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Ryze Counter Stats

Ryze Counters
Discover all champions who counter Ryze. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Ryze in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
814 Tips for countering Ryze below

Mid Lane
49.36% Win Rate77% Pick Rate Ryze Mid Lane Counters: 36 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Ryze in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Ryze’s high sustained damage and crowd control can be a threat to Swain, as he can whittle down Swain’s health over time.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.] Ryze will have better extended trades than you, so don't fight for longer than 1 Q and maybe a passive-empowered basic attack. Don't stand too close to minions as flux can spread from minions to you, letting his Q incidentally hit you. In case Ryze is trying to use his ultimate to escape, remember that a well-timed Satchel Charge can prevent him from teleporting!”
A Comprehensive Ziggs Primer by Laimaudeja | Ziggs Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Ryze is an awkward champ because you don't see it that much. He's usually a (somehow) tanky farming robot. Since he has this tankiness, I'd say that you should chill and enjoy the farming simulator lane aswell. You can still poke him out of lane, but as the Cassiopeia matchup, if he has good movements, you will never win.”
Baby_Driver says “Very boring lane. I'll be honest there is not much you can do. Do not waste your pull and save it when he is about to ult away. Ask jungler for help.”
Baby Driver's Guide to Darius (The God-King) by Baby_Driver | Darius Player
awawa says “Win early game, lose late game. This guy eventually becomes too tanky to oneshot him with R combo. If you get marked in lane, consider falling back so he doesnt't get to poke you for free. BUILD MAGIC PEN AND BANSHEES UNLESS YOURE 10/0”
Vex S14 Guide For Gloomies by awawa | Vex Player
ShokLoL says “Ryze has a lot of push, point and click gank setup and good roaming. However, you heavily outtrade him with QW and so should be able to build up a big lead as long as you don't die to any ganks. Make sure you keep the wave pushed post 6 to stop him from roaming to other lanes.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Orianna Guide by ShokLoL | Orianna Player
ShokLoL says “Ryze has very good push and gank setup, but he doesn't deal that well with being traded on. You should be able to win trades pretty hard especially once you get dirk. Be careful of letting him roam post 6 but also hug your vision closely so you don't die to ganks.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Jayce Mid Guide by ShokLoL | Jayce Player
ShokLoL says “You counter Ryze at virtually every stage of the game. In the lane you can match his push once you get some attack speed and easily outrange him with WQ auto poke. In teamfights it's very difficult for him to play into you, again because of your range. He's also very gankable so at 6 you can often get a kill. The only real risk in this matchup is him getting roams off so keep it pushed in post 6, or him getting a very early gank onto you with his point and click gank setup.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide by ShokLoL | Azir Player
Soft Headpats says “Ryze is relatively short-ranged but has great waveclear. He can be dangerous with his point-and-click slow/root, but other than that you should be able to match his waveclear and poke him with your superior range. Once he hits 6, he can pull off some plays with his ult such as setting up flanks or getting into position for a gank with it. Be mindful of where he's positioning towards so that you can cancel his ult if needed. Most of the time in SoloQ, his ult isn't a big deal though since it requires a lot of coordination to utilize effectively. Sidenote: His ult gives vision in the area it's being cast to.”
Complete Hwei Guide [14.6] by Soft Headpats | Hwei Player
Raksha-64 says “Ryze uses a book, books contain paper, and paper wins rock. Therefore, Ryze counters you”
An AWFUL Guide to AP Malphite by Raksha-64 | Malphite Player
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Top Lane
49.79% Win Rate22% Pick Rate Ryze Top Lane Counters: 3 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Ryze in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Eriyjah says “Resolve secondary runes with Second Wind, rush Opportunity.”
14.6 Pantheon Ultimate Oneshot Item Guide (Keegun Style) by Eriyjah | Pantheon Player
MaesePerez says “Farm lane. Buy hollow radiance for MR and easy wave clear. If they're going Ryze top they most likely have no frontline, or just a support tank, so playing front to back should get you an easy win in teamfights. He does beat you 1v1 just because of his movespeed and root, so avoid fighting him as he will slowly run you down. ”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) He can point and click root you and run away with his ms. He has an immense spike in damage early and he will out damage you in melee range if he hits his spells. Impossible matchup if the player is using is brain.”
zwartebliksem says “His root is really annoying, only go in when his abilities are down, or your ult is up.”
deathbypotion says “He is weak pre-2 items, if he is very aggresive you can kill him. He won`t catch you, but be aware of his EW (root) combo. His scalings are good, but your 2 item powerspike is much stronger”
[14.1] yet another s14 singed guide // in progress by deathbypotion | Singed Player
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine] [Flash + TP] You can start E and hookshot onto him. You outscale him and beat him early. Just try to keep track of the enemy jungler so you don't die. You can get early prio in this lane and invade the enemy jungler with yours.”
[13.24] Spicy Rane's Camille Guide by lolkayleee | Camille Player
hoflol says “Early damage is not too high, but is still a ranged champion with a point and click slow/root. Easiest way to play this lane is proxy and deal with the late game Ryze as a team. ”
WhendZ says “O Walking Simulator ai vai ficar forte depois do 6 e escala ainda mais conforme o jogo progride. Tenta falar com o jungle ou com o mid pra te ajudar, se você pegar ele no barril com alguém do lado, é quase 100% de chance de matar.”
LegacyOneTap says “Blue guy gives you blue balls. He either runs phase rush and runs after throwing e q w q whatever the combo is and leaves to do it again later. if he goes conquer its a bit easier and he doesn't perma run from you. Early levels you can do the level 1 funny, his wave clear is perma pushed on you, you can try to trade into him but his cooldowns allow him to keep you frozen in time while he removed a third of your health bar. stay away from minions affected by his e, trades against ryze are something like, you jump him and try to beat on him with wave blocking you hopefully so you dont eat his root q into q q q permanently. although its not as exaggerated as i am saying it, he can be killed solo, you just have to choose the right battles, of course you can optimize it so he cant run from you or keep you in place.”
LegacyOneTap's Jax Guide by LegacyOneTap | Jax Player
refz says “Threats are the rating of how hard to play against as Sylas. Explanations in the champion's Guide Chapter.”
Sylas S13 lmao by refz | Sylas Player
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