Mid Lane 49.12% Win Rate62% Pick RateZed Mid Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zed in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “he can just pop combo and you cant do much against it ( only played agaisnt smurfs so i cant say have good they are in low elo)”
Divine Azir says “It's a good idea to take Grasp with Bone Plating in this matchup, then build Liandry's first. If you're less confident, you can rush an early armguard to survive his ultimate. He has to use Q poke you down early so he can set up the kill, but it is also his only way to last hit when he playing with a range disadvantage. You can bait out his Q by walking toward one of your low-health minions, then dodging back. The same applies to his E. Once his shadow expires, you can harass him more heavily. Just make sure you know where the enemy jungler is. After level 6, if he ults on top of you, you can charge your ultimate to hit him right as he exits. Keep in mind that after you ult him, he will swap back to his shadow, so keep track of where it is so you can react accordingly.”
AuroraAddict says “You have to bully zed in early stages of the game like level 1,2 pretty hard after lvl 3 be carefull cause he will be able to trade you back try to dodge hes q's with your w if you have mana after lvl 6 he will be really hard to kill cause of hes R but he wont really be able to kill you if you have mana for w just try to keep your w for hes q's and you're good. you should play ignite electrocute q max,and try to play agressive before 6.”
BesXbola says “O Zed e ate que bem complicado, se o zed for bom voce vai ter que tomar muito cuidado com o W dele que e da onde mais vem o dano dele, mas se voce conseguir desviar dos pokes de WQ ou WE voce nao vai ter muitos problemas. Se ele tentar te ultar e so usar o W com a passiva, aplicar o combo de WEQ e dar all in com a ult e ignite se possivel. Se nao for possivel apenas fuja, use o flash se necessario.”
AlexFL7000 says “He can be hard but just try to poke him as much as possible. Once he reaches level 6 its really hard to win vs him unless he messes up but you still may be able to kill him, try rushing zhonyas if you're having trouble”
Saddest says “ If he uses his shadows, you have about a 20 second window to trade with him. Avoid his Q's. Rush seekers if you're struggling against him. If he R's you, let him come out and then E away onto your minions.”
Lunar1v9 says “If the zed is good he will almost always beat u even at 16 he can outplay u and kill you Avoid his dagger rush blasting wand so u can trade with him tier 1 boots as well and then upgrade to tier 2 before u finish nashor
zSmoke says “Zed is a Q-dependent champ, trading with him is easy since he doesn't have much base MR, trading with him when he doesn't have W, he'll use it to poke, if he doesn't use it to poke he'll push to rotate, it's good to have an impact on other lanes”
xumi_k says “Akali and Katarina mindplay with holding your E until you know he’s about to arrive behind your back. He’s not that scary as seems to be, you have the tools to defeat him, especially if his all-in fails and he’s not fed. Fed assassins in league is a nightmare. When you see him ulting, land one E, hold W to decrease his damage, and land second E when he arrives. Perhaps you won’t get it the first time, but don’t worry! He’s also squishy. Like very squishy. If you won't let him snowball, he won't do anything later in the game. If your jungler helps in kiling him couple times early, then he's no threat. Zed is useless when behind, but a good Zed will find a way out, so be careful.
Tamikaze says “[Hourglass Second Item & Exhaust/Barrier are viable]
Zed is an interesting matchup. Typically, if you don't die pre 6, you will win the lane. His ult is super telepathed and if you play around your tower, you can just ult him under the moment he comes out of his ultimate. Just respect his level 3, and always aim to dodge his Q over anything else. If he uses W in lane, he cannot contest you for nearly 20 seconds. This is a massive window to pressure him and do damage to build a resource lead. If you let him snowball early lane, it will be a miserable experience for the rest of the game. ”
MattStyle says “MUCHO cuidado antes de lvl 6 pues el momento principal en donde puede conseguir matarte. Evita su combo de W, E, Q a toda costa. A partir de lvl 6 tu R anula sus intentos de asesinato, ya sean sobre ti o tus aliados. ”
j4ss says “waste his pots with your W and run doran's shield. plated steelcaps will do nothing, you can go berserker's and shieldbow, then full crit. bait your teammates and try to get him without shadow. ”
Zoe Abuser says “Very difficult matchup, he has sustain with dshield second wind and he can also easily farm from range in early game with Q. Take spellbook TP and post 6 be careful not to waste your E and save it for when he goes on you. Swap to barrier/exhaust at level 6”
A good zed will always give you a run for your money, but a good azir will never lose to a zed. A really important bit of info:
*Save your ult to counter his ult.*
you want to make some distance from his ult shadow (the one his R leaves behind) and ult him towards it. Not into your turret, not to your side, ult him back where he came from. you can time your ult just as he gets out.
This will basically leave him dashless and he will not get a BIT of damage onto you from his ult,and he reaaaaaally relies on that ult.
if you are expecting it, you can also dash to your turret as hes ulting
A lil less practise than yasuo, but still after a while fighting him becomes a formula
Conq and burst both work ”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Zhonya's First]
*Before lv6 it's very winnable but after he gets his first reset things get difficult coz now he can oneshot you. need to rush [Mana Crystal][Zhonya's] first item*”
gimmelovej says “Be careful in the first levels, after lvl 3 just wait for him to use W and you will have a free pass to kill him. At level 6 remember that when he ults you he will appear behind you, so keep your position close to good spots to ult instantly.
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
shacolovesyou says “his early is so weak so invade him hard, also his abilities are easy to dodge and has big cooldowns made him vulnerable to counterganks”
BrMario1011 says “actuall fucking pussy champ, i tought this was a easy matchup until i went against the zed that only farms with q and scales, if he tries and farm meele against you just jump him always, dont get baited by his w, contest him heavily before 6, after 6 make sure you have your r so he dosent kill you, disgusting pig champ
take electrocute/grasp, bone plating, dring and ingnite/tp”
Viktorias Secret says “Has the particularity to be able to poke you from a distance as an assassin, has good mobility and high burst.
You can manage to win this by buying Zhonya second and with teammates help, otherwise good luck and have fun.”
vitya331 says “Zed is the easiest match up ever you can easily out trade him every time and all in when you wasted his W, and you can easily combo him when he Ults, you just need to E into opposite direction to his R and you will hit E 100% of time.”
EVEKING says “Currently broken champ, can dodge anything (Ult, E), can teleport to his shadows and bully you out of lane and on lane, reccomend to ban this champion.”
sick204 says “Respect Zed's burst potential and mobility with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Zed's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Zed's all-in potential, especially when he has his ultimate (R) available, as it can quickly burst down Yasuo. Utilize Wind Wall to block Zed's Q's in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output and mitigate his assassination potential. Engage on Zed when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on energy, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Ninja Tabi to mitigate Zed's physical damage.”
otaliz says “Consider going with Exhaust or Spellbook to swap Teleport to Exhaust for his level 6 all-in. If the enemy team is full of AD, buy Plated Steelcaps at your first base. In the early levels, especially pre-level 3, you can poke him. After level 3 keep the wave on your side, from level 6 try to keep pushing the wave to stop him from roaming, but don't stay in front of him below his tower. Zhonya's Hourglass is an excellent item against him.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.
Zed's shurikens do reduced damage if they hit something first, so standing behind minions is a really great way to reduce poke from him. You should ideally start fights with Zed when his shuriken or shadow double are on cooldown (6 and 20 seconds, respectively) as that's when he's at his weakest. Zed's ultimate also always places him behind you, making it easy-ish to disengage with a Satchel Charge. ”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - Barrier - Flat HP.
Zhonyas 1st or 2nd item depending on how much you need it.
I actually think the Zed matchup is even as Lux, because if you play it decently, he can never really kill you unless he pokes you first. If he ever tries to all you when you're full health, land you Q behind you and throw all of your spells because he is 100% getting hit if you have good timing.”
Fienny says “Even. Don't get harassed by Q, W+Q or W+E+Q. his energy cost is pretty high early. This matchup wins the one who will be fed of kills, EXP or gold lead”
Enderspider says “unplayable lane after lvl 6 and you have no killpressure on him before it. You win out lategame, but getting there is a massive challenge. Not as much of a threat as irelia, however much more popular and I would recommend a ban.”
awawa says “TAKE BARRIER.
A good Zed makes you regret your existence. You NEED to stomp him before he gets 6, else he will oneshot you and your team. Get zhonyas, spam ping if he roams.”
Snarik says “if you feed him he wins the game so play smart and buy armor/anti-burst if you have to, but if you know how to play around him early and don't get cocky you still have a chance.”
MageSept says “Zed is a champion you should permanently ban if you're playing Veigar. He spikes earlier than you, has a lot of range, a lot of mobility, and scales extremely well. Also, Veigar has an atrocious base armor making ad matchups very difficult from the start. Zed is the combination of two things you hate as Veigar: range and burst.
Do not hesitate getting an early Cloth Armor and Zhonya as it is good against Zed, even if Zhonya is not a good item in general on Veigar.
Also, remember that after ultin, Zed will reappear behind you. If you have the correct timing you can cage him as he spawns to stun him, under turret ideally.
In general, Zed is a good ban for Veigar as he's a popular OTPed champion and a high threat for you and your team.”
ShokLoL says “Zed can be abused levels 1 and 2, try and make him choose between getting a CS with Q or using it on you. Once Zed hits level 3 you can still be aggressive but make sure you don’t get hit by both shurikens from his WEQ combo otherwise you will take a lot of extra damage. After level 6 be careful how far you position up in the lane as he can chase you down and kill you. It can be a good idea to buy a cloth armor in this matchup and just sit on it since it will negate a lot of his lethality. If he ults you at 6, focus on dodging the shurikens as he won't do any damage unless he hits these.”
Yukosamaa says “Tricky matchup but all you need is to hold charm for zed ult he mostly appears from behind. also w is cd is important for zed without shadows he cant do anything.”
ShokLoL says “Zed can be abused levels 1 and 2, try and make him choose between getting a CS with Q or using it on you. Once Zed hits level 3 you can still be aggressive but make sure you don’t get hit by both shurikens from his WEQ combo otherwise you will take a lot of extra damage. Even after level 6 you don't have to be that scared of his all in because of all your melee form resists. Take phase rush in this matchup to help dodge his shurikens when trading. If you're behind you can look to buy a cloth armor to negate some of his lethality.”
ShokLoL says “Zed can be abused levels 1 and 2, try and make him choose between getting a CS with Q or using it on you. Once Zed hits level 3 you can still be aggressive but make sure you don’t get hit by both shurikens from his WEQ combo otherwise you will take a lot of extra damage. I would highly recommend playing tank azir in this matchup.”
Soft Headpats says “Harass him as much as possible levels 1-2 while slow pushing so that the wave bounces back towards you and he's lower HP. Make sure you abuse his long W CD whenever possible (20 sec at rank 1).
Zed can be intimidating once he hits 6, but you have tools to stop his all-in - or at the very least soften the blow. Zed will always land on the opposite side of where he ulted from, so you can pretty easily EQ behind yourself to catch him. Using WW can also help absorb a good chunk of his damage depending on the situation. Like any other assassin, the best counter is preparation and prediction rather than pure reaction, so maintain vision and look at that map.”
ShokLoL says “Zed is all about dodging his WEQ combo. If you can consistently dodge it then the matchup shouldn't be too hard. Try and play aggressive when his W is on CD to make up for any health you might have lost. At 6 be willing to trade ult immediately if he goes on you to avoid taking too much damage.”
ShokLoL says “Zed can be abused levels 1 and 2, try and make him choose between getting a CS with Q or using it on you. Once Zed hits level 3 you can still be aggressive but make sure you don’t get hit by both shurikens from his WEQ combo otherwise you will take a lot of extra damage. After level 6 be careful how far you position up in the lane as he can chase you down and kill you. It can be a good idea to buy a cloth armor in this matchup and just sit on it since it will negate a lot of his lethality. Exhaust can help in this matchup too, especially if you find the Zeds in your elo typically take ignite instead of TP.”
Deceiver_euw says “Unlike other assassins, zed has a bit more counterplay into LeBlancs kit. He has a lot of blinks and can also go untargettable and he react to your trades defensively by using his WEQ combo backwards when you go in. Keep in mind that zed has a lot of counterplay to your kit and dont treat trading patters like you would with Qiyana and Talon. You have to be way more cautious vs this champ 1v1. Instead try to be one step ahead of his outplay. Always keep some form of counterplay on your side like keeping your chain for when he uses his R or being ready to flash the triple shuriken combo or avoid them with another one of your own dashes/blinks. A very effective trick vs bad zed players is running away with your dashes when he ults as you get into range so you basically trade ults but his ult is way more important.”
NarraAtor says “He has range and mobility on you. You can't stop his teleport. He's also an energy user, so he you'll probably have to back before him”
ShokLoL says “Zed is all about dodging his WEQ combo. If you can consistently dodge it then the matchup shouldn't be too hard. Try and play aggressive when his W is on CD to make up for any health you might have lost. You may also want to take exhaust for post 6 in this matchup as well.”
vSomnia says “Use your Q to harass with scorch. Go all in if he missed Q or use Q to farm, or when he misses W E Q combo.
Whoever takes control over the lane wins it getting killed means losing the lane.
Use your R to prevent from dying by his R.
Some good Zed players wait till you E on thim to use their W and take you with them under turret be careful for that.”
InTaggar says “ENG: I didnt have hard matchups with this champ, normally i poke him to death with my Q but i know for some peoples this matchup is complicated.
Start with Q, poke him and didnt let him farm. When he have 3 he delete u if he's good, buen their habilities depend of hit u. Try to always have priority on lane without get ganked to play with ur jungler when he needs u.
Runes: Normal runes if ure confident or Aery + Resolve (with bone plating) if u wanna play safe.
Spells: Teleport or Exhaust.
ESP: No tuve enfrentamientos difíciles con este campeón, normalmente lo pockeo con mi Q hasta el cansancio, pero sé que para algunas personas este enfrentamiento es complicado.
Comience con Q, pockealo y no lo dejes farmear. Cuando tiene 3 te explota si es bueno, de todas formas sus habilidades dependen de que te las dé. Intenta tener siempre prioridad en el carril sin que te gankeen para jugar con tu jungla cuando te necesite.
Runas: Runas normales si tenes confianza o Aery + Valor (con coraza ósea) si quieres jugar con seguridad.
Hechizos: TP o Extenuar.”
Snow666 says “Zed is also a pretty even skill matchup but he has so much potential to dodge everything and oneshot you that I decided to put it on the list”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Zed you can fight him everytime he waste his shadow hoping he will not change position, watch out from his full combo, use W to spare some dmg and stay behind your cs to reduce his Q dmg”
Kikife says “Once he gets on top of you, it's over.
Make sure you avoid his shadow clone damage, and just Q stack early and look for roams. The odds of solo killing him are too low.”
vreiki says “Um bom Zed vai te atacar de longe com o Q e provavelmente te solar na lane phase. Mas, voce ainda tem todo o kit que precisa pra prejudicar ele nas teamfights e no late game.”
gaarrett says “Historically a free lane for Sylas. Dodge Qs and Zed has no damage. Zhonya's Hourglass is a nightmare for any Zed player and it happens to be a core item on Sylas. [2/5] ultimate, makes turret diving a little easier but that's about it. After Zed ults you, use your copy on him so he loses some time to get his abilities off. ”
Jhippie says “basically any assassins can mitigate your extended trade damage by killing you. You can outplay with your E but if theyre good itll still get you.”
MukiiBaa says “Focus on farming, dont give him free poke on you coz he can all in you any time and wont be punished for it.
If you dont die or he dont get free kills after ryalies and zhonya he wont be big threat for you”
149Gray says “Don't let him touch the wave lvl1, slowpush into him just like you do in every melee/assassin matchup, don't get hit by double shuriken, pool if you have to. If you pool his R, as soon as he uses it, his mark disappears. If the mark is already on you, you will take damage even in pool.”
ImVoxxX says “Talon but has shadows.
Bait his W and don't get hit by his Q's.
Try to match his roams.
Pre 6 is more favored for you.
After 6 is a matter of who ults first loses.”
JackOfAllLanes says “Currently extremely overtuned and will kill you if he lands a full combo after level 6 with only a dirk. Make sure you punish him for using W carelessly pre-6. A good zed playerbwill chase you but not ult until you hit your E and then ult to dodge it. Hold your E until after he has ulted you. Preferably go zhonyas first item after a tear or lost chapter. ”
ifrosteed says “he will stomp you in the early game, he has enough damage at level 3 and up to give you burst damage, try not to let him get kills on the map at level 6, try to trade with him only when he spends W”
Axsanea says “[EN]
ZED is a perfect example of "tricky" match-up where it can go either good or bad, he is problaly gonna play with "Q" and poke with "W", if you get low enough, or below 40% of health you are gonna lose due that he can ignite you before you will use your "W" and you won't heal back and he will win, I'd recommend to step behind the minions if you can't dogde the "Q" so it deals less dmg, and use your "E" to dogde his "W+E+Q" combo, use it either aggresive, so you dogde but also deal dmg, or use it defesive just to avoid the burst.
Use his "R" to dogde his "R" and also be able to follow him, if he gets ahead, you aren't gonna recover.
ZED es un ejemplo perfecto de matchup "complicado" en el que puede salir bien o mal, probablemente jugará con "Q" y te pokeara con "W", si llegas lo te llegas a encontrar bajo o por debajo del 40% de salud. vas a perder porque él te puede ignitear
antes de que uses tu "W" y no te curaras nada y él ganará. Te recomiendo que te pongas detrás de los minions si no puedes esquivar la "Q" para que haga menos daño, y usar tu "E" para esquivar su combo "W+E+Q", úsalo de manera agresiva, para esquivar pero también hacer daño, o úsalo a la defensiva solo para evitar el burst.
Usa su "R" para perseguir su "R" y también poder seguirlo, si pilla ventaja no te vas a recuperar.”
SurferKiller says “On Platinum-, most zeds are bad. So you should win easily after 6. On Emerald+ Try to survive until 9, then if he wastes his W (Shadow Teleport), all in.”
KazunaSan says “Match up skillé, il ne peut pas vous tuer mais c'est comme yasuo, si vous faites une erreur c'est terminé pour vous, match up skillé, vous pouvez go ignite ou tp mais je conseille de prendre électrocute.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can poke him pre 6, but never use your stun unless he jumps towards you or he has an easy opening. After 6 you have to be even more careful since he can easily oneshot you. Play safe from range.”
Pusi Puu says “You always win vs him, once he gets 6 make sure to heal all his dmg back. NEVER USE YOUR FULL COMBO ON FIRST JUMP ONTO HIM, HE DODGES YOUR WHOLE DMG. After he ults you use your spells Then fully commit since his abilities are on cd. Play around bushes so you can follow up with his shadows. ”
FrostbiteMW says “Not hard, but not easy. He does a lot of damage, I would recommend to get Zhonyas and ignore his ult. Other then that just try to Q stun him instead of ulting first since he could potentially dodge your R.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After 6 hes annoying and a major threat. Hold your root for when he jumps into you for a free combo. He wants to jump onto you at level 6 and all in you. If he does that you can just ult yourself. If you survive his combo you can kill him.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Rush seekers and you should survive his combos. Poke him in early levels and try to snowball. After 6 just stay near your turret and ult him into it when he wants to all in you.”
Colorfulness says “Zed is able to all in on Hwei. Just like Leblanc, and every other assassin for the most part. Zed is slipper, and his combo and ult will tear Hwei down.”
Shinbae says “Почему-то все боятся Зеда как огня играя на Зои, на деле он хоть и имеет высокие показатели дамага не является угрозой так таковой.
Держа дистанцию и предикт его появления после ульты (если кто не знал, он появляется за спиной) делает Зеда довольно слабым, а это лишняя возможность его ваншотнуть”
Vlasuo says “KEY ITEM: Immortal Shieldbow
Take Flash + Exhaust + Bone Plating + Doran's Blade
EXTRA: You can windwall his Q (and all other shuriken throws from his other shadows)”
Prefexx says “Hard but not impossible lane. Make sure you rush your Zhonyas to counter his ult as he will counter your ult with his ult. Get it? When you ult him he will use his as well to become untargetable thereby neglecting all your beautiful damage. That's when you use your zhonyas then slap his face around. During early game he will constantly harass you with his shadows so just stay back and wait for a gank. In the end of the day it comes down to the skill level and when you choose to trade and all-in.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him MAJOR-Threat because in lane phase only damage he can make is only W E Q combo if you can dodge his shuriken and use this cd time to trade back is easy to win lane and his R is guarantee teleport to your behind like katarina but easier to sleep him ”
MusicJG says “He has an unhealthy clear, but slightly faster than yours.
You can do 3 camps into invade and catch him offguard, ask for leash.
Hard to level 2 invade him since he does blue+gromp very fast.
At 6 he can't really oneshot you because of your True Grit ("E") passive.
When he gets 2-3 Items he can kill you, but you should already be accelerated and invading his camps constantly.”
Halkem says “Zed is usually countered by Malzahar, because you can lock him down and kill him. But the champ has been broken because of Ravenous Hydra/Ability Haste items. ”
BriarEnjoyerX says “If zed doesnt play well you win easily but if he keeps using his shadow to tp under turret he becomes very annoying to deal with (One of the Main Ban Choices”
Iceyou says “Ok we are now officially in the good matchups zone . So . One thing in common for everyone here. Dont push the first minion wave . Until these champs hit lvl 3 you hard win so use first 2 levels to poke them as hard as possible . Their win con is hit level 3 healthy . if that happens wave management will be key . bring the wave under your turret and avoid trading. If you did a good job poking them shove and dive .”
The Milelator says “Trade with him constantly. You have better push and always prio, if you don't mess up. Dodge his Q's and he will never kill you. You can't all in him with ult if he has his own ult up. Either go for plates/turrets oder roam. ”
Hikkinnado says “My personal ban, if he goes pussy hydra build he scales more, dodges all your combos with r, and after he can still engage, if zed is good , you cant play.”
bloomer010 says “Zed can out-roam you, especially during the early game. You can work hard to shut down them down, but even so, they will just roam bot and open the game up that way. ”
WarwicksSimp says “Can go easy or can be difficult, but usually this is easy as long as his jungler isnt babysitting him.
You should have no issue vs this but DO keep in mind how much damage he has early, having an early cloth armor would be beneficial. He does a lot of damage, don't underestimate or lower your guard vs Zed, he's crazy strong. Play smart. Some zeds will just never interact with you out of fear and farm with Q all lane until ganks, so you can freely roam with tiamat after. (He will get tower plates off of this however so roam wisely)”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Skill Matchup. I think it's usually easy to play against Zed's compared to much of the Azir community. The way I play against Zed is by punishing the fact that his W has a long cooldown early game. Dodging those abilities are usually pretty easy which then allows you to punish him when he is farming. Other than that the biggest piece of advice I can give you is be patient with your R. When in lane only use your R against him after he ults. DO NOT TRY AND SHUFFLE HIM, unless he has used W. ”
DivineButterMan says “Zed cant even play the game, he sucks in early game and is gonna suck the rest of the game, ult his ult, save your E for when he uses his shadow. Zed is not gonna enjoy fighting you at all.”
thenameholmes says “Now this is very situational because if you have your Passive ur fine. But if you dont have your Passive he will be a threat to you. So all you need to do is save your Passive and dont use it much, or else he will go all-in to you. Other than that he will always try to poke you with his W E Q combo so be careful, once you got low and waste your Passive he can easily kill you with R.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can attack him early game, after 6 he can easily all-in you tho. Be careful, respect his all-in, play safe and build some defensive items. Midgame just try to push waves asap to stop his roaming (but only if he doesnt pressure mid herself)”
Allyooops says “Not too bad because you can go zhonyas naturally. You can e to his w easily. When you are ulting make sure you get an ult on both shadows so he will not just w out of your damage. ”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to abuse him pre 6, since he can dash around alot and dodge your damage. After 6 you cant play aggressive aswell, since he can 1v1 you easily at that time. So try to play safe.”
Tokiyami says “Very skill matchup just respect his early game poke from his shadow but play aggressive early lvl 1s-2 because he can't really trade back hard with you but when his shadow is down you can easily trade with him and poke him. LVL 6 all ins make sure his shadow is down when you want to all in him.”
FlopQueenEra says “Sona is a squishy champion with low base health and armor. Zed, on the other hand, excels at burst damage and can quickly eliminate her with his abilities, especially once he reaches level 6 and gains access to his ultimate, kill and harass him on early.”
Dr Yoshili says “Restez le plus possible à distance, celui ci peut aisément vous one shot, avant le niveau 6, essayez de le poke le plus possible avec poiscaille et votre W, ensuite, servez vous surtout de Zapper”
Samikin says “A really good Zed will neutralize the lane after getting Ravenous Hydra OR kill you with a Serrated Dirk. Try to kill him or at least deny a lot of gold so he won't be able to first back on Serrated Dirk if possible. ”
Lindroganti says “Hardest Assassin. He can get behind your shield easily, and he outranges you. Always trade damage for damage, if you let him get free trades you're done. As long as you don't miss Qs you win all ins. ”
stormraided says “Dodge his Q, or stand behind minions because his Q deals more damage if you're isolated. There are many ways to fight a Zed, but generally I W R after he ults so I can dodge his Q's. If you can dodge his full combo (W-E-Q) you've basically won. If I'm fed I just Q in, wait for him to respond and W R for passive.”
Fuzzmonkey says “He has ranged poke, you only have all in melee damage. I'd recommend poking him down with Q then attempt an all-in when his W is down.”
Wraithlander says “He can all in you at pretty much any stage of the game and win if you misplay and he has ignite. The key to beating Zed is just dodging his shurikens and building a Zhonya's to negate his ult. You can also steal his ult and initiate all ins as well. Everfrost is very good to lock him down and make sure when he ults to E behind you as that is where he will appear. Higher elo Zeds will anticipate this and switch to a clone very quickly so make sure to either save E here or perfect the timing with practice.”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna can fight against Zed, but it's a challenging matchup due to Zed's ability to assassinate squishy targets quickly and shadow jukes, which is hard to play against,
LewisBlawk says “Okay Im probs just bad but hes somewhat pokeable before level 6 but Jesus Christ his electrocute combo is too much. In theory take HOB do as many AA+Q as you can safely and make an effort to keep the wave on your side otherwise he will walk towards you everytime if it's under their tower.”
N1comagno03 says “He is simply OP.
Always ping when he isn't in lane or he recall, 'cause if he gets some kills in other lanes, it's over.
Rush stopwatch before shoes and Zhonya 2rd object.”
Ankha Yuumi says “A lot depends on how good the Zed is. Certainly, Zhonya's is a must. Don't get within the range of his Q. It enables him to land his entire combo on you. When he approaches, similar to dealing with Talon, use your W to disengage. Harass him whenever you can.”
tangerrine says “Zed CAN be a hard matchup. Best thing to do is to run seeker's armguard ASAP and build that into zhonya's after mythic. Make sure you watch for roams in case he wants to snowball off of other lanes.
In lane, you can run up to hit your combo, and then W back to avoid his. After level 6 is TRICKY, play safe until you have stopwatch/zhonyas and only use your ult AFTER he uses his, as they both (kinda) counter each other. ”
TheBougis says “Zed is just another assassin without enough damage to one shot you, because of that he will ignore you and go for your duo.
Try to Q behind your duo after Zed ults him for a guaranteed hit, then ult your duo to mitigate as much damage from Zed's ult as possible.”
TheFakeMord says “Rush Zhonya's Hourglass, use it when he ults to negate the mark damage. Apppart from that he cant really kill you. Watch out for his early game Poke”
Tyzek1 says “He does supposedly counter lux. However, if you get zhonya it´s pretty easy tbh, i personally never lose to zed unless i make alot of mistakes that the jungler punish me for.
Whenever he uses his Q, go poke him as he is useless while it is on cooldown.”
serrafim says “Your job is to spike early. Ult his ult and dodge Q's. You win level 2 if you dodge Q. He wins levels 3-5. You can fight him after 6, and you should beat him in teamfights. Don't all in him if he has his W up. You can rush seekers / Zhonyas if he's really good or if 3+ AD champs. ”
whaz says “OBVIOUSLY you will lose so go zhonya's second!
poke him and don't get poked
when he r's you throw your e behind zoe!
you can't really play safe here since he'll just towerdive you and get a free kill!”
Zero macro says “Kog'Maw has a hard to responding to Zed his shadow poke combined with all in engage. Thereby Zed his mobility is insanely high and he can teleport wherever he wants to dodge and destroy Kog'maw.
Recommended to take Exhaust in this match up.”
Rarnetto2 says “Assassins like zed, with ability to threaten you in lane, can leave you a bit behind for mid game. I suggest trying to push hard for an early level 2 and roaming top for a kill and early lead.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
Dodge his combo with E and play/ farm on his CD ”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Zed match up used to be extremely hard but now it is purely skilled if you know how to play it. Big tip is do aggressive trading early with W q you will out trade. Make should you dodge the Double Q but him. Once he hit 6 always E behind youself and he is really simple. You completely out range him so make sure you space correctly”
Braimyy says “🛑I ban this champ every game 🛑
Super annoying match up, if you ever channel q he gets a free combo on you. He can follow you easily with r, he can get behind you and dance around your lazer very easily, and he can one shot you very easily if you ever make a single mistake.
Should dodge it honestly. If you really want to play it max E, play super safe, sit at your turret, hope he doesn't freeze. If the rest of their team is squishy you can go ROA instead of liandry's for added survive-ability.”
IggyBoom says “He has nothing to trade you back, hard engage him all the time when he used his Shadow. When he ults instantly stop him from acting with Ult and W.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge his Q]
[Don't get combo-ed by his W, E and Q or you wil take a lot of damage]
[Warn your team when he is missing]
[Early Armor against him is very good]”
freuio123 says “Skill Matchup der Spicygen Sorte.
Zeds Poke und Burst tut richtig weh, aber sein All In ist tricky gegen dich.
Nach seiner Ulti ist er immer hinter dir von seiner Sichtrichtung sprich dein Charm ist free, danach kannst du mit Ulti und W outplayen und Distanz holen.
Ist sehr snowball heavy das Matchup.”
Anguish333 says “- Poke him whenever he goes melee for CS
- Dodge Q, especially when he has 1 or 2 Shadows from W and R
- He will most likely try to poke you out before engaging, so keep that in mind
- When he wastes W you can easly run him down
- He always Pops out of Ult behind you, you can easly time E1 and almost 100% times hit it, unless he insta W to already existing Shadow
- After hitting E1, save E2 for after he wastes every dash (shadow tp) he has to follow up
- Zhoniya nice item”
AdrikN says “Always keep an eye on zed shadow!! He can tp to the shadow so don't waste all your abilities!! Keep ur distance and poke him when he doesn't have his shadow up. Note that when zed ults he will always appear behind you so you can cast spells early on to catch him!! Exhaust Zhonyas work well ”
Zeusman00 says “With this matchup, the goal is to go even and avoid being poked out of lane. I like to take everfrost in this lane to help keep him in place after his ulti and land my ult easier. When Zed uses his ult, place your miasma behind you and everfrost him, this will make it so you can land your ult easier on him as well and kill him.”
uwuimsocute says “If he knows how the matchup works, he wont let you interact with him before 6 and pokes you down with his W.
After 6, you win if you have Exhaust, you need to hit your Ult tho. If you have good timing aim behind you when he ults you, this is a guaranteed hit then.”
Angryappleseed says “RUSH STEELCAPS, maybe even GA + exhaust.
He 1 shots you, very hard lane post-6. Bully him early and try to deny him cs. If you get ahead, he should never be able to burst you down instantly.”
Asturic says “If the Zed is good, u are in BIG trouble, but if you provide your team with ss and survive the lane, you outscale him. My go-to ban and in my opinion the hardest matchup.”
Shoei baron king says “a lane mais comum de yasuo, é muito mais skill matchup que so champ, o zed pode desviar de tudo e você pode bloquear tudo, quem jogar melhor vence.”
hirttola says “oppressive in lane and when he gets 6 he has HUGE kill pressure on you
buying early armor hard counters him but also delays your roa which is shit
his W is trading tool and also wave clear so you can look for quick E Q if its down”
Painters says “This is an extremely tough match up. After building your mana items, you will have to rush Zhonya's to survive his ult. Save your W for when he ults you; place it on top of yourself, because he will reappear on top of you. You can take barrier against him as well for survivability.”
MrMeem45 says “Has enough range, waveclear, and roaming potential to do away with you pretty easily if you get careless. Pick defensive runes and consider rushing a seeker's. People seem to think that seeker's is only if you're losing, but the exact opposite is the case - if you're winning, Seeker's is like kryptonite to AD assassins.”
Y0rhm says “Zed's W and R blinks make it very hard to land a skillshot on him. His W+Q combo can activate Crown of the Shattered Queen's safeguard from a distance before all-ining you. Hard to hit but not impossible. Recommended ban in low elo due to high pick rate.”
Cryniu says “The key with this match is to be patient and predict his shadows. Don't use your Bombs quickly because he will dodge them. Try to predict where Zed will be and use your bombs slowly. You counter very well to his ultimate with yours so play to mid-late game. Use Zhonyas or Crown if you are having problems.”
Aleman1125 says “Por lo que he visto en este machup en vez de lagrima te compras poción de corrupción y pusheas y tradeas como un loco de rama verde revestimiento de huesos”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Zed's high mobility, especially with his Living Shadow (W), enables him to dodge Neeko's skill shots and close the gap swiftly. His burst damage and potential to outmaneuver Neeko in 1v1 situations make him a tough matchup”
zLuxfury says “Beware of all-ins, you might want to get exhaust, punish his dives and poke when he got abilities on cd without going too much out of a safe position. Build Zhonya's.”
Aleman1125 says “skill machap, pero yo diría qué favorable para zed todo lo que sea trade corto gana a yasuo, pero si haces trade largo le ganas recuerda ahorrarte la w para el doble shuriken porque si solo es uno no sale rentable. En este machap siempre exhaust”
Love us again says “Zed, Zed isn't that much of a problem to be honest but there's a lot of smart and skilled zed players out there so it's really a fight against wits and mechanics. his W and R is also a pain to play with.”
TB Azir says “1 levelda Q'yeme ve Q'su varken asla üstüne koşma(evet W'sü değil Q'su varken yanlış yazmadım çünkü Q'su yokken W'sünün olması hiçbir şey ifade etmiyor), ultini asla önce kullanma ve bunlara dikkat edip paso dürtüp wave'i üstüne yıkıp kule altı dürtmeye devam et. Onun dışında ufak bir trick: Ultileri aynı anda attıktan sonra ultinizin gelmesine 10-15 saniye kaldığında direk safe bir pozisyona geç(kule altında vs. bekle) çünkü Zed'in early gamedeki ulti cooldown'ı Azir'inkinden yaklaşık bi 10-15 saniye kısa. Yani Zed'in tek play alanı olan o 10-15 saniyeyi kullanmasına izin verme.
Rün: Normalde kesinlikle Yenilmez veya Comet ama çarım 12312321 kere nerf yedikten sonra ignite alamadığımdan dolayı ignite'sız bu rünleri oynamanın bir anlamı kalmıyor Zed'e karşı o yüzden Fleet veya PTA.”
Allyooops says “A good zed will make this matchup very hard. The skill curve for this matchup is very high. Wait for him to r first and time your ult perfectly or he can flash/w out of it and you will be no threat.
Starting W in this matchup is essential as you need to win the mental game of dodging all his Qs with W lvl 1. ”
South Z says “A good Zed will always stay out of range, but a good Jax will manage to gap close no matter what. This is a skill matchup, still Jax-favored, as you can block his passive and surprise him with your HoB damage output.”
DaddyVladdy says “Run backwards if he plays electro so he cant proc it.If he goes conq its zed favoured.Pool his ult always be higher hp than him.Careful he wins if he forces you to pool early”
vxnity says “Probably an even matchup for higher elo's but that's not me. Try and remember that when he ults you, he always ends up behind you. Rush armguard and Zhonya's second. ”
SlayQueen101 says “Annoying. Try to dodge his Q. Build Zhonyas and get an early stopwatch. Otherwise poke him to death. When he ults you, you can say goodbye.”
darkezmond says “Perma-ban. Aggress at the beginning of the game for pressure. After lvl 3 do not try to trade with him, you will leave lost. Farm creeps under the tower, wait for the allied jungle for pressure from his side”
kaiba77 says “Skill matchup. Punish him for every CS he tries to take. Make him choose between using shuriken on you or CS. Try not to let him dodge your E with his ult. Rushing seekers is good vs him if you need to.”
Glitchgun says “A good Zed just trades better, so don't take risky trades. Try to bait his ult out and use your own ult, it will remove his ult mark from you.”
waggles says “Have to respect the champion. Zed is very safe and can wittle you down with little to no consequence, wait for enemy impatience or jungle.”
ardizzle says “Try to save Exhaust for level 6. Care for his level 3 all in. Focus on dodging Q and try to set up an early freeze by bouncing the 3rd wave.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Ignite or Barrier.
Rush armguard.
Can hard poke him if you dodge q
E behind you from him when he ults.
Ult forward and laugh emote, he'll ult you if he's good, then you bubble behind you.”
Deru says “It's a difficult matchup in a pure 1v1 since conq isn't really worth it for sidelane duels or lane 1v1s because of his ability to go in and out pretty easily. If you w him though he cannot use his w and r so shred him with the help of your team during this window.”
Deru says “It's a difficult matchup in a pure 1v1 since conq isn't really worth it for sidelane duels or lane 1v1s because of his ability to go in and out pretty easily. If you W him though he cannot use his W and R so shred him with the help of your team during this window.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Stand carefully, he has melee attacks. His R makes him elusive, after some time, he can jump back with it, he also gives a mark when dealing damage to an enemy, which gives damage depending on the damage done by Zed himself on the marked enemy. You can catch him with your Q, because he moves behind your back. Also, his shadows W, copy his abilities and he can swap places with them.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Rush Nashor or BOTRK (both recommended but Nashor more valid).”
WayOfTheWlnd says “Skill based matchup, don't stress over him, he'll probably bully you levels 1-3 but once you hit about level 7 and get your Hextech powerspike you'll be just fine, just monitor his shadows and go into W once he activates his R.”
Mayuushii says “Has W and Q to poke you too. Use Q and try to avoid the shadow Q. When his shadow is down you can look to poke more. He can kill you if you get poked too much and will all in lvl 6. Aware that his R puts him behind so charm back when he comes out and either W run away or R away to let his expire”
DawrazWasInting says “You can try to go for an all in level 2, as he is weak until level 3. If you prock both your passive and Electrocute you will get a big advantage. Try to dodge his W-E-Q. You can try keeping your clone from paste on you so when he ults you can also ult and outrade him.”
IIndico says “If you make sure to make use of you lvl 1 advantage, you'll have a much easier time against him. Beyond that this is usually a skill matchup.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “I would consider this a bad MU until you are very good then its more even maybe even easy. You can survive lane pretty easy when you are good the problem is his ability to scale with you and roam for skirmishes and ganks early.
Theres a vod of mine where I dont stomp him but simply survive, good to learn the MU I think:
DabiDabi says “Abuse him before he gets lvl 3. Play around his W. If it's on cooldown you can play aggressive but becareful. May want to rush Seekers Armguard. and bring Barrier or Exhaust ”
liqulabouse says “Worst matchup, nearby no way to win the lane if he plays well. He is able to get on you fast everytime you try to farm or hit him, plus he can just dodge your ult with his.”
WEQ does way too much damage and if he switches and autos you it's legit an easy kill for him at ANY point in the early game, this disgusting criminal will just perma poke then ignite and walk off as you perish... ”
timomack says “All of these threats can be handled just need to adjust play style accordingly. Comet or Aery, MR or Armor. Likely want to start dorans for all of below though!”
TheAfricanDream says “Swain is able to abuse and kill Zed in lane. Try to use your range advantage and basic attack him when he tries to last hit a minion. Try to stand behind a minion at level 1 as Zed's Q does less damage after the first enemy hit.
If you can dodge Zed's Q W trade combo mid, you have a 20s window where he cannot trade with you due to his W having a long cooldown which gives you time to pressure him in lane.
Respect Zed's level 6 as that is when he gets all his kill pressure.
If Zed finds a kill in lane, he can snowball the game out of control, so try your best to keep him from snowballing the game. Take Bone Plating in lane to nullify his trades.”
hesentorki says “I barely struggle with zed these days. Don't trade too much(all ins are better since zeds have 3 pots usually) and keep tornado for when he ults. He will come behind you out of ult so time your nado on him. If you time this you instantly win the fight.”
Cjtheawesome says “This is one of my personal bans as he can easily push you out of lane and keep you under tower for 99% of the game. A good zed player will simply just ult you and you are basically done for without zhonyas.”
Demonsedge90 says “A Slippery matchup for Syndra. Just poke Zed often, and when he hits level six, only take a few fights unless you can safely attack with a dark sphere or shove him away using scatter the weak.”
Hatsune Neeko says “Very easy match up pre 6 keep him under turret and spam autos and snare and q when he goes for last hits (make sure you have jungle warded to avoid getting ganked) post 6 start casting ult when he ults your ult will always be up to match his...
he will always land behind you when he ults so use your snare as he’s about to appear so he can’t avoid it and then your ult will go off throw q on him ignite and auto and he’s either dead or sub 20%”
BC1970 says “I recommend rushing Zhonya's against Zed. It's armor completely counter's Zed's assassin items lethality and his ultimate, due to the item's active ability. Take ingenious hunter in your runes so your Zhonya's cooldown is lower. He also has some blinks due to his shadows, but since the positions are predictable it shouldn't be that big of a problem.”
Magmor says “(Diamond and below) Perma ban every single game there are so many onetricks in diamond and below but the good news is most get stuck there and you will see a rapid decrease above that, he perma prints money off you with first strike and is way too slippery to ever R unless his W is down.”
ddieguito_es says “Free wins. Squishy assassins that won't be able to kill you due to your passive and you will deny their utility.
Examples: Zed, Akali, Katarina, Talon...”
Atemporal says “O nível 1 neste confronto pode ser jogado de 2 maneiras. Você pode usar o Electrocute padrão e jogar para evitar seus Qs de nível 1, enquanto empurra com força ou apenas deixa Zed empurrar. a Q, E a
evitá-lo, então dar um tapa triplo nele e correr. Eu fiz isso com muito grande sucesso. O nível 2 em diante é basicamente o mesmo para ambas as opções de keystone. Toda vez que Zed usa o W para frente, você quer que o E se afaste dele o mais rápido possível. Seu W tem
um CD de 20 segundos, 18 se ele acertar seu W - E, então abuse desta janela e troque com ele. Se você pular em Zed quando seu W estiver para cima, ele irá apenas W de distância, então E Q em você, o que o deixa com força. Troque e force seu W se seu Q estiver baixo. Contadores rígidos R de Ekko
Zed's R. É possível sincronizar perfeitamente Ekko R para que você acerte Zed assim que ele sair de seu R, não importa o que aconteça. Isso é super difícil de fazer e requer muita prática, mas é super quebrado se você puder aprender a fazer isso de forma consistente. Basicamente
você tem que R logo após Zed pressionar R em você. Você também pode apenas R cedo para que sua Marca da Morte não se aplique a você, ou você pode segurar seu R se tiver certeza de que pode evitar as habilidades de Zed. Eu costumo instalar para evitar sua Marca da Morte. Nisso
matchup você pode pegar um Seeker's Armguard, mas você só deve fazer isso se estiver à frente. Se você estiver atrás, usar o Seeker's Armguard atrasará muito todos os seus outros itens e não valerá a pena porque Zed apenas começará a roaming e matará seu
equipe. Quando você terminar o Proto você estará super forte e não demorará muito para você 100 a 0 Zed se ele não for cuidadoso. Esconda-se nos arbustos e ataque-o se ele usar W para limpar a onda. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Crown
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Poke ihn Early und lass dich nicht von seinen Shurikens treffen. Du kannst trades nehmen wenn er seinen Schatten raus hat. Push ihn ein damit er nicht roamen kann.
Benutz Barrier und Q um den Shuriken Damage nach Ult zu blocken da seine Ult Explosion dann auch weniger Damage macht”
IamBishop says “I mean he should never be able to kill you, look to freeze the wave and just fight him, later in the game just build space for your team by either ulting him if he is a threat or just going for duels against him to get him to run or bait out his resources. ”
OSG Rewynd says “Your job is to spike early. Ult his ult and dodge Q's. You win level 2 if you dodge Q. He wins levels 3-5. You can fight him after 6, and you should beat him in teamfights.”
Lucid Walking says “Whenever he ults you, know that he appears BEHIND you. Equinox behind yourself so he can't instantly combo the hell out of you.
Force him to stay in the Equinox zone by running around it until it has disappeared (his ultimate should almost wear out by then).
You can buy Zhonya's in this matchup, but honestly it's not worth it. You can just use the Equinox trick if he focuses you in teamfights, basically making your teammates focus an ability-less Zed.
This matchup is lowkey satisfying, because Zed will be so frustrated seeing you win this.
After level 3 you should be a bit more cautious though. If you're around 50%hp, just back. Or play extremely safe”
Xerath OTP EUW says “After the durability update the matchup with Zed doesnt even seem that bad anymore tbh.
Unless he manages to get an early kill. If thats the case he'll most likely snowball the s*** out of you.
Just use your E in the opposite direction where Zed is whenever he ults you.”
Ceru says “Zed has a lot of lane prio over you in the early game, specifically at level 6 when he hits his power spike. If you can rush zhonyas you should be good but do not try hard poke against a Zed, he will punish you hard”
Santoryo says “He's counter to every ADC, he can easily oneshot you after 6 and if you give him some kills you won't do anything until you buy Zhonya's.”
Spoomk says “Now granted, I've never fought a Zed as Rakan, as I have a perma-ban I am perfectly happy sticking to. You should be able to get land a W on him most of the time, unless he does a well timed W or R. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “After gps early nerfs its very hard to survive early on. His triple Q combo destroys you if he lands it and its hard to dodge as you have no dashes. Buy tabis or at least cloth armor as early as possible, you should stomp him if he wont get a good combo but if he does 3/4 of ur hp is gone. The problem is if you want to go deathdance you lose your crit damage that is important after gp changes but i think its worth it anyways. ”
Pushtrick says “Zed has insane kill threat on you so you need to rush shieldbow. Go E max with either ignite or exhaust and be very careful after 6, but pre6 you should be able to punish him pretty hard especially if he W's forward.”
My Xperience says “Same thing as akali in term of runes. wanna bait his shadow and the moment he tries to launch shuriken shunpo on top of him . Most of his damage comes from Q and R”
xblademojo says “Zhonyas Second item with armseeker rush first. Pay attention if he buys QSS. Early game is dangerous pay attention to your positioning and try to bait out his Shadow Combos.”
xblademojo says “Bone-Plating, level 1 you are winning. Starting from when he has his W he might look to poke you out. Be aware and try to dodge his shadow poke. Consider getting Armseeker first-base. Doran Ring Start, to not risk 70health less.”
sapphire__lol says “Super easy. Bit harder than talon but same approach. Just all in trade and at some point fullcommit to kill. Can also always get push.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Rush Seekers armguard. His shadow has a 22 sec cooldown. So you need to punish him when it is down. When he ults, shunpo somewhere else so he misses Q.
GoodMangoes2war says “The midlane assassins all have one thing in common. they want to fight or they roam. Don't fight, ping when they roam. At 6th they will ALL roam full time. After third level you will unlikely hit him again with your auto-attack until late game.”
xerexuwu says “Start DSHIELD, take 2 armor flex runes and rush WARDENS MAIL after your TEAR. Take second wind/bone plating and overgrowth or unflinching depending on the enemy team comp. Try to get as much cs as possible. You can look for FROZEN HEART 3rd/4th item and a ZHONYAS since it denies all his damage pretty much.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid over-committing to harassing him though as minion damage does stack heavily. Invest in early armor when playing as a Mage to protect you from Zed’s damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play to the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it hard for Zed to get on to you without using his Living Shadow(W). Once he does use his W, move to the opposite side of his W so he can’t get on top of you.”
Adamonias says “Very Hard. Limited outplay potential. Don't bother going first strike bc he can easily poke you with WQ. In fact, out-moving his WQ poke is the primary goal of this lane, another early boots just to out walk the Q, Never stand in w range when its up otherwise he will WEQ and the shurikens will be undodgable from the slow. Early Stopwatch and never be in lane 1/2 health. The whole way you stay alive in this lane is to not let him W onto you for free, if he has to W to be in R randge you will only ever get hit by 1 shuriken and you'll be ok. But if he can W then R and land all 3 you're toast. stop watch just after the mark apears and just as he pops out of you to block most of his damage. You can go Barrier but it may not help, tp if you know you're gonna take bad backs and just want to negate the falling behind in the early game.”
SM1LSE says “A good Zed will beat you 1v1 and there's no way to stop it alone, your silver lining is that you can CC him and with a good gank you can get an early lead on him before he's strong. Take Barrier and poke then ask for a gank pre 6.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid over-committing to harassing him though as minion damage does stack heavily. Invest in early armor when playing as a Mage to protect you from Zed’s damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play to the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it hard for Zed to get on to you without using his Living Shadow(W). Once he does use his W, move to the opposite side of his W so he can’t get on top of you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid over-committing to harassing him though as minion damage does stack heavily. Invest in early armor when playing as a Mage to protect you from Zed’s damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play to the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it hard for Zed to get on to you without using his Living Shadow(W). Once he does use his W, move to the opposite side of his W so he can’t get on top of you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid over-committing to harassing him though as minion damage does stack heavily. Invest in early armor when playing as a Mage to protect you from Zed’s damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play to the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it hard for Zed to get on to you without using his Living Shadow(W). Once he does use his W, move to the opposite side of his W so he can’t get on top of you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid over-committing to harassing him though as minion damage does stack heavily. Invest in early armor when playing as a Mage to protect you from Zed’s damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play to the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it hard for Zed to get on to you without using his Living Shadow(W). Once he does use his W, move to the opposite side of his W so he can’t get on top of you.”
Tears of fears says “Either Conq or Elec is ok here, if you feel that Zed is aggressive and will try to dominate lane push it and try to gank other lanes”
SkyBanana says “For a melee champion, Zed has a lot of ranged poke. Zed is a very high skill expressive assassin and going against one is why he is an extreme threat. There are gonna be times where he messes up but as I said: If you have to have a person to mess up on a champion to be good then that is not a counterplay. Be prepared to get all pre 6 and onwards.”
Xexzuz says “Not much of a threat, predictable and once you get Zhonya's you will beat him mostly every fight. Watch out for his roams and try not to let him farm off your teammates. Punish his roams every time and you will get easy first turret. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid over-committing to harassing him though as minion damage does stack heavily. Invest in early armor when playing as a Mage to protect you from Zed’s damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play to the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it hard for Zed to get on to you without using his W. Once he does use his W, move to the opposite side of his W so he can’t get on top of you.”
NegativePhoenix says “Better all-in Overall and just a pain to deal with, since poking him will hurt you just as bad truthfully if he retaliates. If he ults on you, try to ult him if he did it under tower or just in general so he cant burst you but respect his damage.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Haha, zed ult one-shot me :). Try to not play into this lane. If you do, get defensive items and spells and play safer than a couple of parents with their newborn child. Poke him (Take a shot everytime you read poke) when you get the chance and retreat to safety.”
Body Those Fools says “Dodge his Qs or you will get poked down and be in his all-in kill range. His W cooldown is very long, so similar to Yone's E, wait until after it's down to try and punish him. Try to freeze your wave at your tower; if you do, his W is a bit less effective in all-ins because your tower is near you. You can poke him whenever his Q is down, he will use it often to farm minions. At level 6 on when he Ults you, you can buffer your Ult and knock him away from you or into your tower as soon as he lands behind you. Practice this with a friend if you have some trouble. You can go Seeker's Armguard early if you're not confident or if they have a lot of AD champions or have picked up kills from roams. I like Inspiration sometimes for the free Stopwatch. Zhonya's Hourglass counters his ult pretty hard.”
Bughans says “Lategame can dodge your combo with a well timed R, but at the same time you can pop R while he's on you to guarantee at the very least your charm on him. You can also combo him from there, which mostly leaves him on 10-20% HP or dead. Is a pain in lane though. ”
Atila17 says “My personal perma-ban. Doesn't matter who you play, Zed is a problem. He can bring out some serious damage early and out maneuver you. If he baits your E, expect to take alot of damage. Plus post 6, he can pretty much ult you and chip burst you down if the ult didn't finish you. If you do find yourself laning against a Zed, get stop watch from the Inspiration Runes, and play safe. You can beat him, all it takes is to land your charm and poke him down over time, just don't get hit :) ”
lumihehe says “he would be a minor threat, except for the facr that he clears significantly faster than you so you have to be very aware of the possibility that he's gonna steal your jungle. you can't stop him if he does, but if you get a teammate with you he'll go down pretty easily. hes squishy and does no damage early, just like you!”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Like Yasuo, its skill based. You have really strong ways of countering him like Zhonyas and Exhaust, so just poke him early game. Keep your gold the same as his, follow him whenever he roams, and make sure he doesn't follow you when you roam.
Mid to Late game can be a struggle as his dashes make it very hard for you to catch him, but you can always predict where he is if he ults. Try to preemptively ult behind the target he ulted and he will be knocked away before he can do anything.”
KayyeN says “You're not entirely helpless but if he knows how to hit his double Q, your lane will not be fun after Level 3. Try dodging his shurikens with your E as best as you can, especially after he ults you. Other than that, call out when his W is on cooldown, as he is very vulnerable to your jungler then. Also rush Seeker's Armguard and in some bad cases even Zhonya's first, if possible.”
Kat_Alien says “When you don't have your support with you this is extremely hard to outplay zed. You basically have no chance. Stay with your support and buy that sweet Guardian Angel. If you are going to play AP buy zhonya. Stay in your Q until he wastes his R. Stay on the fog of war before every fight and keep an eye on him.”
HikariWoosh says “Zed can ult your ult, Zed can poke you with W-Q-E and your jungle will never punish. Just don't bother with the matchup, you can outpush and play for roams but the laning phase is a painful experience.”
remuiq says “Zed has the mobility to catch up to you and the ability to 100-0 you. His ultimate will lock on you and instantly kill you if you don't have your E. ”
C4V3IRINH4 says “Zed is very dangerous, if he manages to do the combo on you, you can prepare for death, try to stay behind to play against him and don't advance in the lane without having a sense of safety.”
vincere omnia says “jüst R his R for frëë onëshot,
If hë isn't 1st timë timmy on thë champ hë will jüst abüsë rangëd advantagë and ü shoüld losë if hë has a brain”
TroyLoL says “A good zed will punish you every time you try to walk up any bit. You just have to farm and buy a early zhonyas which kind of slows down your build you want to go.”
ze kraken says “No mana requirements. Highly mobile. Hard to land a skillshot on. His damage output is very high and you'll die before you are able to do much. Wait for teamfights. At best you can tie this lane, unless it's a crappy zed. Get a Zhonya.”
Super08131208 says “Don't get hit by his W+E+Q combo as that does do a lot of dmg to you. And immediately shroud when he ults you. Reposition yourself in shroud so Zed doesn't get his full dmg onto you. Zed's Q do less dmg to the second target it hits, so stay behind minions. This matchup depends on who gets the most hit on the other
vincere omnia says “Will just harass u in lane and have no reason to go into ur range cause of his W range advantage.
But if he is giga noob timmy he will go R u first and set himself up for getting R'd for free as he will spawn on top of u
Overall skill matchup.”
AKmPlay says “All Zeds are pro OTP players who will ult right before you hit them with your E then will proceed to fuck you up unless you're in low elo or smth. You know I'm right.”
feejee says “Zed can all in you easily before 6, and even has a better level 6 power spike than you, Try to call his roams and even counter them if you can and shove waves.”
q_og says “Cry about it. You can poke all you want until he gets to level three then you have to try to bait out a shadow. Once he hits level six he wins lane easily as tower can't save you. Try to camp under tower and use q's to cs. Save your ult to root him under tower.”
Zoose says “Bully him until lv 3. When he uses his W shadow combo, that's the only time you can go aggressive, as you'll have about 20 seconds before he can use it again. At lv 6, you never want to use your W, as he can dodge it altogether. If he ults you first, he will always appear behind you, so look to flick him away with W into your E and Q, kiting away from his shadows. Seekers and Zhonya's are solid defensive options later on.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield or Corrupting Potion]
[Stay behind your minions so you take less damage from his Q]
[Don't stay near his shadows]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]”
basrty1p says “Like Katarina but better.
His skill will always counter you in everyway.
Using his shadow to dodge your w e,
his R makes him can't be targetable. So unplayable.
I recommend you to ban him or if you want to fight him easily, change your secondary rune to Perfect Timing, play safe and roam the other lane as much as possible until you have your Core item and Zhonya's.
After you have Zhonya's, he can't no longer kill you anymore.”
spicy ricecaker says “Take exhaust. You have an edge in this matchup pre 6, as you can w his shurikens and poke him down when he tries to get cs. After 6 when he ults you, draw a line from where he ulted you (there'll be a shadow there) to slightly behind you, and that's where he'll appear. Thus, you can q or nado where he'll appear out of his r, knock him up and ult him, or just e into him if you're looking to disengage. Finally, look for any excuse to rush a bramble vest, like 3-4+ ad champs, because if you get one he'll never be able to kill you.”
SadgeBoyK says “you beat him in lane by using goo to not allow him to use his shadows. use move speed to dodge his q's and w yourself when he r's you. you out damage him early if you dodge q's.”
Esrucnl says “Skill matchup. Favourable towards Zed early game, however Fizz should be fine/win after level 6 and when you have stopwatch / zhonya (rush it btw)
Also don't forget you can E his ultimate. The moment he presses R on you press E and you avoid the entire damage of it. (BE SURE TO USE YOUR E WHEN HE IS USING HIS R ON YOU - IF YOU USE IT AFTER HE GOT THE MARK ON YOU THE DAMAGE IS UNAVOIDABLE EVEN WITH E)”
Azurio says “Dodge his shadow Q combo with E and trade him back. Try to play in wave to avoid his isolated Q's. Pay close attention to level 6 timer, he can easily kill you if you missplay. Boneplate is good. Smoke screen on yourself when he ult you, and disengage.”
King Turtle says “Zed has one of the best level 6s in all of mid lane, and if you dont get a zhonyas you will struggle. Luckily he's easy to abuse early so you can try to get a lead before he hits his powerspike.”
Amigo121 says “If you don't lose early then you should dominate him. (However if you lose, with core items you should be able to one-shot him, if he ult you under tower you just ult + ignite -> W -> Q)”
beansoce says “Walk up to him level 1, try and dodge q and harrass him early. He's very vulnerable early without his w. Try and get a feel for dodging where he places his w. Save pool for his ult if you time it correctly the damage doesn't go off.”
Bunny Kata says “You can't kill him because he is too mobile. Build seeker's to save your life, and outscale him, you're better in split and teamfights if played properly. Just don't get killed in lane and everything will be fine.
If you struggle against Zed, try to play him a bit and you'll understand his weaknesses. Ofc, you can W his combos if he isn't too close.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Ring”
icikz says “You can try to cheese level 3 and all-in him. Once you both get level 6, stay close to walls. If he ults you, insta ult into wall so he can not escape and oneshot him.”
ColdStuff says “Zed proves to be one of the less problematic assassins in lane as, given proper timing, you can block nearly all of his damage with your shield from level 2 to level 4, any continue to do so as long as you dodge a direct hit from his shurikens. ”
clytt says “Potential Perma-Ban. Once he hits lvl 3 its a really tough lane.
His combo is W to E to Q for insane damage and electrocute proc.. AND he'll still be out of range. His E slows, making it WAY easier for him to land both shurikens. If he wants to stay out of your poke range, he'll throw W ontop of you and E to slow and land both Qs. If you dodge at least 1 Q, his electrocute won't proc. My best advice, E diagonally away (not straight back) when you see W cast on you so he has a harder time hitting both Qs. However, he'll likely learn to wait for our E before he Qs, so you gotta live in his head and mess w/ the timing with the hopes that he'll get frustrated and mess up.
***!!! Once he hits lvl 6, our number 1 priority for the rest of the game is to stay out of his R range. This is a pain in the ass because he can W then recast to get in his R range... then it's a quick E + Q + AA + Ignite + W (to get away)... you might think you've survived... but wait for Rs delayed damage... STOPWATCH IS HACKED AND NECESSARY AGAINST THIS.
He will probably build Yomuu's so take exhaust. ”
Twisted Tea Fate says “He'll usually stand really far back until level 3 to fight you. His Q is on a very short cooldown so he's basically a ranged champ.”
Meso15 says “Abuse him early game with Q, W, and autos. You can try to get an early kill pre6 with ignite if you fight him with his Living Shadow on cooldown. Rush armor and stopwatch, after 6 try not to fight him. If he does R you, you can outplay him by pressing R behind you and combo with your Q under turret, or just use stopwatch. You can also bring exhaust to weaken his R.”
oCargoNeikncz says “Like Katarina, he can be with W and R everywhere he wants, so u can control him by Q and W, and he can easily dodge your R, which is made for having your enemies far from you”
zRawen says “Vence quem jogar melhor, mas o seu ponto de brilhar é no começo de jogo quando você tem muito mais dano do que ele (já que você bloqueia as shurikens). Late game o Zed consegue te dar muito dano, mas você já deve ter itens defensivos pra lidar com ele.”
KyogoEntity says “Skill matchu-up. Heavily Yasuo favored pre-6, post-6 depends on the gold difference. Always try to windwall both his Q's. If he ever wastes shadow and you have kill pressure, use it. He's very vunerable in that stat and loses damage and mobility if he Ults you.
Always try to save your tornado for when he uses his shadows. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Punish him pre 6]
[Dodge his Q and watch out of his shadow]
[Post 6 if he ults, use your Q behind and when he is silenced, unleash your combo]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
donidaking says “Match his push and poke him every time he wants to cs he will poke you back with Q but if you are behind minion it does negative dmg.
He s melee so don t be scared to be aggressive level1.
At level 3 make sure to be dodge his double shuriken as it will proc electro on you since he will throw his shadow and E at the same time, if you can t dodge just pool it and wait your cool down.(ward a jgle camp and use Q to siphon back HELTH).
Watch out for his W>E>W>Q since he will be next to you he s likely yo do this if you are low hp to finish you off.
At level 6 you should know that when he ult he appears behind you still if he threw his W somewhere he might W there leaving his R shadow next to you .
If he has no W he will appear behind you knowing that you can just charge your E and R>E>Q>W and get out or just straight up kill him.”
qosmox says “If some autofilled mid laner dare pick Zed into your Shen, make sure he never does it again. Only let him farm with Q, looking to punish him every time he steps up to auto one. You hardwin trades lvl 1-5 even if he hits everything, but he probably won’t if you’re decent at sidestepping his Q’s or staying behind your creeps.”
TheKingUltra says “If he snowballs you will take a long time to get fimbulwinter. But if he only kills you twice, which can happen if your exhaust is on cooldown in bad moments, you should still be good.”
Aut0Lycus says “You CAN win this, but it comes down to the rest of your team. At best you can hold him in lane and try to out trade him if you dodge his Q.”
ADAhriAbuser says “Zed is an easy matchup for Ahri due to how his ultimate works. Shove him in and harass with auto attacks and W in lane. After he hits level 6 if he has ult hold your charm until he uses it on you. When Zed ults you wait around 0.5 seconds and charm behind you, if you've timed it correctly it is undodgeable.”
Grogroda says “Any AD champions are threats to you, and if the enemy team, and especially your laner, have a strong AD champion, maybe it's not the best moment to play Galio. I put zed here to represent all AD champions, but zed specifically is more annoying since he can safely poke you with his WEQ combo.”
Exiled Heretic says “Zed will always go in on you so you can easily play back, try not to eat many EWQ combo's or you will get all in'd might need to rush hourglass second if you can't beat him fully. He will take ignite giving him more kill pressure. This match-up is a lot harder than it was previous seasons so be respectful of his damage. ”
Dustyacer says “Unlike other assassins, we can't just engage onto him and kill. His range is too high.
If he r's you, u can immediate w him and run backwards and e towards him to try and make all his shadows and him face your shield. If you cant do that, just e behind you.
Main way to loss is if you take too much poke from w,q or q. Try to get an engage after he uses them.
Dont use e mindlessly after u engage with w,q, he can get behind u easily with w/r.
I honestly just push to move most times to roam as all he can do is poke u with W, E, Q which has a long CD. You just get push advantage most times.”
Autolykus says “Whoever gets the first kill wins this matchup. It is heavily favored for Zed in laning. He has the ability to roam bot and like most assassin matchups you can not follow. When he ults you remember to cast a q behind you because that is where he appears. Then cast E+W+R while he is silenced. If you do not get ahead you can still just focus ult him in teamfights and negate his carry abiltity.”
Ahri Simplord says “Pretty hard to play against after the nerfs on HP and armor,once he hits level 3 he'll start outrading you with W Q. Once he gets his serated dirk if you get double Q'd you'll have to recall or get dived. You can't really get priority in this lane since he'll perma harass you and you can't win all-ins either. Zhonya second is a must and just wait laning phase to finish since you shine brigher in teamfights.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is a nightmare if the Zed is good. You have to save your E for when he uses W or you will
have a hard time dodging anything. You absolutely have to take exhaust against Zed or you will die on repeat.
At level 6, you have to play incredibly safe since you have no escape ability. Pick up an early cloth armor
and steelcaps if their jungler is also AD. You can't Q3 or ult him unless his W and R are on cooldown because
he will just dodge them and kill you.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a good job of countering Zed. Typically, he wins a terrific 52.1% of games the champions fight each other in. In Malzahar against Zed matches, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less expected to earn first blood. This indicates that he probably won't be able to get first blood against Zed.”
KeNaNFoR says “
Be afraid of Zed at level 3 and 6. His damage increases several times with the acquisition of key abilities and does not allow you to legally approach the creeps, but when he spends his "W", do not be afraid to approach the creeps and get your things”
Dj Memelord says “a big NOPE. Anathemas helps alot here. Everfrost works wonders aswell. He usually ends up behind you after his r. I like to put up cage when he presses R and then run straight into the right or left side of it. works 7 out of 10 times!”
AngelOfMoons says “Zed can be dangerous if you don't pay attention and don't time you're abilities. But as Galio you counter him pretty easy, just be careful tho. And try to roam after him if you see him roaming because if you don't try to punish him he might get fed and then you can't do anything to him.”
irelia support says “Zed hurts a lot, even if you ult for the shield he does enough burst to kill you. Best way to counter him is simply Zhonya's but he's not the biggest problem.”
m0rfeazz says “zed used to lose hardly but now he beats u in lane, play safe and dodge his WEQ combo once he misses all in him, while in early u lose, once you get zhonyas u can easily beat him even if he is 4/0 and u 0/2”
Xalt says “Dodging Zed Qs early is key. If they do connect, use W to soak the damage. Poke him with Q until he's low enough to all in. DO NOT ULT before him! Wait for him to ult you or he will use it to dodge your ult damage. Keep in mind his W range is longer than your ult so try to run in the direction of his W after you ult him. When zed ults you he will appear behind you so Q on yourself with your cursor slightly behind you to apply moonlight for a easy follow with your E.”
angeLoon says “dring grasp or conqueror.
against zed you win to lvl 1-2, short-trade with him lvl1 so you can start your lane with health advantage.
lvl3 be careful with his poke, if he misses just trade with him.
the most important zed's ability is W. if he wastes without purpose just punish him with no fear.”
ACORTLOW says “Champions that roam are also an issue. If you can't roam or have trouble controlling the map, ban Zed or anyone who can roam and get fed.
JayKm1 says “Try your best to dodge his shurikens and play around his cooldowns. Exhaust or barrier is really good here but once he reaches level 6 he can easily all in and one shot you if your not careful.”
DaffeLaffe says “Dodging Zed Qs early is key. If they do hit use W to soak the damage. Poke him with Q until he's low enough to all in. DO NOT ULT before him, wait for him to ult you or he will use it to dodge your ult damage.”
soulentt says “Zed is very strong, but even tho you can still win it easily. Stay away, poke and if you can then dodge. If he places a shadow stay away.”
FyreRode says “As long as you don't blunder and die pre 6, this is a very hardcore winning matchup for you. Dodge his W>E>Q combo and he won't be able to do anything past level 6 because of your ultimate.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Try to place your E on his shadow so he cannot cast again or he will be stunned]
[Very hard lane but not impossible][Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Juon says “Pretty easy, rush zhonyas. When he ults you just body slam away as he is about to land and it will hit him every time, if you time it right you can combo away from him and he will land in the combo and die instantly. Run First strike and max E second.”
Magmora says “Zed is incredibly mobile, and very unpredictable. He is basically meant to kill squishies in 1v1s, and you are a squishy who isn't great at 1v1s. Level 1 you can abuse your ranged advantage, but after that you have to play very safe. You can only go near him when his shadow is down, and never stay in lane when low. When his shadow is down shove the wave then roam with E. Make sure to get zonyahs, and maybe have crown/everfrost and bone platingif you are especially struggling. Try not to die in lane, and you will be much more useful in late game fights.”
fishwasher says “He takes practice to play against, but it isn't the worst matchup ever. Using your spells to kite and Echo W + barrier for safety in lane is essential!”
TrueGIXERJ says “A good zed will make your life a nightmare, no matter what you do, but as a champ, you don't struggle with him. You have an ability to prevent him assassinating you (R), and if you can harrass him early and dodge Qs consistently, you'll have a field day.”
Hocus Brokus says “This matchup depends on how well you play. If you can respect his serrated dirk powerspike and not play in his face you will win. As well as using tower to your advantage if he tries to dive. I recommend taking double armor into this matchup to have a better laning phase. (NEVER WASTE YOUR Q VS ZED UNLESS HE ULTS)”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Crown of the Shattered Queen]
[Bully him pre 6]
[Post 6 play safe and focus on farming, you will outscale him]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
keneki ken says “i think the matchup is slightly favours zed due to his longer range and poking capabillities just try to bait out his w and then force fights when his w hes quite weak early without his w and cant rly escape without it ”
comfykoala1 says “Zed isnt a huge threat to you but he makes your teammates easy to kill. focus on avoiding his early strength and playing to keep him from snowballing to hard. Build zhonias to bait him into your team.”
Bairdd says “Only time you can punish Zed is when he ults you because you can hit a guaranteed sleep. Make sure you dodge his Qs and you should be ok. Focus more on farming and outroaming him.”
Fake Supp says “Used to perma ban this guy but when you get more masterys on pyke you will understand how to defeat zed with it zed is champ that heavily played around his shadow and most of the times you can predict what they gonna do next cause Zed combo is always the same once u get to use to predict their next move you are the winner btw if he didnt fall behind he will surely get ahead of u like 2 or even 3 levels so be aware”
ChrisWasTaken says “Skill 1-5. You win early to level 6 then it becomes skillful. But if you beat him before 6 already you should win til rest of the game. Your ult blocks his ult but you have to make him retreat otherwise he just sticks to you.”
desch3445 says “The Zed matchup isn't too much of a hike, barely even a jog. Shove him in, make him waste his shadow either by bait or for retreat, and either poke him out of lane or roam.
Take the Electrocute or First Strike page; Zed's got some considerable range on his poke, and he can escape relatively well with his shadows, so Electrocute is probably the best page here, however he's still an easy matchup, so if you're confident, FS is also a good pick.”
ThePieBeam says “Zed is a scary boy, and this was my permaban when I first started. Eventually you get used to it and he becomes somewhat more predictable because of his linear shadow recall, but he's still slippery and hard to work around. Honestly this lane is like 99% muscle memory so it's kinda hard to talk about (a lot of help I know) but just try to bully his pre-3 and watch out for his shadow range because a good zed get a free Electrocute proc off of a W/E/Q combo. If he uses this full combo look for a W/Q retilation since he just lost his escape tool, but don't go too hard for it or else he'll just walk away and Q/E you once it's off cooldown. Also, once he gets R make absolutely 100% certain every time he's on screen you have Q. You'll barely have a fraction of a second to cast-instant recast it but if you do that and R you can escape without needing Zhonyas (These are the lengths I go through to not need that item), but it's really advised to just get Zhonya's if you're willing to do so.”
soopyphantoms says “i personally am very scared of this champion so i perma ban him but try asking for ganks to get ahead that should help, past lvl 6 don't try to 1v1 him unless you have stopwatch/zhonyas or you're ahead enough to kill him”
LBDB says “He just guts you. There is no time to trade him since he doesn't have to get close to circumcise you. This is my go to ban for now(new skin and all).”
blommit7 says “Zed isn't a MAJOR threat, but still has some potential to beat you in lane. Zed's all ins beat swains most of the time, with him being able to ult you and burst for a ton of damage and then teleporting to a shadow away. It is even though because zed players can be predictable to when theyre going to tp to shadow. You can cast e or w on his shadow to catch him offguard.”
Xerathiel says “Seekers + Green Runes + Barrier. Do not push. He shouldn't be able to burst you down. Bait/Dodge his WEQ. Boots early are quite useful. Just run away when he engages and do not use your E until he disengages. ”
fLeXeRlol says “Try to avoid getting hit by his Qs. If he's a good Zed Player then play under your Turret and ask for Ganks. If he Ults you...good luck.”
Epic_Semibold says “Bait his ult with yours, dodge his q most as possible and fight when he threw all of his ability/no energy early on. You might want to ban him or Dodge. He is a really hard lane.”
Bairdd says “Run exhaust this game. He can one shot you through most points of the game, especially if he has Serpents Fang. Bait out his W's and you should be ok, but avoid this lane if possible.”
TrueGIXERJ says “No matter what, a good zed will make your life a nightmare. But as a champ he's not too hard, remember that his R places him behind you so you can land a free W and a lot of damage that will either lead to him dying and you sustaining his R damage, or him running away. just be cautious of his W+E+Q poke in lane as he will win any hard engage while you are below ~50% HP”
Callmebee says “Look, we are all about light, he is darkness and shadows. It's just not gonna work booboo. Shadow, shadow, ult, electrocute *poof* you're gone. Just too much trouble to lane against, I refuse. I ban him almost every time. Take Barrier or Exhaust if you do end up against him (make sure to exhaust straight after he ults you) and rush Zhonya's. In lane, you can bully early if you feel confident but try to keep max distance. Don't push your wave and try to punish him when he goes for his last hits. At 5, be aware and play back, he will probably try to go for an all in, don't underestimate his damage.
Tip: Zed always positions himself behind you when he ults, use that if you want to try to burst him down.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] To lane against Zed you need to only move *left and right* (towards both nexus') not up and down (towards river). When Zed uses his W, move back towards your nexus to only get hit by 1 of his Qs. Also be sure to always keep minions in between yourself and Zed. His Q does less damage when it passes through units. Once his W is down you are free to use your grapple offensively. Make sure to hop off away from him and don't get too close because he can auto you to death with his passive. Post 6 fighting him without a lead is pretty pointless. He will kill you most of the time unless he fucks up. Do not try to fight unless you have your Immortal Shieldbow up.”
lonestar1870 says “You win early and should try to poke & push him in, but playing vs Zed is a skill in itself since he is differnty from all other melee asassins.
Play aggressive while his W is on cooldown and respect him when it's up. Go for autos and poke when his Q is on CD and try to sidestep his Q early game.
Don't let him proc electrocute during laning (with his w-e-q combo), make sure he can only lan a maximum of 1 Q by walking side to sideafter he uses W.
He can R your R. If you are gonna R him while he is stunned, immediately Zhonyas or walk back (out of his R range) after so he can't dodge the damage. You generally want to R after he uses his.
At level 6, you generally just want to play smart and stay even since his is a bit better than yours. Save your E behind you for when he comes out of his ult.
I like either Electrocute or Aery for more damage, but you can go PR if you need it for their enemy team comp.
Ignite is needed to match his 1v1, but you can still take TP for more map pressure. Just know you need to play extra safe if you go TP.
Seekers/Zhonyas rush is great vs Zed unless he is very behind.”
Desperate Nasus says “Zed used to be an easier matchup but lately the CDR on the game is kinda high plus Hydra items make the lane harder to play (Mainly Tiamat). As Runes you wanna take Fleet because if he is atleast a bit good he would never try to take extended trades. WIth that said if you play in a lower elo i would suggest Lethal Tempo. Against zed start Dorans shield and get Sheen on your first back. Thats because he will be looking to take trades with his W E Q combo on repeat whener he has his W back up. For that reason you wanna have sheen and Fleet so you can recover his damage. After lever 7-8 try to start contesting the waves so he doesnt roam on every wave. In teamfights if you cant 1shot him with your team try to avoid him unless you can catch him. Bad matchup because of his superior kit and items. ”
guts416 says “This is entirely dependent on the skill of the Zed, not quite as bad as Leblanc or Qiyana as you can avoid his damage easier. Especially if you prep your gold card when you think he's going to go in. But make sure to play very safe if you don't have your W.”
Rhybeaux says “Zed can be really frustrating. You just have to avoid getting poked and watch for the engagement. A Zhonya's should do the job for the most part, especially if he tries to focus you in a team fight.”
BlockPad says “You had to take barrier. If he grab kills when he roam you are sure to be dived a lot. He can snowball on you so hard. Poke a lot, because you had to put him low, he will try to perma kill you.”
Vega03 says “If you are playing ADC Lucian you shouldn't bother too much until late game, but if you are laning against a Zed in mid, take Stopwatch as fast as you can (in the end, Stopwatch is blue inside isn't it? ;))”
BiriRamen says “You have to keep trading Level 1-2, I'd say it's even but I think it's Zed Favored more so, Electrocute and Lethality hurts. He goes Conq, it's winnable if some trades as long as you don't get hit with Shurikens. ”
FelliceZ says “It's a mechanical matchup, just hold your E after lvl 6, to be able to dash out, when he ults. And play safe, cause most Zeds will try to 1v1 at 6.
IreliaS Secret says “Скилл матчап. После того, как он попытается потрейдится идешь с ним в трейд (в начале у него долгое кд умений, используем это, чтобы вывести размен в нашу сторону). Самому лучше не навязывать драку. Зед всегда появляется когда ультует в противоположном месте от того, где стоял до ультимейта. Когда кастует ульт стараемся попасть на предикт W, после жмем ульт (немного в сторону от зеда, примерно на 4-9 часов от зеда), чтобы заблокировать урон. Если все правильно сделать, то можно во время этого действия убить зеда. В плане рун тут все зависит от вражеского пика. Если у противника агрессивный лесник, то лавирование лучший выбор. Если пасивный фармила, то казнь.”
Scarlettpls says “Annoying to play against, you can get a lead at level 3/4 and snowball but if you die then its gg. At 6 he wins unless hes rly bad. Also he can oneshot you with just a dirk regardless if you have 3 kills above him xD. Your teamfighting is better than his you cant sidelane vs zed.”
CashLOL says “This matchup is dependent on the skill of each player. Early lane poke needs to happen to keep the Zed from surviving his weaker early levels. Level 6 is a huge danger for Ziggs but with W and laying your abilities where he will land with his ult you can shutdown his attempt at killing you. A good matchup to consider bringing barrier.”
Nafnegle says “Look, we are all about light, he is darkness and shadows. It's just not gonna work booboo. Shadow, shadow, ult, electrocute *poof* you're gone. Just too much trouble to lane against, I refuse. I ban him every time. Take Barrier if you do end up against him and rush Zhonya's. In lane, you can bully early if you feel confident but try to keep max distance. Don't push your wave and try to punish him when he goes for his last hits. At 5, be aware and play back, he will probably try to go for an all in, don't underestimate his damage. Tip: Zed always positions himself behind you when he ults, use that if you want to try to burst him down.”
ShokLoL says “Zed has insane kill threat on you so you need to rush shieldbow. Go E max with either ignite or exhaust and be very careful after 6, but pre6 you should be able to punish him pretty hard especially if he W's forward.”
DanielC0029 says “He outscales you on damage, but you counter him, use your shield in his full combo and then go for the all In, step back an use E when he ults you.”
m0rfeazz says “avoid fighting pre 6, stay behind minions to reduce his Q damage and while he ults you, USE YOUR W, by doing so the Death mark will dissappear”
pwins says “A good Zoe can easily go toe-to-toe with Zed. Predict when he'll try to poke you and cast your E behind you when he uses his ult. You can easily demolish Zed if you're smart enough! ”
Juplicate says “He has an extremely high burst, a good early game, and reliable roams. You can play aggressive level one and two but after that, he will begin to poke you and at level 6 one-shot you. Build armor if possible. Play to outscale him.”
King Turtle says “if he lands a W+Q combo on you it's going to hurt since you're kindred and extremely squishy. Post level 6 he's going to try to all in you constantly and you either have to have R ready every time or hope you can get out of the way before he lands anything.”
Miscake says “Eu já escrevi um texto de 50 linhas sobre essa matchup mas depois de um tempo percebi que ninguém gostaria de ler então vou tentar resumir os pontos principais.
Essa é a minha matchup favorita por ser 100% skill até o nível 11 onde você começa a dar outscale.
É possível usar os dois setups principais de runa aqui, Phase Rush é mais defensivo e consistente enquanto Electrocute é mais ofensivo e por isso depende mais do quanto você subestima o laner inimigo.
Você ganha as trocas no nível 1-2, então é do seu interesse começar puxando. A partir do nível 3 o Zed vai querer usar o combo pra poke, você precisa ver o ângulo onde ele usa a sombra e avaliar se vale a pena usar poça ou não. Em uma situação onde ele não consiga procar Electro com 2 shurikens vale mais a pena tomar o dano sem usar poça por causa do selfdamage, aí vai do quanto você conhece o dano de ambos.
Enquanto Zed estiver com o combo em cooldown você vai querer punir ele com autoattacks, ELE NÃO DEVE SER CAPAZ DE ANDAR PRA FRENTE ENQUANTO ESTIVER COM AS SKILLS EM COOLDOWN.
A partir do nível 6 você não vai querer usar a poça no combo do W para evitar a marca da ultimate, o que você quer aqui é ultar antes dele pra conseguir a marca, usar E+W pra cancelar a ult dele e finalizar com Q+Ignite quando ele estiver em range melee.
O único jeito do Zed ganhar no pós 6 é se ambos não estiverem resetado antes, já que o back de Punhal Serrilhado é mais forte que o de Alternador Hextech. Nisso ele vai querer usar umas 3 rotações de combo, tendo em vista que você não pode mais usar poça só resta tentar desviar.
Tem MUITO mais sobre essa matchup mas são coisas que você vai aprender jogando.
WayOfTheTempesst says “I actually don't think this matchup is as Yasuo favored as people claim it to be. Poke him and nonstop trade with him levels 1-2 because zed is a very weak champion until level 3. Save your windwall until he throws out his W so you can dodge at least one of his shurikens or else you will take a lot of damage. Abuse Zed when his W is done due to the massive 22 sec cd it has early game, he does very little damage without his W up. This is the only matchup in the game that I actually go exhaust against. After Zed ults you, wait .5 sec and dash away then exhaust so it ends up blocking the initial damage he throws at you and the pop of the ulti, this will negate so much damage and basically render his ult useless. Also if you have 3rd Q and and he ults you just Q behind you so you can 100% knock him up and ult him to delay his ult, although a good Zed will never ult you when your 3rd Q is up unless you fake him out by Eing on him while your 3rd Q is up but not using it and then saving it for when he ults to try to dodge the EQ. ”
Katawina52 says “Zed will almost always try Q you and minions at the same time so always keep your guard up to dodge his Q. When Zed W's in just E him so he cant E-Q as easly also fighting him while his energy is low is really good to know. Pre 6 you should be able to beat him hard. After level 6 the lane gets way harder, because if he all ins you and hits his Qs you're almost dead already so play pre 6 agressive and post 6 safe. Resolve 2nd vs Zed is pretty good for Boneplating and rushing seekers is nice too if they got ad jungler.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA)
Doran Ring + 2 Pots + Another Ring on first Recall + 1-2 Cloth Armor if you still cannot deal with him (A.K.A. he's experienced). Cloth Armors shall transition to Zhonya/Tabis later on if you still need it. Get Time Warp Tonic/Stopwatch to survive OR Stopwatch/Minion Demat to push and roam first.
In the Zed matchup we want to get Exhaust or Heal/Barrier as a summoner spell and to reach for Zhonya for first or second item. If you think you can survive the matchup you can go for a mana item early on, but I recommend Zhonya as soon as possible. His lanephase before level 6 is relatively close to yours, as in poke, go back and wait for cooldowns and poke again. You should keep a safe distance from his W and try to trade with him and dodge as many Q's as possible. Post 6 you can either play it safe, push and roam, or try to fight him but I do not recommend the second one. If you do get caught try always to flash to towers in the moment his ultimate lands, right before he uses Q to get amplified damage. Use Exhaust in the moment in which his ults lands on you, and zhonya right before he uses Q.
You can notice his Q by his animation, try to get a grasp of that and how it works. Keep Exhaust always in teamfights for him to deny some damage. If you often struggle ask your team to ban him.”
Yeager says “Use fleet foot + resolve tree and start with doran's shield. Lvl 1-5 you poke him as much as possible with Q if he ever walks up to farm. Bait out his W by intentionally walking in range and then out again. Once it's on cooldown, you can look for short engages with your E and stacked Q. It becomes really rough after level 6 because he can easily dodge all of your damage, and sine yone is somewhat immobile, it's also pretty easy for zed to land all his abilities on you. Play it really passive in lane after 6 and DO NOT use your ultimate if his is up. Play to farm and outscale. Call for jungle help and try to make him waste his ultimate. ”
xblademojo says “Matchup isn't the worst but starting from his level 3 he has a easy way of punishing you with his Shadow and procing Electrocute. Consider getting armor like Warden mail first base and you will be able to counter his burst, when he is lacking it you can have a chance to trade with him. Electro/Resolve unless u have balls to go without resolve.”
Polarshift says “It's possible to go spellbook against this guy, so you can take Exhaust later. Build Zhonya's or Frozen Heart later. His shurikens deal reduced damage if it hits something else between a target (e.g. minions). He is not that big of a threat till level 3 so be sure to abuse those early levels. Try to dodge shurikens and beware of his W+Q combo. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when they are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “No mana, free escape and poke, high dmg, dive potential after 6. Best chance is to poke but be ready to dodge his two q's or you get out traded. Pre 6 if you can catch him going back to shadow with a W slow you may be able to kill him. after 6 use exhaust to stop his ult all in. ”
ISterbenI says “Has insane damage early/mid game. Buy an early armseekers guard on first back. But don't give up! You're going to outscale him. Consider going barrier.”
Yeager says “Barrier or Exhaust is good here. You can win the matchup early if you can dodge his shurikens. At level 6 we want to play passive and wait for jungle help. If jungler isn't helping you, try roam to other lanes and get them ahead. ”
TygoVe says “Fairly annoying, you can't match his roaming potential, and he can poke you down and easily dive you in lane. Take stopwatch in runes or buy it early on. You should build Zhonya's Hourglass as a second item. Don't stay in lane low, try to make sure he doesn't hit level 6 before you do.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Zed is a bit like Katarina - if you play it right, you are good against him, but if you do even the one mistake and he uses it against you, then you are going to pay really high price. For this guy, just try to harass him pre-6, which you should be able to, but be aware of his W,E,Q combo, because now more than before it hurts when he procs his Electrocute. After 6 you need to show a lot of respect and try to farm from distance (or possibly poke if you can). It's really important to get at least Seeker's armguard here, to not get oneshotted whenever he ults you, since it should provide you enough armor to live through his burst combo, if you are at least a bit careful. Just ward around mid and don't try to follow his roams too much unless you have perfect vision, otherwise he might set-up for trap and punish you for that. Lategame you will simply abuse your range against him, but till you get there it's going to be hard, unless he gets behind by not getting any kills off roams or lane.”
Avucado says “Used to perma ban this champ because of how much I would see him and how annoying he would be. This matchup may be closer to a 4 in actuality but it feels like a 5. Start longsword and E. You beat him 1v1 1 and 2 so look to e, hook or just walk up and q + autos whenever you can. Once he hits 3 position so you cant get hit by his W+2q's. Never E on him unless his W is down. You can walk up and q auto to trade with him but he has a lot of DPS so watch out. When hits 6 and uses R, walk towards your tower and e a second before he comes out. This will hopefully stun him under tower and if not he will be forced to R back and lose all the damage he would do. Ganks can be hard to pull off unless you have something like a hecarim. Steelcaps arn't bad if they have a lot of AD.”
Yeager says “Take barrier. You need to harass him a lot before he gets level 6. Punish him whenever he's going for a last-hit, and focus on dodging his double shurikens. His W shadow has a high cooldown so you have a lot of time to punish him after he used it. Rush seeker's armguard as your first as it will completely counter his lethality route. If you struggle in this match up, you can get zhonya's hourglass after your mythic item to completely deny his all-ins and outscale. ”
LunarVortex says “Get Seeker's Armguard very quickly and try to kill him together with your jungler after he uses his W to trade. Spamping your sidelanes when he starts to roam.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This is one of the few matchups where I consider going barrier/exhaust instead of ignite. If enemy team is full AD buy plated steelcaps first base. Zhonya is a good item to get after your mythic. Activate zhonya when he has his R on you. You can poke him early levels. But make sure you manage your waves properly. Zed likes a long lane as this gives him enough time to all in without you getting under tower. Either fully push in or let him come towards you.”
Yeager says “Rush boots early so you can dodge his W+E+Q combo. If you get his by this, it will take half your hp with Electrocute.
Rush zhonyas in this matchup. ”
Eriosunx says “Zed is one of the most common assasins you will find in Soloqueue.
This matchup is very snowball based. The first that snowballs can dominate the whole game.
This will prevent Zed from solokilling you even if you play poorly and allows you to scale properly.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Zed is a hard matchup he can poke without you getting near him he hard wins at lvl 6 or if he has conqueror, one mistake and it might be gg mid. Chances you die are very hard. This is the champ I ban mid.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Mainly a skill match up, save at least 1 distortion for the level 6 just so you can get away from him if he ults you. Go hard on him early game too.”
Yeager says “You can bully him hard levels 1-3. From level 4 his poke combo is strong, so try to bait out his W first and dodge his shurikens. His W will be unavailable for a long time, so that's your chance to take control of the lane again.
Rush seekers armguard early to counter his lethality route, and then proceed into finishing ludens echo. If you struggle a lot, then you can upgrade to zhonya's to make his ultimate useless. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Always make sure you save your E for when he wants to get close to you/ult you. This will be the only way of getting him away from you. Apart from that, poke him pre-6 and take barrier if you're not fond of the match up.”
XayLies says “Immortal Shieldbow is a must. His burst may be high, but if you can block his main damage Q and/or be inside the minion wave so he will deal at least less damage you'll be fine. Be smart and predict when will he W to his shadow and send your Q to there.”
iZianni says “His kit just counters ours, pretty simplistic match up.
Buy an early seekers and hold E post-6, if you use stun before his ultimate you will 100% die.
RiceLegendLol says “Zed is trash in lane, all he does is poke you, if you sustain his poke and dodge his abilities you will most likely just win lane. Pay attention to when he uses his shadow (W) and abuse that. He will scale late game and just have 300 ability haste and one shot your team, so don't let him scale.”
Aegox says “Most burst champions are extremely dangerous to Zoe considering she is a squishy long range burst champion. Try to predict when he will switch to his shadow and hit your E accordingly.”
Zed is a very common matchup for Yasuo.
The key for this match-up is "DONT FALL BEHIND".
Zed is an insane Assasin and if he gets a lead in the early phases of the game he will start onetapping you without even needing his Shurikens.
So dont risk too much in this lane and try to trade safely, only when your Windwall is up and when you have a good wave position to go in and out/dodge his Shurikens.
One important tip is that when Zed ults he will always appear behind your character, so in order to play around it with Yasuo you have to cast your Tornado behind you considering his ultimate animation.
With a bit of pratice and timing you will have no more problems into Zed!”
wDesired says “You can windwall his Q and if he ults you during while you have Nado aim your Q behind as he will always land on the back of you after he ults ”
Eriosunx says “|RECCOMEND CONQ+BONEPLATING| Not that hard of a match-up unless you get killed in lane.
Make sure to avoid dying in this matchup becaouse Zed will easily take over the lane with this lethality burst spike.
Hard b4 level 6, solo-kill potential from level 6.”
ToHadesWithYou says “Zoe is weak against mobility characters. Zed is a great example. His shadow could deal extra damage and by switching places with it zed colud deal massive damage.”
mrmundo says “Skill matchup. Make sure you play around his shadow and avoid his WQ combo. You win trades so don't let him burst you down. Just like most assassins, he is fairly easy to punish especially in low elo ”
Baion says “Zed is a weak champ until level 3. So keep pressing him and forcing out his heal potions. Use your wind wall to block his shurikens on W - E - Q combos. When he ults you, he appers behind you. After level 6, hold yor Wind Wall to that moment.”
SaltCat says “Zed is annoying, lol. Level 1 punish him as hard as you can, poke him. Level 2 same, level 3 he is extremely strong so its best to avoid him from now on and just focus on farming. You can definetly poke him here and there , and especially punish him extremely hard for using his W. Buying zhonays relatively early is the best option.”
ShokLoL says “Very difficult matchup, he has sustain with dshield second wind and he can also easily farm from range in early game with Q. Take spellbook TP and post 6 be careful not to waste your E and save it for when he goes on you. Swap to barrier/exhaust at level 6.”
leonidas44 says “Pre 6 you are weak and he is doing a lot of dmg with his passive. If he gets 6 before you, farm from behind and be away from he because if you get ult and he lands all his abilities you are dead. When you get 6 you need to ult when he ults to counter him.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade In Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth.
try to dodge his Q's lvl 1 to try a good trade lvl 2 and be careful with his W
you need to remember that zed appears on the opposite side that he ulted,so if you have your tornado don't waste and try to hit when he leaves the ult.
or try to predict that zed will appear on a shadow so you can easily kill him.
you can block his Q's with your windwall.
Chain Vest early if he's 2/0 within 10 minutes”
Kords says “Zed is (inherently in my opinion) a skill matchup. Early lane is easy, he can't do much to stop you from pushing, Level 3 you have to be careful, because he can poke you and then all in you after successful poke. Dodge the WQE's and you will be fine. Roam when he is shoved in and get your teammates ahead, post 6 it becomes more of a mountain, in fact this matchup becomes more difficult, if he presses R and Q E, you die. BUT, you can stop this, if you R as he lands from his R, you can chain this into Q and run away for free. A good Zed will use his W before he ults to switch to his W shadow, rather than landing in his R position. A BETTER Zed will throw his W behind you before ulting to stop you from flashing towards your tower, run away from Zed entirely or flash in a different direction. This however rarely happens, if it does, just flash out. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOT USE R OTHER THAN THIS (in lane) otherwise, you will die to Zed. You are a MUCH better teamfighter than him, he does have a lot of dmg, great scaling, but you should have done enough damage for him to not carry his team. 9 times out of 10 an Sol will lose from small mistakes and bad backs. Due to his insane burst once he finishes prowler/eclipse he is a matchup to hate.”
SaltCat says “Try to get level 2 first then go in on him, he is weak levels 1 ,2 from level 3 when he uses w to damage you use e on him try to use e to get away from his shadows when he r ”
Schohn says “He can easily one-shot you at any point of the game and can just W out of your cage. Due to his relatively high pick-rate, you should definitely ban him if you want to play Veigar.”
ShokLoL says “Zed can be abused levels 1 and 2, try and make him choose between getting a CS with Q or using it on you. Once Zed hits level 3 you can still be aggressive but make sure you don’t get hit by both shurikens from his WEQ combo otherwise you will take a lot of extra damage. After level 6 be careful how far you position up in the lane as he can chase you down and kill you. It can be a good idea to buy a cloth armor in this matchup and just sit on it since it will negate a lot of his lethality. Make sure to either ult when Zed is stunned or after he's used ult so he can't dodge the damage.
WildeBob says “He can kill you pretty easily in lane and you cant do much about it. Have to dodge his Q's and stay as high HP as possible to prevent dives. Outscale and win this.”
Amiicia says “One of the worst matchups.No real runepage will save you from him as he pops boneplating with q.Is fine past level 6 and if you get armor!”
rCadeKing says “qiyana counters zed, but i think zed is one of the strongest champs in the game. he is also a stat stick type champion, so this matchup is very skillbased. whoever snowballs will always win (however qiyana has the advantage). try to 1 shot him if he ever ults you (or anyone near you)”
ShokLoL says “ou win early game so don't be afraid to QW trade. Dodge as many WEQ trades as you can, ideally without using W but if you'll avoid a lot of damage with it you can commit it. Post 6 can be difficult but similar to fizz if you save a dash he will have a hard time ever killing you. ”
Dr Eggmund says “Zed all in all isn't that hard to play against, however I can't express this enough make sure you let your team know when he's missing from lane, Zed will get very frustrated by not being able to kill you and will roam to other lanes for kills. Zed's roaming potential and damage is his greatest strength's so respect these and your team will thank you. Get zhonya's early if you are scared other wise take protobelt if your confident. Pool when he's ulting you as this will deny damage and should help you survive his devastating all in.”
iZianni says “Nobody lives
You win early due to range advantage, but it's difficult to deal with the repositioning tools when he can bypass your harassment.
Build Zhonyas”
Ambitieux says “It's talked nonstop that the zed matchup is a natural counter to Ahri. I don't believe this is the case. So like any other melee ad's play it like he is a talon. Push them into turret, harrass them out of lane but the only difference with zed is hold charm unless you know he hasn't used shadow or its on CD. also if he ults you can charm him out of ult or just ult away. If needed rush an armguard TECH. Or even Ninja Tabis. Double armor too. Don't be afraid to take trades with W / Q and him using all his abilities. Because you can just auto him and he can't auto you.”
iZianni says “Rush Zhonyas
Dont ever use Q if he has R or W up.
You can instantly kill Zed by Qing backwards when he ults you since it'll put him behind you. E/R after that.”
kindo says “Never struggled vs. any zed except for Laceration, he knows the matchup well. Even then, it never feels unplayable. Zed is a pseudo-ranged mid and it's pretty hard to poke him when he just farms with his low CD Q. He'll poke with his shadow, but you should be able to sustain most damage taken up by the time it's back up again. Try to dodge Qs as the damage will add up quickly. Never drop ult before Zed unless you have to - else he will just ult at the end and you will die. Always keep in mind where shadows are that he can tp back to. Pre 6 lane he can't kill unless you take too much poke into an all in. Level 6 and on he has kill pressure and can trade ults. Hard to execute him with E out of ult unless he is unaware of where his shadows are - good Zeds will stay out of Kindred ult range towards to end and finish you with a Q or flash/auto execute. He has no gank setup, just damage - just be careful for the enemy jungler if there is CC. Zed will 1 shot you if CC'd. Try and freeze towards your tower to force him to overextend and waste his W while pushed too far.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “Zed is hard opponent if he is playing well, but you can poke him on the line stage. You are can catch Zed on his ult with your ult, but good Zed willn't use it before you. I think, that you must rush seeker's armguard. After it buy standart items or force zhonya's hourglass.”
Baion says “You are a free lane against zed. With high potential to kill you and dodge your ult, he is a nightmare to pyke mid. Be aware with his level 6 and ignite. Don't forget to roam if you can't short trade with him.”
Chymying says “can dodge your cage very easily, rush Seeker's and if possible build Zhonyas after Everfrost, play as safe as possible, he will always have prio, ping your team, if you can't help them stay in lane, push and try to take as much gold and xp from minions and plates.”
Coldsong says “My favorite Talon matchup in the game, as this is 100% a skill matchup. Make sure to stand behind minions in order to reduce his Q damage, and dodge his combos at all costs since he can all in you if he hits them. Another huge tip is that you should NEVER use your ult first unless you can easily kill him. Wait out Zed's first then use yours.”
Marxismo says “As long as you don't die to a random ignite all-in pre-6, you just let him ult you and attempt a last second R to dodge his shuriken and spin damage. Not an issue. He may roam, so you just take his tower.”
King Turtle says “He's going to be painful all laning phase and you'll need to knock him back as soon as he ults or odds are you're dead. Avoid this matchup as much as possible”
resetwice says “His very early game isn't that strong, so you can push wave easy. Remember to stay behind your minions to avoid his Q. Pay attetion when he up his W or you can take a lot of damage due to his burst combo. If it's hard to dodge or ifhe's pushing a lot, try to roam, Zed can bully a lot of matchups in lane. If he R you R him back and meleeQ with ignite, he will try to back with his W but probably will die due to your passive + ignite. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “This is skill matchup, as long as you don't get long ranged comboed a lot you're fine. Trades are fine vs Zed, especially with bush, since he'll probably use W to get away.
If he ults you, always stay near a wall, then do the full combo, that will most likely kill.”
Mr fou says “Zed, having a lot of mobility, will be able to dodge all the abilities of Aurelion sol, and if he does not do the zhonya relog or if he does not have the blinking available, he will be at Zed's mercy.”
King Turtle says “He's easy to poke and harass pre 6, but once he gets level 6 it is going to be difficult to lock him down and since your only escape is W he's going to force you to use up a lot of mana on all ins.”
meie says “This lane is a skill matchup. Make him your bitch pre 6. Wait for his ult before you ult. Extremely annoying, poke lane. Rush zhonya's and you win.”
BloodyPoison says “I used to perma ban zed but after the nerfs I ban kassadin. You can win late game easily against him. He's not so much of a threat after the nerfs since he doesnt have R so often so you can breathe on lane.”
MaiconMST says “Pode ser complicado jogar contra zed, por conta de sua mobilidade, caso você jogue contra, abuse logo no lvl 1 e 2 caso não pegue o abate jogue mais safe. Ou descarte essa build e use algo mais tank na lane.”
jmo0 says “Zed is one of Ahri's worst matchups. He wins fights pre 6, and after level 6 killing him in lane will be tough. Coordinate with your jungler, rush seekers armguard and take TP. ”
ParkboyYT says “NO MATTER WHAT STATE THIS GUY IS IN, whether he is 6/0 or 0/6 he can still 1 tap you. Be extremely cautious and try to always have Q3 ready after 6. Remember Zed's ult always puts him behind you so if you time it right you can land an ult while he ults you.”
Sylvan Lore says “Zed has kill pressure on you at every point of the game after level 3. Always respect his shadows and do you best to not let him get a combo that procs his electrocute. Poke him out hard when his W is on cooldown. A stopwatch can be life or death in this matchup, but it won't be up until long after he has Ult. HP and Armor are your best friends in this matchup, but dont build too defensively. Late game you still need to be a damage threat and your team will be able to chain cc and shields to peel whoever he is trying to dive.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AD Assassin Build”
Cessless says “All of these options (and others that fit the description) pose a threat to Kog'Maw as his limited mobility leaves him vulnerable to any champion that can close the gap on him and possibly burst him down. Positioning is key in many fights but one wrong move with these types of champions can spell death very fast.”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Ban this champion
Same as Qiyana. Totally unplayable matchup for Zilean. He out roams you, out lanes you and his damage is very fast and unpredictable meaning you cannot properly R against him.
Extremely difficult to lane against.”
Zethal_Na says “As a Zed OTP, this matchup is really easy for zed. However, if you play this well, Yone wins. So how do you play this well? You dodge everything by using your E and 2nd Qs. Sounds hard, but it gets easy with more experience.”
SVS Raka says “Skill Matchup. Take Exhaust. Conqueror Resolve. You are stronger at level 1, poke him if he overextends for some minions. Trade with him when he doesn't have his W up. Try to save your Exhaust for his Ultimate and Wind Wall his Q's. Use his minions against him.”
TrueSatan666 says “Whenever I get to pick Teemo against Zed's it's usually me the one who wins against them.
Never forget you're tankier, don't be scared.
As long as you can dodge his shurikens or not allowing him to get closer to your minions you'll do excellently, be aggressive you got the items that allows you that gameplay.”
SpoonMe says “Zed is a threat to any squishy champion. I'd personally perm ban Zed. If you doesn't get fed off of you, he will get fed off of your bot lane or jungle.”
Impossible2Gank says “Really depends on how well they know the champ but if you manage to play smart and bait his R when you Q back onto boxes it should be an easy matchup. Armor is recommended early.”
Potato Power says “Always with exhaust, and respect his range always unless he uses shadow to farm, if he ults you E him and flash to the side (try to never give him a chance to ult you)”
Yasukeh says “Dodge this matchup whenever you can. It's hypothetically possible to survive against him, but you are going to have a really hard time doing so. Give up any CS you need to, and do everything you can to dodge his poke. ”
Mylan2122 says “You won't really win this lane. Try to predict the shurikens... Save your E for him and don't use it offensively.
Try to predict his double shuriken. If you get hit by these the lane will be over in no time. ”
ReapeRGP says “He can outplay you and cancel your R with his, as well as escape your E. Just play safe and try to cage him when he doesn't have his W so you can poke him. You can also zone out his shadow if you place your cage on it. Take Barrier or Exhaust and build Zhonya's. Seeker's armguard first back.”
roselol says “good zed players are 1v9 idk how to stop this champion... if not, just make sure to dodge the double q in lane and u cant get fucked up. ”
King Turtle says “Early on he won't be as dangerous but as soon as he hits level 6 you need to play safe or it's wraps. He'll R hit a shuriken or 2, auto and then run away and you're either dead or close to it. ”
King Turtle says “he does a lot of damage and if he can hit his W+Q combo well you're going to be hurting, but I've found that all you need to do to beat him at level 6 is just let him ult you then Ult and run around him. Most of the time he's gonna save his abililties or miss and you can just collapse on him.”
duhnx says “Careful of his powerful W E Q combo. Insta kill him once he uses W. His R always puts him behind you so R or Q to hit him, I would suggest saving E to dodge shurikens.”
King Turtle says “Early game won't be too bad because no ult and you can avoid his abilities while still being able to trade with E. Once you get to level 6 things get a bit dicey and are going to be extremely difficult if you don't have Most of Shieldbow completed by then.”
Midget Mage says “Assassins are always a difficult lane for veigar but more times than not you usually can win your lane against Zed if you play smart. I suggest taking advantage of your cage to stun him when he ults you. Keep your distance early on and rush Zhonyas for an (almost) free lane.”
AaronG221 says “He can run from you very easy, out damage you, his R gives you PTSD for life because when you think he is dead then BOOM, he press r and you die and he is alive so is not a very easy match-up”
KHANZX says “Zed's high mobility and burst make it difficult to exist after he gains lvl 6 and his ultimate ability, but his high amount of burst is easily counteracted buy purchasing and using a Stopwatch at the correct time.”
Oryann says “Early champions that can all in you in early levels (2-3) are very dangerous to Orianna who has no dash to scape.
Build Zhonia's for his ult.”
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not DH) - Cull or Corrupting Potion - Exhaust | This lane is very difficult, but if you play safe and farm, and exhaust when he tries to all-in, then you should be able to win this lane.”
Katasandra says “Contrary to popular belief, Liss is not a Zed counter (in lane). Matchup favors him.
[1] Everything relies on dodging his WEQ combo. If you dodge it, the matchup will be easy. If you eat it, the matchup will be very hard.
[2] If he R's, use E backwards and immediately reactivate when he tries to throw his Qs (to dodge them). Can also reactivate right after he appears.
[3] Can self R his R damage if it is lethal (if the shuriken on you rotates it will kill you).
[4] Buy cloth armor if having trouble. Boots help too. ”
Thresh Mid says “Zed is an easier matchup early game for Thresh due to him having to farm with his shurikens or will suffer a high damage combo from Flay Electrocute. Levels 3 and beyond for Zed makes laning safer while being able to poke from a far with his Living Shadow.”
Nanelol says “If he is good, you are in for a bad time... If he isn't, it's a free lane. Try to harass him early, see if he is able to hit his Shadow Q, if he is, you rush Zhonyas Hourglass and play defensively. If he misses them over and over, or just backs off, keep pressuring him, poke him down, and then stun him with a Q and burst him with W and Ult.”
xMetix says “Just your usual assassin match up, abuse his W cooldown, make sure to time your ult after he ults you so he gets instantly stunned and bursted before assassinating you.”
Marky 2 Butts says “Can be very annoying for Malphite. He has burst and is mobile so early game, I would farm under tower and hit him with Q when you can. I would play very passive until 6 and then look for a kill if your jungler comes or the right opportunity comes up. Alternatively you could try to get lane priority at level 1 by hitting him with Q's and get level 2 first. If this happens play very aggressive to continue your level advantage. Then you should hit 6 first and if he is low enough you could all in with your ult, E, ignite to kill him. If you get an early kill then the laning phase becomes a lot easier to play against zed. Also depending on how the game is going you could build Zhonya's second item.”
DabiDabi says “Stay behind minions since his Q do more damage to the first target it hits. And dodge his W+E+Q combo. If Zed ults you, respond with your ult to dodge some damage and reposition yourself. This matchup is 50-50. (try not to use your ult first unless you know that you can kill him)”
Nanelol says “You can't really play vs him. He can farm from a safe distance and also outpoke you. Don't die in lane and try to scale against him. If he freezes the wave, you are doomed. You either ban zed or talon everytime. You can go Zhonyas but theres no point, only way is to ping your jungler.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very easy to kill him pre 6 and even after 6 he doesnt really have any kill pressure as you can dodge his Q's quite easily and he wont be able to get any poke on you, would recommend ignite or exhaust.”
Nanelol says “Stay behind minions since his Q do more damage to the first target it hits. And dodge his W+E+Q combo. If Zed ults you, respond with your ult to dodge some damage and reposition yourself. This matchup is 50-50.
Nanelol says “One of Yone's worst matchups - Zed's dive power causes the lane to be unplayable and unwinnable. Ban Zed every game. If you don't, take the Standard page and double Armor.”
DabiDabi says “Don't get hit by his W+E+Q combo as that does a lot of dmg to you. And immediately shroud when he ults you. Reposition yourself in shroud so Zed doesn't get his full damage onto you. Zed's Q do less dmg to the second target it hits, so stay behind minions.”
Nanelol says “Not fun to play against, go early seekers and then tabis versus this guy and he shouldn't be able to oneshot you if you didn't die early. His shurikens deal reduced damage if it hits something else between a target (e.g. minions). He is not that big of a threat till level 3 so be sure to abuse those early levels. Make sure you dodge W+Q combo.”
tozosi says “I always run Ultimate Hunter into this matchup. Try to save your ult for when he ults you in order to evade his damage and escape or, if possible, try to outplay him. As long as you're able to avoid him hitting double shuriken on you in lane, you should be fine.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Surprised he isn't in the Extreme tier?
A common misconception, but Kassadin actually struggles with Bruisers more than Assassins. I'm not saying that Zed is an easy matchup, but there are worse matchups. During laning, Zed will try to put his shadow perpendicular to you so that he can easily land his double Q. Try to avoid that by either walking away from him or walking into the wave. Don't let him snowball, as if he does, it will be hard for you to stop him, but just play safer. And Zhonya's is your best friend, till later on, then just run him down. Don't get cocky, he is still an assassin, so just know your damage, charge up your R, be patient, and punish him for mispositioning. ”
Nanelol says “Zed generally has no kill pressure against Sylas due to the fact that you can chain Zed after every R allowing you to reverse burst him with your own R.”
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Electrocute. Conqueror or Summon Aery is a possible choice.
Harass him nonstop lvl1 and 2. From lvl3 dodge or pool his weq combo and keep harassing him. From lvl6 onwards play safer and make sure to pool his r or any lethal abilities.”
Nanelol says “Zed is another hard matchup, especially when he hits Level 6 he will always try to all in you, rushing zhonyas is the only way to stop him oneshotting you, mind aswell take exhaust in this matchup.”
Toddiek24 says “A mobile and very strong assasin if you are not careful Akshan will quickly get into a bad situation and die because Zed is a very strong Champion!”
Jinx_48 says “He is mellee btw who can poke half lane from his turret wih his W and Q .
His damage is strong anyway he isnt that much hard to couter but good zed player wil not availbe you to even W on him . his ult is good .
Try to go all in with him if he will outrtade you isand you are half hp whe can go all in with ignite ult and kill you with just land 2 shadow Q e ult and ignite will done you . This threat is especially how skill zed is.”
Nanelol says “This highly depends on Zed's skill, but it shouldn't be too hard to fight him. If he uses R, you could stun him as he emerges from it and deny him all the extra damage. Rushing Stopwatch and then building Zhonya's Hourglass is also VERY effective against him as Stasis renders his R useless.”
xXMonster1GirlXx says “When he uses R on you, R forward after he becomes visible and do your E+Q+W combo. Then use your other two R to get to a safe location. His R shouldn't do much damage to you as long as you're out of his Qs range.”
Nanelol says “Super annoying for viktor to play against from level 6, nearly unkillable in lane, go exhaust or barrier with seekers and a stopwatch and teamfight against him ”
lolzayno says “Hard matchup against ziggs since hard engage. Ziggs does terribly against assassins. Best bet for this matchup is to play aggressive in the early game before he gets level 6. But during these trades you need to make sure you dodge his abilities with his shadow if possible. If he misses his combo with his W, walk up and instantly trade him with abilities and autos. The early game trades when he comes to auto at level 1 + 2 is auto + q + auto. Poke assassin that continues to poke you down until you are half HP where you get all in'd with ulti and die instantly. Very fustrating matchup. *PERSONALLY I BAN EVERY SINGLE GAME*”
seemes says “seekers is ok but i wouldnt recommend unless he is very good. try to wait for him to W>Q>E combo then try to land your q. if you can't then build zhonyas like a scrub”
Sanctuar says “Zed's ultimate can be easily countered by a Zhonya's, but do not underrestimate his damage potential in a 1vs1 situation. Keep your distance to his shadow and dodge his shurikens.”
fanchessfan says “I was going to put him as extreme but if he doesn't have mastery (and is not a smurf) your probably fine. If you see him locked in do a quick op.gg. If he's good... there's zero counterplay but if he's bad just free farm and outscale. ”
shidonryoku says “!!!After nerfing Fleet Footwork, Ravenous Hunter and Seeker's Armguard
became a really unpleasant match. Either you ban him, or learn this matchap through blood and tears.!!!
He's very dangerous at the lane stage, buy boots and learn to dodge his Q. It's important to go to Seeker's Armguard. Warn the team if Zed disappears from sight. Don't chase him if you see that he went to another line, because he may be waiting for you in the bush, it's better to give a teleport (if you did take it) there when the heat starts.”
Vispectra says “Zed is an ad assassin , making him a rough match up for Kassadin but he's not as bad as Talon. This will be a losing match up for you but depending on how good the Zed is you might be able to kill him a few times in lane. It's not uncommon for a Zed to try to W E Q only to miss it all and you end up winning the trade with your electrocute to the point where an R flash E W will kill him. Hourglass is a no-brainer into him.”
Iannis623 says “// Scales too much from your AD //
When he kills you with his R he steals part of your AD and you will reach about 1000 AD, not ideal at all, will oneshot your entire squad if he plays it right, you will die under tower with just R and E, just pray”
Astalfo says “Zed and Yasuo are a classic bet of "Who's the better player?" Keep your windwall up for when he casts his shadow, direct the windwall in front of his shadow, he's most likely going to position himself to cast his q in the same trajectory. ”
StarTundra says “Zed is a force to be wary of, as if he catches you out and about he CAN burst you down pretty reliably with his ult. However, if you stay near-ish to tower and employ basic anti zed tactics like avoiding shadows and punishing him when he teleports to them like a dumdum, you should be able to deal with him no problemo. Also - Zed has 0 CC whatsoever and is heavily reliant on burst to kill you, can't really crush your egg. THEREFORE Egg tp is almost a guaranteed escape and its funny every time because zed cant do anything to the egg.”
Basse74 says “I have found that one of the hardest matchups when playing Galio, is Zed. You will have almost no chance of hitting your E and if you do, he will probably be able to get away before you can cast your W.
Other than that Zed has a HUGE amount of damage, and lots of poking potential as soon as he hits lvl 3 and gets a small amount of bonus AD.”
SeptikYT says “Similar to Yasuo and Yone, this is also a skill matchup that is more Garen favored. Do not get hit by the shurikens (Q) from the shadow and Zed himself. Bait out his W so that he cannot escape when you go in”
cookanarities says “Never struggled vs. any zed except for my friend. Even then, it never feels unplayable. Zed is a pseudo-ranged mid and it's pretty hard to poke him when he just farms with his low CD Q. He'll poke with his shadow, but you should be able to sustain most damage taken up by the time it's back up again. Try to dodge Qs as the damage will add up quickly. Never drop ult before Zed unless you have to - else he will just ult at the end and you will die. Always keep in mind where shadows are that he can tp back to. Pre 6 lane he can't kill unless you take too much poke into an all in. Level 6 and on he has kill pressure and can trade ults. Hard to execute him with E out of ult unless he is unaware of where his shadows are - good Zeds will stay out of Kindred ult range towards to end and finish you with a Q or flash/auto execute. He has no gank setup, just damage - just be careful for the enemy jungler if there is CC. Zed will 1 shot you if CC'd. Try and freeze towards your tower to force him to overextend and waste his W while pushed too far.”
httprmc says “Can easily burst you and be super annoying in laning phase and all throughout the game.
Basically any other high mobility assassin is as scary as zed is”
TheWerefloof says “Does an absolute ton of damage to you in short bursts, thankfully if he doesn't have his clone he's completely free. Bait out clone, Q to mark, E to destroy. He'll always appear behind you when ulting, so if you can't swing into your tower (or he will kill you due to you being low) time your swing so you're moving towards where he ulted you from. If done perfectly he shouldn't really be able to hit much if anything on you, but really the best counter is just to absolutely abuse him in early laning phase.”
KarmaFull says “Lvl 1 bully him, lvl 2-5 wait for him to use shadow before engage. Lvl 6 be aware of his ult, he can ruin your ult with it. After 6 try to E him before ulting.)”
PlankBank500 says “Gp favored pre Lvl 6. Your runes and especially Bone plating are perfect for the Zed lane. If you can dodge his electro proc then you can bully him out of the lane. You can cheese kill him at level 2. Level 1 you have complete control of the lane. If no Doran's Shield then poke him when in range. Guardian Angel, Steraks are all pretty good vs this guy. Care for his lvl 6!”
luminyan says “Zed is an extremely annoying matchup for Lux. Try and avoid all of his Q's if you can, and avoid trying to poke him. Focus on farm. If he hits level 6 before you, he will just kill you, and after that the game becomes so much harder for you. Save your abilities for when he tries to engage, and make SURE you grab a Zhonya's right after Luden's.”
Camoox says “Easier matchup personally but for some its harder. Abuse him before he gets dirk first back, once you get zeal you can trade fairly evenly and become the winner of most fights. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “One of Yone's worst matchups - The combination of Yone's low base stats, Zed's high mobility, and Zed's dive power causes the lane to be unplayable and unwinnable. Ban Zed every game. If you don't, take the Standard page and double Armor.”
iamcasualty says “Zhonyas First item, this dude dives you under tower for free at level 6. save yourself a headache build a seekers and max it into a zhonyas fast. The theme you're going to see in these threats is assassins... you're a mage you're going to despise assassins cause they're designed to kill you just like you're designed to kill tanks. Zhonyas is going to be your best fuckin friend I promise”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “El maestro de la sombras siempre sera un problema, no dejes que consiga ventaja, juega bajo torre y pierde minions si es necesario, avisa del SS y consigue su mayor counter, Zhonyas”
Redeemteam says “Another example of a volatile matchup. Theoretically Fizz can 'counter' zed since he can PLayful Tricker his Ultimate, but Zed has way more poke with his shurikens and can dodge your ult failry easily as well. Whoever gets the lead usually dominates the other for the rest of the game.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Seeker's Armguard and/or Plated Steelcaps early. Can easily poke you down. Save your W so you can use it when he uses ult on you.
Deathbat1 says “In the mid-lane, Zed is a major threat as he is very mobile and can do a lot of damage. He also does physical damage not magic damage which Galio is better at tanking.”
Boomblight says “it is necessary to dodge at least a few of his abilities when going in and use r when he uses his r .he will will oneshot you if you don't, this is especially important in late game.”
3pitesgiro says “Avoid his Q's and you will be fine. When he ults you, use barrier and e and you will be fine. Remember after he ults he comes behind you, so use then your e.”
SirGRC says “Runes: Fleet Footwork
Very very difficult matchup and should be dodged. It is not impossible but will be far from a free win. Even if you play like a coward he will just roam and get kills that way. He will fall off and you will out scale him so it is really just about making sure he does not get fed.”
Dimitrisbabas1 says “Zed is a FANTASTIC matchup for you because he cant combo you with your Q and E there to stop him and your W and auto attacks to do the rst of the job.
NigYone says “run for ur life motherfucker, put three points in q and then max e after that, this is because during laning, u have to use ur E to dodge zeds WQE, and take exhaust for when he ultis, after that generally u win all in if u dodge everything,but u must not ult if he has a shadow around that he can tp to. when all his cd is gone ur R will be easy to hit”
FrostbiteMW says “You can poke him pre 6, but never use your stun unless he jumps towards you or he has an easy opening. After 6 you have to be even more careful since he can easily oneshot you. Play safe from range.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can poke him pre 6, but never use your stun unless he jumps towards you or he has an easy opening. After 6 you have to be even more careful since he can easily oneshot you. Play safe from range.”
Daers says “You win a fight lvl1-2 as long as you have your W. Make sure he does not proc electrocute on you. Go on him whenever his shadow is down and you can chase him back to turret. Perma poke with Q.”
SpartanDumpster says “The match up is more Zed favored but if you properly punish any mistake he makes you could end up killing him easily. This match up requires playing around the minions properly. Zed also has the advantage of being able to roam better than you, because unless he is extremely far behind, he'll win the fight if he runs into you in the jungle, so you can't follow him (at least not directly) when he roams.
His Q is probably the biggest threat to you, especially if he lands one from himself and a shadow. However, I believe whether or not he lands his Q is what determines if he'll go all-in. Kiting his Q gives you the opportunity to follow up, especially if you have your dash ready. With all that said, you have to be on your A+ Game to beat an even decent Zed.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Someone I used to ALWAYS, always ban in mid but I've learned to handle him mostly. Barrier helps a lot with this, and Zhonya's - but a Zed will roam and get fed anyway without it being any fault of your own. I still think Talon is worse, but Zed is up there, too.”
Neekolai says “A good Zed can be annoying if he plays safe early and doesn't let you harass him. Level 6 he gets the advantage and you need to rush zhonyas if you haven't gotten an early lead on him.”
VeneficusFerox says “Skill matchup with a serious handicap for TF. Dodge to win. Get Zhonya's early, possibly start with Cloth if you are not confident. Also, switch TP to Exhaust after your first back.”
Excalibxr says “Zed is like a poke mage that you cannot engage on but has the damage to rival katarina in trades. Look to bait his w e q combo and e away before it hits you. During the time his w is down, look for trades. If you really struggle in this matchup, you can start cloth armor. ”
ahspaghetti says “rush seekers, you can go boneplating, stack amour runes too if needed. track his energy, when his energy is low or when he doesn't have w up, you can look for an all in or extended trade with conq. try to dodge his q, as most zed players will try to hit you and the minion wave with a q. you also can look to e into him when he tries to use his w -> e -> q combo to easily mess that entire thing up and become a favorable trade for you. but be careful after 6, as his ult to allow him a shit ton of outplay potential with him possibly landing all three qs. essentially, play pre 6 aggressive, and post 6 safe.”
BlackIllusion1 says “Start doran's shield and play safe and try to dodge his q. Build Seeker's Armguard. After he use w you can punish him. After lvl 6 he will win every fight. Build stopwatch to counter him.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “This is mostly a skillfull matchup you have a bit higher chance of kill him just save your R after he R you can use it to burst him down i think that a skillfull qiyana can beat a zed at any point of game and you can kill him at lvl 3 all in but depends on how good the zed is”
PotatoVeigar says “Spellbook/Resolve;
Try to sidestep his abilities, so he doesn't proc electrocute.
Zed's w has a long cooldown, so during that period you can walk up and punish (before 6). Don't ever walk up to him after 6. Tip: hiding behind minions which lower his Q damage.”
SithSite says “this is a joke just ban. and if you play against him get stopwatch as early as possible he can dive you whenever he wants to, if you dont have one.”
7daysko says “This highly depends on Zed's skill, but it shouldn't be too hard to fight him. If he uses R, you could stun him as he emerges from it and deny him all the extra damage. Rushing Stopwatch and then building Zhonya's Hourglass is also VERY effective against him as Stasis renders his R useless.”
SnakeTastic says “hard matchup just stay passive in the beginning of the game and poke with your E if you have the chance to use your Q on him DO IT and then W”
Doctor Yas says “Yasuo and Zed players love this match up. Definitely a skill based match up, but like most assassins, becomes much harder after six. Be sure to buy armor against Zed early. ”
JoshAy says “Skill matchup. As long as he doesn't poke you out of lane with his electrocute you should be fine to just kill him. Zed's ult always positions him behind where he dashed from. Remember that.”
harris tegas says “he can dodge you abilities especially your R , just dont dive wait for him. if he dive with his R he will appear behind you , so do immediatelly your E and wait to go to other shadow and do it then so you can play him”
iKrez says “You CAN'T lose this matchup against a bad zed :
You have to be sure he has no W if you want to take a worth trade.
You can use grass Q to make his Q hard to hit.
MOST IMPORTANT : The one who ults first DIES, because you can both counter the ultimate of the opponent.”
Ryank30 says “Fleet + Resolve. The hardest matchup for you in the game. Try your best to poke him and dodge his Q's pre-6 when his W is down. Try to walk in and out of it's range bait it out, never use your E unless his W is down, that is your only window of opportunity to really trade with him solo. Farm and play to scale once he reaches 6. Give up farm if you need to. Do NOT ult him when his ult is up. Buy an early chain vest after Berserker Greaves if you are really struggling and they have a lot of AD.”
Mpegial says “Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill match uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, Careful with your Ultimate, whoever uses it first loses 99% of the time, unless you are fed, in which case go all in.”
chigakure kishi says “You're his worst nightmare, since against you he functionally has no ult and you can easily out trade him. If he ults you, q behind you and perform your standard combo to kill him with a cc lock.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “zed is mostly an ult based up matchup but if he gets fed he will absolutely destroy you but if its the other way around you will eliminate him, if going the conq build path your really squishy early and he can one shot you but once you get some items rolling you are a tank that deals alot of damage to the zed and can win most trades”
Vacavoladora says “Zed
Just Zed man, you might want to trade him at lvl 1 because he's melee but after that and especially at level 3 just don't trade and poke whenever it's possible
Consider taking Exhaust”
xoonaka says “Similar to Katarina, he can always W away from your Q and punish you with his Q. Other than that the 1v1s should be easy. Just be careful if Skaarl's hp is low as his combo can do a surprising amount of damage.”
mihaila says “Buy seeker's in the first recall. Bait his ult by ulting him as well, if he is not ulting he will die. U just need to back to ur clone if he ults as well.”
Takashi202 says “This is the most controversial matchup imo. Zed is a very hard champion to win against, especially on Talon, but even though, if you learn how to counter his W, you should win every Talon vs Zed matchup.”
batata95 says “o zed é capaz de chegar perto de vc mt facilmente, com a ult embora vc tenha o W para fugir ele ainda pode usar o seu W SOMBRA VIVA para chegar perto de vc novamente. E campeões que, chegam facilmente em vc matam com muita facilidade.”
HeroAronNavius says “Try to bait out Zed's W and go dorans shield.
Zed can only kill you when he has his R. In early game you can easily execute him by only just poking him. When he is half life try to E+Q+Q+auto. It is very easy for zed to hit all of his Q's so be careful. Try to poke him as much as possible lvl 1-5.”
Sojurini says “just don't be afraid of taking his Q at lvl 1 just E + AA him until level 2/3 if he opened his W at lvl 2 and do W + Q into you poke him with E not E + AA if he try to W + Q at you use your E to slow and poke him if he opened his E at lvl 2 keep poke him with E + AA at lvl 3 play safe and still try to poke him with E if you poke him too much you can kill him with E + R if he used his W but he didn't just try to catch him with your Q if he uses his W to dodge your Q E + R + Flash + AA however if he is really good zed player just play safe and buy ninja tabi as boot ”
XD001 says “Play levels 1-5 smart. Taking to much poke can lead you to losing lots of resources and being poked out of lane. If he uses W to clear minions, E onto him and all in him. When he r's you. W on top of yourself and continue to fight. When the damage is about to snap press R and run into your W field for a shield. If he has no W you should win nearly every single trade. You scale about evenly so whoever has better macro/mechanics will win. In teamfights you both are looking to one shot the back lines.
Even scaling.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Reppy says “He can dodge Katarina’s daggers as he uses his R and with his W. He outrades Katarina in long trades as his R does more damage the more damage he outputs during it. He also wins every 1v1 until you build a stopwatch so you’re forced to spend gold on not dying. (Rush seekers and start d shield)”
Luciiid says “Zed cheesers like to take triple pot so you'll have to match that sustain with 3 pots as well. Have to kill him at level 2 or you need a gank. Whoever gets first blood wins the lane. He out damages you when he's ahead, but you out damage him when you're ahead. Zed is a total BS champ. He is able to outplay you when he's behind so you have to always be careful. Take electrocute. Pray that your micro is good enough.”
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Doge his Q and rush Zhonya's if you feel that he's good at Zed.”
ziolo to noob says “Waste his ult as much as possible, so he cant roam with it and gain free kills. Beware of his strong kit vs Vladimir, because he can just poke you with W and bait out your W and instantly R. ”
Havenia says “Zed will most likely try and all in you level 3, you have to bait out his shadow then wait for a JG gank. Maybe rush a stopwatch to face him properly, when he ults you, you wanna shoot your combo behind you so you can deal damage to him.”
Noodles912 says “Save your E for his W pre 6, and for his ult when he is 6. Never max your E first, because he will shadow swap and deny you. Shove waves when you can so you can get a roaming head start. Use your R when he isnt in range to R you. Rush zhonyas, and go PTA.”
Int4Kindred says “Fine early game, but as soon as he hits 6 you struggle to stay in lane. Mounting Dread's slow doesn't bother him due to him being able to dash to shadows. Can be painful if they are experienced with him. Focus more on roaming. Try to get as many marks possible.”
jcolzee says “he is such a brain dead champ no skill if you think you are good with him you are wrong you disabled baby no-one gives a shit about you M7 you fucking disappointment pls end yourself ”
FerretInADurag says “His dashes are relatively predictable. He can become extremely dangerous if fed, so play safe if he's aggressive. Honestly, just get Zhonya's.”
elnino9 says “Dodge his shurikens. Careful with his level 2 WQ poke. Start Dark seal for aggression, all in when he uses WQ on minions to wave clear. All in him when he has 0 energy. Careful level 6. Don't stay low health under turret when he has ult.”
PASS10NE says “Another challenging skill match up. Try your best to avoid his Qs but if you're having a hard time side stepping, just stand behind minions because Zed's Q damage lessens every time it hits an enemy. Zed can also burst you with W + E + Q combo, so you have to be careful of his burst. Zed will always appear behind depending on where he casted his ultimate.”
pavelp420 says “Can be a unplayable to be against if they are good, however as long as you be careful of his pokes and if you time your R correctly, you can negate any damage from his Deathmark.”
NuclearAkali says “If positioned correctly, Zed can just W out of your ultimate. If Zed gets ahead he will be able to kill any time so try to not let him get ahead and you will be fine. Just play for picks and if Zed is vulnerable then you can kill him.”
invalidater says “Very easily can get in your zone, you can outplay it I you use w to block his double shuriken shadow combo, and then try to engage, but you have to play this matchup reacitvely. if you go in on him, he kills you post level 3. ”
lordsaladito says “Its a skill matchup. Rush Seeker's Armguard and be very careful. He is going to try to land you his 2 Q, if you cant dodge the 2 try that a minion is hit by it first. He will always appear behind you when he activates his R.”
Lot of Wind here says “A skill matchup that favors a good Zed, as Yasuo is quite squichy. You can trade with him early on but be very careful at level 6. Try to match his impact on the map. You can block his Q and his W simply stops at your wall.”
hikami says “Its really hard to play against zed, especially if he's bigger level than you, the early game Q damage he gives you is just totally making it impossible not to fall back”
Dorom says “Zed is a tough match-up for Graves since he is much more mobile and hard to keep up with, and does stupid amounts of damage. Take defensive runes and probably exhaust.”
Wunsch3957 says “For inexperienced Yone players this is a perma ban level 5 threat but if you learn it it's not as hard as you think. Before 3 use Q on him every time he last hits and try to punish him when his W is down by taking extended trades, very hard match after 6. Conq/fleet with resolve secondary, flash/exhaust.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Skillmatchup, that becomes easy if you know what to do.
Videoguide: https://youtu.be/_AI1b45U-BA
TLDR: Set up a slowpush, punish him for every CS and it's easy.
Keep track of his Shadows (20s) and Q (6s)
As LB he has to snowball or gets outscaled quickly, so going even is winning. But definitely a lane you can destroy. Rush seeker's!”
PsykerZeo says “He can just poke you with his shadow at early game and he forces you to make zhonyas early on, his ult come back too quick and forces you to ult/zhonyas it.”
GeDBo says “Zed is one of those champions who will make you think twice as to where you place your soldiers and whether you should jump all in or not. The only time Zed would win against you is if you let him win the early game. All you have to do is slow-push all the waves. Slow push means do not shove your wave in his turret. Instead try to farm with your AA. Keep your soldiers for poke purposes. Electrocute is recommended in this match up, because you will proc it easily and can win you early trades. The only way a Zed player can really farm is with his Q before level 6. Use this to your advantage. Each time he comes in your range poke him. Don't let him farm. Once Zed reaches level 6 use the exact same tactic, but whenever he ults you, always always always ult in the direction from where he started. You don't want to give him the opportunity to be near you. Rush Plated Steelcaps so you can dodge his W+E+Q combo which will activate his electrocute, resulting in you losing half of your health. Purchasing Zhonya's Hourglass early is strongly recommended. Using these tips will make his game extremely difficult. You will leave him with no choice but to go to another lane in order to get fed. Let your team mates know when he is missing so you can avoid giving him kill/assist. Remember to ward - vision is the key to winning. ”
treemor says “I ban Zed every game i rlly cba
Zed is a nightmare to deal with. Try and abuse his LV 1 & 2 weakness but be careful of his LV 3 and Lv 6 powerspikes. Take Barrier or Exhaust and make sure to get good vision so he can't get good roams off”
The Jhin Cena says “One of the hardest matchups for Pyke mid. Pre 6 he isn't much of a threat; he will just poke you on cooldown, and you may even gain an early lead on him. However don't be deceived by this lead; post 6 Zed is a skilless, 1 button kill champion that can kill you regardless of your lead. Sometimes when a Zed ults you, you can save your E for when he's inside you in order to stun him upon his ult ending, however a good Zed player can maneuver around this and still kill you. I find it hard to not int against a Zed more than any other champion, and my best games against Zed matchups have been simply throwing my hands in the air saying "fuck farming" and going off to get gold via constant roaming. A Zed player post 6 will most likely freeze the lane in order to harass you or try and kill you whenever you go in to farm, so I'd recommend just leaving the lane to gank rather than inting. However if you happen to have a good jungler, try and coordinate with him to gank when Zed's W is down.”
Coldsong says “Zed will 100-0 you if you are not careful. Pre-6 just try to poke him often, and rush a Seeker's asap. His R will always cause him to appear behind his target, so a well timed stun under tower will ruin his day.”
InkHeiko says “Let's go for the trinity of the bad matchup for Seraphine according to me: Zed, yasuo and Yone. Zed is one of them and the one I propose to bann if you have no one else to bann. Your only goal in early is to survive, and maybe it is my lack of experience that says that but I have no ways of reaching a decent amount of gold in Mid game to be useful. You can win after the early, but compared to the other assassin, I think Zed is the hardest to win your lane against. I want to add that even if this might b playable I don't like playing against him (and add champs such as Diana, Fizz and such that doesnt need anything to just burst without thinking)”
SoraSan says “Contra o Zed, pense sempre duas vezes antes de qualquer ação. A única situação onde você perde para ele é se ele ganhar a fase de rotas. Tente usar um Slowpush(puxar as rotas devegar fazendo as acumular em grande quantidade). Tente farmar com seu AA e guarde o soldados para poke. O unico jeito do Zed farmar antes do 6 dele, é com o Q, use isso ao seu favor, sempre que ele chegar ao seu alcance, bata nele. Tente não deixa-lo farmar. Compre Botas Galvanizadas de Aço cedo, para que você consiga escapar do combo dele. Recomendo a compra de Zhonyas antecipadamente nessa partida. Se usar bem isso, ele não terá escolha a não ser ir para outras rotas, avise seus aliados caso ele esteja desaparecido.
Recomendo Eletrocutar nessa matchup.”
Abbyca says “Zed is arguably the #1 Mid laner due to his high skill ceiling, However, you counter him quite well, Build DH and try to roam to get fed, Build dark seal 2nd and try to force him to use his ult, then go in with Night Harvester E.”
BigBushMan says “This is mostly a skill matchup, whoever can play better wins really. Be sure Zed cannot land Isolated Q's, as this amplifies the damage it does. If he ults you, immediately W and look to dodge most if not all of his abilites, while also looking for a counter-engage with R1 into E. If he builds Hexdrinker, look for jungle help, as you cannot realistically solo kill him at that point. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very easy to kill him pre 6 and even after 6 he doesnt really have any kill pressure as you can dodge his Q's quite easily and he wont be able to get any poke on you, would recommend ignite or exhaust.”
l2ingeR says “The thing about Zed is that he's not a big threat unless we, the Jhin players, screw up multiple times in a row.
And if we do that, we kind of deserve to lose lane.
Remember, if we go even, we win.
In case you don't, or Zed finds some kills to snack on, get Steelcaps and build Bloodthirster right after Sunderer.”
OmaHeinz says “Always be prepared to ult his all in, it gives you extra hp. Most players quickly understand that they can't just kill you, so they start roaming early and wreak havoc on your team.”
WaveFunction73 says “if he hits his qs u r almost dead pre 6 or dead, post 6 if he hits his qs u r probably dead unless u have zhonyas or stopwatch (post 6 but if still in lane, u can kill him in mid game) , tho if u manage to get a kill in laning phase u should be able to kill him in almost every phase of the game, but only good zed players play zed most of the time so i don't take the risk and just dodge this one too.”
sidromest says “Double armor runes and start Doran's ring, the health goes a long way vs his all ins.
Level 1 and 2 slow push and poke him under turret. After 3 let the wave slowly come and freeze the waves. When he misses W + Q pressure him from the wave.
After 6 same game plan. You can poke with "R" + "E" ONLY if you are UNDER turret.”
tomzieE says “runes - fleet, triumph, alacrity, coup; taste, ravenous
skill matchup, watchout for his clones and block his q pre 6
u should win trades then, u can also block his r if u use w and then go into ur w”
Takashi202 says “This is the most controversial matchup imo. Zed is a very hard champion to win against, especially on Talon, but even though, if you learn how to counter his W, you should win every Talon vs Zed matchup.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Very squishy champion with an extremely high skill cap. Easy for you to burst down and kill, but can easily burst you down and kill you as well.”
sashadidntwalk says “He has longer range than you and can burst you down easily once he hits level 2 or 3. You cannot fight him pre-6 and if you get killed he can win the game. Buy Seeker's first.”
Roofuslol says “you need seeker's early and have to q behind you when he ults you, but with Zhonya's and if you make sure he doesn't roam it's not that hard for you”
xxseraphinaaxx says “If you manage to get paired against a Zed who knows their stuff, it'll be absolute hell for you, as Zed can poke you down easily with his Shuriken -throwing Shadow figure, which are almost impossible for Anivia to dodge, as she has no good mobility early game. His R can be really annoying for an Anivia trying to kill from a distance and his all-ins can practically delete Anivia.”
FogivenDevil says “He can shove endlessly. Unless you pull out a big boy play you won't win the 1v1. Getting DD is also advised here. At the very least your roams are better.”
Johan Paracelso says “This is sorta a skill match-up, since Zed can punish you if you fail your short trade combos, or, if you don't have E, his basic combo with Electrocute Proc can chunk you down very hard. The only way to beat this match-up, is playing safe. And, only trade when you have Q3, W, E and he has used his Shadow. Try to bait him to use it to escape or to engage, then, when the Shadow dissapears, engage against him”
Hiimkata says “Zed will almost always try Q you and minions at the same time so always keep your guard up to dodge his Q. When Zed W's in just E him so he cant E-Q as easly also fighting him while his energy is low is really good to know. Pre 6 you should be able to beat him hard. After level 6 the lane gets way harder, because if he all ins you and hits his Qs you're almost dead already so play pre 6 agressive and post 6 safe. Resolve 2nd vs Zed is pretty good for Boneplating for his all in and so is Seekers rush.”
CaptianMike says “Punish his level 1 with your q, but back off if you're low. His passive makes it easy to kill low health targets. It's extremely hard to come back after he is ahead due to the fact that he can dive you very easily. Be very careful of his level 6. Get Zhonya's hourglass after tear. Once this item is finished, he will have a harder time killing you. If he is fed, he won't even need his ultimate to kill you
TL;DR- BE CAREFUL. You contribute more to fights than he ever will. Just outscale him.”
mrsuits says “Push the wave early levels. If he uses W go agressive once his shadow disappears. Try to dodge is WQE poke. after 6 play under your tower, and try to time your ult with his ult. If you ult just at the right moment you hit him when he comes out of you. ”
Mohammed Zakariyya says “Zed can be really big threat for you,he could kill u easily with his ultimate.avoid to be lonely as possible because you could be a prey of zed. ”
Pixel Pocket says “Like most AD assassins Zed struggles into Nunu. Get Deadman's early and force him to either be unable to 1v1 you or buy last whisper which makes him worse against the rest of your team.”
ParkChnm says “Buy Zhonya's if you get behind and farm under turret. If Zed ults you, he'll appear behind Xerath, so keep that in mind if you want to instantly stun him.”
ParkChnm says “Farm under turret and poke. Try to get a gank early on. If he gets onto you, place down your mines and force him to walk through them or back. Zhonya's is recommended if he's ahead.”
KataTocDo says “Skill matchup. Do not get his by his WEQ. If he misses WEQ, all in him as he has no chance to escape. If he does not have W, you can all in him.
Runes: Electrocute-Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield”
Jnewbringspain says “Similar to Kassadin, although he has more kill potential both way. He has more tools to kill you, but you can also take him out if you play it correctly. Push your lane out to discourage him from roaming. You are unlikely to be able to avoid his shadow clone combo since you have a large silhouette. Keep in mind his clone has a long cooldown though. Once he uses it, take this opportunity to gain HP from minions. Rupture him at distance when you can, especially when his clone is on cooldown. When he ults, he will land BEHIND you, wherever you are facing. Use this knowledge to land Rupture on him as soon as he lands.”
1Recycle Bin1 says “Early on it's a skill matchup, try to dodge the Q's, go double armor in runes if you want to or rush seeker's armguard
you're much better in teamfights so try to get your powerspikes and he won't be a huge threat”
wildersovereign says “Zed is particularly dangerous, especially considering how good he is in general at the moment. Your Black Shield doesn't protect you from anything besides his E slow, which he doesn't need to kill you since you're so immobile. I HIGHLY recommend buying an early Seeker's Armguard and running Perfect Timing to get Zhonya's after your Mythic. Remember that his ult leads him behind you, so if he uses it, root him the second he reappears (you have a 0.5-second window to do this if he tries to return to his shadow), back up, and unleash your combo. Do your best to dodge the shurikens afterward as well, as these will deal hefty damage and increase the danger Death Mark poses. Overall, this is a difficult but winnable matchup for you if you play safe and exploit him when he goes in.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Zed is a threat for two reasons:
1) It really comes down to who is better. You are both mobile, high damage, and squishy. Whoever can outplay who wins.
Here's a tip to help you do just that. First of all, bait out his abilities as best you can. Engage on him when he doesn't have his shadow. Secondly, I know... I know it is tempting but you have to save your shroud for when he ults you. His ult does bonus damage the more he can hit you after he casts it. When he ults and disappears, hold. Right as he pops back up you shroud and just play like a bitch. Dodge, Evade, be an epic bitch player until it his ult pops. Then reengage.
2) He isnt just a threat to you but your bot lane too. He has better roam pre-six than you do. If he goes bot lane, gets a double kill, and buys. He will start beating you. Cant let that happen. Have your bot lane ward up hard and be liberal with your pings. If he leaves, even for a second, ping it.
Bonus: The best outcome you can hope for is he tries to roam and his roam flops... He waists time and falls behind you in lane and cs. That will give you a nice slight edge in fights.”
Nevemlaci says “The matchup is about your mechanics. If he R you just E away from his shadows as soon as he gets down from his R. Dodge early Q pokes and you are good.”
Timowatzki says “A good Zed player completly destroys you. He can escape your cage with his W and has high damage. Never walk up and rush zhonyas.
Use Unsealed Spellbook to change to Barrier or Exhaust once u used ur TP.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Quite annoying. Walk into his w to dodge 2nd q. Sometimes you can even doge both qs this way. Unless he hits full combo he deals no damage. W his ult instantly and itll go away on cooldown + death mark will disappear”
rajsovsky says “Rush armguard, When he ults you use pool so his ult gets cancelled. Don't fight him and remember that he's an assassin so he can roam and suprise you with his damage, respect him, take wraiths, safely farm and you are going to win. Unless your teammate are fucking apes and feed him on roams you are going to win this.”
invalidd says “Also a tricky matchup that you can win but not consistently, you do well against him in level1 and level2 but at level 3 he can outdmg you if he lands
all the spells onto you and burst you, it gets even worse at level6 when he can use his ult to juke your ult, stun, or hook and then use his W to juke the other
and then kill you, can get pretty obnoxious but if you don't give him a lead early on you will outperform him in teamfights, not skirmishes though.
Complicated to gank.”
_Nightmare_G says “Easier matchup than Annie, but still pretty hard. Make sure to have windwall prepared before lvl 3. when he ults u, dash away from him and use windwall on his Q, or u will get oneshotted.”
TheRealFloyde says “The match of skillcap, save W for his ult and try to poke lvl 1 or 2 on lvl 3 he can escape and easily proc. Electrocute and burst u pretty easy make sure u dash his Q's and against tryna freeze and go for them pokes.”
NoizRain says “You can win against a zed but if he is a good player after his Serrated Dirk and 6 he can one shot you before you can do anything, Rush seekers if possible.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. There is a myth out there saying that Zilean counters Zed. In reality, Zilean is actually weak against Zed, because he can't pressure him hard enough early game. His W+E+Q shadow switch combo can easily catch you out and kill you, so respect his W range. Just farm and stay alive until you have purchased Lost Chapter. Then, you can shove the wave and pressure bot or top. If Zed roams, ward and follow. You can prevent him from killing your allies and turn a bad situation into your favour (e.g. Zed roams bot -> 3V2 situation -> Zed All-ins your ADC -> You save your ADC with Ult -> Zed has burned his W -> You E yourself up to him and land Q+W+Q combo -> Your ADC respawns and your support also follows up -> Enemy ADC and support join the fight -> 3v3 situation, but Zed is now low on health -> Zed dies -> 3V2 -> Enemy backs off). Ping Drake whenever it is up, so that your jungler is aware. Zilean outshines Zed in skirmishes and teamfights, but will always lose in a 1v1. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
You can also go Resolve secondary with Boneplating and Overgrowth so he doesn't one-shot you.
Stand to the left or right side of a minion wave so if he uses his shadow combo on you, you can shunpo to a minion if he's not near, or shunpo onto him.
Also, don't fight Zed if he has either his W shadow up, or his ulti up. And don't try to engage on him either as he is very strong with it and can potentially kill you.”
SkellyBirb says “Zed isn't too big of an issue since he will struggle to one shot you without his ultimate unless he's fed. As long as you shield his ulti, you should be able to manage and just poke him down. Be careful of his poke though, because it can burst quite hard with his shadows.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. There is a myth out there saying that Zilean counters Zed. In reality, Zilean is actually weak against Zed, because he can't pressure him hard enough early game. His W+E+Q shadow switch combo can easily catch you out and kill you, so respect his W range. Just farm and stay alive until you have purchased Lost Chapter. Then, you can shove the wave and pressure bot or top. If Zed roams, ward and follow. You can prevent him from killing your allies and turn a bad situation into your favour (e.g. Zed roams bot -> 3V2 situation -> Zed All-ins your ADC -> You save your ADC with Ult -> Zed has burned his W -> You E yourself up to him and land Q+W+Q combo -> Your ADC respawns and your support also follows up -> Enemy ADC and support join the fight -> 3v3 situation, but Zed is now low on health -> Zed dies -> 3V2 -> Enemy backs off). Ping Drake whenever it is up, so that your jungler is aware. Zilean outshines Zed in skirmishes and teamfights, but will always lose in a 1v1. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
MisterIncredabel says “Zed can bypass ur cage. If he's skilled make sure to take an arm seekers guard as it will help u survive sometimes with a sliver of hp when u ults or attacks you.”
Rauschel says “If you play this and the Zed is someone who can play at least a bit, you have no chance, having dashes and using your more vurnerable Miniform. You can punish him if you E as fast as possible into your turret after he ulted you, letting him take at least 1 tower shot. If you are fast enough you can R -> W him against the turret almost allways being a dead for him if it is fast enough.”
YIVENDER says “Yasuo and Zed players love this match up. Definitely a skill based match up, but like most assassins, becomes much harder after six. Be sure to buy armor against Zed early.
YIVENDER says “Returning a bit of combat abilities, many people may not notice - or know - but Yasuo's basic attack range is a bit higher than Zed's. When Yasuo's sword was able to cut at a distance of 175, Zed needed to get a little closer - 125 to be able to use two blades in his hand. - 3/23/2016 4:18 pm then there is the "normal" factor and many gamers resist that "the difference of 50 is negligible". However, in real battle when the two presses to attack at a distance, when the two generals are close enough to attack, surely Yasuo will be the one to strike the first attack. It is a relatively important factor, especially for champions with the ability to kill and fast attack speed like Yasuomanhnt - 3/23/2016 4:18 pm Besides, playing in a "muddy" style "Yasuo seems to be a bit above Zed, since Zed is largely dependent on his set of attacks and is limited by energy, Yasuo is not constrained by energy or energy at all. . Even he was able to block Zed's darts with a wall of wind. Surely Zed should be more careful with Yasuo.”
YIVENDER says “Returning a bit of combat abilities, many people may not notice - or know - but Yasuo's basic attack range is a bit higher than Zed's. When Yasuo's sword was able to cut at a distance of 175, Zed needed to get a little closer - 125 to be able to use two blades in his hand. - 3/23/2016 4:18 pm then there is the "normal" factor and many gamers resist that "the difference of 50 is negligible". However, in real battle when the two presses to attack at a distance, when the two generals are close enough to attack, surely Yasuo will be the one to strike the first attack. It is a relatively important factor, especially for champions with the ability to kill and fast attack speed like Yasuomanhnt - 3/23/2016 4:18 pm Besides, playing in a "muddy" style "Yasuo seems to be a bit above Zed, since Zed is largely dependent on his set of attacks and is limited by energy, Yasuo is not constrained by energy or energy at all. . Even he was able to block Zed's darts with a wall of wind. Surely Zed should be more careful with Yasuo.”
iDc101 says “if you are going against him, you're ability usage has to be godlike, he can literally dodge every single ability with ease and kill you for trying to land them”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Buy seekers first item
- You can win early trades but be careful of him dodging abilities with his W
- He has high damage with ignite and electrocute
- He wins level 6
- Try to keep him pushed in
- Outroam him at level 6 as you don't win the 1v1
- You can build zhonya's first if the enemy team is also heavily physical”
Big Shawn says “Zed can become a major threat due to his shadows. These give him the range to trade against you. Should you consume all of his damage, then you've got a problem. It is wise to trade against him immediately when he has no shadow up, nor any enery or so.”
Ambitieux says “Bullies you pretty hard early game. Try to play safe and just scale into the late game. Would run exhaust here or TP. Depending on how you're feeling with roams. Get armguard early to be safe with tear. Finish off your liandries and other items later.”
BCota says “Kinda skill matchup, he hurts big time early game but hes non existent mid to late. Lvl 1-2 dont be afraid to Auto+Q him early for poke to E+Flash+Q+Ignite for early cheese but if he goes W second beware of the shurikens. Level 6+ try not to get low so he cant all in, even if he does, he comes out behind you so face one way then ult behind you E+W so you are safe and dodge as much as you can. If you do enough damage he will be out of energy and you can run him down if you have ignite but if not then back off.”
Chili Dog says “You counter him, dodge his double q combo, perma q him, if he ults, W before he appears again and his ult will be gone! Electrocute is recommended. ”
grebe1231 says “Pre-6 this matchup should be a cakewalk. Post-6 this matchup should still be pretty simple as long as you flash his shurikens when he commits to ulting you. If zed commits to an ult on you, line your equalizer up so it hits both where zed appears and his starting shadow, forcing him to take damage if he tries to disengage.”
Shetlock says “Save your charm for Zed's R, and avoid prolonged trades. A good Zed can zone Ahri easily, and will out damage Ahri during laning phase.”
kimjisoo8 says “Even matchup. Take corrupting potion to sustain his poke. Rush Zhonya's, and you'll be great. If he dives you, he's dead. If he ults you and you don't have Zhonya's, charm behind you and use your ult to escape.”
Niqkl says “Care for his 6 all in. Seekers Armguard if youre struggling, if he still continues to nut on you after that, finish Zhyonas as your first item.”
FalleN3 says “This is a difficult match-up but certainly winnable. He's a pretty annoying champ and has the ability to troll you with his Shadows.
You need to avoid his skill shots in lane in order to not get poked down but can definitely kill him after level 6.
You can rush Seekers Armguard into a Zhonya's Hourglass and this will totally negate his ultimate.
You can either wait for him to ulti you and then stun him with your combo or you can try to catch him off guard and all-in him first.”
SkellyBirb says “I'm not too familiar with this matchup as I normally ban Zed, but Zhonya's is your best bet to survive his burst as it gives armor and lets you dodge his ultimate damage. He counters squishies and marksmen like Varus. You could likely poke him down early but he can burst you at 6.”
Autism.Alex says “Zed is a very harsh lane early, his combo will easily half health you and he will look to kill you early on, once you have ultimate its not quite as bad but be sure to prevent him from roaming and picking up kills,”
vCraze says “Zed is another very hard matchup because of the use of his shadows. You have the chance in the first couple of levels to poke him out a bit when possible but you always have to respect him as he can basically delete you whenever he wants, play under tower to discourage him from diving you. If he ults you, try to time your E to hit him as soon as he lands (he will always land on the opposite side of where he used ult) and use W-Q to follow as well as Zhonyas if you have it (to cancel the deathmark damage), this is your only hope of surviving.”
Sadkid says “Zed lane is quite stressful. Build Seeker's first item and try poke him out early. His CDs are incredibly long so if he uses it to poke go ham. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Punish him each time he goes for a last hit pre 6, make sure not to get hit by double/triple q and bring phase rush, go e q auto and get out. After 6 you may need to play safer, he can blow you up with damage without you having the time to react. Try placing W over yourself when he R's you if he doesn't have W ready. Otherwise just bring barrier, spam ping when missing in lane and (try to) scale. Zhonyas heavily recommended for his ult. Becomes near unplayable if he's half decent at the champ.
SkellyBirb says “Zed can deal a ton of damage to you and is hard to catch with a slingshot with his W. Zhonya's is always a good item to build against him for his ultimate. Highly recommend rushing Seeker's Armguard and possibly Plated Steelcaps.”
Mad AkaTha says “Can be VERY easily outplayed but hard matchup against newbie yasuos
Dont use W if he has ult up use W only when he ults you
Let him push and freeze infront of your tower stack your Q get lvl 2 and dash into him E+Q Autoattacks
(most zed max lvl 2 E)
if you do this well you should burn his flash or even get first blood”
Elpatronchico says “This is a quite even mashup. Even if you have your Windwall, since it has been nerfed, you can't really use it as often. Wait for him to use his E, because it is his best way to escape and when he uses it, put a windwall in front of him. Then you can just go in. If he uses R, put a Windwall at that direction which he can use his Q to kill you, or just simply escape so he waste his R.”
xantyleon says “Can blink on top of you with his R and delete you. Like yi, only chance is stunning him with your R when he jumps you or try to run away with flash+Gale, though you have to time it really well.”
WolfRider01 says “Pure skill matchup. Dodge his Qs, fight him when he's got his W on cooldown. Avoid fighting him at lvl 6 if you're half HP or lower. Be aggressive on him, and constantly harass him with your Qs and E+Qs .”
Hqzz says “Zed will be stronger than you in laning phase. This is why it is good to have TP, as by the time he is level 6 you should be able to buy Lost Chapter before he manages to ult you and kill you.”
Raf Rivens says “Take barrier , rushing zhonya first is useless , build classic core and use barrier on last sec of ult . It is winnable but u must farm & poke and wait for ganks”
Aiseral says “Most Zeds tend to play safe throughout the laning phase and use Q to farm from a distance and poke. When laning vs Zed wait until he uses his W to engage since he won't have any tools to escape apart from flash. Also another helpful tip is to stand behind minions when he Q's at you so you take 60% reduced damage and won't get poked out easily ”
MartyBG says “A tough, but winnable matchup. Try to poke him pre lvl 6, thats your best chance to kill him. When he ults you he always appears BEHIND YOU so if he's low enough try to fire a full combo behind you.”
Glaceonlol says “Zed is actually and easy match up grab early seekers and just out trade and sustain him. Grab zonyahs 2nd instead of 3rd. He loses as long as you dont die early or let him go to side lanes with out punishing ”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. It's a Zoe favored matchup you hard stomp him if your decent with Zoe. You win lvl 1-2 take that window to harsh him. After lvl 3 if he misses his combo either run him down with ignite(If the wave is near your tower) or zone him. After lvl 6 hold your E don't use it unless his ult is on cd. Use ur R to doge his w combo and if he ults you E BACKWARDS and kill him with ignite. You bully him in Lane and you out scale him. Like other assassins he can side lane which you can't match. Get Seekers only if your even or behind or their team has a lot of Ad champs.”
Zatharah says “MIDs que conseguem chegar e burstar Seraphine muito fácil são seus maiores counters, visto que ela não tem mobilidade e apenas seu W pra segurar o burst.”
SF Shadow says “The skill of the Zed player decides if he wins or loses. You can dodge her E with your W and Ult. Furthermore, you are able to ult her, W to the side and wait. The Zoe will instantly Ult to dodge, and as you know, she always goes back to her position. Calculate that and use it as a „stunn“!”
Akali go skrrrt says “You will be fine in lane as long as you can dodge his W E Q combo. After lvl 6 you can all in him. If you are 50% hp or lower he can all in you. If he used R on you his Death Mark will reveal your location in your W!”
Myhg says “His ultimate is really annoying, keep your Flash Frost (q ability usually) post - 6 unless he already used ultimate or it's a guaranteed hit. He will appear behind you from where he ulted so when he appears instantly Flash Frost behind you to stun him.”
i am ori main says “Zed is absolutely abnoxious to play against as Orianna, he can just dodge your R by point and clicking you with his R. Play safe early, rush Armseeker's and you'll be fine. Don't fight him.”
Papzz says “Big burst damage, whenever he R on you, place your w right upon you, Care for his combo and try to Q him for shield. EXHAUST HERE IS A MUST.”
economistastonks says “You have more sustain, but the damage output is basically the same. As long as he doesn't keep poking you, there won't be any trouble trading.
Don't ask for ganks, he will most likely evade it and your jungle will stop following your calls.
After lvl 6 he has a slight advantage if he ults you, once he's in you, the best you can do is use a pot and prepare to imediatly E and W away, don't W on his ult as you will not regen your grey health. ”
Elpatronchico says “He can be very annoying if he lands all his Q's and get that Electrocute.
Therefore, wait for him to waste his E or Q's to kill minions, before you engage with your E.”
DrWindwall says “Between major and even but chose the highest. This lane it's pure skill matchup. Respect him and don't underestimate him in lane. You both rely on your Ws. If one of you misuse it the other have to punish so keep that mind on when he'll probably come for your a** and when to go for his a** as well.”
MetaKnight13373 says “His Shadow makes it very hard to land a charm, rush Zhonya's after completing lost chapter in this matchup. The one bit of counterplay you have is that if you time it perfectly you can hit a near guaranteed charm when he is exiting his ultimate. Otherwise try and go even and outperform him in teamfights, remember if you are going even against zed you are winning. ”
sweodigaming says “Not hard, but not easy. He does a lot of damage, I would recommend to get Zhonyas and ignore his ult. Other then that just try to Q stun him instead of ulting first since he could potentially dodge your R.”
Manzey says “Zed is mediocre, really easy to bully pre-6, but after that, be really careful as he can take you down 100-0 whenever he wants, rush early Zhonyas to neglect ulti damage. So if he ults you, gold card -> Back off -> Zhonyas
Apo420 says “This honestly depends on how good the Zed is. I'd recommend rushing zhonyas starting from seekers armguard and try to poke him a lot early game pre 6. Electrocute is the rune you should be going here.
Magical Rock says “Zed can be difficult to play against, but once you realize that you cannot block both of his Q's it is much easier. Instead, all you have to do is walk to a side. You can also poke him easily though.”
TheFwnK says “This champion is easy to counter. Just make him use his W and then you can kill him. If he ult try to react fast and use E before his X gets you. Or use E when its close to burst your heart with his ult.”
neverwanted2be says “This Dude will harass u as much as possible so FF+Resolve+Doran's Sheild is ur best choice. Zed is a creep w/o his Shadow (20 / 18.5 / 17 / 15.5 / 14 cd) so when he lost it u can do what u want. LVL 1-3 is very solid for u and fo him. Make short trades, dodge shurikens, wait for his shadow lost and he's urs.”
KormitLeFrag says “You can shove him early, and his Q damage is reduced through minions.
When he uses R, he always appears behind you, so you can QR behind you into your tower and goof him. Otherwise, seekers and steelcaps are a must. ”
ItzJavAgain says “Similar problem to LeBlanc,hard to hit the E and can Dodge R if he gets timing right by using his R or W as you throw your R,however you can W his whole combo which makes him less of a threat,still,rush ninja tabi and farm safely until you get BotRK and start outscaling him,once you can survive his burst,he cant do anything to you”
Daeydark says “Pre-6 try to keep the wave in the middle of the lane. Harass him levels 1-2 since he is weak at those levels. When he throws his W at you, try to Q leap at him, get behind him, and angle your W to hit both him and his Living Shadow. If you can get 3 passive marks, then proc your passive on him and you should win the trade.
Recommend buying Plated Steelcaps in this matchup.”
Simp4DuCouteau says “The main weakness of Zed is that he has to land all of his skillshots to deal enough damage to kill a carry (most of the time). Corki's low snap mobility means that this is extremely easy to do, so Zed can easily kill Corki in under a second. The Package is the only way to not die to Zed most of the time.”
ZeMoller says “Zed vs Cassiopeia is a super skilldepended matchup, which of cause means its a skillmatchup, and the one that gets the lead will sure hardwin. Going seekers and barrier will for sure help you.”
kenichiii says “Again like with lucian, really hard, however if hes bad u can try to cheat with electrocute and ignite. Buy seekers armguard for survivability and just generally try to survive. He can dive u under your tower pretty easily. Dodge if u can, dont if its a full ad team”
Osfran says “If zed is good you are probably dead at lv 6. Decent mobility, high damage, dont get poke by his Q, if you are low health lv6 its going to be a hard time. ”
Clarent84 says “It's my opinion but I'm usually banning this champ when I'm playing Vel'koz. It has huge damages, he can avoid your abilities, just come close to you, ult you, etc, it's a really strong assassin against you.”
unBearable2 says “take exhaust and build seekers first if make sure to dodge his combo and care for lvl 6 all in. use your ult to push him away after he uses his.”
Yeager says “Skill matchup. If you time it right, you can make his ult disappear, if you use your ultimate. If someone goes untargetable at the start when Zed uses ultimate, his ult will disappear(yes completely, it won't detonate after a few seconds) and go on cooldown.
Use your E to dodge his poke combo. Get seekers armguard early, and then finish it later after lichbane.
FalleN3 says “During laning phase it's crucial that you are able to dodge Zeds (Q) Razor Shuriken. This is how he will get the majority of damage onto you for pre level 6. Use your ball to your advantage and zone him as much as possible. If he is using his (Q) to farm minions, then he's not using it on you! It is possible to start with cloth armour if you feel the need to, it really depends on your ability to avoid skill-shots and keep yourself moving. Take Exhaust or Barrier for this match-up. After level 6, due to his incredible burst damage he will become a problem. An early seekers armguard can go a long way, you don't have to upgrade it to Zhonyas Hourglass right away, but remember that Zhonya's Hourglass will completely counter Zed's Ultimate. TIP: Don't Zhonya too early against Zed's ultimate as it's protection is shorter than the length of his (R) Death Mark's mark.”
PH45 says “Play safe early as he can burst you quite quickly after he gets all his abilitys.
Once he hits level 6 the lane will get even more harder. He will all in you which will be an issue if you cant land your E on him in time. Rushing Seeker's armguard might help a bit but most of the time he will just kill you anyways so ask jungler for help unless you beat him early.”
Lunasta says “A Qiyana against Zed matchup is kinda hardy, but you can counter his combo by going invisible or stunning him with your W on Water>Q and Ulting, if you're still having difficulties against him, try building Bruiser if possible and staying safe, since if he dives you, he IS going to die no matter what”
Veigarv2 says “Can be extreme if the zed is really good and has a winning jungle matchup. Learn how to position your E to stop him from killing u ( His R places him behind you )
Go spellbook resolve page.”
Haywyre says “Beware of his shadows. Matchup is super unplayable if rushes hexdrinker or has Sorcery Null Orb (If he is running Sorcery you can be almost sure he has Null Orb). Dodge his q's. You can rush Seeker's Armguard if you prefer a safer lane.”
SkellyBirb says “Zed has a lot of burst, but can't use it too well early on. Once he hits 6, he can likely burst you. You can use your ultimate to negate his own ultimate. Build Zhonya's Hourglass before Nashor's Tooth against Zed.”
Frixen says “This can go two ways. You win pre-6, get the hell out of the lane, and never fight him 1 on 1. How you win pre6? Poke, safe distance, autospacing, wave control to not let him get minions without being damaged.
Or you can just take all his Q/E damage and die. It all comes down to that. Remember, he has insanely high cooldowns that you can abuse.
Recommended ZHONYA'S.”
FalleN3 says “Zed will out-trade you pre 6 and his damage is higher than one would expect. He is not an extreme threat to you but still play with caution. Rush Seekers Armguard in this matchup, if need be. After level 6 you can burst him down. If he ulti's you, use your (W) as he can't hit what he can't see. You can also completely ruin his ultimate by having a Zhonya.”
SkellyBirb says “Zed can deal a ton of damage to you and is hard to catch with a slingshot with his W. Zhonya's is always a good item to build against him for his ultimate. ”
Bouhhsolene says “Take a stopwatch in runes, first back seeker's. Try to hit your combo and dodge his with your W movment speed.
Once he's level 6,play safer until you get your stopwatch.
Ping everyone of his roams so he doesn't snowball.”
Bouhhsolene says “Regular Mage versus assassin Match up. Get a barrier or an Exhaust and a Stopwatch. Get as much vision in the jungle as you can so you can roam freely.”
Tauricus2017 says “Most of times it is easy lane. If you are feeling threatened pick Exhaust or Barrier and you will be ok. Start Dorans shield and dodge his Q. If he use his Death Mark on you, just use that Exhaust or Barrier and knock him into a wall.”
FalleN3 says “Zed is not the most difficult matchup but he certainly is a potent champion. Don't underestimate his poke and damage in the early levels. You should try to save your (E) for when he ulti's you as he cannot attack you on your troll-poll. Rush 'Seekers Armguard' and finish it off into a Zhonya quickly if need be. You both have the potential to out-play eachother. Use your mobility to dodge his skill shots.”
hannexis says “His ultimate might get annoying, but with a defensive build it'll be safe to lane against him, it's crucial to play safely against this champion.”
Boncapp says “You might dominate early on, but once he gets ult, you are done. If you ever get matched against him, you Zhoyna's comes in really handy.”
Reason97 says “Get an Hourglass fairly early if you can, and be wary of his damage. He can do a decent bit if you let him control the lane, but considering how safe he can be to play with his shadow's, it can sometimes be tricky to get ahead. Respect him until you can get a lead over him. ”
xAsuta says “Skill matchup. You are way stronger early and mid so make sure to get an advantage. Don't underestimate his ultimate and don't play careless. Keep your eyes on his shadow so he can't be outplayed.
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Play smart, he has a lot of poke with his abilities but if you get low just back as his will just all in and kill you, but you could one for one with ignite. Hold your nado until his R animation is over, he will always land behind you. After that, throw your nado and if you have r up attempt to airblade him and win the 1v1. His pre-3, but if you guys go even until 6 be very careful of all ins. Little lower time for ganks since the W cd buffs, plus more poke potential from him, plus your champion is just nerfed out of its mind so you lose! Outscales you. Take Conq.”
I count to seven says “Poke him hard pre-3/4. This will give you adavntage, because he won't all-in you then. AGAINST HIM BUILD ARCHANGEL'S ZHONYAS AND TAKE EXHAUST. For runes you can go Ingenious Hunter and in second tree Stopwatch and Cosmic Insight. Try to use Zhonyas under turret”
sashadidntwalk says “Run Fleet if you run into him and your first item should be Doran's shield. Do not let him farm with your Q and try to bait him into using his W often. If he uses his W you should try and engage with your E and follow up with Q. After level 6 he will probably dodge all your ults and can land all his abilities on you (since Yone is pretty immobile) so either roam a lot or call for jungle.”
westbroekie says “try to poke lvl 1-2 if posible, try to dodge qs when is useing them to farm, dodge his weq combi with ur e
if we ults go in w and use e to dodge qs, e has a big cd try to play around it, always try to aa after q”
arcanejhin says “he counters you in many ways. Id stay safe and try to farm. If they use W recklessly then you can poke them.
Try to cast your E from where his shadow is and chase him like that, if he jumps to shadow then E back.
When he R he will always be behind you, so you could try and time Q2 or R to knock him up ”
Fadedreformed says “This is a skill matchup as well, while most of them are terrifying if you notice that he isn't playing with conqueror try trading him lvl 1 with your w, and then try flashing your combo and he should die to ignite. If he has conqueror concede the lane a bit and rush zhonyas(no joke)”
Shock_101 says “Very hard matchup. However, not impossible. Play back and rush seekers, take bone plating in your runes and dodge his w q. Take the farm that you can get, freeze wave at your tower and wait for jg help. You should prioritize killing him pre-6, and bait out his ult as much as possible. AKA, if he ults you, disengage. If you don't, usually he will kill you, even if you dodge his w e q combo.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Personally, i find zed to be one of the harder matchups. You can never walk up to CS without being hit by his W Q E combo which will deal 25-50% of your healthbar. If he lands 2 or so of these combos, he will be able to easily kill you. Rush Seekers armguard against Zed. The only way to stay even with him is to roam and hopefully pick up a few kills.”
ShockMaster says “Hard matchup,you should buy some armor early cause he gives a lot of damage...If he is begginer you can rush Hextech Prot,you can see from the start how he is .Do not use your combo e+r+W+q on him if his ult is on”
Crewozz says “you can win if you get a healthy lead before lvl 6 and just dip out whenever he uses ult. but a good zed will probably know how to get you even then”
Chiefsnake says “His shadows make it very easy for him to reposition or get in on you. If he ults onto you and you don't have armor, exhaust or zhonyas you just kinda die. Against Zed you really just want to play around his cooldowns because he can't do much if his shadow's down”
Fyir says “He can avoid your cage easily with w/r. Seekers rush into an early zhonyas if it looks like he will play aggressive lost chapter before you finish zhonyas for the mana and cdr. You can finish lost chapter item or zhonyas first doesnt matter.”
Defensivity1 says “be carefull to not get poked down by his q, every time its on cooldown walk up to auto attack him and spam your q on him, against zed its advised to quickly build a seeker's armguard or zhonyas.”
Veralion says “You do quite well into Zed. He’s like you in that his kit is designed to work together and he needs level 3 to be a threat. His Q is one of the few abilities that still deals reduced damage on passthrough, so hide behind your wave early and his poke will tickle. The biggest thing to watch early is not let him harass with electrocute. When he drops his shadow and E's you, use W and look to juke whichever shuriken is less likely to hit. Stay away from his shadow if you don't have your combo ready; a good Zed will look to port and beat the crap out of you when they see a good trade. If he initiates on you, bring him away from his shadow then all in him the second he reappears. He should die or port back. You must NEVER ult at him first, or he will R and avoid its damage. Since you can't make any plays on eachother directly, the game will basically become about which one of you can shove in and outroam the other. With your W and superior waveclear, this should be you. ”
vuty2002 says “In my opinion, Zed is easy to be countered by Yasuo due to his attack range.
His ult pretty much depends on the Q and Yasuo W can block it.
Easy matchup.”
Icemperor says “Zed is really easy to kill before level 6, just try to kill him at least once before then. Play unpredictable so he can't use his shurikens.”
ThisIsMugetsu says “his mobility and ult make it extremely difficult to get damage onto this guy, just pay attention to his abilities and wait for him to use his other forms. also dont expect to hit your ult every time since his ult will make him untargetable, watch out!”
M.P.C says “If he's in toplane harass the living daylights out of him and zone him from getting CS. He only has one ranged ability which is his Q and once he uses it you won't have to worry about pokes and also always be aware of his shadow placements, you can use that to bait him to use his Q. The only time he becomes a real threat is when he reaches lvl 6.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Zed have too much option to choose from against you, he can play ranged and only kill/stop you with skill shots even if you win the lane, in a skilled hand Zed can destroy any possible enemy in 1v1. He may build Maw of Malmortius, Qss, Mortal Reminder etc. he has the advantage but don't let him fool you with his high mobility and damage. You can and will do better at teamfights which is his weakspot, as an ap carry and 2nd tank, you can turn the tide of the battle even without a proper focus on Zed since killing his friends firstly will scare him, if he got really feed make sure that you have some serious enough damage on him which is a critical point in a Zed v Vlad match-up, if enough luxury is supported by scores you may buy an early Void even to preemptive maneuver, and he has skills but not a straight damage through R other than shadows as his mark can be cancelled in various ways, you can cancel his ultimate mark by entering W at the right moment or even basically cancel mark by doing E + Pool when he is about to place the mark, against a safe Zed, don't let his team to do 1v3 and such at early game, as it can turn that rabbit into a chasing monster- however, Vlad is stronger in general even to be honest, but it's about how he's playing Zed other than advantages, as it can turn against him if he is an inexperienced player.”
Sebu says “For the most part, Assassins are your counter as Vel'Koz. However, if you follow the Steps I've listed in this guide (building Zhonya's, etc.), there is room to outplay these Matchups and still dominate the game. ”
TrueVaIor says “Zed is not a counter like everyone thinks. It is a skill matchup. Most Zed players just happen to have more experience on their champion than most Yone players, so they win the matchup. Go Figure. There are a lot of ways to win this matchup, but the easiest is to save your cc for his ultimate. Keep your Q stacked while his ult is up. When he decides to ult you, ult directly behind yourself to guarantee a knockup. Follow up with Q3. Use W to negate his combo after he lands. By now his mark has popped and you have more health than him. Pursue him for a kill or freeze the wave and win easily.”
Silva San says “You overstep one inch in his space and he will oneshot you with a single long sword stay near tower. He is going to try and poke you down getting tear fast is vital to be able to farm with q. (Heal and barrier REQUIRED)”
Nooldles says “Like most of the assassin matchups, it is more of a skill difference than a champion difference. Minigame of can Zed land Q's early and W combos pre 6. If so he has kill threat onto you which allows him to manage waves in his favor and overall just have tempo on you which he can use to roam and impact side lanes. If you survive until 6 however it becomes almost like a Zed vs Zed blind pick matchup where you try to make the most out of the Zed R while he does the same. Whoever gets ahead in the matchup should in theory run away with the game but at the end of the day there is always a chance of outplay between these champs. From my experience however your abilities are just easier to land than his so you win most of the time. ”
Omega Zero says “Moving onto Champion specific matchups, Zed is pretty difficult to deal with. Realistically your best bet is poking before you both acquire ult, as this is when Zed is most vulnerable. Unfortunately for you, Zed can afford to play the lane safely if he wants while still poking you, so you're best just trying to sustain this lane. He can easily dodge your moves and can burst you very quickly, so try to bait his W beforehand.”
Cherryheaded says “Depending how well you sidestep you could still get some kills up, but he can just hold his ult until you press R, which [yone] needs past six to fight if not fed”
ai darkfluid says “With his W reverted, Zed is scary. He's a very fast, strong one shot machine that can 100 to 0 you at level 6. Either poke him down, or take teleport to gank around the map without the requirement of walking there. Make plays preferably where Zed isn't. Even with the bonus health, he can usually one shot you is he hits all abilities. Consider a Zhonya's.
Preferred rune: Spellbook/Omnistone/Comet”
Zoe Sparklepop says “High Even
Be sure to stun him with Q AFTER baiting out the ult otherwise you'll die
I recommend anti assassin build and rushing Seeker's”
TK.BENEDICT says “Zed is a damage base champion with her skill that made him difficult to follow like her Living Shadow (Third Skill) that can also double her skill like her Razor Shuriken and Zed's Shadow Slash. ”
The PaIe King says “Anti-Assassin
Summoner Spells: Exhaust/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Zhonyhas Hourglass, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap.
----Rune Page: Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Ultimate Hunter, Zombie Ward, Presence of Mind, and Last Stand.----
snukumz says “If the enemy Zed is good then this can be a very scary match up.
Punish him at level 1 if you can with Q's and auto attacks.
Once Zed hits level 3 he can combo you and proc electrocute, which will do about 50%+ of your HP, so be very careful at that point.
Do you best to wave clear and make him stay in lane.
Once he gets 6 you have to stay back when wave clearing otherwise he can ult on you.
Rush Seeker's as your first item, and make sure you get the Stopwatch Mastery/rune.
The good news is that Zhonya's is a 1 item counter to Zed and Zed stops being a menace once you complete it. That is, if he hasn't already gotten fed. A fed Zed can 100-0 you without his ultimate.
You're a lot better in even number teamfights so that's where you'll beat him.
Always, always, always go barrier vs Zed. It will save you many times and frustrate him.
Back if you get low on HP and he has ult, even if you'll be losing CS, it's better to lose CS and live, then lose CS and die. ”
nguyenbautroi says “Zed is hard to win his lane but you can have a good trade with him at LVL1 by your Q and Hail Of Blades. He's can easy be counter when he's ult you that you can use E and W to escape or try to stun him.”
1256 says “awful matchup for kassadin, can execute combo very fast, can pop boneplating from distance, tons of dmg after 6, straight countered by armguard and alternative stopwatch rush as well as outscaled
Defensivity1 says “Has lots of damage early, advised to rush seekers armguard and ninja tabi then he goes from 4 to 3, his roams are abnoxious but he lacks wave clear.”
TSMyth says “Zed, in my opinion is literally a skill matchup, people say that "Oh YaSuO is BeTTeR" or "ZEd fUcKs YaSUo". This is so false. This matchup is literally whose a better skilled player. I'd recommend you to go with Phantom Dancer and Ninja Tabi's because of his ult. And do remember don't waste your W unless he ults or does a good combo with his W.”
AZIR MEN says “Not that hard. Very predictable. Wait for him to ult so you ult him away. You don't get the kill but he's a snowballing champion who falls off. He NEEDS kills. Make him disconnect after you rush a seekers.
Take conq/elec and barrier wouldn't be bad.”
Pentakai says “Extremely tough matchup. Consider buying an early Seeker's Armguard. Dodge his Q's and farm under tower. If he misses his Q's, that's your chance to do a short trade. After level 6, save your ult to dodge his Q's, especially if he has ult. If he ults then hits both Q's, you're probably dead. ”
KitsyMamori says “In my personal opinion, I hate playing against Zed so much that I prefer banning him over Morgana. If you are facing a Zed, make sure to buy a ZH and use it at the right moment (when his ult is about to pop on you).”
only yasuo play says “Skill matchup.
A good zed will never get hit by your q3 and will r you when you throw it. Try to bait him so after he rs you, knock him up.”
LizzyElune says “un match parecido a yasuo.
en general es un match de paciencia, el va a esperar a tu Q para entrar asi que pokearlo con AA>E>AA es la mejor opcion y evitar su combo W>Q”
Zwengo says “Play safe early and make sure to rush zhonya's first item. Be prepared for him to full engage especially if he has his R. If he does use your ult Q for safety, unless you land a good stun on him then follow it up with a Ult W and ignite if possible.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Zed will out-trade you pre 6 and his damage is higher than one would expect. He is not an extreme threat to you but still play with caution. Rush Seekers Armguard in this matchup, if need be. After level 6 you can burst him down. If he ulti's you, use your (W) as he can't hit what he can't see. You can also completely ruin his ultimate by having a Zhonya.
ImaTastyPancake says “A good zed player can demolish most mages. Make sure that you always have your ult up before you play aggressively so you can avoid most of his all in before he can one-shot you.”
Arsenee says “Play safe early game because if he has all of his abilties he will be able to burst you pretty good and at level 6 your laning is gonna become pretty hard.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Another skill-based matchup. You have the advantage because you can negate his ult with yours or shield it with your W. Fight him when he used his abilities to farm or if he misses his Q with his shadows. A trick is to W on top of his shadow before you jump on him, because he will most likely switch places to dodge your Q.”
evilforreal says “Don't engage on him until he's blown his Shadow Dash so he can't break tether. If you think he has his ultimate, do not try poking with RQ. Save it for RW or RE to try and bait out his poor positioning.
He's not great pre 6, unless his jungler comes knocking, because then his passive can have the extra damage needed to burst you down. Be mindful of the jungler's whereabouts.”
manipulativexd says “You can't really deal with him. He can farm from a safe distance and also poke you. He will pretty sure roam on early, ping it always, don't die to lane and try to scale against him. If he freezes the wave, you are doomed. You either ban zed or talon everytime.You can go Zhonyas but theres no point”
Zephorgames says “A good Zed know how to play against Yasuo, if he know which combo to use.
Just take Tabi Ninja and BRK, u can kill him easy, you will see ^^”
Debonair Karma says “Rush Rod of Ages with a seekers armguard. Please just don't feed him. Farm from afar and ward the river. Take teleport/barrier/exhaust”
ImDaNub says “Just poke him first 2 levels and play safe whenever he has his shadow up , after he wastes it he has nothing to defend himself , if he ults u just knock him at where he came from (not oposite direction!) ”
Gageowago says “Heavy damage and can one shot you level 6 if you're under 70%. Increase your jukes when his w is out and stay behind minions to take way less damage from his q. When he ults you dodge the shurikens and try to avoid his auto to survive. Buy Zhonya's if he gets fed.”
topal says “this matchup can go both sides but galio has the advantage.Just don't use all your spells when you all in him because he can turn to you with his ult.As a general tip vs zed with any champ:when he does the w-e-q combo try to dodge the suriken that zed throws . ”
KitsyMamori says “Zed can be a hard lane but keep in mind that your poke is the key to victory. Save your W for his engages and when he ults, blow him away! You can replace one of the items for a Hourglass if you're not able of surviving his all in (with ult)”
Kataspina says “You can't defeat Zed easily. Especially if the Zed knows how to play the champ. All in him once he uses W, rush seekers and tabis and then he becames pretty easy to deal with.
long sword 3 pots and zhonya 2nd item.”
Lil Tidepod says “Zed is very strong. He has a lot of range and a lot of mobility. If he blows his shurikens, try and take the opportunity to do a brief trade, because to damage you he has to get close after they go on cooldown. If he gets fed, be careful. He can farm really well even if you push the wave under, because of his passive. Try and prevent him from roaming to get fed. Otherwise, play safe. If he does get fed, you lost lane and should just look to slow his push and roam.”
Fhizzikx says “Buy Seekers Armguard if even or behind into an hourglass. You can build Crown of the Shattered Queen if you really struggle into this matchup, but Luden's Tempest is optimal. Plated Steelcaps is a boot option if you prefer more armor but Sorcerer's Shoes is more optimal. When he ults you, you can use your E behind yourself to knock him up the moment he comes out of his R. Keep the wave pushed and make sure he doesn't get roams on your laners. Also, watch his shadows and make sure he doesn't catch you off guard with an all-in after a shadow swap.”
Capparelli says “Not easy but not hard, dodge his Q and you win, unless he uses W to dodge your Q, try to save R for after he does, if you have no R use canopy to hide from him”
roskataka says “Try to use combo of E => Protobelt => E(with stun) then combo hit with passive, W and Q
He would be pressured to either fight your or run thus giving you the opportunity to farm and powerspike him since you outscale him in mid game.”
Giurg says “He can easily avoid your Qs and kill you with his ult. He is squishy, even if not as much as other assassins. Punish his mistakes, especially in early.”
BigBushMan says “Yay! Assassins! Zed is one of the most potent assassins due to his ability to get onto you from a mile away, 2 shot you, then get away with his R recast. Avoid getting too close to him when he has ult and make sure he has no way to hit you with an Isolated Q, as it will do more damage when it hits only one target. Freeze and ask for jungle help if possible, Exhaust is a must and rushing Zhonya's is another must. ”
ahrienthusiastmain says “It's somewhat of a skill matchup early on when you're both trading Qs but you have better auto attack range. Once he gets his E, you can no longer safely auto attack and you have to juke to avoid his double shurikens. Thank god for seeker's armguard. ”
JccmSaysNom says “A skillfully played Zed is an insane bully and will force you out of the lane. Once he reaches 6 (which is likely to be way before you) he is almost guaranteed to get a kill on a squishy with no escape ie. you.
Trying to stun him with your Ulti will almost always end with him dodging with his own ult or just dashing to his shadow.
The best way to win this lane is not to play it, swap with someone #rotations”
Miandros says “A smart Zed knows how to dodge your ult and can poke your down from range. Be aware of his passive and his ult cooldowns and make sure to get a Seekers Armguard for the armor.”
Pline says “Fairly simple matchup. Best time to combo would be when he has his W shadow on CD. Saving your W for when he uses his W for poke or when he R's you offers great dmg reduction. Rushing Seeker's Armguard is a very good option. In this lane he usually will not have the dmg to burst you if he's not fed.”
Malmortious says “He can escape your combos easily. Because of this, you should wait for him to use his ultimate first then use yours, to deny his burst.Though this lane is favored towards Talon, you can tell your jungler to gank when Zed has used all of his escapes if you're having problems.”
RockitoAhri says “Not that hard. Using the armguard build vs him makes it a winnable matchup. You want to engage on him after he uses his W. This will reduce his DMG quite a bit. ”
Prenora says “psssh predictable, you can garuntee a free bubble when he ults you and like yasuo when his shadow is down you have a huge window to attack, try to keep him from roaming, as he can get difficult if he gets his items early”
JackieXDz says “all assassins can snowball and kill you if you don't keep your distance.If he ults you E behind the direction zed ulted run/all-in then pray.”
coongang says “This man is not a criminal but he does own the other 3 lower threat champion as "the master of shadows" and so he gets angry when uve been running down HIS slaves.”
Inscaped says “Zed is a good assasin, which is bad for us. Good engage, good burst, hard to catch because of his W. Be very careful and decisive during trades and stand on the edge of your Q to last hit. If you're below 60% and he hits two shurikens, you're most likely going to base the fast way.”
t3rminated says “This is my personal ban. He can easily escape your combo or just burst you down faster than you can burst him. The main plan is to POKE as much as possible. Having him low health makes him scared to all in you. Always build zhonya's (seeker's armguard first buy after Lost Chapter) and just hope he screws up. He out trades you and his abilities are extremely hard to miss on vel'koz's extremely phat hitbox. Let him push the lane and just farm. He will always have prio either way because if you step away from the tower he will one shot you. Tell your jungler to not fight scuttle too often as you cannot follow the Zed without him killing you. There is outplay potential against a zed though. You can predict his clone movement and try to hit a cheeky knockup (like this clip I hit). If you can bait him to ult you under tower you can zhonya and barrier to survive and punish after. Do not be afraid to just simply Q R combo them even at full HP if their W is on CD. No matter what happens you poke them and if you’re lucky you can have them burn summs.”
Polygon XVI says “Zed has a hard time early game so you can poke him with your W to chunk his HP bar and deny him farm. However, if he's able to successfully land all of his abilities you're already dead. Build armor early for sustain and farm from a distance.”
TDS Epic says “Zed is another hard counter due to the Lv 3 and 6 power spikes. Morgana typical has low HP levels and armor in the early game so Zed has extreme kill pressure. In addition to his mobility he can dodge your Q and R respectfully”
jster131 says “To be honest, this is really just a skill matchup. Some tips I can give you are if the Zed ults you. immediately start dashing around in an unpredictable pattern. This is because most of his pop damage comes from his shurikens, and if you dash around him he will most likely miss them (unless he is Faker).”
M1keSujeffki says “Zed is a decent assassin that can all in you at levels 3 and 6. Stay away from his shadows and buy an early stopwatch. He will fall off if you dont feed him. ”
LBmyBB says “This matchup is almost purely skill match. However, AD champions have the blessing of getting a lot of MR really early (aka hexdrinker) which can render you useless. Bait him using W and try and keep him at a distance when fighting. Most importantly, rush Zhyonas.”
chrisloths says “Zed, similarly to Fizz, has great engage and no skill shots that be blocked by Zyra's plants. However, Zed cannot 100 to 0 as quickly as Fizz; save your abilities until AFTER he ults you. Place all of your plants and ultimate on top of you to hopefully trap you, and your plants' damage and ignite can hopefully kill him. Best case scenario under a Zed engage is a 1 for 1 trade.”
Witchxry says “Hard matchup, but just try to predict when he's going to switch with his clone and try to charm him when he gets too close. Don't let him roam and get kills.”
Sloyr says “I personally find Zed really hard to counter, he can poke from the distance and has a lot of burst damage with Ignite at level 6. He can dodge your combo with his W. Wait for mid/late game and teamfights, and you'll be better than him. You can also roam to help bot.”
MomQueen says “Super high mobility that can make it a nightmare to land your abilities, and high damage to make your screen go colorless before you can say, "oop"”
66lew says “After level 6 TF has to prepare for his ultimate and getting dived and the other player is guaranteed a kill so map awareneds. Expect to be dead so either have to Zhonya or move along”
anarch33 says “Zed can shut you out from CS'ing pretty hard and force you to freeze under tower, try to kill minions with your Q and also W to heal every time he pokes you; it definitely helps”
Eccentricks says “Ah, Zed. Pathetic.
Ok, maybe not so pathetic, because he actually is good in Iron or something? Are you there? Ok sure, I can help.
First thing is first, you play this matchup differently, you will want to all in him.
You wanna look at your minions and see which one he is going for, then land your Q as he approaches the minion, and put the blast behind him a little. Once you do that, press E1 quickly (unless you are low or enemy jg is nearby) and move in on him. He will back up into the explosion, and from there you decide if you wanna all in.
If he shadow warps or whatever, good. You have wave control now.
I'd usually want to get Hourglass into this and max W, so when he ults, you heal before you pop like a balloon. Stay near the stop where he ulted though, so he can't R2 away.”
Calggara Z says “he has great poke, and high damage and all-in. try to flash-dodge his ult all in and predict cage on his shadow, ignite early for movespeed and try to dodge his shurikens. zed doesnt counter yorick but can be very difficult to lane against. try to engage pre 6 if he has used his W to poke. he wont have an escape.”
waggles says “Zed is a tricky one, If he is able to ult you try and save your tornado to use as he comes out of the ult to knock him up to stop his damage out put or Yasuo will be easily defeated.”
8wolf says “Many people consider him to be Azir's worst matchup, but i don't think it's as bad as they say. If you play the matchup well, he won't be able to engage on you at all, but dodging his shurikens is crucial. If you get under half hp he can probably kill you with one well-aimed combo. Take Zhonya's, if you need it, but i usually just try to keep as much distance, disengage with ult, poke whenever possible and farm it out.”
Daedralus says “A little more difficult melee champion because he can dodge your ult with his own ult. However, with the damage reduction, you gain an advantage over his ult anyway. As his W must be first cast then activated to teleport, you have a good window to use your Q to travel with him. Early game, you must be careful as his decently ranged burst can kill you, but you can always heal it off =)”
583498534583 says “elektrik kombosunu yememeye çalışın ilk basede maceracının pazubendi alın ve stackleyin zedi sürekli takip edip roamlarını takımınıza sinyalleyin ölmemeye çalışın attığı roamlardan vs dolayı levelde geri kalıcaktır olabildiğince farma yatıp outscale edin.”
Tehqo says “You basically want to abuse him pre-6, and poke him hard every time he wastes his blink. Unless you have the upper hand, you'll want to stay safe starting from level 6. If you think you're going to have a difficult time, you'll want to rush Zhonya's, or even go Inspiration as your 2nd tree to get the stopwatch.”
NebuIa says “If you aren't good at facing Zed I recommend building early seekers. However, if you can dodge his q's, you should be okay. Save your E for his ult. He will always appear behind you, so e him when he R's and then R away, using your q for extra distance while r'ing. He's very scary even if you're ahead.”
TheBlueImperial says “A complete skill matchup in my opinion, if you manage to time your abilities properly to counter his (Max charging W for when he Rs you) you win, if he manages to bait or dodge them, you lose.”
ApWuKong says “Zed is bad if someone knows how to play him, he can just say no to Wu kong whole combo by pressing the w button, NOTE: when he r's you just press w (you can also press r but only if ignite is up that way he is not going to be a live for long) and it is prety funny how either he uses his whole combo on your clone or guesses wher you have gone.Note 2: Ok so zed can be placed on even but im making this guide for new players and new players might not have an easy time playing vs zed.”
Je Suis Azir says “This is, as weird as it sounds, a skill matchup. BUT, it is only a skill matchup by use of awareness and game knowledge. Build properly, do NOT push and instead use your mana to punish him for every single fucking CS he gets close to get. You can be so annoying if you play well. So just remember, you can fuck with him SO MUCH very early on, then as he gets level 3 and so, he can sort of hurt you a lot. poke him as much as possible pre level 3 and pre level 6. ”
TheSpark says “Can be a real pain in the ass if he's good. Zed's shadow will always appear BEHIND you whenever he ults, so time your q so that you can burst him when he goes in on you.
Hourglass rush/early stopwatch is recommended.”
Tartertoot says “In my experience playing against Zed, I've learned that he's a very easy matchup to counter. Pre 6 you can consistently poke him out of lane causing him to fall behind drastically. As long as you haven't fallen behind this shouldn't be a huge issue for most.”
DirtyBellyDC says “Do not pick Vel'Koz into Zed. Very mobile and can be tricky with shadows which can make life hard for Vel'Koz as an immobile skillshot reliant mage.
If you get counter-picked, play extra safe, wait for ganks, and rush Zhonya's. Ping everytime Zed disappears as you don't want him getting fed off bot lane. As long as Zed doesn't get fed, you'll outscale him and be much more useful in teamfights.”
Impswitch says “Fed zed will win... so dont let him get fed... however you can lane really well against zed. you can poke him endlessly and even at 6 you have your ult to put him way out of position. play the lane smart and you can also roam a lot.”
INT Zimmi says “I dont feel that zed is a harsh matchup because i main him and he's a fucking trashcan. So I can't give u any tipps for him :(.If your having a hard time just rush seekers armguard and I also know that many can't play against him and thats ok. If that is the case just ban him but I rather face a Zed than a Talon”
GalioPlayer says “When it comes to galio , you hit E and win the fight or you dont hit E and look like a dumbass while you get bursted down , Zed can EASILY dodge your E which is very problematic in early game .”
cobbzy says “His poke is a lot better than yours. I would go Doran's shield and make sure to go electrocute or conq in this match up. He will be roaming so punish the lane when he is gone, and roam whatever side he goes to. ”
KingBladePlayZ says “This is a skill match up, bait out his w, then go in for damage but be careful of his ult early game as it can turn a fight in his favor.”
psychopath midlane says “you gonna have bad times there
Farm under turret do not and againt DO NOT die early to zed, from lvl 6 shut wave, roam ROAMMM”
ioannissid says “As long as you can w when he uses his w e q combo you are good to go because even if he ults you can justice punch inside your tower.”
vaske_lol says “Best advice is permabanning Zed.
If you somehow end up against him, rush Seeker's Armguard and try to freeze the wave in front of your tower.
Give up as much cs as you need and DO NOT let him poke you down into kill-range.
If he ults you, wait for him to stop being untargetable and then ult away towards your tower. Try to roam as much as possible to make up for the lost cs. Zed is typically an easy gank before level 6 if you get him to burn his W to poke you. Make sure your jungler is aware of this!”
GESTAPOisHERE says “Zed is pretty gruesome. He has high burst damage and can leave a fight whenever he wishes. If you screw up a move, you will die. Always windwall when he ults so it blocks the shurikens and then your ultimate has to do the rest.”
i am a heron says “zed will have trouble against you pre-6 and post-6, as long as you play around your cooldowns and don't get ganked. He can waveclear, but if he's using his abilities on the wave, you can just fight him. After a certain point in the game, he'll be able to kill you with his combo in teamfights every time. But hey, that means he's not using it on your carry. before that, make sure he isn't landing free poke on you and make sure to land your Q if he goes in. He'll probably coordinate with his jungler to kill you at 3 or 6 (or after), which will be a prime opportunity for a counter-gank.”
CupOLatte says “Zed is really powerful due to his ability to burst you down with his ult. He can also zone you pretty well due to his E>Q. Play safe and bubble his shadow and you'll be fine.”
Aizenvolt says “Avoid picking Kassadin against Zed. If something happens and you end up against Zed stay under turret and farm. Poke with q and e whenever you can also ask for ganks. At level 6 just clear waves and roam to get some kills to compensate for early game cs loss. ”
stupid katarina says “You can go Exhaust + Heal into this matchup, his damage is way too high if you don't have E / R for yourself or your partner. Polymorph doesn't help much because it doesn't remove Zed's R.”
lewdog says “If you can dodge his abilities early on and make him waste his shadow you can engage on him and do more dmg. When he ults you use w to go invis for a bit while he mashes buttons on your clone and the ult to knock him up as you come out of invis so he can't do any dmg to you.”
LONERlSM says “Versing a low diamond zed is night and day versing a higher elo player this champion is very good at all ining you at level 6 and with karthus needing 2 secs to cast ult zed can easily win this.”
Permabanivia says “His R is useless because you have an egg and you can stun him right after he R you. Very funny to play against even thought he have a better poke early.”
Poro_King says “If the enemy zed is an experienced player, you are going to have a hard time. Don't fight him, if he builds mr items like hexdrinker you are doomed. Farm under turrent and wait for your late game, all you can do is this. You might want to build zhonyans after ludens echo if you are having a hard time.”
Mr Scandalous says “When Zed uses his W (clone) you just need to place your stun either on his shadow or around his shadow.But if he uses his ult just put your stun on you.( one of the walls on you)”
DravensBukkake says “Barrier.
Rush seekers. He'll cry under tower. If he ults you, immediately ult him away, and use W E Q. Congrats, he's useless. Eren101 on YT has made a guide on him, go check him out.”
Mid Win Repeat says “A good Taliyah can lane against him, but it is an uphill battle. Poke when you can but play it safe. It is possible to kill him in lane if you poke him down to about 60% and than land a full combo. ”
MarkeleleYasuo says “Vs a good zed you can try to fight him pre 6 but after that he has too many ways to dodge your 3rd q, so always hold on to your 3rd q and try to dodge as much shurikens as possible, only use your windwall on his W combo ”
SrAlex-kun says “Simplemente pelea contra el cuando haya gastado las habilidades para farmear o haya fallado su Q con sus sombras. Unos trucos para jugar contra el son:
- Le puedes esquivar su ulti con la tuya o cuando te tire su ulti utilizar tu W para que te haga menos daño.
- Cuando vayas a pelear tira tu W en su sombra.”
Marumo says “Threat level 10.
He can kill you easily before level 6 and after unless you show him respect. You have ways to stun him using your E but honestly, the best advise is to just wait for the late game.”
ToilettenHund says “Every assasin is an extreme threat to mages, including Neeko. The strongest thing about Zed is his R, so throw your E behind you at the right time when he R's, so he is rooted.”
Xelaadryth says “His zone control is strong, so it makes it very hard to close for auto-attack harass. If he's the aggressive kind of Zed who E+Ws you before Qing you're in trouble, but jungle ganks can punish him for using his escape aggressively. When he ults on you, wait until he's about to appear to energy ball and Q+W him for a quick stun.”
Braddik says “permaban this fucker zero counterplay he will kill you and you cant do anything
if you do happen to play against him though take grasp rune page and start Dorans shield. if he walks up for minions trade with your auto attack or w to sustain your health. you outscale him but he wont even let you scale if he knows what hes doing”
EvilBird090 says “Early game Zed won't be able to kill you even if he hits his full combo, after level 6 dodge his triple shuriken with your pool. If you want to become invincible buy Seeker's Armguard. Like Ahri watch out for his roams, to deny him that push in the wave into his turret or freeze the lane in front of yours so he loses a lot of gold and exp for his roams”
Calabeast says “This ninja is a pain in your ass. Zipping in and out the range of your Taunt and being able to dive you relentlessly and kill all your shitty teammates.”
BeefyGem says “Has high mobility and range of abilities. He is your personal nightmare. Your ult stops his ult, however it usually leaves you without an ult next fight.”
spark2 says “Zed is actually a super fun (if tough) matchup. It's pure skill on your part--if you can dodge his Qs better than he can dodge your W, you'll win lane. Rush Zhonya's to negate his ult. Also, you can dodge his ult with yours, either by getting out before he damages you or by styling and going invulnerable when the delay pops. It's a really fun matchup, but really annoying if he gets ahead. Also, don't try to W him unless he's either cast his shadow recently and it's gone now, or he's already switched with his shadow, since he can easily teleport to his shadow to escape the radius.”
Ganux says “Most Zed players know how to get you down. Try to bait his W so he cant escape or combo u with ult. Btw if you dont know yet, dont let him hit u or his abilities will stack dmg on you. It depends on you if youre too dumb to dodge or have no W. Nado after his R.”
Cloud375 says “This isn't actually as hard of a lane as one might think. Early game, you have much more damage unless he can get in close. Keep your distance and make sure to poke and burst him when possible and you should be able to win this lane. However, if he manages to get even one kill, you might as well move the difficulty of this lane to maximum as he can build quickly to oneshot you with his ultimate. Just remember that when he ults, his body ends up behind where your champion is facing so level 6 onwards, keep and eye for it and where he will land. Time your ult correctly and this is almost a free kill in most scenarios.”
Tayna says “Ugh, you will see him every game probably lol. It's an annoying match and VERY hard to win.
Your E is almost useless, u can cancel his ult tho. He will roam a lot so punish it by pushing the lane”
IceBite says “Skillmatchup, whever dies firt is R.I.P.
Cloth armor start and double armor and its easy. Get seekers early and stopwatch or Zhonyas and you win.”
Garybaldo says “He's squishy so you can burst him with your combos, however watch out because if you miss your E he can punish you VERY hard, a single E miss could mean your death or a burned summoner. Early resistances (mostly Seekers Armguard) are a MUST!
Tip: when he ults you he'll appear behind you, keep that in mind to time your E and hit him whenever he comes out of it. Use your W to see if he's roaming, spam-ping the hell out of sidelanes when missing, he has great roam potential”
Sneaky boi says “He has very high damage and can poke you with his W. try to farm and wait for ganks. You can bait his r with your clone but it's pretty hard. Buy tabis and stopwatch.”
Tarael says “He's advantaged but it's not as hard as the other assassin, go for tabi's and zhonya's second item, when he ults you, stun him instant and run. There you go, he wasted his ultimate. ”
paykanishe says “Be careful with him and don't stay low hp at lane. Zed has kill pressure on you at every point of the game after level 3. Always respect his shadows and do you best to not let him get a combo that procs his electrocute. Poke him out hard when his W is on cooldown. A stopwatch can be life or death in this matchup, but it won't be up until long after he has Ult. HP and Armor are your best friends in this matchup, but dont build too defensively. Late game you still need to be a damage threat and your team will be able to chain cc and shields to peel whoever he is trying to dive.”
Novok says “Not that hard. Using the armguard build vs him makes it a winnable matchup. You want to engage on him after he uses his W. This will reduce his DMG quite a bit. ”
Noirubilac says “Bully him lvl 1. Stay out of shadow range. if he misses q get in an auto, you outscale him as long as you dont' feed.
(Hard to Gank, freeze wave if possible)”
SirZeros says “Try to play pretty safe against him. Focus on dodging everything he throws out. Abuse his lack of energy. If he ults you, just throw out your ulti or go through a tunnel immediately (if you're near a wall, the 2nd choice should be the better ^^'”
baldmidget says “Fun match up
1.Make sure to wave stay in the center of the lane
2.Always wiggle left to right (juke his q)
3.Everytimes he use his q,simply jump on him
4.When zed use his shadow q -e combo ,make sure to jump q on a minion ( too juke it :))
5.At level 6+ MAKE sure to use ur ult after his ult(only moment you use urs ult before him,is when you flower combo his ass)
MironW says “Just like Katarina, Zed's burst is really scary, he can poke you from far away and if he ults you, you either stopwatch or get one shot. Try to keep him low with poke but this is a play safe lane.”
ratasniper says “His W and his R really counter the shit out of you, so let him use his W first and if you see him cast his R on you, immediately cast yours for that shield and to imposibilitate him from doing anything. ”
Euphoric Toaster says “If you can dodge his Shurikens and Electrocute shadow combos, this is a pretty easy matchup. Poke/harass and shove him hard early. After level 6 just sit on your stun for the rest of the lane so he can never all-in you. The great thing about this matchup is that you get a free stun on him when he Ults you, to disengage his all-in or straight up kill him instead. To do this, Zed ALWAYS appears on the opposite side of you from where he Ulted from, you just have to get the timing down. ”
J Husky says “This matchup is quite easy. You can dodge his ulti/combos with your W, but he still does a lot of damage and a good Zed can surprise you.”
chloric says “A good zed will take bone plating against you. Be careful if he can do his W + Q + E + AA on you very quickly as you will literally fucking pop. Otherwise, this match-up is favor to you as you have better trades.”
xdKami_ says “Zed has an extreme potential to oneshot you, so be extremely careful when roaming or when he's missing.
When zed R on you, he'll end up behind you, from HIS casting spot, time your Q there.
Help your team by pinging missing etc.”
Xethor says “its fun to fight against, just use your W when he use the R. and don't try to 1vs2 with another enemy because your W will not work very good”
Chromuro says “It's a skill matchup, a "feed or get feeded" situation. Good zed's will make your farming nearly impossible, bad zed will have their 1st tier turret destroyed before 13 minutes. Pay attention to his shuriken and stay away from his shadow, you need to keep the distances between you and zed. If he dives you with his ult, run to your tower and be ready to press R, remember that after the animation finishes he appears behind you. Remember: nothing personell kiddo.”
Rubikko says “Oh, this is an interesting match-up,
the one who first gets the advantage wins, farm, poke, but you take car of his all-in, (you have your W, but a good zed can kill you with it)”
Theurningninja says “zed can instaburst and get close to you within a second, he is the king of short fights. it is a number one ban if you plan to play irelia mid”
SeeEl says “Banning this champion post P5 is fine when you want to play Ori but just remember that you just do way more in teamfights. Just watch his shadow range and make sure not to take double shuriken. Punish him early levels especially level 1 and make sure to create slow pushing waves for priority mid & favourable trading. Watch out for his powerspikes and make sure to build zhonyas second unless dirty smurfer. If you die in this lane you will suffer greatly.”
Big Shawn says “This is a 50/50 Matchup. A good Zed will attempt to outplay you smartly and is likely to be successful. So early game, you have to give your best against him. You should be careful in future fights when his ult is up.”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs Zed. Same with the match up against Yasuo. Zed has to engage on you per melee range, which comes to your advantage as you then have the chance to execute your full combo + ultimate.”
Fox1ne says “Skill match-up againt,most zeds try to hi level 1 q and at level 3 trying to combo you,with a correct spell rotation on his combo instantly try instantly trading himwhen he shadow,make sure your sustain doesn't drop low cause he has greater sustain than you. Att level 6 don't waste your charm before his ulti on you.”
hoppyscotch says “Zed is a really easy matchup if you block his Q’s and land yours. If you build Phantom Dancer he can’t really kill you unless he is fed.”
Zeyan says “You are equal until level 6, at lv 6 when you try to engage he will ult and delete you while taking no damage from your engage. without ult and pre 6 you are around even. ”
Patoxic says “OH BOY, Zed is the champion that i always ban, but for experience i know they can be a pain in the ass, almost one shoting the turrets, and almost imprevisible moviments, they are a great treat to Heimerdingers.”
Sziro says “(ENG) Zed is to ez figcht to akali.
Akali has W block zed use
R and akali gif energy.
(PL) Zed nie ma żadnych szans z akali podczas walki w ręcz.
Akali posiada w zasłonę dymną którą łatwo blokuje użycie przez zeda umiejętności R.
IExxYI says “It's Zed dang it.. He's hard to gank and can be a really oppressive laner.. on a wrong step his all-in after level 6 he can even run you over under tower...”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “Ah Zed, my least favorite match-up no matter my champion.
If he's ahead, don't walk up to the minion wave or push. Ward up so you can warn your team of roams.
He WILL dodge your ult with either his ult or either one of his shadows (remember, Deathmark makes a shadow where he casts it). After you ult he just runs back in and kills you. Your only hope of running away from Zed is to juke him with W. The best you can do to poke him before 3 is to auto and Q, because if you E he just runs up to you after you're done and procs his electrocute and ends up dealing more damage than you.”
Wizboy73 says “Ban this matchup at all cost, if you forget to ban it rush upgrade into seekers armguard, stay under turret and take barrier. at lv 6 you will die if you over push, he's probably your hardest lane.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade or D-Shield. I personally hate the Zed matchup. It is a skill matchup, but also extremely snowbally. Whoever gets first kill in lane often wins the game and stomps the other. Watch his shuriken poke level 1, go all in 2, and respect his level 3 and level 6 powerspike. After he ults, he will show up behind you so you can tornado behind you and ult him. Take Conqueror or Fleet Footwork.”
WonderFUllGuy69 says “You will really need your skill on that one. Try to stun him with your E as soon you see him using W or atleast dodge. Repeat that until you stun him and then go all in. If he leaves you low on hp and ignites you just use W to get that health regen form your passive and just run and pray. You may also try to waste his R, this will be a free kill.”
KadiusFTW says “As long as you can lay an E at your feet with consistency, whenever Zed dives you you can make an easy kill.
Usually, an E W Q (start moving backwards at Q) W R kills.
But be aware, he can also combo kill you quickly as well. Engage with caution.”
kiewe says “He can do a lot of damage even early but if he gets ahead of you,you could just rush zhonya early,you can also add more points to your w if you're feeling unsafe after he hits lvl 6.”
schulti012 says “If you're playing kassadin just ban it imo. You can get zhonyas, but he'll have prio early and outroam you most of the times. He has high kill pressure after 6 too.”
Zero Two says “This champion requires a good amount of skill, but as long as you dodges his Q's you are fine. Bait his w, and then look to kill him. If you have a lead over him, don't get cocky as he can turn the fight around at any time. Also, do not forget his ult, remember to not toss out your E in panic when he uses it. ”
PizzaMarine says “Ninjas are but wimpy fiends who must be sucked dry by the Harbinger of Doom. Zed can do alot of damage if he is able to get multiple shurikens at once on you, but your poke game will be immeasurable, and the simpleton Zed player will believe they have gotten the better of you as they all in you. However, Drain does a lot of damage that many players do not expect, so pick the right times to go in and settle the score with this masked heathen.”
MehmetPower69 says “He will poke you with q so before you start getting stacks and damage output. Before that has happend he will do everything in his way to try getting you behind or even killing you.”
MehmetPower69 says “Zed can easily poke with his Q and all in with ult.
If you want to stay alive from his burst and have a chance in laning phase you need do use stopwatch or build zhonyas to dodge his ult.”
vzelt says “Going against zed is usually a skill matchup. Most trades will go even and at level 6 you should try to all in before Zed all ins you. In the late game you can outscale zed and become a 1v1ing Machine.”
Cbradude says “Just ban this pos.
You have to build Zhonyas early and always save Q to stop his engage.
He isn't the biggest problem for you, but for your other lanes.”
Michelaengelo says “Just play your lane carefully. Take exhaust if you have to. If you can last until you have 3 items it's pretty much a win. Rush Zhonya.”
SepekuAW says “This matchup is really not that hard for syndra unless you fall behind.
Zed is very obvious about what he wants to do. He's going to walk up and W + EQ you when you go to farm. Bait this out by walking in then turning back, or tank the E + W and dodge the shurikens with a side step (zed's q is all the damage).
Never ult zed before he ults you, it will dodge your ult. Only ult zed first if you stun him and are in range to instantly ult after the stun, or if you have zhonyas you can ulti him then zhonyas so he can't press r to dodge your ult.
Pay attention to his shadow, if zed throws out a W before his R he can instantly snap to the W shadow but not the R.. if he doesn't use his W and he just r's you, throw a q behind you and stun him immediately. then unload combo.
Syndra wins if you can just dodge the shurikens from the W + EQ combo.. always side step!!!!!!!”
NarutoKirtoBesTR says “It's a skill match-up but If you let hım to do combo u will lose the lane so be careful his combo and don't let hım to blast his electro”
Flexxed says “Another extremely strong lvl 6 that you just cannot compete with. Abuse the fact that he is melee until he hits lvl 6 then you need to be very careful. Early Seeker's armguard is mandatory.”
Xavier Senori says “Zed is pretty easy to deal with, especially in the current meta. Take Exhaust against him, and laugh at his attempt to all in you. Pre-6 you wreck the lane, as his only reliable means of farming is with his Q. If he all ins you, just drop your Miasma, move into it, exhaust, and destroy him. Rush Zhonya's and Seraph's Embrace/RoA and his chance of killing you will disappear completely.”
AKFoxy7 says “Even matchup. Harras him w/ water enchant and earth combo. Make sure to NEVER ult aggressively, always keep your ult for his ult as you can stun him and get a lot of damage on him and maybe even kill him.”
Drewkemia says “Pretty even matchup. I'd say this is the most fun lane to play.
Tip: Don't ult him until he ults first or if he doesn't have ult. The invis from ult (and nimbus cloak hehe) will help you dodge his skill shots. ”
MechaaZero says “Ban Him. BAN him. BAN HIM. I literally have banned Zed every game I have played since around 70k mastery points on this champ. The lane is a complete lost cause, and you will just end up feeding him.”
Latarnia40 says “Altough you can doge his combos with your E, he can easily burst you down. Always pay attention and remember to only use your e when you have to. Poke him pre lvl 3. I usualy ban him.”
GaspiNinja says “Zed is an extreme threat as long as he does know how to play against you. To counter him, press your q after 0,5 sec of him ultying you behind you, as he'll appear there and you can instantly full combo him, and you prob can kill him.”
maplecat21 says “Dodge the shurikens pre-6, and harass him on farm. Post-6, save stun for when he ults. When he ults, place your ult beneath you, throw stun as he comes out and murder him.”
EvilOranges says “Corrupting Potion or Doran's Shield. This matchup is hard because you cannot step up, much like Talon. You have to farm with Q, and can't get hit by his Q. You are somewhat safe to walk up and farm is when his W shadow is down. Stay in the wave so you take less damage from his Shurikens. Watch his level 3 powerspike, and his level 6 all in.”
OP Goose says “stupidly overtuned as soon as he gets any lethality. against bad zed players you'll be fine but if they are mechanically skilled you are f'ed in the A”
RagexAddict says “This lane will be very tough for you to handle. He only has to deal with energy costs and his early damage is very dangerous. His passive will do extra damage to you when you're below 50% health, so bear that in mind when going to trade with him. When he uses his shadow to try to poke you, go in on him and get free damage on him. He will lose every time. At level 6, save your E, as it will cancel his ultimate and put it on full CD.”
poolooto says “He has many ways to dodge your spells. A good zed will be hard to win against. Play safe. If he ults you, try to ult away from him once he appears behind you. Do not try to charm him while he is ulting you, you will miss since he reappears BEHIND you. Sidestep his W-Q's.”
Envel says “Thats a pretty funny matchup because it can go either way.
When Zed ULTS YOU. CHARM BACKWARDS, Cause Zed is gonna come out of his ULTIMATE BEHIND YOU!!!!!”
Ponito says “-Fleet + Resolve
-Without passive, dont trade.
-Windwall Q
-Dont fight while low HP (Zed passive will destroy you.)
Care with lv 6
Tabis are important.
Bully Zed early levels
His CDS are really high and urs are really low.
Zed is really dangerous once he gets Letalithy items, CD items. ”
The Jhin Cena says “The only sense that you counter Zed is his ultimate. Save your E so right as he's flying at you, jump up on your pole and it'll avoid it. You can always get Zhonyas for backup. However even though Fizz counters his ultimate, Zed is still superior in damage and a good Zed can dodge your ultimate as it's flying at him.”
Yegie says “A good zed is a counter to most things in the game. He has super high kill potential and can dodge your E with his ult. The only thing you have going for you is to W under tower after he ults you, but a good zed will just shadow swap out. My go to ban.”
Somoko says “I'm afraid I've yet to find a way to have a positive lane against Zed with Janna. You want to avoid picking Janna into Zed at all costs. Honestly.”
Rarely Pro says “The nature of Zed's abilities makes him hard to handle, however, rushing Zhonya's Hourglass with massively impact the game and make your life much easier. Save Zhonya's for his ult.”
Fluctuation says “Try to win before level 6 by using the following combo: E in, auto, Q for Electrocute, W to avoid damage. After 6, bait his ult and then dodge his skillshots by using W.”
Pidge18 says “Takes a alot of practice to get used to. Bring Exhaust or Barrier. If you are new, barrier to negate his R early game. Try and by Seekers Arm guard first back and then build up Ludens.”
WantedHamster says “I recommend going for barrier agaisnt him,since if he ults you and you're low hp,you are probably dead. So make sure to use it when his 2 R attack comes.”
Thecookiesmudkip says “Zed high dps and mobility makes him a very hard champ to 1v1 against. When playing a good Zed player you should just wait for your jungler or go for a gank.”
LyndonK9 says “Zed is a really hard match up because he can combo you from range and there's nothing you can do about it, Try and poke him early. When he ults you he always lands behind you so you can use that to land your charm. Buy an early stopwatch, take barrier and do your best to dodge his Qs and farm.”
hipstersora says “The matchup requires outplay, and Zed can do more to you than you can to him. Be scared of him AT ALL TIMES. Play passive, farm better than he is, and poke when you can. If he ever ults onto you, he'll pop up behind you so ult that way correctly timed to land that big damage. You may want to take Perfect Timing for the stopwatch over boots, and end up building a Zhonya's.
You demolish late though”
LighterDay says “Zed is able to escape Veigar stuns, dodge ults, and dodge other abilities just by using his W. This champ will prevent you from farming and poking.”
Nightshade17 says “Easy Match up, you can out push, out sustain and out all in him. Remember you can remove his ult from you by pooling or using zhonyas will he is invisible in his ult. If you are having lots of trouble with him you can rush a zhonyas which pretty much removes all threat of him killing you.”
TotallySugoi says “Be very careful in this match-up. He has a lot of burst and can pop you. Take barrier if you feel you will feed. Try to poke him and dodge his poke. All-in combo if you catch him with Q.”
BenLegend443 says “He's super mobile and bursty. You're screwed. You don't one-shot anyone with your ulti(as far as I know), so he's going to shred you.”
YayaLoL says “Ah Zed players they play so scared till 6 and just claps you. So you have a early game window to kill him. He is ad so going the Electrocute rune page is probably the best bet and trying to get a early lead on him.”
Ahrimu says “An insane hardcounter after lvl 6, you can play a bit aggressive before he has his ultimate and maybe pick up a kill. After lvl 6 just ask for some ganks and play under your turret.”
SkyLaws says “If he knows what he's doing, you're pretty screwed. His insane burst is too much for Lux.
However, there are ways to make it hard for Zed:
-When he uses W, try to change your direction when he lands the combo, for his Q deals the most damage. One of his abilities missed will lead to no Electrocute trigger, and if he'll try to W again for basic attack, you can Q+E him.
-Rush Zhonya and use it after he ults, but before he uses Q. This way you reduce his kill-potential and increase yours.
-Don't get too ambitious on him, his combo bests yours by far, so be cautious when he seems as an easy target, he usually isn't.
YourBestSenpai says “Instead of rushing GLP, rush armguard, so that the extra armors help you get off at least a bit of his damage. After he uses w and it dissapears, it is a good time to engage, as his only way of escaping is flash and maybe ult, also his damage will be reduced since there is no 3rd shadow.”
Yenwai says “his cooldowns make poke a hassle until he gets level 3 and even then he has to spend all his energy and abilties to do so.
his R is a joke to Malzahar, when he ults just get away from his shadows and R him when he comes out.
keep pushing his lane, taking first or second tower easily.
mid and late game use your silece to lock him down and only R him to safe yourself in a 1v1 or if he gets fed from roams or bad plays.”
BL00dY3nD says “You can fight him easily. Go for Hextech Portobelt and than rush Zhonya's. Counter his R with Zhonyas and than destroy him. He will roam alot so don't forget to SS. Use your W when he uses R to remove his ult.”
Bughans says “Ouchie, not a problem in higher elo but he fucking smashes asses in lower elo. He'll dodge your W, and you're gonna get on the floor and beg while he PRRRRRRs with a knee on your back. Ask for ganks, but still, he's probably gonna 1v2 and eat your boypussy.”
King Zyrox says “A lot of early damage that Diana can't reply. I suggest runes that gives you sustain and try to farm with your Q until lvl 6.
Or if you feel confident you can max W and do early trades.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “This lane shouldn't exist because you should've banned him. Take full armor runes and buy seekers armguard fast. Buy hourglass right after rod of ages and tear. Ask for gank because yuo wont be able to kill him. Poke him lvl 1 and 2 but play a lot safer at lvl 3. At 6 you wont win even if you get it before him. You can kill him if he wastes W but good zed players won't waste it on minions. If you waste R he will take his shot and all in you. ”
Evilfury10 says “Standing behind your minions makes his Q does less damage. You just need to survive to level 6 then you can kill him, its best to buy stopwatch.”
UpsaDowns says “yasuo cant takedown Zed Early Game
But If He Farms At least 10 cs per minute he will get statk shiv at 18 mins Likley so he can attack zed beside predicting zed Shadow moves.”
Swift_Trapper says “Some say that ekko counter zed well i don't think that.
Is a pure skill match up a zed can just burst you down making you ult to get hp and survive and the he ult you.
But if he ult first you can just ult at the right timing and cancel is damage.”
Best Karth NA says “Freeze the lane by your turret, and punish him if he goes for any caster minions. Communication is key if he starts roaming. If you get ahead early on, look to roaming to the side lanes and keep him shoved in to the turret. Consider buying a stopwatch early on in this matchup. ”
GlowingIcefire says “Zed is a fairly easy matchup with this build. He's still hard, but only because he can burst you hard. Watch out early game, especially in level 2-5 fights. He does surprising damage if you don't play carefully.”
Siand says “Use. Your. Auto attacks.
He is doomed., the shield is great for dodging/absorbing the shuriken and an all in is easily prevented by barrier + seraphs.”
A Caster Minion says “Don't be afraid of him if he tries to Ult you or something , your R counters his . So let's say he is roaming Bot and Ults you under your Tower. What you do is: press R(his Ult dissappears),press E(Roots him under Tower), and then just do whatever the fuck you want because he can't kill you anymore.Optimal is killing him tho lol . If he roams pre-6 , you need to put some respek on his name though.”
T3rrabyte says “Zed does not rely on crowd control to fight and can easily dodge your Dark Binding and ultimate using his shadows, making your kit nearly useless against him.”
noolan says “Becomes invisible upon using ultimate, and he can ignore a crazy amount of your damage, also his cool downs are shorter than your shunpos so it gets tricky to dodge everything. To win your lane, poke constantly with your q, maybe letting it start bouncing in the back line of the minion wave and then it will hit him if he is close enough. Also ask for ganks, and try to freeze the lane, juke out his poke to the best of your ability. And most importantly, if you get low, either use a health potion or go back, dont risk it, zed players can be very unpredictable. Once you get that X on you, you are dead.”
Shderen says “Very scary all in, unless you leave a CONSTELLATION AT YA FEET. He's still probably gonna eat ya ass at some point, but a SMART SORAKA mid can negate even his late game assassinations. Consider exhaust.
Smarter Zed players are on the rise, and you must be very conscious of his shadow placement during his all-ins, and DO NOT underestimate his timing for the Death Mark damage - great Zed players can have three Qs hit you a split second before the Death Mark.”
CharmingFeather says “Most people would be scared of Zed in this matchup. All you have to do is wait for his Ult, then do whatever you can to get under your turret, flash W if you have to, just time the W right, and ult to keep him there. Then he will probably ult again to get away and back, unless he is dead of course.”
aButteredPoptart says “Look to buy armor when you can. An early seeker's armguard is more valuable than finishing your luden's. Save your charm for during his shadow cooldown: it is long as hell. When he hits lvl 6, you'll pretty much only want to use it to defend against ult if you're alone in lane. If he ults on you, start walking back to tower, and time your charm to hit him when he reappears. Zed will always show up on the opposite side he ults you from, so time you charm with its cast time in mind. Another simpler countermeasure is to simply get commencing stopwatch from the inspiration tree and activate right before he appears.”
Kasaigami says “Harass him all you can 'till level 6, he counters you then, too much mobility. Get Zhonya's early or you're screwed, after lost chapter get Stopwatch and Cloth Armor, after Luden's get Seeker's Armguard and finish Zhonya's.”
SmokeyEggs says “Skill based matchup, it depends on how he uses his W. Zed can always burst you when level 3 and avoid fighting him without your W. Also push in the wave hard so his W will be forced to be used and makes the laning easier.”
BicBee says “Poke him down lv 1-2 with AA and Q whenever he goes to CS. At level 3 is when Zed will typically have his shadow and you'll have to give a bit more respect to his range. His shadow is on a 15 second CD early on so make sure to abuse that time frame. After level 6 is when it's a skill match up. Zed will appear opposite of the direction he ulted you from. This can be tricky to time and land charm. After Zed ults he usually will look to throw Q so try and dodge it. If you're having a hard time just complete Zhonya's first item. ”
ryze4thewin says “very dangerous if you give him kills you can do nothing then try to kill him pre 6 if he has ult up he can 1v1 you so play safe, i recommend poke runes here consider taking exhaust ”
TheSmithy says “People think Liss counters Zed. This is true, but pre lvl6 he outdamages you so hard and if he gets a lead, he simply baits out your R by a simple harass combo.”
Header_FX says “Take exhaust and try to push early on so he cant all in you. Also go for leveling w on level 2. After level 6 try to stay safe and only use your w to jump away when he all ins you. Also you can r to farm/push. ”
IHaveBongos says “Zed is actually not that scary aslong as you don't let him poke you, u can place the turrets as a horzontal line in lane and just wobble around from left to right til he tries to W E Q you, then when his shadow is down u can punish him for the rest of the cooldown time.”
BicBee says “Zed's W is on a 15s CD so whenever it is down bully him hard with QW. Limit his movement by putting your ball forward. Post 6 keep your ball close to you if you can at all times. Good Zed will wait until your ball is away from you before ulting in so you can't ult him. Build seekers first item into Zhonya's if you're struggling. Back before you hit level 6 because you will most likely die to Zed's all in when he hits 6. ”
Draakos says “Zed got mobility and he comes easier melee on you. So you need to miss him and stay focus on your wave manage. If is posible roam (Aurelion's key)”
AzureArmatt says “You need to remember this quote:
"good Zed is untouchable"
If you respect him you will have a chance to beat him, on start he will just try to harass you with his shadow + abilities combo but if you manage to avoid it then it's fine... until he get all that delicious lethality before you get zhonya and that's where the fun starts. He will be everywhere where u don't want him to be. And he's even hard to catch because of his high mobility and ability to reposition himself multiple times in fight. You should consider taking exhaust against him since it will reduce his damage when he jump on you and of course rushing zhonya with early stopwatch.”
ninjashmon2 says “Zed is a really dangerous champion and can kill easily also Irelia has no counter to him so he's a really tough opponent to meet up against.”
ninjashmon2 says “Zed is a threat to Yasuo because he can use his W to dodge you'r attacks and can ult you at the same time that will do much damage and you can still probably not do enough damage to him. But still Zed is doing most of his damage from his Q and you can actually block his Q with you'r windwall (W)”
javimc17 says “He can't do nothing against you. Stay focused on farm and poke him with E. If he engages, use your E+W to survive his combo and kill him easily with your Q+R. ”
Shaawn says “Skilled matchup, try to avoid him farming by qing him every time he is going to get a cs, let him shove to you so you can get lvl 3 before him and you can all in him when he is still level 2 with your wave under your tower”
Enfurnal says “Zed is crazy damage but if you win against him early game and keep him in lane... You will be fine and so will your team be. If he does R you, remeber that he will appear behind you so look foward and charm behind you to out play. If you have to flash to dodge his abilities and R E W Q to out play.”
Flashe says “Zed is one of the greatest counter you can get in front of you. A good ult from him can negate absolutely all your dmg and you will be a lamb in the slaughter. You need to farm and punish him as most as you can before his lvl 6.”
thedonk says “Level 2, he will either let you push or auto attack the minions. If he goes up to kill a minion, burst him quickly, you wont kill him, but he will probably have to use health pots. Play safe around his combo W+E+Q+AA. When he R's, he will appear on the opposite side he from where he pressed his R. Immediately use chains and your Q's to damage him. I recommend you buy Zhonyas.”
Dudstrol says “Contra Zed você não pode dar nenhum vacilo, pois ele possui um dano explosivo alto e caso ele pegue vantagem na rota, você não vai ter muito o que fazer. Perdendo ou não o começo faça Tabi ninja, somente por segurança.”
Delthion says “Zed is a champion that as Kassadin, you cannot outplay him if he has a brain. The only way to beat him is to out-build him. Rush seeker's, and Tabi are preferred. I personally ban Zed because all of the other common AD match-ups mid (Talon, Yasuo) this is the only one that you cannot beat in the laning phase. Talon and Yasuo are generally fairly easy to beat if you play the wave correctly, but Zed will just dive you and get out with a shadow. Go Doran's Shield as a starting item, with the Inspiration Tree being necessary for the Perfect Timing, against Zed.”
Padrepio says “Buy Zhonya! Annoying poke during lanephase, but you can try to stop his R with E-Q. He is melee, so poke when he try to lasthit! Care of his passive empowered auto if you are low health.”
Valor_Chaos says “Yikes. Tons of damage at all stages, best thing to do in this fight is farm it out and wait till 11. Buy seekers early or go straight into zhonyas. ”
Jazzmonkey says “Trade with level 1 you will outtrade him cause of the masterie resolve. You even can outplay his ulitmate with your W or just dodge dmg if he hit you with his ultimate. He is always killable at every level and trade able. Play with your masteries and cdr”
overweight_zoe says “Annoying 1 for 1 champion. resource less champ with powerful poke if he lands the full combo. Smart Zed's will throw the combo out as you walk towards them with the q. You have to instantly throw your sleep behind you as soon as he ults and then ult away until the timer for the sleep goes off. DO NOT WAKE HIM UP UNTIL YOU HAVE A SAFE DISTANCE. Becomes a much easier match up once you get zhonyas. ”
Utopia3567 says “Easy lane you have here, wait until lvl 6 and try to avoid his poke until that time come and to poke him little bit, than you can attack or if he do that first wait when he drop R and as fast as u see him go ALL in on him and he is dead.”
Jammy158 says “Poke and harass level 1 and 2. Be aware once Zed hits 3 since he can WEQ poke. Save windwall for his shadow. Make sure you have a minion wave to dash around, especially at 6 when Zed has ult. You can outplay but very skill dependant since Zed can also dodge your abilties. Zed spikes hard early-mid but you will outscale him late. Take exhaust if you want to screw him over.”
drunken hunter says “Zed doesnt have much cc, dodge his (Q) or simply stay behind your wave when hes uses his (Q), you can try the poke and engage but watch out for his passive -> extra magical dmg if you have under 50% health (and watch out for his (Q) lel) Rengar deals more dmg in the early game than zed.”
Zaradine says “Same deal as Yasuo but it's scaled a little more in your favor. Don't underestimate a good Zed. If he get's 6 before you and you're below half hp recall because there is a 90% chance he will ult you. save your ult for his.”
Eli The Bat says “Just avoid his abilities damage with your "E"....
That doesnt mean he is easy to kill....
youll have to wait for the right time to combo him....”
Tipurrs says “Skill match-up. He's more of an annoying champ. Rush Zhonya's against him and you'll laugh at his ult. Your utility is better in team fights though.”
Finish Flash says “Rush Seeker's Armguard in this matchup. Level 1 take E and use it to trade by dodging his Q. Level 3 you can play aggressive and all in because you have more damaging abilities with Q+W+E while zed only has two with Q+E. Post Level 6 you can all-in him with your R if he wastes his W. Do not R him if his W is up as he will just use it to run away. Save your E to dodge his ultimate by using it once he casts his ultimate and before he lands to place the death mark on you. If he places the death mark on you before you E, it will still proc, so make sure to time this carefully.”
apsonalol says “Zed é um boneco um tanto problemático já que se ele acerta o seu combo de sombras você já era, porém se a sona tiver zhonyas como seu primeiro item, praticamente ele não irá fazer mais nada, comece sempre com itens de defesa e leve barreira.”
MaybeHope says “I'd say this is a skill matchup. This really depends how both of you play this out. I would always rush zhonya's here though. If you punish him enough in early and play safely this will not be a huge threat later on if you follow him when he roams. In teamfights just try to peel for the person he is ulting.”
BARAL says “Zed is another assassin that specializes in completely destroying a single opponent. He has great mobility and damage that can be turned against Lux.
Before 6, he isn't too much of a threat.After 6, is when he gets seriouly dangerous.Most of the time you will shoot out your Light Binding to try to stop Zed but the don't want to do this because he will escape with his Death Mark and after that, Lux is done for.
Zhonya's Hourglass is a key item,
You can try to rush this before Luden's. You can take Exhaust and Barrier in this matchup.”
Torblerone says “Zeds shadows are extremely annoying and distressful as well as once he hits level 6 he is unbeatable in lane since his ultimate can get hi out of any sticky situation against you”
LionLifeSteal says “If you don't build any armor you will get destroyed early on and he'll get fed and roam so you need to get armor early to shut him down before he gets too powerful.”
Dr Wonderdrugs says “Essayer d'esquiver et de prédire ses attaques et lors de son R votre Zhonia vous sauvera et n'oubliez pas votre R est en dernier recours en cas de ganks ennemis ou alliés.”
ikiilyou7523 says “Este matchup es medio para dificil primer consejo comprate escudo de doran segundo consejo ponte las runas de aliento agonico (las de valor)
Tercer consejo: comprate el brazalete de la buscadora como ya he dicho en la zona de los items :)
Y quinta cosa: no dejes que te pegue cuando estas por debajo del 50% de vida por su pasiva (te inflingira entre 6-10% de tu vida maxima, sin contar el basico) 6 cosa: te deseo suerte :)”
qasddsa says “Rush a Seeker's Armguard at some point -- either before or after Catalyst. To dodge his shuriken, especially those from his shadow, you need some intuitive movements. If he ever uses his ultimate on you, just Riftwalk away and wait for it to expire before going in again. Early on after level 6, try to not use Riftwalk to engage on him. You can buy a Ninja Tabi on top of Seeker's Armguard if you feel you need it.”
Yadashi says “Due to his high mobility, it's hard to land your E. If he uses R on you, use your R away from him to dodge his Q. Consider buying Zhonya's Hourglass first item to avoid his ultimate”
Skeptil says “Zed definitely is not a hard matchup for Vladimir, because when he uses his Death Mark on you, you use your Sanguine Pool. But, when he roams, he might be an issue for your teach, depending whether or not they have map awareness.”
Rugie says “Well, we got Zed there. I won't lie you, every good katarina player should outplay him. Zed is actually garbage and useless champion in higher elo games. In this game there are a lot of champs that can do same things, even much better. But do no underestimate Zed players! It's still fun champion and really decent on 1V1 someone. I can recommend you to go zhonyas's as first item if you feel like getting ass kicked from him. Also can take armor runes, armor item as first items and 4x pots and finally resolve if you feel realy scared. You can trade at level 2 by using Q, E to him, AA, catching dagger and then AA if you can. That will deal lot of damage. Try to dodge his Q's at level 1. You can go for trade when is W is down, it has long cooldown (around 20 seconds)”
Draczor says “Viktor is able to have lane dominance against zed pre 6. On levels 1 and 2 zed can pretty much do nothing against you so make sure to pressure him and deny farm. He can only do something against you if he turns lvl 3 so dont stand in his W range. Once zed turns level 6 he is able to kill you easily if you aren't careful except if you have Stopwatch. Now you need to constantly push the wave while making sure not to die, doing this makes it hard for zed to roam or go somewhere. Zhonya's rush after first hexcore upgrade and exhaust is recommended.”
Dralexus says “If he hits his Q's correctly and you dont dodge them, you can get drain pretty easily and potentially get killed. Ulti only when his shadow clone is down or used. ”
Felispo says “Embora muito comentado, Zed é um matchup bem fácil se você sabe o que está fazendo, mas o matchup é de nível 4 para iniciantes no champion. Você sempre ganha dele antes do lvl 6, e a partir disso ele te mata fácil. Lembre-se que após ultar ele aparece atrás de você, o que te permite utilizar um R para trás e stunar ele em baixo da torre.”
Gambinos says “Zed is a champ you'd be even with. You have WW to block most of the things. If you can, try dashing around as it's harder to hit you when he does his w-q combo. You'll be able to block 1 of his Q with your flow though.
Just don't let him have a kill lead on you. ”
Sozzoh says “If Zed knows what he's doing, this matchup is lost. Pick up Exhaust and rush Zhonya's to counter him and roam for kills. If you have a smart team, then ask them to keep focusing on Zed whenever possible and ask your jungler to camp your lane. If your team does this, then Zed will be behind and you can get kills on him. Try and abuse Zed when you have the upper hand, as this can lead into you snowballing and winning the game.”
Autoswitched says “This matchup is a bit iffy in the fact you can outplay him, and out trade him early due to your shield, but he can kill you once he gets 6. Try to obtain a lane advantage pre-6, and make sure you dodge/windwall his q. He does a lot of damage if he lands a full combo, but if he misses it, he cannot fight back. Exhaust helps.”
Superior current says “Corrupting potion is highly recommended! While Zed is a dangerous opponent, you offer quite a lot of poke on your own as long as you dodge his abilities.”
undeadsoldiers says “I find Zeds easy to lane with. Let him use his W, or bait it out. Then just punch him around a bit while he has no escape, and you have your root, to teach him the value of cooldowns.”
Katapullt says “Pretty much a skillmatchup. I would recomend a Zhonia's instandly for obvious reasons. Go offensive when he used his W. He can dodge your Ulti with his. Try to bait ulti and Shunpo out on a Minion near your tower.”
Prenora says “Zed is right smack in the middle, as an energy user it's going to be hard for you to keep sustained with him and match his waveclear, if he wants to shove you he will. poke him when he goes to last hit, keep him away. save your dash to dodge his ult.”
Prenora says “Zed is easy for Nami bully him as much as possible, when he goes to last hit minions bubble him, wait for him to use his living shadow, then chase him down, when it's on cooldown. When he R's you, bubble just behind your own feet”
undeadsoldiers says “He can burst you really hard and poke you down. His all in is umatched and he can get out scar-free.
Poke him early.
You can combo him once his W is down.
Only armor or a Stopwatch/Zhonya can save you from his R. You can also attempt to put him to sleep when he shows up to smash his keyboard all over you.
Suggested: Armguard rush, early Stopwatch”
NekoTakahashi says “Just remember that zed always comes
out behind you after his ult. So if u get ulted just throw your charm behind where ever you are currently standing.”
macspam says “You need to dodge his Q, take exhaust, and build early seeker's, and it's not actually as bad a matchup as people say. You will have little kill potential on him but at least you'll survive and farm. ”
Death71 says “Unless it's a bad zed or you're a very good veigar, this champs will make you his slave and kill you every single time since you can't always dodge his skillshots and he also has many ways to escape your stun (his W and Ultimate)”
JuaniG17 says “Wins who presses R first. Pre level 6, stay behind minions so his Q doesn't deal most damage and try to use W over he and his shadow (if he used W).”
Eccentrik says “Zed is.. Peculiar. You can simply counter him if you grab Zhonya's quickly and land your charms. Predict his W when he goes back to it.”
Kaeze Poulsen says “Zed's high mobility is extremely strong against you, but you can roam and he won't be able to hit the tower so hard. Also, his ultimate makes him always appear on your back, so your R is easy to hit when he didn't used a Swadow.”
Prenora says “Zed is nothing to Rakan, Rakan is the perfect counter
look to jump in on him whenever he goes to last hit, and trade your Q's to keep healthy, as soon as he ults you, Press R there's nothing he can do but get charmed”
asffg123 says “Zed is meant to assassinate non-mobility champions like Veigar. He counters your R and E with his Ultimate and Teleport. You are likely to lose laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
Rosie Posy says “If you can save your E and just use it when you can is smart. Also saving your W for Zed's ult before he can target you or after his ult so he can't do more damage after if you don't die.”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “You can abuse his weak early game at lvl 1-2 and all in him, just don't tower dive as his passive does hurt a lot and towers are OP in the early game, plus e has a dash with his W.”
Frosty Bonhomme says “Zed is very good right now, he can use his Living Shadow to poke you from long distances. If you are against Zed, start with Doran's Ring.”
Snowyfreezer says “Rush Zhyonas,
Skill matchup
A good Zed won't Ult until you use E and Buying Zhyonas reduces his damage from lethality and Zhyonas active when you need it.”
OUTGOINGSHARKY says “Going against Zed as Katarina is fairly even but if he uses his R on you, make sure you're away from his Shadows, otherwise you'll pop like a balloon.”
Sadmanv2 says “Aggression at level 1, bait his q then counter. Never stand near his shadows, his ult leaves shadow behind you, timed correctly you can sleep him as he ults.”
BattleXD says “When he gets R he one shots. To win this you need to push him out of lane early and not get hit by his poke. play decently safe after he gets R. ”
Arcuzz says “Zed is you main nemesis. You could win a 1 vs 1 against him during phrase lane but don't over chase him or you'll eat cloves with milk, prefer play defensively. REQUIRED: Zhonya's Hourglass instead Dark Seal, or both if you feel badass.
Mid/late game: Limit to just poke from afar and don't risk too much to the front. Take it for granted that he will always look for you to kill you. He can win battles, but if you play well with your set of skills, you will win the war.”
Smol Jelly says “Zed has high mobility, massive burst damage, and is an energy champ (lucky). Rush Seeker's Armguard, and take the stopwatch rune instead of Cosmic Insight. Save your shield for his ult, and if you're quick, you can root him under tower when he dives you. He's got the advantage here, but it's not an impossible match.”
T00thless says “Try to poke him out of lane at early levels as you have more range. Back up a bit if he hits 6 before you. If you hit 6 first, bait the shadow and unleash hell on him with a binding”
ShokLoL says “Zed is fairly easy, early game you can just match your W with his. When he Ws forward make sure to reflect the shurikens back at him. Post 6 you can either W his shurikens during R, or you can immune the ult damage itself. Ideally you reflect the shurikens, but he might hold them in which case just absorb the ult.”
ShokLoL says “You should be able to bully Zed levels 1 and 2 pretty hard, once he hits level 3 he will look to trade on you with his W. If you have the mana, you can trade your W and just avoid the damage. If you don't, then just try to dodge at least 1 shuriken. Post 6 he has reasonable threat but you should have mana to trade W every time he uses it, and try punish when he's down. If he ults you, immediately trade yours and try bounce outa there.”
Zattand says “Zed es un enfrentamiento muy común para Yasuo, y no es tan favorable para Yasuo como algunos creen. La clave principal es "NO TE QUEDES ATRÁS". Zed es un asesino extremadamente fuerte que, si consigue ventaja temprano, puede eliminarte fácilmente con un solo combo. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para manejar este duelo:
Fase inicial (niveles 1-2): Zed es muy débil antes del nivel 3, así que aprovéchalo para intercambiar agresivamente. Pókealo y busca intercambios constantes, pero sin comprometer demasiado tu posición.
Usa bien tu Windwall: Guarda tu Windwall hasta que use su sombra (W) y así puedes bloquear al menos uno de sus Shurikens. Esto es crucial para reducir el daño que puedes recibir.
Ventana de castigo: Cuando Zed use su W, tiene un enfriamiento muy largo (22 segundos al inicio del juego). Durante este tiempo, intenta castigarlo lo más posible, ya que su daño sin la sombra es muy bajo.
Defensiva con Exhaust: Este es uno de los pocos enfrentamientos donde se recomienda usar Exhaust. Después de que Zed use su definitiva (Death Mark), espera 0.5 segundos, realiza un dash para alejarte y luego activa Exhaust. Esto reduce el daño inicial y el estallido de la marca, prácticamente inutilizando su ultimate.
Controla su definitiva con tu 3ª Q: Si tienes tu tercer Q cargada (el tornado), lánzala hacia atrás en el momento en que Zed aparezca después de su R. Esto garantiza que lo levantes y puedas lanzar tu propia definitiva para retrasar su combo. Un buen Zed evitará usar su R si ve que tienes el tornado listo, así que puedes fingir que lo usarás solo para presionarlo.
Con práctica y buen tiempo para esquivar sus habilidades, este enfrentamiento será mucho más manejable, y podrás convertir su agresividad en tu ventaja.”
Zeekar says “Can be a major bother in lane, but once you start scaling, he is literally no threat at all. If he ults you in a teamfight, you should ult instantly. He will appear within ult range of you again, instantly charming him and basically guaranteeing he is dead. ”
ShokLoL says “Zed is one of the hardest matchups for Smolder because he's functionally a ranged champion, has no resources and isn't countered by any specific boot. If there were a lane to do a shojin rush for the HP this would probably be it. Try and position aggro early to force him to Q the wave, and then whenever he throws out his W just make sure you dodge at least one of his Qs. Post 6 don't push past halfway or he will chase you down the lane.”
zolamalo says “Zed is a very challenging matchup. Before he hits level 6, you have some opportunities to harass him while he’s last-hitting minions. The good news is that you outscale Zed significantly. Unless he gets fed early, he falls off hard and becomes much less impactful later in the game.
Be cautious when harassing him—if you overextend, a quick W E Q combo from him can easily chunk you to half health or lower in the early game. Zed is also excellent at farming due to his passive, so don’t expect to deny him much gold.”
ShokLoL says “Zed if unpunished early can definitely become an issue, but you should bully really hard with aery + resolve. Focus on harassing him whenever he comes to CS and when he throws out his W make sure you play to dodge 1 shuriken so he can't proc electrocute.”
In the Jungle 47.14% Win Rate35% Pick RateZed In the Jungle Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zed in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “You can oneshot him unless he uses his shadow to jump away (he will dodge all your damage). But you also can oneshot him. Try to wait in a bush to kill him.”
DuoShaco says “Zed can evade Shaco’s traps and burst him down quickly
Counter: Use your stealth effectively and try to catch them off-guard. Build defensive items like Guardian Angel or stopwatch to survive their burst.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you. Zed is a very strong jungler, with his mobility and high damage output. He is going to be pretty hard to catch when he knows how to place his shadows properly. You would probably want to get ahead from him by full clearing and frequent ganking.”
Yomu says “This champ will kite you around by hopping to shadows. Generally speaking you just buffer E into his R for a stun and kill him in one rotation tho”
Foxirion says “Zed is an assassin with high burst damage and mobility. His shadows can make it difficult for Viego to land his abilities, and Zed’s ultimate can be deadly if Viego is not careful. However, if Viego can survive Zed’s initial burst, he can turn the fight around with his sustain”
Mignognium says “Si vous avez un [Sterak's Gage] aucuns problème. En plus son corps est super pour [Viego] et il est facile à éliminer. Attention cependant à ne pas [R] avant d'être sur qu'il ne pourra pas éviter en revenant à une ombre ou avec son ultime. ”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
HawkSP says “Zed's ability to apply area-of-effect damage with Serpent's Fang poses a significant challenge. Timing ganks when minion waves are neutral can catch Zed off-guard, especially when he uses his shadow aggressively.”
MhmYepSope says “You beat him 1v1 at all stages of the game. Make sure to leap over walls so he can't react with Ult. Rooting him will make him insta die in fights. Can predict where he comes out after Ult and Root him or oneshot him. If he has Edge of Night you can leap - Root - Smite over walls and it's an easy kill.”
jajkopajko says “Even though it isnt played mutch anymore its just hard, you basically cant win 1v1 after level 6, just play for scaling,objectives since his clear and damage into objectives is not that good. Always buy zhonyas.”
Pullks says “Early game, Zed has an advantage. When you'll get level 6 or 7, you can win the trade if he will be stupid enough to ult you. Apart of that, buy a lot of armor against this guy.”
garbocan says “AOE Melee Serpent's Fang applier. Also very difficult to chase, especially later into the game as he starts stacking ability haste.
When looking to gank Zed, it's important to find timings where the waves meet neutrally at the middle. This is because there's more pressure for Zed to fight for control, making him more likely to use W aggressively.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Zed can escape from you with his W while also dealing half of your HP. Assassin junglers will probably be a problem as they can kill you pretty easily. You just have to try to avoid as many Qs when he goes in for a combo, especially past level 6.”
Clasher2124 says “Op right now, his W is very fast and has a very low cooldown making him very hard to catch. He builds black cleaver and always has good damage.”
el_kap says “kinda hard assasin can easily dodge ability with ult plus burst but if you survive you win plus you outscale late in teamfights (buy hourglass)”
Zero macro says “Briar has a difficult time Gap Closing Zed, thereby Zed can control Berserking very well with his mobility and appearance.
Briar has a way slower jungle clear speed than Zed, thereby Briar has a way stronger stat check than Zed. Briar can use this to control the early game very well before Zed reaches a few items to be even more oppressive due to Ability Haste.
Briar should be aware of Zed’s Damage level 6+ output, since Briar has a hard time dodging during Berserking —> Briar E can help mitigate a lot of it as well.”
MusicJG says “He has an unhealthy clear, but slightly faster than yours.
You can do 3 camps into invade and catch him offguard, ask for leash.
Hard to level 2 invade him since he does blue+gromp very fast.
At 6 he can't really oneshot you because of your True Grit ("E") passive.
When he gets 2-3 Items he can kill you, but you should already be accelerated and invading his camps constantly.”
Zero macro says “Zed jungle clear speed is way better than Ekko. Thereby Ekko has to be careful of level 6 Zed into Ekko encounter. Ekko has a strong follow up and mitigation to counter Zed once reached lvl 6. Thereby Ekko can match Zed dueling with good W placement.”
waterA says “Skill based wait for Zed to go for all in than you can easily assasinate the assasin. Stand behind minnions even he hit's his Q it'll deal less damage.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a way stronger early untill level 6 into Zed. Thereby Zed has an insane jungle clear speed as well. Nidalee is allowed to invade and take early skirmishes easily into Zed and should do so ''. Whenever Zed might be even or ahead, Zhonya's Hourglass becomes a good option to mitigate and stall damage/time.”
metalhydra273 says “A good Zed can be very slippery and hard for you to punish, but is still on the easier side of matchups to deal with. Generally, Zed is very dualable, especially early game, but his burst is obviously better than yours, so fight him if you can force a sustained fight. Force him to try to outplay you and punish him when he doesn't. Zed should have a hard time challenging your objectives as a jungler, but just keep an eye on his mobility. Being aware of his options and finding ways to lock him down is key to winning this matchup.”
shacolovesyou says “his early is so weak so invade him hard, also his abilities are easy to dodge and has big cooldowns made him vulnerable to counterganks”
ttvRegedice says “He can dodge your damage with his R which is insane. Be sure to get armor and to play for heals during fights. Thankfully in JG Zeds won't run ignite which makes your life a lot easier. Zed is slippery, so it can be better to play for root if your team is nearby to keep him from teleporting between shadows. Understand how his ult positioning works (similar to reksai except the position is determined right away as opposed to when she jumps out) as you can pull some cheeky roots right out of his R that he can't react to if timed well. Also keep in mind his W range is very long and he'll save the swap until you toss your empE so keep a tight hold on that ability until he's forced to swap so you can jump on his swap for root and kill. He's a very strong farmer so try to invade early if you have lane prio otherwise make sure you're not dropping too may camps yourself.”
ShinyEmo says “Both can win. When he ults, try to use your Q right before he use his Q to dodge it. If you think that you can't dodge with Q, just use your flash to somewhere away from him and his shadows. Dodge his Qs from away and after he uses his Q, use your Q. So the key is dodging his combo. If you can't dodge anything make sure to press meditate just before his R damage.”
checca says “Zed has many item options that can make him very strong post-level 11. Before this, you can 1v1 Zed with ease. Be aware of his shadows, as he can dodge all of your abilities, depending on how many shadows he has.”
basrty1p says “His skill will always counter you in every way.
Using his shadow to dodge your w e,
his R makes him can't be targetable. But his weakness is quite oblivious in Season 14. His skill is quite predictable. His R always place him behind you, so use this knowledge to combo him back to your tower. Totally fall off late game so quickly if he can't get any kill in any stage, just rush Zhonyas and he can't kill you anymore.”
Davecraft16 says “So the only time I played against zed was when I was using kindred mid. Don't 1v1 him, he can easily escape from you with is w so it's not worth. If he uses his r use your r so you don't get onshotted from the damage at the end of his r. ”
Barndon says “His ult makes him invisible and invulnerable so your turrets cannot target him and you cant hit any abilities on you. He has his W's shadow movement which can dodge your W and E and could also open up the gap between him and your turrets. He is also an assassin so he could 1 shot u since youre squishy. Even though he is melee, his Q poke can still get rid of them.”
firetaliyah says “cringe matchup maybe rush seekers or even tabis if he becomes a real problem. You can't stun him ever with any of his shadow tp things”
Kukiziuu_ says “Hes totally skill matchup. If you play rhaast you can easily outdamage him BUT If he uses R on you, try instantly use your R EVERY TIME. When playing assasin if you land your combo on him hes 99% dead.”
Bhyure33 says “When Zed is played in jungle, he has a harder time getting fed than in mid, atleast in my experience. When Zed isn't too much ahead of you, you should be able to win him in 1v1s. The fact that red smite was removed from the game makes this matchup harder than it used to be, but I still don't find him that much of a threat.”
Whasian says “So, Zed has recently become very popular and after playing against him he is hard to play against him as he can get fed pretty fast and escape very well. Rek and Shaco definitely have a better escape but still zed can run in and escape after he's done. He also has really good clear so always make sure you have ghouls. ”
Riccardo126 says “If he R you just E going backwards to avoid much of the dmg of his combo.
Prioritize building DD if he's ahead, but overall is not a huge threat for you, try to combo your stun with some ally dmg to easily kill him before he can use the shadow to escape”
MythicalMinute says “Skill matchup really, whoever ults first loses. He cant invade you safely and you can't invade him safely due to his strong passive.
It's best to spam gank and ignore him until you get ahead.
Any build is fine here since you can dodge his ult with yours.”
RengarNBush says “Easy matchup. ROOT HIM ON JUMP and he dies, your double W counters his burst, but his ult will still deal alot of dmg to you if he landed qs, late game more so. Try to jump over a wall so he doesn't ult you while jumping if you don't have your root ready.”
Atemporal says “O nível 1 neste confronto pode ser jogado de 2 maneiras. Você pode usar o Electrocute padrão e jogar para evitar seus Qs de nível 1, enquanto empurra com força ou apenas deixa Zed empurrar. a Q, E a
evitá-lo, então dar um tapa triplo nele e correr. Eu fiz isso com muito grande sucesso. O nível 2 em diante é basicamente o mesmo para ambas as opções de keystone. Toda vez que Zed usa o W para frente, você quer que o E se afaste dele o mais rápido possível. Seu W tem
um CD de 20 segundos, 18 se ele acertar seu W - E, então abuse desta janela e troque com ele. Se você pular em Zed quando seu W estiver para cima, ele irá apenas W de distância, então E Q em você, o que o deixa com força. Troque e force seu W se seu Q estiver baixo. Contadores rígidos R de Ekko
Zed's R. É possível sincronizar perfeitamente Ekko R para que você acerte Zed assim que ele sair de seu R, não importa o que aconteça. Isso é super difícil de fazer e requer muita prática, mas é super quebrado se você puder aprender a fazer isso de forma consistente. Basicamente
você tem que R logo após Zed pressionar R em você. Você também pode apenas R cedo para que sua Marca da Morte não se aplique a você, ou você pode segurar seu R se tiver certeza de que pode evitar as habilidades de Zed. Eu costumo instalar para evitar sua Marca da Morte. Nisso
matchup você pode pegar um Seeker's Armguard, mas você só deve fazer isso se estiver à frente. Se você estiver atrás, usar o Seeker's Armguard atrasará muito todos os seus outros itens e não valerá a pena porque Zed apenas começará a roaming e matará seu
equipe. Quando você terminar o Proto você estará super forte e não demorará muito para você 100 a 0 Zed se ele não for cuidadoso. Esconda-se nos arbustos e ataque-o se ele usar W para limpar a onda. ”
MaximusWillCarry says “If you CC him then you obliterate him dont let him shadow away he will ult you if you try to gank him just ult and he cant do anything. Peel your carries of Zed ult.”
ToxicViking says “Zed has very little kill pressure on Garen without his ult, death mark. If Zed ults you, aa Q him so he can't go back to his shadows and all in him. Save W for the death mark to pop. Zed is pretty weak at the moment due to his nerfs and now requires lvl 11 and mythic to be strong by then Garen has a lot of armour so Zed can't pop him. ”
Jitty says “If you are facing a zed you can always buy Zhonyas Hourglass or q him right after his ultimate behind you and it should be pretty doable. Also make sure to shield while he is mid ulting you then Zhonyas so you can get damage off and slow while in hourglass!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zed’s skirmishing power is very high early on. Keep this in mind when attempting to fight him in the very early game.When invading the enemy Zed, try and wait inside a bush or only go in on him when he is low on energy so he will find it hard to trade back with you. Zed’s early scuttle crab prowess is very strong. If you’re weak at level 3, don’t bother trying to contest the scuttle against him as he may probably kill you. The less gold Zed gets early on, the better for you.”
Saltu says “hoooo look at Mr.Im so broken i can even jungle. FUCK you dude (the worst part is that it is true). If he uses W just leave it at that. but if you don't see him insta W COMMIT RUSH AND KILL.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zed’s skirmishing power is very high early on. Keep this in mind when attempting to fight him in the very early game.When invading the enemy Zed, try and wait inside a bush or only go in on him when he is low on energy so he will find it hard to trade back with you. Zed’s early scuttle crab prowess is very strong. If you’re weak at level 3, don’t bother trying to contest the scuttle against him as he may probably kill you. The less gold Zed gets early on, the better for you.”
lumihehe says “he would be a minor threat, except for the facr that he clears significantly faster than you so you have to be very aware of the possibility that he's gonna steal your jungle. you can't stop him if he does, but if you get a teammate with you he'll go down pretty easily. hes squishy and does no damage early, just like you!”
resetwice says “His very early game isn't that strong, so you can push wave easy. Remember to stay behind your minions to avoid his Q. Pay attetion when he up his W or you can take a lot of damage due to his burst combo. If it's hard to dodge or ifhe's pushing a lot, try to roam, Zed can bully a lot of matchups in lane. If he R you R him back and meleeQ with ignite, he will try to back with his W but probably will die due to your passive + ignite. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Suseri says “You can dodge his R with your Q on other targets but it's prefer able to dodge his Q's afterwards instead since the main damage comes from those. You can also try to predict his dashes which are his only ways to escape from you. You might aswell negate some burst with your W since he has no CC to cancel it.”
One Stab says “If it is a good Zed then he can always manage to dodge your Jump with his ult, dont use your entire combo on him. Always fight him around bushes so you can follow up with another jump and you should win. On open fields you should always loose. Hold your W to heal his burst
OfficerVi says “Not a threat. You should be able to beat him at just about every stage in the game unless he gets fed. Randuin's omen will completely shut him down. Look to invade early. Don't ult him until his ult is on cooldown. ”
Shro says “While Zed is rarely ever a threat to you, he will certainly cause an issue for your team. The problem with Zed is that even if you manage to Ult him, he has enough mobility to run you around in circles for the entire duration of your Ult. Handle with care.”
TimothyFly says “Pre 6 you can easily 1v1 him but after that u can never do anything against him unless ur with ur team since he will just one shot you and u can never get in range to do any dmg.”
DarkMareOfficial says “fairly easy to counter, a bit annoying pusso champion as he tries to run away but due to the mobility runes and blue smite he cannot outrun you ;)”
APigHunter says “Zed is an Assassin and his combos can take you out instantly if passive is not active. His mobility and outplay potential will always be stacked against you especially if he is fed. Always keep vision on him and try to get the jump on him as much as possible as Zed will most likely focus on you as the jungle with objectives and bounties in the game.”
YoungTact says “So zed jungle is a thing now, and does this champion screw you over. Try to engage onto him when he's low energy. He can teleport back to any of his present shadows (from w or his ultimate) to avoid your E constantly giving him the space he needs to kite/kill you. Your clears strengths are about the same but your early game ganks are stronger so look to build a lead in this department. ”
metalhydra273 says “A rare matchup, but Zed's still in the jungle sometimes so one to watch out for. If he's ahead and knows what he's doing, he can find ways to dart around you and prevent you from reaching him. If you do though, you can find ways to shut him down. If he falls behind, he shouldn't be very threatening. Get to objectives first and force him in, if you can force him to make risky plays and kill him for them, you should be able to dominate the matchup and 1v1 him easily.”
SeptikYT says “Somewhat skill-based as you have to time your dives perfectly to where he cannot ult to outplay you or W to escape the dive. If ever you fight him, Q him as soon as possible then throw your E out so that you get the shield and outsustain him.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Stay behind your team as much as possible, as Zed may aim you when he gets the chance, try to stay out of vision while still helping your team.”
Janooobi says “Zed is tricky to gank and can turn on you or your laner if you execute it wrong, he will most likely use his W to dodge your Q so be ready with your R to land it where he Ws away to”
zidalee says “pretty much lost if this guy knows how to play the jungle matchup, try to play opposite side of this guy the whole game until you have your core items.”
Tiger-Moose says “Not an issue for you, but has a beyond believable amount of counterplay when it comes to someone trying to catch him and kill him even whilst he's assassinating someone.
//This matchup is marked as harder than Kha'Zix because I feel like you will never be able to touch a good Zed as Sion.”
Alpharuis says “his ability to lock on to you and do damage before you can pop your ult is a pain which means you got to give up a item slot for hourglass ”
Abes_o7 says “He is not too hard to play against, but he is that high because of this that if you don't have wards you will die, because this is your main mobillity wich keeps alive when he use his R.”
Elekktro says “Most Zed jungle players are bad at him, but even if they are good at Zed you can easily itemize against him. Zed should never beat you in a 1v1 and has to rely purely on his clear speed to stand a chance. If he power farms too much without you getting a lead, Zed CAN carry.”
J98TheGreat says “You have a fair chance against Zed. You will have trouble peeling for teammates without someone else to handle him on your team. Cross your fingers for that, but know that it's not a huge disadvantage if you play it correctly. Still, be wary you will have to be on guard if he snowballs and gets Axiom Arc.”
Da Mastah says “You can beat him at all points of the game, just make sure w his full combo if he doesn't start with his ult. You should be invading him constantly, because he can actually be a threat if he manages to get past the early game unscathed.”
ShuffleTM says “O primeiro clear dele é mais rapido que o seu e ele pode fazer o dragão com facilidade, mas depois você farma mais rapido e influencia melhor no jogo.”
Pusi Puu says “You always win vs him, once he gets 6 make sure to heal all his dmg back. NEVER USE YOUR FULL COMBO ON FIRST JUMP ONTO HIM, HE DODGES YOUR WHOLE DMG. After he ults you use your spells Then fully commit since his abilities are on cd. Play around bushes so you can follow up with his shadows. ”
LambWolf says “Casual assasin. If he has lead he can one shot you before you can react. If you are even you should be able to dodge his shurikens. Try to wait that he ults you before you ult.”
Kayncer says “Completely Broken in Jungle Rn would try to get fed on him in early tho cause he is done fast with full clearing so you gotta interrupt him fast!”
Stonrr says “Very hard matchup. He can easily dodge your damage, however you can try to land your combo after he ults, since he will always appear behind you. Has counterplay, but you need a lot of experience with Taliyah.”
TheOneEyedGhost says “Zed is an Assassin and will do tons of burst damage if you try to gank him. try to pick up armor to counter his burst damage. Always wait for him to use his shadow so u can gank him easily when its down. ”
SoSheolH says “He doesn't really have enough damage to burst you out fully no matter what, but he'll kill your squishies. Just look for a window to CC him and he's done for.”
Rudas2 says “He is not really a threat if you have HP but he is just super hard to kill, because of his easy escape. Also, I just hate him so much. Saying that, if Zed is good he can outplay you with good shadows controll”
Dnisify says “Zed is a champion that can easily escape and deal his damage without risking anything. Unless in a team fight, try to take him down either as early or as quickly as possible. You're R is gonna buy some time for your Team to finish him off.”
Ruiner of Fun says “Anyone who can kill you before you can kill them. Or anyone who can cancel your ult. Or anyone has invulnerability. Or anyone with high damage reduction. Or high tank stats. Or anyone with a brain.”
Ariel343 says “zeds are very hard to gank, try and gank before he hits three (go red>raptors>gank, more on fast ganks later) after than wait 'till he uses w then gank expect him to ult and starting ulting when he does”
VelocityCrack says “Hmmm... Disgusting. His R follows you even in invisible and in 1v1 you have to be very smart to be able to do something. Take Phase Ruse and do NOT face him without R (1st evolution pls). Bait his R, use Phase Ruse and scape. Return to combat when it has finished.
Don't gank him unless he has waisted his W and be sure to have R or he will kill you easily.”
classicnoob says “k i know what your're thinking but classic why is zed lower than Major?That's because your W counters his ult and alot of his damage,make sure you have Meditate,If he becomes a problem get a thornmail.”
KillyOne says “Zed being a major threat is pretty obvious, he is an assasin with good gap closer and damage. Get armor and zhonya as soon as possible.”
Jogress says “An elusive MIDER.
He has all tools to delete you after level 6 and armor, most likely, won't save you against his full combo. In early-mid approach with caution and consider early Zhonya - if you fight him a lot. P.S. Can cancel your ult with good timings of his”
Luzyni says “This is a even Matchup, not to much to say, get chronometer and its easy, because of ypur w, r and chronometer in the same place. You are not the Adc he wont do focus to you.”
Youmare says “This is a major threat for Master Yi if he lands his Q to you. Try to alpha strike when he lands his Q so you don't get damage and you have a chance on living. Q'ing when his R is going to pop will still give you damage, instead.. Just meditate to reduce the damage of his R.”
Nanfaza says “This is the only champion that have no CC but I still put it in this list. His escape and burst is really annoying and can bust you and escape really far away.”
GODEFFO says “Zed, due to being an AD assasin, is a difficult opponent to deal with, but TF majority of the time will be able to contain Zed during the mid-late game.”
RaptorDre says “He can dodge you whole combo with R, if you want to full engage on him, use your E (or fake him out with protobelt) and wait with throwing R. ”
Peacetoletov says “Zed has extremely high damage and good mobility, making it hard to kill him. He forces you to get an early Zhonyas which delays your core items.”
Jadiac5 says “If he ults you you will either ult out when his animation is over, or e-q, maybe prog the charm you´ve set on him and then ult out when you can perfectly time it on the aftershock dmg if it should kill you.”
NotNutty says “[Zed Can More Powerful Than You Think]
[Use Void When He Uses His Ult Wait For The Shadow About To Hit You And Instantly Press R, When Uses Void Zed Wont Able To Give First Hit On You But Second Hit]”
IskaDP says “Larger range and higher mobility make him hard to target. If he gets ahead, he can get a lot of damage in with his ult before you can even get a stun off.
theasianmiyagi says “Zed deals out a TON of damage, especially with his ult, which has like a 24s cd with the correct build and runes. Does not help that he is extremely slippery. Make sure to use Meditate (W) AFTER he ults, so you receive less damage.”
Leapus says “If he R you, just do this : Q>R.
Your clone will become visible, but not you. Plus if you have the perfect timing, you won't get the R mark. So he will waste his ultimate, see the clone and burst him.”
leopanayiotis says “high damage escapes and basicly everything a good assasin wants. also if timed correctly he can ult on u right after u E. best counter? try to E in ur turret right after he does his R and dodge his Q.”
T0RTU says “Skarner(in my opinion) is almost a Zed´s counter. When Zed uses his ultimate on an ally or Skarner, Skarner´s "R"can stop Zed from dealing any damage and make him very vulnerable. However, Skarner may depend on his teammates to kill him as Zed can escape easily.”
Optimal Pancake says “Skill based match-up, you should be able to outplay as long as you keep your distance from his shadows and ult as soon as he ults to ignore most of his damage.”
Squiem says “nothing to really do to deal with zed than try to stun him as fast as possible or ult away and hope he cant kill you within the charge time”
CliffLeeCZ says “Playing againts a good Zed mid game is a nightmare, but if you buy GA or even Tabis, Zed wont be that much of a threat for you later on.”
SteroidFilled RAT says “W/O any Heals, champs whos can stop zed you dont have any chance but if u main RAT u know how to do when u saw zed in enemy team
MannerlessNG says “Balanced.
Avoid his ranged BS and use E only when he uses his ultimate to significantly reduce the damage of it, then just combo him since hes defencelss.
Zed needs to be quite a head to win, but he can be annoying with his shadow clone jukes and evasion.”
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