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Seraphine Counter Stats

Seraphine Counters
Discover all champions who counter Seraphine. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Seraphine in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
602 Tips for countering Seraphine below

As a Support
49.57% Win Rate81% Pick Rate Seraphine As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Seraphine as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

ShriekingMammoth says “Can be punished early, but is very hard to deal with in lane if you are not playing very aggressive against her. Heavily outscales you.”
Noob does a guide on Shen Support in Season 15 by ShriekingMammoth | Shen Player
Neiri says “Matches you throughout most of the game. Can become a problem.”
[14.24] 🎼 Sona Support by Neiri | Sona Player
TEMMA says “Troca de dano Franca Utilizar a passiva verde no ADcarry inimigo ”
Zileanaire says “I don't deem her a threat, but I don't not deem her a threat either. She's more of a team fight threat than a lane threat. ”
Zileanaire - OTP In-Depth Guide by Zileanaire | Zilean Player
EchoesFromDADeep says “Seraphine is a poke heavy champ and as we know that’s annoying if you are short range or melee. Seraphine can poke from miles away with her Q and E and has some good sustain with her W. If she misses the root on her passive empowered E or her ult you can all in her. Her sustain can also become a problem if you don’t manage to oneshot her.”
[14.23] CHALLENGER Nautilus by EchoesFromDADeep | Nautilus Player
rowzkit says “While you do outdamage Seraphine, you'll almost never be able to hit her. She outranges you by quite a lot, and with her shields, heals, raw damage output, slows, roots, stuns and charms, she proves to be a very hard matchup for Caitlyn. Avoid trading as it will usually lead to you being cc'd and damaged out of your range, and ensure that you have your E or Flash to disengage.”
(14.22) The TRUE ONE SHOT Caitlyn build by rowzkit | Caitlyn Player
Kalakaua says “REMEMBER TO GO CLEANSE. That alone reduces her threat level a huge ton, don't worry about not using it most of the time since the sole presence of the spell makes her hesitant to use her ult. Maybe double down and go Mikael to help your ADC as well. And without her ult she just has poke and a bit of stun, nothing you can't heal back or survive.”
Support Kayle by Kalakaua | Kayle Player
yugito says “ユーティリティ性能は圧倒的に軍配があがる。 スキルドッジが上手ければ、反撃しやすい。”
mUI0g says “Skilled matchup. Depends on your skills at landing skillshots. She can easily become a major threat if you do poorly in the early game and has not enough damage. Getting morellos is critical against her.”
[2024 S3] Xerath Support Guide by mUI0g | Xerath Player
ZedAway says “poke, CC, shielding and healing, game changing ult, small hitbox, everything yells pain for the tahm player, she is really easy to deal with once u hit ur Q, but good luck hitting that. RUSH mercury treads.”
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