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Aurora vs Trundle in the Top Lane
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Aurora Countering Trundle
Trundle Countered by Aurora

Counter Kills

Aurora Counter Kills Trundle
Trundle Counter Kills Aurora

Champion Kills

Aurora Champion Kills
Trundle Champion Kills

Early Gold Lead

Aurora Early Lead
Trundle Early Lead

Win Percent

Aurora Wins
Trundle Wins
Aurora KDA



Aurora Kills
6.7 3.8
Trundle Kills


Aurora Deaths
4.9 7.0
Trundle Deaths


Aurora Assists
7.4 4.8
Trundle Assists
Aurora Combat Stats Trundle Combat Stats

Combat Stats

Damage Dealt

Aurora Damage Dealt
30,405.96 17,587.37
Trundle Damage Dealt

Damage Taken

Aurora Damage Taken
28,883.45 39,599.66
Trundle Damage Taken

Healing Done

Aurora Healing
271.75 532.91
Trundle Healing
Trundle Objectives


Creep Score

Aurora Creeps
187.57 189.00
Trundle Creeps


Aurora Dragons
0.2 0.2
Trundle Dragons


Aurora Barons
0.6 0.8
Trundle Barons

Gold Income

Aurora Gold
Per Minute
406.08 400.5
12,126 11,975
Per Match
Trundle Gold

Match Info

Aurora Top
Winrate in the Top Lane
54% 46%
3.59% -3.59%
Advantage in the Top Lane
Trundle Top
Aurora countering
Bottom Lane
VS in Top
Trundle countering

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