Top Lane 51.47% Win Rate94% Pick RateUrgot Top Lane Counters: 39 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Urgot in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kayle1v9 says “Dont get hit by his E. Play safe and scale. at lvl 11 and items u win. its just hit and run.”
Loocalol says “Runes: Comet
Early: Start Q and respect his early. Play for cs for first reset
Tips: Try to Q poke him constantly. You can attack his mana pool with trades since Urgot has very limited mana. Even if they are bad trades, if he has no mana he can't do much”
liucan says “HARD Skill match: u win lvl 1 if u dodge his E with ur W, after that he can demolish u, but u can E backwards his E into your tower or a wall (or both for more emotional dmg). U can ult him if he uses his E, but u need to dodge his ult or he will execute u before/after healing easy, since he has so much burst. rush botrk and use PTA dont rely on dodging ult too much because how big that hitbox is, u need to kill him fast. if u are really ahead then hes is just a minion and really easy to dive if u jungler knows what he is doing (sadly this will not be most of the time, unless hes ur premade)”
Dom1nus says “Dont get hit by his e lvl 1, do some short trades with e q and from 3 and after bait out his shield and e q w aa e back, one way to bait his e it to walk straight into him and side step his e. ”
Maniaxx says “o deal with Urgot as Dr. Mundo in the top lane, focus on avoiding his poke and managing his all-ins. Early on, be cautious of Urgot's Q (Corrosive Charge), which slows you and sets up his W (Purge) for constant damage. If you get hit by Q, Urgot will likely engage with W, so try to avoid trading when his abilities are up. Use your Q (Infected Cleaver) to poke from range and keep your distance. After level 6, (R) helps you survive Urgot’s burst and extended trades, but be mindful of his R (Fear Beyond Death), which can execute you if you're below 30% health. In the late game, building Spirit Visage to enhance your healing and Thornmail to reduce Urgot’s sustain can be very effective. Pay attention to Urgot's Q and W cooldowns, and avoid extended trades when he has full access to both abilities. With patience and proper positioning, Mundo can out-sustain Urgot in prolonged fights, especially if you avoid his R execution.”
quenzo says “Kills your Minions in a instant with his W. I would say it's a skill match up but if you get gold advantage and play good around his you should be able to win this lane. Conqueror, flash and teleport”
ballhog2dacore says “Can bait his stun with your E. He outpokes you if played correctly so go for extended fights at lvl 2/3 and you should win at 6 with ignite.”
parker3n9 says “The key to this matchup is surviving Level 1, as Urgot’s all-in at this stage is very strong. If you avoid his early aggression, the lane gets progressively easier. You can consistently poke him out, and he has no way to dodge your E. While Urgot is technically "ranged," his limited range makes it easy to space him effectively. Pre-first item, he should rarely be close enough to hit you with his E, so maintain good positioning. At Level 6, watch out for his Flash into E and R combo, but if you space correctly, you can win the all-in even if he engages. By Level 13, you’ll need to be a bit more cautious, but with proper spacing, you should still win most trades and fights.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Urgot has a lot of pressure because of his E. If he waste it, punish him hard. Play safe and poke a lot. You can buffer your R into his E, but can't do it with his R. Play it cool, farm well and try to bait his E.”
Raideru says “This matchup u basically just perma spam w on him and make sure u're not close enough to get flipped for free, remember u can cancel his flip with your e if you react fast enough after lvl 9 it's difficult 1v1 if you're not ahead and keep in mind if he doesn't flip you, u can always easily dodge his ult with your ult. I advise Conqueror with Tiamat rush if he is not trolling in lane much.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Another ""easy"" ranged matchup, don't get flipped into minions level 1 and you'll be okay. He's too fat to dodge Q so spam that on him for poke and then look for all-ins. Stay on one side of
him so he can't hit all his leg passives. When he ults you just stun him, get 3 autos in and eat him, this will SEVERELY limit his DPS in this time and his ult should time out while he's inside
you. After that it's an easy kill.
(Grasp instead of Fleet here as he is pretty easy to get on top of and you'll need the damage to cut through his tankiness)" ”
Fenharion says “He is not really popular so I don't have much experience,but he likes to stay close like you do.he will be a problem around late game but you can demolish him early game.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Urgot's Autoattack range is really small, so you can always poke him with your Q before he can auto attack.
He will usually Try to hit his Q to slow you down. It is a skillshot, but pretty quick one, with a really small area, so you are usually better off moving unpredictably, so he cannot hit it.
His whole kit is built around hitting Q and then being able to hit his Dash on you to throw you behind him, so he can Machine Gun you down.
He is a really slow and sloppy champion, you can basically just move around a lot and always Q him for the poke.
Be careful with using W, because he could use his own dash to catch you and throw you behind him.
His power is early, but he has no range on you, if you keep poking.
Don't let him breath and he will not be able to do anything.
SemenDrinker says “Shield, 2nd wind
Urgot players are going to start e and try to kill you or hard chunk you setting up for a level 2 kill with ignite. So just be aware of that and if you aren't leashing pre ward the bush or walk with the wave to ward your bush. The lane actually flip flops as urgot will have the advantage lvls 1-3 and then flips back to you 4-8 until urgot will get 9 and his W toggle autos will hurt alot. Try to keep short trades and kite backwards when you q2 as that's usually when urgots will e and his E can cc buffer your knockup. Rush plated and go sundered sky as it will heavily overpower his execute for clutch fights. Post laning phase however urgot scales MUCH harder than you do and side lane becomes alot harder. ”
IvanBeifong says “Pretty minor threat, go 3 points in Q, always save your E for when he E's at you, and you'll be good to go, you should do more damage than him and also heal more.”
LilPicky says “(1st rune page start shield) bait his dash stun before you E in, if you E in and he uses the dash stun he cancels your E and he will kill you, you go for a hard trade when you have your bone plating up ”
Frankoloko says “Never walk within range for him to throw you under his tower. His ult executes you at 25% HP, so your shield doesn't matter. Therefore vs Urgot, use your shield earlier in the fight to preserve HP. Even if you are ahead, he becomes seriously strong at 1-2 items, be careful of that! Respect his lv1 as his passive does a lot of damage, but if he uses it one the wave then definitely take advantage of that. Rylai's is a massive counter to him since it stops him from moving around you to proc his passive.”
Body Those Fools says “He may try to cheese you with E start and hiding in a bush, so just be aware of that. You outrange him, just try to dodge his Qs. If he ever walks forward like he wants to E you, just walk backwards or you can Ult him away. You can Flash, E, or EQ out of his Ult if you're quick enough. Otherwise, if you're low HP, just recall instead of staying. Don't die and just try to farm since you outscale him and can poke him down.”
Zagreus16 says “The basics of this matchup is if you can dodge his E knockup then you hard win the trade. if you dont your kinda screwed. if you notice you keep getting hit by his E and living its better to max W in this fight so you can throw all the dmg back at him. if not otherwise max your Q”
step1v9 says “FLEET - Stridebreaker | Urgot is constantly forced to push into you which makes this matchup very hard for him. Level 1, just walk up and try to bait him to E on you, then space to dodge or E spin away. Also, when his AOE auto is on CD make sure to stand in that area to avoid receiving extra damage. Once you get W at level 4 you can look for all-ins. Post 6 Tryndamere wins hard. Make sure to not use ulti until the complete end of his ulti animation, because you are invulnerable the whole time you are getting pulled in.”
Raideru says “Lvl 1 respect his e cause he stat checks you so just farm with Q and poke him, once you're lvl 3 try to short trade and bait his e out and if you dodge it u can run him down or even if he hits u if you have way more hp u can still win the all in, remember never use your e on him when he uses e cause it cancels yours out wait to use it the second he jumps”
Azzin says “You can cleanse his E but it's tricky to react to. You can also cleanse R, but overall he'll just deal more damage than you while being really tanky so i'd avoid long trades except if your playing the offtank build.”
Haxorr says “Urgot can be pretty challenging if you don't respect his burst potential with his e -> ult, but if you hold your e until he e's then you should be okay. The only way you ever lose this matchup is if he buffers his e into your stun, in which case you will get ulted and killed very easily. I personally think that running DShield + Grasp is good in this matchup, and that you can play pretty aggressive from level 3 onwards. Rushing Trinity into Urgot is best, as the extra health makes you harder for him to 1shot. Make sure you don't get chunked out early. If he has ignite then it's really hard to win early, so just play safe and farm.”
DuckQc says “Play safe early, he can kill you. run him down once 6. He doesn't have a lot of outplay potential, but he can be somewhat dangerous if he gets ahead. His dash has too litle range to cancel your r, just wait until he is pushed up on your side of lane and kill him.”
Arthapsic says “Start E level 1 as he will try to E you and if he does you lose like half of your HP. Repeat this every time he has E up You cannot E into him you have to save it to dodge his E. always trade just with Q then E out otherwise you lose the trade. On cleaver you lose the 1v1 so just look for 5v5 plays. Be very careful of his E flash it guarantees the hit before you can E it and if he has ignite be careful early lane.”
TeiWasTaken says “Urgot is a matchup where you cannot fight him after he gets 6. Aim for a long fight at 2. Then, just proc his [SHOTGUN KNEES] and all in him if he does not have Ult.”
Angryappleseed says “Just harass him with Q, and dodge his E flip. If you get flipped, you lose. Play with your range advantage. You can technically E his R, but that is impossible to predict.”
Hotch says “Do not get cheesed level 1 or its game over. His W one-shots your ghouls. You need to have a 4 ghoul setup and intentionally get hit by his Q in order to fight him. ”
PinkBlood says “Urgots level 1 is really strong and when he starts to get levels into his W . Apart from that hes not really menacing in lane apart from his all in with ignite if he runs it. You can Orange (W) his ult and stun. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.1,3 are good.D shield and tp(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for urgot*
if he lands even once his Disdain(E)
You're dead or really close to be
So avoid it at all cost.
If you see u can't dodge it, cast your
Aegis Assault(E) backwards so after the flip you'll face him.
If he used his E punish him as hard as u can.
"Just for the note" - it is possible to fully block his R execution by:
Situation 1-NOT running too far from him and instantly pressing E when his ult hits u(if u were low already).
It's annoying matchup and you better just farm and roam.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
Dont get cheesed by an early e. You just need to bait out his e and you can poke him for free. You out range him. You need to flash his r later. This is very difficult if you are in melee. Save w until you get low to prevent r execute. You outscale him. ”
conqiyana says “hullbreaker makes him broken, will kill you, 1 shot your tower and get a huge gold lead.
only counterplay is buying serpents fang.
try not to feed him”
MaesePerez says “This matchup seems horrible and unwinnable at first, but it's really not as bad as it seems. Rush tabis and frozen heart and he can't kill you, but since his execute is based off your max hp, be aware that even if you have 2k hp left, you might still be in execute range. He is much stronger levels 1-3 and level 9 is a huge powerspike for him. You outscale late game, but his midgame is extremely strong. Same as with singed, if you see him approach your backline, silence him or q him out of his e so he can't get an execute and a fear off. Urgot's pressure in teamfights is mostly that AOE fear and his legs, so denying the fear helps. You should win 1v1 in sidelane post 3 items if you aren't very behind. ”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
If you dont get hit by e his ult doesnt reel you in, but if he lands e and q slow in an all-in you just get obliterated. Rush a wardens after heartsteel. His main cheese in lane is flash e'ing after landing a q, so it's recommended to mirror his flash instead of tp to make that cheese a lot worse (cos without flash there really isnt a lot of counterplay). Phase rush + resolve”
Artszy says “Toma cuidado que se o E dele for usado colado em você, seu W não cancela o dash. No geral você rusha tab ninja e coreção congelado. Se tomar o E dele você perde a troca.”
hamgi says “spacing is incredibly important. stay out of e range or hold e to dodge it. so do not q3 into/e towards him as he will just e. avoid q as it slows, making his e easier to land, esp if u cant q3/r/flash away”
forlid says “Urgot is a terrific duelist and a strong splitpusher, but as with other champs in this caliber, he suffers from low mobility and a predictable kit. You basically always win him as long as you don't get hit by his E. Skew his HP away by taking short trades and you should win this lane.”
GwenMain says “skill matchup favorable to urgot. I take second wind and sometimes corrupting potion. Play safe and don't let him hit you in the early stages of the game, note that the range of his shotguns is almost the same as you E's so use it to poke when it's safe to do so or after he uses his E(dash). If not fed he shouldn't be a problem in mid to late game just note that he can 1v1 easily if he hits his abilities so be careful and build zhonya's if needed.”
Belle19 says “if you get hit by e you die and he can potentially poke you out but if you dodge the e he loses pretty hard. If he has ignite PTA I would just look to survive lane as you'll outscale pretty hard. Rush a wardens mail it ruins him. Unless his stuff is on cd I wouldn't randomly pull him, save it for if he engages. Its a stalemate lane where both really only win if the other engages, and you outscale.”
zwartebliksem says “High damage with passive, dodge his E and only go in when his passive is down. If he misses his E, he deals about 30% less damage, this is a window to look for trades/ kills. Try not to fight level 6 unless you have flash or his ult is down.”
AWierdShoe says “Urgot is a ranged champ that we actually bully quite hard. Do not contest the wave, as it is very difficult to contest the push versus Urgot in the early levels with his passive+range. Play safe early and wait for level 4. Avoid getting hit by his Qs and E at the beginning of laning phase, and watch for his E+Flash combo to stun you into taking huge chunks of damage. Once we get level 4, our damage will be incredibly strong compared to his and his low mobility will force him to either eat the combo or dash out of it with E (this has a long cooldown). Care for his level 6, as he gains a ton of kill pressure onto you (unless you sidestep it). his next spike is level 9 when he has his W maxed out, as it gives him a ton of consistent damage. With correct spacing you will send this champion crying back to fountain over and over. Tabis rush is great into him. ”
Haearnbleidd says “Play safe early, run him down once 6. He doesn't have a lot of outplay potential, but he can be somewhat dangerous if he gets ahead. His dash has too litle range to cancel your r, just wait until he is pushed up on your side of lane and kill him.”
Akuzai says “Start e if you're struggling with this. Respect him early and save your e for his. If you dodge it you should win. You can win on teamfights but if you get hit by e on side you always lose.”
PPlongcook says “You can easily win every trade once you get a vamp scepter. His stun is a longer cooldown than your E so be sure to dodge it every time he uses it. It has a windup that is easily telegraphed but if you are sitting on him you might not have time to dodge it. Item for item you out scale him.”
hoflol says “Skill dependent matchup. Urgot level 1 is very strong when he takes E, but after this it is all about being smart and trying to dodge his E.
Late game, Urgot is pretty impossible to kill. But he can't E on your W, so you will always have potential to catch him out.”
GheeseEmpty says “Most Urgot players rely on an all in in order to establish lane dominance, but your all in is by far stronger than his before level 6. Warden's Mail or Plated Steelcaps is a very good purchase early into him.
One he gets Hullbreaker, the matchup becomes significantly more difficult.”
xXazzer says “Dodge his E, he's not that difficult. You can W him if he goes in on you. He's a budget ranged champ. You can play around his shotgun knees as well. But if he is good he can beat you. Becareful of diving him with his E, and his level 1 E cheese.”
NegativePhoenix says “There isn't a ton you can do to fight him and it needs to be treated like a ranged matchup in my opinion
His E is faster than your W so he can interrupt it if he's fast enough
Just make sure you don't feed him early and later your team should be able to handle him”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Don't trade early because of his E. You can't CC him if he casted his E, only the second part of it. You need to buy Wardens mail or Plated to reduce his damage heavely. Your W will still go off if you casted it before his Ult execute animation. You can kill him early if your run ignite but he will outscale you at lvl 9. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
LilliaFanBoy says “Similar to the other ranged match-ups. Running aery/comet makes this really easy. As long as you don't get hit by his E you will more often than not win easily.”
WhendZ says “Urgot tem como destruir seus barrir bem rápido, então não adianta contar com eles. desvia do Q e do E dele, e tenta trocar com ele sem ativar os joelhos de escopeta dele. Sua laranja countera a Ult dele, só usar quando ele te puxar”
LegacyOneTap says “lt, dblade, flash ghost. level 1 cheese, try to dodge his grab, he'll always want to use his grab when you e, your e comes back up faster so abuse that time window to trade in your favor. early levels save counterstrike for his gatling mode its not permanent til 5 points. kite around his spots where there isnt a shotgun blast ready so you take less damage, try to avoid initiating a fight early where he has press the attack almost proc'd on you.”
Wizboy73 says “[grasp/Conq] just dont let him R you. He can deal a lot of dmg so dont underestimate him. if you get to 4 items you can easil win, but still care for all his sshred. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Simples, desvie do Q e o E dele, caso ele ative o W você deve deixa-lo cego, essa é a matchup que você deve manter distância, se ele te alcançar você perde.
Recomendo o uso de F.F, PTA.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Pretty easy matchup if you don't die before level 3. Rush thornmail and watch him kill himself on you with his W. Use your W to avoid being hit by his E but be warned; if he flashes directly onto you your W will not cancel his E.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Urgot is in a really bad state right now. Try to look for hammer Q on minnion and instantly walk back so you bait his E. ”
BurritoTopKing says “Warden's mail + tabis good buy into him, you can cancel his E if you have good reflexes, it's also relatively easy to dodge, careful with E flash if he has ignite, he can look for an all in at 6.”
SpookyKing says “Similar to Morde except Urgot always goes Tanky nowadays. No matter how ahead you get he outscales you. His E messes up your E. Its kind of a mind game but its favored for him so good luck. ”
xskyswitch says “Take short trades with Q and all-in when he is low. Dodge his E, but if he lands his E pre-6, you can E the majority of his damage. Post 6, if timed correctly, you can E his execute.”
Skaiy says “Against urgot you never get any kills no matter what, unless your jungler gives you silver plate kill, even then it shouldnt be very helpful and mostlikelly he will still be killing you on later lvls in lane even if you get lucky 2.0 score. I recommend to farm and surely only wait for late game, you never outscale him 1v1 and he will kill you at every point of the game, only time when you will become stronger then him is when you get 5 items + zhonya and be lvl 16. Since thats pointless to wait for, you should just farm wait for core and start pushing oposide lanes of where he plays, if he is top go bot and wise versa, you will outsplitpush him every time and thats what you should focus on, if you are 1 item ahead you can probably 1v1 him at that point. ”
Bonkyou says “People struggling with him don't know how to E cancel his E
Flash predict his ult and reposition yourself with your kit to disorientate him.
You win in allins if you think about his W as a reverse fiora passive (Don't step in his W zones)”
RivenCarriedYou says “start dorans shield, you will get poked down to earth When trading, try to stick to one side of Urgot as his machine gun legs proc on all sides. Avoid his E with your E, they'll usually cast it when you Q toward them so be ready to predict. If you get flung by E he can easily 1 shot you, so be very careful. A tricky matchup but not unwinnable, just be sure to do small trades then all in at 6”
Meleedeft says “Very beafy range champion.
He will usually poke you down until you are in execution range of his R.
You can win versus him if you can dodge his E and avoid most of his legs damage.”
Chaddouk says “Few things to keep in mind. Early on, try to stay on the side where he used his passive (legs) already, he has way less damage like that. Then, it's all about his E. If he hits it, and you guys are even, there's no way you win the trade. But if he misses it or manage to dodge it (try to get in and out of his range) then you have a big timer to go for a winning all-in. After 6 it's all about one thing, can he make you use ult before he has to ult. Good urgots will look to do this, make you use R, link their R, and wait for the end of your ultimate to activate their R. Because if you didn't know, you can ult while you getting dragged to him (at the last moment even) and just get out of his belly. So it's pretty much a stat check matchup.”
BaotoGame says “Has a very powerful all-in, if you dodge his E but intentionally get by his Q,he is fightable.His W can kills all your ghouls and wall very quickly, but getting hit by one of his abilities makes it so that Urgot targets you instead of the ghouls, so that you can dps with him the ghouls.”
daitolol says “- W start, almost all urgots will try to E start and stay in bush to cheese you and deny you the XP he can easily get up to 70% of your HP if you dont respect it
- He has really short range so going for short trades is really easy just be always mindful of his e and use shroud/e to prevent it,
-When using R1 to go for an all in it usually better to either try to go for r1+e1 or instantly moving away because you will get locked into position giving him free E/R hit
- His ult Executes at around 20% so always try to dodge it using R/flash
_WhiteSnow_ says “A rougher ranged matchup, it's vital that you bait out his e and react fast enough to cancel it with unburrow. If he's smart, he'll hold e for after you unburrow, in which case you should play to dodge or space it out as best you can. You win short trades if you can unburrow on him burst but be aware he can buffer his e through your unburrow cc so you can use that to mind game the cooldown first.”
At_Tar_Ras says “i mean it's even but he's a better champion than you in laning 1v1s so it's tough to say. sidestep his Qs and try to time your W so it's the same time as his Dash, that way you minimize the time you're stunned and also shieldbreak him. jungle help is prob required in this matchup unless you can finesse a kill. keep in mind this dude will prob hide in a brush with E start to cheese you.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash} You likely won't be beating this guy till lvl 6 and even then you'll at least need ironspike to avoid unnecessary damage from him. His E is very strong under the turret so don't bait yourself. Don't overstay at low hp a simple gank into a well-timed urgot R can net him free gold. Try to bait out his abilities by moving unpredictably around him. pre9 you can walk out of range of his W to waste his cooldown.”
TheBougis says “Urgot doesn't have the damage to kill you especially if you buy Frozen Heart (it's a must versus him).
If Urgot engages on your duo, stand close to him and try to take his W's aggro.”
DebRiX9 says “Even if a minor threat start DShield.
He's stronger level 1 but you can out trade him level 2 and pre level 9. Once you hit 6 you should have poke him enough and be healty to bait E and ult him. Never,ever dive him or fight close to him under his turret. If he goes PTA don't allow him to 3 hit you, kite at his 2nd shot, his range is low, almost as a melee”
RanDomGuY060 says “He counters you when you W with his ult. So if your W is full stacked press E+W right away. If he gets fed you are finished, he is a very strong laner. He will E you when you W too so again E+W him always. Don't go in before level 6 or just play safe if you're not confident.”
ShadowStealer94 says “If you don't ban gangplank BAN URGOT. He's just no fun to play into. Make sure you use your E W combo after he uses his E or he can dodge your W and negate all the damage from it.”
Antecc says “Borderline major difficulty. Inconsistent matchup. Don't fight level 1, you lose it. Dodge his E and do not fight in general if he has E up, unless you're confident you can avoid it. Urgot's utility is higher than you later on, so this is an icky matchup. This applies throughout the entire game.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He is very clunky and its hard for him to catch you but when you need to be extra careful when trying to passive him. He gets huge powerspike on 2 items and lv9. Look out for his passive zone and try to avoid loaded sides, you can orange his ult chains so abuse it. If he hits E he wins almost every time if youre not fed so dodge it at all cost. If you know what youre doing you can use your barrels as a shield between you and him when he uses his W as it will autotarget the barrels, but you need to have good reflex to blow it up before he defuses it.”
ABL Pantheon says “Respect level 1 if he started E, otherwise you can look for a kill with ignite. Dodge his abilities, especially with E and don't engage with W first. You can E with Ultimate but with the right timing.”
lordimboutabust says “Careful for lvl 1 W cheese he will kill you. Much like Illaoi if he misses his E hes a free kill. You can bait it out by walking up and dashing back when the animation for his dash starts. You beat him in lane but end early as he hard outscales you. You can only cancel his dash with Q only when he is moving not during the windup animation | Second WInd | Dshield - Steelcaps - Tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Wardens mail LOL. ignite Urgot is strong, if he hits his e you kinda just lose the trade. Try to position around the legs that don't have shotgun knees as those ones have empowered damage. if you are losing hp post 6 always try to dodge his ult or at least look to dodge his ult.”
Waqql says “It's actually quite simple to deal with Urgot. Dodge his pull ability, preferably using your jump, so you can trade with the bonus attack speed. Pay attention to his area damage and make sure not to get hit by his ultimate at any cost. As Mega Gnar, you only want to engage if you know he doesn't have his ultimate or if your jungler is with you.”
PeanutTime36 says “He is really strong right now. take as much cs as you can and play for teamfights/ganks. His W range is longer than your attack range so stay away. if you can poke him down to ~50% hp, you can kill him. save your ult for when he uses his e. After that kill him.”
Lukajs says “If you can play around Urgot using his E agressively, you can dash back and Q4 him. He will almost always full engage if he hits an E on you. You can create space and dodge his R with your W.
Play around his E being down. ”
demirkaiser says “Don't try level 1. Rush steelcaps, bramble if you are behind. Poke him hard with Q. You can try all in level 3 if he is low. You fuck him hard in ult. Dodge his E. Use your W when you are at like 30% because of the Last Stand and his ult executes at 25%.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Farm the first 3 minions if he allows you, if he doesn't just soak XP. wait for LVL 2, if he wastes Q or W, you can look to trade. Try to use your E at the last second or even better after his E. Kite his passive legs.”
UmbreonQueen says “Bait his E and you're good to go. He's scary at the early stages but if you keep winning the trades and get in his head you'll win the lane all game. Be mindful of his E, outrange him with your Qs, avoid his passive and you should come out on top of all trades”
Twogrand says “YOU CANT GET FLIPPED!!!! if you want to win this lane DO NOT GET FLIPPED that is all, let him waste his leg damage on creeps and then auto attack him to death, This one is jungle dependent if they have farming jg go conq ganking jg go phase rush”
KaiOverHere says “Farm Lane -> Outscale
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
Althalosofsirun says “lvl 1 he beats you take E into W and fight lvl 2 always take dorans shield lvl 6 he can kill you try to ult when he does to delay his execute timer rush steelcaps”
SRoseD says “Boneplating makes it so he doesn't take any damage so poke him with E before trying to go in for any Q's. He also have a knock up and a slow so this isn't too much fun.”
RykonZ says “Urgot's ability to poke and kite Mordekaiser with his Acid Hunter and Purge can make this matchup difficult. Additionally, Urgot's ultimate can displace Mordekaiser and put him in a vulnerable position.”
LocaLAM says “His E can remove your passive allowing him to ult. If you dodge his E when you're low you shouldn't worry too much. His W is annoying though.”
Smauggy says “OK im an urgot main and saw a lot arguments there and there, so here is my opinion, its even in favor of lillia, his ONLY CHANCE his to lands q to slows you and to e you, without that, you outrange him, you poke him to the death, if he flash+e+r you, q and ult him and just run away. ”
Loweloexpert says “You win lvl 3, bait him and then just shield for half hp and gg. Lvl 6 always wait W fir his ult. Easy matchup since he is a stats checker and you outstats him. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “He'll suppress you when you get low enough and prevent you from killing him, even if he is the one on the brink of collapse. Other problemo here. He gets it back really fast so there ain't much way to stop that. And his ult is a comet speed projectile so just be wary and avoid direct close range combat”
ARealFakeIdentity says “This would be an easy matchup if it weren't for his Q, ward bushes and do not move predictably to ensure that he is never able to hit a combo, try to always stay on one side of him to minimise W damage.”
Nazcore says “Pretty good match up. Don't dash into shotgun knees and you preserve a lot of hp. Hit w and can all in. Man is slow. Ignite goes a long way. Can save/reset e for urgot R and dash out of it's way. Don't get poked or you lose.”
SesaPrime says “Urgot's pre lvl 6 pressure can be underestimated at times. Once he has 6, you must ALWAYS watch your health bar when engaging similar to Darius. If your HP is below 50%, do not bother going for further engages. Slow it down. ”
Vixylafoen says “Initially scary cause of his tankiness and him being ranged, but too many will get into a mindset of using their R to try and kill you, but you can W out of it and get away and maybe kill him with an ignite + your passive”
primate nefasto says “Really easy. safe until lvl 3, use E and inmeadiatly W behind and continue fighting. If he lears your move, modify it, but always start doing E and W. Easy kill at lvl 6+, try to not be so obvious because he can cancel your E with his E (like gragas). NEVER fight lvl 1.”
Boptimus says “Urgot has a lot of early poke but has short range. Most Urgot players will try to cheese lvl 1 with E so you can get away with start W to completely avoid this and allow him to push the wave. Avoid harass early and get lots of Armor. Before level 9 if you can tank Urgot's E & W you should be able to all in him.
Just be careful because ulting will put you close to his execute range on his R.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Dodge his Q, stay out of his W and parry his E!
You can also parry his R (both parts) but it's a bit harder.
I like to bring Ignite and play super aggressive pre 9, bc after that he will have W as a toggle and will be spiking a lot.”
stefanko says “Try to bait out his e by fake walking up or q-ing away when he e's. Plated steelcaps rush is really good vs him. Play with the wave, respect his push and fight him when you have passive stacked up. (fleet, teleport)”
Nico_Player says “Honestly for me there aren´t any counter to Yone, but there exist some champs that can make you some problems if you don´t play well. Against Urgot, try to farm safety and avoid his E using E”
PraefectusMace says “While Urgot is ranged, his range isn't that big. So it is still possible to land some Qs on his face if he plays aggressively. Whenever he tries to dash on you, be sure to punish with fear to cancel his W and give him a few good smacks. ”
Akalimetall says “You won't have a fun time against him as you don't outrange him enough to aa him without the risk of him using E on you. His R makes it even harder to play against, but if you are ahead he's less of a threat for you and your game.”
lorensj81 says “This is a hard matchup.
His passive is the shotguns on his legs in different directions and these hurts alot. He wants to use his E on you so he flips you towards his tower and you have to walk around him to get to your tower (getting hit by alot of shotguns). You will loose fight if getting hit by this so make sure to bait it and dodge it.
He often uses his Q first to try and slow you for easier E.
His ult is an execute, if you get hit by first part you will get slowed and if you go below 25% max hp.
In teamfights Urgot will try to pull in one of you and flash into your team for an AOE fear/slow effect.”
Pep_Shin says “Be careful of his E and minion wave early game and you should be able to statcheck him. Once lvl 6 he can't execute you with his R as long as you have yours.
Just run him down with your R and he won't be able to kill you or to run away ”
Irelius says “Не лезьте на эту страхолюдину. Дайте ему пуш, не получайте слишком много контроля. Ботрак раш. В общем, его можно не бояться вообще, если вы задоджите его E, но это игра на яйцах. Если видите E, но понимаете, что не можете задоджить — тыкайте W. НУЖНО кайтить его пассивку, не давайте ему кружиться вокруг вас. Не забывайте о его казни.”
Irelius says “Dont mess with this guy. Give him the push, dont take too much poke. Bork rush. If you dodge his E you hardcore win. If you dont, you are basically dead. If you see E coming and understand you will not be able to dodge it, use W. It will help a bit.
Kite him in a way he would not be able to proc all his passive shotguns.
Respect his execute. Try to bait his R before final all-in”
JustSad42 says “Fiora is one of the few champions that can beat Urgot level 1 if he Es into her. Some Urgots might not know this fact, so use that to your advantage. Against Urgot, you always want to dodge his Q with your Q, since if you don’t, you will get hit by a lot of poke from his W and PTA proc. While trading with Urgot, you either want to save your Q to dodge his E, which is very difficult since your Q is high CD early and you need it to win trades, or W the Urgot E which is not hard to do consistently. Steelcaps rush is very effective versus Urgot. When Reacting to Urgot E, all you need to do is just look at his health bar. As soon as you see the little white bar at the end of it pop up, use your W. A good Urgot will always E to the side of you to bait your stun out, but as long as you’re not forcing a bad fight (he has too many minions, he has poked you out before hand or he has a lead), you will be able to win the fight without needing to land your W on him. As soon as you hit 3 items, the skill expression of the matchup gets removed and you win it even if you get hit by his E. Before then, however, you need to play the lane and the fights well or Urgot can easily win it. You will want to sidelane vs Urgot rather than team fight against him unless your team comp is very high range. If your team comp has low range champions, try to side lane versus him. A few tips are that you want to pretend to dive him (if you feel like you’re ahead enough to do that), and bait out his E. After he wastes his E, go to dive him and focus completely on when he Rs. If you can W his R, you can consistently dive Urgot without problems, since his R slow is the biggest obstacle when it comes to diving him. Otherwise, you generally won’t be able to dive him even with a lead.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Urgot has a strong early, is tanky and does quite a bit of damage. Don't fight him directly, just hit him regularly with your Q. Rush Tabi and it should be easy, don't get hit with his E and R.”
NegativePhoenix says “His E is pretty easy to read so you can W it, but he still wins most trades since you should still be locked-on by his passive and his W can just run you down. He has better overall damage so don't take trades often you can't afford. Try to get your junglers help. If he ults you, your W DOES NOT stop him from pulling you in to execute if he recasts. If it's an automatic and he lets the timer run out the W will stop the ult [weird interaction]. Using your ult also counts as missing health towards letting him execute you with his ult as well.”
Night Guy says “He is pretty easy to handle. Try to bait him into using his dash and just destroy him. He is in minor threat just because late game he is a monster.”
SrMolinv says “You can score a kill on Urgot early, but you need to dodge his E. Its similar to Illaoi, if he lands E he wins. Be careful with his flash, hes super flash reliant champion”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't fight him at lvl 1 if he starts with E]
[Poke him with your Q]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Don't fight Lvl 1 if he starts E. Avoid starting fights with E if he has his E up, since he can just instantly flip you after. DONT USE ULTIMATE TOO EARLY, YOU CAN CAST YOUR ULTIMATE EVEN WHEN IN HIS ULTIMATE! USE IT RIGHT BEFORE YOU GET EXECUTED!”
RandumPersin says “Take PTA and ignite and this matchup isn't too bad in general. Our empowered W and dashes allow us to dodge his stun and break his shield, which makes it very difficult for him to initiate trading with us. His passive is % max HP physical damage on his autos, so armor is more valuable in this matchup than it is in most others. Urgot does outscale us in pretty much every aspect of the game, but we have complete control over lane tempo as well as being a better midgame skirmisher than him - 2 critical aspects required to snowball games. Look to use objectives and small fights to grow a lead and Urgot should never be a problem, but if he gets ahead you need to build steelcaps to maintain an even gamestate. At level 9, Urgot get a LOT stronger and he starts to win duels, especially if we don't have around 100 armor. Respect his 25% HP execute and his passive damage and the Urgot matchup shouldn't be a problem. However, he does become a MAJOR problem that we are incapable of dealing with if he gets a lead.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp
If he has conqueror it's a free lane, with PTA be more careful but you should still win, play around grasp procs and W2 his E if you can't dodge it.”
Smudey says “Kinda ranged matchup. Respect him lvl 1, especially if he skilled E first. You probably have to let him push and get an early level lead so play passively, take TP and play for ult, but watch out for his lvl 9 because he will destroy towers with his maxed out W. You can try trading in lane with him if you bait out his E but I generally wouldn't recommend that. ALWAYS BUY WARDEN'S MAIL. THIS WILL DESTROY HIS DAMAGE.”
Fizzy says “There's not much to explain about this confrontation, it's just dodging his Q, and using Fiora's W on urgot's ult or E, getting stunned or not being executed”
hamgi says “urgot has a rly strong level 1 if he gets his dash-grab (e) off on u, otherwise if he misses or doesnt start e, hes quite an easy match up. he will poke with q, which slows, and it can be annoying if ur trying to chase him or run away from him. u can easily dodge his e with ur own as if u just e in the opposite direction of him, he will never catch up UNLESS he e+flashes. the meanest thing u could do against urgot is rush warden's mail as urgot already struggles with dmg, and that basically kills it off until he gets black cleaver, or another armor shred item. his abilities go thru minions, so dont stand too close to them. dont be greedy for cs if u know his e is up and ur low. he is ranged, so his poke will be annoying, especially if they run pta, which most urgots take. u can dodge his r relatively easy too with ur e, if u know its coming from a long range. iirc, ur w gives u enough shield to not immediately get r-recasted if ur EXACTLY at the threshold it procs, so if u can kill him during that window or somehow regain enough health thru some sort of source, he'll just never be able to kill u”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I dont like the matchup beacuse its not very pleasant but you counter him a little bit. Dont fight if he has his passive on by your side, wait for him to use it on minions as it has 40sec cd early on. You counter his ult as you can just W out of his chains, and if he uses his W if you practice you can place a barrel between you and him, wait for him to shoot it 2 times and then lasthit it. Its not easy but if u manage to do that you have free barel + passive and his 2 hits from W goes to nothing per every barrel. Watch out for his E as you propably lose the trade if you get hit by it as an engage.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Urgot will beat you levels 1-2 if he hits you with his Disdain (E) so be careful of that but after level 3 you just win till urgot gets 3-4 items, He does out scale you so you need to win early if you're scared of him in lane build wardens mail first (I personally don't think you need it to win but if you have it you can't lose until late game), Rush Steelcaps”
TRIAD3S says “This guy can kill you very easily early game. Take care of it and his ult when near of his tower.
E first can be a good option, because he will be let without options and will lose in any way (like Quinn).”
StingingChicken says “Bait his E, then kill him. Your Q's have a lot more range than his autos, so you actually kind of have the range advantage here. E when he starts shooting the fast autos. Most Urgots play like pussies though and never E forward because they lack the confidence that they'll land it, so poke to where if he E's into you and flips you you win anyway and then all in. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “u only have to watch out for his E in that matchup, overall really easy matchup for darius as already mentioned in previous matchups keep ur E as long as u can”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
kajinator says “Conqueror and Flash + Ignite. He's going to try to E on you and statcheck you at level 6, you statcheck him harder. Don't be afraid he does no damage just kite out his W and you will be fine.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Pretty simple matchup, BUT if he E-flashes you you're dead. Use W to bait his E out so you win the trade (he usually loses if he misses E). Always ult when he starts auto'ing you with his W INSTEAD OF ULTING HIS ULT because the invincibility will run out and you'll die anyway, UNLESS you know it's gonna kill him. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
SrMolinv says “Al principio de la partida Urgot es matable pero es complicado. Contra Urgot es intentar que gaste su E y desgastarlo lo maximo posible. Divine ayuda mucho contra Urgot”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, anel de doran, Q > E] - O idela dessa lane é você apenas dar poke nele, jogue apenas no poke e farm, o foco nessa lane é ficar longe do E do urgot que te puxa, jogue recuado, se jogar certo você pode mata-lo early game, mais para frente jogue apenas com seu time e tente fazer a diferença no rio ou TFs"”
Mr Byars says “Wait for your jungler, stay away from his E range and try to dodge his Q, after lvl 8 if you have managed to get kills and got enough stacks wait for him to move away from his turret and once he passes mid lane all in him with W and Ghost”
zir zir azir says “Watch out for his combos with e flesh. If he hits it, you're dead and even a flash won't help you 90% of the time. But it will not be difficult to kite it either.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
Voice44 says “довольно сильно поукает с автоатак. берем завоеватель, попытайтесь доджить все его кушки и байтите его на ешку. если коротко: получили ешку в лицо=умерли, задоджили ешку и начали файтиться= выиграли. аккуратнее когда вы на лоу хп. так как он может в вас ультануть и так же аккуратнее с его комбо е +флеш. всегда будьте готовы к нему если у вас лоу хп.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge(Q) and Disdain(E) in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Q and E in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Q and E in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Q and E in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
BLYX says “Don't let Urgot get a lead in level. Dodge his E with your E or you'll end up dying or escaping with no flash. If he gets his R, try to stay mobile or you'll get executed.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Q and E in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off with his Ultimate.”
Thrandor says “Avoid getting hit by his E and make sure not to get hit by every shotgun knee. I never managed to cancel his ult with either Q or R so I suppose you can't do it.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don't fight with Urgot at level 1 as he will have all his shotgun knees ready and he can quickly bring your life to zero if he can proc them all. Try to dodge Urgot’s Q and E in the laning phase. They both have long cooldowns and you should trade with him when they’re down for a better chance of coming out ahead. Try to stay over 25% health at all times. This will increase your chances of winning lane and surviving. If you’re lower than this, he can just use his E, auto once and then finish you off by his Ultimate.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Another ""easy"" ranged matchup, don't get flipped into minions level 1 and you'll be okay. He's too fat to dodge Q so spam that on him for poke and then look for all-ins. Stay on one side of
him so he can't hit all his leg passives. When he ults you just stun him, get 3 autos in and eat him, this will SEVERELY limit his DPS in this time and his ult should time out while he's inside
you. After that it's an easy kill. ”
Farmer Cleetus says “Clearly beats you late game, he'll be a full tank with a lot of damage. He will dominate you if he's also getting assisted. Have f u n.”
Yiphen says “Win Lane. You win the Level 1 unless he gets off his Shotgun passive. After Level 6 you need to play above 40% HP. You out-range his E but if he catches you, you always lose the trade. Freeze wave in front of tower. Do not dance.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Не принимайте ненужный урон до 3-го уровня. Играйте от E в его E, тогда вы 100% поподайте, но помните, он может дать ее в бок, ради щита или доджа ваших щупалец. Ургот 9-го уровня может использовать свое w полностью автоматически на ваших щупальцах. Так что больше играйте на пассиве. 1 E в ульту выиграет линию. Вы ДОДЖИТЕ СВОЕЙ R, R УРГОТА. Но только тогда когда ургот прожимает ульту и вы видите как его "цепи" ульты за долго начали дергаться, ну или купите кушак и не парьтесь.”
buuu1401 says “(TOP/MID) Lightwork baby. Poke him like the Yorick matchup don't waste your E and you will win. You can cancel his E with your Q. BUT don't get too low if you are under 25% HP he will execute you.”
Taiquyorah says “MU à l'avantage de GP dans la mesure où GP possède a peu près la même range que urgot et que le E est assez facile à dodge.
Le fait que GP puisse poke avec la Poigne donne vraiment l'avantage à GP mais il ne faut pas sous-estimer les dégâts d'un Urgot puisqu'il a les dégâts pour tuer GP.
GP doit esquiver le Q et le E puis faire exploser ses barils. Mais avant de l'all in, il faut le poke ce qui n'est pas facile mais pas difficile non plus.
Il faut à tout prix avoir le W pour son R et comme beaucoup de MU top bruiser, il ne faut pas l'all in lorsqu'il est à 100% HP.”
NegativePhoenix says “Hellish of a lane and late game. He has such high burst that even poking him is too risky, so do your best not to get caught out if you wanna go for pokes. Lane phase will be his so just play it out till your jungler can help or you reach mid-late game. If he can't snowball he won't hit as hard but will still be a challenge to go up against. His shotgun legs do max health damage off of you so be mindful when he grabs you, and late game his W will never have to shut off so he can keep pouring damage on you or a squishy. Do your best to CC him and keep him off your team and body block his ult if you can since he needs to mow you down ALOT to get you into execute range”
Banglas says “You can bully him early. He is way to slow to play around with you. Your Q passive that gives you MS is the main thing that lets you not to worry. ”
gekigami says “Tome muito cuidado Lvl 3, ele pode te dar oneshot com o combo 'E+FLASH+Q+W'
depois disso builde botas de aço, ruptor e rei. ele não vai ser mais ameaça.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His damage can be very annoying.
It is crucial that you dont get hit by his E or you will die, use your E to dodge his.
Play to outscale him and get to Shieldbow.”
DimitriLSD123 says “try to auto him early and poke him a lot You won’t trade a lot it’ll be a low kill game for both of you when he gets feed up and goes in stun ult him and be toxic ”
VituVonDoom says “Like Fiora, a boring lane. If you try to engage with hammer Q, he will E you in the middle of it and just kill you. You do outrange him tho, so use this to poke him down little by little . Be wary of his flash-E, if you see the animation in the middle of the lane, he WILL flash on your face to force a kill. If you dodge it you basically win every trade, so there's that. Go Conq or FS, and treat this like a tank matchup. You will most likely not kill, so don't fuck up and die too much to him.”
kruggyOG says “first three levels you can be afraid of his burst, not so much after
his e is parried easily. watch out for the dog rushing tabis and bramble, in that case do not fight I REPEAT DO NOT ENGAGE IN COMBAT”
KrazyKid1024 says “He's urgot. Nothing really to do into him. Just don't get hit by his E. Then hang around minions so you don't eat his AAs. Makes it manageable but you can't really win this.”
SilviuGarg13 says “Urgot is the worst matchup for early that you can encounter. Him being a ranged bruiser will give you Assassin Kayn passive and will slow down your mid game.”
Michcio says “You can W his ult and if u place barrel between him and you if he uses W (if he didnt land other ability). You need to zone him tho beacuse he outdamages you hard”
Aberrant Demon says “Avoid trading until level 3. After 3, you can only win trades if he misses his E. If his E is going to land, respond with EW before it connects. Avoid letting him shred you with multiple shotgun legs. At level 6 you can look to solo kill but it's not easy to set up. He either has to miss an ability or you do a ton of short trades and use your sustain advantage. Flashing his ult can help but if he's good and E Flashes, there's no way for you to avoid the ult landing.”
Galactities says “Get boneplating. Fight him level 1 you win. This is how I harass Urgots every game. I take a fight level one with boneplating and dorans blade. and I also take Tenacity and unflinching so that if they start their dash I can reduce the time of the CC. If you dont manage to get a fight level one or fight him at all. Just out CS him and split push. If you get into a fight dodge his dash at all costs and dont try to avoid his green shotgun leg thingies and stand ontop of one of the legs that doesn't have it. Try to dodge his R skillshot if you can but just careful of his Black Cleaver powerspike”
NegativePhoenix says “Once he hits 3, there's not a massive chance you can beat him if he lands his E. His burst power all game is insanely strong and overall he's just a menace to you in lane. If he's smart he'll poke you with range and punish you for trying to trade or start any fights. If he goes in for an engage, use your E to dodge his and be near a minion wave. If he can't land his E or Q, his W wont focus you down right away unless he's insanely lucky giving you a chance to abuse him. If you didn't use it already, save your W for his ult so when he fires it, it'll phase through you and he cant get the execute. Later in the game be cautious, but you should be able to slightly handle him better as long as he hasn't got the jump on you”
IcunoX says “Very Hard, he will E you during your E which after this exchange he will win, he has more range and can outdamage you if you stay in his range for too long. CARE FOR HIS LEVEL 1, its stupid damage. He also rushes hullbreaker which is hard for you to deal with.”
over_clouded says “Very hard match-up almost like trynda watch out for his E try not to trade too much cuz you are gonna lose, wait for good opportunity or gank (try to dodge his R)”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Get a freeze, and try to punish him as much as possible, deny him resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke on front vitals, be careful of his E, you usually can't get priority in this matchup.
In this matchup you want to go D Shield + Second wind for his poke, look to poke him down on front vitals (preferrably where he doesnt have an empowered auto due to passive).
Avoid getting hit by Q by using your Q, as otherwise his W will focus and prioritize you.
Going for back vitals is very dangerous as he can run you down sort of and he will have empowered autos.
In this MU you really want to wither him down and then look for an all in, you can flash in front of his E and parry it if needed.
His R1 is easier to react to so parrying that could be the most viable option, his R2 (when the chains come towards you to pull you in) is way harder to react to due to the sheer speed of the spell, but if you succeed he gets stunned, so high risk and high reward!
Bigfella0117 says “deals a LOT of damage. like mordekaiser but even less room for mistakes. would be major instead of extreme if not for his ult, which makes it so 1v1's are almost impossible. poke and keep your distance”
Boptimus says “This lane is 100% free unless Urgot permanently holds his E for your E. Sustain his early poke through Passive/W and once you get Lost Chapter you should be able to poke him into Lethal range.
The most important thing in this match up is to play around his E, if he lands it he will shred your entire health bar.”
Papa Urgot says “How the tables have turned in this matchup. This guy cant fling you anymore so he cant stun you, cant walk around you to trigger his passive. stay on his leg that used the passive. But do build plated steelcaps into sunfire, into thornmail.”
Hawkkiller105 says “Urgot is an even match up because it seems like he does not get to kill you like most other champs can. Urgot has slow mobility with his W up, but he does have a dash flip plus shieling from his E. ”
Scallywag says “Has a lot of burst damage early, so be careful you don't get hit by his e.
He can instantly defuse barrels with his w if you place them incorrectly on top of him.
You can w his ult, but some urgots will just not reactivate ult and just kill you because you didn't use orange earlier.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Urgot legit takes all the damage but that's not the problem. In fact that's not a problem at all, it's that he slices your health bar in half and then ults you for an execution. Simply try not to get ulted, but be cautious because the drill goes at like 50 MPH or at least that's how it feels. Then stay far away from auto range because then you avoid his W range at the same time. If not possible in your mind, then DODGE as quickly as possible.”
verikukko says “I often get free level 1 First Bloods in this matchup, cause Urgot players often try to all-in with E start level 1, but as long as Voli has Lethal Tempo and Q start, you always win those.
In post level 6 all-ins, try to dodge his E with your R, but often it's not a big deal if you don't succeed, cause Volibear is very strong at all-inning Urgot.”
ShacoMagicTrick says “You beat him in early, use the anti tank build and max your boxes. ALWAYS make him ULT THE CLONE so you get a free explosion into him.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] You pretty much counter him because his ranged attacks don't have enough range to out range your Q. So when he autos you you can Q him back while he's in his animation. If he ever E's in on you you can just kill him if you both are even in hp. Rush armor boots and you win.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: this requires incredible auto spacing and reaction time, you basically want a spam Qs and empowered AAs, if he ever lunges at you then you E him and then you win ( you can even do a prediction E when you do Q AA for the first time since all Urgot player will jump on you if you get in that range) . When you hit level 6 you can use your ult if you are close range , he won't be able to react but if he has E then he will just use the E as an escape so it is a judgement call of whether you believe that you can kill him by chasing him down before he can make it to turret. With that being said you need to curb stomp this guys so hard that he will be at 1 item when you are at 2.5 items. So be brutal and look for even opportunity to further your lead and put him behind.”
Trundledaddy says “Wardens mail will do so much work
for you, use your pillar wisely on his E and you can win the lane easily, however it can go very wrong very fast with his execution and range.”
powerfullgeo says “Yeah he's a ranged top laner and we should stop thinking its ok for him to be in top lane. For this match up just try to farm for the first 20 minutes then press Tab and check if your team is winning. If they are winning then good job you've won the game, if not GG go next”
KyleTheConqueror says “Anti-Tahm Kit:
Hard to 1v1, hard to poke, hard to push against.
Forced to play safe, ask jungle for ganks
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
You pretty much counter him because his ranged attacks don't have enough range to out range your Q. So when he autos you you can Q him back while he's in his animation. If he ever E's in on you you can just kill him if you both are even in hp. Rush armor boots and you win.”
Federals1 says “Urgot can threaten to poke you out of lane if you are not careful. However, all it takes is one recall to get a full Warden's Mail and the lane completely swings. His damage gets massively cut because of it. After that you can go for Plated Steelcaps into more speed like Cosmic Drive, or Iceborn Gauntlet, or even finish Frozen Heart. You can also deny him his ultimate if you time yours well, and he will not execute you, but the timing is very hard to do properly if you are up close. If you are from range you can see the chains coming towards you and it's easier to time. Doran's Ring works best into him, but if you're afraid of getting killed before Warden's Mail, you can take Doran's Shield. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Q max is best here, as once you do get Warden's you just have to get close enough to him. His damage will no longer be a problem as he gets out traded every time. First rune page should be used.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Urgot E has a strong lvl 1 so care for that. U can pull him out of his E towards u and try not to circle around him. Care for his lvl 6 all-in with his ult. If he doesn't hit E he loses.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + second wind, always dodge his Q or you can't fight him, parry his E pre lvl 6 and after lvl 6 you can parry any of his Rs, I prefer dodging it if im far from him. Poke him a lot and then all in him.”
darkintaki says “Reasonable Range on his Q, can poke us down and stay tanky at same time, play it smart and extend trades, dodge his ult and then cancel his E with your E.”
Shewapa Dapa says “Haven't seen too much of him lately. Hold your E until you see him waiting to charge his E, aim it behind you for when he throws you.
Rush executioners”
MHLoppy says “His Q is the only reliable damage he has that has much range, so if you can avoid that he has to fight in basically-melee range. His W can deal a significant amount of bursty damage during a fight or be used to block your Q poke from afar, but the ace up your sleeve is that your ult negates both the slow *and* the execute of his ult. Once you have that advantage over him, all fights become favorable to you if all else is even. Just remember that if you ult early on in the fight, you really need to try to end the fight before your own ult expires.”
Jellyjaneo says “Urgot the idek what he is. I hate when he flings me behind him same as singe, any champ that can just yeet you behind them is never good. If you cs good and have perfect poke you can fight it.”
Agatrium says “Urgot is another pretty tough lane. He builds full tank and does a crapload of damage, complete with an execute. He will outscale you and generally be better in teamfights. I would recommend trying to outpush him after laning phase.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero contraatacando.
Tu combo de Q+W es clave para cuando el use su W, si te atrae úsalo lo más rápido que puedas.
Te recomiendo tenacidad en las runas.
Prioriza vida, botas de armadura y vesta espinosa.
El combo E+Destello rápido sirve para que no se defienda con su E.
Mucho cuidado al usar tu E, si te te la cancela con su E, estás prácticamente muerto.”
Helzky says “Skill matchup. Don't walk up to the wave level 1, he most likely started E. If you get hit by the E you will lose 50% of your health for no reason. Wait until Prowlers + Maiden to do anything to him. ”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash.1/2 ranged champs you dont take fleet into, urgot is a general menace as his level 1 is one of the best in the game. take W lvl 1 and care his E. lvl 2 look to all in with E + W. post 6 care his R, if you can predict it, using you R while ontop of urgot will put you inside/behind his hitbox, dodging his r in the process ”
GG Cannon says “Urgot is quite a big threat since he can easily clear your spiderlings and one good throw can make you go through hell, but well timed cocoons can equally mess his days, while your damage will really chunk him.
Handle with care.”
magician4444 says “Dodge his E and he doesn't stand a chance. Get hit by E and its most likely a death sentence. Always keep in mind he can flash E you.”
Mushroomuwu says “This lane can be really annoying but you do have a good chance against him. Avoid walking up to him at level 1 since they always start E and try to chunk you hard early. Start E and stun him if he starts propelling himself towards you that way you stun him when he flips you and you can minimize the damage. Once it pushes into your tower you can stack your passive and look to fight, try to avoid his little bombs and if you are fighting post level 4 try to fight with minions around because it allows you to avoid his W and jump back on him when it is down. Keep in mind that it becomes a toggle at level 9, generally you only want to fight him after level 9 if you have killed him before or you have a major powerspike like botrk. Once he gets 2 items I recommend not fighting him 1v1 unless you are extremely ahead, he shreds through anything with cleaver and death dance.”
Your Desired Username says “A rather easy match-up for Mordekaiser. Rush tabis. Respect his level 1. Poke him with q in the early levels, if you poked him down a good chunk you can go for an all-in level 3 and onward. Ignite is strongly recommended here, as it makes almost all 1v1s a win for you. Like most other match-ups, you just dumpster him in Brazil (granted you aren't insanely behind), so there's that to look forward to if pre-6 didn't go too well. Something to note in post-6 fights, is that you should use your shield before you reach approximately 30% hp, as he can kill you with ult if you're lower than 25% hp, EVEN if you have a 500hp shield. If you think you might lose the fight, look for his ult animation and flash behind him to dodge it, this makes a massive difference. In the mid-game he is crazy strong, even if he's several thousand gold behind, seriously, you will be amazed at what damage he can dish out with just a titanic hydra and his passive. Generally though, as long as you're not behind, you should be good.”
boboderaffe says “Due to his gigantic hitbox you will hit 99% of your E’s which makes it easy to farm soul fragments off of him.
Urgot doesn’t do well against Swain. His range is too low to effectively trade and his target access is only OK if he uses flash+E. Because he is locked in animation during his E you can cast your W where he comes out or on top of you (/slightly behind you) should he manage to hit you with it.
If you want to disengage you can now simply walk away because of your W slow on top of his on slow during his W.
If he wants to engage you by slowing you with his ult you simply wait until he’s in range or flash+E’s onto you and use stopwatch+ult. I recommend the “Normie” build+getting a stopwatch ASAP. Without it, he might kill you if he does it perfectly or gets a gank. With it, you can negate too much of his damage for him to effectively fight you.”
Atomragnar says “Easy win level 2-5. Abuse this, poke him and play aggro. Care his level 1, it is very strong because of his passive.
After 6 try to dodge his R and Q, if you do this you will win all ins.
Steelcaps is great. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “His damage is good, and his waveclear is absurd with cleaver. Pre 6, block his E autos with a well angled shield. After 6, use E to block his R damage. It'll still mark you pretty sure, but the damage is blocked and that might save you. Go HoB to break his CC chain or Lethal Tempo to challenge him after his damage. Grasp for trading is good too. Take Divine or Frostfire. BoRK and Titanic is good too. Titanic for the waveclear.”
Hoplite345 says “Purely a skill match up but I decided to place him here due to his strong level 1. Do not fight him until 3 and try to bait his E out first before going in to trade with your E.”
ArshieMeBob says “Skill matchup. If he hits E you're fucked. If you get ganked he can hit his E and you're fucked. Basically, don't get hit by E. (Illaoi anyone?) You poke the shit out of him, and can all in him if you have red white AND DODGE THE E. He can excecute thru immortal shieldbow and barrier so be careful. Also DODGE THE FUCKING E”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler viable, D Shield necessary. Avoid his E at all cost. His W one-shots your ghouls rapidly, but you can prevent that by standing on top of him, becoming the priority target. Don't be on low HP near him, or you'll get executed.”
COJA says “Play safe until level 3. Do not get grabbed under any circumstance. Your Q can cancel his grab while it is in motion, but not during the windup. Once Urgot uses his dash he is extremely vulnerable. If you manage to dodge it you can punish him with a full combo.”
Mataulipecont says “Simplemente es tu permaban,ese campeon tiene mucho daño con su E y su W,deberemos jugarle safe y hacer trade simepre que gaste su E de forma incorrecta
Turkthunder says “Urgot is a difficult matchup in terms of the ability to outplay and overcome your kit. In my opinion I would personally ban/avoid this matchup especially while as GP.”
AnEx1stingBeing says “Urgot isn't too bad of a matchup, but you do need to build some armor to win after lvl 6. I prefer Seekers armguard, but Steelcaps also works”
Eduardocwalle says “CAAAAAAARE, this guys is the worst part of both worlds, tanky af, lots of dmg, dash, shield, AND RANGED. Oh boi, if he stunts you, well, good luck cause u will lose half of ur HP minimum. Try to predict his R with yours and dodge it, u can survive if u do it properly.”
Polartech says “Another match up where Kayle can only wait and farm, Urgot's ultimate can counter Kayle's Ultimate (Personally Tested), and his Damages and Life amounts are Brutal...!”
MCSwavest says “Even matchup. Look for his E and if it's not up punish him. You can't do the typical run and gun with your E that you would against anyone else as you'll proc the legs, so if you're going for it, make sure you're at a respectable distance.”
Black Demon Ezel says “God this one is annoying to even think about. All he does is perma W you then ult you which executes you if low enough. Do me a favor and try to not E him right on top of you. You'll need good aim and timing in order to keep the backward E on target”
CEOofMicrowave says “Don't take fights unless 3 or more of his legs are on cooldown. Press E the instant you see him get a shield so you can meme away the damage that naturally comes after the stun. A good tip, if you Q on top of him his R will actually miss you if he fires it.”
King Turtle says “He's a good wave guarder and your early game is fairly bad, so he can spend a few levels harrassing you and zoning you off CS. Best chance at winning against urgot is to either play safe and catch him under tower with R, or dodge his E and try to avoid his shotgun knees when possible.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “While a poke-heavy lane, if he gets into your pull range,don't hesitate to beat him up,cheese by getting early armor or better yet actually try to avoid his stun with manevouring during all ins, after 6 same thing applies to his ult.
Dshield or Dblade.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “ If you properly cleanse his e the second it hits, you'll deny lots of passive damage and you should be able to just win a subsequent all in.”
xPetu says “Tips: Your W blocks his W. Passive shield or dodge his Qs. Don't walk up level 1, because he can kill you with E start. If he wastes Q or W, you can punish with a trade. Flash his R if possible.”
Stinkee says “Urgot is pretty strong against tanks. His trades early game (if he knows what he's doing), are very strong. If he E's towards you just try to get away and wait out his W, if his Q ever lands on your don't stand near him or his W will fire at you. A good way to counter him is to plan ahead and charge your Q in time to cancel his E dash, this can shutdown his combo pretty hard as Urgot usually plans his whole combo around his E, especially his ult. Urgot has very low mobility, so he is very vulnerable to ganks. Freezing is always a good strategy against low mobility opponents as it forces them to walk all the way up to your tower to CS.”
Sovereign Kitten says “You completely counter Urgot's ability to spam his indefinite late game (W) toggle. The second you get caught out by his (Q) slow, he will follow up with a dash forward, to attempt to flip you. If you are unfortunate enough to get hit by the flip, you should then prioritize immediately blinding him the second you land or while you are airborne with a level 3 (Q). While you are in this position you have a very little amount of time to react, but ultimately you just want to focus on activating your (W) and getting away as fast as possible while sidestepping his (R) as you won't escape once you're trapped in his (Q)/(R) slow and / (W) channel.
PH45 says “He has a slight advantage due to being ranged and being able to poke you down, but you got built-in sustain in your kit which makes this lane bearable. If you want to fight him make sure to not get hit by the Q and try to kite him in your creepwave to make him waste his W on the minions. Care when he hits 6 since he can surprisingly kill you due to how his ult works.”
Anoying bro5 says “Start Dorans Shield. Q poke his vitals throughout lane, but make sure he uses his passive shots first. Riposte his E lunge (when you see a bubble shield around hip, parry). Avoid his Qs with your Q, or good movement and you should win early. You can also riposte his ult if need be. Lvl 9 Urgot has a strong power spike as he can toggle his W on and off. Urgot scales really well and will be an issue late game, so be careful in fighting him in the side lanes if you are not ahead. ”
BoilTheOil says “Go Conqueror and rush Warden's mail against him, and he won't do much damage. Don't fight him level 1. In lane try to bait out his E, if you can bait out his E you hard win the fight but if you get hit with it you lose. Don't try to 1v1 him after he gets to level 13 because it's a huge powerspike for him.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “The main issue with Urgot is getting hit by his E. It's a 1.5 second stun, gives him a shield, and will lead into a high damage combo that can melt your healthbar. Fortunately, Thresh deny this with E though you'll need to predict it in close range. You'll be punished hard if you mess this up.
Trading with Urgot is weird because while he has 100 less range than you, his auto animation is faster. This means Thresh's trading isn't as favored as you'd think.
Urgot R can be scary and will execute you if below 25% health no matter what. This makes him akin to champions like Garen in terms of both his lane phase and true damage.
In fights it's best to cc the Urgot and keep him off anyone squishy. It might take a while to kill him as he's deceptively tanky.
Frozen heart is extremely strong against him since a lot of Urgot's damage comes from a big attack speed steroid from Purge. Excellent item to rush ahead of Abyssal if you don't absolutely need MR.”
quinn adc says “Early game, if Urgot throws a Q at you, trade with your vault and autos and you will win the trade.
Also, you can use your vault to dodge his Q early on, but do this ONLY when you are certain Urgot doesn't have his E leveled up, of course (level 1, and level 2 if you see urgot started W second).
Now, level 3 onwards, this is how you beat urgot. Urgot's E range is 475 after a 0.25 second delay, and vault pushes you back to 525 range.
This trade requires practice, so please limit test with this in normals before trying in ranked, but when you master it, you will consistently beat Urgot in trades.
So, what I like to do is vault Urgot aggressively post level 3 in lane randomly, and then I quickly auto him quick to consume my harrier proc (and also potentially fleet MS proc if your auto is energized), and then I immediately run backwards away from Urgot.
In absolutely every single elo you are in, the enemy Urgot will immediately retaliate with his E because he thinks "oh, Quinn vault down, let me use my E to flip him!" However, his E is a .25 second delay, and your vault with MS allows you to not only out range him, but grant enough MS to consistently outrun his flip every time.
Why is this trade important? Well, Urgot's E is a long cooldown and a big part of his kit, so you can safely trade with him in lane after this, but ALSO, in teamfights, if you do this, Urgot will actually Dash straight into your team for free and will have no escape afterwards.
He relies on flipping you, but if you can bait his flip, then he's legit dashing into your team for free lol.
Post 6 BE READY TO SIDESTEP HIS R! Quinn's in combat MS with fleet and W max is incredible, and It actually gets quite easy to dodge his R with Quinn if you have your reaction speed up.
If he lands it on you, try to vault away before he flips, or if he lands flip, save vault to push yourself away afterwards.”
Veng Shotz says “Urgot players generally start E and try to cheese you level 1 to get a kill/lead. If you manage to avoid the cheese, you generally have an easy time in lane.
Just hold your e for his e or take small trades with EQ till you can all in, be sure to hold w till he e's so you can reel him back if he all in's or tries to escape.
The problem is Urgot scales, hard. IF you're both even late game his passive alone will out dps your healing.
In lane urgot is a minor threat, but post lane phase when he starts scaling he becomes a problem. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Urgot could be quite annoying to lane against and even if you're winning, make sure you dont get hit by his E or he will just burst you down very quickly!
Shieldbow rush if there arent any tanks, otherwise go for Kraken and careful trades should be your winning strategy here!”
Feedaboi says “has high base dmg from his passive shotgun knees. In this lane you want to look to poke him with q from lvs 1-3, once you have your full combo you want to look for engages when you have the minion wave on your side of the lane along with when he wastes his q or w on the wave. Look to freeze the wave early to force him to have to walk up and attempt to shove the wave in with his abilities. D shield is a good starting item for this lane because it allows you to walk up more in the lane without having the threat of getting hard poked pre lv 3/4 where you can start to look for engages/fights. Once urgot hits lv 6 you have to be careful when you are getting low and about to get dismounted since if e's or q's you when u are dismounted it is easy for him to hit his ult and execute you since your max hp is including skaarls so once you are dismounted you are very vulnerable to the execute.”
King Turtle says “His ability to zone and guard wave makes it hard to farm with gwen and level 6 allows him to kill you before you can start healing. Since he can get close so easily your W will be harder to use efficiently. Though if he does try a long range R snipe you can just W and it's immediately useless.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Corrosive Charge(Q) or get slowed then get fully combo by Urgot. Take note of his Purge if he uses it as he will be slowed whilst casting it. Juke out his Disdain(E) or his Dash. Dodge his Fear Beyond Death(R) to prevent yourself from getting executed or heavily slowed. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Urgot) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Demonic Embrace) (Mega Adhesive prevents Disdain) ”
Amphawn says “If he flips you you're basically dead, so be careful early game and poke with caution after you hit 6. His ult is also an execute so dodge it at all costs. Apart from that it's a fairly simple matchup. If he has his auto fire active, he gets reduced movement speed, so you can poke him if you are at max distance, just be very carful of him dashing on you. If he does, Q and W away.”
At_Tar_Ras says “well. urgot is a tough one cause most urgots picked against me have been rlly bad. i haven't truly seen a chinese urgot 1 trick that destroyed me. dodge his Q and try to stay on whichever shotgun knee shot at you, that way you don't get hit by multiple shotgun knees. also, Q away from his grab or bait it out. once his E is down he's quite a free kill to go for.”
iZeal says “Don't get flipped or you die. Urgot's level 1 is insanely strong, but he lacks powerspikes until Level 9 afterwards. Your Q1 outranges him, be careful of his powerarmored E though since he can time it to dash through CC. Keep poking him down until you can burst him. He scales much better than you though so even if he is behind Level 13 will make him able to destroy you if you let him in range.”
SunFalk says “He has a dash. He will knock you aside him. He his tanky. He has a shield. - Urgot is a very strong champion, but if he's unable to touch you, you'll be ok. Play safe behind minions and farm, you can poke him too with your passive.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Corrosive Charge(Q) or get slowed then get fully combo by Urgot. Take note of his Purge if he uses it as he will be slowed whilst casting it. Juke out his Disdain(E) or his Dash. Dodge his Fear Beyond Death(R) to prevent yourself from getting executed or heavily slowed. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Urgot) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Plated Steelcaps) ”
slogdog says “Has a very powerful all-in, if you dodge his E but intentionally get by his Q, he is fightable. His W rips all your ghouls and wall very quickly, but getting hit by one of his abilities makes it so that the machine gun targets you instead of the ghouls, so that you can dps with him the ghouls.”
Raen says “Counter Strike blocks all dmg from his W. Tabi rush. Be careful on early on his high base dmg and at his ultimate if you will have below 25% hp you will be executed immediately. You can get QSS to remove his R. Let him push first lvls.”
SaltCat says “Crab, level 1 you can win with stacked passive, level 2 also, level 3 you need to play around his own passive and his W, level 6 you can go for the highlight play and use your Q to dodge his R”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Corrosive Charge(Q) or get slowed then get fully combo by Urgot. Take note of his Purge if he uses it as he will be slowed whilst casting it. Juke out his Disdain(E) or his Dash. Dodge his Fear Beyond Death(R) to prevent yourself from getting executed or heavily slowed. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Urgot) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Plated Steelcaps) ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “He can't dash through your wall. Note that he hurts early and can one shot your ghosts, but post 6 it's pretty easy. Trap and slap this fool. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Dodge the E or dodge the game. If he doesn't have it up or he misses then you'll win the trade. Try to trade him where his passive is down. Buy a QSS
and sit on it if he's good with his ult.”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror
His dash is easy to react to, if he doesnt use it or you can sidestep is hold parry until he uses ult. If you ever get hit by his ult you can parry right before he pulls you won't die and stun with parry aswell.”
LoLReal says “Probably the only somewhat tough tank match up for Darius. He has reasonable range on his Q and can poke us down. Try not to take much damage and pull him in when you're healthy, you'll win an extended trade easily if you're both at 100%.
If you're low it's tougher because he can execute us. Play it smart.”
Justkb says “You can win this matchup hard if you can dodge his E or if he uses his W prematurely. Try to stick to one side of him when trading with him as this will ensure his passive won’t shred you. Capitalize on the mistakes he makes as this will make as it is easy to do in this matchup. Watch out for your HP once he gets to level 6.”
P1Legend says “This one can be tricky. If you have great reaction time, you can cleanse his flip before it goes off, and run away, but messing this up usually leads to a very very bad position, where you have no abilities up and are slowed by a machine gunning urgot, so be very careful when doing this. To win this matchup, you just need to watch for his flip, after he uses that or misses that, he really can't do anything if you jump and do a full combo on him while retreating, because he has no engage pressure left. One great play you can consistently make vs Urgot is using his own ultimate against him. take a short trade with him and save your empowered W. when he ults you, wait until it gets close and cleanse it to get a free combo on him. potentially turning the fight around. If you need to escape, you can cleanse it when it is at max range, and just run away. of course, it goes without saying that making these cleanse plays only really works if both players are low.”
MythicMike says “A lot of Urgot's threat early comes from his E. Don't get hit by his E and you should be perfectly fine to trade back. Watch out for his level 6. At that point you have to dodge his ultimate at all cost more than concentrating on dodging his E.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup sucks. Urgot will max his W, so that he can shoot you at all times. A good Urgot will also save his E dash for after you WIther. Bait him into engaging first, so he has no leap. Then you can Wither and get 2-3 Qs off at a time. ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Corrosive Charge(Q) or get slowed then get fully combo by Urgot. Take note of his Purge if he uses it as he will be slowed whilst casting it. Juke out his Disdain(E) or his Dash. Dodge his Fear Beyond Death(R) to prevent yourself from getting executed or heavily slowed. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps) (Unstoppable Force prevents Disdain) ”
Fan22 says “He has a lot of damag e and the execution from his R lets Urgot kill almost any tank, however a Thornmail or Randuins omen counters urgot, especially Bramble vest so he doesn't heal from items and gets the item applied every second on his W.
If you see him fail his E or his Q you can actually kill him.
After you get a sunfire aegis you can solo kill urgot easily since you just become so tanky that he cant damage you, and remember that most of his damage comes from his Passive and W, if you dodge the marks from his passive and his skills you can re-engage with W and fight him.
Be careful since he deals a lot of damage into the early game, play passive until you are strong enough to endure his damage.
Aftershock it's recommended here, since Urgot tends to win extended trades, especially if he has R available.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Corrosive Charge(Q) or get slowed then get fully combo by Urgot. Take note of his Purge if he uses it as he will be slowed whilst casting it. Juke out his Disdain(E) or his Dash. Dodge his Fear Beyond Death(R) to prevent yourself from getting executed or heavily slowed. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Urgot) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Plated Steelcaps) (Primal Howl prevents Disdain) ”
PanthrickTV says “Not hard, not easy matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Bait his E if his miss it u will win the 1v1
(3) Block his second ult with your shield on E. (He can't execute you)”
Kacto15 says “Comienza con la Q, si el te da con su E (el dash) perdiste, no puedes dejar que eso te acierte, puedes cargar tu Q contra el y en cuanto veas que se empieza a mover la sueltas, así cortarás su dash, esquívale la E y todo debería estar bien, puedes ir sion TANQUE O LETALIDAD”
Catlover765 says “You're safe as long as you don't get flipped. His dash range is 450 while your AA range is 500 units so don't let him get closer than that. Just take a step back after every aAA”
MythicMike says “If he uses some of his passive shotgun knees on the wave, trade with him. Watch out for the rest of his passive because they hurt. Short trades until you can all in. Watch out for his ult once you're dismounted.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Corrosive Charge(Q) or get slowed then get fully combo by Urgot. Take note of his Purge if he uses it as he will be slowed whilst casting it. Juke out his Disdain(E) or his Dash. Dodge his Fear Beyond Death(R) to prevent yourself from getting executed or heavily slowed. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Urgot) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Plated Steelcaps) ”
montybucket says “Urgot's got damage and range on you. But once you make that distance with him post 6 you beat him pretty easily. He can't 1v1 you mid or late game so abuse a side lane. The only reason you could lose lane is if he abuses his better early game and goes for level 1 trades or level 2 all ins. ”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] Dont try to fight him unless you get a stun off. Only go for easy vitals, as you will just help him if u dash around him. In lane you will need help to kill him most the time. You can parry his W and Ult to deny kills on you. If he goes Bramble you can completly forget the lane, so dont pick Fiora into Urgot if possible.”
LegitLechner says “Dont take uneeded dmg before lvl 3. Urgot is my 2nd most played. His dmg pre 3 with shotgun knees! HOLY! So stay alive and use q to farm. Play off your e's and survive. Common for me to tp back around lvl 5. Urgot lvl 9 can use his w fully auto on your tentacles. So play off your passive more. 1 e into an ult will win the lane. Good lane to come back into as urgots tend to get greedy against down opponents.”
mec908 says “Tiene Mucho daño y aguante se me hace demasiado absurdo, juega con grasp no le pelees hasta lvl 3, opta por el cercenador divino y cota de espinas.”
SilverAvalanche says “I don't think the delayed Red form is that bad, just have you TP ready so you can get it and then come back instantly to kill him.
in general, you need a fast trigger finger to Q away when he lunges after you so keep your distance from him, and keep you W up for the cannon minions. Else there is not really much to talk about, you can also ult when he lunges at you .
Getting your orbs is the hard part, but just try and W and Q him when you can, you are really not in a rush since you out scale him super hard.
Also, when you get red kayn you can knock him up while he lunges.”
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him before 6.
Dont buy dorans shield go for dorans blade or you wont have damage to kill him early.
Don't contest the first push and play passively until the wave gets to your tower.
Try to freeze if you can't slow push.
While doing that try to all in the urgot its your only window to kill him,because realistically when he buys platedsteelcaps you shouldnt be able to kill him.
Urgot’s only hope should be getting help from his jungler. Pre-6, he has zero kill potential on you so you should be looking to generate a lead at this point. Dshield and Dblade are both okay options, depending on whether you think you will take too much poke or not. But him poking you down should be no concern, as his AA range is quite low, allowing you to Q him easily. I’d recommend taking Conqueror into him. Urgot’s only way to beat you is to land all of his abilities on you, R you and then walk around you. If you flash his R, then he is essentially a free kill. If you time it correctly, you can use your E to cancel his dash. Be careful of the jungler as Urgot is quite good at setting up ganks. His ultimate also has a ridiculous slow which can make it difficult to fight him when it is up.”
ObiW says “Patience and farming lane. Pre-9, his W only lasts few seconds and its his primary damage. So, if he use his W, you can use your shield for invincibility and then engage. But watch out of his passive.”
Drake6401 says “Your Empowered W destroys his shield so always maintain 50 Fury. Luckily, Urgot's shield was added to his E which means he will engage with it and doesn't have much to outplay your W with. Stay in area cones where his passive already fired. This is usually two cones wide. This reduced a lot of his damage dealt to you. If he burned too many passives on CS, then you can engage for a fight or simple trade.
He does outscale you later on if you didn't settle your lead. Goredrinker and Black Cleaver are good items to go for. Black Cleaver first if he rushed armor. Punish him early and be very aware of his ult potential when staying at low HP. ”
RivalOCE says “When trading, try to stick to one side of Urgot as his machine gun legs proc on all sides. Avoid his E with your E, they'll usually cast it when you Q toward them so be ready to predict. If you get flung by E he can easily 1 shot you, so be very careful. A tricky matchup but not unwinnable, just be sure to do small trades then all in at 6.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - If you can dodge his dash, you'll win every trade.
- To win trades, do not let him circle you! Walk with him, always facing him! If he goes up, you go up, if you goes down you go down! If you don't let him proc all his Knees, you easily win every trade!
- You can try to kill him when he's poked low or slapped low but becareful with it. He can flip you over and ult you!
- If he shields your Q with his dash, go up and slap him a few times if possible
- After he gets his first item (most likely Black Cleaver) you really need to get out of lane phase... One dash on you and it could spell certain death..."”
Quinncidence says “Urgots machine gun oneshots the cats but he is really slow and the wall will block Urgots dash.
Also with the new Ravenous Hydra is a bit scarier than last season Urgots.”
Amvill says “Hard to fight since you can't run around him unless his passives are down. Bait out his dash and mind the slow on his ult. He can lock you down hard if he lands it so be careful.”
Wawza says “A good Urgot can burst you down really quickly and capitalize on misplays, its best to poke him down with Q and save your E to avoid his dash, use W either for disengage or when he has wasted his E. Keep track of his passive by looking at the flames on his legs.”
sock217 says “You can win early trades, but dont engage on him past 6. Let him engage onto you and you can slip away or fight back. YOU CANNOT SHIELD HIS EXECUTE RECAST, ONCE IT HITS YOU TRY TO RUN.”
maxlid3 says “You can completely poke him to death. His dash is not enough to come close to you and even if he is able to reach you you can just W him.”
Rhoku says “Urgot is a tricky matchup but he should be doable. You win fights pre-6. It will be tricky if he lands everything on you but you should come out if you kite him properly. What I mean by this is that you have to walk around him and make sure that he does NOT hit you with all of his shotgun legs. Try your best to stay on one side of him. D.Shield, Second Wind and then just Seeker's Armguard should be enough. Try to get a lead but only go in for fights and trades when you have your abilities up. Level 6, the same concept applies. You stomp him in your ultimate BUT if he lands everything and has already poked you down, He will kill you with his R. You basically want to minimise his damage onto you if he lands his R. You HAVE to properly use your W as otherwise, you will be a free kill. He is as helpless as any other tank if you wait out his R though.”
YasTilt says “He is really a dangerous foe, be careful against him, you can still block the majority of his Kit like his R or W. You can dash on Minions to dodge his E, Block his R with your WindWall and take short Fights. If you are low in HP after LVL 6 try to disengage, he might Execute you with his Ultimate.”
PK Noob says “He will literally kill you if he just lands his E. Wait for him to use his E on someone else before engaging him. In lane he can't engage you, but you also can't engage you.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Rush Warden's Mail and he won't do any damage to you. You lose level 1. Try to bait out his E, if you don't get hit by it you win the trade, if you get hit by it you lose the trade. Don't try to 1v1 him before you have your Blade of the Ruined King and your Plated Steelcaps.”
Val3n says “A good Urgot can be a serious threat. If you time correctly, you can get away from his R with QSS.
Farm safe and if you get lvl 6 first, go all in. ”
Psychopathic Top says “In lane, focus on not getting hit by his flip, as that will deal a lot of damage to you since he will just Q (slow) then E (flip) and start his W rotation on you which will poke you out of lane hard. RUSH BRAMBLEVEST. It hard counters Urgot's existence and is the sole reason why this matchup is not bad. He hurts himself crazy hard when you have bramble because of his W. Post sheen bramble level 6, if you are confident to flash his R, can try to fight him, but it is recommended to wait a bit longer before engaging him. At level 9, he gains access to his perma W, which is a toggle on and off ability (nice 1). At that point, fighting him is unsafe, so just group and teamfight. Late game Urgot is actually insanely strong because of his perma W, so try to not drag the game out too long or it can get pretty awkward to play.
Gospodin Bure says “Tou can't kill him, but hes so slow and naturally pushes waves with his passive that he cant really kill you either, just dont fight him and MAKE SURE YOU W HIS ULT ITS SO FUNNY”
DippyDan says “Ranged but with huge burst level 1. Will start W so you lose the fight. A Bramble carrier with high DPS but very bad at escaping and easy to gank. TIPS: [1] Setup easy landing vitals by walking out of range for passive and coming back.
[2] Get jungler to gank
[3] Parry W or Ult (Can parry his R2 if timed correctly).”
Hecki says “A good Aatrox will always beat a good Urgot. Go Dorans Shield with Second Wind. Urgot is a very slow champion and needs to hit his E in order to really have kill pressure on you. You can easily try to bait it out by hitting a Q>W and just side-stepping his E. You can abuse his early game really hard BUT be careful as the game goes on. If you don't have a massive lead on him he can still be dangerous when he hits his E and gets more tanky.”
IvernLover74856 says “Don't get flung, it's unpleasant. Fat damage. His ult just pulls you out of your ult. Take DShield start. Hard-bully him level 1, burn ignite for it. Then stay back for the rest of the game :)
You only win all-iin if he is 2/3 HP.
Rush Cleaver”
fishybearo says “This is a pretty even match up, but it can strongly go one way depending on income and kills in lane. If Urgot kills you early he will likely be able to accelerate his lead with defensive purchases, so it is very important to dodge his E. At level 6, if you can dodge his E or R there is high kill potential if you play it correctly and have the wave in a good spot. Try to outplay and kill him in lane before he can stack too much armor. You pretty much have to play the first fight perfect in order to not die, but if you can kill him in lane sometimes you will snowball and be able to beat him until later in the game. (around 20-30 minutes)”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Skill matchup. Avoid his Q because it almost guarantees a E charge. If you get ever charged you're dead, so it's worth flashing before it hits. Hard to punish his mistakes because his tankiness but you outscale hard.”
killox says “He can bully you hard early and his sustain is kind of broken. You have to fight him by all in stunning him during teamfights. Do not 1v1.”
SunOak says “If urgot starts E you cant win any early trades because it has a shield and high burst damage. The only tip i have is that you fight him from where his passive isnt up so look and the ground when you fight. Run conq runes because he is tanky enough to take extended fights. starter item is cpot.”
CFCryo says “Honestly my most confident matchup. Practice your E (towards yourself) when he uses his own E dash. You will cancel it unless you use it too early (he hasn't moved yet and is unstoppable) or too late (get yeeted). Thresh's ability to manipulate Urgot's positioning kills his main source of damage, his passive. And since Thresh outranges Urgot, he avoids Urgot's other major advantage over a lot of other top laners. Because of the AoE and speed of Urgot's Q, I still recommend Doran's Shield.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build. Take unflinching to reduce his ult and q slow (swiftness boots are okay)
Your Q stops his W. Until lvl 13ish you just deal more damage than him and kick his ass. Afterwards no matter what build you do, if you are even he will be quite tanky and have a bit of kill pressure. Thus its important to shut him down early, to snowball, to get enemy camps and then to kill the rest of the team, blinding him and dealing with him at the very end. Be careful of gank setups with his r at 6 (very strong slow), care he has good lvl 1 if he goes E and if you get hit by E you may be in trouble.”
TXK_ says “Urgot typically looks for a fight at level 1 due to his E and passive. After that, you should outscale until level 9 where his W comes online. 1V1s should be won pre Death's Dance”
Mr. Popper says “Urgot is very similar to Gnar a ranged bruiser that waits for his opportunity to engage. Take Fleet Footwork into him. Poke him out of lane and get an advantage by a farm lead. Post level 6 you can look to burst him with mega if he is around 45% hp.”
aurus666lol says “if you know that he will ult, use Q first to make him blind and go to left or right to dodge R.
When he is using E, use ur E, your animations are faster. His items are nerfed by nature (he is ranged), by items nerfs (Goredrinker) and by his bad effect scaling on W (50% XD).”
JaxIsAHobo says “Somewhat difficult matchup. Your trading pattern is extremely weird here, in that you actually lose level 1 and 2 hard. You beat him after level 3-5, and can outplay him post level 6. Try building Plated Steelcaps + Sunderer into urgot, then BotRK. The only shitty thing about this lane is that because urgot gets to scale into the late game, he becomes honestly more reliable/useful than jax in the late game in teamfights, so try to splitpush and force him to stay away from teamfights as much as possible, or pick him early before teamfights.”
RhinoStar says “He is not hard matchup unless you play very badly against him. Before level 6 try to just poke him and not fight in close range, but after that feel free to 1v1 him, he should not be a problem. Consider building bramble vest against him as well.
On top of all of this, passive will cancel his ultimate!!!”
KillMeKillMe says “He deals good damage, he's got a bit of range, and his ult can kill you if you get low before your ult could save you.
Just play carefully and don't try to all in when you're low on health if he has his ult up.”
Vandenelis says “deals % max hp with his passive. try to not take free poke and dodge his e in the early game. You can't really trade, so you should farm up and wait for the late game. If he builds black cleaver he can kill you in the late game.”
apkibum says “Urgot is easy to bully, if the player is bad. but that's a given, a good urgot will completely stomp you as teemo. he's good at closing the distance and does a ton of damage early on and does even more later in the game. His ult is also pretty much just a straight up teemo murder machine. Be wary of Urgot. ”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Dont fight after 9 when he can toggle his w! He will start e, and you can parry it and stun him at level 2. Bait his w and when its off cd, fight him. DODGE or parry HIS ULT!!”
SettVEVO says “Annoying matchup who will poke you down before going all in. The trade is decided by if he hits his E or not. Thankfully Urgots are predictable as if you get close to hit them they will probably throw their E to get you so just sidestep it and win the trade, some Urgots E away instead and that's just sad but you can hit E if you got close enough. Do not throw W without stunning him or him having his E up as he can E you to flip you like Singed and avoid your W damage. You win level 1 if you dodge E or take W first, but he might flash your W so be mindful, you win levels 2-5. Once he gets 6 you can't go into him without being full health, as his R execute goes through your W shield. And if he hits E he guarantees his ult so it always is about his E, keep moving between punches to try to dodge the ult. If he did hit it and you can't run away you can try to burst him down faster then he does to you. There is a rare but possible chance that you can kill him with W while being dragged by his ult but don't rely on that to win. He actually scales well mid to late. He is a great ult target as he has no real way to get to your team after his E and he has a lot of health in his build. BORK is good into him.”
Byku2506 says “Urgot counters you, but You can win against him by not poked too much or dodging his E. If he miss E dont stop attacking him. When he slows you down by Q drag him and aa him to death.”
eramsorgr says “Urgot is an even match up. He can destroy you in poke and also execute you however if you use your heal correctly in most cases you will outheal him and win. ”
Fryx says “Urgots pushing and poking is very good against you and his allin with ult is deadly so don't even try. Just chill on lane and trade with Q's since he cant block them anymore. Try to help the sidelanes.”
wff010 says “Tricky lane, but not the worst. I think you can dodge his R with your R because it forces you right on top of him while his R comes from in front but you have to be really close. Most importantly, dodge his dash/stun and you win the trade. If you don't, you should still win but it'll be a lot harder. Once he gets his ult, you want to be conscious of your HP. Use your w when you have high grit but also when you have about 30%ish hp or you'll die. Your e interrupts his dash so if you can time it well it really fucks him up, and so does your ult. If he flips you in front of your tower, you can ult him into your tower similar to singed.”
LoLReal says “Moderately annoying lane. He has reasonable range on his Q and can poke us down. Try not to take much damage early and we win post 6. Be careful of using R if you're low from his poke, he can kill us with his R before we finish him off.
qosmox says “If he ever misses his Q while trying to poke you while you’re level 2+, you can taunt in and win trades and then back out. Your W is very effective in blocking his machine gun W, but if you stay for too long he’ll eventually outtrade you, so do medium sized trades and back out and repeat. Try to contest the push early on if he lets you, since if you get lvl 2 / 3 before him you get free trade windows. But if he pushes you in you’ll have to sit under tower trying to survive early.”
RTO says “If we fight Urgot with our ultimate on low health, he can get us into execute range and then we're just dead, and his shield mitigates a lot of our damage. ”
SanLourdes says “Urgot is extremely good at short trades. His E can reset your Q. Those are the two things you have to remember when playing against him. If he does get stunned, he is vulnerable your follow up damage. If you scale, he will be unable to fight you alone. His ultimate can execute you, so keep that in mind. However, the cool thing about his ult is that it brings you right to him, meaning that once you die you will be pulled towards him for a free gap close so you can use your passive easily. This can really stop him from ulting you especially if he is on low health for fear of being killed by your passive after he does so. ”
CucumberSandwich says “Skill matchup based on who lands their Q or E respectively. Don't engage with your Q unless he has already used his E. If he lands his E, your will probably die. You have to get close to him to trade, as his W outranges your E and W.”
Viego99 says “ skill match up for early level in your favor just dodge his e and use your w e aa q aa contiune aa and you win duel .lvl 6 you need carefully because if he hits you with e you death.after 9 he win 1v1. urgot outscale viego but if your team have cc your teamfight is better. if your team doesnt have cc urgot destroy your team.”
Rockleon says “Early game until 6 let him push you under the tower and have your wither ready to punish him when he uses his (Shotgun knees) and back off.”
Dbthegamer74 says “You can kill easily if cheese with q or w level one with ghost. Take D shield to survive poke.Play around q poke. Use your e to catch him off guard when urgot's e is down. Dodge his e at all times. Get Tabbies ,that's about it.”
calbino says “Urgot is pretty easy to beat, but if he hits his stun or you misplay against him you get punished for it. For the most part, the matchup is in your favor.”
ForgottenProject says “He got nerfed but he still has a great All-in especially if you miss Parry.
[1]Take Corrupting Pot as your Starting item.
[2]Dodge his Q using your own Q.
[3]Remember you can Parry his Dash & Ultimate.”
Savage_XZ says “Urgot is a ranged champion with an execute ulti which counter Illaoi's healing-based skirmishes. However, his range is short and he is rather slow.”
thefeedski says “His W blocks a lot of your damage and will eventually run at you with nothing to worry about. All it takes his for him to land a few Q's then finish you off with his ultimate. ”
SavagePridestalker says “Tank Rengar is my favorite build into Urgot. Once you get Bramble+Tabis, he does basically 0 damage into you, meanwhile you do a lot with grasp+W. Also make sure you empW his E!”
Marwaii says “Free lane. His E is too slow and his only way to kill you is by landing his Q which is easy to dodge. Just make sure to not trade too hard early game.
Take Divine + Plated.”
Breadcrumbs says “You can abuse your mobility pretty hard against Urgot, the moment he misses E you can 5 stack run him down and kill him. However, if he hits his E, he can be problematic. Try and predict it and W it, if that fails, it's best to disengage as Urgot snowballs really hard in lane if he picks up 1 or 2 kills.”
SethPRG says “Learn to kite around Urgot and avoid his legs as best as you can. Don't try to take a level 1 trade, a good Urgot will use their sexy legs to dance around you before killing you, especially so if they have ignite. Past level 1 however, you need to save your E for when he will dash into you, or dash away from you. Catch him mid-animation and it will either cancel it, or leave you both CC, and no matter which happens you'll be close enough to punch him so you win. Be careful of an Urgot trying to dash you during your W animation, and the best thing to do if he hasn't used his dash yet and you have max grit, just E him into a W, you still win the trade afterward. If he dashes into you then without his leg cannons, he dies. If he dashes away then, you can't catch him. Past level 6 it becomes a bit more tricky, but as long as you can predict his ult and sidestep behind him, you can easily dodge it. You can also use your R to dodge it as well if you time it right. Stridebreaker is good overall in this matchup, Goredrinker is the best for a team fight, but Urgot will bully you hard at his level 9 power spike if you are building Goredrinker. Because of this, Trinity is better, but only if you are even or ahead of Urgot. If you split or team fight, Urgot will either match you or do the other thing. If he team fights without you there, your team will just lose. You need vision or good prediciton to figure out where Urgot will go. In team fights, if a teammate of yours is about to be killed by Urgot R, make sure to ult Urgot away from them (if possible) to delay that for as long as you can, hoping to kill him before it's used. You'll want to get Bramble Early and go Death's Dance 2nd or 3rd item.”
joelspaho121 says “Darius favored matchup. D Blade start with sorc tree. This matchup might seem a little tricky but its not. It all revolves around the way urgot uses E. If he misses it when attempting to engage he is dead. His damage output is really low until tiamat or level 13 so try to abuse this as much as you can. When committing to a trade save E when he E's away in order to kill him. Respect his level 6 all in if you dont have a lot of HP. Try moving around with him so you deny shotgun leg procs in order to lower damage output. Overall an easy matchup.”
El Leon Gnar says “Urgot is fairly strong mid-game, but you should never be at a threat of death if you're playing right. Trade with your Q and jump away before he can get in range to flip you. ”
doozy99 says “Make sure that you don't waste your W, he can put out some insane damage. His ultimate can execute you through your W shield. Try to dodge his E and NEVER be the first one to engage. Rush Bramble vest. Don't trade with him at level 1 and he'll hit a powerspike after his first item, so don't fight him if you don't have a lead.”
Xarmat says “Skill mashup, he dash -> you E. Try to avoid his slow, else he can get you. Play save when your E is on CD. Your range makes the difference.”
DaSticks says “Dodge his Q. Don't get in range for him to E you. Flash if he tries to E+Flash combo you. You can blind his W and if he hasn't hit you with abilities it will target closer creeps instead of you. You can very easily bait him into pushing as his shotgun knees will AOE the minions.”
Helix128 says “Avoid his E at any cost, he is very tanky in the late game and he can force you to fight him with it. If you Q him he wont be able to use his W. His damage is surprisingly good in the early game, specially thanks to his passive. If forced to fight, try to be in the sides where his legs are not active. After level 13, his legs have a 2,5 sec CD so this no longer possible and you must not fight him.”
Kaizin says “If Urgot is using Press The Attack avoid trades before level 3. He will most likely start with his dash which gives him a shield and he will definitely win the trade. Bramble vest early works very well against his w, short trades are best against Urgot, but try to trade when his E or W are down. Before level 9 his W has a cooldown and he can't turn it on and off until it's maxed. At level 6 you can all in, but be aware of his R as he can execute you, make sure he's about 60% health before you commit to an all in, as he can burst you faster with the R execute.”
I am so chill says “Skill matchup.He s so strong in short trades avoid getting hit by his e and you can win the trades dodge his R with ur e or with the movement speed you get from your R.Poke him his range is not so long.”
UlisesFRN says “Be carefull LvL 1. If he hits his jump, he wins the trade. Try to heal with Dorans, your passive and second wind. Dodge his ult, as he can Execute you just a bit earlier than your own ult at LvL 6. If he runs Titanic try to bait out his W then trade with your E and get back. His passive deals tons of damage so fight where its down. Once his W becomes a toggle you cant beat him unless you are really fed”
ryzetrox says “TOUGH matchup. He has so much damage and tankiness but his threat only comes online after level 6. If you get dismounted ur prolly dead. Bramble vest insanely good against his W.”
ApollonATH says “Even lane . Dont fight level 1 . If he misses his E you can kill him for free. After 6 you can ult to cancel his ult then make him cry in all chat”
deathwalker7119 says “You must parry his E, or else you will get shit on early. try to dodge his ult with your Qs (if you don't it should still be fine). Look to poke with vitals and dodge his Q with your Q. Just make sure you parry his E (parry right when you see a shield pop up on him and you'll be fine).”
Humitaxx says “With the tank build against an Urgot, as long as you have a few stacks of Grasp of the Undying and your 3 basic abilities, you can out-trade them since he can quickly charge your W passive, don't worry if it seems he can melt you with his machine gun, because you can burst him with your W afterwards, dealing way more damage, just beware of his dash, since he can make your W face the other direction and negate your true damage, killing you instead, so if you are going to use your W, stay aware so you can react by using your W backwards and land it either way.”
WarwicksSimp says “Easy to deal with if you play it right but if he gets one kill you've lost lane. Rush wardens mail (and plated steelcaps if enemy comp allows for it) then build normally if possible. Urgot is easy to gank as he can end up pushing on accident even in plat-diamond. Just play smart. Exhaust is really good in this match along with barrier.”
Nekosett says “Not too bad at level two most will win a all in and you will win lane from there you can avoid his R with your r and you can usually kill him at most stages of the game be careful of his r before you w because its really annoying and you die...”
XPRflew says “Do not fight Urgot if your half hp because of his r and he will just keep on poking you so just farm under tower till you get 250 stacks and your nearly full hp then fight him.”
Excuruseh says “Urgot deals huge dps early. You can attempt a trade at lvl 3 and 6. Burn his ultimate with your clone if he is going for it. You can play to get out of this lane as you will probably lose the 1v1 due to his damage spike with Titanic Hydra.”
Excuruseh says “R buys you time to kill him as it gives you Health. You trade really well into Urgot as you have stun reset if you are immobilized during Q. Your E shield and W healing save you from his ultimate. Do not look for significant trades before lvl 3.”
TwoKingzz says “Bait his E and you can kill him if he misses. Rush Blade of the ruined king & sunderer. Beg for ganks and be careful for the enemy jg. if he gets a lead you can only farm for rest of the game.”
Womsky says “Scaling/mixed set up, doran's shield/long sword start depending on how aggressive you wanna be, he got poke early, but not much else, he cant poke you out as his range is pretty low, trade around levsl 4 and keep high hp/fury to keep up the pressure, dodge Qs and if you dodge e too it could be a kill, play around his passive by sticking into one side of him while all'in, the lane surely favours you especially the intractions between your ultimates, just get him to over extend, u just need to wait, he will push the wave anyways cause of his passive, if u want to play it safe, when you go for all ins, go in with nearly full hp, he cant deal with you then cause u will force him to ulti before you, which means an automatic loss for him for most of the time.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “This lane can be really annoying but you do have a good chance against him. Avoid walking up to him at level 1 since they always start E and try to chunk you hard early. Start E and stun him if he starts propelling himself towards you that way you stun him when he flips you and you can minimize the damage. Once it pushes into your tower you can stack your passive and look to fight, try to avoid his little bombs and if you are fighting post level 4 try to fight with minions around because it allows you to avoid his W and jump back on him when it is down. Keep in mind that it becomes a toggle at level 9, generally you only want to fight him after level 9 if you have killed him before or you have a major powerspike like botrk. Once he gets 2 items I recommend not fighting him 1v1 unless you are extremely ahead, he shreds through anything with cleaver and death dance.
Xolarix says “Another champion that punishes you for trying to engage on him. You can trade if he misses his Disdain dash, but even then try to keep trades short. And avoid him when he is level 9, it's hard for you to disengage.”
tibs2 says “Free match up. You can bully him out big time and he cannot respond due to the fact that he cant e because of your w. Meaning this lane is also free kills for your jungler if he so desires.”
svjade says “He starts pretty strong early game unlike Akali, meaning it's much harder to counter him until late game. Late game he has lots of health which also means that Akali will have a hard time countering him.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Fun incarnate, Urgot deals high damage, and has good crowd control, the only thing that could allow you to beat an Urgot in lane is the fact you can poke him out early and force him to back away.”
Ponkstronk says “He gets a huge powerspike at lvl 9 when his w is just a toggle. You must punish him before that. You can wait out his ult timer really well with w and ult. You can canel his e with your own e and ult.”
AmericanNut says “He is tanky, whilst 'juggernauting' your damage, he is dishing out his own, waking circles around you and slowing you. Don't let his shotgun blasts from his legs hurt you, try to stick to a half of his body and don't let him circle you, at half health. Watch out for his ultimate! It will kill you, play aggressive early.”
Noodles912 says “Just dont fight him and you will be fine. Spam Q to keep your health up. Look to outscale him, and you win. You can go tabis if you are struggling.”
Cayteer says “He abuses you hard , try to pull combo him when the time is right for you. Without his E , he doesn't have a escape tool so , call your jungler to get a free pick.”
ThiccCheese1066 says “Though he doesn't fuck you like he does Garen he's still urgot. You need to get to lvl 6 before him so you can stay tanky and not get executed.”
PiscesPomf says “PRETTY HARD LANE
Poke his vitals. When he E you, Parry ! You can see a shield around him when he is using E. You should try to take him down with your jungle as he scales well.”
PoppingMoth says “His damage is intense and his ability to get two kills down bot lane is high, but whenever he dashes at you, you flay him towards you. It stops his dash and kills his momentum.”
Fra660 says “sounds easy this matchup, but don't be fooled use the E to dodge his E, use the W when he uses his W, if he can catch you with his E you're dead”
teemodumbstupid says “If you avoid his E then you will win. Care for his E flash combo. If you see him winding up his E instantly move back. You win with Sunderer and stacks.”
jmp_01_ says “Strong champion in general. Be careful in the early game. You won't be able to one 1v1 him - even after level 6. Make sure to hit your W - Haymaker at 25% of your current HP to avoid getting executed by his R - Fear Beyond Death. Take Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest”
AyeJa3 says “Start Dorans Shield and Q to poke vitals in lane. Reposte his lunge, avoid his Q's, and most definitely reposte his ult, it is an execute.”
Kokob5 says “Avoid his Q's and keep your W partly filled. Try to engage on him first otherwise you'll have to change the rest of your shield while being bashed by his passive. Use W to avoid the execute threshhold.”
negoZoma69 says “Keep the distance and you'll be fine, in my experience AP Neeko is safer vs Urgot, but the matchups for AD Neeko is not hard. Expect to be cheese'd. ”
R3mI says “you need to dodge his e or you will be dead he can one shot you if you are not feed. he op only if he e you if he miss e you can kill him easily”
Docoda says “In normal situations his E can't reach you. He's very easy to zone away and poke down with Q+E and W's.
However, if you mess up at any point and his gets an E combo on you, you might be death. Casting R as soon as he starts using E can turn it around.”
SleeplessX says “Play around his legs cooldowns and try to sidestep his E by guessing when he'll cast it, he has insane damage if he lands everything on you. Flash his R if needed, and never W into his E”
Dorom says “Urgot is very annoying due to his long ranged autoattacks and you having to be very cautious of your barrel placement, rather than using your barrels to trade just try to farm up and poke him with Q, the worst part is he does outscale you so your only chance is to poke him but not with barrels... very tricky. You can cleanse his ult though.”
SanLourdes says “Urgot deals so much damage with his W that it will be hard to engage. Even if you do, he can flip you over him and stun you while he gets a shield with his E. It will be really hard to duel with him simply because of the amount of damage puts out up close and his tankiness as well. Even if you do get him down to low health, his ultimate has a 25% health execute threshold. That's 1/4 less health and time you have to take him down before its game over for you. It is best to fight him pre-level 6. Build Tri-Force and Black Cleaver.”
SpartanDumpster says “His E is a dash skillshot, so he enters your W with it while using it to stun you. His trades are also really strong while also closer ranged. The main advantage you have is that your W can be used to prevent him from sniping you with his ult. Of course any Urgot that knows better will plan to use it point blank on you instead.”
pioj12 says “He has a lot of damage in early and lvl 6 all in DO NOT FIGHT HIM he will kill you if he lands his E which is very easy and watchout for his R.”
Ward The Sky says “Not as bad as that ninja kid. Still very annoying if he lands one E, you're kinda SoL. Try to poke him with Q taps safely and stay behind your minion wave for the most part early on.”
SaltyDalty says “There is this sweet spot pre 8 where you can actual beat an Urgot in a fight. However after that you can't so dont try it without help. ”
gladiatorrr4 says “Urgot can cancel your E-dash when using his Dash. Watch out when playing against him. Use his low range as advantage. But you should be careful.”
raede says “The only reason Urgot is even is because of how strong he's been in the last couple of patches. If you just get some good trades and get a bramble vest it is a good matchup. Also protip if you ult when his ult is on you, it will get rid of his ult.”
bocchicken says “you can max Q and look to poke when his E shield is down. if he catches you with his E, you're almost guaranteed dead early.
Lunarisen says “Urgot can be a nuisance to deal with since he's ranged and can peel down your HP for his team, just keep a fair distance and bully him with your E to land your Q whenever he's exhausted his abilities.”
Sasdos says “dodge his e with ur e and short quick trades only going back in with w and u should be good
ignite his ass and yoink his ult and u can solo pretty easy”
stygiandesolation says “Try to dodge his E and if he gets his E off don't think about fighting him he is too strong. Busted champ rn consider banning him and don't ever dive him, also don't take PR”
Alekra says “Urgot seems very scary, but is a bit weaker than you would expect i think. If he does not hit his E, you can outtrade and maybe straight up kill him. He is not that tanky early so you can defenitely win lane. But i cannot stress enough how important it is to dodge his E. Trade with him when his leg passives are down as hitting multiple passives is his only burst.”
Erenando says “Avoid direct engages in early game and don't let yourself get poked to much. midgame fights against him will be significant, but you can rely on your jungler for secure kills.”
ToinoEscaca says “Annoying. As. FFFFFFFFFFFF. You can't farm, you can't poke, but he can't kill you without the jungler. If you are ahead of him, take advantage of that. And on top of that he was nerfed on his W, so try your best.”
NathanPyke says “Very tanky , escape and try to heal all his damage and if your low watch out for his ultimate at the early stage of the game you can kill him easily”
Dark Star Deku says “Urgot is an easy matchup because most of his kit relies on his W which you can easily dodge with your E. Watch out for his ult after level 6 as it will slow you, making it possible for him to kill you. Use R+W to bait his R, making him useless for the next ~100s.”
ItadoriYuji says “You SHIT on this guy as long as you have ult and all your abilities. HOWEVER, if you don't have ult and he does OR you are not careful he will SHIT RIGHT BACK ON YOU.”
GrGamingTeo says “This matchup is a game called "Dodge Urgot's E". If you get hit by his E, he will get a fat shield, CC you for enough time for him to hit you with his shotgun legs and you will die a harsh death. Whe he misses a Q you can E, AA, W him and the moment you do that he will smash his E key so all you need to do is walk with your Q to either you left or your right and he will miss his E and you can all-in him and kill him. Serpent's Fang is a good option to counter his shield.”
Drumastermunch says “You have more tools than him, your goal is to bait his E, but even if he lands it, you can E a lot of his dmg. Be smart about his passive, don't forget his ult. At 1 item he's dead, if not before, even if he has a lead you can easily come back.”
Olaf Only says “Wait for 2+ of his passive leg-explosions to proc before you go in melee range. Apart from that just poke and you win hard after lvl 6 as he cannot R you while your R is active.
Urgot Outscales Olaf.”
LunaticDancer says “A pretty tough lane to deal with. Don't get low near him post-6 or he ults you and you die instantly. Avoid getting dashed at and thrown over. When you commit at him, make sure to stand right on his face, so his W machine gun doesn't instantly clear your ghouls. The match up becomes way easier once you have your R out, because you chonk him pretty hard then. Still, avoid even fights, because he can kill you early.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer] **Take Approach Velocity**
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. W him and try to stay healthy. If you're close to a wall you can hookshot onto him really quick and do a quick trade but quickly back off before he flips you. HE COULD POTENTIALLY FLIP YOU MID HOOKSHOT. So never hookshot onto him when you are far from a wall because he can easily time his flip while you are wall diving in. You can R his R but a good Urgot will R you after he flips you so try to R his flip. His E is pretty telegraphed because a shield appears over his hp bar. So just press R when you see his shield. You can take approach velocity and threaten a Q2 after using W and you might be able to bait out his E of which you can then use your E if you manage to dodge his and you should win the trade pretty hard. You hard win when you have Divine Sunderer.”
SpyDaFX says “Mostly skill matchup. try to trade with him when his machine thingy is down (when he gets his shield), and avoid getting to low on hp when he's level 6, unless you know for 100% you can kill him. go Conqueror.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Only thing you should watch out for is his E and his Ult. He can leap a short distance, grab you and pull you to the other side of his body. Also be carefull not to be to low whilst fighting him because he can ult you and execute you if you are below 15% HP.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Can't run rings around him because he will bonk you loads with his SHOTGUN KNEES, he will normally wait for you to initiate so if you do throw your W on him beforehand just so he can't use his E. The only real way to win a 1 v 1 is to dodge his R, E, and Q. Really tricky lane to deal with, a lot of people pick Urgot to counter Singed.”
Devilofthewest says “This match up is just one of the worst. It is a nightmare fighting this guy but there are a few ways to beat him. You need to bait out his skills, while they are on cool down you have to engage for a few seconds then back off. Poke him alot with your tap Q's even if its not empowered, you need to chip him down as much as possible. If you know you cant beat this guy from the champ select screen , you could go with aftershock or grasp and build tanky to stalemate the lane. At least you wont feed. (ive had alot of success with my godzilla builds vs urgot :) )”
Razorwir3 says “rush tier 2 boots to doge his e and q if ur loosing lane u might want to consider a qss as it can free u from urgot ult once he pulls u in just use qss and u wont die but u will still be pulled towards him regardless so it might not even help depending on the enemy team comp but it can be good in some situations ”
kingchas2 says “The only way he will ever get on to you is if he flash+W. If you can avoid this then you can kite him all day long. He slows himself with his W and you can also block his R with your R as long as you time it correctly. The timing is pretty specific, but if you play this matchup enough you will learn it. ”
Cyn24 says “Not so cool matchup, kinda hard, you need to try to juke his e then use your own e to block his damage, if you e early in the trade you will most prob lose, you kinda win after 2-3 items”
Hippo Boi says “You can break his shield with your Q, but he's a really hard counter to you. Just try farming as far as you can from him. Save your W for escapes, he's engage it's pretty easy to dodge.”
Dannala says “Top: Easy to poke and dodge his all ins, and if caught you can Rappel away or wait it out then reengage on him. His low mobility generally makes him a sitting duck, assuming you don't walk in circles around him. Make sure to try and take one or two of his passive shots in human forms/on minions to keep your spiderlings alive longer. Careful so your spiderlings don't blast his passives to hurt you from the sides.
Jungle: If an urgot invades alone he should be a sitting duck unless you're low on health.
Late: He gets tanky so depending on your build you may struggle against him, usually not a prio target for teamfights unless he's caught out and if so you can handle him well enough unless you get combo'd.”
ineptpineapple says “Pretty similar to lissandra in range but you should beat him in a trade, be careful of his ult and if he throws you remember you might out damage him and he put you into prime position to do so. Generally has way more guaranteed dmg on you so its a dangerous matchup dont pick liss into him.”
Hyzerik says “Just a lot of damage really fast by this guy. He is able to dash slow and have you be pummeled by his leg shotguns. Try to get him early as once his W is max it will always be up and screw you.”
Nonoo says “rgot is easy to face since you only have to dodge E and most of the time they retreat, it is the ideal moment to attack, if it catches you, use your Q quickly and your W, if things get ugly use FLASH, I put it in this category since it is easy to dodge his E”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “He has a lot of damage, brings PTA, and has an execute that I think doesn't care if you shield. Rush steel plate boots and bramble. Stack armor.”
Raideru says “Very hard to solo kill before 6 because of his strong poke and ability to nullify your e with his flip, your goal is to engage him with e and sidestep his e that's the only way u win trades or try to bait it but a good urgot player won't waste his e ever, if you're not ahead from early against him he just simply wins in all ins as long as he holds e. I advise Conqueror with Dshield.”
LeSocair says “Just don't get hit by Q.
Now that the shield was moved to E you can just poke him all the time for free with Q and E.
You can cleanse his R while you're chained.”
sauronkaiser says “His W can kill all your ghouls instantly. Yet another retarded interaction riot never fixed. Engage when he hits you with his Q, so his W autos go for you and not your ghouls or wall. If you manage to cage him, hes done as he cant use his SHOTGUN KNEES.”
TioKirb says “Hard to counter in midgame, try to see how he reacts at level 1 and avoid his dash, he should be easy if you understand his movements, but his ult is really dangerous to you, since it slows you quite a lot.”
RedNBlue says “Be careful for his E stun and throw that will be a problem. Hard matchup to solo you probably will need a gank but make sure your Jungler knows what they are doing. Urgot will love a low health top laner and an assassin jungler to come up and give him some dinner.”
EU_Toxicity says “Beware of his passive procs early on. If you find yourself fighting to the death with Urgot, try to stay in the proced passive area to not take free damage. If he misses his Q go ahead and fight him as his W will not autotarget you. Tabis and bramble vest are very effective in this matchup.”
doorknobber69 says “Kinda like jax match up, if you can bait out his e you can mabey pull something off, but he is known as a harder counter to rengar top, go tp into conq with bone plating.”
Malol67 says “Dodge his E, then stop his W with yours.
Before lvl 9 its easy,but can be hard if you don't play it properly.
In this matchup,your E should be used for aggression with dodging PTA proc,passive autos or damage that can prock his ult.”
iZeal says “You win by baiting out his E either by pulling him or Q'ing him. If he misses it, stay on one side of him so he can only proc 1 or 2 sides of his passive and he will lack damage to kill you. If he hits his ultimate on you, you will get slowed depending on how much hp you have left, making escaping at low health futile. If he misses his Q or E and tries to fight in a minion wave or against multiple opponents you can constantly force him to switch targets as he will only shoot the closest target next to him if unguided.
Do not get hit by the E since it will stun you for 1,5 seconds. Also his ultimate now has a very low cooldown!
DBlade/DShield, Bramble Vest!, Ninja Tabis/Phage.”
DarkNavarre says “Urgot can be an issue if he is able to catch you out with his dash. Otherwise he isnt too much of a hassle. Just punish his dash's cooldown whenever he misses it and whittle him down.”
Timesoul977 says “He comes down to how good you can trade with him, if you know when to attack, and know when to play defensive your going to have a good lane.”
hahadead7777 says “Urgot has a lot of dmg but if you can dodge his Q then you can poke him a bit more freely. And if you can time it right try to E when he dashes but keep in mind his is on a shorter cooldown”
byThiagus says “SI dodgeas su e le podes ganar, primer pagina de runas, espada de doran a partir de nivel 9 Si no estas feedeado te gana 1v1 pero sos mejor en team fights”
AWierdShoe says “If he ever misses his Q while trying to poke you while you’re level 2+, you can taunt in and win trades and then back out. Your W is very effective in blocking his machine gun W, but if you stay for too long he’ll eventually out-trade you, so do medium sized trades and back out and repeat. Try to contest the push early on if he lets you, since if you get level 2/3 before him you get free trade windows. But if he pushes you in you’ll have to sit under tower trying to survive early.”
FoxyGrill says “Pretty unbalanced champion, not much you an do about it, rush tabis, try not to die and try to hit him with w in team fighr, bramble west is also highy recommended.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Stay healthy -> Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Run him down when he walks up for cs -> Level 1 start Q -> Stay at Q range and poke him when he walks up for cs or tries to poke/trade with you. This way he won't be able to hit you with E -> Level 2 be a bit more careful he can slow with Q to close the gap and hit his E -> Level 3 use W to your advantage to win the trades and dodge/bait his E. This is his main ability -> Level 6 you can block the first and second part of his R with your W -> If he hits Q or E and then activates W, this will make you be targeted regardless if you are behind your minions or not”
viktoreeu says “Annoying champion, I barely trade into him early on.
Unless he is bad just try to farm, you win level 6 if you play it well.
Try to burst him down before you have to use R, if you dodge his cc (dash) you 100% win.
Your ulti counters his.
NickCola Tesla says “Another straight forward matchup for Sion! As long as you don't eat too much early game poke from this Shotgun Knees, you should be good to go. If he pokes you down too much in the early game, it'll get harder to manage the lane out of fear of him flipping you over him!
You can hold your Q to cancel his dash, and as you don't get hit by it, Urgot has no way of out trading you. If he DOES manage to flip you, try to stay on one side of him so you don't get blasted by all his passive damage.
When level 6 hits, try not to use your ultimate offensively. Save it for when he ults you and you fall beneath his execute threshold (25 percent of your maximum health), then use your ult to cancel his ultimate's second recast. Keep in mind this only works for the SECOND recast, not the initial cast that lands on you.”
StrikeX114 says “Before level 6, his primary threat is his E-Q into W combo, in which he charges towards you, stuns you, slows you, and then repeatedly attacks you. If at a safe distance you can see his E being charged, use Zoomies immediately for the movement speed burst to get you out of the way. In addition, always heal earlier than you normally would to prevent his ultimate from finding an execute.”
Saarlichenbog says “Urgot has some effective poke in the form of his Q. However, he suffers from the same problem as Volibear when he engages with his E that he has almost no way of leaving a bad trade. Predicting his E engage is the best way to win favourable trades and win the lane.”
GARDENZE says “Limpa o seus ghouls instantaneamente com o W. A melhor estrategia contra Urgot é abusar da parede (W) que bloqueia seu dash, cuidado ao ficar low pós 6.”
Captain Dantems says “Pokeia ele, se ele te ultar e tentar te executar use a laranja para sair de sua ult. Grasp com Chamuscar ou inspiração. Poção Corrupta ou Cristal de Safira com 3 poções.”
FoxyGrill says “Dodge His E and dont get inside his W range, It is deadly. Try to harass him in the early game as much as possible, you can even take ignite for more kill pressure.”
MKUlra_Ronin says “Trade every chance you get with your Q+AA and W+AA. Save your E for large waves or ganks.
His Q is too short range to keep up with your harass. You should NEVER be in-range of his flash+E or his E. If he flips you, you're probably dead.”
ItsPaulygon says “You win lane easily even if he jumps on you. Just trade only after level 3. Once he gets tanky, it will be hard for you. Take Corrupting Potion start.”
Whackguy says “Urgot has one of the best early games in the land. Plus he is over-powered asf rn. Wait for misplays and chances to poke with auto-E wombo. Good luck. ”
GLP1 says “This is a skillmatch in favor of Urgot but it is not impossible to beat him, at level 1 and 5 you can abuse it if it is not very good but at level 6 you have to be careful, buying a mercurial fajin could help a lot with the definitive that has”
OffmetaPancake says “An annoying matchup since he can kite you, and play side lanes effectively. Look for rotations, and force him to rotate instead of split.”
Raphi0216 says “Don't get caught by his E and you should be fine. Try to sustain with your W and take short trades with your passive. Try to dodge his R with yours.”
daito Okami says “d shield/ring fleet resolve. Difficult matchup if he goes PTA his poke early is really massive respect first levels especially lvl 1 because he usually starts with e this matchup is really whoever hits his e wins if u dodge his e with your e its won but if u get hit by it 50% of your hp is gone.”
Frostyfps says “This lane can be really annoying but you do have a good chance against him. Avoid walking up to him at level 1 since they always start E and try to chunk you hard early. Start E and stun him if he starts propelling himself towards you that way you stun him when he flips you and you can minimize the damage. Once it pushes into your tower you can stack your passive and look to fight, try to avoid his little bombs and if you are fighting post level 4 try to fight with minions around because it allows you to avoid his W and jump back on him when it is down. Keep in mind that it becomes a toggle at level 9, generally you only want to fight him after level 9 if you have killed him before or you have a major powerspike like botrk. Once he gets 2 items I recommend not fighting him 1v1 unless you are extremely ahead, he shreds through anything with cleaver and death dance.
Greedle says “Keep Distance. You Can Trade With Him If You Do This. If You Get Into Melee Range He Wins. His W Is Really Annoying Against Your Barrels. ”
Defensivity1 says “Urgot is a skill matchup you have to avoid getting flipped by him early
Pretty easy after level 6, before that let him push you in.”
Manzey says “Urgot will crush you in lane, luckily he isn't played alot. Just make sure to dodge his E and Qs and you can take him in the later stages of the game.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Urgot is an easy matchup all game, just be careful and dodge is E, because if you let him land his E, he can really chunk you with his W and passive. You can use your W to counter his ult, if you save up a lot of shield you can keep yourself healthy so he cannot ult and kill you.”
TangoVallhala says “He is crazy, try dodging his R , poke him, play safe, try to set up full combos before 6, he can run you down so try returning fire to the best you can, good kill potential for you both at 6 so play smart.”
LoL destroyer says “Urgot is always a pain in the A**. He is annoying and will beat you in farm, he does a lot of damage and his ult will outplay yours. The only way to beat him is to get an early gank and take him out multiple times.”
YoungTact says “Apply basic lane combo whenever you can and rush a bramble vest. W his E and its an easy matchup. If he messes when dancing around you punish with a stun. Avoid his Q and walk up to him to Q passive. ”
qasddsa says “Easy opponent to lane against. Your ultimate counters his ultimate, but make sure to time it correctly so it doesn't run out while he's pulling you. Be careful about his shotgun legs' burst damage. With intuitive and sometimes counter-intuitive movement: sidestep, never get in his range, or walk forward, it becomes very hard for Urgot to hit his grab even 50% of the time. Due to a ranged advantage you can Q + W and kite away/into him. His Q can be dodged easily through the same movements used to dodge his E, through boots, or through a W.”
Urgot matchup is all about dodging his Q and E, if he doesn't hit them, he won't be able to effectively use his Purge passive on his W and his overall W. In laning phase, let him push the wave and last hit the minions never push into him, he will usually push the wave into you due to his Passive and the fact that he wants to preassure you really hard early on, so look to farm safely undertorret. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen power spike you can start doing extended trades whenever he misses his E or Q, If you can, you can dodge his R by flashing behind him and since his W is his main source of damage he will try to burst you with it but his movement speed is reduced, he basically doesn't have a way of escaping. Later on to the game you outscale him but depending on how much CC the enemy team composition has and how fed he is (If he is), you can choose either to Splitpush or to Teamfight.”
PH45 says “You won't have the damage early on to kill him but you can block some of his damage with E and last hit with your Q. Stealing his ult can be pretty powerful if you can hit the right target with it.”
nicomaster9000 says “Urgot defies the laws of physics and as long as he can play him he will do damage in ways that are not understandable, so if you know he is good stay away. Shouldn't be your ban thought since he is barely played.”
SubHuman Filth says “go PTA and attack speed. play safe early and you will surely outscale him quickly.
Do you not get by his E, because then you're gonna die most likely.
poke him when he goes for cs.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans Shield Start. Urgot has strong poke in the early game but by the time you get level 4 and you have a good amount of HP and fury you can look for solid trades against him. Look to avoid his q's by preemptively dodging them when you walk up for minions. Make sure when you are trading with Urgot that you stay at an angle where only one leg can hit you so you take less damage, his flip has a cast animation so you can look to sidestep it if you are looking for it. You can use tryndamere's ultimate at any point during Urgot's ultimate, if you want to maximize your tryndamere ultimate, use your R right as you are about to enter the grinder (usually it takes .5 seconds or so when u hit the grinder for you to actually die so just press r right before that.) In the mid-late game you can beat Urgot 1v1 If he is away from his turret, but under turret it can be difficult if you arent massively ahead of him. If he is hugging turret look to use your superior mobility to out rotate him after you shove him in, and look to take jungle camps, ward, or flank his team (if you see an opportunity.)”
Nabura says “Hope to god the Urgot isn't good. Care for E Flash animation cancel and try your best to dodge his Q's. Urgot's new PTA setup against squishies is very hard to beat until completed core.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Thx god fervor is gone and Urgot isnt seen often because when u know to handle this champ, he fcks u very hard since he can always all in and fck you.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Grasp, Shield, Second Wind, Unflinching + Tenacity, Last Stand or Conqueror, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Shield, Second Wind.
Sub Runes: (Grasp) Damage, 2x Armor or (Conqueror) CDR, Damage, Armor.
Summoners: Teleport
Ah yes, Mr. Shotgun Knees. Anyway, ever since the change to Deaths Dance he has been an even bigger counter to Riven than he already was. Best advice I can give is to shield his throw and Q dance around him to make him miss his skill shots. For the most time though, you will be sitting under tower farming, looking for a TP. ”
Rastub P says “He is pretty hard play against him with her R u are going to have hard time cus he is range champ and he is apple to poke u pretty HARD at you”
ZergDood says “He's annoying, but your Q and your passive are annoying too. Harass him with both, punish him when he farms and avoid extended trades at all costs. He wants to take them, even at low HP, really. If you can't finish him off with a burst, respect his range, and don't let him engage on you. That's not really hard, given your kit. He's engaging by walking? Q. He's engaging with his dash? W. Do you feel like you're in danger? R him, run with W/E. DON'T LET YOURSELF BE AT LOW HP. Your W can stop his dash.”
qazx1427 says “While Urgot can kill your ghouls quickly, it forces him to use his 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕘𝕦𝕟 𝕂𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕤, so keep throwing ghouls at him. A direct approach will just get you EWR'd, but if you can coax the throw out of him, just W and go to town. Remember that he needs to move to properly use his ˢʰᵒᵗᵍᵘⁿ ᵏⁿᵉᵉˢ.”
Ayanleh says “Urgot matchup has become difficult now as morde is much weaker early game than he was before so morde can't compete with urgot early anymore.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Pretty overtuned, you lose lvl 1 then win until he's lvl 9, you need to get a lead during that gap and stay ahead, try to dodge his E and R if you can, they are really
powerfull spells but they can often be dodged.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Urgot is a very strong early to mid game champion.During the lane phase if you avoid getting hit by his E you should be fine.Even tho he is ranged I would still go standard runes and sums because his range is pretty short.”
AfroNinja542 says “If I don't ban Sett top, I ban urgot. He's extremely annoying to deal with, so take grasp or aftershock. You can also take Conqueror if you're more confident in your skill level, but I would recommend getting as tanky as possible as soon as possible.”
Shumair says “Be careful early as he beats you at the first few levels. However, at level 6 you demolish him. Use W early to avoid his ultimate's execute. If he gets first blood the lane can swing in his favour. Buy an early bramble vest. Also, he is a priority ult target in teamfights due to his AOE damage and the fact that he can ult your carries.”
BeerLoL says “I find this lane easy but others hate it so I put it in Major. Just parry his E (pretty easy as it has a charge up) and you will be A-OK.”
wallobear53 says “He is quite a slow champion with telegraphed abilities. Plus, dodging without his E is quite hard for him so aim to poke him out of the lane. Best time to poke will be when he is locked in Auto-Attack animation.
Urgot's empowered Auto-Attacks (due to his Passive) will hit those closest to him, or those recently hit with his abilities. Fighting in the minion wave can prevent some of his damage. Just make sure you don’t get hit by multiple such attacks by using the terrain to your advantage.
Due to his empowered Auto-Attacks and range, he wants to take extended trades, so forcing short fights can give you the advantage. Always opt for small poke or burst trades and then go back to farming.
SacaZioto says “Urgot thinks he's the best level 1 1v1 champs, which results he dies at 2 min, and dies again, and again. basically don't get hit by his e, and keep poking him with q. ez lane and he will afk”
renneleous says “Urgot is fucked against this build. Since he can use his E and walk around you dealing damage hes a very hard champ to deal with and is why its recommended you ban this champ to not deal with this him.”
BaiacoolFAKE says “Its hard, you don't need to poke him! You just need to get safe and farm under the tower, specially 'cause he doesn't can freeze the wave.”
M.P.C says “During the early game you can basically run circles around him, however once he reaches lvl 6 take extreme caution and focus on getting CS and poke him with your E when possible.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Hard matchup. You should start with corrupting potion and try to dodge his Q poke. Before lvl 9 his W won't be that strong and you can prarry his E and his Ult.”
ModxLoL says “This matchup isn't too bad if you're good at dodging his E. If you're in lower ranks, it's not too hard to bait it out, then you beat him afterwards. But if you ever do get hit by his E, you lose the trade. HARD”
gsaeyx says “Doesn't matter what you build. Dodge his e or cancel it with q and you're fine. If you get hit you die. If he ults you ult away as you're unstoppable when you ult so he can't execute you.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans Shield Start. Urgot has strong poke in the early game but by the time you get level 4 and you have a good amount of HP and fury you can look for solid trades against him. Look to avoid his q's by preemptively dodging them when you walk up for minions. Make sure when you are trading with Urgot that you stay at an angle where only one leg can hit you so you take less damage, his flip has a cast animation so you can look to sidestep it if you are looking for it. You can use tryndamere's ultimate at any point during Urgot's ultimate, if you want to maximize your tryndamere ultimate, use your R right as you are about to enter the grinder (usually it takes .5 seconds or so when u hit the grinder for you to actually die so just press r right before that.) In the mid-late game you can beat Urgot 1v1 If he is away from his turret, but under turret it can be difficult if you arent massively ahead of him. If he is hugging turret look to use your superior mobility to out rotate him after you shove him in, and look to take jungle camps, ward, or flank his team (if you see an opportunity.)”
BloodyDream81 says “Le match up en lui même est assez simple, mais cela reste un range top, et quand tu n'es pas trop confiante sur Darius ça peut s'avérer compliqué, durant les 3 premiers niveaux essaie de ne pas prendre des dégâts, et suite à ca, laisse le avancer sur la lane, utilise ton fantôme et essaie de le tuer, si tu pârviens à le tuer 1 ou 2 fois avant son niveau 6 tu seras tranquille !
SI ce n'est pas le cas soit très prudente, Urgot est très dangereux une fois niveau 6, si tu veux pouvoir le tuer à ce moment il te faudra dodge son E qui est le dash et son Ulti, qui te ralentira beaucoup trop sinon.
Astuce : Les tabi ninja sont obligatoire dans ce match up, tu ne pourras pas gagner sans ”
Teed says “Playing against Urgot is depression. He can deny all of your healing/last stand potential by just using his ult to execute you, if you're in this matchup I would recommend trying to survive laning phase by csing with your first Q because it has semi-long range.”
Dantheman81 says “The new Urgot is pretty strong top lane and can kill all of your ghouls really easily with his shotgun knees. The lane is difficult pre 6. However post level 6, if you can trap him in your wall he is dead as you out damage him then.”
Xplor says “Urgot can be annoying when you play against him. You have quite good chances to win the lane but only if you poke him over and over before to go full-in.
I would strongly recommend to play defensive though.”
Darrkescru says “Eu pessoalmente nunca tive dificuldade contra ele, use qualquer runa e so troque com ele apos lvl 3, você deve conseguir desviar facilmente do Q dele por causa do seu W, quando ele começar a dar a animação de dash pra frente você ja começa a desviar, quando a animação acabar de a cegueira nele e caita ele, assim você vai ter dado um bom dano nele e ele vai ter tirado 0 de seu hp”
Lintaar says “Potentially hazardous if he can get on to you with his dash. Most of the time he wont be able to predict your movement if you are kiting correctly”
Tmasb says “Skill match-up, urgot its too tanky and lillia its a fckin cardboard, so he can ult you easily but if you are fast enough you can dodge the projectile and kill that mutant crab”
Alzeidx says “Mostly skill matchup. try to trade with him when his machine thingy is down (when he gets his shield), and avoid getting to low on hp when he's level 6, unless you know for 100% you can kill him. go Conqueror.”
TotallyEclipse says “When he turns on his W, use your E and you win every fight. Dodge his E as well or if you cant dodge it make sure you E his E and hold it for max duration as he starts W'ing you. Be careful when he ults you if you're low.”
ACE4291 says “you beat him early and snowball him hard, close fights at mid and late if early is played safe.
DirtyDishSoap says “4 ghouls and you win. Avoid the early game harass if possible. After Maiden, he doesn't have much hope of winning and will likely hug the turret for the remainder of the lane phase.”
report singed ty says “Don't get caught in his W machine gun thing or you'll never get out without using a summoner spell. Wait for him to use his dash before you use your fling because if you both use them at the same time his gets priority and you get screwed.”
Sq_09 says “Since he is slow during his W you can get out of it's range with relative ease. You can poke him but you should always take care of E engages. If he has you ulted and you're getting close to the threshold, you can trade Rs. ”
unrealPR0D16Y says “Urgot's R will generally be your downfall. The reason behind this is you are usually BARELY surviving trades by using your W to get that extra lifesteal - and Urgot having an execute will be tough to play around.
The only tip that I can think to give would be to try and play around his CD's. Especially his R and his E, as those will cause the most strife.”
VIP Titan says “Its not difficult at all. Most urgot get his E first in level 1. When he used his burst E. M ake sure all in him in level 1.
Remember MAX E not Q! ”
gabriel5ben9 says “Rush tabis and thornmail. He'll probably deal more damage to himself than you if you use your W.
Aftershock is GREAT for this matchup.”
ShaharKarisi says “It's becoming a trend, but the only way to beat him is to win early on. Either 2v1 him in a gank or play safe until you're level 6.”
Subject3 says “bait his machine gun and then go all in, his not strong, its only until he gets black cleaver and gets to lvl 6 so make use of the time before that.”
Crowby 9 9 9 says “Surprisingly easy match-up, just stay back, freeze under tower, and poke when your meeps are up. Be careful for his level two, if he levels his E he can dash on you and get a lot out of it.”
Itreallyhim says “He will be a huge problem, This is Dodge level of difficulty aswell.
You can remove his ult from a teammate with your ult, Save them BE THE HERO YOU DESERVE TO BE.
Dont do long trades he will destroy you.
Reverse rake if hes onto you.”
JohnakaCane says “You can farm kills on urgot before lvl 6 becouse you are that much stronger but when he is lvl6, you should be aware of his r, you can either cancel his dash on your with e or save until he ults you and disengage with e and wait out his ult and then reengage”
classicnoob says “Urgot is 1 of the best counters for garen,Because his shield always (Most of the time) outtrades you.Play super safe,Ask for a couple of ganks.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “When Urgot ults you, just pop your W and wait it out. He can't do much damage to you while you're in there. Try to E away when Urgot Es towards you to dodge the cc and so you can go in for a trade.”
ShinyEmo says “Risky lane. Who gets two kills first wins the lane. His poke can be annoying. Try to freeze the lane and do safe farming. He can't 1v1 you after mid game. You will need sustain, so BotRK is a perfect choice for first item. ”
Oblak says “In most games you will have a lot of health, and Urgots have a passive that deals bonus damage in your maximum health, he can most of the time easily 1v1 you and even win the lane.”
Just a Scarecrow says “Very annoying his W and E combo is really poky and always have his R up when trying to dive you a very hard Opponent with out a Gank at lvl 2-5”
miniRAGE says “Urgot is a ranged champ and will probably poke you out, then run away using is E ability. If you can get that out of him though, he's somewhat easier to beat.”
lugzinho says “He's one of the biggest 1v9 machines later in the game with 3 items.
His execute can be really annoying when you're close to remounting.
But on the early game all-in him since he doesn't have his W on a toggle, the fights can favour Kled pretty well.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is another lane you will win. Urgot is the only dedicated ranged toplaner that has a shorter attack range then you. His E is really easy to see coming and you cancel out the DASH portion, NOT the startup animation. If you cancel his E and dodge his Q's he has no hope of killing you and you can win this lane really easily. You can stop him from farming which will cause you to scale better then him so mid and late game he also shouldn't be a problem.”
ForgottenProject says “Q poke throughout the lane
Try to abuse him before his level 9 power spike when his W is maxed and it becomes a toggle
Until then, play around his W Cooldown
Path randomly in order to dodge his Qs
Parry his E
It has a slow cast time, so it is easy, and it will stun him
If you see a shield appear, press W”
SirVermillion says “You can easily destroy him early level, but once he hits the level 9 power spike + black cleaver he's able to 1v1 you and win. Best to deal with him with your teammates after that.”
The Lost Drawing says “Puedes aplicar la misma que con Garen, cuidate de su rango.
La unica forma que te mate es que te pokitee y te tire 'R', la segunda que es menos probable es que te enganche con su salto/cc (lo puedes cancelar con tu 'W')”
Pedrokis says “É uma lane parecida com a matchup do Gnar, só que com bem mais dano e menos mobilidade. / Ele até vai te pokear com o auto attack (principalmente com as shotguns da passiva) e o Q, mas ele tem pouco range. / Quando ele gastar o E, o seu W vai ser praticamente garantido em razão da baixíssima move speed dele. / Não subestime o dano da passiva dele no começo do jogo, espere ele gastar pelo menos 3 pra ir pra cima.”
Askio says “Easy to gank, but his natural sustain and output make him dangerous if he gets rolling. For sure build ninja and bramble early on to counter him, and make sure you are ahead in farm or lane before he gets to 9 and maxes his W”
BeautifulWinter says “He does a bit of damage to you but you should win this lane no problem. Wait until 6 before engaging him. After 6 you should win the fight no problem.”
Big Belly Bop says “Keep your range and poke him. His Q's are fairly easy to dodge so he has no way to really kill you. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “This matchup CAN be a problem but once you get some damage you'll find hes actually pretty squishy, just all in 100's of times and poke him down, if you think he's gonna ult just flash to the left or right or just at him but flash past it but its kinda too risky so i wouldnt but how you play is how you play.”
9690 says “Moderately annoying lane. He has reasonable range on his Q and can poke us down. Try not to take much damage early and we win post 6. Be careful of using R if you're low from his poke, he can kill us with his R before we finish him off.”
Loevely says “Winnable lane pre level 9. Grasp or Conq to dominate early. Trade with him once his Q is down so that his W does not autolock on you for the entirety of the trade. ”
numpadddd says “Range advantage for him so its hard to trade with him, watch out for his ult and also be careful about his flip as he can punish you with his passives”
LuxIsMyCrush says “poke him early game, run away when he charges toward you, dont go all in unless hes beyon 50% hp.
Be careful not to trade with him in W unless he's blinded.”
Defensivity1 says “Against urgot the conqueror page is recommended, he is a strong duelist but if you manage to gain a 200hp advantage at level 6 feel free to cage him up and ult him for a quick kill. however, just as with nasus urgot will outscale you and could become an unstoppable monster.”
Taliyehn says “Urgot is just a joke. His dash is too small, takes too much time to cast, and his range is just too short to even think about bothering you. Just care with R, get swiftness and you can just dodge everything and regen with Q.”
Quezel says “Urgot requires level 9 to become a champion and level 13 to become a REAL champion and by that time you have already outscales him. Seekers tabi ensures he won't be able to do anything to you and liandries rylais makes sure you will be able to 1v1 him for most of the game. Don't disrespect urgot once he gets items and levels though pick up a thornmail later if you need to sidelane against him 1v1.”
ProgettoYorick says “Urgot with his W destroys your ghouls is practically the only problem he will give you, in lane you can feel great. During level 6 urgot you hunt him down. OTP tip: with your W you will waste the E of urgot (it cannot go beyond the walls including Yorick's W)”
AlienMV says “Stay around his auto range and stay on his side that does not have his passive prepared. This will make it easier to dodge his E and minimize damage taken when going up to CS.”
NasusIsMyBoy says “When played aggressively he can deny farm really well, watch out for his ult when in fight as he will save for last resort so only engage when you have enough stacks to get him low before you reach half health ”
JuiceMoose says “Urgot can be a very hard matchup. He counters Mordekaiser hard, and is in a great spot as and AD Top. His ability to stick behind minion waves and still Q and E you while sponging your Q's single target bonus is annoying. ”
picklehater77 says “Time your E right and you can deny tons of damage from his Purge. You can also actually block his ult damage using an empowered E RIGHT as his chains start to come for you. ”
The Apex Dealsman says “urgot is a hard matchup as if he grabs you, you have no chance of survival without a good dash. try engage urgot when his knees are down.
T_ired says “Urgot pode ser fácil de jogar contra, fique pokando, e se quiser trocar, kite-o e sua ultimate pode counterar a dele se você usar no momento certo ”
Nightblue33 says “Dorans Shield start. Only way you can out trade him is by baiting out his E. If not, then don't look to trade. Just survive laning phase.
SirZeros says “Well, it's Urgot. He's always known for his insane damage, if he manages to stick to you. Try just poking him safely and try not to get hit by his Q. As for his ultimate, you can try to ult yourself, if he does in fact hit you with it. It could save you, but it's not guaranteed at all. Overall just don't fight him too much, as he most likely is too tanky to burst down.”
BearRider says “It is all OK until he reaches LVL 6. Every next lvl up is worse for you. Try to be agressive from begining and then go max tank. Your shields will absorb alot of damage so let him to waste his mana from Q (you can dodge it too ofc). Your way is to go full tank and focus on another enemies and just support your team with R´s and W´s. You can defend very well but you need a help of your ally to push your lane. There is like 90% chance Urgot will take Teleport, so you should take it too if you want to save your tower from being destroyed. Urgot is just more in safety than you. You are supposed to do dirtier jobs.”
Hamstertamer says “At first glance may look like a "counter", but actually a very safe matchup for Nasus. You can just AFK farm under tower since his passive naturally pushes the wave and he can't force a fight if you don't want one. He deals %HP physical damage so stack armor. Basically farm and outscale.”
AsomeSonic says “his e is easy to get, he can't escape from you or engage on you, but his ult is devastating, like all the champs with executes or %health or true damage ults”
EpicDan01 says “Urgot with Conqueror will beat Mundo at all stages of the game. He has lots of percent health damage through his passive and a percent health execute in his R. Don't fight him in the side lanes. When teamfighting make sure he doesn't ult you or you can be easily killed.”
Poppu says “Play around his CD and passive. When he is 6, he becomes really dangerous to trade with. I usually play around my grasp and poke with my passive. If his shield is down and you're on one of his legs that is on CD, E into him and trade with Q and Auto + Grasp, then W away. That way he won't be able to E you and catch you out. Keep poking him that way and you can out trade.”
Aizo says “Ranged matchup who can armor shred you if he builds Black Cleaver, if you get hit by his ultimate you're in danger if you manage to dodge it he loses most kill threat”
MamaDuck says “Urgot is a mild counter. He does damage and has a ton of poke, but you are able to kill him after a few stacks on your ult plus a core item. ”
Petethebossch says “Very strong 1v1 til 11ish. Ask for jungle help but watch out for him just turning for the double. Farm under tower with your q. You can Max E if you are to low to use q.”
Magrin Goixtoso says “Essa mechup em sua grande maioria é melhor para o Renekton, tente não tomar muito dano para os ataques de Urgot avançar nele sempre que puder.”
Super_Cat says “Urgot's really strong this patch.
The worst part is if you're low hp you don't have a chance to heal back up, because Urgot just finishes you with his R.”
Lynboe says “Urgot est un range, mais prendre Conqueror sera plus avantageux pour vous.
Ce crabe n'a pas de réel potentiel de kill avant son niveau 6, mais faites tout de même attention à son poke, il risque probablement de slow push afin de vous punir sur chaque cs, dans ce cas appelez votre jungler ou rentrez lui dedans une fois que sa vague de sbire est très réduite et qu'il reste avancé.
Un Doran's Shield et Second Wind sont fortement recommandés.”
homxr says “Urgot can be very strong if he manages to get the jump on you, but the best way to fight him, is to bait out his shield by pretending to go in, and then going in after it expires. Don't dive him, he can stun you and slow you. Overall he shouldn't have too much kill pressure on you if you play the lane correctly. Take short trades, your regen is better.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “He has good poke and an execute, so he can bully you really hard. He also has an execute so that is annoying when you go all in.”
TheOsKaRoO says “Hard matchup. His machine gun, slow, shield, passive and R are here to destroy your day. He's able to comeback after getting behind so ask jungler for repetetive ganks.”
messketchup says “Urgots poke can be annoying however your all in is better than is. E him out of his E and don't let him shotgun knees hit you. Also don't let him ult you.”
CuziTR says “Try to dodge his E, look for TPs to bot lane and stay even in farm. Let him push and hope for Jungle or mid ganks. Luckily he's very immobile and vurnerable to ganks.”
PandaSenpai101 says “I suggest going Grasp in this matchup. You can parry his E, because he stops for a split second. If not, try to parry his ultimate as he comes towards you. QSS also counters his ultimate. You can mash the QSS as he pulls you in.”
Devitt45 says “You can win this match up a lot easier before he gets 9, where he gets his W toggle. You can still beat him after level 9, you just have to play it right and trade, but not all in until he is missing HP. You also need to try to dodge his ult, so always be moving around. Try to get Black Cleaver and Ninja Tabi as fast as possible.”
Jnewbringspain says “Pretty difficult late game when his Purge cooldown is gone. You can engage early on if you are careful. Once he uses Purge, that's when you want to activate your W.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Urgot has a very good DPS with his W and that shiels that he gets denies almost 80% of your Q damage so if you can somehow bait him to use his E and W, after that you can win the trade. Play it carefully after lvl 6 and don't fight him alone late game.”
Prince Afghan says “Urgot is annoying champion to lane against and due to his W being able to quickly kill your ghouls. You'll want to wait for your jungler to make plays on him in the early game as he is just too strong. Later in the game you will have more success fighting him but you have to make sure that your ghouls and Maiden don't die to his AOE attacks.”
ekkolvl7 says “you have to play safe against him under tower get 250 stack then try to fight him if you cant stack more i bet you will and go kill adc and supp get 3 kills then kill him but dont fight him hr can kill you ezly”
ImpossibleLogic says “You out range him completely if you know your spacing you will have no trouble against Urgot as you can just stay at a suitable distance out the range of his E and poke him. Once you poke him to just above half you should be able to win the all in. One thing to look out for and if your an Urgot player playing against Aatrox, its an OK idea to do this, Urgot can Ult Early in a fight to slow you down making it impossible to kite like Aatrox needs to and can burst you down with W and passive.”
LighterDay says “Urgot's high damage and CC make it difficult to even get close to him. With Urgot being a bruiser, Urgot is difficult to kill and his high damage will keep you under tower for most of the game. ”
Hunterlogic says “Play safe until you get your first item, once you have gunblade simply just poke him a bit and then ult and kill him.
Be careful since Urgot can turn it around.
A quick tip is to try and fight him close to the wall in your ult to potentially prevent some SHOTGUN KNEES. ”
GrGamingTeo says “To beat Urgot nevr fight him while he has his machinegun shield on because he will absorb all of your damage and instantly kill you. Q trade him and whenever it's down go for an extended trade.
0mega best says “Tank and range, this absolute monster will slow you and poke you to death, farm under tower and dont attack him unless you have ganks coming, I highly recommend you to ban him.”
DrMoneybags says “Another ranged toplaner that is also allowed to be tanky for whatever reason. His %HP damage kinda screws you over and his R will easily kill you once you dismount. Take Conqueror and bait out his W to fight him before to he reaches lvl 6. Spellbook Urgot is horrible to fight against, so watch out for that.”
Huntress3 says “Urgot is a beast and you will most likely need to ban him all the time, or you might end up giving toplane away to a guy that could legit 1v5 your team.”
Mitil says “You can trade with him decently past lvl 6 but you will want to get thornmail because late game he will shred you. And be careful of his execute.”
kubsak26 says “If you want to win against him you have to play perfectly. You need to be in the distance where he can't jump to you with E but were you can still reach him with your Q. Also while you do E&Q combo you need to wait out his E because if you hit him when he charge you will not interrupt the jump to do so you need to hit him when he starts moving after charge. And then if you dodge his Q's you will be the only one doing dmg but if mess any of this and he grab you you are basicly dead. He's W do so much consistant dmg that you can't out trade him when he is above 50% hp. And also because of his ult you basicly have 20% less hp. But lane isn't the only problem he is strong in team fights. So if you don't feel like you can play whole lane without mistakes then better just farm from range and don't feed him.”
The_CuItivator says “Try as you might his W buff will hurt you more. Try to go for short skirmishes then ll in when you can kill. urgot E is predictable, dodge it.”
Shderen says “Holy shit, Dylan told me when I was making this guide in season 7 (y'know, before Urgot's rework) that an Urgot mid would "fuck me up". I had to respect that. Now? I'm sorry, but I cannot agree. This dude would be LUCKY to ping you with a Q or MAYBE a Flash + E. He will never be able to engage you unless his jungler sets up a crisp gank and he gets to build magic resist early because of an advantage. Threat level lowered.”
Shroom101 says “urgot is between a hard match up and a medium difficulty, you have to keep in mind csing poking and dodging his q at the same time once he engage blind his W and eituer stay on your position and fight back or kite back without changing your direction so you wont have to suffer from his shotgun use your shroom and speed as your advantage to kite him and consider buying QSS as your 2nd item”
OnionMilkshake says “You out range him completely if you know your spacing you will have no trouble against urgot as you can just stay at a suitable distance out the range of his E and poke him once you poke him to just above half you should be able to win the all in.
One thing to look out for and if your an Urgot player playing against Aatrox its an OK idea to do this Urgot can Ult Early in a fight to slow you down making it impossible to kite like Aatrox needs to and can burst you down with W and passive
(Recommended: Conq)”
TheNinjaRoid says “You get ahead, you win. You fall behind at all, you lose hard. Ask for ganks and farm up. You outscale him fairly hard, just don't feed him or fall behind.”
Aulenza says “With the new W it's pretty hard to face this champ. You need to have good reaction time to W his dashes, and that will give you a pretty big advantage. Build thornmail and tabi before anything else.”
Khazem says “A matchup where it should be hard for either champion to build a significant lead. Generally you should try to avoid his Q, and if you can't dodge it, shield it. Don't go for close range extended trades as he will most likely come out on top. Look to kite him and slowly wither him down.”
ApexDresden says “A mediocre match-up, avoid his poke and wait for his abilities to go on cool down and then engage, your ult completely counters his. Don't underestimate him late game though”
The Lost Drawing says “No te puede iniciar nunca, ya que le quitas su 'E' muy facil, cuando te tira su 'R' la esquivas con tu 'E' muy fácil.
>>> Lleva runas agresivas y tu amiga la 'Poción de Corrupción'
>>>Juégalo agresivo a nivel 5 y siempre escóndete en los arbustos para que lo obligues a poner un 'ward' ahí y dejarlo vulnerable a los 'ganks' aliadoS”
ElleryTheViking says “It's like Olaf was made solely to counter this champ's playstyle. If you can dodge his flip, he's dead. Even if you don't dodge it, he's still dead. Your E nukes his shield, and then you just spam Q around him, autoing him continually to refresh your E. Just avoid fighting him if his shotgun legs are up, they hurt. Post 6 his ult is literally useless. If he starts pulling you in for the exe, just ult. It cancels it. If you all in and he uses it while you're ulted, that's five seconds he can't exe you. He may as well not even have the ability.”
Lord K13 says “suas skills não afetam tanto o Darius quanto a vayne, porém isso não impede de usar o seu ult.Fuja sempre que puder qdo em desvantagem.”
E61K says “Despite many people claiming that Darius is a hard counter to Urgot I think that's not the case due to the fact that Urgot is broken right now. Bait out his W, wait it out and then go back in and brawl with him, you will win extended trades/fights. Care for his ult when you're low on HP since his ult is an execute and try to avoid his Q. I recommend starting DShield in this lane. If he is running Spellbook always check what his current Summoner Spells are before you attempt to do anything.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Early base damage, Tanky, Ranged. Damage based on positioning. Weaknesses: Low mobility, little natural sustain. Out-scaled hard. When laning against an Urgot, your main objective is to sit back and farm. His early game base damage with his passive shotgun autos is too much for Fiora to trade with consistently. Keep track of which ones of his shotguns are available so that you can go for vitals then. Sit back, Farm, Dodge Q's, Start Doran's Blade or Corrupting Potion, and only go for vitals to recover some HP when a shotgun isn't in front of it. His small dash and his Ultimate chain latching onto you and dragging you in can be negated by Fiora W so keep that in mind. Once you time either of these, fights will become that much easier. Ninja tabis are also a great buy early. After 2-3 items he starts to fall off and you start to ramp up so keep that in mind if you start to fall a bit behind.”
Miracle Matter says “Keep your distance in lane, poke cautiously. He annihilates you if he closes the gap, so never let him.
The real test of skill is predicting his Ulti and timing your own.
Never Ult so early that he can wait a few seconds, and let it expire *while* you're suppressed, on the way to your death. Conversely, never wait so long that he suppresses and begins pulling you before you can even cast the ability.
The solution is to have a good feel for when you're in Lethal range (around 20% hp) and then ult instantly. That way, he simply pulls you in and forces your revive.”
Daniloooo says “Let him flip you then Q him. Go around him and activate all his legs. His blinded so his legs wont do any dmg. Dont fight him on low hp if he ults you he can kill you ezy.”
drunken hunter says “For Urgot you just have to watch out for some things - the first point is that you should not push your wave in and then try to trade/poke him near his turret because he can easily use his (E) to dash towards you and just pull you over afterwards like voli/singed. You might end up under his turret tanking these shots while urgot gives himself a shield and some extra dmg with his (W). The second points is that you wanna wait for his (w)/ poke his (w) out -like you jump on him, he thinks you are going all-in and then you just go back in another bush- before you can go for a longer trade and deal more but take less dmg. The third point is that you shouldnt fight him when you only got like 30% hp cuz if he hits his ult on you and deals enough dmg in the next few seconds, youre just going to get executed by this champ.
So my tip is to get ahead early when he doesnt have his ult yet and maybe get lvl 2 before him, poke his (W) out when you are close to lvl 2 and give him the all-in with -Your- (W) to heal you after you took dmg.”
Proxxecube says “Urgot is very annoying, due to his Q slow and Purge. But if you're able to parry the E, then you can get a free vital and run w/ the movement speed buff.”
Tipurrs says “Rush Seeker's Armguard. It's hard to burst him down because he is very tanky and has a lot of shield. Just farm in lane and you can impact better in teamfights.”
Melloe says “Urgot is quite tanky and completely destroys your passive with his ult. You just have to ask for a ganks or if you get 6 earlier immediately engage. you can also stop his dash with your q and e if you time it while he is dashing, not during the windup.”
matthew0465 says “Since hes range, its very hard to go aggressive and get out of the fight. Like when u go in and try to get out. He always trades better. I suggets you to get Teleport in this case to roam more and get stronger to make better trades.”
Joxuu says “Tough matchup because of the nature his kit works. Avoid getting hit by his E and you are good but forcing a close combat with your E has low reward high risk kind of situation as he can 1 burst off that one E whereas you probably won't dent him much thanks to his shield. Play around him misusing W.”
Trixelkour says “Too painful to duel with his ult to back him up. Get Phase Rush, Fleet Footwork or Glacial to let him walk around you less, go for a Armor AP build to duel against this mistake.”
Swagus says “He's quite annoying and you must take it easy to predict when he use his e so you can knock him up. Usually mid game he outscales you quite hard because of his execute, but you can handle him in lategame.”
heyitsRainex says “A scary matchup late game. His only weakness is lack of mobility. Try trading with him when his W is down and dodge his Q, E and R whenever possible.”
SirDeRp25 says “Rush some magic penetration as Urgot's base MR is quite high. With the use of Move Quick, You will easily be able to kite or chase after him.”
E61K says “This champion got buffed for no reason other than to make him more appealing because of his rework. Bait out his W and wait until it expires to prevent yourself from dealing damage to the shield and getting out-traded. Save your windwall for his ultimate if you're planning on going all-in. Urgot hurts while being fairly tanky so don't get too cocky.
He mainly stacks a ton of health so building BORK against him is very effective.”
Beartrand says “A good Urgot player might even be a level 4 or 5 threat. Even if your passive procs, he can still execute you with his ultimate. Urgot also has high DPS, and he can actually be very hard to pin down.”
Omega best says “Urgot is a metaslave champ right now, since he is very powerful and tanky, play very safe and do not attack him or get close to him, build armor and wait for ganks then flip him while you and your jungler kills him. There is not much you can do, so attack him at good moments and try baiting him, if behind then dont even try attacking him, just wait for the good moment.”
ReformedLavahit says “Not that hard of a matchup you should be able to beat him if you play your early good. Try to bait his e then do your normal fast combo , should be enough to beat him.”
Zachlikespizza says “Urgot will out-brute-force you His shield punishes you for getting on to him and he will outscale you into late game unless you set him behind. In addition his flip can mess up your q positioning. Try to get a bramble vest as early as possible and maybe you can stand toe to toe with him.”
Mouadyam says “a good urgot player will give you hell, build early armor, dont get poked for free, call your jungler for help, dodge his ultimate and E and kill him if he does anything stupid like E'ing into your minion wave. if the urgot is bad you can just pull and kill him. but be careful, his passive is also busted so care for that.”
ninja8135 says “This is the biggest threat to Yas. He has a shield to avoid those trades you need and uses your mobility to proc his legs. Play safe into this match and be ready to either dodge or windwall his Ultimate. ”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Urgot deals a lot of damage, and is very tanky. (He's a Juggernaut, duhh) On lane he will try to poke you with his Q. Move in to bait his W, once it's on cooldown you can trade with him without a problem as long as you respect his damage.
Start Doran's Blade if you feel confident that you can dodge his poke. Rush Bork and Tabi. You can Windwall his entire kit basically. I'm not so sure about his Q tho, but I think it does”
TopusLG says “O urgot é um campeão tanque que caso de frente com o teemo vai acabar matando ele. Mas teemo tem suas vantagens na cegueira e no slow do R. se ultilizar isso bem com tudo que ensinei é provável que se saia bem !”
classicnoob says “Never Ever attack urgot If he has picked W if u try to run at him with Q and he uses W run away hee can easily outdamage you.Hope this helps You”
joelblack says “Avoid the crab. His Q is a way better poke, and if he decides to all-in you, your toast. Your best chance is to just farm and jump away when he E's in. Give up”
Ashnard says “Urgot has been a pretty strong meta pick lately due to his lane presence and tankiness. He is pretty easy to hit due to large hitbox, but always be cautious of his e as he can wind it up during knockups. Getting your passive stab on him before he shields is also preferable to greatly reduce his survivability. Most urgot run spellbook and you have to always keep track of which summoner he is currently using.”
DERPFISHrejects says “The MOST lane dominant top laner. Be aware of this. Try to safely harass him and punish for last hits, but be aware he can and will try to utterly destroy you in lane.”
Dacnomaniak says “Early game his constant damage and range will put you at a disadvantage. Plus his W will negate most of the damage in any trade. Try to just farm and ask your jungler for ganks.”
thedunkening111 says “Really tanky guy that gets a big shield and an execute. Don't EVER E onto him. He just wins trades long trades. Take short trades if he ever blows his shield.
Take Grasp.”
Thoir says “This is an hard match up for Irelia because you will get zoned hard from your farm, so you have to freeze under tower, You have to dodge his Qs and Es and wait for an ally teammate gank.”
kagaroo says “🔴Enemy Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 8/10
➡️This matchup is hard for Trundle but if you can snowball it's unplayable for Urgot. It's a skill-matchup where if you can dodge Urgot's E then you will win the duel. You must play around healing on the waves and try avoid his massive execution range. However, his weakness is that he cannot control waves that well due to his shotgun legs and you are likely to farm easily as long as you can respect his damage and E.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad urgot vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average urgot vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skilled matchup
Good urgot vs Good Trundle ➡️ Urgot wins but there is room for trundle to win.”
Haxorr says “I find urgot really tough to play vs, especially if he brings ignite. Grasp is good vs Urgot with doran's shield and second wind. Try to take minimal damage when he initially pushes into you, can play a bit more aggressively on the bounce back. Barrier actually works VERY well against urgot in denying his ult and the bulk of his damage, so give that a try if you like. You outscale eventually and his e is decently reactable, but it can be hard and he may not consistently e at you, but instead next to you, etc. A bad urgot is pretty easy to beat but a good urgot is really tough”
AdeptDrax says “ugly ass crab, it's the matter of who uses their dash first, if he has actual hands and isn't a complete bot it's very hard to manage.”
CactEyez says “Mostly comes down to dodging the E. Swifties are mandatory to not get slowed by his Q and R and to dodge the E. Don't trade into his E shield, try and stay on the same side as him to avoid proccing all of his leg cannons (They do Max HP damage).
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel/Warden's Mail
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
FeaRLesS Da says “take ignite
same thing as fiora , u cant do shit
technically you can outplay and kill him eventually after red form but before that he just fucks u up hard”
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