Top Lane 52.31% Win Rate84% Pick RateSinged Top Lane Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Singed in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “STAT CHECKER: U can waveclear without killing urself and also Proxy. i prefer to not proxy to expose myself to feed enemy, since u need to taunt urself to farm. He outruns u while dealing %hp dmg to u with liandry, so dont try to fight him, until u have enough dmg or move speed, if he goes into your team, stun him and try to burst him with them (or at least make him run low hp so he doesnt come back), dont use R or he will make u run into his team. His ult is nuts gives so much stats for just pressing a button, so he will statcheck u literally. Go scaling runes so u can be good in TFS and put wards in your jungle so he will not cheese yours and tilt him (u can lose just because of this) ALWAYS WATCH WHERE HE IS AND USE PINGS.”
Maniaxx says “To deal with Singed as Dr. Mundo in the top lane, focus on avoiding his poison and managing his speed. Early on, avoid trading with Singed when he’s running through his Q (Fling) or when his W (Mega Adhesive) slows you, as it can set up for a dangerous poison burn. Don’t chase Singed unless you can secure a kill, as he’ll just keep running and use Fling to throw you into dangerous spots. After level 6, Mundo's (R) helps out-sustain Singed’s damage, so try to engage him when his Q and W are on cooldown. In the late game, build items like Spirit Visage to boost your healing, making it harder for Singed to burn you down. Items such as Thornmail can also help mitigate his poison damage. Doran’s Shield is good for early sustain, and focus on short trades, using your Q (Infected Cleaver) to poke from a distance. Don’t chase Singed when he’s running, and be aware of his Fling. Stay patient and scale into the late game where Mundo can out-sustain Singed in prolonged fights.
Nithril says “While a minor chance, he can E your E and distrupt you greatly so try to Q before you E, his Ghost R movement speed is great but hey you are also fast to kite him out”
parker3n9 says “In most games, you’ll get one trade with Singed early before he decides to proxy farm instead of interacting with you in lane. If he goes for an execute after proxying, you can cheese him with W to punish him. You win this matchup pretty hard at all stages, so focus on controlling the wave and pressuring him whenever possible.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade. If he's on proxy, farm beneath tower, use inner Q next to casters to get them low enough for 1 tower hit + 1 AA. If he overdo the proxy and is way too low, get him with your passive.”
Raideru says “This matchup is pretty simple for Camille, start w and poke him perma with it, whenever he tries to fling remember to buffer q in order to block dmg with passive, after 1st item if you can chase after him after fling u will always kill him. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush.”
Spartaniko says “Uninteractive lane. You can poke him but can't engage with W due to his E. Can't fight him in his ult, neither. Don't run after him and don't try to kill him if he is proxing unless you know 100% sure u will get the kill.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"If you have Second Wind/DShield/Pots hit poison really does very little to you. Take Approach Velocity to stick to him and spam Grasp procs to make him sad. If he can get in a position to
proxy you can't chase him so don't allow that. Don't get flung into tower and there's no way you can die" ”
Fanatical Goose says “Bully Singed off the wave while avoiding taking unnecessary damage, if Singed cannot farm he will not win. Do not let him flip you under his tower.
If Singed proxies you want to rush Cull and Tiamat, DO NOT CHASE IF YOU WILL LOSE WAVE. If you are against a singed or other proxy champs you want to make sure he's not headed to your first wave before they spawn via warding and sitting in top jgl. ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Singed é o menor dos problemas , farme em baixo da torre tranquilo, seu campeão foi feito pra isso, só n deixe ele chegar na base pra farmar.”
UrPersonalGod says “You can go cull first back.
Ignore him when he goes for a proxy.
Its your junglers job to deal with him.
Tiamat rush can really help.”
Skaarlschloch says “You can punish him through many points of the lane and even singed otps dont expect AP Sejus Burst dmg at 6. If Singed is smart though he will avoid you at all costs and outscale you mid-late. You can match the proxy as sej has excelent waveclear herself, if you know where enemy jungler is. This matchup also depends largely on how strong singed is (rn 14.14-14.16 hes quite weak)”
SemenDrinker says “Blade and 2nd wind
Singed is literally never going to fight you in lane. You will farm and farm and farm. Buy a cull infact also if he's gonna proxy all game. If your jungle does see a kill you may follow and collect the kill. Unless he has something like ghost phase rush i wouldnt bother. If he does stay in lane then you basically auto win. When you see him going in for the e use your Q2 or Q3 backwards as you hit him midair with your sweetspot.”
Frankoloko says “Go CD runes because every ult & ghost is a kill and you don't need Bone Plating vs him. Rush Rylai for the slow & boots for the speed.”
Banzi says “e him away whenever he tries and get close to u (q if off cd)
deny his lvl 1 proxy
poke him down and he will rage quit by getting shutdown so hard by a support in the top lane
Start Wit's end”
IvanBeifong says “Uninteractive lane, he'll usually proxy you, just farm away and trade with him when you can, nothing more to say, be careful when you're close to his tower, if you E2 at the same time he E's you, he won't be able to pull you over.
Ult is pretty statchecky, good if you want more stats.”
LilPicky says “(take 4th rune page start shield) if he starts to proxy rush tiamat, then triforce, if he doesnt proxy triforce first, E into him and make sure you can hit stun so you can W slow him before he is able to throw you away, R after he throws you away, never before because he can just launch you away from your own R”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is easy since since you have a range advantage, and he has no dashes. He's pretty much always pushing the wave with his posion so you're able to freeze the wave and make him extend for CS. Guard your jungle level 1 so he can't proxy between your turrets; if he's successful, you'll be stuck farming under your turret if you're in top lane. In mid lane, he will try to perma-push every wave and roam to your sidelanes; communicate to your team that this is what he will do. This will force him into bad roams, and you will be able to freeze and get massive XP advantages. His W will make you grounded so you wont be able to Drift until you walk out of it. If you're Ulting him, the timing is very important and it needs to knock him up max range otherwise you will get flipped by his E anyway. If he Ults at you, just disengage and wait it out since it gives him movement speed and extra resistances.”
step1v9 says “Take second wind and you never die. If he tries to apply poison trail just stand and auto never chase. You can E over his W if you aren't in it. Don't let him W+fling you into his tower. If he just flings you it's fine because you just E afterwards and he has no CD. Disengage when he uses R unless you can all-in. Never chase. If he proxy you proxy too.”
Raideru says “Lvl 1 he will try to just walk by you and put his gas on the wave so just poke him with q till lvl 3, whenever he tries to flip you go for an auto + w so he is slowed after he flips you then E hiim back into yourself and run him down, he can't really do much to you since he can't outtrade you no matter what unless you get spacing gapped”
Azzin says “This matchup is really free, just jump on him, combo for 50% of his hp and then he's screwed, can be annoying if perma proxying but no big threat overall.”
Haxorr says “Singed is an interesting matchup because even though laning phase is really easy for you, a good singed will always make sure that they get the wave and you eventually will lose the 1v1 in side lane after 1 or 2 items.
Take DBlade, run Grasp and rush Trinity Force. You can play very aggressively in this lane early on and taking ignite is definitely a possibility, but do be careful as Singed has very good gank setup and outscales you really hard. Trinity is good if you want to have more power in the 1v1. Overall, just try to get a lead in lane and then win teamfights because you will not be able to get anything done in the sidelane against Singed.”
DuckQc says “Annoying shit. He will proxy and you can't do anything because he outruns you. I recommend buying boots early and and going hexplate first, because he will probably buy swifties, so stride slow can be not enough. Also don't underestimate his poison damage as it can easily kill you if not careful enough.”
Arthapsic says “Do not leash your jungler ask him to solo and try to get priority level 1 so he can't hard push your lane. Walk up stack Q then Q him when he goes for last hits and repeat. If he has ignite level 2 he can all in you so be careful. Do not chase after his poison just Q him when it's stacked and try to focus on farming. After 6 you win the all in if you hit everything but he is just going to kite you so best thing to do is to focus on farming and only kill him if you've poked him out enough. Be careful he got patched to have grievous wounds when he uses his ulty and it's going to reduce your healing. Try to look for 5v5's because he is uncatchable on sidelane.”
TeiWasTaken says “He does not deal enough damage to kill you, but he can escape easily. Do not dive him, he will throw you somewhere where you do not want to be. And remember: Do not chase Singed!”
eXC4l says “Contradicts pretty much in every aspect to Naafiri's gameplay. This character doesn't let you use your W and E, doesn't let you chase him and can easily brick your combo. Very bad matchup, just play safe and try not to engage him if he isn't low enough.”
Baby_Driver says “Nimbus cloak is a must.
If u notice that he is going rylai's first item, u can go for swifties.
Stridebreaker is good option.
Walk with your wave lvl 1 so he doesn't proxy.
Stay near your melee minions and just auto-W him whenever he tries to walk up.
if he does and he flips you, pull him immediately.”
Hotch says “Lol, Lmao
You can trade lvl 1 but he'll probably just clear the wave anyways. It's fine. Don't let him cheese you lvl 2 tho. After that just hold a freeze and kill him.”
Jabuti Trevoso says “Se ele te der proxy, vc se lascou, pq vc não vai conseguir mata-lo sem ajuda do Jungle e vai perder muito farm, na duvida, bane, ou pede pro seu duo banir.”
KingJoeyy says “Advice to Win Against Singed Keep your distance to avoid being Flung back into Singed's allies. Singed needs to run close to your team to be effective. Try to take advantage of this by using crowd control effects on him while attacking his allies. Be careful when chasing Singed.”
forlid says “Singed players will usually proxy as their laning phase is very easy to predict. He is a very good asset in teamfights and scales pretty hard, you'll most likely never kill him alone unless its very early and he lanes. This is the only matchup where I'd start with Cull, as even if he lanes he will always push the wave, so you'll never miss minions.”
PinkBlood says “Gangplank easiest lane, only way you lose this matchup is if singed just perma roams and kills ur team mates. If singed proxies ever just make sure you farm with passive under tower, you will end up getting such a early ult upgrade and alot of money.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.1,2. are good, i prefer ignite and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style)
singed is a clown untill his first item,
he probebly will proxy you so wait for it and walk with the wave or ask your jg to start top side.
try to avoid a police run after him
and poke stun whenever you can
(late game you have no chance)”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/flash. Spellbook
Havent played much vs singed but if he is good its challenging. He is useless till he gets some items but if he gets a successful proxy, its a problem. Ward your tri/jgl to prevent this. You can go banshee to deny his fling. Buy swifties ”
MaesePerez says “Just farm, your passive sustain is good enough to get cs even if he proxy farms after a couple levels. You outscale very hard, don't run after him and you'll be fine. If you see him run at your backline, silencing him will prevent his flip, allowing your team to burst him before he throws your adc into his frontline.”
forlid says “Singed isn't usually played in a lane, and is instead proxied with. This is due to him being a weak laner with no real all in. A usual trade with him should be Q -> W -> Q2, and once he uses E on you, time your Q3 by firing it behind you, so that it lands on top of Singed. He is a strong late game champion that excels in grouped up teamfights, so try to take his team out before him.”
SpoonSlayer says “He will probably proxy all lane. Nothing you can do about it really. Farm the wave and go damage him and repeat. Ask for ganks. Be mindful with your ult as he can simply run away fast.”
free farm lane that you outscale, not a level 1 threat though because he'll usually have more farm than you if he proxies and singed late game is also an abomination. Phase rush + resolve”
Bard_Enjoyer says “I'm putting this just for his players. Don't get baited for his simple kit and low hp. If he takes your minions early(it happens more than often) then don't worry, you got his minions. Don't tell your team to kill him and let him be. If he stays that way, you both have farm and you don't need to worry about you missing a minion(easy stacking)”
Artszy says “Provalmente vai fazer proxy. n gaste spell tentando ir atrás dele, só vai perder tempo, xp e gold. Boneco tem muitas formas de fugir, n fique perseguindo ele andando no rastro de veneno dele.”
hamgi says “dont chase him. get out of his w as u cannot q3/e/e2/r out of it. space his q. if he flips u, move perpendicular to him to avoid more q dmg. avoid fighting him with his r active”
Belle19 says “He outscales you but unless he proxies his lane is unplayable the entire time, and you never lose a 1v1 he just does more in teamfights. If he starts proxying beg your jungle to kill him. Don't fall into the trap of trying to stop his proxy yourself, darius cant catch up to him and you'll just lose a wave.”
zwartebliksem says “Take TP into this matchup. Don't chase Singed. Singed wants to go equal in lane, we don't. Try to punish mistakes and bully him hard. If he were to proxy, try to ask your jungler for help. If your jungler can't come, try to play around your TP cooldown. Consider buying cull and tiamat.”
Haearnbleidd says “Annoying shit. He will proxy and you can't do anything because he outruns you. I recommend buying boots early and and going hexplate first, because he will probably buy swifties, so stride slow can be not enough. Also don't underestimate his poison damage as it can easily kill you if not careful enough.”
AWierdShoe says “Singed is annoying due to the fact that he can just flip you and run away from you if you try to initiate a trade. A nice little trick to do is that if you initiate with Q1, you can Q2 backwards to hit him with the sweetspot while he flips you, then look for a follow-up. Just don't overchase him too hard so you don't take too much damage from his Q poison. If he starts to proxy the lane, there's not too much you can do against it except farm under your tower; if you try to chase he'll just run away and force you to lose CS while being up himself. ”
Akuzai says “This champion with the new items is exodia. I have yet to figure out a way to outscale him... Just pray he doesn't choose to fight you and stick under tower. Poke as much as possible and try to combo your abilities after he uses his flip.”
GheeseEmpty says “Annoying, but managable. If you need to regain tempo, you can oftentimes mirror his proxy by walking through turret with Awakened Boar. He is almost never worth chasing, of course, but your usefulness in teamfights is pretty even.”
exoticT says “Cant really kill in lane. Try not to chase him down and play for your E stun and Q CD. Singed will most likely proxy, try not to chase down and you will get free farm under tower”
xXazzer says “In lane he is extremely easy to deal with. You can deny his proxy by catching him in jungle before he can touch your wave, and zone him off. If he still manages to, just let him do his thing. If your jungler has a braincell he will kill him, if not just farm up. Later on he is way better than you in teamfights. With movespeed, and rylais and his tankiness he will do alot in teamfights so just realize that. If he stays in lane then just play aggro vs him. You can Q backwards when he flips you and it'll hit him.”
NegativePhoenix says “ALWAYS set up for a level 1 proxy with your jungle unless you are 100% certain you know where he is at since most Singed players will just proxy against you. If you notice he's gone too long he's either going to proxy or [very rarely] ganking a lane. There's not much you can do to counter him so this is a very non-interactive matchup until your jungle wants to chase him”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Take advantage if he is your melee range and just AA him. Good Singed players will play around their towers and will kill if if you don't position well. He will proxy all game. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
LilliaFanBoy says “If the player is good he's gonna be annoying but in terms of damage most of the times you will out-damage him. First few levels try and harass as much as possible. DO NOT CHASE HIM UNLESS YOU CAN HIT AN E FOR A GUARANTEED KILL.”
WhendZ says “KKKKKKKKKK é só dar um pau nele, ele não faz nada. (Em respeito a um amigo, ele não faz QUASE nada, fica esperto com o snare da cola + a skill de levantar)”
LegacyOneTap says “he just doesn't play the same game as you, like hes either going to proxy all game and not be toplane or he'll be in lane perma clearing it and leaving. you can kind of challenge him/kill him early, later on he just runs from you because his ult and ghost always summoner spell so just scale up maybe buy cull. matchup is in your favor mainly because you can do a lot more in teamfights and splitting than him. just dont chase most of the time unless you can confidently kill him on spell rotation with aa weaved in or team keeps him still.”
JPGamer10BR says “Você só perde se você for horroroso, vá para lane junto com os minion pois assim evita dele fazer proxy, caso ele give a 1ª wave para pegar a 2ª deixe ele, não corra atrás dele, porque você perderá xp e gold.
pode pegar, PTA, F.F ou Aery (não recomendo Grasp pois tu não vai ativar muito)”
BurritoTopKing says “No kill lane probably as he will proxy, use your dead timers (no wave) to get vision or maybe roam, you can kill him while he proxies though but not alone as he will just E you away, just maintain a good cs count and you should be ok.”
WarwicksSimp says “Difficult to do anything, it's a good play to invade with your enemy jg, go for objectives, and more. Top lane basically is there for you to go back to farming when there's nothing to do.”
xskyswitch says “Don't chase singed. He will try to proxy. If he goes through jungle to proxy there isn't much to do about to stop him. If he goes through your turret you can get poke off if he goes to proxy, but it is unlikely you will get a kill. If you wish to fight his proxy, do it on a cannon wave so you don't miss an entire wave fighting him.”
Tronnes says “Not the hardest matchup just don't follow his poison trail and don't miss CS even if he's proxying. Hard champ to kill since he's really fast. Poke him a bit to get him to back and miss CS. There is kill potential with R. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “FOCUS ON CS.
Singed being a funny cringe walking animal, he will perma fling you every time you try and trade, keep your abilities up. you are able to catch up to him unless he has 1,2 items with full boots. you can also just completely dumpster him when he hits 45 or 50% HP. and remember if you get flinged into the Cumjuice on the floor, you’re grounded for 12 years. that insta kills you, if jungler is nearby or you lose the trade”
Chaddouk says “Two big thematics vs Singed : Micro and macro. Micro : early on, hit him as much as you can when you're in range, at the moment you're not in range anymore DISENGAGE, you will win by doing that, either you kill or he will go oom before you have no hp. Rule n° 1 : do not chase a singed. Also note that his E is actually on a pretty short cooldown. Regarding the macro, walk up with your wave so he doesn't proxy lvl 1, then if he proxies : if you can proxy also AND take jgl camps in between waves do that, otherwise clear the wave fast, go on him make him use E and go back to farming under turret, repeat and he can't proxy more than 3 in a row because of mana issues. Ping back your team if you think you can't kill him instead of letting them waste time. When you have full points in W you can actually beat him on side in an all in later.”
daitolol says “TOP/MID//
- Free matchup d ring start into sorcery, Singed can't lane into akali so he will try to proxy and perma roam make sure to ping your team often when he is missing
_WhiteSnow_ says “He can't really trade with you due to his low range, so you're guaranteed good trades whenever he goes for a flip. Just outsustain his q and don't get caught too far out if you can't threaten a kill as he can prove to be extremely sticky if you don't have a tunnel network set up.”
At_Tar_Ras says “not too bad of a matchup. you won't even be playing against him anyways as he'll mess around proxy'ing or something lol super annoying”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash} this little guy has got nothing on you. Start by walking your wave in to avoid a proxy farmer. your Q silence may not always stop his flip but you can W to avoid the brunt of the damage and E back onto him. Always be harassing this champ and stay on top of vision. ”
TheBougis says “Singed alone is not too good from what I've seen, he can do some damage if he is being chased but his damage output is too slow to kill you at any stage in the game (except maybe early with a good augment).”
BezMemow says “He can't really solokill you but you will never throughout the whole game kill him unless HE ints. He will proxy or follow up with jungler to kill you in lane.”
Antecc says “If he proxies, farm up. Nothing else you can do. If he lanes, quick trades with single W taps. Don't go for any trades if you get outspaced. Only Q after he flings you away; you have a very small window to instantly jump back onto him after his fling to stick onto him. Unkillable after he gets Rylai's.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “If he isnt dogshit he will proxy as he cant do shit on the lane. If he stays on the lane just harass him and abuse the fact that he cant do shit against you as his Q is useless in this matchup. Dont let him flip you into his tower and you good. If he proxies just sit under the tower and hit minions, dont go after him. You outscale so even if you wont get early kills/towers taking every cs for free is very juicy as well.”
ABL Pantheon says “You stomp him early game, just don't chase him while he has Q. Try not to get hit by his Flip, because while Grounded you cannot use abilities. If he starts to proxy, just farm the waves and only look to kill him if the circumstances allow it.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [conditioning] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> swifties ->radiance -> CORE
Thank god nobody plays we cant kill often and he can kill us if we overextend .
lordimboutabust says “Free lane. Have your jg covered at the start of the game in case he tries to proxy. If he makes the poor decision of staying in lane just combo him on cooldown, if you think he is about to throw you Q behind you and it will hit him. Only way he kills you is if you chase too hard | Second Wind | Dshield - Evenshroud”
Bernardian says “Start by walking to the tier 2 tower and walking with your minions. Most singed OTPs will just proxy you as this is one of there worst matchups so denying the proxy early on is very good especially if you can kill him thats pretty much gg. Singed cannot fight you head to head in lane. he also cant poke you down enough to warrant you walking away or backing off from him. If you time it right you can e him while he flips you off of him.”
Waqql says “Playing against Singed can feel quite strange. Your best approach is to ignore him. Whenever he comes near you, back off kiting and focus on farming minions. Avoid stepping into his poison trail at all costs. It's best to refrain from engaging as Mega Gnar, as he can simply toss you away and create a toxic cloud around you.”
Delthion says “You are faster, you deal more damage and you have better CC. What more could you ask for? He will try to all-in you at some point, but make sure you harass him to the point that he will die if he tries. ”
demirkaiser says “Easy. Take ghost. Try to poke him a lot. Don't let him proxy. Post 6 is easy. Don't try to follow him after your combo. Use your ghost when you ult.”
Lukajs says “"Don't chase Singed" is an unwritten rule of League of Legends. And it's fitting for Singed, since you can't really chase him to get kills. Play around farming.”
LegendaryTNS says “Le E counter son lancer, il vous fait atterrir là où vous avez cast votre E.
The E counters its throw, it lands you where you cast your E.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. look to trade LVL 1 if he plays aggressively, if he doesn't just wait for LVL 2 and jump on him but if he also has LVL 2 then don't. Wait for him to walk up to you and start your e if he flings you then you can still Q on him and stun him. Try to W him when he goes in to cs.”
Pulgontes says “Muy difícil matarlo, su W cancela todo tu combo, farmea mucho mejor que vos y te va a meter bajo torre, también es difícil matarlo por su velocidad.”
Twogrand says “if he tries to flip you press E and go with him you can stick onto him like glue really easy match up. MAKE SURE YOU WALK WITH THE FIRST WAVE so he cannot proxy it. conq tp eclipse”
vreiki says “Voce tem tudo que precisa pra ele não encostar em voce. É extremamente frustrante para o Singed. Lembre que a poça impede de reutilizar o seu E, evite riscos.”
Althalosofsirun says “take teleport and farm he will proxy but you have a better teamfight as long as the team follows through take demo for whenever you get to shove a wave to take his turret buy hullbreaker if the team is questionable”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start Q or W. Walk with your minion wave to the lane so he doesn't start the game by proxying. Do not leash for your jungler. Try to freeze the wave on your side and fight him as he tries to push the wave. If he manages to proxy (farm between your towers) DO NOT PANIC! Just farm the minions under your tower and know that you outscale him and that it's completely fine because you just farm for free and EASILY kill him later when you have items. You also counter him in 5v5s because you can just R him, lock him up, and have your team focus him.”
Boptimus says “You don't have any easy way of dealing with Singed. Any time you try to get near Singed he can E fling you and run away.
Luckily your W can cancel his fling if timed correctly but you will struggle trying to stick to him. Farm as much as you can and grab some early MR.
Try to keep him from proxying if you can as well.”
Nurakami says “Pretty weird why he is so dangerous.
Simply bcs he don't lane and phase rush make him nearly unkillable for you.
But his early is weak don't let him shove wave under tower bcs he will proxy you.
Bully him until he gets rylai and next just farm up and try to kill his teammates.
Smauggy says “he run fast too, but you can regen on the minions if he start proxiing, just start qing them as near as possible of the turret.
after that his only threath is the antiheal on his ult, but you can just ult him when ults ”
Loweloexpert says “Goofy ah champ, just kill him at 3/4/5/6/7/8/9 when you want. Rush rylais and he cant do shit. Be sure to ult him after his E or ult. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Poisonous personality and gases. Adhesives and a flingy shield. Capable of dealing loads of damage and coupled up with burning items like Demonic and Liandry's, he's menace incarnate. ”
Boptimus says “If the Singed player is good he can buffer his fling and flip you whenever you go to E him. Close range your E is incredibly hard to react to so keep him poked with Q's and use Phase Rush to full combo and back off so he doesn't have the chance to fling. Obviously don't chase Singed and wait for him to misposition before going for anything crazy.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “His W is a massive problem, massively slowing you and preventing all movement enhancing abilities, try to use Hextech Rocketbelt to dodge his W before it lands, as it has a small animation showing you where it will land.”
Nazcore says “You lose. You can farm but there's no way to catch/kill and skilled singed. Be patient and macro outplay. D-Shield isnt mandatory but can be valuable.”
Open says “Cancer just dodge tbh. you can bully him early game but he scales into a beast post 6 hes very hard to kill I'd consider galeforce against him. ”
Vixylafoen says “Really really weird matchup since Singed will likely try to proxy you, so simply just take advantage of being left alone in lane. You'll gain more than he will from that”
DJCraz says “Not really that bad, just annoying. Don't chase him if he's proxying you wave, you're not gonna catch him and if you misplay and die it's even worse. Try to hold tri-bush on redside to stop the proxy from happening. Careful near tower as well, if you start getting targeted from tower you're not leaving, he'll flip, ground and slow you to a sad and pitiful death. ”
stefanko says “Walk in front of the wave so Singed doesnt proxy the wave, you win trades easily, save your q for after he flings you. Play slowly with the wave, cause he has way better way clear than you. (grasp, tp)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
You win lvl 1, lvl 2+3 you have to parry his E to win the trades.
After 6 he can just outrun you, he will also mostly have Ghost + Swifties. What I like to do here is to just go for the Gore+Rav Hydra build and punish him every time you manage to parry his E. If you mess up just let him do his thing and push the sidelane as hard as possible.
Bring TP since he can proxy.”
dzsama says “Can be annoying, don't chase him unless you are confident you can kill him. This matchup overall is very low interaction matchup as they will most of the time go proxy so you have to stay at your tower to farm. Singed isn't in the best spot right now in terms of power so he shouldn't be too big of a threat during later stages of the game. Some run ignite on Singed so be careful of that as he deals surprising amounts of damage with or without it.”
lorensj81 says “Singed is an easy matchup, try to walk with your wave from base so he can't proxy on you, he will have trouble farming so try and deny as much as possible. His fling actually deals quite alot of damage. But you can easily kill him if he walks close to you without his passive speedup active. Remember to never chase a Singed! I usually takes Ghost in this matchup.”
Pep_Shin says “Don't follow bozo if you have farm available.
Otherwise you can catchup to him pre-6 with your Q and approach velocity.
Once 6 it becomes harder but with ghost and ult you can try something if he goes to E you.
He shouldn't be able to kill you if you're not inting.”
NegativePhoenix says “The chances he ever fights you aren't all that great. Granted you can't catch him most of the time, but he should be easy to predict when he wants to try to E you so you can just use your W to stop it. Most of the time a Singed will just proxy and run if he knows you're coming. Big Rule: Never chase. No point in ulting him though either since he'll probably just ghost/flash and get away unless you can land 3 Qs fast enough but he should already be out of range by then”
ananesever69 says “The chances he ever fights you aren't all that great. Granted you can't catch him most of the time, but he should be easy to predict when he wants to try to E you so you can just use your W to stop it. Most of the time a Singed will just proxy and run if he knows you're coming. Big Rule: Never chase. No point in ulting him though either since he'll probably just ghost/flash and get away unless you can land 3 Qs fast enough but he should already be out of range by then”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
Don't fight him. Singed does a lot of damage in a short amount of time with his Q, plus he can fling you where he wants. His W blocks your dashes, which is very annoying. Just farm and DMG him with your Q. If he goes proxy, let it go. Just a farm.”
JustSad42 says “This matchup is a little counter-intuitive. Even though Singed is weak early, you do not want to fight him because his passive gives him increased movement speed when near enemy champions so he can kite you. In the early levels, avoid his Q and never take damage from it. If he pushes the wave too quickly, he will run out of mana. If he pushes it too slow, you will be able to contest the push and gain priority. Against a good Singed, you will never be able to kill him unless you W his E or if he walks into your side of the lane in a ridiculous attempt to kite you. If Singed tries to proxy you, never try to contest his proxy without your jungler. Just CS the wave instead. To do this perfectly, you will need to auto every caster minion once while the turret is hitting the melee minions. That will let you CS the wave easily without any items. You outscale Singed pretty quickly but in most cases, the answer to Singed is don’t bother with him and look to play with your team for objectives instead.”
SrMolinv says “Easy at the start of the game, but dont fall into his baits. Farm and be more impactful than he is. Short trades and be careful with jungler/proxy farm. Since the buff in 12.15 he becomes way tankier with his R, keep that in mind.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Never chase Singed]
[If he proxys under your tower ask your jungler to kill him]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Singed is only annoying at best. Since you have infinite sustain, he doesnt have proper kill pressure against you. Move around his poison when hes pushing the wave. Try to angle yourself in a way that doesnt let him fling you into a bad direction.
Trade constantly.”
RandumPersin says “Personally, I absolutely hate playing this matchup. Take conqueror, ignite, and get W at level 2 to play for a flash combo kill. Singed is one of those champions with the tools to beat our kit as well as being incredibly difficult to handle if he is played properly. He scales super hard and his ultimate procs 25% grevious wounds, so all-inning this champion isn't really an option. Singed scales super hard as an AP juggernaut, so it's important for us to function as peel for our carries during midgame. Laning against Singed is VERY simple: just don't chase him or put our E on cooldown. If our dash is constantly up and we aren't taking poison damage from farming waves, we can delay his scaling by a ton and hold on to our dominance through midgame. Empowered Q is your best friend in trades since he has no sustain - make sure to constantly be harassing whenever he tries to walk up for farm. Importantly, if we turn on our W before he flings us, we DO get the stun off, so make sure to always have it on when he walks up aggressively in lane so you don't end up giving him free damage. ”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “He proxies, you watch him proxy. Farm under tower, and inbetween waves go and try to kill him with you jungler if you 100000% know you can kill him. If not, he will waste your time and waves. Just farm under the tower when he proxies.”
Smudey says “Before the lane starts, you HAVE to cover the jungle entry and keep him from proxying early.
You destroy him in the early levels and you HAVE to get a lead early. If you let him proxy, you lose and get hard outscaled. Go for all-in early since he loses all of them. Ignite is mandatory.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Singed is another easy champ for you, You can only die if you chase him and eat too much fart juice for no reason. Other than that don't let him get proxy tempo on you and the matchup is free, If you want you can take ghost ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Q deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Free, bros doesnt make any sense against your champion, poke him down with Q and barrels for free, the only thing that he can do is proxying but if ur junglers is on your side of the map you easily kill him. Slowpush into hist tower if he isnt proxying and harass him under his tower. He cant really farm.”
HightLoL says “walk to lane with wave so he can't proxy. poke him with q when he takes minions. when he try to flip you you auto w so he gets slowed when he does and you can catch up. you beat him in 1v1s easily.”
hamgi says “can be a really annoying match up for anyone. a good singed will proxy farm u into ur nexus and never get pinched a single time. the key to shutting down a singed lane completely is to spam-kill him with ur mid and/or jg. will it stop his proxy? sometimes, no, but it will give u ur minions back, which finally gives u plates. if they dont proxy as hard as that, they will just run u around in lane. they usually rush rylai's to make fighting and chasing him unbearable, but dont bother doing so unless u can hit ur immobilizing spells and keep him locked up enough so he cant flash/ghost/r away or flip u away. mantle, an early spirit visage/wit's end or even mercs will help a lot. dont dive him unless he's super low or unless u know his w and e are down because u can't q3/r/e-recast/flash while grounded”
Crazy Billy Bob says “Try to fight singed as much as possible without getting dismounted, they will often greed thinking they'll get away, tip: your dismounted q has the ability to cancel his flip on his e”
StingingChicken says “Follow your wave to lane and don't let him proxy, force him to play the lane. Just Q and auto, hold your W to follow his fling. If you're trying to all in you can just chase while E'ing and you block all the poison damage. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are good since you aren't going to be catching up to Singed with Conqueror. You beat him at pretty much all stages in the game, proxy farming is annoying but its pretty easy to out-pressure Singed with roams, team fighting, and side laning.”
SrMolinv says “SInged en principio es facil si sabemos a lo que jugamos. No caigas en los baiteos de Singed, farmea y ten mas impacto que el, en linea tradeos cortos y mucha vision, sin su jungla no es tan fuerte. Respetar su R, lo han bufado en el parche 12.15 y es mas tanque que antes cuando la usa.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Singed has low kill pressure unless you chase him, and if he proxys that's great because it's just free farm for you. Just be careful if you get ganked as his flip and slow can get you killed very easily in a 1v2.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, anel de doran, Q > W] - pode ir de incendiar e tp se quiser Basicamente é ficar jogando seu Q nele quando estiver com fluxo de mana ativo, usar seu combo com impeto para sair da fumaça dele, após lvl 6 vc mata ele depois de alguns pokes, lane bem tranquila "”
CupcakeDinosaur says “seems kinda sad i know, but it is really painful to play against singed after level 2/3 because of his E and W I don't even know how to counter him since he rarely ever appears in matches”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Poison Trail(Q) deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Q deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
BRUNATOR1.0 says “You may be fast, but he's faster, and if he builds Rylay's, you won't be able to chase him, you'll have to play really agresive before he buy's it, and when he does, try ganking other lanes.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Q deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
dracondas says “too fast for you
without jungle help you can pretty much do nothing if he just farm between your two towers
so just farm and wait for teamfight”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Q deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
Thrandor says “Annoying but no real threat. You can cancel his E fling by holding down Q. If he starts running away don't chase him. You won't benefit from any W movement when he keeps damaging you with the poison.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Singed will often look to proxy the first wave between the two towers setting up huge early pressure leading to gold and experience leads. Singed can’t fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so escort your minions as they walk to lane to force him to walk back to lane. If Singed is able to proxy farm you, just let the enemy minions hit your Tower and focus on farming what you can. Do not lose tons of health trying to tank the minion wave. Do not chase Singed. Chasing Singed is a bad idea as his Q deals a lot of damage if you’re in it for too long.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Cheese pick and nothing beyond that, either build works. Be careful if you're playing engage to not leave your ADC in a dangerous spot, and if you play peel Singed can't walk into your team at all for teamfights.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “If you have Second Wind/DShield/Pots hit poison really does very little to you. Take Approach Velocity to stick to him and spam Grasp procs to make him sad. If he can get in a position to
proxy you can't chase him so don't allow that. Don't get flung into tower and there's no way you can die ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Токсичный мужик, он будет выигрывать импактом в тим файте. ломайте ему вышку и его лесника, просто фармите и сейвово гнобите его. Помните, его W, сбивает вам W, но только, если делать это в прыжке. Одна ошибка и он вас закайтит до смерти.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Начало до безобразия легкое, противник даже к крипам подойти не в силах, поэтому может произойти попытка проксифарма ,но тут уже сами с лесниками скооперируетесь. После 6ого уровня нужно бояться олл-ина ,поэтому минируем область вокруг себя и убегаем при первом намеке на него. Желатьно собрать смерть разума первым предметом.”
DimitriLSD123 says “You counter him hard take exhaust and it’s it when he dives you he will eventually give up and go behind your tower don’t chase just wait him out and take hullbreaker if you wanna mess with him ”
Taiquyorah says “Peut difficilement vous tuer si vous kite bien avec vos baril mais il en va de même pour vous.
Le proxy vous permet de farm tranquillement donc profiter en pour farm tout les minions aux barils pour un outscale massif”
NegativePhoenix says “Obvious Rule: Don't chase him. Early game he'll try his best to displace you for jungle ganks or to poison you, so be careful around then. He can outspeed you too so unless you can land a good Q and you're about to kill him, don't chase or he'll just kill you. Late game is about the same, he'll do his best to rush to the backline and toss someone squishy for a kill so silence him if he does and Q him making him have to be punished if he really wants to grab someone. If he grabs you then you're doing your job as a tank when the enemy team focuses you.”
Groovywelsh says “If he does proxy farm just last hit under tower tryndamere has the damage to last hit at level 2 (he can also last hit with Q passive damage at level1) singed is easy to kill until he gets Rylai's Crystal Scepter once he gets it forget about him”
7EyesNoSkills says “Don't let him take your minions between your tier 1 and tier 2 tower, don't follow him when his ult on. Slow him down with your E, and kill him. Don't forget to execute an enemy while slowing him.”
HelloStranger says “PHASE RUSH | Flash + Ignite
I'm putting singed here just to warn you that this champ SHOULD be in extreme. But since this is aimed towards Low Elo most of the time it just becomes another FF15 for the opposing team. Run and spin because most of the time the Singed will have no idea what to do.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Dont chase him! all his damage is his trail, dont go into it for no reason and ur good. Kepp in mind his W when engaging, it couters your whole kit.
He gets a ton of stats with his R, just disengage when he uses it.”
VituVonDoom says “Pure cheese, don't chase him, be careful of him flipping you to his tower or his W, and generally play safe to avoid all the weird shit Singed mains pull off. Go Phase rush, he goes fast, so should you”
Baby Sona says “Singed is just one of those very annoying champs. You can't outrun him, outpush him and most importantly, you DON'T chase him. He will outscale you, but if you play smart you can win against him.”
Aberrant Demon says “If he wants to proxy, let him proxy. Just farm up and vibe. If he is laning, avoid his poison gas to hold onto your passive/avoid damage. Start your E before he flips you. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Against Gwen, singed is a pretty heavily good counter choice. Obviously you can't chase him cause you know the rule, "Don't chase Singed", but mostly his displacement helps him get good ganks off, his Q punishes you for trying to chase and his W stops your E and Flash, even roots you if you get tossed into it. Honestly, rather he stays in lane or Proxxy, he is gonna be a pain. Just try to get fed off CS and if he makes any mistakes, take huge advantage of it. Keep your jungle warded too, he has no issues trying to steal camps”
IcunoX says “With phase rush you can deny him a lot. He wants long fights while you can combo him and run out. He has nothing in return for your poke and you out damage him if you do small bursts.
He CAN flip you if you bodyslam at him so watch out, he has to time it perfectly tho so try to hit him unexpected.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
DO NOT LET HIM PROXY WHEN POSSIBLE, only way for him to win, is to proxy, if he does, kill him as much as possible without losing CS, not losing CS IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT.
Wave 1-4:
Push wave 3 to get a bounceback, DO NOT RECALL, else he will try to force a proxy after, just wait the bounceback, ward for jungle, and beat him in trades.
Pretty easy matchup, early boots are really good here to not get kited too much.
With d shield and second wind you have an insane amount of sustain (you can walk into his poison for 1 tick to proc the healing and refresh dshield + second wind it's really free healing).
You can parry his E as it is usual pretty obvious, if they hold on for too long they lose anyway, if you manage to parry his E onto him just once, he will get hard punished so look for that.
As long as you don't chase you win it.”
IvernLover74856 says “Kite battle. It's easy to mess up the lvl 1 cheese.
Will likely give you ample change to get marks.
When you both have ult, he needs to be like 20% to die to 0% crit E.
Very much a black cleaver / exe calling champ.
He can toss you out of ult :(
Abuse wallhops because he can't
R + last-second max E / ignite is going to be useful. However, he can poison tick + ignite you to death too.”
LegitLechner says “Did you chase singed and die? all this matchup is. If he wants to proxy kinda let him. Wait for jungle gank to try and pick up some kills. His throw is very easy to time so ulting his cc is not hard.”
gazibulle says “Easy matchup in your favour, but with the new braindead "strategy" aka Singed Predator Ghost he will probably win the game since he will be so much more useful than you. You outscale him as you do true damage, but be very careful of his insane kiting potential. Chunk his HP bar by starting Q, don't overextend because his poison does considerable damage. You can all-in him level 2 with E-Q as long as you aren't too close to his turret so he can't flip you towards it. You can perma all-in him early game with shield up, he doesn't do too much damage so it should be bearable as long as you don't stand in his Q too long: E on him then Q him to get mov.speed, if he flips you you can slow him with your W so you can follow him (be careful... never chase Singed...). If you're good enough you can buffer your E when he flips you, so it cancels it and you can E onto him again: he will probably be very sad. Be careful of his gank setup, and of his W (ground) which can cancel your E if placed well (it's quite hard to do though). ALWAYS PING YOUR TEAMMATES when he is missing. Level 6 you can lock him up but be careful as he can flip you outside your R, so he will be free. You outscale him, but don't bother killing him on sides as he will kite you to death with his W and Rylai's slow, he is really slippery and chasing him is never a good idea, unless you are really fed with a decent amount of MR.”
Scallywag says “He can't do much against you since he has to get in range of your barrels to damage you.
Watch out you don't get caught by a flash fling when you get ganked.
Else just farm and outscale him.
If he has predator, perma ping your mid lane because he will roam to mid after pushing his wave.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Singed's tankiness is lethal and his poison deadly. You do NOT wanna get caught up against this guy. My advice to you is simple, stay away from close range and let your walkers do the damage for you. If you get too close he'll fling you into his adhesive and that's one of the rudest tactics I've ever seen quite frankly. As a matter of fact, this guy is not played often so there is generally no need to worry but when he is, take precautions”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You will never lose lane to a Singed but he will just run predator and impact the entire game more than you ever will plus he has ten times your waveclear. Also fyi, Singed players will only try and 1v1 you if their junglers are there since Singed has insane gank setup. Best advice I can give you is to CS like your life depends on it and spend most your time pinning your team mates. ”
Trundledaddy says “Lane isn't hard, but you won't really
catch him, get hull, split, he might
proxy and roam mid so ping team,
you kill him easy if he missteps”
BiriRamen says “This gimmick ass pick is so annoying when I face it every time, basically wait in a poof and see if he tries to proxy you early, if not, avoid poison, and beat that mans ass, unless it's an M7 Singed, then you're kinda screwed so just focus on farming while you get but fucked by a proxy. FUCK THIS FUCKING CHAMPION I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA KILL SOMEONE I SWEAR.
I go FLEET for this matchup”
Dannala says “Singed is the typical champion you can't really do much against. He's tanky and fast and his goop will prevent you from using half your abilities.
Top: Even if you poke him down you will most likely never manage to finish him off without a gank, and trying to trade more than your initial combo will just result in the poison getting to you. On the other hand he doesn't really have anything to kill you with either so most likely it will just be a farm lane. If you're jungling you should make sure he doesn't proxy minions at base towers then focus other lanes with ganks unless your top laner has a heap ton of cc burst.”
qosmox says “As long as you can keep him from proxy farming this is a really good matchup, while it becomes terrible for shen if he gets to do that. So focus hard on trading the first couple of levels and punish him for his weak early game. If he tries to walk into your wave to apply his Q, punish him with emp. Q’s. Both short and extended trades work vs him, just make sure to be aggressive. You have kill threat on him early.”
Federals1 says “Singed is not that big of a threat. It is a relatively easy matchup. Just try to fight the urge of chasing him and you should be good to go. He will fling you into his poison most of the time, but even with a q max by the time you catch up to him he would inflict you with a lot of damage. And remember you cannot use your ultimate if you are standing on his
Mega Adhesive and that his ultimate will reduce your healing. First rune page should be used. Both q and w maxes work. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells, but Ghost+Ignite also works. If you do want to try and catch up to him, build boots of Swiftness as your first item and max q.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + Second wind and early boots to kite him, you shouldn't have any problems winning lane against him, parry his E and if you stun him he will at least use ghost to escape.”
Agatrium says “Kind of an annoying lane. He'll fling you then run if it looks like he's loosing the trade. His Ult makes him crazy tanky and fast. DON'T chase him, no matter what, as that is what he wants. Honestly, unless either side makes a major mistake, kills won't really be had either way unless jungle assistance is involved. ”
MHLoppy says “Olaf likes chasing, and Singed wants to be chased - a match made in heaven. Be wary of longer fights if he has ult (large stat boost) unless you have you're health and have your own ult to match. Position yourself so that you can't get flung into turrets unless minions are already taking the turret's aggro. Pre-6 chunk him down with lots of Qs - since he has no range he can't answer the poke. With your own ult you should have enough power to either hold your ground if he forces onto you 1v1, or to chase him down if you chunk him with Q poke first.”
Bigfella0117 says “easy matchuo if you know what you're doing. save your barier for if he throws you, and only ult + W after you take some damage. do it right and you out trade hime every time.”
Cryniu says “Juega agresivo pero sin perseguirlo mucho.
El hábito del espectro ayuda mucho.
La tenacidad no ayuda mucho, solo trata de que no te tire en su W.
Prioriza atravesarlo con tu Q, es tanque y le pegarás mucho por la vida.
Las botas de 300 ayudan mucho.
Si juegas de adelante hacia atrás es muy complicado para él atacarte.”
Helzky says “He does a lot of damage if ahead. However in your lane, he won't ever be ahead. Here you want to kill him level 2-3. Level 3, you can trap him and therefore negate basically all his damage. ”
OliveeGarden says “First buy boots and singed can never really do anything about you, if forced to farm under tower just do it, sett has the sustain and damage.”
magician4444 says “You're both super speedy but in the end he can't catch you. Don't chase him or you might take too much damage from Q. Not much to say.”
havy says “easy against a bad singed, can be a little annoying against a half-decent one, combo him quickly, then get out of his fling range
if he proxies, ask for le jungle help so he can't get away that easily”
Ujiyo says “He will proxy so your ability to perma tank waves will fuck him over since you're fine clearing waves without minions. You beat him at every level. ”
FyreRode says “His fling makes it really hard to get the extended trade onto him that you want, as well as there not being many good MR items for Bruisers right now.”
GG Cannon says “Extremely annoying.
Not strong by any means, and you can easily outheal his damage and keep him in place with cocoon or reach him with rappel, but how annoying his is...”
Your Desired Username says “Singed is a weird champion, but he can't do much against you. Rush mercs if you're having difficulties. You can just perma Q poke him and even if he engages on you, you will win the extended fight. He will know this and usually just trade you for 3 seconds and then E you away. If you can predict when he is gonna E, you can E him right before so that you can damage him a bit more before he gets away. Generally, you can't really expect to kill him before laning phase ends, so taking conditioning/overgrowth is highly recommended. Don't try to punish him when he is proxying, unless your jungler is helping because you won't be able to kill him on your own and you will just end up losing cs. Don't ult him later into the game as he will just stall.”
boboderaffe says “Don’t chase him and don’t trade unless you’re going for passive stacks. I recommend running either “BIG SWAIN” with force of nature or “Normie” and ignoring him for the entire laning phase.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Insanely slow fights with Singed. Likes to hang out between your inhib turret and your second turret to get minions. Can't chase him because of his DoT. Your shield does nothing against it. Get Force of Nature and Frostfire if you wanna slow him down. Use Approach Velocity runes. Take Grasp for trades and Conq for late game scaling.”
Polartech says “Singed poses no valid threat to Kayle. Stay away from his poison and use your Q-W if he try to paste you on the ground, Poke him when you can, and go aggressive after reaching level 6.”
LunaticDancer says “Don't step into his poison, don't try to dive him, and that's it. If he does to proxy - cool, you can keep up with that. If he decides to lane, a landed E means a won trade.”
Galactities says “You can't really fight this guy, If you go for a W + Q trade he just flings you into his poison and you get absolutely demolished, his wave clear is better then yours, he farms better. His ground doesn't allow you to W. He can also proxy which makes it even worse for you. Overall you can't fight him effectively and he just scales so hard. Really all you can do is farm the best you can, roam elsewhere and get kills, wait for jungle to come gank you top.”
MCSwavest says “Singed is easy to fight, as most of his damage comes from getting you behind him. Your E can arc in a way that completely avoids it, but make sure you're constantly thinking about the W, or you might not be able to escape with your E.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Singed is quite frankly my least favorite tank to deal with, first he tosses you into his mega adhesive to prevent you from flashing away then he activates his poisonous trail to keep you damaged and then when you try to leave, he just ults and permanently stays on top of you so you never can leave his eyeline”
5Head Builds says “He is a pretty major threat because he can ground your dash and you can't catch him. Try to play safe and don't dash in. Poke and dash out.”
ToothlessKnight says “SInged is very strong in a 1v1. They typically run ignite and can run you down if you missplay at all. Their W slow also prevents you from using your E dash. You can abuse Singed as he needs levels to be strong and he relies on his opponents mispositioning to get kills. There is a very tight window where if Singed flips you, you can time your E dash to flip back into him. Your shield will mitigate his flip damage and allow you to get your damage off vs him. rush an exe and Magic Resist to counter his damage and healing.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Since the r buff that added grievous wounds, the matchup has gotten a little more difficult. Since you can't easily stick onto him, you're going to want for quick trades only in lane - a quick combo then back off.
Root and disengage if he ults and look to kill him when its down.”
MrZoltannn says “Very annoying to deal with, his W grounds you so bring glacial as your runes against him, his lvl 6 all-in is a nono for you, just get away from him during his ult.”
Stinkee says “This matchup might've been difficult if Abyssal Mask wasn't an item. Abyssal Mask was basically made for this situation. He's going to push you in a lot early game and you'll miss some CS. As soon as you get Abyssal Mask you will be able to sustain against him and keep up with his pushing. If he tries to proxy you (killing the wave behind your tower before it gets to the middle of the lane), just ignore him and don't miss the CS at your tower. Only try to kill him when your jungler is around, otherwise he'll just slow you and run away.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Singed is literally a freelo lane to go into as Teemo. Get your allies to sit in the entrances to your top lane Blue/Red. This is to prevent a proxy Singed. Meaning he's going to farm and prevent your minions from entering your lane, perma shoving his to your tower. You have to be super aggressive, but don't be so aggro that you cause your lane to shove permanently. Putting a few points into your (W) can really help you outrun him as you never want to be on top of him, as his movement speed gets high by drifting off allies and enemies along with his (R). Never chase a singed that's how you die. The early game scouting can land you all a simple free kill.”
Anoying bro5 says “Do not chase him for long. Watch for him proxying in the early game, you should be able to kill him early if he does this. Try to poke vitals without getting caught in his gas. His throw is what you want to parry. Easy tells of this are when he is running straight at you, or if he has his grounding pool on you. You win early game against singed and get used to his patterns of throwing you as each player is different.”
BoilTheOil says “If Singed proxy farms the entirety of the lane (going behind your tower to farm.) Tank the minions after 5 minutes into the game so the tower doesn't get low on health. Don't even bother him while he proxy's, ping your jungler back if he tries to gank him when he's proxy farming because it's a waste of time. If he tries to lane against you, you can't really trade because he will just flip you and laugh so just farm. ”
quinn adc says “This matchup relies on two methods to win: save vault, and phase rush.
Level 1, be aggressive because singed will start posion, and can't do anything to you.
Next, when Singed is level 2 onwards, only vault him after he flips you.
The only advice I have after that is to be catuious of autoing singed too quickly.
By doing that, you will proc phase rush in lane, and a good singed player will W you after your phase rush is on cooldown.
If your phase rush procs from trades, thats ok, but just play back and safe until it's back up to ensure that he doesn't W you and combo you.
Singed has very limited kill pressure in this lane, and you legit hard out run him, even with his R active lol.
He gets 30/60/90 flat MS, but your W max harriers, bork active, stormrazor slow, and phase rush active allow you to out run him later on in the game with ease :)”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Singed is very easy to deal with. You can beat him with both Shieldbow and Kraken Slayer, but I'd recommend Kraken if they have 1 more tank in their team.”
Amphawn says “Don't get caught and you win. Once you hit 6 just poke him down and remember not to chase him down. As long as you don't get hit by his W, he can't really catch you. If you get flipped early you might die, but after 1 item you beat him hard. Just don't let him cheese you by chasing him. Even if he is super low, if you chase him and get relatively low he can W and flip you and potentially kill you. You don't need to kill him to win lane, just force him to recall a bunch so you can free farm and you win.”
PH45 says “Can be annoying, don't chase him unless you are confident you can kill him. This matchup overall is very low interaction matchup as they will most of the time go proxy so you have to stay at your tower to farm. Singed isn't in the best spot right now in terms of power so he shouldn't be too big of a threat during later stages of the game. Some run ignite on Singed so be careful of that as he deals surprising amounts of damage with or without it. ”
SunFalk says “He run's fast. He has a slow. He will knock you behind him. He will proxy your lane. - To deal with a singed, you need to CS and poke without going in his poison, try to dodge his slow and don't be greedy for him because he will kill you instead.”
MrDomian says “He can dominate you by countering your skills with its stain.
If he farms behind your tower, go past and call the jungler.
Try to destroy it with your all skills in early game.”
Raen says “Fight him when his passive is on CD so he won't escape you. Always keep your Q, wait if he will E you than you are making Q, never opposite way. Be aware to not chase him all of the time cuz sometimes it's just not worth and you will lose minions under turret. Get Doran Shield to regen back his poison. Get ms items to match his ms like FoN, Mortla Reminder. Don't TP while he got vision on you bcs his W will stop your TP.”
Xerath gaming says “Should be an easy matchup but a good singed will most likely proxy you which is annoying since you will lose cs if u try to kill him, even more if he has ghost he just runs away. But you win the lane if u ult him. Tip: Use your R when he uses his W so it disappears”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Freeze the wave near your tower. Predict his E. Try to short trade him if he tries to break the freeze. W him if he tries to walk up and yeet you. If you cant kill him in an all in then don't use your Q and E to gap close. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Klepto
Try to parry his E if you can't just Farm up and poke him with Q. If he uses his W you can't use Q. Don't TP when he has Vision to you since even his W stops your TP.”
LoLReal says “Easy match up. Moderately annoying because of proxying, but if he ever gets close he is free. Don't overextend to try and kill if you get him low and he runs.
Force him out of lane. If he proxies kill him.”
Justkb says “As long as you try not to get a leash early you can handle his first wave pressure and absorb the minion aggro with your Q on him. Make sure you hard engage him as much as possible once you hit level 3 and also try to freeze when your jungler is topside! Easy lane once you get ahead but can be a nightmare if you somehow fall behind. ”
MythicMike says “Singed can't really do anything if he's hit by your Q. At times he can be a bit hard to catch but as long as you don't overstay in his gas you should win every trade.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup is very straightforward. Singed wants to push enemies under turret. Nasus wants to stack minions. I think you get the point. Late game you'll have 1-2 MR items and just ignore him and split push.”
qveenevelynn says “You just have to play smart and outplay him by knowing what he is doing. You need good positionning to avoid the poison and keep oding damage with Q, and predict his grabs.”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Block his E damage with ur shield.
(3) Singed is weak in the early game, try to all in at lvl 2 or 3
(4) Don' t follow him and waste time when he is proxying ( farming between ur turrets)
(5) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.
(6) I recommend Teleport here when you want to roam a lot, but if you want to kill him early take Ignite.”
Kacto15 says “Intenta hacer teamfights, nunca le podrás alcanzar así que splitpushear no tiene sentido, intenta ir a proxy cuando puedas, el hará lo mismo y tendrás farm gratuito”
MythicMike says “Singed can't really do anything against your Q poke and as long as you land your first E, he can't flip you away because you can just recast E and go back. If he doesn't flip you until your E runs out you still get 3 seconds to beat him up.”
OTP Toxin says “I gave Singed a nick name: Gold Bag. You just gotta wait near the wall after your T2, he will try to start the game proxying, you will just kill him and go to the lane. You can end his proxy and kill him a lot, even in lane, you are stronger, can kite a punish him a lot. :D”
SilverAvalanche says “Probably the most freelo lane a Kayn can get. Singed relies on his MS and Waveclear to get ahead.
But since you have better wave clear in the early levels you can easily keep the wave even, while hitting him with a couple of Qs to get him to low health.
later one the laning phase it will just be him poxying and you killing his wave in one rotation and then going for a roam or collapsing on him.
It is optimal that you kill him in the early levels so you won't have to deal with him being annoying in mid game. but I would not loose sleep over this matchup nonetheless.”
Drake6401 says “More annoying than anything, but the recent Tank meta is doing him favors and has made him more of an even threat than a minor. Never run behind him for obvious reasons
and look to out maneuver him once his E is down. His goal is to proxy waves, or keep you off them. It's also a good idea to use color blind mode in this case because it turns his poison blue and easier to see.
You have a good chance against him early but he will scale over time and become a big problem for your split push game because he's so hard to dive under tower.”
Singed is not a normal champion, which makes him very annoying to deal with. He can almost NEVER beat you out in a straight fight. You don’t really need the Conqueror damage. The problem with Singed is trying to catch up with him and then slow him so that you can apply the rest of your damage. With Nimbus and Ghost, you should be able to outrun and kill him. Singed always shoves his lane which leaves him weak against freezes. If you are able to pull off a proper permafreeze, the Singed has essentially lost the lane. The biggest thing to keep in mind when facing Singed is to make sure that you don’t let him proxy your wave. Proxying is basically when the singed walks behind your turret and then kills the minions before they get to lane. If you have a jungler, he is a free kill every time he does this. But since it is soloq, that is not always an option so try to make sure he does not do it in the first place. You can sneak a kill on the Singed a lot of times when he is proxying but try to fight him in a moment when you won’t miss too many minions. Try to make sure he cannot just flip you over and escape. Walk behind him, opposite to the direction he WANTS to go, so that you keep up with him to apply your damage but if he flips you, he places you in front of him. A good trick to keep in mind is that if you start your W or your E during his flip, the ability will CC him, slowing him down to the point where you can come out of the flip and stick on to him. His aoe circle ability does not let you use your ultimate when you are inside of it so try to walk out first. On the bright side, Singed is almost ALWAYS a free kill, even if you are behind. If you are ahead, he will just int you.”
RivalOCE says “Riven has all the mobility necessary to just run away/engage on Singed. Keep at least half your kit up for after he flings. You win at 40-45%.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Ring, Q > W] - Honestly I haven't played enough of this match up to make a comment.
- From my experience, you just Q him and get him low enough to all in him. That's about it.
- Once he gets MR, just farm...
- Don't underestimate your W autos, it hurts him a lot. Definitely slap him a few times before you disengage."”
Rhoku says “VERY annoying matchup. He plays a different game than you. Basically, a Singed wants to kill your minions ASAP. He will either get behind your turret to try to proxy OR he will wait in the first bush for your first minions to come and then leave a poison trail that will kill all of your minions. What you need to do is to walk your minions to safety. Check your jungle so that he does not try a cheese proxy and once your minions are at your last turret, walk ahead of them so that Singed cannot leave a posion trail on them. Don't play his game. Don't chase him. Ghost helps in this lane. If you can get him to stay in lane normally, then he has no hope of doing anything as if he walks up you just throw your Qs at him. Rylai's helps too. Just know that you don't need to kill him to win this lane. He wants to annoy your and your team but when it comes down to it, he is worthless outside of being annoying. You will do a LOT more than him in teamfights, you outscale him in splitpush situations and you pretty much will get to a point where you can simply ignore him. So don't get tilted if he gets to proxy or cheese a kill. Its okay. But just try to freeze him off of the lane and let him eat a full combo if he walks up. DO NOT let him fling you into his turret. That WILL kill you. Try to walk in a way where he can't fling you behind him for an easy escape/cheese if you are chasing him. ONLY chase if you KNOW you can kill him. Use your Ultimate AFTER he ults in order to have mitigate how much free stats he gets.”
YasTilt says “Not really dangerous, his Wave Clear is pretty risky for him. His LVL 1 is weak but be careful. Always stay on top of him, don't let him get in front of you. Take Magic Resist and focus him and the Carries during TeamFights. Don't Chase him.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Magic Resist+DShield) Kite Singed. E backwards, when he is about to fling you. Always try to stay between him and his W, so he can not root you.”
PK Noob says “Singed can run circles around you and slowly drain your health bar. He's even more annoying in team fights. Try not to 1v1 him because its pointless. In team fights use your W so you can walk over his poison without getting damaged.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. A good Singed would proxy-farm the lane. Don't even think about killing him solo. Ping your jungler to back if he wants to gank you because its just a waste of time. You can't ever trade with him. Just make sure you ult him in the later stages of the game in the teamfights to keep him away from your backline.”
Avelon6698 says “I don't even know what to put this guy, either you'll ight someone who will utterly destroy your will to live or you'll just have a free lane.”
Nodrog says “His movement speed allows him to dodge your w and his E can flip your W away from you. His ground makes your E and R useless as gap closers. Run ignite and dorans shield.”
Psychopathic Top says “This matchup, simply focus on stacking and do not engage onto Singed (entire lane phase as well), especially after 6 and if he has ghost. Rule number 1 of League: do not chase the Singed. Focus on farming well and scaling into Sunderer. You do not outscale in teamfights very well but you outscale duel wise. He cannot stop your split, and if the game gets really late, you are more valuable than him.
Hecki says “If you encounter a Singed go for Magic Resistance in your runes and go Second Wind with Dorans Shield to get max healing from his poision damage. If you get up to close he will just fling you away and gets a free escape. Poke him at max range and position yourself so that when he flings you, you can cut off his escape route.”
ArshieMeBob says “Singed isn't really a threat without his jungler, you can use the early pressure of Calibrum to zone him off cs. Severum Q is good to disengage from his W and prevent yourself from getting flinged.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes; Dblade] Simply do not stand in his Q and you win every trade. Be very careful of his long range engage with W into E because it's a very good gank-setter.”
SunOak says “He usually just proxies you so try and stop him from doing that. Dont chase him its the only way he kills you. Start dorans shield or cpot.”
Alan234 says “The easiest matchup in the game. Go the standard PTA build.
Just harass him in lane and he cant cs. Dont get flung into his w under tower or you will die. Level 6 he might all in but you should win with ignite and your shrooms. If he proxies just hope that your jgl deals with it, else you just farm. Later on he can 1v1 you if he is somehow even (which he shouldn't be) but by that point you should be outvaluing him in teamfights.”
IkorasBadIdea says “If hes running at you Q him. If he throws you into glue, use E and W so he can't do anything to you. Just be careful of the gas when chasing him. Like Sett, he's useless if he can't get into melee range.”
Mr. Popper says “Any time singed walks towards you stop what you are doing and start kiting back dealing as much damage as you can to him. Be careful he doesn't start the game by proxy farming behind your tower putting you at an immediate disadvantage. ”
aurus666lol says “He has good Damage Over Time on Q, but you need to be near him. Only one thing can kill you - his E under his own turret. I always play Phase Rush because he can get from 400ms into 700 in teamfights or on ganks.”
Vandenelis says “just don't chase him, and hit him with aa when he walks up. you should win by doing just this. If he decides to proxy waves, then just ignore him and farm up”
Grayified says “Very annoying matchup. You cannot block his abilities, as his Q is sustained damage will cancel out your W, letting him CC you. Play this lane very safe and let him push your wave in. If he decides to proxy, don't bother fighting him unless your jungler shows up, and just farm the waves. You could also try to focus on roams.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Not a big deal. The champ is bad until he has items and high level. poke him early. DONT CHASE SINGED!!!! pay attention, his flip is dangerous and you cant dash in his w. All in all not strong but can be very annoying mid game.”
SettVEVO says “I've never played against a good Singed so I can't really give any good advice, but keep in mind some things. Of course don't chase him, you also have to know that he can fling you while you W and completely dodge it that way. So definitely E stun before W. Singed players usually want to bait being low health around you so you start chasing, once he starts playing with fire when he is low, you have to oneshot him with your combo, you E stun him into a high grit W into Ult, and if he isn't dead after that a couple punches should finish him off, really easy to get off since he will be slowed at the end of the Ult. If you are grounded you can not cast your ult so keep in mind. An ok ult target but he will always get on top of your team unless you chain cc on him. He also will probably not run near you knowing you can ult him, so either stay near your carries and ult him away when he gets close or ignore him if there is a better ult target.”
Death Lyons says “Very hard, but don't dodge. Try to counter his proxy by placing a ward in one of the topside red/blue side bushes. Try to beat him before he gets ult. Go ignite”
RTO says “At level 3, you can trade decently well, but really depends on how good the singed player is. If you get a lead, then he will proxy. Teleport is a must in this lane. ”
Fryx says “Singed is in a bad spot right now. Your Q Poke will stick and you can actually kill him pretty often with your Ult. A good singed will proxy you but don't worry about him just farm up and help your team with your ult. You are useful all the time while Singed will only be strong after 3 Items.”
wff010 says “I personally have a fear of every singed player because of the fact that they're playing singed. I can't tell if they're inting or smurfing even if they're going 0/5. They move with such confidence it instills fear in even me. However, if he flips you in front of your tower, you're in perfect position to ult him into tower for a free kill. Early game, he's going to push the wave. Don't waste time trying to stop him. At least match his cs and then fuck him up later. If he's proxying, don't waste time trying to kill him if he gets low. Ping your jg for the free kill. Be careful, even if you're ahead. He always has a chance to kill you no matter how behind he is.”
LoLReal says “We can't do anything against his proxy which is annoying but he can't really do anything to us either. He'll kite us around in our R with ghost but we outscale and have a much stronger mid game.”
SanLourdes says “Singed has become an exceptionally good toplaner and most people don't even know it. His playstyle is to zone off your CS with his poison trail and clear your wave of minions before they even get to you. If you don't see him in front of your first tower and your waves of minions aren't coming in, go back and check to see if he's been stealing them from under your nose. Do not chase Singed. He is very deceptive. It can be easy to greed when he is on low health and try to chase him. If he engages, quickly try to set off a stun and back off. Freeze your wave for the best counterplay and don't get too aggressive. Once you farm, your tankiness will be too much for him to deal with. Your best bet of killing him is engaging with your R.”
calbino says “People say "Singed counters Aatrox", but I don't see how. He's very susceptible to your Q knockups, and the only real threat he has is if he's ahead, or you're getting ganked.”
RareParrot says “he cant do anything to you without all inning so spam poke him and if he tries to proxy let him, proxy only works if he wastes your time and makes you lose exp/cs unless he does a double proxy which is certain death after one person recalls. Dont fall for his tricks and the lane is just free.”
Sopachi says “Singed is one of the best counters to Kled. The entire purpose of Kled is to all in your opponent with high burst damage and mobility, and Singed can stop both of them. He is fast, can flip you away after you engage on him, and his poison naturally destroys you when chasing him. Make sure you have MR runes/Nullifying Orb to counteract him early. At level 3, if played right, you can win the all in and hopefully snowball your lead against him. If he is bullying you and forcing you to take early backs it is best to just shove your wave and look to roam and help elsewhere. ”
Marwaii says “Perma push and ensure that he cannot proxy farm. Can't really trade with you. E away if he Es you by bouncing on his head. You'll win at every point in the game.
Take Divine + Mercs.”
Breadcrumbs says “Really not difficult at all, he's not tanky enough to deal with your 5 stack, nor does he do enough damage to kill you. His ground is quite a small radius so you can walk out of it.”
SethPRG says “Super annoying, very cringe. I'd recommend taking nullifying orb to make laning easier. Don't follow him if you can't catch him, you will take pointless damage from his poison. If he ever throws you behind him past level 6 it's a free chance for you to ult him back to where you just were, a taste of his own medicine... heh. If Singed ever proxy farms behind your 2nd turret, try to ask your JG for help to invade the enemy top side, it will be pretty much free, or take the CS and go for a dive mid lane while Singed is busy being a massive idiot. If you go to him during this he will just suicide, you probably won't even get the kill, it will only result in you losing CS for no reason. At best your JG (if mobile) can rotate there after taking top camps to try to kill him and if they try to escape through your top side JG you and your mid lane can just cut him off. Rushing Trinity can help you kill Singed faster, but Goredrinker is best because he will throw you into his team allowing you to pop the active off. In team fights focus his teammates first as he will most likely be able to run away without dying. Take Mercury Treads and eventually a Magic Resist item based on the team comp. If there's nothing better, go for Abyssal Mask. ”
joelspaho121 says “Heavily darius favored. D Blade start with sorc tree. Signed is immobile and doesn't match your damage in anyway. He can't do anything in this lane at all because if he flips you he messes up for himself. Just pop ghost and run him down. Save E if you notice hes walking away and dont use it when he flips you. Try not to chase him if he outruns you and if you notice you are losing plenty of hp. Play aggressively, this is a free lane.”
El Leon Gnar says “Ignore his proxy farming and you'll be fine. He gets slightly dangerous at 6 but you can just outtrade him and bounce off him if he tries flipping you without grounding.”
DaSticks says “The easiest matchup for Teemo. Just don't miss minions if he tries to farm behind your tower. Harass him early and try to avoid getting flipped into a large minion wave or his turret.”
Kaizin says “Don't chase the singed. The main points are to avoid the poison, try to use your E to mitigate damage, you probably won't have kill pressure until you get jungle assistance. One important thing to know is that you can't use cast your Ultimate if you're standing on his goo, because it has a grounding effect, so you can't flash out of it either.”
ApollonATH says “Dude its singed... Just dont get cheesed. If he goes to proxy the wave dont chase him cause he will outspeed you and go for the execute. Just take the wave and wait for your jg to help you kill him”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
I have seen a signed bully the fuck out of a Tryndamere. That was the only good singed I have seen. Don't chase him and bully him early. Ask your jungler for a gank if he is proxying.”
Humitaxx says “Singed is not a big problem, but more of an annoyance, just trade and be careful everytime he gets close to you, you can cancel his throw by stunning him, also, a cool trick to kill him under turret, is to fight him, wait for his throw and then ult him out of the turret towards the lane, just do the basic thing against Singed and don't be tricked into chasing him for too long.”
deathwalker7119 says “Singed is playing checkers while you are playing 4D chess. Just walk your wave into lane so he cant proxy, and try to predictively parry the shoulder throw. Watch out for his ground as it will stop you from Qing. Simply don't follow him in his poison and you will be completely fine, this matchup is pretty easy just don't look to catch him out too hard with his huge MS buffs and poison dps.”
PinkUnicornGod says “Most unfun lane there is. Thankfully there aren´t a lot of Singed players.
If he proxys just stay undertower and farm, Mordekaiser has no way of chasing him and you will just start to become frustrated. he is to fast and can dogde every single q and e of yours. Most of the time there will be little interaction in lane so just farm up and wait till the teamfights. Spirit Visage and force of nature are top grade items here.”
DankFlyingCow says “The only champion with enough power to stop you.
Watch out for these guys the dude behind the keyboard has testicles like cannonballs.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “I have no idea why his win rate against Irelia is high, likely because his W screws your team fighting over. I start Q at lvl 1 in this lane and I look to stack my passive, I am also going to be autoing him if he gets near my minions. Do be careful in case he is out pushing you early as he might be able to level 2 cheese you though. However if you are the one with the wave pushing and you have level 2 coming up, hitting your E on him with passive stacked is an easy kill. If he pushes you in, treat him like the other melee matchups where you start looking to fight once it pushes back as you will have an exp advantage and have your passive stacked. Land your E and you won’t have any problems. Also you can use your auto range to poke him out and gain an advantage before going for an all in. Post 6 it is even easier however be careful on how much you commit because his ult heals him a lot and makes him pretty tanky. Avoid fighting him once he has rylais and armor since it will be impossible to kill him (he won’t be able to kill you either unless you fall behind).
tibs2 says “Just auto him with buckler and q him. Don't ever be in melee range with singed and he cannot damage you. This match up is unplayable for singed and I very commonly net 30-50 cs leads while getting solo kills. Do not take d shield and go conditioning. ”
Noodles912 says “Easy. Dont chase him and you will be fine. If he tosses you, use E+W to get out. Easy! Just farm and outscale him. If you are really bad, mercs will help 1000000 times. If that does not help this is not your game.”
Fra660 says “I hate this champ with all my heart, he does a lot of damage and if he is good it becomes impossible to farm and beat him, you just have to go with tp and try to defend your tower”
SPJohnWD says “Lane depends on the skill level of the singed play due to the fact that if there is no proxy going on, sylas can out sustain and out duel him. Singed R is actually really good to take due to the movement speed and ability power it provides allowing you to be even more slippery.”
negoZoma69 says “Kinda free lane for both AD and AP Neeko, AD especially. You just need to keep your distance and he needs to run at you to deal dmg which makes it easy to hit him with E.”
Draconic56 says “Basically, a Singed wants to kill your minions asap. He will either get behind your turret to try to proxy or he will wait in the first bush for your first minions to come and then leave a poison trail that will kill all of your minions. What you need to do is to walk your minions to safety. Check your jungle so that he does not try a cheese proxy and once your minions are at your last turret, walk ahead of them so that Singed cannot leave a poison trail on them. Don't play his game. Don't chase him. Ghost helps in this lane. If you can get him to stay in lane normally, then he has no hope of doing anything as if he walks up you just throw your Q's at him. You can easily kill him in the death realm if you can catch him that is. and let him eat a full combo if he walks up. Don't let him fling you into his turret. That WILL kill you. You are more useful than him in team fights so the only thing he is good at is being annoying.”
Kokob5 says “A slippery champion to play against, don't push him in or he'll start being able to fling you into tower, keep the wave frozen in the middle or at your tower and punish him when he tries to farm. If he proxy's don't waste your time chasing him off unless he's between your first or second tower in which case you can force him away from the minions.”
idadees says “Il suo kit non permette ad Aatrox alcun potenziale duello vinto, ovviamente questo non significa sia impossibile batterlo, come ogni campione devi saperlo giocare per vincere, quindi potrà essere il vostro incubo peggiore come non esserlo.”
not normal says “Countering him isn't the hard part. You're faster, so you won't be in his poison trail. Just don't get flinged.
To completely ruin his game, get some one to split push against him. If he can't split properly, he will become completely irrelevant for their team. Never hard focus a Singed. Just be wary of his push potential and his whereabouts and you should be good.
A good Singed will take part in smaller skirmishes but will definitely opt out of larger teamfites. A great Singed will participate in the larger teamfights and peel for their team with a Rylai's. A dumb Singed jumps headfirst in and flings the first carry he finds, and then gets obliterated. ”
Lost Robot says “In lane, Singed is a very easy matchup since you can just facetank their poison. However, they become significantly more useful than you after laning phase. Be careful of that. Try to be aggressive once you get an MR item or two, you're one of the few champions that can violate the sacred rule of League of Legends. Yes. You can chase the Singed.
...within reason.”
raede says “Singed is quite the annoyance but if you play it right it can be managed. If he tries to proxy you just call for the jungler and you can usually kill him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Singed is very strong in this meta, especially vs. Riven. I recommend rushing a Death's Dance and aiming to kill him early. Later on you definitely need to pick off his team and create pressure. ”
Lunarisen says “The only annoying thing about Singed is that you can't catch him; so worry about farming until teamfights and Q him when he goes for your teammates to lock him down.”
Alekra says “I don't fucking know this champion is a potato. Don't chase singed. And don't play too agressively. He only has kill pressure on you if you play greedy and don't respect him.”
Erenando says “Be careful. He'll often dive you and you'll die a lot pre 6 if he plays it mechanically good, because you are very squishy in the early game. Abuse his proxyfarm and stack minions in lane. Go spirit visage and mercury's as well to sustain while being pushed in. Your jungler can hunt Singed if he wants to go for a kill.”
GrGamingTeo says “You can all-in Singed lv1 because: 1) his Q deals no damage (yet) and 2) you have an enhanced AA, a slow and Doran's Blade for this matchup. Whe he reches lv and tries to fling you, before his fling activates you can W him and because he is now slowed he sill noy be out of your Apprehend's range so just pull him, ghost and kill him.”
Olaf Only says “Don't chase him unless you go for an all-in.
With simple Q + E trades you will win this lane.
Remember to use your R right before singed flips you!
He is very hard to kill with his R active, so trading your ult for his is a good deal.”
LunaticDancer says “Annoying, but manageable. Careful under the turret, he can kill combo you there early on. You most likely won't be getting a kill on him, because he's fast and tanky, but you also shouldn't be dying to him and outfarming him isn't really hard.”
SpyDaFX says “depends if the singed is good or not. if he proxy the wave ur gonna have a hard time dealing with him, just farm the wave and dont look to fight him, look for roams and ask for ganks. go Conqueror and rush wit's end and tri force/black cleaver (depends on enemy comp)”
Ravenborne says “Do not let him proxy your Wave Level 1, just walk with it. When he goes up to fling you W him during the fling and pull him back in. Just do not stand close to his tower so he can not kill you under tower. And just do not chase him.”
Kil4fun says “Just let him proxy farm your first wave. CS under turret and tell your jungler not to try and fight him. Get XP and make sure to last hit for free under turret. He's annoying but if you don't let him get to you you'll be okay.”
kingchas2 says “Very difficult to kite. Try and play far back and don't let him get free E's on you. As long as you make it out of lane safely, your impact on teamfights will be much more than his. ”
ModelitoTime says “Dont chase him, ever. poke him down with regular auto attacks, if he tries to flip you just E him and it automatically over rules his E, and he gets flipped instead. If you see his is doing a proxy *farming minion waves on your other turrets* just recall and return with your next minion wave. ”
ChevalierArlo says “Use escudo de doran, bote seus pontos no W e tente prendê-lo o máximo que você puder. Alguns Singeds são estupidos o bastante pra tentar te jogar pra trás dele achando que isso será bom pra eles, então se aproveite disso. ”
Hyzerik says “Just annoying, if he starts to proxy get your jg to gank and remember not chase. You can try to bring ghost for more ms but, once later in the game as long as he does not get crazy cs you will be fine.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Definitly run ghost to keep a good distance between the 2 of you. You can also let him get a little closer to you so its harder for him to dodge your Q.
If he starts charging at you from further away it is also possible throw your Q between him and your tower then run towards your tower. Let it charge untill its nice and crispy and round it off with a nice knockup as soon as singed passes the line of the Q. To top it W him while he is knocked up so he will be as slow as a granny passing down the street.”
Raideru says “Impossible lane to kill if the Singed is good, completely counters your kit just rush tiamat and perma one tap waves and roam no point in trying to interact with him. I advise Conqueror Dshield with Tiamat rush.”
LeSocair says “Don't chase him. Poke him with Q and deal enough damage without chasing him. If he throws the "Sticky Thing" stay on it or move in an angle he can't throw you on it, otherwise he'll stun you. You can win trades with barrels, AA's and Q at early levels, don't be too afraid, he's not that hard of a matchup.”
PoopDealer53 says “This guy can flash behind you, and flip you into your own cage! WHAT THE HECK??!! It's like the uno reverse card. This dude is annoying!”
EU_Toxicity says “Most singed players will try to push the wave early so feel free to Q poke him with the very tip of your blade (if you get too close he will simply flip you making you miss the Q). If you hit the first Q and he still goes in to fling you, W him right before the E connects so he's slowed and you can pull him back into you right after. You're much stronger than him before 6 so abuse that, but NEVER CHASE SINGED!”
iZeal says “If he runs at you directly, just W him in the face and he now either uses his E and can't run away fast enough before getting pulled by your E or he does not use his E and you get a free Q. If you manage to keep him close during his W you murder him. Be aware though that if you stand inside his W pool you cannot use your ultimate as it counts as a dash. Do not chase Singed over longer distances, ESPECIALLY when he has Rylais.
DBlade, Phage, Swifties/Mercs
adaptive Helm later on”
DarkNavarre says “Singed isn't too much of a threat outside of his potential to set up ganks, but as long as you kite him well it shouldn't be an issue.”
byThiagus says “No mueras lvl 1 como un idiota, pagina de runas 2 o 3, fantasmal obligatorio. espada de doran, no lo dejes farmear, si se acerca lo sloweas prendes fantasmal y lo chaseas(a partir de nivel 3)”
AWierdShoe says “
As long as you can keep him from proxy farming this is a really good match-up, while it becomes terrible for Shen if he gets to do that. So focus hard on trading the first couple of levels and punish him for his weak early game. If he tries to walk into your wave to apply his Q, punish him with empowered Q’s. Both short and extended trades work versus him, just make sure to be aggressive. You have kill threat on him early.
I Am Goliath says “Singed is very hard for Maokai to kill so he will scale pretty hard against you. As long as you play safe he shouldn't be able to kill you, that being said this match up will be annoying. Singed is more of a split-pusher then a teamfighter so you can still win late game against Singed. Try your best to farm up against him and stay even in CS. If he flings you W back to him and Q him off of you.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Kite/Space properly -> When he tries to come up to you Q poke him. Same when he goes for cs -> Do not stay in his poison -> You can time your Q3 with his flip and ult him when his flip is over -> Freeze waves”
StrikeX114 says “Since his primary damage involves running around you, you can potentially take him down in your first engagement. However, be wary of him attempting to proxy farm your minions away from you, and purchase extra control wards to make sure you and your jungler can collapse on him when an opening provides itself.”
Saarlichenbog says “Singed basically never lanes you and prefers to proxy until level 6. Cutting him off early from this tactic forces him away from one of his strengths of halving your wave safely before reaching tower. He will find it very hard to kill you in lane without help, but admittedly he has great setup from his W. Otherwise it's wave management to win this matchup and outscaling him.”
Berry Senpai says “A good Singed is a dangerous opponent for Jax. Your E is practically useless, he counters your jump with his throw, and can slow you if you attempt to chase him. He builds tanky too so it will be useless. Focus on farming for this one.”
Raphi0216 says “Don't let him proxy and if he does, call your jungler for help and try to kill him. you can win trades easily by using your E and W for sustain. Don't get flinged under his turret. ”
Frostyfps says “I have no idea why his win rate against Irelia is high, likely because his W screws your team fighting over. I start Q at lvl 1 in this lane and I look to stack my passive, I am also going to be autoing him if he gets near my minions. Do be careful in case he is out pushing you early as he might be able to level 2 cheese you though. However if you are the one with the wave pushing and you have level 2 coming up, hitting your E on him with passive stacked is an easy kill. If he pushes you in, treat him like the other melee matchups where you start looking to fight once it pushes back as you will have an exp advantage and have your passive stacked. Land your E and you won’t have any problems. Also you can use your auto range to poke him out and gain an advantage before going for an all in. Post 6 it is even easier however be careful on how much you commit because his ult heals him a lot and makes him pretty tanky.”
Defensivity1 says “Don't chase him in his poison, just keep throwing ghouls at him until he dies, auto q disengage if he melee runs up to you and try to avoid taking poison damage.”
Colbasz says “Don't let him near you early and start kiting him as soon as you get to lvl 6. You have the upper hand after 6, start poking and harassing him as much as you can, but dont chase him through his poison unless it is a sure kill.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Signed is not a tough champion to go against, he is just very annoying in that he is very good at avoiding you when you try to engage, and if you aren't playing very smart, your attempts to engage will result in you losing health to his poison instead.”
TangoVallhala says “Dont chase him, try keeping him under tower, but dont ever try tower diving singed it goes badly, wait for your JG to dive, both of you should be 6 though, poke him beforehand, you dont want him to proxy either.”
MisterDerpFace says “Just don't chase him for long and don't let him proxy farm by asking your jungler for help. And i dont think i have to explain this to you but, DONT STAY IN HIS Q”
YoungTact says “Whenever he runs into wave Q + Buckler to punish him. If he charges at you to fling or slow, use your Q+W TO disengage. Repeat this for kill. Go conditioning over bone plating and build magic resist if theres more than him as AP.”
qasddsa says “Kite backward and don't let him near you. But if he starts to run away, don't chase in his poison. If he starts to proxy the wave, don't waste time going to kill him.”
Singed matchup is usually really dependent on the player, there are Aggressive Singed players with Conqueror or Predator or there are the Passive Singed players that will look to Proxy Farm your wave and play some passive Keystone like Aftershock or Summon Aery. Usually if Singed lanes against Nasus, he will not look to Proxy Farm your wave since he wants to punish your weak early game but usually you will see them that they proxy 2 waves and then get a recall since Nasus wave clear undertorret sucks specially early on, to prevent this, I recommend not leashing and walk next to your wave so if he does that, you can damage him but don't go to hard on him, he can quite Nasus really well early on, rememeber the Golden Rule, never chase a Singed. Once he starts to realize he can't really poke you out of lane anymore because of Legend Bloodline + Nasus Passive sustain, he will look to proxy farm and do a lot of fights in your jungle. Putting wards in your jungle and ping your allies whenever he's missing is vital to prevent him of snowballing. Later on to the game you outscale him, he can't deal enough damage to you but he is one of the most annoying champions to kill in the entire game straight up, his ability to kite is absurd. Splitting against him is rather annoying since his Q clears the wave somewhat easily and if you try to kill him, he will just E + W and then kite you but teamfighting against him is even worse. Once you are both full build, Nasus becomes way more valueable than him in a 5v5 since he will get bursted super easily.”
SubHuman Filth says “Just poke him whenever he comes close. Take aery and be a pain in his ass. you wanna get early boots and not get flipped. But even so you should be able to just kill him.
He sets up ganks well, so if he w's you, just run as fast as possible.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. There are two types of singed players, singed players who go for laning dominance with ignite + an aggressive keystone, and then there are singed players who take aftershock and want to scale up into teamfighting well. Against a singed player who is going for a lane dominance build, you don't have to play too aggressive, look for spots where you have high health and fury and he is on your side of the lane for a potential all in, or you can just sit back and farm and wait to outscale him in the mid game. Against a singed with aftershock look to be very aggressive with him especially level 1 and try to punish him before he can even use his keystone. Aftershock singed will typically struggle to outdamage you, so you can typically get good allins on him. Something an aftershock singed might do is proxy your wave behind you. If your jungler is around or mid laner is willing to rotate you can look for a free kill on him, or you can go and proxy singed's wave and ALSO take his jungler's camps. If you are playing against a proxy singed then look to buy tiamat potentially and just farm absolutely everything. One tip against singed if he looks to do the goo + flip combo, look to back off of singed before he flips. There is a small delay when he is casting goo that you can back off the trade before he flips. In the mid-late game splitpush Singed can kite pretty well and do a good amount of damage with Rylais, but once you get max level W he won't be able to kite you anymore and you just straight up win. You also win against him after about 3 items as long as you have full fury/hp when you fight him.”
I Am Goliath says “Easy matchup since singed is so weak early and most of them just try to farm up you can also kite him so hard and your w procs will do a lot since he hp stacks, once you get your frozen mallet he really can't even go near you.”
Nabura says “If he prroxies, just let the wave hit your tower and collect your free CS. Sometimes they go predator and roam mid to be sure to let your jg/mid know and deny him cs in the form of crashing waves or freezing.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Fck this champ. I dont play often vs him since i often ban him. But if he is good, it will get hard from the moment he gets Tier 3 boots, he will just run u down, no matter how much barrels u hit.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. There are two types of singed players, singed players who go for laning dominance with ignite + an aggressive keystone, and then there are singed players who take aftershock and want to scale up into teamfighting well. Against a singed player who is going for a lane dominance build, you don't have to play too aggressive, look for spots where you have high health and fury and he is on your side of the lane for a potential all in, or you can just sit back and farm and wait to outscale him in the mid game. Against a singed with aftershock look to be very aggressive with him especially level 1 and try to punish him before he can even use his keystone. Aftershock singed will typically struggle to outdamage you, so you can typically get good allins on him. Something an aftershock singed might do is proxy your wave behind you. If your jungler is around or mid laner is willing to rotate you can look for a free kill on him, or you can go and proxy singed's wave and ALSO take his jungler's camps. If you are playing against a proxy singed then look to buy tiamat potentially and just farm absolutely everything. One tip against singed if he looks to do the goo + flip combo, look to back off of singed before he flips. There is a small delay when he is casting goo that you can back off the trade before he flips. In the mid-late game splitpush Singed can kite pretty well and do a good amount of damage with Rylais, but once you get max level W he won't be able to kite you anymore and you just straight up win. You also win against him after about 3 items as long as you have full fury/hp when you fight him.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conq, Triumph, Bloodline, Last Stand + Null/Nimbus cloak, Transcendence.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Magic Resist
Summoners: Teleport
NERF. SINGED. But seriously, this lane is very winnable early, especially if you E his flip. You wont take as much damage, even if he flips you into his W. What you have to watch out for is his proxy and his scaling. Let Singed get an early Deadmans + Rylais then you cant kill him. Try to get a lead early and extend it to the rest of the map. Having the jungler help when Singed Proxies is the best outcome. But just sitting in lane with a laner who wont fight you but will out cs you indefinitely wont help win the game. That is why TP is a must take. ”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery
Não deixa ele dar prox lvl 1, não tem segredo ele não consegue te pegar não consegue puxar a wave so fica pokeando ele ate a morte e fique atento com o jungler inimigo”
glorious7678 says “if you get Singed in the realm you can kill him. Pay attention to your health bar as Singed can do alot of damage. DON'T CHASE SINGED WHILE HE'S GASSING.”
Swaim says “watch out for his proxy level 1 because he can win 1v1 so be wary of that also FOR ANY REASON UNLESS YOU HAVE IGNITE DO NOT CHASE THE SINGED”
ZergDood says “This matchup isn't fun. Adaptive helm works wonders. Never chase him. Try your best to farm and to impact the map more than him. You can always try to punish his positioning, but honestly, you're better at poking him out of lane. Try to do so.”
qazx1427 says “Rule #1 of League: Don't chase Singed. Thankfully, since he has no dashes, you won't have to. Many Singed players will just run up to you to try and force a flip with sheer speed, but you can W in advance to either stop or trap him. Now, much like Ornn, Singed is completely useless, so you can pick up a free kill.”
Twist21 says “Singed is pretty hard to kill since he can flip you and stop your mobility with his W.You need to know your damage very well in this matchup since fights will be pretty close until you get 2-3 items.I recommend going flash ghost in this matchup with standard runes and dorans shield start.”
Twist21 says “You win this early levels but once he gets items and lvl 6 he will just ignore you and push.Try to use your early lead as good as possible.”
wallobear53 says “Proper warding is necessary in this lane as he can easily set up ganks with his E and can kill you if you are not careful enough. Don’t let him get a lead early on or he will become a huge annoyance for you and your team.
Make sure you are positioned properly in this lane and not very close to his tower. Otherwise, he will just W>E you into his tower, make you take tower shots and then easily kill you.
Once he gets his Ultimate, he will be more annoying to deal with. Make sure you ward properly and don’t let him get too close to you as it will allow him to easily kill you due to the boosted stats that he will get.
Fiora Pogjet says “Singed won't be that hard to beat. You can prarry his E and if you go for short trades you will do more than he will do with his Q. Mercurys will be really good in that matchup.”
ModxLoL says “Against Singed, you need to watch out for getting flung into his W where you will be snared and grounded where you can't use any of your abilities, then he will just make you run through his poison to get back to your turret. Another thing to be careful about is getting flung in the middle of your third Q animation. To counteract this, you need to try to make sure you're far enough away where he can't start the animation while you're in mid-air. You can short trade(Q, W, Auto) vs him when he goes for a minion. If you know he's running at you trying to fling, it's ok to shield and let him fling you. You won't take too much damage, and he will eventually run out of mana doing that. Try not to fight him if he uses his ult when he has a lot of health. You can look to all in him when his fling is off cooldown.”
Stiwy says “Altough he is a tough matchup for most toplaner, Urgot literally counters his kit.
Singed wants to run around you but your passive, your W and your E will punish him really hard.
Just remember the golden rule : NEVER CHASE A SINGED.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. There are two types of singed players, singed players who go for laning dominance with ignite + an aggressive keystone, and then there are singed players who take aftershock and want to scale up into teamfighting well. Against a singed player who is going for a lane dominance build, you don't have to play too aggressive, look for spots where you have high health and fury and he is on your side of the lane for a potential all in, or you can just sit back and farm and wait to outscale him in the mid game. Against a singed with aftershock look to be very aggressive with him especially level 1 and try to punish him before he can even use his keystone. Aftershock singed will typically struggle to outdamage you, so you can typically get good allins on him. Something an aftershock singed might do is proxy your wave behind you. If your jungler is around or mid laner is willing to rotate you can look for a free kill on him, or you can go and proxy singed's wave and ALSO take his jungler's camps. If you are playing against a proxy singed then look to buy tiamat potentially and just farm absolutely everything. One tip against singed if he looks to do the goo + flip combo, look to back off of singed before he flips. There is a small delay when he is casting goo that you can back off the trade before he flips. In the mid-late game splitpush Singed can kite pretty well and do a good amount of damage with Rylais, but once you get max level W he won't be able to kite you anymore and you just straight up win. You also win against him after about 3 items as long as you have full fury/hp when you fight him.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up très simple, joue avec rush phasique et abuse de son manque de dégâts en début de partie pour lui courir dessus dès que tu le peux a partir de ton niveau 3, il ne peut rien faire, et tu le tuera très facilement si il fait l'erreur d'avancer trop !
Fais tout de même attention à ne pas le suivre trop prêt de sa tourelle, car il peut t'envoyer dessous avec son E et tu risquerais de mourir !
Astuce : Prendre tes mercures et ton phage très vite rend le match up aussi simple qu'une promenade ! ”
Dantheman81 says “Playing against singed is a skill, at higher elos, a singed main can cheese just about anyone all game. My advice when against him is NEVER chase him, you'll be playing his game. If he takes aftershock, wait until his buff goes away or is on cooldown before you do anything. This will be a game that you get or rush adaptive helm. With adaptive and maybe boots he should not be much of a problem. Also singed likes to cheese level 1 so try to get your jungle with you for an easy first blood to get a super early damage boost or MR.”
Xplor says “If you don't push the lane too much, Singed should not be a problem at all. He becomes a problem if he goes all-in and throw you back with his E, slows you down with his toxic Q and throw a toxic pool on you to slow you down even more. In that moment not only that he may damage you a lot but the enemy jungle can pin you down easy with no escape.
Beware and play defensive when you play against Singed.”
Darrkescru says “Teemo e o maior counter de singed, nunca deixe ele fazer proxy, proteja a entrada da sua jungle com seus cogumelos, se ele te acertar o W use seu W para escapar e caitar ele, você nem precisa usar o impeto pois com aery ou colheita você vai dar tanto dano que vai matar o coitado ”
Lintaar says “You can farm outside his poison and can easily go around his trail to poke. It is definitely harder to get kills because Lillia relies on chasing down champs so much, but you shouldnt lose lane.”
bakk0n says “Despite many people saying otherwise, Singed is OP. A good SInged player will absolutely stomp you. His high mobility makes it nearly impossible for you to land your combo all of the times. You can still win this lane, but he is a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. Try your best to not let him farm and poke him.”
Crixaliz says “He is actually really easy to play against, unless he is proxy farming all day, because you have no waveclear until Tiamat, which you should rush so you can farm his proxy and don't let your tower get a lot of damage.”
Nyx Adachi says “RUSHEA TIAMAT, si hace proxy es importatisima, a lvl 6 trata de sacar ventaja con otras lineas y lo dejarás bastante atrás, compra yelmo adaptable ”
MrClockWorks says “Really annoying champ, he will probably take ignite. Don't chase him ever as you won't catch up, stun into combo works but he can just flip you into poison and there's not much you can do to get out aside from walking. Ulting him into his team works well late but lane phase he just does what he wants so just farm he can't dive you or you just ult him after he flings you.”
Sq_09 says “He can't engage you, his E hardly does anything to you and you can deal with his low damage. You can even outkite his R, which is pretty sad tbh. ”
Shoqi says “O proxy do Singed acaba com a vida do Ornn.
Caso ele não build Elmo Adaptativo como primeiro Item, a lane não tem como jogar.
Fora que ele brinca com você com o E dele.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “You beat him until he is 6, then he gets harder and harder until he can kill you simply by existing. The thing about singed is that the matchup depends a lot on the skill and knowledge of the singed in question; if he is bad, he is free gold for the entire laning phase. If he is good, killing him twice will merely inconvenience him and he will just end up scaling and covering the rift in the salt of its players. Abuse your first 2 levels, the moment he gets level 3 he becomes very annoying and when he gets 6 he starts to become unkillable. You can go for an all in at level 2-3 depending on how much you managed to damage him at level 1 (around 40% of his HP is a good kill threshold) but you always need to respect his E, else he will just flip you before you manage to do anything to him and eventually tilt you to death.
Ignite is good, but do note that singed's summoner spells can vary and he might take barrier to deal with your burst or even ignite if he thinks he can kill you, so you might want to consider TP. Conqueror is good since you will need sustained damage to bring him down. Also, I guess it goes without saying but DON'T CHASE THIS BASTARD.”
Itreallyhim says “Annoying, but no threat, You can ult him to stop him from being annoying towards your team, Be careful for his E W combo.
Dont waste time trying to catch him.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Singed is pretty awful to play against as Akali because he's tanky, does a fair bit of damage, and can negate half of your abilities with his w. Play safe and ask for ganks.”
ShinyEmo says “Early game will be very hard and very annoying but you can duel any time in the late game. Use your Q if he uses his E. Then use your Q whenever it's up. GG. Don't chase him for too long because he is fast as you and because of his Q. Watch out for ganks. BotRK is a must-have. You can chase him with your Q's if you buy Guinsoo's Rageblade. ”
Loki029 says “This guy is a totally troll and nearly every singed will Play like one, just wait for him to think that he can outtrade towerdive you and silence ult, maybe Flash w if low hp, don t chase whn rylais and ignore him in teamfights till his ult is down”
AkenoSenpai says “I have often heard people say its a hard match up, but i have personally never had much issue with Singed. just stun singed and start orbwalking like with any other match ups while holding Q to catch back up to him after he flings you. if you get out of Q stacks and have not been able to kill him, then just let him go, dont just mindlessly chase him without a tool to get close as this can end up bad. this Match up can easly range from minor to even (maybe even hard?) depending on how well the Singed player makes use of his Slow which which grounds you.”
Average Ahri says “You can't really beat a singed if he doesn't fight you or commits on an engagement. Q the ground to slow him if he charges at you for a fling. Kite him around a little and you should be fine.”
lugzinho says “Where to begin with Singed.
An asshole to fight against.
One of the best top laners.
He can run away from a 1v5 with no problems.
If his jungler comes you just get flinged and die.
Post-6 is basically unkillable with all the stats he gains.
He will rush Tabi to screw with you.
It doesn't matter if he takes Conqueror or Aftershock IT WILL BE GOOD NONETHELESS.
If you think he's going to proxy
wait in the bush around your 2nd turret.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This is just a farming lane. Take Cull and don't try to stop his proxy farming unless your jungler comes to help you. He can't really kill you since you can just flay him away before he flips you. . . Just remember, DON'T CHASE SINGED!!!”
ForgottenProject says “They make it quite obvious when they are gonna use their Fling, so parry that. Try to move in a weird way so he cant land his W on you because it makes you a sitting duck! ”
The Lost Drawing says “Requetemolesto pero ganable, si te sientes con suerte armate botas blancas y trinidad para alcanzarlo y matarlo pero las TF no te seran favorables.
Yelmo Adaptable”
Pedrokis says “Cuidado com a poça dele, já que ela te impede de usar seu E. / Se ele tiver vindo pra cima pra te jogar pra trás, bate nele com os 2 Qs e, pra garantir, guarda o terceiro pra quando ele te jogar usando ele para trás de você no rumo do Singed (o que depois do flip dele fará com que você acerte - mesma dica do Volibear). / Evita dar muito chase nele.”
Daedralus says “First rule of League of Legends, never chase Singed. But whats this? You can run much faster than him if he is on his last bits of HP, and you can latch Q to go infront of him and ahead of his poison. Your Q also denies his E so he can't do the classic Singed Lmao stuff to you. Your sustain also beats his DPS style as you are alive for too long to die as you simply heal it off. Ulting him also shuts him down pretty hard. If you see him starting to run away after a fight (and if he is below 50% lets say), ult him. You should also get your Q in the meantime and with an instant usage, you should also counter a highly likely E coming your way. Rinse and repeat.”
qtANG says “easy during early levels as he doesn't do much damage without items. Just try not to get pull into the tower range and don't chase him when he have ult.”
ozmankaan says “*preferred built: aftershock*
Singed is easy, u can out damage him, just dont follow him, disdain n purge him, it is an easy trade u can win easy.”
BeautifulWinter says “You can dodge his toss with your ult but don't try to fight him in his smoke as you will die. You should win this lane no problem however you can't really chase him down.”
Dominicanos says “Ο Ornn είναι Champion που βασίζεται στο E και στο Ulty για Engage/Disengage Λόγω του W του που κάνει Grounding δεν μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις.”
Big Belly Bop says “Skill match up, If he decides to run you down just E out and root him. It's hard to kite a singed but it's possible with certain rune set ups. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield/Blade/Corrupting Potion, Freeze!, Gotta Blast! Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “When you trade with him try to run beside him and cut him off, max Q cause hes just gonna fling you away every single time so you can't E him until you get items, but just keep Q'ing him he has basically no regen. If he proxies just let your team deal with him, enjoy that free farm and perfect CS.”
9690 says “We can't do anything against his proxy which is annoying but he can't really do anything to us either. He'll kite us around in our R with ghost but we outscale and have a much stronger mid game.”
Loevely says “If he actually lanes, it's even. If he just goes to proxy you have no real way to contest him due to a lack of bushes. Go Grasp or Fleet. ”
Luthy2278 says “Again, another bad pick against Mordekaiser. For him to win trades, he has to walk around you, which will be his undoing. He will die because of your E and if you are level 6 there is no way for him to escape you. The only way he can ever escape you is with Predator and ghost, and he will probably flash away too.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “eh he can kill you if you don't pay attention, don't stay to close of him, and try to use shrooms to slow his way to you or his jungler, also if he continue proxying place some shrooms behind your turrets, in places you know he will be. in lane phase if he actually is laning and not just proxy try to poke him as he come close and then go back to avoid his flips into poison.”
N4wt says “An easy matchup where you can farm and scale, but be careful of his early cheese with corrupting pot. Just farm safely before 6, then harass him. ”
Quezel says “Singed is one of the least interactive champs in top to date and most singed players like to proxy which means you just farm under tower against him for a long time. In the event he decides to grow some balls and lane against you poke him as often as you can with q as singed has poor sustain and all of your harass will stick. After he gets low enough you can look to use r to all in but be prepared for singed to just flip you off if you can pull him back in with e however you can start to seriously put the hurt on.”
SNOBOY says “I personally really like this match up because singed has to get up in your face to do his damage. He will push the lane hard though which is annoying. Your combo is really strong and he is easy to gank. ”
mightydylan101 says “Singed is easy. Be sure to poke at max range and you can easily kill him. He is super squishy and really hard to do well with against ranged. If you are against him be sure to zone and poke but if he runs towards you quickly backup as he can kill you once he sprays the sticky spray and throws you back into his poison. So just remember to max range poke and farm = easy.”
ProgettoYorick says “Beating singed is like going for a walk. You just don't have to chase it. Hit it with Combo E + ghoul + W. Tip from OTP: if you don't have it, give priority to the mercury”
linsher19 says “He will either try to shove you into the tower or wait until you walk up for cs but there isn't really much thing you can do beside farming you will win late game just build Adaptive Helm”
Lasoor says “[Top] This is a very difficult match up simply because how much damage Singed can do and withstand. If Singed is really good, takes dark seal + health pots, stacks dark seals, and knows how to avoid your Maiden's targeting then you will have a tough time winning. I have only lost this match up one time, but the reason for that was because it was the one time I fought a true Singed main. Your Maiden's faulty targeting can easily get you killed when you should otherwise win.”
Generally Break says “Take Phase Rush, Nulifying Orb, Celerity. Start with vault. Escort your first wave to lane and you will be able to hurt him bad if he tries to proxy. The big danger for you is his glue, but phase rush should let you escape it. Early BotRK is strong as well.”
Darthon says “This is the easiest matchup for Teemo. It doesn't matter what he does he'll lose. Just start the game by walking right next to your wave and don't allow him to proxy.”
Nightblue33 says “At level 3, you can trade decently well, but really depends on how good the singed player is. If you get a lead, then he will proxy. Teleport is a must in this lane.
Hamstertamer says “This matchup is everything that's wrong with league in a nutshell. Sit under tower for 20 minutes farming stacks while he's AFK proxying your waves, and enjoy an extremely entertaining game where there is zero interaction between the two champions whatsoever for the entire laning stage. Free stacks. Get an adaptive helm if you're bored and want to chase him around.”
AsomeSonic says “weird, he runs into you to flip you so just q him? if he puches you in it's fine to let him proxy and just take the free cs, bamis helps a lot, i do this so my jungler can help the other parts of the map, just use pings when he roams”
Chromuro says “*eurobeat intensifies* Reaaaally annoying, he runs too fast and the poison is just UGH. You can easily kill him, but oh god you need godlike reaction to catch him.”
Poppu says “Fucking hate this running simulator. Build MR, make teamplays and peel, this guy will just run and ghost and ignite and build 4 fucking dark seals. I hate Singed players lol”
Mavelion says “Proxy is as proxy does, he will annoy you late game if you and your jungler dont deal with him early, he will split push you to the ends of the earth so make sure to get a lead off of him early and help bot or mid get ahead ASAP.”
Petethebossch says “Just farm under tower and call your jungler to help if Singed is going to start proxying. Get cdr quick to help you stack under tower.”
Lynboe says “Si Singed essaie de vous courir dessus il risquera de mourir tant que vous aurez votre E, il est très facile à zoner malgré le fait qu’il fasse peur.
Si il essaye de vous combattre il utilisera son E et vous flippera comme une table avant de tuer la vague de sbire et de partir, c’est à ce moment précis que vous aurez une occasion de le tuer si vous avez suffisamment de points de vie.
Attention !!! Une fois qu’il à un Rylai dans son inventaire ce n’est pas la même histoire, il pourra vous ralentir en permanence.”
Jnewbringspain says “Singed is beatable, but difficult. His Poison Trail doesn't do much damage early on, so take advantage before he gets too tanky. Always save your Leap Strike against Singed so you can jump to him when he Flings you. If you get early kills it makes later laning phase much easier.”
messketchup says “If Singed tries to fling you or even farm just harass him with your Q. Do this till he is low enough for you to go in and secure the kill.”
PandaSenpai101 says “If the Singed player is good, he'll wait for you to cast your parry to predict his flip(E), and flip you after. If not, this should be an easy lane. Always follow the first rule of League, to never chase Singed, as tempting as it might seem.”
Jnewbringspain says “Your passive shield helps a lot in this matchup. You'll need to make sure you land your E > Q properly in order to engage him, otherwise he will just flip you away before you can get 3 basic attacks off. Later into the game his poison is just too strong and I would suggest avoiding fights with him. Build an Adaptive Helm in this matchup.”
M2 Jizu says “Atraviesa tu Q siempre y estarás bien. jamás le inicies con tu E.
Si está haciendo Proxy dejalo, no lo molestes hasta que veas la oportunidad de matarlo.”
CarlosTheSnail says “A enemy thats always will be annoying to be against and will be weird to fight. He moves a lot and will be harder to hit Q with and can be frustrating and trade good early cos of low dmg on Ryze. Late game he will have little chances to fight you and you can root and hurt him a lot.”
Lil Tidepod says “Singed can be really annoying. He's not really a champion known for carrying, but he has good CC and a lot of magic damage over time. Build an adaptive helm against Singed. You will NOT regret me saying that. Don't chase him. Walking in his poison trail will do a lot of damage. He can flip you during your Q. Just take short trades. If he's going to flip you, I'd charge your knockup, especially if he's in the middle of a minion wave.”
iam2sxy1 says “avoid getting flung up but as long as you have your boots of swiftness everything should be fine =] when dealing with proxy singed just don't bother chasing him as he will die/tele back to base and use teleport and he will be put behind”
FunkySoul says “This is a really awkward matchup to measure difficulty in, because some Singed players just can't proxy. If he does proxy, close out all possible escape paths and get your jungler's assistance immediately. ”
TechnoRenekton says “Do not chase.
Do not get close to his tower.
In case he farms between your turrets buy a vampiric scepter and farm INFRONT of your turret, while waiting for your Jungler to come .”
DrMoneybags says “The only thing I find scary about singed is how easily he can bore you to death. Grab a cull early and assume he's just going to proxy farm most of the game. If your jungler cares, he might help you kill him a few times with proper lockdown. But don't risk losing any CS by leaving tower. Some singed players might actually try and lane against you, making it possible to kill him with decent positioning. Grab some mercs and a phage early along with Conqueror to be able to fight him to any extent.”
Qubert64 says “Adaptive helm or Spirit if you are going ravenous shen. He wont be able to out damage your healing. Don't Chase him down too hard. Don't get flipped into his turret.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Annoying to deal with. Magic Resist and Sheen and you can win if you're able to farm, and don't fall far behind.
He will likely try to proxy farm you, if you can sustain the minions it's typically okay for him to do this early on. Ask for jungler help if this occurs.”
Jomppe says “ [Top] This is a very difficult match up simply because how much damage Singed can do and withstand. If Singed is really good, takes dark seal + health pots, stacks dark seals, and knows how to avoid your Maiden's targeting then you will have a tough time winning. I have only lost this match up one time, but the reason for that was because it was the one time I fought a true Singed main. Your Maiden's faulty targeting can easily get you killed when you should otherwise win.”
Khazem says “Singed is generally fairly easy to deal with as he simply can't just run up to you for a fling whenever he feels like it until he gets levels and items. Keep him away from you with your E charges and kite him while getting as much Q damage in on him as possible. If he starts proxy farming there isn't a whole lot you can realisically do, so just look you keep the waves from hitting your turret.”
Carlosm04 says “Singed é facil de matar, mas PQ NO EXTREME???? man o singed se ele te carregar pra torre, ae tu morre lek, seja agressivo so que tenha cuidado com E dele ”
The Lost Drawing says “Molesto el 'match', mucho CC asi que cuidado con su 'jg' y NO lo sigas.
>>>Trata que no te haga 'Proxy Farm'. A veces seguirlo cuando haga eso es mas desfavorable para ti.
>>> Tu amiga la 'Poción de Corrupción' evita que te empujen muy feo en 'early'
>>> Apoya a tu equipo, ya que ellos normalmente no lo hacen, pero si lo hace tira 'R' a su ADC o mago para evitar el daño de el ya que estara teniendo 'free' daño por el 'peel' de su soporte y el de singed”
ElleryTheViking says “Pretty difficult to kill early, easy to poke though. Every time he moves up, just E Q him, you'll do close to half his health. He'll flip you into his gas. When he does just run to the side out of it, heal with w, then repeat. The time you'll spend in the gas is next to nothing so the damage inflicted is small. Post 6 just ult ghost and all in, your Q counters the effects of his ult so you should be able to kill him. Be sure to keep account of how much gas damage you're taking. ”
Samas says “Will toss you around and kite you to infinity while poisoning you, also his slow now grounds you making you unable to use your only gap closer, avoid trading and farm it up.”
blue_cat says “Trading with him is just unproductive. Proc grasp and don't let him throw you. Ult him in laning phase if you think you can get a stack. It really depends on how agressive they choose to be.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Blade take Conqueror and Unflinching. Singed players hate to face Darius. Therefore you might experience that they want to proxy your minion wave to bypass having to lane against you. Deny him the proxy by covering the jungle when the minions spawn so he is forced to lane against you. Don't give him anything for free. Whenever he thinks he can use his poison to go through your minion attack him with your AA's and abilities and save your E to pull him back in after he flips you. Early boots along with a Phage are good to stick to him as best as you can. Force him to lane against you. And never let him proxy. I heavily recommend taking ghost against him. He will get Rylai's sooner or later therefore I love to go Unflinching vs him to hard tilt him.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: High mobility, Sustained damage, Tanky. Weaknesses: Out-scaled and out Split-pushed. He can be quite the nuisance in lane especially when you want to go for an all-in as his ultimate and Ghost make it hard to lock him down. Thanks to his adhesive now applying the grounded effect, you won't be able to use your lunge while in it so avoid it as much as possible. Another tip is to be aware of when he gets close to you as he will more than likely try to flip you and that's when you use riposte. Also, don't chase him for too long especially in his poison trail, but you probably already know this. If you see him trying to proxy early game, don’t make it seem worse than it is. If you know how to CS under tower properly, just let him proxy farm all he wants and just ping MIA or wherever you spot him on the map so that your team is aware. He can’t take jungle camps early so any time you spend trying to stop him from CS-ing is time you are spending not CS-ing your own waves that are crashing into tower. Once you get boots and Tiamat or some AD, you should be able to All-in him pretty easy if he decides to overstay in lane.”
Miracle Matter says “The first rule of League of Legends is 'don't chase Singed.' The second rule should be 'Don't send 3 people to chase Zilean around the opposite end of the map of Baron while his team takes it for free,' because that's how you win *a lot* of these games. You trade your life for a game-ending Baron Buff.
Back on point -- Singed is countered by Zilean top. For the first few levels, you'll just want to prep the wave and catch as much cs under tower as possible. Once you have some mana from Tear and maybe Lost Chapter, you can pretty easily slow->stun him for massive harass anytime you'd like. You counter him because you can slow him massively, making him an easy pick for your teammates, as well as outrun him very easily -- slow him, stun him, and save the second E - slow for when the stun expires, slowing him for another 2.5 seconds. Do this any time he tries to Sticky goo and run after you.
One thing to be wary of - Singeds will often become annoyed at the realization that you are outrunning THEM and then instantly, prematurely pop both Ghost and their Ultimate. You cannot outrun this early on, so if he catches you -- don't panic. Just keep running back towards your tower, and be ready to Ult yourself before the poison finishes you off. He's essentially traded his Ult + Summoner just to pop your Ulti, and you come out ahead in that exchange. Now get back to keeping him on a leash!”
Daniloooo says “I main Singed so i know how ezy it is for Singed to run you down. Singed is weak pre 6 but after, after he gets his corup and 4 dark seals he will run you down and there is nothing you can do. You will do almost no dmg cus of his Corupt and dark seal are healing him and you cant Q his flip cus it does not count as a AA. Try to bait him to his shrooms and run away (90% time it wont work cus he has more MS then you + has a slow). Dont come near his turret he can flip you in it. Try killing him pre 6 as fast as possible. ”
drunken hunter says “Singed is just an annoying champ who goes proxy farming (if he ever played this champ before). If Singed does the proxy farm, he will wont miss a single cs and kill you in the trades if follow him. Try to ping for a gank and go for magic resist - You cant simply fight this champ solo.”
kkiskk says “If you know about the "Don't chase a singed" rule, you'll be fine vs him. His damage is as crazy as your's if he builds full AP so be aware of that. Get MR boots and spirit visage ASAP after youmuu's, otherwise you can't chase him down. Always bully him with others, try not to 1v1 him unless you've got two or above MR items.”
Sion says “If he takes aery+ignite, fight him post 3 and never chase. Just go for short trades and then back off. Let him shove you and you can outscale hard.
Post 6 is hard for you to deal with to begin with so just roam.”
Proxxecube says “Singed is typically not that much of a problem, unless he gets a free kill. Just remember Commandment 4 of League of Legends; thou shalt not chase Singed. His poison lasts for longer than you think and does more DOT than you think. When he runs at you, just parry. Even if he doesn't flip you, he gets a movement speed debuff, so you can run from a potential flip.”
bobtrole says “difficult all game up to end game. still must evade him, fairly easy to do in team fights but does cause you to turtle at this point. Really tests your skill at team fighting.”
Bakiraka says “Singed is a really tough champ to deal with because he gets stats from items super efficiently and makes really good use of them. He clears better than you early, but he can't do too much damage and only has melee-distance hard CC. This means that you can get tons of procs off your Klepto or Grasp for super good value. If you can stay out of melee range early (and really for the entire game) there isn't too too much he can do. The issues really come when he has too much armor to damage significantly and can out-speed your barrel slow in the late game. When that starts to happen, make sure that you can't be picked off easily. Keep him occupied clearing side waves and don't focus him during fights. If a full AP Singed is your problem, there's no shame in buying an adaptive helm to get some resistances and stack up against his Q. If it's tank, LDR and IE are the best ways to get through his armor and take him down.”
GUAGUAMA says “Xin is a bit of a counterpick to Singed. Your sustain makes it easier to recover from trades, and your E can counteract his fling, as long as you aren't grounded. Your W makes it hard for him to engage or chase you.”
heyitsRainex says “Rule #1: Do not chase Singed.
Not only does he deal a lot of damage, he's also quick on his feet. The only time you can kill him is when he's proxy-ing the wave and have your jungler stop him from doing so. Otherwise, outpressure the lane.”
SirDeRp25 says “Rush Frozen Mallet and you will be able to fight mid game, poke him as much as you can. Magic pen works really well as singed does have a'lot of base MR.”
E61K says “Depends on what the Singed does. If he is proxying it's better for you. Get some lifesteal and just farm up. You will be more useful later on. If he decides to lane against you make sure to not get flung into his poison. He regens stupid amounts of HP with his Ult+Dark Seal+ Corrupting Potion combo and gets retarded amounts of free stats. Do your best and disengage when he ults unless you clearly have the upper hand. It's honestly just a matter of how well you can handle yourself playing against such a tilting champion. Don't give him free kills as this stupid champion can literally run your team down and there is nothing they will be able to do about it. He deals pretty high damage for how tanky he is. There is basically no point in trying to fight him before you get your core. Recently Singed's W got a ground effect as well, which just adds salt to injury. Not a fun matchup.”
Omega best says “Ah, singed is very annoying but easy to beet, just scare him off while he proxys or if he plays laner singed then be careful and just farm and wait for being ganked, build mercury treads and a bit of damage and you should be okay, but dont run into him because he is gonna poison you and flip you which will you no result as for killing him just FARM.”
Zachlikespizza says “As you outrange him he can't stop you from csing, however even with your w slow he may be able to out run you. So just follow the first rule of league.”
Mouadyam says “not a very good matchup, but you can win very easy early on, coordinate an early gank with your jungler because if he dies he'll become irrelevant for a long time,kill him early before he becomes obnoxious.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Just don't chase him if you're not 100% sure you can kill him. Or you'll choke to death on his poison. Rush BORK and Merc against this dude and you should be ok. Frozen Mallet is also great against him. Also, when he goes proxy, push your wave to his tower and then go to him so he suicides on tower or goes away. It's best to have your jungler too in some cases. You can't E while over his W”
iam colorblind says “U can chase him good with Q-Max!
But build Mercury's Treads + Hextrinker and you are safe.
Don't let him farm if possbile!
Go for every trade u can win save.”
Coelinha says “Se ele fizer proxy não va atras dele//Faça Dança da morte o mais rápido possivel//Não fique triste,provavelmente tu nunca ira matar ele na lane”
joelblack says “Singed is cheese. Just poke tf out of him and let him throw you. His poison does shit in the beginning and literally standing still after he throws you lets you avoid following the poison trail while poking him to death.”
OmegaTeemo says “Incredibly, he isn't a threat if you can stop him from getting to proxy your first wave. After that play agressive and don't let him shove you in.”
galvapheonix says “ Playing against singed is a skill, at higher elos, a singed main can cheese just about anyone all game. My advice when against him is NEVER chase him, you'll be playing his game. If he takes aftershock, wait until his buff goes away or is on cooldown before you do anything. This will be a game that you get or rush adaptive helm. With adaptive and maybe boots he should not be much of a problem. Also singed likes to cheese level 1 so try to get your jungle with you for an easy first blood to get a super early damage boost or MR.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 4.5/10
➡️Extremely easy matchup for Trundle, similar to the sion matchup except you need to respect him a bit more and he neutralises you on the side lane later. Singed has super low threat against Trundle and you can threaten him easily in laning phase as long as you don't get impatient and chase him like a monkey. In this matchup, Cull is really great because you will be handshaking waves and picking up random kills. Hydra, BOTRK and swifites are a must. A good matchup where you can go tiamat -> botrk. Don't spam your E and waste all of your mana. Play for short damage (AA+Q+AA) and don't get flipped under tower. You are playing for farm and you will have first move from side lanes most of the time. Never chase a singed. Walk with your waves to deny him the proxy.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad singed vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average singed vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good singed vs Good Trundle ➡️ 75/25 trundle favoured but singed can win if he gets a lead.”
Haxorr says “Free scale lane. Take PTA and beat him up early with doran's blade, try to parry his e. The only problem with Singed is he will just proxy waves in both the early and late game to make it really hard for you to split, swifties make this matchup way better as you aren't as affected by rylais. Win all the early fights and skirmishes because if you and he are even in mid-late you're prolly gonna lose the game, he will have more impact”
Bourne212 says “Wait until both of your W stacks are on him before dashing in with Q or he can flip you and the second W will miss, Try to avoid his ult poison if he is running away with his ult on.”
CactEyez says “IDK why this champion is, and continues to be. Just farm, don't try and fight him, be at objectives. If you get Bami's Cinder you can counter proxy.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Hollow Radiance
AP Items:
- Riftmaker/Rocketbelt -> Heartsteel”
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