Mid Lane 49.41% Win Rate76% Pick RateHwei Mid Lane Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Hwei in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “E start dont try none funny lvl 2 he can fear you and then half hp you, grass W into ground”
AuroraAddict says “Hwei will just has more range than you so go arcane comet max e and try to poke her as much as possible and after 6 she will be really gankable cause your R and shes really immobile definitely pick teleport vs him.”
BesXbola says “Assim como todos os magos de longo alcance voce nao vai conseguir pokear o Hwei, mas ele vai conseguir te pokear e muito. Tente desviar de tudo que ele jogar em voce pois voce so vai mata-lo com seu jungler e depois do nivel 6. Assim como todos os matchups nessa pagina, foque em roams e lutas 2v2.”
AlexFL7000 says “Hwei can be a pretty bad matchup sometimes since he has a lot of range, but dodging his abilities is not that hard most of the time. Try to poke him and not take damage and you can kill him”
zzeuzin says “Go comet + second wind + doran shield, he has so much range, dont trade q with him he will always win, if you dodge her q-q he nevers kill you, and you never kill him, but he has priority.”
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. Annoying. Keep your distance when he QE the wave, try and bait out his EE by walking up and down the side of his QE. You outscale quite hard so just play safe and clear waves. He can match your waveclear with Blackfire Torch so thats rough. Try to set up a gank on a side lane as you won't be doing much until 2nd or 3rd item. FoN better than Kaenic.”
PetriciteLoL says “Just annoying as he keeps pushing, it's Taliyah v2 but weaker. Q max as try to farm, if he messes his E up somehow it's free and you can one shot him.”
xumi_k says “He has great range, but his abilities are easy to dodge. Most Hweis run out of mana fast, trying to get you out of lane, but you kill him easily, as he's completely immobile and squishy. Mage, so...
Mercs+Wit's End=Dead Mage!”
ZedAway says “really annoying long range poke, he outscales u, focus more on roaming and giving other lanes a lead while ur adc lays back and solo farm and get solo xp.”
Tamikaze says “Hwei can be a difficult matchup for Azir due to his high wave clear, high range, and high burst. The only saving grace in this lane is that he is an immobile mage that is vulernable to ganks. Ideally, if you can get him to waste his abilities on the wave or bait them out (especially his E), you can go in to DPS him down to gain a resource advantage. Do not go in on him unless his Q or E are down. You will lose the trade. Try to play around your Jungler, and call for ganks with your ult. ”
MattStyle says “Te recomiendo que mires un video en Youtube para conocer bien sus habilidades pues tiene 9 diferentes.
Debes esquivar su combo de E3, Q3 y E2 Q2 pues hacen mucho daño.
Su principal ventaja es que recupera maná con su W3 mientras que a ti se te agota.
Es un personaje muy bueno en TFs que además escala bien pero carece de movilidad así que es sencillo gankearlo o atraparlo si se posiciona mal. ”
j4ss says “Not bad but no the best matchup, I only put "even" because no matter what happens, he'll be annoying later on. But in lane he is a minor threat. Poke him down, and do your best to snowball him.”
Tatsurion says “I havent had the opportunity of laning into a GOOD, PROPER hwei. but i can imagine that both of you play very similarly. both of you are really strong lategame, and kinda okay ish early game, this is as even as a matchup gets i feel
take burst if the comp allows”
Xc1Mare says “Патлатый говнарь стал собирательным образом всего худшего из магов в лиге легенд
1 - Вы не можете безопасно спушивать линию не подставляясь под его QE ,Слишком пассивная игра отдаст ему приоритет и вас съедят под башней бесконечным спамом QQ
2 - Любая ваша агрессия встретит EQ или EE в лицо с последующим напалмом из скилов
3 - Эмо-бой способен заныть и получить ману из воздуха из-за чего его ресурсы могут быть бесконечными
4 - Он сильнее вас в командных сражениях и любое преимущество Хвея может сильно подкосить всю вашу команду
5 - Хвей способен хорошо пушить Башни пусть и не занимается этим так профильно как Зигс и Тристана
Играть против Хвея можно только с лесником и никак иначе ,вы можете попробовать получить приоритет на линии ценой своего здоровья ,но нет гарантий что подобный роум или смещение без ХП окупятся.”
Vladmidir says “In my opinion Hwei isn't that bad of a matchup, his QQ is pretty easy to dodge if u sidestep it. You can hard trade with him a few times then all in him. He doesn't have any mobility so once he uses his cooldowns you can all in him easily. ”
GreenReapers says “Electrocute or Conqueror.
Hwei is too good at proccing your first strike, if played correctly.
Take d-shield to survive early lane, while poking. Hwei has a lot of pressure on you and get's hard to kill once he fully stacks his archangels.
You should look to engage post 6. If his purple is down he has a much harder time to peel you off of him.
Look to dodge his burst with your ult where possible. Voltaic lets you kill him easier due to his lack of mobility abilities, but if you're too behind after a rough early eclipse might be a good choice.”
Halkem says “Really bad matchup. Has so many AOE abilities that you just can't reliably get push against him. He hard outranges you so it's hard to match his trades. A lot of times he can get you in kill range from far away. If you catch him from fog or flash on him with JG he's killable. Just survive as best as you can and look for opportunities to be useful.”
BrMario1011 says “Cancer pdf champ, puts you under your tower, can cancel ur w if hes fast enough, he can escape ganks somewhat, team fights better than you, and does a funny damage early game, late game try ur best to pick him off
Go electrocute second winds, dorans ring and teleport”
Hexeria says “[Will bully you from minute 1.] [Go Dorans Shield + Second Wind] [Dont engage when he has his E, wait for his abilites to be thrown out and quickly kill him] [Buy Tank items with Hollow Radience first.]”
MetalK1d says “Hwei is one of the best bans for Gragas. He has very big damage, high range and can easily cancel your engage. The only way to kill him is to poke him with Qs and engage him with flash so he can not dodge it.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “Easy to kill and you outrange him.. well most of the time.. He's just like Ahri but very weak and with no dash to hep him escape.”
otaliz says “Hwei is a champion who needs to hit his abilities to deal damage, as they are skillshots. That's why the best way to play against it is with a lot of movement speed, which is why Shurelya's build is a good option against Hwei. Rod of Ages with Celerity and movement speed shard is also good. Control the wave according to the game state until level 6, then start pushing the wave and start looking for roaming opportunities. Buy boots as fast as possible.”
Baxterstein says “One of the few other champs that can match your permapush. But, he goes OOM and you do not. Get demolish procs on his tower when he backs for mana. Your goal here is to keep him under tower while you influence the map (especially helping your jungle snowball), enabling your team to hopefully dogpile onto him in lategame.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Hwei is pretty abusable during laning phase, as you have typically greater range than him and better poke. Keep in mind that you can position yourself around minions to avoid his fireball, fear, and root abilities, and that his pull requires him to get close to you, giving you an easier time to hit abilities on him.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
I haven't experienced a lot of games agaisnt Hwei yet, however I must say that he's lowkey a mirror matchup for you as Lux. Obviously he has more spells than you which makes him more versatile. After 2 items, he'll be kinda hard to one shot due to his Archangel's shield. Matchup is relying on who will dodge the spells of the other.”
angeLoon says “phase rush and inspiration
Electrocute and Ignite
the lane in start is his, but when you have your tear and serrated dirk the matchup turns into you.
poke him with your QE ranged
and try to all in him when he waste his E”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is very strong in lane, but will struggle against you in the mid game. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. Hwei is very gankable and can suffer in early skirmishes so if you can ever look for 2v2s or ganks mid it will definitely pay off. ”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is an extremely strong laner but you should be able to get a slight lead against him and then outscale him. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. Hwei is very gankable and can suffer in early skirmishes so if you can ever look for 2v2s or ganks mid it will definitely pay off. Rushing T2 boots in this matchup can be useful in order to help dodge his poke.
ShokLoL says “Hwei is very strong in lane but you will outperform him in any early skirmishes or teamfights. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. Try setup ganks onto him and look to trade whenever his E is down.”
awawa says “A Gloomie wannabe. He can cancel your ult with E-Q, and deal some good damage. He has shorter CDs so make sure you dont waste abilities and let him poke you for free.
Life gets easier once you are 6, after all its just another squishy mage.”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is pretty strong in lane but you should be able to go even, and then you outscale him very hard. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. He's also very gankable post 6 so try play for a gank.”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is an extremely strong laner but you will outscale him. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. Be very careful trying to go aggro onto him with melee unless he has already used Q.”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is a very strong laner but Orianna should be able to bully him. ry position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. The more QW combos you can get off without taking damage in return the easier this matchup will be.”
MageSept says “Similar to Xerath, take Doran's shield and Second Wind.
Unlike Xerath, he has no mana problem and his cooldowns are low, which makes him harder than Xerath in my opinion, but still easier than Irelia, Zed and Katarina since he has less mobility and shouldn't impact the map as much.”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is very strong in lane and can pressure you very hard 1v1, but he's very immobile and you should have no trouble setting up ganks onto him or catching him out of position in teamfights.”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is an extremely strong laner but generally gets outscaled. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. Hwei is very gankable and can suffer in early skirmishes so if you can ever look for 2v2s or ganks mid it will definitely pay off.
Juon says “Has insane sustain, which is also bursty, and allows him to cc you and shield himself blablablablabla- you get the point. Its just super hard to play against, you have a much better chance trying to kill other laners than this monstrosity. One of the more important champs to have banned.”
Deceiver_euw says “Hwei is currently the strongest lane bully out of any mage into the game and 1v1 LeBlanc will really struggle into him early. Good thing is that hwei is really hard to play well so you will not struggle vs average hwei players. Once the Hwei is really good, its a nightmare. Your counterplay is obviously jungler and support since Hwei is very easy to kill with ganks or burn his flash.
Focus on dodging his spells rather than hitting him with W since his spells hit really hard but are all skillshots which you can dodge with movement and W.”
plankbro says “Hwei is a rough matchup. Mana is but a pittance to this champ and you will be constantly poked in lane. Save your Q+E combo for right after he does a CC ability, because he'll be out of CC for a short window for you to punish him. Pushing is really hard because he gets a lane-wide AoE ability every 5 seconds that zones you from the minions while also damaging your entire wave, so pushing reliably is tough. Trade your deaths for plates and watch out for ganks. Late game Hwei is a threat both to you AND your team, so just focus on your early plate lead and keep an eye out for any teamfights so that you can go and take a tower or two unharassed.”
IggyBoom says “If I could tell which E spell he is using, he'd be a minor matchup, but it is so hard to tell, if he just casually fears you while you are in the w. On the other side, he is still super immobile.”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Manaflow absolute.
He will try and fear you after you sleep him so you can't combo.
He will trap your movement and R with E-W, which is brutal.
Recommend banshee's. Consider tear.”
Veralion says “Extremely obnoxious. His kit basically does everything; 200 year abomination with few flaws. Shoves you in and spams a billion spells on you while restoring mana on cooldown. You'll take a ton of unavoidable damage. Orange missile and his root->snipe combo are the biggest threats. Both can be blocked by your creeps; it's not intuitive at all, but the root shoots a projectile at you when triggered. Ulting on him will get you feared, ulted, and chunked. Dies easily to a gank, though, so annoy your jungle.”
vSomnia says “Try to trade when he used abilities, he has a lot of utility but kinda low damage so when he missed or uses abilities for farming, go make a trade. If he misses his fear on you he is kinda done for so try to dodge it. Always fight when he has no fear.”
WarwicksSimp says “Decent ban. Need jungle help badly in this matchup otherwise he's gonna heavy outscale you and win teamfights perma, rlly low cds and good wave clear to push into you, he perma has prio.
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Hwei focus on farm and trade back when he waste his Q abilities, watch out for his cc abilities, try to bait those (EQ and EE) for more free trades back, he will poke you a lot so try to dodge those”
gaarrett says “Dodge the fireball, don't stand in the lava. Hwei will likely save his Fear for when you E/E2 at him. Poke with Q, stay as healthy as possible. [4/5] ultimate, ranged AOE slow plus the explosion at the end is pretty neat for skirmishes.”
149Gray says “Hide behind minions while not standing too close to them so you don't get hit by his QQ, stay out of the wave when he uses QE, pool his EQ (fear) if you have to, im pretty sure if his EW starts approaching you, it'll hit you even in pool, so if you think you can't get out of it on time, pool in advance, his R is also really easy to pool. Once he gets his first item, he'll just oneshot the wave with QE and do something on the map (if he's good).”
ImVoxxX says “I played probably 2 or 3 games vs Hwei, but he appears to be like Syndra.
Just try to not get poked down in lane and roam when possible.”
XD001 says “While Hwei's early poke can be annoying early, you can consistently chunk him out of lane after first back if he uses his fleeing spell on the wave. Eventually he will be able to 1 shot the wave from under tower so match his shove and look for plays around the map. Late game you wanna get rocketbelt and find flanks to 1 shot him and other squishies.
take Elec + sorcery page”
JackOfAllLanes says “Super nerfed right now and your mobility with W and boots rush should counter his whole champ. Make sure you know what's his root and what's his ult to to flash away at the right time. ”
Coldsong says “Hwei has annoying poke early, but as long as you dodge his QW and his EQ, he is very easy to burst and kill. Stand away from the wave so that he cannot poke you with his QE and farm at the same time, and punish him for using any of his E abilities, as he has no self-peel while they are on cooldown. His ult is very very strong, but is very slow and can be easy to dodge.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Skill matchup. Don't initiate when he has his E up. He can prevent your W by fearing you when you go in. You do have an advantage at level 6 and a better all in. ”
Fuzzmonkey says “Not a huge threat, but just make sure that when you go to engage him that he's already used something from his 'E' book. This will allow you to get a combo onto him without being CC'ed.
At level 6, same thing. His ult doesn't pose much of a threat unless he can combo it with CC.”
Demonsedge90 says “When playing as Syndra, duelling Hwei is a matchup that you can handle easily. You can pressure him and even go all in when he tries to farm or engage in trades with you. However, it is crucial to remember that Hwei might ask for help from their jungle or teammates to keep up or get ahead. Therefore, it is essential to place wards regularly to avoid getting caught off guard and stay safe while keeping up with the game.”
leonidas44 says “You have everything in your kit to harass him and to go all in to him. Dont stay too much away otherwise he will poke you. Going in is the way to play the match.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Heavy poke, and difficult to reach, but if you find the right moment you kill him pretty easy.
try to stay a little away from the minions so the AOE of his "Q+Q" doesn't poke you down.
Heavy poke y difícil de alcanzar, pero si encuentras el momento adecuado, lo matarás con bastante facilidad.
trata de posicionarte lejos de los minions, para que asi su "Q+Q" no te afecte tanto el AOE que tiene. ”
SurferKiller says “Hwei is heavily skill based. He has a fear (E) that he can use very often, but at the same time, he might use the other alternations to his E. Check his abilities and learn his E alternations so that you can play around his cooldowns. That should be your all in ability if he misses. Careful with his long range spell.”
KazunaSan says “J'aurais choisis de mettre le match up Even si son fear ne n'annulait pas votre E mais c'est le cas, le champion est très punitif mais tout de même assez squishy, vous pouvez donc le OS (si vous arrivez à l'atteindre)”
Dustyacer says “He has too much range and wave clear. If you hit ult ontop of him it probably doesn't do anything unlike most other control/artillery mages since he can just use EW or EQ to cc you. Definitely one of the harder mages to play against. Save our E for his R detonation post 6. ”
Lindroganti says “Very not cool. Has shields, speedups, and pretty easy to hit cc. Gonna be very hard to catch this guy and he hurts. Make sure to block his R explosion, some of his cc has a windup so you might be able to jump on him before the cc hits you.”
Wizboy73 says “After playing a lot of games into him im ready to judge it. It really depends on the player, if its a good hwei you cannot do much to influence the lane, he can play ultra safe without mana issues. take poke runes or snowball runes. you DO NOT outscale him, he is a lategame monster when his CD's are low. you have a much better midgame however.”
Shinbae says “Редко попадался мне во врагах, одно можно сказать, что очень тонкий и его абилки легко доджаться, тут только ровность ваших рук уже даёт преимущество перед ним”
lkycch says “Has enough range to poke you down in lane and good waveclearing abilities; Hwei is the perfect mage. You will be constantly under tower when laning against him; try your best to farm until you get Lost Chapter. He is somewhat gankable, because his abilities do have high cooldowns, but a good Hwei will use his CC to deny any gank. Thus, what your strategy should be, is to push wave and roam. In teamfights, he will outshine you simply because of the insane AoE damage he can output; as the game goes on, he gets even stronger. Therefore, try to end the game early by getting your bot lane super fed. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Saddest says “Hwei is extremely squishy and his main defensive tool against you is relatively easy to dodge. Be sure to avoid any unnecessary poke and all in whenever you see an opportunity, it will usually result in a kill or a summoner spell used.”
ShokLoL says “This matchup is actually not too bad if you abuse your comet E max early, but if you fall behind and can't contest the wave it will quickly become miserable. Try abuse early lane and then setup ganks post 6.”
Zeekar says “Relatively predictable cc and you can pretty easily get on top of him. However, he can shove the wave better than you ever could without ever having to interact with you. ”
Chuleex says “Hwei has higher range and cc than most mages, he is quite annoying once midgame " early powerspikes come in, dodging him is extremely usefull going mercs can help, and as an inmobile mage once he uses his cds or getting him on a gank is pretty much free kill, look to roam and hexdrinker isnt as strong as he can just poke you whitout overcomiting”
ShokLoL says “Hwei is an easy 1v1 matchup for Viktor. You should be able to poke him out at all times. Try not to group too heavily with the wave so he has to choose between harassing you or pushing. Play on your range with E to avoid his Q poke.”
Divine Azir says “This matchup is extremely annoying. He has superior range, superior burst, superior mana sustain, and superior CC. His only weakness is mobility, but he can avoid jungle ganks by playing from fountain. Very strong laning phase, lowish mobility. You win by scaling.
① QQ poke does a lot of damage. You have to play behind your minions to avoid it but also far enough away to avoid QE+EE. Take second wind to help sustain his poke so he can't execute you with QW+R. Do your best to match his push, as if you get pushed under turret and your jungler isn't there to help, the match is unplayable. Don't bother trying to fight him early, just use your mana to farm from max range until you hit lvl 6, then pray to the gank gods.
② If Hwei misses his E, don't get baited into all-inning him unless it's a confirmed kill. QQ+WE+R is typically all he needs to 100-0 you (or at least win the trade).
③ Your W+E+Q is not enough to get you out of range of QW. If you get hit by R, it's already too late.”
ShokLoL says “Against Hwei you need to try and keep control of the wave whenever possible, if he gets past the wave and can QQ you for free you'll take a lot of damage. Make sure to stay behind the creeps but slightly to the side so he can't QE + EE you. If he uses all his CDs on the wave, try zone him off or look for a trade. Post 6 try stand a bit further back to avoid his EE as if it hits he'll immediately ult you. Swiftness boots can help a lot here.”
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