Bottom Lane 49.31% Win Rate98% Pick RateCaitlyn Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Caitlyn in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Moosicel says “Pick or ban her. Caitlyn+Lux is notorious. Even if you counter with Sivir/ Zeri / Corki + Seraphine you can just stall, but not make much progress. Losing agency and prio over dragon pit feels horrible.”
notSUSnaSUS says “My personal BAN! She got everything to counter your Evolution.Jumping out from your W with her E. She scales like an extreme monster to the late game while having a nice early game too.”
Shindeiruwu says “She just does too much damage. Don't walk into bushes and get trapped like a bot. And dodge her Qs through the minion wave. All in her when her E (net) is down and she cant run from you.”
LegendarySheepo says “I hate this champ, the range makes it hard to trade. Most of the time you want to play with tanks, and cait makes it hard for you tank to reach her”
BigBallsLarry says “her range and E can be annoying, but its on a pretty long cooldown. if you Q into her and expect the E (unless it's on cooldown), then you should win the trade/fight. Don't tunnel vision and be aware of her traps and support, similarly to ezreal she can burst you without any warning. keep track of her head shots. good communication with support is key. ”
BrunkageManden says “Skill matchup. She wants to poke you from afar and you want to all in on her. Be aware of her traps, so that you do not E into them mid wave.
You can block all of her dmg with a single windwall. But saving it for her R is really nice as well.
This matchup is support dependet and can swing both ways.”
Globby says “Highly matchup reliant since you have no real way of reaching her in isolation. Must pair with a hook champion that can help you gap close . Can look for solo kills after level 6 and q evolve with ult. ”
VenusLamby says “Your blindness will screw her, however, hope that you have a good support to help you out. And of course hope that she won't have a good support. Her traps can create a real problem and her range (which is bigger than yours can be even more of a problem)”
Avarosa says “você é facilmente punido por ela, troca dificil e você vai precisar do seu suporte para não ficar low na lane, só brigue com ela se você tiver como prender ela”
Avarosa says “Dois adcs de muito range se encontrando, nenhuma das duas é muito counter uma da outra mas a ashe tem um poke mais constante, se ela não estiver de purificar abuse disso”
Dr Yoshili says “Annoying early, but that's it, her goal is to push your tower and get plates, contest her push if possible, if she doesn't get a lead, she will not be dangerous, you outscale her, you will kill her later, and get a nice hat !”
gaarrett says “Dangerous because Caitlyn is typically drafted with a poke support which ends up being a very oppressive lane for Nilah. Save W for headshots or to grab farm. ”
Devilbuny says “Nie dość że cię outrangeuje to jeszcze stackuje crita. Caitlyn jest w stanie na dwóch itemach wybombić cię na combo. A im później tym silniejsza się staje. Może być tak, że nie zdołasz do niej się zbliżyć zanim skasuje cię z 3/4 HP. Mimo to, jak dobrze zagrasz, możesz dać radę. Ale to mało prawdopodobne”
EdenHoangKim says “Her range is something that Nilah is struggling. And her E can slow you and push her far away from you can be a little bit annoying. Try to catch with your engage support.”
Avxm says “One of the hardest matchups, she has high range and poke and disengage. These things all in one ADC are a major counter to kogmaw. You need to get push in a lane vs caitlyn, so she cant harass you as much. If you are getting pushed in, then there is little you can do so try and avoid leashing and go to lane level 1 and try to hard push the lane, you can start q if you need to in order to help push the wave faster.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGHTS - Outranges you in most stages of the game / Outdamage you with combos / Safe lanning phase | WEAKNESSES - Easy to abuse / Weak to CC / Low mobility / Useless when behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Caitlyn is an OPPRESSIVE champion at the moment, she has always been this way but it's even worst now with crit items.Don't try to poke her with your Q, just stack the minnions and wait for your jungler to come. Even if you don't kill or get as much gold as her, remember that your stacks are way more important. Try to stay as healthy as possible in the lanning phase. FLEET FOOTWORK RECOMMENDED !!
Latter on, don't overestimate yourself, you have way less burst than her. Keep using your Q into ennemy frontliners, your teammate will go on Caitlyn, don't ever try to 1v1 her lategame, she has way too much 1 shot potential.”
Shoro Mota says “
Play calmly waiting for the right moment to enter. The right moment must be accompanied by knowing how to dodge her net (E) appropriately. once you dodged their net, you have outplayed her.”
jughat109 says “She's gonna outrange u, making ur life miserable. u can try play safe until lv 6 with the all-in, but after she waste her E, otherwise she can easily counter your all-in by just pressing her E. What a shit champ I guess.”
Latte9969 says “Caitlyn is very immobile so it can be quite easy to land skillshots on her. The only thing that Caitlyn provides is range so it can be quite difficult to space her. If she goes to auto you, hit her with W + Auto attack and you'll always outdamage her auto, be careful of net though and try to E smartly to avoid her burst.”
Foxirion says “Caitlyn's long-range poke and traps can be a nuisance for Kog'Maw to deal with in the laning phase. However, if Kog'Maw can survive the early game, he can outscale Caitlyn in team fights.”
rowzkit says “Very hard match up if the Caitlyn plays well. You will not be able to farm or trade without being poked out of lane. Play safe and keep your HP higher than her ult range.”
Rank_1_Idiot says “Annoying lane, but at level 4-5 you start winning poke.
Prioritize farm until level 6, and you should be capable of winning a fight even at 60% hp.”
afr0rk says “Caitlyn's long range is something she can use much less on ezreal compared to any other champ. She can be a bit annoying when paired with someone like Lux as one Lux Q will have you back in base, one way or the other. Once again, NEVER leash into a Caitlyn lane as her early push is incredible and you absolutely DO NOT want to be pushed under turret.”
loaderdragon15 says “Caitlyn vs Ezreal in lane is fairly even and usually comes down to farming and macro plays but here is what I've compiled after my time playing Ezreal. Mobility: Ezreal's Arcane Shift allows him to easily dodge Caitlyn's skillshots, such as Piltover Peacemaker (Q) or Yordle Snap Trap (W). This mobility makes it challenging for Caitlyn to land her poke consistently, giving Ezreal the upper hand in trades.
Sustained Damage vs. Burst: Ezreal typically deals sustained damage with his Mystic Shot and auto-attacks, while Caitlyn relies more on burst damage with her Headshot procs and Piltover Peacemaker. Ezreal's sustained damage can wear down Caitlyn's health over time, especially if he can consistently land Mystic Shots.
Mid-Game Power Spike: Ezreal often reaches his power spike with two items, such as Manamune and Iceborn Gauntlet or Trinity Force, whereas Caitlyn's power tends to peak later in the game. Ezreal can leverage this mid-game strength to pressure Caitlyn and potentially secure objectives before Caitlyn reaches her full potential.
Caitlyn Counters Ezreal:
Range Advantage: Caitlyn has longer auto-attack range than Ezreal, allowing her to harass him from a safer distance. She can utilize her superior range to zone Ezreal away from farm and pressure him under turret, denying him gold and experience.
Siege Potential: Caitlyn's kit, particularly her Piltover Peacemaker and Ace in the Hole (R), provides her with strong siege potential. She can poke Ezreal and his team from afar, forcing them to engage or give up objectives.
Traps: Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Traps can be used to control areas of the map and create zones that Ezreal must avoid. If Ezreal steps on a trap, Caitlyn can capitalize on the immobilize effect to land additional damage or set up ganks from her jungler or support.
Late-Game Scaling: While Ezreal has a strong mid-game spike, Caitlyn scales well into the late game with her high auto-attack damage and scaling critical strikes. If Caitlyn can safely reach her late-game items, she can become a significant threat to Ezreal and his team.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Relatively hard to engage with her EWQ combo. Bait her E and it's doable. Likes trapping behind turrets and in brushes.
Threats N' Tips: Waste her E and shoot her. Laning will be a bit cancer but you provide more overall DPS late game.”
TH Lunacy says “She Out-ranges and Out-damages you early, ban her every game in low elo, as she is picked more often down there than Zeri will be. However you will most likely outscale her unless she gets fed.”
nzan says “Laning into a Caitlyn ADC is tough because she outranges nearly everyone's auto attacks. Don't let her chip you in lane and wait for her to auto attack your ally or go for farm before you try to land Qs. If you miss a Q, she can take the opportunity to run you down before going back to farming!”
Bobalegre says “Poke her down, be careful with her headshots, only try to trade when she doesn't have it available. She is much more of a early game ADC but if she goes full crit she can be a threat in the late game. If she goes lethality then you can build frozen heart and bye bye to her damage. ”
Vapora Dark says “Her high range can be problematic at times, but she's highly susceptible to Gravitum engage, and collapses when faced with engage supports in general. You would need an unfavourable support matchup to struggle against Caitlyn.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “due to the fact that she outranges you she's hard to play into, but if you E her E she's a sitting duck. Try to burn her flash if possible. Having 1 less movement option to worry about will help you majorly”
Reys_offf says “BAN HER. She'll out range you easily since her attack range is 650 and yours is 475, she's too hard to play against so if you didn't ban her and she's laning against you, try to lock her donwn with tank support, or ask your support to pick mage like Xerath”
Rainy Nights says “very hard to beat especially if your support picks enchanter, she can zone you out and outrange you when she gets 3 items and u have no way of getting close to her its pretty much over.”
NegativePhoenix says “This can go either way depending on who's better at landing poke in this lane
Dodge her Q if you can but if you can't, stand behind minions to minimize the damage from it.
Don't get close enough for her to poke you, especially if you notice she has her headshot passive up.
Unless you got a really good CC support, just play it safe. If things go well and she isn't fed, you'll beat her in later stages”
unhben says “Caitlyn greatly outranges Smolder making it incredibly hard to lane against in the early game.
Later into the game her impact on Smolder's ability to play the game lessens but can still be lethal in teamfights given the right team comp.”
hellfirelord says “She outranges you hard so you have to make her miss her E,Q abilities by moving towards her baiting these abilities. Dodge them and force a trade/ping your support to all-in in her cd windows.”
Aspect of Cancer says “Her poke is more of a minor convenience as you can outrange her, she's a 2 because you can't really engage on her unless she already used her net. ”
Leaf no Kitsune says “hard matchup early. try to survive and take the minions you are allowed to take. look for a good all in angle.
your goal is to go even because you outscale. anything more is a bonus.”
Lewozu says “Frustrating to deal with. Try to bait her E out with a fake engage and then go back a ltitle bit, if you see her walking back to you that will be your time to engage on her. ”
DarthRik says “My go to ban for ADCs, pretty annoying long range, bait her E and and all in after. Firecannon is a good item against her. Ghost also helps close the gap when engaging. ( You can cancel her R with your E if you're close enough )”
oswietlikowski says “Cait in early game paired with some CC/Burst champions like lux or naut is very strong, if she gets a support like brand or velkoz then we're most likely fine after lvl 6”
leoismissing says “She outranges you even with Calibrum, her mid game is crazier and her late game is even better. Try to kill her at 6 with crescendum/severum, if you can't do it you're doomed.”
iiExploit says “You and Caitlyn have the same range at the start of the game because of Calibrum but her range threat is ever present while yours is with 50 out of 250 bullets. She isn't that hard to face though. Just never run at her in a straight line for her EQW combo which should be easy with Stormrazor rush.”
DarkHelix says “A skillful Caitlyn is always a nightmare to play against due to having the zoning potentail installed in her kit, play it safe, be mindful of her traps and outscale her in the mid-late game. ”
mydesires says “Her kits and range are better. Try to dodge her trap and her caliber nets and then you can win her easily. Make sure that you kill her before she ults. // TH : สกิลและระยะการตีของเคทลินจะดีกว่าเรา เราแค่ต้องอาศัยความเอวพริ้วในการหลบกับดักกับตาข่ายแล้วค่อย all in สวน แต่ว่าฆ่านางก่อนที่นางจะอัลติใส่ดีกว่า
(ที่ตั้งเป็น major เพราะส่วนตัวเจอนางแล้วชอบโดนกด หงุดหงิด 555)”
Paramo_ says “Take care. She outrange you and she is receiving a lot of critical strike buffs. Use W to avoid her passive 6th bullet and go Doran's Shield and galeforce/navori. ”
apaahlo says “poke is too high, but sometimes you can bush cheese them because they cant really poke you if you play bush control and give up a bit of cs. farm for first item and then try to cheese her”
SlasherGamer says “Cait can easily contest prio with Ziggs. She is also able to attack him while dodging the bombs. If you don't get help against her it is very hard to play your role as a siege/poke champ. ”
the hood says “Another long range ADC which can cause u trouble (respect her range). Again avoid getting pushed in and avoid getting poked. Play the Waves correctly and look for all ins or try to trade 1 aa only (spacing is important since u win the trade if u aa her once with Q but if u space badly she will get atleast 2 hits on you so the trade is even or lose). Side Note: Sometimes pretend to run straight at her but then back off to bait her E and look for another angle to go in. (Personal pref.: Against Cait with Karma/Morg/Lux - always cleanse (even if u dont use it to much, having it up influences the lane)”
support_diff says “Caitlyn has the longest basic auto attack range in the game which gives her an advantage on all the stages of the game. Don't get near her, farm from far and wait for laning phase to go away as she will be weaker later on if not fed early”
DreamOfValhalla says “Hard to deal with since she has much more range than you, try shoving the wave so it doesn't reach your tower.You can all in her if she misuses her E”
mythicdem0n says “Caitlyn is the queen of zoning cs and forcing free autos. Tumble auto trade non headshots when you can but try to avoid her net when you do so. ”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Only respect Caitlyn up to level 3, from there you can be very aggressive with her, just respect the first 3 levels, because she has a lot of range, but nothing that shakes our Sivir. Just be careful when facing Caitlyn and Lux because it's a range lane, but you can punish Caitlyn a lot with your auto attack reset.”
Reptile9LoL says “Caitlyn is a very hard matchup for vayne, as she can peel herself really well from Vayne's only wincondition in this matchup: All-inning Caitlyn.
Caitlyn can get the push with her Q very easily and level 3 you cant really get on her anymore due to her using traps and Net to slow you down whenever you're too close.
Winning this matchup is only possible if Caitlyn oversteps, especially level 1, if her Q is on cooldown you can try to get an all-in off. Otherwise try to not get poked to much under tower and be happy about being 20cs down.
However this matchup shifts a lot if Caitlyn oversteps and you can find an all-in on her flash over her net and chase her down the lane. Generally its better to have an Engage support with you in this matchup as its more likely you find an all-in, rather than an enchanter that can't save you from all the poke, especially if Caitlyn is paired with a poking/range support.”
Aronnn says “She can get away easy with her net and traps and can outrange you. A good stun will make it easy to kill her though. Otherwise, play safe.”
DROBENMAIN says “This one can be a bit tricky to play against, but look for an engage when she has used her E, or over extending. If you see her use it, you can E in return to make her stunned slightly, giving you time to W in rage to start autoing for the resets. Mind the traps”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGHTS - Outranges you in most stages of the game / Outdamage you with combos / Safe lanning phase
| WEAKNESSES - Easy to abuse / Weak to CC / Low mobility / Useless when behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Try to poke her out with your Q until you get your ultimate. Caitlyn is safe so you'll have to do the same, if she comes to auto you, prepare to Q fast to punish it. Late game is a bit rough since she will have enough range to presure you out and to have the time to react to your R. Don't bother focusing her on your own, your team will do it most of the time.”
Kamilek_owo says “She has 100 range over you. Fake a engage and if she uses her E you have a window of 16 seconds to all in. While playing against Cait I wouldn't go into bushes since these creatures often trap there”
Hidden Ghoster says “This is one of the matchups I strongly dislike, as Caitlyn can be paired with any support. You DO NOT win Level 1 at all no matter what. If you're somehow in this matchup, you need to dodge her Q poke and bait her E so you can trade with her, which be hard because it's a Caitlyn.”
msylidam says “She is between major and even. If it is OTP caitlyn u done ig xd. It will be like poke or be poked. So try to outplay her somehow. Press the attack is good against her.”
Aleexex says “Caitlyn nos saca mucho rango y en el juego temprano nos pokea demasiado.
Caitlyn has more range than Vayne so, she can poke us too much in early game.”
axe and axe says “You probably know this but i will say again, she have easy escape and can easily poke you, remember to be aware of her traps, it can be punishing thing for you. When she have poke synergy too, your laning phase can be done if you wont play properly. By playing properly i mean wait for her mistake or have knowledge of her summoners and galeforce if she build it”
Jhin and Tonic says “She has the longest range out of every adc and will poke you hard. Only engage her if your support goes in first otherwise stay back and farm.”
Haytham says “Caitllyn has advantages of range better than xayah because of her passive combine with her skill, try to reduce her range or add multiple CC effects if your team have the catching supporters or combat open champions (Rakan, Nocturne, Hecarim, Leona, Pyke, Galio, ...). ”
Stiffy21 says “This is mainly build dependent and player skill level.
Stats suggest Ezreal wins more, but 1v1, Caitlyn is easier to land abilities and AA vs Ezreal, you miss 1 Q or W as Ezreal, she will AA you to death. ”
zhock2014 says “This champion isn't really a champion you would usually ban beacuse she doesn’t play in the jungle but it is so one to watch out for if your wanting to gank bot lane.”
VrNtv says “Jinx outscales Caitlyn pretty hard, since she is a lane bully which falls off later. She can't punish hard early if you know how to manage waves. Same as with Jhin's 4th shot, try not to walk up to her when she has her passive up (every 6th auto has extra range). When fighting her, always try to AA her, then side step her E, as it is her only real burst. Her Q is pretty easy to dodge, so shouldn't be a problem.
VrNtv says “For most people, i'd put her in the "MAJOR" category. But if you know what you're doing, Cait isnt really that bad. All inning her at level 1 is KEY and not letting her shove you in freely is the best ways to beat Cait. She's very weak against all in champs and thats exactly what Kai'Sa is.
NickLeVlach says “Caitlyn can't win you because she has to hit you 6 times, to activate her passive for dealing more damage with the headshot. You are long faster cause of you E, and you can escape her traps.”
RandomNPC777 says “Caitlyn outranges you and likes to poke you down as much as possible early, but loses hard in all-ins. She generally likes to pair with another harass support likes Zyra or Lux. Look to bring a champion like Blitzcrank or Nautilus who can force her into bad fights.”
Saint_gustaf says “much higer aa range then u. Try to het her in a comfert spot and go in using E. Niliahs W block her shoots so use it to hinder her full combo. If she has a storng support like karma get the wave to tower and avoid her poke.”
wungus says “Caitlyn does a great job at staying very far away from you. Do your best to dodge her net, gap close using minions or Galeforce, and dodge her headshots using your W.”
SheriffADC says “Pretty much just like Ashe and Aphelios, just respect her early and look for all-ins because she is unmobile. Be patient and try not to get poked too much.”
Elmendin says “Really hard counter but it's not impossible to win. Try to bait out her E in lane. When her E is down she doesnt have an escape so its an opportunity to all in.”
Lachoni1 says “She beats you in lane because of the huge range difference. If you are against her you want to have an engage support and try to all in her level 1 or 2 before you lose too much HP.”
ChadKarthus says “Very hard matchup if the Caitlyn is good or she has Karma/Lux as support, usually they arent good so you can match her push, but be careful since you will run out of mana fast, you can 2v2 kill if you bait out her E then go all in”
TTV xBobby___ says “Infinite range, can easily chill under tower. Try to perma fight if you finish trinity force/ essence reaver. Huge powerspike. She'll be useless if you punish her earlygame.
Pray to get a good support otherwise whole matchup is going to be 30mins of pain.”
moso says “Lane can be rough till 6, but at 6 she is dead every time your ult is up unless she takes cleanse. If she gets caught and forced into an all out fight she will lose, her goal is to keep you at range and cut you down.”
slendoooo says “The hardest "traditional" ADC matchup for Draven, not only does she have 100 range over Draven since level 1, she can also counter his engages.
To win vs Caitlyn you would need to fake 1 engage, so she uses her E ability. After that you have a 14-16 second window to fully engage on her to kill or get her flash out.
Also watch out for traps in bushes and around turrets.
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Pipimatz says “One of the hardest because of her range, damage and cc but its definitely not the worst. If you feel like it you can also buy galeforce to gapclose better”
Hijitori says “Caitlyn why do you have the biggest aa range in the game, it makes it even more hard to reach you whether you have your dash ready or not...”
Corpselover says “Cailtyn is kind of like ashe but with more kill pressure. You'll have to respect her and try not to get poked down until level 3 and you could try to look for an all-in at that level. Long sword start.”
Sokoliak says “This long range machinegun will outrange (725 range with lethal tempo) and outdamage you early and mid game. If you give it more than 2 kills during laning faze, you can stop playing.”
We1garLoL says “Hard to deal with but is not impossible to win against. Do not let Caitlyn push you in under tower. Try to bait her E in lane, when her E is on CD that is an opportunity to all in”
NearChance says “This build was primarily built to deal with Caitlyns. She can't outshove you, She can't outpoke you. Her early pressure falls and is reliant on her junglers interaction. ”
Eowide says “You better run Cleanse and pray to jesus your support isnt a useless egirl. But if jesus is on your side, she will waste her E and that is when you have to all in. (bait her to use it like the professional masterbaiter you are then tell your support to engage with you)”
IEnjoyPlaying says “Fuck this Champ
You either cant farm cause she has more attack range and u get outpoked or, if you want to fight her, she just uses her E or Galeforce and shes gone
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Can go either way. She pokes you down or you poke and burst her.
I would go Press the attack specifically against her so you can all in easier early.
With her buffs in 12.16 she will definitely prove more of an issue for you so be sure you take extra care this patch.”
franksterzz says “Skill matchup. You match her range early on with your Calibrum so she won't be able to bully you too much. She has better waveclear until you get Infernum so she might push you in. Try to farm it out, you scale much better.”
KnobHobbler says “Perma ban this champ.
She has more range and more damage early than you so can always win trades.
Play under tower and scale you win 1v1.
Play behind minions to reduce Q damage.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Scaling] Caitlyn is a lane bully, she will take every chance she gets to damage you. You just need to scale up and make sure not to feed her. Farm with your abilities if you have to.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
Amberdragon says “Caitlyn is very annoying because of her high range. She will usually try to harass you, get a push advantage and get rich from plating gold. Farm as best as you can and if you can get 6 before her try to all-in. You will probably need both your E dashes to catch up. Remember to use W to avoid her Headshot autos, if you don't do that she will destroy you.”
Kronaa says “Super Support dependent. Cait+morg/lux is super unplayable if you have a bad support pick, you're perma zoned off the wave and you will just eat shit the whole time. But if you get a good support pick, you run her down, W the net empowered auto if you eat the net to the face.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
Devour333 says “Very annoying due to the range, the way to win vs cait as ANY champ is to not let her push you under tower she thrives with her enemies stuck under tower. If her e is down and she doesnt have a lulu you can run her down easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Take note of the in-game audio- you can hear when Caitlyn places her Yordle Trap(W). If you can’t see where W has been placed, it’s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you’re being pushed in. Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don’t let her poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your mid laner or Jungler to help you shut her down.”
ColJaraka says “Can be a bit hard to cs against a good caitlyn, but if you manage to keep your wave in a good state you can deal with it. Use your w to deny passive procs, especially after getting caught in the traps.”
NorVillain2 says “Caitlyn is champ who f**k other's adc's life. Because she have her longest range in the game, her long Q, 50% stun W, R who can finish you escept your sup body block you ( if he are a good sup) and all her abilities have head shot so try to kill her at lvl 1.”
m1NEEX says “Jinx outscales Caitlyn pretty hard, since she is a lane bully which falls off later. She can't punish hard early if you know how to manage waves.
Same as with Jhin's 4th shot, try not to walk up to her when she has her passive up (every 6th auto has extra range). When fighting her, always try to AA her, then side step her E, as it is her only real burst. Her Q is pretty easy to dodge, so shouldn't be a problem.”
ARCTIC33 says “She is lane bully she has good wave clear but weak all-ins she will lose any fights you engage, if you play correctly you will win if she plays correctly she will win.”
2saif4u says “Caitlyn is annoying to be against because of her range advantage but it's never impossible to win vs her. Try not to let Caitlyn push you under turret and try your best to bait her net (E) out in laning; when her net (E) is on cooldown that is your window to run her down.”
Xedavion says “If she is good she could be on the even threat level,but because she has gotten so many nerfs she just isn't as much of a menace as she used to be,you definitely outscale her but be careful of her early game.”
Amberdragon says “Your laning is weak, your wave clear generally terrible and you have lower range than her, making this a very annoying matchup. Avoid her net and traps. Play safe pre-six, after that you can all-in her and run her down with your R. Since she usually pushes the wave a lot, she will often be close to your tower, which makes her prone to get ganked - you can easily follow up on that with your W and E”
SrBroccoli says “ Before level 6 is the most crucial part of this match up, so don't feed her or else the game is doomed.
If the Caitlyn you are going against is half decent, she will abuse your low range and poke you when trying to farm, and if you try to engage she will just use net and get out.
After 6, if she isn't fed, you can just ult past her traps and solo her.
Don't feed and should be good.”
Dravenhalal says “Can be pretty annoying to reach and she does a surprising amount of damage but in the end she's pretty squishy. Exhaust is your best shot.”
Kitqsune says “You can block basically all of her kit, especially her ult. She does outrange you but you can get onto her easily as long as you dodge her e. If it's a good caitlyn then you might have some trouble.”
7EyesNoSkills says “You can't trade with her since she got E skill that slow you and let her escape + bonus damage from long range, your worst nightmare.”
7EyesNoSkills says “You can't trade with her since she got E skill that slow you and let her escape + bonus damage from long range, your worst nightmare.”
BigBoyBen69 says “Oh no.. she has a lot of auto attack range, what ever should I do? Have no fear, random Jhin user, poke her with your q and shove her under tower. (if she can't lane, she can't game)”
LewisTheRat says “Moved to major after strong to her late game. She's a strong lane bully and will try to shove you under tower and poke you. She can e away so if you walk up to her under q, cut her path to tower so she can't e you. You both scale hard hard, try not to get shoved. avoid her poke. She can dive you easily, pay attention to traps on the ground besides the tower, you won't be able to see them.”
ItsCondor says “cait can be a issue with her early poke go boots 4 pots and watch for her e w combo once you get gale you are stronger if you avoid the traps. ”
Icels says “Watch for her traps, and play safe. If you feel intimidated, just know she has a thing for pink haired women. Don't let her steal your girl!”
Amberdragon says “Caitlyn has an incredible range advantage over you, but you can basically render her entire kit useless which makes this a rather easy matchup for you. You have superior wave clear, so she can't push you under tower. You can step on her traps for free mana to push, you counter her R, E and Q. All she can do is auto attack you. Your R allows you to gap close and get her into your auto range.”
Alvatorz says “Not the hardest matchup on earth but a tough one for sure. She outrange you in both early and late game and can really be a pain for you cause of her traps and huge damage. Once again, care of her traps and you'll be fine, wait for a good opporunity and it's good !”
2saif4u says “Caitlyn is annoying to be against because of her range advantage but it's never impossible to win vs her. Try not to let Caitlyn push you under turret and try your best to bait her net (E) out in laning; when her net (E) is on cooldown that is your window to run her down.”
AG Slides says “Caitlyn's main threat comes from her superior range. Her ability to sit far back while csing makes her incredibly annoying to face. Despite this, if you can catch her out of position she should be an easy kill due to her squishy nature. ”
Deathstroke5277 says “You can beat her early, but late game Cait is hard to deal with. For the landing phase avoid stepping in her traps because she will combo you and deal a lot of dmg”
Demonsedge90 says “Caitlyn is more of a skill matchup for Miss Fortune, so as long as you avoid her traps and catch her when she uses q. Apart from this, you should be fine.”
KINGKAINIXYZ says “A legnehezebb lane, de nem nyerhetetlen. Earlyben nehéz farmolni. Ne engedd hogy bepusholja a towered alá a lanet mert outrangel. Próbáld baitelni az e betűjet aztán a sajátoddal all inezz.”
Krilep says “Let Caitlyn push you under tower with her Q, don't go for cs if she has her head shot it's not worth it at all. Start doran's shield and farm under tower until you get a cutlass; dash into her use the slow to help your support land their abilities and ult her.”
roselol says “most caits will stand in wave so u can q them easily. care for the mobility mid game (galeforce etc) and save abilities for when after they use it”
xXAhriXx69 says “Caitlyn heavily outranges kaisa with her auto's meaning she can poke you easily so be carefull when trading in lane since you wont win trades easily against a good caitlyn.”
Valhalla Coach says “Ashe has always been a good answer to Cait, try to prevent her from shoving the wave under your tower and she will be useless by the time you have 2/3 items. If you can't contest her push you can ping your jungler to gank a couple times, repeated ganks are very effective vs Cait”
Useless Haru says “still dont know about her, since I always ban her, but she's broken right now, and you don't have range for her, soooo, most likely she will destroy you”
SaskioLoL says “You can beat Caitlyn really easily if you can close the gap and keep it closed. Otherwise you will get shoved in over and over until your jungler comes.”
Akali187 says “Caitlyn's traps reveal you! Care for Caitlyn's traps, if you land on one you will die. Care when your using your E2 on her as she will put a trap in front of her. Late game has very high damage with range, she wil one shot you so take her out early. High priority target.”
Dazlirn says “A lot of people struggle with Caitlyn due to her long range. Depending on the support, usually if you can bait out her E (which you can do by simply running up and turning around or running to the side), you will almost always win, especially she is the squishiest ADC in the game.”
Sellsword says “Arguably Sivir's easiest matchup, Sivir negates ALL of Caitlyn's strengths, you have the same and later on - better waveclear than her, you can spellshield every single one of her abilities, you can use her traps for free mana, you can land free Qs on her because she is a slow and you'll eventually outscale her because she lacks AoE dmg and any AS/MS steroids in her kit.”
King Turtle says “her range is pretty scary and actually getting close enough to output solid damage makes it incredibly easy to get blown up if you don't play the fight perfectly.”
Fanartxd4 says “You can disarm her traps with E, but that wont help you much . She has way bigger range then you , better poke, she will bully you hard.”
cornaldo says “Muito chato o range dela, ela uma das mais insuportáveis de se lidar, mas se você souber lidar bem com o range dela, ela não faz mais nada.”
Tolis slayer says “caitlyn is a really annoying matchup because in lane she outranges you and outscales you.But she mostly that, annoying. if you are better than her or have a good engage support then the matchup will probably be easy. but if she is better you should play really defensively .Try not to let her push the wave in your tower.In this situation dorans ring might be the better option since it makes your q stronger and more spammable in order to push the wave and poke her back”
koggywoggy says “Ban this every game, if she's good you are unable to play the game and will be punished for every minion, if she's bad then you can never get a lead and have to coinflip that the rest of your team wins. USE HAIL OF BLADES IF YOU REALLY HAVE TO LANE VS HER.
PancakeKittiwake says “Early game she will most likely poke you down but you can also heal and poke her back, just scale and hope for ganks, because extended fights probably won’t end with kills on your side.”
Nom212 says “Caitlyn has the potential to bully you with her superior range. However, from my experience you have more than enough damage to trade back on her with your Q Boomerang Blade. Additionally, you can block her abilities easily and negate a lot of her damage that way. If she's not a smurf from dia+ you should have no issue playing the lane against her. ”
Heszo says “Has a long range and can poke you quite a lot for free since she outranges you. Farm up and demolish her in teamfights as your teamfight capability is much better than hers.”
calibot says “Caitlyn heavily outranges you and can kite you using her E. A good Caitlyn will burst you before you can even hit her. Plan to have a safe farming lane if you cannot score an early advantage.”
Amberdragon says “Caitlyn is a lane bully but if you get on top of her she is easy to deal with. If against her, just try to farm and not get poked in the early game, once you get more AD or your Q evolve you are a huge threat to her. You outscale her.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Caitlyn is a lane dominant ADC who focuses on poking you hard, shoving your waves, and trying to take your tower down as quickly as possible. ◉
◉ Caitlyn with use her Q [[Piltover Peacemaker]] a lot to shove the waves into your tower so while she does that you should use your AoE from [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] to help push the waves back so it equalizes and she doesn’t get what she wants! ◉
◉If Caitlyn is paired up with a CC champion be extremely careful because she can follow up whatever that CC is with her W [[Yordle Snap Trap]] and 99% of the time that is certain death for the person caught. If you’re risking getting caught by such a combo for a few CS then it’s not worth it and you’re better off playing safe and staying alive. ◉
◉ After your first recall look forward to trading with your rocket launcher because with enough levels in [[Switcheroo!]] you will outrange Caitlyn’s own auto attacks! ◉
◉ Win Condition: Caitlyn’s DPS falls off hard if she doesn’t have a snowbally early game so as long as you make sure to push waves back and stay even in farm then you’ll be on your way to winning and outscaling her very hard. ◉
Breathly says “Caitlyn is one of the hardest Jinx matchups in the game, if you can survive the laning phase or the first 6-7 levels you are good, but its not a fun time you're going to have. She has longer range and does more damage than you do until around level 6, so playing against Caitlyn is really dangerous.”
I Am Not u says “Cait isn't too bad so long as you're able to dodge poke. Be wary of those traps. They're called YORDLE snap traps for a reason. If the Cait is competent enough, she'll usually trap you in the area you're jumping in. Her net can also slow you severely, and next thing you know, all your health is gone. Be careful here.”
Amberdragon says “Caitlyn can bully you as you have a very short range before your 4th mark, and on top of that she can trap, slow you and burst you in early laning phase. If you don't have a strong engage support I recommend you ban her as she will not let you scale in lane.”
borshmax says “Caitlyn is straight up your counter - she has better range, good damage with headshots and her traps which she can use with a CC support
Heszo says “Caitlyn has a very strong early game so be sure to make sure that you poke with Q and get her low before pushing toward her. You're probably going to lose lane but don't worry because you have a stronger mid game.
A_Drunk_Carry says “You can beat her eventually in teamfights with your E and W. However laning phase she's gonna bully you hard. Outranges with autos. Outranges with her Q. Can place traps behind you to block off your escape route. Simply try to survive. ”
Dealersz says “Hard to deal with but is not impossible to win against. Do not let Caitlyn push you in under tower. Try to bait her E in lane, when her E is on CD that is an opportunity to all in”
LegendaryOstrich says “Let Caitlyn push you under tower with her Q, don't go for cs if she has her head shot it's not worth it at all. Start doran's shield and farm under tower until you get a cutlass; dash into her use the slow to help your support land their abilities and ult her.”
PH45 says “Has a long range and can poke you quite a lot for free since she outranges you. Farm up and demolish her in teamfights as your teamfight capability is much better than hers.”
tokyodamonsta says “A good caitlyn will win this matchup purely off the range advantage, which makes it hard to get your root off. Play off your supports CC and chain your root to one shot her.”
LostFishEU says “If Draven is the king of botlane, then Caitlyn is the queen. Caitlyn has one of the longest range in the game (650 vs Vayne's 550) combine with a long range poke and headshot passive crit on her poke.”
Heszo says “Caitlyn is a high ranged ADC with a sort of steroid via Headshot. My most unfortunate experience with her was laning against her, hanging around on 150ish health during the early levels, pre6; she just killed me straight away with a Headshot-infused auto. Her Yordle Snap Traps can be deadly, snaring you in place for her to follow up with 90 Caliber Net + Piltover Peacemaker. After this combo, if you're low enough, she'll net the kill with Ace in the Hole. Remember her Q has a windup time, so there is no excuse to get hit by it if you're constantly watching.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Super annoying. She farms safely behind creeps and outranges you in lane. You can with with items and poke eventually and become more useful in teamfights.”
ELOSANTA says “If you as Lucian has an engage/catch support like Leona or Thresh, Lucian can win this matchup easily. You just have to dare to play offensive. If Caitlyn has a poke support, it's gonna be a lot harder. As long as you are inside your range of her, you have a lot more dps.
Walk/E into range, use passive, W her for speed, use passive, Q, use passive, then another E.
Poke supports tend to be squishy, so if you deal damage to them before they deal to you, you might force them to play passively”
Coldsong says “Caitlyn outranges you so much it is funny. She has 150 more auto range than you, so trying to poke her back is futile. I would recommend not walking into bushes since if you step on a trap she will deal a LOT of damage with headshot. If she ults you or your adc, block it with W unless you are full health. However, if Caitlyn wastes her E and commits too hard, you can still easily kill her since once on top of her she cannot easily get you off of her.”
AkiraVII7 says “Better range, can restrict your movement with her traps and zoning you from the wave. She also has escape and a better late game but she will be in a bad spot during the mid game where she needs crit.”
Vapora Dark says “Caitlyn is 110% lane bully and nothing really else. You wont be doing much in lane as she'll always get the first/last auto on you usually resulting in a won trade for her. Farm up as much as possible and do your best to avoid traps/nets as she'll hit you with a passive shot dealing a tonne of damage. Mid game, you just simply become a better version of her, allowing you to trap/pick off enemies in ways she could only dream. Just make sure to not walk around too low, her ult cant miss.”
NikkiTT says “Immobile outside of E, remember she loses traps if you ult her, and you can make her lose her E and Q mid air with R as well. Just know she will be using E away from you, so a slight extra distance might be required for your ER combo.”
Amberdragon says “Always annoying regardless of her strength in the meta.
She out-ranges you and can easily kite you to death, expect to get bullied in lane. Look to play with an engage support or it will be hard to get on top of her. You can use Galeforce to get on top of her and all-in her. If you have to run, save your ultimate to dodge hers. Don't sit in lane with low health.”
Melyn says “Her long range makes it difficult to harass. I usually max E here. Be very aware of her traps (especially when she hides them behind turrets) and her head shot count.”
Chaeha says “Caitlyn greatly outranges Kai'Sa and when she gets lane priority and shoves you under turret, it's almost impossible to stay healthy and farm correctly as the Kai'Sa player. ”
Light Within says “Her range and poke ability could be quite annoying, you have to dodge Qs and avoid traps till lvl 5/6 when you can most likely fight her.”
AhoyM8E says “Cait is going to outrange you and poke you down, the only way to win this matchup is if your support can get in her face and CC her so you can follow up.”
Penguto says “You can get free mana from her traps which can help you harass her more with your Q but she will outscale and possibly outpoke you if her support is being a bully”
MouayadD says “caitlyn always gets lane prio, what you need is infernum and push on her as soon as you get it to win the lane, PTA is effective against her”
Jeerus says “Caitlyn is a huge threat but not impossible. Her range makes her very annoying against Kalista. Try to poke her by hitting a minion 2-3 times, hit her with your basic attack and then use Rend. In that way you can also poke her and your Rend doesn't go on cooldown because you killed the minion.”
22Drift says “People think Caitlyn is a hard counter to Vayne because of her range and utility but this is a skill matchup. A great Vayne will know she can duel Caitlyn at any given time. Extremely easy to dodge her telegraphed abilities and you will always deal more damage than her.”
R3Veal says “Don't run into her traps as she can still shoot you for some time even after you get out of it. Don't fight her alone in lane because of her ultimate. She pretty much outranges you really hard. Don't trade while she has her crit loaded.”
yers says “the recent buffs on her (currently on patch 10.16) really put cait in a better spot. Another early oppressive champ, you can handle her better once you have W + items.”
Urason says “Caitlyn is a bit harder to punish due to her net and massive range. If you get on top of her you can win but it's pretty difficult. This match up is pretty volatile and depends on who get's ahead first. ”
King Turtle says “she completely outranges you and with the recent buff to Q she can fire away with Q and chunk you. Unless you catch her off guard or she's just iron tier, you're going to be getting blasted constantly. Prefer to perma ban this.”
Nixxen47 says “High range, high poke but you outscale this matchup heavily. Just watch out if shes paired with a Morgana/Lux because shes super deadly if you get rooted and Caitlyn puts a trap under you, she can combo you for your entire hp bar if its a good Caitlyn player”
yers says “Your abilities can outrange cait's AA range. Squishy and mostly defenseless, she is an easy kill, but her general spacing and E will require you to move up a little more.”
cakiens says “she will out range you and make it impossible for you to q her, if you get queued up against a cait then just concede your lane because you have a 0 % chance of winning it. if the enemy supp is someone like morgana that can stop you from moving for long periods of time then you better get used to standing under tower because you're going to need to do it all laning phase.”
Free4ngel says “Out ranges, Out damages and Out trades you in every stage of the game, especially paired with a lulu or some other bullshit support. Take the Survive runes and you will be fine late game. The whole point is to not back before she does.”
HyroPyro says “Caitlyn is a lane bully with high range. Caitlyn's lane win condition is to harass you under turret and prevent you from farming and eventually kill you from out of turret range with a headshot combo. Make sure that you do not sacrifice too much health for minions as you may get dived by the enemy Jungler. Calls for ganks as Caitlyn does not have effective escape tools despite being pushed so far up. Make sure you do not walk up when she has her Headshot (Passive).”
im_zeno says “She can be very annoying due to her traps, play safe till lvl 3 so that you can wind wall everything she has. SAVE your E Q till she uses her E, wind wall INSTANLY if you get hit by her traps (unless you have passive shield up). The only thing that can be terrifying is her support being ranged such as Lux Brand Morgana.”
banewastaken says “Your range is pathetic, and Caitlyn will laugh at it. She will autoattack you everytime you try to exist. DON'T pick Graves versus her. She is also probably the only adc who can outshove you.”
banewastaken says “Kennen might not have the shortest range ever, but he definitely doesn't have the highest. That's Caitlyn. She will bully you out of lane with her range advantage. Do NOT pick Kennen vs Cait, it's not fun at all.”
snowcard says “Again, a skill matchup. You can farm free mana off her traps if she's dumb. She outranges you by 100 units (a lot!) and can just auto attack you to death. Q her when she Qs, as she's standing still. You can chase her down easily by blocking her E. Careful as some Caitlyns may "double-trap" in the same spot, so your E will only consume one trap.
What you can block: Q, W, E, R. ”
LouisGeert says “Caitlyn hard outranges vayne and can easily keep her at a distance using her 90 Caliber Net (E), also Caitlyn can bully her too hard in lane to farm up and get into late game”
Pengwan says “Long range, poke with q, deals alot of damage with her headshot. She is strong early game where you're at your weakest. Usually doesn't have kill potential if you just farm with q”
lookingforguide says “Ezreal and Caitlyn have a very stressful laning phase. This is because Ezreal Q outranges Caitlyn, but Caitlyn's basic attack range outranges Ezreal's. Play the lane as a safe poke lane and rely on ganks from the jungle, since you will be pushed in most of the time.”
m0rfeazz says “maybe stronger at first 3 levels but after that you can easily kill her.She will bully you with her HUGE AA range and Q, her Q will make much less damage by staying behind minions,use that in your advantage”
Lucifer6 says “Caitlyn can be hard to play against if they do abuse their range advantage but most Cait players ive faced dont do that and therefore you can abuse your 4th shots and Qs. You should always try to poke the Cait when you can and when its safe since if you get caught while her headshot passive is up you could be in big trouble. ”
Ectele says “Obviously early game is a nightmare, but after you get ER, it will be a breathe. Dont waste your E on stupid skills especially on traps after 6 level, bcs Cait can ult you
N00bzEcKo says “Caitliyn s threat to everyone so you have to be carefull and farm under tower till you have First item and boots so you can go 2v2 cuz your first item will heal you even more with Conqueror”
banewastaken says “Don't pick this champions versus ADC's with mobility, in this case, the 90 caliber net (and the range). More information on matchups below.”
Trieuloo says “This is one of the hardest matchups for veigar early game, however once you get lost chapter caitlyn is unplayable vs veigar. This lane if she walks up to auto the tower she is dead, and she does not outrange your cage. ”
Bungo_T_Baggins says “Caitlyn wins the push lvl 1 because of her Q. You can look to poke her with aa's as she goes to last hit, but be careful because her AA range matches your Calibrum AA range. Do not trade AA's when she has her headshot passive up.
You outscale her pretty hard later into the game.”
Harambe Homie says “Caitlyn's extremely high range and poking playstyle makes her the absolute worst lane to go against. You will be lucky to get out of this lane even. Try your best to survive”
MiningRicK says “The range is disgusting and you can´t farm! In my view she is always an amazing ban. If you think you can run away she ults you so be careful if you don´t ban her.”
IM NOT TOXIC says “Caitlyn's range is going to make the lane phase very difficult. She is going to out-trade and out-poke you at every turn. Take Dorans ring to help minimize the poke. ”
Sett Abuser says “She has an insane range and her 6th shot can be lethal. Watch out for her traps, the damage from them is one of the most free poke given in her own kit and crowd control will get you killed.”
mousetrapslol says “Early lane phase is annoying due to her range, just try to get as much cs as you can and do NOT miss exp to the best of your ability. The lane can be snowballed and you can kill caitlyn on repeat if you get a bit of help or hit a coordinated all in with your support.”
FunkyBeagle says “For most people, i'd put her in the "MAJOR" category. But if you know what you're doing, Cait isnt really that bad. All inning her at level 1 is KEY and not letting her shove you in freely is the best ways to beat Cait. She's very weak against all in champs and thats exactly what Kai'Sa is.
DoublefeedOP says “When going against Caitlyn, realize that the only way that you win the lane is if you poke her out. Other than that, you will be constantly pushed in and abused so cs from a distance and ask for jungle ganks.”
DoublefeedOP says “She's going to want to shove into your lane so be sure to use your Q liberally and keep the wave on your side but not to the point that it shoves to your turret. I'd say you out scale her but you need to make sure that you don't give any early leads. You should have a support that can help you all in her such as Leona.”
DoublefeedOP says “The main takeaway from going against Cait will always be her traps. Even then, you can just use your W and cancel her headshot. The power comes in after you use your W. You should be able to all-in and get a comfortable chunk of health before she's a threat.”
APC Ziggs says “The only reason that makes caitlyn a tough matchup is the fact that she has huge auto range ,which means she is extremely tough to hit her will skillshots as most of the time she is far from her minnions.”
KoZee says “Caitlyn is one of the few champions that outranges you, however she's very weak right now. However, be careful if she is paired with something like a Morgana where if Morg lands her root, she will follow with a trap. ”
Jurassiq says “Caitlyn shoves you in, but depending on the support match up you can easily all in her in lane. You can also utilize your Q range and trade with her in lane”
Delta eGirl says “Caitlyn's entire job is to bully you in lane. If she's paired with a rooting support, there's a high likelihood you're going to feed. If you have to fight one just remind yourself that laning phase only lasts 15 minutes.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Will normally push u 24/7 with her massive range. If poke support on her side wait for ganks otherwise u will just get poked down.”
STORMTGLIVE says “Stay behind minions so her Piltover Peacemaker will do less damage.
Her ultimate can be blocked by a teammate standing in its path.
Her net can be interrupted by an instant stun, knock-up, or a displacement ability.
Her Yordle Snap Trap (W) takes time to set up after placed.”
Moodkaps says “Her Autos will hit like a truck. She is very hard to get near because of her fish net thing. If she ults you run behind someone. Rember the 0-10 Ezreal is more important than the 10-0 Talon”
Xayaphelia says “Caitlyn is considered a counter pick as in most games she can permanently stay outside of your range. When she miss positions and you are able to stay on top of her, you can burst her down.”
jusspuss says “My usual ban. Just bcs annoying to lane against the long range. But u can 1v1 her quite easily. A good kalista player can win vs all if played correct. ”
JCgo22 says “Cait, the queen of the landing phase, can really oppress Kai’sa with her range and traps under tower. Constant harass can make it extremely difficult to lane against her. You have to maintain as much hp as possible in the landing phase by not getting hit for free and autoing minions for life vamp. You’re trying to survive until you get a gank or you hit a lvl or item power spike.”
ooftheiii says “Caitlyn is very vulnerable to be engaged on while her net is on cooldown. Hard engage on her when you get the chance with her net on cooldown. Her net can be interrupted by an instant stun, knock-up, or a displacement ability. Respect her range in lane and try to not get hit with autos too often. If she is in the bush, she is very dangerous becaouse of her Headshot (passive skill).”
majororange77 says “Read Guide for full matchup.
Beats Vayne at most stages. While it is a skill matchup, she can be really annoying early on. Avoid getting headshot by her.”
kingamazin says “Caitlyn should have lane priority for the first few levels as she can continue to use her q on the wave to push. Try to use your rocket AoE on the minion wave to stop her from pushing you under your tower, where caitlyn can use traps to zone you off of your wave. At level 4, you have the same range as her while using rockets. Don't be afraid to auto trade with her at that point, but try to avoid trading with her if she has her headshot up. Wait until she uses her headshot to last hit before trading. Stay in your minion wave to avoid isolated q damage or try to dodge it. Be mindful of where she puts her traps, she can place traps slightly above or behind your tower(depending on what side of the map you are on) to make them nearly "invisible." Avoid hugging your tower while last hitting. You will eventually outscale her so as long as she doesn't beat you too badly during the early laning phase this can easily be a winning matchup for jinx.”
Bluestrat says “Caitlyn outranges and outpushes Kai'sa in the early game. Until we get the Q-EVOLVE, it's hard to beat Caitlyn.
But once we get a lead, we can win against Caitlyn with short trades (Q + Auto Attack). ”
CiverSkyx says “Caitlyn, is another champion with high range, but with much more damage than Kog, I put him in this level because we can dodge all his abilities (except the R), and thus only leaving the damage of his basics.”
Trampedach says “If you are against this champion in lane you pray that your jungler ganks you or the Caitlyn is brain damaged.
You get perma poked out of lane and you have a hard time csing because of her constant threat in lane.”
YoonaBoona says “Caitlyn outranges Jinx in the early game. Dodging her Q and making sure you don't get poked down with her long range during lane is key. Trade back where you can with your own Q range and look to secure CS and keep your HP bar high. ”
Bluestrat says “Caitlyn outranged und outpushed Kai'sa im Early Game. Bis wir das Q-EVOLVE bekommen, ist es schwer, gegen Caitlyn anzukommen.
Sobald wir aber einmal eine Lead bekommen, können wir mit kurzen Trades (Q + Auto Attack) gegen Caitlyn gewinnen. ”
Spatic says “For a long time regarded as the queen of laning phase, Caitlyn's had a lot of power taken out of her laning phase and given to her mid-late game, and playerbase perception hasn't yet to catch up with the times. She's still a massive lane bully and will win almost any lane that comes down to trading and waveclear, but she's very weak in all-ins and will get crushed in fights by any bot lane that can engage on her.
Because of how extreme her strengths and weaknesses are her threat level really varies between high to low, so I chose medium as a compromise, but beware of how utterly dominant she can be in lane if you don't have a good matchup against her.”
ctm20141 says “I think Caitlyn is the easiest out of the three extreme threat picks, but she's a nightmare nonetheless! LET HER PUSH, you WILL NEVER HAVE WAVE CONTROL VS HER IF SHE'S EVEN REMOTELY GOOD! Her Q gives her too much push potential for an early game Vayne. DON'T GET HIT BY HER TRAPS, YOU WILL INSTA LOSE TRADES, HARD! Her net might do a good amount of damage to you if you get hit, but it isn't enough to pose a threat to you in most of the cases. If you get an aggressive engage support you can win this lane IF YOUR SUPPORT KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING! Overall don't expect to go even in lane with her.
BUY A DORAN'S SHIELD! I usually pick Second Wind vs her. With those two things you should have a better time to endure her poke.”
Kalista Monster says “Another champion people consider hard for kalista but most of her damage is skillshots, just dont get hit by her q or traps and be aggresive.”
Remmacs1 says “Pretty skill based match up where the better ADC can actually show off their skill. A good Caitlyn will auto attack you while you're csing, but a good Aphelios is going to trade her back with abilities and win the trade.”
McNugglz says “She can outrange you with her q poke and auto attacks. Cull Start. Look to avoid her net at all costs. You spike with items so you can look to fight her then. ”
MilkshakeGuru says “She has range. Lots of range. Again not impossible to win. If you have supports that can help lock her down so you can follow up with Gold card the lane is pretty easy. She likes to win early. Mid to Late you can still steamroll through her though despite lane phase setbacks.”
boopthesnoot says “Cait's early game is much stronger than Xayah's with her massive auto attack range. Focus more on farming and scaling faster so you can progress further to late game and team fight engages. You can also use your ult to counter hers.”
Zammey says “One of if not the hardest lanes early to mid game as she heavily out ranges you and can easily poke you out of lane, buying a vamp scepter early can help sustain you through this matchup however understand that it will severely hinder your damage early”
Dank672 says “enough range to stay out of poke and even poke you, but in an all-in you win unless you walk into her traps, if the cait can combo her traps well with her supp you have to play around your supp cc instead of your early damage.”
DSpinz says “Cait can harass you, but without really hard engage supports she poses no real threat, Just farm up and make plays elsewhere because its unlikely youll be able to get into range of her.”
RankedSkywar says “Cait is also one of the biggest lane bully , try to lane cheese and if they dont come get in lane asap. Get lane prio and trade with her lv 1. Dont get out of range or you'll get out-range and easily abused. ”
Compliant says “Caitlyn is viewed as a well-known lane bully ever since her inception. Jinx has the ability to trade early game vs. Caitlyn with the use of Fishbones Fishbones by applying AOE dmg while farming minions.”
Profesor APH. says “not hard matchup you have bonus life steal on severum when she poke you just life steal you self from minions (if you are scared pick heal or barrier)”
EvoNinja7 says “Caitlyn isn't as powerful as she was in s10, but she still has a lot of poke and burst damage with her crits and she can kite you if you don't have too much move speed. Try to dodge her Q because it does a lot of damage. That is her only method of poke but she can also zone you off with her W's, which are traps. Her E allows her to escape and crit on her next attack. Try to engage her when she mispositions since she is pretty vulnerable to all-in's.”
BluMistah says “she has greater range and can escape from your all in by her E. She probably will get a lot of poke to you so try to survive and outfarm her.”
Scrimm says “Respect her headshots, but once you hit level 6 you should win, since Cait has to channel her R to do dmg, in the meantime you can auto her for free and even mitigate her R damage with your R. Try to avoid getting hit by her Q and E skillshots and stepping in traps, especially in the lane bushes. The cast time for her Q is long enough for you to E away from it safely, so long as you don't walk in a straight line.”
BluMistah says “you can use your E to step in her traps for mana refund, its risky, but if you are low on mana, it may give you enough to throw one Q and get kill.”
SkittleBtw says “Not as bad as what some people think, honestly mostly depends on the support match ups here in my opinion. She can poke you a lot early if you try to claim the hooded goblins, but just relax, sit back and grin knowing when you hit 6 you're going to murder her. (Or ask someone to ban her if she really tilts you)”
pandorelol says “Just be careful with lvl 1 to 4, from then on you already outscale her. Really weak to hard engage, try to bait her Net and go all in on her when you think it's on cd.”
Kalista Monster says “This is a very difficult matchup for newer kalista players (including me when I started) but you need to get into the habit of pushing through the poking and getting into range. Kalista easily outdamages caitlyn”
orogenz says “Don't chase her so she can w headshot q you. Otherwise you good. Try to ult her after she uses W. Most low elo Caits will just W back not sideways though.”
MasterBoom says “An ADC with a longer range but lack of burst damage at face-off battle.
Just ensure that her passive already proc before doing a trade.”
Redsaturn says “She outranges you and can shove you into tower but early and middle game fights you can beat her. She also takes really long to scale.”
ApheliosMain62 says “One of the most easy kills for Aphelios, she is more squishy than you and isn’t a real problem for Aphelios, the most easy Lane ever for an Aphelios.”
jhoijhoi says “ Caitlyn is a high ranged ADC with a sort of steroid via Headshot. My most unfortunate experience with her was laning against her, hanging around on 150ish health during the early levels, pre6; she just killed me straight away with a Headshot-infused auto. Her Yordle Snap Traps can be deadly, snaring you in place for her to follow up with 90 Caliber Net + Piltover Peacemaker. After this combo, if you're low enough, she'll net the kill with Ace in the Hole. Remember her Q has a windup time, so there is no excuse to get hit by it if you're constantly watching.”
lolaidennn says “She can deny so much cs in lane, and she can perma pressure and keep you from playing the lane phase. However, you have a lot of opportunities to play the game when you hit 6. You can all in her 1v1 and win or you can play off of a kill lane support.”
LIKKEaBOSS says “She can poke you, since her range is a lot bigger than yours. Just safely farm, if you get low, go back, she can engage easily. If she is not ahead, you can all in her after 6, since your ultimate does a lot more in fight than her. But take in mind what support do you play with, and against”
Eyael says “If you go Exhaust v Caitlyn and do not have the Heal it can be a major problem if you get poked down, let's say Ciat,Morgana problem is a major problem in general for KaiSa”
DddyAwsmSauce says “Caitlyn has a long range for her auto attack and Piltover Peacemaker, which is dodge-able; try your best to dodge it, since it has a long wind-up time. She puts pressure by placing Yordle Snap Trap, and you'll feel uncomfortable around it. Pay attention to them and try not to step on them. You can take them out when she B's. If you try to poke her, she will most likely poke you back, but that's OK. Back off if her passive is up.”
Akariine says “Caitlyn absolutely outranges you so try and have her come to you instead. Watch out for her traps when trying to fight her. Farm harder and better, and abuse her weak early game.”
Alcocyn says “She outranges you by a ton, so it's hard to trade without getting damaged too much. Always be wary of traps, make sure to not dash into one just to dodge a Q or something. ”
muscella says “Caitlyn got way more range than you. Thats why most of the Time she can beat you. Stay out of range and try to get good trades. Build up and kill her at Level 6.”
nraxxr says “Caitlyn can outrange you by a little bit, so make sure to be careful when walking up for CS. Avoid standing in your wave around low health minions, as she may use Q to poke and clear waves. ”
Ultrama says “Is not a hard match-up, trade with your Q, NO WITH YOUR AUTOS. She has a lot of range, but a good Q of MF has more range, poke her and you'll fine.”
Bouhhsolene says “In early she is kind of annoying, just don't walk in her traps, and avoid trades if you don't hit W. In late, you outrange her so you should be pretty much ok.”
Msloikturbo says “Aphelios's main strenght is negating many champions that are favored by the meta (as of 10.22). Caitlynn or Ezreal for example are just skil matchups where no side is favored, as you can match the range, poke, and sustained fights of both of them.”
pykeultimateguide says “She has SUPER high range, she will most likely auto you before you can auto her. She is also like Ezreal, she is super safe and scale decently well into late game.”
xKARx says “Outranges you. Has same scaling as you. Sometimes good to go doran ring if the enemy support also has a lot of poke. Try to freeze the wave and wait for the jungler to gank.”
Cam1304 says “Her range is superior to your by far. If the support has a root you can be into a perma root situation with her W. Only way to contest her is with a gank or a hard CC champion like Pantheon or Nautilus.”
SweatMeALake says “Caitlyn has a range advatange, and punishes immobile ADCs. Her traps and Q outdamage every ability you have. Her headshots do a lot of damage. Watch for her Caliber Net + Piltover Peacekeeper combo which is alsmost an automatic health chunk. ”
SweatMeALake says “Caitlyn is a lane bully, and can easily harass with her range early game. Watch her net combo, but if your support can get onto Cait, it should be an easy kill for you.”
AdolfDripster69 says “Caitlyn has the highest base Attack Range in the game there will be trades that are automatically lost cause of Kai'sa's inferior Attack Range. Caitlyn is also hard to approach because of her net.”
Mephiix Unleashed says “This matchup can be pretty hard, although rly good Jhin players like this matchup, reason is because you can outtrade her at certain points in lane, avoid running into her when she has her headshot(passive) up, be careful when she reaches 3 items, then she becomes deadly, your team + snare(W) is your best friend, once you CC her, open your ult and take her down! And yes, Doran's shield is rly effective against her”
Spection says “COMMON. Caitlyn can be somewhat irritating with her kite and escape ability as well as her very long range poke. She's pretty squishy regardless and relies on empowered auto attacks to do most of her damage. Make sure your passive is ready when she has the little particles around her hands!”
ShroudedBRH says “Caitlyn's range is on par with Ashe but she has better disengage utility as well as burst damage threats early. Avoid her poke while landing your own and extend the game to win through teamfights.”
OverjarlZane says “Very long range and currently in a very good place. If you get good harass off she's easy enough to pick but she will scale really hard and REALLY fast.”
Camelorry says “She ouranges you, is hard to get close to, and has a lot of damage both early and post 3 items. Try to skirmish and gank her since she has no mobility. Farm with your q from the distance as much as you can. ”
Kdrama says “Caitlyn used to be a difficult matchup, but after her nerfs she became really easy. Her only win condition is if she lands trap or her NET. The NET is the key to beating this matchup. Try to all in lvl 1 and 2 before she levels net. Once she has net, try to bait it out with your e or dodge it. Once she doesn't have it, you can easily just all in and beat her in a trade. ”
StriveHD79 says “Her kill threat is much lower than some of the other ADCs but since her range is much higher, she will poke you out of lane so try to avoid walking up for no reason. Doran's Shield is recommended. Look to side step/avoid her Q. And be mindful of her traps.
StriveHD79 says “Her kill threat is much lower than some of the other ADCs but since her range is much higher, she will poke you out of lane so try to avoid walking up for no reason. You can retaliate when she tries to poke you with your trading pattern W + AA.”
StriveHD79 says “Her kill threat is much lower than some of the other ADCs but since her range is much higher, she will poke you out of lane so try to avoid walking up for no reason. Doran's Shield is recommended. Look to side step/avoid her Q. And be mindful of her traps. If you can get on-top of her you will kill her, but try to dodge her net ability which will slow you down.”
StriveHD79 says “Her kill threat is much lower than some of the other ADCs but since her range is much higher, she will poke you out of lane so try to avoid walking up for no reason. Save your spellshield for her E or Q to avoid its damage and regain mana. You can also step on the traps with your spellshield (E) activated for free mana. After your first item you can instantly clear the wave so the threat of being poked is no longer there.”
KXNGLXXVII says “She can bully you out of lane if you don't play your early levels properly with her 150 range advantage. You win the fight with her if you can make it to level 3 and W a headshot or her Q. ”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Dxactivatxd says “Caitlyn is great early game, and late game. She lacks power in the mid game though, which is where you'll spike.
If you can make it through her early game abuse, and spike before her late game, you'll do fine. Be wary if she's running something like Dark Harvest. Each mistake you make, will make the next one worse.”
WoodieHoodie009 says “Best adc rn, has very good early and late, but you can 1v1 her and oneshot her in mid-late, if you dont step on her traps. You will lose lane as she can poke you down with headshot and q if your support is bad.”
Jakobskii says “Buy dorans shield and go fleet footwork and try to get to late. Wait for ganks and trade if you have the opportunity to condemn them against a wall.”
Sammon says “Caitlyn far outranges you and will have little problem surviving your W stun, dashing and then kiting you.
Let your support poke and focus on minions. If you can, try to all-in her support otherwise start roaming ASAP.”
eyh4sxdf says “A good Caitlyn will absolutely wreck you, her range is longer and you're always in danger of dashing into one of her traps. You can ult to save yourself from hers, but you'll need a tanky support”
StriveHD79 says “Her kill threat is much lower than some of the other ADCs but since her range is much higher, she will poke you out of lane so try to avoid walking up for no reason. Doran's Shield is recommended. Look to side step/avoid her Q. And be mindful of her traps. She will always be stronger when on even footing.”
snukumz says “Her range is super long and her headshots will melt you.
She can dodge skillshots with her dash.
Her ult hers Zyra quite a bit by itself.
Watch out for her traps.
She is squishy though so if you combo her you'll most likely kill her.”
xIntangible says “Cait is the same as ashe, a hard lane bully that out ranges her by far so that she has a hard time csing and scaling how she would like to. Unlike ashe however kaisa can escape decently easily from cait, and sometimes with the correct support you can just all in the cait before she has bf sword and out damages you. Also, cait can stay back in teamfights and use her traps to just be more useful than you, shes a very hard counter to kaisa and she scales with crit so shes always scaling at the same time as kaisa.”
Alonixlol says “For a long time regarded as the queen of laning phase, Caitlyn's had a lot of power taken out of her laning phase and given to her mid-late game, and playerbase perception hasn't yet to catch up with the times. She's still a massive lane bully and will win almost any lane that comes down to trading and waveclear, but she's very weak in all-ins and will get crushed in fights by any bot lane that can engage on her.
Because of how extreme her strengths and weaknesses are her threat level really varies between high to low, so I chose medium as a compromise, but beware of how utterly dominant she can be in lane if you don't have a good matchup against her.”
Terrific says “Care for it's traps and it's auto attack range most Caitlyn's aren't that very good and just pick her because it's a counter against Draven. Tho do not underestimate a good Caitlyn they will stomp you if they know what they're doing. If you can get in range and caught her off guard you definitely will win but as i said if it's a good Caitlyn you'll just get out ranged and pooped on.”
SapphireLoL says “Easily dodge her Q and leap over her traps. Only real threat is her range and E which can slow you and let her get away. Her Ult can be blocked or you can use Lamb's Respite against it.”
Surp1Clone says “Caitlyn's range makes it really annoying to go against her she will usually poke you down so you're going to depend on your support alot.”
Twiggymocha says “She is a very hard counter to [[vayne]] because she has a much longer attack range. This allows her to poke down [[vayne]] very easily.”
SuPIeX says “She outranges you and is extremely safe. If she steps out of position you can coordinate with your support to engage on her but otherwise you'll be bullied the entire laning phase.”
Trisien says “Her high range and early damage output make it quite hard for you to farm safely. A good Cait can make your laning phase really hard, so just max Q and try to get as much free farm as you can before spiking in midgame.”
jmtl20 says “She has better wave clear than you and better range, she is not going to let you farm properly, this match up in order to win it, is on your supp looking for all in chances, if you manage to go in, with your w you will have better dps”
jaxentersadenfesivestate says “You are iron her range is her main strong point just dont step on traps ”
Iron Draven by jaxentersadenfesivestate | Draven Player
xSEASeahawks12 says “As a low-range ADC, Kalista gets completely bullied in lane by Caitlyn. She makes it difficult to last hit as her poke is so immediate and strong with her Headshot and range. Keeping up with her in CS is incredibly hard. Plus, her hard CC trap can completely shut you down as you try to hop around.”
SaintSega says “She out ranges you and can headset you to a grey screen. If their a good cait they have decent movement. Just farm as safe as possible and wait for team fights to stun ”
Zoodyacc says “Caitlynn out ranges you easily, try to avoid stepping into her traps, and/or combined CC at any cost. She will usually try to poke you everytime you come up to minions, she also can reveal your invisibility when she targets you with her R. Caitlynn might be an extreme threat if she's matched with Morgana in team. ”
CaptainYisus says “Como vayne tiene un poco rango, conlleva a que caitlyn le gane, recuerden que caitlyn es el campeon con mas rango que hay en el juego.”
DravenMETA says “Free poke (AA range) without recompense is Draven's biggest weakness early. You have to all in Lv. 2 or attempt to trade equally. Do not stay in lane with low HP and rush vampiric. PTA w/ overheal runes recommended. ”
TwentyOneShadows says “Caitlyn is an extreme threat for Draven. Try to avoid this matchup at all costs. I didn't test this myself, but i would recommend starting Doran's Shield instead of Doran's Blade.”
CaptainIano says “be careful with caitlyn, as she outranges you by far. Against caitlyn, you are going to want a support with long range cc like blitz, morgana, or thresh.”
atonementblade says “With the highest base attack range of any ADC, Caitlyn can easily push the wave and poke you under turret. Laning phase will be tough, but you scale better than her into the midgame due to her low attack speed.”
appadong says “Especially coupled with certain support champs, if your support can't give you the lane possession, you are going to get bullied, and you don't want that. But once you get past the lane phase smoothly, you will outrange and out-survive her. ”
ItsPaulygon says “Caitlyn is always strong in the meta, you will be forced under tower which is fine. Take Doran's Shield cuz she will always poke you. If she has a protective support, you will most likely not kill her. Just wait for Jungle assistance for find for opportunities with your support.”
LupinTheCat says “The queen of botlane, just surrender at 15 if you don't want a bad time
To counter just stay aware from her traps, caitlyn is usually pretty weak when she doesn't build lethality, what will kill you are the roots, don't get rooted and you fine”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Cait functions best at long ranges, if you get close to her follow her net with your R she should just die, be sure to not step into traps while you are AA moving alongside her.”
Phantom R says “My second favourite bot matchup. Q her (with rockets) whenever whe trades you. Try to push the lane as much as you can on early game, as she will struggle quite a lot near her tower. A sustain support here goes very good.
On mid/late game you should be able to kill her easily only with AAs, but you HAVE to, at least, dodge her E and 1 or 2 traps. Buy RFC 2nd item if necessary. Good luck.”
MayeLeven says “She can poke you with her Q and with her auto-attacks, becouse of her attack range. Try to get close to her, then you can use your R and kill her.”
Midorima says “Ranged poke. Have fun under turret.
To win this match up: You literally only need level 6, avoid traps and her net, and you will catch her and kill her since she will be all out of tools.”
Deathfeather says “that range is disgusting. shes gonna bully you out of lane, but prone to ganks and you have better all in at level 4. make sure to not step in the traps otherwise youll be shown the fuzzy cuffs.”
akaCaptini says “Caitlyn is just annoying since you can't poke her and get stacks on her cuz of her range and when you chase her down she will just net you.”
mrPERISH says “Caitlyn is really strong right now. You do not want to trade with her outright. Try to get poke damage on her with your Q's. Look to keep your distance until you have a good health advantage or a gank.”
Szauronmester says “She has 125 range advantage over you. Thats a lot. She will win the lane over you if your jg not ganks. BUT she is hard to use, so I ban MF over her
Ichaid says “Caitlyn can beat the crap out of Vayne in the early game, but once you get get into the late game she won't be a problem at all.
With Vayne you should save your tumble and use it to dodge Caitlyn's Q
You can also use your condemn to cancel caitlyn's ult”
ZERO Destructo says “She has bigger range than you, so she will probably try to constantly poke you with her 6th stack and her Q. Be careful when you go into the bush, because she probably has traps planted there. Try to zone her out from her traps by using yours, and force her to use her E so she can go out of mana. Best way to play against her is to let her push a little, then call jungler for a gank so you can shut her down.”
Jima says “Caitlyn has a much superior range to you and she will use this to her advantage, if your support doesn't have any engage it might be pretty hard to fight her without flash gold card or a gank.”
Nik7857 says “Your at a range disadvantage. She will probably push you in and gain dragon control. Ask for ganks and then murder who ever is a guaranteed kill.”
ReallyBoring says “Ugh, we all know how laning against a good Caitlyn is. Start Doran's Shield, and try not to get auto'd for free. You can try trade with W and get a quick auto off. What I like to do in this match up is to freeze just outside my tower without the wave being too big, then I would wait for them to mess up their positioning and then try to engage.”
Eccentricks says “I hate this Flapper. Her out of place 1920's style isn't what is scary though. Her traps are instant death if she is well positioned, her ult will kill you if you aren't careful. A great ban if you aren't sure of any others.”
Falllol says “Assim como outros campeões ela consegue abusar do range em cima da Vayne alem de facilmente parar o avanço dela com armadilhas e a rede .”
realenjoi says “She can auto your turrets and still be out of range of them. Plus her Q can do most of your turret's HP. (but she's a minor threat because you can really just stun her if she's just out of range and let your turrets do the rest.”
lRevex says “Cait has high range and can out maneuver Lucian well. Her poke will hurt him a lot if you're not careful since Lucian has short range. She also outscales him so getting behind in this matchup is really rough. Try to dash into her with e, auto, q, auto and back out. If she's really scared and e's backward right away make sure to juke it so she can't land the headshot passive from landing her e.”
Venyax says “Play passively and get as much farm as possible due to the fact she out ranges Vayne like crazy. Late game big threat as well with her slow on her net ability. Very hard for Vayne to pick her out late game due to this”
lRevex says “Cait is generally very annoying to lane against. Jhin can handle her a bit better with his poke, but it can still be a challenging laning phase. Later on she will provide more dps so be careful.”
dravenplayer99 says “PERMABAN, PERMABAN, PERMABAN. Caitlyn is not only very strong in the current meta but she is a serious fucking pain in the ass to deal with as Draven. With her high AA range and CC with traps and net you are very likely to have a hard time.”
Deathfeather says “She pokes you, and has really high numbers rn, but if you play it right, you can come out on top with all ins early or just have a farming lane. Dont die tho, bc u get the fuzzy cuffs.”
lolThe1master says “Caitlyn has the biggest Auto attack range of all ADC's. She is gonna be able to poke you a lot. She also has traps. You have no escape if you get hit by one. Wait until late game to fight. You will out-scale her in team-fights. ”
EzVeryReal says “I mean, Cait hurts a lot but she's support dependent. She shouldn't give you too much trouble. However, don't underestimate her damage.”
Laverenz says “Caitlyn is the worst matchup you can pick. Her range is a pain in the ass, as she can constantly poke you in laning phase, without having to fear taking damage, as Vayne has a lot less range on her basic attacks. Play passive and try to farm up, if possible, ask the jungler for a gank. You can most likely fight her when you reach level 6, if not too far behind. Caitlyn's biggest weakness is up close combat, so try to get near her while fighting.”
Pacu says “Her range can be a little bit annoying, try to stack your passive so you get around the same range. Otherwise easy matchup, just don't step into the traps”
go4sp33d says “Her high range makes poking her very difficult, and her passive makes her hit hard on targets like TF. Even if you hit a gold card, if she has sufficient reactions she can E away and wait out the stun at a sufficiently safe distance while her support intervenes. If you are up against caitlyn, try to move TF to the mid lane and pick another support in champ select. Otherwise: opt for more tanky runes for a little extra survivability and rely on global pressure instead of lane kill pressure.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Due to the range difference this is your support's lane to win. Otherwise Q harass with your rend cs pattern to setup potential all-in's. With weak supports though she can zone you off CS. ”
breehops says “One of the hardest matchups for Draven. If she pushes up too far, or your jungler is coming in, take the opportunity to all in her. If you let her scale she will eventually 1 shot you.”
corvy says “Caitlyn: You will be constantly be in a wave war with caitlyn, she can punish you for free when you go to take minions.
[[KAI'SA]] has a massive problem with her attack range range.
[[Caitlyn]] has an obnoxious advantage of auto attack priority.
minepro221 says “She is a monster in lane. She have 100 more range than you, so if she play well, you would be punished hard. However, you outdamage her if you auto q for cait's auto. So try to only trade when that is avaliable. If you have a all in support, only fight when he hits a hook or engage. If she have a morgana, well, it is gonna be really hard”
Kynaz0071l0l says “her long range counters you really hard and can stop you from doing the exact thing you're supposed to do. Poke. She has alot of cc for an adc so if she can hit you with her trap or her net you have already lost that trade. Try to all in with your support when her passive is not up, it's more important to dodge her cc than to catch your axes because it recharges her passive. Try to win your lane and finish as fast as possible.”
Yosharu says “She can escape you with her E and can harass you while youre farming. You can probably rush ninja tabis if youre having a lot of trouble.”
Fruxo says “Has a long range and can poke you quite a lot for free since she outranges you. Farm up and demolish her in teamfights as your teamfight capability is much better than hers. Try to avoid taking far trades.”
The Jhin Cena says “Not too bad, her Q is fairly easy to dodge though it's good to have your support ward the bushes just in case she threw a billion traps in them. Also make sure your support can intercept her ultimate for you.”
Ni14 says “A good caitlyn player should never get hit by your q's. Go tear first and scale. Once you have iceborn gauntlet and muramana you can teamfight.”
MrDecoy says “Annoying to play against as any adc due to her insane range advantage, avoid getting hit by cc around her and go ham when you see her net go out.”
Zervax says “Cait is good from ahead and can easily bully you with her range. She really wants a support with hard cc, so if you see something like a Soraka, she's not as scary. Morg + Cait chain cc can one bang you from ahead, so be careful of the morg Q. Cait is otherwise in a good spot right now.”
dravenfizz says “Depends how good the caitlyn is, i've seen alot of Caitlyn players not utilize their range properly, but normally you shouldn't be winning this matchup until you get BORK, then you can easily 1v1 her by either flashing or dashing her net.”
DeepSilfver says “This is an extremely hard matchup in laning phase, because of Caitlyn's auto-attack range is huge, which she takes advantage of and pokes you down if u come close.”
Fruxo says “Has a long range and can poke you quite a lot for free since she outranges you. Farm up and demolish her in teamfights as your teamfight capability is much better than hers. Try to avoid taking far trades.”
ADCMike says “Difficult to get kills most of the time. Best way to kill Cait is to press W and run towards her, and quickly attempt to dodge her net (Don't get yourself killed doing this). With Net on CD, you can kill her easy.”
PhantomPlayz6 says “Has a long range and can poke you quite a lot for free since she outranges you. Farm up and demolish her in teamfights as your teamfight capability is much better than hers.
IPodPulse says “While her long range is obnoxious at times, this is still a fairly even match up. Try to not take free damage and poke back when you can. She will try to use her range advantage to whittle you down.
Try to avoid stepping on her traps, a good Caitlyn will be placing traps during fights, so be aware. She also has a dash through 90 calibre net which should be taken into consideration when landing important skill shots.”
ELMallekZarzor says “Stand behind allied minions as
Q does less damage each .She usually gets W at lvl 2. Paired with CC from her support, she can deal quite a bit of damage. subsequent target.At lvl 6, many Caitlyns like to immediately use ult to chunk enemy laners.At lvl 13, with W maxed, Caitlyn becomes very strong as she can set up sieges and zone opposing team by placing 5 traps across a lane.Caitlyn has worse attack speed scaling than most ADCs, and hits a power trough in the mid game. Her reliance on crit items make it hard for her to itemize defensively early. ”
Righteous Maniac says “Annoying ass matchup. Watch for her trap animation and watch where you walk. Try not to E into a trap (not that I've done that before, haha). Take Dshield and sustain through the poke early game. After lane you should destroy her if you hit your abilities.”
jimmyiscod says “Out ranges you, if you step on a cupcake can almost take half your hp out, try to fight away from bushes and catch her off guard, the later in the game the faster you can kill her. In laning phase only fight her if you have a poke supp or a leona/braum”
Exs Xena says “Caitlyn has strong early pressure due to her range advantage, she might try to abuse this. Try to stay out of her auto attack range, and slow her with Volley when she tries to harass you. ”
Potato95x says “BE CAREFUL WITH HER! She outranges you, if she has more AS than you, she'll kite, use Q, E and kill you. Poke her with your Q bounce as much as you can, and watch for her E. If she's clever, she'll save it to get closer to you. Be careful around her traps, she'll deal more damage to create the perfect gap for her Ult. Her Ult (dat auto-aim) is deadly. DON'T LOSE TOO MUCH HEALTH AFTER HER LEVEL 6.”
GORE Klabok says “Avoid traps (E) , Skillshots (Q) & nets (E) . you can't lose. every Spell from cait can be dodge. Caitlyn is the kind of Adc you should usually always outplaying.”
4Inters1Lucian says “Let Caitlyn push you under tower with her Q, don't go for cs if she has her head shot it's not worth it at all. Start Doran's shield and farm under tower until you get a cutlass; dash into her use the slow to help your support land their abilities and ult her.”
Nelkee says “When your busy pummeling her with your positivity, it can be difficult to pay attention to traps, otherwise you have similar ranging capabilities”
FrankynFood says “BAN HER!!! Outranges you. Out damages you early and it will be really hard for you to come back. You will most likely lose lane so just hope that your team doesn't feed to bad. ”
Math Eon says “A good Cait does not give you room for error, but if you manage to dodge some Q's and not step on a trap, Press the Attack will do the job for you.”
SlashLion says “She has long range poke, similar to how you tend to drop fourth shot on your opponents, be aware that a good Cait will always try to drop her headshot on you to try and poke you out of lane and lose farm. It's an even lane that can go either way”
MallisTheGreat says “Caitlyn on this patch is pretty dominant. Care because nearly all of your trades will fail against her because of her giant range. Better focus on trading with skillshots when playing against her.”
Vortiris says “She will out range you at all times, and she can catch you out with her trap and net. Try to catch her by surprise and give her no time to react in the late game.”
Numresunw says “Outranges you and makes it hard for you to farm plus you might end up dead if you are stealth and go into one of her traps, try playing defensive and dont get too close to her or her traps. Make it a farm lane”
MasutaKokoBot says “Caitlyn can still hit you while youre behind your allies, and when you get low, she can potentially kill you with a long ranged ultimate. Try to stay directly behind someone to have them body block it for you, and heal them nicely in return. ”
mythicdem0n says “Caitlyn will more than likely bully you in lane with her head shot passive and with her increased range compared to Vayne's little range”
Shake the Shade says “Caitlyn will outrange you but Jhin has above average range for an ADC so you won't get as abused as someone like Vayne would. Caitlyn has no attack speed steroid and minimal damage boosts outside W and Passive so you can easily out trade her in autos if you can get in on her. Another thing to note is that you have a much more effective R than her.”
Shacolada says “Caitlyn is a nuisance but matches evenly with Jhin. Stay behind minions so her Piltover Peacemaker will do less damage. Her net can be interrupted by an instant stun, knock-up, or a displacement ability. Her Yordle Snap Trap (W) takes time to set up after placed. Most likely, you will win gunfights because of the sheer damage Jhin can unload.”
GodOatmeal says “Caitlyn is someone you want to either keep shoved under tower because your wave clear is better or let her shove you under and clear the wave before she can poke you . You will always have the mana you need because of her traps but have to remember that if it’s something like an alistar or Leona support don’t step on a trap with e bait the trap with e and e the support's CC. ”
Gun God Mike says “When you face a caitlyn the risk his taked by her support,the she can do a full combo against you,the suggest is avoid any support engage and stack safely.Late against she is more easy after you complete infinity edge,critical hit and draktar.”
Levi Senpai says “Good cait's will punish you and deny farm from you with their huge range but you are stronger late game , especially with crit build”
1tephra1 says “Extremely annoying to deal with. She out ranges you so it will make the lane phase difficult. Save your E for her ult or net when fighting her. You can use your E for free mana on her traps.”
BL00dY3nD says “Most of the people say its hard to play against her. I don't think so. Her trapps are easy to counter (Just dont step in). The good thing is that she explodes very fast against you and her range bonus you can counter with your W. In most of the cases she beginns to run away from you. So she want do damage meanwhile you can destroy her.”
Fruxo says “Has a long range and can poke you quite a lot for free since she outranges you. Farm up and demolish her in teamfights as your teamfight capability is much better than hers. Try to avoid taking far trades.”
Somoko says “Wins by out ranging you. Granted, you can weave in an auto once or twice and have Aery's bonus damage go onto her; but her range can shut you down. Play passively and farm under YOUR tower so your jungler can gank her instead of the usual other way around.”
jster131 says “The only thing Cait has on you is range, but that changes once you pick up your Rapid Fire Cannon. Riot Games completely gutted Cait when she was op back in preseason 8, so now only wintraders play her. Very EZ lane.”
Orysh says “She is the only ADC that has more range than you early game. A good Caitlyn will wreck you if you don't position yourself correctly. Pay attention to Headshot animation and stay at all costs behind minions because of her E.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Matches against Caitlyn rely a lot on your skill as Ashe. Caitlyn has a longer basic attack range and might auto-attack lane creeps to get a headshot ready to poke you. You typically win in longer trades due to your passive bonus damage against enemies you slow. Use your Enchanted Crystal Arrow to cancel her Ace in the Hole if possible, but you'll mostly be using it when you're going to go all-in to kill her.”
xTheUnlimited says “High range. Will bully you in lane. You should play it kind of safe. Can get a thread to you in late game. I think she isn't that dangerous to Varus, because you have your powerspike in the mid game where she has her most weak point. You should use that. ”
Vaedelive says “her range and utility makes it a bit hard to lane against, but as soon as you lane some CC on her, an all in should be easy. Cait does not outscale kalista SUPER hard like some other champs. Not the worst not the best.”
purrpledrank says “I personally don't find Cait very hard to play against since I play against her so much. Expect to play against her any time you first pick Draven. ”
LilRalle says “if lucian use ult cait can just use e out of it and she escapes with 0 dmg on her. plus you can poke lucian easlily because of the range lucian has and Cait has one of the longest range in the game, so you would be able to poke lucian a lot.”
Darkness3609 says “The most hard match up for me is vs Caitlyn cuz she always out trade u with her passive and also her traps if i want to catch my axes”
WeaveStolen says “Her range screws your cookies up real bad. play as safe as possible and under tower if possible, ideally, don't even play Vayne against her at all.”
KinkyGaren says “You should always ban Caitlyn, your attack range is significantly smaller than hers, she will shove every wave in and zone you behind your own tower. Perma-ban status for Lucian mains.”
KinkyGaren says “Caitlyn is a very strong ADC as of the Marksman Patch, and with her Attack Range she will out-poke you almost every time. She merits a high ban rate if you plan on playing Jhin.”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Caitlin is almost as bad as Draven. All game, her range will screw you over. You only really have more damage than her mid game. After that, her headshots can kill you as fast as you can kill her.”
TheCoCoFTW says “Unless she is trash, Cait will make your lane phase extremely painful. Do your best to not let her poke you to death and try to stay as close in CS and you will scale better late. ”
YukiWyvern says “Em lane, Caitlyn luta em torno de seu (W) e (E), Procure evitar trocas e cair nas suas traps até surgir um momento realmente valioso para poder dar um all-in.”
qasddsa says “Strong laning phase with her longer range. Play a little bit passive, but if you see opportunities to kill her, you need to do so. Her first/second item spikes aren't as strong as yours right now, so abuse her during that time.”
Perseus the Vayne main says “Playing vs Caitlyn is one of the worst lanes for Vayne. The best option to play against Caitlyn is to be under the turret and try to farm as much as possible without having to go into trading and wait for lvl 6 (If you're not too far behind). Going in with your ult will almost always end in your favor.
Try to fight at close range, because Caitlyn is the most effective for a longer distance.”
Komrad says “Caitlyn es uno de los mayores dolores de cabezas que tiene Vayne, pues su largo alcance y excelente capacidad para hacer duelos, pueden dejarte en una muy grande desventaja”
MeSad says “Hope to god she isn't very good and doe not utilize her 650 range against you. do not fight yourself and allow your support to poke down, and pray for a gank. Late game you should be able to cheese her in a bush by her red, but do not go to aggro in laning unless your support gets them below 40 for the DH proc, or you get love from your jungler.”
EagleBlades says “Caitlyn is a medium lane just avoid her trap and you'll be fine. Her only power caitlyns power spike is lvl 6 and thats all you need to worry about for her.”
AisBuax says “Depends on how good she is, she can poke you very bad. Also, depends on how good you are with Jinx. Try to poke her with your Q's rockets. But in most of the cases, you counter her.”
rrocks003 says “Can one shot your turrets without ever actually getting in their range.
Your best bet is to constantly poke her with your E when she goes in to kill your turrets.”
Ziickness says “These 3 are the hardest to lane against for Vayne so try to avoid them.
Whenever u do end up fighting them just stay back, farm under turret, and if necessary get Tabi's in the early.
Robin Banks says “Your only true counter. A good Caitlyn will make your life hell. If you happen to die early I'd get a cull and do your best to farm it out. If your jungler ganks for you though, the kill should be pretty free. Do not get trapped, do not greed to auto minions. Farm with Q safely and prioritize your hp. ”
Nittwerp says “Caitlyn is a difficult champion to deal with in laning fase. Let her push, try to keep your distance and once you get your BORK and boots you should be able to duel her. IMPORTANT don't step into her traps or you lose the duel.”
N1ster says “Playing vs Caitlyn is one of the worst lanes for Vayne. Her range means that she can just continuously auto attack Vayne and not have to worry about taking any damage back. In the early game, just sit back and get as much farm as possible without killing yourself. Asking the jungler for a gank while she is pushed up can be quite effective, because the lane will likely be pushed up to your tower. After level 6, if you aren't too far behind, going in with your ult will almost always end in your favor. Getting up in Caitlyn's face is the most effective, because she does best while damaging from a distance.”
iOwnPT says “In this scene, you can't try to do "mini fights" with caitlyn, since she will always get an extra 1 or 2 AA's more than you because of her high range.
In this fight, i recommend you to ask your support to go agressive and all in. If you go all in you can win pretty easily.”
Warmanreaper says “Just harass her, don't let her trade for free. You have to play like you own the lane as this champ so you should do this for anybody regardless.”
Im_Demolish says “Cait is a bully as well with her range advantage. She is easily one of the safest picks to go as she has so much poke and you have no opportunity to damage until CC is landed”
TianDaMan says “Caitlyn will look to use her passive to headshot you. You can trade with her when she doesn't have her passive up but mostly look to farm as much as you can without taking damage. Be careful chasing her down because she has her E > W > Q combo.”
FabledZeno says “Long ranged poke and push characters like Caitlyn, Lux, Zyra, Xerath, etc. make the early lane dreadful to play. Poke is countered by healing, which Renata and Lulu do not have. Renata and Lulu also do not have waveclear, so pushers get to decide the wave state. Overall, it's just a dreadful, terrible time and something that I personally despise playing into. ”
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