In the Jungle 49% Win Rate57% Pick RateTalon In the Jungle Counters: 38 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Talon in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “Fight early. Heal his combo. After 6 you lose so try to get ahead and countergank. If he plays ignite try to cleanse it. Catch him offguard especially when his Ult is out.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. He can invade you but if you dodge his W with W/E, it's hard for him to kill you. He can one shot you if he gets fed but otherwise you can run him down easily.”
DoxxTheLeague says “zhonyas second item try to zhonyas his burst if it focuses you overall a strong champ if he invades you he can easily win lvl 3 try to get vision on his raptors to track him early. ask your mid to ward raptors”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Talon loves to roam around and assassinate your laners that did lane trades. Most often Talon will be easy to track under those circumstances. You just want to take advantage of his slow clear and gap him by levels. Just make sure he doesn't rack up kills too much or it will be a problem.”
Yomu says “Talon is usually an easy matchup, if he tries to combo you, E through it, if you combo him, it’s a one shot. His ultimate dropping you W1 frenzy can be annoying but that also makes him an awesome ultimate target because of the true sight.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. He has a level 3 invade window, but if you dodge W1 or W2 (either your W or E away) he can’t really kill you even with ignite. Most likely Talon will look for a level 3 gank/full clear gank. You can run him down with Ghost at every point of the game.”
Ejsner says “This champion becomes a significant threat only when he takes Ignite. Many Talon players opt for Ignite due to his built-in mobility with his parkour E, which prevents you from healing his damage. However, if he doesn't have Ignite, the matchup in a 1v1 scenario is quite favorable, as you can outheal his damage, reveal him in your R, and interrupt his E mid-air with a well-timed root. Be cautious of his burst potential with his passive, as it scales effectively with his power spikes and can deal significant damage on its own in the mid to late game.
huncho1v9 says “- Medium matchup. Talon is similar to rek’sai in ways because he wants to look for a level 3 play. He has a level 3 cross map invade window, but as long as you dodge either W1 or W2, you beat him (unless he has ignite). Generally you can play for his second raptors spawn, and out-snowball him from there if he doesn’t get kills early. Talon has a really fast clear midgame/lategame and good burst against you. Typically whoever gets ahead just wins this matchup hard. Both PR and conq are good against him, but conq is a lot better for dueling early.”
yoonfish says “Talon can and will hop over anything and everything to absolutely fuck you in the early-mid game and be out of there long before anyone can peel for you or intervene.”
Mignognium says “Talon a trop de dégâts pour vous. Dans la jungle il a trop de mobilité, son ult fait qu'il est trop complexe à focus. Avec les nouveaux items d'assassin il va juste vous one shot sans parler du fait que parfois en Jgl il jouera fire donc ... Ne prenez pas de fitgh contre lui. Empêcher le juste de tuer votre AD carry avec votre [Z] vous ne pouvez rien faire de mieux. ”
HawkSP says “Talon can spread the effects of Serpent's Fang with his abilities, challenging Ivern's shielding capacity. However, using bushes can inhibit his ability to target allies after his ultimate, mitigating his effectiveness.”
XAmityX says “Capable of one-shotting you. Daisy gets abused by invisibility and you will have to relock her on after his ult/he jumps over a wall. Play extremely safe and don't assume walls as cover.”
MhmYepSope says “Has strong early game if he has Ignite. Your Ult and E reveal him in Ult so very important you hit your E's. If he has EoN you can smite him mid leap so your e reveals him.”
jajkopajko says “You dont see him often in jungle, but its bad whe you do, he can oneshot you most times, thanks to his mobility, you dont have much of a high pressure. Try counterganking if possible and play for scaling.”
veipz says “Most of the times talon players likes to start raptor u can punish him for it and if u start red he would like to invade u on blue and he wins cuz ignite play carefully after that u win everywhere”
Pullks says “Don't let him get 3 stacks on you since he can easily kill you then. After Thornmail you can easily kill him.
He is hard to lock down but if you have a team you can easily burst him”
Skararmonia says “You can instakill him once you get first item (unless he is fed). In case he hasn't falled behind, you can kill him if he doesn't have ult.”
garbocan says “An assassin who can mass apply melee Serpents Fang with his W/R. Would be a lot worse for Ivern if it weren't for a specific piece of bush tech:
After Talon uses R, you can bush his high priority targets, making him unable to cast Q on them and in many cases forcing him to run away instead.”
bgkay says “Talon is Rell's counter obviously because he can run away easily, after level 6, don't try to face him if he is strong, only if you are also strong”
PrestigeGalaxy says “If he runs ignite you need to be extremely careful because he can one shot you with his bleed + ignite in addition to your lack of health regen causing you to be lower on hp.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even time into Talon, due to talon his burst windows and mobility against Briar her strong stat check and Briar E defensive. Briar and Talon have an equal jungle clear speed early on, which leads more to favor Talon later on. Briar has to be aware of the chase effect of Berserking into Talon his Terrain mobility, which will be easier upon getting Briar level 6. Be aware of Talon with Ignite into Briar her insane healing!!!”
Coccaa says “Disgusting champion in jungle you can never catch up to him ever because he can just hop over your a wall to escape and you cant E in walls so you have no way of catching him. Also he can hop over your pillar every time you spawn it because it's considered new terrain so it has no cooldown”
MusicJG says “He needs to farm and get kills to be useful.
Can oneshot you in isolation with Ignite.
Has an unhealthy clear, look to invade him level 1-2 to make him fall behind.
He'll be useless.”
Turnupthetoaster says “You can reveal him while he's stealthed using your bola and ult, heal off most of his burst using your W, you out-scale him, and his sustain is terrible. Either invade him early on, or predict where he's going and counter gank. If you can accurately predict where he's going to be, you can shut him down very easily since his sustain in the jungle is horrible, which means he'll also be at a health deficit. However, if he starts snowballing, watch out! He can become very problematic, very quickly. Fortunately, if you're going bruiser he's nowhere near as big of a threat since he won't be able to delete you unless he's extremely fed and is carrying ignite. Otherwise, he'll never be able to touch you. Just be careful about getting invaded at level 3.”
Zero macro says “Talon can match Zed his jungle clear. Thereby Talon is stronger than Zed early on(especially due to Talon being capable of running ignite). Zed should try to interact more with laners and jungle clears than Talon, outside of the first jungle clear. Denying Talon Passive stacks will make Zed win the 1v1 easily ''”
metalhydra273 says “Talon can be hard to lock down, and if he's ahead enough he can 100-0 you. However, if he can't kill you immediately, you have a window to lock him down. You have good potential to find winnable 1v1s vs him and repositioning him is an easy way to kill him. If he lets you get close, you can delay him from hopping over walls as an escape. Make the most of your opportunities to limit the damage he can cause in a fight by guarding his fight entrances or using oracles during his ult to take him down once he leaves stealth.”
Apari1010 says “Talon jungle is starting to see popularity. I recommend doing a reverse full clear (see the Graves matchup description) and avoiding an early 1v1. His ganks are about the same as yours in strength and his mobility is just better. As long as you go even with him, you're winning the scaling game.”
BradJr says “Talon is better early, you are better late. Don't risk the early game, full clear (if he lets you do that) and only gank with good setup. Only contest first drake if bot is ahead. (clone rating 7/10)”
ttvRegedice says “This champion is a big deal ONLY if he runs ignite. Many talons run ignite because he has his build in mobility with his parkour E, so you won't be able to heal his damage. If he doesn't have ignite the matchup is pretty free in the 1v1 as you can heal all his damage, reveal him in R, and cancel his E mid-air if you land root. Be wary of his burst with passive as it scales really well with his powerspikes and can easily do 400-500+ damage on its own mid-late game. Get steelcaps! He farms really well too, so make sure you're on top of farming outside of gank and obj timers.”
Borinn says “His clear speed is same as you. Try to counter gank him if one of you doesn't get one shot you can win.
Hecarim is one of few champions that can catch Talon thanks to your movement speed. Be wary of him post 6 because he can kill you easily. Your team fighting is so much stronger so you can win.
I prefer to go AD against him. ”
frickin nardy says “This matchup is really punishable, if you understand his kit it's easy to know how to kill him.
Try to gain a lead on him and punish him as much as possible to not let him be useful at all in the game.”
Kocykek says “He's really easy to beat as he's assasin and you are Poppy! You can block his dashes with Steadfast Presence and outdamage him anytime anywhere. Don't let him snowball though.”
checca says “If you cannot oneshot Talon with chain CC, you will not be able to kill him. A good Talon knows this and he will kite you out until the end of time. When Talon uses his R, your Q1 will reveal him. In the later stages of the game, you can beat Talon. You will need lots of gold, AP, and low cooldowns.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
His Q and R really making him looks terrifies but you can counter his Q with E stun.
Harass with it until he thinks he can't fight and tries to gank the other lane.
Use this advantage to push your lane and you can destroy mid lane tower if you team has rift herald.
He'll be hard time to fight after late game since your team need to group up to avoid get backstabbed from him.”
Davecraft16 says “Like all assassins he is dangerous for kindred. Don't fight him 1v1 unless you are confident to win. Try to snowball by ganking lanes. Unless he starts getting a lot of kills you should be able to outscale him really fast.”
firetaliyah says “Not that well versed in this matchup but you can stun him when he jumps over walls and when he dash Qs. Otherwise he'll most likely kill you if he can get on you. Maybe grab seekers or don't interact.”
Bhyure33 says “He didn't use to be much of an issue, but recently his dmg has been so high that you can't win 1v1s if he is even slightly ahead. But if he is behind you should be able to kill him. Falls off lategame so you should automatically win if the game reaches that point.”
MythicalMinute says “This champ is a pain for me if played right but overall, you want to outscale him if possible. He will be getting kills in lanes you cant really stop him if you aint to scale, you can try counter gank but be prepared you might lose the flip.
AP is good into him due to Zhonyas when he ults/Passive stacked.”
spuki97 says “Nothing to be scared off, you can fight him early if you dodge 1 of his W's as he cannot proc passive. Do not chase him if he starts jumping walls, you will not catch him. Don't fight him when he has ult. Best build: All”
Kao_Oak says “You can tempo his burst with your W in a pure 1v1 so not a hard target, but he will be a pain in skirmishes with his mates because he will tempo you with invis and escape through a wall if he needs to. Watch out for his burst.”
RengarNBush says “Easy matchup, Double W extremely effective vs him, your e counters his r invis, free matchup even when he is snowballing. Falls off hard + you outscale.”
Atemporal says “Este confronto é sobre passar pelo início do jogo. Este confronto costumava ser mais difícil, mas por algum motivo a Riot continua nerfando Talon, então é bastante factível agora. No nível 1, você quer ter certeza de não ser atingido por ambas as partes do W dele. . Você quer
para ser empurrado durante os primeiros níveis para estar perto de sua torre para sobreviver ao seu pico de nível 2. Fique entre seus lacaios para que o W dele também empurre a onda se ele tentar cutucar você. Nível 2 você não pode desrespeitá-lo. E longe dele
W se você acha que ambas as partes vão te atingir. Lembre-se de que Talon pode reposicionar seu W com seu Q ou flash, você tem que afastar o E do W dele se souber que ele pode potencialmente fazer um flash e matá-lo. A onda deve eventualmente atingir sua torre e começar
empurrando de volta para ele. Se ele continuar empurrando, aceite, apenas não morra Faça um ping em seus potenciais roams iniciais, não o deixe vagar em seu jungler sem avisar seu jungler com pings. A rota de proteção é fundamental contra o Talon. Eu também costumo digitar no chat no
no início do jogo, algo como ""Eu não consigo prio nos primeiros níveis, ele pode e vai vagar, por favor, respeite meus pings e eu ultrapasse-o rapidamente"". Você quer que Talon te empurre mais cedo, mas você não pode continuar deixando ele ter prio, porque um
o roaming livre Talon acabará por encontrar algumas mortes. Por volta do nível 4-5 após a primeira base, você deve ser capaz de empurrá-lo. Q a onda, W em cima de você para assustá-lo e evitar que ele se aproxime de você, E para evitar o W dele. Neste ponto, você quer ficar de pé
ao lado da sua onda então ele tem que escolher entre usar W em você ou na onda. Consiga um apanhador antecipado se você estiver em um bom lugar e se o caçador inimigo for um campeão AD também. Apenas sentar em uma Armadura de Tecido já ajuda muito. Se Talon conseguir
empurre, não o siga cegamente. Muitos jogadores do Talon empurram e se escondem atrás de uma parede, prontos para passar por cima dela para atrapalhar você. Tenha cuidado ao lutar na selva, pois o E de Talon se destaca nessas escaramuças na selva. Você vai começar a bater nele muito
facilmente assim que você terminar o Proto, e para cada pico de item você fica mais forte que ele.”
Eagzey says “Talon's early clear is a lot slower/less healthy than ours, so be aggressive. If you hit 6 first run at him. Try to save W for when he E's, and be aware of his passive stacks.”
Jitty says “Killing talon is extremely hard, he can dash over walls as well as slip past you in his ultimate. The best chance you have is either zhonyas or trying to lead him into a choke where you know you can guarantee land a Q!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Place vision over walls and around his jungle entrances to spot Talon before he is able to jump over a wall with his Assassin's Path(E) and gank a lane. Talon has good invade potential and can 1v1 most Junglers. Ensure your team has good vision of him at all times. If he invades you, back away unless you have a clear advantage. Talon doesn’t have amazing Dragon or Rift Herald control in the early game. If you can, try to take these objectives before he is able to get help from a nearby lane.”
Hazardist says “While Talon has considerable damage to deal with juggernauts such as Skarner, his main advantage over him was the ability to hit his combo, leap walls quickly and abandon the fight without any consequence. With that no longer being an advantage because of Skarner's new E, Talon is a very manageable matchup for most of the game and especially if his R is on cooldown. Your sole presence is enough to dissuade him from ever engaging.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Place vision over walls and around his jungle entrances to spot Talon before he is able to jump over a wall with his Assassin's Path(E) and gank a lane. Talon has good invade potential and can 1v1 most Junglers. Ensure your team has good vision of him at all times. If he invades you, back away unless you have a clear advantage. Talon doesn’t have amazing Dragon or Rift Herald control in the early game. If you can, try to take these objectives before he is able to get help from a nearby lane.”
domjakf says “If he goes full lethality, you should pretty much oneshot him at every stage of the game. However, if he goes eclipse with conq and then bruiser items, he could bully you at any point of the game.”
lumihehe says “talon talon talon. where do i even begin? this champion is dogshit after durability patch, and this matchup is super easy because of that. take armour in runes if you're really insecure about 1v1ing him, but you should really be fine without it once you get nashors.”
Xelikari says “Absolutely obliterate this guy, runes don’t really matter so you can choose based on the situation or try to go for First Strike. I prefer to take either Doran’s Ring or Dark Seal. You can get Seeker’s Armguard early to pretty much make it impossible for him to kill you, but I prefer to go straight for my Mythic for higher damage in skirmishes and roams. It’s important to keep in mind how fast Talon can move through the map so you’re not caught off guard when he leaves or you roam– expect him. ”
[Talon is a very AA based assassin, he cannot burst without going melee. His early is huge, but you're Rammus, you can survive his full combo while on W early and it's worth if you take a full camp for it. The earlier you stack some AR, the earlier he cannot do anything. You can W when he casts R since it lasts longer, you'll be able to tank a lot. Your Q or Q+R cancel his E, but your E doesn't, you can still MAYBE use it if you want to chase him, but only in a 1v1 situation, it's better to taunt the one attacking you.]
TennisJJ says “You both are hard to kill. He has no form to reveal you, and prob won’t invade you. I wouldn’t recommend invading either though… don’t chance it ”
ItsAydam says “Talon is a major threat if the player is extremely good. Talon players mostly take ignite which makes it hard for you to fight them. But if you can dodge his W and kite him you can win. Try to play get kills around the map and get ahead of him before you fight him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Only really dangerous if he manages to snowball and get good kills off in every lane. If you stay kept up with him or get him behind, he's practically useless against you. If he ults and you know he's still going to fight you, you can E to reduce his ult damage, heal and your E will still target him while he's invisible.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty much an annoyance if he gets ahead but even more if you try to chase him at any point in the game. He does have alot of burst damage but his ult is easily countered by Zhonyas. As long as he doesn't get super fed early when late game rolls around you'll be able to just burst him down.”
Puddingb00m says “He will steal your whole jungle if you don't ward it. At the start of the game in low elo ask your team to keep an eye out and ask them to help you defend it. Buy a red ward on the first back. He struggles against crowd control so try to combo him after he uses his dash. If he doesn't get a lead he falls off late game and you win.”
One Stab says “You win against him in early game, so try to force skirmishes and get ahead, if he plays with ignite then you have to play macro after 6 cause he can always oneshot you if you don't literally oneshot him.”
NixLychee says “Clears really fast, has a ton of damage and really unpredictable pathing abilities thanks to his E, although he does lack a third combat ability due to this trade-off. ”
IamFafa says “Try to gank him early before he gets fed from sidelanes because if he does he will invade you in your jungle and just one shot you. Super slippery try to gank him if you have a mid laner with cc or you have your R”
Sinerias says “Talon his burst and invincibility is a major counter of Yi. Master Yi always needs to care that Talon does not oneshot him, but also the moment Talon uses his ult which gives him stealth, Yi can no longer attack him, which leads Yi to be useless against him.”
YoungTact says “Now the threatening thing about talon is the threat he possses to your teammates and not actually you. You can W his E and Q giving you a lot of room to catch him out of position. Look to match his ganks and/invade him for an easier time. He navigates the jungle faster than you but skirmishes where you both involved should lead to you coming ahead due to the fact of how much greater your impact is than his in a fight. ”
Coorowko says “If Talon isn't on your team you're going to have a horrible time jungling. In midlane he has exceptional priority and crazy gank ability, you'll often suffer from many unwelcome surprises as he turns up with is jungler at your camps or completely ruins your ganks. In Jungle he is a slightly reduced threat but not by much, he can still clear as fast if not faster than you in the early game and is much more impactful pre-level 6 than Shyvana is. If someone on your team isn't playing Talon, a good pick alongside Shyvana for exact same reasons mentioned above but reversed in your favour, you should probably ban Talon because otherwise you won't be able to Jungle early and that is a death sentence for Shyv. ”
SnowballBarrage says “If Talon goes Ignite/Smite, he can one shot you everytime as long as he has ignite. But if you deny early kills from him or kill him, him not having flash is a huge crutch.”
Janooobi says “As a jungler is very very annoying to deal with almost impossible to lockdown and will always beat you to the gank, avoid giving him any kind of lead and in the mid game peel whoever he is trying to kill”
zidalee says “pretty much lost if this guy knows how to play the jungle matchup, try to play opposite side of this guy the whole game until you have your core items.”
Hubert505 says “Even tho Talon got nerfed, he still is a very strong jungler looking for cheesy invades. I would recommend warding your jungler so u wont blindly run into a talon”
Consolo says “He's an assassin, you're a tank with point and click CC. He thrives off of counterjungling, you shouldn't be leaving a jungle to counter. Take sweeper and stun him the SECOND he gets out of ult, or preferably before he goes into it, and watch him melt. No jumping over walls during stun. Even if he gets fed early, just wait for teamfights lol. ”
Zehmox says “Really overpowered champion at the moment in the jungle. has more mobility but if catched in a knockup he's dead. but if he instantly times his ult he's always getting away
Tiger-Moose says “He has high damage and mobility rivalling that of Kayn. He should not one-shot you, though, so as long as you can peel and attempt to countergank, you're doing your job.”
MrMeem45 says “Major if he has ignite. He'll do a surprising amount of damage to you and since he clears so fast he might meet you at your red if you do a 5 camp. Be prepared and don't get oneshot. You would think he can't do that much damage at level 3, but he most certainly can.”
Elekktro says “A good Talon will take Ignite vs you and look to pressure you early. Talon has a faster clear speed than Viego and is incredibly hard to lock down. Without assistance from your team Talon will roll over you. It is winnable though if he doesn't get too far ahead.”
Tormentula says “Talon I find more annoying to me when he's a mid laner than as a jungler. I think Jungle Talon is far more manageable because you can Rappel to dodge his Q or his R denying him a stack for his bleed and some damage. Additionally you can burst him if you hit Cocoon and overall unless he cheeses you when you're not paying attention, Elise can murk him. In mid lane I'd argue he's more of a pain because mid talon can rotate and turn 1v1s into 1v2s faster than any other mid laner. ”
J98TheGreat says “This is your first ban option as the better you are at the game and Ornn, the less the next 2 bans will be necessary. Even Poppy isn't as annoying. Talon can be a very difficult one. He can take your camps and dip out. You don't take the 1v1 with him. He will be difficult to keep off your team in team fights so you'll just have to try to provide a good ultimate without putting your ADC at risk. Even then, he can do quite a lot to limit your team and come out on top. He will be beatable if your team plays it right.”
Da Mastah says “He can be a threat if he gets early leads, if he ults you just meditate then jack him up. Make sure to countergank him as he usually doesn't have enough power to take on multiple opponents early.”
The Elysian1 says “Talon can be really dangerous but i would say he is not an extreme Threat. A good Talon will invade you in early levels since he plays on ign and force fights. If he is playing on electrocute he should be stronger since his combo will burst you down. If you are able to dodge his W + Q , you may have a chance of winning. Don't forget his R strikes you down EVEN if you are in stealth.
Zyvran says “Early game he isn't a problem, but later when he has a couple kills he can decide to kill you whenever he feels like it. Go Zhonya's if you want an ounce of counterplay.”
Pullks says “Will sometimes look to invade you once he hits 6, pay attention to your laners pings. He can be annoying to gank as well, don't chase him without vision. ”
Pusi Puu says “You win early game if you can heal his burst combo with your W. Try to fight early crabs and look to invade. Early game he doesn't have enough dmg to burst you. After 6 you lose unless you are super ahead. Talon usually plays with ignite so you only heal half the dmg you would normally. If you want to get a pick on talon later on, make sure you know your dmg. If you can't oneshot him with first jump he will oneshot you afterwards.”
Callmebee says “I cannot say I'm all smiles and sunshines when I have to lane against this guy. DO NOT try to roam against him, that's his thing. Ping aggressively and either push or freeze wave (try to have eyes on him and their jungle to decide this). Warding is particularly important in this match-up to warn your teammates. Poke early just with E and keep your max distance. Rush Zhonya's if you're struggling and take Barrier or Exhaust.”
metalhydra273 says “Thanks to his stealth and mobility, he can easily dodge you and do what Talon generally does; however should you reach him, you can make sure he doesn't get away. Just watch out for his potential to snowball the game by being all over the map. Time will tell if he remains relevant in the jungle.”
tobbtobbler says “Like Akshan, Talon will have a lot of map impact if he manages to get out of lane, and also like Akshan, he's extremely difficult to gank.”
Rhoku says “His clear is worse than yours so you will have health advantage. Just don't get cheese by him if he takes ignite early on. He can't oneshot you, especially after you build even the tiniest amount of armor. He is free food. Dispose of him.”
AST Raposo says “As enemy midlaner,Talon will always find a way to push and invade you with his jungler. There is nothing you can do if he find you. Do not change your yellow trinket, you will need it to get vision of your jungle entrances. Anything you try to do,check if talon is enough far from you or if he is farming in his lane. Gank him is not a problem at all.”
CatGopher98 says “Talon can literally just jump over any wall with his E, so don't even bother trying to catch him with your ult unless you're in an area with no terrain. If you're in the middle of a lane or river, you have a better chance at beating him since there likely won't be anything he can jump over. He can still kite you very easily with his ult if he has it.”
RedNBlue says “Talon jungle with gore drinker is horrific. He gets away every time and you can't chase him down like you normally could with other champions.l”
Stratogos says “He can 1shot at will but he has to use all abilities on you making you the factor on teamfights because he will all his Health trying to kill someone ”
VyoS says “Talon got more damage now so he will outtrade you in the early game pretty hard. Play save till lvl 6. You got a higher range with your W, so try to poke him that way, poke him first and then ult, if you ult first he'll just R and your damage potential to kill him is probably gone.”
Vispectra says “Talon where to start. He will not hesitate to absolutely destroy you in lane and if not you he will destroy your botlane most of the time. Start cloth armor and 4 bots into this nightmare and you should be okay. Be wary that a talon can kill you if he hits level 2 even if you have 70 % hp, W Q Ignite will probably send you back to spawn, and don't think you're safe under tower , some will W flash Q ignite and leave you a bleeding burning mess. He becomes a lot less of a problem later on though as he falls flat compared to your late.”
EUWRATS says “Try to gank him early before he gets fed from sidelanes because if he does he will invade you in your jungle and just one shot you. Super slippery try to gank him if you have a mid laner with cc or you have your R”
VeneficusFerox says “Worse than Zed, hurts lots and lots more. Forces you out of lane easily, you will need a lot of jungler help for this one. Just leave the lane and help push bot, don't look back.”
Kindredgarten says “If Talon gets fed he will probably be in your jungle A LOT so try to prevent that. Just a pain in the ass if the Talon player knows what they're doing. Impossible to invade or chase, but at least he falls off. You can prevent his burst with your ultimate though, like against any assassin.”
litecrunch says “If the enemy has a Talon mid then you have to watch out for it. It will be pretty hard to play the game because a lot of Talon and Qiyana players love roaming your jungle and will try to find you and kill you. This is especially likely to happen when your on your second buff in the beginning of the game.”
liserith says “Last year, Talon jungle was pretty good, but this year, its fallen off. He can still one-shot you with his combo, so respect has to be given, but if you avoid his initial burst with your R, you can live. ”
XD001 says “Do everything in your power to get level 2 first. Talon's level 2 spike can kill you 100-0 with no counter play, so if he gets it first he can deny you a lot of farm that you have to use Q and mess up the wave to get. at level 3 you win BUT only if you trade using your W shield. Play smart and trade when he misses his 2nd hit on Rake (W). Try to remember which walls he has vaulted recently as well. After 6 neither of you can kill each other as you both have built in get-out-of-jail free card ultimates.
Match his roams as best as possible. Zhonya's is a must buy here.
Ekko slightly outscales.
electrocute + inspiration + ignite
chevy the sloot says “Pray your mid laner doesn't get shoved in because he will just perma ward your jungle and then save R + ignite to solo jungle invade you. Paired this with a heavy invade jungler and you can't play. He likes to perma ward your raptors btw. Pull them to the bush and get all the chickens out of vision”
JackM says “Try to gank him early before he gets fed from sidelanes because if he does he will invade you in your jungle and just one shot you. Super slippery try to gank him if you have a mid laner with cc or you have your R”
chrissmunro says “High burst damage, however has to get close, so make sure to save your stun for his lunge. Your e is a good counter to his ultimate too”
Oddirear says “Talon has high mobility and the ability to turn untargetable, combine this with his heavy burst and he's a real threat to Rek'Sai. Be sure to Flash+Unburrow him if you have bursty teammates nearby, otherwise only engage with friendly CC.”
NightSoar says “Dodge his W, and you should be good, it's what he will max first and you can still hit him with your ult and W. His E no longer silences you so he cannot stop you any longer >:D”
Manzey says “If facing a skilled Talon this matchup will not be winnable, but that doesn't mean you can't go even, just stay back and poke with Qs when he goes for lasthits, when he is low enough, feel free to go and last hit with basics.”
RainbowFreeze says “Assassins are less problematic, because you can poke them, and they often can't poke you as well. You can usually live their burst with W, unless you were low already. ”
SkellyBirb says “Talon is practically a glass cannon. Once his abilities are down, there isn't much he can do. Be careful of letting him roam and getting fed.”
Reason97 says “Talon thrives on his roam and his ability to do a lot of damage quickly. Stay closer to your tower when farming, so if he does decide to dive, he'll get punished for it. also keep in mind that when he uses his ult, he is invisible, but not untouchable. You can still throw up a blizzard under you to damage him, or even stun him if you can correctly predict where he is or where he's going. Like Aurelion, always make sure to alert your team when he's MIA. ”
Topofall says “Another annoying matchup as his Q zones you from getting cs. He can then dash onto you and deal massive damage. I usually ban him if im planning on playing kat.”
Luzyni says “Como Talon es mas Mexicano que yo, naturalmente tengo que hacer su guia en Español, banda, a lvl 2 como regla de oro, no le pelees, nadie, no solo ekko, no le peleen a talon lvl 2, les sacara la madre y los aventara a un rio, su q es como tu e, y su w como tu q, es como un match up espejo, pero tu tienes las de ganar con el escudo de la w, pues del stun sale facil, no te muevas mucho, si tira r de manera ofensiva responde con w,r o r nada mas, si la usa de escape dejalo ir, si esta casi muerto usa e flash o ignite.”
Guena says “Kendisi ad suikastçidir. Eşit şartlarda kim önce hamle yaparsa o kazanır. İnanın tek atıyor, yapmanız gereken en önemli şey ultisine yakalanmamak, mümkünse biraz takım oyunu yapmanız gerekecektir, yoksa 1-1 durumunda gayet dişli bir rakiptir. Biraz pratikle ve azıcıkda zamanlamayla korkulur bir rakip olmaktan çıkacaktır.”
KC_Toxic says “Max e and build armor and call out roams as you can and keep him shoved in after 6 so he will loose cs everytime he roams. Its hard to keep him at bay in lower elos but your teammates should listen to pings in plat+ if you spamping enough.”
Daedralus says “Do not get triple stacked for your own sake as he can pack a punch. But here is the good part. By using your Q latch, you can easily dodge his returning W blades by going behind him and thus getting rid of his burst that he heavily relies on. You are also capable of seeing his general location in his ult if he is marked. Ulting him shuts him down pretty hard like any other assassin under CC. Your speed is also capable of catching him after his jumps, but not recommended unless you have your ult to jump with him, or your Q to latch to him. Due to his slow jump, it is very easy to latch, thus also giving him an easier rating as a matchup. Your E is extremely useful as it deals with his burst overall, and should be immediately used if he Ults to counter the incoming blades. The fear also puts him on a disadvantage as your next Q will hit fairly easily, granting you the HP that you lost right back at you, possibly even more as your E reduced the damage =)”
oscarlotus says “I have to consider this a jungler now huh... Well. He has no way to kill you in your Tanky Amumu but going Glass Cannon changes that a bit. He can one shot you. He is scary.”
Aizenvolt says “Talon after rework is easier to deal with. He doesn't have the burst damage he once had. He can't oneshot you after 6 in a second. He doesn't have a good enough gapclose and his w is easier to dodge when it returns to him. In lane just poke him with q and e and when his hp is low go in and kill him. Just keep your distance and harass and you will beat him. Ping when he is missing because now he has a lot of mobility, but if you play it right the lane is yours. He isn't the assassin he once was, don't be too afraid of him but don't be too relaxed either.”
spark2 says “The key early game is to dodge the return trip of his W--when he throws it out, dodge to the side with your E so that the return trip misses, then go in on him. He loses early trades without his passive, and before he has his ultimate he can't apply his passive without hitting the return of his W. His kit's power is now much more balanced around his roaming ability, so ping both bot and top the second you notice he's not in lane. He's honestly a rougher matchup for your bot and top lanes than he is for you right now. Don't bother trying to follow him when he roams, since he'll get where he's going much faster than you will because of all the out-of-combat movespeed he builds and his E. Instead, just shove in the lane and try to either take his tower or at least just cause a bunch of your minions to die to tower to deny him CS and experience. And PING!!!”
Peacetoletov says “Talon's mobility allows him to get away with his hard pushing playstyle. He is hard to kill but you can easily avoid him. Never try to fight Talon 1v1 if his ultimate is ready.”
Jiyani says “Try to avoid Talon levels 1-5 if possible, His passive stacks will almost always outrade you and with Diana's shield being on a higher cooldown it is not as easy to soak up damage.”
SirZeros says “Talon is really strong against you.
If he leaps over a wall, try to react as quickly as possible and stun him at that wall. If you see him ulting, try to estimate where he's gonna be at that time and ult him. If you ult yourself, his ult is easily countered, but his shortranged Q and his W are enough to kill you instantly, so it possibly isn't the best thing to do anymore.”
Xavier Senori says “Talon is easy to deal with in lane. Push him into tower early on to deny him CS and prevent him from all inning you amongst your minion line. Eventually you will want to get a zhonyas to counter his ult, but early/mid game focus on pushing him in to deny him the ability to roam and get kills elsewhere.”
The Jhin Cena says “Only way you should lose to him is if he roams around getting fed off your team. Talon is a pretty easy match up since unlike most other Mid matchups, he's melee and can't poke you as nearly as much as someone like Ahri or Zyra. If he has you pushed up to your turret then wait until he uses his W and then Q > W > E for an early game kill. If you're 6 then you can start landing easier kills by throwing an unexpected R at him. When laning against a Talon, grab Zhonya's right after Lich Bane. Zhonya's is the best item to counter a Talon because of the activatable ability which counters his ult, as well as the armor to weaken his damage. If Talon ults a decent distance from you, then you can also try to wait it out while on your E, rather than having to waste Zhonya's.”
hipstersora says “Melee, spam those Qs. Spam ping MIA when he roams or else he'll get fed. Ward around lane.
But if you let him get on you, he'll kill you. E-ing away doesn't help if he ulted, so try to stick to tower the best that you can... which won't be a problem if you're getting shoved in.”
sutrauboju says “When your enemy team has a Talon mid, you have a task to focus at all times on his position and remind your mid laner to alert you that he is missing. Talon is a roam oriented champ and can make your lane hell if you're not careful.”
AgreeableOtter says “Try to hit Lv 6 before him and all in him immediately after you hit 6. You need to snowball before he's unkillable because of his R.
Respect his lv 2/3 damage output because he will most likely have 2 points in W which makes him stronger than you.
Make sure you back off when you have 2 Passive stacks on you because he can kill you pretty easy with passive proc.
Quick Tip: Ignite reveals his Silhouette while in R, makes it easier to predict Q's.
Shderen says “Talon's rework was fresh when this guide was first made in season 7, so there's a few notes to be made here. People have gotten good at Talon, but there's only so much he can do. I cannot emphasise how pivotal it is to sidestep the second hit of his W. It really slows you and gives him a free Q dash and Passive proc. This will hurt, and may lead him to killing you early if you've taken Ghost. Not to worry, you're a ranged character with very annoying poke. You can make his life hell before level 6 and he'll be wise to start with Corrupting Potion. If he starts refillable and Long Sword, you can really make it annoying for him. If you're counterganking him in bot, drop an E where he'll land from his parkour, it can make his approach much slower and even keep him in place for a while.”
Bestlover says “In patch 9.8 Zed will become the weakest Assassin in league of Legends,so fighting a talon? He will one shot before you have a chance to do anything.”
Enfurnal says “Talons early game is strong. Once you are hit by his W and is marked once or twice, you must keep your distance because he can just Q auto and kill you with Electrocute + Ignite. He is roaming master so if you can, always push the minion wave in so he can't roam. If he does punish him by taking mid turret. ”
NocUout says “No longer as scary as a threat, as you can dodge all his ult blades with your own ult. Just beware of his early game power, as if you get to close without your abilities he will completely destroy you. ”
LePlay says “Typical assassin: Low life, high burst damage, vulnerable to stuns and slows. Try to block his Q with your W and smack him against the nearest terrain with your E. The only real issue with Talon is his burst attack pattern in combination with his ult, which makes him untargetable. Don´t force 1vs1´s against him in the mid/late game”
Exiled Heretic says “Talon can easily trade with you, he will land his w on you almost every time. This would be when you max W and play back until he uses ult. He will roam a lot so make sure you try to track it and call it.”
Autoswitched says “Pre-6 (as usual) he can be bullied, but once he hits 6, and has at least an armor pen item, he will be looking to poke you down with his rake, and once your at least 70% hp, he will all in you and kill you. Exhaust is helpful.”
Prenora says “Talon is the king of upclose, and his slow will keep you locked down for him to finish you off, the only saving grace is that you can keep your distance, but you'll be forced to play safe, keep an eye on your farm, dont try to harass him or get too close, just farm/poke with ardent blaze”
Prenora says “Talon is a pain, his rake deals so much damage and outranges all of your abilities, play passively, zone him from cs with your bubble, but wait until he uses his abilities to use yours.”
undeadsoldiers says “Talon will primarily poke you with his W.
His burst is a major threat, though you might be able to toss a bubble at him as he tries to all-in.
Careful of his roams with E.
Suggested: Exhaust, Armguard rush”
Lasoor says “Can completely dominate you. Not a whole lot you can do to avoid it except stay behind your turret and dodge as much as you can. He has a lot of damage and can turret dive you at level 6. It's also hard to get a gank on him because he can normally escape.”
Prenora says “Talon is difficult due to his rake range and cooldown as you are melee as well, though your AA's have pretty decent range, wait for him to use rake before jumping in to harass
when he hit's 6 it's best to avoid fighting him, ”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “It is a match up that require you to be a bit more proactive than he is, the first thing you need to do is shove the wave hard to hit lvl 2 first. As we all know Talon is responsible for 25% of first bloods so getting level 2 before him is critical because your fear makes it very easy to kill him. In the event you do die first you have to play a tad bit safer as he can snowball the lane out of control, so call for jg ganks or look to roam when your 6 for other kill opportunities.”
Mid Lane 49.68% Win Rate41% Pick RateTalon Mid Lane Counters: 35 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Talon in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Divine Azir says “① Don't try to use your ultimate to space. Because it counts as terrain for him, he can E over it.”
AuroraAddict says “Talon is also easy just cause you can stack your q's into the enemy wave and get a big burst on him when he tries to combo you and when he uses R just do W and run or if thats not enough you can also use your R to get away just look to trade him early game with the range advantage and you will be good.Electrocute ignite agressive is good vs talon .”
BesXbola says “Talon can only kill you levels 1 and 2 so make sure to stay safe till level 3. Start with W if you are scared of his Q early and just cancel any engages he tries on you. Ping his roams to make sure he isnt a problem later on and watch out for his jungler. Otherwise its basically a free lane.”
GAMING ACADEMY says “In the laning phase, Talon revolves heavily around his W. This ability is both his primary tool for trading and for farming, so avoid standing with the minion wave, forcing him to choose between hitting you or securing CS. It’s crucial to not get hit by both parts of his W, as this makes it much easier for him to engage, proc his passive, and win trades or even secure a kill. If he casts W toward you, sidestep to the side rather than retreating straight back to improve your chances of dodging the returning damage. Watch out for his level 2 and level 6 all-ins with Ignite and consider building extra health or an early Cloth Armor for added durability. You might also opt for Exhaust or Barrier if you prefer more safety in the lane.”
zSmoke says “Playing against Talon is very complicated, he will always beat you at level 2 or the next levels, you will only be able to beat him when you have the skills on cooldown or when the jg comes to gank you.”
xumi_k says “Ok, so, AD assassin. Very strong early game, so be careful. If you don’t die from his all-in, you kill him easily. If his all-in fails, you kill him easily. Especially in mid-late game. He can escape with his E and R, so don’t dive him under tower. If Talon is not fed, he is no threat later in the game, as he won’t be able to one-shot anyone. Just play careful early game, or get the help of your jungler and you’ll be fine. ”
Tamikaze says “The problem with Talon is not the lane, but the roaming capabilities that his kit offers. Be careful of the level 2 all-in from his flash+Q. If he sees you get hit by both parts of his W, he will almost always go in level 2. If you can survive the all-in, you win the rest of the lane. Be conscious of his roams and ping your teammates aggressively. It's hard for Azir to roam with him when there are thousands of ways for him to jump on you out of vision. Just try to keep the wave in on him and actively ward where he'll path. A notable interaction, he can in fact jump over your wall with his E. Be careful of ulting him. He will jump right over afterwards!”
MattStyle says “Es como una Qiyana pero con menos potencial para matarte.
Cuidado a lvl 2 y 3 pues puede intentar tryhardearte para sacar un early kill.
Su roaming es lo más problemático. Siempre avisa cuando no esté en línea e intenta wardear el río. ”
j4ss says “Plated Steelcaps is useless, he'll just burst you for free. Max W, Opportunity and shieldbow is good against him. Swifties can help you dodge his W and kite him. Not impossible but hard to counter.”
Tatsurion says “One of the least threatening people to you. none of his abilities reach you.
Play safe and this man will not be able to lay a finger on you.
He can, and will, vault over your ult. but not before taking at least a towershot.
He physically cannot trade with you well.
post 6 he has a CHANCE. but not a good one.
first strike works brilliantly here.”
Vladmidir says “Always go W second in this matchup and pool when he Q's onto you. Ping his roams and perma shove waves. You hard win 1v1, the only way he wins is if he roams and gets kills. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. I personally prefer Electrocute, but any is fine.
Long Sword start.
Talon has way more early pressure than you if you let him get 3 stacks of his passive. You can avoid this by dodging one instance of his W. A little trick that sometimes works is using your W to swap behind talon, who threw his W in your direction, making him miss out on a whole lot of damage while being able to combo him in turn.
Not that Talon auto attacking you or hitting you with any ability resets the stack timer, so you have to keep his cooldowns in mind, if you plan to go for extended trades and disengage accordingly, if you can't win fast enough.
You can dodge his Q and R damage with your own R if you hit him during his Q jump/windup. Kite combos are rather good here, as talon wants to get close to you, while you can deny him this chance. Getting sweeper earlier than usual can help for hitting Q's while he's invisible.”
BC1970 says “This champ was made for people that do not like walls, and so you shouldn't like them either. Step away from them as much as possible if you don't know where he is. Don't get caught by Q and you should be fine.”
support_diff says “Talon is a melee assassin with one of the best level 2 power spikes just like LeBlanc. He can deal a lot of damage on level 2, but he needs to hit you with his W two times and then be close enough to jump on you with his Q. However, his Q has a longer range than your auto attacks, so it is really easy for him to hit you with it. If he hits you with his W two times on one cast, back off because if you don't, you will lose about 50% of your max health. Only trade against him if he doesn't have his W up and you don't have two of his passive stacks on you”
BrMario1011 says “Same as naafiri, expect more damage tho, dont get hit by the W when its returning and follow and spam ping when he roams
make sure to respect his damage and dont get cheese killed 1-3
go dark seal, ingnite and grasp/electrocute”
MetalK1d says “Talon is an easy match up you just have to E and combo him when he dashes into you, but he is much harder to kill if he builds Hexdrinker and Mercury's Treads.”
sick204 says “Respect Talon's burst potential and roaming capabilities with his abilities, especially his W and E. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Talon's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Talon's ability to roam and impact other lanes with his mobility and stealth from his ultimate, R. Utilize W to block Talon's W and R in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output and engage potential. Engage on Talon when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times.”
otaliz says “Ping your teammates when he is roaming. Also, be careful with his level 2 and 3 all-in. Exhaust, Plated Steelcaps, Zhonya's Hourglass and Bone Plating are good options against him. ”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Talon is pretty easy to bully Level 1 with basic attacks and Qs, but from Level 2 onwards you should pay more attention to his passive stacks from his W, and step back whenever it hits both ways. Whenever Talon uses his ult, drop a Satchel on top of yourself to prevent him from using his dash on you.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - Barrier - Flat HP.
Talon's gameplay is very telegraphed IMO, level 1-2-3 he will almost always try to go for a cheesy passive proc play. Knowing that, I like to trade a lot with him and play to the limit with barrier, usually they don't expect barrier tanking so much of their dmg so they die. After level 6, the lane is just pushing simulator, as he will try to push as fast as possible in order to roam on the map. Try to match his push and play wih your jungler!”
awawa says “Dodge his Q slow and W his engage.
He cannot do anything against you in lane. Follow his roams or spam ping.
Theres no way you die in a 1v1.”
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. I would highly recommend playing grasp azir in this lane.”
Snarik says “Assassains have the same issue of being able to jump on you and blow you up, though the less cc they have the higher chance you have of getting out of it. Still try to avoid these matchups if you can.”
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. Be very careful of his level 2 and level 6 all ins with ignite and consider building HP or armor early in the lane. You can run comet in this matchup to really pressure the lane, or phase rush for more scaling.
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. Be very careful of his level 2 and level 6 all ins with ignite and make sure you swap to melee for the extra resists when he trades on you.
Soft Headpats says “If you get hit by both parts of his W, he will usually win the trade. Try to stand apart from the wave so that he can't push while harassing you with his W. His W has a 9 sec CD at rank 1 (7 sec at rank 5), so you have a decent window to harass him after he uses it. Be careful of him jumping on you with Q though, since he'll chase you down as his W is coming back up and then proc his passive with it that way. Talon loves to roam and mess with your jungler, making it extra important that you track where he's moving with wards and pings.
Be careful of immediately following him - especially once he hits 6 - since he can bait you into walking into a bad position and then instantly turn on you. He becomes even more dangerous if he opts for Edge of Night, allowing him to get close with his ult invisibility to avoid the spellshield breaking early. Try to tag him with QQ as soon as he jumps over a wall to break it, or better yet, avoid being in a position to be jumped on in the first place.”
blacklikeblack says “He abuses you early and can roam around to get ahead. but its better than the other matchups. You still need second wind and d shield early.”
ShokLoL says “Against Talon you just need to make sure not to get hit by both parts of W. If he hits both he will almost always get an advantageous trade against you, especially if your E is down. Try stand apart from the wave so he has to choose between hitting the creeps or hitting you.”
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. Be very careful of his level 2 and level 6 all ins with ignite and consider building HP or armor early in the lane. Exhaust can go a long way in this matchup too.
Deceiver_euw says “Its a very straight forward matchup. Even tho talon has highest lvl1 mr in the game, he still struggles vs mages as long as they play around his kit accordingly. Do not get hit by both parts of his W and keep in mind his flash combo which has insane burst. If you react to it and avoid it he is quite useless.”
plankbro says “Dangerous ONLY if you repeatedly fail to dodge his W as it goes back to him. If you always sidestep the return of the shurikens, Talon is a non-threat, even with ignite. He's melee and while his E disengage means you likely won't kill him, you will always trade better than him in lane, and consequently you will have lane prio always. Talon is reliant on roaming for sidelane ganks, but that just means you will take first tower in less than 10 minutes. He used to not be able to stop your push at any stage, but season 14's Profaned Hydra has made that defunct. Now he clears faster than you. Shut him down early and make sure to always ping missing so that your team doesn't feed him (they will anyways)”
ShokLoL says “Against Talon you just need to make sure not to get hit by both parts of W. If he hits both he will almost always get an advantageous trade against you, especially if your E is down. Try stand apart from the wave so he has to choose between hitting the creeps or hitting you. A defensive summ like exhaust or barrier can make surviving post 6 easier. Sometimes I like to buy a cloth armor and sit on it to make this matchup more survivable as well.”
vSomnia says “Try to dodge his W at all times. When he misses W or use it to cs, go all in. Make sure he doesn't get passive off. Than you always win the trade. Be careful of his aa Q aa combo.
If he hits first W you can try to dodge the second part with your E next to him and make trade when he cant get his three passive stacks. You need to be confident to do this. (Advanced)
HARD PING roams.”
InTaggar says “ENG: This matchup depends so much if he's a good Talon or not. Start with Q and dont let him farm, try to avoid his W and DONT FOLLOW his roaming if u're not sure. When he jumps to u automatically W+Q.
Runes: Aery with Scorch + Resolve / First Strike + Resolve.
Spells: TP/Barrier.”
FelixMrChat says “On paper, it's a complex matchup with a very low winrate for Swain. But in reality, if you adapt your build and rush a Frozen Heart, you'll have very little trouble 1v1ing him. The problem is his ability to roam all over the map, so you'll need to ward intelligently and use your Z to track his movements, as well as SPAM PING your allies and type in all caps in chat when he roams, especially in low elo. You can also opt for a TP if the enemy team has few dashes or mobility.”
Kikife says “Gank king. Another champ for you to watch for roams with and make sure that he doesn't secure early ganks for quick kills, as it will end your lane very quickly.
Make sure that you sit at turret when he's level 2, as he can quickly shut you down. Take E second and make sure that he doesn't proc his passive. Once you're a higher level, you can poke him down when he goes to melee farm minions to force a back and get you ahead.”
gaarrett says “Take the level 1 trade, E to dodge his W when he tosses it out. When Talon hits level 2 back WAY up and do not fight until the wave is closer to your tower. His kill pressure at level 2 with Ignite and his passive is only rivaled by Akshan, you will not win that unless your jungler ganks early. Spam ping his roams, make him miss CS by shoving as fast as possible. Play for midgame when you have numbers and you can look to jump him. [2/5] ultimate, the stealth is useful but the damage is negligible. ”
149Gray says “Just farm and Q him when he walks up, LvL 2 upgrade your W so you can pool his passive proc. If your pool is on cd, play safe until you get it back.”
ExodusBlue says “When he dashes onto you EQ him. When he goes for rake QQ him. Push wave you are not worried about being on his side unless he has op ganking jg or you miss your EQ”
Axsanea says “[EN]
It is easier than zed's match-up but still if he has ignite and you both have 50% of health, he has higher chances or killing you, try to use your "E" to avoid either the first cast of his "W" or the return of the same one, as always as you are looking for avoid the passive of talon you are good if you fell behind you can still recover.
Es más fácil que el enfrentamiento de Zed, pero aún así, si él tiene ignite y ambos tienen el 50% de salud, el tiene mayores posibilidades de matarte, intenta usar tu "E" para evitar el primer lanzamiento de su "W" o el regreso de la misma, siempre y cuando busques evitar la pasiva de talon estaras bien, si te quedas atras aun puedes recuperarte.
wundrew says “Do not let his W2 hit you, shunpo behind him to dodge it if you need. Ult while he ults since it will hit him while invis. Short trades, dont let him proc passive.”
SurferKiller says “He will try to roam to get ahead, and he will try to dive you early. Tell your team when he roams. Play safe the whole lane. Farm as much as you can. Don't follow his roams, instead use E to push and take his tower. Careful with the enemy jungler.”
KazunaSan says “Mon match up préféré, ils se font surprendre par le E de gragas qui cancel son dash et cancel donc l'entiereté de son burst en plus de donner à gragas le temps de s'enfuir après un full combo, talon ne peut pas jouer la lane, attention à ne pas trop se faire poke tout de meme par son W au debut de lane, ensuite c'est facile.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. He can all in you easily if he gets an advantage, so be careful. Buy zhonyas.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Abuse his weak early game. At 6 stay def and ult him into your turret when he jumps onto you.”
Colorfulness says “Talon is one of the "easier" assassins Hwei could fight. With the ranged disadvantage, Hwei as potential to get a lead on Talon pretty early on. However, Talon can be quite slippery to say the least. If you get too close to him, he can use him combo and ult on Hwei and immediately dominate the lane.”
Desired was gone says “Talon is not a difficult matchup; the key is to time his W + Q combo with your W to nullify his damage. You're almost always stronger than him. The only issue is he can jump over walls, so keep track of which walls he's used and ult in the opposite direction to prevent his escape. ”
Austinluv says “As much as I think anyone hates playing against a Talon he can be easily beaten by some extra health potions and some good spacing. Personally I cant say much more as I don't fully understand how the character works but I know he is a pain for Ahri players”
Wizboy73 says “Take Defensive runes. THis guy just punishes the fact that viktor cant really leave lane early. He will rotate, if he gets kills you are fucked, if he doesnt its a free win. you can try to kill him in lane, but get hit by his W2 and he will q and chunk half your HP, so mistakes are very punished here. ”
LoveMid says “winning lane is not hard but allowing him to roam and influence the map is what you need to worry about.
make sure to punish him for roaming by out farming and getting plates”
Hexeria says “[Dont fully fight him. Try to poke him low.] [Dodge his W so he cant get his passive bleed out.] [He will roam pretty quickly so dont get pushed and follow him to intercept his roam with your Ult.]”
Vlasuo says “KEY ITEM: Immortal Shieldbow
Take Flash + Ignite + Bone Plating + Doran's Blade
EXTRA: You can windwall his W as well as his R shurikens (but you need to make sure you are not in the middle of them otherwise they are going to come at you from all sides)”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him MAJOR-Threat because in early game talon play style will just try to clear wave he can't solo kill you if we didn't get his W 2 time and Q combo just carefully to walk in bush and send ping to other lane when he missing”
Halkem says “Tricky to play against as he make the game quite chaotic with his roams. Look to make the game stable by forcing him to stay in lane, crashing waves in his turret and trading with him without dying. He can fake roam to cheese you in lane though, so be careful in your positioning. It can be worth taking a bad trade if it means he'll stay in lane, as long as you dont go into lethal. Cover for your team with vision in the middle of the lane and control wards. You can cover even your jg when he's missing as he can invade and assassinate him. Your R is good at locking him down so abuse that and peel your carries in fight.”
Iceyou says “level 1 idle minion wave into poke level 2 you hard lose if he hits you with w both times consider flashing immediately he will drop you so low and you propably played ignite and you ll lose a bunch of xp and the entire lane .
Dodge w as first prio poke as second prio cs on your spare time get him low dive him win lane . ”
The Milelator says “Harass him lvl 1 and deny him his lvl 2. Trade with him when ever your Q is up. His W-Q-Auto is more powerful than you might think, don't underestimate him. Play with your E slow and Q range. You have better wave clear. If he starts to roam, get platings/turrets (ping your teammates). Your pushing power will give your team enough to get vision prio on objectives.”
Hikkinnado says “Buddy has no cooldowns, insane mobility, flash on basic spell, great roaming, great scaling. If he is solo ad its imposible to play the game. Unbalanced champion , only moment you'spike' is when tou get. Zhonya and ice heart to deny his oneshot. Hopefully you can play for teamfights.”
WarwicksSimp says “Likely the third easiest assassin matchup for warwick
He can still burst you and get you freaked or scared but barrier vs him is really strong so you should be fine, you're also able to chase him faster than he can get away if you put points into w before maxing q.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle him into tower. Good spacing will help you win this matchup.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can attack him early game, after 6 he can easily all-in you tho. Be careful, respect his all-in, play safe and build some defensive items. Midgame just try to push waves asap to stop his roaming (but only if he doesnt pressure mid herself)”
Tokiyami says “Talon matchup is kind of like kat matchup where you just farm lane and whoever roams better wins, if Talon decides to fight you make sure that you dodge both of his W's but if you dont use shroud to deny him his third passive stack or E it. Can all in him just make sure you hit E on him to reveal him in his R and use all other abilities first before recasting your E.”
BlakeXStrider says “Talon is a stand in for any hard ganking junglers, to play against these watch for their ganks and either take their opposite side jungle, counter gank, or gank the opposite lane, depending on positioning. Hard Carry Kite recommended.”
support_diff says “Don't get hit by his W and you should be fine, but if you do, he will make you recall with one combo. Pressure him early, farm and punish him if he loses his W”
Fuzzmonkey says “His ult counters your engage. Plus he has an easy escape, since he can jump over walls making sure you cant follow, also his w is harder to dodge because you are melee. ”
Wraithlander says “Avoid his W and don't let him get full stacks of his passive on you. Avoid dueling him level 2 and only try to trade when his W is down. He will outroam you throughout the game so max Q to match his wave clear and try to punish by either roaming opposite side to him or by taking plates. Not much else you can do here against a good talon as he will be at every fight before you and has higher burst damage. Bone plating is a must to prevent his all ins later on.”
sullyyylol says “The more you can avoid his passive proc the better. If you go divine it's very hard for him to kill you, and you can all in after he ults.”
N1comagno03 says “Quite annoying, but you can abuse your range.
He will roam a lot, so be ready to ping his absence and to help other lanes with your r.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Talon is literally the definition of an assassin, and those will always be an incredible problem. Talon becomes incredibly powerful as early as level 2 thanks to his passive, which deals massive damage right from the start. Play at a distance large enough so that he can't hit you with his W, and when you see him approaching to do so, move away using your W. Zhonya's will also be helpful.”
tangerrine says “One of the easier assassin matchups, your W COMPLETELY counters his Q, as long as you press it as soon as he jumps. Pre-6 you can kinda bully him, just be careful, as he can all-in you pretty hard if he manages to land that WQ on you and you are pushed up. After level 6, you need to play safer with his ult and his roaming. If the talon is smart he is going to roam after 6 so you can just punish him for it by roaming the opposite lane or pushing for tower. If he ever solo ults you, looking to dive in, you can cancel out a lot of his damage by Wing away and/or ulting in response and trying to hit him when he is no longer invis.”
nezumiichi says “Now that Prowler's Claw isn't a guaranteed jump, he's much easier to go against. Watch for his W's, and like Katarina, ping your lane missing. He could be anywhere. Watch for his stealth R.”
TheBougis says “Just like other assassins, Talon lacks the consistant damage after his burst to kill you.
However, his cooldowns are very low so becareful.”
serrafim says “Don't let him level 2 cheese you, he's way stronger then you level with his W (Triple Shuriken) + Q (Stabby) + Ignite combo. Roam when he roams, because he will be sure to roam when he get's his 6 + E (Assasin's Creed) Same with Zed, you can rush seekers/Zhonyas depending on the situation.”
Zero macro says “Talon pre 6 is easy to deal for Kog'Maw, thereby it is needed to never get 2 stacks from his W, to prevent Talon Passive from going off. Later on Kog'Maw should use his range and poke well to prevent all ins from Talon.”
Tyzek1 says “It´s not really that hard. Whenever he uses his W move to the side so he
cannot Q and proc his passive.
if he hits both of his W blades, play safe until it wears off. Aslong as he cannot proc his passive he doesnt do much damage. Watch out for level 2 though.”
DepresedEef224 says “Talon has a lot more poke than you, and has better roams. Only engage when he messes up his passive, then you'll actually out damage him. Once 6 hits, push and roam. Forget lane because he will too.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
avoid his full stack passiv to proc bleed with E, and don't let him roam with Fast pushing
Actt says “After LVL 2 it it's Qiyana favoured. Dodge his W with your W and do NOT let him proc passive. Conqueror or Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.”
IggyBoom says “Its almost the same as for Akali, when you see him jumping on you, W AWAY. He has quiet damage to kill you, so play it around his W adn the passive stacks.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Respect his lvl 2 powerspike as he can get easy kill]
[Always warn your team as he will roam a lot]
[Early Armor against him is very good]”
Anguish333 says “- Don't let him proc his Passive ( 3 stacks)
- Don't get hit by his 2nd W (when it comes back, first part is hard to dodge/space cos range of it is longer than animation)
- You can E his Q, and then Engage with R and save E2 for followup
NickLeVlach says “I don't know if i have to put him here, or one step down. It's easy for him to push the lane. Stay away from his Q range and you'll be able to poke him out throughout the whole laning phase. Also, be careful his passive. Make sure you only use your E if you know you're going to hit him otherwise you. Oh and be careful when he roams.”
AdrikN says “Talon has strong all-in and can trade you very easily!! He will try to fight level 2 so watch out for that. Push the wave and poke him level one and just keep pushing the wave. Exhaust and Ignite work really well against him. If he roams ult the minion wave and push trying to catch up to him will be difficult.”
Zeusman00 says “This champ will almost always have lane prio into you due to his strong waveclear with his W. Very hard to match his roams but if you can stay even with him and he doesn't get successful roams off he will have a hard time dealing with you.”
uwuimsocute says “Michael Jackson is not a problem as long you have the funny summoner spell. Do not let him farm and you are good to go.
It is only even because he still can roam and farm your afk teammates. ”
Angryappleseed says “Probably take exhaust, Get steelcaps + GA. Assassin's are your biggest weakness, but building tanky first will let you win. Don't let him hit you with both parts of his w in lane, and just bully him, and it should be easy pre-6.”
Painters says “Tough match up. He is a lot quicker at roaming and can burst you with ease. Keep vision on the map, and follow his roams if you know his whereabouts.”
Jg_diff says “He can't do sh*t to you, and i'm serious about this. They will just be jumping around and throwing knives, but they can't use a full combo in you if you have your E ready and something for it to grab always in range.”
Lillmy says “Unfun to play against, he can easily clear the wave and roam with little you can do about it. I permaban this. You benefit from helping sidelanes while staying in mid, he is fast enough to do both.”
Y0rhm says “Talon's R invisibility + mobility make it almost impossible to land a skillshot on him. His W can activate Crown of the Shattered Queen's safeguard from a distance before all-ining you. Permaban status. (Will roam and farm your botlane on repeat, no matter how much you ping them)”
Cryniu says “Try to poke him in early game. Although Talon is vulnerable to CC Combos and poke in early game, he will roam a lot and can attack you surprisingly. Use Zhonyas or Crown if you are suffering.”
Trisend3 says “Very easy if you don't get all in level 2. You can E>W auto/Q phase rush away every time and with roa he shouldn't be able to kill you unless fed”
TB Azir says “Q range'i verme, W2'yi asla yeme, W'sü yokken paso dürt ve push verme hepsi bu. Not: E'si ile ultinizin üstünden de atlayabiliyor, dolayısıyla canınız azken adamı kule altında baitlemeden önce iki kere düşünün.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
South Z says “Talon can't play against you, he can't proc his passive, he can't get his early kills, he can't escape when you dash him in, he gets ouscaled.”
vxnity says “Lane wise, you can win this easily. You can cancel his Q with your Charm. Where it gets tricky is him roaming. Try to force him to stay in lane. If he's able to roam, you can't follow him due to his E. Zhonya's is good.”
kaiba77 says “Skill matchup talon favored. Talons base damages are very high, but you can kill him later. Try not to recast your E immediately so you can get True Sight on him in his R.”
ardizzle says “Stay out of the range of his W harass. If played correctly early, he will either have to back for mana or be stuck under tower farming.
Edwwardo says “Keep track of which walls he has jumped and play around those or he can follow your only escape. Early on his wall jump cooldown on the same wall is rather high. After level 6 you should play around your tower unless you're sure the wall you're playing around is on cooldown for him. ”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
DODGE W. Hard rush sorc boots.
E is free when he q's onto you.
Ping hard for talon roam, and hard shove against his roam.
Consider zhonyas.”
Pushtrick says “Similar to other melee assassins you want to E max and look to punish them when they use abilities on the wave. After 6 though he has insane killthreat on you. Make sure to rush shieldbow. Barrier, ignite and exhaust are all viable options here.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Beat him with your E. Keep your distance, because he can fly into you. He also jumps over the terrain, including he can overcome your W, but you can catch him on this by throwing Q. After the 6th (R) he becomes invisible, it is better for you to use your R to see his silhouette and react accordingly.”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Either go BOTRK rush (recommended) or full AP.”
Mayuushii says “Melee assissin poke poke. Use Q to harass and W movespeed to avoid his knives on the return. Use charm to interupt of trade when he Q's in. Use your R to avoid him if he tries to all in and run when he uses R”
Samikin says “Non-Threat
The only way for Talon to kill you is if he lands both parts of his W. Dodge the back hit of W and you win the lane easily through poke.
You have decent push against Talon if he tries to roam after trying to get push.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “With ravenous hydra s13 this shit is fucked he just pushes instantly 12 cs a min is immortal and roams and oneshots you but generally speaking you just back the fuck up let him oneshot the wave and pray your team survives until 20 mins.”
DabiDabi says “Bring Barrier and absolutely dodge his second W. Talon will probably rush Serpents so maybe rush an early Zhonya's. His kill potential on you is super high throughout all game if you don't have Stopwatch. Because he can jump over your Ult wall, and flash away after he dives you. Have vision on Talon at all times.”
Cjtheawesome says “Pre lvl 6 he isn't much of a threat just farm normally and dodge his Q. once he gets his ult be careful as he can catch you off guard and burst ignite you to death.”
Magmor says “Way overtuned champ wins every trade in 0.5 second before u can even press Q and will just spam his W on cd poking you and u can't ever r him near walls or if he has his R up so not really much you can do just try to shove and roam, definitely take exhaust to deny his burst when fights break out.”
Demonsedge90 says “Talon has so much mobility and burst that trying to duel him is extremely hard for Syndra unless you can get a window to punish him. Then, the only option is to surrender the push to him and wait for the jungle to help or someone else who can assist you.”
Atemporal says “Este confronto é sobre passar pelo início do jogo. Este confronto costumava ser mais difícil, mas por algum motivo a Riot continua nerfando Talon, então é bastante factível agora. No nível 1, você quer ter certeza de não ser atingido por ambas as partes do W dele. . Você quer
para ser empurrado durante os primeiros níveis para estar perto de sua torre para sobreviver ao seu pico de nível 2. Fique entre seus lacaios para que o W dele também empurre a onda se ele tentar cutucar você. Nível 2 você não pode desrespeitá-lo. E longe dele
W se você acha que ambas as partes vão te atingir. Lembre-se de que Talon pode reposicionar seu W com seu Q ou flash, você tem que afastar o E do W dele se souber que ele pode potencialmente fazer um flash e matá-lo. A onda deve eventualmente atingir sua torre e começar
empurrando de volta para ele. Se ele continuar empurrando, aceite, apenas não morra Faça um ping em seus potenciais roams iniciais, não o deixe vagar em seu jungler sem avisar seu jungler com pings. A rota de proteção é fundamental contra o Talon. Eu também costumo digitar no chat no
no início do jogo, algo como ""Eu não consigo prio nos primeiros níveis, ele pode e vai vagar, por favor, respeite meus pings e eu ultrapasse-o rapidamente"". Você quer que Talon te empurre mais cedo, mas você não pode continuar deixando ele ter prio, porque um
o roaming livre Talon acabará por encontrar algumas mortes. Por volta do nível 4-5 após a primeira base, você deve ser capaz de empurrá-lo. Q a onda, W em cima de você para assustá-lo e evitar que ele se aproxime de você, E para evitar o W dele. Neste ponto, você quer ficar de pé
ao lado da sua onda então ele tem que escolher entre usar W em você ou na onda. Consiga um apanhador antecipado se você estiver em um bom lugar e se o caçador inimigo for um campeão AD também. Apenas sentar em uma Armadura de Tecido já ajuda muito. Se Talon conseguir
empurre, não o siga cegamente. Muitos jogadores do Talon empurram e se escondem atrás de uma parede, prontos para passar por cima dela para atrapalhar você. Tenha cuidado ao lutar na selva, pois o E de Talon se destaca nessas escaramuças na selva. Você vai começar a bater nele muito
facilmente assim que você terminar o Proto, e para cada pico de item você fica mais forte que ele.”
IamBishop says “Shove him in if your team looks super immobile, if your team looks self sufficient with decent escapes then freeze the wave and look to trade with him if he walks up, constantly ping and track his location for your team. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Easy, talon players has 2lv syndrome, "me lv2 me go in", but if u manage to dodge second W and they cant apply their passive you shit on them, squishy melee, very easily abusable with your poke, barrels and passive. If he isnt behind he can oneshot you lv6 but you did something wrong or got hardcamped and ”
Spoomk says “If he is losing in lane somehow, his ganks are monumentally faster than yours and probably more effective against your presumably inting botlane. You probably can't respond if he ganks elsewhere, try your best to be a couple steps ahead of him when at all possible.”
Xelikari says “Absolutely obliterate this guy, runes don’t really matter so you can choose based on the situation or try to go for First Strike. I prefer to take either Doran’s Ring or Dark Seal. You can get Seeker’s Armguard early to pretty much make it impossible for him to kill you, but I prefer to go straight for my Mythic for higher damage in skirmishes and roams. It’s important to keep in mind how fast Talon can move through the map so you’re not caught off guard when he leaves or you roam– expect him. ”
sapphire__lol says “Probably the easiest matchup. You play it like Akali Qiyana just easier. Run up, e him q aa him hes already outtraded. Then if he is 70% hp just all in with ignite and oneshot him. Also in fights talon can not play. ”
GoodMangoes2war says “The midlane assassins all have one thing in common. they want to fight or they roam. Don't fight, ping when they roam. At 6th they will ALL roam full time. After third level you will unlikely hit him again with an auto-attack until late game.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
Adamonias says “ Actually Xerath favoured; if you can force him to keep using W on the wave he never has kill pressure on you. Run barrier and you can usually bait a dive. Ping his roams and shove when he leaves. Try to match with ult.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Talon is very strong in the early game. He has a high killing potential right from level 2, so be careful and don’t come close to him. You should ping and warn your allies immediately when Talon moves somewhere. If you see him absent then push the wave to make him come back or he would lose gold and EXP from minions.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
SkyBanana says “Assassin who can roam and turn invisible? Yikes... Talon is not a forgiving champion to go against so playing defensive while having wards for the whole team to do is something that gets tiresome as the game goes on. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
Xexzuz says “Your ult will counter his ult, and you can purposefully get hit by talons W so you can Q him when he goes in for his Q then punish him with W. Most of the time you will out trade him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Expect Talon to play aggressive in the early game. He is really strong at level 2 and 3 and can easily get an early first blood. To prevent Talon from roaming, keep him pushed in while maintaining a good distance from him so he is unable to jump on to you and kill you. When playing as a ranged champion, try to use your range advantage to abuse Talon as much as possible. Using basic attacks and abilities to get him low will make it hard for him to fight or jump in with Noxian Diplomacy(Q).”
NegativePhoenix says “Trying to poke him makes him want to poke you back and full engage you for even considering thinking you can do it. If he jumps on you, just back up if possible and try to stay near if not under tower so he can't one shot you without help from another laner.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Poke him with as much passion as you can. Never get in a range where he can ult/jump on you. Always keep aware of your position”
Body Those Fools says “He can only ever kill you if he lands both parts of his W. It's hard to dodge the first part, but the second part is easier. As long as you dodge the 2nd part of his W, he will never be able to proc his passive and kill you. You can get Seeker's Armguard if you're not confident or if he picked up some early kills. He can E over your Ult. Look to poke him down and push him in so he can't roam.”
Bughans says “Ouch, my earlygame
Push when he roams, 80% of the time he's gonna reach the other lane faster than you even if you follow, and oneshot everyone before you can help”
lumihehe says “talon talon talon. where do i even begin? this champion is dogshit after durability patch, and this matchup is super easy because of that. take armour in runes if you're really insecure about 1v1ing him, but you should really be fine without it once you get nashors.”
KayyeN says “Horrible matchup. A lot of single target damage, almost none of which you can actually dodge. Very high burst damage, even early on, due to his W-Q bleed combo. His R allows him to wait for his cooldowns and re-position himself so he can kill you more easily. And even his roams are better than yours due to his E.”
DabiDabi says “Respect his W. Dodge at least one of his W so he cannot trade with you. Save one dash in case of his all in at level 6. Always make sure one of his abilities is down before you can trade.”
OSG Rewynd says “Don't die level 2, shove waves, and try to ult before his ignite, or he will just kill you. If you are scared, you can rush seekers. Generally not a hard lane though.”
DabiDabi says “As long as you dont get hit by two W's you win every trade. Buy an early cloth armor to survive. At level 6, it's a different story, because he'll oneshot you. You may want to rush an early Stopwatch and have vision on him at all times. ”
ze kraken says “Not a big threat. Your poke does the job. If he engages you disengage and poke him down hard. The only downside is he will roam more and better than you. Following him during his roams could spell death for you.”
Super08131208 says “Talon is a pretty scary matchup for Akali. You cant really trade with Talon early since your Q energy cost is really high. Respect his level 2-4. Level 6, it depends on who gets the first hit and can do their combos the fastest. Shroud when he all-ins to avoid maximum dmg from him. I recommend engaging on him first as you will find it somewhat difficult to not be hit by his WQR combo. DO NOT GET W+FLASH+Q AT LVL 2
NightSoar says “Should be Pretty easy just dodge his W and he will never go in unless he has a gank and you can jsut want for him to step near one of of your daggers then combo him to death (should 1 shot him before lvl 5)”
Malzahar MID says “Unfortunately, Malzahar has done a below average job of beating Talon. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48.9% of matches the champs fight each other in. In Malzahar against Talon rounds, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less expected to get first blood. This implies that he probably won't get first blood versus Talon.”
Uberizm says “Can actually be kinda hard if they're good, but just play smart and dont get caught in river. At 6 its pretty even but dont engage first cuz he'll just ult and run over a wall”
Zoose says “You should atleast avoid damage from his return W by sidestepping. Always respect his lv 2 all in. Just respect his 3 stack passive, which he needs to land both W's and 1 Q. look for a stun with his Q dash. His main issue comes from his constant E wall jump roaming, so place wards and ping teammates. Look to match roams when its safe. Seekers and Zhonya's are solid defensive options later on.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Poke him with Q on level 1 and reverse uno card his all in at level 2 by all inning him at level 2 yourself. Orange for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play safe early and ask for ganks]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]
[Don't let him free roam]”
spicy ricecaker says “You hard counter talon past lvl 3 with windwall, and hard counter talon with exhaust.
You win against talon normally if he doesn't get his 3 stack onto you. With exhaust, you win the fight even if he gets a 3 stack on you as long as you exhaust before he procs auto.
Play lvl 1 with some amount of respect: don't get poked by his w. By lvl 2 you win the lane permanently. Because talons usually use w lvl 1, the wave is shoved into you, making it a long lane. This means if he ever jumps on you, even with 3 stacks, you can instantly exhaust him and run him down. The only problem is that after 3 he can e to disengage, so make sure you can kill him if you use exhaust or force his flash.
Setting exhaust aside, if he ever ws while overextended (which he will be because talons often want to shove the wave and roam), dash into the wave or him and windwall behind you: you win the trade because he can't get 3 stack on you.
This lane is hopeless for talon and he'll probably try to roam, so get good vision for your team.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
His Q and R really making him looks terrifies but you can counter his Q with E stun.
Harass with it until he thinks he can't fight and tries to gank the other lane.
Use this advantage to push your lane and you can destroy mid lane tower if you team has rift herald.
He'll be hard time to fight after late game since your team need to group up to avoid get backstabbed from him.”
Esrucnl says “Fizz loses early, but same as Zed you win after you have zhonya and your ultimate ability.
Make sure to use your E to dodge his W or Q so he won't get the passive bleed off on you.
Your ultimate ability (shark) also gives TRUE VISION so you will be able to see him after he ults when you land your R.”
Azurio says “Kinda skill matchup. Don't play too agressive and auto him everytime he goes for minion. Dodge his W's and keep distances with max range autos at every moment. Care for his level 2 burst (with flash Q ignite).”
Akamatsuu says “Considero essa matchup um pouco balanceada, mas deixei no major pelo perigo maior para o time. Você sobressai em teamfights, enquanto ele em 1x1 e roaming. Se ele for dar roaming top, dê no bot, e vice e versa.”
beansoce says “Talon can abuse you early if he's good, has alot of burst early and wave clear and roam potential. Try to ward for your team, you also pool his w q combo if you're good enough.”
Bunny Kata says “He roams and deals a TOOOOON of damage. In lane, dodge his W when it returns with your E, dashing a bit towards him, so that you can auto him a bit.
You scale and split better, so either teamfight or split, but remember that he will probably delete at least 1 person in fights.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Blade”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play safe early]
[Post 6 be careful of his burst]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
His damage early game is pretty disgusting.
Keep distance don t let him stack passive on you for free, you can W his W when it returns to him.
Also get a feel for his Q range so you aren t surprised when he leaps to you.
Match his push and spam ping any roams.
At level 6 be aware that once a champion goes invisible it cancels any channeling abilities on him for example your Q.
Tip:Go oracle after first back if he tries to 1v1 at level 6 you will be able to see his location.”
TheKingUltra says “Level 2 is quite strong. Survive that and you might have a relaxed mid lane. He will outroam you sadly, just because of his e alone, try to have impact top lane, because he will already be bot lane, when you start ulting it.”
Whitelies says “You never win against him in trading. You may want to do Back W EQ. Ward around the map to get vision of him and inform your team. Let him waste his time.”
Exiled Heretic says “Talon can easily trade with you, he will land his w on you almost every time. This would be when you max W and play back until he uses ult. He will roam a lot so make sure you try to track it and call it.”
Dustyacer says “LVL 1-2 can win if played right, LVL 3-5 hard win since he only has two combat abilities. If he uses his W and doesn't get two stacks on you, he cannot fight you at all pre-6. His passive is a large portion of his damage and after W, he ends up only having 1 combat ability. Be careful of his e/r repositioning behind our e. his w2/bleed is still blocked by our e if we face him. follow roams post 6. ”
Ahri Simplord says “You can't really harass him like a Kassadin because of his W so the range difference doesn't make much of a difference. After a certain point he can oneshot you so you'll need to build zhonya 3rd. Always ping his roams instantly cause he's really fast with his wall jumps.”
VyoS says “Talon got more damage now so he will outtrade you in the early game pretty hard. Play save till lvl 6. You got a higher range with your W, so try to poke him that way, poke him first and then ult, if you ult first he'll just R and your damage potential to kill him is probably gone.”
Xalt says “Be careful of Talons all in level 2; if you can survive that get a seekers on first back and you'll win all in's pretty easily. Ward in your lane, just outside of his turret range to see where he's roaming. Shove to punish his roams and all in while you have the wave advantage.”
Bundif says “Talon is actually pretty fun to play against when he's not roaming around making your teammates cry. So basically when he's bad. A good talon will try to kill you with his lvl notorious lvl 2 all-in. And if he can't win lane, he'll make your squishy fishy Nami cry.
The matchup isn't hard in and of itself. His map impact however, is.”
DaffeLaffe says “Be careful of Talons level 2, which is one of the best. Stand behind in the early and just farm safely with your q, if you can survive early start with seekers, then you should easily win. Talon roams a lot so you need to shove to punish he roams and all in while you have the wave advantage.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's ring]
[Stay out of his range and farm as much as possible]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Juon says “Talon engages on you, counter-bomba him to space. Can outburst him as long as he doesn't build maw/mercs. Run first strike for free procs and max E second.”
soulentt says “Talon is very much expected lost. He is assasin with great mobility abilities, which makes him strong against you. If you manage to to poke him safely and watch his steps(he'll probably roam bot/top), then it's winnable.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Punish him whenever he is last hitting]
[Save your W when he is about to jump on you]
[Don't let him snowball]
[Buy early Zhonya's Hourglass]”
MrMeem45 says “Major if he has ignite. He'll do a surprising amount of damage to you and since he clears so fast he might meet you at your red if you do a 5 camp. Be prepared and don't get oneshot. You would think he can't do that much damage at level 3, but he most certainly can.”
Kamachamaeleon says “Talon's E allows him to essentially escape anything he wants, so don't be surprised when this assassin creed tower-dives you and gets away with it for free. Again, the only major thing you could do is have your jungler apply the pressure that you need so Talon doesn't go haywire. Don't let him apply his Passive to you; it's pretty much built-in to electrocute.”
Winter Nicole says “Talon: He does a lot of damage in beginning game depends if they main talon, and he can get away from you easily. (Recommend trying to play it safe but a lot ganking top and bot lane for kills so you can kill talon before he can out lane you)”
desch3445 says “This one's just a matter of "Who does their all-in combo the cleanest?"
You've both got decent waveclear, but you've got the poke advantage, and he's got the roam advantage. Make sure he can't safely roam due to his hp, and keep him in lane for an all-in fight.
Take the First Strike page; He can't poke you, and he's a melee champ. Match made in Heaven.”
ThePieBeam says “He's not really too bad for Anivia. The wall vaulting is pretty annoying but it's by far the most projected dash over you wall which means you should be able to Q him if he tries to go too hard for you. Also, your effective range is just barely inside of his dagger boomerang ability so if he hits you with it, walk out so you don't get hit by the second proc, then walk back in on him and punish.”
LBDB says “Same situation as zed but you have a bit more freedom to try and trade him, just don't expect to win any of the trades. He also has the ability to shove wave and go clap your teammates if you play safe.”
Callmebee says “I cannot say I'm all smiles and sunshines when I have to lane against this guy. DO NOT try to roam against him, that's his thing. Ping aggressively and either push or freeze wave (try to have eyes on him and their jungle to decide this). Warding is particularly important in this match-up to warn your teammates. Poke early just with E and keep your max distance. Rush Zhonya's if you're struggling and take Barrier or Exhaust.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Talon damage is unbeatable if you get hit by his passive. Do not get hit by all of his abilities or you die. While his W or Q are down you can go in for quick trades. Talon W is on a 9 second cooldown Lvl 3 and an 8 second cooldown Lvl 5. Use this window to get good trades. Post Lvl 6 do not go in for trades because he will win it 100% of the time unless he trolls. Try to keep the wave pushed in to keep him from having full lane prio to roam or rotate to fights. ”
lonestar1870 says “You get early prio and generally want to slowpush into him and let it come back to you. Building big waves and crashing them is your best friend in this matchup (similar to Kat and Kassadin) so you can prevent him from roaming while also not letting him all in you.
Be careful of his level 2 spike, play very far back if he somehow gets level 2 first and only step up once you have your E up.
You both have good kill pressure on the other, just make sure you play smart to not let him get onto you.
I like Electrocute and Doran's Ring to match his all in potential, but you can go Phase Rush or Aery into talon.
Teleport is nice to be able to follow his roams, but you can go ignite for more kill pressure.
Seekers/Zhonyas is good if you struggle into him.
Crown seems decent into him, but his W can easily proc the passive and he can just engage while it's down.”
Desperate Nasus says “Talon is a hard matchup for Nasus. His level 1 is weak and there is nothing he can do. After his level 2 avoid walking up for Cs, the amount of damage he can deal is really big. The only way to kill talon on early game is with your Jungler. After his level 6 there is no kill pressure anymore. Once you hit level 8 try to have permanently priority against him so he cant roam and snowball. Do not follow Talon 's early roams, most attempts will be fail. Focus on farming and build an experience lead against him. Keep your resources for teamfights - objectives. If you manage to get a lead against Talon there is not much he can do.”
Rhybeaux says “Talon is kind of annoying early game. Make sure you ping his roams so you don't get flamed. Make sure to shove when he roams and help your team with ult. ”
IreliaS Secret says “Самый простой матчап. Стараешься стоять так, чтобы он не мог прохарасить тебя и запушить линию (обычно это возле кустов на реке). После того, как он использует свою W, используешь Е для сокращения расстояния и идешь в олл ин. Постоянно поукаешь его автоатаками на линии. Если он ультует, то стараешься предугадать его местоположение и попасть W.”
CashLOL says “A scary assassin matchup but I have never found an issue with talon mid. When he jumps onto you W him towards your turret with you and drop your Q E mid air where you're landing. Bring barrier for this matchup and it should be an easy win. Care his level 2 and 3 trades. If you let him stack his 3 hit bleed you're in trouble.”
Shromy says “He is super strong if he gets max stacks on you so be sure to dodge his W.
Pretty easy to burst down if he jumps on you.
After you get your mythic he can't really do anything.”
ShokLoL says “Similar to other melee assassins you want to E max and look to punish them when they use abilities on the wave. After 6 though he has insane killthreat on you. Make sure to rush shieldbow. Barrier, ignite and exhaust are all viable options here.”
pwins says “ Zoe goes even with Talon. She can easily cast E to Talon when he tries to go in and burst him. However, Talon can do the same to you so you must still be careful when playing against him.”
livikattt says “Absolutely destroys you level 2 and can get fed with a combination of parkour + double killing your overextended bot lane. he will just Leave sometimes and there is nothing you can do about it. Be careful with his early. VERY. CAREFUL.”
Juplicate says “you can bully him level one and he will try to one-shot you level two so make sure that if he does get onto you to shield immediately. After level 6 he will begin to roam a lot and try to one-shot people with his ultimate. While he is roaming you can get free waves and try to outscale him since he falls off.”
Prof Harambe says “Assassins in mid I have no issues with. Talon is just a generalisation of this. Your w mitigates a large amount of burst, and you massively outrange with e. Often melee so you can easily hit e's on them. Aim to poke them out if they don't go in, and aim to mitigate key cooldowns, like Qiyana R or Zed R with your W shield. Assassins are often telegraphed too, meaning you can respond with an R to stop these abilities. Imagine just running through Qiyana ult or headbutting zed when he comes out of ult.”
MadaCareca says “Fique dando Q nele ate ele pegar o level 2, o all win dele e forte no level 6 sempre que ele ultar use o e no seu pè, o boneco não tem escape então so exploda ele avontade
WayOfTheTempesst says “Imo one of the easiest if not the easiest assassin to vs as Yasuo. The only real way you lose this matchup is if you get cheesed and first blooded lvl 2 which is when talon gets 90% of his first bloods. You can play up on him and fight him lvl 1, if he tries to fight you, you can chunk him massively and maybe even kill him when you get lvl 2 before him. If you can't chunk him when you both get lvl 2, be very careful because this is the time he can kill you pretty easily so stay back. As soon as you get past lvl 2 the matchup swings back in your favor as long as you windwall his W, you hard win the fight due to him not being able to proc his passive on you. Similarly to Pyke, he has no real solo kill potential on you post 6 and his only opportunity for kills is roaming on your botlane or toplane.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is pretty easy. Just respect his level 2 powerspike. Don't let him land both parts of
his W or you will lose a lot of HP. Pick up an early cloth armor if you think you need it. When he Ws, you
can E behind him and dodge the 2nd part; he can't proc his passive if you do this. At level 6, it's a bit
harder. But the way you play it remains the same.”
Katawina52 says “Kinda skill matchup hard-favoured for Talon if he plays correctly. Never go for a trade if he has his W-Q up or you just auto lose it thanks to his passive and you will be 10% hp. Out of experience from playing 100000x vs Talon I can guarantee you he will use his W or Q on wave or to poke you with W. Once he uses his Q/W on a wave then you can look for an all in or trade. Bone Plating 2nd into Talon is really good. Can rush seekers if they got an ad jungler. Make sure to never fight a talon if he has his spells up, especially if he has ult.”
eiensiei says “REACTIVE lane, not proactive. I'll farm and poke safely with E, but won't go for passive procs after level 2. My W is enough to nullify his W, but I won't stick around to trade back, his all-in burst is extreme. He can start roaming as early as level 3 using his E and once he gets fed in a side lane, he'll get fed from me as well. He's hard to follow since Lux is immobile, and without good vision setup in my own jungle it's difficult to know whether or not he's roaming bot/top or waiting to kill me. I'll spam pings and buy control wards and if I can see his movements, I'll follow and try to help my teammates. If I can't follow, I'll try to push in, but will probably not go for plates unless I have vision on him - his E makes him really fast and Mobility Boots only add to that. I'll build Zhonya's for his R and honestly for the armor (Ninja Tabi are a good purchase as well).”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA).
Doran + 2 Pots + Time Warp Tonic + Cloth Armor Early. I'd run Ignite against him because it's a winnable matchup if you cast your E properly. The trick here is to NEVER get hit by W (when IT IS RETURNING TO TALON). If you do get hit BACK OFF and wait for the debuff to wear off. If he hits you with both Forward W and Backward W he can jump on you with Q (you can bait it if he's low hp with your E). After 6 in the Talon matchup you will push (with or without minion demat) -> go bot ONLY when you see him being ON LANE. A Talon can one shot mostly anyone (besides tanks) if he's waiting for them on a bush and there's little to nothing you can do, but you can play around it by always pushing and roaming first (And returning through other ways OR recalling). I believe Talon isn't a very difficult matchup because of his predictibility. Post 6 you can engage on him only after you poked him down a bit with your Q (you can kite him from a long distance with Q, care to mobis/yomuus). One Trick Talon players do is that they like to stay nearby mid -> wait for you to go to the middle of the lane and then jump with E over a wall and insta damage you, do not fall for that. Always ping when he's leaving and make him lose CS. Take alternative routes to follow him bot/top BUT BE CAREFUL -- he has no walls, he can jump anywhere. The trick is to push first / roam first or kill him on lane. Get Tabis if you struggle in the matchup.
Pick Cleanse/Barrier if you feel you are going to get outplayed by his burst.”
xblademojo says “Simply play around His W, if he wont get 2 stacks on you, then its fine.
You can possibly out-trade talon but never fully go in on him with your Riftwalk unless you have lethal. Since even if he is behind he can out-damage you with burst. Imo one of the easiest ad matchups if you are careful enough. He might be trying to kill you when matching his roam so care, same with every assassin.
Oracle Lens starting from Level 6 so u can track his R invis.”
Polarshift says “Pre-6 he isn't that much of a threat since you can root him before he has the chance to jump on you. Or you can just dodge his W. After level 6 he will oneshot you if you aren't careful. Unfortunately, he can apply way more pressure than you and thrives in messy environments which is huge in SOLOQ. That's why it's important to get vision down so your team can see his roams (especially botside of the map where your botlaners are). Be VERY careful of facechecking bushes, and be VERY careful of trying to follow his roams, because he will wait for you in the bush and shut you down. Just push and roam to the other side of the map to get a kill if that's the case (gank / towerdive enemy laner). Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Insane roam potential with the ability to kill you easy if you are not careful. Best way to kill them is lv2-3 with barrier/exhaust. They will often underestimate you and as long as you hit the q's you out dmg them. warn the team for roams and scale. ”
Yeager says “Bait out his W lvl 1 and then you can harass him. At level 2 you have to be careful because his passive proc + Electrocute will deal over half your HP. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “If you can avoid this matchup, do it. In here, don't even try to go for autoattacks, or you are going to get his combo with bleed, which might get you killed even at level 2. Ward around lane and try to always have some sort of information where exactly did this guy go - whether he is roaming or just waiting behind the wall to make his parkour combo. In lategame you should go for Zhonya in order to survive his burst in teamfights, because you are mostly going to be his target, but during early and midgame it should be enough to just make Seeker's armguard. Though, if you play it right and he doesn't get incredible ahead, then it's playable, but we all know what is he cappable off, so even if you don't give him any kills yourself, he will find some kills anywhere else, which will just make your life in lane harder.”
Yeager says “Start corrupting potion, then harrass him as much as possible at level 1 with auto attacks and E as soon as he walks up to cs.
Level 2 you need to respect his damage because he can easily burst you down with electrocute and passive proc. Keep your distance from this point and rush a seekers armguard for some tankiness.
You will outscale in this matchup, so your focus should be to farm up and ward properly because he will roam the entire game. You can't waveclear as good as him once he gets tiamat, so ward the river and the middle of the lane so you can see in which direction he's headed after he shoved the wave.
Getting a sweeper will show his shadow during his ultimate. He also can't jump over walls if you use your W: ”
Yeager says “Seeker's armguard rush. Respect his lvl 2 all in, it's one of the strongest in the game. Play around his passive stacks. If he only hits 1 part of his W, he won't be able to proc the passive easily so you can trade back. He's mainly looking to shove the wave and then just afk roam all game, so it's your job to secure vision around his lane and the river sides so you can ward your teammates ahead of time. After the first hex core upgrade you can shove him in. Your wave clear is 10x better than his. You can't match his roaming, but you can push way faster and punish him by taking tower plates. Even if he sacrifices a wave and tower plates to get a kill in the side lane, it's still way more worth for you. ”
Avucado says “Start E and get early damage. Look for hooks and q's to make sure he is around 50% hp at all times so that he refrains from roaming, he has huge burst so don't kill yourself doing it. He will shove you in and roam all lane, assume he is coming if you go to roam. E away if he R's and don't engage with E if he has R. Steelcaps arn't bad here if they have a lot of other AD but you want to go mobis to match his side lane pressure most of the time.”
LunarVortex says “He can't really ever kill you unless you mess up hard, but what he can do is roam and snowball. So keep a ward in the river at all times and ping early.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Crown is a good mythic here. Consider buying seekers/plated steelcaps if there are other AD threats on the enemy team. Ping your team when he is roaming.”
Yeager says “Bait out his W(Rake) before you go for trades. Be careful of his level 3 burst, because it will kill you on the spot if he already poked you with w. Get a early seekers armguard to counter lethality he gets from items. ”
Eriosunx says “Lately talon has been more dominant in the midlane. Its a pretty hard matchup since talon has a way more burst than you and way more map mobility even from the first few levels.
Best option is going ELEC+BONEPLATING, and unless you are already winning lane rush seeker's and avoid getting bursted before level6.
With seeker+boneplating you are allowed to all-in him at lv6 and pretty much outlane him or kill him.
Make sure to run TP+IGNITE for being able to follow him around the map on the important plays.
You can also play IGNITE+EXHAUST and try to hard win lane, but most of the time good talons just avoid fighting you and start focusing on the macro plays”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Talon has become an easier over time but he still has the highest base MR in the game. Seekers early and match his roams when you can. Don't contest early levels and certainly don't try to extend fights with past 6”
Fuzzmonkey says “He can make even trades with you if you don't dodge at least one of his W's, since he needs to hit both and a Q to proc his passive. Try waiting until his W is down before making trades, this should make it a lot easier. Watch out for his level 6 and don't even bother trying to all in him until his W or Q is down or unless you plan on using your W to escape him.”
Yeager says “You can harass him level 1 but DO NOT underestimate his level 2 all-in, keep your distance at all times. That's where most people die because they don't expect the damage.
Get early seekers armguard as it helps out a ton against AD champions.
When he gets tiamat, he will just shove the wave, and roam to other lanes. Not much you can do here, except for spam pinging your teammates to back off. Get lots of wards so your team can see where he's moving. ”
Urpog says “You win against him early, if he Q's onto you then flip him and you'll out tank his burst, denying him his purpose of being fed early and probably making them ragequit the game, HP bar too big. Run the HP build path against Talon instead of Tiamat.”
Dj Memelord says “Armor or he one-shots you. If you can get an early chain vest, lane controll is yours. Follow his roams or roam the side of the map hes not roaming. Up to you and mapstate.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Stay away from his Q range and you'll be able to poke him out throughout the whole laning phase. Make sure you only use your E if you know you're going to hit him otherwise you will have to play passive dude to his Q engage. ”
CashLOL says “This matchup goes in one favour, if talon gets a lead it's kinda over for you. It's easier for you to poke him and get a sweeper early to track his stealth.
XayLies says “High damage early especially and overall in the game, but you can WindWall his W and R so his damage will really be limited until cooldowns reset.”
iZianni says “We win early, then he hits one item and becomes a nightmare. Build Zhonyas and hop to god your team doesn't give him 9 kills in the side lane.
Its hard to pressure lane if you build early Zhonyas because of the mana pool so it usually becomes a sacrifice :(. Seekers and Lost Chapter extremely important.”
wDesired says “Even though you scale better than Talon, the pressure he can apply on the map early game is hard for your team to play against, try warding around mid lane to figure out where he is roaming to ”
MikeVix says “Pretty easy early just don't get hit by his passive. 6 you win. Just try to predict your Q's when he ults. He's probably going to roam all game. Just follow his roams for kill opportunities.”
mrmundo says “He'll kill you before you kill him. Avoid his Level 2 combo. Save your W for when he engages and try and use it before he ignites. After 6 you beat him.”
ShokLoL says “Quite easy for you 1-6, can definitely pick up a kill with electrocute ignite just don't get hit by both parts of his W. Post 6 you will have to be careful of his all in so you will want to buy early game strength (refillable, dark seal, 1 cloth armor etc)”
SaltCat says “Hard match, level 1 poke him hard, level 2 and onwards you cant really do much, just chill and farm, and remember to ping when he is missing even if its for one second, and also never follow him to roams if you dont have vision, because he can fake roam to kill you. Buying zhonays is the best option.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade in Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth.
Skill Matchup. trade with him when you have windwall or when he waste his W,if you're not so confident you can take exhaust.
Chain Vest if talon is feed.”
Kords says “Talon is able to get kill you from lvl 2 – 3 with ease, make sure you're ready to start shoving in ASAP. When you shove him in the 2 time round, he will hit level 2 and most likely look to WQ or QW you, take this trade and he will regret it when you Q him after, minion wave is your friend here. At 6, he will look to all in you, if you suspect he will Q R, just ult him and chain with stun, he CAN kill you. Talon is BETTER roamer than you, he can eventually match your shove and follow you to wherever you lead off to, as with most other assassins, his teamfight is lacking, you are better than him in teamfights should you not get caught by him. ”
TheoRut says “If he ults on you, you are dead. Try to one shot him before he one shots you. Buy zhonyas if you are not feeling safe enough. Take teleport and electrocute so you can follow his roams.”
ShokLoL says “Talon in the laning phase is all about his W. W is both Talon’s main trading tool as well as his farming tool so you mustn’t stack with the wave so he has to choose between hitting you or hitting the CS. It’s also extremely important that you do not get hit by both sides of W as that will make it very easy for him to jump on you and proc his passive which almost guarantees a hard losing trade or a death. If he casts W on you immediately move to the side rather than back as that makes it a lot easier to dodge W on the return. Be very careful of his level 2 and level 6 all ins with ignite and consider building HP or a single cloth armor early in the lane. You can also take exhaust/barrier if you prefer the added safety.”
Elite500 says “Talon can go either way super hard, basicly ad aurelion, can kill you and outroam you if he does, but you can make him eat shit too and then stomp”
Dr Eggmund says “Care Talon's early game damage as soon he gets 2 stacks on you he will want to all in you. Play passive throughout laning phase. Most importantly let your team know when he's not in your lane, as Talon's mobility will give him the option to gank other lanes effectively.”
Ambitieux says “Talon isn't much of an issue. Poke him out with W's and Q's try to save charm for all ins or if he is looking to Q you. Pick up armguard early or even go double armor runes. Keep autoing nonstop and you shall win naturally. Ward the rivers and call MIA.s ”
iZianni says “Goredrinker Talon is a blight, you can still win early but ultimately the best play is not even trying.
Go seekers armguard and perma push that shit into tower so he cant get 10 kills on your side lanes.
kindo says “Talon in lane is extremely easy to deal with. Any all in he will not win, the problem lies with the same issue as all roaming assassin mids - he can just drop lane and roam for kills for free and there's little to nothing you can do about it. Once he snowballs, it's easy for him to force your ult with all ins since his ult is much lower cooldown and he can passively build CDR. Once he snowballs, he can just walk up to the wave and W it to clear it. At this point, best thing you can do is catch him out with some CC or bait him in your ult and execute him at the end. If your ult is down, do not engage when he has ult. If he doesn't you still win, but it's more risky for you to engage ever without your ult. Back to early game, poke him out and let him engage and fight in your W. Save your E for execute and you'll win just fine. Try to ping all roams and if possible, roam yourself. Kindred is 325 base MS, so it's hard to follow his roams.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “Your W removes damage from the Q Talon if it is activated at the time of the jump. Poke up to level 6, after that you need to be careful, watch the movements of the Talon and warn your team about it. You should try to punish him as much as possible for roaming, your W will help you in this, or move symmetrically to prevent him.”
zedlove6969 says “Again, this depends on the talon player. If he seems to be good and knows his champ hes impossible to play against. With his R, he goes invisible being able to dodge your q's. And with his E being able to jump over every wall, he can easily get out of your death mark around terrain.”
King Turtle says “He's extremely dangerous and will all in you if you aren't prepared. but you can interrupt his Q with yours and negate his full combo if you're patient. Then you can run him out of lane.”
Kessi says “Lvl 1 don't be scared to proc electrocute if he gets too cocky (Q+AA+AA) Tho don't also get cocky yourself. Obviously don't trade until lvl 3 and try and not get close lvl 2. Every time he W's
, E in. The second part of his W won't hit you so he won't be able to proc his passive for some time. Keep a bush Q for any time he ults and go near a wall then ult if he jumps on you, after a combo he should be dead if he gets hit by the ult.
I recommend Mercury Treads or Mobility Boots for roaming but you can usually just use your W/E to dodge.
King Turtle says “He has a high damage output and will be really hard to lock down but you can poke him a lot pre 6 and if you have package you can counter roam and use package to either force the enemy off the gank or blow up the enemy lane.”
Nodrog says “His passive makes his level 1-2 trading much better than yours. His CD is way shorter than yours exploiting you not to mention his roams are better.”
Sylvan Lore says “Talon has the highest first blood rate in the game and it's for a reason. You need to respect his passive stacks on you since the bleed of the 3rd stack is so heavy in early game. If he lands 2 stacks of his W on you, completely back of from the minion wave until they decay. If he flash Q Ignites you, you will bleed for nearly 400 damage at level 2 which can go straight through your barrier. Don't get to worried about the first part of his W hitting you, just never let the return part hit as well. Do your best to poke him out in lane without taking too much damage so that he cant all-in you. He is useless from anywhere but ahead lategame, so just farm up and outscale him hard.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AD Assassin Build. Take Tabis as well if their team lacks sufficient magic damage. Also consider swapping runes so you can get a stopwatch and have an even safer early game. ”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Talon is melee. Zilean is very good against low mobility melees in mid. Press E on him and he can never reach you. Similar to Katarina if he gets fed you cannot do anything, but other than that you are golden.”
Saddest says “You will not win any trades, unless he messes up immensely. Some Talons will use their W on the wave though, and this is a chance to get in a QUICK trade; E away immediately after picking up your dagger. Ward deep in the river, so your bot-lane knows where he's coming from.”
SVS Raka says “Talon at level two is unbeatable. Simply, he will proc his passive and ignite you, making you bleed until you die. Just let him push first two waves towards your turret and play safe until you get level 3. Windwall his W and you are good to go against him.”
Impossible2Gank says “You're able to bait him with your Q onto boxes when he tries to Q in just make sure he doesn't get you low enough to give him a chance at a kill. Armor is recommended early.”
ReapeRGP says “He can burst you very quickly, don't let him poke you in early, instead you need to poke him. When he gets 6 push your waves when you can so he can't roam (try not to lose farm as well). If he uses R quickly place your E there because he can't get through it.”
King Turtle says “He can all in you at any time and with his W he can poke you back, as well as being the best roaming assassin in the game who you can't stop aside from just Eing down river and hoping your team has eyes. ”
duhnx says “Turns trading into all ins. Don't fight him if he can proc his passive and play safe and follow his roams while spam pinging to be careful. ”
King Turtle says “Another assassin that can abuse you all laning phase, his roam potential makes him difficult to lock down and is going to be hard to win trades against as long as they aren't just soaking bullets in wave.”
Midget Mage says “Talon's bleeding can present a tough matchup if you let him bully you, I suggest rushing Zhonyas like you would with Zed and play smarter to win your lane, if he's a good talon you may have some difficulty here”
richardlized says “Talon matchup is a skill matchup. Whatever you do, try your best not to get hit by his W2 because Zed gets destroyed by talon early levels. You can bait him to Q on you and do a backwards wqwe against him, just like in the ekko matchup so he does not get to proc his passive on you, After level 6, it becomes tough to kill him because of his invisibility. Try to get a dirk and a sweeper before ulting him .
Katasandra says “[1] Dodge the return of his W
[2] If you got 2 passive stacks on you (from W), stay away so he can't Q. Especially when he hits lvl 2.
[3] Can't E away when he activates R.
[4] Warn team against roams (incl jungler) and place wards.”
Thresh Mid says “Talon early game is not much of a threat other than his level 2 powerspike from his passive. Talon's Noxian Diplomacy (Q) can be cancelled with Flay. His Shadow Assault (R) can be revealed if your Death Sentence connects onto him during his invisibility.”
xMetix says “Level 1 do not trade if he started Q. Be careful of his level 2 engage. If you can E through him to dodge the 2nd part of W you should win a long fight before level 6. After 6 make sure to cc lock and burst him before he gets to use his ult (much like Ekko or Ahri)”
Nanelol says “You can't really play vs him. He can farm from a safe distance and also outpoke you. Don't die in lane and try to scale against him. If he freezes the wave, you are doomed. You either ban zed or talon everytime. You can go Zhonyas but theres no point, only way is to ping your jungler. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) can be annoying but overall very easy to deal with pre 6 and he has to get into melee range for his Q to not get canceled so its quite obvious what hes gonna do, would recommend ignite/Barrier.”
DabiDabi says “Because of Akali Q energy buff, you can trade more with Talon early. Upgrade your W lvl 2 so you can avoid his all-ins. Level 6, it depends on who gets the first hit and can do their combos the fastest. Shroud when he all-ins to avoid maximum dmg from him. I recommend engaging on him first as you will find it somewhat difficult to not be hit by his WQR combo. DO NOT GET W+FLASH+Q AT LVL 2 ”
TheSecretsWithin says “Talon is on the edge of going into the Even tier but is surprisingly easy for Kassadin since most Talon players objective is to roam, it allows you to get free farm and with your E and R, you can deny him so much CS, do remember to ping your teammates when Talon roams, don't get cocky. When he W towards you, you can just R away in a perpendicular direction to deny the second passive stack. And if he continues with a Q, you can prepare to aa-W-aa combo. If you can walk away before he aa's you, it's the best, especially if he gets 3 passive stacks on you since he needs to aa to get the bleed. Your E slow will make it even harder for him to get his passive off, so use it to your advantage. Vision against Talon is essential. Either he gets a sneak attack on you, or he gets to roam to another lane. In either case, Vision is the solution, so try to help yourself and your team. And usually, you want to hug walls to R over, but against Talon, it's the opposite, stay away from walls, so he can't close the gap for free. ”
Nanelol says “High poke and all in potential, look to full combo when a charm is landed. Talon will ult towards you, use this opportunity to retreat to tower and charm, stunning his ult time and dmg.
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite, Ghost Ignite or Flash Ghost. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Keep harassing him and pool his w2 or q in order to prevent him from proccing his passive. When he hits 6 play safe since he has insane all in potential. You have to freeze and punish him when he's roaming.”
Nanelol says “You have to play passive when he hits his lane powerspike (level 2). You have to play around it and not walk up close to him except you have the potential to kill him. Always play range since your range is way bigger than his. ”
Nanelol says “Watch out for his lv 2 cuz he can easily kill u if he poke u pre lvl 2. Respect talons damage pre 6 you win afterwards because ult damages him through his R.”
Nanelol says “This matchup is pretty much just a race for whoever gets R first, since either one of you can kill each other. I would say wait to use E until he jumps on you, then combo him right after. ”
lolzayno says “Hard matchup against ziggs since hard engage. Ziggs does terrible against assassins. In this matchup try to avoid his W for poke. You don't want him to shove on you or else he gets full control of the lane. and starts roaming. Talon will always out roam you so it is essential that you're farming is almost perfect in lane and you communicate with teammates. If he looks to shove the lane, make sure you actively auto the minions when possible and actively throw q's off the wave to explode on talon. This will give great early game trades and will pressure him in lane. If he manages to find both ends of his W on you, the chances of him jumping on you is high. If you're fairly close to turret, you can knock him in with satchel or even prevent his q dash from connecting.”
Sanctuar says “He can get hit by your W and R while being invisible in his ultimate, make use out of it to lock him down with your combo. Dodging his W is important so he can't stack up his passive on you, avoiding unnecessary damage that can lose you a 1vs1 fight. After hitting level 6 he has a stronger roam potential so keep the river areas warded.”
fanchessfan says “Same as Fizz: E him away when he tries to go in. If he gets ahead ur really f*ked. Take exhaust and trade around his cooldowns. Respect his ultimate. Try to get your jungler to try to "hover" you while you bait. Like fizz, if he pops R, you ultimate too and disengage. Talon can't ult you when your invisible. Super high level tactic. ”
shidonryoku says “Talon is a bad matchup because you can't farm near him due to his combo damage. He pushes and roams, but you can't answer him anything. Don't follow him, or he will kill you from behind the bush. The whole lane stage against him is farming under the tower.”
Vispectra says “Talon where to start. He will not hesitate to absolutely destroy you in lane and if not you he will destroy your botlane most of the time. Start cloth armor and 4 bots into this nightmare and you should be okay. Be wary that a talon can kill you if he hits level 2 even if you have 70 % hp, W Q Ignite will probably send you back to spawn, and don't think you're safe under tower , some will W flash Q ignite and leave you a bleeding burning mess. He becomes a lot less of a problem later on though as he falls flat compared to your late.”
StarTundra says “counterbuild with seekers, go phase rush, he can't do anything anymore. That is- until he roams bot and gets a triple kill because whats a ping am i right.”
cookanarities says “Talon in lane is extremely easy to deal with. Any all in he will not win, the problem lies with the same issue as all roaming assassin mids - he can just drop lane and roam for kills for free and there's little to nothing you can do about it. Once he snowballs, it's easy for him to force your ult with all ins since his ult is much lower cooldown and he can passively build CDR. Once he snowballs, he can just walk up to the wave and W it to clear it. At this point, best thing you can do is catch him out with some CC or bait him in your ult and execute him at the end. If your ult is down, do not engage when he has ult. If he doesn't you still win, but it's more risky for you to engage ever without your ult. Back to early game, poke him out and let him engage and fight in your W. Save your E for execute and you'll win just fine. Try to ping all roams and if possible, roam yourself. Kindred is 325 base MS, so it's hard to follow his roams.”
TheWerefloof says “Talons seem to come in waves, I haven't seen one in a hot minute but it's the same old strategy of abusing the range. Once he's used his fan of blades (and missed it), you win trade.”
luminyan says “Infuriating to fight. Poke him safely if possible, but once he hits level 2 you really have to make sure you dodge his Q. Barrier is a must. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “Talon will always kill you if he can activate his bleed passive. Be very careful of getting hit by too many abilities. Talon can normally win fights if you engage on him in addition to outroaming you. Try to use either your E or Q3 to dodge the second half of his W. Be careful and outscale. Take the Standard page with double Armor.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Buy Seeker's Armguard and/or Plated Steelcaps early. Can poke you down. He can escape from sticky situations by using his E toward a wall.
A55AILANT says “Pre-6 he isn't that much of a threat since you can dodge his second W .
Applies a lot more pressure than you, and his roaming is also better.”
Oxydation says “Dont fight him level 1/2, because of his Powerspike with his Passive. It just outdamage you all the time. Try to bait his, so you just get hit once by it. Post 6 if it comes to an all in, just try to R E him fast, so u have ur E on him if he uses R.”
Sailor MOwOn says “I can't win this match-up, so it's my usual ban. He roams more than you can ever hope to roam, and it is so hard to clean up his messes. I recommend just banning always.”
VeneficusFerox says “Worse than Zed, hurts lots and lots more. Forces you out of lane easily, you will need a lot of jungler help for this one. Just leave the lane and help push bot, don't look back.”
Little Planet says “Talon can't ever get his passive early on against you and thus you do much more damage than him. use your Q to interrupt his q and it's beyond easy.
Trade heavily and make sure he can't snowball.”
Joseph Evanss says “If you have Bone Plating up its pretty much a free trade, if not try to bait out his w then go in on him. If he uses ult take e back asap. If he is ever mia just spam ping your bot lane until it says u can't anymore. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “you can go bone plating against talon, as his burst is very strong, you can also go seekers if they also have an ad jungler. never trade with talon when his w and q are up as he will proc his passive and end you. when he uses w or q on the wave, then is your opportunity to go in for the trade. you want to avoid fighting talon when his spells are up, especially his ult.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “if you dodge his W and you go for a all in i think you would not have any prob of killing him but he can dodge you and has inviz which can be a good way to dodge your skill shot so be carefull vs this matchup talon does alot of burst dmg ”
JoshAy says “He is strong early where you aren't. Play your lane safe and don't let him snowball off you. If the Talon is good and roams punish him by pushing waves, if he stays keep the lane in a safe position. Good ult for roams or skirmishes if you know how to use it.”
its nav ig says “Really good level 3 all-in that can kill you and put you behind before you get beefy. Also he is a top tier roamer, which is not good for you.”
iKrez says “He won't be able to double hit W if you play decently.
Get oracle lens early in the game to see where he is while ulting.
Missing your ult will result to your instant death.
When talon ults, use Grass Q and tempo so he won't be able to turn all his shurikens to you by pressing Q.
His weakness is that he can't full all-in you pre-6 because he needs the double stack of the W for it.
Be sure to take VERY short trades and dodge the return of the W.”
The Jhin Cena says “Go either Fleet Footwork Rune Page. Overall Talon isn't too much of a threat to Yone unless he happens to snowball. His only advantage he has over you is level 2 when he can use his W > Q combo on you to proc his bleed which can do a considerable amount of damage. Once you hit level 3 though, you can easily dodge his W with your E and engage from there with a Stacked Q, and he won't be able to out damage you during these extended trades. The main threat Talon poses is to your other lanes since Talon players generally abuse his wall jumping to frequently roam. I'd suggest deep warding the jungle such as behind the dragon/herald in order to keep an eye on where Talon is roaming + keep an eye on the enemy jungle. You can also simply deep ward your lane and ping the respective lane relative to which direction Talon is roaming. ”
Ryank30 says “Fleet + Resolve. Like all other melee champions besides Yasuo, it is very easy to lose lane against a Talon. Even if the Tiamat changes do hurt him a lot, his abilities and trading combos still out damage yours by a mile. Play around his cooldowns, go in if he misses his W. Give him one kill and it could potentially be over. PING YOUR TEAM FOR HIS ROAMS.”
Vacavoladora says “Insane lvl2 power spike, try to wear him down when he's lvl1 and retreat and poke him when he's about to reach lvl2
Always remember to not get hit by his W return”
xoonaka says “Free kill respect his lvl 1-2, not much mobility in lane and he's very squishy, avoid his W pokes and look for an all in once the lane is a pushed.”
XD001 says “Do everything in your power to get level 2 first. Talon's level 2 spike can kill you 100-0, so if he gets it first he can deny you a lot of farm that you have to use Q and mess up the wave to get. at level 3 you win BUT only if you trade using your W shield. Play smart and trade when he misses his 2nd hit on Rake (W). Try to remember which walls he has vaulted recently as well. After 6 neither of you can kill each other as you both have built in get-out-of-jail free card ultimates.
Match his roams as best as possible. Zhonya's is a good buy here.
Even scaling
take Elec + sorcery page”
GabomanDeLegado says “Tenemos una muerte asegurada si no controlamos el lv. del Talon. Es necesario tener buena visión del mapa para cancelar al Talon y así poder estar siempre con un poco más de XP que él. ”
ziolo to noob says “One of the biggest counter but still outlaned by Vladimir. The problem of him is his roams and that you cant push freely, because you will be really vulnerable from his low range burst. You can kill him on lane if he just farms, because you outrange him hard. Dont let him roam, or other lanes will be doomed, try to burn his ignite and R.”
Noodles912 says “Play extremely safe at level 1 and 2. Then look for a level 3 all in. Remember to get out immediately if he hit both parts of his W. Only use R when he doesn't have his, or you can kill him fast enough. Remember your R provides TRUE VISION, so he can't turn invisible.
He has the waveclear and roaming advantage always. If he roams, spam ping your team back.”
NaJua says “Based on recent changes Talon has the upper hand against nidalee but high skilled players are more like able to defeat talon.
But for low elo players is more like a danger.”
elnino9 says “Trade when his W rake is on CD. Don't let him proc passive on you, it takes 3 abilities to land for him to proc it and he has to auto attack. Setup with Q daggers and poke in and out. Setting up with E-W means you'll take his full burst damage unless his abilities are on CD. Watch for his melee range Q as it crits. At level 6, your ult overpowers his ult.”
Wunsch3957 says “Skill matchup. Try to poke him with Q level 1 when he misses his W on you. Out roams you by a lot, try to get level 3 first and let him push so you can all in him after blocking his W.”
Lot of Wind here says “He can oneshot you at level 4. You can block his E but it will only block a tiny portion of his whole burst. On top of that, he will have more roam potential. Avoid picking Yasuo into talon.”
Wunsch3957 says “One of the easier assassin lanes for me. Dodge his W and Q him every time he walks up. Try to only trade with him with your E and as soon as he hits W back off. Conq with flash/exhaust. ”
Modern Giraffe says “My favorite matchup. Trade hard lvl 1 using your passive and avoiding his passive. once he is almost lvl 2 back off and try to trade with q's while his w is on cooldown. They are usually cocky and need those early kills. So dont give them and use your w defensively, if he roams ping like crazy.”
Coldsong says “Talon has one of, if not the strongest level 2 in the entire game. Dodge his W at all costs and rush a Seeker's Armguard. He is very weak against hard crowd control, so try to flash R him when you have Pyromania up. He is also really good at roaming, so ping when he is missing.”
13 yr old korean says “he's not very hard to go against with your windwall you can block his w and r making him disabled. but the skill difference will decide the lane's winner just like akali.”
BigBushMan says “Playing into Talon is kind of hard, but still definitely winnable. Surrender the wave at level 2, as if you don't he will kill you and snowball off that kill. look to try and trade at level 3, as he cannot Q you while you are in W and can look to try and outplay and maybe even kill. Level 6 is even between the two, with the advantage being slightly favored to talon due to his invisibility with his R, just try to predict his movement in his R and you should be fine. ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) can be annoying but overall very easy to deal with pre 6 and he has to get into melee range for his Q to not get canceled so its quite obvious what hes gonna do, would recommend ignite/Barrier.”
tomzieE says “runes - conq, triumph, alacrity, stand; taste, ravenous
his w is weak, when he w, u can trade him, his electrocute runes will take u some health, but he is easy pre 6”
BigFatCat909 says “Just like Akali and Ekko, if one engages the other one chooses if someone dies, whether by fighting back or by simply retreating. Both of you are AD Burst Assassins with the abilities to engage and disengage. I recommend Eclipse though Prowler's is completely fine though you might want to invest into Plated Steelcaps if that's the case.”
Hiimkata says “Kinda skill matchup hard-favoured for Talon if he plays correctly. Never go for a trade if he has his W-Q up or you just auto lose it thanks to his passive and you will be 10% hp. Out of experience from playing 100000x vs Talon I can guarantee you he will use his W or Q on wave or to poke you with W. Once he uses his Q/W on a wave then you can look for an all in or trade. Bone Plating 2nd into Talon is really good. Also rush seekers if they got an ad jungler. Make sure to never fight a talon if he has his spells up, especially he has ult.”
Johan Paracelso says “Another Skill Match-up. Talon can chunk you down and attack the wave at the same time, you should W when the Talon's W return, since the second part of his W deals more damage. when trading, watch out for his Q. At melee range it will reset his Auto and chunk half of your HP, but, at range, Talon will jump to you, so keep this in mind. When Talon procs his passive, you can W him and the wave to gain some Shield, and, since Talon roams a lot, it is hard to follow him, so, try to farm and ping your partners about his rotations, and on one v one, if you can CC him before he casts Q, you can kill him”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Don't approach him in Early Game so he can't mark you with his Q and W, you can poke him from more distance than he can, try to dodge at least 1 of his marks after he uses his R”
Poppi Sama says “High poke and all in potential, look to full combo when a charm is landed. Talon will ult towards you, use this opportunity to retreat to tower and charm, stunning his ult time and dmg.”
Pixel Pocket says “The toughest of the AD Assassin matchups due to his waveclear, especially if he goes Tiamat first item. He can make it hard for you to do your job early and pre-Deadman's he does have a good advantage in 1v1s. Try to get deadman's early and consider getting an early set of Ninja Tabis, especially if they have an AD jungler or top laner.”
ParkChnm says “Farm safe under turret. Satchel Charge him away if he gets too close or throw out your minefield and force him off or to walk through. Zhonya's is a good item.”
chrissmunro says “High burst damage, however has to get close, so make sure to save your stun for his lunge. Your e is a good counter to his ultimate too”
KataTocDo says “His three-hit passive will just melt you. Watch out for his Q. Dodge his W. You can get hit by the first W, but not the second. If you have two stacks on you, just walk away until it goes away.
Runes: Conq-Resolve or Elec - Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield, D Blade, Dark Seal”
Yeetmeister57 says “Early on you can't match a hyper roaming mid like talon, so play trades well and make sure to pressure them out of making map movements.”
Yamikaze says “Take exhaust. He has insane burst lvl 2-3, so don't get poked. You want to bait out his W(Remember the hitbox gets bigger when the daggers are returning), then you can go in for quick trades with your [[bone plating]] ”
wildersovereign says “This champion is a massive pain to deal with if he knows what he's doing. Do NOT let him get his passive off early, as you'll lose a massive portion of your health. His roams are extremely threatening, even for an assassin, so keep your fingers on that alt key for whenever he goes missing. I highly recommend buying an early Seeker's Armguard to deal with his burst, as he is actually quite killable once you lock him down.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Similar to tf. Dont let him get passive and abuse his low range. Predator works really well but aery will be really decent for trading if you play passive”
rajsovsky says “Annoying. Rush seeker's. Don't get off guard. He can easily kill you. Gets a lot of kills from roams. Don't fight him. Try to stay safe farming and you will see what you will be able to do in this game.”
invalidd says “Tricky matchup that you can definitely beat consistently, you WANT him to jump on you with his Q so you can hook him and combo him and you
will end up winning the trade, you can also E behind him when he Ws you so the 2nd W doesn't hit you and he doesn't proc his bleed which ends up being
a huge trade for you, ping his roams the most you can because his E allows him to have perma map pressure even at level 3, sometimes you can follow up
but not always, respect his lvl6 combo if you're 40% hp. Ungankable.”
lkycch says “You need to be able to save your allies as he will do his very best to roam and snowball. Shutting down Talon early is the only way to beat him, so make sure you don't let him get fed. He can only jump onto you if he gets too close, so respect his range and his W in lane, so that he can't get you low. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
SkellyBirb says “You can negate a lot of Talon's damage with your shield and poke him down in lane so he's not too bad, but if he catches you off guard or while your shield is on cooldown, he can burst you pretty hard.”
lkycch says “You need to be able to save your allies as he will do his very best to roam and snowball. Shutting down Talon early is the only way to beat him, so make sure you don't let him get fed. He can only jump onto you if he gets too close, so respect his range and his W in lane, so that he can't get you low. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs talon: al igual que los otros matchs ads, guarda brazo, tabis y lueeeeego te pones runas elec para tener daño. Te puedes llevar tp, ignite probablemente no porque el tiene mas daño base que tu. Trata de iniciarle cuando gaste la Q y W (preferiblemente que gaste la W) y ya luego no tendrá tanto daño para la pasiva, un tradeo corto y retrocede. (compra hielo eterno)”
0rlandoPlum_ says “He can beat the shit out of you in early. Now add this to every lane bully or strong early champ and you get AP GP's entire life. AP GP can work on more farming focused laners and junglers”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Puny assassin
- Buy seekers
- You beat him 1v1 (except at level 2)
- Try to push him under tower and roam with your jungler
- Be careful of talon roams with his E
- Early seekers armguard makes it impossible for you to lose trades
- If you really want to sit in lane and bully him, you can max W and tank his damage, you win fights but be careful if you're not running ignite”
Big Shawn says “Talon is a full engage champion. Just like Ekko. But what makes him fragile is his leap towards you. It deals a lot of damage, sure. But that is where you can deal a lot of damage too, and potentially outplay him with your W-Ability when he tries to retreat. Not to forget, your Ultimate does kinda outsmart his ultimate.”
Scyrine says “This matchup is pretty much just a race for whoever gets R first, since either one of you can kill each other. I would say wait to use E until he jumps on you, then combo him right after. ”
BCota says “UNHOLY DAMAGE WITH HIS PASSIVE. Jesus does this guy hurt. you can outrade him all the time as long as he doesnt hit you with his bleed. If he throws his W move sideways to dodge it coming back. If you do it successfully Auto+Q and auto until you feel like his CDs are back up. Try to always trade with Super Q. Once he hits 6 if he uses his ult try to play reactively in the sense that you can pool his damage before he ults you like Syndra ult you can just poke him down and set up the one shot but be careful of his passive”
Chili Dog says “talon can go either way super hard, basically ad ASol, can kill you and outroam you if he does, but you can make him eat shit too and then stomp. Electro recommended but both can be taken.”
Loading..Please wait says “Hardest matchup early since he can burst you at lvl 2. He falls off like crazy as the game goes on so just hug your tower, farm and be patient”
FalleN3 says “Talon has a decent amount of early level damage so be careful of your positioning at all times. Wait for him to use his (W) Rake before you try to harass him, (Q) + AA or simply just an AA. Try to not play this lane aggressive in the early stages unless you have a clear opportunity to come out on top. After level 6, you can burst Talon down but remember that he is an assassin so it's crucial that you can actually survive his all in. Rushing 'Seekers Armguard' -> 'Rod of Ages' is a solid option when dealing with Talon. ROA is a must have!”
Last Roar says “Can force him off minions early with AA's. Kind of similar to akali, will rely on abilities to farm if you do this well. If you play well, he will mainly look to roam to get a lead. Don't be caught in the jungle, or he'll probably kill you, especially post-6.
Obj: Outfarm, if he roams one way, you roam the other or take turret (Ward).”
SkellyBirb says “Talon can do a ton of damage to you, but you can deal a surprising amount to him. You need to kite back on him early game and poke him down after he engages to go even in trades. ”
vCraze says “Talon can be a very tough matchup because of his mobility and the amount of chance he has to roam. You cannot allow him to land both parts of W on you as he will then Q-AA for electrocute (if he has that) and his passive bleed which does a lot of damage especially early. You need to always keep your distance and not allow him to get onto you as this will cost you and do not follow him into the river or jungle unless you know for certain it is safe because he can jump over walls.”
Sadkid says “This matchup depends on you not getting hit by his second W. If you dodge that and play towards your range you can beat him. Watch out for his cheese in bushes and don't get baited by his fake roams. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Play around phase rush and dont get hit by both shurikens when he W's. Spam ping when missing in mid and dont overextend. He can nuke you if you let him, flash away from him if he has 3 passive stacks on you and has r and try to place W on top of yourself if he wants to Q. You outscale him hard and if you didnt feed him he will become useless and erasable with a single combo. ”
SkellyBirb says “Talon is practically a glass cannon. Once his abilities are down, there isn't much he can do. Be careful of letting him roam and getting fed.”
Mad AkaTha says “At lvl 6 use W when he uses ult
You can play Aggro lvl 2 and trade
Use E behind him if he uses W he will always miss it so he will not be able to proc his passive”
WolfRider01 says “His early game and his roam potential are extremely hard to match as Yasuo. Take exhaust, don't trade him early as he can one shot you level 2 and 3 if you're not careful. ”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Talon is semi weak level 1 but beware of his level two and remeber if he gets the first wave and one more minion for the second wave he will likely to go after you
open_48 says “in low elo there aren't many good talons but if you
find against him rush seeker's armguard. DON'T PUSH AND FARM UNDER YOUR TORRET (with kassadin is not difficult). PING IF HE GOES TO ROAM.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with heal or ignite. Talon has really high base Mr making it hard to harsh him out. Care for his lvl 2 cheese dont get poked by his w. If he q's you E him. His roam potential is really high so spam ping dont try to follow his roams unless u have vision. Rush Seekers if even or behind Sorccs if ahead.”
economistastonks says “Just don't let him poke you and you will win trades. If he is in execute range and you are low, ult on top of yourself if he ults... generally talon players will try to kill you before thinking about escaping. ”
DrWindwall says “This could be even but once he gets his R he can oneshot you. Before 6 hes not rly a counter for you. All his dmg comes from his passive so as long as you deny his W with your W you're good to trade with him with not much fear.”
Bobbab says “Skill matchup. E behind talon if he wants to all in with his w and you should win as long as he doesnt get bleed on you (pre 6) ult when he ults.”
sweodigaming says “Same as Zed, try to rush Zhonyas to ignore his R, his early levels are strong when he is running ignite + electrocute. Be good at warding and SS'ing so your team does not get ganked.”
MetaKnight13373 says “When talon hops on you you have a small window to hit a guaranteed charm on him, this prevents any damage he could deal to you and also allows you to chunk him for a ton. ”
Manzey says “If facing a skilled Talon this matchup will not be winnable, but that doesn't mean you can't go even, just stay back and poke with Qs when he goes for lasthits, when he is low enough, feel free to go and last hit with basics.”
Apo420 says “ with recent talon nerfs, lane should be a lot easier
if you really want to play safe then take double armor stats in runes
as long as you dodge one part of his W then you outdamage him pre 6
since he can't proc his passive
usually if you try to walk up to melee a minion he will W you (this is very predictable) so as soon as you see the animation for W then E behind him to dodge both parts then beat him up”
Grayified says “Bring exhaust and possibly sustain runes to win matchup. You win level 1, and then you lose hard until level 6 where your next chance is, but you dont have a good chance at winning.”
ZeMoller says “Talon is a super free lane for Cassiopeia since he has to come mele to trade, and if you can wirthstand his damage, (with for an example: seekers and a tear + barrier) then you can run him down afterwards. The fact that he has to q you to do any real damage , sets up the perfect chance for you to get a good ult off, and if he doesnt have ult, then u've got urself a freekill and a free scaling lane. The only chance talon has to kill you is if he gets disgustingly fed from roaming, so be sure to ping ur sidelanes missing.”
kenichiii says “One of the ad matchups. Survive early, give up some cs, be sure not to get hit by both of his w, he can 100-0 with his ult and ignite if u dont have seekers armguard. You outscale him pretty hard with kassadin. Take fleet footwork and domination, teleport. When he chunks you to low just recall. If he buys tiamat and roams spam ping the team and push the wave on mid. There is not much u can do about his roams, max e.”
Jamakin12 says “Can burst you down early, but you start to outscale him eventually. Unlock W level one, and attempt to avoid the return of his W. Killing him is difficult, as he can disengage with both his ult and his E. If you're going for the kill, make sure to silence him before he can disengage. Freezing lane early levels is recommended, as he has an incredibly strong early game. Danger ping when he's missing, since his roam potential is significant and you are likely to lose macro.”
Yeager says “Favoured talon. PLAY SAFE early game, and don't get cheesed by his level 2-3. He always has more damage than you think.
Focus on dodging the return damage of his rake (W), and never stay in melee range for his Q crit, unless he's stunned by your W.
Rush seekers armguard early so his lethality build path won't oneshot you.
You can't really match his waveclear when he gets tiamat, so he's free to roam after pushing. Have proper vision and spam ping your teammates to back off, if talon is out of vision. ”
FalleN3 says “Poke him as much as you can and zone him with your ball in the early levels. Take Barrier for this match-up as this will give you the best chance to survive his early attempts of killing you. A sensible Talon will play passive in lane against you and will harass you with (W) Rake when you step forward. Talon is super at roaming and a decent one will do so at any given opportunity. It can be difficult to keep up with him due to his ability to leap over walls so you will have to think quickly, warn your team and either follow him or push the lane etc... If he picks up a couple of kills (from you or from roaming) he will be difficult to deal with. After level 6 he can be difficult to all-in 100-0, this can be made a little bit easier when his ultimate (R) Shadow Assault is down, you might want to have jungle help to ensure a kill.”
Yeager says “Rush seekers armguard to counter his armorpen build. Don't get poked by rake lvl 1. Talon usually sets up a kill level 2-3 by poking level 1. If he can't find a kill in lane, he will roam to other lanes and find kills there. Get good vision so you can let your team know when he roams.”
Frixen says “One of the toughest matchups out there. Dodge or ban if possible in champ select. If not, then go ahead and stack armour, ping your team whenever he's missing, try to roam and just not die in lane. The only way you can poke him, is whenever his W is down pre-6.”
FalleN3 says “Start with cloth armour and health potions and rush Seekers Armguard if under preasure (try to aim for gunblade though, unless you really need it). Farm as much as you can and try your best to dodge his (W). If his (W) is on cool-down you can harass him and consume your (Q) mark. He will look to roam a lot so be sure to either follow him or be ahead of him and roam yourself.”
SkellyBirb says “Talon is practically a glass cannon. Once his abilities are down, there isn't much he can do. Be careful of letting him roam and getting fed.”
FalleN3 says “Start with cloth armour and health potions and rush Seekers Armguard if under preasure. Farm as much as you can and try your best to dodge his (W), if you do this you can likely harass him with your (Q)+(W)+(E). He will look to roam a lot so be sure to either follow him or be ahead of him and roam yourself. If you don't follow him, he will likely get fed from your teammates which in turn will result in him getting more fed from you. ”
Reason97 says “If you can avoid his dagger's so he can't pop your passive and stack his passive on you, you're fine. if you CANT dodge his daggers, and he pop's your passive and stacks his passive, you die. pretty much as simple as that really. You can significantly hurt his attempts to all in you after level 6 too, but if you do give him a chance to combo you, you WILL die. ”
Reason97 says “Talon thrives on his roam and his ability to do a lot of damage quickly. Stay closer to your tower when farming, so if he does decide to dive, he'll get punished for it. also keep in mind that when he uses his ult, he is invisible, but not untouchable. You can still throw up a blizzard under you to damage him, or even stun him if you can correctly predict where he is or where he's going. Like Aurelion, always make sure to alert your team when he's MIA. ”
xAsuta says “Talon realy is not that hard. You can jump on him lvl 2 and bully him out of lane. Don't underestimate his all in at lvl 6 since he has high 100 to 0 potential. But if you get an early advantage and ninja tabis you are good to go.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Dodge his Ws and don't underestimate him. Avoid him bursting you down level 2/3, he can easily 100-0 you. You definitely need windwall level 3. If you are going to windwall his W, windwall it on the way back. This stops his passive proc and has a way better chance of succeeding than trying to windwall his W right when he uses it. He will always be roaming because of his E so just abuse turret plating to get ahead of him even if he gets a kill on the roam. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Godzillababy says “I almost always ban Talon 1v1ing you he has a big of an upper hand but mostly because of the fact he can get away and roam so easily and before you know it your bot lane is 0/6.”
Jimmy1337 says “If you want to kill him, just try to bait him to cast his R first, then after he becomes visible again then, try to cast your Full combo with Ult.”
arcanejhin says “His burst will hurt. You should be able to easily dodge his W and all in him.
He will roam because you will destroy him, make sure your team knows whenever he is missing and follow him or hard push tower.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty hard to deal with, even if he is 0/5 he still can one shot you with his ultimate for no reason at all. Fight him when his ignite is down, or cheese him lvl 1 with w”
Shock_101 says “Talon level 2 is scary, so dont let him get both qs. However, pre-6, he has no way of procing his passive if he misses one of his ws or miss clicks his q, so abuse that heavily. If you q him while hes on top of you, your passive will give you move speed while moving towards the edge of the ring, so use that to get out of his w.”
ShockMaster says “Poke him hard with Q,after the 8.8 patch you can buy Oracle Lens at lvl 1,which help you a lot if you against 1 or more invisibles enemies. After level 6 make sure he used his W and if he s not near a wall you can go all in him.”
Yuki H. says “Assassin lanes are the best, and facing Talon is a test of skill. He wins all ins if he gets his 3 stacks off which make you bleed for a lot if proc'd with an auto. Remember, if you dodge his W, you have an almost 100% chance of winning the trade. Also, make sure to let him ult before you ult, unless you're certain of his whereabouts. This champion LOVES to roam- after all one of his abilities is made solely for this reason.”
Proma says “Sword + pots
Skill matchup. Depends on who know their champion better. Pretty much comes down to who can burst who. Play smart and avoid taking 3 stacks from his passive and you should win. he can match your roams and vice-versa. One of the more fun matchups midlane.”
Topofall says “Another annoying matchup as his Q zones you from getting cs. He can then dash onto you and deal massive damage. I usually ban him if im planning on playing kat.”
Veralion says “You can’t hope to match his roams, so your job is to control him and keep his health too low for him to even think about it. Don’t underestimate his early game combos, they hurt way too much for such a slippery and mobile champ. His level 2 does an incredible amount of damage, and he probably has the most dangerous level 2 in the entire game. Never let him proc his passive or electrocute for free. You can easily run out of his W recall with your W, and the first half of the ability pretty much does chip damage. You beat him at 3-5, but finishing him through wall jumps is tough. His full combo with ult might 100-0 you; I'd suggest an early cloth armor. ”
Witcha Jeralti says “Build Zhonyas after Sanguine for him and Zed (If they are not terribly behind), do not ever get hit by the return of his W on lane. Buying stopwatch on his lv 6 can also save the game.”
Mr38i3 says “All assassins can be a threat to karma. Her only way to win against Assassin or AD champions in general is by poking them and get them under 40% HP to win the ifhg by a gank or go in with full hp and do 1 R Q and ignite them and do some basic Attacks. Most importantly remember to root them with W”
Silva San says “Talon. If he's missing do not roam looking for him just ping it don;t over extend and if he presses R use e and run. A trick is if he press r in front of you he's 9/10 running in a straight line so ult and run.”
Omega Zero says “Melee matchups are more forgiving and skill-based, letting Yone get easier time to get good trades off and being easier to maximize Spirit Form's damage.”
ai darkfluid says “Poke him to fight and never walk up. Spam ping danger when he goes missing, or you'll cry when he comes back to lane with 3 kills. Only try to fight him when he's in your kill range. With the amount of bonus health built with this build,
it is much harder to burst you. In lane is the most dangerous with this type of build.
Preferred rune: Comet”
TK.BENEDICT says “Kassadin has a difficulty when it comes Damage base Mid lane Champions like talon that can escape easily with her Third ability (Assassins Path) that can jump though walls and other things. With talon skills he is difficult to match with with her Rake (Second Skill) that can deal damage and slow you and talon's Noxian Diplomacy that can deal damage and talon's last skill (Shadow Assault) that make him invisible and deal a lot of damage.”
ThatOneKatMain says “Cancer champ rush start cloth 4 rush armguard try to survive early and dont let him roam for free. You will outscale mid to late game.”
The PaIe King says “Anti-Assassin
Summoner Spells: Exhaust/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Zhonyhas Hourglass, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap.
----Rune Page: Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Ultimate Hunter, Zombie Ward, Presence of Mind, and Last Stand.----
maxtenj says “You can stack armor to negate damage and outscale him. But due to his mobility he can just out roam you and win the game through his superior roams.”
snukumz says “Try to wave clear and keep him from roaming.
If he doesn't get on you you don't have anything to worry about so play safe.
Be careful when roaming or going to clear a ward, he can hop over a wall and whollup you fast.
Ping your allied lanes to be careful when he leaves lane. ”
VTatlin says “ad melee champs like talon and yasuo are easy shit bc once you get a cloth armor they can't do anything on you, and you do much more damage at melee so they never win trades”
1256 says “so this is the ad asol expect that kassadin ultrasucks in this matchup, you outscale at 16 but before that gl, he roams and kills everything except if you ping your teammates (maybe), dont get hit by the full w and youre good to go, be careful after 6 because his r gives 2 stacks of passive nevertheless, but its winnable
AZIR MEN says “Easy lane. Rush Seekers if you have to. Poke him down, watch out for his lvl 2 and his W poke. Ping when he's MIA.
Take electrocute/conq”
only yasuo play says “Shits on you levels 1 and 2. Play VERY safe cause he can easily kill you. After level 2 only take small trades with eq after he throws his w IF you still have passive shield up.
When he roams shove minions under his turret and spam ping your teammates he is roaming. You do outscale Talon if he doesn't snowball too hard.”
Art1val says “As long as you can land your e over walls he won't be hard to chase. You can build Zhonyas against him if you don't feel conformable. You should be fine though.”
Zwengo says “Be careful of his level 2 and make sure to get your E second. Also get zhonya's first item. Max your turrets and punish him if he tries to destroy them. ”
PepeOnDrugs says “Start with cloth armour and health potions and rush Seekers Armguard if under preasure (try to aim for gunblade though, unless you really need it). Farm as much as you can and try your best to dodge his (W). If his (W) is on cool-down you can harass him and consume your (Q) mark. He will look to roam a lot so be sure to either follow him or be ahead of him and roam yourself.
ImaTastyPancake says “Because Ahri's early game is not the strongest, early game dominators like Talon can be a major threat to Ahri. Best thing to do is play safe until you get ult and are able to get away.”
xXAhriXx69 says “Talon can be a problem since he will be able to one shot most champions but the threat is kinda little since for his ult to go on you he has to go in a straight line towards you so its actually really easy to land a charm and burst him down before he can kill you.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Skill based matchup. You should always stay away a bit so he won't hit a empowered Q on you. Poke him in lane with Q and dodge the second part of his W with your dash. If you have good reactions, stay in the same place when he ults, so you can chronobreak on him when he exists ult by attacking you.”
evilforreal says “Save RW for when he jumps onto you. Since he has to come to you, you'll be able to constantly be refreshing Mantra while poking him consistently.
Try focusing on pushing the lane to stop him from rotating as often, as there's no way you'll be able to keep up with him. Ping enough and try to get Tower slots whenever he makes a move, or take Teleport to try and countergank.”
KataFlix says “Talon focuses only on diving you, he is a small threat when he is seen but it gets bigger when his tactic is to hide on bushes and dive you to counter Talon use your Q again and again until he reaches 55% HP and then you are free to dive him with all your abilities”
MaxskeProductions says “Talon always did a lot of damage but now that he goes conqueror , ekko cannot burst his tankiness. You have to spam ping all talon roams and try to end the game early before he gets deaths dance.”
manipulativexd says “You can't really deal with him. He can farm from a safe distance and also poke you. He will pretty sure roam on early, ping it always, don't die to lane and try to scale against him. If he freezes the wave, you are doomed. You either ban zed or talon everytime.”
Debonair Karma says “Talon can't really all in Karma since she can RW and E away and poke him from afar but his most threatening asset is roaming potential. Always keep an eye on him and follow him if you see him leave. Take teleport/barrier/igntie. Go RoA+Seraphs.”
Gageowago says “Poke and pressure level 1 and back off level 2 to avoid being level 2 all inned. Talon can also jump to you and then throw his w to try and proc his passive that way. Even if behind he still can one shot you. Buy Seeker's or at least cloth armor on your first back because an early seeker's neuters him to the point of uselessness levels 3-7. Talon is also one of the few lanes where going double armor runes might be helpful. ----- (Patch 10.7 Note) After the nerfs to his early W. it is much harder for him to kill you lvl 2, and he cannot one shot you from full hp. Still, be very careful of him because he still will easily burst you and one shot you later on.”
topal says “Talon is a melee so Galio should be favourable.His early damage is better and his waveclear is better as well.If talon gets nerfed ( He is op for so long) this muchup should be even.”
Papapostolou says “You can easy poke him, until level 6 try to just w (Sanguine pool) his q if he double hits you with w. easy match up i suggest you zhonyas tho, his damage is kind unbalanced, also care for talon's roam, he might get fed from that.”
Lil Tidepod says “Be careful for Talon's level 2 kill potential. That's the only reason he's a 3 threat. As long as you don't miss your Q, you will shred him. Hit those combos and if he dives you, as soon as he's visible out of his ultimate, root him. He can't dive you if you're under turret unless you're super low because you can just root him under it.”
Fhizzikx says “Stay away from walls and know when he has his r up. Early game shove him in so he cant roam. Pre6 you will want to be bullying him and poking him out of lane. Do not trade with talon if he can get his passive off because that can easily kill you. Don't underestimate his oneshot potential. Lategame he can still oneshot you due to his passive.”
Capparelli says “He's Talon you will never have a true lead, use E when he uses W to dodge the second part of his passive, and use your root to all in and your canopy to trade”
roskataka says “He has a lot of burst dps, don't let him engage since he's able to poke you early, fight him only if you have a stolen ult, if possible- his, play extremely safe, ask for assistance,”
Cheesecake404 says “Extremely Hard to do anything in this matchup as Talon can one-shot you after he hits 6. Just try and farm and scale up. Ping like crazy when he roams.”
serruh says “Hard but not impossible. It used to be really easy to punish talon in lane, now without shields and low base armor, you find yourself having to take much less trades. however, rush seekers and transition into your build without dying and all will be well. there are still some roams he can get off but you should be able to shove him in 90% of the time(after level 5). look to group with your team if he's getting out of control, one EW and he should be dead”
RockitoAhri says “With the proper build he cannot 100 to 0 you. Poke him up a bit, pressure him. He won't roam, he won't dare to engage you as he won't have the damage. Just build the armguard, and the HP part of Liandry or Morello. In extreme cases you can go Ninja tabi. He does not have the damage to kill you, but you do. Play it properly and you win every time. ”
Kami_EU says “Talon's heavy burst and lane sustain/high escape potential make him a tough opponent for Yasuo, especially in the earlier stages of the game.
Try to deny the return damage of Talon's W to deny him the passive and/or electrocute proc.
The Venerable Racoon says “Basically noxian zed. Build zhonya's to survive the lvl 6 all in. Ganks won't help if he's not stupid since he can jump over things”
BabyTwisty says “Play as passive as possible against him and look to rotate with your jg to secure kills and get ahead. Don't roam a lot vs him due to his e.”
Inscaped says “Skill matchup. He needs to jump directly on you to trade well. If you do not give him the opportunity to do so, he'll never reach you. However, his Q puts him at a disadvantage against you, since with good reaction time you can throw your E under him, procing half your stones, then throw him away with W and finish him off. Be fast, or he'll kill you.”
AriyaIsTheBest says “Talon thrives on champions who are severely weak in the early game, which means you won't be having fun dealing with him. I highly recommend banning this shithead. By the off chance that you get stuck against him, play safe and stay as close to tower as you need to. Don't greed for farm, and use your Q and R as necessary. When Talon leaves lane to roam, shove up the wave as much as possible while keeping the river sides warded, then either recall or retreat to near the tower. Remember that it's okay to lose a lot of farm if it means you don't feed him kills.”
Polygon XVI says “Talon's early game is everything you don't want to play against when playing A sol. You want to watch for his lvl 2 power spike and you want to farm from a safe distance away from his W's range. You can bully him with your W when he's farming but you wan't to back away so you don't get hit by both parts of his W.”
KC_Toxic says “Max e and build armor and call out roams as you can and keep him shoved in after 6 so he will loose cs everytime he roams. Its hard to keep him at bay in lower elos but your teammates should listen to pings in plat+ if you spamping enough.”
ur_mom_gay says “Not as bad of a matchup as some Zeds think. You can poke him for free every time he steps up to hit the wave, especially if he wastes Rake. You definitely will lose trades early since his base damages are absurd. As you get more items, the matchup becomes more and more in your favor.”
chrisloths says “Basically the same as Zed and Diana. However, he is much easier to poke. Pre 6 it's somewhat even, just keep your distance and never get within his Q range because that'll be a sticky situation. Post 6, avoid fighting him and wait for teamfights.”
Witchxry says “Talon has very good poke and is an AD assassin that can shred you very fast if you aren't careful. Focus on poking and CS, and try to play safe. near your turret until you can roam.”
Sloyr says “His WQAA+ Passive damage is REALLY high, so dodge his W. After you dodge it you can all in ( before 6). After 6 you have to dodge W and then, when he ults, E away on your minions, so that you can engage him again shortly after.”
G7_Zeke says “Be very cautious with Talon. If you're overextended, and all your abilities are on CD, but he has all his abilities, say bye bye. Bait out his abilities. Shrouding when he ults is very effective. ”
THE BIG BAD SAD says “well if ur a main u sht on him but if u r not u most certanly are royaly fked
if u wanna win just pick barrier trade him on to lvl 2 so that u both are halflife wait to get lvl 3 without getting poked be under ur turret or atlast on ur side of the map miss ur e behind u in turret range so that he sees it then he will press q(his jump that follows u anywhere) and flash in ur bubble if u time it while hes jumping he will be in ur buble under ur turret then ho mostly runs one step out of the turret u follow he all ins u but u just press barrier steal his flash and ignite and he dies can be made without f if u have ult but that kinda takes more skill”
ekkologix says “he has strong early game all-in, and roams better than you ,but i don't find this matchup dificult unless you're against yamikaze.zhonya is a must.”
Eccentricks says “Talon isn't as bad as Yasuo or Le Blanc (because you can win) but he isn't as easy as Zed.
The number one rule of Talon that you may have heard before is the level 2 and 3 powerspikes. Talon is the first blood king and all of that.
Respect him during that time and farm safe. Do not step in the line of Rake, instead pick a position that would make Rake have less value (not in the minion wave but still able to Q the minions).
If you reach level 6 without dying, congrats, you have gotten out of the fire. But you aren't at victory just yet.
Talon will roam, and be sure to call missing every single time he is not on your screen. I'm not being over dramatic, this is what you have to do.
Overall, Talon has no easy weakness and he is a good ban if you feel like you can handle Yasuo.”
Zeyan says “Impossible matchup to win if equal skill. Even if you do not die to him, he will hyper-roam. Very hard to 1v1 aswell. Only downside is that he falls off post 20 and you will have more use. ”
KrisTheZedster says “Nowadays Talon players play him with Conqueror, that provides him with a good sustain. You basically just farm up and roam to sidelanes, there is no point of 1v1 him, because he outdamages you pretty hard”
Daedralus says “Do not get triple stacked for your own sake as he can pack a punch. But here is the good part. By using your Q latch, you can easily dodge his returning W blades by going behind him and thus getting rid of his burst that he heavily relies on. You are also capable of seeing his general location in his ult if he is marked. Ulting him shuts him down pretty hard like any other assassin under CC. Your speed is also capable of catching him after his jumps, but not recommended unless you have your ult to jump with him, or your Q to latch to him. Due to his slow jump, it is very easy to latch, thus also giving him an easier rating as a matchup. Your E is extremely useful as it deals with his burst overall, and should be immediately used if he Ults to counter the incoming blades. The fear also puts him on a disadvantage as your next Q will hit fairly easily, granting you the HP that you lost right back at you, possibly even more as your E reduced the damage =)”
583498534583 says “level 2 de talona ölmeyin
w sunun geri dönüşünü asla yemeyin
rün olarak kesinlikle kemik zırh (bone plating) e ihtiyacınız var zedde olduğu gibi talonu da outscale edebilirsiniz (oyun yeterince uzarsa) ”
Tehqo says “Ever since they removed his blink, this matchup just got easy. You'll want to ward to stop him from roaming though. Poke him in lane because he's melee and push so hard that he can't roam. If he does roam, don't try to directly follow him because he could kill you when not in lane if you're not fed.”
NebuIa says “He has his infamous level 2 combo with his passive early. Watch for it. If he leaves lane and you don't have vision, don't facecheck him or he might stay and one shot you instead. Try barrier if struggling, maybe phase rush.”
TheBlueImperial says “Do not doubt his level 2 damage, it's an insane amount of damage that will delete even Galio, you have to respect it. He's an incredibly good roamer but you can follow level 6 with relative ease.”
Je Suis Azir says “set up a slowpush, poke him and control lane for the first few levels. You have more power than him to dominate lane until he gets his combo. You can poke him out of lane and outtrade him with proper positioning and wave management. ”
DirtyBellyDC says “Not as mobile in lane as Zed or Yasuo so not as much of a threat to you.Q
Pre-6 you should be able to poke him out of lane while outfarming him.
Ping your team when he disappears so he doesn't roam and get fed.
Rush Zhonya's after boots.”
INT Zimmi says “the talon matchup is normally not winnable, especially when he starts roaming u must not follow him at any time! He will probably just 1 shot you and delay your lategame spike. Try to warn your laners and keep scaling, you will get a feeling when you can 1v1 him. ”
cobbzy says “Mostly don't get killed by his all in. Also, make sure to dodge his poke when you can. A jungler with CC is good in this match-up because if you can't kill before he starts jumping over walls then it'' be hard to secure. Take doran's shield.”
arcticmonk says “Talon has stronger wave clear but when his W is on CD then AA the wave to keep him from shoving too hard. Wards are key as he will likely roam for kills. ”
matijez says “talon is a very strong assasin with high dmg but low hp he can run from your ult by jumping through walls when you play vs him just play very defensivly when you have around half of hp you have to recal if there is no team fight or an ocasion to get a tower or objective ”
KK Antitoxin says “His R can help him dodge all your damage after you ult and he has pretty good roaming compared to you. Keep track of his roams with wards and alert your team.”
Te Hago Un Pan says “When you lane against him, make sure to get barrier and put your e before his combo starts, if you lose in lane phase you could do something in late.”
vaske_lol says “Don't let him hit the return part of his W. After level 6, if he throws his W out onto you, you can use the Q + E combo onto him and then R backwards to avoid getting hit with the return of the blades. ”
Aizenvolt says “Talon after rework is easier to deal with. He doesn't have the burst damage he once had. He can't oneshot you after 6 in a second. He doesn't have a good enough gapclose and his w is easier to dodge when it returns to him. In lane just poke him with q and e and when his hp is low go in and kill him. Just keep your distance and harass and you will beat him. Ping when he is missing because now he has a lot of mobility, but if you play it right the lane is yours. He isn't the assassin he once was, don't be too afraid of him but don't be too relaxed either.”
lewdog says “ahhh hello fellow assassin:). Most talon players will try to go for a all in level 2 so watch out for that. Unlock W level 1/2 and try to bait out his all in on your clone. At level 6 when he ults on you use w to go invisible and hope that he dives on your clone. If he dives on you you can use your ult to instantly knock him up and back off so he can't complete his combo. Overall even lane as you will both be wanting to roam a lot.”
LONERlSM says “Annoying roamer if you play your cards right you can win this lane but the fact that when he roams you shove his minions to the turret, making all his unsuccessful ganks a netprofit. Rylias 2nd item.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/Barrier matchup.
Literally easiest AD matchup for Azir. IF you know what you're doing. Levels 1 to 3 setup soldiers on minions, force him to farm with W or else he tanks autos. If he throws rake, walk away to the side or backwards. If he hits you twice, he wins, even if you do more damage as landing passive stacks on you is beneficial for him. Never be within his Q range, its very small. If he Q's a minion and kills it, the CD is cut down by half. Constantly shove him in, rush stinger to match his shove. He literally cannot do anything against you, except throw W's which do no damage. If he does manage to land 2 W's, just walk back and wait out the passive duration. Ward inlane, or side bushes/river to stop his roams. If he suddenly disappears, he is doing either 2 things. 1, he is roaming, or 2, he is flanking behind your walls to try kill you. Use your judgement, and also save W E Q if its the latter. This matchup becomes very very easy if you're experienced, as his playstyle is so linear and predictable. If he roams a lane without shoving first, he loses a lot of exp and cs, and you can get platings, so its usually worth. Otherwise, ping MIA once he dips lane. ”
Mid Win Repeat says “Terrible match up. Unless you have a solid jungler I would avoid fighting him, early on you won't have the mana to shove the wave more than he can so farm where you can under turret and ping your side lanes when he roams and shove the wave under his turret. After you build Lost Chapter shove and roam. Against all high level threats the best way to get ahead is to let them shove, ping when they roam, if they don't get a kill on the roam they lose 2-3 waves and tons of XP.”
Marumo says “Threat level 9.
This guy is a huge pain. If you try and play safe and prevent him from killing you, he roams and kills your allies. If you try and get kills, he'll kill you, then roam and kill your allies. The best you can do in this lane is farm, and get an hourglass for the late game.”
Braddik says “take grasp runepage and you can counter him. he'll start roaming the map before you do so spam ping ur team and push the wave and take plating and XP. late game you outscale. rush seekers”
HeisendongNA says “He punishes mistakes really hard and you simply can't use your grenade as he is quite mobile. On top of that he has an ability to clear turrets from range and dangerous burst at lvl 2 and 6. Also his mobility and invis on ult can be rather annoying to deal with. Best option is to take Exhaust and build Seeker's early and keep in mind: Talon is an amazing roamer, try to pressure him so he can't roam for free and snowball.”
spark2 says “The key early game is to dodge the return trip of his W--when he throws it out, dodge to the side with your E so that the return trip misses, then go in on him. He loses early trades without his passive, and before he has his ultimate he can't apply his passive without hitting the return of his W. His kit's power is now much more balanced around his roaming ability, so ping both bot and top the second you notice he's not in lane. He's honestly a rougher matchup for your bot and top lanes than he is for you right now. Don't bother trying to follow him when he roams, since he'll get where he's going much faster than you will because of all the out-of-combat movespeed he builds and his E. Instead, just shove in the lane and try to either take his tower or at least just cause a bunch of your minions to die to tower to deny him CS and experience. And PING!!!”
Cloud375 says “He can literally oneshot you if you are not careful enough. Before level 2, he is pretty easy to deal with, but once he has his dash he is a lot harder to deal with.”
IceBite says “do not trade level 2, he will always win when hes on the same skill level as you. Same as Zed matchup.
Dont die level 2 and always ping if e roams. He falls of after 3 items.”
Garybaldo says “Stay as passive as hell, buy early armor, pray you don't get deleted, you outscale hard. Spam-ping the hell out of sidelanes when missing, he has great roam potential”
Sneaky boi says “He outrades you because of his passive and has the ability to kill you lvl 2 so just play safe. You can bait R or Q with clone so try to keep that on mind. Wait for ganks”
Jiyani says “Try to avoid Talon levels 1-5 if possible, His passive stacks will almost always outrade you and with Diana's shield being on a higher cooldown it is not as easy to soak up damage.”
Novok says “With the proper build he cannot 100 to 0 you. Poke him up a bit, pressure him. He won't roam, he won't dare to engage you as he won't have the damage. Just build the armguard, and the HP part of Morello. In extreme cases you can go Ninja tabi. He does not have the damage to kill you, but you do. Play it properly and you win every time. ”
Noirubilac says “Major threat in lane. You win lvl 1 trades, but after that its all downhill. Freeze wave under tower and try to cs, if you can get jungler to gank.
(gankable, freeze wave)”
SirZeros says “Talon is really strong against you.
If he leaps over a wall, try to react as quickly as possible and stun him at that wall. If you see him ulting, try to estimate where he's gonna be at that time and ult him. If you ult yourself, his ult is easily countered, but his shortranged Q and his W are enough to kill you instantly, so it possibly isn't the best thing to do anymore.”
MironW says “This matchup is even, playing against him should be fine unless he pokes you a lot, if he does he can probably one shot level 3 or make you waste your flash.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Harass him early and dodge his Rake, as if hes able to proc his passive on you when you have 3 wounds it does a ton of damage. Talons Q can leave him very vulnerable if wastes it on a minion or if hes jumps onto you with it, so it leaves him open to an easier stun. After level 6 never overstay or he can all-in you as he really quickly gets to the point where he can oneshot people that aren't at full HP. His Ult makes him impossible to stun before he jumps on you unless you predict his position while hes invisible, otherwise you have to be reactive to it. You can get Sweeping/Oracles Lens to better track him when he Ults and once you get a Zhonya's Hourglass you negate a lot of his assassination potential against you. His E makes him pretty tricky to chase, so its never really worth chasing after him. Talon likes to push a roam so be SURE to aggressively warn your sidelaners when he might be roaming.”
xdKami_ says “Extreme bullshit W hitbox, you can oneshot him with Ludens if he does not build Magic resist.
But he'll one shot you.
Hourglass recommended.”
Chromuro says “A melee champ that doesn't have a lot of mobility, E him to death and use your Q to spot him in case he uses his ult. Beware that he can still stick to you for a long time, try to get away from him as fast as you can if he all-ins you.”
SeeEl says “hit him so much until he gets brain tumors with your auto + q&w. Use shields effectively into poorly timed all ins and kill him if he fights you in your wave. Respect his level 3 all in and level 6 all in. You should have priority for most of the laning phase with exception to level 1 shove cheese.”
Big Shawn says “Damage is high. His Q allows to dash to you, meaning that your W (Windwall) will be useless against him when he dashes to you. You should avoid facing him until you have your first full item.”
Fox1ne says “Well this is not old talon,basically to one shot you he needs to hit level 2,if you harass him level 1 a lot he will not be able to trade back level 2,don't let him have minions. The one task you have to do is to harass him and zone him out of the wave. When he hits level 2 just keep in mind his all in combo. Dont underestimate it.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Don't use your R before his own and don't approach him in Early Game because you won't absorb the damage from his Passive
When you get a combo with R don't let him catch you. Use you W2 and R2 to outsmart him and move fast”
Patoxic says “Maybe the Worst of All, he can be invisible, burst damage is high and they can easyly kill your turrets, how can they be more annoying? oh yeah they jump walls, so they can run away from your turrets and ganks lanes very easy.”
ZenonZeni says “Talon is a good even matchup since he has alot of damage. But if you get Zhonyas before or after level 6 his ult will do nothing, only if timed correctly it will negate the damage.”
Wizboy73 says “he will try to poke you down with his w then q in for the bleed, if you hit lv3 this can be countered by your W. try to get to 1150 gold asap to shove the wave. this nulifies talons roaming unless he wants his tower to die. Take barier so he cant oneshot. You outtrade him later.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Skill matchup. If he ever lands both parts of his W on you, be prepared for either a Q or a flash Q all-in. His level 2 is better than yours, but your 3 is better. A trick to get him to run in and die is to bait his W to hitting you the first time, then dashing in and windwalling behind you to stop them from coming back, thereby only giving him 2 stacks of his passive. This might cause them to engage blindly into you with no passive, meaning you win. Whenever he roams shove and ping repeatedly that he is missing. Take Conqueror.”
TruePvPYT says “This can go even or just go really bad, you either deny him from farming and roaming or you loose the laning phase and oubviosly the game.
Take oracle lens to counter his ult and wait for him to finish the ult and the you R him and do a double jump combo and maybe get a kill or most likely survive.”
Zero Two says “If he falls behind, he will stay behind. Another skill matchup. Be sure to harass him before level 6, and know not to overextend as he will kill you very fast. When he uses his ult, try to toss your bubble behind you. He may be invisible, but that doesn't mean he cant be hit by your abilities. Play with caution.”
Best Akali Fra says “Talon have poke (W/Z), extreme mobility (E + R)... Just what you need for makes problems to an Akali !! Try to trade him before level 2 (same as with Qiyana) and then wait the good time to go again and force him to stell under tower and miss farm, he's gonna be forced to roam for trying to get kills... ”
quinniston says “Pretty easy to deal with, very easy to poke him out of lane, and with your W its easy to see where he is, watch out for his ult though you are still pretty squishy ”
Comini says “Thats a bad mathcup for Kat, but as all her matchups, you can outplay and win 1v1 against him.
Try to avoid his W and his powe spike lvl 2. At lvl 3 you can start doing LITTLE trades with him. Be careful at his lvl 6, he has a massive dmg and can oneshot you easily.”
Xavier Senori says “Talon is easy to deal with in lane. Push him into tower early on to deny him CS and prevent him from all inning you amongst your minion line. Eventually you will want to get a zhonyas to counter his ult, but early/mid game focus on pushing him in to deny him the ability to roam and get kills elsewhere.”
Pumparum says “Talon has more than enough damage to kill you early and you cannot keep up with clear and roams. You are simply outclassed. The best you can do is ping and call out accurate MIAs for your team and potentially follow him once you have enough armor.”
kilgta says “his allins pre6 hurt you a lot, he can roam and he runaway easily. you usually outmatch him in teamfights. so be careful early. Deny him when he walks up to take farm. Do not push him level 1 to 3. Lets him push you or match his push. He will allin you at all cost level 1 to 3. If he QSS first item look to chapter into zhonya imediately. Finish your ludens later. Start corrupt pot.”
unownreality says “bursts you in a millisecond, and can maneuver quickly. Buy seekers armguard to help, and move to an hourglass if he tries to dive. Trade pre-6 and only if his ult is on cd. ”
MechaaZero says “I've never had a problem with this lane mainly because many talons leave themselves open on full engages. If he comes from side raptor wall and R's you, then you may have a problem, but personally I find laning against him easy.”
Latarnia40 says “Your slows help you a lot here. You cant really poke him with autoattacks early becouse he might oneshot you. You can use WE combo from a save distance to poke him”
EvilOranges says “D-Shield or Corrupting Potion if you are confident. Don't get hit by his returning W, if you do, stay far far away. His level 2 is so much stronger than you, and he can just jump on you and kill you with Q-W-AA-AA-Ignite or W-Q-AA-Ignite. Watch his level 2, stay safe. When he roams, just farm under tower. DO NOT FOLLOW his roams. He can oneshot you even after your Rod of Ages. You can build Seekers Armguard early if you gave up a kill or two. Max E and take exhaust. Take Grasp of the Undying runepage if you want.”
RagexAddict says “Talon may have some trouble dueling you early on, seeing as one of his abilities is completely useless against you in lane. You need to alert your team the second you don't see him in lane anymore, as his E allows him to roam better than any champion in the game, next to Aurelion Sol. Try to put him in the dumpster early and to shove out lane and get some damage on their towers when he roams. You can try to follow him if he roams, but that could end up poorly for you seeing as you get caught out, he'll be in an advantageous position to chase you down.”
Ponito says “Tabi.
Play safe early levels. because Ignite + his passive, can 1 shot.
Avoid lv 1/2/3 trades.
Get armor runes.
Windwall W / R
care LV 2/3 And lv 6 ”
The Jhin Cena says “Only way you should lose to him is if he roams around getting fed off your team. Talon is a pretty easy match up since unlike most other Mid matchups, he's melee and can't poke you as nearly as much as someone like Ahri or Zyra. If he has you pushed up to your turret then wait until he uses his W and then Q > W > E for an early game kill. If you're 6 then you can start landing easier kills by throwing an unexpected R at him. When laning against a Talon, grab Zhonya's right after Lich Bane. Zhonya's is the best item to counter a Talon because of the activatable ability which counters his ult, as well as the armor to weaken his damage. If Talon ults a decent distance from you, then you can also try to wait it out while on your E, rather than having to waste Zhonya's.”
hipstersora says “Melee, spam those Qs. Spam ping MIA when he roams or else he'll get fed. Ward around lane.
But if you let him get on you, he'll kill you. E-ing away doesn't help if he ulted, so try to stick to tower the best that you can... which won't be a problem if you're getting shoved in.”
DaytonMcCloud says “Your only chance is to take advantage of the 9 second window on his W when he uses it to wave clear pre-6. Unless you have Gunblade, and even sometimes with it, post-6 he wins.”
sutrauboju says “When your enemy team has a Talon mid, you have a task to focus at all times on his position and remind your mid laner to alert you that he is missing. Talon is a roam oriented champ and can make your lane hell if you're not careful.”
Yenwai says “Talon is the one assassin i can think of Malzahart should worry about, he has a solid ranged poke spell in rake and his roams can happen so fast he can just get the wave to stack and roam, he also has great all in and invisibility to prevent getting ulted by Malz, definetly build armguard for him early and wait for ganks as well as try to punish roams.”
YourBestSenpai says “Lane should not be too hard, but in mid game or late he might one shot you, zhonya is a must in this case, try to predict with your charm where he might go if he ults, same when he is jumping over the wall, easy to catch him.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Second most hardest lane. You don't win in any scenario, even if you get 5 kills, he will oneshot you when he gets 6. Play safe and ask for ganks. Don't try to kill him, just roam. ”
Mern says “Extreme early game, outroams you, oneshots you before you react. Rush Seeker's and always signal when he goes missing, and after lvl 11 it will be free win, you outscale him.”
Swift_Trapper says “Talon is Ekko but AD
His early game is stronger but late ekko wins.
In lane dodge is w it E do the sides and then blink to him Q and AA”
GlowingIcefire says “Talon is a little bit harder, but I honestly don't know, because nobody I play against ever picks talon. Be careful about his invisibility, but remember, if you ult, and then he goes invisible, you can track him with your ult daggers.”
AgreeableOtter says “Try to hit Lv 6 before him and all in him immediately after you hit 6. You need to snowball before he's unkillable because of his R.
Respect his lv 2/3 damage output because he will most likely have 2 points in W which makes him stronger than you.
Make sure you back off when you have 2 Passive stacks on you because he can kill you pretty easy with passive proc.
Quick Tip: Ignite reveals his Silhouette while in R, makes it easier to predict Q's.
Shderen says “Talon's rework was fresh when this guide was first made in season 7, so there's a few notes to be made here. People have gotten good at Talon, but there's only so much he can do. I cannot emphasise how pivotal it is to sidestep the second hit of his W. It really slows you and gives him a free Q dash and Passive proc. This will hurt, and may lead him to killing you early if you've taken Ghost. Not to worry, you're a ranged character with very annoying poke. You can make his life hell before level 6 and he'll be wise to start with Corrupting Potion. If he starts refillable and Long Sword, you can really make it annoying for him. If you're counterganking him in bot, drop an E where he'll land from his parkour, it can make his approach much slower and even keep him in place for a while.”
HerrSolahri says “Easy Matchup. Just care for his Passiv. Never get by the W when its comming back and you ll win. The lvl 3 burst with ignite is insane!Care”
SmokeyEggs says “Never fight Talon without your W. You forcing him to fight in melee range gives him the empowered Q most of the time in trades, be wary that his damage will increase if it's the Melee part of the Q. Also outpush and outroam him since it's Talon” says “If he hits you with his second W he will Q and auto to proc his passive bleed (this combo can kill you early)
Keep pressure with W>E>Q and eventualy all-in him
He will roam so ward and ping teammates
You can dodge his second R with your R
Use 5th rune setup”
AzureArmatt says “Talon is not only strong now but after his assassin update he became one of best snowballing champions in the game. His ability to kill enemy mid on lvl 2 is quite a treat so better not underestimate him. Play carefullly and don't let him stack his passive and try to keep vision around the map so you will know where Talon is. His kit encourage players to roam constantly so if he's good he will keep his eye on other lanes, not only mid lane. Follow him everywhere but remember... never face check the brush if you are not sure where enemy is...”
Bestlover says “In patch 9.8 Zed will become the weakest Assassin in league of Legends,so fighting a talon? He will one shot before you have a chance to do anything.”
javimc17 says “He can't do nothing against you. Stay focused on farm and poke him with E. If he engages, use your E+W to survive his combo and kill him easily with your Q+R. ”
Shaawn says “He has insane burst lvl 2-3, so don't get poked. You want to bait out his W, then you can go in for quick trades, you can take exhaust if you never played this matchup”
Enfurnal says “Talons early game is strong. Once you are hit by his W and is marked once or twice, you must keep your distance because he can just Q auto and kill you with Electrocute + Ignite. He is roaming master so if you can, always push the minion wave in so he can't roam. If he does punish him by taking mid turret. ”
NocUout says “No longer as scary as a threat, as you can dodge all his ult blades with your own ult. Just beware of his early game power, as if you get to close without your abilities he will completely destroy you. ”
thedonk says “Don't get into his melee range because his Q will crit. Back off when you are wounded and trade when his w is down. Chain him before he ults so you can determine where he is.”
Padrepio says “Assassins got buffed! Care of his level 2 power spike. You win before 6, but he can kill you if you don't pay attention after that. Don't let him get kills and you're fine. Care of his roam-style.”
Jazzmonkey says “Hard but beatable. Wait till he use his W on minions so you can trade. You can actuly outtrade him if you play with your electrocute and resolve masterie. Carefull he can one shot you but you can one shot him too with level 6. ”
overweight_zoe says “Spooky match up, his damage is pretty absurd if he gets his full combo off. Neither one of you will want to engage into the other so you'll spend most of this lane farming with q. His roams are easier to pull off than Zoe's however so make sure to spam ping your teammates.”
MaybeHope says “A great matchup for you. You can punish him because he is melee and if you have W on him you can see him when he ults. And if you predict it right you can land the mantra Q on him. However he will still be a pain in the *** because of his roaming. Be sure to ping enough for your team. At teamfights try to peel for the person he is targeting. ”
BARAL says “Pre-6, you have the typical ranged vs melee advantage over him. Try to harass him as much as you can, but watch out, his Rake can do some pretty decent damage.Once he turns level 6, be passive. If he gets any chance to jump on you, HE WILL.Taking Barrier and Exhaust is a excellent way to stop Talon.
Zhonya's Hourglass might be a good idea, if you feel you need it.”
Dr Wonderdrugs says “Talon sera un match compliqué puisqu'il pourra vous poke et faire très mal rapidement mais faites très attention à son level 6 car son ultime le rendra invisible et là caler une bombe est très compliqué. A la limite si vous êtes adroit servez vous d'un allié ou un sbire sur lequel vous collerez un QZQ.”
ikiilyou7523 says “Cuidado con talon a lvl 2 rebienta a cualquier kassadin por el combo: W+Q+basico+electrocutar+pasiva de talon+ignicion=kill asegurada si te mete el combo”
qasddsa says “Freeze the wave and run either Fleet Footwork or Grasp to survive laning phase. Respect his level 2 damage with Q and W, especially if he's taking Ignite -- you'll want to let him start pushing at level 1 to avoid this at level 2. You can match his roams after level 6 but it can be a little bit difficult if he decides to go Boots of Mobility -- but that makes him easier to kill for you since he won't have resistances.”
WhiteSheepz says “Talon is a threat as soon as he gets his ultimate, he can be bullied by Xerath until level six but past that point play more carefully. Whenever you see him ult, get ready to cast your E towards the front of you to stun him as he jumps from the blades.”
Rugie says “Don't let him use his passive on you, Try to dodge his W at level 1. Do SS whenever you don't know where he is. He has big roam and gang potential.
Gambinos says “You'll beat him early and late game.
Most likely when you lane with him, he's gonna roam pretty hard.
Thing about him though is that you can block most of his ability with your WW.
His ult is useless once you WW it, same with his E.
Poke him out level 3 I recommend as you have your WW ready.
He will probably all in you as well so try lowering him first.”
Sozzoh says “Since Talon can't blink over your ult anymore, this matchup is a bit easier now. He's melee, so poke him hard, and push him and the wave under his turret so he's obligated to stay in lane to try and farm. If he is missing, warn your team and don't try to find him. He can kill you fairly easily if you're not careful.
I don't know what you can do at this point, just stay back and be very passive. A W-Q-AA Ignite can 100-0 you very easily. ”
Autoswitched says “Pre-6 (as usual) he can be bullied, but once he hits 6, and has at least an armor pen item, he will be looking to poke you down with his rake, and once your at least 70% hp, he will all in you and kill you. Exhaust is helpful.”
undeadsoldiers says “Talon is an assasin. You can't let him all in you. Stop him with your E. An assassin does high damage in a blink, so deny the all-in from him.”
Prenora says “Talon is the king of upclose, and his slow will keep you locked down for him to finish you off, the only saving grace is that you can keep your distance, but you'll be forced to play safe, keep an eye on your farm, dont try to harass him or get too close, just farm/poke with ardent blaze”
Witwickies says “Just make it hard to even farm. If he comes close to minions - poke. If he is low - go with all-in. Unless you let him dash to you should certainly win.”
Prenora says “Talon is a pain, his rake deals good damage on a low cooldown and outranges all of your abilities. Wait until he uses all of his abilities on you, then counter with your own burst and chase him down with AA's”
undeadsoldiers says “Talon will primarily poke you with his W.
His burst is a major threat, though you might be able to toss a bubble at him as he tries to all-in.
Careful of his roams with E.
Suggested: Exhaust, Armguard rush”
pokeball says “His scariest point is his level 2, don't trade vs this guy or you will die and he will snowball out of control. Good Ekko players will use E to dodge his E, and trading vs talon is possible if he cant get his passive bleed off.”
Lasoor says “Can completely dominate you. Not a whole lot you can do to avoid it except stay behind your turret and dodge as much as you can. He has a lot of damage and can turret dive you at level 6. It's also hard to get a gank on him because he can normally escape.”
wo xiang zhaoo says “One mistake and you're dead. On the other hand, if you play it chill for the first 15 minutes, his team is gonna suffer. Talon needs some kills before he can pop off. Don't give him any.”
Eccentrik says “Ah... free jumps for days.. He roams better, bursts better, and escapes better than you. Best you stay away from him, but bully him in laning phase so he can't scale up.”
Kaeze Poulsen says “Talon can win you on early game very easily, you won't be able to win him on mid game, and on late-game you can win, but only with you team.
You can't out-roam him because he will be able to follow you being right on your back.
Ghost, Clence or Exhaust are a good opportunity,”
iiCrispi says “Simply counterable, all you need to do to beat him in lane after he uses all his mana since he doesn't have the best mana sustain in lane.”
Prenora says “Talon is difficult due to his rake range and cooldown as you are melee as well, though your AA's have pretty decent range, wait for him to use rake before jumping in to harass
when he hit's 6 it's best to avoid fighting him, ”
Vazikash says “Talon and any assassin with far reach can fuck you up. against melee champs you're fine, but if they get too close to you you're fucked.”
asffg123 says “Although Talon has burst and mobility, playing safe will completely counter his kit. You should have an equal laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “It is a match up that require you to be a bit more proactive than he is, the first thing you need to do is shove the wave hard to hit lvl 2 first. As we all know Talon is responsible for 25% of first bloods so getting level 2 before him is critical because your fear makes it very easy to kill him. In the event you do die first you have to play a tad bit safer as he can snowball the lane out of control, so call for jg ganks or look to roam when your 6 for other kill opportunities.”
Frosty Bonhomme says “Talon can all-in you with you not being able to do much, you can't root him when he uses his ult and he can freely poke you. If you are against Talon, start with Doran's Ring unless you think you can beat him.”
oile says “disgusting to play against always ban this stupid champ
if u face him dont let him proc electrocute or get his q, +his w hitbox is extremely messed up”
Smol Jelly says “Talon's got your number, and he's not using it to woo you. He's mobile, got insanely high burst, and his ultimate is great for offense and defense. Rush Seeker's Armguard and ask for jungle assistance.”
ShokLoL says “Talon might seem scary but it's actually quite easy. As long as you don't get hit by both parts of W he doesn't really have any trading power, and this should be easy with your movement speed. At level 1 you can get big trades by standing to the side of the wave and poking with Q. At level 2 look for QE trades and DO NOT get hit by both parts of W. Take W level 3 and if he ever engages on you just trade out your W and the lanephase should be free. At 6 you can also trade ults if you think you'll take a lot of damage when he ultis.”
Chuleex says “Talon is known for his lv1 lv2 strenght, you can go dblade and boneplating to take his all in and win it back on the extended trade but if he hits you with w he can pretty much win with ease, look for his w range and once he uses it is your time to trade back, baiting his q with your w is also very strong, you can even take him to tower if he is close enough, but trading post r is tricky as he can use ult to disengage and start roaming, his all in is stronger but if you get to dodge his abilitys you can win long trade, play passive early if you struggle and keep vision for his roams, you can make him lose exp and counteroam if you play your fundamentals correctly”
Zeekar says “Talon has to be directly on top of you to combo you. You counter him INSANELY hard lategame, and in lane it's even. Just don't attack him when his W is up. ”
ShokLoL says “Talon has a couple key windows to be aware of, but for the most part isn't actually that strong in lane. The key is making sure you don't get hit by both parts of W. As long as you dodge at least one, he can't instantly proc the bleed by jumping on you. You also definitely want grasp + boneplating in this matchup. Try force him to CS with W and as long as you don't take random damage it should be free. Go Shojin 2nd for the HP.”
zolamalo says “lay safely and keep your distance to avoid his early all-ins, poking him with your E whenever possible. Ward aggressively to track his roams, as his ability to snowball through side lanes is his biggest threat.”
ShokLoL says “Talon is very easy to poke out. Take aery + resolve and blast him. Be careful of his level 2 cheese, as long as you avoid one part of W he shouldn't be able to all in you. If you don't die randomly early and put him behind for first base it should be smooth sailing. Be careful at 6 if your wave is pushed up.”
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