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Yone Counter Stats

Yone Counters
Discover all champions who counter Yone. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Yone in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,091 Tips for countering Yone below

Mid Lane
48.1% Win Rate56% Pick Rate Yone Mid Lane Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Yone in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

BesXbola says “Yone is one of the easiest matchups for Vex, you just have to dodge his Q3s and even if you dont, just empowered W him away and finish the WEQ combo. Make sure to dodge his ultimate since thats the only way he can actually kill you.”
TrianglularRose says “If you can time you E’s well and use phase rush to avoid him, he can’t all-in you. Scary matchup, but as long as you stay safe and hold your E-W combo for phase rush procs, you’ll be fine. (E-AA-W, run away)”
Quick like a fox! - Movement Speed Ahri by TrianglularRose | Ahri Player
revielfrank says “This mf has 2 dashes and unlike Ahri, he will sustain too much and deal too much damage instantly. You should play too safe. ”
Ruthless Scaler Twisted Fate by revielfrank | Twisted Fate Player
Badplank says “Hasagi brothers are extremely tough. They buy scepter now so they outheal your damage + their kit allows them to just outdamage you. You need to keep wave under your turret or you die”
Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me by Badplank | Viktor Player
AlexFL7000 says “He's similiar to Irelia in the way that he can run you down, but not as easily. When he e's try to mitigate as much damage as possible and keep your distance because if he's good he will play around his e and w”
Viktor Guide w/ explanations on items by AlexFL7000 | Viktor Player
j4m.euw says “Playing against a yone is such an easy matchup if you know what you are doing. Pretty much all yone players go in for trades using their E and then Q, but this can easily be dodged by your E. His 3rd Q is a dash, but this can be blocked by your windwall. If your 3rd Q is up, you can windwall his 3rd Q and knock him up if he isn't careful and goes all in. You can often dodge his R simply by dashing. As a whole, Yone has better stats than Yasuo but if you know what your doing you are fine.”
14.24 In depth Yasuo Guide- No Crit Build by j4m.euw | Yasuo Player
cheerzinh says “Ele entra no range das skills da neeko, sem colocar ela em perigo, forçando-o a usar o E para desviar ou trocar dano com ela.”
Saddest says “Similar to Yasuo; avoid the knock up, the R, and do not take an extended trade. If he is in his spirit form, do not initiate with him. Use your W move speed to either create distance between you two, or to get to the actual spirit location to then kill him. Additionally, when he is in his spirit form, you can bait him to walk onto your W, E onto to it to quickly trade, and then E out or he will usually be going back to his spirit as by then the timer runs out.”
[14.23] 1.9 Million Points - Katarina Build by Saddest | Katarina Player
Lunar1v9 says “HARD HARD HARD his healing is just crazy and he cant beat u at 11 if u play well but he can take ur r with his e damage. In laning phase try to q e him when he goes for e on u and u can ult before his ult if he didnt e before so u win the trade. Watch out for his long airbone duration combo (3rd q and ult ) ”
Kayle Guide ( updates every season) by Lunar1v9 | Kayle Player
zSmoke says “Yone is a tricky lane, trading him is going to be difficult and because of his E he will always have the opportunity to kill you no matter how badly he plays it (Champ to basics lol)”
S14.23 GUIDE DIANA MID by zSmoke | Diana Player
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Top Lane
48.5% Win Rate42% Pick Rate Yone Top Lane Counters: 47 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Yone in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

sly rialto colt says “focus on poking ,farming and getting a serpent's fang first. save your E against his dashes.”
Proccing conqueror made easy by sly rialto colt | Aatrox Player
liucan says “If he fails everything or u dodge then u win. U lose VS his E. use ur E to force disengage if he uses it and trade after. U can also use ur E or ult to dodge the knock up of his Q3. Dont use ult to dodge his ult, because he ends behind u before the projectile goes off. Dodge with ur W and Dont Q if he has Q3 or ult, u give him free land of them. ext + ign good here, dont commit without ext if he is good.”
Briar Top bad english by liucan | Briar Player
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade. Make his life hell on this lane. Q poke at level 1. Get prio and force trades at level 2 and 3. He can't do anything.”
[14.24] "A WOLF HAS NO MERCY" 🐺 by Coke Rat | Ambessa Player
a_k_z7 says “side step his q and q3 you can w his q3 but you need to move to the side so you dont get knoked up by it bait his e with your passive try to avoid as much skills from him and hit most spells you can so you can win the trade frozen heart later in the game can help your team aginst him”
parker3n9 says “This matchup can feel more difficult than Yasuo, especially against a skilled Yone player. His trade patterns are toxic to deal with, and his E creates frustrating scenarios. When he goes into shadow form, you have two main options: 1. Use your ultimate and run toward his pull back so he has no escape or. 2. Disengage and avoid the trade entirely. From Level 6 onward, he has significant kill threat, and the lane remains in his favor until you hit around three items. Prioritize building Zhonya’s Hourglass to mitigate his burst and buy yourself time in fights. Focus on playing safely, poking when you can, and transitioning into teamfights where you’ll have a greater impact. Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Aery Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about short trading him with your passive and poking him with your w whenever he wastes his w, remember that he can dash with his e to dodge your e so make sure u can hit or make sure if u jump in will it matter if u hit it or not. Remember after lvl 6 you can use your ult to dodge his ult. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush into Trinity rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES "Be VERY careful earlygame because if he dodges Q he'll run you down with Lethal Tempo, play safe until levels 7+ where if you hit Q it's too painful for him.If you can land Q's after that point then you win. You can eat him out of his R to negate the CC and his followup damage. Q him when he Qdashes at you to land a free Q. " ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
Fenharion says “Yone is again another %HP deal damaging champion,with his long range Q3 and W he is able to poke you down from afar without you being able to respond,after he finishes BoTRK he will be more of a problem since he deals all forms of damage and his E allows him to engage and then go back to safety. As for tips: When he is in E form,if you ult him he won't be able to E back,when he Q3's into you or minions,pull him with E and Q to punish him and in late game try to stay away from him if he is even or ahead of you.”
Season 14 "In-Depth" Mordekaiser Advice by Fenharion | Mordekaiser Player
Fanatical Goose says “All Yone can do to counter you is dodging your Q, you can build normally and still overrun the lane, make sure to bait out Q3 if he has it up. Make sure to spam E and hit your Q's”
Olaf Guide since I got banned from the discord (WIP) by Fanatical Goose | Olaf Player
Houcs says “These players usually think they are invincible whenever they press E. Which gives you great opportunity to pull them into the tower and usually they take like 2 towershots which is usually crucial for them.”
SKARNER TOP (Challenger 1252lp peak) by Houcs | Skarner Player
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