In the Jungle 51.19% Win Rate93% Pick RateJarvan IV In the Jungle Counters: 46 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Jarvan IV in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “His only priority in this matchup is perma gank. Try to track him as much as possible and spam pings so your team doesn't get played all the time.”
kittygore says “You almost win every fight against him. Dont get caught. Try to fight around bushes. Jump on him after he used his E-Q-Combo since he can cancel your jump with it. Also look for fights when he is out of Ult.”
Bella Ciao says “Will outgank you, i recommend standard runes/tanky build to outscale
Take flash to flash out of his ult
slight recommendation for pheonix
SelfLOL says “Serpents can be good kinda. Has insane ganks so make sure to give your teammates info on where he is at all times. Ult can completely take you out of a fight if you're not in a bush. Play around his E-Q cooldown.”
SkaterKidd says “Jarvan's Q - Dragon Strike inflicts % armor reduction for 3 seconds allowing Jarvan and his allies to deal more damage to Maokai. Jarvan is able to dive the backline making it difficult for Maokai to decide whether to frontline or peel in a teamfight.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Out ganks you, has more movement around the map, has max hp damage, and will just completely take over. This is my choice of ban right now.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. He can invade but you kind of counter his kit as you just dodge his flag and drag with E. You can also jump out of his ult with E.”
DoxxTheLeague says “you can easily kite jarvan try to predict and side step his q + e only issue with him is that if he ults you you are dead whole point of lillia is movespeed if he denies you that and you dont have flash or zhonyas you are insta dead go zhonyas second or third try to keep your flash for jarvan r.”
y every name taken says “He has an annoying interaction where his dash if timed correctly will cancel your Q knockback even if it lands. Otherwise, a pretty even matchup. Jarvan players like to invade or gank early, so watch out for that.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Jarvan is really annoying for Neeko. He has the ability to escape your roots with his [E] + [Q] combo and can lock you down in shutting down the enemy carries with his [R]. I suggest that you heavily try to space him out or avoid him once you see him. It's best if you play the other side of the map of where he was last seen. You have to scale until you and your teammates are able to lock him down entirely from the game.”
Yomu says “The biggest problem is that he kites you easily. But if he ults you, just buffer E and slam him into wall or W-E out Punish him EQing too far in with your WQ”
gnarz says “If he doesn't get ahead before your 6, since he will gank much more than you early game, you will win easily, if he gets ahead, just focus on dodging his EQ, and if you have R for his R, you will always win.”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat him, as this champion is very strong early game. Take what opportunities he allows you to get and avoid forcing anything. You can escape his ultimate with your Q or E. It's tough to beat him 1v1 without items. Rhaast outscales him, so aim to reach the late game. As Shadow Assassin (SA), look to take out his backline rather than directly engaging with him.”
Foxirion says “Jarvan IV can be a moderate threat to Viego. Jarvan’s ability to lock Viego down with his ultimate can be problematic, but Viego’s sustain and damage output can help him in this matchup.”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium matchup; Easy in low elo, harder in high elo. If you take conq in this matchup and dodge E → Q you always win 1v1 with even items + q stacks. Watch out for level 3 cross map cheese and you beat him if you can snowball.”
Mignognium says “Malgré son énorme nerf il reste une très grande menace pour [Viego]. La seule chose qui fait moins bien que nous c'est son clear mais si il build la nouvelle hydre, ou si il décide de gank très tôt et réussi ces méfaits, la game s'annoncera très dur. À moins qu'il miss clic son [Z][Égide dorée] (le truc qui lui donne toujours un bouclier surprenament indécent !) n'essayer pas de le 1v1. Éviter les 2v2 aussi car il peut les transformer en 1v1 si il le veux avec un peu de technique si il clique bien sur son [R][Cataclysme]. Ce que je peux vous conseiller c'est de garder un bon contrôle de la carte en donnant de la vision sur vos objectifs majeurs et votre bot lane. Prendre les scarabées si possible. Et se préparer à counter ganks temps qu'il est faible. Ne tenter rien sans niveau 6 et un items sauf si il douille quelque part. ”
IvernGott says “Even tho jarvan is a high mobile bruiser with a lot of CC, I kinda find it easy to play vs him.
tracking him in his jungle is easy and also his ganks are predictable. Mid/late game his ult is a bit strong vs ivern but with timing of ur Flash and positioning it should be no problem!”
DjapeFromSerbia says “You need to run Flash against him, so you can escape his Cataclysm. He's first clear is not that fast you might invade him on his last camp, if he's doing fullclear.”
Mabujo says “The Dragon Fucker.
A bump with his charge and his ult isolates. Can be tanky and do a lot of damage so be careful. Fear and run or trade at your own peril. ”
XGrievousX25 says “J4 varies from time to time, but I've found he usually won't be such a threat if you can match him evenly in ganks. Just make sure to try and slow him down or CC him during big fights and your team USUALLY pops off. If not, you might have a tough game ahead of you.”
X3mHills says “His ultimate ability closes in on you. It is essential to have Zhonya's Hourglass to counter it. Try to save your flash until the last moment to escape from his ultimate.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Jarvan: In season 14 he is litlle bit weaker but still op so take care.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can start ulting in his ult.. be careful of his knock up.. Its easy to trade things vs him on map so trade a lot”
NedraRubio says “he has fallen from grace but he is still good in getting his team ahead so that they will make viego have a hard time(but nah, we'll win)”
Tortizzy says “Jarvan is another hard champ you will face, it's unplayable for you the only way to kill him is to full combo him with your ultimate - rush shadowflame”
MhmYepSope says “Has insane ganks so make sure to give your teammates info on where he is at all times. Ult can completely take you out of a fight if you're not in a bush. Play around his E-Q cooldown. ”
Mo100z says “this is even because if he gets a lead early game then it will be hard to do anything against him because he can usually one shot if that's the case. BUT U CAN ALWAYS OUT SCALE HIM AND WIN ”
jajkopajko says “Dont let him catch you offguard. If he invades you its pretty much over. You cant really find plays against him early so just farm up and play for late, once you are teamfighting he cant tank your damage and yyou should win.”
RainyLabel says “You have to take flash against him. His ult is too strong against Udyr. His early and mid game are also quite strong. Perma ban him. ”
Daawwnn says “in the 1v1 you win easily but his gank ratio makes the matchup insanely annoying to play try mirroring his path and counter ganking and he will suffer emotional damage”
Kazuo Murasaki says “ Probably the best lvl 2 gank in game other than yourself. its easy to dodge his e+q combo if he is holding it tho make note of that and try to hold your q and w and utilize your E first. you can Ward hop out of his R if needed.”
veipz says “You dodge E Q win. You Cant=Lose.
I like to fight with him in river its win sometimes they are jump over wall and take ur blue ward 1.10 blue its safe and jarvan is not a threat for hecarim u outscale.
When he ults you, you can escape his ult with full charge e.”
loganrichards says “The biggest problem is that he kites you easily.
But if he ults you, just buffer E and slam him into wall or W-E out
Punish him EQing too far in with your WQ”
Pullks says “Be careful early on: he has a good early game versus you because of his armor reduction and bursty combos. After you get Thornmail, kill him.”
Destruuu says “Jarvan IV has way more potential than you yet you can cancel his EQ Combo which is his strongest. Make sure to properly play against him since he will always try to knock you up. Keep your Q up all the time when you counter Gank.”
garbocan says “J4 can mess you up early game by forcing early ganks and plays in areas where Ivern can't match. This makes early game a skill matchup.
After the early game, Ivern has an abundance of ways to handle J4, and it becomes very Ivern favored.
Ivern can also use his Q's backwards dash to slide out of J4's ult, making it basically useless.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Jarvan is a very strong pick in the jungle due to his insane gank potential, cc/lockdown and his insane combat stats. He will either build some anti heal and beat you 1v1 or constantly just E + Q away. ”
OakIgu says “Jarvan is a hard matchup because Udyr can't catch with his tempo, his damage is big and even tho 1v1s are Udyr favoured he can kill you sometimes and when things go wrong for him he just scapes, try playing around objectives because those are the only times you will be able to respond to his gank with an easy prediction.”
Akotanya says “His teamfight power is insane. He outscale your team with his gank power. You gotta try to counter gank him. Pre 6 you can kill him but you gotta bait his E-Q combo otherwise he can escape from you. After 6 he most likely ignore you and go for ganks.”
SYROBE says “Jarvan is really strong with the Goredrinker+Sojin set up but you can just drain tank him and outscale late game. If he ever ults you you can just use it against him with your E. You can Also Dash out of his Flag Combo with your W and dash out of his ult Circle with your W as well.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a really easy time into Jarvan IV, due to Briar’s statcheck, Gap Closer and Jarvan IV Terrain combination with Briar E.
Briar has a similar jungle clear speed as Jarvan IV, Jarvan IV can never engage into Briar with his E + Q combo, due to giving his gap closer away into death. Due to this he will try to avoid Briar, unless it becomes a team skirmish. Briar should try to take advantage of this statcheck on the map and deny Jarvan IV R terrain / E+Q combo ganks and can do so very easily with Briar R global R.
Coccaa says “he will usually never beat you in a fight so you dont have to worry about that. you can either interrupt his EQ with pillar mid-dash, or you can pillar right before he Q's which will displace him and his Q wont hit his flag. Take flash for his R and use it accordingly”
MusicJG says “He clears a bit faster, but you can dodge his E+Q with your E.
You can always E out of his ultimate, and once you have a lot of points in your E you out dps him.”
Turnupthetoaster says “The only thing you have to watch out for is getting ulted while not having flash or anything to jump to. Otherwise, he's no threat.”
Zero macro says “Jarvan is a strong early game jungler that has strong teamfight. Nidalee her goal is to take early game skirmishes and overcome Jarvan with Nidalee her powerclear when ahead. Thereby Nidalee has the mobility to dodge Jarvan E/Q combo fairly easy and dash out of his R cage.”
Zero macro says “Jarvan IV has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Jarvan
IV, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed has the anti-tank damage combined with mobility + R to dodge E+Q combos from Jarvan IV.”
metalhydra273 says “His all in disrupts you big time, and he's one of few tanks that can eat your ult duration AND escape with mobility. Pick your fights carefully if you want to avoid a devastating counter engage. His early game pressure is also a problem, as he can build momentum through ganking and take over the game. A well timed flash ult can eliminate the all in threat, but more likely you'll just have to ignore him and prioritze the enemy DPS threats. Fwiw you can ult him as he tries to qe away from you if the situation calls for it, so keep that in mind if his engage falls through or you find a pick on him.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Jarvan IV é um grande combatente de Rell ele pode dificultar a vida da Rell com seu combo de Q e E para evitar seu engage, e sua ultimate consegue segurar Rell nas fights dependendo da ocasião”
NegativePhoenix says “Jarvan also has armor reduction, but JUST armor reduction. It's a matter of you keeping out of his reach in the early game since he'll win. Late in the game though he doesn't have much of a chance against your Hybrid/Tank power. If he ults you and you're in mount stance, your crash down can easily jump out of his ult zone for a good escape. Depending on his build it's a game of who can adapt better”
MrFerrot says “Similar to Xin, J4 is hard to kill early, and his ult can completely shut you down. After a few items, however, you will destroy him. Play to scale.”
shacolovesyou says “his early is strong and has nice ganks but he depends in hit his combo, dodge it or just Q away and u be able to kill him, keep in mind if hes a ganker u can invade his jungle easier so track him”
Apari1010 says “I hate this champ and everyone who abuses this over buffed piece of garbage. Jarvan is basically early game Rhaast but you can outscale him pretty good. Avoid early 2v2s and 3v3s because his presence in those fights is unmatched. You beat him 1v1 if you take ignite but optimally you're playing the opposite side of the map to him.”
Sh4dow44 says “Disgusting champ, personally my permaban and I'd recommend u to do the same. Hes like tanks but he outdmgs u at 3 items unless ure 5 items while hes 3”
BradJr says “He can easily outpace you. Be very careful about engaging him, as a smart J4 will wait out your E to full combo you. (clone rating 10/10)”
FaeBytez says “Jarvan IV has good engage and can deal a lot of damage, but he is vulnerable to Diana's crowd control. Diana needs to be careful not to get caught by his Cataclysm ultimate.”
ttvRegedice says “You can heal his EQ and comfortably take fights from there. His job will be winning group fights in that case it's really important to dodge his damage combo (EQR). Don't mindlessly farm as he has really good gank angles to get himself ahead early and can force bad fights for you guys even if you're playing safe with his long EQ>R reach. Still a skill matchup and set as "even" because this is more of a who's-a-better-jungler-matchup.”
Xr3ad says “Jarvan's ability to gap-close, shred armor, and isolate targets with his ultimate can make him a strong pick against Rengar, especially in the early game.”
Virizion says “One of the most difficult matchups there is at the moment. WIth his high pickrate consider banning him. His early game gank strength & mobility can nullify your strong 1v1 potential. After he hits 6 he just ults you in teamfights, and as you have no dash you become useless.”
ShinyEmo says “Dodge his E-Q and he is no problem afterwards. Remember that if he Ults you, you can get out of there with your Q if some enemy is nearby. ”
Intropingman says “If he builds black cleaver he destroys you, he can interrupt your Q with his knock ups and catch you with R, so you need R to escape or flash. However sometimes you can interrupt his dash with your Q but it's harder and normally in 75% situations he interrupts yours.”
Majd1 says “correct this: Jarvan IV's only strength is hitting his E + Q combo knockup and then auto attacking you to death. Fortunately for Nidalee you can easily dodge his combo with your Cougar form's W and kite him with auto attacks and spears.
Narcissisticdude says “Jarvan's playstyle should be quite similar to yours without the invading part. You are both excellent early gankers, the main difference being that J4 has a cc setup !
That being said, there are a couple of things you can exploit: If J4 goes buff into gank, even if you're laner dies, odds are he will be low, so invade him, he is strong with a team mate but relatively weak alone.
If he does 3 camps, you should try to match his gank to avoid an unnecessary death, remember that he has high burst but quite low sustain damage.
Mechanical tips:
[indent] 1. Do your best to avoid EQ, even though it's quite fast, it's also scripted so you should be able to Q away.
[indent] 2. You can actually R his R and get out of the crater, your character will appear on the side your cursor is so use league's wall mechanics to get out. You can also simply Q it to avoid all damage.
[indent]3. Don't forget about his shield ! Before 13.3 it was negligible but now it scales with AD !!
[indent] [h1] Non-Mechanical Tips: [/h1]
[indent] 1. J4 is an engager with a considerable burst, so even though he can one-tap you, he relies on his team to follow-up, so try fighting when he's isolated.
[indent] 2. Ping laners or J4 portrait the second you finish your buff, it might help them grow a brain if you're lucky.
checca says “The only threat Jarvan really has over Zac is early game pressure; out-macroing him on ganks pre 6. Afterwards, it becomes easy, as long as you are even or ahead in gold. Usually, Jarvans are more eager to cast their QE first, so most of the time you won't need to worry about Jarvan cancelling your E.”
Davecraft16 says “This matchup is about who misses his skill and who doesn't. Try to dodge his stun and kite him. Don't fight him before 6. During late game try to kill him or his teammates before teamfights. He is way better than you in teamfights thanks to his controls”
shuralol says “likely to invade you but farm his jungle whenever he looks to gank if he doesn't gank it is good for you because he is clearing instead of ganking. He will fall off and you will scale”
Kukiziuu_ says “Definitely skill matchup. You should be fine in both forms until he dont go lethality. Why? his dmg will be huge so be aware of him. If you play rhaast you got easy win against him, if you play assasin just be aware and pay attention what is he building.”
Lasine says “Even if winrate is bad versus him i find this an easy matchup. Is very difficult for him to peel carrys from you. Besides his r is a wall so you can oneshot him if he lock you down or just jump it away if you are not confident. ”
RedNBlue says “Your usual business, don't feed him, counter gank. Get drakes. Don't let him steal your jungle, keep him under your control.
Try to keep his ability to get past you minimal. Hope to have a peel on your team as he will lock you or a teammate in the box and nobody will able to do much.”
RaidenKaos says “Dodge E+Q. Outscale. E out of his R if you need to.
In Season 13, he's been a bit strong and can destroy your teammates so I'll raise him a bit.”
MythicalMinute says “If the J4 is good, you will never be able to match him due to his early potential but most jarvans just 3 camp into a gank so ping your team to be careful, invade him and take it all. If he is full clearing, he is not playing jarvan.
AP is good here due to boxes to zone.”
GiAEcchI says “Slow clear, you fight him evenly at lv3~4, avoid getting hit first by him if you don't have red form, kite him out of his flag's buff aura, take ignite.”
spuki97 says “You beat him 1v1 only on level 6. However, don't chase him. If you use E to chase him he can ult you and his team can catch you if you have no flash. Be careful of early invades. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “Free match up. The only threat is that he can camp your laners.
But his R is just a bonus for you as it stacks ennemies and grant free Qs.
On top of that, he scales fairly bad.”
Agzer says “Really easy matchup, you can do anything you want in this matchup.
As soon as you dodge his E+Q combo, you will win it. Remember that your Q bounces to his R walls.”
RengarNBush says “He can beat you in 1v1s earlier unless you have full ferocity and bush prio. He is tanky later on but will be played as a peeler/engager (more like a supp). Most of the times he hits a combo you die in late/mid game. Very frustrating to play into when played as a peeler.”
Doubtfull says “Jarvan can be very annoying for Udyr. He has a high tempo early game which can swing the game before Udyr has a chance to really ramp up. This on top of the fact that his R will lock you in place and will usually mean instant death is problematic. I've considered possibly taking flash in this match up just so that isn't possible.
The good news is we farm much faster than Jarvan, so we can use that to our advantage and usually be 2-3 levels ahead of him in the later stages of the game.”
Geomine says “hard lane, if he plays poorly you can even kill him, but if he lands his combo on you and he is paired with aggro adc you are dead. keep good spacing and scale up. you outscale him if he doesnt snowball. dont match his roams kill his adc.”
Yuki H. says “Zac always struggles against champions that don't let him scale for free. Jarvan is a perfect example of that- level 2 onwards he is able to gank, invade, and pressure dives. Zac mostly needs level 3 to do anything so be wary of invades.
Look to engage onto a Jarvan who is ganking after he uses his E-Q combo as this can not only interrupt your E but also acts as a potential escape tool after you jump. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jarvan can gank at level 2 once he’s unlocked his Dragon Strike(Q) and Demacian Standard(E). Be aware of this as he may try to cheese an early gank in the mid or bottom lane.Jarvan is really good at ganking in the early and mid-game. He will be looking to gank a lot, so it’s important that you try to equal his gank pressure and gank as much as you can to prevent him from getting his laners ahead.He has rather good Dragon and objective control. Make sure you keep major objectives warded at all times so you can spot him before he secures the objective.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL. Mind the map.
Another bitch that only fights with friends back up. stay vigilant for counter jungling, he loves stealing camps, the fucking rat... VERY GOOD... at getting away.”
Hazardist says “As you now have a tool to escape Cataclysm, Jarvan's only strong points against Skarner are his better early game ganks and higher mobility. In a 1v1 scenario you win during most of the game, and you only have to make sure to not abandon your backline for him to dive into easily.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jarvan can gank at level 2 once he’s unlocked his Dragon Strike(Q) and Demacian Standard(E). Be aware of this as he may try to cheese an early gank in the mid or bottom lane.Jarvan is really good at ganking in the early and mid-game. He will be looking to gank a lot, so it’s important that you try to equal his gank pressure and gank as much as you can to prevent him from getting his laners ahead.He has rather good Dragon and objective control. Make sure you keep major objectives warded at all times so you can spot him before he secures the objective.”
HadesxLH says “Jarvan se comporta da mesma maneira de zac sendo uma maquina de ganks o jogo todo, porém o seu scale e melhor que o dele entao como a maioria dos tanks ele nao deve ser um problema após fechar penetração apenas jogue para farm scale e tente achar janelas de countergank”
lumihehe says “you can't fight him until late, but you also can't die to him really. if he engages on you with ult, just E out of it and walk away. if he engages on you without ult, E and then start walking away. pretty simple, just farm and you beat the shit out of him late game”
Salmon Kid says “Jarvan's ult poses a unique problem for Lillia. Although its not hard CC, containing Lillia in a specific area still counters her pretty hard. Jarvan is also an invade and high tempo jungler which naturally counters Lillia. The only reason he is lower on the list is because Lillia insanely out damages Jarvan and beats him 1v1 even after the J4 buffs. ”
Dad Prime says “You can Q over his ult once you have form, pretty easy match up. Howver you are likely to never be 1v1ing him since he will most likely always have someone with him.”
ItsAydam says “Champion is really strong early game and can kill you if he hits you with his E Q. Dodge his E Q and put greater distance to kite him out of oblivion. Late game he falls off but he'll still have impacts on teamfights. You can win the game easily if you get picks because the champion is basically useless if he can't teamfight. ”
Farmer Cleetus says “He can beat you very easily, it becomes more dangerously if he's fed and has his ult. Be careful when fighting him. If you get hunted by him anyways just surrender at the given time.”
CommanderRexy says “You can dash through the wall of his ult, and dodge his knock-up. or just ult through his stuff. This vi build allows you to fight tanks well, as long as they don't cheese you, or they are really ahead.
Anyone you can interrupt is also ideal for you.”
NegativePhoenix says “His early damage beats yours and he has the CC to back it up. Once he hits 6, he can just ult you to keep you in place if you don't have ult form. If you have ult form, Q out of his ult zone to your team if it wont screw them over so he has to put it down and remove the locked area. Late game is yours, his damage falls off and he builds mostly beefy so he'll get team reliant around this stage.”
SunLongGod says “dodge his EQ knock up combo and you good to go. Jarvan IV EQ hitbox is basically instantly when you are near him. pay close attention to his E then Q animation to dodge”
Gobby says “can out-gank you level 2 lessening your gank options when you hit level three, has a better engage then you and shreds armor. Naut outscales though but still very specifically bad for Naut's early game powerspike he relies on for leads.”
NegativePhoenix says “The man can win insanely early against you however he becomes more team reliant as the game goes on. He can invade you and fight you early without issue so be mindful of that. If he ults you, you can ult him to escape unless you know you can outdamage him or just flash away. You pretty much outplay his ult with your own. ”
RLluka says “Similar champ to rek. Will try to gank alot so just take his camps and depending on the team he has you might need to take flash to get out of his ult as without flash you will almost always die late into the game”
Shro says “Jarvan is not an issue at all. If he Ults you, you can wail on him within his stone circle. Or you can Ult him. Either way, J4 is no concern.”
[Jarvan IV is a champion that likes AA'ing, the only thing is that he can remove a part of your armor, while it isn't a big problem in 1v1, it makes you way more killable in the endgame. The best thing to do is to proc Aftershock and W after his Q or E+Q if you think this isn't going to only be a duel. Without R, he cannot chase you, and he has no evade, but care the potential that his R has on you.]
GrayJinxed says “His Flag into Dash (E-->Q) is quite telegraphed so try to predict where he is looking to knock up and use your Q to dodge sideways.
Even if he is 6 and manages to ult you, make sure you always have a Q ready to hop out of the ult. ”
TimothyFly says “Annyoing matchup, don't get hit by his e q. His early game is really strong but he is very squishy. So you can outplay him if u are good.”
DarkMareOfficial says “You can take Jarvan IV into a 1v1 if you time well your Decoy (W) with his kit but keep in mind that Jarvan IV is strong at all stages of the game. He does not require much to be useful and deal a significant amount of damage so take care on your approach against him.”
ioprocessing says “He has good disengage if you ult him, and good engage if you don't. Hard to deal with him, but you scale harder than him, especially regarding your ability to secure picks safely. Don't ult him unless he is building lethality (troll build) or he already used his EQ, even then he can survive if he builds goredrinker + tanky items. ”
YoungTact says “Really free matchup. Can W his E-Q combo which takes away from 2 of abilities for the price of 1. You also have a better full clear and early ganks so you should look to abuse this to the best of ur capability. Landing W on his E-Q combo on a counter gank or when he tries to escape generally leads to a guaranteed kill. ”
Xyllow says “Jarvan favored, but playable. Depends on how smart he is and how he chooses fights. Also, how much he snowballs and his ability to cancel your R with his EQ combo. ”
YEKURA says “Annyoing just make sure you have a ward against him when invading him cause he does go over walls so you want to ward and jump on him to finish off the kills. Other then that ping his ganks off and make sure he doesn't get a lead. You can build edge of night if he's going lethality to 100% kill him if he's going tank just ignore him.”
DETDERT says “Jarvan has alot of damage in his kit. Meanwhile he builds bruiser items such as deathdance, and steraks. Which khazix struggle against. He also uses conqueror so khazix loses a longer battle. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if his team is full AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Jarvan excels at early ganks, stay aware of that so you countergank and help your laner(s). His main form of CC is really easy to dodge and he would be a really low threat if it wasn't for his ultimate, Jarvan can just insta-lock down you with a point and click dash and there's no way you can get away from it if you don't Flash. So beware his level 6.”
Madabc says “A little fustrating to play into with his E-Q combo. His R can make it really hard to get to bushes. This is one of the few matchups its really strange and really dependent on who he has on his team. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Counter ganking and shadowing are your best bet. If you ever, EVER, do an unsafe gank, get ready for the hardest counter gank. He is insane at that. Runes, go Aery Domination. AP Ivern, go CotSQ or Liandry's. Sup, go Moonstone.
Since the midscope update, Ivern can now Q him in his R and right click him to dash OUT of his R. If you wanna specifically counter him in the micro, this is essential to win against him.”
Consolo says “Countergank countergank countergank countergank don't let this mfer walk all over your lanes. Very predictable champ just track him and ping your lanes to be careful. Deep ward with control wards if possible. ”
Tiger-Moose says “Beats you in 1v1s early, but cannot persistently chase too well on his own. Him R-ing you will cause your R to crash into his.
//Do not pick Mecha Zero Sion so you can hear your unique voicelines against him.”
MrMeem45 says “hahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHA.
In all seriousness, just - just ignore his ass. What's he gonna do, level 2 gank your midlaner and then be half your level for the rest of the game? He does no damage, isn't particularly tanky and his abilities basically tickle you. You also have like 10 dashes, so if he cataclysms you and somehow you aren't kicking his laughable ass just leave. Better yet, kick him out of his own thunderdome.”
Elekktro says “Jarvan is a ganking machine and can tank you up pretty well in a teamfight. Viego should generally out farm and out scale, but if J4 has an impactful early game Viego can't keep up. ”
ShuffleTM says “Ele vai querer impactar muito early game, mas depois se da outlevel nele facil, da pra matar ele tranquilo na JG e a ult dele é inutil contra você.”
J98TheGreat says “You have the privilege of opening up his ultimate. This is no small advantage. Make up for your team's mistakes possibly if you do that, but hope they don't do it in the first place. Still, Jarvan is an excellent jungle pick, and don't take this lightly. This is your hardest minor threat.”
Ghionova says “You can easily bait him with your clone because he will think he can kill you with 1 combo. He tries to hit you with everything while your clone is knocked up and then you come out of disguise. In early he isnt a big threat but can be dangerous with allies around.”
NMFO says “About as even as it gets. Either side can win early fights, depends on if J4 hits flag and drag. This guy is pretty much your base equal at all points in the game. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “One of the hardest champions to fight as Hecarim. Our dear J4 is hard to contest. You can enter and exit his R with your Fully Charged E or just R away. Avoid fighting him alone.”
Roguejokester61 says “Oh look it's the other annoying Demacian, in all reality you do counter Jarvan, but you really need to be careful of his early-game poke capabilities as he will destroy you with ease, but if you can dodge his attacks this is also when Jarvan is at his squishiest state during the game.”
Brosinex says “Casi imposible de matar y también daña. Sin embargo, puedes E sobre su habilidad definitiva, así que intenta ponerle el cebo en las peleas en equipo para que se la gaste en ti. Deje que su equipo lo mate y simplemente mate al adc o al apoyo si son blandos.”
Da Mastah says “As long as you hold your q to dodge/follow his lunge attack you should win the 1v1 make sure to countergank him as he can easily get a lead in his lanes due to his cc and mobility. Make sure to use your q wisely when invading him.”
The Elysian1 says “ A good jarvan player will sit on lanes and just wait for the perfect moment to make a gank. Try coutnerganking him and clear more camps so you have lvl advantage. He is pretty strong in the early - mid game but your build is stronger. Eclipse +Serpents + Serylda's is just another level of insanity. Try Counter Ganking him and do not fight for scuttler without any prio once again. Pinks suggested.
Sandor Clegane98 says “While this lane is pretty easy, you have to respect his q range poke,try dodging the eq combo cuz u might get trashed,otherwise trading is in your favor.
Dshield or Dblade”
Citric says “Jarvan is a fast buff clearer. He moves fast around the map because of his E + Q and will potentially try to steal your buffs early. He is also a good ganker so try to counter jungle him when he is ganking on the opposite side of the map.”
Pusi Puu says “You win all ins and skirmishes. Be careful not to get caught out of a bush with his ult and be careful to jump after he used his e-q combo since he can cancle your jump. Also never walk up to a j4 without bush since he can just ult you and you can't escape.”
Doubtfull says “This match up is really easy until Jarvan hits 6. Once he has his ult he can trap you and all of the movespeed in the world can't save you. Be VERY aware of this ability in the mid-late game. ”
SnowballBarrage says “Cheesy level 2 ganks and insane early game damage. Warn your team for level 2 ganks. Does absurd damage early. Really disruptive and hard to deal with as full AP nunu but you can outplay him.”
NixLychee says “After his nerfs, he got kind of gutted, although he's still a strong duelist with a lot of damage and a fairly long engage range, especially with his ultimate. ”
KamiKZ says “The only problem that you will have with him is at level 3, where the match up is based on skill. Make sure you´re mindful of how you use your Leap as he can simply E+Q onto you to knock up up for free if you don´t have Leap up. Try to use your Leap to dodge his knock up to win most duels against him. After that is easy so long as he doesn´t get a lead over you. Be mindful of his build, as him going full AD could be a larger threat when ahead. ”
Polarshift says “Dodge his E+Q combo and you should easily win by kiting him out. He wants to spam ganks so be sure to countergank him if you're on his side of the map. If you're not, then atleast take his camps or an objective. Jarvan IV can gank level 2 after Red Brambleback.”
Veralion says “On the weak side early. Wait for him to use E->Q before moving in on him if possible, he will want to knock up the crab to take it faster. Take advantage and move in while he's helpless. Jarvan's ult can be useless or game changing depending on his team comp. Make sure you respect abilities like Shockwave and Bullet Time and don't get caught in Cataclysm with your ult down. Don't stack on your team while you're doing the baron dance or something. ”
Doubtfull says “If the Jarvan builds tanky he could be annoying in the mid to late game, but generally speaking this match up is favorable. After he E-Q's he has no way to disrupt your W. Play cautiously in your first clear and try to use your early wards to prevent lvl 2 ganks.”
Arfreezy says “An early game ad jungler which Graves is strong against due to having grit stacks at first scuttle. If he fights you at first scuttle while you have 8 grit stacks you will win 90% of the skirmishes even if laners get involved. Use your dueling advantage to counter jungle often and play to outscale. Play reactively and punish all the Jarvan ganks by taking something else on the map. Save your E to dodge his E Q combo and he does no damage.”
Doubtfull says “This is a pretty easy match up. I usually make sure I use my first ward to protect my midland from a level 2 gank (in-between mid and red). After that, I look for every opportunity to fight him in the early game. It's possible to cancel his EQ with your knock up, but very hard to do consistently. ”
Whynotbefriends says “Not as free as some matchups but you have mobility to avoid his E Q combo and the damage and clear pace to match most of his early skirmishes. ”
MiningRicK says “He is a fighter and do good damage both isn´t that great for you so try to fight him when you have your Hydra or only with you teammates because his ult in 1vs1 isn´t Nice.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. Jarvan´s main sorce of damage is his E + Q + AA combo and you can dodge that with your E. You should always be able to 1v1 Jarvan as Graves. ”
Insightful says “classic jungle matchup, but jarvan is in a really bad spot right now so I think you should win simply because of how useless this champion feels”
Kayncer says “You beat him in early, make sure to avoid his knock up and you are fine, only ult him if he is medium fed or he will be able to beat u, build tank in this matchup and get bramble early”
amogus logus says “He will deal a lot of dmg to you with his passive cause u build a lot of raw HP .
Otherwise , he can easily escape you with his Flag Q .
Not the biggest Threat , just really annoying.”
poopyOCE says “If he jumps on you, you are fucked. Avoid 1v1, and wait for him to burn ult so you won't get shut down during your ult. Keep map awareness on rift of him. Q and disengage”
Karasmai says “Very easy if you are going Rhaast you will hard win the fight as long as you can dodge his E q which is very easy since you can just use your Q, If you go shadow assassin its even easier to dodge and you can easily get through to his backline. No matter form, remember you can use your E out of his ult and it will heal you!!!”
MexBookMaster says “Farmeas más rapido que el y puedes salirte de su R. Cualquiera de las 2 formas son viables en este match. Jarvan gankea bien así que cuidado con eso.”
ak521 says “Traps out your ADC or yourself. That's why you have your Q. He doesn't even deal that much damage unless if he is ahead, so if he ultis, your ADC will be fine unless if there is another few enemies there (hint hint R). If he get's fed, an experienced player will snowball and this is a nightmare for you. Relatively fast clear speed, might be faster than yours. Be aware! Also as a side note, his ganks are pretty good so expect to lose early and mid game.”
Rhoku says “J4 is much more mobile and can get a lot done quickly. Though he himself will probably never beat you, he will devastate your team if he gets a lead. He is especially good at ganking botlane. You should make sure you get fed alongside him so that he does not get out of control. You can cancel his dash with your E.”
Insightful says “jarvan is in a very bad spot right now, just watch out for early invades and fights since he's still strong at this point, if he doesn't get any advantage it should be free”
izzlelol says “Almost unkillable and does damage too. You can E over his ult though so try and bait it out in teamfights so he wastes it on you. Let your team kill him and just kill the adc or support if they're squishy.”
Lambda Diana says “He will spam gank early ping and call out for the lvl 2 gank that most J4s do. I would get void 2nd into this match up as he does have high base MR and is likely to build MR.”
OsakaSatang says “Conc + inspiration
Same as xin zhao. He has good reach with his Q E , so you have to very careful when fighting him pre 6. don't contest crab unless your lanes have prio. He has strong burst damage when he has his full combo but the 11.20 nerf will reduce that abit.”
ItsSkoob says “New Jarvan Buffs have made him very very strong. If he times his E+Q combo right he can knock you out of your Q. He deals tons of damage and is really tanky. Try to avoid 1v1s with him super early and watch out for his lvl 2 or 3 camp ganks.”
Ellesmere says “J4 is strong early and late, he has a fast escape as well as incredible engage. Don't try and counter jungle him early as it will almost guaranteed be a waste of time. However, once you get rolling (bloodrazor/rageblade) you can definitely 1v1 him so don't be scared to engage. ”
Sammystinky says “He invades well and can out gank you early. If you make it late you should be fine though just make sure he isn't killing your carries”
RedNBlue says “Jarvan sadly isn't meta right now and he can't really do much without you being a really really good player and even then you will still win a fight against him.”
SketchtheHunter says “Jarvan just doesn't work very well against Mord, He just doesn't like to fight 1v1s early and has very minimal damage. If he ults you, ult him back and let the slap fest begin.
Genuinely almost forgot this champ existed, tbh.”
Suseri says “If he misses the knockup you should win, also you can Dodge his Ult Dmg or Escape out of it, by Q'ing nearby minions or Champions. You have to Q after his dash animation starts, in order to not get hit by his knockup. ”
manco1 says “Jarvan jungle match up gets down to his combos. If he hits his e -> q knock up all game you will die. try to practice your movement if you find trouble vs J4.”
RichMrFork says “Typical early game gank champ. Try not to skirmish with Jarvan too often as he has quite a bit of setup and CC to set his team up with. Again look to outscale him and countergank whenever possible. Jarvan has very little threat if he wastes E-Q and no disengage without Flash so look to kill him then.”
Kayn Mains says “Jarvan IV will almost always beat you early on thanks to his attack speed boost from his Demacian Standard (E). Avoid fighting him.
Once you get your Red Smite you can beat him in duels. Keep avoiding him if you built Blue Smite.
Jarvan IV can get fairly intimidating late game if he got himself a Warrior's enchantment but you should still be able to beat him with your form. If you are playing Rhaast and he decides to go Cinderhulk he will serve as a great HP reset target.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Try not to get CC'd by his E+Q combo, otherwise, he does mediocre damage without his passive, and so you should be fine early game. Lategame, if he goes tank it will be your job to kick him away if he ults your teammates. If he goes lethality your teammate will probably be dead.
WillowSprout says “Just land your W cuz he dashes often. if he's ahead don't worry he's just an early game champion. hopefully your team knows how to play from behind otherwise GG and he can oneshot you.”
metalhydra273 says “Jarvan can often feel unkillable at times, and you can do little to stop him from doing what he wants in fights. If he's too tanky to deal with, ignore him. Otherwise a front to back may be your best option. Look to stay in the game and help your team survive his engage.”
Spection says “He can start blue or red. Do your best to get eyes on one of the buffs to see if he starts there or not. He is a good duelist and can ignore your Q by dashing through it. Wait until mid game, you can outfight him then.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Jarvan IV will almost always beat you early on thanks to his attack speed boost from his Demacian Standard (E). Avoid fighting him. Once you get your Red Smite you can beat him in duels. Keep avoiding him if you built Blue Smite. Jarvan IV can get fairly intimidating late game if he got himself a Warrior's enchantment but you should still be able to beat him with your form. If you are playing Rhaast and he decides to go Cinderhulk he will serve as a great HP reset target.
Aqua Dragon says “Jarvan is particularly nasty, able to throw out all of their lockdown before the Silence or Suppression can usually stop them. They also have very early gank pressure combined with enough burst to annihilate any Malz without some armor items.”
KhaZix Mains says “[4/10] The only problem that you will have with him is at level 3, where the matchup is based on skill. Make sure you’re mindful of how you use your Leap as he can simply E+Q onto you to knock you up for free if you don’t have Leap. Try to use your leap to dodge his knock-up to win most duels against him. After that is easy so long as he doesn’t get a lead over you. Be mindful of his build, as him going full AD could be a larger threat when ahead otherwise just invade him early and look to abuse him throughout the early stages.”
Gamyeon says “You are looking to force 1v1s early against him, don't let him do cheese ganks on your team or you'll lose with a Jungle Diff typed in /all chat. Pay attention to easy gankable lanes and then counter-gank him. Also you easily win the 1v1 early, just don't let him knock you up during your Q.”
SaintsBeast says “Jarvan is not to big of a threat for Nunu but if you are new to the champion and playing him in ranked, play someone else other than Nunu for that game since Jarvan can be a pest. ”
uSgSello says “Winning matchup.
Jarvan drops very low in the jungle. That's why you should try to counter jungle. Also you are able to dodge his main dmg threat of his E+Q combo with your rappel.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Jarvan IV just isn't in meta so you won't see him much. But if you do, he is a pretty early aggressive champ, but he cant duel you early so it should be an easy win.”
theceasrsalad says “his early is pretty good but unless he gets ahead of you mid game you can and will beat him with your combo. good body to take too.”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be hard, as he can get on top of you fairly easily and trap your with his ult. Be very careful if you don't have your flash up.”
RedNBlue says “Jarvan wil be a problem to duel early game and you are an easy kill for him. But I have to place him in the even threat due to the fact that he sucks right now and he has sucked for a very very long time.
He needs a stronger late game and he needs a more solid build path. You can build tanky with him or more damage. But if you build damage with him it just doesn't feel right, you won't have any tanking ability and you still won't do more damage than anyone.
Riot plz fix..
Jarvan late game get gun
Jarvan more passive tankiness plz
If you get this message plz fix Riot..........
I love Jarvy but I have an 100% lose rate with him even if I go 10/5/17
and that is just wrong, he has at best a 4/5 early game strength and late game he just gets completely busted.
You do so well early game but once you hit 25 minutes you start realizing you have to try to last hit the enemy champion to actually get a kill and that's at the risk of dying. He can't duel and it feels like any and every item you buy on him just takes away something from you.
You get a tank item you lose all your damage, you get a damage item, you lose all you tankiness and you go in to kill someone and you get them down to half health and you die. You get a mixed damage and sustain item, you just don't have enough of one stat to pass the test.
its awful
plz fix riot
I love Jarvan
but he just doesn't have the power now-adays and I feel like I have never even had power playing him.
Cryastro says “Pre 6 he only has 1 gap closer so if you can dodge it you can kite him and kill him pretty easily. Post 6 wait for him to ult someone else then fight him.”
Kindredgarten says “He will probably gank a lot early but falls off hard. Nothing to worry about for the most part. You can 1v1 him easy unless he gets ahead. ”
Loul_60 says “Much stronger than you early, a bit like Vi but less popular. There isn't much you can do against him until you get form, Rhaast is strong into him but Shadow Assassin is basically useless into him.”
Gumipapucs says “Kinda same as Lee sin. He starts ganking pretty soon, so you can aim on preventing that. If you dodge his EQ combo, you should be able to kill him early. He will be dangerous all game long with his EQ combo and R. You can jump the wall of his R.”
DeleDulux says “1 vs 1 him is easy because is ult is isolating you with him and is just better for you but if he di that in team fight use your R or the enemy team will destroy you”
c0st0m says “Matchup is extremely easy untill lvl 6 after 6 you won't be able to hit true damage q's on him in his ult so purchase a zhonyas and he wont be a big deal”
Udyr uber says “Se conseguir desviar do E+Q dele, você ganha a troca, tente invadi-lo já que ele faz a jungle farmando com seu combo.
Raizins says “Jarvan's E+Q combo will interrupt your W if you are in the line he is travelling, there are some strange interactions between these two combos but in general his E+Q seems to have priority”
PsiGuard says “He has good early ganks and also team fights well post-6. You can usually handle him 1v1, but you also don't have a dash to escape his ult. This matchup will usually come down to who has better jungle fundamentals. You farm faster than him, so you can outpace him if he wastes time on fruitless ganks.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Luckily Jarvan isn't played very much in the current meta; he can knock you up and keep you into his Ulti for a very long time and kill you especially with the help of his teammates. Be sure have Flash if you get caught in his Cataclysm, or you may die depending on the situation.”
JunglerBuilds says “Jarvan has won against me many times just by ganking bot a lot, so stay bot and snowball your adc. Since he's not a hard champion to play, literally anyone can be good with him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Not a good matchup for Amumu at all since he can burst you quickly early on, however rushing a Dead Man's Plate will give you a lot of survivabilty. This item also gives you extra movespeed to dodge his E>Q combo, ward your jungle and don't look to counterjungle him at all in the early game. He will most likely invade you so stay ready!”
ChaseMorePlz says “Jarvin IV (4) is always a good champion to use as a frontline bruiser tank who blocks certain champions that are a priority with his Ultimate Ability R (Cataclysm). He has a strong level two invade versus Kha'Zix and Lee Sin along with other jungle champions with his E>Q knock up combo.”
ChaseMorePlz says “If played properly you can use your Q (Leap Strike) to dodge his Q>E combo in order to avoid getting CC'd. When he jumps in that's your chance to jump as well, you can also hop out of his ultimate whenever you want.”
Tofolo says “Vi da davvero fastidio. In early siete più forti e più veloci ma dal liv 6 in su la cosa può cambiare. Contro di lui prendete Flash e non Heal e tenetela per uscire/schivare la R (cataclisma). In combo i suoi danni sono un problema la Q vi aiuta a schivare la sua Q ma è molto veloce e vi riduce l'armatura a quel punto mette su scudo che vi rallenta e con lo stendardo vi fa danni magici ed aumenta passivamente la sua velocità d'attacco. Quindi si potreste cavarvela ma non è semplice.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Be careful, he can knock you up and cause your Q to be canceled if you allow him to. If he gets a lead he can easily burst you down, luckily you have a good chance of escaping due to your Q.. y'know if he doesn't cancel your Q haha”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Fight him a lot. You win most of the fights when you have bushes near.
Jarvan is similar to Rek'Sai, he will probably spam gank your laners and for sure lvl 2 gank. Remember to inform your laners about it.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you have a faster clear and better sustain, as per usual invade his raptors and red, if that doesn't work, you will outclear him anyways don't worry, also if you dodge his combo you are stronger at 1v1's early, you can out clear him and look for ganks before him , and counter ganks , hes not a threat through midgame and late, you will probably have 100 cs lead also u can one shot him upon blue form if he doesnt go much arrmor , and if he goes full tank hes not that much of a threat into your team .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Jarvan is very reliant on his flag and drag to be able to fight you. If you can bait it out of him his biggest threat is gone and you can just go ham on him.”
EvoNinja7 says “If he can trap you in his cage you are in trouble, if you can get out of that you should be able to duel him comfortably, especially with Kraken Slayer.”
MetaSolaray says “Jarvan's threat is not from his early gank pressure but his ability to lock you down in every teamfight with his point and click ult. Build bruiser so you can withstand J4's engage and the followup by his teammates, his early ganks are all in the knockup. If you dodge that by sidestepping from it you'll easily out DPS him. Avoid squishy builds into j4.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you have a faster clear and better sustain, as per usual invade his raptors and red, if that doesn't work, you will outclear him anyways don't worry, also if you dodge his combo you are stronger at 1v1's early, you can out clear him and look for ganks before him , and counter ganks , hes not a threat through midgame and late, you will probably have 100 cs lead also u can one shot him upon blue form if he doesnt go much arrmor , and if he goes full tank hes not that much of a threat into your team .”
RedNBlue says “Jarvan sadly isn't very meta but you can still kill him and he can still kill you. He will fall hard mid game which is the reason why I say he is off meta. He dumps down hard if they don't surrender before 22 minutes.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “If he ever ults you he basically forces himself to fight in your mist which isn't what anyone should want. He's kind of just a bad champion at the moment so you can do as you please. Kraken Slayer is nice since it lets you burst harder. You can also try 3 camp and look for an invade at his buff since he doesn't have the best clear.”
RedNBlue says “Jarvan IV can cc you partially tank your damage and do some good damage to you early game, Jarvan isn't really meta sadly and he needs some major buffs but, this could be a difficult matchup if the Jarvan knows his stuff.”
Snap0ner says “Few people left play Jarvan jungle anymore. However, the ones that play them can be a trouble if they manage to land E+Q combo on you when you have Deceive on Cooldown. Remember that you can dodge his ultimate damage with your own, and E+Q with deceive.”
Hidon1 says “J4 can impact the map before you with his level 2 ganks. If you can prevent his early gank from being successful you are really fine, he has no threat on you at all. The only way he counters you is to stop your ult with E+Q. You can stop his E+Q combo with your W, keep that in mind if he tries to engage on you. So just prevent his early game plan and try to execute on your own. ”
Schadenfreude says “Stay on your tows with J4. He has a strong early game and a good engage. If he ults you in a teamfight and you don't have flash, you might die. That being said, you also have a strong early game. All depends on skill and if you manage to dodge his knockup, you should be able to kill him easily. ”
Karthus man says “Jarvan is only a threat in the early game because you outscale him massively. He will try to pick a 1v1 early so try to avoid the, and you should win.”
Maile says “He's just really annoying but you don't use 1v1 ever as long as you don't get knocked up. Track him early to see if he goes for any level 2 ganks because that's how J4 players get ahead. ”
FrankynFood says “Fustrating all rounder. Although does begin to fall off late-game. I mean who else can keep up with yi when you are 25 minutes into the game?”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Jarvan provides early game pressure but your kit provides more dueling power than his. Aside from his passive and E, Jarvan has no real way of fighting you and you should be comfortable.”
White Cr0w says “Few people left play Jarvan jungle anymore. However, the ones that play them can be a trouble if they manage to land E+Q combo on you when you have Deceive on Cooldown. Remember that you can dodge his ultimate damage with your own, and E+Q with deceive.”
NiceTryVi says “Jarvan can be a bit of an issue to defeat. If he builds Jumpscare Jarvan, he will nuke your carry with his ult, so you have to peel him off as much as possible. This means vision almost to the level necessary against Zacs.”
Minase says “J4 can't really do much to shove you off your camps short of being really annoying pre-6, but other than that you just outscale him by your farming speed. He can't really do anything except try to win the game within the first 10 minutes. ”
FalleN3 says “J4 is difficult to deal with at almost every aspect of the game. He has strong early damage and gank potential. Depending on his build J4 can have the ability to one-shot you. If you can avoid his knock-up (E)+(Q) Combo you will have a good chance to beat him in a 1v1.”
FalleN3 says “J4 is difficult to deal with at almost every aspect of the game. He will out trade you every time early game unless he has very low health and you come across him out of position. You need to be extra careful that he doesn't invade your first buff as sadly you will die without some help from your team. Later in the game, once you have some items he becomes a bit more manageable but can still be an issue. He can easily lock you down with his ulti and cc you pretty hard.”
Holessando says “J4 is a easy matchup for you, when he jumps on you just try to dodge with your E, if he ults you press your ult, he has no chance to kill you, so don't worry, you should be really ok (unless he's ahead or you're low hp).”
aiker95 says “The threat level is high. Its difficult to control. It can quickly penetrate the defense and initiate battle. In the jungle, it is also quite dangerous but more vulnerable without allies.”
metalhydra273 says “He has a lot of ways to stall you with eq and ult. His ult is especially devastating as it could lock you away from your target and get you killed. Ulting him doesn't always work as he will almost always be tanky enough to survive and then begin an engage or escape. Look to win the early game and break open the game before your team potentially can't deal with him.”
NixLychee says “An early-game powerhouse, Jarvan WILL destroy you in the early stages of the game, before you have your form. Maintain vision control of important objectives so Jarvan can't hop out of a bush and steal your hard-earned Drake or Herald.”
Aas112mm says “Very much like Xin you will struggle against him in early-mid game but once you hit powerspike you might be able to start 1v1 him since even if he R you you can still just R away or kill him.”
gurubashi35 says “J4 is easily beatable in a 1v1 at any stage of the game as long as you follow is E + Q combo with your Q. He has the ability to gank at level 2, so warn your laners to avoid being aggressive during the first 2-3 mins.
He teamfights better than you do, but can't solo objectives so try to sneak neutral objectives early on.”
chasemyman1 says “Even matchup as long as you dodge his E-Q combo you should win all fights. You also can rappel his ultimate in most sistuations so its an ok matchup.”
reganakers says “Jarvan will not win a 1v1 at any point in the game. A 2v2 could go his way though. He brings alot to teamfights unlike Olaf so try to catch him on his own.”
wild overload lol says “Esse personagem de um jeito ou de outro vai te incomodar muito durante o jogo, além do dano aterrorizante que ele causa e ainda mais com o Cutelo Negro, tente usar seu clone nas trocas.”
PsiGuard says “Rek'Sai should win this matchup early game, but Jarvan is a really strong ganker and team fighter when he has his ultimate. The game will usually come down to who makes the best plays in the early and mid game, since both of you can easily swing the game in your team's favor. Interrupt his dash with Unburrow and you should be able to win early 1v1s.”
MikeyFeint says “With J4 it is normally about who is more fed and who can get the cage out in time, You normally come out on top if you are able to get your ultimate out in time since he will likely take a lot more damage than you do.”
Everten says “He is very tanky, and has good mobility despite that. He can easily isolate you from teammates and important positions that would help you win against him. If you have to fight against him, you'll want to take a bruiser build, but if the rest of his team is squishy it might be better to path around him, and assassinate his teammates. Still, a very difficult matchup, dont pick rengar into him.”
Eggoman says “Really a mixed bag. try to use your R to knock him back when he attempts to flag and drag. Not sure if this knocks him out of Cataclysm range but it would be great if it does. ”
League Of Cursed says “If he uses his only form of engage to stop your drain, he's doing it wrong. He can box you after you ult however, which is annoying but you can still just kill him. I never find this matchup hard.
Dopamine_influx says “Annoying to kill, can be stronger than you with redsmite tabi, but you're way stronger early with triple Q. Try to countergank his first gank (lvl 3), or meet him on scuttle with triple Q.”
reganakers says “If you have watched any pro play in season 9 you will know that Rek'Sai is just the better champ out of the two. Her 1v1 is stronger, and she can knock him up to cancel his E->Q”
Xeldom says “Easy match-up. Your early game 1v1 is stronger however he excels at ganking and you have to track him and make sure to keep his jungle warded and ping your teammates.”
AWierdShoe says “You outdamage Jarvan hard in the early game, giving you the potential to invade him. Just avoid his E+Q combo with your E and you will win every time. You can also dash out of his R if he ever uses it on you (you can also use your R to push yourself out), so there's no need to use flash. The only thing you need to watch out for is his strong early ganks, as well as his counterganks.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Jarvan can beat you 1v1 if he gets to E>Q you. If he misses try to stay away from his flag as he gains attack speed around it and can still beat you. Just kite him out and you should win. His ults burst can be a problem but you can just jump over the walls.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He has a surprisingly high damage output that can catch you off guard if you're not careful, but if you are you can go toe to toe with him depending on your skill and state in the game. Ult when he does, hop out from his walls and kite him.”
QzKama says “Jarvan has significantly seen less play and Udyr has no issue 1v1ing him but his kit destroys you during teamfights if he plays correctly, be sure to have flash or you could die.”
DarkPit59 says “Jarvan possède un large éventail de possibilités tels qu'un bump avec son combo E+A, un bouclier et bien sur son ultime. S'il ne part pas tank, vous pourrez le surprendre de vos dégâts, s'il part tank alors il n'aura pas les dégâts pour vous éliminer. Vous pouvez également sortir de son Cataclysme avec votre propre R.”
RZEMgub9r says “Team fight runes
Can't counter his combo with ultimate, get zhonya fast if he's fed make sure to ult him if he combo'ed before using zhonya”
Flux31 says “Jarvan is extremely difficult to deal with. He can chase you down and trap you. The only way to beat him is if you're ahead or your team has ways to dish out damage”
WickedPoppet says “If he uses his only form of engage to stop your drain, he's doing it wrong. He can box you after you ult however, which is annoying but you can still just kill him. I never find this matchup hard.”
SavageFy says “Jarvan's damage, mobility and clear time are an extreme threat for Amumu. You want to avoid him early game. Jarvan often looks to invade Amumu's jungle early.”
Sorrowful Prince says “This guy is really dominant the first 20 minutes but you do have counterplay. His combo is relatively easy to dodge with your hookshot or ult and you can use his ult against him. If he engages on your backline evaluate if it is better to do the same with his or peal them by stunning Jarvan. Under even circumstances you win 1v1's if you play it clean so contest scuttles if you know the laners can't move. ”
Morzanoth says “You're pretty week early and Jarvan is very strong early. Don't try and take him on early. Your cd's are very high and you lack sustained damage. Be careful for early invades as well, you can be easily pressured out of your jungle unless you have help from your laners.”
Loki029 says “Don´t see him often but try too don´t let him get ahead, he can dive better than you, has more Overall Damage than you, buuut he deals his Damage fast and then has a great gap between the next Combo while you can perform way higher Damage overtime. If he Cages you alone, then he wants too catch 36% more Damage from your armor piercing E = Free Kill.”
Nico449c says “You win lvl 3 fights if you dodge hes eq combo otherwise you will most likely lose you can dodge hes combo with rappel. But you should either invade him or countergank him the invade require you to dodge hes e q combo tho. The thing you will do mostly is hit your e cocoon then use your burst combo when he tries to flash away or e q away you can follow him in spider form reppel or flash rappel ”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Jarvan is very reliant on his flag and drag to be able to fight you. If you can bait it out of him his biggest threat is gone and you can just go ham on him.”
TSMyth says “This matchup is also easy in my opinion, once he ults you, then it's very easy for you to escape it you can use E or R then you're out of it. He'll try to chase you so try to bait him to your teammates then try to E him when you've baited him and your teammates are there.”
Fabosch is Love says “He has a better early game impact than you. He can isolate you with his ult and denie yours easily. But you have so much more damage. In mid or late game you easily destroy him with equal stuff.”
The Top Bear says “Skill matchup. With his good damage, easy CC, and high health clears, I would watch out when invading him. Try to ward around his big buffs since those deal the most damage to him (Aside from krugs) and ward near the tri-bush and near the blue side bomb-plant near the lane. This will protect laners from getting easily ganked by Jarvan.”
urrb says “This is somewhat of a skill matchup in favor of Kha. If he goes electrocute and gets the jump on you he can win it, but if he goes aftershock you can generally 1v1 him early on, especially if you fight him in the river with riverwalking, dodge his knockup, or catch him without it. If it's a good J4 they will generally avoid fighting you without a lead and try to make plays where you are not. Do your best to track him and either countergank or ward and ping for your team.”
HalcyonFox says “The main thing to consider when fighting Jarvan is that you have to be careful of his Ultimate. The last thing you want is to be stuck in a little arena with a man of that size. Use your mobility to juke his knockup as he goes to engage. By the time he's close to you, your W should be ready to pop. Rail into him, if he puts you in his stone around and tries to beat you to death, just teach him who's boss by using your Ultimate to take his life.”
Quezel says “If you encounter j4 top you shouldn't have any issues rush seekers tabi and if he ever engages on you with e q just fight he cant get away from you and if he tries to use r you can ult him to remove the wall.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “If Jarvan builds full AD, you will be able to 1 shot him when his combo is down. If he builds into cinderhulk/tabis, avoid him and look for other plays around the map.”
Mkcls says “KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! If you can dodge his combo you should be able to win fights with him. Do NOT cheese him, since he can turn fights with EZ”
Simphoria says “Ganks well, clears okay, scales well; J4 is all around a good jungler. While he doesn't counter us in any particular instance, he is strong. Remember that your Q can cancel his EQ combo, heavily neutralizing his power.”
Xelaadryth says “When Jarvan ganks, save your Energy Ball if you can for after he knocks you up so you can disengage. Or just dodge it with the increased movespeed. However, lategame, if a good Jarvan manages to ult you to zone you from the fight, it can trap you from reaching a good ult position.”
LFS_aXent says “Anti-Fun matchup. While you can beat a J4, it is a toss up on positioning and foresight to win early fights. Be smart around him, late game, you are at a heavy disadvantage. He can knock up to cancel your ult, catch you with his own ult (which you have no flash, so glhf there), and combo with his team to eliminate you in a jiffy. Best advice is to pressure his jungle, early invade, and spot his weakness to expose that early.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Has high damage and a solid lockdown ability. If he has used his dash combo to get to you, he has no escape and you can punish him for being cocky.”
Laverenz says “Not really a big thread for Jax. Jarvan has 2, 3 with ultimate, that can damage you. After that he only has his basic attacks, which you can block ;)”
today ill feed enemy team says “He is like Lee Sin, if he tries to 1v1 with you he will just die like shit but he can 2v2 or teamfight way better than you, take care about it.”
Froozenn says “He can't really do much to you. You outscale him in 1v1 at any point in the game. You can even jump out of his ult, so don't ban Jarvan when you are playing Kha'zix. ”
Her0mars says “Pretty easy to beat. some people smurf with this guy and stomp everyone so be careful of that I guess. Jarvan is fairly cheesy and only sees heavy play when there are many squishies for him to instagib.”
Yuki H. says “His bread and butter combo (E+Q) can be dodged with your E, allowing you to kite him out, or chase him, depending on what he does. His ult also allows your Q to instantly bounce back, almost guaranteeing maximum damage.”
Hamstertamer says “Jarvan has pretty much no counterplay so tanking up with items like PD/BT/GA is the answer if he goes for a damage build. Flash his ult before it hits you, you won't take the damage.”
Chromuro says “We start to get some problems when you are vs. a jarvan. He does really too much damage for you and having CC can cripple you heavily. His ult is a death sentence, rarely you'll be able to escape it alive. But your "little" helper can stop his engage if she hits at the right moment ;)”
TOYOism says “He has shield and slow early, his passive hits like a truck, he got atkspd boost, so you lose. Just counter gank or counter jungle and rotate properly.”
KhaZix Mains says “[4/10] The only problem that you will have with him is at level 3, where the matchup is based on skill. Make sure you’re mindful of how you use your Leap as he can simply E+Q onto you to knock you up for free if you don’t have Leap. Try to use your leap to dodge his knock-up to win most duels against him. After that is easy so long as he doesn’t get a lead over you. Be mindful of his build, as him going full AD could be a larger threat when ahead.”
MrPuggles says “ Jarvan IV is pretty easy to beat 1v1 as long as he doesn't get too far ahead. In this matchup, invading is generally the right move if possible. When ganking, be careful as Jarvan IV has great countergank potential. Don't fall behind or else he will destroy you in teamfights. Make sure you don't try to 2v2 or do any other skirmishes against him while he has Cataclysm or it is likely that you will lose the fight.”
FesteringJester says “Pain in the ass to deal with it, no matter what. His early game will kill ours and if he is any good, get ready for a rough match. If they are bad, trust me, you will be able to tell.”
Aoefa says “You farm at roughly the same speed if he goes tank, if he goes ad he is faster. You have more reliable ganking tools so countergank him. He won't be able to kill you solo after the first item.”
Maxturbando says “You can win at lvl6 if not fed.Early game you can't do anything to him but his main power is ganking so ward a lot and you should be fine.”
Intello says “I try to ban him or Khazix in draft whenever possible. If he sees you before 20 mins he'll use his flag to jump on you and kill you in 2 seconds.
If he engages on you by placing down his banner, flash out of it to avoid being killed then EW and run. After Serpahs, Rod of Ages and Rylais you wont be as squishy and will be able to handle him later on in the game.”
Yzroma says “You can always 1v1 Jarvan if you don't miss your Q. Try not to be interrupted with his combo. Also, it's sometimes good to keep your Q to use it to get out of his arena (R).”
Leapus says “Early = easy
Tanky = Deadly
Lots of CC, don't burn your Ultimate and try to 2v1 him. You can't oneshot him, but if he is behind you can manage to kill him.”
Bombabo says “More of a threat if he goes tanky, due to his ability to survive your combo and lock you down. If he builds offensively, whichever one of you sees the other first will win, so you can deal with him as long as you don't give your position away”
Aht3ns says “Swiftness boots. Flash his knock ups, and trade his invades. He is good in season 9 because of his ability to farm up and not gank early.”
Killerbacca10 says “Avoid him early game. He destroys you early game. Stay away from him. Late game you destroy him though. So play team oriented stay out of his way.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “He has Burst and relativly ok clearing speed, he will try to gank a lot and some times also try to counterjungle, just try to avoid his combos and you should be more than fine.”
MadMaster523 says “If he lands his combo, you're probably going to get destroyed. However, if he messes up, you could punish him super hard. Try to dodge his q and land your q. Keep in mind that if he ults you in mega form, you could ult him to stun him into his ult, making his ultimate useless.”
Lil Trash says “If he misses his e and q combo he is quite easy to kill. If you are stealing his camps make sure you have q since he can chase you down if you dont have it.”
FrozenKnight says “Same as Xin, but has a lot more dashes to chase you and his ultimate to keep you trapped as his team focuses you and your team retreats.”
SuicidalKitty says “has a bit less damage than udyr but has mobility and cc so i fear him more, try to get a even hp threshold or more and jump onto him from a bush and catch him off guard because if you don't get EMP Q he will usually win”
SuicidalKitty says “is like Udyr on steroids he has damage, is too Tanky to one shot and has gap closers and his R is plenty to lock you down in a skirmish or a 1v1 fight to the death”
Shderen says “BOY does this guy burst. Remember Keane playing this in NA LCS? it HURTS. yeah, you can silence his E+Q combo MAYBE but he'll still find a way between that, his flash and his ult to get in your face and SMACK your ass down. Will likely get a Phage item and probably will get the movement speed to walk out of your E.”
bluejaypig says “High damage, and has 1 shot potential. Try not to get knocked up by alpha striking then meditating his ultimate and you should be good.”
Twist21 says “You have no reason tho fight him early levels , he will just beat you even at lvl 6.Try to do a full clear and countergank (focus on botlane if possible).”
xTheUnlimited says “With his Q, E and R he will get a lot of good ganks in. Try to gank as much as he does so your laners wont fall behind. Also you can interrupt his E Q combo with your Q. If he builds full damage he falls pretty fast, so you can just ult him and your team will follow up to take the kill. If he is building more defensive, try to stay nearby your carries so they aren't trapped in his ultimate alone with him. ”
Court says “If caught in Jarvan's ult, Evelynn's choices are typically to use her ult, or die. This makes it pretty even as it sacrifices one ult for another. If he is fed he will probably be able to one shot Evelynn. ”
ApexZulu says “J4 cant really 1v1 you early unless you comes to the fight with a significant amount of health over you. Late game, he will always be more effective in team fights than you unless he builds full damage. Focus on peeling him off your carries.”
Trap_mp4 says “Early game Jarvan isn't a big problem for Zilean as he can be outrun only being a issue if he lands knockup how ever post 6 his ultimate will be a big problem combined with his damage as he will have no problem killing you.”
woofpack3 says “probably the strongest lvl 2 burst in the game and your snare doesn't stop his flag and drag iirc, his ult is also the only cc that isn't affected by black shield. he'll counterjungle you all game and will be in every bush on the map except the ones you ward”
LePlay says “Block his E-Q combo with your W, the rest should be easy since you are not only tankier than him, but you also eliminated his main source of damage and his only escape mechanic”
drunken hunter says “J4 is a pretty strong top laner with some nice dmg on his (Q) and AA which makes it hard to trade him in the early game - so wait for your (W) every time you wanna engage. Apart from that watch out for his shield and his (R) which traps you for a few seconds. Exhaust him when you see him going for an all-in.”
Optimal Pancake says “Jarvan counters you, plain and simple. If you're anything but red form, 9/10 you'll have a hard time against him. Flag-Drag combo displaces you and does high damage, W slows you and shields him. The only thing you've got over him is the fact that you can Q or E out of his ult. ”
Wulfery says “It'll all depend on how you get fed. If you fall behind, he'll squish you, if you will have even slight advantage you will win easily. Only remember, not to turn into "I'm Jarvan and I'm helping!" with his ult. Happens too often.”
Exhiled says “High damage, and has 1 shot potential. Try not to get knocked up by alpha striking then meditating his ultimate and you should be good.
Yi Guide says “J4 is difficult to deal with at almost every aspect of the game. He has strong early damage and gank potential. Depending on his build J4 can have the ability to one-shot you. If you can avoid his knock-up (E)+(Q) Combo you will have a good chance to beat him in a 1v1.”
MetabuserEU says “With his Q, E and R he will get a lot of good ganks in. Try to gank as much as he does so your laners won't fall behind. Also, you can interrupt his E Q combo with your Q. If he builds full damage he falls pretty fast, so you can just ult him and your team will follow up to take the kill. If he is building more defensive, try to stay nearby your carries so they aren't trapped in his ultimate alone with him.”
Salmon Kid says “J4 is a worse version of the camille problem because he has less damage, but his cage does prevent Lillia from moving freely and he can 3 camp/1 camp invade.”
Yagerflare says “J4 is a big problem early. He can duel you at most points in the game and is more mobile than you. If your game goes past 25 or you get a lead on him, you'll win. Otherwise, J4 is a problem.”
Hazardist says “Jarvan can be very mobile and his Ganks are better than yours, but his damage is much lower and is very reliant on cooldowns, so you have the upper hand in extended encounters.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
MannerlessNG says “Non-Factor.
You deal more damage, you out heal him, outscale him, out farm him and take objectives much faster.
He is so boring to play against, literally just using his E to fly over walls whenever you engage him.
If he's an idiot and uses his ult on you, slam him into his own wall and tear his boring ass up.
His ganks are decent and usually come early, So try ping your team if you know where he's at.
Its really easy to shut him down by just eating his entire jungle whenever he goes for something on the other side of the map.”
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