As a Support 52.26% Win Rate100% Pick RateBraum As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Braum as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kxwal says “respect q cool down, and you can q him away from his adc when he got his shield out.”
Kogami123 says “Early Game (Laning Phase)
✅ Gragas has a slight advantage thanks to his poke with Q and his sustain via his passive.
✅ Braum is solid but more passive in early, he can initiate few trades unless he has stacks from his passive.
⚠ Watch out for his Q - Protect/Frapper, which can stun if you're too close to his ADC.
⚠ Avoid grouping too close to Braum, especially if he has his passive ready to activate.
Mid-Game (Roaming and Skirmishes)
✅ Gragas can roam more effectively with his E + R, and he can quickly toggle skirmishes.
✅ Braum is slower to move and often stays in his lane, so you can get the upper hand on the map.
⚠ Braum can stop your engages with his Q and E (if you engage too quickly or are badly positioned).
⚠ Braum is good at peeling and protecting his ADC: he can block skills like your Q with his shield.
Late-Game (Teamfights & Objectives)
✅ Gragas can easily engage or disengage with his R, disrupting the opposing formation.
✅ Braum becomes a huge peel for his team, blocking a lot of damage with his passive and his E - Unified Shield.
⚠ Braum can counter your engage well, especially if his passive is active on a nearby enemy.
⚠ Use your R to split the opposing team or disrupt Braum's engage on a carry.”
ShriekingMammoth says “Do well into Braum as he does not do too much in lane outside of passive procs, which you can easily deny with W. Can also do well against him outside of lane too.”
TEMMA says “Essa match depende mais do ADcarry que está junto do Braum
Mas na Teoria uma match fácil para a Sona
Sempre dar Slow quando ele tentar aplicar a passiva ”
Zileanaire says “I mean he can occasionally be annoying, but I am more concerned about who his ADC is more than I am him. His E ability (shield) automatically catches Zilean's bombs like a magnet so it's impossible to miss. Double bomb him when he jumps to his ADC or relevant ally and stun them both.”
JVS8 says “Braum is a fairly manageable matchup for Bard. If you can dodge his Q, you won’t have many issues with him, as he’s a melee support with no real hard engage. This allows you to roam freely without being too worried about him all-inning your ADC. It’s a fun matchup for Bard, as you can focus on roaming and controlling the pace of the game.”
Pykings says “A natural counter to Pyke. If paired with someone who can easily proc his passive, consider dodging.
Braum will not allow you to get to his adc as long as he's nearby. Even if you do manage to hook/stun the adc braum can negate all follow up damage while getting you stunned with no chance of escaping.
You can play safe but you'll be wasting Pyke's early game impact and you're just hoping your team outperforms theirs which is very unlikely.”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “Depends heavily on his ADC, but his shield and durability, slow, mobility, etc can counter you if you spam your abilities. Shield counters ult. Slows and stuns => Ouch”
Smaugyon says “Braum is quite strong atm but not in lane ! You can abuse him and he cant touch you. Still respect his team fighting power because as usual from tanky supports even from behind they can have a decent amount of impact ”
The Stabbio says “He's pretty tough to deal with. Personally I suggest roaming and telling your ADC to play defensively. When in lane, try to stick to the bushes and get him as far away from the enemy ADC as possible. Make him focus you, while your ADC focuses the enemy. You have better mobility, so capitalise on that.”
Aerenax says “Braum is tricky to play into. If you fail your engage he has a lot of options to lock you down, so be careful. The other problem is that he can soak a lot of damage using his E. Play around his E cooldown and you should win the lane. ”
zSharpFire says “You can easily bully him out and he can't really do anything about it. Keep an eye on his Q, poke him out and you will always win this lane.”
Arctic Arrow says “Braum is a minor threat due to his ability to block incoming damage and provide solid crowd control. His passive can stack and deal significant damage if you stay in his range for too long, but his primary threat comes from his Q (Winter's Bite) and his ability to peel for his ADC with his E (Unbreakable).
Focus on avoiding his Q and try to position yourself to engage when his shield is down or when he is out of position.
Keep an eye on his passive stacks and engage carefully to avoid giving him the chance to stun you or your ADC.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
No impact champion with overbuffed passive and W ally armor.
Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush. dont get stunned with passive for free. wait until his W is down. Peel for your team, dont let him passive stun your team. You can tank more.
Abarame says “Braum is difficult to punish in lane, but Milio can capitalize on any mistakes for good trades. His level 6 and 11 power spikes make him very dangerous in skirmishes, so avoid grouping too closely with your team. Never overextend for kills, as Braum excels at protecting his carries and punishing aggressors.”
SchloppyPoppy says “His jump can be cancelled by your W, you can dash the adc away from behind Braum so that his shield will do nothing. Easily counterable”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “If you are the only engage of the team you are going to have a rough time against him. Specially if he maxes w since he gives so much resistances, better to wait if they make big mistakes or braum tries to engage thats when you can turn around, otherwise better wait for level 6 since you will fear anyone near the target you landed your R. Overall best for you to just chill in lane and try to roam or wait enemy mistakes”
Foxirion says “Braum's tankiness and crowd control can be a minor threat to Rakan, especially when trying to engage on the enemy carries. However, Rakan's mobility and ability to disengage can help him play around Braum's abilities effectively.”
RangoFan2011 says “Kind of a placeholder. Generally, bard counters a lot of engage tanks, especially with bone plating/unflinching. Back off if you get marked.”
Kenma5319 says “This guy’s cc sometimes unpredictable because when you shield enemy can wait for 4rd shot and when shield disappears they can continue attacking. And ”
schizoslvt says “Easy lane if Braum has no clue what he is doing.You can easily hook and trade his hp for free until he cant tank hooks anymore.
If braum knows where to stand in terms off his E then he kinda becomes annoying but still can be easily outplayed and killed.BE CAREFUL of his passive early if they stack it on you most of the times you are either dead or 15% hp depending on his adc”
Velkyann says “Braum is a interesting lane because of his shield and passive. All you need to do in lane is dodge his Q and help you adc if he gets hit, you can also proc his initial shield if your adc has a important projectile.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Not great, not terrible, slightly Lissandra favoured. He can stop your claw, but very rarely do Braum players do that. A bad engage can be punished hard, but only if the passive of his procs. He also turn a marvelous engage into a failed engage due to his shield.”
Razing42 says “Braum will protect his Adc in lane, making it quite difficult to make kills happen, but whenever you have a choice of hooking him or his Adc aim for the Adc. This way you will either hit the Adc or Braum who will have jumped to them with his W to either dodge or block your hook. Your Ult will not be blocked by his shield.”
X Sirius X says “You can just poke him with your Q and if he ever uses his E to block one of your Q's then he will not have it. it is the perfect time to engage because he no longer have his E to block your ADC's damage”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Braum either needs to hit his Q or a basic attack to allow his allies to accumulate stacks on you with their own basic attacks. At maximum stacks, you are stunned, so if you get hit by either his Q or auto, fall back until the stacks dissipate.
Braum's shield gives him damage protection but not CC protection, use his vulnerability to CC him and help your carry kill him while he's stunned. ”
NormalOstrich says “Only a threat if you let him be one. Don't play passive, harass the adc, make space. He lacks the immediate get off me tools his other tank supports carry while carrying a long cooldown for is protective abilities making it easy to harass without punishment.”
Kaziz says “Easy kill and lane for you, this guy can do nothing against you when you have Ult, if he has Lucian take care that Lucian dont oneshot you”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “He has his cc but avoid it and you're fine. You can q around his shield it's great.”
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quecck says “I haven't played many games against Braum, but I am a Braum connoissuer. His stun passive can make disengages hard for you and ADC, and his Q has pretty annoying slows. However, he doesn't do a ton of damage after that (not including ult) and reactivating passive stun takes a few seconds. He does get pretty tanky on armor though, so dealing damage can get hard for you. Just try to out-tank him.”
Lurs says “Go spellthiefs and play as agressive as you want. As long as you E when he has 3 stacks you're literally invincible. Braum gets absolutely danced on by Rakan.”
Loggit says “A lot of these "combat Supports" just fail to be as powerful early on as Xin, and struggle to keep up with how quickly he is able to engage. While they shouldn't be trivialised, you are the stronger support during lane and usually the more powerful roamer.”
akamanto says “Good spacing and you can poke him with autos all lane , and even look for a good all in when you get that lvl 6 he cant do much against you .
ohsuko says “As long as you don't get hit by his abilities, you full-on counter him. You can easily seperate him from his ADC with your CC and he has no mobility outside of a dash to them. You also will counter him later (Liandry's when he wants to build tank)”
Razing42 says “Braum has the power to make lanes very boring or very explosive, this mostly depends on the adc he is paired up with. Try to punish him for wasting his E on poke.”
Kamachamaeleon says “Braum's Unbreakable (E) shield can block Thresh's hooks and projectile-based abilities. Additionally, Braum's crowd control with his passive and ultimate can disrupt Thresh's engages and protect his teammates. His peeling is insanely good so have fun trying to touch that adc”
talialt31 says “His (door)shield can block Q1 entirely, negating the ER boosted damage, and further reduces all of your hits.
The upside here is that he plays tank, meaning high HP and thus a prime target to throw onto his teammate(s). You don't need to kill him, just the squishier champions he's trying to protect.”
Fenreee says “Braum is annoying but all he does is prevent you from flashing for kills and from generally committing and extending a trade. If you play this build patiently as you should be doing anyway then he's not as annoying as you might think. Yes your W true damage is not reduced by his shield, and no you should not max it for that reason.”
HumbleMundo says “His main form of cc has to be auto'd onto you so its kinda hard for him to land, but once he is lvl 6 its a little harder to deal with due to more cc”
mazewalk says “It is kinda hard to engage against Braum, because you have to go in his range and get stunned in most of fights. Flay cancels his ult animation but it still lands. If you have skillshot reliant teammate you can get behind Braum during teamfight and throw lantern so this skillshot wont be blocked bby his wall. Still, thats hard to pull of since you both end up right in the middle of enemy team.”
TheBougis says “Braum is just not very good at Arena, his E may block your Q damage but it doesn't negate your heal. He does have decent peel but other than that he is just a big sexy wall (I mean.. just wall...).”
Shadowcrushers says “Braum is considered a minor match against Soraka for several reasons:
Soraka's sustain: Soraka is known for her exceptional healing abilities. Her Astral Infusion ability allows her to restore a significant amount of health to herself and her allies. This poses a challenge for Braum, whose main strength lies in engaging and locking down opponents rather than sustained damage. Soraka's healing can effectively negate much of the damage Braum and his ADC can dish out, making it difficult to secure kills in lane.
Poke versus tankiness: Soraka excels at long-range poke with her abilities, such as her Starcall and Infused Q. Braum, on the other hand, relies on his tankiness and ability to absorb damage with his Unbreakable shield. However, Soraka's poke can be challenging for Braum to block entirely, as she can consistently poke from a distance while Braum's shield has a limited duration and cooldown. This makes it hard for Braum to mitigate Soraka's poke damage effectively, putting him at a disadvantage in trades.
Counter to Braum's engage: Braum's main strength lies in his ability to engage and lock down opponents with his Winter's Bite and Glacial Fissure abilities. However, Soraka's abilities can counter Braum's engages. Her Equinox ability provides an area of silence, preventing Braum from using his abilities effectively in crucial moments. This can disrupt Braum's engage and leave him vulnerable to counter-attacks from the enemy ADC or additional opponents, turning the tide of the fight against him.
Difficulty in securing kills: Braum's primary goal in the laning phase is to set up kills for his ADC. However, Soraka's healing and utility abilities make it challenging to secure kills against her and her ADC. Soraka's healing can keep her ADC alive during engagements, while her abilities, such as her Astral Infusion and Wish ultimate, can provide a burst of healing at critical moments. This can prevent Braum from securing kills and hinder his ability to create a significant advantage for his team in the bot lane.
Vulnerability to harass: While Braum's Unbreakable shield provides him and his ADC with some protection against ranged harass, Soraka's poke can still be challenging to deal with. Braum's lack of sustain compared to Soraka means that he and his ADC are more susceptible to being poked down over time. This can force them to play defensively, making it harder for Braum to engage and create opportunities for kills.
Despite these challenges, it's important to note that the outcome of a bot lane matchup depends on various factors, such as individual player skill, ADC synergy, and jungle presence. With proper coordination, communication, and strategic play, Braum can still find success against Soraka. Adaptation in itemization and playstyle, as well as capitalizing on the right opportunities, can help Braum overcome some of the disadvantages he faces in this matchup.”
Rebaulten says “This is a hard match up. look for short trades and never getting stunned by Braum passive. He blocks a lot of damage so need to focus on spacing.”
jmp_01_ says “A good Braum will probably just Support Diff you. He has a lot of tankiness and literally block 70% of your damage including your ADC. Take smart trades. Take Aftershock.”
Lunar Empress says “His shield kinda negates any kind of poke you deal on him or the enemy ADC, so it's in your best interest to law low. Glacial or Aery is good here. ”
mazewalk says “Uhh, he's supposed to be a frontliner, but also to stay in backline? Such a pitty.
Look out for adc before trading, because his CC is useful only when there's someone with high Attack Speed.”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “He can easily be poked out, but watch his passive marks, because if they get fully stacked, it will be hard to get out.”
support_diff says “Braum is a very good support and can save his adc from nearly anything, don't invade Braum or you will die. He can't kill you easily but is also very hard to kill.”
Aerenax says “Braum is one of those melee matchups that is very winnable. If you dodge his Q, there is not much he can do when you are on top of his carry.”
Cyclic says “Insanely easy matchup. These are the types of champs senna loves to play against since he needs to be in melee range to do anything and doesn't have a reliable form of CC or gap close on you. Poke him and his ADC for free souls all game and dominate”
ZharMeny says “Similar to Bard, if Braum is good he can easily counter your Engage, if he is not he will struggle at lane, generally you either engage level 1 and scale, or just scale, you outscale him anyways. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
RileyTheDnDKid says “Only protects against range, but can prevent you from leaving if you lose an engage. Have to be extremely careful when facing Braum, and your early engages are a lot more risky.”
Toches says “If he knows what he's doing he can make the lane go neutral, but you usually outscale him.
Just be aware that he has strong disengage power, so pressing R is a little harder against braum, and he can just ult back and jump away to trade neutral with you.”
iveye says “Braum. Braum is regarded as of the weakest tank supports, and its for a good reason. He lacks being good at anything and is border-line decent at a few things. His R is truly your only threat with it knocks you out of your W, and his shield if you engage to set up for example a Miss Fortune R combo yet you still will manage to kill him. ”
mellorwastaken says “In lane look for short trades, depending on adc matchup you can kill or not. If you cant, you have roaming potential but make sure to roam on good timers or your adc might get dove.”
T1vladimir says “Does not have a great sustain in the early phase. Try to bait him to use his ETips to later attack him with bigger guns. Poke his HP as much as possible to deny him the defense mechanisms. Can turn a fight around with RTips; avoid standing in a line. Try to isolate him to strike a 1v1 fight.”
veeixin says “While his shield can cause a bit of trouble for your Q, he's slow moving enough to where you can easily knock him out and into your E with a quick W.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “Braum will mostly focus on our ADc. We should try melting it with lots of Q pokes and charm combos. Since the tank meta has arrived, it will not be an easy match.”
mazewalk says “He might try his best to focus his CC on you, but if you engage successfully, he won't be able to do anything, choosing between fighting you or saving his adc.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Braum is a weird one. Braum players like to facetank CC, but usually this means you just get free poke on him instead. In this matchup you can focus the support as long as you don't commit to all inning him. If you can, try to test the waters a bit, and see if the Braum is actually good. Attempt to bait out important skills such as his shield, and if you believe you can outplay him, then it's also viable to simply create fake aggression to scare him from being too aggressive into you. This could for example be done by walking up to Braum when him and his ally are spaced appart, AA>W onto Braum, then aim a Q at his ally. His ally won't even mentally register the Q. This play isn't necessarily going to net you a kill in lane, however doing consistent mindgames against champions that are normally hard matchups, will make most players insecure and frighten them off of making risky plays like towerdives or close fights.”
PypoulaPyp says “He doesnt have the reach to annoy you but if he does. Pray. Because that'll be the last thing you'll think if he can use his passive on you.”
L9NunuChillump says “Braum can be annoying but basically has to be hit by your CC and damage even if it doesn't hurt much it can keep him still long enough for the shield to wear off and your ult to land or your adc to kill them”
zotet says “Braum has very low damage and serves as mainly a tank character. He has no range and can be picked off easily when using a poke build. If pushed back well he will rarely get the chance to recover and fight back.”
AASDHFV says “Braum is not a big threat to you as you can speed yourself or your ally if touched by his Q.
Try double-bombing Braum when his shield is up (so that the bombs automatically stick to Braum) and when his ADC is close the ADC rarely has time to react when the double bomb isn't coming for him.”
Ablano says “for braum it is all about avoiding the q, if you dodge it, he will not be able to stun you because in order for his stacks to work, he needs to apply the first one with his q ”
OakuMarai says “He really can't do much. Aery or Guardian are both fine. If he's with a Lucian then 100% take Guardian. Careful of him surprising you with an all-in with his W. Wait out his E before ulting.”
orangeGolem2 says “Braum is a very defensive champion, you can most likely roam freely unless they have a Tristana or a Lucian that can probably solo your partner.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “During the laning phase, Braum will look to be a meat shield for his ally by using W and E to nullify your damage. Try to go for a short trade first to bait it out and then commit to a trade while it’s on cooldown. Ensure there is always 1 minion between you and Braum at all times. This will make it impossible for him to land his Q and potentially stun you. Whenever you’re looking to poke or harass Braum, make sure you’re not close to his minions so he cannot W to them and jump on you and turn the exchange around.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “During the laning phase, Braum will look to be a meat shield for his ally by using W and E to nullify your damage. Try to go for a short trade first to bait it out and then commit to a trade while it’s on cooldown. Ensure there is always 1 minion between you and Braum at all times. This will make it impossible for him to land his Q and potentially stun you. Whenever you’re looking to poke or harass Braum, make sure you’re not close to his minions so he cannot W to them and jump on you and turn the exchange around.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “During the laning phase, Braum will look to be a meat shield for his ally by using W and E to nullify your damage. Try to go for a short trade first to bait it out and then commit to a trade while it’s on cooldown. Ensure there is always 1 minion between you and Braum at all times. This will make it impossible for him to land his Q and potentially stun you. Whenever you’re looking to poke or harass Braum, make sure you’re not close to his minions so he cannot W to them and jump on you and turn the exchange around.”
M4DN355 says “Braum is a very minor threat to Pyke, as his E is basically useless against Pyke. Braum is better at fighting against champions with poke such as Ezreal or Xerath, but not so much someone like Pyke. Just make sure you save your Q for the enemy ADC as Braum can dash to them whenever he likes which can allow for an easy bait and switch into his R if you miss your Q.”
babyyspace says “Braum has a slow and knock up but apart form that he is very little of a threat. Due to his slow move speed it is very easy to escape him if you are detached as long as you avoid his Q ”
Coach Sollaw says “You can bully him depends of AD match up could be hard if he play with huge AS champ like Lucian, tristana, kog'maw due to his passive”
urazevirgen says “Braum has a very high win rate against Morgana but when you have Liandry that wouldn't be a problem. Don't come close to him otherwise you should deal wtih his slows”
Navn says “Braum's rarely a threat to anyone, but he can become hard to deal with if he manages to block a lot of your team's follow-up damage with his Shield.”
Jageiko says “Braum is very usefull to peel his ADC, but he's not used to massive close combat damages. Dont let him stun you with his passive, and if your ADC is in trouble, go on his. He cannot kill yours, and you'll just have to back away and tempo his E so your ADC can finish his ADC. You can also cancel his W, and R him away if he blocks spells with his E (like Jhin R for exemple.)”
CynicalSora says “Braum passive will stun anyone who is hit 3 times after he hits them once. Use Q to space. If you are worried about the CC take Unflinching and consider Boots of Swiftness, Shurelya's Battlesong and Mikael's Blessing.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “It's very difficult to engage into Braum because even if you land your engage onto both him and his ADC, it's often difficult for your ADC to follow up and Braum himself will become extremely hard to break through in lane. He's also more useful later on, but it's still possible to find some agency against him.”
LordZaneLP says “You are nearly the same champion tho, also dont know the matchup but it should be even or slightly better for braum, depending on his adc.”
MorBidMike says “Braum passive can force your W so it is better to stay dismounted and rely on your mount up engage on the carry. Braum's swap carries meaning its kinda even. you can outscale with this build. ”
Touka1 says “Braum is very easy to play against. He should never hit you theoretically, as long you don't hug enemy minions he should never be able to punish you!”
Navn says “He can't really do anything to you, but just be aware that if you R-Q him, and he shields it, you will not get any Mantra cooldown back (because it blocks 100% of the damage of the first thing that hits it)”
FrostedSpark says “Taliyah's E counters his engage/peel potential. Great counter pick to a Braum though if he's in position it'll be hard to kill the ADC.”
LuckyTigerRAW says “Annoying, another matchup where you wait for him to fight you or mess up. Wait for him to engage with his dash then W his adc and E to yours to win the trade. After 6 wait for him to target your adc then R the adc (and braum if you can) then W and kill them ”
Tqnshi says “You can punish him really hard when he's trying to get his gold quest. But don't get AA'd too much because it'll trigger his passive and you'll be stunned. His ult is also CC so watch out. Don't hit turret when he raises his shield because it will count as hitting him and turret will attack you.”
Challenger Project says “Braum pre 6 is non issue for us unless we make mistakes as hooking out of position of strength. Try to focus on his ADC every time you have an opportunity. After 6 it gets harder as his Shield stops not only us but also dmg from our ADC. Therefore we have 2 options to win such all ins. First - we fully engage Braum with everything we have when he is out of position (to “poke” us from his Q f.e.) and hope for the best. Second - hook Braum but Ult enemy carry and change focus when Braums’ shield falls off. Both scenarios don’t take into account the mistake of enemy ADC stepping out of position. If such a thing occurs you want to jump onto them instantly.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Braum has to get into melee range to be the most effective and this leaves him vulnerable to boxes.
Keep in mind he can block your shiv and box damage.”
Rissen says “One of the hardest matchups you'll possibly face, his stun will make you immobile, his [W] can make him escape and give him resistances, his shield can deny damage, and his [R] can create plays offensively and defensively.”
Bella Starlily says “Braum is a strong pick but compared to other tank supports he actually requires skill to play and is very common to see him fail. Q is really easy to dodge, so as long as you're not in melee range you should have no issues. ”
Eu como Miilena says “É muito importante pokear o Braum para ele perder seu escudo de gelo para você e seu adc poderem ter vantagem na luta. Seu poke é mais forte que o dele então abuse disso. Tome cuidado com a passiva dele, sempre saia de perto quando ele acertar o poke dele para o adc inimigo não te estunar. ”
SunnySneezer says “Don't use E or ultimate on his shield and that's pretty much it. Try to always ulti from out of vision or sideways to him if he still has E up.”
DtNikk says “The Braum matchup depends on how good their bot are against you and your adc. If its Braum and Lucian, DO NOT WALK UP, you will get stunned and die immediately. Go with Spellthieves.”
Nozul says “Braum tem a possibilidade de te dar um dano forte com o Q além de te marcar com a passiva. Não tome o Q dele, pois além do slow, você fica vulnerável para ser atordoado e morrer. Ele pode saltar nos minions do time dele e tentar te ultar. O escudo dele não é um grande problema.”
RumekFuria says “You Q ignores his shield (At least somewhat, I know for a fact that first hit will latch on), but he has long range poke+slow with can be hard to dodge without shoes. You have the advantage of no mana, so prevail early game and you good”
TheBlueImperial says “Braum isn't very good into Rell because besides his ultimate stopping her W, he has no real way to stop her from doing anything. If he ever misuses his shield he cannot protect his carry anymore and you're free to jump onto them.”
Akali187 says “Care for his stun. Use Braum as the gap closer to the ADC with your ult, you should be going in and out of your Shroud quick enough before he can stack his stun.”
HypoTheAced says “This more of a skill matchup. Braum doesn't offer a lot of engage potential until his lvl 6, and you can poke him down more than other engage supports since he isn't as big of a threat to approach as for example Thresh.”
PumpkinMatters says “Braum é chato e gosta muito de lutas demoradas, pra conseguir ativar sua passiva. A questão aqui é essa: qualquer iniciação sua tem que ser precisa e rápida, por isso o ideal é que você esteja com um adc que consiga encaixar muito dano em um curto período de tempo (oi, tristana). Antes de qualquer luta, tente não tomar o Q dele, porque dói e te dá lentidão. Não foque-o e tá tudo certo”
beefyylol says “Braum can be annoying for Bard because his shield will prevent your Q from passing through and potentially hitting a 2nd target or a wall. You can also die very easily in this lane if you get tagged with his passive and the enemy is playing an aggressive ADC (Lucian, Samira, etc.).”
PumpkinMatters says “Braum is annoying and likes slow fights, so he can proc his passive. Here's the thing: any engage needs to be precise and quick, that's why the ideal is for you to have an ADC with burst damage (hi, tris). Before any fight, try to escape his Q, because it hurts and slows you down. Don't focus him and you're ok”
bive says “His lane phase is lackluster, but his E blocks most of your spells. Wait for his wall to be down, but I advise picking a different support.”
MaximusDave says “He blocks all the dmg ur adc does on enemy adc. Sucks. You cant kill him. Sucks. You can block his passive for some time with W. Fine. just ignore and kill adc”
KalelPeique says “Braum é um suporte chato porem, se você tiver ao menos 3 de QI vc consegue entender que seu champ é um assasino e o Braum só pode te matar com a passiva, FOCA O ADC
Braum is a boring support however, if you have at least 3 IQ you can understand that your champIon is a assasin and Braum can only kill you if he got the passive, FOCUS THE ADC”
The Wands says “low aggressiveness potential against you but with defensive potential, be careful with positioning and the place where you are starting the fight.”
pastelzia says “Braum is a engage support that excels at countering enemy abilities and engages.
Braum's passive, Concussive Blows allows Braum's basic attacks and Winter's Bite each apply a Concussive Blows stack to their target for 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times, refreshing with each application. Once the first stack has been applied, any allied champion's basic attack on-hit applies an additional stack to the target. Upon reaching 4 stacks on a target, Concussive Blows is consumed to deal 26 − 196 (based on level) magic damage and stun them for 1.25 − 1.75 (based on level) seconds. This stun cancels You and Me! and refreshes it's cooldown.
Braum's ability,Winter's Bite allows Braum to propel ice from his shield in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 70% decaying over 2 seconds.
Braum's ability, Unbreakable allows Braum to set his shield in the target direction for a few seconds, creating a barrier that intercepts all incoming hostile projectiles, destroying them. These projectiles include Prowling Projectile and Final Chapter's waves, but they still affect Braum. This ability also reduces the damage Braum takes through it. The first instance of damage dealt by a champion from this direction is reduced by 100%. Unbreakable does not affect turrets.
Braum's ultimate, Glacial Fissure allows Braum to leap into the air and slam his shield into the ground, creating a fissure that travels forth in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies within its path as well as those around Braum. The first target hit is knocked up for at least 0.3 seconds, increased if they are further away from Braum. All other enemies hit are knocked up for 0.3 seconds. These knock up's cancel You and Me! and refresh it's cooldown.
In general, braum does a good job at negating Yuumi's ultimate, Final Chapter, allowing him to not let it hit any other enemies behind Braum as long as he is blocking it with his shield, as well as having a lot of crowd control to counter Yuumi's kit and playstyle very well.”
eerieBedhead says “"protector" type supports that can just sit on top of their ally and make it so your engages are useless currently seem like the worst matchup.”
revu says “Joke of a champion. He even makes it easier for you to hit your bubbles with his E. And his W > E combo on ally followed by your Q is guaranteed stun on both of them. Always wait out his E before ulting.”
wickecb says “Counters your e with the shield. He is mobile and tank. He ults when you ult and immobilize you and run away. You can not run away from his engage.”
GuanaTv says “Como Braum é muito passivo na Fase de Rota, abuse das movimentações pelo mapa para construir uma vantagem pro seu time!
(As Braum is very passive in the Route Phase, abuse the moves around the map to build an advantage for your team!)”
Gobomo says “Braum can't really do anything against you. His engage is pretty reliant on him either ulting, hitting his Q, or punishing you for going in. The only really annoying part is his shield, but aside from that this should be a free lane. ”
neuroplasticity says “One of the few champions with a tool to block your Tidal Wave.
Overall this matchup isn't too bad but very punishing if you overstep. His passive is incredibly strong lvl 1 so do care for invades.
Also, do your best do doge his Q and pay attention to where the enemy minions position in lane since he can also W to them.
Overall it's not that bad of a matchup unless Braum is paired with a Lucian. ”
Mooncurve says “Can slap him with E charged autos (dodge his Q tho). Play accordingly to what he is doing, you will probably lose if you engage ( unless his E is down ) that rights, his E and Q is what matters when you are fighting him. Be patient with him. You could rush 2 to kill them with your adc. When his Q is down you can be more aggro (watch for enemy minions' position he can jump and apply passive)”
yaemitskiuwu says “Braum is another Even match up. To be honest, it depends on which ADC he is paired with. With Lucian it can be major because he can activate Braum passive really quickly. ”
Goldenstinger says “Super annoying but not as bad as other tanks higher on the list. 10% annoyance. As with all tanks just play for 6 and hope he doesnt take exhaust. Burst the adc and you just tear him down”
Mr buckets says “Dodge his q ability and you won't have any problems with him he is a melee support with no real hard engage so you can even roam without being too scared that they will just all in your adc, sounds fun for Bard!”
Doglightning says “Take ele. You can bully super hard early but his shield is actually really good at stopping you from being able to catch out his adc. This lane can go either way just respect his ability to all in if he lands a Q and play around his shield CD for all ins.”
Terroronyou says “Fairly easy. Hard to get to you due to your stun. He is fairly slow so is easy to hit with skill shots. Be aware, your ult will not worth if his wall has not been damaged!”
Mystral says “Annoying. He has that annoying shield that blocks your Q and W, be careful when you get hit by his Q. Try to poke him when he gets closer to take minions or W him. Don't even try to poke him, it would be useless.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Getting tagged by Braum’s Q is a huge no-no. You want to stay in the cover of your minion wave and make sure that you keep poking him from range to whittle him down.
His E is his main damage mitigation tool. You don’t want to go all-in on him while it is up as he can use it to block projectiles (which includes Ultimates) and can negate a lot of damage. Bait it out first, before going all-in.
Braum excels at fighting in closed spaces due to how his Ultimate R works. Try to always fight in the open and dodge his Ultimate sideways rather than backwards.
During team fights, you need to wait for him to use his E. Once it is down, you can look to flank his ADC or you can just try to catch him out while he is trying to ward. If you force him to recall, he won’t be present for the team fight and you will win it quite easily.”
Doglightning says “can take ignite if adc match up is favorable. Braum is minor because he can't really kill you till lvl 6 but pre 6 he can shield and dmg to his adc so dont waste mana throwing bubbles. just scale to late.”
Aerenax says “Braum is not a difficult matchup. Try to play around his passive and identify how aggressive the Braum actually is. If he is really aggressive play a with a little care and you will be fine. His ult can stop your engage so be careful for that.”
LimTheDestructor says “Be patient. Don't greed. You are stronger if you don't fall behind. Punish Braum's mispositioning by killing him in chain CC unexpectedly - "out of nothing". Play around big cooldowns of his shield and Guardian rune. Remember that cooldown of his R is higher than yours.”
warmfishu says “Not a whole lot of threat other than his Glacial Fissure (R) or if he somehow gets stacks on you. You can tank his Q for your ADC so his stun cannot stack on them. Q around his shield.”
iKonek says “A nuisance in terms of damage mitigation. You can flay him mid-air when he's jumping to an ally, so keep this in mind when going all-in on his carry. Other than denying some kill pressure on his carry, you should be able to kill him easily.”
Rasta Da Masta says “It's easy to dodge his skillshots and attack him to get money. He can destroy your satchel but other than that he's not very threatening since he has no reliable hard engage / initiation.”
LegendaryOstrich says “His shield ability allows him to block the damage from the hook and save his allies so we have to force him to use his shield for our hook and then walk up to flay for some poke. There's not very much you can do against him other than play a bit more passive than usual because if you get in range of his Q or auto attacks then he can easily burst you down.”
lin00 says “Expect a really passive lane. He does not give much kill pressure in lane but he will make your lane phase hard. He can negate lot of damages with his shield and provides extra tanky stats early game which will make it hard to kill and does have decent CC. He is dangerous when paired with aggro ADC like Lucian which can proc his passive easily.”
Korippo says “I wouldn't consider Braum very difficult to deal with, however his shield will negate your ability to poke him and his ADC down so it can be an annoying lane. His passive will also apply a stun when it stacks 4 times, plus it will also do a decent amount of damage, so just be wary of that.”
TheImmortalEye says “stay behind minions and make his life hell by autoing him with glacial or thunderlords. at Lv 6 theres no way he can engage due to your ult”
CorgiBorgi says “Try to dive him when the ADC is low but you can poke him down pretty well as morgana. His ult is mostly better than yours, especially if they have a fed person on their team.”
Flackojodye says “Braum is so vulnerable in lane when he doesnt have lucian or tristana, hes a walking sack of gold with your tribute charges from spellthiefs edge, since he cant do much to retaliate from range.”
Distinger says “He can jump to the ADC and shield him if you try to hook him, and then he will Q you back and you will be slowed and the ADC will apply Braum's passive and stun you and you will die.
Arcurath says “One of the easiest matchups, pretty much a free lane unless its cheesey Lucian Braum combo.
When he uses his E shield it makes it impossible to miss double bomb combo.”
Hanjaro says “Braum is tanky, difficult to kill and absorbs a lot of your damage and poke. His passive is very strong, especially when paired with something like Lucian, once stunned, it'll be tough to peel yourself or your adc out.”
0Banda says “ Braum is a pretty easy matchup, when engaging you should ignore him and focus the enemy ADC
When you proc W to the enemy ADC he is likely to use W on you, for protecting the ADC, when this happens, cast E back to your ADC
Build Boots of Swiftness, and if there is much more CC in the enemy team, feel free runing Unflinching
Just play as usual and dont focus him as he is really tanky”
SlippStream says “He can block your W, but you can shoot through him with your Q. Overall not a terrible matchup, but if he gets onto you, you're in trouble.”
Luiscencias says “DON'T ULT INTO HIS SHIELD. MAKE SURE HIS SHIELD IS DOWN BEFORE TRYING TO ULT HIS ADC OK. Also respect his 4 hit stun passive but otherwise he's kind of just there and the lane is boring but manageable. Also remember he can dash to a minion or ally champion so even if you think hes not paying attention don't get careless”
lenithebot says “It is an even lane just be careful about his passive. since he can stun you when you engage. Overall it should be even but he has a bit more utility than Alistar.”
Jowoey says “This champion isn't really a threat to Janna at all except if he lands his ult. You can play the entire lane phase in your minions poking him or his adc down. Try to find a lead before 6 and stay away from his minions. He can jump to them and if his passive is applied to you it's probably deadly if his adc follows up on it.”
Melyn says “Put 3 points in Q before maxing E and stand behind minions and you should be very lane dominant. It is imperative to not get tagged by Braum Q as it will likely mean your death. Do not waste your E when his shield is up.”
Biotic says “The easiest Matchup Zilean has in the game. When he shields you can throwh the bombs behind him and they still hit, Play Agressive Level 3+ You are stronger than him and outscale.”
Lugos says “He makes a good duo with Lucian but outside of that, if you dodge his Qs he can not really surprise you. His R is strong, but it is quite a one trick pony really. Same as every tank without damage. Be more useful with your heals than he is with his tankiness.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “Quite tanky but not high damage, you can poke this guy with relative ease. His q does slow a lot which is important to avoid and his ult can allow teammates to engage. keep moving about and stay towards to backline”
LIGHTBULB NA says “This is one of the easiest matchups for Zilean. His shield is basically useless into Zilean which makes laning easy and you outscale him”
Spection says “Not particularly threatening. Dodge the Q and hide in minions. Be careful of standing near enemy minions, he can use this opportunity to engage. Requires some practice. His W has a long cooldown, and your Q will still heal you if it hits the shield. ”
Naut1Trick says “Braum's shield is very good against your hook. It allows him to block even the best of skill shots that you throw and that's sad :(. But do not panic it's ok Nautilus's ult can be much better than Braums in lane fights and team fights. You just gotta use it right.”
DanNS12 says “The Braum matchup is heavily favored towards you match up if he shields you can just throw your q right in front of him and it will land no matter what and you can harass him without much worry just make sure you avoid getting caught by his q it does decent damage and procs his passive which allows his adc to stun you with autos.”
LilPaniniUwU says “can take ignite if adc match up is favorable. Braum is minor because he can't really kill you till lvl 6 but pre 6 he can shield and dmg to his adc so dont waste mana throwing bubbles. just scale to late.
very hot says “Braum is probably the most even you'll get in my opinion. Neither can engage very well as if you W-Q, the ADC will probably be able to reposition, while you get stunned due to Braum's passive. If Braum engages, you can just Q-W him into turret or just W him away. Overall, find the picks if you can, but don't expect to snowball.”
Billehz says “Can block charms heading for his Adc and shield the combo if you send it all out, which can be quite annoying to deal with, and his passive is also quite difficult to deal with too”
Jaori says “He's not very tanky in the early levels, so you can try poking him with E+W. If you get caught after 6, use your ult to disengage by throwing the enemy adc out of the range, leaving Braum alone and helpless.”
Go Getter says “Braum can barely stop your engages with his Ult and his stun isnt too dangerous unless you're being caught out early game.
Just play smart and you'll beat the match up.”
dragonmasterc says “When paired up with the right ADC (like an Ashe), Braum might be a bit scarier than I imply here. But in general, Braum is not much of an issue. Just flag the ADC behind him when he shields - it lands from the sky and pokes the ADC regardless. Nice try, Braum.
Just be mindful of his level 6 engage, but if you're paired with the right ADC you two should never be close to him to begin with.”
Tatewari says “Immobile, not a very oppressive support to play against.
Be careful of his E blocking your entire R.
He can jump to his minions in a somewhat desperate attempt to close the gap, position accordingly.”
vrsds1 says “If he plashes his shield all you have to do is strike him from the back with your Q. One thing to be careful is that his R can stop yours witch is annoying.”
Alenich says “Контринициация Браума отлично контрит врыв Джарвана и его дайвы, но самое бесячее что он дает резисты от ап своему адк, защищая его от поука джарвана. ”
HerYandere says “He's pretty good and can carry his ADC if you're not careful. If he Q's you, do not go in. Focus the enemy ADC with yours and you should be fine.”
DasNerdwork says “If you get marked, exit combat range to avoid getting stunned. He even counters himself: if he jumps to his ADC you can easily knock both up.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: Armor; Skill matchup. A good Braum will block your E's damage with his own E, and since you're an immobile Champion, he can just Q your engage. He can also give his allies free Resistances, reducing your Damage Output when hitting Bravautos. However, a bad Braum will have no idea how to play against you. You can abuse their misunderstanding of how Braum's E works against them, hitting free Damage off when you go in to Stun. Chances are they will also make the mistake of engaging you when your E is up. Abuse any mistakes the enemy Braum makes in lane and you will surely win.”
DamselOfDistress says “Braum is similar to Alistar. Weak to poke, but once he goes in, there´s trouble. Post 6 position defensively against him. Your all in is stronger.”
TK.BENEDICT says “Braum is Tank base champion that can cancel your Dread Line (First Skill) and also your (Last Skill) with Braums Unbreakable (Third skill)”
MyOnlyBrand says “Braum is probably the best match-up in the game. He'll eat your skillshots, transfer your abilities to his ally (when his shield is down) and pose little threat. His CC is big, but that's not enough.”
Dotje says “I haven't seen much Braums lately, but I bet your range is hell for him. Poke him down all you can, but make sure not to get stunned by his passive, your Q and W can help him prevent from trying to get close.”
KeleiX13 says “Braum has pretty much no threat in lane unless you let yourself be hit with his Q or let him walk up to you into melee range. Stay behind a minion and keep poking him and make his life miserable.”
Hive Mind says “it's really annoying and doesn't let you do anything at any point in the game, but you can still try to ignore it or expect it to ignore you”
anionPositivo says “O Braum é super-tank e cancela seus engages sem muito esforço, infelizmente é um matchup que tem que ganhar no early se não o late fica muito complicado.”
milast says “He can't really do to much to you and your adc , because he needs to land his Q and get close to you to stun you , and it's hard for him because of your boxes.”
Adam bot says “He can't do much against you. You out scale him. His only threat is if you get Q'd or AA'd by him, but even then you can escape. His ulti does very little vs you.”
Levkar says “Your passive goes through his shield, popping it. You can take a Braum Q for your ADC and likely survive, if you can hop back on. Watch out for Braum ult in teamfights.”
LilRidge says “Dodge Braum's (Q) Winter's Bite as much as you can. Getting hit by this means you can never engage on him or his ADC. The best time to engage is when his Unbreakable is down. ”
GamingFrog says “One of or the WORST match up for Thresh in the game. He will most likely always turn your engages against you and punish you for it. His shield will block all of your ADCs damage. Recasting your Q onto Braum or the enemy ADC will be a death sentence for you.”
The Last Rakan says “Rakan countera Braum, aproveite que ele não tem mobilidade e que é melee para pokear bastante ele com seu q "E" engajar com seu "W".”
Floohfy says “He'll dodge your Q with his W but he can't really do anything else. You can E away from his R really easily and you can Q through his E.”
Tauricus2017 says “Braum doesn't bring almost any kill pressure to his lane partner, allowing you to have pretty nice laning phase. Watch out for ganks though - Braum can setup a very easy kills for his jungler with his ultimate and passive. Dodge or hide from his Q's to prevent yourself from poke damage and ward constantly.”
SpartanDumpster says “This is more of a "could go either way" match up. Since he's tanky, you won't threaten him much yourself, and if your adc isn't good for tearing through his health, he's going to be really annoying. Depending on who Braum's adc is, it might not be that they're stomping you but that you're stuck in a boring match because you can't kill him or his adc.”
Rainuu says “Braum is an easy win as all your attacks are AOE, making his tanking purpose null. Not to mention he has next to no poke and is melee. His cc isn't incredibly strong either forcing him watch as you barrel toward his ADC. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “He just needs to touch you to apply his stun passive. Combo this with his ADC and you will be dead almost every in lane fight. DO NOT FLIP INTO TEAM.”
Kefochka says “Щит Браума не блокирует E Тарика, так как это луч, а не снаряд. Во время инициации Браума с помощью ульты, Тарик может быстро ответить своей ультой и победить в файте.”
Starchase says “Poke him as much as you can from lvl 1, he can't do anything.
Care about a lvl 3 engage, he can try to do it with an ADC like Lucian.
You outscale the fuck out of him.”
Midas_Wail says “These champs are also dependant on their own ADC's to do well (So they are just absorbing extra exp away from their ADC). Pretty self explanatory.”
aWhiner says “Rub the steak all over with a good lug of olive oil and a good pinch of sea salt and black pepper
Add the steak to a hot pan, then cook for 6 minutes for medium-rare, or to your liking, turning every minute
For more flavour, try one or a combination of the following…
Halve a garlic clove and rub it over the steak every time you turn it
Rub the steak with a knob of butter – the sweetness from the butter will make it taste divine!
Or create a herb brush by tying woody herbs like thyme or rosemary to the handle of a wooden spoon and brush it over the steak every minute or so
Once cooked to your liking, rest the steak on a plate that can collect all the lovely juices for 2 minutes
Carve with a nice sharp carving knife, then serve with the resting juices drizzled on top
Everyone has their favourite ways to eat steak – with good old chips and a crisp, green salad, with pepper or horseradish sauces, or even a simple fresh salsa verde to cut right through it. Whatever you choose, we’re sure your lucky guest will love you for it.
mellorpyke says “Unless he's paired with Lucian/Ashe should be a free matchup. You can poke him out with Q + HoB and E backwards to avoid the stun. At level 6 you can easily avoid his ult with your E so look to do so.”
Takitsu says “Braum Shield and Passive are the main things to worry about. Hooking the enemy carry will usually result in hooking Braum. Dont bother flaying him with his shield up, save your mana. Instead save your flay for when he tries to jump towards you or away to safety. This is a slow burn matchup, it will take 3 to 4 hooks before you can kill this guy.”
AriyaIsTheBest says “The skill of a Braum player will determine how well the matchup will go for you. Don't try to stun when his E is up. Hide behind minions and stay within E range to dodge his ult.”
unhben says “He can shield your ult shots and W but thats about it. His engage isnt great unless he walks up to you or hits a Q so just play into your waves and shove him in.”
losolkos says “Be against Braum you need to be careful his shield can block all your atack so if you wont to atack braum you need to weit until he use shield than ,if its lv6 you need to remamber his ult can trun and slow you that make sometimes strike back from enemy.Also never focus on braum he is too tanky to focus on him first.”
unhben says “Just becomes a tank slap fest, he gives resistances, you give shields, no one dies sorta deal. Just be careful depending on his partnered ADC. Also incredibly hard to get onto late so just be patient.”
Tartmeringue says “Braum *has* a dash you can block but you probably shouldnt play poppy support into braum, because all you wanna do is engage and he wants to punish engage. plus you like. never see braum.”
Kadiyarch says “Not a threat, he is just annoying because he blocks damages but you will win your lane. Just don't get hit freely by his ability and you are good. Always focus the adc.”
unhben says “Dont get tagged and you win lane permanently. Just make sure to always have eyes on the jungler. He can block some of your W's with his shield or he can completely negate your R if he's good. ”
Coo1breeze says “I don't even remember the last time I've seen a Braum supp, but if he does happen along, then he won't be much trouble, just tanky. Grab his ADC and the worst that could happen is he jumps on them and shields them.”
Bear Gummies says “He is extremely pokeable, so bring comet + spell thief's and begin warding before he does. You also outscale him, so Braum really just isn't a threat. I would just be careful of his Q, because if he lands that in a good situation, you're dead.”
NewTeff says “braum is annoying to deal with because of how tanky he is and is able to shield the adc from incoming attacks/spells, bait out his shield before even thinking about going in”
Raizins says “Braum is a pick that basically tries to deny you opportunities to combo by threatening to CC you into the stratosphere if you go in.
His main poke Q is also his disengage and engage so make sure you track that cooldown. Be very careful using combo when he is nearby as he can block your carries damage and then turn around and CC you till you die.”
PalestinianLuck says “Another Tank.
grabbing him will give him an opportunity to go for an all-in move with his R.
and might just jump back with his W to his ally”
Jannito02 says “Braum is not that hard to fight against, as the only thing that can stop Yuumi instantly is his R. His Q]or his Basic attacks trying to activate his passive, depends if his ADC is hitting you or not. If he's not hitting you, you can easily escape from Braum, going back to your ADC. ”
EionThePepega says “You can predict Braum's passive stun, which can make you do early black shields to be effective. Buying Demonic Embrace will chomp out a bit of his tankiness, so going a Liandry Build is effective.”
RetroOatcake says “Braum will try to poke with his Q and his ADC will follow up for the stun, just black shield before the stun and they should be fine. Also he can W into the way of your Q to save his ADC.”
xDopii says “Braum is very tanky and has good peeling for his teammates since he can get you stunned while taunting someone and provide protections to his allies as well as catch your Q with his jump.”
xDopii says “Braum is very tanky and hard to kill even when he is CCed since he can negate most of the damage with his shield or jump back to his teammates”
xDopii says “Braum is pretty weak and as long as you don't get hit by his passive he can't really do anything. Don't get baited by him though as he is very tanky and will likely not take a lot of damage from your CC.”
SlippStream says “Remember, you want to take burst trades in lane. So long as you're not staying in long enough for Braum to stack his passive, you'll be fine.”
mscocca says “His shield is a curse and a blessing. He has high defenses and his kit totally revolves around protecting his teammates but... that's not all at our disadvantage.
When it comes to land your Q (Human) you know how it must be perfectly centered in order to deal damage... when Braum uses his E, you can basically throw your Q (Human) without worrying too much since the shield is quite large and it's going to proc your mark anyway. That's great if the adc has low health as you can simply W (Cougar) Braum and access to the adc quite easily.”
xDopii says “Braum is very tanky in early game and he can protect his ADC a lot. He will deny most of your engages and use them to counter attack. Stay safe in lane and wait for teamfights.”
xDopii says “He will block your hook most of the time by standing in front of his ADC and if he does he will simply jump back. Theres not a lot you can do but if you can poke him a lot with your ADC you can punish him when he blocks another hook.”
EionThePepega says “Braum wont do much except protecc, but you have to respect his slow and passive + the dash he has. Otherwise you can just break his shield and R afterwards.”
The Lotus Queen says “Braum's CC engage is a danger for Sona, but if you stay out of range this is not a problem. Also make sure to use your ultimate when Braum can not block it with his shield.”
Meepy says “Braum Lanes are probably one of the most boring Matchups. You usually dont have too much killpressure, unless the enemy Bot Lane makes a big mistake or your jungler ganks.
Try to roam, your Roams are much stronger than his are.”
Jexeff says “Another relatively even matchup. The only risk you run is getting stunned when you engage. In addition Braum becomes pretty tanky when he has his unbreakable up. Be on the lookout to flay him our of his "Stand behind me" ability. ”
Wounds2 says “A good Braum can deny your engage with his ult or even Q, but it is still pretty hard to do that. His weaker laning phase makes it easier for Rakan to play the game and transition into mid/late game.”
fishbully says “Braum is not mobile nor can he necessarily gap close. Janna will out-poke and out-scale Braum, meaning he is not a threat. Take a poke rune/build path if you play against Braum”
itizhelia says “He's a minor threat.
Just like many other supports you can easily dodge any skill shots that Braum attempts without a problem. Especially ultimate because it has a huge window gap for you to react and dash away to dodge it.
And Braum can't really do anything to stop you with his ult since it takes some time before casting and this is not a problem for Rakan whenever he wants to engage.
However, he's a really tough guy when it comes to protecting his allies from damage. Be wary of that.”
Find0 says “Im not even gonna lie I have inted this matchup way too many times. this champ isnt good so i havent taken the time to learn how to beat it LOL
Navn says “You pretty much just auto attack him whenever you can, just be careful with attacking him too many times, otherwise minions start chasing you, which he can jump to, and once you are tagged with an Auto or his Q, most of the time, you have to get away from him ASAP.”
Xeptron says “Currently there aren't a lot of players who lock in braum due to his lack of tankiness. He has alot of great potential to peel and CC but overall he is just a melee low damage support who doesn't really do much in the laning phase.”
Frank6264 says “En fase de línea Braum puede ser molesto debido a que su E le sirve para parar la mayor parte de su daño proveniente de la Q de Karma. Eviten a toda costa ser golpeados por la Q de Braum especialmente si su adc tiene la posibilidad de activar la pasiva de Braum rápido (como un lucian por ejemplo). Dependiendo del adc enemigo, recomiendo runas agresivas o defensivas.”
Sunedayz says “This matchup can be harder depending on the ADC he is paired with. Avoid his Q, and just poke him out. Similar to an easier Leona matchup”
DracoMeteor_ says “Braum is a decent threat because of his Insane Q slow along with his Passive Stun. I don't find him too difficult to fight but others might. In my opinion its a skill based matchup.”
Pixel Pocket says “Bully him, hard. He can't really do anything and you have a huge warning of his incoming stun to allow easy shields if he manages to get onto you.”
CaptianMike says “Braum poses very little threat in lane. It is easy to stack bombs because his shield is basically a magnet for your bombs, so it's quite easy to stun him. If he puts his mark on you, just run away and wait for it to wear off. Try to poke him down in lane because he has no sustain.”
jessuva says “Like Alistar, I haven't faced enough Braums to say how much of a threat he is. He blocks a lot of damage with his shield, but he is also melee, so he's easy to poke. ”
LTD MAMON says “good poke good shield but he's also a tank? yes with a new buff coming to him he'll be better and harder to kill.
you can block a skillshot with your box and use R to avoid his Ult as well.”
Pixel Pocket says “BULLY ZONE! Most melee champs are very easy to deal with but Braum and Taric especially so due to their low threat of engage, just poke the heck out of them and don't get caught. You scale much better and you have great self sustain too!”
CastratedSeal says “Poke him out. One of Soraka's best matchups (as long as Braum isn't paired with Lucian, then it'll be rough). You could start Spellthiefs or Relic Shield, depending on who the ADCs are.”
Titans Revenge says “While not a huge threat, Braum mitigates most of your damage. An all in early will not kill him, and will likely allow him to get his passive off onto you. Depending on the ADC, this would be a very passive lane.”
Hceercs says “He thicc with his big, BIG shield. Braum can be hard to kill and might even kill you if you engage on him while he and his AD are still high HP. However, you can harass him down really hard before you all-in but that's difficult. You can also flay him out of his dash, by the way. ”
RedNBlue says “He might just block your q with his shield but that would be a waste so watch out for his ultimate too as that will be bad and possibly mess up your ultimate.”
Makisa96 says “Just take ''Phase Rush'' and you will have an easy lane. Get in and out fast couple times on enemy adc to kill him and you almost can solo 1 v 2 in lane.”
CastratedSeal says “Braum is a very weak laner (unless he's laning with a Lucian). When Nami bubble is blocked by Braum's shield, the bubble stops travelling but the bubble instantly stuns Braum and any teammate he's on top of. Consider getting a Crucible after your Athene's.”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom. His E's first phase can completely evaporate your E. Not the end of the world but if he's paired with Lucian, Aphelios or Kog'Maw can absolutely dominate lane. Not easy at all post-6, decent pre-6.”
xxseraphinaaxx says “Braum can wall your stuns and interrupt your ulti. Just try stunning your opponents by hiding in a bush and the Braum most likely won't be able to react quick enough.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Braum's shield makes him an exceptional counter to Thresh and most all-in supports. His W also allows him to escape hooks and engage on opponents.
Take advantage of the fact that Thresh's Flay can cancel Braum's jump and his Hook still CCs Braum through his shield”
EmpressBee says “Braum should be no threat to Nami due to his lack of engage. Nami out ranges him so she should be able to easily poke him with all skills so long as she hides behind minions/dodges Braum Q.”
just_juniper says “Braum is useless against Zyra as long as she dodges his Q. His E can intercept your E, but he'll still be rooted. Respect the power of his R, and run if somehow applies his passive.”
Guoblide says “Braum is a fairly easy lane for the Sett player however a good Braum player can make the lane fairly difficult to win. Braum's peel and defensive abilities can make engaging onto him hard to accomplish. However, Sett can easily exploit Braum's long defensive cooldowns from levels 1-6. Once Sett gets close to Braum the fight is heavily favored towards the Sett though. Sett hard outduels Braum in the 1v1 and 2v2 fights and can teamfight better as well. In the laning phase the Braum player will stand between you and his ADC and Stand Behind Me to his ADC when you engage onto them. Braum can also Winter's Bite you when you engage to make it easy for him to slow you and proc his Concussive Blows. He can also throw Winter's Bites into bushes in order to scout them out. Wait for Braum to get bored and throw out a random Winter's Bite and then flash onto his ADC and Facebreaker them into full combo. Usually try to engage onto the ADC because Braum can just Stand Behind Me to his ADC or Unbreakable all of your ADC's damage. Once you hit level 6 look to flank the enemy laners and The Show Stopper the enemy ADC into your team. ”
bandeide10 says “Você possui um poder de desengage onde é totalmente eficaz contra o deslocamento do Braum fora o harass infernal na lane. Apenas tome cuidado com a passiva dele!”
LordZaneLP says “you cant rly go melee vs him because he can always stun you with his aa and Q so he is a big threat for you when he is skilled in this champ.
You can just go play safe and roam or anything, but dont try to fight him 2vs2 in best case, except you have a stronger adc. Also after lvl 4 and 6 you can fight him but, the adc matchup here is the big point. It can be the easiert or the hardest matchup.”
Dingye888 says “poke him when u get the chance. his e catches ur bubble and if his adc is close enogh its a instant cc. care if anyof u got stacks. need to stay with minons”
Jum3h says “ He can block your R AND Q. But if you simply wait out his shield OR are able to walk around to Q him from the side, you can easily win.
Harass him a lot especially if he wastes his Q.”
ReignMargulan says “Braum is good in the sense that pykes hook is one of the only CC that can break through his E shield but his tankyness is annoying”
katt5 says “Dumb shield blocks everything. Avoid getting hit by his Q. If it does hit you, try to snare both him and his ADC so they can't proc the passive. His shield is dumb. ”
Jovy says “Braum is a melee support but he has a way to poke you with his Q, so try to dodge those. His disengage is quite effective after 6 and because he's tanky you can't kill him easily. His E will intercept yours so locking down his ADC won't be as easy as you'd like.”
NirvanaBunny says “Be sure to dodge his Q in order to not have his passive on you. Be sure to try and stay out of range from him, he has a tendency to go all in and you'll have a bad time if you're not careful.”
Jovy says “Braum can be hard to deal with because he's very tanky and difficult to kill. His ADC will also be difficult to kill and you'll need to be careful when engaging fights because his E will absorb damage and make you and your ADC useless for the duration.”
Kilo Khaos says “A nuisance in terms of damage mitigation. You can flay him mid-air when he's jumping to an ally, so keep this in mind when going all-in on his carry. Other than denying some kill pressure on his carry, you should be able to kill him easily.”
moon827 says “Braum excels at setting sona behind in the early game, due to the fact that he has good defensive stats, combined which his q and passive. This ends up allowing him to essentially stun you for free lvl 1 if you are not careful, which will result in an extremely early death for you.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Braum is a tougher match-up for Thresh because of the amount of safety he provides in lane.
He can block a lot of damage for his AD carry and never underestimate the power of his passive. If you get stunned there is a lot of time for him and his AD carry to deal damage to you.
Try to force out his unbreakable wall and then engage on his AD carry.”
Bouhhsolene says “The slow probably is annoying, but you have your E to escape, the time for him to stunn you, you should probably be out. Overall I think you should win trades. The only problems is that he blocks your AA.”
Tauricus2017 says “Braum is not a big threat. Sure he can block some of your abilities but since this is really all he can effectively do playing against him is usually without problems. Stay behind minions he won't be able to apply his passive stack on you from a far and do your best to dodge his Glacial Fissure (R).”
Taric Support says “Braum is only a threat to you when he goes all in. You can easily play a bit aggressive in this lane without being punished too much, but it is also important not to play too aggressive, because Braum is a defensive support aswell as Taric. All in all a quite slow lane. ”
Vahlok says “Just poke him with aa and E everytime he wants to farm. If he is using his shield, remember you can move him with your Q and E so you adc can hit theirs. Sometimes it is better to use your abilities to move braum instead of saving it for a far away adc.”
Papiesh says “Braum is tanky, difficult to kill and absorbs a lot of damage and poke. His passive is op asf, especially when paired with something like Lucian, once stunned, it'll be tough to peel yourself or your adc out.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. This champion is powerful against Pantheon. He generally has trouble getting close enough to the opposing ADC to start laying down stacks of his stun, but with Pantheon in his face it is very easy for him to lock you down and kill you. Do not engage unless you think you can lock down the ADC long enough to score a kill.”
ShroudedBRH says “Braum can block your R & W with his E but can avoid most of his abilities by dodging. Try to bait out his R when he has it and dont take extended trades ”
niftyyy_lol says “Melee, so you can go spellthiefs. Without a lucian he isn't really that much of a threat. Slightly stronger than malphite because of his passive.”
Wicked Cherry says “His passive is can annoying, combined with his whole kit, but you should be able to harass him from a somewhat safe distance so that he can't go too hard on you.”
Wicked Cherry says “He's got a lot of CC and his passive isn't really making it easier for you. However, you should be able to harass him from a distance where he can't hit his Q (like behind minions).”
Wicked Cherry says “You will most likely not be able to kill him much, especially in early. So try to bait out his Q and spam your Q and E on him so he won't be able to farm his support item enough. You will definitely want vision because junglers love to gank Braum lanes because of his passive. Make sure no one can attack you more than once or twice if you've caught his passive somehow.”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 54% winrate against Braum, you can outperform him late game, harass him mercilessly early game, and are relatively safe from his ult. Easy game!”
TheMistCollector says “He can't protect his ADC from your AA's, so getting mists is very easy on this match up. if he hits his Q, use your E instantly in order to not get stunned by any AA. (Be careful, he can block your ultimate),”
SkellyBirb says “Braum can stop your snipes with his shield and is extremely annoying. He can also have great synergy with some ADCs to crowd control you. Use your range and take advantage of when his shield is down.”
ShanksMeister says “Not too bad. Stay on your minions so he can't poke you. Make sure he doesn't block your ult with his shield and you should be fine.”
Spider Shaped says “Он может помешать попасть по союзнику сердечком,он чисто встанет перед сердцем и откроет щит. Убить его в таком случае будет не просто”
Stiwy says “Not much to say, just try to use R after he has used his shield or else he can block it.
He can hurt a bit when he procs his passive's stun + grasp but it shouldn't be much of a problem.”
Shad0w1and says “He is no threat to you in lane, but his wall counters your spells and in late game he might save their carries and put you in bad spot. If you bullied him in lane, finish quick, he will be more useful than you late game.”
DarthMagic says “Braum's high mobility whilst teammates are nearby and shield make him a counter to Nautilus. Even if he's cc'd he still takes little to no damage.”
Gmxgreen says “He can soak a lot of damage with his E, so only grab him when you're getting a gank or your carry is relatively fed. Other than that, try to only grab his carry.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Braum is very good for brand, don't let him catch you out and then bully him jumping onto his adc or shielding by using your w e and then q. Standard e q w combo also applies here if his shield isn't up or you catch out his adc. Braum and thresh can both be advantageous for a late R if you R as he jumps to his ally.”
chadboy48 says “His shield can be annoying when trying to kill in lane , also has high kill potential with his passive/slows .
The lane can go either way.”
snukumz says “One of your easiest matchups.
You out range him so it's hard for him to do damage to you.
You can poke him mercilessly.
Watch out for him trying to disable your ult with his ult. ”
snukumz says “There's nothing he can do.
Build up stacks of your passive and avoid his Q.
Don't be afraid to drop your stun on him and do a ton of damage. ”
sorakabro says “Braum is pretty easy to play vs as soraka just keep in mind of braums q when he missed that you can just punish him for free.
But try still to use your range advantage so he wont procc his passive on you.”
Holidayuniverse says “If you land a hook on him and then u pull to braum you are probably dead especially if his ADC is Vayne,Kai'sa etc. He will stack you so fast and his AD will shred you.”
thesophieset says “Even lane if you sidestep his Qs and don't give him a chance to engage onto you. Dangerous lane if paired with a high damage ADC such as Draven or Lucian. Once they get onto you, you are most likely dead or lose at least one Summoner Spell. Play it safe, poke with Q whenever you can, consider an early Mikael's to rid your ADC of the Braum passive.”
Guffel says “Braum is no threat for you. He is melee and doesn't even has a hard engage. It can be hard though to kill the enemy Adc and Braum as he can disengage with Q and R and protect with E. ”
Virtuos0 says “Similar to Taric in terms of CC distance, mobility and high base stats. The biggest difference here is that Braum can block your Q AA combo. Braum can be a very scary counter pick when played correctly. Thankfully he is not as popular as he once was, you won't often see Braum players in Normal Draft or Low Elo. ”
Sq_09 says “You can't kill the enemy laner really. Engaging with a Q is just gonna be no damage because of braum's insane peel and ability to turn an engage around on you. Can't really engage onto you tho either. ”
SynLynx says “He doesn't have much kill pressure, but landing q can provide a good engage for his ADC. Avoid his q and punish him for trying to hit it.”
rquoe says “Braum is not at his strongest right now. His slows can be dangerous, but you can easily disengage with your E. Can be a bit annoying to stack up on mist because of his shield, but little else.”
Mara312 says “If you land a hook on him and then u pull to braum you are probably dead especially if his ADC is Vayne,Kai'sa etc. He will stack you so fast and his AD will shred you.”
AnnakinVader67 says “Matchup super favorable para ti, te escapas de su pasiva y su R con tus habilidades, y cuando tira la W hacia su adc le das la W a los dos”
ThePandaEvan says “Braum generally just blocks your poke on the adc but, he can get poked. If he tries to engage, just Q or R him to dis-engage. The slows can be a problem from his Q as it helps with his passive . If that procs, you're stunned and wide open to death.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Braum is an anti-all-in champion, and as Yuumi your job is to keep your adc alive, not get them fed. Even if he Q's you unless he's with Lucian it'll nearly never go off - more than enough time to hop back into your carry.
Stay away from his front wave of minions, if your ADC lets Braum W onto him for free he'll likely just straight up die.”
Apho says “If Braum attempts to engage, you can stop either him or the ADC with your Q. Poke their bot lane from a safe distance until you can kill them.”
netherlessss says “Braum can block your Tornados and W and can knock you out of your ult. Try to use redemption when he ults so counter any damage following up his engage. Respect his stun. ”
HoneyQT says “He is a non-issue. You can disengage anything he starts very easily. He might make it difficult to kill your enemy ADC early, and in teamfights his ult is great, but yours is better if you play correctly.”
Rurikato says “Braum is not a threat to you because your Hymn of Valor (Q) can just shove his Unbreakable (E) away. And it's difficult for him to proc his Concussive Blows (P) because you are just poking him. ”
unrealPR0D16Y says “You can still stun him if he puts up his wall, but you can't stun the actual threat. You essentially turn his wall into a useless ability (against you).”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Braum can leave you CC'd for some time too and a well timed shield will nullify your entire Q2 damage so it's best to not bother with him unless it's needed, his bonus resistances don't matter much on your true damage Q though.”
DestroyerGaming says “Braum, este suporte é realmente chato de se jogar contra, seu escudo ignora o primeiro dano, ele diminui o dano com o escudo, dá armadura para seus aliados e sua passiva pode virar qualquer troca, então, tome bastante cuidado quando for jogar contra ele, sempre marque o tempo de seu escudo para que ele não te countere caso vá hookar o adc inimigo”
AlexZzZz says “This flexing russian sugar daddy is perhaps your greatest enemy.His e stops your Q so it's impossible to stun him and he is really tanky and hard to kill.Only thing you can do is try to poke but try not to get hit by his Q cause you could easily die.”
Epic Striker says “Braum is extremely tanky but you should be able to push him out of the way. Just becareful for the ganks he can tank pretty good just dont get to close to him and you should be fine he can carry so can you feed off of him and you will win.”
PayyBack says “Don't greed for the early game. Braum is a huge cockblock for champions that are mostly relied on engagement.
Engage only if Braums Q is on CD because it'll be much harder for Braum to stack up his stun passive and that's really good for you since it'll put you less at risk of being stunned and executed or ending up losing half of your hp.
Flint124 says “Braum himself is very easy to deal with.
If he's with Ezreal, Lucian, a HOB user, or anybody with an AA reset, that changes drastically.”
STEBMENOW says “Better stun, gives resists to ADC and a lot of tankier than Mundo if both have no items. Can block Q with his E to reduce some damage output.
Very dangerous at level 2 with his Q and W available.”
Tult says “Braum's shield does nothing to protect him from your hooks. Braum has very little ability to escape and the only thing to watch out for is his slows and stuns”
locofachero8 says “if you hit the Q you're dead, avoid it. If you are going to use your R, wait for it to spend its E (shield). This matchup can be very difficult, but if you manage to dominate online you have the game won”
arbyun says “He won't do anything to you in lane, but you also won't do anything to his ADC. Take the farming sup item and farm alongside your adc until mid/late game. Then build magic pen so that he's useless on teamfights.”
Curmudgeon says “This champion can't do anything against you. He can't block you, and he can't really stop your damage either. Shut this big boy down early. ”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Playing vs a good Braum can cause you're ADC to not get as much kills as they normally would, but he can't really bully you back or exploit mistakes.”
SuperTezcat1 says “Braum can easy block your ultimate wich is a problem at the teamfights,but you can also count him,remember that your q knock up braum anyways if he use his e”
Jointed says “Braum is a man of steel with great engage and lock down (our natural enemy). Play this lane carefully and passively. Try to disengage any bad positioning. Play around mid game and objectives.”
ningen ouroboros says “You can't ignore his damage, and the q should be dodged. Once you go in, as long as you are behind his shield, he can only ult to interrupt your combo.”
GoBucket says “Just don't engage onto him. He is very good at protecting his carry so always keep that in mind. BUT unless he is paired up with Xayah or Lucian, is kill potential is very low in lane. Even still, it is not that high. Don't get hit by his Q and there's not way they will kill either of you. Lock down their ADC, even if you can't quite get the kill, you can always E out (before you are stunned) and take a winning trade.”
Beeee says “I dont see Braum as a big issue, his q is fairly easy to dodge but his shield can be annoying as it blocks your q and e. As long as you're able to wait for that ability to be down, it shouldn't be an issue!
marisbroodti says “Only threatening if paired with a decent Lucian, most Braums will take every trade and get blown up, plus, if they shield our E, they will die instead.”
Ghionova says “Depending on the enemy adc he can be very strong or useless. In general you can pull him behind you when his E is active so he wont be able to block damage. When you get hit by Q, use E into them and try to stun both. They will concentrate on the Braum-marked champ first. ”
Zer0XM says “Braum is a problem not because he has a giant shield the size of the great wall, but because his huge body can eat your hook (and he will if he cares for his team at all). In the event you do hook him then your likely going to die and he could end up negating much more damage than would be preferred.”
MeatFeast says “This lane being the clash of the mega tanks is something of an even match up. Avoid taking Q hits as this is what the opposing lane use to make an engage. At three stacks you get a heavy stun and a chunk of damage which can lead into more CC. If I see my ADC is in trouble I oftentimes intercept Braum's Q as I'm much more likely to survive an all in. If Braum makes a play a usually make a counter play on their ADC. That forces him to come and help which frees up my own ADC to start pumping out the damage. He's very, very tanky so avoid focusing Braum, also don't stack with your ADC post 6 as his ult is monstrous if it hits multiple people”
ONICH4N says “Extremely tanky. His big shield can block 99% of damage so your adc will be a bit useless. Also depending on the adc how fast he can proc his passive can mean death.”
Leaguecitizen says “Braum is a big threat in many ways due to his passive.
Play around this by roaming, set up by ideal back timings.
Through roaming, you decrease the value of the countermatchup.”
Leaguecitizen says “Braum is a problem due to his passive.
This is why you need to pick your engages carefully in this lane.
Still, he has no way of getting to you unless you go in, which makes this a relatively safe matchup.”
Leaguecitizen says “Braum is a problem due to his passive.
This is why you need to pick your engages carefully in this lane.
Still, he has no way of getting to you unless you go in, which makes this a relatively safe matchup.”
WhiteGoliath says “though lane I have to say, his stun is very annoying and can easly cost you a fight. But the trick is to focus the adc and manage to proctect yours, if you're with an adc with low mobility, don't even try to engage.”
1Recycle Bin1 says “Tons of CC, tanky as hell, blocks everything, but you win because you heal while he just blocks things for his adc, as long as you're not stunned, you should win”
Laverenz says “May the better player win. No one is really stronger than the other, but it's just the better player who wins. Try to dodge his ultimate and you're good to go. Make sure to hook when he's not using his shield.”
NirvanaBunny says “Even though he's also a melee champion, his Q gives him some ranged poke. His disengage is nice once he hits level 6. He's also tanky, so you can't kill him easily. Remember, his E will block yours.”
aimez says “Braum's passive is annoying to deal with on sona, due to the fact that most adc's try to kill the support first. He is more than likely going to try to engage on you lvl 1, and if you are not careful, you are going to be far behind. His shield will also block out any poke you try to hit him with, making laning against him that much harder. His shield will also negate your ult if he is in front of his team.”
Ahpulzz says “While tanky, he can't poke reliably and is stuck mostly with his auto-attacks, lending you a lot of freedom to walk up and auto-attack. His specialty is defense and he will try to prevent you from killing his partner rather than killing yours.
Simply call for a gank or keep wearing him down until he's too low to defend.”
Ahpulzz says “Although he is melee, it's difficult to bully him effectively as his passive will get you stunned fairly quickly during lane. He's also difficult to lock down because of his W and R, while Q can prevent you from retreating or engaging. However, while his cooldowns are up, you can bully him and trap him with your pillar. Also a very good candidate for stat-stealing with Subjugate.”
Aethlo says “Rush a haunting guise, pick him off before the adc, or else your damage will be spread due to braum's kit - can leap and block your stun from not being ablaze - but other than that he doesn't engage or pick you or your adc off so you'll be safe to out-poke.”
Chromuro says “Braum is a nice guy, I respect him. He has a good skill set to protect his ADC, but other than that he has nothing. His Q relies heavily on his ADC (keep the distance until the debuff runs out) and his R is the only thing you have to fear, but normally he should use it as an all-in engage.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “The Concussive Blows makes him and the ADC kite you with ease. The ult also disables you for a time - in spite of him being a fighter he'll turn you into absolute mush.”
Vermeio says “His distance is like yours. You can save your adc easily than he can. Your W prevent´s HIS W, that means you can deny his saves. Still got a better ult than you. Just don't go crazy, and you got better chances. Your E can take him off your adc easily.”
xxlisatje16 says “you can go around Braum with your Q so you should be fine with this guy. only late game he is gonne be tanky as hell but then you are in a group fight so it will be easier to fight him.”
GlacialWarlock says “Braum is really easy to push back as his only ranged ability, Winter's Bite (Q) can be easily predicted and tanked. He's only a threat if you attempt to poke too much and run out of mana or overextend.”
Axeloy says “Nami harasses Braum with ease, and almost counters him with her bubble. His shield will seemingly either make the bubble's hitbox bigger, or land it prematurely. You win very easily if you play smartly. It does suck that his shield eats up your ultimate, though, and that's what keeps this match-up from being a tiny threat for Nami. Also, never underestimate a Braum. With the right timing, he can easily decimate you with his ADC. ”
Sona Aria says “Braum is one of Sona's easiest matchups. If you don't get hit by his Q, you have free reign over lane, and can abuse him as much as you desire. Don't ult when his e is up, and be away that he can do to minions before ulting to engage quickly.”
Haezard01 says “If he or the ADC try to proc Braum's passive you just punish them with your whole combo. If he jumps to the ADC you will just get them both rooted with your E. Braum playstyle is to be on the opponents face, but in this case you just ult and counter hisn engage. Late game you also outscale him in damage output. Braum is your easiest matchup.”
ZAZO says “His shield wall can block your Q and basic attacks and stop E on the place he encounters it. A frequently used counter for Lux, be careful!”
Slick_top says “Major In terms of what he can do, to resist your adc's autos. If you are going in, wait until shield wall comes down. and try to roam, to get other lanes more fed. ”
SetsumiV1 says “It depends on who he is paired up with, If its something with a lot of DPS or attack speed enhancers, you should play safe and avoid trading after level 4”
wWQRWw says “Braum shield blocks swain E which makes it difficult to get on him or the ADC. His crowd control chain peels well enough to prevent snowballing.”
Saethwyr says “Braum overall is pretty hard for you to bully, and a half decent braum wont be able to get engaged on, so the ideal strategy into him is to focus on passive play and waiting until an opening that's big enough for you to exploit and burst down the carry, or to hard turn onto a jungler if they come in to gank.”
Better Call Phil says “Harder than average.
Dodge his Q as much as you can. His wall can block your E, so keep that in mind.
Very tanky.
Relic Shield/Aftershock”
z4ki says “to be honest, i hate if Braum on enemy side, because his passive is more annyoing to deal with Sona (and fact the most hunt kill for ADC because his passive). also his shiled can block any damage, and your ult too, so he can securing their ADC life. Try comunicate with your teammate when ganking in botlane”
NirvanaBunny says “Be sure to dodge his Q in order to not have his passive on you. Be sure to try and stay out of range from him, he has a tendency to go all in and you'll have a bad time if you're not careful.”
RainbowNova says “Braum can block your Q with his shield, is incredibly tanky and has a slow and knockup ultimate which also slows. He can also gives his ADC bonus armor and magic resist. for 3 seconds, making it harder to focus his ADC.”
Numresunw says “Might bait the shield so it doesn't block all your ult; try poking before going all in so it takes as much dmg with your ult as possible”
SawyerNelson says “Braum's kit doesn't do a good job at blocking Lux's damage. The laning phase is very easy as Braum offers little threat and little protection from lux for his ADC. Watch for him jumping to a minion to engage on you when his jungler can be near. If the game goes too long, braum can be more effective in late game teamfights.”
DoABarrellRoll says “Very tanky and protect so much his adc, your poke has less efficent against him in the lane. His passive doesnt allow you to save your adc the most part of the time. Dont play aggresive, wait the moment when his E is in CD.
Muy tanky y protege mucho su adc, tu pokeo tiene menos eficacia contra él en el carril. Su pasiva no te permite salvar tu adc la mayor parte del tiempo. No juegues agresivo, espera el momento en que su E esté en CD.”
YungRichGrandmas says “Much like Alistar, it's easy to peel a Braum off of your allies, but Braum has multiple opportunities to CC your and render you vulnerable to getting melted by the enemy team”
LighterDay says “Braum's tankiness makes it hard to do damage to, but his W can let him hop out of Pyke's abilities. His ultimate can disrupt Pyke's, so be careful when it comes time to ult an enemy Braum.”
Kameryu says “Champ like Braum or Yasuo are kind of problematic adainst Yuumi. They have a shield that prevent Yuumi's "Final Chapter" to continue behind them.”
Hanjaro says “Braum isn't necessarily a huge threat, however Braum is difficult to deal damage to and he also provides a lot of protection for his carry. This I would consider an annoying matchup. Play around his E cooldown, never pull him towards your carry. Make sure your carry never positions near enemy melee minions so that Braum can't directly jump with W to engage and apply his passive. You CAN pull Braum and trade if his carry is out of position for followup range to trade back. When his E is on cooldown look to punish him or his carry.”
Dayum Draven says “Braum can block alot of damage and he has really high CC. Be careful and try to poke when he's vulnerable. Make his engages weaker.”
GameWolfUltimate says “Easy. As a melee support you can go in and aa for your passive all the time. you can dissattatch to block his q for your adc and then instantly attatch back. Just watch for his ult.”
Rozyrade says “Make sure to block his q for your adc if he's walking up to prevent the slow and stun from happening on your adc. If he gets his r off however, it's a lot harder to survive that”
Kaeze Poulsen says “This match up is actually really easy, you can tank Braum's Q and then link to your ADC so tank the passive and one or two AA.
Also, he's mele and doesn't have that much of an initiation, so procking your passive is easy.”
Fruxo says “Can block your W and your damage (Q) and make your life miserable with his high-CC kit. Just try to farm up as best as you can and wait for jungler.”
NirvanaBunny says “Be sure to dodge his Q in order to not have his passive on you. Be sure to try and stay out of range from him, he has a tendency to go all in and you'll have a bad time if you're not careful. Plus, since he's tanky, it'll be difficult to get to his ADC since his E can block any damage.”
N0ZOMI says “Braum should be okay to deal with in laning phase. In teamfights he can deny Nami's ultimate which can turn around outcome of that fight. His passive is annoying but manageable. ”
SawyerNelson says “Spend Q heavily on this lane, don't throw E until Braum's E is down. Even if you land a root on the enemy adc Braum will counteract a lot of damage by assisting them after the fact.
The way to win this lane is through Q poke not through hard punishes.”
FMLMOMENT says “Out of all the Tanks , Braum probaly does the best Vs taric IMO. The stun does nasty damage and can stop you from autoing and peeling with your abilities . Skill matchup”
NirvanaBunny says “Be mindful of his passive! His shield will also block out any poke you try to hit him with, making laning against him that much harder. His shield will also negate your ult if he is in front of his team. ”
Meresjev says “Press E and win. Two things that Braum is good for are his tankiness and his hard CC. We can eliminate one of those things. Morg's Spell shield can cancel that CC from his passive and Q. ”
unk87 says “A good Braum will use [[unbreakable]] to block [[pyroclasm]]. Brand must be careful when to use it.
If Braum has isn't far ahead or stacked MR, it's fair to QWR him.”
FwuffyMilk says “Braum is a pretty weak support currently. Poke him and his ADC and you should be fine. If his ADC is a Lucian though be careful cause if he hits you with a Q, Lucian will make sure to pop his stun very quickly.”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh can punish braum in lane by landing hooks on him. If you move to far away from your ADC Braum can turn on you. Be ready to flash either his Q or ULT during fights.
Ooze OG says “This is more of a skill match up. Whoever picks the best time to fight will win. It requires your carry to bait his shield however. Once his shield is down, feel free to all in their carry.”
semisomniac says “He can all-in pretty well, but you outpoke him. If he tries to poke you back with his Q too much he'll run out of mana. Pre-6 this should be easy. When he hits 6 you have to be more careful.”
MichelGamingMK says “Braum can only make use of his passive when he hits you first with a basic attack or a Q so just stay behind your minions (remember Braum stuns you at 4 passive stacks)
Poke from range but at level 6 keep in mind that his ultimate makes a great engage against you because the knockup CC leaves you defenseless against a follow-up from the enemy ADC or/and jungler”
AkemiSen says “Braum's Passive is very telegraphed and his E doesn't block the MR shred from Kayle's Q making the 2vs2 on her favor if the ADC knows what he's doing. Use your ultimate when his Passive is proccing and you will turn the fight into your favor.”
TheComicalBiker says “Bruam is very strong and reduces lots of damage taken. Thresh can hook (Q) and flay (E) Braum while he is jumping to an ally (W). ”
Dudstrol says “Braum só será um problema quando tiver com ultimate, pois sua iniciação será rápida e forte. Antes do nível 6, evite ficar próximo de tropas inimigas para ele não pular perto .”
Rasta Da Masta says “It's easy to dodge his skillshots and attack him to get money. He can destroy your satchel but other than that he's not very threatening.”
Guychk says “He has to walk up to take a minion for his Relic Shield Proc. Punish him. Braum is not the damage dealer, so focus ADC, then focus Braum. You will win every time. ”
Jeroen R8 says “Braum can negate all of the follow up should you hook the enemy adc. After which he can counter the engage. Going all in on his carry is therefore very dangerous. Killing this masculine man is no easy feat either since he is very tanky with his shield.”
Saecriru says “This match up would require you to mainly play passive as Braum will just block most of your damage in the first place. If you can poke go ahead, but playing passive and waiting for ganks is your best bet.”
KidoTakayoshi says “Shield block anything, avoid getting hit by his Q. If it does hit you, try to fall back and snare him and his ADC, so they can't proc his passive. This champion don't do anything but use his passive and raise his door .--.”
I love Lun Lun says “A tanky champion and that's all there is,I noticed Braum can't take us down unless he lands ULT on us.We are Soraka and we don't need to stand close to him.Ward the bushes and he is useless since he will be standing in there in order to Q us or our ADC.Vision is the key to beat this guy.His teamfight game is strong but we can turn the teamfight in our favour with our healing.Be cautious of his ULT and focus.”
cilium says “He blocks some of your poke and can all in you and sets up jungle ganks quite well.
But honestly in lower elo Fiddle should have the upper hand in most melee match-ups as long as he doesn't overextend insanely much.”
SawyerNelson says “If you Pull braum enough times in lane you can build up damage, don't E after pull, just pull and let you AD hit him. you can also roam for free against braum, he has bad punish 1v2.”
Exiled Heretic says “Braum E is a very good anti- engage tool and he will be able to block your engage if he is positioned for it , so be careful not to get his passive stun stacked on you, he will also take exhaust. ”
TSMSky says “Braum's pretty even with Janna because of his Q harass and stacking passive. His ultimate also interrupts Janna's making it hard to channel when E is on CD. His shield also mitigates our poke.”
Zefirez says “Jumping his adc means nearly guaranteed stun and punishment so not a fun lane for Voli.
On the other hand you can mess him up in variety of ways yourself. When he tries to shield his adc from incoming fire - you can flip him out of the way! You can interrupt his dash to adc with your roar. And just when his adc was getting comfy behind Braum's shield - your Thunderclaws can use Braum himself to kill his adc by arcing thunder off him!”
SpicySkelleton says “Braum's a pretty even champ to lane against, sure he can block your Q to deny any kills you or your adc to get, but he isn't as popular as he used to be so seeing him locked in champ select will be rare, also as long as your adc isn't MF you're fine. Wait for his wall ability to end then go for a grab, also most of the time he has worse mana sustain than you so he wont be able to use is abilities as much as you can causing him to focus on defense.”
Jhny_ says “Same as with Alistar. Keep your distance of his stun and always be cautios of his ult once he hits lvl 6. Preferably try to poke ADC as his shield can block a lot of potential damage.”
Lonxu says “I'm usually not really worried about this match-up, but of course with something like Lucian it can quickly get really rough.
Basically you have to just avoid the Q and poke him out.
but the smart Braums will have sustain and get good engages from W into minion jumps so prepare for some hard fights.
It comes down to how good he plays with his ADC. If it's like Lucian or Draven that follows-up great when he lands Q then it might get hard.
revelador says “aunque su escudo es molestia tu q tiene menor enfriamiento solo ten cuidado por tu r espera a que pase o lanzala antes, esquiva su q cuando hay campeones cerca”
Pixiie says “Every time i see Braum in enemy team i want to scream. With his Ice shield, he can completely block Namis whole wawe. ( ULT ) Also he receives less damage from Namis W cause he is tanky armor SHITTTTT
Great President says “He's a protecter. Dodge his q and pull him with your q. Be careful he can protect his adc. After 6, dont be close to your adc.He will try ult you.”
Jorcat says “Braum is the most annoying support to go up against because he can just counter your engage with his PASSIVE STUN WHY DID RIOT ALLOW THIS?”
FunnyBunnyH says “How problematic he is will come down to his ADC synergy (certain duo-s are hard to play into aggressively - main examples are Ashe/Kog/Jinx). Ultimately he is a worse Taric, you have much better teamfighting chances against him.”
HotSunGG says “will be extremely tanky compare to u try not to force engage against him bait him to walk up, dont get perma hit from his Q's slow/damage try to look for angles on his ad carry and if he walks greed to proc his passive on u or ur ad punish for that either kill him or kill his carry be carefull in this match up u wont be able to play freely as u want as leona u will be locked an even lane state for a while unless u got ganked or braum missplayed or something yeh he will be annoying but u have ranged R cc lock against him later on comes handy in teamfights he doesnt have that”
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