Mid Lane 48.1% Win Rate56% Pick RateYone Mid Lane Counters: 43 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Yone in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
BesXbola says “Yone is one of the easiest matchups for Vex, you just have to dodge his Q3s and even if you dont, just empowered W him away and finish the WEQ combo. Make sure to dodge his ultimate since thats the only way he can actually kill you.”
TrianglularRose says “If you can time you E’s well and use phase rush to avoid him, he can’t all-in you. Scary matchup, but as long as you stay safe and hold your E-W combo for phase rush procs, you’ll be fine. (E-AA-W, run away)”
Badplank says “Hasagi brothers are extremely tough. They buy scepter now so they outheal your damage + their kit allows them to just outdamage you. You need to keep wave under your turret or you die”
AlexFL7000 says “He's similiar to Irelia in the way that he can run you down, but not as easily. When he e's try to mitigate as much damage as possible and keep your distance because if he's good he will play around his e and w”
j4m.euw says “Playing against a yone is such an easy matchup if you know what you are doing. Pretty much all yone players go in for trades using their E and then Q, but this can easily be dodged by your E. His 3rd Q is a dash, but this can be blocked by your windwall. If your 3rd Q is up, you can windwall his 3rd Q and knock him up if he isn't careful and goes all in. You can often dodge his R simply by dashing. As a whole, Yone has better stats than Yasuo but if you know what your doing you are fine.”
Saddest says “Similar to Yasuo; avoid the knock up, the R, and do not take an extended trade. If he is in his spirit form, do not initiate with him. Use your W move speed to either create distance between you two, or to get to the actual spirit location to then kill him. Additionally, when he is in his spirit form, you can bait him to walk onto your W, E onto to it to quickly trade, and then E out or he will usually be going back to his spirit as by then the timer runs out.”
Lunar1v9 says “HARD HARD HARD his healing is just crazy and he cant beat u at 11 if u play well but he can take ur r with his e damage. In laning phase try to q e him when he goes for e on u and u can ult before his ult if he didnt e before so u win the trade. Watch out for his long airbone duration combo (3rd q and ult )
zSmoke says “Yone is a tricky lane, trading him is going to be difficult and because of his E he will always have the opportunity to kill you no matter how badly he plays it (Champ to basics lol)”
angeLoon says “grasp or conq (your preference)
if you're using conqueror:
always play around your wave, try to build a slow punish so you can win almost all trades against him because you will heal all the damage.
poke him with Q when he goes for a minion or tries to hit you.
if you're using grasp:
you can be more agressive since grasp gives you more damage and sustain than conqueror.
short trades with grasp for outhealing his damage, try trading with E,W and all-in if he's 60-50% or his life.
same as conqueror, punish him with Q.”
xumi_k says “Harder with lethal tempo, but easier than his little bro. His spirit form also has longer cooldown than your E, and try to kill him level 2-3, and don’t fight lvl 1. Still, because of lethal tempo it may be harder, so don’t overextend if you’re low on hp or mana and can’t escape through minions. They often dodge your E by returning back from spirit form, so just walk away or AA when he’s engaging with his E, and don’t all-in when he’s in it. If he straight Q3 up to you, just stun him with E and kill. Sidestep or Q away from his ult. Yasuo is harder. Don't forget that both Yasuo and Yone are item and farm dependent. That's why they both outscale you in late game if you don't snowball.
P.S. You can buy Serpent's Fang vs him. It destroys shields, and Yone's W+Immortal shieldbow give him a lot of shields.
Tamikaze says “[Hourglass second item & Exhaust is viable]
Yone is one of the few champions I will put under extreme threat. There is never a point in the game where you will out trade the Yone if he is in his E (Soul Unbound). Also with dshield + secondwind being so strong in the meta right now, it's nearly impossible to shove him out of lane (especially after the 14.18 nerfs).
Your best bet is to just farm and hope he makes a mistake. Respect his Q3 and his W. Play around your tower and ult him under if he steps up too far in a trade. Remember he can buffer your ult with his ult and his E. Play safe and wait for a mistake, that's how you win. ”
MattStyle says “Los personajes cuerpo a cuerpo suelen ser sencillos porque tu slow te permite acertar fácilmente tu doble Q y frenar sus intentos de acercarse.
Usa la velocidad de movimiento de tu E para alejarte cuando utilice su E. Puedes poner una doble Q en donde va a regresar para un stun fácil.”
j4ss says “more braindead and autoplay compared to yasuo, but no windwall, so go plated and standard build. You can skip collector if you feel necessary and go mortal reminder with infinity edge and shieldbow. bait your teammates and burst him after he spends his cooldowns.”
Laimaudeja says “Aurora faces trouble against skirmishers, as their scaling far exceed her own and make the later stages of her laning phase quite miserable, while also making sidelaning completely impossible.”
Tatsurion says “Just. This man is the new nasus, no matter what you do EVENTUALLY he will be a threat, even if you stomp the lane.
I can talk how broken this guy is for centuries but ultimately:
Do NOT fight him when he pops the E, you will always lose the trade. E away if you must.
Take barrier or tp, do not count for kills here.
Ping when he is missing, treat him like a katarina.
THANKFULLY he isnt as much of a threat since lethal tempo is gone but god damnit this man will find his way back somehow. you can just do your job well and pray you do it better than him, most of the time he will beat you 101 even if you are ahead. Do not fight him. Ever.
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: 2nd item [zhonya's]
*he plays Fleet, Second wind + Dshield so you should try to scale a bit too. if you build burst, you can win 1v1, use everything and press zhonyas*”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long sword start if you want to fight very aggressively with Conqueror go D-Shield. I personally prefer the Long Sword tho.
He's basically Yasuo with less ways to deny your damage. He can use his E to dodge your Qs, but I don't think it's very reliable for him. His Q3 is a free combo/Q if you throw W infront/behind the direction hes dashing in.
Post 6 you should always be able to kill him, if you hit a triple Q and he's not somehow ahead.
You can follow his E2 with your R or camp his E2 spot if he uses it badly.
You can block his R if he tries to get away with it by standing right infront of him.”
support_diff says “The less dangerous brother of Yasuo, Yone is also a melee fighter champion. Unlike his brother, he can't always dash to you and then flash smash and bash you. Well, sometimes he can. If you read Yone's ability descriptions, you will pretty much understand what his playstyle is about. You have to be far from him when he has his third Q up. He has a great damage, but isn't too much of a threat to you. Try to pressure him a lot early so he doesn't get a cs lead and count his Q uses so you won't be caught off guard”
BrMario1011 says “same as mid but harder because longer lane and less jg presence, if he chases u on e just q him and walk away/ w away
can go grasp or phase, teleport”
Shifty says “Another lane that you win before level 6, but you can lose very easily once Yone hits level 6. Dodge his knock up and R and you'll win. Get hit by his Q knock up and R combo? You are dead, even if he only has half an item.”
Viktorias Secret says “Coinflip like Yasuo.
Better since Lethal tempo removal but still can be hard.
Keep your W to place it under you when he goes for some Q3 and/or E engage.
You'll have enough damage after 1st item to be really annoying for him and force him into bad decisions. If you manage to dodge Q3/R and/or zone him away from you with your W, it is a good match up.
For Yasuo, it is harder, he has better lane bully potential and he can get out of your W really easily if there is creeps close to him, his passive shield gives him safety from your early poke and he has better midgame. If you fight him away from waves it is pretty easy though, your Q2 goes through his windwall, your E doesn't but you can manage to place it wisely.”
Krmen says “You have the lead early on until level 13-14 when he's gonna deal more damage than you if you are even. Try to abuse him early and even in mid/late game it's still a matter of skill, if you engage him correctly you might win.”
vitya331 says “Yone is melee and is not very strong early game but can be annoying because of his shield, you can easily out trade him and kill after couple trades.”
EVEKING says “This champ has a very overloaded kit and scales alot, doesnt have much counterplay unless he misses his Q3, avoid starting fight unless you know he has cooldowns. Play safe and let your jungler gank your lane often”
Nuk3Th3Gam3r says “Preface: Same as Yasuo, this is a bit of a skill match up but with Grasp and constant chip damage, you can beat him in lane phase.
He is a weaker Yasuo in some respects. Respect his Spirit Walk (E) into his Spirit Cleave (W) and you can easily hold laning phase. I would say running this build is the easiest time I have ever had against Yone players. Once you have 10+ Adaptive, if you understand Yorick and how to avoid Yone to a decent degree this becomes a match up favoring you. ”
sick204 says “Respect Yone's burst potential and sustained damage with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Yone's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Yone's engage potential with his E and ultimate, which can catch Yasuo off guard and turn fights around. Utilize Wind Wall to block Yone's Q in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output and engage potential. Engage on Yone when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on health, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Ninja Tabi or Guardian Angel to mitigate Yone's burst damage and survivability.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “His kit looks scary, and yeah it is scary but tbh when he goes into ghost mode just root him and walk away. He'll just go back, and if he hits you with his passive you know you're toast. I take IGNITE here since I can poke him, but you might need to rely on ganks though.”
SkandalloTV says “Just extremely annoying quit. Auto-attack Irelia can deal better with him early, but no AP Irelia build can deal with him after 3 items. Focus on farming and doing damage in team fights.
If he doesn't build MR, you can one-shot him mid to late game.”
otaliz says “Yone is similar to Yasuo, but he does not have the Wind Wall. You can poke him a little in the early levels, especially pre-level 3. But pay attention to his E, because if he jumps at you and stays in melee range, he can win easily, so keep your W ready to either stun or slow him. Let the waves come to your side of the map, and don't let him freeze. Bone Plating is a good option against him.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Feel free to pummel him with basic attacks in the early Levels, and use your Q whenever Yone uses his stab, as it stops him in place for a short moment. His knock-up makes it especially easy to hit Qs, though you need to create more distance between yourself and Yone as it has a very long range. You should play a lot more respectfully after he finishes Berserker's Greaves, as they're a massive powerspike in power and makes it much more punishing to walk up and use basic attacks on him. Be mindful that his spirit form always returns him to where it was casted, so it's very easy to place a minefield or anticipatory ultimate when it runs out.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
Going for barrier here is a bait IMO, because once he reaches you it doesn't matter for him whether you have a barrier or not cause he has too much dps. If I could ban an other champion, it would probably be Yone. The good thing is, his E is very telegraphed and his 3rd Q commits him way more than yasuo. His ulti is a threat, so be ready to dodge it or flash it out. Depending on how good your laning phase went, you can go even with him. The sad truth is, that he will always outscales you once he reaches his items. Play with your team!”
Fienny says “Same as Yasuo but weaker pre-6. Try to punish him after his E or Q3. Be patient and farm well, you will 100-0 him, unless he doesn't very ahed”
awawa says “Lethal got deleted lmao the champion doesn't exist, he can't even win long trades against you XD
Most Yone players will always Q3 you, so be prepared to dodge that. Keep passive fear for when he tries to engage at you. Just passive fear all his attempts to play the game.”
MageSept says “Yone is annoying but not as much as his brother Yasuo.
The problem with Yone is that he has too much reach and that you cannot really do much in lane against him, letting him scale freely. It is hard to rate this matchup as it can be heaven or hell depending on how good the Yone is. The good thing about the matchup is that it is a "lose lane win game" matchup for Veigar. ”
ShokLoL says “Yone can be bullied hard in levels 1 and 2, but level 3 onwards you will want to keep the wave in the middle or on your side to prevent him from chasing down the lane. Try respect when he has his Q3 and E up, and then punish their long cooldowns after he uses them. Post 6 be very careful of his strong gank setup and ability to chase you down the lane with T2 boots. Phase rush is a must for this matchup and you will want to save it for when he Es forward.”
ShokLoL says “Yone can be bullied hard in levels 1 and 2, but level 3 onwards you will want to keep the wave in the middle or on your side to prevent him from chasing down the lane. Try respect when he has his Q3 and E up, and then punish their long cooldowns after he uses them. Post 6 be very careful of his strong gank setup and ability to chase you down the lane with T2 boots. You can look to take any of Phase Rush, Conqueror or Electrocute in this matchup depending on how aggressive you want to be in the early game + if you're scared of their jungler/support or not.”
ShokLoL says “Yone can be bullied hard in levels 1 and 2, but level 3 onwards you will want to keep the wave in the middle or on your side to prevent him from chasing down the lane. Try respect when he has his Q3 and E up, and then punish their long cooldowns after he uses them. Post 6 be very careful of his strong gank setup and ability to chase you down the lane with T2 boots. Save a W to dash away from his E or ulti.”
Soft Headpats says “Compared to Yasuo, Yone is much easier to deal with. He relies on his Q3 + E to run you down, which is much more telegraphed compared to Yasuo's flexible E (also no Windwall). Holding E defensively helps with stopping his engage as well. As long as you respect his trade windows this lane is fairly simple.
After he hits 6, he becomes more threatening with his stronger gank setup, so be careful of getting run down. A lot of his abilities allow him to buffer CC, so even if you think you're about to land an E spell on him, be careful of him ulting straight through it or E-ing back to safety. ”
ShokLoL says “Yone is all about respecting his windows. When he has Q3 and/or E you need to play more respectfully and try move back. It's also a good idea to try hold E defensively in this matchup unless Yone wastes his cooldowns. Post 6 be very careful of being rundown the lane if you're pushed up far or falling victim to his gank setup.”
ShokLoL says “Yone can be bullied hard in levels 1 and 2, but level 3 onwards you will want to keep the wave in the middle or on your side to prevent him from chasing down the lane. Try respect when he has his Q3 and E up, and then punish their long cooldowns after he uses them. Post 6 be very careful of his strong gank setup and ability to chase you down the lane with T2 boots. Once you get to teamfights you should have no trouble, just avoid 1v1ing him at all times.”
Deceiver_euw says “Unlike yasuo, yone does not have really good tools to trade into LeBlanc so he gets bullied in the laning phase. Make sure to bait out his Ws and not trade into them since his W shield is very strong early game. Also dont overcommit to all-ins too early because of lethal tempo. Keep in mind that he can cleanse your chain root with his E reactivation so dont get caught off guard by this mechanic.”
plankbro says “My personal ban. Always ban, and if you don't? Stop it, dodge the game. You think you're good? Don't care, a Yone worth a chromosome will hold his W for any trade you try, and even if you don't want to trade, he will force it (and win) every trade by using his Q3 that he will have every five seconds. Cry under your tower and hope he doesn't 1v9 your team, and NEVER duel him unless you're getting ganked. Try for easy Q's lvl 1 and 2, and try to mind game him by letting go of your Q earlier than he can W or E during laning phase. Go for easy cheap trades but never commit to a fight. Play around your grasp proc for sustain and always back off and respect his Q3.”
Janninger says “He can be dangerous if you let him get up close hit Q to mitigate a lot of his damage but once you are at 2 items, and you haven’t died to him 5 times, you should be stronger than him.”
ShokLoL says “Yone is all about respecting his windows. When he has Q3 and/or E you need to play more respectfully and try move back. It's also a good idea to try hold E defensively in this matchup unless Yone wastes his cooldowns. Post 6 be very careful of being rundown the lane if you're pushed up far or falling victim to his gank setup.”
vSomnia says “Harass him with Q and scorch. Try to dodge as many Q's as you can. Trade when he used W on wave or missed it on you. Never fight when he uses his E cause he will win it. Look to make short trades, get passive proc run away and repeat. If he hits empowered Q in his E you will lose a lot of health.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Try to ban him when u can, normally i ban Sylas or Akali but that's a good ban.
Max ur Q and evolve it, If they have much assasins go with the scaling build. Poke him with Q max u can and when he try to trade u normally dont wanna have so much dmg to do it.
Hard matchup bcs if he's good he can beat u in all states of match, especially if he's on premade with his jg.
Put ur W bellow u when he use his R and Rush Zhonyas to avoid his R.
Runes: Aery and Resolve (shield+bone plating.)
ESP: Intenta bannearlo cuando puedas, normalmente banneo a Sylas o Akali, pero es un buen ban.
Maximiza tu Q y evolucionala. Si tienen muchos asesinos, opta por la configuración de escalado. Dale un toque con la Q al máximo que puedas y, cuando intente intercambiarte, normalmente no querrás tener tanto daño para hacerlo.
Enfrentamiento difícil, si es bueno, puede vencerte en todos los momentos de la partida, especialmente si está de premade con su jg.
Runas: Aery + Quemadura y Valor (Escudo + Coraza ósea)”
elite600.lunar bacca says “keep in mind his e when he has q3, you should respect him poke as much as you can as he s melee but pay attention to his q stacks in longer trades he ll win due lethal tempo don t trade while he s in e pretty easy match up”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Similar to Yasuo, win long trades, if both are low you have higher chances of winning even if he has ignite, just be careful with his "W" and use your "E" to dogde his "R" or his "Q" and you should be fine.
Al igual que Yasuo, ganara tradeos largos, si ambos estan bajos de vida, tu tienes mayores posibilidades de ganar incluso si él tiene ignite, solo ten cuidado con su "W" y usa tu "E" para esquivar su "R" o su "Q" y deberías estar bien.”
gaarrett says “Way more fun to fight than his brother. Dodge Q3 with E, take the quick trade, and wait for your cooldowns to come back up. Out of lane, he can duel you once he gets enough Crit, so Zhonya's is recommended. [4/5] ultimate. AOE knockup engage, long range gap closer, or running away tool depending on what you need. ”
MukiiBaa says “Compared to yasuo this abomination can run you down from his turret to yours and E back to his soul.
Freeze and poke him till you can all in
Oblivion orb and frozen hear rush can save you some time until you and your team scales enough.
After bork he can win 1v1 fight even when behind
Freezing is my go to path to beat him and all in him when he misplay his E
149Gray says “Yone can be harder than Yasuo but still okay, poke him with auto attacks and Q's early, stay away from him when he has his E+Q3. Try to dodge it or pool if you have to. You need to be careful when you use pool, which goes for every matchup, but it is still worth mentioning since this guy is literally playing Urf.”
JackOfAllLanes says “His E, cmon now you can easily learn to time it to throw an undodgeable E which he will either néed to dodge or, tank while he presses R (if he hadn't used it in his E state. Try to dodge his Q3 -> W -> AA -> Q Combo by not getting hit by the Q3. Everything ezle should be easy. ”
XD001 says “Take note of Yone's E cooldown since it allows him to fully 100-0 you anytime in lane if you are not careful. Use your W on the wave since he has to walk up in order to get Q stacks for his dash. If he uses E to chase you after you proc passive, quickly run away since he has ramping movespeed. Mid game you want to stop trading with him unless you know you can finish him since his items give him crazy vamp and sustain.
Yone outscales
take Elec + sorcery page”
wundrew says “You lose most extended trades. You can shunpo behind him if he uses W, shunpo away if he casts ult. Short trades until hes low enough to all-in.”
KazunaSan says “son W vous poke à l'infini et vous empeche de le poke au Q, il vous zone assez bien mais vous pouvez counter son E avec une full combo, il est envisageable de go phase rush pour faire des trades courts et fuir mais l'electrocute est viable, ne faites pas d'erreur car une fois devant c'est terminé.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After 6 hes annoying and a major threat. Hold your root for when he jumps into you for a free combo. If he ults you can just ult yourself. If you survive his combo you can kill him.”
ThelpixG says “The only thing that makes him a threat in lane early is lethal tempo and long exchanges.
If you're able to poke him down with first strike and dodge his Q he instantly becomes quite easy to deal with early and he's even killable.
Once he gets some items he becomes a big threat specially in 1v1's.
Try to dodge his W and punish him while he doesn't have it.
Dodge his q's and try to hit him with passive and Q whenever he goes in with E.
If you dodge his ult you can punish him.
Try not to die early otherwise he'll run you over.
Serpent's fang is very strong against him.”
OwnerofHappiness says “Don’t poke early, you won’t have kill pressure. Just farm and don’t advance if your E-Q is down.
If you die, he can probably begin diving you and trading/killing”
Wizboy73 says “Much harder then his brother and my permaban. This champ is super broken currently, and iuf you still wana play it, take defensive runes, build zhonyas and pray you can do something in the teamfights, if he hits a good R tho your team is dead. ”
Shinbae says “Ёнэ имеет в своём арсенале ешку которая позволяет контрить сон Зои, таким образом он, если словит лицом сон, может запросто вернуться посредством ешки и мало того что вы потратили свой драгоценный скилл, так ещё и для Ёнэ открывается возможность контратаковать с ещё большей яростью”
Carpincho sex0 says “He can push line much faster which will take pressure off us on the map, then we will have to dodge his r at all costs or he will kill us most of the time, even so the game will be playable ”
Hexeria says “[Yasuo and Yone can both pretty countered pretty hard, by building Frozen Heart and Plated Steelcaps first, into Thornmail and going full tank after that.] [Trust me, its your best chance.] [But Despite that, watch out for their charged Q's and cast your E into their dashed to dodge and interrupt them.]”
Vlasuo says “EXTRA: You can windwall his fully-stacked Q (though, if he dashes through you with the first half of the length you will still get hit by it)”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I don't think yone is hard matchup because his E have a weakness.
If he got our Sleep bubble after he pressing his E or we can land Sleep bubble on clone spot”
j4ss says “Yone is annoying but has no windwall, so just wait your level 6 and be more useful than him. He's squishy for the most part of the game so make sure to pick off him and don't let him get through 3 items fast.”
Halkem says “Has really good waveclear and high kill potential with minimal risk with his E. Just avoid pushing into him early, because he can freeze and then you're fucked. Good Yones will also buffer back to their body as soon as they get in your ult range, making you waste R. His R also cancels yours in the right timing. You have to make sure he's commiting with his E to R him back. He is annoying sidelane because of Hullbreaker.”
Iceyou says “braindead dmg but also braindead trading pattern . you know when he wants to come in . stun move back to dodge w q auto play passive for his next tornados until your w is back up dont get all ined during his e you ll die . play ignite poke him get him low dive kill win . ”
The Milelator says “Same as Yasuo, however you can't all in him with r. You need to trade him with your basic abilities. If he ult you, ult into the opposite direction and you will stun him. Blade yone beats you and outscales you.”
Hikkinnado says “More skilled player wins, but kassadin is more favoured here, you can dodge his all combo with r, when he uses e you can q and run , he has big cooldown on e, so then trade.”
WarwicksSimp says “Strategy: R him when he q's into you, q through him when he tries to recall e2. This should usually help you win this matchup ideally.
He presses r and wins a teamfight, not a lot you can do. He easy 1v9s games typically and if he gets camped by his jg, you cant play the game. This champion is really good at never interacting with you and denying your engages to just focus on cs, scaling, and teamfights. Which is really bad for you. Winnable if he feeds you.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Harder than Yasuo because this champion is braindead. Try to play safe because his E is fair and balanced. Also, Sidestep Q's and keep good spacing.”
DivineButterMan says “Xin Zhao stomps, requires you to know Xin Zhao's strengths, but when you do, Yone wont be able to play the game.
Until he gets his 0/8 powerspike.”
FrostbiteMW says “Annoying since he wins the earlygame matchup. He can also easily outtrade you with his E. Try to not use your Q until he uses E and stun him when he wants to attack you. Besides that play safe early and push him in after 6.”
Tokiyami says “Easier than yasuo you can usually abuse him hard early game because he doesnt have what yasuo has and is pretty vulnerable to early trades against akali, just hard bully him early and you winlane just be mindful of his E Q can E his E Q.”
FlopQueenEra says “Yone's main damage ability (Q), requires him to land skill shots. Sona should move unpredictably and position herself behind minions or far away to make it difficult for Yone to land his abilities.”
Yannik123 says “Its up to you. If he e into you and you land your e he can cast e again and cleanse it but that also makes his e useless. You can poke him but usually cant full combo him.”
stormraided says “Yone is kind of like Yasuo, wiggle but walk in a straight line when dodging his Q because of his hitbox, don't let him proc Lethal Tempo, if he does so just E away or walk back. Take only short trades and if you all in him keep in mind that he can ult away. Try your best to dodge his ultimate and his Q2 because he can chain combo it into his ultimate. All in him when he returns back to his E or when his E is on cooldown. Melee Q if he E's into you. ”
support_diff says “Once he uses his Q dash, punish him as you will probably outdamage him. His ult is really good to steal as you can both secure a kill and run away with it”
Fuzzmonkey says “Dodge Q knock-ups. And try not to let him W you too often. If he's using his E kite him out, and when he's just about to go back, follow him with W and all in.”
Wraithlander says “Quite a difficult matchup if he takes ignite. His all in is very strong and he can prevent you from getting W heal off by snapping back to his E. Only trade if you know his E is down.”
FlopQueenEra says “Yone is popular in midlane so you can use orianna grande to counter this. Just dodge his Q by doing sidestep on early. YOU CAN LITERALLY OUTPLAY THIS”
LewisBlawk says “If u want to lanedom Yone then take HOB and try ur best to poke that fucker down early at safe distances. Especially when he tries to Q minions, AA+Q him away. Issue is your less helpful with HOB in team fights so either play chill with LT for example early or Lanedom HOB”
OOBLEXX says “Honestly this matchup is nice because you can go all in early before he gets boots- can work if the Yone is not respecting your damage and CC.
Time the use of his E to catch him with your Q when he pings back to his original position then use Everfrost active- all the while layering in E and AAs, trust me its annoying to deal with and you will do a tonne of damage.
To be honest I never ban him because of how easy the early game can be, you'd be better off banning Sylas.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Yone is incredibly troublesome, being very strong in the early game due to Lethal Tempo. As Aurelion, you're forced to farm from a distance using your Q in the early game, which makes you stationary, and during this time, he can easily chunk a significant portion of your HP. You need to anticipate his Q hits and keep yourself very far away when his 3rd Q is charged.”
tangerrine says “STAY AWAY FROM ATTACK RANGE. Otherwise you will die. If he has the wind around his feet AND his E up, W away and pray he doesnt try to engage. ”
TheFakeMord says “Melee Champ, keep him in ur Range and its an easy kill, dodge his R with your ghost by reacting to it. And u can alwasy EW his point of return on His E”
Zero macro says “Yone is a strong adc bruiser with good mobility, Thereby it is needed for Caitlyn to dodge his catching crowd controle ---> to prevent further damage and oneshots. This becomes fairly easy pre level 6 Yone, due to Caitlyn E into Yone 3rd Q. once Yone reaches level 6 it will be hard to dodge 3rd Q and R at once for Caitlyn. Other than this fact that you have to respect, it becomes a super easy free lane that Caitlyn can abuse. Yone E spawnpoint can be taken advantage of with Caitlyn W traps.”
serrafim says “A good yone can really fuck you up, but you can trade damage with your Q. Try and get his W (Big Slash) down so you can have a better trade. When he uses his E (Run It Back), count 5 seconds, and then throw your W on Yone's afk body for free stun/passive proc. ”
AngeReaper says “(This is a tank guide)
Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain then escape but stay healthy until lvl 3
NO LONG FIGHT if they have letal tempo (99.9% of time. if not, that a noob, or BIG PRO, find out )”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Yone is super easy early. You can easily out poke him early just watch out for his double q charge. You dodge that and its easiest match up. If you dont gl. Go comet”
Braimyy says “Not a particularly difficult match up, in order to have kill pressure on you he has to stack q which requires him to push the wave in. Just focus on farming and don't try to 1v1 him :)”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Dodge his Q3 knockup]
[Try to avoid taking too much damage from his E]
[Avoid his R at all cost]”
freuio123 says “Yone ist hingegen super free, seine 3. Q Animation ist langsamer als Rocky in der Spongebob Folge vom Schneckenrennen.
Er kann dich quasi nicht all-innen und wenn er doch mal ultet kannst du zur Seite ulten.
First Strike und scaling is the way hier und am Ende einfach outvaluen.”
Anguish333 says “- Q whenever he goes for Q on minions
- Dodge his Q
- You can easly hit E whenever he casts Q3 on us, you E out of range of knockup and hit him cos he can't move
- His W Shield has small delay, you can Q and insta Shroud to wait out his Shield
- If You are confident in dodging his Q3 and You think you don't need Rocketbelt, You can rush Shadowflame vs him since he gets shield even if he hits minions only”
NickLeVlach says “It depends if he knows how to play. When he E in just counter him with the Q+E combo or just E him away. He won't be able to get any damage off. Poke him throughout the whole laning phase too. When he hits 6, save your E for when he uses R since he can teleport through your E.”
AdrikN says “Just like Yasuo but more annoying... watch out for his third Q! He will most likely all in you. Exhaust Ghost are good picks against Yone. Try to abuse and poke him when he is low level so he can't all in you later on. ”
Zeusman00 says “Much easier matchup than Yasuo, just avoid being hit by his dash. Miasma can prevent him from going back in the middle of his E, even if the time has run out, as long as you are dodging the knockup on his Q3 you can win a majority of times. If Yone uses his ult on you, you can ult behind yourself at the same time and it will stun him letting you W and Q him for an extremely good trade.”
uwuimsocute says “Unlike his brother, this matchup is actually fine, if you have good spacing and movement.
You will outscale him anyway and he cannot easily allin you as Yasuo can, so if you are uncomfortable in this matchup, keep your CS numbers high and scale.”
Angryappleseed says “A bit easier than yasuo, but a lot easier to outplay since he has no windwall. Abuse your range and mobility early on. Rush steelcaps and get galeforce so you can dodge his q and ult.”
Shoei baron king says “ele consegue tirar sua passiva, te acerta com a ut da puta que pariu, tem o mesmo range que voce, se ele chegar perto de tu ja era ”
Painters says “Very tough match up. Build Everfrost for when he's in your face. Use your E when he uses his Soul Unbound (E), when he returns, to his soul, he will be stunned on his way back. Save W for when he's on you.”
MrMeem45 says “He's like if Yasuo could only dash onto you every 15 seconds. He'll still fucking demolish you if you make even a single mistake, but you have a bit of breathing room.”
Enderspider says “As long as you can sidestep a bit, not a threat. Your damage is too much for him and he has no way to really dodge your w like yasuo or fizz, he might mitigate your stuncard but that means he has to opt out of his fight.
Play it smart and you will have a free lane.”
Cryniu says “Focus on dodge his Dash Q and poke him in early game. When he tries to damage or kill you with his E, try to slow him and run, you can use Break Combo to negate the engage. You also can put bombs where Yone will be after using his E.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Poke and Trade Efficiently: Neeko has decent poke with her Q (Blooming Burst). Use it to harass Yone when he tries to last hit. However, be cautious of Yone's all-ins and manage your mana well.
Mind Games with Clone and Ultimate: Neeko's passive can confuse Yone. Use it to your advantage, creating opportunities to bait his abilities. Use your ultimate wisely to CC him during an all-in.
zLuxfury says “You expected him to be in Extreme tier?
He sure is dangerous, but if you play safe and keep on scaling he stands no chance.
Don't try to trade, just poke and if you can get stacks with q on him SAFELY.
He might try poke you under tower with E+Q3, be ready to use R on him to get big amount of damage.”
TB Azir says “Yasuo benzeri bir matchup olsa da early game'i daha basit fakat dakikalar ilerledikçe oynaması daha dikkat isteyen bir versiyonu diyebiliriz Yone için. Örneğin Yasuo 1 levelda E açıp Azir’e karşı bir şeyler yapabiliyor fakat Yone'nin skill setinden dolayı böyle bir şey yapma ihtimali yok. Ama aynı şekilde 8-9 leveldan sonra düşen Q cooldown'ıyla berabe eline Q3 çekip üstünüze geldiği ve dolayısıyla saygı duyup geri çıkmanız gereken anların sayısı da artıyor. Range’inizi koruyup Q3 ile üstünüze gelmek istediğinde dümdüz geri clickleyin ve Q’sunu yemeyin. Q3'üne saygı duymak ve rakip ormancıyı takip etmek kaydıyla kafanıza göre agresif oynayabilirsiniz ekstra bir olayı yok.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
South Z says “Although it might seem like Yone is as easy of a matchup as Yasuo, it actually isn't, and he has too many ways of playing around your E, and generally more spacing tools than you.”
The Unshackled says “You've got an advantage pre-lvl3. After that it's a pure skill matchup. Don't get baited into a river fight as you're much weaker there (you can't jump around him like a monkey).”
darkezmond says “The same skill matchup as with Yasuo, only a little easier, avoid his R with his E when he uses his E poke him with his W=>Q and kite from his E in parallel”
kaiba77 says “Play out of his Q3 range to bait his dash, and e onto him if he does. Bully him but dont waste Q into his W shield. Rush shadowflame is optional.”
EL ZUDO says “he is one of the easiest matchups u can dodge his r with urs u have better trades msot of he times dodge his q with w but be careful if he is too agressive play mroe passive bc he wins in poke due to his low cds if he plays more passive punish him u win at 6 maybe 4 if he is dumb ”
BlakC1 says “Skill Matchup. If you struggle, ask jungler for a gank so you can get ahead and just farm up until your 2 item and 1 amp tome powerspike.
waggles says “Have to respect the champion. Yone is very safe and can wittle you down with little to no consequence, wait for enemy impatience or jungle.”
Edwwardo says “Don't overextend and you'll be fine. His ult can be a problem but if you keep close to the walls the walls you should be able to escape anything he throws at you.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery nimbus transcendence scorch.
Eyeball choice. OR
Choice cosmic.
Ignite, can kill if bad.
Harass early, watch for e cleanse and q.
E his e leaving-point if you can.
You can predict-R his R.”
Deru says “Harder than yasuo since he counters your fling with his e. You can though solokill him with conq early on but you get outscaled so either try to snowball him or shove and roam.”
Deru says “Harder than Yasuo since he counters your fling with his E. You can though solokill him with conq early on but you get outscaled so either try to snowball him or shove and roam.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Play carefully, he also picks up the wind (Q), but he can not only throw up, although in the vicinity, but he will also be closer to you. He can also overcome your W, his Q and R. You can catch him at the end of his E, in the place where his "body" stands.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins or Conditioning and Overgrowth, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Rush Nashor or BOTRK (both recommended but BOTRK more valid).”
WayOfTheWlnd says “If you play this matchup horribly, you will suffer. Levels 2-6, you can poke him down, and then follow him back to his spirit with your E2, its a very skill based matchup, if he is fed, gg.”
Mayuushii says “Just like Yasuo he will try to get you with Q3 but has the spirit E to dodge your stuff. His W shield can negate your W auto poke so be aware. When he has Q3 he may go for you after using E so if he uses Q3 or E's too far up charm him and combo him but then walk away or just use E and Q and go back. R or flash his R but if he has 6 avoid his Q3 or else he will get guaranteed R ”
DawrazWasInting says “Kind of a skill matchup. You can outrade him until he gets his boots. He is way weaker then you level 3 so you can try to go for early trades to prock your passive and Electrocute. If he gets the lead he will be unstopable mid game.”
Samikin says “Fluctuating Threat.
It depends on who you ask. I believe that Yone is a really easy matchup. Use E when he goes in on you with his E + 3rd Q combo, it forces him to go back or take a lot of damage. You can poke him out really easily. Yone's E is a little bit longer cooldown than Zoe's E, so you can try catching him on that timing. You can also try to time your R to dodge Yone R or stall for your sleep to take effect.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
TheAfricanDream says “Yone is very weak level 1. Play at your max range and just try to poke him down with your Q and basic attacks. Most Yone's will start Doran's Shield into Swain so that they can survive in the early levels. Respect his tornado and back off so that he cannot force an engage on you. He can easily run you down at level 3 with his effigy so try to dodge his Q's and play at the max range. Once he buys a Blade of the Ruined King he will be able to 1v1 you at any stage after that. Respect that and only look to make plays on him at that point with your team.”
liqulabouse says “Hard to play against in lane, but with good wave management its not impossible. Good to know that he can buffer your R with his E and his R, alwways try to avoid trading him when he has 1 stack on Q cause he will instantly Q then E then Q again and you don't have any counterplay than E+Q out”
SashaDreadful says “Save your W to strand him under turret when he allins you. When he jumps out of his body, you can dump traps on where he has to return.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “He outsustains your poke and easily deals with your boxes. There is no need to die to him in lane but you cannot kill him solo unless he gets very greedy into your boxes. Worth a ban. ”
Cjtheawesome says “Similar to Yone, but all you have to do is avoid his E+Q combo when he has it available and chunk him down when he doesnt have it up.”
Demonsedge90 says “The big thing to watch out for is keeping him from getting too close or hitting you with mortal steel (part three) or his ultimate, which will make the lane harder since you may have to back after taking that hit. Damaging him often with your skills will help. Anti-heal is necessary for fighting Yone.”
Krzychu678 says “If he is fed, you may have problems. On laning phase try to dodge his Q knock up's. You can land your Q on him if he is on his E and fly to his body with him.”
Atemporal says “Combate bastante difícil, seu nível 1 é basicamente o mesmo que o de Yasuo, então você não pode igualá-lo. No nível 2, você pode realmente negociar. Para ganhar negociações todas as vezes, espere que ele use seu Q3 (Q fortalecido), desvie com E se estiver prestes a bater em você, então combo ele.
Além disso, se ele não tiver W, você pode facilmente fazer trocas rápidas. Tenha cuidado com ele atropelando você em um longo comércio. Quando ele usa E em sua direção, você só quer fugir o mais rápido possível sem deixá-lo bater em você. Yone E tem como
20 segundos de cooldown no início, então depois que ele usa você pode facilmente ganhar negócios ou apenas empurrar sem risco de morrer. Você quer começar a ganhar este confronto depois da primeira volta. Você deve ser mais forte depois da primeira volta se estiver empatado. Procurando por Q,
então E para redirecionar e insta proc passiva é a maneira mais fácil de negociar com ele. Você ganhará todas as negociações normais em que usar W devido ao escudo, então brinque com essa habilidade. Você pode facilmente desviar de Yone R com seu R. Yone pode ser muito fácil
para ganchar. Quando ele Q2 praticamente todos os jogadores Yone vão olhar para E -> Q2 em você para negociar. Chame seu jungler e atraia-o para entrar, então W sua posição E. Seu E dura 5 segundos antes que ele tenha que voltar. Se você pode esperar alguns segundos em seu E
então W sua posição de retorno você será capaz de pegá-lo. Yone se torna um monstro com 2-3 itens, então você deve tentar vencê-lo antes disso. Não seja tentado a comprar o Seeker's Armguard porque Yone causa dano mágico pesado.”
BradJr says “Not as bad as Yasuo. If you cage him you are free to trade and farm stacks. Use E as soon as he uses E near you, otherwise, his Rampaging Movespeed will help him get to melee range.”
Simelodeon says “I: Everfrost + Morello
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Yasuo auf Steroiden. Lass dich einpushen und versuch dich hochzufarmen. Kills bekommst du meistens nur wenn er ungedudlig wird und dumme Engages nimmt.”
IamBishop says “Bit more annoying that yas because of his e and passive. But generally the same principle, freeze wave, fight him if he walks up, look to duel him in fights. ”
OSG Rewynd says “This matchup mostly depends on the meta, but if Yone understands how Ekko works at all, he should win this matchup. You can trade if he uses W, and doesn't have third Q up. You have to proc passive and run though, because he runs lethal, so he will win the extended trade.”
Lucid Walking says “Yasuo's lil bro. This guy is less oppressive than him, but in teamfights he is a nightmare.
Q him whenever he casts his Q3 towards you. Equinox yourself while he's in his Spirit form.”
Mind Of Kayle says “Before 6 - When he engages u with E, just Q him and run away (you can also add W). After level 6, you can poke him pretty hard if he isnt in his E. Be prepared to dodge his R with your flash or Block it with your R. ”
Balinthun873 says “Try to dodge his Q3 with your W or R.
When he Q's he will stand still for a second. You can land a Q in that window you just need to count on it.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Very easy early, he is very squishy, poke him with Q and if he jumps on you with stacked Q just destroy the barrels as he dashes, also if u sidestep it you have basically free trade. His ult oneshots after several items are the only problem but and thats why he is not in tiny tier but its managable”
Spoomk says “Avoid his shit, possibly wait to combo him on the other end of his spirit-thread plot armor bullshit. Best you can do is exploit any inexperience with the Rakan matchup or life experience he may have. They have notoriously weak mental game.”
My Xperience says “Ahhhh the int brothers. Honestly not hard to kill but these guys can go 0/10 and still 1v1 u even if you are ahead .bruiser build makes it so you can 1v1 them but takes time to get there and they can outscale you before you build three items”
Xelikari says “You pound this guy, play safe until 3-4 generally and you can take trades until he's within all-in range. Plated Steelcaps are kinda useful but as he scales he starts doing a lot of true/magic damage. Early game is a breeze.”
CFCryo says “Double gapclosers (triple with R) are really difficult for Thresh. Try and dodge his 3rd Qs in lane with just movement, once done, you can retaliate from range, and try not to let him W shield when you do. When he activates E, simply Flay and walk away, just like Illaoi. His R makes it easy ot land a hook, but you still get hit. Avoidance is best. Take boots and Titanic Hydra first.”
xblademojo says “He can't punish you as good as Yasuo , Diana and irelia. Stay efficent don't get killed early, and the longer the game takes the better it will get for you. Milestone is reaching Level6.”
Veng Shotz says “lethal tempo removal made this champ no longer stat check you with 1500 gold worth of attack speed at level 1 and actually requires skill to play, that being said, the loss of lethal tempo makes his kill pressure incredibly tiny without proper item spikes.
Rush tabis into damage, phage/pickaxe or 2 longswords.
getting wardens and tabis early shuts down his early kill pressure. Watch for his all in post 6 as most yones will instant ult as soon as youre hit with q3, hold e to dodge this. Outside that you can essentially out sustain him if you space correctly, and as said previously, dont force trades with him unless you know you can survive his dps after you land your combo.
sapphire__lol says “Bit harder than yasuo because of his kit. Still Zac favoured since you win all ins until 2 items. Wait out his 3rd q then e on him and shorttrade. You can also leave lane and wait until he steps up for first q on wave-”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
Adamonias says “Glass Floor Lane. Like Yas early Boots and Early Tear to dodge his Q3 and R, aswell as tear to match his waveclear.
You can actually do alot in this lane pre 1 item, just don't get all inned lvl 2 with ign. There's a timer on his E you can use to time ur Ult shots. Same build path as yas. Ludens. Stopwatch/zhonyas. Oblivion orb. Shadowflame. He scales better than his windshitter brother, and has longer engage range. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
ZiegenZelu says “Keine Gefahr wenn man ihn respektiert. E nur benutzen wenn er für einen Engage geht um ihn zu stunnen und von dir fernzuhalten.
Nach lost Chapter kann man ihn easy harrassen und auch anschließend töten. Empfehle Exhaust gegen seinen ult engage.”
SkyBanana says “Though telegraphed, Yone wants to go all in then blink out like a true assassin. His E can be punished with your Echo E but still if he has R he has that much reach to kill you and blink out.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound
, you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. When playing as a ranged champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and poke him down. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you very easily.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not much counterplay since he can easily close the gap with all his abilities and come out on top. I would ban him honestly if you can't decide who to get rid of.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “He is almost as bad as his brother, however, is not as bad since he has no wind wall. Still broken as shit tho. Being one of the few opponent with sustain makes him living hell to fight. Rush anti-heal as fast as you can.”
Body Those Fools says “This champ is very annoying. If he takes Doran's Shield + Second Wind, you can't poke him out of lane. He's going to stack up is Q3 tornado, so just back up and wait for it to expire. You can sidestep or E out of it, although it is expensive mana costs to do it every time. Same goes with his E; if he Es at you, usually with Q3 ready, do your best to run away/Q+E or E+Q away from of it. You can Ult him away after he Ults, but you have to time it so it will hit after he blinks to you; if you do it before, he will just blink through your Ult and it's wasted. Do your best to kite him and use your range advantage. His E cooldown is very long, so try to take advantage of it after he uses it and poke him. You can try to side step his Ult if casted from long range or Zhonya's Hourglass it to counter him. ”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear-Biscuits-Cosmic Insight-Bone Plating-Overgrowth/Unflinching(Unflinching if enemy team has CC)
AP AP Armour
W max->E->Q
Dark seal refillable
Dont fight until 3
Looks to trade when his E(22s CD)/W(15s CD) is on CD
You can pre Q his E (so the Q2 hits) followed by E2 auto W auto for when he dashes back
Stay out of range of his W and poke with Q
Post 3 you win trades
If he Es towards you try to fight in your minion wave & E(away from his E), Q(where he is running towards) E2 auto auto W auto auto
Dont engage in long trades
You can (Q) E2 R to help R hit
E2 can be used to drag R path
R 6/10 can be extremely good in teamfights if enemies are grouped ”
RedRzr19 says “Avoid his R and Q Dash with W or R and outplay him dont fight him when he activates his spirit form E, or try working around it and poking him before he reaches you.”
KayyeN says “Yone is just as much of a lane bully as his brother, the difference being that Yone is not even hard to play. He will constantly look for engages on you with his third Q. Just like with Yasuo, if he starts running you down with E and you don't have a far-away wave to jump to, you're probably dead. Same goes for dodging his R. Also insane dive potential once you're below half HP, since he can just E away. Try farming and not dying.”
HikariWoosh says “Yone despite being melee, will close the gap between the two of you instantly, be very respectful of his E cooldown and use your pushing power to control the game.”
Amarusis says “Try to poke with Q, be aware of his R. Brothers are quite easy to dominate in next levels just dont let him feed in early to give you the opportunity gaining CS.”
DabiDabi says “Yone is pretty scary. He has good mobility and his W shield can block a little bit of your dmg and his lvl 6 is pretty strong. You have to dodge his knock and ult before his rectangle turns full red.”
DabiDabi says “You'll likely not win if Yone is trading with his E. Once it's down you can all-in. You may want to buy an early Serpent to fight against his W. ”
C4V3IRINH4 says “Yone can be annoying a lot because of his Ult and his shadow, but there's still a chance don't give up until the last moment. He asks Jungle for help and everything stays calm, tries to dodge the Q and doesn't keep going up all the time.”
TroyLoL says “He is a bit easier to fight than Yasuo but you have to just respect him and farm early and try to freeze the lane near your tower.. Don't let it stack too big or you'll get dove.”
Errevandare says “Можно выиграть на 1 уровне, но потом он сильнее. Может просто нажать e и автоатаковать, выигрывает трейд даже без попаданий q. Можно выиграть 1 на 1, но сложный матчап, и одна ошибка может стоить игры. В бан.”
ze kraken says “Dodge the game. Not really winnable. Even if you win the lane, he will destroy you. His ult is hard to dodge and his sustain past his first item is broken. ”
Super08131208 says “Play aggressive. Yone is easier than Yasuo. Try to always poke with your Q lvl 1 and dodge his knock up. Only time you won't abuse him with Q is when you don't have energy or need to use it for CSing. When he uses E and then tries to knock you up, respond with your E. Recast your E if he goes back to his body and combo him from there. Do be careful of his E+R as he can start to beat you down with his Qs and Auto. Though most of the time you win anyways as long as you have your ult and shroud.
Zoose says “Bully him first 2 levels. His E hard counters your E. Even if you land it, he can use use E and recast it to cancel the cc altogether. Only look to land combos while his E is down. Most Yone's will look for trades when his Q dash knock up ready and E is up, so stay back when he has the animation. His E has around 20 second cooldown. At lv 6, he will win all ins with his consistent damage, so only safely poke him with Q combos. His ult is a blink so you cannot stun him with E. Seekers and Zhonya's are solid defensive options later on.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Dodge his Q3]
[Don't fight him when his E is up]
[Try your best to dodge his R]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]”
spicy ricecaker says “When the wave is long you have an edge over him with greater mobility, but if you're pushing into him he can trade on you with no counterplay. When he hits 6 it's very easy for his jungler to come and gank you.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
Just like Yasuo but difficult to react.
Just play around him like you play around Yasuo but with careful action.
Watch out his Q,R and avoid at all cost since it makes you die instantly.
Using Everfrost to root him can make your team kill him easily.”
lolzayno says “Can be super annoying to lane against because Yone performs really well against immobile champions. Hard to dodge his Q's and his empowered Q since ziggs is extremely slow. Play aggresive in this matchup when his E is on cooldown.”
SadgeBoyK says “broken champion, you can deal with him early if you dodge his q's, but late game all you can do is goo him and keep him away from carry.”
Esrucnl says “I'd say skill matchup. But favourable towards Fizz. Don't fight him the first few levels, since you will lose most of the time because of his passive + lethal tempo.
Make sure you pop his boneplating before you want to combo (Auto attack him)
Pre level 6: Use your E after he used E so you can always hit it similar to Yasuo/Ekko and try to dodge all of his Q's with movement. If he W's you in a minion wave he will get a bigger shield so be careful of that.
You should usually win these if you play it properly.
After level 6: you most of the time save your E for his ultimate (R) so you can dodge it. This depends on how the Yone plays it obviously and in what situation you are in, but typically you want to avoid his R by dodging it with your E if you can dodge it with movement even better!
Unlike Yasuo you can actually hit your R on this edgy guy if you time it properly with either vision or play around his E so he can't dash out of it. (god bless no windwall)”
Azurio says “Not as hard as Yasuo. He is kinda predictable, Dodge his Q tornado and go for trades when he come back on his E postion. His R is faster than your E, so stay focus on those 2 spells (R and Q2) and you can trade him back.”
ddieguito_es says “He's got CC and stuff to cancel your CC. Annoying and can kill you anytime if you dont manage to hit your spells. Don't play recklessly.”
King Turtle says “he has tons of sustain and his kit is extremely overloaded. Generally not fun to play against as he can snowball from essentially nothing and faceroll you and your team.”
Akamatsuu says “Yone. Preciso explicar mais?
Tirando as 1980 maneiras de você tomar airborn, o que ferra com seu plano todo, o kit dele oferece nada de bom contra você, o boneco só é muito forte.”
beansoce says “Deny him on the first wave, proc electrocute and don't let him walk up to get qs. Just becareful of his e because his damage goes through your pool and can execute you. Save ur pool for his ult.”
S4mst4r says “He and his stupid brother aren't easy to play against in early - but manageable...
They can kill you easy when they got three-digit IQ and buy Wits-End”
clytt says “You know that brief moment when you think to yourself "wow I'm glad I got far enough away from Yone right there because he really could combo'd me to 0," just to get trapped in a massive R hitbox that pulls you even closer to him and then pop a blood vessel in your forehead trying to contain the rage? It's what I look forward to when I log onto league everyday. /s
Play safe and he'll still find a way to get on top of you. Exhaust or teleport depending on how you want to play the lane. Exhaust if you think you'll get caught and TP if you just want to get back to lane immediately after first back so he doesn't melt your tower plates. ”
Twisted Tea Fate says “I usually ban him. Most Yone's suck and are overly aggressive. Get him low at level 1 if you can, and he'll probably int under your tower at level 3. Respect him when his E is up.”
Blusz says “if he has a max stack on Q move a little away and provoke him to lose his Q on you or wait for it to finish, if he uses E and pushes it will avoid his Q and use E Q W even if you don't have a tentacle”
annak3ndr1ck says “It depends on player tbh, some Yones will charge u where u easily kill him with ur Q and W, some will play it safe waiting for u to overstep. Extreme Skill Matchup, a bit easier than Yasuo, since his abilities are easier to dodge with W”
MrBlivious says “Dodge his q or you will die 70% of the time to his ult and combos after. You can also time it just right to pull him behind you if he qs towards you and mess him up.”
Chocodino009 says “I love to play vs yone, because its just so predictable, all you got to do is pretend that you are gonna get hit by his q2 then e as he qs, you will dodge + garantee your e.”
Airflected says “E him when he goes in with empowered Q, then E again and immediately W. Then just Q him and you win the trade. If he uses R just dodge with E.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Wait for his Q3 to use then punish him]
[Try to bait his E before going for kill]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
donidaking says “OKKK IT S A WINDSHITTER,
I don t think it s a really hard matchup until he get's shieldbow but don t underestimate his dmg.
GO eletrocute AND POKE POKE POKE POKE if he s dumb enough to eat empowered Q ignite him to get him out of lane or kill him.
If he tries to trade with his E into you just auto+q+short E and pool away.
Watch out for his 2nd Q into R at level 6.
I personally itemize Shadowflame if there are high hp champions and at least 2 shieldbow champions in the enemy team.”
moso says “• Ivern is surprisingly good against Yone.
• The matchup is easier for Yone to play but can be won by Ivern if played correctly.
• Ivern becomes a nuisance for Yone Mid-Late with Daisy.”
TheKingUltra says “He will dash around and will concentrate on damaging you more than on farming. The same goes for his brother. You should be able to outfarm him, because of his ignorance.”
akol1ght says “Does a lot of damage, and his E+Q3 can cover the entire lane and dive your tower. try and land Q when he last hits and back off when he has Q3”
kujosrevenge says “He's outplayable, but if you're seriously building AP against him, he will outscale you to oblivion and murder your entire team in front of you and make you watch. I'd just build AD against him, and try to wait out his E before you use your E.”
Dustyacer says “Poke lvl 1, try to rush lvl 2. hard win lvl 3, just don't get run down a long lane or lethal tempo cheesed. If you can't get lvl advantage, its fine to wait till 3. Lvl 3-5, you kinda just win. Post 6 isnt too bad considering that we dont get a combat ult when he does. When you trade onto him, emp w,q, aa, don't e yet. Reason we aa is so if we need to e, it gains the movement spd, good for when he wants to run u down in his spirit form. His Q3 can cross up. His r goes behind you, e behind you as if you have e towards him, r still dmgs you. Try to not engage onto him when you think he will q3 towards you, it cancels our w. ”
Ahri Simplord says “The complete oppossite of his brother. Run aery plus corrupting potion and auto him to oblivion, by level 6 you should have a good lead but even if he is 3 kills down,its possible for him to oneshot you if he lands his R on you so don't underestimate him,he's pretty obvious as to when he's going in tho so landing a charm on him isn't that hard.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Go Lethal or HOB and run him down. But he does counter you when he is in his E, so go near his E or when he ults ult him back and counter him hard.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar does a decent job of beating Yone. Normally, he wins a acceptable 51.1% of games the champions clash against one another in. In Malzahar against Yone rounds, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less probable to get first blood. This implies that he most likely won't get first blood versus Yone.”
Dj Memelord says “Skill matchup. He scales harder than you though. You can snowball kills on him pre shieldbow but when he gets it you have to respect him. IGNITE is a must.”
m0rfeazz says “1vs1 him in every stage of the game is 80% lose for you, you will need to dodge his ult and land yours, u cant really 1vs1 him so try poking and then all in
Xalt says “Try to all in Yone before he backs for boots/vamp sceptre. When Yone E's towards you, don't panic or retreat, use your W and all in trade without ult. When he E's back, E him and ult ignite for a solo kill.”
Bundif says “Yone is, in my opinion, a smaller threat than his smelly brother. We have the tools to dodge and punish him better than Yasuo. Just like his brother though, a Serpent's Fang is necessary to deal with his late game lest you be bonked by all that edge. ”
SupaSnor says “You should be able to outtrade him early, just watch out for his 3rd Q - E engage, just try to stun him if he comes close. He will become a threat when he has his Berserkers Greaves on his first back, after that he will almost always have his 3rd Q avaible but you will still be able to punish him if he misses that.”
DaffeLaffe says “Yone has no costs and can pretty much perma pressure you. make sure you poke as much as possible and try to dodge the W so he doesn't have his shield. It will be very important to get the first kill in this matchup. If he gets it, the lane is basically lost.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Use your E around you whenever he uses E so he cannot dash you]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
soulentt says “Same as Yasuo, but a little harder. If he engages with his E, immiadetly Q him, and if he comes back to his position, try to E him there. If he will have wind charged up immiadetly run away.”
Magmora says “A scaling monster with decent early game, decent sustain and great mobility. Look for when his empowered q is up, wait for it to go then you can go near him. His main engage is using both his e and his empowered q, so if he has both of them down he is unlikely to look for a fight. If he has both of them up be very careful not to waste your q. You have better waveclear so try and shove and roam. Your W range is similar to his Q range, so you can harass him while he is trying to stack it. Seekers is a great idea into him if you are struggling. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Try to punish him before he gets Immortal Shieldbow]
[Place your W on yourself if he uses his Q3 on you while he is in Spirit form]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
TrueGIXERJ says “not a tough matchup, you outrange him and can constantly harrass, just make sure to hold Q while he has his knockup ready so you can dodge, it's not hard to dodge and usually gives you some free damage too”
Ara55 says “Yone is a MAJOR easy match up, you dumpster this champion. usually you trade your shroud with his E, you E him if he ever Nado q's towards you. and you can proto away from his ult.
ChrisWasTaken says “The hasagi brothers are realy easy. Level 1 is a flip, I usually go for it. IF you do go for it, you have to dash auto, bait his q, auto auto etc. Basically I think of Xin as a kindof 3rd brother, basically same build only much easier execution.”
keneki ken says “just dont try to fight when hes in e and try to do little movement while fighting so you can possibly make him miss and make the trade/all in your favour”
Fake Supp says “unlike his brother Yone is Op in terms of how easy he is to play vs Yasuo and in lane ha can dominate you with ease ... you need to poke them down before they get 3 or 4 then you will have a chance to kill him after that only get lead and roam trust me its the only way”
ThePieBeam says “Yasuo's scary older brother is, ironically, much easier to fight. This fight is all about positioning and if you're new to Anivia this threat level might be very confusing but I'll try to explain. If he dashes into you, just dodge. IK this is a 4head moment but it's very projected. He has to land 2qs then he starts glowing and will probably start walking towards you. If you wall behind him after he dashes then Q him, it's pretty much a free kill provided you're running ignite and he wasn't using his E. Speaking of which, his E is on a very long cooldown so just learn to dodge (take early tier 2s if you're struggling) and run him down if he fucks up. Also, his R is only slightly less predictable than his Q2 is, if you've done the matchup enough you can read this ability like a pop-up book and either play behind its range or step left/right to avoid it. Don't forget! His effective range with a full combo (E+Q2+R) Is way farther than it seems (Almost the entire lane!) so be careful of that.”
xmarksthesp0t says “Be careful of when the wind around his sword is up. This means he can dash to you and hurt you badly. Even from a long distance he can use E and then his Q, so always play safe when its up.
When he uses it, you have a few ms to use W and sidestep it. Same goes with his ult. Ultimate makes a red rektangle in the space infront of him, varning you that its coming. Again, W and sidestep it.
Pre level 6 all i do is try to take the farm i can take. You will mostly play under turret vs a good yone. After level 6 i start to take small trades with AA + E to tear him down. Since he is having shields and usually go shieldbow, a good idea might be to get an oblivion for better trades if you are not ahead.
If you get ahead he becomes really easy.”
LBDB says “this champ will run you down in more than one way and not take shit for damage in the process, you also can't escape at level 6 since he has the entire game's dashes.”
OneDayICanBeGood says “Hard match but still winnable only wait to use W and E. u can dodge him ult with ur dash just dash behind him or another champ or minion.”
Epic_Semibold says “He is annoying. Nothing to say except dodge his q/ult with your Q or try to survive with your ult under tower.
Ask your jungler to come as fast as possible. Also BEAT THE FUCC OUT OF HIM EARLY PLEASE.”
TrueGIXERJ says “Same kinda boat as yasuo, your Q outranges his and you can lock him down for an easy combo with W. only reason he's in "minor" rather than "tiny" is his R, if he lands his R you should probably just run, you're not gonna win that fight.”
Callmebee says “He out-sustains and out-damages you. Did I mention his mobility? Make use of your max range, try to poke for Manaflow Band and play for teamfights. You CAN kill him early game but you have to know the match-up really well and most of the times it's not worth it. Dodge sideways, not backwards. Late game he becomes very problematic, so you and your team need to CC him and burst. Take Barrier and stay far, far away.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] This matchup is quite easy but a good Yone can pose a slight threat. Any time Yone uses his E, use your E to grapple towards where his ghost is (where he will port back to). This will allow you to do damage to him before and after he warps back. Dodge his Q's and don't get hit by his knock-up. Poke him for going for farm as much as possible. Post 6 if you dodge his R you can secure the kill. If you get hit by it you will most likely die.”
lonestar1870 says “You HARD win this lane early, bully him a lot.
His all in revolves around his E into Q3/R, just position a little bit safer anytime his Q3 is up and don't waste your E.
Play safe when your E is on cooldown.
Try not to waste mana poking him when his W shield is up, just wait for it to expire.
He is extremely squishy so you can kill him pretty easily at level 6.
He has a farly overloaded kit so you don't want to let him back into the game.
I like Electrocute into Yone, but you can go Aery/PR if you want.
Teleport and Ignite are equally viable.
Get some seekers early if you need armor or really struggle vs him.”
Desperate Nasus says “Against Yone, for starting items buy Cloth armor and 4 potions. On your first recall buy Plated steelcaps and survive as much as you can. Take your second recall once you have gold for Sheen. Once he uses his E Wither him and walk up his shadow, when he returns back stand on top of him so he cant escape with his R. Bad news are after his Lord dominik's regards and Infinity edge he outscales you. Make sure to finish the game before 30 minutes. The matchup similar to Yasuo.”
JES Samurai says “Nivel um bem dificil,
tente ficar recuado e é recomendado rushar um orbe do obvion como primeiro Item
Geralmente ele ganha as trocas,
eu recomendo poupar vida, e tentar pegar kill nas sides”
Kuji says “He wont be a much of a threat, depends on the player as well really. You can easily dodge his attacks and is pretty predictble dodge his attacks with your W and then use your Q-E”
BiriRamen says “Fight Level 2, Yone is just a weird kit, and I hate playing against it, but I'd say I'm even in the games I play against him, always go for a fight level 2 unless he's playing under tower or something.”
mrmundo says “He's Yasuo, but 20x much better. Try and trade with him in the early Try not to fight him when he uses E because he benefits from it. If he dashes towards you but misses, punish him for it. If you steal his ult, you can attempt to use it while he tries to ult. Difficult, but you can pull it off. Once he gets Shieldbow (broken f*kin item) he practically becomes unbeatable, so try and scale before he does. ”
CashLOL says “Harass in the early levels. When he uses his vessel you can place your E in a way that he has to travel back through it. You can also preemptively place your ult at his returning spot to get guaranteed middle of the indicator damage. (This will take practice) Typically an easy matchup although he WILL out scale and can take over a game if you get him a lead in lane.”
Nafnegle says “He out-sustains and out-damages you. Did I mention his mobility? Make use of your max range, try to poke for Manaflow Band and play for teamfights. You CAN kill him early game but you have to know the match-up really well and most of the times it's not worth it. Dodge sideways, not backwards. Late game he becomes very problematic, so you and your team need to CC him and burst. Take Barrier and stay far, far away.”
ShokLoL says “Yone is very easy to punish early and you can always E away from him if he E's into you, or E into him if he doesn't have his knockup ready.”
pwins says “While he is "easier" to deal with than his infinitely bitchier brother, that doesn't mean Yone is less bitchier because he is a bitch to deal with all the same. Be careful when he tries to go in on you and cast your E on him when he gets out of his Soul Unbound. ”
Miscake says “o true damage da volta do E dele hita até mesmo quando você está na poça, então jogue ao redor de procar phase rush e correr. Diferentemente do Yasuo nessa lane você pode buildar armor com efetividade. TP + back de Armaguarda já facilita o suficiente pra que você não morra pelo resto da lane.
A side também é dele até 3 itens pelo fato de que Arco-escudo é muito mais forte que Protobelt, peça por shadow do jungler e farme até Rabaddon. Ele também é mais forte nos skirmishes no rio/dragão, então considere givar eles também.
esqueci de citar que ele te da outheal com conqueror XDDDDDDDD
WayOfTheTempesst says “Yasuo can beat Yone at level 2. Try not to get hit by his W as the shield and damage will skew the trade in his favor. Mid-late game Yone beats Yasuo in the 1v1 due to just having more damage and Yasuo's windwall not having any use in the matchup. Try to flash out or dodge Yone's R as it is relatively slow and telegraphed.”
Katawina52 says “This matchup is Hard once he gets some attack speed and is medium in the early phase, But even if hes 0-3 he will win trades which makes it a hard champ anyway. try to look for trades when his Q empower isn't up or close to up (hit q 1x) OR u E in behind when he Q's in with his wind. E>W him and AA AA and E out is what u mostly wanna do to trade a yone. Can go Seekers if u still struggle in the matchup early game. Careful for his R hitbox since its really bs, just E out if he ults or u will get hit by it and auto lose unless u 100% know u can dodge it by walking. In this matchup I love going Boneplating , because u can look for those E>W> AA trades whenever ur boneplating is up and u would win it most of the times in the early lane phase. Going Electrocute can really help too for short early trades to dominate him, so try to play around and see what fits u more (electro or conq boneplating)”
xblademojo says “Yone same as you scales great. Its quite skilled matchup however you win him with cloth armor and 4 potions with Nether Blade Start. He is gonna have hard time killing you with frozen heart , but he is aswell so squishy while you are full ap. Quite easy matchup to survive”
Hullos says “This may just be my personal worst matchup but this champ is a nightmare to fight against. Great sustain, free trades and escape with lots of dive threats in CC and dashes. ”
TygoVe says “He might be able to kill you in lane because of his gap closers and easy turretdive with his E. He snowballs insanely well and can escape your ult if timed well with his E recast. Just very annoying.”
Yeager says “Seeker's armguard rush helps a lot in this match up but keep in mind he has mixed damage so it's not 100% effective. Zhonya's on the other hand, counters his ultimate and all-in potential. You have to play around his Q3 dash, and E which is like a mini zed ultimate. He will be looking to engage when both of these spells are ready, so try to bait him into using it, and once it's on cooldown, you can go ahead and harass him. Exhaust is good in this match up as it also helps you in the later stages of the game when he's jumping on your teammates. You both scale incredibly well into the later stages so it comes down to the skill difference ”
Avucado says “Start E, after lvl 1 play safe because he outtrades you unless you hook->e him. E away from his E if he's too close. Ask for ganks because he has no escapes. Same waveclear as Yasuo so make sure to get back quick if you roam. Steelcaps alright if they have a lot of AD, however, Yone does mixed damage so it's not fully effective.”
LunarVortex says “He is very mobile and has a lot of consistent DPS. Your best bet is to team up on him with multiple people and "camp" his E shadow in fights for an easy Q or R as soon as he goes back. If he tries to fight you 1v1, try to disengage, you usually cannot win.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This is basically the same as yasuo (he is his brother). This matchup is in my opnion a bit easier because he doesn't have windwall. Try to poke him a bit early levels and then focus on your wave managment. Let the waves come for you and don't let him freeze.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Similar to Yasuo, has a free cleanse on his E if he times it and casts it when you taunt or attempt to knock him up, early steelcaps and seekers. Bramble is viable too”
Fuzzmonkey says “Problem with Yone is he is extremely mobile after 6 since he tehinically has 3 dashes, and his all in better than yours. The only way to counter is by using your chain when he E's in WHILST W'ing away so that he can't get onto you. Wait for your cooldowns to come back up then initiate onto him since his cooldowns are longer. Do the same at level 6 but, use both dashes to get away from him. Also, trade with him whilst his W is down so you don't end up damaging his shield.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Quite easy to deal with. When he E's in just counter him with the Q+E combo or just E him away. He won't be able to get any damage off. Poke him throughout the whole laning phase too. When he hits 6, save your E for when he uses R since he can teleport through your E. ”
XayLies says “Yone is really strong. Fighting him as Yasuo is almost a mirror fight but his Shield is unexpectable. Try to evade fighting him while his E is active and land a Tempest when he goes back to his body for a Counter Attack. Better Samurai Wins!”
iZianni says “You win up until you lose, Yone has incredible gold efficiency making any lane situation beneficial for him.
You'll win early and find a few one shot opportunities, then he'll do the same after buying a single null mantle and pressing E/R at 2000 range. You can't turn on him because he'll just snap back.
Goldenstinger says “Dodge his abilities where you can and sacrifice minions if you must. Play aggresive lvl 1 and 2 ( Try and hit him with your q aswell as hitting your minions / weaving aa's)”
ShokLoL says “Take electrocute ignite and you can easily kill bad Yone players. In the early game you are very favored, he can cancel your E sleep with his E2 so be a bit careful of that. After 6 this matchup becomes hard because you're a free gank with his ult. Try avoid this and you should be fine.”
King Turtle says “He's just extremely strong right now. Riot buffing him didn't help either and now he's just no fun in general. his 2 item powerspike is completely overpowered and I'd rather just not play against him.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Bone Plating and unflinching.
Dodge his Q and if possible don't trade with him when he have E,Unless you know that you will win
his tornado ignore yasuo's windwall if he's too close,but if he's not you can block yone's tornado
you can cancel yone's ult by ulting him before his R hits you.
yone is stronger than yasuo late game,so be careful”
Kords says “The new god of midlane. His early laning phase is weak but around lvl 3-4 with his E (ghosting and ms increase) he can do equal or better trades on you and go back to safety if he needs to. If he land a Q3 he can instantly R you and possibly kill with a full combo + AA at level 6-7. Yone scales extremely well into mid-late game and will become a monstrous carry if not stopped in time. I beat Yone players horribly before and got defeated by them just the same amount of time not necesarry on lane but during mid game teamfights.”
ShokLoL says “Yone is a very good counter to Syndra since he has so much sustain and punishes low mobility. Take phase TP and hold your E to disengage trades. You can deal with him pretty well in teamfights if he doesn't get fed and you don't get caught by a random ultimate.”
King Turtle says “Yone is just a really OP champion right now and if he gets even a slight advantage there's not much you can do to get back into the game. The only thing I can think of to deal with him is sidestepping his Q dash and punishing him as much as possible. Keep a barrel under tower if he shoves in so it's harder for him to dive you and hope your jungler sees him over-extending.”
ShokLoL says “Sometimes this matchup can be difficult 1v1 later in the lane, but you should win early and have insane gank setup. Also be careful diving him post 6 as you can get ultied and killed. Try and make sure you always have a chain for his E.”
Elite500 says “Bit harder than Yasuo, go electro and perma fight early, he's really really weak lvl 1-3, if you get him low and force him to bad recall with ignite then he's really out of it”
Dr Eggmund says “Yone has a significant advantage on Vladimir, his E (sould ability) grants him movement speed. Being Vladimir's weakness, early game you need to respect him. However, you should be able to outscale him and become a better asset to your team.”
iZianni says “Orianna favored laning phase, post mid game you can't match side wave or you'll get obliterated by
gold value.
If you're able to stop him from gap closing you hard win this match up though.
Zhonyas match up”
Baion says “His only counterplay is his E against your E and his mobility. Poke him when he last hits minions and destroy him early game to get a mid gap at late game. Your ult is really strong against him.”
iZianni says “Rush Zhonyas
He outsustains you, he doesn't get one shot because of Shieldbow.
You win early, but it's too hard to stick damage because of his sustain.
You lose this match up, but you can definitely win if you're able to CC stack against him.”
kindo says “Extremely easy matchup at all points of the game. Early, you win the all in at any point - even in his minions. He has little to no gank setup without his 3rd Q, which is very telegraphed and dodgeable with your Q. If He ever fights without using his E from far away, it is a free kill or flash at any point in the lane. Poke him with auto/q/auto and save your W for all ins. If you react, you can Q to dodge his ult since it has a small startup period. Post level 6, he can all in you but it won't 1 shot you unless you're behind. Even then, use your ult and you should be fine. Sometimes the lane gets annoying if they run fleet/second wind/dshield because they just perma farm and never trade - in that case you don't kill him but have perma lane prio no matter what. Very easy matchup overall.”
Coldsong says “Yone is similar to Yasuo, but a little bit easier since he does not have a Wind Wall. When he E's in, make sure to dodge his Q's and try to focus him once he goes back to his original location, as he will be vulnerable. Punish his aggression with your melee Q and dodge his R at all costs.”
Shikikashi says “If he buys Shield Bow, just simply buy Serpent's Fang. Track his Body when he uses E and then Ult him, he will not have much escape until then.”
Marxismo says “He can only poke you in lane via pushing the wave basically, it's just free farm. You beat him at 6 with good ult usage, and you outscale him.”
resetwice says “He scales well similar to Yasuo. Try to dodge his Q3 and mQ him if he waste it (same thing if he E). Remember that you can dodge his R jumping a wall or using your flash. If he isn't with shieldbown yet you can burst him easy. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “This is also p much a skill matchup. Try to confuse him when he E's by using bush q, reminder that he is still the same champ when he E's, so don't be scared to just
combo him while he's in it. Also pretty squishy, he will also outscale you since he's an hypercarry, but still an easy one shot.”
King Turtle says “Yone is incredibly annoying in general, but in a matchup mid he's even worse. You have no reliable mobility outside of W but it costs 100 mana to use and his early mana pool is trash, so trading with him is difficult and laning against him is a pain in the ass.”
Tortizzy says “Yone is hard because once he gets a few items you will not be able to do anything to him. Get any advantage you can in early game or else you will lose. Ask jungler for help.”
Limited CC champion with a fairly weak earlygame. Exactly what Zilean wants to go against. Loseable lane sure, but in general it's fine.
Midlane is a bit harder than toplane due to the short trades he can take easier.”
Yumi Project says “Just Learn how to use taliyah and have fun with this clown. JK: he can poke you a lot if you play passive. his shield and heal are better than yours.
claim some kill on botlane and retry.”
King Turtle says “He's not as deadly or impossible to lane against as Syndra, but I'd be lying if I said he wasn't the most annoying piece of shit in the mid lane. Good luck hitting full combos or winning any trades past level 3. You'll need it.”
N0EG0 says “don't trade with his E up, E him if he approaches u with it. sidestep Q's and don't take a long trade. aa W him as he walks up to cs and keep poking with Q. ”
AaronG221 says “If you are not careful with Yone he can out damage you very easy in mid game.
If you dont win the lane or roam for kills or assists you will be useless in late.
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not DH) - Cull or Corrupting Potion - Exhaust recommended | After he engages all-in with R and/or Q3, and you've (hopefully) avoided it, that's your chance to fight.”
Katasandra says “[1] Back off when he has his 3rd Q and dodge it.
[2] Reserve your W for when he uses E. It's your only way of keeping him off you.
[3] His R is very telegraphed and you can walk out of it.
[4] In emergencies you can self R his E damage or R.”
Thresh Mid says “Yone is a tricky and painful lane opponent in general, but for Thresh it's his worst nightmare. Beating Yone is off the table and roaming is much proficient to get your team ahead to beat out Yone.”
Hienaa says “All super easy because they are melee, and if you hit 1 Q on them, they get instantly half hp and cant even contest the trade, super free lanes.”
Sanyol667 says “Permaban. His skill-cap is overpowered when he lanes against Kassadin. Practicly has in-and-out tower dives and this pick pops off in mid game. Hard to outperform him.”
Marky 2 Butts says “This like other assassins can be a hard matchup mid. If you happen to get a kill before level 6 you should be better off to play more aggressive in laning phase. If you are builing Rod of Ages or Luden's Echo and have mana regen then you should be spamming your Q all the time. Yone will not have enough sustain to compete with Malphite Qing and running away before Yone can do any damage himself. If you get killed by Yone early game, the threat level could be major/extreme, you want to stay under tower and farm up until 6 and look for a play with jungler to kill Yone.
DabiDabi says “His W shield is the only real "problem". When he E's, just dodge his Q knock-up and then Auto, Melee Q, Auto him if he precedes to come at you. You can also rush Serpents just to make it a living hell for Yone”
Nanelol says “He can dash on you very easily with his E, but it has a super long cooldown so take advantage of that, can stun you with his Q and ult, and gets a free shield for trading, and can quickly escape by returning to his E. Play safe and prep for a dive when he gets his Q stacks up. Always try to dodge his ult or Q sideways with your W, and remember that he can't chase you forever if he uses his E. You can start poking him once you hit 6, and you can out scale him late game. Just try to keep your passive up and fight him in your wave.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) absolutly broken champ but you can still kill him if he doesnt know the matchup, just try to poke him and down deny his E all ins, would recommend Ignite/exhaust.”
DabiDabi says “Play aggressive. Yone just hard loses to Akali. Try to always poke with your Q lvl 1 and dodge his knock up. Only time you won't abuse him with Q is when you don't have energy or need to use it for CSing. When he uses E and then tries to knock you up, respond with your E. Recast your E if he goes back to his body and combo him from there. Do be careful of his E+R as he can start to beat you down with his Qs and Auto. Though most of the time you win anyways as long as you have your ult and shroud.”
tozosi says “When he uses his empowered Q (the dash/knockup), you'll know where he'll end up just before it goes through. You can aim your W in that direction order to guarantee hitting both parts and being able to proc your passive. Ideally, you're also able to dodge the knockup, but if not it's usually okay unless he ults right after. He's very squishy and you should be able to one shot him if you have any lead over him for most of the game.”
Nanelol says “You Basically have 0 kill pressure unless you bait out his E, he can easily cancel your E and just all in you. Just look to scale and get help from your jungler. ”
Nanelol says “Yone can only really engage or trade when he has his empowered q, which there is a visual indicator for, you can pretty easily predict when he is going to use it and charm him.”
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite, Ghost Ignite or Flash Ghost. Phase Rush or Electrocute. Conqueror is a possible choice.
He's basically Yasuo without the early pressure so constantly harass him. Farm up and outscale him”
Jinx_48 says “GREAT ULT ez lane.
Basiclyt you shouldbnt ever die to him run tp .
His damage is nothing if we looking at sylas dmg . His e might be annoy but just if you lost any hp while his E W this and you propably will wintrade him , also t ry to use second E to stun him while his and 1st E to go away from INSANE 200IQ YONE COMBO E Q3.”
seemes says “he will win 1v1s at all point unless he misses his q. you can try and 1 shot him but be careful as he can do the same to do, play safe and try to farm.”
Sanctuar says “Fighting against Yone, keep two things in mind: One, if he walks towards you with his spirit form, keep your distance to him as he wants to deal as much damage as possible. Two, react to his ultimate quickly and dodge when you see the line showing up on the ground. In teamfights, make sure to fight near his mark where he will return with his spirit to finish him off.”
fanchessfan says “Yet another 200 years windsh*tter. The matchup isn't that bad as long as the Yone is not dzukill. He's weak early game so look to abuse him while you can. Be careful about his knockup as if you get CC'd your probably dead. When he e's E him away and when he dashes with his Q you can try to dodge it with your Q. Take exhaust to try to negate his burst. ”
shidonryoku says “Strong on the lane, hard to kick out after buying Vampiric Scepter, strong dives. He has a lot of vampirism even with reduced healing.”
Iannis623 says “// Jumps on you, you're dead //
In 1v1 he will completely obliterate you if he gets the ult on you, your only hope is teamfight by always having someone that stuns or can save you nearby, if you're caught alone, you're done!”
SeptikYT says “A skill matchup but it is more Garen favored. Just dodge his Q3's and R and you should be fine. Take Conqueror or Grasp depending on whether you need to be a tank or do damage.”
cookanarities says “Extremely easy matchup at all points of the game. Early, you win the all in at any point - even in his minions. He has little to no gank setup without his 3rd Q, which is very telegraphed and dodgeable with your Q. If He ever fights without using his E from far away, it is a free kill or flash at any point in the lane. Poke him with auto/q/auto and save your W for all ins. If you react, you can Q to dodge his ult since it has a small startup period. Post level 6, he can all in you but it won't 1 shot you unless you're behind. Even then, use your ult and you should be fine. Sometimes the lane gets annoying if they run fleet/second wind/dshield because they just perma farm and never trade - in that case you don't kill him but have perma lane prio no matter what. Very easy matchup overall.”
httprmc says “Same as Yasuo : he outstats you and can engage from far away with his E+Q combo. Be really careful of his ult since if he hits it, you are almost guaranteed to die”
TheWerefloof says “He's a pain in the ass, two dashes, a cleanse, a shield, two stuns, etc etc. His engage pattern is very predictable, so use that to your advantage to aid in dodging the brunt of his trade. After that simply Q + E while dancing around the edge of his range as to not give him shields.”
iamcasualty says “Yone will usually end up building immortal shield bow first, or zerker greaves then bow, regardless pick up an oblivion orb and then its all gravy from there. dont understimate him tho, he lands ult on you he can kill you.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “No tiene tanta movilidad como Yasuo, pero lo remplaza con el levantamiento de su Q, o su R, ambas le permiten desplazarse, y pegarse a nosotros, considera armarte Zhonyas para dodgear su definitiva.”
Redeemteam says “Some people consider this an easy matchup; maybe this is true in some levels. However, if Yone or Yasuo players take boneplating they can trade very well with Fizz's Q -> Auto -> W poke and can push the wave fast leaving you under tower to CS. This is more of a skill matchup, knowing when you can all-in them and when you can set up ganks for your jungler to punish their lack of mistakes.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Seeker's Armguard and/or Plated Steelcaps early. A matchup that requires a good amount of patience. His sustain will make it difficult for you to do anything against him. You can trade back if he initiates a fight. He also has a strong item powerspike so get your team fed as much as you can.
Dimitrisbabas1 says “Yone is a fantastic matchup for you because you can blockall of his attack with your E and he also deals mixed damage so your R makes him completly ussless.”
Oxydation says “Its like Yasuo, just in meta. He has a stronger all in, you cant hit your E on him, if he has his empowered Q up. You have to dodge his Q and R, to win a trade. Dont fight if he is in his E form.”
lolventureiro says “Eletrocute/letalidade é uma boa opção. Quem pegar a vantagem primeiro geralmente continua na vantagem pelo resto do jogo. Usar o W no furacão/ult.”
Wolfwarrior95 says “Yone can rush if you miss the E and you need to W Q for your back if hes coming
in late Yone will a problem but you can oneshot him! With this build. And counter him as well”
Neekolai says “A good Yone will know how to play super far behind in lane and still manage to keep up with you. If it is an insane Yone he will dodge your CC with his Return-E, and farm as much as he can in lane and roam. But you do have the upper hand as you can easily hit E's on him and destroy him in lane.”
ahspaghetti says “you can go seekers if you are having a lot of trouble, you can also look to go boneplating. look for trades when his empowered q is down, you also want to mind his w shield as it will negate a lot of your damage. try to e out of his ult as you are guaranteed to insta die.”
Minnotaro says “I perma ban yone when i pick Malzahar he just destroys you easily destroys you voidlings easily destroys your passive easily and does lotta damage”
BullRedHunter says “teleport+Ignite is so important in this matchup, you need to get level 2 before him and play aggressively when you see that you can win trade with him, try to dodge his ult”
Doctor Yas says “Yone is a skill based match up. Lane can swing either way. Be sure to wind wall Yone's third Q to disrupt his E Q W combo. Also, try engaging when either his W or E are down during lane as these abilities have very long CD's early.”
Mpegial says “While he has the same, and actually even harder pressure than Yasuo, he ain't got no windwall, just poke him a lil' bit dodge a few Q's and slice and dice, he be dead.”
Vacavoladora says “Be careful when his Q is charged and try not to get hit when he uses his E, always try to dash his R, as long as you don't get hit by all of his cc you're ok”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Tone is quite a difficult matchup especially if he gets ahead of you if he goes his normal build immortal sheildbow with the life steal and sheild I would go serpants fang into this matchup ”
Zileni says “Similar to Yasuo, but way harder. It is still easily winnable. You can actually still win trades if you know what your doing in the early levels. Dodge his Q3 at all costs since his combos start with that ability alone. If he uses E on you to go in, get away asap. Yone becomes really scary when he gets his 2nd or 3rd item so you should probably end early or beat him to the point where he is really behind.”
xoonaka says “Similar to Yasuo, but has mobility from his empowered Q and R, before 6, try to bait his empowered Q and all in him as he is pretty vulnerable without it, After 6 if you get ahead from early kills you should be able to 1v1 him without any issues.”
Sojurini says “Really easy matchup just poke him with your W + AA and if he uses his 2nd Q at you catch him with Q + AA + E + AA combo just poke as you can then bingo you got the kill ”
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Doge his Q and make sure he uses his W bafore going in. However the average IQ of an Yone player is usualy below average so don't worry. But remember even a Cane Toad can press E so make sure he uses E at a bad time.”
Havenia says “Yone has kill pressure, I don't like fighting him as if you stun him, you can't really do much to him if he has E'd you and you can't really get close to him because his W can give him a shield that will block a lot of your damage sadly.”
Noodles912 says “Simple matchup. Respect his level 1 and 2, then look for burst. Abuse his E cooldown. When trading, look to use E when he uses W. If he uses E, thats the window to Shark. Roam a lot.”
PASS10NE says “Laning against Yone as Talon for me is very easy, but despite of him being behind, he's still strong. Yone is really predictable, so you just have to be fast enough to dodge his 3rdQ and R. When Yone attacks you, combo him and proc your passive. ”
NuclearAkali says “Even if you beat him his ult is insanely broken. Try to play when his ult is down or if you have flash up. If those two things aren't up then just try to CC him to death.”
Wunsch3957 says “I advise not picking Yasuo into your brother because it's a coinflip skill matchup. If you don't want to gamble your games, just dodge.
W his Q3 when he uses E to trade and kite him out. Dodge his R with your E. Favors Yone slightly after 6 and significantly after lane phase ends. Conq and Fleet are both viable.”
Lot of Wind here says “A skill matchup that is favored for Yone. A very aggressive lane on both sides. The one that gets an advantage can smash the other very hard. You can block the projectile of his Q but not Yone dashing in.”
ReYkoTheLord says “Easy matchup for cassiopeia, your W is your friend, W into R at level 6 is almost a guaranteed death for him. Watchout for his E empowered Q.”
PsykerZeo says “Dodge his skills and max Q, you can go fleet if you're afraid of it, he outdamages you at long trades, so you need to poke and ult his ult.”
ThatGuyMainingSylas says “If Yone comes down from top or bottom, its hard to escape his ult. You should run to the opposite direction of Yone and dodge him with e. Don't fight unless enemy mid or Yone are low on hp.”
InkHeiko says “To finish the trinity we go for Yone. The champion can just do everything in late game, to a point that even a good Seraphine's ult can be pointless with an engage of Yone on 5 person as well, and in early, he has the same problem as yasuo with is lifesteal in his build and can trade easily without taking damage. I normally bann Zed and since I also main Poppy I take Poppy mid against these 2 champions.”
13 yr old korean says “he might win trades early but you have way more outplay potential and you have the upper hand. (he will fucking destroy your team late game.)”
KingFershid says “Its Yasuo but with Zed's ult, you mega bully him like you do with Yas but Yone is just unfair so if he his 0/13 he can just press R and kill you.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) absolutly broken champ but you can still kill him if he doesnt know the matchup, just try to poke him and down deny his E all ins, would recommend Ignite/exhaust.”
l2ingeR says “Ah, yes. Almost forgot Yone.
In-lane, prior to 6, he's not that big of a threat. Glacial Augment, like with Yasuo and many of the others listed here, neuters Yone's ability to fight.
The one thing to remember is that after Glacial is used, there's a cooldown. Don't get aggressive within that window, or Yone will likely score a kill just by mashing all his buttons. And Ignite. What kind of Yone doesn't carry Ignite, right?”
kennybang says “idk i only vsd this dude named oblivous but basically like if you manage to proc passive then you win trades as long as hes not in e form or his w just soaks your damage up”
WaveFunction73 says “PERMABAN this dogshit champ, kills u in almost every phase of the game, its not impossible to win but even a yone newbie can stomp u bcs the champ is so dogshit.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Since Zyra is an early game bully, and Yone's only engage is his E -> all you have to do is save your E and he can't trade with you pre-6.”
BigFatCat909 says “Zed should always win this matchup in my opinion, though it doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. Rush Eclipse and you can literally eat him in every fight. Just be aware that he has a lot of burst. Consider Serpants Fang for his Shieldbow.”
Johan Paracelso says “He can do clean trades thanks to his E+Q3+AA+W+E2 combo, so you should poke him at level 1 and, if he leveled up his W at level 2, you should keep presure onto him using your autos and Q's, his E2 can go through your cage, but he will be stuned in his return point, so try to use W beforehand on his land spot, this also applies to R. Build Armguard into Zhonya's to have some more safety against his burst, and keep your distance to poke his HP out”
Hiimkata says “This matchup is Hard once he gets some attack speed and is medium in the early phase, But even if hes 0-3 he will win trades which makes it a hard champ anyway. Go sword 1st always and try to look for trades when his Q empower isn't up or close to up (hit q 1x) OR u E in behind when he Q's in with his wind. E>W him and AA AA and E out is what u mostly wanna do to trade a yone. Always go Bork vs Yone for the strong autoattacks and all ins. Can go Seekers if u still struggle in the matchup early game. Careful for his R hitbox since its really bs, just E out if he ults or u will get hit by it and auto lose unless u 100% know u can dodge it by walking. In this matchup I love going Boneplating , because u can look for those E>W> AA trades whenever ur boneplating is up and u would win it most of the times in the early lane phase. Going Electrocute can really help too for short early trades to dominate him, so try to play around and see what fits u more (electro or conq boneplating)”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Yasuo's brother but no Windwall so he is easier threat especially in the Early Game, avoid approaching him in level 1, use the correct mechanics to dodge his R CC”
mrsuits says “Hard to deal with. get advantage early. Once he gets attack speed he becomes harder to deal with. Once he gets lifesteal too he becomes impossible to deal with”
KataTocDo says “he will win trades because he just presses W. Even if you win early, he will just kill you later on when he gets immortal shieldbow. Get an
Seeker's armguard if you are losing.
Runes: Conq- Resolve
Starting Items: D Sheild or Blade”
lenithebot says “When he detaches his spirit and goes for a wind q make sure to e out if you get hit he can kill you. When he gets enough attack speed and life steal he becomes impossible to deal with. I would take barrier into this match-up.”
Aramigo says “Yone ist aktuell sehr beliebt stark, aber durch die große Range von Seraphine sollte man nicht in seine Combos gelangen und kann ihn im Early Game gut poken. Sobald er Lifesteal Items besitzt wird poken schwieriger, dann lieber Minions aus der Distanz farmen”
wildersovereign says “Unlike his brother, Yone is actually pretty difficult for Morgana to deal with. His ability to dash around and trade freely before returning to safety with his E recast is frustrating to deal with. He pumps out a lot of damage in sustained fights, so avoid 1v1ing him whenever possible. However, he is particularly vulnerable when his E is down, so take advantage of this window to root him and shred his health. Do your best to dodge his third Q and use your Q to disengage when he has his E up. He can't dash back to his original self when he's rooted, but he'll return to it the second he's free, so be mindful not to waste your ult if you can't cover both him and his clone with the ability.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Yone is a decent match for you. He is also mobile and can dish out some big boy damage. Key to beating him is three fold.
1) You gotta dodge his ult. Ya just do.
2) Abuse the fact that his E will pull him back to a predicable location. Unlike you, who can be very mobile and hard to predict, he is very mobile but very easy to predict. Play evasively when he tries to engage and then counter engage him. I find that works better than engaging first. Don't worry, he is a Yone, he will engage. He is greedy.
3) Use your E to counter his tornado Q. Again, its pretty easy to predict his movements. When he has tornado he will E to get close and then Q (hoping to knock you up and land a W then reactivate his E to dip out, winning the trade) but we wont let that work. When he Q's to tornado knock you up E to dodge it. Then when he reactivates E you can follow with your reactivated E.
Note: Just like Zed he will want to roam bot if he isn't getting anywhere mid. Communicate with your team if he leaves! Have them ward up hard. Maybe drop a control ward in their tri bush to be nice.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Most of the times easy. Take electro or predator and abuse the shit out of this guy pre3. Once you kill him once he has no chance of comebacking unless you get hard camped.”
rajsovsky says “Yone is actually easier then yas matchup, cuz he doesn't have dashes. I've never ever lose laning phase against him. You can poke him, but rush armguard to be sure that he can't kill you if you dodge his ult and Q.”
invalidd says “Yone is way easier than yasuo but can still be a tragedy if he gets a lead, don't be afraid to trade back against him when he uses his E aggressively
since you will outdmg him until he gets attack speed boots, his ultimate will cancel your dash so avoid getting hit by it. Easy to setup ganks on.”
lkycch says “New champ in S10 and many players are getting used to his kit. He can tower dive quite well and with a few crit items, can burst you down fast. Put your Q+W+Q where his jump back location is for a guaranteed stun. Beware his dash engage during the lane phase, as he can easily chunk your health! Once his dash is down, you can E+Q+W+Q him!”
SkellyBirb says “Yone can be difficult to deal with because he can run at you and trade then disengage for free. Early game you want to shield his knock up, but after 6 you might need to play safer when he has his Q dash up.”
lkycch says “New champ in S10 and many players are getting used to his kit. He can tower dive quite well and with a few crit items, can burst you down fast. Put your Q+W+Q where his jump back location is for a guaranteed stun. Beware his dash engage during the lane phase, as he can easily chunk your health! Once his dash is down, you can E+Q+W+Q him!”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs yone: Este match es demasiado difícil, pero se juega de la siguiente forma, lo mas importante es empezar con sortija de doran y no pelearle antes de lvl 6 por que aunque sean tradeos cortos, el te gana. Compra Capitulo perdido hasta llegar eco de luden y luego botas de pent magica y el truco esta en lo siguiente: Esperar que gaste la E y la W ya que te hace mas daño con la E y la W deniega TODO tu daño, y yo con eso le ganas el tradeo súper corto. Otra cosa importante es que mientras intentas farmear o te le acercas ir moviéndote constantemente para delante y para atrás para esquivar la W (si aun no lo ha gastado) e ir moviéndote a los lados (mientras intenta darte la Q) y así esquivar sus habilidades. Utiliza la E para ralentizarlos cuando se acercan con su E (la de yone). Compra eco de luden.”
Splaty says “Super easy to kill Try to kill him when he dashes at you with his Q3.
Yone can be Very dangerous Too so if they are good just wait for a gank from your jg and kill him sense he has no gank escape. Ban mostly”
Rauschel says “YOne is really strong because of his and yasuos buff of their passive. With the new items and his dash he has all in all a max of 5 dashes ready. You cant really punish him and even if you do, his 2 Item powerspike is just really good and heals him insanly much. Play safe, hope that he doesnt kill you early and pray a bit to get a kill.”
ezmod66 says “Take ignite for early kill at 3 with rank 2 e. Poke with aa and cock block that cs from him. Make sure to ward because you will tilt him completly if you survive ganks and keep doing that. You will slowly break his mental.
Matchup Difficulty: Easy”
KatarinaScriptz says “I perma ban Yone because I don't learn but it's okay you guys have a chance of winning the fact is AD is preferable against him.”
YIVENDER says “Yone is a skill based match up. Lane can swing either way. Be sure to wind wall Yone's third Q to disrupt his E Q W combo. Also, try engaging when either his W or E are down during lane as these abilities have very long CD's early”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Buy seekers first item
- When he third Q's into you, E into him; dodging his Q and knocking him up. If you do this, you win the trade
- When he E's into you and runs your down, hold W and use it to kite him out
- Try to keep him pushed in if you're winning
- You win most jungle 2v2's, depending on the jungle matchup
- Outroam him with teleport and ultimate”
Ambitieux says “Yone is very weak early game. You should have a very fun time being able to poke him out of lane. Your miasma stops his from being able to go back to his shadow when he E's. So use this in choice situations where you can get the most damage out. Other than this he isn't like his brother Yasuo. His mobility is quite low and you should be able to out kite him. Same scenario though during his dash for his Q you can ult him.”
Scyrine says “Yone is only a problem if he's playing agro and you aren't returning the pressure. Whenever he dashes in with Q, react with E and full combo him. It's usually a free opener that every yone does. You only lose this if you aren't as agro as he is.”
Chili Dog says “Bit harder than yasuo, go electro and perma fight early, he's really really weak lvl 1-3, if you get him low and force him to bad recall with ignite then he's really out of it. Electrocute is recommended but both runes are viable.”
grebe1231 says “The yone-yasuo brothers are very simple to beat early on and are hard countered in lane by rumble. With good heat management, if yone ever goes in on you just pop all your overheated abilities and fight him. You should be winning every trade.”
Shetlock says “Ahri and Yone are relatively even. Yone has a much harder time dealing with Ahri than Yasuo, but that does not mean that it is impossible for him. ”
SkellyBirb says “Yone isn't that bad too face. Seeker's can shut him down fairly hard if you're struggling. He can chase you down, but you can trade fairly well if you don't let him knock you up.”
vCraze says “Yone is probably one of the hardest matchups there is for Xerath as it feels like you cannot do anything to stop him in most cases. You have to keep your distance from him at all times and wait for him to use his E because you can only fight him if it is on cd. Try to ask for ganks because if you can get a lead on him you can try to poke him out otherwise play safe and don't allow him to get free kills early.”
Sadkid says “Yone was the worst introduction to Zoe mains. His E can cancel your E. Your E now becomes a tool to only stop his damage. when he E's forward most time he will return. The thing is he can repeat this process and you will lose out through mana. Either ban this champ or tank one of his Es and then you can poke him out. Taking Corrupting + Biscuits may be smart here. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Play off of phase rush cd. Whenever he E's make sure to have it at the ready because his E gives him movement speed (for some reason) Don't get R'ed by him and try to dodge his knockup ( its actually pretty easy to juke) You auto lose the trade if you get knocked up and he can just poke you down with his E and the true damage after.”
Mad AkaTha says “Yone is easier than yasuo so yasuo newbies will have a problem against yone try to poke him with E+Q dont let him knock up you with his Q You can block it with W but from a kind of big distance if you use W infront of him to block his Q it wont work.”
Elpatronchico says “Yone is easy to counter. Always let him push the wave, then when he uses his E, winwall his Mortal Steel third Q and engage with E. That should drop his HP down, and you can go in and kill him. Remember he is like Yasuo, so go around him so he misses his Q as well as his W.”
PedrinhoXD says “Yone is a worse Yasuo when against TF, he doesn't have a windwall, so be sure to stun him when he uses his E, and you should be able to escape from him”
zee160 says “He is SOOO weak early game against you. All you have to do is when he jumps into you with his little cord that pulls him back, is to E away, he more than likely can't catch back up to you. He is definitely an assassin, but not a very big threat to you at that.
Note: Don't mantra/R any of your abilities (except your E in emergencies.) Not only will you not need to, you will run out of mana like crazy.”
S4V4 says “Skill match up, better player wins. Try avoid fighting with him while he is in his E. You can windwall his Q nado as long as his body doesn't touch you. If it does, you're getting hit and knocked up. Easy to dodge his ultimate by dashing around on minions.”
Glaceonlol says “Yone is a hard match-up because he can close a super far gap between you two and he can just pull back with his e dodging a lot of your grounding effects.
If you are in this match up oblivion orb early after tear and lost chapter. if he is going immortal his healing is cut and he is dealable with help from your jungle or if he miss plays ”
Revengeancee. says “Weak in early, stronger in late. Play close to him, keep your E to his R. You can dash back to him when he uses his ult. Don't forget his can knock up with his body while 3th Q.”
MetaKnight13373 says “Yone can only really engage or trade when he has his empowered q, which there is a visual indicator for, you can pretty easily predict when he is going to use it and charm him. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If he activates his E and you’re 100% sure you can kill him, don’t bother chasing him into the unknown. Wait for the timer to run out- which is 5 seconds after the initial cast, and kill him once he returns to his E. As Yone is a champion that builds AD items and deals predominantly AD damage, it’s important that you buy defensive items to reduce some of his damage output in fights. Use your range advantage to bully him. Ranged champions can bully him down to make it very difficult for him to play aggressive and secure CS and farm”
Nazrat says “Yone can be even on lane with Orianna if he gets second wind in his secondary runes and fleet + doran's blade. However if he doesn't Orianna wins this matchup and especially when u get Nashor's Tooth you are going to find it very easy to beat him. Just play around your power spike and range.”
WhiteZorox says “Yone can be hit or miss, Yone's can either be really good or really bad although most of the time I tend to bait out his E and then use my E to get a passive off and jump to him once he lands back to his original position and with his R just simply E out of the way.”
Simp4DuCouteau says “Yone can give Corki some trouble, though the matchup is actually more skill based than others. If Corki can dodge the Q3, he might be able to win the trade. Yone is melee, however, so Corki can punish him extremely hard pre-2. Be careful fighting post-6.”
ZeMoller says “yone is known for not having the strongest lane phase, which is why he is mostly going fleet, going tear into seekers armguard with barrier makes it nearly impossible to die and allows you to scale up.”
Ambience14 says “Yone is stronger against Mundo than Yas, but typically doesn't do well for many of the same reasons. If he goes in with E, try your best to dodge around him and go to his shadow. Land a free Q as he comes back and run him down. He's very likely dead at this point unless he's fed. Use ult if you're worried he might kill you.”
Forscythe says “Unlike his brother, Yone don't have such mobility and Windwall. Be carefull with his ultimate, just push lane to his turret and poke her in distance. ”
Shock_101 says “Yone is a funny champion. At this point, we should all know this. If he e's, run. It does true dmg when he returns to it, so he will probably try and all-in you when it happens. Your q range is longer than his, so abuse that, and as soon as you hit level 6, go in.”
Proma says “Dblade
Easier than Yasuo. Start E level 1 and look for engage once there's 3 minions left. His knock-up will stop your E movement so be careful. If you can get two full E engages off with 3 hail procs you should be able to solo kill him level 2. Lane is easy until he has some crit and attack speed items.”
Veralion says “Yone's trade pattern is very similar to his brother's. Count to 3 and avoid his dashing knockup in lane. Proper wave control negates his greatest strength, which is his mobility and engage range. Dueling him at 6 is very possible if you can immune his ult; it's highly telegraphed and easy to do. Don't let him snap back to his clone and avoid your E, you may need to hold it to be sure. ”
Icemperor says “Yone has a lot of CC, Mobility, and AOE as well as a shield. Pretty impossible to fight late game but if you get a kill with ignite level 1 or 2 he is a bit easier to handle after as he will be scared of you. Best to engage, as if he engages with his E he will just teleport back after. You could E and then E-recast once he blinks back, but its really hard. Just ban Yone.”
SnakeOnRiver says “Use miasma immediately after he use his E (he cant go back even auto so he will stay in place). Land Q for free trade. Conq if you can land miasma.”
ai darkfluid says “Similar to Yasuo, however feels more telegraphed. Place stun field if you think he's going to all-in you to shut it down in the first place, then play safe until stun field's cooldown is over. [GATHERING MORE INFORMATION BEEP BOOP]
Preferred rune: Phase Rush/Electrocute”
TheWindWalker says “When he casts E, you dash back and let him recast his E then you activate your E2 chains on his ghost body or even ult it with yone's own ult while he is still traveling to his body unable to escape the cc you are about to give him.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Yone has a good engage unless the opponent has a stun, which you do so he'll have to be tricky or bait you out
If you don't fall for the bait, he can't really do anything unless he busts out a ult out of nowhere, if you can't dodge it then you'll be in trouble.
I recommend anti assassin build and rushing Seeker's”
ShokLoL says “Yone has a lot of sustain and very good gank setup, try abuse hard levels 1 and 2 and then after this have the wave come back to the middle or on your side. You should be able to win trades as long as he doesn't have Q3, and when you get more mana you can just match W with his E. Be really careful fighting him on his bork spike but overall you should be more useful in skirmishes and teamfights unless you get solokilled in lane or on sidelane.”
n1n3Liv3s says “Play smart with your fear, don't fight without it
If he misses All-in ult and make sure to follow him when he returns from E to kill him easily”
Chuleex says “Yone as well as yasuo is a very skill matchup, but once he hits botrk he has a massive powerspike, beware of his positioning as he can catch you even if you w away, if you can bait his e or get him low enough you can look for a kill angle, usually you hit eclipse before his botrk so use that to your advantage, the sustain he has can make poke very insignificant so try to look for all in oportunities with w back but only if he doesnt has q charged or e so you can step out, dodging is very important in this matchup, you can rush ionian boots if you feel comfortable enough.”
Zeekar says “Skill matchup. Expect him to literally always E - Q3 whenever you exist within vision of him. If you dodge his Q3 you can easily punish him with a full combo to encourage him to return to his E.
Also, if he R's on you lategame (and doesn't just oneshot you), make sure to activate R before it hits you, as you will be dragged directly on top of him, charming him instantly and allowing followup cc. ”
zolamalo says “Once Yone gets his first item, it’s basically over. Do your best to dodge his abilities, poke him often, and keep your distance. If he makes mistakes, you might have a chance to kill him.
If you manage to gain an advantage, focus on making it hard for him to farm and roam effectively. Denying him gold and opportunities is key to keeping him in check.”
ShokLoL says “Despite his sustain you should be able to bully Yone in the early levels. If you play aggressively enough you can probably force him into a bad base. Be very careful with your mana usage on E in early levels and be aware of his strong gank setup. Post 6 keep the wave in the middle or on your side otherwise you'll probably get run down.”
Scroto Baggins says “Yone is strictly a skill matchup build you crit items early and you’ll be able to fight him as long as you hit your Qs be careful of his W”
ShokLoL says “Yone can be quite rough with his strong chase down and great 1v1. Punish him levels 1-2, and after this try keep the wave in the middle or on your side. Rush steelcaps and respect when he has Q3 available. If you go relatively even you should have a pretty solid chance to win in teamfights, but his sidelaning is extremely strong so avoid 1v1ing him at all costs. Go mortal reminder 3rd.”
Top Lane 48.5% Win Rate42% Pick RateYone Top Lane Counters: 47 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Yone in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
sly rialto colt says “focus on poking ,farming and getting a serpent's fang first. save your E against his dashes.”
liucan says “If he fails everything or u dodge then u win. U lose VS his E. use ur E to force disengage if he uses it and trade after. U can also use ur E or ult to dodge the knock up of his Q3. Dont use ult to dodge his ult, because he ends behind u before the projectile goes off. Dodge with ur W and Dont Q if he has Q3 or ult, u give him free land of them. ext + ign good here, dont commit without ext if he is good.”
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Make his life hell on this lane. Q poke at level 1. Get prio and force trades at level 2 and 3. He can't do anything.”
a_k_z7 says “side step his q and q3
you can w his q3 but you need to move to the side so you dont get knoked up by it
bait his e with your passive
try to avoid as much skills from him and hit most spells you can so you can win the trade
frozen heart later in the game can help your team aginst him”
parker3n9 says “This matchup can feel more difficult than Yasuo, especially against a skilled Yone player. His trade patterns are toxic to deal with, and his E creates frustrating scenarios. When he goes into shadow form, you have two main options: 1. Use your ultimate and run toward his pull back so he has no escape or. 2. Disengage and avoid the trade entirely.
From Level 6 onward, he has significant kill threat, and the lane remains in his favor until you hit around three items. Prioritize building Zhonya’s Hourglass to mitigate his burst and buy yourself time in fights. Focus on playing safely, poking when you can, and transitioning into teamfights where you’ll have a greater impact.
Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Raideru says “This matchup is all about short trading him with your passive and poking him with your w whenever he wastes his w, remember that he can dash with his e to dodge your e so make sure u can hit or make sure if u jump in will it matter if u hit it or not. Remember after lvl 6 you can use your ult to dodge his ult. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush into Trinity rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Be VERY careful earlygame because if he dodges Q he'll run you down with Lethal Tempo, play safe until levels 7+ where if you hit Q it's too painful for him.If you can land Q's after that point then you win.
You can eat him out of his R to negate the CC and his followup damage. Q him when he Qdashes at you to land a free Q. " ”
Fenharion says “Yone is again another %HP deal damaging champion,with his long range Q3 and W he is able to poke you down from afar without you being able to respond,after he finishes BoTRK he will be more of a problem since he deals all forms of damage and his E allows him to engage and then go back to safety.
As for tips: When he is in E form,if you ult him he won't be able to E back,when he Q3's into you or minions,pull him with E and Q to punish him and in late game try to stay away from him if he is even or ahead of you.”
Fanatical Goose says “All Yone can do to counter you is dodging your Q, you can build normally and still overrun the lane, make sure to bait out Q3 if he has it up. Make sure to spam E and hit your Q's”
Houcs says “These players usually think they are invincible whenever they press E. Which gives you great opportunity to pull them into the tower and usually they take like 2 towershots which is usually crucial for them.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “avoid his Q poke throughout the laning phase
whenever he uses Q, thats a potential window to instantly trade, even though its a short cd he is much weaker for a couple seconds
as it is vs any autoattacker, jax is quite weak without his E. make sure to keep trading with E as yone has a hard time dealing with it, and when he is low you can go for a kill with your burst
dont disrespect yones all-in potential when your E is down and it should be free”
UrPersonalGod says “Yone is really strong right now because he got buffed for some reason.
He can run ignite and he is more or less highly mobile but hes not as scary as the other fighters that fit that description primarily because his engage is pretty expectable.
Still this machup is Yone favored.
His Q3 + Flash + R combo is almost undodgeable if you dont mirror his flash.
Let him push into you before level 6 dont get to low and farm.
His boots powerspike got nerfed so thats something at least.
Hes vulnerable to ganks so try to freeze and ping your jungle.
If he has a bad early he might just tilt and go 0/10 because hes a yone player.
Althalosofsirun says “With Lethal tempo being back in the game and his newest Q buff he can very easily duel sett especially once he buys bork your best play is take PTA and ignite and fight him level 2 since his level 1 is better”
wApMorty says “Yone feels like Nasus : winnable in the early game, especially once you hit 6 and unlock the ghoul-generator. But it snowballs out of control from 3 items. Must find a way to play the matchup differently”
tictac9090 says “Pretty even matchup but still Darius favored. You can never hit your Q if you don't E him before, as he will use his E to dodge it. Early on you hard win, make sure you dodge his Q3's. He does outscale you but 1v1's shouldn't be a problem at any point in the game as long as you are ahead/equal. Highly dependant on how good the Yone is.”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty easy for Jax, lvl 1 u want to zone him from xp with your e cose he can't rly do much vs u if he chooses to trade u to get the xp just take the short trade and play for lvl 2, every time he uses his w and doesn't hit u with it jump on him and fight him cose he can't rly win the all in remember to walk into him when u fight him so when he uses e to dodge your e u are still in range to recast stun. I advise Lethal Tempo + Dblade.”
Skaarlschloch says “AGGRO Conq Runes, Flash + TP + Dblade
W lv.1 (E start is too flippy and Yone is strong lv1 + has too much sustain)
No need to overforce on him lv1-2 YET as you outscale him in in the 1v1 and its gets much easier from lv3-4 onwards.
Trade on him like hes a ranged champ with E->AA->Q->W
If your afraid of getting outscaled at 3-4 items you can go for Titanic->BC->Riftmaker build
Look for 3rd or 4th wave crash (4th is best) and recall
You wanna get Steelcaps somewhat early if its good that game otherwise Swifties so you can dodge”
SemenDrinker says “Bone plating Blade
With Lethal Tempo removed
Yone has become way easier to handle. You can finally start bullying him on earlier levels since he wont have the dps to trade back with you well. Still dont underestimate him as always. You can poke him when he walks up to cs with Q. I dont really like to w whenever he still has e up or while he's in the midst of using it. Lvl 6 is when the lane can get a bit trickier since he can use that to try to run you down if you fail your combo so watch out. Just rush plated and Yone becomes extremely easy kill as your boots will basically negate almost all his damage. ”
Frankoloko says “Rush Steelcaps. He does a lot of Magic & Physical damage. JakSho would not be bad here. If you ult while he's in spirit form, then the link will stay active until your ult ends and then he will shoot back.”
IvanBeifong says “Easier than Yasuo's matchup, normal trades, and it's easy to dodge his Q, they're pretty telegraphed once you learn their trade pattern.
His ult is pretty good.”
LilPicky says “(1st rune page) you can R when he is in E and he stays in his E he cant go back, so if he goes in under your tower with his E you can R him and he will be stuck there, you can R his R or his E depends on best situation, also try to E near walls since he can E to the side and not let you stun him/ get your attack speed from hitting your E”
Niemi says “Yone players are always way too aggressive, then they die and try to trash talk you in allchat... has happened a bit more than once. I haven't had any trouble againts this champ in a looong time”
Zagreus16 says “Yone is very easy to play against cause if he just misses his q knock up and runs into you, you will smack him so hard hes gonna wish he never did what he did in the first place”
step1v9 says “Rush Kraken into this champion. Skip boots. He benefits from zerk rush way more than you do, so you need to sacrifice MS for Kraken procs. The ideal scenario is to weave Kraken procs in between his knockup CC. So often I will kill yone players just barely with Kraken autos. Avoid trading into his E and W. His E is more important than his R. You can tank his R, but his E gives him too much mobility. The best all-in is to E towards his snap back location when he uses E so that he can't kite you with it. Then, just stand and fight at his E and you should win. When he has 3Q bait him to use it on you and try to side step or be just out of range so you can reengage.”
Raideru says “Zone him off wave lvl 1 with Q and W, short trade him till he gets low enough to be all inned and use your e to guarantee hitting your q cause in an all in he can dash into you with his e to dodge it”
Haxorr says “Yone is pretty much the same as his brother. Just bring DBlade + Grasp. Just be careful about trading super aggressively early, as he is stronger than you unless you dodge qs consistently, then you win. Don't jump on Yone at bad times or get kited out with your e down or you will die. Rushing Trinity is best.”
DuckQc says “He can kill you on lvl 1 with LT. Try to fight him in lane, especially after he uses e or w. Post-6 the only way he can kill you is by escaping your r with his e, so play around his e cd. He will outscale you, but if you get a lead he shouldn't be a problem until 30-40 minutes.”
Arthapsic says “Do not fight him level 1 only short trades. If he uses his E Q him then E out and do not trade with him anymore. Use your W to dodge his ult if he uses it ranged. If you have to fight him while his E is up then try to line up your R so it hits him but his E shadow as well so he can't dodge it by going back. Go only for short trades pre 6. He wins the 1v1 later so look for 5v5 opportunity. ”
Beeware says “Can be dangerous if the player is good (rare). If he uses E then cage him and run. Poke him with Q and get swifties. If you dodge his R and Q3 then he's not a threat”
TeiWasTaken says “Skill matchup. You cannot beat him at level 1, 2 or 3 if he is decent (most Yones in Silver and below are braindead btw) When you hit 4, all in him and try to get a lead. When he gets 6, save your E to dodge his Ult.”
ArmedDad says “Skill. harder than his brother as he has more damage and cc. He can also do more special outplays than yas. You have to doge his r with your r, and bait out his e before using your e.
with 1 item, assuming you dodge his q2 r combo, he dies instantly.
Note: his w will make things hard, and if he is good, his spacing will make you cry and want to enjoy a comforting bath with a toaster.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS E MAX
used to be a really hard matchup but with bork nerfed and lethal tempo gone, yone and yasuo are finally back to normalish levels of attack speed. This means he can't just melt you with bork now, and his lane is significantly less cancer. Dodge a decent amount of q3's and you'll be fine to hard outscale. NOTE: new lethal tempo is so bad outside of full attack speed champs that I don't even think he takes it. If he does it doesn't make it much harder than it was before. Still easy”
Ulsur says “No, Yone does not counter Aatrox, he's actually pretty easy as you'll encounter him more than 50% of the time, level 1 just walk up and try to land your Qs, when he has his Q3 knock up just walk away and try to dodge it, he'll contest for priority and win it 90% of the time, just walk back and don't get baited when it's his level up timer, if he E's you just E Q back and don't be afraid to use your W on him, and try to hit him when he's in his E, if his E is down after level 5, go in blindly and hit your full combo, after he hits level 6 play a little bit safer, if he all ins you bare in mind that you can buffer your Qs whether he uses his Q3 on you or his ultimate, so a good strategy is to Q1 him, he'll E in, E back into Q2, and hold your Q3 while you're auto attacking, if he ults you instantly Q3 BEHIND YOURSELF, it will buffer it so that when his ultimate animation is done and he's behind you, he'll get dunked with your Q3 and you'll win the trade, don't be afraid of him, just play smart as most Yone players are stereotypical and they'll pretty much do the same combos over and over, they'll charge the Q3, E and try to hit you, so don't keep falling for the same combo he's doing and you'll be fine, also bare in mind that his W shield is underrated, try to wait for it to expire if you're poking, very skill based, he outscales you but you can still beat him late game, one of the most fun matchups for me.”
DDemonJesters says “Hard early game. just level up to 3 and try to trade him if he uses E or W. Level 6 you should put the minions near your tower at this point and freeze. ”
Hotch says “Really hate this matchup. Wait till he uses E to punish and don't be afraid to keep fighting after he recasts E. He kills you 1v1 in most cases so play your waves the best you can. Ask your jungler for help on this one.
Take ignite. Rush Eclipse into Frozen Heart. ”
KingJoeyy says “definitely a challenging matchup for Gwen but as long as you space out his Q's and poke him you can win also perfectly timing your W for his R. i take ignite to secure kill.”
Zeraku says “Take Exhaust and Ignite/Flash and ignite - Rush Bramble, he's harder than Yasuo, predict whenever he'll dash to you at the same time he dash you can shoot a Q out, connecting will null the dmg of the passive.”
PinkBlood says “Yone is quite scary level 1 with his q stacks and lethal tempo but after sheen you usually end up winning and outscaling. You can W to end knockups early and flash out of the way. ”
procatking says “Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for pantheon*
dont Shield Vault(W) him when his Q3 ready.
in a long term fight, block his E's repeating DMG if possible and if u poke him to half health and then all-in him. respect his DMG and avoid his Q3-R combo by backing or blocking it.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Spellbook
Yone is a skill Match up that is slightly Morde favoured.
Your q has slightly longer range than his and you dont have to worry about pushing the wave because he will push it harder. So q him everytime you can. If he uses his e back off and e him Back. Use your w early while he is directly on you. Dont r him when he has e up. He can use it to cancel your r or just run away from you in death realm. R him right after his e is over. Lethal tempo got nerfed so most yone's go fleet. This way they can actually out sustain you if you go riftmaker first. Seriously dont think "ah he is dead, ez "when he gets low and get lazy. I have died many unnecessary deaths when yone survived at 50 hp for 5 seconds because i got lazy. I like to go liandries first vs him to just overwhelm him with the dmg and for better poke. Yone likes extended fights where he can kite you with q/r/e and sustain with w and fleet. Use flash for his r or 3rd q. If he tries to escape with r you can block it by standing inside or slightly behind him. Also his r is unstoppable but i think your ult still goes through.
If He goes botrk first buy bramble early.
Yone somewhat out scales you but very very slowly. Until 4/5 items you should have the edge.”
conqiyana says “matchup isnt too hard because you can dodge his q3 with your w,
he will win every trade though so just poke to stay around even health”
MaesePerez says “Beats you in any extended trade, and his lvl 1 is stupidly strong, his w can deny your ult and his e, ult and 3rd q allows him to run you down. You can look for kills after buying frozen heart, but before that its pretty unlikely to win a 1v1. He doesn't have health sustain so looking for poke with a q w e combo can allow you to farm more safely since he won't have the hp to all in you. If ahead this matchup becomes extremely free since he can't stat check you with autos, but if behind this matchup is very painful. Buy antiheal if he rushes BORK”
Bard_Enjoyer says “One of the biggest counters to you, his entire kit can be missed, and he will auto you to death. Don't feed him early and tank him late.”
forlid says “Yone is quite weak early game but scales really well into mid and late game. Early game focus on baiting his W as it can block an entire Q worth of damage from you. If you land your W on him he will most likely use E to dodge it. Keep in mind that his R makes him unstoppable so he can use it to negate your Q knockup. You win him level 6 if you're both even.”
Aopiah says “Very strong and beats you easily if you don't play well but yone players aren't the sharpest knifes so try to play it safe and he'll get annoyed and make mistakes, try to call your jungler for help and you'll be good
Keep your W for his ultimate ”
PlayCabex says “Takes you quite a high level spacing to play versus yone. Put 3 points into W and then max Q. I also recommend rushing zhonya’s against him and use it in one of the ways: Zhonya his E true damage or his ultimate. Usually your combo is gonna look something like this: You full combo (which won’t kill him 90% of the cases) and use zhonya’s afterwards. Read his Qs so you know whenever the 3rd Q is coming. Whenever he has 3rd Q and he comes in with his E, look to sidestep OR time his knock up with your Q.
Runes: Aery or FS, both are ok here”
zwartebliksem says “With the removal of Lethal Tempo, Yone is a much easier matchup. However, you cannot underestimate his damage. He is rather weak early if you manage to sidestep his Q's. If you dodge them, you should be able to win lv1. If not, you will most likely lose to his CC.”
Haearnbleidd says “He can kill you on lvl 1 with LT. Try to fight him in lane, especially after he uses e or w. Post-6 the only way he can kill you is by escaping your r with his e, so play around his e cd.
He will outscale you, but if you get a lead he shouldn't be a problem until 30-40 minutes.
I recommend building rav > hexplate or hexplate > stride if you can't hit your q's.”
AWierdShoe says “One of the most common and most annoyingly difficult matchups you will find as you go up the ladder. Yone is able to kill us level 1 because of Lethal Tempo and his Q3 knockups, however you can still poke back at him with Q (you should still let the wave shove into you). Do you best to dodge his Qs by sidestepping them, and don't trade with him if he has Lethal Tempo stacked up. We wont be able to trade back with him until level 4, but even then he can shield our damage with his W and even dodge our Q sweetspots and get out of our W with the initial cast of his E. This matchup is one of the worst ones you can die early in, so do your best to avoid his damage and not take a horrible trade. One of the good things about this lane is that Yone's E is on a super-high cooldown and if he initiates with his E, we can wait it out before trading back as he has less options to dodge our abilities. Tabi rush is a must to mitigate his damage. Level 6 if you dodge his ult while he's playing aggressively you can ult as well and trade back/wait for him to snap back out of his E to trade. Care for every completed item he comes back with as each one is a spike for him. Though this lane may be hard, we can easily exploit Yone's mistakes. He's also an easy gank for your jungler.”
Kamere says “Be careful about his level 1 with Lethal Tempo, just poke him with Q and dodge his Q3.
You hard win level 3-5.
Don't forget to remove his bone plating before engaging him and to not rush him with W when his Q3 is up since it cancels our W.
From level 6 don't forget to E behind you if he ults you.”
Akuzai says “Counters you at all stages of the game and is impossible to side into. Rush boots and be calm when he uses e and try to fight back. You can win all ins early if you space well.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
Start W. Try your best to dodge his Q level 1. You can try to get prio by taking short trades and poking him with your W. Take Q lvl 2 if the wave is even and E lvl 2 if the wave is close to walls. If you guys are equal in health, and the wave is not near your tower, do not E in if he has E. You can R his R and take no damage. If you R while he is in his E he cannot E back unless he uses his return E as you are casting your R. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Even worse than Yasuo. Dictates trades however he pleases, You really have to abuse superior movement here more than in the Yasuo matchup. Also outscales you harder than Yasuo does. Bear build can likely one shot him, and Phoenix build brings more teamfight value, but once again, you're on the clock against Yone. Consider buying Wardens Mail or Plated Steelcaps early.”
xXazzer says “Has too much in his kit. And is a monster with just lethal tempo and greaves. If he plays it well he can nullify your Q1 or Q2 damage with his shield. He can safely trade with you with his E as well. Dodge his Qs, kite out his E. If he screws up you can do alot of damage to him because he is pretty squishy. You can space his W as well and his Qs”
Hive Mind says “Full counter.
There is nothing you can do, he destroys your entire combo and will ALWAYS be safe in lane, it will break your freeze and dance on your dead body”
NegativePhoenix says “Yone is easier to fight than Yasuo but don't underestimate his damage or you'll regret it.
Once you get at least Steelcaps and 1-2 chain vests [or 1 chain/1 bramble] he's not gonna do much to you in terms of damage
The only time you need to be afraid of him in the lane phase is if he's snowballing from roams [or you], or when he gets BORK because that's his powerspike item against you. If he builds anything else first he's trolling.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Try to position yourself in front of the minion wave so that he can't get prio easily. Maximize your W damage with E and hold your ground when he uses E. Your Ult hard counters his Ult. He will outscale you eventually. Randuins Omen shuts him down for a bit before he get's more items. Also don't buy Tabis because they don't work against Yone due to his mixed damage. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
LilliaFanBoy says “Frozen + Tabi's
As long as you don't sit 1 meter away from him to tank auto-attacks you'll do fine.
Bait out his Q knock-up and punish.
Maksimvini says “Unlike yassuo, yone is a much harder due to long-range dashes and E ability. watches, banshee, seraphine and everfrost make lane against him easier.”
WhendZ says “Skill Matchuop. Yone é mais complicado que seu irmão, mas não chega a ser extremo. Cuidado com a forma dele de sombra e tenta explodir um barril nele quando ele vier, o slow ajuda bastante.”
LegacyOneTap says “2000 year champ, you slap him as long as you aren't eating his q's and kite away form his ghost form. you hard win with dps items or with divine, shojin, steraks. either way not an issue too much just make sure bork is in your build along with gargoyle or some good armor item. decent matchup heavily in your favor. ”
Wizboy73 says “[Conq or grasp] play very passive lv 1 because of lethal tempo, q spam him from range.if you get through the early game, you win, be sure to get zhonyas second to block his dumb ass E dmg. ”
zacklynier says “3 tane dash i var saçma sapan hasarı var ve her 4 5 saniyede bir kalkan alıyor dikkat edin early de hayatta kalın 2. hatta 1. itemde yenebiliyosunuz. 2. item serpents fang alın”
JPGamer10BR says “Yone é chato, não tome o dash do Q dele, pois você perde, tente desviar de todas as skills dele, não confia tanto no all win, pois ele ganha um escudo com o W dele.
tente deixar uns cogumelos em locais que, quando ele der o dash pra cima de você, você consiga desviar e ele pisar no cogumelo.
Recomendo o uso de PTa, F.F ou Aery (Não recomendo Grasp).”
Quidney says “Ult is easy to predict.
If he didn't use E before ult, you can send him to your turret.
If he did, then just E stun and pull him to your Q with ult after his E ends”
The Saucy Saurus says “Rush thornmail. Much easier when you have it. Do not fight him in his E and try to avoid his R. You can block his Q dash with W.”
Denied20 says “Only Yone's abilities outscale Yasuo's (W and E) - except for the ultimates debatably..
Yasuo is contributed higher stats off the bat, except for HP and HP regen.
Yasuo's stats also scale better: Attack speed Bonus, Attack speed Ratio, AD per level.
Ultimately if you minimize the use of Yone's abilities on you, foremost W and E. You can usually buy time with your passive shield and a minion wave. Feel free to trade back, main concern is Yone's easier applied burst in his full rotation and his arguably bigger shield from W, depending on enemies stuck.
In lane you can roll over him.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Dodge his Q's especially his third Q. Walk away if needed. You have really high burst. This matchup is kinda hard for yone. ”
BurritoTopKing says “A bit harder now with his hull build, but just dodge his Q3 if possible and rush warden's mail + tabis, also careful the first levels as he has lethal tempo(you can use lethal too), spacing is important in this matchup though.
A useful trick is that you can buffer your E if he uses his q3 to poke you, grabbing him mid air and giving you the chance to trade.”
Riceyboll says “Might just be a skill issue on my part, but everygame againts a Yone has been insanely difficult. Earlygame is strongly in his favour, but if you manage to stay even in gold and xp eventually you can beat him 1v1”
WarwicksSimp says “Strategy: R him when he q's into you, q through him when he tries to recall e2. This should usually help you win this matchup ideally.
He presses r and wins a teamfight, not a lot you can do. He easy 1v9s games typically and if he gets camped by his jg, you cant play the game. This champion is really good at never interacting with you and denying your engages to just focus on cs, scaling, and teamfights. Which is really bad for you. Winnable if he feeds you.”
xskyswitch says “Not as free as Yasuo, but still a pretty easy matchup. Pre-6 you should have perma prio against him. Post-6 play around his R and you will be fine.”
RivenCarriedYou says “be careful lvl 1 and 2, after that bully him back to mid lane that little f**. do not let him stack lethal tempo, take short trades and if he is 50 or 60% HP. you can just 2 shot him. He will outscale you tho. but youre able to still outplay him even with full build”
Spasatel says “his items are broken. Until 6, he will tolerate it, but after he gets it, be careful. Especially if you don't have flashes. If he collects hullbreaker, then you must collect black clever or also hullbreaker with the third item.”
Chaddouk says “Pretty similar to Yasuo. Can win off an all in level 1, depending who gets to stack lethal tempo first, so who facechecks loses. Like Yasuo, bait him to Q by faking going for CS and then go. Dodging one single Q in an all in can make a huge diff. This champion when it's well played is a pain in the ass for tryn, especially because it's undivable. Still I think when tryn has everything (Flash/ghost/galeforce) he wins later on side, only exception being him having exhaust or ghost. It's a lot about spacing in this matchup. Later you win side it's still gonna be about dodging his abilities and sticking on him.”
BaotoGame says “He is very powerful after 2 items.Btw,he is very useless when you have Plated Steelcaps and dodging his Q3.Try to bait his Q.You need to run if he turned on his E that does a lot of damage than you expected”
daitolol says “TOP/MID
- Similar to yasuo, he is stronger early levels but after level 6 the matchup becomes akali favored, when he goes for a Q3 it is easy to land E on him
- You can use Q before his w lands as it has a bit of an active time
-Try to save your E till he uses his E or is gurnateed to hit as when you are going for r1+e or r2+e it is very obvious and Yone can easily dodge it
- When using r1 to engage he will usually try to run away using his ult, it is usually worth tanking it to prevent the escape and get the kill
_WhiteSnow_ says “Same thing as yasuo, if he buffers his e through your unburrow it won't put the knockup on cooldown. Avoid his 3rd q and look to just do short trades until he's in kill range, at which point he's kinda helpless to a tunnel -> combo -> r sequence.”
Pretzel Shiv says “yone is really hard to fight. genuinely, wait for a gank, or punish him if he uses e and fails to hurt/kill you. Dodge his R and you can just go for a fight. (pre 6 he's hard to fight.)”
DebRiX9 says “Play safe the first levels, if he wastes is Q airbone and E then go in and try to E+Q+AA then run him down for another Q, W on the way back or if he procs Q. You should be fine if you don't give him early kills or lead. If you ult when he uses E your ult will freeze the countdown on his timer, which means in brazil don't wait to his E starting location but keep following him and as soon as you hear the ult finishing then go back to his E. If you have Rylai unless he hits Q on you you are good and win the fight.”
SVKGuardian says “If you can burst him down quickly, or get really good trades you can win lane easily.
If you are going for longer trades, it suits him really well when he is playing lethal tempo and will probably outrade you.”
Quinnculated says “Легкий матчап. Заметно проще младшего из-за более простых механик. До лвл 3 лучше играть агрессивно, когда он получает е чуть спокойнее. Когда старается заингейджить с е дать аа+е+аа и кайтить назад(осторожно, если он вернется в момент вашего полета на е, вы улетите за ним)”
BezMemow says “Unplayable, he wins all stages of the game. You can try to go Bramblevest, ignite and full AP to beat him. In lane you can use your E as he uses Q3 to guarantee a hit or an all in, if you go even he hard outscales you.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “ Sit on the barrel, if he uses E on you detonate it and fuck his ass with passive and Q. Dont let him stack lethal tempo. You can set up the barrel on his E ghost and he has no escape. Very squishy and vulnerable to poke, Its a little bit tricky after lv6 beacuse if you int he can oneshot you with E+ult+ignite but if you wont allow that he cant do shit.”
ABL Pantheon says “One of the easier matchups. You win early by poking him with Q and using W after he used W, because he gets a shield and blocks some of the damage. While in his E avoid trading with him unless you are ahead and you can use E. After 6 remember to use your E behind you and not in front of you when he uses his Ultimate. Because if you use it im front of you, it won't block any damage”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items: start dorans shield -> plated steelcaps -> CORE
lordimboutabust says “Strong contender for Major, can be a major threat if they are a good yone. Never W when he E's wait for him to use it then run him down, E-Q and kite away when he E's. Poke him until he is low enough to all in and be very careful of his CC chain at 6. You can side step his Q3 if you have good reactions and you can generally win trades when that happens. he can also dodge your abilities using E so be careful of that but when its down is when he is most vulnerable. Be careful early lvls as he will run you down with LT | second wind | Dshield - executioners - steelcaps - eclipse”
Bernardian says “Early on its the same as Yasuo you don't win lvls 1 and 2 if he has ignite and lethal unless you kite him and even then its very risky. lvl 3 is when this matchup does a 360 no scope flip as you have all of your abilities and it becomes easier to hit your Q. Speaking of your q, Yone's objective is to make sure you do not get 5 bleed ever so using his e and sometimes his q he can deny your q and make it harder for you to trade back with him. Post 6 is also not that bad pretty much the same thing except of course watch out for his ultimate, Quick tip: If yone is trying to ult out pull him with your e this will make yones hitbox appear infront of you for a brief second and will stop him from dashing so far(It also slows him because of your e slow) this makes it very easy to finish him off if you were already stacking bleed on him before. Tabis rush is also good here.”
ardeluu says “At Lv1 u lose if he has lethal tempo or hits his Q's. Do not waste ur W if he has E since he can just use it to get out and harass u, so instead you should use W after he wastes it and trade. Rush Plated Steelcaps and bramble or Ironspike if ur ahead or confident. U can cancel his 3rdQ with ur Q knock-up and Q behind u during his ult since ur Q doesn't get stopped by CC.”
FaNTOP says “Очень сложный матчап в плане мастерства, если у него смертельный темп, вы проигрываете на 1-м уровне, если у него "Завоеватель", вы выигрываете. Используйте свою способность W против его Q3 и попробуйте действительно использовать Q W для большего урона, но вам нужно быть очень быстрым и реактивным. Вспышкой избегайте его комбо E Q3 R, оно наносит много урона. Наказывайте его длительное время восстановления способности E, которое составляет 22 секунды.”
demirkaiser says “Early bramble. Don't try level 1. You can try level 3. Don't eat his Q3 and W. Post 6 you can ult him in his E and he will be stuck there but I don't recommend this as he will use E again and become unstoppable. ?f he uses his E, ult him. Dodge his R. Since the 14.1, I haven't limit tested against Yone, so fight at your own risk at late game.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Try to space his Q's LVL 1. Try to trade with him when his last hitting minions and after LVL 2 you win all in, If he E's away just go back and wait for your E and do it again as his E is higher CD than your E.”
Riceyboll says “Most of them share the same braincell, meaning that they will try to chase you under tower and cry when they get exploded to the outer stratosphere. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Wow this guy is dumb. But he really has no defenses against all your damage. In that sense, he's easy pickings. Just be careful because he'll heal like a vampire will”
icher says “yone has a kit of abilities that makes mordekaiser have a hard time throughout the game, his E can make him come out of his ult, he has a lot of damage and a lot of healing in the first minutes of the game, avoid fed him and try to help your team in objectives and ganks.”
stefanko says “Dont let Yone space you with q's level 1, look for trade when he tries to last hit minions. Once you are level 2 you win all ins, Yone is gonna e your e, but then you just back off and you are fine. (grasp, tp)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Blade.
Second Wind, since he can proc Bone Plating very easily.
E his Q3 works very good, but it's a little mind game.
Parry backwards to stun him off his R.
Sidestep his Q's and parry always on point to make it impossible for him.
You still outscale if you go even.”
Galactities says “Respect his level 1-2, get 3 if he has Boneplating pop it and trade with him Dodge his Q3. Steel caps is really good here, you outpoke him, sidestep Q's in fights.”
xShortBreadx says “Respect his E + Q2 combo and should be fine. Going wardens mail first is very strong and then waiting to see if he builds on hit or crit first before deciding on Randuins or Frozen Heart. Can get ez stacks by W'ing his clone just before he returns or W'ing your self when he uses Q2”
lorensj81 says “[Season 13] Now that Yone is taking Lethal Tempo and getting Botrk first item, I feel it's alot harder to kill him early. And he scales so well too. Ignite very good value.”
Pep_Shin says “Stridebreaker and steelcaps are strongly advised here.
He can space you out of your mind.
A good Yone will never let you fight him.
However the matchup is similar as Yasuo's. Avoid his W as much as possible and if he E's far away from you or if he gets close to his shadow you press R and crush him.
You should snowball on him, but h can become a problem.
Be careful pre-6. And respect him.”
Babuleh says “Доран блейд w e q Завоеватель
вы сильнее ёнэ до лейта, главное не алл инить его лвл 1 и стараться блокать ульт или Q3 своей ультой. Советую брать в него завоеватель”
Irelius says “Скилл мачап очень сильно в пользу Ирелии. НЕ ДЕРЁМСЯ НА ЛВЛ 1. Играем осторожно, не получаем бесплатные куханы. Если он умный, он будет доджить вашу ешку своей. Но, опять же, его откат – 22 секунды, ваш – 16. Кроме того, у ешки Ёнэ маленькая скорость рывка, задоджить достаточно сложно. В общем, пытайтесь понять, куда он кастует Е, когда пытается доджить вашу ешку, и кидайте ешку соответственно, чтобы запредиктить его додж. Кроме того, 90% игроков на Енэ идиоты и будут нажимать в вас Q3. Кастуем Е, пока кастует Q3 или предиктим каст Q3. Попадаем, выигрываем трейд. Жмём W на его бурст, если не может его задоджить. Он аутскейлит, если мачап идёт ровно. ”
Puyi says “You can avoid his W with your E, and he should never be able to knock you up with his third Q or Ultimate. His E has a similar cooldown to your W, so it should be easy to track it; punish him while it's on cooldown. Get early steelcaps and run bone plating.”
Irelius says “Heavily Irelia favored matchup. DONT FIGHT LVL1. Play safe early, dont eat Qs for free. If he's smart he'll dodge your E with his E. Again, your cd is 16, his–22. If he is a degenerate (90% of Yone players are) and straitforward Q3s you, it's a guaranteed E hit and a won trade.
He outscales you if matchup goes even.”
JustSad42 says “This is a Fiora sided matchup. You can W Yone third Q and yone R very consistently. If Yone uses his third Q on a wave, you can Q-W into his knock up and get a free stun. If you ever stun Yone, you will almost oneshot him or oneshot him depending on what point of the game you are at. Steelcaps has huge value verus Yone. When Yone Rs you, always W behind yourself, never W at the Yone, since Yone R will always place him behind you if he hits you with it. Don’t bother getting Grievous Wounds against him since buying your core items as quick as possible will provide you with more value. Only get a Grievous Wound item after completing your first item. In most cases when Yone is chasing you after using E and you’re in a winning position, you want to place yourself between him and his E so that you can easily chase him regardless of if he doesn’t use his E or if he uses his E early. You pretty much are capable of beating Yone at every stage of the game if he is your lane opponent. However, if you fight versus a Yone mid that has 2 items, you will need to get three items to be able to beat him or land a stun on him. But, if he has 2 items before you do, he can kill you without using his knock up or R on you. Also, something to note, Yone cannot chain his Q knockup into his R unless he lands the knockup at the last possible moment of the animation. This is since if he lands the knock up early, he will be in the animation for too long and you will recover from the knockup earlier than he can cast his R.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating,
Start Doran Ring or Doran Blade.
Ignite+Teleport or Ghost+Ignite.
Just kill him in the lane. There's no chance. Just dodge his double Q and no more. He cant kill you 1v1.”
Night Guy says “Same as Yasuo but Yone is weaker because he can't dash like Yasuo so he is an easier target. Try to time your Q3 with his Q3 to pull him in and Grasp auto him.”
TheHellKing says “Break his ankle with your speed. Comet is recommended. Play aggressive. Don't let him stack Q for free. Enough poke will allow an all-in.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet/Conqueror
You can win pretty easily, be careful after 6 and try to dodge/flash his R, if he misses you win. If you have fleet don't all in and out-trade him. Even with conqueror he might win all ins, especially if you don't bait his bone plating, so try to play around short trades. Lv.1 get 4 stacks if possible to get kill potential.”
SrMolinv says “Skill matchup, Riven favoured.
Short trade him, play around his W. Respect his full build (Att Speed Boots). You oneshot him at 6. You have advantage as you can go for Goredrinker but he needs to boots + Mythic. You have a big window there. If he runs exhaust, respect it but dont be afraid.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Avoid his Q3 or you will be knocked up]
[Bait his W]
[Try to pull him back when he uses his E on you]
[Dodge or Flash his R if possible]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
93bWasTaken says “Go CONQ+SORCERY Tree.
You hard win in early trades.
This MU could be in tiny difficulty, but he scales pretty well if you don't opress him early on.
If he uses his E, try to stack your passive on him while dodging Qs, and just wait near the start point of his E.
Beware of his Q3>R, especially when he is in his E.”
Lukaas says “Don't risk all in-ing him early because of lethal tempo. If the Yone player knows how to play aggressive you lose sadly. Passive Yone players are very easy to play against because you can deny them a lot of farm and get free Q's on him. Yone late just straight up beats you, it doesn't matter if the player is good or not. He has 2 gap closers and another gap closer that he can stack. Watch out for his E trades, you will rarely out trade him in his E unless you hit a Q3 and passive auto. Use your E dash to dodge his Q3 dash.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Avoid his Q poke. Fight when he has no Q stacks so he cant kite you with the knockup. If he uses E to harass you, fight back immediately to match the trade unless you're in danger of dying.
Yone will outscale you EXTREMELY HARD, so early snowball is required to have a playable game.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Dodge his Qs, and play around his E cool down early, and you should be able to outplay this guy. If he just used Q3, then you can safely go up and zone him from the wave. Rush tabis.”
Smudey says “You win short trades pretty hard, but might lose long trades due to Lethal Tempo. Try to get him low with short trades and taunt in to kill him. He is super weak early on. Try to bait and punish his Qs, but back off if he has Q3. Don't get poked by his W for free. If you can't dodge it, block it with your passive.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Very easy early, he is very squishy, poke him with Q and if he jumps on you with stacked Q just destroy the barrels as he dashes, also if u sidestep it you have basically free trade. His ult oneshots after several items are the only problem but and thats why he is not in tiny tier but its managable”
HightLoL says “do short trades since most yones go lethal tempo. use e q combo to guarantee q to hit b/c hes mobile.
dmg item components good early, wardens mail good if behind, go bramble after he gets shieldbow.”
JustCallMeVox says “Yone is a threat at level 6, mainly. As long as you stay away from his Q3, you win all trades, and can deny him a lot of cs early game. When his Q3 is up, and his E, you want to ready a sand soldier for escape. If he catches you in a combo, your advantage dwindles rapidly.”
StingingChicken says “Broken piece of shit champion, but Pantheon does have a little counterplay unlike most champions. Respect his level 1 and 2 with Lethal Tempo, do not fight just poke. Try to find windows to W-AA-Q engage when his E is down. When he does E at you, you can E when he doesn't have another dash up to get behind it. After 6 E backwards when he ults, you will block R damage and will be left with him facing the shield. But everything has to go right for you to win a trade and he has a million ways to outplay you and you can't do shit about it. Then he finishes hullbreaker and runs you down. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
kajinator says “Unlike Yasuo, Yone is much better at poking you down. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite is mandatory to dodge his stuns and ult. The major issue in this matchup is you can never get E off on Yone since he just outspaces you so hard. Look to put pressure in sidelane because hes a better team fighter than you are.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Yone is sometimes picked toplane and when he is, good luck. He can very easily run you down and he'll basically always win long fights. If you can ult his ult you'll usually survive though. One wrong step and he'll almost definitely kill you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
SrMolinv says “Skill matchup, favorable de Riven.
Tradeos cortos y cuando Yone gaste su W buscar el all in o un tradeo algo mas largo.
Respeta a Yone cuando tenga full build (Botas de velocidad ataque)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
pura4 says “[Cometa, Escudo de Doran, Q > E] - Nessa lane você precisa Baitar o W do yone sempre que possivel e usar seu poke sempre após o shield do W dele, caso ele vier para cima use seu full combo e corra, faça isso e aos poucos vc podera mata-lo após o lvl 6, primeiro item a bota de R$1100, em seguida brasa ou corta cura de R$800 "”
TriggerDinger says “If you're playing against good Yone you will have a hard time. Dont let him poke you and try to stun him with ur e as often as you can. Rush Zhonya secound item since it can literally save ur life and gift you a kill at the same time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
Voice44 says “берем завоеватель, ерли гейм против него довольно легкий но после того как он покупает берсерки он сможет отыгрывать от ваших кд и поукать вас. все просто, !!!!!не наглейте когда ваши скиллы кд и уворачивайтесь от его кушек и тогда он ничего не сможет вам сделать .все что он попытается это раскайтить вас. так же не забывайте что своей ешкой он может уйти от вашей вешки и так же уйти из под вашей ульты (рекомендую зарашить сразу же бронированые сапоги)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his Soul Unbound(E), you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his Soul Unbound(E) as he will always return to his original spot. Try and stay far back though so he is unable to get onto you by his E+Q very easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his E as he will always return to his original spot. In team fights, try to stay away from one another so it’s harder for Yone to get a good Ultimate off.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his E as he will always return to his original spot. In team fights, try to stay away from one another so it’s harder for Yone to get a good Ultimate off.”
Animate Dead says “The second wind-shitter is all about knowing his openings. Like when he has used E, or full Q. In terms of dealing with his sustain, buy Oblivion Orb early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses his E as he will always return to his original spot. In team fights, try to stay away from one another so it’s harder for Yone to get a good Ultimate off.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Yone is incredibly mobile in lane, but if he uses his E, you can abuse the cooldown (after he’s returned) to play aggressive and poke him down. This will make it harder for him to survive a trade or trade back with you. Avoid chasing too far when Yone uses E as he will always return to his original spot.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Same as Yasuo mostly, just a bit more damage but he can't dodge as much/Windwall. Don't eat him in his E because he can cancel the CC/Damage if it times out. He honestly has SO MUCH outplay
potential for your abilities that sometimes it can be hard to do anything, but once he makes a mistake he's pretty much dead. Not sure if it's a bug but you can eat him out of his R to negate the CC and his
followup damage. Q him when he Qdashes at you to land a free Q. ”
Alachiel says “Mostly easy, stay away from his Q range, poke him a lot.
Don't hesitate to use your E on a minion for extra MS if you feel like his empowered Q will hit you.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Второй Ясуо, но проще, нет стенки, Но его ульт нужно уважать, если он попал в вас ультой, то дайте E, за свою спину, туда даст тп Енэ, либо дайте в тайминг без ульты, если вы гигачад Нагакейборос.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап (В пользу противника). Ну ,это плохо. Енэ бьет больнее чем ясуо. Обычно линия так же додж-ор-дай. Нужно уклоняться против Q и R ,а это та еще запара. Желательно взять таби и часики (секундомер).”
Taiquyorah says “Même principe que Yasuo. Fragile et peu de sustain en early.
Des dégâts seulement s'il proc sa rune léthal tempo.
Une fois lvl6, yone c'est un autre monde par contre donc il faut essayer de le dodge ou alors loe poke grâce à un combo de barils avant.
Late game c'est pareil, GP peut gagner mais Yone tout autant donc il faut respecter son R ou alors parfaitement jouer avec ses barils et dodge les sorts de Yone.”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield. Dodge his Q with your Q. He'll try to poke with his E. When he does this, AA him, Q away, W towards him, AA again, and your trade should be roughly even, after factoring in your healing + his shield. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Pretty bad matchup. Use E to block as many autos as possible, and make sure to block Q3 projectile when Jungler ganks your lane. You can take trades against him if you play well, and you can kill him if you outplay. Build Frozen Heart after mythic, run Grasp. ”
7EyesNoSkills says “He can't kill you in early game, if he builds Death's Dance and Guardian Angel, maybe he can kill you in late game. You can dodge his everything in early game. TIP: When he E on you to poke and escape, go on his E's shadow while attacking him. You will easily kill him.”
ActuallyTox says “Can almost always be killed in the first 3 levels so play aggressively before he scales and try to end the game quickly before he gets 3+ Items.”
VituVonDoom says “The easier windshitter to face, Yone is just a free lane. Super squishy but with no windwall, the most annoying thing is his E, which he will most likely use to hit his Q3. Just walk sideways, Yone players don't have enough braincells to predict walking, and shit on him the entire laning phase. He may the most overloaded and BS champ in the game, but he is an easy matchup, so we take those W's”
SilviuGarg13 says “Due to recent buffs, it's almost impossible to kill him early or late game. Beware of him. I suggest going Chempunk for him if you encounter him in your matchup”
Aberrant Demon says “You can look to Q him level 1 if you dodge his Q. As long as you keep the wave on your side, the matchup is favorable for you. If he sets up a freeze, good luck. He'll just get disgusting strong trades and then return to his E soul. W as you go in and apply Phase Rush as soon as possible. If he uses his E and you aren't low HP, try to stand in between him and his soul that you hit him with your E regardless of what he does. Post-6, he wins the all-in if he is givin enough space so play it careful. If he is ever going to land his third Q or ult, respond with E and W before it connects.”
Galactities says “I think if its lower elo yone's aren't that smart and will just E into you and expect to win. Yeah, sorry bub thats not how that works. If he's that kind of player just abuse him literally E him through wave and harass him. A good yone will play back and wait for his knockup and go for a E, knockup trade. So once you see he has knockup just kite backwards until he no longer has it. You win all ins early on assuming you dont get hit by all his abiltiies, try to side step his Q's make sure to dodge his Q knockup and his R. You should win fights pre six with relative ease but careful of his Lethal Tempo as he becomes EXTREMELY powerful once fully stacked.”
NegativePhoenix says “Firstly, get grievous. You'll regret it if you don't. Past that, in the early stages he will be super aggressive once he hits 3 so this is a stay near/under tower scenario. Once you hit 6 and hopefully took grievous, you can try to all in him but only if your ignite is up or he'll most likely just get the heal up and win. Just be mindful if he uses his E he might go in for a full engage.
Fun fact I also found out: If he ults you but his ult ends behind you when you're using W, it's considered a teleport and his ult is longer than your W so he will glide right past you and behind you making him go back to his body or try to fight you in a weird spot.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Kinda hard but easy matchup. But he does counter you when he is in his E, so go near his E or when he ults, ult him back and counter him hard.”
chedlol says “A good Yone will respect you and just aim to outfarm and be more useful in teamfights later. A bad Yone will try to fight you and trade with you and get himself killed. Vs good Yone, try to call for ganks before 6 as he can be extremely vulnerable. If he ever gets in your W range you will outtrade him most of the time with passive and CC Lock.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Sometimes worse than his sick brother, Yone was born to spoil the experience of any laner who isn't a CC abuser. I recommend that you do the same as you would playing against yasuo, however disturbing your Jungler even more to gank, since he will all-in you all the time and go back to the tower like nothing happened (besides being a fighter that has airborne in everything he does). So do Fleet Footwork with bone plating playing like a farm simulator lane.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Bully him on level 3 and onwards.
Wave 1-4:
Play passive, look for Q poke, its usually hard to get prio in this matchup before level 3.
This matchup really depends on the skill of the Yone player (i've played vs dzukill, its rough).
It can go from being really easy, to a struggle in lane.
Essentially what you want to do is poke him down with Q's look for short trades, he is also very gankable so calling for ganks can help as well, he struggles in the long lane as he is very easy to rundown.
Look to dodge his Q's while trading with the movespeed, if you can parry his Q or R, often times you need to parry behind you if he is too close or if you parry ultimate.
Care as some players will dodge after using Q or use E to dodge your parry.
Don't push as it benefits him too much, care when he has berserk boots as the lane because 10x harder.
Tabis are a huge buy here after your Hydra”
LegitLechner says “If you fall behind early you will lose so play safe. Dont get hit by unnecessary autos. After 3 he almost always comes to you to hit an e and play the minigame when goes back. Make him miss as much cs/xp as possible.”
Scallywag says “You can abuse him very hard early.
Watch out you don't trade too long with him early, since you will lose the fight because of Lethal Tempo.
Kite him with your barrel slow and movement speed.
You can outplay him by dodging his third q and his ult.”
MAD GAREN says “PT-BR- Yone na minha opinião é o champion mais forte do jogo, com uma passiva que da dano físico e mágico + acerto crítico, Yone é dificil de lidar. Seu E é muito complicado, e após fechar 2 itens, fica impossível de trocar dano. Sorte que o Garen tem uma lane opressiva, onde consegue se impor completamente contra o Yone, conseguindo muitas vezes neutraliza-lo. Mas muito cuidado para nao ser rulado pelo E do Yone, pois é uma skill onde muitos bons jogadores sabem usar com maestria
ENG - Yone in my opinion is the strongest champion in the game, with a passive that deals physical and magic damage + critical hit, Yone is difficult to deal with. His E is very complicated, and after closing 2 items, it is impossible to trade damage. Lucky that Garen has an oppressive lane, where he can completely impose himself against Yone, managing to neutralize him many times. But be very careful not to be ruled by Yone's E, as it is a skill that many good players know how to use masterfully”
Black Demon Ezel says “Yone is difficult to target with his soul unbound technique which increases his movement when activated and just like his brother and killer, Yasuo, he's got two things. 1: The famed 0/10 powerspike. 2: He's hyper strong by nature. Avoid this matchup or if not possible, then avoid fighting him later in game. He'll purge you and your mini army in moments”
Shourdy says “At Lv1 u lose if he has lethal tempo or hits his Q's. Do not waste ur W if he has E since he can just use it to get out and harass u, so instead you should use W after he wastes it and trade.
Rush Plated Steelcaps and bramble or Ironspike if ur ahead or confident.
U can cancel his 3rdQ with ur Q knock-up and Q behind u during his ult since ur Q doesn't get stopped by CC.”
ShacoMagicTrick says “An all inner with aoe damage but still has a shieldbow wich is very good against AP shaco. I have never lost a lane against Yone but just keep in mind that he is broken no matter what. Trick him with your clone and boxes into diving you under turret. ”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You should always hold your E unless you are sure you can land it, but else you just hold E for when yone uses his empowered E. Once you hit level 6 it becomes nearly impossible for Yone to do anything, you have too many dashes and MS for him to land anything, and it only takes you 5 seconds to burst him down. Level 6 you just land R and E onto him and if he goes into clone then you just wait it out and hold your E2 if he tries to escape with his R, ”
FlayMan says “Champion simply cant do much to you. He cant outpoke you lvl 1-3, he cant engage you because of your e and w. He doesn't have a real escape so it is easy to engage him. He simply cant do much to you.”
Trundledaddy says “Way harder than Yasuo, early isn't
very hard but he scales, and wins
in sidelane quite often, use W to dodge his ult with ur fluffy feet, and you win it”
LoucasTitan says “Yone is a somewhat even matchup against Yorick. By playing safely during the early stages of the game and obtaining Maiden and some items, you can defeat Yone. However, it is important to remember to avoid being hit by his ultimate, as it is the only way he can close in on you and deal significant damage with his auto-attacks”
powerfullgeo says “Broken stupid champion that RIOT won't nerf 'cause little kids play him and bringing his win rate down. Short trade him as much as possible. If he doesn't have his Q3 up he can't do anything.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build.
Try to bait his w because else his shield+dmg will always outrade your auto+q. If he e's away from you because he is low hp you can often just wait out his e and place a shroom on his shadow, eventually killing him. Be very aware of his q3 tornado, as he can setup his ult and w. This is also why at lvl 3 you should always back off if he has tornado and wait out his cooldown so that he can't e q3. Later on zhonya helps against his combos, but yone can be really annoying.”
Federals1 says “Unlike Yasuo, Yone is a rather large threat to Volibear. His e gives him a lot of spacing he can do into you, so most of the time a full on chasedown will not really work as well. You can try to max either q or w into him, both with their drawbacks. If you max q you can actually chase him down if all of his mobility is used, so his q3 and his e, but that also means you can only do very short trades with him as you don't have the extra damage and healing from w. If you max w you can win the upfront all ins but you don't have the chase power. Frozen Heart rush is very good into him, but be mindful of the fact that he has a lot of magic damage as well, through his passive, w and ultimate. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into him. The first or third rune pages should be used. The first one is a safer approach, while the third page gives a bigger chance to snowball. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “Go home, Riot, you absolute drunkard. Yes, just give this guy yo-yo ability, airborne, and more airborne. Playing against a Yone is basically Extreme Dodgeball. I was about to make this guy a Level 4 threat, but made him level 5 coz he has more CC than Swain, and he's hotter than his brother. ”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
It's similar to Yasuo but it's also a bit harder. Poke him while dodging his Qs, parry his 3rd Q or his R, the problem is that good Yone players will only fight you when they have E, and when you parry them they go back and you won't be able to kill him, remember that if you parry his R you have to aim behind you.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “He is a little better against you then yasuo, but still easy match up to survive pre 6 and after level 6 and sheen you can run him down. E rush is great against yone, but you can honestly do Q max as he isnt a hard lane anyway.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero con mucho cuidado, yone tiene un gran daño de contraataque.
Trata de usar Q+W o solo W cuando él se lance en modo fantasma.
Trata de esquivar su R.
Por lo general considero obligatorio comprar Botas de armadura y vesta espinosa.
La tenacidad no sirve contra Yone, considera no usarla.
Yone hace bastante daño mágico, considera usar runas de resistencias híbridas.”
Kocykek says “Free matchup. Yone is a bad champion that won't deal damage to you. You can easily go anything and outdamage him. Bramble Vest just eliminates him from the game. And you block his Q3. ”
Helzky says “Yone is harder than Yasuo. He has better levels 1-3 and can kill you much easier. Play under tower and don't overextend for anything. If he uses his E, that'll be your only opportunity to kill him since it's on a long cooldown early. Bring Ignite or executioners into this matchup.”
havy says “your beat him early, but you will get outscaled hard, ult him under tower if he ever gets too cocky
even lane until he gets his first two items”
Ujiyo says “Main thing to focus on is landing your E, generally Yone will hold his E to dodge your E and if he doesn't you have a good chance at killing him. He will generally try to make short trades with you by E1ing forward with his Q3 and E2ing back after you stun him, use your W to tank his W and Q3 and hit minions near his body to chase him down once he E2s back.”
FyreRode says “Because of your Q reducing enemy AD, you can actually beat him level 1 even with his lethal tempo build. Just be careful of his knockups. Just try to close out the game pre 30, or he'll outscale you.”
GG Cannon says “You can chunk him by a lot and reach him with Rappel when he escapes on his E return, but it isn't the easiest to deal against at all.”
Hecki says “Respect his all-in potential and go for short trade until he is low enough so you can run him down once he goes for a trade with E. I usually try to predict his Q and sidestep to go for a good trade or maybe even a kill. Beware of his CC because you will most likely die (if ganked) when he is able to connect his Q knock up with R. ”
ChowJunior says “I find this lane so easy. If he uses his E to fight you, then you use W to trade until he departs back to his body where you can then all in on his extremely telegraphed position. Note that he can negate your Q stun with a well timed E recast.”
SadgeBoyK says “broken champion, you can deal with him early if you dodge his q's, but late game all you can do is goo him and keep him away from carry.”
Your Desired Username says “Hard match-up. Rush tabis. All he will do is spam q on minions, then e, q3 and spam abilities on you, which will result in a good trade for him because of the damage echo and w shield. He will just do this over and over again until he forces you to back or kills you. The nature of his e completely counters your kit, which promotes extended fights, but he can just recast e and skedaddle back to his body the second it starts looking good for you. That being said, if he e's post 6 you can trade him while running toward his body and the second he returns you ult him. This works if you already have steelcaps because you will be sacrificing a good portion of your hp while running toward his body with him smacking you in his spirit form. If he is in his e form, ulting him will prevent him from recasting it, but he can react to your ult animation and recast e in the middle of it to cancel it. Don't ult him late game except if he has nothing up. You don't really outscale him, either.”
boboderaffe says “Yone has no way of dealing with you in the early laning phase. If he uses his Q he’ll stop for a moment which is when you can E+Passive+W him. If he tries to use his E to trade with you, just use your Q and AA to trade back. Then you try to W on top of his shadow shortly before he returns back to it, slowing him. Then you can easily hit your E and continue to harass him as long as you can (don’t overextend!)”
Rayli36 says “he's much harder then yasuo same as against yasuo try to avoid his Q3(dash ) and then you can take very short trade and wait for stridebreaker and you can flash his R if you want
Ad-Ap(every second auto-attack) dmg”
Atomragnar says “Depends on how good you are and how good Yone are. At the moment Yone is broken so I perma ban him.
Steelcaps rush, try to poke, dodge his empowered Q. ”
Belle19 says “look to zone off of him q stacking, as with q3 he just wins trades. He has so many tools to not get hit by your q. Just a broken champion. Play against it like you would kayle except remember if he has lethal he wins fights to the death from level 1 onward. He outscales you pretty hard but if you dodge the q and hit yours without having to use e, you can win the 1v1. He does a lot more in teamfights unless he majorly fucks up. If you get a freeze off and have ghost up he cant do anything, but its very hard to set up a freeze against him. Rush wardens. Used to a hard and frustrating matchup with the whole kraken hull thing, but now that he can't do that anymore and has to go a traditional build again the matchups pretty easy since you outscale the 1v1 and he gets blown up in teamfights if he misses something.”
At_Tar_Ras says “DO NOT DIE to yone no matter what. this dude WILL win level 1, which means he gets level 2 first, which means 3 first too. just give him the prio bro. unless he messes up, he will kill u if u try to contest it. 1 death to any yone makes life so difficult. respect his Q3s and his E damage accordingly. when the wave is pushing TOWARD him is when you are allowed to make your plays. when it's pushing AGAINST you, DO NOT CONTEST IT. let it push back. this is what "turns" are at top.”
GastlyLoL says “Yone is one of the most frustrating champions in the game to play against. You have to focus on getting a lead early, since at a certain point he becomes relatively unkillable due to his safety. He can pop your ult for free with nearly 0 followup. This matchup is much better if you can dodge a Q or 2, as it stops him from getting his knockup dash.”
LunaticDancer says “Yone is actually an easy lane. Sidestep or completely avoid his Q3 whenever he attempts it, generally keep your distance and try to hit E before comitting. Gambler viable, D Shield prefferable. If he uses E without threatening to kill you, all in him and kite in the direction of his return point. If he doesn't have Q3 ready, W his body so that when he returns, he's stuck and helpless. Later into the game, each E hit will absolutely obliterate his health, and an all in might be enough to kill him. Anti-heal is advised.”
COJA says “An extremely high number of dodge abilities means you will have no fun trying to fight him. You can play aggressively levels 1-3 but once he has items he will slice you to pieces. Build Tabis and use your E to dodge his dashes. Always make sure if you know he has E or not to dodge your Q. Be very careful about using E around him as he may just chase you down. When strong enough, you can zone him off the wave.”
Markuh says “Personally I dont like Yone because at one point he just outheals anyone and it does not matter what you did. The lane is kinda in his favor as well after LvL 6.”
UlisesFRN says “You should beat him in 1v1 if played correctly. He is squishy and cant scape you. Try to snowball as hard as you can, he will outscale you eventually”
Larkana_ says “Can be a bit tricky if he uses his E well but its not that big of a deal.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [Medium]/Skarner [Medium]”
Black Demon Ezel says “This isn't a huge problem simply because you simply deal enough damage to him. Treat him like a Yasuo (See the counter tricks for Morde Vs. Yasuo) but take into account that if you ult him while his spirit is unbound, he may be able to recast and end your ult all surprising like. Try to wait for him to return to his body”
Prof Harambe says “Too much combat mobility to deal with and can just use e2 to disengage. No way to run him down with Daisy because he can q2 to dash away, or if you use it mid e, he can e2 to avoid it. Scales like mad, just unbalanced as a character honestly.”
MrZoltannn says “Unlike yasuo, yone is a much easier matchup, you can go all-in at lvl 3 with ignite at lvl 6 for a free kill. Look out for his ult at lvl 6.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Yone isn't really much of a threat. All of his abilities are very pronounced and either a straight line or arcing slash which are all relatively easy to side step. If he enters into spirit form reposition and toss a shroom where he entered especially if you're ganking him. When he recalls immediately he will be caught out with the single shroom, an if he extends the fight he will also lose the fight to our shroom finishing him. We win all trades with him, so long as you're looking out for his (Q) knock-up combo with his spirit form and his slow animation (R). He is really weak early, and scales very well into the late game making it very hard to survive his (R) & (Q) combo.”
Anoying bro5 says “Not a hard match up but if he is good then it can be even. Look to trade lvl 2 as your lvl 2 is stronger. Riposte his empowered Q or ult. Remember to riposte behind you if you are close to him. If you miss riposte, disengage as you lose the trade. You out scale so don't rush anything. Buy executioners calling.”
BoilTheOil says “In this lane you need to play around your cooldowns, don't walk up too far without them or he can all in you. When going for cs without cooldowns walk back and forth between the minions to try and bait out his Q/W. Rush plated steelcaps if possible because he can kite you very hard. He gets very strong when he gets more items so be careful fighting him later in the game. In teamfights try to ult his ult so your team doesn't get comboed.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mortal Steel(Q) it acts similar to Yasuo's Steel Tempest and majority of his damage will be negated. Avoid his Spiritual Cleave(W) by avoiding the front or sidestepping as it deals Maximum Health. If he casts Soul Unbound(E) keep track of his main champion along with that you can also kill him in Soul Unbound form. Dodge his Fate Sealed(R) which is a large red box indicator or get knocked out and stunned taking 200-600 worth of damage. (Outscaling Edge: Yone) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed) (Mega Adhesive will delay his Soul Unbound from going back to his position) (Fling does not affect Soul Unbound unless it is target at the actual champion) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Plated Steelcaps)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Yone top is basically Yasuo top but harder. This is due to his good sustain, high damage, and his unstoppable on E. The unstoppable is especially annoying because Yone will often misposition with it then instantly correct his position ignoring all CC including your hook. Frozen heart and maybe redemption are pretty good vs him since he has some AOE and a lot of attack speed. Anathemas can be a good choice as well.”
quinn adc says “He is an easier Yasuo. Your E pushes his W backwards, and his Qs make him launch forwards, so if he Q2s, he leaps into int range.
Jump on him after he uses Qs. Level 3 onwards care about using E because he will use E right after to trade you when your E is down.
I save E to counter his E engage, and use my range to win the rest of the fight.
Your E follows his E, so keep that in mind if you time it correctly.
If he Es you, instantly E back and he can't trade at all.
When he has R, side step his R then E him AFTER the knock up ends.
Don't E too early because if his R knocks you up during your E, then you are dead.”
Veng Shotz says “Dont fight him for the first few levels, let him shove you in and grab cs+exp under turret. Rush tabis into damage, phage/pickaxe or 2 longswords. dont force trades with him as he can easily outtrade you by pressing e and running you down as you wait for cooldowns.
getting brambles and tabis early shuts down his early kill pressure. Watch for his all in post 6 as most yones will instant ult as soon as youre hit with q3, hold e to dodge this. Outside that you can essentially out sustain him if you space correctly, and as said previously, dont force trades with him. ”
Amphawn says “He can dash on you very easily with his E, but it has a super long cooldown so take advantage of that, can stun you with his Q and ult, and gets a free shield for trading, and can quickly escape by returning to his E. Play safe and prep for a dive when he gets his Q stacks up. Always try to dodge his ult or Q sideways with your W, and remember that he can't chase you forever if he uses his E. You can start poking him once you hit 6, and you can out scale him late game. Just try to keep your passive up and fight him in your wave. Buy GW”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mortal Steel(Q) it acts similar to Yasuo's Steel Tempest and majority of his damage will be negated. Avoid his Spiritual Cleave(W) by avoiding the front or sidestepping as it deals Maximum Health. If he casts Soul Unbound(E) keep track of his main champion along with that you can also kill him in Soul Unbound form. Dodge his Fate Sealed(R) which is a large red box indicator or get knocked out and stunned taking 200-600 worth of damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Dr.Mundo) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
slogdog says “Yone is very powerful after 2 items. However he is completely useless if you buy tabis and dodge his nados. Try sidestepping a lot to dodge his q's. Be careful as his E is very powerful and can do a lot more damage than expected”
Raen says “Tabi + Executioner, remember that he deals hybrid dmg so some magic resists are also fine vs Yone. Try to dodge his empowered Q and R if you do it then you should kill him without bigger problems. Ur E blocks his Q dmg. Try to dodge his W by running into him or in diff direction than his W to not give him shield. All in him when his E is on CD. If he tries to fight you with E you can start fighting him and run into his E direction so when he's about to return he will kill himself.”
Hijitori says “[THREAT 3 / 4]
He has up to 3 dashes to dodge your Q and if he avoids it he might as well easily kill you (dash on Q, dash on E start and dash back to E)
+ insane life steal. The pros are you can silence him so he can't go back to his shadow or use Q in the place where his shadow is.
I usually ban him on mid and I find Yasuo easier to fight.”
SaltCat says “If you are against a yone main mastery 7 he will feed you anyway so you dont have to worry!!You destroy this guy easily, the only thing you have to look out is his E which can dodge your E”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mortal Steel(Q) it acts similar to Yasuo's Steel Tempest and majority of his damage will be negated. Avoid his Spiritual Cleave(W) by avoiding the front or sidestepping as it deals Maximum Health. If he casts Soul Unbound(E) keep track of his main champion along with that you can also kill him in Soul Unbound form. Dodge his Fate Sealed(R) which is a large red box indicator or get knocked out and stunned taking 200-600 worth of damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Trundle) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
LoLReal says “We trade much better than Yone early. Punish him when he goes for CS. He also has no escape, so if he uses his E to trade, fight him near it and pull him back in after to kill him.”
P1Legend says “Im going to copy paste this for both Yasuo and Yone because the matchup actually plays the same for both champions. Be aware of his third Q, because this is usually when he will follow up on the trade with either ult/ dash engage. If he misses third Q, you can take this as a chance to trade with him. In Yasuo's case specifically, you can cleanse the airborne status by using empowered W, making him unable to ult, so keep this in mind for when he tries to ult you.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mortal Steel(Q) it acts similar to Yasuo's Steel Tempest and majority of his damage will be negated. Avoid his Spiritual Cleave(W) by avoiding the front or sidestepping as it deals Maximum Health. If he casts Soul Unbound(E) keep track of his main champion along with that you can also kill him in Soul Unbound form. Dodge his Fate Sealed(R) which is a large red box indicator or get knocked out and stunned taking 200-600 worth of damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Malphite) (Unstoppable Force will delay his Soul Unbound from going back to his position)(Recommended Items: Go your Malphite Build Route)”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mortal Steel(Q) it acts similar to Yasuo's Steel Tempest and majority of his damage will be negated. Avoid his Spiritual Cleave(W) by avoiding the front or sidestepping as it deals Maximum Health. If he casts Soul Unbound(E) keep track of his main champion along with that you can also kill him in Soul Unbound form. Dodge his Fate Sealed(R) which is a large red box indicator or get knocked out and stunned taking 200-600 worth of damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick) (Primal Howl and Infinite Duress will delay his Soul Unbound from going back to his position)(Recommended Items: Any Offensive Items, Plated Steelcaps)”
PanthrickTV says “Skill Matchup!
After Lethal Tempo Buffs Yone is actually average into Pantheon.
Don't go for the all in at lvl 1.
Your Q has more range than his Q. You outrange him.
Try to kill him before he hit's lvl 6.”
Fan22 says “Has a shi* ton of mobility and even %max hp damage, if you dont build a randuins or a thornmail and some MR items, he is gonna destroy you.
Once you get a bramble vest and an item like frozen heart or randuins omen you should be able to kill him or to give your team a chance to kill him.
your silence its really good since yone spams Q and uses a lot his abilities. and since he doesnt get Hp items (most of the time) in late game your R can actually delete him pretty fast.”
Kacto15 says “puedes ganarle tanto con SION TANQUE O LETALIDAD, pero es mas fácil con sion TANQUE, buildéate full armadura, intenta hacerle disengage cuando entre en su forma espiritual, si le esquivas sus machetazos deberías estar bien”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mortal Steel(Q) it acts similar to Yasuo's Steel Tempest and majority of his damage will be negated. Avoid his Spiritual Cleave(W) by avoiding the front or sidestepping as it deals Maximum Health. If he casts Soul Unbound(E) keep track of his main champion along with that you can also kill him in Soul Unbound form. Dodge his Fate Sealed(R) which is a large red box indicator or get knocked out and stunned taking 200-600 worth of damage. (Outscaling Edge: Yone) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps)”
montybucket says “Honestly, you beat him in lane most of the time. Most of the time its a new Yone trying some offmeta top build. But on the rare occasion you might encounter a competent one. I don't have too much experience fighting good top Yone players. So I don't have too many tips.”
OTP Toxin says “Same as Yasuo encounter, just keep moving, you are able to dodge his Qs and other skills, it's easy to kill him with blind and AAs. :D”
SilverAvalanche says “You can either E, Q or ult his ult depending how much you like risk.
Else just W slow him and hit him with Q, and dodge his Q.
The Yasuo and Yone matchup is really just you being alpha enough to walk up and slap them.
Since they have the same early game power as you, so just make sure you dodged their Qs, by always moving around and not letting them CS.
Drake6401 says “ At any point in the game, be mindful of his W shield and look to break that after he uses it. Yone has the advantage before level 3 and you should be evasive when his Q is stacked. His favorite trade style is to use E, Q, then W and retreat. If he lands his Qm he'll likely get away with these small poke combos but his E has a long cooldown that should be abused.”
Rhoku says “TLDR - SKILL MATCHUP IN YOUR FAVOR. TRY TO KITE KITE KITE. MANIPULATE WAVE SO HE DOES NOT EASILY TRADE INTO YOU WITH E. USE PULL TO COUNTERPLAY Q/KEEP HIM IN THE ALL IN. TRY NOT TO GET HIT BY ULTIMATE. CONQUEROR SORCERY IS GREAT INTO HIM. RUSH STEELCAPS. Yone, despite having a kit similar to Yasuo, is not at all like him in that the Yone lane is more difficult. You have to make sure to not take too much poke and when you all in him, you must try your best to kite him because his DPS is STAGGERING. Not to mention how his Ultimate is very difficult to avoid as he will be using it while Eing. The general idea is to all in him when he is on your side of the lane. After level 3, a Yone will try to get a great trade using his E and then back off. In order to make sure you can turn this short trade into an all in, try to catch him BEFORE he uses E. Because at this point, the only way he can get away from you is using his third Q which you can cancel with E. When he goes in his E, try to kite him because he will redeal all the damage he has dealt in it. But if you are confident in your ability to kill him, try to stand close to where his original return spot is in order to be able to continue the all in. If you get him in this situation, he is pretty much just dead. Post 6 he can escape you quite easily with his ultimate but honestly, getting him to waste ult is worth it since wihout it, he cannot really do too much into you or your team. Conqueror + Sorcery is great as you need the MS in this matchup. Rush Steelcaps and go for Stridebreaker.”
Chease says “His stronger than yasuo but still not stronger than you. If he uses E to fight you just fight him close to it so he can't run afterwards.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - He's easier than Yasuo!
- You'll start winning this match up once you get some HP and Armor
- The most important thing is Q him AFTER he used his shield move
- Still be very careful with him when you're close to him, he's Yone afterall... I would not take extended trades with him. You do not want to die to him at all, he can snowball off you.
- All in him once he's low enough with ignite"”
Amvill says “Q dash and ult are pretty easy to dodge in lane if you have movement speed, he just annoying since he can chase you with now risk at all.”
YasTilt says “Skill-Based Matchup, you can block his Q3 and his E is still pretty weak Early Game. Take Anti-Heal against him and don't let him Land his R on you. Engage when his E is in CoolDown.”
PK Noob says “If he isn't 0/10 yet, Yone can be a bit threatening to Gwen. You can easily duel him as long as you dodge his Ultimate. You can E out of the way and finish him off after he misses his Ultimate.”
lulw says “Bully him early, You can windwall his 3rd q's edge when he dashes at you. At 6, try to dodge his r with e or flash. Because yasuo is fair he has a shield so it makes trading with him kekw, if he pushes up, dont be afraid to tank a q, because your not tanking it, your shield is. Always trade q for q if he comes close to you. ”
Psychopathic Top says “Player dependent. A good Yone is impossible, a bad Yone is free. Try to side step his knock up Qs if possible. That's really it tbh, a bad Yone just loses to a Nasus but a good one will destroy him in lane. Whoever wins lane will have more pressure coming out of lane after.”
IvernLover74856 says “Yone is a mediocre toplaner normally, so you can imagine how much he suffers from your cheese lvl 1. Only way he wins is if he plays passive and his jungler ganks him, giving him a lead he can press. Your ult counters his ult and burst.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes; Executioners first back] Skill matchup but easier than Yasuo. You can reliably ult his R with your R if you react fast enough. His E lets you know where he will dash back, use that information at your advantage.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield
-Dorans Blader
Similar thing as Yasuo. he will jsut run you down with his E MS and can stun.lock your for a long time with his Q3 -> Ult combo. Not time to ult befor you're dead.
-Rush Berserkers -> Anti-Heal”
IkorasBadIdea says “Be careful of the pokes he can get from Q. He can get within melee range of you easily. He's going to use the E-Q-W combo on you. If you can dodge the Q and you can block the damage of W with your E. Generally, you can get an easy root on him when he's close quaters on you and you can get easy pokes with your Q.”
King Turtle says “Has a lot of damage, and can make trades difficult with E. His W shield doesn't help much either. May need to play a little safer against Yone if they have a brain cell. ”
SmollJon4s says “Unlike his brother Yone can be incredibly hard to deal with. He can trade for free with his E and gain a shield. Serpents Fang and Ignite recommended.”
Vandenelis says “this champ has 3 dashes and a movement speed increase, he is extremely hard to hit spells on and deals a lot of damage, but he is squishy so you should be able to 1v1 him in the late game.”
Fryx says “Yone is good against Malphite because of his mixed damage, sustain and shielding. Bramble Vest is the MVP here and you going allin on him will be much more favourable for you since he can't escape unless he ults away. He can say the same thing about you so keep that in mind.”
Viego99 says “haha yasuo brother easy for viego.you win every duel in early game ( use w e aa q aa aa aa..)poke him with q aa when he try to kill minion wiht aa.(yone slightly outscale viego but your teamfight is better :) ”
calbino says “Yone is honestly too squishy to win against you without a lead or ganks. His movement is predictable , and his damage isn't up to par with yours. Lategame however, is another story.”
RareParrot says “Easier to fight yasuo, get tabi and abuse the fact his soul has to return and put a shroom on it, play around stealth then poking him and dont let him get his nado/ult off or you will die even if hes 0/8”
Jaori says “This guy may sometimes get on your nerves because of how hard it is to trade with him, but if you can just remain patient and not let him stab you for free, you will beat him in all stages of the game. Very similiar to Yasuo match-up.”
SavagePridestalker says “Very bad idea to go tank Rengar into Yone, you want to dominate him in the early game, thus you want to build damage. If you let Yone scale for free, he'll beat you very soon and take over the game.”
Marwaii says “Pray that it is a certain individual.
200 years champ so play a little bit safe till level 6 and poke him. You can kill him with mega Gnar and out scale him really hard with your first few items. Make sure to stay safe when he has empowered Q.
Take Trinity + Plated.”
Safolet says “The matchup against Yone is easy, because Yone literally can't get close to you without the R, and as soon as you and Yone are level 6, both of you will have the R, so if Yone uses his R, you use yours with the combo of Gnar and you go out with the E. Before level 6, you should be aware of when Yone has his third Q charged, then you walk away or with the E in case you are near him. You can just annoy him and not let him farm quietly while in MiniGnar form with basic attacks and Q.”
SethPRG says “It's actually funny how weak this champ is into you. If he ever walks up he dies. Even at level 6, you can cancel his ult with yours, or easily sidestep it if you're near the outer edge. All you need to worry about is his Q recast, it'll let him get free damage on you when you're airborne. At no point in the game except late game should you be afraid of Yone's E. If he tries to walk up to you just E stun him then Q AA and so much of his HP will be gone that he will be wondering if a bug just happened. This matchup is absolutely laughable until he scales late game, but even then you should still be able to fight him 1v1. Going Trinity Force will absolutely destroy him, both when you pick up the Sheen component and finish the item. He should never be able to play the game against you for at least the first 15 minutes. You can also have your jungler repeat dive with you to make him wish he was really dead. Take Bramble and Plated Steelcaps eventually, build Death's Dance if the game will go on to the point where he can scale, or Randuin's Omen if there's another crit champ on his team. If you see Yone picked mid, you could offer to trade lanes with your mid, the matchup is very hard for him, but due to how short the midlane is and how immobile you are, you will probably get ganked and can't entirely deny Yone of CS, they will be able play the game, but he still hard loses into you in skirmishes, you should have full lane prio at all times.”
joelspaho121 says “Slightly darius favored. D Blade start with sorc tree. This matchup is darius favored simply because yones damage is really bad without his core items and because of the fact yone is immobile earlier on. Good yone players will try to keep the lane even until shieldbow and all in you by E-ing into your Q so with that in mind you should always look to exploit an advantage. Executing a cheater recall into a permafreeze is ideal as he can't do anything about it given how much stronger than him you are earlier on. Tabi bramble rush is effective. Play the lane aggressively and try to position yourself accordingly.His R and Q3 are easy not hard to dodge so if you do end up dodging them you should manage to kill him easily.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Honestly kind of a free win. You can root him when he uses his E and use your E to block airborne from his ult. He's provided very little trouble for me.”
Helix128 says “similar to yasuo, but he has no windwall to block your damage.
He has considerable damage and a shield. Late game he becomes a bigger threat if ahead. Get grievous wounds when possible.”
Kaizin says “Be careful of Yone's q range, if you're walking up to cs try to position allied minions between Yone and yourself, that way even if he hits you, it's pushing the wave. At level 3 he may try to go for a trade, as soon as he uses his E (Soul thing) drop your E on yourself and Q, W and auto. Bramble vest early is really good against this champion, his level 6 is very strong so be careful of that, you can use your ultimate to avoid the CC from his ultimate. He will try to poke you early with his W (slash). Try to either walk unpredictably or stand on top of your own minions that way he pushes the wave. Then you can call for jungler assistance.”
I am so chill says “Allmost the same with yasuo.Stay away from him if he has his 3rd q as he can e q w aa e and you cant do anything in the meantime.However you outsustain and outdamage him early and mid game.Easy matchup”
UlisesFRN says “People like to play him top, and i dont know why. He can beat you Levels 1,2 and 3. Rush Bramble, Berserker Graves and then its free lane. Mitigate all his combo with W and run him down. ”
Humitaxx says “The same as Yasuo, he can be no threat as long as you know how to save your E and your W, except for Yone you must be aware of where his phisical body is whenever you fight, With the Lethality build, you just have to trade as frequent as possible with hail of blades starting with your E for the extra damage from your runes and then AA - AA - Q - AA - AA”
JeanMichelBambi says “Yone has high and hybrid damage along with a shield and an ability to make him stay away from you in lane, he can also cleanse your ult which makes him a force to be reckoned with”
tibs2 says “Bramble any% speedrun. You have the ability to solo kill this champion if you can ever land an e on a wall. Post bramble will make things much easier but if you ever fall behind or just go even this champ can just start to 1v9 for no good reason at all.”
Noodles912 says “You both cant kill each other. Farming contest to the late game. If he uses E, use a quick AA+E+Q to phase rush and get out. Use pool to dodge his nado or R. You 2 are even in side lanes, scaling, and team fights, so its better player wins.”
kohyss says “Do not fight him early wait for 6 and for bramble or plated caps, then all in him and you should win. If he is big problem build randuinn.”
Draconic56 says “Yone is a big threat as he can E and take short trades and chunk you down. Try to play safe and farm up he will outscale you so try to build up a lead. I suggest rushing bramble, plated steel caps, and even seekers arm guard if that isn't enough, he can kill you in the death realm if you don't hit your Q's but if you do you will easily kill him.”
negoZoma69 says “Another broken champ that riot simply won't nerf. You can abuse your ranged advantage during the laning phase but once he gets level 6 and boots you can't do much. Similiar to Yasuo, it's very difficult to snowball vs Yone, he always has the chance to kill you. He can use his R to negate your CC so be wary of that.”
SeptikYT says “Just like Yasuo, he is also easy to trade with as he has almost no early sustain and no escapes. Try to abuse level 1 and get first blood or at least his flash.”
Docoda says “When he tries to go in with his E, your goal is to get distance from him with your W.
It will be a very hard matchup once he gets shieldbow, so your goal is to poke him down enough early and even try to kill him.”
Dorom says “A little stronger than Yasuo due to his Q dash but fairly easy to manage just like Yasuo. He scales much better than him so beware of his late game. ”
jvr_ says “Even if he is gonna be 0/5 but still he get the 2 items powerspike and just kill you on his empQ-R cc chain by dealing three types of damage. Buy bramble vest.”
TwistedDemon says “Lvl 1 is definitely much easier than vs Yasuo, and you should try your best here to either make him use his postion/back. But, unlike yasuo, once he gets some lvls/items going it won't be possible to kill him (considering you are at even items) in 1v1. Ask for ganks, stay alive, farm.”
Alekra says “Haven't played again him yet, but looking at the kit and him being an assassin, he should be an easy matchup. Dont underestimate his healing, but I think you win most trades as he should be weaker at all levels.”
Olaf Only says “He is weak early game. Freeze lane while denying CS and look for All-ins.
He scales like a monster so you need to push your early game lead.
Bramble Vest - Must Buy”
LunaticDancer says “Easy lane. Has an edge over you early because of the busted Q, but it's generally easy to avoid, just keep in mind the shockwave (hitbox) travels a bit further than Yone himself. Anti-heal most likely needed. When the fight is about even and he used E (the leaving body ability), stand between him and his body, so if he returns, wall around him and kill him mercilessly. The only way he outduels you is because you let him poke you a lot before, generally you should be undisputably stomping him in 1v1 scenarios.”
Ravenborne says “Can't beat you ever, just run him down. You outdamage him every time in laning phase. If he engages with E just run to his shadow thingy and kill him. Try not to give him his Q dash before going in.”
mobsterplatypus says “Carry ignite. Yone's standard build makes it hard for him to run grevious wounds, but he will most likely build QSS for obvious reasons. The good thing about this, however, is that you still keep 10% of core stats for the 7 second duration, so still try to kill him while you can. Definitely run thornmail, as he will most likely build shieldbow into bloodthirster.”
Kil4fun says “Similar to Yasuo but he can ult you whenever. Take a zhonyas or something if you want to live. Antiheal is good since Yone builds almost exclusively lifesteal”
DoubleQ says “Can harass you hard. Dodge his 3Q and try not to get hit by his W, which gives him a free shield. He can be easily killed pre-6 since he doesn't have an escape.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Another Yasuo, you can prevent him from using his E and R (And Q dash) with your W, if you catch him out with your W he's done for.”
ChevalierArlo says “Raro no top. Use escudo de doran caso ele apareça, foque em corta-cura e a build fica a seu critério (Exceto 4). Evite trocas no inicio. ”
asconakos says “Yone is usually favored in the matchup due to his Q knockup sometimes being able to go through the windwall, However its not a tough matchup,Keep your range when he has Q3 and if you're not in his dash range when he uses Q3 you should be able to Windwall the knockup,Be quick to dodge His R and you'll be fine”
Hyzerik says “A bit harder than Yasuo because of his Q and E combo making his get away easy. Whenever he goes in, just try to go in as well and fight. Make sure to get the E stun so he doesn't just press E and run away.”
TioKirb says “Just like his brother, Yone is quite difficult to deal with, but it isn't impossible. avoid his 3rd Q, his shield and his ultimate, if you want to ult him, bait his E, for he will be immune to it if he uses it with perfect timing.”
byThiagus says “Yasuo y yone es facil ganarles, segunda pagina de runas y espada de doran, A partir de lvl 3 ganas cualquier 1v1 en cualquier situacion”
AWierdShoe says “Similar to Yasuo, don't trade with him level 1-2, and fight him when you have a wave he can't clear easily. Unfortunately, he has a lot better engage/disengage with his Q3 knock-up combined with his E, making his extended trades more difficult to handle due to his CC being easier to land. Try not to engage in a trade when his Q3 is stacked. If you see he is about to dash onto you or use his E, immediately press W or Q+W to negate most of his damage. The longer the game goes on, the harder this matchup gets, but if you can shut him down early it can be winnable. Steelcaps rush is a must.”
StrikeX114 says “Due to the variety of stuns, high amounts of burst damage, and incredible built-in engage and disengage, Yone is not to be trifled with. If you get counterpick, play something else. If you don't, try not to int too badly to leave a chance - albeit an uphill battle - to win the rest of the game off the backs of your teammates.”
Saarlichenbog says “This matchup is slightly Kalista favoured because of how easy it is to read Yone. However, he has a decent amount of sustain and does have better scaling ultimately compared to Kalista. As long as you know how much limit testing Yone is able to achieve, then this should be Kalista favoured by acknowledging the damage on his E form. Otherwise, every other ability should be a split second too slow to reach your kiting including his bread and butter abilities being his Q and ult.”
Biko14CS says “Due to the variety of stuns, high amounts of burst damage, and incredible built-in engage and disengage, Yone is not to be trifled with. If you get counterpick, play something else. If you don't, try not to int too badly to leave a chance - albeit an uphill battle - to win the rest of the game off the backs of your teammates.”
Nicklstherealone says “In Early- to Midgame he does no damage to you. If he negages you grab him in his E and try to burst him as fast as possible and kand your Ult there so if he Es back you can Ult him. ”
Time1Save says “The easiest opponent, unlike his brother, his passive skill is not so broken for us. Dodging his 3 Q is easy enough, so just think about it, and then you won't have any problems at all.”
Defensivity1 says “Very similar to playing against yasuo, let him push you under tower and don't even try to push the wave, level 4 you should be able to kill him if you are full health and have 4 ghouls/graves.”
TangoVallhala says “Much harder than yasuo, mostly because his E is stupid and his Q has a much longer rang, his w gives a strong shield too, wait for him to use cool downs to fight him, avoid his E.”
A2Tap says “You are able to abuse Yone level 2. He has no E, so you are able to dash around, dodge his Q's and leave. You are able to windwall the end of Yone's Q. Try to take all-in's as he tries to take short trades, then all in. ”
Yone, similar to Yasuo (they are literally brothers), is a really strong champion but its a really player dependant, in the right hands, he is one of the most broken champions, in the wrong ones he will hit the 0/10 power spike in 2 minutes. In early laning phase (lvl1), just like in Yasuo Matchup, you can look to bait his Q by getting in range and inmediately back off to make him to shove in the wave and respect his early game damage. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen you can start doing short trades into an eventual all in. Usually Yone players will hide in a bush and press E and try to poke you down with that to then inmediately back off, you can outdamage him by pressing W and then a fat E + Q combo and he will guarantee lose the trade unless he has a lot of Crit Items, also when all ining him, make sure to dodge his R, it has a channeling effect that displays the area where he is using it, so its somewhat easy to dodge. Later on to the game, depending on how much CC the enemy team composition has and how fed he is (If he is), you can choose either to Splitpush or to Teamfight, but usually Splitting is better since you negate his ability to get Multiple Knocks ups with Q Tornado and R and the ability to get free picks on your Squishy allies with his E plus Nasus can deal with him in the sidelane, be prepared for 1v2 or even 1v3 scenarios since it will "let him free" of dealing with you.”
SubHuman Filth says “go grasp or electrocute.
Yone is a super hard matchup.
for some reason his q goes thru blind.
you want to poke him, but when he E's you get outta there.
HoldMySake says “It's tough, because he can get up close and personal and just pull out anytime. You can't really outplay it, just be patient and wait for an opportunity.”
qazx1427 says “I used to just be able to type 'yo' into Lolalytics and see my boy, but now this guy exists. Thanks, Ionia. Yone will ignore your wall with his dash, ignore your ghouls with his shield, and ignore your pleas for ff15 as he gets another kill. You can deal with Yone to some extent (unlike his brother), so just be patient and wait for him to screw up his dash.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Only played vs bad Yone players but this champ IS NOT viable toplane, if hes top just beat him up repeatedly, i've never came close to losing to him but i imagine if he can dodge your W with his dash it could be hard, so don't let him. And don't eat poke for free.
Take armor.”
NullPC says “With his lifesteal and bonus crit passive hes able to take seemingly bad trades and heal off the wave not to mention his zed ult on an e and his mixed damage you win hard 3-6 but with two items he can 1v9”
Murderman5 says “Yone's dashes can get real annoying. he can dodge most of Cho's abilities with w or any other ability so attacking him will need a lot of precision. Cho can break his r using his r although it depends on the situation. ”
BloodyDream81 says “La même chose que pour Yasuo mais en encore plus simple, il ne possède pas la même mobilité, soit juste vigilante de son niveau 6, tu peux éviter son ulti facilement si ton fantôme est up, pense à toujours rester mobile, et le match up ne te posera aucun problème.”
L0ganJG says “This matchup on PAPER is unwinnable. But it's all based on how good the Yone is. If the yone is under Diamond, this matchup can be even. Try to force him to E, use good movement to dodge his Q's and E him into the wall. Always sideways W his Q3, it will sometimes still hit, broken champion. Flash isn't a bad choice but exhaust ignite is also good. ”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 7.3/10
➡️This match-up relies on your ability to dodge Yone Q's and also your limits. Trundle needs to play in waves with Hydra to win the fist fight. However, Yone does outscale Trundle in the later game and can neutralise trundle if we don't respect him. Similar to aatrox, you can stomp him early but you need to respect his short trades and spacing.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad yone vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average yone vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good yone vs Good Trundle ➡️ Yone favoured but trundle can win.”
Haxorr says “Yone is a pretty chill matchup for fiora, his cc abilities are really easy to react to and parry. You can often catch Yone really easily with a qw into his q3, especially early in the game if he isn't experienced in the matchup. Overall, just stick to short trades with q aa e1 e2 and you should be chillin. PTA is best into yone, start Doran's shield as well. You outscale hard in the 1v1”
CactEyez says “Lots of CC and good shielding. Try and W him when he returns to his E. Try and space his W and don't unload your combo into his shield. Beware his E and R are unstoppable and can entirely ignore your R.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
he cant do anything to stop you from proxying but he hard wins if you try to lane against him after lvl 1
u can win 6 if his e is down and always use r to dodge his r/q3
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