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Singed Counter Stats

Singed Counters
Discover all champions who counter Singed. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Singed in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
726 Tips for countering Singed below

Top Lane
52.31% Win Rate84% Pick Rate Singed Top Lane Counters: 33 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Singed in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

liucan says “STAT CHECKER: U can waveclear without killing urself and also Proxy. i prefer to not proxy to expose myself to feed enemy, since u need to taunt urself to farm. He outruns u while dealing %hp dmg to u with liandry, so dont try to fight him, until u have enough dmg or move speed, if he goes into your team, stun him and try to burst him with them (or at least make him run low hp so he doesnt come back), dont use R or he will make u run into his team. His ult is nuts gives so much stats for just pressing a button, so he will statcheck u literally. Go scaling runes so u can be good in TFS and put wards in your jungle so he will not cheese yours and tilt him (u can lose just because of this) ALWAYS WATCH WHERE HE IS AND USE PINGS.”
Briar Top bad english by liucan | Briar Player
Maniaxx says “To deal with Singed as Dr. Mundo in the top lane, focus on avoiding his poison and managing his speed. Early on, avoid trading with Singed when he’s running through his Q (Fling) or when his W (Mega Adhesive) slows you, as it can set up for a dangerous poison burn. Don’t chase Singed unless you can secure a kill, as he’ll just keep running and use Fling to throw you into dangerous spots. After level 6, Mundo's (R) helps out-sustain Singed’s damage, so try to engage him when his Q and W are on cooldown. In the late game, build items like Spirit Visage to boost your healing, making it harder for Singed to burn you down. Items such as Thornmail can also help mitigate his poison damage. Doran’s Shield is good for early sustain, and focus on short trades, using your Q (Infected Cleaver) to poke from a distance. Don’t chase Singed when he’s running, and be aware of his Fling. Stay patient and scale into the late game where Mundo can out-sustain Singed in prolonged fights. ”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
Nithril says “While a minor chance, he can E your E and distrupt you greatly so try to Q before you E, his Ghost R movement speed is great but hey you are also fast to kite him out”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
parker3n9 says “In most games, you’ll get one trade with Singed early before he decides to proxy farm instead of interacting with you in lane. If he goes for an execute after proxying, you can cheese him with W to punish him. You win this matchup pretty hard at all stages, so focus on controlling the wave and pressuring him whenever possible. Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade. If he's on proxy, farm beneath tower, use inner Q next to casters to get them low enough for 1 tower hit + 1 AA. If he overdo the proxy and is way too low, get him with your passive.”
Fighter Ambessa Top Guide by Coke Rat | Ambessa Player
Dragonyx says “He slows you down and you can't chase him. Be careful do not act careless ”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty simple for Camille, start w and poke him perma with it, whenever he tries to fling remember to buffer q in order to block dmg with passive, after 1st item if you can chase after him after fling u will always kill him. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush.”
Spartaniko says “Uninteractive lane. You can poke him but can't engage with W due to his E. Can't fight him in his ult, neither. Don't run after him and don't try to kill him if he is proxing unless you know 100% sure u will get the kill.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES "If you have Second Wind/DShield/Pots hit poison really does very little to you. Take Approach Velocity to stick to him and spam Grasp procs to make him sad. If he can get in a position to proxy you can't chase him so don't allow that. Don't get flung into tower and there's no way you can die" ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
Fanatical Goose says “Bully Singed off the wave while avoiding taking unnecessary damage, if Singed cannot farm he will not win. Do not let him flip you under his tower. If Singed proxies you want to rush Cull and Tiamat, DO NOT CHASE IF YOU WILL LOSE WAVE. If you are against a singed or other proxy champs you want to make sure he's not headed to your first wave before they spawn via warding and sitting in top jgl. ”
Olaf Guide since I got banned from the discord (WIP) by Fanatical Goose | Olaf Player
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