Discover all champions who counter Aurelion Sol. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Aurelion Sol in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
Mid Lane 50.66% Win Rate89% Pick RateAurelion Sol Mid Lane Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Aurelion Sol in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Trading vs aurelion is really easy just try to Q+AA+Q recast at level 1 behind your wave so he wont be able to Q you just try to poke him to death it wont be hard since he cant really dmg you in early levels on the game try playing many teamfights so you end fast cause he will outscale you. Electrocute is better against him just try to always remove hes bone plating so you will do much more dmg.”
BesXbola says “Aurelion sol isn't the biggest threat in early game besides level 1, after level 1 he can only kill you if you play really badly or he has too many stacks, dont waste your passive if he has W ready because then he'll just run you down specially with rylais, be carefull with his roams and make sure to punish them since you cant match his roams.”
TheRealYashas says “for the most part, laning early against asol is super easy. throw E against lane walls to help close gaps. lategame, this guy can be a nightmare, but if you can catch him out of position, he is one-shot-able.”
zSmoke says “Aurelion Sol suffers a lot in early lane because he doesn't have MR and trades will be quite easy (Recommendation: Try to prevent him from scaling because he's a hypercarry)”
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. Very easy to bully early after his Q nerfs. Save your W for when he flies. When he EQs the wave, just walk up at start sending spells at him. May become an issue later in the game if he gets kills. FoN is a must and Swifties helps with the Rylai's slow.”
Cepatrol says “you outscale him, you can only really die or get fucked by him if you want to fuck him, play safe = outscale risk free, play aggressive and risk lane, he does a lot of dmg lvl 1-5”
Tamikaze says “Asol is a minor threat for Azir. You can dash out of his E, you can stop his Q with your ultimate and you can even outrange his Q with your max range W. If you play it smart you should not die to Asol. Be careful of his W having the ability to run you down in lane. Once you have Nashors, he doesn't stand a chance in a 1v1 against you. Don't be afraid to flash out of his ult in a tight situation. His late game is the problem. I'd recommend coordinating with your Jungler to keep him down for a majority of the game, preventing his lane game powerspike. ”
MattStyle says “Tiene buen push con su E. Buen roaming con su W. Pero no representa una amenaza para ti durante la fase de líneas.
Cuando está canalizando su Q puedes acertarle una doble Q fácilmente.
Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularlo.”
j4ss says “Cringe champion, you can barely hit you AAs you Qs but he can't do anything to avoid your poke, so the full poke graves with dark seal, d. ring and early scout's slingshot is a good option here. You can even go CDR boots in lane to maximize your poke threat. Call for ganks and don't let him scale. ”
Tatsurion says “This is a difficult one, because both of you scale INCREDIBLY well.
You will scale better. He scales safer.
He WILL fuck you up and its just a matter of time, you CAN fuck them up first, and thankfully the lane isnt too difficult to deal with, so youll have a good start. Late game though..
Both burst and conq are valid”
y every name taken says “Try to save your ult for when he flies away or to stop his channel if your Q is on cd. If you have neither up, your only option is to kite around him in melee range since he works best at mid range.”
gimmelovej says “Asol may become a monster late game well after laning phase through no fault of your own, but yes you should absolutely stomp him early/mid. In the late game you can still attack him and try to kill him before he hits your entire team.
youshou says “Freefarm poke easy matchup
Just permapush and proke demolish on the tower.
you will break inihibitor on 15:00-17:00, if you're playing perfectly.”
Vladmidir says “This matchup is piss-easy early game, you hard out damage him as long as you trade behind your minions and around your empowered Q. Once he gets Rylai's you just have to run at him and pray he doesn't W away. Try not to let him stack stardust for free. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long sword start.
Only really outdamages you when you stay inside his Q for too long. When he uses his Q you can easily combo him, as he's rooted in place. If you get some damage going you can WEQ into him and when he tried to W away follow with R.
Alternatively R and throw your W in the direction he's flying if you're confident you can os him.”
5guzKAO5 says “Depending on Asol's skill, you could win the lane or you could lose it very hard. Poke him every time he tries to farm/stack his E, go all in once he is below %40 hp because he could just fly away when he knows he's low and gonna die.”
BrMario1011 says “You kill him lol, if he flies towards you MAKE SURE TO NOT WALK TOWARDS WHERE HE IS FLYING, also cancel with flight and q with ur w and r, late game he gets cancer and you cant pick him off very easily and he teams fight almost as well at him lol
go electrocute and ignite/tp
You can go dorans shield, touch his e slightly and heal lol”
Shifty says “You destroy this guy. He literally stands still. Avoid taking inhibitors too early as he'll just stack his passive on the endless train of minions.”
Viktorias Secret says “One of the rare champs that have a worse early than you. Use it.
Roam when you can and do your best to snowball. You have a good late but Asol's is better.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “free lane, he literally gets stuck while using Q, use this chance to root him and ignite this dragon lol tbh every match I play I'm praying its an aurelion sol.”
otaliz says “This champion has good wave clear, good roaming, and great scaling. However, at earlier levels he is quite weak. Especially if he makes the following two mistakes: pokes you with Q more than hitting the wave, and using his E to poke you instead of stack minions. The objective in this matchup is to roam more than him, so go with Shurelya's build and Spellbook, and always try to push the wave from level 6 onwards.”
Desperate Nasus says “It is an easy matchup but it can go very wrong if he gets a lead early on. If he tries to zone you off the wave level 1 if you play your passive well and not take aggro from all enemy minions you can win the 1v1 or get his flash and at the slightest wining the trade. Once you get 1150 Gold, back as soon as possible and buy Recurve Bow and Cull. This way you can out Dps him on every trade without any problem. Keep your passive stacked so you can get some more AA's off. On sidelane with level 11 you win and Boots of Swiftness . Doran's Blade as your starting item.”
michaliis says “EASIEST MATCH UP GO DORANS BLADE. You hard counter him so badly you can really do anything dive him go all in anytime you will kill him.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Bully Aurelion Sol as much as possible during laning phase. Try standing behind minions so you don't get affected by the additional burst damage from his breath. As he can't move while using his breath, he becomes very vulnerable to Bouncing Bombs during it. Use your Satchel to disrupt Aurelion Sol's flight.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
I place this matchup in even because you should win lane and have prio (if you don't fk up lvl 1 and get chunked). However, later in the game he scales way harder than you, and will often outimpact you because he has such large AoEs.”
ShokLoL says “You can poke Asol down for free pretty much all lane, but be careful trading too much into him at level 1. After level 2, if you use E aggressively you will need to play safe because he will look to W forward onto you. Normally it will be better just to harass with Q and W while you hold your E defensively.”
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol is very strong at level 1 with his Q poke so try and avoid this. After level 2 you can look to bubble him while he Qs the wave, or just save it for when he Ws forward. If you use E aggressively, make sure to play a bit safer while it's down.”
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol is very strong at level 1 with his Q poke so try and avoid this. Try and keep creeps in front of you in order to block his Q spam and make sure you save your E defensively so he can't freely W onto you. Normally if you play for short trades you can build a small lead in lane against Asol. Any jungle gank or 2v2/3v3 skirmish early game should favor you.”
awawa says “Dont let this Deluxe Edition Veigar scale. Any CC cancels his whole kit, so you can easily beat him anytime. If he dares dealing any meaningful damage in this game, buy some magic resists and proceed beating all the stars out of him.”
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol is very strong at level 1 with his Q poke so try and avoid this. Try and poke him down with QW and be careful going up too far in the lane since he will chase you down with W, especially if there are no creeps in the way. You should build a pretty big lead in lane vs Asol as long as you respect his key windows.”
ShokLoL says “Against Asol you need phase rush in order to disengage from his extended trades. Be very careful fighting him at level 1 as his Q poke is too strong. Once you're level 3, you should be able to win by poking down with QE and then engaging on him in melee. Make sure to E him to cancel his Q then phase rush away.”
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol is very strong in the first couple of levels, so try play defensive and use your fleet movespeed to disengage from trades. He may try W onto you at level 2 so keep the wave close to you at this point. Once you're level 3, just keep poking with WQ auto and if he tries to W onto you, just WE away from him.”
Soft Headpats says “Laning phase is straightforward since he's weaker early on and mostly stationary, so take advantage of this and poke him down as much as possible. Be careful of punishing his Q with your E spells, since he can cast W towards you and recast his Q mid-flight, leaving you with no way to stop his engage.
ASol stacks much more quickly when he's proccing his Q, which is easy to avoid as long as you space him properly and cancel his W engages. He becomes much more threatening once he finishes Rylai's, allowing him to set up ganks or bait out spells more easily. Your E CD also gets much lower at this point though, so keep track of when he Ws and make sure you cancel it.”
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol does outscale you, but in the 1v1 you can bully him early. Look for harass when he is Qing the wave, and make sure you save E in case he tries to W forward onto you.”
ShokLoL says “urelion Sol is very strong at level 1 with his Q poke so try and avoid this. Try and keep creeps in front of you in order to block his Q spam and it can be a good idea to hold your E in order to stop him from using his W forward aggressively.”
Deceiver_euw says “Asol is surprisingly fine into LeBlanc 1v1 but you do have counterplay vs him. When you W into him, look to walk behind his Q so he has to turn around to trade back and the moment he turns to you then you can snap back to your W to screw his Q again. Respect his lethal range with W+Q cuz after some levels he can just run you down with W and kill you so use your dashes and CC carefully.”
plankbro says “Any immobile mage gets the full charged Q treatment. Late game he will ruin your day with melting DPS and a powerful disengage ability plus his teamfighting is SCARY, but early game, your Q counters his Q. If Asol Q's, walk up and either scare him off or punish him. Also fun is intentionally walking into his black holes to get pulled closer to him, as you can charge your Q even when you're being pulled. Bully him early and end the game while he is off teamfighting.”
Janninger says “Aurelion is:
Even Early, 0-1 full Item
Weaker Mid, 2-3 full Items
Stronger Late, 4-5 full Items
Annoy him early with your E (ideally upgraded first) if he uses his Dragon Breath.
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol is another easy matchup for Hwei, look to poke him down whenever you can. If you choose to use E aggressively you will need to play safer as he may use that time to try and W aggressively onto you.”
vSomnia says “With Hail Of Blades you can just perma trade with him get passive off and run. Be careful of trading at lvl 1 if he starts Q he might eat you.
Because of Hail Of Blades you can get passive off even if he E's away.”
Baxterstein says “Actually likes farming under tower and welcomes your permapush. Gets stacks off killing your voidlings. But, he goes OOM and you do not. Thankfully though if you land Q on him you'll stop him from shredding your team. Your goal here is to keep him under tower while you influence the map (especially helping your jungle snowball), enabling your team to hopefully dogpile onto him in lategame.”
InTaggar says “ENG: This matchup is only farm for u 2, but dont let him farm, push always u can and be usefull for ur team. When he's using his Q use ur W below or use it when he finished using his E. Ur R can cut his Q cast.
When u evolve ur E, push him to death and rotate.
Runes: Aery + Scorch or Gathering Storm / First Strike.
Spells: TP (obligatory for rotate)
ESP: Este matchup es solo farmear, pero intenta pockearlo siempre para que él no pueda hacerlo. Pushea siempre que puedas y trata de ayudar a tu equipo lo máximo posible. Podés tradearle cuando está usando su Q, usando vos tu W debajo de él, también podés usar tu W cuando el termina o está usando su E. Podés cortar su Q con tu R.
Cuando evoluciones la E, pushealo siempre para tener priodidad en linea.
Runas: Aery con Quemadura o Tormenta Creciente / Primer Golpe.
Spells: TP obligatorio debido a la facilidad que tiene para rotar.”
elite600.lunar bacca says “little more tradable than malz he still has a really good waveclear honestly it s more than doable in low elo just poke him and he ll get too scared to do anything”
FelixMrChat says “A bit of the same matchup as against Aurelion Sol, he will quickly outscale you and be impossible to deal with in late game. You will have a lot of trouble killing him, if you don't calculate his dash reset timing, and you will also have a harder time roaming. I have a lot of trouble playing this matchup personally, try to ward, warn your team, take a TP, take Cosmic Drive/Swift if you feel like you need even more movespeed, and good luck!”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Aurelion, you have free trade cause is a very immobile champ, except of his W he have no mobility option, just wait he use E on the cs, meanwhile stack your Q and you can trade him”
Kikife says “If Asol attempts to use his breath ability, pop E and escape. It's the easiest way to avoid taking half your health from one ability. Make sure you stay vigilant with map warding and ping when he isn't on your lane as his ganks can be lethal. Look for hard engage once your Q stacks have hit the first level as smolder's damage increases dramatically early at this point.”
gaarrett says “Free lane. Sylas gets outscaled but you should never be letting Aurelion Sol walk up to E the wave without giving him the full combo. [3/5] ultimate, you just get the base ASol ult, it doesn't get bigger and you won't get the knockup version even if ASol has it when you steal it. ”
MukiiBaa says “Until he scales enough to cook your team, you are better champ in lane.
save E for his flying ability when he tries to run away. You have small window to catch him coz it has some sort of prep time”
149Gray says “Easy laning phase, just don't miss any cs and Q him whenever you can. But keep in mind that later into the game, he becomes really annoying for you since he builds Liandry, Rylai, and Morello. Morello might be a bad item, but he can perma apply it on you, so it's pretty useful.”
ExodusBlue says “Hard to farm-poke vs him bc he can stand as far from the wave as you can. His slow sets up his fire breath so stay out of it. Farm up w WE>QE if he flies at you EQ him”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Easy, play aggresive, but if you play to scale, you totally lose.
Facil, juega agresivo, si juegas a escalar, terminaras perdiendo.”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is favorable for Anivia. Pre 6 you are looking to to punish his weak early game. When he uses E walk around it and look to zone/punish him for it, don't be afraid to tank some damage from his Q you will cancel it with your Q and out trade. Once your 6 R->Q and when he goes to dash cancel it with Wall, it guarantees a kill or flash.”
wundrew says “Punish him early with doran's blade ignite. You can run him down easily if you let him push into you. If his W is not up, its a free kill. Your Ult does NOT get canceled by his E.”
SurferKiller says “You can only kill him if he missuses his W (Dash), so keep an eye on it. After 25 minutes, Aurelion outscales you, so it becomes hard to kill.”
KazunaSan says “Les bons aurelions vont vous empêcher de jouer en early, il scale mieux très fort et si il prend banshee vous ne pourrez plus jouer, essayer de profiter de son manque de mobilité pour le dominer en early, dès que vous pourrez one shot les waves, profitez en pour roam et tuer le jungler adverse ou roam botlane.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hes super weak early game, you can abuse him easily there. He will often stand still and channel Q to get stacks on the wave, just hit your spells on him when he does that. Dont use your stun tho - if you miss he can fly in and try to fight you. Just poke from far.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. He is shit early, so you can abuse him and punish / snowball. Dont let him stack.”
Wizboy73 says “Take snowball runes, You outscale him untill the giga late game since he is an infinite scaler. You bully him in lane, you can cancel his W and Q with R which can make him useless. just dont get jungle diffed. ”
Shinbae says “Ха ха, летающая ящерица, да на что он вообще способен? Все скиллы для Зои легко доджаться, часто в открытой позиции, прекрасная цель для ваншота”
Hexeria says “[Aurelion is pretty easy despite him being able to push your lane.] [If he E and Q your wave, engage him with E and get as much damage out as possible.] [You can snowball him pretty hard.] [Dont roam to often, so you can deny his stacks.] [AP works a bit better to keep him out of the game. His Q does % Max HP damage so Tank loses a bit of Value here.]”
Halkem says “He will outscale you HARD and FAST, in lane, side and tfs. So you need to get ahead as the time is ticking, farm well, get your jgler his crabs/prio and try your best to stay efficient to not get behind. Q cancels his Q. Only W in lane after his E is gone, it drags your voidlings and ruins your clear wave. He will run you down or cheese you at choke points, so care. If the game goes to late game, look to catch him with R, as he will usually be the biggest threat and clear wave from his team, often preventing you from ending the game. Look to get baron to end.”
Iceyou says “Very weak early its all we want to snowball the game and give leads to our entire team . If he is getting ganked by your jungler hold w to stop his w . ”
TrueGIXERJ says “ASol outscales you so hard it's crazy, but in lane he is insanely free - you can push your wave and trade on him, using Q to outmanoeuvre his E+Q, then roam for marks + kills in sidelanes. i'd make him less of a threat but if the game goes 30+ minutes you can no longer do anything to him whatsoever, and he'll execute you right out of your R.”
The Milelator says “You have a far better early game. Push waves and roam (you can't really freeze vs him). His E moves you and your charging Q and can surprise him by hitting him "outside the shown hitbox". When hitting E always trade with him. Since his damage comes from standing still with his Q Fire breath, you always win. Once he has an item or two focus other lanes, play for objectives and peel your carries.”
TB Azir says “Adamı dürtüp auto atmak istediğinizde Q'sunu açarsa 1-2 geri adım atıp Q'sunun range'inden çıktıktan sonra başta dürtmek için açtığınız askerle vurmaya devam edin zaten adamın çıkması lazım, çıkmazsa trade sizindir. Siz wave'i itip kule altına soktuğunuzda wave'i aldıktan sonra bi anda üstünüze atlayabilir. O açıyı kesinlikle vermeyin, olur da verirseniz de direk E'nizi kullanıp uzaklaşın. Öyle bi trade'i kazanma şansınız yok. Bunlar dışında outrange edip kazanıyosunuz ekstra bi olayı yok.
Rün: PTA, Aery, Fleet”
WarwicksSimp says “This could either be really easy or really hard depending on what happens. This can sometimes heavily depend on your jungler, as this matchup is really easy to towerdive and gank with your R and E cc chain, with how squishy he is early that cc chain will be enough for you and your jungler to do enough damage. But he can scale like a mad man if left unchecked, he is also a rylais abuser which makes it even harder for Warwick, and he builds liandries optimally, with the meta build being an hp build this causes some issues later on.”
ELFREPO says “El matchup mas facil de yone del juego. Siempre se va a quedar quieto para lanzar su Q, asi que solo usa tu q3 o R mientras esta quieto y GG ff15. ESO SI: tienes que frezzearle lo más posible (que es muy facil) y cuando intente farmear hacerle un all in. si permapusheas sin sentido puede llegar a escalar y ahi es cuando todo se va a la basura. ”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy matchup early games as you can get a lot of damage in while he is using his Q. Mid-Late game becomes harder because he starts to scale. I would recommend building ROD in this matchup as ASOL builds tanky.”
FrostbiteMW says “His earlygame is really weak now, so you can try to punish him. If he uses his E + Q on minions to farm stacks you can Q him for easy trades. This way he cant stack and you can perma trade him.
tip: go phaserush to dodge his spells if he all-ins.”
FrostbiteMW says “His early game isnt that great, making it easy for you to poke him and snowball in lane. After 6 you can still easily poke with R - Q.”
Tokiyami says “Pretty easy matchup just be wary of his lvl 1 ability if he takes E lvl 1 can easily abuse him but if he takes Q lv 1 respect his lvl 1 because he will punish you if you walk up and try to trade with him. Usually just all in him at lvl 6 and if he stands still to Q you just throw an E at him and wait for his Q to run out to press E again.”
FlopQueenEra says “Sona's Q ability, allows her to poke Aurelion Sol from a distance. she should focus on consistently poking him to pressure him and prevent him from comfortably pushing waves with his (Q).”
Yannik123 says “This matchup is pretty easy in the early game. If he tries to trade with q you can e or q auto q auto him. If you want to play aggressive you can go Electrecute, if you want to poke safely you can go Aeri, its up to preference. In the late game he can be kind of scary so just try to kill him in lane or roam.”
Lindroganti says “Smash his face in early on, he can do practically nothing to you unless you stand in his breath and take it. The trades you can get into him are just as free as those you can get into Yasuo and Yone. If he isn't flying, you can W him to stop his breath and he's as good as done. He will use his fly to escape though. I recommend swifties in this matchup as it allows you to engage on him all the time, and he has no real cc to stop you. This will also usually bait him to try and fly away before you use your W which allows you to W him to also stop his fly. Only in mid tier because he will somehow scale to the point where he can kill your teammates despite the fact that you still steamroll him.”
Sapphiretears says “All in Level 3 and get a lead otherwise wait for your Jungler Aurelion is one of the few matchups which would justify to run Flash Ghost on Rumble.”
support_diff says “Focus on cs early, tell your teammates immediately if he isn't on the lane as his roams are pretty surprising and deadly. Don't let him push the lane and only trade if he is low on mana and doesn't have his E up”
Fuzzmonkey says “Aurelion will most likely loose an all in from you. He will rely on pushing you in and roam. Find an opening and send him back to base.”
support_diff says “Aurelion Sol is an infinitely stacking champion, which means that he is better later in the game. His abilities outrange you, but they don't deal enough damage early to kill you. Be aware of his ult, it can get you killed”
Tanginid says “Ahri is a great counter to Aurelion. Just charm him when he starts flying towards you and kill him, as it's easy to keep your distance with your Ultimate and have nice damage to kill him.”
TheBougis says “Aurelion Sol is a late game monster that can peel himself quite well, luckily many people don't build omnivamp on him so try to poke him with your Q and you will out-sustain him and eventually kill him. However the augment "Ice Cold" (Makes slowing effects reduce an extra 100 movement speed) is insanely strong on his E causing it to pretty much root you for the duration of his E.”
TheFakeMord says “As long as u dont stay still in front of him as he uses Q. U can just throw EQ combos at him the entire time. He will probably outscale you super late game, but laning wise its a really easy one”
Zero macro says “Aurelion Sol is a really easy matchup early on for Caitlyns insanely good early game. Thereby Aurelion Sol will outscale Caitlyn combined with having a more defensive stat line on top.”
Just_Invalid says “If you land your E, gg the lane is yours, if you miss, say goodbye to playing that game. Also they will always out scale you so end the game early.”
Zero macro says “Aurelion Sol is one of the best scaling champs in the game, thereby his early is weaker. Kog'Maw will have an easy time, paired with a decent time late game due to his range to get away from the scaled Sol.”
serrafim says “This is a pretty easy matchup for you. W him when he is using his Q (Dragon's Breath). Try and bait out his W (Fly) and then you'll be able to all in him. Try and be aggresive early in this matchup, because he scales unbearably hard. Try to deny him farm so he doesnt get his upgraded R (Nuke)”
lolzayno says “Relatively even matchup. Make sure he doesn't shove you in and actively roam. Make sure to communicate with your team when he roams because he will out run you in every case. When he stands still with his breathe you should always throw your q and satchel out of range if needed.”
BradJr says “Aurelion Sol has very little he can do against you. You scale a little better than him, but your snowballing power is FAR GREATER! Ask jungler for help if you can't solo kill him. If you go 2/0 the lane should already be over. Push waves and roam to snowball even harder.”
AngeReaper says “(This is a tank guide)
His Q deal %HP dmg per tick so you want to bully and snowball vs him.
Don't forget your passiv to go through him so you can avoid it”
mrsuits says “Be cautious of Aurelion Sol's passive, Cosmic Creator, which augments his abilities based on his Stardust stacks.
Avoid getting hit by Aurelion Sol's Q ability, Breath of Light, as it can deal significant magic damage over time and generate Stardust if you are a champion.
Watch out for Aurelion Sol's W ability, Astral Flight, as it allows him to dash in a target direction and reset the cooldown of Breath of Light. Be prepared for his increased damage during this time.
Be mindful of Aurelion Sol's E ability, Singularity, which creates a black hole that pulls enemies toward the center. Try to avoid being caught in it, as it can lead to execution damage if you drop below a certain health threshold.
When Aurelion Sol reaches level 6, be aware of his ultimate ability, Falling Star. It deals magic damage and can stun you for 1 second. If he has enough Stardust, it can transform into The Skies Descend, which deals increased damage and knocks up enemies.
Consider building magic resistance items to mitigate Aurelion Sol's burst damage.
Look for opportunities to engage when his abilities are on cooldown or when he has used Astral Flight.
Coordinate with your team to shut down his roaming potential and prevent him from impacting other lanes.
Maintain good vision control to track his movements and ping missing when he disappears from the lane.
Note: Aurelion Sol's updated abilities provide him with additional damage and crowd control potential. Be cautious of his enhanced abilities and try to avoid getting caught in his crowd control effects. Utilize your range advantage and poke him from a distance to chip away at his health. Communication and vision control are key in tracking his movements and preventing him from exerting pressure on other areas of the map.”
anniebotna says “Really strong right now, and his pull ability makes tibbers really not useful in this matchup (except for the initial nuke and couple autos). Tends to outscale you too.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “He is super easy matchup. Go comet with ignite and spawn that W Q combo off cd with comet. Since he has to stand still to press q should be ez target. Biggest thing is to not waste E. Good Sols will wait for you to waste E and fly towards you and since you cant cancel wit without stun you cant do anything. You shoudl be easily 2-3 kills on him”
IggyBoom says “Its almost the same as Anivias problems only that he is quiet busted. Q can get interrupted with W. You can dodge almost all spells from him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Phase Rush or Unsealed Speelbook]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't stand on his E and avoid his Q]
[Call for your jungler to destroy his scaling]
[You can cancel his Q and W with your E]”
freuio123 says “Einfach hartes Matchup, du hast kill pressure auf ihn, er kann nicht wirklich Q drücken wegen deinem Charm, aber er wird super viele Stacks von dir kriegen und dich outscalen + jeder Charm den du missed ist quasi ff + er kann deine roam power matchen.
Mit Jungler gut zu snowballen sonst eher rough.”
NickLeVlach says “Try to avoid the trades. Poke him as much as possible in lane.If he attempts to fly at your with his stun, just E him away. You get out-rotated and he's kind of really tanky. It's not like he'll kill you though.”
Zeusman00 says “Very annoying matchup because of his E, generally after reaching a couple of AP components, can out dps him w conqueror (also easy to land ult when he is in W)”
uwuimsocute says “I hate this champions, it is probably a fine matchup, but the way how this champ is played out is so incredibly cringe, I do not know what advice to give you.
Fluddah says “Early on you make Asol your son, you can just W+Q+AA and take half hp lvl 2, just play it smart though, because im silver and im assuming good players wont let you just W+Q+AA to pop Elec on them ”
zhock2014 says “This is another champion you should never waste a ban on in the jungle but you definitely should watch out for him because he has his E his ult and he can fly away”
Angryappleseed says “U win hard vs him in lane. Start boots, rush mercs, trade aggressively. He will out-roam you, and he will outscale, so be careful.”
qkthr1 says “i havent gone against asol yet but his abilities should be easy to dodge. the biggest threat is his ult and the fact he outfarms and thus outscales you quicker means hes better, especially since his late game is better than yours when hes an item ahead.”
Anguish333 says “-Laning against him is not problem after rework, problem is his insane scaling and how stat checking is he later
- Just walk out of his Q, and dont let him Laser Beam you (dno which spell it is after rework) for long time cos i think it's damage is ramping up ”
Painters says “Tough match up, mainly because he's OP this patch. Aurelion will run you down with his fire. Respect his damage and his ult, and poke when possible. Try to clear waves and roam as much as possible.”
Jg_diff says “After the rework, Aurelion is absolutely nuts. He can't do really anything to you, nicely. Just farm well, dodge his abilities and poke him as much as you can.”
MrMeem45 says “TF just fucking demolishes Asol at every stage of the game, it's not even funny how much your gold card can screw him over. TF is a great counterpick if you don't know what to do against him.”
Cryniu says “I think Zilean counters very well to Aurelion. When he is casting his Q just poke him with your bombs. If he tries to surround you with his E just run with your E and also you can slow him when he is roaming. Mercury's treads don't work well against aurelion, play to pressure him with damage.”
Wraithlander says “He completely outscales you. You will need to win the game through early game fights or roams or the game will be over after the 20 minute mark. His weak early means you win 2v2 with your jungler and you can potentially solo kill him early as well. Make sure to save your E2 for when he Ws away. If he puts down his E and starts lasering the wave, use your Q and look to E onto him. Q max is advised for this matchup.”
bhakli says “Aurelion Sol. One of the most easy champs for Irelia. He'll perma push you in lower elo and you get free farm. Get bork and kill him. Use W to reduce incoming dmg”
MarcZ8 says “Easy early game, tough lategame. He can get out of your R pretty easily and its hard to oneshot since he build a lot of HP, let him engage and cancel his W with your knockup.”
Allyooops says “You can win this matchup early but note he will outscale you when he has tank items + zhonyas. If you are ahead you should still be able to get onto him late game and try to kill him before he aoe your entire team. Bait out his bone plating in lane and play around his cooldowns. ”
Zethal_Na says “ASol's laning phase is pretty weak. You are able to punish. However, once he reaches late game, it's not you won't be able to kill him. It's that he'll be 100% more useful in dragon/baron fights with his R”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Quite a difficult matchup but you can use your boxes to block his Q. His laser can detect you easily when you try to Q away though.”
Thehippyguy says “NAH BUT WHAT IS RIOT THINKING GIVING THIS DRAGON PARASITE THIS MUCH FUCKING INSANITY SCALING. You beat him early but if he gets 2-3 kills without dying it's pretty much gg. But if you can kill him early then you got time to just win the game before he hits that 420 stardust and explodes your team”
South Z says “Although Aurelion Sol is extremely strong at the moment (and will probably get nerfed, he has to stand still while Q-ing, and you can easily cancel his W. With Ignite, you should be able to prevent him from laning and/or snowball on him.”
DaddyVladdy says “Kill him early . Let him q you.This way he has less mana for waveclear and u just heal back up the damage.Late go for his team.Pool his ult”
vxnity says “You shouldn't die to him early. Try to get poke on him. If he doesn't have E up you can win in a 1v1 as long as you use your R to reposition yourself away from his Q.”
AnxialSociety says “FS hexflash futures cosmic. Absolute gathering.
ONLY bubble while he's sitting still. If you miss bubble, you LOSE.
Punish him early, don't stand in wave so he has to choose what to e. If you move behind him quickly (flash, prowlers, ghost, R) his q can't turn fast enough to hit you.
You need to stop him from w'ing away with your sleep, or just killing him.
Watch for his ult and his w chase. Consider swifties. You can R his ult.”
Deru says “You outroam him in terms of number of roams due to his e high cds. You can't really solokill him with conq unless he makes mistakes early on.”
Deru says “You outroam him in terms of number of roams due to his E high cds. You can't really solokill him with conq unless he makes mistakes early on.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Rare, but be afraid of his camp (Q), which he can use together with E, he flies through all obstacles, but you can try to stop him with your Q, catching him or W, moving him, but his Q can get you, because it will continue to fly, and if it is big enough, it will get you it will hurt and he may try to play for you. When he increases the radius of his stars (W), try to get closer to him if you are running away, or something like that, or just move away to wait out if you are on the line.”
StralekS says “Kat Favored: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. You can rush Sunderer or Nashor for guaranteed win.”
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
Aurelion Sol doesn't even do enough damage to kill you. Ever.
Push the wave in to force him to stay in lane. Look for E angles while Aurelion Sol has to awkwardly stand to hit the minions with his stars.
Aery Rune Page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
SalSushi says “Try and E his ultimate post-6. Ping the hell out of your lanes if he's gone, his roams are incredibly effective and frightening. look to engage on him with poke while he q's and e's wave. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Swain can easily play inside Asols star range and poke him down in lane. He is very vulnerable to your E and has no way to escape once you get Rylai's. Asol will look to hard shove mid and roam so try shove mid and harass him so that he will not be able to roam.
MetalK1d says “It is not a big deal to lane against Aurelion Sol just run into him, but in late game once he scales he can single handedly carry a team fight try to kill him before he kills everyone in your team.”
Cjtheawesome says “His spinning orbs do negative dmg early on try to bully him out of lane as much as u can to prevent him from scaling up when he inevitably perma-roams the map.”
Aria_Legend says “I recommend starting with corrupting pot + biscuits and going ignite, because you want to trade with him early, as you never did in your entire life before.
You're strong against him early levels, don't be afraid to play really agressive. If you let him to get prio, he wants to roam early.
He's pretty speedy so focus well your Q's and E's because he can be difficult to hit.
You out-trade him in every stage of the game until he wears MR so then you'll struggle more in 1v1's. ”
Demonsedge90 says “Aurelion Sol is a force to be reckoned with, has plenty of burst at his disposal and can be a pain if left unchecked. Just be aware of his positioning and watch out for his abilities as he collects stardust (making his abilities stronger over time) with each hit on enemy champions. You can win this matchup, but positioning is essential in this fight.”
Atemporal says “Semelhante a Annie, esse confronto costumava ser super fácil, mas por causa do mini rework de Asol, pode ser bastante difícil. Se ele mantiver seu Q, é basicamente impossível obter um proc passivo nele, e ele vai chegar em você com sua velocidade de movimento W. No entanto, seu dano é super baixo, então ele não poderá puni-lo com muita força no início. Certifique-se de pingar seus roams em potencial, e puni-lo se ele desperdiçar seu Q e W para empurrar a onda. Assim como em muitos outros confrontos, você poderá pular nele mesmo quando ele tiver Q e W quando terminar o Proto, como você poderá usar Protobelt para correr para ele / atrás dele para evitar seu Q e obter um proc passivo grátis. Use a velocidade de movimento passiva para esquivar e entrar em torno de suas estrelas.
ASol é muito vulnerável a emboscadas na pista lateral, concentre-se em jogar split push contra ele, pois é arriscado lutar em equipe contra seu combo R-Q, que o colocará em cc consistentemente por cerca de 2 segundos.
Empurre ondas laterais e lutas de flanco, nunca enfrente primeiro uma composição ASol.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
Er ist weniger eine Gefahr für dich als für dein Team da er insane Roams hat. Warne dein Team mit Pings und farm dich hoch.”
Lucid Walking says “FARMING LANE: He just pushes too hard and Soraka has problems farming under turret. You outrange him though.
(tip: his Q and Flight ability are both cancellable)”
sapphire__lol says “A good Aurelion will just try to harrass and disengage with ult after 6.
The matchup is still very easy because you just fog, jump on him and kinda oneshot him. If your jungler plays a bit around you the mathchup is super easy.
J.A.K.I.E. says “Same issue as Anivia. His Q is too big to dodge. BUT his damage output is nowhere near as strong as Anivia after she lands her stun so you should be able to clap back with a poke setup”
Adamonias says “He is faster than you, and CAN outshove you but unlikely. In pisslow no-one knows how to play him so you can usually bully him for free. He will start looking for roams super early; ping early and watch for the direction. If he free procs electrocute on you you lose trades, and if he goes phase rush then he will be hard to play into. You outstacle and out teamfight tho.”
SKYTOP. says “You can ignore this champs one way of dealing with you. He can outtrade lvl1, but once you get barrels you're fine. Note: a good asol will perma roam, so make sure to have good vision and punish him by taking tower.”
SkyBanana says “Seraphine's kit is not equipped dealing with roaming champions. He still has that kit where he pushes mid and auto roams to kill bot or top lane. Very frustrating to go against. Just ping and type that he is missing in lane so your team can at least be aware he is gone. Hopefully you can group up and win game but sometimes that is what he wants with his galaxy Q...”
NegativePhoenix says “Iffy matchup. Sol has better poke punishment but if he misses his stun he can't really do it, worst he'll attempt is to poke you with his W increasing his stars range but that won't do alot to help his mana. Later in the game you almost do more damage than him surprisingly if you can avoid his stun engage.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Originally, I had Asol as the least powerful threat. Then guess what Riot decided to do. Now, if you so as much stare at Asol in a 1v1, your ass is grass, and he is the cow that grazes. The best bet in this situation is to ban the cosmic lizard or pray he doesn't scale. Try to annoy him so much that he can't CS; if he roams, counter-roam him. If he gets to a point where the ult is bigger than your Abilities' Auras, prepare your funeral.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “who the hell plays this guy?
Anyways just shove waves if he's gone Ping MIA and roam down or up if you know where he could potentially gank. you do lose to Asol if your not aware of where he can be.”
Kaphetiere says “Any champion is a threat, as you only need to be able to play in order to counter Twitch Tank, but maybe Asol can be a minor threat, compared to anyone else”
KayyeN says “If you're going against an Aurelion Sol that's not an OTP, you will likely destroy him. He can't reactivate his Q immediately after casting. As long as you stay close to him and mind his R, you should be good.”
Body Those Fools says “You will probably never play against this champ unless they're a one-trick. Kite his W and do your best to dodge his Q (side-step or E out of it). Poke him down before you all-in him. Push him in so he can't roam. When he does roam, spam ping your team he's MIA so they don't die.”
HikariWoosh says “Asol really can't do much to you in lane, and you can easily setup the wave and roam if needed, however his E will allow him to follow you pretty easily so be prepered to tank his Q with your W.”
OSG Rewynd says “Aurelion sol's kit is similar to Anivia's but inferior in every way. All he has over her is roaming. If he wastes Q, trade with him. Shove him in every wave and keep him from farming/roaming. There isn't much he can do to stop you”
Zoose says “His slow moving Q is the only ability you need to watch out for. Either Stay outisde or close to him to avoid taking his W orb damage. His main threat comes from wave clearing and roaming. Ward when you can and ping teammates when he appears off screen. You can match his roams at lv 6.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Unsealed Spellbook]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Ask your jungler to prevent his scaling]
[Don't take pokes from him]”
basrty1p says “A good Aurelion Sol players can make their gank become nightmare for your teammates.
Watch out his action and deny his gank as much as possible.
You have a long range Q, use it to kite him in lane.”
Esrucnl says “Can permanently shove waves and just move. Similar to Twisted Fate. He won't lane against you and just move to other lanes.
However when you have your ultimate try to freeze the wave in a proper position so you can hit your ult on him and run him down.
Use your Q & E to dodge his Q & R.
Should be win for Fizz, however I've played against enough very good Sol players and become more of an ''even'' matchup”
Azurio says “Really linear and easy matchup. Dodge his Q with E and gapclose inside of his W. He will just leave lane most of the time. Try to keep the mid area warded and ping everytime he is absent.”
ddieguito_es says “Should be a more annoying matchup than a hard one. Your Q out ranges his stun, I believe. If you manage to hit Q get E range, free kill. His damage isn't enough to kill you early, but be careful. If you think you will not be able to approach them, get Arcane Comet.”
beansoce says “He has a lot of dmg early and wave clear, try and farm safely under tower and ward for your team so they dont die to roams. After rocketbelt you'll win the matchup.”
Bunny Kata says “ASol hates facing champs with mobility, so you kinda have the advantage. Use your W and E to dodge skillshots, and you should always use E towards him. His only threat is his roaming potential, as you're not really aiming to roam, so try to push and take plates whenever he roams.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield”
Twisted Tea Fate says “No one plays Asol currently, but it's pretty hard to dodge his Q. He doesn't do much if you can dodge it though. He'll likey roam very early.”
MrBlivious says “His e q combo can be annoying sometimes but remember its every 70 seconds at the start, so pretty much whenever he comes back to lane he'll have it, besides that its just his ult you have to watch out for.”
sweafyzz says “Nothing hard, he will just suffer and prob try to roam, if he doesnt he will rush tabis or seekers armguard, if he doesnt have the 2 combined, you still kill him.
He's not a menace if you're behind, only care if he has 2 items and you only have one.”
Dazzther says “Be carefull when engaging, bc he can Q you, and the R backwards, onto his own tower. You can also E in when he is E-ing out somewhere else.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Let him push and ask your jungler to help]
[Don't get too many pokes for no reason]”
donidaking says “Try to not eat his every Q and autos from him early if you have empowered q and his in range trade him and dodge his Q with your W.
Watch out for his roams as this champion can just dash casually to botlane just spam ping when he leaves lane.
You can dodge his R with your W.
When you get protobelt you demolish him.”
TheKingUltra says “He has low mobility in lane and will try to roam the same way as you, but you will kill him if he tries to counter roam you. The only ability which is a problem is his ult, it will hinder you a bit to catch up to him, but not for long.”
Ahri Simplord says “You're unlikely to meet an A Sol player but your mobility really annoys him, Ahri has enough range early to not get harassed by his comets and he is actually pretty squishy himself. All you need to do is watch out for his q as he can easily land it on you if you R on top of him and he casts it instantly.”
Dj Memelord says “No real threat in lane, but he effectively outroams you and outpushes you aswell. Make use of your pings and try to keep up with the pace. Hit hitbox is insane so he keeps getting stuck in your wall later on.”
Dustyacer says “ez mu early. Play aggro starting lvl 1. If he ever uses Q while not in W, jump on him for free. Can E his anything as its all slow and continous. Dodge his R/E by W onto him. Out roam him post 6. Take ignite. His Q is really annoying as a zoning tool depending on his position and when using W. Make sure to focus him during teamfights. If he isnt using q while in w, free W onto. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Don't let him poke you a lot]
[Ask your jungler to prevent his scaling]”
Juon says “New Asol rework he does a lot of damage, but we counter him very easily due to his low mobility. However he does wave clear very fast, so look to have gathering storm and absolute focus in your runes to clear waves quickly. Late game he is a problem, so bomba him before he kills your team.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Farm until you get Mythic Item]
[When you have bought Mythic Item, you can fight him]”
ThePieBeam says “You have to match his dance and win it hard, but thankfully it's not too hard since all of your abilities slow and his do not. Remember when he's zoomin your wall does nothing and it'll be hard to hit somebody covered in a lane-wide stun, so make sure you're playing slow or in a position to move into river/under turret when he's about to come back into lane.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Aurelion Sol has almost negative kill pressure against Akshan. If he ever uses his W you grapple in and apply pressure. If he ever uses Q then all in. You will be going all in almost on repeat applying an insane amount of pressure and try to not let him breath. Aurelion Sol players tend to go for level 3 roams so be sure to get an early ward in the middle of the lane and type to your team to keep their eye out for the early roam. Spam ping M.I.A. once he leaves vision. Aurelion Sol at 6 will only be a threat if he has gotten strong off of roams or if you die to ganks a good amount.”
lonestar1870 says “Make sure to not get hit by his stun, it does a lot of damage.
Play the lane kinda slow, going for small Q poke when possible. He is fairly squishy so you can kill him at level 6.
He will likely try to play for roams, try not to let him get prio. He may roam from base as well so let your team know when he's resetting/roaming.
Any runes/Summs are good this matchup. He will likely start c-pot so you probably want to match.”
Kuji says “Isn't that much of a threat, easily dodge his slow attacks and can avoid them with your W maintain distance and play a bit safe since his W and Stun may get a big annoying but they can be dodged.”
iZianni says “Nobody plays this champion. Just spam Q wave so he can never leave.
Champ is lowkey hard counter because he builds hp + mr making it impossible to kill him while banshees neutralizes you along w/ star engage outranging your personal space. ”
livikattt says “The fact is, no one knows how to play Aurelion Sol in low elo. The only thing you have to watch out for is his entire team sprinting it down mid with him creating a lane-sized stun at level one. When he comes from base, there's a good chance he'll show up and stun you no matter where you are in lane. Still, unless he gets very ahead, he probably won't be able to kill you. Be careful in teamfights, since it's hard to keep track of where his stars are. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Insanely easy lane, He has to stand still to use his main damage tool so just always try to cancel his Q with your 3rd nado, just freeze against him and all in him and you can never lose any fights against him.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Insanely easy lane, He has to stand still to use his main damage tool so just always try to cancel his Q with your 3rd nado, just freeze against him and all in him and you can never lose any fights against him.”
Katawina52 says “Always look to play agressive since you can almost never lose an all in once you're lvl 3+ (always E behind him), but careful with his stun if you're fighting in a minion wave, the best way for him to beat you is with a well placed stun. Try your best to match his roams. He will always be there first thanks to his E, but if you move instantly you should be able to influence a skirmish harder than he can.”
PlayCabex says “to be honest , i havent played against good aurelien sol once, just don't get damage from his passive (comets) and you can out damage her, you will win against this match up easily”
eiensiei says “Pushes since level 1 and forces Lux to farm under tower - which is usually hard, especially with no time to set up the ranged creeps. He is THE champion for early roams, and I'll usually warn my team ever since champ select that I can't follow and that they need to back off when they see '?' pings, as early as level 3. I will however try to ward his sides of the lane to tell if he's actually roaming or just staying out of vision to create pressure.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting due to his push power. Roamers matchup. Ping pre level 6 because he will always be first. Try to kill him on lane due to your burst damage but be careful on his Q/R/jungler followup. Ask early for ganks so he does not roam that easily and put a vision ward in the bush towards botlane (in the river) as often as you can. Play with Dematerializer and post 6 push waves faster than him. In order to fight him it is very tricky but doable, you need to stay either inside his big W circle or outside and spam Q's. Movement speed helps a lot in this matchup so get boots faster than usual. Usually who uses their mana better should win.
Play with Cleanse if you think his stun will help their jungler get to you, always ping versus Aurelion after
level 3 that he is going to gank. Find the solutions and be first to gank
botlane after 6, but expect to get followed. Try to clear their vision wards also all the time.
This is perhaps the most entertaining of matchups because you have to play smarter on macros and not necessarily micros. Also think that when you gank bot
they might respond with a roam top, the reverse also works so definetly warn your team with pings.”
Polarshift says “Relatively easy to gank Aurelion Sol. It's hard to get close to him, probably just a battle of waveclearing and roaming which he does better. Try to dodge his Q and don't get poked too much by his stars. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “He can be annoying if they are good with phase rush, but as long as you Q them on their approach then you are good and should out dmg them or force them away. ”
Yeager says “Aurelion has a very easy lane against corki because of his poor waveclear early on. He can shove you in and roam. I advice taking tp in this matchup so you can help your team.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “In terms of Aurelion, main problem is, that you are gonna get shoved hard expecially early levels. He can simply push lane and roam, which will provide quite big map pressure and your teammates might complain about it. If you go to face to face trade, it's not guaranteed, that you will get away alive, because if he jukes your ults and gets stun off, it might be really hard to win against him. What you need to do here is to just farm and outscale him, or possibly wait for jungle ganks. It shouldn't be problem to trade him a bit early though, if you keep your E to get away from him.”
Vicksay says “Very depends on the Aurelion Sol player. A new/inexperienced one you'll crush with no problem, one that knows their roaming timings as he can outpush you once he has a few levels in his W, and takes Merc Treads + Legend: Tenacity will be really hard for you to deal with. He's an absolute terror when paired with a competent jungler.”
Avucado says “Honestly I very rarely see this character but what I have seen of him has been pretty meh. Really the only upside for him is that he can roam just as well as you, if not better (and of course waveclear but literally every character can do that better than Pyke). Big hitbox = easy to hook, not the tankiest either so they're not a bad execute target.”
Callmebee says “Probably the rarest Pokemon in League, A Sol likes to push you in and then roam. As long as your team respects that, you can keep on farming. He becomes a problem with Rylai's but before that, he is pretty squishy. Take Barrier.”
LunarVortex says “In lane against him you are more than fine, so he's gonna do what he does and shove the wave and then run off and gank your botlane. Run TP so you can follow and countergank him. Always have a Control Ward in the river and spam-ping your botlane QUICKLY when he starts flying off.”
Yeager says “He can shove harder than you with his W. You want to stun him whenever he expands his W to clear the wave. He is one of the few champions who can match your roams, so try shut him down early game with your jungler.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This champion is a bit annoying since his waveclear is really good and his roaming too. Though I have not seen him alot in season 11 so it seems he is not that viable at the moment.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “You will rarely see this champion mid but he outranges you and has the mobility to make quick escapes, can also follow up on your roams very easily.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Aurelion isn't really a hard match up for Leblanc at all. His trades are week compared to hers. Most Aurelion Sol players will be shoving you in under turret constantly. Just find an opening to all in him and the lane should be free.”
Yeager says “You can't do anything about him shoving you in the first few levels.
If you have a strong level 2 jungler, then you can look for a gank mid right after red buff, as he will most likely be pushing the wave, so he's vulnerable to ganks.
He's one of the best early game roamers, so be sure to spam ping your teammates when he's missing. Use warding totem and control wards so you can see in which direction he's headed.
xLessThanThree says “He is useless against you. Dodge/bait out Q and then all-in. Ping and monitor his priority. Try to deny him priority at all times. Keep him in lane in 1v1 as much as possible.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Poke him as much as possible in lane since he'll never be able to reach you. If he attempts to fly at your with his stun, just E him away. You shoudn't any problems with this match up at all. ”
XayLies says “Aurelion Sol is a paper. Cut this paper. Once you dash into him and WindWall his Stun, he can't do anything but a little R on you for a knockback. It won't matter 99% of the times.”
iZianni says “You get out-rotated and he's kind of really tanky. It's not like he'll kill you though, so it just comes down to macro gameplay. (Which he has an advantage in)
Make up for that with your massive damage and oppressive teamfight.
Alternatively get hit by a map size star and immediately die.”
Goldenstinger says “Annoying match up - he can hard shove and roam. Make sure you ping out where he is going and ward where you can. You out scale but if he gets a lead early can make it hard for your team to come back”
leonidas44 says “Pretty easy to win he dont have any mobility and the only threat is his q if he knocks you back with your ult just press r after some seconds if he is chasing you”
TheoRut says “Every time you Q + E him he will just Q you before he gets stunned and he will just barely lose the trade if he doesnt follow up with any other abilities. Electrocute and phase rush works against this matchup but electrocute is suggested.”
Yasukeh says “Phase Rush Makes this matchup fairly easy. Spin into him past his orbs, and you can get a decent amount of damage on him before he can eventually proc his own Phase Rush. ”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Aurelion é muito bom para roaming e é exatamente nisso que ele vai focar na partida. Puxar a lane e ficar gankando, evitando o máximo possível que você saia da lane, por isso você sempre precisa acompanhar o ritmo dele, seja no controle de wave ou no nível do campeão, para evitar que ele mate seu jungler com invade ou mate sua botlane/toplane. Katarina é muito boa contra ele, porém o W de Aurelion ajuda ele a fugir das adagas e portanto você precisa calcular muito bem a posição delas, sua ultimate só deve ser utilizada depois que ele gastar seu Q. Na hora de ultar, use seu Q para que assim, caso ele te empurre com a ultimate, você possa ir atrás dele na hora da ultimate, fazendo ele errar e você ainda cai em outra adaga, depois disso lute até o fim para matá-lo, pois seus cooldowns são altos. O combo ideal é EW+AA, logo após receber o stun você pode se reposicionar perto e usar RQ+E+AA, guarde sempre seu Shunpo para não morrer. Em teamfights, foque assim que ele gastar o Q, de preferência combando ele com QEWR e jogando as duas adagas atrás dele para que você não perca o reset de uma das adagas e possa voltar para cima dele caso ele te ulte e empurre para longe. O potencial de perigo de Aurelion Sol é de igual para igual visto que ele possui muita mobilidade e poderá seguir a Katarina em qualquer roaming que ela possa realizar. Devido suas estrelas girando ao redor de si, poderá dar dano massivo em qualquer lado da luta, além de poder stunar e dar muito dano com sua ultimate, mesmo estando tank em partidas mais longas.”
Dr Eggmund says “Easy to verse in lane in my opinion, Stay inside Aurelion Sol's orbs as this is his main source of damage in lane. Make sure to play aggressive in lane let him know who's the king. In teamfights avoid his Stun and you should take him out.”
Elite500 says “Try not to trade much early levels, he will just back with cpot and outsustain you, set up wards where you think he'll roam so you can ping / stop him, after 1. item you beat him”
Ambitieux says “Asol is a matchup of skill, he will trying to perma push ur lane but with new buffs he will more than likely try to out damage you. Time ur charms for when he is stunning you and out maneuver him. Try to keep him perma pushed in so he can't roam out and you should be okay. Make sure to ward river, and on top of this any time past 6 if you have him below 70% Hp I'd personally go for an all in if you trust yourself.”
Bughans says “He can stun you and combo you in lane, and lategame he can fuck you up with his cc and combos, but earlygame he needs a LOT of setup to work. Punish that. ”
iZianni says “Lux outranges Aurelion Sol like most match ups, she also has extremely good wave clear that allows her to keep Aurelion Sol pushed in. The major issue is that it's very difficult to one-shot an Aurelion Sol due to his itemization early game.
The key to this match up is wave control, you will always be more valuable if you're able to prevent roams.”
kindo says “Low damage early, needs to use his W near the wave to waveclear - meaning he doesn't come close to winning trades. Tenacity allows you to chase down even after tanking his Q, especially uncharged Q.
Free matchup to either zone him off CS or roam if needed. He doesn't start to come online until after 1 item, and it's easy to gain a huge lead beforehand.
Can freeze, push, sidelane, or roam. He cannot contest you anywhere without jg. Even with jg, he's pretty worthless.”
Coldsong says “After Aurelion Sol's rework, this matchup is still fairly easy after the nerfs but plays 100% differently. Since Sol is now focused on scaling like Veigar or Vladimir, make sure to harass him from getting free gold and DO NOT stand in his E, specially at low health. His R can now kill you easily even across the map, so make sure to recall when you are low health. ”
resetwice says “He can farm same like most of control mages. His stars damage area and movespeed are annoying. Be careful on some all wins: he can stun and put you under his tower. For a mage, he has good roaming capacity so pay attention on map control (something you need to dominate as talon!). BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “They will outpush you for first 3 levels but after that you can kill him easily, ward in center of lane to watch for roams early, at 3+ just kill him if he overstays punish him. They will most likely get tankier later on, so take advantages on his early being bad and punish his whole team for it.
Use W/E to dodge. Go mobility Boots. ”
King Turtle says “He's not a big issue in lane but if he's good at landing his Qs he can pair well with the jungler to lock you down and kill you. Your high mana costs on W make it so you won't be able to use it over and over again so it'll be more up to you to dodge his stun. Otherwise you can poke him away and once you hit 6 you'll be able to keep him locked down if he tries to be too cocky.”
Sylvan Lore says “It is rare to find an Aurelion Sol and I have yet to find one to convince me that Orianna does not hard win this matchup. Early levels you may lose a few minions to his hard shove, but overall you should be able to push at a close to similar rate. I would say avoid attempting poke early as it is just a waste if it is not being used to attempt to counter push the wave. You can outrange his stars and also use your spead/slow from your W to wave in and out of the range he wants you to be in. Your Ult also temporarily cancels his stars which reduces his damage by a fair amount. I like the level 6 in this matchup and will go for trades often. The only way you can really lose this matchup is if you ward poorly and don't sufficiently notify and/or match his roams onto your side lanes. Ignite and Barrier work well in the 1 v 1, but I really like TP into this matchup so you can shove mid and then instant-match his roams which is essentially his entire win condition. I really don't think this champion can do much in the late game either compared to Orianna. Normal items should be fine in this matchup and you can even consider Rylai's if you're feeling creative since slows mess with his combos so much.”
Wholesomefrog says “Hes quite an easy matchup because the only way he can keep up with your range is his W (When his comets spread out) just poke him heavily and youll win.”
Saddest says “With his rework, I find it kind of hard to trade with Aurelion. He will out damage any long trade solely with his dragon breath ability, so make sure to make the most out of your E and W move speed to avoid being hit by it, since he can only move so quickly. That's for extended trades, for short/burst trades you should be able to out damage him fairly easily. However, he is very similar to Anivia in that he will just keep shoving you in, but he has one of the best roaming abilities in the game. Make sure to keep an eye on him, and try to match any roams he might make/notify your team. TP is an option here.”
Balik Aadam says “Aurelion has no damage early game need to be punished at lane. Hasn't much CC like other mages. Doran Blade better for this matchup. ”
VyoS says “Just go all in, bully him with your WEQ, dodge his ult or his q with your ult. Don't get poked in the early game and you'll be fine. Ping early when he leaves lane and get a lot of Vision around your lane to prevent him from roaming.”
duhnx says “Who even is this guy? Just dodge his Q and hook him. His hitbox is pretty big and he has no way to stop you other than Q (Which is easy to dodge) and R. Careful for his roam pressure though. ”
richardlized says “You'll have to give up lane priority until level 3 and above, like with most mages, and after you get all your abilities, you want to threaten with your presence until he stops permanently shoving the waves (like many are keen to doing). You can not trade without W, and even if this goes for most champions, Sol is one of the mages who can punish you the hardest for lacking that crucial cooldown. At 6, with R, never R without set-up. He can guarantee a stun by using Q-R-Q if you do, so use your techniques, or simply start your engage with a normal W-E-Q-AA into R to dodge stuff.
Katasandra says “[1] Avoid his Q.
[2] The interaction in this lane is minimal, the one who roams more tends to win.
[3] Take TP to match his roams. (Can take ign if you're confident you can kill him).”
xMetix says “Aurelion Sol has a lot of problems with champions that close the gap easily and stick to him for a long time. He will try to shove the lane and roam, try to fight for lane control and don't let him hit minions for free.”
Marky 2 Butts says “Same as Vel'Koz, dodge poke early and blow up later. A Sol's usually build rod of ages so you might have to poke him down with Q's before going all in. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Aurelion Sol is pretty much just budget anivia for draven, you have a lot of kill pressure and can just run him down if you manage to hit your E, would recommend Ignite/Cleanse or Exhaust.”
DabiDabi says “His rework makes it harder to play aggressive. But he still has no kill pressure. You just play fairly safe and farm without taking too much damage. You can start to trade at level 4. Without his stun he is immobile. Level 6 you win.”
Nanelol says “It's hard to get close to him, probably just a battle of waveclearing and roaming which he does better. You are definitely better at teamfighting.”
TheSecretsWithin says “This is one of your easiest matchups, due to the sheer fact that Aurelion Sol can't do anything against you, his Q is so slow you can just R out of it, his W is also another ability your R completely counters, since you can just R into his W range, and E slow to stay within the range. And it is true that he can R you to the outer ring, but you can just R back into the range and Aurelion Sol cannot do much. You really just need to have the confidence to just R to his face and just stay there without a care in the world, and since you are right on top of him most of the time anyway, it is super easy for you to AA-W-AA combo constantly. ”
Gamile 99 says “Tan fácil como hacerle un early all-in metiéndose dentro de su pasiva.
Si lo matas un par de veces no supondrá una extrema amenaza.
Intenta evitar que rote demasiado.”
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work though I prefer Ghost Ignite. Electro.
Asol's difficulty comes from the fact that he can roam so well while you can never follow him. However, you can easily kill him in lane as long as you don't get stunned by his q's. His q stun hitbox is very rng based so be careful.”
Nanelol says “Your stun ruins his day. His ulti can't stop your ulti either unless you are really close to him, which you won't be. You most likely won't be able to match his roams, so try to secure a good lead.”
seemes says “You can pressure him post lvl3 and try to kill him as he is squishy and not immobile enough. try and stop him roaming and make him give up as much cs as possible”
Sanctuar says “Play around his stars and in any case do not get stunned by his Q. Most players take Exhaust and build very tanky so your killing potential after lvl 6 is almost zero. Wait for your jungler to gank your lane, max Q and farm safely until you get your first items done. Later on, he will lose against hard CC and your kit is superior to his in teamfights.”
shidonryoku says “Deals quite a lot of damage at lvl 3, harass under the tower with his W, roams great with E, while you can't afford to lose farm. Endure up to lvl 6.”
Vispectra says “A very easy match up. Sol has to step up quite a bit in order to push , you cancel his stars with your Q and you stick to him rendering his passive mostly useless. Becomes even easier level 6.”
StarTundra says “Aurelion Sol is basically bird food for you. His slow speed and predictable movement pattern makes him an easy target for Q's and your stun is longer than his early and without his E. If you're struggling to dodge his comets, simply take phase rush and laugh as you zoom around his entire existence.”
cookanarities says “Low damage early, needs to use his W near the wave to waveclear - meaning he doesn't come close to winning trades. Tenacity allows you to chase down even after tanking his Q, especially uncharged Q. Free matchup to either zone him off CS or roam if needed. He doesn't start to come online until after 1 item, and it's easy to gain a huge lead beforehand. Can freeze, push, sidelane, or roam. He cannot contest you anywhere without jg. Even with jg, he's pretty worthless.”
TheWerefloof says “My favourite space dragon! Much like the rest of the champions here he's very abusable when he doesn't have his Q. However do be wary of his roams, try and follow sneakily (if you have vision) and then swing to cancel his Comet of Legend (also ping what he's doing in case you're too far away to stop him.)”
luminyan says “ASol isn't much of a threat if you know how to dodge his stun. Don't get too close to him except to proc your passive, but then immediately back off. Focus on farming, and you'll be alright.”
Aethlo says “Aurelion Sol has the wave clear advantage. ||
Aurelion Sol loses pre-3 ||
Aurelion Sol loses pre-6 ||
Aurelion Sol loses post-6 ||
Aurelion Sol outscales Annie. ||
TIP: Buy Sorc shoes ASAP. The movement speed combined with your E means you will always be faster than him unless he E s for some reason. The only thing you have to be aware of is him roaming, have good vision and awareness and you will be cruising through this matchup.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Primero que nada, no hay mucha gente que juegue Aurelion Sol, y algunos que lo juegan, no saben exprimirlo al máximo, como fue el caso de Anivia, el CC de Aurelion Sol supera por mucho a tu "E", por el hecho de que puede atravesar oleadas, y en este caso, puede crecer y seguir adelante mientras Aurelion Sol siga cerca, en caso de que este CC sea aplicado lo más seguro es que recibamos un daño explosivo, frente a este enfrentamiento recomiendo el Zhonyas o como mucho el cronometro, ya sea para evitar el CC, o el daño explosivo que le sigue. Mantente al tanto de sus rotaciones para que no pueda sacar ventaja en fase de líneas.”
A55AILANT says “It's hard to get close to him. This matchup is just a battle of waveclearing and roaming which he does better. You have the advantage in teamfights however, so be sure to roam on those.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hes super weak early game, you can abuse him easily there. He will often stand still and channel Q to get stacks on the wave, just hit your spells on him when he does that. Dont use your stun tho - if you miss he can fly in and try to fight you. Just poke from far.”
Daers says “Keep track of his star systems and avoid taking unnecessary damage. Q>E him whenever you can since he can't do much against it. His stun is your biggest threat. ”
Little Planet says “Aurelion struggles heavily against champions that can stay inside of his outer limit, something that Sejuani excels at. She also matches his pushing power, meaning that he really has no options in this lane but to wait for ganks and farm what he can.
Trade as much as you can and kill him off repeatedly.”
Dvide says “This is kinda like the anivia just you only have to kill sol once. His q is really annoying you cant really dodge it so you have to set up daggers and wait for him to go on them”
Joseph Evanss says “Slightly annoying if he goes bot and gets a random double but other than that its very easy, once you get Beserks + Zeal you can spam kill him. Go the Second Wind, Revitalize + D shield if your not confident but D blade also works.
ahspaghetti says “play aggressive and e behind him, but careful of his stun. match his roams by walking asap, he will be fast but you can be around the same speed.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “A really easy matchup but some a.sols go for roam after they die 1 or 2 times so max q and W after so you can catchup on him and even buy mobility boots if he roams alot”
7daysko says “Your stun ruins his day. His ulti can't stop your ulti either unless you are really close to him, which you won't be. You most likely won't be able to match his roams, so try to secure a good lead.”
peytonqt says “[EASY/MEDIUM] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Who plays this character? Either way, if he uses his stun you should be able to just trade onto him. If he extends his stars just stick to him. Its like a bigger Darius Q. He'll roam a lot so push his waves in and take his turret. ”
JoshAy says “Aurelion Sol is QUITE popular with his rework. He is an infinite scaling battle mage that can end up pretty lethal. Early on in the game you can interrupt his Q farming by CCing him with your E. Once he gets his Rylais this matchup becomes difficult as he can start to just run you down.”
Ryank30 says “Conqueror or Fleet. If you lose to this champion especially pre-6 I don't know what to tell you. he will not be looking to fight most of them time and when he does you outrade him regardless. just be careful around his Q because you have no way to deny it like Yasuo can. When the Q is about to explode you can E to potentially dodge it and go in for trades. PING YOUR TEAM FOR HIS ROAMS.”
1 Am Zed says “Kind of same issue as orianna and azir, outranged a bit, but this champion can get counterplayed as zed, Considered a bit of a tough matchup but if you're good enough you'll win it.”
Mpegial says “Aurelion sol doesn't really have the ability to fight you, he is more like a sitting duck than a dragon, should be a fairly easy match-up.”
xoonaka says “Similar to Anivia his pokes can be annoying, but he has very little mobility and is very killable. Just remember to bait his Q and look for an all in.”
mihaila says “There is no way u will die early on, A.Sol will outroam u pretty easy so u just have to shove the wave as fast as u can and to play with your jungle. Keep ur E for his Q and this is it.”
XD001 says “Free lane. He can never ever kill you unless you play like an idiot, and you can almost never kill him unless you land a good W stun. Your best oppurtunity to win lane is early, before he gets componenets for rod of ages/archangels that makes him tanky as fuck. Mid lane phase, asol will look to one shot wave and ignore you, so get enough AP so you can 1 shot casters and match his roams. Farm up and follow roams if he does leave lane. Late game, Asol will be very tanky due to his itemization, so look for W stuns while he is using his W (flame breath) for your team to follow up on since his path is telegraphed. Asol heavlily outscales ekko. take Elec + Sorcery page or hail of blades”
Noodles912 says “You have engage tools. When he mispositions, Q onto him or a minion, and start auto attacking him. Save your E for his cc, and shark him when he uses his E.”
NaJua says “Based mechanically a good Aurelion Sol player or an Average player as well are capable to mechanically outplay nidalee on mid so a good idea is to prevent this danger.
Usually a ban is required but since aurelion is not usually being seen in low elo he appears as a rare threat.
So especially to low elo players i dont suggest to waste your ban for aurelion sol, expect if ur mr in matchaps is higher that your elo.”
elnino9 says “Farm for first few waves if he is shoving. If not, play aggressive. Setup your Q dagger and poke in and out. Go for aggressive trades if his Q stun is down. Fairly one of the easier matchups, just be sure to keep track of his roaming as he can fly towards other lanes. Dodge his Ulti by shunpoing behind him, it doesn't do that much damage early on.”
NuclearAkali says “You won't see him often so it shouldn't be a problem. Don't underestimate his damage and if you are fighting him just stay in in his circle and you should be fine.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Not really hard to kill Aurelion Sol but can be annoying to deal with whenever he is roaming down to gank your laners so care but overall can easily be beaten in lane”
Wunsch3957 says “Very very easy lane. Just fight him every time you have E up. All you need to do is to not get hit by his Q stun. Take his plates when he roams.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Azir really does not like roaming champions. Well this guy likes to do that... all the time, and outtrades you hard early. You win after 20+ minutes of farming under your own tower, but rare to not have your team go 0/20 because of his roams.”
Aht3ns says “Mundo makes Aurelion Sol look like a bug rather than a dragon. Mundo can pretty much make the Aurelion Sol not be allowed to play the game, and bully him out of lane.”
Edg3Lord says “Although you may be inclined to say this is an easy matchup, you may get outpoked by his passive. While you can obviously block his Q once, you are limited in the amount of trades since, of course, your W is on a higher cooldown than his. He is also a good roamer and doesn't need his ultimate to land a successful one, so make sure you are prepared in case he follows you on the lane you are trying to help.”
Coldsong says “He is annoying, as your range is around the range of his stars. CC will cause them to disappear so stun him every so often when he is poking you. Ping when he is missing so your bot and top does not die to his roams.”
BigBushMan says “Just leech onto him and you will kill him, this matchup is one of the easiest in the game. As long as you don't let him kite you, easy lane. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Aurelion Sol is pretty much just budget anivia for draven, you have a lot of kill pressure and can just run him down if you manage to hit your E, would recommend Ignite/Cleanse or Exhaust.”
Cornifa says “With his new rework he is a more of a threat as before. Make sure he does not get top farm and stack his passive, go in and out for trades, he cannot do much against you. After you leave him low, ping your jungle for help. I recomment Electrocute in this matchup.”
Hiimkata says “Always look to play agressive since you can almost never lose an all in once you're lvl 3+ (always E behind him), but careful with his stun if you're fighting in a minion wave, the best way for him to beat you is with a well placed stun. Try your best to match his roams. He will always be there first thanks to his E, but if you move instantly you should be able to influence a skirmish harder than he can.”
ParkChnm says “Just farm it out and you'll be fine. Xerath has no mobility to dodge Sol's Q, so stay under turret and ping if he's missing due to his roaming capabilities.”
KataTocDo says “If he is good, he will just Q as soon as you shunpo in and then just run away while damaging you. Take TP and try to tp to whatever lane he roams to.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Shield”
Yamikaze says “Play aggressive! Aurelion will not be trying to fight you in laning phase. He will be looking to shove in the wave fast with his W:Celestial Expansion and roam. Asol is very hard countered by mobile champs, so you have a advantage in this lane. Remember that he cannot activate Q:Starsurge immediately if you are in melee range, as it has a minimum travel distance. And his W:Celestial Expansion gets canceled if he gets hit by CC. Your job here is to shut him down in lane, so he can't roam and impact other lanes.”
wildersovereign says “Lmao.
For real, though, keep him at range and ping missing when he disappears. An actual chimpanzee with a keyboard and a Level 30 account could win a 1v1 with Aurelion Sol as Morgana, but just make sure he doesn't poke you out with his Passive.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “He is dangerous to Akali for two reasons.
1) His ult can knock you back if you are not careful and then he will kite you to death.
2) His stun is big and hard to dodge but if you can do it he isn't dangerous.
3) This isnt really a big problem but it is worth noting that his stars can really put in some good damage to you if he is smart. Your shroud wont save you from that. So just make sure your positioning is on point!”
ITSDEBEAR says “Quite an easy matchup. As long as your teammates know what map is you just need to spamping every time he is missing. Predator and aery work really well in this matchup”
Aikairi says “He is very easy to kill as his Q is easy to dodge with Katarina's shunpo. Be careful of his roams tho as well as using shunpo to stick with him so he wastes W if he uses it.”
SkellyBirb says “Sivir's mobility allows for her to to avoid staying in the line for Aurelion Sol's stars. She can shield his stun and win most trades against him by avoiding his stars. Be careful of him picking up a lead by roaming and make sure to ping your allies when he does roam.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- He will always try and shove you in
- Try to match his waveclear with your Q and passive while also poking him
- He is immobile, call your jungler mid, it's a free kill most of the time with your E - W
- You win 90% jungle 2v2's, match his roams and keep track of him and his jungler for your team”
hotcomedumpster says “He cant hide in bushes and you can see him further away with his stars. He was a strange hitbox, aim for his head. Keep pressure in lane so he cant roam. ”
Chili Dog says “Try not to trade much early levels, he will just back with cpot and outsustain you, set up wards where you think he'll roam so you can ping / stop him, after 1. item you beat him. Phase rush is recommended but both can be taken.”
FalleN3 says “You need to dodge his (Q) and be sure not to take constant damage from his (W). Farm as much as you can and once you have not fallen behind you can try to take him on with Tibbers level 6. It is possible that he will have picked up some very early Magic Resist so be careful if you decide to all-in him. Also, he may take barrier or exhaust against you so be sure to factor this into your 'all-in' potential should you decide to go for it. You need to be aware of his ability to roam, especially as Annie does not have decent wave-clear at low levels. Do not sit in lane last hitting creeps if he is roaming, either follow him or if you can't follow then push hard if possible. if you fall behind early, it can be difficult for you to burst him down as the game progresses into mid-game.”
vCraze says “Aurelion Sol can be quite an annoying early lane phase as she has a lot of push potential and ability to stick on you especially if she is using phase rush. You want to play safe and poke when you can, if you get any sort of a lead on her you can abuse her as you have a massive range advantage.”
Sadkid says “Not many ASol players out there. The one's who do play ASol are usually one tricks. Try to keep him pushed in and use your range to your advantage. Watch out for unexpected roams or Qs. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Wait people play this champ? Make sure to ping when missing and shove if he roams, he doesnt win trades, and you one shot him late. Only thing i can say this try not to get stunned late, or anytime...”
SkellyBirb says “Aurelion Sol doesn't have too much mobility and doesn't deal much damage without his stars. If you get inside his stars and on top of him, you can burst him. Be careful of his stun and ultimate and you should win.”
PedrinhoXD says “Not much of a problem, but i would suggest not trading much, as aurelion sol players can pretty much dictate how long the trade goes for, and you as TF should be doing short trades”
WolfRider01 says “He can definitely win if you're not playing around his stun. Try to dodge the stun if you can, if you absolutely must, you can windwall it. You CAN NOT W HIS STARS.”
hickeyo says “This matchup is very easy. Most Au Sols play from a distance and will try to push you in early. Simply get your jg to follow you up in the earlier levels and get the advantage. ”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. Most aurelions will perma push and roam you can't do much in this matchup. Rush sorccs and punish him if he ever misses q or poistions himself to hit his w on the wave. You have better burst then him.”
Bobbab says “Aurelian sol struggles to keep you at the distance he wants you to. You can easily farm him in the early game due to his low damage. When he tries to q or w you, just e into him.”
sweodigaming says “If you by any chance would be against this champion it's pretty easy. Just dodge his Q and don't get trapped in his W a.k.a his balls (that sounded weird). Anyways when you stun him is W goes down for a moment, keep that in mind.”
MetaKnight13373 says “Asol's passive makes it so he has to often times position himself away from his minions, this makes him an easy target to charm.”
TheCatOfCheshire says “Give up on the first wave, he will push you that's a fact, not a possibility. And try to counter push at the second wave. This big boy loves to roam and he roams faster than you, so clean the waves to get a clear shot with your e, use your ultimate to dodge his, and engage him. Stay in melee when he doesn't have his utitmate. Spam pings when he's roaming.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Aurelion isn't too hard for Akali because of his low mobility in lane.
Don't get me wrong, his roams are great, but in lane his mobility is limited. So he is an easy target for Akali.
Do be careful for his stars, make sure you don't get poked out by them.”
Frixen says “Aurelion Sol isn't much of a threat in itself. However, he is as much of a threat outside of the lane as you are, so try to rush boots, can ever get celerity if you want to, and try to match his roams.”
SkellyBirb says “Aurelion Sol doesn't have too much mobility and doesn't deal much damage without his stars. If you get inside his stars and on top of him, you can burst him. Be careful of his stun and ultimate and you should win.”
Reason97 says “Aurelion Sol's strength lies in his roaming, not his laning, so you have an advantage over him in lane. Watch out for his stars and keep his stun in mind, but you overall do more damage than him. Just make sure you ALWAYS alert your team whenever he vanishes, cause while he isnt an issue in lane, his roaming can be hell on your team, especially if he gets ahead in kills or farm. Also keep an eye on your own mana, cause as long as you have the mana for CC you're fine, but pushing up to far without access to your spells will make you an easy target for anyone, even Aurelion, in a 1v1.”
orangepenguinhead says “There are not many Asol players out there but this lane is going to be rough for the first few levels. Asol has priority in this lane because he has pushing power and roaming power. Once he gets level 6, you need to watch out for where you place your R because his R cancels your ultimate. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Pretty easy matchup, just play agro and you win lane. Warn your team of his roams. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
Tophatant says “No Aurelion Sol isn't apart of the list im just here to mention that if your team is mainly mr a tank might counter you if u dont have magic pen”
OverjarlZane says “A good Sol will destroy you, a bad one will get destroyed. You have the advantage early in most cases but Sol is one of those cases where the better they are it will show extremely quickly”
DaggerTV_ says “Against aurelio, you can simply doge his q, and always be in and out of his stars, Jump forward e, then w, if he wasted q or to bait it out.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Aurelion Sol can push the lane a lot harder than you can. He can also roam a lot earlier than you due to his E having such high range. Try your best to avoid his orbs in lane. If he goes for an engage on you, try to gold card him as he stuns you. This will make his orbs disappear for the duration of the stun and should minimize your damage taken. Post 6 aurelion can match your roams pretty quickly, so be extra careful to not overstay your welcome as he may turn up and turn the tides of any skirmish. ”
Yuki H. says “Spinning stars 24/7 make it near impossible to approach without an all-in. A level 6 all-in is Zed's best friend and possibly the best tactic against an Aurelion Sol. Avoid extended trades and using W too aggressively, as Sol can punish Zed hard. Wave management is also key against shove heavy champions like Sol, so make sure the wave is properly managed or else Zed will either miss too much cs or drain energy on cs.”
bobatea says “His passsive is super annoying and when you try to go on him he will jsut stun you and stuff so just bait the q out and go in and I think you will be fine”
Veralion says “Infinite scaling champions in a game that's decided by 15 minutes are very hard to pull off, and he's been nerfed into a complete joke. He's pathetic early, and is a completely free lane, but will eventually outscale you by light-years. Fortunately, your midgame is MUCH stronger than his, and you're just about a perfect counter. Burnout makes it very hard for him to proc his Q, so he can't reliably stack. Whenever he presses Q, E him. After a few hits, just blow sums and tear him apart; he's EXTRAORDINARILY squishy. Shove, roam bot often and make his AD carry quit the game. He's about 3 times as threatening once he finishes Rylai's, so watch out. Your ult can knock him out of his W, and you must do so to have any kill pressure later on. If he gets it off, do NOT chase after him and just let him go. Don't mess around and end the game before his spells scale to cover entire lanes. ”
Bartoos says “He literally can't do anything in lane against you. Poke, burst him constantly and push the wave into his turret so he can't farm. Then you can roam.”
Brentonlop says “Asol has no escape from your combos and does not do enough damage to win trades. You will beat him 9/10 times. Watchout when he roams because he can snowball of other lanes.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “If you dodge his Q, you're good and he can't do anything else against you since his stars go away momentarily when you stun him.
He'll try to roam since he can't beat you so follow him or shove wave and make sure your lanes know he's roaming.”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
MrMoonBird says “You're both pretty fast, but you're faster if you keep your Q passive up. He can stun you briefly with his Q, but you can sidestep easily with your speed.”
snukumz says “He has better wave clear than you do.
Make sure you're leveling up your W to level 3 first.
Dodge his stun and combo him and you'll kill him.”
PG Venom says “EZ. just poke and engage, when stars go wider, get in close, your cd's are lower so you take as little damage as possible while minimizing an escape from him”
1256 says “very rare matchup, if otp he just keeps roaming, if random pick you can straight run him down, you outscale, socalled ap talon but kassa is nuts here at least
AZIR MEN says “AP version of Talon. Ping when MIA. Watch out for his Q. His R is an execute. Very immobile, easy to shuffle.
Take comet, elec, conq, or even lethal tempo man”
LightningTemplar says “Sol is pretty vulnerable against melee assassins with heavy gap closers, and Zed is no exception. Push wave to prevent him from roaming. Should he engage on you with Q, use your R to dodge, and save your W as a gap closer when he decides to R you. ”
Art1val says “Not sure, I haven't lost to an Aurelion Sol as Zoe but, he does have very good wave clear that requires him to stand to the side which makes for an easy sleep. Should be fine though. Also if you can counter roam as his champ is very good at roaming.”
Lobban says “Keep his stars in mind. In my opinion sol is an easy matchup since you can dodge his Q pretty easy (as long as he doesent have full lane stun up) Otherwise you should be able to bully him in lane”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Aurelion sol is one of the easiest match-ups you will ever have. He doesn't have any defenses in melee range fights pre-6, so trading is super easy. Your passive also gives him close to no window of time to trade back, so you can dash on him at any time you want. When he knocks you back with his ultimate, you can rewind back after a few seconds.”
Gageowago says “Stay far enough away to not be threatened by his q stun but also close enough to not be hit by his passive. Call when he is missing in lane immediately since Aurelion Sol has potent roaming.”
topal says “doubt you will ever see him but when you do you need to be extremly careful. He can roam very well so be sure to inform your team when he is missing.At levels 1 and 2 he can put you under tower very easly. Buy boots early vs him so you can make it harder for him to position well ”
Lil Tidepod says “Aurelion is a matchup where you probably won't kill one another much. You'll be forced to just move around Aurelion because of his stars. Look for combos wherever you may be able to find them. Avoid his stun, as it can get really large and can really mess you up. If you're trading with him, his stun charge animation is pretty obvious as his body will begin to rotate before he can stun you. Watch for this.”
JacWilly says “Has insane poke and can out roam you, try to get inside his w and pressure him , if you hit enough skillshots, try to all in and kill him, if you get ahead you will dominate him.”
TribeZ says “Maybe good asols can get prio and outroam you BUT from my experience they dont, u EQEQ the Wave and he has to cs under turret-- and he hella sucks doing that”
BigBushMan says “Aurelion is not really much of a threat to Xerath at all, just poke him out of lane and try to keep him from roaming via perma-freezing. ”
serruh says “idk this champ will just coinflip the entire early game and outshove you and pressure side lanes. if your team survives and you manage to not be massively behind by 20 minutes, you just win, it just depends on circumstance and how rest of enemy team operates.”
RockitoAhri says “Let him push the first wave, start contesting and harassing on the second, beat his ass on third. Don't let him roam , keep him pressured. You win fights when you have your ultimate up. ”
t3rminated says “Aurelion Sol is pretty weak against you. He has a massive hitbox and he can't really trade with you. In a 1 v 1, you should be able to destroy him. You can also choose to take minion dematerializer to make your farm a bit easier. Be careful as his ult can cancel your ult and his roaming potential is strong. Try to warn your allies when he roams but other than that, you should win hard. ”
Loki029 says “Same as Anivia, can be difficult, he has high damage, W before Stun, Q too escape/engage when he tries his stars. You can kill him pre 6 very very very easy if played right.”
jster131 says “Easy matchup if you know what you are doing. All you need to do is get inside of his stars and he can't damage you. His q can't stun you unless you are oustside of his circle, the w can't hit you. You just want to dash, in trade with him, then dash out.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Unlike Anivia, his double tap Q is barely stunning you, so once you E onto him you can keep murdering him, make sure to R his R or you will find yourself in a bad spot, other than that he's quite a joke of a champ.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
Calggara Z says “with your movespeed after you hit E it is easy to doge his Q, with is the only threat against you, aurelion is weak to melee champs, his stars cant do much, especially when you cage him.”
Gogicha55 says “I have never met a good Aurelion Sol and most of the time i just killed him over and over again so i can't tell you much here, if you jump inside his stars with your Q he's pretty much dead I guess”
8wolf says “He will probably try to farm up and not die. If he is more aggressive, bait his q and go inside his circle. There ain't much he can do then besides ult you out.”
Daedralus says “The only trouble happens if you let him have you where he wants you to be. Don't be scared of this guy as your heals will be sufficient to save you every time as this guy no longer has burst damage and relies on around 5 star hits to actually deal damage. You can Q behind him to dodge his Q or land him from his E. You can Ult him when he Ults or Q's, to prevent the CC from either one, which will also silence his passive. Don't forget, your E also stops his passive and can block a lot of damage from his stars while running.”
Tehqo says “Another easy matchup. He's so basic and can't really do much. The only problem is that many Azir's tend to stand still while autoattacking. Don't just stand still in his stars. You want to kite, and make sure he doesn't damage you. He might roam so be careful for that and be aware of where he is.”
NebuIa says “Aurelion Sol is very scary at a high level. He can get really free Q's when Zoe R's forward, and he can kind of just run at her in a way that she finds very difficult to deal with. Heal and phase rush may help.”
TheBlueImperial says “Does a ton of damage to you and is incredibly hard to get in range of because of his Q and R. Also has great roaming potential himself.”
Je Suis Azir says “This fucker roams like a mongol. Just don't let him exert more power and control on the map, and at 20 minutes you can have a greater impact on the game. He outtrades you early, just focus on not giving gold and getting as much gold as possible.”
TheSpark says “Skill matchup, he usually goes RoA first so try and poke him out early. He'll most likely roam so try and keep the wave from pushing to your tower so he has less chances of roaming with his E.”
GalioPlayer says “he can knock you back and effectively cancel your engage , and then proceed to chirp down your health 100 at a time while your cooldowns are coming back , not a good experience ”
Aizenvolt says “Aurelion is generally easy matchup in my opinion. He cant fight you upclose. In the laning phase just keep your distance and poke. His stun isn't so difficult to avoid and when you are close he can't stun you for long. He does sustained damage and you burst people so do the math. He is also i
mobile so if you avoid his stun he is dead.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite matchup.
Actually very easy, if you use your head. Asol shoves you in early levels using W on wave, its common sense. But what people don't ever do, is punish him for it, and let him shove you in under to your tower. Setup soldiers to the left and to the right of your minions. If he shoves, or tries to, just constantly AA him, like nonstop harass him. Play insanely aggressive, don't touch a single minion levels 1 or 2. They won't expect it, and you'll do a fuck ton of dmg. After level 3, trade patterns are linear. If he lands Q, he wins the trade. If he doesn't all in him or harass him to win the trade. A trick I found is to E to the side when he Q's, and then Q straight into him. Asols weak point is right next to him, he'll lose that trade.”
Mid Win Repeat says “This could go either way both are great roamers, decision making is the key to this one. Whoever helps their side lanes more will win. If you see an Aurelion Sol in ranked hes probably a one trick and that can be a scary thing. Don't underestimate this guy.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “If he doesnt get to kill you he will try to roam, so make sure you always push him in while making sure you dont expose yourself to a gank, try to fight him with his q down or use the E Q W combo against him ”
SrAlex-kun says “Es contra el mejor rival que te puedes enfrentar. No tiene ninguna defensa a melee hasta el nivel 6. Pelea contra el todo el rato fuera del rango de sus bolas, intenta usar tu E para acercarte a el y pegarle a melee, con la velocidad que te da tu passiva le tendrias que acabar de matar. Farmea vigilando que no te den sus bolas y ya.”
Marumo says “Threat level 9.
If you play it safely and just farm up, you shouldn't die too often against Aurelion Sol. What will happen however is that he will be able to roam far far far better than you and then your team mates will die. ”
Braddik says “easy lane after level 3, go inside his starts and hit him so he cant deal his full damage. When you have lvl 6 just riftwalk in the middle of him and he dies
EvilBird090 says “A good Aurelion Sol can actually be a threat in lane as you are immobile and cannot dodge his stars/ult well. Try to pool his stun or ult if necessary. Always be very aggressive on the enemy minions as Sol players will try to kill your wave as fast as possible with their W and roam with their E. Try to push him under his tower once you have AP, poke him and dive him. ”
spark2 says “You have the mobility to beat this guy hard. He farms well and can zone you with his passive, but you're just so much more mobile than him that you can outplay him easily. If he knocks you away with his ult, rewind back in after a few seconds!”
IceBite says “Star Boi is lost in Melee range so go in from level 2 to 5, he can recast q now instantly so try to doge it. After 6 watchout to not get pushed in his passive range by his R.”
Sneaky boi says “Aurelion will try to push and roam so build tiamat to push and punish aurelion. He will try and poke you in early levels with his W but if you farm safely with Q and E this shouldn't be really hard. Remember to ping when hes MIA, and buy wards.”
paykanishe says “Be carefull at lvl 1 and 2, he can do a lot of dmg, but after lvl 3 he can't do ahything to you. If you afraid, take cleanse, otherway dodge his stun and all in him after lvl 6”
Novok says “Let him push the first wave, start contesting and harassing on the second, beat his ass on third. Don't let him roam , keep him pressured. You win fights when you have your ultimate up. ”
SirZeros says “This dragon does have an advantage in being able to hit you easier than other champs. The problem with him is, that his positioning is very important for his success and often he will just walk into a good spot for you to Q him.”
ShuUis says “Yo honestly I have not gone against this champion much, so I don't have that much insight. All i know from my games that I HAVE gone against Aurelion Sol is that you can just run him down level 3 .”
baldmidget says “really easy matchup
1.sol is practically a worthless champion
2.Every time sol is in range, simply jump on him and murder him
3.Enemy is wintrading :)”
Euphoric Toaster says “One of the few champions that can match or beat Heimerdinger's push. You have to get very creative with turret placement so that ASol doesn't just get to use his stars and hit both the wave and your turrets. You can try and harass him as hes pushing but good ASol players are going to take minimal damage while doing so and eventually get you pushed in and tey roam. When you get shoved in, you HAVE to spam ping and type out that ASol is roaming to try and minimize the chance of him killing a teammate in a sidelane. Most times you wont be able to match his roams so its often best to just shove the lane and pressure the tower. ASol has to get pretty close to deal damage in teamfights, which is one advantage you have over him as you can effect the fight from further away and have more overall impact in teamfights in-general.”
SeeEl says “Asol has priority into literally every matchup so just let him push and set your wave up when it hits tower so you can farm. Also, if he doesnt hard shove you, match his slow push with your q. Don't let him build a minion advantage - it needs to be a hard shove or nothing for him. Laning isnt that hard, just take cleanse & beat him up with good ball placement.”
hoppyscotch says “The only thing a sol can do vs yasuo is shove and roam, In a 1v1 there is no fight really, just how long it takes for yasuo to kill him.”
ZenonZeni says “Play smart against him but never dive him under tower due to his ult and stun capabilities. Otherwise punish him with your long range abilities such as the orb.”
Wizboy73 says “Take Barier Or exhaust if uncomfortable in the matchup to negate his star mechanics. you blow him up later. Must build is rylais since it fully counters him.”
schulti012 says “You can shut down his waveclear with Q, but he'll outtrade you every time. He can reset with corrupting pot which makes it really annoying. He outroams you early, you outscale.”
Xavier Senori says “Your MS boosts from your Q allow you to kite outside of the range of his stars. On top of that he has to move directly at you for the most part, setting himself up for an ult to the face.”
Zeprius says “Hardly ever see it but hes not that easy if he mastered him... all in potentials are much slimmer and proccing phase rush is hard especially when he has W on and has his Rylais the only way u can get in is by Pool or Flash... try to dodge if Q and R”
ClemexD10 says “Be careful with his W. Use your R to get close to him and throw your charm. It will be essencial since Aurelion's W will be gone for the seconds your E lasts.”
kilgta says “he pokes you a lot and its hard to get in range to ult him. ganks are usually needed to fight him. You shove faster than him. Start sapphire.”
unownreality says “Reccomend buying tier 1 boots on the first back. Use your e to slwoly poke him down, but dont risk the damage to get an auto attack out. Sol is very squishy, so with [[lost chapter]] you have a decent chance to take him out with a Q-E-R-E combo. His ability to roam is tough, domt try to match it. Push your lane with [[lucent singularity]] to force him to lose minion waves. ”
MechaaZero says “This lane can go either way if you don't land your skillshots. If you land them, you win, if he lands his more often, he will most likely win the lane and you'll be MIA ping spammed.”
CC Diana says “Aurelion Sol is an annoyance in the early laning stages because of his ability to zone you off of CS. You should easily win once you hit 6 since his only form of peel is his ult and he hates champions with gapclosers like Diana. Aurelion Sol is a master of roaming since his E lets him gank any of the sidelanes with ease. Try to prevent him from roaming by pushing him to tower forcing him to clear the wave while you roam yourself.”
maplecat21 says “ASol himself isn't an issue. It's his roams. He'll shove you in and roam permanently until you have 6 if he has a brain, getting multiple kills for his team with any luck. Make sure your team knows that his roam threat is huge, and try and track his movements and ping properly.”
adzzb says “Remarkably easy match up after level 2. The only thing you need to worry about is if he lands his stun and the enemy jungler ganks. Apart from that, jump on him whenever you get the chance!”
SrSuders says “Talon kann ihn relativ einfach besiegen.
Ich selber nehme kein Cleanse gegen ihn mit, da der Stun mit der Q relativ schwer zu treffen ist und man das ausweichen kann.
Jedoch sollte man es mitnehmen wenn der gegnerische Jungler einen Stun im Design mit nimmt.”
hipstersora says “Your E pretty much counters him. You can E out of his stun, out of his star circle, INTO his star circle to do damage on top of him, etc.”
borsamalac says “He will nonstop shove the wave and u can do nothing with it , u will waste your mana if u try to prevent it. U can duel him after sheen every time but u will probably fight only vs him at midgame since he will shove the wave->home->shove the wave->home->gank->shove-> gank. Ping if Asol is missing every time, control wards to get vision at river (mostly he will gank after he based pay attention for it !!) , or ask for lv2 gank/early ganks if u have strong early game jungler. If u can get 1-2kill from this babysitt u can prevent him to shove wave and nonestop roaming.”
BL00dY3nD says “I didn't play alot against him so i can't say alot about this matchup. Never saw a good Aurelion so just dont het hit by his Passive (Comets) and destroy this boiiiii”
Bughans says “Bruh, i haven't played against this guy, because he's so rarely played. I'd expect him to be easy though. Just play aggressive. Watch out for his level 1, good ASols will abuse their power early.”
QuickChicken says “Good A Sol players shove you in fast and roam.
You won't really ever see him ever.
Just try to follow up on his roams when you can get there in time or push him in.
Ward towards the lane you think he is going to roam to.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Pretty easy lane. He wants to push all the time to roam and you can just farm up. Just be aware and helpful for your team by saying ss and ping. After 6 you can beat him easily. ”
noolan says “Never played against an aurelion sol, but his stun will be more challenging to dodge than most, because it grows over time, but other than that he is fresh meat for you.”
Shderen says “Your silence gets rid of his spinny things. Treat him like a generic mage - dodge shit, hit him, silence him when he starts frontin like he can actually TAKE a Soraka mid.”
HerrSolahri says “Hard Matchup if not experienced with it. Use Many pings. His Potion + Dark Seal Wave clear is insane. Only Counter is to kill him with your Jungler when hes hard pushing”
CharmingFeather says “Most Aurelion Sol's will just walk up and think they're fine because you are a support champ, little do they know you still do a good amount of damage. Just get inside his stars and its a free kill.”
BicBee says “I've never lost this match up as Ori. It does depend on how well you dodge tho. When he spreads his stars walk TOWARDS him not away from him and you will be able to win trades. When fighting inside his stars use lateral movement to dodge his stun. When he closes stars thats when you move back out again. He out roams you so ward the side in which your lane is pushing, but you should be able to solo him in lane if he ever tries to fight. ”
AzureArmatt says “One of Riot's attempts to show they can be original with their champion design. Aurelion Sol will always try to zone you away from farm with his poke from stars that move around him constantly, good aurelion Sol will try to look for roams and with keep you away almost all the time, he has really strong lane presence if played correctly, you should fight him on early levels, try to poke him constantly while avoiding his stun & stars. without his stun the only way to save himself is his R that will push you back to the circle where his stars will damage you but if you react quickly it will be easy to doge. Without those 2 abilities and no reliable escape when he push his wave under your turret he's basically dead. Consider buying Magic resist and some HP this time, he doesn't have burst damage, his damage is more sustained so you need "long term" resistances.”
Legal Loli Lulu says “Skill matchup, avoid his stars and Q stun as much as possible.
When you get your Q in his stars will be disabled briefly and at that moment you'll strike with all you got.”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “Permanently shoves you in and roams. Nothing you can do about it unless your jungler ganks. Then you can force a summoner spell. Mid game/Late game you outscale him and shut him down hard as long as he and his team aren't ahead.”
Shaawn says “Play aggressive! Aurelion will not be trying to fight you in laning phase. He will be looking to shove in the wave fast with his W:Celestial Expansion and roam. Asol is very hard countered by mobile champs, so you have a advantage in this lane. And his W:Celestial Expansion gets canceled if he gets hit by CC. Your job here is to shut him down in lane, so he can't roam and impact other lanes.”
RemainingUchiha says “This champion should never be much of an issue. Go in on him and he can't do much, make sure you're moving around a lot to dodge his abilities.”
overweight_zoe says “This champion has superior clear than Zoe which is a big problem. Zoe cannot fight through minion waves and will need at least two q's to kill caster minions early. On top of this, Zoe is susceptible to eating his stun when walking up to q. This match up could honestly be one of her hardest in the mid lane.”
Utopia3567 says “for me hardest to win lane vs, counter you with really big range and poking all the time, it is hard even to hard but if you can stop him from roaming to other lanes you can win it!”
Jenkinsu says “Abuse him. He has to position out of his minion wave to aim his stars and that is when you win. If you miss W, run like hell and try to stop him since you won't outrun him”
lol mid laner says “For this one get boosts of swiftness dodge his stun and when he moves his circle take advantage of your w and q along with that 4th bullet ”
MaybeHope says “Aurelion Sol is a nightmare for you in early game, because he will win most trades and will push you in in early game.
This way he can roam and get fed (but even then if you play it right he wont kill you), however if you waveclear enough and grab the turret while he is roaming it can stop him from roaming alot and keep him in his lane.
Try to bully him with your Q and dont be afraid to do a W - Q combo to get thunderlords. And dont be afraid of losing your lane because after all you're a Goddess in teamfights!”
ikiilyou7523 says “Tirale tu Q cuando tire su W y solo esquiva su Q y listo, cuando le desactives la pasiva tu acercate y pegale tu W y E (si es que la tienes disponible)”
moutenn says “He cant really do anything to you. He has no long range and his q requires him to walk up to you. Just destroy him whenever he does anything. Do be carefull of his roams. Follow and destroy anything in your sights. Lategame he is pretty tanky, so not the most easy target.
qasddsa says “While he does have strong poking power with his stars, they are irrelevant during laning phase. Relatively easy to lane against as long as you don't push up too far and get CC'd into a gank. Recommend buying some form of MR (either a Banshee's Veil or Merc Treads).”
Calikarcha says “One of my 3 favorites (along side Karthus and Azir). Unfortunately, I've never played this match but I feel like this is a lane Karthus should win. ”
MarkoLivaja says “extremely weak early game poke him with your E when he is in range. Ask for gang at his level 7 or 6. Landing Q on him makes your life a lot easier.”
Andicus says “You beat him fairly easily. Just make sure you don't get stunned and stuck in the range of his mini stars. When you get in his face he can't do much. Dodge his stun with your ult and W E Q. Boom he's pretty much done. Aurelion is fairly squishy as well. Just make sure to ping whenever he is missing to let your team know that he might be dropping by. This goes with any matchup.”
Sozzoh says “Aurelion Sol is pretty annoying with his stars if they know how to use them, so try and kite the ASol if you're poking him or all-inning. Other than that, be careful of his Q, and his Ult. If you see ASol flying in a straight line, he's probably going to roam. Warn your team, then catch him when he's coming back to possibly kill him.”
Katapullt says “Some people have Problems against Aurelion Sol. In my opinion it`s pretty easy just step around his passives and when he uses the long range on Q just all in him. You will win every fight. Start Longsword to Cheese him.”
Zoose says “Good Asols will push hard early on, so counter his push. He has low kill potential on you, since you can just dash out. His main threat will be roaming bot or top, so do your best to ward and ping your team. Poke whenever possible and don’t be afraid to go for a kill if he's low enough.”
undeadsoldiers says “You'd think Zoe might be able to tame the huge cosmic space doggy, but he's actually one of her worst possible lanes.
If Aurelion Sol has any knowledge of how Zoe works, he will push you in hard and stay behind the wave so you can't do anything to him.
The best you can do is stay under tower, poke him with slows, and wait for assistance and/or a mistake. Try not to die.
You may be able to pick him off with a bubble in a teamfight later.
You can use GLP against him to proc the item active portion of Glacial Augment. Aurelion hates slows.”
PastorKarthus says “it just feels like youre doing nothing all game and he wins every lane , he has no killpressure on you but just his roams make the game feel unplayable”
The Bando says “Who actually plays this guy? No one. That's why it is not a threat. For real though, he just clears the wave and leaves you alone. You can dodge almost all of his abilities. ”
Smol Jelly says “Aurelion Sol is a bit of an awkward lane, I find. His wave clear is pretty decent, and he's got great roam potential so he can snowball without beating you in lane. Just try to keep him locked down, and be aware of his stars.”
lkycch says “Shoves way too hard in the first few levels, making it difficult for you to farm under tower. A'Sol needs to be pressured early because he is a lategame monster; Zilean has literally no kill potential whatsoever, meaning that it is a free lane for A'Sol. I would like to say "follow his roams", but it really isn't possible, since he literally flies. If your team composition is not cut out to win lategame, I would consider dodging in Champ Select.”
ShokLoL says “Against Aurelion Sol, hold your E defensively so that he can't W forward onto you. Otherwise just poke him out at every opportunity. Post 6 save W to immune his ulti.”
ShokLoL says “Trading against Asol is very easy and there are only a few scary windows. At level 1, trade with Q from behind your creeps and you won't take much damage. At level 2 the short trades with QE are very favorable, but he might look to punish by chasing you down with W, if this happens again kite into your creep wave. From level 3 onwards you can pretty much always harass with QE and if he tries to chase you just W away from him.”
Zeekar says “Bro literally stands still and has no upfront cc, you counter him so hard. THOUGH- make sure that you kill him or at least make it away from his Q if you engage on him. He can deal serious damage to you if you just let him sit there Q'ing, or god forbid, W Q's after you.”
ShokLoL says “You should be able to poke Asol out 1v1, be careful of extending too far up in the lane as he can run you down with his W if you don't have enough mana or your W/R are on cooldown.”
Chuleex says “Asol is very easy on early to mid game, once late enters is pretty much a nasus mage, try to all in once he uses e or w, avoid his poke the most you can and punish him with combo, you can look for all in on early pre 6 if you get him at 50% health, dodging his ult and e is the most important, try to kite him out of his q on early”
ShokLoL says “Aurelion Sol struggles to harass past the wave, and you should be able to keep prio most of the time. Keep autoing the wave and try move aggressively whenever he Es the wave (to try stop him from Qing the wave). The only danger is being caught too far up in the wave and being chased down by W. As long as you can run to the side with E or have some creeps in the way there is no real danger.”
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