need to kite Udyr and use her Pale Cascade shield to reduce his damage output to win this matchup”
ttvRegedice says “This champion loves deadmans plate+frozen heart and can build super tanky as he's stacked with base stats. Make sure to secure last whisper item 3rd and play for root if your team is nearby. The problem is chasing him too far could mean he's leading you right into his team so don't greed to hard and ultimately play to kill his teammates over udyr. Careful with invades and don't underestimate his movement speed. As much as you want to farm, you can't let him afk farm as he's winning out of that handshake. Try to win early when he's not as tanky but still respect him and his doubleW, target other champs.”
Jasic says “Play safe, rush swifties, phase rush.
If he catches you with slow, you're caught by his stun, and now you're dead. 70/30 odds favoring Udyr.”
Borinn says “If he goes AD he kills you.
If he goes AP he kills you.
If he goes tank he kills you.
Even when you are ahead he can kill you with ease so don't fight him 1v1. Go opposite side of him and don't get counter ganked, they will win 2v2.
Late game try to kill their carry if you are going AD. If you are going tank try to protect your carry. If he doesn't goes ahead much you can win.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “one of the most annoying champs in the game. early he duels hard if he goes full ad build. Demonic on the AP/Tank build you lose this fight. do not chase udyr to much as he is naturally more mobile and his team will help him eventually.”
BugZix says “He can be really tanky. He can do a lot of dmg with his q, slow you down with his R constantly showing your aura even through your ult. Also cc on auto will always be annoying against you.”
LocaLAM says “If he goes lethality you're done. He catches you once and you probably won't survive late game. If he goes tank you can beat him but he'll still be hard.”
tradtrad says “Clears camps fast, can solo objectives and very strong early game. His innate tankiness makes him hard to burst and he is a very strong duelist too due to his low cooldowns.
His point and click stun is also strong against you. His counterganks are insane. His main weakness is that he can be kited, and he doesn't deal that much damage from behind just becoming a meat shield.”
Majd1 says “This is the most challenging matchup for me playing Nidalee, which is why I always ban Udyr in my games. He presents a difficult challenge with his tankiness, high damage, fast clear speed, and mobility. To face him, I suggest leveraging Nidalee's own mobility to kite and avoid fighting him whenever possible.”
1Strike says “Terrible matchup. He statchecks you and controls your movement with his R.
You can't kite him due to all the stuns/speed ups/slows nor do you really kill him in an upfront 1v1,”
Dabgren says “Annoying but if you are good and even you should outtrade him in longer fights. Can for sure be a tanky mf to take down though so get your fists ready.”
PerfectPower says “Phoenix ruins your day, basically un-killable through Turtle and Bear stance. Try to kite him in fights and stay away from his storm. ”
nicolr says “very scary big bear man. don't take 1v1s against him, it won't go well. his clear is faster than ours so careful when going for scuttle. we'll be able to face him in teamfights though!”
Hazardist says “Mostly a stalemate matchup but also Skarner favored until Udyr receives buffs. You have to be careful during any 1v1 duels very early in the game as he can easily beat you, but as the game goes on you won't have to worry about his damage and can even solokill him if you manage to stick to him.”
checca says “I never understood the new Udyr's damage, but whichever way he builds, whether AP or full lethality, he will always outdamage you. On the flip side, you can chain CC him to death and it will work almost every time. Be mindful of his build so you don't get surprised by how much damage he does. After level 16 you will beat Udyr.”
Moonkie says “Udyr farms well and can contest you on the map. With his shield and MR he can eat your saplings, however, this matchup is playable if you have a carry to peel.”
rianflqmes says “udyr can one shot you in a matter of seconds if you even think of getting within his range. try to kite him out or bait his awakened q.”
Davecraft16 says “Hug those walls, they will save your life. He is too fast no matter what you do, so just avoid him using walls and wait to have 2/3 items so you can kill him. Kraken, BORK and Lord Dominik are a must for this matchup.”
Heca diffs says “[13.1 Updated] With the INSANE Jak'sho changes his CONQ TANK build is turbo insane broken. This is my personal permaban as of start of PRE-SEASON. If you want to know any counterplay to this champ it's to somehow manage to not give it 1-2 kills early game. It WILL 1v9 if it gets it. Not like you can 1v1 him early game. Hope for team gap.”
firetaliyah says “udyr is kinda like hecarim in the sense he can run you down and go unstoppable. udyr is easier to space than hecarim since udyr has no real gap closer.”
creakyasp says “can 1v1 you if you are behind or on the wrong build. sometimes they are just as scared and the fights come down to milliseconds of cooldowns. if you loose the early 1v1 you are now behind and need to build accordingly ”
Kukiziuu_ says “After his rework, hes got really strong. Your fine as long as he didint bought lethality items. Try to kite him as much as you can with your W.”
Bhyure33 says “New Udyr has been a coinflip for me atleast. He usually won't be able to kill you, but can be a threat when ahead, and it is almost impossible to catch him when he's running away.”
BLOODINSIDE says “Udyr can make your game pretty unplayable. He is really good at peeling his squishies and denying you ways to kill them. He is pretty resource heavy and needs to farm a lot -so try to gank a lot early and get ahead and snowball before he gets his items.”
Riccardo126 says “He can avoid your stun and deal you AoE dmg you can't block with E.
Tiger builds are useless bc you can just Q W E and before he can deal his dmg he is dead.
His Sunfire + Demonic build is a huge threat for you because of huge AoE and DoT dmg and the long time it takes to kill him.
Remember you can NEVER duel him alone if you are not ahead and have at least 1st item spike”
MythicalMinute says “This champ is still new and too coinflip for me to advise about him, havent faced a consistent udyr player since the rework.
Go with what you prefer.”
Dabgren says “Udyr is mostly just annoying now aswell as dealing annoying damage over time with his R + perma W so you don't deal dmg aswell as E for movement speed so you usually end up missing q's + he outdamages your until you get ahead of him, but I wouldn't say ''really bad matchup'' or anything, just really annoying to deal with as Lee Sin.”
Dabgren says “Kind of the same as Hecarim, he will win most of the trades and can run away from you easily with his e (he can empowered E your fear so he doesn't get feared aswell) but you win the first few items and early on.”
spuki97 says “You cannot kill him. He has too much sustain. Avoid fighting him and try to get plays on other side of the map. Best build: Bruiser/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “The new Udyr is quite tilting as he's really fast, tanky, and still deals a LOT of damages. I think that Rylai's is mandatory too. Zhonya's has a great value.”
RengarNBush says “This is my 2nd ban preference, I ask my team to ban this champ, really broken overall into melee champs with no mobility (Rengar). You can never ever win a 1vs1 against him (you get out stat-ed), he out farms you as well. Would highly recommend dodging this matchup. If you are vs him try bruiser rengar.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Udyr can run you down similarly to Hecarim, and he still does enough damage to solo kill you. It's the same strategy too: you need your team's help to keep your camps.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Reworked Udyr that build bork thanos snaps you in 1v1's and in teamfights if you waste his Passive on empowered E that is a job well done because thats his worse empowered ability. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “As long as you hit your abilities which is easy on Udyr since he needs to stand next to you to do anything you win every time at every stage past level 2”
Eagzey says “Shouldn't really die to this guy, but he outfarms and once he has Steelcaps and Frozen Heart and whatever else, he is unkillable and it's hard to land Q's.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Udyr is a strong dueller in the early game. Unless you have a clear advantage, avoid fighting him in a 1v1 scenario. Udyr has good objective control and can solo objectives like the Dragon with ease. Make sure you keep the Drake warded at all times to decrease his chances of securing them for free. Unlike most champions, he doesn’t peak at level 6 as he can unlock his Ultimate Phoenix Stance(R) at level 1.”
Noltey says “Aim to match his farm, if you don't fall behind in levels then you should be able to be more useful in fights. Can look for ganks to put pressure on his lanes so he can't free farm.”
TowerOfGray11 says “Udyr can stun you and then burst you with auto attacks really quickly, but once the stun is finished, you can just "Body Slam" afterwards and kill him. Make sure to "Body Slam" after his stun though, other wise he'll see how much damage you do, stun you, and run away. You want to get rid of his stun before you attack so he can't get away.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Udyr is a strong dueller in the early game. Unless you have a clear advantage, avoid fighting him in a 1v1 scenario. Udyr has good objective control and can solo objectives like the Dragon with ease. Make sure you keep the Drake warded at all times to decrease his chances of securing them for free. Unlike most champions, he doesn’t peak at level 6 as he can unlock his Ultimate Phoenix Stance(R) at level 1.”
ihydead says “His Q stance is pretty strong against you and he can stun you pretty easily and fast with his E so be careful against him otherwise you are ok”
Salmon Kid says “This match up is also very easy as you hard outscale udyr and make him useless with items like Force of Nature. However, he does have point and click hard cc that is potent in the early game. ”
[Udyr is an old champion, as he's soon going to be revamped, this review won't last long. However, all I can say is that you win fights as if he was any other AAer, he's just more tanky and more speedy, so you can't always really kill him, but you still can't die if you 1v1 him full health and in normal conditions.]
PlayerWhatever says “You can survive his invades and even kill him. If he goes tiger, blind him and GG WP.vIf phoenix and you are Marksman, you have enough sustain and damage to kill him.”
Lawiss1 says “Après le durability patch (12.10) Udyr est dans sa meilleure forme qu'il n'a jamais eu.
Cependant ça reste un match ok contre Evelynn, vous pouvez facilement le kite (vous pouvez même max W en second pour bien vous foutre de sa gueule)”
Prizum says “He can outfarm you over time and you can't really lock him down long enough to kill him even with teammates. If he pulls ahead he will be able to destroy you and you won't be able to escape.”
Nik7857 says “The most obnoxious matchup imo. CC immunity, movespeed, shield, lifesteal, aoe. This champ has everything and theres barley anything you can do about it. Once he gets items it will be hard to 1v1 without help.”
ItsAydam says “DO NOT fight udyr early game because you will either waste your time and he will run faster than sonic, or will kill you because the champion is disgusting. I would put it as a major threat but late game he'll go down. Galeforce usually is not helpful as if he wants to get on you he can do it with his insane movespeed. Get Kraken and Dominik's and you should be able to stomp him”
Prizum says “Runs Too Fast, Outfarms Hard, will outrun you, outfarm you and you won't be able to kill him because he will be too tanky and mobile. Consider Divine Sunderer vs him or if your team has good DPS just ignore him until teamfights and R him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Damage wise beats you early, late game not so much. He's mostly annoying due to his ability to get in and CC who he needs to, and if he's losing, run away from a fight without anyone able to keep up with him. As long as you can get him alone and he isn't a full damage Udyr you pretty much win most fights if he can't escape. Just make sure his E attack stun is on CD on you before using your E or he'll stop you.”
SunLongGod says “two right click champions facing each other? nah you can wait for your team and fight rather than finishing your core items (which is possible to win against, unless he set you up) ”
NegativePhoenix says “A very heavy pain in the side. Currently he's pretty strong and hard to get away from. His bear form will just let him stick to you constantly with movement speed and stuns so early game he has you beaten. Late game you have a better chance at killing him but don't guarantee it if he lives with any health as he'll just speed away and you'll never see him again till he's full health.”
Shro says “Udyr doesn't pose much threat to you after level 6 (though he can still 1v1 you prior to that). However, the real issue with Udyr as he is now (prior to the rework) is that he is capable of running SEVERAL circles around you. Rylai's is a MUST into Udyr, otherwise you will never catch him.”
Stolid says “Never played and thanks for us. You can't play vs that. You can't attack him because he runs to fast, and he can kill you in your jungle everytime he wants.”
IamFafa says “Became super strong with the sunfire + sheen build able to pretty much one shot you from lvl 3, should stay away from him cause you wont win the 1v1, not worth banning due to pick rate
evil in says “Udyr can be a problem for Evelynn.
Since his clear is much faster than Evelynn's try to not hesitate too much against him and only go for ganks that u 100% know are gonna work or he will take your whole jungle.”
GrayJinxed says “If he doesn't have flash, Udyr is a very easy matchup since you can hop (Q) and slow him (E) which will allow you to kite him with ease. ”
Majd1 says “This champion is similar to Hecarim in the way that if you know how to deal with him you can take over the game and make it unplayable for him. Play for counterganks and objectives. Avoid fighting him heads on because he is tanky and can tank your damage and then run you down. Be proactive in the game and do not allow him to do whatever he wants and get magic resist because it will be very hard for you to play if he does.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Lethal Tempo Udyr is strong. Do not try picking up on him in early game, wait until you snowball a bit so you will have the upper hand on him. Tip: when you see him approaching you, always use S (to stop in place) and your W to juke him until one of your teammates comes in help in early game.”
YoungTact says “This champion will run you down, go the phase rush build to make it easier to disengage him. His clear is also faster/healthier than yours so try to build a lead through ganking!”
Nairey says “You literally can never win a fight against Udyr, like ever, unless he's afk for 10 minutes. He'll just stun you get out of fear and auto you down. ”
YEKURA says “If he gets picked most likely he's in the meta and people are playing him. If that's so his early game is really strong but then again you can easily out play him mechanically with your empowered w and w stalling for your team to rotate to finish off the kill or you can all in him if he's low during his clear. He's just hard cause once he gets going it's really hard to shut him down and he becomes a stunbot machine.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Phase Rush.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass. Mercury's Treads if his team is CC focused.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Don't fight him melee range, Udyr has a point and click CC and continous slows, you do NOT want to be caught by that”
Kocykek says “Don't try to get him ahead in early game. His damage is huge but if you snowball he won't deal that much in early game. After Divine you easily outdamage him but be careful about his post Demonic Embrace damage...”
Janooobi says “Avoid him early as Udyr can kill you easily, however your counter ganks will be strong against him stick to that and mid to late game he will not be an issue for you”
DuckT says “Iethal Iempo
You don't really ever win this matchup. He outpaces you early game, he can clear + gank more effectively and he's generally more useful early game. This build can kill him, but it isn't particularly easy to do so if the Udyr is any good.”
officialwiseguy says “Who's faster? Hard to Catch and hard to escape from, he can kite you very easy with his stun and high movespeed. His early is also stronger, wait for enough items befor trying to 1v1 but it's also just better to only face him in teamfights.”
MIlowie says “holy cancer, give him everything and try to play around teammates or for late game but he can probably still duel you late depending on what he builds. if its tank ur fucked if he goes ap you might be able to one shot him”
FacetLOL says “Really useless, just q away from him, ap playstyle is preferred as boxes will counter his entire champion and he wont be able to do anything if you just play ontop of boxes (Even on AD)”
Scythe Prince says “Udyr will try to invade you early on. Do not try to contest him as he beats you in 1v1s. Try to countergank and look to scale. Once you build Goredrinker, Black Cleaver/steraks and Executioner's Calling he will be totally useless.”
OTP Toxin says “You can blind him and he will miss his stun, plus you can run always. Using Phase Rush is optional but the boots of swiftness is really good against him.”
Tiger-Moose says “Not the biggest deal in the world. He has high base damage that may catch you off guard if you're building lethality or not taking Phase Rush.”
MrMeem45 says “I wouldn't worry about him until the midgame. He's more of an objective based split pusher. Let your teammates deal with him and instead focus on ganks and your farming. You'll be worth more than him in teamfights.”
Rechnomet says “Udy's DoT damage will stun you in Bear Stance and slash you in Tiger Stance, so its best to deal shot term damage to him but do not prolong the engagement as he will quickly turn the table against you.”
RetroGamer562 says “My personal most hated champion in the jungle. Udyr's kit is a complete shutdown to viego. His high movement speed allows Udyr to kite out viegos w and burst him down slowly with phoenix stance. Due to Udyr's raw brawling damage, Viego can't win the 1v1. Request for assistance when he invades you. Against Udyr, I like to split the map, being as far away from his as possible. Let lanes play weakside, and dominate another lane opposite of Udyr. I will not put Udyr as a 5, because I myself have a personal problem with Udyr. ”
J98TheGreat says “He should not be a problem. You don't chase him. Your best option for team fights is just to fight 5v5 out in the jungle and prioritize killing the rest of his team while keeping him from reaching your backline.”
Da Mastah says “Try to avoid fighting him as he is faster than your ult with his e+chemtank. Also save your e and r till after his stun if you do end up in a 1v1. Path defensively and do not invade him.”
The Elysian1 says “He is off - meta , and his ganks are not good. If he has engager like Rell , Leona , Thresh he can be usefull since he will stun you then deal most of his damage with R or Q and let his teammates to finish you off. Obj can be easly contested since he is not so strong in the early game in 2v1s - 3v2s.
Citric says “Udyr is not that bad of a match up early. But if he gets ahead and the game gets late, you are not going to have a fun time. He can kite you very easily and you won't be able to do much damage against him if your team doesn't have crowd control. Don't let the game go on too long.”
Pusi Puu says “only beatable when you have 4 stacks. Try to avoid him and play for counterganks. Almost never fightable unless you can kite him with teammates or you are super ahead.”
Doubtfull says “You're too fast for udyr to ever touch you. This match up is pretty free, just never use your W. Rylais can be funny to make the udyr struggle even more.”
SnowballBarrage says “New Udyr is unkillable for both tank and AP nunu, he can cancel your R with his stun, and he clears incredibly fast. Perma ban tier. ”
KamiKZ says “Relatively hard to outplay but, generally, as long as you're not behind in kills you can duel him with duskblade and Void Assault. You'll need Q evolve first to have a chance when it comes to dueling him otherwise try to not take many 1v1s. You also need to care for PTA, which means you need to ult before he gets that third auto off on you, otherwise you're going to take a lot more bleed damage.Watch out if he runs Phase Rush, since he will be able to keep up with you through Void Assault which will make it much more difficult to kite him. Don't be afraid to get both ult procs off when fighting him. The other way he can counter you outside of dueling is through splitpushing and being able to build tanky earlier while still dealing damage. If he tries to invade, spam ping where he is and collapse on him with laners so long as you have CC and can close off his escape paths. If he doesn't invade, try to track his movements. If you can't do this, invade and take two or so camps while warding the entrance. Odds are he's going to either gank after seeing his camps are gone or take rift/drake, depending on where he is. Make sure you're there to counter gank since aside from Bear Stance and some slight tankiness from Turtle Stance, he doesn't have much to offer in terms of ganking power."
Polarshift says “Annoying champion. Kiting him out is nearly impossible if you don't have Phase Rush and he will just smack you to death. You might want to avoid him in the jungle depending on how comfortable you are on Graves and what runes you are running.”
Veralion says “Avoid, avoid avoid. Udyr is bonkers overtuned in a 1v1 setting. Don't even attempt to countergank him for some time, as he's strong enough to auto-win most 2v2 or 3v3 engagements if he can't be locked down or kited. I haven't seen him in a while and am unsure if you beat him early, leaning towards no. His big MS items got nerfed pretty hard and he's fallen out of favor, but he still hits really damn hard. Respect flash-bear spacing. Don't get baited into wasting time chasing him around. Know when he's out and just accept it. The nerfs hit him EXTREMELY hard and he has one of the lowest winrates in the game in skilled play. Just don't feed him early and collect freelo.”
Riealone says “Annoying because you can’t duel him until mythic, but not more. Simply outfarm and you are fine. He probably will lvl 2 invade to steal your buff, play really carefully in the early game ”
Doubtfull says “Udyr is pretty annoying. He will win the 1v1's against you, but you can get away from him by using your W defensively, and tunneling over walls. Your ganks are better than his, so use that to your advantage and snowball your lanes.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Udyr favored. It is almost impossible to 1v1 udyr as Graves So I recommend starting on the opposite side of the map and try to gain a lead as a team and avoid fighting Udyr. ”
carlru says “This is your main counter. Udyr can run you down since you have no disengage and can't kite him.
If you find yourself playing against him, try to utilize your Slow on W to escape.”
AvidPanda says “You can't solo him until late game and un-catchable since he is related to Sonic the hedgehog. He can also invade you permanently and stick onto you with his stun and movespeed.”
Insightful says “Avoid him at all cost early game and never go in without charm, udyr is too tanky to be killed and too fast, he only dies to you if he wants to.
poopyOCE says “Stupid fast clears with stupid brain-dead playstyle. Will run you down. His Bear Stance denies your entire kit, knocking you out of R and disabling your heal, allowing you to be insta-bursted. His counter gankes are insane and can chase you, so be aware and keep track of him.”
sonminh says “No point in fighting this guy, he can just run away. It's easy to escape him but if he's smart, he will continue chasing you after you use Q. AP is good into him, Kraken is fine , just make sure that your team can peel against him. ”
FREAKSTAR says “You are a better champion than Udyr and it's a very winnable matchup. The problem is that he can double dot you and kill you easily early. You just need to run away from this guy, did I mention he runs fast?
Play to survive, out scale him and win the game, he sucks late.”
poopyOCE says “If Sejuani is cancer, this matchup is like OJ after brushing your teeth then biting into frozen mint ice-cream while lemon is being poured into your wound. He is so tanky and fast, high damage, Bear stance stuns and locks you down for easy burst. The wort matchup, if not Evelynn ban, ban this homeless man. Althought ur teamfight is significantly better.”
Karasmai says “This champ is THE OG MACKDADDY of hard counter to Kayn. every OG Kayn main Knows Udyr is unplayable into for most situations. Nowadays there's a bit of counterplay thru itemization if you want to kill him you need serpants you need exec and you need to kite him out. With rhaast w and kite back to your team, for shadow ignore him completely and run to his team.”
MexBookMaster says “Corre demasiado, Tanquea Mucho, Tiene escudos, Gankea bien, Farmea Bien y Pega considerablemente para ser un tanque con tanta velocidad. Enfócate en que no haga pedazos tus líneas y apoya mucho al countergank. Farmeas un poquito más rapido. No dejes ir los objetivos y menos los dragones de Roca. Jugar Rhaast con Ignite es buena idea debido a que tienes mayor daño en early y así te puedes librar un poco de sus constantes invasiones.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Udyr doesn't win 1v1 to Warwick unless far ahead, however he is much more efficient farming especially early game and can easily outlevel you and invade your camps uncontested, push your lead early when against udyr either by hard ganking lanes or invading level 3 or you get outscaled.”
gankyourgrandma says “Extremely strong champ currently. You can't solo him until late game and un-catchable since he is related to Sonic the hedgehog. He can also invade you permanently and stick onto you with his stun and movespeed.”
ak521 says “Strong jungler, very fast camp-clear, keep your important camps warded. His Q is OP, and he also has a shield. He is AS reliant so you do have some counter against him, but you can't go in when he's in his bear stance, so just ulti him. Hopefully your team will take care of the rest. ”
Rhoku says “Udyr is similar to Trundle in terms of how you should treat him. Early on, he is a NIGHTMARE to 1v1 if you miss your Q. He is VERY easy to manage if you have ghost and you can just kite him in your sleep though. Overall, don't die to him and you should be good to go. He is useless when behind and only through Tiger Stance Max can he even stand a chance.”
Pyroen says “Surprisingly this a difficult jungler to fight against. His tiger stance from level one will demolish any matchup -but the true terror is his ability to have constant uptime on his passive stance which enables him to run thru all of your camps before your team can respond.
Udyr is a tiny threat if you have winning lanes that respond - He is an extreme threat if you have laners that play with minimap disabled.
Early gateway wards and accurate jungle mapping is required to stop this juggernaut before he begins double-jungling”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Really hard matchup for Hecarim, you pretty much lose at any point of the game, best chance for you is to avoid him and try to get ahead early.
Lambda Diana says “I don't know much about this match up. All he can do is run you down and aa you to death. Don't try to fight him early just try to hit 6 and get some items I will up date this match up as I get more exp with it. ”
aurus666lol says “It is VERY hard matchup, and this new build with Chemtank and Force Of Nature + Dead Man's Plate made from Udyr without mobility HIGH CLASS NINJA with powerful skill set: CC every 5 sec on target, big dmg Aura and dmg every third Attack.
But how to deal with Udyr? I think you should try Bruiser Build and call your teammates where he is, to kill him in 1v2, 1v3. Never face-check bushes!”
Sammystinky says “Annoying more than anything. Pinning him down is a pain, but you just do more than him. You gank better, you teamfight better, you scale better. In team fights you can pin him and burst him if he over plays or just kill his team. ”
RedNBlue says “Udyr with the new rework, is really annoying as you can't slow him down with your pillar while being chased or chasing with his new ability that allows him to just walk it off, plus he's even worse than before when it comes to trying to fight him as he will stun you, stun you, and never take any damage while he slowly melts you down. ”
Stratogos says “He is fast and tanky but if he is feared he cannot do anything dont let him split push and try to put lanes ahead so he cannot gang with that easily”
colingogo says “If anybody played this champ, maybe I could give some advice on how to play against him but just avoid him till level six and play with your team.”
Soulreaperjin says “Along with Yi, Udyr is definitely the hardest counter to Shyvana. Purely because he has DoT damage, shields & heals, stun, and massive AoE damage.”
Suseri says “Hard to catch and also hard to escape from as he has alot of movement speed aswell as a point in click stun which allows him to kite you. Try to avoid fighting him alone unless you are very ahead. ”
FrostForest says “You don't win the 1v1 as he does more damage. You do win skirmishes if you lock him down, and later in the game you can just cataclysm him and lock him down to force his flash or net a free kill.
If he has phase rush, he can run you down”
manco1 says “He steamrolls you early but you can use your blind on his stun to give you that survivability. Watch out for his early objective control on dragons! ”
RichMrFork says “Udyr remains very tough to kill and lockdown with Ekko as his movespeed allows him to simply run out of your W in most cases. Unless fed, don't try to duel him.”
Kayn Mains says “Udyr will try to invade you early on. Do not try to contest him as he beats you in duels. Try to countergank when possible and look to scale.
If you get help from your team you can pick fights during mid game, His Tiger Stance (Q) does 300+ damage and can kill you while using your Umbral Trespass (R).
You should ideally go Rhaast into this champion. Once you get your form and Black Cleaver you outscale him fairly hard. Just be careful if he builds Executioner's Calling.”
metalhydra273 says “The Newdyr couldn't give less of a shit about your puny ass presence. Much like Fiddlesticks, this matchup has flipped upon Udyr's re-release. He now boosts threatening damage and slows with his ult, he has cc immunity with his e, and he has a much stronger shield that ensure he's rarely dying in your face. Granted, he's still a tank and you can wait out his cc immunity, so if you have to ult him, it could be enough to kill him and eliminate a front line threat. Otherwise you could also just ignore him by targeting someone else. Watch for when his red bar is full as that's when he has access to his additional tools (especially the cc block), so learn which he's using to know when your timing to threaten him is. Your e could help slow down his chase potential so while he does win the head to head matchup imo, you have ways to work around it by playing with your team.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Udyr will try to invade you early on. Do not try to contest him as he beats you in duels. Try to countergank when possible and look to scale. If you get help from your team you can pick fights during mid game, His Tiger Stance (Q) does 300+ damage and can kill you while using your Umbral Trespass (R). You should ideally go Rhaast into this champion. Once you get your form and Black Cleaver you outscale him fairly hard. Just be careful if he builds Executioner's Calling.
Aqua Dragon says “Udyr is particularly annoying for Malz as a Silence usually has no impact on their approach speed. Worse still, Udyr tends to focus objectives pretty hard, potentially setting Malzahar too far behind in the objective game to catch up. Keeps the objectives constantly warded and aim to stall to late game, where Udyr is at their relatively weakest.”
Nanelol says “Udyr can be really hard for Vi to deal with. His early game counter jungling potential is very high. If you see him enter your jungle, immediately ping multiple times for help. If Udyr doesn't get a lead early on you will outscale him, he will be hard to catch later on but he won't be able to kill you if you build correctly. ”
Gooooooby says “Udyr will out farm you, Udyr will out teamfight you, Udyr will out gank you, Udyr will do every objective. The problem? You can never stop Udyr from doing Udyr things. This champion can clear extremely fast and healthy and you have slim to no chances of ever catching him off guard. You can not duel him and even if you catch him low he will usually bolt away with phase rush. ”
Ejsner says “This champion favors Frozen Heart and can become extremely tanky due to his high base stats. Prioritize purchasing Eclipse and aim to immobilize him after acquiring Magic Resist or Lord Dominik's Regards, unless you're in the jungle and can pursue him effectively. However, be cautious when chasing him too aggressively, as he may be leading you into his team. Avoid excessive greed and focus on eliminating his teammates over Udyr himself. Exercise caution during invades and refrain from underestimating his movement speed.”
Nanelol says “You just want to avoid to 1v1 him, especially in early due to his kit, also care for his counter gank. Don't gank when he is nearby, later on, he become an easier target with help of your team or you can even 1v1 him with the right build including conqueror.”
PhoenxFlyr says “Olaf but without unstoppable, use the same treatment from Olaf onto Udyr. most brawlers can get polymorphed/slowed/knockupped so they don't hurt you as much as Olaf.”
Nanelol says “Udyr can cheese you in early game and can punish your mistakes more than any other champion while he builds magic resists what makes him even harder to kill.”
Ejsner says “Conqueror Suggested. Udyr is my permaban regardless of the elo. Really bad matchup for Rengar, you can almost never fight him up close, his kit just allows to put out so much damage, he can stun you and either A) forcing empowered W from you if you have it, and still he can chase you and kill you regardless. Even if you empowered E him, he can still chase you with chemtank. Normally my go to ban.”
Smartest2 says “This can really go either way. Udyr can be an extreme pain to deal with. His early game counter jungling potential is very high. If you see him enter your jungle, immediately ping multiple times for help. we outscale him and outdamage him once we finish our jungle item (as long as he's not super far ahead)”
aurus666lol says “3/5on hard matchup meter, because he has big ban ratio, he is nerfed a bit, his main item - Chemtank is nerfed, Phase Rush is nerfed etc.
Build Liandry if he isn't one and the last tank in team and you should be winning vs him.”
MrMeem45 says “He's faster than you. If he knows how to use his speed and be pretty much unkillable, he goes up to a 4. If he doesn't, just try to steal his camps before he steals yours.”
theceasrsalad says “tbh I don't really see him a lot in my ranked games anymore but when he was strong it was hard to beat him, just get your items and your fine to fight him. shit body to take however.”
PK Noob says “If he gets ahead your pretty much done for. He can easily run you down and cc you. Try to end the game as fast as possible before he becomes impossible to kill.”
legendtomi1 says “Udyr doesn't win 1v1 to Warwick unless far ahead, however he is much more efficient farming especially early game and can easily outlevel you and invade your camps uncontested, push your lead early when against udyr either by hard ganking lanes or invading level 3 or you get outscaled.
EUWRATS says “Became super strong with the sunfire + sheen build able to pretty much one shot you from lvl 3, should stay away from him cause you wont win the 1v1, not worth banning due to pick rate”
Strike1 says “Udyr, since his nerf brought him down a few notches he really isn't a problem for kindred.
With the kraken builds you melt udyr, and you can kite him too. He still wins duels early on and can outfarm you. But you outscale him very hard, at kraken PD you can kite and kill him fairly easily
SoSheolH says “Low pickrate, but with Sunderer in a very broken spot and Udyr's entire kit having basically perfect synergy with it, he could still be a threat if he builds it alongside MS items.”
Kindredgarten says “He is fairly squishy in his assassin build meta, just stay away from him if he gets close to you he kills you but if he is behind/in late game he is worthless.”
Caled says “Although Udyr at face value would look to be a winning matchup for Kayn, it really is not. First of all, if you plan on going Shadow Assassin, do not try fighting this champion whatsoever as he will DESTROY you. Going Rhaast, you will have a much better time but still will struggle against Udyr as he thrives in close quarters fights and can shield/outheal most of your damage. Good items to build into Udyr would include going Serpent’s Fang and Executioner’s Culling to compensate for Udyr’s sustain and shielding.”
Loul_60 says “Udyr is an early game monster: Almost nobody can 1v1 him. Once you get Red form he is easy to deal with, as Blue it will be harder, but as long as he isn't fed you should be fine. *Note* Udyr is barely ever played so it is NOT worth banning him ever, he sucks hard in the current meta and will for a while without drastic changes.
liserith says “Udyr's Bear Stance makes it really hard to fight him, but if you E after his speed increases, you can get away. Remember to fight near walls with vision, so you can land free auto attacks on him.”
etlios says “If he gets behind its over for him... But most the time he won't get behind enough. His movement speed is a huge threat. Once you have 6 position next to walls so you can ult over them and get out or burn his flash.”
TheInkKingLoL says “Invading for camps early game is good. Take early objectives. Late game avoid the bear stun. Try to countergank early game to deny him getting a lead.”
Gumipapucs says “You are stronger in early game, and can invade him and even kill him if you kite him properly. Later, he pretty much just runs you down so only engage with team. -Or- you can F him up really with walls. If he gets close, jump a wall, if he runs around the wall, jump the wall, if he runs away only jump back to his side of the wall if you are sure you will have your Q to jump it again if he turns on you again. Repeat until Udyr dead, but most likely he will do the secret udyr 200 iq outplay combo, which means he flashes on your head, stuns you and oneshots you for no reason while he's building full tank. My experience is, Udyrs use 99 out of 100 flashes on me. You can mostly just itemize against him, but most likely he will keep on winning the stat-checking game. If you can manage to F his plans up a few times in early and possibly even kill him, thats a big mental hit for the enemy team, as noone likes playing against&playing with this dude.”
chevy the sloot says “He farms just as fast you and you can never kill him at any stage in the game. If he sees you he can hard chase you and run you down. Just hard avoid him and look to out tempo him with ganks post 6.”
Tinjus says “Relatively hard to outplay. Use Void Assault and Leap to avoid as much of his burst and DPS as possible. Try not to fight him before 6 since he is a very difficult enemy to 1v1”
UnaFlauta says “He has tons of movility and will try to invade you so track him because you don't wanna fight him. Build blue smite and use your e in order to maintain distance”
kidgrindel2 says “Udyr is able to stick onto Viego with his bear stance which stuns him once hit and Udyr will get free damage off making it difficult for Viego to win a skirmish. Also Udyr's passive gives him increased movement speed every time he switches stances which makes it difficult for Viego to run away.”
PsiGuard says “This matchup can swing wildly depending on who gets fed first. Udyr can become really fast and tough to kill, but you can also reliably block his stun and generally stat-check him if he doesn't have an advantage. You also have a much stronger spike at 6 since he doesn't have an ultimate. If he eventually gets armor items, try not to waste time chasing him and go for his teammates instead.”
Catwog says “Udyr is just gonna afk farm and outscale you. You want to try to stay equal to his farm and play for objectives. You dont win 1v1 against udyr on scuttle lvl 3/4 so dont even bother. His clear is better aswell so play the opposite scuttle of what he does. ”
Bel37 says “This is my personal ban right now. His full clear is insane and his 1v1 is crazy. If udyr catches you in your jungle early your pretty much dead and all your camps are gone. 1v1 against him is impossible since he will just proc phase rush and run 1000 mph. Just try to path the opposite way from where he starts. Try to get a ward down to see where he starts,”
lolX9J says “Easy to 1v1 with Core build but hard to kill.
He just runs away with ghost E Spam its hard to catch up.
His Q and R can tell him whos real shaco same for his sunfire ofc.”
ChaseMorePlz says “I main Udyr and I can easily tell that it is a counter matchup for Kha'zix that will determine the skill levels of both players in the end.”
ChaseMorePlz says “You outscale him late game so you have freedom to choose Cinderhulk, Skirmisher's Sabre for dueling him and Stalkers Blade for slowing him down.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Udyr top can prove to be very strong in the hands of a good player. The matchup is somewhat "snowbally"; both champions offer raw damage. Sustain his Tiger damage or handle his splitpushing pressure with Phoenix and you will be fine.”
Tofolo says “Non gioite quando incontrate lui o jax. Ha un po tutto per farvi male. Scudo, stordimento, danni aumentati, velocità d'attacco, e fiamme che gli escono un po' d'ovunque. Non lo conosco bene ma so che quando l'ho affrontato se ho vinto è stata per la mobilità della mia Q e l'heal. Forse è poco giocato ma ha un'ampia cricca di appassionati e ,contrariamente ad altri champ, essendo antico chi lo gioca è solitamente molto forte e preparato anche in draft normali.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Shut him down early! With only a few items, he will be pretty hard to deal with. Luckily your kit is a lot better than his to snowball your team to victory earlier on.”
g0g0buffal0 says “Similar to Mundo, if he gets ahead he just runs you down and you beg for mercy. Obviously, you have a greater impact on team fights, but sometimes he snowballs the game early and your entire team blames you.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: I personally recommend dodging the game in champ select but if you get to the game focus on ganks and don't try to fight him when you are not ahead because you will lose.
Hxriis says “Udyr is annoying to play against, similar as Hecarim. He has a lot of mobility, health, armor and damage. You will have to play the map and play it smart. Even if you manage to burst him, he'll most likely just run away. Try to play for objectives and help your sidelanes. You can easily focus on objectives and early drakes. Make sure to pay attention to where he is and being able to read his next moves can be very useful.”
Get Ricked says “Nightmare, very popular and strong rn. Beast you really hard early and will keep beating you throughout the entire game. Late game you outscale him but it will take several items.”
G Spot God says “He's the duel king, can chase you down and equal/trump your cc. If he gets ahead of you he can stomp you. If you get ahead of him he can still stomp you. (My personal ban)”
DarkAuraLOL says “he can be annoying, but you have more mobility and clear, so go for outclearing and play around your team, don't 1v1 him unless you're ahead in lvl and gold, also not full hp 1 on 1, you'll outscale once you get form”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Udyr is a very strong duelist. Don't try to 1 vs 1 him unless you can get the drop on him with your ult. Don't try to chase him, because you are wasting time. Warding the jungle and being aware of his position can make him almost useless since he has no real gapclosers and he relies on running fast to gank. ”
EvoNinja7 says “HE can stun you with his bear stance, burst you down with his tiger stance or Phoenix Stance. Try to bait his bear stance stun out so you can stun him in return and take him out with your Q. Fight him in your E so you can burst him more effectively. Once you get Kraken slayer he's not going to be as powerful.”
DarkAuraLOL says “he can be annoying, but you have more mobility and clear, so go for outclearing and play around your team, don't 1v1 him unless you're ahead in lvl and gold, also not full hp 1 on 1, you'll outscale once you get form ”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Viable dodge match up honestly. You don't win fights for a long time even if ahead. He beats the shit out of you and your team and there's nothing you can do except pray he doesn't show face in your jungle. Go the usual Kraken build and spam your teammates to help you win this. If you're not overly confident I'd recommend banning this guy or dodging.”
KaynPlayer814 says “He can punish you really good in the early game, invade you really hard and has a faster jungle clear then you. You need to hope that your laner wont die to ganks and win their lanes. If you go Blue Kayn you will almost never have the damage to oneshot him. If you go Red Kayn you have a chance because you outscale him.”
Snap0ner says “OP. His early duelling power is one of the best of the game, if not the best. Don't even consider invading him: He will chase you (and runs faster than you), cc you (and he has more cc than you), attack you (and he deals more damage than you) and ignore your damage (he has a shield while you don't). If I didn't main Shaco, I would probably main Udyr. try to abuse the fact he can't jump walls: kill him with your midlaner on his jungle, and always stay away from him.”
SubwayCheese says “I used to believe he was a counter to Kayn but he really isn't. Just try not to get stunned or you will die. He is better against Blue Kayn but Red Kayn wins all matchups.”
Ivern OTP says “I think Udyr is really strong this patch, but you can deny a lot from Udyr engages with simply just a Q. Watch out for early drakes and keep a pink ward or ask for bot lane to keep drake pit warded.”
Maile says “TRACK. THIS. THING. LIKE. THERE'S. NO. TOMORROW. If he gets an early lead just FF15 FAST. His early game is absolutely stacked with damage so make sure you can get to level 6 and then try to fight him. Conqueror usually lets you win post 6 fights with ease as long as you're even. ”
CalicoCactus says “Early game scrapper, can literally one shot you before 15 minutes. Grab a bramble and some tabis or merc treads and you have nothing to worry about. Udry can easilly build AP or AD so keep an eye out and counter build him.”
White Cr0w says “OP. His early duelling power is one of the best of the game, if not the best. Don't even consider invading him: He will chase you (and runs faster than you), cc you (and he has more cc than you), attack you (and he deals more damage than you) and ignore your damage (he has a shield while you don't).
If I didn't main Shaco, I would probably main Udyr. try to abuse the fact he can't jump walls: kill him with your midlaner on his jungle, and always stay away from him.”
KevinThyAsian says “Sleeper op imo, he is fast asf and has extremely strong duelling power. however when laning phase ends, he becomes less of a threat”
Minase says “Unironically this champion can be pretty scary with the new Phase Rush AP build. He can pretty much just run into your jungle and make your life hell. Just avoid him at all costs and then one shot him later when you have items.”
BoyWonder00 says “A very good jungler after his buffs. He has amazing damage, CC, chase, and almost everything else. You do outscale him, but he can still fight you if you are ahead.”
LoL destroyer says “You don't see many Udyr's in ranked as you think you would. Your kit has slightly better sustain than him but it can still be difficult if he is more skilled.”
FalleN3 says “Very difficult to deal with, he packs quiet a punch and is able to chase you down and stun you easily. Definitely want to avoid confrontation with Udyr until you have some items. You wont be able to win trades with him until mid-late game & chasing him is probably going to be a waste of time as you will not likely ever catch him. ”
FalleN3 says “Very difficult to deal with, he packs quiet a punch and is able to chase you down and stun you easily. Definitely want to avoid confrontation with Udyr until you have some items.”
Holessando says “Udyr can be good, when someone is maining him, he can deal a lot, but if he's inting he can't do nothing. Just make sure you have your jungle warded, so he can't invade you,”
KingStix says “Make sure he doesn't steal your first buff. Be cautious of where he is so you don't walk into a bush that he's hiding in or he will kill you.”
aiker95 says “This is by far the toughest matchup of your life. There is no give in this one. If you beat him early he out tanks you and out damages you with the same build and if you lose to him early well then your pretty much screwed. He can counter jungle you and you really can't do much about it. The best way to play against him is to avoid him completely. The best tip for playing against him is dont lose the game early by trying to one vs. one this monster, you will lose 99% of the time. Another tip for playing against him is to out gank him and dont contest buffs if he is trying to take them and your team isn't there to help you out. He is not a very strong ganker and is consider more of a counter jungler, duelist and farmer. All in all his kits isn't meant for team fights which plays out in your favor later on in the game if you dont get owned by him early.”
metalhydra273 says “He's basically Skarner minus ult with much better dueling power. Abuse the lack of said ult by keeping him from doing much with your own cc. Avoid the 1v1 and you're fine here.”
Xidorian says “Strong jungler, very fast camp-clear, keep your important camps warded. His Q is OP, and he also has a shield. He is AS reliant so you do have some counter against him, but you can't go in when he's in his bear stance, so just ulti him. Hopefully your team will take care of the rest. ”
Maintained says “Stronger dueling at all stages of the game unless he falls behind. Has strong counter jungling. You have better ganks. You have better teamfights. ”
gurubashi35 says “Udyr passive movement speed makes him a pain to deal with, since he can kite you out. His level 3 is strong, but not as strong as yours, so you win an even fight.
Your ganks are stronger and you have the advantage of an ultimate. Late game, he turns into a stun bot or starts split pushing.
Ignore him and try to press for objectives or fights if he's far away from them.”
Coccaa says “Udyr has a relatively high clear speed, and his ganking potential is very high. His kit contains everything you will need as a champion. His only downside is no mobility. He has a shield, a stun, and very high damage early game so your allies will most likely flash to avoid dying to him. To be honest I would really just avoid fighting him 1v1 or 2v2 at all times, and just keep farming. Try to take objectives quickly as he is very quick at that too. ”
reganakers says “Udyr is another champion that can match you in a 1v1. He's kinda broken so be careful. In a teamfight, he will struggle to get much done though.”
Depresso says “You deny his entire kit by existing. You can slow him by 70% on top of rooting on top of knocking up ON TOP OF DENYING AUTO ATTACKS WITH W.
He can however invade you so respect him early game and counterjungle.
Ward your jungle early game around spots you think it's likely he'll come around.
As the game goes on the harder he drowns without a lead.”
Eggoman says “If you try to invade him he will probably kill you and his ganks are quite strong so your team will have trouble with him. Your fights with him will be really close so try to avoid fighting him because you can get ahead of him more easily ganking and farming. ”
RageAx says “A good Udyr that knows what they are doing will track your jungle movements and fight you on everything you do. He wins every fight pre form (pretty much). Once you get form and Black Cleaver, you stand a decent chance at killing him.”
League Of Cursed says “I hate this champion with all my heart honestly. He's just annoying; fast, does good damage, and has point and click cc. If he is bad, he will stun you before you drain. But you should never try to fight him on your own, as he can easily out jungle you and invade you for kills. Try to set up traps for him with your team if you can, if he is shut down you can get objectives easier.
Dopamine_influx says “Stronk AF with tiger stance, you don't win 1v1 early, but you can one shot him later, and he's useless in skirmishes most of the time.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Do not engage on him unless you have bushes readily avaiable or teammates nearby. He will win 1v1's and skirmishes. He has very little utility and gank potential so make sure to deep ward and ping teammates of potential ganks. His weakness is in his team fighting capabilities.”
Jogress says “I had a fun time jumping around invader-Udyr and killing him)
Your speed is like his super-counter and he can't do a thing to you, unless you making clear mistakes (or he flashes)
Still, Udyr most likely will counterjungle and will take objectives. Ping for your team to act whenever he does something inappropriate... AND HIT HIM WITH THE STICK”
Prate_k says “Udyr has too many damage and defensive traits in this little toolbox. Which have a fairly low cooldown and high damage scaling ratio. He can be taken down with the help of an ally, but has the ability to constantly invade your jungle and contest for your camps putting you on a backfoot.”
AWierdShoe says “Udyr wins the 1v1 if he ever gets into melee range, and he can do that quite easily with how fast he his. His cc and damage are nothing to joke about. Kite him as best as you can and get some help from your laners to lock him down.”
DarkArbalist613 says “If you can Kite him its gg. If he gets to hit you you lose. He falls off late game so just avoid him or countergank him until you get Phantom Dancer and Black Cleaver as he wont be able to catch up with you.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Udyr's biggest counter is a fat slow, and we have just that. Keep him at bay, use BotRK active to proc freeze ray on him during Glacial Augment cooldown, and show him the door.”
Sheepchu says “As a Melee jungler he will probably ignore your damage and go straight to your face, fast amount of damage, stun, he will wipe you from the fight so you can't help your teammates.”
nextonetwo says “Aggressive jungler, he can just walk in and steal your camps and kill you. You have to have vision, if you see him, it's best to try and get your team to collapse, and if they don't, well just give the robber what he wants and let him go. You cannot 1 v 1 him.”
nextonetwo says “Aggressive jungler, he can just walk in and steal your camps and kill you. You have to have vision, if you see him, it's best to try and get your team to collapse, and if they don't, well just give the robber what he wants and let him go. You cannot 1 v 1 him.”
Zailent says “Also go Rhaast against him. hes a little tanky mid game so youre not gonna oneshot him as SA. Avoid his stun from his bear form. Your chances of surviving when you get hit by his stun really depend on your armor and healing.”
Hide on Nidalee says “If you facecheck him you're dead hahaha, but if you initiates him you will kill him or force him to reset. Dont go on melee range if you aren't 100% secure that you will kill him or win the trade
Megalondon says “You cannot poke Udyr. He can run to you stun and then deal tons of damage. He also has W, which gives him Shield. So Udyr is scary matchup.”
DarkPit59 says “Udyr est une menace permanente en début de partie. Evelynn craint énormément le counter-jungling et Udyr excelle dans ce domaine. Prenez soin de bien apporter de la vision dans votre propre jungle, ou prenez le risque de tomber très loin derrière.”
Fresh Diamond says “Very difficult to deal with, he packs quiet a punch and is able to chase you down and stun you easily. Definitely want to avoid confrontation with Udyr until you have some items. You wont be able to win trades with him until mid-late game & chasing him is probably going to be a waste of time as you will not likely ever catch him.”
PrabhablyShaco says “Pretty hard matchup, since you can't really outduel him in any stage of the game unless you're far ahead in gold. Counterganking with laners that have CC is pretty effective, as he can only target one person. Not very good in teamfights, take advantage of that.”
WickedPoppet says “I hate this champion with all my heart honestly. He's just annoying; fast, does good damage, and has point and click cc. If he is bad, he will stun you before you drain. But you should never try to fight him on your own, as he can easily out jungle you and invade you for kills. Try to set up traps for him with your team if you can, if he is shut down you can get objectives easier.”
SeMike says “Especially in low elo udyr can be very dangerous to lee sin. You might end up having go R him away every time he approaches you if he gets even a sligthly ahead above you.”
SavageFy says “Udyr's damage, healing, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Udyr often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
GinWinsky says “Massive farmer and will burst you down very easily. Can 1v2 you and your clone. Should just ward and prevent him from doing anything to you or your laners.”
TrevorJayce says “This champion hasn't been good in a very long time, and for good reason. After the 10 minute mark, he becomes a faster super minion. He will win 1v1s early game but come late you will stomp him with ease. Give up scuttle if you have to and avoid him early. ”
Nico449c says “The highest danger jungler you wont win a 1v1 unless your insanely fed. He got good ganks too so the only chance is countergank even you will eventually lose a lot of those too so the best way is ban him or outgank him. Get prober vision on your map to avoid him at any cause.”
DemonAngel60 says “He can use his bear stace (e) to stunn you once in melee range, can use his turtle stance (w) t ogain shield to not get bursted down ”
briguy1109 says “Although rarely played, a good Udyr is a pain in the ass. You can't dodge his abilities, he can run almost as fast as your highlander by pressing a basic ability, and he has. point and click CC, and 10 other early game stat buffs that make him hard to deal with early-game. He WILL invade you and if your lanes do not feel like helping out, there isn't much you can do. Not worth banning due to his play-rate. Just farm as much as possible, take free ganks, and hope late game will save you. ”
DemacianStandard says “Any champion with high amounts of CC and/or lifesteal can be very difficult to deal with. Run extra tenacity against these types of champions or just ban Master Yi like everyone else..”
urrb says “Generally this matchup is about who gets a lead first. Be careful of level 2 invades like you would with champs like Lee Sin or Master Yi. Once you hit 3 look to catch him at one of his camps or fight him in the river if you can. I like to go Conquerer in this matchup as the healing gives you better sustain in the fight and the tenacity helps shorten his stun duration.”
0kruemlmonster says “If he is smart, he'll go his standard build, so Boots, Warrior, Triforce and then Thornmail and Frozen Heart to counter you. If he does this, he'll be able to even fight you hyper late. In teamfights, he'll simply just stun you and you're dead. He just hardcounters you.”
Simlito says “Depends very much how the udyr is playing. Mid and late game you will have hard to take him down but if you catch him off guard early then go for it!”
TheDrKlord says “Udyr has one of the strongest early games in jungle, and you have one of the worsts early games, avoid fighting him pre-transformation.”
The_Great_Gastro says “One of his hardest matchups as well. He beats you at every stage of the game and is impossible to kite. Try and stay safe whilst looking for ganks.”
Lyieru says “Like Master Yi, you can use your ultimate to restore life or cooldown, but you can also use to trick Udyr and run for you life. Against an Udyr, the best thing is a Red Buff, you can heal yourself and deal a lot of damage”
Lasoor says “[General] Udyr can't ever hope to be on the same level as Yorick. Assuming you know how to hit an Udyr with your mist he is as good as dead. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “It's almost sad how easy this matchup is. Once you get Frozen Mallet, he can't escape you as well, and you will absolutely shred him. Get in his face and burn him down.”
Laverenz says “Udyr can 1v1 you basically anytime he want's to. He has a lot of burst, but if played right, you might be able to kill him. But be careful”
Doaenel says “Udyr out-damages you at all stages of the game. Never fight him and focus only on ganking and farming. Chances are he will try for invades, so you will need to ward jungle entrances whenever possible.”
Bisolzin says “All his skills will blow you up (except by the ultimate.)
Q: Extra damage against you.
W: Huge life steal + shield.
E: Stun + Movement speed.
Don't fight against him solo, just stay safe and keep farming.
Do a defensive build against him,
including armor, life and maybe some life steal.”
Ramisbest says “Insanely deadly for you early levels, take q level 2 always against him, no execeptions as if he level 2 invades and you took e you will die”
EdrinD says “Udyr is big problem in early with his E and Q. Try to fight him early when he is weak and cant do that much in late try to avoid him, he can easily 1v1 u with 2 items.”
Her0mars says “Easy to peel this guy, don't let him invade, etc, same rules as playing against a lee or other invaders. If an udyr gets ahead it could be a real problem. Remeber to not get angry as many of udyr players use bm when playing and ahead, just don't let the split gates get you and your fine.”
Hamstertamer says “You can disengage with your E but you can't 1v1 him without ult, he'll just counterjungle you all game. And to make it worse, he has a low cooldown stun to cancel your ult. If you bait out his stun you can kite him with your E root, throw everything you have and hope to burst him.”
Alessa Beaumont says “An experienced Udyr player can give you both PTSD and anxiety in jungle, ngl. His fast camp clearing combined with his mobility can turn your early game strength into dust as he can out scale you pretty easily and also destroy you and steal your camps.”
VViciu says “Because of Udyr's stuns you shouldn't fight him until you reach level 6. With your R you can bait him and easily kill him when the clone exlpodes.”
sNenSss says “Udyr is a very good 1v1 jungler. He almost wins every 1v1. So don't try to fight him solo make sure your team is going to help you against him.”
VoodooQc says “Udyr relies on auto attack, so just press E so you block all his auto attack, so your E does more damage because the more you block auto attacks, the more your E will do damage, then you stun him and then W. His escape his also weak, he only has movement speed, so you can catch him up with your q.”
4by3 says “Many Shaco players can't stand his dueling potential and how he has great CC followed by jungle clear, followed by jungle sustain, followed by damage. He outduels most junglers, but in Shaco's case, if he sees you on half hp he can actually kill you on the spot even if you have Q up because of how much dps he has while you're stunnned.”
oneerror says “he can win almost every early trade with you with 2 points in tiger try to counter jg when you see him ganking lanes keep wards in his jg to help protect your laners.”
TOYOism says “What can I say this mofo hits like a truck as well. Keep on tracking him and ping your team for an incoming gank, counter gank/jungle if possible.”
theasianmiyagi says “Do NOT engage unless you have full build. Udyr has a stun, that is up every 2 seconds at full build. You WILL need life steal to want to stand a chance.”
Maltz says “Can do some really cheesy shit and has a really strong clear alongside an ok clear speed, You are way better in teamfights and skirmishes just avoid 1v1 unless you are fed”
c00k1e_ger says “Dont like Udyr and cant play against him... If you know udyr right he can also be very easy to play against but for me hes the worst.”
RoseGamer678 says “Hard counterjungle you and can 1v1 u anytime....good to permaban him from yours games...has low playrate but if u get him in your game you are fucked early...gotta play safe”
Yzroma says “Il gagne tous ses 1v1 contre toi. En mid/late game essaye de forcer les teamfights, il est surtout bon à splitpush et tu auras plus d'impact que lui en 5v5.”
Bombabo says “Too tanky for you to kill, too strong for you to fight, too fast for you too escape, Udyr poses a huge threat to you. Farm up and focus carries”
TheLord110 says “udyr players are brain dead
and you can use it to your advantage try to outsmart the udyr with you Q
use it to jump back and forth over a wall and cuz he is stupid he cant do any think about that”
Killerbacca10 says “Really difficult matchup early game. He will out duel you and he can catch you if you try to W away. I recommend trying to track him and stay away from him. You outscale him so play for late game. If he invades you do not try to fight back.”
Clowned On says “It's 3am so im not gonna get too into this tonight but please for the love of god do not try and duel an udyr you will get DUMPSTERED”
FupiDupi says “A typical duelist champion. Do not attempt to fight him at any point and yes, he can just run into your jungle and do what he wants. Wait till you start teamfighting and he will be a lot less effective (get CC'd, kited etc.)”
Anathema49 says “Udyrs love to cheese early and that's when you're the weakest, be careful of him and his insane movement speed, he WILL chase you all the way to tower (if you ever make it there)”
NightmareBug says “Udyr is a very good 1v1 jungler. He almost wins every 1v1. So don't try to fight him solo make sure your team is going to help you against him.”
LighterDay says “Udyr's stun, movement speed and short cooldown's make it easier for him to attack Vi. His stun can disrupt all abilities except your ult, but if you get that off him, he will stun you and prevent you from using other abilities. However, in team fights, he's easy to single out and get off your carry.”
SuicidalKitty says “He can 1v1 you 90% of the time try to capitalise of his lack of mobility and get good vision to avoid fights and play around the opposite side of the map”
SuicidalKitty says “Some people would put him as Rengars hardest matchup but i find due to his lack of gap closers he isn't too bad, if you can get deep wards and track him you can avoid him and make good macro plays”
BurstTheBots says “Being a melee champion it should be pretty easy to land a Q while he's running at you with Bear Stance which completely ruins his combo meaning you should be fine.”
Zoumakios says “Depends realy if you catch him off guard in his jg early you may be able to kill him but if he ever gets ahead of you stay away from him”
Sarutobi says “He will counter jg you and run away. He is faster than you so don't chase unless you are sure you can kill. If you are ahead then you win. Save alpha for when he starts running away and then hit R. Be patient!”
Deltix31 says “Il est très peu probable que vous gagnez un duel contre. Essayez d'éviter au maximum les 1v1 et gankez là où il n'est pas si vous n'avez pas d'alliés vous permettant de 2v2”
BushBox says “udyr's E is just as annoying as Rammuses's Q but more annoying to me. Try to not fight him early game since he'll probably win unless you have lane assistance. ”
Larby says “Unless he's very low on HP. There's nothing you can do early against this champion. He's too tanky with his stun and shield, so taking short trades with early on are a no-go!
He has a faster clear and therefore can contest the Scuttle Crab much faster and gain jungle priority.
Honestly just pray the enemy team don't pick him or you straight up ban this abomination.”
oliv5439 says “if he knows what he's doing and he invites you there are 2 options. 1: get no help, die 5 times, cry and then leave the game. or 2:ban him”
Ferko123123 says “He is worst matchup (in my opinion) against master yi. Udyr will counter jungle you and kill with ease. No way to dodge his E except QSS.”
BigBadVoodo says “VERY hard to play against. He has IMMENSE dmg in all stages of the game, aswell as a ton of survivability. Must keep track of him at all times. Try and pressure him early. Dueling him is not an option as he can easily burst us down.”
Jomickies says “Udyr is the largest threat to Sejuani pre level 3. He can just walk into your jungle and solo kill you at any point on your first clear. This means that you have to ward well and play safe. If you are killed by him early game he can snowball the game very easily. However, if you are not killed by him early you will win most of the time.”
xTheUnlimited says “Udyr is a pretty powerful On-Hit champion and these are the ones, you dont wana fight. His ganks are powerful to, so try to be at the lane where he is. He may invades you but that is ok. Just try to farm equaly to him. Keep him away from your carries and NEVER chase him. ”
Court says “Udyr will likely invade Evelynn's jungle constantly, and unless your team is willing to help deal with him, he can do whatever he wants. Evelynn will not be able to punish him on her own. His stun/slow + shield also makes it difficult for Evelynn. Also on the tankier side.”
marcopolo656 says “he bullshit early no matter what you do unless you have hail of blade he will kick your ass till late game when he falls off. his stun will let him trigger his tiger stance dot damage. best way to counter is warding your jungle and out farming hime”
MrPeach301 says “He's one of the kings of early game and just straight up out damages you early. Give up contesting scuttles vs this guy and just try to make a lead by ganking and farming. When mid - late game hits you should be fine to easily 1v1 him. ”
Yuki Nagato says “A matchup that is skill based, you need Q evolve, R and challenging smite to have a chance at dueling him, as long as you're not behind you should be able to duel him if you play it correctly”
TYDorGaming says “He will go in bear form and aa you once and destroy you with tiger. You can't 1v1 him in any stages of the game. Just play safe and outfarm him.”
craY13 says “Bassiclly the same as Jax and Pantheon combined. He has a very stron CC and early game. Try to farm as good as possible and only fight him if needed. If you have a lead in items you can fight him in nearly every situation.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “Don't try fighting him 1v1 he beats everyone in 1v1 fights and will most likely try to invade you so ward your jungle. His ganks are weak so as always you will have to get your laners ahead of his and you win.”
Optimal Pancake says “50/50 match-up, it could honestly go either way IF you are fighting him in red form. If you are blue form he will win unquestionably. ”
Violzandre says “This... is like jax but his stun can't fail and he do more dmg, avoid fighting him 1 vs 1 please, play with your team!!
Farming better won't be enough.”
Lanceifer says “Anyone who can counter jungle you is a big threat because Rammus' jungle clear is so slow. I'm using Udyr because he's popular and has a strong counter jungle.”
Slykku says “His clear is fast and he can easily contest the Rift Scuttler, don't try to fight him at all, since his ganks are weak compared to yours, try as much as you can to help your teammates.”
Loul_60 says “Udyr is... well, Udyr. He can 1v1 pretty much anybody in the game if he gets close, he can farm decently (although with the meta being max Q his AoE clear is extremely weak) and he can outgank you a lot. This is where the outfarming strategy comes in to play: outfarm him, do not 1v1, like against Kha'Zix, look for potential invasions.”
Morzanoth says “Udyr has a consistant stun which is probably the most annoying thing for a fiddle player. His mobility along with general tanky nature makes him one of your worst nightmares”
Razvan1ro says “One of the most OP jungler.
He is similar with WW in many things but he will outscale you.
Build a thormail and try to get picks, dont fight him without ult”
Hunterlogic says “Just be careful as he can chase you and deal a lot of damage in the process. He can also stun you quite often. You can win if he is not fed.”
MetabuserEU says “Udyr is a pretty powerful On-Hit champion and these are the ones, you don't wanna fight. His ganks are powerful too, so try to be at the lane where he is. He may invade you but that is ok. Just try to farm equally to him. Keep him away from your carries and NEVER chase him.”
Meta4our says “DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS GUY.He is a pain in the ass to take out as kayn not matter what for you go he will always just outscale you super hard and he also is known for his clear speed and mobility even tho Kayn is super mobile you will not be able to catch Udyr no matter how fast you are”
Salmon Kid says “The biggest problem with Udyr is it's very hard to keep him in kiting range without rylai's since he has a lot of base/activatable MS. Besides that, as long as udyr doesn't go a one shot build it's pretty easy as the game goes.”
Hazardist says “AP Udyr has been hit by several nerfs and nowadays is just a stalemate matchup where neither of you does much to the other. AD Udyr though, on the other hand, is considerably strong and can easily outduel you at any moment of the game, so look for plays with your team rather than on your own.
Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
MannerlessNG says “No Problem.
You're more dangerous early, so if you catch him in a bad spot, just eat him.
Unless he manages to get ahead, you will outscale him and make him obsolete throught the game, just taking him apart whenever he anime runs at you like an idiot.
All Udyr players think that Turtle makes them immortal. Just slam him into a wall every time you see him step up and he's done.
That said, if he's bouncing your friends, he'll beat your ass for a while, so focus farming and counter jungling.”
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