As a Support 49.57% Win Rate81% Pick RateSeraphine As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Seraphine as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “Can be punished early, but is very hard to deal with in lane if you are not playing very aggressive against her. Heavily outscales you.”
EchoesFromDADeep says “Seraphine is a poke heavy champ and as we know that’s annoying if you are short range or melee. Seraphine can poke from miles away with her Q and E and has some good sustain with her W. If she misses the root on her passive empowered E or her ult you can all in her. Her sustain can also become a problem if you don’t manage to oneshot her.”
rowzkit says “While you do outdamage Seraphine, you'll almost never be able to hit her. She outranges you by quite a lot, and with her shields, heals, raw damage output, slows, roots, stuns and charms, she proves to be a very hard matchup for Caitlyn. Avoid trading as it will usually lead to you being cc'd and damaged out of your range, and ensure that you have your E or Flash to disengage.”
That alone reduces her threat level a huge ton, don't worry about not using it most of the time since the sole presence of the spell makes her hesitant to use her ult.
Maybe double down and go Mikael to help your ADC as well. And without her ult she just has poke and a bit of stun, nothing you can't heal back or survive.”
mUI0g says “Skilled matchup. Depends on your skills at landing skillshots.
She can easily become a major threat if you do poorly in the early game and has not enough damage.
Getting morellos is critical against her.”
ZedAway says “poke, CC, shielding and healing, game changing ult, small hitbox, everything yells pain for the tahm player, she is really easy to deal with once u hit ur Q, but good luck hitting that.
RUSH mercury treads.”
Aerenax says “Seraphine is a poke heavy champ and as we know that’s annoying if you are short range or melee. Seraphine can poke from miles away with her Q and E and has some good sustain with her W. If she misses the root on her passive empowered E or her ult you can all in her. Her sustain can also become a problem if you don’t manage to oneshot her.”
Arctic Arrow says “Seraphine can be bothersome if allowed to scale without pressure. Look for opportunities to engage and bait out her E (Beat Drop) to prevent her from disrupting your combos.
If you can land a stun, it will greatly impact trades and can even secure a kill. Focus on denying her free farm and managing her cooldowns to reduce her effectiveness as the game progresses. Buy also Serpants Fang because of her W!”
BigodeOfLegends says “Seraphine can compete well with Senna, matching her poke and healing her team in extended exchanges. Her crowd control ability and ability to engage with her ultimate make her a solid choice against Senna, as long as you play cautiously to avoid being worn down.”
xpwnz1337 says “Alistar's counter. Better range.
Counterplay: Antiheal. you cant really shut down healbot as she will have impact anyways with one R in fight. Play aggressive and punish. Dont eat her R as it goes longer so it can stun teammates behind you.”
LA COLORADA says “you have a window against her early on. dodge her Qs. post 6 she may flip the lane and start to shine due to her ult.
deny her and end the game before your team starts to have a hard time outdamaging her shields.”
Body Those Fools says “She has good range on her abilities so she's decent at matching Azir. Do your best to dodge her Q poke, especially her Double Q. Her Double E can set up her Ult to hit you. Azir has the edge in the matchup, though. Once you have Lost Chapter and Luden's Tempest, she will stand no chance against your poke in lane. Her Ult will travel farther and farther whenever it passes through any champion in the game so in front to back fights make sure to be ready for that and position yourself to not get hit or be ready to Flash it.”
Abarame says “Seraphine trades weaker than Milio, and mana management is a significant weakness for her. Understand the range of her double E in lane and be cautious, as she can change the tide of a fight with a strong R after level 6. Her ultimate is very impactful.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “She will be annoying if you let her scale for free, try to look for engage baiting her E so she doesnt stop you, if you can land stun they will lose every trade hard or you can even get the kill.”
Foxirion says “Seraphine’s range and crowd control can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to heal and shield her allies can also make it difficult for Nautilus to take down targets.”
Foxirion says “Seraphine's utility and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Seraphine and disrupt her in fights.”
Razing42 says “Seraphine scales well into engage comps, but her early game is very weak. Try to hook her as she is channeling her E as she will be standing still for a short while.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Play around her move speed buff (W), it has a very long cooldown which you can engage during to avoid your target escaping.
You'll only be rooted if you're hit by both hits of her E or are already slowed, and you can dash to her through her E and get two Q hits off regardless.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Eh. She's a bit annoying but not too bad. Deals more damage than you think. If you're having a hard time, take antiheal.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Ability damage is annoying but you can hexflash her all day. (watch for her ult if you're by their tower.)”
Lurs says “Seraphine is strong into you with poke and out-sustain. But you can create a very good tempo lead by roaming. Look to simply outplay her in fights and roam whenever possible.”
akamanto says “After the buffs to seraphine supp they made her to poke less in lane but heal more . That makes it a good match up for Annie but she has a good shield none the less”
WayOfTheTempesst says “She has great wave clear and scales very well. Going even against a Seraphine is dangerous and Ziggs can't pressure her hard enough early game.”
Samikin says “Neutralizing matchup.
Seraphine has a lot of wave clear and is relatively safe doing it, making it a Seraphine favored lane since she wants to scale and Zoe wants to fight. Still a mage, though, so a single good sleep chunks Seraphine out of lane and easily killable.
Electrocute (+Manaflow / Scorch)
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
Aerenax says “Seraphine is very annoying as she has a lot of poke. Same goes for her as the rest of the enchanters: stay healthy and punish cooldowns. You can also block her ult with your E, but be careful you still get charmed!”
Ryecheria says “You have better poke than Seraphine and her cooldowns are a little bit long and dodgeable. As long as you dodge her double root or if she does not have it, you can look to engage on her with your carry.”
HumbleMundo says “Since she has a slow and 2 types of cc and good poke she's pretty annoying but once you catch her with Q's she's pretty much dead (if the adc allows it) ”
mazewalk says “Bait her skillshots and punish for wasting E. Be careful if she or her ADC are using Exhaust, because her Es CC depends on your current state: Slow>Root>Stun.”
Shadowcrushers says “Seraphine is considered a major match against Soraka due to several reasons. While Soraka is known for her healing and supportive abilities, Seraphine possesses a unique set of tools that can effectively neutralize Soraka's impact in a battle. Here are some specific points explaining why Seraphine is a strong counterpick against Soraka:
Poke and wave control: Seraphine has exceptional long-range poke abilities, especially with her Q (High Note) and W (Surround Sound). This allows her to harass Soraka from a safe distance while also pushing the wave. Soraka relies on landing her Q (Starcall) to sustain her team, but Seraphine can easily dodge it with her superior mobility and range. By constantly poking Soraka and forcing her to heal herself, Seraphine can deny Soraka's ability to heal her allies effectively.
Crowd control: Seraphine's utility lies in her crowd control abilities, primarily her E (Beat Drop) and R (Encore). These abilities can disrupt Soraka's positioning and prevent her from effectively healing her teammates. Seraphine's E can root Soraka in place, making it difficult for her to escape or reposition herself to heal her allies. In addition, Seraphine's R can provide a strong engage tool to catch Soraka off-guard, allowing her team to burst her down before she can heal or silence them.
Utility denial: Soraka's W (Astral Infusion) allows her to heal her teammates and cleanse them of crowd control effects. However, Seraphine's R (Encore) can silence and stun multiple enemies, preventing Soraka from using her healing abilities or removing crowd control from her allies. This greatly diminishes Soraka's ability to sustain her team in team fights, making Seraphine a potent counter to her support capabilities.
Itemization advantage: Seraphine benefits from building items that can further amplify her crowd control and poke. Items like Luden's Echo, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Liandry's Anguish provide her with increased damage, slow effects, and bonus damage over time. These items synergize well with Seraphine's kit and allow her to apply consistent pressure on Soraka and her team. Additionally, Seraphine can opt for items like Morellonomicon or Executioner's Calling to reduce Soraka's healing output even further.
Teamfight dominance: Seraphine shines in team fights, where her AOE crowd control and healing abilities can turn the tides in her team's favor. Her R (Encore) can initiate fights, disrupting Soraka's positioning and silencing her team. Additionally, Seraphine's W (Surround Sound) provides a significant AOE shield and movement speed buff to her allies, mitigating Soraka's healing impact during crucial engagements.
Overall, Seraphine's poke, crowd control, utility denial, itemization advantage, and teamfight dominance make her a formidable counterpick against Soraka. By exploiting Soraka's vulnerabilities and restricting her healing potential, Seraphine can significantly limit Soraka's effectiveness in both laning phase and team fights.”
Melyn says “Her spells are slow but they can really hurt. Be prepared to dodge and help protect your ADC from poke by playing aggressively. The double slow (2nd is root if both hit) can get you killed and remember it goes through minions. Her R goes through champs and gets extended as well.”
ohsuko says “Slows, roots, charms, heals/shields, and does good damage. Need to make sure she's low on mana or bait everything out. Also keep track of her passive.”
support_diff says “Seraphine has a really good damage, she has cc, she has heal, she has a game changing ultimate. Don't buy Spellthief's Edge, she won't let you close enough to damage her”
jmp_01_ says “Just like with Senna. Avoid getting poked and hook her whenever you can to be honest. Try to bait her spells since she has really high base cooldwons.
Take Glacial Augment.”
VrNtv says “Very annoying lane, she outsustains thanks to W, her stupid AA passive range makes it very hard for you to trade into her. Right now her best synergy is fasting Senna support, so they are double squishy ranged champs on bot, so as long as you leave bot pushed (Which you probably will since they have insane poke/sustain), your jungler can abuse them hard. Get early boots to dodge her Q and especially E which can lead into easy R. Either take Heal or Cleanse for her ult, not Exhaust.
Lunar Empress says “Mages are high threats to Janna and Seraphine is no exception. Struggles with mana early so keep her using her spells to which you can trade after and probably secure a kill. ”
mazewalk says “"YaAaAaAaaAaAaaAaAAaA"
Same as Lux, bait her abilities. Buy Mikael's Blessing to counter ger ult and if she's going utility, buy Chemtech Purtrifier. E's cc depends on your current state, if you're slowed, her usual E will root you, and if rooted - you'll be stunned. If you're stunned, her E will press FF for you. ”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Seraphine has some attributes that Sona has: a powerful ultimate, great utility, and some scaling numbers. That being said, watch out for her ult.”
Aydov says “Her skills can kill plants fast but pretty squishy. You can run comet rune, if you get hit by her skills more often get refillable potion. ”
Dotje says “In my opinion serphine's abilities are hard to hit when trying to force poke. If you wait out her E you can try to trade. Be careful of her damage output when she gets imperial mandate. And consider taking mikael's blessing against her ultimate for your carry. Make sure to be out of her ultimate range, and be ready to disengage/counter with your ultimate.”
Aerenax says “Seraphine is very annoying as she has a lot of poke. Same goes for her as the rest of the enchanters: stay healthy and punish cooldowns.”
Cyclic says “Seraphine is very high range and very safe so she is harder to poke then other enchanters but doesn't have a ton of kill pressure on you early. Make sure you dodge her root / slow and you should be fine to scale ”
ZharMeny says “She is similar to Senna, and gonna play at max range, but in this match up you can dodge whatever she throws at you, and generally this is an even Support match up. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
Toches says “She's got pretty strong poke, but otherwise has pretty slow abilities, and you can always R as she R's to neutralize any followup if it looks like multiple people are piling into a choke.”
mellorwastaken says “slightly harder than sona but still pretty free, her E wont interrupt your Q windup or your E so its a free lane.
Doesent scales as hard as sona does but she will still turbo outscale you so again look to close game fast.”
iveye says “Honestly a easy match besides her poke in lane, if you jump her she mostly dies 8/10 increasing as the game goes on. Her R is her main threat where her R alone can flip a lost fight to winning.”
cyb3r1a says “Take Aery in this matchup. not really a threat til lvl 6 and til you get to teamfights. If she takes exhaust she can instantly root you or your ADC with E so watch out for that.”
gizemdeniz says “Seraphine's range may be high, but in terms of damage, we have just as good potential. We can easily avoid her ult with our own ult and win this match by making decent decisions.”
mazewalk says “Annoying af, pay atention to her passive and her allies slow, so she doesn't get you with her E. She can't disengage you in any way, so if you cath her off guard - she can't escape.”
aRhesty says “Immobile enchanter but her CC can be insane and will get you killed easily. Probably the best enchanter into you. Dodge her abilities like your LP depends on it baby, they're all very slow.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Take Glacial + Swifties and dance around her skillshots. You can often get away with running ignite here if the ADC matchup is even or to your favor. She will impact the game harder than you late, as her R is disgustingly good. Taking Mikael's can help a lot into her.
|||ADC||| This pick relies almost entirely on waveclear for safety and is also a pain for your jungler to gank. Into Seraphine ADC I recommend just taking a roaming page and focusing whatever your Junglers focusing, as staying in lane and bleeding out is usually a pretty bad idea.”
L9NunuChillump says “She is very easy to kill and since you can't be slowed and rooted by her while using your W it allows you easy pressure and can lead to kills early”
zotet says “The main use of her kit is to push her allies forwards and slow her enemies down, this combined with her damage can be very annoying. Though she is outranged and her slowing enemies and speeding allies isn't very strong.”
Atemporal says “Não faça Q na onda nível 1 porque ela apenas usará seu Q duplo de lançamento para limpar a primeira onda e será difícil fazer cs sob a torre. Você pode procurar negociações já no nível 2. Brinque em torno de seu lançamento duplo passivo , o melhor momento para entrar é sempre
depois que ela usa uma habilidade de conjuração dupla. Não fique na sua onda de lacaios para que ela tenha que escolher entre cutucar você ou limpar a onda. Você pode negociar contra ela toda vez que ela estiver ao alcance. Seu W pode bloquear muito dano, mas tem um cooldown de 26 segundos
então você tem uma grande janela para continuar negociando depois que ela usar W. Seraphine rapidamente se torna difícil de lidar quando ela se agrupa com sua equipe, então você precisa jogar muito agressivo no início do jogo. Procure trocas contra ela, se ela jogar muito segura
jogar para empurrar e roam. A blindagem e o cc de Seraphine não importam se toda a equipe dela for inútil. Ela não pode se igualar a você na pista lateral, então certifique-se de entrar na lateral bem cedo e, em seguida, apenas empurre ondas, faça acampamentos na selva e acabe com ela.
Você pode facilmente obter uma vantagem de nível 1-2 apenas sentado na pista lateral e, em seguida, usar essa vantagem para aumentar ainda mais a bola de neve. Considere Merc Threads ou Legend: Tenacity, já que seu R em duplo E combo irá cc por um tempo muito longo.”
Sellorio says “A strong mage who can easily punish you for being in lane. Due to Senna's lack of mobility, she has a hard time dodging E's and Seraphine's abilities and passive allow her to out trade you at a longer range.”
DynHoyw says “Because i don't want to underestimate Seraphine, i'd call her an even threat. I haven't met a good Seraphine player, and depending on the enemy AD Carry, Lulu can easily just polymorph them.”
OakuMarai says “Sona but with more damage. Aery/Electrocute with celerity. Respect her E level 2 and try to poke her. If you can aovid teamfights then do so.”
huirats says “Lots of long range poke as ADC and support, especially awful to be against with a Miss Fortune or Ashe. If they slow you, she can root you and you'll probably be dead. ”
PykEugeo says “She has a lot of sustain and poke, and has one of the strongest supreme in the game, be careful but otherwise, not giving it a breather is a solution ( dodging all xD )
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave at all times during the laning phase. Seraphine players will often use their High Note(Q) (or empowered Q) to push the minion wave. By standing outside of the wave, she’ll be unable to poke and push the wave at the same time. Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure. Whenever she uses her Surround Sound(W), she will be vulnerable to an all-in. It has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure. Whenever she uses her Surround Sound(W), she will be vulnerable to an all-in. It has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave at all times during the laning phase. Seraphine players will often use their High Note(Q) (or empowered Q) to push the minion wave. By standing outside of the wave, she’ll be unable to poke and push the wave at the same time. Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure. Whenever she uses her Surround Sound(W), she will be vulnerable to an all-in. It has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure. Whenever she uses her Surround Sound(W), she will be vulnerable to an all-in. It has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate Encore(R) is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure. Whenever she uses her Surround Sound(W), she will be vulnerable to an all-in. It has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.”
Jageiko says “Seraphine is annoying cause of her sustain, but her poke and CC wont do much (so slow). Look for a one shot opportunity. Her R bounce of you since you're in melee most of the time so carefull not to give her a 5-man ult.”
Yoshiking123 says “You win hard Level 1/2 but the problem is post Lvl 3 and mid to late game. She just perma wave clears with empowered Q and has good CC for team fights. Plus if she runs Guardian it just becomes a farm lane bot after Lvl 3.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Seraphine isn't at all balanced, and has a lot of strong survival and disengage tools. Her laning isn't the greatest though, so there will be opportunities to take advantage of there. After 20 minutes it's very difficult to find agency against her.”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
Navn says “Hard to deal with her range, and landing Q's on her will be pretty hard. She'll likely get an early Chemtech Putrifier and make the game difficult for you.”
spirit legacy says “Seraphine/Sona lanes are annoying due to their range and easy hitting spells. They don't have kill pressure on you and you mostly won't have kill pressure either. Try to play with your jungler and get ahead in other lanes/in objectives because they'll outscale you. ”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Demonsedge90 says “Seraphine is a strong poke champion Leona wants to avoid being close to when the threat of her ultimate (encore) is looming. To deal with this, you must catch her sleeping and hit her when she least expects it.”
Cordiall says “Seraphine isn't a threat to Braum at all. She can poke you, but not much else. If you all-in her she'll probably die. Punish bad positioning, don't eat unnecessary poke, and you should run away with the lane without too much trouble.”
hampenguin says “If anything, her double W is what's gonna be a pain. She doesn't do a lot of damage and her CC is negligible but the W shield is decent when double-cast and the R is valuable in fights but she's slower compared to you.”
TheKingUltra says “Is not a common pick mid anymore i think, but she shouldnt be a big problem, she will try to fulfill the same role as you, just without roaming and with healing instead of peeling with hp.”
Firemagnet390 says “Aside from her ulti, Sera is not much a threat. She's squishy, and Lux just does her job better. shielding and healing can be countered with items that will buff Lux's damage to the whole team as well.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Seraphine tends to rely in indirect artillery shots that can be dodged. When you get in her face, she doesn't have as much of a counter. Try to all-in dive her after baiting her into wasting her abilities. Just don't get charmed by her ultimate or stunned by her empowered skill shot. ”
Hienaa says “Her shield makes it hard to trade sometimes, but you win all wins, she can insta kill waves at lvl 5, so dont allow her to do that, and always try to pressure, be aware of her jungler, since she has gank set up”
Nozul says “Muito poke por parte dela, mas você consegue desviar se ficar recuado o suficiente. Se você avançar de qualquer jeito, ela te ulta e em seguida te prende com o E. Nesta matchup é questão de posicionamento teu.”
TheBlueImperial says “Seraphine is incredibly poke heavy in lane but she is still an immobile and squishy champion. If you ever get onto her she will often die, she has no way to cancel your engagement. The reason for her placement is that in team fights her R is just as potent as yours and it can go either way.”
beefyylol says “Really, REALLY annoying to play against but once you hit 6 you can start to make plays. She outranges you in lane so its difficult to trade with her. Remember to not line up with your teammates when she has ult up. Don't tilt and you should be fine.”
PumpkinMatters says “Seraphine é uma Sona depois de cheirar cocaína, porque ela faz tudo que a outra faz, só que dez vezes melhor. Consequentemente, ela é dez vezes mais perigosa que a Soninha. O ideal aqui é fugir de todo o dano que ela consegue encaixar à distância e guardar seu combo pra quando ela não tiver mais seu W, pois a habilidade dá escudo, cura e dá velocidade de movimento suficiente para atrapalhar sua iniciação. De qualquer forma, se você acertar seu combo, acabou pra ela”
PumpkinMatters says “Seraphine is a Sona on coke, because she does everything Sona does, but ten times better. Hence, she's ten times more dangerous than lil' Sona. The ideal, here, is to escape her damage (which is a TON) from a distance and keep your combo to whenever she's out of her W, because of her shield, heal and enough move speed to escape your W. However, if you land anything on her, you'll put her to sing on base”
HypoTheAced says “Seraphine's only counter to Senna early game is her range. She doesn't do much damage or give much sustain. However it can be easy to get baited and hit by her ultimate even after laning phase.”
Discord231 says “Esta campeona no debería darte problemas en la línea, pero en las team fights ten cuidado de no estar en línea recta con tu equipo, o su R ganará la pelea.”
Luminescape says “Seraphine is annoying but not horrible. She pokes but you can sustain through a lot of it, just watch out for her root and low hp damage.”
GuanaTv says “Utilize os Leveis de 1 ao 5 para criar uma vantagem na rota. Após isso, procure criar jogadas quando a ultimate de Seraphine estiver em tempo de recarga!
(Use Levels 1 to 5 to create an advantage on the lane. After that, look to create moves when Seraphine's ultimate is on cooldown!)”
beeinthefranxx says “i cant even with seraphine like. if you can js blow her up with a w land into AA's and Q's early then do it, but mid game and late make SURE you dodge her ult or yo u may be fuqd ”
Gobomo says “She's really annoying to face, but her abilities are pretty choreographed, she has zero mobility, she has a low amount of health, and her abilities use a lot of mana. Take advantage of all of these and you'll ideally be able to get a kill on her, or at the very least bully her so that your ADC has lane priority and you can roam effectively. ”
yaemitskiuwu says “Another Even threat for Lulu. She has the range yes but your Shield is way better than hers and lower cooldown. Seraphine doesn't deal much damage early and you can easily negate her pokes with shielding. ”
eiensiei says “Her Q is very slow and easy to dodge. Her E slows you if you were previously unaffected by any CC, roots you if you were slowed, stuns you if you were immobilized - but it's also fairly slow and easy to dodge.”
Daromius says “Her E and Ult are annoying, but you should be able to dodge everything, can't do much about her passive's AA range, so poke from a distance.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Her poke is very easy to dodge, as long as you don't get hit by her stun you'll be fine. Be very careful after level 6, her ult can easily kill both you and your carry.”
Mystral says “I find it pretty hard to lane against a good Seraphine because she outranges me and heal herself and her ADC, so my poke is pretty much useless.
Try to play it defensively, if she engages with her empowered E, try to polymorph her or her ADC.”
Aerenax says “Seraphine is a poke heavy champ and as we know that’s annoying if you are short range or melee. Seraphine can poke from miles away with her Q and E and has some good sustain with her W. If she misses the root on her passive empowered E or her ult you can all in her. Play around her passive and her ult.”
eiensiei says “Her Q is very slow and easy to dodge. Her E slows you if you were previously unaffected by any CC, roots you if you were slowed, stuns you if you were immobilized - but it's also fairly slow and easy to dodge.”
LimTheDestructor says “Engage when you are sure you can get a kill on enemy botlane - short trades are favorable for Seraphine lane. Don't make mistakes, finish the game quickly enough to not getting outscaled.”
warmfishu says “She can do a lot of poke damage. If her Beat Drop (E) can be Echoed (P), it will root you if it hits. E will stun you if you are already rooted, making it a dangerous ability for stacking CC ( and thus Yuumi W resets). A normal E has a 99% slow, so it is effectively a root, just not with the status application. Encore (R) is a massive AoE charm that extends if it hits any champions, including allies, thus resetting W and likely setting up for a team kill.”
Rasta Da Masta says “What not to do: 2v2, 3v3, 5v5
What yes to do: Isolate her from her lane partner to force a 2v1, Have your team splitpusher draw her away from grouping, get hit by her CC.
She has no mobility & is very easy to burst when out of position. ”
Hceercs says “If you're not careful in lane, you can poke you down really hard. And her ult makes your whole team horny which is very VERY obnoxious >:(”
Korippo says “Outranges you by far, has the ability to root as well as CC with her ult, and generally superior healing and shielding as hers is a huge AOE circle. She is very easy to poke out in lane generally though, and if you can bait out her E (especially when it's double casting) then you can trade with her really well pre-6. Her ult is a bit of a challenge though; it's usually better to let your ADC get charmed and then follow up with your ult, since by then the charm will have ended and you can usually kill her should she be low enough.”
Frappessb says “She has a slight edge over you in range, but its not enough to make a huge difference. Just try and avoid her Encore: E (Long range waves) as the second one will root.”
Arcurath says “Quite an easy matchup really, you can either poke her down with bombs as her W cd is very long. She is also weak to engage so E double bomb combo with jungler is simple kill.
Later on just position so you dont get hit by her R so you can save allies that get hit by it.”
0Banda says “Your lane against Seraphine its a skilled matchup she's E has an insane range, and will slow you for 99% making you really slow, to counter this you can buy Boots of Swiftness. Furthermore, when engaging you should always focus her, as she is an inmmobile champion and has very low health
Against Seraphine you should build as usual, and play a little bit more safier than usual when you are waiting for cooldowns source of her long range”
bobsalad says “Easy to dodge her skills and shield her poke. Can trade aggressively with auto and q just be more careful when she has her double e up.”
lenithebot says “Seraphine has an insane amount of poke. Although your passive does give sustain her poke if too strong for your passive to make up for.Also she has ridiculous amounts of cc. If you go in and Seraphine lands an R and an E on you and your adc consider the fight is over. Be very careful when you engage since she can usually just press R and disengage or counter engage onto you.In this lane I would suggest to look for roams to try and get your team really ahead. If teamfights start happening and your team is not ahead if Seraphine lands an R on multiple people the fight would be over.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Similar to most enchanter matchups, you can easily W away from most projectiles, but also prevent her using her Encore (Seraphine R) by engaging from a different direction than your team.”
Jowoey says “Skill matchup. Try not to get hit by her double E. Trade with her when she wastes it. Her ult is really useful in teamfights so play them slowly.”
TwitchTV Sarodag says “As well as most poke + heal champions, Seraphine will be pretty annoying to deal with in lane. Especially due to her long range abilities.
However, if caught in a bad spot, Zilean can CC her for days.
Al igual que con otros campeones de heal y poke, Seraphine puede resultar muy molesta en fase de líneas. Especialmente por su enorme rango.
Sin embargo, si Zilean la atrapa en una mala posición, la puede CCear por mucho tiempo. ”
Biotic says “But it seems to be Similiar to Janna but she doesnt have such a dominant Lane. Gank her a lot you are way Stronger Level 3+ and in the mid game. Try to engage her whenenver you can. She cant do a lot in All ins vs you.”
TheBestestBork says “She can be annoying as hell, but otherwise you can dive her when she gewts cocky and watch her cry when she cant do anything for 3 seconds.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “she can either be quite dangerous or no threat at all, depending on how good she is at actually landing her abilities. keep your movements unpredictable and look out for when her passive is up.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Pretty easy matchup all around. If she ever has flash down, you should try to engage on her. If you ever get the E + double bomb in lane she should die”
Skyzinho1775 says “ please. like seraphine is so annoying, u just need to dodge and have a very good sidestep reaction but the problem is her ultimate. So just do like morgana wait her to cast abilities then GO!!!
Spection says “You trade better than she does. She is slow and easy to poke, but watch for her extended autos which can help her even out lost trades. Zhonyas her ultimate or build banshees for it later, as you will often be too slow to walk out of it. ”
DanNS12 says “She is pretty weak right now just sidestep all her abilities and harass her and her ADC. Also, watch out for her empowered abilities she can stack it shows above her head.”
Billehz says “Early she can be pretty annoying before you have all your abilities, but by level 6 you should be able to deal with her and get out of the way of basically all of her abilities”
Jaori says “Her damage isn't high enough to push you out of lane. Focus her after level 6. Charge W, ult behind her and use E to CC chain while damaging this useless champion with W and Q.”
Go Getter says “Really annoying poke and can really harass you early game, peeling is gonna be tough since she pulls out so much more CC in a short amount of time with her Q.
You can beat her out similarly to sona once you reach 6 and you can safely dive.”
Mijael2 says “Mas rango, y una definitiva muy clave si es bien aprovechada, no solo en fase de lineas, sino también en TeamFight, brillara mas que nosotros. No debemos de olvidar que ella posee skilshots muy fácil de esquivar, eso podría darnos ventanas de oportunidades para tal vez sacar algún asesinato sobre ella, ya que es muy frágil.”
dragonmasterc says “Seraphine has a good response to your poke with her heal, but like other enchanters can only shield your E by predicting it. Careful of her empowered root and her massive level 6 powerspike - ideally if you can win the lane before this, do it.”
Vispectra says “Not seen as often but pretty harsh to play again. Extreme range CC that catches you off guard. You can kill her post 6 but usually you'll get farmed by the jungler since she can lock you down pretty well while poking you down from time to time.”
Pigeont says “Like the other supp with linear root, its a danger, but this one have a massive charm,if she miss her E, you can poke her pretty easily, cause in early game she doesn't heal much, in late game take morellicon to deny her team heal.”
Most of the Seraphine players that I see go full AP. It's not the best in matter of utility for their team, but sure it's annoying for you. She has a big range, even if her skills are fairly easy to dodge. Do not get closer to her and if you do so, keep an eye on her passive. Also I think that Seraphine becomes particularly dangerous with some nasty combinations, like Ashe, Lux and Senna. Lastly, be careful when teamfighting in choke spots: she can just press R and the game is over.”
Dotje says “As I haven't been playing against much good Seraphine players, I think her biggest threat is her ultimate. If you position safely you can help your ally by using Mikael's blessing. In laning phase your shield should be strong enough to withstand her poke.”
Pyroxes says “She's usually pretty slow, so try to use that to your advantage. Try to bait her shield before R-Q'ing since she can negate a lot of damage with it. Beware of her ult.”
KeleiX13 says “You should be winning lane since you have more consistent damage and her Q is pretty dodgeable since it's slow. Even if you get hit, you can shield most of its damage. However, if you get hit by a root or if the Seraphine has an ADC who can follow up her damage(i.e. Jhin), this lane becomes a little difficult. What you can do then is continue poking but not go too close. Her ult covers a lot more area than yours but it is a lot more dodgeable. When trading, try to trade when she doesn't have a lot of notes on her and her allies since that's extra damage for her and keep track of her passive double cast and don't step up to trade when she has her double cast since you could get rooted/at least out damaged.”
Sinci says “Seraphine is just strongest champion in the game right now that can do alot of poke from really far away to make it unplayable for lulu but also boosts her allies with alot of shielding, healing and damage. Definitely recommend banning her out if your teammates are not picking it.”
anionPositivo says “Ela corre bastante, mais a gente corre mais. Abusa quando ele estiver sem stacks da passiva, porque o poke dela vai doer, e muito, o lado bom é que possivelmente são dois squishies na botlane, é só acertar um W e ver a mágica acontecer”
Discord231 says “Esta campeona no debería darte problemas en la línea, pero en las team fights ten cuidado de no estar en línea recta con tu equipo, o su R ganara la pelea.”
Levkar says “Does relatively high damage but lacks cc. Try your best to pick up passive as often as you can to tank her Q's. Keep your ADC healthy to reduce the Q damage. Her ult can be a nightmare, so hang in there.”
LilRidge says “Avoiding Seraphine's (Q) High Note is very important in this lane. The poke is quite potent and will allow her to get her Support item very quickly.
When trying to lane against Seraphine, you will need to consider her movement speed, especially when she uses (W) Surround Sound as it will make it easy to dodge your engage. You need to make sure you don't miss or you'll get CC'd by her (E) Beat Drop and likely die.
Seraphine is exceptionally squishy, so a well-timed all-in can easily set her back in the lane. It would help if you tried to use the lane brushes to try and all-in her when you can.”
The Last Rakan says “O kit dela é muito chato de lidar, seus slows e CCs atrapalham muito seus engajes, sugiro esperar ela gastar suas habilidades para você engajar em seu aliado.”
Rainuu says “Seraphine can be irritating to play against as her massive shielding can prevent from bursting alongside her ulti. Other than that, everything is quite easy. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “You should be dodging all of abilities all the time since they skillshots. Her ult is her only saving grace. If she is good she will always use right before you can fling her.”
Starchase says “Her poke is much better than yours, and she can shield and heal your poke, so just heal her poke damage with your E and Q her to get manaflow band stacks.
Her E is a pretty low animation ability, so if you're confident, you can try and detach to get some damage into her ADC.
Care about her ultimate, it's very wide and hard to dodge, even if you have reflexes.
Rush Oblivion Orb and then Mikael's Blessing.
Depending on the ADC's you outscale her or not, but she can buff her entire team and her ult is better than yours so even if you outscale her, she will still be a problem.”
XD001 says “Really easy, just dodge her ult and you will never die. If she walks up without full stacks pre -6 you can try to kill her. She will most likely build support item and play around her team, so do your best to find a good flank angle and stun + 1 shot the backline, including her.
Even scaling.
electrocute + sorcery + tp
Takitsu says “Fight seraphine early in lane. Once she has ult avoid clumping up with team mates. Look to fight her once her E is down or right after she uses her double ability.”
losolkos says “She is one of the most annoying machup in game but when you punishment her and dodge her abilites you will br good. after lv6 make sure you will be careful if you or you adc have no chance do doge use W to minimize the dmg also try to use e to dodge her ult.”
Discord231 says “Advertencia: Esto esta siendo escrito en le parche 11.10 antes de que se revele el buf a Seraphine. Esta campeona no debería darte problemas en la línea, pero en las team fights ten cuidado de no estar en línea recta con tu equipo, o su R ganara la pelea. ”
unhben says “Poke queen but even because she cant do much to you after poke. Just shield it all and aim for her adc to make her blow everything. Use the Q into ward hop trick to make her waste ult, then go back in.”
Kadiyarch says “Her skills are easy to dodge and you have pretty much the same range. She heals your poke so you must combo her to be efficient. She is squishy and easy to kill.”
Coo1breeze says “Weak, easily to avoid pokes, just hook and kill. The only CC to really watch out for is when she has an ECHO ready, which will let her E stun you when it lands twice.”
Bear Gummies says “Seaphine's abilities are surprisingly easy to dodge, so just make sure to maneuver around them and poke her down. The one thing that she has on you at all stages of the game is range, but she shouldn't be the biggest deal towards the mid and late game. Just be careful that she doesn't snare you because that will get ugly for you fast.”
Jannito02 says “Seraphine's E with her passive and her R are the only abilities Seraphine can use to make Yuumi useless, as she can stun you or charm you. She's super squishy and easy to fight against, like with a Lux.”
MagicPOwDer says “Similar to lux her poke potential is quite high. Just try to bait out her root and you should be fine. If you do get rooted though, make sure to wall off the adc and try to Q, E, seraphine before backing off”
Blueish Purplesh says “Seraphine isn't an Impossible, but is a very hard support to fight against. Her Abilities Can be blocked and Dodged By Braum Quite Easily; But one wrong move can hurt very badly.”
The Lotus Queen says “Seraphine's long range CC and damage can be very deadly and make it hard to get through laning phase. Rush boots to dodge her spells and win late game with your scaling.”
Vighar says “She is quite scary to fight. Her damage, her stun, your ADC is always gonna get hit by everything, so when you try to help. You'll also get damaged.”
vnillz says “I generally hate Seraphine as a support, but you can easily out trade her after you wait out her E. You have a better engage advantage with aqua prison. ”
Guilherme Brochier says “seraphine possui longo alcance, o que faz com que ela bote bastante pressão. com a botinha de tenacidade melhora um pouco, mas mesmo assim muito cuidado em lane.”
Jexeff says “Quite an annoying champ to deal with. Most Seraphines will take barrier along with guardian making her quite difficult to kill. She has been knocked down a peg but can be pretty intimidating to lane against. You can definitely abuse her level 1 since she will most likely start with her Q ability. Look for early flays when she walks up to get some extra damage on her.”
Sinci says “Seraphine is just really annoying with long range and cc making it difficult to get to her. Bad seraphines are fine to play against but if they know to keep their distance it gets really tricky. Seraphine being probably the best champion in the game as of now it should banned almost always.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Seraphine has very easy to dodge abilities, however these abilties do a lot of damage. Focus more on preventing poke and more on finding the perfect time to engage, once getting a lead the lane should be easier.”
itizhelia says “Used to be giga broken and still is, but not anymore in the "perma ban" section.
She pokes you, overshields her allies, has massive long range AOE charm.
In other words, it's really problematic dealing with her due to this overloaded kit which still makes Seraphine a good pick no matter the received nerfs she has.
So whenever you face her. Don't be surprised that it is really hard to approach enemy bot lane or even hurt them.”
m3nto8 says “Seraphine can dodge you with the speed of her shield and she is pretty good at poking. Thankfully she's rarely ever gonna root you before you lift her up.”
Royal Shaco says “nerfed so weak i once made 420 lvl player 0/10 he challenged me 1v1 after the game he banned shaco and my mains i didnt saw his mains at all he took darius with 400k+ i took vlad with 13k i lost first blood but turret killed him so he trash talked and keep repeating nig* i killed u ez ez ez ez then he spammed me i reported him and he reported me so i got my honor domoted i didnt typed anything i didnt swear i sometimes dont understand the riot ”
Remmacs1 says “Pretty brutal match up for Aphelios, a kiting, CC, AP champion that is also extremely good at teamfighting. I recommend shoving her under tower and then faking a recall to cheese her from one of the lane bushes to take control of the game.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Seraphine has a lot of poke and disengage potential. She can be hard and annoying to deal with. BUT... she is very squishy so if you get a good engage on her chances are high you can blow her up.”
Navn says “Can't really reach her, but if she's using her skills at max range, she can't really do anything to you either. But once you're in range, if you can dodge her rooting you, you should be able to just beat her up.”
CanadaJay says “She is a nightmare early game with her insane poke, CC, charm and heal. The only way you'll win early lane is if your jungler camps you or mid perma-roams. I'd suggest roaming to other lanes if your lane is behind just to get others fed so that you can deal with her. She is still squishy, though, so around mid-game you should be able to bully her immensely.”
Frank6264 says “Seraphine tiene todo: curación, daño, CC y una definitiva que mete CC en Área prácticamente y que hace mucho daño. Este enfrentamiento es de los más difíciles con Karma ya que en fase de líneas Seraphine Gana no solo en daño sino en rango, por lo que se recomienda empezar en todo caso con escudo reliquia antes que el filo del robahechizos. Además se recomiendan runas defensivas en este enfrentamiento.
Aprovechen que no tiene mucho aguante para hacerle daño y castigar su des posicionamiento si se da el caso.”
Sunedayz says “Her skillshots are slow but big. Once your aware of the range it's easy to avoid them and then go poke. Keep in mind her double cast counter and you'll be good to go. Don't go for W's on her at level 6 when her ultimate is up.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Seraphine is a strong champion especially when it comes to poking. She doesn't have a lot of mana and if she is played poorly, you are able to get easy kills Pre 6.”
jessuva says “I don't like facing Seraphine at all, but it tends to go either way. Adjust your play style depending on Seraphine and her ADC's aggression. If they are playing super aggressive, try to poke, but don't get yourself killed. Seraphine can do a lot of damage and her ult is super powerful. ”
G3TR3KTB01 says “Sona 2.0. The real problem against her is her ult. Remember, when she hits an enemy with her ult the range expands, while during the laning phase avoid getting immobilized, so pay attenction to her passive”
LTD MAMON says “super annoying, she is very strong support right now even they nerf her, she has a super long-range skill that even you can avoid with your Q your ADC might not. try to control the bush, safe lane, and all-in her with a level lead focus on adc first”
RedNBlue says “worst than lux she will poke you and poke you and you will never be able to get wraith walkers from her as if you take one from her you will just die so don't do it unless the Seraphine isn't very aggressive or just isn't that type of Seraphine player. So I would test her a few times nothing too risky but see how she responds to you if you put yourself in a bad position.”
ANC Bence says “Out ranges you and has better CC so you can't win lane. What you can do to win the game is to roam mid she can't follow your fast movement speed roams.”
Prof Harambe says “This character has everything for some reason. Characters like Xerath are annoying for poke, but you can all in them. Seraphine has a movement ability so you cant even do that. Seraphine can check bushes with her Q or E and has no reason to go anywhere near them. Its actually really bad how she can just walk into boxes then heal it on the double cast W. Just has everything going for her and quite honestly needs a nerf.”
YourCut says “Take Second Wind. Pretty much your hardest counter, outranges you extremely, has much stronger, pretty much unavoidable poke and is ridiculously strong in 2v2s. 100% ban worthy as of 11.2. ”
Borusky says “Chatíssimo, mas se ela errar o E, vai pra cima. A ult dela e o W vão te incomodar bastante, eu não recomendo você jogar de sapo contra isso, mas caso jogue, tente stompar ela entre os leveis 1 - 5”
RedNBlue says “Seraphine is just annoying. You will hook her and she will use her ult on you plus everybody behind you causing a massive fight leading to your teams demise all because you hooked her getting her closer to your team.”
DOMON says “Don't make a straight line if you face this champ. Avoid letting your match to get to late game, that's the point where she has the upperhand and power spike.”
EmpressBee says “Nami and seraphine are similar champions in that they both poke and heal. However, sera's damage is all skill-shots. Therefore, try to dodge her Q and echo'd E. Once she misses punish her with W/E/auto poke. Since sera's skills are so long range she shouldn't be positioned to be Q'd. However, if she is mispositioned try to punish her with R or Q engage as she is very squishy.”
kimjisoo8 says “Her shield is not that good, just poke her down. Her abilities are really easy to dodge. Her ult is really good and you will be screwed if she uses it, so go aggressive when it's on cooldown.”
just_juniper says “Similar story to Lux, but Seraphine's R is far more powerful, and should always be taken into consideration. Her early poke rivals Zyra's, play around her E cooldown pre-six. Forcing her W is great as it has a massive cooldown.”
InsaneWind says “Seraphine just has a ton of CC and deals a lot of damage, you need to wait till her Q is on cooldown before you attempt to fight her and keep an eye make sure you know when she is about to use a double Q . After 6 you cannot really fight her unless her ult is on cooldown because she will be able to interrupt your attempt to engage.”
bandeide10 says “Todos os suportes healers terão maior facilidade contra a nossa janinha porém as skills da seraphine normalmente saem de uma forma muito lenta então a sua velocidade de movimento será a sua aliada!”
orogenz says “her poke is annoying and the AOE ult makes it so you can't sheild everyone in team fights. In lane don't clump with your ADC so you force her to target one person. Very squishy if you Q she is dead.”
Jum3h says “If you wait out her E you can try to trade. Be careful of her damage output when she gets imperial mandate. And Mikael will be useful for your carry.”
NirvanaBunny says “I find it difficult to deal with her in lane. While she does have longer cooldowns early game, she heals more and does more damage. My advice is to be careful against her as she tends to be a poke heavy champion!”
poopydoop69 says “Seraphine is just really annoying because she has more range than Soraka and a charming ability. If versing her, you'll probably want to play safe and stay out of her range. Focus on supporting your ADC, rather than playing aggressive. ”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Seraphine
Early Game: Avoid her [Q] poke and [E] root. She’s squishy but has strong utility.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Seraphine’s ult can turn fights, so flank carefully.
Key Tip: Bait her [W] shield before committing to fights.”
Rezellia says “She sux in lane but her becomes really scary as you look to team fight, since you need to put yourself at risk and she doesnt.
[Will update when i have more experience]”
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