Mid Lane 50.09% Win Rate71% Pick RateRyze Mid Lane Counters: 28 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ryze in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Divine Azir says “He is very low range, so just harass him nonstop. Don't play too close to your minions or he will E Q them. He has to hit you to stack his tear, so just stay out of range. If he took ghost, just hold onto E and use it to escape whenever he uses ghost. This lane is unplayable for him, so he will try his best to clear and roam. Just poke him as much as possible when he tries to clear to make it harder for him to roam.”
BrMario1011 says “you can kill him easy early, if you dont kill him early and he gets tanky enough its over for you, and he outshoves you hard and chases you hard too , pray your team helps you
he dies easily to ganks tho
go either phase or electrocute to try and giga cheese him”
BesXbola says “O Ryze assim como o Viktor e quase que injogavel. Ele tanka o triplo do que voce e da o mesmo dano do que voce durante o comeco do jogo. Quanto mais tempo se passar mais ele vai tankar e mais ele vai dar dano. abuse do cooldown da sua ult ser quase que metade o da dele e tente dar roams e jogar 2v2 com o seu jungler em invades ou contestamento de objetivos.
Fique longe da wave contra o Ryze pois ele pode nao so pokear voce por ela mas se ele utilizar seu E na wave e ele quicar em voce, o ryze procca sua runa "Faixa de fluxo de mana"”
Lunar1v9 says “Hard matchup but can be easy if the ryze is not that good of a player. There are not that many good ryze players so u are safe and most of the times the ones that actually are are in really high elo . You need blasting wand in order to win trades with him with q he can zone u of xp at level 1 with w and auto attack Ping his roams u cant really roam with him when he does a roam try to punish by taking tower plates pushing the wave and getting a recall timer. After level 11 the matchup is easy and u can solo kill if he messes up. He outranges u with q so try to dodge it as much as possible for possible poke. GLHF
juangepeto says “Ryze is a very complicated route for GP, he is a battlemage, even when you apply tons of damage to him, if he manages to survive he will return a lot of damage, just like GP, he scales perfectly well with AP and is a very difficult opponent to face, he clears the waves very well and has a not so bad CC, the most annoying fact is that his abilities return quickly, allowing him to apply constant damage to GP both in the early, mid or late game.”
Tamikaze says “Ryze is a minor threat for Azir. Your range is significantly longer than his range, and your DPS is better than his once you have Nashors. Ryze will land most of his damage on you when you are near the wave, be careful of any splash damage ricocheting onto you. Utilize your range advantage to win the lane. ”
j4ss says “He can't do anything, he can go Catalyst of Aeons and bare your poke more, but Ryze is a low range mage, so if you get close to him with crit items, just burst him down. If he scales will need Maw and BT.”
Tatsurion says “Just like hwei and orianna, a very even skill based matchup. the better cser and trader will win this game.
Burst works, but only early. conq works, but only late. there is no clear option. take your most comfortable pick, if the comp allows”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering/Scorch]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
*you have prio early but he will have better dps when scaled, he bulds hp*”
Vladmidir says “Borderline unplayable matchup for Vlad, he will just EW you and walk away. If he used W on the wave or gets low on mana then you can look for trades, but otherwise just farm and wait for jungle ganks.”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, Electrocute and Conqueror preferred for early pressure.
Long Sword start.
Relatively easy once you've played the matchup a few times. Try to space his E spread from minions so you won't get hit by his Q through them. His only selfpeel is his EW, which is unfortunately point and click, so you'll have to play around it a bit. Phase rush will make it a bit harder to lock him down with slows, but you can poke and then all in him even when he's still rather healthy. His lacking early pressure makes it easy to roam, especially after he starts to respect your damage. At some point in the game getting serpent's fang is a good option, as he will mostly have to rely on his seraphs shield to survive your burst if you're ahead.”
support_diff says “Ryze is a mage with a really nice combo damage but is really hard to play. Sadly for Akshan players, all his abilities' ranges are longer than Akshan's auto attack range meaning that you can't poke him with your auto attacks at all. Try to keep your distance and not stay close to your minions as otherwise he might be able to hit you with his combo. He is immobile, meaning that ganks from your jungler can get him killed kinda easily”
sick204 says “Respect Ryze's sustained damage and crowd control potential with his abilities, especially his Q and W. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Ryze's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Ryze's rune combos, which can quickly burst down Yasuo if he's caught off guard. Utilize Wind Wall to block Ryze's Q in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output and crowd control potential. Engage on Ryze when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Ryze's crowd control and magic damage.”
otaliz says “This matchup is pretty standard. Play to farm and poke him when you can. Be careful with long trades, this is something Ryze wants more of. Look for opportunities to roaming from level 6 onwards. But remember that he can try to follow you with his ultimate, although it is less effective in the first few levels, but he can take along allies in his ultimate, so be aware of this.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.
Ryze will have better extended trades than you, so don't fight for longer than 1 Q and maybe a passive-empowered basic attack. Don't stand too close to minions as flux can spread from minions to you, letting his Q incidentally hit you. In case Ryze is trying to use his ultimate to escape, remember that a well-timed Satchel Charge can prevent him from teleporting!”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP. First strike rune.
Ryze is an awkward champ because you don't see it that much. He's usually a (somehow) tanky farming robot. Since he has this tankiness, I'd say that you should chill and enjoy the farming simulator lane aswell. You can still poke him out of lane, but as the Cassiopeia matchup, if he has good movements, you will never win.”
Baby_Driver says “Very boring lane.
I'll be honest there is not much you can do.
Do not waste your pull and save it when he is about to ult away.
Ask jungler for help.”
awawa says “Win early game, lose late game. This guy eventually becomes too tanky to oneshot him with R combo. If you get marked in lane, consider falling back so he doesnt't get to poke you for free. BUILD MAGIC PEN AND BANSHEES UNLESS YOURE 10/0”
ShokLoL says “Ryze has a lot of push, point and click gank setup and good roaming. However, you heavily outtrade him with QW and so should be able to build up a big lead as long as you don't die to any ganks. Make sure you keep the wave pushed post 6 to stop him from roaming to other lanes.”
ShokLoL says “Ryze has very good push and gank setup, but he doesn't deal that well with being traded on. You should be able to win trades pretty hard especially once you get dirk. Be careful of letting him roam post 6 but also hug your vision closely so you don't die to ganks.”
ShokLoL says “You counter Ryze at virtually every stage of the game. In the lane you can match his push once you get some attack speed and easily outrange him with WQ auto poke. In teamfights it's very difficult for him to play into you, again because of your range. He's also very gankable so at 6 you can often get a kill. The only real risk in this matchup is him getting roams off so keep it pushed in post 6, or him getting a very early gank onto you with his point and click gank setup.”
Soft Headpats says “Ryze is relatively short-ranged but has great waveclear. I recommend starting E against Ryze to stop him from trading too heavily pre-level 3. He can be dangerous with his point-and-click slow/root, but other than that you should be able to match his waveclear and poke him with your superior range especially as you gain levels and items. Ryze tends to run Phase Rush so be wary if it's up; missing an E spell while he procs Phase Rush can be dangerous.
Once he hits 6, he can pull off some plays with his ult such as setting up flanks or getting into position for a gank with it. Be mindful of where he's leaning towards so that you can cancel his ult if needed. Sidenote: His ult gives vision in the area it's being cast to.”
ShokLoL says “Ryze can push you in early but eventually you will be able to match. In teamfights its very hard for him to play into you since he's so short range if you charm him your team should be able to secure a kill. Be careful of a pre 6 flash EW from him with his jungle, other than that you should be safe.”
ShokLoL says “Ryze has a lot of push, point and click gank setup and good roaming. However, he doesn’t trade that well especially if he’s using cooldowns on the wave and will normally lose trades against you since you outrange him. You should be able to build a slight lead in lane vs Ryze as long as you don’t die to any ganks. Make sure you keep the wave pushed post 6 to stop him from roaming to other lanes. In teamfights it will be impossible for Ryze to play, so even if you don't have a lead you should be much more useful by this point.
Deceiver_euw says “Ryze is a historical answer to LeBlanc and still does fine into her 1v1. He gets quite tanky very early into the laning phase with roa and trading with him gets hard and he just shoves waves into you. Your counterplay to ryze is punish him early since he usually starts sapphire crystal or tear and takes phase rush so he is not that strong in fist fighting. Other than that you can always kill him with your jungler even if he is too tanky for you.”
ShokLoL says “Ryze has a lot of push but yours is even better, and you easily outrange him the entire game. The only thing to be careful of is his point and click gank setup so stay aware of his jungler.”
vSomnia says “If he uses E on the wave and doesn't hit you. You can look to make a trade since his W will only slow you. If he snairs you you lose the lane. Try to dodge his Q's and look for short trades in and out. I'd suggest, once you can one shot the caster minions. To perma shove and look for opportunities. ”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Ryze, you have a similar matchup like Kassadin's one, Ryze is an late game scaling champ so early is weak, but he have great poke and a cc, but if you play against it and away from your cs you have not a difficoult lane”
Axsanea says “[EN]
D.SHILD, SECOND WIND, and unless you don't miss your "E" and your burn his bone plating previously, you can win a trade, however he will be all the time poking you down, and also out pushing you totally if you max "W" you will never ever have prio by your own unless your jungler creates a pyshological pressure on him, if you max "Q" you will be able to farm more comfortable. If you try to all-in him and you fail your "E" he will GIGA PUNISH YOU, in long trades he will also destroy you, so is pretty difficult matchup.
D.SHILD, SEGUNDO AIRE, y a menos que no falles tu "E" y le quemes su corasa ósea previamente, puedes ganar un intercambio, sin embargo, él estará todo el tiempo pokeandote y también pusheando por completo si maximizas "W", nunca tendrás prio por tu cuenta a menos que tu jungla cree una presión psicológica sobre él, si maximizas "Q" podrás farmear más cómodamente. Si intentas hacerle all-in y fallas tu "E", te GIGA CASTIGARÁ , en intercambios largos también te destruirá, por lo que es un enfrentamiento bastante difícil.”
gaarrett says “Ryze has to either use his mana to fight you early or farm, and he's probably gonna choose to farm. Trade often but keep in mind his waveclear is better than yours unless you start getting fed. [2/5] ultimate, can be used to roam, flank, or get back to lane. Play it safe with the placement, a bad Ryze ult will get you picked off and leave your team 4v5. ”
149Gray says “He slightly outranges you and can be very annoying, but as long as you don't eat every spell he throws at you, you will sustain back up. It's hard for you to deal with him later on since he has so much health and Seraph's shield, but you still have more impact in team fights.”
SurferKiller says “Big problem if you are at Masters+. If you can't dodge his skillshots, play safe, call your jungler. You can't solo kill a good Ryze. But if he doesn't have his ult or mana, all in.”
ThelpixG says “His early game is quite weak and he's very punishable in toplane because he has no escape tools other than hi W and Phase Rush.
If he wastes his W or procs his Phase Rush just call your jungler for easy kills.
He can beat you in waveclear early but he doesn't deal much damage untill he gets some items so you can most likely beat him early if you land your E.
Comet is quite good against him but you can also take First Strike or Grasp.”
Halkem says “He wants to scale too so it's not that bad getting to your spikes against him. You both have similar pushing power, but his is a little bit better so he usually will get to move first. This matchup in the end is a lot about following him when he goes for R plays. Warding the lane helps vs him.”
Iceyou says “Very annoying , Fast cause of phase rush , surprisingly tanky after catalyst can easily kill you 1v1 if you haven't poked him good enough first . Don't take this lane too serious play for your team and just chain cc him if he is the enemy carry on teamfights. Once more allow him the push and call for ganks .”
The Milelator says “Ryze isn't played too often, however if you have to play vs him it won't be easy. Only trade with him, once his W (his prison) is down. You can try to all in with E and R to burn his flash. Push waves and roam.”
WarwicksSimp says “Dodge or go peel build.
Pretty difficult as he kites you hardcore, locks you down and damages you like crazy. He can easily go anti heal and stop your existence too. He is a strong playmaker ontop of that. All while being a hyperscaler.”
FrostbiteMW says “He is weak early-mid game. After 6 you can easily all-in him. Once hes stunned/slowed he has no way of escaping, since he has no real kind of CC.”
FrostbiteMW says “His early game isnt that great, making it easy for you to poke him and snowball in lane. After 6 you can still easily poke with R - Q.”
Tokiyami says “Ryze poke is actually very obnoxious early because he will just spam W's and E's on you just respect his poke even though he seems bad the champ is actually good into yours. You can usually run him down at lvl 6 if you hit all your abilities.”
Lindroganti says “He doesn't have the range to kill you. He has to set up his root, jump on him and he'll just root you while you stun him. Attack him while you're rooted and you win.”
stormraided says “Kind of like Kassadin in a way, because he can infinitely scale, but easier, stand behind creeps, but not next to them, you can trade and play normally but don't go for extended fights, all in when you get ult.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Early stage of the game he can kite you out a bit, don't get punished too hard and later on in the game you will slow him enough that he won't be able to kite you.”
Wraithlander says “He's actually quite good at trading into Sylas as his root will shutdown any engage if you miss your chain. Look to play for skirmishes and jungle invades as this is where he is weakest in the early game.”
sullyyylol says “Pretty passive lane, neither of you have much kill threat. Phase rush ryze is hard to get onto and later in the game he just stacks MR.”
tangerrine says “I'd say the matchup is even, but he outscales pretty hard. Pushing against him is near impossible later in the early game and he WILL roam, so get vision and try to ping. Try and get ganks when he sits in lane for too long.”
TheBougis says “Ryze isn't a very difficult match, he can do damage but not enough, he does have a lot of cc though, so be careful when you use your W.”
Rarnetto2 says “Ryze is a late game champ, who isn't easy to burst due to is often tankier item path. If you dont get ahead through he outscales you. Roaming is a challenging as he can clear waves well. Try to get assistance from jungler.”
DepresedEef224 says “He has a lot of damage, but play slow and don't try to force anything. You teamfight better, so get through lane and play the mid game better.”
Actt says “He has good tools VS most Assassins in early levels, but not enough damage. Electrocute Inspiration and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Long Sword Refillable.”
Waqql says “There isn't much you can do against a Ryze. Once he reaches his pushing potential, it becomes nearly impossible for you to do anything other than clearing minions. If the Ryze is more passive, try to make him waste his mana and dodge his Q. Avoid engaging as Mega Gnar, as he will root you and escape. From level 6 onwards, you can try to kill Ryze if you land your full combo or if the Ryze is playing poorly.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Go comet and just make sure you dont stand in your wave. He should never be in range to trade with you if you play well. You hard out poke with comet”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Don't stay near minions as he will deal AoE damage]
[Try to bait his Phase Rush then punish him]”
freuio123 says “Ist kein Champion, sein E + W ist nervig und hält dich halt ewig fest, kannst zur Not Mercs gehen ansonsten outpushst du ihn halt early und roamst. Nach 3 Items ist er halt Online irgendwann, aber bis dahin sollte Game over sein.
Mit Jungler ez kill pressure und selbst ohne geht da was, aber ich empfehle einfach wave spielen und early gewinnen mit Team.”
Anguish333 says “- If he doesnt play phase rush, you can run him down easly
- in early game wait till he pushes you under turret, he's gonna poke you with Auto W Auto
- Don't stack near minions whenever u have E mark on you
- His Q spreads on you even in Shroud
- You can cancell his W if you Shroud fast enough”
NickLeVlach says “It's just he builds a lot of HP and magic resist making your damage fall off. Should be in our favor because of rotations and early game presence.”
uwuimsocute says “Same as Orianna, you cannot really interact with him since he just combos you, you will lose half of your health and then he runs away with phase rush. If he goes conq you might be able to trade with him, but then his spacing needs to be really bad.
You kinda outscale him, so ping his roams and farm under your tower.”
Sosan says “Not the worst matchup. His root and damage, are surprisingly good. His R is great, but in soloQ its hard for him to use the full potential of it. He shouldnt be a problem, cause in the early he isnt strong and you can burst him easily.”
Cryniu says “You can poke him a lot, but keep your distance when he is closing to you. He scales very well, try to press him in early-mid game and use Mercury's treads if you are suffering. ”
TB Azir says “Klasik control mage eşleşmesi: TP al, farmla, dürt, tempo bulursan move al, tempo bulamıyorsan da en azından tempo verme hepsi bu. Range farkından ötürü karşınızda birebirde pek şansı olmayan şampiyonlardan bir tanesi fakat gidip de lane pushu verdikten sonra minyonlarla beraber üstünüze koşan Ryze'ın tüm combosunu yiyip de ''Abi hani kesin kazanıyoduk rangeden dolayı?'' demeyin. Yani kısacası minyonlarınızın arkasında(E'sini size sektiremeyecek şekilde) bir yandan push vermiyorken bir yandan da ufak ufak dürterek oynayın.
Rün: Fleet”
South Z says “Ryze can kill you pretty fast, and even faster as the game goes on. It can sometimes be really hard to approach him, as he can kite you with his movement speed and W. He also scales a lot, but you can kill him if he has a bad positioning in lane.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Take TP and play for Ults or try ganking him with your jungler. He will outscale you no matter, but you can't get an early lead so try to win the game early through your bot lane or any other fed teammate.”
kaiba77 says “Ryze is hard because he outranges you and is stronger than you early + his items are broken. he can be killed but its hard. Engage after he wastes his W slow/root.”
Nooldles says “Is ranged and can bully you early game with it. Ryze also scales very well into the game. Hard to trade into him, especially if you miss your E2. Only reliable chance to win this lane is through jungle ganks as apart from flash and phase rush (which not all Ryze players take), he doesn't really have any way to escape them.”
Boptimus says “Ryze is extremely rare but can keep you at a distance and blow through waves quickly early on. The only window you will have to fight Ryze is if his Phase Rush is down and he has already used his W. Rushing MR in this lane will allow you to farm without taking too much punishment.
You may need to pick up early waveclear (Bami's) if Ryze is permanently pushing and roaming.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute gathering. Presence cut-down.
The 1v1 is very easy especially if you have ignite and electrocute, he cannot win trades against you. He does have a lot of waveclear and gank setup so make sure to play around their jungler and call missing especially after 6.”
Deru says “Meme champ not an issue for you, just annoying early poke but you can always get on him with some tenacity. Outshove and roam before his 6.”
Deru says “Meme champ, not an issue for Singed. He has just some annoying early poke but you can always get on him with some tenacity. Outshove and roam before his 6.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Not sure about this matchup. but you need to keep your distance from the creeps, because he can win back on you with their help. They can play with the phase rush, so it's better to wait for him to leave the CD, as well as the speed buff and start playing it with a camp. He can push well and, in principle, "play" with creeps, so keep an eye on him. And also his ultimate which moves all allies (creeps too). I'm not sure that you will be able to interrupt it with your Q , but no one forbids you to dump it.”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Mayuushii says “E Q man. Use your better range to poke with Q and avoid staying near minions he will E Q. Fight to keep wave in your favor or neutral so he doesn't get to back or TP roam after 6”
Samikin says “Minor-inconvenience.
You probably won't play against good Ryze players and Ryze is really bad right now anyways. He never has enough damage to kill you. You have higher range, so just poking him with Q's and looking for E's is a good plan.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Liandry's Anguish + Cosmic Drive (Tank Killer Build)
(Ryze will most likely go Rod of Ages, if not, go the Standard Luden's One-Shot Build)”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Arguably your hardest matchup. Hes not the best champ and not better than anivia rn but as a matchup it is absolute cancer unplayable he cc's you for eternity and presses barrier or someshit and gg, if he goes roa instead of everyfrost though its freelo ”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “This is one of the few instances where Ryze beats someone up in the lane. (Shocker, I know.) It's best not to take random trades with him if it gets you too close to him. I recommend poking him from a safe distance and treating him like a disease. If you can wait for Ryze to waste his tools before you do, you could get a good gank.”
Pulgontes says “Mucho pokeo al inicio y mucho waveclear, vas a estar bajo torre toda la partida si es bueno con Ryze, asi que solo farmeá hasta que venga tu jg.
TheAfricanDream says “Take ghost in this matchup to keep up with his Phase Rush and this lane should be easy. You will be able to outrange him if you play around your max E range. Do not let him combo you as he will be able to burst you very quickly. Ryze will outscale but Swain will be much stronger in the mid-game.”
rachichu says “His mobility with Phase Rush can cause issues, but really no kill pressure on you. As of 13.1, scales a little better than you and can cause issues if your team is not prepared.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “You can Q away when he tries to combo you and your boxes can block his combo. That said, he is tanky and quite hard to deal with. If you get in E-range, he can start damaging you. ”
Cjtheawesome says “He is a scaling champion like yourself so just farm up as much as you can and try to prevent his E spread getting onto you. should be easy farm lane for 10 mins.”
Demonsedge90 says “Like Syndra, Ryze prefers the range game, but he does possess formidable strength and can be trouble for Syndra if left unchecked. Avoid getting rooted by him to avoid being trapped and ambushed by the jungle or himself. Thankfully you can poke him at a minimum safe distance and apply nearly the same or more pressure as he can.”
Atemporal says “Praticamente todo Ryze quer começar W para assediá-lo cedo com W e autos. Fique para trás, não o deixe W. Caminhe até Q os 3 lacaios corpo a corpo para acertá-los pela última vez, ele provavelmente obterá um W em você, mas tudo bem. No nível 2, você pode negociar
se você pode iscar seu W, ou se ele usa E em lacaios. Afaste-se dos lacaios para que ele não receba poke de graça em você com E Q nos lacaios. Ryze é realmente imóvel, então pousar W nele é bastante factível. Você pode fazer stuns/all ins de 2 maneiras diferentes.
Ou W de longe e entre no W o mais rápido possível antes que Ryze possa E W você. Se ele te cutucou e seu Phase Rush está em cooldown, a melhor maneira de fazer all-in é pular nele, então W. Ryze é muito lento sem Phase Rush, então
segurando W por um pouco mais de tempo permite que você bloqueie seu caminho de fuga. Se Ryze pegar Barreira Verdejante, não perca tempo cutucando-o, empurre e vagueie se ele o fizer. Neste ponto, você apenas perma empurra e procura jogadas ao redor do mapa. Se você tem um alto dmg
jungler, você pode mergulhar no Ryze, mas geralmente é melhor fazer roaming. Ryze é um campeão de mana pesado no início, então invada e negue buffs azuis, se possível. Ryze escala muito bem, mas com a construção do Nashor você pode facilmente vencê-lo
1v1 na pista lateral. Esconda-se na neblina e W nele enquanto ele está limpando as ondas. Derrube-o com os carros de Nashor. Normalmente, quando você tem 3 itens, você o vence com força. Merc Threads são muito bons, então ele não pode te encadear com Everfrost + W”
pamiclo says “mostly, cant do anything before 6 except you ask gank. he has a huge waveclear power in mid and late game. you can kill him with your ult. but dont let him pushes.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Liandry
R: Standard/Phaserush
S: TP/Cleanse
Spielt eh fast keiner aber kann dir nicht wirklich gefährlich werden solange du auf Range bleibst”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Idk where to place this one. It has been always a gp counter, as his movement speed and poke allows him to win trades and avoid your barrels easily, but he is so shitty in the early game that i would place it in minor anyways. Poke him and let champ diff do the work”
Spoomk says “The blue man group has seen better days. Dodge his dumb shit and jump him, repeat until dead. As long as you avoid his poke you should be fine and can take more than he can damage wise. Never seen a great Ryze player in action, especially one that knows how to deal with Rakan engage, and you probably won't either.”
Xelikari says “This guy will MERK you. He shoves super fast and deals tons of damage to you while he does that so, best of luck. Take the Magic Resist Shard in your runes and consider taking Nullifying Orb as well, especially if they have a second AP threat. Merc Treads are a good first pickup here straight into Hextech Rocketbelt, and I like to take Phase Rush in this matchup so I have the ability to get onto the Ryze once I land an E.
If you’re top lane, call your jungler up because you’ll be able to kill him repeatedly. If you’re mid lane, it’s much tougher to kill him without CC-- I usually look to roam and take Electrocute instead as trying to win lane is pretty difficult and almost requires him to mess up really bad.”
sapphire__lol says “Can cancel your jump with his e w also has good push into you. On the other hand he is very vunearable to ganks and all ins. If ryze is really good hes favoured for sure.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate Realm Warp(R) is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
Adamonias says “Good Ryze you lose Bad Ryze you win. That's really all to say. Phase rush smurf ryze's will destroy and outscale you. Bad ryzes will sit and eat poke when they try to farm.
Late game he will just melt teams but if he's behind enough you should be ok.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate Realm Warp(R) is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate Realm Warp(R) is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate Realm Warp(R) is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate Realm Warp(R) is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
NegativePhoenix says “NEVER underestimate Ryze. He might have a low winrate but that doesn't mean he won't whoop you if you let him. His combo power is nuts and overall he just outdamages you and can poke you just as much if not more than you can. Later he might be more managable but play safe in the lane.”
Body Those Fools says “He's not really a champion right now (like low 40% w/r or something lol). You outrange him early, so just poke him down. His waveclear is annoying after he gets Tear and Lost Chapter, but that's about it. Don't stand near the wave when he Es it or it will spread to you and he'll Q you and the wave. Watch out for his jungler because Ryze has great gank setup with Flash E W.”
KayyeN says “Ryze doesn't deal too much damage early on. Even his range isn't huge but you can never really punish him for overstepping. As soon as you jump onto him, he will use E-W, rooting you. If he hits one more spell or attack, he may even activate his Phase Rush, making it impossible to hit more than an E and a Q on him in most circumstances.”
Zarasaras says “Against a good ryze your team is doomed he have the perma push o the wave the entire game and scales a ton
If he is bad just farm and win late game”
Super08131208 says “Getting hit by Ryze's E+Q will hurt if you take too much. Try your best to CS and stay healthy. Just avoid his combos and ask for ganks pre-6. Level 6, as long as you hit you E with your Ult. Ryze's stun and Phase Rush will not be enough to escape from you.
Zoose says “Go for quick poke trades. His short range makes hard for him to combo you without getting rocks to his face. He'll win extended trades. You can interrupt his teleport ult with your W and Ultimate.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't stand near minions]
[Try your best to cancel his ult if you see him]”
basrty1p says “Well, he can't do really much to fight you.
You have a long range, easy to play skill, Stun CC, better him in every way.
Try to kill him after level 8 since you have a Worked Ground Q for your insane long range and DPS in late game.”
quinn adc says “Make sure to ideally land blind on Ryze first, and if you do so, you can easily win the trade because Ryze will only be able to use his Q on you, which is hard to land when he can't see you.
Next, be cautious of Ryze's flux. Don't stand near low health minions because Ryze E can spread the flux to you, and if you have flux on you, his abilites will be empowered.
Ryze W doesn't instantly root you anymore, but now, his W only roots if you have flux on you.
If Ryze uses Q or E on minions, you can safely go in for a trade and you will hard win it because PTA along with him not having one of his core abilities means that he won't be able to retaliate in time.
Ryze Q only spreads around to other enemies with flux, so it's just important not to be marked by it.
Quinn's E can cancel Ryze R, so if he channels his R, just vault him immediately.
The matchup is easy if you play aggressive in lane because Ryze is weak early on, and with PTA, Quinn has limited sustain, but incredible damage.
Constantly harrass him when you can, but ideally only when you land your blind on him first.
Make sure to get your side stepping fingers ready to juke his Qs when you consume harrier marks :) I like to walk up close to ryze and move in unpredicable patterns to bait his Q because if he Wiffs his Q and it misses you, you can now go in for a trade with PTA because you will win it.
Proc PTA and weave autos with Q and E, and then walk away to chunk Ryze without much retaliation.
Late game Ryze is scary, but honestly Quinn can win the 1v1 if you land blind on him! You are able to DPS like crazy, but just make sure to side step his Qs because late game they do incredible damage.
Build a maw if you are having trouble with him later on in the game, and mercs to help lower the duration of Ryze W root/slow.”
DabiDabi says “Getting hit by Ryze's E+Q will hurt if you take too much. Try your best to CS and stay healthy. Just avoid his combos pre-6. Level 6, if Ryze doesn't respect you and is close without a minion wave, you can all-in him as he has no escape.”
Esrucnl says “I want to say completely free, but a decent Ryze can be a bit annoying early game. He should be free to kill when you have ultimate and have some AP. It's also easy to gank for your jungler when he doesn't get the movement speed off.
However late game he becomes a bit tanky so make sure you destroy him early ”
Azurio says “Even if he don't have a lot of range, he's kinda safe in lane with phase rush or corrupt. Don't stay in waves and trade him when he combo the creeps. Go mercs fast and keep in mind his position on the map at all time.”
ddieguito_es says “You can deal tons of damage to him, and he's not specially meta in 12.23. You won't see him a lot, but he's not a problem either for you. If his poke gets too annoying, get a Doran's Shield.”
beansoce says “It's very hard to lane against a good ryze he has a lot of wave control, outranges, point and click cc and mobility. You can abuse him early when he doesnt have items, need early boots to counter his movespeed.”
Bunny Kata says “All in lvl1. He will scale way harder than you, beat you in sidelanes and oneshot everyone. Win early.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion”
Boptimus says “For the most part a pretty afk farm lane. After Mythic you should be able to beat Ryze, but after about Level 11 his damage will scale to threatening levels.
Keep your trades short and get the most out of your Phase Rush. If they're aggressive in early laning phase just sustain through your Passive/W spam.”
PanthrickTV says “Ryze can be a bit difficult because he can match your waveclear, root and disengage when you E and also has good sustained trades. I'd recommend taking TP with either 3 points Q into E max or a straight Q max and playing to pick up kills from other lanes.”
donidaking says “To be honest he s like a vladimir but just blue.
Most ryze players will run phase rush and tp as ryze outranges you he will outrade you and run away with phase rush before you can do much.
If he s a one trick it s unlikely he will die to you but it s not like he s unkillable.
Be careful of his gank setup with his W root and don t sit near minions allowing him to get free dmg on you.
If he doesn t space you correctly you can kill him.
KyogoEntity says “You can windwall his E which is what enables him to deal damage/hard cc you. If he wastes his E on the wave you can all him and play around windwall. ”
TheKingUltra says “Will wave clear very fast, and in late game he will deal a lot of damage, but except his passive his mobility is quite low try to punish him later, when phase rush and his passive are down.”
Grogroda says “Ryze is very simillar to TF, but I think he is not as effective against Galio. His ult has a smaller range, his damage is not that great, his CC is also not that great, but he does build a lot of resistance, making him very similar to Galio in a way, with the difference that you tank more and have more CC and he has more damage.”
Autolykus says “Ryze has similar mana issues as you do early on. When you gain your ult you have the ability to kill easily. Q before walking up to allow you walk up and E+W+R. This prevents his machine gun abilties from killing your voidlings and they can do a ton of damage during your ult.”
Dj Memelord says “So easy to gank and catch. Hes slighlty stronger in lane than you so you cant fistfight him. Just free farm and look to counter his roams. ”
AngelOfMoons says “Note: This is my personal choice, based on my experience against the champ and based on my play-stile. You might not find Ryze a threat.”
Bundif says “Especially since the preseason, mages like Ryze benefit from tanky stats with very little sacrifice towards their damage output. He's also a speedyboi that can sidestep your Qs.
⭐Zhonya's tankyboi”
OTP Toxin says “Ryze is annoying BUT if you keep moving you can dodge his skills EVEN if he land his slow on you (you obvious can't do anything after his snare but the rest...easy) :D ”
DaffeLaffe says “I see this as the easiest matchup on Diana, early game is definitely where you need to get some kills to snowball out of hand. Late game he can become a little threat if you didn't snowball enough early game.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Don't stay near minions or he will damage you]”
Juon says “Ryze actually hurts a lot, he has so much haste with 2 items he can repeatedly slow + burst you as well as demolishing minion waves. Run comet max W second.”
DabiDabi says “Respect his Flux. Eating too much of them can be really bad for you. If he takes two W's from you then trade with him. Otherwise wait for 6 and one shot him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Poke him, he is very weak]
[Don't stand near minions]
[Your ult can cancel his ult]”
Fake Supp says “he is just a farming machine and later he becomes not only combo machine but an immobile one too if u let him farm easily u lose if not your all-ins always work on this guy”
desch3445 says “Full AP Ryze is in fact something to scoff at! If he builds that, enjoy your sweet sweet LP gains.
Tank Ryze however is not something I recommend you scoff at, scoffing is not what I'd do, and neither should you.
You must, must, MUST kill him early, make sure he does not exist to make it to late game, or he will be an unkillable powerhouse and you will cry (I have cried many times).
Do be aware though, as for some reason Ryze does do some surprising damage early, so you're going to have to wait until you are ABSOLUTELY SURE you have the advantage. It's a wonky matchup, for sure.
Take the Electrocute page; You're going to need that early damage.”
ThePieBeam says “Really just not a problem without his team. He has an incredibly free root and moves quite fast so if you miss a Q or a W you're going to get danced around. Thankfully he doesn't do any damage until about 30min into the game so it won't be a problem until lategame, and by then you've scaled and have access to R so it's not really a problem either way. Just be careful of his ult but unless you're playing against a 5stack that's not really an issue in lower elos either.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Ryze is very vulnerable after he uses his W. Be careful to not stand too close to the minion wave so you don't get poked down too much before you go all in. Once Ryze uses his W go all in on him and do this on repeat until he is in kill range.”
lonestar1870 says “You can poke him early & have early wave priority. Slowpush, focus on farming, solokill if free.
Don't let him get ahead since he outscales, but you outrange him so you should be able to kill him at all points in the game (or at least avoid dying to him).
You get lane prio whenever you want, just be aware of ganks.
You can go PR to match his, but I prefer Electrocute for kill pressure usually. Aery and Comet are decent in higher ranks too for more kill threat and TWT.
Teleport is definitely better than ignite so you can follow roams and since you don't really need ignite to solokill him.
Desperate Nasus says “For Nasus, Ryze is a big threat. Thats why you never have kill pressure against him. Early levels try to survive using Fleet footwork and Second wind. The only kill pressure you have is with your Jungler - Support with Cc. First recall buy Boots of lucidity and try to stack as much as you can. Its pointless trying solo killing him. You wont be able to do that because of his R and Phase rush. Try to save your resources for teamfigts or objectives. Bad news are that he outscales you due to Archangel's staff. I suggest dodging the matchup above D2.”
Lowkii_d says “Point click root, makes grapple super weak and Ryze has fast movement speed with passive and phase rush. makes difficult to trade since Ryze's range is a bit higher”
CashLOL says “A relatively easy matchup for Ziggs. Do not face slam into Ryze as he will combo you to death. You bring much more to the mid game than him and can win poke trades easily. Also be careful of standing near waves or you will get poked down.”
ShokLoL says “Ryze can be a bit difficult because he can match your waveclear, root and disengage when you E and also has good sustained trades. I'd recommend taking TP with either 3 points Q into E max or a straight Q max and playing to pick up kills from other lanes.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Kinda poke heavy lane depending on the ryze himself,his root is the problem,a small trick you can do is try getting as close as possible when you apprehend him into yourself so that you can simoultaneously crippling stirkehim as hes casted the root to keep up with him and finish off your trade,maybe even potentially killing him if you get lucky, mercs helps alot vs his root so if you're really having troubles don't hesitate to snatch the mercs.All ins are obviously in your favor.During trades try saving the pull by just running into him,if hes dumb enough he might even let you aa him where u then u can start w and go for a kill,as he roots you wait for the root to end and immediately Apprehend him and finish him off.
Dshield or Dblade.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield in resolve second wind and unflinching
ryze is basically kassadin but without blinks,so just freeze the lane and wait for him to miss.
you can block his Q and E”
pwins says “Zoe can easily outrange Ryze and abuse him in lane. However you still must be careful since he can dish out serious damage as the game goes long and Ryze can definitely roam faster than Zoe does. Again, communication is key when playing against Ryze!”
Miscake says “Você toma outrange e ele proca phase rush muito mais rápido, de modo que na maioria das trocas você não consegue nem revidar. Ele tem mais push e mais pressão de roaming pós-6, não tem nenhum setup de runas ou itens que seja capaz de lidar com isso. Injogável sem interferência de jungler.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Annoying champion due to his point and click hard CC gank setup. He is basically a more mobile Lissandra with more damage but less CC. Windwall when he snares you to avoid his EQ damage chunk. At level 3 you can go on him once you have windwall and chunk him out heavily. Don't stand in the wave when hes wave clearing or else you will get hit by a free EQ so make him chose to either harass you or push the wave.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “He is very annoying early game. He just hard pushes you in. This matchup is a lot easier with Lethal
Tempo, but he still does a decent amount of damage. Don't let him harass you for free. Don't stand near the
wave when he EQs or you will get hit too. You can kill him at level 6 if he mis-steps or overstays. If he
tries to Ult away, Q3 or ult him and his ult will be cancelled.”
Katawina52 says “killable and gankable especially if he goes damage rune instead of phase rush. Kinda annoying lane pre 6 while he has root up, so try avoiding it until you are level 6 or until you make a play with your jungler (your 2v2 is 1000x better than ryze early so keep that in mind and use that to ur advantage)”
PlayCabex says “you need to play a bit more safer with him than other champions because he can outrange you with his combo (cc , e and q) try get your boots and hextech protobelt asap then you can just go all in”
eiensiei says “Early on I'll deal more damage with E-AA than he does, so I'll do my best to harass him then. After he gets Catalyst of Aeons (which is pretty early), I'll stop having any sort of kill pressure on him. He's never really my priority in teamfights as far as damage is concerned (he'll have RoA, Seraph's, Zhonya's), I'll just be a CC bot and land my Q-E and zone him so that the rest of my team can hopefully deal with him.”
xblademojo says “Ryze DPS in early game against you is sick, its a literal machinegun that pokes you through the wave 24/7 and outrades you. Here I would just consider full AP to be a dangerous threat against him. But you might be lacking sustain without jungler pressure.”
TygoVe says “You both have different advantages over eachother. Ryze is stronger than you in the early levels, but later on he will have to (almost) come into your ult range in order to deal damage to you, so you can easily shut him down. A problem with Ryze is though, that he can easily kill your voidlings with his EQ, and he also matches your scaling. If he buys a QSS, this might be a big problem”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Here the main problem is, that whenever you try to face-to-face fight him during early or mid game, he will block some part of your damage with his shield, which makes him hard to kill. In addition he can pull off a lot of damage on you in order to harass you. Another thing is, that he can roam early, which might snowball their entire team, but if he doesn't, you will simply outscale and once when you get your Lich Bane, he will have problems even in face-to-face fight, because your damage output will mostly be way better.”
Avucado says “Go E and look to get early damage off. You can walk up to q -> e or hook into e, but if you don't land it you will be taking a horrible trade.
He can match roams pretty well with his R but is easy to kill with others around. Ask for ganks because he has no escapes. ”
LunarVortex says “Ryze's laning phase is pretty bad, he will struggle mana a lot, and he also cannot really dodge your Q. However, he will outscale you significantly, so try to not drag the game out too much. Abuse his weak laning phase with your jungler and then help them take dragons and heralds to accelerate the game.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This is a standard matchup, no need to rush specific items. Just follow the standard build path. Be careful for his 1v1, if the Ryze is good you will never win in a 1v1 scenario.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Ryze is a bit tricky since he has had his recent change. His waveclear is now extremely good and his trade potential is good too, even early game. The only thing I would suggest is make quick trades against him. Try to dodge his Q when you do chain though so you avoid a bit of his damage. ”
Yeager says “Take cleanse and buy mercury's treads. You outrange him with the ball, so he can be zoned in the laning phase.
He has a lot of damage, so if he somehow closes the gap and gets within range, he will nuke you down, and it becomes hard to trade back because of his shield and speedboost from passive and phase rush.
Keep your distance and use the range advantage to win the matchup. ”
Urpog says “Ryze has an animation when he's stunning you he's rooted in place, if you manage to buffer his root before he's ran off with phaserush then you absolutely delete him, you do have to be mindful of this though because you can miss this - it isn't a guaranteed animation, I think to guarantee this you have to cast your E as if Ryze is about to try and combo you, literally casting your E before they've used their root, if you're unable to do this then the lane is absolutely unplayable, most jungles understand you should gank the Ryze though so have hope.”
Dj Memelord says “completly takes a fat dump on you during laning phase. Consider going tp so u can get back to lane. You can go second wind here as well. Ryze makes for a great ban aswell.”
XayLies says “Should be bullied because his AA / Q / E are simply blocked by you Wind Wall so he can't do anything and barely even snare you. Warn your team when he reaches 6 because he might use it to roam into Drake / Herald.
Season 11: Now Ryze has become a Monster in Late game thanks to the new items, he climbs up to Even.”
iZianni says “Outranged, it's just he builds a lot of HP and magic resist making our damage fall off.
Should be in our favor because of rotations and early game presence. Mid-late, he gets outranged still making it hard for him to have a big impact.”
ShokLoL says “The 1v1 is very easy especially if you have ignite and electrocute, he cannot win trades against you. He does have a lot of waveclear and gank setup so make sure to play around their jungler and call missing especially after 6.”
leonidas44 says “You need to kill him before the mid/late game. If he farms and take you down he will be hard to burst him. He can protect himself with his w stun and with his movement speed. if you caught him with your w he cant do much. If you get level 2 first, engage him.”
Kords says “The annoying thing about Ryze is that he has great gank set up. He can be really obnoxious to trade as he runs away with Phase Rush, should you stun him, as of now, you should win the trade. He can follow your roams as he has good waveclear and can follow with ult, but you are the MUCH better teamfighter because you have more AoE, but focusing him down wont hurt since he is gold hungry and scales really well into mid-late game with his AoE, nearly as much as a mage version of Twitch or Kog’Maw.”
ShokLoL says “Syndra is really good against Ryze, you heavily out range him and make teamfighting very difficult for him. You must be careful of his gank setup and roam potential, those are the only things he can do in this matchup.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “such a hard matchup you cant even get to him. You have to be sneaky if you want to kill him. don't ban him because he is rarely played in the top lane”
ShokLoL says “In pure 1v1 this matchup is Ryze favored because he can easily outpush and outfarm you. He is extremely gankable though and if you ever catch him with a chain at any point in the game your team can easily kill him.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Ryze agressivará contra Katarina com W nos níveis iniciais e depois E+Q nos minions mais próximos para te dar dano e puxar a lane ao mesmo tempo. O segredo para vencê-lo é aguardar o uso do seu Q, para depois avançar nele, fazê-lo gastar seu W (Rune Prision) quando você gastar seu EW em cima dele, pois assim, não terá como ele fugir do dano e você conseguirá posicionar QE + AA e ignite (ou junto com R caso esteja nível 6+) para finalizá-lo. Caso faça isso apenas para dar troca de dano, no período, a habilidade Q do Ryze ainda estará em cooldown, possibilitando que você dê dano e volte sem ter sofrido muito dano na troca. A troca deve ser feita se for vantajosa ou se for para matá-lo. No nível 6, dê preferência a um item como o Alfanje para que ele não escape da sua ultimate pois ele recebe velocidade de movimento com suas habilidades (Q). Abuse de roaming pois ele não conseguirá te seguir, a não ser com teleporte. Caso ele use teleporte no meio do percurso do seu gank, tente o mais rápido possível eliminar o time dele para que assim que o Ryze chegar você possa ou escapar dele ou matá-lo junto com seu time. Em teamfights se posicione contra ele sempre que necessário, visto que ele não pode parar a ultimate da Katarina com nenhuma de suas habilidades. Aproveite sempre que ele estiver com mal posicionamento. Ryze é um campeão que se destaca sozinho e que consegue ficar splitando e crescer rápido, por conta disso é muito chato, mas não é um problema tão alto se você não for solado nos níveis mais baixos. O potencial de perigo de Ryze é de igual para igual visto que ele também possui dano base muito alto, além de recuperação de vida, velocidade de movimento, escudo e ainda contar com muita resistência, Ryze só tem uma desvantagem que é a sua ultimate. ”
Elite500 says “I perma bann ryze, fuck this blue shitboy, a perfect ryze player will never die to you and can zone you off every cs, he just slightly outranges you and has disgusting cc, dps, mobility, very hard matchup, you can abus him early but once he gets his upgraded staff you can say goodnight, need cdr to coutner him in sidelane”
Dr Eggmund says “Don't under estimate his early game damage, He relies on mana so make him waste it early if he has to, just stay alive, punish him when he moves close and all in him at 6 as his ult means nothing against yours in fights. Build as much damage as you can early and beat him across the game.”
Ambitieux says “Ryze is mostly a skill matchup like the terror Anivia. Only difference is he can out damage you very quickly in fights and you need to be careful when taking these trades. Hiding behind minions works for the most part, but your power spike when fighting him is before his tear. And lvl 6 due to ur mobility. If possible try to poke him out in lane while last hitting, and you can easily out roam him. If he carries cleanse just play for other lanes. But if he carries tp/ignite you may try to take favorable fights. (If landed charm or such)”
iZianni says “You outrange, he outscales but his range is so shit that it doesn't matter.
He should never be able to play this champion into the current meta or your champion.
Play around E windows and avoid getting rooted by maintaining a safe distance.
One shot this champion easily.
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
D-Shield + 2nd Wind is key.
Farm up, get some cats ready and try to land E or W, if you wall him force his flash or kill him.
kindo says “Farm lane - any time you try to trade, he will E/W/Q and phase rush away. Otherwise, he can just spam E/Q to waveclear and leave lane. You will win all-ins vs. Ryze at any given time unless he gets a lead, but he shouldn't given that you're rotating to plays first. If Ryze ever engages on you without phase, you can run him down with ease. Q to dodge any of his Qs and you won't worry about being outdamaged. ”
Coldsong says “Ryze used to be a bad matchup for Talon, but after the removal of his instant root and shield, he is much more forgiving to lane against. Make sure to stand away from minions so that his E doesn't bounce onto you, since his Q will automatically bounce to you for free poke, as well as allowing him to potentially root you with his W.”
DemonDiana says “Ryze will look to push you in and he is slippery, but is weak if you can stick to him. Don't get poked out or let him crash the wave into you, repeatedly. Preferably, you'd want to keep the wave near yout tower, but not under it as Ryze is most vulnerable to you punishing his push/your jungler ganking/etc. He isn't strong early and will often want to greed for Tear stacks/cs. ”
Marxismo says “He will punish your CS heavily early, but you will outscale him harshly, and at 6 you just beat him as long as you can get on top of him.”
resetwice says “He can poke and CC you hard (also phase rush give him movespeed) so you can start with doran’s shield. His roams are interesting for a mage with his R. Pay attention on you minions to not get poked with his Q. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Ryze is only hard when the enemy knows what he's doing. Matchup goes down to whoever bursts down the other first. Ryze of course has tools like Phase Rush (if he's running it) or his root. Try to do a small trade where you win, then ult him. Don't get poked out before it. Reminder that Ryze is also a scaling god, so don't be too cocky later on.”
Sylvan Lore says “Due to his low range, this is a matchup that Orianna excels in. You can bully him early as long as you don't let him spread his E from minion kills onto you. You should be able to zone him from minion wave or kill him and get substantial leads. Also at 6 he doesn't get a combat Ult so it is a great time to engage him. The only thing you really have to worry about is that you cannot match him in a side lane at 6 items if thats where the game ends up.
Recommend: Cleanse or Ignite depending on your confidence in the matchup and Dmg Build with Merc Treads. ”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Maybe I am just bad but I find Ryze lanes so very difficult. Due to phase rush it's challenging to land bombs on him. He spam shoves the wave and out scales you like crazy.”
TrueSatan666 says “Usually every Ryze I've been against will constantly try to trade and never farm and that's when this build in particular shines.
They underestimate your tankiness a lot and end eating more than they can handle, if you can dodge his Q's on a basis and stay away from your minions so he won't Spell flux chain you.
The moment he couldn't mark or missed a Q, that's the best opportunity to punish him early on, dart and auto his bald head, but return don't get too excited unless you're certain you can kill him.”
Impossible2Gank says “Ryze puts up a lot pressure in lane and you're helpless until you can get items to help with wave push but until then consider the lane one-sided so just look for jungle to help and try to play around your boxes. ”
VyoS says “Ryze will poke you really hard, so only go in when you're full-life. Try to dmg him a bit in lane first before you go in.
When you're not fed you can't kill him when he's fullife and plays his Champion right. ”
duhnx says “ Scales hard and can root you to stop early fights. Try to get ganks and roams off and push him behind to slow his scaling. Don't let him split push and be careful when you get to late game.”
richardlized says “Fairly easy matchup, since Ryze lost his defensive items in s11 and is very easy to kill. Level 1 and 2 you have to just chill and farm with Qs. Once you hit level 3, look for an easy all in once he misses a spell. You can just run them down if that happens. Note that you should never let him farm up because he has very good waveclear and outscales even a strong late game champion like zed. ”
Katasandra says “[1] Waveclear fest.
[2] If he E's, make sure to stay away from the minions so it doesn't spread to you.
[3] Very immobile and vulnerable to ganks.”
Thresh Mid says “Ryze can be difficult if you stand on top of the minion wave, and output of damage can outdo you early game. All ins level 6 and beyond are easy, walk up to him pull up The Box and you can flay him into the wall while auto attacking to whittle him down.”
xMetix says “His root and wave control make him very safe but he's a very hard champion to pilot so you can abuse mispositioning and overextending. With recent Phase Rush nerfs I expect him to be much easier.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) you dont really have a lot of kill pressure because he can just E W AA and proc his Phase rush and run away, but poking him works very well and diving him is quite easy too, would recommend cleanse/ignite.”
Nanelol says “Ryze is an extremely complex matchup involving proper spacing and champion placement at every second of the lane. A good Ryze is nearly unbeatable, but a bad Ryze is nearly unlosable. Take the Fleet page with MR.”
TheSecretsWithin says “With insane wave clear with his double-E-Q combo, and point-and-click root, it is hard to deny that Ryze is one of the more annoying matchups. His spamming of abilities can easily overwhelm a Kassadin in the laning phase, just play safe and poke with Q. Don't forget that you can actually cancel his R with your Q, so try to minimize his roaming potential with this info. ”
Nanelol says “Ryze is easy. You outrange him, he is squishy and his damage is consistent. In other words he needs you locked down to do damage. As such, utilize the jump in jump out poke style and you should be fine.”
TheEnglishman says “This matchup is so volitile I honestly don't think it has a winner. It's so team and game dependant with both of you wanting to do a similar thing that the set threat level means nothing.
This is also true for most other mids I left out suck as lissandra and corki.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite, Flash Ghost or Flash Teleport. Phase Rush.
He outranges you and will punish you if you walk up too much. He has no form of sustain so taking bad trades isn't the worst during laning phase. He will outscale you in an 1v1 but you do outscale him in teamfights.”
Sanctuar says “Ryze can be very dangerous once he gets his roaming on at lvl 6 due to his ultimate. Since he is running low on cooldowns on his abilities due to his kit, it is very hard to lane against him. Max Q first and farm safely into the mid-game.”
Vispectra says “Not a particularly hard match up but RESPECT his damage, he will deal quite a bit. You should be alright in lane although don't expect any kill pressure on this man , he will proc phase and run away. Around level 11 you'll have enough CD in R to be able to catch up to him and finish the job.”
qosmox says “Try to contest the push early while staying as healthy as you can. If he lets you push so you get lvl 2 first, then look for a taunt while he’s still lvl 1, if he doesn’t let you, then just keep farming while positioning your Q as far up as possible and looking for chances to drag it through him and look for a taunt lvl 3+. If you get a good start to trades you can win early game vs ryze, and you need to do this because he will outscale you. There’s a lot of difference between a good and a bad ryze. This matchup can be one of the easiest if he gives you openings to take extended trades, or hard if he doesn’t.”
DebilekLaZe says “You get outranged and outdamaged. The only time you have a chance is early, try to go for even trades early and use your sustain to outlast him in lane.”
bive says “You can shove him in lane by starting Q or trade with E, but if he gets a kill with or without gank he will carry harder in team fights. New ryze spell combo can kill u at lvl 2; keep track of his stacks by trading only when he has 2 stacks or less pre 6 or 1 stack or less when he has ult. When he is shielded, back far away from him. Get ganks. Ult right away if he catches u at 6, dont pick lulu into him”
cookanarities says “Farm lane - any time you try to trade, he will E/W/Q and phase rush away. Otherwise, he can just spam E/Q to waveclear and leave lane. You will win all-ins vs. Ryze at any given time unless he gets a lead, but he shouldn't given that you're rotating to plays first. If Ryze ever engages on you without phase, you can run him down with ease. Q to dodge any of his Qs and you won't worry about being outdamaged.”
TheWerefloof says “Low mobility, but he does have a Point n Click CC. Phase Rush can make it harder to return trades, but over all I've never struggled against him. His 6 doesn't bring any value to his kit in fights, and his mobility is lackluster.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Ryze is an extremely complex matchup involving proper spacing and champion placement at every second of the lane. A good Ryze is nearly unbeatable, but a bad Ryze is nearly unlosable. Take the Fleet page with MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “El rango de Ryze es pequeño, nosotros lo superamos por mucho, en general resulta fácil, a menos que nos aplique un poco de CC donde podremos recibir algo de daño.”
Boomblight says “keep in mind that jax e dodges Ryze q and you will never lose 1v1, always focus him in teamfights, he will become troublesome in teamfights late game.”
Oxydation says “Dont fight him level 1-2, because he has range advantage. Level 3-18 you can just engage him with Q slow and E and kite him with your W , because he need to hit Q and E you. Level 6 you can kill him easy.”
Little Planet says “Ryze has similar levels of waveclear, he scales like a monster and he's great at getting out of your combo early on.
Only option is to play through fog of war or impact other lanes.”
Joseph Evanss says “He kinda out trades you early on but after Berserkers + Zeal it becomes easy, but then hard again if he buys Frozen Heart. You don't out scale so just beg your jungler to put him behind. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield or D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “a bit hard to lane due to his root, but you can look for 2v2 fight in jungle, you will be better than him in mid game, which is your chance to put him behind and end”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Shouldnt be hard to kill him at lvl 3/4 all in he would die if you play it right. But latter he can be a problem because he does alot of burst damage”
7daysko says “He's in a pretty bad state this meta, but he still has quite the damage. You easily out-trade him though, and he doesn't move around much if chaining his skills. This means you get a free stun.”
JoshAy says “Like Kassadin he outscales you. His ult is also awful to steal and is only good for flanks, roams, or getting to lane faster. His poke, waveclear, and crowd control is a nightmare if he is good. You will need to try burst him before his Root combo or everfrost. ”
The Jhin Cena says “Take the Fleet Footwork Laning Runes. Laning against a Ryze mainly comes down to wave manipulation. Since Ryze can quickly crash your wave in, you have to be careful on not recalling when he is still present in the lane since you will lose a lot of farm. Similar to most ranged match ups, levels 1-3 you need to play safely so that by the time you hit your level 3 power spike you can begin to trade. While Ryze has a lot of poke, it is fairly easy to dodge. If you see a rune under yourself, just step away from the rest of the minions so you don't fall victim to the chain reaction. Trade with your typical E > Stacked Q combo, and you can snap back before he roots you or stay aggro depending on how fed he is. Do keep in mind that you can interrupt Ryze's teleport with your Stacked Q or your Ultimate. ”
Mpegial says “His early levels are fairly easy to deal with, but he has a great deal of area damage that is hard to avoid, baiting him should be pretty easy because most Ryze players want to get the E combo.”
Zileni says “Stand away from your minions at all costs, just safely Q it. You should be able to win any trade besides the fact he's gonna W you before you go in. Try to get a E on him fast enough so that you are on top of him when he W's you. He is really immobile so easily calling your jungler should help.”
xoonaka says “He has poke, and a point and click snare, Can be quite annoying but as long as you don't get poked too much, you should be able to kill him.”
mihaila says “Great ult to steal. Ryze is pretty weak in this season so he is pretty squishy and he dont have mana to stay in lane vs sylas. Take tp. Jungle based.”
XD001 says “You can consistently take good trades when you know his W is down. Levels 1-3 play safe and then start to combo him from there. Play around his phase rush cooldown. If he is playing safe just match his shove and look to roam. Late game you can still 1 shot him and other squishies.
Ryze outscales.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Luciiid says “Very weird matchup. Similar to brand that he has all point and click abilities. If he gets a small lead its hard to come back. Get a gank. Kill him. Then its a free lane.”
Cayteer says “Pick Phase Rush against him , always. He is too big of a lane bully for you to do something. When he doesn't have his W and Phase Rush , punish him with your pull combo.”
Noodles912 says “He has CC and a ton of waveclear. He also can roam a lot. Play safe, and look to fake roams to bait his ult. Try to look for burst, and stay away from your minion wave. Mercs is a great option against ryze. ”
FerretInADurag says “Not a terrible threat early, but he outscales you. He's relatively beefy late game, so don't 1v1 him. Tenacity and Serylda's Grudge are good against him.”
elnino9 says “Keep an eye out for the splash damage on the minions. Don't get into his snare range, it gets ugly. You can setup Q dagger on minions and go in and out but expect to take damage back or get rooted, not reliable method unless he burns his cooldowns. At level 6, you can all-in if you are even with him or ahead. Combo against ryze - E-W-R. Once he walks out of range of ult, Q-E. Merc treads is a great purchase VS ryze.”
PASS10NE says “Very squishy champion, but will also kite you with Phase Rush. Once you have two points of passive at him, try to Q him since he will lose half of his hp from your W + Q + AA + Electrocute. Go Corruption potion when up against Ryze.”
Lot of Wind here says “You can block his burst with your wall, which makes this matchup is easy. Note that his W will do a lot of damage late game and is unblockable.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “A good Ryze is rare, watch out for his spread (E) and you are good to go. Never let him root you, if he does a short root, spam your move button and sidestep his Q. Keeping your distance is the most important thing in this lane. You outteamfight him, but he should win the splitpush so group up with your team and. he is easy to kill with R and your jungler.”
GeDBo says “Equal match up. Some say Ryze is a no skill champion, but I have played enough games with Ryze to know that this isn't true. Ryze is the same as Azir when it comes to their duty in the game - farm, poke and win late game. All I can say it really depends on the player's skill in this match up. One thing that I think Azir has an advantage in, is that Ryze has almost no mobility. Unless he has flash, he can't escape a successful gank. If he uses his ultimate you can push him out of it with your ultimate. Ward and ask you jungler for help if necessary. Use the Electrocute rune page in this match up.”
The Jhin Cena says “Ryze is simply a really poke-heavy champion with massive burst damage even if he isn't fed. Expect to struggle CSing, even under the turret where he will poke you nonstop. It is however fun if Ryze teleports a bunch of low-HP champions away from the fight, but you make it to the teleport location in time to ult and get a triple kill or something. Anyway, all I can suggest in fighting him is to try and take advantage of his lack of mobility. In this way, you can more easily hook/dash combo him under the turret, and possibly get a kill that way. Also, try to get your jungler's help as often as possible.”
Coldsong says “Ryze used to be an annoying matchup, but after the removal of his instant root and shield, this matchup got way easier. Make sure to stand away from minions so that his E doesn't bounce onto you, since his Q will deal a bunch of damage.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) you dont really have a lot of kill pressure because he can just E W AA and proc his Phase rush and run away, but poking him works very well and diving him is quite easy too, would recommend cleanse/ignite.”
tomzieE says “runes - conq, triumph, alacrity, stand; taste, ravenous
his q got kind dmg, when he uses it, you can go for him
he will poke u from start”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Flash + TP]
You can start E and hookshot onto him. You outscale him and beat him early. Just try to keep track of the enemy jungler so you don't die. You can get early prio in this lane and invade the enemy jungler with yours.”
Hiimkata says “Easly killable and gankable especially if he goes conqueror instead of phase rush. Kinda annoying lane pre 6 while he has root up, so try avoiding it until you are level 6 or until you make a play with your jungler (your 2v2 is 1000x better than ryze early so keep that in mind). Once you have Bork/Wits end it shouldn't be hard so look for all in oneshots when you have it”
Tunabros says “Stay away from your minions. He won't be able to kill you in laning phase (he needs to scale) but he can harass you pretty well. It is safe to hard push. Be careful to not get rooted. ”
KataTocDo says “Hard to solo kill. Try to farm with him until your jungle ganks. He is scary late game with the new season 11 items.
Runes: Conq-Dom or ELec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield”
J0hnny Joestar says “Ryze top is quite rare but he can poke you quite well while also beign able to escape ganks with his R. He's very squishy tho so if catch him off guard it's over for him. ”
Jnewbringspain says “This is a pretty even matchup. You can get caught by him pretty easily if you start missing Rupture, and his sustained damage is a problem because he tends to sit just outside your Feral Scream range. Avoid his skillshots and don't stand next to your own minions. Try to be the aggressor and land your shots first, get a quick combo in, and disengage before he locks you down.”
Yamikaze says “Let him shove in lvl 1. You have a window to all in at lvl 2. From lvl 3 the lane becomes super hard. His kit is really strong against short ranged champions, so we want to let him push and be safe close to our tower. Ask for jungle help or wait for mistakes.”
Dannala says “Even when building mage killer this is a painful match up; Constantly being snared prevents SQ and SE, and going near minions to life steal in spider form is dangerous from his AoE, which also kills your spiderlings. He seems to lack in damage during preseason past lvl 6, we will see how this develops.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Levels 1-5 he might... might stand a chance. Once you have ult he is hopelessly outmatched. He has shit mobility in comparison to you and he is squishy. Anytime he is remotely pushed in or out of position dive him. Abuse him like free gold he is.”
rajsovsky says “If he's not too good it's acutally easy matchup for you. You can trade with him even without items. If he know how to play Ryze it gets a little bit harder, but still should be easy if he doesn't get any random kills.”
invalidd says “If you know how the champion's heat bar works it's not an impossible matchup, his spells are enhanced when the bar's orange and he can only
use melee attacks when it's red, so you're looking to trade when it's not orange, your passive is very op in this matchup as well, the more levels he
gets the harder it gets to trade vs him because of his tankiness and shields. Easy to setup ganks on.
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs Ryze: Alejate de los minions cuando el pushee, lo mejor que puedes hacer es que cuando llegues al lvl6 esperar que gaste Su E en los minions e inmediatamente tradear cortamente contra el y regresar para repetir el proceso. (compra hielo eterno)”
Zenzyx says “If you're having trouble with Ryze you can rush wits end but as long as Ryze doesn't rune trap you under tower you will be fine, just make sure to go all in once he uses his 1 cc ability.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- This lane is just both players trying to push each other in
- Try to land Q on the minions when he's standing in them for extra damage
- You win trades if you land you CC
- Play around jungle
- You're much stronger than him early and only get outscaled very late into the game
- Save CC for his ultimate to cancel it”
Big Shawn says “Ryze is still broken. Trading against him is NOT fun at all. His point and click Stun is no fun to face, therefore playing passively will be your playstyle for your match.”
Scyrine says “Ryze is only difficult to play against if you allow him to poke you. Usually waiting until you have your R to full burst him is the best, but if hes using all of his abilities on minions, engage him. ”
BCota says “Annoying af pokes you early and has good sustain. Scales really well, you will never oneshot him late but you can early if you get a gank or if you get him low enough somehow. Pre-6 stay away from your minions so he has to choose to poke you or farm. Hes gonna perma push so just freeze under tower and wait for jg or just perma farm. You are better than him in teamfights so scale and wait for your chance. Late game you can duel him if you have Spirit visage but you NEED to ignite him to reduce his healing and it will be fairly close as to who wins. Cannot lane against him tho so just scale”
Chili Dog says “I perma bann ryze, fuck this blue shitboy, a perfect ryze player will never die to you and can zone you off every cs, he just slightly outranges you and has disgusting cc, dps, mobility, very hard matchup, you can abuse him early but once he gets his upgraded staff you can say goodnight, need cdr to counter him in sidelane. Both runes are viable.”
FalleN3 says “Ryze is very weak early game so you need to take advantage of this as he will outscale you a LOT in the late game. He gets tanky as the game progresses so ask your jungler for some help to get ahead of him early.”
Sushi_Cat says “Very annoying champion, almost impossible to engage on him once he gets Tear. Hard shove waves so he'll be forced to last hit under tower. He'll either miss a ton of minions or use up a ton of mana to do this. Other than that small strategy for pre-Tear Ryze, look for roams. Since you won't get anywhere with even a half decent Ryze. ”
vCraze says “Ryze is a very easy matchup as you have a massive range advantage on him and he is fairly weak early. You can punish him from a very early stage with your pushing power. Do not let him to get control of the wave and dictate the lane. Keep the lane on his side if possible to make him use mana on the wave and watch out to make sure his you have his E mark on you, if you do move out of the wave so the Q does not bounce to you.”
Sadkid says “Ryze is easy. You outrange him, he is squishy and his damage is consistent. In other words he needs you locked down to do damage. As such, utilize the jump in jump out poke style and you should be fine. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Takes a while to scale (like you) and also does a lot of AOE damage. You outtrade him in early game as you get a shield but late game he actually gets quite tanky and you might not be able to erase him in a single combo. He can also blow your team up lategame :/. But you can do that too.”
WolfRider01 says “Unless you royally screw this lane up, you win this easily. You can shut him down early. Once you're ahead, transfer your lead to one of the side lanes (Top or Bot, likely a good idea to transfer it Bot side). Ryze will scale, so if you shut him down early, you will slow his scaling down. He will eventually hit a powerspike, so be ready for that if the game goes on long enough for that. Be careful of ganks.”
economistastonks says “He is a possible counter, but only if the games goes for too long. Else, he is annoying because of his point and click cc, but he lacks damage early on. ”
ZeMoller says “Ryze has to come into r range to use his combo, which gives you the perfect chance to you ur ultimate or return fire with ur other abilities. Ryze can't just straight run you down or burst you down like syndra or leblanc, which makes it a pleasant laning experience aswell.”
Lunasta says “Try to stay safe and wait for your jungler or push against him and force him to waste his mana to clear wave, be very careful with him as your attempts to combo him can almost always result in failure”
SkellyBirb says “Ryze will struggle a lot early on to deal with you. He struggles with mana and he can't burst you. Use your shrines to deal with his poke and win trades.”
Frixen says “You can beat him until he gets his tear. Then it's over. Beating him pre tear is fairly easy. Just push hard, make him cs under turret, poke him, attack his mana pool. After he gets his tear, get 6 and get out.”
FalleN3 says “Laning phase should be ok against Ryze but you will need to kill him ASAP in order to get enough of an advantage to kill him a little bit later. He gets very tanky and you will likely struggle to bring him from 100-0 unless he is very far behind. He will outscale you a LOT so be sure to identify the time where you cannot trade with him anymore and go pick up some kills elsewhere on the map.”
FalleN3 says “Laning phase should be ok against Ryze but you will need to kill him ASAP in order to get enough of an advantage to kill him a little bit later. He gets very tanky and you will likely struggle to bring him from 100-0 unless he is very far behind. He will outscale you a LOT so be sure to identify the time where you cannot trade with him anymore and go pick up some kills elsewhere on the map.”
Reason97 says “Ryze is interesting. most people say anivia is WAY stronger than him in lane, but pre level 6, id actually argue he CAN out damage you. Don't let him. Stay away from him as best you can until you hit level 6. unlike you, he doesnt get a massive power spike at level 6, all he get's is a roaming ability. All this being said, a good ryze is NOTHING to brush aside. NEVER underestimate a ryze until you've studied their playstyle a bit. A good ryze can, and will, surprise you, so use your range to your benefit. You can tend to burst him down hard once you've landed your stun, but he will scale VERY hard, so be wary come late game. ”
xAsuta says “Skill matchup. Early he isn't that strong but don't underestimate his pokes. Dodge his Skill shots and all in him. Mid/Late he will outscale you so be cautious.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. He can't beat you early but he just secures CS then first backs tear and clears waves then looks for roams and fights in river. You also can't really run him down because he will just root you with E-W. You will never be able to kill him without a gank but he will never be able to kill you without a gank. You can windwall his Q at least. Take Conq”
I count to seven says “There are many types of Ryze players but most of them know that Ryze's wave clear is amazing. You should know it too. (I'll put him in the middle to let you know that he can be a god or a useless sh*t)”
arcanejhin says “You out damage him, but he is annoying with his point and click cc. If you can, try to E right when he CC you so you will be next to him. W to get a shield so you can take his combo.
frozen mallet would be nice to stop him from moving so much and DD to not die in the process. Also could grab qss or cleanse.”
Twist21 says “Ryze can poke you early but you dont need rejuv vs him , just go with the standard build and runes and you should win at every stage of the game against him.”
Fadedreformed says “He can do quite a bit of damage early game if he times your shield correctly try trading him after you get two points into your q to absorb most of the damage. The lane must be easy to play since he doesn't have a roam threat. You can also cancel his r with your q to prevent him from escaping/roaming”
Arrgh Matey says “Not much of a threat early on. Try to shut him down before he can scale. To do that just don't tank his combo and don't let him roam for free.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Ryze will most likely try to farm in lane, only trading with you if he manage to get his E on you. Just stand away from your low health minions and it shouldn't spread to you. No real kill pressure for you in this lane if the ryze plays correctly. You both need to scale so expect a rather passive lane. Later on you cant fight him 1v1 as he can nuke you down in only a few spell casts.”
ShockMaster says “There s the only one champ who made me start with Cleareans instead of ignite. Play carefull pre 6,then play aggro,remember,you have one more ability then him”
Yuki H. says “Ryze wave clear is certainly annoying, with his Spell Flux spreading through minions and onto you. Try not to take too much harass from him just trying to clear minion waves, and if anything make him waste his mana on you and not the wave until you are able to duel him.”
fwii says “Start Corrupting Potion to match his waveclear. Hard to kill if he has Phase Rush; otherwise look for trades early and easily killable after level 6. ”
tyo professor says “Every ability of his outranges every your non-ultimate ability. He can e-q the wave and it will hit you. He goes PR so you will not be able to all in him, but he will be able to run you down. Go for short trades with electro.”
Veralion says “The plan finally worked EQ and Ryze is a real champion again EQ, all praise Rod of Ages EQ. The way this goes really depends on how confident the Ryze is. He’s less demanding to play to his full effectiveness now, so you should expect frequently applied harassment at all stages of the game. Don't let him spread E to you from your wave if you can help it. Though he is squishy, unless he’s really bad I’d advise against all inning him out of the blue. He can roll his face on his keyboard and probably outtrade you; the champion does a disgusting amount of damage in 1v1 situations. However, all of that costs several hundred mana. Wait for him to deplete his mana first, then go to nom him. He will want to continually cast spells to stack that tear, so look for that brief moment of vulnerability before he goes to back. Ulting him while his ult is channeling will cancel it, so keep that in mind when you get a gank. ”
Veigarv2 says “His phaserush makes ur W useless. He is also super tanky. Dont bother going aery in this matchup you wont kill him nor will u deal damage or hit him and he runs you over. go dark harvest.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Ryze can be considered as a quality mage ''Battlemage'' just like you in a different way, and Vladimir is in a situation which we should reconsider our range before acting, Vladimir's relatively long cooldowns and need for MR in 1v1's is a problem especially when he basically power spikes up with every core item he finishes, in lane you can easily abuse his lack of max mana pool as he will try to save mana for minions and such you can abuse those chances, care for his jungler as his E+W ''Rune Prison'' combo locks up you nearly for 2 sec. and setups great ganks- other than that, you can build Mercury against ''Rune Prison'' combo if they have more than few CC's as it will help you in MR as well, he is like you getting stronger with mana as you do with HP. Try to avoid his mark + Q sustained damage. In lane escape unnecessary fights and punish/poke him for his relatively weak early. Your damage will probably overwhelm both teams at late game, you can out-sustain him, care to not fall behind and build needed things and you shall be OK.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Even
His trading is annoying due to not caring if you're in a wave or not, you can out burst him but still try to dodge the Q and care for his roams at 6”
snukumz says “Abuse him early.
He's weak early and can't come close to bursting you down before you can burst him down.
His best chance is to play safe and root you and phase rush away if you engage on him.
There's a reason Fake picked Tristana mid into Ryze mid in world's 2019.”
snukumz says “Pretty easy match up honestly.
You out range him and can combo kill him if you stay out of his range.
If he gets on you he will kill you quickly do try not to miss your knock up, and play safe. ”
AZIR MEN says “Try to stand behind minions but don't be near them. Very immobile, easy to shuffle. You can knock him off his ult by your ult.
Take conq or lethal tempo.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Laning phase should be ok against Ryze but you will need to kill him ASAP in order to get enough of an advantage to kill him a little bit later. He gets very tanky and you will likely struggle to bring him from 100-0 unless he is very far behind. He will outscale you a LOT so be sure to identify the time where you cannot trade with him anymore and go pick up some kills elsewhere on the map.
Lobban says “Keep his W in mind when Fighting. Try to stay behind minions and dont take Q's from him. If Ryze decides to go all in you have two options. Either W out of there, maybe even flash. Or fight, W+E+Q+W then keep figtin with him. Try to play ring around the rosie around him to dodge his E+Q”
panger 174 says “le ganas, champ pete no te va a poder matar en early y ahi le tenes qque sacar ventaja, no lo dejes farmear sin comerse burbuja
elec dh”
Debonair Karma says “Ryze is one of the most underappreciated mid laners in my opinion. Already at lvl 2 he can easily 1v1 any mid laner there is. He also gets really strong waveclear on top of that. His main strength lies in the fact he doesn't need ability power to deal damage. I usually ban him.”
Gageowago says “Now he can actually poke you because of how his e spreads. He is a lane bully after getting tear. If his e lands, back up because he will go for a q that will hurt. Level 6 he will do much more damage with his q. You need to actually respect him a ton once he has Tear and is level 6. You win trades if you proc electrocute, go for trades when electrocute is up. Ryze doesn't have an instant root on you unless you have spell flux on you already so he can't set you up to get ganked without hitting his e first. Play behind minions but away from them to avoid getting poked out. ------(Patch 9.23) He can also abuse Conqueror but not as hard early. Ryze can quickly stack Conqueror on you and will do even more annoying poke, but it isn't noticeable until later on. In mid to late game, he will shred through your team and heal all the damage back. Try your best to never get rooted by Ryze or else you might just die.”
topal says “He is squishy and has low range, which allows you to get on top of him easy.He outscales you by a lot but most games he will not hit late game.”
JacWilly says “Beat him early as he needs too much mana, and get some early roams off, he will naturally out scale you, try to make him useless by abusing him early.”
Capparelli says “Typical immobile mage, its hard for him to land his Q unless he first uses E on the wave, but that costs lots of mana early on. His goal is to shove and get tear ASAP, because of that he wont have mana dive on him after he uses one or two spells, because he is shoving he will have to walk a far way to escape, you will be able to one shot him until his tear is fully stacked, even then there is a chance you do. ”
Miandros says “Most likely Fizz's hardest matchup. A good Ryze will keep Fizz pinned under tower. Any time you go in he'll just root you and run. You can catch him with ult but pay attention to his items. If he has completed Seraph's you will not kill him. (Fun fact - Ryze can dodge your ult with his if he times it right, be careful about this)”
Kami_EU says “Free lane for Yasuo, don't get CC locked by Ryze's E W.
Don't stand near minions he's about to E Q to avoid taking unneccessary damage.
AriyaIsTheBest says “Ryze gets pretty much shit on by anyone that scales faster than him. Poke him in lane with your auto's, Q and E to chip down his health and deny him farm. Also take advantage of Ryze's lack of mobility by roaming as much as possible.”
chrisloths says “There are virtually never good Ryze players, and you can easily shove him into tower. He will likely never try to fight you, and if he does, you'll likely win.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “Ryze is a mana hungry early game champion
try to freeze the wave, when he tries to push just all in him and free kill
watch out his jungler since his W ( ROOT ) will fuck you up ”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in. His combo EWQ with Phase Rush makes him nearly unkillable because of his speed.”
8wolf says “Short ranged. Better waveclear than yours, so you might be forced to farm under tower. Try to always have some minions between you, so if he goes in for a combo his q gets blocked.”
Daedralus says “Ranged spam and a snare that prevents you from coming closer as well as an ult that can be smartly placed while you ult to take him back to safe harassing range (This play is a bit more advanced and wont be seen all the time of course). He is just one of the worst to face as he has no openings in terms of giving you the range and can also be fine if you manage to reach him. His damage and spam is BS, his CD is BS, his shield is BS, everything is BS man! Call for dat gank!”
Tehqo says “He has such a small range. Just don't get caught because he has crazy damage and you might die. He might roam a lot, so be aware of where he is. Also, if you think you have the upperhand, you might be mistaken as Ryze can pop a fat shield.”
Je Suis Azir says “He is no threat to you in lane, BUT in teamfights, he is one of the rare champions who can exert as much dominance as you. However, you can dominate lane and cause him to never be able to fight like you. Set up for ganks by slowpushing and punishing, or hurt his CS with hardpushing if you don't fear their jungler. ”
TheSpark says “He's a monster in close range, can lock you down with his empowered W, and wave clears better than you.
You won't be able to kill him unless he's braindead, so expect a farm lane.”
LightningDeceptigon says “His root makes it nearly impossible to hit your W-W-Q-AA combo, so wait for level 6 and get him low with trades. Then all-in him with ult so he can't click his root on you. Generally a bad lane, try to match his roams.”
Aizenvolt says “The new Ryze has pretty much the same difficulty as the old. Just farm lane and poke with q and e whenever you can. When you reach 6 and he is at 50% you can try to go all in but be careful if you have given him kills or some other player has given him kills this might not work. Also ping when he is missing in lane cause he can ult bot or top and destroy them.”
Quezel says “Same as Cassiopeia just dodge if you can otherwise run second wind and farm the lane out. Ryze is gonna non stop bully you from minute 1 with w so try to farm safely at range with q. Depending on the runes he takes it changes how you play the lane if he goes conqueror try not to give him too many free stacks or autos to keep it stacked as it makes fighting him impossible if he takes phase rush try to bait him to proc it before you go to engage onto him as getting onto him with it is impossible. Post 6 you have the ability to kill him but its difficult and he can kite you quite well and constantly wave clear against you.”
Poro_King says “he has a lot of utility, and is a solid 1v1 champion. However you both have a weak early game. Keep up with him, and once you have your ult and your ludens echo, you can try killing him”
SNOBOY says “He will out scale you, but I personally like this match up a lot. He can bully you pre 6. Just wait for your passive, then step up to farm and hit him with a q when he tries to bully you. Back off then repeat. You should be ahead, and able to combo him once you get your ult.”
Marumo says “Threat level 7.
If you play Veigar even half decently Ryze shouldn't be able to kill you too easily in lane. The problems against Ryze however include his large health pool which makes bursting him near impossible, and his high DPM.”
Rider0 says “Once ryze gets tear and catalyst he can push the wave super fast, just try to match his early waveclear and set up your lane for ganks, if your jungler has heavy cc its usually a free kill.”
Xelaadryth says “Ryze outtrades your autos with his auto + Q. Try to land Qs on him early game, and once he picks up snare, play a lot more carefully. He can chain snare you and there's not a whole lot you can do about it.”
EvilBird090 says “Ryze can be a real pain in the ass after his first back. He will perma push you in and poke the living daylight out of you even under tower. You will not be to outsutain his E+Q damage, so try to not stand close to your minions. His E will not spread on you and he won't get a free E+Q on you. He will need to decide between pushing in the wave and poking you. Try to ask for ganks when pushed in. Respect Ryze at all stages of the game as even in late game he has the ability to kill you, you do not totally outscale him like most other champs. Always be aware of his Seraph's Embrace shield. That shield alone can block your entire ult damage as Ryze stacks a lot of mana. In late game teamfights you are still better though, so try to survive laning phase. Early kills against him without outside help will be rare, unless he is bad.”
spark2 says “I'll have to rewrite this when they rework him again in a week, but Ryze is a little easier to play against now. His W now roots only if he's already hit you with E, which makes it easier to all-in him in lane, especially if he's already used E on minions to waveclear. ”
Cloud375 says “He isn't hard to deal with by himself, he will clear your minions a lot so make sure to stay back and let the wave push to your tower and farm under it if you have to. If you get rooted by him, just deal damage if you have the time to. Otherwise, heal yourself and back off.”
Tayna says “Ryze is EXTREMELY strong. Literally any Ryze player can poke you to death because his damage is just absurd. Keep your distance, farm, and play smart”
Garybaldo says “Go Phase Rush to match his speed and not get run down (or let him get away), trade only with E+W (which means, don't get close to cast Q, if you're already close hard burst him), never let him get into his combo range, he outscales you so try and close the game fast”
Novok says “His early game isn't the best. Don't get poked by his E>Q combo since its damage you can easily avoid. The late game is where Ryze shines.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Used to be a much harder matchup before his spread damage was nerfed, now its a very easy matchup. Push him in and harass him just like in any other lane, and look for a stun for an all in. Youre relevant in the game much earlier and for a much longer time than he is. At 6 you get a big boost your your power, whereas he just gets a mediocre utility skill thats only really good in competitive. Keep in mind he can consume his runes to gain a burst of movement speed. Most Ryze players go Phase Rush as well, so you do NOT want to let him proc that on you as that combined with his movement speed burst will make him incredibly hard to hit. Aftershock Ryze is also on the rise, which makes him unable to be bursted in its window, so you have to wait it out. He CAN do a lot of damage later on in the game if he scales, but you should be able to set him back a lot and your teamfighting is generally much better anyway.”
ZenonZeni says “Ryze is a decent pick against ahri only because he can trade with ahri with his short cooldown abilities. Banshee's is a good option against him and will prevent him from rooting you.”
Xavier Senori says “Ryze is probably Cassiopeia's easiest matchup. All of your skills outrange him, and he has to face you in order to use his combos. When he goes to combo you post-6, just ult him in the face. During the laning phase, harass him to hell, and outscale him into the late game.”
PandaSenpai101 says “His W now only roots unless he has his E mark on you, which makes it a little bit easier to parry. His damage got higher, and his E always bounces, so be mindful.”
Pumparum says “Ryze will either push giving you a free farm lane or poke you down, which you can easily sustain through. His early manapool will drain fairly fast so there is no danger, unless you let him dump damage into you for an extended period of time.”
best teemo says “Start: doran ring, magic resist runes
How he will try to trade against you:
ryzes usually either try to get some aoe damage on you if you get too close to minion waves, or he will try to walk up to slow you, then hit his full combo.
How to win trades pre6:
Don't stay near/into the minions that ryze will q, path next to the minions and constantly try to hard shove into the enemy tower so that ryze has to use his abilities and mana bar on minion waves
whenever it's obvious to you that ryze will try to last hit a minion, throw a q at his face.
If he tries to walk into you, back away if you can, or if you have a lot of minions around you, try to think when he is about to throw his q at you then side step it, then auto q him,
simple way to try to time and dodge ryze q:
auto ryze then slightly walk to the left to dodge his q, then q and auto him.
if ryze is out of mana from using his spells on the minions to farm, then you can all-in him and kill him.
it will be harder for ryze to run out of mana, especially after his first back because he rushes mana items, so don't rely too much on him running out of mana, and focus on slowly poking him when he is trying to kill a minion, or after he used his q on minion waves.”
kilgta says “you both poke eachothers a lot but your ult is more powerful than his in laning phase. he will try to roam into you. You clear faster than him so play on that to roam. Do not try to 1v1 if he hits his abilities first, he will one shot you with his stun. Start sapphire or dark seal.”
MechaaZero says “Don't let him abuse spell flux and your in the clear. He literally has to have a clear shot on you to damage you, which means you will have a window for one as well.”
maplecat21 says “He can't lane vs you, especially after the removal of the shield from Overload. Call for jungle ganks to really hammer on the weakness.”
hadi902 says “so easy. your damage is insane against him but if he gets fed he is not really that strong other than that he might slow you down with his stun and run away.”
RainbowNova says “A Point 'N Click root, and after a certain level he can quite literally just perma-root you and machine gun you down. But, if you do it right, you'll be uncatchable and nobody will be able to stop you!”
YayaLoL says “He is a hard one he will try to keep you off minions and do hella damage. His shield and mobility helps him out so much. I would try to shut him down from the early game if can.”
Yenwai says “if you just stay away from his spell flux he has little that can threaten you, you cannot cancel his R with Q but you can mess up his combos by delaying spells as well as push harder and take tower.”
BL00dY3nD says “He out ranges you so try to get Boots and Hextech Prtobel and you will kill him if you are good enough. Play more safe than against other champs but you should win this.”
Bughans says “Can deal tons of damage if played correctly. Has movement speed, sustain damage and shields. You can't solokill him, but if you get a gank you can kill him for sure. Just survive laning phase, and don't play stupid aaaaah play crazy aaaah”
Mern says “Absorb much of his dmg with Q, whenever he roots you, R him right after the duratione ends and do full combo. Suprisingly enough, he wins short, and you win long trades. Feel free to use multiple R-s for constant dps, he will try to do long trades but thanks to your R you win those trades.”
Shderen says “This is a big question mark. Sometimes I silence Ryze's and completely fuck them over, sometimes I silence them and for some reason they can still belt out 1k+ damage completely free of any risk. The latter happens less often, but doesn't mean they didn't happen. Be wary, but confident. Also invest in wards - he sets up for ganks well and roams just as well. If a Spell Flux spreads to you from a minion wave just WALK AWAY.”
HerrSolahri says “Used to be a Hard Counter, because he was able to build up Shield and not get OS, but new Leblanc bursts too fast for him now. Just a bit annoying if he goes Merc and Abyssal. Push in Lane and roam then. Abuse his Lack of AP/Waveclear.”
SmokeyEggs says “Ryze can push and roam better than Ekko, but as long as you fight him when he still doesn't have tear, you can win the matchup. Also abuse him when his abilities are on cooldown.”
Header_FX says “For me, Ryze is an unplayable matchup. He got an point and click stun and also is very fast when he gets his combo. so try to stay long ranged against him and harass him early. wave control can also help against him.”
BicBee says “You out range him so you can win trades easily from a distance. Distance management is key though if he gets close he will butcher you. Ward the side of the lanes so that you can see if he's roaming because that's the only department in which he excels at vs Ori. ”
QueenBrie says “This blue boi pisses me off, I ban him almost every game as vlad, if you see him, the game is dodgeable honestly, he outranges you and he makes you use your w when he point and click roots you. His shield combo and mobility are off the charts when he hits his abilities and with aftershock he is now more tanky, higher damage, faster and higher range than you, please stay away from him.”
AzureArmatt says “After his rework Ryze became really interesting champion. His kit enables him to push waves quite efficiently and he can also lock you down in place for longer, not to mention transporting him and his teammates with his ultimate. In lane you should watch out for his E that will mark you and depends what spell will be used on you it will have empowered effect. Root will go from 1 second to 2 seconds and Q will deal far more damage. Don't let him mark you by staying away from minions + abuse that he is short ranged and he has to get close to you in order to deal damage”
Shaawn says “Let him shove in lvl 1. You have a window to all in at lvl 2. From lvl 3 the lane becomes super hard. His kit is really strong against short ranged champions, so we want to let him push and be safe close to our tower. Ask for jungle help or wait for mistakes.”
NocUout says “He waveclears fast so you will be stuck in lane for a lot of the game. Try to get jungle to gank and his w has a slight travel time so in all ins ult when hes about to root you. ”
Jazzmonkey says “Pretty easy matchup. you can block his Q with your W. You should take ignite with you. Try to do fast combos with E>A>Q>W and avoid dmg from him with your decoy. You can just farm up. After hiting 6 just all in him with ignite. He should be always dead if your R is up. ”
overweight_zoe says “Your damage far exceeds his and you also outrange him. Superior early wave clear and he doesn't have a dodge mechanic for your sleep. EZ”
drunken hunter says “Ryce is a strong enemy for Rengar because he got a point and click binding, no cd on his ranged (Q) and goes tanky really fast. Try to kill him early and wait for ganks.”
Jenkinsu says “Ryze is only a threat if they have an ult they can abuse. Nunu, Neeko and Fiddle all have ults Ryze can teleport while they're casting. Be careful of those and you win ez pz”
Junix L9 says “He will just push lane so you don't really get to fight him.
Try to push fast and follow up with his roams.
In teamfight you shouldn't go in when he has W.”
Tipurrs says “Ryze can be hard depending on how good he is. He outpushes you and can hit you through the bounceback of your abilities from your minions. Ryze is late game though, he outcales you hard and becomes a semi-tank. Ask for your jungler for some ganks so that he becomes useless even in late game.”
Finish Flash says “Watch his E usage carefully. His E will spread out damage if he uses it twice on the same target or if he just kills a unit with it. Stand away from minions if one of these two scenarios will occur. The best times to trade are when he uses his E on the minion wave. His E is what empowers all of his abilities, so it is vital for his trading power. Good ryze players will build early MR either through Abyssal Mask or Mercury Treads, so post 6 you should be looking for roams onto side lanes rather than kill pressure onto him.”
LionLifeSteal says “He can kill you easily late game but you can windwall his q and e so you can just kill him if you're in the right place. He can match your push very easily so if you try to roam you have to be wary of where the minions are.”
qasddsa says “Pretty easy even though he has a point and click root. As long as you're in minions when he roots you, you should be fine to Riftwalk onto him and kill him. Be careful doing it in a teamfight however since he can use an empowered root on you and have his team focus you. Although he has a good ult for roaming, yours is much more powerful early on, so you should be able to outroam and countergank him.”
Skeptil says “He can't really do much to you besides try and harass you by spreading his E from the minion waves to you. Poke him as much as you can with Transfusion and you should be able to win no problem.”
mandatorycloud says “A good Ryze is probably one of the hardest counters to Swain. His shield + phase rush will negate your E + W combo and no damage will stick either. Impossible to match in split. Try to call jungle early for ganks and make sure you pick up merc treads. ”
Exiled Heretic says “With the New items I would say be careful with this , not sure of his current power level but all the new items are good with ryze, this match-up is definitely early game for us so make sure to look to kill him early or out roam him for maximum impact. ”
dingram says “You have to kill him fast and early, get him far behind if you want to be able to kill him late game. Laning phase should be easier but he will get very tanky and outscale you if you let him.”
Sozzoh says “A good Ryze can absolutely demolish you, whereas a bad Ryze can be absolutely demolished by you. Try not to get too close to Ryze as he as crazy damage once he gets a few items. If Ryze is ever missing, warn your team right away. Last thing to worry about is Ryze's shield. If he is trying to bait you, don't fall for it.”
Katapullt says “Luckily you won`t really see Ryze. His W is very dangerous and you don`t really have something to outplay. Stay positioned behind your Minions and not inbetween them (stay away from his E spread)
When the enemy team has more CC you should think about picking CLEANSE as your second summoner spell”
undeadsoldiers says “Ryze will perma-shove you in.
His shield and point and click snare make him an extremely difficult target to burst down.
Your sole window to kill him is before he gets Tear, when his machine gunning runs him out of mana.”
Doctor_Dr says “How to counter: If he ever roots you, make him step back by using your stun around him or behind him. Or try to stun him and all in him. ”
ZF.PandaYang says “Ryze has the capability to combo you and shred you, his W locks you down and his shields will block most of your damage, get yourself a QSS and mercury's treads, be careful, he also scales.”
AQRC Turtle says “Try not to take too much harass from him just trying to clear minion waves, and if anything make him waste his mana on you and not the wave until you are able to duel him.”
asffg123 says “He has movement restriction, making you an easy target for ganks. He also outtrades you in damage, so play safe. You are likely to lose laning phase.”
Snowyfreezer says “He has a point and click Root that can very easily interrupt your combos and builds mana.
If the Ryze knows what hes doing you can't beat him”
ShokLoL says “Ryze has a lot of push early but he can't really stand up to you in trades. Abuse his short range by trying to harass him with QE when he comes up to the wave. He also struggles into you in teamfights, so the only real loss condition is playing too passively early and letting him impact the map, or dying to a level 3 gank.”
Chuleex says “rize early is easy to handle apart from the poke, you can make him waste mana with dshield and go back in, once he starts building items he usually can win even if you burst him, as he is kite tanky and has very great scaling, playing with cc from your teams is key, and mercs can help too”
ShokLoL says “Ryze is super easy, you win trades and outrange him at all times. His only advantage early is his waveclear so make sure to auto the wave a lot and try zone him off whenever you can. Be aware of his flash EW ganksetup, otherwise you should have no issues.”
ShokLoL says “Ryze has a lot of push but not a lot of ways of poking you out. Just do your best to match the push, but ultimately you will probably be pushed in. Be careful of his point and click gank setup if you're far up in the wave, and otherwise just focus on farming. In mid game or teamfights you vastly outrange him and it should be very easy.”
Top Lane 50.86% Win Rate27% Pick RateRyze Top Lane Counters: 4 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ryze in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “Ryze, another one that i never play against in top, due to nobody like him. But normally ryze loves champs with little movility due to his W. U can chase him down late game. ”
juangepeto says “Ryze is a very complicated route for GP, he is a battlemage, even when you apply tons of damage to him, if he manages to survive he will return a lot of damage, just like GP, he scales perfectly well with AP and is a very difficult opponent to face, he clears the waves very well and has a not so bad CC, the most annoying fact is that his abilities return quickly, allowing him to apply constant damage to GP both in the early, mid or late game.”
parker3n9 says “It’s Ryze—he’ll scale well, but he’s not a significant threat to you at most stages of the game. You win all-ins between Levels 6 and 15, but you need to save your E to interrupt his R unless your jungler has some form of crowd control to cancel it. Ryze doesn’t become a real problem until he has 3+ items, and even then, you can itemize defensively to handle him effectively. Focus on pressuring him during the laning phase and transitioning into teamfights where you’ll have more impact.
Recommended Runes: Unsealed Spellbook or Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
Spartaniko says “Blue machine gun funny man is squishy, but he has high DPS and before lvl 3 we cant engage safely. From then just run him down with PTA.”
Houcs says “Try wait lvl 6 and then look for opportunity to grab him to tower. Flash E can work aswell but its difficult.
Otherwise do your best to survive, building some mmr can help. and know that he is easy to deal with in teamfights.”
Skaarlschloch says “Most Ryze Players are really bad so this is usually easy but if they are good Ryze can stand his ground and go toe to toe with you similar to Cassio. He is not squishy enough to oneshot either.”
step1v9 says “Debated putting ryze in minor, but in general this champion counters you. He's just so bad that no one plays it. Avoid eating his Q damage as best you can. Don't stand on your wave when his E spread has been applied as it will just bounce and damage you. Try to E through his CC. Play around phase rush CD for all-in. ”
LDaL says “Skill matchup. You need to play like with every mage, dodge his mark, because he can use his w to slow or stun you and escape. Good option is too freeze near your tower, get or dodge stun and go for a trade( with your passive up), with this you make good chunk of him force flesh or even kill. After 6 and during mid game as long as you dodgle his slow, you hard win. But the more items he have the more dmg he will deal too you(late game can one shot you, if you are not carefull), even with magic armor items. Recomend to go pta, this rune allows you to stomp him throughout the game (if you would be ably to rich to him). Your w block his q and probably e. ”
Haxorr says “This lane really isn't so bad and you rarely see Ryze. Start DShield, bring Grasp and start your q, and I imagine you can actually get prio on the wave lvl 1 because Ryze auto attacks don't deal much damage. I honestly haven't played this matchup in over a year so I'm not too sure about it, but it sounds really simple. Rush Trinity.”
MaesePerez says “Farm lane. Buy hollow radiance for MR and easy wave clear. If they're going Ryze top they most likely have no frontline, or just a support tank, so playing front to back should get you an easy win in teamfights. He does beat you 1v1 just because of his movespeed and root, so avoid fighting him as he will slowly run you down. ”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) He can point and click root you and run away with his ms. He has an immense spike in damage early with Tear (mana) and he will out damage you in melee range if he hits his spells. Very hard matchup if the player is using is brain. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
deathbypotion says “He is weak pre-2 items, if he is very aggresive you can kill him. He won`t catch you, but be aware of his EW (root) combo. His scalings are good, but your 2 item powerspike is much stronger”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Flash + TP]
You can start E and hookshot onto him. You outscale him and beat him early. Just try to keep track of the enemy jungler so you don't die. You can get early prio in this lane and invade the enemy jungler with yours.”
hoflol says “Early damage is not too high, but is still a ranged champion with a point and click slow/root. Easiest way to play this lane is proxy and deal with the late game Ryze as a team.
WhendZ says “O Walking Simulator ai vai ficar forte depois do 6 e escala ainda mais conforme o jogo progride. Tenta falar com o jungle ou com o mid pra te ajudar, se você pegar ele no barril com alguém do lado, é quase 100% de chance de matar.”
LegacyOneTap says “Blue guy gives you blue balls. He either runs phase rush and runs after throwing e q w q whatever the combo is and leaves to do it again later. if he goes conquer its a bit easier and he doesn't perma run from you. Early levels you can do the level 1 funny, his wave clear is perma pushed on you, you can try to trade into him but his cooldowns allow him to keep you frozen in time while he removed a third of your health bar. stay away from minions affected by his e, trades against ryze are something like, you jump him and try to beat on him with wave blocking you hopefully so you dont eat his root q into q q q permanently. although its not as exaggerated as i am saying it, he can be killed solo, you just have to choose the right battles, of course you can optimize it so he cant run from you or keep you in place.”
JPGamer10BR says “Full skill, muito dano, foque em farmar e se possível pegue itens de MR, você dificilmente ganhará no 1v1.
Recomendo comprar Passos de mercúrio, caso não seja o suficiente pode ir atrás de Limite da Razão mas não recomendo).
Pode pegar F.F, Aery ou PTA.”
WarwicksSimp says “Dodge or go peel build.
Pretty difficult as he kites you hardcore, locks you down and damages you like crazy. He can easily go anti heal and stop your existence too. He is a strong playmaker ontop of that. All while being a hyperscaler.”
daitolol says “TOP // - Nothing special about this lane, the reason it is akali favored is because on top the lane is too long so after 6 he can't run away to tower unless using ult(you can use e1 to follow him with it)
At_Tar_Ras says “top long lane so he's really easy to gank. you're gonna need it cause without it ryze kinda just kites you with phase rush. when it's on CD you can look for trades, otherwise he'll just E+W+Q phase rush run away. if you can catch him off-guard with an E>AA>W>AA>Q combo then do so, see if you can win from there. otherwise, yea, call jungle help.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “[TOP] His kit is very strong against you and the only thing that stops him from being in extreme tier is the fact his numbers suck dick. He is very rare especially on top. You need to wait for his mistake as his movement speed allows him to dodge every barrel. You should win trades With Q cuz as i said his stats are shit.”
lordimboutabust says “Don't see him top much but not a hard matchup. Stay away from minions so he doesn't give you ligma and try all in him before he can proc phase rush. His point and click roots are really annoying but he doesn't do much damage early so take the opportunity to beat him when you can. You should get a major advantage at level 6 as well. He hard outscales so try end the game early | second wind | Dshield - evenshroud”
Bernardian says “Bruh. i mean if this champion is picked its very similar to the karma matchup execpt he goes phase rush so once he does poke you its very hard to catch him. try to get a timing on when his phase rush is down and prep a all in. Ryze has ZERO early game damage against you untill he completes his FIRST OR SECOND ITEM(everfrost= kill pressure ROA= scaling) so until lvl 11-12 basically try to look for any opportunities to kill him.”
FaNTOP says “Держитесь подальше от миньонов, когда он использует свою способность E на них, чтобы не получить урон от его зоны поражения(AoE). Дождитесь достижения 6-го уровня и атакуйте его полным комбо с преимуществом ультимативной способности. Подобно Тимо и Джейсу, у него нет ультимативной способности на 6-м уровне, поэтому вы намного сильнее.”
Twogrand says “A good ryzes will wait to you to all in him and just phase rush out so just poke him down a bit 3/4 hp or 1/2 hp and then start the engage in hammer form do full combo and when you switch to cannon if you land your Q he should die.
conq tp, eclipse ”
Loweloexpert says “Incredibly hard, nobody plays Ryze top but if they do, know that he has more range than you so life is not easy. Go ghost and full tenacity to 100 to 0 him lvl 6. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Unless he roots you without end, this guy deals not enough damage if he spends his mana recklessly. So might I suggest you knock him up, slow him endlessly, and then eat him for lunch”
Tonho says “Rod of Ages is busted. He has not only a target stun, he has movespeed steroids on his kit AND his core rune. You will play against a ranged that you virtually never touches, you will be denied of farming if he is good enough, and he outscales you. Even if you stick to him, he can run away because of his short cooldowns. Hope for your jungle here.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Try to parry his W but if you can't, just parry something.
Post 6 he will just R away like a pussy, so as long as you farm it out you will be able to scale and carry the mid-late game.”
Pep_Shin says “He is annoying. stay away from your minions and you should be fine. Against Ryze or most ranged champions, go doran's shield. Rush stridebreaker. Once lvl 6 you can run him down.
Hit a Q, press R and ghost and annihilate him. Be careful he can get away with phase rush.”
JustSad42 says “In my experience, this matchup is completely unplayable. Get Second Wind and Doran Shield, and just try to CS and wait for jungle gank. The only way Ryze can lose this matchup is if he uses E-W on you and you parry it. However, he can just use W for the slow and kite you with his movement speed. The only window you’ll have to kill Ryze is pre-6. If he tries to fight you when his Phase Rush is on cooldown, you can potentially kill him then. Post 6, even if you find a good engage, he will just R away.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't stay near your minions, he can deal damage with his E and Q]
[Avoid his W at all cost]
[Your E can cancel his R]
Antisocial_Renekton says “Freeze and fist him. PTA, e start lvl 1, sit in lane bush and hard trade, doesnt matter how much dmg you take - as long as you dont die and get her to 70% hp.
If hes % hp, get 50 fury and flash w ignite him lvl 2 = hes dead.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Take TP and play for Ults or try ganking him with your jungler. He will outscale you no matter, but you can't get an early lead so try to win the game early through your bot lane or any other fed teammate.”
Fottotex says “Try to damage him before level 2 or 3. He can stun you with E W combo. After level 3 play really safe. Take Fleet Footwork for the sustain and escaping him.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Idk where to place this one. It has been always a gp counter, as his movement speed and poke allows him to win trades and avoid your barrels easily, but he is so shitty in the early game that i would place it in minor anyways. Poke him and let champ diff do the work”
BreadyToCrumble says “Ryze is kind of a bad champion currently BUT he does scale well so don't underestimate him! He has excellent waveclear which can pressure you to stay in lane but honestly once you get a few items you'll be able to burst him down. He can kite you easily with Phase Rush.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate Realm Warp(R) is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.”
Thrandor says “Not easy to catch, he will most likely run Phase Rush. However, if it is not up you can kill him with a good ult. You can join him when he tries to ult somewhere else by holding Q onto him at the very last second. But check whats happening on the map before doing that!”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Impossible if he takes Phase Rush, he'll hard poke/clear waves and outscale you in 10 minutes. If you're trying to win then try and make him waste his Phase Rush and THEN land a Q
and Ghost on him if he's still pushed up. Even then he can just ult away if he's smart. Rush MR, farm and help your team, you're not getting a 1v1 lead ”
Используйте E с умом и не позволяйте ему запереть вас с помощью W. Его W может остановить ВАШ W, купить мерки и надейтесь , чтобы ваш лесник сделал пит-стоп.”
Aberrant Demon says “Stay away from your wave once he has E so it doesn't splash onto you. You likely won't get a good window to trade until level 6. Until then just look to farm up safely and W his W and Q to cleanse the slow if his W is not enhanced. At that point, you win the all-in if you have Ghost up, because his ult doesn't do damage.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Ryze is one of Teemo's most classic counters at Top. That's because you just can't counter anything he does. The lane will boil down to him throwing waves at the tower spamming skill, you farming with non-stop pressure, along with the very big chance (remember that the current meta is Ryze perma stun) to take a dive, if you're in a descent elo. What you can do is get Fleet Footwork and just farm and ping so your team doesn't die for Ryze walking freely around the map and pulling the wave very fast.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
Survive lane, try to get more farm and plates, although it is difficult, it's not possible, you can also kill him with a good prediction, ask for jungler help as Ryze is easy to gank.
Wave 1-4:
You can play pretty aggressive at this level, as he can't really punish you too hard, unless u chase too much, just proc Grasp or PTA and back off.
Go Dshield + Second wind
This is one of Fiora's worst matchups, you have to look to kill him and punish him before his first recall, if he gets recall with boots + mana he is unkillable due to phase rush and permanently pokes you down.
You want to play it safe maybe even get vamp scepter with merc boots just to survive, PRAY your jungler gives you attention as in this matchup he can kill you even under turret due to the sheer amount of poke and range he has, with an infinite mana pool.
Level 6 if he uses phase rush and engages you, you can look to all in him with R and look for a kill possibly, but often times they go Tabis.
I would either see if my jungler can do early ganks, or dodge the game, as the matchup is unplayable though thankfully he is very gankable.
You can win once you get Hydra & Mercs”
Scallywag says “He does not much early and you can kill him early.
May be slightly annoying since he's ranged.
After some items he may be able to run you down, but usually this champ doesn't do much since people suck at Ryze.”
Black Demon Ezel says “One of the squishiest mages in the game, Ryze is one of the most of the complicated as well as one of the strongest. So long as he has mana, he's a powerhouse so be wary at the beginning of brawls with him. His ult is fairly useless by himself, seeing as it's a channeled teleport. So baby cage him right on the precipice and it;ll knock him up for a straight millisecond. Just enough time to cancel it. That'll destroy him immediately afterwards because he has no escape from there.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Like all other ranged/poke matchups, you need to either land an E or wait for level 6. nonetheless there really isn't much to this matchup other than you should kill him as fast as possible before he ults away.”
Trundledaddy says “Not often played, not hard, can run him down, he has phase rush though, scales well but you can just split and it's no problem, can cancel his ult with your pillar”
gazibulle says “Very easy matchup, you win at every single point of the game unless it's very late game and he is fed. He outscales you very late game but by the time you should already have won the game, he can't kill you on side lane. Early levels poke him out with W and perma E him, especially if he has no Bone Plating. If he ever Ws the wave, just hookshot onto him and he is dead. Even if he plays Phase Rush you will win every trade with passive shield. You can bait him from running into you with Phase Rush by going back, then once he comes down to you you can W him (once PR shades away) and he will get slowed, and you can easily kill him. Level 6 you instantly kill him, he can't escape your ult with his. Basically just run him down all game, it's that simple.”
desch3445 says “Full AP Ryze is in fact something to scoff at! If he builds that, enjoy your sweet sweet LP gains.
Tank Ryze however is not something I recommend you scoff at, scoffing is not what I'd do, and neither should you.
You must, must, MUST kill him early, make sure he does not exist to make it to late game, or he will be an unkillable powerhouse and you will cry (I have cried many times).
Do be aware though, as for some reason Ryze does do some surprising damage early, so you're going to have to wait until you are ABSOLUTELY SURE you have the advantage. It's a wonky matchup, for sure.
Take the Electrocute page; You're going to need that early damage.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “such a hard matchup you cant even get to him. You have to be sneaky if you want to kill him. don't ban him because he is rarely played in the top lane”
MHLoppy says “His W stops you from being too adventurous with your fights, but he also can't do much to stop you from constantly harassing with your Q. He scales fairly well though, and his itemisation includes some durability which will make your later all-ins unusually difficult compared to similar champions. You may be able to use your ult to overwhelm him, since he has no comparable ult-power-spike of his own, although he can in theory just use his (long cooldown) ult to escape from you 1v1. If he has Phase Rush all fights become much harder for you.”
Rymdskora says “DO NOT EAT POKE FOR FREE, Use E's wisely and don't let him lock you down with W. His W can stop YOUR W, buy MR and pray your jungler makes a pit stop.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral y te sugiero ir agresivo al inicio.
Comprar hábito del espectro y/o botas de mercurio son grandes opciones.
Prioriza tenacidad en alguna fuente, Ryze inmoviliza.
Trata de sorprenderlo con la E, por lo general mantendrá la distancia.”
Kocykek says “He can be annoying. He's a mage that will outkite you and outdamage you early on. Try to survive laning phase and either build Divine to try to duel him or tank to help your team.”
Your Desired Username says “Hard match-up if the Ryze is good, even match-up if he is equal to you or bad. Rush mercs, then Rylai's. Killing him pre-6 is basically impossible because even if you do manage to E him, he will simply root you and phase rush away. If you hit an E post-6 you can AA-Q-R him and try to kill him in Brazil but he will also root you and phase rush away from you here. While he is phase rushing don't try to hit Q or E on him because you will miss 90% of the time. He outscales you so you're kind of forced to play aggressively even though you can't really do that effectively. Don't ult him later into the game, because unless he is low or close to you, he will just run from you.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Ryze's added power due to mana% can get annoying so make him spam n miss if at all possible. then try your damnedest to avoid all added effects in the spells”
GastlyLoL says “Early levels you are stronger than him, and attempt to spin on him as much as possible. Don't stand near your minions that has his E on them, so he doesn't get free harrass onto you without committing. This matchup can be very hard if you play it passively, so make sure to engage before he can poke you down. Phase Rush Makes this matchup much easier, since he can't kite you.”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler kinda viable, D Shield. Don't let him poke you too hard early. Once you're lvl 3, he has no tools for dealing with you, and it will keep getting worse for him. Yorick might be Ryze's hardest counter.”
ToothlessKnight says “Ryze used to be a bigger threat but he's fallen down a lot due to the meta being so early game focused right now. He outranges you and can bully Urgot if you stand in the minion wave. He actually outscales you so you should look to pressure the lane to end the game quickly.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Ryze will mostly always run Phase Rush into you. You do NOT win this lane in any logical way. However, lately he tends to try to manage his mana much more. He will have full control over the waves so long as he knows how to utilize his combos correctly. So just keep yourself back, preferably in bushes or to the side of your minions that are not being comboed unless he is not playing well or lining up the correct AoE spread combo. I suggest to take resolve as your secondary runes with Bone Plating and Overgrowth, and max rank your (Q) for poking only. You shouldn't be demoralized in this match-up. It's boring.”
Anoying bro5 says “Level 2 you win, get Dorans blade and try to abuse him early game. He is hard to lock down if he grabs phase rush. He will scale hard so just try to abuse him and dont let him get free poke on you in lane. ”
BoilTheOil says “Go Hail of blades or Conqueror. Ping your jungler to gank him because you probably can't kill him otherwise. Don't stand next to the minion wave because he will hit you with E-Q. ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Overload(Q) so he does not fully combo you. If you do not dodge his Q he will have a debuff off it called Flux which will enhance his Rune Prison and Spell Flux(E). You have Ryze against you and this game will have to be very team dependent to win. (Mega Adhesive cancels Realm Warp(R)) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Ryze) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed)”
quinn adc says “Make sure to ideally land blind on Ryze first, and if you do so, you can easily win the trade because Ryze will only be able to use his Q on you, which is hard to land when he can't see you.
Next, be cautious of Ryze's flux. Don't stand near low health minions because Ryze E can spread the flux to you, and if you have flux on you, his abilites will be empowered.
Ryze W doesn't instantly root you anymore, but now, his W only roots if you have flux on you.
If Ryze uses Q or E on minions, you can safely go in for a trade and you will hard win it because PTA along with him not having one of his core abilities means that he won't be able to retaliate in time.
Ryze Q only spreads around to other enemies with flux, so it's just important not to be marked by it.
Quinn's E can cancel Ryze R, so if he channels his R, just vault him immediately.
The matchup is easy if you play aggressive in lane because Ryze is weak early on, and with PTA, Quinn has limited sustain, but incredible damage.
Constantly harrass him when you can, but ideally only when you land your blind on him first.
Make sure to get your side stepping fingers ready to juke his Qs when you consume harrier marks :) I like to walk up close to ryze and move in unpredicable patterns to bait his Q because if he Wiffs his Q and it misses you, you can now go in for a trade with PTA because you will win it.
Proc PTA and weave autos with Q and E, and then walk away to chunk Ryze without much retaliation.
Late game Ryze is scary, but honestly Quinn can win the 1v1 if you land blind on him! You are able to DPS like crazy, but just make sure to side step his Qs because late game they do incredible damage.
Build a maw if you are having trouble with him later on in the game, and mercs to help lower the duration of Ryze W root/slow.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Most of Ryze's damage comes from his Q combined with his other spells. So if he uses Q to farm, go for a fight and make sure you have your windwall to block 90% of his damage.”
At_Tar_Ras says “u destroy him dont worry. take tenacity and unflinching and mercs and his stun will have little impact. QQQQQQ and hope for an E stun and gap close against him. he's defenseless at top lane's longer lane.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Overload(Q) so he does not fully combo you. If you do not dodge his Q he will have a debuff off it called Flux which will enhance his Rune Prison and Spell Flux(E). You have Ryze against you and this game will have to be very team dependent to win. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
slogdog says “No mobility mage. However he does do a lot of consistent damage, so try dodging his Q's. Most Ryzes also run phase rush, so try to box him before he can get it off.”
Raen says “Most of the time if you jump on him, he will just W you QEQ and run away. Don't stay close to minions so you won't get affected by his E+Q. Early is his weakness. Punish it jumping at his head everytime you can. Mercury must be in this match up + Doran Shield vs Ryze. Try to keep E for his R if its possible to not let him escape with R later. Try to jump on him while his PR is on CD and Q runes ms.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Overload(Q) so he does not fully combo you. If you do not dodge his Q he will have a debuff off it called Flux which will enhance his Rune Prison and Spell Flux(E). You have Ryze against you and this game will have to be very team dependent to win. (Recommended Items: Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
MagicallyDelish4 says “He has low base armor so you can level one cheese him (scroll down to learn what it is). Later on let him push so you can freeze. He's unsafe if he approaches so you can try to run him down. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Fleet
Most games vs Ryze we both just farm since he can run away with Phase Rush and you won't be able to catch up. Hold onto your TP until you can help out botlane or Mid”
LoLReal says “Very difficult match up. Rush cowl and farm under turret. Slightly shorter range than a couple of our counters, so you may be able to get a pull off on him in lane. Spectre's cowl + CS focus.
Ryze is OP currently and overdue for nerfs. This could be a 5.”
Justkb says “It can be difficult if you take a bad early trade. They usually take E first so try and farm within your wave. Look to poke with Q and once the wave is shoving you can run him down at level 3 once he uses W. He must use a lot of mana early to shove u in so try and capitalize on this and track his mana costs. Rush Mercs into this matchup. If the game goes too late he will just burst and poke you down with ease.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Usually mid, but Ryze can go top as well. His Q poke is a giant pain. And you approaching him is highly telegraphed, so he can root you and kite away. If he uses his root on something else then it's your window to strike. Wither and go at him. ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Overload(Q) so he does not fully combo you. If you do not dodge his Q he will have a debuff off it called Flux which will enhance his Rune Prison and Spell Flux(E). You have Ryze against you and this game will have to be very team dependent to win. (Unstoppable Force cancels Realm Warp(R)) (Recommended Items: Abyssal Mask or Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Overload(Q) so he does not fully combo you. If you do not dodge his Q he will have a debuff off it called Flux which will enhance his Rune Prison and Spell Flux(E). You have Ryze against you and this game will have to be very team dependent to win. (Primal Howl and Infinite Duress cancels Realm Warp(R)) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage or Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Overload(Q) so he does not fully combo you. If you do not dodge his Q he will have a debuff off it called Flux which will enhance his Rune Prison and Spell Flux(E). You have Ryze against you and this game will have to be very team dependent to win. (Recommended Items: Force of Nature, Mercury's Treads) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even)”
OTP Toxin says “Ryze is annoying BUT if you keep moving you can dodge his skills EVEN if he land his slow on you (you obvious can't do anything after his snare but the rest...easy) :D ”
LilPaniniUwU says “Ryze casi siempre ejecutará Phase Rush en ti. NO gana este carril de ninguna manera lógica. Tendrá control total sobre las olas siempre que sepa cómo utilizar sus combos correctamente. Así que mantente alejado, en los arbustos o al lado de tus secuaces que no están siendo combinados a menos que él no esté jugando bien o alineando el combo de propagación de AoE correcto. Sugiero tomar la resolución como runas secundarias con Recubrimiento óseo y Crecimiento excesivo, y clasificar al máximo tu (Q) solo por empujar. A menudo, es una mejor opción esquivar este enfrentamiento por completo en lugar de tener que ir al contraataque, pero esta es una preferencia personal. Es principalmente un carril de agricultura y supervivencia. Lo bueno es que ya no se juega mucho, así que es raro verlo.
SilverAvalanche says “He will be hard to stack orbs on and will do an unfair amount of damage and can point and CC you, so try and see if you can't get an early lead and annoy the enemy jungler. In this way your jungler will at least somewhat consider ganking you since you helped him earlier.
Else I recommend farming it out and going blue form, from the trades you are able can take no matter how bad they are and then healing up with your E and Pots.
First back buy Tear”
Drake6401 says “What could be more fair than a mage that only builds mana in order to one shot so he can stay in lane for longer without sacrificing any damage? Pretty much how this guy works. You're both burst fighters so he has the advantage being ranged and can't miss his CC. You have to get ahead very early because his first back is a massive power spike. He clears waves insanely quick too.”
A good Ryze is a nightmare to deal with. You essentially want him to push into you, which he does naturally, and then chase him down to his turret. He gets move speed and Phase Rush movement speed so you need as much distance as possible. Post-6 he can use his ultimate to escape and the only thing you can do to stop his Ult is your E but you need your E to start the fight anyway so good luck. An early Merc boots rush is a must, as you need to cut his root short so that you can catch him before he can escape. Don’t stand near minions as his E can spread from them, onto you, leading to him being able to get a nice chunk of damage off on you with his Q. Try to play passively during the lane so as to not take too much damage. If he is good, you probably won't kill him earlier but Stridebreaker helps in any case. If the Ryze is good, this is possibly one of the most difficult lanes in the game in my opinion.”
Rhoku says “He is annoying to play into. His early game will let you just poke you out. Don't stand next to your own minions. This is going to let him get free poke onto you with his E->Q. He has lower damage earlier on but he is fast and has the range to avoid your abilities with ease. If you land a pull, you can combo him but it won't do too much as he will just root you and run away with Phase Rush. Protobelt is good here along with Mercury treads. This is a boring lane where you both farm and scale. But Ryze scales MUCH harder than you. Trust me. Late game, he WILL beat you, even in death realm. You have got to beat him once you have your ultimate, as he won't be able to escape as easily. If you use your ultimate and land your abilities, you might be able to beat him. Ignite is good into this lane if you are confident in your skill of landing abilities as it lets you sneak a few kills and snowball.”
YasTilt says “Basically Free Lane, Block his Direct Q's with your W and stay away from Minions during Laning Phase. You can Freeze your Lane and wait for a Gank, he has no Escape Tool so he won't do nothing. Take Magic Resist though because he OutScales you really hard Late Game.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Magic Resist+DShield) Don't get poked too much. Since he's pretty squishy look for an opportunity to E+flash and take him down. Keep in mind that he is super fast when he lands his abilities. Don't forget that he can escape with R.”
PK Noob says “Ryze can easily kite you around and throw his spells at you. If you get too close to him, he will stun you and back off. If you can survive his combo, he's vulnerable and you'll easily burst him.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Fleet Footwork. You won't be able to kill him ever because he is ranged and probably runs away with Phase Rush. Spam-ping your jungler to gank and avoid standing next to minions otherwise he'll just spam E and Q.”
lulw says “Hes kinda annoying, he has point click cc, basically you can't windwall it. He does a lot of dmg, and he has good wave clear. At 6, make sure you ping him missing, his ult can change up a team fight fast. New ryze is dumb because they can start tear, he gets a lot of dmg because of the new items and mana he gets. ”
Psychopathic Top says “Ryze requires a lot of mana to function. Early game it is possible to face tank his damage and regen/lifesteal it back up, until he runs out of mana and backs for tear. This is what makes him slightly easier to deal with, as he leaves you breathing room in the very early stages of lane. However, it is almost impossible to kill him, as if you all in, Ryze simply uses R and gets out to safety. Ryze players also tend to get a lot of cs during the mid-late game, making him an ap powerhouse. hard to teamfight if he gets too ahead from farming, but if played perfectly the matchup should be bearable coming out of lane (both champs should be fed in cs at that point).”
IvernLover74856 says “You hard win lvl 1-2, so trade or zone. After that, you must catch him overextended and out-kite his phase rush movespeed. Good luck.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard Runes OR Ranged runes] A bad Ryze is a free lane, but a good one can be hard to deal with. Dodge his spells and wait for jungle ganks. Try to bait his phase rush before a gank so he has no escape.”
SunOak says “Very weak early try and set up 4 ghouls without getting poked to death and all in level 3. You have prio in this lane all the time. Dont forget MR runes and start with cpot.”
Alan234 says “(dodge)
You can go both PTA for early cheese or just fleet to survive while you hope for a better team. Ryze is significantly scarier with comet and scorch instead of phase rush.
Problem with ryze is that you cant rly outplay him. Lvl 1 a good ryze just w's you. You have to auto q him back. lvl 2 you should try to stand back because his e w rly destroys you, so just push the lane. Dont stand close to the wave when he uses his e q's and dodge his q's since you will be standing outside your minion wave a lot. Try to abuse a kill onto him with a jgl gank or from lvl 6-11 with your passive+shroom. You dont win short+long trades so only hope is jungle pressure, cheese or him just really playing terribly.”
aurus666lol says “so rare, but still good on toplane (scaling better than on mid). He will poke you with E+Q and oneshot after 11. My personal tips are rushing hexdrinker and building Maw as first item.”
MrShykun says “RYZE EST UN MAUVAIS MATCHUP. NE PRENEZ PAS DE POKE GRATUIT. ELOIGNER VOUS DE VOS CS POUR NE PAS PRENDRE LE E SUIVI DE SON Q SUR LA WAVE QUI VA VOUS REBONDIR DESSUS, JOUEZ AUTOUR DE SON E(ESSAYER DE ENGAGE SI IL L'UTILISE SUR LA WAVE). LAISSEZ LE PUSH ET ENSUITE POURCHASSEZ LE SUR LA LANE AVEC LE GHOST. UN RUSH BOTTE DE MERCURES EST NECESSAIRE. AVANT DE TENTER TROP DE PLAYS ATTENDEZ VOTRE ESTROPIEUR. Un bon Ryze est un enfer à gérer. Vous voudrez la plupart du temp qu'il push la wave vers vous ce qu'il fait naturellement et par la suite pourchassez le jusqu'à sa tour. Il obtient de la vitesse de déplacement de rush phasique vous aurez donc besoin d'une longue distance pour le rattraper. Après le level 6, il peut utiliser son ultime pour s'échapper et la seule chose que vous pouvez faire pour arrêter son ultime est votre E, mais vous avez quand même besoin de votre E pour commencer le combat, alors bonne chance. Les mercures seront nécessaires pour réduire son root et pouvoir le rattraper avant qu'il ne s'échappe essayer de jouer la lane assez passivement si il est bon vous ne pourrez certainement pas le tuer en early mais l'estropieur pourra vous aider a ce sujet.”
Vandenelis says “don't get damaged too much early levels and all in him in level 3. he has big poke but not a lot of consistent damage. His mana runs out fast in the early game”
Bombabo says “He will simply run circles around you and there's nothing you can do past the 15 minute mark. You are stronger than him in the early game, and it is necessary to exploit that if you want a chance at being able to deal with him later on.”
RTO says “This matchup sucks. You can't trade with him pre 6 because if you try to get on top of him, then his passive shield will negate damage. Once you hit 6, if he misses his snare, then you possibly have a chance to out trade him. Expect a rough lane and being kited out all game. Good luck. ”
Fryx says “Ryze is so annoying. His clear and poke will push the wave and keep your hp down so relax and look for all ins with your ult since he can't really escape you. He is super annoying, but he is not very good top so look for jungle help.”
LoLReal says “Don't take too much damage from him early in lane. We win post 6 but he is an obnoxious champion to lane against and is pretty OP on this patch. Get an early cowl and survive until we can kill in R.”
RTO says “Ryze is super scary, if he roots you then you're stuck being chunked down. E will be able to help you a lot here, try and cast it as a minion dies that he's hiding behind. He's very scary late game, and deceptively tanky.”
epic blitz top says “Magic resist early, and go for early/lv6 kill. He is terrible early but scales into a demon so try to snowball. Wit's End is very good vs Ryze.”
Sopachi says “Ryze can do early damage and harass you but has no means of escape unless he uses empowered W. Take MR runes and Nullifying Orb to prevent him from killing you early as it also provides you a chance to remount and run him down. You should win this lane with relative ease.”
Marwaii says “You destroy him in mega Gnar and he can melt you in mini Gnar. Take shield and wait till level 6 whilst poking him.
Take Stride + Mercs.”
AlanVenator says “Most people don't know how to use Ryze to his full potential, but if they do, you will probably lose the lane. He is very gankable early game so try to abuse that. Mercury's Treads are highly recommended.”
SethPRG says “You might want to go Phase Rush to match him otherwise it will be somewhat cancer. You can still beat him though as long as you take a short Q E AA AA W trade then walk away and dodge his skill shots, or do an all in and just burst him down with Trinity Force. Stridebreaker is useful early to catch him, but you will lack the burst late game to kill him. Be careful of his marks as it will cause amplified damage. If he ever tries to ult away from you, your best bet is to ult him out of it at the right time or to burst him before he teleports away. Be careful of splitting Mid/Late-Game because his R threat potential to cut you off with multiple members of his team is quite dangerous. Also, be careful of his potential roams, counter fights/ganks, and JG invades with his ultimate. Force of Nature is a good buy here, especially if he is scaling. Mercury Treads is a must here unless the rest of his team is mostly AD/AA based.”
I am so chill says “He has to get close to you in order to poke you and you can use this as a advantage with 1st q then w and full combo dont seek long trades as his cool downs are so low.”
Womsky says “Scaling runes with ghost and shield start, he is broken right now, but u can abuse him hard in lane if you manage the wave well, the way you set up kills on him is by staying high hp, getting fury and letting him shove you in and over extend, when you have the wave in a good position, you can make the all in easier if you can bait out his phase rush by giving him a free combo "early on" on you if he is dumb enough to bait his phase rush out, then u good to go to ghost on him, W then beat his ass, in the later stages of the game he can be very annoying to deal with him, he scales super well,
even if you shut him down hard, he will farm till 2 items and he will Q E Q you and randomly 70% of your healthbar disappers, balance of course, and to make it worst, he will be kinda tanky too, u can kill him if he doesnt have zonia and u catch him in a bush or suprise him.”
tibs2 says “D shield optional, take second wind. Champ is pissbad in top right now and has been for a while but when he's meta this is an unwinnable lane. He's probably a 3 right now but easily can be a 4-5 if he or his items gets buffed. ”
Noodles912 says “Behind and away from minions and you are fine. Grab all the cs you can grab safely. Spam Q for health. Mercs is the best item to wreck Ryze. Dont think about 1v1 with him. He wins 1v1, you win team fights.”
PiscesPomf says “SPECIAL LANE
Ryze is not good early, so try to destroy him. Parry when you think he will root you. then go in. The bad point is that he can poke you and will scale well.”
Kokob5 says “Chill and don't let him poke you for free. Just farm safely and throw out an E if he over extends. If you land it punish him with Q and activate W to absorb his retaliation. At six only ult him if you get your E>Q auto combo off.”
negoZoma69 says “Another mage matchup where you are stonger early and get outscaled. You can kill Ryze before he gets MR, after that you should avoid 1v1s”
SleeplessX says “If he spaces well with Phase Rush you can't really reach him, punish positional mistakes of course but otherwise stay back and farm it up as you can, fortunately he doesn't deal oppressive damage early but he will scale very well”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ryze can be annoying, just go for it in early levels and kill him. Take a lead and don't give him a chance. He will outscale you if he's good and you give him a chance. In lane, you can stomp him. But take care...”
Rime101 says “Ryze has huge priority over kennen since kennen lacks early game wave clear so your gonna be turret hugging/down a lot of CS vs any good ryze
Max Q first
All in him early game he is very weak around level 6 since he will most likely build tear!, once he gets Seraphs + an MR item you won’t be able to win 1v1!
Basically you get fkd 1v1. Try to force fights around the map before he gets seraphs + MR.
Erenando says “He will poke you like crazy in early and take his distance, but since he got nerfed, he is quite easy to kill in midgame. You can sustain easily. Get mercury's and spirit visage. He'll cry about your sustain.”
czrmtz24 says “Just dodge or swap to mid lane. You will never be able to engage against a good Ryze, they will run Phase Rush and just Slow/Root you. He also scales better than you.”
GrGamingTeo says “Ryze i preatty garbage pre lv6. Typically he will have Phase Rush and do his little combo and run away. If you ever manage to E him then he dies. You simpl just freeze and whenever he comes to Q a minion you E him, use ghost and he's dead.”
SpyDaFX says “if the ryze is good you'll have a hard time at level 3, you should not go for all ins if you see he lands everything on you and gets you to low hp, instead, focus on getting xp and when you reach 6 you can kill him, the problem with him is phase rush which gives him alot of movement speed so try to flash+r+w and you'll probably be able to kill him. go Conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Phase Rush is needed in this matchup. You can pull him during the animation of his abilities. If he is 6 you should try and surprise him through the Top Bushes and keep your E for his ult so he can't ult away.”
Kil4fun says “He can outpoke you for most of the game. Now that tear is cheap he REALLY can first buy a tear and poke you for free all game. Stand away from minions to avoid poke”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Oof ouch please don't hit me with another ability owie. Ryze hits hard and continuously, his W denies you from getting onto him (Most of the time) and even then he itemises relatively tanky and proves hard to kill. Expect a LOT of harassment from this lane. ”
ModelitoTime says “ryze pokes alot. Max Q out second and also take second wind rune and dorans shield if you want. Q him often enough, but not to the point you drain your mana. Rush swiftness boots after you get a bit of damage and its easy kills.”
ChevalierArlo says “Conforme você sobe de elo, não é raro ver um no top. Eu recomendo a build anti-ranged, caso não goste, use a 2. Evite trocas no início e não tenha medo de avançar nele quando tiver a donzela.”
chokoryu says “It could go either way. Ryze works similarly to Cho. You have to land the root before you go all in. Try to avoid standing near minions to not take dmg. Don't be afraid to Q and E Ryze level 2-3 unless he got a lot of minions.”
Hyzerik says “Can be a really bad problem. Ryze usually bringing phase rush means he gets away pretty easily. His root is also annoying, just try to punish him if he screws up.”
Raideru says “This matchup is a perma fighting lane in early, basically lvl 1 unless he is melee range for e don't bother to walk up to him, wait for lvl 2-3 and always engage with q and activate e slightly later so when he uses e + w to stun u you can recast e to get another auto on him while you're stunned it's all about jumping on him and dodging the abilities while walking away from him. I advise Conqueror with Dshield in this lane and rush dmg components.”
EU_Toxicity says “If Ryze doesn't walk up into melee range this lane will be very rough. If he does however disrespect and go into melee you can 1v1 him rather easily, otherwise just farm up and get too tanky for him to burst you. Save your E to cancel his ult after 6.”
iZeal says “This matchup can be very difficult if the Ryze knows what he is doing. If you get to hook him while he snares you, he will have a hard time escaping. Ryze is also very vulnerable to ganks. However he can harass you pretty much non-stop and even if you are able to stomp him in lane, he will come back with a vengeance if the game goes long enough to a point where you will not be able to beat him 1v1 anymore.
DShield>RejuBeads, Mercs!, Phage”
DasGrauen_ says “Ryze isnt that hard to deal with.. Just farm for your tiamat and when you completed it. Just all in him. He doesnt have a shield anymore to block ur Q E dmg and hes in general squishy as hell..”
DarkWolfDavid says “You counter him so hard. He has no real escape tool from you, he is very squishy, his skills takes long to cast, and you can dodge his Q.”
MrMuckDuck says “Ryze is nothing to fear. While you're jumping around with your E, shooting lasers at him, he's all confused, missing shots and has NO idea what he's doing.
His ult doesn't affect you in any way and the only way he can reach you is in a clean lane (anti-minion).”
Stijnzxz says “Without items he cant do much so u can bully him around but he is ranged so keep in mind but if he does have items he can do some dmg just get some MR and BORK and u can run him down.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Start E -> Let him walk up to the wave and dash on the minions to go for a trade AA+E+AA -> Block his E with your W so he will not be able to root you, just slow -> Let them push towards you (Only last hit) -> Freeze waves -> Run him down when he walks up to the wave”
Saarlichenbog says “Ryze is underwhelming in the lane phase with his only real strength being his wave clear. Your wave clear is actually stronger than his meaning taking one sided trades after he uses his E prevents him from trapping you with his W and proc'ing his Phase Rush rune. He will prefer to cede the lane to you and look to scale so it's a matter of choice, but Kalista should win this lane regardless.”
aiSky says “Kled is a great option dealing with squishy champions thanks to his damage and movility, so it should be easy to play against them and get some kills.
If they poke you too much, you can always start with Doran Shield and still kill them without much trouble.”
GLP1 says “With Kled's magic resistance reduction patched back, I caused many duels that were favorable now to be a real hell like Ryze, try to play safely.”
Nicklstherealone says “He is a Ranged AP Hypercarry. But in Laningphase he cant do much if you hit one engage and his Poke gets blocked by minions. The only poke that goes through is his E (Flux) so dont stay next to minions and try to hit an engage. ”
Defensivity1 says “Ryze outpushes you early with good damage so just let him push you in.
If you build Spectre's cowl on top of your Dorans Shield + Second wind You can mostly ignore his poke.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Ryze is weak early, and try to abuse this as much as you can by getting early kills, or he will get very strong very fast. He can also easily lock you down with his root, preventing you from engaging.”
TangoVallhala says “Phase rush is really strong so he can just kite you all game, he will poke you crazy, so try to return the pokes and full combo him if you get the chance, but dont chase if he gets phase rush he will just dodge everything and blow you up, pay attention to his mana too.”
YoungTact says “Difficult matchup, go grasp and punish his weak early by calling for jg to setup a gank. Pay attention to his mana or if phase rush is up before committing to a trade. Build magic resist. Can start E to cheese if u camp toplane brushs to go for an early extended trade. ”
qasddsa says “He'll be controlling the lane due to his E and range advantage pre-6, but once you reach level 6 you'll have a much easier time dealing with him. However, be aware that his abilities will still outrange you at this point and up until level 16, making it very hard to all in him as he can kite you with Phase Rush/his slow/his speed boost. Make sure to not stand next to minions and to ping his roams as best as you can. Late game, he'll kite you due to the range gap, so it is very hard to fight him unless you catch him off guard.”
Ryze has sort of dissappeard of the toplane meta since there are so many champions with dashes, lot of sustain and some BORK abuser Top laners, but you can still find some of them in the toplane. In this lane he will have more mana issues than Nasus. If he desesperately tries to poke you early on, he will run out of mana really soon and Fleet Footwork will allow you to outsustain him, and once you get lvl 6 you can kill him if you have Mana even without Sheen since he can't fight back. If he plays safe and doesn't poke but rather he looks to scale, do the same and try to get as much stacks as possible. Later on to the game its better to Splitpush, his Aoe damage with his E + Q combo plus the Bonus damage that his R gives it to the combo itself, you can kill him 1v1 rather easily but be careful, a lot of Ryze players are never really alone outside of laning phase since their teamfighting is really strong, so whenever you are Splitpushing against him, be careful of where his teamates are to prevent this. You sort of both scale even since he gains a ridiculous ammount of damage once he's full build and Phase Rush/Conqueror are really good scaling runes on him too. Try to end games fast against him, going for the scaling option might not always be the best option. ”
SubHuman Filth says “RYze is another impossible matchup. He wins lane and outscales as well.
Get aery 3 points in Q and try to survive lane. dont stand near the wave, so his q doesnt bounce to you.
Just farm and hope to win teamfights later on.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ryze has really good poke early but since his W is no longer a root (unless he empowers it with his E first) tryndamere can get really strong trades against him. In the early game, ryze is very squishy and tryndamere can take advantage of that for some strong trades especially level 1 and 2. Try to punish ryze before he can go back and grab tear. Do not use your w slow on ryze until his phase rush is on cooldown because it would just be a wasted animation. Ryze has really good waveclear and damage once he completes his tear and can do very well in trades vs you. Once you get tiamat and tier two boots (can go zerkers or merc treads) you can typically have good trades into ryze. In the mid-late game splitting against Ryze can be difficult because his burst is very high as well as having good kiting between his movespeed from his passive as well as phase rush. You need to try and bait out his phase rush without burning ultimate, and when his phase rush is down you can look for a solid trade. Or if you have 100% crit and 40% cdr you can spin auto attack twice and reset your spin again to catch up to him on his phase rush activation. Pick your spots against Ryze well, make sure you are fighting him with your fury stacked, if you try to greed an allin without having full fury he can kite you very easily.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ryze has really good poke early but since his W is no longer a root (unless he empowers it with his E first) tryndamere can get really strong trades against him. In the early game, ryze is very squishy and tryndamere can take advantage of that for some strong trades especially level 1 and 2. Try to punish ryze before he can go back and grab tear. Do not use your w slow on ryze until his phase rush is on cooldown because it would just be a wasted animation. Ryze has really good waveclear and damage once he completes his tear and can do very well in trades vs you. Once you get tiamat and tier two boots (can go zerkers or merc treads) you can typically have good trades into ryze. In the mid-late game splitting against Ryze can be difficult because his burst is very high as well as having good kiting between his movespeed from his passive as well as phase rush. You need to try and bait out his phase rush without burning ultimate, and when his phase rush is down you can look for a solid trade. Or if you have 100% crit and 40% cdr you can spin auto attack twice and reset your spin again to catch up to him on his phase rush activation. Pick your spots against Ryze well, make sure you are fighting him with your fury stacked, if you try to greed an allin without having full fury he can kite you very easily.”
Rusin says “i hate this match up, you win lvl 3 and lvl 6 but he can kite you and teleport with his R in death realm so its impossible to kill him. Phase rush and Protobelt is needed”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery
Pushar a lane e jogar em base do Poke do seu Q tenta matar ele antes do lvl 6 pois depois disto você não vai lane bem difícil ele ainda escala melhor que você
Rushar : Bota Mercurial ”
ZergDood says “Play around his mana, don't take free hits. At early stages, he's weak, so you might try poking him when he already tried so. Don't give him kills, he scales a lot.”
qazx1427 says “People don't play Ryze top anymore for a reason. With no mobility or tankiness, all you need to do is land a single W with four ghouls, and you win. Sure, he can wipe out your ghouls with a single combo, but that's his whole combo; everything's on cooldown now, so it's a free kill.”
Ayanleh says “He's early game is pretty lacking due to having lower damage than you and also mana problems so you need to play aggression till its mid - late game which is when it starts to become difficult.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Super squishy and not that mobile, if you get ontop of him you squeeze his head into pulp, mercs are decent to rush vs him. Ult him out of his ult if he tries anything weird to escape.
Take MR.”
wallobear53 says “Ryze's abilities gain additional properties when you have his E on you, marked by a visual cue around your character. Fighting him with his E on you can lead to you being CC’d by his W and taking increased damage due to his Q.
Ryze is quite weak during the early game as he has high mana costs. Bullying him early can give you an advantage and allow you to capitalize on him during his weaker early game.
He can hit the minion wave while also attacking you with his AoE abilities, standing away from the wave can stop him from bouncing his abilities from the minions to you. Just watch out for his E on your minions and stay away from them.
In team fights, Ryze can do a lot of damage through your team with his abilities, as they can bounce between targets. Also, keep an eye out on your flanks as he can easily reposition his team with his Ultimate R and get the jump on you.
Gangplank_Main1 says “Runes: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Biscuits, Time Warp Tonic, Double Adaptive, Magic Resist.
Starting Item: Corrupting
Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, don’t leash.
What to get on first back: Dorans blade
Just like jayce gangplank hard wins the matchup up until ryze gets his first back. You need to get level two before ryze or else he’ll dominant the lane. Depending on what runes ryze has if he runs comet you can actually kill him at any time. Since ryze needs phase rush to gain that movement and movement speed reduction to escape from your barrels and ultimate. Try to fight for priority when the lane starts and harass ryze on cooldown. If you land a barrel always follow it up. Try to set the wave too where ryze has to over commit for farm, and once your jungler comes you can just land a barrel and ryze is good as dead. Outside of laning phase you can beat ryze if he has two items but after that he just demolishes you in the split try to group early and end as soon as possible.
9690 says “D-Blade. He can't beat you early but he just secures CS then first backs tear and clears waves then looks for roams and fights in river. You also can't really run him down because he will just root you with E-W. You will never be able to kill him without a gank but he will never be able to kill you without a gank. You can windwall his Q at least. Take Conq”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ryze has really good poke early but since his W is no longer a root (unless he empowers it with his E first) tryndamere can get really strong trades against him. In the early game, ryze is very squishy and tryndamere can take advantage of that for some strong trades especially level 1 and 2. Try to punish ryze before he can go back and grab tear. Do not use your w slow on ryze until his phase rush is on cooldown because it would just be a wasted animation. Ryze has really good waveclear and damage once he completes his tear and can do very well in trades vs you. Once you get tiamat and tier two boots (can go zerkers or merc treads) you can typically have good trades into ryze. In the mid-late game splitting against Ryze can be difficult because his burst is very high as well as having good kiting between his movespeed from his passive as well as phase rush. You need to try and bait out his phase rush without burning ultimate, and when his phase rush is down you can look for a solid trade. Or if you have 100% crit and 40% cdr you can spin auto attack twice and reset your spin again to catch up to him on his phase rush activation. Pick your spots against Ryze well, make sure you are fighting him with your fury stacked, if you try to greed an allin without having full fury he can kite you very easily.”
Xplor says “Ryze is a ranged mage and he can poke you over and over. Play defensive against him and engage him only after level 6. Build some early MR if he gives you trouble.”
Darrkescru says “Cara que bicho complicado, ryze bem jogado e basicamente impossivel, você não vai conseguir bater nele chegar perto dele e nem caitar ele, minha melhor sugestão e buildar bastante anti ap, jogar de aery e pedir ajuda para o jungler antes do lvl 6, diferente do rumble você perde o late game pois este bicho escala pra caraio então sua maior utilidade vai ser 1° conseguir dar outplay nele e fazer ele morrer na lane phase 2° Explodir o adc dos cara”
Alzeidx says “This matchup sucks. You can't trade with him pre 6 because if you try to get on top of him. Once you hit 6, if he misses his snare, then you possibly have a chance to out trade him. Expect a rough lane and being kited out all game. Go PTA”
Alzeidx says “Very hard matchup, dont fight him early, he can easily kite you and he will easily outrade you, play safely, try to farm, ask for ganks. Go MR runes and Conqueror, try to kill him after lvl 6.”
Sq_09 says “Take minion cover to poke him without getting hit by his Q. Take care of his root tho since it can set you up to take some damage. Not really fightable without minion cover because he just outdamages you. ”
VIP Titan says “Ryze is anti melee mage in top lane. Relatively hard to fight in mid. His combo being QEQWQ. Try to burns his flash in level 1
Tips :
Make sure don't stand to close to minion cos his E bounces than Q power spikes.
He can always R away from you so burst him up wisely
Max Q not E! ”
Subject3 says “phase rush! funny, to your q slow its nothing, make them regret going ryze top and let them cry using their scroll as a napkin in their base.
even their ult is useless, it just saves them from fighting you.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “His early game is garbage, your emp W counters his E+W, and while he scales hard, he depends heavily on items to do anything. He just can't deal with your damage at all, if you keep up your aggression well enough and you don't eat much poke he can't do anything other than farm under turret. He will only be a problem if you can't kill him at least twice before his level 9 and he gets one of his core items, because he will then become a nightmare you can't really deal with- but he is SO easy until that point that you would really have to screw everything up for him to get to his power spike easily.
Ignite works great here to add pressure on him from very early on. You can use any runeset you want, if you are sure you will kill him early.”
Itreallyhim says “He has no shield anymore, If he wants to ult away from you, Ult him so he cant escape, Its a skill matchup to the extreme, play smart, Go for long trades and do your best.
Abuse his early mana.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “A good ryze player is really annoying to play against you might want to take nimbus cloak and ghost against him so he dosent escape”
AkenoSenpai says “Ryze doesn't really like facing mobile champions as he has a hard time escaping them, and well Irelia is basically one them. Another pretty easy match up just like Rumble Kennen.”
lugzinho says “He can get so tanky with a Frozen Heart and Tabi and he'll still deal lots of damage because of his passive.
His 100000MS with Phase Rush and roots let's him escape really well from your Q while leaving you low health or even killing you
Rush Merc Treads and MAYBE a hexdrinker.”
ForgottenProject says “Very Annoying
Farm and try to stay away from minions to get away from his wave AOE damage!
You can kill him mid-game before he has his tear stacked but after it becomes quite hard if the Ryze is good!”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Not very common anymore but if you do end up facing a Ryze in lane you'll be perfectly fine. You can orange out his rune prison and he's one of the most squishy champions in the game meaning you can easily land barrel combos and poke him out of lane.”
Pedrokis says “Ele é bem chato em poke, principalmente se ficar te batendo enquanto você ta farmando no começo do jogo. / Evita ficar muito perto da wave quando ele dar o E, depois ele pode dar o Q e esse pode quicar em você, o que vai tirando sua vida aos poucos. / É muito difícil acertar o puxão do W se ele tiver com as runas quase cheias ou quase ativando o Ímpeto Gradual, já que ele vai virar a droga do Usain Bolt e você vai ter usado seu W atoa, tendo que esperar aproximadamente 22s pra usar de novo e perdendo sua kill pressure. - Se precisar mesmo acertar seu W nessas condições, usa muito o seu Q pra enrolar o tempo do seu puxão. / Vai ser complicado ele correr de você ou bater de volta durante as trocas, é só ir pra cima dele e acertar o Q e o W que é bem fácil de conseguir uma kill.”
TheBiskoppen says “This lane is winnable early game, he has a hard time with mana until 1½ items. And if you keep him zoned you can get pretty far into mid game before he is online”
BeautifulWinter says “Ryze top is the absolute worst besides Quinn and Vayne. Dodge the game or swap lanes with your mid laner. LET IT BE KNOWN THAT if you are against a Vayne, Quinn, or Lucian top and Ryze is mid you have a much easier time going against him in mid lane than you would on top.
Play super passive prior to level 6 after 6 play passive as well however you can potentially win the if you are mid against him.”
Big Belly Bop says “Wave clear, damage, CC, and is a nuisance to deal with late game. He will probably perma push you so It's a good idea to shut him down early with your jungler. If he gets a root off on you, E right away, root him, and run. Flash + TP/Cleanse/Barrier/Exhaust, Corrupting Potion/Doran's Shield, Burst rune page.”
ExfIamed says “If you found yourself in this pickle the best thing to do is run at him, full combo run away, IF YOU CAN since he spams phase rush and has a slow with no cooldowns on literally anything and never runs out of mana but when he does run out of mana you can kill him pretty easily.”
9690 says “Don't take too much damage from him early in lane. We win post 6 but he is an obnoxious champion to lane against and is pretty OP on this patch. Get an early cowl and survive until we can kill in R.”
ENX Kai says “10,000th Ryze reworks. Late game monster. He sucks early game so try to punish him when you have a chance. E when he channeling his R to stop him, free kill.”
Puck333 says “His stun is horrible, look out for that. If he hits you, you will get a great amount of damage, because Nidalee isn't a great tank champion.”
Karnan says “Not as commonly seen since the conqueror nerfs but still a bad matchup for you. Just outranges and pokes you without much
repercussions. Also a ban option. ”
Nightblue33 says “This matchup sucks. You can't trade with him pre 6 because if you try to get on top of him, then his passive shield will negate damage. Once you hit 6, if he misses his snare, then you possibly have a chance to out trade him. Expect a rough lane and being kited out all game. Good luck.
TakuyaDJ TW TV says “Same as Kass/Yi/Nasus.
Actually not super easy to lane against, hard to stop him from farming up. If the game extends past his core you're probably screwed.”
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Comet Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//just poke and back. Adaptative helm is a good item to fight him.
//if he uses his E on you, wait the mark gone to poke again.”
MordeStar says “He kites you really easily, if you miss your E back off immediately or you will die miserably. try to bait out his snare then ult him when he shoots next Q to dodge its damage to open all ins.”
Hamstertamer says “You basically can't go on him early since you'll get kited and outdamaged, and he loves running phase rush to counter your slow. Very little counterplay besides ganks, so just AFK farm. You can 1v1 him mid/lategame with merc treads + adaptive helm. The poke build is great here.”
ExtremeExplosiveTeemo says “don t stand behind minions, low health and not alike. He s really good in laning phase now, but he s like an old pensioner in the late game.”
blunderr says “Ryze is an extreme threat because your Q wont blind anything except for his auto attacks. He's going to poke you a lot so try side stepping all of his attempts, once he hits some spells he's just going to run you down with his Q passive and Phase Rush so be extremely careful.”
Rhinoface says “Very difficult, not enough kill pressure early for either of you to kill eachother, but he'll be hitting like a truck inside your minions , or single targeted onto you. Your ult probably won't help either, as then you're his only target to rapid fire his spells on. ”
Aizo says “Ranged AP matchups are always super difficult especially when they can poke you without hitting skillshots on you. Ryze can clear the wave and poke you at the same time. Good luck in this one brothermen”
Jnewbringspain says “Ryze is one of the hardest matchups. He destroys you in every way. Avoid at all costs and try to farm. Consider a lane swap if possible.”
messketchup says “ play safe for a few minutes, get him to be confident, and remember that your E range is almost the same as his W range, so when he roots you, you can just pull him in and AA+W+AA until root expires. The matchup becomes a lot easier if you rush Spectre's Cowl before BC or Trinity.
Also, take ghost, and phase rush might help you (I personally almost always go conq for the extra dmg)”
Devitt45 says “Ryze is a very mechanically skilled champion. If the Ryze player has no clue what they are doing, you will stomp them. Outside of Phase Rush, the only way for Ryze to disengage is his root, so try to predict the root and press W to reduce how long you are rooted, and you might be able to catch up to him.”
Jnewbringspain says “Ryze makes laning difficult for any melee champion. Engage with a gank, otherwise just back off. Too much damage and short cooldowns.”
Lil Tidepod says “Ryze can be annoying. He can pop a big, fat shield, has point and click CC, can clear the wave faster than you all game long, and is overall just decently high damage. Try and push him hard early and get to his first tower.”
GameRage20 says “He always outkites you with his snare and movement speed bonuses he gets from his spells. Always try to avoid facing a good ryze. Rush spirit visage and rightoues glory for gapclosing and tankiness.”
Killerbarrett says “His kiting abilities are absolutely dumb right now, He roots then get's his E-Q off and you're almost dead, Try to go for him when He's already had used his W”
best teemo says “early game you can beat him, but if you didn't stomp him in the early game, he will outscale you hard.
I usually just perma push and try to avoid trading against him.”
FunkySoul says “Another matchup that can bring Phase Rush and make you suffer. He's entirely skill based, however, so just hope you're versing an awful Ryze.”
Dr.Chrishock says “So hard matchup you need camp..early game ltrly so hard to win him he gets movement speed by doing nothing all you do is stay back and hope for a good flash E or a good gank”
qtANG says “ryze really lack of mana during early game. Take this as a advantage, but beware of his kiting and his abilities has short cool downs + resets. ”
GalathBoiz says “This is probably the worst matchup in mah point of view. He denied ur trading potential, his wave-clear is so powerful, he is tanky and high-damage at the same time. You cant kill him on ur own, ask for gank”
ElleryTheViking says “Boring, especially if he's running phase rush. Really difficult to run down. Merc Treads and spirit visage, just farm. Post 6 if you see him overextended without w, go for the ghost, ult, all in. You might get lucky. He shouldn't ever kill you though.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Point and click CC, AP, Ranged. Weaknesses: Relies on scaling, Mana hungry, Out-scaled. Not too difficult of a matchup If you avoid his Q's especially when his Essence Flux spreads onto you. Try your best to stay away from the minion wave when he tries to use his E on it. With his E on you, he becomes a much bigger threat. All his damage comes from combos so as long as you poke him and retreat quickly, you shouldn't take too much damage. His root also hinders you quite a bit but since it's point and click it’s pretty difficult when it comes to predicting when he's use it in the first place. If you are going to Riposte anything, have it be his Q when you already have Essence Flux on you because It negates a good chunk of damage.”
Sion says “You can run him down easily. Just wait for him to go OOM pre-4 and then start spamming his ass. he cannot out-damage you with ur shield and cannot survive your damage with his. As long as you farm properly and then start roaming when the time is right, you can destroy him at all stages of the game.”
E61K says “The fact that he can lock you up for a good amount of time and you can't wind wall that part makes him slightly harder than traditional mages. Be careful not to overstep your bounds in lane because a simple E into W can buy enough time for you to be set up for a gank. His ult is useless in lane since he can't use it to fight you but he can use it to escape. Unless you cancel it with a knockup or you kill him before he is able to port out. Decent Ryze players will buy Zhonyas and use it together with their ult to practically guarantee their escape. Be ready for that. Mid to Late game Ryze deals incredible amounts of damage and his ult is a god-like utility tool in the hands of a coordinated team. You will rarely see any good Ryze ult plays though.”
Choppoweb says “Do not worry Gedes, if you follow these steps nothing will stop you, anyone and anything that crosses your path shall be vanquished, I put Ryze here, because he is nothing, he represent literally poop, so that you understand that nothing, and I repeat nothing, can stop a normal Gedes.”
Ashnard says “Ryze is pretty weak on early levels and easy to abuse, however once he gets an item or 2 he's pretty much impossible to kill due to spammable shield/movespeed buff. Freezing lane and forcing all ins is the only way you can deny him from scaling.”
Haxorr says “Ryze sucks to play vs as Fiora. I recommend Grasp in this matchup with Doran's shield, as unless you somehow parry his w you will just never stick to Ryze when he has phase rush enough to pressure a kill. If you're feeling confident though you can go PTA and try to cheese him lvl 1, as ryze has a really weak lvl 1. Once you have Hydra the matchup feels a lot better, just try to avoid taking too much damage from his spells in lane. Maw good if they have more than 1 AP champ”
Bourne212 says “Try and trade after he uses abilities on the wave so he can't run away as easily with phase run after trading, look to all in after 6 as he can't do much to stop your engage.”
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